#but we stan a non-binary celebrity okay
Ya know what makes me really mad, actually?
That when Demi Lovato came out, all those people were freaking out and acting like they/them pronouns are such a big deal but as soon and I mean as
As Demi said they’re more in touch with their femininity again and wants to start using she/her pronouns again….the media went wild like
“Ahhhh she’s going back to she/her” ya da ya da ya da, kept referring Demi as she and only she. As if her identity as a queer person didn’t matter anymore. Fuckers practically erased Demi’s fucking identity.
No. Demi didn’t just decide she was going back to being a woman, yeah? They are still non-binary. She uses they as well as she. They didn’t go back to she/her. They added she/her to her as acceptable fucking pronouns for others to refer to her as. Demi Lovato’s pronouns are she/they.
Pronouns don’t equate fucking gender. 👏👏👏
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
1. JK is from one of biggest anti LGBTQ country where people get attached for being queer
2. The death of migrant. From datas I saw majority are from India. And as an Indian I can understand this coz 1 out of every 4 houses here have atleast 1 person working in middle east countries especially from my state. And lemme tell you the celebrations of worldcup here is INSANE. Like you will be literally surprised how Grantly it's celebrated here and number of fans associations and 100ft cut outs of sports starts displayed here. I can, without a ounce of doubt, say people here doesn't give a fuck about country's rules or governance where world cup is happening.
And that's the attitude of majority of Asian countries and people there regarding many of rules and regulations prevailing in other countries... we only care how people we stan is personally and won't try to judge them based on the countries they may have to visit as part of job... because it's really 2 unrelated event for us.
Anon 2: I'm non binary and trans and I do feel very weird about Jungkook deciding to perform in a country that not only kills LGBTQ+ people, but has serious labor law violations, discriminates rampantly against women and is intolerant towards minorities. I feel so so so bad because I love him, I look up to him but then he went ahead and performed there. When he could've have simply chosen not too. And I'm not the only one in my community who feels this way. I feel immensely disappointed. And you might not agree with me, which is fine.
I'm not telling anyone how to feel. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. I'm sharing how I FEEL. And I hope that you hold that same energy for all the other places BTS have performed in that have horrible and degrading laws towards queer people and women too over the past years. Like I said in my post addressing all this before. I won't be sharing anymore over this because I have said all I have to say. Which is not me telling you to agree with me. Feel how you feel. That's okay. It's me saying I'm not wanting to have the exact same conversation 10 times. Just to keep repeating myself and reminding everyone that their feelings are their own and doesn't need my validation either way, whether you are upset about it or not. I personally do not have the mental energy right now to validate everyone's feelings about it all personally. I already did so in a general sense and shared my own thoughts about it all. Please just go read that post. Thank you
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bowie-boy · 3 years
Favorite LGBT+ headcanons for X-Files characters? Mine is that pretty much every main F.B.I. agent(including Krycek) is either bisexual or asexual(or both)! :)
This has been in my inbox for months and I keep forgetting about it I’m so sorry but TODAY IS THE DAY!!!! Happy TDOV Fox and @himbo-mulder (this is my response to your ask too)
LGBTQ X-Files Headcanons Because Someone Asked
Fox Mulder:
Bi and trans icon
The first person he told was Samantha
She accepted him immediately as her big brother and told him he should name himself Fox (it was her favorite animal at the time)
He was going to make his name William Mulder Jr. up until she disappeared, in which he actually decided to make his first name Fox (he misses her 🥺)
Came out to his parents sometime in high school, both took it badly
Bill was hella transphobic—he was already pretty shitty to Mulder but this added a whole new layer to it
Teena was more passive aggressive about it but still made withering comments about how she “lost two daughters now”
Some high school friends (*chants* PHOEBE AND GIMBLE PHOEBE AND GIMBLE) helped Mulder start T and change his legal name on government documents before he left for Oxford
Mulder wanted to go stealth while he was there but came out to Phoebe
When they broke up, she outed him to everyone
Things got so bad that he almost dropped out
Mulder joined the FBI, excited at the prospect of knowing no one and being able to go exclusively by his last name
He was somewhat happy of his solitude in the basement—no one really looked into him past his spooky nature, so no one could find out he was trans
Since Samantha, Scully was the first person who was truly accepting of who he really was
Got top surgery sometime before Colony
Definitely fell in love with Scully right after reading her profile skrjnwkdjwka
Mulder and Krycek were definitely an item for a hot sec until Krycek went evil
Mulder is 500% faithful to Scully but kinda had a crush on Doggett for a little bit
Mulder just wants to be a better dad than Bill 🥺🥺🥺
Mulder helped Byers realize he was trans!!! More on that later though
Dana Scully:
A bi queen
Definitely experimented in college and had a couple girlfriends there and through med school
Ending up breaking up with a girl she was really close with because Scully’s job was just putting too much strain on their relationship
It was really hard on her and made her swear off serious relationships for a long time
She thought Mulder was adorable from the moment she saw him but was really scared of actually developing feelings for him so she pushed it down
And kept pushing it down until she finally realized Mulder was never going to hurt her and actually let him in
I’m just ranting about MSR now oops
100% faithful to Mulder but thought Reyes was super hot
Scully is just a distinguished bi idk what else to say
Walter Skinner:
You can’t adopt THAT MANY LGBT agents if you’re not LGBT yourself, right?
Definitely bisexual
Grew up in a really conservative family and didn’t even consider it an option until he moved out
Skinner was attracted to a lot of guys in his squad in Vietnam but he thought it was just because there were no women around
(Spoiler alert: it wasn’t)
Skinner fell in love with John “Kitten” James and he fell hard
Absolutely did everything possible to protect that man
He was terrified of his feelings though and pushed them down, eventually starting to resent his best friend for making him feel things he couldn’t understand
When Kitten got infected by that gas, Skinner put his values over the man he loved, not just because he thought it was the right thing to do, but because he was terrified that he might be bi
He has regretted it ever since
Married his wife after the war and had a pretty good relationship until he became too consumed with his work
Their breakup was really hard on him and he delved even more into his work
Sometime after Avatar (maybe by season 5 or 6), Skinner meets a really lovely man and that man becomes his boyfriend
It’s really hard at first, but the guy helps Skinner to open up and allow himself to be okay with who he really is
They make time for each other outside of work and are really happy together!
Skinner’s boyfriend is 100% okay with the fact that Skinner has basically adopted all these agents
Skinner is everyone’s dad!!! No exceptions
John Byers:
Trans man!!!!
Discovered it pretty late in life, like he knew earlier but he Repressed it
First person he ever came out to was Mulder (as in my fic 😌)
Lots of internalized transphobia in this man but Mulder and the Lone Gunmen really helped him break out of that
Langly and Frohike obviously went with him to get his first T shot and chanted “MAN JUICE” while it happened (scaring a lot of the nurses)
Met Susanne before he transitioned so seeing her again in Three of a Kind was a little terrifying for him
She accepts him though and is a bi icon herself
Byers wears suits so much because they make him feel really validated
Ringo Langly:
Non-binary and gay!! Langly uses any pronouns (gonna stick to he/him for this list to keep things simple though)
Grew up pretty unaware about gender as a whole, just living his life
Moving away from home to a city was huge for him, he started going to gay bars and really realized that he was gay
Eventually started to experiment with his gender, using different pronouns etc., and found out he was non-binary!
Came out to Frohike shortly after learning Frohike was bi (more on that later)
Goes by Ringo because it’s somewhat gender neutral
He isn’t dysphoric very often but when he is it’s very hard for him to cope, Byers and Frohike are always there to support him and help however possible though
Langly gets way more dates than Frohike and loves to brag about it
Melvin Frohike:
We stan one funky little bi king
Frohike had a mega crush on Mulder when he first met him and it persisted all the way until he met Scully
And then when he met Doggett he crushed on him too
Frohike is just kind of a hopeless romantic okay I love him
Absolutely bonds with Scully and they always debate which celebrity is hotter while they get more and more drunk
John Doggett
Doggett was really repressed for a lot of his life, not because he thought his family would hate him for being gay but mostly because of his environment
(He was a drama kid though)
The military REALLY repressed him and thoroughly fucked him up
It wasn’t until he met Reyes that he started to accept himself more
At first Reyes being a lesbian totally freaked him out and he was really upset, leading to a huge strain on their friendship, but one night he broke down and told her he was pretty sure he was gay
Reyes really helped him through everything, especially his divorce from his wife and the loss of his son
Doggett eventually came out to his dad, who was super accepting
It took Doggett a long time to be comfortable enough to date but he started and met a really great guy, one who he’s now married to
One day he mentioned his boyfriend in passing and the rest of the Spooky Squad totally flipped out because they had no idea he was gay
Doggett just straight-faced “I didn’t think it was relevant?”
Sings musical theater songs in the office when no one else is there
Monica Reyes:
A lesbian
There isn’t a straight bone in her body have you SEEN her???
Absolutely crushed on Scully for the longest time at first, totally backed off when she realized she was involved with Mulder
Total mlm/wlw solidarity with Doggett
Reyes is super comfortable with her sexuality
I’m convinced that she’s married and she and her wife live in the same neighborhood as Doggett and his husband
Running out of brain power at this point but I just love her so much??? Mwah
Alex Krycek:
Gay rat
Everything he did against Mulder and Scully was fueled by spite at his ex-boyfriend Mulder
Daddy issues
Sometimes he breaks into TLG’s base and vibes with them for a few days
Rat (affectionate)
Deep Throat:
Gay :)
Bonus: Melissa Scully is a trans lesbian and Samantha Mulder is bisexual and they’re dating
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tundrainafrica · 4 years
hi! i just wanted ask how can you not be so pressured to change hange’s gender to your fics (she to they/them) despite that many twitter users are saying that “au authors must use they/them to hange because they are canonically NB” . because to be honest, as an aspiring writer who is working on her first levihan fic, i feel so pressure or maybe obligied to use they/them pronouns for hange.
Hello Anon,
Thanks for the ask!
To be honest, I actually was pressured to use ‘they’ tbh. In fact, I was so pressured I actually did a lot of research on this and put a lot of thought into my decision to use ‘she’ as my chosen pronoun for Hange.
But tbh, I think I am pretty confident with the amount of research and the amount of thought I put into it that I don’t think I will be using ‘they’ in my fics anytime soon. 
Disclaimer: This doesn’t mean at all that I don’t like reading ‘they’ fics nor that I don’t like seeing people use ‘they.’ Tbh I don’t really mind whatever people use? I can enjoy a fic with either pronoun, I can enjoy a good meta with either pronoun. I have my own personal reasons for using they. 
Some of the reasons why: 
Personal HC 
Personal HC but I’m still gonna drop this here. 
To make things clear, I headcanon Hange as gender fluid. I headcanon her as sexuality fluid that personally, I’m not too much a fan either of fics that portray Hange as overly feminine either. So I have seen people who request that we do not use overly female or feminine words with Hange. Which yes, I don’t do them. But was a peer pressured into not using them? 
No, not really. I just personally think Levi would prefer the word partner if he was with Hange. I personally think that Hange would not have liked to fall into traditional female roles either. 
At the same time, I thought about the concept of using ‘they’ as a pronoun with Hange then I couldn’t help but think, it just isn’t in my personal interpretation of Hange to correct people. Hange is too much of a free bird to actually care what people use. Hange would probably respond to he, she, they or whatever and she probably wouldn’t correct anyone calling her mr., mrs. etc.
And in the context of Filo soc med AUs, Hange would probably respond to ate, kuya. (And besides, what is the gender neutral form of ate or kuya??? Mamsir)
And generally the default for most people is to look at someone and think okay, she’s a girl, I think I’ll use ‘she’ first. Or okay, that’s a guy, I think I’ll use ‘he’ first and what usually happens is if anyone is particularly conscious about the pronoun used on them, they will correct the other person. 
But there are people out there, who don’t care whether someone uses she, he, they, mr., mrs, ma’am, sir. For example, personally for me, I wouldn’t bother to correct anyone. And I headcanon that Levi and Hange wouldn’t have cared either. 
I’m sure people who read my fics would notice, I do put a lot of research when I write because I like to make things as realistic and as in character as possible.  So to get into the spirit of my fic and whatever setting I’m writing, I try to capture everything to a T and given the overall landscape and setting I’m writing about and given my own headcanons of Levi and Hange I decided on she.
Because in my headcanon, if someone were to ask Hange what pronoun she preferred? Hange probably would have said any. 
Likewise, if anyone asked Hange what her gender was, Hange probably would have said ‘any’ also.
And the setting of the show is practically medieval and gender identity is a relatively new concept. I don’t think many people would have spent too much time pondering ideas like individualism and  gender identity when they’re literally facing death everyday.  Actually a lot of the great thinking happened after the war, and when there was actually food on the table. Because people weren’t actually hungry everyday anymore so they had time to think about more modern thoughts. 
‘She’ is still an NB pronoun 
I answered this in another ask already. But the point behind this, is although ‘they’ is the go to non binary pronoun, there are NB people who go by she too. And creating this idea that all gender fluid characters HAVE to go by ‘they’ is dangerous in itself because the reason we had gender discrimination in the first place is because we had these boxes to fit ourselves into. So if a NB person wants to go by ‘she’ or ‘he’ or ‘they’ who are we to stop them? 
And I said it many times myself. We will never know which pronoun Hange would have preferred for herself. 
I get confused. 
This is a shallow reason but I’m gonna drop this here anyway. I get confused when I see ‘they.’ I read a lot of content which uses ‘they’ for Hange and I get confused a lot of the time that I have to read the sentences like three times because I end up thinking ‘Hange and who?’
I know I should have gotten used to it by now, but I still get confused because english is the only language I use on a regular basis that actually has such strict rules for how to navigate gendered pronouns.
I don’t wanna be peer pressured into doing shit just coz. 
Tbh, for me, as long as I did my research, as long as I can argue both sides as to why and as long as I am confident in the fact that I have thought about this enough before deciding on this, I will not change it. 
I am pretty convinced that a lot of people who actually go all the way as to attack someone on twitter and to cancel them (over a lot of topics tbh) haven’t done their due research. 
Because most of the people I know who have done their due research wouldn’t be fighting (on Twitter OF ALL PLACES) in the first place. 
Because doing actual research (which means reading articles which support both sides of the argument) will only make people realize that the world is too grey and too complex to ever make pushing their own agenda, ‘cancelling’ someone and calling them transphobic, homophobic, racist etc ect  or as they like to call ‘educating’ someone the right thing to do. Believe me, if people genuinely wanted to educate someone, they would slide into their DMs and calmly tell them their own opinion, ask why the other person believes a certiain way and you know, be ready to learn something too because education is a two way street. And if the conversation isn’t going anywhere, I think any level headed person would probbaly just give up and do something more worth while with their time than cancel some stranger on social media.
Regardless though, I respect either decision and I recognize the fact that a lot of Hange stans are very much more comfortable with the pronoun ‘they’ My general practice when navigating this sensitive topic is to use ‘they’ for Hange when talking to someone who prefers ‘they’ because it’s a conversation and in conversation, the space becomes something shared between me and the other person so I would do my part to make it as comfortable for them as possible. 
But here’s the thing, my fic is my space. It’s a house I built for myself and the readers are the visitors that come in and out as they please. No one is forced to read my fic and never have I and never will I tie someone down on a chair and not free them until they read my work. 
It’s my fic. It’s my work and I can do whatever I want with it.
People tend to forget that in the end this is a fandom space and people should be free to headcanon things however they want. They should be free to explore whatever themes they want. And I like to do my part to promote this type of environment by sticking to a few iron clad rules.
I write what I want to write.
Don’t like, don’t read.
Content is free. There’s a back button and if you do not appreciate the themes someone is exploring or the headcanons someone is applying to their fic, you may click the back button and look for something that doesn’t offend you. 
(I’m gonna end up digressing a bit here so feel free not to read the rant below)
There are an infinite number of headcanons and ideas which ideally should be able to exist. Yet because of this constant need to be politically correct and this constant fear that we might be offending someone and we might end up cancelled, a lot of people have been watching their own creative works more than necessary. 
I actually fear that there are a lot of good ideas and there are a lot of themes that could have been explored but weren’t. 
And this is why I love ao3 a lot. Ao3 is free from societal pressure, corporate synergy and I appreciate the fact that in that space, I’m free to explore whatever themes I want. I can read something pro-rape, I can read something anti-rape. I can read something pro abuse, I can read something anti-abuse etc etc. 
I personally have very liberal views and obviously I am not for rape or abuse in ANY situation.
But I am also the type of person who will read things that celebrate a controversial topic and things that will attack that same topic because I just generally want a more nuanced opinion on a lot of things. Because when I have seen both sides of the spectrum, then it’s just easier for me to proudly say ‘Yes, I believe this’ or ‘No, I don’t believe that.’
And I think these pieces should be available for other people to explore so that they can for themselves form more nuanced opinions on whatever topics come their way and the more sides people are aware of that exist, the less likely we’re going to end up with groupthink or hivemind situations which have fucked people over countless times in history already.
Should questionable content be widely available? Personally no but I don’t think it should be completely unavailable.
Regardless these potentially offensive pieces should exist and  I’m saying this for both controversial topics such as rape and abuse and something as relatively harmless as Hange being referred to as ‘she’ on a fic. All stories exploring every facet and every side regardless of how controversial should exist in this space because these promote discourse and they promote thinking. These pieces of work that explore taboo and offensive topics and the discourse these create only serve to make our opinions more nuanced so at least we aren’t blinded or we don’t have these half assed opinions only fueled by having read material created by people who are biased to one particular side. At least we have enough fuel for ourselves to say ‘Yes I have read this and now I can more proudly say I believe this more.’  
Whatever opinions I have made for myself about social issues are only how they are because I listen to both sides of the argument. I like to play devil’s advocate. I like to listen to people even if I don’t agree with what they’re saying. 
And I like finding compromises so that people can co-exist and I like tweaking my opinions everyday based on new information I learn.
And personally, there are so many views I hate and there are types of topics I personally would prefer not to explore but I still believe in the back of my mind they should exist. And if we do whitewash or try to force everyone to adjust their works to whatever side we deem is more ‘politically correct,’ then we will lose facets of the fandom that could have existed, that could have promoted a more colorful discourse and that could have sprouted new ideas and new ways of thinking which may be even more creative if people weren’t so scared to be cancelled or wrong.
It’s different in a conversation. I will adjust the way I speak, the way I navigate interactions with people in a shared space. 
But no one is forced to read my works no one is forced to read fanfiction so cancelling someone over how they go about their creative works will always be worse in my book than someone who is exploring problematic themes. (As long as that person tags their trigger material properly and isn’t forcing anyone to read it or forcing their own personal beliefs on anyone or attacking them)
Anyway, sorry for the long ass rant again but I hope you get the courage to use whatever pronouns you want for Hange. 
I hope this makes you realize that there really isn’t a black and white to this. And this is a fandom space. Do whatever you want. Headcanon whatever you want. Just be respectful and kind.
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galarsbookstore · 4 years
A RAIHAN STAN!!!! ♥️♥️ dragon boy lovers must unite under the dragon flag!!! 🐉 Could I ask for a small fic about raihan x reader and unrequited love? You love angst, I love it too- I’ll let you decide if it’s raihan or the reader that doesn’t reciprocate the other’s feelings ♥️
Thanks for angst that's my self indulgence... 😩✌
Raihan x Reader - Sister
There were a lot of different types of men in the world. Short, tall, fit, slim, so and and so forth. And you'd seen enough men in Galar to know what you thought was and wasn't attractive. Perfect people didn't exist, that you had been sure of. No one was perfect, and that was okay- it still was. But then you met Raihan and it seemed like the perfect man was standing- or towering, before you. 
Tall, and fit but lean at the same time. The way his cyan eyes contrasted his dark skin and black hair; he was handsome. Even when he slouched; somehow that was just as attractive as everything else about him.
Still unsure of how you'd managed to befriend a Gym Leader in Galar, basically a celebrity, let alone probably the most famous and attractive gym leader, you sometimes felt you were dreaming; sometimes it still felt like it was a dream that he knew who you were and knew your name. That he knew what you liked to order whenever you two headed out to the pokemon battle cafe. Or how he knew what your favourite colour and birthday was. All that. 
Of course, you knew all that about him and then some. See, you were kind of head over heels for the guy. He was everything anyone could have hoped for- at least you believed that. A lot of others probably did, have, and would too. He was sweeter in person and in his personal life he was one of the kindest people you knew. 
His chill personality mixed with that smirk he pulled off with those fang teeth? He could be a model if he ever decided being a gym leader wasn't for him anymore. 
The way he battled; he went from a man who looked bored a lot with a smile on his face, leaning his back back slightly as he walked, to somewhat of a feral beast. It was… Attractive, to say the least. For a few reasons, of course. One of them being how passionate and fired up he got. He really did love battling trainers, and he loved his pokemon. 
Who knew there had been so many things you hadn't known about dragon type pokemon? If not for him, you'd probably have an empty space in your brain where all that knowledge wouldn't be. 
So he was perfect. And you were friends with him. Like a dream. But the problem arose with the reciprocation of your feelings for the gym leader. 
You saw how he looked at you, compared to how he had looked at others before. It wasn't a look of attraction that crossed his eyes when he spoke to you; it was the same look he'd given someone like his friend and rival Leon; a friend. That was what you were to him. 
However, you couldn't help but hope inside that perhaps you were over-analyzing that. That you were wrong, and maybe he saw you how you saw him; perhaps he was attracted to you like you were him. 
But those stupid, hopeful thoughts were vehemently snuffed out when you were sitting across the man you harboured deep feelings for in the little pokemon cafe, finishing off a huge malasada you'd ordered between the two of you. 
"-and then she made me pick them up," you rambled on about something and Raihan seemed to listen to you with mild interest, nodding every so often and interjecting a few times, "I didn't even do it… But I couldn't just say no, she'd fire me."
"You know," Raihan leaned forward, closer to your face, which threatened to flush red at the sudden close proximity, "I still don't get why you haven't quit Y/N. You could work for me as a trainer you know." 
"Pfft," you leaned back away from him as quickly and discreetly as you could as to not make it obvious you were flustered, "Yeah. How would that be better?" 
You playfully mocked him. Working with him in reality as one of the gym trainers that the challenges faced off before him actually sounded like a bit of a dream. You'd spend more time with him, and so on. But then it would also have its drawbacks. Such as the fact you'd be so close to him. You weren't sure your heart would be able to take spending all day with him most days. Especially since he didn't even know how you felt- you really needed to work up the courage to say something. 
"I'll have you know I treat my trainers like royalty," he had finally leaned back himself "we're like a family that owns a bunch of dragons and also makes a mess in the vault a lot. You're like my little sister, so you'd fit in just fine." 
Little sister. 
So he really just dropped the little sister bomb on you, huh? He really just sibling-zoned you. That was ultimately worse then the friend-zone because at least that didn't make it weird if you somehow escaped it. But he saw you as a sibling. That took any hope that he would have liked you back away as a sudden grip squeezed your heart. 
Of course; the thing people joke about, make fun of, and so on, would happen to you. The sibling zone. 
You were relieved when Raihan's rotom phone suddenly buzzed with life and flitted up to his face. You were glad the conversation was cut off by it, because you were scared that if you opened your mouth right now you might just cry. 
Stupid. Arceus, you're so stupid. There was no way… No way someone as attractive and famous as him could ever… 
"Damn," Raihan suddenly sighed, “I gotta get going, sorry to cut this short. I got myself a second date- which means it’s going well. Usually.” 
You suddenly felt like throwing up the malasada Raihan and you had just been sharing between the two of you. But you quickly swallowed that feeling, forcing yourself to focus on the table, but not the few bits of malasada left. It felt like your heart had been ripped from your chest cavity and torn into two, then thrown onto the ground and stepped on. 
Before you knew it, Raihan had gotten up, give your arm a squeeze as he walked by and promised you he would make it up to you by paying for dinner next time you two decided to hang out. He also asked you to wish him good luck. 
"...Good luck," your voice was barely above a whisper, and he was already long gone by the time you managed to find your voice. 
You doubted he'd need that luck. In all honestly, you were actually saying that more to yourself then you were to him. Because you suddenly weren't quite sure how you were going to fix your broken heart now that you knew for sure that your feelings were as one sided as they could be. You weren't sure how you'd be able to face him without feeling the burn in your nose and the tears filling your eyes.
But you knew you'd have to try your best. As much as it hurt, and as much as you wanted to cry in the middle of that stupid cafe, you wouldn't. The world didn't stop turning, even if it felt like it really had. 
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thelazyeye · 6 years
oh okay, internet famous Losers, like they're all youtubers and insta famous kids doing really different stuff around the nation, what do each of them do? who connects with who and how?
Ooff I love this idea. I used to be moderately into youtube people. Mamrie Hart anyone? She cracks me the fuck UP. Anyway this got super long so its under the cut. I hope you enjoy anon! Thanks for sending something it!!
Okay. Here we go. 
is a youtube personality. Duh. He started out vlogging and his Voices and somehow his channel picked up. He writes comedy bits, does personal blogging, and tests his voices. 
When he was starting out he had a bit where he was a weatherman that had multiple personalities (Voices) and it got insanely popular. He received some backlash due to the offensiveness of the bit and has since retired it, but references it from time to time to credit his fame. 
Now he focuses a lot on his comedy routines and improv acting with other members of the community. He does challenges from time to time as collabs as well
People are super invested in his personal life (bc people seriously get like that with youtube people) and started speculating about his sexuality. It took him a few years to address all the rumors that he wasn’t straight and how he was probably dating this youtuber or that youtuber. 
is an LGBT Activist that has a youtube channel as well (think Laci Green but LGBT and not sex ed, though he does do sex ed work)
He got his start when he was in college. He became the president of the LGBT club. He wanted to reach a large number of students and he figured the best way to do that would be youtube
The entire club helped him out. Every week he would have another club member on the channel to talk about their sexuality and experiences
It didn’t get big at the school but he got lowkey noticed by the HRC after about 6 or 7 videos. He was contacted by a social media manager on the team to commend him on his work
From then on out he started to work harder on his videos, including more in depth information and he included links to more resources
Eventually, his videos started to rack up views from young LGBT kids thanking him for his channel
He started to collab with famous LGBT youtubers (troye sivan, hannah hart) and that’s when he really blew up 
actually got his start on Vine. He mastered the art of the 6 second story and when the platform went down he migrated to youtube, snapchat, and twitter. He’s got profiles on almost every social media platform and he’s written a couple of webseries, as well. 
His first webseries (pre-vine) focused on comedy. He and some college friends got together and wrote the script/acted it out. It wasn’t very big but the following for it had a cultish feel. 
It blew up after he became famous on vine
After that, he started writing more webseries and partnering with other youtube actors
He wrote and completed two successful comedy webseries before he got bored of it. He decided to make the jump to horror work 
Think Marble Hornets
He ended up getting a scholarship to a film school and has been working on becoming a movie director ever since
His youtube work is on a hiatus but he still posts blogs and updates of his life. He’s active on Snapchat and Twitter the most. He still does dumb, funny shit from time to time and tweets out very random jokes
is an adventure youtuber. He travels all over the world, seeking thrills and exploring nature. His videos usually have some kind of educational component but they’re always entertaining. Stan has explored the Savanah and Rain Forrests, he’s sky dived and scuba dived. He’s done a lot
He has a side channel for his love of birds because how can I not throw this in here?
When Anti semites started showing back up in the world Stan started to dedicate more of his channel, and his other platforms, to Judaism. He’s uses his popularity and fame to educate people and create awareness around the issues Jews face
As a result, he blogged his Birthright to Israel. It was a weeks worth of videos, some candids that he just uploaded on the whim, and some he took the time to edit. They were adventurous, educational, and full of his personal journey
Stan has also faced a lot of backlash for his involvement with the jewish community. He voices this in his videos. To combat the threats against him, he recruits other members of the youtube community to collab with and talk about issues. He makes it fun. He’s cooked Jewish foods, celebrated Jewish holidays, and had fun discussions with other personalities. 
is a famous fashion designer and makeup artist. She got her start on Instagram, posting her designs and outfits that she created. Sh started young. Like 15 years old. As she grew up and went to school, her fashion instagram grew. People got to see her skills improve and they watched as she turned into a teenager designing clothes in her bedroom to a design student to a professional
She gives fashion tips to people and her favorite hobby is making posts that help girls and boys create fun, new, and exciting clothes out of what they already have in their closet
She firmly believes that you don’t need to have money and status to dress well. She wants fashion to be accessible. 
She started a youtube channel out of request from her followers. She got a lot of comments about her makeup and she started to do makeup tutorials there (Think Sailor J)
People really started to see how funny she was, then. She would always throw little bullshit videos onto her story but this was the first time she posted video content that didn’t disappear after 24h
Her youtube is not nearly as active as her instagram. That’s where you can find all of her content
She is also a vocal activist against child abuse on her insta. She frequently donates to various organizations and she does it very publicly. She runs clothing drives for those in need and has even hosted makeover days for young girls whose families can’t afford good clothes/makeup. 
She has recently expanded her fashion designs to male clothing, promoting Non Binary, Trans, and other identities in her lines. She says “Clothing has no gender” and pushes that despite advice to lay low on the issue. 
is a super unlikely case of internet fame. His instagram is composed almost entirely of his farm animals. He really didn’t think he was going to get famous from it. He just loves his farm so fucking much
The first half of his internet fame just consisted of pictures and videos of his animals. Namely, his dog Mr. Chips and his cow, Barely. They were best friends and Mike posted pictures of them napping together, playing together, and helping him run the farm
Once he started to gain an unreasonable about of followers he would pepper in posts that were educational. He talked about the importance of farmers, the work that he does, and how he maintains his animals. He worked to debunk a lot of myths about farming and really promote the work that he does. 
He still posts a lot of videos of him with his animals being all cute, but he uses his activism to reach large numbers of people at a single time. 
He also promotes healthy eating on his instagram. He talks about balanced diets and how to moderate sweets intake. 
Eventually he talks about working out (because Mike Hanlon is ripped sorry I don’t make the rules) and helps build an all around healthy lifestyle for his following. He kind of accidentally becomes a life coach of sorts. Motivation, healthy living, and cute animals. 
He has no idea how it happened but he doesn’t regret a single minute of it
is a singer! This sweet old mother fucker started out on youtube when he was 16. He bought a Ukulele and started writing love songs for the girl he was pining after
We all know that one mother fucker who owed a Ukulele in high school
His voice was like velvet, though. He wasn’t popular enough for anyone to really see it so he didn’t get teased in high school for it. His first couple videos got only a handful of views
What kick started his fame is a cover video. When he decided he wanted to do an acoustic cover of Lady Gaga’s Love Game
He did it on Ukulele
It ended up being such a fun and unique cover of such a popular song that he got noticed. Like. The video fucking blew up. He ended up getting over 5 thousand views overnight and the number just kept growing
Ben ran with it. He covered other popular songs (I Kissed a Girl, Viva La Vida, So What, etc) 
He blew up so hard and fast that people started to notice his original works
He got noticed by a label and signed the summer after he graduated high school
His first album was a love album because it’s Ben come on
He doesn’t have much of a social media presence after his youtube channel. He has the mandatory instagram and twitter that all famous people seem to have but they’re fairly inactive
Richie and Bill
Richie and Bill were the first to collab with each other. Richie acted in Bill’s first webseries and it built a friendship that lasts a lifetime. 
The two of them do stupid youtube challenges with each other whenever they’re in the same city
Bill used to guest on Richie’s channels and play improv games to help both of them work on their comedy. They always turn out ridiculously funny and normally involve some level of alcohol
When Bill lost his younger brother in a car accident (sorry georgie dies in like every single universe) Richie flew out to see Bill and spend time with him. The two of them filmed a vlog together where they talked about the loss and then they both donated to anti drunk driving campaigns and urged their followers to do the same and never drive drunk
Richie and Eddie
They met for the first time at vidcon when they were first starting out. Richie was already pretty big but Eddie was working on his following. They hit it off immediately and they filmed a video for Eddie’s channel that focused on Eddie debunking stereotypes surrounding the LGBT community. Richie added a tasteful comedic flair that brought in views and he taught Eddie that things don’t always need to be serious 100% of the time
They kept in loose contact after that, always meeting up at vidcon and filming a ridiculous video for Eddie’s channel
2 years later, Richie reached out to Eddie and asked him to film a video for Richie’s channel
He wouldn’t tell Eddie what it was until they were in front of the camera, but Eddie readily agreed. He loved working with Richie. He thought he was fun and witty
When they got in front of the camera Richie revealed that he was bisexual and that Eddie’s videos helped him learn about bisexuality and come to terms with it
They spent the video talking about Richie’s journey to self acceptance, why he decided to come out, and Eddie’s knowledge surrounding sexual identity development. The video ended up being 15 minutes long and had the highest comment numbers Richie had ever seen. Not every comment was positive, but he took the experience in stride and started doing little bits of advocacy here and there for his and other channels 
Richie and Eddie end up dating, but not for a long, long time after that video when they’re both living in LA and well established in their youtube careers. 
Bev and Mike
An unlikely combo for an unlikely youtube star! Bev and Mike do a collab that focuses on self esteem and loving yourself!
Mike gives health tips and Bev gives fashion advice, but both of them talk about the importance of self worth and how external image means nothing if you don’t love yourself first. They both talk about their own journeys. 
The collab starts because Bev finds out about Mike through insta and she ends up contacting him about wool. They partner up business wise and Mike helps provide wool for her fashion line while Bev promotes his farm work. 
They don’t do many intentional collabs after they one, but they do show up on each others stories and in pictures together very frequently. The two become best friends
Ben and Bev
They don’t collab. But they do get married. 
They meet through the fame and bustle of L.A. Ben’s music career makes him end up at the same Gala as Bev, where they’re introduced to each other. They hit it off immediately, connecting with their childhoods and such. 
They date for 3 years before Ben proposes via Flash Mob and song written just for Bev
Bev loves the song so much she insists Ben release it. It becomes a Billboard hit
Eddie and Stan
Stan finds himself in NYC where Eddie lives and he reaches out to do an educational collab on LGBT politics in the Jewish community. 
He takes Eddie rock climbing and the two film the video with go pros. 
Eddie is terrified at first and it makes for a funny introduction but he eventually gets his bearings and the two of them scale a cliff together, talking about issues and getting to know each other. 
Stan and Richie
Eddie introduces them after the Coming Out Video. 
They collab as frequently as they can
They do ridiculous shit and Stan films Richie’s commentary. Its hilarious
They have a natural chemistry and they feed off of each other. Stan didn’t know he was a funny guy until he met Richie. Then it just kind of came out of the woodwork. Richie really highlighted Stan’s eccentric sense of humor. 
Richie and Bev are childhood best friends
Eventually, they all end up meeting. They don’t really film videos with each other. Sometimes there’s a vlog that includes more than two of them but very rarely are they all in the same video at the same time. 
It happened intentionally once. It was chaos. Everyone was drunk. The video had to be edited so severely that it was only 1 minute and 30 seconds
They do however show up in snapchats, insta stories, and pictures as a group. By the time they’re all 30 they’re very, very good friends
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onwardintolight · 6 years
Have you had a chance to read Last Shot yet? If so what did you think?
Yes I have! I finished it the day before yesterday, and I really enjoyed it, despite a few qualms.
I especially liked Han’s emotional journey as he comes to terms with being a parent. I’m dumbfounded at how a lot of people (*cough* Reylos) have used this book to argue that Han was a terrible parent and even to insinuate that he abandoned Ben, when clearly that’s anything but the case in the book. (It’s also not the case in any canon book or source material. Le sigh.) I think a lot of people have already addressed this though, and I’ll reblog some good stuff about that later, so that’s all I’ll say on this ridiculous assertion for now. 
Anyway, I thoroughly enjoyed watching Han grow as he wrestles with his fear and insecurity, learns how to simultaneously be a dad and follow his passion, and starts to really find his place during this new time after the war. I’m sure I’ll struggle similarly if/when I become a mom someday; I can’t imagine how daunting it would be for Han, having never had a family of his own. I thought his struggles were really sympathetically and beautifully portrayed. 
It’s made abundantly clear that his love for Leia and his son knows no bounds — in fact, that’s exactly why he’s struggling so much in the first place. He wants to be what they need and is afraid that maybe he isn’t; maybe he’s not equipped to be the “perfect” dad, whatever that is. And he finds out that, no, he may not know everything there is to know about parenting, but that’s okay —he’s trying and learning, along with Leia, and he loves them deeply, and that’s what matters. Moreover, his passion for flying isn’t something that he has to give up in order to be a husband and dad. Both can exist at the same time. He can be true to himself and a family man.
I did find it irritating, however, that they show Han as struggling with all this, but Leia seems to automatically know everything there is to know about motherhood (@inelegantprose​ has said some good things about this). This to me reeks of sexism. Yes, Leia had a family growing up, but she had no Organa siblings and I can’t imagine she was ever surrounded by very many babies, lol. The birth of a child would raise a whole lot of fears and insecurities for her, as much or even more so than Han — particularly when taking into account the knowledge of who her real father was. 
The book says that Ben’s arrival “seemed to light up the whole world when he’d first arrived: this simple impossible sliver of hope amid so much death and destruction.” I like that idea, and I could imagine they both felt that, profoundly. All the same, I think it’s likely that while Ben was dearly loved and celebrated, he wasn’t planned, and if Leia had had the opportunity, she would not have chosen to get pregnant (at least not yet), fresh off the revelation of her bloodline. (Although I also think it’s entirely possible she was just pushing that information away during this time, denying it and not dealing with it because it was too hard to accept.) 
Anyway, I wish the book had showed some of Leia’s parenthood struggles, too, and not set her up to be such a natural supermom. However, I’ll concede these points: 1) This book is entirely centered on Han and Lando and their inner journeys, not Leia’s. 2) Leia admittedly has had a WHOLE lot of practice at looking poised and put together, no matter what’s she’s going through (something the book even mentions). 3) While I believe the author could have done a better job and portrayed it in a less sexist way, there’s still a lot of room to guess at what’s really going on in Leia’s mind. 4) At least this is less fodder for Kylo stans, I guess? Consequently, I’m not as upset as I might be otherwise.
My opinions of the characterizations in this book varied greatly. Most often, I felt like there was a remarkable sensitivity to the characters’ emotional worlds that rang true. And that, to me, is what matters most. Still, there were bits of dialogue and action that just didn’t feel right to me, and, like in some of the comics, the characters at times seemed rather like extreme caricatures of themselves. For instance, Han’s tendency to run things by the seat of his pants doesn’t mean he’s always spontaneous or unprepared. He came off as rather clueless at times, which I think does him a great disservice. He also came off  as overly gruff and terrible at communicating, which I think he is to an extent, but not nearly as much as this book makes him out to be. Also, just because Leia calls people names in ANH and ESB when she’s really upset doesn’t mean she calls everyone names all the time (as a sidenote, I found some of the names she called people in this book a little odd. Calling Han “you old lug” or “old man”?…I’m just not feeling it).
That being said, overall, I felt like Han and Leia’s interactions in this book were an absolute delight. There are several scenes and exchanges that I will treasure. I don’t want to spoil them, so I won’t go into too much detail here. I also appreciated that, while Leia’s motherhood struggles were not acknowledged, her trauma very much was. There were a few little hints and snapshots into that from both conversations and Han’s reflections that I thought were extremely well done (and left me with a whole ton of feelings).
Similar to how I felt about the characterizations, I’m kind of back and forth on the plot itself. Overall I enjoyed it, but there were three storylines going on in three separate timelines, and the fact that they were all mixed around throughout the book, while involving some of the same main characters, made it a little confusing for me. I felt like there were some leaps of logic, too, that were perplexing. However, this entire impression could be due to the fact that my brain was rather foggy the night I read most of it. Who knows, a second read-through might make it all fall into place! Moral of the story: don’t binge-read this book when you’re half-asleep. ;) 
I really loved the exploration of droid rights, and what that actually means, although I felt like there could have been a lot more said on the subject.
I’m thrilled we got a Latinx POC author for Star Wars. I’m sure there’s a lot I’m missing (do I have any Latinx followers who can tell me more?), but I appreciated the representation and perspective. Also certain little details, like the fact that there was an Alderaanian character who clearly speaks with a Spanish accent (putting an e- before a word starting with st-, for example) — more evidence for a Hispanic Alderaan! 
Speaking of representation, off the top of my head, I can think of a non-binary person, a gay person, and many people of color, including main characters (and not just Lando). On a much lesser note, I also appreciated the fact that a lot of aliens were represented too!
I loved Lando’s journey in regards to his relationship with Kaasha; exploring what it means to be his scoundrelly self and yet be committed to one person.
I really loved the look into Han and Lando’s pasts with the storylines set ten years before. There’s one element in particular that got me from the outset, which I’ll write briefly about under the cut so as not to spoil anyone.
All this continues to give me great hopes for the Solo movie, and that they’ll approach these characters with sensitivity and complexity (as well as fun).
TL;DR: This book was probably a 7 out of 10 for me — I enjoyed it quite a bit, though it doesn’t come near to replacing some of the other new canon SW books for me (of which Bloodline still tops the list). I had mixed feelings about certain things but overall I’m happy about this addition to canon! I strongly encourage you, if you have any interest at all in new canon, to ignore the ridiculous Kylo-apologist discourse and give this book a shot!
(warning: spoilers under the cut!)
The part I was talking about that really got to me was when we first meet Han 10 years prior. As the scene opens, we find Han nursing a hangover and a broken heart over a girl (he never says her name). While he eventually gets over it, we are given a poignant window into Han’s big heart and sensitive soul underneath the rough exterior. He can’t help but love people. He can’t help but be absolutely devastated at their loss. He’s lonely and constantly striving for human connection (we see this later in how he relates to Sana and develops a rather silly, sudden rebound crush on her). He tends to go all in, despite himself and the risk, and consequently, he ends up getting hurt a lot. THIS MAKES ME FEEL A LOT OF THINGS. Gaaaah I love Han Solo, okay? It hurts to see him hurting, but it also makes my heart so happy to know that someday, he’ll find the belonging he so desperately seeks.
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entergamingxp · 4 years
Pride Week: Final Fantasy 7
Hello! All this week we’ll be celebrating Pride and the power of positive representations in games. Every day we’ll be bringing you stories and insights from different parts of the LGBT+ community. You can also help support Pride with Eurogamer’s newly redesigned t-shirt – all profits from which will be going to charity.
In the midst of a recent replay of the original Final Fantasy 7, I found myself welling up. Not because I’d reached that bit – the mandatory, number-one entry in every ‘gaming’s top ten saddest moments’ list from now till the Lifestream runs dry. No. The tears were rising much earlier in my playthrough than that. And those tears were accompanied by a big goofy grin. What in this gloriously janky PS1 classic that I hadn’t picked up in almost fifteen years could have had such an effect on me?
I was in Wall Market – Midgar’s gleefully ungentrified equivalent of San Francisco’s Tenderloin, or London’s Soho, a century ago – and the game’s taciturn, hyper-masculine, ex-mercenary protagonist, Cloud, had just donned an extremely pretty silk dress. Not only that, but he’d put on a blonde wig he’d won from a body-builder at a local gym, splashed on some sexy cologne, and had just had his make-up done by a burlesque dancer. And, to top it all, upon emerging from the dressing-room to reveal his transformation, he had been greeted with utter delight by the friend, ally, and (though it pains the Clifa stan in me to say it) love interest who had accompanied him there.
The reason I was crying was because, here, in chunky polygonal miniature, was my entire experience of coming out as a non-binary trans person.
No, you’re crying!
Okay, maybe not my entire experience. I didn’t start wearing make-up and femme clothing as part of an elaborate plan to rescue my childhood sweet-heart from the clutches of a local sex criminal, and Cloud’s family weren’t around to worry about what the neighbours might think. But, the key components were all there: the thrill of a new wardrobe; the unforeseen generosity of strangers; the relief that comes from the support and acceptance of friends and loved-ones; and, above all, the quiet euphoria of suddenly looking the way you’d never even realised you wanted (or needed) to look before. Heck, even the frantic squat-driven glow-up at the local gym was present and correct.
Don Corneo (trans. ‘Lord Horny’), slum-lord sex pest, in action.
I concede, I may have been projecting just a little. But, if there is one thing that queer culture and, indeed, gaming culture, have taught me, it’s that queer people find representation wherever they can, and that, often, those discoveries occur in the most unexpected of places. And here was an echo of the moment at which my gender identity suddenly ‘clicked’ for me, captured in a game I had played and replayed as a kid. It was uncanny.
Admittedly, the fact that I had the uncanny feeling of suddenly finding my queerness so clearly reflected in a game I had loved as a child while playing Final Fantasy 7 should, perhaps, have come as no surprise. To paraphrase Paris is Burning: it is a known fact that Final Fantasy 7 do be as camp as a row of tents and as queer as a ten-bob note.
A reminder: We played this. As children.
Rightly described by Eurogamer’s Aoife Wilson as a ‘bi thirst-trap‘, Final Fantasy 7 buzzes with enough queer energy to power a thousand Sister Rays. Whether it be Cloud’s journey of self-denial and self-discovery (coming-out story much?), Tifa’s status as the living embodiment of soft-butch energy, Reno’s status as a chaotic bisexual pinball (you just know he and Rude met on Grindr), Jessie’s omnidirectional flirtation, the way everyone talks about Cloud’s eyes, the fact that everyone is wearing a harness, or Sephiroth’s, like, entire deal (if you ever thought a twink couldn’t also be a leather daddy, he’s here to prove you wrong), the game is, if you’ll pardon the expression, queer af.
Everyone’s favourite chaotic bisexual makes a graceful exit…
But, aside from being almost impossibly horny with virtually no concern for the gender of the parties involved – a feature the recent Remake has turned up to 11 – the game is also queer in deeper, more meaningful ways; ways that resonates strongly with the origins of Pride month, and its roots in a tradition of anti-assimilationist political protest.
A key figure in this regard is Barret (or, as he may be known to some of you, ‘Gunny’). In terms of representation, the game’s off-beat tone and broad-brush-strokes story-telling sometimes leave it seeming… unnuanced. At its worst, Barrett’s characterization in the original game comes off feeling like the production team watched a couple of re-runs of The A-Team and that music video where B.A. Baracus told us all to be nice to our mums and decided that they had learned all they needed to know about Black people (a serious problem in an industry as White-washed as gaming). But, without wishing to downplay these problematic elements, it is worth taking stock of who we ultimately discover Barret to be across the course of the game: a Black, physically-impaired adoptive father and climate activist, whose lost hand forms the basis for a narrative not of disability, but of empowerment, as he engages in a liberationary struggle to protect his local community and the planet at large from the toxic influence of a militarised form of corporate capitalism.
Barrett Wallace: Queer Big-Shot.
Like so many queer people who find themselves at the intersection of multiple forms of violence and oppression, Barret surrounds himself with a diverse team of like-minded individuals, united not by externally imposed categories of identity, but by a shared set of values and a desire to change the world for the better. This chosen family – for, what is the ‘party’ in an RPG if not a version of the ‘chosen family‘ of friends, partners, and allies upon which so many queer people rely? – comes to include not just a former member of SOLDIER like Cloud, who turns his skills and training against the oppressive forces he once served, but a figure like Nananki / Red XIII, a character whose story parallels those of many Indigenous and First Nations people whose lives, land, and heritage have been devastated by corporate imperialism. Like the Stonewall rioters, the Gay Liberation Front, Street Transvestite Action Revolutionaries, Lesbians and Gays support the Miners, the AIDS Coalition to Unlock Power, or the queer activists currently taking to the streets to support Black Lives Matter, AVALANCHE – the revolutionary band of eco-warriors Barret founds and leads – take a stand against a society, culture, and political system that seek to oppress them and exploit the planet they inhabit.
Barrett tells it like it is.
This is not to claim that everyone in AVALANCHE or Final Fantasy 7 at large is ‘queer’ in the same-sex attraction / gender non-conformity sense of the word (though, again, does anyone really believe that the Turks aren’t living together in a gloriously messy, pansexual polycule?) But, if, as one influential theorist has it, ‘queer’ refers to ‘whatever is at odds with the normal, the legitimate, the dominant’, then Barret and AVALANCHE are about as queer as they come.
It is for that reason that, with Covid-19 necessitating the cancellation of in-person gatherings across the globe, I recommend Final Fantasy 7 to you as the perfect way to bring the spirit of Pride month to life in your living room. Whether you think Pride should be a protest or a party (hint: it should be the former), Final Fantasy 7 is both, and, in its depiction of a radically inclusive chosen family squaring off against a militarised, corporate police state to protect marginalised communities and the environment, it has never been more timely.
So, do yourself a favour, unfurl your rainbow flag, boot up the game, and try to decide which character you fancy the most. In the meantime, if you’ll excuse me, I have to see a body-builder about a wig…
For a fun and accessible introduction to queer theory and queer history, check out Meg-John Barker and Jules Scheele’s gorgeously illustrated Queer: A Graphic History (2016). If you are interested in thinking about gaming from a queer perspective, Adrienne Shaw’s Gaming at the Edge: Sexuality and Gender at the Margins of Gamer Culture (2014) and Queer Games Studies (2017), edited Bonnie Ruberg and Adrienne Shaw, are a great place to start. To learn more about the history of Pride and the queer liberation struggle more generally, you may wish to explore some of the books listed here. For some beautifully written reflections on the intersections of race, sexuality, gender, and disability, take a look at the work of Audre Lorde, particularly her essay collection Sister Outsider (1984). Two books I have found particularly resonant in my own gender journey have been C.N. Lester’s Trans Like Me (2017) and Nonbinary: Memoirs of Gender and Identity (2019), edited by Micah Rajunov and Scott Duane. To support QITPOC (Queer, Trans, Intersex, People of Colour) charities and organisations in your area, check out this list for the UK, or this list for the US. Also, everyone go watch Paris is Burning (1990). Right now. I’ll wait.
from EnterGamingXP https://entergamingxp.com/2020/06/pride-week-final-fantasy-7/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=pride-week-final-fantasy-7
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honestly i called it a celebrity crush because it seems weird to call it a crush when i dont know him personally, only through a screen & pictures. I feel guilty because of the huge age gap between us (im older than them all). I feel guilty because somehow my feelings grew up with him (it wasnt until he was almost 18 that i started romantically liking him though i have always biased him). I feel guilty because my demisexual ass is turned on by him when otherwise i have no sex desire
I will say this again it's okay to have this crush on him. Despite the age gap and everything else it is okay. I personally have had celebrity crushes on people way older than me in the past.
Sexuality is also a very personal thing and very fluid. You may be demi-sexual but he may be an exception for you and it shouldn't be something you feel guilty for. Especially since he was of age when you started to feel romantic feelings for him. Labels are great and all and I stand by them but sometimes they aren't the best thing. Like you could feel that a certain label describes you very well but there could be room for improvement and each person is different. So a label for one person isn't going to mean the same thing for another and I think that people need to embrace that more and not be so strict with their definition of themselves.
I think that it also speaks for the K-pop industry in itself as it tries to provide this boyfriend or girlfriend experience with the idols like if you watch these vlives and social medias and variety shows and everything else that gets put out, you get a lot more of a personality I guess and a feeling for the person that you might in Western media where they kind of they have more of a I'm going to keep this to myself type of vibe or have more freedom to decide what they're going to show to everyone. Like this might be me just out of the loop but you don't see a lot of Western celebrities, actors, actresses, singers, whatever doing this cutesy stuff and like going on these variety shows and doing all of this extra stuff like we do with kpop idols. They are not only selling their music but also themselves a lot more than we see with western actors and I think that definitely plays a part in the whole culture of kpop and stanning and all of the stuff that goes with it.
And for example of the sexuality fluidity, I do label myself as bisexual but I definitely feel more attraction towards males I do feel females but that doesn't discount my own feelings towards females or people that may be trans or non-binary. A label isn't always necessarily a black or white. There are many shades of grey and exceptions to anything in life.
(PS I am sorry for any spelling errors or grammar errors or whatever in this massive post because I am tipsy and I do not want to deal with my phone's internal keyboard at the moment. So I'm using a the text to voice a feature. So please ignore those things if they are there and sorry if it's a bit rambly but again I am under the influence of alcohol so please take this as you will but I do genuinely feel all these things that I've said and I don't think that you should feel guilty about your feelings. It's part of any sort of celebrity thing to try to sell yourself and sell this experience along with what you have to offer. Especially in the K-pop industry where it's a lot of how you look and how you're presented along with what you present and the musicianship in the music that you have backing you.)
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