#but with a super serious and straight face he said that nobody deserves to be loved
gok1bvri72 · 1 year
♥️♠️- Pseudo cat hybrid Lyney headcanons and just general ranting about Lyney-♠️♥️
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Omfg if you have cats he gets so jealous
Any animals at all really
Frick if you just hang out around anyone he gets so jealous
Guess you just gotta stop hanging out with people 😔
If he smells anyone else on you you fricking bet he is gonna subtly make you smell like him again some how.
Offer you his mini cape, be particularly clingy that day, straight up do that cat thing where they rub themselves up against you.
You *will* smell like him and that's that.
Stroke his head and run your fingers through his hair PLEASE
He simply ADORES physical affection and contact so if you are comfortable with it please PLEASE spoil him with it:(
He chirped once infront of you and you won't stop teasing him about it. (It was so cute tho:[)
You know that short "prreow" sound? Yeah he made that sound.
Hisses when it's just you or family around heehee
Kinda like a jokey-not-serious arguement between him and you or Lynette.
He and Lynette just start hissing at eachother and it's both adorable and hilarious💛💛💛
He might meow at you, get upset when you don't respond, realise he spoke cat at you and that you aren't Lynette, and then facepalm himself so hard from embarrassment.
At least you weren't in public.
Don't scratch him behind the ear in public btw he will start purring and get embarrassed; he only wants *you* to see that side of him and nobody else:(
Kinda unrelated but please just smooch him everywhere on the face please give him kisses he is so cute and beautiful and oml he deserves it so much I'm crying T^T
When he gets super sad and cries he just wants to be held and sometimes stops speaking english (or whatever language is called in Teyvat) entirely and just starts making sad cat sounds
You've only ever heard him make the iconic cat scream once and you will never forget it.
It was a beautiful sound.
Your ears were blessed that day.
Can't say the same about Lyney's pinkie toe however....
Will fall asleep in your arms within seconds, that being said he also loves to hold you
Sometimes you will lay down on your stomach and he will lay on top of you and just sleep like that
Will hold you so gently and if you press your ear up against his chest you can hear not only his steady heart beat but also feel the soft vibrations of him purring quietly
*Ahem* anyways
If he is holding you at night he is super warm and will run his finger through your hair until he falls asleep or you do
Why do I feel like you can't keep your lips off one another...
Like in a pg way!
You guys are just peppering little smooches all over each other's faces💫💫💫
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yakuzacanons · 10 months
Good day. Nobody requested Kashiwagi and Watase yet? Well, if possible may I request dating headcanons for them? Thank you.
Now THIS is a rare treat of an ask. Happy to throw some love to these two oldies. Let's get cracking. Some NSFW below btw.
Osamu Kashiwagi
Like Kiryu, he's strong and silent. Emphasis more so on silent. The fellow really do not be talking all that much. Pretty straight laced, isn't a heavy flirt. Communicates candidly and honestly.
The easiest way to find out if he's interested in you is just to watch how he behaves. If he's going out of his way to engage in conversation with you, especially if he's regularly interested in your personal life, chances are he's pretty serious about you.
When dating, Kashiwagi is a class act. He's a pretty traditional dinner date type of guy. Picks nice places but nothing over the top level of lavish like Ryuji might. Is always on time. Always holds the door open for you.
Despite being a more restrained guy, in a serious relationship Kashiwagi will not hesitate to verbalize his affections to you. Don't expect like full blown sonnets from the guy but his "I love you"s are pretty regular.
Physically, he's not super into PDA but he does have a particular penchant for giving you a kiss on the hand. He actually does this more often the longer you two are dating. Also really likes putting his arm around you or putting his jacket over your shoulders if it's cold or raining out.
In bed, Kashiwagi is still pretty quiet but he is intense. Prefers it if you can't see his face during sex because he's worried the scar is a turn off.
It's important to note that Kashiwagi likes really weird food combinations. He will also eat just about anything or at least try it once so don't be surprised if he's casually like "Yea, I've eaten fried spiders. Why?"
Masaru Watase
He's old school in a similar way that Kashiwagi is but Watase is more talkative. He can be pretty humorous if he wants to but he does value respect above all else. He really likes a romantic partner that is indepedent and charismatic, kind of like he is.
Loves having a partner that can challenge him in multiple respects, someone that pushes him to try new things or that engages with him mentally. He isn't against a more docile partner but someone who lacks significant personal interests, hobbies, or the like are a total turn off for him.
Most dates with him are just going to a really nice bar, having some drinks, and chatting. Doesn't believe in dates being flashy and values quality time and good conversation over everything else. Bonding time is his priority.
Physically, he has two moods: respectful hand holding or a total teddy bear. In public, it's the former. In private, it's the latter. He can be pretty playful in private and won't hesitate to just pick you up and carry you around. Might even use you as a weight while working out if you're not careful.
Commands that the utmost respect be given to you by just about everyone he knows. You are not just some random date or some floozy, hell you aren't even just his partner, you're your own person deserving of respect, acknowledgment, and admiration. Because of this type of thinking, he's not the type of guy to put his arm around you to show that you belong to him. Instead, you're more than likely to be walking hand in hand, step in step with him. He sees you entirely as an equal.
Mostly a top in bed and be a bit of a dom. Intimacy is a private affair for him so things like car sex, office sex, or public sex are pretty much off limits. Like I said, quality time is a must for him.
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dragondemoness · 2 years
Everyones reaction to gn smart ultimate gamer reader who keeps trying to give hints in the trial who the killer is but Monokuma gets sick of it during the 2nd trial and just puts a contraption for reader to shut up and byakuya makes a slick comment and reader throw a handheld console at him like it straight up doinks him on the forehead perfect accuracy
This has the energy of a crack request, so I made it one. Hope you're alright with that😄
Also, the relationships here aren't really intended to be friendly or romantic, it's just their reactions. The relationships with the characters and the reader are up to the reader
Suck it, Byakuya - THH Cast x Smart Ultimate Gamer Reader
You were the Ultimate Gamer.
All you did was play games.
So naturally, nobody really expected much from you at first.
But you turned out to be super observant and smart.
You already knew who the killers were, and you assisted your classmates by giving them clues.
Monokuma naturally didn't care for this, and during the second trial, he slapped an iron mask on your face to prevent you from spilling anything.
Byakuya chuckled as you tried to pull you off. "Looks like the plebeian has finally been silenced."
You glared at him and took a Game Boy out of your pocket and chucked it at him. It hit him in the forehead, perfect accuracy.
Makoto Naegi 
"(N-Name)! There's no need for that!"
Though he'd be lying if he said it wasn't satisfying to watch
He feels kinda bad for you and wishes that you could help him out
But of course, Monokuma wants it to be a fair trial
Byakuya Togami 
"Ngh! Y-You absolute-!"
You pull out another Game Boy and it quickly shuts him up
He's not happy about having a Game Boy thrown at his forehead
And he's honestly grateful for the iron mask
I mean, if you gave away the clues so easily, the game wouldn't be fun anymore...
Chihiro Fujisaki 
(N-Name)! W-Why did you do that?"
Poor boi doesn't like violence
He feels really sorry for you
All you wanted to do was help, after all
Leon Kuwata 
"Hah! Take that, you bastard!"
He hates Byakuya for what he did to Chihiro's body, so he fully thinks he deserved it
He definitely let out a laugh after seeing you own Byakuya
He wishes you didn't have the mask on so you could roast rich bitch Byakuya
Kiyotaka Ishimaru 
"(Name)! Violence is not welcome in a school environment!"
Buddy... It's a class trial🤦‍♀️
He doesn't appreciate the violence, but he also doesn't appreciate Monokuma silencing you
Mondo Owada 
"Fuck yeah! Take that, you pompous piece of shit!"
Oh he's been waiting for Byakuya to get what was coming to him
He's satisfied that someone did it for him
He's also pissed at Monokuma for doing this to you
Yasuhiro Hagakure 
"Whoa! For serious!"
He's just shocked
But also, Byakuya kinda deserved it
He feels pretty bad for you
Hifumi Yamada 
"Oh my! Such aggression! I have to say, that's... strangely exciting..."
Shocked, but he's also gonna be a perv about it
Especially if you're a girl
He also doesn't care for Byakuya that much, so plus for him
Kyoko Kirigiri 
"(Name), that aggression is not needed here."
Despite her words, she's glad you put Byakuya in his place, albeit in a violent way
Even if Monokuma won't let you drop hints, she'll take your place and carry the trial for you
Toko Fukawa/Genocide Jack
"Y-You a-absolute b-bitch! (or dick, or asshole) H-How d-d-dare you h-hurt my master?!"
She is NOT happy
She's grateful for the iron mask, honestly
Then Genocide Jill pops out and throws her scissors at you
They just bounce off the iron mask without leaving a single scratch
Aoi Asahina 
"You totally had that coming! Thanks, (Name)..."
She's totally for it
If you didn't do it, she probably would have
She wishes you could help with the trial, but shutting up Byakuya was enough
Sayaka Maizono 
"(Name)! Was that really necessary??"
Yes Sayaka, it was
She's shocked about it, but oh well
Celeste Ludenburg 
"Hehe... Well done, (Name)."
She enjoyed seeing you stand up to Byakuya
It was fun to watch
Sucks for you that you have to wear the iron mask, but at least she can enjoy the mystery as they solve it
Sakura Ogami 
"Calm down, (Name). Violence is not necessary."
She just tries to calm you down, but she did find it a little funny
She's tempted to break the iron mask, but she wouldn't dare defy Monokuma
Mukuro Ikusaba 
"Whoa! I mean, he kinda deserved it."
While she's acting as Junko, she's shocked about it, but she doesn't care that much
She doesn't care about the trial at all, honestly
But you beaning Byakuya in the forehead was kind of funny to watch
Junko Enoshima
She's just enjoying the whole thing honestly
Of course, she had to make sure you wouldn't ruin the fun of her trial
But she laughed real hard when you hit Byakuya in the head
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Transformers Prime was so disappointing. As I said in tags, I'll try to be nice, but I just. I'm going to put this under keep reading. It will be lengthy. I do have some good things to say about it and I will, but I have so many complaints. Can't say I didn't warn you.
I'm going to start off with: I saw Cliffjumper in the first episode, paused immediately and told my friend that if he got red-shirted in the first five minutes to prove the situation was serious, I was going to be ANGRY. Lo and behold, Cliffjumper died to prove the situation was serious. And what was the time? Oh, around 4 minutes 30 seconds give or take. I screamed. My friend said something to the effect of, "I think they killed him off because his voice actor was The Rock and he was pricey". My response to that is, "Then maybe they shouldn't have hired him and gotten someone else."
My boyfriend came to the conclusion at one point that Optimus Prime sets the tone for the Transformer shows he's in. And I'm inclined to agree. Optimus is an absolute edgelord in this and I can't make myself like him. And the rest of the show follows. All I'm seeing is a show that tries too hard to be dark and gritty. It's like the writers were focused so much on the dark themes that the characters, their personalities and their backstories, they were all just an after thought. To me. Just my opinion.
Bulkhead... Why the heck didn't they keep Animated Bulkhead's personality? Why did they make him a generic brute? Don't get me wrong, I'm fine with the generic brute types, but Bulkhead is different. It just feels like a slight on what Bulkhead's character was in Animated. I understand that each continuity has every right to their differences. But it still bugs me.
I don't like Arcee. I don't care about her, I don't like the show's half-hearted attempts to make me care about her, she's so darn bland, and it really feels like she is looking to bring down the moods of anyone around her. "Smokescreen's too cheerful and immature. Time to berate him." Glitch, let him have some fun! Dumping hamburgers on someone's car is not something to be mean to him for. Just roll your optics and leave the mood be.
Ratchet does not hit it for me like G1 and Animated do. Maybe because he's racist? He treats the humans like vermin. And then the show just suddenly shows him with a slight change of heart when Raf gets sick. No warning or build up. Just "You humans are so annoying. Oh crap, this child I suddenly care about is dying!" I may be exaggerating, but that's how it felt to me. I guess an argument could be made that Animated Ratchet is racist, too? So if that's the case, then maybe that's not what rubs me the wrong way. But either way, I really don't care for Prime's Ratchet.
I don't care about Raf or Jack. They're just... there. Jack's blander than Arcee. Raf is just some kid with computer knowledge. How in the world does he understand Bee? This isn't G1, they can't just pass it off with "He just can". And I think you said you like Miko, so I'm sorry about this, but I loathe her. She just grates on every fiber of my being. Why is she allowed to put everyone in danger with no repercussions? If they do acknowledge it, it's usually just a slap on the wrist and she goes and does it again. I consider myself a pack animal, so if anyone was pulling stunts that endangered my family, I wouldn't hesitate to deck 'em and give 'em an earful. I'm sorry.
Starscream feels like a joke... He's so hung up on killing Cliffjumper. Like dude. Surely you killed more than just that one tired and beaten Autobot throughout the entire time the war has been going on. And if you haven't, how the heck did you get your position? People say his design is sexy and I just... don't see it. He's very expressive, and the way he moves his wings is great, but aside from that. His voice actor did a great job. But Starscream having a deep vampire-ish voice is not my cup of tea.
Soundwave really should have gotten more screen time. When I saw him slam down Airachnid, I knew I really wanted to see more Soundwave action. Megatron looks like Shredder's armor grew a face (TMNT). I can't take Megatron seriously whatsoever. From his bulging optics that can't look straight ahead, to his alt mode that shows his head and eyes peaking out at the top.
Can the Decepticons in general just have some more color, please? Knock Out and Breakdown are okay. Skyquake and his bro can get a pass. But most everyone else are just colored black, grey, super deep purple, etc. Airachnid should have died in the explosion caused to the Autobot base.
The Autobots are really not much better than the Decepticons. The amount of vehicon violence. They make it a game. But vehicons are filler, they're there to be cannon fodder, etc. Vehicons are so used to being killed off that the second they get punched, they lay down and pretend to be dead so they don't actually die. And the Autobots just laugh amongst themselves and treat it like some game. G1 treated Decepticon battles like a game sometimes too, I know, but they weren't actually killing their enemies. They were just thrashing their butts. The Prime bots kill off the cannon fodder, but don't kill off the main Decepticon characters when they get the chance? Oh! But Bulkhead smashing Starscream's clone to a bloody pulp and killing him! So unnecessary when the clone was clearly not a threat.
The abuse that Megatron throws at Starscream isn't really addressed in a satisfying way. Nobody tries to comfort him or help him get out of the abuse. It just happens. I haven't gone through all of season 3, so I'm only going off of what I've seen so far.
How. Dare they tease the idea of Breakdown having a change of heart and then kill him in such a stupid fashion. Just as I was getting past the fact that they turned him from a paranoid combiner in G1 to another brute like they did with Bulkhead, and beginning to like him. And he was friends with the vehicons! He was the only one that treated them with respect and gave them the time of day! And the writers killed him off! I will never not be salty about that.
...Okay, I think that does it for the negative stuff. Mostly. Now I can move on to the positive stuff.
Smokescreen is precious and I adore what they did to him. It was not worth waiting two seasons for him, but now that he's showed up, I can tolerate the show a little more. He just wants to be the best he can be and prove himself to Prime. The team does not deserve this ray of sunshine.
Knock Out and Breakdown's dynamic was adorable. It took a bit for them as individuals to grow on me, but in the end, I like them and I like their relationship.
I appreciate that the show gave the Decepticons some wins as well as the Autobots. Really made it feel like an actual war and that the "good guys" weren't overpowered.
Scraplets were a nice touch. I like the concept of some tiny terror being a predator to mechs. Makes the bots feel less indestructible. The bringing in of the Insecticons was kinda nice. Wish the design was different, but I appreciate they were even brought in. They really feel like a threat.
I liked the arc where Earth started being cyberformed. I don't think I will never not like the concept of cyberforming.
June Darby with her crush on Optimus. Oh, how I wish they explored that.
Miko and Bulkhead's dynamic is nice. They have a good friendship. I like the idea of a troublemaker dragging around their dim, but sturdy friend around and getting into trouble.
Ratchet on the synthetic energon was great. Give me more kickass doctor, please. Minus the vehicon torture and slaughter.
Predaking is precious as well. I think his fate has been spoiled for me, but we'll see. Hope I'm wrong.
I appreciate that around season 2 the humans started doing more work. They were no longer freeloading.
The vehicon that knocked Optimus' ass out with a tree trunk. He must have had direct beef with Prime and was training for that moment, because oh my goodness.
There was more that I liked about the show. Hence why I don't hate it. I'm just super bummed that I can't move past all those negative points. It had potential. And I want to enjoy it. Whoever loves Prime, like my sister, that's great. I'm glad you do. Somebody has to enjoy it. But it's not for me.
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the-final-sif · 4 years
Now, for the fake quarantine dating au aka the Fuyumi has gone feral au, we’ve now got 3/4 todoroki siblings hanging around the league of villains. Obviously this can only go well. Incorporating some lovely suggestions I got in here.
Fuyumi is now on quite good terms with most of the league. She’s practically adopted Toga as her new younger sister. Because really, the girl is quite sweet when she’s not stabbing people and she’s still a teenager. Fuyumi is a really good influence on Toga and while there’s obviously a lot of things she can’t help with, she’s able to at least get Toga to be better about consent and stalking.
Twice & Fuyumi become super close, at first just because Twice is keeping an eye on her to make sure she’s not taking information she’s not supposed to, but it quickly becomes a regular friendship. Twice is extremely supportive of Fuyumi and honestly he’s just so happy to be helpful that Fuyumi can’t help but like him.
She’s so used to being in a caretaker/helper role, that Twice being so eager to help her out is unfamiliar to her, but honestly a godsend at the same time. Twice helps her manage the new extra workload of being a villain, and encourages her to keep going when she starts worrying that she’ll never find Touya.
I should mention in here that the league is actually the paranormal liberation front by this point, and Skeptic/Re-Destro/the others are hanging around, and at the very least Skeptic and Re-Destro are aware of who Fuyumi is and why she’s here/that she’s not really a villain, but honestly they’re just so relieved that there’s an Adult that Tomura and the others will listen to and who seems to actually know what’s she’s doing, so they’re keeping their mouths shut.
There’s probably a good month in here where Fuyumi suspects that Geten might be Touya who got quirk swapped by AFO, but eventually that theory gets disproved, putting her back at square one.
Under Fuyumi’s guidance, the league rescues Kurogiri from jail (although none of the core members are aware of his status), so now they have two Real Adults around, which is great.
Tomura is extremely happy to have his foster father back. Kurogiri is so proud of the progress he’s made while he was gone (and he 100% pulls Fuyumi aside privately to thank her for getting Tomura to dress respectably), and the two of them have a genuinely nice reunion.
One problem: Tomura now has now been dating Natsuo for a month, has caught Serious Feelings, but nobody knows about any of this and Tomura doesn’t even know how to go about telling anyone, let alone Kurogiri.
It doesn’t help that 1) since he accidentally told Natsuo his old name, Tenko, he then had to tell Natsuo that he’s still in the closest and ask him not to mention him to anyone by name to stop that from getting out. 2) Natsuo has no idea that he’s a villain, let alone the leader of the league of villains, because for obvious reasons, Tomura doesn’t think that will go over well.
He doesn’t want to lie to his boyfriend, but he doesn’t know how to tell the truth either. There’s so many things he can’t say, and even though he’s mostly just been avoiding answering certain questions, it’s still weighing on him.
All of which comes to a head one evening when the two of them are lying in bed, not doing much besides cuddling, something that is still extremely foreign to Tomura and which makes him a bit nervous, even with special gloves on. Maybe it’s how undemanding Natsuo is for answers, or maybe it’s because getting Kurogiri back has made Tomura more brave, or maybe it’s just that he’s kept secrets for too long, but regardless, Tomura’s the one who breaks the silence.
“I feel like- I- There’s things you should know. About me. That I haven’t told you. That I need to tell you. But-” And he doesn’t even know where he was going with that, because he can’t tell Natsuo, but god he needs to.
“Hey, hey, hey, easy.” Natsuo has a grin on his face, softer than his normal one but every bit as bright. “It’s okay. I mean, if there’s things you want to tell me, than I’m happy to listen, but you don’t owe me answers or anything. I get it. Everyone’s got skeletons in their closet. If you’re not ready to tell me yet, that’s just fine.”
God, he was so nice and Tomura wanted nothing more than to take him up on that, but all the same he knows that Natsuo wouldn’t be saying that if he knew.
“I want you to know, but I also don’t. Because it’ll change things. Don’t try to say it won’t. I know it will. There’s no way it won’t. And you deserve to know about it, but I don’t know how to tell you. I want you to know, but I like things how they are too and I don’t want them to change.”
Natsuo’s quiet for a moment, clearly considering before his fingers come up to gently stroke through Tomura’s hair, and fuck if that doesn’t help him calm down.
“Okay. I get that. It’s still okay if you aren’t ready yet though. If it makes you feel any better, there’s stuff I haven’t told you either, for the same reason. I like what we have now, and I don’t want to lose it. But hey even if knowing more about each other will change things, that doesn’t mean it’ll be worse. Just different. Change can be good too. Who knows.”
Again, it takes a lot for Tomura not to interrupt and say he knows this won’t be a good change. But he manages. He doesn’t manage to find any other words to say though, too busy wondering what secrets someone as kind as Natsuo could possible have. 
“Tell you what, I’ve been meaning to get this off my chest anyways, so how about I go first? Then if you feel like telling me your stuff, you can, or we can just save it for another night. Okay?”
Tomura nods, because that sounds nice, and who knows, maybe he’ll get lucky and Natsuo will reveal that he’s a villain too or something.
“Alright, here goes; the reason I haven’t told you my last name is because it’s Todoroki. And yes, it is the Todoroki you’re thinking of. Endeavor’s my father, and Shouto Todoroki, from the UA sports festival and stuff, that’s my younger brother.”
Oh god fucking damn it.
Suddenly, Tomura’s brain helpfully supplies him with a few facts.
He has, while not directly tried to kill Natsuo’s (and Fuyumi’s???) father, enabled Dabi to attempt something of that scale.
Wait, doesn’t Dabi have a grudge against that guy? It’d always been a bit weird to Tomura, but he hadn’t really questioned it. Not until now. That’s going to be a major problem.
“I didn’t tell you for a few reasons. One, I didn’t want you to like me or not like me because of him. Two, I noticed you were kinda jumpy about hero stuff and I didn’t want to scare you off, and three, my relationship with him is kinda... complicated. Definitely not great. It’s got to do with a lot of things, but Touya’s a pretty big part of it all.”
It takes everything in Tomura’s body to hold back his instinctive responses of ‘Do you want me to kill him for you?’, because at this point he doesn’t want to make that offer unless he means it, and he might mean it soon. Depending on a few things. He let’s his gut guide his tongue instead.
“You’re brother’s pretty important to you, huh?”
Natsuo laughs, and it’s something soft and bittersweet, but fond. Still so very fond.
“Yeah, I mean, both of them are. But Touya was my older brother. He was always looking out for me. He was a pretty sickly kid, but he had a fire in him like nobody I’ve ever met. Literally and metaphorically. I still remember how some older kids tried to pick on me after school- it must’ve been ten years ago now- he was so tiny back them, but that didn’t stop him. They weren’t taking him seriously, one of them asked him what he planned to do against them when he wasn’t even up to their shoulders.”
This time Natsuo’s smile is more fond, lost in memories. Something about this is causing ideas to connect in Tomura’s brain, and he knows it’s heading towards something, but he’s scared to get there. Why though?
“Touya looked the guy right in the eye said ‘This’, and without blinking or even changing his expression, just with a little flick of his hand, he sent a wave of flames across the ground. Before they could do anything, he melted their shoes in place so they couldn’t do anything. Then, while they were panicking about it, he got his big creepy grin on his face. The kid who’d been leading them looked up and I think he almost fainted out of fear when he realized that he couldn’t fight back or get away. He apologized real after after that, promised they’d never do it again, and Touya said they better not, or next time it wouldn’t be their shoes that he melted. Then he turned on his heel, grabbed my hand and walked me all the way back home. I never got picked on again after that. But that was Touya for you, nothing ever scared him.”
Vividly, a memory flashes in front of Tomura’s eyes of some low level grunt getting in Dabi’s face. The guy had been getting a bit too friendly with Toga while she was still recovering from her eye injury. She was on pain meds at the time, and honestly Tomura had been about to decay the guy where he stood when Dabi stepped in and told him to back off. Apparently the guy thought he was hot shit because he asked why he should.
The very next second, blue flames had erupted and the guy was stuck in place, bound by his own shoes and helpless to do anything but simper out apologizes as those flames hovered around him, the smell of burning flesh hitting the air. Tomura hadn’t heard what Dabi had said, but he’d heard the rumors afterwards. ‘Next time, my flames will be burning a whole lot more than just your feet. Got it?’.
He hadn’t actually burned the guy’s feet off all the way, but it was enough to leave scars as a reminder.
Tomura had wondered many a time what Dabi was like when he was younger. Before he was Dabi.
It was almost funny, to find out that he’d always been like this. At least on some level.
Years of training was the only reason Tomura managed to keep a straight face and his voice somewhat even.
“Sounds like he was a pretty good brother.”
“Yeah. He really was. I miss him so much. All of us do. I know Fuyumi told you guys that she’s thinks he’s still out there, I don’t know if I believe that or not, but I don’t really have the heart to tell her to let it go. I probably should. It’s been years. I just... I just really like to think he’s still out there somewhere. I’d give almost anything to get him back, if I could, so I can hardly blame her for looking for him.”
Silence for a moment.
“Sorry, that’s kinda a lot to dump on you- I don’t really talk about him a lot these days.”
“No, no, it’s fine. I- I get it. My family- some of them anyways- it’s not the exact same, but it’s similar. I miss them a lot too. And-”
Tomura wanted to tell him the truth, but fuck, he couldn’t. As much as he wanted to tell his boyfriend that his brother was alive, had been this entire time, even now looked out for them because now that he was thinking about it, fuck, no wonder Dabi had been avoiding Fuyumi even while he vouched for her. But-
But it wasn’t his place to. That wasn’t his secret to share.
“-who knows, I can’t say I’m one to believe in miracles, but they do happen sometimes.”
Fuck that sounded sappy. It made Natsuo grin though, bright and wide, and so it was worth it. Worth the guilt that settled in Tomura’s chest, for all the things he couldn’t say yet.
Biting his bottom lip, Tomura decided to switch topics, meandering back to far lighter discussions of new games coming out soon. He’d wanted to tell Natsuo everything- but not tonight.
There was someone else he had to talk to first.
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generallybarzy · 4 years
your baby, she’s mine
mat barzal x reader
summary: Your parents aren't thrilled about your relationship with Mathew. You don't care what they think, but Mat takes their criticism so hard it creates a little break in your relationship, and he just really wants a redo. (This is mostly based on single by the neighborhood but I also added some 5sos Lover of Mine in there bcs ive been listening to it for like 4 hours straight) warnings: swearing?, age gap (18-22, not super big).  word count: ~2,650 ish
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It had been 10 days now since the incident with your parents. 
It had been a week now since Mat started avoiding you.
You had been so amazing to hang out with, to go out with, to laugh with, to fall asleep, and wake up with. He really, really, really liked you. He knew he did. So why did he let a little bit of criticism be the thing that tore your relationship apart?
The two of you had only been dating for two months, but you had been pining after him for a long time, ever since your close friend- a girlfriend of one of his teammates- introduced you. You became friends really fast, which was good, but it also came with months of pining after him and having to see countless girls flirt with him and knowing about his hookups with them every now and then. So when you finally got over yourself and all but begged him to stop, he broke down to you and confessed that you’d been the only one on his mind for months. The emotions were hard to control, finally knowing that you liked him back- god, it was so good. He wanted to keep you forever, wrap himself up in your warmth and your joy, protect you, love you. It was crazy, unlike anything he'd felt before. But he was still caught off guard when he came over to visit you one day and was greeted by the disapproving faces of your parents who had come to make sure she was adjusting well to living on her own and who, as he soon realized, had no idea their precious baby girl was dating anybody.
He knew something was wrong the moment you opened the door. “Hey, baby. Thought I’d swing by before the game for some-” You shook your head, signaling him to stop and opened the door further to reveal who he assumed were your parents standing behind you with questioning looks on their faces. Fuck, fuck, fuck.
"Mat, these are my parents. And, uh, this is Mat. We're dating" he saw them exchange a look and your father scowled a bit.
“Mat? The same Mat who kept breaking your heart for months?” Ouch. His heart dropped to the fucking floor. Shit, he already had a bad reputation with them, but honestly, he couldn’t blame you for complaining about his past habits. They’d probably heard you cry over him a lot.
Fine. He had thought to himself. Didn't expect to meet the parents today, but I’m sure I can still get on their good side. That hopeful thought was gone a minute later when the interrogation began. Your parents seemed to have a problem with everything about him. Okay, yes. Maybe he had met you at a post-game party, but that didn’t mean you were only a starstruck fan. No, he wasn’t just hooking up with you for fun! Okay, he might be four years older than you but that’s really not that big a difference- you’re an adult, not a baby.
Okay, he’d admit that he had gotten a little bit defensive to your parents when they lowkey accused him of taking advantage of a young fan who was just idolizing him. That was a fucked up thing to say. “She’s not a child. She’s not your baby, she’s my baby.” He was grumbling under his breath but everyone heard. And oh boy did it start something. 
Your parents- especially your father- wouldn’t stop, no matter how much you begged them. You were so young, you had your whole life ahead of you, they argued. You could be out on the dating scene meeting the perfect man to marry one day, not hooking up with the man who had hurt you for months and taken your focus away from furthering your education. “If I know anything about professional athletes,” Your father said, pointing an accusing finger at Mat, “They don’t want serious relationships this young, just quick hookups, and you should be able to see that by now!” By the end of the night, Mat had sunk down into his seat, quiet and red-faced, holding back everything he wanted to say. It wasn’t him at all, and you hated seeing him so defeated. The day ended with him leaving for a game, sad and quiet, and you practically kicked your parents out, quickly texting Mat and begging him to come back.
You had apologized profusely for their actions, but still, every day after that was tiring. He would barely text back, he didn’t come back over after the game that night and you knew he needed cuddles after a rough loss. He didn’t come over after practice the next day, and it wasn’t long before you received a text from him. All it said was: “I think your parents are right. I’m sorry baby”. 
And, no matter how many questions you sent, that was the last you’d heard from him in the past week. 
Mathew hadn’t stopped thinking about you all week. He missed you, but what your father had said was still gnawing away in the back of his mind. You were still young, you could be bettering yourself, he shouldn't be distracting you. He had broken your heart. You could do so, so much better than him. But he was suffering without you, and his teammates could tell. 
After another long, tiring practice, Mat wasn’t looking forward to going home alone and spending the rest of the day thinking about you, so he was happy when Tito offered a distraction by taking him out to eat someplace that he claimed had the best food. He’d been a little confused at how much his friend was hyping the place up, and even more confused when they arrived at a cute little cafe. After entering, it didn’t take long for Mat’s eyes to spot you, sitting all alone in the corner, sipping on a drink and scrolling through your phone, looking just as tired as him, if not worse.
No. No, no, no. It's such a bad idea to be near you. As much as it hurt him, it was for the best that he should stay away and keep himself out of your life, and being alone with you was the last thing he needed right now.
But, shit, it felt so good to see you again.
“What the hell.” He turned to glare at his friend. "I can't-"
“You need to talk to her. You’ve been so mopey and sad and you sucked at practice today and we all know it’s because of her.”
“Wow, thanks.”
“Seriously, you’re dumb to ignore her. Like really stupid. Fix it.” Mat cast another glance in your direction, making sure you didn’t notice him yet.
“I shouldn’t.”
“Why not? Because her parents don’t like you? You know that’s not a big deal.” 
“Yeah, it is. Because they’re right. I’ve hurt her and she deserves a lot more than me.”  Tito just laughed and shook his head. 
“And you don’t think you’re hurting her now by ignoring her? Go talk to her. She misses you. And I know you miss her too.” Before Mat could argue or leave the cafe, Tito looked over in your direction and waved. “Hey, (Y/N)!” You looked up to smile at your friend and wave back, eyes going sad when you saw Mat standing almost awkwardly behind him. Giving his friend a slap on the back and a nudge in your direction, Tito left, leaving Mat to finally talk to you. 
He looked so sad, you noticed, as he hesitantly approached your booth. He was wearing a pair of sweatpants and a soft hoodie, one that you often used to steal from him when you had a bad day, and his hair looked just as soft as always but a little bit messier. As he slid into your booth across from you, and you could finally see him up close, the way the week apart had taken its toll on him, how tired he looked, as if he hadn’t been getting sleep at night. How his eyes, which usually only held joy around you, were sad and dull as if all the life had been drained out of him. “Hey.”
“It’s been a while, Mat.” You still hadn’t smiled at him since he sat down, but he knew he couldn’t blame you. You sat in silence for a few uncomfortable moments, something uncommon for the two of you. He hated it so much. He didn’t want to feel this wrong when he was with you, so wrong that he couldn’t even meet your gaze. He fucked it up so bad. “You wanna tell me why you went from being practically attached to me to avoiding me completely?”
He sighed and looked up at you softly. “I’m sorry.” 
“That doesn’t fix it.” Your voice was soft, delicate, sounding like it was about to break, but the way your eyebrows were furrowed up let Mat know that you were upset with him. 
“I know.”
“It doesn’t answer my question, either. You don’t have to listen to my parents, you know. We care about each other, that’s all that matters.”
“Baby-” He paused, not knowing if he should’ve called you that or not. It didn’t feel like he should, but it felt so, so good. “(Y/N), I know I shouldn’t have let them get to me so much but… as much as it hurts... they are right.”
“Right about what? The part where they said you're just hooking up with me for fun? The way they said I'm still a baby and I can’t make choices for myself yet?”
“No, no!”  He held his hands up to calm you, wanting so badly to take your hand in his, but again not knowing if it would be appropriate to do so. “Listen. I’ve…” He dropped his hands flat onto the table, giving up any hope of getting to touch you. “They were right about how I hurt you. I broke your heart already. Over and over. I fucked us up already.” His voice was cracking, and even though you knew he wouldn’t let himself cry, especially here, you could tell he wanted to.
“You’re fucking beautiful, (Y/N). You could get anybody you want. Anybody. You’re young and hot and pursuing a career, and I can’t hold you back from that. You should be dating someone that can be there for you all the time. I’m always busy, and I always end up hurting you. I do care avout you, a lot, but you deserve a lot better than I could ever give you.”
“No, shut the hell up!” Mat looked up. startled. He’d honestly never seen you angry before. “Mathew, there’s nobody better than you. There’s nobody else I want. And you’re not holding me back.” You reached over to take his hand in yours and immediately, Mat responded by lacing your fingers together, thankful to finally feel your touch after a week of separation. You continued, voice softer this time. “Mat, I don’t care that you’ve hurt me in the past. It’s in the past, and it was unintentional. I’m not upset over that. I love you, ya know?” Finally, for the first time in a week, a true, honest smile stretched across Mat’s face, lighting up your heart and making you feel butterflies as if it was the first time again.
“I love you too, baby.” You stood from your booth and slid in next to him, letting him press a kiss against your cheek, keeping it short and sweet in public. 
“Mat, the only thing I’m upset about is how you ignored me for a week.”
“I know. Fuck, I know. This past week has been the biggest mistake of my life. Not being able to see you, touch you, even hear you say my name... I'm so sorry, and I swear I’m never going to let you go again because in the past few months, being with you is the only thing I got right. I’m so sorry. I never want to let you go again.” You smiled and wrapped your arms around his waist, tucking yourself into his side. “Are we good?”
“We’re good, Mat. So good.” He held you against him, just taking the moment to enjoy the fact that he finally had you back in his arms. God, he was never going to let you go. 
“I still want a second chance at meeting your parents, though.”
You laughed a bit at his persistence. “Are you sure? Last time wasn’t so great.”
“I’m sure I can get on their good side. And if not, oh well.”
“Alright then. Woo them with that Barzal magic. I know you can do it.”
Next weekend, you called your parents back to visit, not telling them that Mat was going to be there. Mat came extra early, dressed nice but not too formal, in contrast to the fact that he had been in all sweats at their last meeting, with his hair styled nicely. It made your heart flutter, seeing the lengths he was going to to get your parent’s approval, even if it really meant nothing in the end. He smiled and shook their hands when they arrived, even though they obviously weren’t too thrilled. He helped set the table for dinner and offered some stories that made your mom smile. By the time dinner was over and he offered to wash the dishes for you, it was obvious your mom trusted him. “No, Mat I think my mom and I need some time to talk. Why don’t you go watch tv with my dad.” You smiled sympathetically, knowing it was really your dad Mat was trying to win over now.
So he took a deep breath and went to the small living room of your apartment where your dad was flipping through the channels on the TV. 
“Okay, I’m just gonna say my stuff, then.” Mat stood beside the TV, nervous as your father’s eyes shot up to look at him. “I know you’re still unsure about (Y/N) dating me, and for good reasons. I know she’s young and you're worried about her in the big city, but she’s an adult, and she can make choices for herself, and she loves me. I love her, too.” Your dad sighed and muted the TV, sitting up and turning his full attention towards Mat. He looked him over, obviously trying to gauge something about him.
“Do you know how often my daughter used to call us, crying that her best friend ignored her calls and blew off their plans to hook up with some random girl?”
Your father’s words felt like knives through his heart. It hurt knowing how much you cared for him even before he knew it, but he continued. “Trust me, I know I’ve hurt her, broken her heart, and I’ve apologized to her so many times, so now I’m going to apologize to you. I’m sorry for ever making her go through all the heartbreak. I seriously never meant to hurt her. I never meant to hurt your baby and I swear I’ll never do anything to hurt her ever again. You can trust me to keep her safe out here. So will you let your baby be mine?” There was silence for a few long moments before Mat sighed. Well, that was all he could do. “Alright, I’m done with the speech, but I’m just gonna say that no matter how you feel about it, I’m still going to love her.” He was about to leave the room before he heard the man let out a small, amused laugh.
“You seem like a good guy. Mathew.” Mat bit back a smile, waiting to hear how he would continue. Your dad sighed, defeated. “I’m sorry for judging you too early. You’re fine.” Mat finally let out his smile. He did it! Your dad was okay with him! You’re fine. You’re fine. The words kept ringing in his ears. “Just know that if you ever hurt her again, I don’t care how much of an all-star you are...” He gave him a pointed look, but Mat had nothing to worry about.
“That’ll never happen, sir.” He added 'sir' just for good measure, wanting to stay on you family's good side. He caught your smiling gaze from the other side of the room, feeling his heart fluttering in his chest at just the sight of you washing the dishes and smiling up at him. “Trust me. I’ll be here for a long time.”
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8uggestionamplifie6 · 3 years
I was just reading some fanfics about what if anidala became public, and I realized somthing...
Anidala is dumb. Like, nothing about it does makes sense.
In most fanfics I read, the author blames the Jedi Code for being too strict and causing Anakin to Fall or whatever, which I understand BUT I myself also have a probably unpopular opinion.
I, a human being with emotions and feelings, AGREE with the Jedi Order's no-attachment rule or at least most of it. And you know why?
If I had a lover whom I were willing to ANYTHING for (killing, genocide, murdering, manipulating, etc.), I would Fall and become a Sith within seconds. Just like Anakin did. If I were a superhero who was attached to somebody, I would GLADLY watch Earth burn if it meant saving that one single person. I would kill innocents, I would pillage and murder and kill and do so many bad things—all in the name of saving this person.
Morally, THAT is extremely wrong on so many levels. Killing people and being selfish to an outlandish degree is wrong, no matter the justification.
Choosing ONE PERSON over THE ENTIRE GALAXY is wrong. That goes against everything about being a Jedi. Being a Jedi means being selfless, means caring about the galaxy at large, means putting the galaxy first. The Jedi are a people who look at the bigger picture and care about the bigger picture. They aren't selfish, they don't love possesively, and they don't put the people they love over the galaxy. A single life for the betterment of the galaxy after all, a sentiment which I wholeheartedly respect.
(Because starting a war, killing people, and committing various atrocious crimes is NOT something you should do, not something a JEDI should do.)
And Anakin KNEW THIS. He took those kriffing Jedi Knight vows WILLINGLY, just like how he took those marriage vows with Padme willingly. Most marriage vows consist of putting their relationship, their love, and their spouse above all else, which means that Anakin took these vows that heavily contradict Jedi Oaths and beliefs and HE KNEW BUT HE STILL TOOK THEM.
He was a Jedi. He could have left the Order. Sure, there was a war going on but NO ONE WAS FORCING HIM TO STAY. He could have left.
You can argue that Anakin had enough morals at the time to not just leave when there was a war, but that does not mean that he is excused for marrying Padme. He did not need to marry her if that were the case. If he were that in love with her, they should have just dated. Because they could not promise anything. They could not promise that they would make it out of the war alive. They could not promise that they would choose their love over their duties. They could not promise anything.
Which why they got married, I guess, which makes sense on some level. But if they already couldn't promise anything to each other then why did they take vows that they knew they might not be able to keep?
And if Anakin was going to choose the war, choose being a Jedi, over being a husband and lover to Padme, the wife he willingly made vows to, he shouldn't have married her in the first place then.
(In a relationship, both spouses must be treated equally. No one should come above the other and they should love and support each other. No wife nor husband deserves to be ignored when they deserve so much better, when they deserve the attention and love of their spouse and not be ignored. They deserve to get the full extent of their marriage vows.)
And I'm pretty sure that if they both had told the Jedi Council, they would have helped Anakin phrase his vows to Padme differently, in a way that would allow him to be both a Jedi and a husband without compromising either roles. If Ki-Adi Mundi could balance being a Jedi and being married then so could have Anakin. Except he didn't ask for help and that is why he inadvertently ended up chaining himself to the selfish vows of marriage and the selfless vows being a Jedi.
(I am not hating on people who are selfish because being selfish is a natural thing. Being selfish is okay, but being super selfish to the point where it makes no sense is not okay.)
Being married means being in a committed and serious relationship that is fair and equal and healthy. If Anakin was not ready for that level of commitment yet then he shouldn't have married Padme. He could not be both a Jedi and a husband, but he still wanted the best of both worlds and he COULD NOT LET GO of what he saw as HIS or HIS RIGHT TO HAVE.
He knew this. Anakin freaking knew the vows he was taking and he STILL TOOK THEM.
And yet, despite knowing this and despite taking his Jedi oaths, at the end of the day, when Padme's name was put on a list of all the people in the galaxy, only hers was the one that stood out and mattered to Anakin. Thousands, millions, billions of other names with histories and families did not matter when compared to Padme.
Which is why Anakin and Padme's relationship is so dumb and so selfish.
Because Anakin was willing to do ANYTHING for Padme (killing, maiming, becoming a Sith, you name it and he would do it without looking back at the destruction and mayhem he left behind in his footsteps) and their relationship was NOT particularly healthy either.
Anakin straight-up force-choked Padme and that is most definitely physical abuse
Let's be real here and face the truth. Anakin is possessive. He does not love selflessly. He loves obsessively and like a slaver (which is ironic, I know). Because he loved the IDEA of Padme and the IDEA of Luke & Leia. He had not seen Padme in over a decade during AotC and yet he was already in love with her. Like I said, Anakin was in love with the IDEA of Padme because she was HIS angel, just like how Luke and Leia were HIS children. He nearly killed Clovis for talking to and showing interest in Padme!
Their relationship was NOT balanced or equal. Anakin constantly had more power in their relationship.
Their marriage was not fair to Padme. She deserves so much (but not the destruction of the entire galaxy) and yet all she got were stolen moments with a husband she saw only once every 3-4 months. Anakin chose being a Jedi over her and no wife deserves to be placed second, especially not during the first or second or third years of their marriage and after they took specific marriage vows. Which is why they shouldn't have married in the first place. If Anakin was already going to choose fighting in the war over her, then he should have respected his vows as a Jedi and not taken marriage vows with Padme.
A SECURE relationship does not have these sort of problems.
Not to mention that they had only known each other for a mere WEEK before getting married and Anakin, by Jedi standards, was a CHILD, A PADAWAN, when he got married to Padme and Padme was five years older than him. I don't care too much about the age-gap but they should have waited for a few more years at least. Anakin was still a teenager. He hadn't fully grown into himself yet. In contrast, Padme already had and she should have waited for Anakin to mature and turn into a proper adult (mentally and emotionally because we all know he was not doing so well there).
In most cases, marrying young is a bad idea and doesn't really work because neither partners have fully developed into themselves or attained the experience they need for the real world yet. This means that the two spouses would have to learn to grow TOGETHER in order to keep their marriage, but for all their innocent young minds knew at the time they got married, they were apparently the 'perfect match'. This is why most young marriages end in a divorce because the couple does not grow as human beings together and instead grow apart because they are realizing that they are not so compatible as they first seemed.
And yes, Padme is just as much at fault as Anakin is.
She should have known better. She should have made better decisions. She was a politician and she should have known getting married to a Jedi was a bad idea. If their marriage ever got out to the public, her political career would be ruined and Anakin would have to leave the Jedi Order.
(And we all know that, for Padme, her career as a politician that can help people matters quite a lot to her, perhaps even more than Anakin.)
Being the Senator and representative of Naboo means being neutral in many legislations except Naboo affairs. If any legislation or laws about the Jedi Order came up in the Senate, she would be incapable of being neutral because Anakin is a Jedi and that's all that matters to her. If their relationship is revealed, all her decisions and votes on legislations/laws passed or talked about in the Senate would be questioned and scrutinized by her enemies and friends in the political community.
(Let's not even mention how she traded Grevious for Anakin during the Clone Wars without consulting with anyone. They could have taken out a major player right there! But no, she decided to be selfish and ignore her duties.)
Additionally, Padme took vows per her people's customs and she told NO ONE. Not her family, not her friends, not her people, nobody. Same thing for Anakin because he didn't tell anything to Obi-Wan, his guardian at the time, or the Council.
Neither Anakin nor Padme were ready for marriage when they did. They had their vows and their duties, but they ultimately decided that being selfish was the way to go.
The only reason why their marriage appeared to work during the Clone Wars is because of how little time they truly spent together. Instead of spending time together and trying to see which pieces fit where and whether their edges and curves complemented each other or not, Anakin was constantly on the battlefield and Padme was constantly in the Senate. During the small quiet moments they did have as a couple during the Clone Wars, they still did not have enough time to see if they would slot into each other like missing pieces or if they were actually compatible.
They didn't have that sort of time or luxury during the Clone Wars.
Which leads me to believe that Anakin and Padme would likely have gotten a divorce the moment they had to spend more than two weeks in each other's presence. Because, assuming the war had ended positively without order 66 and with palpacreep being killed, they would inevitably have to spend a lot of time with each other. And during the past 3 years of warfare and turmoil and strife, they had both grown into their own individual persons and the time they spent with each other during the war had not been enough to showcase that fact. Now, with the war ended, they suddenly have that time on their hands now and they both would realize just how much the other had changed and how different they really were. Because they had NOT grown TOGETHER like a couple should, they had grown separately.
The only way I can imagine Anakin and Padme staying together is for Luke and Leia, but even that's iffy. They'd probably just get a divorce and fight in court about custody rights and whatnot (and Padme would most definitely end up winning). If they do happen to stay together, they would be arguing left and right, and thus create a toxic environment for Luke and Leia to grow up in. I'd bet they'd be so focused on arguing with each other and trying to get their careers back that they'd unintentionally neglect babies Luke and Leia without even realizing it.
(And Obi-Wan, being the kind man that he is, would probably end up playing babysitter or something. Same for Ahsoka. And we all know just how much paperwork and problems they already have to deal with. They'd both be so exhausted taking care of the twins but at least they'll reconnect as grandmaster and grandpadawan.)
In other words, Anakin and Padme should never have gotten married or even been in a relationship. They were not ready for the things and details that come with being in a relationship and their reckless actions reflect that.
If they were going to be in a stable and secure relationship, then Anakin would have needed some serious therapy sessions before that and so would Padme because she literally heard him confess to murdering innocent men/women/children for the death of his mother and she IGNORED THOSE RED FLAGS. So obviously, they both deserve a therapist each.
In short, Anakin and Padme were both selfish people who made selfish decisions that badly affected the galaxy as a whole.
They should never have gotten together.
Remember, this is my opinion. If you don't agree, that's okay and I WILL respect your opinion. I'm not going to force you to see it my way because you're you and I'm me. We're different people with different opinions and that's okay, understand? Okay, good.
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rebelcap · 4 years
We are not just friends —Part 13
Chris Evans x bi!latina!character (Sofia is a people of color, she's brown.)
Chris and Sofia meet when their best friends started dating, it all started at friends with loads of bumps on the road.  
Warnings: drinking, smoking, drug use (weed), assault, Chris being Steve Rogers, commitment issues, my girl Sofia kinda messy, lots of fucking (eventually) 
This is slow burn at its best, at least emotionally. 
Series masterlist
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Quiet. Sofia was been awfully quiet for the those two days, Chris had tried to contact her even had gone to her place before he went back to LA. she was nowhere to be found and had purposefully left her phone back at her place.
"What happened?" Mandy asked and Chris just felt guilty.
"I cornered her to tell me shit, you know Sofia."
"Ah, shit," Amanda said as she was holding Sofia's phone. She could see all the missed calls from Chris. "Just, give her some time man. She needs time to cool off."
"Yeah, I guess." He sighed and sat down on the couch. "You know where she might be?"
"Not really, she's like my sister but when she's like this, she likes to be left alone. She'll come around,"
"I'm just worried," Chris tell her.
"I know," Mandy sat down beside her.
"Well keep an eye on her, bro. Don't worry," Luke said putting a hand on his shoulder. Amanda had to ask because this was her sister.
"You serious about her?" She asked, "because she had been having serious doubts about it, not going to explain the whole thing because that's between you two. But, I need you to be super honest with me because she's my family and I can let you use her."
"Yeah, Mandy," He said looking down at his hands. "I'm falling in love with her, fuck. I think I'm already in love with her," His eyes gloss over. "I don't want to hurt her but she keeps pushing me away. "
"Loving Sofia is tough, she's worth it because her heart is made of fucking gold."
"Yeah, I know," Chris explained and Mandy wraps one arm around his and laid her head on his shoulder, comforting him. "I feel like she doesn't trust me enough or don't feel safe enough and fucking breaks my heart. I wanna be there for her and she doesn't let me." Chris put a hand on his face, he was feeling useless, rejected, and heartbroken.
"Yeah, that's her, not letting people in all the way… but she cares about you, a lot. Because I know her like the back of my hand." Amanda said rubbing his back and Chris sniffle nodding. "All that I can say is that just give her some time, let her process it for a while. Just keep reaching out to her, let her know what you just said to me," Chris nod and took it to heart.
She did reach out eventually, four days later with a text.
Hey, Chris… I'm sorry I lash out. I don't wanna be trouble for you and I'm most definitely not worth it, I don't wanna slow you down with my bullshit. Just, I'm sorry. Take care, sweet face.
Sof, can I call you?
I don't wanna talk, Chris. I'm giving you a way out men, no hard feelings but it's better if we are friends, if you're cool with it.
Chris was between filming and was about to be called to set. "Fuck, fuck." He muttered and quickly typed on his phone.
I'm about to head to set but, please. Please let me call you after, I can't end this like this.
It's better this way, good luck with filming.
There was a knock in his trailer and he had to leave," Fuck. "
It's been two whole months, Sofia was been quiet about the whole thing. She was excited for Mandy's baby, her engagement, and the cookout with all their families at Amanda home. Everything was going so well around her, that sometimes she couldn't keep up and had been isolated herself.
In those moments she was sitting on the couch looking at everything is when it hit her, hard. How much she missed Chris. His company, his stupid jokes unknowingly help her out when this happened.
"Why the face? my sweet girl." Amanda's mom, Alice, sat down beside her and she just smiles.
"I'm just looking at everything, I'm so happy ma," Sofia said holding down her tears, forcing out a smile but Alice saw through her.
"I know there's a lot of changes coming up, I know this affects you," She said and Sofia broke down. "we always love you, Sofia. You're like my daughter, the only one that's always been here firm by our side,"
"I know, ma. And I thank you for this, you and Tony helped me change my life around. I'm gonna be forever grateful with you for that, it's just hard sometimes." She sobbed and quickly wipe her tears.
"I know, sweetheart. I know," She wraps and around her and hold her close. "I know that you let go of someone important too,"
"Ma, come on," She sniffles. "It's better that way, too much trouble. Look at me, I'm crying because my best friend it's finally forming a beautiful family and I'm scared to be left out, I mean who does that?" She shrugged and bite her lip. "I'm a mess, Chris doesn't need that."
"If he's men enough he's going to love you through all this, you're not a mess. You're a brilliant woman, don't sell yourself short." Alice wipes the tears from her face. "And nobody it's leaving you out. We are your family,"
Sofía managed to smile.
"Thank you, ma."
"Hey, thanks for inviting me here tonight, I really needed this," Sofia said holding out her drink as he smiles at Scott, who had invited her along with his friends gay night out. "I haven't been too much invested in the community and everyone I know is straight," She laughed.
"Tell me about it, the only gay kid on the family. I got you, honey. We are so going to hang out more every time I'm here," Scott said and she smiles.
Scott, it's a great and welcome addition to Sofia little tight circle of friends, downside it's that all she was thinking is Chris, Chris, and Chris.
" You can ask, I know you're dying to ask me about it. " She said after a while and Scott almost fell over his chair and she was laughing her ass off.
"Okay so, you broke my brother's heart," Scott said nonchalantly
"What?" Sofia almost chokes on her drink.
"Witch it's been a while, like a whole decade since someone does that, and I know you're super rad. And I can see why he's all over that," He said panning out her with his hand. "why he's in love with you."
"What!?" Sofia felt her stomach twist in knots as Scott talked about that. Fuck, in love? "What the fuck? is he insane? all the girls and he—ugh, he's an idiot."
"Yeah, probably," Scott laughed. "Come on, you're a pretty charming girl, independent, actually don't give a shit about who he is, you love Chris, the Boston idiot Chris not the Hollywood Chris, you see him for who he is—
"Yeah, an idiot. He's in love with me? Jesus Christ."
"And that way he loves you, you're the first woman ever, since weirdo Jessica Biel,"
"I read she's an anti-baxxer?"
"I know right, fucking dodge a bullet there. Besides her being a cheater—
" Did she cheat on my boy Chris? "
" With fucking Justin Timberlake. "
" Ew, "
" Totally, anyways, " He waves a handoff and looked at her." You two need to talk."
" We did, I told him that it was better this way, which it is. Because as you can see I am a mess walking. I was falling for him, pretty hard and fast… "
" Well, he had been in love with you quite a while, my mother loves you by the way and so my sisters,"
" He speaks about me? "
" All the time, when those pictures of you and him leak out he was freaking out, worried about you and your privacy but you keep saying that it was okay, "
"Because it is, Scott. At first, it was a little overwhelmed, people mostly said nice things and people gonna hate. Chris is totally worth whatever they're gonna say. " Sofia explained and drank the rest of her beer. " I don't care, let them talk."
"Girl, you care about him," Scott said and lean on her making her laugh. "You two made me sad,"
"It's me, I swear it's me," Sofia said groaning and flank the bartender. "I'm the stupid one, fuck." She ordered them a couple of shots. "I fucked up, but he deserves better than my stupid ass."
"Hey, I don't know you that well," Scott said and she looked at him. "but I like you, I do think you're good for my brother. You two just need to work it up,"
"It's not that easy," Sofia said downing the shots on one go.
I'm sad now
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ihassheepquake · 4 years
Stargirl 1.13 “Stars & S.T.R.I.P.E. Part Two” is out now on DCU and I’m here to talk about it.
This is it y’all. It’s the season 1 finale. That’s crazy to think about, and it’s crazy to think about how after tonight I will officially have no way to keep track of what day it is anymore, I’ve been using this show (and these little recap chats) to remember when it’s Sunday and base my week off that. 
So before the episode actually starts, I wanna take a sec to just talk about what kind of stuff I’m expecting (or want but doubt we’re gonna actually) from this finale. One, I’m expecting some real emotional weight. We’re going to see a throw down between Pat & Courtney, that’s gonna carry a lot. If Pat can even land a hit on her, it doesn’t matter that he’s being mind controlled, that’s gonna be really traumatic for the both of them. I’m expecting at least one person in the ISA to get away to be a returning villain next season. I’d like Grundy & Rick to get a fight but I doubt we’ll get it. I’d also definitely love to find out Joey is alive somehow, or even Henry (but I do feel like both of their deaths are important so conflicted feelings), but I highly doubt it. Maybe in season 2 (I mean, it is the CW). I really need to see what the fallout of the actual plan from the ISA, and how it affects the Starsquad. It’s about 20 seconds left before it goes live, so let’s get to work.
What a crazy way to start off this finale. The crazy anger on Isaac’s face is definitely unsettling. I wanna know how the ISA managed to make this massive, retractable football field with a massive cavern under it with nobody noticing. Like, I know the principal was in on it but seriously? What the hell?? Clearly not everybody in the school’s staff was in on the plan, so what is going on here? Moving on, how does Jordan manage to sound like a creepy shit even when he’s trying to be reassuring?
It’s cool to finally get the chance to see what the S.T.R.I.P.E. suit can actually do, we’ve never really gotten the opportunity before. Awwwe Court said “your daughter” how sweet. I wonder if there is a way to fight Brainwave’s control without the blockers that doesn’t kill them? Like, what if we got another telepath involved? Say one of the Martian’s, or even Henry Jr? Maybe some form of magical interference, say from Dr Fate? Idk but it’s interesting to think about. But Beth comes up with a great little plan, and now I have to ask, if the ISA’s goal is to better the country and shit, why aren’t they already using their clearly great wealth to do that? Why go through the effort of taking complete mental control of a good chunk of the country, knowing that ti could kill at least 25% of the people effected? There has to be a better way to do that. Sounds like they don’t give an actual shit about the betterment of the country and more about control. 
I love these hero and villain team shots, those are always moments that I appreciate. And the choreography for the fight is excellent as always. Every fight scene in this show so far has been great. I’m still impressed by how well they’ve been able to show how the ISA really has the JSA outclassed, even with the JSA winning in the end. I wonder if Dragon King letting Cindy out was actually an accident or not, and her killing him was just an unintended consequence of it. And wow we get my wish for Grundy v Rick and Grundy looks awesome! No perfect, he’s definitely CGI (obviously but you know what I mean), but he looks better than I would’ve expected. And holy shit that Henry Jr fake out, omfg. That was awesome. And Yo just straight up murdered Brainwave, wow. Fucking crazy. I’m super excited to see the fallout of that for her next season.
Okay quick break from the serious, gotta say. Battle Rick?? That’s real fucking hot, like shit.
Jordan killed Chuck, what a fucking bitch. I can’t believe they made us listen to a death scream from him too, what the fuck Stargirl? I’m excited to see Beth becoming Dr Mid-Nite in her own right. 
Hey, fuck yeah Barbara, call Jordan out on the murder of Joey, and Henry, and all the others. I love how Jordan thinks he can actually convince Barbara to take Courtney and come with him in taking over the country, what a fucking creep. Not at all surprised that he was going to throw her off the roof. I would’ve been surprised if he didn’t actually. 
It’s really great seeing them actually give Grundy clear feelings in this fight with Rick. While he is a literal zombie, he’s not usually some mindless creature from how I know him, and I’m glad the show didn’t really fall into that trap. While I think Rick deserves the chance to get his revenge, I think it does more for him and his character by letting Grundy go (not that Grundy really dies, that’s kinda his thing). 
I wonder if Courtney’s “you can never save America, you’re filled with too much hate” intentionally has as much commentary as it does (keep in mind this show was originally set to come out last September). ALSO MIKE??? EXCUSE ME???? One, holy shit, fucking fantastic. Iconic. Two, talk about poetic justice. One of Jordan’s first kills in this show was getting Joey hit with a truck and now he’s taken out by Mike with a truck (I’m unfamiliar with whether or not Jordan is one of those ice characters who can’t really die in their ice form, hence why I’m not saying Mike killed him). Yay for Mike getting have a moment in this finale. And take that all the people in the live chats eagerly waiting for Mike’s murder (which btw what the fuck?). 
I like how even though the Starsquad has won the day, it’s not exactly a true happy ending you know? Court & Rick are ending in a pretty place but Beth just lost her best friend and Yolanda just killed a man (a irredeemable, evil man who definitely deserved it but still). These are really heavy places to end on. 
Oooooh the Shade?? Hello??? I know we’ve already heard that he’s a big villain for next season but I wasn’t really sure we’d see him here. 
Why is Cindy looking through the Zarick’s stuff? ECLIPSO?? HELLO??? EXCUSE ME??? WHOMST???? (Also fuck you Stargirl not using this moment for a good news for Joey. No I’m never letting this go). 
With this Christmas ending, are we finally seeing what was in that gift from episode 1? Yup we are, Courtney is giving it to Pat. How fucking sweet, I love her. I love their relationship. I love how cheesy it is, and I love how it clearly originally said “world’s greatest dads” and Courtney just crossed out the “s.” Cute as shit. And they whole family takes a Christmas photo with the rest of the Starsquad, so cute. What a cute way to end, I’m soft. 
STARMAN!??!?!?! HELLO?!?!??!? WHAT!?!??!?
I don’t. I. What??? I can’t. I have genuinely no idea what on Earth to say here. Sir where have you been all this time???
Okay I will definitely need to be talking about this finale again at some point but for now I’m gonna take my leave and collect my thoughts (and emotions wow). With this finale having come to an end, that makes it the last of these little chats until at least next summer when season 2 is likely to be coming out (I’m sure they’re going to be going into production within the next month or so, and are probably already going through pre-production). Before I close out, I just wanna say that I know that people have their (very fair) reservations about this show going over the CW full time, but we should remember that no matter what, this show is for us. And we should love it for what it is, was, and will be. No matter what.
That’s me signing off of this recap for the last time, and I will see you guys for season 2. 
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I have been waiting on Robyn to come down, and she has. Robyn locked me out of the room, I hate her. She is trolling my ass and sending me freaky ass pictures while she is at it, she really wants me to knock the door down “waiting like a good dog” Robyn sniggered, she is not funny “mhmm, how do you feel that I am lacking sleep because of you? Why won’t you let me sleep in bed with you Robyn? This is bullshit, I wish I never bought her now” Robyn shushed me “don’t say that, she could be around and hear that Chris, honestly” getting up from the couch “why are you not allowing me to sleep in the bed with you? Explain me this then” walking around the couch “because this is all so new to her if she wakes up and she wants her dad. She walks in and sees that already; it might not sit well with her already on top of the fact she dislikes me already. This is on you by the way. I just want her to be comfortable because if that was me, I had a nightmare and then searched for my dad and then saw him in bed with the woman that is also takin my dad away, in her eyes that is not nice. She probably feels alone, nobody here. She is sensitive, please listen to me on this Chris. As a child I felt alone when my dad had another life, you think I wanted to be next to her, no? On top of that my dad was trash but we all learn to forgive. I just didn’t want her to wake up, search for you and see you on top of me, you already out here sucking my toe” I sniggered “she uhm asked me if I was there with her mom when she was born, I said no. She got upset that I called the baby princess, like what the hell do I do? Now I can’t touch you, you know this is wack” I want to hump Robyn and I can’t “you need to think on what will you do if she wants to go home Chris, you need to be there for her. She is in a home of strangers to her; she doesn’t know us like that. Be loving to her, leave me be and make her feel happy. She will come along” nodding my head, I am sad.
Sitting on the bar stool watching Robyn cook, she is making breakfast “how come you woke up early anyways?” I asked, she is awake, and it hasn’t hit seven yet “not going to lie, I am missing you in bed with me. But it’s ok, I just want Royalty to be ok you know, it is important for her Chris. It’s important for us, I know she means a lot to you so that is why I wanted this to happen, but you did it in a way of scaring her. It’s a big change, it’s like if that was me. As a girl, when I found out I wasn’t the only princess to my dad, I hated it. I felt like my dad didn’t care for me because he has other daughters. It’s just those things, daughters need a lot of love and it’s all a learning curb which I am happy to help with. But you need to just show her you will be there; this baby won’t change that. I am trying here, and I do miss you in bed” least Robyn misses me in bed “I just wanted her to have you there, you know” Robyn shrugged “you’re a good woman, I hope Roro sees that with you. You’re just there, thank you” Robyn cooed out “you think she saw the toe sucking though? I hope not, Ja keeps on laughing about it” I shrugged “I don’t think so, she is just worried now I guess but she was asleep when I checked on her. Long day for her, but it’s a new day we shall see what happens” I hope it is a better day.
Robyn is a cutie, I think pregnancy suits her and I love to see it “do you know how creepy it is to cook and see you staring at me with puppy dog eyes, I am trying to concentrate” I chuckled “I just love you so much, like I just hate that you know. I have this added baggage” Robyn shushed me again “you need to stop having such a big fucking mouth Chris, seriously. She will end up hating you next. Stop it ok, it’s life. It’s happened now and we are in this together, just show her love, show her that you will be there for her. You just need to think of what you say too” I sighed out “I ain’t like that she doesn’t like you, I did ask if she wants me to go back to normal and leave you. But she said no, so that is good right? I mean I wouldn’t do that” Robyn sighed out “I wouldn’t expect you to choose Chris, I would like you to choose your kids by the way” shaking my head “I would pick you” I am being deadass too “can I hug you? Robyn, I just don’t want this. Please, let me just kiss on you” Robyn giggled, she misses me “stop it” she is trying to hide the fact she wants me near her “I love you my dumpling, my cutie pootie, my little penguin. My baby, my princess. Oh I love you” Robyn put a finger up at me “you’re calling me fat, shut up” I chuckled looking away from Robyn, I jumped “woah, why do you keep being a creep!?” I spat, Royalty is stood there “I was looking for you” this girl is giving me a heart attack “well you found me now creep, come. Robyn doesn’t bite, she does but just me, come. Sit on my lap” Royalty seems a little taken a back by Robyn and it’s cute to see it, I think she is star struck.
I grunted as I picked her up “you’re getting big!” placing Royalty on my lap, Royalty grinned and then turned into me giggling “your hair is crazy, I am not fixing that you know that right?” Royalty shook her head “you do it” she said in a whisper “hell nah, you seen this mess” tickling her sides “come on, sit properly on my lap” turning her back around “are you feeling ok now? You don’t hate me right? I mean I hate me, but you don’t right” staring at the side of Royalty’ face, she is staring at Robyn again “Robyn is cooking breakfast for us” I said, looking over at Robyn as she turned back around to us and Royalty got instantly shy again “not exactly your father, he deserves cereal” oh my daughter is shy with Robyn “it’s Rihanna” she said in a whisper “it’s Robyn, her name is Robyn Rihanna Fenty. But lots like to call her Rihanna, the uhm” I paused, I had to stop myself from saying something stupid “the uhm what?” Robyn said laughing at me “the uhm beautiful lady” I lied “you’re annoying” she said walking over to the sink “you cook?” Royalty seems shocked “me? I always cook, I like to cook some good food. You think I am super human girl, I do sometimes get a chef, but I like to cook” Royalty giggled hiding into my chest, I like she has woken up in a better mood “Robyn one time gave me the shits, I was on the toilet all day” Robyn side eyed me “you see what I mean by your stupid mouth, you need to be quiet. Anyways, make the damn table up, do something useful with yourself” I scoffed “fine” placing Royalty down.
I think Royalty is in love, it is the look in her eyes. She has really woke up in a better mood “you can have your daddy’ extra three butter pancake” Robyn winked at her and Royalty got so shy looking down “there you go, also Chris you are cleaning” she placed my plate in front of me “that’s a woman’ job” it just flowed out, it came out “what did you say?” Robyn said “nothing” I grinned, laughing to myself knowing full well Robyn don’t play that “I will do it” I added “I know you will, but I hope you like them pancakes, it should be delicious” Robyn made her way back “where is Mel?” Royalty asked “why do you like Mel? She sucks, and boring” I added, because she really is. Watching Robyn sit down “don’t” Robyn breathed out, she knows damn well I am looking at her like a meal, I want her so bad “you never answered, do you hate daddy? Tell me how you feel? I am listening” Royalty never did answer me “you want me to go? I can go and eat in my room” Robyn offered “no” I answered, “I mean Royalty is ok with you staying, right?” she needs to be nice to my dumpling, Royalty nodded her head “I am ok” she laughed, I think she is laughing because of Robyn, she is just thinking why is she there “you’re pretty” Royalty said but she is looking at me “I am?” pointing at myself “no, Rihanna dad!” she shouted “oh Robyn is pretty, I think she isn’t” looking at Robyn “I agree with your dad, I am not pretty at all. I mean look at me, I have no makeup on” rolling my eyes “you just want a compliment” Robyn cleared her throat “don’t you just ever be quiet, like honestly. We spoke on this” she is trying to keep a straight face “say that with a serious tone, your voice is oozing pick me, pick me, I want attention” Robyn snorted laughing “why do you have to be like this, I am actually being serious ok?” I love Robyn so much “I could eat you” licking my lips, Robyn groaned out “I can’t, I am not sitting with you anymore” Robyn got up “I can’t do this” she is just like me, she wants to have sex with me and I know it.
Robyn actually left us “why did she go? I like this, she makes it better then mommy does. So I can’t tell anyone that Rihanna made me pancakes?” shaking my head “nobody, not until I say so baby, but talk to me. Robyn went because she thinks we need time to talk, answer me. It’s important to me Royalty, you are important to me that you are happy also. What is your tiny mind thinking? It’s me, you can tell me” she knows I am cool like that “I want lip gloss” raising an eyebrow “excuse me?” it’s just a genuine why, it’s random “because I like Fenty lip gloss” letting out an oh “but don’t tell her, it’s secret and if you do then I can’t trust you” I guess that is a secret now “I ain’t about to be your makeup plug now ma’am, but you not telling me how you feel about you here to see me get married?” she is ignoring the point, she is like me because I do the same thing “I like her eyes too” I swear my daughter is a troll “you’re annoying” shaking my head laughing, she knows what she is doing too because she is now laughing “I’m sad still, I won’t be your only daughter” nodding my head “besides the lip gloss and eyes, I see you are very shy with Robyn. Is it like weird for you that she is there?” Royalty nodded her head “it’s different, does she like me?” she asked “nobody likes you Royalty” she hit my arm “stop it dad, that is mean. Does this mean you stay with Rihanna forever? Like you just don’t see home anymore?” I paused thinking, because that is something I haven’t worked out at the moment “well uhm, I will be moving with Robyn. Look, the life I lived was not good for me, this is my chance to be a better person and a dad. To you all, Robyn is making me happy. She will look after me as well as I look after her, she has accepted I have other kids, she is here, but she doesn’t want to upset you, so she stays away, does she upset you?” Royalty shook her head “it’s weird” I hope she can get over it.
Royalty has taken to Mel and Jahleel quicker then Rihanna but I understand why, I mean it’s Rihanna but Royalty is laughing and giggling with them so I am going to sneak off so I can hug up on Robyn, I miss her so much, it’s hard being in the same house but not being allowed to hug up on her. I charged into the home, they are outside playing around and Robyn is in here somewhere “looking for me” Robyn said, I abruptly stopped “you know I am” I smirked, Robyn threw a grape in her mouth “so did you get to speak to her, I had to go. You are bad, it was too much tension between us” I knew she felt it “eating again?” walking around the counter “I did speak to her she is just being me, never giving me a straight answer. She said that she likes lip gloss, I think she is insinuating in using me to get free lip gloss from you but if she can’t be nice to my love then she can’t have no lip gloss” Robyn chuckled “I see, give her time. She may just you know come around, just needs time. But she needs to hurry up before I just steal you” Robyn placed a grape between her lips and motioned me to come closer to her, lowering my head to Robyn. Robyn is laughing which is making me laugh when I am trying to bite the damn grape just hanging there, Robyn gripped my tee yanking me forward. The juice burst out and flowed into my mouth, I smirked but never breaking the kiss. The kiss became more urgent “there is bedrooms” moving back from the kiss “y’all done?” Mel said, nodding my head smiling “I actually saw it but we have decided to play Pictionary, kid friendly one” nodding my head “sure where?” I had it, we could have had sex, this is annoying.
Who made Mel and Royalty team captains “she is a child, like seriously. I should be the captain” I pointed at myself “ok, hurry up. Pick” I said, my daughter is not going to choose me but she better “my dad!” she yelped out pointing at me “yay!” sitting next to Royalty “I will have Jahleel because nobody want Rihanna, she is annoying” Mel said, poking my lips out to Robyn “shawty if I was picking, you would be the first. Just know this, I also heard that Rihanna giving free lip glosses to people” I mumbled, Royalty screamed out “dad! Shut up, you said secret so be quiet” I laughed out, Royalty about to beat my ass “I mean if you pick Tina we going to lose either way, least we can have someone beautiful on the team” I am trying to get Robyn with me, Dennis laughed “I swear, I am trying to keep this camera still and not laugh over everything but I can’t” he said “Tina, I love you. I am playing really” my daughter is taking too long “Rihanna” Royalty pointed, I fist pumped the air “yay! The pregnant one” I clapped moving over as Robyn sat next to me “thank you for being my cheerleader” I grinned at Robyn
Robyn is terrible, why did I pick her again “a bird?" I shouted, Robyn groaned out as she is frantically drawing “Falcon” Roro spat, Robyn shook her head. I clapped my hands standing up “bald eagle!?” I shouted “yes! Oh my god” Robyn said, clapping my hands together “Mel is wack, I just. Chile. We are losing, how you lose against Robyn!?” Jahleel complained “it’s Royalty, she knew, and I just finished it, like a good tag team” catching Royalty and Robyn high five, oh this is good “go on Royalty, don’t let a creative director faze you, he ain’t shit” sitting down on the couch, bopping my head to the background music. Royalty wanted Justin Bieber on which is child friendly music, a little anyways “maybe we, can be, be each other's company” I sang shuffling over to Robyn, placing my hand on Robyn’ knee as Robyn wrapped her arm around mine “Let's set each other's lonely nights, be each other's paradise. Need a picture for my frame, someone to share my ring” looking at Robyn, she cooed out “I love you” I said, Robyn pecked my lips “love you more” resting her head on my shoulder “I am ready, don’t shout silly things dad!” Royalty shouted, she knows me “one, two, three. GO!” Mel shouted, “a really hairy monkey!?” I said, Royalty scoffed looking at me “I didn’t draw anything!?” Robyn giggled “keep drawing Ro! Ignore him! Ja is winning” Robyn spat “no way is that Mel when she hasn’t shaved?” squinting my eyes, a pillow fell onto my lap “next will be a drink” looking over at Mel “baby what is the combination of circles?” I said confused “sloth!?” Tina shouted “yes!” Jahleel shouted, I groaned out “wow, Royalty making us lose now” Royalty mean mugged me “how you let a man that can’t grow hair win you” Royalty stomped over to me “you kept shouting stupid things dad, it’s your fault” she is not impressed with me at all “be nice or I will tell Rihanna your secret” Royalty doesn’t know I already told her about the lip gloss thing “you’re not fair!” she yelped out “hey, leave it” Robyn said, her ass is half asleep on my shoulder
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rosy-night-sky · 5 years
Of Treasure and Adventure
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Genre: Treasure Hunter/Indiana Jones AU
Pairing: Ot7 x reader
Summary: Your grandmother gave you a gift that she won in a game, so naturally you are curious as to the origins of it. A decision was then made that you should seek the answers to your questions. However, you never expected your decision to lead you on a treasure hunting quest.
Warnings: Suggestive themes (whoo hoooo! It’s getting a bit steamy in here!)
Tag List: @sevenincubistolemyheart @xxqueenwxtchxx @technicolor-blues @taevkimchi @youcantbesiriusremus @vannilacake @baby-hobii @catsandstrawberries @izzyisavengersupernaturaltrash @http-lostforever @jhopetypes
(A/N: So sorry this took forever to write! I have been super busy lately, but I really hope this makes up for the wait!)
Chapter 7
“How’s your arm?” 
The casual yet carefully chosen question caught you off guard for a few moments. After his ominous statement earlier followed by locking the door, you figured he would get straight to business. You knew, of course, that this question was going to lead into something else later on. It always did. He wouldn’t actually be concerned for your well-being, not after everything that just occurred prior hours. Would he? You stared at him for a few seconds, processing what he just asked, before clearing your throat awkwardly. You flickered your gaze to the side, suddenly taking interest in the eggshell colored walls. 
“It’s fine. Hobi told me that I sprained my elbow along with my cut during the fall,” you explained, shuffling in your spot. “He was on me about making sure I rest my arm.” 
Oh, he was on you alright, a cynical voice commented snidely.
You shoved that thought to the back of your mind, hoping Jin didn’t notice you. The millionaire paused for a few moments, taking in this information, and then gestured to one of the nearby cushioned chairs. 
“Why don’t you sit down and rest then?” he suggested, then made his way over to one of the bottles of champagne sitting in an iced bucket. He popped off the cord with ease and grabbed a red tinted glass sitting next to the bucket. You listened to his proposal and sat down on the plush chair, setting your bandaged arm on the armrest. A slight tinge of pain shot up your arm, causing a groan to escape your throat, but you just bore the pain and continued on. Jin held up an empty glass as an offer. “Would you like a glass?”
You nodded fervently. “After what happened today, definitely.”
Jin poured the white, bubbly liquid into the glass and handed it to you, to which you took a long sip and basked in the way it warmed up your insides. You momentarily closed your eyes and released a drawn out exhale, feeling a heavy weight slowly lift off your shoulders. Ah, that hit the spot. 
You reopened your eyes, this time focused on Jin. As you readjusted your posture, reminding yourself not to put too much weight on your injured arm, you interrogated, “So what do you need to desperately talk to me about? You’ve been ignoring me all day. What changed?” 
Jin parted his round lips for a moment to answer before pressing them together into a thin line. He then took a seat across from you and crossed his long legs, his own glass in hand. He contemplated his choices on how to word what he wanted to say before sighing tiredly. “I believe you deserve an apology,” he finally revealed before taking a much needed drink. 
Your lips formed a firm scowl. You clinked our fingers against your glass for a few seconds, waiting for him to continue, but was met with only strained silence. Was he actually serious? You finally spoke up, “You believe I deserve one?” you scoffed humorlessly, feeling anger shoot down your veins like hot fire. “Jin, you accused me of being a traitor, you twat!”
Jin raised his hands in surrender, guilt taking over his features. “I know. I know. What I did was irresponsible and uncalled for-“
“I’ll say!” 
“-And I’ve come to my senses long ago. By no means do I wish to give myself any excuses for my behavior, but I wish for you to understand that I was angry, confused, and wishing to blame anything for why the Dragon wasn’t in the caves... even you.” He took another drink of champagne and then placed it on the table next to him. He folded his hands together tightly, thumbs rubbing over each other anxiously. “I was also scared, scared that the Japanese had already obtained it before us, and that the last bits of my country’s identity were forever gone.” 
“I can understand that, but that doesn’t give you the right to lash out at me. Do you have any idea how scared I was? I thought you were going to kill me!” You shook your head in disbelief as a sigh escaped your lips. “Out of everyone on this team, I thought I could trust you the most. After all, you trusted me enough to bring me into this. And then when you accused me, all that trust was gone. I felt like I had no one, no one to turn to. I felt abandoned.” You then laughed almost bitterly. “Good thing the others had my back.” 
Jin’s hand clasped over his mouth as he listened to you spilling out your feelings. You saw how he thought over what you said. The millionaire was never not thinking, it seemed. “I felt similar. I felt our trust meant nothing in that moment. However, there was no reason for me to distrust you. My paranoia got the better of me in that moment.” 
The frown never left your face as you argued, “If you realized that, then why didn’t you bloody apologize earlier instead of ignoring me the rest of the day?” 
“I... I didn’t feel like it was the proper time to apologize, not when we were distracted with everything going on at once,” he answered, disregarding your bitter snort as he continued, “I know ignoring you was incredibly rude of me, but I couldn’t just pretend that everything was fine when it obviously wasn’t.” He rubbed the back of his neck as he continued, “I apologize fully for what I’ve done against you and for letting my paranoia getting the better of me.” 
Your eyebrows furrowed when a question popped in your mind out of the blue. “I know we have every reason to be constantly looking over our shoulders, now that the Japanese are after us, but why are you so paranoid of them finding us? You were like that back in the hotel in Darjeeling when that spy tried to mug me,” you questioned, resting your chin on the palm of your hand, waiting for him to answer. 
“I...” His voice trailed off with a slight groan. He pinched the bridge of his nose before throwing his hand in the air exasperatedly, slumping back into his chair. “It’s personal. Let’s just say I’ve had a lot of run-ins with the government. Every encounter I could’ve been executed. I wouldn’t be here, if I weren’t a bit paranoid.” 
You arched an eyebrow perplexedly. Hundreds of different thoughts sprung up into your mind at his mysterious answer. “Please don’t tell me that you’re secretly a rebellion leader,” you almost pleaded. That would’ve been the cherry on top, wouldn’t it be?  
He chuckled, and you relaxed when seeing that. That was the first time he actually laughed ever since the incident in the caves. “No, no, nothing like that. I wouldn’t be a good rebellion leader anyways.”
“A drug lord, perhaps?” 
“Oh, good Lord, no! I can barely handle smoking cigars let alone actually dealing drugs.” 
“How about a smuggler then? I hear the Americans are in need of liquor nowadays.” 
He scoffed, waving his hand in the air as if dismissing that idea. “I have no idea how the Prohibition is supposed to help. But all the same, no, I’m not a smuggler. I’m just a humble businessman.” 
Your arched eyebrow quirked even higher. “A businessman who has had multiple run-ins with the government, it seems,” you remarked, then remembering what Namjoon revealed to you hours prior, added, “and knows self-defense also.” 
He smiled fondly. “Ah, did Namjoon tell you that? Then he must’ve also told you that business is rather cutthroat.” He lifted his glass to his lips before taking a sip. 
You nodded slowly, still suspicious of his mysterious aura. “Yes, he did. Doesn’t mean I believe it for a bloody second,” you said bluntly. You’ve learned to call people’s bull over the years. That was made you into the talented journalist you were today.
“You’re going to have to believe it, darling, because that’s the story I’m sticking with. Now then, we’ve gotten a little off track. I was trying to make reparations for my disrespectful behavior before you began interrogating me.” He chuckled mirthfully, a playful glimmer in his eyes. “You definitely are a reporter through and through.” 
You took a drink, enjoying the taste and bubbles fill your mouth  before swallowing. “I have to be thorough. Nobody likes an article with little to no answers, me included,” you replied with a shrug of your shoulders.
“Good thing I’m good at keeping my secrets,” Jin asserted, leaning forward and resting his arms on his thighs. “Is there nothing I can do to help rebuild our trust?” 
You pondered the question for a few moments. At first, you wished for things to grow naturally, but a devious thought emerged in your mind. You tried your hardest to hide the evil smirk from crawling its way onto your face. “Actually, I do have an idea,” you admitted, the playful tone sneaking into your voice. 
Jin didn’t seem to notice, thankfully. Instead, he appeared to be desperate to mend the broken bond between the two of you. “Really?” His eyebrows shot up in slight shock. “Please, tell me, and I’ll gladly do it.” 
Oh ho, this was going to be perfect. “Stand up.” 
“Done- wait, what?” 
You rested your unhurt hand against your hip as you stood up from you seat. “You heard me.”
Although he was obviously confused by your command, Jin reluctantly got up only for you to take a few steps toward him. Little space was in between the two of you. One more step and you would be flush against his body. You smelled the faint scent of his cologne waft off him. His eyes widened slightly. “Ah, y/n, if I may ask, what do you have in mind?” 
You remained stoic in hopes that you wouldn’t give away what you were about to do. “Just stand there,” you ordered, your voice a lot more commanding than you expected. 
He then quirked an eyebrow almost amusedly. “Dear me, I never thought of you to be-” 
You didn’t give anytime to finish as your uninjured hand came flying across his cheek with a loud smack. Ah, it was so satisfying to hear the sound of your hand cracking against his face. You almost wanted to turn back the clock and do it again. 
Jin cried out loudly as he stumbled back a few paces, almost crashing against the table. The glasses and champagne bottle jingled as the table shook precariously. His hand flew to touch the now red skin gently, flinching at the stinging pain, as his other hand supported him on the table. He jerked to stare at you with round eyes, as if he couldn’t believe you actually slapped him. He stood there in stunned silence, groaning in pain. “I suppose I deserved that,” he admitted, shutting one of his eyes. 
A grin broke through your stoic expression. “Oh, you have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do,” you commented, a short laugh escaping your mouth. 
“Quite a while I’d imagine,” he responded, then looked at you with worried eyes. “It isn’t going to leave a bruise, is it? That’d be bad for my handsome face.” 
You rolled your eyes, annoyed at how he was thinking about his looks at a time like this. “You’ll be fine,” you groaned. 
The millionaire pouted with pursed lips like a child would and mumbled to himself about how he hoped the red mark faded away soon. “So, are we good now?” he asked, looking at you with hope. 
You shrugged your shoulders. Of course, you knew that a slap across his face wouldn’t immediately fix the broken bond like magic, although you wished it did. However, you knew that the slap meant the beginning of your mending relationship. “It’s a start, that’s for sure.” 
Jin rubbed his assaulted cheek tenderly. “I’ll take that over you being angry at me any day,” he confessed, then groaned. “For being injured, you have quite a swing.” 
You made your way to the door and opened it after unlocking it, gesturing for him to take his leave. “Thank you, I was pitcher for my school’s girl’s cricket team,” you mentioned, a cheeky smile curling the corners of your lips. “I was worried that I was slacking over the years.” 
The millionaire walked over to you, hand finally falling at his side to reveal his pink cheek. “Well, worry no more, you’re not slacking,” he complimented. 
You laughed softly before giving him a reassuring pat on the shoulder. “Thank you for letting me take my anger out on you,” you said innocently. “You should get some rest now after today.” Judging by the way his shoulders sagged slightly as if weights attached themselves to him, you knew he needed to rest.
Jin nodded in agreement after taking a step out your door, standing in the living room of the suite. “You should, too, we’re having a meeting in the morning on what our next step should be,” he informed you. He took a step to begin walking away but paused and turned back to you, a devious smirk pulling at his lips. “You know, since I’m done talking to you, I should let Taehyung know that you’re free to finish his business with.” 
Your eyes widened to the size of saucers as your lips parted in horror, your stomach suddenly lurching to your throat. “You better not, you little devil!” Taehyung is the last thing you need to deal with, especially after your “checkup” with Hoseok. 
Jin ignored your desperate pleas and lifted his head towards where the other boys’ rooms were. “Oh, Taehyung!” he called innocently, his wicked smirked growing into a grin. “Y/n is free to talk to!” 
“You bloody wanker!” you hissed venomously before slamming the door shut and locking it. 
You pressed your back against the hardwood, hearing Jin’s faint laughter through as it faded in the distance. Your hand flew to your chest, feeling the thrumming of your rapid heartbeat under your fingers. One of the drawbacks of rebuilding your relationship with Jin was the fact that he could tease you whenever he wanted once more. Great, now you were back to seven men relentlessly teasing you, two of which were taking the teasing to a whole new level. 
You figured you should do a little work before going to bed, if only to distract you from wandering thoughts about your teammates. Pulling yourself from the door, you took off your camera from around your neck, feeling somewhat odd since you’ve grown used to the familiar weight. You needed to develop the film, since you guessed that Namjoon and Jin would want to take a look at the pictures in the morning. As a reporter, you left the developing to your coworkers who were trained for this type of work, but the didn’t mean that you were unaware of how to do yourself. 
You went to your luggage and skimmed through your supplies, finding it difficult to grab the necessities with only one arm. God, how were you supposed to manage this for four weeks? You took out all the equipment needed for the developing process, which included: a safelight, a black and white developer, a changing bag, a developing tank and reels, a digital thermometer, a timer, scissors, beakers and containers, bottles, and film clips. Yes, it was quite excessive, but the process demanded it.
It took you quite a while for you to haul all of your supplies with one arm into the bathroom. Already you were wishing for your arm to miraculously heal. After nearly half an hour of carrying equipment to the water closet, you set everything up in the available space given to you and took out the film canister from the camera. 
You sighed as you stared at it. Who knew how many hours of sleep you were getting tonight? You set the canister down and immediately began to work into the night. 
Your eyes groggily peeled themselves open when the first sliver of sunlight hit them. You tiredly groaned and pulled yourself up, sitting on the bed for a few moments to get rid of the heavy feeling of exhaustion. You took this moment to realize that you were still in your clothes from yesterday. Ugh, what time did you go to bed? You felt like you didn’t get a wink of sleep at all. 
You rubbed a hand over your eyes, getting rid of the gunky sand in the corners. There was no point in trying to go back to sleep. You figured that if you got yourself clean and pumped yourself with at least eight cups of tea, you’d be fine. 
You stretched yourself, excluding your injured arm, and felt the various pops and cracks across your body. You let out a little groan before finally climbing out of bed, your feet hitting the soft, red carpet. You needed a shower, especially after rolling around in the forest for a few hours. 
You entered the water closet once more, finding all of the equipment still inside, leaving no room for a shower. You groaned in agony and lightly slammed your head against the doorway. You really didn’t want to clean out the equipment, not after the long, tedious process it took just to haul it all here. You could always just ask one of the boys if you could just use their shower instead. Realizing that was, indeed, a horrible idea, you reluctantly carried out the equipment from the water closet. 
After another half an hour, you finally got the supplies from the water closet and took that shower you desperately needed. It felt like you entered heaven right then and there, feeling the warm water on your grimy skin. You could take another nap in there if you wanted. However, you continued to wash yourself and got out, wishing you could sit under the water for an hour or two. 
When you finished drying yourself off, you put on a simple pair of trousers and a light shirt and stepped outside your room, expecting to see everyone already out in the living room. However, you were surprised to find no one except yourself outside. You craned your head around, looking for anyone else, but found no awake soul. Bloody hell, what time was it? The sun was out, right? So people should be waking up by now.
You finally found the clock and read the time. Five o’clock in the morning. Shit, no wonder no one was here, they were no doubt still sleeping. You groaned exasperatedly and ran a hand down your face, pulling down your skin. You probably only got three hours of sleep, if that. Bloody perfect. 
You needed a cup of tea right now. You went into the kitchen and managed to find the kettle. Placing it on the stove after filling it water, you turn on the heat and rummaged through the cabinets looking for teabags. You pulled out a box and read the label. Chamomile with lavender? You heard that this was supposed to have relaxing effects, although you never drank it before. However, relaxation sounded like exactly what you needed. 
Hearing the kettle’s high pitched whistle, you poured the kettle into a teapot you found and placed the teabag in the boiling water. You got together a tea tray with all the necessities and placed the teapot on it before carrying it back to the living room, precariously carrying it with one hand. Luckily, you managed to set it down on the table without dropping everything. 
You sat down with a satisfied sigh and prepared yourself a cup, making it to your contention. Just as you were about to pick up the cup and drink the nectar of the gods, a pair of hand wrapped themselves around your eyes, casting your vision into complete darkness. You jumped a little at its suddenness but soon relaxed, figuring it was one of the boys. 
“Guess who~?” a voice whispered playfully into your ear, causing your shoulders to scrunch up. Your ears were always sensitive. Even the slightest puff of breath on them would send you squirming and cringing. 
You rolled your eyes behind the hands, your eyelashes tickling his hands. “Good morning, Jimin,” you greeted politely despite your annoyance. 
The hands disappeared and instead were replaced with Jimin’s smiling face. He slid around the couch and took a seat next to you, a tray full of pastries accompanying him. “Ooooh! Did you make tea?” he asked excitedly, his eyes following the steam rise from the hot liquid. 
You nodded and made a gesture to it. “Help yourself.” You finally took a sip of the warm liquid, relishing in the release of dopamine rushing throughout your body. The scent of lavender fanned your face along with the comforting steam that rose from the cup. Ah, this is exactly what you needed. Perhaps it wasn’t such a bad idea to wake up so early? After all, you got to enjoy the peace and quiet. Well, until Jimin came along that is, not that you didn’t mind, of course. You enjoyed his presence, seeing as how he brought you comfort on the ride here. 
Jimin made herself a cup of tea, setting down the tray of pastries next to it. He took a small sip and curled the corners of his lips into a small smile. “Mhmm, what a perfect way to start the day,” he murmured more to himself than to you. He then gestured to the tray of pastries with a curious glance. “Would you like one?” 
Your stomach growled involuntarily. Now that you thought about it. You didn’t have much to eat yesterday what with all of the excitement. You completely missed dinner! No wonder the thought of food made you nearly drool in anticipation. Nodding your head, you set down your teacup and reached for the delicious looking cream puffs. Before you could claim it, however, Jimin quickly swatted your hand away. 
“Uh-uh.” He wagged his finger in front of you like a parent to a child. “Hoseok told me that you needed to rest. Now then, you wanted this one?” He plucked the cream puff from the silver tray like an apple and held it out to your face. 
Bewildered by his actions, your hand slowly reached out to take the puff from his fingers. What was he trying to do? Coddle you like a little girl? He suddenly retracted his hand when seeing your attempt to grab it. “Say ‘ahhhhhhh’!” He then held it right up to your lips, your eyebrows raised in surprise. 
You rolled your eyes once more. “Jimin, it’s not like I’m incapable of doing anything. I can eat on my own. Look, I even made a pot of tea without any help,” you protested. “I only sprained my elbow, not break every bone in my body.” Did he think you were suddenly a grandmother needing to assist your every need?
Jimin tilted his head to the side, concern slipping over his soft features. “But you went through a lot of stress yesterday, both mentally and physically. Why don’t you just sit back, relax, and let me take care of your body?”
You remembered those last words coming from Hoseok last night. For a mere moment, you feared that the doctor boasted to everyone about your little rendezvous, that he managed to get to you before Taehyung. However, your fears quelled when you didn’t recognize any mischief behind his eyes. You only saw a giddiness gleam in them.
You wanted to relax, true, but you weren’t sure if this was how you wanted to unwind. You could only imagine how awkward it might be to be fed by the survivalist. “I’m not a child,” you argued, glancing around the room to see if anyone else had left their rooms. “Besides, what if someone sees us? I would die of embarrassment!” 
He shook his head with an airy laugh. “No one else is going to be up for awhile. They’re gonna sleep like rocks, especially after that whole fiasco yesterday.” He lifted the cream puff closer to your mouth, his lips forming a tiny pout. “Come on, just for today at least.” 
Seeing as how he wouldn’t give in until you complied with his wishes, you hesitantly bit into the cream puff, tasting the delicious cream mixed with the bread. It honestly was one of the best cream puffs you had in awhile. “Did you make this?” you asked despite your mouth being full. 
“No,” he answered with a small giggle, “I asked the chefs downstairs if they could make me a breakfast platter, but I’m flattered you think I could make something as good as this.” 
“I’m surprised the kitchen is open at this hour.” You paused to swallow and then asked, “I take it you’re an early bird?” 
He nodded before practically shoving the puff into your mouth. You barely had time to prepare yourself for the impact. A surprised noise escaped your mouth muffled by the pastry. Jimin hid a snigger seeing your slightly shocked expression as he continued, “I’m a light sleeper, I guess you could say. As soon as the light hits me, I’m up. It’s okay, though. I usually take this time to stretch and workout a bit.” 
You never really had time to exercise given your constantly busy schedule, but you respected him for managing to keep in shape. You wished you could do the same. 
“You don’t seem like a morning person,” Jimin observed, probably because you looked like you wanted to crawl back into bed. “What are you doing up so early?” 
You munched on the puff for a few seconds before swallowing and replying, “I couldn’t really fall asleep last night. I don’t know why. I was bloody exhausted, but for some reason I couldn’t.”
Jimin shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly. “Maybe there was too much on your mind? A lot happened yesterday, I wouldn’t be surprised if all the action kept you up,” he suggested, taking a sip of his tea. 
You leaned forward and took another bite, ready to say a reply to your own. However, a string of cream still connecting to the puff in Jimin’s hand suddenly broke and stuck itself to your chin. Your hand flew up to wipe off the mess, but Jimin was faster. 
“Oops, you got a little on your chin,” he chuckled. His free hand cupped your chin while his thumb rubbed itself over the skin, wiping off the cream. Your cheeks flared with heat at the intimate contact. You flickered your eyes to look to the side, taking a sudden interest in a brass vase sitting on a table. Wow, what year was that made? It had to made recently; no doubt anything older would be in a museum back in England. You estimated it was perhaps manufactured towards the end of the nineteenth century, judging from the design etched into the brass.
Your panicked examination of the vase was cut short when you noticed your heart rapidly beating in your chest like a ceremonial drum. Why were you so flustered? This wasn’t the worst thing any of the boys had done. If anything, Jimin was being kind and considerate. 
Of course, you spoke too soon, because in the next second Jimin brought his thumb to his mouth and licked the cream off of it, his tongue peeking through his plump, pink lips. It wouldn’t have set your skin ablaze if not for the fact that Jimin stared at you with the same narrowed eyes that Taehyung and Hoseok have been giving you recently. Oh Lord, why must he be so attractive?
You cleared your throat awkwardly and turn your head away. Maybe if you just ignored him long enough, he’ll lose interest and go away? The blood rushed to your ears, and you felt the tips tingle with the heat. Your heart pounded so hard in your chest, you thought it was going to burst. Your fingers played with themselves nervously, trying to distract you. Your mind chanted repeatedly for him to go away and leave you in peace. However, luck wasn’t on your side that morning, as per usual.
Jimin chuckled deeply, grabbing his teacup. “You’re too cute when you’re embarrassed,” he commented playfully. “So innocent, so sweet. I bet you taste sweeter than these treats.” 
With that, you drained the rest of the tea from your cup. It seemed the chamomile and lavender weren’t helping the amount of stress you were currently undergoing. “Oh! Would you look at that? I’m out of tea! I’m going to go to the kitchen and make some more,” you announced, standing up to quickly leave the room.
“Oh? And waste all the tea right here?” Jimin inquired while gesturing to the steaming teapot sitting on the table. Bollocks, you forgot about that small fact. 
You laughed sheepishly as you slowly spun on your heel to meet his expecting gaze. Nothing was going your way it seemed. Quick, you needed to come up with a lie! “I didn’t really like this type. I guess chamomile and lavender isn’t really my thing. I’m sure there’s probably some black tea bags in the kitchen!” 
You retreated back into the kitchen away from his prying gaze, throwing your back against the nearest open wall to support yourself on. You fanned yourself with your uninjured hand, hoping to cool down your hot skin. Ugh, you were such a prude. Even the slightest show of sensuality had you reeling. 
Were you always like this? You thought yourself to be rather confident when it came to romance. All your previous boyfriends never made you flustered or disoriented like these boys did. That may be because your previous boyfriends never really sought you out sexually. Everything was always casual, besides the once in awhile makeout sessions. Maybe it was because everything was happening too fast for you to keep up? These boys were constantly bombarding you so much that you couldn’t even think straight.
Embarrassingly enough, you were still a virgin. You never had sex with any of your previous boyfriends, because, well, you weren’t quite that attracted to them in that regard. Sure, you liked them, but you never got down to it. All of your friends would tease you that you’d be a virgin until you died, and maybe they were right. 
You pulled yourself out of your thoughts as your eyes wavered over to the stove. You rather not make another pot of tea, but you didn’t want to be caught in a lie. So, you grabbed the kettle and looked through the cabinets for any black tea bags. Unfortunately, it seemed that you found just about every other type of tea in existence except for the one you were searching for. 
You groaned in agony and frustration. Why the bloody hell did this place have green tea but not black tea? You were so focused on your burning rage that you didn’t notice Jimin sneaking in until he wrapped his arms around your waist, causing you to let out a surprised gasp. 
“Jimin! What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you having breakfast or something?” you sputtered, hoping that he might leave if you reminded him of the abandoned baked goods.��
Jimin whined quietly and rested his chin on your shoulder, his lips forming a small pout once more. “I want something sweeter,” he complained, sounding like a spoiled child. 
You knew deep down exactly what he meant by that but remained oblivious. Maybe he really wanted something else to eat? “Alright, I can make some custard if you-“ 
“You’re really walking on thin ice here, y/n.” 
You froze in his arms, eyes glancing down at him. Was that a threat? “What do you mean by that?” 
Instead of replying right away, he moved his head so that his lips latched onto your neck. You flinched at the sudden contact, nearly dropping the box of teabags in your one hand. You bit your lip feeling him leave fiery kisses on your sensitive skin. Setting the box of teabags down, you gripped the edge of the counter so hard your almost left nail marks in the wood. 
“What I mean...” His voice trailed off as he sucked on your neck for a few more seconds. “... is that you’re driving me crazy.”
His kisses were soft and gentle, a change of pace compared to Hoseok’s rough and hot lips. Although your mind was going through a hurricane of emotions, your body began to relax under the pleasant feeling he gave you. 
His hot breath against your skin made you squirm with a soft squeal. Each puff of breath sent shivers running up and down your spine. It was almost unbearable. Damnit, how did these men know how to leave you breathless? 
His lips moved tantalizingly slow up your neck until he found that little space behind your jaw. As his mouth curled into a wicked smirk, he nibbled on the skin. Your eyes widened as your jaw went slack, a stifled gasp slipped from your lips. He replaced his lips with his tongue, sending warm sensations down to your core. You were practically melting in his hands. God, you didn't know how much longer you could survive this.
When Jimin’s hands left your waist to grip the counter, you saw your chance to escape. You dropped down low, leaving Jimin’s wandering lips hanging, and slithered through the small gap under his arms. Aha! You escaped like a mouse vanishing from a cat’s clutches. Jimin widened his eyes slightly in surprise when he realized you slipped away from his grasp and looked at you with confusion etched on his face. He honestly looked like a child whose favorite toy was just taken away.
You laughed nervously, tucking a few strands of hair behind your ear. “Well, if I drive you crazy, then maybe you take a break from me and just clear your head?” you spewed out. Dear Lord, what were you talking about?! You honestly wanted to bash your head into the nearest wall in mortification.
Jimin slowly crossed his arms while leaning against the counter, his confusion ebbing away into aggravation. His eyes narrowed onto you as his jaw clenched. You noticed his tongue poking into his cheek as he exhaled sharply through his nose. Oh God, he looked really ticked off. Your thighs clenched together involuntarily as a flash of excitement and fear shot down your spine. 
“You really love to play hard, don’t you, y/n?” Jimin tilted his head slightly to the side, eyes flickering over your form momentarily. You swallowed hard when hearing his growling tone, sweat beginning to form uncomfortably on your back. Oh, you were fucked…
“And you really love to play with me,” you retorted as you wrung your hands sheepishly, although you tried to keep a strong gaze of your own. You were digging your own grave, it seemed, like a complete and utter fool.
He pushed himself off the counter and took a few paces toward you. You stood your ground despite wanting to back away from him, your mind chanting at you to remain strong. He kept his arms folded as he stopped just a hair’s length from you, his cologne washing over your senses. “I think it’s about time we stopped playing these games though. I’d like to get right down to business.” 
You bit your lip in thought for a few seconds. “What if I like where we are now, playing these games?” Your mind screamed at you to just stop it, to just stop making the whole situation worse, but you just couldn’t. Words tumbled out of your mouth before you could even realize what you were saying.
Jimin arched an eyebrow as he kept his hard stare on you. “Then I just might have to play rough with you then,” he answered cooly. However, you recognized that familiar twinkle in his eyes that gleamed with mischief, although he desperately tried to mask it with nonchalance.
You cleared your throat that suddenly tightened upon hearing his response. Red lights went off in your head while sirens blared internally. Your body was throwing every signal at you to run away and hide, that this man was one second away from doing what Hoseok did the night before. However, you remained composed as you stared at him for a few painful seconds, unsure of what to reply with. 
Panic ran through you like a raging storm, though it didn’t show on your face. What do you do? What can you do? Your instincts took over your mind, shoving all logic and reason out the window. It was either fight and flight, and honestly…
You were going to take the flight instinct.
“You’re going to have to catch me first,” you sputtered out before breaking into a sprint out of the kitchen. Honestly, you had no idea what you were doing. You wanted to slap yourself for thinking that you could simply run away from your problems.
Luckily, you managed to get into the living room before what you said finally processed through Jimin’s mind. You fled for your bedroom, thinking that you could lock the door and hide from him until later. Unfortunately, Jimin charged right after you with the prowess of a jaguar. Curse him and his athleticism! You knew you wouldn’t be able to reach your bedroom in time. So, you made a sharp turn around the couch and spun around it before Jimin could grab you. You stood on one side of the couch while your chaser remained on the other side, waiting for you to make a move in one direction. 
You took a step to your left while he mirrored your actions, grinning from ear to ear and relishing in the rush of the chase. You then faked a step to your right and sprinted in the opposite direction. Jimin quickly pivoted and followed you, causing a small squeal of panic to escape your throat. Before he could lay a hand on you, you threw yourself over the couch and darted for your bedroom, hearing a small growl of frustration from Jimin. You made quite a distance from him. You had a good chance of actually making it to safety. 
All of a sudden, an arm wrapped itself around your waist, pulling you away from your sanctuary. You squeaked out of surprise when another arm slid behind your knees and scooped you up from the ground. You jerked your eyes to meet the perpetrator’s and instinctively wrapped your arms around his neck, your heart hammering in your chest. His eyes gleamed triumphantly, his lips curling into a smug smirk.
“I win.” His smirk widened when you huffed in chagrin. “Now then, you need to keep your side of the bargain.” He carried you back to the couch like a groom carrying his bride into their new house and dropped you onto it. Your body bounced on the plush cushions and pillows that were worth a good fraction of your weekly paycheck.
Jimin climbed onto you, his body hovering over yours. He placed his hands next to your head, caging you between him and the couch. A low chuckle rumbled through his chest as you swallowed the lumped lodged tightly in your throat. “You’re so cute,” he cooed, moving his himself so he was straddling your hips. “Look at you… all flustered and embarrassed, just by my presence. I wonder how hot and bothered you’ll get by my touch.”
He suddenly leaned down, eyes boring into yours with clouded emotions and want. Oh how those lips of his look so kissable. They must be so soft; after all, they felt amazing on your neck. You mentally slapped yourself when realizing your wanton thoughts. Why were you giving in so easily to his charms? 
His hands moved from their place on the couch and began to unbutton your shirt at a teasingly slow pace. You were fairly certain his fingers could feel the pounding of your heart against your chest. Goosebumps ran up and down your arms when the cool air came in contact with your hot skin. 
“You’ve told me in the past that you hate how much the boys and I tease you. But the thing is, y/n… You’re just as much of a tease to us as we are to you.” His smirk grew when seeing your perplexed expression. “Oh yes, you’re just as bad, doll. You, too, get us all worked up when you act so innocent and adorable. It’s only fair that-” He cut himself off when his pulled back your collar, revealing your collarbone to his roaming eyes. 
However, you noticed his eyebrows furrowed in confusion when he detected something that shouldn’t have been there. You would’ve moved your head to see when had him so bewildered, but you couldn’t seem to tear your eyes away from him no matter how hard you tried. His hand left your shirt and skimmed his fingers against your collarbone delicately, leaving goosebumps in their wake. Realization then suddenly dawned upon him, and a humorous chuckle spilled from his plump lips.
“Oh, y/n…” he drawled, pausing to tut playfully. “You’ve been a naughty girl lately, haven’t you?”
It was your turn now to stare at him in bewilderment. “What? What are you talking about?” you demanded, though you kept your tone leveled.
He rocked his hips suddenly, reigniting the heat in your very core. “Still acting innocent till the very end, I see. Very well, how do you explain these hickies?” he revealed, his smug smirk now forming a wicked grin.
You finally tore your ears from his enchanting orbs and bent your head to take in the view of your bruised collarbone and chest. Your eyes widened in horror at the sight, spots of red and purple painted your neck like drops on fine wine. Lovebites?! Your heart dropped to your stomach as a small feeling of slight nausea set in. Hoseok… next time you see him, and you will, you were going to give him hell for leaving those marks.
For now, all you could do was sputter in astonishment. “Those must be from the fall-”
“Oh, spare me the excuses.” Jimin leaned back on your hips, giving you a nice view of all he had to offer. “The evidence is damning. Someone had lots of fun with you last night, it seems. Now I wonder who?” His hands left your collarbone and began trailing down your chest, tracing your curves and prodding at your skin. “It couldn’t have been Taehyung, no matter how much he’d love to be in that position. He never left his room last night,” he mused to himself. “Maybe Jin? … No, Jin is somewhat of a gentleman. He would’ve left hickies on your chest so only he could see his handiwork. That leaves…” His face lit up with realization, almost dramatically. He mouth gaped open, as if he were told a scandalous secret. “The doctor?”
Your face burned with humiliation. You hoped this secret of yours would remain just that, a secret, something that you’d bury deep into the ground where no would dare go searching. However, before you even begin digging the hole, your secret was revealed like a present a child opened up the night before Christmas. 
Jimin snickered when you didn’t reply, further proving his suspicions. “So that’s why you were eager to pull him into your room. I thought you just wanted to avoid Taehyung, but I guess you really have a doctor kink.”
Your eyes widened even further to the size of saucer plates. “No!” you immediately protested, earning a curious arched eyebrow from the man looming above you. “He… he made the first move. I didn’t intend for him to…” Your voice trailed off as you couldn’t bring yourself to recall those sensual acts from last night. Sure, you didn’t have sex, but Hoseok’s kisses still left you breathless.
Jimin didn’t need for you to continue, for he already put two and two together. “Ah, so Hobi took the opportunity. Shame, I wanted to be the first one to mark you.” He released a deep, exasperated sigh, his shoulders sagging with the action. “Although… being first doesn’t mean being the best.” His hands stopped at the hem of your trousers, fingers curling around the fabric and pulling at it playfully. “Let me show you why I’m the best, baby.”
With that, he lowered himself onto you, your bodies flush against each other. His lips attached themselves to your neck. Instantly, a gasp fell from your mouth, feeling his lips mold against your neck perfectly. Involuntarily, your uninjured hand snaked up behind his head and dug your fingers into his dark locks, holding his head close to your neck. 
His lips moved magnificently, kissing your bare skin as if his life depended on it, as if he were addicted to you. Your breath hitched in your throat when he lightly nipped your sensitive skin, causing your fingers to tighten their grip slightly on his hair. Reactively, he groaned deeply, and the vibrations against your neck made you mewl softly for more.
His hands wandered up from where they rested around your waist and brought themselves up to your shirt once more, unfastening those pesky buttons that just got in the way of your passion. He practically ripped your shirt open and unhooked your bra before quickly discarding it, revealing more hickies from your amorous rendezvous with the doctor the night before. Jimin growled at the sight of them and attacked your chest, leaving no patch of skin unscathed. 
A long string of moans left your mouth as you arched your back like a bow, shoving your chest into his mouth. His kisses became a mix of teeth and sucking, wanting to get rid of all evidence of Hoseok’s marks. His lips moved dangerously low, now attacking the supple skin of your breasts. A low moan escaped your throat once more, feeling his mouth latch onto your nipple. Your moans seemed to encourage his actions, because he deepened his kiss, his tongue swirling around your sensitive bud. 
He pulled his lips away from your needy breast with a pop and looked up at you through his dark lashes. “Fuck, you look so pretty under me.” You bit your lip shyly and craned your neck to the side, too reticent to keep your gaze on him. He breathlessly chuckled and brought his hand to cup your chin between his fingers, forcing your head to face him again. “Uh-uh, princess, no looking away this time. You’re going to keep watching me as I cover your entire body with marks.” When your eyes widened at his words, he continued, “You know I love seeing you so bashful.”
He must love torturing you, it seemed. You had barely any time to reply or even register his words before he attacked your collarbone again. Your hand left his dark locks to grip at a pillow, the cushions, anything to keep you somewhat grounded. His lips made their way back up your neck and reached your ear. He nibbled on it playfully, and you naturally scrunched your shoulders together reactively. 
Pleased by your cute response, he gave your ear a kittenish lick, and you squeaked from how sensitive your ears had gotten. His hands roamed down your body and landed on your breasts once more. His fingers played with your susceptible skin, gracing it with soft strokes and touches that left you whining and panting. 
“Jimin…” The name fell from your mouth unconsciously in a quiet whisper. Your mind was a muddled mess of pleasure and pure bliss. You could barely even think straight from all the emotions and sensations that coursed throughout your body like a rapid moving river.
“Ah, fuck…” He paused his nibbling on your ear to capture your lips with his own. You knew his lips were extremely soft and plush, but they felt even more amazing on your mouth. He kissed you with passion, as if he couldn’t get enough of you. One of his hands left your breast to cup the back of your neck, pulling you closer to him. He acted as if he was intoxicated by the taste of you. “I was right.” He cut himself off to quickly peck your lips. “You taste so sweet.”
You both moaned into the kiss, finding yourselves equally addicted to each other. Hands gripped and clung to each other, as if letting go of each other would be the end of you both. Jimin undoubtedly wanted to prove to you how he was the best at passionate love, and he was certainly proving a good argument. 
For a moment, you feared the moaning, whining, and gasps would be enough to wake up one of the other boys. Because of this, you held yourself back, concentrating entirely on keeping yourself quiet. Jimin picked up on this, judging on your scrunched up and focused expression, and tugged on your nipple almost harshly. Your breath hitched for a mere moment as a choked gasp left your mouth.
“Don’t be quiet,” he practically growled, his eyes now taking on a darker gleam to them. “I want everyone here to hear how good I make you feel.”
A string of moans and whimpers left your mouth as he rolled your nipple in between his fingers before reluctantly letting it go. You whined from the loss of contact but soon noticed the same hand skimming down your abdomen and close to the hem on your pants. A mix of excitement and uneasiness rushed within you. 
His fingers teasingly curled around the fabric and played with it, torturing you as your desire for him was beginning to grow impatient. He smirked, knowing fully what kind of effect he was having on you at the moment. “Come on, baby, tell me how much you need me. Beg for me,” he whispered huskily, “and maybe I’ll oblige.”
Your cheeks blazed with heat once more, the familiar sensation tingling your skin. He was asking you to do what?! Beg like a dog? Your eyes widened to the size of saucers, flustered by what he wanted you to do. Your pride told you to remain stubborn. He actually wasn’t serious, right? 
From the lack of a response, Jimin took this as a challenge and placed a knee in between your legs, pressing it against your clothed core. “Tsk, you’re going to be a naughty girl now, of all times? Fine, I guess I’ll make you beg for me.”
You gulped, feeling a tiny bit intimidated by his words. He pressed his knee even further into your core, causing a rush of pleasure to blossom within you. He shuffled his leg a bit, causing his knee to rub against you slightly. A sharp gasp escaped your lips, giving his the reaction he wanted. He prepared himself to torture you a bit further until- 
The sound of a door opening and then closing sent your heart racing, not from arousal but from the flash of fear that shot throughout your entire body. Oh no, if any of the other boys saw you in such a disheveled and messy state, it would be the absolute end of you. On one hand, you were terrified someone would find you like this, but, on the other hand, you were glad that you had an excuse to avoid whatever punishment Jimin had in store for you. 
You ripped yourself from Jimin’s grasp and fell onto the floor with a thud. As quickly as you could move, you tried your best to make yourself appear as if you hadn’t been fucked out of your mind. You collected and fastened your bra, readjusted your shirt and trousers, and ran your fingers through your sweaty hair. You adjusted your shirt’s collar so that it covered the new lovebites that covered your skin.
You grumbled irritatedly when you noticed how Jimin only needed to brush himself off in order to look presentable. It didn’t help that he gave you a proud smirk as his eyes watched you skittishly clip your bra on. You brought your head to look away from his wandering eyes as he took a few steps toward you. He draped himself across the cough while propping his head up with his hand. “Good thing you reacted when you did. A second longer and whoever walked in would’ve had quite a show.” 
You cast your eyes to the ground as your cheeks blossomed with heat. You fixed your hair lastly before turning back to meet his smug grin. “If you mention this to anyone…” you threatened, jabbing a finger right into his chest. You were dead serious; you couldn’t afford him announcing to anyone about this. It would only end up with everyone stepping up their game. You didn’t know if you could handle that. 
Jimin’s eyes flickered down toward your finger before returning them to stare into yours. “Oh, don’t worry, doll,” he chuckled, finding your serious attitude all too cute. “This will be our little secret.” He brought his own finger to his plump lips, the same ones that were attached your neck minutes ago, and pressed it against them. “I’d worry more about Hoseok though, if I were you. He can’t keep such a thing to himself for long.”
Ugh, right, Hoseok. How could you forget? Not only did you have to worry about Taehyung, but you had to add Hoseok and Jimin to the pile of secrets. Eugh, you were really becoming a strumpet, weren’t you? 
You tucked your shirt into your trousers and fixed your collar before sitting on the couch across from where Jimin laid, grabbing a bun to appear a little less suspicious. Jimin merely smirked smugly watching you fidget and squirm. You were surprised to come across Jin looking elegant and professional as ever. He merely wore a white dress shirt and gray slacks with black leather shoes.
Jin paused his walking and looked at you and Jimin with a surprised expression creeping onto his features. “Oh, morning, you two,” he greeted, cuffing his sleeves as he took a few steps toward you. You relaxed when you realized he didn’t seem to notice your sweaty and rumpled state. “Are you both the only ones up? I thought the others would have woken up by now.”
Jimin shook his head innocently. “No, they’re sleeping like logs. It seems we’re the only responsible and mature people on this team.”
Jin rolled his eyes, annoyed by the others’ delay. He stomped over to the occupied rooms with an irritated groan. “Can’t believe I have to wake them up like a mother,” he grumbled to himself.
“Where were you, Jin?” you asked curiously, noticing that he came from the door leading to the elevator. 
The millionaire perked his head toward you as he made his way toward Yoongi’s door. “I was making sure no one managed to track us to this hotel, and I also decided to buy a few shirts to replace the ones that were ruined yesterday,” he answered before flinging the door open. “Rise and shine, Yoongi!” He clapped his hands loudly to gain Yoongi’s attention. “Wake up! It’s already seven o’clock!”
After the mechanic reluctantly dragged himself out of his room with messy hair and a glare that could kill, Jin gathered the remaining members, all of whom still looked exhausted. You were about to move into one of the armchairs next to you; but before you could even lift yourself from your spot, two bodies made themselves comfortable snug against you. You froze and lifted your round eyes to see the two men. 
Taehyung and Hoseok… could your morning get any worse?
Dread pooled in your stomach like lead as you settled yourself back into the couch, figuring it would have been way too obvious that you were trying to avoid them if you left now. You tried to push out the negativity that filled your mind. Maybe they just wanted to spend some time with you? No way they wanted to tease you so early in the day. Apparently that was Jimin’s thing. You should give them another chance.
“Good morning, boys,” you greeted, curling your lips into a pleasant smile. “Did you sleep well?”
Taehyung returned your smile with his own, rubbing away the sleep from his eyes. “I would be better if I had a little more time to sleep,” he answered, his words slightly slurred from grogginess. 
“Me, too,” Hoseok chuckled tiredly. You noticed how unkempt the doctor’s appearance was. His hair was messy, his eyes were unfocused and glossed over, and his clothing was disheveled. However, his dazed eyes blown wide in remembrance. “Oh, y/n! I almost forgot!” He rushed off back into his room only to return with a clothed ice pack, offering it to your injured and slightly swollen arm. “Remember, you need to ice your arm for ten to twenty minutes for the next four days.” His exhausted aura gave way to his usual bright energy. Man, you envied how he could sometimes snap himself out of exhaustion.
You took the ice pack out of his hands and applied it to your casted arm, sighing at the calming coolness that washed over your heated and tender skin. After thanking Hoseok, he merely plopped down next to you and said, “No need to thank me, I almost forgot, anyway. Oh, and remind me to give you your painkillers sometime, okay?” You didn’t fail to notice the impish gleam in his eyes that glittered when he said those words. 
You just nodded your head and turned your gaze away sheepishly only for your stare to connect with Jimin’s. His eyes held the same gleam that Hoseok’s bore, but you also saw the way the corners of his lips curled into a smug smirk. Oh, he knew the meaning behind those words, didn’t he? He was never going to let this down, it seemed. 
“Geez, I feel like I could fall back asleep at any moment,” Taehyung butted into the conversation.
Hoseok nodded in agreement. “I’m pretty sure Jin woke me up from a dead sleep,” he commented. He brought a hand to his mouth to stifle his yawn before it broke away to an airy laugh. “Oh my God, Yoongi!” He gestured to the mechanic, who was plopped onto the armchair you planned on taking.
Yoongi had brought a fuzzy blanket from his room and was currently wrapped up in the cloth like an Inuit man huddling around a fire. The only thing visible was his pissed off face, glowering at everyone and everything in the room. “Don’t talk to me,” he grunted, his voice barely audible.
You tried your best to hold back your laughter in order to avoid Yoongi possibly strangling you, and offered the teapot to him. “Would you like some tea to wake you up a bit?” you asked, ignoring his warning.
A few long seconds passed, and you were unsure if Yoongi even heard you in the first place. However, you saw him nod his head subtly and widened your smile. You grabbed a teacup sitting unused on the table and poured the steaming, amber liquid into the porcelain cup. The scent of lavender wafted into the air, causing everyone to desire the warm drink. “Sugar?” you prompted, hand hovering over the sugar cubes.
“Noooooooo,” was his tired, mumbled reply, muffled by layers of blanket.
You complied with his wishes, smiling fondly at how adorable Yoongi looked and acted, and handed him the cup of tea. His hands wrapped around it and brought it up to his face, relishing in the warm scent before taking a sip of it. He released a relaxed sigh before sinking even further into his blankets. Your heart clenched at the sight; he looked so endearing!
“Alright, everyone!” Jin announced, dragging a half-asleep Jungkook into the living room followed by Namjoon walking in with a book in hand. “Now that we’re all here, we can get down to business.” He pushed Jungkook into a nearby armchair before standing in front of everybody, arms crossed in front of his chest. “We know our next step is in Punjab, but that’s a lot of area to cover. We need to figure out a way to narrow our search.”
Namjoon closed his book with a soft ‘thud’ and took a few steps toward Jin’s side. “If we had spent a few more hours down in those caves, we probably could’ve found where our ancestors went in Punjab, but those soldiers stopped us before we could look further,” he sighed disappointedly.
You felt a sting of pity in your heart upon seeing Namjoon with his arm in a sling. You supposed he was till in a lot of pain from the bullet that was lodged in his shoulder. You noticed how slowly he would move, as if the slightest movement would bring him pain. You wished you could’ve done something, anything, to prevent him from getting shot. However, you knew that no one expected the group to get ambushed, much less from the Japanese government.
“It’s not like we can go back either,” Jimin added, moving himself out of his lying position and now sitting upright. “That place is probably swarming with guards, especially after our little shoot-out there.”
You raised your non-cast arm to gather everyone’s attention. “I took some pictures of the tapestry in the caves and developed the pictures last night.” With a shrug, you commented, “I figured you chaps would like to study them, since you didn’t get the chance to yesterday.”
Namjoon released a sigh of relief and smiled broadly from ear to ear, absolutely beaming from your news. “God, y/n, you really are an angel,” he laughed, rubbing the back of his neck.
You brushed off his compliment, now getting used to all the light praise the boys would shower you in. Of course, if the boys praised you in a more flirtatious manner, well, that was a whole different story. “It’s nothing, I’m just doing my job.” You stood up from your spot on the couch and retrieved the pictures from your room. You were rather pleased with yourself that they developed rather nicely considering that you weren’t exactly experienced in developing film.
Returning back to the living room, you handed the photos Namjoon, who eagerly plucked them from your fingers and examined them over. His eyes scanned over the images quickly, absorbing every once of information he could obtain from such small pictures. You noticed the way his lips subtly moved to mumble the ancient language inscribed onto the tapestry. 
Quite a few seconds, or maybe it was minutes, passed in tensed silence. Everyone waited in anticipation for the great discovery that Namjoon was about to disclose. Everybody hoped for the best; that somewhere on that tapestry was the exact location of where the fleeing Koreans went to with the Dragon of the Stars. At least, everyone hoped for an indication of where to go next in this never-ending quest for treasure.
Finally, Namjoon tore his gaze from the picture and looked at a nearby wall in deep thought, his brows wrinkled in confusion. “‘Give drink with a bowl of stone waters from the lake of the moon’s flower to the Dragon in order to bring it to its homeland’...?” he wondered out loud, completely forgetting everyone else in the room.
“What?” Bewilderment stretched across your features at his cryptic words. What on earth was he talking about? He might as well have been speaking in tongues. “Was that on the tapestry?”
Namjoon nodded in confirmation, snapping himself out of his deep thoughts, before adding, “Yeah, this was the last line given to us by our ancestors. They must’ve left behind some clues to follow in this passage.”
“Great,” Yoongi grumbled, poking his head from his thick blankets. “More fucking riddles.”
“Could the Dragon in the riddle be the Dragon of the Stars?” Jungkook prompted, ignoring Yoongi’s complaining.
Jin shrugged his broad shoulders. “That’s the only connection I can think of. The phrase ‘in order to bring it to its homeland’ could mean finding it and taking it back to Korea.” He cupped his chin, his face scrunching together in deep concentration. “So in order to find the Dragon, we have to follow these instructions.”
“‘A bowl of stone’?” Jimin echoed the riddle, slight signs of frustrations creeping on his face. “That could literally be any bowl on the planet!”
Jin began pacing back and forth in front of everyone, one hand on his chin while the other rested on his hip. His leather shoes clicked against the stone floor rapidly as his strides became faster with hidden anxiety. “Bowl… bowl… bowl…” he repeated to himself. “What could that mean? Maybe they’re talking about a basin or something related to that?”
“Sounds to me they’re speaking literally,” Taehyung inputted with a yawn. “Who knows? Maybe they really want us to find a bowl.” He stretched his long arms above him with a groan and then wrapped one of his arms around your shoulders. He did it so casually that your brain didn’t register its presence until a few seconds too late, causing you to stiffen in reply and glance at him cautiously out of the corners of your eyes. “Too bad they couldn’t give us a better description of what this bowl looks like.”
“Ah, yes, a stone bowl,” Yoongi recalled, taking a sip out of his warm drink. “That helps us so much. Even if we just happened to know which bowl we’re supposed to be looking for, who’s to say that it’s still around? We were lucky that y/n’s tapestry was in good condition for it being nearly two thousand years old.”
“Well, I don’t know about you,” Hoseok began with a shrug of his shoulders, “but if I were someone who just made a bowl that was the key to finding a hidden treasure, I’d hide it somewhere where it’ll be protected from anything that might destroy it. People, natural causes, stuff like that.”
“Well, no shit, Sherlock,” the mechanic jeered. If he wasn’t wrapped up in fluffy, white blankets, his mock might have actually hurt Hoseok. “Got any ideas on where that might be?”
Hoseok raised his hands slightly in the air in surrender. “Hey, you didn’t let me finish! As I was saying, I might hide it in a container of sorts. Like a chest!”
Yoongi snorted. “Great… we’re pirates now.”
“Well, to be fair, we did desecrate a historical site that was hidden away for nearly two milenia,” Namjoon remarked, giving a pointed look to Taehyung, who merely gave him an angelic smile in reply.
“And kidnappers!” you added, reminding them of how they drugged you and captured you in order to obtain your tapestry.
Everyone released a collected groan at your comment, the loudest being Hoseok, who, of course, was the main culprit behind your kidnapping. “For the last time, we had to do what we needed to do!” Jin protested, throwing his hands up in the air dramatically.
“Still makes you kidnappers.”
“Wait, guys,” Namjoon interrupted the argument before it could spiral out of control. “I think I might have an idea of what this bowl might be.”
Jungkook deflated with a sigh. “And you just decide to tell us this now, after we’ve been wracking over brains over it?” He ran a hand through his dark locks, shoulders sagging in exasperation.
Namjoon turned his sharp gaze to the youngest. “Excuse me, you weren’t contributing much to the discussion. So you don’t get to say anything.” He returned his attention to the rest of the team and continued, “So before Koreans began using celadon in their pottery, they made what we call silla pottery, named after the time period it was first made in. Basically, silla pottery is stoneware pottery. They would make changgyong ho, which are tall jars, and kobae, which are wide bowls.”
Kobae. That word sounded so familiar to you. Your heart nearly stopped beating in your chest and your blood almost turned into ice at the name. Where did you hear that before? Did Namjoon mention this in previous conversations? You quickly searched through your memories, but you couldn’t recall such a discussion. Damnit, what was it?! Where did you hear that bloody word before?
The conversations around you were muted as you were lost in your own thoughts. You almost gave up on trying to remember, but then it all came back to you in a flood. Bloody hell! That’s what it was?
You suddenly stood up from the couch and began to search through the many newspapers that were lain strewn on the various tables in the room. Your eyes scoured through many articles, comics, and headlines. The others watched in curiosity and slight concern as you tossed bundles of newspapers to the side like it was trash. 
“Y/n? You alright?” Jimin called out to you, his voice full of worry more than confusion.
You distractedly nodded your head, not bothering to look back at them. “Yes, I’m fine. I just remembered something very important.” You tossed another newspaper to the side that almost fell to the floor. “Before I teamed up with you lads, I worked with the British’s newpaper company here while I was researching into the Indian Indepence Movement. We exchanged some info and articles and they told me- Here!” You pulled out a newspaper page from the rest and showed it to them as if it was the solution to all problems. You jabbed your finger at the article in question when Namjoon took it from your hands. “Some British archeologists found an artifact that left them bewildered in an excavation site by a Hindu temple in ruins. They said it was an artifact of Asian origin rather than Indian, and they think that the artifact is indeed…” You pulled away with a large grin plastered on your face. “A kobae.”
Everyone at this point was huddled around you and Namjoon, peering over your shoulders to read over the article with intense, focused stares. Their eyes ran over the words with a rapid pace, eating up the words like wolves devouring a caribou. Finally, Jungkook released a burst of laughter of shock. “I can’t believe it. That’s gotta be it!” He slapped a hand against his forehead in disbelief. “It’s right there for our taking. Jin, you can buy it, can’t you?”
Jin crossed his arms, his surprise fading away into disappointment. A long, drawn-out sigh escaped his lips. “Technically, this is now the property of the British government, and I highly doubt they’ll just give it away,” he revealed, causing everyone’s hidden excitement to quickly disperse.
“Look here,” Namjoon said, gathering everybody’s attention back to the article. “It says here that the discoveries of the archeologists will be displayed during a private exhibition opening gala at the Imperial Museum at Calcutta on Friday evening. That means that the kobae will be there.”
“But don’t we need the kobae in our actual hands, not behind a pane of glass?” you reminded, confusion etched across your face. “Besides, like Jin said, the government isn’t just going to hand the bloody bowl over to us.”
A long, pregnant pause settled upon the group as the tension began to rise. Unspoken words were said, but the boys began to give each other knowing stares. You watched in pure bewilderment as one by one the boys began to grin at each other, and only then did you realize what they were silently insinuating. Your eyes blew wide open in utter distress. “No! No, no, no! We are not going to break in and steal a bowl from a museum!” you protested, throwing your injured hand in the air in exasperation and dismay.
“One: they technically stole it from our ancestors and are claiming it as theirs,” Taehyung argued, raising one finger in the air before adding another. “And two: we won’t break in. We aren’t savages, after all.”
Jin clapped his hands together in anticipation and to gain everybody’s attention. “Alright, everyone, sit down. We need to make a plan of action.”
The team did as Jin ordered and settled back down in their previous spots. Dread filled every part of your being. Right now, you were going to be apart of a conspiracy to rob a museum. You were about to become a criminal. Great, another thing to add to the list of things you have done. First, you abandoned your job to join a treasure hunting expedition, then you were almost killed by the Japanese government, and now you were about to raid a historical museum. You have certainly done it all at this point of your life.
“So,” the millionaire began, clasping his hands together tightly. He stood in front of everyone like a boss about to give his employees the rundown of the week. “We know that the gala will begin in the evening on Friday, but it will most likely be guarded since it’s private.”
You rubbed your temples, feeling the beginnings of a headache already. You couldn’t believe you were about to seriously do this. “I can get us inside,” you announced, dropping your hand onto your lap in defeat. “They’ll let a journalist inside, especially if I’m there to write an article on the event. They’ll probably even let me bring at least one escort.” You regretted those last words leaving your lips, because now every set of eyes were on you. Each stared at you with that gleam, that gleam you were now so familiar with. 
You opened your mouth to protest any inappropriate behavior, but Jin interrupted you, saying, “I’ll be your escort for publicity’s sake, and we can bring Jungkook along and claim he is our bodyguard.” 
You desperately wanted to protest to such an idea, but you then realized that going with Jin was probably the smartest move out of everyone else. You also didn’t fail to notice the look of excitement that crossed Jungkook’s features. He bounced eagerly in his seat, looking like a child who was just told that he could go to the candy shop. 
“I can probably get in, too,” Namjoon mentioned, stuffing his hands into his pockets idly. “After all, I’m a historian. I won’t rouse any suspicion from others. That way, there’ll be four of us there to grab the kobae.”
“What about your shoulder?” Jungkook asked, his face full of concern for the historian.
Namjoon gave the youngest a reassuring smile. “Don’t worry, Kook, it’s not like I’m going to do any heavy lifting. I’m just going to be socializing and scoping out the area. If anyone asks about my shoulder, I’ll say I fell down a flight of stairs and injured it.”
“Can I go?!” Taehyung suddenly burst out, raising his hand to get Jin’s attention, who only shook his head in disagreement.
“Sorry, Tae, but too many of us will get some people suspicious.”
The demolition expert deflated and crossed his arms in front of his chest, his lips forming into a childish pout. Jin ignored Taehyung’s grumbling and continued, “The rest of you will be nearby though. What I propose is that we perform a lights-out operation. Yoongi, you can tamper with the building’s power, correct?”
Yoongi ran a hand down his face while letting out a tired groan. “Yeah, I can do it. I just need to study the building’s wiring to figure out which plug I need to pull. Hopefully, I can scout out the museum without anyone noticing me,” he answered.
“And then what? We just grab that bowl and run?” you questioned, wondering how the team could pull it off. “What about security?”
“We can take care of that!” Jimin exclaimed, gesturing to himself and Taehyung. “Kookie will be too busy making sure you three are safe. So we’ll make an escape path for you so the guards won’t notice you running off with the kobae.”
Hoseok waved his hand in the air excitedly. “And I’ll be nearby in case anything goes wrong!”
You sighed, feeling all the worries and anxieties come upon you all at once. “It can’t be that simple. We’re going to get caught one way or another,” you remarked, you stomach starting to do flips from the nervousness that began to settle in.
“Think of it this way, dollface,” Jimin began. “It won’t be a simple walk in, grab the kobae, and walk out. It’ll be more like… walk in, spend a few hours there, socialize, dance, drink, wait for everyone to get a little tipsy, pull the plug, grab the kobae, and then sneak out. No one will remember you because they’ll have enough alcohol to muddle up their memory.”
“And if we get caught?”
“Then we’ll knock them out and put an empty wine bottle in their hand.”
“... We’re going to end up in jail.”
And that was how you ended up in Calcutta outside of what was definitely the biggest, fanciest, and richest clothing store you have ever seen in your entire life. Your round eyes continuously stared at the large building for what seemed like hours. Rich men and women walked in and out of its golden revolving doors with boxes and bags filled with items that would cost a big number out of your paycheck.
Jin had convinced you to come along with Namjoon and Jungkook to go shopping for the appropriate attire for the evening gala. You figured that you would wear the dress you had packed in your suitcase; but once Jin saw the dress you picked out, he cupped your face, called you a poor child, and then dragged you to this monstrosity of a store
You swallowed a large lump in your throat, clearly intimidated by the magnificence of the building. Your eyes roamed over the golden sign for what seemed like the millionth time. Goldosa. It sounded like the name of a foreign princess, to be honest.
Jin suddenly appeared by your side with big, dark sunglasses covering his eyes. He wore a special grey suit for the occasion, and, to be completely frank, you felt like a pauper next to him. He pushed his sunglasses down the bridge of his nose so his eyes could stare expectedly into yours. “Come on, y/n, we can’t have you be the fashion disaster of the gala!” he exclaimed as he looped his arm through yours and dragged you through the shining doors.
As you stumbled after him, you commented, “You know, Jin, I’m starting to think you wanted to be my escort only because you wanted to attend the gala.” You took in your surroundings. Your reflection could be seen on the polished marble floor. Everything shone brilliantly in the light , from the metalic, golden designs that seemed to cover every single wall and pillar to the crystal chandelier that hung magnificently above your heads. You were scared that by stepping into such a place that you’d have to pay an entrance fee.
Jin chuckled humorously at your remark, tearing you away from your wandering thoughts. “Of course not, I volunteered to be your escort so that I can get the kobae, simple as that.” He then gave you a cheeky smile followed by a flirtatious wink. “That and to have the pleasure of having a lovely lady at my side.” 
Your cheeks burned as you released a small huff. “I almost forgot how much of a flatterer you are,” you observed, willing your face to cool down.
“Ah, but I haven’t forgotten how susceptible you are to my flattery,” he replied, now taking off the sunglasses and placing them in his breast pocket. “Your reactions are far too cute. You do know that, right?”
You faintly recalled Jimin mentioning that you had as much of an effect on them as they did on you. Perhaps you could give them a taste of your own medicine for once? “So I’ve been told. In fact, a little birdy told me that I have quite an effect on you. Shall we test that out?” You wanted to see Jin’s face flare up like how yours had been for the past few days. Oh, what you would give just to see him act shy and timid for once.
However, your plan didn’t go very far as Jin suddenly pulled you very close toward him so that your bodies were flushed. You squeaked in surprise, unable to foresee such events, as your cheeks blossomed with even more heat than before. Your eyes looked around frantically, hoping that none of the shoppers saw what an embarrassing situation you found yourself in. 
Jin stared at you amusedly, a smirk tugging up the corners of his lips. “Is that an invitation, dear y/n?” he asked all too innocently. His hand reached out to cup your chin so that you were forced to look into his eyes. No doubt he could tell how much of a panic you were in. “Because if it is, then I’ll gladly take you somewhere else where I can bend you over a table and show you what an effect you have on me over and over again.”
Dear Lord! You couldn’t believe you just heard such vulgar words come from him! You stumbled over your words, your tongue suddenly tied. Your hands suddenly felt clammy as you squeezed them tightly. “N-no, it isn’t,” you meekly stuttered.
Jin seemed content with your quiet answer and pulled away, letting his hand fall away from your face. However, he still kept his arm looped in yours as he guided you throughout the store. “Then don’t suggest things that you don’t actually want.”
You shuffled after the millionaire, casting your sheepish gaze down to the marble stone floor. What the bloody hell was that?  You thought you had grown used to being in such suggestive situations, especially after your experiences with Jimin and Hoseok. However, it seemed that you were proven wrong yet again. You still were shy when confronted with flirting and vulgar comments. Would you ever get used to this?
Probably not.
“I thought you said that Namjoon and Jungkook would be with us,” you mumbled quietly. You desperately wanted to fan yourself from how hot you had suddenly gotten, but Jin currently grasped your unjuried arm in his own, and Hoseok told you not to use your wounded hand unnecessarily.
It seemed like you were going to die from heat stroke, you guessed.
“I sent them on ahead, since you were too busy ogling at the exterior of the building. They’re probably already looking through some suits if not getting tailored,” Jin answered, bringing you up a series of stairs. 
You climbed up with him, hearing the heels of your shoes clicking against the stone floor almost satisfyingly. Finally bringing your eyes up to him, you momentarily forgot your flustered state, protesting, “I’m sorry that not everyone can afford to go shopping at stores that cost a fortune to buy from! I’ve never been in a store like this before.”
“Which is why, my dear, I’m treating you this time with a dress and accessories of your choosing.”
Huh, was this what it felt like to have a sugar daddy? 
You were brought to a section of the store where racks of dresses were scattered across the space along with a few mannequins standing lifelessly on stools presenting the best of what Goldosa had to offer. You pulled yourself from Jin’s arm and began to look through the racks, marveling at the vibrant and intricate material of each dress.
The sweat that had built up on your brow and back grew sticky, your hair and clothing plastering against it. You only hoped that Jin wouldn’t notice how flustered you still were. In fact, you made sure that you retreated a few racks away from where Jin idly looked through the dresses. Never before had you seen so many flapper dresses in your entire life. Of course, you had a few of these in your possession, but the gala didn’t call for such promiscuous attire.
“Do you have any colors in mind, y/n?” Jin suddenly called out to you, snapping you from your thoughts.
You paused for a few moments, thinking over the question in your mind. You really didn’t have a preference. You just chose whatever happened to look nice on you; your closest was a mix of every color and style on the planet. “I don’t know. Do you have any ideas?” you replied, eyes scouring through the rows of dresses.
Jin looked up from his searching to study your face. You didn’t notice his staring until you got a feeling of someone watching you. Bringing your gaze to meet his, you both stared at each other for a few seconds. Awkwardness began to bubble within you, and you tried to think of anything to comment about. However, your mind was at a complete blank.
“I think red would be a lovely color on you. It would go very nicely with your skin,” he suggested, giving a gesture to you.
Red. The color of blood. You supposed with what you’ve gone through these past few days, red would be an appropriate color for you. You abandoned the rack you were searching through and went to another that had a few more dresses of that color and began to inspect the clothes hanging there. You collected a few dresses that caught your eye and laid them over your arm.
“I’m going to try these on,” you notified Jin, who gave you a nod of confirmation, and left the area.
Entering the changing rooms, you were immediately intimidated by the setup of the rooms. Everything was so… open. The changing rooms in the stores you shopped at had a closet for a changing room. This… this was almost excessive with how much space there was. You awkwardly scuttled past a woman who was checking herself out in the large mirrors in a dress that revealed more than you really cared to see.
You quickly ducked into one of the rooms and locked the door with a click. Finally, some privacy. You hung the dresses you admired on a hook and began to undress yourself. Occe your blouse was off, you just happened to glance up at the mirror, and your mouth instantly fell agape in horror. Your entire neck and chest was just a mass of lovebites. Blotches of red and purple  colored your skin as if someone took a paintbrush to your skin. The bloody hickies were even worse than before!
Jimin! Hoseok! Those little- argh! You couldn’t try on these dresses, not unless you wanted the entire world to see the scandalous activities you’ve been apart of as of late. Your hand massaged your face, feeling dread and humiliation wash over your entire being. Right now, you just wanted to crawl into a hole and disappear from society.
There was a sudden knock on your door that nearly made you jump out of your bruised skin. You frantically whipped your head toward the source of the sound with wide eyes. “I-I’m almost done!” you responded, trying to mask the panic in your voice.
You continued to undress yourself and then slipped into the first dress that caught your eye. Unfortunately, this dress didn’t really cover your neck enough to hide the hickies. You felt your entire face heat up from the disgrace you were in. Another knock on the door made you panic even further. If Jin saw you like this… you would never hear the end of it.
“Y/n? Are you alright?” 
Namjoon! Oh thank God, he wouldn't force you to show yourself to him. After all, he was the most mature out of everyone on the team. 
“I’m fine!” you answered, beginning to undress yourself. “I’m done trying this on. I don’t like it, the fabric is too scratchy. Could you please take it back, Namjoon?”
“Jin told me to see you with the dress first before you took it off.”
Of course he bloody did. Nothing ever went your way. “Darn shame, I already took it off, and I don’t want to put it back on.” You quickly slipped out of the dress and returned it to its original hook. You brought it over the door for the historian to grab. You sighed quietly in relief when he took it without protest.
You then tried on another dress. Luckily, this one had a better fabric than the last one did. It slipped over your skin easily like silk. Once you adjusted it, you took a look at yourself in the mirror. Sadly, this one didn’t cover your lovebites either. You might just have to wear a nun’s habit to cover up the bruises. However, you really like this dress. It was a deep shade of red with a loose neckline. It fitted you nicely and had an open back with a necklace that drooped down your backline. In all honesty, you looked rather high-class in this dress, and that was what you were going for, correct?
Another knock on the door caught your attention. “Are you done getting dressed?” Namjoon asked, his tone more relaxed than before.
Before you could catch yourself, you answered, “Yes, I’m just about done.”
“Alright, I’m coming in.”
You whipped your head around, panic etched onto your face. “Wait! No-!”
Too late, Namjoon opened the door and took a step in. What the hell?! You thought you locked the bloody door! The historian took in your image, and it took him a few seconds to notice the artwork on your neck and chest. Humiliation blazed within every fiber of your being. This was just a nightmare, it had to be. There was no way that everything could be going wrong all on the same day.
Namjoon’s eyes widened in shock as he took in the sight. You stood there like a deer caught in the headlights and then ran a hand through your hair in frustration. “Look, it isn’t what it looks like,” you began slowly, trying to keep your tone even and calm. “This was all from the tumble I took down the hill.”
Okay, that had to be the worst lie in existence, but you honestly couldn’t think of anything else.
Namjoon nodded his head, his expression blatantly telling you that he wasn’t buying your story. “Yeah, you somehow managed to get bruised all over there but nowhere else besides your arm?” 
You sighed, feeling a wave of exhaustion suddenly wash over you. You sagged your shoulders in defeat. “Please don’t tell anyone,” you begged languidly. You were tired of keeping these secrets. It was too much for you to handle.
The historian didn’t reply at first. You could practically see the gears that were turning in his head as he gathered his thoughts together. “Who did it?” he finally asked, his expression completely serious now.
You stood there awkwardly, unsure if you necessarily wanted to throw the two boys under the bus. However, you relented. “Hoseok…” you answered, then squeezed your eyes tightly together before adding, “and Jimin…”
Namjoon sighed in disappointment, and you obviously tell the disappointment was directed at you. He leaned against the wall of the changing room. “Leave it to them to do a messy job.”
Wait, what? That wasn’t the response you were expecting. You face took on a confused expression, your eyebrows knitting together closely. “I’m sorry, I don’t think I heard right.”
Namjoon pushed himself from the wall and took a step toward you, his face wincing for a mere moment. You figured he moved too fast and caused pain to shoot up his shoulder. “No, you heard me right. They did a very messy job,” he groaned from the pain, then shook his head and released another sigh. “What are they? Animals?”
You blinked a few times, unsure if he was actually acting serious. To be fair, you weren’t really sure what you were expecting, just certainly not… this. It was almost as if he was used to this type of behavior. “You’re taking this surprisingly well,” you remarked slowly.
His seriousness faded away into a small smile. “Normally, I’d teased the hell out of you over this, but something tells me you already have enough on your plate. I’ll let you off the hook this time, but only because I like you and you’ve been very helpful, despite all of our teasing,” he explained, digging his hands into his pants pockets.
You instantly relaxed, a smile of your own matching his. “Oh thank God,” you breathed out, feeling relief wash over you. “I was scared you would take advantage of this situation.”
“I would normally,” he admitted with a nonchalant shrug, “but you already looked fucked out.”
Your cheeks glowed with a small burst of heat at how bluntly he said those words. Did none of these boys have a filter for their mouths? “I guess you could say that…” you mumbled quietly, not wanting to mention that neither of them have actually fucked you yet.
Namjoon then looked you up and down, taking in the dress that hugged your body nicely. He approved of the color, seeing how red looked so gorgeous against your beautiful and soft skin. The open back was a plus, too. He always did admire a lovely back. “The dress looks beautiful on you,” he commented with a pleasant smile. “Do you like it?”
You smiled shyly at his kind words. “Yes, I think I’m going to get this one. It fits me rather nicely, don’t you think?” You spun around, allowing the skirt of the dress to fan out gracefully like a red rose in full bloom. 
Namjoon’s smile widened when seeing how relaxed you seemed to be in his presence. “Aphrodite herself would be jealous.”
You playfully hit his arm while rolling your eyes. “Oh please, now you’re exaggerating.”
“I’m an historian, I only state the facts.” An idea suddenly dawned upon him like a revelation sent from above. “I know what would go nicely with you dress.”
You arched an eyebrow in curiosity, wondering to yourself if he was thinking of a bracelet or a brooch of some kind. “Oh? What do you have in mind?” you asked inquisitively. 
The historian then took a step outside in the hallway. His hand began to close the door so he could give you privacy from wandering eyes. “Get dressed and I’ll show you.” Before you could further question him, he closed the door, leaving you alone with your questions and thoughts.
Slowly you began to take off the beautiful dress, trying to ignore the three digit number on the price tag, and placed back on its hanger. Questions still boggled in your mind as you stepped outside the changing room, the dress hanging over your arm. What exactly was he planning? You hoped deep down that whatever he had in mind wasn’t going to end up with your humiliation.
You walked out into the main store once more and noticed Namjoon waiting patiently for you. He glanced at a pocket watch in his hand before detecting your arrival. He shoved his watch into his pocket and strode over to you, a smile gracing his lips. He offered his hand to you in which you took. Somehow, this seemed more intimate than Jin’s interlooping his arm through yours. 
“What are you planning?” you finally asked, wondering what was going on in that brian of his.
He chuckled humorously and began to lead you down the store aisles. “Nothing malicious, I promise you. I saw it when Jungkook and I were going toward the suits, and I instantly thought of you.” 
Well, that was rather sweet of him. Men and women of high status gave you wondering glances as you walked hand-in-hand with Namjoon. You didn’t know if it was because of the fact you were walking with him hand-in-hand or because of Namjoon’s arm sling.
He suddenly tugged you down into a smaller area where belts, faux fur shrugs, and fur shawls all hung from racks. You stood there a little confused for a mere moment until Namjoon grabbed what he was on his mind the entire time. He held out a white fur shawl out toward you. You had to admit, this took you by surprise. You had no idea what animal the fur came from. Mink? Fox? This wasn’t exactly your area of expertise.
“Oh, Namjoon…” You took the fur from his hands and examined it further. This had to be the finest fur out of the whole collection. You never owned a fur shawl in your entire life. That was something for the high and rich class. “I can’t buy this… It’s too high quality for me.”
“I’ll buy it for you then,” he implored so casually, you would think he was discussing the beautiful weather outside.
You sputtered in shock, your mouth seemingly at a loss for words. You looked at him as if he suggested that you walk out of the store without paying for the fur shawl. “That’s not what I meant, although I probably couldn’t afford this either,” you babbled like a nervous trainwreck. “What I’m saying is this is too nice for me. I’ll probably end up ruining it or losing it or-”
“Y/n,” he interrupted with a chuckle, finding your stammering and babbling to be way too cute. “Nothing is too high-quality for you. If anything, you’re too high-quality for the shawl.” He looked earnestly into your eyes as if you were the most valuable thing in the entire room.
You shuffled in your spot and were oddly touched by his kind words. In all honesty, no one had ever complimented you like that before. You cleared your throat that had suddenly gotten tight and flickered your gaze away for a moment. “Thank you, that’s kind of you to say,” you said, feeling the butterflies flutter around your stomach once more. 
“Hey, I mean it. Besides…” He took the shawl from your hand and draped it over his arm. “Think of this as a thank you for your help so far. You’ve really been helpful in this expedition. I’m really glad that I got Jin to let you join us.”
You widened your eyes in surprise upon this revelation. This had never been disclosed to you before. In fact, you never questioned why exactly they let you come along. You knew that Jin said they needed someone to document the expedition, and you happened to be a journalist and were in possession of the tapestry. However, you never knew why they chose specifically you for the job. 
“You convinced Jin to let me come along?” you echoed, your eyebrows shooting up your forehead.
Namjoon realized the information he confessed and was, for once, the one who was stumbling over his words. “I… um… well… you are a reporter… and I thought…” He then sighed in defeat, letting his head hang low in shame. He rubbed the back of his neck stiffly, wondering to himself how he was going to dig himself out of this hole. “I thought that it would be unfair to you if we robbed you of the last tie to your grandmother. I saw how excited you were to learn more about the piece of history that she managed to have possession of in your letters to me, and I thought it was too cruel to just deprive you of the satisfaction of achieving your goal. Jin thought it was too dangerous to let you join us, but I made up an excuse that we needed someone to take pictures and document the journey. That way you could join us.”
You took in his words and processed them over. So Namjoon was the whole reason you were here and not back in England. If he hadn’t felt compassion toward your cause of coming to India, you would have never met the boys. You would never have become friends with such amazing people, even if they teased you relentlessly. You would probably be writing a boring article about the latest fashion trend, instead of embarking on a journey that could change a whole nation. 
You knew that anyone else in your position would be furious with him, but, for some reason, you were grateful to him. Something in your chest fluttered at this realization. “So, you’re the reason I’m here…” you concluded, feeling rather overwhelmed with all these emotions flooding over you.
Namjoon looked rather with ashamed of this confession. He cast his eyes to the ground, not bringing himself to meet your gaze. “I know… if I hadn’t convinced Jin, you wouldn’t have fallen down that hill, or nearly got shot, or be in this mess-”
You couldn’t hold yourself back anymore. Before you could stop your body, you closed the gap between the two of you and pressed your lips against his. The kiss was soft and gentle, and you felt your heart flutter ever-so-slightly in your chest. Namjoon froze for a few seconds before he melted into your kiss. His free hand cupped the side of your cheek, rubbing his thumb against the curve of your warm cheek. The fur shawl slipped off of his arm, long forgotten in the loving kiss you shared.
You pulled away and looked deep into his eyes, seeing the warm glimmer shine in them. You smiled lovingly at him and whispered, “Maybe so, but I would have never met you either.”
He shared your smile, and, for a moment, you thought you saw the beginnings of tears form in the corners of his eyes. He opened his mouth to reply to your sweet nothings, but was suddenly interrupted when you both heard, “Namjoon! Y/n!”
Jungkook. Of course he had to ruin your perfect moment. You and Namjoon quickly pulled away from each other, and you notice a slight shade of pink dust the historian’s cheeks. You couldn’t help but inwardly coo at how adorable he looked when he acted shy. Was this the reason why the boys were so insistent on getting you so flustered? If it was, you couldn’t exactly blame them anymore.
Jungkook quickly ran up to you two with a box in his arms. You assumed that pristine suits were what lay hidden inside them. One for each of the boys that were going to be accompanying you to the gala. “Did you find what you were looking for, y/n?” he asked, running a hand through his dark locks.
Snapped from your warm thoughts about the affectionate kiss from seconds ago, you stumbled over your words but finally managed to get out, “Oh! Right, um- yes, uh, I really like this one.” You practically shoved the dress on top of the box in Jungkook’s arms in your embarrassment. Dear Lord, you were so awkward sometimes!
Jungkook almost let the dress slip off the box but manage to grab it before it hit the ground and then tossed it back up on the box. “Alright, I’ll take this to Jin to pay for.” He then gave you and Namjoon a bold grin, as if he was ready to badger you both. “You can go back to making out again.” With that, he ran off with a little skip in his step. 
Oh how you wanted to chuck something at the boy in that moment. You instantly wanted to protest to what Jungkook insinuated, but he was already gone before you could get a single word out of your lips. You huffed in frustration and pinched the bridge of your nose. 
Namjoon chuckled at your annoyed grumbling and offered his hand to you once more. “How about we get out of here? We have a gala to get ready for.”
You stared at his hand for a few seconds, thinking over the plan to steal the kobae. Even if one thing went wrong, you could land yourselves in jail, or, even worse, end up dead. There was no turning back from this. After that night, you were officially deep in this expedition.
“Let’s go.” With that, you took his hand and enlaced your fingers with his before leaving Goldosa.
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elliemarchetti · 4 years
can you do a dating bree Barrow would include? Or any of the Barrow brothers
I'm on the third attempt to post, the first time I lost everything because the light went out and I hadn't saved a word, the second my very old laptop started to act crazily and deleted everything (would you believe it if I told you it's eleven years old? Well, believe it), let's see if I finally manage to publish the only thing that has sparked something in the very low will to live that I have at the moment. If you want to know what it would be like to date other characters (and not only from the RQ universe) just ask and know that you’ll be a blessing in my boring days.
Bree Barrow
in the Stilts he was renowned for not being properly boyfriend material and more a one-night-stand type of guy, but when he saw you for the first time he understood that you were different, to the point of having talked about you also with his siblings
the first time you actually spoke was at one of Davidson's parties, but he decided to approach you only after his siblings unceasingly made fun of him for not being able to take his eyes off you and generally behave like a shy teenager
when he actually shoot his shots it was late in the night and most of the people have already left. He was pretty straight-forward with his intensions and after the party ended he offered to accompany you home, but you suggested to go star gazing, where he kissed you for the first time
at first he was kind of clumsy, but let’s just say he made up for his mistake later in the night and in the morning too, leaving you exhausted and covered with little love marks
you quickly discovered that dating him is like adopting a bear: he’s 6’3 feet of muscles, has a huge beard and he’s super protective, but at the same time all he wants to do is explore the woods, eat and cuddle
he often makes great fun of you for being so small compared to him but he takes such advantage of it, carrying you around everywhere and during sex too
you don’t argue much, but when it happens it always ends in heavy make-out sessions where he cups your face and says sorry even if it’s not his fault because he’s so afraid of losing you
when you officially meet his family for the first time they all adore you since it’s clear you make him so happy and he deserve it, but his siblings are a little jealous because you’re going to steal him from them sooner or later
turns out is sooner than they thought because Bree asks you to marry him just a year after you started dating in the cutest way ever and when you say yes he’s so happy he lifts you off the ground and starts spinning around
even at the wedding, reading his vows, he manages to make you laugh so hard you start to cry and when it’s finally the moment to kiss him, you have to stand on your tip toe to reach for his mouth
Tramy Barrow
you’re like a daughter to Carmadon, and when Mare introduced her brother who loved gardening to him, he thought he found the perfect match, and he was right but your first date was a flop because he was too worried he could in no way impress you since you already have and saw everything Montfort have to offer
you were the one who insisted in going out a second time since you were sure he had much more to offer than superficial conversations and general compliments and he proved it by setting up a simple picnic with everything you said you liked to eat and drink in a beautiful meadow he discovered while hiking with his brother Bree
being a tender and spontaneous guy, you ended up spending the afternoon sitting between his legs making flower crowns and watching small wild animals, all while listening to his incessant stories about his family’s shenanigans
when it started to get dark he accompanied you home and since he was afraid Carmadon was watching you, and he’s a very private person, instead of kissing you properly he kissed your forehead and it became kind of your thing
to ask you out again he sent the biggest bouquet of wildflowers you ever saw with a note where he called you his dear, which started the nickname war. He genuinely loves when you call him “my love”
his approach is very different his brothers’ as he likes to take his time with everything he does, so even if your make-out sessions are pretty passionate, you waited a little before having actual sex and focused more on foreplay. He has a particular fondness for oral sex, both given and received, and engages in long conversations after you’re both satisfied
you met his family one member at a time, starting from Gisa, that became basically your best friend, and leaving his parents as the last. They were nice most of the time but Ruth was a little weird at first since Tramy’s her favourite son
you moved together pretty fast for his standards, let’s say after a year and a half of dating, because he felt like you both needed more privacy and to start to have your own domestic life and Carmadon was more than happy to provide you the perfect place, a small cottage with a big  bathtub and a flourishing garden right out of the city
you had just one big fight and when you started to cry he crumbled completely and begged you to forgive him and not going back to Carmadon’s house because you mean the world to him
he asked to marry you after three years and a half of living together and he planned to do it in the most cheesy and romantic way ever but he somehow spoiled the surprise. You said yes nonetheless
Shade Barrow
you were stationed in the same place, but you properly met only through one of his famous jokes, which ended up backfiring at him since you’re the one and only prank master and nobody can steal the throne from you
quickly you ended up orbiting toward each other, flirting a lot and inventing all sorts of excuses to spend time together, until the inevitable and pleasant clash happened
in the beginning yours wasn’t a real relationship but rather occasional sex since it’s already difficult to be soldiers but it becomes practically impossible when you have someone else you care for in the trenches
you had sex nearly everywhere, even in places where you would’ve been shot on the spot if someone found you, but you just couldn’t get enough of each other
what was between you made a step forward when Shade told you about the Scarlet Guard and you decided to join the group that met Farley, showing not only that you had total trust in each other but that you weren’t able to conceive the possibility of being separated too, which was a constant through all your love story
even if the situation made things pretty serious faster than you expected, Shade waited to declare his love for you but his playful façade broke after the Sun Shooting, when he though you’ve been captured too. He was having a breakdown with Rasha, saying the cruel things he would’ve done to the Silvers if they hurt the only person he thought he could ever love, when you arrived behind him. Once he was done talking, you asked him if you really were the only person he thought he could love and without saying a word he held you in the longest and tightest hug ever
from that moment on, he didn't stop introducing you to everyone as his partner, and he only stopped when he proposed and you said yes, but only because he started to call you his fiancée
although many got married before the end of the war, he decided to wait to give you the wedding you've always dreamed of, decision supported practically by all his family
you saved him from Ptolemus, shooting, but not killing, him, and even if he tries to make it look like it’s not a big deal, he’s very grateful and shows you in every possible way
when the war ended you did all those things that the conscription had prevented you from doing like going on romantic dates, getting drunk, going skinny dipping and traveling
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spriggan-tail · 5 years
Big Bang Event!
This amazing story was written by the talented @superfreakerz! It was super fun working together to make this piece (with @ccrispy modding us :P) ! We hope you enjoy it :)  @nalugruviaevents
Summary: Lucy goes to throw eggs at her ex's house and finds some else is already doing it. She joins the strange, pink-haired boy and gets to know him in the process.
________________________________________________________________ “Run!” 
 Lucy parked down the street, just for safe measure.  Taking a deep breath, she threw her black hoodie on to cover her golden locks of hair, which would only serve to help identify her if left exposed.  She couldn’t have that happen.  Not when what she was doing was technically illegal.
Stashing her wallet in the glovebox, she grabbed the carton of eggs that was sitting on the passenger seat.  She turned on her phone’s flashlight, for she needed to make sure she got the right house.  Taking another deep breath to calm her jittery nerves, the girl mustered up some courage before swinging the car door open and heading out into the night. 
Lucy Heartfilia was a good person.  More than good, actually. She was exceptional.  She had straight A’s, never missed a class, and spread kindness through every person she met.  But tonight, she was going to channel her inner rebel for some revenge.  Tonight, she was going to egg someone’s house.
Not just anyone’s house.  Her ex-boyfriend’s house.  The sleazy dude deserved it after everything he had done. 
Clutching the carton of eggs to her chest, Lucy kept looking over her shoulder to make sure that nobody was around.  It was nearly two in the morning, so the chances of someone going on a stroll were slim to none.  So far, the odds were in her favor.
As Lucy approached the correct house at the corner of the street, her heart dropped to her stomach as she saw someone else.  They were clad in similar clothing as her, black sweats and a black hoodie that shadowed over their face and hid their features. 
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Lucy stopped in her tracks.  What kind of person goes out at that time of night in all black clothing?  Only murderers do that!
Then again, I’m out here…”
But that was different.  She was there for justice!  This person, she had no idea what they were doing. 
Swallowing thickly, the girl was about to turn and head back to her car.  Perhaps she could get revenge a different way.  A less dangerous way that wouldn’t get her in trouble.
But then the person turned towards her.
Lucy stifled a scream, willing her legs to turn back and run.  To just run to her car and get the hell out of there. 
“Shit,” she heard the person mutter.  It was a boy judging from their voice. 
Lucy shivered in her spot, sweat dripping down her face.  Her stomach felt like a washing machine as the person began to walk towards her.  Unfortunately, Lucy wasn’t a fight or flight type of person.  She was the kind of person who froze in times like these.  All she could do was watch as the boy approached. 
He stopped just in front of her.  Lucy couldn’t make out any of his features thanks to it being nearly pitch black, along with his hoodie shadowing over his face. 
Great, if he hurts me, now I won’t be able to identify him.”
Lucy squeezed her eyes shut.  If the guy was going to kill her, she’d rather not watch.
“Who the hell are you?” he asked, shocking her.
Lucy opened her eyes, peering at him again.  At his rude tone of voice, the fear that had consumed her before was replaced with irritation.  Glaring back at him, she shot back, “Who the hell are you?”
“That’s none of your business!” the boy replied, looking over his shoulders.  “Just get the hell out of here!  And don’t tell anyone you saw someone here!”
“So you are a killer?” Lucy asked, her brows drooping in concern as she took a fearful step back.
“What the hell?  Of course I’m not a killer!  Why would you think that?”
“You just said-!”
“I’m not a killer!  I’m just egging someone’s house!”
Lucy closed her mouth, her eyes growing wide.  Sure enough, glancing down at his hands, she found an egg resting in one of them rather than the gun she was imagining.
“No way,” she breathed out.  “Me too.”
“Me too!”  Lucy showed him the carton of eggs. 
“No way!  That’s awesome!”
Lucy pointed her flashlight at the house she was going to target.  There were already some egg remnants splattered over the wood frames.  She turned towards him.
“Wait, why are you egging this house?  Do you know Dan too?” she asked.
“Nope.  I lost a bet and as punishment, I’m supposed to egg this entire street and try not to get caught.”
“Well, you chose a stupid time to do that then.”
“Oi!  You’re out here too, you know!”
“That’s because I know Dan and his schedule.  He’s out right now. But with everyone else, I’m sure they’ll be home sleeping, and throwing an egg at their house will just wake them up.  You need to do it while they’re at work.”
The boy brought a hand to the back of his head, rubbing it as he gave an awkward chuckle.  “Huh.  Guess I didn’t think about that.”  He glanced towards the house.  “So, wanna join me?”
Lucy set down the carton of eggs on the pavement.  Opening it, she grabbed some ammunition.  Her heart pounded in her chest, a wave of excitement rushing over her.  She’d never done anything like this before, and once she was done, she was never going to do it again.  It just wasn’t her scene.
Looking over her shoulders to make sure nobody else was around, the girl chucked an egg at Dan’s house, wincing as she heard it crack against his door.  It was fun, but also terrifying at the same time.  It was exhilarating.
A giddy laugh slipped past the girl’s lips as she covered her mouth with her hands. 
“Wow.  This is actually kind of fun,” she said, turning towards her partner in crime.
“It is, huh?” he replied.  He threw an egg at the house again.  “So, what’s your name?”
“I’d like to know who I’m breaking the law with.”
She giggled.  “I’m Lucy.  And you are?”
“Natsu!  Nice to meet ya, Luigi!”
“It’s Lucy!”
“Yeah, yeah.  Lucy, Luigi, sounds the same to me.”
She rolled her eyes.  “Shut up.”  Grabbing another egg, she furrowed her brows as she threw it as hard as she could at the door.  It landed on the doorknob, bringing a grin to her face.  Next time Dan went to open his door, his hand would land on the slimy yolk.  “He deserves it.”
“So, why’re you egging this dude’s house?” Natsu asked, bringing her out of her thoughts.
Lucy shrugged.  “He deserves it.”
“What’d he do?”
“He’s my ex.  He cheated on me.”
“Oh.  Sorry about that.”
“Don’t be,” Lucy replied, waving him off.  “Don’t get me wrong, I’m pissed he cheated on me.  You shouldn’t cheat on anyone.  But we weren’t together that long so it doesn’t sting that much.”
“Then why are you doing this?” Natsu asked.
“Because the girl he cheated on me with is a girl I know from school.  She’s one of the sweetest girls I know, and once she found out he was cheating on the both of us, she was devastated.  Turns out they were together longer than we were, so her feelings ran pretty deep.  I’m doing this for her.  She didn’t ask me to, but the guy deserves it.”
“He sure does,” Natsu replied, throwing three eggs at once.  All of them landed on the window.  “You don’t think he’ll blame you for it if he calls the cops?”
“If he does, I’ll just tell them I saw you doing it.”
“Oi!  That’s just evil!”
“I’m kidding!” Lucy replied, followed by a soft giggle.  “Dan won’t go to the cops.  He hates them. Not to mention there are a lot of people that hate him, he won't be able to pin it on me.”
“Hope you’re right about that,” Natsu replied.  “I can’t afford a ticket, and I especially can’t afford goin’ to jail over a few eggs.”
A content silence fell over the two as they continued to throw eggs at the house.  Every crack against the wood frames made Lucy feel a little bit better.  She’d never been cheated on before now, but it wasn’t a good feeling, no matter how serious she was with Dan.  Revenge was sweet.
And enacting her plan of revenge with an interesting guy at her side was just extra icing on the cake.
“So, do you go to school?” Natsu asked, bringing her out of her thoughts.
“Yeah, I go to Magnolia University,” she answered.
“Same here!  Whatcha majoring in?”
“Creative Writing.  What about you?”
“I’m a STEM major.”
“Seriously?”  Lucy turned towards him, her mouth parted wide.  “You don’t strike me as the type.”
“How so?” Natsu asked with a chuckle.
“Well, I just figured STEM majors are stuck studying all the time and not out breaking the law.”
“Ehh, well, studying’s not really my thing.  Breaking the law usually isn’t either, but dares and bets are.  I’m just really good at math and science, and my friend told me I should just get my major and then I’ll be able to get any job I want.”
“Sounds smart enough.”
“What about you?  You write stories?”
Warmth traveled to Lucy’s cheeks.  “Uhh, yeah.”
“You should let me read one!”
Lucy arched a brow.  Was he implying that he wanted to hang out after this whole fiasco?  Her blush deepened.  She wouldn’t oppose to that.  However…
“Nope.  My friend is going to be my first reader,” she said.  Picking up another egg, she aimed for a part of Dan’s house that hadn’t been marked yet.  “But if you want, I can lend you some other books that I like.”
“Nah,” Natsu replied with a shrug.  “I’m not really into reading.  I just wanted to read yours.”
Lucy was glad that it was dark out.  Otherwise, her tomato-red face would have been visible.  
“W-Well, too bad.”  She chucked another egg.  “So, what was that bet you lost anyways?”
Natsu snorted.  “I was at the pub with my friends- you know the one downtown, Fairy Tail?  I was there and my friend Gray dared me to get this one girl’s number.”
“What happened?”
He shrugged.  “Somethin’ about my eating habits disgusted her, so she turned me down.”
“Eating habits?” Lucy thought, trying to imagine someone with bad enough table manners that would prevent them from getting a date.  “I’m sorry you got turned down.”
“Ehh, I’m not,” he replied.  “I wouldn’t wanna go on a date just because of some bet anyways.  Especially with some random girl I don’t even know.”  He turned to her, and the only thing she could see beneath his hoodie was a wide grin.  “Thanks to me losin’ that bet, I got to meet you and end up egging this guy’s house!”
A bright smile spread across her face.  “Then I’m happy you lost.  Now I have a partner in crime.  Literally.”
“Yep!  How old is my partner in crime, by the way?”
“Twenty.  What about you?”
“Twenty-one.  Ha, I’m older!”
Lucy nudged him playfully.  “Don’t get so cocky, it’s only by one year.”
“Listen, kid-!”
Lucy slapped his arm.  “I’m not a kid!”
Natsu cackled, his mischievous laughter filling the air.  Lucy couldn’t help but join in, his laughter contagious.  It wasn’t too high, nor too low.  It was just right.
Talking to Natsu was easy.  Even though they knew next to nothing about each other, she felt like she had known him her whole life.  He was down-to-earth, funny, and had a personality that made her want to get to know him even better.
She hoped he would ask her out by the end of the night.
As Lucy was about to throw another egg, a blinding light appeared as a car turned the corner right next to them.  Squinting at the car, her stomach dropped to the ground as she recognized it to belong to a certain ex of hers.  
“Shit,” Lucy muttered.  “That’s Dan.”
“What!?” Natsu replied, whipping his head towards the car, in which a man started to climb out.  
“Who are you guys?” Dan asked, taking slow step towards them.  “Wait, are those eggs?  Are you egging my house?”
“What do we do?” Natsu whispered to her.
“It’s simple,” she replied.  “Run!”
Grabbing his hand, she made a dash towards the end of the street.  Turned out she could be a flight kind of person as long as she had someone with her. Her heart thrashed around in her chest, partly due to the warm hand locked with hers, but mainly because of the man that was chasing after them.  At least Dan wasn’t much of a runner.
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“Where are we going?” Natsu asked.
“My car!  We’re getting the hell out of here!” she answered.  “There it is!”
Reaching the car, Lucy let go of his hand to go to the driver’s door.  She unlocked the car for them, sliding into her seat and locking the doors once Natsu was settled.  She could see Dan charging towards the car in the rearview mirror.  Her hands shook trying to jiggle the key into the ignition before Dan reached them, otherwise he would recognize her.  
“Uhh, feel free to speed it up!” Natsu exclaimed.
“I’m trying!  My hand won’t stop shaking!” she shot back.
Natsu groaned before taking her hand in his.  His large hand covered her smaller one, guiding it steadily towards the ignition.  Once it was in, she quickly turned  key, bringing the car to life.  
“Let’s go!” Lucy shouted, flooring it just as Dan reached the bumper.  The tires screeched across the pavement as the two made their escape.  As Dan’s form slowly started to disappear from the rearview mirror, a boisterous laugh slipped past her lips in excitement.  “We did it, Natsu!  We-!”  
Glancing over at the boy, she found him slouched over and giving hushed groans and occasional whimpers.  
“Natsu?” she asked, her voice laced in concern.  “What’s wrong?”
“Motion… sickness,” he answered, followed by another whimper.
Lucy blanched.  “Motion sickness?  Are you serious?”  He nodded. “That is the lamest thing I have ever heard.”
“Shut up.”
Lucy turned on the carlight to see how he was holding up.  Glancing over at him, she could see that his face was pale and dotted with sweat beneath his hood.  His cheeks were puffed out, a sign that he was going to throw up any second.
A shrill squeal escaped Lucy’s mouth as she shoved her hand against Natsu’s cheek and pushed him towards the window.
“Don’t throw up in my car!” she shouted.
Rolling down the window, she peeked at Natsu and watched as he stuck his head out the window.  His hood flew back in the wind, revealing pink tufts of hair.  Her eyes went wide, her mouth parting slightly.
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“You have pink hair,” she said absentmindedly.
“Yeah,” Natsu grumbled in reply.  His voice was strained from his sickness.  “Probably another reason I got turned down for that date.  People aren’t really a fan.”
“I-I like it.”
“You do?” he asked, turning to look at her.
Lucy nodded, ignoring the blush rising to her cheeks.  “Pink is my favorite color.”
Natsu’s lips twitched upwards into a small smile.  “What about you?  I haven’t had the chance to get a good look at you yet. Are you bald or something?”
“Oh, right.  And no I'm not bald, idiot.”  Lucy brought her hand up to her hood before taking it off.  Natsu’s eyes went wide.  “Yeah, I’m just a blonde.”  She’d heard enough blonde jokes to last a lifetime.  She figured he might as well get them out now.
“Your hair isn’t just blonde.  It’s golden!”
She flushed, keeping her eyes on the road.  “Th-Thanks.  So, where do you live?  I need your address so I can drop you off.”
Natsu opened his mouth to reply when his eyes grew to the size of golf-balls.  Shoving his head out the window, he hurled what felt like all of his insides.  Lucy screamed.
“You actually barfed!  It’s illegal to throw up out of a car window while driving!” she cried.
“Well then…  that’s two illegal things we did tonight,” Natsu replied, his head hanging out the window.
“Forget it!  I’ll just bring you over to my place!”
“Wow, Luce.  Shouldn’t you at least ask me on a date first?”
“Don’t joke about dates after throwing up!”
They drove in a content silence until Natsu spoke next. 
“You know, I never finished my punishment for the bet,” he stated.
“What do you mean?” Lucy asked, peeking at him.
“I was supposed to egg the entire street, but we only got Dan’s.”
“Who cares?  I think egging one house is good enough!  I’m sure your friends will understand.”
“Nope.  They won’t.  Only way I can think of getting out of another punishment is managing to get a date like I was supposed to.”
Lucy glanced towards him.  “Oh?  With that girl from before?”
Natsu rubbed the back of his head, his cheeks starting to match his hair.  “I’m sure they’d accept any girl.  So, what do you say?  Wanna go on a date, Luce?”
Lucy’s cheeks were set ablaze.  “A-Are you serious?”
“Yeah of course.  Why wouldn’t I be?”
“Well, I don’t want to go on a date just to get you out of your punishment.”
Natsu sighed, running a hand through his hair.  “Luuucy!  That was just my attempt to be smooth and you ruined it!  Of course that’s not why I’m asking you out, weirdo!”
“Oh.  Then yes!  I’d love to go on a date with you, Natsu.”
The two shared an eager grin.  Their night was crazy, to say the least.  To think that such a good thing could come out of getting cheated on and losing a bet made them think that maybe it wasn’t so bad after all.
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crazy-loca-blog · 5 years
Personal thoughts on… 2019 releases (Part II)
Note: As the title says, these are just personal opinions on Choices books and chapters. Of course, you may agree or disagree with them, I only use this platform to express my thoughts on what I read every week.
Welcome to the second part of this three-part post. As I said in the first post, I will include current releases and books that were released on 2018 but finished in 2019. The list is organized in alphabetical order and it doesn’t include the VIP Books (as I don’t have access to the feature) or the seasonal books (as I’ll talk about them in another post, after all of them have been fully released). You may see Part I here.
PS: I’ll do my best to upload Part III today (Dec. 31), but I can’t make any promises because I won’t be home on New Year’s eve.
Desire & Decorum, Book 3 (August 4, 2019 - December 1, 2019): This is the only wedding book that made real sense to me this year… and it’s definitely my favorite wedding book of the year. It was the perfect closure for a series that didn’t convince me that much at first, but that I learned to love over time. We had this whole new plot with Harry that was a little weak, but at the same time it was a smart move, as it helped to keep a balance and to not overcharge things with the wedding. But can we just talk about the final chapter? It was simply adorable, I loved every part of it (honestly, I haven’t heard of anyone complaining on the final chapter yet). If I have to criticize something, I’d say the writers went too far with Mr. Sinclaire. The man went through hell in the first two books, I thought they would give him a break in the third one… I was so wrong! But overall, I really liked this book, the new characters such as Harry, Briar’s mom and Hamid’s mom gave some fresh air to the story and new plots such as matchmaking Luke and Anabelle’s sister were a nice twist. I’m pretty happy with this book.  
High School Story: Class Act, Book 1 (October 8, 2018 - January 14, 2019): New cast, same school. I couldn’t actually say if I like or dislike this book more than the previous series because I actually feel it’s just impossible to compare them. The writers had a very difficult work to do, as they needed to make this cast different from the HSS one within the same environment, and I’d say they succeeded. Not only you can see the problems are different, but also the way they address their relationships is different, and it’s quite evident that they are younger kids that are transitioning into their teenage years more than teens thinking about graduating and going to college. We also went from this super popular MC and being prom king/queen to a MC who embarrasses himself/herself quite often and whose friends (except for Rory) are probably amongst the most unpopular kids in school. Finally, the fact that the story focuses in one specific school area (the theatre club) was a pretty smart move to not make this story a mess. So overall, it’s not one of my favorite books, but I enjoyed reading it and I appreciate the writers’ effort to make this series different from the first one.
High School Story: Class Act, Book 2 (February 11, 2019 - May 20, 2019): This is the theatre book where theatre is not seen anywhere. I’m not sure if this is the weakest book in the series (I think I still need to realize how Book 3 will end in a few weeks), but I admit I had to review the chapters’ summary because I couldn’t even remember what the book was about. The plot was simply lame, there are no big highlights in the story, we spent like half of it in the middle of a fight between Rory and our twin because they both want to be school president (can we talk about the fact that Maria is graduating?) and we appeared on TV. Our MC simply didn’t shine or did anything truly remarkable during this book. If it weren’t for Ajay’s parents’ divorce and the role our MC played on supporting his/her friend, this book would have been easily forgotten.  
High School Story: Class Act, Book 3 (October 30, 2019 - Present): Honestly, I’m not a fan of mixing both HSS gangs in Book 3. It feels weird not to be able to control a MC that I was able to manage in the past. I also understand all the hype for going to London, but did we really need as many people as we see in this book? Where are people like Natalie or Danielle? I mean, I don’t like them, but they’ve belonged to this group since day 1. Anyway… I’m guessing this is the way the writers found for us to say goodbye to this series. After six books, I think it’s the perfect time to put High School Story to rest for a while, before it becomes a mess. Even though there are some chapters left, I can already tell what my favorite thing about this book (and this series) is: the issues these kids have to face in their personal lives are serious stuff. In the past, Rory’s mom had cancer and Ajay’s parents got divorced, and now we talk about Skye coming from an abusive family and our twins trying to find their roots. That was enough. I don’t think we needed Rory and Ajay facing new problems in this book. Instead, I would have preferred to see Rory working with Maria or Ajay dealing with the fact that he became “the man of the house” after his parents’ divorce. The idea was to see them “growing” throughout the series; unfortunately, this hasn’t happened yet.
It Lives Beneath (October 10, 2018 - January 30, 2019): This is the only book in the list I haven’t read… and there is a very specific reason for it. When It Lives In The Woods was first released, I noticed that a lot of the screenshots people were posting included spiders… a lot of them. As an aracnophobic myself, I just couldn’t even begin the first chapter of that book. Then, It Lives Beneath was released and I noticed that there were some characters from the first book, so I said “mmm… maybe I do need to read the first book because it might be linked to the second one”, so I never read it. However, I have to agree with the fandom on the fact that we need more mystery and horror books in the app. Sure, I’m a sucker for romance books, but at the same time, I’m totally capable to understand that we need more diversity in terms of books. So I’m totally waiting for this series to be revisited in the future, the fans deserve it.  
Mother Of The Year (August 30, 2019 - Present): This God-tier book is one of those gifts that you don’t expect to be that nice, but it ends up being a treasure. It definitely climbed up in my personal list and went straight to the Top 2 of my favorite books in the app. Nobody had much hope on this story, but we ended up meeting an adorable daughter, a mom that was a warrior, three LIs that were simply adorable, one of the best BBFs that Choices has given us and Luz Mendez, probably one of the best characters in the app. Overall, the plot and the characters (even the evil ones!) were so real and relatable that I have to admit I went through every single possible feeling while reading the book… I laughed, I cried, I screamed, and I got mad at times. And of course, my heart broke when we realized that this was a standalone book. But do I really want it to become a series? I’m not that sure. There is a part of me who wouldn’t like to see a second book because the ending was so precious that I wouldn’t like it to be ruined with a second book. On the other hand, I love the story so much that it makes me sad to realize we won’t be getting anything new from these beautiful people. However, I think the story is perfect to make a Christmas or a Halloween special, focused on the kids… maybe even a summer book! This book definitely deserves to be revisited in the future.  
Nightbound (April 24, 2019 - July 31, 2019): I’m not surprised by the end of Nightbound, but I’m definitely sad. I had problems trying to understand the book at first because I’m not the type of person who’s into supernatural and magical stuff (I have to admit this also causes me some problems even when trying to understand the plots in books such as Bloodbound and The Elementalists, despite I think those are good series). I may even have to replay it to fully understand it. But there are some things that are pretty clear to me: the book is well written, the book is good, the book has awesome characters and most importantly, the book is DIFFERENT, something that this fandom has been asking for a long time now. So I was quite shocked when the writers said the book wasn’t doing as good as they thought. Does this book deserve a sequel? Absolutely! Even though I think it got a proper closure, I also think the plot has a lot of potential that could be explored. As that won’t be happening, I really hope to see some of these characters in Bloodblound 3, just as we saw Cal in Bloodbound 2.  
Open Heart (February 22, 2019 - June 7, 2019): Sorry, but right now I think my opinion will be completely biased because this is my absolute favorite book in the app. There’s just nothing I don’t love about it. The balance between the romance and the professional stories is one of the bests (if not the best) in the app, the characters are well written, the medical plot is interesting and it addresses many of the current conflicts in health care… it’s just a masterpiece. On the romantic side, it doesn’t matter if you go straight to Bryce or Jackie or if you preferred the slow burn with Rafael (actually, can he be considered a “slow burn”?) or Ethan, the writers took their time for the MC to befriend them, we got to deeply know these people (except for Bryce and Jackie… I’m so waiting to know more about them!) before making a choice, and not all of the romance stories ended up with happy endings and fairy tails, so yeah… it’s my perfect book. Can’t wait for the second one!
Passport to Romance (March 20, 2019 - June 19, 2019): Probably my biggest disappointment of the year. The idea behind this story seemed nice, we could have learned about so many places, we could have laughed about so many of the troubles that people travelling on a budget face, we could have had a series instead of a standalone book. Instead, we got a MC who was always late, who seemed to be quite irresponsible with her job, who lived a life of luxury and who suddenly became BFF with people he/she had just met. Come on, they were nice people (even though at some point I just wanted to make Elliot disappear), but again… we had just met, it’s not like you can’t live without them. On top of that, I can’t even remember how many times this gang violated some rules… sure, Yvette was happy, but it might have cost you an expulsion from Europe, which is not nice if you’re a travel blogger. Let’s add up the non-sense of some situations. I know that books are supposed to be a mix between fiction and reality, but I think they went too far this time. I mean… why would the coach allow Ahmed to travel with a group of strangers instead of travelling with the rest of the team? Especially if he’s a professional athlete and he’s competing in an important championship... sorry guys, but there’s nothing I can rescue from this book.
Platinum (May 30, 2019 - September 19, 2019): This is definitely one of my favorite stories this year, and sorry… but I will never get over the fact that this is a standalone book. This book is so unique in so many ways… for the first time, we heard voices and we heard people singing… we also got Avery and Raleigh, two LIs that were gender customizable… the secondary characters were gold… the plot was so cliché but so attractive at the same time… and I could continue. Reading it every week was a real pleasure, you were actually waiting to find out what would happen the next week, and at some point, it seemed like it was the only book that people talked about. However, creating this book was expensive, and well... that just sucks. It would have been so nice to see our MC touring with her friends, taking new risks, visiting new places, and receiving the rock star treatment that she deserved. This book still has a solid fanbase (especially in Tumblr), so it’s just sad it won’t be revisited in the future.
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bapyess1r · 4 years
Head Over Heels
4. Head Over Heels
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Joe’s POV
I stared at the Bob Marley lighter, twiddling it between my fingers. Now and then I’d look at the girl’s number and smile. I quite liked her. “Samira…” I read aloud as I ran my thumb across her number.
“Joe boy!” My friend Craig snapped his fingers in front of my face, yanking me out my trance. I looked up at his joyful, gap toothed smile and snickered as Mark slapped a heavy hand on me shoulder, letting out a deep, guttural laugh. After Mark and I left McMullen’s, we met up with another mate at another pub. This one was a bit more fun; cornhole, table tennis, giant chess, giant jenga. Of course we went! And I was having a great time until we sat down for a breather and I started thinking about Samira. “Mate, this girl has you whipped huh?” He asked.
When I thought about it, she kinda did have me spinning. I smiled thinking about her dark coily hair and her eyes and the shape of her lips when she cracked a smile. I felt the warm n’ fuzzies! It was not at all natural to my habits to be this whipped but she made me wanna get used to it.
“What was her name again, bruv?” Mark asked.
“Samira.” I said quite proudly. I deserved a fucking gold star for that one I tell ya!
“So! You got a girl’s number! Stop gawkin’ at the number and start drinkin’!” Craig chimed in, grabbing his beer and chugging easily. I smirked and picked up my own pint. I was so bolloxed that I could barely hold the glass up to begin with. But still I clinked glasses with my friends and down my entire beer in one sit.
“I’m ready fer liquor now- oi, waiter! Might I get… a bottle o’ whiskey, please.” I said, stopping a waitress as she skipped by. I had so many feelings about this. Not only did I get a girl’s number, I had real feelings for her. It’s worrying because…. “Who would like a bloke like me, eh?” I thought aloud again, staring into my glass.
“Mate, not this again-” Craig started up.
“Alright look bruv, do you like her?” Mark asked, shushing up our friend.
“And you wanna see her again, yeah?”
“Yeah, I do, mate.”
“And you have her number?”
“For fucksake, mate, yes!”
“So then pick up the bloody phone and god damn call her!” He shouted, snapping his fingers in my face.
“Honestly, Joe, she wouldn’t have given you her number if she didn’t like ya.” Craig added. I took a long sigh and stared at my feet for a moment.
“I’ve gotta get super drunk fer that first, mate! She uh….. She’s very uh….”
“My god…. she makes you nervous-” I groaned and waved him off as the waitress arrived with my whiskey. Immediately, I twisted the cap and chugged a lot of it. “She does! She makes ya nervous!”
“Okay so what!? I’m gonna call her- I just…. I dunno what on earth I’m gonna say to her.” I sighed, shaking my head. The alcohol was starting to take effect and gravity seemed to almost defy me in every way.
“Just say you wanna do brekkie in the mornin’.” Craig said, gulping down the last of his pint. I nodded my head, sipping my whisky bottle like a soda.
“I’mna do it, mate….. I’ve gotta do it, innit?” I said, trying my best to work myself up to the challenge. I stood up to get my balance back and drunkenly hopped over the railing that closed us in. I grabbed my bottle and unlocked my phone as I walked down the street of the quiet town.
“Good luck, bruv!” Mark shouted making me laugh a bit.
I typed in the number from the back of the lighter and let my finger hover over the call button. I had to do it…. there was only but so many times I can meet someone and push them away. I had to try… With a deep breath and a swig of liquid courage, I called her. My heart raced as I anticipated hearing her voice on the other end.
“Hello?” The sudden click made my heart stop a moment and at the sound of her voice, my brain went blank. “Hellooo???”
“Oi! Is a….is this Samira?” I asked, snapping myself out of my drunken trance. Then I sighed. “Sorry, that was a um… a dumb question- of course it you. T-This is Joe. Ya smoked a joint wit me on the roof at the pub?” I suddenly started to babble absolute nonsense and I mentally kicked myself for it.
“I’m sorry who?” The voice said. My heart dropped.
“I-I um…...erm…. It’s- I’m soo sorry-”
“I’m fuckin’ with you.” She said with a light airy laugh. I gave a big audible dramatic sigh of relief and took a sip of whisky.
“Jesus! I’m so glad! I’m too drunk to cover me arse right about now…” I chuckled.
“You’re still drinking?” She asked.
“Okay, Judgy McJudgerson!” I joked.
“I’m not judging! I just….. I didn’t think you’d call.”
“Why on earth would I not?” I said sincerely, staring up at the star pierced night sky.
“I dunno…”
“I couldn’t stop t’inkin’ about ya since you left wit yer mates…. I hope that’s not creepy-”
“No! That’s um…. really nice of you. Honestly…” she sounded flattered on the other end and I smiled thinking about her smile.
“So um…. I’m callin’ because erm… I wanted to know if maybe you’d wanna have breakfast wit me tomorrow mornin’ or…. or lunch if you’re not a mornin’ person…. I’m not- but I’d still want to do breakfast… if you wanted to…” There I was, babbling again. “I could show you around town if you’d like….”
“Sure! That sounds nice, Joe.”
“Yeah? Nice! Then I….can pick you up?”
“Is 11 ok?”
“Brunch time! Sounds perfect…”
“I’ll send the address! I’ll see you tomorrow then.”
“Yeah of course! And I’ll um….slow down on the drinkin’ then.” I said with a brief chuckle, taking another swig of whisky.
“Are you gonna be okay getting home?” She asked me as I spun around a few times in the street, walking aimlessly as I listened to her voice.
“I t’ink I’ll be alright, love, t’anks.” I laughed, stumbling a bit as I tripped over my feet.
“Hm…. okay. If you need anything let me know-”
“You’re so attentive…” I blurted out in a brief spurt of drunkenness. She gave a small goofy goober laugh and it made me grin from ear to ear as I walked down the street, not even noticing the pothole ahead. I stepped straight in it, losing my footing and stumbling straight into a nearby ditch with a slight holler, head over heels. I didn’t dare let go of my phone though.
“Joe? Joe?! You good over there?” I heard her say from the speaker. I pat my body down to make sure I was still in one piece and laid my head back down with laughter full of embarrassment.
“Yeah, lass, I’m still here. Hope nobody saw that.” I chuckled as I climbed out of the ditch.
“Are you okay?” She giggled.
“Just fine. I fell over but no mud. Just a spot of dirt…” I said looking down at my now completely dirty body. I dusted myself off and wiped my face with my sleeve.
“Alright well….. Honey is currently being annoying and tapping his watch. We’re supposed to be drunkenly watching a movie.” she chuckled.
“Sounds like a blast. I won’t keep ya… Goodnight, Samira.”
“I’ll see you in the morning, Joe.” she said in a rather sweet tone. And with that, she hung up. I punched in the air like an absolute idiot and ran back to my friends. I felt like a weight had been lifted.
“GUYS! GUYS! I’VE DONE IT! I’ve done it, I got a date!” I exclaimed and we began our night of celebration.
Samira’s POV
“Who the bloody hell was that? Callin’ at this hour?” Maura scowled, twisting her long brown hair into a messy bun. Brazil came into the living room from her shower followed by Jooheon just as Maura took a seat opposite me on the couch.
“That was Joe.” I said trying not to seem like I was nervous. The girls mewed cutely and Jooheon of course whined as he followed Brazil to the kitchen to fix himself a sandwich.
“AiYah! Does this guy have any respect for sleepy time hours?” He commented, wincing at the mention of Joe. Brazil rolled her eyes and smacked her lips, pushing his head with her freshly done nails.
“Boy, if you don’t leave that man alone!” She snapped.
“I just don’t want her to get hurt! It’s been a while but Javi’s still fresh. I wanna make sure you take your time, y’know- and we don’t even know this guy to begin with! Maura, back me up here, man! C’mon…” Jooheon replied defensively.
Maura responded in a laidback light, picking at her nails. “I don’t know, Honey. He seems like an alright feller to me. He was nice enough… and cute in like a…. Fashionable hobo kinda way-”
“There’s no way he’s not a hobo-” he retorted pointing at me. I scoffed.
“Jooheon, he is not a hobo!”
“He’s a fucking hobo.” He mumbled to Brazil before taking his sandwich to the dining table and she chuckled a bit at his paranoid nonsense.
“How was it talkin’ with him?” Maura asked. Jooheon groaned in the background but he was heavily ignored.
“He is so fucking funny! Like it should be a sin to be as funny as he is. And he’s very sweet. He’s got this romantic side to him from what I could tell over the phone… He’s just a dork and it’s precious as fuck-”
“Buuut?” Brazil added, pulling a box of tea from the cabinet.
“..... I’m not ready to trust anyone like that again yet.” It frightened me, falling in love again. I was with Javi for so long and I thought I grew as a person throughout our relationship. Unfortunately, I was a complete idiot the entire time. I’m still the same piece of trash I was in high school. I was anxious and I was tired. Mostly nervous about breakfast with Joe. I don’t even know what to say to him… He’s kinda intimidating but such a marshmallow at the same time. I couldn’t let myself get wrapped up in something serious.
“So let him know that and take it slow. You are the one in control of this experience.” She said, filling up her massive water bottle.
“And take it slow slow. Like waaay slow-” Jooheon interjected with a mouthful of sandwich.
“Christ, Honey! She’s not a nun!” Maura chuckled looking up from her phone. Once again, she and Jooheon began their bickering. If I didn’t know them, I’d mistake them for a married couple. It suddenly became too much and I stood with a stretch and a yawn.
“OKAY guys!” I shouted above them, causing them to quiet. “I’m going to sleep. I have a date in the morning…” With that, I briskly walked down the dark colored hardwood floor hallway into my room and shut my door, locking it behind me with a fierce need to be alone.
Author’s Note: I just wanna say I’m really sorry for the ridiculously long hiatus lol I haven’t been doing very well here and I’m trying my best to work on myself. Hopefully my brain block doesn’t last this long again and I can keep bringing you content! Please keep reading 💖
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the--sad--hatter · 5 years
Name Calling (41)
PAIRING - BUCKY X READER (female reader, no physical descriptions)
Vernichtung - Destruction, Annhialation.
It was what you were named and what you were supposed to be but the only thing you wanted to destroy was Bucky Barnes.
The ongoing and bloody war of words between you and Bucky turns in your favor when a disgruntled one night stand of his lets slip a secret when you run into her in the elevator… Now you have all the ammunition you need to destroy your enemy but you don’t plan on killing him quickly. Oh no, Bucky Barnes was going to suffer and you were going to enjoy every second. You just didn’t count on enjoying it quite so much.
But when your past catches up to you in the form of the mad scientist who made you, Bucky might be one of the only things that can save you from yourself. You can’t run from what you are but with his help, you can fight back.
Current Word Count -  114,250
MASTERLIST  or   Read on Ao3
Moodboard by @talesofakindredspirit
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Chapter Forty-One - Mischeif Managed 
You had made a deal with Sam Wilson and it was time to pay up.
“Mind if I join you guys?” You asked as you sauntered over to them.
Bucky and Steve blinked at you in surprise and Sam smirked.
“Sure Doll.” Bucky said, shrugging off his confusion and kissing you while Sam made gagging noises.
Bucky flipped him off without breaking the kiss.
“Not that we aren’t happy to have you but you hate running. And being up early.” Steve pointed out.
“Leave her alone.” Sam and Bucky said together.
“Maybe I just want to spend time with my three favourite guys?” You said with a grin.
There was a muffled noise of outrage from the vents.
“Other than Clint of course...” You added.
“Alright alright. You might wanna stretch first though.” Steve surrendered.
“I’ll help you sweetheart.” Bucky said with a lascivious smirk.
“I’ve got her.” Sam said, pushing Bucky out of the way with a disgusted frown.
They started bickering amongst themselves and failed to notice you telling Steve you’d already stretched and jogging away with the blonde super soldier.
Quarter of a mile later they caught up, Bucky at a jog and Sam at a run.
“I’m gonna hang back with Sam, you two go on ahead.” You told them and Steve looked relieved as the two centurions picked up the pace.  
“Wait for it...” Sam muttered angrily.
Less than ten minutes later you heard the pounding footsteps.
“On your left.”
“On your right.”
“Assholes.” Sam snapped as they overtook you.
You and Sam made it into the woodlands and you slowed down a notch, shaking your head at Sam when he shot you a questioning look. You didn’t want to explain your plan. The one you had carefully thought out and that relied on perfect timing.
The lake came into view just before your hearing picked up on the sounds of two sets of footsteps running towards you. You bit down a smirk and ignored the nervous butterflies in your stomach.
“On your left.”
“On your... **Splash**”
At the perfectly timed second you had thrown your body to the right and collided with Bucky, knocking him into the freezing cold water.
Sam fell to his knees, tears pouring down his face and Steve hollered loudly with laughter, scaring a flock of birds as Bucky burst back through the surface of the water, spluttering.
“On your left my love.” You said, winking at the furious, soaking wet assassin.
Bucky looked so angry you were surprised there wasn’t steam rising off the water. He also looked hilarious so it was hard to take him seriously.
“You are going to pay for that.” He threatened you, walking out of the water.
“See, you’d have to catch me first.” You quipped, jogging backwards.
Bucky snarled, too angry for words as he surged forwards and you turned and broke into a sprint.
“STEVE!” Bucky roared and you heard the still laughing Captain break into a run.
The two Super Soldiers sprinted after you but you weren’t worried, they were bigger, stronger, older and more experienced but you were faster and you knew it.
You had fun with it, letting them draw closer and almost reaching for you before you actually put any effort in and easily pulled ahead of them with a mocking laugh. You ran the trail, passing Sam who was still on the ground clutching his ribs and waving jovially at him.
You ran four more laps before you started to slow down.
“THAT THE BEST YOU CAN DO GENTLEMEN?” You called loudly, covering the sound of an arrow shooting across the ground behind you.
You stood on the path with your hands on your hips, taunting them as they ran towards you.
“Let’s kick it up a notch.” You called before running away.
Right on cue you heard them pick up the pace before there were two loud thumps and a symphony of curse words. You turned round to see them both on the ground, eating dirt. So consumed with the chase, neither of them had seen the wire strung across the path attached to the arrow Clint had shot and had tripped over it like you had planned.
You shot a grateful wink at the trees where Clint was hidden and ran off, laughing loudly. As soon as the video Clint was taking was uploaded to YouTube you would have paid off your debt to Sam.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
When you sauntered back into the lobby of the compound victoriously you headed straight for the elevator, determined to get back to your room before an angry super soldier got a hold of you. The elevator was empty but as the doors whooshed closed the hairs on the back of your neck prickled.
There was a slow clap and you whirled round and hissed at Loki who was standing in the corner looking smug.
“Why you you keep sneaking up on me?” You howled angrily.
“I shouldn’t be able to, you have enhanced senses. Perhaps you should stop letting your guard down?” He suggested indifferently.
“You sound like Logan.” You huffed, crossing your arms and ignoring him.
“That was an impressive display in the woods.” The trickster congratulated you.
“Listen here Lokitty just because I didn’t push for your execution it doesn’t make us friends.” You snapped.
“Are you still angry about my turning you into a child? What if I were to make amends?” He purred in your ear.
You tried to resist, you really did. No good would come from an alliance with the God of Lies but...
“I’m listening.”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
“Whatcha doing?” Sam asked.
“Baking cookies for the X-Men since I missed my lesson yesterday.”
“Can I have one?”
“No, X-men cookies, not Avengers cookies.” You snapped territoriality, sliding the tray out of reach.
“How about cookies for your friends who deserve them after you made a fool of them?” Steve asked, peering into the kitchen.
“Nope.” You said firmly.
“I smell cookies.” You heard Bucky say from the hallway.
You smirked, Loki was making sure the smell was reaching all over the compound and sure enough people started drifting towards the Kitchen.
“Please?” Clint pouted at you.
“No, these aren’t for you. Get your own.” You hissed.
The smell paired with your refusal to share was making the baked goods irresistible to everyone. Natasha narrowed her eyes at you and advanced.
“No!” You told her, backing away with the cookies held protectively against your chest.
“Come on Kotoynok, give us the cookies and nobody gets hurt.” She told you, her voice dangerously low.
You swallowed nervously.
“Kit Kat I need to talk to you. Oh cookies, can I have one?” Tony asked, sauntering into the kitchen.
“One.” You told him, handing it over.
Everybody protested and Tony grinned smugly at them as he bit into it.
“Sooooo good.” He moaned and everyone shot you pleading looks.
“I’m serious guys, you can’t have them. I need to do something nice for Xavier and his people, they’ve been really nice to me.” You warned as you put the tray of cookies in the fridge.
You shot one last warning look at them before you followed Tony out of the room. You followed him down the hall and were quite a bit away from the kitchen before Loki dropped the illusion.
“I warned Thor not to partake as you requested.” He said, rolling his eyes.
“You had better have. I told him he was the only one who wasn’t going to be punished for the whole ‘capture the cat’ debacle. If you didn’t tell him and he eats one... Well that’s on you not me.” You said with a smirk.
Loki gave you an appraising look before a nod of approval.
“I caused a minor explosion in your fathers lab, the smell of smoke will mask the smell of the cookies and he should be occupied for a while.”
“How long will it take to kick in?” You asked him.
“Not long at all, presuming they are eating them now.” He informed you.
“Oh they definitely are. They have a serious rivalry with the X-Men.” You chuckled.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The Avengers were wiping away the crumbs to destroy the evidence when the doors and windows all closed off their own accords and everyone was immediately on alert.
“What’s going on?” Sam asked, looking around.
“We’re locked in.” Steve said with a frown as he tried to open the door.
There was a sinister cackling laughter.
“What the hell? Are we under attack?”
“Nope... You’re being punished for eating my cookies.” Your voice informed them through the speaker system.
“Very funny. Friday open the doors.” Steve demanded.
“I’m afraid I can’t Captain Rogers. Security protocols 12 have been initiated.” The AI informed him cooly.
“Override.” Steve snapped.
“You do not have the clearance to execute that demand.”
“I don’t have.... who does?” He groaned.
“Only Mr Stark or his daughter have that authority.”
“Once again proving, it’s not what you know... It’s who adopted you. That’s right Cap, I have higher clearance than you.” You laughed.
“Of course you do, Tony thinks you’re the best thing in the world, he’d give you whatever you wanted.” Steve grumbled.
“Sheesh Steve, are you really that annoyed?” You asked.
“Of course I am, I’m the Captain and you have good intentions but you’re too much of an idiot to be trusted with that much power.” He said.
“Ouch. Tell me how you really feel.” You sniggered.
“I worry you’re too impulsive and while I know it’s hypocritical of me it’s easier to worry about you than admit I don’t always know what I’m doing.” He said.
He turned bright red as everyone stared at him in shock and amusement.
“You were right, they ate the cookies.” Loki’s voice joined yours.
Everyone promptly looked around in horror.
“What’s going on?” Sam whispered fearfully.
“Well to sum it up for you Sammy, you all just ate a bunch of poisoned cookies and now you are compelled to be brutally honest. And you’re locked in there until I feel you’ve been humiliated enough.” You informed him.
“Doll if you don’t open this door right now I am going to have to try and punish you later though we both know I’ll fold as soon as you give me those doe eyes.” Bucky warned.
“I have no problem punishing her even if I do have a soft spot for her and my punishment won’t be as severe as I say it will.” Natasha added.
You sniggered to yourself. This was going to be fun.......
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
How do we think this diobolical move is going to play out? 
@nerdandproud-86 @harrison-shot-first@thejourneyneverendsx @thelostallycat @inquisitor-selvala@the-corruptor @iovher @kendrawr-kitkat @phoenix-whiskey-tears @the–real-wombat @buckitybarnes @fairislesheets@angieptt @meganjonezzzz @dugan365 @fluffeh-kitty@memanda17 @krystallynx @theonelittleone @piscesbarnes@free-as-fishes @tarastudiesalot @captainamericasbeard@dropthepizza346 @jaynnanadrews @likes-to-smell-books@drdorkus @life-wanderer @metalarmlover @animegirlgeeky@jsmith509
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