#but when she gets there sky has bought one for her
roosterforme · 1 month
Aim for the Sky Part 17 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: Bradley loved settling in to a new routine with Rose at home. Taking care of you and the baby felt natural. If the most stressful thing he has to deal with was her godfather, then he counted it as a win.
Warnings: Fluff, angst, adult language, lactation kink, swearing, DILF Roo
Length: 3800 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader
Aim for the Sky masterlist. This was written to accompany my series Is It Working For You? along with a bunch of my one-shots and other series, but it can be read on its own! Check my masterlist for the reading order.
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"Here are your books," Bradley said softly as he carried his daughter around her nursery to her bookshelf. "And here is your crib." She blinked up at him and yawned, and he broke out into a smile. "And here's the chair from your grandparents where Mommy is going to feed you so you can take a nap."
You were standing in the doorway with both hands on Tramp's collar while he whimpered nonstop. "He's not going to rest until he gets to sniff her again," you said, fighting to hang onto him. "And lick her, and roll around on the floor next to her."
"Fine," Bradley said with a sigh. Tramp just spent twenty minutes losing his mind over the baby, but apparently that wasn't enough. Bradley sank down onto the floor with Rose in his arms, and she stretched her fists up toward his face and gave a soft cry. She looked adorable in the outfit your parents bought for her, and his heart clenched like always when he imagined how his own mom and dad would have reacted to being grandparents.
"Here he comes," you said, releasing the collar, and Tramp bounded the rest of the way into the nursery, whimpering and shaking with excitement. He licked the top of Rose's head, making her cry in the process before he started sniffing her hands.
"For fuck's sake," Bradley grunted, trying to coax Tramp to sit down while Rose curled up against his chest. "He's more excited about the baby than I am."
Carefully you sat next to him on the soft rug that looked like a cloud in the airplane nursery, kissing his cheek before you said, "Don't swear in front of the child."
He rolled his eyes. "She can't understand it yet."
You gave him a pointed look. "Don't make me take away your privileges."
Bradley opened his mouth to ask what you meant, but he was immediately silenced as you pulled your shirt over your head and got ready to feed Rose. "Shit," he muttered, wondering how the fuck he was going to last six weeks with your tits in his face and zero chance at intercourse. "I'll behave."
"While Rose eats, I think we should talk about a few things," you whispered, taking her into your arms with a smile and kissing her cheek before getting her situated.
Bradley pulled Tramp onto his lap, doing his best to keep him from loudly sniffing his human sister and making her cry again. Bradley watched you fidget with your leggings around your waist. "What's wrong? Are you uncomfortable?" he asked while you fed Rose.
"No," you muttered, not looking at him. "My body is like a deflated balloon."
"Baby Girl," he whispered, leaning in to kiss your ear softly. "You're only a few days postpartum. You birthed an entire person. And you look beautiful. You always will."
He gave up his quest to keep Tramp at bay and let the dog lick the baby's foot as you started crying. "I think my hormones are going insane again," you sobbed, and he wrapped one arm around your shoulders and helped you hold Rose with the other. "And I'm really tired."
"I know," he whispered, peppering your face with kisses. "That's why I'm sending you and the Nugget both for nap time as soon as she's done. Now let's talk about what you want to talk about."
"Right," you said with a sob, like you had forgotten all about it. "My parents aren't going to stop bugging until I tell them when they can come visit."
Now that the attic was available, Bradley didn't mind having them in the house all that much. "Since I'm taking the next week off, why don't you tell them to come out the week after that? So you can have some help when I'm on base?"
"That's a good idea," you said as you carefully maneuvered Rose to your other breast. "We also need to give Rose a godfather." Bradley closed his eyes and pictured literally anybody but Jake. "And I was thinking Jake."
He heaved a weary sigh. "Of course you were," he grouched as Tramp finally calmed down and curled up on the floor. You looked at Bradley without saying a word, and he rubbed his eyes with his fingers. Hard. Jake was a fucking pain in the ass. He always has been, and he always will be. But... he took care of you when Josh tried to assault you while Bradley was deployed. And Jake was the one he turned to when he had a panic attack about getting himself killed before he got to meet his daughter. Jake even graciously promised he would look after you and Rosie and finish building the playset if something happened to him. And he never gave Bradley a hard time for any of it.
"Fuck. How the fuck is this my life?" Bradley groaned, sprawling out on the floor with Tramp and staring at the ceiling.
"What did I say about all the swearing, Roo?" you scolded, but when Bradley focused his gaze on your face, you were smiling. "Does that mean you're okay with Jake?"
Bradley looked at Rose and then back at you. "Yeah," he rasped while wincing.
"Perfect. We can tell him when he stops over tomorrow."
"He's coming over tomorrow?"
"Yes. With Cat and Jeremiah," you said, wiping Rose's lips with a burp cloth as Bradley sat up again.
"Let me hold my Nugget to help ease my pain and suffering."
"You're so dramatic. It's not like you'll suddenly be related to Jake," you said with a laugh, literally flaunting your tits as you stood up. "I'm going to call my parents and then take a little nap as long as you've got her?"
Bradley looked at his daughter as she curled up in his arms. "Yeah. I've got her," he promised, and you kissed him before you left the nursery. 
"We're going to take a little walk," he whispered, picking up the burp cloth that you left on the chair. Bradley carried Rose through the house, marveling once again at how tiny she was in his hands as he tried to burp her. Then he slipped out the sliding glass door to the backyard as he said, "This Jake thing wasn't my idea. You heard your mother. She's got some weird ideas sometimes, but I love her too much to tell her no. So let's set some rules. Under no circumstances are you ever allowed to think your godfather is funnier than your old man, okay?"
Rose simply yawned as Bradley sat down on one of the swings, cradling her.
"Exactly. He's a snoozefest. I totally get the yawning." He pressed his lips to her cheek. "And when you're old enough to talk, I need you to tell him that your godmother is way cooler than your godfather. If you agree, then don't say a word."
Bradley moved the swing slowly as she snuggled against him and silently closed her eyes. "That's my girl," he whispered, keeping her warm against his body in the early spring sunlight.
When you woke up, your body was sore, and your stomach was growling. You didn't know what time it was, but your breasts hurt enough that you thought perhaps it was time to feed Rose again. You climbed out of bed and froze as you reached for your glasses. Something smelled good. Familiar. Your stomach rumbled loudly as you whispered, "Surely not."
Rose's door was closed when you walked down the hallway, and you found your husband in the kitchen, working in front of the stove.
"You're cooking Marry Me Rooster!"
He looked up at you with a bewildered expression on his face, like a deer caught in headlights. "I am," he replied, voice hoarse. "I've been training over facetime with your mom for months, but this is my first time actually trying it."
Your heart swelled with love as you took a step closer to him and your grandmother's recipe sheet, but he held up a hand and shook his head.
"I think it's best if I give this my full attention," he said, eyes wild as he turned back to the stove. "But maybe you should have the fire extinguisher handy just in case."
You backed slowly away from him, hand covering your mouth to try to keep your laughter in. Excitement bubbled inside you knowing you'd get to eat one of your favorite dinners tonight. Bradley was pretty good at cooking now. He could pull it off. Probably.
Your daughter's cries started ramping up in her nursery, and you had a visceral reaction to it. "I'm coming," you called out, already pulling your shirt over your head as you walked inside. The fact that she even looked adorable when her face was all scrunched up in tears was concerning to you; Bradley would be unstoppable with spoiling her.
As soon as you scooped her up into your arms, she quieted down. Her weight against your body was calming as you rocked her in the chair while you fed her, and you weren't surprised at all that Tramp was sitting at your feet with his eyes glued on the baby.
"Just wait until she can walk," you told him. "The two of you will be besties, terrorizing everyone else."
You heard some loud noises in the kitchen followed by Bradley's voice. "It's fine! It's all fine!"
"I'm kind of concerned," you whispered to Rose, running your fingers along her little bit of fuzzy hair. "But Daddy learned how to cook just for you and me. We are already spoiled."
To your surprise, dinner was mostly good. The kitchen was completely trashed, and Bradley looked like he just ran a marathon, but the food was edible. It even tasted good, if not a little bit on the salty side.
"I am so impressed, Roo," you said with a smile. He was holding Rose to his chest with one hand and inhaling the pasta and chicken.
"I wanted you to have something special. It's nowhere near as good as yours though," he mumbled with a shrug around some bites. "But it's okay. I'm kind of hoping Cat will bring food with them when they stop by tomorrow. She knows how to cook like you do. Jake and I would have probably starved to death by now."
He set his fork down to run his knuckle along Rose's cheek as you started to clean up the dishes. "I thought it was wonderful," you whispered. "Nobody else ever cooked just for me before."
That made him smile. 
Bradley intended to write in the Nugget notebook while the events from the hospital were still fresh in his mind, but he passed out in bed as soon as you did. Rose cried three times overnight when she was hungry, and he realized he was actually quite useless when it came to that scenario. All he could really do to help was burp her. By the time he was making breakfast, you looked absolutely exhausted.
"That was kind of a rough night," he said while trying so hard not to burn the toast.
"I think that's just how nights are going to be for a while," you replied with a yawn as you carried the baby around.
Bradley spread some of the avocado concoction he whipped up onto the perfectly toasted slice of overpriced bread that you liked, and he took Rose from you so you could have a break.
"Thanks," you muttered before biting into your breakfast. "It's still so strange that you're the one cooking now."
"Oh shit," he said in delight as he kissed his daughter. "I almost forgot."
"Stop swearing!" you called as he walked outside to the garage where that fancy baby carrier thing was. 
He'd been using it to lift weights, training for this very occasion. He snatched it up and took it back in the house where he set Rose down on the couch to fasten the straps around himself. "Look at this!" he said, slipping the baby in against his chest. You were shaking your head and finishing your toast as he paraded around wearing Rose.
"You're so adorable, Roo."
"It's not me. It's the baby." He looked down at her cute face where her cheek was squished against his chest. "Can't get enough."
You wrapped your arms carefully around him, turning Rose into a sandwich as you ran your fingers through the hair along his temples. "You are such a DILF, Bradley. Gray hairs and heart eyes for your daughter."
"Stop," he groaned, turning to kiss your wrist. "Do you have any idea how hard it's going to be for me to not fuck you right now?" Someone knocked on the front door and he gave you a look. "What time did you tell Jake and Cat to stop by?"
"Tonight," you replied, heading across the living room. "It couldn't be them."
Bradley was relieved to see Maverick when you opened the door. "I'm not staying," he said as you invited him inside with bags in his hands. "I just wanted to see this little one for myself and drop some things off." He shook Bradley's hand and then just stood there with his hands on his hips, watching Rose slowly fall asleep in her carrier. "My god," he whispered, eyes shining with tears. "A brand new Bradshaw."
"Do you want to hold her?" you asked him, already reaching for the carrier. But Maverick shook his head.
"No, let her sleep. I'll come back one day with Penny and Amelia. We'll bring pizza. Just let us know which night is good." He looked up at Bradley, cuffing him on the shoulder as he said, "I wanted to be one of the first to say congratulations. Your mom and dad would have been overjoyed."
"Thanks, Mav," Bradley whispered, tears in his own eyes now. "I'm kind of obsessed with her, so I know my mom would have been as well."
Maverick shook his head, still giving Bradley's bicep a squeeze. "Your dad would have never shut up about having a granddaughter. That's a fact."
Bradley pulled his godfather in for a hug before he left with the promise to return later in the week when he was invited. Then he kissed the top of Rose's head as you rummaged around in the bags that had been left behind.
"Penny seems to have gone a bit overboard with groceries," you muttered, pulling lunch meat, bread and some chicken breasts from one of the bags. "Oh! A bottle of pink champagne!"
"Put it in the fridge," Bradley said. "I'm going to need a drink after you tell Jake he'll be the Nugget's godfather."
You rolled your eyes and dug around in a gift bag that was overflowing with tissue paper, and you gasped as you pulled out two stuffed animals. They simply looked like birds, but when Bradley took a step closer, he laughed. 
"Mav really bought Rosie a plush goose and a plush rooster."
You had a bright smile on your beautiful face as you examined them. "He's quite the joker, but these are so cute. I'm going to put them in her nursery."
"After that, you should go take a nap," Bradley said, swaying slowly from side to side with his hand resting on the back of his daughter's head while she napped. "This little girl is sound asleep, and I can do a few chores with her in the carrier."
You gave him a look that would usually mean he was getting lucky later, but that was off the table right now. When you walked past, you kissed Rose's hand and then his cheek before you said, "Make sure you chill the champagne. We can have fun later."
Jake, Cat and Jeremiah arrived with balloons, boxes of diapers, meals in tupperware containers, and a lot of excitement. 
"You didn't have to bring all of this," you said as Jake stacked things up inside the front door.
"Yes, they did," Bradley muttered, taking a peek in the food containers. "There's a casserole and a lasagna."
"You literally just ate dinner," you told him, handing Rose over to Cat who was practically vibrating with excitement. But Bradley wasn't listening as he followed the very inquisitive two year old boy around the living, making sure he didn't get hurt chasing Tramp.
"Why do babies smell so good?" Cat asked as Rose squirmed a bit in her arms. "So fresh and clean."
You didn't even get to respond before Jake squeezed you tight and said, "Congratulations, Angel. You mated with Bradshaw, and somehow the baby turned out cute."
"I would say something," Bradley retorted from next to the couch, "but I'm not allowed to swear in front of children."
Jake snorted. "I'm just messing around."
"Hey, I'm going to take him outside to play on the swings for a bit," Bradley said, scooping Jeremiah up before he could yank on Tramp's tail.
You gave him a pointed look and nodded toward Jake. "Don't we have something we'd like to ask him first?"
Bradley's smile turned into a bit of a frown. "No. I don't think we do."
"Bradley!" you scolded, and he tipped his head back with a groan.
"Fine. But I'm not saying it."
You pinched the bridge of your nose as you turned toward Jake. "Bradley and I would very much like for you to be Rose's godfather. If you're interested."
The words were barely out of your mouth before Jake had you flush against him in a bone crushing hug. "Wooo, boy. Godfather to a Bradshaw? We do live in some wild times, don't we, Rooster?"
Bradley muttered something incoherent while you asked, "Does that mean you're interested?"
He released you and turned toward Cat. "Please pass the godchild to the godfather. I'm about to make this baby an offer she can't refuse."
"She's a burrito! Not a cannoli!" Bradley called out from the sliding glass door before heading outside with Jeremiah.
"Is Phoenix her godmother?" Jake asked softly while holding Rose and supporting her head.
"Yes," you replied, in awe over how careful he was being.
"You realize that spells complete disaster, right?"
"Sure," you agreed. But you'd never seen anyone hold someone else's baby with quite as much respect as Nat and Jake held Rose.
Bradley played with Rose on the couch with an episode of Real Housewives of New Jersey on in the background. "You see what happens when you marry for money?" he asked his daughter as she wrapped her fingers around his pinky. "Sure, you get a Lamborghini out of the deal, but you also get arrested for tax fraud and embezzlement." He kissed her forehead. "Don't do that, okay?"
She cooed softly, and he took that as a sound of agreement.
"I'm ready."
Bradley glanced up to see you fresh out of the shower wearing the robe that Nat gave you. "I'll bring her right in," he replied.
"Grab the champagne, too."
He did exactly as he was told and handed the baby to you where you sat in the glider chair in the nursery before he carefully opened the bottle. The sound startled Rose, and she started crying hysterically. Bradley was on his knees in front of the chair instantly, kissing the top of her head. "I'm sorry, Nugget. That was way too loud."
"I think she's getting hangry, too," you mused, loosening the sash of your robe so you could feed her. And once again, Bradley was just captivated by all of it and so in love. He took a long sip of the pink champagne before offering you the bottle. "I can only have a little bit."
"I know Sweetheart, but it's your favorite." You had milk beading on your nipple while you fed Rose, and Bradley watched you lick your lips before handing the bottle back to him. He groaned softly, dizzy from all of it. 
"This is so fascinating," he whispered, taking another sip before setting the bottle down. When he reached out to touch your breast, you let him. You felt warm and heavy, and he took your milk onto his thumb and licked it clean.
"You know..." you whispered, switching Rose to your other side. "After having alcohol, it's probably a good idea to pump some of my milk to make sure she doesn't get any of it."
Bradley sat up a little straighter, willing to get you anything you needed. "Want me to set up the pump?"
"Nah," you replied, shaking your head. "I haven't gotten the hang of it yet, but I'm sure there's another way you can help me." Your graceful fingers stroked Rose's cheek as the milk drunk baby started slowing down. "When she's finished, it's your turn."
Bradley jumped to his feet as soon as Rose started to drift to sleep. "I'll get cleaned up and meet you in bed," you whispered as he took the baby from your arms. He deftly changed her diaper and got her zipped back into her sleeper before setting her in her crib.
"How about you sleep more tonight?" he asked. "Give me a chance to play with Mommy before she's too tired? I like her tits, too."
He could hear you laughing down the hallway. "I can hear you through the baby monitor!" you called out, but Bradley had no shame. He kissed his daughter one last time before turning on the night light and the ceiling fan, and then he was on his way to you.
When he stood in the doorway, you were sitting in bed with your robe open. Soft light from your lamp was making every curve of your body look irresistible to him, and now that he had you alone, he knew he was going to struggle.
He made a desperate sound as he ran his hand over his face. "Baby Girl," he whined. "I want you so bad."
"Come here," you coaxed, rubbing the spot on the bed next to you. He was there in an instant, sitting with his back against the headboard as you crawled into his lap. As soon as you nudged his shorts with your knee, he swallowed hard, saliva pooling on his tongue at the sight of your milk dripping from you and onto his shirt.
"Oh, shit," he whispered, letting you get yourself comfortable before he wrapped his arms around you. "It's my turn?"
You ran your fingers along his scarred cheek and back through his hair. "Your turn," you whispered, lips ghosting against his as he throbbed for you.
Bradley took your breasts gently in his hands, ran his thumbs along your nipples and rubbed his nose between your tits. Then he let himself taste you to his heart's content.
Roo is living his very best life, other than potentially seeing Jake more frequently. Hopefully Nat will balance that out for him. Grandparents are coming to visit soon! Thanks @beyondthesefourwalls
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mattsfavoritestar · 2 months
< back_2_matt_masterlist
STAY WITH ME, matt sturniolo
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synopsis… you knew you shouldn’t have fallen for matt. you couldn’t help but let your emotions get away from you. you thought matt was playing with you. turns out your his favorite.
warnings… angst, no use of y/n, fwb!matt, player!matt, mentions of kissing, matt’s lowkey in love with you, reader ends up crying in his arms, bit of miscommunication at the beginning
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matt fucked up. he tremendously fucked up. here he was standing outside your door, head looking to the night sky waiting for some kind of miracle to happen. everything was perfectly fine this morning so how can things just crumble so fast?
the day started off with giggles and kisses, you stayed the night after a long day of going out and exploring the world for content. in his bed. laying with matt. being held by matt. you were well aware how matt was. uncommitted. you just couldn’t help yourself when his beautiful blue eyes would watch you with that daydream look as if you were the moon and he was the ocean.
maybe it was the delusions that led you to slip up. after such an eventful morning, matt drove you and his brothers to ihop for breakfast. everything was so perfect. so happy. chris practically dragged nick outside for a mini photoshoot leaving you with matt alone. 
the waitress that served your table was sending flirty comments towards matt. it pissed you off. no you weren’t dating he’s ‘just a friend’. when the waitress brought the check she left a note with her number. matt didn’t even notice at first till you pointed it out.
“are you gonna call her later?” you ask in a jealous tone.
matt smirked, “don’t know yet. think i’ll try to later” he shurgged. you felt your eyes starting to burn. matt took notice, he gave you a confused look. you shook your head then looked down to your phone. you texted your friend to come pick you up. you were embarrassed.
you got up abruptly. “do you need me to send you my half?”, you asked talking about the check. “what? when have i ever let you pay for your own shit?” matt questions. you saw the waitress coming back. you didn’t notice matt staring at you. analyzing you. “i’m gonna go. your new friend is coming back” you say.
“wait-“ matt was cut off as you left in a hurry. he quickly paid for everything, scrambling to get to the door. matt saw chris and nick by the van with a concerned look on their faces. “matt what happened in there? she came out looking sad” nick asked. matt sighed, his hands rubbing his face down. 
which brings him here. a lego set of your favorite flowers in hand. and whatever sense of dignity he has left. he hesitated before knocking on the door. 
after what felt like a lifetime you opened it. “matt?” you question. you were wearing a sweater and random shorts. his sweater. matt’s words got caught in this throat. “did you need something or..?” you ask.
“shit- sorry i um bought you this- these it’s a bouquet- flowers i-“ matt felt him ears go warm as words flooded out of his mouth. you placed a hand on his shoulders. immediate relaxation. “okay breathe”, matt took a deep breath. 
“i’m really sorry” he stated. you didn’t feel like he knew what for, you looked down and shook your head. “s’fine i don’t care anymore” you dismissed. you heard the lego box drop felt matt’s hands hold your face to lift it.
 “no don’t do that. don’t dismiss whatever your feeling” 
you didn’t want to cry in front of him. it was stupid. you weren’t even dating. why do you care so much that he acknowledges other girls who aren’t you? no. you refused to be one of those girls who allowed a boy to unknowingly crush a heart.
“i like it when you’re just with me” you softly spoke. 
“just you?” he asked. 
“and no one else”, you look him in the eyes, “but  matt i can’t just wait for you to finally want to settle down. i need this now. i need you now” you cried. you felt his thumb wiping away the tears. matt pulled you into his chest. you felt his hand move to rub your back.
“i know baby, im sorry” his whispers into your head. you shake your head repeatedly, trying to pry him off you. trying to push him away. you caught a glimpse of the hurt look on his face. you knew that if you looked into his eyes you’d just let it happen.
you were stuck. matt was at your door practically on his knees begging for you not to leave.  “stop it. leave me alone and go bother those other girls in your phone” you begged. matt looked at you. he looked like a kicked puppy. you step back getting ready to close the door in his face but was stopped when he grabbed both your arms.
“please stay with me” his eyes. his beautiful blue eyes. they finally trapped you in a trance. “i don’t want you to leave” he says.
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cressidagrey · 30 days
Looked to the Sky - Chapter 10
Eira Archeron was neither a Valkyrie, nor a Seer, nor the High Lady of the Night Court. She was, however, Azriel‘s mate with her own mysterious, untrained powers.
Also known as: Azriel tries to court his mate the human way.
Elain Bashing, Low Self Esteem, Eira has a shiny new spine, Azriel threatens to murder and the shadows keep torturing Elaine's floral arrangements and without @k-godling this would have never happened.
(super pretty dividers by @tsunami-of-tears)
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“And if something happens…”
“We do know how to contact you,” Mor drawled drily from her seat on the couch. “Velaris will still be standing when you return, High Lord,” she told Rhys sarcastically. Az bit back a smile while Amren huffed.
"And you're alright with taking care of Nyx?" Feyre checked carefully. It was already dangerous enough for the High Lord, the High Lady, the General and the Spymaster to be out of the Night Court at the same time. There was no need to add the Heir to the Night Court to it as well.
Mor rolled her eyes. "He'll be alive and happy when you return," she promised Feyre.
Rhys sighed as he watched Feyre fuss over Nyx, who was sitting on the ground beside her, playing with what looked like a stuffed toy of some sort. A bat, now that he was looking at it with more interest. 
He wondered where exactly he had gotten that from for a moment. 
"He’ll be in good hands, love," Rhys assured Feyre, walking over to place his hands on her shoulders.
"And don't give her too much milk!" Azriel heard his mate exclaim, fussing about the little kitten that followed behind Eira everywhere. Snow, or Snowflake, as Eira had christened her, would stay with Cerridwen and Nuala...and Eira was fussy about it. Had been for days. 
Azriel had more than once been jealous of a damn cat because it got all of Eira’s attention. And then he looked at Eira smiling at her, at playing with her with a ribbon, at how she coaxed her to eat little pieces of chicken from her hands, and scratched her underneath her chin, all of this with that expression on her face that told him that she was incandescently happy and he wasn’t jealous anymore. Eira loved her. How could he be jealous of that?
Eira appeared just a moment later, Snow still wrapped in her arms. She was clad in a green coat over a cream dress…if one could call it a coat? Azriel had absolutely no clue about fashion but it was a weird coat. It only had three-quarter-length sleeves and the neckline was open, with a shawl collar that bared her clavicle...and right there rested a necklace featuring fat emeralds that he knew the shadows had given her.
His shadows twined around her, whispering their approval for how pretty she looked, and he couldn’t disagree. 
Eira was… She was stunning. She always was, of course. But that simple - yet still lovely - dress, the necklace, and her hair that was pinned up carefully with combs in it...Perfect.
He took her in, the slender, elegant lines of her figure in the dress, the dark gold strands of her hair in the elaborate braided hairstyle that revealed her lovely neck, and those blue-grey eyes that met his as a blush stained her cheeks.
She was beautiful.
"Where did you get that necklace from?" Amren suddenly demanded, staring at the necklace resting around Eira's throat with hungry eyes that made not only Azriel's brows raise.
Eira froze, and her fingers moved up to the emeralds that sat against her skin.
"The...?" she stumbled over her words a little bit, her glance shifting nervously between him, Amren, and Mor and Feyre, who had both also turned to look. "I...the Shadows got it for me," she said quietly, her cheeks darkening further.
What is this about? he demanded from the shadows, which seemed to nearly preen with something.
The Tiny Ancient One wanted it. We bought it first, they answered drily. Petty. So Petty.
He had to bite his lip to avoid snickering.
Of course, the Shadows had stolen something Amren had wanted from right under her nose. Of course, they had.
She still hasn’t apologised to her, the shadows sniped. It’s her own fault.
True. Amren was back in the city because Rhys would prefer his second and third to be there, but that came with strict instructions. Azriel wasn’t quite sure what exactly had been said, but the shadows had promised him that The High Lord had been more than clear with Amren. 
A little mrrrrp from Snowflake in her arms brought attention down to the kitten, and Azriel reached out to fondly stroke the little ball of fluff. Eira giggled as Snowflake leaned into his touch, pressing her face against his fingers and continuing to purr.
"She likes you," Eira said with a little smile, watching the little cat with fondness.
"I think the feeling is mutual," Az murmured quietly, as he gently scratched Snowflake's head, and she just continued to press against his hands for more. Another mrrrp escaped the little cat, and Eira giggled a little.
"There we are!" Cassian exclaimed at that moment, Nesta trailed behind him. "I hope Helion still knows how to throw a party!"
"Or how to host one at least," Azriel grumbled under his breath, as he withdrew his hand from Snowflake's head. Rhys chuckled at the comment, as Feyre rolled her eyes.
Eira next to him stayed quiet, and he could see the nervousness in every line of her body. He offered her his arm and she slid her hand into the crook of his elbow, as she placed Snow on the ground.
"It will be alright," he promised her. It would be alright. It was only a wedding. Even if that meant facing Elain and he knew how nervous Eira was about that…He wasn’t nervous. He had promised himself an iron-clad grip on his temper. It would not flare. He would not actually kill Elain. Regardless of if he thought she deserved it for what she had done to them. “I’ll be there,” he added after a moment.  He wasn’t going to leave her to face her demons alone. Not when she had grown even paler at the thought of facing Elain. Her fingers were gripping his arm almost like a vice.
"Everybody ready?" Rhys asked. "We'll winnow into the Courtyard of Sunray Palace."
A chorus of confirmations met his question, as Azriel placed a little kiss against his mate’s head, while her fingers in the crook of his elbow remained as tight as iron.
“Ready as we’ll ever be, I guess...” Cassian muttered, and Azriel silently agreed.
The shadows wrapped around them, and Azriel took a moment to make sure Eira was wrapped in them as well before they vanished from the River House. And rematerialised in the Day Court.
His first thought was...it was bright.
Very bright.
The brilliant sun was shining overhead, and the courtyard they appeared in was large and lovely, if a bit...showy. Similar to the House of Wind, The Sunray Palace was carved into the stone of a Mountain, that was covered in lush grass. He looked up to see a group of Pegasi fly up to their home in the highest tower.
He turned his head to check on Eira, catching her pale face and the nervous gulp as she took the Palace in, and his worry spiked. She was shaking like a leaf, and her knuckles were white where she clutched his elbow.
And then he watched as her shoulders went back and her chin went up, her jaw clenched nearly imperceptively. "You look lovely by the way," he whispered in her ear, making her blush. "Green suits you. Though I am partial to blue."
The compliment drew a flush of colour to her cheeks, and her shoulders relaxed ever so slightly as a little smile appeared on her face.
“Of course, you would say that,” she shot back, the slight tremble in her voice still there. “You’re biased. And don’t try to distract me.”
He chuckled even as he led them forward, the two of them easily slotting into place between Nesta and Cassian, Nesta throwing her younger sister a look. Azriel could read the worry into it but he shook his head nearly imperceptively. Eira was doing well. Better than he thought she would at any rate.
Eira still looked nervous. Extremely nervous. Her hand still had a death grip on his arm, and she was walking stiffly beside him, and yet...she still had her chin lifted high, her eyes forward. He had to admire the courage she was putting on.
The doors to the Palace suddenly opened, and Helion stepped out, grinning brilliantly. “Well, well, well, you all are a sight for sore eyes,” he said, his voice drawling out the syllables in that typical Day Court fashion.
“Don’t you know it, High Lord,” Cassian replied in his usual easy, charming tone, and Helion chuckled as his gaze travelled over the group with a smirk. Suddenly the smirk faltered as his gaze landed on Eira and the shadows wrapped around her.
His eyes widened, and Azriel didn't know what this was about before Helion continued. "We prepared rooms for you all. Why don't you arrive properly and then we'll have lunch?"
The suggestion was casual, but Azriel still thought that Helion's gaze remained on the way the shadows swirled up her body. It did result in the shadows hissing
"Thank you," Rhys drawled, easily matching the Day Court High Lord's tone. "We'll do that, and we'll see you for lunch."
The High Lord nodded, and retreated back into the Palace, while the group headed in the same direction.
When he glanced at Eira again, her face was paler than before, her hands trembling even more.
"Breathe, love," he whispered to her quietly, his voice soft, hoping it would soothe her a little bit. She gave him a weak nod in response, and he could see her forcing herself to take a shaky breath in. Azriel didn't know entirely what was going through her head, but he had the feeling it was not a happy thought, by any means.
They were shown to their suite of rooms, arranged around a shared living room, and he led her to a marigold yellow sofa. She collapsed like somebody cut the strings holding her up.
He had half a mind to curse, but her paler face, the trembling hands, stopped him. Instead, he carefully lowered himself down onto the sofa beside her, pulling her onto his lap without a second thought, and wrapped her in the shadows around them.
“Breathe, sweetheart,” he repeated, as one of his hands stroked gently up and down her back, while the other cupped her cheek.
She leaned against his touch willingly, as another shudder wracked her frame.
"I don't know what's wrong with me," she whimpered.
His heart wrenched in his chest at the tremble in her voice. "There's nothing wrong with you, love," he assured her quietly. "Nothing at all. You are nervous to face Elain. That's alright."
She sighed softly, but relaxed against him, bedding her head against his shoulder.
"Looking awfully comfy there," Cassian drawled and her cheeks flushed scarlet. She moved to get off his lap but Azriel held her in place gently until she stilled.
He wrapped his arm a little bit tighter around her, keeping her from getting off his lap, as he shot Cassian a quick glare, while the hand rubbing her back continued the slow and gentle motion.
He could almost hear the Shadows whispering their own displeasure at Cassian in the back of his mind. Azriel could hear a sharp smack and he just knew that it must have been Nesta.
He turned his head to send a glare in Cassian's direction, as the Shadows snickered in his mind.
"Sorry, I am sorry, Eira" Cassian hurried to add, as Feyre stifled a laugh behind her hand.
Eira said nothing, just curled tighter against him, resting her temple against his shoulder. 
"We got three bedrooms, not four," Rhys said with a sigh, apparently having surveyed the rooms in the meantime. "They clearly expected Azriel and Eira to share a room.”
Azriel wondered if that was on purpose. If that was Elain’s doing. Her attempt at making Eira uncomfortable. Eira, the one of the sisters that kept the most to human ideals of modesty, that blushed if he as much as kissed her cheek…that only kissed him when they were alone. And even then it were quick pecks against his lips. 
Not that he would ever protest against one of Eira’s kisses. He wanted to hoard each touch of her plush, soft lips against his like a dragon hoarded its treasure. 
But now he could feel Eira's body stiffen in his lap once more, and he glanced down at her. She was very pale again, her fingers trembling where they were wrapped around his jacket. He wanted to smack his head against the nearest wall, or at least something, but he refrained from doing that, and instead just pulled her further against his chest with a quiet huff.
"Their error," Nesta said drily. "Eira and I will share."
The Shadows were practically sulking in his head. 
He shut them up with a growl. 
Even when he wouldn’t have laid a single finger on Eira if they did share a bed, that clearly was a step too far for her. It would have made her uncomfortable. And he wasn’t going to push her. Not ever. 
He had never asked, but there didn’t seem to be any human suitors in her past. Kissing seemed foreign to her, making her nervous and excited, her heartbeat quickening and she stared at him with this expression of wonder on her face. 
"Alright, that works as well," Feyre agreed, and Azriel silently echoed that. 
He could feel how tense Eira still was in his lap, though. Still trembling nervously under his touch. He continued to rub her back slowly, still trying to soothe her. 
“Cassian can share with Azriel,” Nesta declared. 
“Oh come on,” Cassian muttered. 
The Shadows muttered their displeasure as well. 
Azriel rolled his eyes, his fingers still rubbing her back soothingly.
"You're a grown male, Cassian," he said, his voice dry. "I'm sure you'll live."
A huff from the General, and Azriel just rolled his eyes again, his glance down to his mate again.
She still looked quite pale. The hand on her back continued the gentle rubbing. 
"Interesting that it wasn't Elain and Lucien that greeted us," Feyre said drily. "Given that it's their wedding we are supposed to attend."
"Very interesting," Rhys agreed, as Azriel continued to eye Eira in his lap.
She was still tense against him, still pale, still trembling a little bit. Her nervousness and fear were rolling in waves towards him, through the bond.
"Elain will be at the lunch, no doubt," Feyre said, and Rhys just hummed in agreement.
The Shadows continued to whisper angrily in his mind, upset at the way their Mate was feeling.
"Or maybe Elain is terrified of what the shadows will do to her now," Nesta quipped darkly.
Azriel couldn't help but smirk a little bit at that.
He could practically hear the Shadows preen. Cassian let out a bark of laughter, and Feyre tried to hold hers back, while Rhys tried to keep a serious expression.
You'll behave, he told them sternly.
Maybe , they hissed back, though they were still clearly preening over the compliment.
He rolled his eyes and glanced down at Eira again.
I mean it. You will behave. You do not attack her, he reiterated in his head. 
A few displeased mutterings echoed in his head, but they did quiet down. He refrained from rolling his eyes this time, and his glance went back to the female in his lap. She was no longer pale, the tremors and shakes having died down, and while she was still nervous, she now appeared relaxed. At least a little bit.
"Let's get changed for Lunch," Nesta said easily.
"You literally just put on a dress before we arrived here," Cassian said with a snort.
"You don't need to understand females, Cassian," Rhys said easily. "Just deal with it."
Cassian grumbled, as Feyre stifled another laugh and Azriel held in a snicker.
Nesta held out her hand for Eira, who took it and let her sister pull her to her feet, giving him a small smile and his hand a squeeze before they, together with Feyre, disappeared into one bedroom.
He watched her go, a strange feeling of loss creeping up once she was out of his sight.
Azriel was tempted, so tempted to get up and go after her, pull her back onto the sofa, onto his lap, into his arms, but he managed to stop himself from doing so.
He leaned his head back against the back of the sofa, and a long sigh escaped him.
"You're absolutely besotted." His head snapped up to see Rhys staring at him, his violet eyes sparkling with smug amusement. The Shadows immediately hissed in agreement his mind at Rhys' observation.
"Shut up," Azriel just grumbled.
Rhys smirked at him in response, and Cassian just laughed. "Whatever you do tonight, if your shadows start sweetly caressing me like they do to Eira, I'll scream," Cassian muttered.
"That won't happen," Azriel immediately shot back, the words practically hissed through his teeth.
At the same time, the Shadows muttered their own disapproval of that possibility. Only our Mate, they whispered.
Cassian just rolled his eyes.
"Do you think she'll manage?" Cassian asked, growing serious. "She seems awfully...nervous."
A heavy sigh escaped him, as he sat up straighter in his seat, running a hand through his hair.
"I don't know," he admitted. "She...is very nervous. But she's trying not to be. She's trying to stay brave."
"And you?" Rhys asked quietly. "How are you holding up?"
He took a deep breath, contemplating the question.
He was angry. Furious. Worried about his mate, his heart clenching every time he felt her distress through the bond.
But he had to stay strong. For her. He needed to keep it together.
"I..." he mumbled, his voice faltering. He had to pause for a moment to collect himself. "I'm hanging in there."
Silence followed his admission, and Cassian and Rhys were studying him. He knew his friends could see through his facade, knew that they knew how worried he was. His face must have given all away.
"You have every right to be angry," Rhys said quietly. "I don't know what I would do in your place."
"What I want to do is to take her home," he admitted, his voice quiet and gruff, his eyes fixed on his lap, where he was clenching his hands into fists. "I want to take her home. I don't want her here. I don't want her to face Elain. Hell, I don't even want her to meet Elain at all. I..." He took a shuddering breath. "But she needs this. She needs this closure. I think Eira knows that herself."
Another heavy sigh escaped him, as he lifted his head and met Rhys' eyes.
"I just hate...seeing her so scared. She doesn't deserve this. She doesn't deserve to feel frightened and scared because of...Elain," he said, bitterness seeping into his voice as he said her name.
"What did she see?" Cassian said suddenly. "Elain had a vision of you and Eira and worked to make sure it wouldn't come to pass. But what did she see?"
"Cass..." Rhys said carefully, but Azriel shook his head. It was alright.
"She saw...She saw Eira and a little girl in a garden. A little girl with her hair and freckles and my wings and eyes. She saw me coming home to them...picking up our daughter and kissing Eira...they saw my hand on her swollen belly...another child in her womb. She saw our children Cassian." There was a heavy pause after Azriel's words.
Cassian just stared at him, wide-eyed and silent, while Rhys' mouth was set into a thin-lipped grave line.
His voice had started shaking a little bit, towards the middle of his story, and he clenched his jaw against the emotions building in his chest.
"That you didn't outright kill her is a fucking miracle," Cassian seethed.
"I damn near came close," Azriel muttered darkly, while anger coursed through his veins.
His jaw was set, his hands were clenching and unclenching almost of their own accord, while the Shadows kept muttering angrily in the back of his mind. They were furious, furious that their Mate was distressed.
"Why did she do it?" Cassian demanded. "Because she is the prettier one? Because if she couldn't have Azriel, Eira shouldn't have him either? Because of jealousy ?!"
"Jealousy and spite," Azriel said darkly. "That's what it comes down to. Jealousy and spite ."
He wanted to break something. Preferably Elain. He wanted to wrap his hands around her neck and squeeze.
He took a shuddering breath to collect himself, as he felt himself slowly losing control of his temper.
But he needed to stay in control. He had to. He wasn't going to explode, not in front of Cassian and Rhys, and certainly not in front of Eira.
"I...hate...her," he bit out, his voice strangled, as his hands clenched and unclenched, even as he tried to keep control over his temper. "I hate her so much. Hell, I want to destroy the very thought of her. I...I want to make sure she can never hurt Eira again. And if it's the last thing I damn well do," he continued, and his voice was venomous. "She. Will. Never. Lay one finger on my mate ever again."
"And I'll make her suffer," he snarled, his voice almost a growl. "By the Mother, I won't just kill her. I'll make her suffer first. For what she did to Eira. For what she did to us. For the thought of that future that she denied me. I will make her pay."
A strangled breath escaped him, his lungs straining with the effort of keeping himself from going on a rampage right then and there.
He closed his eyes, and took a long shuddering breath, as fury continued to course through his veins, while the Shadows hissed and whispered in his mind, their mutterings murderous in nature.
He let out a shuddering breath, as he tried to will his raging temper to abate. He needed to calm down. He needed to, for Eira. She was nervous enough as it was. He couldn't go to her like this. He...He wouldn't do it. He refused to upset her further.
He kept his eyes closed, as he tried to force his emotions to a simmering rage.
Another shuddering breath escaped him, as it took all his strength to calm down. He forced the tension from his body, slowly loosening his clenched jaw. His hands were still clenched into tight fists, but he continued to just breathe deeply, willing his temper to die down.
It felt like an eternity before he finally felt in control of his own emotions again.
He opened his eyes again and met Rhys and Cassian's stares.
Neither of them said anything, silently watching him, and he leaned back against the sofa with a sigh.
"I'm alright," he said and was slightly surprised that his voice was steady, even if he still felt like he was full of rage. "I'm fine. I'm alright," he repeated, and it was more of a reminder to himself than anything else.
"You need to not react like that when you see her," Rhys said quietly, and Azriel couldn't tell if it was a warning or a mere observation.
"I know that," he said between clenched teeth. "I know that, Rhys. But I have every right to be furious. Hell, I have every right to rip her apart."
"You do," Rhys agreed quietly. "But it won't do anyone any favours if you get like this when you see her. You need to keep your temper in check. For Eira ."
Eira was staring at her reflection in the mirror, struggling to recognise the person looking back at her. 
Her eyes were wide and anxious, her breathing quick and nervous, and her hands were trembling. A part of her was wondering how she was even managing to stand at the moment, seeing how her legs felt like they were close to giving in underneath her.
But she was also...she was also dressed in a tissue-thin gown out of pleated silk in a lavender colour, cinched in around the waist by an embroidered ribbon she had made. Her hair was pulled back from her face, diamond encrusted haircombs that she had no clue from where these had come from fastened in her hair...( One day she would need to actually get the shadows to stop buying her things. ), a diamond bracelet tightened around her wrist…They had even clipped earrings to her lobes, diamonds as well, dangly and pretty and in the Human Lads would be considered to be too much for a simple luncheon. 
But here in Prythian, the shadows didn’t seem to think twice about it, to wrap her in more diamonds than most people had ever even seen in the same place. 
Once they judged her ready,  a tendril of shadows curled itself back around her wrist, while another picked up the small train of her dress.
"You know, I am kinda jealous. You have a handmaiden wherever you are," Feyre said drily.
Eira let out an embarrassed little laugh, the sound shaky and weak as her heart felt like it was going to pound its way out of her chest.
"They are...very helpful," she admitted, as she gave a small, nervous glance to Feyre.
Nesta finished pinning her own hair into her usual coronet, smoothing the blue-green fabric of her dress. "You do not need to accept her apology," her eldest sister said fiercely. "Remember that, Eira."
She swallowed, the familiar nervous butterflies back in her stomach, and she gave a shaky nod.
Feyre placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder, as she gave her a gentle squeeze. It was a little steadying and helped quell some of her anxiousness, even as the nervous tremors continued to wrack through her body.
"I...know," she said quietly.
Right. There went nothing.
She took a few more, long, deep breaths, to calm her nerves.
She was going to be alright. She was going to be just...fine.
You're going to be fine, she repeated to herself as she squared her shoulders.
Azriel was waiting for her as she left the bedroom, in a quiet conversation with Rhys and Cassian. He looked up as soon as he came out, his expression softening.
His eyes widened momentarily as a breath caught in his throat at the sight of her in that dress, and a small smile started spreading across his lips.
"Eira," he said quietly, taking a tentative step towards her. "You...You look beautiful, sweetheart."
She gave a shaky smile, her eyes meeting his as those familiar little butterflies came to life in her belly.
"Thank you," she whispered, her heart fluttering at the affectionate endearment.
"Ready?" Rhys asked.
She exhaled, steadying her breathing, willing her trembling body to not shake.
Eira gave a shaky nod, even as the familiar anxiousness threatened to overwhelm her, and she swallowed past the lump forming in her throat.
"Ready," she whispered.
She just needed...She reached out for Azriel's hand before she could help herself, not caring how inappropriate this was. They weren't married, they weren't even engaged and still, she claimed his hand with hers, threading her fingers through his.
The feeling of scarred skin against her home, grounded her, giving her something to hang onto. 
The shadows that kept closer to him than usual, hiding behind the wings he had snapped close to his body, dusted over her arms for just a moment, like they wanted to assure Eira that they were there as well, before returning to their mater, leaving her with a few wrapped around her wrist and another tendril keeping her skirt in place. 
For a brief moment, Azriel looked down at where their fingers were woven together, before lifting his head again and giving her fingers a firm, reassuring squeeze. She felt his warmth through his skin, the steady beat of his pulse, and it was comforting...comforting to know that he was right next to her.
She took a few more, deep breaths, the anxiety continuing to flutter in her stomach, but...
But Azriel was here, she reasoned.
Azriel was right there...right next to her, holding her hand...and she could do this. She could get through this. All she had to do was stay close to him.
They were let to a dining room, with high ceilings, beautifully appointed in white and gold. 
“I swear I told them to put white jasmine and blush roses in here and not yellow carnations and orange lilies!” she heard her sister’s voice before she saw her. 
Seconds later, she got her first glance at her twin sister. Lucien and she made a lovely couple, always had. And Elain did look as utterly beautiful as she always had. Elain had always been extraordinarily lovely, but that hadn't changed in her transformation into a High Fae. Now she was utterly beautiful. 
Even when… with a blink Eira realised how harried-looking Elain was, fiddling with the flowers on the table.  Her heart clenched at the sight of her, mixed with the swirling, anxious emotions in her stomach, and she couldn't help the shuddering breath that escaped her as they walked into the room.
Azriel's hand clenched around hers.
Her eyes snapped to his. His face was a mask of ice. She had never seen him look ...like that before. Never seen...this tightly controlled murderous rage.
The shadow tightened around her wrist. She wasn't sure if it was in warning, but she didn't care anyway.
He was hers. Hers in every bit of this murderous rage. 
They came to a halt, and she felt the way Azriel clenched his jaw as his eyes met with Elain's across the room.
He was furious, she could practically feel the rage simmering under the surface, the only thing keeping him in check was his ironclad control...and the fact that he was holding onto her hand.
She would leave the diplomacy to Feyre and Rhys, the useless pretty words. She didn’t trust herself to say anything that was actually nice. Instead, she tugged Azriel along to find their seats at the table, pasting a smile on her face.
They sat at the table, and Azriel kept a firm hold of her hand, never loosening his grip on her. The shadows kept themselves firmly around her wrist and continued to cling unto her, even as they settled into place at the table.
And a part of her could feel how Azriel was tensed, how he was wound up so tight she was afraid he might snap.
Cassian sat down next to Azriel, with Nesta bracketing Eira's other side, fully ignoring whatever seating arrangement had been put down by the Day Court. 
Eira wasn’t stupid, she knew exactly why Cassian had been put there. In the event of Azriel losing his temper, Cassian may had a chance at subduing him. Though she somehow doubted that would actually work. 
With them right there, and Azriel holding onto her hand, she felt...steady. She felt secure...secure enough to withstand this dreaded luncheon.
Feyre and Rhys sat down next to Helion, Lucien and Elain, and she could feel the tension in the room.
She could sense Elain's gaze on her, sitting directly across from her. , but didn't dare to meet her eyes as the anxiousness roiled in her stomach, even as Azriel's fingers continued to grasp hers, and one of the shadows curled around her wrist, giving a small, reassuring little squeeze.
"It's so nice that you could make it," Elain said, a smile on her face, masking her nervousness. She was glancing at the shadows that were topping up Eira’s water glass, clearly making a pest out of themselves, to put bread on her plate and drag the butter dish closer to her. 
For just one moment Eira wondered if they did that on purpose. Were they trying to scare Elain?
"We wouldn't have wanted to miss this," Feyre said, her voice carefully neutral.
There was a stiffness in the air, palpable enough that it could be cut with a knife, the tension as so thick that one could drown in it, and Eira just sat there, her fingers tightly wrapped around Azriel's hand.
There was a moment of silence, where nobody commented.
And then...her heart hammered against her ribs, her stomach twisting in knots, as those doe-like brown eyes landed directly on her. "You look...good, Eira. Healthy. I hope everything healed well," Elain said sweetly.
Her breath caught in her throat as she fought down the nausea that welled up in her stomach, and she forced a tight smile onto her lips.
"Everything healed up just fine," she said, her voice shaking, only to be steadied by the firm squeeze Azriel gave her hand.
It was the truth. Nothing but a thin white line underneath her left breast. Nobody but her would probably ever see it. 
"And the... lightning ?" Lucien wondered. "I hope your cauldron-given gift didn't give you too much trouble," he quipped, clearly trying to lighten the mood. “Elain mentioned that you…defended yourself quite well.”
The nausea that welled up in her throat was nearly immediate. Defended herself. She had defended herself. She had also killed 4 males. 
"Lightning?" The High Lord of Day asked, sounding fascinated. He was looking at her like she was an exceptionally interesting specimen.  
Her stomach roiled, the nausea continuing to grow inside her, as her heart thundered in her chest.
“No,” Eira said, struggling to keep her voice even. “It...It wasn’t too much trouble,” she continued, even as the nausea continued to rise, and she felt like she might retch all over the table.
"She's learning to control it," Rhys said evenly. "She's doing as well as one could expect."
Her heart fluttered at Rhys’ words. He was trying his best to...deflect the attention away from her. Trying to help.
“So she really can generate lightning then?” Helion spoke up, sounding utterly fascinated.
"She can," Rhys confirmed, his voice even. His words were simple, but the tone of them was almost warning, and she could feel Azriel tense even more next to her. And that was enough to pique Helion’s interest.
“Extraordinary,” he said, and he sounded way too fascinated with her wretched blessing.
Her heart skipped a beat, the nausea continuing to grow in her stomach until she feared she might vomit at any moment. Her hand clenched around Azriel's, fingers practically digging into his skin, while the shadows around her wrist squeezed reassuringly. And all the while, she could feel Elain's eyes on her, her stare practically boring into her.
"Do the shadows help control it?" Elain asked hesitantly. Only now, Eira realised that more had come to swarm around her, banding around her midsection and chest, like trailing black ribbons. Their touch was gentle, and soft. 
"No," came Azriel's reply, and his voice was so filled with cold fury that she was amazed he could even get the words out.
He was tense, like a coiled spring, holding onto her hand like a lifeline, while the shadows continued to cling to her, continuing to twine around her wrist in a firm, reassuring grip.
"They like touching Eira because she's Azriel's mate," Cassian said, his voice icy. Her heart stuttered in her chest at Cassian's words.
His blunt, to-the-point declaration of her belonging to Azriel...the words had stunned her, and it seemed they had stunned Elain too if the way that she stiffened was any indicative.
"Ah, yes...we should talk about that," Helion said with a sigh. "Elain?"
The tension in the room immediately ratcheted up even more higher, and Eira could feel it, as a chill settled over the room. She was so tense, she was struggling just to breathe, and her hand was trembling where it was held in Azriel’s ironclad grip.
"I am sorry," Elain said quietly.
Her heart skipped a beat at her twin sister’s words, her stomach twisting in knots, as her eyes flicked towards her. Elain’s voice was soft but sincere, and her brown eyes were wide and vulnerable, and there were tears in her eyes... Tears in her eyes as she spoke.
"I am sorry, Eira," she said again, her voice trembling. “For...for everything.”
And suddenly...suddenly the fear, the nervousness went away, replaced with ice-cold anger. "You are sorry ," she repeated flatly. Sorry .
The anger in her voice was not missed, and she heard Nesta and Feyre inhale sharply. Elain's eyes widened at the tone in her voice...at the anger in Eira’s words, and she gave a small, shaky nod, her chin trembling slightly.
"I am sorry. I shouldn't have...I shouldn't have...I shouldn't have tried to keep you and Azriel away from each other. I was...I shouldn't have done that."
Eira clenched her jaw, the anger still boiling in her blood as she continued to hold her sister’s gaze.
"No," she replied, her voice so flat it was as if it was made of ice. "You shouldn’t have done that," she repeated coldly. "But that's not all you did, Elain," she spat out. "You saw that vision. You know what you did." What she had done. Namely, keep Eira's babies from being born .
Her heart lurched in her chest, and she felt Azriel squeeze her hand tightly as if he knew what had been going through her thoughts.
Her throat was tight, and her breathing was laboured, as she continued to hold her sister’s gaze, her eyes cold and furious as she spoke.
"You did a lot more than keeping me away from Azriel',” she hissed.
And the worst part was, her sister didn’t even try to deny what she had done. Didn’t even try to fight back. All she could do was sit there, looking like a wounded puppy, which only fuelled the anger in Eira’s chest.
“You tried to take everything from me,” she hissed again.
"It all worked out!" Elain defended herself. "You and Azriel seem to be..."
She couldn’t be serious, could she? 
It all worked out?
It all worked out?!?
"It is not all ‘worked out’!" she snapped, her voice cracking as she fought back a frustrated scream bubbling in her chest. "You tried to take everything from me!" she repeated, tears burning at the corners of her eyes. The tears weren't for her. 
The tears were for her babies. 
The anger ratcheted in her chest and she could feel the lightning underneath her skin, begging to be released. Begging for her to let go of her grip on it and let it find its target. Let it find Elain. Let it hit her. 
She clenched her jaw, forcing that feeling down, as she met her sister’s eyes with a cold glare. "You tried to take my children from me," she hissed at Elain. " My children. "
The temperature in the room seemed to drop to below freezing, and she could feel Nesta and Feyre’s gazes on her. She didn’t care though. Her eyes were entirely focused on her twin, and the words had come out in a deadly hiss, the anger steaming out of her in waves.
"You tried to take our babies ," she repeated, her words cracking again as she spoke.
She felt Azriel’s grip on her hand tighten even more, the shadows clinging to her wrist once more, as if trying to both keep her grounded and hold her back.
And it was the only thing keeping her from lunging across the table and grabbing her sister by the throat.
Her skin was itchy, that strange, foreign energy writhing underneath the surface, and she fought to keep it reined in, to keep it from escaping, even as the room went silent, the tension so palpable you could taste it in the air.
It hurt, keeping it restrained, and her heart thudded against her ribs, her breath coming in quick, ragged gasps.
Her whole body was tense, and all she wanted was to let the lightning free. To let it roar.
"You are my twin sister, Elain," she said, biting out every word. "We spend 9 months sharing our mother's womb. I trusted you with my life. And you did this to me."
Her sister just sat there, her eyes wide and watery, as if somehow even that had been a shock to her.
"We spent years together," she continued, her words sharp and cold. "I never thought I would need to worry about you betraying me."
Her chest hurt like something was sitting on it, making it hard to breathe, as she continued to hold Elain’s gaze.
Elain’s eyes were wide, watery, and wounded, and she might have been almost sorry that she looked so hurt…if not for the fact that Elain was the one who had caused Eira to be in this position in the first place. Elain was the one who did this to her…hurt her so badly she didn’t know if it’d ever heal.
"I…I…" Elain started, her voice cracking. She looked like she was going to cry, and Eira felt herself waver slightly at the sight of her distraught expression. But then…her mind flashed back to the vision of her daughter , so small and beautiful…and that small, weak flutter of sympathy in her chest died.
"I trusted you," she hissed, her voice thick as she desperately tried to hold back the tears that were burning at the corners of her eyes. "I trusted you and look what you did to me. What you took from me."
Her sister let out a watery gasp, her lower lip quivering, and the tears slid silently down her face. And for a moment, Eira felt her resolve waver…only to remember the image of those two babies. The ones that should have been hers.
Anger flared again at that thought, her heart squeezing in her chest, as her breath hitched.
All the sympathy that she had felt was gone, and all that was left was the all-consuming rage coursing through her veins.
She had every right to be angry, she told herself. She had every right to feel this way.
She was so angry, so incandescent with rage, that her entire body was shaking, and she felt like she needed to just scream. To shout and rage and fight…fighting was all she wanted to do.
She gritted her teeth, her fingers wrapping tightly around Azriel’s hand, as she tried desperately to rein in the storm of emotions warring within her chest.
Azriel’s grip on her hand tightened as if he was sensing how close she was to breaking.
“Eira...” Elain said tremulously. Her sister’s voice was quiet, almost timid, and it was enough to snap something within her.
"Don’t. Don’t speak to me. You are the last person who gets to speak to me right now," she snarled, her voice cold as steel. "I loved you," Eira snapped. "I loved you and you did this to me. And now you want to tell me that everything is alright because it WORKED OUT?!"
Her sister looked like she was going to start sobbing, her lower lip quivering faintly, while her brown eyes were like large, round pools. But Eira was done feeling sorry for her. Done feeling sympathy towards her.
“You don’t get to talk to me about what’s alright or not,” she hissed, fighting the urge to reach forward and throttle her. "I just want to know one thing. Why?" she snapped." WHY? Why did you do it?” she shouted bitterly.
Elain looked like she had absolutely no idea how to answer that. She looked like a lost child, and it took all of Eira’s strength to keep her seat and not lunge across the table to grab her by the shoulders and shake her.
She knew her eyes were probably like ice when they met her sister’s, and her glare was hard as steel as she waited for her answer. "Why?" Eira repeated icily.
Her sister’s lower lip was trembling, just as much as her shoulders, as she raised her head to meet Eira’s furious glare.
"I…" Her voice was small and watery, and her eyes were now wide and pleading. "I…I was jealous," Elain whispered.
Eira’s jaw dropped at the words. At the admission, she had just heard. She wasn’t sure what she had been expecting her sister to say, but a quiet confession of jealousy hadn’t been it.
Her sister’s chin trembled, her shoulders hunching slightly as she let out another sniffle. She sounded utterly small and looked almost pathetic in that moment as she slowly raised her head to meet her sister’s eyes.
“Of you and Azriel,” Elain admitted, her voice quiet, and trembling. "You...we just...we just got out of the cauldron and this was...one of the first things I saw. You didn't have visions. You weren't going insane. You...you adjusted so much quicker. Not a week later and you were making soup in the kitchen in the House of Wind and...you…were alright."
Eira thought back to these first few days after the cauldron. Thought back to the terror that had clawed under her skin. Thought back to too loud noises and every piece of clothing feeling like sandpaper against her skin. 
She thought back to how she hadn’t been able to sleep. How she had locked herself in the bathing chamber to hysterically break down because she had never wanted it. How she had pulled at her ears, too big, too pointy. How she had wanted to cut them off. How she had wanted to die. How she had thought that throwing herself off the balcony would be a solution . 
"I locked myself into the closet. I hid underneath the bed. I rocked back and forth and back and forth and hummed to myself to stop hearing heartbeats and breathing and birds," Eira spat out. "Yes, I was making soup. For you. Because somebody needed to," Eira said, her voice icy. “I wasn’t alright, Elain. I kept stuffing my ears with cotton wool for the better part of 2 years so I could sleep!”
Her sister looked like she was going to start crying yet again, her shoulders shaking with silent sobs, and it only fuelled the rage in Eira’s chest. 
“You were jealous of that ? Jealous that I was making soup? That I was taking care of you?” she repeated, her tone hard and cold. “Of the fact that I was trying to make a positive out of a shitty situation. That I was trying to move on with my life? That I tried not to give Feyre another thing to worry about? And you were jealous? Jealous of what ?!" 
Of the breakdowns she had daily? 
Her sister didn’t reply, her shoulders shaking as if she was trying to hold back a sob
“You were jealous of the fact that I was trying not to scream, not to break down crying,” she repeated, her voice now dangerously quiet. “Of the fact that I wasn’t moping around feeling sorry for myself, because somebody needed to make sure that you didn’t starve to death? That I was trying not to give Feyre or anyone any more of my baggage?”
"And that you got Azriel," Elain whispered. "You got...I saw you with him. With a kind man. I saw these children and I was...I wanted that. I wanted what that vision promised you. So I thought that if I..."
Her breath caught in her throat at her sister’s words, her heart twisting in her chest.
It was sick, what she had done. Horrible. And part of her had known that Elain had a crush on Azriel…but Eira had never thought she’d be spiteful enough to try and rip her children away from her just for that.
“So you wanted it," she stated coldly, her eyes like chips of ice. "You wanted what you saw me having. So you tried to take it for yourself.”
Her sister’s shoulders slumped, and she looked small and pathetic as she curled in on herself. That rage and anger were still burning hot inside her, but along with it, there was the slightest flicker of sympathy starting to burn within her again.
And Eira hated it. Hated that part of her that still felt sorry for her, even after what Elain had done. 
"And later? After you and Lucien figured things out?" Why did you continue it?" she snapped.
Her sister’s face screwed up, and she looked like she wanted to burst into tears yet again. Her chin quivered, her entire form trembling. And she looked so small and fragile, that that small flicker of sympathy flared again within her, and Eira found herself hating it.
"I was...I was angry," Elain muttered softly. "I was furious. I thought Azriel and I...there was something growing between us and then he...he called trying to kiss me a mistake."
Her sister’s voice was quiet and sad, and Eira could see her eyes glistening with unshed tears.
"Because it was," Azriel said, his voice quiet. "It was a mistake. You had a mate that was literally sleeping upstairs. I never should have laid a single finger on you."
Her sister flinched at Azriel's words and hunched even further in on herself, as if she wanted to crawl into a corner.  "Later it was revenge on me, wasn’t it?" Azriel said, ice dripping from his voice. 
Her sister looked as if she couldn't quite meet Azriel's gaze, her eyes lowered onto the table, her body trembling. She nodded. 
And part of the anger that was currently roiling within Eira burned hotter at that. How dare she look so pathetic now, like she was the damn victim and everything that had happened was Eira’s fault?
Eira’s free hand clenched into fists, and she could feel the sparks dancing across her skin, the strange energy writhing beneath the surface. Azriel, noticing this, gripped her hand tighter, his shadows snaking around her wrist again as they tried to rein in those sparks of lightning.
She didn’t want to hurt him. 
That was what made her reign it in. 
She was still boiling with rage, the anger thrumming through her veins like fire, and she desperately tried to calm herself, tried to get a hold of her temper.
She didn’t want to cause any damage, to break anything or hurt anyone, and the part of her that was still rational, still logical, forced her to rein in whatever was itching to get out. She breathed in and out, forcing herself to calm as those sparks danced across her fingers, and those shadows snaked up her arm. A part of her couldn’t help but notice how Elain’s eyes kept darting to the sparks and the shadows, her body tensing every time they appeared, and a small, vindictive part of her couldn’t help but be glad of it.
Her head was throbbing as that rage continued to thrum through her, but she took in another breath, forcing her mind to concentrate on the sensation of Azriel’s hand wrapped around her own. His skin was warm against hers. 
"I hope nobody ever does the same to you," Eira finally said, her voice quiet.
Her sister lifted her gaze, her eyes watery, and she looked as if she’d been slapped. She looked as if she was shocked at her words.
There was another pause, another silence, as the two sisters sat facing each other, and her words hung in the air.
Elain’s chin trembled again, as if she was fighting the urge to burst into tears once more. 
"I think we can all agree that Elain did not handle this...properly," Lucien said carefully.
Lucien’s words broke the silence, and Eira couldn’t help but feel a pang of irritation as he spoke. 
"No, she surely didn't," Rhys said, his voice dripping with disdain.
Her sister flinched at Rhys’s words, as if she had been struck, and her shoulders drooped even further than before. 
"I think that's an understatement," Nesta snapped.
Her sister’s eyes widened as if the sound of Nesta’s voice startled her. Elain’s head jerked to look over at her eldest sister, who was scowling at Elain with an almost furious look of disapproval.
Eira almost felt a little bad for her sister at that look in Nesta’s eyes, but that sympathy was quickly squashed as she remembered the pain that her sister had put her through.
Her chest ached, the memory of what she had lost still too fresh and raw, and a part of her knew that it would take a long time for the pain to subside.
And even then, she wasn’t sure if she would ever be able to forget what Elain did to her, and that knowledge sat like a lead weight in her stomach, making her feel like she was going to be sick.
Elain shrunk back at the look on Nesta’s face, her eyes even wider as she looked over at her eldest sister. And for a moment, just for a moment, it looked as if Nesta was going to reach across the table and smack her sister. The eldest sister’s hands were clenched into fists, and she looked like she was restraining herself, only just managing to rein in her own temper.
A pause. Another silence. Elain sat, looking small and fragile across the table, Lucien’s chair positioned right beside hers with a possessive arm wrapped over the back.
Azriel’s hand was still gripping hers. He was still sitting beside her, the Shadowsinger’s eyes glittering with fury whenever he looked over at her sister. And his fingers were still rubbing gentle circles on her wrist, the shadows still coiled against her skin, and Eira couldn’t tell if he was doing it to comfort her or himself.
"I am going to say this now," Azriel said quietly. " Once . If you ever do anything remotely similar to your sister again, it will not end well. Do you understand me?"
Elain’s chin quivered, and she looked as if she was struggling to keep herself from bursting into tears again.
She swallowed as Azriel’s words, before slowly lifting her head, forcing herself to meet his eyes with her own. “I…” She took in another shuddering breath. “I understand,” she whispered.
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gn4bnahc · 5 months
You, not her
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Pairing: Bangchan x Fem!Reader
Genre: Fluff, Angst, Smut
CW: Car sex, riding, fingering, unprotected sex, corruption kink, insecurities. Idk what else
This is just fiction!
P.S. Theres twitter/X vid links
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Chan's parents were very wealthy. His parents and your parents were friends. Your parents had the idea to make your sister date Chan, but little did they know, Chan had a crush on you.
You go home from school seeing Chan and his parents sitting on the couch with your parents and your sister, Bella. You smile at them a little bit, before going upstairs.
Chan looks at you as you go upstairs. “Who was that?”, Chan whispers to Bella, “That was my sister, y/n, don’t mind her”, Bella says in a flirtatious tone while clinging on his arm.
“Y/n!!”, your parents shout, calling you to go down. You go downstairs, “hm?”, “join us here”, “oh uh okay”, you say as you sit down facing Chan.
You notice he keeps looking at you. You try your best not to look at him. “Y/n this is Chan, your sister’s soon to be you know”, your mom whispers but you were sure everybody could hear her.
“Oh right you should eat first before you go”, your mom says as they follow her to the dining table. Chan sits beside your sister, facing you, your mom places down the food on the table, “Come on eat up”, your mom says as she sits down.
You see Bella wearing the hair clip that you just bought, Chan noticed you looking down, fidgeting with your fingers. As you expected, everyone was putting their attention to your sister, she was always the amazing one, the pretty one, the smart one, the talented one, the perfect one, and you, you were just there.
Chan kept staring at you, you minding your own business, quiet, just listening to your parents talk about Bella.
You finished your food, Chan saw you went out the house, but the rest didn’t even care.
You went out to go to the park. Chan just wanted to go now, he didn’t want to listen to your parents babbling about Bella.
When they were all finished eating, they said goodbye to eachother. Chan’s parents went home, but Chan told his parents he’s going to the park.
As Chan walked to the park, he saw you, sitting on the bench, looking at the sky, he sat down beside you, “Hey”, “Oh hi Chan”, you smiled at him, making his heart melt, “Why are you here?”, he says looking at you, “Shouldn’t I be the one asking you that?”, you say as he chuckles, “Well i’m here because I wanted to get some fresh air”, he says while smiling at you, “I go here every night, I love this place, this were I mostly cry, I just stare at the stars”, you say while looking down, “Cry?”, “Yeah”, you say as you look down. “I noticed you were very quiet a while ago”, “Oh yeah I don’t really talk much, no one really listens to me”, you say while looking at the sky as he stares at you, “I’m here, i’ll listen”, he says as you chuckle, “Why are you even talking to me”, you sigh, “Because you seem like a interesting person”, “Me?”, “Who else am I talking to”, “Okay, it’s just people always put their attention to my sister, I can’t even argue with them cause Bella is very pretty, Im just a basic girl, a very unattractive one actually”, you say while he’s here shocked, “Are you serious right now? You’re so pretty”, he says as you giggle shyly, “No one has ever called me pretty”, he kisses your cheek while holding your hand, “Woah what was that for?”, “Oh nothing”, he says teasingly while smiling, “Anyways can I have your number?”, “Oh uh sure”, he takes your phone, he is so happy right now that he keeps putting in the wrong number.
Chan has been inlove with you since he saw you at school.
He accidentally dropped his things and as you helped him pick it up, he looks up at you, when he saw you giving his things while smiling cutely, he knew you were the girl of his dreams, “Thank you”, he says as you run away, he was devastated that he didn’t get to ask your name.
That night Chan slept while smiling, imagining scenarios of you and him, you, berry and him, walking on the beach together, you and him eating ice cream together, him cuddling you on the bed, humming while placing kisses on your forehead. Man he was head over heels.
The next day Chan comes to your house. He knocks on the door, waiting for you, he knew you were alone today so he wanted to take you out.
You open the door, you see him with a bouquet of flowers, his dimples showing, “What are you doing here?”, “Let’s go out”, “I’m not dressed properly”, “Ok i’ll give you time”, he says while still smiling widely. He waits patiently, excited that he will take you out, you walk down the stairs, he couldn’t take his eyes off you, “What are you looking at?”, you say while staring down shyly, he kisses you on the cheek, “so beautiful”, he says as you smile like an idiot. You take the flowers as you go to his car.
You go to his car, he opens the door for you, admiring you. He goes in the car, “Where are we going?”, “It’s a supriiise”, he says in teasing way, making you smiling widely. As he drives, he holds your hand, kissing it every minute.
You guys finally arrived at your destination. Chan opens the door for you, holding your hand as you go out, “Woah this is beautiful, Chan”, he took you to a private picnic with lights around it, “Meh, you’re much more beautiful”, he says teasingly, smiling at you, holding your hand.
You both sit down, he takes out the food in the basket, “Did you make all this?”, “Mhm”, “Woah”, he goes closer to you, feeding you, as you chew your food he keeps kissing you on the cheek, smiling while clinging on you. While he was kissing you on the cheek, you turn to him, kissing him on the lips, at first he was shocked, but as time passed by the kiss got more heated, he slowly takes off your sundress, “No bra?”, he grabs your breasts, circling your nipples, he slowly goes down, his hand in your panties, he slowly circles your clit, you moan as you guys kiss, “Cha…a…nnie…”, “Whats that baby?”, “Pleasee…”, he lays you down, unbuttoning his pants, taking of his shirt, you look at his boxers, you could already see how hard he was, he takes his boxers off, his cock springs out, “Chan, I never done this before”, “Shh baby, i’ll be gentle mkay?”, “Okay”. He goes down, licking your entrance, circling your clit with his thumb, you moan loudly, he spits on your cunt, getting ready to put his dick in. He slowly enters, “Chan… you… you’re s… so big”, “Im pretty big aren’t I, yeaaah”, he starts off slow, but as time passes by, his thrusts gets harder, better, faster, he fucks you right there, not caring if anyone sees you.
When it was finally night time, both of you lay down, “The stars are so pretty, but you’re prettier”, Chan says as he slowly places his hand on your clit, rubbing it, you grab on his cock, slowly stroking it, he puts a finger in, fingering you, you stroking his dick as you stargaze.
The date was finally over. “Aww I wanted to spend more time with you”, he says while pouting, “You did great today, because of that you get a kiss”, he looks at you suprised, you kiss him on the cheek, even though it was only on the cheek, he didn’t care, he was blushing so hard, “Why are you even blushing that hard, you’re acting like you didn’t just put your dick in my cunt and finger me”, you say as he chuckles.
Before you went out of the car, he stops you, “I have something for you”, he takes out an expensive necklace, “Chan, I can’t accept this, this is very valuable”, “I don’t care, you look so beautiful with it, but even without it you’re still beautiful”, he smiles at you, his dimples showing as you chuckle.
The next day, Chan sees you putting things in your locker. He goes towards you, you see him, you close your locker and quickly ran away, he was confused why you ran away, it’s like you’re pretending nothing happened yesterday. He sees you in the hallways, when you see him, you quickly try to run away, but not this time, he quickly grabs your hand, “Hah! there you are, why do you keep running away, it’s like you’re avoiding me…”, “What… No… I…”, “You’re definitely avoiding me, did I do something wrong? did you not enjoy the thing that happened yesterday? was I too rough? did I stretch you out that much?”, he says as he looks at you worried, “No… it’s just…”, the bell rings, “Oh look! I’m gonna be late for class… haha…”.
It was night time, Chan knew you were at the park. As Chan goes to the park, he sees you covering your face while crying, he ran fast, he hugs you, “Hey… hey… I’m here, just let it all out, mkay”, “Chan… the reason I was avoiding you was because, when I came home late, they asked where I went, I said I was with you, they got mad and told me to not go near you anymore and of course I followed cause I’m a coward”, you say as he kisses your forehead while hugging you, “Chan this is wrong… you shouldn’t be here with me…”, “What’s wrong with being inlove? Y/n ever since you helped me pick up my things, I was inlove with you, your smile lights the whole place up, I know I didn’t completely know you that time, but I knew that you were the one”, “Why? Why not Bella? Bella is so much more prettier than me, she’s basically perfect, why are you settling for less when you can settle for more? Chan, you can get any girl that you want, but why did you have to pick me?”, “Cause… I love you, not her, period”, he caresses your cheek, you suddenly pull him into a kiss, he carries you, he opens his car, he lays you down the front seat , he notices there’s something in your hand, “What’s that in your hands?”, “Oh it’s nothing”, “Come on let me see”, in your hand was a heart shaped pendant with his initial and your initial in it, “Woah baby, is this supposed to be for me?”, “Yeah… I just thought that you won’t like it, because it’s nothing compared to the expensive jewelry you have…”, “Baby, this is the most expensive jewelry I have ever received”, “Can I put it on you?”, you say as he nods, you both sit up, you put it on him, “I’m gonna wear it everyday”, he says as he puts you on top of him, taking off his pants, and taking off your panties, he puts his cock in you, “So beautiful”, he slaps your ass, you kiss him as he thrusts his dick in you, fucking you in his car, the windows didn’t have a tint, people outside could see you both fucking inside, but both of you didn’t care at all.
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daintcas · 6 months
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lady killers ˗ˏˋ rafe cameron !
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"man i'm a lady killer, if i want her i'mma steal her" / g-eazy
pairing. dealer!rafe cameron x innocent(ish)!reader
summary. his constant cycle of partying with privilege grants him anything he wants, until you show up to break the pattern.
contains. alcohol and drug use, tension, sexually suggestive, implied age gap, cliffhanger
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the lifestyle comes with its perks, constantly surrounded by pretty girls who were more than willing to follow him upstairs. direct access to any substance he wanted, displayed messily across the polished coffee table at all times. not to mention the adrenaline-boosting boom of a surrounding party in some kid's ridiculously expensive house - thrown almost nightly.
it became a normality for him, whether or not he realized how unhealthy his habits may be. blinded by the attention, money, and already through-the-roof addition of popularity, the boy let himself be overcome by it all. but hey, isn't this how you're supposed to live life after graduation?
you, on the other hand, were never overly thrilled at the idea of occupying your time with what seemed to be an endless string of these things. that being said, it wasn't an unfamiliar scene after having wasted a couple of saturdays with friends before.
you also weren't one to deny the opportunity for a good night. which is why you didn't put up much of a fight when none other than sarah cameron insisted on your presence at a party she was hosting in her family's mansion.
she was friendly enough, but not to the extent of being by your side for the duration of the whole night because of an invite most likely given out to everyone in her contacts - that part had you a bit nervous. the idea of being stranded in a room full of highly intoxicated kids you hardly knew.
all precautions were eventually thrown out the window when you found yourself getting all dolled up in the bathroom mirror. mascara turning out perfect over a flawless base, hair down and flowing neatly, a strapless pale pink sundress you'd bought with sarah weeks ago tying it all together.
with one final application of lipgloss over expertly lined lips and a brief pose checking your reflection, you were headed out. fresh acrylics plucking your keys from the household bowl and looking down at your phone to check the time just as it rings, stopping your hand from unlocking the front door.
a sigh escapes you as you juggle everything in your hands to bring the device to your ear after blindly swiping to answer. a loud shout of your name has you flinching and furrowing your brows in confusion - and maybe annoyance. "yeah? hello?"
"c'mon, i'm outside!" a girl all but yells and it isn't until you hear a sweet, enthusiastic laugh that you recognize the voice.
"sarah?" you ask, though already having discarded the keys and slipped on your shoes lying ready by the doormat.
"let's go! i've got a party to entertain," the words are followed by the muffled sound of her shifting around, and you take it as your grace period to get outside before she takes off.
throwing open the door and hurrying down the steps of the front porch, you can't help but smile at the girl sitting in the driver's seat of a black jeep. beaming over at you, she hangs up the phone and ushers you over to the otherwise vacant car with a flailing hand.
the trip to tannyhill is filled with wide smiles and giggles over speakers blaring iconic summer songs. windows rolled down to take in an orangey-pink sky from the setting sun - which almost distracts from how sharp sarah takes what seems to be every turn in town.
the suv eventually comes to a stop after sliding down into the basement garage that screams wealth, right past all the cars lined up along the street. sarah hops out and offers a toothy grin while tossing her sunglasses in the center console.
"i'm so happy you're finally at one of my parties," she says while taking your hand and eagerly leading the way upstairs, her own dress swaying as she walks.
"me too," is all you offer in response, too entranced by the new level of rich that surrounds you while following blindly.
the mansion feels more like a maze as sarah leads you down and around hallways not yet crowded with partygoers. but, the blasting of music that vibrates the house says otherwise.
moonlight quickly replaces the sunshine, making visibility near impossible as you enter where the mass of everyone is. still hand in hand with sarah, you take the chance to look around.
between all the groups in the kitchen and on a makeshift dance floor, it's someone sitting among a circle of couches and chairs that has you doing a double take. turning back the second time is when you recognize the boy with his eyes still glued on you, wiping under his nose, to be rafe.
you don't miss the lazy smirk he shoots before sarah tugs you back to reality, finally dropping your hand and turning to stand face-to-face with the same excited smile.
"you'll be fine if i go say hi to a few people?" she asks, glancing across your face to genuinely gauge your feelings.
"'course. thanks, sarah," you answer convincingly enough that she's scurrying off to talk with whoever awaits her presence.
the best option you conclude is to go straight for the drinks. a quick scan of the counter and you're grabbing a red solo cup to fill with the first bottle you can get your hands on.
"better take slow sips of that," a voice behind you says, low and close enough to know it's you they're addressing. startled, you turn around, only to be face to face with rafe cameron. he must notice the way you tilt your head up with wide eyes, because he takes the opportunity to eye you up and step closer.
"you friends with sarah?" he asks as you set down the bottle of alcohol on the counter behind you, nodding casually - even with the way he's watching your every move so intently.
"mhm," you muster up, naturally a bit nervous standing under the mercy of 'kook prince' himself.
"yeahhh.." he draws out while taking a greedy eyeful of your whole being, tongue pressed to his cheek and making no effort to hide his arrogant smirk. there's a pause before he's nodding back towards the lounge he was previously sat without taking his eyes off you - your body. "y'wanna come with me and try the good shit?"
you look down at your cup when he taps it, swishing the cheap liquid while thinking over his offer. it doesn't take long before you're looking back up with a hesitant shake of your head and a small smile, murmuring, "don't think so.. not really my thing."
he tsks and shakes his head, taking it upon himself to ease the cup from your hand and positioning himself closer. he tilts his head to purposefully look down on you and get in your face, a smirk still present as he speaks lowly, "aww, c'mon. i'll keep you safe."
a nervous laugh and involuntary flush of your cheeks has you unable to refuse. rubbing your lip with a shy nod - admittedly not the most well-thought-out decision - and he's got a hand on your lower back to guide you, following close enough behind to allow his eyes to flicker subtly below your dress.
you approach the collection of seats, wary but not completely oblivious. rafe sits you down on a loveseat, hand moving to wrap around your waist and pull you to his side. the attention from this boy blurs the scene around you, rolled bills on the table, and various baggies with a particular white substance.
"so, um, what's the.. 'good' stuff?" you ask tentatively, looking up at him and shifting in the seat.
"'s all right here, baby," his grin is almost malicious and his eyes shamelessly drop to your lips. removing the arm around you, he spreads his legs and lifts his hips to fish for something in his back pocket.
you take the opportunity to look around at his company and it's no surprise to find topper and kelce among other random guys - even a couple girls who admittedly look a bit older than you and sarah. before processing the thought, you're looking to rafe for reassurance.
he, however, is focused intently on setting up a line of powder on your side of the table with a sharp black card. he sits back with a satisfied grin and looks over at you. "first one's free."
you stare up at him with big, cautious eyes for a moment before turning to the intimidatingly thick string of white.
he chuckles and uses a finger to smudge the neat line, collecting a less daunting amount on the digit. a nod of his head signals he wants you closer, so you do, positioning your body to face him.
snaking a hand to hold firmly behind your neck, he tilts your head back only slightly and prepares to bring his finger to your nose. a raise of his brow asks for permission and you nod.
the substance shoots through you unexpectedly quick which has you screwing your eyes shut and wincing. the reaction only amuses rafe and he moves the arm around your shoulder and tugs you into him once again.
finding solace in the embrace, you allow yourself to sink into his chest - an unsafe level of vulnerability. everything is loud, the booming of music and people feeling increasingly suffocating.
rafe laughs again, smirking in a way that now seems taunting. he takes a good look at you before leaning in to let his warm breath brush against your ear. "y'know, you're real pretty."
that's when you really think about what's happening right now. laying against rafe cameron - who for one reason or another seems to have taken a liking to you. the drug pumping through you and butterflies in your stomach has your heart beating with excitement.
it also has you fluttering your lashes up at rafe with a dopey smile, telling him all he needs to know. all it took was a dot of coke and he's got you right where he wants you.
"why don't you let me take you upstairs?" he presses in a way that shows the line has worked a million times before.
but who are you to turn him down? there's no denying how tempting he is and your attraction towards him. but instead, you shrug and look around in search of sarah.
it takes a minute before you catch her eyes and are met with a concerned yet angry expression. she's quickly by your side and pulling you up from the couch, glaring down at her brother.
"leave my friends alone, rafe." with that, sarah is tugging you away and back through the crowd. your hazy state makes it hard to resist, but you manage to look back at the boy on the couch. he's sitting back, clearly amused but not deterred.
a wink is all he gives before paying his attention back to his friends, leaving you to wonder what all of this meant.
one thing about rafe, though, is when he sets his sights on something - someone - he gets what he wants. he knows he will, and you're no exception.
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blue-sadie · 1 year
Can I request Tonowari, Jake Sully, Neytiri and Ronal react to a busty fem!human please 😫
Hard Stares
Jake, Neytiri x Human Reader x Tonowari, Ronal
Summary: their eyes where looking at anything but your face
Warning: reader got curves
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Yn/3rd person pov
You were one of the new scientists at the lab but ran away once you saw the terrible damage they were doing to pandora.
So you came and contacted norman and gave him all the data and access to their surplie shipments and anything they needed to take the sky people down.
You quickly became Norman's second hand man and helped him with everything so when jake called about kiri and her seizure, you were asked to tag along.
You were a bit skeptical because your a human and the tribe their staying with has had only bad experiences with humans.
"Don't be so anxious nothing will happen to you" norman smiled as we came to landed, he was of course the first out the plane greeting his old buddy before bringing him over to the door.
"Jake this is the new member of the crew" he murmured jake stared as me his eyes widening a bit when I stand up "h-hi" he coughed.
I bit my lip did I do something wrong I was rushed out of my thoughts as I had to help bring the equipment out.
When I stepped foot of the sound I could feel eyes on me as I carried the equipment following norman closely my heart almost beating out my chest.
I glanced noticing the very well dressed couple watching me closely 'that must be the chief and his wife' I walked along their netted pathways to the hut where the where keeping kiri.
I layed out the equipment and helped the besti could but nothing seemed to help kiri "remove these things" the chiefs wife ronal as I was told as she bought in bowls of herbs.
I quickly took back all the equipment not wanting to draw attention to myself I stood my the plane waiting to leave but to my dismay we were asked to stay for dinner.
I rocked on my heels as I stared down at my tablet typing away not noticing the stares I was getting.
Jake and neytiri were more secretive about it only stealing a few glances each minute but tonowari and ronal were just plain staring they didn't care.
Their eyes traced each curve of your body and honestly all of them were surprised well except jake because he was on earth but the rest of them they just can't look away.
During dinner they decided to sit more closer to you and bring you into more conversations but each time you move a bit it distracts them and they lose their train of thought and have to start all over again.
"Hey my eyes are up here"
@neteyamyawne @sweetirilly @greekgods15
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authorhjk1 · 10 days
Two Rings
(Kim Minji X Male Reader)
@mintwithchoco thank you for the prompt and hosting.
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You walk up to her from behind. Minji is sitting on a bench, taking pictures of the beautiful scenery. With two cups of coffee in your hands, you lean over her.
"Here you go, birthday girl."
Minji looks up at you. Her generous, loving smile makes your heart melt. You are lucky, since you get to see this smile almost every day. And yet, you can't stop looking at it. It makes you feel warm.
"Thank you, young man."
Her cheeky comment makes you chuckle. Minji doesn't ever waste a single opportunity to remind you that you're younger than her.
"Are you ready to go back?"
Your girlfriend nods and you offer her your free hand. The two of you turn your backs on the beautiful mountain range and start to walk back down on the path you came on earlier. Minji takes a sip of her warm beverage, a blissful smile on her face.
"How did you get here anyways? Isn't your car at the workshop?"
You smile, still happy that you were able to surprise her earlier.
Busily preparing for their comeback, the Dreamcatcher girls filmed their MV near here today. After their last trilogy ended, their new one will evolve around nature and climate change. Similar to their Apocalypse trilogy. That's why their filming site was outside.
"It is. I came on my bike."
"Your motorcycle?"
You don't have to look at her to know that Minji is sending a disapproving glance in your direction.
"You know that I'd prefer it if you'd take the bus, instead of the bike. Especially in Seoul."
You silently walk next to her, while Minji keeps going. You can't blame her. Actually, it feels nice to know that she cares so much for your safety.
"...especially other drivers. And also-"
You shut her up with a kiss. Minji's lips taste like the coffee she is drinking. Sweet, a hint of bitterness. The two of you close your eyes. Within a second, the whole world has disappeared. The only people that exist are the two of you.
Once you and Minji finally reach the street, you walk towards your bike. It's an older model, but you already own it for years. You first bought it right after you got your license. But you don't drive often. Minji is right. A car is much safer in the city than a motorcycle.
"Here you go."
Minji's face lights up once more, when you pull out her helmet. It's all fury, decorated with bunny ears. You bought it for her two years ago, when she asked if you could take her for a ride for the first time.
The two of you both put your helmets on after throwing the empty cups into a trashcan nearby. Minji's appearance makes you laugh. Her beautiful, elegant white dress and that bunny helmet. A perfect combination.
Starting the engine, you feel her hands wrap around you.
"Where are we going by the way?"
You barely hear her as you drive off.
Minji smiles into her helmet. Every birthday with you is special. No. Every single day with you is special. She loves it when you plan things like this for her. Taking her mind off work, just so she can relax a little.
It has already gotten a little darker, once the two of you reach the road at the coast you were looking for. You point to your right. You feel Minji move her head and you glance in the rear mirror on your left. Her white dress is flapping in the wind.
You made it just in time. Minji's appreciative gasp makes you smile. She watches the sundown with big eyes. The sun kisses the sea, disappearing in the orange sky behind her.
Ten minutes later, the two of you walk along the beach. Minji's fingers are locked with yours, her head resting against your biceps. Your leather jacket is draped over her shoulders.
Checking your watch, you make the two of you face the ocean.
"Twenty seconds."
Minji looks up at you.
"This is already beautiful enough. You don't have to do more."
You can see a hint of guilt in her eyes.
"Trust me, you'll love it."
You squeeze her hand, pretending to be calm. Just like you did the whole day. But in reality, your heart has been pounding since you surprised her earlier. This is gonna be the highlight of the day. You hope.
A moment later, you hear the fireworks go off. You and Minji look up at the night sky. Slowly, red letters start to form. They sparkle in the night. You glance at Minji.
"I love you."
She whispers, reading out the text you've written. Your heart beats faster than never before. Your hands become sweaty. Taking a deep breath, you kneel. Minji is still staring at the fireworks with a wide open mouth.
"Oh my gosh, baby."
A huge smile appears on her face. You can literally feel how happy she is right now as you reach for the ring inside your pocket.
Finally, Minji turns towards you.
"Oh my dear god!"
Your girlfriend covers her mouth with her hand in surprise. She sees you kneeling in front of her. The ring in your hand.
"Yes! Yes, I will!"
You burst out laughing.
"That's not how this works. I have to ask you first."
"Right, sorry."
You see Minji pressing her lips together, her eyes beaming with love.
"Kim Minji. Will you marry me?"
"Yes, I will."
Your fiance leans down, cupping your cheeks and rests her forehead against yours.
"I love you."
You kiss her back, when her lips meet yours. The two of you lose yourselves in the moment once more. It feels like you've already accomplished everything you've ever dreamed off, now that Minji said yes. The realisation slowly catches up with you. You're engaged. Kim Minji is going to be your wife.
Once you calm down, you start to put the ring on her finger. It's not a big one, but it fits her perfectly. You push it along her finger, until it rests against the ring you bought her, when you asked her to be your girlfriend.
"Now I've got two rings."
Minji smiles down at you.
"Give me a kiss, Mr. fiance."
You get off the sand and hold Minji by her waist as you lift her up. Her giggles get silenced by your lips. Her hands go through your hair, giving it playful tugs as the two of you engage in another deep kiss.
You have to admit that you were a little scared. The possibility of her saying no was slim, but you never know. And the ring too. You're still wondering, if you shouldn't have bought her a bigger one. But then again, Minji didn't even look at it clearly. She seemed way too happy to care what type of ring you got her.
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luminoustarlight · 10 months
As Fate Would Have It | DILF!Anakin Skywalker
Anakin Skywalker gets a new assistant, who also happens to be his favorite OnlyFans performer.
◂ previous ▸ chapter two
rating: explicit | pairing: anakin skywalker x afab!reader | wc: 3.7k | read on ao3
warnings: modern!au, undisclosed age gap, SMUT [use of toys (dildo and fleshlight), mutual masturbation, squirting, watching of pornography]
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After midnight is Anakin’s favorite time of the day. His kids have been asleep since 8:30 pm— their weekday curfew— and he’s finally stopped working on the project he brought home from work. It kept him from watching 101 Dalmatians with Luke and Leia but “it needed to be done.” 
He completed it well after the twins went to sleep, his neck was aching, and he needed to unwind. Now, he’s settled on the left side of his king bed, back propped against the headboard and his tablet waiting for him on the nightstand. He’s been thinking about this all day. Ever since he got the notification at 1:48 p.m. that HoneySuckle uploaded a new video. 
While he was at work. On a very busy day, he might add. As much as he wanted to get away to watch it immediately, he couldn’t. But now he has uninterrupted time to enjoy himself and the woman he’s about to watch. 
Anakin watches HoneySuckle exclusively. For over three years now, he has been subscribed to her page for $7.99 a month, which is an absolute disgrace to the quality of content she puts out. That’s why he tips her at least $200 for each video. It’s a number that hardly means a thing to Anakin. But to HoneySuckle, it is everything. It’s a cushion for incidentals. For the flat tire on her Mini Cooper. The vet bill for her orange tabby, Panini. She has expressed her thanks to him in their private messages, but it never seems to be enough. 
Their casual conversations are never enough. 
It comes as a great surprise to Anakin to see that her newest video is dedicated to him. Him— Anakin Skywalker AKA skyguy81. AKA HoneySuckle’s biggest fan and number one supporter. 
Squirting for Sky 🖤
He’s never clicked on anything faster in his life. The edges of his brain are beginning to fog. The mere thought of Honey getting off to the thought of him makes goosebumps prickle along his skin and his cock begin to swell. But then he sees what she’s wearing. Or, not wearing for that matter. Usually, she’ll begin videos with a full set on. Whether it’s a lacy bra and panties, a teddy, or a babydoll, teasingly taking off her lingerie is part of her brand. 
Not in this video, though. In this new 23 minute video, she is wearing a black garter and thong with roses embroidered in the mesh along her hip bones. Sheer black stockings are pulled up to her thighs and as she spreads her legs— dear God— Anakin sees that her panties are crotchless. 
Every video is expertly angled so only the bottom half of her face is on camera. She’s mentioned to Anakin in the past that this is not her full time job and therefore some anonymity is important. He doesn’t need to see her whole face to know she is beautiful. 
“I bought this just for you,” Honey says directly to Anakin. “You said you liked black. I hope you like this.”  She goes to grab the vibrator next to the pink dildo on her bed. 
“I love it,” Anakin mumbles. Running her hand over one of her bare breasts, she turns on the vibrator. The familiar hum of the toy reminds Anakin to put on his headphones. Just in case. 
Now with that taken care of, Anakin can begin taking care of himself. It doesn’t take long for the guy to get hard when he’s watching Honey. Hell, he can just think about her and he’ll be horny. The melodic cadence to her voice, the angelic sounds she makes when she cums, the lustful desire to bury himself in her cunt. She is the only woman he has desired since his wife and he doesn’t even know her name. But he knows the curves of her body as if he’s felt them with his own two hands. God, how he wishes he could touch her, kiss her, pleasure her. 
It’s pathetic. He is pathetic for wanting the impossible. Anakin Skywalker is a smart man. A genius in many regards. Yet he’s delusional enough to think her messages might mean something. That this video dedicated to him means something.
Of course, it doesn’t. Everything about his conversations with Honey is transactional. It’s part of her job. That’s it. Nothing more. You’re not special. 
But fuck, does it make his cock hard thinking this is all for him. Well, this is for him. The title of the video says so. With her legs spread nice and wide, Anakin can see how wet she has become from the vibrator on her clit. 
Stiff and dribbling precum on his belly, Anakin wraps his long fingers around his equally long shaft. He swipes his palm over the tip to lubricate the rest of his dick. Honey has now turned off the vibrator and grabs the dildo. Despite its playful color, it’s a formidable size. A similar 7 inches to Anakin’s cock, she opens her mouth and the tip disappears. Then a little bit more… and a little more… until she’s gagging. She pulls it out of her mouth with a loud gasp. Messy strings of saliva fall on her chin and chest. 
“Fuck,” she breathes. “I love choking on your cock. Feeling it so deep in my throat until I can’t breathe.” 
This sends a jolt through Anakin’s whole body. His cock lurches in his hand and he knows all too well that his hand will simply not suffice tonight. He pauses Honey’s video and reluctantly gets off of bed to retrieve his Fleshlight from his hidden stash in the closet. Usually, his hand does just fine. He’s used to it by now. Being a single dad in his early forties and the CEO of his own company, he doesn’t have time to go on dates. He has one woman on his rolodex of hookup numbers and even then, he doesn’t contact her often. Usually it’s her who needs him. He prefers it that way, anyway. 
Anakin returns to his bed with the barely used Fleshlight in hand and immediately resumes the video. Honey continues to give the dildo a blowjob, making Anakin ache for it to be his cock in her mouth. He can only imagine how warm it is. How he’d make her relax so he can shove his entire length down her throat. How she’d sound choking on his dick and not some pink toy. 
Again, she holds it in her mouth until her lungs are screaming for air. Anakin ruts his hips up into his fist. He’s waiting to use the Fleshlight until she puts the toy in her cunt. 
Which is right now. She lines the tip of it to her opening, pushing the head in teasingly before removing it and dragging it along her folds. 
“Have you been good today? Do you deserve to fuck me?” The seductive nature of Honey’s voice is so familiar to Anakin, yet every time dirty talk drips from her lips, his spine tingles. 
“Please, Honey,” Anakin whispers, hovering the opening of the Fleshlight over his cock. “Put it in, baby.”
As if obeying his command, Honey pushes the toy into her hole. At the same time, Anakin lowers his own toy onto himself. The tight Fleshlight sucks in his dick and it damn near has Anakin’s eyes rolling to the back of his head. He’d forgotten what it feels like… how similar yet different it is to real pussy. Fuck, what he would do to have his cock in Honey’s actual cunt. The best he can do is use his overactive imagination. 
Honey is thrusting the dildo in and out of her and soft moans fill Anakin’s ears. He yanks the Fleshlight up and down—a lazy way of using it, he knows— but it does the job. “That’s it…” he breathes. His heartbeat is racing impossibly fast, chasing down an orgasm that is going to arrive far too soon. “I fuck you so well, don’t I, Honey?” 
“Mm…” she whimpers, pushing the toy deeper and further into her.  “Your cock’s so big… fills me up so well. Feels so good!” 
“You have no idea how good I could make you feel,” Anakin growls. In his mind she’s on her back, just as she is now. Her knees are pushed up to her ears and Anakin is thrusting into her tight hole to no end. He’s so deep, he can see himself in her stomach. He kisses her, finally tasting her on his own lips. Their tongues are doing a dance, his fingers are on her clit for maximum pleasure. And she’s screaming his name. She can’t believe how good he fucks. How he, at 42 years old, can last as long as he has. “I’m not fucking geriatric,” he’d say. He’d make her cum at least twice before he does, just to prove a point. 
Honey then takes the dildo out of her cunt and brings it back up to her mouth. Anakin removes the Fleshlight. She hollows her cheeks around it whilst reaching for the vibrator. She turns it back on and returns it to her clit. Her toes curl at the sensation and a moan is muffled by the cock in her mouth. 
“Let me hear you,” Anakin encourages, no matter how silly and pointless it is to do so. “Please, Honey. I love hearing you moan.” 
She takes the dildo out of her mouth to announce that she’s going to cum. “Oh, fuck. Fuck!” 
She’s squirming on the bed, mouth shaped in that glorious ‘O’. As her orgasm rattles through her body, she keeps the vibrator on her swollen nub and returns the dildo to her pussy. Anakin follows suit and sheathes his cock once again, thrusting his hips up to the speed Honey is fucking herself. 
“I hope you…fuck, that feels good,” she is interrupted by her own pleasure. It’s her authenticity that Anakin adores and enjoys the most. It never feels like she’s performing. “I hope you’re making yourself feel as good as I feel. Are you fucking your hand? Your mattress? A pillow? I bet you wish you were in my tight cunt. Don’t you?” 
“Yes,” Anakin breathes. He is on fire now. He’s not sure the coil in his belly could get any tighter. He’s going to cum soon and Honey hasn’t even squirted yet. There’s five minutes left of the video. “You wouldn’t believe—ah, fucking hell— wouldn’t believe how badly I want to fuck you.” 
“I’m gonna squirt! Oh my God…please cum for me. Cum while I squirt for you!” Honey removes the dildo as the clear liquid sprays from her cunt. Anakin abandons the Fleshlight and takes over with his tried and true hand. He’s pumping quickly, he’s mesmerized by Honey and how she squirts a little more each time she puts the dildo back inside of her and pulls it back out. Her back is arching off of the bed as she drops both toys and cums one last time. 
Anakin is cumming now, too. His sack twitches up toward him while he releases his load on his belly. He stuffs a fist into his mouth to silence his moan. He bites down on his own hand with fervor, and it hurts. He isn’t completely finished when he hears her utter the words ‘last video.’ 
Wait, what? 
He needs to go back. Surely, he didn’t hear her correctly. 
“I hope you all enjoyed yourselves while watching. I know I did. This is a bit of a last hurrah for me. I’m starting a new job next week and I just don’t think I’ll have the time to upload, so this might be my last video. Thank you for all of the support over the last three years. I had a great time. Kisses, HoneySuckle.” 
And that’s the end of it. Anakin is stunned. He watches her video again. And then once more. There's a lilt to her voice that makes Anakin think she is happy to be done with this. He should be happy for her. But he hangs onto the word ‘might’.  
Honey said this might be her last video. Anakin shouldn’t feel so fucking relieved that his favorite OnlyFans performer might still upload videos. What is wrong with him? He has no real connection to her whatsoever yet he feels disappointed by the idea of not having her videos in his life anymore. 
Fuck it. He sends her a $500 tip, a little message and goes to wash up. 
Panini is pressed against your side, purring contentedly while you stroke his back absently. You’re wrapped in a sherpa cozy in bed while watching The Great British Bake Off. It’s your bedtime show. You’ve probably seen every series at least 3 times, simply because it’s the show you put on to go to sleep. But most of the time, you end up staying up to watch it as if you’ve never seen it before. 
Your phone lights up with a notification. You glance at it but immediately do a double take. You grab your phone off of your nightstand and stare at the screen with your jaw dropped. 
Skyguy81 sent you a tip!
You pause in the middle of Prue Leith giving her thoughts on someone’s Showstopper. You swipe right to open the message.
That was spectacular, Honey. From the lingerie to the beautiful way you cum. You certainly know how to put on a show. I must admit, I was a bit disappointed to hear that it might be your last video. You are the only performer I watch. I will miss you. I wish you the best of luck with your new endeavor. 
And I know what you are going to say. “It’s too much.” It is not. Please accept the tip as a token of my appreciation. You helped me feel less lonely on the days I needed someone the most. - Sky 
Why do you feel like you’re about to cry? Sky has been your top supporter since you began uploading videos during COVID. It was just supposed to be a way to make ends meet. To pay off the student loans and any other financials that came up. The tips started off relatively small. $50 here, $75 there. He was the first to give you a $100 tip. 
Then, after about a year, he upped it to $200 after each video. Your thank you messages to him turned into conversations. Short ones, never deep or personal, yet you feel like you know him. You feel like…no, it’s silly. You feel like he could be a friend. If you both weren’t hiding behind a screen and fake names, maybe you actually could be. 
You begin typing a response. 
Sky- I am going to say it anyway. THAT IS WAY TOO MUCH!!! You have been far too generous to me over the years. I don’t deserve it. 
 He replies in a matter of seconds. 
I have to disagree, Honey. I wish I could do more for you. 
Like what? 
I would take you out to a nice dinner. Perhaps share a bottle of wine while we get to know each other. 
Would you take me home after?
Whose home? 
Whichever you’d like. 
I’d take you back to your house and leave you with a goodnight kiss.
That’s all? 
You would like more? 
What the hell are you doing? Are you actually flirting with this man? He could be 60 years old and bald! Not that there’s anything wrong with being 60 or bald, but come on. You’re in your 20s. You have to have some limit. You stare at his username. Skyguy81. Maybe 81 is his birth year? So, that would put him at 42. 42 isn’t too bad… 
Oh, what the hell. It’s not like you’re actually gonna meet this guy, right? 
Well, I might wear something special underneath my dress. Something that I paid for with the money you’ve given me. Wouldn’t you want to see it? 
Yes. I would. 
What would you do if you took me home? 
When you don’t hear back from Sky after thirty minutes, you assume he fell asleep. It is nearly 1 a.m. on a Thursday night. Or is it early Friday morning? Regardless, he probably has work in the morning. 
With a rather loud yawn, you decide it’s time for you to go to sleep, too. 
Luke and Leia barge into Anakin’s room at 7:30, dressed and ready to go to school while their dad is still fast asleep. He must have slept through his alarm. Luke is poking him in the side and urging him to wake up. 
“Alright, I’m up,” he grumbles, scrubbing his hands down his face. “Have you two eaten?” 
Leia nods. “Eggos and orange juice.” 
“I wanted a Toaster Strudel,” Luke says. 
“And I told him we don’t have any Toaster Strudels,” replies his twin sister. 
“Yes we do! You just didn’t look hard enough.” 
Anakin pinches the bridge of his nose. He feels a headache coming on. He didn’t drink last night, so why does he feel hungover? “Ahsoka ate the last one when she was here on Tuesday, remember?” 
“Oh yeah,” Luke recalls. 
“Dad, we’re gonna be late for school if you don’t get out of bed,” Leia says. 
Anakin checks the time on his phone. Your message from last night is at the bottom of his notifications. He already has five work emails to answer. His calendar pings with reminders about meetings and his assistant’s retirement party. “Bring your things to the front door. I’ll be down in a few minutes.” 
In the rush of getting himself dressed, not only does he put on two different pairs of socks but two different pairs of shoes, too. He doesn’t realize this until after he enters the office and Dorothy, attentive as ever, points it out as he’s walking past her desk and into his office. 
Dorothy is 74 years old, a widow, and owl fanatic. She has been Anakin’s assistant since he started the company 20 years ago. “Did you get dressed in the dark, Mr. Skywalker?” 
Even after two decades of Anakin’s insistence on calling him by his first name, Dorothy continues to defy him. “I overslept,” Anakin answers. “I was rushing to get ready because you know how Leia gets when she’s late to anything.” 
Dorothy nods. “Yes, she is the most punctual 9 year old I know. I presume you did not eat breakfast.”
“No, I didn’t.” Anakin opens his emails. 
“Why don’t I get you an egg sandwich from Dexter’s after I retrieve a matching pair to one of your shoes.” 
“I didn’t ask you to do that.”
“You didn’t have to.” 
Anakin cracks a smile. Dorothy has always been two steps ahead of Anakin. She’s been somewhat of a mother figure to him over the years. She believed in him when no one else did. How many people are going to put their faith in a cocky 22 year old with wild engineering innovations? Dorothy was there when his wife passed away and nannied the twins off and on for a few years while Anakin regained his bearings. His heart contracts. He is truly going to miss her. “Do you have to retire, Dorothy?” 
“I’m afraid so,” Dorothy replies with a bittersweet smile. “You will be just fine. And I trust my successor will attend to your needs just as well as I have. I picked her myself. I know exactly what you need in an assistant, Mr. Skywalker.” 
Did Dorothy just wink at Anakin before leaving his office? What the hell does she have up her sleeve? 
Gold and brown leaves dance across the concrete in the courtyard of Skywalker Enterprises. The autumn air bites at your cheeks and you’re thankful you decided to wear a beanie along with your plaid pea coat. 
You notice Dorothy’s silver hair before the rest of her as she walks toward you with two cups of something hot in her hands. “Good morning, Y/N.” she hands you the cup. 
“Good morning, Dorothy,” you reply with a smile. You lift off the lid to smell the contents. The steam tickles your nose before recognizing the warm spices of Chai. “You remembered my drink order?” 
“Of course.” Dorothy sits across from you. “I trust you went over the files I sent you regarding Mr. Skywalker? How are you feeling about the job?” 
You take a meager sip of your Chai latte. It’s still too hot to drink. “I read all of them at least three times. He doesn’t seem too high maintenance.”
“Far from it,” Dorothy replies. 
“But…” you begin, wondering if you should even mention it. 
“What is it, dear?” 
“I just find it a little strange that I haven’t met him. I would’ve assumed he’d be part of the hiring process. Isn’t it important we get along?” 
“Oh, don’t worry about that. Anakin gets along with everyone! He’s a charmer,” Dorothy sips on her drink. “He entrusted me with finding a replacement for myself because I know him better than anyone. I know his needs better than he knows them. And you, my dear, have shown you are more than capable to take over. Your references spoke very highly of you.” 
Right. Your references— one of which was your best friend who pretended to be a famous influencer who you “assisted” for 2 years after college. The other was a family you nannied for for only 2 weeks while the wife was out of town and the dad thought he could pull off some fantasy of fucking the nanny. The only good thing that came out of it was him telling you he’d give you a stellar reference for your next job. Turns out he wasn’t lying. 
“So, I’ll start on Monday? By myself? No shadowing or anything?” 
Dorothy nods. “I will officially be retired by 5 p.m. today. After which, Mr. Skywalker is yours.”
Don’t you wish. You’ve seen photos of him in Forbes. It’s an understatement to say he’s handsome. And it would be a lie to say you didn’t apply for the job because of his looks. By some miracle you were chosen out of hundreds of applicants and hired. You’ve signed the papers already. You’re officially on the Skywalker Enterprises payroll. Of course, you’ll be on probation for 90 days but Dorothy seems confident you’ll be a good fit. 
Hopefully you will live up to Anakin Skywalker’s expectations.
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◂ series masterlist ▸ chapter two
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cjrae · 6 months
Stunted Love. Or: The Theme of MaoMao's little finger.
Maomao's little finger is a recurring motif in the Apothecary Diaries, and it receives even more emphasis in the anime's first season - it represents her belief that romantic love leads to pain and destruction. Spoilers primarily for the anime, but also the epilogue of light novel four and Chapter 15 of light novel six below.
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Love In A Cage
The motif is first introduced in "The Unsettling Matter of the Spirit" - Concubine Fuyou's story. Maomao has already noted the parallels between the red light district and the Inner Palace, but here we see what happens when romantic love is introduced into the mix. On paper, Concubine Fuyou is a literal object of pity. Her personhood is being gifted to an officer who recently distinguished himself on the front lines, discarded after having failed to please the Emperor. It's telling that this is one of the first times we see Jinshi interacting with a consort where he is completely serious, without bringing his charm to bear. We never hear him say anything, but it's clear that he's communicating the Emperor's order with respect and understanding the gravity of the consequences for Fuyou.
As the events of the episode unfold, the parallels between courtesans and consorts get stronger as Maomao introduces the concept of having a contract bought out - if a man wants a courtesan enough, she is also an object to be purchased, albeit at potentially astronomical price. At first glance, it would seem like these women have absolutely no power in these scenarios - but by the end of the episode, Maomao shows us the feminine side of this transaction - how a woman can manipulate the system she is trapped by in order to get what she wants. All she has to do is lower her value - a rather counterintuitive measure that can go horribly wrong all too easily, as we see later.
And what Concubine Fuyou wants is to escape the Inner Palace to be with the man she loves - a task that she succeeds at. She has played a long, patient game in the service of freedom. Trapped in the cage of the Inner Palace herself, Maomao holds her scarred finger against the freedom of the sky and wonders what kind of medicine love would make.
We see further flashbacks to Maomao's past through multiple episodes, but the next time the concept of love is brought up is when Fengming is confessing her role in the death of Consort Ah-Duo's baby in "Honey" (episode 11). Maomao is brought up short by Fengming's confession - she flat out says to the audience that she's never loved anyone with that depth of devotion Fengming displays toward Ah-Duo, so she doesn't know how Fengming feels. But if she doesn't have empathy to offer, she does have a rough kindness. Another person might have said that Ah-Duo deserved to know why her son died, that the knowledge might have provided closure. Maomao, however, believes that knowing the baby's cause of death would only cause more pain (it's never the crime and always about the cover-up) without providing any actual benefit.
With these two episodes framing her early character development we see that, whatever Maomao's natural inclinations are (and I will leave discussion of neuro divergency to those better qualified to discuss it), there is a certain distance between Maomao and her emotions most of the time. It is implied that this distancing from her emotions is a trauma response as the image of a woman holding a knife above her head while kneeling on a bed is shown but not explained (it is the only recurring image during the montage before the discussion about her potential execution with Jinshi).
Lakan and Fengxian
In "Lakan" (episode 18) the motif begins recurring more often as Maomao's parentage is revealed. We've caught glimpses of the sick woman in the annex before, but as the camera pans over the bed, it's clear that this is Maomao's mother (as always in anime, the hair is a dead giveaway). We've seen Maomao in this room, always curled in a fetal position, staring with blank eyes, but here we see Maomao actually caring for a woman who she describes as driving her out over and over again. The camera's focus is on Maomao's eyes as she watches her mother continuing to deteriorate - they're blank yet again, echoing her earlier line of "This is stupid. She's gone."
This is not the look of a girl who genuinely doesn't care about her mother. The image of her mother with the knife upraised is straight out of recurring nightmares that wake her gasping with terror and continue to haunt her after she's returned to work. While there is no AFFECTION involved, there are certainly very strong emotions here. Later, in the bath with Meimei, Maomao wonders if Meimei's in love - and immediately shies away from the thought, insisting that "love is an emotion I'm sure I left behind in the womb."
Interestingly, this is immediately belied as the Three Princesses (the women who took on the maternal role that her mother discarded) begin to pamper Maomao in the bath, and she relaxes into their touch, flushed with belonging and pleasure at their attention.
In "Blue Roses," (episode 22), everything has built to a head. By hiding Maomao back into the Rear Palace, Jinshi is acting as her shield - and Lakan responds with a power play. Both he and Jinshi are aware that Lakan knows his true identity, so Lakan provokes Jinshi with a political test. "Nothing is impossible" for a man with Jinshi's power - so providing some blue roses at a garden party in early spring should be simple, right? It's a near impossible task and Lakan knows it - even if Jinshi were to figure out how to dye the roses to be the appropriate color, they're still out of season.
Up until now, Maomao's response to Lakan has been to hide. But, with Jinshi's reputation on the line and seeing how worn out he is, Maomao has finally had enough. So she takes Lakan's challenge on and, while she's in the process of growing the hothouse roses so that Jinshi can best Lakan, she diverts unwanted attention from the Crystal Palace's handmaidens by showing Xiaolan how to do a manicure - something that draws attention to the deformed pinky on her hand and changes her perspective of the damage to the finger.
The art should be paid attention to here - we see close up shots of two other people's hands after having the manicure done - Xiaolan and Consort Lihua. In both of these shots, there's some subtle detail paid to their little fingers as well - Xiaolan's is ever so slightly crooked rather than perfectly straight, while Lihua flexes her fingers so that the pinky is extended as she looks at her hands. In the next shot, Maomao has done her nails as well - and when Jinshi draws attention to the fact that he's surprised she would do her nails (like Hongiang, Maomao usually prefers work over fashion), she looks at the finger and remarks that, even though her little finger is twisted and scarred, it looks better than it did before - an acknowledgement that the finger is not actually a hindrance, but a piece of her identity.
Giving Lakan the opportunity to finally do right by Fengxian is the most grace and forgiveness that Maomao can extend to either of her parents. Their romantic love is certainly sympathetic to an outsider, but Maomao was shaped by the consequences. Lakan's carelessness and Fengxian's willingness to break the rules of the pleasure district in order to deliberately lower her value so that she could be with the man she loved, is the guiding cautionary tale of her life.
But Maomao has also grown over the season. She is neither the terrified little girl, abandoned by mother and father alike (however unintentionally on Lakan's part) nor a teenager full of fear fueled rage at Lakan's persistence. She is Luomen's daughter and proud of that fact - she has found her family and a place in the world. It is with that more adult understanding of the world around her that she dances atop the wall of the Rear Palace, giving her parents the only thing she can, which is her blessing and best wishes for their short future, as she sends her mother off.
Sure enough, who is watching her as she takes a step toward a more mature identity but Jinshi? Other characters have provided a shield between Maomao and Lakan - Verdigris' madam, Meimei and even Luomen. But it is on Jinshi's behalf that Maomao decided to face Lakan herself. She loves her adoptive dad and granny and sisters with all the affection she never received from Fengxian, but Maomao's actions have always spoken much louder than her words - Jinshi protected her and she, in turn, chose to face her childhood bogeyman to help him.
Is it stating the obvious that Maomao tripping and Jinshi catching her is an obvious metaphor for falling in love?
As she dances on the wall, we see the two seemingly disparate sides of her identity coalesce into a whole. The moment she lets down her hair is a uniquely Japanese moment of eroticism (this is why maiko and geisha use the oshiroi that bare the nape of their necks), even as she's also deliberately reapplied her freckles.
The moment she realizes that Jinshi truly sees all of her in a uniquely emotional moment, she trips and is made terrifyingly vulnerable as she nearly goes over the edge - only to be caught safely in Jinshi's arms.
Safely back atop the wall, the little finger comes up one more time - except that this time, instead of looking at the damage inflicted and seeing the scar, Maomao looks at her pinky and shows it to Jinshi, telling him what sounds like a strangely gruesome medical fact. That a fingertip can regrow if cut off. For all the trauma that her biological parents caused her, for all that her pinky will be scarred for the rest of her life, the wound did heal. Maomao has healed - she is capable of friendship, loyalty and love that can inspire devotion - even if she rarely displays open affection.
Love Creates Fear
This motif comes back again, at the end of light novel 4 (what will be the end of Season 2, if the studio continues to stick to two light novels a season for pacing, which I expect they will). Jinshi has officially cast aside his cover as a eunuch and stepped into the political limelight as the Imperial Brother. Maomao, as a result of their adventures, has returned home, to her apothecary shop and, as she works she thinks about how everything has changed.
"Jinshi must have finally gone back to being whoever he really was. Maomao didn't know his real name: she couldn't have used it even if she did. The worlds they lived in were simply too different…Anyway, now that Jinshi was no longer a eunuch, he couldn't get away with keeping some lowborn girl around him…So it was for the best, really, that Maomao had come back to the apothecary's shop in the pleasure district."
As Maomao ruminates to herself about how she will never see Jinshi again, she retreats to what she knows best - medicine. She's got her emotions under lock and key and she's begun experimenting, working on creating a more potent painkiller. However, her pain tolerance is too high to work with her previous methods.
Or, to lay the metaphor bare, Maomao has dealt with abandonment before, but not like this. Her usual methods aren't working - so it's time to up the ante. What she does next is extremely telling.
"'Got to cut deeper if I want to be sure'. Maomao looked at her left hand, then tied some string firmly around her pinky. She stood and took a small knife from a cabinet. 'Here goes!'
Just as she was about to bring the knife down, a beautiful voice interrupted her: 'WHAT are you doing?'
Without a word, she turned to see a man in an unusual mask standing in the entryway of the shop…'Done with all your work?' Maomao asked, undoing the string around her finger and putting the knife back in the cabinet."
The thought that she and Jinshi are now living in such different worlds that they will never see each other again is painful enough that cutting her finger off in a thinly justified experiment is preferable to feeling her own emotions. What Maomao wants in this moment is a return to the emotional numbness of the past - only this time, she will do the damage herself.
But Jinshi is not Lakan and abandoning Maomao for any reason is simply not an option. Just as he caught her on the wall, Jinshi catches her again. A prince is standing in an apothecary shop on the edges of the red-light district, a place where he should not be - except for the fact that it's where Maomao is.
Connection and Communication
Finally, as a callback toward the end of light novel six, Jinshi and Maomao are beginning to reconnect after Jinshi screwed up and lost a lot of emotional ground in light novel five's epilogue, and he does the following.
"She reached out for the package, which Jinshi had put behind his back, but he planted a palm on her belly to keep her from sitting up and she couldn't reach it. She kicked her legs from sheer frustration and this time he grabbed her ankle. She was just trying to decide what he might be planning when he brushed the tip of his pinky finger along the back of her foot.
'Hrk?!' Maomao choked, squirming...The back of her foot, and her back as well, were hopelessly vulnerable to a gentle brush of the fingers.
'M-Master Jinshi...That's...not...fair!'"
While Jinshi is still the instigator in this scene, this is the the first instance of romantic and sexual contact that Maomao accepts, eventually bursting out laughing - and when he gets that laughter, Jinshi also immediately backs off, accepting that he has pushed her as far as she can go right now. But that first contact was via that tiny fingertip representing love.
His hard-learned patience is rewarded when Maomao is finally willing to speak to Jinshi about how she's feeling about his desire to marry her, first obliquely as they discuss the plot of a very familiar tragic romance, before she addresses the issue directly.
"Instead of answering, she murmured, 'I don't want to be an enemy.' Jinshi gave her a sidelong look as if to ask whose enemy she meant. 'To Empress Gyokuyou,' she said.
Would Jinshi understand what she was saying? If not, that was fine, Maomao thought. There were things even he didn't know.
'You - '
He seemed about to ask her something else when a horse whinnied outside..."
Maomao may be hesitant, she may feel very confused, but she finally gives Jinshi something to work with here - communicating to him not that she simply doesn't care about him that way, but that she has a very real, concrete fear about what a romantic relationship with him would mean, not only for them, but for everyone else around them.
That's a lot to balance on the tip of a pinky.
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lazycats-stuff · 9 months
Can you do a teen reader (younger than Damian by 1 or 2 years) x batfam, where he is spider man? (I mean kinda like miles morales, he has electricity powers but his webs are organic too and doesn’t need a web shooters.) he is Bruce’s biological child and his mother died, yk his canon event and what not. So he has to move to Gotham and isn’t happy about. Just distant and all. One night He sneaked out and bought a train ticket and went to New York, and was only spider man and just slept in somewhere. So the batfamily tracked him to New York, and while looking for him, they bump into him as spider man. They have to team up to find a villian but reafer gets hurt in the end and his mask fell off and they see it’s reader? They bring him and just have a talk when he wakes up and they come to conclusion for him to join the family in their fighting in Gotham?
Oh, that sounds good. Yes... Also, 2.7k words and so sorry for taking so long to write this... Hope you enjoy. I changed it a little bit, so my apologies, but I got into my writing spirit lol.
Summary: (Y/N) is Spiderman. The fam doesn't know that.
Warnings: (Y/N)'s mom passes away, funeral, sad (Y/N), he loves his city, angst, running away, fighting with Green Goblin.
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(Y/N) had a great life in New York. He was very happy in his city. He lived with his mom and everything was fine. Okay, he did get bitten by a radioactive spider and got cool powers with it. Did it cause some troubles? Oh yeah. Electricity was a bit problematic to control, but he managed.
Did he get grounded because of it? His mom sure thought so. His dad visited with the rest of his brothers every month. (Y/N) understood why he couldn't come more. Being a CEO and all that stuff, (Y/N) really understood. He didn't love Bruce any less. Bruce was involved in his life, which was nice.
He loved his brothers and father, more than anything in this world. Alfred was the best though. Whenever he came, he would bring his food and (Y/N) and his mom would enjoy it too, often asking for recipes. Or they would exchange recipes.
All of those were very fun times. And his time as Spiderman. He really loved it. He loved patrolling and helping the people and maybe get a hot dog from the stands that worked through the night. He loved it all. It was nice that his webs were natural and they, like mentioned before, they also came with electricity.
His enemies hated him, but (Y/N) loved being Spiderman. He loved what he represented in New York and he wouldn't change it for anything in the world. He is a New Yorker through and through.
But life decided to be a bitch and strike that luck and happiness.
(Y/N)'s mom passed away. She was hit by a drunk driver. The worst thing is, the driver survived. When Bruce got the news, he got into the car and drove to New York. (Y/N) was told just before Bruce came and (Y/N) felt his soul shatter.
He broke down in Bruce's arms, crying and screaming. It took him a while to calm down, but he couldn't stay alone. Bruce knew that and he knew that going back to Gotham was not an option now. At all. Bruce called Alfred and explained everything and told him that he would stay to arrange the funeral.
Alfred understood and the brother called (Y/N), wishing that they could be there. (Y/N) thanked them for it and then sat up all night, unable to sleep. Bruce tried to comfort him in the best way possible, but it was difficult. Bruce's former fling, (Y/N)'s mom, was the most important person to (Y/N). Without a doubt.
Bruce knew that he would have to bury her in New York, otherwise his son would have raised hell. Without a doubt. After funeral, (Y/N) would have to move to Gotham. Which is another problem on its own. Bruce didn't know that (Y/N) was Spiderman and (Y/N) didn't know that Bruce was Batman.
Match made in hell, so to say.
The funeral was held a few days after the incident and (Y/N) thought that New York cried with him. The sky was dark and the rain was falling. (Y/N) was torn. There were way to many people who were saying sorry and while he appreciated the care and worry, he just wanted to say goodbye on his own.
His brothers have stood it with him. (Y/N) didn't even have the courage to be next to the grave, while they lowered it, but Bruce held him hand through it, keeping him close to him during the entire process.
At the end, he found some strength and came closer, allowing the rain to soak him. It felt appropriate. When she was lowered, (Y/N) threw a rose in there and wiped his eyes. He took a deep breath as they started putting dirt over her coffin and (Y/N) never felt so mad. Why did this happen to him? To him out of all people?!
Bruce recognized that look in (Y/N)'s eyes. He knew that rage, sadness and frustration in his eyes. It was going to be difficult to let go and have a new life in Gotham. But (Y/N) had to try. He had to put some effort.
" (Y/N), we have to go. " Bruce said gently as he shielded his son from the rain with an umbrella. (Y/N) kept looking as the coffin got buried under the dirt. He swallowed before nodding and following Bruce to the car.
" Why do I have to go to Gotham? " (Y/N) asked and Bruce sighed as he started driving.
" We have been over this. I have a company there and your brothers are there. I know you don't want to leave, I know that, but you have no choice. " Bruce explained as he drove and (Y/N) turned away from him, biting down on his tongue so that he wouldn't lash out against Bruce.
" I know you are not happy, but you will be happy in Gotham. "
" Sure. In a city ran by a clown and a bat. Sounds like heaven. " (Y/N) said sarcastically.
" It's actually a nice city once you live in it long enough. "
(Y/N) huffed, but kept his mouth shut. He didn't want to lash out at his father, he really didn't. His dad was doing something he needed and Bruce wasn't at fault.
It was the driver's fault.
But he was pissed and he just wanted to be alone. Bruce saw it and didn't say anything, driving back to Gotham. It was the most awkward drive Bruce has ever done in his life. The hour was quiet and once they parked in the yard of the manor, (Y/N) took a bag with his personal stuff, his Spiderman suit included, and made a beeline for his room.
He ran past everybody and they all looked at him with sad looks.
" Do you think he will be better soon? " Dick asked, glancing at Bruce.
" I don't know Dick. He is sensitive and he will need some time to process it. I don't think I can even introduce him to our line of work. He found justice, they got the driver. " Bruce said as he rubbed his chin and the boys had to agree to a certain agree.
" He just needs some time. The first few days are the toughest. He will get better as times passes. " Alfred said as he took one of the boxes out.
Those few days have passed and (Y/N) didn't really feel good. He didn't like the fact he is starting a new school year here, without his friends and a sense of familiarity. He would have to start a new, without... He cried a lot during the time and he just wore black. Alfred had to make sure he ate and Bruce was there to comfort him and make sure he is okay.
Another thing that was painful, alongside his mother's death was the fact that he couldn't be Spiderman. He couldn't go out, he couldn't save his fellow New Yorkers or chat with them. He saw the news talking about his absence and he wanted nothing more than to go back to New York.
Nothing more.
But... There is a problem called big brothers plus a dad.
They were always around, watching him. Always popping in his room to make sure he is okay and not hungry, knowing that eating wasn't easy. Everyone popped in to make sure he is okay. (Y/N) was sure they thought he would hurt himself somehow, but he wasn't doing that.
He would often sit down in his room, when he knew that his family was on patrol, he would take his suit out. He would watch the spider symbol, wishing he could be back in New York. Gotham was nothing compared to New York. New York was much better, still is better than this city. New York is alive, vibrant, full of colors.
And then you have Gotham.
But (Y/N) has had enough after 2 weeks. With a little bit sneaking around, he managed to buy a ticket, his suit underneath the normal clothes he was wearing. While his family was on patrol, he sneaked out and made his way to the station to leave. He was happy, but it was bitter sweet. It would remind him of the things he loved and yet... It would remind him of his mother.
He had actually had some money left for a few flowers to lay on her grave... (Y/N) put his head on the window, watching the scenery change. Left his phone at home so that they couldn't track him, so he spent his time looking out the window and stretching.
After a few hours, (Y/N) has arrived. He smiled as he saw his city. He took a deep breath in and walked around, just remembering the time in his city.
" My apologies New York. " (Y/N) mumbled as he started walking to the cemetery. It would be a long walk, but he had time. He really did. Once he came, the flower shop was open and he has paid with cash, making it difficult to track him. After getting a beautiful bouquet he walked to his mom's grave. He put them down and smiled...
Bittersweet beyond belief.
He kept knelt down on one knee, smiling at the gravestone. He smiled and wiped some of his tears away, not wanting to cry.
" Hey mom. I'm back. Dad wanted me to move, but I think I will stay here. " (Y/N) said as he got up and started walking to his apartment. He missed it, he really did. He could only hope that it's unlocked, but his neighbor had an extra key. He knew it.
And she loved him.
While (Y/N) was happy, the family wasn't really paying attention whether or not (Y/N) was in his room. They were thinking that he has slept. They couldn't have been more wrong about it. (Y/N) already had a whole night ahead of him as an advantage.
Alfred went to check and a few minutes later and he called out for Bruce in a panic. Everyone dropped the cutlery and ran upstairs to see if their butler was safe. Jason and Tim nearly tumbled over one another more than once. Damian jumped in first, ready to fight with the non existent intruder.
They were all shocked to see that there was no intruder. Another problem? There was no (Y/N). Jason checked the bathroom.
" Not in here. " He declared, closing the door.
Bruce wondered what the hell happened. Oh no. Where is he?
" Did anyone see him? " Bruce asked his sons, leaning on the wall.
" No... I thought he was in here. " Tim said as he looked out the window. " Where is he even? " Tim wondered. Bruce pondered for a moment.
" Lets go to the cave and check the cameras. " Bruce said as he pushed himself off of the wall. Everyone followed and soon, they were looking through the cameras.
They all paled when they saw that he went to the city. Bruce pulled all of the cameras he could and thanked God for facial recognition. He pulled it all to find (Y/N).
" Why did he escape? " Dick wondered out aloud. Was it the fact that they were checking on him too much? Was he smothered? Did they smother him?
" Shit. " Jason said next to Bruce as the two watched the screen. Everyone turned their heads to look at the screen. A train station. Bruce connected it.
" He went to New York. " Bruce said as he tracked (Y/N)'s phone.
" What the hell? " Tim wondered out loud.
Everyone frowned when the location turned out to be the manor. Everyone was now worried.
" He has to be in New York. He has to be. " Damian declared and everyone had to agree with it. They knew that (Y/N) coming here wasn't his choice and that he wanted to stay back in New York. Bruce couldn't blame (Y/N) for any of it, nobody could blame (Y/N) for trying to run to New York.
" He has an entire night as an advantage. " Damian said and everyone has agreed with him. That is one hell of an advantage.
" I'm not sure whether or not to be proud. " Bruce said, trying not to smile.
" A mixture of both. He passed the security. " Jason mumbled and Bruce chuckled.
" Yeah, I have to be a mixture of both. Lets do some more investigating and then lets go to New York at night. " Bruce said and everyone nodded.
(Y/N) has had fun during the day, but it seems that Green Goblin wasn't happy with the fact that he was gone out of their city. The fight has been going on for a while and (Y/N) was slowly getting exhausted. Ever so slowly.
(Y/N) knew that he couldn't lose his cool now. That's something that Green Goblin wanted him to do this entire fight. Green Goblin was taunting him and by God, (Y/N) was ready to kill. His wrists were hurting like never before.
He was ready to strike once more when he saw a familiar face. His dad and his brothers. Oh God. Were they all looking for him. They landed near him and (Y/N) swore that his heart was about to jump out of his chest. He really thought so.
" Hey Spidey, you need help? " Dick, well, Nightwing asked and (Y/N) shrugged his shoulders. " Could use some backup. " (Y/N) said, voice breathy.
" Arch nemesis? " Damian, well, Robin asked.
" Yup. "
" Sounds tough. " Dick said and (Y/N) got ready to strike once more. He saw an opening and took it.
(Y/N) was struck and he flew back onto the rooftop and something fell of as he landed. He couldn't pinpoint it, but every part of him screamed that something was wrong. He froze when he saw his father, covering them both with his big cape.
" (Y/N), why didn't you tell us? Is this why you didn't want to leave? " Bruce asked, glancing at his son, trying to see if he was injured.
" I... I didn't know how to... " (Y/N) admitted shyly, looking away from his dad.
" I'm not blaming you. But we have to talk about this later. We can't just leave it like this. Put on your mask and lets finish this. " Bruce said with a firm voice and (Y/N) nodded as he did so and with the help from Bruce, got up.
" Lets get the bastard. " (Y/N) said with so much determination and Bruce smiled proudly. He really is his son with that much determination.
The fight was tiring beyond belief, but the Batfamily was determined and persistent. And Green Goblin wasn't expecting the back up that (Y/N) has gotten out of nowhere. Soon, Green Goblin was taken into custody. Now it was all good. All good.
If you remember that (Y/N)'s family was still there, waiting to talk to him. He didn't really want to talk, he just wanted to avoid it. He didn't want to. By God, he wanted to go to sleep. But he knew that talk would happen eventually.
" Now, " Bruce started as he glanced at everyone. " I'm not mad you, but... You could have told us. We told you. " (Y/N) tried to say something, but Bruce stopped him. " Now, what happened happened. However, you can use your talents back in Gotham. "
(Y/N) shifted on his feet, nervous about it.
" No need to worry (Y/N). " Jason started, hands on his hips. " NYPD is more capable than GCPD. "
Everyone laughed at it. To some extent it's true, but (Y/N) wasn't convinced.
" You don't have to lose your Spider symbol. You can keep being Spiderman. You can be a spider and the rest can be birds. " Bruce said as he put his hand on (Y/N) shoulder.
" It's difficult to leave my city behind. " (Y/N) admitted and Bruce nodded in sympathy. The brothers hugged their brother, hugging him tightly.
They all were saying something, but (Y/N) couldn't understand. But he knew that they were all saying something positive.
" Now, lets go home and get you situated. " Bruce said and (Y/N) just looked at the sun.
" It weird to see you guys in this time of the day. " (Y/N) mumbled as he was led to the Batmobile. Everyone laughed at that. It was true. He really didn't want to leave New York city, but he knew that he could help them in Gotham.
He knew it would work out in the end.
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whalesforhands · 1 year
swallow your doubt (gojo x reader x geto) pt.1
next masterlist
warnings: ao3 is down and i’m losing myself; i have a clear bias but i like them equally i swear; gojo
In more ways than one, Gojo Satoru and Geto Suguru completed each other.
Darkness and light.
Black and white.
Yin and yang.
What they had for each other was more than a feeling, more than a simple friendship. It transcended the meaning of the much too simple word of ‘like”, or ‘love’.
It was always, always so much more. What one was, so was the other. What one could, so could they.
In other words, they were made just for each other.
But, why, oh, why? Why do you long for what couldn’t, shouldn’t be yours?
Your lingering gaze on Geto whenever he gently placed his hand on your waist to move you to the side whenever he needed to pass by you.
“Please excuse me…” He would whisper into your ear, the dull, calming scent of lavender filling your nostrils whenever he pressed himself close to you for that brief moment.
Your stunned stare at Gojo whenever he would unceremoniously shove one of his many treats into your mouth. Sometimes even purposely leaving his sugar-coated fingers in your mouth to perhaps spite you. His grin a little too wide when you obediently chewed, his pale fingers reaching to pull at one of your cheeks and cooing before leaving.
It was wrong. So wrong. Yet, your heart ached, yearned for them.
You craved them.
But how do you fit in what has already been completed?
How do you trace the calluses that mar Ge- Suguru’s hands as he watched you so?
How do you count the stars reflected within Satoru’s eyes as you both gazed up at the night sky above?
How could you continue to live with such guilt, such pining, such anguish?
Your hands shook as you watched the pair shove and tease each other, their forms slowly disappearing into the distance, with Shoko watching with a lazy grin on her face as she leaned against your dazed form.
A hot summer afternoon, a warm bench and a cute girl to relax with. Everything Shoko needed to kick back and chill, all she was missing was an ice cold drink from the vending machine. Should she get one with you?
She watched as your eyes glazed over, your breaths growing a little shorter, your hands moving to hug yourself a little tighter than usual.
“Hey.” She shook you gently.
No response.
You must be really deep in thought. It wasn’t rare to see you lose yourself to your creative little head. Wasn’t rare to see you dazed over in your imagination and giving Shoko free reign over you for a little while as she played with your fingers or twirled your hair.
She let out a hum, debating whether or not to interrupt your little internal debate, watching your pretty eyes shine before she caught a glimpse of the troublesome duo making their way over. With gifts in hand, no less.
“Yo! Feeling hot?” Gojo greeted as he tossed a can of cold soda over to Shoko, the girl catching it with ease and an easy grin as she felt the coolness of the can against her warm skin.
“And for the other lady… Tada! Your favourite chocolate milk! Fresh from the vending machine!” The grandiose speech went unheard even as the white-haired menace dangled the drink in front of you, waiting for your response in order to tease you.
No response.
Gojo leaned down to be eye level with you, sunglasses tilted down onto his nose bridge as glittering blue eyes stared into your empty ones. Ah, you were having another of your moments.
“Satoru! Don’t run off with the drinks I bought!” Another male voice made itself known before Gojo was roughly shoved to the side, a whine escaping the white-haired sorcerer’s lips as he absorbed the shove, nearly falling over as Geto moved to snatch your drink from him.
He gave one glance at you, and another to Shoko.
The brunette shrugged, “I bet she’s having fun in there.” Opening her can, she leaned back into the backrest and chugged. “You could try to get her out though. You succeed the most.”
“That’s not true! Suguru and I have a 50/50 split on that!”
“More like 70/30. She doesn’t even respond to you half the time.” A pause. “And why does my soda taste weird?”
Their continued banter went unheard by the raven haired sorcerer as he moved to sit beside you on the 2/3 filled bench.
No response.
He gently tucked a strand of stray hair away from your face.
No response.
He pressed the still cold carton of milk to your cheek. Watching with a fond smile as you slowly started to come back. A hand reached up to relish in the chill of the drink, to relish in the feel of his hand pressed close to you.
“Suguru.” You quietly greeted, lips slowly pulling into a cute smile as your eyes moved to meet his.
“Welcome back.” Your hand was now placed over his in another greeting, gently patting it before you moved to take the packet from him with gratitude.
(He wished you let yourself linger your touch on him longer.)
Suguru chuckled, watching as you pulled the plastic straw out and began to drink. “I should be telling you that.”
Suguru moved himself to sit shoulder-to-shoulder with you, relaxing in your presence as he searched his pocket for his now lukewarm soda. He’s still content anyway.
“And why is everyone on the bench but me?! No fair! Move over!”
His last statement was directed at Shoko. Instead of pressing Ieiri inward and sitting at the other end of the bench, the long legged menace chose to squeeze himself in-between Shoko and yourself, pushing you closer to Suguru as he fought off Shoko’s smacks and yells of discontent.
Finally settled uncomfortably with all of you on the bench, his long arms stretched out over the backrest, one arm even daringly resting over your shoulders as he crossed his legs and took in the afternoon sunshine.
“Lovely day we’re having!”
masterlist next
Shoko still finds it hard to believe you aren’t taking any of the hints the two boys have been giving you. No matter, she’ll let you figure it out yourself as she continues to lowkey flirt with you.
You remain oblivious to the two’s very obvious flirting but, you’re not immune to Shoko’s charm at all.
Shoko, despite not showing it much here has made you flustered way more than Gojo or Geto ever have.
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livwritessometimes · 2 months
A Footnote Will Do...(For Me)
: Charles Leclerc x Reader
: So I'll just take a footnote in your life
: Main Masterlist
: Author's Note: I had no plans of writing this but I got this sudden urge to write some angst.....so Tada!
You ate at a restaurant, the host said we're cute They think we're a couple, they bought us some booze We shared the Moscato and laughed 'cause it's true To me (to me)
The air was filled with the rich aroma of spices coming from all sorts of Italian cuisines. There was a different kind of calm in the atmosphere, which was quite contrary to what the next few days had in store. It was finally time for the Italian Grand Prix, Ferrari's home race, and a very special day for the Monegasque walking besides Y/n.
Charles Leclerc, the golden boy for Ferrari, the pride and joy of Monaco, but to her, he was simply the boy she met through his younger brother. The boy Y/n was madly in love with.
People say that love comes into your life when you least expect it to. It comes in various shapes and forms: a hug from your mother when you see her after a long time; catching up with your best friend after a stressful day at work; seeing your father gloat about you to his friends. But no one told Y/n that for her, love would enter her life in a blazing red suit and a super-fast car. 
Walking down a relatively empty street in Italy, Y/n felt content. Next to her was the boy of her dreams, going on and on about how an old lady earlier today had told him he reminded her of her son and gave him a free muffin. Chuckling at the Monegasque's excitement over a baked good, Y/n took a moment to take in the young boy's appearance. He was wearing a loose-fitting shirt, some pants and a pair of sunglasses tucked in front of his shirt, nothing extraordinary, but it felt right. He offered Y/n his hand, signaling her that they had finally reached their destination.
A beautiful restaurant hidden in the streets of Italy. Covered in greenery, the place looked like it came straight out of a painting. At the entrance, an older woman with kind eyes greeted them, smiling at the pair. She offered them one of the tables that were laid out in front of the restaurant. It was almost as if the lady knew what Y/n would have liked, as she had given them a table right next to the window. It was the perfect spot to get a glimpse of the inside of the restaurant while enjoying the serene view that surrounded them.
Thanking her, Y/n and Charles gave her their order. As soon as she was out of their site, the boy in front of her began to tell another story of how he got locked in the bathroom during one of Ferrari's meetings and how it took the entire team 2 hours to get the poor boy out. It seemed like Charles had a way of finding himself in all sorts of weird and bizarre situations. It reminds her of the first time they met. 
It was Arthur's birthday, and Y/n was on her way to his party when she saw a man standing on the side of the road, asking for a ride. Y/n could see the dark clouds slowly engulfing the once clear patch of sky and decided to take pity on the man. Stopping right next to him, she got to know that the strange man was none other than the birthday boy's older brother. It seemed like fate to her; what were the odds of something like this happening? Offering him a ride, both of them began the journey back to Arthur's (and Charles') house. Y/n has had first-hand experience with these bizarre situations, because not even 10 minutes after they began their journey, it started pouring down heavily, blocking any sort of visibility there was, causing them to stop the car. So Y/n and Charles spent the next, god knows how many hours, of Arthur's birthday sitting in the car chatting away. It was also the first time Y/n felt seen, truly seen.
Focusing back on Charles' story, she noticed the lady from earlier approaching them with a bottle of wine. "For the lovely couple," she said as she poured a glass each for Charles and her. "You both look cute together; I hope you stay happy for a long time," and with that, she went back inside the restaurant. Bringing up his glass to her, Charles whispered, "Cheers to the couple, I guess." Letting out a laugh, the pair shared the bottle of wine and continued their conversation. What Charles didn't realize was how fast Y/n's heart was beating after the woman's comment, because for her, it was the truth.
You said at the party that I was too drunk I told you I liked you, you said, "Sober up" But why would I lie? It's so clear I'm in love With you
The bright lights were almost blinding, and the entire club was filled with red. Everywhere you'd look, you'll see a member of the Ferrari team celebrate their hearts out. Charles had won the Italian Grand Prix; finally, all the doubts and worries that flooded the Monegasque's mind were put to ease. He won his home race in Monaco and has now won Ferrari's home race. Y/n and Charles were here to celebrate, and celebrating is exactly what they did. Bottles after bottles, everyone was drunk beyond their minds, Y/n especially. It was as if she could not contain the joy that filled her mind seeing Charles stand at the top of the podium. After a long night of partying, the club was slowly dying down. Most of the team members had booked a cab and left the venue; some were passed out on the couch with a content expression on their faces, and the rest were still on the dance floor. 
That is where Charles found Y/n. Upon seeing the boy, Y/n pulled him closer to her, and the boy instinctively wrapped his arms around her waist to steady her movements. "I think you've celebrated more than me at this point," said Charles while looking down at Y/n with a playful glint in his eyes. "Well, of course, someone has to, Grand Prix Winner," Y/n said, smiling up and looking back at Charles. "Let's get you some water. It'll help you stay hydrated," he said as he began walking towards one of the sofas with his arms still around Y/n. "I think you've had one too many drinks-" Cutting him off, Y/n blurted out, "I like you." Slowly looking up to see Charles' face to see any sort of reaction from him, he said, "I think you should sober up now," and without saying another word, he began to walk towards the exit with a very drunk Y/n, who was now very aware of everything happening around her.
She was completely in her senses when Charles helped her get in the passenger seat or when he leaned over from across the driver's seat to help her with the seatbelt. The boy was so close to her that even after hours of partying, she could still catch the faint scent of his perfume. For the entire trip, Charles refused to look her in the eye, not when he helped her out of the car, or when he took off her heels, or even when he tucked her in the bed. Just as he was about to leave, Y/n reached out and grabbed a hold of his wrist. "Would you stay with me till I fall asleep?" She could see the hesitation in his eyes. "Please," she said, looking up at his face, and for the first time since her abrupt confession, he looked back at her to meet her eyes. Nodding slightly, Charles sat down at the foot of the bed, and true to his words, he stayed there till Y/n dozed off.
A tense conversation, you like someone else I say, "If I waited, could that maybe help?" You told me that patience won't change how you felt For me
If Y/n thought last night was worse, then she was in for a huge surprise. The morning after was one of the worst mornings for Y/n. She woke up with a splitting headache, dazed and disoriented from last nights events, until it all came rushing back to her. Her drunken confession, Charles' behavioral change towards her. Getting out of the bed she walked towards the kitchen where she saw Charles nursing a cup of coffee in his hand looking at something on his phone. Upon hearing movement, he looked up from his phone, putting it aside he kept another cup of coffee in front of her saying "I made some for you as well, I know you'll be needing it." He smiled at her before continuing, "How's the headache?" He questioned. "I've had better days," Y/n said before taking the cup of coffee and thanking the Monegasque.
"So about last night…" Charles started, and there it was, the dreadful moment Y/n was hoping to avoid. "…I had no idea you felt that way," Charles said before looking at her. "Y/n, I'm actually seeing someone…for a while now," and with those 9 words, Charles had shattered Y/n's heart into pieces. Y/n could not believe it; they were perfect; everyone could see it. So why is it that the boy she was madly in love with could not see how good they both were together? "I'm really sorry, Y/nn, but I don't feel that way about you," Charles said with a genuine look behind his eyes. In a desperate effort to hold onto this idea Y/n had created about the both of them, she said, "If I waited, would that help? Would that change things?" The hole in her heart grew bigger and bigger with each passing second that Charles didn't answer. Letting out a sigh, he said. "Y/n, even if you waited, it's not gonna change how I feel about you. I'm sorry, but I've always seen you as a great friend," Charles said, and with that gone was the future of them together; empty was the house they were supposed to move into after a few years of dating; dead was the flower garden they both would have spent hours trying to maintain; forgotten were the children they would have eventually had; lost was the life they would have shared.
So I'll stop being pretentious and loathing our friendship You taught me a lesson, that feelings are reckless It's just like the novels, side characters end up alone
It is observed that friendships that start because someone expresses a romantic interest tend to take on a different meaning once the feelings involved in the situation are gone. Empty, distant, and disregarded, that is what Y/n felt. Ever since Charles told her that he did not reciprocate her feelings, something inside Y/n died. Gone was the girl who always paid attention to Charles, who, even in a room full of people, always had one eye on him. Gone was the girl who tried to impress the boy she was in love with. Instead, she started to loathe the fragments that were left of their friendship. They no longer met up. No longer did they have their phone calls that lasted for hours on end. 
True to his words, Charles was in fact seeing someone; someone he officially announced his relationship with 2 weeks after their fallout, or at least that is what Y/n likes to call that morning in Italy. Charles taught Y/n what love actually was and how beautiful the feeling can be. Charles is also the person who taught her how reckless feelings can actually be. It's messy and complicated. It's the girl not getting the guy; it's the golden boy meeting his girl next door. It's just like the novels, where the side character always ends up alone, forgotten somewhere in the background of the main character's story.
So I'll just take a footnote in your life And you could take my body Every line I would write for you But a footnote will do A footnote will do
Standing at the Ferrari garage, Y/n could feel everyone's excitement. Charles had won yet another Grand Prix. Everyone rushed out of the garage, heading towards the barrier to celebrate with him, Y/n could see Charles getting out of his car and running to where she was standing. He was just a few metres away from them when he opened his arms and started running towards them. Y/n almost thought he was coming over to hug her, but just as she was about to let her imagination get the best of her, reality came crashing down on her again. Charles leaped into the arms of his girlfriend, the same girl next door she lost him to. The girl who has a polite smile and a kind heart. The girl who he now shares a puppy with. It reminded Y/n of her place in his life; no longer was she a priority for him. She was merely a footnote in his life now; gone was the time where she would have been a chapter or few in his books, but for her, he had been the entire story; the start, the middle, and the end. 
Every line she wrote, she wrote for him, but now all she can afford is a footnote in his life. 
But a footnote will do. A footnote will do for her.
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whateverloomis · 4 months
🩸Red🩸 >> Poly!Ghost face x Killer!Reader || Scream 1996
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Part 2 >> Part 3
About: While the Casey Becker and Steve Orth killings were taking place, a third kill happened as well... Billy Loomis and Stu Macher can't risk having someone else around that could ruin their goal of killing Sidney Prescott. What happens when all 3 killers get a little bit too close?
Warnings: Eventual SMUT, cheating, making out, smoking (weed,) reader is AFAB, reader is a killer, reader is short, reader is alt and has tattoos + piercings, Randy is a bitch (lol,) revised June'24
Reader: They/them pronouns that are highlighted in bold so it's easy to identify | AFAB
Word count: 2k
While the Casey Becker and Steve Orth killings were taking place, a third kill happened as well...
YN and Katherine had been friends since grade school and later on Casey joined, forming a tight 3 friend group. They'd go out together every weekend, sleep over and talk about their crushes.
When Casey started dating Steve she became distant from YN and Katherine which elicited some tension between the three. Everything felt fake. From conversations to hanging out.
As the months went by, Katherine started to distance herself from YN without any indication of anything happening between the two. It affected YN emotionally. The loneliness grew as the days went by and YN kept repeating conversation after conversation mentally to figure out what went wrong with Katherine. Then, she stopped communicating with YN completely.
One night YN went shopping alone to clear their head and walk around without the risk of encountering anyone from campus, since the students usually went to the town mall during the day.
They walked along one of the strips of the mall that lead to one of the courtyards where people would sit and relax while being under the clear night sky.
YN bought their favorite drink as a treat and walked along the sidewalk, looking for a nice spot to sit and enjoy their own company.
When YN finally found a spot, they heard a familiar laughter. It was Katherine. She walked out of a coffee shop that was near YN's chosen spot with Steve and kissed him, followed by a hug. YN gasped loud enough to catch Katherines attention. They made eye contact and Katherine gave YN the meanest look she could.
Something snapped in them that day. Not only Katherine completely discarded YN from her life, but she was betraying Casey, and on top of that Steve was being unfaithful to Casey, not to mention that he was the reason why the friend group got separated in the first place.
That's why YN went to Katherines house at night the next day. That's why YN hid behind the bushes next to her room with a red ghostface mask decorated with small horns to conceal their face. Why they called Katherine to serve as a distraction before bashing the bedroom window with a large stone and grabbed Katherine from behind, slicing her throat open and letting her bleed to death.
"YN? Helloooo" You heard Tatum practically scream at you. Finally snapping out of your thoughts, you shook your head and processed what she said.
"Casey and Steve too?" You asked, shock written all over your face. Tatum was slowly becoming your friend ever since she noticed you and your (ex) friends were parting. You were all in the cheerleading team and word got around pretty quick. By the day of the shocking news, you guys were officially friends. However, you didn't want to get attached, so there was still a good amount of distance when it came to trust from your part.
As the days went by, you became closer to her friend group as well, mainly because Randy kept conspiring about you being the main suspect of the group because you were the new one.
"All I'm saying is it's usually the least expected person! Plus, they dress in all black and, chains... tattoos, and scary stuff." Randy said and you scoffed, giving him an annoyed look. "I'm literally right here asshole. Plus, that has nothing to do with being a killer."
"Don't get me wrong, you're hot but c'mon YN!" - "Man fuck off! You're being a real dick head." Stu interrupted and you smiled at Randy sarcastically.
"Okay fine, i'll drop it... I've got my eye on you though." - "Randy, if you have a little crush on YN I don't think insulting them will get you anywhere." Billy interjected and everyone laughed except for the boy being called out.
"Shut up Billy! I don't have a crush it's ju-" - "Give it a rest already, YN is not the killer." Tatum said and scoffed.
Sidney seemed uncomfortable with the whole situation, always playing the victim card when other people were getting hurt too. More than her. Yeah, you might've been the cause of some of the damage but it was still annoying.
She shifted between Billy's legs uncomfortably and he gave her a subtle glare, exactly like you did before making eye contact with him. He averted your gaze quicker than you did his and you bit your lip in thought. He always seemed mysterious. The quiet type. Hot bad boy that swept anyone off their feet without even trying, but you knew best. You knew he wasn't innocent in this whole situation and you got the feeling that he knew you were part of it too. You and Billy thought alike, you were almost sure of it, but you had to get close to him. The last thing you needed was someone ratting you out to get away with possible murder.
Exiting out of the classroom, the day was finally over. You walked along the hallway to leave your books in your locker, but before getting there you spotted Billy opening his. You took a deep breath and put on your best smile before approaching him.
"Hey Billy!, have you seem Tatum?" You asked, sounding sweet as ever and he looked at you from head to toe. "Mm, I think she's still in class. Stu's supposed to meet me here with her s-" - "Nice boots shorty." Stu said, sticking his tongue out at you, interrupting Billy by placing his hands on his shoulders and giving him a squeeze that didn't go unnoticed by you.
You were wearing black platform knee high boots that barely did anything to help your height when it came to being next to Billy and Stu, but they were cute shoes nonetheless so that was a win.
"Yeah, thank's. Where's Tatum?" You asked Stu this time and he shrugged. "Mm I don't know man, she said Sidney needed a ride home so I think she left."
Of course she did. You guys weren't nearly as close as she was with Sidney, but she could've at least met you after class.
You rolled your eyes, trying to seem playful before answering; "Whatever, see you around losers."
Billy smirked at your little pet name and Stu just laughed annoyingly loud.
"You really think it was them man? I mean, look at that shorty with the cute personality-" - "It's an act, Stu. Can't you see?" The boys looked at you from head to toe at a distance, impossible to look away with that incredible body of yours. "We need to get closer, it's the only way." Billy said and Stu chuckled; "Or maybe you just want to tap that. I know I would." - "Can't you be serious for one second?! We can't risk someone exposing us just to get away with murder, ok?!" Billy whisper screamed while looking around to make sure nobody was too close to hear him. Even if Stu was right about Billy being undeniably attracted to you, he couldn't let that get in the way.
You were stressed, annoyed and not having it with Tatum leaving with Sidney and not meeting you after class, so you decided to go to your usual smoke spot to exhale the stress away. Arriving at the colleges bleachers, you sat underneath them in a secluded corner and pulled out the pipe from your bag along with already ground weed and a lighter.
After preparing everything, you placed the tip of the pipe against your mouth and lit the substance, taking a deep inhale before exhaling slowly and closing your eyes, feeling the relaxing effects wash over your body.
Twenty minutes went by and you were already taking your third hit, needing to numb yourself a bit before walking to your dorm. While you breathed in the smoke, you heard footsteps behind you. Turning around you saw that it was Billy approaching. You got startled and the smoke went deeper into your lungs than it should've, instantly sending you into a coughing fit.
"Woah there! Didn't mean to scare you." He said, chuckling before sitting down in front of you. You coughed a few more times before catching your breath and looked at him, bursting into laughter. He couldn't help but smile at your state and lift an eyebrow.
"Is that shit that good?" Billy asked and you offered him some. "Find out for yourself." You said and he took a big hit, having a mini coughing fit himself before the effects took over.
A few more hits later and hours of talking to each other you were starting to take a liking to Billy. He was funny and sweet. His personality really blossomed with the effects of the weed and it was easy to let go with him. Inevitably, you guys started to talk about theories related to the murders and made fun of Randy for being a nerd when it came to horror movies, not to mention taking the rules so seriously.
"I mean, it's kinda stupid that if you're a virgin you can't get killed. That's like, some voodoo shit or something." You said, not making much sense.
"How did you even draw that conclusion?" Billy asked and smirked at your incoherent reasoning.
"I don't know! Like, it would make more sense if you kissed the killer or something and you instantly become a subject." You said, trying to make some sense of your words but you knew it didn't.
"You're not even thinking at this point." - "No, I'm not." You instantly answered and giggled, a rare occurrence for you. Billy couldn't help but find it cute and contradicting given your dark appearance.
"Hm, we're both suspects so... What if we kissed and end up being killers? Does that cancel it out or something?" Billy asked. He knew exactly what he was doing.
You paused for a moment, trying to make sense and figure out what he was implying. "Mm, I don't know, m-" - "You wanna find out?" He said suddenly, smirking.
Did he know you were responsible for one of the killings or was he just trying to make out because he was high and not thinking?
"Mm, tempting... But you have a girl, so." - "But you want to." He countered, sitting next to you, his face inches away from yours.
"I mean... Kinda..." You admitted, no filter whatsoever. Billy bit his bottom lip and scanned your face for any sign of rejection as he leaned in slowly. "Sid doesn't need to know..." He whispered and you felt him pull you in with his stare. Gosh, he was magnetic and you couldn't resist.
You decided to make a bold move and bit his bottom lip softly, eliciting a chuckle from his part.
Your lips touched and it was over. You moved in unison and played with Billy's tongue, brushing yours against his and softly moaned into his mouth. How did you even end up in that situation? It all happened so fast, but you couldn't pull away.
"You're a freaky one, huh?" He whispered and you laughed softly, standing up and straddling him. Billy immediately placed his hands on your hips and squeezed the flesh. You continued kissing and biting each other. Moaning and groaning quietly as you ground your hips against his crotch. Billy could've come right then and there with the sight of your tits bouncing while you moved against him.
You could've fucked him at that moment without a care, but before things could escalate, you heard footsteps.
Climbing off his lap and fixing yourselves, you moved far enough so it didn't seem like anything was happening.
Suddenly, Stu peaked under the bleachers and laughed; "I thought I smelled pot!"
You couldn't help but laugh along with him and offer some to the boy. That day got interesting real quick, and you couldn't deny that you loved every second of it.
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beomesque · 1 month
𝑫𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒐𝒏/𝑹𝒐𝒔𝒆𝒔 -𝑲𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒂
pairing: yu jimin x fem reader
genre: drabble, fluff, angst, part 1
wc: 400 approx
note: inspired by danelion/roses by jaehyun
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You felt the wind getting sucked out of you when she mentioned his name. One of her hands on your shoulder while she ecstaticly talked about the beautiful garden, the serene weather, every word he uttered and her reaction when she received the roses from him. Worst of it all, karina looked happy, thousand smiles forming into her eyes when she said the most dystopian hurtful things to you right on your face. What do you mean someone asked her out? And she actually said yes? Does it even make sense? Whatever you thought negatively about this year, this sure wasn't your list. You are in love with your bestfriend Yu Jimin ever since the crack of dawn. But if you ever have to pinpoint a certain scenario where exactly you fell in love with her it'll be this-
You were crying in your room. Both spiritually and mentally tired. Your favourite college has yet again rejected you. All the hard work, just sleeping enough to keep going, missing meals flashed in front of your eyes. Despite this, you still couldn't make it. Cooped up into a corner, you cried endlessly. Suddenly, you could hear an unlocking noise coming from the door. It was Karina, with pouted lips, furrowed eyebrows and hands on her hips. She was well what seemed looked angry. "Y/N!!"
"wha-- t?" You wipe your eyes sheepishly.
"Let's go!"
"Huh? Wher--" she takes your hands and grabbed so hard you tumbled standing up. "Cmon" she said snatching you away from the dark room. You ran, following her lead to a nearby field. It was minutes before the sunrise. She stood beside you, the sky still twinkling with faint bits of stars. She smiled at you, tucking a wild dandelion behind your ears; she just had plucked from ground. Without saying anything, that comforted you. Words come when you really need them. In this particular moment, not an alphabet was exchanged. Just her eyes turning a different shade with the rising sun. Her hands tangled up in yours and the wind flowing back to where it came from. That's perhaps the moment where you fell in love with her.
She is the end to all your worries, ray of hope as to why to live. Someone to stitch the torn pieces of you back together. The ocean would drown if you care to explain how deeply you feel about her. It's evident. The way you dream of her after a long day, listen to music you'd never listen just because she likes it. Sketching every bit of her face in an excuse you are an artist. Wait for an hour everyday after classes when she is late due to the club activities. Listen to her go on about the boys she hates in her club, swing her hands to and fro happily walking back to home. It's see through, anybody can get how you look at her eating the ramen you made for yourself. But her voice saying "I love you yn" followed by a grin makes up for it everytime.
Even the things you love can hurt you. As you are sitting on the dining, the soft peek of the sun from the curtains, falls on the basket of cherry tomatoes lying in front you. Something Karina brought two days ago, untouched. The shade of it, red, reminding of the roses that boy bought for her. Your head gets hazy, you lose the remaining apetite and fall back on your couch. When the familiar place started grasping you, making you drift into sleep; you hear a knock on the door.
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taglist: @shutupheathersorryheatherr @itgirlgyu
©️beomesque (Do not copy, repost or translate my work)
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fansids · 5 months
Shadow of the King Au Art Dump
Since I very rarely get past the sketching phase any presentable art is rare, but I managed to find some for ya'll
Warning for some old ass art:
1. The Stalwart Generals
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I spent an ungodly amount of time figuring out the designs, dynamics, and personalities of all of these monkies so I'll be damned if I don't show them first.
The Generals take care of anything SWK is unable to. They are in charge of FFM when he's not present.
Marshal Ma - While technically all the generals are the same rank, Marshal Ma is considered SWK's unofficial second in command. She's calm in every crisis with a very low bs tolerance and is 75% of the reason why the island doesn't fall to chaos every time SWK leaves. She's highly respected by all the inhabitants and can and will break your spine Bane style if the situation calls for it.
Marshal Liu - Mean bisexual. Marshal Ma's sister and the bane of her existence. On duty she takes her role very seriously. Off duty she likes to keep Ma on her toes with her dumbassery. She's easy going, hates clothes, and loves to fight. She has a slightly concerning amount of knives on her person at all times. She is big gay for General Beng.
General Beng - Meaner lesbian. A siamang and the largest and tallest of the generals. She enjoys dressing up, tea (both kinds), and a good party. She has a very short fuse. While her size and strength alone would generally deter anyone from testing her temper, there are always idiots. She can fight, but she knows her Liu would enjoy it more.
General Ba - The youngest of the generals. While she's not shy, she is very quiet. She does not waste her words. But, when she speaks, the others will stop whatever they're doing to listen. She likes to spend her free time in the libraries. Get her in the right mood and she'll argue with you for hours about the most random subjects.
2. Macaque face evolution
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Was trying to get a feel for Macaque's face and how it changes throughout the au. Top right is the youngest, bottom right is the oldest. Bro gets all sorts of messed up from the whole died and resurrection thing and very much looks wrong afterwards.
3. New fit
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Macaque and SWK have the whole cape thing going on, I figured SWK gave Mac one of his own when he was still training under him. I like to think it holds a lot of sentimental value to him since he still wears it in present day but he would rather get his head smashed in again than admit it.
4. I'm sure this won't come back to bite anyone later
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Eeesh. Imagine spending your whole life training to receive and keep the Sun Wukong's attention only for him to casually give it to some random human boy thousands of years later. I mean, Macaque did betray him and everything, but it's the principle.
5. The Tongbi Gibbon Concepts
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One of the four world-wrecking/celestial monkies. My brain was very focused on the whole pulling celestial bodies out of the sky part of her abilities that I made her based around that line.
Don't know if this fit is still canon as she and the Horse Monkey had a large role to play in Shadow of the King, and I'm considering if I should take them out
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I consider the Tongbi gibbon and the Horse Monkey to be older than both Sun Wukong and Macaque in Shadow of the King. The Horse Monkey is the eldest, but the Tongbi's age is nothing to sniff at.
That being said, that does not mean she can't be bought.
Takes place after all the traumatizing shit in SotK
Panel 1
Tongbi: Child, I am an ancient being. I hold the power of gods within me. I was witness to the birth of the Great Sage himself. I have seen nations and empires rise and fall. I have gathered and spent innumerable wealth. Yet you think you can bribe me with 20 yuan?
Panel 2
The host: ...how 'bout 30?
Panel 3
Off-panel (Horse Monkey): TONGBI!!
MK: I thought the nimbus made you airsick
Red Son: Not helping, Noodle Boy
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dollyhao · 1 year
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loser!ellie x bully!reader
summary: you and ellie go to a party where ellie gets jealous and shows you just how obsessed she is with you.
cw: drunk jealous ellie, clingy ellie, cunnilingus (r!receiving)
└── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──┘
this is bullshit. you invited/threatened ellie to go this party with you just for you to run off with your friends. she’s leaned against a wall drinking and watching you dance with one of your guy friends. he’s got his hands on your hips and your smiling and laughing. ellie knows it’s dumb to be jealous because your gay asf but she knows exactly what he’s thinking because she’s thinking the same thing, you look way too sexy in that skin tight purple dress that SHE bought you.
ellie downs the rest of her drink going to go get more. you see ellie walk off and excuse yourself to follow her. you don’t understand why tf she hasn’t come up to ask you to dance yet. you wore the dress she bought you and you even wore those brown wedges that make you taller than her (because yk she likes when you tower over her sometimes)
you find ellie downing some more henny, “ellie wtf are you doing,” you saying snatching the cup from her. she looks at you with a cute angry expression, “none of your business. don’t act like you care about what tf i’m doin.” she says reaching her cup back. you hold it out of her reach. “you need some air or something because your words are getting a little reckless. come on,” you put her cup down and grab her arm pulling her out of the frat house that the party was taking place in.
you pull your phone out ordering you two an uber back to your dorm. you turn back to ellie to find her staring at you with what seems like aw. “what” you say with false attitude looking down smoothing out your dress so she can’t tell that your flustered. “you look so pretty in your dress” she says pulling you close, wrapping her arms around your waist and resting her chin on your chest looking up at you like you put the stars in the sky.
“damn your a clingy drunk” you say rolling your eyes making no moves to get her off you. she gives you a lazy smile and you swear you can see hearts in her eyes. your phone pings saying that your uber was here. you turn around finding the car dragging ellie over to it. you open the door pushing her into the car climbing in after her. ellie is on you, kissing on your neck, massaging the inside of your thigh.
“ellie wait until we get home.” you voice a little shaky. “i don’t wanna wait.” she says licking a strip of your neck. you look up to see the male driver looking through rear view mirror. you push ellie off all the way signaling to the driver. ellie calms down not wanting some rando to hear the cute sounds you make for her. she spends the rest of your ride with her hand on your upper thigh.
you climb out the car and walking towards your dorm with ellie following like a little puppy. you open the door to your dorm kicking your shoes off immediately. ellie closes the door turning around and grabbing you by your neck kissing you slow and messy, all tongue and spit being exchanged between you two. ellie slots her knee between your thighs letting you buck your hips on her thigh. in this position ellie is able to grind against your thigh too.
your shocked ellie has never taken such initiative like this before. ellie is kissing down your neck and kneading your ass. “did it feel good when he was touching you?” she whispers into the crock of your neck. you shake your head frantically throwing your head back, “never. ” ellie drops to her knees pulling your dress up. she pulls your underwear down to ya ankles tossing them somewhere. she puts your leg over her shoulder. giving you small kitten licks, she moans at the taste of you.
“ellie..more” you tangle your hands in her hair. ellie’s tongue is prodding at your entrance, her nose bumping at your clit. you moan out looking down at her, her head is hidden under your dress. you pull your dress over and see her already looking up at you. ellie sucks at your clit fucking you with two fingers while her other hand trails down to her clothed pussy.
she puts her hand in her pants fucking herself on her fingers. “ellie i’m gonna cum” you throw ur head back pulling on her hair, hard. ellie moans fucking you faster, grinding on her hand completely turned on by the sound of your mewls. you come in ellie’s mouth panting because where tf does she learn this shit. once you catch your breath you shove ellie back with your foot that’s over her shoulder. ellie stumbles completely dazed with her hand still in her pants, cumming on her fingers looking you right in your eye.
“i can’t believe you were fingering your self while fucking me,” you look at her astonished, “that’s pathetic ellie” you say giggling grabbing her hand pulling her to your bed. so you two can get ready for bed.
you and ellie are lying in bed, her head on your boobs while your rubbing her hair. your scrolling through instagram stoping on one of your friends post seeing you laughing and ellie sulking in the background. you let out a giggle, “your too fucking cute sometimes ellie. i don’t want anyone but you.”
you thought she was sleep when you said this, but ellie heard the whole thing letting a dopey smile spread on her face.
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