#“i pick you up because i know you like it” “i am so gratefull someone knows me this well”
littlelightfish · 4 months
As a member of Mickbell Nation, and a honorary member of Kuro Nation, for Kuro's and Mick's sake I will speak up. I loved this scene on anime.
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When they arrive to the island, the first thing Mickbell does is go to the window and try see outside. He can barely see anything aside the sky color, that's why he wonders what time is it. Kuro leans towards him, or is looking outside the window, or both, I can't really tell. Here we can see that Mickbell could tiptoe and try to see outside, but I believe he doesn't because: a) he'd still be too short to see and knows it and/or b)he is expecting Kuro to hear him.
Now, he could be just wondering and looking outside with no real wanting of looking outside further (he's ok with just looking at the sky), but his body language tells he wants to peek outside.
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THEN he picks up Mickbell without him asking Kuro to do so. Kuro sees his small friend who can't get the vew strugling and decides that he would lift him up to see. He could have just told him "it's dawn", but he decides, without no-one asking him to do so, to do this. Did Mickbell expected this to happen? Yes, you can see it on his face. He's quite happy being lifted up to see outside the window.
This is meant to show that, even tho Mickbell is his boss, Kuro very much does what he wants. Wich is often what Mickbell wants. Because they know each other so well that Mick can be certain that if Kuro hears him, not even complaining, but wondering what time is it, he would be picked up to see by himself.
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On anime, it happens backwards. The first thing we see is Kuro lifting him up. It takes off the sweetness of "oh, he can't see, I'll help him" that we get when Mick asks first and Kuro lifts second. Even when we still get the message if we look at this images, it's not quite the same. At least at first glance. But... Isn't it lovely that he looks at his short ass friend, thinks "is he trying to look outside? He can't, he's too short. I'll help him". And the little surprise on Mick's face? It gives that Mick wasn't expecting this care. He was just looking outside with thia "Well I can't see shit, I wish I was taller sometimes" look in his eyes. Then he gets just a tiny bit surprised as he feels hands grabbing him, but nothing else. He's so used to this he doesn't even turn around to see who picked him up. He alredy knows.
Here, Kuro looks at him, Mick is trying to look outside with not a word. I at first didn't liked that he sayed nothing. The idea was that Mickbell, knowing how his friend would react, sayed something. Bit the "up we go" Kuro tells him as he lifts him up its everything I needed to keep on the living laughing loving.
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And after he can see outside he wonders what time is it. Wich... is a bit wierd... Because he now can see, not only how the sky is, but how the town down there is. It's not dificult to know if it's dusk or dawn by looking at the people on the streets.
So yes, me (detail-obsessed fish) is quite happy with the comeout after a bit of analysis. But I still feel it could've been better to leave as it was on the manga.
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rreeaahh · 4 years
“I like you in blue.” | Blaise Zabini
pairing: blaise x ravenclaw! fem! reader
words count: 5,786
summary: despite of any difference between them, blaise found himself falling for the ravenclaw girl who likes to shuffle the tarot cards.
warnings: swearing; underage drinking; sexualizing; smoking; fluff, angst, happy end
tagging a person who showed minimum interest for this idea (sorry if im bothering you, love!!!) @freddieweasleyswife​
a/n: this is the longest thing i’ve ever create. please be kind dear lord.
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 Your smile was growing with every joke Michael Corner was telling you and the other Ravenclaw girls while sitting in the courtyards of Hogwarts, the sun giving your hair a fairy sparkle. Your robe was besides you, the sunny day of April giving you a warm feeling to your spine and if it wasn’t the blue tie around your neck, tied carefully, Blaise Zabini wouldn’t assume your house.
“Blaise, fuck off,’ spoke Pansy, already annoyed by his lack of concentration to her speech, ‘I’m trying to help you with your birthday party.”
The Slytherin boy looked at her and gave her a bored look, after rolling his eyes. “I already told you, Pans, my birthday is next week, Monday.”
“Yes, I know,’ she responded with a sigh, ‘but we can throw the party Saturday.”
“Why not Sunday?’ asked Goyle, his best mate nodding his head.
“Yeah, Sunday’s closer to Monday,” Crabbe added, making Draco roll his eyes.
“Because you two are the dumbest people alive and you’ll be sick the next morning, and that’s going to get us in trouble if we’re caught.”
“Yes,’ continued Pansy, ‘so keep it a secret, only Slytherins.”
The rest of them agreed with the dark haired witch, but Blaise was looking to you again. He was somehow jealous of the way other guys could talk to you so easily and make you enjoy the conversation, while he failed every time he tried to approach you. He could feel you tense up as soon as he’d be next to you, talking, and how you were trying to avoid any contact with him.
“Do you hear me, loverboy?” Pansy snapped her finger in front of him, gaining his attention. “Only Slytherins, so stop looking at her.”
Despite of his friends believes, Blaise was interested in you. They told him multiple time about your subtle rejection, but you never actually told him to stop – he’d observed you since your fourth year and he figured out your talkative attitude, and he was pretty sure that if you’d want him to disappear, you’d simply tell him.
“Oi, Blaise,’ spoke Goyle, also looking at you, ‘didn’t you get bored?”
“Yeah,’ Crabbe continued his speech, like an annoying parrot, ‘she’s annoying, playing hard to get.”
“Besides,’ said Malfoy before Blaise could tell something, ‘I really am surprised you pay that much attention to a mongrel.”
He only rolled his eyes again, questioning himself about the kind of friends he chose – it was true that he also had that purity concept in his mind, but when it came to you it seemed to be invisible; besides, you were half as pure as he was, so it wasn’t such a big deal.
“She doesn’t play hard to get, Crabbe,’ he said and got up, the bell announcing the end of the last break of that day, ‘She is hard to get, and that’s a really fun game to play,” he smirked to himself as he saw you leaving the group of Ravenclaws and going to your last class for that day. “My birthday, my guests, Parkinson,” he simply said to the girl and left them behind, following your steps to the Divination class, a class he chose to attend in his third year just because of boredom. That’s were he saw you for the first time, and the next year he found himself looking for you in the big room.
Usually you were going to Divination with your housmate and friend Padma Patil, a girl who was somehow strange in Blaise’s opinion just for the fact that she was in a different house than her twin – looking at the Weasley boys he always thought hat identical twins are identical in everything. When Blaise entered the class, the tea smell hit him immediately, along with the scent of old books from where Trelawney could teach them something important, but she only spoke nonsense.
His eyes found you quickly, seeing you at a table, looking at the crystal globe with boredom. He walked to you and set his books down, gaining your attention, You looked like you saw a ghost, but that didn’t make him step back.
“Hello, dove,” he spoke gently as he sat down next to you.
He could already feel you tense up because of the nickname he gave you after a dove sat on your head in the fourth year, as you were in the train station, waiting to go back home. Nobody seemed to notice besides Padma and Cho, who were right next to you, but Blaise saw and smiled when you two made eye contact.
“Blaise,” you simply greeted him, trying as hard as you could to give him as little attention as you could.
Deep down you knew that all the attention Blaise gave you made something to grow in your soul, but you were also aware of all the comments running around Hogwarts about his reputation and behavior, so you tried to keep you for yourself. He wasn’t a bad person to you, even if you often heard him being a jerk to his friends, but that wasn’t enough to fall into his trap.
“How it comes you’re here, all alone?” he asked in a calm voice.
His voice was something you started to hate about him – it was so dual; when he’d spoke to anyone, he’d have a flat tonality, bored and cold, but when he’d spoke to you, he’d become the nicest person in the entire school, and that duality made you doubt his true intentions.
“Padma’s sick,” you said and looked at him in a rush, your eyes leaving his as soon as you realized he was already watching you.
“You don’t mind if I take her place today, right?” he asked and you dared to look at him, his dark eyes softening suddenly.
He thought that that question was actually asking if his presence was bothering you or not. By the way you’d respond him – sincere or just polite – he’d know how to treat you in the future. You, on the other hand, tried to make the best decision; a full hour next to him would be dangerous for your lucidity, but before you’d think twice you gave him an unexpected smile and nodded your head slightly.
“It’s fine,’ you said and Blaise returned your smile, ‘you can’t work alone in this subject.”
“So I’m just didactical material?” Blaise asked, pretending to be offended, but Trelawney entered the class, shuffling a deck of cards.
You didn’t respond Blaise, paying attention to the introduction the Professor made about that lesson, talking about Cartomancy and they way the cards could tell you the hole future of a person. Your tablemate wasn’t so concerned about her speech, his eyes and full concentration being on you. Even after two years of being aware of his interest in you, the boy still wasn’t sure about the nature of his feelings – it was a crush, an obsession, a target or a true love? He wanted so hard to find out and to reach that goal, but he couldn’t do that if you gave him no opportunity.
“Blaise?” you tried to wake him up from his open-eyed sleep he fallen into. He saw you looking at him with big doe eyes and he was amazed by the bright color and tried to play it cool, even if he was caught off guard. “We’ll read each other future,” you told him and continued to shuffle the deck of tarot cards.  
“You really involve yourself here, don’t you?”
“I didn’t take this class just to pass time,” and by his shamed expression, you figured out that it was exactly what he did. You laughed at his reaction and continued to shuffle the deck. “D’you know how to do it?” you asked and looked at him – his eyes were scanning your hands, their fast moves.
“Ladies first,” he winked in your direction and you rolled your eyes. “Could you also tell me what’re you doing, exactly?”
“I need to shuffle the deck so the energies will become one – after that, you need to pick some cards. Think about your future and chose one,” you encouraged him as you showed him the cards.
Blaise got one out of the deck at showed it to you – The Lovers, upright.
“Another one,” you said and he did as you asked; The Fool, upright. You just gave him a look and he understood that you wanted him to choose more cards.
The next three cards made you open your eyes wider – Chariot, Hermit and Sun, all of them in reverse. Blaise looked at you, confused, and asked if everything’s fine.
“Well, we should take it step by step,” you began and took The Lovers. “It’s kind of obvious what that card means, but in connection with the rest of them it’s not so bright,” you admitted and he only looked at you, waiting to continue.
“The Fool means innocence and vulnerability, but it’s also a card that shows already misplaced steps, so maybe you have a romantic situation with someone but you made the wrong moves on them.”
Blaise raised his brows – did he make something wrong to you? Would that be the reason that you were so distant?
“The next three are more complicated,’ you continued, ‘because The Chariot means that a part of you knows what’s best but you don’t do it, and it may be because of The Hermit brings a fear of loneliness with it, but also a state of isolation. The Sun is a card that usually doesn’t bring bad things with it, so you don’t need to stress too much over it – it means that everything will end up fine, but you need to take care and to be gratefull.”
If Blaise would be honest with himself, he understood nearly nothing – the only cards that seemed important were The Lovers and The Fool – if that nonsense was true he needed to approach you different.
“Your turn,” you smiled and gave him the deck, which he started to shuffle, thinking about your future. He hoped for you to have more good cards than he did.
When Blaise gave you the possibility to extract five cards, you ran your hand all over them and picked the first ones that you felt  connection with – The Devil and The Star upright, while The Moon, The Lovers and The World were reversed.
“Holy shit,” you said out loud, all the students looking at you as Blaise tried to figure out if it was good or not.
“What happened, Y/N?” asked Professor Trelawney and scared you with her sudden presence. “Merlin bread,” she also muttered and picked up the cards.
“It’s good?” Blaise asked. “I mean, we both got The Lovers and The Sun and The Moon,” he said confused.
The panic took control over him as he saw you being concerned with your cards. “That means your approaching future is connected,” the teacher said, suddenly excited of the odds the cards predicted.
“But not in a necessary good way,” you said somehow annoyed. “The Devil means seduction and The Star is hope, The Moon in reverse is full of insecurities and fears, while The Lovers in my case will bring suffering and conflict.”
Blaise felt embarrassed. He thought that you two will match each other in a good way. “And The World?”
“The World in reverse means that she’ll feel incomplete for a while,” Trelawney explained and clapped her hands. “You two are bonded, you need to keep in touch with me for the next days, kids, that’s exciting.”
The teacher left and gave you a feeling of anxiety, being alone with Blaise. The cards meant that you two will have a dark future together so all you needed to do to avoid that is to avoid him – but why did that idea give you a bigger feeling of sadness that the cards did?
You let the rest of the deck back on the table and started to write down what Professor Trelawney was telling about Cartomancy and its way to predict the future. “Y/N,” Blaise whispered, trying to get your attention, but you asked him to let you focus. And he did. He even wrote down some things too, despite it was clear that he was bored to death.  
“That’s all for today, kids, and remember! The future can’t change you, but you can change the future!” the teacher shouted. “Or it was inverse?”
“Michael, shut up,” you laughed and cover your mouth, trying to make less noise. “We’ll be kicked out of the library.”
It was already Saturday and a lot of students were in Hogsmeade, leaving the castle emptier. Michael offered himself to help you study to Potions, an object you were struggling with. It was even more complicated now, when Horace Slughorn was the teacher.
“Fine, fine,” he said and grabbed your hand, uncovering your mouth. His action was seen by the Slytherin boy from across the room, who was pretending to study with his friends. “I think we’re done here,” the boy told you and you rolled your eyes.
“You’re not helping me if you get bored after twenty minutes,” you told Michael as he got up and grabbed his things, smiling to you as he left you there, books all over the table along with parchments.
Blaise saw it as the perfect opportunity to approach you again – since the weird Divination lesson he got no chance to talk to you. You were always running to your classes, eating with the rest of the Ravenclaws, hiding Merlin knows where – all he got to do these few days was to watch you whenever your ways would came together. He left Crabbe and Goyle alone, not caring if they would say something in protest.
“Alone again, little dove?” he asked you and sat down right next to you, making you jump in your chair, scared of his sudden apparition.
“Not anymore,” you chuckled and damned yourself for the feeling of joy that erupted inside you.
“Glad to keep you company,” he smiled gentle, resting his elbows on the wooden table. Blaise Zabini was a gorgeous boy – his dark eyes seemed to be lighter when the sun would hit them and his skin seemed to be warm and soft, especially his lips, which would always lift up in a smile near you. He wasn’t the same bored, annoyed and frowned boy you’d see when he’d be around other Slytherins.
“Why so happy?” you asked and put your elbows on the table too, resting your head on your palms.
“Can’t a boy be happy when he’s near a pretty girl?”
“I’m flattered,” you smiled and looked at your notes, only to avoid his gaze.
The sweet gesture of blushing and avoiding his eyes made Blaise’s heart jump in his chest – it was a strange sensation, which made him even more confident on his decision.
“What’re you doing tonight, dove?”
You tried to think about your plans, but they were nonexistent. It was a Saturday night, so you’d probably end up staying up late with Padma and Cho while talking about Rowena Ravenclaw knows what.
“Nothing much, I think,” you shrugged. “Staying in my dorm.”
Blaise felt luckier than ever. “Come to a party with me,” he asked with joy in his voice. The smile on your lips only grew bigger in amusement but you realized that he was dead serious.
“A party?” you asked and laughed with sarcasm.
“Yeah,’ he responded, ‘don’t tell me that Miss Y/L/N doesn’t break rules sometimes.”
“Oh, she does,” you said and started to draw in the corner of one of your parchments. “What party?” you asked and this time Blaise was the amused one.
“A Slytherin one, of course,’ he said proudly, ‘and you’re my guest.”
Not knowing how to react, you gathered your things slowly as Blaise watched you and got up, squeezing the papers to your chest. “I don’t know,’ you answered and you were ready to leave, ‘I’ll think about it and I’ll let you know.”
You wanted to leave so you stepped away from him, but before you knew he got his hand around your wrist, pushing you behind a book shelf. Instinctively, you pressed your back against the old wooden shelf and looked him in the eyes, confused.
“Why are you always running away from me?” he asked directly, leaving you breathless. He was close to you, his body nearly pressed against yours, and his nose was blowing air on your lips.
“I’m not,” you lied and he just scoffed, like he was tired of this stupid behavior of yours.
“Y/N, it’s confusing, dove,’ he started, ‘you’re not saying no to my flirt but you don’t play along either. Am I bothering you with all my insistence?”
It was the first time when Blaise was playing his cards as he got them – open to the public eye; in that case, you. All you could do was to shake your head as you’d continue to watch his facial expression, now relaxing.
“Then why are you always so scared to be around me?”
His question was so simple and yet so complicated. If he’d know the true answer everything would change, and your future could be the same as the cards predicted.
“We don’t belong together, Blaise,” you sighed.
He laughed, shaking his head as he disapproved you. “And why’s that?”
“I’m a Ravenclaw and you’re a Slytherin,” you tried to say, but he interrupted you.
“You think we don’t belong together because of our houses?” he said like it was some kind of joke.
“Don’t you?”
Blaise Zabini didn’t know if he should be upset or amused by your question, Yes, of course he was raised with the idea of Slytherins being superior to the others, but he was also a very curious boy, who always got what he wanted – and now he wanted to know why you were running away from him.
“I don’t when it comes about you,” he confessed. “I don’t care if you’re a half-blood, a Ravenclaw or anything else, dove. You’re pretty, and I like you in blue.”
His other hand was now on your cheek, caressing your skin gently.
“I’m not so pretty,” you said and looked him in the eyes, like you were trying to convince him that he could do so much better.
“Shouldn’t Ravenclaws be smarter than that?” he joked, making you also let out a chuckle. “Come with me tonight,” he asked you again, this time witching you with his soft touch.
You were sure that Blaise put a spell on you, or else you couldn’t explain yourself why you were getting closer to him. “Ok,” you whispered.
“Good girl,” Blaise smirked and placed a fast peck on your lips, like he just showed you that his intentions are way bigger. “Sorry,” he said smiling, “I wanted to do that for two years.”
You blushed – hard, and he found it cute. Everything about you seemed to be so innocent and vulnerable that he wanted to keep you for himself.
“What should I wear tonight?”
Blaise shrugged. “I don’t know, dove. Anything you feel comfortable with.”
But his answer wasn’t satisfying. “I’ll find something good enough to not embarrass myself in front of all those pretty SLytherin girls.”
“They’ll be basic, darling,’ he laughed, ‘green or black.”
“Then I’ll search for something like that, too.”
“But I told you, I like you in blue.”
After another blushing cheeks, Blaise freed you and let you go to you dormitory. He went back to his table, were now were also Draco and Pansy, talking with the two idiots.
“I knew you’d come out of nowhere after your little bird left the library red like a tomato,” Pansy laughed but he knew it was just a way of hiding her true emotions – she wasn’t mean in reality, but she wanted to keep up with her boyfriend’s reputation.
“Funny, Pans,” he simply said and sat back down on his chair. “Got what we need?” he asked Draco.
“Yes, your mother made sure we could bring all the bottles back to the castle without being caught.”
“That’s the least she could do for her only child,” he joked. “Y/N’s coming tonight, so you better be nice – or, better, don’t even speak to her.”
“Why?” asked Goyle.
“She’s hot,” continued Crabbe.
“Watch your mouth, idiot,” muttered in annoyance Blaise, looking at him.
“Oh, c’mon,” continued Pansy with a smirk. “Don’t tell me that she didn’t caught your eye after she grew a pair of boobs.”
“She’s right, mate,” Draco said and laughed.
“Her body’s a bonus,” he admitted without any shame. You were gorgeous and he couldn’t deny that your body was a bonus to your personality.
“A big one, if we keep in mind that you know the bare minimum about her,” Pansy said in the same mean tone, making Blaise roll his eyes as the rest of them laughed at him for being so in love.
In six years at Hogwarts you took part to many parties – parties thrown by your house, by the Gryffindors or Hufflepuffs, but you never got the chance to enter the Slytherins’ Common Room and to party along with them. They didn’t bully you personally, but you had eyes and ears so you could be aware of all the mean comments those kids could say. Just because they were rich and pure they thought they were some kind of royalty, and you felt strange, being half of what they were.
The cyan dress was hugging your curves and the make-up Cho putted on for you was elegant and yet simple.
“Take care, ok?” Padma asked as she hugged you, being afraid of the idea – you meeting Blaise after the cards literally said that you two together would destroy each other.
“It’s a party, Padma,” you laughed as you stepped away from your friends, sneaking out of the Ravenclaw Tower. The cloak you were wearing helped you walk in the dark without being too obvious. It was around ten when you entered the Dungeons and when you were surrounded by the sound of water hitting against the stone walls.
In the letter Blaise sent you was written the hour he was expecting you and the password of the Slytherin House, along with an advice about how to trick the skull.
“Password?” the skull asked when it saw you standing there, arms crossed to your chest.
You rolled your eyes and sighed. “Pureblood,” you said between your teeth, and the big door opened immediately after.
You stepped in and you were amazed by the green lights coming from the ceiling, the loud muggle music you could recognize and the dancing ring in the middle of the room. All the Slytherins were dressed elegant, the boys wearing shirts unbuttoned to the first two or three buttons, and the girls being dressed in fancy dresses while holding a champagne glass or dancing sensually with each other. It was new for you, all that club atmosphere.
“You’re Y/N, right?”
You looked behind you, were two young boys were holding firewhiskey glasses. You nodded, still confused.
“Blaise’s waiting for you,” the taller one told you while the shorter one held out his hand.
“Give me your cloak,” he asked nicely and you did as he said, thanking him. You felt kind of revealed, the dress reaching your knees while the other girls’ were half to their thigh or long to the ground, but cut on the side. Some of them were watching you and the anxiety took control over your body. Did Blaise really deserved you to go through all of these, only to see if you could be good together?
You followed the boy to the other side of the big room, walking past dancing teenagers. Blaise sat down on a leather couch, surrounded by boys and girls, all of them smoking or having a glass of alcohol. You really felt strange watching them, because you knew how forbidden was to do such things in Hogwarts – in the muggle word, when you’d visit your grandparents, you’d frequently see teenagers smoking in parks or having a can of beer.
“Y/N!’, Blaise greeted you with a big smile on his face, ‘you made it!”
He got up from the couch, abandoning his cigarette in an ashtray to hug you and kiss your cheek. “You look amazing, dove,” he whispered in your ear as you melted slowly in his arms. Now that Blaise was present, you didn’t felt in danger anymore. You were completely lost, no chance to leave that party without admitting to yourself that you’ve fallen in love with the boy who, for two years, was nice to you everyday.
“Guys, she’s Y/N,” Blaise told the others as he sat back on the couch, dragging you along with him. The other Slytherins greeted you and a girl named Tracey said how much she loved your dress, asking you where did you get it.
“It was a present from my mother, from the muggle world,” you said, realizing the words you said only after saying them.
“How cool!” she shouted, a little dizzy from the firewhiskey. “You two have that in common,’ she said while leaning to Theodor Nott, ‘Blaise spends a lot of time in the muggle world too, even if he hates them!” she laughed.
You only nodded your head and smiled to Theodore, who apologized for her behavior.
“Want something to drink?” Blaise asked you, a hand appearing over your shoulders.
“Do you guys have anything else besides firewhiskey?” you whispered in his ear, giving him goosebumps.
“I’ll bring you some champagne,” he said back, making you laugh.
“Fancy,” was all you could respond before he got up, leaving you alone with the others.
They were chatting and laughing, only Tracey smiling to you and asking you some questions from time to time, while she was now in Theodore’s lap. Blaise came back with a sparkling glass, the bubbles tickling you when you drank.
It was the third or the ninth glass of champagne and you were laughing to yourself as Blaise was talking nonsense in your ear, kissing your lobe from time to time while holding your hand. He’d kissed you now and then, only shortly when he considered to be fine with you – you didn’t mind his soft lips against yours.
“I need to go to the bathroom,” you said and tried to get up.
“I’ll show you the way,” he told you as you were on your feet, but a sound of heels stopped him.
“It’s fine, partyboy,’ Pansy laughed and grabbed your hand, smiling friendly, ‘I was going to the bathroom too,’ she said, ‘and also, Draco’s waiting for you in your dorm, for your birthday surprise,” she winked in his direction and started to walk away with your hand in her, her steps taking you to a large common bathroom with mirrors and sinks and toilets. You entered a toilet in the same time as Pansy and let out all the liquids in your body, breathing in release. When you exited the toilet, Pansy was washing her hands and watching you through the mirror.
“I’m really glad you could come to Blaise’s party, he really wished to have you here near his birthday.”
“It’s his birthday?” you asked terrified. He never told you why there was a party.
“Yeah, but it’s Monday, you still have time to bring him a gift if those kisses don’t count,” she joked and winked to you, while your hands froze under the water. “It’s fine,’ she said when she observed the blush on your cheeks, ‘we already know about your friendly relationship.”
“Our…,” you muttered confused.
“Yes, Blaise told us how long he ran after you until you gave up and accepted.”
You didn’t understand her words. “Could you be more explicit?’ you laughed, ‘I think I had too much champagne.”
Pansy leaned on the sink and took out of her purse a cigarette, lighting it with her wand. “I heard Blaise telling the boys how good you were looking and how curious he was to see what’s under those blue robes, and I see he didn’t give up until he brought you here, to his party.”
“What?” was all you could ask, starting to feel the emptiness in your body.
“Yeah, I guess you know his mother,’ Pansy chuckled, ‘I think it’s a family tradition to want something that you can’t have and after you have it, to use it and be bored of it soon after.”
Her words were hurting your ears, your heart.
“But don’t worry,’ she continued in a friendly tone, ‘Tracey was in your place too, and she told me it was worthy – Blaise knows what to do with a girl.”
But he didn’t know what to do with you. That was his intention? To seduce you, to give you hope that you could be together, after all, and then to use you as a toy? Madness started to grow inside you along with sadness.
“Thanks for taking me to the bathroom, Pansy,” you smiled to the young witch, who only smiled back and watched you leave.
You wanted to leave. You wanted to leave and never get back there or near one of those Slytherins. They knew – they were aware of Blaise’s little game of playing with you and they did nothing. Of course they did nothing – you weren’t one of them.
“Dove!” shouted a voice behind you but you continued to walk until you left the Common Room, standing in front of the skull and ignoring its questions. All your dizziness disappeared once you heard Pansy’s words.
“Y/N!” called Blaise again, now grabbing your hand and making you stop. “What happened, dove?” he asked confused, his eyes red and his breath smelling like menthol and smoke.
“I don’t want to be here anymore, let me go,” you asked him calmly but he didn’t.
“Tell me what’s wrong,” he requested worried. And that made you angrier.
“It’s wrong how stupid I am!” you laughed and freed yourself from his grip. “I really believed we could end up together for real!”
Blaise raised his brows. “We could?” he asked confused, and then he realized. “Of course, we still can,” he said immediately and made you laugh harder, angrier.
“Fuck off, Blaise Zabini. I’m not one of your toys so fuck off and never talk to me again,” you told him and left, he still shouting after you when he heard a pair of steps and paws coming from behind him.
Even if he knew what was the best thing to do for you two, he swore and got back into his Common Room, ready to question Pansy about what the fuck was wrong with her.
Monday was already a tiring day, but after a whole weekend full of tears, you were practically a zombie. The bags under your eyes were dark, no matter how hard Cho tried to help you to cover them, and the lack of sleep and food was obvious simply by looking at your face. The reason, anyway, was known only by you, your friends, and probably all the Slytherins.
Care of Magical Creatures was a fun class for you – that’s why you chose to take it. Hagrid was a nice teacher, always making everyone feel good during his lessons. The worst part was that Blaise and other Slytherins were taking that class too, and you didn’t feel like dealing with him. You practically had no idea what Hagrid was talking about because you were trying too hard to avoid Blaise’s gaze in the crowd of students. You’d look at the cloudy sky, the trees moving because of the wind and you tried to predict when the rain would come.
“Thank you very much for today, kids,” Hagrid said in his accent, happy that no one got hurt that day.
Everybody started to go back to the castle, following the path, but when you wanted to leave the forest the way was blocked by a solid body.
“Move away,” you asked without looking at him.
“You can’t ignore me forever, dove,” he sighed and looked over his shoulder, seeing that you two were now alone.
“I could try, at least,” you shrugged and crossed your arms over your chest.
“Could you just listen to me?”
“So you could lie?”
But Blaise did something you never expected – he got a little bottle out of his robes – Veritaserum.
“What the…”
“Stole it, long story,” he simply said and took a sip before giving you the bottle. You did what he did and gave back the now empty bottle.
“What happened?” he asked.
“Pansy told me you’re only playing.”
“I’m not,” he answered and you were somehow shocked.
“I don’t think we are good for each other.”
“I do.”
You rolled your eyes and tried to keep your mouth shut, but the potion made its effects. “I’m not good enough for you. I’m not like them.”
“Like who?” Blaise asked worried and approach you, grabbing your hands gently.
“I’m not elegant like the girls in your house. I don’t smoke and I don’t drink firewhiskey, I don’t party like that and I don’t wear that kind of dresses. I’ve never had sex and I don’t think I want to have just now.”
You covered your mouth and looked down to your shoes.
“I don’t care about those things,” he said sad. “I care about you, ok? I care about your smile and your passion for Divination, I care about your cute cyan dress and about your big eyes. We are good for each other, Y/N.”
His voice was strong and sure about its words, and that made your eyes form tears again. “I’m scared,” you admitted. “I’m not a Slytherin and I’m not like who you’d like me to be.”
Blaise smiled to you and cupped your face, wiping away your tears. “You’re pretty,’ he said, putting a little smile on your face, ‘and I like you no matter what.”
Knowing it was the pure truth, you smiled bigger and crushed your lips against his, the rain starting to pour on your bodies.
“I told you, my dove,’ he said with his forehead leaned to yours, ‘I like you in blue.”
You started to laugh with happiness as the rain started to be more violent, hitting the ground with big drops. Blaise grabbed your hand and started to run with you to the castle, hand in hand, his green robes fluttering along with your blue ones.
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twistedlymad · 4 years
UwU Your writing is amazing !!!!! I loved the puppy and cat escapades \ ^o^ / . Would you be willing to do one in wich the mc is bullied by the extras, because you know, no magic and already a director, how would the boys react?? Will this be the end of the extras?!?? Ill be eternally gratefull. iTs okay if you cant throug. Hope you have a wonderfull day, and dont forget to drink plenty of water, and take breakes. Take care of yourself!!!!
Originally, I had planned this to be another chaos fic, but, I realize while writing this, that bullying is something that cannot be taken lightly. In the Twst Fandom, we also had our fair share of bullying from a few anons and that isn’t okay. 
So, in writing this fic, I made it more sentimental and just so you guys know, if you’re having a bad day or a bad time in general, feel free to talk to anyone, including me! Do not ever hold in your sadness. 
But anyway, I hope this fic lives up to your expectations anon! Thank you for requesting and have a lovely day!
What if you got bullied? (Ft. Everyone!!)
What was supposed to be a great day, turned out to be the worst day you could ever have at Night Raven College.
Your day started off normally, in fact, it started off well! You woke up with a good mood. You saw the furball that you loved so much beside you, sleeping peacefully. You smiled as you gently shook him awake.
“Grim, wake up, it’s already morning.”
“Fgnaaaaa, five… more minutes…” The sleeping creature said, swatting your hand away. You just shook your head at his antics.
“No can do, remember what Crowley would do if he caught us being late again.” You said and the creature’s eyes immediately shot opened and he jumped out of the bed, scurrying about to get ready for the day. You saw his slightly panicking self and giggled to yourself.
“(Y/N)! We shouldn’t be dancing and prancing! If we do, we’re going to be late!” Said the creature as he saw you heading over to your closet in a small waltz.
“Oh, Grim, I woke you up 10 minutes earlier than usual.” You said as you grabbed your uniform and headed to the bathroom. “You have 10 minutes to spare, take your time.” And you left the mumbling little furball in the room, face planting himself back into the bed after hearing your words.
The first half of your day had gone by rather quick and uneventful, not that you were complaining though. It’s nice to not have fights and chaos to settle every once in a while. You had a lot of laughs and smiles here and there with your group of first-year goofballs.
However, your peaceful day was about to turn upside down.
You were walking back to your classroom. Your friends were reserving your spot in Professor Trein’s class while you went to Crowley’s office to take care of some business involving Ramshackle Dorm. You and Grim made your way down the hall to the class.
Some students saw this and thought it was a great opportunity to make you trip and fall. So, one of them stuck out his leg while you were making you were walking. You didn’t have enough time to react and ended up falling for their antics. You immediately turned your body around so Grim, who was in your hands, would be shielded using your body. Your back hit the ground, HARD. A few gasps here and there were heard.
Grim rose his head from your chest to see you using your elbow to prompt yourself up.
“Fgnaaa! (Y/N)!” The furball immediately went to help you up by providing some support.
“Oh, sorry, didn’t see you there.” The student who tripped you said as his friends were laughing.
“School rules say that no magic or fights are allowed on school grounds.” His friends snickered.
“I’m fine… Just… Let me get up.” You said to Grim, who was still helping you.
“Pffft, look at her, so defenseless, she shouldn’t even be at this school!” The student said harshly.
“Hello?! Night Raven College is a place for prestigious mages. Not humans who can’t use magic and defend themselves.” Another student said to you.
“And to think she’s a prefect! Hahahahaha! You couldn’t even compare to the other dorm leaders!” His friend added and they all agreed.
“Looks like Crowley had made a huge mistake in bringing you here, why don’t you just crawl back to that sad excuse for a dorm of yours alongside your lousy furball!” And the group of students cackled at their snarky comments about you.
You just drooped your head down. Even though you didn’t want to admit it, but, they were right.
You had no magic, you were ridiculed at the entrance ceremony but, Crowley still gave you a place to stay and he even made you an official student here. While others struggled in getting here, you sort of knew why they hated you.
You tried your best to hold in your tears as you felt them pricking at the corner of your eyes while your friends defended you.
But, one comment had pushed past your boundaries.
“You’re not even considered to be human in my eyes! To me, you’re just trash. Go find a trash can and make yourself at home!”
Was… Was this what the other students really thought about you? Trash? Useless? No value? You closed your eyes, taking everything in, ignoring everything and everyone else around you. And proceeded to walk away without saying a single word.
Grim shouted for you but you payed no attention to him and just kept speed walking. Your walking slowly became running and you were then running as fast as you could, just letting your legs lead the way. After awhile of running at full speed, you had slowed down and stopped to take a breather. You looked around to see where you were in order for you to get back to school if needed.
However, you were back at Ramshackle Dorm. Your dorm. The tears you had been holding back flowed out as you took slow steps to the dorm you loved. You went in and closed the door behind you. Leaning your back against the door, you cried out your heart as you slowly slid down.
All the student’s words are stuck in your head, reminding you of what everyone else thinks of you. Your tears just kept flowing as you used your sleeves to wipe them away.
‘They’re right, I’m not meant to be here in the first place.’ You thought to yourself. ‘If everyone hates me so, then, I should just disappear.’ You said in your mind as you stood up and went to your room.
You packed some clothing and madol, ready to leave and hopefully start a new life outside of Night Raven College. You stuffed everything into a duffel bag and went to the main entrance of your dorm. You placed your hand on the doorknob, thinking of a route to leave the school undetected. But when you opened the door…
You were faced with everyone you ever knew.
And I mean everyone! Your group of best friends, the dorm-leaders and your seniors. They were all gathered in front of your dorm.
“Ahh! (Y/N)!! I’m so glad we found you!” Ace said as he, Deuce, Epel, Jack, Sebek and Grim came to hug you. You were surprised, too shocked to even register what had happened.
“We heard about the incident today, we already reported it to the headmaster.” Riddle said.
“But the first-years also reported that you were nowhere to be found. So, we came looking for you and your dorm was the only place we haven’t checked.” Azul continued.
“So, we all gathered here after our search!” Kalim concluded. The first-year boys pulled away from their hug and they noticed your bag.
“(Y/N)? What’s going on? Why are you leaving?” Epel asked you. Your eyes slowly travelled to the bag.
“Um…” You started but Deuce cut you off.
“Is it because of those damned students?” Deuce asked you. “Did they threaten you?”
Now, everyone’s eyes were on you. You averted their stares by lowering your head.
“No…” You said, dropping the duffel bag.
“They didn’t threaten me. But, what they said was true, was it not?” You lifted your head to let everyone see your tear-filled eyes. “I am just a human, I don’t possess any magic powers and yet here I am in this school for magicians. Not only that, but I am also the dorm leader for this dorm and I have been made a prefect! Isn’t that unfair to everyone else?” You said out loud, letting everyone hear you.
“I understand why they would have these kinds of thoughts. I understand why they hate me. That’s why I thought that if I have left, no one would have these kinds of thoughts ever again. After, I am the problem, aren’t I?” You concluded.
Truth be told, the boys were shocked. They… They have never seen this side of you. Heck, they never thought you would be capable of producing these types of thoughts. In their eyes, you were always so cheerful and kind, even when things got out of hand, you would remain calm and solve the problem to the best of your abilities. To think someone this pure and precious to them would have such depressing and degrading thoughts is beyond them.
However, this shocked Grim the most. The creature practically lived with you for so long and he didn’t even have a single clue of this side of you was scaring him.
“No, you’re wrong.” Grim lowly mumbled, but you couldn’t hear him.
“What?” You asked the furball.
“YOU’RE WRONG!” He practically screamed at you.
“Grim-chan…” Cater said softly.
“Even if you did leave, their thoughts won’t change! You’re not the problem! It’s them!” The furball yelled to you. Everyone was taken aback by Grim’s sudden outburst. But the first-years were quick to back him up.
“That’s right! It’s not your fault (Y/N)!” Ace said to you.
“Students at NRC are picked by the mirror of darkness. No one can easily come and go in this school.” Leona reminded everyone.
“Exactly, you arrived here for a reason.” Rook said.
“You assisted us with our overblots, not every child of man could do that.” Malleus said, representing every dorm leader.
“You had us working together in sync during the Inter-High Magift Tournament.” Ruggie added.
“You brought us together as friends.” Sebek stated.
“Most importantly, you let me have a place here at NRC. Because of you, we were only able to attend the school as a student.” Grim said. “No one has ever done something like that for me before.” The creature said as he slowly crawled up to you.
Everyone’s words had stunned you. You were so busy thinking about the negative comments about you, you forgot about all your relationships with your friends and seniors.
Like, how you always had tea in Heartslabyul. Riddle would always invite you to have tea with him and the others, you would enjoy the peacefulness of the dorm under the supervision of their dorm leader. Trey would always ask for your help in the kitchen and you would have a fun time with him while making sweets and desserts for everyone. Cater would whisk you away to either a selfie-session in the dorm’s gardens or a photoshoot in any new place that the he had found to be photogenic. Ace and Deuce would invite you to play croquet with them from time to time, of course, you were very careful with the flamingos and hedgehogs as you didn’t want to hurt any of them, but, you couldn’t resist in using the flamingo to bonk on either Ace’s or Deuce’s head every once in awhile. It’s okay though, the flamingo understood completely.
Like, how you always trained yourself in Savanaclaw. Leona would sometimes go easy on you if you were invited to join one of their many Magift activities, although, you weren’t sure if he was pitying you or he was just being lazy in general. You would help Ruggie prepare food for everyone as you knew he could use an extra hand or two, it also meant you could pick up a new recipe here and there and you got to taste test all the food. Jogging sessions with Jack were also a normal thing, hey, if you’re going to be joining in Magift tournaments without magic powers, the least you could do is train yourself physically.
Like, how you always felt welcomed at Octavinelle. Azul would welcome you into the VIP lounge when Mostro Lounge was extremely busy and you couldn’t find a place to sit at. You would also help out around Mostro Lounge when you saw that the place was packed to the brim. Usually, Jade would entrust you with drinks while he and Floyd went to prepare food for everyone else. When Mostro Lounge closed its doors for the day, you would enjoy some tea with the three underwater mermen or you and Grim would play around with Floyd, pranking other students and dorm leaders. Heck, you and Floyd even pulled off a few enormous pranks against the staff members.
Like, how you would be invited to feasts and parties at Scarabia. Kalim would always have a big smile on his face whenever he invited you to go dine with him at Scarabia. Jamil always appreciated your help in the dorm, let it be helping him prepare food for the party that Kalim had just decided to have five minutes ago or just keeping an eye on the dorm leader while he went to settle some other business involving the dorm.
Like, how you would have small makeovers at Pomefiore. Every time you walked past the beauty-queen/king, you were immediately stopped by him, because either your bow or tie was crooked or your hair was a mess, well no matter the case, Vil would fix it for you. When you visited Pomefiore from time to time, Vil would take the chance to give you high quality beauty products to try and he would always go on a rant on how you should always take care of your image. Sometimes, Rook would sweep you away just to go on a mini hunt with him. Although, let’s be real here, you two always ended up spying on Leona at the Botanical Gardens while he skipped his classes. Epel would whisk you away to his room and teach you to on how to carve apples. You managed to carve a few of the staff members and even your friends onto the apples, of course, you would carve on a few extra features onto your masterpieces. Like, say, a moustache for Ace or funky-looking ears for Crowley. You also helped to keep Epel in check whenever Vil and Rook were teaching the first-years on table manners and proper etiquette.
Like, how you would enjoy mini-gaming sessions at Ignihyde. Usually, you would initiate the session with Idia. You two ended up playing both Co-Op and PvP games. While playing games that require you to cooperate, the two of you would discuss your plans and pick out the best course of action. The same cannot be said for Free-For-All games though. A few minor insults here and there are thrown between the two of you. But at the end, the victor will always do a little happy dance before continuing onto the next game. You loved Ortho like your own brother! Always treating him to various desserts and helping him drag his brother out from his room. Ortho looks up to you like a sister as well. There may have been a few times he’s actually called you big sis.
Like, how you would go on quaint little walks at Diasomnia. If you needed a breather, you would usually find yourself at Diasomnia. Due to a large forest surrounding the building and the silent atmosphere the dorm provides, it is the exact place where you would go to take a walk to clear your mind. Malleus would sometimes accompany you on these quaint little walks. You and Tsunotaro would chat about your everyday lives and problems the first-years would create. Lilia would make some tea for you after your walks and you would enjoy the tea and bits of biscuits and crumpets alongside the tea. You would also break up arguments between Silver and Sebek. The two would get into fights about the tiniest of things, from blaming each other for losing track of Malleus to blaming each other for not preparing for a test. Sometimes, Silver would accompany you on your walk instead of Malleus and you two would also have little chats here and there. Other than that, Sebek’s view of you actually improved after befriending him. He used to think you were a powerless human as well but after spending time with him and your friends, he realizes that you aren’t just any human being.
But for Grim, you had the greatest impact in his life. You accepted him, you took care of him, you loved him. And he loved you back, just as much. To him, you were his family since he had never had one.
In conclusion, you matter.
You. Are. Of. Value.
You are precious to them, you bring peace to them, you brought them together as a whole.
Once that thought had nested in your brain, you realized that you were foolish in having these thoughts in the first place.
“I’m sorry…” You said, crying. Grim went and hugged you.
“It’s not your fault… Just know that we’re here for you.” Said the furball as everyone also came and comforted you. You had spent the day with them as a whole, you watched a few movies, horror movies in that case. It was fun hearing the dorm leaders and their members scream shout yell made a loud sound whenever a jumpscare appeared.
You guys also played games together, but, I am not allowed to share any details because I actually know nothing. No, I’m totally not being threatened here Reader-san, don’t worry about me.
Send help pls.
Also, after the bullying incident, the boys were a bit more protective around you when in class/school. Usually, your group of first-years would accompany you wherever you go, let it be from your dorm to the cafeteria or from the class to another dorm, at least one of them will be at your side. And when they couldn’t be there, either a dorm leader or an upperclassman would be near you. Any student who seem like they have bad intentions to either you or Grim, would face unspeakable consequences.
And I mean unspeakable. So, I cannot inform you of these consequences as I am under an oath to not reveal anything. Um. Yeah. Good luck persuading the boys to tell you : )
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burnerthoughtz · 2 years
@ times I wonder..
when will the thought of you be gone?  some how you always come back. 
in one form or the next.
but I do truly wish you well
love light + healing.
gratefull for all u taught me. 
like how to read the signs and pay attention to them. 
but somehow.
I never learned
I'm still caught up.
looking for the same things u never had.
but that all ends today. 
I choose myself
I wish I picked up on the signs sooner
I wish I trusted myself more.
I wish I knew then wut I know now. 
so I can save myself. 
save myself the hurt.
save myself the wondering
save myself the waiting
save myself from the missing pieces I thought u possessed.
save myself the worry.
save myself some time.
save myself for someone else.
save myself from you.
but more importantly-
save me from myself.
but its okay because now,
im picking up my own pieces.
my own signs.
my own trust. 
you taught me to trust me more.
you helped me refocus.
bringing the focus back to myself.
so I guess im gratefull for you.
as much as I hate to admit it...
you hurt me.
I am gratefull you did.
thank you for bringing me closer to me again.
thank you.
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zuffer-weird-girl · 4 years
Requested by: @hello-lucky-luka
The corpse groom
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Every minimal details had to work, said your parents.
You were being forced to get engaged with Shigaraki Tomura, a noble from a family whose had their status, but no money. In contrary to your family who had money due to their bussines involving fish, but no such tittles.
You had only a conversation with the man, but both your mothers exclaimed how it was scandulous to be alone on a room alone before the marriage.... The wedding rehearsal was a disaster where you just wanted the ground to eat you alive... especially with that random woman laughing.
Despite Shigaraki calling you back, you ran away due to all extress of not being prepared to be married with a man you barely knew... You wish you had never entered that florest though.
A man. A DEAD man emerged from the ground and you colapse... wakening up only by some snickers, noticing that now you were in a world where dead creatures lived.
A man with an eye missing out with blong hair was shaking you and screaned along with yourself when you finally woke up.
"Where am I?! Where is this?! Who are all of you and why do you look so-so-?!"
"Fucked up? Absolute filled with trash? News flashes newbiew! We're fucking dead!" A man spoke, he was huge and with a hole on his chest that you even saw through it.
"Ooh new meat!!!!" Another man with the jaw broken aproached and you yelped, falling on the floor but with arms... DEAD ARMS on you as if they tried to prevent your fall.
"Pardon." The man with glasses spoke before casually kneeling to pick his arms and placed them back to help you stand up.
"T-this i-is-"
"Oi! YOu ShOUlD Be GrAtefUll To BE DraGGed DoWn HeRE!" A creature with their eye hanging of their head spoke and you almost vomited.
"Yes. Parcially because they are master's spouse." One blond man with a fucking katana on his stomach spoke calmly as you gagged in horror.
"W-what w-was that part again?"
"It seems we're engaged." A gruff voice spoke from behind you, scaridly you sneak over your shoulder and gasped at the sign of the main responsible for you to be in this circle of horror.
The man had messy brow hair with golden eyes, his skin was a mix of faint blue due to how long his corpse have been dead as half of one arma of his was pure bones while the other was... "fine". He wore a black messy and torn black tuxedo with half of his tie missing as he crossed his arms over his chest.
You screamed in horror when someone patted him on the back and his fucking eye dropped on your hand.
"Geez is just an eye." The man who patted the other spoke as he gravbed the eye nornally back and handed to the owner, his body was full of holes as if he had been fuzilied.
"Imbecile." The owner of the amber eye punched the back of the white hair man head... making it to fall to thhe floor.
You screamed again.
You came to learn that this man was actually murdered. He had fell for a woman's trick to get her hands on the money of his family. Ever since then, the dead people around there told that this man, Chisaki Kai; whose by disgust at himself decided to change his name by Overhaul; vowed to himself that he would wait for someone else, and perfect, to marry him.
And looks like you were the poor soul.
"I-I'm really sorry what happened to you. But I really cant do this! I have another man to-to-"
"YoU'Re An IdiOt?!" The creature screamed and you flinched at how his eyeball swinged... giving you shivers and even the urge to puke.
"We learned that you were on a arrangement married." The white, and dirty, haired man spoke and Chisaki's eyes narrowed.
"So there is another one huh?"
"There's no other one! A-Actually- You're the other one! My groom is waiting up there and you are just... just-!"
"Dead." He hissed and you swear you saw a tinge of sadness on those dead cold amber eyes of his "It doesn't matter. We are engaged and that's final."
He stormed his way out of the room, making every person of there to look at you as YOU made something wrong.
The fuzzilied man and the creature followed after him as you continue to think of something, anything to get you out of that place.
"Maybe they lost their head or something." Mimic spoke as Chisaki paced around the room with a frown.
"Shigaraki Tomura. Boss trust me, there's nothing special about this guy! Just give some time to them, and bing! The curse will be broken and you got someo-"
"Stop." He said nonchantly, shoulders sagging in defeat as he ran his reamaining hand on his hair "They have a point. I am prisioned with this.. dead. While they are still with lungs functionanting... maybe it was indeed a mistake." He sighed.
The two man changed worried glances. Before Mimic smirked and elbowed his commurate, aproaching Chisaki slowly.
"What does that wispy little brat have
That you don't have double?"
"He can't hold a candle
To the beauty of your soul." the white haired man placed a hand on his shoulder.
"How about a pulse?" Chisaki hissed, slapping Kurono's hand away from his shoulder.
"Overrated by a mile." Mimic answered smugly.
"Overvalued, overblown
If they only knew
The you that we do" the two continue
"And that despicable little creature
Isn't wearing their ring" kurono pointed to the ring of his finger.
"And he doesn't play piano
Or dance, or sing
No he doesn't compare" the both said in hopes to cheer up his boss and friend.
"But he still breaths air." He noted sharply before the two got in feont of him as he tried to exit.
"Who cares?
Unimportant, overrated
Overblown, if only they could see
How special you can be
If they only knew the you that we do"
He glared a both of them before hsi vision got into the only candle lighten up on the room, frowning at it...
"If I touch a burning candle
I can feel no pain
If you cut me with a knife
It's still the same...
And I know his heart is beating
And I know that I am dead
Yet the pain here that I feel
Try and tell me it's not real
And it seems I still have a tear to shed" he layed his back miserably on the wall and placed his good hand to cover how much his pain was feeling.
"The sole redeeming feature
From that little creature
Is that he's alive," mimic exclaimed while getting from behind, transforming into his human form, still with the eye hanging from his skull as one of his legs were missing.
"everybody knows
That's just a temporary state
Which is cured very quickly
When we meet our fate" Kurono aproached from the other side while taking off his head to make his point.
"Who cares?
Unimportant, overrated
Overblown, if only they could see
How special you can be
If they only knew the you that we do"
Impatience and rage took over him as he punched from behind the two man. The two hissing in pain before seing how numb was he... how miserable he sounded for the first time since they knew him.
"...If I touch a burning candle
I can feel no pain
In the ice or in the sun
It's all the same
Yet I feel my heart is aching
Thou it doesn't beat, it's breaking
And the pain here that I feel
Try and tell me it's not real
I know that I am dead..." he layed on the bed, looking at the ceiling with no hope before closing his eyes.
"Yet it seems I still have
One tear to shed" they widened their eyes at the single drop of water coming out of his closed eye.
"Do deads can cry now?!" Mimic whispered shouted before cursing out loud when Kurono merely sighed and punched him with more force than Chisaki had before.
You were absolutely horrified. Not even two days in here and one subordinate of your family had died from a heart attack and appeared on the same place you were stuck in... and it seemes like he brought the news which brought you to the reality.
When you went missing, your and Tomura's family had canceled the wedding due to you not being there, assuming you had ran away from your responsibilities and another woman came in rushing as a thunder to take the responsibility.
This made you realize how... you didn't were cared for by your supposed future broom. It was all a arrangment marrige after all.
The sound of a sad yet beautiful music took your thoughts away as you followed the beautiful melody... finding a door half closed, you decided to pick inside only to widened your eyes in shock as you see the man you were supposed engaged to playing the piano.
People could call you crazy, but in this scenario he looked... quite beautiful. His eyes were sorrow but still focused on the piano in fron of him, slender and bones fingers dancing on each piece of it as his shoulders tensed when he heard the door making it a sound... but still not looking up.
"You play wonderfully." You mused out loud as he scoffed, wincing a bit you remember that he some how must still be offended by what you said earlier.
You slowly and shyly took a seat next to him, visibly noticing him not enjoying the least your company as he still played.
"Im sorry I hurt your feelings-"
"I thought deads didn't had those." He grimaced and you instantly shut uo before slowly playing one note, smilling shyly when he stopped a bit to inspect your actions.
"My parents thought I didn't had to do piano classes, so I sadly didn't had one chance to play such beautiful songs as yours..." you tried to mimic his actions before you and him hissed at the horrific sound it came out.
"God have mercy, your parents were right on not trying to put you onto such a thing." He growled and you felt offended. Going to talk back you closed your mouth when he aproached you, placing his still carnal hand and skeleton one underneath yours, encouting you silently to touch it.
He started to play one song more animated, you gasping in awe at the beauty of it and how he was actually showing you how it was. The sign of it made him smirk as you giggle... although he widened gis eyes whem his hand decided to pop out of his wrist and dance on the fucking piano.
You giggled and hesitantly picked it back, offering him with a smile.
"Pardon." He coughed as he put it back with a scoff as you smiled at him.
The door suddenly slammed open, the blond man who scared you at the first day panting as Chisaki glared at him from his seat with you.
"What is the meaning of this?" He growled, getting up as the poor guy pointed at some place in the hall.
"I-Is urgent boss! Is something about your-" Kurono popped out of no where, shutting his mouth up.
Chisaki gave you an apologetic look before adjusting his tie and going after then.
After a few minutes of no company you sighed and decided to walk around until you heard whispers shouts on what was suppose to be the kitchen.
"I'm sorry master, but the marriage will only be "real" when both of the involved are from the same world." Tengai spoke as you heard Chisaki punching something.
"What is needed then?!" He shouted and you curled in yourself by instinct.
"That's the best part!" Mimic said in glee before darkening his voice "We're going to kill them!"
You muffled your gasp as you pecked inside the room, seing all the man in there looking at Chisaki. Who for the first time had a conflicted expression.
Suddenly he let out a heavy sigh. Making you curious and rather anxious on what he would say.
"No. I was a criminal while alive, but certainly I am not a beast." He murmured as the others on the room frowned.
You laid your back in the wall sighing... biting your lip as all the thoughts in your head ran and ran until you decided to enter the room slowly. Shocking everyone.
"What are you doing in here?" Chisaki growled, eyeing you between his eyes, before taking his hand out of his face to watch you more properly when you took a seat next to him.
"I will do it." You spoke witha smile, giggling a bkt when one of the man's jaw literally fell.
"You heard it." He mused out loud as you pondered over your final decision.
"You weren't selfish enoigh to murder me. And only what you done with my stay in here was trying to be gentle with me until i ruined everything with my hurtful words. But still I have one wish to make.... I want the wedding not to be soon, neither down here... on the surface more likely, so you all and myself can watch the beautiful nightsky."
"... fair enough. Then why are you trying to brush the wedding aside then?" He asked with his noss arched up, you hesitated before grabbing his hand that weren't left any skin or muscles on it, surprinsing him for once.
"Because I want to know my groom before I marry him. And I want you to know about me as well." You smiled and you swore the deadman was smilling as well.
"Very well.... finance."
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iwannaholdyoutight- · 4 years
Call me when you miss me
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Hiii this is my entree for the HSFICSLAM that was organized by @oh-honey-styles. I have read so many amazing fics because of this that I HAD to take my chance. You can find my masterlist on my blog (it’s the pinned post 🥰) The promt I choose was the “The way I feel when I’m with you” This is a small fic, less than 2k, it’s just to warm our hearts in such terrible times.
Sneak peak:
But she was a muse... she was Harry muse.
After he met her everything became her: the sun was only showing up every morning because he wanted his chance to make her skin glow and the birds were always singing for her. But, most especially, Harry was always singing for her.
Read after the cut
Coming home to an empty apartment was weird. He was so used to her, from the the mess she always left on the bathroom sink after getting ready every morning to the faint smell of the jasmine with a hint of vanilla from her perfume.
He missed her colors and her laugh. Looking at his phone in hope to be able to talk to her but it was almost 4 am in London. He didn’t want to wake her up, she was a journalist and with covid and the end of the year getting closer and closer, she was tired and very busy during the day at BBC. But he wanted to talk to her so bad... the day was so tiring and he just wanted to ear her tired and sweet as apple voice embracing him almost like a hug.
But that’s when he remembered that afternoon in Italy after the music video was shot
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A few weeks ago somewhere in Italy...
She looked beautiful with the poppy flower he had so carefully put on her hair to take a picture. She looked like a painting it would make Boticelli jealous that he didn’t get to admire and make her his muse.
But she was a muse... she was Harry muse.
After he met her everything became her: the sun was only showing up every morning because he wanted his chance to make her skin glow and the birds were always singing for her. But, most especially, Harry was always singing for her.
It was “toothpaste kisses” in the morning when he was making her strawberry pancakes. “You make my dreams come true” when he was playful during an afternoon full of love. “Do you wanna dance” when it was two am and they both were in the kitchen kind of drunk from a night out.
And looked at her, he didn’t knew how he was going to make almost two months without her.
“You’re giving me look” he heard her say
“What look?” Harry questioned when he pulled her to sit on his lap.
“You know what look...”
“Like you’re the tropical breeze that met my heart when it was cold from suffering... yeah, I happen to look to you like this all the time. I don’t know why you’re not used to it”
“I won’t ever get used to see how much of an universe can fit inside someone’s eyes”
“Good. Because it’s all for you”.
She blushed, whispering that she had something to give him. Walking towards her diary, she took out a letter. He looked at her with a questioning face, accepting the white envelope, using hus finger to open...
“NOOO, don’t open”
“Why not?” 
“You can only open this when you miss me”
“But I miss you all the time”
“You’ll know when... i thrust you to only open this when the time is rigtht and you heart” she gave him a little peck on the lips “misses me more than you thought it was possible”
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He was missing her... so he got a bottle of rosé and walked to his room, getting out his copy for Love is a mixtape, where he had kept the letter safe... his heart was beating on his chest without any chance of slowing down.
When the letter was open and the paper written in her mesy handwritting was on his hands, he wanted to cry... he just missed her so much. But, he had a job to do: read her letter.
Hi, baby love If you’re reading this, it must mean that you miss me (or you’re just too studborn and is ready this while I’m taking a shower). I know how much this year has been hard in everyone, and now, with the perpective of being away from you, my heart is breaking because I love you all the time, I want you all the time, because no one makes me feel that way, No one makes me feel the way I feel when I’m with you.
You make me feel like I’m special. You make me feel loved and desired. When I feel you inside me makes me think we are the perfect puzzle piece and there is nothing I would love more than be forever intertwined with you. 
But, I know we can’t always be aound each other. I have the entire world to share you. But I don’t mind. I don’t mind when we spend some time apart, because nothing brings me more joy than when is time for you to come back.
Because you are the star the brights the most among us, poor humans, and when you hold me with your glow right after coming from the airpoirt, when you bring the way you miss me in your suitcase and my heart is finally together with yours. 
I know you’re missing... that way I must tell you: I’m missing you, too!
I can promisse you, there is nothing I want more in the world that watch your pretty green eyes, missing your open smile and the warmth of your hug. Only those three things are the medicine for the way my sould is aching for yours. 
I love you so much that sometimes I think nothing of this is real... but it is. 
And I’m so gratefull because not everyone has the luck we had... the luck of fiding a tranquil love with the taste of a sweet fruit, being abble to kill our thirst with the other’s mouth. 
I love you to mars and back (because the moon it’s just to plane for someone like you”
Missing you every second of the day, 
Y/n, your little darling
ps: you can call me after you read the letter, doesn’t matter the time. 
Harry waisted no secind after getting the letter back toit’s safe spot, going for his phone and waiting to hear her sweet voice. After a few seconds she picked up:
“I see you have open your letter”
He just loves her so much...
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igotanna · 4 years
Smile for me
“And since it was so amazing can I request another one? Number 15 with Jackson and some fluff 🤗”
request from @smooshdelia​  I hope you like it hun!
prompts list here
15. “The evil queens are always the princesses that were never saved.���
gif is not mine
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As long as could GOT7 members remember, their  life was tightly interconnected with group (more of an army) of make up artists, choreographers, assistants, cameramen, stylists and other dozens of professionals they couldn’t even count. It was sort of their team. Their assemble. They were the closest to them and still normal people at the same time. GOT7 as all idols were time to time very tired from all the other idols around, all the mc’s, all the famous people who thought the same way. It was nice to have down-to-earth people around. People who go home and no one wants selfie with them. They gave GOT7 most impulses and they were most fun.
As time went by and GOT7 grew, they had a closed  group of people around them that they brought everywhere with them. On tours, concerts, sometimes even to events where local stylist and make up artists were cavailable. But they liked to say that their group knows each member  and knows what fits him the best.
And since part of this team of theirs were women,  GOT7 couldn’t help themselves and flirt with them from time to time. It was natural and both sides thought of it as fun.With only one exception.
After one concert in Macao boys gathered in one hotel room instead resting on their own. It was idea of the managers – they were suppposed to do vlive. Boys liked to interact with fans but vlive after concert was tiring. They goofed around and wraped it up soon
„The fifth generation. In May.!“
„Mark, finnish with your trademark.“
„Peace out bro!“
After the camera was off the boys continued with scruming around in one bed and then Jinyoung asked „Who’s up for a drink?“ of course they all were.
They asked the staff to bring them some wine and beer and they started a private get-together.
Some of them were talking together, some was telling everyone some story nobody listened to and some were on their phones.
After 20 minutes she walked in „Guys I’m sorry to disturb you  but your coach said you all wake up at 8 tomorrow so you’d better to wrap this up and go to sleep.“ Her mouth twisted in something like sympathetic smile and turned around to leave the room. After all she was just make up artist, she wasn’t supposed to be there.
„Hey Y/N!“ cried Bambam to stop her. She turned back and raised her eyebrows „Could you wake me up in the morning?“ he was scolded and laughed by other members but she looked at him with blank face and shrugged „Of course. What time?“
„Uuuuuuu….“ „Buurn..“ laughed boys as she left the room cold as always.
„Man I tell ya,“ started Bambam, but he had to drink more to finnish his sentence „If anyone is ever going to get off with this woman,…“ pointing at the door.
„Then you have to lend him your fireproof coat.“ finnished Mark with more laughter.
„Cold as ice really. I never saw her smile or anything, did you?“ asked Yugyeom and drank his last drops of wine.
Boys had to think about that. No, never. When thinking about it they couldn’t recall when or if they ever saw Y/N to smile or laugh. She was imune to their jokes or pick up line or flirting.
„Maybe she doesn’t have sense of humour.“ speculated Youngjae.
„Naah, I saw her once watching dr.Phil on her phone.“ objected JB.
Maknae line laughed „What kind of proof is that??“
„Nobody without sense of humour watches dr.Phil.“ explained Mark and got up to clean up the table „It’s more comedy show than serious programme. He likes to pretend that but nobody actually takes him seriously.“
„I’m just saying that to pull her would take a man.“ Said Bambam with giving up gesture.
That was like a red flag for all of them. Jackson, Bambam, JB even Yugyeom started bickering about who is the real man here and who would be up to do it.
Jackson yelled louder than everyone „Wait! What kind of price for the one who takes her on a date??“
„Price is your life because before you take her on date she’s gonna take your balls!“ taunted JB.
„LET’S HAVE A BET!“ screamed Jackson again.
Jinyoung and Mark were the only one silent. Jinyoung still sat on his chair with crosses legs, wine glass rested on knee and smirk on his face as he watched his favourite show. Bickering with GOT7. Mark just shook his head and continued with cleaning up.Youngjae was laughing and sometimes commenting too.
„Wait, seriously?“ stopped Yugyeom.
„Yeah,“ shrugged Jackson and shook his hands and legs like he was preparing to fight or run a marathone.
„Okay,“ JB was up to the challange „Who takes Y/N on date is the man of this group.“
Few moments of silence. This was serious. It was question of honour. Jinyoung coughed and finally said something „I’m giving up to that title. I am more man than you all ever gonna be and I don’t need Y/N to prove it. You can fight over her without me”
„Yeah I’m not into this either.“ sounded Mark from the bathroom.
„Then it’s useless. How someone could be the man of the group if all of us aren’t participating?“ threw Bambam hands in the air.
Jackson frowned and then snapped his fingers with excitement „Let’s change the task. Whoever makes her smile will have the biggest rooms on the rest of the tour and the others will bring him breakfast to bed.“
After some more bargaining they agreed that this is maybe even harder task and the price is adequate.
It was obvious that Jackson is so ready for this and so when they were all leaving to their own rooms Bambam stopped Jackson pulling him by his elbow „Man you’re really into this right?“
Jackson grinned „Get ready to bring me breakfast for next 7 weeks. I like my chicken breast shake, you should work on that.“
„Why? You fancy her?“ attacked Bambam again with perv smile.
Jackson sighed rolling eyes „You know I’m up for any challange.“
„Yeah yeah yeah, of course…“ laughed Bambam and fake nodded „Well good luck with the evil queen then.“
Jackson gave up „Look, the evil queens are always the princesses that were never saved.” wink „She just needs her knight.“
After that started a proper combat that took place anywhere, anytime. In the waiting room. In the common dining hall. Next to the stage. During the rehersal. After concert. Between songs in the backstage. In the make up room.
Y/N was attacked, bombed, inclusived by compliments, jokes, attention, random pick up lines, unwanted stories, inappropriate notes, gifts and random kisses on the cheek „for luck“.
Jackson, Bambam, JB, Yugyeom (when picking up the courage) and sometimes Youngjae (for the fun) surrounded Y/N like bees nice flower and competed in who’s going to make her smile or laugh.
It was hard, maybe the hardest task they ever tried to acomplish. Not that Y/N was cold bitch or didn’t have sense of humour. She was just used to their foolines and it was part of her job. Don’t ever get yourself entangled with and idol. She knew very well that only one smile and her armour would break like glass.  She had to stay strong to resist.
Jackson got quite stimulated by her cold even indifferent attitude. Normally he would loose his interest, it was his nature – if somebody wasn’t up to play his game he just went to find someone who would. But teased by other members and the thought of competition made his competitive spirit work harder. He could fall over himself.
After two and half months later now in Singapore Jackson almost lost his patience. Y/N was doing his make up and he gazed into her eyes deeply. He had to- she became secret he just had to unlock.
„Y/N stop it.“ he begged.
Her brush pulled away as she stopped with his eye shadows.
„Stop playing hard to get.“ he finnished and pouted.
She sighed and rolled her eyes „So that’s what it’s all about. I‘m not playing hard to get for your info.“ She added.
„What then?“ he knew Mark is sitting next to them having his make up on too, but just now it was just Jackson and Y/N. Her eyes were quizical „Nothing. I’m not playing anything.“
„Well I noticed you’re imune to all my jokes and pranks I need to know why.“
Her lips twitched a bit but she didn’t smile.
„Have you ever thought about the option you’re not as far funny as you think you are?“ she asked and her soft touch on his cheek as she continued with shadows became itchy for Jackson. Suddenly she was more than a price to win, he had to conquer this badass lady.
He couldn’t even answer as she took his breath away. And at that moment he got an idea.
„Thanks.“ He jumped up and put quick kiss on her cheek just from force of habit he grew these past months. She didn’t even blink.
Jackson couldn’t think of anything else than his plan and her eyes the whole concert. He didn’t even know but he was loosing his distance.
„We’re very happy to be here again guys,“ started JB their goodbye speech. Jackson was holding his mic and smirking now and then to the backstage. When it was his turn he didn’t even cry as he sometimes did. He thanked all the funs and expressed how gratefull he was to be in Singapore.
„Now please, let me give some credit to people who you don’t know about but have a huge part on how we look everyday for you.“ He waved to the backstage and on the big screens projected a shot of camera man going through corridors to the make up room.
„I want to thank all our make up artists for making us look SO.AMAZING. THIS NIGHT!“ he raised his voice as the cameraman slowed down to shot Y/N and few others.
„Guys I know you can hear us, please wave and smile for our fans who thank you as well as us for your GREAT WORK!“followed by applause.
And as he planned, Y/N smiled and waved with her coworkers. It was bright, wide, heart warming and honest smile, thought her eyes were a popped with shock. Jackson melted as he saw her smile the first time. When he was supposed to talk again he stuttered a bit before he turned to Mark to continue.
His plank worked. He won. But he got to another conclusion – he has to see her smile more often. Because even the boys now brought him breakfast to the bed, even though he had the biggest rooms, he still couldn’t think of anything else than how she looked with that hearty smile.
When the tour was over he managed to get her phone number from her coworkers and wrote her a message.
Hi Y/N. It’s Jackson Wang here. I wanted to ask you if you’d fancy to have a dinner with me. And also if you’ll accopmpany us on our next tour. 🙏 thank you for your hard work 🙏
He never hoped for someone saying yes so much.
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everlastingdreams · 5 years
Jaskier x Reader : The Green Eyed Monster Chapter 2/3
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Notes: First of all ^ not my gif. Some heartbreak in this one.... okay...lots of it.
Summary:  You meet Geralt and Jaskier while you were after the same monster for coin. Soon you find yourself falling for the bard but he seems to be oblivious to that. You have killed many monsters to survive. One monster seems to be too strong to beat. The Green Eyed Monster.
Chapters:   2/3
Word count:  2445 words (in this chapter)
Outside it was colder than you had thought. You rubbed your arms as you went to sit on a wooden bench closeby. Clouds hid most of the stars and the grass was still wet from the rain. Your surroundings seemed to match your mood tonight.
You groaned and let your head fall in your palms in frustration. Frustration aimed at yourself.
There was a pit in your stomach, one that had formed long before you had seen the flirting women around Jaskier.
Yennefer was the first to see what was going on. And when she realised you, someone who killed monsters, had fallen for the clumsy bard she had trouble hiding the look of disgust on her face. But she smiled, with effort. Geralt seemed to be as oblivious to your growing feelings as Jaskier was. Something you were actually gratefull for as with Yennefer knowing, she made a comment here and there during the time you spend as a group. In one instance Jaskier had been playing the lute again one evening as he sat not far from you around the fire, once again singing a song that drew you in and you couldn't help but think how handsome he looked with only the moonlight and the glow from the fire illuminating him. As he sang he often leaned closer in your direction and when he caught your eye, he winked and smiled broadly. If only he knew the affect he had on you..
You snapped your eyes away from him and focused on the little sparks coming from the fire.
Right after he had stopped you had moved closer to the fire as the evening was chilly. Yennefer had casually commented “Cold, y/n ? By the redness of your cheeks, I would've believed you to be quite warm.”
Geralt didn't engage in the conversation and instead focused on his food, he stopped chewing for a blink second before continueing.
Your eyes threw daggers at Yennefer and she completely ignored it.
You felt Jaskier look at you and you gulped “You do look a bit red, did you eat something different ? You might be allergic.” he said.
He made a circling motion in front of your face with his hand and you just stared at him dumbfounded.
At this Geralt looked up and into your direction “She's fine.” was all he said before focusing on his food again.
You raised your head from your hands and breathed in the cold night air. Yennefer had made so many comments, given so many oppurtunities to make it clear that you had feelings for Jaskier. But it seemed that he was blind to them. You feared he knew, and that's why he would make light of the situation by acting like he didn't know. To spare your feelings.
Deep down you had accepted that fact. That he just didn't feel the same way. That his clumsy flirting was just casual. Just Jaskier being Jaskier.
It didn't hurt any less though. And seeing him surrounded by women, flirting with them right in front of you was painfull. And you couldn't help but be jealous. And angry because him flirting with you was meaningless. You had fought monsters, but the green eyed monster seemed too strong to beat.
“Y/N !” Jaskier's loud voice snapped you out of your thoughts instantly. You looked and saw him walk towards you, almost slipping on the wet grass as he walked to you with his arms spread out like he had just won something.
Oh no, how did he not get the hint ? How did he not realise you went outside to be alone ? "Y/n, what are you doing over here with that... brooding look in your eyes ?" He waved a hand in your direction. Clearly not realising that unlike him, you were not in a cheery mood. You didn't answer him, fearing that if you did it would be clear that you were angry and upset. He seemed to get a little more nervous, and it was easy to figure that out considering the conversation would turn awkward “I mean... you could be in the bar. Having a drink, listening to my music. Chit chatting with Yennefer. But if you prefer the cold..” he looked back at the bar and pulled a face.
“Which I would pick over the witch..” he muttered more to himself.  “But, she won't turn you into a frog, so why be outside because it's cold...” he shifted on the bench and rubbed his arms as well "...it's really cold."
You let out an audible breath “I'll be fine, I've been through a lot worse then cold.”
He seemed pleased to get a response out of you “Ah yes. Y/n, the brave warrior feared by so many loved by even more...” he nudged your shoulder with his.
You ignored him again, his flirting only hurting you even more now.
He looked at you worried as it started to dawn on him that there was indeed something off with you tonight. Then he suddenly stood up "Perhaps I should entertain you with a song. I am sure that will cheer you up." Jaskier smiled broadly at you “What would you like to hear ? Or do you wish for me to make one up ?”.
You shook your head, not looking at him. Not daring to look at him in fear of being drawn to him again. Getting hurt again.
He tilted his head, patiently waiting for your reply that didn't come. He swallowed, an unnerving feeling now settling inside of him as well. He wasn't used to not having your attention, he was painfully aware of that now.
“Y/n ?...” his voice was softer then you would have expected to hear from him.
You looked up at him reluctantly. He looked at you almost pleadingly.
You wanted to create a distance between the two of you, so this wouldn't be so hard everyday. But as you looked up and saw the look in his eyes, you felt yourself giving in again.
“Jaskier, I -” you were cut of by someone calling his name, it was one of the women from the bar. He looked back at her over his shoulder and even gave a small wave at her with his hand.
You swallowed hard as you saw the woman approach. "It appears that your entertainment is requested elsewhere." You said as you quicky stood up from the bench.
Jaskier quickly spun on his heels facing you again “Wait.. I...just.. -”.
You failed to see the look of sheer panic in his eyes as you walked past him and the woman, as you failed to see how he wanted to follow you but the woman took his arm drawing his attention once more.
Your eyes stung as you walked back to the bar, Yennefer's eyes locked on you the second you walked inside the bar. Geralt looked at you almost apologetically. That's when you realised that Yennefer must have told Geralt something, and that's how Jaskier ended up being outside as well.
Shaking your head in slight anger you ignored her stare and walked towards a table at the other end of the bar.
Jaskier stumbled into the bar after finally managing to lose the women who constantly seeked his attention. He was flattered, but your strange behaviour left him feeling unsettled and even worried about what was going on with you.
He looked around the bar, finding it hard to see past the crowds of people. He spotted Geralt and Yennefer and made his way towards them.
“Geralt, have you seen y/n ?” he asked him as he continued to look around the place, searching for you.
Geralt thought for a moment before deciding on lying and saying “No.”
He was not very willing to get involved with the drama that would follow.
"For someone who earns their living singing songs about love, you suprisingly don't know a lot about the subject." Yennefer said to Jaskier casually but with a sharp edge to it. "And what's that suppossed to mean." Jaskier snapped at her offended. Yennefer closed her eyes for a second and took a breath before looking at him again "You're more of a fool then a bard." She told him, not giving him a chance to come up with a witty comeback to that. His mouth was slightly agape and he scoffed. A hand landed on Jaskier's shoulder and he turned to look. Geralt cleared his throat, visibly uncomfortable with the whole situation "She likes you." was all Geralt said before walking past him. Jaskier looked at him in disgust and shock "What ?! She just insulted me !" Geralt stopped and turned to his friend who was far more oblivious then he thought "I'm not talking about Yennefer ! " he said and nodded his head in your direction. The look of disgust on Jaskier's face turned to one of confussion and lastly suprise. His eyes landed on you, sitting in a more silent part of the bar.
You heard the chair next to you move as someone took a seat. "I would like to enjoy some time alone, Geralt." You said without looking up from your drink. "So you're with that witcher, eh ?" an unfamiliar voice answered. You quickly turned to see a man, handsome, muscular build and not much older then yourself sitting next to you. He didn't seem drunk like most others, instead he seemed focused. "Sorry, for a moment I thought you were him. So yes, but I'm not... with..." feeling the need to clarify the situation "..the witcher. I consider him a friend. To be clear." The man looked in the direction where Geralt was standing, and even from this distance you could see he was keeping an eye on you in case of trouble. The man turned back to you "Could've fooled me. He doesn't mind me talking to you then ?" he grew confident. You laughed a little "You wouldn't say but he's quite protective of those that he considers friends. Even if he will never verbally admit it. He knows I can take care of myself. I'm old and wise enough to decide who I wish to talk to." He grinned at that "Excellent. Can I buy you a drink then ? Talking will make our throats go dry soon." He winked at you. A nervous chuckle escaped you "I..uhm.." "Y/n !" A voice called out and you looked ahead to see an almost out of breath Jaskier come towards the table you were sitting at with the man. You were about to ask what the hell he was doing, but he held up his hand. Asking for you to wait as he catched his breath and stood upright again "I want to talk to you." He finally said, still somewhat out of breath. "Get in line." The man next to you said, clearly not happy with the interuption. You wanted to tell the man that you can speak for yourself, but to your suprise Jaskier had picked a bad time to act brave. "There is no line." He said as he put empathise on the word as if he was explaining it to a toddler. "I need to speak to her. So if you could please.." he waved his hand as if to shoo the man away. Making it worse when he actually said shoo as he did. Your mouth fell open, what was he thinking ?! The man next to you stood up from the chair so fast you had no time to react. The table was blocking your way, making you unable to act fast enough. His fist launched and struck Jaskier in the face hard. The crowd cheered and you had to jump over the table, as you drew your dagger and held it against the man's throat. "Touch him again and I'll slit your throat !" You snarled. Then suddenly the man was pulled away with force and held by his throat by Geralt "You should go home, before you leave here in pieces." Then Geralt shoved the man away, making him stumble to the ground and you watched as he crawled to the exit. You gave Geralt a gratefull nod and quickly walked to Jaskier who was holding his bleeding nose.
You kneeled next to him as he sat upright, a pained expression on both your faces.
“Fuck.. that hurt.” he stated dramatically.
You sighed and took the cloth napkin Yennefer held out to you to wipe away the blood from his face “What were you thinking ?! Did you not see the sword that guy was carrying with him ?”
Jaskier looked at you like a kicked puppy, not able to explain himself or his actions without possibly sounding foolish.
“I didn't...” he sheepishly admitted.
You and Geralt helped him up from the floor, he flailed for a second before regaining his balance and standing on his own. You grabbed his arm and made him sit down at a table, walking away for a moment before returning with a cold wet cloth. “How could you miss that ?” You mumbled, holding his face in your hand gently as you wiped away the blood, until you realised he was staring into your eyes and you pauzed for a moment. Then you quickly handed him the cloth before sitting back on your chair.
He blinked a couple of times, a nervous smile tugging at his lips.
“I didn't.. see it because... I was looking at you.” he admitted, the words coming out in a stutter.
“This isn't the time for jokes, Jaskier. You could have been killed and I wouldn't have been able to prevent it. He could've drawn his sword instead of punching you.” you ignored what you believed to be him flirting again and scolded him for his actions.
He held the cloth against his nose, making his voice sound funny. Yet you kept looking at him sternly.
“Seeing him flirt with you is far worse.” the words tumbled from his mouth. Too late to take them back.
A bitter laugh escaped you and you swiftly stood up “Jaskier, just stop !” you turned to him.
His eyes were wide in suprise at your sudden change in tone.
“It is my choice to whom I speak ! You can't just shoo someone away from me because you don't like the fact that they flirt with me. I am not yours !”
With that you stormed away.
Leaving the bard at the table thinking about how that last part stung his heart like a thousand wasps.
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asflowersfade · 7 years
Ficlet: Lost & Found
A MacGyver ficlet. We saw Mac escape from Murdoc. But how did he get back to the headquarters? Or, a missing scene from ep 204. Jack’s POV.
The ride back from the warehouse is quiet. They left the bodies for the local cops to find, a “concerned citizen” calling in a shootout in the neighborhood. It’ll become one of those cases that never get solved, the cops will never make the connection between the two goons, shot execution style, and an international assassin like Murdoc. Or the kidnapping of one Angus MacGyver…
When they arrive at Mac’s house, Bozer stumbles out of the car with his shoulders slumped dejectedly and slowly drags himself back inside. Cage gets out, too, then, Jack as the last. He stands there for a moment, holding the door of his beloved car open, his jaw clenched and eyes blazing with fury. And then he slams the door shut so hard it rings like a shot.
Cage looks at him with sympathy. “Jack…” she starts saying but he cuts her off.
“Don’t,” Jack snaps quietly, shaking his head. “Just… don’t.”
He heads back in, face grim, back ramrod straight. Inside, everybody avoids looking at him. Good, he doesn’t feel like talking unless someone has something for him, some clue that would tell him where to look next. Obviously they don’t. And so he crosses the short hallway and steps out onto the back porch where forensics already finished gathering their evidence.
And then he stands there, at the railing, staring straight out across the city. Somewhere down there, hopefully still within reach, that lunatic’s holding Jack’s… what? Best friend? Brother? Son? Charge? Or, in clinical terms, the asset he promised - no, swore! - to protect? He doesn’t know how to describe Mac because he’s all of that and more to Jack. For seven years the kid’s been at the center of Jack’s universe and now, with Mac gone, Jack feels like he can’t breathe right, as if his whole world shrank.
There’re steps behind him, thumping softly on the wood and coming closer. He doesn’t even have to look to know it’s Matty. He doesn’t want to listen to empty reassurances, though, to platitudes with no substance behind them, to promises he knows can’t be given or kept.
But Matty doesn’t say anything at all to him. She just stands there, by his side, offering silent support. And that’s what finally gets him talking.
“We had a fight, me and Mac, back in Paris,” Jack says, still staring out. “It was stupid. We got annoyed with each other, because of-of silly, unimportant things. And he said something that really hurt me.” He shakes his head. “I know that he didn’t mean it like that, I know that now. And I would’ve realized it back then, too, if only I pulled my head outta my ass - there’s no one less judgmental than Mac, no one. But I allowed my hurt feelings get the better of me.”
Jack pauses for a moment before continuing. “And when he called me, I didn’t pick up. I put him straight to voice mail. Again. And again. Six times. He had to call me six times before I finally listened to the messages he left me - he said I was right and he wanted to apologize, it was everything I wanted to hear. But I still waited, I didn’t come immediately, I wanted him to feel bad, at least a little, for a little while. And when I finally arrived here… he was gone, taken.”
He takes a shuddery breath. “If only I swallowed my pride and came when he called me the first time, if only I--”
“Don’t do that, Jack,” Matty stops him softly, voice very kind. “Hindsight’s always 20-20.”
Jack finally looks down at her and his throat feels very thick when he says, “Matty, we have no clue where he is, what Murdoc might’ve done to him already. That fight, it might’ve been the last time we spoke. We fought because I thought he was being reckless - and then I failed him!”
Matty shakes her head adamantly. “Jack, you didn’t--!” She’s interrupted by Jack’s cellphone ringing.
Sighing, Jack pulls his phone out of his pocket and checks the caller ID: unknown number. Frowning, he picks up. “Hello?” he asks.
“Mac?” Jack exclaims, eyes widening and heart hammering hard. “Where are you? Are you okay? Are you safe?”
There’s a little pause. “I-I… don’t know,” Mac replies haltingly. “I got away but… hm, I’m a little… foggy. I don’t know-I don’t know where I am.”
“Alright, buddy. Take it slow,” Jack tells him kindly. “Where are you calling from? Whose phone is this?”
There’s some noise in the background, cars driving by, people talking. Then Mac replies, “I’m outside, got out through a manhole… in the street. There’s… some nice lady here let me borrow her phone.”
“Good, that’s good. Would you let me talk to her for a moment? Can you do that for me?” Jack coaxes gently.
“Yeah, yeah, I can do that,” Mac responds, then his voice turns muffled, distant, “He wants to talk to you?”
A new voice, female and hesitant, comes on the line, “Hello?”
“Hi, ma’am, sorry to bother you but could you tell me your name?” Jack asks politely.
“Angela?” she replies.
Jack smiles, needing to sound as pleasant as possible so as not to spook her; she’s his only link to Mac. “Hello, Angela. My name’s Jack and that blond kid you gave your phone to is Mac. He’s a very, very, very good friend of mine who got himself into a really bad situation.”
“He didn’t want us to call the cops or the EMTs,” she says, sounding unsure and rather suspicious.
“Don’t worry, Angela, I promise you, I swear on my life he’s in no trouble with the law, I swear,” he reiterates firmly. “It’s just… complicated. Can you tell me where you are right now?”
She tells him and Jack relays it to Matty who’s listening in anxiously. Then, while still on the phone, he rushes back inside, and waving Cage over, he throws her his car keys and mouths, “You drive.” Together, they head out while Matty starts yelling orders in the background.
“Angela, could you tell me what’s my friend’s status? Is he alright?” Jack asks as he runs towards his car.
Cage guns the engine and when he tells her the address, she stomps on the gas pedal and the car shoots out of the driveway, tires squealing.
Angela’s response is hesitant. “He seems… off. He almost passed out. I think he’s either on drugs or he hit his head real bad. He really should see a doctor.”
Her answer confirms Jack’s suspicion. Mac’s slurred speech, the uncertain tone of his voice, everything about him seemed… off to Jack, too. And he agrees with Angela, Mac really should see a doctor but considering who’s after him, being around strangers is the last thing Mac needs right now.
“And I will take him to a doctor, I promise you that, I’ll take care of him but in his… situation,” Jack really doesn’t know how else to describe the mess Mac found himself in without breaking a bunch of rules that shall not be broken or else, “it would be wiser to take him to someone he knows and trusts.”
“Oh,” Angela replies softly and Jack realizes she probably arrived at the wrong - hopefully wrong! - conclusion when she adds in a more sympathetic, kind voice, “I see.” He decides not to correct her, considering she’s not that far off.
“Look, Angela, can you stay with Mac until I come get him? I’ll be there in--” He looks at Cage.
“Ten minutes,” Cage replies without taking her eyes off the road.
“Ten minutes, tops,” Jack says.
“Alright, I’ll stay with him,” Angela replies, her stance much firmer now that she thinks she knows what’s going on.
“Thank you! And, please, don’t let anyone take him away,” Jack asks anxiously. “Not a cop, not an EMT, no one. I’m coming, I’m on my way. Keep an eye on him for me, okay?”
“Okay,” she promises.
“Thanks, I really appreciate it, Angela, more than you’ll ever know,” he tells her and he means it. “Can you give him the phone back now, please?”
There’s some crackling on the line and Angela’s telling Mac that Jack wants to speak with him. Then Mac says, “Jack?”
Hearing Mac’s voice again, Jack feels so relieved he could actually cry. “Yeah, buddy, yeah. I’m on my way. I’ll be there in five. You stay put, don’t move from the spot, you hear me? I’ll be right there!”
Jack stays on the line with Mac till the very end, hanging up only once Cage takes a hard turn, cutting off several cars whose drivers start honk their horns  and yell obscenities at them, and the car comes to a sliding stop at the curb, tires squealing again.
“Mac!” Jack yells as he jumps out of car and quickly crosses the sidewalk to where Mac’s sitting on the pavement, looking pale and disoriented. There’s a black woman there with him - Angela, probably - who moves out of the way, then, to let Jack get to his friend.
“Jack?” Mac says, blinking up at him, and reaches out with one hand.
Dropping to his knees, Jack grabs Mac’s hand, then he pulls Mac into his arms, hugging him tight. And Mac, who’s not prone to displays of physical affection in public under normal circumstances, hugs him back. For the first time since Jack found Murdoc’s message on the porch, he can breathe. Mac’s back, he’s safe.
While Cage talks to Angela in the background, Jack pulls back, and holding Mac by the shoulders, he gives him the once over. “You okay?” he asks as he takes in Mac’s paleness and the traces of blood on his right forearm. Other than that, he seems alright, though.
Mac nods, squinting a little. Obviously, he has a hard time focusing. “He drugged me. Murdoc. He… with something. I can’t really think. He said he wanted to-to… slow me down,” he explains, sounding upset.
Jack forces a smile. It’s either that or smashing something to pieces, he’s so furious with that psycho. “Like anything could do that. You’ll always be light years ahead of us, kid, even drugged up to your gills.”
“But we should still take him in for a check-up,” Cage says, standing over them.
Jack looks around quickly. “Angela?” he asks.
“Gone. I told her a tale about an abusive ex who can’t take a no for an answer,” she explains. “More believable than the one about the crazy obsessed assassin with a grudge.”
“True,” Jack says and nods at her gratefully.
“Cage,” Mac greets her, staring up at her with hazy eyes.
She smiles down at him. “Hey, Mac. Good to see you.”
Gripping Mac’s hand, Jack helps his friend to his feet and together with Cage they prop him up from both sides when Mac’s knees threaten to give out. Yeah, he really needs to see a doctor.
“Come on, kid. How about we take you back to the headquarters and let the doctors there have a poke at you, what do you say?” Jack says kindly as they lead Mac towards the car, supporting him as he stumbles along…
… both too focused on their friend to notice the man watching them from across the street with a satisfied smirk on his face.
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sims2snfkggh · 5 years
The Voetsol Legacy generation #4: Fleur & Joy (pt. 1)
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It has been raining in Newcrest half of the summer. Perfectly suits the mood of the Robinson’s twinsisters.
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It’s been 3 days since their father’s funeral now. On Tuesday afternoon, Twan appears at their father’s appartment.
Fleur: “Hey, little brother. I see what you need: coffee. - Come in.”
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Just when Fleur and Twan were about to get inside, Joy came running up the stairs, completely ignoring the sad look on Twan’s face.
Joy: “Jesus Twan, how the fuck did you get here without a jacket? It’s raining cats and dogs!”
Twan: “...”
Fleur: “Eh. Joy? Easy, please. All he ever thought about, is that he played a little jamming time with dad every Tuesday afternoon.”
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Joy: “Oh...”
Twan was really having a hard time with the loss of his father.
Twan: "Guys, I don’t know about you but... It just doesn’t feel ‘finished’ yet after the funeral. So I just needed to be here. I don’t know, the case it’s not closed yet.”
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Fleur: “I’m feeling the same thing, you know. It’s just... when I get home from work at 1 o’clock, there’s a whole afternoon ahead of me. Without any live music in the living room to listen to.”
Joy: “Yea... It’s so weird without dad in here.”
Twan: “You could stay over at my house a few days if you want to? More than enough noise. And that’s not because I play guitar daily.”
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Fleur: “No offense, but I don’t think I can handle that. Bram is a little bit too heavy for me, you know.”
Joy: *sigh.*
Twan: “What do you mean?”
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Joy: “Come on guys, leave it.”
Fleur: “What?”
Joy: “Twan, Fleur, Is it a good idea to arrange a little brother-sistermeetinge? Maybe we could arrange a day out or something like that. To throw the ashes?”
Fleur: “Allright. I could call Loek. I guess he knows what to do.”
It remained silent. They all knew their oldest brother would know what to do, indeed. But everyone knew Luca would appreciate it to be at any family meeting the most of all. But... also, the death of their father reminded her a lot about the death of her huspand, Cody and Lore’s dad. Everyone seemed a bit shy to ask her what she wanted, since she went so introverted all of a sudden.
Fleur: “Allright. I guess I’ll ask him to bring Luca, too.”
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And they did everything as planned. Luca appeared just before Loek did. She was the saddest of all, not sure what to expect from this little meeting. It was way too confronting to be here. Both their parents were dead now... Luca didn’t feel like she could share her feelings about this with anyone. Her brothers and sisters were a lot younger and all had someone grown up to talk about it: Loek had his wife Fay, Twan had his wife Nancy and the twins had each other. Luca, on the other hand, felt like she could show her feelings. It was just like when her husband died... Lore and Cody’s were so little. And even now they’re both grown ups, the idea of talking with her children about ‘death’ is still a weird idea to Luca. It still feels like she has to put up a bright face.
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Luca decided to take off sneakily before she even rang the doorbell. It was too late, though: Fleur saw her and ran after her.
Fleur: “Luca?!”
Luca: “Oh uh I... I was just --”
Fleur took a big gasp of breath and started talking, which didn’t stop for a minute or two: “Luca, no one should really be alone now, especialy not since this reminds you of when you lost Maarten. And don’t look at me that way - I know it does. We all do. And we need you, too. Don’t leave before you even came in."
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Fleur: “Because... because it’s all sad in here. Joy is not herself anymore these days. I honestly am afraid Joy will never be happy again and she doesn't know how to take care of herself any more, so I actually don’t want to risk going to work, because I know Joy will be gone when I get home and it’s so silent out here! She cannot handle it, Luca. We should really be together, Luca. We should! And I need you. Because you always know how to gather everyone. So don’t leave.”
This story silenced Luca completely. She didn’t realize her sisters still need her, even though they’re grown up.
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A few minutes later, they’re eating all at the same table they grew up at. The table on which they made their homework, put up food fights, cried at, laughed at and played board games at. It felt complete.
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At some point, Luca cleared her throat. “Guys? I have an idea. What do you think about a remembrance?” 
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Everyone was quite enthousiastic. Luca almost felt shy about it: she felt appreciated and loved. She was gratefull for her little sister to ask her to come in. She felt a lot better now.
Fleur: “Yea! This is just like in the old days, when I would organize all our parties.”
Luca: “Really? I mean... I did organize a few...”
Loek: “Come on, sis! Don’t be silly. I might be the oldest of all five, but you definitely were the master mind of all our parties. So... Let’s make a plan for inventations!”
Luca: “And pick a date!”
Twan: “Exactly! See! We need each other as a team.” 
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That night it was pretty late when everyone left. Loek even stayed the night, and left when he had to go to work the next morning.
Joy: “Loek? Thank you for taking Luca, Loek. Really much. I love you, big brother.”
Loek: “You’re welcome.”
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sweetestlittlebliss · 5 years
How are we even alive, why do we have fake purpose? I want to start a revolution. I want be rid of this busted social standerds that hasnt progressed out of fear since 9/11. I want to dig out of this depression enough to do something. I want to feel like living. I havent felt like living since i turned 6. Why. Why.why.why.whywhywhy. i havnt felt loved in my entirety of a person, how do i love? What does it even feel like? How do you even know what its supposed to feel like? I put on fake smiles and say i love you too but i dont feel a thing. I think of murdering people. I believe i can murder thousands, i know how too. Im not scared of blood, i pick up a knife from the dishwasher and every time i hold it, all i can think of is that my parents are 20 ft away and i can slice there necks open in a 5-10 sec span. I freeze every time, the gleam is dulling with each wash, the more it dulls the more grusome my thoughts, the more time i space out. This time i took a step to the edge of my kitchen, i snaped when i bumped the counter. My brain thinks of designs all the time. I build houses in my head, bridges, gateways. I cant stop thinking i want to do something, but i dont know how to apply anything. My siblings stay away from me, ive been restricted my. Entire life, ive been nothing but a 'good child' parents letting my siblings do whatever but i have to stay home, good grades, drive them everywhere because they drank to much and then they ditch me first chance they get. Judge me every second of every day. Im the only member in this family with a god fuckin degree and im supposed to move out but im just a fucking bank account. Im too scared to separate my account for backlash. I pay 650$ im rent and i get punished when bills dont get paid. I dont know what to do anymore. I should be gratefull for what i have but i cant be. My brain is fried and im tired all the time. I cant take this, i dont want someone to save me i just want to be fucking touched. Patted. Noone hugs me. Noone pats my head. Is it to much to ask for my hand to be held, god dammit what am i going to do. Im 23 turning 24 and im expected to have a house and a well paying job and maybe supposed to get married but im so fuckin affraid of men i cant talk to them for long periods of time. Ill fuckin admit it. Im still a virgin. My first boyfriend tried to basicly rape me and my second cheated. All in high school first year. Im tired. Im 23 turning 24 and i wanna make a change. I want to rip up the roads and put in those god damed soalr pannel freeways that have been fuckin ready since 2008 and have been improved. I want to get rid of nuclear power plants, i want to fly into space and see beyond life among the outter ring of this galaxy. I want to die. I want to let this generation to prosper, get things removed and improved. I want to sleep. Im so tired. Can i sleep. Let me sleep. Im tired. My bags are getting worse. My brain hurts more and more. Im tired. Please let me sleep tonight. I want to sleep tonight....please....
0 notes
zuffer-weird-girl · 5 years
I got a problem...I just watched the bnha episode that had Kai in it and now I love pretty crow man even more...So I was wondering, how would Overhaul react to a really understand and all around nice s/o who is super shy, but secretly is a badass. It might be kinda funny cause she could just walk up to enemies and they never think anything of her until they try to attack kai or something and she is quickly able to disarm them.
I just have a little tiny heartattack evertime he appears (also mimic's voice, dear god, I couldn't stop laughing when he said "PUNK")
Overhaul/ Chisaki Kai x reader
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It was just a simple walk on the city, a simple, calm walk with you on the streets of the city of Tokyo... He was becoming so stressed with the experiments and all of his work on the yakusa that he was at the point of what you called "exaustation".
"So there's a group of rats that wants- Overhaul?" Hari stopped on his rambling just to see his boss staring numbingly at the front door. He called but no response.
"Overhaul?" He tried once again waving his hand at the front of the young leader's face just to all of the sudden his head falls straight to the table.
Nemoto and Kurono stares for a while with wide eyes before Hari made his way out of the office while saying "don't let anyone enter, I will bring (Y/N)..."
Let's just say that he was just a bit tired, just a bit...
On that day you and him talked for a while about his health and while Kai was extremely careful with any sickness and germs he was terrible when it came to mental health or when he reached his limit but wouldn't admit it... After minutes of coaxing the stubborn golden eyed man, you finally had him convinced to take one entire day off of work; you had to talk with Pops before and he only said "please make him, he is going to kill himself with exhaustion, that boy never stops..." he does this because he is gratefull to you Pops :(
So there you were, walking besides each other on a quiet street with only the city lights to illuminate the dark night. He took just one moment to look at your features and your reply was just a silly shyly smile making one grow on his lips as well under his black surgeon mask. It's almost impossible for him not to take at least two minutes of a day to just admire your figure.
You were so reserved and shy; it took longer than he expected to develop a relationship with you but no way in hell he was gonna to say that he regret it. You were perfect, the incarnation of the only good things on this word, why do you think he called you angel all the time?
He is not going to hide his pride as well when almost everyone of the base and all the eight precepts are enchanted by you... Your gentleness and care were at first allarming to them but as the time goes by, you had become like a sacred object to them. Overhaul made very clear to every one in the base that if anything wrong happened to you, the person whose was responsible was going to view something way worse than hell itself.
Mimic strangled a guy when he asked for your number one time and Chisaki was very grateful...
Well but what was suppose to be a loveable walk to relieve his nerves turned to one annoying encounter with a man, recognizing Overhaul's features and daringly aiming a gun at his head.
"You bastard! You killed all of my comrades you fucking sociopath!" Yelled the man trembling as he stared with fear yet with rage at the both of you.
Chisaki annoyingly took a big breath and securely pushed you behind him never lowering his guard but also not alarmed neither.
"Angel stay back, this will not take too long." He whispered not even once breaking eye contact with the man.
"Are you seriously going to yell at this hour of the night? Don't act so foolish, the more sound you make you will atract the heroes here, and as far as I know you aren't a saint and they probablygoung to arrest you, so I would think carefully..." he monotonous spoke.
The guy flinched at hearing his voice and when he notice Chisaki carefully starting to take his right glove off the man nervously aimed at your head trembling more than ever and sayed:
"O-one more move from you and your little toy is dead! I know she's quirkless! One wrong move from you and you can say bye bye to her right here and now!" He almost cried while saying this to Overhaul's face, and he couldn't miss it the way Kai's eyes darkened at his threat.
How. Dare. This piece of trash. Involves you in this?
That man iss going to wish to never had born after he is done with him.
"Go ahead."
"W-what?!" The guy flinched
Chisaki finally broke contact with the guy to stare at you.
"What the hell you're doing?" He whisper-yelled at you, suddenly gripping you with his arm to prevent you got any closer.
Didn't you notice this guy was aiming a fucking gun that could explode your brain?!
"You heard me, go ahead." You pointed at your head mockingly "What? Scared of what might happen to you after?"
The guy yelled an "I warned you" before he merciless pushed the gate.
"(Y/N)! DOWN!" Overhaul yelled.
Wait what?
Where was the gun shot? Where was the bullet?
Chisaki started to looking for any injuries in your body, but got nothing.
He stared at you with wide wondering eyes which you only replied with a giggle holding in front of him some bullets.
"It was quite simple actually! He got distracted following us so I took the chance to sneak around, remember when I said I only wanted to check out something?" You shown with more enfasis all of the gun's ammo.
If it wasn't for the mask you could see the proud smile that it was forming at the face of your boyfriend.
Before he could reply something, both of you flinched when the guy yelled grabbing a knife out of nowhere and came rushing in the direction of Chisaki.
You buffed mumbling something close to "it's like an cockroach, you can't get away with it that easy" and simply punched the guy straight on the jaw with a following kick on the stomach causing him to fall on his back on the dirty ground. He tried to grab the knife that scaped his hand but you were quicker and stepped hard, merciless, on his hand. You pulled his hair to expose his neck while with your another hand you aproach dangerously the knife to his skin.
Chisaki crossed his arms over his chest admiring the scene with a smirk all the time; taking steps closer to a point where he is inches away from both the man and you.
"Done already?" You asked pulling closer the knife to his neck.
"My, aren't you a sneaky dangerously little angel yourself darling?" Chisaki mused ignoring the guy's presence.
You choose to ignore the coming blush to prevent the stranger to get away.
"N-no wonder why you are with this f-freak..!"
Now the strong kick he felt on his face was from Overhaul, making the guy actually hit, with force the wall of the alley. Oh dear, now that wall had a little of blood printed on it.
Chisaki helped you get up as he talked with someone over the phone; looks like this guy is in a hell of a ride.
"Angel, wait for me out of this alley. It will not take too long." He spoke while carresing your cheek with his gloved thumb.
You nodded, he took very quickly his mask to give you a peck before putting right back where it was.
"Mind me giving me this?" He pointed to the bullets that you stole from earlier.
You gave straight away and as you make your way out of there you could hear a faint "click" and the voices of Chrono and Rappa before you completely got out.
After a half or a entire hour you saw your boyfriend calling over to you, he was clean and just with his hair a bit messy but besides that no one could tell what had happened on the inside of that alley.
Honestly? Neither you wants to know... Chisaki Kai can be very cold and cruel when he wants and whenever he wants.
"I didn't know you had that on you angel." He mused impressed aproaching close to your ear to whisper "such a deviant... where did you, shy little angel, learned such brute movements?"
You blushed at his closeness and avert you eyes quickly to anywhere besides his eyes, that were practically glued on you.
"W-well..! J-just some combat lessons I am taking... Can't be the partner of the yakuza's boss if I have all the time Chrono to check over me because he was demanded..."
"Hm. I se- Wait. How did you know about that part?"
"Kai I'm shy. Not stupid."
He stares at you for a while before smirking to himself and pulling you for a quick hug. He chuckled when you yelped at the sudden contact.
"Maybe we should enjoy my breaks inside the base instead?"
"Probably?" You smiled holding him just as tight as he was.
Both of you parted and for a second you thought that was over until Kai spoke in authority voice.
"I'm delighted to see that your actions on there were for me not to get harmed but that doesn't mean Chrono will stop guarding you."
"W-wha-?! Why?!"
"You literally said to that scumbag to shoot you straight on the face." He spoke on a manner of tone voice.
"B-b-but..! He was out of bullets! I-I took them!"
"Yes, I already said I'm impressed but that doesn't change the things here angel."
You exhaled in defeat murmuring:
"I bet Hari hates me at this point..."
You don't notice Kai picking his phone again and dialing Kurono's contact.
"Chrono have you been making (Y/N) uncomfortable by any chance?" You yelped hearing that.
"What?" Spoke the voice in surprise.
"You heard me. What did you do?" Chisaki replied in a dangerous tone now.
"H-HE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING I SWEAR!" you gripped Kai's sleeves to prevent that he talked more with his friend about your thoughts.
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everlastingdreams · 6 years
Ben Poindexter x Reader: Into My Bloodstream Chapter 21
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Notes: I think this is the last chapter before hell breaks loose
Summary:  nope
Chapter: 21/?
Word Count:  1241 words
“You're not gonna answer that ?” Dex raised a brow at you.
“Uh yeah. I'm going to take this one outside. It's my friend, she only calls me when her relationships end. So I don't think you would enjoy listening to me repeatedly telling her he was no good for her.”  it wasn't the first time you had lied to someone when Matt was calling you so you had a whole archive of excuses stashed in your brain.
“Right, good luck.” he said as he grabbed his coffee.
Your nerves were wrecking you as you walked into the elevator, you had put your phone on silent mode to avoid drawing the attention considering the ringing never stopped.
The cold air outside hit you as you pushed the door open. Quickly making your way over to your car so you could finally pick up and when you did Matt spoke immediately.
“I know things didn't end well the last time you were at my apartment but did you really have to raid it ?” he said sarcastically.
You were suprised at the amount of sarcasm he was able to have at this point.
“Matt..” you sighed.
“Why did the FBI break down my door (y/n) ? If you hadn't told me to get out of there, we would be in trouble now. Because who is going to stop Fisk if they arrest me?” he sounded as shocked as you were. But you were glad he heard you when you told him to get out of there.
“Fisk has convinced the FBI that you were working for him.”
He scoffed and you swore you heard him say 'unbelievable' “What exactly is Fisk framing me for ? I heard the FBI say that I was to be considered armed and dangerous.”
You rubbed the bridge of your nose “ He told them you are a facilitator and that you have laundered and hidden money for him. And also that you bribed law enforcement and court officials, orchestrated perjured testimony and manufactured evidence.” you exhaled.
Matt was silent for a moment “That's it ? He isn't going to frame me for being a druglord as well?”
“How the hell are you taking this news so lightly, Matt ?” suprise audible in your voice “Fisk is setting you up. Fisk knows you're Daredevil. He's going after you, Matt. And I actually had to be a part of the raid on your apartment, he's toying with us.”
“He is. But (y/n), I have a plan, remember ? ”
You remembered he told you about the guy who shanked Fisk.
“Did you find the guy Fisk made a deal with to get put into house arrest?” you asked Matt.
“I have, his name is Jasper Evans. I am going to pay him a visit, if we get him to testify...”
“The FBI will realise they are being used. And that would mean that you will be proven innocent.” you breathed.
“Exactly. Do you have any idea yet who is working for Fisk in the FBI? Did you notice anything suspicious ? How about that Agent Nadeem guy? He was the one who pushed to get Fisk into the hotel.”
You tapped your fingers on your knee “No. Only Agent Hunt so far. And as for Nadeem, I don't believe he works for Fisk, Matt.”
“Are you sure?” Matt questioned you.
“I trust him, Matt.” Nadeem had been honest with you from the start. You didn't believe he could work for a guy like Fisk. It just was not like him.
Matt sighed “ Then I trust that you trust him.”
“I am sorry about the raid, Matt.” you took a deep breath “Do you have a place to stay ?”
“Don't be (y/n). At least you didn't throw around my stuff like the other agents did. I wouldn't have blamed you if you had, your the only one who'd have a valid reason to do so. And yes, I'm staying were I grew up.”
You knew where he meant. He had told you that he was raised at the orphanage in the church after his father was killed.
“And you're sure you are safe there ?” you couldn't help but worry about Matt's safety now that Fisk was targeting him.
“Yeah, but I keep my ears open. And I've got Sister Maggie to lift my spirits and patch my wounds. Or throw salt in them depending on her mood.” He chuckled.
“I already like her.” you said smugly.
He chuckles “ I figured you would. Listen (y/n), I need to get ready. Has Fisk been bothering you again?”
“No, and I am avoiding him completely. Which isn't easy considering I am supposed to bring his food and responsible for the surveillance most of the time.”
He breathed out in relief “At least he appeared to have lost his interest in you. (y/n), I gotta go. Be safe alright? I'll contact you when I have more news. And (y/n)?”
You fumbled with your car keys “Yeah?”
“Next time you want to visit me, don't break down my door.” his voice was flooding with sarcasm.
You laughed a little at that “Sure thing, Matt.”
You ended the call and put your phone back in the pocket of your coat as you got out of your car.
Making your way back into the hotel, someone who worked there was about to pass you as she walked in the opposite direction. She was carrying a plate with a drink on it and as you were to pass her she accidentally bumps into you causing the drink to spill on you.
“Oh crap. I'm so sorry.” you tell her. You knew a waitress's job wasn't an easy job so you apologized instead of her.
She apologized as well as she starts to dry your coat with a towel she was carrying on her shoulder. You asked her if you could pay for the drink, she refused to accept your money. She chatted with you a bit before you continued to walk back to the surveillance room.
“What the hell happened to you ?” Dex exclaimed when he looked you over.
“Felt like pouring some whisky over my coat.” your voice drily.
“Didn't anybody tell you that's not what you're supposed to do with whisky.” he leaned back in the chair trying not to laugh at your drenched look.
“Shut it, Poindexter.” you told him as you threw the towel at him.
The last hours went by quickly, you were gratefull Dex was your partner in this whole thing.
A yawn escaped your mouth and you looked at your watch to realise there were only about 15 minutes left in your shift.
Dex had noticed you yawning “Go on, I'll cover the last minutes.” he suddenly says.
It took you a moment to realise what he meant.
“You're sure ?” you gave him a gratefull smile.
“Yeah, I got it. Go home, the others will be here for the night shift soon anyway.” he shot you a smile.
You weren't going to say no to that. You grabbed your coat from the chair but before you left the room you placed a chaste kiss on his cheek and whispered “Goodnight, Dex.” in his ear.
“I'll see you tomorrow.” he calls after you.
“Definitely. Remember, Dex. Like a gum to a school bench!”
He shuddered at the thought again and you chuckled as you left.
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