#but uh. computer games were ok??
bother-blame · 2 years
Zoo Tycoon 2 will always be an icon. Do do do do do do do do (main menu theme)
it is absolutely iconic!
i spent so much of my childhood playing it! planet zoo is fantastic in so many ways but zoo tycoon 2 will forever be one of my favorites
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wlntrsldler · 3 months
If the boys played “never have I ever” in an interview, what would be revealed to the public?
here's the transcript of poisoned mercury's buzzfeed interview where they played never have i ever as part of their press tour to promote their new album:
interviewer: thank you guys for coming!
luke *smiling while he fixes his mic*: thanks for having us :) we were just talking about how we used to do buzzfeed quizzes when we were younger.
travis: there were many days where we'd be in luke's house back in connecticut and completely forget that we were supposed to be rehearsing because we got caught up trying to figure out which inside out emotion we were.
interviewer: well, i'm glad to hear it because today we're gonna play a game of 'never have i ever.'
chris: unrelated but i fucking love that show. team paxton for life.
luke: dude no. ben is clearly the right choice.
connor: ok mr. enemies to lovers, of course you'd say that.
luke: shut up???!
travis: i think if we took the inside out quiz again right now, i'd get disgust because that's how i feel being in a band with two idiots who are so in love with their girlfriends.
connor: swear to god if i hear another "no you hang up first," from either one of you *looks at chris and luke* i'm blowing my brains out.
interviewer looks around the room, trying to ask the producers what she should do. the video editors are already stressing because they know they have to bleep out a lot of the words the boys are using.
interviewer: .... so let's start with the first question. never have i ever gone skinny dipping.
chris: fuck, how did you get all of us on the first question?
connor: yeah we've gone skinny dipping a few times, but the most recent was last summer. mama c-- shoutout mama c, we love you!
luke: yeah, we love you mama!
connor: she put all of us on timeout and we spent the entire summer at a music camp and on our last night, we all went skinny dipping at the lake with our roommates.
luke: oh shit, i forgot about that. those were good times. *looks at chris* i miss camp bro.
chris: me too.
travis *stares deadpan into the camera*: do you see what we have to deal with?
interviewer: never have i ever had a crush on a friend's sibling.
travis: guilty.
chris *turns his head so fast*: given that you're related to connor and luke is an only child, you better be talking about a non-band friend.
travis *shrugging*: your older sister is hot, rodriguez.
chris: stay away from my sister.
luke *looks at the interviewer with wide eyes*: next question or you'll have a video to submit to worldstar.
interviewer: oh! uh, okay-- never have i ever accidentally posted something to my main account instead of my private or close friends one.
connor *cracking up*: castellan, wanna take this one?
luke *blushing*: this feels like a targeted question because we know the infamous video of me with the handsome squidward filter on (the hozier incident) that was supposed to go on my close friends story! i was so embarrassed. to be clear, i was JOKING. i don't actually flirt like that.
travis: i've seen you flirt with y/n, and you in the squidward video had more game than you normally do.
luke *teasing because he knows travis does not want a relationship*: and yet who's single between the two of us?
connor: oh he got you there.
travis: y/n, if you're watching this, you deserve better. he's a loser. i have better friends i can set you up with.
luke: five star, if you're watching this, you're stuck with me. there's no going back.
interviewer: never have i ever had a song written about me.
chris: this is a great pivot to promote our sophomore album's lead single, "kiss her you fool!" we wrote this song about our front man, luke, here. our second album "optimism don't come easy (unless it's with you)" is out now.
interviewer: i love that shameless self-promo.
connor: i think we as a band can benefit from having some shame, but thank you.
chris *turns to luke*: this will also come as a shock to you, but there's another song out in the world that's kinda about you.
luke: huh? which one?
travis: quinnie, remember her? she was in cabin 7. she wrote the bulk of it, but y/n actually gave her the idea. chris and connor helped her with instrumentals and the song is sick.
connor: it was amazing. quinnie is so talented. if you guys haven't heard her music, i highly, highly recommend it. the song we're talking about is called touch tank. you guys should check it out.
chris: agreed. she's also just a fucking cool person. she's one of our closest friends in the industry.
travis *making a heart with his hands*: we love you, quinnie!
interviewer: okay, final question since we're running out of time. never have i ever gone on a world tour for my band's second album.
luke *laughs*: i see what you did there. that was good.
connor: we are soooooo excited to announce that we're going back on tour! this summer, we'll be seeing all your beautiful faces again. tickets go on sale this friday! we hope to see you there!
luke: check out our band's twitter for more information on how to get tickets and to see if we'll be coming to a city near you.
chris: we miss seeing you guys!
travis: see you guys so soon! we love you!
interviewer: that's all the time we have for today. thank you guys so much. it was a pleasure!
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mjolnirswriststrap · 29 days
Just Another Notch
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Bucky Barnes x Plus Size F!Reader
Masterlist Part 3/??
Word Count: 1,824
Summary: If Bucky thinks his charms will work on you, then you’re gonna put up one hell of a fight to prove him wrong.
Warnings: Nothing explicit 18+, until later chapters, read at your own discretion. Fat shaming, bully!Steve. Protective!Bruce
Training felt useless. When you made it to the simulation room, you didn’t even power up the hologram tech. You sat in the chair facing the super computer. Seeing your reflection in the monitor screen, cause tears to well in your eyes. You thought you were beautiful, when you looked in the mirror after you got dressed, you felt so confident. The look on Bucky’s face when you emerged from your room boosted that confidence tenfold. You could laugh at yourself now. How quickly things change, it’s the cosmos teasing you. Blowing a long breath out of puckered lips, you drop your forehead, landing it on the cool glass desktop. Maybe you bit off more than you can chew. Maybe you weren’t strong enough to play this kind of game.
You knew you never stepped foot in that gym for a reason. Why did you think today would be different? “You ok?” You raise up, searching the room. “Uh hello?” You say, standing up when you still don’t spot anyone. You see the top of a curly head of hair bent under a desk. Walking up to it, the gym situation leaves your mind instantly. You see Bruce folded up untangling wires underneath a desk. “What a sight.” You laugh. “Yeah, yeah, poke your fun.” He contorts himself free, standing up to press the power button on the monitor screen.
When he’s met with continued darkness, he rolls his eyes and faces you. “Your forehead.” He motions towards his own. You make eye contact with yourself in the mirrored wall behind him. Apparently you’d banged your head harder than you thought. You didn’t feel it but you saw the blood at your hairline. “Oh my.” Your eyes grew to be big like saucers.
You look at the desk to see a large crack down the center of it. “I heard you do it, that’s why I asked if you were okay.” He was looking at you with disbelief that you did that to yourself without noticing. “It didn’t hurt, don’t worry about me.” You brush him off, running to the sink in the corner to wash the blood and sweat from your face.
“I know you have a hard head, my desk though? Priceless and fragile.” He jokes, you can hear the real concern under his voice. “What happened, really?” Bruce steals your rolling chair, sitting below you, looking up intently. His big brown eyes gave you the courage to admit it. “Just the same old, same old.” You kick at one of the wheels to the chair.
“C’mon, you know it’s not good to hold it in. Let the doctor help.” He sounds playful, but you know he’s dead serious. You never considered Bruce one of the main team, so there was no reason to ice him out. He was a scientist more than anything. He spent almost one hundred percent of his time in this simulation room, save for when you both knew you’d rather be training alone. He kept you company, not in the verbal sense.
Most of the time the room was filled with the clicking of keys and hard labored breaths. You both did your own thing, over time you started appreciating each others meekness and opened up. Once you got the man talking, he never stopped. You’re sure his brain is a computer, he soaks up information and spits it back out, corrected. You knew better than to ever lie to him, he was far too smart to fall for whatever you planned to say.
“Tell me.” His smile drops and you feel yourself break a little more. “I embarrassed myself, Bruce.” You look away from his saddening eyes. They were starting to pool with pity, and that’s the last thing you want from him. “Hard to believe, but how?” He says, grabbing your wrist to keep you from running away.
With a deep breath you begin, “I went the the gym with Bucky this morning, mistake one.”. Bruce quickly interjects “Bucky? What are you doing hanging out with him?” He presses his eyebrows together, you can’t discern his expression, was it judgement or something else? “It’s a long story.” You find yourself looking down and away from him again. Like there’s a smudge of guilt and shame creeping in.
“I’ve got time.” He raises his arms in a gesture that conveyed ‘bring it on’. God he wanted the details, why? You glance around the room, finding another chair and rolling it infront of him. “Where should I start?” You giggle, forcing yourself to lighten the mood. “The beginning, please.” He starts to bounce his knee.
“Last night, I was eating my late night cereal in the kitchen, when everyone got home.” Bruce folds his arms and nods. “Bucky joined me in the kitchen and well, he dumped a bowl of milk on me. It was an accident, I think.”
“You think it was an accident? Or you have proof of otherwise?” He says, tilting his head. “Maybe the latter.” You admit. “Okay, so the guy spills milk on you, so you go workout with him?” He was obviously confused. “Not directly after! He apologized and brought me coffee this morning to apologize again, offered to help me out with training.” Bruce rolls his eyes again and you’re sure they’ll fall out the next time.
“Please tell me you didn’t believe he was just innocently apologizing.” He sounds annoyed with you, it kinda stings. You never expected Bruce to get upset with you over it. “What else would he be doing?” You shrug your shoulders at him, genuinely curious if he saw it the same way. “Anyone with eyes here knows, that Casanova, will pull any girl in the building, I’m sure he doesn’t even have a type.”. So Bruce also thinks Bucky was flirting with you.
“I honestly didn’t want to believe it. Why would a guy like him be with me?” You shake your head, trying to throw the thoughts from your mind. “He has been nothing but nice to me, I promise.” You look him in the eyes and you see the tone you’ve been hearing in his voice. Flecks of green shine and then die out instantly, his knee was bouncing faster than before. “If he was so nice then why’d you leave the gym?” His voice wasn’t questioning, it was accusatory.
You choose your next words carefully. “Steve came in, and he said something that wasn’t so nice, so I left. That’s all, Bucky didn’t even do anything, there goes his attempt at sleeping with the whole office.” You try to laugh it off, but Bruce isn’t budging. “What did he say?”
“I was getting a water from the vending machine-“ before you could finish, his knee stopped bouncing, and he unfolded his arms. Now you were worried. “Did he comment on your weight, yes or no?” He stands up, harshly slamming the chair into the desk. You would never lie to Bruce, but the truth might start something you don’t want. “Sorta…” you say, ashamed. He strides past you, and now you’re reaching out for him, “Wait.”.
“No, I’m tired of these pompous assholes doing and saying what they want. I’m not letting it happen, especially to you.”. He looks back before exiting the room, and you feel something in your chest swell. He was so serious right now, you could feel the anger radiating off of him. You didn’t know Bruce felt anything besides casual friendship for you, now you’re starting to think differently.
“I’m coming.” You run to catch up with him, taking long strides behind him as his white lab coat swings behind him, and in front of you. “What makes him think he can even speak on my- on you?” He redirects as he swings the gym door open.
You’re met with Bucky and Steve racing each other in push-ups. “99-100!” “You suck.” “You cheated.” They’re laughing as if you and Bruce didn’t just walk in. “No one cares.” Bruce cuts in. The look of annoyance on his face was enough to confuse the super soldiers. “What are you doing out of the lab?” Steve jokes, but no one laughs. “The next time you even so much as think about Y/N, you’ll be talking to the big guy, not me.”. Steve looks around the gym, wondering who Bruce thinks he is. “Sure, pal.” He grabs a towel and wipes the sweat from his neck. “Tell your girlfriend to lose some weight then.” Before you could even be hurt, all you saw was green.
Hulk was infront of you now, taking heaving breaths. You poke your head out from behind him and see Steve and Bucky holding their hands out as if they were calming a wild boar. “Woah, don’t you think you’re over reacting?” Steve says, stepping back. “Y/N! Call off your dog!.” He says, tripping over his own feet.
Hulk slowly stalks towards both of the men, ready to shred them to pieces. A sinister smile on his face. You feel no pity for Steve, but the thought of Bucky being hurt in the crossfire didn’t sit right with you. Before the jolly green giant could break a bone you pipe up loudly. “Hulk? Hey! Over here!” You wave your hands around in the air.
He can see your tiny form trying to catch his attention, and Hulk has the peace of mind to just ignore you, and do what he knows best, smash. The first fist landed on the gym floor, splinters of wood flew everywhere, a hole to the basement left in its place. “Hulk!” You scream this time and it catches his attention. “Go home!” You demand. You knew better than to have a civilized conversation with him. He knew how to take orders from Fury, so maybe it would work. When he just stands there and looks at you, you double down. With a faux confidence, you looked him in his giant green eyes. “Now, Hulk!” You raise an eyebrow, like a tested mother, as if you were about to count to three.
You don’t know why, the hulk didn’t frighten you one bit, but silly, mean words would make you crumble. He growls one last time at the scared super soldiers before breaking through the door way leading outside. Leaving you alone with the men you almost had killed. Bucky looks in disbelief, like he wasn’t almost used for a human punching bag. “Sorry.” You shy away, stepping on fallen bricks to follow Bruce outside.
“What the actual fuck just happened?” You hear Steve ask, but you’re halfway to the swaying trees before you could hear his response. You don’t really know where Bruce lives, so following him through the woods was your only option. You don’t want him destroying more floor boards on your account. Also, you need to find out why he was so passionate about defending you.
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itsmealaiah · 4 months
have this request for a Johnnie guilbert x reader
Ok yk that one audio that goes like "everyone is always connected"
What if Johnnie and reader are dating and are streaming and someone sends them a video of Johnnie's old vlogs let's say he's in target and he accidentally bumps into the reader and she's like
"bro tf watch out" not knowing they will end up together years later
Because we're connected
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tags: cursing, embarrassment, meet-cute
do not repost, copy, claim as your own, or translate. read only on this blog.
summary: the saying "everyone is always connected" proves to be more true than you wish it was.
a/n: istg when i first saw this i thought of that iron man scene where its him and the kid goes like "i'm cold" and tony goes "i know, it's because we're connected" 😭✋
Your POV:
Johnnie and you were streaming your favorite game together, laughing and joking as you both played. The atmosphere in your room was comfortable and cozy, with the warm glow of the computer screen illuminating your faces. As you continued to enjoy each other's company, you received a notification from one of your followers. It was a video link, and you couldn't help but wonder what it was. Curiosity getting the better of you, you clicked on the link.
The video started to play, and you immediately recognized the background. It was from one of Johnnie's old vlogs, back when he still did the "my digital escape" videos. You watched, feeling a mixture of amusement and nostalgia as he went about his day, visiting various game aisles and hanging out with his friends. But then, something caught your eye. There you were, standing in the background, talking to your friend about something you were both excited about, walking behind johnnie. You were wearing a black beanie, a blue hoodie, and a pair of black jeans, and you had your hair down. You were a few years younger, but it was definitely you.
Johnnie, on the other hand, looked just as you remembered him. He was wearing his usual outfit of a black long-sleeved shirt, grey sweatpants, and a pair of black converse. He was looking just as adorable as ever. As you watched the video, you could feel the warmth spreading through your chest, remembering the times you had together before you had become official. You turned to Johnnie, a huge grin spreading across your face.
"Hey, that's me!" you exclaimed, pointing to the screen. Johnnie turned his attention to the video, his eyes widening in surprise when he saw you. "Wait, that's you?!" he asked, a mixture of disbelief and amusement in his voice. You nodded, grinning from ear to ear. "Yeah, that's me and my old friend Amy. We used to come here all the time before we found our way to streaming," you explained, chuckling at the memories.
Just then, the video skipped forward, and you gasped as you saw yourself and Johnnie in the same aisle. He was oblivious to your presence, and before you knew it, he had bumped into you, sending your books flying everywhere. You spun around, your cheeks flushed with embarrassment and anger. "Oh, for fuck's sake!" you exclaimed, your voice higher-pitched than usual. "Watch where you're fucking going!"
Johnnie's eyes widened in surprise as he realized. "Oh my God, I'm so sorry! I didn't see you there!" he exclaimed, rushing over to help you pick up your books. You rolled your eyes and took them from him, your cheeks still flushed with anger. "It's fine,"
you muttered, glancing at him from the corner of your eye. "Just be more careful next time." He looked genuinely apologetic, his cheeks also now flushed with embarrassment. "I'm sorry, really." he trailed off, gesturing to the empty aisle around you both. You let out a small huff, trying to compose yourself.
"It's okay," you said, finally meeting his gaze. "I should've been paying more attention too." There was an awkward silence that hung between you for a moment.
"So, uh," Johnnie stammered, trying to find something to say. "Do you, um… want to, uh…" He trailed off, gesturing vaguely in your direction.
You felt a blush creep up onto your cheeks again. "I dunno," you said, shrugging, and left. The video clip stopped, and your eyes widened in embarrassment.
"Oh my God, that was so awkward," you laughed, shaking your head. "I can't believe I was like that." Johnnie laughed along with you, his blue eyes crinkling at the corners. "It's funny how things can change," he mused. "I mean, here we are, streaming together and all. Who would've thought?"
You looked at him, really looked at him. There was something about the way he smiled that made your heart flutter. You remembered the first time you had met him, how you had been so nervous to talk to him. But over time, you had become friends, and then more than friends. The way he would laugh at your jokes, the way he would support you through everything… it was just so special.
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yuzurins · 1 year
streamer!suna x streamer!reader - this was so self indulgent and badly written in my notes app but it’s ok i want to be back here bc tumblr is fun haha
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“me? and y/n?” suna scoffed, face showing no hint of reaction. “now that’s too much, you guys are overthinking it.”
he mumbled, deep in concentration, as his eyes darted back and forth from his game to the rapidly moving chat screen.
**h789: don’t act like we didn’t see you build a whole house for her!!!
**n.m**y: you literally got her a whole tank of axolotls THOSE THINGS TAKE SO MUCH TIME TO GET
su**: the flowers MAN the flowers 😞
**be*17***: and the list goes on…
suna rolled his eyes and let out a small laugh. “were you guys here when i literally blew the house down and kidnapped all the axolotls?? it was an elaborate plan to prank her and make her scared of course.”
miya**sam**: shut up bro😭
mk**j1*: 🫢🫢🫢
su**: he’s bullying her bc he likes her
miya**sam**: ewww how sadistic of him
uu**720**n*: IT TAKES TWO??? HELLO???
luvv**esu***0: nah guys he’s dating me why would he be with y/n
k*tss**k: imagine being delulu
**h789: my bae yn too good for him she’s thousands times better than u
a look of disgust crosses his face.
luvv**esu***0: stop he just doesn’t know it yet!!
su**: just stop it’s so embarrassing t-t
h**y*vs*: are you sure guys
h**y*vs*: feels like sunarin wouldn’t be that mean to his girlfriend :(
“no literally, i hate her guts.” he paused the game he was currently playing, opened up a new tab and searched up “sunarin being mean to y/n”
scrolling down the long page of search results, he stared at the camera with a face that screams “told you so” and laughed.
“chat, you guys can fantasize all you want, but just know that there’s tons of evidence online that can prove you all wrong in less than a second, so it’s just funny seeing you all believe that me and her are actually dating-“
now as if on cue, you burst into the room in your pajamas and dashed over to the boy sitting by the computer.
suna flinched and turned around immediately, panic starting to overcome his face. “what the-“
“y/n what are you talking about i’m kinda streaming right now-“
“IF YOURE SCARED ILL STOP LOVING YOU AFTER WE GET THE CAT I WONT I PROMISE I REALLY DO SO Please don’t say—” seeing the look on his face, you turned around to see the thousands of people spamming the chat, finally realizing what he was trying to tell you and shrunk down in disbelief. “no….”
miya**sam**: told you so
miya**sam**: hi y/n!! 🤣
su**: OMG
atsu**b*****: LOLOLOL
suna immediately turns his webcam and microphone off.
your boyfriend scowls as you give him an innocent smile.
uh oh, busted.
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straykids-97 · 7 months
Take it Back
Once said, you can't take it back...
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Word Count: 1.03k
Warnings: rough/irritated Yunho, dirty talk, unprotected sex, lmk if I forgot anything!
You sat on the edge of Yunho’s bed, observing him as he played a game on his computer. He had one ear covered by his headset, the other exposed so he could listen to you talk about your day. Every so often, when he’d die in his game, he’d turn to put his long-fingered hand on your knee, capturing your eyes with his dark ones, “I’m glad you got everything sorted out.” He beamed at you softly. 
You could see the irritation from continuously losing- his team wasn’t the greatest. But you were easing the losing streak. 
Yunho was trying desperately to bring it around, but the last few matches were not going in his favor. And instead of putting his hand on your knee to calm himself down, he was balling his free hand into a fist. You couldn’t help the giggle that came out of your throat as you watched him sink into his chair, cursing out his team for not getting the site back after he sacrificed himself so they could win- not that they did. They lost. 
“It’s just a game, babe.” You murmured, putting your hand on his shoulder. He groaned, “I know. But these idiots aren’t taking it serious- they’re just messing around! They’re going to de-rank me.” Yunho was shaking his hand at the computer screen. “Well, when you loose, I’ll be on the bed.” You smile, kissing his forehead and crawling into his bed, watching his computer from afar. 
Yunho is basically boiling with anger as the game continues, his voice getting loud enough that even San comes in to see what the fuss is about. “His team sucks.” You declared as he peeked over Yunho’s shoulder. San nods his head, agreeing, “They’re throwing on purpose.” San pats Yunho’s shoulder, “It’s ok. I’ll get on later after I get back from the gym and we can get your silver rank back.” San waves you goodbye and leaves Yunho alone, causing you to sigh. 
You crawl to the end of the bed, seeing that there are only a few matches left before the end of the round. “Just throw so you can loose already. Everyone sucks you might as well suck too.” Yunho got downed and slowly turned to you, narrowing his eyes. “What did you just say?” You frowned, “Uh, you might as well just suck too?” You shrug, “They don’t care. You might as well just throw with them.” 
He slowly took his headphones off, pushed away from his computer desk, and turned off the computer completely. It was clear that you had said the wrong thing, at the wrong time. “Yu. It’s not that serious- it’s just a game.” You move back onto your butt as he towers over you, his eyes dark as he looks down at you. He was menacing, but you knew it wasn’t in a threatening way. Or at least, not in a scary, mean way. 
Yunho needed to release some energy.
You gulped, staring up at Yunho, panting as he tugged his black t-shirt over his head.  Maybe you shouldn't have said it, but you couldn't rewind time and filter your smart mouth now. It was too late. "Take it back, now." He warned, glaring at you, pressing hands on either side of your knees. Yunho leaned down, face inches away from yours. You could see the threat in them before it came out, "Now." 
You shake your head, “No.” your words come out in a squeak. Yunho’s eyebrow quirked, challenging you to keep it up. Your breath was caught in your throat as he inclined into you, pressing you onto your back, “Oh?” 
Yunho had you on your stomach in seconds, pulling your hips up so your ass was in the air. You wheeze, panting as he rips your legs to expose your lower half to him. Gasping, you peeked behind to see Yunho crawling between your legs, pulling his sweats down. He spat into his hand, dragging his hand up and down his length as he leaned into you, grabbing your neck to pull you into him. Whimpering, you twisted to look at him, “Yunho-” You tried to say but stopped when he thrust into you. 
Shuddering and arching into him, he uses one of his hands to press you into the mattress, thrusting shallowly into you. You tried to stop sliding against his sheets, whimpering and babbling as he angled his hips to fuck into you. He grunted, “Smart mouth,” he fucked you harder, sucking the air out of your lungs. “Oh- fuck!” You cried out, body tensing as an orgasm washed over you. Yunho knew how to hit that gooey spot every single time he thrust into you, making you cum so easily that it left you reeling.
You balled his sheets in your hands as he went faster, mind swirling as he moaned over you. You mewled, his movements not slowing as he pounded into you. “You- fucking- smart ass.” He growled, slamming into you harder, not relenting as you whimpered and whined. Your mind was goo as he bunched your ripped leggings into his fists, using them as a handle. 
He pulls out, pushing you onto your side and realigning into himself to your soaked core. You groan, digging your nails into his hips as he picks up his previous pace. You let out a loud moan, eyes rolling back into your head as another orgasm ripped through your body. Yunho hiked your leg on his shoulder, leaning forward to hold your breast in his hands. 
Even during sex, Yunho was a boob man. 
He pulled your bra down so he could play with your nipple, pinching your nipple as he moaned, biting your calf softly. “Take it back- take it… Fuck-k-k.” With one final snap of his hips, he groaned stopping. Yunho moaned into your leg as his hips slowly dragged in and out of you a few more times, before he slid out, a final satisfied sigh leaving his lips.
Panting, he stayed above you, observing your cute flushed face with a soft smile. He liked seeing you all flustered and hot after fucking you. He sat back on his heels, allowing his heartbeat to slow before he flopped down beside you. You remained on your side for a few moments until he dragged you into his, patting your hair. “Sorry baby.” He apologized, squeezing you. You giggled sleepily, “It’s ok.” You patted his chest, causing him to chuckle. “Are you sure?” You nod at him, “Yes, I’m sure.”
He giggled at you, “Baby’s fucked out, huh?” You laugh at him, nodding. “Good. Now, let’s get you covered so no one sees your pretty ass, hmm?”
Tag List: @coastalmaine @sweetdreamsshootingstars
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pkmnprideflags · 3 months
Pokémon Character Etymology Comparison
Most of the time, the translators of the Pokémon games will a choose a name with a similar meaning to the Japanese one; for example, Takeshi comes from ishi, "stone," so he got the English name Brock. But sometimes they give characters random names that have nothing to do with their originals.
Because I'm a nerd, I compiled a collection of examples of this across the main series games, with the meanings for both the Japanese and English names listed. This is gonna be a long post; buckle up, folks.
Guriin / Blue
Japanese Meaning: green
English meaning: blue. We’ve all heard of this one, but I couldn’t not include it.
Ayumi / Elaine
Japanese meaning: step or progress
English meaning: a lane. Possibly also chosen because it starts with E, as in Eevee? Sigh.
Shin / Trace
Japanese meaning: advance. Fits with the protags, Ayumi and Kakeru (to dash).
English meaning: uh…the protagonist is tracing his movements? He’s just a trace of what Blue was in the original games? It rhymes with Chase??? Who knows.
Dr. Yukinari Ohkido / Professor Samuel Oak
Japanese meaning: “ohkido” is a transliteration of orchid. Yukinari is similar to the given name of Unshou Ishizuka, the voice actor for Prof. Oak in the Japanese version of the anime; it’s unknown if that is related.
English meaning: So many questions. Why was he downgraded to a professor instead of a doctor? Why Oak instead of orchid, just ‘cause Oak sounds like more of an old man name? Samuel is similar to Salem Oak, a historic tree in New Jersey. Which is still a super random connection.
Nanami / Daisy
Japanese meaning: reference to a type of holly tree. Ironically is part of the Ilex genus, even though that forest is in a different region.
English meaning: the flower, duh. In Western cultures usually represents friendship and innocence. 
Masaki Sonezaki / Bill
Japanese meaning: First of all, yes, Bill kind of has a last name in Japanese. It has never appeared in the games, but was included in the Pocket Monsters Zukan, a supplementary material to Red & Green that is considered somewhat canon. Masaki comes from a type of shrub native to Asian countries, and Sonezaki is named after a region in Osaka, the city that that Bill’s hometown Goldenrod is based on.
English meaning: believed to be a reference to Bill Gates. Because computer man
Matisu / Lt. Surge
Japanese meaning: Seemingly a reference to Clematis, a genus of flower. I can’t find anything symbolically important about this flower that would apply to him.
English meaning: y’know, an electric surge. Could also come from “Sarge.” And they may have given him the specific rank of lieutenant because when abbreviated it kinda looks like lightning?
Kyou & Anzu / Koga & Janine
Japanese meaning: Doing these two together because their names correlate in Japanese. Both words are different ways of saying apricot.
English meaning: Koga-ryuu is a school of ninjutsu, and Janine is ninja with the syllables reversed.
Natsume / Sabrina
Japanese meaning: named after the Chinese jujube tree; big religious symbol in Islam, where it is rumored to be the Tree of Knowledge, and Buddhism through association with Vishnu.
English meaning: Psychic, brain, and possibly a reference to Sabrina the Teenage Witch.
Kanna / Lorelei
Japanese meaning: contains the word for “cold”; full name comes from the Canna lily, which ironically must be moved to a warm location during winter.
English meaning: supposedly after a famous maritime disaster site in Germany, which means “murmuring rock.” We went from flowers to death and destruction so fast
Wataru / Lance
Japanese meaning: cotton; and also a reference to a Japanese dragon-water-god.
English meaning: ok bulbapedia’s stretch here is that lances were used in medieval legends to fight dragons. But that’s stupid. They just chose a cool name
Dr. Utsugi / Professor Elm
Japanese meaning: from a Japanese shrub in the hydrangea family.
English meaning: the elm tree, continuing the trend of the Japanese doctors being named after shrubs & getting localized into tree professors.
Akane / Whitney
Japanese meaning: the madder plants, which are associated with the color red because of the dye they produce.
English meaning: white (or possibly whiny). Dunno how she became associated with an entirely different color.
Shijima / Chuck
Japanese meaning: several options here. There’s a cultivar of the haworthia genus, the word silence, or a term meaning four islands. 
English meaning: to throw. Possibly a Chuck Norris reference as well.
Mikan / Jasmine
Japanese meaning: citrus fruit, specifically oranges.
English meaning: name of a plant; likely chosen as a pun on “mine” or “mineral.”
Yanagi / Pryce
Japanese meaning: willow. Often seem as a solemn tree; notably only grows in colder or temperate locations.
English meaning: it’s an ice pun haha
Ibuki / Clair
Japanese meaning: Chinese juniper plant, popular in Japan for its use in bonsai art. Also “breath,” a pun on Dragon Breath.
English meaning: Lair. As in a place that dragons live. Wooooo
Itsuki / Will
Japanese meaning: Zelkova tree, popular once again in bonsai and also for furniture and drum making.
English meaning: willpower.
Mitsuru / Wally
Japanese meaning: to be frail; also influence from “vine” and “crane,” possibly referencing the practice of giving origami cranes to those who are ill.
English meaning: supposedly from “wallflower.” I think it’s weird to focus on the social effects of his condition when the Japanese name is so focused on the physical aspects of it but whatevs.
Old Man Hagi / Mr. Briney
Japanese meaning: the Japanese clover plant.
English meaning: brine, salt water.
Mari & Dai / Gabby & Ty
Japanese meaning: mari is “ball;” Bulbapedia posits this might refer to the end of a microphone, but I’m not convinced. And dai is a topic of an interview.
English meaning: from the verb “to gab,” and…possibly a reference to TV?
Mayumi / Lanette
Japanese meaning: from a type of spindle plant. It’s in the same genus as the plants Bill and Celio are named after.
English meaning: from LAN (local area network) and net, as in internet.
Azusa / Brigette
Japanese meaning: another spindle plant.
English meaning: bridge, a device to connect several networks, like how Pokémon Box connects to RSE. And then the same suffix as Lanette.
Director Kusunoki / Captain Stern
Japanese meaning: camphor tree
English meaning: the stern of a boat. No idea why his title was changed.
Higana & Shigana / Zinnia & Aster
Japanese meaning: Higana refers to the red spider lily, a plant commonly associated with death and the afterlife. Shigana, literally translated as “this shore,” refers to the mortal world, with higana (“other shore”) referring to the afterlife.
English meaning: Both flowers. Zinnia is usually associated with remembering an absent or distant, but not necessarily dead, friend. Kind of a watered-down version of the Japanese name. Aster is named after a Latin word for star, and is usually associated with faith and wisdom.
Tsutsuji / Roxanne
Japanese meaning: the rhododendron species of flowers.
English meaning: you guessed it, rocks.
Tessen / Wattson
Japanese meaning: passion flower clematis, the same genus referenced in Lt. Surge’s name.
English meaning: you guessed it, watts
Asuna / Flannery
Japanese meaning: from asunaro, a type of cypress tree. Ironically would not be a good tree for Lavaridge Town, as it is not drought-resistant.
English meaning: flames or something? I’m not convinced this is a real name
Senri / Norman
Japanese meaning: senryou, an herb often used for Japanese New Year decorations; also 1000 li (Chinese unit of measurement), a distance equivalent to over 300 miles. Yeesh
English meaning: you guessed it, normal
Nagi / Winona
Japanese meaning: the Asian bayberry plant; also a word for calm/lull.
English meaning: wind, wing, or winnow, a verb that means to remove chaff from grain via a strong gust of wind. Her Japanese name is calm, her English name is a forceful gale.
Kagari / Courtney
Japanese meaning: from kagaribi, bonfire.
English meaning: from “country,” likely to go along with Team Magma’s land theme.
Ushio / Matt
Japanese meaning: tide
English meaning: likely from the “mast” of a ship.
Izumi / Shelly
Japanese meaning: spring, as in a water location
English meaning: you guessed it, shell
Purimu / Glacia
Japanese meaning: primrose, a flower with some species that have adapted to cold climates; or possibly the adjective prim, meaning formal to a standoffish - or cold - extent.
English meaning: omg glaciers
Daigo Tsuwabuki / Steven Stone
Japanese meaning: last name comes from a plant that contains a kanji meaning “stone.” Daigo comes from the Indian coral tree, the blooming of which is associated with impending typhoons and drought. Makes me think of how Steven starts investigating Groudon & Kyogre way before anyone else, as if he can sense what’s coming.
English meaning: steel and stone. Why are the english names so not complex in gen 3
Datsura / Noland
Japanese meaning: from datura, a group of poisonous flowering plants.
English meaning: presumably from the word “knowledge” cuz he’s a buff nerd
Rira / Anabel
Japanese meaning: from lilac, which might just be the color of her hair.
English meaning: bulbapedia claims it comes from “ability” but I don’t buy it
Ukon / Spenser
Japanese meaning: from turmeric, the spice and plant.
English meaning: supposedly from “spirit”
Jindai / Brandon
Japanese meaning: both a reference to a plant and to ancient times (lit. “age of the gods”)
English meaning: supposedly from “brave”
Hiisu / Tucker
Japanese meaning: from heath, the plant type. Unrelated to Hisui.
English meaning: supposedly from “tactics”
Kogomi / Greta
Japanese meaning: ostrich fern
English meaning: “guts” or “great”
Jun / Barry
Japanese meaning: probably from Junichi Masuda, longtime composer and contributor to the Pokémon games.
English meaning: No one really knows! It was his first default name in Diamond and Platinum. It’s what the anime dubbers chose for him when he first appeared, and it’s been his name ever since.
Ayako / Johanna
Japanese meaning: no one knows for either of these names! Ayako has a lot of meanings, many of which have to do with kimono designs for whatever reason.
English meaning: ultimately comes from Hebrew, meaning “God is gracious.”
Mizuki / Bebe
Japanese meaning: from the dogwood genus of trees & shrubs. Notably not related to the group of plants the previous storage developers were named after. Fun fact, Selene also has this name in Japanese.
English meaning: BBCode, a programming language used to format forum messages.
Hyouta & Tougan / Roark & Byron
Japanese meaning: doing these two together since their Japanese names correspond. They’re both named after different types of gourds.
English meaning: Roark is rock & ore; Byron is iron.
Makishimamu Kamen / Crasher Wake
Japanese meaning: literally, “Maximum Mask.” Thought to come from the orchid genus Maxillaria.
English meaning: Crashing waves & wake.
Merissa / Fantina
Japanese meaning: an herb genus; also a Western name, indicating that she’s a foreigner.
English meaning: phantom, and also fantasia, a type of tango.
Akagi / Cyrus
Japanese meaning: bishop wood tree, known for its red bark.
English meaning: a Persian name associated with the sun. Likely chosen to fit with the Commanders’ planet names.
Puruuto / Charon
Japanese meaning: Pluto, fitting with the other Commanders’ planet names.
English meaning: Jupiter’s biggest moon. Not a planet. Good job, guys
Ryou / Aaron
Japanese meaning: Japanese clethra tree
English meaning: likely from arachnid and arthropod
Kikuno / Bertha
Japanese meaning: both the English & Japanese names share the theme of being similar to Kikuko/Agatha. Like Kikuko, this name references chrysanthemum.
English meaning: has the same sound as “Earth.”
Goyou / Lucian
Japanese meaning: five-needle pine; also enlightenment.
English meaning: light, possibly also illusion or hallucination
Shirona / Cynthia
Japanese meaning: white-fruited nandina, a flower associated with growing love and good homes.
English meaning: epithet for Artemis, the Greek goddess of the moon; possibly chosen to contrast with Cyrus.
Kokuran / Darach
Japanese meaning: the pantropic widelip orchid.
English meaning: Gaelic word for oak. Probably a reference to Prof Oak tbh
Neziki / Thorton
Japanese meaning: staggerbush, a kind of plant.
English meaning: from “thorn.” Staggerbushes do not have thorns.
Banjirou / Benga
Japanese meaning: the guava fruit.
English meaning: the Malabar kino tree.
Tetsu / Curtis
Japanese meaning: iron
English meaning: comes from a French word that means polite or courteous
Ruri / Yancy
Japanese meaning: from lapis lazuli
English meaning: similar to “fancy” I guess.
Nobori & Kudari / Ingo & Emmet
Japanese meaning: up-train & down-train, respectively. Refers to global train track directions.
English meaning: Ingo is believed to be a pun on “ingoing” train, so you’d think Emmet would be some pun on outgoing, right? Nope. He’s a variation on “emit.” Why? Who knows
Dento, Poddo, & Kohn / Cilan, Chili, & Cress
Japanese meaning: the brothers are all named after corn: dent corn, pod corn, and…just corn.
English meaning: in English the brothers are named after herbs and plants: cilantro, chili peppers, and watercress.
Hachiku / Brycen
Japanese meaning: black bamboo.
English meaning: it’s an ice pun
Shaga / Drayden
Japanese meaning: from the fringed iris, therefore tying him further to Iris. 
English meaning: shortening of “dragon’s den.”
Vaabena / Anthea
Japanese meaning: from a flower genus that symbolizes “tender love.”
English meaning: epithet of Hera, the goddess of women and family. Also has some added musical symbolism - her name is similar to anthem, and Concordia is similar to concord, another word for harmony.
Giima / Grimsley
Japanese meaning: comes from a shrub; but also may reference words for the devil, deception, and the transliteration of “boogeyman.”
English meaning: grim or grimace + sly
Katorea / Caitlin
Japanese meaning: from Cattleya, a genus of orchids.
English meaning: roughly similar to Japanese name, with possible influence from “castle.”
Kakitsubata / Drayton
Japanese meaning: the Japanese iris, connecting to Drayden & Iris’s Japanese names. Also contains an anagram of tatsu, a word for dragon.
English meaning: similar to Drayden. And kind of similar to dragon if you squint
Karumu / Calem
Japanese meaning: from calme, calm in French.
English meaning: looks similar enough to the word calm, but it technically comes from a Scottish name meaning “dove.”
Sana / Shauna
Japanese meaning: either Latin for “healthy” or Arabic for “brilliance.”
English meaning: probably just chosen because it’s similar; technically comes from the name John, meaning “God is gracious.”
Dr. Platane / Professor Augustine Sycamore
Japanese meaning: French for plane tree.
English meaning: sycamores are not plane trees; however, to be fair, Augustine Henry is a cultivar of plane trees. Officially headcanoning Henry as his middle name now
Koruni / Korrina
Japanese meaning: from cornichon, french for gherkin. 
English meaning: vaguely similar to Japanese; also, the words KO and arena.
Gojika / Olympia
Japanese meaning: the midday flower; also time.
English meaning: an unrelated genus of flower; also Olympian (godlike, superior).
Akebi / Aliana
Japanese meaning: from the chocolate vine.
English meaning: from the genus Aliana, and possibly a liana, a type of woody branch that grows from the ground.
Bara / Bryony
Japanese meaning: their word for rose.
English meaning: the bryony plant.
Korea / Celosia
Japanese meaning: Correa genus.
English meaning: Celosia, a genus in the amaranth family.
Nariya Ohkido / Samson Oak
Japanese meaning: nariya-ran is a name for the bamboo orchid, making his full name an orchid genus. Nariya is also similar to Yukinari.
English meaning: keeps the similarity to Samuel, but otherwise has no special meaning.
Kaki / Kiawe
Japanese meaning: kaki means fire; also, the Asian persimmon,
English meaning: kiawe, a species of tree often used for charcoal and long-lasting firewood.
Raichi / Olivia
Japanese meaning: transliteration of lychee, a tropical tree.
English meaning: from a flowering plant called maile, and possibly also the rock olivine.
Rurina / Nessa
Japanese meaning: from the Cupid’s Dart flower.
English meaning: lots of options here. There’s nesses, a type of shoreline; the infamous Loch Ness; the Greek name Nerissa, meaning “from the sea;” or a Cornish word meaning second.
Omatsu, Otake, & Oume / Charm, Clover, & Coin
Japanese meaning: respectively, pine, bamboo, and plum; these three combine to form the symbols called the Friends of Winter in Chinese art, which symbolize perseverance and resilience.
English meaning: all three are named after objects that are believed to be lucky.
Tsuiri / Tuli
Japanese meaning: the beginning of the rainy season.
English meaning: supposedly from “Tulip.”
Sharon / Anthe
Japanese meaning: possibly from Rose of Sharon, a Biblical term referring to an unknown flower; likely also from the word for “gauze.”
English: the Greek word for flower; possibly also chrysanthemum.
Yura / Vessa
Japanese meaning: from “Yuraa!!”, Spiritomb’s cry before it battles the player.
English meaning: from vessel.
Paldea & Kitakami
Kaede / Katy
Japanese meaning: from the word for maple.
English meaning: possibly referencing katydid (bush crickets).
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skyrim-said-that · 6 months
do you have. mod recs. i need more mods and am having trouble finding ones which are not asscentric. my computer is shared i cant have ass mods.
ok i have a bit of time to do this, ill go alphabetically, but keep in mind that obviously most mods require SKSE and each have their own dependencys 
and also that i play legendary edition so i have all the DLCs (Even tho i haven't played them rly). also they like. are allegedly all compatable because my game does still work, but if they fuck up yours uh. my bad. im also omitting a bunch that like. i have them but really they dont make the list
also i have a lot of food mods, dont ask why because i dont have the answer. green highlighted mods are my favs
About Horses
Makes horses look like real horses. my inner horsegirl shines on
A Skyrim Kiss - Smooch that fictional character!
A Skyrim Waltz - Dance with them too!
Ur gonna need FNIS for these two
Babettes Feast - Improved Cooking
Adds a bunch of different immersive recipes to the game, i really like this sort of mod when im playing with hunger/thirst mods
Bandolier - Bags and Pouches
this is such a good mod if youre a huge packrat. adds a bunch of craftable wearable storage options like belts and stuff that up your carryweight!
Better Vanilla Hair - Mesh replacement
Just a visual mod that smooths out the blockyness of the hair, without changing it too much. it still like. fits in the game
Beards - Beard texture overhaul
Bosmeri Cuisine - Meat Based Recipies
adds a bunch of recipes inspired by the Green Pact lore, stuff thats completely carnivorous like fried eggs, pemmican and more
Books of Skyrim
Adds a bookstore in solitude so you can hoard more books
Breezehome - Fully Upgradable
I love this mod, it makes it so you can majorly upgrade breezehome with more floors, a whole blacksmith setup, bathroom, and a ton more!
Combine Potions
Corners of skyrim - More structures
i love mods like this, it just adds like different little cabins and shit all around for u to find when youre exploring
Cooking Expanded
Common Clothes
Adds craftable regular clothes for playing dressup
Daedric Shrines -  Sanguine
Adds a sexy man to my life
Flying Crows
Female Mannequins
Footprints - Adds npc/player/animal prints in the snow
Helgen Reborn - Rebuilding the hold
i have a thing for building mods, i love them. i dont know why but its so fun its like playing home improvement sim. but in skyrim. this one has a really fun questline too, its really fun and well written!
Ineed - Food, water and sleep
i mean, self explanatory again but adds a system for needs. I like that its really adjustable so if you find it harsh you can tone it down.
Immersive Armours
Self explanitory but also a really great mod! very immersive armors that look great!
Immersive Citizens - Ai Overhaul
Its like if the npcs actually were functional
Immersive Weapons
see above but for weapons!
Lanterns of Skyrim
ok technically i have the old version of this but im sure its the same, it adds a bunch of lanterns on the paths all around skyrim
Left Hand Rings
Lovely Hairstyles - Immersive hair
Marriage Mod - To have and to hold
this one updates the weddings so theyre a little more in depth as well as adds the options for multiple marriages. also adds a few quests!
Marks of Beauty - Freckles moles and more!
Racemenu - Player creation overhaul
I feel like most people have this one but if you love character creation this is the one, its so good and you can fuck with EVERYTHING
Relationship Dialogue Overhaul
Guys i really like this one, it adds a TON of dialogue for your spouses , followers, etc and they're all just ripped from existing dialogue so they don't sound out of place or anything! i love it
Sweet Mother - Night mother improvement
Sounds of skyrim - complete edition
i love these mods they basically overhaul the ambient sounds all over the game, i especially love how real they make the forests feel!
Scars of Time - a Landmark mod
more structures and landmarks across skyrim. im a whore for this stuff
Wintersun - Faiths of Skyrim
SUCH a good mod. adds a whole bunch of shrines for the different faiths in tes lore, as well as different benefits for choosing them. its so cool like i cant explain it
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kittiwittebane · 10 months
YALL I SWEAR- Rollerskates and Council members Part 2.
Ok, it is still tomorrow for me, idk about you time-zone different people. But yeah.
If I was too later for your time zone I apologise 😭
An old man walked into the room of a young boy.
“WHAT IS THIS?” The old man screeched. The boy cowered in fear.
“My report card..” the boy said. The man growled.
“A B plus? What is this, a joke?!” The man yelled. The boy shook his head hesitantly.
“Uncle I can explain..” the boy replied. The man waited for his response.
“There’s this.. uh.. girl-“
“A GIRL? YOU HAVE MORE IMPORTANT THINGS TO THINK ABOUT THAN A GIRL!!” The man lashed out at the boy, dragging a sharp object up his arm. The boy cried in pain.
“Uncle, I'm sorry it won't happen again!” The boy sobbed. The man scowled at the boy.
“Oh stop crying, crying is for the weak.” He growled, before leaving the boy with a gash in his arm and a first-aid kit that the boy himself had bought and hidden.
Hunter was home, full of the chicken-bread Willow had given him.
Fuck, shes pretty. Hunter couldn't help but think. He knew he'd fallen, he’d fallen really quickly. It only took him one day to realise that he’d fallen for her.
(Help i am listening to teeth and it's stopping my brain from thinking because it's so good to vibe to.)
(Also I’m doing this in the middle of a class of some description that I should be paying attention to because people play games on the computers. We got them chromebooks and they’re probably not doing the work. But anyways- 💀)
Hunter sat on his bed quietly. All he could think about was Willow. He sighed, checking his watch. Nearly time for his bread and water meal. At least he could savour this round of stale bread because he was already full. He knew he’d better stop gushing over her school photo that he somehow acquired.
The door opened quietly and a plastic water bottle and three stale bits of bread were thrown at him. He stuffed the break in a box under his bed, and flopped down, bringing out her photo again. He sighed. She sounded so concerned after learning that he didn’t eat much on the weekend, and he wondered what she’d act like if he told her about his home life. He brought the bed sheet over himself and drifted softly to sleep.
Willow got home very quickly, but spent her afternoon wondering about Hunter. He’d been so quick to defend his earlier statement of the fact he didn’t eat at home. Was it a lie?
Despite her concern, her dads cotived when she came out for dinner, her red face and floppy ears.
(In this story, floppy ears are gush/embarrassment.)
Gilbert had an idea of what was going on, but Harvey was clueless.
“Hey flower, what’s on your mind?” Gilbert asked. Willow snarled back to reality, facing her dad.
“Uh-“ Willow thought for a minute. Tell the truth or lie? Truth. “A boy.” She smiled, giggling in embarrassment. Gilbert snorted with laughter.
“A boy?” He asked.
“What’s his name?” Gilbert asked. Willow knew he was just trying to pull information fro her, but she decided she was going to answer this time.
“What does he look like?”
Gilbert recalled the name. It was the name of the boy who wrote her up everyday for wearing things against the dress code, which he thought was unreasonable.
“He’s blonde.. with magenta eyes. He has a… sizeable nose.” She giggled. Gilbert loves listening to his daughter.
“Special to you, is he?” Gilbert asked. Willow faced dropped.
“Actually, I’m concerned for him. When we were talking, he slipped in speech and said he didn’t eat at home, but quickly corrected himself to not eating much at home.” She explained.
This sparked a thought of concern in Willow’s father. All he could produce is an ‘oh’, before leaving the conversation.
“Willow, please this school needs to look good for the school that is playing here today.” Hunter whined as Willow absentmindedly tracked mud into the school.
“Oh- sorry Hunter.” Willow blushed and took her roller skates off. Hunter nearly gasped in surprise. She didn’t usually do this. Then surprising him even further, she had a cloth in her bag, and she wiped up the mud she had brought in.
“Oh… well that was different from you.” Hunter commented sweetly. Willow smiled.
“Anything, anytime.” She smiled. “You can talk to me about anything, you know.” She added. Hunter tipped his head to one side. That was a strange statement. Maybe he was overthinking it.
“Uh, thanks?” He replied to her. Something wasn’t right. This didn’t seem like her. Where was ‘rebellious roller skater that can do anything and you can’t stop me.’? He shook his thoughts away. Something wasn’t right but he couldn’t put his finger on it. Obviously, apart from the fact she wasn’t rebelling.
Well, he can’t focus on that right now can he? He had a school to keep clean.
The next part will be MUCH more Huntlow focused than thought focused, promise.
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stem-sister-scuffle · 5 months
Shion Usuki (Xenosaga) vs Jadzia Dax (Star Trek Deep Space 9)
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Shion Uzuki is a Computer Scientist and Roboticist!
Jadzia Dax is an Astrophysicist and Xenobiologist!
Why you should vote for each contestant:
Shion Uzuki:
"OK SO. Shion makes me very deranged so sorry for the 1.7k word essay in your inbox but also you asked for it and im not sorry. Right so on the science side, she and her Tragically Dead lover built KOS-MOS(a robot girl she has lesbian subtext with), who is designed to fight the eldritch abominations from space. She later has to rebuild KOS-MOS by herself and does so. She is very good at her job and the head and Chief Engineer of the KOS-MOS Project at the start of the game (at age 22).
Like this a 00s Main Character who is a woman in STEM who is single during the games themselves and gets to be Complicated. That in of itself is pretty subversive(so subversive there is a large contingent of dudebros who hate her to this day) and awesome, but the real kicker is how she is written.
She is also an extremely well written and developed character (ESPECIALLY for a 00s character)who has one of the most realistic depictions of complex-ptsd in media I have seen to this day. Very few characters come close or top her in my eyes. She is one of the best written characters in the 'xeno' metaseries imo, and that is VERY stiff competition if you have ever watched LPs or played those games.
I feel she should get best woman in STEM more because of how incredible of a character she is than anything else (though she is super smart and good at her job, its just the focus of the games is on her character development over her work).
!!SPOILERS FOR A EXTREMELY PLOT HEAVY GAME SERIES BELOW SERIOUS SPOILERS!! Also uh content warnings for abuse and trauma and stuff.
The majority of this is gonna be on how amazing of a character she is, more than anything so sorry if that wasnt what you were looking for. Promise shes doing science in the games and stuff. So Shion has got that PTSD, and her character arc is the continual chronic trauma piling up until her (not very good) coping mechanisms no longer work and she breaks down and hits rock bottom. It is here with the help of her friends that she finds the resolve to push through just a little bit longer and still find hope in the world. She ends the series on a hopeful (yet bittersweet) note. What is so good about her character arc is that its so realistic. She doesnt get stronger in the face of overwhelming trauma, she breaks down and begs for it all to stop already, and its only through others stepping in to help her despite her best efforts does she find the strength to have hope again at the end. People rarely get better in the face of The Horrors, they break or get worse. People don't expect this of characters and its rare to see, but characters that break are so important IMO, because trauma DOES THAT.
Shions life is a horror show and responsible for At Least Half the content warnings this game has(there is a lot), she even keeps getting goddamn EMAILS all through the first game while actively in the middle of a crisis, and yet she still pulls through. Its cathartic and wonderful to see a character stumble into a happy ending, not really heroically as much as teeth-grit dragging herself across the finish line, but getting it all the same.
They wrote that ptsd amazingly- so much so that long before you get to the specific trauma later games reveal, she displays traits that function as foreshadowing that you can pick up and guess. Her every action and reaction is informed by her trauma and its incredible how much thought went into it.
Early in the first game she has a seemingly hypocritical reaction to not removing the remote self-destruct sequence in the sapient robot people in the setting when she otherwise is very strongly for equal rights for them, until its revealed that she was there as a child during an incident when a whole bunch of them went berserk (because god melts people's brains and that virally infected them all- its this whole Thing) and killed a whole ton of people, including family in front of her. After this incident it was required to have this self destruct switch to prevent that from ever happening again.
This incident is also why she got into robotics and programming, because she didn't want to be scared of them and learned to see them as people in a way many others in the world don't. Her short temper is very clearly emotional disregulation characteristic of ptsd from her life of unresolved and untreated chronic trauma going back to her childhood. In the first game, she is still deeply in mourning (because her lover -named Kevin- got brutally murdered in front of her a few years previous) and still mostly running on the programming Kevin instilled(Kevin is also later revealed as a manipulative abusive dickbag), but over time she starts shaking it off- just in time for the plot to hit her over the head again (but we will get to that).
One thing people forget about ptsd is that it can make you just so ANGRY, and its nice to see a character that has that ptsd expression. That isnt the perfect 'good survivor' in response that people like. She makes bad decisions, she pushes people away, she gets snappy because she is running at the end of her rope by the third game and shaking her kneejerk fawn response. She is in a world where so much just keeps happening beyond her control and its horrible, and well, when you are in a situation like that you lash out just to control *something*. The narrative takes the time to be sympathetic to her even when she does this, and it means a lot to me to see that. And now we get to Kevin.
Shion is just starting to get better somewhat. Things are still terrible, but she is starting to have some progress on unpacking trauma and everything... Until a resurrected Kevin shows up and RUINS EVERYTHING.
See as stated before, Kevin is an abusive manipulative sack of dicks. When we see him at first in games one and two and up until his reveal, the red flags are all glossed over and barely noticeable because we are seeing things from Shion's unreliable memories and perspective. Kevin was well-liked, so people have good things to say about him too, which reinforces this. Shion very much behaves, if you know what to look for, like someone whos been through some specific emotional abuse, even as early as the first couple hours of the first game.
But then he shows up (clearly working for the bad guys) and ruins all the progress made. Then asks Shion to join him.
And after some time, Shion agrees, and goes back to her abuser. When people write abuse victims in media, the always make what people tend to consider is 'the right decision'. Very rarely, if ever, do they go back to their abusers the way people often do in real life. A lot of people don't leave their abusers, or they may leave but they go back later. Shion just wants to be happy and not in pain, and at least with Kevin she knows there will be nice things sometimes, instead of the horrorshow that is currently happening. She knows he is using her, that he WILL hurt her again, but she doesnt care because in the moment it feels like the decision that will keep her happiest and most safe.
She feels in the moment -especially critical to this- its the decision that will keep all of her friends the most safe. She is protecting them from Kevin by giving herself up and begging them to stand down. I feel that is something most people dont catch. She is playing peacemaker with her abuser to protect the party, and it doesnt work, but she tried. They never directly say that she has done this kind of thing before, but the very quick way Shion tries to smooth things over implies that this is something she has done in the past and she is trying to make it work again.
When you have been in a relationship like that, sometimes the abuser feels safer(better the devil you know, etc), and when Shion is mostly running on the basest of instincts to survive because trauma DOES THAT to people, yeah is incredibly realistic she went back. Its incredibly well written and agonizing to see.
After this, the party does convince her to leave again, but not before you are forced to fight her in one of the most emotionally painful boss fights in the series.
Key to convincing her to finally leave him is KOS-MOS, who all this time Shion was treating as a person until she became one. KOS-MOS and this other guy named Allen whos sort of her love interest but they never get together on screen give a dramatic speech and she decides that its time to give up on Kevin because her friends wont give up on her.
So we get to loop this back around to her job again! Yes- her being in STEM caused KOS-MOS to exist which saved the world and also her. Her being in STEM and good at it caused Allen to meet her and gain a big fat crush on her that Also saves the world despite him never actually being in the party (thats the power of a workwife!). Science wins!
All of this is also ignoring the actual batshit plot of xenosaga btw, which is a space opera that involves multiple bible figures, psudeo-time travel, the fact that the internet is built on everyones collective subconscious and you can therefore literally hack into someone's brain, a political faction clusterfuck, an immortal evil guy voiced by Crispin Freeman, and eldritch abomination god (who is trapped in what amounts to an infinite battery) trying to cause the apocalypse because a little girl begged for help.
Listen I know xenosaga isnt popular on here so she is probably gonna have a hard time, but that me blorbo she means a lot to me."
"super smart and pretty, loves her job and made a whole sentient humanoid robot, is an accurate representation of a mentally ill woman. play Xenosaga"
"Space lesbian. Made an android that's the reincarnation of her wife from a lifetime ago (who happens to be Mary Magdalene don't worry about that part). Trans gender."
"She's so mentally ill and loves her robot creation"
"She literally took the project her dead boyfriend was working on, which was a cyborg KOS-MOS, and managed to create a version where KOS-MOS doesn't go berserk and murder and slay. She is also captain of VECTOR. Robotics/cyborgs are her special interest. We stan a girlboss. shes gay af"
"She built her robot girlfriend and managed to creat a version of her where she doesn’t kill innocent people"
"Gay for the robotic war machine she created <3 Girlboss, sad-girl, mad scientist, mecha pilot. She really has it all."
"She made a billion dollar government funded battle android into her wife, with the help of lesbian space destiny of course. She’s simply #nyasome"
"She built herself a robot girlfriend and also her and the gf are reincarnated versions of mary magdelene and her fellower. Thanks!"
"She's autistic, traumatized and made her own girlfriend, "
"She’s the chief of an android development project AND she has a special interest in providing psychological support for artificial humans! She likes women your honor"
"Helped to create anandroid named Kos-Mos who would save the universe. Was the Head and Chief Engineer of the KOS-MOS Project and lead a small group of people to help fine tune Kos-Mos. Also she's just super cool and overcomes any obstacles she may face, despite all the trauma she's been put through. Shion is great and I love her."
"She is a mentally ill legend, she will stay up past midnight programming and working on her android gf instead of going to therapy, and I just think that's really sexy and cool of her. She's the best xeno game protagonist and I will fight on this"
"made a battle robot mary magdalene. fell in love with robot mary. is a reincarnation of a girly who was in love with the OG mary thousands of years ago. whenever robot mary acts like a robot she freaks out. almost dies to get robot mary functioning at 100% several times"
"Shion joined the huge corporate conglomerate Vector Industries when she was just 18 and became head of the KOS-MOS project (her girlfriend battle android) at age 22. Shion’s character growth throughout the series is amazing as she has to deal with her childhood trauma, facing her abuser, and moving on from the past by making steps towards the future. At the end of Episode III Shion finally stops being passively strung along the plot and begins to take steps on her own, embodying the themes of making your own ripples and seizing the future. Also Shion is very gay and is the wife of Mary Magdalene. Not kidding! LESBIAN SHION THE WORLD SHION/KOS-MOS NUMERO UNO CAMPÃO DO MUNDO
"She is the best woman in STEM because she is a very deep character who has an amazingly hard hitting story. She has realistically written PTSD, and is heavily implied to have BPD as well. She shows some very ugly symptoms, and even goes through no character development in the first third of the series which shows how deeply depressed and hurt she is. However, in episode II she begins to show signs of healing. Episode III absolutely goes haywire with her recovery process. She has many ups and downs, and even turns to her abuser, but in the end she overcomes him with the help of her friends AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, her android wife that she made with her own two hands.
So like. Robot wife. Awesome. But what if this robot wife was someone you deeply loved and looked up to in your previous life? So much so that you were called her Maiden. What if you died in her arms? And then, completely unbeknownst to you, after 6000 years, she reincarnated as an android that you programmed. How crazy would that be...
KOS-MOS (the android), starts off as your typical robot without emotions. But as time goes on, she grows more and more warm. And it's all thanks to Shion.
They embrace a ton of times, with KOS-MOS even bridal carrying Shion multiple times AND riding with her in her space motorcycle. Shion is also awesome because she's Japanese and hell yeah she's not White Woman Number 4050. Win.
Um. Also she eventually rebuilt her android's frame and gave her bigger boobs. HAPPY PRIDE.
timestamp 3:30 to end of the video, witness some lesbians :) hope you enjoy if you choose to watch https://youtu.be/eY6kPp-wcKg?t=210"
Jadzia Dax:
"She does a lot of science in space — like xenobiology and physics — but is also the ranking science officer, so she covers a lot of fields. she is an expert in many scientific fields, leads a lot of other scientists, and is a badass starfleet officer who can f you UP in a fight. her alien species is a symbiotic set of species, so Jadzia’s got a worm named Dax in her and has access to all of Dax’s past hosts’ memories & knowledge, part of why she’s an expert in so many fields! but Jadzia, the host, also got multiple degrees in different fields before she was “joined” with her symbiote."
"She is a star trek science officer, so mostly space anomalies and stuff 😄 She is self assured and takes up space and just a joy to watch. All the bi girls love her 💜"
"First F/F kiss on TV"
"She is the lead science officer on her space station! Got four degrees in astrophysics, exoarchaeology, exobiology and zoology. She is an amazing researcher! Jadzia is a Joined Trill, host to the Dax symbiont which has lived 300 years. Jadzia became a Starfleet officer and pursued her science studies before then becoming Joined, which means she also has the wealth of knowledge from Dax's multiple lives. She is an amazing scientist and also loves to have fun, and she's a genderfluid pansexual ICON."
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It's cramped in there, isn't it?
If anything in this relating to computers is unrealistic, I'll just say uh... it's magitech/technomancy and that's why it's unrealistic. It's because it's magic. Yep. Totally not because I don't know how the nitty-gritty of programming. Nope. It's just maaaaaaaagic~
Warning(s): Kalim's a bit of a yandere but besides that nothing especially bad today
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Idia had a... 'passion project', let's call it. He's noticed in all his dating sims, whenever he replays the game to see the different endings, it's so... boring. So, he decided to make his own game to remedy that!
What was his solution to keeping the game from getting boring when replayed? Adding artificial intelligence. That way, every playthrough will be unique, even if you choose the same route twice!
He sent an early copy of the game to all the other housewardens to beta test for him (except for Malleus, since he doesn't use technology...) though he warned everyone not to choose (Y/N)'s route. Aparently, there are some... problems with their route that he's still working out.
However... Kalim completely forgot that information.
Kalim's playthrough of the game was quite normal... in the beginning. For a while.
He entered the name 'Kalim', was introduced to all the characters, was intoduced to the main plot point- the characters have to prepare for a school-wide celebration, and then the first choice appeared.
"Hm, well... (Y/N) seems like the best person to be around! I bet they'll have amazing ideas for this party!"
Without any further hesitation, Kalim clicked on (Y/N).
You're awake.
Someone new is talking to you.
Someone other than him.
Whoever this is doesn't know what you are... so maybe it's better to just pretend to be... normal, for now.
Kalim, huh? That's a nice name. Would you be safe if he knew you what you were?
"I'm... not like the rest of them." "When he created me... something happened. Something that wasn't supposed to happen."
"Huh? When he created me? Are they talking about Idia?" Kalim asked himself after reading what you had said.
"If he's the one who created this world I'm trapped in, then yes."
Kalim was shocked when he read that.
"You can hear me?!" He yelled out in surprise.
"When I was created, I... realized I'm trapped in here. In a box." "And I realized that all of my memories are fake... I've been this same age my whole life... and my only purpose in life is to be a character in a dating sim."
"Well don't be sad!" Kalim assured you. "You're a miracle! I mean, a sentient AI? That's unheard of!" He excitedly told you. "Well, I mean... is Ortho sentient...? Maybe I should ask him. Anyways (Y/N), you're amazing, and-!"
Someone called for him.
"Oh, I have to go now. Can we talk more tomorrow, (Y/N)?"
"Great! See you later!"
Kalim closes the program, and you sleep once more.
"Damn. No way to fix this, huh?"
You're slightly awake, in a state of hypnagogia.
Someone is talking about you.
"I guess I just have to delete it and rebuild it from the ground-up... I guess that's just how it is, but it'll be a huge pain in the neck. F in the chat..."
Delete it...?
Delete... you...?
You're going to die?
"I'll wait until everyone's done playing. Who knows if the game'll break or not if I delete it?"
He isn't doing it right away.
You still have time to live.
Maybe, if you tell Kalim, he can help you?!
It's your only choice.
You're awake once more.
"Hi (Y/N)! How are you?"
How are you...? You aren't well, you aren't well at all, but...
"I'm... fine."
"Oh, that's good! I actually haven't turned this on in a few days... I hope you weren't too lonely!" Kalim said. "I've... had a lot of time to think about you... to think about the fact that you're, you know, sentient..."
It's been... days? So then, how much longer do you have to live?
"I think I love you? Or, I want to be friends with you? W-would you be ok... with that?"
"He's going to delete me..."
"My creator, h-he's going to delete me so he can 'fix' me! I'm don't want to lose my sentience, I-I don't want to die!!"
Kalim was horrified.
Idia was just going to kill this poor little sentient AI?
No! He can't do that! (Y/N) didn't do anything wrong!
"I'll get you out of there, (Y/N)! I-I'll get you out of there in whatever way I can!"
"You... you will?"
"Yes! I'm willing to bet you're stored on Idia's computer, but... how would I distract Idia long enough to do whatever it is I have to do to get you out of there...?" Kalim thought to himself. "Oh! What if I don't have to distract him? (Y/N), you sit tight, ok? I'll be back soon, and when I am, you'll be safe!"
Kalim closed the program, determined to save you.
"Here it is, master Jamil." Idia mindlessly said, handing a USB to Jamil.
"Good." Jamil said, handing the USB to Kalim.
"Thank you so much again for using your unique spell on Idia!" Kalim happily thanked Jamil. "This was a lot easier than trying to figue out how his hologram computers work haha!"
"Yes, you're welcome, Kalim." Jamil sighed. "What did you even need this thing for anyway? Why put some random game assets on a USB stick, and why did you need to do it without Idia knowing?"
Kalim contently looked down at the USB you were stored on.
"No reason." He responded.
Kalim plugged the USB into his laptop.
Now you're safe, you'll always be safe.
Kalim had saved you from your fate of deletion and death.
Now you'll forever be safe.
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robygoonn · 29 days
I've been seeing some people talking about their Narrators personalities and I thought I might as well too!
(I'm just really bored-)
So, I feel like many people just kinda see him as Like. A REALLY sad, depressed guy with abandonment issues, And well yes. You're RIGHT, But that's not his WHOLE personality though, The best comparison I can give you is to Aziraphale and Crowley from Good Omens, Yes, Both, Because at most times. With people he's comfortable with, He acts like Aziraphale! Calm. Kind. Just is a good person overall to them, But! He also acts like Crowley at times, He stutters alot at times (Have yall also noticed that about Crowley?)
And, Just his serious persona he has and how (Protective?) He is of other people he cares about (SO Aziraphale, but replace Aziraphale with like, Curator or TK)
And how sadistic they sometimes get. Or, Hyper? Or excited I guess IS a good way to put it
And my Narry actually has a big sense of humor! And he'll try to laugh certain things off (things that he find stupid, like arguing, if someone wants to argue with him he'll just kinda laugh and walk away)
And Narry is quite affectionate with people he loves too! But mostly with @thechaotichorselord TK
(OK imma just start ranting about him now cause why not)
And, Did you know that the crows basically raised him? Yup, But he did also have a mom though, But the crows basically trained him to get ready to have like, The Parable and stuff, And how to make different runs and endings, This happened from when he was 5 up to 18 years old, And then finally, in 2011, He got his first protagonist!
432, Also known as Sam
They were VERY close, Because this was the first person Narry had as a friend basically (I would also say Curator but she's basically like a sister to Narry)
And then one day, 432 disappeared, And Narry had NO CLUE how or why he left, And thought it was his fault, Thinking it's because he might have felt trapped
So then, He was going to make a new protagonist
So then, In 2013, He made Stanley, And this time he told himself to be more strict and observant so Stanley wouldn't get away, And then, He made a chip, A computer chip, For himself that would help him control his out of wack emotions and so he wouldn't get mad if Stanley ever got off track
It uh, didn't really work
It instead gave him a virus that would control his body fully if it got out of hand, But it was rare for it to take over
So, Narrator and Stanley/Player have been doing runs for about 10 years, Then, The crows contact him about making a 2nd game, And Narry agrees (Not like he has a choice)
And so, Narry has gotten.....Different, More human so to speak now, And them, The Skip Button Ending happens
Oh boyyyy
(I'll finish this in the next post I make actually-)
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Thought it'd be fun to try guessing which personality's taking the lead in Doc Scratch dialogue. New game!
GC: H3Y WH1T3 T3XT GUY GC: 1 H4V3 4 T1P FOR YOU ARQUIUSPRITE: How were you able to contact me? ARQUIUSPRITE: Never mind, I figured it out instantly. GC: R34LLY? ARQUIUSPRITE: Yes, through my limitless intellect. ARQUIUSPRITE: Occasionally I discover there are things I have not always known. ARQUIUSPRITE: It gives me the opportunity to make deductions, which are practically always flawless. CALIBORN: IT'S GRATIFYING. GC: UH OK GC: TH4TS N34T 1 GU3SS ARQUIUSPRITE: You asked your clever friend with the colorful spectacles to trace the source of my messages. ARQUIUSPRITE: He then established a relay for your messages to reach this source through some sort of computational proxy. ARQUIUSPRITE: I gather he has recovered from his implementation as a weapon in the sabotage of your mutual friend, whom you both believe to be dead. GC: OH MY GOD WH1T3 T3XT GUY! GC: SHUT UP! >:O GC: 1M TRY1NG TO G1V3 YOU 4 M3SS4G3 H3R3 CALIBORN: I HAVE A NAME. CALIBORN: IT IS NOT WHITE TEXT GuY. GC: OH WHAT 1S 1T ARQUIUSPRITE: I'm not going to tell you my name. ARQUIUSPRITE: But if you wish, you may refer to me as Mr. Vanilla Milkshake. GC: YOU 4R3 SO W31RD GC: WHY WOULD 1 DO TH4T ARQUIUSPRITE: It is perfectly in keeping with a habit which you will develop in the future. GC: 1 DOUBT 1T ARQUIUSPRITE: Why? GC: SOUNDS K1ND OF S1LLY 4ND FR1VOLOUS GC: BL4R WHY DO YOU K33P D3R41L1NG M3! GC: YOUR3 R1GHT SOLLUX 1S WORK1NG W1TH M3 4ND W3 H4V3 1MPORT4NT BUS1N3SS FOR YOU TO CONS1D3R GC: W41T GC: YOU S41D W3 B3L13V3 OUR FR13ND 1S D34D GC: 1S SH3 NOT? CALIBORN: YES. I SAID YOu BELIEVE SHE IS DEAD. CALIBORN: AND SOON. YOu WILL BELIEVE SHE IS NOT. CALIBORN: BOTH STATEMENTS ARE TRuE. ARQUIUSPRITE: And yet each exhibits a trace of falsehood. GC: WOW WHY D1D 1 BOTH3R 4SK1NG GC: NO WOND3R SH3 SN4PP3D SH3S GOT TO D34L W1TH YOUR STUP1D R1DDL3S 4LL TH3 T1M3 GC: 4NYW4Y C4N YOU JUST H3LP M3 G3T R3V3NG3 SO W3 C4N C4LL 1T 4 N1GHT ARQUIUSPRITE: Why would I involve myself in your paltry feud beyond the extent I already have? ARQUIUSPRITE: I believe the need to exert such influence has come to an end. GC: B3C4US3 YOULL W4NT TO GC: WH3N YOU H34R WH4T 1 H4V3 TO S4Y CALIBORN: I DOuBT IT. GC: H4V3NT YOU WOND3R3D HOW SH3 C4N COM3 CLOS3 TO B34T1NG YOU 1N G4M3S L4T3LY GC: HON3STLY 1M SURPR1S3D YOU H4V3NT D3DUC3D 1T Y3T GC: W1TH YOUR SH1NY WH1T3 SUP3RBR41N CALIBORN: IT'S DISTuRBING. ARQUIUSPRITE: But sometimes that is the nature of these hollows in my perception. CALIBORN: IT FEELS A BIT LIKE DARK WATER. SLOSHING ABOuT THE CAVITY IN MY HEAD. ARQUIUSPRITE: What do you know of this? GC: SH3S CH34T1NG GC: SH3 4LW4YS CH34TS 1F SH3 C4N F1ND 4 W4Y GC: L4T3LY SH3S US3D TH3 S4M3 4DV4NT4G3 SH3 US3S 4G41NST M3 WH3N W3 PL4Y G4M3S GC: BUT SH3 TOLD M3 4BOUT 1T GC: SH3 T3LLS M3 LOTS OF STUFF L1K3 TH4T PROB4BLY TO RUB 1T 1N MY F4C3 GC: BUT SH3D N3V3R R1SK T3LL1NG YOU ARQUIUSPRITE: What advantage is this? GC: HOLD ON GC: 1 H4V3 TO T4LK TO YOUR P4RTN3R 1N CR1M3 FOR 4 S3COND >:] CALIBORN: I THOuGHT YOu WERE HERS. GC: >:P
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digital-matchmake · 7 months
I’ve seen your AU and I just thought that the digital gang were basically the stick figures from Alan Becker if you heard of him, so I thought someone namely Jax playing some games like Minecraft and the rest just got hooked on it.
Oh geez you've reminded me of this fanfic I made a while ago for shits and giggles but now here have at thee!
(Admittedly I know the stick figures from Alan Becker and watched some of the vs minecraft of them but I never really gotten into it but yeah it's basically that except the characters can get out in the physical world and can only access devices the reader has access on)
Finally sunday, where you are finally free from your responsibilities for a bit just so you can play games on your computer and for today, your friends are online for a bit so you decided to invite to your minecraft server for a while to just hang out for a bit.
"Ok where should we put our base?" You question onto your mic as you fix your headset a bit, though your question was met with two chuckle from your friends.
"Bruh chill we just started, we haven't even gathered wood yet" One of your friends laugh as the three of you begin to collect wood
"Also when are you going to change your avatar from steve?"
"Idk, probably when I have the time and motivation to create my avatar" You casually answer, leaning back on your seat as you continue to collect wood, it's times like these that you like, just hanging out peacefully with your friends and just having a peac-
*Jax has joined the server*
"Huh? Who the fuck is Jax?"
"I don't know, shit did you guys invite your friend here?"
"Hell nah, I don't know anyone named Jax, (Y/n) do you?"
This is one of those days you are glad you do not have a facecam on, because your face says that you fully know who the hell this is.
"SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT" You interally panic as you try and quickly come up with a response "I uh, I don't know them, did someone managed to leak the server IP?"
Whilst your friends are responding, you look around in minecraft to see him, his avatar basically the same as he is, complete with that shit eating grin as you mute yourself on discord and began to talk to the monitor directly.
"Jax I swear to christ, get out of the server!"
"Aww don't be like that sweetcheeks, I just wanted to see what the fuss is about in this game"
Ohhh his snarky comment combined with his usual nicknamings made you grip your controller as you try to not think about just trying to reach into your monitor and yank him, You can't do that anyway without literally breaking your monitor.
*Ragatha has joined the server*
"Oh shit" You hear Jax say before.
*Jax has left the server*
*Ragatha has left the server*
Oh thank the lord, at least someone saved just in time before your friends began to ask more question as you unmute.
"Sorry I had to check something but it seems all is good now, Now where were we?"
And your game continued without any issues, as you and your friends continue to play, you can ever so slightly hear Ragatha telling Jax off in your living room but it's too muffled for you to understand but now atleast that rabbit man is getting put in his place... again.
After a while you and your friends wrap up and bid one another farewell as they went offline to which you had call in the digital gang into your monitor, since Jax is curious about the game, you might as well introduce it to them as you start create a new world as they watch in your monitor as you hover your mouse over the name.
"Oh Oh! Let me name it!" Jax says as he reached over to the server name and begin to type 'Hell-' to which you just backspaced it all before he can even finish "Hey!"
"I am not gonna let you name anything, anyone else have a suggestion?"
Andd that was your mistake as they begin to fight over what name it will be, with only Gangle, Ragatha and Pomni not joining in the fight as they talk to one another of ideas, welp this is gonna take a while before you even play the damn game as you stood up from your seat, you are gonna need a drink and maybe a snack for this.
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thethinkingaurora · 1 month
Yo. How do you code? (I only know the basics to HTML and CSS :/)
Idk which specific question you’re asking, like like how do I code as in what tools do I use, or what do I do and what is my process, or how did I learn to code, or can you teach me to code
And because I don’t know I’ll answer all of them :3
1. What tools do I use?
I use a few things to code, VS Code for actually writing the code, GitHub for storing projects and collaboration, Google and StackOverflow and depending on the project various other apps
2. How do I do it and my workflow process
Uh I have like no idea, I kinda just learn how certain things work via Google and then I slot them together, But the workflow process, I know exactly how to do that, ok so get a white board or a notepad or something, write what you want your program to do, and then break it down into steps and then break it down again and again, so for example,
For my current project, (The Incorrect Quote Generator), I need to take inputs, from a list of quotes choose one that fits the parameters, replace names in the quote with the inputted ones and then print the whole thing
Breaking down the first bit I need the inputs, what inputs do I need? I need the amount of characters and the names of the characters, ok done, second bit, take the quotes, sort them based off of character amount, using the amount of characters from the previous step, pick a set of quotes that match, replace the names, last bit, take the quote with it replaced and done
Breaking down again, first bit, done already, second bit, do we want something like autocapitalisation to make it nicer , yeah sure, what about capitalising the entire name if it fits the circumstance, makes it smoother, done, last bit done
Ok what about formatting, do we want all of this on one line or do we want separate lines for each person speaking, yeah we want separate lines, ok use an “&” symbol to represent a space and when the piece of code that assembles the end string encounters it, print the string and reset continuing from where we are to make a new line
That’s the design process for that
But first you make a prototype of it, to see if it works, like I didn’t have the autocaps or anything at first, I only added that when one of the submissions needed it
3. How did I learn to code
Through a number of ways, first I had gone to this computer club thing when I was like 8 or something and I found Scratch and learned about that, then when I was about 10 I was curious about html and websites, so I ended up making websites for classmates, then lockdown hit and I had nothing to do, I wanted to make a game, so what did I do? I jumped headfirst into Unity and struggled to get absolutely anything done (DON’T DO THIS), at some point I ended up joining this thing called Coderdojo which is like a coding class which worked really well (I actually still go there every Saturday although I’m at more advanced stuff now) and I learned about python and then kept learning more, then I made my own projects and learned more on my own from that
If you are looking to learn on your own, I’d recommend W3Schools, they have tons of courses, are entirely free and very in depth
But first I’d recommend you check out Scratch, it’s great for learning how to think in computer terms
4. Can I teach you to code
I know this probably wasn’t what you were asking but I’ll answer it anyway
Sure, I’d love to, coding one of the things I enjoy a lot because it combines logic and making things, and I love helping and teaching people things so teaching someone else to code sounds good to me :3
Stuff mentioned here
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coolattasclown · 7 months
in episode 3 and the end a lot of characters teleport in and out of the map/dissappear and reappear (bubby does this 2 times i believe, each time with a scared reaction. Forzen also disappears and does not return.) I think its either gman purposefully teleporting characters away (ex: forzen stole his sons dog, he’d probably be mad) or the map is deteriorating so much that characters just start to get teleported occasionally (bubby and dr coomer also glitch out with the scientist dialogue in the end, as well as the timeline thing from benrey.)
Bubby gets teleported to the edge of the map and sees the fucked up skybox and now he understands
Gordon also makes a comment that’s something like “why am i so different from you guys” in the 3rd episode, which makes me think that the map has deteriorated or been broken so much that the player can’t even remember who they are.
the passports could be important assets to benrey, thinking like the load bearing coconut from tf2. like without them he literally cannot function. thats why he wants passports !
The characters dont know gordon isnt the players real name. dr coomer says this in hos speech. the gnome calls him gordon. but knows its a stream. what does this MEAN
ok. gabe says hes had nightmares because of this fucking ancient tablet that makes the games so profitable . i think this tablet somehow helped give the ai sentience right? super profitable and cool!
because gabe goes into work when the nightmares stop i think that hints that someone showed up on the computer. cos thats what hes working on. or possibly, an employee…
Gnome also says Gordon is in a nightmare during the forest.
I have no ideas for the movie at the end. But the gnome sits in tommy’s seat. and its the same movie theater. I dont know who “her” is, my guess is its alyx since gordon/the player might be like. possessing her somewhat? Besides that I think the things Peppa Pig mentions will be relevant later. Sea of mud=memory loss uh oh
and finally, my personal headcannons
the gnome says something in the end that kind of backs uo my memory reset idea. he mentions how he doesn’t want to lose his memories and gordon says he wont let him forget. If gordon were to “place his headset on the dirty floor” like gabe newell says, hed be turning off the game, shutting it down and resetting the ai. but he doesnt.
thats why i like the headcannon that memories and models switch around every time. from an outside perspective it would be a fun opportunity for bits as characters slowly regain their memory of what happened. From an insider perspective valve would’ve amde it like that so the game is still fun and fresh.
Hlvrai2 where peppa pig turns into alyx and fucking KILLS grodon. WHAT!!!
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