#but when i started seeing the implications of Kuro just... picking him up... i was like:
littlelightfish · 4 months
As a member of Mickbell Nation, and a honorary member of Kuro Nation, for Kuro's and Mick's sake I will speak up. I loved this scene on anime.
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When they arrive to the island, the first thing Mickbell does is go to the window and try see outside. He can barely see anything aside the sky color, that's why he wonders what time is it. Kuro leans towards him, or is looking outside the window, or both, I can't really tell. Here we can see that Mickbell could tiptoe and try to see outside, but I believe he doesn't because: a) he'd still be too short to see and knows it and/or b)he is expecting Kuro to hear him.
Now, he could be just wondering and looking outside with no real wanting of looking outside further (he's ok with just looking at the sky), but his body language tells he wants to peek outside.
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THEN he picks up Mickbell without him asking Kuro to do so. Kuro sees his small friend who can't get the vew strugling and decides that he would lift him up to see. He could have just told him "it's dawn", but he decides, without no-one asking him to do so, to do this. Did Mickbell expected this to happen? Yes, you can see it on his face. He's quite happy being lifted up to see outside the window.
This is meant to show that, even tho Mickbell is his boss, Kuro very much does what he wants. Wich is often what Mickbell wants. Because they know each other so well that Mick can be certain that if Kuro hears him, not even complaining, but wondering what time is it, he would be picked up to see by himself.
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On anime, it happens backwards. The first thing we see is Kuro lifting him up. It takes off the sweetness of "oh, he can't see, I'll help him" that we get when Mick asks first and Kuro lifts second. Even when we still get the message if we look at this images, it's not quite the same. At least at first glance. But... Isn't it lovely that he looks at his short ass friend, thinks "is he trying to look outside? He can't, he's too short. I'll help him". And the little surprise on Mick's face? It gives that Mick wasn't expecting this care. He was just looking outside with thia "Well I can't see shit, I wish I was taller sometimes" look in his eyes. Then he gets just a tiny bit surprised as he feels hands grabbing him, but nothing else. He's so used to this he doesn't even turn around to see who picked him up. He alredy knows.
Here, Kuro looks at him, Mick is trying to look outside with not a word. I at first didn't liked that he sayed nothing. The idea was that Mickbell, knowing how his friend would react, sayed something. Bit the "up we go" Kuro tells him as he lifts him up its everything I needed to keep on the living laughing loving.
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And after he can see outside he wonders what time is it. Wich... is a bit wierd... Because he now can see, not only how the sky is, but how the town down there is. It's not dificult to know if it's dusk or dawn by looking at the people on the streets.
So yes, me (detail-obsessed fish) is quite happy with the comeout after a bit of analysis. But I still feel it could've been better to leave as it was on the manga.
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sunfoxfic · 2 years
What did you think about ladynoir in strike back? I've seen quite a common take going around saying that we never got to see Adrien's feelings be validated or that he never was given time by the narrative to address the feelings which was left unaddressed in kuro neko too and that he shouldn't be put in a position by the narrative where he couldn't think of himself first.
Okay, I think this is a very loaded question, and at the end of the day, the Ladynoir conflict was (is) a complicated beast which will require a lot of work, communication, and practical solutions to tangible problems, and we as a fandom and audience cannot know exactly what those are. There's also the fact of the matter that there were several problems to be solved at the end of Strikeback, and the Ladynoir conflict was only one of them.
I'll start first with this rant that's kinda been building in me since Kuro Neko came out. In the aftermath of that episode, the only thing I remember is how many takes there were that were something along the lines of: "I hope that isn't the end of the Ladynoir conflict." And this is such a complicated thing, because on one hand, I don't think Ladynoir would be able to thrive as partners if they left off where they ended Kuro Neko and never worked more on their relationship. On the other hand, a lot of these takes were supported by bad-faith assumptions that Thomas Astruc and the rest of the writing team were not smart enough to see that there's still problems left unsolved. "I hope that isn't the end of the Ladynoir conflict, and I'm worried it will be because I don't have faith in the writing team."
This echoes a sentiment that sort of existed toward the beginning of the season, which was "I hope Chat gets time to shine (because I don't have faith that the writing team sees that he's being sidelined and believe that what they're doing is accidental)." This sentiment reached its peak around Guiltrip's release, which, in fairness, Guiltrip released way earlier than it should have. Before Mega Leech, which I definitely think would have maybe changed some fandom reception (though admittedly I don't have too much hope). But both of these ideas boil down to believing that the writing team does not see the emotional implications of what they're writing. In essence, the idea that this show is only good on accident, which is untrue, point blank.
Back to the point at hand, though, there were a lot of people who were upset at the idea that Kuro Neko could be the end of the Ladynoir conflict. They wanted something more explosive and felt robbed because they didn't get it.
My question: Why do so many people want them to make each other feel bad before they can get better? Why do so many people want to see Chat yell at Ladybug, especially when Adrien had just moments before witnessed her having a panic attack? Why is it not good enough for both of them to recognize their unhealthy patterns of behavior and interaction, and to correct those?
Why must they be punished for what they've done wrong before they can move on?
And for the record, like Kuro Neko, we haven't seen the end of it. The finale left off on a cliffhanger, and there's a good chance that S5 will pick up immediately from where S4 left off. There is still plenty of time for Ladynoir to have a conversation about what happened and more verbally acknowledge things.
That said, there is some truth to the fact that Chat left off returning to doing everything for Ladybug. He's staked his self worth on being needed, and so much of his arc in S4 was from the belief that he is no longer needed. The S4 finale showed him how needed he is, but there's still a fundamental issue in that he's staking his self worth on external validation.
And you wanna know what?
He can put that aside for a moment for the good of Paris.
I'm again reminded of Kuro Neko, and this post I made when the first trailer from Gloob dropped. In that moment, Ladybug was assuring the Parisian public that everything was fine, and she needed to put aside Chat's feelings for the good of everyone. And you wanna know what? In the moment, if Adrien is deciding that the good of the entire world is more important than the good of himself — and right now, the good of the entire world is pretty dependent on how well Ladybug is doing — then I'm not gonna call that bad writing. There were other crises to be solved. You can't blame Marinette for that.
I'm just done assuming that this show isn't gonna be good. I'm done assuming that it'll handle a plotline poorly, like everyone thought with sentiAdrien back in the days of Mega Leech and now most people seem more or less on board with it. I'm done assuming that the show won't give full emotional arcs to all of the characters, like many people thought about Adrien back when Guiltrip and Optigami released. I'm done assuming that the show won't properly put an end to the Ladynoir conflict, like people were doing back when Kuro Neko came out. And I won't assume that Adrien won't get a full recovery from S4 based on the end of Strikeback, I won't assume that the show isn't gonna acknowledge what Luka learned in Wishmaker, I won't assume that Chloé will get the Fox Miraculous.
It's bad faith, at best, and these assumptions damn near never play out, so what's the point of making them?
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Dear Penpal,
Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia
Character: Shigaraki Tomura / Tenko Shimura
Prompt: Childhood friends to enemies
A/N: Did I impulsively drown myself in series and works? Yes, yes I did. Did I take a proper break like suggested to me by several? I slept 7/8 hours one time this week? 
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
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Somehow you felt like you were intruding, for some reason you thought you were seeing something you weren’t supposed to see.
Underneath the hood of T.S. you saw the face of a scarred man. Both physically as well as emotionally. The constant scratching of his skin, the agitation of his nails raking over the bruised parts due to nerves, the dry patches of skin that were healing badly. Everything was revealed at once, but what stood out the most were those glowing red eyes piercing you down. 
“Are you a fucking hero?” he hissed, his grip onto your wrist tightening, though he was careful not to let his ring finger down, the implications of it suddenly hitting you like a train as you tried hard not to show your fear. 
“I’m not,” you immediately squeaked, knowing that to be the only truth to save you at the moment. “I’m not, but I do work at U.A.”
This didn’t calm T.S. any more as he pulled you closer, his breath fanning over your as he glared at you. 
“[Name],” your name came out as an urgent whisper, a warning not to continue this game that you were playing any longer. When you didn’t say anything, he finally let you go with a push, his face once more disappearing into the shadows of his hood. 
“You are one of those no-good elite teachers they have there,” he finally concluded. “From the regular program.” The way T.S. said this, came to this deliberation, it almost felt as if you were being relieved from a target. 
To this you let go of another sigh, your head nodding slightly as to confirm the earlier assumption. Within your mind you were already writing your next letter to Tenko, your thoughts whirring in how you were going to reflect on today. 
“T.S. is a bit sensitive about heroes,” Kuro tried to reassure you, though there was very little that could comfort you in your shaken state, your hand rubbing over the spot that T.S. had gripped earlier, a slight burning sensation still remaining from his callous and broken skin. 
I wish I could say he was handsome, or gorgeous, or that it was the sight of nightmares, even. 
Tapping your pen against your temple you tried to look for the words to describe T.S. Your initial reaction seemed too harsh, a strange guilt welling up from within you each time you tried to describe them. On the other hand you felt that you couldn’t lie to Tenko, or yourself. The sight underneath his hood was one you could hardly forget, disturbing, terrifying, and yet you found yourself with a strange sensation of compassion and sympathy. 
I’m surprised to meet anyone that hates heroes as much as T.S. does. I have heard  of them, but never actually seen them. It makes me wonder what sort of world they grew up in. It saddens me to know that T.S. grew up thinking that he can’t trust heroes. If only he knew you, Tenko. I’m sure that if T.S. had a friend like you he would have loved heroes just as much as you did. 
A memory popped up. A few lines you remembered Tenko to have written you long ago when you were still actively exchanging your letters. Something about his father disapproving, something about his grandmother, you couldn’t quite recall and yet it was so clear in your memory now. Details you had so long since forgotten about until now. Leaning deeper over the letter your pen scratched over the paper, the words flowing out.
I wonder if I let T.S. read your letters, will he be convinced to believe the same as you did? Would you let him read your letters to me? 
The idea came to you suddenly, you did have the letters bundled in a box after all. All of them with the presents you had exchanged along with them. Once you even had a picture, after that you had sent one of yours, of course, but it was there and it was valuable to you. Maybe it could prove to be of any worth to T.S.?
Though, of course, there is the question how I feel about it. You have been my dearest thought and memory for so long. How do I feel about T.S. potentially reading over that?
You knew it was rather silly. You were kids back then, writing about inconsequential things, sharing your childhood dreams, being silly together over topics that you believed mattered. It wasn’t that you were planning for him to read your letters now. No, you were sure that even if you were to find Tenko today you wouldn’t let him read his own letters even. The meaning of writing and exchanging these letters had long since changed in their meaning, you knew that, yet you persisted in calling them letters, adding sentimental value in your childhood letters as well. 
Or I could pretend to be you and write to him? 
The idea was on paper before you realised it yourself, the pen striking quicker than your own realisation as you sat in stunned silence. That was an idea. An idea in which you could find no fault either. 
I could use your letters as inspiration, base myself off onto your dream and write to him. Oh, I could have them secretly delivered to the bar, for I do not know his address, I could watch his expression grow! Who doesn’t love to receive a letter? Maybe he will even write me --or you-- back! How exciting would that be?
If only you had a clue. 
“I’m surprised you come back after such treatment.”
Kuro was not one to dance around the topic, immediately setting out to point out the elephant in the room earning a flush from you. Scraping your throat you tried to shrug it off casually, your elbow plopping on the bar as you examined the bar. 
“T.S., not in?” you questioned, noting that the bar was unusually empty, or at least, emptier than usual. 
To this Kuro didn’t answer, probably holding himself to the bartender’s discretion, or something. However, that didn’t deter you to what you had set out to do. In fact, that actually encouraged you all the more as you quickly rose yourself up, leaning half over the bar to speak to the bartender in a conspiring manner. 
“You seem to know T.S. rather well,” you started, eyes narrowing at the purple cloud. You wondered if there was a human underneath it all, or if it was all just a thick fog. Though, knowing that this wasn’t your goal you quickly let that thought go, your arms crossing as you rolled your feet, trying to find a strategic way to start the conversation. 
“I was wondering, since he reacted so violently on the topic of heroes, if you knew what he has against them?” you decided to go straight for the question.
Freezing for a moment Kuro turned his face to you, yellow eyes boring you down before he slowly set his glass down. 
The fact that he said your name was what startled you the most. It was usually Kuro who was so careful in using nicknames with everyone, respecting the privacy and the hidden identities that entered and left his bar, not that there were many. 
“Don’t mention heroes of any kind in front of T.S. if you value your life,” came his stern warning. Kuro’s voice had been so low, almost a whisper, as if afraid that the walls had ears before he resumed the eternal polishing of his glasses. 
“T.S. seems…” pausing for a bit the mist checked the glass against the light, making you wonder how he could hold anything if he wasn’t solid somewhere. Lowering the glass the bartender seemed satisfied with his job well-done as he picked up another glass, “T.S. seems fond of you, I don’t want to see you gone too soon,” the bartender surprised you. 
You hadn’t really noticed any fondness from the man, only hostility, and you were about to point out such as well before realising that Kuro might have been right after all. You were still here, still allowed at the bar, and the bartender seemed to know the man better than you did. 
“Does he?” you dumbly responded instead, a scoff escaping you as you rolled your eyes at yourself. “He shows it strangely,” you decided instead before finally picking up the drink that Kuro had poured you.
“I’m sure of it,” the man spoke instead before topping your glass once more. 
Squinting your eyes at the man you allowed him to fill up your glass. “You are one hell of a bartender,” you quip at him with a smile. 
The last glass might have been too much for you. By the time you pushed yourself away from the bar you were swaying dangerously on your legs, your sense of balance just a little tilted off. 
“Need help?” Kuro questioned you, but you waved him off, your arm awkwardly soaring through the arm as you made your way to the exit. You didn’t live far away, luckily, so you didn’t see a problem in getting home despite your slightly inebriated state.
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ayakashiramblings · 5 years
(CNY 2020 Post #1) Their children cause a misunderstanding: Dawn Faction
Since it is going to be Chinese New Year soon, I thought why not start with headcanons to celebrate and the first thing that popped up in my mind was family!
… Beautiful… freaking…. Family. 
So, after this post, I’m going to open the ask box (I’m scared because I’m super rusty at this point but I do miss this) and send in your best questions! You can even ask Toichiro to give ang bao!
Koga Kitamikado 👹 🍶
I had to put him first because his son was super excited to talk about his mum’s ‘bestest newest friend in the world’.
Shinra’s eyes sparkled as Koga hoisted the boy on his shoulders, tilting just slightly to give the younger oni a scare before giggling,
“Oh? Your mum is popular, just like her son, isn’t she?”
However, the next sentence really did make Koga nearly drop his ‘passenger’ when Shinra revealed,
“Mum hugged a pretty girl and that girl was super duper blushing while doing her hair!”
The thing is, Shinra had decided to drop that bomb in the middle of a visit to Uncle Fox-Face… I mean Toichiro.
Who of course, had the smuggest smirk at the implication.
“Hoho, so wedded bliss is also turning into a journey for vivid exploration I see.”
Even Shizuki had nearly spilt the pot of milk tea for the guests present, which was really the only reason why the teasing grin had been wiped off the kitsune’s face.
Kuya was the only one doubtful about Koga’s child spy. 
“Hey, describe the pretty girl kid.”
... Now everyone was intimidated because that girl really sounds like a seductress AND a boss. 
Koga though is considerably mature after having Shinra. Something about worrying to death about the Carnage being passed on to the next generation, Wraiths and other mishaps really does increase your tolerance level. So...
He asks Shinra to bring them to where the ‘temptress’ was last seen. 
Which was apparently at Raccord where Futaba was... 
Currently doing Aoi’s hair in a French braid. 
… It turns out that the girl was Aoi.
The 4 childhood friends make a pact not to ever reveal their doubt in Futaba... until Shinra blurts it out.
“Hey! That isn’t Mum’s girlfriend! It’s Uncle Aoi being Mum’s guinea pig.”
Congrats, kid. You are now the 2nd person to have made your Dad blush like the red oni that he was... until Futaba giggles,
“Sorry, the only girl I’d go after is Koga’s female self, hun.”
Everyone starts laughing...  except for Aoi who is secretly pissed that even after his growth spurt and all the pains of puberty, Koga’s bad judgement was passed on to that poor child of his.
Kuya  👺 💤
Nap times were supposed to be a family thing but his wife was currently out to collect something. 
At least he could settle for his cute son... if only said son could settle down. 
Kuya secretly wonders if he had a child with Aoi by mistake and produced this tiny toddler who is way too invested in moving and cooking and organisation.
Including the endless to-do lists that were long enough to cover the older tengu as a blanket.
Still, he couldn’t deny how cute his son was so he at least helped to roll up the scroll... 
Until he got to a certain check-box.
“Kapatid, what’s this?”
The chick’s eyes widened in excitement upon realizing the last task.
“Oh Dada, I wanna help mak bring her special someone to our nest and live here.”
Suddenly, he wasn’t so sleepy.
Kapatid had to innocently stare at his father’s ruffled wings and was just following Kuya in pacing back and forth, answering each increasingly desperate question,
“Who could it be?”
“I dunno.”
“Is it a pet?”
“I don’t think so. Oh, but I hope it’s as cute as Uncle Nachi as a cat!”
“Oh wait, if it’s Nachi... but he isn’t a teenager anymore... he’s a young man. Does your mother want a young man now?”
“I’m a young man too!”
“So, we are adopting a new young man?”
“Yay! A brother!”
By the time Futaba came back home, Kuya has built another nest for the invader egg... and an origami bazooka that was labelled ‘Wife-Stealer’.
She could have easily joined in on the fun but a sudden force prevented her from taking another step, huge parcel in hand and Kuya’s strong grip.
“Who is this someone new?”
Kuya’s slightly lowered voice lost its supposedly intimidating effect when Futaba giggled and jiggled her new item.
“I’ve brought back a doll.”
“Ok, so you’re upset about... a certain area.”
Kuya, no, not in front of the kid will ya?
While slapping one hand over the way-too-suddenly-active mouth of her husband, Futaba opened the box to reveal...
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The usually cool and collected face she was used to was vanishing, melting into one of sheer mortification. His cheeks flushed pink. 
“Don’t worry Dad! I think you’re cool!”
And so, the Nap Time session commences with the newest and plushest member sandwiched between the two proud parents and their child.
Ginnojo  🐉 🌊
“Yo, daddyo, what’ cha think of mum and Uncle Kuro as kissing buddies, it’s a yes or ru-oh?”
The Mizuchi Dragon was lost in a book as she had delivered that sick verse, so at first, it didn’t register in his brain, and he merely responded with, “Oh? How exciting, precious.”
Then came the second part of processing - the unusual way Ama spoke. 
“Interesting language, I love the rhymes. Well done, my daughter.”
Third, came his new title - Daddyo.
He promptly changes his bookstore name tag with tape and wrote the “Very honourable position.”
And finally, acceptance. 
No, Ginnojo, yo, that’s your daughter rapping. Although she didn’t have to include the idea of Kuro and Futaba kissing. 
And where is Futaba you may ask?
Simply watching until Ginnojo faces her with the brightest blush on his face. 
That was when she was ready to explain the POWEROFMUSIC.
... And finally ending with an Eskimo kiss to Ginnojo amidst their daughter’s protest before both parents attacked her as the Kissing Monster.
Aoi  💜 🎨  (Holy, his is the shortest)
“Pops! I’ve got the biggest secret in the world!”
“Well, you better keep it like a good friend you are then, Lotus.”
“Mum thinks you are an utter Bitch.”
After stuffing down a bar of soap down his poor confused daughter’s mouth, he makes use of the many, many, many years of fighting and sneaking about to find Futaba.
... Despite the fact she was at the Shrine of the Hidden God, collecting some herbs from Uncle Yura.
All while dragging his daughter who would have complained... except for the fact that her dad was probably the most effective transport in the world to have made it through the longest path to have existed. 
Plus, he came with an interesting whistle,
All it took was 1 minute and 45 seconds to locate his extremely confused wife. The accusatory words came out even faster.
“How could you? And right in front of our daughter?”
Understandably, Futaba was a bit irked... to say the least.
“Aoi, I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Oh! I think it’s because I said mum said you’re a bi-.”
“Yes, exactly... what?”
Yes, apparently poor Lotus only heard the first 2 syllables in the word.
Aoi allowed a small period to think over... Lotus’ interesting take-away from the vocabulary lesson before smirking. 
“I’m just a pretty... boy?”
Futaba had the decency to blush before whispering,
“You’re my pretty husband that I trust... will you trust me?”
Somehow, an impish glint made Aoi’s heterochromia pop up as well as a certain member down there...
... Don’t worry about Yura and Lotus. Yura had the sense to pick up the girl and invite her over for a... very... very... very long tea break.
Yura  🎍 🎼
He’s the 2nd shortest because honestly, I can’t imagine this pair ever having communication issues considering the amount of DRAMA AND TRAUMA in his route.
If either Yura’s daughter/son were to ever say MC received a phone number from a handsome man he knows well, he will actually be very calm. 
After all, he trusted MC and knew his twins were at that precarious age where every older lad was deemed ‘boyfriend’ worthy… 
.... Except for one incident when Yuriko said this,
“And when she kissed him after getting the envelope… he was blushy like Uncle Aoi!”
Suddenly, MC was walking into him burning various papers at the fireplace and him in a blue nightdress, singing,
“I saved every letter thou wrote to me… from the moment I read them...”
“Wait, is that Gaku’s new phone number?!”
Well, whoops. Maybe he really should have read the paper.
And so, Yura actually hunted Gaku all across the Capital, relying on whatever he heard of Mr Kakyu via the grapevine.
“Gaku, pray tell, can thou repair ashes? “
“What? No???”
“Fine, your new phone number shall suffice.”
And guess what? Finally, Gaku saw how lame his brother was, ironically. 
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zenithlux · 4 years
Cadence Update - CH 12
Please note, Cadence updates are going to slow down for a little bit! After this post, they will happen on Wednesdays each week for the next little while. Thank you for understanding and I hope you enjoy!
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Catch up on the story here!
In which Vergil tags along on a shopping trip, much to Dante’s amusement.
If I break the glass then I’ll have to fly There’s no one to catch me if I take a dive I’m scared of changing the days stay the same The world is spinning but only in gray
Shatter Me - Lindsey Stirling
Devon’s was a massive supermarket on the edge of the city, Weldenshire. It was the second largest city back before the Qliphoth, but was the only large one within a couple hundred mile radius. It didn’t have the specialty stores like Fortuna did, but it had this particular store; something massive enough to handle the thousands of families who built in the area after they lost their own homes. And when they did walk in, Vergil understood why Roxy was adamant that they come here instead of settling for whatever they could find around their home.
Except that made him question how she had “attempted” to shop at all. 
Then there was the matter of Dante. At first, Vergil hoped they could pick up a small amount of items, and kick Dante to the metaphorical curb so Vergil could figure out what had gone wrong. But then she showed him her list and Vergil knew it wasn’t going to be that simple. His only saving grace was that Roxy was quite content to use his portals instead of Dante’s rent-a-car suggestion. Vergil might have actually killed his brother if they were trapped in such a small space for over two hours. The entirety of Devil May Cry was barely enough space for the brothers. A car would incite murder, and Vergil would hate for Roxy to see that. 
Though she had asked for Dante’s help carrying said groceries home, so Vergil wasn’t out of the woods yet. Even worse, when they did step out beside the store a few minutes later, Dante made it very clear that he had no intention of leaving the two alone. Which meant that murder was still on the table. 
How unfortunate.
“Feel free to grab whatever you need,” Roxy said to Dante for the third time in the last twenty minutes. Except she sounded more distracted each time she said it as she was focused more on tossing things into the cart and crossing them off the list than actually shoo-ing the younger twin away. It was clear that she had mostly given up trying. However, it was also obvious - to Vergil at least - that she did want to speak to him without his brother sticking his nose in it. 
“What’s the rush, Sunshine?” Dante said with a lazy grin. “I’ve got all day.”
“Of course you do,” Vergil said. “The local pizza shop won’t accept your card anymore.”
“I’m sure I could find one here.”
“Then go do that.”
Dante waved him off. “We can just take her to dinner after this trip, sound good, Rox?”
Roxy hummed quietly. “Not really a pizza person.”
Vergil held back a snort as Dante’s expression crumbled as fast as his world. “Well that’s just not right,” He sniffed as his shoulders sagged. “I’m not sure I can approve of this job if that’s the case.”
Vergil rolled his eyes. “I’m not helping with the bills then.”
Dante pouted, but his shoulders straightened and his grin returned as Roxy finally found whatever she was looking for and wandered down the aisle. “That’s a woman on a mission,” He said as he lazily propped his hands on the back of his head. “I’m surprised you’re okay with this.”
“Okay with what?”
“Working for her,” Dante said. “You know. Following her around stores like this. Taking care of whatever it is she needs help with. There has to be a reason she asked for a caretaker, right? Which I’m certain you already know given how eager you were to accept earlier.”
“I was not eager.” 
“And I’m assuming she’s the one you’ve been messaging every day,” Dante said. “Since it sure ain’t myself or Nico.” When Vergil didn’t respond to that, Dante shrugged, stopping them both in the aisle. “Are you certain about this though? Taking care of someone else… that’s a big responsibility.��
“I’m not a child, Dante.”
“I never said that,” 
“What other implication is there?”
“You’ve never had this kind of chance before is all.” Dante shrugged. “Just don’t want you to waste it.”
Vergil stopped in front of him and lowered his voice. “I won’t.”
“What have you told her?”
Vergil stopped short, but didn’t look back. “That is between us,”
“So nothing then?”
“Leave it alone.”
Dante threw his hands up and took a long step back. “I’m just saying… you can’t keep that from her forever.”
“I will deal with it.”
“I trust ya.”
Vergil wasn’t about to admit that he didn’t believe him, nor could he tell through that infuriating grin on his brother’s face. But the conversation ended as Roxy practically appeared by their side. “Got everything here,” She said cheerfully. But there was something in her eyes… something Vergil couldn’t quite describe. He’d seen it before though… but when?
Pain. V’s voice whispered. That’s how her eyes look when her back is bothering her. 
Vergil glanced at Dante again, but his brother was preoccupied staring off somewhere into the ceiling. A part of Vergil hoped that was a sign of boredom, as a Dante with nothing to do was more likely to leave them alone. And he was certain he needed to ask her what was wrong sooner rather than later.
It wasn’t until they reached the candle aisle that they found their chance when Roxy asked, “Is there one you’d prefer?”
Vergil stared at her. Dante burst into laughter, and both looked at him in confusion. “He’s completely hopeless with things like that.” Dante said. “You may as well ask me.”
Roxy’s nose wrinkled as she poked through the candles. “You’re not the one whose going to be near them”
Vergil still didn’t know what she was getting at. Why did it matter? Why was she asking him? Surely she knew what she wanted already. What was the point in…?
His thoughts were cut short as Dante slid between them and pulled down a few of the candles on the top shelf. The most expensive ones, Vergil noted. “Pick one of these,” He said. “Strong scents are his favorite.” 
Vergil growled, snatching the candles from Dante’s hands before Roxy had a chance to look at them. “Go away,” He snapped, bumping Dante out of the way before he composed himself. “I’m not sure why it matters,” Vergil said. “But I’m…” He trailed off as his eyes drifted to the bottles. What was he doing? How had he allowed Dante to trick him so easily? Was this his plan? Was this her plan? Why…
“Nothing too strong then.” Roxy said.
“What do you usually get?”
She shrugged. “I like changing them around from time to time. Keeps the house fresh.”
“Strawberry.” Dante said. “Just go with strawberry.”
Roxy’s eyes lit up. “Would you like that, Vergil?”
He resisted the urge to sigh. “It’s acceptable,” He said. There wasn’t any point in arguing when she had another page and a half of supplies she wanted to pick up. And that was when he realized what she might have been getting at from the beginning. “Splitting up may be our best option,” Vergil said carefully with a pointed glance at the list in her hands. The last thing he wanted was for Dante to volunteer to go with her instead. 
Dante sighed in that overly dramatic way that was becoming all too common nowadays. “Fine, fine,” He said as he put his hand out in her direction. “I’ll take care of the food if you’ll let me pick up a new microwave while I’m out.”
Roxy procured a small stack of 100 dollar bills and half of her list in an instant, slapping it into Dante’s hand with an astounding amount of force. It was a dead giveaway for her true intentions - not that it wasn’t obvious already - and Vergil ignored Dante’s all-knowing grin. A part of him almost wished he’d agreed to move in today just to avoid the inevitable brawl brought on by Dante’s teasing. “If you need more, let me know,” She said before wandering down the aisle. 
“She’s rather trusting isn’t she?” Dante said. 
“You’re my brother,” Vergil said as he started to walk away. “If she trusts me, she’s bound to trust you. Can’t fathom why.”
Dante rolled his eyes. “Better catch up to your girl,” he said as he glanced at the list with a low whistle. “Is this really all for one person?” He shook his head as he walked away, muttering something about “dinner” and “cooking”. Whether that was his own hunger talking or Dante hoping he’d get Roxy to cook for him, Vergil didn’t know. 
The latter will never happen.
“Yes?” He said, glancing down to meet Roxy’s gaze. It was then that he realized how much shorter than him she actually was. A foot at least, as her head only came to his chest, but she still carried herself with such confidence. Or, at least, she normally did. Right now, she looked more nervous than he’d ever seen her before. 
And that’s when he remembered the whole reason they were here in the first place. 
“I believe we agreed that you would message me if something was wrong,” He said. “But you are clearly in pain, and I received nothing before your… timely arrival.”
“It wasn’t on purpose,” She said. “I didn’t realize what happened until it was too late.”
His eyes narrowed. “What happened?”
“I passed out.”
Alarm swept through him as a painful jolt straight to his ribcage. “Stasis?”
“I don’t know,” She said. “I was planning on going to the market to pick things up for a few days… next thing I knew I was on Kuro’s back headed to you. Aki was frantic, and Kuro said I just dropped outside the apartment. I already had him summoned at the time so he caught me but....” She flinched, likely at the thought of her body smacking into the cement outside - an image Vergil was equally unprepared for. And by the time he had shaken it from his mind, the damage was already done. 
“That’s why you need me.”
The tears in the corners of her eyes were worse than anything else she’d said so far. “I don’t know what happened, Vergil,” She said. “I have plenty of problems, sure, but I’ve never just… passed out.” She closed her eyes, letting the two, solitary tears fall as she took a deep, shaky breath. When she opened her eyes again, they were steeled with determination. “I’m sorry to throw you into my problems like this, but I refuse to risk my life when there’s someone willing to help.”
“I wouldn’t expect you to,” Vergil said. “Do you have someone to take care of you for a few more days?”
She paused, eyes flickering behind her. “Kuro says if I make food for the next few days, then I won’t have to leave the house, and he can make sure I’m safe. That’s why I wanted to come here instead. If anything happens, I’ll be set for weeks.” She sounded confident, but she looked worried. And while Vergil didn’t blame her, the last thing he needed was for her to pass out again when he (or Kuro, for that matter) couldn’t help her.
“Kuro can’t call me.”
“But Aki can fly,” She said. “And he knows where you are if something goes wrong.” Vergil’s doubt must have been more obvious than he intended, for Roxy sighed as she took a small step closer. Vergil’s breath caught in his throat as she held her hand out toward his chest. She stopped shy of touching, but he could feel her breath on his lips when she looked up at him. It took everything he had to break her gaze as a ring of ice formed in her palm. “This ring holds a piece of Kuro’s life-force,” She whispered as she dropped it in his hand. “He showed me how to make it last night.”
“How is this supposed to help?”
Her eyebrow shot up - the first sign of the more confident Roxy he was getting used to. “He’s connected to me,” She said, clearly trying to avoid a more sarcastic tone. He appreciated the attempt. “So if something happens to me, you’ll feel it. But it will only last for a few days.”
Finally, after reorganizing his rather confusing train of thought, Vergil nodded and dropped the ring into his pocket. Roxy backed away before he had a chance to do so himself as she perused the pillows. “Our list is a lot shorter than Dante’s, so if we go fast enough, we could grab some food if you’d like.”
Actually, Vergil would savor that victory. But he wasn’t about to tell her that. “That is…”
Vergil scowled, but it softened as he heard her quiet laughter.
He was equally relieved to find that he still enjoyed hearing it. But as he turned to follow her, a second voice stopped him in his tracks. 
Don’t waste your time with her, Nelo.
After all, you are very far from home.
It would be so easy to return…
Vergil whirled around, hand on Yamato. Roxy squeaked as she leaped away, eyes wide as she yanked her hand off his shoulder. The two stared at each other before Vergil chastised himself and forced his heart to still. “I’m sorry,” Roxy said. “I didn’t mean to startle you. I just…”
“It’s fine,” Vergil said. “Don’t apologize when you’ve done nothing wrong.”
“You don’t like being touched, do you.”
Vergil’s mind blanked for a moment. Then, he said. “I’m not used to it.”
He expected more questions, but knew her well enough to know she wouldn’t ask. “I’ll be more careful,” She said as she turned away. “Shall we?”
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darisu-chan · 5 years
The Fairest of Them All-Chapter 4
Hey guys, I’m back with one for chapter from this fanfic. Hope you all like it. As always, you can read it parts 1, 2, and 3 in the links, and you can also read this chapter and the rest of the work in here.
As always, thank you so much for all of your support!
See you!
Summary: A runaway princess, a cursed hero, a mad king. The three bring together the fairytale you never knew you needed. Can Princess Shirayuki recover her kingdom? Or will evil King Aizen triumph? And will Kuro ever be able to break his curse?
Chapter 4: The Wheels of Destiny
Orihime was a very nice and chatty person, as Shirayuki came to realize. After bringing her to the room she had been in before, Orihime left and came back with a nightgown, bandages and ointment. She helped her out of her torn dress and started dressing her wounds. Thankfully all scratches were merely superficial. As she helped her, Orihime never stopped talking. She talked about the materials of her dress. About how Shirayuki’s hair had gotten stuck on a bush. About her scratches and other things. It amused the princess. She had never met someone who spoke so freely to her. Not even Renji could talk to her like that after first meeting each other.
“Can I ask you something?” Shirayuki said once Orihime had stopped talking.
“Sure.” The other woman smiled at her sweetly.
“How do you exactly help Kuro? Forgive me, but you don’t look much like a fighter.” She finally asked. She had been wondering about it since they met.
Orihime laughed. “That’s because I’m not.” She said. “I’m a healer. I prepare medicines and sell them to the people at the town nearby. But I also help them in their activities. Whenever one of them gets injured, I cure them.” Her smile fell. “They’ve been injuring themselves a lot recently. Kuro specially.”
“You seem like you’re close to Kuro.” Shirayuki remarked, after noticing how the woman started frowning.
“We are close!” Orihime exclaimed, smile back on her face. “He helped me long ago, after my brother died and I didn’t have a home. He took me to Tatsuki and her family. Thanks to him I met Tatsuki, and Chad and, eventually, Uryu.”
“Uryu?” Shirayuki asked, puzzled.
She giggled. “Ah, well, you know him as Ishida. He prefers to be called by his last name. But I call him Uryu.” She said, blushing slightly.
“So you’ve known Kuro for a long time?” Shirayuki wondered.
“Yes. Long before the curse.” Orihime said, smiling sadly.
“How did he look like?” She asked. “Before the markings and the black hair.”
The woman’s face acquired a wistful look. “Tan skin, as if it had been kissed by the sun. Strong jaw. Chiseled chin. Hair the color of a sunset. Deep brown eyes.” Orihime then realized she had been rambling by the way Shirayuki was staring at her. She flushed and then chuckled. “He was a really handsome man. Strong too. But now… I’m afraid he’s lost himself.” She said, her smile turning sad. “He lost his home. His family. He even lost his name.”
“His name? Is it not Kuro?” Shirayuki asked her.
Orihime shook her head. “You’re not the only one who wants to protect their identity.” She declared. “That’s why he changed it to Kuro. So no one from our kingdom could track him down. As far as they know, he is dead.”
“They also think I’m dead.” She replied.
Orihime put a hand on her shoulder. “We’ll get your kingdom back, don’t worry.” Shirayuki nodded wordlessly. “In the meantime, get some rest. Tomorrow we’ll talk some more.”
The princess looked around. “Should I sleep with you and Tatsuki? Or move to another room?”
“Oh, Tatsuki and I don’t share a room.” She answered. “She bunks with Chad, because she claims he’s the only one that doesn’t snore. They sleep on the room to the left. Keigo and Mizuiro share the room in front of Tatsuki’s. Yoruichi sleeps wherever she wants. Kuro normally sleeps by himself. And Uryu and I sleep in the master bedroom at the far end of the corridor.”
Shirayuki blushed at the implications of her words. She turned to Orihime quizzically, and then noticed something shining in her left hand. A ring. “Oh.”
The woman giggled. “You can stay in this room. There are more blankets in the closet if you’re cold.” She said, opening the closet doors.
“Thank you.”
“Have a nice night, Shirayuki.” Orihime bid her goodbye. “If you need anything, don’t hesitate to ask us.”
“Again thank you.”
“It’s no problem, really.”
“Good night.”
With one last smile, Orihime left and Shirayuki collapsed on the bed. It was warm and comfortable. Better than sleeping on hay in a cell. She covered herself and then blew out the candle Orihime had left her. Closing her eyes, she managed to smile. Today had been a good day after all. She was still alive and away from Aizen. And she had been lucky enough to meet someone who could help her defeat the evil king and take her kingdom back. Her thoughts then strayed to Kuro. She felt awful for what had happened to him, but she couldn’t help but be intrigued by him. Just who was him?
With Kuro still in her mind, she fell asleep.
Outside, Orihime noticed Kuro, who was just walking up the stairs. She smiled at him.
“I gave her your room, hope you don’t mind.”
The man shook his head. “It’s fine. I can always sleep on the couch.”
“Or you can always share the room with her.” She said playfully.
Kuro got flustered. “Of course not! I can’t do that! She’s a princess!”
Orihime giggled, clearly amused by his outburst. “You know, you two aren’t different at all. If you give her a chance, she might surprise you.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” He asked.
“Nothing. Just looking out for you.” She said, mysteriously.
“Whatever you say.”
“Just promise me something.” She said, before going to her room.
“What’s that?” Kuro asked.
“Don’t close off yourself to getting to know her better. She’s different from others. She won’t judge you.” Orihime said earnestly.
“I don’t think she’s the one.” He replied, voice turning sad.
“I know you’ve gotten your hopes up before in the last year.” She told him. “But don’t lose faith.”
Kuro sighed heavily. “I thought I’d found her before.” He retorted. “But it was never her.”
“Go on.” He said, motioning to the corridor. “Your husband awaits you.”
Orihime frowned. “I won’t insist anymore. But at least be her friend. She needs one right now.” And with that, she left him alone to his thoughts.
Kuro looked at the room he knew Shirayuki was sleeping at. “A friend, huh?” He whispered. That he could do. He wouldn’t lose anything by just befriending the princess. Still, when he lay down on the couch, preparing to rest, he couldn’t stop the spark of hope which ignited inside his chest.
Aizen smiled as he walked the deep end corridors of the castle.
“You are in a good mood today, my lord.” Gin remarked as they walked together.
“Indeed.” The king answered. How could he not be happy with the news he had received earlier that day. He smirked. Today was the day.
Along Tousen and two guards, they walked to his secret room. Opening the door, he couldn’t help but smile when he saw the magic mirror inside. Things were going just as he had planned so many years ago. He approached the magical object and stood in front of it.
“Mirror, mirror on the wall, don’t tell me lies, tell me all.” He spoke the enchanted words once more.
The white face from before appeared and looked at him. “I am Barragan, the magic mirror, tell me what you wish to know.” Barragan repeated. Noticing it was Aizen again, he narrowed his eyes. “What is it you wish to know now, king of many, king of none?”
Aizen frowned at his words. He would have to ask him later what they meant. “I have dealt with that which stood in the way of my plans. Now I’ve come to ask what I’ve been looking for: the woman who shall be my queen and mother of my heirs.”
“Say the question. You know the words.” Barragan declared.
“Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all?” Aizen asked solemnly.
The mirror closed his eyes and started speaking. “Hair as black as ebony, lips as red as blood, skin as white as snow. It is the girl whom they call Shirayuki the one you are looking for. She still breathes and her heart still beats. Escaping from death, deep in the woods, she has found the one who can destroy your plans. Beware, because the wheels of destiny are turning. Heed my words, King Aizen, or you will lose it all. If their hearts touch, she will free him, and he will melt her heart. But if Shirayuki dies, nothing will be able to stop you. For as long as she breathes, you will never know rest.” With that Barragan finished his speech, and the mirror turned black.
Aizen did not say anything else. He exited the room, Gin and Tousen in tow. He walked to his chamber, leaving the door wide open. When his men walked in, they closed the door for him, and approached him.
“My lord?” It was Tousen who walked towards him. “Are you alright?”
The mad king did not answer. He walked to his desk and flung everything that was on top of it. In his rage, he stomped over manuscripts, books, and ink. Then, he punched a mirror, his hand bleeding from the glass shards. He ignored the shouts from Gin and Tousen. Instead, he noticed a book which he had previously stepped on. He carefully picked it up and opened it. Then, he smirked. “I’ve got it.”
Gin raised an eyebrow. “Got what, my lord?”
“Gin, Tousen. Prepare everything for a ball.” He said, ignoring Gin.
“A ball?” Tousen asked.
“Yes. A ball, for all the people in this kingdom! Invite the nobles, the bakers, the farmers! Even invite our own servants! Let this be a great feast!” He exclaimed, gesturing wildly.
“It will be done, my lord.” Tousen said, not thinking of asking further.
“Make the preparations immediately.” Aizen ordered him. Tousen exited the room, and left the two men alone.
“I gather you know how to take care of the dear princess?”
“Indeed, Gin, indeed.”
Aizen smiled. Although the princess had been nothing but a pest, he knew how to take care of her. She was too predictable to be able to fool him.
“Do you want me to punish Abarai?” He asked again.
“Don’t even bother. He must be far away from the castle by now.” Aizen replied, reading the book intently.
He had other things to take care of. He would heed the mirror’s words to the letter. Luckily, he knew how to make sure the princess would never be a problem again, and he would get rid of her little friend to boot. It was just so perfect.
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crystalrequiem · 6 years
The Voice that Urged Orpheus
[Part 2/6(?)] [TRC] Summary: Kurogane is very hot, reasonably paranoid, and adds tallies to his running total of failed proposals. Tags: Kuro/Fai, Canon Universe, Post-Canon, Warnings:  suggestive thoughts and implications (nothing graphic), So fluffy you may cry, Is it still slow-burn if they’re already in a relationship? because that’s basically what this is. [Part 1] [Part 3]
Hello again. Wow! the reaction to this was WAY stronger than I thought! I really appreciate all the love and feedback. It’s really kept me going. Hope you like this one as well! Still planning on eventual citrus content of some sort. we’ll see when we get there. This thing has the loosest outline I believe I’ve ever written.
He doesn’t manage to ask before the end of the night. They retire to their shared room, and Kurogane tries fruitlessly to summon meaning in the shape of words. Of course, alone with no one to interrupt them he has an even more difficult time staying focused on talk. Fai interrupts his thoughts with every breath—a gorgeous distraction he wants to lose his wits to again and again. Kurogane winds up forgoing verbal communication mid-sentence, finally overwhelmed by the sight of his love bathed in moonlight. Fai’s… enthusiastic response suggests he may have battled similar frustrations throughout Tomoyo’s soiree. So, he doesn’t regret putting the discussion off a second time.
But then he can’t ask in the next day either. Or the one after that. Somehow, every time he tries to mention ideas of certainty and forever, his tongue locks in place and he loses his footing. Or worse, he knows what he wants and how he means to ask, but someone or something steps in before he can complete the thought. Before he knows it, they’ve already moved on to the next world and he still hasn’t managed to broach the subject for more than two phrases of a sentence.
Gods, it shouldn’t be this hard. “Hey mage, can we settle down together after all this is over?” or hell, even something as simple as, “I want to know what you want from this,” feels beyond him. He keeps running it over in his thoughts—over thinking it. He starts to worry less about his own proposal, and more over Fai’s imagined response. Things like ‘marriage’ don’t even exist consistently across every world, and he doesn’t know how such customs were handled in Celes. Maybe there’s no point to putting a name on their relationship and he’s just complicating things unnecessarily. Or maybe—
Kurogane shakes his head, as if that will empty it of the tangled logic that plagues him. Dithering over what to do isn’t something he makes a habit of. No sense trying to guess at what Fai will say—He wants to ask, so he’ll ask. Simple as that. Whatever comes after… comes after.
For now, he has to keep his focus. This new world they’ve landed in doesn’t bear any familiar faces, and they have no idea what sort of dangers it might hold. In architecture and climate it reminds him of Clow, though the air boils even hotter here. Unfortunately, it doesn’t share a language with Sakura’s home. Whatever basis for its elegant, connected scrawl, Syaoran can’t read it and it looks nothing like the letters of Nihon or Celes. They find themselves in the uncommon and unenviable position of illiteracy, without local currency or any obvious way to earn it. On the other hand, strangely shaped humanoids and talking creatures wander the streets feely, so at least they don’t have to hide Mokona.
Or…. He doesn’t think they do. As far as he can tell, the traveling clothes they got from the Kingdom of Clow echo the styles he sees on the street, and he spots hair and skin colorations of nearly every shade in the milling crowd. Still, they garner stares from everyone they pass. His fingers twitch, itching for the hilt of a sword.
“Ah, so you’ve noticed too,” Fai murmurs, dropping back a step and leaning his way. Mokona maintains an obliviously cheerful soliloquy perched on Syaoran’s shoulder, but the kid looks tense. Good. He might have to try to figure out some kind of awareness training regimen otherwise.  
“Hard to miss,” he grouches back. The mage hums in agreement, his face a placid mask for his hardened gaze to hide behind. “Should we skip town?”
“Not yet I think—I’d rather not sleep in the desert if we can avoid it.” Fair enough, he supposes. Still, the eyes on the back of his neck make his skin crawl, and he marches forward tense as a strung bow.
Wide swaths of pale fabric stretch between the rooves of the white-washed abodes overhead, granting a measure of merciful shade to the market-goers.  Even so, the heat is enough to swell his joints and set his shoulder aching where it joins the prosthetic. He does his best not to give any hint of his discomfort to their audience, but the effort takes its toll.
By the time they find something that looks like a curio shop, even the manjuu has noticed the stares and the burning desert sun sees all of them wilting in the heat. Syaoran lifts the sheet that serves as the store’s front entrance aside and they step into the cooler space with a collective sigh of relief. Kurogane pauses just a moment longer in the doorway to watch for followers, but despite the plentiful staring it doesn’t seem they’ve picked up a tail.
“Wao~ so much to look at! Mokona wants to touch everything—”
“Maybe not everything? We have to be careful, okay?” He heaves a tired sigh at the kids’ antics and leans against a narrow space of wall just at the door, careful not to jostle the wrong arm. The room is deceptively large and stacked with rows and rows of shelves. It appears to be empty. Not so huge he won’t be able to tell if they get into trouble, but large enough he can afford to hang back and let his arm rest a while.
“How about you just don’t touch anything.” He grouches to the empty air they leave behind. If they hear, they give no indication. With a tch, he shakes his head and turns back toward the center of the room, only to catch Fai’s narrow-eyed glare. “…what?”
The mage doesn’t say a word. He simply reaches up, taps once on Kurogane’s shoulder, and watches nonplussed as his whole body recoils in pain.
“Stubborn man,” Fai murmurs. Frustration colors his voice, but the look on his face is so fond it pulls at Kurogane’s heart.
“You’re one to talk.” He takes a deep breath and tries to smooth his expression back to something unbothered. Looking at his worried jerk of a partner helps. Fai’s hair is a tangled mess, even pulled back. Wisping strands escape the hold of his ribbon and stick to his face, glittering with sweat and already just a touch too pink. His fair skin certainly won’t do him any favors in this world… “I’m fine. It’s just the heat.”
“Is that all?” Fai grins and looks both ways, makes sure that no one is there to see before he starts weaving a spell. His hands are a blur of motion, tracing familiar characters in blue and white.
It probably says something that Kurogane doesn’t even think to duck away or put a stop to whatever the mage plans to cast. When did he start trusting Fai so completely? He can’t point to an exact moment. He just knows it feels strangely natural to watch without worry as Fai’s spell lights the space between their bodies, cradled between them like a secret.
“When are you going to learn to ask for help, Kuro-sama?” Fai chides just as he traces the last rune, and his charm snaps into place. Magic sinks into Kurogane’s cloak. He doesn’t usually have much aptitude for sensing the stuff, but like most things, he’s tuned to Fai. It flashes like ice water through the fibers of his clothes, leaving an echo on his skin that sees him shiver for more reasons than one. “Not too cold, I hope? It’s supposed to give you something on the cool side of normal. Maybe—” This time when he feels Fai starting to pull the magic forward, he stills his lover’s hands with his own.
“It’s fine, I’m just—” Just. Just what? “Somehow still learning how amazing you are.” True, but embarrassing as hell to say out loud. “Distracted by how hot that was,” also true, also embarrassing for different reasons. “Glad you’re here,” “shocked you can always read me so well,” and “trying to figure out how to ask you to marry me,” all slide firmly into the mental trash.
Kurogane sets his jaw, shakes his head and starts over, shifting his hold on Fai’s hands until the two of them stand linked like a pair of dancers about to begin. The distant sounds of Syaoran and Mokona speaking together somewhere nearby drift muted and muddled through the air—a quiet reminder that he has other things to worry about. They still don’t know whether this world is safe. That hasn’t changed. He takes another second’s breath, wishing he could convey this messy tangle of sentiment bundled in his chest, and mutters only, “thanks.”
“Yeah,” Fai sighs, seemingly caught in the sincerity of the moment. Minor sunburn makes him no less beautiful when he smiles, quiet and slow, like dawn breaking. They waste a good handful of seconds staring into each other’s eyes like fools before Fai re-discovers his senses. “Or—I mean you’re welcome! Of course. You’re always welcome. I only… wish I could do more.”
The way his gaze drifts towards the false arm as he talks leaves a sour taste in Kurogane’s mouth. There he goes again, blaming himself for a decision that wasn’t his to make. It shouldn’t be so frustrating. In all fairness, if it weren’t Fai saying the words—if he didn’t know exactly what foolish paths the mage’s mind sees fit to walk, it wouldn’t frustrate him. But he does. And it does. More than that, it frightens him. Left alone with his demons, Fai has a nasty habit of abandoning the will to live. He can’t let that happen again. He won’t, embarrassment be damned.
Kurogane growls, veins surging with an angry heat Fai’s charm can’t cool. He pulls his idiot in closer, determined not to let Fai’s doubts fester.
“You do enough,” he blurts, but even to his own ears it sounds like a chastisement and not the reassurance he desperately wants to communicate. Swallowing frustration, he tries to clarify for his wide-eyed audience of one. “You do—you are enough. More than enough. No matter what. even if you never cast another spell in your life.”
In the breathless moment that follows, he watches tears form, heart twisting in his chest as they gather and darken Fai’s long eyelashes. He wishes he could eradicate them at the source—somehow convince Fai of his own worth despite the long years of tragedy that constantly tell him otherwise. Kurogane doesn’t know if he can, but he knows he wants to try. He’ll keep trying forever if that’s what it takes.
He frees the fingers of his good hand from Fai’s and lifts them to brush away the first tear track that snakes its way downward, heart so full of love that it aches. He could say it now, he thinks. He really, really could. His lungs fill with air, the words flow from thought to throat and he opens his mou—
“Sorry about that! Had to take care of a few things in the back. Welcome to The Enchantress! What can I do for you?” A third voice mixes with Syaoran and Mokona’s conversation and Fai falls back into his careful persona with a jolt. He pulls away, stepping backwards so quickly he nearly careens into an over-stacked shelf. Damnit.
“Fai?” Kurogane wants to reach out and steady the blond, but not at the risk of startling him worse. Nearby, he can hear the kid stumbling through the process of introductions and asking whether they might sell a few items. He knows they need to head over there.
“Sheesh, Kuro-wan, you can’t just spring things like that on a guy.” Fai’s cheerful tone rings hollow. He doesn’t look back until any evidence of tears have been scrubbed thoroughly from his face. “I’m fine,” he lies. Kurogane just stares, one eyebrow raised in clear disbelief. “Alright! Alright, you… Later. Okay?”
Later. Sure. Why not? He huffs and trails in Fai’s wake through the shelves. The pain of his shoulder lessens with every second as the spell works its magic and helps him cool down. Kurogane curses his own stupid inability to communicate and wishes he knew how to weave charms for emotional hurt.
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videobun-gameblog · 5 years
Rambling about Sekiro (spoilers below read me):
- Evolution of "i'm scared to block, i like Souls rolling" to "okay i'll block and sort of deflect but only basic attacks i know" to "okay I don't even need to dash except for perilous attacks!"  to "okay now i can actually flip between defense and offense on the fly and this is SUPER fun!!"
- Basically, I've never in my life played a game where offense and defense mesh so well together, where blocking is FUN and viable, and seeing your attacks get deflected is actually GOOD and not just infuriating, because you're making progress in the fight.
- People've said Dark Souls is a little like a hard, combat focused Zelda but really, THIS is what that's like, and I'm in love. From did it.
- The upgrade system is neat and I appreciate it for rewarding exploration but also allowing you to challenge yourself by refusing to use them. Also it just works out really well for speedrun balancing and I can’t wait to see the evolution of speedruns in this game because there’s a good balance between wanting more power, posture, and HP and wanting to go as fast as possible.
   ---!!!SPOILER ZONE (I'm serious do not read if you intend to play or are still playing)!!!---
 (long space for people who might see this on the blog first as opposed to via the dashboard)
- I absolutely adore the weird scientific/medicinal/supernatural macabre shit in this game. The red lump item gave me chills picking it up the first time. Same thing with seeing the first undying monk thing, I couldn't even burn it (but then I finally did it with THAT ITEM... more below)
- haha hand in a jar! haha that guy that flies at you... haha, monkey :) haha ninja dog...... hell even the headless... I love From's mix of disturbing humor (or just flat out being funny despite the bleak setting). Their version of mimics in Souls sum this up best but there's plenty of things here too that are just flat out hilarious and I love it.
- Oh Christ, speaking of, I did the Doctor questline and oh god it gave me some of that Bloodborne dread.
- "IS THAT A FUCKING DARK SOULS?" also lmao when he falls
- "IS THAT THE FUCKING CHAOS BLADE!??" oooh fuck oh fuck *pushes up glasses* remember the cut content with Shiva in Dark Souls???
- Sekiro/Wolf having the "defy your father, break the code" moment was SO good and I love that whole archetype. Simple but I just... <3 Oh god and When Owl is basically just like "that's my boy" when you kill him... I... u_u
- giving Lord Kuro rice was SO cute and just furthered my love for Wolf because this child is teaching him part of how to be himself and to also enjoy things (basically chill the fuck out you freaking murder machine, you are more than that) through compassion, friendship, and a reminder of his own childhood and I don't really get emotional over stuff like this often but awww..! ;_;
- The sake dialogue moments are so good. A very simple concept but I love the nature of sharing part of one's past through a friendly offering, it felt like a really good balance between clear concise mechanics (sake) fitting neatly with narrative elements. It's basically just a dialogue item but it didn't FEEL that way. I felt genuine excitement upon finding new drinks knowing I'd get a chance to share it.
- OH MY GOD ENFEEBLED IS SUCH A GOOD ASS STATUS EFFECT??? THE ANIMATIONS!!! He just hobbles around like a dude who just suddenly became an old man (’cuz that’s literally what it is) with his sword as a cane??? I LOVE FROMSOFT! That shit is so wonderfully expressive but also fits perfectly with that style of horror humor (and I lied before. Mimics are beaten by THIS status effect. New number one spot for my fave moment like this in a From game)
- Oh also speaking of animation, those fucking boss kills!!! *deep inhale* BROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- While not my favorite boss mechanically, SPECIFICALLY that kill animation on the Giant Ape... DUDE HOLY FUUUCK! and then the fake out!?!?!? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! SO good!
- Lady Butterfly was a fun main boss and O'Rin of the Water was a fun mini boss. Plenty of others were fantastic but those stood out. Like, two of my friends so far have expressed the same feelings on Butterfly! Good Fight!
- I even liked the gimmick fights! They did it! Gimmick fights that are actually well designed! They're more about exploring mechanics outside of pure combat without punishing you super fucking hard at a random point just because they can. (Bed of Chaos, Micolash) Strangely a little bit of a breather, which is fitting because it’s a perfect counter balance to the stress of finding yourself in a unique situation. They actually give you time to analyze, think, and breathe it all in!
- I'm currently stuck on an end game "secret"/optional boss with some classic From Lore Implications *ok hand* and it's brutal af. I am excited to learn how to master this.
 --- SLIGHT CRITICISM (basically the “i love it so much i can’t help but see small flaws but I’d still give it a 10/10 anyway” part) ---
- I like that even when they repeat mid bosses they usually put them in a new arena to change things up. I think a FEW were a little overdone though and could have benefited from maybe... I dunno, a couple new ones in their place or at LEAST alternate movesets to change things up a bit more than just location BUT the combat is engaging enough that I don't mind, I just found it a LITTLE weird how despite the rest of the polish there was a tad bit of copy-paste (but far FAR less egregious than DS1)
- Idk how replayable this game is gonna be but I can definitely see myself finishing NG+ and doing two more playthroughs for all endings. It's replayable more in the Metroid or Legend of Zelda sense and less in the Dark Souls character build sense. "I wanna try a new route first and beat bosses more effectively this time. I wanna be as stealthy as possible this run" etc. and not "I wanna make an int build" (less a critique and more an observation on how it differs from Souls replayability)
- Dragonrot is like, the only actual flaw in this game imo. It doesn't have enough depth. I was thinking it would have more end game narrative significance but it's just something tied to the sort of useless unseen aid mechanic which fails to really incentivize risky play. If anything it just encourages you to grind before bosses to cap the current exp bar and save/store/spend sen by spending 10 minutes fucking around elsewhere until you're ready so that you have nothing to lose. I feel like it should have done some world state changes and something more intense, like ACTUALLY having npcs die and having a healthier world state and an unhealthier world state where some enemies get weaker or stronger based on which extreme your world is on etc. etc. basically ANYTHING more than it is now. But this is super minor relative to how good everything else is. It just felt underwhelming considering all it was hyped up to be. It’s one of those things I just ignore as if it wasn’t there and it’s just as good because it has little effect on the parts that I DO like the game for.
- To end on a positive note though, Sekiro managed to be a game that iterated on the Souls formula by defying part of what it became (dodge heavy, block averse play, slow, parrying primarily for one-shotting) yet still providing the same feelings of starting one of those games fresh. Part of what makes it FEEL Souls-y is precisely what separates it from those games, and it's all too good to really put into words at the moment. Like sure it's got Estus, bonfires, and a kick-your-ass "you're going to get stuck and frustrated and that's how it is" attitude and it's got a similar enough control scheme, but beyond that, there's just so much more combat and movement depth that it's a whole new beast, and I love it so much.
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{ Putting this under a ‘read more’ since I have 19 muses on this blog haha }
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For my OCs, pretty much any ship with them is my otp haha. I love my brain kids and anyone who is willing to ship with them.
For my Canon muses:
Chuuya: Pretty open to shipping him with anyone within reason, but I don’t have any ships for him that I feel strongly about one way or another. 
Kagari: Mana / Kaltz 
Levi: No one really? Just hit me with some decent chemistry. 
Ouni: Suou / Nibi
Kuro: Man, I have no idea. I’m kind of cool with just about anyone? 
Therion: Primrose /  Cyrus 
Shiki: Hell  No one. At all. He’s horrible. I have almost no desire to ship him whatsoever. 
Souji: Hijikata, Souji also has a wonderful ship with @backblade​‘s Kenshin! 
Yasusada: Kashuu. I’m also open to Kanesada and Horikawa. 
Yuki: Happiness and a decent life. 
Mio:  See above.
I’m always open for ships to be honest! 
Depends on how old the muse is. With Ouni and Yuki, I’m not comfortable with age gaps greater than a year because they’re both minors. With everyone else, assuming the muse is over 20, I’m pretty laidback. 
Kind of? I’m more picky depending on the muse. So certain muses I’m more selective with than others. For example, I am very selective when it comes to who I’m willing to ship August with and I may be unwilling to ship characters like Shiki and Aeron entirely, while, when it comes to characters like Souji, Yasusada, Casimir, and Chuuya, I’m not nearly as selective (basically the more triggering I deem a muse, the more selective I am about shipping them). I’ll admit I’m trash and love shipping, but I won’t ship with everyone under the sun, I prefer to ship with muns who communicate with me ooc, and that could be as simple as talking back and forth in the tags.  
I usually tag things as n s f w if it’s clear the thread is starting to head in that direction, and I’ll tag more vague implications of it as n s f wish.
@backblade​ with Souji, and I think Luna and I are still trying to get Therion’s butt with Primrose even though he’s unworthy. @moonliitwaltz​. Otherwise, I don’t have any other active ships or attempted ships on this blog. 
This really depends on muse. I prefer not to write out abusive ships (this is especially the case for muses like Mio and August who have been victims of sexual assault and I am just so uncomfortable with the idea of writing anything of that nature with them or with my minors, for example). Obviously if you ship with Shiki, you’re signing up for something abusive and toxic, which is why I’m not keen on shipping him. It just kind of depends heavily on the muses involved. 
Kind of. I would prefer you straight out ask if you’re interested in a shop because I’m denser than a brick when it comes to picking up on romantic hints in interactions so if you want something to go somewhere you should probably just scream at me or I might not figure it out haha. Like I’ve had characters make out before and I’m still like soooo are we shipping for not? So yeah haha. I pretty much always keep that lane open when interacting and you just have to ask, otherwise I assume we’re not shipping. 
I like shipping! Be it platonic or romantic, I just tend never to get a lot of ships, probably because I’m terrible about bringing them up to people. 
Limited multi-ship to two ships per muse. I learned the hard way if you don’t than one muse ends up with five ships while the others have none. 
I love shipping! Again, any kind of ship is totally okay with me and I love forming relationships with other people’s muses. 
Use your imagination because I have too many fandoms on this blog to answer this question, and you can assume if it was on the otp list it’s probably my favorite ship for that fandom. 
Just write with me. I’m pretty open to shipping so long as we’re writing together and you bring up an interest in it because I’m dense and probably won’t mention it because I’m a weenie and afraid to ask people to ship. So long as you’re mindful of sexualities and whatnot, we’re probably good! You can also just send me a million shippy memes and eventually I’ll get the message haha. 
TAGGED BY: @necrophagic! Thank you for tagging me! TAGGING: @unladylikc, @backblade, @moonliitwaltz, and anyone who wants to do this! 
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pocket-luv101 · 6 years
Spellbound by the Music || Ch. 1
Fandom: Servamp Characters: Mahiru, Kuro, Licht, Hyde, Snow Lily Pairings: KuroMahi (main), LawLicht (side)
Summary: Mahiru came to Kuro with an offer. He would help reduce his prison sentence if he solved a mystery with him. They have to work together to catch a serial killer. {Detective AU}
(Ch.1) || Ch.2 || Ch.3 ||
“It’s nice to see you again, Detective. I would make you a cup of coffee and be a good host. But that’s difficult with these handcuffs on me.” Kuro said in a dry voice and jingled the chains lightly. He was surprised that a man like Mahiru visited him in jail. Kuro leaned back in his chair and asked, “Why are you here? I already confessed to the robberies.”
“I just want to talk,” He shrugged and Kuro’s eyes narrowed. He sat across the detective in a private interrogation room and he wondered what the man wanted. Mahiru wasn’t intimidated by his crimson eyes and merely continued, “Would you like tea or something small to eat? I can ask the officers to get you a doughnut. I heard prison food is terrible.”
“You can skip the formalities, Detective. What do you want?” Kuro cut him off. He knew the detective must want something from him if he visited him even after the case was over. Kuro dearly hoped that Mahiru didn’t suspect that his siblings were involved with the robberies as well.
His family had stolen from wealthy homes without being caught for almost a decade. Yet, in only a month on the case, Mahiru came dangerously close to discovering their identity. Kuro wanted to protect his family and turned himself into the police so they would end their investigation. Every night in his cell, he would miss them but he took solace in the fact that they were safe.
“Something never made sense to me.” Mahiru opened his case file between them. “I talked to your siblings. They told me that you were so lazy that you would only leave your house if it was on fire. I checked your bank records and you don’t have expensive tastes. Also, you’ve been living off cup noodles. Sloth is more your sin than greed yet you went through a lot of trouble to steal almost a billion dollars over the years. Where did all that money go?”
“Well, I would be a stupid thief if I put all that money in my personal bank account. That would leave a paper trail right to me. The money’s in a bank account overseas. I already told you that the first time you interrogated me. If you’re just going to repeat these questions to me, I’m going back to my cell. It was nice to talk to you again, Detective.” Kuro started to stand up.
“Please, let me finished, Kuro.” Mahiru gestured for him to sit again. They were both surprised when Kuro lowered himself into the chair again. He took out several documents and placed them in front of him. “I know you lied about the money. I tracked down every penny. You donated everything you stole to charities and orphanages. You’re a modern Robin Hood, aren’t you?”
Kuro didn’t answer him. He watched Mahiru and waited to see what he would do next. The case was closed so he didn’t know why Mahiru continued the investigation privately. No mattered what happened, he would protect his family. “Did you come to lecture me? ‘You had good intentions but you went about it in the wrong way’. I doubt anything will change. I’m still going to prison.”
“Your trial is in a month and a lot can happen in that time.” Mahiru took a newspaper out of his bag and slid it in front of Kuro. “Have you heard of the serial killer targeting musicians? I’m in charge of the case and I want you to help me find him. If you do, I will use every connection I have to help your trial. My friend’s a prominent defence lawyer. We can have your sentence lowered.”
He had to admit that he was intrigued by the man’s offer. In the end, he had to shake his head. “As much as I would love to, I’m a thief and I doubt I can help you find a murderer. From the articles I’ve read, this man sounds troublesome. You’re a talented detective so I’m certain you’ll find this man on your own.”
Mahiru’s hands tightened into fists on his lap. He hoped Kuro would agree to help him once he offered to shorten his sentence. But there was one more thing he could bargain with. He stood and walked around the table to stand next to him. He placed his hand on his shoulder and leaned close to his ear. Mahiru whispered so the officers couldn’t overhear him.
“Robin Hood had a band of Merry Men helping him rob the rich and so did you. I can guess who they are.” He could see Kuro’s eyes widen subtly. Mahiru hated to threaten the man but he had too much to lose if he didn’t catch the killer soon. He straightened and leaned on the table next to Kuro. “You can help a lot of people if you solve this case with me. I know you have made several connections in the criminal world that can lead me to the murderer. I need you, Kuro. You need me too.”
“If you put it like that, I can’t say no.” He sighed. Kuro was taken aback slightly when Mahiru took his hand gently. He didn’t think a detective’s hands would feel so soft and kind. Mahiru only held his hands long enough to unlock the handcuffs around his wrists.
Mahiru smiled at him, “We’re a team now and I look forward to working with you, Kuro.”
“Kuro, you’re under my protective custody but I want you to feel comfortable. If you need anything, please tell.” Mahiru told him as he parked his car. It took him awhile but he was able to arrange for Kuro to be release that afternoon. Kuro assumed that Mahiru would drive him to the police station or his apartment after they left the jail.
“Detective, why did you take me to a grocery store? Didn’t you recruit me to track some serial murderer for you? I don’t think we’ll find him in the fruit aisle.” He pointed out. During the drive, Mahiru hadn’t discussed the case with him. Mahiru would rhythmically tap his finger on the steering wheel and casually asked Kuro about himself.
“You just got released from jail and I thought it would be best for you to adjust back into society before we jump into boring detective work. We’ll talk about the case tomorrow. For now, I need to buy more food since my fridge is a little low on food. It has been a long time since I had to cook for two.” Mahiru turned to face him. “You know my name is Mahiru Shirota so why do you continue to call me ‘Detective’?”
“It’s just easier?” He shrugged.
Mahiru pouted briefly and then said, “Detective and Mahiru are both three syllables. We’re partners on this case so you should call me by my first name. Now, repeat after me: Ma-hee-ru.”
“… Mahiru,” He whispered and Kuro found that he liked the sound of his name.
“See, Kuro, it’s not too hard.” He slipped off his seat belt and hopped out of the car. “Let’s go. The two-hour afternoon sale is going to start soon.”
Mahiru gestured for Kuro to follow him. He waited until he reached his side before he walked into the store. He picked up a basket before he handed Kuro a flyer. As they walked down the aisle, Mahiru placed several items into the basket. Kuro felt a little awkward and rubbed his wrists. He could still feel the cold steel of handcuffs on his hands.
That feeling disappeared when Mahiru wrapped his hand around his wrist. He pulled him out of the path of a cart. “Be careful, Kuro. You need to watch where you’re going. I can’t save you from every run away cart. Is there something you want to eat? I’ll buy it for you. But, if you’re going to ask for instant ramen, the answer is no. I’m cooking homemade ramen.”
“Did you know instant ramen is my favourite? You’re kind of a stalker.” Kuro said in a sarcastic voice.
Mahiru huffed and turned to face him with his hands on his hips. “As a detective, it was my job to investigate you. I’m trying to use what I learned to be nice. It’ll be nice if you put in the effort to get along with me too. I know you don’t trust me because I’m a detective but we have to work together to find who is behind the murders.”
“The only reason I agreed was because you blackmailed me.” Kuro reminded him.
“I didn’t have much of a choice. I have someone I want to protect too, Kuro.” His hands tightened on the basket but he didn’t look away from him. “I came to you for help because I think you’re a good person deep inside. My instincts told me that long before I found out you donated all the money to charities. That’s why I didn’t push the investigation after you gave yourself in even though I knew you couldn’t have done it alone. You have my word that your friends will never be implicated.”
His brown eyes were serious and Kuro was drawn into them. He took the basket from him and said, “I’ll carry this for you. I can’t wait to have ramen again in weeks.”
“You’re in luck. I’m as good a cook as I am a detective.”
Kuro walked out of the bathroom and stretched his muscles. He hadn’t been able to take a long shower or relax in a long time. His first thought after he settled into Mahiru’s apartment was to call his family. He missed them and he needed to tell them that he made a deal with the detective. There was a chance he could see them again. Hope warmed his chest for the first time in weeks.
He walked to the living room so he could ask Mahiru to borrow his phone. As he neared the door, he could hear Mahiru’s voice. It sounded like he was arguing with someone. Kuro peered into the room and saw him talking on his phone. Mahiru sat on the couch with his back to him so he didn’t realize Kuro was behind him.
“Just postpone your tour, Licht! Stop being so stubborn… How dare you call me the stubborn one? There’s a killer targeting musician and you refuse to take the slightest precaution.” Mahiru rubbed his temple and groaned. “I have another lead on who the serial killer is but I can’t tell you the details… It’s confidential and I can lose my job, Licht! If you want to help, you can make my job a lot easier by going to the safe house like I told you to.”
From his muttered curse, Kuro knew that the person on the other end refused his offer. Mahiru’s shoulders slumped and his voice softened. “I’m just worried about you, Licht. I called to make sure you’re safe… Don’t complain about me mothering you. Thinking simply, I wouldn’t have to if you weren’t so reckless… It’s late so I’ll let you go but I’ll call you again soon… I love you too, Licht.”
Kuro wasn’t a detective but he thought he pieced together why Mahiru was so motivated to solve the case quickly. He assumed that his girlfriend was a musician and he wanted to protect her. The floor creaked when Kuro stepped into the living room and Mahiru looked over his shoulder at him. He suddenly felt nervous with his honest, brown eyes watching him.
“I’m sorry for eavesdropping. I didn’t think I should interrupt you and your girlfriend.” Kuro scratched his neck.
“Girlfriend?” To his surprise, Mahiru began to giggle. The sound was light and warm. “I was talking to my cousin, Licht. He’s more of a brother to me though. We were practically raised as siblings. He’s working hard to become a pianist. I admire his determination but I’m worried about him as well. He has always acted like my big brother and helped me. It’s my turn to be the older brother.”
“I have to warn you, being the older brother is troublesome sometimes.” Kuro smiled sadly as he thought of his siblings. He remembered everything they’ve been through nostalgically.
“If I remember correctly, you have seven younger siblings. You can borrow my phone to call them. I’m sure you miss them. Just be careful not to tell them about the investigation.” Mahiru handed his phone to him with a kind smile. He jumped to his feet and picked up his laptop. “I need to send some emails. I’ll be in the kitchen if you need me.”
Kuro nodded at him. He knew that Mahiru decided to work in the kitchen so he would have privacy. He was thankful for Mahiru’s kindness and respect. Mahiru was a detective and Kuro was a criminal yet he didn’t treat him differently. He walked to the corner of the living room and leaned against the wall. He quickly dialed Lily’s number and waited for him to answer.
“Hello?” His youngest brother answered after a few rings. It was nice to hear his brother’s voice again and not have to worry about someone monitoring their call.
“Hey, Lily.” Kuro heard his brother gasp and chuckled slightly at his reaction. He could imagine how shocked his brother was because the jail would only allow him to call his family on the weekends. Immediately, Lily began to pepper him with questions. “Slow down, I can’t talk as fast as you can. Is everyone else with you right now? There’s a lot I need to tell you guys.”
“Hugh and Wrath went to talk with the attorney but everyone else is here. Everyone, Kuro is on the phone!” He could hear hurried footsteps through the phone. Kuro felt a mixture of fondness and guilt. He could tell how much they cared. On the other hand, he hated to make them worry about him. “Kuro, we’re all here and you’re on speaker.”
“I’m borrowing someone’s cell phone so we don’t have to worry about this call being monitored. Have you guys stayed out of trouble like I told you to?” Kuro wanted to keep his words cryptic because he didn’t know how much he could trust Mahiru. “I have some good news and bad news. Do you guys remember the detective I told you about, Mahiru Shirota?”
“Is he the bad news or the good news?” Hyde asked and Kuro didn’t know how to answer him.
“A little of both at the moment. He suspects that I didn’t carry out the thefts alone.” A prolonged silence followed his words. Kuro could sense how tense they became and reassured them. “Mahiru and I made a deal. I’ll help him catch a serial killer and he’ll keep everyone as far from suspicion as possible. He also knows a lawyer who can help lower my sentence.”
“You might be able to come home sooner than we first thought?” Lily asked excitedly. “This is great! Can we see you right now?”
“Wait, can we believe this detective?” Hyde interrupted them. He was more cynical than his other siblings. While he wanted his brother home again, he had to be logical. “Mahiru may be lying to us so he could send us all to jail. What do we know about this man?”
“He’s a good man.” Kuro found himself defending Mahiru. “He’s a detective but he has his own reason to arrest the serial killer quickly. His cousin is a pianist and he could be the killer’s next target. Mahiru bent the rules to get me out of jail so I could help him. We can trust him. Anyways, I’m staying at his home and I can find any evidence he has on you guys while he’s asleep.”
“Hopefully, you won’t need to.” JeJe said.
They talked to each other for another hour and Kuro was happy to hear they were doing well. From the corner of his eyes, he watched Mahiru type on his laptop. The man was a complete mystery to him. He wasn’t as jaded or apathetic like the other detectives he knew. Mahiru was humming lightly to himself and that simple act filled the room with a pleasant warmth.
Once he finished talking with his siblings, Kuro walked to Mahiru. He lightly tapped his phone on his shoulder to get his attention. He placed his cell next to his laptop and said, “Thanks for letting me borrow your phone. It was great to talk to them again.”
“Tomorrow, we should head to the mall and buy you a new phone. Thinking simply, it’ll be easier for both of us if you had your own phone. I can easily call you if we ever get separated. Mostly, I don’t have to worry about going over my minutes every time you borrow my phone. Detectives don’t get paid as much you would think.” Mahiru lightly joked and smiled up at him.
“I’m going to sleep first. Can you show me where my room is?” Kuro asked and Mahiru nodded.
“Before we head to bed, can you give me your hand?” Mahiru asked and held out his hand to him. His warmth drew Kuro towards him and he placed his hand on his palm. A distinctive click echoed between them. Too late, Kuro realized that he was handcuffed once again. Mahiru secured the other end of the handcuff onto his own wrist. “There we go.”
“I don’t think kinky sex was in our agreement.” Kuro tugged on the cuff and it held strong. The chain was long enough that he could walk a few feet from Mahiru. He could see his confusion so he explained.
“This is to make sure you don’t try to run away while I’m asleep.” Mahiru told him simply. “We will only wear these at night and I’ll take them off you first thing in the morning. I promise. I set up two futons in the guest room for us to sleep. Please, follow me.”
Even though Mahiru phased it as a request, Kuro had little choice but to walk behind him. He walked into the guest room and there were futons laid on the floor like he said. He set them a fair distance apart but Kuro knew he wouldn’t be able to leave without Mahiru noticing. Kuro couldn’t blame him for being cautious though.
He slipped into a futon and stared up at the ceiling. Kuro heard Mahiru fall asleep next to him and soon his soft breathing filled the room. He rolled onto his side and glanced at Mahiru. Could he trust the detective? He sighed and fell asleep as well.
I am not ashamed to admit that this fanfic started and ended: “Mahiru handcuffs Kuro” and me snickering for hours.
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firebirdsdaughter · 6 years
... To the O-T subs of Zi-O 21! Yay!
Also, fair warning, this will probably include spoilers for Ryuki. If anyone hasn’t watched it yet and doesn’t want anything spoiled.
In no order:
Still sad we didn’t get to see Geiz coming home. :(
Sworz and Herue’s family moment is still kinda sweet, despite them being who they are.
This, too, is Decade’s fault.
Like I said in an earlier post today, I think I understand why it’s Ryuga and not Ryuki. Bc at the end of Ryuki, everything was reset and the events of the series never happened. Shinji didn’t just forget he was a Kamen Rider, he never was one in the first place. But just bc it didn’t happen doesn’t mean that somewhere, some place, the Mirror World ever went away completely. Maybe it somehow preserved Ryuga, and he’s just been hanging out, hiding in the new Shinji’s reflection? Waiting for something like this...
Poor Shinji. Given his reaction later, I’m wondering if he considers himself responsible--which raises my question of if he was actually trying to kill himself bc he thought that might stop the attacks, or if he was just so terrified he covered up everything and accidentally sealed himself in in a panic.
Hands, who thinks Kido is an idiot? ... Goddamnit, Ron.
I love the Zi-Ot3 having planning sessions, too.
Sou Okuno remains adorable and it is so unfair.
Like I said. Geiz is one of those people where if punching it doesn’t work, you just punch harder--and if you break your arm doing it? So be it.
He starts the sentence neutral, then switches to first person. Just... Decides it’s gonna be him. Bc he’s the soldier, and fighting with his life is the only thing he’s ever done.
Sougo clearly doesn’t quite understand the seriousness of the situation, clearly thinks they’re still brainstorming, (honestly don’t blame him--most people wouldn’t be expecting someone to actually be meaning to go through w/ that), but Tsukuyomi is clearly well aware of the fact that Geiz will absolutely do this, and she’s not happy.
Junichiro does the only acceptable impression of Kuro Woz ever.
Shinji doesn’t just have no memory of it, he has double no memory of it! (that may have been a reference to that)
Kuro Woz begins to, well, Woz, and Sougo walks away. I LOVE THIS. Force the manipulative jerk to walk after you!
KWoz remains incapable of picking up on tacit cues. Seriously, dude, even I am clear on how uncomfortable Sougo is w/ this. And I am awful at tacit cues.
Okay... This seems a little more like they’re talking about something e don’t know about... But he’s still noting it might kill him, so my other comments do still hold. But other than some protectiveness that he’s in denial about, why does he think it has to be him? Did Shiro Woz do something? Was there more to that vision than we saw?
Well, maybe Tsukuyomi doesn’t know? She’s pretty against it.
The little face twitch after she reminds him Sougo didn’t like the idea either. I think he’s secretly touched Sougo cares, but too Tsundere to admit it.
No, we weren’t waiting. We just knew if we stood still for five minutes, you’d be somewhere in the scenery, creepily dropping eves.
I can never hear that the same again.
I am still extremely uncomfortable w/ this phrasing. I’ve seen people connecting it to PreCure, where it’s the villain’s goal? And while I don’t watch PreCure, I absolutely agree. That’s not a normal way of referring to a peaceful era. It’s suspicious. Makes me think that either time literally is stopped, or that it’s ‘peaceful’ bc it’s all controlled by the future Nooks or something.
My hope for this is that they make a third timeline, and the point of the story is that we forge our own destinies, and sometimes not knowing exactly what the future holds is a good thing. Not everything is predetermined, that freedom is more important than martially imposed ‘peace’--and that even if things are apparently doomed to end w/ you murdering half the world, there’s always something you can do to change things. In a world where a lot of young people are suffering under the exacting expectations of others (and this is not saying Japan specifically, this is a thing everywhere), I feel like that would be a great message for kids. Wow. Okay. Got a bit mushy there.
Hm... Honestly, this translation makes Geiz sound more suspicious of it than anything--though given the flashback, I do think that the ‘peace’ part sounds good to them. However... Well, I have some other things to say on this subject, but we can get to that lower down.
Poor Shinji, he’s so scared! He’s gotta have been seeing his reflection be like ‘hey, you wanna go murder this guy right, I’m gonna do it!’ so much he can’t even bear to look at it... Oh, sweetie... Ron! Come get Shinji he’s making me cry!
Need I remind anyone that I hate Shiro Woz?
Not you, Keisuke, you’re an angel and I’m thrilled you’re here.
Ahem. Okay, anyway. This is another reason why I’m confused as to whether or not Toei wants me to think Geiz is actually going to switch ‘sides’ or something or not. He jumps in to defend Shinji w/out a single hesitation, and I really think there’s meant to be parallels between this and his initial stance towards Sougo. Like, that one scene w/ the flashback to Goggles (WHO IN TIME IS GOGGLES THE DEAD PERSON?) seemed to be meant to indicate that he was starting to believe Shiro Woz--but here? It’s coming across as the opposite. WHICH IS IT TOEI?
I will continue to believe that they will not do that to my precious tsundere baby until they actually do. And when/if (please dear gods I hope it doesn’t) that happens... Tea and shirts? I’ll make cookies?
G T F O Shiro Woz. No one wants your approval at all, esp not Geiz.
No! Poor Shinji... Ron, come help Shinji! Ron! ... What’s that? Not until the special? But that’s in March! We’ll be in another arc by then! Goddamnit, Ron.
I’m making a dumb joke, I have no clue if Ren is gonna be back in the special. I would be excited if he was, though.
Don’t listen to him, Shinji. You Rider Kicked him in the face in another... Another... A timeline twice removed? Or maybe once? Maybe they just never altered the Ryuki timeline since it did that one it’s own?
Ah, sweet justice.
Can’t believe I’m cheering for this asshole. But I just really dislike Shiro Woz.
Okay, Heure, you jerking Shiro Woz around is valid, but that dig at Geiz was unnecessary.
Also, even though there’s (well, was?) a ‘justifiable’ reason for what Shiro Woz was doing, Geiz remains unhappy about it.
... Okay, why did we get a ‘gasp’ reaction from Shiro Woz to that? What exactly happened on your ‘Day of Ouma,’ you snake? Oh what am I saying. Like he’d give me a straight answer.
Goddamit, Geiz. DX
We knew you were gonna do this, though.
Sougo finally arrives, and actually understands that Geiz has no chill whatsoever and will absolutely do this shit.
But it seriously kinda does feel like Geiz’s mentality is ‘I’m a soldier, I have to be willing to fight to the death’ sort of thing. Or maybe even ‘I’m the soldier so I’m more expendable’ (which the angst part of me kinda wants to be something that comes up--‘I’m the fighter, I’m the one who dies’ sort of thing; and then the other two smack him for it).
I just love Geiz as the ‘protector’ part of the triangle. Like, I feel like he’s starting to fall into it? Like, willing to protect the other two w/ his life (not that they don’t all protect each other, but... Do you know what I mean?).
Friendship moments are hard for Geiz, but this is still a good one. He’s literally getting forced to face the fact that Sougo cares about him and doesn’t want him to kamikaze attack.
I love this, though. Before, we saw that Sougo was uncomfortable w/ the Zi-O II Ride Watch, and its implications for his future. But he’d rather use an item that may very well be either a step or even a lock into him becoming the Demon King he was so disturbed and upset by before, than let Geiz die. Might be bad news for the world, but...
Makes me wonder if there’s gonna be a ‘I won’t let you turn into Ouma Zi-O even if I die’ thing, except it’s not ‘fight you to the death’ thing and more ‘I’ll keep trying to keep you good even if it gets me killed/I have to sacrifice myself.’
Oh my god. Like if there’s a way to keep Sougo from becoming Ouma Zi-O (like, w/out killing him), but it was, like, fatal. Geiz would absolutely do it. Or try to. Hell, maybe even both him or Tsukuyomi. Or they’d both try to do it, but also try to protect each other from it... Like she tries to stun him so he can’t, and he tries to beat here there, or something... There I go.
THE TRIUMPHANT MUSIC! And you just know it’s gonna cut out. XD
My guess is that it failed bc Sougo was secretly doubting his future. Like, he’s wholeheartedly ready to use it bc he doesn’t want Geiz sacrificing himself, but he’s still scared it’ll turn him into Ouma Zi-O? And maybe he has to be confident in his abilities before it will work? Me make sense? Who would do that.
Well, one thing I’ll say for him. Another Ryuga is cool.
Okay, okay. Here’s the last thing, I swear. If they’re trying to imply that Geiz is gonna turn on Sougo... No one told Gaku before he voiced those two ‘Zi-O!’s. That sounded way too frightened and concerned for someone you’re starting to doubt.
I swear, I’ve heard that music somewhere...
I loved how everyone’s reactions to this sequence was literally ‘well, I assume they’re showing us everything is backwards, but I couldn’t read kanji to begin w/, so...’ ^^ XD
Wow, nice on the signs O-T! How much harder was it to do the subtitles backwards?
Mirror¡Sougo is bouncy like bunny!
Mirror¡Sougo tries to be creepy, but regular Sougo doesn’t even register it. This kid would be both a joy and a risk in a horror situation.
I love the way Sougo dodges the ‘eye blocks’ when Mirror¡Sougo transforms, and Mirror¡Sougo hits one back w/ his sword when Sougo transforms... It’s cool.
Preview: Oh, yeah. Geiz dies next week. Now where’s my new favourite picture... XD I will love it if there’s a situation where Sougo is able to see out of the Mirror World and sees what’s happening. I mean, Another Ryuga can look out, why not Sougo? Maybe that’ll be what finally seals the deal on him actually using the Watch?
See, this ‘opening’ ‘creating ‘cutting open’ the future stuff rings to me like the goal is that thing I mentioned above. About choosing one’s own destiny, no matter hat tries to shape you.
Anyway, I like the Zi-O II suit. Excited for ep 22. ^^
That’s all, folks! (wonder how long it’ll be before I get sued for that XD). Virtual red velvet cupcakes for anyone who read all of that. And if you don’t like those, then... Well, pick your favourite flavour! ^^ And if you don’t like cupcakes, then pick a sweet you do like.
Anyway, I’m having a good time and enjoying this. I love the Zi-Ot3, in case that wasn’t clear, and atm I’m looking forward to 22. Of course, things could always turn out... Unfortunately, but I still have tea and shirts on standby.
... Now I want read velvet cupcakes again...
(If you count the number of bolded words in this post, you get a hardy handshake!)
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dj-yukio · 6 years
EAD: Childhood memories
“Right, so talk.”
Kurotsuno rolled her eyes at the pure crudeness of the other girl’s request. Of course she would insist that they have this conversation. The whole set up was even perfect: get her a little drunk, make sure she couldn’t think straight, and then push for the information. How did she not notice?
And they were all alone. Ah shit. She really didn’t feel like going through this now.
But before she could even open her mouth to protest, Hanten grabbed her tie and tugged on it.
“Nope. Don’t even think about getting out of this. You had years to think over this, now start talking.”
So she took a deep breath, trying to see how she could best illustrate what she remembered.
She was four.
That was a point in her life when she was ill, deathly sick even, she believed. The memories of that time were hazy, almost as if it was covered in thick fog, but whether the reason was because she was sick and young then or because the memory had been suppressed, she had no idea. Nevertheless, she remembered the shouting and the screaming, mostly incoherent to her in her feverish daze.
Of course, it wasn’t like the shouting had just started, however. It had been happening for a few months before, way before she was even sick. They would shout about grown up things that she didn’t understand but knew it was probably very important, whatever a ‘di-force’ and a ‘chit-ting’ was, for both of them to be so angry.
But no matter what, they always smiled whenever she went over to them. Pretended that everything was alright, even though the sweat and strained smiles on their faces suggested otherwise, and refused to tell her about the grown up things they’d screamed at each other for in front of her, only engaging in it when they’d thought she had gone to bed.
At least, until that day, when she was turning about in her bed under the blanket that felt burning hot from her own fever, she could hear them shout outside her room. Even with her headache pounding through her skull, she could see papa standing there. Mama must have been standing behind the wall, she reasoned, or else he wouldn’t be standing there doing nothing.
Then she saw him turn to glance at her and quickly closed her eyes, wanting to know more about the adult things that they were talking about. She couldn’t do that if he was just going to smile and pretend everything was alright after all, right?
Suddenly, there was a loud slam, making young Olivia jump and grip onto the blanket even tighter. Her eyes were still closed, but she could faintly make out a soft squelching sound before footsteps went down the stairs. She pulled the blanket over her head, a feeling of fear suddenly overwhelming her, though for what reason she had no idea of. A few minutes later, she felt a hand touch the top of her blanket and gently shake her.
“Olivia? Are you awake?”
Wanting to pretend that she had been asleep the whole time, she didn’t budge for a while before pulling the blanket off her head. The warning bells in her feverish head were going off, giving her a major headache as she sat up to face papa who was sitting at the edge of her bed. He was just holding a bowl, yet, she still felt rather scared of him for no reason, and pushed it aside as she watched him lift the spoon.
There was a big lump on the spoon, that she noticed. What was it, soup? A really, really red soup, though. And it smelt weird too.
Papa seemed to notice and smiled at her before pushing the spoon towards her mouth. “Here, I got some medicine for you. It’ll make you feel much better tomorrow, I promise.”
She should have figured out what it was by then, but she was much too young to understand the true implication of the whole event back then.
So she stared at it, still not quite trusting of it. Surely it wasn’t something disgusting, like a red version of green peppers, right? And it was papa, who wouldn’t do anything to her.
So she begrudgingly opening her mouth, allowing him to push the spoon and its contents in. It felt weird, like it was some kind of meat, but much more chewy. Maybe it was a stew? What kind of stew was it?
She allowed herself to question what kind of meat stew it was for it to be medicine as papa continued to feed her, and before she knew it, he was tucking her into bed, softly whispering before giving her a kiss on the forehead as she giggled, the stew medicine thing making her feel much better already.
“Papa will make all the pain go away, I promise.”
It made her sick to the stomach as she remembered how the blood had dripped from the spoon as he fed her the ‘medicine’.
“Oh, that’s fu-“
“Shut it. So I ate my mom. Not my fault.” Kurotsuno growled a bit before calming down. There was no use getting mad at the person when he wasn’t there. “Besides, it was a long time ago.”
Hanten only raised a brow before opening another can of beer and pouring it out for both of them.
“So it isn’t. Go on.”
She was five.
Now, it was just the two of them. The old house had been sold off, and their new house was somewhere really dark and dreary.
Though, that was kind of to be expected of a place called Pitch Black World. Would be kind of ironic if the place was all sunshine and rainbows for shits and giggles.
It was a nice big house, and she loved running around the house. It was a nice big space, and there was lots of empty dusty rooms to explore for her. It was a much too big house for the two of them after mama had left, as papa had said. And she could do almost anything in the house which only came with one rule:
She could never leave the house.
The door was to be locked at all times. The windows were all bolted, and the curtains in the room that she was in were to be drawn. He claimed it was for her protection, but now, she wondered if it was because he wanted her to never find out what became of her mother.
Now that she looked back, she should have seen that the big house was but a prison. Certainly one that was well furnished and meant to keep out intruders, but still a prison.
But young Olivia didn’t realise or care about that. She was much too eager to fill the gap that was left by her mother leaving to care that she was essentially stuck in a lie, a whole bunch of lies. She tried to be on her best behaviour, tried to please him as much as she could, like a dog trying its hardest to get a treat from its master. After all, there was no one else for her except him and herself.
And what had he done? He left her alone, a five year old child, alone at home, sometimes for days, sometimes for weeks. Sure, it was undeniable that he came home to spend time with her, and she wouldn’t be so cruel to lie and say they weren’t close in those times, but it was always work first, daughter second. How many times had she been pushed aside for something else, because that coward refused to put his foot down on those rare off days? If he had made some semblance of an effort trying to keep the family that he himself had destroyed, perhaps he would still be redeemable in her eyes. Instead, he came home reeking of the stench that she had only recently become accustomed to thanks to a certain someone that was sitting next to her and was completely incoherent during those times.
“I’m right here you know.”
“Now you know why I detested these things originally.”
“And you never bothered to tell me?”
“It’s all in the past. Besides, what would that have accomplished? It’s not like you would stop drinking if I just told you.”
“Oh, I think you’d be surprised at the things I would have done for ya back then.” She picked up her mug, closing her eyes to savour the taste of the drink before plopping it back down. “But that’s not the point. So, go on.”
That was how it was for two years. Just her, trying to hold their family together in spite of his schedule and decisions.
It was so difficult, managing to stay sane while in the confines of her house, unable to get out.
Then sanity came in the form of a demon who had crawled through the chimney. Her first friend ever since he had trapped her.
She didn’t know if it was symbolic that she was to forget the name of her first friend here and would only retain the vague memories of her.
“You had a friend here? Who was it?”
Kurotsuno huffed, her eyes flitting to the side as she tried to remember. “...Don’t know. She had red eyes-“
“A lot of demons have red eyes. Some angels too.”
“And white hair. I don’t remember her name, but that’s all past. Happy now?”
Hanten paused to consider her, her face having a rather passive look before looking away. “Happy. How coincidental, in fact, but that’s none of my business. Continue.”
“...” She looked down at that. “...I don’t want to continue.”
“Oh?” Though she couldn’t see how the other looked, she could tell that she was curious. “Why not?”
“You already know all of this.” She paused for a bit, turning to glance at the other girl. “You already know all of this. So why are you asking me?”
“I don’t know about-“
Kurotsuno cut her off. “Let me rephrase that. You know about these from other places for sure, and
“Lies to me, traps me against my damn will-“
“Calm down-“
“-acts like nothing even happened-“
“-and then he has the nerve to play the victim card!”
She punched Hanten in the gut, forcing a gasp out of her. She’d have to keep in mind to apologise later, but for now, it felt good to let all the boiling anger out on someone. “And you want me to take the high road and just forgive him?”
“I’m just wasting my breath on you. What do you even understand, anyway.”
“I’m not asking you to forgive him.”
“Of course I wouldn’t understand how it feels to lose something important to me like a mom.” It was clear that Hanten was resisting the urge to roll her eyes from how annoyed she looked. “My mom’s alive, obviously. My old man’s not an idiot like yours. But it’s not going to do either of us good if you keep comparing my family to yours.”
Sanity, she believed, arrived in the form of a curious demon holding a knife who wanted to explore the supposedly big empty house.
It had been Christmas, and she had been waiting for the legendary Santa to make his way down the chimney, much to papa’s amusement as he agreed to let her watch the chimney for the night before he himself went to bed, mumbling about how the chimney was much to narrow for anyone to fit in in the first place.
Then again, in his defence, he couldn’t possibly have predicted that that particular day, a young child would be going down the chimney to enter their house.
It had been a great surprise and lesson for her that apparently dustpans didn’t make great kidnapping weapons, and that the girl in the chimney, even though she had white hair once she got the soot off her head, was not Santa.
Weird white haired girl rubbed her head at the spot where she had whacked her. “...so this isn’t an empty house.”
Olivia shook her head, wondering if that was a question directed at her. Chimney demon swore, before taking a good look at her and stashing her knife away.
“You’re weird.”
She made a brief indignant sound at that before the other girl shook her head to establish that that wasn’t quite what she meant.
“You’re... not one of us, I mean. Don’t look like a ghost either. That’s interesting. What are you?”
She shrugged at that. Even she didn’t quite know the answer then. Did it matter what she was? She was Olivia.
Demon girl was seemed all the more interested at that. With an air of nonchalance, she stuck out her still sooty hand towards her, giving a name that she had long forgotten.
She stared at the outstretched hand, wondering if she ought to take it. Technically, papa never said she couldn’t make friends with demons that went down the chimney and didn’t knock on the door.
So, with much rigour, she took the other girl’s hand and shook it hard, not realising that her life had been spared only because the other was much too fascinated with her to stab her.
That day was the day that both girls got a secret friend.
And for once, the house didn’t seem so empty anymore.
At least for three years, anyway.
She once wondered if her mom would still be alive if she had intervened more. Now that she had reflected on it, though, it seemed that the only reason their marriage had been surviving up till then was due to both being very reluctant to leave their dying child alone. One girl that was down with an unconventional illness.
Maybe if she had died back then, mom would still be alive.
She had loved him. She had adored the dad that she had created in her naive little mind with what limited knowledge she knew about him. She reasoned with herself that he was doing it for the both of them,
And now she wondered if he had been doing it for himself from the start.
There were so many reasons that she could hate him for.
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sleepless-rain · 7 years
Engeki Haikyuu: Summer of Evolution - Notes
All the notes I took after watching the Summer of Evolution stage. Its not exactly in chronological order since I would randomly note things down even after I went home and slept haha. Hopefully you can enjoy imagining the scenes before the DVD/Blurays come out!
Sorry if some of it makes literally no sense.
  The show starts with Takeda sensei coming out the front and saying that this is a school play, and us “the students” shouldn't have mobile phones on, not to make too much noise, and lastly to enjoy ourselves.
Starts with hamlet: The guards are Nishinoya and Tanaka, Suga is king/hamlets uncle,kiyoko is queen, Hinata and Yachi are villagers, Asahi is a Horse, Tsukki is Hamlet and Yamaguchi is Horatio. Someone was the spirit of the dead king but I couldn’t recognise them (I think it was Daichi)
Kageyama comes out in a moon costume to say “The next day”
Tanaka starts chasing kiyoko around and the stage is literally thrown into chaos, with the stage props falling and everyone is all over the place. Hinata runs up to Suga and takes his crow, exclaiming that he wants to play the role of the king.
Musical like intro with lots of projections and dancing as always.
Remixed nekoma theme
Tsukki touching KAGS so many times
Kageyama called Tsukki Kuso megane
When kiyoko comes into the classroom she grabs Hinata by the wrist. Hinata looks at his wrist like he's been touched by a goddess (he has).
During study with yachi the and they mention nekoma (kenma and yaku) who are in the bg as extra classmates (yaku strikes a pose as KAGS mentions "nekoma libero" and kenma drops cap when Hinata mentioned him)
"Becuase kechishima won't help us" Yams: don't be so loud tsukki can hear you!
W/YACHI all of karasuno go to store and all have icypoles, Tsukishima slapping KAGS in the face with his icy pole
Talks about tests, Kageyama faints. Yams: KAGEYAMAS NOT BREATHING!!! tsukki sticks the aed patches on Kageyama’s face
Studying for tests and NOYA wearing 3 t-shirts layered on one another, takes them off one by one.
"Are you going to play shirtless/naked" tanaka pulls TSUKKIS pants down
While team lift for lev
Whole team nekoma choreography involved the boys linking arms and moving in a wave-like motion (like levs whip like arm), before Lev spikes.
Both Car scene w/ saeko and the camp practice matches are shown at the same time. 
Fight scene takes place at the camp
Raining the whole time when Hinata starts fighting Kageyama.
Bokuto waving Saruki(?) keeps pulling down his hand
Raining, fukurodani with umbrellas and Bokuto splashes super hard and wets his ass. Akashi saying "bokuto-San" super sternly and bokuto looks up, smiles and runs over says "Akaashi!!!"
Lots of live camera shots projected onto the screen, lots of new props!
Takeda sensei does a very deep speech about Hamlet’s to be or not to be monologue. Should we continue to move or stay, and exist as we are.
NOYA and tanaka in the big arm wrestling and being cute on the stairs.
Suga is there when Hinata and Kageyama fight.
Bicycles on the stage?? SO MANY BICYCLES.
Ken-Chan holding hiroki as he was sliding down and looking into his eyes.
Hiroki, Ennoshita and tanaka in bottle costumes. When Kageyama practices the stopping toss. THIS IS CUTE AS HECK.
Kenma and 2 other casts as the kids w/ coach ukai, one of them keep screaming and being stupid and Ukai tells them "your personality is too strong (for a background character)"
Running in circles and greasing off Hinata
All the kids are taller than Hinata so its kinda hilarious.
Brazil video: all the nekoma boys come out and each one does a specific dance sequence.
Transition between TSUKKI/akiteru scene and coach ukais house: Kageyama comes out in moon costume again.
When Hinata realises who Coach Ukai is, 3 people dressed in black ponchos act as crows and come out and circle and snap at Hinata.
Ukai switching between the two coaches (as Kenshin and as old gradpa ukai) (towel on head) because the scenes transition too quickly for him to change his wig.
Fujurodani music is kinda trumpety , lively tune (Bollywood ish?)
Fukurodani has signature wing pose
KURODAI HANDSHAKE, bokuto joins in. Aggressive forehead touching.
Ennoshita asks if saeko can help him look up more about TSUKKIS brother. All the thirdyears stop the iPad, all stare at him, asks "what's your relationship with Saeko ???"
Akiteru comes to the camp.
Movable stair prop and Tsukki runs on them as the stairs spin, going round and round, Tsukki running desperately and the stairs just seem to go on forever.
Yams: "Bare kirai hazu nai" (Theres no way Tsukki would hate volleyball) NOTE: this is different to the anime/manga where Yams says “I don’t think Tsukki hates volleyball”. the implications are a little bit different, I’m surprised they changed the line.
Yams to tsukki: "You won't quit volleyball will you?l"
the whole cast surrounding tsukki and circling him, everyone shouting, tsukki is confused (red blue flashing lights)
Kuro teaches tsukki kill block, usually kuroo is a shadow in the consequent parts of match (tsukki mimicking kuroo).
Kill block, tsukki unsheaths sword, slashing
Part where everyone is waving their arms in the air. Yams walks over to TSUKKIS and tsukki quickly pulls them down to stop yams. Tanaka and NOYA come over and grab TSUKKIS arms to make him wave.
When noya try's to do his toss, runs all the way down the stairs and into the audience.
"It's like Hinata is he king!" (He demands the toss!)
Kenta with cape and crown, sings the dada-da-da-da! Intro music himself. Starts saying all of Kageyamas lines as well before getting pushed off stage by kags
Barbecue scene everyone picking on kenma, who gets a phone call and Suga takes it and picks up, kenma snatches the phone back.
Tanaka and NOYA chasing the two fujurodani boys for ages to keep them away from kiyoko
Tanaka literally stabs tsukki in the trorat with a sausage.
Fireworks at the end (actual fireworks? ) + sounds and lighting.
Cool sliding prop parts!!!
Free talk
First time Kage-chan has performed in Miyagi. Bows and says “I’m in your care” to the stage.
Kenta: “Each prefecture had their own sort of aura. From Miyagi it's a very kind one.”
Kenta advertises for the shiratorizawa movie Which Kage-chan was supposed to say. BUT FORGOT.
Kenta went to watch it with two nekoma boys when he got to sendai.
Kenta: I went to see the Shiratorizawa movie with two of the nekoma boys. Kage: //points to self with a  "what about me???" Look. Kenta: you weren't awake. Kage : I was awake at 7!!! Kenta: your rely was too late!! You replied at 12, the movie was at 12:15!! You wouldn't make it!
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recentanimenews · 5 years
Bookshelf Briefs 7/24/19
Anonymous Noise, Vol. 15 | By Ryoko Fukuyama | VIZ Media – It’s hard to believe I’ve read fifteen volumes of Anonymous Noise already but even harder to believe that there are only three more until it’s over! Rock Horizon is here again, and due to another band’s cancellation, In No Hurry is playing on a bigger stage than ever before and their exuberant performance is the highlight of the volume. Meanwhile, Kuro makes progress toward pursuing a new love after losing out with his first one, Nino searches for a foundation for her singing that does not revolve around Momo, and Yuzu is composing up a storm, though he worries that this will stop if Nino ever actually falls for him. In other words, it’s just as angsty and dramatic as usual, yet surprisingly hopeful, too. Good stuff. – Michelle Smith
Beastars, Vol. 1 | By Paru Itagaki | Viz Media – At a high school in which carnivores and herbivores attend classes and live alongside one another in relative peace, there is a natural tension among the student body. But the delicate balance between the two groups is shattered when an alpaca named Tem is found murdered on campus. The herbivores’ mistrust and hostility towards their carnivorous classmates become more blatant and even Tem’s friend Legoshi comes under suspicion. As a large gray wolf, Legoshi is used to being feared and hated, but that doesn’t make things any easier for him. More than anything else, the reason that I’m so eager to read more of Beastars is Legoshi. Yes, there’s interesting worldbuilding. Yes, there’s engaging drama and mystery. Yes, there’s appealing illustration work. There’s even other fascinating characters. But ultimately it’s lone wolf Legoshi, the behind-the-scenes theater kid, in all of his sensitive awkwardness that steals the show for me. – Ash Brown
A Certain Scientific Railgun: Astral Buddy, Vol. 2 | By Kazuma Kamachi and Yasuhito Nogi |Seven Seas – I have to admit, I’m calling “no way” on the sheer power behind Junko, who seems to suddenly be far more actively involved in every aspect of the plot and can hold her own with villains who are hospitalizing Judgment. This is a lot to accept for someone whose sole character trait before this had been “Misaki’s chew toy.” The plot involves, no surprise, the fact that kids in Academy City are subject to unethical scientific experiments, not exactly big news to regular readers of Railgun and Index. But the fights are nice, and Junko is a sweet and determined girl. It’s just hard for the reader to accept that this is the spinoff we’re getting rather than, say, Itsuwa or Kanzaki. – Sean Gaffney
Gabriel Dropout, Vol. 7 | By Ukami |Yen Press – There were no laugh-out-loud moments here like the previous volume, but it continues to keep a smile on your face. I enjoyed the idea of asking Vignette, the demon who’s sweet and nice, if she’d rather be an angel, and her negative response. “Angel” and “demon” are not meant to be good or bad in this manga, despite what you’d expect, and I like Vignette sticking to what she’s already lived with. I also liked the chapter with Taplis challenging Satania to card duels, if only as it’s nice to see Satania actually succeed for once. Gabriel Dropout is unlikely to pick up new readers who aren’t already fans of it, but those fans should enjoy this. It even makes Raphiel briefly sympathetic, which is highly unusual. – Sean Gaffney
Golden Kamuy, Vol. 10 | By Satoru Noda | Viz Media – I like that Golden Kamuy, no matter how bonkers it gets, never quite forgets its roots as a foodie manga. There’s lots of discussion of gross-yet-tasty foods this time around, in among various attempts to rescue Shiraishi, who has gotten captured and is having trouble escaping for once. It doesn’t help that there’s so many different factions going around that the reader has long since lost track of which is which. “The guy with the plate in his head!” “The small plate guy or the large-plate guy?” There’s also a bittersweet implication towards the end of the book that this does have an end in sight, and that it may wrap up by returning Sugimoto to what he lost—though regaining it is another issue. Breathtaking. – Sean Gaffney
Mythical Beast Investigator, Vol. 1 | By Keishi Ayasato and Koichiro Hoshino | Seven Seas – This is another in a long string of “supernatural people investigate supernatural things” titles we’ve seen, mostly from this publisher. It’s not terrible and there’s nothing wrong with it, but I have to admit that the well may be running dry, and this does not really attract a new reader the way that The Ancient Magus’ Bride—or even How to Treat Magical Beasts—does. Ferry investigates issues with beasts, which are usually the fault of humans, with the help of the black rabbit of inlé… erm, Kushuna, who is her cynical bodyguard. Together, they fight crime! Some of this is heartwarming, some of it is tragic, it’s very readable, and you’ll forget about it the next day. – Sean Gaffney
The Water Dragon’s Bride, Vol. 10 | By Rei Toma | Viz Media – The start of the volume is well written but not all that surprising, as it hits all the beats I was expecting to resolve that arc. The meat of the volume, though, is in the second half, as the Water Dragon God is starting to lose his powers, and may soon disappear. There’s a solution, but he’s not going to take it—and Subaru will never let him do it either. So what’s the solution here? There’s only one volume after this, so it had better come quick. In the meantime, the evocative art and storytelling and led to The Water Dragon’s Bride being my favorite Rei Toma series to date. I can’t wait to see how it ends. – Sean Gaffney
By: Ash Brown
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pocket-luv101 · 7 years
kuromahi 23. things you said when you thought i was dead (I see this happening idk)
KuroMahi{23: Things You Said When You Thought I Was Dead}
“Mahiru,if you can hear me, answer me!” Kuro turned the corner, searching for hispartner. They separated to find the best way to reach Tsurugi but the hallbeyond the rubble was a complete mess and Kuro couldn’t go forward. He decidedto go back to Mahiru but he wasn’t waiting for him. While he said that he wasconfident in Mahiru’s strength and that he should do as he thought best, Kurostill worried about him.
Yes,Mahiru was strong but he was also foolheartedly kind and trusting. Kuro toldhim not to bite off more than he could chew but he doubted Mahiru would heedhis warning if someone was in trouble. He just hoped that he could find himbefore he was hurt or in danger. He tried to use their contract to sense wherehe was but, with the chaos around him, it was difficult to concentrate.
Kurostumbled slightly as the floor shook and he leaned against the wall to balancehimself. He could only imagine how violent the fight below was if it couldshake the entire building. A sickening feeling in his stomach told him thatMahiru was most likely in the floor beneath him and his heart sank. He neededto find a way to reach him but all the stairs were blocked.
Hesaw the elevator at the end of the hall and ran to it. He didn’t have the keypass so Kuro had to force the door open and desperately threw his body againstit. Once he pried the door open, he jumped down and grabbed the rope to stophis fall. He barely felt the ropes burning his hands because his focus was onfinding Mahiru. Even before he reached the bottom, he could smell blood.
“Please,be safe Mahiru.” Kuro never prayed in his before but he did so now. He askedevery deity he could think of to protect Mahiru until he could reach thebasement. He didn’t care what he had to give in trade as long as Mahiru wassafe and he could have him in his arms at the end. He always knew that Mahiruwas important to him but it never been more apparent to him now that he wasfaced the prospect of losing him.
“Mahiru!”Kuro screamed once he reached the basement. There was blood around him and hisstomach sank when he recognized that it was Mahiru’s but he didn’t see himanywhere. He started to run down the hall to find him, still holding hope thathe was alive.
Kuroonly stopped when he heard the distinctive click of a gun’s safety. Kuro turnedslowly and found himself facing a gun barrel. Touma stood before him and Kurogritted his teethes. He could smell Mahiru’s blood on him and his instinct wasto attack Touma but he stopped himself. “Where’s Mahiru?”
“Gone.”That one word knocked the wind out of Kuro and almost forced him to his knees.He didn’t want to believe him and his body shook from anger. Touma tooksomething out of his pocket and threw it at Kuro’s feet. It was the wristbandSakuya gave Mahiru. His hand trembled as he picked it up and the implicationcrushed Kuro like an avalanche. Mahiru would never lose something so importantto him.
“Nowthat your contract is over, I’ll take that bell from you. You have no need forit now.”
“Don’tyou dare touch it!” Kuro roared and lashed out with his claws. He placed thewristband into his pocket and faced Touma. The C3 had taken so much for him butlosing Mahiru hit him harder than he thought possible. His mind became a blur,as conflicting emotions raced through him. Grief, sadness, and regret turned torage when he looked at Touma. “You killed him… the person I… He’s gone. Howcould you kill him?”
“Witha bullet.” Touma said evenly and pointed his gun at Kuro. His rage over flowedand Kuro dashed forward to attack him. Anger blinded him and Touma fired athim. He was too close to dodge so Kuro braced himself for the pain and closedhis eyes. When he didn’t feel any pain, he opened his eyes to see a broomblocking the bullet.
“Kuro!”Hearing his name, he turned and saw Mahiru running towards him. All the angerhe felt drained from his body and relief washed over him. Kuro forgot Touma andran to Mahiru. He looked hurt and he was staggering but he was alive. When theywere closer, Mahiru collapsed into his arms and Kuro caught him. Even though hewas exhausted, he maneuvered his Lead to shield them while Kuro was distracted.“I’m glad to see you too but we need to focus on Touma.”
“Justgive me a minute. You’re safe.” Kuro whispered, still trying to reassurehimself that Mahiru was in his arms again. He could feel Mahiru’s heart beatingagainst his chest and held him tighter against his body.
“I’msorry I worried you. I wanted to get Tsurugi and Wrath to safety but it was kindahard with Touma chasing us. I lost him somehow and the two are with Yumikagenow.” Mahiru told him briefly and he intended to tell him the details later. Hewas grateful for Kuro’s strong arms around him but he gently tapped his shoulderand reminded him. “You’re going have to let me go so we can fight Touma.Together.”
Kuronodded with the smallest hint of a smile. Even when Mahiru was exhausted andbeat, he was still the strongest person Kuro knew.
I love kuromahi and ‘how dare you touch bae’ scenariosand all but Mahiru has the 2016 award for most improved Eve so we shouldn’tunderestimate him.
[Send me a ship and one ofthese and i’ll write a mini fic] 
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