#Chadwick Boseman x You
your-averagewriter · 2 years
Work interruptions.
Summary: Shuri enjoys calling her girlfriend from the Jabari Tribe during her work shifts bearing gifts that give homemade a whole new meaning but they can't hang out during the day so (y/n) meets her after her shifts (Shuri x fem!reader).
Word Count: 1.3K
Warnings: fluff, weapons, kissing?
“(y/n) of the Jabari Tribe, your council is sought by the leaders of the Golden Tribe.” A warrior of a lower rank requests.
“Permission to leave,” I ask of M’Baku who’s slumped in his chair.
“Yes, yes.” He says dismissing me with a wave of his hand before continuing the meeting that was interrupted by the announcement. This has happened multiple times now, Shuri summons me to her home for unimportant reasons.
Grabbing hold of my sword I hop down from the platform I was standing on and I follow the warrior out of the room. He leads me out of the building and towards the hangar.
“I can escort myself, thank you,” I say, a serious, authoritative tone in my voice. It’s hard to get taken seriously when you’re only 17, a woman and the warriors ranked below you are all taller and older than you. But he nods before exiting.
I make my way to my speeder, yes I know sounds like some science fiction but it’s not, Shuri designed it for me. Quickly, I mount it and fly to the Golden Tribe’s palace. I drop off my speeder in their hangar before announcing myself to the guards. They lead me through the building and to the lab even though I already know the way.
“You requested my presence?” I ask bowing to Shuri slowly before standing up straight.
“Yes, my love. Come here.” She says waving me towards what I assume is a new creation of hers. She starts explaining about the small object, a bracelet of beads by the looks of it. She ties it around my wrist and explains what it does and how it will help keep me safe.
“Princess, I am on duty, you cannot keep calling me over when you are not in danger or there is no reason of importance,” I say and she looks disappointed.
“But I miss you in the day. You’re always so busy!” She says.
“I’ll come back later when I’m off-duty,” I say trying to appease her.
“Ugh fine.” She says, begrudgingly.
“Do you need anything else, princess?” I ask bowing again.
“Yes, actually.” She points to her cheek and I sigh but walk over anyway. I kiss her on the cheek before leaving the room.
“You look very pretty today, goodbye, my love,” I say before heading back to my post in the mountains.
The rest of the day is fairly calm, not much happens apart from the usual security at M’Baku’s meetings. Otherwise, it’s an easy day although the time that I relax will be the time I’m caught off guard.
Taking off my armour, I place it on the armour stand before pulling on some more casual clothes, a mesh bodysuit with a pair of black trousers and chunky boots - not the most practical but great for kicking people with. 
Heading towards the Golden Tribe palace for the second time this day I suddenly hear a voice from the beaded bracelet, jumping slightly I’m awakened by it.
“(y/n), are you almost here?” Shuri’s voice sounds through the beads.
“Shuri? I that you?” I ask holding the beads in front of my mouth, my mind completely ‘boggled’.
“Yes, my lover, it is me. You need not hold the beads so close to your mouth.” She says with a chuckle.
“Why are you in the beads?” I ask shaking my wrist.
“I am not in the beads, I promise. It’s a telecom like in the fighter jets.”
“Okay, if you’re sure…” I trail off.
“So, are you almost here?” She asks again. 
“Yes, I’ll be with you in mere minutes, be patient, my dear.” I say before tapping the beads trying to ‘hang up’.
“Excellent.” She says before a small beep sound is made and her voice disappears. Pulling up to my ear I shake it once more before shrugging and moving on.
Minutes later I arrive at the same palace and I’m escorted in once again by two guards.
“(y/n)?” I hear a voice from in front of me.
“King T’Challa,” I say before kneeling on one knee and bowing my head, the guards behind me do the same. 
T’Challa chuckles. “Surely, we are past this now, are we not (y/n)?”
“I don’t know what you mean,” I say with my head bowed still.
“There is no need for you to kneel and bow to me, are we not better friends than that, how long have you been dating Shuri? 2, or 3 years? Come on now, surely we moved past these formalities a while ago.” He says with a laugh, holding his hand out to me.
I take it hesitantly with a gracious smile. “I guess so, King T’Challa.”
“Just T’Challa, please.” He says before shaking my hand and looking behind me. “Do they not let you in here unaccompanied?” He says and I shake my head. “Well, from now on (y/n) does not need to be accompanied within my home, it is safe and I trust her.” He says to the guards and almost immediately they retreat back to the main doors. “Do you mind if I walk with you?” Placing his hands behind his back.
“Of course not.” We continue walking towards the laboratory.
Conversation is made, the usual ‘how are you’s and ‘how’s work’, the usual until we make it to the lab.
“(y/n) finally!” I hear as soon as I step foot in the lab, the next thing I see is her running towards me. She wraps her arms around me.
“Shuri, as adorable as this is moment is, give the woman some space.” He chuckles.
“Go away brother, why are you even here?” She asks, jokingly grimacing at him.
“I’ll leave, I’ll leave.” He says placing his hands in the air in a mock surrender before backing away towards the door. “I don’t want to interrupt you two.”
“Yes, get out of my lab!” She yells as he opens the door and leaves. 
“I missed you today, my love.” I say as she’s still gripping onto me. “I’m guessing you did as well.”
“Of course,” She pulls away from me but stays holding onto my hand.  “Come on, I’ve got something extra for you.” 
She picks something small off of the side and places it into my hand and closes my palm. Re-opening my palm I inspect the two small objects against my skin. Two earrings it looks like, they’re made of a pale blue gem like material with metal coatings. They’re beautiful.
“They match your bracelet and they work very similarly - they have qualities that help track you and protect you.”
“They are really pretty.” I say admiring them.
“Try them on.” she says, leading me over towards one fo the full body mirrors. I change out my old ones which are plain balls of metal whilst the new ones are blue gems. Checking myself in the mirror, I look at the earrings and how well they match my outfit before turning to Shuri.
“They’re beautiful. I love you.” I say, kissing her gently. 
“Thank you, I couldn’t make a second pair in time for your arrival so that’s my pair, you can have them, they’ll keep you safe.” I shake my head.
“You are the princess, sister of the king, you need to be safe and protected, I am a warrior I’m of no high status and am a target of little persecution - you need these more than me.” I say starting to take out the earrings.
“No, no, (y/n), you don’t need to, I’ll be able to make a second pair sometime tomorrow and I’ll be safe until then.”
“Who is gonna keep you safe until then?”
“You, I guess you’re staying the night babe unless you want to leave me entirely defenceless. What would I do without you?” She says with a smirk before pecking me on the lips.
AN: I just saw Black Panther: Wakanda Forever and I'm in love with everyone in the movie all over again.
This a reminder that Shuri is at a minimum of 16 and a maximum of 19 so please don't be creepy and read this if you're like 30 - I am a minor and so is the character. In this fic specifically, Shuri is either 16 or 17 so just don't be creepy.
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janetsnakehole02 · 2 years
Shoutout to the one guy sitting behind me that dropped three “oh shit”s at the mid credits scene in Wakanda Forever 😭
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yelena-bellova · 5 months
RDJ could not be more right in saying he did some of his best work in Marvel but it got discredited because they were superhero movies.
And why it bothers me so much that Marvel movies are just disregarded is because it’s a genre that contains some of the best actors in Hollywood, past and present, acting their asses off.
Oscar Isaac - Moon Knight/X-Men Apocalypse
James McAvoy - X-Men
Michael Fassbender - X-Men
Hugh Jackman- X-Men
Jeremy Renner - The Avengers/Hawkeye
Elizabeth Olsen - Avengers/Civil War/Wandavision/MOM
Chadwick Boseman, Angela Basset, Lupita Nyong’o, Danai, Guirara, Letitia Wright - Black Panther
Samuel L. Jackson - the whole freakin’ thing
Tom Hiddleston - Thor/Avengers/Loki
Most of these people have been hailed by Hollywood and are decorated. Some of their best and most memorable work is contained in their Marvel projects but guess what? Film snobs wouldn’t know because they’ve said the genre is worthless because of CGI and silly plot lines.
You don’t like superhero movies? Fine. But you’re missing out on some damn good acting.
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with the recent video we have of seb in the pink jumper…
imagine walking downstairs with your newborn, and you see him snuggle up on the sofa and you’re completely looking at him in awh. JUST COMPLETELY FLUFF <3
𝐀𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐚𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐞?
Tumblr media
pairings: sebastian stan x reader
warnings: nothing but fluff!
summary: ^^
a/n: such a cute request! thank you bubs!
Your feet softly padded down the stairs as you held your newborn in your arms, her tiny snores filling the otherwise silent space.
When you got downstairs, you found Sebastian finishing the video for the Chadwick Boseman Foundation. You caught his eyes and he smiled softly before finishing the video and putting his phone back in his pocket. He reached out and made grabby hands as you let out a breathy laugh.
You walked over to him as you placed your baby girl in his outstretched arms. Seb immediately brought her to his chest, placing a hand behind her head for support. Your heart warmed at the sight as you went to join them. You placed your head by his neck, cuddling into him.
He adjusted, so one hand was wrapped around your waist, the other still holding his precious daughter, who shifted slightly in her baby pink blanket.
"You're matching," you whispered as Seb let out a quiet laugh.
A comfortable silence enveloped the three of you again, for a few minutes, before Seb spoke up.
"She's so beautiful."
"Just like her dad." You smiled.
"I was gonna say 'like her mother'."
You let out a small laugh, knowing that she looked like her dad: her bright blue eyes and rosy cheeks almost like a copy of his.
"Agree to disagree?"
Seb kissed your forehead, sweetly.
tagging: @wndawtch @chrisevansdaughter @chrisdrysdale @pbnjparker @bubblessunshinehoney @smoothdogsgirl @newgirlintheneighborhood   lmk if u want to be added or removed xx
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datcloudboi · 5 months
List of Films Turning 10 Years Old in 2024
The Amazing Spider-Man 2
American Sniper
Annie (the remake starring Jamie Foxx)
As Above, So Below
The Babadook (we stan a gay icon)
Batman: Assault on Arkham (a direct continuation of the Batman: Arkham games)
Big Eyes
Big Hero 6
Birdman (won the Best Picture Oscar for this year)
The Book of Life
The Boxtrolls
Boyhood (filmed over the course of 12 years)
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes
Dead Snow 2: Red vs. Dead
Dear White People (the basis for the TV series on Netflix, and made by the same guy)
Dracula Untold (this was Universal’s second attempt at launching the Dark Universe)
The Drop (a crime drama starring Tom Hardy)
Edge of Tomorrow/Live Die Repeat
The Equalizer
Exodus: Gods and Kings (a biblical epic directed by Ridley Scott)
The Expendables 3
The Fault in Our Stars
Fury (the war movie with Brad Pitt and Shia LaBeouf)
Get on Up (the James Brown biopic starring Chadwick Boseman)
Godzilla (the 1st film in the MonsterVerse)
Gone Girl
The Grand Budapest Hotel
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 1
The Guest
Hercules (the one starring The Rock)
The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (did you guys know the working title for this movie was “The Hobbit: There and Back Again”?)
How to Train Your Dragon 2
The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1
If I Stay
The Imitation Game (the movie where Benedict Cumberbatch plays Alan Turing)
Inherent Vice
The Interview (the movie that almost caused World War 3)
Into the Woods
Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit
Jodorowsky's Dune (a documentary about the Dune movie that we never got)
Joe (one of Nic Cage's best movies)
John Wick (the 1st one)
Kill the Messenger
Left Behind (one of Nic Cage's worst movies)
The Lego Movie
Life After Beth
Lucy ((the “humans only use 10% of their brain” movie. Which has since been proven false. Source: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/do-people-only-use-10-percent-of-their-brains/ )
The Maze Runner
A Million Ways to Die in the Weset
Mr. Peabody and Sherman
Muppets Most Wanted
Need for Speed (Aaron Paul's first project after "Breaking Bad" ended)
Night of the Museum: Secret of the Tomb (the third one. Also one of Robin Williams’ last movies)
Noah (a biblical epic directed by Darren Aronofsky)
The Nut Job
Obvious Child
Oculus (one of the 1st projects from Mike Flanagan)
Penguins of Madagascar
The Purge: Anarchy
The Raid 2
RoboCop (the reboot that was actually decent)
Sharknado 2
Sin City: A Dame to Kill For
Son of Batman
St. Vincent
The Taking of Deborah Logan
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (the one produced by Michael Bay. It’s also the one where the Turtles look like aliens)
The Theory of Everything (the movie where Eddie Redmayne plays Stephen Hawking)
Third Person
300: Rise of an Empire
Transformers: Age of Extinction
22 Jump Street
Veronica Mars (the film continuation of the TV show)
A Walk Among the Tombstones
What If? (a rom-com starring Daniel Radcliffe)
What We Do in the Shadows (the film that was the basis for the TV show)
When Marnie Was There
X-Men: Days of Future Past
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babybubastis · 2 years
Ok. We need to talk about this.
⚠️ (Spoilers for Black Panther: Wakanda Forever below!)⚠️
It’s incredibly disheartening (and somewhat alarming) that there seems to be no room in fandom for any kind of nuance. I’m going to talk specifically about the Black Panther fandom and what I’m seeing/experiencing occur between Shuri x Namor shippers and some other users in the fandom. There are users on here who are, unprovoked, actively tagging and seeking out and harassing other fans for shipping the pairing. Real quick, a little personal context: for those of you who don’t know, I’m black. It has been especially demoralizing to see this type of activity occurring between black women in the fandom. I’ve seen the blackness of some fans who ship Shuri x Namor be called into question. I’ve seen fans be called clowns, and anti-black, and sick, and all manner of things. And I guess my question is: Why?
Why, as a black woman in fandom, am I not allowed to love a particular black female character, and also ship her with another character without facing harassment? Those two concepts — 1) caring for Shuri as a character and 2) wanting to see her courted and desired by the attractive (admittedly toxic) male antagonist — don’t have to be mutually exclusive. IT CAN BE BOTH. And that, contrary to some people’s beliefs, does not make me a bad person.
Wakanda Forever is a complex and beautiful masterpiece, teeming with commentary about colonialism, anti-blackness, white supremacy, grief, anger, vengeance, religion, mother-child relationships, and so much more. Why is it impossible for me, as a complex person who has complex interests, to want to talk about those more serious topics AND gush about Shuri’s interactions with the charismatic antagonist who treats her as an equal? There is clear romantic subtext in Namor’s early interactions with Shuri. The entire sequence where Shuri is in Talokan reeks of Hades/Persephone, as well as other classic romantic tropes and gestures:
Namor allowing Shuri to be brought to his hidden underwater civilization,
Him commissioning a beautifully ornate custom dress for her to wear,
Him telling her about his history and giving her his dead mother’s bracelet,
Him happily showing her around his hidden kingdom
It was all very calculated on his part, I’m sure, in an attempt to win her over to his side. But there was also obvious chemistry between he and Shuri. Hell, Riri even spells it out for us, comparing the entire gesture of giving her the custom dress to Beauty and the Beast! So it is not nearly as far-fetched as some people want to claim to ship these two, to be intrigued by their dynamic. And it is entirely possible to be just as intrigued by that as it is to be moved by the bigger, deeper, more serious concepts explored in the movie. Again, those things aren’t — and shouldn’t— be mutually exclusive. To claim otherwise is doing a disservice to the entire film as a whole, and it’s doing a disservice to Shuri as a character. She is a grown woman, complex and broken and messy. This entire movie, while being a gorgeous and poignant tribute to Chadwick Boseman, was also very much Shuri’s story. Letitia herself said in a recent interview (that she did with Tenoch Huerta) that she loved this film because the audience is really getting to see Shuri explore her womanhood and maturity.
Shuri is no longer the precocious, quippy 18-year-old that we saw in the first Black Panther. Her character arc is extremely dark in this film. She loses, again and again. We see her express rage. We see her be stubborn, we see her grieve, we see her break, we see her hopeful, we see her stepping out of her comfort zone to save Riri and to save her people. We see her succumb to vengeance and then turn around and choose mercy. There is a wealth of complexity there just bubbling under the surface, and, like the audience, Namor is clearly drawn to her. He sees something in her that mirrors something in him. It is no coincidence that they both see their mothers in that final fight scene before Shuri commands him to yield. And it is no coincidence that, when Shuri’s mind is flitting through the recent sequence of events that led up to that final battle, she sees her mother’s drowning reversed, and right after that she remembers Namor smiling as he told her about his history and his people. She remembers that, underneath the terrible things he has done, he is a human being who does everything he does for the love of his people. I have no doubt that Namor was being calculating and manipulative in regards to Shuri. He saw the chance for an alliance with her and wanted to make it work. But he also clearly connected with her on a personal level. If that weren’t true, he would have either killed her or imprisoned her the second she rejected his proposal in that cave to join him in destroying the surface world. Instead, when Shuri stated that they needed to find a peaceful way to resolve their issues, he sat and was prepared to listen (until they were interrupted by Namora alerting him to Ramonda’s summons).
It’s so clear that Namor was drawn to not only Shuri’s intelligence and strength and wit and compassion, but also to her beauty and charm and passion. Namor is the first person we see treat Shuri as a true equal — as a fully-capable, formidable counterpart. Is it so wrong to be intrigued by that? To want to see Shuri come into her own in every way and to also want to see her desired as a potential love interest? Are black women not allowed to be intelligent and complicated and powerful and desirable?
I could go on and on about Shuri and Namor’s interactions. But I will say this: were these any two other characters in any other movie, there would be no debate. The fandom at large would be salivating over the subtext and symbolism and tension and chemistry.
There are so many reasons why this ship has so many people excited. It’s the first time we’ve seen a dark-skinned black woman as THE MAIN CHARACTER in this franchise have any interaction that even hints at something remotely romantic. It’s a ship between a black woman and a Mexican man. And the most glaringly obvious reason: it’s a toxic mess. It’s unhinged, it’s chaotic, it’s explosive, it’s dynamic, it’s dark. It’s complicated and messy in a way we’ve never seen Shuri get to be. The tension and conflict and messiness of it all is what makes it so compelling. We haven’t gotten these types of multi-dimensional, complex character explorations in this franchise for a black woman before, not on this scale, not in this context, to this magnitude. OF COURSE in real life the dynamic would appalling, at best. But THIS ISN’T REAL LIFE. What so many fans seem to forget ( or ignore) is that fandom, and more specifically shipping, is supposed to be a safe space to explore all manner of complex concepts — good, bad, morally grey, relentlessly fluffy, despicably toxic, etc. — in a fictional construct where NO REAL PEOPLE GET HARMED.
Increasingly in fandom, I’m seeing this very black and white thinking, that you can only ship one thing or the other, think one thing or the other, feel one thing or the other. All nuance is thrown out the window. But the thing is, life isn’t that simple, and neither are human beings. People fall in love with people they aren’t supposed to all the time. People are messy and imperfect and toxic and complicated. People can experience emotions and hold ideas that are often in direct conflict with each other. So why do we ignore this, in fiction, of all places? Why do we demand that all fiction be sanitized and only portrayed in one way? The new, unwritten rule in fandom seems to be, if you’re going to ship, it had BETTER be the morally upright, fandom-approved ship, or else you MUST face the wrath of the fandom gatekeepers.
That is wrong, and even dangerous, on so many levels.
Let me be clear: you have every right to not like a ship. You have every right to be upset or appalled or triggered or disgusted or angered by a ship. But those emotions and reactions are YOUR responsibility and no one else’s. It is very easy on this website to curate your own experience. See a ship you don’t like? Block the user, the tag, blacklist it, whatever you need to do. Because that is the rational thing to do. Going into a ship’s tags in order to seek out users and posts that upset you in order to unleash your childish rage because you can’t be bothered to learn how to take responsibility for regulating your own emotions is infinitely worse than whatever icky ships you don’t like.
No one in this fandom is shoving this ship down your throat. We are in the tags, minding our business. We’re gushing about our favorite pairing, having silly discussions about headcanons and AUs, while also having deep and nuanced discussions about Shuri and her character growth, and about the deep themes explored in the movie and how it all interconnects. The sad thing is that I’ve seen really excellent takes about Wakanda Forever from certain users that I agree wholeheartedly with, only to then, several posts later, see them unleashing all kinds of unwarranted harassment and vitriol toward other fans simply for shipping Shuri with Namor.
At the end of the day, I can’t change people’s minds. I don’t care if you like or don’t like the ship. I DO care if you bully and harass and dehumanize me and other people because you don’t like the ship. Again: THIS IS FICTION. A lot of things that people explore and enjoy in fiction are not things we would ever condone in reality. There’s a certain catharsis in seeing characters go through toxic and even dark scenarios in a controlled environment such as fanfiction. But we understand very clearly that that is not okay in real life. I would urge those of you who are harassing shippers to please develop some critical thinking skills and learn to differentiate fiction from reality.
Fandom is supposed to be fun. Shipping is supposed to be fun. Shipping is not activism, it is not politics. And it is not supposed to be a vehicle for your own personal hatred, harassment and bullying (although it too often is).
If you’ve made it this far through my incoherent ramblings, I appreciate you. This may have no impact at all, and maybe no one gives a shit about my experience or my opinion. And that’s fine. I just felt the need to say my piece so that I can go back to shipping and writing in peace.
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starryfree · 24 days
What's with celebs straying away more & more from the actual Met Gala theme with passing year? JUST PAY ATTENTION AND UNDERSTAND FR 😡
The only 2 women who actually did justice for 2024 'Garden of Time' theme were first time attendees Tyla (custom dress by Balmian) and Mona Patel (dress by Iris Van Herpen) 🤩
As for men, only Bad Bunny and Lil Nas X made efforts to be on the theme, rest men should take notes rather than simply put on suits ✍️
Rest were in between like doing side quests, Jennie's dress was disappointing and Doja's look will leave you traumatized 😶
The best part, Katy Perry couldn't attend so she posted an AI generated pic of her and SLAYED 😘 Plus the event wasn't Lively enough because queen Blake didn't attend this year 😭
The only ones I really liked were Tyla, Mona Patel and Elle Fanning’s. The rest are a mess. Cheap mess too. Oh I kinda liked Gwendoline Christie’s look and Bad Bunny’s too. Tbf this theme was kinda eh tbh. My fave one was the religious one where Chadwick Boseman wore that iconic outfit.
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boyingray · 7 months
i have to say, i didn't expect for the first thing i heard today to be "x japan's bassist, heath, dies of cancer at 55"
and yet, it was.
i felt pretty stunned by that. didn't know he was sick. didn't know anything. maybe it was a chadwick boseman sort of thing, where he didn't want to be remembered for his death, and that's fair. being remembered that way is hard. you aren't remembered as an amazing actor who worked so hard, or a kickass bassist with a lifelong career. you become "that guy who died of cancer," and not much else.
it's also just as difficult to remember someone that way, because day by day, a lot of those happy memories become replaced with the knowledge that they're sick and declining, at least with someone you know personally.
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bluebirdsboi · 1 year
MCU Masterlist | Last Updated: 8/13/23
Fluff = 🥰 | Angst = 😢 | Smut = 🥵 | Hurt Comfort = 🩹 Platonic = 🤝 Headcanons = 📝 | ABC Headcanons = 👩‍🏫 | Oneshot = 📘 | Series = 📚 AU = 🌎 | Songfic = 🎵 Male Reader = 💙 | Gender Neutral Reader = 💜 | Female x Female = 💖 Story on hold = ✋| Character on hold = 🔒 
Augustus “Pug” Pugliese (Josh Segarra)
Coming soon... 
Bucky Barnes (Sebastian Stan)
Coming soon...
Clint Barton (Jeremy Renner)
The New Guy 🥰(🥵) | 📘 | 💙
Dane Whitman (Kit Harington)
Coming soon...
Daniel Sousa (Enver Gjokaj)
Coming soon...
Druig (Barry Keoghan)
Coming soon...
Frank Castel (Jon Bernthal) | 🔒
Coming soon...
Grant Ward (Brett Dalton)
Coming soon...
Helmut Zemo (Daniel Brühl)
Coming soon..
Howard Stark (Dominic Cooper)
Coming soon...
Ikaris (Richard Madden)
Coming soon...
Jack Russell (Gael García Bernal)
Coming soon...
Joaquín Torres (Danny Ramirez)
Coming soon...
Kingo (Kumail Nanjiani)
Coming soon...
Leo Fitz (Iain De Caestecker)
Coming soon...
Marc Spector (Oscar Isaac)
He Won’t Have You 🥵🩹 | 📘 | 💙
Solace 🩹 | 📘 | 💙
Matt Murdock (Charlie Cox) | 🔒
Coming soon...
Namor (Tenoch Huerta Mejía)
Coming soon...
N’Jadaka (Killmonger) (Michael B. Jordan)
Coming soon...
Peter Parker (Tobey Maguire | Andrew Garfield | Tom Holland)
Coming soon...
Peter Quill (Chris Pratt)
Coming soon...
Pietro Maximoff (Aaron Taylor-Johnson)
Coming soon...
Quentin Beck (Jake Gyllenhaal)
Coming soon...
Sam Wilson (Anthony Mackie)
Coming soon...
Scott Lang (Paul Rudd)
Coming soon...
Stephen Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch)
Coming soon...
Steve Rogers (Chris Evans)
Coming soon...
Steven Grant (Oscar Isaac)
Coming soon...
T’Challa (Chadwick Boseman)
Coming soon...
Thor Odinson (Chris Hemsworth)
Coming soon...
Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.)
Coming soon...
Xu Shang-Chi (Simu Liu)
Coming soon...
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noirsfantasy · 1 year
| 𝕬𝖇𝖔𝖚𝖙 |
🥖Info: she/her, 21 yrs, 20011007, Libra, 5'4, African American
🥖Actors/Singers: Michael B Jordan, John Boyega, Jonathan Majors, Rome Flynn, Lakeith Stanfield, Idris Elba, Vin Diesel, Tupac, Bruno Mars, Chadwick Boseman
🥖Characters: Hobie Brown, Adonis Creed, Damian Anderson, Dominic Toretto, Roman Reigns, Fontaine, Simon Basset, Black Panther/T’challa
🥖K-pop Groups: EXO, SHINee, Monsta X, NCT 127, NCT Dream, BTS, Super M, BIGBANG, Stray Kids
🥯I love to write fluffs, they are just so wholesome. I write smuts as well, but I am still developing my skill in that area. Please bare with me lol. Angst stories are also fun for me to write, so if anyone has requests from any categories, send them my way!
🥯My stories going forward are mostly aimed toward my African American audience. Some will be written in a neutral light, but I want to add more content for my black girlies out here.
🥯Anyone wondering what will happen with my old posts, I will keep them posted. I still like to go back and see what my writing used to look like and I know there are people who enjoy those stories as well. (We stan growth over here!)
🥯Please DO NOT request anything containing incest or pedophilia (I will not write romantically about anyone under the age of 18)
🥯Please don't rush me. Period.
🥯Don't be afraid to talk to me! I'm just a regular person like you. If there is some advice you'd like to give or comments you want to make, I am open to them all. All I ask is that we keep it nice and respectful. You respect me and I'll respect you.
🥯I WILL NOT be tolerating any type of hate or rudeness on this account. (any comments along those lines will be deleted and blocked)
🥯This account is a safe place for readers to unwind and live out fantasies. More specifically, I want this to be a place for black people to be able to see fics made for them. I want to write stories that are more relatable and less stereotypical.
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scottxlogan · 1 year
Scogan/Scott Summers Comic Recs (Part 2)
Since I write way too much I’m going to put these in here for the anon who asked and link it back because I say way too much. That being said the continuation of my earlier recs are under the cut:
Avengers vs X-Men For the most part I consider this event a dumpster fire where they dumbed down every character to make their plan work...only it didn't. It was as if Marvel decided that it was time to make Scott a top villain in the Marvel Universe. They tried and failed completely in doing so, but they also pretty much ignored characterizations and friendships with EVERYONE in the comic to push the whole hero vs hero crap. It is not my favorite, but a lot of what happens after this event kind of shapes a lot of the talks, etc. after the event. Spoiler Alert (Don't read if you don't want to know): Basically the Phoenix Force is coming to earth again, Steve Rogers (who has been friends with Scott for a while now and trusts Scott's opinion on a lot of things) decides not to reach out to Scott for advice on the potential problem first even though he KNOWS Scott is an expert on the Phoenix and instead listens to Scott's bitter, jaded ex lover who is angry Scott didn't beg him to stay at the end of Schism or chase him in his need for space...er, I mean his ex-teammate Wolverine who has an obvious chip on his shoulder. Steve gets council from Logan, not taking Logan's bitterness into consideration and goes to the island where Scott's X-Men live and starts making some ridiculous demands of Scott. A fight breaks out after that, the teams act like idiots fighting each other instead of working together, I found myself taking two plus years to like Steve again after this event (which I swear I really do. I like Steve a lot now but was so angry with him for not using his brain and common sense in having a rational discussion with Scott before all the stupidity followed). The fighting leads to more drama. Tony comes up with a plan to stop the Phoenix Force from destroying the world. It fails. The Phoenix Force gets split into 5 and Scott, Emma, Namor, Magik and Colossus end up getting pieces of it. They all slowly get corrupted by it except for Scott, who is the last one to hold onto it. Namor does some really bad stuff to Wakanda (yet T'Challa forgives him and hates on his wife Storm, who had no part of it and treats her really bad, which I have to say here thank you to Chadwick Boseman for making me love T'Challa because after AvX I was really angry with him in the comics for how he treated Storm) and Namor is later welcomed back into the fold with open arms. Flash forward to Scott and Emma being the only ones with Phoenix powers. Emma gets corrupted. The entire Marvel hero roster decides to attack Scott who takes Emma's piece of the PF, becomes ultra powerful and is then attacked by everyone including Charles, who has systematically abused the poor kid since the beginning (i.e. erasing his memories, training him to be a child soldier, etc.). Scott kills Charles in self defense (which I'm sorry but it was) and then everyone in the universe hates him, acts like he's the worst villain ever and puts him in a corrupt prison where mutants are being tortured/murdered and somehow Steve is okay with that (yeah okay :rolling eyes:) but basically this crap show ends with Charles dying and Scott being enemy number one for defending himself against an attack. Before he was attacked his big 'power display' was you know feeding the hungry, bringing water back to rivers that ran dry and helping people, but Charles and the others decided he shouldn't be playing God like that and decide to attack him, which you know totally makes sense and then Charles dies and suddenly Scott's the worst person alive...oh the rage it still ignites in me lol. This was the motivation for Hank in All New X-Men to bring the teens back to the future to in my opinion torture teen Scott because his jerk self didn't get the chance to do it to adult Scott, who no longer lets Hank's hypocrisy tear him down, but yeah...lol It's a rough read and one I really didn't enjoy at all, but it dictates the next few years of Scott's a fugitive of the law, etc. Oh and at the end of the day through all that was happening Scott was doing what he did because his son Cable told him not to trust the Avengers and that Hope (Scott's granddaughter) would be the one to save them since Wanda (in a grief episode) pretty much wiped out the mutant population and Scott was struggling to save his people. Big stakes, high risk and guess what...Hope and Wanda did save them and found a way to use the PF to bring about new mutants into the world, but sigh...so much wrong with this one but it's such a big part of their stuff that followed though most of us want to forget.
Avengers vs X-Men Consequences This was a mini that really explored the aftermath of the dumpster fire mentioned above. There's a lot about it that makes you angry, but also gives you thought towards what could come next. Scott's goal for so long was saving the world and now that he has and he was right and did what he was hoping to do, he's in jail accepting his fate ready to die (note: there's some suicidal triggers/depression there and at one point he tries to goad Logan into murdering him instead of dying at the hands of the sadistic prison guards. It's all very poignant and heart breaking and damn...it totally kills you on so many levels). There's also a bit where Scott and Tony work together to figure out what went wrong in Tony's plan, which I'll be honest that was probably my favorite part with Scott and Tony working together in prison. In prison bad stuff happens, Scott finds a purpose in his life and he works towards saving mutants again. It's still flawed, but has some stuff worth seeing. Wolverine and the X-Men Vol. 1 #40 A lot of people liked Jason Aaron’s series about Logan. I didn’t, but I did like the one issue where the guys team up together, fight some sentinels and drink some beer together. It’s a good moment for them where there are shades of them coming together again down the road. Death of Wolverine: Life after Logan: This is a mini with people responding to Logan dying. Scott’s tribute to Logan is heartbreaking and really cements their deep bond in the push and pull between them through the years. Uncanny X-Men (2018-2019) Start with #11. Scott is back and trying to save his people. This is the comic that got me back into buying comics again. It doesn’t have the most solid of endings, but it brings Scott/Logan back to working together and gives some great stuff where they are reunited and picking up where they left off with one another. You can feel the shades of love and concern for each other, but most of all, it was a great lead in to them building up to them being together in the poly ship with Jean. Granted Marvel likes to ignore the Scott/Logan dynamic but this comic has a domestic vibe with them even with their bickering and all else. It was good and made my Scogan loving heart so happy to see them together again lol. X-Men (Hickman’s run) The comic run before the current X-Men comic was a nice introduction to life in Krakoa and gave a few moments here and there with Scott/Logan. There were little things along the way but it was nice to see them allowing Scott/Logan to be together even with Jean involved. It was nice. Now the only time you really see them together is in other comics where they aren’t the main focus, but it’s clear they are together which is great. So yeah those are a few to get you started. I hope this helps at least a little bit and doesn’t confuse you. If you have any comic questions, on where to look at them, etc. please feel free to drop me a note and I’ll guide you in the right direction. My archive has a lot of featured comic moments and I tried to put issues/comic names on them when I was posting them for a while, so I hope that helps. Thanks for your great ask and hopefully I haven’t talked you out of researching the comics and exploring lol.
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mdccanon · 2 years
The problem with Elizabeth Olsen and not Chris Hemsworth or Chadwick Boseman is the later two are the same race as their characters but Elizabeth Olsen isn’t. It would be like casting a white actress to play Storm and a Latina actress to play Jubilee
Example #18 of Selective Wokeness: People justify the existence of "race" to further their own victim narrative, then don't even know how to apply it to others, because, oh right, "race" is a racist paradigm that has no actual meaning in real life and, oh, also, they don't give a shit about learning about the ethnic diversity of others.
I think that my absolutely favorite part of this entire conversation has been the continued avoidance of any person to name what "race" Romani belong to, but they've got a lot to say about them not being white.
Because you decided you aren't related to your Indo-European cousins, but indigenous Europeans and non-Aryan, Mongolian Europeans are both white because... Fuck understanding the ethnic diversity of Europe... Or Africa and Asia, it seems...
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There will be no selective progressivism.
No compartmentalized wokeness.
No limited-time-only empathy.
I asked for a South African Zulu or Xhosa Black Panther cast fancast. I didn't ask if you thought it was necessary.
I asked for a Jewish Moon Knight fancast. I didn't ask if you thought it was necessary.
I asked for a Scandinavian fancast of Loki, Thor, Odin, Heimdall, Valkyrie (omg, black people? Doesn't that break your "cast as the same race" rule?). I didn't ask if you thought it was necessary. (You really think you get to decide that native Scandinavians and Uralic people [who the UN legally protects in the same group as native Americans, South American tribes, and the Ainu of Japan] can't be discriminated against - even though they and Inuits are THE voice of indigenous Artic People's human rights - BECAUSE their gods have been culturally appropriated and whitewashed for centuries? Defending against cultural appropriation has an expiration date?! So it's not an issue when Marvel casts blond, English Chris Hemsworth doing an English accent as their red-headed God? You know redheads, right? That genetic marker "white people" have demonized for centuries, BECAUSE it was hair color of indigenous native Europeans who were worshipping their indigenous native gods for centuries in their indigenous native homelands? And then when those same "white people" converted to Christianity, they just switched to a religious connotation, calling red hair the mark of a Devil. Yeah, that red hair? Tell me MORE about how you don't think we need to respect the history of the people who were burned at the stake or boiled alive slowly so that they'd have enough time before their deaths to turn from their red-headed God and accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.)
I asked for an East African (Somalian, Rwandan, Kenyan, godforbid Ethiopian) Storm fancast. I didn't ask if you thought it was necessary. You think it's wrong for me to fancast Doctor Doom with a Spaniard because you consider an ethnicity made up of Arab, Jewish, Visigoth, and Basque as "white" and "Romani aren't white"...?But Halle Berry, a half-white American who did nothing culturally significant in her performance of her East African Goddess-Queen character ISN'T classist, colorist, and racist negligence because "a Black actor played a Black character."
Also, a Latina COULD play Jubilee because there are millions of Chinese Latinas. AND bringing up Jubilee just shows you can't recognize Southeast Asians when you see them, so you didn't know, nor care, that the X-Men movies casted a Vietnamese girl to play Chinese.
Because you CARE so much about culture of the actor shining through in the characters... As long as it's your ethnicity.
If Marvel is "problematic," it has been problematic since 1964.
You don't get to DECIDE Marvel suddenly became problematic the moment it affected your ethnicity.
I asked for an equally Jewish Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, and Magneto fancast. I'm sorry that your people are largely Christianity, Islam, or Hindu-based religion. Go find two Jewish Romani actors to play the Twins and stop playing that "we faced unique persecution" violin as if Hitler didn't throw you both into the fire. I didn't ask if you thought it was necessary.
If you feel you are owed more respect from the MCU and the fanbase, do the bare minimum and respect others. Because there will be NO selective progressivism. There will be no compartmentalized wokeness.
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ramblingreviewsuk · 2 years
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Black Panther: Wakanda Forever
The constant games of football have finally pulled me back into the cinema. Into the dark where I can envelop into someone else’s story for a couple of hours. Life recently has been hectic but now it is settling down I am finding more space for my own thoughts and with that the creative person inside of me is breaking out. I am finding time for myself and time to breathe and being able to venture to the cinema is such a relief for me.
The screen tonight is quiet but then the film has not been out for too long for a big crowd. Screen 8 at Cineworld is quite big for a screening this late in the run but I don’t mind. If I ignore the people behind me it is like I have my own private cinema.
I decided to go for Black Panther as it is the only Marvel product I have yet to consume and although my appetite is waning it is still there with hope it can take me out of the superhero malaise I currently have.
Now that I am home after a icy drive home I can say that the superhero malaise continues. Black Panther: Wakanda Forever sits in at around 2hr 41 minutes and you really feel it. It is incredibly pedestrian in its pacing and gets itself lost in side characters stories that have open strands that it doesn’t follow up with. For example there is a whole side story with Martin Freeman’s Everett Ross going on in the background that introduces his ex-wife and her subterfuge around their relationship in the film. Yet there is no conclusion to this strand which I find utterly frustrating. Marvel are getting to the point now across the cinematic universe and across their TV shows where they would rather tease something for a future project rather than actually conclude an arc within the film itself.
What is commendable is the dedication of the film to Chadwick Boseman who was the shining beacon of the Black Panther franchise. These moments were the only moments that felt real and raw. It brought out the best in the cast.
Letitia Wright does a good job of taking up quite a mantel as the lead in this film but just doesn’t have the command of the screen like her predecessor. This isn’t helped by a character arc that is confusing and contradictory throughout. This coupled with the tortoise pace of the film makes for a really disappointing and dull instalment.
In general I do think that the superhero genre is starting to hit a wall that surely only an X Men/Fantastic 4 introduction can save.
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heartman · 2 years
What are your favorite MCU movies?
Hey anon!! I think my faves are as follows:
1. Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers my beloved, I am so in love with her it isn't even funny)
2. Werewolf By Night (because who doesn't love a good shlocky fifties style horror movie? A masterclass in classic horror which surprised me but I adored it)
3. Eternals (I can't gush about this movie enough. There's something about someone being so old and all knowing yet still struggling to find a place even amongst those who are like them and I adored everything this movie had to offer. I love the slower pacing and it was serene and almost sensual in a way and every about it makes me gush I will never shut up about it ever)
4. The Thor movies (always have a good time with these and while Love and Thunder felt a little lacking, every movie has been a good time, Thor never fails)
5. Ant Man 1 & 2 (I love how laid back they are and it's a good starting point because they're so self contained and I loved Ava Starr/Ghost)
6. Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness (Wanda being an iconic horror girl? We love to see it. Also Charlize Theron as Clea is exciting. I loved the creativity with the magic and the set pieces and Christine Palmer is *chef's kiss* perfection. America Chavez was a fun addition and I love Sam Raimi's flair on his movies)
7. Captain America The Winter Soldier (this movie OWNED MY ENTIRE ASS IN 2014 okay I was pretty convinced I was gonna become Sebastian Stan's best friend if we ever met but alas 17 year old me could only dream)
8. Shang Chi and the Legend Of The Ten Rings (the fight scenes! The whole sequence in the beginning where Shang Chi's mom and dad do that fight at the gates of Ta Lo was sexier than any sex scenes I've ever watched like it Did Things ™️ to me and I still haven't recovered)
9. 2012 Avengers (the one that started it all. I still get the same feeling I did that some great was happening with this movie and I love seeing where it all started compared to where they are now. It's a good time and yeah I have nothing more to say on it other than Natasha was fantastic and the fact that Thanos was in Loki's head even back then is mind boggling)
10. Infinity War (Avengers Endgame wants what this movie has and I will not elaborate)
11. Black Panther (a beautiful movie with a superb cast. The way Chadwick Boseman exudes class and charisma and charm through the entire film is stunning and the idea that even family can learn and grow as you learn and grow and try to be better is a wonderful message, I love this movie and Chadwick Boseman is gone too soon. Rest in peace, sir. I am very excited to see Namor in the sequel but it won't be the same without T'Challa, I just know it)
12. Black Widow (a wonderful sendoff for a character who deserves better. This movie came too little too late but it did introduce the wonderful Yelena Belova and Red Guardian. Natasha, I miss you and yeah. Natasha deserved better than the MCU gave her, especially considering she was one of the original six Avengers)
13. GOTG 1 (A great intro to a great team. Gamora has my heart alongside basically every other woman in the MCU and Bucky, and it really was just a fun romp through space after the MCU introduced a much darker tone with The Dark World. I am ecstatic for Adam Warlock's introduction in GOTG 3 and I do wish Dennis from Always Sunny was playing Starlord instead of crispy rat man. It also bugs me that Peter is confirmed to be half celestial in the MCU as of GOTG 2 and it is NEVER TOUCHED UPON AGAIN LIKE WTF FEIGE)
14. Basically the first three movies of the Fox X-Men series (so First Class, DoFP and Apocalypse)
15. LOGAN (made me cry shut up Caliban I miss you)
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silvertoyshop · 6 months
Iconic Heroes and Villains: Must-Have Marvel Funko Pops for Collectors
Marvel Funko pops stand out as miniature marvels that capture the essence of beloved superheroes and villains in the vast world of collectables. From the Avengers to the X-Men, these vinyl figures have become priced possessions for collectors all over the world. This article will take a trip through the Marvel universe and look at the must-have Funko Pops that every collector should have in their collection.
Iron Man (Mark I): A Blast from the Past
Begin your Marvel Funko Pops collection with a nod to the film universe's origins. The Iron Man (Mark I) Funko Pop immortalises Tony Stark's first armoured suit, a symbol of Marvel's cinematic journey's beginning. This figure not only pays homage to the brilliant billionaire but also serves as a foundational piece for any Marvel collection.
Spider-Man (Miles Morales): A Web-Slinging Sensation
The Spider-Man (Miles Morales) Funko Pop will have you swinging into action. Miles Morales, as a key character in the Spider-Verse, adds diversity and a new perspective to the Marvel universe. This Funko Pop captures Spidey's youthful energy and iconic costume, making it a must-have for Spidey fans.
Deadpool (Chef): Merc with a Culinary Twist
The Deadpool (Chef) Funko Pop is a unique addition to any Marvel collection. This version of Deadpool demonstrates his versatility in the kitchen, wielding utensils with the same charisma he brings to the battlefield. It is a delightful addition that adds a splash of colour to your display.
Black Panther: Wakanda Forever
The Black Panther Funko Pop pays homage to the Wakandan king's regal elegance and strength. This figure, which embodies the spirit of Wakanda, features T'Challa's iconic suit and poised stance. The Black Panther Funko Pop is a heartfelt tribute to the late Chadwick Boseman and an appropriate addition to any collection.
Thanos (10-Inch): The Mad Titan Magnified
Make a big impression with the Thanos (10-Inch) Funko Pop. The Mad Titan, armed with the Infinity Gauntlet, becomes the focal point of any Marvel collection. This colossal statue commands attention and perfectly captures the threatening presence of one of Marvel's most formidable villains.
Captain Marvel (Stan Lee Cameo): A Nod to the Creator
The Captain Marvel (Stan Lee Cameo) Funko Pop pays homage to the legendary Stan Lee. This one-of-a-kind statue commemorates Stan Lee's iconic cameo appearance in Captain Marvel, making it a treasured tribute to the creative genius behind Marvel's most beloved characters.
Groot (Life-Size): I Am Groot
Complete your Marvel Funko Pops collection on a grand scale with the Groot (Life-Size) Funko Pop. This life-size figure brings the endearing Guardian of the Galaxy into your home. This Funko Pop, with his iconic "I am Groot" catchphrase, is a charming and immersive addition for collectors of all ages.
Building the Marvel Funko Pops collection entails more than just collecting figures; it also entails curating a gallery that reflects the vibrancy and complexity of the Marvel universe. Each Funko Pop tells a story and immortalises characters who have become cultural icons, from the first Iron Man suits to the life-size Groot. So put together your collection, let the Marvel magic happen, and bring the extraordinary world of superheroes and villains to your display shelves.Top of Form
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