#but ya what I had like 5 sessions this weekend? 2 were with new people!! aH!! 💕
toadallytickles · 2 years
This past weekend was so wonderful and the most fun~. One thing I love about gatherings is discovering and learning more about myself! I thought I was really awkward with physical touch and can’t do pick-up play; turns out touching isn’t so bad LOL, and I can pick-up play and still be quite ticklish~. đŸ€­ Everyone I interacted with was super respectful and knew how to healthily communicate, and were just cool in general! I definitely feel growth and recovery, and it’s all really thanks to those who attended! ❀
Claimed 2 more Silly Little Tickle Boysℱ for myself~. đŸœ
I got mummified in saran wrap and tickled in it for the first time by my tickle crush whatever, it was THE MOST FUN! They got me so bad~. đŸ€€ I already miss it. I think what made me so much more ticklish was that I could squirm and struggle but still be helpless and restricted~. I also got to try doorway bondage (where the cuffs are at the top of a closed door, your arms are bound above you) horrible.. embarrassing honestly, ew, wore a blindfold because scary. Then I tried their under the bed restraints in spread eagle~. đŸ„° I was also told I may have the most ticklish back
. hng
 I’m gonna thank all my hard working out for that~. ᕙ(≧ω≊)ᕗ✧ And then I’m surprisingly very feather ticklish and I apparently like pipe cleaners between the toes now and that head massager thing..~ They think I’m more ticklish than I say I am um ya who cares lol I care and I’m so ticklish now!! Anyway that was the highlight of my weekend~!! đŸ„ł
Got revenge the next day, claiming Tickle Boy #1~. So ticklish 
. Oh my god
 so fueling.. I’m excited for next time~. May have been told I’m pretty mean~ :)c
Clay and I finally got to live out the fantasy of ganging up on someone together~!! 🎉 Thank you to Cam @jerjero for being our first victim and my second Tickle Boy~. You were a ton of fun and had super cute reactions.. also I love cake~. 😋 And thanks for tag teaming Clay with me after~. Now someone else personally knows just how adorable and fun Clay is~.
I met fellow asexual Joe @brushtickler! Had a great one-on-one and we had a lovely trial session on the very last day at the end of the night.. and we had no idea who each other was on Tumblr until it was time to say goodbye on Monday!! :O It was so great meeting you and I’m honoured that I helped make your first gathering fun! I also enjoyed being the one you tested your new prizes on~. :)c You are the brush tickler.. I was definitely brush tickled.. đŸ˜”â€đŸ’«. Also your negotiating skills are amazing, I have questions to take from our negotiating and will be applying them in the future~. Thank you for attending and being part of my amazing weekend! đŸ„°
Not tickle related but I won a “Netflix and Chill” basket from a raffle, filled with a ton of snacks and candies~!! The biggest thing is called Toad-Ally Snax.. I’m pretty sure it was destined I would win~. 😋
31 notes · View notes
waejinyoung · 4 years
Can’t Swim - EP . 5
word count: 4.4k+
a/n: a quicker comeback unlike last time. i know the ending might annoy some people but i wanted to try out a cliffhanger having got the chance.
warning: swearing, thats it lol
EP . 1 , EP . 2 , EP . 3 , EP . 4 , EP . 5 , EP . 6 , EP .7 , EP . 8 , EP . 9
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Well, Friday was unexpected. Friday answered many things. Jinyoung’s job. Jinyoung’s friends. Your feelings. Jinyoung’s feelings towards your feelings. So much happened in one day even you couldn’t believe your life had gotten so much action.
Now it was the weekend and luckily you had things to do to take yesterday’s doings off your mind. The eco-hotel.
Saturday Midday
You had Beck come over for the weekend to work on the eco-hotel together. The sheets for the new hotel plans were distributed across the living room floor and the sun was at its peak. You went over to your air con and switched it on. Beck wasn’t a stranger, so you were dressed in a pair of shorts and an oversized short sleeved top. Your hair was up in a messy bun with a pencil behind your ear. You had all your equipment around the room. To be completely honest, the room was an organised mess. Note the word organised.
“Y/N can we take a break? It’s boiling in this room.” Beck looked absolutely drained from the morning session working to finish the eco-hotel.
“I was about to ask the same thing. Want an ice cream or a cold drink?” You signalled that you were gonna head to the kitchen.
“A cold cup of water should do. I’ll be out on the balcony.” You headed over to your kitchen and grabbed a glass of cold water for both of you.
You made sure to manoeuvre through the sheets of paper without dropping a single drop on the them. You gave the drink to Beck. He downed the whole glass in seconds.
“Beck, if you were this thirsty you’re no stranger you could have gotten some water.” You chuckled at his obvious thirst. You sipped some of your water.
“I didn’t even realise how thirsty I was either. Let me go grab another glass.” Beck went back to grab more water.
“Be careful of all the sheets on the floor. No frog movements please, just be extremely careful.” You shouted back into your home hoping he got the message.
You thought to yourselves how you’ll be able to have all the drawings done for Monday morning. You and Beck decided that it was both of your faults for having one of the pieces of land stolen from the next door firm. Hence why you called off all your employees that were working on this project. So, it was just you and Beck until Monday morning
“It’s going to be a rough weekend isn’t it?” Beck came back onto the balcony and saw your nervous face.
“I’m so scared we won’t finish it on time. I even considered calling the client and completely blowing off the project.”
“Good thing you didn’t. I believe we can do it. Even if it does mean less hours of sleep. This is nothing new Y/N. This has been our lives since the first year of architecture school.”
“Speak for yourself. I didn’t cut any hours of sleep for our under grad.”
“That’s true and somehow you still completed your work with flying colours.” You brushed your shoulders and flicked your hair trying to act out the phrase ‘what can I say? I’m that good’ in actions.
“Don’t get too happy. We need those skills back in action until the end of this project.”
“I think what hurts is that this project is actually finished but the client wants hand drawings as well as digital orthographics. Who even wants hand drawings anymore?” You sighed at the unnecessary request by the client.
“Ya! Don’t say that, especially not near the client.”
“I know, I know. He’s a big deal. Everyone knows him and his creations. Who thought he’d want a hotel built in a small town like Jinhae?”
“I guess he heard about the increasing number of tourists coming to Jinhae, especially during the cherry blossom season. If you ask me, it’s a smart move.” You nodded in agreement.
“Come on, let’s get back to work. Enough chit chat.” You headed back into the living room. Beck straight behind you.
“I finished the floor plans. So, we have elevations and sections to draw. We’ve done the axonometric drawings digitally anyways. Mr Chan is gonna have to excuse us for one missing drawing. I may try and do it if we have enough time.” Beck looked at you with a shocked expression.
“You have all the plans done already? Why in hell are we stressing then?” Beck had a smile on his face. Why in hell is he smiling?
“Why are you smiling? We still have so much to do, come on.” You faffed your hands around trying to get Beck to now focus on his work.
“Okay, okay! I’m working.” You guys returned to working at a reasonably fast pace hoping to have most of the drawings done by the end of today.
6:00 PM
You both ended the day by 6:00 pm. You guys had most of the drawings done by then anyways. Beck had never actually had a sit down session alongside you and was shocked at how quick you were. You were done with your drawings, but he had a couple left which you guys both agreed on finishing for Sunday. You still insisted for him to stay the whole weekend which was the original plan.
You guys made eye contact having declared that was enough for the day.
“Takeout.” You both mouthed to each other at the same time.
“Great minds think alike.” Beck exclaimed as you grabbed your phone to call in your usual order. Pizza. A food that’s simple, easy and you just can’t go wrong with.
“Can you order a x-large for today? I’m feeling extra hungry.”
“Alrighty, give me a second?” You rang up the usual place and processed your order. The person on the other end of the call took your order and read back that it should be there in 20 minutes.
“We have 20 minutes to kill. What do we do?”
“I think you should make a call to the leisure centre too.”
“Why?” Were you missing something?
“The meeting is at 11:00 am. Your swimming lesson?”
“Ah shit. I was looking forward for that lesson too. Maybe I can move the lesson so it’s after the meeting. Are we available then?”
“Bad news. The client said to leave the rest of the day free after the meeting. He didn’t say exactly why but I say we listen to him.”
You were looking forward to seeing Jinyoung. More than that whenever you couldn’t make it for your lessons, Max would be the one to cover for your group. Although, everyone knew that wasn’t a good option considering the awkward situation. But you had no choice, it was now up to Jooheon to solve the issue.
You dialled Jooheon’s number.
“Hey Y/N!” He seemed really cheery. You were sure the news you were gonna give him now would kill the mood.
“Hi Jooheon, got some bad news.”
“What is it?”
“You know about the eco-hotel
 The presentation for the project is at 11:00 am on Monday meaning I won’t be able to come for the 10:00 am beginners class.”
“That’s fine. I’ll let Max know he has a cover for Monday.”
You waited in silence hoping Jooheon got the idea why it was bad news.
“Oh shit
” Took him long enough.
 hence why I said bad news.”
“We don’t have anyone else free during that period too. You know about that.”
“I was going to see if we could rearrange the time but turns out the client wants the whole day off with us. No clue why.”
“I’ll talk with Max, you don’t worry. If you can contact Jinyoung prior to the lesson too that would be great.”
“I’ll try my best to squeeze in some time. We are busy as you could imagine.”
“You guys get back to work. I’ll solve the problem. You don’t need to worry. If that’s all I need to get back to my own work too. Talk to you later Y/N!”
“Thank you so much Jooheon!”
You hung up.
You nodded at Beck.
The afternoon continued calmly, and you guys discussed the eco-hotel presentation that’ll take place. The pizza arrived and you guys tucked into your food. Your anxiety was growing as the minutes went by. How was Monday going to turn out?

Sunday Evening
You guys were actually ready. You both were shocked after rehearsing the presentation for the 10th time how well produced all the work was.
“I wouldn’t have even thought that I’d be getting a night’s sleep before this meeting.”
“I think sleep was the big motivator. You know how I can last on a hand full amount of sleep.”
“That’s true. You’re useless when it comes to working during the night.”
“Wooow, rude much.”
“I’m kidding. You performed really well. You reminded me why I partnered with you to start up a company.” You smiled at this compliment.
“You gonna stay over tonight as well or crash at home?”
“Could I stay over so we can just go to the meeting together tomorrow?”
“Yeah sure, this is like your second home after all. I feel like you’d also want to take advantage of my signature breakfast.”
“Was I that obvious?” Beck laughed at his failed attempt.
“I can read you like a book. You don’t need to hide your intentions.”
“Damn it.”
“I’ll prepare the long awaited breakfast tomorrow morning. Be up for 9:00 am. Set an alarm if you have to. I’ll tuck into breakfast with or without you.” You headed over to your bedroom and waved Jooheon goodnight.
“Goodnight! Sleep tight, don’t let the cantilevers bite.”
You went back to react to his really dead architecture joke.
“Get in the bin.” With Beck laughing at this really bad joke, you went back into your room and headed off to bed.

Monday morning
“Beck get your ass up its 9!” Typical, he hadn’t moved a single inch for the past minute that his alarm has been going off for.
“Y/N 5 more minutes.”
“5 more minutes and you’ll get no breakfast.”
BREAKFAST!” Beck jumped out of the bed and flung himself grabbing some clothing on the way straight to do bathroom.
“This guy” You laughed at his reaction.
You left him to get ready and went back to the balcony and poured both of you some rich black tea. You settled in your usual seat and started filling your plate with all the different delicacies you laid on the table earlier on.
“You’ve done it again! I love these Mediterranean breakfasts you make. I need to come here more often.”
“Be my guest. It’s sometimes lonely enjoying a feast alone.”
“I could imagine. Although, that should have changed no?” What was he on about?
“Once you’re gone I’ll be back to having lonely breakfasts.”
“No, I mean you and your new boyfriend. When were you planning on telling me? You’ve been silent all weekend about it- “
“Boyfriend?? In who’s world did you hear that I have a boyfriend?” You used all your strength to not spit out the tea you had just sipped.
“The singer-actor guy? What was his name again? You were making headlines with him all weekend have you not checked your phone at all?”
You leaped back inside and grabbed your phone. No messages. No calls. What? Was this some kind of joke?
“Beck I haven’t got a single notification. Are you taking the piss?”
He grabbed your phone from you and enabled your WIFI. He knew you would switch it off whenever you had important things to do like this weekend. As soon as your phone connected to your router, all sorts of things flooded your phone screen. You took it back off him and read all the headlines.
Love strikes under the full moon
Waves were not the only things crashing that night
GOT7’s Jinyoung and his secret lover
Who could she be?
Secret Girlfriend and Aspiring Actor kicking it off on the Beach
“You’ve got to be kidding me?! Right before an important meeting as well. The company’s image. My image. My parents. How in the hell did this all happen?”
“Y/N sit down. It’s kinda late. You’ll just have to explain everything to whoever asks. Don’t worry about the company’s image, we all know how hardworking and talented you are.”
“Give me a sec. I need to make a call.” Jinyoung must have seen all the news too. You gave him a ring but no answer. He might be thinking that he’ll speak at one point during the leisure centre and you hadn’t found the time to let him know you won’t be in.
“Y/N calm down. Focus on the meeting please. You can sort out whatever this is afterwards.” You sat back down and tried to calm yourself down. Beck was right. You guys had an important meeting to focus on.
“Y/N shut up. I don’t want to hear it. Eat up, we have a long day ahead of ourselves.”
You tried to eat something, but it just wouldn’t work. Every mouthful felt like labour. You guys cleared up the table and went to prep for the meeting. You brushed your teeth and took a quick shower. You knew you were ready for this meeting, now it was just time to act on what you knew. You took out a pair of cream shorts alongside a white oversized tank top and a brown belt. You grabbed your nude heals and the gold accessories off your drawers to put on as you left. You had your hair wavey from your twisted bun that you always slept with in and a little mascara, the usual. Beck had loaded your car with all the sheets to pin up for the meeting alongside all the small scale models you had at your house.
You locked your house and ran to your car. Beck was ready in the passenger’s seat running over the minor things on his iPad.
“Have you rung the company to check the room is prepared, refreshments all that jazz.”
 yeah but there’s apparently loads of paparazzi that security is trying to hold off.” Your head shot towards Beck. As if that was needed.
“Guess we are entering through the back entrance. Call the client at let him know to do the same.”
“On it.” Thank god for Beck.

20 minutes later
You were driving past the usual entrance of the company and saw the tons of people that the security was blocking off. In a million years you wouldn’t have thought you’d have paparazzi at your company door.
“Can today get any worse?” You questioned out loud.
“Don’t say that. Just get in through the back, it’ll be over soon.”
Your receptionist let you through the back entrance and you guys moved to the meeting room that was prepped for the meeting.
“The room looks great. Just like how we agreed on.” You smiled at your receptionist.
“The presentation team did a great job. I’ll treat them for a meal.” Beck offered. You agreed with his statement.
“Mr Chan should be here in 30 minutes. Let’s pin up the sheets and bring all the models to this room.” You both left your belongings in the room and went down to the fabrication labs down stairs. To head to fabrication, you guys had to walk past the front entrance. You peaked to see if the people had gone but no. It had gotten worse. There were more people we even bigger cameras. How on earth?
You were right on time for your lesson. You and the kids were waiting at the pool side for Y/N. You kind of felt giddy after what happened on Friday. What stage would you call you and Y/N now? You checked the clock and saw that she was 5 minutes late. This didn’t seem like Y/N, she’s always early. Or has been for the past 2 lessons anyways.
“Woojin, is Miss ever late?” Woojin shook his head no.
Jaehyun heard from his dock and decided to let you know about the news.
“Jinyoung hyung, Y/N has a really important meeting today. She called in to say she won’t be making it for this lesson meaning Max will be taking over for today.”
 is taking over? This isn’t going to go well.
“Thanks, Jaehyun.” Jaehyun saluted which is his way of saying ‘no problem’.
You were thinking why Y/N wouldn’t have told you until you realised
 the missed call this morning. She tried to get in contact with you, but you weren’t available. Damn it.
“Jaehyun, do you know where Y/N’s company building is at?”
“Yh, it’s the one and only big fancy glass building in the town centre.” She works there? She’s very humble for a CEO.
“Right, I’ll be absent for today. You can let Max know when he does the register. Also, what time is the meeting?”
“It starts at 11:00 am, why did you ask?”
“I’m going to attend.”
Jaehyun started cackling, “Do you think you can just walk into a client meeting? You must be mad. Jinyoung hyung it’s a serious meeting, you can’t just barge in.”
“Fine, I’m going to wait for there then.”
“No can do.” Max was behind you ask he listened to the conversation. You turned around to face Max.
“I can leave if I want.”
“Kids, do we want Jinyoung to leave this lesson? We all want him to stay don’t we?” You couldn’t believe he was going to use the kids as bait for you to stay.
“Yes, Jinyoung oppa please stay!”
“Jinyoung hyung, don’t go!”
The kids started whining, hoping you would stay for the lesson. He used his weapons well; you couldn’t break the kids’ hearts especially when you knew how much Y/N cares for the kids. You were gonna stay for her sake.
You knelt down to the kids and gave them a smile, “Fine, I’ll stay.”
You gave a glance to Max and hopefully you both sided with getting through this lesson without any disruptions. And so, the lesson commenced.
“We will be doing a test today.”
“A test?”, Hyungwon gulped, “But Miss didn’t mention a test last week?”
“Well Hyungwon, this is a surprise test. I’ll be marking everyone on how well they perform on the things Miss taught in the past 2 weeks.” This guy is doing this on purpose.
“How will you be marking us?” You spoke up.
“3 columns. Speed. Technique. A race. The place you come in the race will determine how many points you get for the ‘race’ column.”
“I’m gonna beat you all.” Woojin was already hyped to get the highest score. You would have probably been as excited as Woojin if the teacher was different.
“Right, we will be starting with Technique. I’ll be going off the register order so line up in that order and I’ll be testing your technique swimming front stroke.” You lined up along with the kids. You were obviously last.
Max got to you. You had a feeling he was gonna try and do everything to give you a bad mark. You remembered all the things Y/N had taught you and starting swimming to the area Max marked. You hated that this man was good at something you weren’t. Knowing he was ahead in something gave him more say and material on you.
“I feel sad for Y/N,” You waited for him to continue to see what he meant, “For having such a crap student.” He jotted down a fat 0 next to your name under the technique column. Jaehyun heard from his dock the comment Max had made and made eye contact with you. He was pleading for you to not react to Max’s words since that was exactly what he wanted to do. You clenched your fists and took a deep breath. You weren’t gonna lose this easily.
“I feel sad for Y/N too. Different reason though.” You gave Max a dirty look so he got the idea that you were referring to him in some way.
“Max hyung, are we moving onto speed now?” Woojin separated both of your focusses onto him.
“Yes Woojin-ah, get ready I’ll be timing you guys. You all have to swim in whichever style you want from one end to another.”
“Get to the side.” Max turned his face back to you and spoke in a demanding tone. He was really grinding your gears. This was going to be a long hour.
“Good morning Mr Chan. I hope your flight yesterday was well.” You shook Mr Chan’s hand as he took his seat in the meeting room.
“Good Morning Miss Y/L/N and Mr Longing. I arrived without any problems. I got some rest too. All in all, I’m ready for today’s meeting.”
“Agreed, Mr Chan. I’ll begin with the site analysis and our response with our design.” You and Beck agreed for Beck to start the meeting and then you to end it.
“So, as you may have heard one of the plots of land were taken out of our hands. There was some complications with the landowners, but we decided that one plot of land was enough to fulfil the criteria of an eco-hotel.” With that Beck continued with explaining the new updates on the hotel design after the land issue.
“Mr Chan, the maquettes and models are laid out in the order of development. This is how the overall design developed into the final result. The 3D printed large model at the end is the final version of the hotel in a simple representation of the surrounding area around it.” You moved towards the model and showed Mr Chan where the sun would be travelling throughout the day. You brought along all the hand drawings from the past couple days too to show what each individual room would look like from all angles.
“These look amazing. I’m really thankful for the models and the drawings, they give a really good idea of what the final outcome will look like.” You and Beck looked at each other and gave a smile. All the hard work you both had put on for the past couple days had come through.
“Although, I wanted to ask one thing.” You diverted your attention to Mr Chan.
“Yes, Mr Chan go ahead.” You were nervous from his sudden question. You were sure you and Beck hadn’t missed out on any information.
“It hasn’t got to do with the project.”
“What exactly are you referring to Mr Chan?”
“You, Miss Y/L/N.” You looked up at Beck. What could Mr Chan want to know about you?
“Go ahead, Mr Chan. I’m listening.” If you were honest, you weren’t feeling well. You started breathing heavier than usual scared of what Mr Chan was going to ask.
“The paparazzi’s at the front door. Why are they here?” Fuck. This should have been something you should have thought about earlier on. You looked at Beck for help. You had no answer to give.
“That wasn’t Miss Y/L/N, Mr Chan. There has been a misunderstanding. The news reports are still speculating who the person is and Miss Y/L/N has just been mistaken for the girl that the actor was with. As you may have seen the photographs were taken at night, so it is hard to tell who it is, as expected.” Beck covered up for you.
“I see
 and Miss Y/L/N what do you plan on doing about the news.”
“I’m aiming to get in contact with the actor’s agency to speak up and deny allegations about my involvement since that is the truth. I’ll also be holding a conference soon to news outlets about the situation. I don’t want anything like this to throw dirt under our company’s name.”
“I thought it was you Miss,” Is he being serious?, “I was going to congratulate you on your new relationship. That was the reason for the flowers. You’re also human. I thought you were taking a step forward in your person life. I know about how popular you are among fellow architects, for your work and for you too.” Me? Popular among architects? Step forward in my person life? Can life stop throwing new surprises nowadays, you were happy with your boring life.
“Mr Chan.” Beck addressed your client.
“We thought you would be disappointed about the truth. If that is the case I’d like to firstly apologise for what I just said. I didn’t mean to lie Mr Chan, but we didn’t want anything to cause you to- “
“It’s fine Mr Longing. Congratulations Miss Y/L/N. It’s really nice to see the new generation finding love. I’m sure you have found the right person for you.”
“Mr Chan, I appreciate your comments although it’s a little more complicated than that. We are not exactly dating or haven’t exactly clarified it between ourselves.” You struggled to keep eye contact with your client at this rate. Beck eyed you knowing you could have just suggested that you had a fling days before an important meeting.
“I’m sure you guys will even end up getting married one day. I sensed it when I saw your photos side by side.” You just smiled at Mr Chan’s observations.
“I hope whatever is best for the both of us is what happens.” Mr Chan agreed and focussed back on the project.
“Was there anything else you’d like to ask Mr Chan?” Beck wanted to make sure Mr Chan was completely clear of the new changes in order to process the build.
“Can I decide on which trees and floors to have planted in the hotel? I know the botanic designers tend to do so.”
“Of course, Mr Chan. As long as the greenery you choose passes the climate test meaning they’ll stay alive in Jinhae’s weather conditions, you can choose which ones we decorate the hotel with.”
“Great, that marks the end of the meeting. You guys have done an outstanding job. Better than what I expected. What’s the estimated date of completion?”
“If everything goes well, the hotel should be completely finished and ready for service for the month of March 2022.”
Mr Chan clapped in happiness. You were happy to have made your extremely important client over the moon.
“I’d like to take you guys out for dinner. I hope you guys made sure the rest of your days are free-“
You were getting a call from Jooheon. You never get calls from Jooheon during meetings, he knows not to disturb unless it’s an emergency.
“Mr Chan, could I please take this call?”
“Sure, go ahead. Me and Mr Longing will decide on where to eat.” You smiled and left the meeting room and picked up the call.
“Jooheon, what is it?”
“Y/N.. I-“
“Jooheon please tell me. Did something happen?”
He’s in the- “
“The what Jooheon can you just say it already?”
“The hospital.”
 the suspense. I haven’t tried these sorts of endings before, so I wanted to give it a shot. I want to leave it up to you guys for now to imagine what may have happened. Until the next episode, see you! Next episode will be extraordinary, you can count on me.
writer-nim x
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finmoryo · 4 years
Narrative for my Awful English Class
Constructive criticism is appreciated!
When I was in eighth grade, I swore I’d never join marching band. As I look back now, I realize how wrong I was. In middle school, I wasn’t committed to much. Band was always the side class that got me out of Inquiries and Ideas and Design Squad, two classes that bored me out of my mind. Sometimes we played fun music for concerts, like Pirates of the Caribbean, but I didn’t really care. Against all odds, I joined marching band. 
At first, I hated it. Practices were long, hot, and painful and I couldn’t play the clarinet nearly as well as the older kids. The first football game was when I realized that maybe I shouldn’t have been so quick to judge. Well, the second football game, as the first one was cancelled because of stormy weather. I’d never felt more relieved in my life as we heard the boom of thunder while marching down the sidewalk. We were led right back into the band room, and not long after, sent home. The second football game, I wasn’t so lucky. 
The band was eating in the cafeteria before the game and my nerves were running high. Although I sat with people I’d gotten to know well in the past months of band camp and after school practices, they could not comfort me. At that moment, I was alone with my feelings of anxiety. I was sure everything that could go wrong would go wrong.
After getting into uniform and struggling to put my hair into a bun, I went to Main Street with the rest of the band and formed a block - a large formation of the members in a square, four steps away from each other. We played a few things to warm up, though mostly concert f. We grabbed our hats and instruments and walked out the doors and towards the field, where we’d be performing our pregame in less than an hour.
Each step seemed to pass quicker than the last. We got closer and closer to the stadium, my heart beating faster than I thought it possibly could. I was going to hate this. Eighth grade had already proven that. Eighth grade night at marching band, I couldn’t play any pep tunes and everything was so foreign. Although I was more prepared this time, I was sure I’d fail the same way.
We placed our stuff down in the stands at the end of the field and stood there for about ten minutes, waiting for the stands to fill up and time to pass so we could begin the game. We lined up on the sideline, ready to march onto the field. Drumbeats clicked us off one line at a time. I waited in line, counting 1, 2, 3, 4, with the drums as each line stepped off after waiting eight counts. At last, it was my turn. I stood on the yardline, head held up high under the weight of the shako, and arms raised, clarinet extending into the sky. With a firm push, my left foot hit the ground as the drumstick hit the rim of the drum. 
It seemed like forever as I marched down the field to my destination. We’d learned pregame for the first time only that week and I was sure I’d mess up. I stopped in time and turned to face the front sideline. After the announcer made his speech, the senior drum major raised her hands to start. The metronome was turned on and we loudly counted: 5, 6, 5, 6, 7, 8. In unison, the band stepped off with our left feet  and each member made their way to their next position on the field. I kept my eyes glued to the people around me, so I’d know where to go. We stopped after our shape was formed,  24 counts in.
The national anthem was played, albeit badly. I stood there, shaking, as I moved my fingers to the beat, not producing any sound from my instrument. I didn’t have any of it memorized and I’d be too scared to play out even if I did. Things weren’t off to a good start.
The next few dots came and went, with us playing catchy pep tunes like Hang On Sloopy. That was easy. Play a g a few times, then an a and you’re done. Pregame ended with the band playing the fight song and the football team running. Thankfully, I was in the front of the block, where no football player could accidentally run me over.
When pregame was over, we returned to the stands and got ready to play pep tunes. Much to my surprise, I could play a couple. Hang On Sloopy was easy, Crazy Train was manageable in some parts, but Hey Ya and 25 or 6 to 4 needed work. I’d gotten the first hard part over with, but the worst was yet to come. The halftime show was the big event, the first time to show everyone what the band had been working on for the last few months. I was going to fail spectacularly and maybe take a few others down with me.
Pep tunes were played and drum cadences were danced to and the night wore on. Halftime finally arrived. The sky was pitch black, the stars blocked out by the harsh lights of the stadium. The crowd was cheering for their football team, still knowing they wouldn’t win. Normally the noise would be overwhelming. It still was, but my brain had blocked it out. The anxiety had gotten even worse, so bad that each breath was a desperate attempt to cling to the world around me. Colors blurred in front of my eyes and the world was spinning. I thought I was either going to pass out or die. Nevertheless, I was shepherded over to my spot and lined up. I couldn’t think or speak and my focus was nonexistent, but the show would go on, even without me.
The metronome clicked off and I did as practiced, muscle memory taking over. I stopped at the thirty yard line, next to Catherine, Derek, Ethan, and all the other clarinet players who would guide me through this. We stood at low for a minute while the front ensemble set up. My fingers shook and I clenched my right elbow with such ferocity that I felt it would go numb forever. The drum majors called us to set and then playing position, and the show began.
The feeling came partway through the first of our four movements. In scientific terms, this feeling is adrenaline. To me, it was just pure joy and a sharp sense of focus. The many after-school practice sessions were coming to fruition. I played very little, but did my part to support the rest of the band. Once Upon A December was tough, but new energy had overcome me and I pushed through. It was a feeling of superhuman strength, that I could do anything. I would survive this after all. I’d already made mistakes, that was something that could hardly be avoided, but it wasn’t going to crash and burn.
I snapped my instrument up to set for the final time in the show and stood in my spot at the end of movement two, staring blankly at the drum major in front of the applauding crowd. We were marched off the field and led to our stands. We took off our hats and listened to Mr. Fischer, the band director, compliment and criticize our performance.
“Hats up if you had a good run!” Mr. Fischer yelled before continuing.
My hat, along with many others, shot into the air.
Marching band continued like this for the rest of the season, in football games, practices, and weekend competitions. The adrenaline rush came during every performance and there was always a huge smile plastered on my face afterward. There were good times and bad, but the memories I made will stay with me forever. 
I never imagined marching band would be something I participated in, much less enjoyed. Sometimes you never know if you’ll like something before you try it. Marching wasn’t like I had thought it would be. I had closed myself off, and in doing so, could have missed the best thing that could have ever happened to me in high school.
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xserpentlife · 4 years
50 questions tag !
Tagged by no one but I saw @romanticgumchewer do it and thought it was cool so
1.) What color is your hairbrush?
so like i have bout 5 probably but now i only use one in the shower ad its this turqiouse bue color cause ya’ll if you got frizz or curls dont brush ya hair really at all just use ya fingers but also do it with conditioner and in the shower
2.) Name a food you never eat
freaking seafood eh blegh
3.) Are you usually too warm or too cold?
warm. all. the. time.
4.) What were you doing 45 minutes ago?
uhm swimming... no dinner and smelling disgusting seafood that made me wanna barf cause thsts whst my aunt/uncle and grandparents were making for dinner
5.) What’s your favorite candy bar?
oo idk uhm crunch noooo a flake bar they are from europe no like ireland i think so fucking good lemme tell you
6.) Have you ever been to a professional sports game?
yeah. Eagles, flyers, and phillies, and the reading phillies if you count them, oh and the 76ers and some college gsmes i think that is it
7.) What’s the last thing you said out loud?
nope i don’t want a smore
8.) What’s your favorite ice cream?
yall i got so many lemme get you on this shit. okay so ben and jerrys we talkin then its gottabe phish phood oj shit, but like all in al my fav is black raspberry tbh but also like i do keto so i do love me some coffee ice cream cause i can usually find that in “keto” ones. i like keto enlightened ice cream bars they are decent and low carb
9.) What was the last thing you had to drink?
crystal light or it may have been turkey hill diet green tea
10.) Do you like your wallet?
i mean yeah its a black michael kors it does it purpose lol, mostly i like it cause it has a lot of space for cards which like all my gift cards go there the only thing i don’t like is that the bitch gets hela heavy when coins get in it like jesus
11.) What’s the last thing you ate?
ham and cheese roll ups for diner cause they had fuckin seafood lol boutta be carots, but also wasn’t that hungry lol
12.) Did you buy any new clothes last weekend?
13.) What’s the last sporting event you watched?
i believe that it was UFC
14.) What is your favorite flavor of popcorn?
butter or white cheddar
15.) Who’s the last person you sent a text to?
my best friends so my friend from vegas and @wayward-river
16.) Ever go camping?
17.) Do you take vitamins?
i take a probiotic
18.) Do you go to church every Sunday?
19.) Do you have a tan?
20.) Do you prefer Chinese or pizza?
oooo uhm depends on what type of piza but ima say pizza... i have a cheese addiction
21.) Do you drink soda through a straw?
i don’t drink soda anymore
22.) What color socks do you usually wear?
vans socks in literally any color usually not black i try to get colored ones cause if i get the black i can never tell te old from the new unless they are like streched out or somethin
23.) Do you ever drive above the speed limit?
uhm yes lol. its my downfall but also like either go the speed limit or go 5 miles over do not go under becuase that is just not an option
24.) What terrifies you?
many things.
25.) Look to your left, what to you see?
26.) What chore do you hate the most?
vacuuming the sound drives me nuts. or no putting away laundry like hanging it up idk why i hate it but i do lik ill wash shit and fold it but actuly putting it way drives me nuts
27.) What do you think when you hear an Australian accent?
uhm hiiii but also adelaide idk why
28.) What’s your favorite soda?
dont drink it i drink ice drinks instead or the safeway brand sparkling water
29.) Do you go in fast food or in the drive through?
drive through
30.) What’s your favorite number?
31.) Who’s the last person you talked to?
in person? my little cousin
32.) Favorite cut of beef?
chicken just so many things can be done. chicken parm, grilled chicken, bbq chicken need i go on
33.) Last song you listened to?
welp i checked spotfy we were at the pool and it was me and my little cousin i was playing ehr playlist so it was did i mention from descendants hahah
34.) Last book you read?
oh god uhm i have no idea 
35.) Can you say the alphabet backwards?
no unless i go throguh the whole thing letter...... by.... letter
36.) Favorite day of the week?
37.) How do you like your coffee?
Iced with heavy cream i prefer cold brew or espresso tho, but usually cold brew
38.) Favorite pair of shoes?
39.) Time you normally wake up?
10- 10:30 sometimes 9
40.) Sunrise or sunsets?
41.) How many blankets on your bed?
usually just my comforter sometimes my comforter and one or two otehrs dring the winter cause i like to be cold and keep my window open i keep my bedroom door closed and the heat in my room off
42.) Describe your kitchen plates?
i live with my aprents im still in college but when im at school rndoms hit that is cheap 
43.) Describe your kitchen at the moment?
tiny dorm kitchen or it will be first on campus apartment that looks like an insane asylum checkkkkkkk
44.) Do you have a favorite alcoholic drink?
i mean its not legal to sayyyyy
45.) Do you play cards?
yes omggggg my grandma s from the south i grew up on card games 500 rummy, oh hell too, i played poker with my grandpa to and 21
46.) What color is your car?
dark blue... kiki
47.) Can you change a tire?
48.) Your favorite state, province, country, etc.?
uhm idk i live in pennsylvania but I wouldn’t say i have a favorite state at least not yet
49.) Favorite job you’ve had?
I worked at this axe throwing place and honestly it was my favorite job i had. I was an axe master I basicaly taght people how to throw axes and like led mini games for hour long sessions it was hella fun, but my college scheldue and doctors appt got in the way so i got let go but it was fun while it lasted. or my own business i do photography on the side so that is also amazing and i absolutely love it and ned to do more of it.
50.) How did you get your biggest scar?
oh god i don’t even know.. i have huge scards from my chronic skin condition so either that orrrr maybe the scar on my leg it is not that big though like size of a nickel where a kick stand went into my leg, a lot of my scars are smaller or like blend into my skin fairly ell cause of my other scars or honestly i forget about them cause. i hae so many so i realy am not sure.
i tag @wayward-river @the-gargoyle-queen @whenallsaidanddone @riverdalebingo @theangriestpea @southsidevixen-blog
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thewritewolf · 5 years
Nino’s Quest Chapter 1: Gathering the Party
When his uncle leaves for Morocco, it looks like Nino might be stuck without any Dungeons and Dragons for a few months. Since this is a terrible fate, Nino takes it upon himself to make a campaign of his very own.
Now if only he could find a party...
Thank you to @alienducky for inspiring me to expand on this one shot from last year’s fictober prompt! And thanks to @marinoodles for letting me steal her name!
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 (Final)
Read on Ao3. My ko-fi.
“As you clutch Raygar close, he whispers a single name into your ear as if it were the most important thing in the world: ‘Doznak.’ The moment the word passes his lips, the light leaves his eyes.”
“No! Not my dude Raygar!” Nino wailed, his fist hitting the table, gently shaking the drinks that had been set on it.
“...And I think that’s where we’ll end this session. Thanks for coming out, you guys.” Uncle Hassan gave a hug to the other two party members as they left, leaving just him and Nino to pick up. “Thanks for the help, little man. How are you liking this campaign?”
“It’s totally awesome, uncle dude!” Nino raised his voice to be heard as he carried the glasses to the kitchen and left them in the sink. “Each story gets better than the last. And man! Tonight’s cliffhanger. I can’t wait to get the low down on who this Doznak dude is next week.”
When he returned, he saw his uncle smiling sheepishly and rubbing the back of his neck. “Yeah
 about that.”
“I’m going to be visiting your grandpa in Tangier. So, uh, you might be waiting on that thrilling conclusion for a while.”
Giving his uncle a suspicious look, he asked, “How long is a ‘while’, exactly?”
“I won’t be back until New Year’s, kiddo.”
Nino gaped. “Dude!” He said, betrayed. “We’re only just at the end of summer! How am I supposed to wait that long?!”
Uncle Hassan chuckled. “Well, you’ll be starting school soon. That’ll help keep your mind off it, right?”
“Maybe a little.” Nino pouted and pulled his cap down, trying to hide his disappointment.
A large hand settled on his shoulder and Nino looked up into the hazel eyes of his uncle. “Kiddo, you’ve been doing great and it’s been fantastic having you around in the game. But sometimes groups have to take a break for a while. These things happen.”
Nino sagged. “But
 I was just getting the hang of Dungeons and Dragons
“Well, you don’t have to stop.” Nino looked up, curiosity getting the better of him. “My books are just going to get dusty waiting for me here. Why don’t you take them and make a campaign of your own? Invite your friends. Trust me, it’ll be way more fun than playing with us geezers.” Uncle Hassan laughed, his eyes sparkling with mirth.
His friends? Nino thought of Adrien, with his impenetrably dense schedule. Alya and her lack of interest in games, whether they be board games or video games. Marinette and her tendency to always be juggling fifty projects at once. Although
 they weren’t his only friends, right? It couldn’t be that hard to find two or three people willing to game with him like once a week.
“You know
 you might be onto something.” A grin reached Nino’s face as he took the rulebooks that his uncle passed him. Outside, a car honked its horn - his dad was there to pick him up.
“Tell my brother-in-law I said hello. And good luck, kiddo!”
Nino waved and felt his mind light up with the possibilities of adventure.
The last month of summer went by in a blur as Nino put his mind to work getting his campaign drafted. When school started, he took a few weeks to get back into the swing of things before he started the hunt for a new party.
That’s where he hit a snag.
There weren’t that many Dungeons and Dragons players in his class. Or, at least, not many that he knew of. He managed to corner all three of them during lunch and pitched his campaign to them.
“...So what’d ya think, dudes? Sound like a party or what?”
Max cleared his throat and pushed up his glasses. “I really am very sorry, Nino, but I’ve been kept adequately busy with my work on game design. While I’d love to join up, it would cut into my other projects. Regrettably, I’ll have to decline.”
“Alright, dude, no sweat.” Nino patted Max on the shoulder and turned toward the other two. “What about you guys?”
Juleka shook her head. “Sorry. I just started one with Rose. Can’t back out now, you know?”
“And I just got hooked on a new MMO with Ivan,” Mylene said with a wince. “If I stop now, I’ll lose my placing that I worked so hard for!”
“Major bummer.” Nino tugged at his cap as all four of them got up to return to their usual seats.
“According to my projections, I’ll have a greater likelihood of joining on the next adventure.”
“Maybe next campaign,” Mylene patted his arm as she walked past him.
“Yeah, we can try again next time.” Juleka paused. “Have you tried asking Adrien?”
Nino shook his head. “Nah, dude is always super busy.”
‘Sure, but he was asking me and Rose about D&D. I dunno, maybe just try it?”
“Really?” Nino perked up. His best friend had gone home for lunch, but he was still just a text away. “It might be worth a shot. Thanks, Juleka.”
“No problem. Good luck.”
Taking a seat at the table next to Alya, Nino shot a quick text to Adrien.
Nino: Heard you were asking about DnD. You game?
“What’s that about, babe?” Alya asked, looking over his shoulder.
“I’m trying to get a party together for Dungeons and Dragons.”
“Dang, and the first half of that sentence was so promising.”
“So is that a pass then?” Nino said with a faint smile. While sometimes he could get her to play games with him, he understood that it wasn’t her favorite. Just like how he didn’t share her love of rom coms, but indulged her every now and again.
“Yeah, babe. Although
” She looked at Marinette as she rushed into the building clutching a brown bag with the Dupain-Cheng bakery logo. “...there might be potential there.”
“Hey, guys!” Marinette sat down opposite them and opened the bag, passing some chocolatines to the two of them. “What’re we talking about?”
“Hey, M.” Alya leaned forward. “Do you ever play roleplaying games?”
“Um, sometimes? You know my favorite is fighting games, but I’m up for some adventure sometimes.” Marinette tilted her head to the side. “Why?”
“Well, Nino here was thinking about running a Dungeons and Dragons campaign
 not sure.” Marinette’s eyes widened. “Not that I’m not interested! It sounds like it’d be fun to do with friends. But I don’t know if I’ll be able to find the time. Plus-”
She was interrupted by the sound of Nino’s phone going off. He’d left it on the table, so everyone could see that it was from Adrien. A small smile crept across Nino’s face when he heard the little intake of breath when Marinette noticed.
“S-so, um, how’s- how’s Adrien?”
Poor dude. The guy isn’t even here and she is stuttering. Nino pulled up the text.
Adrien: Yes!!! I got all the rulebooks months ago and I’ve done my best to learn but no one plays. [sad cat emojii] Are you going to be a DM??
Chuckling, Nino sent him another message.
Nino: You bet! Would you be able to meet once a week?
The response was immediate.
Adrien: Maybe if I say I’m working on a group project? I could pull it off, yeah.
With a huge grin, he looked back up at the girls. “My boy is in!”
Marinette bounced up and down in place. “Then so am I!”
“Oh?” Alya leaned forward with a smirk. “What happened to not having the time?”
“I will find the time, I promise. But gaming with friends? And Adrien? Too good an opportunity to pass up.” She met Nino’s eyes and had the good graces to look sheepish.
“Nah, don’t worry about it. If this means I get more players, than I don’t mind.” He turned towards his girlfriend. “Speaking of more players
 Now everybody else is in. How ‘bout you?”
Alya rolled her eyes with a smile. “I guess someone has to keep an eye on you hooligans.”
“Nice. This is going to be great!”
Nino: And
We’ve been expecting you, Adrien Agreste
Marinette joined your party. Everyone look busy!
Alya is here, just as the prophecy foretold.
Nino: Say hello everybody
Adrien: Hello everybody
Nino: You’re hilarious
Marinette: hello! Hey guys!
Alya: Sup
Nino: We’ll be using this Discord server for all Dnd related things, k? Mostly for planning new sessions
Adrien: What about
 spicy memes?
Nino: Know what, bro? I’ll make a channel that you can spam to your hearts content
Adrien: <3
Nino has changed his name to Lord DM
Alya: Seriously
Lord DM: Definitely
Adrien has changed his name to Adrien Regreste
Alya: Pffft
Adrien Regreste: Come on, Mari! Its what all the cool kids are doing!
Alya: Hey now
Marinette has changed her name to marinoodles
Marinoodles: ...How’s that?
Adrien Regreste: ;-; Its so cute. And also hilarious??
Marinoodles: I mena thank you! *mean
Alya has changed her name to Alya’ll Beware
Alya’ll Beware: Sweetie you know you can just edit your comments right
Marinoodles: ...Now I do.
Lord DM: Lol Anyway. How’s this weekend looking?
Alya’ll Beware: Just jumping right into it, arent you? But yeah I’m free
Marinoodles: I babysit Manon on sunday but saturday is clear!
Adrien Regreste: I can pull off saturday! Where are we meeting??
Lord DM: Whoever we meet at provides food. Since I am DM, I am exempt. (Plus my place is always supes crowded)
Adrien Regreste: Uh I can probably manage it off. Father will be out of town with Nathalie. The Gorilla is much more lenient hwen it’s just us.
Marinoodles: Gret sounding! *Thta sounds gerat! **That sounds great!
Adrien Regreste: Haha, yeah! I’m pumped to have you guys over. :)
Despite Nino’s fear of a repeat from last time, none of them were thrown out or belittled on their way to Adrien’s room. The worst that any of them received was an uncertain glare from the Gorilla as they filed upstairs.
As it turned out, the most difficult problem they had to face was Adrien’s purchasing habits. Nino had to explain to him that even though they were teenagers playing D&D, there was no way they’d be able to get through five pizzas and all the drinks he’d ordered. After he’d extracted a promise not to go overboard again, Nino went straight into explaining the basics and had them roll for stats.
“You sure about this, dude?” Nino leaned over Adrien’s shoulder and frowned at his character sheet. “I get you’re gonna be a bard, but max Charisma and low Wisdom just sounds like a recipe for disaster.”
Nino could just barely overhear Alya whisper to Marinette, “Attractive but kinda dense? Doesn’t that sound like someone we know
“ALYA,” Marinette whispered back in a scandalized tone.
“Maybe, but that just means it might be more memorable, right?” Adrien looked up at Nino and couldn’t hold out against the excitement he saw in his eyes.
“Sure, bro.” Nino walked over to the girls. “And how’re you two hanging?” He craned his neck to see where Marinette was sticking her highest stats. “Dexterity
 and intelligence? Good choices for a rogue.”
Marinette smiled. “Thanks! I’ve been thinking about her background. Get this - the rebel daughter of an elven baron.” She nudged Alya. “Pretty neat, right?”
“Wow, that sounds way cool, Marinette!” Adrien beamed at her and she melted.
“Than- than- Thanks, Adrien! You’re cool too!” She winced, but Adrien’s smile didn’t dim.
Nino raised an eyebrow as he noticed her hit points. “But, uh, why’d you stick your lowest stat in Constitution? Your dude isn’t gonna be able to take a hit.”
A sly smirk spread across her face. “I won’t need to take a hit if I play my character right.”
“Heh. Fair enough.” Nino turned his attention to Alya’s sheet, only to see it blank. “Um, something wrong, babe?”
“I dunno.” Alya shrugged. “I’m not big into games like you guys are, so its all going in one ear and out the other.”
” Nino took a seat next to her and thumbed through the core rulebook. “Maybe we should just keep it simple, right? So you can get your bearings.”
“A fighter?” Alya raised an eyebrow. “Seems kinda boring.”
“Yeah? How about a knight errant, looking for glory to make her name in the world? Rushing forward to defend the weak from the strong? Still sound boring?”
A grin split her face. “Now you’re speaking my language, cappy.”
“That’s Lord DM Cappy to you, babe.”
“Don’t push it.”
“Okay, so let me see if I get where we’re standing.” Adrien pushed the hair out of his face and looked at the three of them. He pointed to himself. “I’m a half-elf bard.” The finger shifted to Marinette who blushed and frantically waved at him. “Elven rogue.” Alya fell under his digit next. “Human fighter. Where does that leave you, Lord DM Cappy?”
Alya groaned and Nino chuckled. “Since someone needs to watch out for you guys, I’m going to be playing a human cleric. A priest of the sun.”
“Sounds like we’re pretty well balanced? Well,” Adrien ducked his head. “Except for me. Maybe it’d be better if I just played a wizard
“N-no!” Marinette quickly interjected. “Adrien, you can be what-whatever you want to be!”
“Dude has a point. There is more to having fun than being the most efficient party possible, bro.”
“Alright.” Adrien relaxed. “Awesome.”
“Now, let’s get everything else sorted for character creation. And while we do that, I can tell you a little about the world you find yourselves in
As Nino began by telling them of the Good King Hamon, he felt a spark light up from within. He could already tell this was going to be the best campaign.
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lovemesomesurveys · 5 years
1. If we returned to a world without internet, what aspect of online life would you miss the most? Wow, that would really, really suck, ha. For someone like me with no life and who spends a lot of time on the internet... yikes. Sounds sad, but it’s true. I would miss Tumblr and surveys and checking my social medias and looking up random stuff and shopping online. I mean, obviously I’d have to adapt and move on, and hey maybe something good would come from it, but yeah just imagining that sounds awful haha.  2. What food are you craving at the moment? I’m not hungry right now, but I am thinking about that pizza I had Monday haha. It was SO good. I could definitely go for another.  3. Are you craving anything aside from food, and if so, what? I wanna travel. Last week my dad flew out to visit family and I was so envious that he was getting to fly somewhere and get out of town/state for a few days. I’ve only flown a total of 2 times, which was over 10 years ago now. I’ve gone along to take and pick up people from the airport many times; though, and each time I always get the urge to fly somewhere. I get this butterfly type feeling each time I’ve gone to the airport and I just wanna gooooo.
4. Where was the last place you went and what did you do there? I went to the doctor yesterday for my monthly check up on something ongoing I’ve been dealing with. 5. What was the highlight and low point of your summer (or whatever season you happen to be taking this in)? The only good parts about this summer was the few times I went to the beach, my birthday weekend vacation, saw some good movies, and my aunt (whom I’m super close with) came and stayed with a for a few days last week and it was really fun. Otherwise, I despise summer, it’s hot and miserable. I dread it every year and I just look forward to it being over. 6. What was the last change you made to your lifestyle? Hmm. 7. What was the last thing you gave up doing? Uhhh. I feel like I’ve given up on a lot of things in the last few years. Myself most of all. 8. Do you deal well with criticism? Does it make a difference if it’s constructive? I mean, if someone wants to offer some helpful, useful advice that could be beneficial to me that’s cool. Just don’t be rude about it. If I’m doing something and there’s possibly a better way to do it, then suggest that in a way that doesn’t come off condescending or rude. I’m most critical on myself anyway. I will say; though, it does annoy me if someone keeps telling me something that I should do that I already know I should do. Don’t criticize me constantly for it. Don’t nag me.  9. What was the last thing to boost your self-esteem? What sort of things typically make you feel good about yourself? My self-esteem is shit, but I know it’d be nice to get my hair done finally. It’s been over a year and it looks so bad and I always like how my hair looks and feels after I get it done. Like, I’m still a mess but at least my hair would look nice. 10. When it comes to food, do you prefer crunchy or softer textures? I like some crunch, but not hard. Like the right amount of crunch and crispiness, ya know? Depending on what it is, of course. I like soft textures as well. I eat everything with sauce, dips, or olive oil because I can’t eat things dry. Like my sandwiches, for example, I put a lot of mayo and mustard, but I also dip it in olive oil. Or like I eat eggs with ranch, unless I have country gravy with them.  11. Do you prefer savory or sweet things for breakfast? I just eat scrambled eggs with spinach and cheese for breakfast, sometimes in the form of a breakfast burrito. Hash browns are a great bonus. I used to eat like cereal, pop tarts, toaster strudels, granola bars, oatmeal, and waffles, but now I can’t eat a lot of sweet stuff anymore. Plus, I just prefer to have eggs. There’s more substance and I get something good out of it like protein.  Honestly, I used to never even have breakfast at all, I just liked breakfast foods like I listed above. It’s only within the last year especially that I started to eat breakfast regularly. 12. When was the last time someone disappointed you? What about the last time you disappointed someone else? I’ve been very disappointed in myself for a long time. I feel like I’ve disappointed my family and former friends, too.  13. What is something you can’t seem to stop doing (or start)? I can’t seem to stop being a mess or start getting my shit together... 14. When was the last time you made a new friend? What about the last time you lost a friend? I haven’t made any friends in years. I lost all my friends over the past few years.  15. What was the last thing you were excited about? What about nervous? I was excited about having my aunt come and stay with us last week and for our beach trip last weekend. We had a really good time. As for nervous, this is a long story time so grab a snack and buckle up:
I was full on freaking out last Sunday, after having a great, relaxing time at the beach, because as we were turning the corner to our street, we got notifications on our phone from our security camera, which at almost 10 o’clock at night, was like wtf?? Before any of us had time to check it, we saw for ourselves the reason why it was going off: As we turned we saw firetrucks, smoke, and our neighbors all standing around outside, some of which were standing at our door, hence the security alerts going off. We saw our house and our neighbor’s house that we’re connected to engulfed in smoke. We had no idea what was going on, but our first and only thought and concern was our dog, who was in the house. I start literally crying and freaking out because like I said, we didn’t know what was going on, but what I described seeing as we turned the corner was terrifying and my only concern was my dog. My mom stops the car and she and my brother jump out and run up to our house. My brother comes back out running to the car with my dog, who was physically fine, THANK GOD, but very scared. She jumped in the back with me and I just held on to her the entire time while my mom, aunt, and brother went back to find out what the hell was going on. Turns out that our neighbor, whose house is connected to ours, was working on his car in the garage and his engine caught fire. Being that our houses are connected, the smoke came over to our side and filled up our garage. It was so bad that it was coming out the sides, which is why it looked like it was our house that had the fire. When my mom opened up the garage, she said the smoke was so thick that she couldn’t even see anything. It was crazy. The firefighters had to do a walkthrough of our house to make sure it was fine and checked for carbon monoxide and all that, and had to use their big blower thing to clear out the smoke in our garage. Our house was fine, we just had to open the windows up in our house and air it for awhile. The smell was strong; though, and the smoke was very irritating to my throat. OH, and the reason why our other neighbors were standing at our door was because they thought we were home asleep and they were trying to alert us of the fire. One girl even jumped our fence to bang on our backdoor. They were banging and yelling for awhile, apparently. My mom and I watched the video camera footage later and saw everything and omg it was so crazy. You can tell how scared and concerned they were. And the smoke was so bad at that point that they were coughing and covering their mouths, but they continued banging on our door and trying to yell out to alert us. D: It meant SO much that they cared and were genuinely concerned about us like that. We couldn’t stop thanking them. Ahh but anyway yeah, it was w i l d. And this was just a few days after there was another fire a few houses down from us. :O 16. What is something small that you take extremely personally? Hm. I don’t know. I’m a sensitive person, so. 17. What is your favorite thing about your favorite person? I don’t really have a favorite person. I love my family and I’m close to some more than others, but I don’t choose favorites like that. 18. What is something you wish other people knew about you? I don’t know. 19. What is something you wish others DIDN’T know? Uhhh. 20. When was the last time you comforted someone who was upset? When my aunt and I get together it always ends up turning into a therapy session between us. We stay up late and talk about everything and yeah, sometimes it gets pretty deep. Anyway, I was just lending an ear and letting her vent about some things.  21. What was going on the last time you couldn’t sleep? Every night I stay up and watch ASMR, Tumblr, and do surveys until I fall asleep. 22. What are your plans for the day ahead (or tomorrow if it’s late)? I don’t have any today, but tomorrow my mom and I are dropping off my brother and his friend at a concert. It’s out of town, so I wanted to tag along for the ride. 23. Do you tend to be more grumpy when you’re tired or when you’re hungry? Both. Like, I’m always tired, but when I first wake up you do not want to talk to me before I’ve had coffee and had time to wake up. I also get quite hangry. 24. When was the last time you yelled at someone? I don’t know. I yelled out to someone so they could hear me, but I don’t recall the last time I yelled at someone. 25. What types of things typically cause you to cry? Blah some days it’s like I’m on the verge of tears all day and any thing can set me off. Other times there’s a specific reason, other times it’s a combination or build up of things that lead to crying. There’s various reasons. I’m just a cry baby.  26. When was the last time someone else cried in your presence? It’s been awhile, actually.  27. What is one thing that would make your life a lot better? Better health.  28. What is something you are grateful to already have in your life? My family. 29. How would you describe your overall aesthetic? Leggings, graphic Ts, and Adidas. 30. What is one of your most positive characteristics? What about one of your most negative? Does it bother you when you see certain aspects of yourself in other people, or does it depend on the trait? I have a lot of negative traits. I’m struggling to think of something positive. I used to be someone who was there for others and willing to help anyway I could, but I haven’t been that way these past few years. I’ve become such a shitty person these past few years I feel like. :/
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starry-sky-1 · 5 years
Problematic Boy(s)
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A/N I might do a sequel if it gets some feel good positivity :D 
                                Masterpost here for my other works~
“KIM.NAM.JOOOOOONNNNNNNNN” The homeroom teacher bellowed as the bell rung signifying  end of the class. The boy in question snickered and walked out of the room as his teacher burst into a fit of coughs all thanks to the mysterious white solution oozing from the beaker. Its stink was too prominent to be ignored. How did a basic experiment involving a solution of Copper Sulphate turn pure white? It was only Namjoon who could provide a possible explanation.
Just another typical day at school, right?
Mr. Tanuki was ready to  fling his toupee out of pure frustration. The otherwise mellow chemistry teacher had enough of a certain tall, platinum haired, exchange student, and it had hardly been a month since his arrival. His impressive 25 year old career at Bodan High was not going to be tainted by that cheeky devil, especially when he was so close to becoming the principal.
He went in the washroom and splashed some water on his face, feeling his dark circles become darker and his blood pressure rise
err no more thoughts about that brat, dammit Tanuki.
On the other hand, Namjoon strolled in the school’s vast garden, the hedges had been trimmed neatly, probably for the new session he mused as his red converse shoes scraped against the walk-path that connected the other building – the middle school with his own. His shirt was untucked and his blazer thrown over it haphazardly, neck-tie askew, lollipop in mouth, a perfect picture of a

 the few girls standing at the edge of the school building murmured in hushed whispers as they prepped for PT.
It had hardly been a month since the summer session started at school and yet Namjoon had already made a name for himself as trouble creator, the poor boy often had no idea how he’d end up in a sticky situation, only for the resolution to present another one. The chemistry class? He knew how to make a copper sulphate solution, the thing was he was too curious for his own good sometimes. He just wanted to know what would happen if he added the potassium permanganate that was set aside for another experiment, to his own.
Well, now he knew.
The last time, he really didn’t mean to break the arms off of Hokuto’s Yukina figurine, it just
happened and the resulting chase and fight with Hokuto’s minions wasn’t worth it, the split lip had troubled him anytime he wanted to eat soba or spicy ramen. It was good that they taught Tae Kwon Do to all the students at his High School, otherwise he was sure he wouldn’t have been able to handle all 6 guys who pounced upon him suddenly, his big frame would be useless if not for his passable fighting skills. Namjoon was a thinker not a fighter despite his seemingly uncaring, tough exterior.
Even his teacher was conflicted. Bodan High had recently started an exchange program and were more than happy to host one of the brightest kids in South Korea, his entrance scores were in the top 1% of the country, inside class he was mostly well behaved. Therefore it wasn’t like they could hand him detention, it could potentially damage the school’s own reputation.
Damn brat!
Namjoon sneezed. It was odd considering the weather was pleasantly sunny. Maybe somebody had cursed him, after all. He wouldn’t be surprised considering how often the he ran into people willing to test both his strength and patience. It wasn’t surprising at all that somewhere in his heart, he felt lonely. What was a 17 yr old to do in a land completely foreign to him? He missed having his gang around him – Seokjin, the kind and devilishly handsome senior, who would obviously grace some dramas or movies someday; Yoongi the tsundere piano genius; Hoseok the dancing machine, was actually a trainee with some company, his cheery disposition and multiple talents screamed “idol”. Taehyung and Jimin, his cute underclassmen were an inseparable pair, Jimin sometimes danced with Hoseok and this is how they both came into their circle. Even Yoongi took a liking to them and he hated change.
Sighing loudly, Namjoon plopped down under a tree, taking out a small book from his inner pocket.
It was a guide on crabs.
Namjoon absolutely adored small animals be it crabs, frogs,
.. but basically, crabs. He loved that he could take the bus from Tokyo to Kamakura and walk around the pretty beach. It was a perfect weekend getaway. He loved collecting shells and the white hermit crabs were too pretty to ignore. It saddened him how the king crabs were a local delicacy.
His monologue was interrupted by a pair of scruffy shoes, who he traced to the owner of a pair of wide, doe eyes.The person was a boy from the middle school.The boy nibbled on his lower lip  worriedly, as his cheeks dusted pink. Namjoon spotted a plaster on his right cheek and sensed the kid was anxious.
“S-Senpai” he began pulling a textbook from his coat jacket “You..dropped this the other day when you passed by our school”
Namjoon looked at the textbook then back at the kid, his eyes glazing over his form, his messy hair hid his thick eyebrows, nose prominent and the lower lip thicker than the upper one, sported a mole right underneath. His coat was loose over his frame which seemed to be lean, and he had on the standard uniform shoes, albeit a bit dusty now.
His coat jacket had a nametag pinned to it.“Thanks Jeon Jungkook” Namjoon remarked and gave the kid a smile, his dimples sprouting.Jungkook followed, and gave a scrunchy smile of his own.
“I’m Kim Namjoon”
“I know!”
 He spouted excitedly on how he was already a legend amongst his classmates and how everyone both respected and feared him.The kid was too adorable for his own good. It was easy to fall in a conversation with him.
“You’re not entirely Korean, right?”
“No” he replied hesitatingly. “My dad’s Korean, mum is
or rather
. was

 Japanese.” He said, eyes downcast.
Namjoon patted his back and steered the conversation away to a different topic remarking how difficult dealing with the yankees was. Jungkook nodded enthusiastically telling him how he had to defend himself from bullies who wouldn’t stop teasing him because he wasn’t pure blooded Japanese.
This became a daily habit for both, they would talk in the break time and Jungkook would enthusiastically follow whatever Namjoon said, the respect for the older boy growing infinite in the younger’s eyes as the days passed. Namjoon was happy to have the younger’s company with himself, it was a tiny relief from when he missed his gang back in Seoul. Jungkook followed him like a baby duck,”Joon hyung, Namjoon hyung” echoing everywhere Namjoon went.
The people around Jungkook also stopped messing with him since Namjoon took him under his wing, fiercely protective of the young one and Jungkook, well he revelled in the attention Joon showered him with.
Just like that both were talking animatedly about the latest Gundam figure, while returning from a conbeni a Friday evening when a baseball hit Namjoon’s back.Those were the punks from the nearby high school, notorious for their biking gang.
“Ya punk, with yer little squirt” 
The one in cheap sunglasses and a pompadour barked “ye hurt our bud Takashi over there” he pointed to a bulky bald guy with a hello kitty bandage on his swollen nose, sporting brass knuckles on both his hands while the 3 others carried baseball bats.
Namjoon exhaled. Seriously this was getting out of hand now. He pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance. Jungkook stared at the 5 guys then back at Namjoon again, eyebrows furrowing in mild irritation. He tugged Jungkook’s arm signalling him to leave “Kook, let’s not make a scene in the neighbourhood right now.”
Jungkook opened, then closed his mouth, not quite understanding why Namjoon would walk away from the confrontation, but followed nonetheless as they took off.
The 2 boys took the narrow bylanes, the troublemakers hot on their heels but somehow lost them at an intersection all thanks to the blind spot of the street.Catching their breath, the boys heaved, standing in front of an ordinary apartment complex.
“This is where I live” Namjoon huffed. “Do you uhhh wanna come up or something? We could read manhwas, I brought some along.”
Hearing about manhwas, Jungkook’s eyes lit up and he eagerly followed him inside. They both sat comfortably on the standard sofa, with Jungkook chugging a banana milk while Namjoon nursed a can of iced coffee himself.They read in silence for hours. Namjoon looked up from his tankobon volume and his gaze fell to the window , the sky had grown dark outside. He immediately turned to look at the wall clock and noticed it was 8 pm already.
He jumped from the couch, and shook Jungkook “Kook, it’s 8 pm!!! You need to go home already!”
Jungkook looked up from his manhwa, eyes glazed. It was indeed dinner time at his home and he hadn’t even texted his granny! He quickly took his phone out from his back pocket and looked at the flurry of missed calls and texts. He smacked his head and groaned. How could he be so careless ugh.
“But hyungieee this one is so good, I wanna finish it, I promise I’ll go as soon as I’m done.” he pouted with his eyes widened for the extra cute effect. Namjoon definitely wasn’t immune to the puppy look and suggested  “Why don’t you stay over? Its late already,I think I have some cup ramen so we can have that and then talk man to man.”
Jungkook’s eyes lit up and he nodded eagerly. He quickly called his granny up to let her know that he was staying over at a friend’s house and would return the next day.
His granny’s eyes crinkled in a smile who was proud that the otherwise meek boy had found someone to look up to and who made him open up. She had a toothy grin on her face when the call ended.
Jungkook quickly got up to help Namjoon, who had in the meantime, managed to knock the kettle off,  stubbed his toe against the kitchenette counter, and was currently nursing said toe while a string of profanities left his mouth.
Jungkook giggled at the elder’s expense and then helped him out, putting the kettle on correctly and bringing the ramen bowls to the table where Namjoon was already perched, looking at him sheepishly as the younger one went about and took down the now boiled kettle. He poured the hot water into Namjoon’s bowl first and then his and covered the lid as they waited for the noodles to soak the seasonings.  
2 minutes passed in silence, it was meal time finally. Both eagerly took off the lids only to notice it was still soggy in some places. Namjoon suggested they microwave it. Jungkook looked in the direction of the microwave and refused. Now it was Joon’s turn to smirk and he ruffled the younger’s hair before picking both their bowls and putting them in the microwave.
A loud beep indicated that the ramen was done. Carefully balancing both the bowls in a tray, he made his way over to the table where Jungkook helped him out, he was just glad there were no more accidents this time round.
Breaking their chopsticks, both grinned at the well done ramen and dug in after an enthusiastic “itadakimasu”
Patting their full bellies, they both settled down to play some games on their phone, the multi-player mode allowing them to game jointly.
After a few intensive rounds, they both looked up to see that it was 11 pm. Namjoon rolled out the mattress for Jungkook, grabbing a pair of spare pajamas for Jungkook and a spare toothbrush. Jungkook thanked him and cleaned up, changing into them quickly, however he had to fasten the drawstrings a little tighter on his comparatively slimmer waist.
He hopped out of the bathroom excitedly and plopped on the fluffy mattress waiting for Joon hyung  to finish up as he checked his social media.He wasn’t surprised to see there were no messages. Namjoon came in, towel drying his hair and smiled at the doe eyed boy. He lay prone, wrapped comfortably in his summer blanket and scrolled through his phone.
Jungkook cleared his throat and Joon looked down at him. They talked about the punks and the festering problem of bullying both online and otherwise, both describing their experience. For Jungkook it was especially bad considering he was only half Japaneseand had to live here, he felt lonely, despite his multiple talents earning him the title of “golden boy” amongst his teachers. His grades were decent and he was especially good at sports, arts, and photography vying all the clubs’ attention. Ultimately he chose Tae-Kwon-Do. His dad had taught him the basics when he lived with them but after his mother passed away, he had moved back to Korea while Jungkook lived with his mother’s parents.
They talked about girls in their class, Namjoon found the girls in his grade too nosy and obnoxious so he didn’t bother fraternising with them while Jungkook blushed when he recounted that one girl from his grade who had given him a chocolate on Valentine’s Day and he turned her down because he saw her as a good friend and no more. Namjoon told him stories from his own high school and how he missed his pals with a wistful, nostalgic look in his eyes. Jungkook nodded as his dulcet deep voice rang in his ears, making him feel sleepy. Both of them rambled a little more before sleep overtook them and lulled them in peaceful rest.
It was 8:30 am when Jungkook rolled off the mattress and rubbed his eyes, trying to rub the crust coating his eyelashes. He shook Joon.
“Hyungie” he rasped “It’s time to wake up already” Namjoon groaned and rolled on his side, promptly falling with a soft thump near him as his head poked from his blanket burrito, platinum strands sticking up oddly.
Both of them crawled to the bathroom slowly, picking up the toothbrushes. Joon squeezed some toothpaste on Jungkook’s before his own and both cleaned their teeth. After cleaning up, Jungkook helped Joon boil some eggs as he poured milk in a glass for both of them. Having had this quick breakfast, Jungkook hugged Joon thanking him for his hospitality before making his way home. He couldn’t wait to tell his Ba-chan how much fun he had at Hyu- no, Oni San’s house.
His granny listened in rapt attention as he told her everything about his oni san, from his clumsiness to his mature moments, his eyes so full of admiration that it made her feel proud and thankful to the boy who had taken her recluse of a grandson under his wing and kept him happy.Kook squealed when he saw a message on Line Messenger from Joon asking him if he had made it safely back home.
Shooting a quick text of affirmation with more smiley emojis than necessary, he went about his homework and tasks.
Monday rolled around faster than expected and it would be time for their mid semester exams soon. Jungkook was nervous because his very first exam was English Literature- his own Achilles Heel. Had it not been for his overall grades in other subjects, he was sure he would have been held back an year. He just knew where he could get the right help.
Namjoon helped him as much as he could and the boy was surprised that he was able to grasp most of the concepts of grammar, the past tenses were especially hard but with Joon helping him, he scored an impressive 80 marks. Even his teacher was surprised but happy for him.
Him and Namjoon were taking their casual stroll between the buildings of the 2 schools, it had been suspiciously quiet with no incidents by Yankees when they’d be upto no good usually. Joon figured they were upto something, something unexpected for sure.
His suspicions rang true when he saw the yankees they had a run with, waiting for them at the school gate. Confrontation was inevitable this time.
“Let’s take it someplace else” Joon declared and Jungkook grit his teeth, despite his timid nature, the boy would switch personalities when it came to things he cared about, his hyung being one of them.
They went to the field near the river embankment as the 5 charged at the two, the bigger guy’s nose having healed up well. The pompadour bearer called Akashi threw a punch at Joon who ducked just in time and using his elbow as a support rolled him off using his extended right foot.
Jungkook tackled 2 lanky boys who were very good with their limbs, ducking and protecting as their kicks and punches flew at him rapidly in succession, he was soon backed at the protective railing, his knuckles grasping the cold metal tightly, heaving with a split lip. The guys had expended much of their energy in brutal moves and were tired, it was evident. He saw an opening and jabbed at the rib of the guy on the left who howled in pain.
The guy on the right shouted. Jungkook smirked. He delivered a roundabout kick to the other guy’s face, knocking a tooth out as he grasped onto the other, both falling in a crumbling heap.
He ran to help Joon but discovered he had taken care of the pompadour guy as well, his own cheek had a nasty hit to it which would definitely bruise. Both glared at the remaining two who stood impassive at their leader and best guys bested by these 2.
“We’ll be back, ya punks” the one with a kansai accent shouted as they helped their friends up, limping away. Both the boys collapsed on the grass, exhaustion seeping into their bones as they watched the magnificent sunset. Brushing their clothes they both went their way.
If it was quiet the following days, nobody mentioned it, but once or twice they knew the rumours floating around, could see as people moved when they came, strolling in, some pointing at their bruises, a split lip for Jungkook and a cheekbone bruise for Joon. The yankees in their area understood that the duo was not to be messed with, they were this area’s very own dynamic duo, protecting kids from bullies and keeping the yankees in their place. They were both admired and feared and they knew it too.
Both were making their way to the game arcade after school, which had become a ritual of sorts every Friday when they heard a scuffle in the alleyway. A tall guy from the neighbouring school had a middle school boy from their own pinned at the wall, with the boy cowering in fear, bag held up for defence.
They both gave each other a knowing look and nodded at each other. Namjoon cracked his knuckles. “Ready, Kook?”
Jungkook grinned. “Always hyung, and after you.~”
They both jumped at the bully. Just a typical day for the  Bodan High dynamic duo.
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ashtontomyirwin-blog · 5 years
Ashton Irwin || The Outcasts || Part 2
Previous parts: Part 1
Full title: The Extraordinary Story of The Outcasts
Wordcount: 1947
Author’s note: Sorry this chapter took so long. It has been crazy busy at work. 
Let me know what you think of it!
Masterlist - Requests
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It could’ve been anyone I saw in the crowd. After all, it was only a split of a second before the two faces disappeared into the jumping and cheering mess of people. And therefore I decided that it must’ve been my imagination running wild. In fact, I had already forgotten them when the night was over and the band and I were cleaning up the stage. Packing up the drum kit, mics and other equipment into the storage room.
“I swear you guys are getting better and better every month,” Jack was beaming from behind the bar. He put down our complimentary beers. I gladly took one and took a seat next to Jessica. We were already deep into an intense conversation about the likeliness of an alien attack here in Seattle instead of New York City.
“I’m telling you, we’re safe here. Plus we’re close to water and I don’t think aliens can swim,” I told her.
“Dude, I don’t think you’ve thought this through.” Jessica seemed to be ready to win this discussion. She was all about the supernatural and science fiction. “One, there is water in New York City as well. And two, ha-” Unfortunately for her, she got cut off by Jack.
“Oh, by the way, two guys have been asking for you,” he said pointing at the other end of the bar. I expected it to be about the bands of this evening or about the next New Sound Night. But as soon as I turned towards the direction in which Jack was pointing, my mouth dropped from bewilderment. At first I thought my eyes were deceiving me, but it were really the exact two faces I thought I saw during our set. My first response was to get Jessica’s attention by slapping her arm.
“Jess! It’s Calum and Ashton over there,” I said excitedly. Luckily there was enough murmur going around the cafĂ© that it drowned out my excitement, only for Jessica to hear.
“Who?” She was confused for a moment. That was until I pointed at them. They had their backs towards us and seemed to be engaged into conversation.
“Oh my god, no way!” Jessica suddenly exclaimed. Like I was, she was a fan of the world famous band they were in, although we never had the pleasure of seeing them live.
“I’m gonna talk to them,” I said as as I was already making my way over to the guys.
“Dani, no!” Jessica called after me. I knew she was trying to prevent me from saying something stupid, but she could never shield me from that in any kind of situation.
“So out of all the big high-end clubs you could’ve gone to, you chose the old rotten rock cafĂ© in a deserted harbor.” I was standing behind the guys with one beer in my hand and the other one leaning on the bar. It was clear that they weren’t used to being approached like that as they both look a little out of place when they turned around. I had no idea how much of some spoiled attention seeking brats they were in real life, but to make them feel a little uncomfortable made me grin. It felt like establishing dominance of some sort.
Their demeanor quickly changed into a relaxed one. Both of the chuckled a little bit as they didn’t seem to mind my approach.
“Well, we heard that they played good music over here,” Calum was the first one to speak, though Ashton soon followed.
“It seems that they were right. Especially, the last band was awesome.” Ashton mimicked my grin.
“Oh really?” I said, deciding I would play along with his little game. “I wouldn’t know them.”
“Too bad, the lead singer was pretty cute,” Ashton replied. Before I could react to it, I felt a sudden blow on my back and shoulders. Knowing this happened on a daily basis, I didn’t budge anymore and accepted the fact that Kyra jumped on my back again. I even caught her legs around my waist with my one free hand.
“Are we still up for drinks at my place?” Kyra asked me, to which I nodded in agreement.
“Wow, plot twist,” Kyra suddenly mumbled. Apparently she had finally realized who I was initially talking to. Even if she weren’t as big of a fan of them as Jessica and I were, it was still a big deal to meet someone that famous.
Ashton, Calum and I did nothing but laugh at Kyra’s unfiltered reaction. I finished the last of my beer, put the glass on the bar and hoisted Kyra a little better on my back.
“Nice to meet you too,” Calum said to Kyra and raising his glass.
“Oh, I like him,” Kyra immediately said with a big smile and continued, “Why don’t you join us. It’ll be fun!”
I don’t know how Kyra managed to convince half of 5 Seconds of Summer to come with us as they seemed a little reluctant at first. Then again, Kyra could be very persuasive. I was watching her walking a few feet in front of me. She was walking next to Ashton, but they were just a little too far away to catch their conversation clearly. From the looks of it, it was another folly story as I recognized Kyra’s wild hand gestures. Still, Ashton seemed to make an effort in paying attention, trying not to be rude. It made me smile, knowing that at least he and Calum didn’t let the attention get to their heads.
“Alright, since no one is asking it, I will,” Jesse suddenly started from behind me.
I turned around and started walking backwards, taking my chances in not falling over. I was walking next to Calum and behind us were Jesse and Jessica, their hands intertwined.
“What’d ya think of our gig?” he asked. I was so caught up in meeting the band, that I hadn’t even thought about asking about our performance. But now that it came up, I was nothing but curious for their judgement. Somewhere I expected a generic answer like ‘It was alright’ or something, but what followed was definitely not what I had predicted.
“It was really good. It’s still weird to hear people singing our songs, but you guys did a great job.” Calum genuinely seemed to mean what he said. I remembered covering Rejects earlier this evening and realized how strange that would have sounded. Especially since we had done our own version of it.
“Really good? You guys rocked it!” Apparently Ashton and Kyra had re-joined the group and Ashton was clear to make his statement. “It was awesome to see how the crowd reacted to your energy. They sure made a lot of noise for such a small group,”
For a moment I was at a loss of words. Hearing these words from professionals meant so much to me that I couldn’t do anything but broaden my smile.
“Man, sometimes I miss those small gigs,” I hear Ashton suddenly say more to himself than the group. My words immediately came back to me as I laughed a little.
“Yeah, because playing at sold out venues must get boring after a while,” I said sarcastically with a playful grin on my face. Ashton caught the grin and returned it with an innocent shoulder shrug.
“Is everyone out tonight?” I asked as soon as we entered Kyra’s living room, expecting to see at least one of her family members. This place has become more a home to me than my own place. During my middle- and high school years I stayed over quite often when my parents were on one of their many business trips. When they figured out I was more at the Martins family than at home, they stopped bothering with hiring a nanny.
“Yeah, my parents are at this conference this weekend, Gene sleeps with friends and I don’t know where Evan is,” Kyra mumbled as she went up the stairs to drop her bags. Gene was Kyra’s younger brother and Evan was her older. Both of them had turned into my own brothers during the years.
Hanging out with each other through the years had caused certain routines to develop between us. Kyra made sure she got a guitar for jamming; Jessica was in charge of food; Jesse took care of drinks, and I 
 my only consisted task during these sessions seemed to be finding the one person who I could annoy the most. Which I was always happy to fulfil. That was until I got a sight of the garden at the back of the house. As I walked closer I could see the more brighter stars appear in the night sky. Considering it was mid-July, this would be an ideal circumstance for a little garden party. A grin started to spread across my face. I opened the sliding doors of the house and made my way across the garden right towards the shed. It was a shed Kyra’s dad had built for his daughter when she finally found a way to deal with her anger issues and needed a place to put the drum kit in. It was solidly isolated and probably the most soundproof room in Seattle; also being the best place for band rehearsals.
Upon entering the shed I went straight for the stack of firewood in the corner. Somewhere around there was supposed to be the key element of my plan.
“Need help?” I suddenly heard a voice in the shed with me. Not having expected company, I couldn’t control the short shriek I let out.
“Holy shit, ever heard of knocking?” I laughed as soon as I realized that it was Ashton. I rarely felt awkward; in fact, the last time I felt awkward or embarrassed was when I tried to kiss this guy in ninth grade and he pushed me away.
“Sorry,” I heard Ashton mumble. As I looked at him I noticed that he seemed a little awkward as well, but why? What did he have to be awkward about? In fact, what did I have to be awkward about?
“So this is where the magic happens?” Ashton was trying to break the silence and relieve the tension in the room.
I looked around to the two guitars in the corner and the drum kit positioned against the wall. A smile crept upon my face. Having someone calling the music we made ‘magic’ gave me some sense of pride. It was exactly what we were trying to achieve as a band.
“I guess so,” I said, not averting my eyes from the instruments.
“Guys, here I am, thinking you went to get a guitar,” a sudden third person had entered the shed. Kyra’s presence could never shock me anymore. So when her head popped into the doorway, I merely looked away to lock eyes with her. With that movement, it felt like I was being sucked into reality again. It wasn’t just Ashton and me anymore.
“Yes, right,” I said, trying to remember why the hell I was here. “Right!” I suddenly exclaimed as I turned around to the pile of firewood. I grabbed a few sticks and threw them right at Ashton, expected him to catch them. He was caught off guard and only managed to catch one pathetic twig.
“What?” Ashton and Kyra were both confused by my action, but as soon as I managed to find what I was looking for, it all seemed to fall into place.
“Let’s light this baby on fire,” I said with a huge grin on my face, holding up the brazier.
 Taglist: @drummerboy794 @lukes-curls @lashtonsdimples @calsdemons @tirednotflirting @babylon-cal
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angelynrostrand · 5 years
Chapter 3
Summary:  To the outside world, nothing should connect shy girl Angel Monroe and popular boy Xavier Hazelwood. But that isn't entirely true. They both hold secrets. Behind both of them lie 2 separate wolf packs. Xavier is well on his way to Alpha status and running the pack. Angel is not a wolf but instead the last healer in the world. When the realization comes forward that they are connected by destiny, will they decide to fulfill it? Is their connection predetermined by fate or will they choose their hearts? Lives and packs cross and mingle while romance and conflict brews. The story of 2 opposite souls on a collision path. Will destiny win out? Even the most innocent face, has the darkest secrets.
Word Count: 2,295
Warnings: None for now
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I wake up the next morning and do my regular routine. I get out of my bed and walk to my bathroom like a zombie. I am not a morning person. Especially after last night took a turn. After getting in my summer dress and welcoming the new spring weather, I walk down to the kitchen to make food for my family. I usually save food in the oven to keep it warm. They eat breakfast while I ride to school. During my ride, I realize I might have to face Xavier. I don't know what to say to him. He is expecting me to be his mate and the luna for his pack. I can't be a leader of a pack. Alpha and Luna are like royalty. They protect and fight for the pack members. While locking my bike, I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around to see Xavier.  I haven't prepared anything to say to him yet.
"Good morning Angel." He looks like he woke up and learned he just won the lottery. His bright smile is something you can't help but smile back at.
"Good morning."
"How's your brother and your father?" He asks while I am walking to my first class. I don't know where he is going, but I guess he is just following me to my class.
"Good! I let them sleep in this morning. Hopefully, they feel better with the soup I made for them this morning."
"You really take care of them don't you?”
"Of course. They are my family. Without my mom, I need to make sure they are always healthy and happy."
"I also want to say I am sorry for ruining your brother's ceremony." He stops walking and sounds very apologetic. I look up to him and notice our height difference.
I sigh and say, "It wasn't the ideal way to end the night, but I want to thank you." He looks confused. "I had a fun night. I was able to talk to someone who isn't my brother or my father. It felt like I had a good friend." I kinda friendzone him, but what I am saying is true. We make it to my class.
"Well I am still sorry, but now I am happy. I was able to make you smile. I'll do anything to see you smile like that again." His comment makes me shy again. I try to hide my smile by looking down. I am starting to feel comfortable around him but comments like that make me all... I am pulled back into reality when I hear "BABY!" I look to see it is Rebecca.
"Hey, baby are you here to see me?" I step away from her, considering she jumped in the middle of us. " What are you doing here? Can't you see we are having a personal conversation." She says toward me with her arms hugging him.
"I am sorry. I'll just get to class." I walk away and sit down. I am still able to see them with the open door. I guess with all the sweet talks and gestures, I forgot he has a girlfriend. I look back at them.  They seem to be having a heated conversation, with him pushing her back. I kinda like how he was walking away, but I also feel bad. She seemed really upset and walked into class with a fake smile. A fake smile to greet her popular friends in front of me. She sits in front of me and before she can say anything to me the bell rings and class starts. All through class, she looks angry and her back looks tense. I just try to focus on English, but between Rebecca and the unsatisfying lecture, I decide to just draw on the corner of my notebook. The moment the bell releases us, I speed walk to my next class. I do not want to get caught in boy drama with Rebecca Cruz. I cannot think about Xavier. He is better off with her and plus they look good together.
I finally make it to my tutoring class and I am finally able to stop thinking about him. Now I can just think about "my kids." Even though they are freshmen, I always enjoy helping them and teaching them. They are working on their final paper. So that means a lot of editing. I can only take a couple at a time to review and edit.
"Hey, guys I have Jaymie, Eddie, Joe, and Shannon's papers done." They all walk up to collect their papers. "I want the next 5 papers." Each person lays their paper on my personal desk. The teacher keeps her lesson going while I grade and edit. Soon the bell rings. "I'll just finish the paper's at home and bring them back to you guys." They all nod.
While I am walking to my next class, I struggle to hold my backpack, my water, and my binder full of the student papers. Then he shows up.
"Hey, let me." Xavier grabs my binder without my consent. I am finally able to adjust myself and hold my hands out to take the binder back. "No, it's ok I'll just hold it for you."
"Okay." We walk side-to-side due to the crowded hallways.
"What are all these papers?" I explain to him what I spend my free hour doing. He gets really excited and says, "Can you tutor me in English ?"
"I only tutor Freshmen English. You should get someone who is an expert in Senior English"
"Nah. That's no fun. If you help me, then I can't spend more time with you and also get a better grade."
I roll my eyes."Why don't you ask your girlfriend? She is in my class and she also gets good grades." 
He laughs at my comment. "She's not my girlfriend, but I guess she still doesn't understand that. Please tutor me. I am barely surviving in that class and with the final paper coming up, I can't afford to fail.  I need to graduate this year and not be a senior twice."  He sounds desperate. Also, I know that being part of an Alpha's family member means we must keep up with our grades.
"Xavier, can I please have my binder? I need to go to class." I can see my teacher is about to close the door. "We are going to be late for class."
"Not until you agree to be my tutor.” He is holding my binder hostage. Why is he being so difficult?
"Fine," I give up. He finally gives me my binder. I turn around and am about to walk away, but before I could Xavier pulled me back by my wrist.
"When do you want to meet up?"
"I don't know. Will the weekend work for you?" With his agreement, I write my number on a piece of paper and he gives me his.
"Wow, you really move fast."
I ignore his comment. "Xavier I need to go, but I'll text you when it is a good time. Okay?" He lets go of my wrist.
During art class, I ask to use the bathroom and my instructor allows me to go. I walk down the hallway with the hall pass dangling from my wrist like a bracelet. When I enter the bathroom, I can see a group of girls messing around. I try to go around them to get into the stalls but then I realize they are the same girls from my English class. It is Xavier's girlfriend, Rebecca, and her friends.
"Well, well, well look who we have here?" One of the girls snickers. Everybody looks at me. They start to gather around and block me from moving away.
"Hello. Can I help you?" Now I'm starting to get a little scared. They are all looking at me like they are ready to kill.
"Ya, you can stay away from Xavier. Right now, we are having a difficult time and we don't need anyone making it worse. Why is he so interested in you?"
"Our parents know each other. We were just talking about our families."
"Well, I don't care if you guys are best friends." She keeps on stepping closer and closer towards me. "He doesn't need you! He needs ME! Not YOU!” 
With her final yell, she angrily pushes me into a billboard behind me. The same billboard that has club flyers, announcements, and anti-bullying cards posted all over. I can hear a gasp from her friends, but when they leave, Rebecca is patted on the back with an echo of laughter in the hallway. I slide down and close my eyes. I try to keep an even breathing pattern. I cannot let go. If I let go, people can be in danger. If I let go, I will destroy things and create natural disasters. If I get too depressed or angry, I can create unwelcoming rain or storms from my water element. Or earthquakes, tornadoes, even catch a car on fire. I have done it and I didn't mean to.  I was blessed with amazing healing powers but with it, I also have control over the four elements: water, earth, air, fire. They can work with me or against me. Right now I am fighting not to let go. Not to show the strength of my power.
I stand up and take one last breath. The bell has already rung. I walk back into class to see everybody has left and my stuff is still lying around.
"Monroe, where were you?" My teacher asks. I walk over to pick up and clean my station.
"The bathroom in the building was broken and I had to use another bathroom from a different building. I didn't mean to take so long. I'm sorry."
"Alright, but please tell me if you are leaving to a different building." I nod and before I leave her class, I return the hall pass to her.
I walk outside to collect my bike. I am about to ride when I see the one and only Xavier and his friends entering his car.
He rolls down his window. "Do you want  a ride?" 
"No, it's ok. Thanks though. I'll just ride my bike. But I'll text you to schedule for your tutoring session." I ride off before he can say anything. Plus, I want to go home. My back is a little sore from Rebecca's push.
When I get home, I can see all the minor changes in the house. The security guards stop me. "Miss Monroe, Alpha Erica Monroe would like to speak to you as soon as possible." 
I smile and nod. They let me in. Once I arrive at his office, I notice the label on the door was changed to my brother's name instead of my father's name. I knock and don’t hear anything. I walk in and see my brother's beta right inside.
"He will be here soon. Sit down. He also called me here. I guess we are in trouble?" Beta Cameron says. I laugh and hug him hello. Cameron spoils me so much. He always wanted a little sister and I always wanted a sister to play with, so he plays along and suffers my dress up games and painted makeup. When Eric was too busy with his Alpha's duties, Cameron would be at my side. Eric and Cam have been friends since the beginning of college. 
"I just got here, so what did you do?" I play along.
"I swear, I didn't do anything this time." My brother enters and sits at the desk with Cam and I sat on the other side, like a principal punishing their students.
"Good evening. Angel, how was your day? Did anything happen today?"
"So we are here because you did something? What did you do?" Cam loves to make fun of me.
I just roll my eyes and look back at my brother. "It was fine. Why?"
"Because lighting struck a tree and caught it on fire. And last time that happened was when you fell off your bike and cried. So I’ll ask again. What happened?"
"I’ve... been upset. These couple days have been stressful with finals, family, and now Xavier."
"Has he been bothering you?" Cam asks. He is immediately on the defensive.
"No, he is fine. It is just all new. Plus that other incident happened when I was 8. I didn't have control over my power back then. I do now. I have full control now. I've just been under some stress. Okay." I look back and forth between Cam and Eric. 
"Angel, you know you can come to us. Even if it’s just to take a load off. Just because we have new responsibilities, doesn't mean we aren't here for you."
"I understand. And I am sorry. Can I go now? I have a lot of homework to do." They believe me and let me go. Who am I? When did I start lying to my family? This isn't me. I still can't believe I caused another fire. I just want to be normal. But what they said was true. I never want to be a burden to them. The elders, the past Alphas and Betas like my father. The present Alpha and Beta are the only ones who truly know about me. They are the only ones I can talk to. But they don't want to listen to my teen problems. They have their hands full. I just need to practice and work harder than before. I head to my cottage and start on my homework. Before I do though, I need to text him.
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watchtheblog · 6 years
no new friends
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when i lived in new york, i was dating someone for 3 months and i literally didn’t know if i could refer to him as someone i knew. we’d be returning a vehicle we rented for a weekend trip and i’d still be like “him? oh. we’ve hung out two dozen times but i don’t really know him know him.”
in la, you wait on line at a grocery store with someone for two to seven minutes and they’re name checking you in therapy three hours later.
i have never had to question the descriptor “my friend” more times than i have since i moved here. 
i know now that “friend” is a spectrum that includes “person you’d invite to your wedding” and “person you exchanged “wow that party sucked” banter with in an elevator once because you happened to leave a party at the same time.”
a really corny thing people with no personalities like to promulgate - and always as if they’re the first person to have ever thought of it - is the idea that you can tell a lot about a person by the way they treat servers at a restaurant. 
while i do think that is true - because like, ok sure - on the flip, i treat servers like deities, but i also once described a 12 year old as a “no job having ass bitch”, so

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(^ a photo of me immediately post yelling at a stranger)
yes. that is important. but, in my opinion, seeing how a person speaks about and interacts with someone they’ve met (who is of any tenable social standing) 1-5 times in the city of los angeles is a far better indicator of whether this person is objectively “good”, or if they are someone who pronounces ibiza in the way you know i’m talking about (you know. like they’re a character in don quixote. you fucking know the way), who will likely try to entangle you in a ponzi scheme in the near future.
these are your friends in NY:
the person you’ve known since you were born, who bailed you out of jail that time you got popped for jumping over a turnstile (this is called “fare evasion”, fyi) in high school
that exact person. no one else.
in new york, a guy who was v close friends with my ex boyfriend pinned me against the door of my ex boyfriend’s dressing room and tried to fuck me... two weeks after we’d broken up
 while my ex boyfriend was in the en suite bathroom.
that’s what friendship is in new york! it means nothing! 
these are your “friends” in LA:
every dog
the ex of the person you’re currently dating
the kids and other patients of any of your doctors
someone you let go in front of you on line at any establishment that serves matcha or anything CBD infused
someone you have the same in n out order as
anyone you’ve ever seen before 9am in a context other than working out
someone you DMed 10 times, who responded once with the heart that’s already there for you to click
a person you’ve fucked once or dozens or times over the course of 6 months, whom you refuse to call your significant other because you’re scum
and lastly,
a person who wanted to be your friend, whose trust you broke by trying to fuck them in a v creepy and unwelcome way
let me elaborate on the last:
last year, i was actively soliciting friendship on r*ya (a dating app) by setting up a profile and indicating i was “only here for friends”*.
*(this is a setting for 1. men who want to discreetly cheat on their girlfriends and 2. girls who want to trick men into being friends with them by pretending there’s a possibility they might fuck because they matched on a dating site.)
i matched with a “famous” “musician” (i put both words in quotations because i don’t quite consider a sleepy, middle aged white man whose music’s main accreditation is being the melody playing over a man slipping from coma to death on grey’s anatomy “famous”, but ok
) and we talked for a few weeks (mainly about how i had no friends and was desirous of a handful of them).
eventually we met up. he took me to a restaurant, i ate some food, i had one drink, we had a v boring conversation, and 50 minutes later i went home and remembered that i don’t need friends.
we didn’t talk again until three weeks later on a monday afternoon. he invited me over to his place to watch the new “curb” and eat chinese food. i said yes because i wanted free chinese food (and because i still have not learned that accepting an invitation to a man’s house apparently indicates that you’d like to suck his dick).
i arrived in sweatpants at 4pm. we ate chinese food, played backgammon, and he mansplained the “me too” movement to me for approximately 20 minutes. that is not a joke.
he also told me that louis ck would be the next man to be outed (weird flex but ok), and shared a story about him “lining girls up and masturbating on their shins”! also not a joke.
impossibly boring story short
 at some point i thought, “i do not even want to be friends with this white devil. it’s time for me to leave”. so i got up, ordered an uber, and walked to the front door.
as i was putting my jacket on, he walked over to me in a way that i cannot even compare to anything to emphasize how crazy it was because it was so specifically over the top in it’s own way. this man sauntered over to me with both his arms outstretched, grabbed either side of my face and tilted his head to kiss me.
after touting his beliefs on the importance of women not being seen as sexual beings for three hours while i sat in his sterile home in sweatpants, eating lo mein, this soft, balding man tried to #metoo lite me.
that’s what friendship means to a man in los angeles. 
there’s no doubt in my mind this corny bozo refers to me as a “friend”... but my only friends are on the internet + the guy who pumps my gas on coldwater.
that being said. if you made it all the way here (wow. you must want to fuck me. hello!!) we are now friends and you are therefore obligated to buy me a christmas gift from the below list of carefully curated, v expensive christmas gifts i’ve assembled:
1. what i really want is a vintage sean john velour sweatsuit that i can have altered and wear every single day of my life until i die from texting and driving, but i don’t know if that’s reasonable
 so maybe this tracksuit which is for children but i am sure will fit me. or this set. or this one, which matches my sneakers:
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2. i want to go to a lakers game, please. front row. i don’t want this unless it’s front row. please respect this.
3. a trip here  (+ 1 for my sister)
4. this hand soap, because i love to keep my hands clean, and i also love people to know i’m rich when they use my bathroom, which they’ll know when they exit my bathroom, and i charge them for the squirts of hand soap they’ve just used
5. a personalized tray. i do all my business, sleeping, and eating in bed, so this would be helpful, so i can organize all my things.  or a clutch. same people
6. these sneakers. or these. or these. or these. size 7
7. one of these two books. or another book. i love to read, and i can afford to buy them, i just thought it nice to include here... so you remember i’m a thoughtful and educated thot.
8. this dress. or this one. or this dress which i don’t think will look good on me
9. this candle
10. this fanny pack, but only because i want to recreate that man’s exact look, so probably not the best idea to purchase this. 
11. these shoes. or these. 7.5
12. this chair. or these
13. a series of 1 on 1 training sessions at lagree. if you’ve ever watched me simulate sex work out, you will come through with this gift before christmas  
14. this bag which is overflow from my birthday gift list. or this one
thank you so much. here is another picture of me and one of my closest friends in la - a dog i spent 90 harrowing minutes with. i hate dogs.
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dramaqueeenamby · 6 years
Queen {Part 3}
Taglist: @beautifulbashfulblackqueen @lavitabella87 @idilly  @ashanti-notthesinger@palmsofgranate@maliadestiny @blackpantherimagines @texasbama @profilia @90sinspiredgirl@msincognito67@onyour-right  @janellemonaenae @ilcb7 @SUNFLOWER-HOE @chaneajoyyy@amethyst09 @sarcastic-sunshines @melanisticroyalty @forbeautyandlife @fentybabyy@theresnomoregoodones@missumuch1918  @simplyjaydaa @-harmonytbh @simplyyamberr@sisterwifeudaku @purple-apricots @heyauntieeee @youcantkillamutant @tadjoa @mejustme06@bugngiz @aieyr @bamakakechick@blackbypurpose @yourwonderbelle @multipersonalitygirl@chefjessypooh @hamato-rue159@blublubleu @elaindeereads @girlie94 @nubian-queen18@autumn242 @romanticcandle @nubian-queen18 @girl-with-the-pen @headhunchess@afraiddreamingandloving @thatbish27 @almostpurelysmut@blkintrovert @xxthotii @muhhhkrysta@dreamlloudly @k-o-jass @yoyolovesbucky @kileynoelle852@mademoiselleoya  @silentlikethe-g-inlasagna  @bossyboyd03 @royallyprincesslilly @kumkaniudaku@brianabreeze  @bigdaddyashhh@pocoberry @madamslayyy @nyxy97 @imuhhhkrysta@kaykay4454fan @phambili-myking@esther-adri @bluesaladexpertpsychic @vibranium-soul@yoyolovesbucky @syreanne @maverickabull
Words: 2.8K
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Warning: There’s a bit of smut.
“You wearing a bra?”
“Mama!” You looked down at your ripped shirt that went with your relaxed outfit, the glimpses of your cleavage barely noticeable but, of course, your mother peeped it. “Yes, I am wearing a bra.”
“You don’t need to be showing off ya tidies. Not yet, at least.” You suddenly wondered why you’d even bothered calling her. Sometimes your mom could be a bit much. “And you best not be wearing no heels!”
“I swear, you young people-“ You tuned her out as you waited for Chadwick’s flight to come in, eventually getting off the phone with her.
You’d met him back in April, shortly before he had to relocate to begin filming his new movie, Captain America: Civil War.
As a writer, you hated cliched terms, but it was a damn near fact that you felt a connection with him from the moment he shot you one of those alluring smiles and introduced himself.
You two crossed paths as part of a segment with Vogue which had the both of you interview each other about your journey to “stardom.” You’d been nervous that the conversation would be forced and awkward. It ended up the complete opposite.
On camera, the questions remained professional. However, once the word ‘cut’ entered the atmosphere, the two of you found yourselves wanting to know more about the other person. Contact information was exchanged, and that was the start of your “relationship.”
Though you and Chadwick hadn’t yet confirmed exactly what you were, your status as a couple was damn near inevitable.
While away for four months, you both talked every day. Whether it be a text, phone call, or FaceTime session, not a day passed where he wasn’t putting a smile on your face or vice versa.
After about a month of talking, he started to send you good morning texts. They began with just the two words, transitioned into the greeting with the blushing smiley face. Finally, he settled on a ‘morning baby.’ with the heart emoji.
Of course, you reciprocated the kind gesture with texting him every evening with a bible verse, usually the one that you read and based your devotional journaling on.
However, on the days where you didn’t get to do your devotional, you’d just find a verse that you felt was right and forward it.
Chadwick, also religious, always seemed thankful for the messages.
And, of course, you two always said good night to each other via the telephone or video chats.
So yes, you considered yourself in a relationship with the actor. You were just waiting for him to confirm it.
“Damn, girl.” Your head shot up as you heard his voice. “Can I talk to you?”
You couldn’t help your giggle as he dropped a line from the inside joke between just the two of you.
You untangled your legs and stood up, taking note of how his eyes trailed across your outfit.
“You been watching me, eh?” You managed a small smirk as you crossed your arms, taking in the sight of him. How could a man who just finished a 14hr non-stop flight from Germany to California look so damn good?
You’d tried to convince him to take an easier flight, one with layovers so that he could at least have breaks, but he wasn’t trying to hear that.
He said he was just ready to get back stateside....and that he wanted to see you, prompting you to play Jodeci’s song, Come and Talk To Me.
Ergo, your little inside joke.
Chadwick licked his lips and beckoned you over with a flick of his fingers. “C’mere, girl.”
You wasted no time in closing the distance, placing your arms around his neck, expecting a hug but surprise overcoming you as he grabbed your jaw and connected your lips.
You were momentarily stunned. Chadwick was such a private man, yet there he was sucking on your bottom lip while his hands moved down to squeeze your ass.
You moaned into his mouth as you realized how much you’d missed kissing him.
However, you also realized that things were about to get too heated for a public environment and, reluctantly, pulled away.
“Welcome back, Mr. Boseman.” You pecked his cheek, smiling as he quietly groaned, his hands still familiarizing themselves with your backside.
“I’ve missed your ass,” he murmured, his thumb feathering across your cheek. “So damn much.”
If you were a white girl, you’d be blushing up a storm. “I can tell.” A cheeky expression as you took a glimpse over your shoulder. “Can’t keep your hands off it, can you?”
He rolled his eyes and tapped your bottom, finally allowing his arms to drop as he went to grab his bag. “Let’s get out of here.” You went to make sure that you hadn’t left anything on the seat when he pulled you into his side and whispered in your ear. “Before you make me show you just how much I missed you in front of all these white folks.”
You elbowed him as you two started walking, his arm wrapped around you. “If you don’t stop before they call security.”
“Good, maybe I can get the video from them to hold me over when I have to leave ag-“
“Chadwick,” you were growing way too flustered from both his uncensored statements and the anticipation of an inevitable sexual experience.
You two had yet to be intimate as you had a two month rule in which you abstained from sex for at least 60 days to ensure that you didn’t put out before you were sure that there was a potential for longevity.
You also required a physical copy of recent testing to ensure that should you decide to engage in unprotected sex (you were on birth control), you’d be safe, something Chadwick provided a week before he informed you that he was returning to the states.
Having recently turned 30, you weren’t interested in dating just to have a boyfriend.
You were seeking a husband.
“Besides, you just got off a 14hr flight,” you reminded with a small shake of your head. “No way you’re up to doing anything but going back home and sleeping.”
Q - U - E - E - N ‱ Q - U - E - E - N ‱ Q - U - E - E - N - Q - U - E - E - N - Q - U -
“Oh yes!” Your throat was raw so much so that you were literally contemplating how you were still able to talk. “Right there, daddy!”
Chadwick grounded his hips into you, prompting your head to drop down as you realized your vision was growing hazy. “Like that, baby?”
You couldn’t force a response and instead nodded furiously as he continued to pound into you from the back.
However, you quickly realized your mistake as his large hand came down on your ass.
“Words.” You continued to fist the sheets, quietly wondering how much longer your knees and arms would be able to hold you up. At the rate he was going, not long. “I wanna hear you say it, my Queen. Say how good this dick make you feel.”
Just him calling you his Queen had you ready to cum. “I-,” a loud and elongated groan left your mouth as he grabbed a handful of your Afro to better direct his powerful thrusts. “I love your-your dick—fuck—i-i-inside me.” Your mouth dropped open as you chowed down on your bottom lip, nearly drawing blood. “God, it feels sooooo good.”
You were suddenly wishing that you 1. accepted his offer to fly you out for a weekend while he was filming and 2. made an exception to your two-month rule.
This man and his paralyzing ten inches were definitely worth risking it all.
Chadwick seemed pleased by your response as he slowed down his movements, giving you a second to catch your breath.
“And this sweet pussy,” you released a rather unladylike like sound as his hand reached forward and started playing with your clit. “It’s mine?” Your eyes were damn near in the back of your head “I asked you a question.” He growled, resuming his bad decision causing pace. “Is it mine?”
“Yes!” You forced out. Honestly, with the way he was wrecking your body, you’d agree to just about anything. “It’s yours. This pussy is all yours.”
“Damn right it is,” tears streamed down your flustered face as he circled his hips. “My name gon’ be the last to leave that pretty lil’ mouth of yours.”
If you were thinking straight, you would have caught his underlying meaning, but then he grabbed you and pulled your back against his chest, his strong forearm across your breast as he continued to rearrange your guts.
“Daddy,” you powered through your exhaustion. “I’m gonna—Oh god—I’m gonna cum.” Your breathing became labored as you dropped your head, your body completely spent.
Chadwick was also nearing his climax as his rapid movements started to slow down. “That’s it, Queen.” You whimpered as he nipped at the back of your neck. “Cum with daddy.”
It was as though your body responded to his commands because right on cue, your juices flowed all over him as his seed spilled deeply into you.
Your mind was so foggy, your thoughts distorted. You weren’t even coherent as Chadwick slowly pulled himself out of you or as he went to go get a towel to clean the two of you up.
It was a good ten minutes later, him resting beside you, the covers pulled over your nude and sweaty bodies before you managed to get a sentence out.
“Can...can we...” Correction, a fragmented sentence. “I-“
Chadwick chuckled and pulled your trembling body into his chest. “Go to sleep, Queen.” If you still actually had feeling below your belly button, you thighs would have clenched just from him calling you that. “We’ll go get breakfast in the morning.”
Your eyes widened. This man just fucked up your whole life with eight inhuman and cervix shattering orgasms over a two hour period and now he was offering to take you out to eat?
Husband material, indeed.
Q - U - E - E - N ‱ Q - U - E - E - N ‱ Q - U - E - E - N - Q - E - E - N - Q - U - E -
“I feel like people are looking at us,” you commented as you wiggled in your booth, wishing that you’d dressed in something nicer. 
Chadwick laughed softly.
“You wanted to come here. I would have taken you someplace nicer-”
“Hey,” you pointed your fork at him. “I don’t wanna hear any slander, okay? Denny’s is a staple, and this French Toast Slam is the GOAT.”
“Mmmhmm. Just make sure that you eat it all.” His smile dropped into a sly smirk as he started to dig into his own Ultimate Omelette. “You gon’ need that energy.” He fell out in laughter at the mortified look on your face.
“A respite?”
“This is the respite.”
“Chadwick, I like being able to, ya know, walk.”
“And I like eating that pretty pussy till’ I see them eyes roll bac-” you quickly looked under the table to kick him, prompting more laughter from the actor.
“Oh my god, you are so inappropriate.” You mumbled, sliding down in your booth and covering your face with your hand, unable to help it as your light laughter forced its way out. “Can I ask you something?”
He nodded, grabbing and shaking the ketchup bottle. “Of course.”
You took a deep breath. “Your ex-” You witnessed the obvious change in his demeanor and started to switch up your inquiry to something less uncomfortable, but you needed to know. “You said you were with her for a little over a year, correct?”
“Yeah.” He offered no other comment as he kept his eyes on his food.
You leaned back in your booth, “Why’d you two break up?” Before he could answer, she inserted. “I told you about my ex.”
Myles was your on and off boyfriend that you met while attaining your masters. He was a nice guy, a hell of a journalist, and the sex was decent, but he wasn’t looking for commitment. It was often why you two broke up and got back together after a few months. However, your last break up, six months before you met Chadwick, ended up sticking. You couldn’t be with someone that you couldn’t see yourself eventually settling down with.
You needed to make sure the same wasn’t going to happen with the man across from you.
“The truth?” He propped a brow. “She was too clingy, only with me for a come-up, her family was too involved and invested in our relationship which also raised alarm, but overall
.I couldn’t deal with her immaturity.”
“Let me guess
..possessive and jealous.”
“Extremely,” he shook his hand while recalling his time with her. “She’d get upset with me just for taking pictures with fans or signing autographs.”
“Oh no, that bitch had to go.” You found yourself declaring boldly while taking a bite out of your French Toast. Looking over at Chadwick, you found him staring over at you. You finished chewing and swallowed. “What?”
“I like you, Queen.” It was a simple statement, but his quiet tone sent chills down your spine. “And no, I’m not saying that just because we had sex-”
“Really good sex,” you murmured, putting your elbow on the table and resting your face in your hand as you tilted your head. “No, but I like you too, Chadwick.” You watched as his arm reached across the table to hold your hand, running his fingers over your knuckles. “Talking to you comes so natural and effortlessly: your aura is
.welcoming. You have this calmness to you that I really enjoy.” A beat. “And I suppose it doesn’t hurt that I’m immensely attracted to you.”
You didn’t know why or how the hell you two ended up having this conversation is such a public establishment but you both were seated on the far end of the restaurant, and the only other guests were a middle-aged white man and an elderly couple.
“Aside from the fact that you are absolutely gorgeous, you are so intelligent, so talented, and confident in who you are. Your heart is pure, your spirit enticing, and I find myself wanting to know more and more about you.” You smiled warmly at his praise. “And that right there
.your smile. It’s infectious. You are infectious. I found myself thinking about you a lot while I was gone
.about us.”
“Us?” you slightly raised your brows as you stared at conjoined, brown hands.
“I see us lasting, Queen.” His voice turned serious as he eyed you with amazement. “I see longevity.”
You tried not to expose your surprise at his use of the same word that expressed the exact same thing that you were seeking in a partner. “So...years.”
“In the double digits,” he alluded, and you couldn’t help the way your stomach flustered at how bold he was being.
“I believe in marriage, Chadwick.”
His reply was instant. “So do I.”
Your heartbeat was so erratic, the thrill of your conversation bringing you such happiness. “And kids? I know you said that you like them, but you can like them and not-”
“No more than three.” He answered for you with a small smile on his handsome face while destroying any doubt that you may have had over this recently confirmed relationship. “But the number doesn’t make a difference, I’d be just as happy with one.”
“There is definitely the cutoff point,” you chuckled. “I’m not pushing out anymore over that.”
His eyes twinkled with mischief. “That’s probably a good thing especially if they inherit your big ass forehead.”
The smile on your face dropped as he laughed. “You know what
.fuck you, my forehead is big but cute.” You weren’t even upset as you’d made comments about your forehead while on FaceTime with him on more than one occasion. It was something that you were insecure about once upon a time ago but now embraced and jokingly poked fun at.
“It is,” he agreed, finally letting go of your hand so that you two could resume eating. “And I like big.” He commented slyly as you rolled your eyes. He was like this while away for four months but you were surprised that he was being so vulgar in public. “Them titty’s, that ass-”
You arrogantly interjected. “You love my big booty.”
“Mmmhmm. Especially when you throwing it back on my-“
You almost choked on your food.
A/N: I gave ya’ll a break from the angst with backstory because only I create a whole story to accompany what was supposed to be a oneshot.
Next chapter returns to the present time, though....
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secretradiobrooklyn · 4 years
SECRET RADIO | 11.14.20
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Secret Radio | 11.14.20 | Hear it here.
Artwork by Paige, liner notes by Evan except * for Paige
1. The Wizard of Oz - “Ding Dong” Suite
We were looking for a proper song to get this party started, and damned if it didn’t involve a bunch of delighted munchkins! As much as our hopes for the coming years are muted, the relief at not having to contend with a headlong dictator enjoying full-on democratic support just cannot be overstated. DING DONG Y’ALL!
2. David Bowie - “Look Back in Anger”
I’ve been practicing drums a ton during the pandemic, and I just realized that I’m going to have to spend some time trying to get at this pattern. It’s some of my favorite drumming ever, from one of my top 20 albums ever. In fact, this comes from a very special edition of Lodger, via Brian McClelland, wherein Tony Visconti took the original tapes and completely remixed the album as he always felt it should have been mixed if they weren’t be rushed. To someone who has listened to that record many many times, it sounds like I’ve been next door the album all this time, and I’m finally allowed into the room where it’s playing. So clear and focused and modern!
3. Frank Alamo - “Ma Biche”
A “biche” is a doe, we believe. “It’s something about ‘pretty eyes,’” Paige says, “which would make sense.” Further research, though, reveals that the song is about how much he likes her pretty dark eyeliner. I know the feeling!
4. (Not) Rom JongVak - “Monkey”
Well, this has been a learning process. There’s this great song that I thought was called “Twist (Dance Twist)” by Rom Jong Vak, that we played like a month ago — and then tonight I thought I was playing “Monkey,” by Rom JongVak. Buuut, as I look further, I’m learning that the first song was “Rom Jong Vak Twist,” by Pan Ron
 And the song here is I guess called “Rom Jong Vak Monkey,” and I have no idea who it’s by! All of the text on the page is in just boxes where Cambodian text would go, so it’s bound to remain lost. Whoever it is, I sure do enjoy that first aggressive drum fill and the whole weird texture of this recording.
5. Luiz Visconde - “Chofer de Praça”
Paige: “The first times that I listened to this Angolan collection, I really just listened to Os Kiezos, because they did “Muxima.” But then I eventually spread out and found this song. It’s from Angola, between ’65 and ’75.”
6. The Velvet Underground - “European Son”
P: We would go to the Beechwood a little bar around the corner from us in Wicker Park, down the street off Milwaukee Avenue. They had a real jukebox, not a TuneBlast or whatever. It was just a great little dive. They had this record in the jukebox, and we would always put on this song. I suppose that could have been read as an aggressive thing to do, but we’d put on other songs too! It was a good way to stretch your quarters, and it loosens the bar up. And I figured, if they didn’t like this song they wouldn’t put it in the jukebox.
     Once when we were there on a busy weekend night, something was wrong with the jukebox. It was broken. And the bartender opened it up and put like a hundred bucks on it and said, “Everybody play whatever you want, three songs each. It was awesome. Everybody did take turns too, three songs each, all around the bar. It was a really cool night.
7. Fred Astaire - “No Strings (I’m Fancy Free)”
What a lovely piano intro! This song is from the 1935 film “Top Hat.” It’s one of those movies where the clever protagonist pursues a girl he has a crush on — or terrorizes a stranger until she submits to his will, depending on whose perspective you take. There are a lot of those — “An American in Paris” is another — and they’re fascinating to watch just by flipping that switch back and forth in your own head. Meanwhile, both movies are chock full of beautiful shots, fabulous scenes, gorgeous songs, and glowing stars. 
     Something about the quality of this recording — a new master or something? — makes it sound like it was JUST recorded. It feels so alive and contemporary, with a lovely little vibrophone solo in the middle. I just 
Martial Solal, “Breathless” soundtrack - “L’amour, la mort”
Note: I remember this story in the reverse, where the truckers announced this gleefully to each other as they marched merrily OUT the door and into the late afternoon, headed towards
 what? Whatever it is, I hope they found it and everyone had a great time.
8. Johnny Hallyday - “Nous quand on s’embrasse”
Have you seen “The Wild One”? Can’t you see how much trouble could have been avoided if those leathered-up motorcycle dudes were able to rock out to songs like this one instead of trying to jazz their way forward? They should have been twisting the night away! Alas, instead they had to tear up bars and beat people up to get their kicks. Tough break, kid.
9. Lokassa Ya M’bongo - “Bonne annĂ©e”
I found this while searching for something else, but it was labeled “l’Instant Vinyl” in the same format as our Assa-Cica record, so had to check it out. M’bongo is a Congolese guitarist — a rhythm guitarist specifically, which doesn’t normally get the love that lead guitar gets in this soukous form. Lokassa Ya M’bongo means “Lokassa the money man,” and he became a session man in demand. He was a big part of the “Congolo-Paris sound,” a phrase I just read that I’m going to have to look more into.
    Bonne année indeed! Still feeling that relief about hopefully getting out from under the thumb of that giant dummy.
10. Velly Joonas - “Stopp, Seisku Aeg!”
The image of Velly Joonas is pretty heart-stopping: she’s absolutely beautiful, in giant glasses and a striped shirt. The song is so confident and strange in its instrumentation, with keys, organ, fiddle, and a super-tight bass/drum combo. I feel like this could have been a big US underground hit in the ‘90s.
11. Eko Roosevelt - “Kilimandjaro”
Such a sincere song! Eko Roosevelt is kind of hit and miss with me, but when they hit, they get completely stuck in my head! The horn parts on “Me To a De Try My Own” do that to me, and so does the eternal chorus of this song. I love the notes in the bridge as they drop further and further down the scale like they’re descending from the mountaintop. And when he gets to the declarations of love at the end — “I love you, my home! I really do, I really do!” — that’s it, that’s the best.
12. Tonetta - “Yummy Yummy Pizza”
I warn you: look up this video (after you listen to the “broadcast” of course) at your own peril. Not because it’s terrible, but because it is fascinating, and it is just one of SO many. They tease you with tiny shreds of information about this Tonetta person, but never enough that you can get a sense of what the hell is going on with
 him? Them? Maybe ask Matt and Brian from Tok about it — they got obsessed enough to record an EP of Tonetta songs, which is how I heard about this all in the first place.
13. Prewar Yardsale - “AU Base”
Paige: I was loading a five-disc changer at Jeffrey’s and something about the cover, the name sounded interesting. I put it on and it’s pretty freakin rad. It stood up to my blind listen expectations. I think this is produced by our friend Matt Mason. 
14. Eugenius - “Mary Queen of Scots”
Matt Mason and Jeffrey Lewis make me think of Schwervon!, which makes me think of the Vaselines who they toured with several times, and that brings me to Eugenius, headed by Eugene Kelly. This was a mainstay in Sean’s room when we all lived together, singing the harmonies and air-drumming along. It remains as satisfying as ever, I’m happy to say.
15. Wednesday Campanella - “Aladdin”
This song is sung in Japanese, not that you’d know from context clues. Tim Gebauer introduced us to this strange Japanese shapeshifter. It was hard to tell if I liked her music or was just amazed by her videos (which you should totally check out). Now I believe it’s safe to say we dig this song. I like how many elements of ‘70s international disco it has, while still sounding super modern. What is weirder to me is that I cannot tell if I would like this song if it was sung in English.
Breathless soundtrack
16. Letti Mbulu - “Mahlalela”
Originally South African, Mbulu managed to escape to the US in 1965 and had a hell of a career. She worked with Cannonball Adderley, Hugh Masakela, Harry Belafonte and Michael Jackson. Quincy Jones said this amazing thing about her: “Mbulu is the roots lady, projecting a sophistication and warmth which stirs hope for attaining pure love, beauty, and unity in the world.” Um, that’s really impressive.
17. Christophe - “Aline”
*Really dig this song, partially I think because it’s in a decent range for me to sing along. I love his desperate delivery and tone of voice. We just learned tonight that Christophe passed away this year at 74 after complications with COVID-19. 
18. Zap Mama - “Brrlak!”
Credit to my dad, Larry Sult, for bringing Zap Mama to our attention. He’s been heavily into marimba music, and played in a marimba band in Bellingham for many years; in fact, he spent many years making the instruments for the band in his woodshop in the basement of their home. Zap Mama is adjacent to that music, though certainly very different. This band comes from all over the world. The main gal was born in &&&&& but found herself in a Pygmy society for awhile, which seems to be where she developed some of those low-high yodels. We saw some footage of her playing, and she did this awesome thing where she held empty airplane bottles just below her lips as she sang, creating a resonance that you can hear here. I love that this whole composition is a cappella.
19. The Buzzards - “High Society”
Years ago, I was whiling away my time in Seattle and stopped into Orpheum Records, right there at the corner where Broadway turns into 10th Ave E. After a half hour of flipping through records I had to know what all the killer albums were that had been playing overhead. Turns out they were all from “The Sympathetic Sounds of Detroit,” a collection of Detroit bands put out by Sympathy for the Record Industry. It was recorded by Jack White and Jim Diamond and it’s full of topshelf tracks, but after all the years, this is the one that we turn out to actually enjoy, and quote, the most. 
    As far as I could tell, there isn’t a version of this song anywhere online, which I personally find disGRACEful!
20. Sleepy Kitty - “Buzzards & Dreadful Crows”
My favorite part of this recording is that I got to sing a couple of guitar parts that I reflexively sing along to on the original.
*This was from a 20th anniversary of “Bee Thousand” tribute show, and we made this recording with Jason Hutto at this studio off Cherokee Street and we recorded a couple others that we did that night. A small run of screenprinted downloads were made. 
Teddy Afro, “Mar Eske Tuwa” credit music
21. Ata Kak - “Moma Yendodo”
Some corrections to what I said in the broadcast: Ata Kak is indeed Ghanian, but I think he might have recorded this in Germany. His is a fascinating little story of determination. This recording comes from a tape that he made about 50 copies of total. It was found by Brian from Awesome Tapes From Africa at a roadside stand in Ghana. He loved it so much that he spent years trying to track Ata Kak down. When he finally did, they found that the original master tapes were all ruined, and Brian’s copy was the only one that they could make a new version from! So that’s what you’re hearing here. 
22. Spoon - “30 Gallon Tank”
Early Spoon is some of my favorite music ever. This is from “A Series of Sneaks,” an album that changed my life pretty much as soon as I heard it. Harvey Danger stopped at a lot of record stores on tour, and at one of them I managed to stumble upon both “A Series of Sneaks” and (I think) Guv’ner’s “Spectral Worship” — what a day! I put this album on in headphones in the van and just listened over and over and over again. Eventually, when our manager announced that we should spend a few weeks between radio festivals headlining a tour with a couple of support acts and asked if we had any ideas, I had a list with Spoon on top and Creeper Lagoon right below that. The tour that resulted was rough for Spoon — they’d just been dropped by their label and were having an understandably rough time — but a fucking thrill for me, because I got to see one of my favorite bands each night. That still stands as one of the absolute highlights of my time in Harvey Danger. Jim Eno is one of the top drummers in my pantheon because he’s such a great composer for the song, and Britt Daniels plays guitar the way I truly wish I did — which he did at the time all on distorted acoustic guitar! 
23. Patrick Coutin - “Fais-moi jouir”
*I meant to put on a different Patrick Coutin song but put this one on by accident and I was like, this is cool, and then I was like “I think he’s saying. . .I think this is pretty. . . explicit. Like Serge and Jane cranked.” As far as I can tell, it definitely is. They don’t teach you these words on Duolingo though. Ha! 
24. Dur Dur Band - “Yabaal”
I mean no disrespect to Dur Dur Band when I say that we didn’t dig the first several songs we heard by them, but this song is undeniable. The groove just digs in and doesn’t stop for anything.
25. Mel Brooks - “High Anxiety”
We’re stepping out on a mixed emotional note, but: we’re not out of the woods yet. I hope we can get through the next couple of months as a nation peacefully and productively, but Paige and I are both in a state of high anxiety about what still seems to be happening daily. Stay safe!
*yet staying optimistic! ’Cause we gotta. À plus tard!
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saturnsovereign · 7 years
all the numbers
aight, i got nothing else to do. i’ll try to keep them less than a paragraph short tho. 
1: Talk about the first time you watched your favorite movie.First, I’d have to decide my overall favorite movie, but I don’t have a Favorite ya know. But if I had to pick some, my default answer is Beauty and the Beast and Treasure Planet. I don’t really remember watching Beauty and the Beast but I do know that I loved their soundtrack. Treasure Planet, I’d seen some clips on youtube and one of them made me cry so I thought I’d check it out and man I loved it bc of the adventure and space and pirates. :D
2: Talk about your first kiss.My first kiss happened the summer of my Sophomore-Junior year of HS and its what set up the drama for Junior year. Anyway, confused feelings had been in place beforehand and I had gotten with and broke-up with my ex-bf in a little more than a month due to conflicting feelings that I realized during our band trip to Disneyland. Fast forward a few months, my friend confessed her feelings for me first over text, and I said I felt the same way. She invites me to her birthday party which was a sleepover. Once everybody fell asleep I kissed her on the cheek and I thought that would be it, but she pulled me back for a kiss on the lips
 and then we had a makeout session for like the whole night. Then a few weeks pass and she dumps me. :/ What made it worse was that she held it over me for the rest of the school year since we were on the same team together. 
3: Talk about the person you’ve had the most intense romantic feelings for.This one is easily my girlfriend. I’ve told the story about the prank and our fake dating shenanigans, but lord I fell for her so hard. I have a thing about touch, and I don’t really like it when people touch me all the time or without permission. But with her man.. her hugs–I’m shorter than her so she basically envelopes me and like I still think back to the first day I came back after That Day which was band camp weekend but man that was a good hug and we weren’t even dating yet. Sorry, I digress, but I found her so much easier to trust than everybody else I’d been with. Like with my ex-bf I was always holding back my actual feelings/pretend everything was ok and with ss I always had to watch my language, and like with both of them I never got around to fully trusting. But with her-my gf-I trusted her before we started dating and I trusted her so much more after we got together. I trust her still to this day. And with the romantic feelings bit, I’m not afraid of being a dork around her and flirt with her and hold her and god. She’s so beautiful. 
4: Talk about the thing you regret most so far.There’s a lot of things I regret. But I think rn, the one I can tell you is that I didn’t work hard enough in high school bc I never thought I’d make it through high school. 
5: Talk about the best birthday you’ve had.This last one actually. Heh. I got to spend my day with my gf :)
6: Talk about the worst birthday you’ve had.I don’t really have bad birthdays, I just hate my birthdays bc I don’t like having been born. :/
7: Talk about your biggest insecurity.Idk what exactly is my biggest insecurity but I’ll talk about all my other insecurities. I think I’m a horrible conversationalist, being all awkward and highly introverted. I don’t complain about my body too much but I certainly don’t celebrate it. I hate my laugh and my voice, and I don’t think my face is really anything to look at I used to think everybody just talked to me because they had no other choice but to. I feel easily replaceable and forgettable. I feel like I’m dumb af bc I’m not exactly the quickest thinker and sometimes I can’t hear people. I feel like I’m always doing the wrong thing and I stand out but not in a good way. I just feel like a good annoyance in general. 
8: Talk about the thing you are most proud of.I’m proud of being able to graduate high school. :/9: Talk about little things on your body that you like the most.I like my calves, they’re the only thing that show I have some muscle. I used to like my biceps too but they’ve deflated and there’s like no muscle there anymore. I like that my ears can do the little wiggle thingy. Also my hands can type medium-fast speed. 
10: Talk about the biggest fight you’ve ever had.The biggest fight I’ve had is with myself ever since I wanted to kms. But if you want an external fight, its probably the one between me and ss since that shit lasted hella long. 
11: Talk about the best dream you’ve ever had.I don’t remember dreams unless they’re really weird.12: Talk about the worst dream you’ve ever had.Idk if you’d count it as a nightmare bc it was just super weird but I remember a dream about people getting turned it leaves, and witches, and Professor X and idk its all just a mess. 
13: Talk about the first time you had sex/how you imagine your first time.The first time I had sex was in the guard room. And like it was weird bc I’ve never masturbated and stuff so I didn’t know how anything felt down there. I’ve never used a tampon by then so I’ve never had anything inserted there. Also I was pretty unaware where tf my clit was
 So. My point is, there was a lot of confusing sensations but I didn’t really mind bc it was my gf who took my virginity. 
14: Talk about a vacation.I went to Lake Tahoe with my gf and her family and we did like hella romantic shit. Like we went on a stroll on the beach at night with all the constellations and we did stuff in bed and we went to an arcade and we swam and man that was a lot of fun. I was on my period tho for most of it, which sucked but. đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™€ïž
15: Talk about the time you were most content in life.I just really think about the times my gf would hold me and I’d focus on her heartbeat and the feel of her and nothing else. 16: Talk about the best party you’ve ever been to.idk about this one. With parties, I usually get peopled out. 17: Talk about someone you want to be friends with.I don’t have anyone rn since school hasn’t started yet for me and also I’m pretty anti-social. :/18: Talk about something that happened in elementary school.I was known for being the most aggressive girl/team member in gym floor hockey during PE. So like, picture this, from 3rd graders to 6th graders all being in the same PE class since there were so little of us. Now imagine smaller me coming up behind a taller, older boy and ramming them into the wall in order to get the hockey puck. Also imagine smaller me, sprinting–and I was the fastest girl in my grade for a while–and practically charging at you to get that hockey puck. Needless to say, people liked being on my team. 19: Talk about something that happened in middle school.I was in 7th grade, and I had just transferred into my new school. I had been sitting alone at lunch, minding my own business, and reading a book when three girls come up to me. They introduce themselves and invite me to sit at lunch with them. They really helped. 
20: Talk about something that happened in high school.For my final english project in senior year, we had to do a live acting of Romeo and Juliet. I was in the odd ones out group and it had a bunch of people who would never be in a group together unless they were forced to- which we were. I had done all the preparation for the script, it was like two days before the final date and we agreed to meet at the park’s ampitheater to do a final run together. I had just come back from performing at a parade and lord I was tired. We were fighting about how things were supposed to go a lot. 
21: Talk about a time you had to turn someone down.During 8th grade, I got transferred into another PE class since I signed up for creative writing and there was only one period of it. I don’t remember how, but I eventually became friends with this scrawny kid named Tiger.. no joke. Anyway, I distinctly remember one time we were sitting inside on some bleachers and there were those jerk-y middle school boys behind us and they started picking on him. I remember looking at them and like telling something along the lines of back off. Anyway, skipping to 8th grade dance, I was with my friends when Tiger came along and asked for me to slow dance with him. I did. He was the second person I slow danced with. After a few slow dances my friends were making fun of me for it, but like not bc of him, more that someone asked me to slow dance and they were like poking harmless fun. Thing was, I knew he had a crush on me but I really didn’t return the feelings. Moving on to freshmen year, he calls up my mom due to bowditch directory, and asked me to go to the movies with him. I had to turn him down. 22: Talk about your worst fear.My worst fear, there are a good few fears that tie for that spot. My first one is my fear of abandonment and like disappointing everyone to the point that they just realize its better to go on without me. To an extent, its my fear of being forgotten. My second one, the fear of myself, or rather my intrusive thoughts, and being faced with all things I’ve done and thought, knowing everything that’s happened is my fault and getting confirmation of that. Fear that I’d hurt someone because of something I did. The third one is losing everything that matters to me. 
23: Talk about a time someone turned you down.Let’s just talk about my “breakup” with SS during Sophomore-Junior summer bc it was kinda shitty. The reason its in quotations is bc is it actually a break-up if you were never officially together in the first place. Like, the details get muddled up but she essentially told me over text. I remember this because I was just coming back from working on my drum major routine over the summer, I was on a bridge when I got the text. Something along the lines of her parents and her religion and stuff. It really sucked bc it was before I would leave for guard camp and the people who were going with me had shipped both me and her together. :/
24: Talk about something someone told you that meant a lot.There was one time in Brentwood and one time after SCVC camp. But thats between me and her.
25: Talk about an ex-best friend.For the 4th time today, I’m talking about SS. Like c’mon universe really? Anyway, she was a best friend but honestly man, she wasn’t even the best of my friends. She was a close friend, but she wasn’t the best friend. It didn’t help that I had had a crush on her for half the time before our really bad and long ass fight. 26: Talk about things you do when you’re sick.I just realized I haven’t been properly sick in a while like sick with a fever so I actually have to stay in bed. Like I’d usually get like sniffles and a cough but I’d be okay for the day. So like, I like piling myself in blankets and hide from the world really. 
27: Talk about your favorite part of someone else’s body.The eyes will always get me. Take that and add a smile, and bruh. Thats beauty. 
28: Talk about your fetishes.Forgive me, but I had to search these up bc I didn’t know what exactly counted as a fetish. So like if something isn’t a fetish just like.. tell me or something. So like BDSM like light bondage and blindfold and stuff. Strap-on. Dom/Sub stuff and like orgasm control/denial? Are hickies considered a fetish? I’m reading here something about being bitten but idk if that means voyeurism or like vampire roleplay or if they mean hickies. 
29: Talk about what turns you on.My gf ;) But like kissing. Neck and ear biting/nibbling.  Dry humping. Hair pulling- moreso bc of my haircut. Teasing. When my gf is being really dominant. Also when my gf is being really submissive and her moans. ;D
30: Talk about what turns you off.Those gifs of porn when you’re searching up a tag on tumblr and like bruh, I just wanted to see a pic about like puppy i didn’t need to see some bondage gay puppy roleplay like c’mon!
31: Talk about what you think death is like.A rest from the thoughts in your head. Quiet. The final escape. Maybe you get a second chance. That the next universe you experience, you’re in control, that you get to relive your life but better the next time around.  
32: Talk about a place you remember from your childhood.I remember the first time I stepped foot in the Post Office in my hometown/childhood city. It looked different from the PO in place where we used to live. It was made of bricks and it looked really cool. I’ve only gone in once or twice but I remember all the PO boxes and the wooden shelves and getting to learn how to send a letter. Idk why exactly I remember this but yeah. 
33: Talk about what you do when you are sad.Depends how sad I am. Sometimes I try to distract myself, sometimes I just stew in those thoughts. If its night, then I have a good chance of crying myself to sleep.
34: Talk about the worst physical pain you’ve endured.Idk when I get leg cramps in the middle of the night. It used to happen all the time during Sophomore and Junior year and I’d feel it throughout the day. 
35: Talk about things you wish you could stop doing.Living. heh. Procrastinating and being depressed. 
36: Talk about your guilty pleasures.ml and pr. shhhh
37: Talk about someone you thought you were in love with.5th time. Hopefully my last time talking about her. The reason that what happened between us hurt so much was bc I thought I was in love with her once. That’s why every time she’d shove a crush of hers in my face or something that I’d forgive her. But I got tired of it and waiting for her. I moved on. And it was a good decision bc I now have someone I really am in love with. But she didn’t like it, and apparently she had still “loved” me by letting me go, but thats just bullshit. That’s just bullshit. 
38: Talk about songs that remind you of certain people.I have a whole playlist for my gf. And then there’s No by Meghan Trainor that my friend really hates XD
39: Talk about things you wish you’d known earlier.That I’d make it through HS and graduate. Maybe I could have built something up rather than assume I wouldn’t make it. 
40: Talk about the end of something in your life.It was my birthday, so it was the end of me being that age I was before. 
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chellann-nicollares · 7 years
Exam Survival Guide
As September is coming to an end, I realized that a lot of you MB kids out there are probably stressing out about midterm exams. I did too as a college freshman. In fact, I almost failed my very first midterm. But I’ve learned to work harder and smarter and eventually graduated cum laude. I’ve put everything that works well for exam prep into a step by step attack plan that you can follow (yes, massive nerd=me). I really hope y’all find this helpful. I just want you kids to do well, ya know? ;) Let’s get into it!
Step 1: Categorize Your Exams.
This means determining what kind of skill your upcoming exam is testing you on. I’ve found that the vast majority of exams fall into the following three categories:
- Category I: memorization test. These are your survey classes of an entire field such as intro psychology or intro astronomy, your social sciences such as American politics, and your second language requirement courses on the intro level--beginner French/Spanish, etc., even some upper level science classes such as neuroscience. If your course introduces a vast amount of information and don’t delve too deep into it, or is very heavily reliant on teaching you vocabulary and concepts of the field, your exam is very likely memorization-focused. You will be asked to do IDs--look at a concept and define them from memory, talk about important people or discoveries in this field, fill in the blank with the correct conjugation, listen to a segment of music and write down who composed it, etc. You will be pulling things from memory and putting them on paper.
- Category II: skill application test. These are those classes where you are taught formulas and algorithms and expected to know how to use them in new situations. These are your calculus and statistics and other maths classes, your hard sciences, your engineering. This is the type of classes where your assignments are problem sets instead of readings. Your exam will come as a set of problems where you need to use principles and formulas, show you work, and reach the correctly calculated result. 
- Category III: writing test. These classes are based in deep reading--reading large quantities of text and developing deeper understandings and perspectives on them. That would be your philosophy and literature classes, your film theory, your seminar classes. This is the type of classes where you need to express your perspective on the topics to show both understanding and originality. Your exam will come in a small number of essay questions where the professor will give you questions that ask you to talk smartly, e.g. how do the perspectives of Big Shot A interact with that of Big Shot B on this particular topic? What is your take on Big Shot C’s use of [insert archaic art theory] in the oh-so-famous-piece-of-work?
Granted, your will have exams that are a combination or two or more of these categories. Economics is a good example: you may be ask to both define what the federal reserve is and demonstrate how they calculate their rates. But overall, think of your exams in terms of what they want from you. Now that we’ve named the beasts you’re fighting, let’s look at the weapons.
Step 2: List Your Review Tasks for Each Exam by Category.
- Category I: your exam is testing memory, and what you need to do is--memorize!! You need to figure out what it is that works best for you to remember the important stuff. Your tasks here would be to 1) review your notes and skim or even re-read your assigned readings, 2) put your IDs and other things that will likely be tested into one document or list, 3) read them out loud, make flash cards, get into study groups with your friends and test each other, whatever you need to help you memorize (*cough* flash cards *cough*).
- Category II: now you got problems, and I do think you can solve them. You also start from your notes and 1) review what theories/principles you’ve learned, 2) review and possibly rework your assigned problem sets, 3) pay special attention to questions you got wrong--make sure you read the correct calculation process and perform it yourself. 4) This is also the type of exams where if you have something that you don’t understand, ask for help immediately. Go to office hours, email your TA, make sure you comb through the confusion because the course is likely to build week by week upon the previous knowledge you’ve acquired. If you don’t know how to calculate exponentials in writing, you’ll be in a big world of hurt when you are expected to graph them. Put asking the professor/TA into your task list to give yourself an extra push.
- Category III: for this category, your notes and your readings are the most important. 1) you gotta re-read your notes carefully--what topics of discussion did your professor specifically raise in class? Were there particular points made that she really liked? What kind of comments did she keep giving? This will help you gauge how the professor thinks about the subject and how they might test on them. 2) If you have time, and especially if you haven’t done this during the semester, read your assigned texts carefully and annotate them. Annotation can be as simple as summarizing what a paragraph is trying to say, pulling out a key concept that helps you sound really smart, or jotting down your personal thoughts inspired by the reading. All of these will help you write a smarter response. 3) Consider practicing writing a few paragraphs of reflection on your readings. This will help you work out the kinks in how to establish a position and elaborate upon it in a coherent flow. This is basically what you’re asked to do in a Category III exam. 4) If you have time, also talk to your professors and TAs on things you don’t understand and gauge their perspectives.
Step 3: Figure out How Much Time You Have.
This step is the easiest. Mark all of your exams on the calendar and look at how many days you have in between. Which days do you have classes? How many hours do you have in between classes and is that enough time to go to the library and make some flash cards? How many hours at the end of the day and during the weekend are you willing to devote to studying? I would mark the time intervals that you can use to study on your calendar as well.
Step 4: Figure out How Much Time You Need.
How many sessions have you had for the course? Sit down, put your timer on and do everything on your task list to review the material of one session, see how long it took you and multiply by the number of sessions you had. That’s your rough estimate. Now do this for all your courses. 
Step 5: Make Your Day by Day Attack Plan.
This is the last step of your planning. Now you pull out your calendar, and fit your tasks into your available time slots. Do this with the following considerations:
1) Do you need to choose your battles or make more time? If you’ve figured out that you only have 30 hours in the next two weeks, you have three exams and they require 35 hours in total, for example, then you may need to cut a few tasks. Is there one class that you really don’t need to re-read every single thing and instead skim the important sections? Is you poli-sci midterm worth 30% of your grade while the film theory one is only 15%? Should you put off that movie you wanna see until after exams and get 2 extra hours in? It’s better to know whether you’re going to run out of time before you start. Trust me. This is also why you should start early. If you give yourself two weeks instead of one, you won’t feet pressured to rush through the review. 
2) Alternate your subjects and review activities. Don’t plan to sit in the same spot and read art theory papers for four hours unless that’s just how you roll. Make some flash cards from 2-3pm, read your notes from a different class from 3-4, and look over questions you got wrong in your problem sets after dinner. You would have had a very productive study day without murderous impulsive thoughts. 
3) Put it all in writing and stick to it. You want specific hours in each day and what to do during those hours, and put satisfying little check marks on what you’ve completed. You can do this in a planner book, in your E-calendar, or even print out a calendar on a piece of paper and write your tasks in the boxes. I’ll give you a fictional example:
9/28 Thurs
2-3 pm: read intro psych section 1 notes and make flash cards
6-7:30 pm: re-work wrong questions in statistics problem set 1
9/30 Sat
10-11:30: re-read poli-sci book chapter and assigned articles from session 2 and compile ID list document
2-4:30: re-read film theory Mulvey writing, annotate, and write a three-paragraph reflection on her theories
5 pm: grab coffee with #$^%&^% person and go through some poli-sci IDs.
As you can see, if you know exactly what your exams want from you, make to-do lists accordingly and fit them into specific time intervals of each day, your exam review is very manageable. You know exactly what to do and don’t need to feel like you need to chain yourself to your desk all day. You would also know exactly what you already achieved and feel wonderful about it. If you have any questions about this, feel free to ask me! Now go and crush your exams.     
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papersandkeyboards · 5 years
5/20-22: Time Getting Short? Time to Get Ice Cream
(STILL) 34TH WEEK, MAY 20-22, 2016.
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Once upon a day, I was bored, because I had bought a ticket for a movie I’d been dying to watch (but as of now I forgot what it was) (it might have been Captain America) but I had an hour or more to kill. So I went down to the mall’s Barnes and Noble.
Barnes and Noble is one of the best bookstore I’ve ever encountered, and the reason why it’s so special to my eyes was because I couldn’t find one in even the biggest mall in my beloved home country. Since the best bookstore franchise in the country, although great, is not so reliable in providing me with non-translated books, I counted three most reliable bookstores for such things: Periplus, which are mainly spread in big airports throughout the country, thus the most easily accessible for me; Kinokuniya, which is basically Japanese but is great for two things—legit English books and legit cute Japanese stuff (including full-on non-translated Japanese comic books, but I’m not a manga fan to be freaked out by that fact); and Books & Beyond, which provides a whole shelf of classic English literature but too bad my interest isn’t really in Jane Eyre or Moby Dick and their friends.
Bottomline is, if Indonesia had a Barnes and Noble, I would totally freak.
Anyway, as for the lack of money (I’d also been thinking about space in the suitcase—what’s the use of all the great books I’d bought if I couldn’t fit them all in or if they could cost me a lot of bucks for luggage overweight?), I, as usual, strolled around the shelves, sifting sheepishly through the New Arrivals and Best Seller section. (one fact about me: I like to read but I’m aware that I don’t read as much as most people do—I just like to hang out in bookstores more than actually buying books)
I found a book and read the back cover. For some reason, I was interested, so I took the uncovered-by-plastic-wrap book to the nearest chair and started reading.
Next thing I know, I was hooked. Real bad.
The next visits to Barnes and Noble after that were to solely read the very book. It took me like three visits to finish the not-so-thick book, as I thought about getting caught reading the whole book without buying it if I stayed too long. I didn’t realize how badly I was going to be hooked to the book. The suspense (of the book, not from avoiding the store workers) was so real and I stayed in book hangover for days after. I loved it.
But if I loved the book so much, why didn’t I just buy it in the first place?
You see, the reason why was because I, at first, only wanted to see if the book was any good to spend my hour before watching that movie in the first visit. I didn’t want to waste my money on a book I would find disappointing at the end. Turned out I was wrong. Book was awesome. But now that I’ve read the whole thing, I didn’t feel like buying it anymore.
Sorry for the author, but I gotta say, kudos on that novel, I’m not a keen book reviewer but overall I praise it, and let me just say that I’ve been trying to find your other works and found jack and was a bit disappointed by that.
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Oh, the book was entitled “The Truth”, by Jeffry W. Johnston, by the way.
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Moving on to the next big agenda besides Multi and reading off books in a bookstore without buying them (God bless unwrapped new books), is the End-of-Stay AFS Orientation. It was from Friday to Sunday, and it was in a place called Port Townsend, and to reach it from Seattle one must take a ferry from Downtown Seattle to Bainbridge Island, and then take a car for some hours before reaching the campsite.
It’s a different kind of fun to hang out with other exchange students. We had sessions that everyone silently agreed were boring (sorry for any AFS volunteers who see this, but c’mon, even my local chapter back home did way better job in orientations). We played games of capture-the-flag, but instead of flag we had baseball mittens. That went crazy, by the way. We were awful at setting up territories and rules and someone had their ankle twisted or something. We played catch and soccer and badminton for a while before it started raining.
Oh, wait, a piece of memory just came in. My session group was fun, maybe because we held one session in the boys’ bunk, in which everyone can sit on the bed and get comfy, and because we had fun volunteers as our group leader (spoiler alert—and sorry for those who might take offense—I meant young, fun volunteers, which we all could relate better and they were more laid-back on telling stuff that older volunteers would not).
After rain was another session by the fire (this one was particularly not boring, though, haha). Each of us had to say what did we learn during the exchange—like what did we especially like about it that we decided to bring it home, what changed of us throughout, usual stuff but interesting. Some people brought up the idea of healthy lifestyle (apparently we all lived in a healthy part of the state, I guess). The Europeans all brought up the point that Americans are friendly (i.e. in grocery stores) and they wanted to bring that ‘warm’ attitude back to their countries. (except Italy, I guess? ...because Italians are already so friendly in general) Some people also mentioned how are they changed throughout the year—healthier, stronger (mentally), more outgoing, all the good stuff.
(among other points, I brought up the idea of waste separation and recycling that I came to love, but who knows that one small idea in mind could steer my one of biggest decisions of my lifetime)
Then the volunteers held a small quiz, through which I earned an extravagant American flag-themed LED glasses (which I traded with a friend for a notebook and a pair of 3D glasses). Our group of exchange students seem to have an obsession on hot chocolate, and particularly whipped cream, so what we’ve been doing if nothing else was hogging on the whipped cream and hot chocolate. We also wrote things in our language on a blackboard in the session room. We walked around the site in the morning, passing through people’s vacation homes and by this old military site with unused cannons, and we ended up at a beach beyond the bushes and took pictures.
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capek, Mak.
After that session by the fire, at night, we played with our given glowsticks and had s’mores. Classic.
On the last night (that’s Saturday night), some of us girls decided to walk farther, way down the site, through the long and winding down road to another beach. I remembered something about it being illegal (as in we were not really allowed to go down there or at a certain distance from the cabin or whatever), but I guess that was exactly what made it much more fun.
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We left Sunday morning.
Tania and Nouha carried their home country’s flag around so people can sign it. Raya passed around Indonesian-themed keychains. I also carried my flag around, asked people to sign it, and gave them wayang—shadow puppets—bookmark afterwards. (the funny thing is that Raya gave me an Indonesian keychain and I also gave her the wayang bookmark, because who would’ve guessed I, or she, would have someone from the same country in their chapter, hahaha) It’s not like that day was the last day we saw each other—there’s still departure day—but YES students—Tania, Nouha, Soha, Mubasshira, Raya—would leave earlier than us (around the first week of June), so it WAS the last time we would see the YES kids on an AFS orientation.
It took another 2-3 hours in total to get back from Port Townsend to Seattle, but right afterwards Cece, Hinaho, and Nouha planned to go to an ice cream festival which was apparently held in Capitol Hill, which was like, only 8 blocks from my house. And who on earth would miss free or discounted ice cream? Hell yeah I tagged along.
We got there to only find that the line to the ice cream trucks were as long as my list of never-ending responsibilities, so we gave up free ice cream and got paid ice cream from other ice cream shop instead. ... gpp lah ya yang penting makan es krim gitu.
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All in all, this week seemed like a long week, writing-wise, but it was because there was so much happening (BOTH on weekdays and the weekend). ‘Twas the week I did something I had never done before, stepping yet farther out of the comfort zone, and receiving the utmost fun at the end.
...maaf euy kalau cheesy abis. But it essentially reminded me of why I went on an exchange, because the chance of performing a collectively-performed traditional dance alone or being in a night color run do NOT come where I come from. Or interacting with exchange students in general. Karena di kota asal di Indo simply nggak bakal datang kesempatan nari saman di depan umum sendirian dan ikut color run. Dan berinteraksi dengan anak-anak exchange in general.
Lagian bukannya emang itu salah satu tujuan internal ikut pertukaran pelajar? Bukan ke arah seneng-senengnya sih, tapi lebih ke expanding comfort zone nya itu. Sekalian belajar budaya negara lain, lebih dari budaya negara tujuan.
Salam dari satu-satunya orang yang ikut color run dan hacep sampai tengah malem yang pakai jilbab,
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Nabila Safitri.
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bolbianddolanhouse · 5 years
BNHA self insert AU
Nani the heck is this? Read here!
Chapter 17: Prepare To Get Your Shit Rocked
I wake up not feeling like lechuga, but more like day old salad. It’s the weekend and my whole day was free to cause chaos. I could spend it trying to see if I need anything to pack for the internship, but I wanted to do something fun to keep my mind off things. After breakfast, I just floated around trying to occupy myself before figuring out what to do/where to go. 
“What are you doing?” asked Iida as I was idly floating in the commons room.
“I’m just floatin’, trying to figure out what to do.”
“Well, um, want to hear about the weird dream I had?”
“Sure!” I got excited and dropped myself on the couch, Iida sat next to me.
“Imagine this! I dreamt that I was living with my spouse in our new house, beautiful home with a backyard. But what made it weird was that instead of children, we had dogs! And they talked and everything, even called me dad. Could you imagine having 4 dogs?!”
“That sounds like what I want! The multiple dogs part, not sure about everything else.”
“Why do you want more than one dog? We took care of Mr Muffins for an hour and a half and we couldn’t handle it!”
“Wait...Tenya, have you ever had a pet?”
“No, my parents didn’t allow me or my brother to have pets. Especially in the house!”
“Chaotic idea, but what if we go as a class to adopt a pet?”
“Is it against house rules?”
“It isn’t because we can play it off as Koda needing it to practice his quirk.”
“Hmmm, playing with loopholes...I’m in!”
“What are you two plotting?” said a very suspicious Aizawa “another one of your master plans Miss Palma?”
“Sort of? I was saying that we should go as a class to go adopt a pet.”
“We can go to the rescue shelter as a class BUT we’re going as community service, no guarantee that we’re going to adopt a pet.”
“I’ll take that compromise!” I said standing up “anything to escape my boredom.”
And like that we got everyone to join in on our little ‘community service’ trip to the rescue shelter. The people at the shelter just let us play with their animals, as they don’t get as many visitors and they too wanted to escape their boredom. 
“Don’t push! Everyone gets a hug!” I scolded the dogs as I was hugging one of the smaller pups.
“Look how sweet these cats are!” said Midoriya in the middle of the cat play pen “we should convince sensei to get a cat.”
Everyone was in agreement and we start searching for a cat to adopt.
“Ok lets wrap it up here” said Aizawa waking up from his nap “before you get attached.”
“Aw but sensei, can’t we adopt one of these lil babies?” begged Koda.
“We’re not getting a class pet and thats-”
“But sensei! Are you saying you’re gonna say no that this sweet little kitty?” I said picking up a one year old black with white and orange splotches cat “Look at him! He doesn’t have home and wants to cuddle up when you nap nap!”
He looks at the cat with his serious face and the cat stared back. The cat let his little tongue peek out and that won him over. “Fine, we’ll get him” he sighed in defeat as he picked up the cat from my arms “just hurry up and choose his bowls and stuff as I sign the papers.”
I couldn’t believe that worked and we all scurried to get his bowls, bed, toys, food and collar. When we got to the dorms, we gave the cat a tour of the place and settled him in.
“What should we name him?” asked Mina as she pet the cat “I was thinking maybe, Baby.”
“tch, it should be something cool! Like Lord Explosion Murd-”
“We are NOT calling this sweet little boy your hero name reject, Bakugo!” I scolded “anyways I was thinking Captain Pancakes.”
“WAIT!” spoke up Sero “lets call him Cat-ptain!”
“You know what Sero, that has to be one of the dumbest things you have ever said in my line of hearing...BUT I’m into it so I’m all for Catptain.” I said to roast as a cover to me liking the name. Not everyone was into it but we couldn’t come up with a better name, so Catptain it was. The first night was great but the cat seemed to like Aizawa a whole lot and mainly followed him and napped with him. The next 2 weeks goes by smoothly and with a lot of work getting done before starting to prep for the internship. That all soon changed when I was running late on a Wednesday, 1 and a half weeks before internship.
-Wednesday, teleporting in the intel wing-
“Oh jeez I have 2 minutes!” I said dead sprinting to my homeroom “why did I think it was ok to do a peel off mask?!” I dash in 30 seconds before the tardy technicality but something was off about everybody, they were all huddling over the side counter.
“Palma-san, he’s dead!” said Yuka with tears in her eyes.
I didn’t need anymore context and I dropped my coffee tumbler “ZIPPY NO!” I start bawling “our sweet little boy! who’s responsible for this?!”
“We reviewed the security footage” Hansai wiped his eyes “it was nobody’s fault but his own, he broke out of his glass containment and chewed on a cord and electrocuted himself to death.”
I was a little less angry but I walked over to see Jin holding his lifeless body in his towel like a mother that lost a child. I walk over to him and put my hand on his shoulder, we didn’t speak but we just leaned on each other in mourning of Zippy. That lizard was like a son to Jin, he was the one that taught Zippy how to shoot a gun and be an agent like us. Diya was understanding and let us have all of homeroom and weapons to make funeral plans for our class pet. We called the support and costume department to make us a lizard sized coffin. Mei on the other side of the phone call cried when we requested the coffin, they were working on a lizard sized vehicle so Zippy could do vehicle training with us during 2nd year. We planned and requested the school auditorium to hold the open casket funeral and burial in the school garden (a neglected part of the school since the conversion from a regular high school to a hero academy). Surprisingly, Nezu approved and we got to work on who to invite and arrangements. The time passed and we got the flyers ready for distribution in time for me to go to the hero class. I made my way to my class sad and puffy faced, it was hard to hide my feelings. I made it 5 minutes early to class and I walked up to the front of the class to announce the funeral.
“May I get everyone’s attention please?” I said trying to hold it together, everyone stopped to listen “Its with a heavy heart that I announce that one of the intelligence program’s own, Special Agent 69, has passed away early this morning.”
“Oh no! what happened?!” asked Uraraka concerned. 
“They got electrocuted to death by their own error, no foul play nor villainous activity.” I explained with tears falling down my face “And our class 1-A would like to invite you to the funeral this Saturday at the school auditorium, 12pm-3pm, refreshments will be provided.”
“We will be there!” exclaimed Iida “it’s such a tragedy that a fellow student got their life cut short so young.”
“Were you close to them?” asked Tokoyami.
“Yes but my buddy Jin was the closest to him” I choked back tears “he treated him like family since they both don’t have a family of their own so to see that he passed this morning was heart breaking” I broke at the last few words and started bawling again. It was hard to focus in class that day but I didn’t want to skip as there wasn’t that many weeks left in the semester. I didn’t wait for anybody to comfort me after class as I was helping my class make the memorial service, flower arrangements and refreshments. Everyone was pulling their weight in making everything happen on time. We got the whole intelligence program to come attend along with some hero classes, general ed and the staff. The night before, I was getting my black dress ready for the next day when I got a knock on the door.
“Who is it?”
“It’s Tokoyami and Iida”
I start sweating as I fear that Iida found out about mine and Tokoyami’s little ‘sessions’. “Come in”
“Hey~are you feeling okay?” coo’d Tokoyami “tomorrow’s the day and Iida-kun and I were talking and wondering if you needed any...comforting.”
I sweat even harder “Comfort me...how?”
“Like have us cook you dinner or go do something you like to do” Iida said chopping slowly at me “you’ve been crying and working so much to arrange this funeral that you haven’t really taken care of yourself.”
“I haven’t seen you smile or eaten properly in days, I’m worried that you’re going to get sick” Tokoyami held my hand “please Ita, let us ease your sadness.”
“That’s very nice of you two but I’ll be alright” I said stretching my back “Everything is in place and I’ll be back to my usual self after this weekend.”
“I have acquired dark chocolates and DDR” said Tokoyami as he pulled out a box of chocolates and Dance Dance Revolution for the game console I have “If you come out and play me, we’ll order pizza.”
A bitch weak for a boy that knows what I like “Oh Toko! it’s like you got me by my weak spots~” I walk toward the boys “you win this time, but I’ll beat both of ya asses at DDR! Hope you got Pizza Hut on speed dial.” 
As we walked out of my room, Iida looks at Tokoyami with suspicion “How did you know that was going to work?”
Tokoyami gets cocky “heh I spend alot of quality time with her” he sets the dance mats up in the commons room “I know a lot more than her inner thoughts, she has very...soft needs and wishes.”
Iida didn’t pick up on his tone “Is that so?” he checked if she was in earshot “then do you know anything about her past? Anything about a boy?”
“Hmmm, nothing about a boy” he stopped to face Iida “all she’s mentioned is that it was pretty dangerous were she attended school and she was a promising number 1 arts student of the district.”
“Yo! Food thief struck again” I said walking in with my cut mango with chamoy, chile and limon “they must like spicy food if they ate my mango in plum sauce and red chili.”
“I was wondering what that was” said Iida “but I didn’t want to be insensitive if it was something that’s in your culture. I know you like oddly spiced sweet things.”
Others came out of their rooms to play and hang out, overall a really nice time that I didn’t need but appreciated it. As I was taking a breather to pet Catptain, Tokoyami was rubbing my shoulders like he usually does when we have our sessions. I didn’t think much of it or who would see but Iida took notice and got envious. He didn’t make a fuss about it until it was curfew for them and we cleaned up to go to our rooms.
“Good night everyone! See y’all tomorrow at the auditorium.”
“Ita, allow me to carry you to bed” said Iida as he picked me up.
“My legs are fine Tenya!”
“You danced a whole lot, let me ease your pain” he carried my to my room, a whole 15 feet away “now lets set you down on your bed, close the door and-”
“What are you doing?” I asked concerned as he closed my door “you’re acting a bit strange.”
“I saw Tokoyami giving you a shoulder rub and thought that you wanted more” he said not doing a good job at hiding that he was jealous “let me just-”
I gently push his hands away “Tenya, did you get jealous?”
“I just want to tend to you like you tended to me”
“I’m fine, really” I said to make him understand “I didn’t want the shoulder rub but I couldn’t move since the cat was on my lap.”
“Oh...I see now” he blushed hard that he misinterpreted the gesture “sorry that I pushed myself onto you again.”
“What you need is a shoulder rub” I levitated him onto my desk chair and pulled it toward me to give him the rub “everyone tells me I give good rub downs and after this, you’ll be sleeping like a baby.”
The mere touch of her hands on his shoulders got him flushed and heart racing. She couldn’t tell but Iida was getting a sort of high off her touch. The way she moved her fingers to soothe his shoulder blades and back of the neck made him give soft moans of approval. She got to the scalp and gave a scalp massage too, it made his head tilt back to see her look back at him. His face read ‘pure bliss’ to her and he got his first taste of intimacy.
“I really enjoyed that” he said still looking at her with his head tilted back “didn’t know I needed something like that.”
“Glad you feel that way” I said putting my hands on his face to cradle it “anytime you want a nice rub down, I got you.”
He left to his room with all the nice and warm tingly feelings from the taste of first love intimacy. Maybe I shouldn’t worry about pursuing her heart he thought as he laid in bed she seems to like my company when we’re behind closed doors or prying eyes. And I feel like a man worth her time when that does happen, perhaps her heart is already in my direction.
-The next day, in the auditorium-
“Ok flowers are all set up!” I yelled from the stage to the audio table “are all the refreshments laid out?”
“Refreshments ready to serve!” yelled Hansai back “do we have the casket ready?”
“Casket arrival in T-minus 5 minutes!” yelled Yuka in response “do we have Zippy ready?”
“Our sweet Prince is ready to be honored” Jin powered through tears to yell back “do we have the music and video ready for viewing?”
“We are ready for viewing!” Mimi bellowed from the tech box “stand by for an audio test.”
“Good job kids!” said Diya walking onto the stage “I’m impressed with all the effort put into honoring your own. Wish everyone was like this.”
“Thanks sensei!” we chanted in unison.
“Its still 20 minutes until people are expected to roll in” I said checking my phone for the time “I’ll go and check on the greeting crew.” I teleported to the front doors to check on our other 2 classmates and Muffin 2.0 and tell them we’re ready to start bringing in people. I start heading back to see how our set up looks, it was like quaint memorial service with cookies. People start coming in right at 12 and they seat themselves.
“Palma-san looks so classy in her dress and veil” Momo whispered to Mina “too bad its an open casket funeral and not a social mixer.”
“I wonder who’s the student that died” said Amajiki to Mirio “Palma-san looked so sad when she gave us the invitation, they sounded close.”
“Is it just me or are funerals supposed to have refreshments?” asked Mirio to the other 2 “seems a little out of place but these mini cupcakes and cucumber water were too tempting not to take.”
“Iida-kun are you crying already?” asked Sato.
“It’s just that it’s so sad that someone so young and in the middle of their training just gone like that! Didn’t even get to finish the year with us.” said a teary eyed Iida.
Once all the staff member got seated and we weren’t expecting anyone else, we closed the doors and got things started.
“Good afternoon fellow students and staff, good to see everyone coming together to celebrate the life of Special Agent 69, or better know in the intel program as Zippy.” I said at the podium to get things started “He was an amazing team player and always boosted morale when things got difficult on the field. Now a moment of silence as we bring in the casket and present the body.” I step away and everyone watched as Muffin 2.0 walked in carrying the small casket followed by Jin. He got the casket and placed it on the presentation table and opened the casket to reveal Zippy the Lizard in his custom jumpsuit. Everyone saw and gasped that it was a lizard and not a student like they assumed. “And now its time for some words from Jin Matsui.”
“Thank you Itati, Zippy was like a son to me. I myself was also alone in this world to fend for myself so when he ran in our classroom on the first day of classes and he ran into my arms, I saw myself in him and decided to give this lizard a home. I shared my meals with him, trained him to do agent things, shared secrets that I only tell my best friends but most importantly, he made me feel like I wasn’t unloveable or incapable of making my own family. He became my family and gave me the strength to keep going.” 
He stepped back to wipe his tears and I took over the podium again “Touching words Jin, and now, a video in memory of Zippy.” The screen lowered as the lights dimmed a bit to show a slide-show like video of our selfies with Zippy, videos of him training with us, shooting his gun, parachuting off the school roof and receiving his license to kill along with some candids Jin took when he’d take him to his room on weekends and holidays. The entire video was to the song I Will Remember You By Sarah McLachlan , there wasn’t a single person that didn’t either cry or look in confusion on how a lizard was trainable enough to shoot a gun.
“I can’t believe this reptilian lead a much more successful year than me!” angrily muttered Bakugo.
“I can’t believe this lizard is getting more love and attention than I ever had” Todoroki whispered to Midoriya “I wish I were in a casket too.”
The video ended with a group picture with all of us at the display ceremony with Zippy in Jin’s arms. The lights dimmed back on and I stepped up to the podium again “We are opening the stage if you would like to pay your respects, if you don’t know what to say, we have an ‘F’ button so you can pay respects without words.” To our surprise, there was quite bit of people lining up to pay respects, everyone else was getting more refreshments to wait out until the burial. 
“Rest in paradise fellow animal comrade” said Nezu going up to the body.
“Hope you look after them up there, rest in paradise little lizard” Midnight said to pay her respects.
Even All Might payed respects “Young lizard! You brought morale and team work to your human companions, great qualities of a hero, rest in power.” 
Aizawa came up with Catptain and just pressed F, the cat also pressed F and it made me fuckin lose it in laughter. We got hundreds of F’s and we announced that we’ll be moving the procession to the school garden for burial. Our class marched with Jin in the front with the casket, we all sang Ain’t No Mountain High Enough on the way to school garden. Diya dug the hole and Mimi placed the tombstone, while they were doing that, Hansai announced the final song.
“And now a live performance from Agent 19, Itati Palma, and Muffin 2.0″
“Palma-san is going to sing again?” people in the audience were muttering as I walked next to the tombstone.
“This was one of his favorite songs” I said as I pointed to the sky “this one’s for you Zippy! My heart will go on!” Muffin 2.0 pulls out a recorder and starts playing My Heart Will Go On while I sang the vocals as they lowered the casket.
“Bye Bye Zip” whispered Jin as he tossed in Zippy’s laser gun “You’ll need this to flex on the other animals and God.” As they refill the hole and the song finishes, Jin takes his 4th swig of his flask and gets bold “ITS NOT FAIR! He didn’t even get to hit that reptilian pussy!”
“Jin stop! You’re hysterical!” I said as Mimi contained him from jumping into the grave. The funeral ends and all the invited guests depart but all of intel 1-A to have one final ritual. We circled around the grave and took out our flasks to pour one out for the homie Zippy. “TO ZIPPY! DICKS OUT!” we chant as we take a sip in honor of him. I walk to the auditorium to help clean up when I see Shinso waiting at the entrance.
“OH hello Shinso”
“Hey, I was hoping to run into you” he started “that was quite a service you guys put together, sorry for your loss.”
“Thank you for your kind words, that lizard will be missed and remembered always.”
“Yea urm, I wanted to talk to you about something.”
“I was wondering if you could give me some one on one time.”
I got intrigued, he’s heard of my personal time with 1-B “Gladly! Are you trying to get into the hero A class too?”
“Yea and my quirk isn’t one of the most heavy hitting and I heard that you use your quirk to help unlock new techniques.”
“Its all true, I’m curious to see what you have” I said giving him a once over “how does tomorrow sound? Or if you want to have Sunday to yourself, I can do Monday or Wednesday after school.”
“Monday after school sounds good, thank you for accommodating me into your schedule.”
“No problem! Make sure you meet me in gym 3, dressed out and ready to start at 4pm sharp! I administer tardy punishment if you’re late.”
“Right! See you then.”
I clean up the auditorium and go to the low key kick back at the intel dorms. We just drank beer and cooked some food to just get our minds back to the upcoming internship. We exchanged were we ultimately chose to go for our internship, Mimi was going with a seaside branch and Jin was going to Hokkaido. Talking about it made me excited to go again. Fast forward to Monday after school, I change into my pink track pants and white fire-proof tank top with matching shoes. While I was changing, I was getting curious on what kind of quirk that boy has, was it fire? Something to do with inflation? I keep thinking possibilities as I walk into the gym floor, It was just 5 minutes until it was time.
“I’m here!” panted Shinso as he ran in “I didn’t know we had so many gyms!”
“Oh yea hehe we have like 6 gyms” I recalled but then refocused “you’re on time, lets get started!” I sat down in the middle and pointed to the space in front of me “come, sit and discuss what you want to work into with me.”
“Um ok well” he said as he sat down “I have a sort of manipulative quirk and it’s great as it is but I don’t know where to start to make it better.”
“Manipulative? is it like hypnotism?”
“Yes and No”
“Um, well lets have a spar to see how it affects me and how you work it into your fighting” I levitated up to my feet “take your stance and I’ll count us down.” We take our sides of the marked lines, he takes his stance and it’s a bit strange but it’s fixable “ready? 3,2,1 GO.” As I try to circle and mirror him, I see he doesn’t move but his eyes follow me, like he’s scared of me.
“I don’t like your pants, they’re too pink.”
I yelled back “nobody said you had to like them” for a second I felt my body tense but then I shook it off and kept moving.
“How did that not affect you?!”
“What?!” I said as I looked around to see if he deployed a sneak attack, nothing “what did you do?!”
“I’ve got my quirk activated and you’re answering my answers but you aren’t brainwashed shell of a person” he said like his world is collapsing “what are you?”
I cocked my head to the side in confusion “Your quirk is Brainwash?” I think about it a little and didn’t get it either “ask me another question.”
“Umm ok.... Do you want to grab dinner after this?”
“No thanks, its my turn to cook dinner” I answered and again, slight tension but no mind control “hmmm, why doesn’t it work on me? Or at least, not fully.”
“I don’t understand” Shinso fell to his knees “I’ve spent my whole life having people fear me because of my quirk and how villainous it is BUT HERE YOU ARE un-phased by my abilities like a gust of wind to a brick wall!” he started to cry in frustration “AM I JUST A DELUSIONAL WEAKLING TAKEN PITY BY YOU?!”
“No thats not it at all I-” I couldn’t finish my sentence, I was frozen in place. I saw everything Shinso commanded me to do, he had me crawl and do a cartwheel. I broke out of my controlled state when he held my hand.
“I can’t believe it worked that time!” he looked at my excitedly “what do you think was the thing that made you fully in my control?”
“Think it was fully on truths” I realized and came up with something “quickly, ask me a question.”
“Ok...um, What are you cooking for dinner?”
“Fruit salad and left over pizza” a quick on the fly answer “Ask me that same question now.”
“What are you cooking for dinner?”
“I’m not actually cooking anything for dinner, I just didn’t want to go out tonig-” boom, I figured it out! Shinso squeezed my hand to break me out of his control.
“You lied the last few times?” he asked me like I just killed his pet fish “why would you lie to me?”
I breathed out “Look, it’s not that I lied to hurt you. I lie to hide my feelings, my next move and my past, its like my defense mechanism. When you said you didn’t like my pants, I got a little offended because I think they’re a cute shade of pink and they make my butt look good. When you asked me to dinner, I said that because I didn’t want to go out this week as I have an internship to go to this weekend. And when you degraded yourself because I wasn’t responding to your quirk, I really wanted to reassure you that maybe I was the problem and that you aren’t a pity to me, I want to help you because you asked me and dammit I’m going to work you into the best fighter on the field!”
Shinso was taken back by the gesture “If it doesn’t fully work on some people, then what do we work on?”
“For now” I said getting in fighting position “lets test your close range, dodge my attacks.”
We train for an hour and I arrange another session on Wednesday, same time. I couldn’t shake what Shinso said when he was degrading himself. Poor dude really needs all the help and confidence to take the advancement exam.
-Thursday, in the dorms-
I come back late from my one-on-one time with Monoma and I was not having it.
“Palma-san its nearly dinner time, is everything alright?” asked Jiro, she was in the commons room along with some of the other girls and Aoyama.
“Yea, I’m good but Monoma is really getting on my nerves” I groaned as I put my duffle bag down “like, whats the point of asking me for help if they’re just going to degrade me and not follow my advice!?”
“I’m surprised you’ve lasted this long without refusing your services” said Momo “Why do you still insist on offering to help him anyways?”
“We have the same quirk and I know how hard it is to develop techniques for it” I took off my shoes and sighed “he doesn’t even have mastery in the quirks he has available to him, don’t even get me STARTED on his close range.” I start making my way to my room “I’ll be out soon for dinner.”
“Ok Palma-san, I’ll save you a seat” Uraraka promised and waited until I closed my door to talk to the others “alright so is it just me or is Monoma requesting her help too many time for it just needing help.”
“Kendo-san said that he’s talking about asking her out” Momo recalled “but if Monoma is this irritating to her, I don’t think she would say yes.”
After dinner, I started packing for my 2 week internship. I was asked to pack different changes of clothes for plain clothes and under-cover work, it was a lot to pack and I was wondering just how was high profile was this agency. Everything was ready right on time to go, I had to surrender my earpiece as it can’t reach to the others.
“Welp, have fun and be safe you two” I said to Mimi and Jin “text me when you get to your destination?”
“Yea, I’ll miss you guys” Mimi said as she brought us in for a hug “It’s going to be our first time being separated for a long period of time!”
“Oh shit you right” Jin realized “but this time we’ll be reunited and it’ll be all good.”
Because of how small our program is, not everyone is taking the train to their destinations. Mine is just 4 cities east of the school, so I got picked up by my scouter in a town car. Mimi’s is in Osaka, she had to take the train. Jin got picked up and taken to a private air hanger to get flown to Hokkaido. 
“Miss Palma, you are going to like Best Jeanist” said Jinko jeans man “he’s very excited to meet you.”
“He is?” I questioned “I thought agents aren’t supposed to interact with the head hero of the agency?”
“Well, you see, we have a developing agent squadron. It’s not very big but he interacts with them personally, he’s very picky on who he wants on his team.”
“Oh ok I see now” I turn to the window “I hope I don’t disappoint then.” Another hour in the car and we arrive in a corporate looking building, I didn’t know what I was expecting but I was getting excited.
“Alright here we are Miss Palma, we’re going to get you settled in your quarters then have a full tour as requested by you for quirk purposes.”
“Okay, thank you for considering them!” I said getting my luggage “In America, usually requests like that get ignored.”
“You’ll be happy to hear that we fulfilled all your requests” he leads me into the building “the boss himself made sure of it, he even got you your own quarters”
“Oh? I didn’t request that, I’m fine co-habiting with the others.”
“He did that because we don’t have any other females on the team, out of respect for you and how young you are” he turned to the living quarters “he made a room just for you” he opened a door with the sign that said ‘Agent 19, UA Intel’ “Here’s your quarters, furnished for comfort and a bouquet of lily, lavender and white sage. Get settled and come out to the blue door down the hall for the tour.”
“Alright thank you umm, Mr. Jinko Jeans?”
“Oh?! OH! that was close, I’m Jinko Punky, Best Jeanist’s right hand side-kick.”
“Jinko Punky huh? Alright thank you, I’ll be quick.”
I leave my door open in case of anything and to let others know that I’ve arrived. I hear people walk past my room as I put things away, I can’t see them but they see me. I hear them say things like ‘she’s so tiny?!’ ‘reminds me of my daughter’ ‘boss wouldn’t tell us about her abilities, wonder what she has?’ ‘Boss gave her flowers too! Is she royalty or something?’. I finish and I send a text to the others saying that I got settled. I walked out and see all the others, all men that tower in height to me, all wearing denim something.
“So you’re Agent 19?” said the man in a jean jumpsuit “so small and soft around the edges, like a puppy.”
“What is your name Agent?” asked sternly the man in a jean vest.
“Um, I’m not comfortable giving such information at the moment.”
“Let her be, she’s doesn’t have to tell us anything” defended a man in jorts.
The man in the jean vest walked in front of the only exit, blocking it “She’s not allowed to the leave until she gives us a name!” he turns to me “I don’t trust you one bit agent! I don’t know how you gained the interest of Jinko BUT you are not going to be treated special here!”
Playtime was over, I was going in with my true self “Please sir, I need to report to Jinko Punky for a tour and I do not wish to keep him waiting.”
“Then you better start talking little girl.”
I was going in for the kill, I sighed and levitated him to the side and opened the door “I did ask nicely” I walked to the hallway and turned back to the others “sorry about that y’all! I promise I’m sweeter than this.” I walk down the hall to the blue door, meanwhile the others were murmuring about what I did.
“She’s a telepathic! And so polite” commented the jorts man “I feel like I was in the presence of a unicorn! I can’t wait to see her full power!”
“Shut it! I don’t care what she is” growled jean vest man “don’t get fooled, it could be a ruse to take us down from the inside!”
I get my tour of the place, got aquatinted with the other agents. I told them about my encounter earlier and they said not to worry about him, it happens all the time when an agent comes through to relay information. I feel more welcomed as they invited me to eat at their little area during every meals. I go to bed and see that Mimi and Jin got situated already too, Diya sent a group text letting us know that everyone got situated and all updates about each other will be sent in a daily text from him. It got me in a better state of mind as I drifted to sleep...what could happen in the next 2 weeks?
-End Chapter 17-
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