#I do like macaque I swear-
py-dreamer · 4 months
Oh! It's Mac(aroni)-learns-the-consequences-for his-actions o'clock!: the AU
To my marshiemallows who saw my other post, no this isn't the part two I was talking about
(it's coming dw! ...I am going to roast those fics over a pit like a rotisserie chicken...)
but this is some more Ma-caca slander so if you're into that...
"get in loser we're going to yell into some all hearing (but terrible at listening) ears"
(DISCLAIMER: I do enjoy Macaque as a character, he is well written in the show imo
This is a call-out to those who think he's just a victim and excuse his crimes in the show, in lore and make him the "uwu soft boi who needs to be protected at all cost who everyone loves including all of Wukong's subjects apparently"
and make Wukong the "selfish narcissist who's a lazy good for nothing, a monster who killed Mac for funsies then cried for centuries afterward without his waifu, doesn't deserve anything good, everyone hates him for good reason, he kills puppies on a daily bas-"
yea you get the point)
I know there're some AUs where there's an artifact that can change time or transport you into a different dimension
Yea so y'know what, let Macaque get his hands on one of them, mid battle with the monkie kids.
They tell him to calm down and give the artifact back but Mac gets pissy about an earlier conversation with Wukong.
About how he made a shrine to honor his pilgrim brothers and Mac gets mad.
He tells Wukong that it's been centuries since they've died so why doesn't he let them go and Wukong of course gets pissed too.
Then Mac-aroni bursts at him why there was nothing for the brotherhood or DBK when he sealed him or when he died
He adds some extra insults for flavor then leaves (as usual) without giving the monkey king to give his perspective and cuss him out
Back to the present, Mac decides to alter the timeline just a wee bit...
"Tang Sanzang was killed by the six eared Macaque during their first encounter"
Then we see this new world...but it's not all happy like Macaque hoped
First off, the journey was to retrieve holy scriptures from India which would help to cleanse the east apparently. But it was also because of the journey a lot of corruption was stopped (eg slow cart kingdom with its policy on Buddhism, kingdom of women and the demon guarding the abortion spring, the demon who overthrew the black river god, kidnappings in general)
So yea if it was cut short, a lot of that corruption would still be in power.
With most of the human population being overtaken by humans or corrupt kings or busy being eaten or courtnapped, yea society could not evolve. It stays mostly stagnant, so a lot of technology hasn't been invented yet and most humans (particularly lower class) are doing worse for wear.
But it wasn't his fault; it was the society and humans for being to weak to upturn itself.
Mac sees them, doesn't really care and goes off to find Wukong because hey, he's curious
However he finds the Camel Ridge trio instead and we know what kinda happened in that town.
The surrounding area is dry and barren because all the life is being sucked out of it. Heck, its probably even more arid cause the trio's reign has lasted for centuries.
They all welcome Macaque with open arms asking him where he's been and they haven't heard of him since the monk's murder.
The trio thank Mac since they heard how the monk had Wukong on a leash and how he was no more than a guard dog and they were worried that he'd make the monkey king reign his wrath on the city if they ever crossed and without him, the journey never continued and there was no encounter
He's disturbed by the friends he once loathed and fought welcoming him with open arms and owed their success to his actions.
But it wasn't his fault for their corruption, it was their city and their choices, someway or another karma will get them probably...maybe...
Since without the journey, the brotherhood never would've ended up in the ink scrolls
"Its a shame Wukong and Brother Bull can't join us"
Mac asks what they mean and where DBK was.
He learns the demon bull family were in mourning.
You see, without the pilgrims and more importantly, Sanzang and Wukong present, the sealing of the samahdi fire probably wouldn't have went the same.
They couldn't find anyone available who'd survive the flames so DBK, PIF and Nezha had to try it themselves...and were sadly unsucessful
The infant's power caused mass destruction, many deaths, injured both his parents greatly...
...and ultimately led the child to an early grave.
Leaving the clan and couple devastated for years to come.
But it still wasn't his fault: it was just due to unfortunate circumstances!
Macaque, disturbed by this leaves without saying goodbye, goes to flower fruit mountain to check on its status. Since without having to continue the journey, surely the monkey king would be basking in the sun with his subjects happily gorging themselves on fruit-
Only he comes back to a total wasteland.
As a consequence of letting the monk be killed and failing his chance at redemption, heaven punished Sun Wukong and he was never seen again (much to Mac's surprise).
But not only that, it seemed the gods took their rage out on Flower fruit mountain as well. This was the 2nd time it was burned but now they made sure to finish the job, every last tree engulfed in flames.
Without the monkey king coming back to save them, all the inhabitants were at risk of the burning and any left who fled to the mainland were captured and sold, starved or hunted and eaten. There were no survivors.
Upset by his discovery, Macaque was filled with rage at the king. How dare he not take care of their home, he failed as a friend but now as a king too. So he snuck into heaven to find out his location to find answers and yell at him.
It wasn't his fault their home was destroyed. That was Wukong's duty as king! He failed his subjects and he must pay
A tear filled Macaque snuffs through heaven's files as even he couldn't find the location of Sun Wukong's prison.
He learns that Nezha after failing to seal the fire, got terribly burned in the process probably crippling him and causing mass destruction to many nearby towns and minor gods had been cast out of heaven.
Some of the guilt started weighing in on him but he put that aside, because of course it wasn't his fault; the god was just too weak and shouldn't have stuck his nose into other's business.
And finally, the main course we've all been waiting for: confronting Wukong.
He's back under 5 phases mountain but this time with many more locks and security cautions. Macaque learns nobody had heard from the king in a 1000 years.
He finds the king and screams at him that it was his fault how FFM was now a desolate dessert devoid of life.
But to his surprise, the king laughs.
The king laughs maniacally, practically howling with laughter but with crazed eyes like a madman.
"I assume you'll blame me for 'abandoning' you too?"
He rips into Macaque about how they always swore to stay by each others side but the moment things get ugly Mac will always save his skin. And asks where was he for him through all this.
Not during the battle vs heaven.
Not during his trials.
Not during his imprisonment.
Not when he asked him to go back and leave the pilgrims alone.
Not when heaven pointed fingers at him that the monk's murder was his fault.
Not when FFM was destroyed and Wukong didn't learn until some heavenly officials told him years later as they fed him metal pellets and molten iron.
Even now, the only reason he came was to complain.
(I imagine a lil conversation to go like this:
Macaque: They abused you! They didn't free you!!
Wukong:...neither did you...)
Then Mac decides to ask what the pilgrims did afterward and bet they all ran off too...how wrong he was
(Macaque: Then where are your 'pilgrim' brothers now? Why aren't they here to help you the-
Wukong: they're gone
Macaque: what..?
Wukong: They're gone...They're gone...gone...DID YOU NOT HEAR ME? ARE YOU DEAF? I SAID THEY'RE GONE!!!
Macaque: but how...
Wukong: after you fled the scene, the heavenly officials came to detain me....hahahah...I was caught in that diamond snare again and Ao Lie jumped in to defend me.
Macaque: but I thought...
Wukong: I was so distraught, I couldn't do anything...They said that it was also their fault master was dead so they'd better stay quiet if they wanted to lessen their sentence....hahahah...I watched them all die one by one Macaque...
Macaque: God, you've really gone mad...)
I want this man to meet his inner demons or someone able to slap him around to just really remind him of the consequences to his actions maybe some ink scroll action.
Just basically:
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And maybe if I'm feeling nice we get a happy ending, Mac reverses the spell or something and perhaps says something nice to Wukong for once.
If anyone has any thoughts or suggestions on how the timeline would change, do tell I'm curious to hear your thoughts.
@furornocturna might be reminding Mac-adoodledoo of his crimes to the monkie kids in the present but I'm taking him for a roadtrip to the past
(or other present...time travel is complicated y'all)
(Again I recommend 'Fractured pieces make a mosaic' on Ao3.
I shall call them my partner in crime for Mac-caca bullying if they shall so let me have the honors...also @nightmarebunnyking...they also do good slander
No I will not stop advertising their work. Cause it's good outside of the slander, Wukong is very affectionate, we love that for him and MK collects dads like pokemon cards
also kinda want opinions on more ole'Mac-doodle had denial. E I E I O
I propose we gather in a circle and beat him with a stick
...pls interact its 1 am rn)
Also fun fact this is my 2001st post so uhh...yay..?
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askblueandviolet · 5 months
Who’s the cat-person & dog-person between you two?
Also.. *slowly shoves coffee pudding in front of you* :3
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imminent-danger-came · 10 months
Do you think Macaque is meant to be fully redeemed as of S4? I don't personally think so but apparently a lot of people do ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Well, I guess it depends how you view "redeemed"! At this point, I fully believe that Macaque has become one of the "good guys" (even as we're continually deconstructing what that is). Macaque chose to help "make things right" in "Embrace Your Destiny". Macaque chose to help MK when he was at his lowest in 4x09. Macaque's choice to stay and face the end of the world with everyone else, in contrast to his 2x07, 3x10, and 4x11 (flashback) choices to run away, is an extremely significant development. This is juxtaposed to Peng in particular, who chooses to leave when things look too dangerous for them, ultimately abandoning their brothers ("Is there anything Wukong could do that would break his hold over you?"). We can see the ways in which Macaque has started putting others/the greater good above himself. The fact that he willingly offered to help Wukong in 4x11 is HUGE for him, and proves he has started to understand and even forgive Wukong. He's grown. He's starting to gain more noble traits.
HOWEVER, would I say Macaque's character arc is complete? Absolutely not! "Redemption" isn't the end all be all for an arc. Macaque still has plenty of places to improve (particularly with his relationships), and we could stand for an MK apology.
But, god be willing, in the event we get the "SWK & MK falling out", I hope Macaque is the one defending Wukong from MK. Reverse the roles. MK has been the one to constantly argue on Wukong's behalf to everyone else, he's been Wukong's greatest supporter (or his biggest fan dare I say). Macaque's been so deeply hurt by Wukong, and has arguably been one of Wukong's greatest disparagers. They'd be following in each others footsteps, so to speak. MK becoming more jaded and Macaque becoming more compassionate. After all, who knows more about the ways you can get too close to Wukong than Macaque! But, who else knows more about forgiving Wukong than Macaque? Though this was kind of a tangent lol.
Anyways, tldr: I think Macaque has been "redeemed" in the sense he's fully on team "protagonist" now, but he has plenty of room to grow!
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voidfell · 7 months
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Applies Loser Baby to other ships like:
Hugo / Varian
Bad Ben / Bad Rook
Ben / Albedo
Hartley / Cisco
Wukong / Macaque
Jack Harkness / The Doctor
Claw Noir / Shadybug
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siixkiing · 1 year
"Oh I'm sorry. Is this our stab wound? No! It's mine. I'll deal with it."
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"Yeah, not happening."
Of course she was going to be stubborn about being tended to in such a manner JUST like a certain someone he knew — family resemblance was strong there. Not that he should be talking. Being just as equally stubborn when it came to others tending to any injuries he had to the point of absurdity.
Not bothering to ask permission, instead snagging Chao-Xing by her waist and dragging her closer. Forcing her to sit down — being firm but gentle as he did. Didn't need to aggravate the injury anymore than it already was. His shadows bringing forth the medical supplies that he always keep in healthy stock for such occasions. Better save than sorry in his opinion — healing powers or not, cleaning up wounds was better than letting them fester and get infected.
"Now, hold still — "
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" — this shouldn't take too long to clean and dress. Just a matter of getting the knife out without you bleeding more than you are already."
Luckily, he had plenty of experience in such scenarios. So, this would be no problem for him to handle — it was just a matter now if she would stay still and let him. Ebony tail tightening around her leg, a silent demand to stay put so that he could work.
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blacklight-shadows · 2 years
Tag Dump! (Characters/Verses)
#Now life goes on/But I’m stuck in December | Writer/Etch#No more golden weather/All war and no surrender | Macaque/Blacklight#I’m either numb/or feel too much/and there is no in between | musings#So I close my eyes/and lose myself/not doing like it’s only today | ship musings#We gotta party for a lifetime/and we don’t care about the bad nights/and for a second I can feel like this | Blacklight Shadows#successor of my beloved’s/you’ll be strong/just give it time | goldenpathtotheheavens/Monkie Kid#Descendant of the dragon/ring of fire without end/daughter of fire/of ash/of ends | goldenpathtotheheavens/Mei#Successor of the shadows/inner darkness never fathomed/friend from another time/chaos forever on the mind | goldenpathtotheheavens/Mike#I’ll do better (this I swear)/so you never have reason to fear | goldenpathtotheheavens/Guanyin/Lotus#I’m gonna live loud/until there’s no breath left in me/I’m gonna live through hell/so I’m left with no regrets | Sun Wukong/Glow#These scars won’t define you/rise above the Hell that made you | sharpshooternomoremoxxie/Moxxie Devoe#break the chains/prisoner no more/we’re on our own/what could the future have in store? | Mainverse#pull a story from the stack/just make sure it doesn’t crack | Unspecified Verse#haven’t we made it obvious?/we’re not going away without a fight | Season Three Verse#An eye for an eye/window to the soul trapped inside | Soulmates Verse#I know some people/they would die for me/we run together/they’re my family | goldenpathtotheheavens#Follow me/take my hand/sailing the same course/wild and free/waves and sand/what’re we waiting for? | Neon Shadows and Arcade Lightshows
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mint-is-here · 6 months
went bakc to finally watching lmk s4
have just watched ep 4 and am in the middle of ep 5 so heres my thoughts until now
my friend is going to be happy when we finally go watch s4 together she shipped tang and pigsy so yay
also pigsy got powersss i guessss
sort offf
alos pigsy being sorry not for trying to cook tang, but trying to cook tang badly
like if he was going ot cook tang at least do it well
anyway ep 5
also they finally realized the thing that i've been thinking of for months
that mk is the only one that isnt a decendent or reecarntion of the jttw cast
im happyyy
i have read some fics with hi(theres this one shot where macaque helps him recover from the whole samdhi fire deal and its just so sweet)m and i had fallen in love with his design the moment i saw it so finally seeing him makes me happy:)
the way i screamed when he showed up
like ive only seen him aying "oh hey another person who got caught by the yellow robed demon(idk how to spell his chinese name)" and i'm just. so hyped
also wtf is going on with mk and the rock deal??? i am confused
like is he an actual stone monkey??? ive seen a LOT of stuff about his monkey form but i'm not sure what it is exaclty
anyway i'm going ot finish ep now:)))))
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miffysrambles · 1 year
Hello! I love your headcannons! What are your headcannons for when S/O is gravely injured? Like, the S/O is fighting against some demons along with MK, Wukong and Macaque and they get very seriously injured, to the point of passing out. What would their reactions be?
Wukong, Macaque, and MK With a Gravely Injured S/O
(This one took a bit, sorry about that!)
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Oh, he is livid.
He shouts at MK to take you somewhere safe, as far away from his location as the boy could go.
“Get them out of here kid, get them help! I’ll handle this!”
He needs to beat some sense into this bastard, right here and right now.
Uses almost every single one of his powers to strike the demon, soon enough scaring them off into never hurting you or even going near you again.
Grabs them by the collar as they fall to the ground, bearing his fangs as speaks through his teeth. 
“If I see you even stand close to that mortal ever again, I will not hesitate to kill you next time…”
Eventually travels back to you and MK on his cloud, finding the both of you in your apartment as the noodle boy patches you up.
He sends MK home, ensuring you’ll be ok.
“Don’t worry bud, they’ll be fine. Get some rest, ya earned it.”
He sits down next to you on the couch as he lays your head in his lap.
His fingers intertwine with your hair, his other hand caressing your face as you rest from the intensity of your wounds.
He stays like this for quite some time, maybe even hours as he does not dare to move a muscle.
His heart skips a beat as you shift awake, smiling up at him as you regain consciousness.
He smiles back at you, it might have been the fact you were still a bit tired but you swear you could see small tears in his eyes.
“Peaches, oh thank Gods! It’s ok! You’re ok, you’re safe…”
He wants nothing more than to scoop you up in his arms and cover your gorgeous face in kisses but does not want to move you when you’re in pain.
Soon enough when you’re ready to move he does just that, laying you on his chest as he presses soft kisses all over your face.
He holds you close as if you were about to disappear any second, you’re guessing he really was scared today -which is super rare.-
“I love you, oh I love you so much. I’m so glad you’re ok.”
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His first instinct is to get you the hell out of there. 
As soon as his six ears hear your breath falter, he pulls you through into the shadows and gets you both out of the fight.
“Damnit, damnit, damnit! You're going to be okay sweet cheeks, don’t close your eyes on me. Keep those gorgeous eyes open.”
He falls into his living room with you in his arms, frantically kissing your forehead as he sets you down on the couch. 
He’s scrambling through his dojo to find stuff to patch up your wounds, he doesn’t have much because, well, he’s immortal.
After patching you up, –which is sloppily done by his shaking fingers–, he leaves you alone to rest.
“Gods damnit!” He punches a hole through the wall of the dojo, taking his rage out on the crumbling drywall. 
He needs to direct his anger towards something else before the entire building falls.
And luckily for him, he has just the target.
Oh, the demon didn’t win like they thought they did, not even close.
As soon as Macaque sees they let their guard down, he emerges from the shadows to summon his smoke monster.
It grabs the demon within its giant grasp as it forces them into the gravel below, crushing them with its sheer force.
“So! Do you really think you got away with hurting that mortal? Big mistake on your part…”
After beating the demon to a pulp, he travels back to you through the shadows.
You open your eyes to see him land on the living room floor, his ears perking up from the sound of your breath hitching as he rushes to your side. 
You smile up at him through your pain, your bandages wrapped a little too tight.
“Macaque? I love you and appreciate it so much but you tied these a little too tight…”
He blinks in surprise as he reapplies the white strips on your wounds, smiling as he kisses your nose.
“Heh, sorry about that starshine. Glad you’re ok…”
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You don’t think you’ve ever seen your bright bubbly boyfriend so angry.
In fact, he is beyond furious.
To the point, he turns into his monkey form and beats the demon into a pulp. 
Pigsy and Sandy were helping you stand as you stared at the sight in front of you, MK glowing a bright gold color as the two flew through the sky so fast you couldn’t keep your eyes up with them.
At one point, the demon tried to teleport away but MK was two steps ahead as he reached his arm out and grabbed them by the collar.
“Hey! Who– Said– I– Was– Done with you yet!”
He was throwing the demon around the mountains in between his words, finally, the demon was defeated as Mk ran up to you.
“(Name)! Oh, please be ok!” He wraps his arms around you, earning a gasp of pain from you.
“Careful kid, they’re hurt bad…” Pigsy put his hands up to warn your worried boyfriend.
“Right, right. Come on, let’s get them home.”
MK scooped you up in his arms as he carried you to your apartment, using the key that you gave him to set you down on the couch.
“Stay here, I’ll get you some bandages.”
He kissed your forehead as he left the room, coming back with white gauze and a waterproof marker.
You raised your eyebrow at the marker, earning a small smile from him as he slightly laughed.
“I was gonna draw on your bandages, add a little happy touch to the sadness!”
You laughed softly, nodding at the idea.
“Sounds fun, let's do it.”
He beamed as he applied the white strips, drawing various doodles on your bandages such as a doodle of the two of you kissing, one of the Monkey King (of course), and little hearts and stars everywhere.
You smiled as he held up his phone camera to you so you could see, giving him a kiss on the cheek, “Thank you babes, I look so colorful!’
His cheeks flushed red as he kissed your cheeks several times in return, “Of course, I think you look goood! I’m so glad you’re feeling better sweetie”
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ohhiimjazzed · 11 months
NSFW Alphabet: Macaque Edition
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A - Aftercare (what're they like after sex?)
this bitch is touch-starved but also touch averse at the same time. as someone who is the same, this shit gets complicated. he really wants to cuddle you, but his brain is like "no." but, he still shows you that he still loves you after sex. he whispers praises to you and gets as poetic as he feels like (depends on the mood). he does a little shadow play for you too
B - Body Part (their favorite body part of theirs and their partner's)
On himself: His voice
macaque doesn't like a lot of his physical appearance. there were too many scars he endured and he didn't want himself or anyone else to look at them (glamours are there for a reason). but, he loves it when you lose it to the sound of his voice. you've complimented it so much that he starts to like it more than he used to
On you: Your eyes
eye contact? eye contact. he loves staring into those pretty eyes of yours, especially when they're filled with tears from how good it feels. also, eyes are windows to the soul, and he thinks you have a beautiful soul. he likes to stare into your eyes in general and gets distracted by how pretty they are
C - Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
he loves marking your sweet little hole with his cum. also, weird idea but he might use it as a protection charm on you. if anyone attacks you and tries something without your consent, boom. the spell takes away whatever appendage tried to touch you. (fingers, dick, etc.). he resets it every month and you're cool with it because it's a deserving punishment for any creeps out there.
D - Dirty Secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
he jerked off with your underwear once. he's not proud of it, but you were away and he didn't know how else to satiate the horny at the time. he washed your underwear right after too, but not even the jade emperor can waterboard this information out of him
E - Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they're doing?)
as much as I wanna say that he knows what he's doing. i can't. the only real experience he had was with wukong. but, he's a pretty quick learner and very observant. he'll get down what you like in no time.
F - Favorite Position (this goes without saying)
any position where he can retain eye contact with you. (missionary, cowgirl, etc.) for one thing, he wants to see every expression and every tear. but also, he wants to kiss you anytime he wants. hitting it from the back means he can't do it that easily
G - Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
he's a bit more serious when he's in the moment, but that doesn't mean he doesn't know how to have fun. you'll have to be the one cracking the joke though.
H - Hair (how groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes?)
like wukong, it's fur. so, the carpet does match the drapes. he's got the prettiest black fur too. Macaque will keep it trimmed for you if you wanna go down on him just so a piece of fur doesn't get in your mouth.
I - Intamacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
if it's your first time, he wants it to be romantic. sex is a way people show that they love each other. later in your sex life, he'll start to do less of that, but that doesn't mean he doesn't love you anymore. macaque just likes it rough, okay?
J - Jerk-Off (masturbation headcanon)
Macaque wanks one out when you're gone for a long period of time. we have the incident with the underwear up above, but that was a one-time thing, he swears. he mostly asks for a nude or two to keep him satisfied. he'll do the same thing for you.
K - Kinks (one or more of their kinks)
Dacryphilia: macaque wants to see TEARS when it happens. not like "ow i'm in pain" tears, like "this feels so good and I don't know how else to express it" tears
Nyctophilia (i think it's called that): bro wants to have sex in the dark sometimes. shadows are his thing and he'll be able to do some of his shadow magic to spice things up (with your permission of course). he can also see pretty well in the dark so he'll see your beautiful body no problem
L - Location (favorite places to do the do)
Macaque is a simple man, and likes it in the bedroom. He knows that no one else but him can look at you that way. You're his pretty mate, he can't let anyone else see you with your legs spread and arousal dripping from between your legs
M - Motivation (what turns them on/gets them going?)
like Wukong, he has a heat/rut cycle too. that's the easiest way to get him going (which is more of a biological thing than anything else). he also loves it when you trail a finger up and down his torso, getting real close to his dick. if he doesn't stop you, then you're in the clear
N - No (something they're not willing to do/a turn off)
nothing with blood, or any other bodily fluid like that. for blood, either he or you will have to get hurt, and he doesn't want to give you any kind of scars just to get off on it.
he's a no on the other fluids because it's gross (piss, shit, vomit, etc.)
O - Oral (preference in giving, receiving, their skill, etc.)
SUCK. HIS. DICK. He says he doesn't like it, but he's bad at hiding. He'll let you know if he wants oral. GOD. he will be WRITHING. He loves a good 69 too. having you moan against his dick is a *chef's kiss* to him
P - Pace (are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Macaque is a tease when it comes to his pace. At first, he'll go as slow as he feels like before you're begging for him to keep going. He likes when you squirm underneath him.
Q - Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He doesn't really do them. He likes to take his time when you have sex, so having the pressure of getting it done and over with isn't for him. He can't memorize your every curve if you're having a quickie in the public bathroom or something.
R - Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He's game for a lot of things as long as it's not something like exhibitionism, blood play, knife play, or any other weapon play. You're his, first of all, and weapons should stay out of the bedroom. Macaque isn't training while in bed.
S - Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
It's not as long as Wukong's, but he's got a decent amount of stamina. He's still a demon so it's wildly inhuman, but Macaque has spent a little bit more time with humans so he knows their limits.
T - Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Macaque owns two vibrators. One he uses on you, the other he uses on himself. No I will not elaborate.
U - Unfair (how much do they like to tease?)
This little SHIT. Teases you until the dacryphilia kicks in. He loves it when you squirm and whine and beg for him. If he's in the mood for it, Macaque will edge you.
V - Volume (how loud are they? what sounds do they make?)
He groooooaaaans. You can hear it rumbling in his throat while he's pounding you into the mattress. He'll groan in your ear if you don't mind it, especially if you have a voice kink. Honestly, you probably do have one if you simp for Macaque.
W - Wild Card (a random headcanon)
It will have to take some time, but Macaque will try and speak to Wukong again.
X - X -ray (let's see what's going on under those clothes)
about 6.5 inches, decent girth. Not too big, not too small.
Y - Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
I'd say twice a week is good enough to satisfy him. Macaque is not as horny as Wukong, but he's definitely freakier. You won't have sex too often, but you know it'll be good when it comes.
Z - ZZZ (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Will not sleep until you're taken care of and in his arms. He's a bit of a night owl anyways, so he'll watch you sleep for a bit after you've passed out and admire you.
Thank you for reading!!! <3
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complete-clownery · 3 months
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Human SWK and Mac for the soul
Long rant about the au idea ⬇️⬇️⬇️
Actually they're for my detective au I'm not really talking about but I do have this fun little animatic idea in my head to Michael Bublé - Better be tonight, where MK and Wukong beat up a lot of people behind the scenes in the bar while Macaque distracts the audience with a performance lol haha how silly of me
But yeah the au would be Wukong is a private detective who has already retired, and MK (a young detective working for the police (dw were all about acab here, so Mk would realize how shitty the police system is and leave)) would seek him out for help with a case about some underground Mafia business
(probably something I would do with LBD and the Demon bull family but who knows), and Wukong decides to help him MK and also just teach him stuff along the way while also guiding him away from the police force
(probably something something Wukong worked as a detective in there, jttw event converted into detective cases idk, celestials as the justice system ect ect),
but they would ultimately work together on the case and would cross paths with Macaque (who needs a proper human name) Wukongs former partner (partner as in work related business but yeah they were also fucking), who will probably stab them in the back at some point in the story LBD pressure and whatnot,
but yeah on normal days Mac works a shitty job in an office, but Wukong swears up and down that Mac is up to something shady (and he is kinda right) (also side note: every individual in the office regardless of gender has had an office crush on Macaque at some point lol)
Also Wukong when he worked at the police actually got himself quite the name and so people know about him, kinda was the face of the police force at some point, and MK decides to be a detective bc of Wukong, (but that was kind of a given, even tho in the show before getting his powers MK wasn't really interested in becoming a here and this was also a key plot point in season 4 MK not wanting to do all the crazy magic shit and wanting to go back to being just a delivery boy and sometimes beating up the eventual villain of the week, but whatevs)
They're in their 40s maybe early 50s but Wukong somehow still looks 20-30 years old nobody knows how he does it, everyone else is kinda the same age in the show
They're also in America for this cuz--- this is a 90s 80s detective show just because I want it to be--- how did the characters from China end up here idk :| something something emigration or maybe the au can stay in China idk man Im making up half of this as I'm writing but it's fun I like the rotate my little aus in my brain
But yeah its just a fun little idea in my head that is going to stay just that, never manifesting into something more
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lunar-wandering · 3 months
sugar starved
it's doneeeee like i said this is just 8k of me being absolutely nuts. dont expect plot here.
TWs: uh, biting, blood drinking (don't worry about it), kissing... (i think that's it??)
Word Count: 8.4k
Read on Ao3
Well, that couldn’t be a good sign.
Wukong slammed another hypnotized demon’s head into the ground, knocking them unconscious, whirling around and kicking another demon in the gut as he directed half of his attention towards the pained swear that had come from behind him. A short distance away, MK and Mei were blocking any enemies from reaching Macaque, who had fallen down onto one knee, clutching his leg.
Even from this distance, Wukong could see the smattering of blood on the pavement.
He clicked his tongue in annoyance, then ripped a handful of fur from his arm, blowing on it to summon some clones, mentally directing them in various directions to even out the fight. One specifically went and scooped Macaque out of the way of an axe wielding demon that had slipped past MK and Mei’s defense line, quickly carrying the other monkey to a nearby rooftop.
Wukong could feel the phantom sensation of Macaque smacking the clone’s back with his hand, as well as the faint whispers of complaints in his ear. He payed them no mind, jumping up to knee someone in the face, quickly bringing up his other leg in a follow up swing to shove them into another demon, sending them both into a wall hard enough to make it break. He spared a glance towards the rooftop for a moment, checking to make sure his clone was standing guard, before shooting his hand up to grab a wrist just before the fist attached to it could make contact with the side of his face. Wukong tightened his grip, twisted to the side, planted his foot, and flung them into the pavement with just barely non-lethal force.
He winced a bit as he heard a few bones crack.
…Maybe he should tone it down a little. Most of these demons weren’t doing this of their own free will after all.
Almost as though just thinking that had willed it, the buzzing sensation that Wukong had been pushing to the back of his mind suddenly came to an end. Wukong glanced up to see that MK had tackled some dressed up demon to the ground, and that Mei was currently stamping on some sort of- walkie talkie?
The demons that had been slowly approaching him crumbled to the ground. A few of them made noises of pain. Wukong almost wanted to do something similar. Despite having not actually been under the influence of whatever had been affecting the others, now that the buzzing was gone, he was suddenly being made aware of a killer headache. Headaches weren’t that out of the ordinary for him, but with the way this one felt, it was likely going to become a migraine sooner or later, and disrupt his well fought for peace.
Speaking of things that frequently disrupt his peace…
Wukong glanced back up towards the rooftop where his clone was waiting for him. He raised an eyebrow, and his clone responded by giving a gesture which clearly implied that he should ‘get up here, now.’
Wukong let out a sigh.
And then he jumped up, grabbing onto a signpost with his hand, swinging around it and using the momentum to fling himself up onto the rooftop. He dispelled his clone as he landed, dusting off his hands.
“So!” He said, “What’s the damage?”
“Fuck you.”
“Ooh, that’s not good.” Wukong crouched down beside where Macaque was partially curled up, the other glaring up at him. “Normally your insults are a lot more dignified than that.”
“Again, fuck you.” There was less heat behind it this time, shockingly. Wukong’s ear twitched as he assessed the way Macaque was clutching at his leg, before moving to grab his hands. Macaque’s tail puffed up in agitation. “Don’t touch me!”
“Hey, I can’t help you out if you won’t let me look!” Wukong grabbed hold of Macaque’s hands, overpowering him and finally getting a clear look at the injury. He hissed with sympathy. “Ah, that does look bad.”
Three long gashes ran down Macaque’s leg, from his knee to just above his ankle. His pant leg was practically shredded. Wukong didn’t think any level of thread and needle could fix the fabric… well, Macaque probably had plenty of extras anyways, hopefully.
The blood was dripping onto the roof underneath him and, well, Wukong didn’t really notice before but… man did it smell sweet.
Macaque’s magic always tended to lean on the sugary side- or, well, ‘lean’ was too small a word. Macaque’s magic was majorly sweet. It kinda smelled a bit like sugar cookies- if they were comprised of 90% sugar. It was the sweetest thing Wukong had ever tasted if he was being honest, immortal peaches being a close second.
…Not that he had had a taste of either in recent years. Macaque magic, specifically, well, Wukong hadn’t gotten a taste of his magic since- well. Before.
Macaque’s body runs on magic now, of course. His blood practically was magic.
Fuck, it smells really good.
Wukong was getting way too distracted by it.
“You got first aid stuff on ya?” He asked. He didn’t carry any on himself and, well, using his hair as a substitute for it never really turned out well. (Wukong didn’t even want to think about the number of infected wounds he’d accidentally given to himself over the years. No, those were incidents he’d prefer remain as distant memories). He really should figure out a way to store some first aid on himself- wait. He could shrink things, why had he never thought to- shit, he was getting distracted again.
Macaque didn’t give him a verbal response, instead rolling his eyes, a shadow pooling beside Wukong. Hesitatingly, (he wouldn’t doubt that Macaque would choose to play a prank even when injured), Wukong dipped his tail into the shadow, gripping onto a handle, pulling out a first aid kit. Setting it down, he clicked it open, looking over what he had. Unsurprisingly, it was pretty well stocked. Wukong had to wonder where Macaque had even gotten some of this stuff, he doubted the other had bought it.
Well, first things first was cleaning the wound.
Wukong brushed the shredded remains of Macaque’s pant leg out of the way, gripping Macaque’s ankle and pulling his leg towards him, ignoring Macaque’s hiss of pain as he started cleaning the cuts. They didn’t look too deep, Wukong would admit he’d been the slightest bit worried because of how Macaque was acting, but, then again, the shadow monkey always did have a shit pain tolerance. Wukong leaned down a little closer, eyes flickering gold to make sure he wasn’t missing anything-
Oh, the sweet scent of Macaque’s magic was so much stronger this close. He- he really craved- he wanted-
Mind completely lost, Wukong licked a line of blood off of Macaque’s leg, and then froze. Macaque, who had let out an outright squeak at the sensation, froze as well as the two of them suddenly locked eyes.
“Oh, ew!” They both jumped as MK’s voice interrupted their… moment, turning to see both him and Mei only just barely over the edge of the rooftop. “Did not want to see that! If you kids are going to do weird shit, do it behind closed doors, please!”
“I’m centuries older than you!” Wukong replied, instinctively, before the rest of MK’s sentence, along with the entirety of what just happened finally hit him, and he recoiled, letting go of Macaque’s leg and backing away, face igniting with gold. “And- and we weren’t doing anything weird!”
“Uh-huh, sure.” MK sounded entirely unconvinced, and beside him, Mei put her hands on her hips in an equally as doubtful pose. “Nothing happened, and Macaque definitely doesn’t look like he’s about to pass out.”
There was a small thump from beside him, and Wukong turned to find that Macaque had, in fact, passed out. Perfectly on queue too. Dramatic as always. MK let out a curse.
“Oh, shit, I was joking, I didn’t think he actually would-” Both him and Mei quickly ran forwards, restarting what Wukong had gotten distracted from. Mei started re-cleaning Macaque’s leg, while MK quickly checked Macaque’s head for any possible injuries. “Do you think it’s from blood loss or, uh-”
“Eh, hard to tell.” Wukong knelt down beside Macaque again, gently flicking the other’s cheek. He felt a steady returning echo of magic, so, “His magic seems to be stable. He was probably just overwhelmed, or something. …Can’t imagine why.”
“Oh, yeah, definitely no reason behind it at all.” Mei said, reaching around Wukong to grab the bandages out of the first aid kit, tightly wrapping them around Macaque’s leg. Wukong avoided eye contact with both her and MK. The sweet scent was still lingering in both his nose and mouth- he subconsciously licked his lip. Suddenly, he felt a prickle indicating eyes were on him, and he looked up to find that MK was staring at him with something like concerned wariness.
“…Monkey King.” MK started, slowly, “I know you and Macaque are… complicated, but you’re not planning on… eating him, right? Cause you uh, you can’t do that.”
“Ea- I’m not going to eat him.” Wukong said, offended, “I don’t- I’ve never- where are you getting that idea from?”
“I don’t know, Mr. King.” Mei finished up bandaging Macaque’s leg, pulling a sticker out of her pocket and placing it on top of her work- for some reason. “You’ve been staring at him kinda hungrily.”
“…I don’t think that’s a way you can stare at someone.” Wukong rubbed the back of his neck, “Besides, even if I did like, do the whole, ‘eating people’ thing- which I don’t. I certainly wouldn’t eat him, he’d probably taste gross.”
Well. He’d probably taste really sweet actually. He found his eyes drifting down to where Macaque’s neck would be visible, if it weren’t for the other’s scarf. Now that the injury was bandaged, the scent wasn’t as strong anymore- but it was still there…
“You certainly didn’t seem to think he was gross when you were licking Macaque’s leg.” Mei said, snapping Wukong out of his staring and making his face burn.
“That was- I was just- um. My saliva helps things heal faster?”
“Y’know, I’d almost believe that if you hadn’t said it like that.” MK said, digging around in his pocket, before seemingly finding what he was looking for. “Open your mouth.”
“Wha-” Wukong was cut off as, faster than he could blink, MK unwrapped a lollipop and shoved it into Wukong’s mouth. “Hey-”
“Lick something that’s supposed to be licked.” MK said, standing up, summoning the staff into his hand and walking towards the edge of the roof, Mei silently following after him. “Me and Mei have a dance party to get to- if I don’t hear from Macaque by midnight, I will be accusing you of cooking him!”
Wukong’s offended cry that, again, he did not eat people, fell on seemingly deaf ears as both MK and Mei jumped down from the roof’s edge, vanishing, leaving Wukong crouching on the rooftop beside a still unconscious Macaque.
After a few minutes, he sighed, using his tongue to turn the lollipop over in his mouth.
It was peach flavoured.
…It still wasn’t as sweet as-
Wukong shook that thought out of his head- oh, huh. Somehow, in between earlier and now, his headache had vanished. That was… weird. He’d been sure it was going to become a migraine. Maybe the distraction was all he’d needed? …Whatever. He didn’t have the time to focus on that.
He glanced down at Macaque, and sighed, before placing his hands underneath him and lifting him up as gently as he could. As much as some mean-spirited part of him might wish to do so, he couldn’t just leave the other on top of a random rooftop. The least he could do was get Macaque back to his dojo- or, well their dojo, at the current moment. Flower Fruit Mountain was still unsuitable for living in, at the current moment. Reforming his past house required a lot of magic and focus, and, well, Wukong may or may not be lacking in one of those departments, so it was taking quite a while.
Not to mention he’d had a late start on it. …A month’s long late start to it. Procrastination could be such a bitch sometimes.
So, he’d been staying at Macaque’s dojo for the time being. (MK had offered his apartment, and Sandy had offered his boat, but… Macaque’s dojo was the only other building around with a built in pocket space that could fit all of Wukong’s stuff. Or, well, what remained of it. Wukong didn’t really want to think about all that had gotten destroyed during the fight against Azure, he’d salvaged what he could, and that was that. He definitely didn’t still think of the items that were either destroyed or missing).
Or, well, he was kind of staying there. Sure, his stuff was stored there, and he’d spent like, maybe one or two nights guarding said stuff, but he had yet to actually, like, sleep there. After he was certain Macaque wasn’t going to go through his stuff, he’d been spending most of his time either hanging out with the kid and the others at the Noodle Shop, or finding a random tree to rest in.
Which was why he paused when, upon kicking down random doors, he paused upon the discovery that, at some point, Macaque had seemingly prepared a room for him.
Or, well, it wasn’t really a new discovery. Wukong had heard him mumbling about how he’d “gone through the effort of putting a room together for nothing”, but he had assumed the other had just been joking- poking fun over how Wukong currently preferred a tree branch over an actual bed. Apparently, this was not the case.
Wukong took a quick glance down the hallway. There were still multiple doors to try if he wanted to find Macaque’s actual room, but, well, there was a bed right here, so.
He quickly stepped in and dropped the other unceremoniously onto the bed- and then winced as the other let out a slightly pained whimper in his sleep. Ah. Right. Injured leg. You’re meant to be careful with injured people.
…Sue him. It’s been centuries since he’d last had to deal with caring for an injured person that wasn’t himself, he was out of practice.
Slightly more gently, Wukong rearranged Macaque so that he wasn’t in a position that would aggravate the cuts on his leg. And then he… stared. Silently. Macaque was still asleep- which would’ve been concerning, Wukong was fairly sure if someone passes out, they’re not meant to stay unconscious for this long unless there’s a serious medical reason, but, well. That buzzing had been hard on Wukong’s ears, he could only imagine what it’d been like for Macaque. Maybe he just needed the rest?
The last bit of lollipop dissolved on his tongue, and Wukong took the remaining stick out of his mouth and tossed it into the trash as he contemplated. Was there anything else here he needed to-
Oh! Water! Water would probably be good- everyone likes a good glass of water when they wake up, yep. Wukong turned around, new mission in mind, heading towards Macaque’s kitchen. Man, now that there was nothing sweet in his mouth, he was craving sugar again- but he already knew that Macaque didn’t keep any treats in there. He’d tried to raid the kitchen on his first night staying here, out of spite, only to find it horrifically empty. Pigsy would’ve thrown a fit if he’d known. Actually, now that he was thinking about it, maybe he should tell the pig demon about that, the idea of what Macaque’s expression would be when confronted with a pissed-off Pigsy was endlessly entertaining.
…That might come back to bite him though. It was well known at this point that the Monkey King didn’t have the best eating habits either. Maybe he should save that idea for a time when he can easily get away…
Oh. He’d overfilled the cup.
Wukong quickly turned off the tap, setting the cup down on the counter as he shook water droplets off of his hand. Jeez, he seriously was having a hard time keeping himself in the moment today. More so than usual.
He poured the slightest bit of water out of the cup and down the drain, so that it wouldn’t easily spill, before heading back to the room and- there was no bedside table in here. How hadn’t he noticed that?
He couldn’t just leave the cup on the floor, it’d likely just end up spilled that way… wait-
Wukong ripped a piece of hair off his tail, snapping his fingers to turn it into a bedside table. There, problem solved. He set the cup down with a firm clink, scanned the room, and it’s occupant, one last time, before turning and leaving.
He could really use something sweet right now.
At exactly 11pm at night, Wukong’s phone went off with a message from the group chat that MK had partially forced him into. Nibbling on his ninth cookie of the night, Wukong swiped his phone open.
MK: are we all still up for game night tmrw?
A few affirmative messages flew by, Wukong simply sending a thumbs up emoji into the mix. A few seconds later, Macaque sent a thumbs down.
Mei: good 2 see that our resident phantom of the opera is still alive
Wukong snorted as he watched Macaque react to that message with a middle finger emoji- only to edit it into an angry face emoji immediately after out of fear of Pigsy’s wrath. At the very least this meant that MK wouldn’t be pestering him about Macaque’s whereabouts in an hour. Wukong had not been looking forward to that possible conversation. He set his phone down on the table even as messages continued to flow across the screen.
“Y’know.” He said, “You can’t keep avoiding game night forever.”
There was a crash, and a split second later, a shadow portal opened in the doorway, Macaque stepping out of it, looking some combination of pissed off and frazzled.
“What are you doing in my kitche- what the fuck?!” Macaque cut himself off as he fully registered the scene in front of him. “Wukong. What is this-”
“Uh, I’m in your kitchen cause I’m staying here, remember?” Not really, again, Wukong had barely spent much time here at all other than those two nights guarding his stuff. “And this is all uh, a late night snack. You know you’ve got no food in here? Do you even eat?”
“…I just portal it in here when I’m hungry.” Macaque mumbled, the cleared his throat. “This. Is not a midnight snack- this is- did you even pay for half of this stuff?”
“Yes I did, in fact, pay for it, so if you want some you’re gonna have to pay me back for it.”
“I can’t even begin to imagine how much this cost you- nevermind. I’m rephrasing my question. Why do you have what’s practically a sweets banquet set up in my kitchen?” Macaque asked, “You’ve got like, three cakes here-”
“I was craving sugar.” Wukong shrugged, picking up another cookie, avoiding eye contact as he shoved it into his mouth. Although… Macaque had a point. Wukong had returned with the results of his sweets haul over two hours ago, and he’d barely made a dent in it since then. But, well, he wasn’t lying. He was craving sugar.
…Still is. Not a single one of these treats seemed to be able to get rid of his want for-
Macaque reached over Wukong’s shoulder to grab a cookie from the package sitting in front of the Monkey King, and Wukong nearly choked as he was suddenly hit with the sweet scent of the other’s magic yet again.
Yeah. Okay then. Nothing else really could ever truly compare. The cookie still in his mouth suddenly tasted practically flavourless in comparison.
He still shoved another one into his mouth anyways, if only to get the thoughts of biting Macaque’s arm out of his mind.
“I’m not paying you back for this by the way.” Macaque said, taking a small mouselike bite out of his cookie, as though testing if it was actually good, before taking a slightly larger bite. “…Albeit, I guess I could like, take these as rent? Since you’re storing all your shit here.”
“I won’t throw you through a wall for taking my cookie on one condition.”
“…Which is?”
“Join us for game night.”
“I’d rather get thrown through the wall.”
“Wait- wait!” Macaque’s voice pitched up with slight fear as Wukong stood up and grabbed hold of his arm. Wukong paused and waited, but didn’t let go. Macaque stared at him, as though analyzing whether or not he was actually serious.
He was. Injury or not, a little throw through a wall wouldn’t hurt him that much. And would also let Wukong take out a little bit of frustrated energy- that headache that had gone away earlier was slowly starting to make it’s way back.
After a few seconds of nothing but silent staring, Wukong raised an eyebrow, tightening his grip ever so slightly.
“Shit- fine!” Macaque hissed, tugging at his arm, trying to free it. “I’ll go to game night! Now let go of me!”
“That’s more like it.” Wukong obediently let go of Macaque’s arm, turning and sitting back down, scooping his phone off the table.
MonkeyKing: convinced mac to come to game night
MK: actually based on what happend earlier. i dont wanna know
“…Are you going to be sitting out here all night?” Macaque asked, bringing Wukong back to where he currently was before he could type out a frantic message about how nothing had happened earlier. Macaque was leaning against the back of Wukong’s chair, though, he was seemingly more focused on the second cookie he’d snatched than the phone, which Wukong quickly turned off before Macaque could see the messages- purposefully or accidentally. Briefly, he glanced down at the bandages wrapped around Macaque’s leg- there was no sign of bleed through, which was good, but-
“Do you have to stand so close?” The proximity was making the sugar cravings so much worse, and with the treats in front of him no longer working as a substitute…
Wukong forced his gaze away from where it had strayed to Macaque’s scarf, or, well, his neck. He seriously didn’t need a repeat of whatever had come over him before.
“Why?” Macaque did the opposite of what Wukong wanted him to do, leaning closer, “Does it bother you?”
“Psh, no.” Wukong reached up to shove Macaque away, touching nothing but thin air as Macaque side-stepped out of reach with a smirk- which was soon replaced by- a yawn? Wukong stared at him incredulously. “There’s no way you’re still tired. You just spent the past like, 6 hours unconscious.”
“I could probably go for another 32.”
“Sounds festive.”
“Glad to know you find the idea of me falling into a coma fun.”
“Look, if you’re that tired, just go back to bed.” Wukong rolled his eyes, “I’m not gonna like, start watching a movie on full blast or anything.”
“You will likely make a mess of my kitchen though.” Macaque said, “I mean, you practically already have. Are you at least going to bring some of this stuff to the game night- I don’t think either of us could finish even half of this on our own.”
That… was an excellent idea actually.
“It was always the intent for most of it to be for game night.” Wukong lied, “I’m done here now anyways- the kid just wanted me to make sure you didn’t like, bleed out or something.”
He grabbed a new package of cookies, shoving them into the folds of his clothes as he stood up, brushing past Macaque on the way to the door. Wukong paused with one foot out of the dojo.
“I’ll come back tomorrow afternoon to help carry everything over to the Noodle Shop.” He said, “You better be ready by then, or I will be dragging you out of bed. Forcibly.”
“Yeah yeah, whatever.” Macaque huffed, waving him off, “Have fun getting backpain in your random tree branch.”
Wukong already dealt with backpain, a few weeks of nights spent sleeping on a tree branch weren’t going to help or hurt him more. But, well, that wasn’t important.
He slammed the door of the dojo closed behind himself, and summoned his cloud to go hang out on the roof of MK’s apartment until tomorrow.
“Go fish.”
“I think I’m gonna fold.”
“Does anyone have an eight?”
“Pick up two.”
“Wait, what are we playing?” Wukong asked, suddenly very aware of the lack of cards in his hands. At his question, Mei let out a snort, and the others set their handfuls of various cards down on the table.
“We’re playing Never Have I Ever.” MK patted Wukong on the back comfortingly, “You started spacing out twenty minutes ago- Red Son thought it’d be funny to see how long it’d take you to notice we’d started spouting random game instructions.”
“Noodle Boy, you cannot just oust me like that-”
“No wonder it’s taking you so long to remake Flower Fruit Mountain.” Macaque interrupted as he set down his own hand- two queens and two plus four Uno cards. “If you can barely focus enough on a kids game, then it’s a miracle you can get any complex magic spell done at all.”
“Hey- I’m not normally this bad.” Wukong said, rubbing gently at his forehead. “…I just have a little headache, that’s all.”
“I’ve got an aspirin if you need one.” Mei popped a pill out of a package and held it out. Wukong stared at it a little hesitantly for a few seconds- mortal medicine had a fairly low chance of helping him out nowadays. But, well, low chance was still better than no chance… Wukong took the pill and swallowed it dry, ignoring how some of the others winced at that action. It probably wouldn’t help him much in the long run, but, well, he could pretend it did for their sakes.
“Now that Monkey King is back in the land of the living-” MK said, pouring a refill of juice into everyone’s cups, “I can say this; Never Have I Ever licked someone’s leg-”
“Oh, you’re still on that?” Wukong would’ve rathered they’d left that whole thing behind. He grabbed his cup-
And proceeded to almost spill it when Macaque violently slammed his hands down on the table.
“Wait.” He hissed, eyes flickering from MK to Wukong and back again. “That was real? That actually happened?! I thought I hallucinated it-”
“It was, unfortunately, real.” MK said with a solemn tone that did not at all fit the topic they were talking about. Quietly, Red Son asked Mei what was going on, and Mei leaned over to whisper about what had happened yesterday into his ear. Wukong could only thank whoever in Heaven that may or may not be listening in that Pigsy, Tang, and Sandy were busy getting pizza from the store, and were thus not being brought in on this whole little fiasco.
“Whatever- it, it was nothing, okay?” Wukong downed his juice in one go, grabbing the bottle with his tail to pour more into his now empty cup. “Let’s just move on- Never Have I Ever… uh-”
He paused for a moment, trying to think of something that he hadn’t done. As someone who had lived for over a millenia, well…
“…Maybe this wasn’t the best choice of game to play with a bunch of immortals.” Red Son said-
“No, no, I- actually no, yeah, I’ve got nothing.” Wukong had been going to say he’d never eaten people- considering MK had seemed to decide they were bringing up yesterday’s events, but, well. He was pretty sure Red Son’s family had had a little… phase, and he wasn’t entirely sure if Mei and MK knew, and, well, a party game was arguably the worst way to find out about things like that, in Wukong’s opinion.
…Or maybe they wouldn’t care, who knows, MK and Mei were weird like that. He’s pretty sure he heard the kid specifically chanting something along the lines of “Be Gay, Do Crimes” the other day, or something like that. Was cannibalism included in that? Wukong has no idea, and he certainly is not going to be the one to ask.
He was spared from further thinking about it as the Noodle Shop’s door chimed- Tang, Pigsy, and Sandy finally returning, Sandy carrying pizza boxes in his hands.
(Wukong had brought over some of the junk food he’d impulse bought the previous night. Macaque had complained about how he was still leaving so much of it in his kitchen, but, well, Wukong kinda wanted a stockpile of it. Just in case. Either way, it didn’t really matter, quite a lot of what he had brought over would probably be coming back to the Dojo with them anyways, considering Pigsy had nearly passed out over the idea of only having sweets for super. He’d insisted they at least get something more dinner-like, even if it was takeout from another place. MK had demanded pizza faster than anyone else could think).
“Scoot over, monkey.” Pigsy said, pulling a chair over to the table, making Wukong have to move over-
Closer to Macaque.
Wukong took a chocolate bar he’d hidden in his shirt pocket earlier (it was his favourite brand, he only had one left and he wasn’t risking any of the others taking it), and took a bite out of it, forcing his eyes to remain on the table and not stray over to the monkey demon sitting beside him. There was no sweet scent surrounding the other anymore- thank heaven, but just the memory alone was messing with him. The urge to just bite the other was all too strong.
“Right!!” Mei clapped her hands together, drawing Wukong’s attention back to the group. “Now that we’re all here, lets get the real games going. Up first, I think we should play Werewolf-”
“Night one. Night. One. All of you- voted for me first thing.” Macaque hissed as Wukong slammed the door of the dojo closed behind them. “I hadn’t even done anything yet! There wasn’t even a discussion- just immediate voting!”
“Macaque, that was hours ago, why are you still complai-”
“Don’t think I haven’t forgotten that you were the one who voted for me first, Wukong!” Macaque poked Wukong in the chest as emphasis- “You clearly set that whole thing up on purpose- hey!”
Wukong grabbed hold of Macaque’s wrist, pushing him backwards as the Monkey King stepped forwards, pinning Macaque up against the wall.
“Enough.” Wukong hissed, and then paused, taking in the look on Macaque’s face, the way shadows were slowly darkening against the wall, as though ready to portal the other away. After a second, he relaxed his grip on Macaque’s wrist a little, using his free hand to gently run a thumb over Macaque’s cheek. “You’ve been complaining for hours. It’s making my headache worse, so- it’s high time you shut up a little.”
When the shadows faded to their usual colour, and Macaque didn’t voice any form of protest, Wukong leaned in.
…This wasn’t the first time they had kissed. Far from it.
A few days after the fight against Azure, Macaque had shown up in the remains of Flower Fruit Mountain. The resulting fist fight had ended with Macaque pinned to the ground, panting, and smirking, before he’d grabbed the front of Wukong’s clothes and pulled himself up to place a kiss on Wukong’s cheek.
Wukong had grabbed him before he could fade into the shadows and pressed their lips together with a surprising gentleness for someone who hadn’t kissed another for over two hundred years.
They hadn’t really… stopped since then. Neither of them ever really planned to initiate it, it just seemed to happen- suddenly gently or passionately kissing each other.
This kiss… was neither of those things.
It was desperate, and needy, and Wukong’s fangs nipped Macaque’s lip hard enough to draw blood and make him gasp. Wukong pulled back at the sound of it, before zeroing in on the blood. He ran his thumb over Macaque’s lip, smearing the blood, then brought his thumb to his mouth and licked it.
“…Sweet.” He said, ignoring the way Macaque’s eyes narrowed at him as he leaned back in for a better taste. Macaque made a choked sort of noise as Wukong licked his lip mid-kiss. Wukong slowly let go of Macaque’s wrist in order to cup the other’s face with both hands, pulling him slightly away from the wall and impossibly closer to him, nipping at Macaque’s lip again to draw more blood forth.
“Ow!” Macaque pushed Wukong back- Wukong forcing himself to comply and move away as Macaque shook his head, seemingly trying to snap himself out of the daze that had come over him. “Okay- wait- what’s with the biting?”
Wukong silently stared at the small trails of blood slowly dripping from Macaque’s bottom lip and down his chin.
“Wukong? Sun Wukong. Hey.” Macaque snapped his fingers in front of Wukong’s face. “I know you’re bad at it, but I’d like you to focus now-”
Wukong blinked, trying to think clearly over the delicious sweetness that was steadily fading from his tongue.
“Uh-” He hesitated, trying to make eye contact, and failing, eyes being drawn back to the quickly drying blood. How to- explain? His mind was buzzing over finally getting a small taste of what he’d been craving all day, and despite his headache having somehow vanished, it was nearly impossible to think. He wanted more, so much more. “…Sweet?”
“Not an answer.” Macaque said, wiping the dry blood off his chin, “If you want something sweet, have one of the hundreds of treats you’ve tossed into my kitchen- wait, does this has something to do with you licking my leg yesterday?”
Macaque’s face, which had already been tinged slightly purple from the kiss, flushed to a much deeper shade at the memory, and Wukong knew for a fact that, confronted with it now, his own face was probably burning with an equal amount of gold. He’d been kinda hoping that, despite MK bringing it up again for some reason, Macaque had forgotten that whole thing had even happened.
It seemed like his hopes had been in vain.
“Maybe.” He’d muttered it, but it might as well have been a yes with how Macaque’s face suddenly lit up with a smirk despite the blush still covering it- speaking of, said blush was quickly starting to show through the glamours on Macaque’s ears as well, the faint outlines of his extra ears lightly glowing.
“Ah-” There was a tone of realization in Macaque’s voice that Wukong decided right then and there that he didn’t really like- “It’s the magic that you want, isn’t it?”
Oh, Wukong suddenly regretted constantly begging Macaque for a taste of the other’s magic because it was “sweeter than peaches!” way back in the past. Macaque had been quite proud of it back then, seeming to view being ranked as above peaches as something special. Of course the bastard would put the pieces together so damn quick, even over a millenia later.
Wukong let out a defeated groan, taking another step back so that Macaque was no longer trapped against the wall. Macaque adjusted his clothes, blush and smirk still present on his face as he turned and started walking towards the main living area, Wukong slowly trailing along behind him with his arms crossed. Macaque’s tail was swishing back and forth with something that was definitely not agitation, and Wukong couldn’t help but feel that maybe Macaque was getting just a little bit too much enjoyment out of this realization.
Macaque hopped over the back of his couch to sit down on the cushions, and after a moment of hesitation, Wukong followed.
“…It’s not your magic specifically.” He said, grumpily, “It’s just… sugar? But, uh. Nothing else is, um.”
“Fulfilling the craving? Checks out.” Macaque nodded sagely, as though he expected this, and Wukong had to, for the second time in under 24 hours, fight the urge to pick him up and throw him. Macaque seemed to realize he was treading on thin ice, as he quickly broke eye contact. “I mean, it takes an ungodly amount of, well, anything to affect you, it only makes sense you’d need something super sweet as well.”
…Huh. He was right, that did make sense.
It also would maybe explain why the headaches went away after tasting some of Macaque’s insanely sweet magic blood too. It wasn’t some coincidence, it was just Wukong finally getting something akin to the right amount of sugar in himself. The sugar craving wasn’t just his sweet tooth, he actually needs a lot of sugar.
…Probably not a good thing he keeps going extended periods without eating anything, then. Of course, he could probably live without it, obviously, but, well. It felt awful to do so.
(He’d slept away fifty years once, and had felt genuinely and truly horrible once he had woken up. It’d taken three days of eating immortal peaches before he’d started to feel well enough to branch into eating and drinking anything else).
“Well, there’s no real reason to postpone it.” Macaque’s voice drew Wukong back to the present, and he did a double take in shock as he realized that, at some point while he’d been spacing out, Macaque had taken his scarf off. Wukong’s eyes immediately were drawn to Macaque’s collarbone. Macaque smirked at his reaction, and moved forwards, wrapping his scarf around the back of Wukong’s neck, and pulling the Monkey King closer to him, practically on top of him, in fact. Macaque tilted his head slightly to the side to give better access. “Go ahead.”
Wukong blinked for a second in shock, a golden flush on his face, before he smirked.
“Good boy.”
“Wha- no, we’re not doing th-ah!” Macaque cut himself off with a yelp, glamours falling down as Wukong gently sunk his teeth into his shoulder. Wukong let out a slightly muffled laugh at Macaque’s reaction, before biting slightly harder, blood pooling up as Macaque swore from the sting of it. One of Macaque’s hands gripped onto the back of Wukong’s clothes- his other hand gripping the back of Wukong’s head with enough strength to pull on his hair enough for it to slightly hurt, but Wukong didn’t care. He was finally getting the sweetness he’d been craving, and he wasn’t going to let anything distract him from that.
A minute passed, and Macaque slowly started relaxing from how he’d initially tensed, leaning back to be laying down, shivering and yelping whenever Wukong sunk his teeth in deeper again to draw up more magic blood. Wukong leaned closer in to him, letting their tails wrap together. Macaque didn’t even try to say anything of his usually sassy or dramatic nature, for once leaving them both in relatively peaceful near-silence.
The sweet flavour filling the Monkey King’s mouth tasted almost like bliss.
Slowly, Wukong pulled back a small bit. The craving had been satiated, fading to the back of his mind as he licked his lips, clarity starting to come back to him.
Macaque’s shoulder looked like a bloody mess.
He gave it a tiny, gentle lick, savouring the taste on his tongue for a few more seconds, before pulling back entirely.
“…I think we might’ve stained your couch.” Wukong said, wiping his mouth, though he was sure he’d only succeeded in smearing the purple blood across his face instead of successfully cleaning it. “And your shirt.”
Macaque didn’t answer, staring at the ceiling while panting, a dazed look in his eyes. Wukong slowly tilted his head in confusion, carefully shifting so that he was no longer on top of him.
“Macaque?” Wukong tried again, “C’mon, we should get you cleaned up. We can go to the Flower Fruit Mountain hot springs- I finished fixing them up a few days ago.”
“…Yeah. Right. Hot springs… sounds nice.” Macaque sounded breathless as he forced himself up and into a sitting position, swinging his legs over and making to stand up and take a step forwards.
He crumpled over, starting to collapse to the ground.
“Woah!” Wukong shot up and grabbed hold of him, Macaque gripping onto him for balance. Wukong was suddenly very aware of the way Macaque was starting to get a little wispy at the edges. “Fuck, did I take too much?”
“Maybe jus’ a bit…” Macaque’s words slurred a little as Wukong helped him sit back down onto the couch. “I’ll be fine, I just, need a sec…”
Wukong gently brushed Macaque’s hair out of his face, before gently tapping the other’s lips.
“Is it okay if I…?”
“…Mm.” Macaque made a sound of consent, so Wukong gently pressed their lips together, a golden glow enveloping the both of them as he closed his eyes and drew back on how they used to share magic.
(Passing it through a kiss was a lot easier than getting it from blood, but, well, Macaque’s magic was too closely tied to him now for him to do such a thing anymore.
…Plus you couldn’t really taste it this way).
When Wukong next opened his eyes, Macaque still looked a bit dazed, but he at least wasn’t wispy at the edges anymore. Pulling back, he held back as much of his strength as possible and lightly flicked Macaque directly in the middle of his forehead.
“Next time, tell me when I start taking too much.” Wukong said, ignoring Macaque’s pained grumbling. “Now, lets get you fixed up- you still okay with the hot springs?”
“I could use a bit of a soak- wait. How are we going to-” Macaque shrieked as a golden flash surrounded them, falling backwards onto the ground with a small sound of pain as they were suddenly teleported to Flower Fruit Mountain.
“Oops. Forgot to warn you.” He absolutely hadn’t- this was his way of paying Macaque back for not telling him important things like the fact that he was taking too much blood. Wait, speaking of blood- “Ah- I forgot the supplies- hold on for a second, alright? Don’t go, like, passing out on me again.”
“I’m not gonna pass out.” Macaque said, even as he put a hand to his head, trying to get the spinning from the sudden teleportation to stop. Wukong raised an eyebrow in doubt at him, but still proceeded to vanish in another flash of golden light, leaving Macaque on the ground staring at the starry sky.
His eyes were just starting to adjust to the natural darkness- when another bright flash of light made him hiss, covering his face.
“I’m back!” Wukong did a little pose as he announced his presence. Macaque just slowly sat up and stared at him with an incredibly unimpressed look. After a few seconds of awkward silence, Wukong coughed, setting the basket of items on the ground down beside the other. “So, um. I realized between there and here that uh- well, I was gonna bandage your shoulder, but, you’re not meant to get bandages wet, and we’re gonna go in the hot springs, so um-”
“Just put some spell on them to keep them dry or whatever.” Macaque rolled his eyes, as though this was the most obvious thing in the world, as he shrugged off his sleeve to give Wukong better access to his shoulder. Wukong knelt down beside him, bandages in his hands, and then hesitated.
“…Wukong-” Macaque started, and then sighed as Wukong leaned down and licked some more blood off of Macaque’s shoulder. “Seriously? I thought you were done with that.”
“I just wanted one more little taste.” Wukong pulled back, grabbing a small hand towel and dipping it into the hot spring, using it to gently wipe the rest of the blood away. The bite marks were already starting to heal, the skin already starting to scab over. Wukong wrapped some bandages on top of it anyways. There would probably be more steps he’d have to do for this if Macaque was human, but, well, he wasn’t, so this should suffice.
“Hurry it up, I wanna get in the water, it’s cold out here.” Macaque said, his tail swishing a little in agitation. Wukong huffed out a small laugh at his impatience, summoning a golden magic circle to his fingertips, which he then pressed against the bandages to imbue them with the spell. He repeated the process for the bandages on Macaque’s leg, and then turned away to put the bandage roll back in the basket he’d brought.
A splash had him turning around to find that where Macaque had been, there was now only his clothes on the ground, the other monkey demon having already made his way into the hot springs. He’d done that so fast, how-
“Ough, headrush…” One of Macaque’s hands shot out to grip a nearby rock, seemingly for support, while the other went up to his forehead, his ears flicking. He looked a little bit wispy again.
Oh. He must’ve used his magic to shadowshift out of his clothes and portal into the water. He knew full well he was low on magic power right now, why on Earth would he-
(It suddenly occurred to Wukong, that, y’know what, maybe putting someone who was recently experiencing something akin to blood loss into hot water was possibly… not a good decision).
“I can hear you thinking.” Macaque mumbled, shifting a little to glare at him. “Just hurry up and get in here.”
A few seconds later had Macaque loudly swearing as Wukong jumped into the hot spring, splashing the other with warm water.
“Seriously?!” Macaque spluttered, coughing as a bit of water made it’s way into his mouth. “Can’t you just enter the water like a normal perso-mM!”
Water splashed over the edge of the hot spring as Wukong cut him off by grabbing the sides of Macaque’s head, climbing onto the other’s lap in one swift motion and pressing their lips together. Macaque made a muffled noise of protest, before his eyes slowly slid closed, his hands finding their way to rest on Wukong’s shoulders as the Monkey King shared more of his endless magic with him. Wukong tilted his head, pulling back before pressing a kiss to the corner of Macaque’s mouth, then his cheek- and then his ear.
Macaque did a full body shiver as Wukong kept his lips pressed against one of the other’s glowing six ears. When Macaque didn’t have any further reaction, Wukong opened his mouth slightly, and softly bit down.
Unlike the previous bites, it wasn’t enough to draw up blood, but it was enough to make Macaque let out a quite frankly pitiful sounding noise, tail thrashing, causing more water to spill out onto the rocks. Wukong chuckled, the sensation of his breath against his ear making all of Macaque’s ears twitch. Wukong seemed to take that as a sign to purposefully blow a breath of air onto Macaque’s ear, making Macaque yelp and shove him back.
“Stop that! And, must- must you keep interrupting me mid-sentence?” He said, “Seriously, you’ve done it like three times.”
“But what if I like the sound you make when I catch you off guard, Sugarplum?” If Macaque hadn’t already been flushed to the tips of his ears, purple blush glowing brightly, Wukong dropping that nickname of all things would’ve been enough to make him blush violently.
“Wuko- …P-Peaches, you can’t just-”
“Can’t just what?” Wukong pressed their foreheads together, smirking as he stared directly into Macaque’s eyes. “C’mon, I’m on a bit of sugar high right now, you gotta let me have some fun- hey!”
Macaque roughly shoved Wukong back, making him slip and fall underwater for a few seconds. When he came back up, he made a frustrated noise as he tried to push his wet hair out of his face so he could see again.
“Did you have to do tha- woah!” Wukong stumbled backwards, his back hitting the side of the hot spring as his hands grabbed Macaque to stabilize him as the other suddenly surged forwards, wrapping his arms around Wukong’s neck as he kissed him. Wukong’s hands slipped down to Macaque’s hips, quickly adjusting their position into something more comfortable as Macaque tried to press himself as close to him as possible. After a few seconds, Wukong hummed, turning his head to the side to break the kiss. Macaque quickly moved to press his lips to Wukong’s neck instead. Wukong let out a breathy giggle- “Is this your idea of revenge?”
Macaque’s response was to wrap his tail around Wukong’s own under the water, kissing up the side of Wukong’s neck, to his cheek, and then back to his lips. Wukong let him, smirking into it-
And then he let go of Macaque’s hips, one of his hands going to rest in the middle of Macaque’s back, the other going to the back of the other’s head, as he shifted his weight and dipped him, Macaque letting out a muffled squeak against Wukong’s lips as he almost went under the water. Wukong pulled back a bit to stare down at Macaque’s shocked face, his black hair flowing in the water, the glow from his ears reflecting in the water in a way that was-
“Oh shut up.” Macaque reached up and grabbed the sides of Wukong’s face, pulling him down to press their lips together again-
Wukong’s feet slipped on the underwater rocks, sending them both under the water. They both resurfaced a few seconds later, coughing on accidentally inhaled water.
“Right.” Wukong said, taking in a wheezing breath, “I think maybe- maybe that’s a sign we should cut it out for now, ha.”
Macaque didn’t verbally respond, instead just silently nodding, leaning against the side of the hot spring and staring up at the stars.
They were silent for a few minutes.
And then Wukong reached over the edge of the hot spring to rummage in the basket he had brought, and pulled out-
“How did you even fit that in there.” Macaque deadpanned, “What are you, some kind of Mary Poppins? There’s no way you fit that in that basket.”
“…Sounds like somebody doesn’t want cake.”
“Now hold on, I didn’t say that-”
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sleighhethereal · 5 months
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Shit, shit, shit!
Macaque ran through the city, frantically looking through alleys and accidentally bumping into a few strangers- some of few who yelled at him, but he didn't care.
He had to find you.
He didn't know why he didn't just use his ability to shadow himself to where you were. Maybe it was because he'd gotten used to not using them around you.
After a whole hour, he checked the spot he least expected you to be in.
The mountain where he betrayed MK.
...Were you secretly still hating him for that?
He gulped and approached your crouched figure, standing beside you. He knew you knew he was there.
"...Can I sit here?"
Your nod was all he needed.
Macaque sat down next to you, and there was silence.
Then, you spoke. "I thought you trusted me."
Macaque instantly perked at that, waving his hands side to side in a panic. "I do, I do! You're one of the few people, I swear!"
"Then why were you so distant this past weeks?"
He paused, and you frowned.
"You refuse to talk to me about it. I know we made those boundaries, but you just seemed so deflated and depressed, I can't just stand by and watch you be like that." You inhaled sharply, "I wanted to see you atleast smile today, but—"
"I yelled at you." Macaque finished for you, turned his head away.
You stared at him, noticing how his tail curled. He was distancing again.
"...Does this have something to do with MK? Wukong?"
Macaque sighed and placed a fist to his heart as a way to calm himself. "Alright, alright... so, um.." He pulled at his scarf and reached for a white piece of paper before handing it to you.
You took it, staring at the faces of Wukong and Macaque. It was them from the past, for sure, Wukong was making a goofy face, probably the one who took the picture while Macaque was caught rolling his eyes.
You flipped it and found the date. The date was today.
"Today is the day I died."
You looked up to see him.
"The day me and Monkey King fought. You know the story..." Macaque mumbled as he played with his black hair, before raising a finger. "Of course, this isn't an excuse for me yelling at you, I just.." He trailed off when he turned to you.
Your eyes were wide, soft tears began to brim those gorgeous eyes he loved so much. It made Macaque instantly begin to sniffle, looking away.
"I-I didn't want to bring it up." He continued, "He and I just... fuck, he was my best friend. For so many years, and it's just gone, it always blows my mind. I just... I sometimes wish I can share a peach with him again, and just talk... fuck.."
You moved close for a hug, and he returned it, burying his face into your neck as he cried. You cried with him.
"I miss him, [Y/N]..."
"I'm so sorry, Macaque.."
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absurd-ash · 8 months
hii, até your requests still open? if yes, can i ask for some fluff hcs of macaque and wukong (sep pls) with a reader who is tired because of college? like they don’t even have time for themselves or even for the monkeys since they study EVERY DAY.
i just need to sleep please 💀
☀️Wukong & Macaque x OverworkedReader🌙
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TW: Swearing
A.N: Coming right up! Sorry both of these are so short, I’ve been trying super hard to finish’s the next chapters of my Jax x reader book as well as A Silent Truce
>☀️I’m going to be completely honest with you, this man is dense as fuck. So he’s not going to tell that your tired because of college, he just gonna think your exhausted and burnt out for no reason.
>Your going to have to tell him explicitly that college is what’s tiring you out so much
>But if you don’t tell him, he’ll still try his best to make you relax, anything, you name it.
>Massaging, Hair grooming, cuddling, hell, he’ll even cook for you, just wanting to see you take a break and get some rest
>☀️The studying part is where it gets more complicated and what he does to help you fully depends on what your studying
>if it’s something like history, Wukong will be more than happy to tell you about almost everything he remembers about his past, although he might over exaggerate some bits
>But if your studying something that he’s bad with, for example, English, he’ll struggle with you and it’ll end in you giving him a lesson on the subject (much to his displeasure)
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>🌙Unlike Wukong, Macaque will sense that your overworking yourself because of college immediately
>Hope you didn’t have any assignments due soon since this man is not letting your anywhere near your desk until you get some rest
>He doesn’t say it explicitly, but he worries about you a lot and on some occasions even watch your through the shadows to make sure you eat and sleep enough
>🌙Macaque also always picks up some food for you while he’s out since he knows that the chances of you ordering from some trashy fast food place are high
>Let’s just say Pigsy’s Noodles suddenly got a lot more orders ever since Macaque found out you’ve been overworking yourself
>🌙Whenever Macaques busy, be it training or doing a shadow play, he always had one of his shadow clones caring for you
>Unknown to him that his shadow clones had grown a bit clingy to you, not letting you get any work done and just pulling you in for a extremely long cuddle sesh
Heya! Sorry again that this is so short, like I said I’ve been a bit busy. Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed! :D
Also, I kinda want to get to know you guys a bit better and vice versa, so please feel free to ask some questions and I’ll answer them!
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itsabouttimex2 · 3 months
Stuffie Reactions Two:
Tang, Macaque, Red Son
(Part One: Sun Wukong, MK, Azure Lion)
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(Ok, all yandere stuff aside? This man has plushies. No way he doesn’t have a finished Journey to The West set. I refuse to believe otherwise.)
As with most of your quirks or interests, Mr. Tang maintains a consistently supportive attitude. He’s not always the best role-model, what with being both somewhat lazy and a little bit of a mooch… but he’s got a good heart.
Even with a plague of obsession to cloud his mind and heart, Tang is still rather rational. He understands the sentimental value your plush has to you, and also knows very well that he’d massively be on your bad side for interfering with it. So there’s no threats of destruction, no forced removal-
Unless you’ve done something that seriously “warrants” one of his very rare punishments. Things like: putting yourself in serious danger, underage drinking, any type of drug use, starting fights, etc.
(He shares most of these rules with Pigsy, though the demon is quite a bit more strict.)
He’s more of a “lock it away in a cupboard for a few days” guy than anything, and gives it back after he’s worn you down into writing a full-length essay about what you did wrong how you’ll do better next time.
Could be worse, frankly.
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Alright, let’s get this out of the way- Macaque is a pretty awful person. He’s often cruel for the sake of being cruel. He enjoys hurting people and brags about doing it. We also see that he’s not exactly sentimental about the past- not like Wukong is, not how MK misses the simplicity of his early adventures. I can’t imagine he’d care much about one little toy, especially if it’s particularly worn out or well-loved.
Our Six-Eared Simian is pretty high on the list of character who would outright destroy your plush. (Alongside Demon Bull King, Red Son, Huntsman, Spider Queen, and Lady Bone Demon.)
But usually; aside from mild teasing, he pays it no mind. He’s on the move with you frequently, and at least ensures that the little thing never gets left behind. Hell, when he’s (very, very rarely) feeling soft? Macaque might come around while you’re asleep and tuck the plush into your arms.
So, what could prompt him to destroy your toy? Here’s a few- running away, calling him out for his crimes, helping Wukong or MK, trying to fight him, repeated refusal to obey his orders, frequently “hard” swearing at him, substance use, etc.
(Interestingly, he won’t tear it all at once- swearing at him causes him to puncture a small hole in the fabric, running away causes him to tear off a limb… after, why throw away a useful tool of punishment when he can stretch it out for all it’s worth?)
Lots of landmines to avoid, basically.
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Out of all characters, Red Son may well be the one who cares the least- he doesn’t see much value in any of your possessions, except those that he himself gifted to you.
Other characters like the Mayor or Azure might understand the plush’s importance, but choose to use it as a tool of punishment. Someone like Syntax (or Mei, but we’ll get there) would modify it to accommodate a camera. The Spider Queen would probably destroy it to sever connections to your past life- and then tsk and half-heartedly try to patch it up with her silk when she sees how distraught you are.
Some like Sandy would spoil you with plushes and stitch up any rips by hand. Iron Fan might use it to belittle you when she sees fit to lay down some “discipline”, hoping to make you feel insecure and childish.
But Red Son? He simply… doesn’t care.
It’s a possession. An item like any other. No dearer to one than a shirt or chair should be. (Unless he/his parents gave it to you. Then, and only then, will Red Son muster some genuine sympathy and understanding for how precious the object is to you.)
I’ve spoken about this several time, but I’ll say it again here- in most cases, Red Son starts off viewing Y/N as a pet. As the seasons progress they move upwards in Red’s personal hierarchy, from worthless peasant to funny pet to dear friend to cherished family.
So not only does Red not really respect your possessions- but he doesn’t really respect you, either. You’re a silly little human, meandering and small.
So, if you do ever act up, or try to escape…
He really doesn’t see in harm in torching the thing to ashes.
Nor will he understand why you’re crying.
But at least you’ve learned your lesson.
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siixkiing · 1 year
He knows he shouldn't. Even still he wants to try. He should try. Even if the shadows launch at him in turn as he steps close. Trying to make his way to the other. This state he's in is all his fault. Gripping the blanket the other most preferred in his grasp as he can feel the shadows almost like razors against him. It hurts.
Even still he presses on. Staring at the curled frame as he frowns. Muzzle or not it can't hide the quiet muffled note of the others name. Nor can he hide his heartbeat matching that of someone in regret. Slowly moving forward, he doesn't move too much closer but he knows the shadows aren't far. Trying to aim it just right he manages to atleast get the blanket to rest slightly over the other.
Now he's just gonna sit a few feet away. Back turned to the other. His weakness. He still trusted the other to not strike that area. For now he's gonna work on trying to get the muzzle off so he can properly apologize.
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His ears twitch again, though whether they actually registered him truly was left to guessing. It was the only movement the shadow spared in that moment once more — still in the same curled state that he had been for however long now. How long had that been? He didn't really care in all honesty. Even as the blanket was tossed onto him, he remained motionless.
Only the shadows in his control stirred with movement, adjusting the blanket that had been offered and tucking it around him tightly. Stilling and retreating once the task was finished. Presence only revealed by the dark shape around where Macaque was laying.
0 notes
starrclown · 3 months
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Okay, I swear I tried to line and color this. I originally went into this wanting this to be a fully colored peice so it would be more visually pleasing but I just COULDN'T. My body wouldn't do it yall. I might come back to this sketch and atcually try and make it look good but today is NOT that day.
Okay onto the atcual au. (Warning: this is LONG cause I wanna talk.)
This is basically a Hanahaki Disease au. Ya know, that flower unrequited love thing? Yeah it's that.
In this au the Hanahaki Disease is not exactly a common thing, but it's kinda like a more serious illness.
In this au Wukong catches the disease. It was slow at first, barely noticeable, but one day he was at Pigsys and he threw up a white petal. Tang diagnosed this as the Hanahaki Disease.
The strange part is that the petals are white.
Normally when you catch the disease, the flower petals will be the color of your crushes favorite color. (I got this from fanfiction. Usually in fanfiction the color of the petals are the other person's color.)
At first everyone thought it had to be someone in Wukongs past that White was their color. (Much to Macaque's annoyance.)
No one, especially Wukong, can think of who it is. It has to be someone alive and that Wukong would have some kind if feeling for.
You can also catch the disease I'd your love in unrequited. So you can catch it if your crush is inlive with another or if they don't love you back. So Wukong could be inlive with someone who loves him, or someone who doesn't, it's hard to tell.
Wukong's condition slowly would get worse. Since he doesn't know who it is (he genuinely doesn't know) he doesn't know what to do.
The disease is alot slower because Wukongs body is trying to heal itself but is being taken over by the disease, it's killing him slowly.
Mk is PANICKING. He's trying to figure out who Wukong could possibly love, someone that's alive. Usually you would go off the petal color but now they can't do that.
Macaque is panicking in his own way. He's both upset that Wukong is dying and that he doesn't know WHO Wukong is inlove with. Macaque is inlive with Wukong (obviously) and figured he could be the one to heal Wukong.
But since the petal is white and not purple, it obviously can't be Macaque.
Okay that's it. I'm gonna try and make this au more solid cause here I'm kinda spitballing.
Feel free to ask questions :)
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