#but this year im going out to visit my mom who has gotten a lot better over the years
coloursofaparadox · 6 months
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Okay here's one. I really dont think I'm the asshole but my ex sure does.
AITA for refusing to buy my partner a jar of pickles?
So this story has like, a little background and some confounding factors i think but i really could go both ways on whether i was the asshole.
Ill start with both my ex (21nb) and i (23f) had severe mental health issues and were working on treatment when we were together. Theyd been in and out of inpatient stays throughout our three year relationship. Towards the Day of Pickles, i had my first inpatient stay where i got help i desperately needed to keep myself safe. This happened to be about a week after my 23rd birthday, but about two and a half weeks before their 21st birthday.
Anyway, at that time i had just gotten out of the hospital and started a new job at Joanns Fabrics (i outlived that retail fucker and im proud of it). I had been unemployed for the previous year and a half because of the pandemic and so the retail job was really my saving grace to have some sort of income to buy gas and groceries. My parents let me live rent free with them in their basement but i spent a LOT of time essentially squatting at my ex's dorm because my situation with my parents was not great.
Now my ex was also being financially abused by their mom so they had a monthly "allowance" of 200$ (of their own money they made at their on campus job) and no access to their bank statements. So i spent a lot of my own money on gas and groceries for both of us, and anything we wanted to do for fun, like visit the city. Without an income, this was SUPER stressful for me and i spiraled pretty hard with feelings of worthlessness and hopelessness. Supporting two people, even minimal living expenses, on an income of exactly 0$ is the WORST.
Anyway, i got out of the hospital and pretty much immediately went back to picking up as many shifts as i could at work because id been on staff for all of two weeks before hospitalization. Knowing retail, i was probably on the precipice of losing hours or being fired altogether.
My ex wanted me to take time off to celebrate their 21st birthday (they didnt celebrate my birthday that year) and travel to see their family and drink etc. I got scheduled for an inconvenient time. I would have to miss their birthday if i didnt find someone to cover. I managed to switch shifts with another coworker who was nice enough to let me have her morning shift, so i was able to at least travel separately and be a little late to dinner.
The night of their birthday my ex wanted to get drunk and so we went to the liquor store. Now im generally pretty picky about alcohol but if i get anything special i always get enough to share. Mysteriously, no one ever offers to share the expense or pay me back. So with all of 150$ in my account, i purchased enough alcohol for myself and the rest of the party, and a bottle of (cheap af) liquor for myself. I was broke af until my next paycheck and was pretty much planning on giving up meals and staying at home because the commute to work was shorter and meant less gas.
My ex picked out a jar of boozy pickles and asked if i would get it for them for their birthday. I should note that with all the stress i was under i had found a birthday present for them but hadnt actually placed the order (was waiting to get paid). I also didnt lie to them about this and had told them that i hadnt gotten their birthday present yet. They were upset by this and told me they felt like i didnt care about them, to which i snapped and raised my voice a little.
I gave them a bit of a reality check. I told them in no uncertain terms that i was under a lot of stress, from nearly killing myself to being flat broke with little to no help from my family other than a conditional roof over my head, ordering their birthday present wasnt super high on my list of things to do and that i knew what i was going to get them and that i intended to order it as soon as i had the money to do so. After years of the sole attention being focused on keeping them alive, i needed some support and acting like i didnt care completely ignored EVERYTHING i did to keep us both afloat.They cried and played the victim as they tended to do and i was too stressed to do anything but be angry.
So when they asked for the pickles i told them no. I have NOTHING left in my bank account, and anything that was in my account was already allocated for something else.
They told me i was being selfish for buying myself alcohol on THEIR birthday, not even getting them a present, yelling at them, and then refusing to buy the one thing they asked for, especially after i refused to take off work the day before to hang out with them and their family. In front of our friends.
I told them that i was purchasing the alcohol for the whole party, that the present had slipped my mind, and that they were accusing me of not caring about them when i snapped. Then i walked out.
My bff went outside to help me cool down and i told him what was going on and how stressed i was and he said that he agreed with me, it was childish to expect me to pay for everything with no help from anyone and then act like im unreasonable for having to put limits on what i can purchase.
My ex ended up getting so pissed by all of this they broke up with me two days later, saying that their birthday was the final straw for them after I'd been so codependent and relying on them too much to survive.
I think its all ridiculous given all of the stress factors i was dealing with at the time. I feel like we're all entitled to the occasional emotional outburst/bouts of forgetfulness when we're stressed. But my ex seems to think im a selfish asshole. We've been no contact for the last two years so this isnt like a pressing concern or anything but it does make me roll my eyes occasionally.
So tumblr, aita?
(Btw im also much more financially stable now that I'm fully and properly medicated and away from them.)
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dominicsorel · 1 year
Hey can i hear abt ur passed pawn duo/sora kairi bbs theory pls im rlly curious
AAAAAA IM SO HAPPY U ASKED OK so for me i think they’ve been dropping hints in each game for a very long time but it’s easy to miss them.
The biggest one as of recent is in MOM where Kairi tries to find Sora in her memories. She might have thought he returned to her like Vanitas had Ventus’s past memories after being split from him in the way they were (KH3 novel states this) so that’s why I believe she chose the memory search method. She thought it’d be the most productive way to save Sora because he’s not just a product of himself but the old Kairi as well. He had her old memories for a very long time and it helped shape who he is even if it was on a subconscious level. Xehanort says those memories long gone and that implies Kairi’s old memories went SOMEWHERE.
But why do I think this? I’ve got a few examples.
Kairi didn’t want to leave the islands but Sora held an interest in Kairi’s home world. “Xion came from Castle Oblivion. That’s probably why she was asking about the place.” Riku runs operations for the Sora search out of Radiant Garden where Kairi is from. Ienzo states he hasn’t seen Sora since the castle but…he never saw Sora at Castle Oblivion. Sora also is the one to help restore Radiant Garden. And a small note I enjoy is Sora apologizing for lying to Ariel about not being from another world. Ariel isn’t mad and states if he can visit other worlds, maybe she can too. Reminds me of Sora looking like he thinks Riku is talking to him when he’s telling Kairi it’s thanks to her he thought of trying to go to another world. He might’ve gotten credit if he was honest about who he used to be. If he even knows. Shang also gets upset at Mulan for lying about her identity and Sora even expresses he can relate to her in the manga version.
(Maybe for different reasons but the reading of what gender you view him as is up to you. Personally, I read him as a trans guy.)
Sora makes the difference in helping save Aqua. Aqua stated she felt like she met Kairi for a reason and Sora helping save her after ten years of suffering in the Dark World sounds like a pretty big reason to me. He could also use her weapon Master Defender which Kairi touched Aqua’s weapon when they met and people have theorized that’s how Kairi can use Destiny’s Embrace so…wouldn’t the same be possible for the old Kairi?
Xion looks more like Kairi but she has a lot more similarities to Sora in her personality that Riku himself can’t help but notice in the Days novel. It wasn’t just him seeing Xion as Sora. He felt like he couldn’t lie to her because of how much Xion and Sora had in common. She also stays at Hollow Bastion after running away. From this, I think she’s supposed to be a hint that the old Kairi has been Sora right under our noses this whole time. Xion also expresses worry about Kairi in the Days novel that’s very reminiscent of Sora’s care for her. Namine actually keeps her promise to be real friends with Sora through Xion too. My favorite indication of this is Data Sora asking Data Namine if she kept her promise “to the me I don’t know”. That’s why them talking happily in the KH3 ending is even sweeter.
That’s just some of my reasons but I’m out of energy so we can continue this in another ask later if you’re interested! I’m really happy to know people are curious about this because it feels like it’s becoming more and more real with each game.
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polyamorouspunk · 1 month
Happy Friday!!
I have so many projects going on man I'm going crazy lol. I think some of the projects need put on hold until I save up for a decent sewing machine though.
But I've got my garden going again, and my coworkers gave me a deadline to write a childrens book based on doodles, and Im working on my zine that for some reason I can only open in chrome(???), and I wanna do a little research with my punk 101 posts, and also I need to do research that Im not really in the mood for so I can make that music map.
Oh and also I'm going to see Radium Girls (a play) tomorrow with a friend, and I'm debating if I'm going back to my college sunday for my friends graduation, but I dont really want to cause its gonna be raining. And also also, Some (different) co-workers wanna play dnd with me, but I dont think I'd like playing with them just from knowing them for a few months but I dont know how to be like 'no', but also Im on a HUGE dnd kick (I got new converse I need to show off btw) but have no one to play with and that makes me sad, but I dont want to play with people who will make it not fun for me :(
But how are you? How was your week? Any fun plans??? (side note: do you like dnd, just out of curiousity?)
I ain’t making people scroll though this
My week has been… better. Better than last week. Monday I took a day trip to Virginia Beach by myself to kind of clear my head and my soul, purge some of that pain and negative energy. Last night when you sent this though it kind of just… came back… which is why I didn’t answer this then.
Tomorrow I’m going out with my family to some botanical garden that only opens like 4 times a year or something to the public. We’re bringing lunch with us so I guess we’ll be eating together somewhere, maybe at the gardens.
I’m counting down the days until I fly back to CT to go see Electric Callboy with my friends, and then hopefully go to the aquarium with my gf + friends. Other than that I don’t have any plans for that trip. I still have to tell my brother + my other friend when I’ll be up, I just feel like any spare moment I have I use to recover some psychological HP.
I’m going from working 30+ hours a week to only 3 days a week soon because we’re getting self checkout on Monday. Hopefully I can use that time to work on some things for @prideful-things-shop, mainly the snowglobe tumblers (don’t worry, you’re getting one of the Eeveelution ones).
I’m still waiting to hear back if we can go to that concert and trying to book my tattoo appointment for that Friday.
I LOVE Radium Girls, I read the book, it’s one of my favorite books. I know they turned it into a play and a movie, but I haven’t seen either of them. I actually grew up near one of the locations in the book. They put a mall right next to it, so that’s where I used to go to the mall. I’ve never been to the clock factory, but it’s a museum now. Maybe I can add that to the list of things to do when I go back home. It’s also right across the highway from one of those defunct Jesus theme parks. I’ve wanted to visit that too.
I’ve never played DnD, but my friends made a game that’s similar and I was part of the pilot test group for that, and apparently they’re still playing all these years later. It’s been almost a decade.
My mom wants to make raised beds but we haven’t gotten that far yet. She wants a saw, just hasn’t been able to spare the money for it yet. I’ve offered to get it for her but she declined. We were looking at them while I was looking for the drill I bought for the tumblers. She has a lot of potted plants though lining the porch, including some herbs, and I think she’s planning on some carrots and cherry tomatoes.
I’ve been studying the sub-genres of metal music for a while, basically so that I can ID a song/band by it’s genre and guide people towards recommendations based on what they already listen to (country, pop, rap, etc.). The idea of making a music map sounds really exciting, I would love to do some research for something like that (like I said, I’m already using spare time to do that on my own anyway).
I’m really hoping once I have more free time I can also go back to working on my patch pants. My grandma bought us a sewing machine from the thrift store she works at, and she taught my mom how to use it, and my mom has used it to make pillow cases for outside pillows, but she didn’t buy outdoor fabric and they faded quickly. This year I paid for some outdoor fabric we picked out together along with some more fabric for my patches, so I’m turning our front porch into a fruit-themed area, which my mom isn’t really thrilled about but I’m the one paying for everything, so…
The other day there was a big snake on the front porch and my mom had to kill it. It was a pretty rough experience for both of us. We have a cat that lives on our front porch which is who found it, and then our neighbor has a cat who lives on her front porch, and we’ve had snakes get in the house before, and now we have indoor cats, so it’s just a risk we can’t take. It made me reflect a lot about city vs country life and a lot of things tied to that (poverty, race, queerness, etc.).
Here’s to hoping we can both have a relaxing but productive summer, and I’ll see you soon xoxo
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chronicallyillphoenix · 5 months
My psych says that i am emotionally dissociated and this is the reason that in the past 6+ months i have actually felt a single emotion. The rest of the time i feel nothing. Absolute apathy. I get physical sensations of emotions (like tight chest when i would usually feel anxious, widespread tension/pain when i would feel angry, sinking chest and nausea when i would usually feel sad) but i dont actually *feel* the emotions. I have been explaining it like how it feels when getting a cavity fixed, the dentist numbs up the tooth so you dont feel the actual pain, but you still experience the physical sensations like the vibrations, smell, and scraping. She says its because i am still living with my ex and even tho we are friends, i still havent been given the chance to step back and actually let myself process all of my feelings.
Thats probably one of the reasons i am just now realizing im probably really depressed. Which would make A LOT of sense given a lot of the things that have happened in the past 6 months. Like. I broke up with my fiance the same day i got the money for a deposit for a wedding venue, i have lost not one, but three of my cats. And i never got to tell any of them bye because they live with my parents and even tho i didnt want them living outside, i didnt get a voice in the matter since i no longer lived there and the house went from my 2 parents, to 4 adults and a baby and they just didnt have room. Two of them were just really old and we think they did the animal thing and just went off somewhere to die alone and it *hurts* because the first one to go was my favorite because of how sweet he was and who i always slept with in my arms when i would visit (i have struggled so hard to spend the night there with him gone). But once he was gone the other two were gone within the next two months and none of them were expected (like we knew bandit and bunnie were old but we expected to them to pass away inside the cat pen where they stayed every night like every barn cat before them had and that way we could bury them up on the hill, but it didnt turn out that way). I have also developed more concerning health symptoms and have gotten no answers to them. And now my mom has broken her shoulder and isnt going to be able to work for the next 3 months and even tho shes getting workers comp, her pay is significantly less and shes my sole source of income right now. And so i am always already feeling guilty about spending any money but now i feel worse about it and am having panic attacks because i got fast food once this week because i was flaring too bad to make anything myself even tho my mom gives me money *specifically* so i can get food and stuff when i am in a flare.
But yeah i have realized i am almost certainly depressed and the funny thing is that the way i realized this was a tumblr poll. It was asking what peoples hobbies were and i couldnt answer it because in the past year i havent really had anything hobby wise. Ive mostly stopped reading, i am not doing pour paintings, not doing my paracord stuff, and anytime i decide im going to finally start knitting i just end up picking up the yarn and staring at it for a bit before setting it back down and going back to sitting on the couch with the tv on in the background for background noise.
Im going to see my psych on wednesday and i hope to talk to her about this but i also dont know what there is to do about it. Probably raise my antidepressant but idk. Im not even sad so i dont see the point in raising my antidepressant because idk what being not depressed would change because were pretty sure the apathy is because of current circumstances and not just because of depression idk. I just want everything to be normal again
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turnaboutwright · 1 year
Autistic Ramblings. Literally that’s IT
for a while i’ve had the autistic urge to explain to someone all my different “good luck” charms and the pocket tiger post made me realize i can just make a whole list explaining them here. so if you do happen to read this please like it but i also know it’s a personal thing that most people wouldn’t care about (and now has become rather long!) especially if you don’t know me. ANYWAYS. here we go. in no real particular order-!
-the coin i got at the Chattanooga aquarium last year when i visited for my birthday! it has paddlefish on it :) my best friend went with us that day and i have fond memories associated with it
-my prosecutors badge! obviously means a lot because it’s connected to my fav of all time but it was also a gift from my best friend in the first year i knew him and stays pinned to my hat, which i wear most of the time
-similarly my defense attorney badge! i got it years ago and it’s really good quality. has a good weight to it for a pin so i can’t pin it to my hat. i usually keep it in my pocket/wallet funnily enough (in aa usually phoenix/defense attorneys display their badges while edgeworth/prosecutors keep them in their pocket) but sometimes i pin it to my shirt if im wearing a button down
-ok last ace attorney thing lol. i have a really cool charm that has phoenix on one side and miles on the other. it’s one of the very few fandom etsy type things i’ve bought. it stays in my wallet most of the time
-my special rock!!! theres a stream/river that my mom and i love to visit and there was an area where the water made a little creek from the road down to the larger area and i could have watched it forever. i happened to spot a very very flat rock shaped like and arrowhead and with edges that almost let you see the layers. i felt a little bad about it but figured since it wouldn’t dislodge anything it’d be okay to take. it has a different recharging system than the others but i haven’t even gotten to that yet.
-my transformers figures! so pretty much all of them are cheap toys i bought while working fast food as rewards to myself after tough weeks but i’m glad to have them. i rotate them based on how i’m feeling that day. optimus is for long or tiring days when i think i’ll need strength to get through a shift. ratchet is for when i’m already exhausted before going into work or not feeling well in the morning. starscream and soundwave i usually just have as general support but i have a particular soundwave figure a friend gave me that i take when i want to remember them and their support.
-transformers...2! just a funny note. i put those guys in my lunch box when i go to work but usually make sure they go in my locker and not the fridge. especially if i took starscream that day. i get the feeling my day would end up having some kind of negative note if i left him in there. same with ratchet but that’s more because i can imagine him complaining and he doesn’t deserve it really
-my dragon spinner ring! one of my oldest charms that i still have. technically i’ve lost it again (there was a time i couldn’t find it for years after we moved) but i’m pretty sure its in my room somewhere. i got it several several years ago at the renaissance festival. i think it’s the only thing my dad’s gotten me that i consider really special. obviously i love spinning it and it really does look cool.
okay! those are all my current “good luck” items that i use fairly regularly. i probably have others tucked away. pretty much any small trinket i’m gifted from someone who means a lot to me becomes one of these items
i also have a recharging system for them that i consider fairly important! mainly it just means that after a few consecutive days of ‘using’ a particular charm it has to ‘recharge’ or it won’t help me as much if at all. listen. i KNOW they don’t actually do anything. but it’s the thought that counts and this system helps me feel better. so i make sure to let my charms rest out of respect for what they do for me and so they can continue to help me.
basically this just means that they go into my bedside drawer for a few days usually. while my rock can recharge like this it won’t be fully up to strength till i dunk it in a body of water again. any water helps but it’s especially charged after i let it soak in the stream i got it from for a minute. i can only do this maybe once a month though.
also shout out to my original charm that “recharged”! it was a pendant, also from the renaissance festival i believe, that was kinda rectangular with curved edges and made out of glass. it was deep blue/purple, had a sorta square pattern going on inside, and was slightly smaller than my thumb. anyways it recharged via the sun and i used it freshman year of hs to get through PE. i named it corn after a stone from a certain manga i use to be obsessed with in middle school/part of hs. the character in the manga used her blue stone similarly, that is for emotional support, and also use to hold it up to the sun. i probably still have it somewhere but it’s i don’t use it or wear it anymore
ok! that’s all i can think of at the moment but i really enjoyed typing this all out. if you happened to read all of this....why...but also thank you. i love knowing that someone else knows these things now. i cant just tell when i try to explain these things irl people tune me out rip;;; though i understand why
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Deal Gone Right
Summary: Baron Corbin is one of the most respected people in his line of work. However, while he's out one day, his girlfriend gets thrown into the middle of one of his business deals. And a deal that had gone wrong, ends up going very, very right.
Words: 6,544 Warnings: Smut, kidnapping, minor daddy kink (for like half a second) Not edited. That should be a warning. Please forgive any typos and whatnot. Pairings: Baron Corbin/OC Tommaso Ciampa/OC
Happy Birthday to my wonderful kink sister. I tried to get a lot of things about this man that you said you loved in there. I hope you enjoy! You deserve it! @omg-im-such-a-masochist
Gabi had given a quick kiss to her Baron before he threw his jacket on and left their hotel room. They had gotten a rare few days away so they could come and see his mom. With Baron’s line of work, sometimes being away was difficult. Or dangerous. He didn’t exactly work a nine to five in an office building. Or in khaki pants in some retail store. His work was mostly done on the streets, inside cars, the occasional warehouse. His uniform usually required bloodstains and some sort of weapon hidden in his jacket. Baron had worked his way up in his “industry” and was now at the top of his game. Though being with him was at times scary and quite frankly illegal, there was just another side to him that Gabi had seen when they met. And though she really should have, she just couldn’t stay away from him. Now it had been just over a year, and they were going strong. Though the people he was close with knew who she was, she tried to stay out of the big picture of whatever Baron was doing. Kind of a “don’t ask don’t tell” policy. She turned her head and ignored some of the obvious illegal things she’d see and hear, and in return he’d shower her with whatever she desired. Which most of the time was a few hours to themselves, cuddling on his couch with a movie on in the background. Which for him was too good to be true.
Baron had just gone out to get his mother. He was taking her to a doctor appointment she had to make sure she was taken care of before they all went out to dinner. Baron tried to get out to visit his mother as often as he could, but this would be the first time that Gabi was coming along. While alone, she was going to take this time to shower and get ready, among some other things. All her products were waiting for her in the bathroom and was already undressed. She was just about to step into the bathroom when there was a knock at the door. Figuring it was Baron forgetting something, most likely his room key, she rolled her eyes and grabbed her bathrobe and tied it around herself.
“What did you forget this time Mr. Corbin?” Gabi sang as she opened the door.
“I’m going to say his high end security he always has around him in New York. Haven’t seen ‘em here.” A man said when the door was fully open.
This man wasn’t Baron. This man was bald like Baron, but had a long rough looking beard. Though he was at least half a foot shorter than Baron he was much more muscular. His tank top showed that off. He was solid muscle and toned. Even his face was chiseled. And his blue eyes gave off a chilling stare. Gabi didn’t recognize him, so she didn’t think he was someone that worked with her boyfriend. She tried to close the door on him quickly, but his hand reached up stopping it easily. Opening it back up, he stepped inside before kicking it shut with his foot, never taking his eyes off of the girl slowly backing away from him.
“I don’t know who you are, or what you’re talking about, but you better leave right now. You’re in the wrong room,” She stated.
“I just saw Mr. Corbin leave here and get on the elevator, so I think I’m in the right place.” He replied, almost mockingly.
“This isn’t his room. It’s mine,” She lied.
The man standing across from her rubbed his bearded chin. “Not his room, huh?”
She nodded.
“So he just popped in here for a quicky with some whore?”
“I suppose he leaves his imported cigars and expensive watches in every hookers room then huh?”
Gabi’s eyes moved away from the man and looked at the dresser where Baron’s cigar box was placed. His jewelry box was there as well, open as he was trying to pick which Rolex to wear before heading out. Her brain tried to think of an excuse quickly, without looking nervous. She opened her mouth, but he interrupted her.
“And don’t try this is really his hotel room and you lied and you were just getting dressed and heading out. Because there is no way Baron would leave a random whore alone with his stuff.”
“I’m not as random. We, we grew up together. I visit him every time he’s in town. He knows I wouldn’t take any of it.”
“Gotta hand it to you girl, you think quick on your feet. Unfortunately for you, I already know who you are.” He spoke in a calm, deep voice. “Everyone knows Baron hasn’t been with a whore in almost a year. If he’s messin’ around, he’s doing a damn good job of hiding it. And there’s no way he’s that good. Deep down he’s a fuck up. He couldn’t hide that. No no, Baron has been faithful to his little sweetheart. I don’t know how you did it, but you reeled him in real good.”
It was almost as if he was complimenting her, which slightly made her stomach turn. He smiled, baring his teeth slightly. It was sinister and somehow made his eyes look even more frightening. It was as she was looking into the crystal blue eyes that she recognized the man who was standing in front of her. She had never met him face to face, but she had seem him.
“Tommaso,” She gasped.
Tommaso and Baron were almost partners. Tommaso didn’t really belong to any gang. He was more of a hired hitman when someone needed extra help. When they needed something done that their rivals wouldn’t see coming. Tommaso belonged to himself. However, a few months ago Baron had requested a meeting with Tommaso. A little help taking out a growing family in Jersey who were trying to dethrone him and move into his territory. Gabi didn’t know the details, but a week or so later she heard that this guys legs were broken while being beaten with a baseball bat, his wife was found floating in the river, and his kids were missing. Tommaso was supposed to be compensated with protection if ever needed, as well as a large amount of money. Baron was also pushing to try and make a deal where Tommaso would be the number one guy he went to for business, and he would make Baron a priority on his end. Somewhat having someone on the inside. But seeing as he was standing in front of her almost a thousand miles away in Chicago, Gabi was assuming something didn’t go the way Tommaso had hoped.
“That’s right sweetheart. Now I’m gonna need you to come with me for a little bit,” Tommaso said as he reached his hand out slightly.
“Baron asked me to drive you somewhere,”
“He did not. He’s busy for the next hour or so, then he’s coming back to pick me up. I know what his business currently is and it would not involve you. Nor would he send a stranger to come and get me.”
Tommaso chuckled, “I knew you were a smart one.”
He stepped forward and went to grab her, but Gabi pulled her arm back. “Look, whatever issue you’re having is between you and Baron. You can discuss this with him when he gets back and leave me out of it.”
“Afraid I can’t do that. Your boyfriend’s been too scared to talk to me directly lately and tie up some loose ends on our agreement. Keeps filtering me through his low level cronies and that just isn’t gonna fly anymore. But if I have you with me, he’s gonna have to.”
Gabi began to get nervous. Baron would be gone for at least another hour. And she already tried everything she could think of to get Tommaso to leave. Other than offer him all of Baron’s watches, but he’d have probably killed her if he came back to them gone. She thought her only option left was to make a run for it. If she could just get out into the hallway and yell for help, surely someone would hear her. So she took a breath and tried to use her agility to dodge passed him. Jumping onto the bed and jumping down passed him, she sprinted for the door. She was so close to the doorknob when he grabbed her from behind pulling her away. She tried to wiggle and claw out of his grip, but he easily heaved her up and threw her over his shoulder.
“I don’t know what you think you’re going to accomplish. The second you walk out that door people are going to hear me and see you. You won’t even make it out of the lobby.”
“Good thing I don’t have far to walk then,” Tommaso replied with a smirk as he walked back into the room.
He grabbed her phone off of the dresser and stuffed it into his pocket. He turned towards the wall where the connecting door was. He unlocked it and pulled it open revealing the door from the other room was already open. Tommaso walked through the doorway while Gabi was still over his shoulder confused as to what was happening. He pulled some little handle he had rigged onto her door and pulled it closed. He closed his as well with his free hand, locked it, then put her down in front of it. There wasn’t much space between Gabi and Tommaso. She could feel his breathe as he exhaled. She stood still, not knowing what he had planned as he dug his hand into his pocket. She tried to remain calm on the outside and hoped he hadn’t noticed how her breathing had picked up while her eyes casually looked around, seeing if there was anything to help her. He pulled her phone out and held it up to her.
“Unlock it,” he demanded.
He wouldn’t allow Gabi to actually hold the phone. He held it up as she typed in her four digit code.
“Good girl,” He praised as he looked began to scroll his thumb along the screen.
The first thing he did was go into her settings and change has password so not only did he not have to ask her for it every time, but she wouldn’t be able to get in and call for help if she had gotten a hold of it. The next thing he did was go into her recent calls. He found Baron’s name and pushed his other forearm against her chest before pushing the call button. It rang a few times before going to voicemail. Tommaso arched an eyebrow before trying again. He had expected Baron to pick up right away if it was her.
“Wow, wonder what Mr. Corbin is so busy with that he won’t take your call,” He teased.
Gabi struggled to breathe with his arm against her. “He doesn’t have service. He took his mom to the doctor. It’s an old building.”
Tommaso cocked his head to the side, the corner of his lip slightly raising. She wasn’t making up some bullshit excuse like she had earlier, she was telling the truth. Whether or not because she was scared of him, or hoping he’d leave her and go search for Baron himself, he didn’t know. But it didn’t matter. All that mattered was that she was talking.
“Is that so?” He asked.
Gabi nodded.
“Looks like we got some time to kill then,”
Tommaso dropped his arm, allowing her to inhale a deep breath, but not giving her any space to move. He grabbed her upper arm and spun her around before pushing her chest first into the door. He held his hand on the back of her neck to hold her in place while he shuffled around behind her. Gabi tried to look and see what he was doing, but she wasn’t able to turn her head. A short time later her wrist was grabbed and pinned against her lower back. The hand that was holding her neck now grabbed her other wrist wrenching it behind her. She felt the leather of his belt against her skin, but didn’t register what he was doing until the felt it tightly pulled against her wrists. She tried to pull her hands, but he had the belt wrapped so tight. He was still close to her, she could feel his breath on her ear.
“Now, we’re gonna call him again, and you’re going to leave him a voicemail telling him to come back as soon as he listens to it. Understand?”
Gabi nodded as much as she could while shivers ran down her spine. Tommaso grabbed her phone again and redialed Baron. Just as before, it went to voicemail after a few rings.
“Baby, it’s me. When you get this I need you to come back to the hotel,” Gabi tried to say sounding as normally as she could, hoping she could coat the fear in her voice. “It’s important. Please.”
Gabi let out an unexpected yelp as Tommaso’s wrapped into her hair and yanked her head back. “Because you have a visitor Baron. Daddy’s home,” He interrupted with a deep cynical chuckle before ending the call.
“You did good sweetheart,” Tommaso commented as he released the hold he had on her hair. He took a few steps away to put her phone down on the dresser and watched as she turned around.
“Can I go now?” Gabi asked.
“Of course not,”
“Why not? You got what you wanted. He’s going to come right here.”
“Yes, but how do I know as soon as I let you go you’re not going to run out and warn him?” Tommaso asked as Gabi tried to wiggle her hands free.
“You have my phone,” She reminded him.
“And what’s to stop you from leaving the room, going down to the lobby, getting help there?” He asked as he crossed his arms over his chest, making the muscles more visible than before.
Gabi could tell him until she was blue in the face that she wouldn’t do that. That she was just going to go to her room, get a shower, and get ready to go out like they had planned. Then after Baron got home and saw that she was alright, the men would take care of whatever business they had, and they’d go out as planned. But it wouldn’t matter. He wouldn’t believe her. And honestly, he had no reason to. Gabi sighed as her head fell back against the door, still trying to move her wrists into a better position.
“Something wrong?” Tommaso asked in an amused tone.
“This isn’t exactly what I had planned for my night. I really wanted to just get in the shower, meet his family, come back and go to bed. Also, this isn’t exactly comfortable.”
“Sorry sweetheart. I work with what I got. If you’d rather I can switch the belt out with this soft rope around your robe,” Tommaso said with a gleam in his eye as he stepped closer to her., lightly running his fingers along the tie.
“No!” Gabi exclaimed immediately.
“Are you sure? We wouldn’t want Mr. Corbin’s beautiful lady to be uncomfortable,” He toyed with his words as well as the strings hanging from her robe.
“Fuck off asshole, I said no!”
Tommaso chuckled. “You’re a feisty one aren’t ya? That why he keeps you around?”
Gabi’s eyes narrowed. She tried to be as cooperative as she could and just go along with what Tommaso said, but that comment struck a nerve. It wasn’t even as much what he said, but the nonchalant cocky way he said it that pissed her off so much. And she wanted to act on it. Gabi didn’t have the use of her hands, but that didn’t stop her. She brought her knee up in an attempt to knee Tommaso in the crotch, but he just as swiftly caught it, his fingers wrapping around her thigh in midair.
“Nice try,” He smirked.
With a huff she tried pulling her leg out of his grip, but he wasn’t letting go. She tried to put her weight into it, but that just resulted in him pushing her chest against the door as well as wedging her legs between hers using his thigh to hold her hips in place. He hadn’t intended to do anything other than restrain her, but Gabi wasn’t wearing anything under her robe. She jumped a little as his jean covered thigh brushed against her. It may have been just one swift movement, but the roughness of his pants as it pushed through her already damp folds was enough to make her gasp.
“Someone seems a little sensitive even thought her boyfriend just left.”
“Excuse me?” Gabi’s offensiveness quickly composing her.
“I’ve been in the rom next door to you all day doll. I heard you two going at it before he left.”
Gabi’s eyes widened. It was bad enough she was in this situation to begin with, but now she was embarrassed because he had heard then. Heard her. She couldn’t bare to look him in the eye. Not that she had much of a choice. She tilted her head down, but that just resulted in him grabbing her chin and forcing her head back up.
“You know this is both of your faults. Had he answered his phone the first time like I planned, you wouldn’t have to be stuck with me for so long. And had you not tried to hurt me, you wouldn’t be in the position you are now,” Tommaso 2reminded, still holding onto her thigh.
“Why did you wait for him to leave anyway? If you were in this room, you could have just broken down the door at any time.”
“Trying to change the subject huh?” He teased as he caressed her face. “Simple. I need to talk with him. I need him to listen to me. If I went over there he’d have shut the door in my face. So I needed a bargaining chip. To insure he would hear me out.”
Gabi was having a hard time with what she was hearing. She was a person, not an object. Not something to be traded. But deep down she always knew that this was a possibility dating someone who made a living in such a dangerous way, but she never actually expected it to happen. Baron had already tried to keep her separated from his business. She wasn’t ever around when deals were made. She was sheltered from information, both for her and their safety. Now she was in some kind of gangster movie type scenario trying to hold her temper and comply with her captor to keep herself alive.
Tommaso glanced over at her phone as he squeezed her thigh. “What do you say we send him a little video of the predicament you’re in. Maybe it’ll get him here a little quicker.”
“No, please,” Gabi pleaded, knowing if Baron saw how they were right now he would be pissed and she did not want to have anything to do with a murder.
“That’s the second time I’ve heard you beg today. And I can’t tell which was more desperate.”
“Who the fuck do you think you…”
Gabi’s sentence was cut short and replaced with a gasp as her head fell back against the door and her hands balled into fists. Tommaso’s hand went back to her hip as his fingers dug into her thighs as he pulled her body along his leg that was still propped up between hers.
“That time wasn’t an accident. So watch your mouth when talking to me. Got it?”
Gabi nodded while biting onto her bottom lip. Usually when Tommaso threatened people, if they didn’t verbally answer it was because they were too worried they’d say the wrong thing again and piss him off. But this time was different. Gabi was breathing through her nose, trying to calm her nerves, and felt physically unable to speak. She was worried if she opened her mouth, something would escape that she didn’t want to. Tommaso cocked his head to the side, noticing her flustered state. He removed his hand from her hip and to the knot on the bathrobe. He was able to gently untie without her noticing. It wasn’t until she felt the cool air on her stomach and felt the robe hanging by her sides that she realized what he had done. She was going to protest, but the words died on her lips as soon as he moved his leg again. This time ever so slightly, just enough that he could see the dark wet spot that was left on the denim. He smirked as his flare lifted back to her face.
“You really are worked up huh? What’s the matter sweetheart. Baron leave you before you were ready? You were begging him to stay because you wanted to go another few rounds? Or do I just turn you on that much?”
“I was begging him to keep going so I could cum,” Gabi blurted out without thinking.
Her cheeks began to redden when she realized what she said.
“Did he?”
“If you were in here listening then I think you already know the answer,” Gabi replied meekly.
“I know he didn’t last much longer after that,” Tommaso stated. “But sounded like you were enjoying yourself.”
“Yeah I guess I got pretty good at that,” She mumbled.
“What do you mean?”
Gabi looked up at him realizing she had said that out loud. “It’s nothing. Nothing for you to worry about.”
“He didn’t let you cum?” He asked, more so with a sense of curiosity than demeaning her.
“It’s not that he didn’t let me. It just…didn’t happen.”
“So you didn’t get to cum at all this time?”
“Or any time,” Her words flowed out once again before she had a chance to think about them.
His eyes narrowed as her looked at her quizzically. She realized she had done it again and tried to quickly find words that could make this conversation, that she didn’t even know why she was having, better.
“It’s not that bad.”
“Sounds it,” He slightly shrugged.
“Baron is great. He always cares about me and make me feel good. It just doesn’t quite get to that point.”
“Ever?” He asked surprised.
She shook her head in reply.
“No wonder why you were so desperate to get in the shower,” He muttered.
Gabi wasn’t even mad at the comment, because it was true. She felt more shame and embarrassment than anything. Everything else about her and Baron’s relationship was good. And he definitely had his moments where he made her feel good when they were together, but he just never was able to finish the job. He didn’t know that of course. She never told him because it would hurt his pride so she ended up faking it. Then half the time she’d finish herself off in the shower. Was that really something worth throwing away a whole relationship for?
“That’s a damn shame,” He commented as the hand that wasn’t holding her thigh crept towards her glistening core.
“To,Tommaso what ar, are you doing?” Gabi stuttered as his fingers brushed in her folds.
“Someone as sweet and giving and beautiful as you not getting taken care of,” He finished.
He slowly eased a finger inside her, followed by a second. Moving and curling his fingers as if he knew exactly where she needed to be touched. Her eyes half closed as he breathing kept hitching. Her fists were once again balled behind her. She wasn’t able to move away from him due to the vice grip he had on her leg. She bit her lip trying to hold in any noise that could escape her. His lips ghosted over her earlobe as his beard tickled her neck.
“If you were my girl, I wouldn’t even start fucking you until I had you screaming at least two or three times.”
Tommaso could feel her clench around his fingers at his words. He smirked. Tommaso knew just how to curl his fingers and apply the right amount of pressure to make her gasp. Gabi was in a mental war with herself. She shouldn’t be enjoying this. This wasn’t Baron. But she was so turned on when Baron left she ached. She was so wet she had left a puddle on Tommaso’s pants and he hadn’t even touched her. But he was relieving some very much built up tension. And the things he was whispering in her ear didn’t hurt. Neither did the way his blue eyes stared through hers as if looking deep into her soul. Or the way his muscular arms flexed whenever he moved them. The white tank top he was wearing didn’t leave too much to the imagination as she could see the outline of his pecks.
“Come on baby. I can feel you squeezing my fingers. I know you need it. It’ll be our little secret.”
With a strangled yelp she came somewhat unexpectedly. She was still debating on if she was going to tell him to stop and try and fight it or if she should just go with it. But his words pushed her over the edge before she had made a decision. He chuckled while pulling his fingers our of her as she caught her breath.
“That’s my girl.”
“I’m not,” Gabi said between breaths.
He just smirked as he shook his head. He finally let go of her leg, but gripped onto her arm and pulled her towards the bed. Before she could ask what he was doing he had stood her in front of the bed and pushed her onto her back. He knelt down on and pushed her thighs apart. Gabi lifted her head to see him, but she caught sight of his face diving into her core. Her head fell back onto the bed as she bit he lip while he licked up her slit. He swirled his tongue around her clit.
“Just in case he’s never told you, you’re fucking delicious.”
He immediately dove his tongue back into her core. Licking the juices up and down her folds. Gabi went from gasping to biting her bottom lip as her entire body strained. His tongue flicked over her clit before he began sucking on the sensitive nub. Her hips bucked once before she tried to keep them down onto the bed herself. Gabi bit back a moan as her body betrayed her, her back arching so slightly. Tommaso pulled away earning a small whimper from her.
“Sweetheart you better stop holding back on me. If you don’t soak my beard like the good girl I know you are, we’re gonna stay here until you do. I wanna be able to taste you when I talk to that boyfriend of yours.”
Without giving her time to reply his tongue went back into her core. He moved one of his hands from her leg to her core, inserting it back inside of her. He was able to hit different spots with her on her back. His tongue never relenting on her bundle of nerves. She could swear at times she could feel his teeth gently but sensually scrape against her skin. She couldn’t hold it in anymore and finally let the moans escape her lips that had been trapped in her throat for so long. Soon came the string of swear words as she got closer and closer to another orgasm. When it overcame her, her eyes clenched shut and her lower half arched up onto the bed. Tommaso did his best to hold her in whatever position he felt like she would get the most out of him. A low growl left his throat as his felt her juices run across his tongue and down his mouth onto his hand. He took his finger out but continued lapping at her cunt until she came down from her high. Gabi continued staring up at the ceiling, panting heavily. She had never ever experienced anything like that with Baron, or any man she had been with for that matter.
Tommaso pulled away from her with a grin she hadn’t seen him use earlier in the day. And not knowing really anything about him, she didn’t know what that meant. But she noticed his crystal clear blue eyes had clouded over. He knelt back up. He pushed Gabi over onto her stomach. She struggled initially, but when she felt him tugging at the belt around her wrists. She laid still when she felt the straps loosen and she was able to move her hands again. He yanked her onto her back again. She braced herself on her elbows so she could slightly sit up and get a better view of him than she had before. He stood where he was kneeling, looking down at Gabi. He began to undo the button on his jeans and lower them without taking his gaze off of her. Her eyes were fixed on his, while his were glancing all along her exposed body. He hadn’t gotten a good look at her breasts before now, and he licked his lips at the thought of getting her perky nipples in his mouth.
He slowly knelt onto the bed, pushing her leg to the side so he could get in between them. She crawled back slightly, but made no real effort to push him away or even tell him to stop. He pushed his hips flush with hers and she could feel how hard his cock was against her folds. He leaned down, capturing her lips in a heated kiss as his hand traveled to her chest. He grabbed her breast roughly, causing her to gasp allowing him the opportunity to snake his tongue inside her mouth. Gabi gladly allowed it, letting him have control. He pinched her nipple, rubbing it between his thumb and finger. A feeling of electricity she hadn’t felt before was now coursing through her veins. Her hips arched up to gain some friction, but this time not of their own accord. She knew she was doing it. She could feel he was rock hard just resting against her and was yearning to know what he felt like.
Tommaso began to trail kisses along her cheek and down to her neck. Gabi let out moans as he alternated between kissing, nibbling, and sucking along her skin. Her hands finally free, she was able to run her hands up Tommaso’s arms, squeezing the muscles and tracing along his veins. Gabi’s soaking cunt rubbing against him was too much for Tommaso to bare anymore. He felt like he was going to explode and caught her hip and plunged into her. Gabi let out small scream as she dug her nails into his arms.
“Are you alright?” He asked, prying himself away from her neck.
“Fuck yes, just start moving,” Gabi practically moaned, the lust coating her voice.
Tommaso started to thrust in and out of her at a steady pace at first, watching her expressions. Seeing how she handled him. His cock was much thicker than Baron’s and the way he was stretching Gabi out was giving her a painful kind of pleasure she didn’t know existed. He let out a feral growl as her hands were now wandering over any part of his body she could reach, scratching down his back as she tried to make her hips match his. Every little sound that left her mouth made him want to speed up and pound into her harder. Determined to make her louder each time. She soon began to feel that familiar feeling in her stomach.
“Fuck Daddy, right there,” She found herself saying, never using that term before.
That lit the fire under him even more. He growled into her neck before sinking his teeth in. He began to thrust into her harder and faster, making sure to bottom out with each pump.
“Like that baby?”
“Fuck yes Daddy. Right there, please. Shit. Please don’t stop.”
“Hold on sweetheart.”
Moments later she came hard screaming his name. The last few pumps of his cock dragging out her orgasm before he finished was just as pleasurable as the entire experience for her. He pulled out of her, sweat glistening his body, making him even more attractive than he had been before. Gabi sat up and ran her hand through her hair, no longer caring that her bathrobe was completely open. She bit her lip as she watched him pull his pants back up suddenly as nervous around him now as she was when he first brought her into the room.
“So, that didn’t exactly go as planned,” He stated finally breaking the silence.
She just nodded along.
“I kind of feel like I should be letting you go now after that.” He said with a laugh.
She cleared her throat. “That is always an option.”
“But, I still need my money.” He said almost as if he were conflicted. “And what the hell am I gonna do about him?”
Gabi stuttered a moment before speaking. “I could always give you a few of his watches. Say you were getting angry because he was taking too long to answer, and I bartered,” She suggested with a shrug.
“And he’d be okay with that?”
“I’d like to think that he’d be happier to have me alive even if it came at the cost of a Rolex or two. And if he’s not, then I probably shouldn’t be with him anyway.”
“Yeah, that and a few other reasons,” Tommaso smiled.
Later that night, Tommaso was long gone. Gabi had given him two of Baron’s finest diamond and jewel encrusted gold watches, and finally got the shower she had been craving. Baron was a little pissed off at first that she just gave his things away, but soon calmed down realizing that her being unharmed was more important. He really was soft on her. They had rescheduled dinner and went to bed early. He fell sound asleep with Gabi cuddled into his arms after spending an hour or two ranting about damage control when he got home. Tommaso was now at a hotel across town, laying low for a few days before heading west. Somewhere far from where he’d be looked for. He was sitting in a chair, some dumb show playing on the television in the background, when he heard a light knock at his door. Figuring it had to be trouble, he jumped up and grabbed his gun before going to look out the peep hole. He threw the door open, and a woman in a bathrobe was standing there.
“Mind if I come in?” She asked.
“If this is some kind of ambush I swear I will blow your brains out right here,” He threatened.
“No ambush. I’m alone.”
Tommaso nodded his head into his room. Gabi walked passed him inside. He quickly shut the door, and locked it assuring no one else could get in. He set the gun down on the table where he could still keep a good eye on it.
“What are you doing here? How did you find me?”
“I have my ways. Probably the same ways you do,” Gabi answered with a sly smile.
“And Baron?”
“Doesn’t know I’m here. He’s still asleep in bed. As soon as he rolled over and started snoring, I left.”
Gabi shrugged. “I don’t know. Maybe because I realized I want more in life. I don’t want to be some tool used for leverage.”
“And how is Mr. Corbin going to take that?” Tommaso asked as he sat back down in his chair.
“Also don’t know. I left him a note. Saying that after today, I needed out. I was scared. Put into a situation I was never trained how to handle. And there wasn’t anything anyone could do about it. And I didn’t want it to ever happen again. And if he truly loved me like he said he did, he should understand knowing that this will keep me safe.”
“So you just left. Didn’t pack or bring anything with you?” He asked amused.
“It was all his stuff anyway. It’s not like I don’t have another home and family to go back to when I’m ready.”
“And when will that be?”
“When I’m done getting out on my own. Seeing some things I want to see without getting shoved into some other room because a meeting is taking place or a “vacation” really turns out to be a “business trip”.” She told him as she walked over to him and sitting on his lap, straddling him.
“Oh yeah? And just how did you plan on doing that? Since you didn’t bring anything with you? Who’s going to be funding this little getaway of yours?” He asked amused.
Gabi reached down into the pocket of her robe and pulled out a very shiny watch. “I may have told Baron that I gave you three of his watches, and swiped this one for myself. Figured I could easily pawn it for a pretty penny. Enough to spend some time on a beach with a drink in my hand.”
Tommaso chuckled. This seemingly timid girl that he met earlier clearly had a lot more to offer than anyone gave her credit for.
“So why the stop here then?”
“I was hoping I could have a little fun before leaving,” She said as she rolled her hips, grinding on him through his clothes.
Tommaso hummed in approval as she untied her robe revealing that like earlier she had nothing on underneath. He began playing with her nipples while she was slowly grinding into him.
“So you walked all across town, in nothing but a bathrobe, with a Rolex in your pocket?”
“Are you making fun of me Mr. Ciampa?”
“No, no. Kind of impressed actually. That takes a lot of balls.”
“Okay if you just want to sit here and talk, then I’m gonna go. I was looking to have a good time before heading out of the city, not a chatty tea party,” Gabi teased as she began to raise from his lap.
Tommaso instantly reached out and grabbed her, pulling her back onto his lap. “Oh no you don’t. I’ve got this room for another three days. And sweetheart, you ain’t leaving it until I do.”
Gabi giggled before her laugh turned into a moan as he latched onto her nipple, gently playing with it between his teeth before flicking it with his tongue. The closed her eyes and continued to grind against as she rested her hands on his broad shoulders.
“You wanna take this over to the bed?” He asked.
“I’d rather you just undo your pants,” Gabi answered before being able to attack his neck for the first time.
Tommaso groaned, “Yes ma’am.”
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jeo9n · 3 years
Majesty Pt 6 || JJK
Pairing : Jeon Jungkook x Reader
Genre : Slow burn,Angst,fluff,virgin reader,King JK, future smut.
Warnings : none for this chapter
Wordcount : 3.2k
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A few days have passed since you got married to the King. Being married to him hasn’t really changed anything between you two. The only thing that has changed is, that you both now sleep in the same bed, but that was it. It’s still kind of weird to share a bed with a man, but as long as he doesn’t try anything on you, then it’s fine. He weirdly keeps on cuddling you in his sleep, almost possessively. But once he wakes up he acts like nothing ever happened, like he wasn’t just almost squeezing the air out of you, trying to keep you as close as possible.
You’re currently getting dressed for the day. You’re going to visit your mom today. You haven’t seen her since the wedding, and you miss her.
"That looks absolutely delicious." You tell Maria, when you arrived at the Kitchen.
"Thank you, miss. I actually baked those for you and your mom." She said, as she packed the freshly backed Croissants. "I hope your mom enjoys them." Handing them to you.
You look at her with a huge smile on your face. "That is so nice of you, Maria, thank you. Im sure my mom will love them." Maria has always been so nice to you ever since you arrived at the castle, and your thankful for that.
"Is the King coming with you, miss?"
"Oh no, I’m going alone. I wanna spend some alone time with my mother, and I’m sure, the King has other stuff to do. I don’t wanna be a burden to him." You tell her.
"I actually don’t have anything to do today." Someone suddenly spoke. You knew it was him though, without having to see his face. "I would love to come with you."
You turned around to face him. "You don’t have to come with me, your highness. I want to spend some time with my family alone. You can come with me another time though, if you want of course." You tell him, without trying to sound rude.
"I will come with you another time then." He tells you. "One of my chamberlains will bring you to the village though. It’s a long way, I don’t want you going alone."
You nod. Cause he’s right! it is a long way. It probably would take you a few hours to reach the village, if you walked.
You arrived at your old home, your mom already waiting for you outside. She hugs you tightly, telling you how much she has missed you. "It’s been only a few weeks, mom." You giggle. "You act like you haven’t seen me in years."
"Well, it feels like it. The house has been so quiet without you, Y/n, I miss having you around." She tells you - Her words making you feel sad. If you knew your mom would miss you so much, then you would’ve never left her, you would’ve never gotten married in the first place. You would’ve stayed with her. You had no problem with that. "But I’m happy that you finally got married, my dear. So, so happy! - Not only do you finally have a husband, he’s also a King! Do you know how jealous these mother’s are of me." She laughs, while you both walk inside.
The smell of your home instantly hits your nose. Making you feel even more sad. It feels like you’ve been away for so long. You wish, you could’ve spend a little more time at home than you’ve had. You would’ve loved to spend more a few more days with your mom, you would’ve loved to sleep in your own bed one more time, before having to leave, and moving into the castle.
All this thinking made you totally forget about the Croissants Maria gave you. "Here, one of the maids made some croissants for us." You say, handing the basket to your mother.
She takes to basket from you. "Oh how lovely of her." putting down the basket and getting a plate for the croissants.
"Her name is Maria! She’s really nice to me, I like her a lot." You answer, sitting down at the table, where you used to always eat with your mother. "She kinda reminds me of you"
She smiles at you, sitting down as well. "How’s your marriage going? - I know you haven’t been married for long, but is it going good?"
"It is going good! But we don’t really act like a married a couple - I don’t mind though, I like it that way." You tell her, as you take a bite of the croissant. "But I got really annoyed at him, a few days before we got married."
"Why, what did he do?"
"We were eating dinner and i wanted to put the dirty dishes away, once we were done eating. Because thats what you should do, right? But he suddenly stopped me, saying something like "I don’t have to do those things because I’m his wife, and the maids are there for that stuff." And that he would punish me if I kept doing that. But I didn’t care, I did it anyways. Because who the hell is he to tell me what to do?" You huff.
"I would’ve done exactly the same. What’s so bad about cleaning up? It doesn’t matter if has maids for that. If you wanted to help, that he should’ve let you." She says, shaking her head. "But, he didn’t really punish you for that, did he?" She asks, worriedly.
"He did. That fucker left me outside in the cold all night. At first I thought he was joking, i thought he would just leave me outside for a while, and eventually let me in. But he never opened the door for me. He really left me outside, all by myself." You tell her, rolling your eyes. It still makes you mad when you think about it.
"What?" She asks with wide eyes, not believing what you just said.
"Yea, and the next day he acted like nothing ever happened. He probably thinks I forgot about it, but I didn’t. I’ll get him back I just have to find the right time for it." You tell her, already planning your revenge.
She looks at you with worried eyes. "That probably won’t be a good idea, Y/n. - Him leaving you outside must’ve been a nice way of punishing you. I don’t want you to do anything, and get punished again." She tries to explain. "Promise me you won’t do anything, Y/n."
You understand her. She’s your mom, and she’s worried for you. But still, he left you outside for the whole night, cold and scared. You had to sleep on a bench, - well you tired to, at least - which gave you horrible back pain. You’ll get him back for it. You don’t care if you’ll get punished again. But you won’t tell her that. Instead, you look at her and smile, "I promise."
"Y/n, can you open the door for me please." Your mom calls out from bathroom.
"Of course." You were already on your way to open the door anyway.
You were met with bouquet of yellow roses once you opened the door. Your lips instantly turned into a smile, recognizing the two person behind it immediately. "Hello, Bambi." One of your Brothers greeted you, calling you by your nickname - which only your brothers called you by that name - moving the roses out of his face, so he could see you. "Or should I say, your majesty?" He joked, while finally giving you a hug, your oldest brother giving you one as well. You missed your brothers so much, so much that you could cry.
"Ah, can you believe our little Bambi is finally married." Your brother says to your other brother, while you three walk back into the living room. "And can you believe, none of you showed up to my wedding?" You say a little annoyed. You went to both of your their Weddings, and they didn’t even show up at yours. They missed the most special day of your life.
"We are so sorry, Y/n! But we were out of town, there was no way we could’ve made it to your wedding, even if we tried. It would’ve taken us so many hours to arrive at the kingdom, please forgive us!" your older brother explains to you.
You could tell he was saying the truth. Your brothers were good at anything, but lying wasn’t one of their strength. You couldn’t stay mad at them, not even if you tried, not when they were looking at you like this, with big puppy eyes, waiting for your forgiveness.
"I forgive you! But, I’m still sad you weren’t there. I was waiting for you two to show up all night."
"We’ll make it up to you! We promise!"
"I hope you guys do!" Your mom says, coming back from the bathroom. "How could you miss your little sisters special day!" She scolds them, slapping your oldest brother on the head, making you laugh.
Right now, you were on a walk through the village for a bit. Your mother stayed home with your brothers, making sure that they don’t eat all the food she had cooked.
You felt everyone watching you, either out of shock that you were back in the village, or out of jealousy. You knew these mothers and their daughters were glaring at you. Probably trying to curse you with their eyes on you.
You were just walking around, with no destination in mind. You just wanted to walk around for a bit. You haven’t really gotten the chance to really do anything, since you moved into the castle. You weren’t allowed to leave the castle by yourself, except for today. So you tried to enjoy it as much as you could. You had stopped by the small bakery you used to work at, buying some bread to feed the ducks by the small lake near by.
You were surrounded by ducks, they all came waddling towards you as soon as you took out the bread, eager to get some food. You were crouching down with the bread in your hand, trying to feed all of them equally, not wanting to left one out. "Hey! Your little friend right here wants some bread too." You scold the duck, as it tried to take the food out of your hand. But giving it some food anyway, feeling bad for scolding it.
You kept feeling eyes on you, following your every move. Everywhere you went, you felt like you were being watched. You thought you were imagining it, but you knew you weren’t, not when you heard something behind you. You didn’t know where it came from. You were alone at the lake, or at least you thought. Knowing that someone could be watching you got you scared. You left the lake and walked back home, you didn’t want to risk anything, who knows what could happen if you stayed. You didn’t know who could watching you, if someone was even watching you.
You walked home faster than you had ever done. You were paranoid, turning around everytime you heard something. You knew you were overthinking it, making it worse than it probably was. There probably wasn’t even someone watching you, your were just imagining things. The people probably thought you were crazy, as you passed by them, almost running. You wanted to get home as soon as possible, you didn’t care if they looked at you weird.
"Y/n, what is wrong? You look like you’ve just seen a ghost." Your mother asks, as she opened the door for you.
You got inside quickly, not wanting to spend another minute outside. "I-I think someone was watching me, mom."
"I was at the lake near the bakery, no one was there except for me, but I could feel someone watching me. I felt their eyes on me all the way home."
A worried look crossed her face. "Are you sure? Maybe your mind was just playing some tricks on you, Y/n"
"I am sure! I heard movement behind me, I was alone mom, and it wasn’t the ducks. Someone was definitely spying on me." You tell her, your voice shaking.
"Well, if that’s the case, than you probably shouldn’t go out by yourself again!" She says, holding you, trying to calm you down.
"Yea... but why would someone spy on me? Im just a ordinary girl, there’s nothing special about me.
"Y/n, my dear. Your not an ordinary girl, your married to the King! There’s a lot of people that envy you. Of course someone would be watching you, but still, don’t go out alone again." Your mom tells you.
She’s right! Your married to the King, you can’t just walk around like you used to. There are a lot of jealous and evil people out there, who knows what they would do.
Your mother told you, that you should go back to the castle. Saying that it might be dangerous for you, if you stayed in the village.
The chamberlain came a little later and picked you up. Bringing you back to the castle.
It was already kinda late when you got back to the castle. You were a little tired, but you didn’t wanna go to bed yet. Right now, you were sitting on one of the washing machines, talking to Maria while she did the laundry. "My mom said thank you, for the croissants. She really liked them."
"Ah that makes me happy!" She says, putting the King’s dirty laundry in the washer. "I will bake you some more, the next time you visit your mother."
You smile at her. "No, no. You don’t have to do anything. This time my mom will make some for you."
She giggles, putting the clean clothes into a basket. "Why did you come home alone? I thought you went with the King?" Maria asks, confused.
"No, I went alone," you furrow your eyebrows. "The King did not come with me." Shaking your head.
She picks up the basket and looks at you. "Oh! Really? He left quickly after you, so I thought you two went together." She looks confused. "No, wait. He went to visit the neighborhood kingdom! I totally forgot about it." She says quickly, correcting herself. "Ah, im getting old."
"You’re not old Maria, you just got some things mixed up. That happens to me too sometimes." You assure her, as you both walk towards the Kings dressing room.
She makes sure his clean clothes are put away perfectly, checking everything once again, making sure that none of his clothes have any wrinkles on them. "Your too nice to me." Shes says as leaves the room.
The King arrived at the castle the same time you walked down the stairs. "Oh, you’re back already?" He looks at you, as you now stand in front of him.
He looks kinda shocked to see you back at the castle already. "Yea, my mother called the chamberlain to come pick me up earlier." You answer.
He’s confused. You told him that you would come a home little later, and why did your mom call the chamberlain to pick you up? "Is everything okay?"
He looks at you worried, but he looked away before you could catch it. "I’m fine, Your highness!" You tell him, you didn’t tell him that your were being watched earlier, because your not even completely sure if you were being watched.
"You’re lying." He noticed right away, shit.
You don’t look at him, how can he tell so easily if your lying to him? "Im not lying, your highness! Everything is fine." Walking towards the garden, he follows you.
He shakes his at you, not understanding why you’re lying to him. "You’re a terrible liar, Y/n. Tell me what’s wrong." Catching up to you.
You turn around to look at him, this time seeing the worried look on his face. "I think someone was following me, back in the village. I went out for a walk and I felt someone watching me the whole time! I did not see anyone, but someone was definitely there!" You huff, crossing your arms in front of your chest protectively.
His face suddenly turned serious. "Are you serious? - I knew it wasn’t a good idea to let you go alone!" He says in an angry voice. "You’re not allowed to visit the village again! - not without me."
Fuck, he’s angry. You didn’t mean to make him angry, if you knew that’s how he would react, then you wouldn’t have told him. "I understand your worry, your highness, but I can look after myself. You don’t have to come with me. I won’t go out alone again, I make sure it won’t happen again."
He furrows his eyebrows at you. "Stop fucking acting like this, stop acting like you’re a big girl that can protect herself, Y/n. Cause you clearly can’t!" Now raising his voice at you. "If I say you’re not allowed to leave the castle alone again, then you should fucking listen!"
His sudden outburst scared you a bit, you were not expecting that. But you won’t show it. "And how would you be able to protect me?" You ask him, raising you voice back at him.
"You have no idea, Y/n" he says, calmly, too calmly.
"What’s that supposed to mean?"
"You’ll see."
You still have no idea what he means by that. Does he mean he’ll fight them? Does he know how to fight? Probably not. He probably has people for that.
"Let’s go back inside. It’s cold." Grabbing your hand and dragging you inside.
You decided to take a bath. You need that after today. You couldn’t stop, thinking about today at the lake. You felt eyes on you, you could definitely feel it. You weren’t imagining it, but who would spy on you? Maybe it was the girls from the village, maybe they wanted to scare you, wanting to scare you, so you wouldn’t come back?
You didn’t want to think about it anymore. Quickly washing yourself to get rid of these thoughts. You got out of the bath and got dressed for bed. Your were tired after today, and all you wanted to do now was sleep.
You layed down next to the King, back facing him. You felt him move behind you, then out of nowhere he wrapped his arm around you, pulling you towards him. You gasped, not expecting him to do that. "I was serious earlier, when I said you weren’t allowed to go out alone anymore - you should know that, Y/n." He whispered into you ear, giving you goosebumps.
"I- I know that, your highness. I won’t do it gain." You tell him, trying to create some space between you two, but he just pulled you even closer.
He pressed his nose into your neck, inhaling your scent. "Good girl." Pressing a light kiss on your neck.
You shivered, the kiss giving you tingles. Never had a man done that to you, you didn’t know how that act.
"Now sleep."
And that’s exactly what you did. You did not notice how tired your were, you fell asleep almost instantly. Falling asleep in his arms for the first time since you two got married.
Taglist: @fangirl125reader @min-nicoleee @yzkyzkuniverse @safi4x @zoeshinelove
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... I’m interested in legitimately gay Reese (I assume one piece of evidence is “look at what they’re doing and tell me you’re not gay”)
okay this is like 2 days late but this is why reese malcolminthemiddle is legitimately gay:
(side note: did anyone need a queer media thesis paper or something... I am willing to share lmao)
so none of this is like... rock solid evidence or anything but I need to believe at least one main character of a show is gay and/or trans to maintain interest and reese is the most plausible gay character. also it’s early 2000′s so he just gets a lot of vaguely homophobic jokes lmao
first of all, yes, the biggest piece of evidence he’s gay is those lines from that episode I quoted the other day--thinking malcolm is gay, he tries to show his support by giving him a gay porno: “’Naught Pool Boys 3!’ I watched 10 or 12 of these, and this one seems to have the most stuff you guys like.” and when malcolm says he isn’t gay, reese responds “Malcolm. Check out what those guys are doing in that movie, and THEN tell me you’re not gay.”-- so, 1) reese sat down and watched like a dozen gay porn movies to ““find a good one for his gay brother”” and 2) he thinks malcolm would reconsider his heterosexuality if he watched what was in that movie, implying that HE reconsidered his sexuality after watching that movie, or at the very least found it hot
in the same episode, the character tricking malcolm into thinking reese is gay lists the following as evidence: he obsesses over his hair and his looks, loves his gourmet cooking, has a bunch of magazines covered in comically muscular men, and that he’s angry and acts like a jerk because he’s “dealing with something weird and confusing.” now obviously, the obsession with hair/looks can be chalked up to the fact that he’s a teenage boy, and there’s nothing inherently gay about enjoying cooking. the dozen magazines of muscle-bound men could certainly be taken as gay evidence, though, and it IS established in the show that his entire bully persona is his way of masking his inner feelings and insecurities. there’s literally a whole episode where he & malcolm realize they have no friends because they act like little shits to push people away because they’re afraid of rejection and/or abandonment from their peers. they ostracize themselves before they can be ostracized by the other students at school. I could probably write a whole other essay on reese’s psyche tbqh lmao there’s a shocking amount there!!
of the brothers who are actually old enough to be attracted to girls (reese, malcolm, and francis), he shows the least interest. now bear with me here. you might be thinking, “well, yeah, it’s malcolm’s show, we’re not gonna see things from other people’s perspective!” but that is actually surprisingly untrue, the show is very much equally shown from each family members’ perspectives. starting about s2, when malcolm is in early middle school, he starts getting crushes on girls and pursuing them. francis goes after a few women in the first couple seasons and then marries a woman we see a lot throughout the show. 
in the roughly... 130?? episodes I have watched so far, nearly all of reese’s “interest” in girls involve either: competition with malcolm, genuinely just liking her as a friend, or some completely ulterior motive. the only exception to this I can think of is in the early seasons where he has a crush on a cheerleader and tries to get on her good side by joining the cheerleading squad, which the writers clearly set up as a way to make gay jokes about reese. let me give you a few examples of his relationships with girls
the first relationship we see him in is with a “stupid girl” that malcolm tried (and failed) to date, and the main reason they get together is that they think on the same wavelength and genuinely seem to enjoy hanging out. they take breaks from their bro chats to make out every once in a while. eventually he gets her to break up with him because he doesn’t want to go to the school dance with her (he doesn’t want to go at all). years later, he’s dating some girl we meet for like 5 minutes, before he goes to confess to her that she’s the first girl he’s ever loved. she then breaks up with him. he’s sad, but taking it fairly well. he’s about to leave when he sees malcolm hiding under the bed, and learns that he stole his girlfriend. he then runs away to join the army. he was clearly MUCH more upset that his brother stole his girlfriend than he was that his girlfriend broke up with him. there are many more instances of him and malcolm competing for a girl’s affections, and he seems mostly motivated by the competition itself.
in addition to “stupid girl,” he also manufactures an “attraction” to his female army buddy in the last season. the premise of this episode is that his old army buddy (a girl he play-wrestles with and insults like he would his own brothers) comes to visit him, and malcolm convinces reese that she’s attracted to him, and that reese’s nervousness at learning that fact is proof he’s in love with her. there’s a misunderstanding where reese asks her if she has certain “feelings” and she says she does, but what she ACTUALLY means is that she has a crush on reese’s MOM. she’s a lesbian. reese later propositions her (saying he’s saved his virginity for this--he’s probably about 18 here), and when she says omg no im gay, he is HUGELY relieved they can go back to being friends. CLASSIC mlm/wlw friendship moment. 
there’s an episode where these cute girls pick up reese (& nerds) to kiss in front of their boyfriends to make them jealous. reese is all for it, and when malcolm argues that it’s not worth his dignity and the beating he’ll get from the girl’s boyfriend, reese counters that that’s WHY he wants to do this--he’s completely invisible at school, and thinks getting beaten up for kissing some guy’s girlfriend will at least make him known around school. at no point does he indicate he’s actually attracted to this girl, and when it comes time to kiss her, he finds the weakest excuse to run away at the last minute. 
im not gonna list all of these but there’s more lmao
the following is a random assortment of one-off gay jokes and out-of-context lines with gay reese implications, often homophobically bc its early 2000′s writing:
says “I’m gay” to a girl to give malcolm a better shot at her
(again in competition with malcolm) tries to flirt with a girl by spraying milk in her face as the punchline to a joke, which is. well. hm. self-sabotaging, to say the least!!
Reese: “Do you think it’s right to totally change who you are and turn your back on EVERYTHING you believe in, just to impress a hot guy??” [his dad gives a long, blank stare, before asking:] “...Burt Reynolds hot, or Sting hot?”
“YEAH I like clouds! I call them sky kittens :)” (I just think that one’s sweet!)
“Look, Christie, here’s the thing. When I first met you, I was just messing around. But we’ve gotten so close that, now... I really like you! I can’t keep this up anymore. I’m not the person you think I am. I’ve been pretending since the day I met you. It’s so hard having to constantly cover my tracks to keep my story straight... and I don’t WANT to anymore! I’m tired of living this lie! I’m done with it. I’m sorry.”
he catfishes some guy to blackmail him, but is implied to continue the flirtation even after the catfishing/blackmail is revealed
reese is, technically, married to a man. this particular plot point is played as a joke and manages to be both racist and homophobic, so I won’t go into it. but I believe he is still married to that man. technically.
reese takes care of a huge box full of caterpillars until they pupate and become beautiful butterflies. I feel like there’s some kind of gay coming out metaphor here somewhere.
I think there are a couple other times where he comments on a guy’s attractiveness but I couldn’t find specific instances.
In conclusion: Reese is a deeply repressed gay kid who was socialized SO thoroughly as an early 2000′s straight boy that, despite his attraction for men and his obvious compulsory heterosexuality, he still cannot admit to himself that he is gay even as he enters adulthood. Furthermore, his subconscious frustration about this fact is turned outward to form the “schoolyard bully” costume he uses to mask his insecurities and keep others from getting too close to him. 
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk. I could be convinced to come back for another talk about how Dewey is trans or about how each and every member of that family is neurodivergent in entirely different ways. Assuming anyone has read this far in the first place!!
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nct-lian · 3 years
relationships outside of sm
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so iconic omg like how they do it, i have no idea
they hang out all the time and lian is literally ALWAYS on jennie’s instagram
the two of them once had an instagram story conversation over pigtails
like,, jennie posted a picture of lian’s pigtails for that one bicycle performance on her story and captioned it “pigtail baby” and then lian reposted it on her own story with a picture of jennie’s pigtails, captioning it “pigtail eomma”
speaking of eomma, jennie is genuinely her mother
jennie takes her shopping all the time
and in return, lian buys her food
the interactions these two used to have at award shows were SO CUTE
everyone remembers when jennie pretty much yelled out lian’s name and she just came running over to the members of blackpink after taeyong let her leave :(
i’m crying just thinking about it help
jennie also posted a full on instagram post for lian on her birthday and had such a sweet caption with it
it was something like “my daughter is finally 21 today! i hope she has an amazing day and i can’t wait to see her later tonight to give her a gift :) haneullie, lots of love from jennie eomma”
SPEAKING OF THE GIFT,, jennie bought her a whole ass $9000 necklace from chanel because she knew that lian was looking for more
jenli kpop bestest duo
dispatch once thought jennie was on a date with a girl but it turned out to just be her walking lian home after going shopping with her so they never posted anything about it
they were embarrassed they got something wrong so i get it
omfg when news came out that lian and jinwoo broke up mama jennie was threatening to punch the shit out of him
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what i’ve been waiting to write for so long okay here we go
so mf chaotic like there are compilations made of these two that scream “go crazy go stupid”
their time as guest mc’s for inkigayo was probably some of the best kpop content we’d gotten in a long ass time
cause she’s such a good friend to him and wtf why would he wanna share
“mine mine mine mine” constant dory vibes 24/7
lian thrives off of calling him by his korean name because she knows it annoys him
he’s constantly teasing her for having bagged milk in toronto so he deserves it
the one time lian and jacob talked to each other they seemed to be getting along too much for kevin’s liking so he really went:
“okay lian isn’t it time for you to go” because he WAS GETTING JEALOUSJCLSJX
their styles are pretty much complete opposites and everytime they take pictures together kevin never forgets to mention how off it all looks
“tf is that why are your clothes so boring”
“okay sNaKe pAnTs” because of that one eric moment on kpop daebak show where he said kevin had pants with snakes on them
i’m getting heated let me calm down.
they normally speak in english to each other but since lian seems to be stuttering over her words when she isn’t speaking korean, he mixes in a few korean phrases every now and then to help her out
kevin is arguably the most hype every single time lian performs, like he really thinks there isn’t anything better
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more lian x the canadian line WOOHOO
lia spent her trainee days really looking up to lian and she’s even mentioned before that she’d love for itzy to get the chance to collab with her for a song
she really has her fingers crossed for that btw
they actually met during an award show when ryujin, chaeryeong and yuna all had to leave because it was past curfew
lian decided to sit next to them and during all the intermissions between performances she, lia and yeji conversed to pass time
they ended up growing a friendship together but lian has a stronger bond with lia
she loves all the girls either way but yk
lia and lian love going to cafes together and taking adorable pictures :(
like whenever lia posts on itzy’s instagram midzeys don’t exactly know whether or not lian would be on it too :0
like lian normally posts all the scenery pictures she gets to keep her instagram pleasing whereas lia posts the pictures the two of them take together
my heart </3
lian treats lia like a whole daughter because it isn’t often she finds girls that are younger than her
*screams in the fact that majority of sm’s female artists are all from 2015 and under*
like when i say lian SPOILS her i’m not joking
she will randomly call lia up like:
“hey i’m gonna get you out of that dungeon, come get some chicken with me”
and then they’ll just hang out together
but only if lian is out of the dungeon herself because wbk she ain’t treated very well </3
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their chemistry is fucking insane holy shit
like their acting for past to present was seriously so praised, netizens found it hard to believe it was all just for the show
dating rumours follow these two everywhere,, like everywhere
it’s one of the most popular ships inside ncity when it comes to lian and other idols
i kid you not one tweet said “chanhyeok treated jihye so well in past to present, i’m only wondering how well eunwoo would treat lian 👀”
but yeah they do look really good together
and they’re an amazing pair for acting
when eunwoo started working with inyeop for true beauty, he said:
“hyung’s dating my girlfriend” because of the fact that both of them have acted with lian and BOTH of them dated her in the dramas
what a coincidence though
we all cried when we saw chanhyeok and jihye kiss for the first time DONT LIE
and they wished each other happy birthday on their instagram stories
there’s actually people who like to think that they dated while filming for past to present andddd they radiate big delulu vibes
like you know liskook shippers? wooli shipped are kinda the same, but not as intense (thank god)
they took a lot of cute pictures together behind the scenes (ノ﹏ヽ)
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this ship isn’t actually as popular as we would like it to be, but nonetheless people love limo
a lot of interactions during award shows !!
like for example momo’s fancams always captured her dancing perfectly to lian’s choreo
and lian smiling in momo’s direction
i love them
when lian found out about heechul and momo’s relationship, she asked momo if she was her mom now because of how much of a father figure she considers heechul to be JDFJK
“i mean sure”
they’ve actually done a vlive together before (ᗒᗨᗕ)
it was when lian visited her at the twice dorms and they ended up getting bored so they decided to do a vlive in the living room
her throat was dry for the rest of the night
after seeing momo’s hair for the i can’t stop me era, lian actually wanted to cut it like that
but she decided against it because she loves her long hair too much
the two of them met on hit the stage where they competed against each other in a freestyle dance battle
after that they just started casually talking over the phone and became great friends
with the way momo talks about lian, you’d think they’re dating-
“oh, lian- she’s so pretty! i love her a lot!”
and the same goes for lian, she loves talking about momo’s dancing skills
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her dad :/
adopted her with amber liu like a year ago so now she’s just his daughter
supports each other like crazy not even joking
jackson promotes her on instagram and twitter 24/7
lian was once given a ridiculously short dress while attending an award show and jackson gave her his jacket to wear over her legs because she wasn’t provided a blanket :(
(keep in mind, she went there without the members!)
lian added all his music to her playlist :)
once got drunk together and spent like three hours doing karaoke but it’s okay cause it was fun
speaking of getting drunk, jackson’s the cool dad that lets her do whatever she wants
he has his protective moments where he’s like “ma’am where are you going on that short of a dress” but he’s also like “hey wanna go get chicken and soju”
they both appeared on a radio show together as guests and they ruined the whole broadcast because they were too loud
like they kept getting out of their seats to go wave at all the fans outside the window and they were just fighting back and forth about whether or not lian’s extensions look real
according to jackson, they’re “NOT AUTHENTIC ENOUGH- LOVE YOUR HAIR FOR WHAT IT IS, LIANNA HANEUL BAE.” lian’s hair lives matter :/
jackson was so proud that his good friend was smooching his other good friend but the protective dad instincts really kicked in
“break her heart and you die no cap”
was surprisingly chill when they broke up though, he was just glad lian didn’t cry
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so many interactions
honestly took lian under wing once she debuted as a soloist
female kpop soloists gotta have each other’s backs in this industry man :(
sunmi calls lian her princess SOBS
lian always hugs sunmi at award shows, like if they’re sitting close together
or if they’re standing next to each other on stage
you bet your ass lian is gripping onto sunmi for dear life
did a photoshoot together for marie claire korea
they’re so hot bro
they were kinda awkward ngl uh
but by the end of it they were besties :DD
and they’ve been besties ever since
lian is the ceo of doing dance covers for sunmi’s songs
cmon lian we’re waiting for tail 👀
sunmi has actually met lian’s grandma </3
like her and lian were hanging out at the dorms while the boys were out on a schedule and her grandma just randomly showed up with homemade food so that was definitely a win
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they’ve been friends for a LOOONGGG time
and chain’s known her since dating back to like, smrookies era when lian was still a red velvet member
like at that time she had no idea he existed, but he was keeping up with her daily :(
chan plays her music on vlives all the time and he always knows the dance moves
like he just dances along in his chair and mumbles the lyrics
we love to see it
a lot of fans ship them together
only because chan gives off big pining energy
lian only looks at him like “:D” whereas he looks at her like “♡•♡”
kinda sad but
lian promotes him on live so often HVKSVU
“my friend chan is coming back with his group soon, you should check it out! :)”
and the way she just says “my friend chan” LIKE ITS SO OBVIOUSLY A FRIENDZONE BUT HE THINKS ITS ADORABLE
he once got a comment on a vlive to react to lian moments, obviously complying because who wouldn’t
there was this one clip of her saying “my friend chan from stay kids!” and whoever edited the compilation added in squishy noises right after while zooming in on her face
“oh- hahaha, uhh, she’s so cute aw hahahah”
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oh god not another lian x mom ship
like she’s submitted lian’s resume to bm so many times so they could be part of the big tiddie committee together
ashley is constantly, and i mean constantly, reposting all of lian’s posts on her story with captions like “LOOK AT HER GO”
and lian has even discovered all the cool instagram filters because of ashley, and now we get the quality content from her that WE DESERVEEEEE
back when lian’s album came out, all ashley’s story really was was just screenshots of her streaming all the songs and calling them bops
when they first met in person after texting back in forth, ashley spammed her instagram story with pictures of lian that she took without her looking
these two radiate a lot of “YES GIRL WORKKK ITTT TURN THIS WAY OKAYYY POSE POSE POSE” energy
lian’s been featured in one of ashley’s youtube videos and it was when they met for the first time :)
they exchange a lot of gifts through the mail
like lian once found a mug when shopping with doyoung and she thought that it would fit ashley’s taste so she sent it to her apartment
and ever since then they just send random little gifts to each other’s houses
it’s so cute
ashley talks about lian all the time
she always says that for someone so young, she’s accomplished a lot and she’s really proud of her
they wanna do tiktoks with each other but they never have the time </3
lian spam comments on ashley’s instagram like “WOAH” “OKAYYYY” “YESYESYES”
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misscorn · 3 years
Day 7: Future/Post Confession
I can't believe yet another @takaritsuweek has come and gone so fast 😭❤ everyone in this Fandom is so talented and im obsessed with the nostalgia content 💘 please enjoy my last one shot for this week ☺
Onodera Ritsu was being weird, which could only mean one thing: something was wrong and he wasn't talking to Masamune about it.
Masamune had really hoped that things would go smoother after Ritsu confessed, but that was foolish. Masamune was so, undeniably happy, but they weren't perfect people. Both of them still had things to work on, separately and together. One of those things was more readily relying on one another. So, Masamune was determined to find out what was wrong.
Ritsu just seemed a lot more...spacey than usual. And anxious. And maybe a little gloomy? Masamune couldn't quite put his finger on it, but he knew that he didn't like it.
Currently, Ritsu was over at Masamune's apartment, helping to clean up the dishes as the two of them had just finished dinner. Ritsu was at Masamune's place quite frequently and Masamune always brought up the idea of moving in together, but Ritsu hadn't quite come around to it yet, mostly because he knew for a fact that it would affect any work the two of them brought home. Masamune got...distracted easily and Ritsu tended to get swept away. So, for now Ritsu was content with a lot of sleepovers.
Once they finished cleaning, Masamune led Ritsu into the living room by his hand. He sat down unceremoniously on the couch before pulling Ritsu down with him and on to his lap, making Ritsu's face burn red.
I kind of hope he never gets used to this, Masamune thought, loving the sight of Ritsu's adorably embarrassed expression.
"What do you think you're doing?" Ritsu asked, trying to sound scolding, but he only succeeded in sounding nervous.
Masamune wrapped his arms around Ritsu's waist. "I just want to talk and I figured if I have you like this you won't be able to run away." Like how you love to do.
Ritsu couldn't even argue against that logic, but he made a displeased face anyway. "Fine. What is it?"
"Is everything okay with you?" Masamune asked.
"Huh? Yeah, I'm fine." Ritsu said dismissively.
"You just seem like you've had something on your mind lately." Masamune said. "Making me worried."
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to worry you." Ritsu apologized immediately.
"Don't say sorry, there's nothing to be sorry for, I just wanna know if there's something going on." Masamune said, trying to sound reassuring.
Ritsu chewed on his lower lip nervously before he spoke again. "I guess I have been thinking a bit..." He started vaguely.
"What about?" Masamune pressed gently.
"Well, my mom's gotten off my back about An-chan, but not about settling down. She's been trying to set up matchmaking sessions, introducing me to daughters of friends of hers whenever I visit, sending me info about singles events." Ritsu tried not to cringe at the thought of going to one of those. "And I just...I think maybe it's time I tell my parents about you. About us." Ritsu said. "I mean, I know we only started officially d-dating not too long ago, but I feel like we're both kind of in this for the long haul." He laughed nervously. They've both been in this for the past ten years, after all. It was hardly too soon to let his parents be in the know. "So, um, it seems only right to tell them..."
"If you want to tell them then you should." Masamune said.
"You make things sound so simple." Ritsu sighed. "It could go really, really wrong, you know?"
"I know. But the other option is keeping it a secret forever. Which, you can if you want, but it might be difficult to eventually explain to your parents when they visit why you have a longterm male roommate and you both wear matching wedding rings and share a room and take care of a little girl who calls both of you dad."
Ritsu's face flushed at Masamune projection of their future together, his heartbeat picking up in pace. "You want to have a daughter?"
"Someday, I think it'd be nice. But we're not even past the step of me meeting your parents, so I don't think they're going to get grandchildren anytime soon." Masamune planted a quick kiss on Ritsu’s shoulder.
"W-Wait, meeting?! I was just going to tell them, I didn't plan on having you meet them yet!" Ritsu said quickly.
"Ritsu, this is your mom we're talking about. If you tell her I exist she will track me down and interrogate the hell out of me whether you want her to or not." Masamune deadpanned.
Ritsu groaned and slumped against Masamume, knowing that he was right. "Maybe I should just test the waters first? It doesn't seem fair to throw all of us in at once."
Masamune hesitated to agree, subconsciously playing with Ritsu's hair. "I want to be there." He said firmly. "I understand you're worried, but like you said, things could go wrong and I want to be there for you if they do."
"You're only one door away." Ritsu said.
"Too far." Masamune insisted, pressing a kiss to Ritsu's forehead.
Ritsu rolled his eyes, trying hard not to smile. "You're absolutely ridiculous."
"Mhm. Besides, I can't charm the hell out of your parents if I'm busy next door worrying about you."
"Oh, is that your plan? To be all cool and suave until they can't possibly reject our relationship?" Ritsu asked sarcastically.
"Yes, exactly."
Ritsu shook his head before he refocused and took a deep breath. "How's this weekend?"
"I can do this weekend." Masamune said.
"I'll invite them to my place for dinner and hopefully it will be totally boring and uneventful and they won't care about us being together at all."
"Yeah, the woman who has hounded you about marriage for over ten years is going to not care about you being in a romantic relationship." Masamune said sarcastically.
Ritsu groaned loudly.
Masamune chuckled. "What about your dad? How do you think he'll react?"
"No idea, which is honestly worse."
"We'll handle it." Masamune promised and sealed it with a kiss.
"I can't do this, I think I should call them and cancel, tell them I'm sick." Ritsu said as he and Masamune cooked dinner together. Technically it wouldn't be a lie since Ritsu was feeling pretty nauseous.
Ritsu had spent all day yesterday making sure his apartment was spotless and then earlier today he and Masamune had gone grocery shopping together since Ritsu’s options for dinner had been a little slim.
"Oh, yeah, tell your mom that you're sick, I'm sure that will make her stay away instead of making her want to come over more." Masamune said sarcastically.
"You're no help."
"I thought I was being a lot of help, unless you wanna cut the onions." Masamune said, not looking up from the cutting board where he was working on the veggies.
Ritsu huffed and turned away to sit at the kitchen table, putting his head in his hands. He couldn't do this, he was such an idiot for ever thinking that he could. Introducing his parents to Masamune? He had never even mentioned liking men to them! And now suddenly he was going to announce that he had a boyfriend! There was only one way this could go: badly.
"Hey," Masamune said softly, abandoning his cutting station to sit next to him. "Its gonna be okay."
"You don't know that."
"I know, and honestly I'm kind of freaking out too. I don't think there's anything that could prepare me for meeting your parents. I want them to like me, I want them to think I'm a good fit for you because I know they're always going to be a big part of your life. Even if they can be a little overbearing, they love you, and it would kind of really suck if the people who loved you the most hated me." Masamune said. "But, either way I know that no matter what happens we'll still be together and for me that's enough." Masamune placed a comforting hand on Ritsu's knee.
"Even if my mom spends every single family gathering trying to drive you away? Even if she keeps trying to set me up on blind dates? Or, worse, tries to convince my dad to mess with your work?"
"Ritsu, the only thing your mom could do to keep me away from you is put out a hit on me."
"Don't joke about that."
"Oh come on, your parents don't have that many connections." Masamune said. "...right?"
"I really couldn't tell you."
"Jesus Christ." Masamune said, breathing through a laugh. "Look, the point is; we're gonna be okay."
Ritsu placed his hand on top of Masamune's and gave it a squeeze as he slowly nodded. "Okay...okay." He said. "Let's hurry and finish dinner then. My mom likes to get places early."
Masamune smiled softly and stole a swift kiss before happily helping Ritsu in the kitchen once more.
Eventually, there came a knock at the door. "I'll keep an eye on the food while you go get it." Masamune said. Dinner was just nearly done.
Ritsu swallowed hard and nodded, turning to leave the kitchen.
"Wait." Masamune grabbed his hand and kissed him quickly. "For good luck." He winked.
"Y-You're such an idiot." Ritsu scolded before quickly going to the front door and opening it.
Youko and Tatsuo Onodera stood side by side at Ritsu's door. Youko broke out into a smile and threw her arms around Ritsu before anyone could get a word out.
"H-Hi, mom." Ritsu smiled nervously as he hugged her back. "Hi, dad." He said to Tatsuo over Youko's shoulder as he was still being tightly squeezed.
"You feel skinny." Youko said as soon as she pulled away, pouting at her son. Ritsu was not surprised to be scolded instead of greeted, but he knew his mother meant well.
"Well, its a good thing I've invited you over to eat then. Come in." Ritsu said with a sheepish expression, attempting to play it off.
"It smells good." Tatsuo said.
"Ritsu, don't tell me you've left the food unattended for long." Youko said worriedly as they shuffled toward the kitchen.
"No." Ritsu's hands started to shake. "The foods being watched. Right now. B-by my b-boyfriend."
""Boyfriend?!"" Both Youko and Tatsuo exclaimed.
"How long has this been a thing?" Tatsuo asked.
"Oh...ten years or so..."
"Ten YEARS?!" Youko had heard enough, marching into the kitchen with her husband and son following not far behind.
"M-Mom, wait, maybe we should talk a little more-"
"You." Youko pointed accusingly at Masamune. "Are you my son's so called partner?"
"I am. My name is Takano Masamune, it's nice to-"
"Takano? I'm not familiar with that name. What's your family background?" Youko interrupted.
Masamune blinked, glancing between Ritsu and his parents, a little confused by the question. "Uh, my mother is a lawyer and my step father is a doctor, but I'm not on speaking terms with either of them."
"A boy with a troubled family history? Hardly seems like a good choice for a partner." Youko commented to Ritsu.
"Mother! That's incredibly rude!" Ritsu defended Masamune immediately. What was she even going on about?
"What do you do for a living?" Youko asked Masamune.
Masamune played along with her questions as he didn't know what else to do. "I'm the editor in chief for Marukawa Publishing's shoujo manga department: Emerald."
"Emerald? Onodera Ritsu, do you mean to tell me that you are dating your boss?" Youko said, putting her hands on her hips.
"I've heard about the great things you've done for Emerald, Takano." Tatsuo admitted. "But it does seem to be a conflict of interest to be dating a subordinate."
"I've been in love with him since I was twelve! Way before he ever became my boss!" Ritsu said quickly before a realization dawned on him. "Wait...these are the things you're upset about? His family and his job?"
"They're very important things to consider when picking a partner, Ritsu." Youko said. "You know, if you had told me that you were rejecting all those lovely girls because they were girls I could have been setting you up with perfectly charming and handsome men!" Youko pouted.
Ritsu wanted to laugh. And cry. And hug his mom and kiss Masamune and melt into the floor in total relief.
"I'm sorry, but I'll have to object to any matchmaking sessions." Masamune jumped in.
Youko frowned sternly at him. "Just what exactly makes you worthy of my one and only son?"
"I know I'm not the kind of person that you would normally want for Ritsu, but I love him. I've loved him for over ten years and there's nothing that could ever stop me from loving him. I will always, always take care of him and make him happy and if there ever comes a day that I don't then please feel free to come back and snatch him away from me because just like you I think Ritsu only deserves the best. I will always be loyal, reliable, and honest with him. And, if you'd still like to join us for dinner, I can show you that I'm not completely useless around a kitchen."
Youko did not move, nor did her disapproving expression melt away, but Tatsuo stepped forward to put a hand on his wife's shoulder.
"So, ten years huh? That's a long time. Why don't you tell us how this all started?" He smiled as he ushered his wife to sit down.
Ritsu beamed, tearing up a bit.
"Well, I was in our school's library..."
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cwispyhologwam · 3 years
Admit it. Rick Sanchez X F!Reader
Word count: 2,382
Rick was... out of it, I guess you could say he was still himself, but not really he just seemed, off. When Morty tried to ask if anything was wrong, Rick would respond in a "normal" Rick way but, it seemed forced. It was barely noticeable but he could tell, even though after Rick basically told him to fuck off he dropped it. It was just after the whole incident with Unity, which didn't make sense to Morty because it seemed like Rick had gotten what he needed and wanted from her, or it, or they, he didn't really know how to refer to the entity, but that's besides the point.
He had spent the whole night in the garage when Morty woke up for school the next morning he found his grandfather passed out at his work bench with a strange device looming over his head. Morty didn't know why but looking at it sent dread coursing through his body, he had a feeling he knew someone who could help him and his grandpa. She was... Rick's friend? (Y/n) (L/n), well honestly he didn't know what their relationship was at the moment, because a few years ago she used to visit daily but again that was years ago, he thinks they might have gotten in a fight or something. But if anyone could help him, it was her.
So he asked his mom to give him a ride to her house, but it took some convincing because what mother wouldn't question why her 14 year old son is going to a 23 year olds house by himself, like what kinda porn set up type bullshit, but after he explained his concerns for his grandpa she agreed. Once he got there he told his mom he would get a ride home and she complied and left. He rang the doorbell of the large house and waited, once the door opened he felt like all the air had been knocked out of his lungs.
She was absolutely gorgeous, her (S/C) skin looked so beautiful in the sun's light and her (long,short,medium) (straight,curly,wavey, kinky) (H/C) hair was beautiful. She was (Tall/short) and (Skinny,medium,thick) it made Morty wonder if her and Rick were ever more than friends at one point. What really got to him was what she was wearing, it was a matching set, a long sleeve sweater and shorts  "Morty? Hello? You alright there kid?" He snapped out of his trance and nodded "Sorry, and sorry again for showing up unannounced but i need your help."
She looked at him for a couple of seconds before sighing "Listen first come in it's weird talking outside like this, and second, if this has anything to do with Sanchez I'm sorry but i can't help you." He frowned, why did she call him Sanchez? And why did her (E/C) eyes look so sad when she said it? He came in and she led him to her living room where they sat on the couch "So what happened?" He asked her, he really thought if he knew why she suddenly stopped talking to Rick he would be able to help "Morty, i guarantee if Rick is going through something right now it hasn't got anything to do with me, we haven't talked in years."
How did she know? "How do you know that's the problem?" he asked, she giggled playfully rolling her eyes at him "Rick and i used to work together, well if you could really even call it that, it was more like working next to each other and having conversations. But we were also intimate with each other and i know the only reason you would be here without him is because there's a problem concerning him."
His eyes widened if Rick worked with her that could only mean that she was a genius too, so if they were partners and lovers in one way or another then how could she not be the problem? But then again they hadn't talked in years. She was right there was no way she could be the cause of his grandpa acting strange. With that he felt pretty much defeated, what now? He didn't know how to contact anyone else or even who to talk to, it took him almost two weeks just to find her and she lived on earth there was no way in fuck he’d be able to get in contact with anyone else without Rick.
"So what do i do now (Y/N)? I just want grandpa Rick to go back to normal, I can tell he’s faking being his old self." He sighed and dropped his head, his shoulders slumped, he resembled a kicked puppy in all honesty, they stood in silence for a while before she sighed, "Have you met Unity? Or has he talked to them recently?" she asked with an almost sour look on her face, Morty nodded "Well there you go, she probably fucked him then left again" Morty had an oo0oh moment and nodded.
"Just like all things he'll get over it, now i think it's about time i take you back home yeah?" He nodded, but now he felt kind of bad she seemed really, bothered by something . "(Y/N) have you ever liked Rick? Or you know when you used to come over a lot were you together?" He asked as they walked out the door and to her car. "Yes, we did date at the time, well what i thought was dating until he bluntly told me it was nowhere near that and i was just quote un quote, "something to do." As they got in the car Mortys mouth dropped open no wonder she just disappeared from their life like that.
"i-im sorry Rick’s a real dick sometimes" she shrugged and focused her eyes on the road, ”Listen Morty your grandpa is a lot of things, a dick especially, and when it comes to emotions, especially his own, he becomes a coward, please Morty i know you've picked up about 300 shitty casualties from him but avoid that like your life depends on it. Okay? Or at least promise to try?” Morty could tell how serious she was without even looking at her.
 The rest of the ride was silent, once she pulled into the driveway of Morty’s house she groaned seeing that the garage was open and Rick was standing in front of it. With his arms crossed, the moment his eyes landed on (Y/n) she felt her stomach drop, her hands were shaking, which Morty noticed. "Fuck me" she said under her breath, Morty got out the car but she stayed still almost frozen. "B-Bout damn time yo-ughh- you got here." Morty groaned "How did you even know I left?" Rick rolled his eyes "your mom o-obviously di-ugh-dipshit." Morty shook his head and waved goodbye to (y/n).
She waved back, she jumped when she realized Rick was now at her window motioning for her to get out she rolled her eyes before reluctantly getting out. He looked her up and down before stopping and staring at her lips, his eyes just sat there for a good minute before she cleared her throat. "Did you have something to say or did you just wanna stand here lookin’ stupid?" He scoffed before taking a swig of his flask "Y-You know yo-ughhh you never wer- seemed like one to hold a g-grudge. Thought yo-you wou-ughh would have got- been over it b-by now."
she stared at him with a blank expression before she back handed him sending him stumbling "wha-what the fuck!?" he exclaimed as he looked at her he was gonna say more till he noticed the tears streaming down her expressionless face "How long have we known each other rick?" he looked at her questionably "hey y-your ughh c--" she cut him off her voice a little louder than before "How fucking long rick?" he stood up right and looked into her watery (e/c) eyes as he held his cheek. "5 years" she nodded "and how many times in those 5 years did you introduce me to the many girls you fucked, the girls you ploughed mindlessly just to get off?”
he looked at her questionably again "none." he said simply "how many of them did you introduce to birdperson, or squanchy, or the people you know from other fuckin universes, Matter of fuckin’ fact, how many of those whores did you see walking around with different dimension ricks at the citadle?" he didn't have to think at all before saying "none" she nodded
"Rick not only, not fuckin’ only did you introduce me to squanchy, birdperson, and other Rick’s and their (y/n), when you decided you were ready to go back into Beths life you introduced me to your family, to your only daughter, to your nephew, your niece, and the dickhead that you cant fuckin’ stand for knockin you daughter up, that that in itself should be enough proof that im not just a hole off the street for you to have fun with" he stood silently still looking into her (e/c) eyes.
"And that the crazy fuckin’ thing rRick! not once did we even have sex, we never went further than sleep naked together! So for you to have looked me directly in my fucking face, and tell me that I was simply something to do didn't hurt, what hurt was the fact that you lied! You lied Rick! Straight through yo motha fuckin’ teeth! The fact that you're a genius doesn't mean shit to me when you don't even have the damn brain capacity to admit when you care about someone! You are a fuckin coward! I know you're scared to be hurt again, fine! But dont fucking pussy out and act like the shit that we had meant nothing!"
Rick was at a lost for words he didn't want to get attached to anyone since Diane and he knew that, he watched as (Y/n) wiped the tears from her eyes ``It hurts like a bitch to love someone so much, and to know that they love you back but won't admit it, it just makes you feel like they’re ashamed of you, like you're ashamed of me, Rick i asked for nothing when we first met." she sighed
“I told you that i just wanted to learn, you took that as if i can get the bitch to trust me enough i can eventually fuck her, yet you never even made a move Rick, your exact words were, i dont want you talking to anyone else, and i accepted that as your fucked up way of asking me out. i never once asked to label us because i already knew what we were, i thought i actually meant something to you.” The two sat in silence for a couple minutes she had hoped he would say something, and when he didn't she shook her head and got ready to get back in her car " I have to go, tell Morty to come see me whenever i guess." she turned ready to get in her car till she fell through a lime green portal. She landed in Rick's room, on his bed to be exact Rick soon came in after opening another portal and walked through.
“When normal people want to talk they usually use their words.” she said as she rolled her eyes and stoop up intending to leave, she wasn't the person she was 5 years ago, he couldn't kiss and caress his way out of this one. She was sick of him talking his way out of things his words couldn't be trusted and his actions were misleading so at this point fuck it, fuck him, fuck his hugs, his kisses, his scent, fuck the way he looked at her with longing eyes and made her weak in the knees. 
Fuck everything, enough was enough, either he wanted to be with her, or he didnt those were his options, she hadnt even realized tears were freely falling down her (S/C) cheeks, she was shaking, she had tried to pursue a relationship with at least 10 other men and it all failed, she was taping her foot fast with her arms crossed as she kept looking at the ground 
She didnt want him to see her like that the man had barely said a fuckin word and here she stood crying her eyes out, damn near hyperventilating “I’m sorry … you’re right, i am a fuckin coward and everything you said is true … fuck this is making me nauseous, all this sappy bullshit, to sum up this shit show of our relationship i love you, i am a cunt for pulling that bullshit, like you didnt mean anything to me because unfortunately you do, i gave into the pathetic chemical reaction that makes me just as human and vulnerable as the rest of our shitty race, hell i might even be a little less Rick because of this shit but if it means you wont disappear again …. It's worth it.”
She slowly approached Rick and buried her face in his chest as she cried, finally the dickhead admitted to well, being a dickhead and a liar, and a coward, and a cunt pussy shit fuck bastard, and his way of apologizing, it was.. Shitty but that's what she expected, he held her tightly kissing the top of her head inhaling her sent messaging her scalp through her (kinky,curly,thick,straight) hair
Once again they'd be sharing the night together she already knew he wasn't letting her leave so after she had stopped crying and did all the things she needed to do before she went to sleep she crawled into bed with him usually shed sleep on his chest but tonight rick insisted on sleeping on her chest probably his way of making sure she stayed there. Of course the two were butterball ass naked it was the only way she could sleep, “i love you” rick said just as she was drifting to sleep she smiled and kissed his forehead “i love you too.”  
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maccreadysimp · 3 years
breaking down this anti-ian article bc it bothers me ( from the child of a bipolar mother and a male teen with same sex attraction ) while also providing valid reasons ian sucks ( from someone who likes ian )
ive had this drafted for a while so i dont think i cover anything from season 11
tw for i^cest and r^pe
he was with a married man
in this point it points out that he was with kash and he continued his relationship with kash even after linda put cameras in the store
“Ian didn't seem to care about how wrong his affair with Kash was or how much it could hurt Kash's wife Linda, whom he saw at the store regularly. “
that is a quote from that part.
ian gallagher was fifteen in season one, kash was an older man who bought him gifts and payed attention to ian ,, that was not on ian , none of that was ian fault because he was a child
ian wasnt open with lip
“ Ian didn't tell Lip about his preferences and forced Lip to figure it out on his own. Lip was instantly accepting of his brother's truth and even offered to help him figure out any confusion he might be harboring, so it's really strange that Ian wasn't just upfront with his closest confidant from the start.”
no , lip wasnt forced to figure it out on his own and he also wasn’t instantly accepting.
in this point it mentions that ‘they’re extremely close ( bestfriends and brothers ) so its strange ian didnt tell him’
like point 1 , ian is a fifteen year old boy, growing up on the southside , and thoughout the show it has mentioned multiple times that the southside isnt that accepting
back to lip -- lip wasnt accepting, sure he was fine but ‘helping your younger brother figure it out’ by having a (female) classmate give him a blowjob isnt helping
he secretly dated his best friends brother
“Most friends have an unspoken rule about not dating each other's siblings, but Ian broke this rule by secretly entering into a relationship with Mandy's closeted brother Mickey.”
the only thing i have to say about this is , he was still with kash and mickey was a boy in his age group who was gay , growing up in the southside ian probably thought he was the token gay so of course hes going to chase after mickey
he stood by as kash attacked mickey
“Ian didn't do anything to stop Kash from shooting his new lover, and didn't even tell the police about his boss' over-the-top display of jealous action so proper justice could be served.”
okay. because two men he had fallen for had gotten into a fight, there was a gun involved and he panicked, in the end after mickey got shot he went to him
now to address the quote, he didnt say anything to the police because he probably knew that that would bring shame onto kash and his family, along with mickey and his family who are very homophobic
oh yeah and it was like 2011 and cops suck and THEY LIVE ON THE SOUTHSIDE
he and lip tried framing terry milkovich
oh the homophobic and racist dad of his boyfriend and bestfriend who tried to kill him and r*ped his daughter ?
yeah , shit man , that was real bad they shouldn’t have done that /s
he dated jimmy-steves married father
“Ian didn't bother telling Jimmy the truth about his father and didn't end his relationship with Lloyd upon finding out that he had a secret wife and family, either.”
at this point ian is probably sixteen but that doesnt matter bc i wont even address that
he met him at a club and then used his relationship with ned to make mickey jealous which was one of the reasons he kept seeing him, he didnt tell jimmy-steve about the relationship or his father bc he shouldnt find out from him he should find out from his father , again like kash, ned was an older man who payed attention to ian and ned later did develop feelings feelings for ian
he stole lips identity to enlist in the army
he enlisted because he didnt know what to do with himself, its implied/stated that the army timeline was the start of his bipolar
“While impersonating Lip, Ian had tried to steal a helicopter and then proceeded to go AWOL.”
this is because of the bipolar he suffers from, it is referenced later in the series after he gets back and hes manic
ian refused to accept being bipolar
of course he didnt accept it, it is made very clear that his family thinks lowly of monica so of course if hes the lucky duck to get what his siblings demonize her for, of course he’ll not want to be it
“He refused to take medications that could alter his personality or mood.”
okay. this is why im making this whole post, this goes along with part 15 ( or so idk ) ,,
my mother , my dear mother, who is bipolar and doesnt take her meds because they are mood altering , my mom doesnt take med because she told me once that they make her feel like shit, she told me that a little after i was born she started taking them but realized she felt nothing, she felt nothing for my dad or for i ( making her numb )
she told me anti deppresents dont help either because when shes on them and manic it pushes her past productive and into angry
my dad told me that when my mom was on bi polar medication she would seem angry most of the time
he wasnt faitful to mickey
“Ian's bipolar disorder made him very reckless and impulsive and led him to be unfaithful.”
lets break that down.
ians. bipolar. disorder.
this plot point i actually didnt like, mainly bc ian never addresses it so ill give the article a point. but then i take away 2 because they have more of a problem with his bipolar messing with him rather than the fact he never apologized and they never worked it out
ian stole yevgeny
before i start quoting i should mention because his boyfriend, who has supported and helped him is suddenly telling him he needs help, he was helping raise yev so he’ll see yev as his own
“Ian failed to recognize just how crazy he was acting...”
cuting you off right there , he was in a bipolar state, he wasnt ‘crazy’ and isnt ‘crazy’
he cant even keep count of his number of partners
just slutshaming i see
he helped throw frank off a bridge
“His relationship with Frank was understandably never the same after that, as Frank struggled to get over this act of betrayal and cruelty.”
‘was never the same after that’ frank never liked ian, ian was probably his least favorite and that point is very apparent
also , it wasnt just ian , his siblings and his boyfriend caleb
he left a healthy relationship to be with mickey
he fell in love with mickey at 15 , mickey was a comfort and always someone to fall back on, when mickey was taken away and no longer in the picture his heart still obviously was with mickey and when mickey came back he didnt know what to do
he told mickey he had a boyfriend but because mickey has been such a constant in his life he finally has back of course he couldnt resist
he liked trevor, i could tell he did but trevor wasnt the one he watched get r^ped by a russian prostitute, he wasnt the one ian was secretly dating bc it would be a death wish other wise, he wasnt the one there when ian was manic or depressive ( at the start )
he tried blackmailing an old client for money
“Instead of raising the money in an honest manner, Ian chose to visit an old client from his time working at the Fairy Tail and blackmail him into funding the shelter.”
because he felt indebted to trevor and wanted to make it up to him, it would have taken longer to do it in ‘an honest manner’ when his sister would have gotten it instead, he knew how much gay youths like he once was needed a safe place
“He grew up wanting to be nothing like his father, but this whole money-making scheme was straight out of the Frank playbook”
because thats all he knows, he grew up with that ‘playbook’ so of course hes going to take a page out of it, he is nothing like frank , franks money making schemes are selfish and for his own greed while ian wanted the money to help build a safe space for lgbt youth
he let fame inflate his ego
of course he did, hes a southside kid who was destined to fail
also it is very apparent that during the gay jesus era he went off his medication which didnt help
“Before long, he just completely forgot about his ex and focused solely on being a deity”
as much as yes, he did let it mess with his head, he was trying to still help lgbt youth and was going against anti gay churchs , in the end it didnt work out for him because he was off his meds and went over board
he stopped taking his meds
see previous point and ‘ian refused to accept being bipolar’
he actually wanted to stay in prison
because he was doing good in there
ian was helping others and was spreading awareness about lgbt with in the prison , and as him and jail scenes go , we can see people were listening to him and he was trying to make it safe sane and consensual
he let down his army of followers
“Ian admitted that most of his actions were completely irrational and the mere results of his bipolar disorder.”
he didnt want to, we can see this, because he knew he would let down everyone, his family were the only ones to ever ground him and they knew it would be the best option for his own mental health
during the gallavich wedding we can see that a lot of his supporters still have his back because they must know how hard it was for him to put all of that success on something he can’t control
he constantly wasted his potential
this is actually the only point in this article i actually agree with , so only 1/20 i agree with
his relationship with mickey wasn’t actually great
“Mickey spent the first several years of their relationship denying his feelings for Ian.”
he was raised by a homophobic and racist father who he knew would react the way he did when terry had caught the two that one day
“Even after he finally embraced his true self, Ian's bipolar disorder kept them from becoming truly happy together.”
yes but mickey was there for him the entire time and helped him through it, he told him he loved him which was really big for him and did his best to care for him
“They couldn't seem to remain faithful to each other for more than a few weeks.”
back to the point about ians bipolar but for mickey he wanted monogamy , now that scene in s11 may say otherwise but it is very clear that he wants a monogamous relationship with ian and ian ( after getting help ) wants one too, and in the later seasons they are monogamous
“When Mickey asked Ian to run away to Mexico with him, Ian refused.”
he wanted to, it’s obvious, but ian has his family and didnt want to abandon them again, i think part of him knew he would see mickey again because they always find eachother, he gave mickey all of his money and wanted mickey to have a good life
“Their relationship was simply never healthy.”
no it wasnt, but thats why the ship is great in its own way, the gay closet kid raised by a homophobic man is obviously going to have a lot of baggage , and ian who is bipolar and struggling with himself will also have a lot of baggage , but in the end they love eachother and that really shows in season five and season seven specifically
that is all lol ,,, this is long sorry
now, i am not a ian apologist , i love ian but hes a dumbass sometimes
actual valid reasons ian sucks
genuinely believes frank is worse than terry
yes frank was definitely abusive but terry is definitely worse ,,
mentally/physically/sexually abusive , the whole nine yards
terry hired a prostitute to r^pe his son , threatened to kill him and ian on multiple occasions , r^ped his daughter who ended up pregnant and is actively racist
frank on the other hand will make gay jokes but in the end doesnt give enough of a shit , he has attacked his children on multiple occasions but not to the brutality that terry has ( this isnt me excusing it )
sorry ian , terry is worse
never apologized
he never apologized for all the shit he put mickey and his family through, never apologized to mickey for cheating on him , never apologized for all the manic and depressive episodes mickey endured with him
never apologized for walking away when he couldn’t handle it, in hall of shame mickey actually acknowledges this saying ‘its youre whole MO’
debbies sexuality
he has constantly made statements saying debbie isnt gay and that bothers me because , why does it care ? as a gay man and as a gay man who soent time with a lot of lgbt youth wouldnt he support his sister even if shes just ‘experimenting’?
in the recent season he doesnt seem to care and doesn’t say anything but it still bothers me
mickey only getting like 80% of his heart
okay look , i get what ian means when he says this , everyones hes been with has made him who he is but fucking hell dude ,, shut up , thats your husband , thats the love of your life you shouldnt be saying shit like that , especially to him
and then this man had the audacity to say mickey probably feels the same about past flings when he knows that ian is the only one hes probably ever been with/serious about
obviously there is probably more but those are the main ones that come to mind
before anyone brings up the trans or bi thing im going to explain my thought process for him
like ive probably mentioned multiple times he grew up southside and obviously only ever grew up with lgb and not t ,, trevor did inform him a lot and ian became supre accepting of everyone,, sexual preference isnt transphobic but i do think he approached the matter badly
now the bi thing , legit all i think is that he doesnt hate bisexual people its just that the man he really liked slept with a woman and never expressed any heterosexual attraction so it probably just suprised him and pissed him off because caleb did cheat on ian
if you read this far HOLY SHIT THANKS LOL ,, im not adding things that i think are pro about ian this was just me breaking down that article and giving my two cents :)
feel free to message me and talk to me or send me articles like this about any other character/relationship and i will totally break that one down too lol
thanks for letting me rant
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horce-divorce · 2 years
i have my Big appt w the Gender Doctor tomorrow... I've already had my letter and my "diagnosis" (fun fact: they actually asked me if it was ok to diagnose me w dysphoria or w/e, they seem to be aware of the controversy around pathologising language) as well as gotten my levels checked.. i am pretty sure this is the last thing is this big visit where he has to explain everything incl needles, get my consent, and all that shit
soooo... I think im about to start T????? scrreeeeee
lil rant about my nervs under the cut
im very nervous, more about my pharmacy & my family than anything actually related to T. ive had issues w the pharmacy just trying to get my birth control and normal meds (like they'd give me my meds but would straight up "forget" my birth control... very relevant: we have about 100 fundie churches in this town and some actual bona fide fundamentalists cults as well. its not a large town). plus theyve been constantly understaffed and have taken up to a week to fill my scripts. my friend a few towns over gets his stuff from WG and sometimes they give him the wrong needle sizes which seemingly is smth that happens to trans folks a lot... i am prepared to switch pharmacies and/or go running to corporate like a Karen if they give me issues, but i've never had to switch from walgreens before (only to a different wg?) so idk specifically what to do if that's the case
but anyway yeah. lil worried about pharmacy giving me the runaround. and a lil worried about my moms reaction. even tho she's been nothing but supportive, it still seems to surprise her when i talk about being trans. if I make a joke about how trans I was as a kid in hindsight, she's wont laugh along, she's kinda just like 😳 😳 and goes on w her day. but other times she'll bring it up?? one time she said something about "when youve got your van and are transitioning" like she doesnt think I'm transitioning right now lol. i think she's gonna be surprised to find out that im starting T now but fuck I waited 15 years. aint waiting any longer.
its just like. there is a non-zero chance she still has ties w folks from the west mich womyns music fest (good fucking riddance). we actually had a huge fight once (yearrrs ago) bc even in the midst of them going under BECAUSE of their transphobia, she kept trying to get me to support them "as a feminist."
so despite how supportive she's been and that she is absolutely trying I can just FEEL that there are still reservations she has that she simply doesn't want to talk about. she's not gonna tell me what to do w my body or any of my medical care. I'm an adult, and that's generally the rule in our house, but idk it's like. this tension in the air. i think she still separates my "being trans" from "me" in her head, and i think she does it w other folks too (my parents are HUGE fans of Eddie Izzard, esp her Dress to Kill special from back in the day. and yet cannot wrap their heads around her being trans. she's been out for like. 30 years. she doesnt make a secret of it). i feel kinda bad saying it bc she DOES try. she actually corrects my pronouns (and Eddie's!) more than anyone else in my family when others fuck it up. I just don't think she fully understands why she's doing it and im not sure if she cares to. challenge her notion of what a trans person is?
idk its pretty obvious when cis ppl are doing the whole "her > no, i have to overlay an image of a boy on the body that I am seeing bc You Are A Her Who Wants To Be a Him" or vice versa, instead of just "You Are Him". it's like they're trying to translate me into a different language without changing the words. does not compute.
ughhh idk. anyway i am just hoping that she can see how much of a change it makes for me and sees me being happier and calmer and stuff. i already have been WAY more chill even in the last 2 years just since being out. i think that it will make it easier for me to like. express emotions like love and gratitude? i think part of why i've always kinda felt stunted in that area or like I couldn't connect w my parents like I sometimes do w other people, was bc of being closeted.... if she sees me as an extension of herself, Her Daughter, and I cannot be myself fully and truthfully, how can i express my emotions fully and truthfully, they are a part of who I am? I've just been told many times by the world that expressing myself honestly makes other people uncomfortable... anger was the only thing i could reach for so long. oof.
its just funny (not ha-ha funny) how even after having a feminist mom who didnt make me dress girly as a kid; after having lived in a huge queer household; having almost exclusively queer friends for 10+ years; after having BEEN OUT in high school; and now, again, being in a supportive environment where everyone is trying to validate me... despite all of that I STILL find myself feeling guilty for transitioning, guilty for showing people who I am. wondering "Wouldnt it be easier if I didnt. Wouldnt it be better for everyone if I just let them think I was a girl. wouldnt it be easier to deal w my other medical stuff w/o being outed every time I go to a new Spectrum location. wouldnt it be easier for everyone who has to deal w grandpa right now. there's nothing wrong with being a girl. Maybe I could keep being a girl if I had to."
but i know that's not right. if I don't live my life at this point it will kill me faster than anything that's medically wrong with me. i am not a girl. trying to be a girl when I didnt want to be made me suicidal for years. it made me into a horrible person and informed all kinds of terrible decisions I wish I hadn't made.
i know that transitioning is the right thing. to be perfectly clear, I am nothing but excited about testosterone and ALL of the changes it will bring me, there is literally not a single one that I don't want, that I havent wanted with my entire being my WHOLE life. i know that i am doing the right thing because for the first time in my life these are choices I've made FOR ME, for no one else and for no purpose but for the joy and sense of peace and completeness that it brings me to know that I am trans.
my fear is that I won't be able to articulate that to other people. or that ill have 1 bad experience and regress to not being able to stand up for myself or w/e.
so yeah, nothing but actual love and excitement for my T appointment. im just outlining how much cis bullshit really ends up defining the experience of transition for so many of us, and how much anxiety and fear it can still impart. even when you surround yourself with queer and trans support, even when ppl in your life are being cool, even when you are SO SURE of who you are. despite all of that, I am still afraid I'll end up detransitioning because of other people's issues...
but tbf i kind of have this with everything. I move into a new place, it TERRIFIES me rather than brings me comfort. how am I going to lose this home, too, and how long do I have? i've never felt at home in my body before, and every time I thought I found/built a home, I lost it. I've been evicted and lost my housing so many times and... have kinda had the same thing happen w my body, in a sense. feeling like if I start trying to decorate how I want ill get in trouble somehow bc nothing good can truly last and there's always some higher authority to answer to... idk.
anyway I need a proper therapist obviously lmfao and I dont expect anyone to read this. to be clear I am mostly very excited and optimistc. just nervouscited u know what i mean
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alloftheimaginess · 4 years
Little Morgan
Tumblr media
Ooc Spencer Reid.
Wordcount : 2727
After filming her latest movie After, overseas for the last year 26 year old Yn Morgan was seen headed to Virginia
I hold my phone in my hand as I pose for pictures with the fans I ran into at the airport even though I look like a literal pile of shit. I work with what I have which is filters and when they are done taking photos on their phone I pull out my phone and I go to my Snapchat and I use my phone to take selfies with fans and I take like 8 before adding them to my Instagram story, getting all of their instagrams so that I can tag them.
"Arrived home to so much love. I love you all 😘💕" I add to my Instagram story as well.
"Thank you so much Yn" one of them says.
"Of course no problem" I say hugging them again before my phone starts going off.
"It was nice meeting you all, I'll follow you when I get home" I say walking off and picking up my phone.
"Hey dad" I say as soon as I pick up.
"Hey baby did you land?" He asks.
"Yeah, are you here?" I ask looking around as I grab my suitcase.
"Yeah, I'm walking up right now. I had to park pretty far" he says.
"Okay, I'm making my way to the entrance" I say putting my suitcase down and wheeling it behind me and when I see him, I run over to him and he catches he, pulling me into a hug and I hug him back.
"Hi daddy" I say kissing his head.
"Hey baby. How was the flight?" He asks and I smile at him.
"To be honest I don't know. I was so excited to see Hank that I slept the whole time because if I didn't I would have exploded" I say and he laughs.
"How long has it been?" He asks.
"I only seen him when he was in the hospital and then I was filming supernatural and then when that wrapped I had to fly out from Canada to London to start filming After" I say.
"It's going to be so good to see him in person and not just over FaceTime" I say and he grabs my suitcase.
"Well he's waiting so let's go" he says leading the way.
"Are you okay?" He asks as he gets in after putting my suitcases in the trunk and I nod.
"Yeah, it's just a little weird if I'm being honest" I say buckling up.
"I haven't seen Savannah in so long and I don't want to feel like I'm intruding" I say and he quickly shakes his head.
"I understand, it's a new place. But take your time it's no rush to get use to things. And it's only two weeks but if it was longer you wouldn't be intruding. She's waiting to get some girl time in with you" he says smiling at me before he drives off.
"A few of my former colleagues are coming over for dinner tonight. So I'm just letting you know so you have time to shower and get ready" he says.
"Thank you for the warning. I need time to get presentable" I say smiling at him.
"Welcome home" he says opening the door and I walk inside happy to finally be here instead of living out of a hotel for the past year and a half.
"You did such a good job with the house, it looks nothing like how it use to look" I say looking around.
"Hey sweetie" I hear and Savannah walks around the corner.
"Hey" I say and she hugs me and I hug her back.
"I just started dinner, so you have time to get ready" she says and I nod and Hank runs around the corner.
"Ynn" he says running over to me hugging me.
"Hi Bubba" I say picking him up.
"You've gotten some big and cute. How old are you now?" I ask kissing his head.
"I'm three" he says holding up four fingers and I put one down, smiling at him.
"That's so crazy. I remember seeing you in the hospital as a little baby" I say.
"You seen me in the hospital?" He asks and I nod.
"Yeah, I was one of the first people to hold you" I say brushing his hair out his face.
"Hank, let Yn go shower" Savannah says.
"We'll finish this conversation later" I say putting him down and holding out my fist and he fist bumps me before running off into the kitchen.
"Everything is pretty much exactly where it was it's just updated so you should have no problem finding your way" my dad says and I turn to him nodding.
"Okay" I say going up the stairs to shower and get ready.
I walk down the stairs and I hear a lot of talking and laughing and I tug on my dress before walking around the corner "hey Yn come here" my dad says opening his arms and I walk over and he hugs me, wrapping one arm around my shoulder.
"This is my best friend Penelope, Penelope this is my daughter Yn" he says introducing me to the first person I see.
"You didn't tell me your daughter was the Yn Morgan" she says and I smile at her.
"Well I feel like I'm the only one" I say laughing.
"But it's nice to meet you" I say going to shake her hand but she pulls me into a hug.
"You are so beautiful" she says and I hug her back.
"Thank you" I say smiling at her.
"This is Matt and his wife Kristy, Hotch and his wife Renae, Luke, Tara, Rossi, JJ and her husband Will, Emily and Spencer" he says introducing me to everyone and I shake all of their hands.
"It's really good to meet you all" I say smiling at them.
"I'm with Penelope here. You didn't tell us who your daughter actually was" Luke says and I turn to my dad.
"It never came up" he says and Renae laughs.
"Never came up? We've known you for like 17 years" she says.
"Geez it's almost like you're embarrassed of me" I joke and he laughs rolling his eyes.
"How long are you with your dad?" Matt asks.
"Two weeks, I'm off from filming for a while so I decided to visit them" I say and he smiles at me and I smile back and Savannah hands me a glass of wine and I sip on it.
"You're an actress right?" Kristy asks and I nod.
"Yeah I am" I say smiling at her.
"What's that like?" She asks.
"When I was younger it was a really hard time for me, I started out on a show and then my mom made me join another cast at the same time and I was doing two shows at once and I wasn't use to it so I was very moody and always tired and then after that I did a season of a show and I was quickly done with that because it sucked so I moved on to movies to let myself relax" I say taking a sip of my wine.
"And you do both now right?" JJ asks.
"Yeah, recently I started doing tv again" I say.
"You were in the Netflix series. I think it was called a Time" Will says and I nod.
"Yeah, that's what made me want to start tv again and then I did a show called euphoria with one of my best friends who is like a little sister to me and then I did supernatural and went to work on a movie" I say.
"My girlfriend and I watched Euphoria" Tara says.
"What did you think?" I ask.
"You were so good. We talked about how you and Zendaya played the roles you got so good that it seemed so real" she says and I laugh awkwardly because for me it is very real.
"She told me the day she started filming that Savannah and I weren't allowed to watch it" my dad says wrapping his arm around Savannah.
"Her parts in the show weren't as bad as others but yeah as her parents I wouldn't watch it" she says and everyone laughs.
"What else are you in?" Spencer asks.
"Im in a new series called the umbrella academy. It came out earlier this year and I occasionally do a show called 9-1-1" I say.
"So you've been busy?" Renae asked and I nod.
"Extremely, but I like it. It helps me stay active so I don’t have rid to start thinking" I say drinking the last of my wine.
"I'm going to get a refill. Does anyone need anything?" I ask and they all shake their head continuing on the conversation and I go into the kitchen and I go to the wine and I pour me a glass and I take the plastic baggie out my bra and I put a little on my finger and I stick the bag back in my bra and I hear the door open so I brush it off and I look up to see Spencer and he smiles at me and I smile back.
"Hey" I say.
"Hi, can you top me off?" He asks setting his cup on the island and I nod pouring him a glass and I sit on the cabinet refilling mine.
"So Spencer" I say smiling at him.
"Yeah?" He asks, awkwardly smiling back.
"What do you like to do in your free time?" I ask.
"I don't really get free time but I guess I would have to say I like to read" he says.
"Oh yeah I can see that" I say and I grab my purse that’s on the far end of the cabinet, pulling the book out.
"You've probably read this but if you haven't you should give it a read and let me know what you thought about it. I just finished reading it on the flight here" I say handing it to him.
"How am I going to do that?" He asks and I pull a pen out and I open the front of the book, quickly writing my number in the top of the front cover.
"There you go. I don't know how fast you read but it took me three days so I'll be waiting on the call" I say.
"It's actually not going to take me that long" he says opening the front page again and he reads the first and second page in like 30 seconds.
"Oh my god I totally forgot you're like a genius" I say and he laughs.
"I'm not a genius" he says.
"Something only a genius would say" I say laughing and he looks up as I'm drinking my wine.
"Are you sure you want to give this to me?" He asks and I nod.
"I mean it's a bit too late, I was trying to be cute and write my number down" I say and he blushes a little.
"Yeah, you're right" he says quietly and I giggle.
"Hey, nothing to be embarrassed about" I say holding up my wine glass and I nod to him and he holds his up.
"Here's to fast friend outside of our careers and good books" I say and he taps his glass against mine at the same time I go to tap mine against his and I fall forward applying too much pressure and I catch myself but I break both glasses and the wine falls out and I instantly start laughing.
"Oh my god, I am so sorry" I say and he laughs with me and I jump down to grab some paper towels so I can clean up and he helps me and I hear the door open and I look up.
"Everything okay in here?" Savannah asks and I look up quickly over the island.
"Mhm" I say.
"All is good" Spencer says and she raises a brow.
"Whatever you heard nothing is broke" I say and she laughs.
"If you need another glass they are in the cabinet beside the stove" she says and the door closes and I finish cleaning and I sit back on the floor, with my back pressed against the island and Spencer grabs us more glasses and refills them and sits beside me handing me one.
"Thank you" I say and he smiles at me.
"Here's to fast friends outside of our careers, good books and extra wine glasses" he says and I snort laughing.
"Here here" I say gently tapping his glass and we both drink at the same time.
"Anyone ever tell you how easy it is to get along with you?" I ask and he quickly shakes his head laughing.
"Never and you only say that because I've had to stop myself from pulling out all the ramblings and unwanted facts" he says and I laugh.
"Don't let me stop you, I'd love to hear some of your best facts" I say and he smiles at me and I smile back and I start to lean in and the door opens and we both quickly pull away.
"And that's when I walked out of the Emmy's" I say and my dad clears his throat and I stand up.
"What's going on in here?" He asks.
"Well I was coming in here to refill my glass" I say.
"20 minutes ago" he says.
"And Spencer came in and we started talking and I gave him a book and then I went to cheers his glass and I broke both of ours and had to clean it up and then savannah came in and told us where the spare glasses were and then we refilled our glasses" I say and Spencer stands up.
"Leave them alone" Savannah says coming in to check dinner and I laugh at my dads face and Spencer's phone goes and he looks at it and he sighs.
"I have to go" he says and my dad nods.
"I'll walk you out" I say.
"You don't have to" he says.
"I know but I want to" I say.
"Be careful and I'll see you Sunday" my dad says hugging Spencer who hugs him back and then he hugs savannah as I walk into the living room.
"There you are Yn" Penelope says and I smile.
"I'll be right back to talk, I'm going to walk Spencer out" I say and she nods and Spencer comes to say bye to everyone and I walk him out.
"It was nice getting to meet you, you are way cooler than what I've heard" I say laughing and he laughs and it dies down and it gets awkward.
"Okay I'm just going to come out and say it because I've learned my whole life to just be bold but I like you, like really like you and the time I've talked to you has been the most fun I've had in like the past year and I know it might be weird because our age gap and the fact that I'm Derek's daughter and you're probably taken because only an idiot would ever turn you down and now I'm regretting even saying anything about liking you but it's true and I'm sorry if things are weird between us now but I thought we were having a moment in the kitchen earlier but I'm an idiot and I don't actually know if it was what I-" he cuts my endless rambling off with a kiss and I kiss him back before he pulls away.
"I'm sorry I don't know why I did that" he says.
"It's okay, I don't mind" I say smiling at him.
"I wouldn't normally do that but there's just something about you" he says and I push his hair out of his face, my smile growing bigger and I clear my throat.
"I should head back inside before they get suspicious but call me when you finish the book" I say and he squeezes my hand and I smile at him running back inside and when I get into the house I watch him pull off and I shut the door.
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Reincarnation au part 3
After quite the tiring day, Max at last got to walk around the city as he always did. That is when he felt his phone buzz in his pocket.
Max wasn’t necessarily expecting any texts or calls, and immediately assumed it was Augustin, and that perhaps something bad had happened.
Either way, I should probably check it.
He then sat down on the nearest bench, and pulled out his phone. To his surprise, however, the message was not from Augustin.
It’s been a while since we last talked, figured I would check in on you and remind you that I haven’t forgotten you. How’s school going this year?
Max swallowed his joy upon seeing the name. It wasn’t necessarily proper to start giggling like a school child with pure excitement in the middle of the street, after all.
‘School is.. different. Glad to hear from you though. How’s Lucile?’
Max watched the people rush by as he waited for a response, and as usual he did not have to wait long to receive one.
She’s good! Really stressed though, she and her mom are trying to plan. I've tried helping but I’m not really good at that kind of stuff. At this point I’m just moral support lol.
Max chuckled, he could see it perfectly. All of them gathered around the kitchen table, making input. Lucile was probably the one to tell him to simply be moral support.
‘Oh? Well I’m glad to hear that she’s doing well aside from that. How about you?’
Max stared, and almost immediately the dots popped up on screen. Most of the time, Camille was good at responding in a timely manner.
I’m doing good myself, mostly just over the moon excited. I had something to ask of you, Max.
Max frowned. The phrasing was worrying.
‘What would that happen to be?’
He asked, and then there was a pause of about 30 seconds before the dots popped up again.
Well, you’ve been a really good friend of mine for years now so I was figuring maybe you could, you know, be best man at the wedding. Totally your choice, of course.
Max began to smile, already typing out his response.
‘Of course I’ll be best man at your wedding, Camille. Why you’d think you even have to ask is beyond me, you could have simply told me to be best man at your wedding and I would have agreed.’
He chuckled, lightly. It was true, of course.
Lol. It’s polite to do, I figured you wouldn’t really want to if you were voluntold. Anyway, have you gotten a replacement for me yet? Haha
Max rolled his eyes at Camille’s wording. If he was there he would most likely be smacking him upside the head.
‘Yeah, and Camille stop saying replacement. No person is replaceable.’
The dots began immediately.
Alright whatever you say Socrates. I’ll have to message you later, needed for moral support again.
Max chuckled once more at his phone.
‘Alright, take care. Tell Lucile I said hello.’
He watched as ‘read’ appeared under the text, before sliding his phone back into his pocket and standing to his feet.
Mind as well get some more coffee.
Slowly, he made his way down the street, to the coffee shop that he always visited. The bell jingled as he opened the door, and the barista looked up.
“Max! It’s been a few months!” She called, happily, her cheeks nearly split with the grin on her face. He smiled back at her and nodded. “The usual?” She asked, and he nodded once more.
“I’m surprised you remember.” Max commented, amused, watching the barista hurry around like a bee.
“Oh please, that’s one of the most common drinks I make. Probably because you’ve always been the most frequent customer. I’m pretty sure you have a caffeine addiction.” The young girl commented, with a shrug.
“Perhaps, but hey it won’t kill me so I don’t see a problem with it.” Max replied, returning her shrug, watching as the girl snickered.
“Well if you drink too much at one time it will.” She stated, with an amused expression, the bleached ends of her hair falling in front of her face. “Either way, more business for my manager I suppose.” She sighed, Max seeing an opportunity for humor.
“All I am to you is a paycheck?” He asked, mischievously, earning an eyeroll from the barista.
“No, Max, you’re my friend. I was making a point.” She replied, before handing him his cup of coffee. “$9.57.” Max dug around in his pocket for his wallet.
“Let me tell you I have had the strangest day today.” He said, and the girl looked up with a raised brow, only for a moment.
“How so?” She asked, returning to busying herself cleaning.
“Well it’s mostly my art history teacher, she seems normal aside from the fact that she acts like she knows something I don’t. About myself.” He replied, already drinking a swig of coffee.
“Hmm.. maybe she’s a witch.” Commented the barista, sounding abnormally serious in her comment.
“I doubt that, but..” Max responded, holding his coffee close to his chest.
“I was joking.”
“Oh.” He chuckled lightly at his misstep, smiling fondly to himself. Just then, the bell jingled as a seemingly overworked man walked in. He looked strangely familiar, but again a lot of people did to Max at this point. “I’ll get going, it was lovely seeing you again Sandy!” He called, already halfway out the door.
“You too Max!” Replied the girl, before turning to the hunched over man.
Ok. What on Earth is happening.
“-yeah, I would say that is pretty weird. Though, the same thing has happened to me a few times so I wouldn’t say it’s out of the ordinary too much.” Said Antoine, who sat aggressively drying his hair with a towel.
“That’s reassuring.” Said Max, tiredly, as he stared up at the ceiling. “But why is it happening? It’s like some weirdly intense deja vu that only happens in certain situations with certain people. I don’t think I like it at all.” He continued, desperate for some sort of answer. Obviously he wasn’t expecting one, his roommate was not God.
“I dunno, but that just about sums it up. I know that Georges guy has had it happen too. He literally stopped me before I was about to leave. Was really weird, not sure I like him.” Antoine stated.
“Really?” Max asked, hesitantly, looking to the side.
“Yeah. Maybe we should all just have group therapy or something, in a circle of metal foldable chairs.” Antoine replied, with a shrug.
“How would we even arrange that?-“
“I was joking.”
“Oh-“ silence. “Did Ms. Rozzero happen to say anything to you today?” Max asked again, nervously.
“Not really, no. She barely even acknowledged the fact that I exist.” Antoine answered. “But from what I could see she is abnormally fond of you. To the point where it’s weird, like., creepy weird.” He continued, before shuddering, face wrought with discomfort in the situation.
“Now I feel a little better about being weirded out. As in, I feel like less of a jerk.” Max stated, staring at his hands as he sat up.
“Don’t worry about it, honestly, I would be weirded out too. Im already pretty weirded out actually.” Antoine commented. The street lamp filtered in from outside the window, giving the room a faint orange glow. If Max wasn’t feeling so uneasy, he would have quite enjoyed it. “If she keeps doing it bring it up to her though, maybe we’ll all have to team up and get her to stop. I mean, even the football kid noticed, with his sheer size he could be pretty intimidating, and as much as I do not like the guy he could be an ally in this situation.” The younger continued, before looking over at Max with a look of concern.
“Yeah, I guess your right.” The latter sighed, before suddenly becoming his more optimistic self again. “Anyway, wanna just swing down to the Chinese restaurant really quick and get some take out?” He suggested, watching the smile form on his roommates face.
“Hell yeah.”
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