#but yea india would be good i think
madebyrolo · 5 months
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Placeholder - Jacob Black x reader
One shot
Inspired by the Radiohead song “India Rubber”
Y/n has had a crush on Jacob since middle school, entering high school they start to get closer but then Bella his longtime crush comes back to town.
comment Bella slander I love it but #teamedward #jacobishotter
*not proof read or edited*
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Did it all for you to say, you never wanted me that way.
I’ve had the biggest crush on Jacob ever since middle school. We were at La push and him and his friends were playing soccer and 12 year me went crazy for some reason. We went to school together but it wasn’t easy being friends with your crush. It wasn’t until summer before freshmam year once we started getting closer. He got a car and he would give me rides to school. Those school rides turned into hangouts.
First he brought his friends along, we would go get pizza, go to the arcade, bowling or the beach. Though it wasn’t until the fall when it would he just us two. He called them friend dates although I would wanted it to be more.
Then came spring. The daughter of Chief Swan came back in town. Jacob and Bella were best friends when they were young cause of their dads. Bella was 2 years older than him. She was 17 now and he was 15 and a lot has changed since she’s was last here. Jacob had a crush on Bella it wasn’t hard to tell. As soon as he heard the news from his dad that Bella was back in town he started spending time with her, catching up and trying to be the best friends they used to be.
Now the dogs have had their meat, I think I’ll go plug in the mains.
He and the rest of the boys went back to school on the rez too so she hardly saw him and now she was forced to ride the bus. With that Jacob and y/n daily hangs out turned to after school only. But sometimes he would cancel cause and she quotes “reconnecting with Bella” so now it was weekend only.
Soon the summer came around and Bella got a boyfriend and basically kicked Jacob to the curb. Now y/n had her Jacob back. They caught up after her time was stolen by Bella and Jacob acted like nothing happened. The same cycle happened again. Hanging out as a group, then alone, then Bella. Everyday, after school, weeekend only, then cancelations.
It was fall and Bella broke up with Edward. Jacob was back to following her around like a lost puppy. Y/n noticed Bella was treating Jacob like a place holder and y/n didn’t like it. Even though it pains her that Jacob has feeling for Bella, doesn’t mean she can play with him all she wants. She know he’s wrapped around her finger and she takes advantage of that.
Jacob was blinded by love, although he knew that he was temporary to her, he loved that he was at least hers for while. Edward leaving Bella in emotional mess was the shitiest thing he’s done but Jacob took it as an opportunity to swoop in and take Bella for himself. So he went to the one person he knew for advice, y/n. He pulled up to her house and texted her he was outside.
Y/n excited that Jacob wanted to hang out because it’s been weeks since they’ve did. She excitedly put her shoes on and headed out her door. Once she got in the car she was ready to list some ideas for what they could do but before Jacob ask her what set her down an emotional spiral.
“Y/n I need help” he turned to her
“Yea what’s up.”
“I wanna make Bella a little basket because she’s been really upset with her breakup”
Of course it’s for Bella y/n thought
“Uh sure”
“Okay what would you if you were going though a heartbreak ?”
“Um well candy always a good one, you can put in her favorites. I love gummy worms-”
“Bella hates them, she thinks they’re too chewy” he cut her off
“Um well like I said her favorites. I candle and a nice soft cute blanket. Maybe something sentimental between you guys of some thing” y/n told him
“Yes the sentimental things that’s good!”
There was silence between them
“Y/n Im gonna be honest with you, I feel comfortable and trust you enough to say this” he said with a deep breath
“I have feelings for Bella and I want to ask her out” yup and there it is. Her heart sunk. Y/n always knew but now that she has the confirmation makes it worse.
“I never felt this way about anyone before. She’s perfect, everything I want in someone. She’s self preserved, she’s smart and-”
Y/n couldn’t keep listening to him. He was praising her. He was in love with her. Every word he said she could hear the “love” in his voice. It was soul crushing. The boy she loved was in love with someone els. She always thought she would’ve ended up with him, she was so positive. They were close, she finally had him all too herself once he stopped inviting his friends. But then a Bella came. Bella, Bella, Bella all about her.
She snapped out of her emotions trying not to tear up infront of him but once she heard the sentence she broke.
“ I love her y/n.”
With that she couldn’t stay silent anymore.
I tumble like a clown. Before your baying hounds. I suffocated myself into your hands.
“Enough Jake, I’ve had enough! Can’t you see she’s doesn’t care about you? She’s using you. She’s waiting for Edward to come back you’re just a placeholder, it’s been like this since last year?! Once she met him she left you. She’s in love with him not you, she loves the attention she gets not you, she loves the “security” she gets from you not you! She knows you won’t leave cause you’ve been obsessed with her ever since you were younger. she loves the idea of you not you. you know she’ll never stop loving Edward but you don’t wanna admit it!!” y/n yells at him.
Jacob has tears slowing filling up his eye, his knuckles turned white from gripping the steering wheel out of anger. He knows it’s the truth.
“Get out.” he says calmly trying not to lose his temper.
“Just know with me you’ll never be a burden. You wouldn’t be 1 or 2 in my life, you’ll be my life.” y/n says as she slams the door. Jacob speeds off.
Time skip 2 years.
Who would’ve guess Edward came back. Bella and them are graduating and everyone in school got an invite to the Cullens graduation party. Even though Y/n somewhat resented Bella even though she’s with Edward. Her crush on Jacob died out but you never really get over your first love. She decided to go to the party because a party’s a party.
It was 8pm and y/n was the party. She was hanging out with her friends now and the newly seniors while she was a newly junior. They were drinking, singing terribly and playing truth or dare. Y/n gets up to get a refill feeling a bit tipsy but she’s not wasted. As shes in the kitchen she runs into an old friend. Jacob.
When you spare your make up smile, im instantly your biggest fan.
He looks at with the most innocent smile acting like they’re fall out never happened. It’s been 2 years. They’re 16 now and they grown into their more mature selfs (and body’s) Jacob obviously spoke up first
“You look nice” he said staring at her.
“Thanks you too” she replied sipping her drink.
How was I supposed to know that you’ve practice it before.
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i-yap · 26 days
Hi! You mentioned in a prev oneshot that you were Indian, as a fellow south asian it is so nice to have someone into the fandom as well !!! May I have a request if batboys with an south asian so who does Indian classical dance like bharatnatyam or odissi please?
Heyyy I have never professionally learned classical Indian dances but I love watching them so ill try my best. Im sorry if its offensive, Im doing fem reader cuz gn wasn't requested..hope that okay too
Batboys x Dancer!Y/N
Dick grayson
He loved the story the dances depicted. He learned all the meanings and history behind all the hand movements and music.
Dick had probably been to India for a mission so he does know a little about indian history but now he has a much stronger motivation to learn everything and anything about that culture .
Also we all know dick has a thing for strong powerful women. And Bharatnatyam or Odssi or any indian classical dance for that matter REQUIRES SO MUCH STRENGTH . The facial expressions, the precise movement and the beauty of it all..he is whipped.
'He also loves when you get in touch with your culture. Dick is like a culture connoisseur and having a beautiful south asian girlfriend who is proud and expressive of her heritage makes him so proud.
He for sure has videos on videos which he show or boast about to anyone- even at galas , his favorite thing to talk about you and he is just so proud.
Jason Todd
I dont think todd will take the time to look into the difference meanings or stories these dances depict.
I have mentioned how much he stares and now he has a new found excuse to stress. Its like those movie montages of the wife through the husbands eyes where there is like a light glow behind her and he is just laughing (and then she dies or something)- idk if you know what I'm talking about but that exact thing happens with him.
you are like his salvation , so beautiful, golden poised and graceful. Its like a beggar seeing a goddess , a murderer on the steps of church or a ray of sunshine in the cold cold dark city - it becomes his way to spirituality.
He doesn't talk that much about it. the whole experience feels too surreal for him and he loves to see that side of you. when your practicing and don't have the routine perfected, he loves seeing the side of you no one else would get to see.
Tim drake-
This boy probably went to the ballet as a kid and I mean western rich parents-gotham city- I don't think he knows anything about indian classical dance so when he sees it for the first time he is shocked
He Is so intrigued , It just makes you so much cooler. He will love dropping in the middle of his patrols to watch you train and bring you snacks
He also loves doing your makeup for you , and the whole outfit....it looks super complicated and he is good with assembling stuff so he'll be really into it.
He would tbh encourage you to use your skill to start and internet channel and use that to promote movements. Also if you are into the idea of teaching immigrant kids on how to dance, he'll help find the means because being connected to your roots are just so important.
Rather than boring ass ballet in galas , he will promote other styles of dance especially indian classical.
Will cheer like a madman after your performances , even if they are at rich gotham galas. "WOHOO THATS MY GIRL THATS REAL ART YOU SEE THAT YOU RICH PRICKS"
Yea just because you have this super serious super cool skill doesn't mean you both wont be sitting in a dinner eating greasy food in the whole costume+makeup after performances. Youre still teenage dirtbags after all
Damian wayne-
he will draw you . loves sitting and sketching you dance .
He too is really into strong women and appreciates the beauty and precise art of indian dance.
Itll remind him of his home, like up in the mountains. Maybe dance is taught as a way of developing balance and precision. So to him you look like a strong fighter.
It just brings nostalgia and you look so ethereal while you dance. I think out of all batboys he would be most appreciative of the art
these are comparatively shorter but i didnt have too many thoughts. hope its okay tho
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py-dreamer · 1 month
Oh! It's Mac(aroni)-learns-the-consequences-for his-actions o'clock!: the AU
To my marshiemallows who saw my other post, no this isn't the part two I was talking about
(it's coming dw! ...I am going to roast those fics over a pit like a rotisserie chicken...)
but this is some more Ma-caca slander so if you're into that...
"get in loser we're going to yell into some all hearing (but terrible at listening) ears"
(DISCLAIMER: I do enjoy Macaque as a character, he is well written in the show imo
This is a call-out to those who think he's just a victim and excuse his crimes in the show, in lore and make him the "uwu soft boi who needs to be protected at all cost who everyone loves including all of Wukong's subjects apparently"
and make Wukong the "selfish narcissist who's a lazy good for nothing, a monster who killed Mac for funsies then cried for centuries afterward without his waifu, doesn't deserve anything good, everyone hates him for good reason, he kills puppies on a daily bas-"
yea you get the point)
I know there're some AUs where there's an artifact that can change time or transport you into a different dimension
Yea so y'know what, let Macaque get his hands on one of them, mid battle with the monkie kids.
They tell him to calm down and give the artifact back but Mac gets pissy about an earlier conversation with Wukong.
About how he made a shrine to honor his pilgrim brothers and Mac gets mad.
He tells Wukong that it's been centuries since they've died so why doesn't he let them go and Wukong of course gets pissed too.
Then Mac-aroni bursts at him why there was nothing for the brotherhood or DBK when he sealed him or when he died
He adds some extra insults for flavor then leaves (as usual) without giving the monkey king to give his perspective and cuss him out
Back to the present, Mac decides to alter the timeline just a wee bit...
"Tang Sanzang was killed by the six eared Macaque during their first encounter"
Then we see this new world...but it's not all happy like Macaque hoped
First off, the journey was to retrieve holy scriptures from India which would help to cleanse the east apparently. But it was also because of the journey a lot of corruption was stopped (eg slow cart kingdom with its policy on Buddhism, kingdom of women and the demon guarding the abortion spring, the demon who overthrew the black river god, kidnappings in general)
So yea if it was cut short, a lot of that corruption would still be in power.
With most of the human population being overtaken by humans or corrupt kings or busy being eaten or courtnapped, yea society could not evolve. It stays mostly stagnant, so a lot of technology hasn't been invented yet and most humans (particularly lower class) are doing worse for wear.
But it wasn't his fault; it was the society and humans for being to weak to upturn itself.
Mac sees them, doesn't really care and goes off to find Wukong because hey, he's curious
However he finds the Camel Ridge trio instead and we know what kinda happened in that town.
The surrounding area is dry and barren because all the life is being sucked out of it. Heck, its probably even more arid cause the trio's reign has lasted for centuries.
They all welcome Macaque with open arms asking him where he's been and they haven't heard of him since the monk's murder.
The trio thank Mac since they heard how the monk had Wukong on a leash and how he was no more than a guard dog and they were worried that he'd make the monkey king reign his wrath on the city if they ever crossed and without him, the journey never continued and there was no encounter
He's disturbed by the friends he once loathed and fought welcoming him with open arms and owed their success to his actions.
But it wasn't his fault for their corruption, it was their city and their choices, someway or another karma will get them probably...maybe...
Since without the journey, the brotherhood never would've ended up in the ink scrolls
"Its a shame Wukong and Brother Bull can't join us"
Mac asks what they mean and where DBK was.
He learns the demon bull family were in mourning.
You see, without the pilgrims and more importantly, Sanzang and Wukong present, the sealing of the samahdi fire probably wouldn't have went the same.
They couldn't find anyone available who'd survive the flames so DBK, PIF and Nezha had to try it themselves...and were sadly unsucessful
The infant's power caused mass destruction, many deaths, injured both his parents greatly...
...and ultimately led the child to an early grave.
Leaving the clan and couple devastated for years to come.
But it still wasn't his fault: it was just due to unfortunate circumstances!
Macaque, disturbed by this leaves without saying goodbye, goes to flower fruit mountain to check on its status. Since without having to continue the journey, surely the monkey king would be basking in the sun with his subjects happily gorging themselves on fruit-
Only he comes back to a total wasteland.
As a consequence of letting the monk be killed and failing his chance at redemption, heaven punished Sun Wukong and he was never seen again (much to Mac's surprise).
But not only that, it seemed the gods took their rage out on Flower fruit mountain as well. This was the 2nd time it was burned but now they made sure to finish the job, every last tree engulfed in flames.
Without the monkey king coming back to save them, all the inhabitants were at risk of the burning and any left who fled to the mainland were captured and sold, starved or hunted and eaten. There were no survivors.
Upset by his discovery, Macaque was filled with rage at the king. How dare he not take care of their home, he failed as a friend but now as a king too. So he snuck into heaven to find out his location to find answers and yell at him.
It wasn't his fault their home was destroyed. That was Wukong's duty as king! He failed his subjects and he must pay
A tear filled Macaque snuffs through heaven's files as even he couldn't find the location of Sun Wukong's prison.
He learns that Nezha after failing to seal the fire, got terribly burned in the process probably crippling him and causing mass destruction to many nearby towns and minor gods had been cast out of heaven.
Some of the guilt started weighing in on him but he put that aside, because of course it wasn't his fault; the god was just too weak and shouldn't have stuck his nose into other's business.
And finally, the main course we've all been waiting for: confronting Wukong.
He's back under 5 phases mountain but this time with many more locks and security cautions. Macaque learns nobody had heard from the king in a 1000 years.
He finds the king and screams at him that it was his fault how FFM was now a desolate dessert devoid of life.
But to his surprise, the king laughs.
The king laughs maniacally, practically howling with laughter but with crazed eyes like a madman.
"I assume you'll blame me for 'abandoning' you too?"
He rips into Macaque about how they always swore to stay by each others side but the moment things get ugly Mac will always save his skin. And asks where was he for him through all this.
Not during the battle vs heaven.
Not during his trials.
Not during his imprisonment.
Not when he asked him to go back and leave the pilgrims alone.
Not when heaven pointed fingers at him that the monk's murder was his fault.
Not when FFM was destroyed and Wukong didn't learn until some heavenly officials told him years later as they fed him metal pellets and molten iron.
Even now, the only reason he came was to complain.
(I imagine a lil conversation to go like this:
Macaque: They abused you! They didn't free you!!
Wukong:...neither did you...)
Then Mac decides to ask what the pilgrims did afterward and bet they all ran off too...how wrong he was
(Macaque: Then where are your 'pilgrim' brothers now? Why aren't they here to help you the-
Wukong: they're gone
Macaque: what..?
Wukong: They're gone...They're gone...gone...DID YOU NOT HEAR ME? ARE YOU DEAF? I SAID THEY'RE GONE!!!
Macaque: but how...
Wukong: after you fled the scene, the heavenly officials came to detain me....hahahah...I was caught in that diamond snare again and Ao Lie jumped in to defend me.
Macaque: but I thought...
Wukong: I was so distraught, I couldn't do anything...They said that it was also their fault master was dead so they'd better stay quiet if they wanted to lessen their sentence....hahahah...I watched them all die one by one Macaque...
Macaque: God, you've really gone mad...)
I want this man to meet his inner demons or someone able to slap him around to just really remind him of the consequences to his actions maybe some ink scroll action.
Just basically:
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And maybe if I'm feeling nice we get a happy ending, Mac reverses the spell or something and perhaps says something nice to Wukong for once.
If anyone has any thoughts or suggestions on how the timeline would change, do tell I'm curious to hear your thoughts.
@furornocturna might be reminding Mac-adoodledoo of his crimes to the monkie kids in the present but I'm taking him for a roadtrip to the past
(or other present...time travel is complicated y'all)
(Again I recommend 'Fractured pieces make a mosaic' on Ao3.
I shall call them my partner in crime for Mac-caca bullying if they shall so let me have the honors...also @nightmarebunnyking...they also do good slander
No I will not stop advertising their work. Cause it's good outside of the slander, Wukong is very affectionate, we love that for him and MK collects dads like pokemon cards
also kinda want opinions on more ole'Mac-doodle had denial. E I E I O
I propose we gather in a circle and beat him with a stick
...pls interact its 1 am rn)
Also fun fact this is my 2001st post so uhh...yay..?
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destinyc1020 · 1 year
Here's the thing destiny Zendaya has got her eyes shut she doesn't even know the camera is there😂 you and I both know quite well if she knew she wouldn't be hanging off Tom vibing😂 these 2 are as bad as each other💀 it's different when you can see it,so you can prepare and act accordingly, Take india they didn't let there guard slip once inside that party lol. 2 quick points what do you reckon
1,the more I watch the video the more I think Tom sees the camera before realising g its the big screen😂 you can see hi look up
2, I love body guard Tom 😂 I reckon z does too
Idk how she couldn't tell when there's a big huge LIGHT flashing on them in a dark concert, but oh well lol 😆
You might be right though, maybe she had absolutely no clue. 🤷🏾‍♀️
Idk what the culture is in India regarding PDA in public, so I can't really speak to that. 🤷🏾‍♀️
But yea, I can see why Tom wouldn't want them being plastered on the jumbotron the entire concert. 🥴 It seems weird and a little invasive to me that someone would think that they would want to be invaded upon and have their face plastered for the whole audience to see without consent anyway. 👀 😒
But at the same time, I think Tom is gonna have to find a balance and learn to relax a bit, cuz Zendaya is only going to get MORE famous. Tom himself is only going to get MORE famous.
Like, their fame is only going to INCREASE, especially after their various projects come out this year. 👀
It's def a fine balancing act. 🤷🏾‍♀️
Tom is very protective over Z and their rlshp, and that's a good thing! I don't see anything wrong with that per se. But just for his OWN mental and emotional sanity, he might have to realize that in public, there's a HIGH chance of getting photographed or even videotaped.
Of course, there are some instances where you just absolutely need to put your foot down and draw the line, but you def have to pick and choose your battles. Otherwise, you'll find yourself constantly getting triggered. 😕
I'm sure eventually he'll find a middle ground. 😊
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ranveer--singh · 1 year
The nights are tasteless without you: part 7 ~ Ari Levinson fic
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A/N - This is my first proper multiple chapter story which came to me while watching a Bollywood movie. It is set in Mumbai India where Ari is a professor at a university meets a person of colour - Marathi girl at the train station. There will be other Chris Evans characters as professors and Henry Cavill   characters as professors  
Warning: Please read this before reading the story. 18+, smut, sex… etc
Ari finally left for the day, declining going to get a drink with the other professors. He got into his car and drove home, remembering he still had takeout for yesterday. Reaching home, he showered, changed into shorts and a graphic t-shirt and took the food out of the fridge to reheat. 
He took his food, and a beer, going to the front room to watch reruns of Brooklyn nine nine. Ari hadn't checked his messages today as he had back to back classes. He saw 5 messages from Maddy and frowned, what did he miss. Was she ok, not hurt, 101 questions were going through his mind. 
There text conversation: 
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30 minutes later, Ari cleaned up, washed the dishes and sat back down on the sofa with another beer. He waited patiently for Maddy to give him a call, thinking about what to tell her. 
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Ari: Hi Maddy
Maddy: Hi Ari, how has your day been?
Ari: Very busy, had 5 classes to teach and 2 hours of marking to do. Now I'm relaxed talking to you.  
Maddy: I'm sorry Ari, now you have time to relax. My day was so busy with three home visits and a lot of writing up there notes. 
Ari: That sounds full on.
Maddy: it does but I wouldn't have it any other way. So Ari, how was Andy's birthday dinner?
Ari: It was such fun, I met the other teachers, they were so friendly. We had drinks, danced and ate loads of food.
Maddy: I am glad you had a good time Ari, did Andy like the gift. 
Ari: he loved it, and I saw him use it at the university. 
Maddy: Good good, so Ari did you get home safely. Who dropped you home. 
Ari: I'm sorry for not texting you. I got home safely, I was so drunk and then passed out in the car. Andy told me that Jenson and August, two other professors, helped carry me to the car and Steve, the other professor who doesn't drink much, drove me home. 
Maddy: I am happy you had fun and had colleagues to help you get home safe.  But please next time let me know you're safe back home. 
(Ari found it sweet for Maddy to be so worried about his safety)
Ari: I promise I'll tell you next time. 
Maddy: So why did Mr Responsible Steve think you were my husband Ari.
(Ari giggles at the name for Steve)
Ari: I don't know, they must have assumed it. I went to work today and he was like how is the wife, was she annoyed you came home drunk. 
Maddy: And what did you say?
Ari: I had to shut down the rumors and told them all that we are just friends.  
Maddy: Thank you for doing that Ari, also who was the one calling me sweetheart, I don't like his attitude. 
(Ari racked his brains, which professor uses sweetheart a lot, then he remembered.)
Ari: Oh that is August, he likes to flirt with people, he means no harm.
Maddy: He came on too strong Ari, I didn't like it.
Ari: Sorry Maddy, I'll tell him you didn't like his behavior. 
Maddy: Thanks Ari, I better go.
Ari: Wait, um Maddy, I have something to ask you.
Maddy: Yea Ari.
Ari: Well this is hard for me to say.
Maddy: It's me Ari, you can tell me anything. 
Ari: Ok, I really really like you Maddy, would you like to go on a date with me.
(Silence on the other line and Ari got nervous. Was Maddy going to sat no)
Maddy: Ari
Ari: Yes Maddy
Maddy: I would love to go out with you. 
(She was fed up with her parents showing her men's bio data and sending her blind dates with people she didn't like. Ari was different)
Ari: Really
Maddy: yes really Ari, I like you too.
(Ari got excited and switched on the video camera excited to see her face) 
Maddy: Hey Ari (she said giggling at him wearing a marvel captain America shirt because she was wearing her captain America shirt)
Ari: Are you wearing a captain America shirt like me (Ari pointed out and they both laughed. They talked for a few hours about their favourite marvel movies and scenes. They planned a date over the weekend where Ari would make dinner, Maddy would bring dessert and they would watch Captain America together.)
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erigold13261 · 8 months
I find it cool that Hobie and Pav are besties in the NSpidR AU especially considering 1) Hobie is from the UK and Pav is from India 2) Pav is the cousin of the right hand woman in NSR, a huge capitalist company that had a revolution recently
It's not that weird (maybe surprising is the right word? idk), that Hobie would become friends with Pav.
The whole from different countries thing isn't as much as a factor for the two (other than maybe a language barrier or something at times). Well the fact that they both hate the UK government does also bring them together to be good friends. But the distance is voided as they are put into Nueva York together.
As for Pav being related to Eve, Pav isn't actually benefiting all that much from it and isn't the closest with Eve anyway. Hobie isn't going to dis on someone just because they are related to someone in power, especially if that person isn't abusing that connection they have to that powerful person (which Pav doesn't do).
Hobie looks at people for who they are based on their words and their actions. So just because he thinks NSR is a pompous piece of shit company that abuses its power, hurts the common folk, and puts money and fame over everything else, doesn't mean he's gonna hate on people who are fans or related but don't truly benefit from NSR.
Pav would probably be a big fan of NSR, kinda blinded to the flaws it has because of how cool the organization is to him and the fact he has a cousin (and like half cousin) who work at the place. He'd probably be defensive of NSR (like a lot of the arachnikids would be honestly) towards Hobie but would hear it out in its criticisms.
But yea! Given the circumstances, and how young and like easy Pav's life has been compared to Hobie, the two of them are not going to see each other in a really negative light. It was probably a little tense or annoying start to the relationship of being an NSR critic vs NSR fanboy, but they work out their differences and learn to become really good friends (and if Pav does end up close to or working for NSR, hopefully he will keep in mind what Hobie has said and try to use his powers to help people more and make a difference than get sucked into the capitalistic mindset that fame can put on people).
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zhonglisgirlfreind · 1 year
“Oh it’s you”
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Part 2 (it’s a lot 😭)
Y/n wakes up in her pink lit room. Getting ready to go to her fucking collage classes. She hated going to class more than anything but she had to become a nail tech some way! Y/n ain’t fuck with half the kids but she was pretty popular there so she had a couple of friends.
As Y/n got up bonnet nearly off her head she felt her phone vibrate seeing a text message pop up from..? EREN?? Y/n nearly falls on the damn floor as she looks at her phone for a good second. Y/n taps on the message reading it. “Ay ain’t you the pretty girl from the party?” Y/n kinda rolled her eyes at the fact he probably forgot who she was. (The nerve 😒)
“Yea I am 😭” she replied putting her phone down as she goes to her vanity mirror turning on the bright lights. as y/n gets all her makeup out and hair supplies she hears her phone vibrate again on her bed. She walks over to the bed grabbing her phone going to her already lit bathroom ready to wash her face and get ready. She taps on the message, raising an eyebrow.
“Ohh how you doing?” Y/n’s lips nearly turn into a full pout at the question. That’s all he had to say?? Dang she thought he would have been asking her for nudes or something by now. “Good you?” She sets down her phone putting on some music (preferably H E R -slide 😻🤞🏾) as she puts on a headband getting her face wash washing her face thoroughly drying and putting on some lotion. The scent of coconuts filling the room.
Y/n checks her messages once again as she sits at her vanity mirror. “Nothing much.. do you got a boyfriend by any chance?”. NOW THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT. Y/n giggles kicking her feet like a damn kid smiling big as day. “Nahh why?” Y/n sets her phone down with a smile as she takes off her bonnet to see the monstrosity under it.
“Nun, no reason at all.. ” eren replies as her smile faded as she thinkin to ha self “bitch yk what you tryna say Js say the shit” she thinks in her head as she replies with “you sure?” and she grabs a brush and starts combing HER NAPPY HAIR. ( next time wrap your curls 🙅🏾‍♀️)
As she’s combing her hair she gets another message and she looks at her phone as he said “you free today? Mind if I come over?” y/n start kicking her feet like she won a award “you fr? yea you can come over in about 30 minutes.” She sends him her address as she gets some clothes from her dresser and a towel and a rag.
Once y/n is done washing up real quick she starts to put on coco butter lotion. The smell she could never get tired of as she hums to the song in the background. (City girls 🙌🏾) once she gets a text from eren saying he’s almost there. India undo her rollers, her hair falling down in place, real nice. She starts to put Vaseline on her lips and on her face before she hears a knock on her apartment door.
Y/n gets up making sure she looks good. Matter of fact MAKING SURE SHE LOOKS TOP TEAR GOOD. She opens the door to eren himself cologne and a mix of weed hitting her nose just right. “Hey pretty you doing good?” That deep voice just making her legs weak. “Yea you?” India steps to the side letting him in his scent just feeling her apartment.
“I’m doing good.” He smirks and lord. Y/n nearly fell over. NOT TO MENTION HIS PRINT THAT HE SEEMS TO NOT EVEN TRYING TO SHOW, ITS JUST THAT BIG??… Y/n eyes roam his body for a second stopping right at his shorts. His voice cuts her out of her trance. “What’s your name again?” Y/n low key felt a little hurt at that. He got that many hoes? 😭. “Y/n?” Y/n crosses her arms.
“Oh it’s you.”
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crunchkind · 2 years
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this is what kassim looks like for my au I need to name but wen he comes back he’s a smoke dog kind of alright and he actually might be with the most re desighned thoughts cause originally he was supposed to be a Doberman a smoke one and then it went to a wolf to a head full of snakes to a crow to a wild African dog but than I got help from one of my friends as I was talking about this that an Indian African wild dog would be perfect cause they said balbad is based on india and I just put that to see if anything came up and surprisingly it did with a dhole wich I love the name of as well as most of balbadd being dogs cause of how loyal they are and how they always stick together and such wich I think fits most of the population and the dhole has this black effect at the end of there tail wich made me think of smoke wich I wanted to add to kassims desighn did I make it that good? No but you now what he’s somewhat smoke and it gets bad wen he feels any strong emotion but mainly negative ones wich make everyone COUPHG and kassim also has little magpie/crow wings cause I wanted him to steal golden things cause he has the instinct to do so
I tried my best to recreate smoke scars or scars that look like smoke cause he BASICALLY turned to dust so it would make sense that he would have and the one in his stomach is from wen he stabbed himself to become the dark djin wich is massive cause he did it a few times and yea
I would have put him in his Original clothes but I feel like alibaba wouldent want him in tattered whole in clothes wixh is why he has new ones and alibaba did find him I see him either going with alibaba like a bodyguard not really cause I’m pretty sure alibaba can slam anyone he wants if I’m gonna be honest bro beefed up but anyways that or he would try and join the balbad democracy’s kind of leader or help at least and visit alibaba
Kassim would honestly soften up I mean yes he would look scary but not as scary as he once did I guess he’d be more open and he’s probably super confused cause they changed the whole landscape and the islands im sure he’s utterly confused and the little weapon is just soemthing he got to protect himself cause he woke up without one and he doesant really need to smoke cause just needs to eat his hair I guess
Ive Probably got more but but just ask I’ll answer
This quality is ass if you want a better look at the scars just look on my page bro
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lost-my-sanity1 · 4 months
7 Comfort Movies
@hughungrybear ilysm tagging me in this
I'm not really on the movies side of media but I'll let y'all know that once upon a time when I was straight i was a movie freak okay so without further bs
(okay so I realised the movies I've watched are all in hindi💀 because I was a movie freak before covid and after that I started other language stuffs 💀 so)
1. Shubh Mangal Zyada Saavdhan
Ayushmann Khurrana as Kartik Singh and Jeetu as Aman Tripathi
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this was the first queer movie I've ever watched. and this is also India's first mainstream gay movie. and the amount of comfort I got from this is unparalleled.
2. Taare Zameen Par
Darsheel Safary as Ishaan Awasthi, Aamir Khan as Ram Shankar Nikumbh (this man here is a genius. his stories are so good and has such nice social messages-)
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a little dyslexic boy is misunderstood by his family (as usual🙄) and is sent in a hostel BUT AN TEMPORARY ART TEACHER THERE UNDERSTANDS HIM
I can't watch this movie much because this makes me so sad and-
3. 3 idiots (jshdjddj I swear I didn't plan it on writing it at 3 it just happened)
R. Madhavan as Farhan Qureshi, Aamir Khan as Rancho and Sharman Joshi as Raju Rastogi
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I've lost count how many times I've watched this movie it's just so good. just the right amount of comedy and seriousness and it's about the pressure in the education system in a college setting
4. Chhichhore
too many actors so.. just a little tribute to the one who died trying. Sushant Singh Rajput as Aniruddh Pathak
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this again talks about the pressure of education system, and depression and suicide, and hope. one thing I would like to roughly quote is, "Everyone has a plan after achieving success but if you by chance fail then how you need to deal with failure, no one talks about that."
5. PK
Aamir Khan as PK, Anushka Sharma Jaggu AND Sushant Singh Rajput as Sarfaraz Usuf
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(y'all must be thinking (I mean if you even read upto this that is) not aamir khan again. and yep valid jrgdjrhd but I love his movies)
again a movie idk how many times I've watched. but this is about religion. (and an alien on earth)
.......so yea that's all I could think of :)
tagging all my mutuals pls do this
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edgybutnotveryedgy · 1 year
Im thinking about miraculous future stuff based on some lore and cultural inspirations (because i don't want to think about finals rn), and something that i don't think will happen, but would be interesting if it did happen is if Felix were to be snapped out of existence.
I think if this were to happen then it would probably just be temporary, but considering his arc and everything, there could be some interesting ideas in this. Like take his miraculous. It is the peacock miraculous, and it creates life. This in and of itself is heavily loaded when you look into potential irl cultural inspirations.
Warning i am not including any citation in this, but i will be making a series this summer exploring in depth the different cultural influences in miraculous and how they may or may not pertain to the story. I'll be more thorough there.
So first something i just found on a site is that supposedly in roman times peacocks were an important symbol representative of death, funerals, and resurrection in particular. Supposedly early christians decorated their tombs with a lot of peacock iconography because of this association.
I wouldn't be surprised if this association with peacocks and death/resurrection had some connection to the story of Hera and Argos, when Hera took the eyes of Argos and put them in the tails of peacocks feathers/she brought him back as a peacock. In some european cultures it seems there was an association between peacocks and bad luck and death (i need to look more into this) then of course there's the obvious association between price lucifer and peacocks that i feel like most people (in the west at least) are aware of.
So in India there is an association between a mythical bird called Garuda, who Vishnu would ride. Peacocks were made from the feathers of Garuda (i don't know, sounds kinda familiar to me). Peacocks by association with Garuda seem to be representative of time, and preserving and maintaining balance in the cosmos. Specifically due to how they eat poisonous snakes, which snakes are symbolic of cyclical time.
Next up in China, this is where things get really interesting. It is associated with a goddess named Guan Yin, and transmutes evil into beauty. Also a peacock is the manifestation of the Phoenix. So let's talk about phoenix's for a second. So a Phoenix represents things like virtue, duty, humanity, strength, good fortune, etc. Also phoenix's generally show up if an empire was good, or as a premonition of the rise of empires.
So i should clarify, this Phoenix (also known as a Fenghuang) isn't exactly the same as the western phoenix, which i was not aware of until now, but we're in too deep to go back baby lets gooooooooooo
So the western phoenix does go through a cycle of death and rebirth, but the Fenghuang is just immortal and doesn't die. So... Yea... I'm still gonna post this because its finals week and i have virtually no quality filter rn. I just might not tag it.
So i was gonna say that Felix would pull a Phoenix and just like will himself back to life or something, which could be interesting considering his whole arc of having no control of his life or whether or not he lives or dies, but i guess this is all being thrown out the window!
This is what i get for researching things. I am proven wrong in the middle of writing an epic post, and then I have to admit I'm wrong.
Oh well. I'll have more fun dissecting the lore later anyway.
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apricotpicotty · 2 years
i liked talking to him..
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say STAND WITH HONG KONG AGAINST THE CCP!
You both like mbti.
You: hi
You: hey
You: eyoo
Stranger: Hey
You: wht's your type
You: mbti type
Stranger: Entp
You: ew why
You: ded ass
You: you there
Stranger: For you
You: ehh
You: i didn't get you bro
Stranger: Are you halal?
You: what's halal?
You: lemme google
Stranger: How old or dumb are you?
You: i'm 18 you bigot mute ass
You: wby?
Stranger: 21
You: fuck tht's old
You: sorry
Stranger: Wha
Stranger: ?
You: never disrespect your elders
You: so sorry
Stranger: Do you have an ass?
You: an a human body part or an animal?
You: as an*
Stranger: Body
You: are you ass-less?
You: tht must be sad
Stranger: And
Stranger: How's your mom?
You: pretty as ever
Stranger: Any siblings?
You: yea a lil brother..
Stranger: How old?
You: why are u asking me these?
Stranger: Why would you ask me my questions?
You: i didn't ask you any of your questions..
You: you okay?
Stranger: But suppose you did
Stranger: Why would you?
You: idk maybe to plot a kidnapping??
Stranger: Aight
Stranger: Have you had sex in life?
You: yea twice with girls only
You: right i didn't mention i'm a girl too
You: wby?
You: m/f?
Stranger: M
You: ehh sucks
Stranger: So
You: wby? ever had sex?
Stranger: When was the last time you cried?
Stranger: Yes with my cousin
You: fucked your cousin
You: ??
You: fr
Stranger: Yeah
You: was you cousin a guy/girl??
You: your*
Stranger: Guy
You: tht's like a dreak come true
You: lucky you bro
You: and i cried maybe a month ago
You: dream*
You: when and why did you cry the last time
Stranger: Yeah aight
Stranger: Well
Stranger: 2 years
Stranger: Watching a movie
You: ohh 2yrs tht's when u were 19 or sum
You: tht's a long time
You: are you happy
Stranger: Yes
You: in college?
Stranger: Yes
You: what do you study?
Stranger: Software Tech
Stranger: If you wanted to kill someone who would it be?
You: i know who i want to kill
Stranger: Who?
You: i will make someone else kill them i'm not getting my hands dirty
You: an ex-classmate
You: wby? who would you kill?
Stranger: Ahh... My roommate
You: fr? like actually like uk dead
Stranger: Yeah
You: killing your roommate hmm you'd become a suspect
You: what will you do then to cover up?
You: how do you want to kill?
Stranger: Kill myself
Stranger: Strangle
You: how will you kill yourself ?
Stranger: Jump off
You: tht'd be painful
You: how about pills?
Stranger: No
You: die in your sleep
You: if you're going to die anyways..
You: why not kill a few more people?
You: tht one night/day you get to do anything you want
Stranger: Eat my ex
You: yea kill your ex and eat his/her heart
You: raw
You: or cooked
You: whatever you like
Stranger: Cook
You: hmm it'll be easier to chew
You: ever loved someone?
Stranger: Yeah but twisted
Stranger: Toxic
You: hmm
You: do you think i'm loveable ?
Stranger: Idk
You: reasonable idk either
Stranger: Aight
Stranger: Have you seen ghost?
You: nope
You: wby?
You: ghosts lmao tht's childish
Stranger: Have you killed any animal?
You: insects.. i've killed a lot but not animals
You: but a lot of animals are killed for us
You: so..
You: does that count?
Stranger: No
You: idk it should i mean it's dead for us
You: but then no i havent physically killed an animal
You: have you?
Stranger: No
You: good dont think about it
You: kill humans instead
Stranger: Why not?
You: maybe cuz i'd rather clear out my own species before i kill other species
You: does tht make sense lol
Stranger: Yes but it won't matter
You: why not?
Stranger: Who'd be there to give a fuck?
You: hmm right
You: but i dont want to see animals die becuz of me
You: i love cats
You: so.. nah
Stranger: Aight
You: where are u from?
Stranger: India
You: lol same
You: shouldn't u sleep rn?
Stranger: No
You: why not?
Stranger: Who knows
Stranger: No one's here to order
You: but dont u have to get up early?
Stranger: No
You: uhh
You: which state r u from?
Stranger: Bengal
You: delhi
You: hmm far away i see
You: cool
You: tht's sad
Stranger: Well
Stranger: Do you believe in God?
You: yea
You: are u religious?
Stranger: Idk
You: idk? it's a yes or no question
You: do you believe in god?
Stranger: Yes
You: are u bengali too?
Stranger: Yes
You: hmm we're both fucked in our heads
Stranger: Nope
You: right
You: only you're fucked
Stranger: Nope
You: i want to keep talking to you
You: but i have to sleep
Stranger: Which God do you believe in?
You: every god
You: i believe in every god
Stranger: Why?
You: let's say gods do exist
You: i wont want to disappoint any one of them
You: so tht's one reason
Stranger: What if you go against them?
You: i don't have enough powers to go against them
You: and before i do
You: there'd be alot of people against me
You: and let's be real 1 vs 1000+
You: who's gonna win
You: not me for sure
You: i'd be killed just for not being a part of the huge cult
Stranger: Well if you want, you make human sacrifices
Stranger: Can*
You: how will i sacrifice 10000+ people? be logical
Stranger: That'd help you to die faster and get back at Gods easily
Stranger: Just 50
You: wont tht be considered a sin?
Stranger: By whom?
You: by me/the gods?
Stranger: Yes
You: so nah ill pass
You: you can go against the gods and write a book or something
Stranger: What's the idea of sins?
You: typically, something which doesnt fit the human moral compass
Stranger: Aight
Stranger: Goodnight
Stranger: Ggs
You: night
Stranger has disconnected.
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adellovesrowan · 3 years
Along with the thread of comments pertaining to Rowans School, where is the school located?
thats a rly good question . . . i honestly wouldnt know
we know that hogwarts is located in highlands of scotland, and theres another magic school in north europe called durmstrang, and another in france called beauxbatons. basically i think that would be enough magic schools in europe ?? so i would say the school should definitely be somewhere thats not europe.
maybe somewhere in asia ?? its a big continent and they only have two wizarding schools — mahoutokoro ( japan, east asia) and koldovstoretz ( russia, which means this one could be located in eastern europe or northern asia ). i say india could be a good place bc from there we can cover the southern parts of asia.
if anyone has any suggestions / ideas feel free to add on !!
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sweetwolfcupcake · 2 years
any drabble for the Lesson Learnt fam? 😞
Hmm, I don't mind doing that, I'll give you a quick one-
This is a drabble dedicated to Marcus and (Y/N), mostly from his point of view.
It is set before their visit to Paris
The air felt humid. It was, after all, the peak of summer in Delhi. The place was aesthetically crowded. Away from the all-too sophisticated hustlers back in London with grim expressions and mufflers, the people here seemed livelier, without filter and warmly welcoming. The only problem was the blistering heat and the traffic- the place was filled with cars and bikes, and trucks and buses- all in a rush. And unlike most of the media portrayals, India was not a hub of snake charmers and bullock carts. It was an emerging economy.
The Humayun Tomb stood tall and majestic in front of Marcus and his team. They were all set to interview the staff supervisor and the archaeological team working with the government to preserve the landmark historical monument.
"Are you ready?" you turned to Marcus to confirm.
"All set, check-up George, he has been flirting with the staff member ever since we got here."
Marcus nodded towards their colleague, George who had not left one of the staff member's side ever since she volunteered as their tour guide.
"George, you ready?" you turned to George a few feet away from you who did not even bother removing his eyes from the female staff-member
"Yea I'm- justa minute!" he called out, glancing at you for a short moment before his eyes turned to the girl again.
You did not remember her name, but sure that was better than butchering her name as most of your colleagues(even Marcus did) while attempting to pronounce the tongue-twisting name. No wonder the locals were so good with language. They spoke English fluently, which turned out to be a blessing.
"George, we're ready to shoot. Now!" Marcus' voice turned slightly thick as his eyebrows drew closer.
And that was enough for George to get back to his place, ready with his equipment. You chuckled and shook your head, the man was a child in a man's body.
It was hours later, with the view of the dipping sun behind them and bodies all sticky with perspiration that Marcus found himself relaxing, it was a busy but productive day- they were all exhausted and with their stomachs growling, they appreciated the staff offering them some tender coconut water.
"Thank you!" he thanked their tour guide who handed him two heavy tender coconuts with straws.
He turned to you and handed you a tender coconut.
"Oo, it's heavy, see, it's filled to the brim with water." you tapped the thick green surface, earning a chuckle from Marcus.
"Just drink it, and once we're back in our hotel, we're getting some local dishes."
He had tasted some Indian dishes back in London, but nothing could beat the taste and authenticity of the cuisine in the country itself. He was salivating just thinking about all the delicacies he could have at a much lesser price had head ever had to pay back at home. No wonder the country attracted so many tourists every year.
"And? What would you have?" you asked while slipping the refreshing drink.
"Tandoori chicken and Roomali Roti?"
"Aha, I'll go with it too, order some seasoned buttermilk too, I had a glass the other day-Wow!"
Marcus could not help but chuckle at the way your eyes widened with an excited smile. You were not the one to express much mostly, but throughout the project, you had been livelier. Anybody could be livelier there. But when it came to you, he was endeared.
Taking out his phone, he snapped a quick picture- your smile and the setting sun stood in contrast with each other in a strange beauty. The city had such a beautiful amalgamation of preserved historical beauty and emerging modern ways, Marcus could not help but sigh out at the thought of leaving.
"What are you doing?" your smile was bright and eyes, amused.
And he realised what was more beautiful than the magnificent monument- your smile.
And he would do anything to keep you smiling, to keep that smile intact.
"Would you like a picture?" one of the staff members approached them. "We shall keep it on display with pictures of other such teams?"
Marcus shared a look with you and with a moment of consideration, you both agreed.
"Why not?" you placed your now hollow coconut shell and scooted closer to him.
Your hand took his arms, interlocking your arms. He felt his heart skip a beat, just once, but it was followed by a warm feeling he had grown familiar with and embraced, not some thrilling flutter. Your arms felt familiar, you felt like home- his home.
He slid his arm out of your grasp and pulled you closer by your shoulder instead, you let out a giggle and he sighed while putting a thumbs up, the photographer clicked multiple pictures and with each snap, you both grew closer.
The humid air did not bother him anymore, your warmth was oddly soothing, he could feel the sweat on his pack and on your back as well, but there was something intimate about it, knowing how comfortable both of you were with each other.
And he thought that he would like to return to this place with you on a sunny winter day here when the flowers in this tropical land would still bloom. Just him and you, you and him.
Even if just as friends,
Even if it hurts.
I hope it did not come out as horrible, I wrote it so quickly, kindly excuse me for the typos and errors.
I might do another drabble with Jungkook and (Y/N)
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banamaak · 2 years
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——— BASICS !
(PEN)NAME: jassy PRONOUNS: she/her ZODIAC SIGN: virgo!! explains my inherent need for each and every one of my blogs to have a specific aesthetic doesn’t it SINGLE / TAKEN: lol as if i actually have the energy to put forth towards a romantic relationship
• i collect a lot of useless crap, my biggest collections rn are my postage stamp collection and my collection of old littlest pet shops :,) • i was born in india but came to the US when i was about 3 years old!! i haven’t gone back yet but i would very much like to!!! • i’ve wanted a dog for almost my entire life and my first dog actually ended up. being a purebred great pyrenees whom i got for free (not a cheap dog in the least) which. i’m not sure if that counts as a fact but i find it so wild
PLATFORMS USED: i only really write on tumblr nowadays since every other site makes it virtually impossible to do any sort of roleplaying :))) i started out on facebook which was fun at the time but i’m kinda glad it’s dead for a lot of reasons lol
HOW LONG? i started around 2012 i think?? i first started out with mlp rp which i know is extremely humiliating to admit but it’s true! i only started doing hetalia/country personification rp around 2014.
GENDER: i like to think that i have a nice, equal number of female and male muses, but i definitely vastly prefer writing female characters.
LEAST FAVOURITE FACE(S):  i can’t really think of one face in particular, just kind of that genre of white men with chiseled jawlines and spiky hair. u know the ones i’m talking about. yea
MULTI OR SINGLE: well i thoroughly enjoy shipping as u all know, so i’d say multi! so long as our characters have some good chemistry, i’m down :)
——— FLUFF / ANGST / SMUT ! ♡
FLUFF: i adore fluff!! especially with iman, she loves performing acts of service for those she loves and getting pampered in return. i’m always down for some cute and wholesome threads. literally always
ANGST: ok i also love angst a lot, and if you know me you know i’m always finding ways to incorporate angsty shit into my characters. i don’t know what it is but i am just so drawn to it for some reason lol
SMUT: overall i’m alright with writing smut, although i don’t think it’d be something i’d dabble in too frequently. this is mostly due to the fact that i’m horrible at actually writing the smutty parts, and i focus more on the emotional aspect of it. i also haven’t gotten the chance to write it too often, so it’s mostly because of my lack of experience.
PLOT / MEMES: i love both, but i prefer plotting! memes are good and fun, and they’re a great way to break the ice, but i feel that plotting really helps me get a grasp of character dynamics. also we all know i have an absolutely atrocious track record when it comes to clearing out my inbox, so plotting it is :)
stolen from: @geroyam​​ <3 tagging: everyone
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nightswithkookmin · 2 years
Hi Goldy!
Do you know that Jimins part in Butter was cut from the transmission in Golden Disc Awards?
And apparently even footage of him dancing to the break dance was cut.
Here is a comparison:
The post above is also mentioning that this is not the first time his part gets cut, appart from lights getting cut during his performance and BH editors calling Jimin nicknames given by haters.
Idk if this is true or what are the reasons behind it so I am hoping you can shed some light in it.
I remember Jimin not flying with the other members and having to fly in another class or something going to LA.
But I also remember seeing something in your blog(maybe in the comments) that Jimin might have upset someone "from the high levels".
What do you think about all of this?
See if I go off people will say I'm victimizing him so I won't go off.
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With Hybe I know Jimin does have a say in the output and input. We've seen him ask for retakes, examine the monitors and footage till he is satisfied with a take. He has agency and he is not playing a passive role in Hybe.
After all he is Male, rich and privileged. If hybe is not working for him he can always walk out they won't shoot him down.
He has independent counsel, managers and support systems working in his interests to make sure he gets the right exposure and resources needed to nurture and advance his career.
If all these people cannot point out to Hybe that Jimin's lightening is bad and must be improved, or that his wardrobe sucks, or that the direction the company is taking his career is wack then he needs to fire all of them and hire me cos I can definitely do a better job minus the simping and sexual harassment I'd submit him to.
I'm sure he has an exit clause somewhere in his contract for when Hybe fails to uphold their side of the agreement to push him support him and take him to the max.
What I can't take is a third party like Golden disk doing shit like this
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Did Hybe not approve of the final footage to be broadcasted or what? And I fail to believe they didn't cross check that footage or perhaps edit it out themselves cos that interviewer from India mentioned how after she and the team had edited the interview they'd sent it to Hybe for approval and hybe asked them to take out certain parts of the interview she thought was harmless.
Hybe will let the gay slide but Good forbid we ask about their breakfast or Jimin's part in butter PTD concert.
What a mess.
Hybe needs to fire someone cos they certainly aren't doing their jobs well. The artists need to cuss them out more and threaten to leave the band and company cos they are not the helpless broke teenagers they were in 2013.
Sis they forgot to tell Jimin his own song was to be used in a Marvel movie. I don't expect much from them.
Won't lie they surely act like they have a problem with him sometimes. But I know Jimin is very nice to everyone. Personally I think that's a character flaw but whatever. I'm sure Jungkook will agree with his mini hearts and compliments to all and sundry- yall did great today, bows and claps and proceeds to hug them😐
I mean with how nice he is to them you'd think they would feel motivated to make sure he comes out pretty every take but no and be included and all. ungrateful brats.
What happened to the whole 'take care of me' schtick? Do they want him to suck their dicks before they do the jobs they are being paid to do? Send flowers to their door steps? Is it latent homophobia?
Lightening sound camera angles, yea sometimes they can be mean and petty and fuck you up if they have a problem with you. Your mic suddenly goes off in the middle of a performance, the lightening makes you look a zombie reject etc. Sometimes it's technical failure or someone being incompetent and lazy on the job.
Either way it's not good. It's not a good look on a company that prides itself on quality super advanced technological innovation. SHAME ON THEM.
I said JM might have upset someone higher up? Was it a Joke? What was the context of that conversation?
Pretty sure it's not the same context cos if someone higher up is pulling these strings whew that's abuse of office and power, a rather toxic work environment and JM needs to get out!
But I'm also not sure it's that deep. People are just being lazy and Golden disk is being an asshole.
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garbinge · 3 years
My Best Girl - (1/?)
Summary: Tony Stark and Pepper Potts fell in love as teenagers and had a kid, Maxine Stark, who would grow up to be a bio engineer. Here she was, now an adult and learning how to navigate the world she wanted to live in, as well as the one her father lived in. 
Enjoy these slices of life moments that happen throughout different periods of time along the MCU timeline. 
Pairings: Tony Stark!Dad x OC Maxine Stark                 Steve Rogers x OC Maxine Stark (eventual romantic pairing)
Chapter Index
TW: mentions of PTSD, arguments, trauma, violence, bombs, cursing.
A/N: Okay, this is my first time posting for the MCU Fandom. Meet one of my favorite OCs, Maxine Stark. She holds such a special place in my heart. This story is going to be little slice of life moments. I’ll be sure to clarify timeline in my authors notes, but I’ll also put dates :) This one takes place from Iron Man 3. Hope you all enjoy!
Word Count: 4.3k words
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December 22nd, 2012.
The house was huge, it wasn’t by any means where they had grown up together. Not like that wasn’t just as extravagant, but this was her father outdoing himself. Malibu wasn’t exactly home to the girl, she grew up in Manhattan, but now her family had resided on the west coast for the time being and even though she hadn’t really seen them in a while, the minute she got the call she knew it was time.
“Hi Jarvis.” Maxine smiled as she leaned over to the keypad letting the machine scan her eye and let her into the house.
“Good afternoon, Max. Welcome home.” The AI spoke to her. “I’ll let Mr. Stark know you have arrived. He’ll be very pleased to see you. Especially for the holidays.”
“Why don’t we keep this between us for now, Jarv.”
“Normally I don’t think I would be able to follow that protocol but it seems you have override privileges.”
She smiled and walked into the house and shook her head at how over the top everything was. The fireplace, the open floor plan, the windows, the insane amounts of art on the wall.
“How have you been, J?” She asked as she poked around the living room a little.
“Cannot complain, Mr. Stark has been a pleasure to work with.”
“Are you sure you're talking about my dad?” She laughed as she made her way to the stairs leading to the basement that she knew was her fathers lab.
She creeped down the steps, something she did frequently as a kid to watch her dad work, no matter where they were, and eventually the man brought her in and showed her the ropes, which is why was a biological engineer now. Her father wanted her to come work for him now that he had moralized his company but she was still bent on doing as much non-profit work as she could. Money wasn’t an issue since she was a Stark, she just wanted to help as much as possible.
As she sat on the steps she heard her father talking to Happy, someone who she looked at as an uncle. Happy was in her life as long as she could remember. They did everything together, not just because he was Tony’s chauffeur, bodyguard, trainer, and everything in between but because she genuinely enjoyed her time with him.
Max had to laugh at their interaction, their bickering. It was nice to be back in the atmosphere that brought her back to her childhood. She’d never admit that to her dad but it was the truth.
“I miss you, Happy.” Her fathers voice sounded as he locked the phone inside the wine cellar and made a sarcastic comment about him saving printer ink from being stolen.
“You should’ve told him I missed him too.” Maxine said as she stood up and walked over to him.
Her clunky boots hit the ground as she made her way over to hug her father.
“Hehey!!” Tony bellowed from his stomach as he saw the girl, genuinely happy to see her. “What are you doing here?!” he asked as they embraced.
“Can’t a girl come say hi to her Dad?”
“Yea but when she travels halfway across the world to see him without any warning, a guy’s gotta wonder what’s up?”
“Research got boring,” she shrugged, clearly hiding something.
“And that’s why you went to India with Banner...”
“and then that got boring,” She lied again.
“Who knew saving lives was boring, huh?” Tony caught on to her lie without a hitch as he turned to grab her a glass and poured her a glass of wine. “To celebrate you being bored.” His eyes raised insinuating for her to tell the truth.
“Uncle Rhodey called me.”
“And here I thought you just wanted to see your old man.”
“Don’t do that.”
“Do what, Maximilian?” Tony used the nickname he and Pepper gave her.
“Deflect. He’s worried about you. We all are.”
“Oh so this is an intervention.”
Tony was getting mad and quick. Max could tell because she was a chip off her father’s block. His tells were her tells, and she knew if roles were reversed she’d be creeping up on anger. Despite that, she kept pushing, knowing if anyone could get through to him, it would be her.
“You haven't been ok since New York. I was here two months ago and it doesn't seem like much has changed.”
“You were here for a day.” Tony turned back around and started to play around on the digital screen in front of him.
“Before you forced me to go back.” Max joined him, glancing over his shoulder to see he was just doing busy work on the computer.
“I’m fine, you and your mother need to stop worrying about me.”
“Impossible.” She swiped the screens away from him.
“Make it possible.” Tony got an attitude as he turned around as a response to her action.
“You know what. I’m gonna go see Mom.” Max raised her hands after setting down the glass and grabbing her bag. She almost expected another word out of her father’s mouth but was surprised when he said nothing as she left the basement and made her way to the driveway.
Maybe she’d have better luck with her mom.
Happy waited alongside the girl outside the large tower as they waited for Pepper to wrap her meeting.
“How you been, kid?” Happy smiled down at the girl.
“Busy. But that just means people are being helped.” She shrugged.
Happy smiled and they continued catching up until Max interrupted him and asked the question that had been weighing on her mind.
“Hap.” She said, interrupting his explanation of the security system. “How is he?”
“Not good.” Happy didn’t hesitate. He knew the girl could see through his bullshit so he didn’t even try. “But I guarantee he’ll be better seeing you.” He offered some hope.
“Doubt that, we just fought.” She laughed to cover the pain.
Before they continued, Pepper was walking out of the doors with a man who she clearly just said no to. Max knew the disappointed look oh too well. Because even though she had many of Tony’s traits, she was her mother’s daughter. Just as she said goodbye, Pepper turned and got startled by Happy’s presence.
“I pulled the car up, and brought you a visitor.” He smiled as he stepped aside.
‘Max!” The woman squealed. “Ahhh!!”
“Hi Mom.” The two hugged and jumped up and down. “I can’t believe you’re here, what happened in India?” She frowned looking over the girl to make sure she was okay.
“Rhodey called me.”
Pepper nodded in understanding. “I didn’t want to worry you.” She kept her hands on the girl’s shoulders.
“It’s serious, isn’t it?” Max’s eyes glistened as the tears formed in her eyes but she successfully held them back.
“Maybe you being here will help.” Pepper offered some of the same hope that Happy offered up. “Here, let me just get my stuff and I’ll meet you in the car, we can drive home together.”
The two talked about the girl’s travels and findings in her work on their way home. Max explained the regenerative growth formula she’d been working on and how she’d been working on completely natural pharmaceutical formulas to make medicine for people.
“I’m proud of you, you know that?” She looked over at the girl as they pulled into the driveway.
“Be proud of me when I actually get a prototype out the door. I’m just researching things now, writing down ideas while doing basic things for people.”
“That’s a big deal, Max. Don’t cut yourself short.”
The two got out of the car to hear some music playing.
“Is it date night?” Max smiled at her mother.
Pepper just inhaled deeply with a smile as she entered the home to see the suit on the couch waiting with champagne. As they talked, Max paced around the room until she noticed the shift in her parents’ tones and saw Pepper headed downstairs so she followed and saw her father who had already eaten and was deep into work. At the mention of a random man’s name, Max quickly put together they were talking about the man her mother had met with earlier.
“How was the meeting with Aldrich Killian?” Tony asked almost nonchalantly, but the jealousy was seeping through his words.
“Are you SPYING on me, Tony?”
“And that's my cue. Love you, bye.” Max quickly turned on her heels and exited the basement.
The girl was quick to exit the home and make her way to her car. The ringing in the car echoed as she left the premises, hoping the person would pick up.
“Hey there, Cap.” She smiled at his voice. “Tell me you’re in California.”
Maxine had met Steve earlier this year, when he was working with S.H.I.E.L.D fresh out of the ice. They had clicked, maybe not immediately but, they quickly formed a friendship. They’d chat, check in, occasionally meet up if they were available. Friend things.
“And what if I told you I’m not only in Malibu but I’m with Nat right now at a bar and I’m looking at an empty stool with your name on it.” Steve didn’t need to ask who was on the other line, he knew her voice anywhere.
“I’d say no way, and act a little shocked and you’d know I was lying because Nat told me earlier today.” She smiled as she pulled up to the bar before hanging up the phone.
As she walked into the building, she scanned the room for her friends. It didn’t take long, it wasn’t hard to find a super soldier in the midst of a crowd, but Natasha was good at blending in.
It’d be a lie if she said she didn’t have a thing for Steve. He was hot, obviously. But it was more than that, he was fun to be around, she genuinely liked spending time with him. The issue was, Maxine didn’t do relationships, she focused on her career and kept it at that. Didn’t mean she didn’t have fun, but she hadn’t experienced the long-term thing, or even the dating thing, and she was completely content with that.
Steve on the other hand, that was who Mr. America was through and through. A one gal kind of guy. Your typical American Dream, ‘wife and kids bullshit’ as Maxine so frankly put it. The wording always made Steve laugh at her bluntness, to him he just wanted to be in love and spend his time with that person. He was a good guy. Max knew that but it was fun teasing him.
As for Nat and the girl, they met when the red head was undercover to keep an eye on Tony. While some things might have been fake, their friendship wasn’t one of them. Nat was skeptical, and so was Max, which made them become instant friends, ironically.
“You order yet?” She smiled as she sat down on the empty stool next to Steve.
“Nice hair.” Nat smiled at the few loose braids and small patch of green hair dye that took up only about 2 inches of space on the underneath of her hair, and would have never been noticed by anyone else’s wandering eyes.
“Touche” Max said looking at the girl’s pin straight hair which was a new style for her.
“We didn’t order yet.” Steve said, placing the menu in front of her.
Maxine let her gaze linger on him for a couple minutes longer than normal before picking up the menu, just to make sure there wasn’t any sign of a fight that they both so frequently would fail to tell her.
“Not sure why you gave her a menu, she already looked at it before coming here.” Nat said as she looked over the menu herself. Steve smirked as he himself went over the menu.
“Being prepared never hurts anyone.” She rolled her eyes and placed the menu down. “So what brings you both to Malibu.”
“You.” Natasha said with a smirk.
“What do you need now?” She leaned back and crossed her arms.
“We just came to visit. We figured if you were gonna be visiting family for the holidays, we should come see you. A trip to Malibu is easier than halfway across the country, you know?” Steve looked at the girl.
“How are things?” Nat was now sipping from her drink.
“A wreck. Tony’s not really doing too hot. New York’s got him fucked. And if he heard me say that to you, he’d disown me.” Max leaned over and stole Steve’s beer taking a sip out of it.
“He’s got PTSD.” Steve nodded and grabbed the beer back from the girl.
“Which one of you don’t?” Max replied with her eyebrows raised.
Natasha moved her head in agreement.
“How are you?” Natasha asked, changing the topic.
“Good, just working, it’s been nice to have a break but I’m eager to get back into the thick of things.”
“There she is.” Steve joked as he flagged the waiter down.
Maxine offered up a confused look which Steve noticed.
“You can’t not talk about work for more than 10 minutes.”
“Not true, I’ve been here for 15.” She checked her watch.
They all laughed as the bartender came over. The group placed their orders and continued to chat over their food and drinks. About life, about silly things, about work, and everything in between. But as it always seemed, their fun night couldn’t go on without something intervening.
As Nat was about to say something snippy to Steve, she was interrupted by an urgent news broadcast on the TV that was mounted right in front of them at the bar.
“There’s been an explosion in downtown Hollywood. It’s still unclear who or what set off the bomb as well as any motive. There’s been over a dozen casualties and nearly double that number injured with both numbers still rising.”
“Jesus Christ.” She dropped her fork and turned in her seat to watch the newscaster.
“We should go,.” Cap began to get fidgety.
Before any of them could make another comment, Max’s phone began ringing and she saw her father’s name and picture come up on the fancy screened phone he gave her.
“Dad?” She questioned nervously.
“Oh, thank God.” Tony sighed. “She’s okay, Pep,” he called out. “Where are you?” he questioned her, now speaking directly into the phone.
“I’m at Dukes on the PCH with Steve and Nat.” She turned to look at the two whose eyes were glued to the TV as they stood and got ready to head out.
“Give the phone to good ol’ Cap, will ya, hunny?” Tony asked the girl still with worry in his voice.
Max lifted her hand and gave the phone to Steve and said nothing. He put the phone to his ear and before he could say anything Tony was speaking.
“You watching this, Capsicle?”
“Yea, real time.” Steve answered.
“Alright, don’t make a big deal out of what I’m gonna say cause she’ll flip.” Tony referred to his daughter.
“Happy was there and he’s in the hospital, I’m going there now, can you drop her off at the Malibu house, Pepper is there.” Tony was getting into the car.
“That’s Happy!” Max shouted as the news crew filmed multiple people being rolled into ambulances. The girl was now gathering her things, just as eager as her company was.
“Afraid she knows and is flipping.” Steve said as he grabbed the girl's hand to calm her down.
She jerked her head to look at him and then to Nat who lifted her hands to try and tell the girl to take a deep breath.
“Of course. Alright Rogers. Bring her to the hospital.” Tony sighed knowing he had to come up with an alternate plan.
“Yea. Any idea what this is yet?” Steve asked, grabbing his jacket and ushering both women out of the restaurant.
“Not a clue.”
Nat went to check out the scene and get any information she could while Steve drove Max’s car to the hospital with her in the passenger seat. Neither of them spoke as he made his way in and out of traffic. In all honesty, Steve didn’t know what to say, nothing he said would make the girl feel better, and she knew that also.
They pulled up to the hospital entrance and Max opened the door before he even came to a stop.
“You comin’?” She paused and looked back into the car.
“I’m gonna drop your car off at the Malibu house, Nat’s gonna get me there. I’ll check on Pepper before heading out.” He offered her some information.
“Okay, thanks.” She went to close the door but Steve spoke up again.
“Call me when you get back home, okay?”
With a quick nod, the girl was off running into the hospital. Finally she found the room Happy was in since it was guarded by multiple men in suits.
“Dad!?” she called out trying to get a peak in the room.
“She’s good, let her in!” Tony yelled.
Tony filled the girl in on Happy’s status, not on any of the details of what had happened though. He knew if he lead with the medical lingo it would keep her occupied with the nurses since she had a stake in the medical fields.
After a few moments of draining any and all information out of the few nurses and one doctor who were in the room, she turned to her dad who was staring out of the window.
“I know that look, what’s going on?”
“Nothing, the nurse said he won’t be awake tonight so I’m headed back home, feel free to come with me or stay, choice is yours,” Stark was being mighty cold to his daughter as he grabbed his things and began to leave the room with Max in tow.
Paparazzi and press crowded the hospital entrance, as they descended down the escalator it became clear they were here for Tony.
“Geez. You’d think they’d leave the entrance open, it’s not like people have emergencies or anything.” Max said, annoyed as they reached the rotating door.
As they both excited and the cameras flashed and people bombarded them, Max threw her hand up and made her way to the passenger side of her father’s car when she realized her Dad was making an announcement. She heard bits and pieces but she didn’t miss the important part. Where he gave their house address to the entire world before getting back in the car.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Max practically screamed at her Dad as he sped off.
“You're out of here. I’m dropping you back off at the airport and you're out.” He said after she stopped freaking out.
“What is it with you and pushing me away? Why did you even bother to have a kid?” She scoffed knowing the words would hit him hard.
“I’m a father. I protect you. That’s what I’m doing.”
“Superb job, giving terrorists our address, real safe.”
“That’s why you’re out of here. Get your stuff and I’ll have Jarvis take over one of the audi’s and drop you off.”
The Malibu house was already surrounded by press helicopters, easily like 6 of them. Max didn’t even offer a rebuttal, she just followed Tony into the house and into his lab.
“I’ve compiled a Mandarin basis for you, sir.” Jarvis spoke as they entered the room. “I’ve also initiated the virtual crime scene reconstruction for you.”
Max stood with her arms crossed as she walked around the room and read what was projecting in the air and on the different screens.
“What do we got here?” Tony mumbled as he also read the files and then moved to the crime scene hologram.
“The heat from the blast was nearly 3,000 degrees celsius, sir. The subjects disintegrated instantly if they were in close enough range.” Jarvis continued to speak.
“No bomb parts found within a 3 mile radius?” Tony asked out loud as he began to think. Happy’s hologram from the crime scene pixelated in and Tony stood over it while he searched around.
“When is a bomb not a bomb.” Tony mumbled as he brought up the specs of the dog tags he found on the virtual ground.
“What if it's a person?” Max spoke up as she played around with the screens showing a hologram of the source of the explosion. “We got super soldiers, spy assassins, Gods, Big Green men,”
“What are you still doing here? And correction, you’ve got a super soldier.” Tony teased his daughter.
“We’re just friends.” Max argued back as she swiped away the specs in front of her face.
“He’s nearly your grandfather's age, you know.”
“Dad.” Max raised her voice at his attempt to mock her.
“People, huh?” He frowned and took a second to think about it. “We’ll circle back to that one. For now, you, go, shoe,” He pushed the girl up the stairs towards the door grabbing her bag and jacket for her.
Just as Max stepped into the living room, multiple bags from above dropped down and almost hit them.
“See look, you and your mother are out of here.” Tony argued, grabbing the bags.
“We’re all leaving, Tony.” She demanded as she ran down the stairs.
They both began bickering back and forth about how only one of them was going to be leaving and Pepper practically begging him to come with them.
“This isn’t a discussion, Tony. We’re all leaving now!”
She finished her sentence when she saw the missle coming directly at the house, her scream was barely heard over the sound of the building collapsing. All of them were now floating in the air and Tony was deploying the one suit he had in different pieces to catch both Pepper and his daughter.
Pepper hit the ground and got up almost immediately to shield Tony from the rubble falling down and they both looked over to see Max completely unconscious.
“Get her and get out.” Tony demanded as he tried his best to assess the best way to handle the situation.
The last thing Max remembered was her dad pushing her up the stairs, after that her thoughts were empty. Black. Nothing.
The beeping began getting louder and she eventually opened her eyes to see she was laid up in the hospital.
“Didn't put me in the room next to Happy?” She joked as she tried to move but quickly fell back down.
“Oh my god.” Pepper was immediately at her side kissing her forehead.
Max closed her eyes and leaned into her mom. As she opened her eyes she saw now that Rhodes, Steve, and Nat were all in the room.
“Where’s Dad?” Max asked as she looked around. Taking in her fully wrapped leg which matched her right wrist, and her head was throbbing.
“He’s ok. Called not that long ago to check in on you. He’s out being Dad.” Pepper caressed the top of her head pushing the brunette knotty hair out of her face.
She understood and saw the pain in her mom's eyes but also the understanding in them. That he was saving the world, this was who he is and they’d have to always live with that.
“Surprised you didn’t bring all the Avengers with you.” She laughed and forced herself to sit up despite the pain.
Steve was now at her side and gripping her to help her get settled.
“Banner sent a card.” Nat smiled as she stood at the end of the bed with her arms crossed.
“And Thor too.” Steve smiled and tucked his hands into his pockets awkwardly.
“I’m touched.” She sarcastically said before turning to her mom. “What happened?”
“You were supposed to call.” Steve said with a smirk before her mom interjected.
Pepper explained the events that occurred and how nothing was left of the Malibu house except rubble. “You’ve been out for a couple of days at this point.”
Max’s eyes shot over to Steve, “Took a page out of your book.” She laughed causing her to cough.
“Obviously the fall didn’t affect your humor.” Steve said with his hand resting on her back.
The nurse came in since Pepper had requested someone to come in and give Maxine a look over. Just as she was beginning to take her blood pressure Steve had gotten a call, leaving Nat to take his place at her side.
“You had us worried ya know.” Nat grabbed the girl’s hand. “Steve practically knocked an old lady on the road out to get to the hospital when he heard,” she laughed.
Steve reentered the room, and before Max could make a joke about his worry, he was speaking up.
“Duty calls,” he looked over at Nat.
“Fury calls.” Nat corrected him and squeezed the girls hand to say goodbye before exiting the hospital room.
Rhodes and Pepper had been outside the room already, discussing next steps for a home Max assumed, which left Steve and her alone.
“Don’t do anything stupid,” she looked at him, her mind wondering what he possibly could be up to, what the mission he was about to go on entailed.
“Right back at you,” Steve smiled, resting his hand on her good leg.
The two stared at each other for a few moments, while neither of them had begun to speak, there was a lot being said in their silence. Things that neither of them had the guts to say, or the guts to assume.
“See ya, Cap.” Max said before she cuddled back down into the hospital bed, closing her eyes, knowing that when she opened them again, he’d be gone.
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