#but yeah!! here she is with her friends! her story is separate from the main one so you won't hear from her as much
ghostie-gengar · 1 year
news flash! three more teenagers want ghetsis dead
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Rosa May had a peaceful and unassuming life at her ranch near Floccesy Town, at least, until Team Plasma took over. It was one thing after the other, and then her best friend Hugh was wrongfully arrested! This is the last straw for her, so she decides to go rescue him, befriending local musical artist Roxie along the way. Rosa May is quite shy, and really doesn't want to hurt anyone, so she can't help but feel overwhelmed as she's slowly being dragged into something...legendary.
I hope she knows that she isn't alone and that she can rely on her friends...
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On The Hunt: You Broke and I Shattered
Summary- 3.9k Alpha Steve x Little One. You and Steve find where Ulysses is storing his stolen goods; vibranium from Wakanda. Scouting the building, you and Steve separate and Steve struggles with this lone wolf mentality.
Warnings- Steve being upset and lashing out about your relationship with Pan. Reader goes into her heat finally and confronts Steve during it.
A/N- Okay I know it's been a while, LONG WHILE since I have posted these two. Part of me is still apprehensive about your Steve feelings. Be mad and hate him if that is the vibe! I get it, honestly, I do. I can't help but love him as strongly as I always have because I love a broken character that I created. Thank you so much @yenzys-lucky-charm for walking through this and holding my hand with them. For always giving me reassurance to continue this story. You, my dear friend, are a saint for all you do behind the scenes. Dividers made by @firefly-graphics Enjoy, and if you did, please share and reblog. I also love hearing your thoughts and rants about them.
Chapter Seven / Masterlist
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It smelled bad. 
The Little Wolf’s nose wrinkled as she scouted the side of the large warehouse. You lost track of Steve after he shifted, the Alpha whisking his muzzle against the Little Wolf’s and then leapt away along the edge of the warehouse. As large as the Alpha was, he was easily able to meld into nothing when he didn’t want to be seen. A skill from many years of hunting. 
The Little Wolf weaved through the large piles of garbage and pallets, using them to keep her hidden from the multitude of cameras outside of the building. The installers had attempted to keep them hidden, but your time working with T’Challa had taught you where to look. 
The Little Wolf was also good at getting by unnoticed, the smaller stature and slinking nature could make her easily pass for a street dog that ran wild. 
The scents assaulting her were so foul and strong. The heavy acidic scent of fear permeates the stone and steel walls, making the Little Wolf’s ears lay flat against her skull, her nose wrinkling in discomfort. 
A scuffle of footsteps caught her attention, sending her into hiding with her radar-sharp ears swiveling towards the footsteps scuttling down the alleyway towards where you were hiding. 
“The shipment’s ready, just need the boss's sign-off.” You heard the man say into a phone and the Little Wolf pricked her ears to catch the last of the conversation. “Yeah, Klaue is expected in a couple days.”
He is not here yet. You mentally sighed, frustrated that there would be a period of waiting around for you and Steve.
<But he will be here soon for us. The Alpha should be coming around any moment, maybe we can get inside.> She was quiet in her movements, easing away from the rambling man whose conversation turned elsewhere, giving them no more vital information. Catching sight of the unlatched door, the Little Wolf paused, glancing around to see that no one was nearby. <Should we wait?> 
We could lose our chance. You urged her, unwilling to wait now that the opportunity of getting inside was just so available to you. 
<The Alpha…> The Little Wolf hesitated, glancing back at the direction Steve should be coming around. 
Will catch up. He can follow our trail and we might lose this entrance if that man comes back to lock this door. This is our chance to see the inside and be prepared for Ulysses. 
She finally relented, using her muzzle to ease the door open further and sneak into the dark interior of the warehouse, a sliver of light the only source into the belly of the beast. 
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It was easy remaining out of sight on the main floor, various containers of weapons that all smelled tinged with vibranium littered haphazardly around and in the center of the building were cages, all emptied but you could see that they had been recently used. All providing cover even as a silent snarl flirted across Little One’s muzzle, anger simmering in your chest as well as sadness that you had been too late to save those souls from whomever they were sold too. 
Flashes of your old life, the sales floor clouding your memories while you wandered between them. The fear and pain at being dragged in front of buyers, their hands running all over your naked body and the false promises of giving you a better life if you just bonded with them. 
The vileness of it made the Little Wolf shiver and a soft barely there whine escape. <Never again.> She assured you, the fur along her back bristling in agitation. 
Never again. You agreed with her, calming once more. You escaped, you had known love and safety with your pack and with Steve. Even now with you two separated, you knew Steve still wouldn’t ever allow anyone to use you like that again. 
The Little Wolf eased closer, edging along the last line of containers holding vibranium and weapons, trying to map the building. 
There was a huff nearby and you caught sight of silver fur rows back. Steve found us. The Little Wolf stopped, the tip of her tail wagging in a greeting but the Alpha stalked nearby, his eyes blazing furiously at the Little Wolf. 
She lowered further, feeling the anger roll from him while he slid up next to her, pressing in against her for a moment just to feel her before he silently let his nose wander along the edge of the containers. 
Loud shouts just out of sight called out directions to load pallets onto the truck, making you and the Alpha both freeze for a second. The Alpha turned away and returned to the Little Wolf’s side, rumbling enough so you felt the vibrations rising off him. Not an order from the Alpha but a suggestion that it was time to go. 
You pulled back, leading the way out, and once back outside, no one the wiser, you both bolted away from the warehouse. 
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It had been a while since you had returned to the apartment, Steve had been silent most of the time, both of you sketching out the warehouse's interior and tensley comparing notes with one another. But you could feel the tension crackling between you and Steve. All his responses clipped in a tone that you were just not used to from him. 
It was making your Little Wolf uneasy in your mind, pacing back and forth in a skittish way, making you feel like you were about to snap. 
You finally pushed away the notes and sketches of the warehouse, making Steve’s gaze snap to you curiously. “What’s wrong Steve?” 
His brows furrowed together and his mouth thinned with whatever he wanted to say being held back. “Nothing is wrong Y/N. We should contact T’Challa to let him know what we found.” He pulled away, going to grab his phone when you grabbed his forearm to keep him from avoiding the question. Steve stiffened, a shiver going through him and you saw his nostrils flare a bit, dragging in a breath of you. 
“Stop the bullshit Steve, you’re pissed and I don’t know why.” Your Little Wolf yipped anxiously, making you tense up all that much more. 
Clear blue eyes snapped, flaring slightly in a glowing color as the Alpha in him rose to challenge him before he turned to you with a slight bare of his teeth. “You didn’t wait for me Y/N. You charged into that warehouse alone.” 
Your hand dropped from his arm and you immediately snapped back, if you had hackles, they would be raised at the tension finally breaking. “This is what you are pissed about Steve? I was doing the mission. I don’t need your permission to do that.” A snarl emitted from you, daring Steve to bite back. “Not anymore.” 
He rose to the challenge, rounding onto you, his size a sheer force but you held tight, refusing to step back from him. “That’s right Little One, I gave you up and set you free from me.” 
A warning growl escaped you as a bit of tears threatening to well up hearing him. “That you did.”
“You have no regard for your safety, we are supposed to be hunting together and you just go into that building without me and that wasn’t the plan, I don’t care that you went in, but I didn’t know where you were, I just happened to catch your scent in the open door. What if they found you and caught you, what if I couldn’t follow you in?” He pulled away with a yank of his hand through his hair. 
You squared your shoulders, anger making your tone bite in your words. “It’s not your fucking job Steven to keep me safe. Why are you always trying to shield me?” 
“Cause Little One! It still feels like you’re fucking mine, even now while we are unbonded all I feel…” His hand slapped against his chest, where you knew his heart pounded its rhythm. 
“Well that sounds like your problem that you need to figure out. I’m not your Little One.” You tossed out, the pain searing into anger at the Alpha in front of you. “You ‘set me free’ which is utter bullshit, you don’t get to dictate how I work now.” 
It was like whiplash, his brow wrinkling as his sadness seeped through before anger masked his features once again. “Don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten. You remind me, you had moved on right… to him?” 
You knew exactly who he was talking about and that made those tears finally fall, your hand lifting and slapping sharply across Steve’s face hard, enough that his head turned with the impact. 
“How dare you, Steve, Pan was my friend when I was broken. My friend Steve, he was exactly who I needed when I was alone. You did this to us. You and that fucking drive to keep me safe. Newsflash Steve, my whole life I fought and I’m never going to stop. Now I’m doing it alone without you. You just thought of how you hurt me while being collared, it was NOTHING compared to what you did in that hospital room. I lost you that day and had to learn how to live without my mate because he didn’t want me anymore.” 
“Fuck Y/N, I never said I didn’t want you.” Steve’s jaw clenched tightly, but the anger from his features was gone, disbelief crowning his features now. His hand reached out to draw you in, but you stepped away, unable to handle the contact.
“You broke me that day Steve and now you don’t like this version I turned into? You have no right to be mad about that.” Your voice cracked, a shiver wracking up your body while the Little Wolf started singing in the back of your mind, her own pain breaking in the song. “I survived being used, I survived beatings in attempts to make me submissive, I survived other Alpha’s scarring me with their bites, I survived all the times they tried purposely to break me into bowing for them and being this meek little pup. But you, Steve I barely survived you.”  
You let out a breath, feeling your chest lighten as Steve stood before you like he was at a loss for words for a moment. Before you would let him say anything, you turned away to your room and let the door shut him out. Exhaustion hit you like a ton of bricks and as you crawled into your bed to sink into that dark place you yet again were hovering in, your Little Wolf crooning to you, you curled into a ball in your bed and let yourself go. 
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Steve sat on the edge of the uncomfortable bed in the apartment. It had been hours since you just dropped it all on him, which he knew but hearing it come from you, how your voice became so vulnerable like you were laid open and left to pick up the pieces. To top it off, he knew he was an utter asshole for what he said to you, wishing he could take it back. But it was out there now and he knew he couldn’t take back what he said in a moment of frustration. 
There was no way to take any of the last year back, he knew he acted on instinct back then and he was wrong. All of it was wrong, but he had to live with his actions. Actions had consequences and all he could do now was live with those choices, and give you that freedom. You were right, he couldn’t be mad at what you turned into because he was a part of it all. Something in him shattered that day, hard broken shards that fed all his fears and he was still struggling to not give in to them.
It still didn’t make it easier for him, or the Alpha. The Alpha was furious with him once more. A snarling beast who lashed out to make Steve wince at the rage. But he felt he deserved it, he took each one without a snap back. 
To top the whole fuck up of a day there was a soft wail through the wall of disbelief and it hit every one of Steve’s senses.
Your heat finally arrived and right now you two were stuck together, with no way to give one another space during this vulnerable intimate time. 
And it was almost torture to Steve as his muscles cramped with restraint, resisting the urge to go to you. 
The Wolf simmered somewhere, Steve sensed him close, but he was still staying away from the conscious side. Your scent was heavy with need and that made a ping of guilt well up in him that your heat was going to be worse for you because he was there. 
If you were back in Wakanda he would slip away, leave you in peace to choose the partner you would want to help you through this. But not in the middle of a mission like this.  
<Coward> The Wolf snarled at him, his ears laid flat against his skull and showing his fangs with a snap of his jaw, jolting Steve back to his awareness of his beast. <You would run away instead of staying to take care of her.> 
His head hung from his shoulders, gritting his eyes and clenching his jaw as his own beast tried to take over, howling your song to call for you. His rut was going to be rough, more of his wolfish side coming through, the overbearing need to fuck and take care of his mate would be a whole other torture. 
“Fuck off.” He snarled loudly, aiming at the Alpha but your soft voice cut through his snarl, making his head snap up, his hair disheveled and eyes flashing a brighter color as his nose tilted up to catch your warm honeysuckle scent. 
“Steve.” Your voice was soft in tone and loud in every other way as it broke his inner battle, your hands clutching at a blanket around you, miserable looking. “She won’t stop…” 
Steve guessed, as much as his wolf was trying to take over, the Little Wolf would be too. You were so distressed-looking, shaking in the blanket even though it wasn’t cold. He straightened up, holding out a hand to you. “Come here Y/N.” He growled, unable to contain more of the Wolf coming through. 
It was all it took, the blanket fell from around you, your body to sensitive for anything on you, as you streaked to Steve, his arms circling around your waist and made you straddle his lap. Getting as close as you could be without pinning you underneath him in the bed. His clothes felt so constricting as you settled in close, tears starting to race down your cheeks while your hands slid up his chest, pulling his shirt over his head so you could get skin to skin, which he was thankful for. “I tried Alpha, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.” You leaned into him, your breasts pressing against his chest as your face tucked into his neck, hiding away. 
“For what Y/N?” he let his nose press against the back of your neck, inhaling deeply. That alone made the wolf ease back, and let him regain control. Heavy calloused hands went up and down your back as you started sobbing in his neck, your thighs squeezing against him as you rocked your hips slightly to rub against him. 
“For being here with you.” You pushed against him and stared at him with sorrow and pain that Steve couldn’t stop the kisses he flushed over your eyes as more of your tears escaped, tears that he caused. Salty on his lips as they escaped into his beard. His gentleness at the moment, although both of your bodies were screaming to mate with one another, seemed to break you. 
“I’m so mad at you for doing this to me.” You dug your nails into his shoulders, rocking again as he matched your movement, pushing up to give you some relief in your grinding. “I did what you said, I left you alone and you followed me here. I couldn’t escape you with the pack and I still can’t Steve. Why do you make this impossible for me?” You hissed as your mouth sought his, while his kiss stayed gentle, you bit at him, gasping against him as your nails clawed into the muscles of his back. “You left me Steve and it broke me more than anything else that has happened.” If this was your punishment, Steve would take it. Every sharp claw and hissing bite you lashed at him. 
Steve clenched his jaw, unwilling to defend himself and his choices. He did this to you and it was the least he could do was listen. Instead, he pressed you in closer to him, touching you in all the ways he knew made you feel safe and cared for, his lips pressing against yours while you broke because of him. Your pain you lashed onto his back with your nails sharply dragging up to grasp his shoulder and rock yourself in against him once again, he welcomed the pain as he would any of your touches. 
You shook in his hold, pushing away from him enough to look at him, your anger melding into sheer pain. “Was I too weak to be an Alpha’s mate, your mate? Do you regret taking a broken and used Omega? I need to know Steve.”
This he couldn’t stand, not from you of all people. With a sweep of his hold, he twisted you to the bed, on your back while he hovered over you with a bare of his teeth at you, all the long hair falling forward around his face, making Steve look wild above you. Your hands went to cup his face, studying the man you and your little wolf still fiercely loved, your fingers pushing up to weave into his hair. “Is that what you actually believe Little One?” Steve’s tone was graveled, a mix of his voice and the Alpha growling at the same time. “Do you?” He said sharper, making you roll your body up into his solid one, giving a nod when you couldn't say anything. 
His hands caught your wrists and let his nose trace the inside on each one, you went pliant against him finally and he let his whirlwind of emotions settle. He had you and wasn’t planning on letting you go till you knew in your soul that he never would have left you because of those reasons. 
Your hands were pinned swiftly, slamming them into the pillows scattered around his bed. “Little One.” He growled when his lips descended to the soft warmth of your neck column. Kissing behind your ear with much more gentleness than how his hand caged yours over your head. “You really don’t know do you, how much power you have.” His growls were edging on violent, wracking through your body while his touch remained loving, each glide of his hand tracing your side passionate while the other encircled your wrists above your head with controlled strength, the flick of his tongue gliding on your skin and light pressure of sharpened fangs all affection in worshipping you. “How I would do anything for you. You think me walking away didn’t destroy my sanity, made the beast try to claw from his cage?” 
You whined under Steve, your heat simmering on unbearable but his words were making you want to scream. All this time he felt this way and he still managed to walk away, leaving you shattered, your fingers curled, digging into his palm keeping you pinned down. He hissed at the pain but never loosened or pulled away from you. “You still did it, you claim to protect me from you.” 
Steve rose above you, his touch on your waist going to your face, turning your head till you couldn't look away from him. So much filled his gaze locking with yours and your unshed tears of anger, frustration, and pain were mirrored in his. “Because I am weak, scared, and broken. All I could see in that moment was you dead at my feet, that I had destroyed my mate, half of my soul. Alpha’s might seem powerful, but actually, we are empty without our other halves, made to serve our packs but never finding anything beyond that. That day I almost killed mine and I was powerless to stop it." His throat bobbed, swallowing past the emotion that almost seemed to overtake him. "I made a mistake and I see that now Little One, I let fear control me, and look what it did to us. I can’t take it back and will always live with what I did. You are right, I can’t be mad about who you are now because of it, you became stronger. You don’t need me, not really. You, my mate, you have all the power. Fuck, that day I was breaking down thinking I was powerless to control myself...”  His shoulders sagged like admitting this out loud to you took everything out of him. “I should have talked to you about what I was going through instead of running.” 
You eased up the grasp of your fingers digging into his palm, allowing yourself to soften slightly under him. Pulling a hand from his hold, your touch drifted up, sliding around the curve of his neck while you silently counted every little ragged scar circling his throat. Every little barb that dug into him and controlled him. This shattered your Alpha and he was struggling to be better. "I see you Steve." You whispered up at him while letting your thumb wipe under his eyes, clearing away the moisture welling up in those sharp blue eyes.
He reached up to take your palm, curling it against his jaw while he tilted into it, pressing his lips to the center. "I see you too Y/N, I'm so sorry I pushed you away."
Your Little Wolf called out his song again while his eyes scanned over your face, feeling the change in you. Your legs wrapped around his waist, holding him closer. “I could throttle you.” You chirped with a crack in your voice and Steve gave a soft sad chuckle as his head dropped to lean his forehead against yours, giving a little sniffle.
“I know I deserve it.” 
“And what do you want now Steve?” You asked softly, almost a whisper between you two. 
The Alpha was silent, his inhales drawing you in to smother all his other senses, if he could drown in you, he would so happily. “A chance for us, to be the Alpha and your mate you deserve from me.” He pulled away to catch your eyes, such a sharp blue with tinges of yellow melding to give hints of green, the Alpha bleeding through, showing while Steve gave you the answers you sought. “To give you all of me, even the broken parts that need fixing Little One.” 
“If I said I need you to talk to me Steve, you need to let me in instead of just trying to keep me safe from the world.” Your hand twisted in his hold, sliding your fingers through his above your head. “That you won’t shut me out because you are trying to keep me safe.” 
“I will spend my life showing you I can be your partner.” This next kiss was gentle, a brush of his lips to yours as you pulled him back into your hold, his heavy weight on you making you finally feel like you were where you belonged. “And I will wait, as long as you need to be ready for us again, if that is what you want.” 
Ready to be us again… You repeated to yourself, letting his words really take hold. The Little Wolf was a calming presence now, the heat sated enough in just this rebonding moment for you two. You pushed up your hips enough to push against Steve and he instinctively released his hold on you to fall back and take you with him, letting you straddle him while he laid underneath you now, his hands caressing down till they settled on your waist, content to let you decide what you wanted from him next. “I missed you, Steve, we missed you.” 
Your touch slipped up his chest while you moved to settle in against him, ease relaxing through you as his arms slipped around you, hugging you to lay against him and nothing more in the moment. You let your cheek lay against his chest, your head tucked under his bristled chin. You could feel his words as he spoke them out loud. “We were wanderers without our home Little One, we missed you too.” 
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aestheticaltcow · 8 months
What Happens in Vegas Doesn't Always Stay in Vegas
A four-part series about a drunken mistake and realizations starring our favorite neurotic chef.
The Bear Masterlist
Next part
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Part 1 - Those are legal?
“I’m sorry, what do you mean ‘I’m married’?” Ellie questioned the FBI agent in front of her. “Well, with Jack’s security clearance, we took his marriage license application very seriously. Elanor Marks, you’ve been married to a man named Carmen Berzatto for the past eight years.”. Ellie turned to look at Jack, who was just as dumbfounded as her, “You two got married in 2016 at Quickie Vows in Las Vegas.” the agent handed Jack a folder. “Here’s all the information, sir.” Jack nodded without saying anything. 
“How did you not know you were married?” Jack laughed as he got into bed that night, “I didn’t think those Vegas weddings were like real marriages.” Ellie sighed, sinking deeper into their mattress. Jack frowned, realizing just how upset his fiance was, “Hey, get over here.” he opened his arms. Ellie sighed and scooted closer to him in bed, “This is one of the things I love about you, Ellie. You’re spontaneous and eclectic. You love life and have never said no to anything.” he kissed her head making Ellie sink deeper into his chest. “When I met you in Germany, I knew you were goin’ be my wife one day. This whole Vegas marriage thing is just a hiccup. I’ll call Bren, and we’ll get all of this figured out… you’ll get your spooky October wedding, I promise.” 
Ellie opened her locker the next morning and shoved her backpack in before sitting on a free chair to change into her non-slip shoes. “There she is, the blushing bride.” Ellie rolled her eyes at her friend’s greeting. “Hey, Maddie.” “You good?” “I’ve been better…”
Maddie shot her a quizzical look. “Wanna talk about it?” Ellie sighed “Do you remember Carmy Berztto?” “Wow, that’s a blast from the past…” “Yeah, that’s what I said… we’ve been married since that Vegas trip.” Maddie was lost for words, “You know what I have to feed my sourdough…” she awkwardly laughed, scratching at the back of her neck. “Lunch break?” Ellie laughed, knowing Maddie wanted to know what had happened that trip “Yes. I have so many questions.”
“CAB, you’re like the best.” “I don’t know ‘bout that, El.” Carmy laughed, taking another swig from his bottle of tequila. Ellie snaked her arm around his waist as the two walked down the Vegas strip. The two found themselves separated from the main group of friends they’d come to Vegas with; it wasn’t something unheard of for the two of them. “You’re a kid but got the fuckin’ James Beard! You’re the best.”Ellie hiccuped. Carmy rolled his eyes, “You’re only like a year older than me, babe.” Ellie giggled and playfully hit his chest. 
The two ended up sitting on the edge of a fountain, exchanging stories of childhood trauma and fears of the future between kisses. “My mom used to call me a whore back in high school-” “You’re my whore…” Carmy whispered as he kissed down Ellie’s jawline, making her giggle and hit his shoulder “You’re so stupid.” “Fuck I love you.” Carmy laughed, burying his head in her shoulder nipping at her collarbone. Ellie giggled and gently tugged at his hair “I fuckin’ love you too.”
In New York, this evening would end in sex on the kitchen floor or the ratty old couch in Carmy’s bare apartment. In Vegas, it was a different story. Neither Carmy nor Ellie realized who’d suggested it, but they found themselves at Quickie Vows. They both went through the motions, thinking it was the funniest joke in the world. The two returned to the group’s Airbnb and went to the backyard to get into the hot tub. The next day, Ellie got the call she’d been waiting for.  She was going to Europe to be a commis chef. After a quick stop in New York, Ellie was off and thought she’d never be back in the States, at least until she met Special Agent Jack Aubrey.
The two met in Germany five years ago; it was love at first sight for Jack. Ellie took a couple of months to warm up. He was everything Carmy lacked; he actively made time to be with her. They weren’t together out of convenience; Jack was proud to be seen with her. He encouraged her to be herself and grow as a person. But of course, Carmy needed to make one last appearance before Ellie could live happily ever after.
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uniquexusposts · 2 months
Her || Charles
Main characters: Charles Leclerc x OC Genre: fanfiction, fluff  Story type: novel  Part: 22/? Word count: 2114 Co writer: @mistrose23
Story summary: Matilde Jørgensen, the new Scuderia Ferrari team principal, faced the nerve-wracking challenge of reviving the team's fortunes and aiming for a championship. Leading a historic team as a 'newbie' and separating her work and personal opinions posed a significant challenge. The big question: is she capable to do so?
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Previous chapter
Chapter 20. Routine
Jens opened the door of the Airbnb Matilde had to stay in for three weeks. It was a cottage just outside of Oxford, in a beautiful surrounding for some quietness and peace, perfect for Matilde to recover and rest. It was Saturday, a day after the surgery and Matilde just got released from the hospital.
"This looks adorable," Matilde said when she stood still in front of the door. She was taking a break from walking from the car to the front door, which was about ten metres.
Jens only smiled. "I hope you can recover here quickly."
"It isn't home, but it will do," she gratefully replied.
Her steps into the house were slow and deliberate, her body still adjusting to the recent surgery. Jens guided her towards the living area. As Matilde eased herself onto the couch, Jens went back to the car to grab all the luggage. He picked up Matilde's stuff from the hotel and her car, which was still parked at the track, this morning.
"I parked your car at the end of the street," Jens said once he got back. "I will bring your stuff upstairs. Do you need anything?"
Matilde squinted her eyes; she had never seen him this caring, if she was honest. She and Jens were never that close, the bond between her and Lars was much better. Perhaps it was because Jens was the oldest and moved out quickly. Jens moved out when he was eighteen years old, Matilde was only twelve years old and Lars was fourteen at that time. From that moment on, Jens showed up whenever he felt like it - mainly because he was part of the army. "Uh..." She carefully got up. "I want to take a shower, get rid of the hospital air. Maybe take my suitcase upstairs, but leave my work bag and purse downstairs."
"Yeah, sure. Let's do it."
"But Jens," she said and looked at her older brother. "If you want to go to the Grand Prix, please go. You took time off to be there, you came all the way to the UK, you have VIP tickets, you brought your friends... I don't want you to be here while you can be there, live your dream."
"Tilly," he smiled, it was a soft and caring smile. "My friends can have the dream experience, but I would rather stay here and look after you. I came here to see you work, to be with you, I came here for you. And yes, it is my dream to be a VIP guest at a race, but I'm sure there will be another opportunity anytime soon," he told her. He knew her well enough to give her a little bit more explanation than necessary. "Let's just relax, rest and recover." He took her in his arms, creating a safe space for her.
Matilde closed her eyes and let out a breath, accepting that she wouldn't be able to live her life like she usually would do for three weeks. She carefully wrapped her arms around Jens' torso. For the first time in years, they shared a meaningful hug, but it was a hug she needed. She missed home, she missed her family and this made her realise how far away her family actually was. Jens rested his head on top of hers and he just held her.
After a moment, they let go of each other. They went upstairs, Jens still supporting his little sister. While Matilde was taking a shower, Jens stayed upstairs in case he had to help her. He unpacked his own bag in the guest bedroom, doubting whether he should unpack Matilde's suitcase as well. After the shower, Matilde and Jens went downstairs again. Jens connected his phone to the TV, putting on his favourite Danish radio station - knowing Matilde would like it as well.
"How was the shower?"
"Quite alright," Matilde said. "But I want to wash my hair, but I can't somehow do it," she said frustratedly. "It's such a simple task and I can't do it. Once you can't do it anymore, you realise what you lost."
"I can wash your hair."
"No, it's okay. I can wait two more days until dad arrives."
"I can do it. It's a nice feeling to wash your hair after a hospital visit."
"You don't even know how to do it."
Jens raised his eyebrow. "Why do you think that? I have seen mum and dad wash your hair so many times - and the tantrums you created, drama queen."
She huffed. "Now you are pulling the longbow."
"I said what I said." He leaned against the kitchen counter. The kitchen was next to the living room, well, in the living room. "So?"
"Fine," she gave in. "But how were you planning on doing it?"
"Chair, sit, sink." Jens walked upstairs to get Matilde's hair stuff. When he got back, he set up the setting. He took a chair from the dining room and put it in front of the sink. He placed a towel on the counter, it had to be a cushion. "Sit down, ma'am."
Matilde sat down. "Now you're being scary."
"SInce when are you interested in doing this?"
He grabbed Matilde's brush and detangled her wavy hair, well, expired blow out hair. "I am just taking care of you."
"That's what scares me."
"Shut up." He noticed some small baby curls in her neck. He put a towel over her shoulder and flipped the hair on it. "Okay, lean backwards." Matilde threw her hair over the sink. "Comfortable?"
Matilde looked Jens in the eyes. "Yes, sir. I hope you cleaned the sink."
"Yes." He turned the water on and waited until it was a nice temperature. He wetted her hair and watched how the straight hair slightly bounced back into its natural shape. It was still wet, but her hair turned into a shape again. Jens put some shampoo on his hand palm and emulsified it. During the first wash, he put his attention to the scalp.
"Okay, but for real, since when do you know how to wash hair?" Matilde was perplexed, it didn't make sense. First, he would do everything to avoid talking about hair care, and now he knew what to do. She stared at him.
"Like I said, I watched how mum and dad did it."
"But that's like a million years ago."
"With the tantrums you threw, it isn't easy to forget it."
"Don't move."
Jens rinsed the hair and washed her hair again. Then he squeezed all the water out of her hair and put in some conditioner. He instructed Matilde to sit up again, so he could, again, detangle her hair.
"Ouch," Matilde whined after a few minutes.
"Don't fuss," he replied.
"You are hurting me."
"I am not. Just get over it," he responded.
"Be careful."
"It hurts."
"I can't fucking help that I have curly hair. It is a pain in the arse," she complained. "I am so jealous of all of you. Why do I have curly hair? Why am I the only one in this family? Mum's hair is as straight as a pencil, dad's hair too, Lars' hair too, your hair too. Mine is curly."
Jens had to agree with that; Matilde stood out in the family because of her curly hair. "The mother of grandma Greta had curly hair. Then it passed two generations, for you to have curly hair. Why don't you wear it curly anymore? Why straighten it?"
"I hate genes," she mocked. "I don't like my hair curly, it's ugly."
"It is not."
"It is."
"Why?" He put the comb on the kitchen counter. "Time to let the conditioner sit for a moment." He sat down on the counter of the island, crossed his arms and observed his sister.
Matilde sat up and shrugged. "I just don't like it, I don't think it looks pretty. It makes me feel different from everyone else in the family."
"It is unique."
"And I don't like it."
Jens nodded. "And what about that Leclerc boy?" It was something he needed to talk about.
"What about him?"
"Why did he randomly show up yesterday? After what he did?"
Matilde bit her upper lip and looked outside. She couldn't speak for Charles, she didn't know why he showed up. "I don't know, you should ask him."
"Why did he pretend to be your boyfriend?" Jens continued to ask, it didn't make sense.
She sighed. "It's not like I can look into his head and justify his decisions?" Her face straightened. "I have no idea why he showed up and why he told the nurse he was my boyfriend."
"So..." He squinted his eyes, observing Matilde. "You are on good terms, I see."
Matilde chuckled, her tone holding a hint of irony. "I don't want to say good terms, but we are getting there, I guess. It's still complicated."
He raised an eyebrow, clearly not satisfied with the vague response. "Complicated how?"
"People are complicated, any type of relationship is even more so."
He studied her expression, searching for any signs of discomfort or evasion. She met his gaze with a steady one, her eyes reflecting a mixture of exhaustion and resilience. It was a look he recognised, the same one she wore during challenging moments in her life.
"Til," he began. "You've got enough on your plate as team principal. You don't need more complications, especially not from someone like him."
"Protective big brother mode activated," she mumbled annoyedly.
A chuckle left Jens' mouth, conceding the point. "Maybe I do. But seriously, Tilly, you need people who bring stability, not more chaos."
"I know, Jens. Believe me, I know."
"So, let me get this straight: you start at Ferrari and Leclerc struggles to welcome you. Understandable. Odd, but understandable. Then your team are dickheads by the Miami situation. You cleared the air. Followed by Monaco, where Leclerc is blaming you for his own mistakes, causing more tension between the two of you, portraying you as a bad leader towards the media. And then the moment in Austria, where he fights in front of the media with Max, pulling you down. During the meeting with Max and Christian, he claims that you are only here for Max, fucking him for your position and calling you a bad leader. And when you are hospitalised, he is suddenly emotional, distracted and caring? Showing up without permission, pretending to be your boyfriend, standing next to your bed while pouting? It is almost like he is in love with you but tries to hide his feelings by being a dick." Jens threw his hands up in the air. "Make it make sense, Matilde."
Fact, on fact, on fact. Also a confrontation. Matilde swallowed hard. "He is one of my drivers..." Her lips parted, trying to find some words, which she couldn't find. "I don't want to talk about it now."
"I get it, but do you understand why Lars and I are having doubts? This isn't normal behaviour. And I know you want to protect him because he is your driver, but you need to be careful." He jumped off the counter, turning on the water again, waiting for the right temperature. "Make sure he does not play with you, because his behaviour is affecting you on your mental health."
"Jah," she mumbled annoyedly and laid back to the sink again.
"Just be cautious. It's not just about the racing, it is about your well being."
The short answer said enough to Jens; Matilde didn't want to talk about it. He didn't know if she wanted to avoid the topic or just leave it for now, but she was annoyed by it. Jens rinsed the conditioner out of Matilde's hair and applied the curl cream. "No mousse?"
"Neh, not today."
He nodded. He remembered that his parents had to learn how to control Matilde's hair; they reached out to other people with curly hair because they had no clue how to handle it. Jens also remembered that after applying the mousse, or gel, you had to scrunch it. Even though they skipped that step, he scrunched the cream into the hair, also squeezing out the excess water. He grabbed a T-shirt and dried the hair by scrunching it. "There you go."
Matilde was on the edge to ask to blow dry her hair and straighten it, but she felt uncomfortable and wanted to lay on the couch. She also thought it was adorable how her big brother performed the entire hair care routine by memory on her hair, so she decided to let it go and dry out her hair. "Tak."
"Go lie down on the sofa. I will make you a cup of tea." Jens washed his hands and filled the kettle with water.
"You still scare the crap out of me with how you behave." 
Next chapter
Taglist: @itsjustkhaos@crashingwavesofeuphoria@maryvibess @chocolatefartstrawberry @snzleclerc @ironmaiden1313
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shunin-gumis · 2 months
Designs of Happiness - Track A02
L4mps Main Story Translation
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Title: Night Office
Characters: Daniel, Yodaka
Summary: Daniel brings the protagonist to a certain bar, where they meet a cheerful bartender and the sleepy owner… 
Please note, I use Momiji, the female Hamasaki sibling, as the speaker for my stories. Kaede is the male sibling. In this chapter there are some different reactions from characters depending on the player character's gender, I'll have them noted separately.
JP Proofreading: aca @463ce6 on twt EN Proofreading: jes @arcanecrayonn on twt
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Location: “Ten Nights of Dreams” BAR
Momiji: Oh?
Momiji: There’s something on the ground… A flower?
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Momiji: I wonder if it fell out of someone’s bouquet… It’s so pretty… And it’s still fresh too. I wonder what kind of flower this is…
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Daniel: Oi Chief! What’re you spacing out in the middle of the road for?
Momiji: Sorry! I just went to pick this up.
Daniel: A flower, huh. Can’t believe folks would drop somethin’ as nice as this.
Daniel: So, what’re you gonna do with it?
Momiji: I can’t just leave it like this to wither away. I’d like to put it in a vase or something…
Daniel: Then it’s a good thing we’re here.
Momiji: What do you mean by that? 
Daniel: C’mon, let’s go.
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Daniel: Heey~
Momiji: “Ten Nights of Dreams” huh… The bar gives a really nice vibe, it’s quiet and relaxing.
Momiji: They’ve put a lot of thought into the furnishing… Are these all vintage pieces? –Ah.
Momiji: There’s a vase with a beautiful floral arrangement… 
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Chouun: Welcome. Customers have arrived.
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Employee: Ah, sorry~ We’re still in the middle of prepping~
Employee: Huh? Oh, it’s just Hiroshi.
Daniel: Yo!
Momiji: Huh… Daniel did say he knew the owner here, I should’ve known it’s because he’s a regular.
Momiji: Does that mean this cheery and handsome fellow is the owner?
Daniel: The last time I was here, you told me I shoulda come in earlier, so here I am. Before opening hours, even. 
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Employee: Are you for real? You know that’s not what I meant. I became a bartender so I could get with some hot chicks, NOT a bulky dude like you. 
Daniel: Hey, I’m the one who’s got complaints! You always lead the women away to some lone corner; might as well get a neon sign that says you’re feeling horny.
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Daniel and the employee: Ha!
Employee: With that outta the way, comin’ in hot with a Tequila Boom Boom*!
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Daniel: Hitting me with the shots already?
Employee: Here you go~ You can even down the whole bottle if you want!
Momiji: Looks like they get along real well, but-
Momiji: We’re still on the clock, Manager.
Daniel: Whaat~? Drinkin’s part of the job, really.
Momiji: Nope. That’s definitely not part of the job description.
Employee: Aha! Who’s your friend? Momiji: You can call me Hamasaki. Please don’t mind my presence here.
If player character is female: Employee: Hey there~ We’ve met before, on Mars, right? Momiji: Um? Employee: It’s alright~ Let’s leave the past behind and have a do-over. This time, on Earth~ Daniel: Hit on her all you want, but remember she’s MY subordinate. Employee: Tch, the watchdog’s got a little too much muscle on him.
If player character is male: Daniel: So he says. Ain’t worth bringing to a bar, this one. Employee: You’re the one who decided to bring a dude along… Doesn’t even seem like he knows how to loosen up. Kaede: Um, is there anything wrong with me being a guy? Employee: Not really… A customer’s a customer after all, you’re more than welcome. I just don’t want this place to get any more musty with all the men y’know~? Kaede: Do I smell or something…
Daniel: Right, almost forgot, this fella’s name is-
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Yunyun: It’s Yunyun~ Nice to meetcha.
Daniel: Yun…? Really? That’s what you’re going with? Not like I care.
Momiji: Yu-Yunyun-san… It’s nice to meet you too.
Yunyun: Let’s get along yeah~
Daniel: So, where’s your boss?
Momiji: Huh, Yunyun-san isn’t the owner?
Yunyun: Ew~ Don’t lump me in with Yodaka-san. Our owner’s the one lounging over there.
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Owner?: *soft snoring*
Momiji: I didn’t notice earlier, but there’s actually someone sleeping on the sofa…?
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Daniel: It’s time for your first mission, Chief. Operation: Rouse the Barkeeper.
Momiji: Wha- why me?? You actually know the guy, shouldn’t you do it?
Daniel: I’m gonna go have a drink first, good luck.
Momiji: …..
Momiji: Well, it shouldn’t be that big of a deal anyways.
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Owner: …..
Momiji: He’s sleeping quite soundly… I wonder if shaking his shoulder would be enough to wake him up… 
Momiji: Um, excuse me… 
Owner: *quiet mumbling*
Momiji: Is he… sleep talking?
Momiji: I can’t hear him, I should lean in closer…
Owner: A bit more…
Owner: Open your mouth… a little wider… Make sure not to spill…  even a drop… 
Momiji: !?
Momiji: P-Please wake up! Right now! I get the feeling that I shouldn’t let this go any further…!
Owner: Good… job…
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Owner: …Ahh, you’ve gotten so much better at this…. before I’d even realized… 
Momiji: Aaahhhhh…!!
Yunyun: Back already?
Momiji: Sorry. It seemed like he was really enjoying his dream, it didn’t feel right to disturb him.
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Daniel: What kinda dream was he having that’s got your face all red?
Momiji: It’s not red. It’s just the lighting. 
Yunyun: Hiroshi~ You shouldn’t bully your juniors like that.
Momiji: Seriously.
Yunyun: Ahaha! So, what’s that about Flower Laundry again?
Daniel: We’ve got some business with the store owner. Didn’t get to meet him though.
Yunyun: Flow-Laun’s that weird store that’s both a flower shop and a laundromat in one right? He’s probably got double the deliveries to do, so it’s easy to miss him.
Momiji: He’s got a point… In fact, just earlier-
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Sonia: Welcome~
Momiji: Aw, what a cute pet robot. Though it’s no longer rare to find one helping out or watching over stores while their owners are out.
Momiji: I’d love to set one up at our company but… Shuumai would probably get jealous.
Momiji: Is Nagi Hachinoya-san here right now?
Sonia: Nagi-shan is out on delivery right now. There were orders for both bouquets and laundry, sho he’ll be out all day.
Sonia: Not to mention… Nagi-shan has a tendency to attract trouble, sho I never know when he’ll be back… I’m sorry that I can’t give you a clear answer.
~~~~~(end flashback)
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Owner: What do you need him for?
Momiji: Huh- wha!?
Owner: Oh, it seems I’ve startled you.
Momiji: I-It’s because you talked right into my ear all of a sudden…!
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Daniel: Be careful around that guy, he’s famous around these parts for being a walking “Libido Switchman”.
Momiji: A what-
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Owner: Oh please, that was a long time ago.
Momiji: Are you sure? Because your sleep-talking earlier would say otherwise… 
Owner: Was I sleep-talking? I did have a dream about sharing popsicles with a friend… I remember the flavors, orange and pineapple.
Momiji: Talk about misleading…!
Yunyun: Mornin’ Boss~
Owner: Mm, good morning. –Chouun.
Chouun: Yes.
Owner: If you could please play some music that would suit tonight’s atmosphere
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Chouun: … Understood. The playlist I have selected is themed after “Nostalgia”.
Momiji: This pet robot has a music player function huh… Its star lamp emanates a gentle glow, it’s so pretty… 
Owner: The little one.
Momiji: Huh?
Owner: Would you like to place it in this vase? I think it needs the water.
Momiji: Oh, were you talking about this flower?
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Owner: Yes. I just thought it was a little sad to see it drooping all on its lonesome.
Momiji: Thank you, I'd been holding onto it because I meant to give it some water.
Momiji: I’ll take you up on the offer.
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Owner: ….. 
Momiji: Erm…?
Owner: ……….
Momiji: I wonder why he’s staring at me so intently for… 
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Yodaka: Have we… met somewhere before?
If player character is female: Momiji: H-He’s way too close…! Momiji: No, um, I’m pretty sure this is our first time meeting…! Owner: I have a hard time believing that. Those eyes… I’m sure I remember seeing them before…  Yunyun: Ah, I already used that line, so.
If player character is male: Kaede: I don’t think so… This should be our first time meeting. Owner: Are you sure? Kaede: Probably…? Also, um… isn’t your face too close…  Owner: It is, yes.
Owner: I see… Oh well.
Owner: How about their order?
Yunyun: They haven't ordered yet~
Daniel: Oh right, that slipped my mind. 
Daniel: Chief, your drink’s on me so get yourself one too. Yodaka’s cocktails are outta this world.
Momiji: Wow, it must be really amazing to get a stingy person like you to treat me. I’m really curious, but I’ll have to refuse. We’re still on the clock.
Owner: In that case, you can try a mocktail instead.
Momiji: A mocktail?
Owner: It’s a non-alcoholic cocktail. Please wait a moment while I make it.
Ten Nights of Dreams (Yumejyuuya) is in reference to Natsume Soseki’s work of the same name, and is important to Yodaka’s character background. (I'd recommend reading about it after L4mps main story -> Yodaka's novel)
Tequila Boom Boom is probably in reference to this Japanese commercial on Sauza Cooler that aired in 2017, featuring Shota Matsuda.
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hualianschild · 4 months
Genuine question. I loved many elements of the apothecary diaries, the mystery, the unsexualised main lead and the slice-of-lifey vibe to it and just about everything else also ticks all things I love about stories in media. The problem is there is ginormous off-putting almost triggering thing in it. The setting and how it displays women.
Does the setting of apothecary diaries not upset any others girl watcher’s stomach? If you want a detailed ask i can send one :(
I geniunly mean no harm, but I saw anime feminists say it’s one of the best piece of media that navigates womens struggles and I’m so flabbergasted.
hello thanks for the ask and yes you can send me a detailed ask I don't mind ^^
so the thing about the apothecary diaries is that it's based on ancient historical china and and as with any historical based media ofcourse there will be lots of misogyny and homophobia and every bad old thinking thing you can think of, as someone who watches lots of historical fantasy related things, things like these are a common occurrence atp and I'm so used to it that I'll be surprised if a piece of historical media is non toxic and full of positive vibes. In the apothecary diaries there's this system of the emperor keeping concubines in a separate palace and all they're useful for is to provide heirs and I'm like yeah it was the usual scene back in the day (there's just this ONE ruler in china who kept just one partner his entire life and he's famous for that if I remember correctly) and I can't do anything abt it now cuz that system has long been abandoned now as with the slavery system too
I think the anime feminists saying it's a good depiction of women struggles aren't wrong as maomao who's seen as the daughter of a commoner somehow got sold as a servant and is bound by a contract and everyone suffers in a slavery system and adding the fact that people try to disregard her advice cuz she's a woman and a teenager and a slave at that really reflects back to what usually happens to women in modern times too but even after that she has a friend who she talks with abt their struggles of being a servant and that she's still enthusiastic about poisons and herbs and everything related to apothecary and doesn't let those people from stopping her in persuing her interests whenever she can while still trying to save her life (servants meant nothing to the ruling class so they can be easily k worded off) just makes me so happy, she's now thriving cuz everyone knows how talented she is and very clever to the point they go to her to ask for suggestions and advice about their problems and trust her to help cure their problems is a good representation of how people let their internal misogyny stop them from seeing what's actually there
so yeah these were my thoughts I know some might disagree here and there but feel free to point out if there's a flaw or something here hope this helps ~
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kpchrs · 9 months
I think between shippers (and this is me saying this, an outsider to both ships) there’s Def the nagging voice saying “Coriolanus sucks irl” in everyone’s mind
So that’s Def a part of the civility in my opinion. Like why fight when the main guy in your ship is the worst guy alive. Bonding moment IG lol
LMFAO You are so right, Anon. Bonding moment for real. As some people in the post's comment said, "we both share the toxic blond" and also "we're trauma-bonded".
But I think it's not really a nagging voice. We all know Coriolanus Snow fucking SUCKS. If you compile all of my thoughts about him from everywhere, the majority is me clowning on him actually. I want to do violence to him.
It's funny, and I'm sorry for the out of topic, but this...wish makes me fantasising about a "Coriolanus Snow & Conscience!Reader" Crack AU. I've told some of my friends but just for fun I will tell a little bit here:
Okay, the premise is right in Chapter 1, we the readers/the fans whatever you wanna call us, get inside his head and it's up to us to try to put him on a good(?) path. (Emphasis on TRY.) Or actually, it's just an excuse or catharsis for us, especially me, to clown him in his head tho, because his thoughts are so deranged, yeah? It will be fun to mock him, tease him, and "scold" him, and we will bicker a lot, and he can't do aaanything about it.
So it's like this (below has some real excerpt of Chapter 1 of the book [page 3-4] but switched to present tense):
This morning he went to her room at daybreak, only to find both his cousin and the shirt missing. Not a good sign. [...] He thinks of people putting a price on her. With her long, pointed nose and skinny body, Tigris is no great beauty, but she has a sweetness, a vulnerability that invites ab-- NOOOOOOOOO! WHAT ARE YOU SAYING ABOUT YOUR OWN COUSIN?! The voice -- scream -- comes out of nowhere and echoes very near in his ears (inside him?). To say it surprises Coriolanus is an understatement. Grabbing on air, he fails to stop himself from slipping and falling on his bottom.
I'm not sure I want to write it because writing, even more in English, is daunting, but it's really fun to think about. It will be on the Snowbaird route, though. I imagine we will follow his love story with Lucy Gray, but I think...we will unfortunately fight over her.
LOOK! At Lucy Gray's arrival, The Voice screeches annoyingly loud in his head. It's my girl! Even after weeks, Coriolanus still hasn't decided if The Voice is a crazy part of him or an entirely separate entity somehow attached to his mind. However, the possessive term it used tugs the wrong string deep in his chest. Whether it makes sense or not, he hisses at it, 'She's not your girl.' The brief silence that follows is the most peace he gets these recent days. Oh shit, you are jealous. 'I am not.' You totally are. Just like with Billy Taupe. C'mon, I'm inside your head. I know. 'I am not.' Listen, Coryo-- 'Stop calling me that.' --just accept that Lucy Gray is everyone's girl, okay? She's my girl. She's not really just yours. 'Who in the Gem of Panem is everyone? Who even are you?' I can't tell you that. It's against the rules. 'What rules?!' Uh-uh, still can't tell. Give it up already, Coryo. Coriolanus is losing his mind. He has had a talking creature inside his head for weeks and it is just now he truly feels he is losing his mind.
Lol. Writing is hard, huh. Okay, I'm not sure this is categorised as a character & reader fic now that I used third person, not second person pov, but eh xD
I'm willing to talk about it more though, if anyone is interested!
Thank you for the ask and the space to bullshit, Anon!
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siren-serotonin · 2 months
So!! As some of you may be aware.. I love pjsk. In case you didn't know, I love pjsk. I also love pjo and hoo. And last night I when I should've been sleep, I was fucking PUNCHED by both hyperfixations at the same time and then I started wondering what it'd be like if pjsk characters were demigods and/or Hunters of Artemis. This is that post. Feel free to ignore, I just need to infodump lmao
Mafuyu is a daughter of Jupiter. Jupiter's children are often set unrealistically high expectations, which causes them to be terrified of failure and slowly crumble under the stress. This can be seen with Jason during his time as praetor, on the Argo II, etc. In Mafuyu's case, her mother and the majority of her peers all expect her to excel in everything she does. Do you see where I'm going with this. Yeah okay. Anyway she's specifically a child of Jupiter and not Zeus because the gods are stricter in their Roman aspects and Mafuyu was raised by a strict parent. Also I think she'd either be a praetor or join the Hunters of Artemis.
Airi and Mizuki could both very much be children of Aphrodite. Airi because her whole "the most important thing in an idol is the heart" thing breaks so many Aphrodite kid stereotypes and I love it. She would so teach others that there's more to Aphrodite than being a toxic person (cough cough Drew cough Cheerful*Days) and I love her for that. Mizuki is here because they have trouble expressing themself freely and finding out that Aphrodite is their mother could help them figure stuff out?? Maybe?? Idk man. Also TRANS APHRODITE KID LETS GO!!! I think that they can both charmspeak but choose not to unless like their fucking lives depend on it.
Shiho is a child of Hades. Hades' kids are shunned and often misunderstood, which reminds me of how Shiho is mischaracterized in the fandom a lot. Also the way she acts reminds me of Nico. "I'm fine on my own" NO YOU'RE NOT!!!
Tsukasa, Saki, Toya and Kanade are all children of Apollo. Do I even have to explain for Tsukasa? He is the most theatre kid to ever exist, literally who else would be his godly parent???? Toya would be the most unconventional son of Apollo ever. Imagine him being like "no dad fuck you and your instruments im gonna be a street musician" and Apollo's just like "yeah go piss girl idc music is music" it's so funny to me omg. Kanade's whole self-sacrifice complex + composer thing?? She is THE daughter of Apollo (sorry Kayla). I feel like Toya would be a praetor if Roman Apollo was his dad but idk just a hunch. Kanade is literally Will Solace if he was musically gifted (Will I'm joking ily). Saki is here because I didn't know where else to put her and I'd feel bad if I separated the Tenma siblings.
Ena is a daughter of Ares. I can't quite explain this one, but Ena wanting her dad's approval of her being an artist reminds me of Clarisse a lot for some reason?? She could also be a child of Apollo but I already put four characters there sooooooo yeah
Rui the most son of Hephaestus EVER. "I'm not good with organic life forms" is such a Rui line oml. The automatons?? The mechanic shit?? ROBO-NENE. Do you see my vision. I want Rui and Leo to be friends so bad augh.
Nene could be a daughter of Poseidon because she has mermaid imagery, aside from that idk.
I think Minori could be a daughter of Iris since she's underrated (similar to how Iris is underappreciated/a minor goddess) and Minori + Iris both strongly believe in hope.
Besides Mafuyu, I think Honami and Shizuku could be Hunters of Artemis. As I'm typing this, I just realised that the april fools Meru trio are all Hunters asdfghgfdghj
A lot of characters were left out because I didn't know who their parents could be but if anyone has headcanons pls put them in the replies or tags!! Thank you for coming to my ted talk, goodbye.
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wait admins i just got this pretty indulgent AU idea (as a system and morden + player fan)!! sorry about long yapping and story rewriting mess
morden and player, rather than being two separate people in separate bodies, are a part of a system. player wakes up in dawn island with no memories and morden (a headmate) is the one holding onto the initial memories and keeping the memories away from them. they're pretty much a system trying to figure shit out in war seas
(in this au i'm going to use morden/player to refer to two distinct headmates doing their own things, but assume they're always physically together, since they possess the same body and stuff)
morden rows to redwake and lets player fuck around there
player fucks around and does ao storyline stuff (beating shura, iris, elius, etc.) while morden is standing there watching them from their shared headspace, trying to piece any clues about the order together
during fort talos part, morden is the one heavily fronting so they can go get the death curse. player is now watching dark seas and stuff from the headspace
the system reunites with iris at ravenna! neviro also joins them!
player/morden and iris and neviro fuck shit up in ravenna castle together. however, the matchup looks like this
iris and edward fend off the guards -> morden/player fends julian off -> neviro vs calvus -> iris joins in to help neviro -> morden/player narrowly escapes the fight from julian to help their friends out instead -> morden/player joins in to help neviro and kill calvus and get the fuck out of there asap. calvus gets fucked over by the death curse now.
during wind-row island, morden/player is heavily injured from the whole ordeal at ravenna and needs to recover for a few days.
warren keeps checking on barely-conscious morden/player bc he needs to tell them about the awakening
the point after this is heavier ao story rewrite sorry
warren trains morden/player/neviro/iris before they fuck off to nimbus, so they're prepared for whatever lies ahead. he's now a mentor to everyone.
anyways you can easily imagine warren training neviro and iris.
warren advises player to meditate and all, so they just meditate at windrow island and hear poseidon from there (i couldn't think of a good story reason why they should fuck off to three different islands just to meditate sorry). then player/morden tells everyone about going to mount othrhys
oh wait neviro goes back to ravenna first
anyways! warren and iris join morden/player to accompany them to mount othrys, however, morden/player are the only ones entering the temple
ok time to explain how their curse/magic works as a system. morden can only use death curse when he's the one fronting, while player can still use magic when they're fronting but they can't use the death curse themself. poseidon probably comments on their plurality situation and nudges them to the direction of "being able to use each other's powers". they won't be perfect at this right away but poseidon pretty much unlocks some stuff in their brain that lets them use each other's powers, they just gotta need training and synergy to pull this off properly
anyways warren leaves and player/morden + iris head off to ravenna!
during the part where the queen assigns everyone to do stuff... she assigns morden/player to join hassan, while assigning iris to go to skyhall instead
yeah i think thats all the changes to the main storyline
few more ideas about this au
yeah they're pretty much a system with two headmates
morden/player opens up about their whole system deal to iris during the windrow cutscene where they talk. iris can pick that up early on but her suspicions are pretty much confirmed here.
honestly i think the co-captains would know about their system situation early on
player is usually the one fronting during social situations, and morden usually fronts during urgent/dangerous situations. apart from that they talk to e/o in their headspace pretty often. near constantly.
morden is the host and the trauma holder
morden gradually and slowly tries to reveal information about their life (that player doesn't remember) to them, it's as slow as him trying to process the whole trauma at the aesir
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lepus-littlebear · 1 year
(Analysis?) Summoner(MC) returning to home-world
“We’ll help you return to your home world……or not?”
The ArTw boys and their views about sending Summoner back home analysis(?). It's more like a rant but here we go.
Disclaimer, i wrote this at 1 in the morning so i may have left out more things i got to say and i’ll probably add them later but have this for now-
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I’ll use Summoner’s canon official name here- “Lee Dam”/”Dam(i)”(first name) bc it’s convenient ✩
So as far as we've established, Lee Dam is from Mid-Eartheim or at least that’s what people around her conclude. Later in the story, they even suspect that Dami is not from another world at all.
But here, we’ll go with our main boys’ perspective.
When it comes to sending Lee Dam home, the boys seem to have separate opinions.
🐑Arcturus above all seems to be very keen and persistent in Dami returning back to her world. He’s the first one of the boys to promise her a safe return home and not only that, he’s the only one who keeps on insisting on this promise for the first few chapters of the story to the point where he’s the only sorcerer with a voice line in home screen who once again promises her to find her way back and asking her to trust him.
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I, at first was like yeah Arcky being helpful lil bean like he is but is he really? That’s what I thought after progressing throughout the story. Arcky looks like one of the purest guy ever but later as we move on in main story, he seems somewhat shady. My theory is that he is hiding the fact that he knows or even better remembers something that others don’t.
Y’know the Void organization thing going on? I suspect Arcky of having something to do with The Void. But when there’s discussion of Void, he says that he’s been curious about it and has no idea what it is. Although I would like to believe him, I have this teeny tiny feeling he’s pretending OR he forgot and remembers only fragments of those memories related to Void.
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In a library scene,  he clearly sighs and seems relieved after he says that info about Void is top secret.
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Further on, when things are still tense and even Schedar orders that Dami should be guarded even more than before, the always over-worrying Arcky is careless and invites Dami over to grab snacks outside knowing full well he is supposed to be extra careful. And he doesn’t even sense that someone is following them at all? This seems far too careless even for someone as clumsy as Arcky.
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Vega even reminds Arcky later on about this mistake and states the duo was being followed. That he should’ve consulted with others before doing anything. Vega requested for an urgent summon by Dami’s side and his voice in the call seems to be audibly restless hinting it was no small matter.
Maybe Arcky just absent-mindedly did that or maybe he didn’t.
I cannot be sure here but Arcky in my opinion seems to have a motive other than being simply helpful to Lee Dam find her way back. He’s more consistent about this matter than anyone, almost as if he thinks she needs to go back. She shouldn’t be here.
Again, i’m not sure but we’ll see how it plays out. But one thing I’m certain is that he doesn’t truly wish for Dami to get hurt or at least that’s what I like to believe. He cares for her genuinely.
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♊Pollux is a confusing one for me. He seems kinda neutral on the matter. But my conclusion is that he doesn’t like the thought of Dami returning back. Despite saying “i don’t make friends easily” in their first meeting, Pollux actually is the one who initiates their friendship. Saving a seat for her, texting her lecture materials, helping her out, etc. He even grows protective of her later on and continuously suspects Sirius, his clan fellow when it comes to Dami.
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But hey, nobody rlly trusts Sirius so understandable. And with this growing closeness, Pollux would rather not part with Lee Dam but i feel like if he’s told it’s for her safety & well-being, he would let her go for her good.(cue some crying and stubbornness)
🐨🐺Listen I may sound crazy but in this matter Alpheratz and Sirius are quite similar. In one side, there’s Alpheratz continuously suggesting Lee Dam to not get herself involved in all of this, and on another, we have Sirius always warning Dami to not see, respond, or hear to the entity appearing in her consciousness time and again. Although both have not clearly revealed their say on our summoner’s return to mid-eartheim, I feel that they think it’s better to leave and go back to her normal world. A world where she won’t have to worry about being targeted every 5 seconds.
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Alpharetz indirectly expressing that he would rather she return to her world by always insisting Lee Dam to not tag along with the guides to their dangerous trips and his affection level going up when Dami chooses to stay behind.
Sirius closing her eyes and ears every time it feels like Dami is again in contact with the giant eye and the entity, and warning her to not come to the tower when she does. Him texting her that he prays she leaves before matters get worse.
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Sirius is confusing, he involves her and initiates danger but still protects her and says he would rather like it if she isn’t included in all that chaos. BUT after reading floor 11, I have a feeling Alpheratz changed his mind a bit? It’s more like, she’s someone i’ve wished for years and years– since the previous timeline so I’m reluctant to lose her again, that’s why I’d rather give my all to keep her safe this time no matter what.
❄️Vega, oh Vega, my sweet lil snowball. I’ll say that he’s conflicted. There are many assumptions in my mind about him. It’ll be so freaking hard for him to let go of Dami, his childhood sweetheart who he waited an entire decade and more for. Will he let go of someone who he spent his lifetime waiting for? Hard to say but maybe yes. Vega is selfless and wants her to be safe above anything else.
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He also says that he is sick of seeing Dami be involved with this world and its dangers that she doesn’t deserve. He might side with Alpheratz slightly. He doesn’t want to let go of her but at the same time, he would rather have her be happy than see her get hurt and lose her forever. Or even better, he leaves with her since they’re both from Mid-Eartheim. After all, Vega spent his entire lifetime awaiting one star and that's Lee Dam and only Lee Dam, no one else.
♍Have you noticed that Spica’s the only one who has never stated that he wishes Lee Dam to return and not be involved with Bound Arlyn’s crisis? Yes, some other guys haven’t either but have you noticed he’s rather opposite to wanting her to return? He advises Arcky to not keep false promises like sending her home. He’s also continuously shown to want Dami to join them when they plan to go on a field trip(visit) and actively invites her to potentially dangerous places.
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He does not have any malicious intentions but instead, from what I see, I’m rather suggesting that Spica wants Dami to adapt to her new life completely and continue as a summoner. He’s always keen when it comes to discussing Lee Dam’s potential as a sorcerer and even asking her if she wants to become a constellation’s choice. Imo, Spica wants Dami to get better in her school activities and use her power for the betterment and protection of the world. HOWEVER remembering that sus lil conversation he shared with our local shady man who's trusted by no one in the banquet, i have doubts on Spica too. (basically, i doubt 3/6 of these men bc otoges have taught me better than to trust someone even if they are love interests)
To put in small words, let me categorise them-
“I want you to return back”
“It’s better to go back”
-Alpheratz, Sirius, Vega(?)
“I don’t want you to but it can’t be helped”
-Pollux, Vega(?)
“Would you like to stay instead?”
The following pics kinda summarise my thoughts(?)
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anyways thanks if you read until here, i just wrote this for fun and none of these are facts but rather my silly little venting bc the plot is just too good.
Here's a bonus: our local shady war criminal as Florida man news headlines
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he would do this.
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ilikekidsshows · 22 days
Hello, I have a couple Adrien-related questions I'd love to get your thoughts on, if you don't mind? I'll send the other separately, but for now: 1. In your opinion, how does one differentiate between Adrien's trauma response and him more generally being kind, forgiving, etc.? Not to create a false dichotomy, but I figured you might have some interesting insight.
2. At the end of season 5 Adrien is saying things like "Marinette and I are forever" and "I'm angry at myself for falling short of [her] love". I initially interpreted this as a sign that the boy needs therapy, for his own wellbeing (and I mean that in the best way possible). Things like Plagg responding with "forever!?" told me this was intentional, that the writing team is aware and will address it one day. But now I have my doubts, that it's just supposed to be "romantic." Thoughts?
And I'm sorry, but one more thing to add to my second question: they go out of their way to show things beyond his control preventing him from telling Marinette about London (Marinette interrupting him, Chloe interrupting him, etc.). It seems like the narrative isn't really blaming him, then? For struggling to tell her? Unless I misinterpreted. But regardless this was another thing that, at least initially, led me to believe the writers were intentional in writing his trauma response.
I’ll preface this by stating that I’m not the originator of the “Adrien’s fawning is a response to abuse” reading, so this might not cover all there is to it, but here’s my take: it's about how Adrien responds specifically to himself being wronged and how it differs from the way he acts in other conflict situations.
I'll use a comparison to illustrate. Adrien doesn't react to Chloé's behavior the same way he does to Gabriel's and Ladybug's. This is the key difference between thinking “Adrien is just nice/forgiving” and “this reaction has been conditioned through abuse”. Adrien can talk back to Chloé, disagree with her vehemently and will hold his ground even when she doesn't want to budge. Adrien also doesn't make excuses for her because he can admit she's in the wrong. Even when Chloé pushes his boundaries, like trying to kiss him, Adrien can enforce said boundaries by pulling away or pushing her back.
Meanwhile, with Gabriel and Ladybug, Adrien doesn't feel safe in arguing back. He used to do so with Ladybug, but the more unreasonable she's become, the more he backs down. Furthermore, even when he doesn't think the way he’s being treated is right, he makes excuses for Gabriel and Ladybug. “My father is busy”, “you were perfect, as you always are” are things Adrien has to tell himself so that he doesn't have to say: “they don't care about how I feel”. Attempting to enforce his own boundaries with these people almost every time leads to those boundaries being crossed anyway, and that's when Adrien bothers to even try.
As for the second part, I’ve been wondering similar things, and the wisemen of the groupchat have come to the consensus that someone in the writing team knows what they're doing, but they have to go with what Astruc wants in terms of the big picture so that the working environment doesn't become unbearable. Astruc ghosted and blocked a friend he liked so much he based a character on them when they agreed with some criticism of the show. Imagine being employed under this man, and trying to tell him his main romance is toxic and both parties need therapy. Yeah.
There are so many throwaway lines in Miraculous that acknowledge how unhealthy and blatantly wrong the things depicted in it are, that the story at large ignores. It honestly feels like someone on staff is sneaking that stuff in to give the audience at least a minor cue that what they're seeing isn't fine even as Astruc insists it is and carries on like it is. So, basically, someone on the writing team is aware of it, but it still won't ever get addressed because Astruc is ignoring the issues.
As for the “things beyond Adrien's control stopping him” part, that's the metaphorical tower. The writers have called Adrien the “princess in the tower”, and the show gets in on this association with the princess/knight Adrinette imagery. Adrien isn't being blamed for the tower he’s trapped in because Marinette will save him. Can't save him from something that's his own fault, so, for once, Adrien doesn't get victim blamed.
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melishade · 2 months
Attack on Prime New Age Anthology: Gabi Braun
Main Story
The Message
Gabi Braun (Right Now)
Optimus Prime
The Autobots find Gabi and Wheeljack. It's their perspective from this ask
"So 2,000 years ago some random human made a deal with the devil to gain power, which led to the creation of the power of the titans which has lasted for years," Smokescreen began as the Iron Will flew to the Autobot signal ahead.
"Yes," Historia answered as she tightened the straps around her legs.
"And 100 years ago, one of the kings decided to say 'screw it', abandon the world, create walls of Colossal Titans he never planned on using to destroy the world," Rafael added.
"Yeah, and now Eren is using the Colossal Titans to destroy all of mankind outside the Walls," Ymir declared.
"...Why does this feel like the plot of an anime?" Miko asked.
"Miko, not now," Jack scolded her.
"Are there any solutions to stopping this 'Eren'?" Ultra Magnus demanded.
"I mean if Eren is still fifteen meters tall, then all we would need to do is target the nape of the neck," Onyankopon explained, "That should stop Eren and maybe the Rumbling."
"But I'm out of practice, and while Ymir's titan is fast, it's still small," Historia explained, "We need to find the others."
"Others?" Ratchet questioned.
"The Survey Corps," Historia answered, "Commander Hanji, Captain Levi, Erwin Smith, our friends. They're all much more skilled in taking out titans than I am."
"Let's hope that Arcee or Wheeljack is with them and they didn't get separated," Bulkhead said.
Ultra Magnus pulled the steering wheel back and landed the Iron Will on the ground. "Bulkhead, Bumblebee, with me. Ratchet, Smokescreen, be prepared to take off."
Bulkhead, Bumblebee, Ultra Magnus stood on the platform before Ratchet pressed a button to lower said platform to the ground. Jack and Miko hopped onto the platform as it lowered to the ground. When it hit the ground, they all stared in horror at the sight of Wheeljack unconscious on the ground. Bulkhead gasped at the sight of the energon leaking from the wound on his side.
"Jackie!" Bulkhead cried out as he bolted towards Wheeljack's unconscious body. Ultra Magnus snapped out of his shock and immediately followed close behind.
"Oh shit," Jack swore at the sight.
"Wheeljack!" Miko cried out as she was prepared to run after the two titans but-!
“Don’t-! Don’t touch him!” a voice cried out. Jack and Miko's attention fell to a young girl, looking distressed and disheveled. She wore a black dress over a white long sleeved shirt. Her short hair was tied in a low ponytail. A flower was tucked behind her left ear and a Bluetooth in her right ear. Jack walked over to her and kneeled down.
“Hey, it’s okay, we’re here to help,” he reassured as she snapped her head towards him, “You okay? What’s your name? How did you find Wheeljack?”
Jack saw the girls' confusion contort into tears and she let out a cry of relief and sadness, startling everyone there.
Miko covered her ears in response to her screaming. “Wow she has pipes!”
“I tried!” she sobbed, “I-I tried! But I could do anything! I couldn’t save Wheeljack and I called Optimus like he told me but he didn’t answer! Why didn’t he answer?! He promised me!”
Jack snapped her head to Miko in shock while the Autobots looked at each other. She spoke about Optimus. Another eye witness spotted Optimus alive and well. How was that possible? Were was he now? How do they get him back so they could confirm that it was actually him?!
“Hey, listen, you wouldn’t happen to know where he is right now?” Jack demanded rather urgently.
“No!” she answered, “He told me to watch Wheeljack and went south! But I don’t know where he is! I don’t know if he’s dead! Did the Colossal Titans kill him?!”
Ultra Magnus nearly lost his composure at the girl's question. Optimus was in danger! They had to get to him and fast! The Commander quickly grabbed Wheeljack's body and hauled him over his shoulders. “I need a space bridge to my location! Wheeljack has been critically injured!”
“How much energon did he lose?!” Bumblebee asked as a spacebridge opened up.
“He left a trail!” Bulkhead gasped in horror as he noticed the blue trail of energon staining the grass.
"Bulkhead, get back on the ship and start piloting it!" Ultra Magnus ordered as he ran through the spacebridge.
“W-wait! What about the Rumbling?!” the begged, clinging to Jack's armor, “What about me?! Don’t leave me alone! I don’t want to be alone!”
The man had placed a hand on her shoulder. “We won’t leave you alone. We’re going to take care of you and make sure you’re safe.”
“Jack, I don’t think taking a human child with us is the best idea,” Bumblebee proclaimed.
“Worst case scenario, we drop her off at Earth.” Jack helped the girl to her feet, “You’re gonna be okay. I promise.”
The girl continued to cry as Jack picked her up and carried her in his arms. She continued to cry as he and Bulkhead ran over to the platform.
"Pull us up, we're going to ahead to the energy source!" Bumblebee told Smokescreen.
Smokescreen immediately pushed the button and they were all lifted up towards the ship. Jack immediately turned his attention to Onyankopon and ran over to him.
"Can you watch her?" Jack asked as he set her down.
"Sure-! Wait, aren't you the girl that stormed Wheeljack's ship?!" Onyankopon exclaimed.
The girl recoiled in fear. "I-!"
"Deal with it later; we have to find Optimus!" Ratchet declared as Bulkhead sat in the pilot seat. He pulled the steering wheel upright and the Iron Will levitated off the ground before flying away from the island.
"Guys, I just got Arcee's signal!" Rafael informed as Arcee's life signal was blinking on the screen.
"Okay, so we should go and get her!" Miko declared.
"Wait, if she's with the Survey Corps then they might get a little jumpy at the sight of the green swirling door way!" Ymir declared.
As if on cue, the girl yelped at the sight of the spacebridge opening up and Ultra Magnus stepping through.
"Bulkhead, step aside!" Ultra Magnus ordered. Bulkhead immediately got out of his seat and Ultra Magnus took the steering wheel.
"I can go first to help ease the tensions," Ymir offered, "But no titans."
"Looks like you two are up," Rafael addressed Miko and Jack, "I have to do numbers."
"Let's make a good first impression," Miko smirked.
"Um...guys?" Smokescreen called out as he looked out the window. All the other Autobots followed Smokescreen's gaze and saw the large clouds of steam rising up and obscuring their view. Ultra Magnus continued to fly, ignoring the sounds of thunder and dodging the strikes of lightning. When he reached the other side, they all gasped in horror at the sight of millions of skinless titans walking across the Earth, trampling everything underneath like it was nothing.
"What did we get ourselves into?" Bulkhead asked.
"Bulkhead, Bumblebee, Smokescreen, survey the situation on the ground!" Ultra Magnus ordered.
"And dodge all of that?!" Smokescreen pointed at the Colossal Titans.
"These titans are scrambling the sensors and we need to find out where Optimus is!" Ultra Magnus declared, "Jack, Miko, go with her to find her allies!"
"Somebody open up a bridge then!" Jack stated.
"Ratchet, get your equipment ready in the even Arcee or anyone else is injured!" Ultra Magnus told the medic.
"Understood!" Ratchet began setting up a small station in the back of the Iron Will.
Ymir at the sight of the spacebridge opening up directly in front of her, Jack, and Miko. Jack and Miko walked up behind her before Miko patted her shoulder.
"You gotta go first, shark lady," Miko informed.
Ymir groaned in frustration before taking a deep breath and running through the swirling green portal.
(Well there's not really much new. It's just from a different perspective.)
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Hi love your stories!! Do you have any more??
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Summary: When a news outlet puts out some compromising pictures of Austin and his co-star, you could feel yourself wanting to crumble. And in your time of need you turn to four of the people who know you best.
Contents: Pretty good amount of angst. Sad and worried reader. Introduction of reader's friends. Mentions and insinuations of infidelity. Supportive friends. Eventual fluff toward end.
Pairing: Austin Butler x Black Reader.
A/N: Hello beautiful humans. I hope you're all doing well. I figured that we haven't had a good taste of angst yet with our lovely couple. So here's a sample of more to come. I hope you all enjoy. Side note: A debrief on the friend group will be posted separately for fun.
And thank you anon for your sweet message. This is dedicated to you :) Happy reading.
Much Love *hugs*
" Maybe this isn't what it looks like babes. They're probably just hanging out as friends." Your friend, Beatrice, reasoned from her spot on your couch trying her best to diffuse the impending situation.
A snort could be heard from the love seat across from her, " Yeah right. Fat chance. The proof is in the pudding. And by the looks of it, the main ingredient is deceit. I really don't know why we're even considering the latter." Alana, your other friend countered making sure to point feverishly at the images shown on the iPad you were holding.
" Because she loves him Alana and this is about the last thing you'd wanna hear about your boyfriend while he's thousands of miles away in a different country." Beatrice snapped not really liking how seemingly okay her friend appeared with just writing off their friend's relationship.
Alana went to raise a pointed figure but was stopped, " Alright guys let's take it down a couple notches. Okay? " Your bestfriend Phoebe proposed earning two nods and a begrudging whatever. " No one can be for sure what the context behind these pictures are. Let's just try and piece together what we're for sure we know." She said turning to look at you next to her.
Even between all their bickering and antics. You still hadn't let your eyes stray away from the pictures displaying on the screen. You felt sick at what you were seeing.
What were you seeing?
There were three pictures.
To the average person what it looked like was two people, ( possibly lovers or possibly friends) lying together on a blanket, on a beach, enjoying each other's company.
But to you what it looked like was, your boyfriend and his co-star whom you'd before caught mindlessly flirting with said boyfriend, lying both their sweaty half naked bodies together. Closely on the beach.
When you'd been out this afternoon taking Magnus for a walk around the block while you thought of different things to bake for Austin when he got home for a upcoming filming break. You'd gotten a text from your co-worker pretty much saying that she didn't know that you and Austin had split. And that she was here for you if you needed.
Laughing it off as a weird random idea, you replied telling her that not only were the two of you still together. But you were also doing quite well as a couple.
After that text you just continued to stroll along in slight uneasiness, until minutes later her text of the pictures came in and your heart dropped to the soles of your feet.
There they were.
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Clear as day.
Soon after many friends, family members, and other nosy people that probably still shouldn't have your number began texting and rolling in with a thousand questions you just didn't have the answers to.
You could feel the tightness in your chest begin, and water sting your eyes.
You'd let Magnus finish his due diligence in peace before quickly ushering you both home.
Going to the kitchen pantry you grabbed Austin's jar of smooth peanut butter and Magnus's favorite treat toy filing it up to the brim. Once you set it down in front of him you'd figured it would keep the usually aware pup occupied while you slipped upstairs.
Your head felt oddly heavy and your chest was beginning to tighten as you made your way to your down the hallway.
Going into your bathroom to try and calm yourself down, you called the only four people that you knew could help you see the light at a seemingly long, dark and scary tunnel.
Your girls.
Phoebe Wesley, Beatrice Cortina, Alana Montgomery, and Alexandria Kross.
It took them all of two rings for them all to answer the conference call. They immediately began asking if you were alright and to know what was going. Unfortunately though, they weren't able to get much coherent information due to the sobbing that ensued from you.
You felt overwhelmed.
Frantically informing you that they were all on their way! You waited for a quick twenty minutes before Phoebe appeared at your home first, taking you into her arms and guiding you to sit on the long sofa. Not long after Beatrice joined, Alex notified you she had a work meeting and would be updated via Beatrice. And finally, came Alana who told you that'd she would have made it sooner but she'd stopped and got a bacon pizza with feta bread. 
One of your favorites.
But you weren't hungry.
And now that takes you to the current moment of madness, " Y/N did you talk to Austin last night? He didn't mention anything about him and Olivia going to the beach together? " Came a question.
You just shook your head still not completely in the moment.
" Not a thing. We talked about each other's day. He talked a little bit about some of the new prosthetics makeup he was going to be wearing now that they had started to shoot different scenes as older Elvis. I told him about the new book I had started and the incident with Magnus and the neighbor's yorkie. That was pretty much it." You uncomfortably recalled the phone call last night.
Everyday you and Austin made the effort and commitment to call and talk to each other about whatever for some time.
It was always around five pm your way in California and eleven am his all the way in Australia. So when you were telling him about how your day went, he was telling you what he had up with his.
" Well again let's not get into too deep." Beatrice reiterated, " Let's just take it a minute at a time. Okay."
A text could be seen popping in from Alex.
Kriss Kross Boss: I agree. Let us stay rational until we don't need to be..
You nodded.
From there they all went around the room one by one saying different things to reassure you of your situation.
Phoebe started first, " Y/N you know this man is absolutely crazy about you in the best way. I don't really believe that he would ever do something that would purposefully jeopardize his chances with you. I mean have you seen the way that man looks at you! It's..intense."
Beatrice nodded, " Yeah, like it gives Edward Cullen vibes minus the violence, manipulation, gaslighting, and overall icks." She clarified.
You grinned a little at her reference.
" I would have compared it more to like Phantom of the Opera tease. But I see you point." Alana pointed out playing with a eager Magnus.
Kriss Kross Boss: I could see that. The room continued to compare your relationship to famous fictional pairings until you heard a familiar ringing fill the room.
It was your phone.
And in that moment you knew it was Austin, and you knew you couldn't answer it.
Like something out of a movie the four of you stared around at each other. No one moved a inch. The air was unchanged.
Of course it had to be Alana though who broke the pregnant pause, " So...no one's gonna answer it? " She questioned looking between her friends and the buzzing device on the coffee table.
Barely above a whisper came from you ," I can't."
It was true. You didn't know how to face him at this exact moment of time.
If the mere mention of his name was enough to make you almost create a whole new ocean of tears to add to the world map.
Imagine what actually hearing his voice and speaking to him would do.
" So it's settled we just let it go to voicemail." Phoebe clapped allowing the buzzing noise to again become background noise in the room, " As we were saying..."
Once it stopped you felt a good five seconds of slight relief before it's started buzzing again
This time you felt your eyes water. You knew he was probably gonna call at least one more time after this one.
After that he more than likely would wait a bit and then start up with the texts asking where you were and how you were.
Sure enough after that buzz session ended another one ensued earning the same result as the last.
Finally after about seven minutes of Beatrice and Alana now beginning to butt-heads about theories pertaining to if he knew you knew yet, is when you seen the messages begin to flash across the screen over the course of the following thirty minutes.
Sweet Baboo: Hey love. Was just calling to talk to you about something.
Sweet Baboo: Call me when you get this baby.
Sweet Baboo:  Please.
Sweet Baboo: Y/N  I don't know if you're getting these but if you are baby please say something
Sweet Baboo: I love you.
Sweet Baboo: Y/N seriously I need to talk to you. Please don't ignore me.
Sweet Baboo: Just answer the phone sweetheart.
As soon as you finished reading the message his face flashed across your screen , only this time you reached only to suddenly stop your own self.
Noticing and watching, Beatrice asked , " You gonna pick it up, hun? I mean maybe it'll be good to just hear him out about what he might have to say. Maybe it's all a big misunderstanding." She encouraged.
" I agree." Chimed Phoebe, " I mean hey...it's Austin. I'm sure he's probably gonna sort this whole thing out. Like BB said, it's more than likely a big misunderstanding."
You nodded hearing both of their words and acknowledging them, but oddly their friendly support and optimism didn't ease the achy feeling you felt swirling around in your chest.
Instead you felt it amplify until you once again felt your eyes turn into mini sprinklers as you broke down in tears, " I-I *sniffle* I d-don't think I c-can do it." You nasally spoke out looking down at the picture of Austin's face across your screen causing you to cry all the harder.
It was of him laying on the backyard ground of his condo next to you. He was smiling really wide because had had just asked you to officially be his girlfriend to which you of course practically screeched a yes for all of the poor neighbors to hear. In the picture your newly promise ringed hand was cupping his face while he happily gazed at you. You guys had, had the best day!
He was so happy!
So, when did he stop being so happy to the point of going as far as cheating!
Your heart sped up at the " C " word entering your mind, but you quickly placed a hand on your chest in efforts to try and slow it down. I mean the two of you had talked about this. And he knew that this was a definite dealbreaker for you. So there was no way he'd take a risk like this...right?
You knew you were getting ahead of yourself.
But part of you started to feel even worse.
In the beginning you had feared this. Getting into a relationship with Austin, only for him after a while to come to his senses that him being with you, the normal quirky black girl, was a phase he now found himself out of. And then he would decide to leave you for someone who would usually be more his speed.
Someone like Olivia DeJonge.
You were unfortunately about to start the long list of comparing yourself to her in your head when your pity party was suddenly interrupted by Phoebe's loud gasp.
" Oh shit. Austin is calling me." Phoebe panicked looking down at her phone.
"Um...what should we do." Beatrice puzzled.
Kriss Kross Boss: I say answer it
Seeing this now you felt your heart strings pull. On one end, you felt like you didn't wanna hear his voice let alone what he had to say right now. But on the other hand, you felt you owed to him to hear what he had to say since before he'd never given you any reason to suspect cheating or doubt his honesty.
So you simply said, " Go head. Answer it. But put it on speaker."  While wiping away the tears from your overflooded cheeks.
" Are you sure?" Phoebe asked for confirmation holding the device.
Hesitant you nodded, " Yeah go head."
Nodding Phoebe answered putting the phone on the coffee table, " Hello? "
And then his voice filled the room, " H-hey Phoebe. How are ya' ?" He greeted. You could sense his nervousness even a ocean away through the phone. His words sounded rushed and a bit strained not the usual calm and collected tone you were used to.
He was stressing.
" Doin' alright Austin. Can't really complain....much. What do I owe the pleasure of this call? ."
" Oh..I..uh.Mmmm." He cleared his throat obviously trying to form the words, " I was.. uh.. calling you because I've been trying to reach Y/N for the last couple of hours and I haven't had any luck. I was wondering if you had talked to her at all today? "
Phoebe looked to you only to gain confirmation when you shook your head no, " Uh. Nope I actually haven't really talked to her since this morning after she told me about something with Magnus. I've been spending the day with Noah at home while he's here from deployment." She white lied.
And it was partially true. Her intention was in-fact to spend the day with her darling military captain hunk. But her friend was in need, and him being a army captain of all people, he understood that.
" Oh wow. Happy to hear that. I think I remember Y/N telling me he was coming home sometime soon.  Glad he's back safe." Austin congratulated.
" Yeah. It's only for two months but rather that than nothing so I'm grateful."
" Right, I completely understand. Wish I could come home and visit Y/N. " He sighed, " Man that girl just makes my entire world spin. I hate working away from her like this. Rather be home with her." He said.
You felt your cheeks heat.
Kriss Kross Boss: Hmm
" Hmm I see." Phoebe sounded looking over to you who'd instinctively grabbed the pillow next to you to clutch. " So Austin being yours and Y/N's friend. I have to ask while you're on the phone. Have you seen the pictures that the DailyMail put out of you and Olivia DeJonge today? Because I've got to tell you buddy, that they don't exactly look good." She prodded looking around the room at you all.
A tired groan escaped through the phone, " Yeah Phoebe, I have. And I've had my team working overtime to try and get a handle on this thing. Because it's everywhere in the media right now. And not a lick of it is true. All these cheating allegations and break up rumors couldn't be farther from the true. But I know you know that."
" I get that. I do. Things aren't always what they seem. But Austin I can't lie and say I wouldn't appreciate if you'd please give me some type of context to what's going on here. Because the amount of messages I've gotten in the last two hours from our other friends since this whole thing appeared is absolutely ridiculous." Phoebe furthered.
" Tell me about it, " He nervously laughed, " I've got people calling and texting me up the ass wanting to know what's going. Ashley actually called me about twenty minutes ago to chew me out. She's pretty upset with me like I imagine you might be unfortunately. But like I told her, nothing happened. The weather out here spiked, and we had to shut down filming due to heat hazards. So, some of the cast got together and thought it'd be nice if we all went to the beach. Which I thought was all fine and what not'. Until I got there and found out that everyone else had backed out last minute and only Olivia and I showed." 
Seemed reasonable enough to you.
Just then a text from Alana lit up your phone:
Mrs. Reynolds: Sounds fishy tbh
Kriss Kross Boss: Let's let him finish...but yeah little bit
" At that point I didn't just wanna be rude and leave her out there by herself, so we hung out a little bit. Got in the water. Laid around and talked awhile. And then we both left. Separately. The end." He finished making sure to put an emphasis on the last part.
Even though Phoebe said that she was by herself Austin knew she wasn't. Not only had he heard glasses slightly clinking in the back and the familiar whine of a puppy named Magnus, and what sounded like muffled bickering which he could guess was Alana and Beatrice.                              
He also knew his girlfriend's friends well enough to know that they wouldn't just let her be at home by herself during a time like this.
He could bet his bottom dollar that Beatrice, Alana, Alex, Phoebe, and his lady were all crowded right around the phone listening to his every word. And that's exactly what he needed. 
You to hear the truth.
And if this was the only way. So be it.
Phoebe hummed, " Sounds alright to me. Only.." She paused looking to you for silent conformation to which you nodded her forward, " I have to ask why you guys were like..kinda..super close laying on that towel together. Like you two looked quite comfy...like really comfy." Phoebe questioned looking to a Beatrice who threw up a thumbs up waiting to hear the reaction.
" Yeah about that. Olivia forgot to bring a towel with her and I had mine. She said she didn't wanna get sand in her hair and I tried to be a gentleman and offered for us to share. I just was trying to be nice is all. Was a bit awkward tell you the truth..." He trailed.
" Understandable." Phoebe concluded
"  Ask about the restaurant rumors." Alana whispered grabbing a disgruntled Magnus and setting him on her lap in efforts to quiet him.
" And finally...and I promise this is the last question. What's the deal with people saying they've seen you and Olivia out at restaurants looking rather friendly with each other recently. Couple late nights out there..." Phoebe inquried perring over to you as you slowly and quietly inhaled a tiny breath to hold.
" It's nothing to it. " Austin quickly affirmed, " Just two co-stars running lines with each other at times that worked for the both of us. Being with the schedule constantly moving around due to covid and whatever else its a get in where you fit in situation. ya' know. Most happen to be nights unfortunately. " He finished.
" Honestly..I-" He started but stopped short, contemplating if he should even say what he was about to. But fuck it she needed to know, " There.." He cleared his throat, " Had been a couple of times she tried to invite me back to her place. BUT I've always declined. Out of respect for not only myself and her. But especially out of the respect and love I have for my relationship with Y/N...I could never do that to her." He finished feeling like a huge weight had been lifted knowing everything was all out.
Your ears rang.
She'd done what? WTF.
Now you couldn't lie. The short amount of times Austin had brought you around the cast before he'd left you'd noticed Olivia's abnormally friendly behavior. But you hadn't ever thought it'd got that far. Because all in all you trusted Austin.
Your palms got hot as images flashed through your brain of Olivia brushing her hand against his, rubbing his forearm, she'd even slickly called him babe in the ' non-friendly ' manner a couple of times. But never did you think she'd go this low.
Just then your phone buzzed, 
Kriss Kross Boss: THAT HEIFER! How tf dare she! 
Phoebe cleared her throat, " Wow! I mean...man I get it! And honestly Austin....I believe what you're telling me is in-fact the truth. I just hate that this presents the way it does. It's not a good look on your part, and it certainly isn't a good look on Y/N's " She added & looked over to your expression.
You sat up pacing yourself.
He took a deep breath, " I know...I know. And that's why I've been trying to get ahold of her, but her phone keeps going straight to voicemail and my messages all still say delivered. So, that makes me think that she's already seen it. And it worries me because the last thing I wanna do is have her thinking that there's anyone other than her. I couldn't imagine my life without her at this point. That woman is just about one of the only things that makes me wanna get up in the morning. She's it for me. She's mine and I love her."
she's mine and I love her.
That's what he said.
He said that you're his and he loves you.
As stubborn as were, you couldn't help the warmth that filled your heart. It was like a million little embers setting off at once. Sure you guys said I love you to each other all the time. But it still never got old hearing him say it. Especially when you weren't 'technically' around.
Just then you seen your phone light up with texts for Alex, Alana, and Beatrice:
Kriss Kross Boss: PERIOD! IKDR! Look at that man all in love and junk!
Mrs. Reynolds: *sighs* I agree. the fucker sounds genuine.
You looked to the other side of the couch to see Beatrice fighting off tears while Alana offered her a tissue with disgust plastered on her face.
You loved your friends.
You glanced over to Phoebe who held a somewhat content smile on her face looking at the group chat messages. Turning to you she mouthed a " Call him please." To which you nodded.
" Phoebe you still there?" Austin sounded making everyone snap out of their emotional moment and return their attention to the phone.
" Yeah, I'm still here. Was just reading something. But,uh, Like I said Austin. I really do think you sound sincere and I'm sure that with the right conversation so will Y/N , trust me." She motivated shooting you a wink.
Austin sighed, " Right. If I can get her on the phone." He pointed out.
" Well. I'll tell you what. I actually have to go do this thing for Noah so after we hang up why don't you try her again. Maybe you'll have better luck this time." Phoebe  coyly suggested motioning for you to pick up your phone and shoo you out the room.
Doing as you we're directed you skeptically picked up the phone slowly backing out the room toward the kitchen being quietly cheered on by your friends. It was all of forty-five seconds after Phoebe yelled to you that they hung up, that you're phone buzzed.
Staring at the screen you couldn't help how your thumb hesitated over the bright red button.
But you couldn't do that.
Not after what you'd just heard.
You owed it to yourself and him to pick up.
And in a split it second you quickly tapped the button answering.
It was sheer silent for a moment, nothing but small breathing could be heard until the voice came through the receiver, " Y/N. Baby you there? "
You took a deep breath, " Y-Yeah I'm here."
You heard the large sigh he let out of relief, " Hey, baby?" You could hear him trying to even out his breaths so he continue talking, " So, how much of it did you hear?" He questioned.
" Enough." You simply replied.
On the other end the man was running his hand down his face for the thousandth time it seemed trying to formulate words now that part of this burden had been lifted: The not speaking to you part. He now had to figure out how he was going to say all the things he wanted to say while fighting the urge to hop on a plane to be with you.
" Listen. Baby-" 
You cut him off, " You don't have to re-explain I pretty mu-"
" Yes. I do, though bec-" He tried countering but still you cut in.
 Aus I-" But he cut you of again putting on a more stern front this time.
" No baby. Wait a minute. I'm trying to say something that is super important to us both so I want you to listen to me. Can you hear me alright? "
" Yes, Austin ." You replied.
" You sure. Sweetheart cause you can't miss not even a syllable of what I'm about say." He solidified dropping the octave in his voice .
" Yes." You anticipated.
" Y/N. Baby. I love you. And I love you something serious. You are amazing and  mean more to me than I could have ever fathomed imaginable. And I'm so happy that you're mine." He started. You could few your cheeks starting to heat up.
" Words can't explain how sorry I am that I ever put you in a situation like this for you to feel embarrassed, but more importantly for you to question whether or not I love you and I'm faithful to what we're building."
" I made a promise to you when I gave you that ring that I hope to god is still on your finger. The promise that I love you and only you, baby. And it will only ever be you. Always, Forever, and Beyond." Austin continued. " You're it for me Y/N M/N L/N. Only you. And I want only you." He confessed.
By now your face for what seemed like the umpteenth time was damp again. But at least this time it was all for the right reasons. In your mind you now felt silly about the assumptions and idea that you had earlier. How could you think any of that after hearing this declaration.
" Did you get all that? " He asked while you carefully wiped tears for the corner of your eyes.
" Yeah I did." You sniffled.
" And do you believe all that? Truly believe it?" He furthered with a tinge of desperation that he was trying to mask. He needed you to know how he felt.
" Yes I do. I know that you love me." You affirmed putting more confidence in your voice.
Feeling as if the weight of the world had been lifted off his shoulders he said, " Good. Because like I told you before, I don't know many times I'll have to tell you I love you before you realize that I'm absolutely crazy about you and only you." Austin said running his fingers across the green pattern crotchet blanket that was laid across him.
About a month before he was set to move to Australia to start filming Elvis, you'd enlisted Beatrice to help teach you how to crotchet a blanket for Austin as a six month anniversary gift. And when it was time for him to pack for a small trip one weekend, you slipped it into his luggage for him to find later. And when he did, he couldn't erase the fuzzy and gooey feeling that consumed him.
Always thinking of me. He thought before bringing the item up to his nose to take whiff. He was beyond satisfied when the scent of mangos and vanilla entered his senses.
It smelled like you.
From there, Austin brought the blanket with him to Australia and pretty much slept with the thing almost every night. It was so special to him.
Nodding to yourself you replied, " Yeah I'm crazy about you too Austin. " You giggled knowing what you were about to say next would make him laugh, " You almost made me find a flight to Australia just to show you how CRAZY about you I really am." You tease thinking back to all of the more cooky musings you'd had when you believed that he may have been creeping around on you earlier.
Spoiler Alert: They weren't good...or legal.
Just as you thought would he did laugh running a hand down his face, " Oh man. I wouldn't have minded. Even if it would have meant seeing you set a blaze to half of the set." He said as a eerily scary imagine of you entered his mind.
You smiled" Nah. Never that. I'm not really a fire kind of girl. There are more effective methods than that. Plus no reason to punish everyone else working to feed their families. They may just have had to have found two new leads for the movie..that's all." You played with him. Austin laughed, " That's my girl. Always thinking of others." He commented, "But really. If you can have all of your work things fixed I'll arrange to have a jet come and get you out of LAX for you to come visit. All you need to do is give me the earliest convivence of when you can come, babe. And I'll take care of the rest. Because I really wanna see you." Austin explained already going to grab his laptop to start curating emails as he spoke.
You grumbled, " First off I'd love to come visit you so I'll see what I can push around. But secondly, you don't have to send a jet for me. I'm a big girl and I am more than capable of buying my own ticket to come see you." You cemented.
Austin smiled to himself, " I know you are, baby. But that doesn't mean that I can't do this for you."
" Austin I know b- " You began before being cut off, " But you're gonna let Daddy take care of this, alright. He messed something up and now he's fixing it. So pack your things up and when the time comes have your little pretty ass ready to take a prearranged flight, okay. " Austin voice husked now sporting a lower and sexier octave.
You could the trickles of something begin round yonder against the better judgement of your mind you from hearing his tone, " Okay." You peeped feeling every bit of feminism you had leak from your body.
" Okay." He parroted back, " Now that we have that settled. How about you grab the journal, honey. So we can write all this down. " He suggested. You smiled.
Something unique about yours and Austin's relationship was the journal.
The journal was something that was used as a healthy relationship exercise. The two of you together would write down the triumphs and hiccups of your romance to be able to look back at for reference going forward as you both tried to always continue to better your relationship. Everything from recollections of your first meeting, to your first fight, and even some details of the first time you made love were written in it's pages.
For privacy reasons it stayed with you in a special place for when it was needed while Austin was away. Otherwise he was the usual keeper of the journal.
" Yeah we can do that." You said moving through the halls past your friends. Once you seen them you gave a thumbs up and motioned for them to put on a movie or something if they'd like before you proceeded upstairs to have a in-depth talk about everything from today with your man to put it all on paper. 
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fantomette22 · 1 month
Also do you ever have a feeling like 'damn, this is a cool idea and I wish I used it instead, but now it feels too late because I dug too deep into my current idea to change things'? Or you are fully satisfied with your ideas as they are? (For me I have at least two alternative variants of Rom I sometimes wish I used instead, but I've gotten too attached to my current portrayal fdshsh Bitter 40+ years old hard smoker Willem's wife Rom and Rom as a kid with down syndrome, you are unused but not forgotten)
Ah yes I can understand that XD Also yes but actually no? let me explain jbfbfb
I mean if really I got a super mega idea/ better than smt I had envision before for my fic/main interpret, I could change it I guess. Or had it in some way. I am bad at choices for a couple of things.
But you see in my head I have like 5 different parents pairs possible for Maria for exemple. (I did write a little about it in the Maria hc post I will try to finish it tomorrow or after tomorrow!).
Some are like, compliant with each others and would fit anyway with my main timeline. (like everything is the same except 1-2 details) but with for exemple Gehrman or Laurence (or Evelyn) being related to her/her dad that just don't work and that would create a complete different timeline! (yes with dad gehrman it's a normal familial relationship!)
I know it could feel weird to some people I guess?? Maybe?? because people often have like ONE interpret ? (no I don't count multiships it's another thing XD)
I tell myself they would say : "wait so in your main story this characters have like this relationship and then you have another story where they are family instead? wtf girl?!💀" Well sorry I have like different folders with different types of papers who are clearly separated stories in my head!
Idk but for me those versions of the characters & timeline are really disconnected from one another! Instead of like two persons coming up with 2 difference versions it's just my crazy brain 💀
Like the characters, even with the same base, aren't the same (the boys became freaking blonde lmao and you know normal family relationship) not the same age, very different lore timeline events etc. They have similarities for personality traits etc but they aren't the same actually, they are very different characters from each others. Even Maria isn't the exact same characters/interprets between those.
That's why I still love many different interprets and reading peopke ones!
I know you guys are gonna ask what are all my versions then? Well I guess it's time... :
Main one/fic : Maria is Annalise's cousin, her mother is the late queen sister (Alternative one where Maria she had a sister too?)
Maria is actually Anna sister. Children of king & Queen / another mini half version where it's half sister? (could be compatible with the first one... but I think it's too much drama). I have one where they have other siblings too (they are lat least 4 hfbfbk)
Maria was the queen daughter and Annalise is like her aunt?
Gehrman & Evelyn are Maria parents
Laurence is Maria's father (if the cainhurst portrait is Laurence lmao)
Gehrman was a servant of Maria parents who where other nobles / distantly related to the royal family etc
Help I finally say it💀 (so yeah between my main and those alternatives concerning gehrman it's really like bot the same characters at all. not the same relationship at all) All of those are so freaking drama fuel too
But to be clear my main interprets/ fic verse I have imagined and written in my head like 80%+ of the entire story compared to probable 2-5% of the other I speak about here. It's just mini ideas like oh what if? But I din't really thought in depth about it. the timeline, different events etc I thought of almost nothing compared to my main.
Another exemple would be concerning Ludwig & Maria for exemple. Like were they friends/ horse besties /contemporain of each other like in my main? Did perhaps Ludwig was a child/teen when Maria passed away but knew her? Was he born after and never knew her but heard about her a bit? We'll never know how really it went. I think all could be very interesting! (we could even had did mico knew x or y characters etc but you get the point with those exemple)
So yeah your Rom's ones are amazing too! I didn't really thought of it in depth myself but you and crow (& faree) ones where they are siblings are hella cool as well! I love reading interprets.
I think what matters is to create a good and compelling story right? Something that people enjoy, are engaged with, smt you like, something with lot of DRAMA AND ANGST!!!!! (sorry XD).
Put something that would fit the story you want and want to tell!
It's up to us, to be left with what we wanna tell and what would be better to fit in. Anyway you can choose anything guys! There's so many possibilities! Why just choose only one and stick with it forever? When you can create dozens of different story that will all tell something interesting. And ultimately not one versions will be "superior" I believe they all can have a chance to tell something and to be great.
(also even if I tried to make my fic very canon compliant I knew the real canon would always be a bit different. Sometimes when you make stories adding stuff just for the stories make a better story in itself. That's why I added so many "little adventures" for the characters. That would just be a bit annoying without u_u like timeline are there but to make a story you need stuff to happen all the time! not just a handful of important lore events 😭 details too
oh and I am not even counting the absolutely non canon/AU with my ships brain rot XD)
So yeah in the end I am mostly satisfied with my ideas! I guess I wish I could just make more than one but it's complicated. And sometimes I am hesitating for little things.
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uniquexusposts · 5 months
Her || Charles Leclerc
Main characters: Charles Leclerc x OC Genre: fanfiction, fluff  Story type: novel  Part: 10/? Word count: 2602 Co writer: @mistrose23
Story summary: Matilde Jørgensen, the new Scuderia Ferrari team principal, faced the nerve-wracking challenge of reviving the team's fortunes and aiming for a championship. Leading a historic team as a 'newbie' and separating her work and personal opinions posed a significant challenge. The big question: is she capable to do so?
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Previous chapter
Chapter 8. Call It What You Want
Matilde sat in the airport, waiting for her flight to leave. She was seated in the business class lounge, enjoying a cup of coffee. Well, she couldn't really enjoy it. The events of yesterday played through her head; from the perfect race and victory, to the moment in the restaurant. Even though it hurt, she still had a fun night with Max and her former colleagues.
"Hey," a voice said, he sounded surprised.
Matilde looked up and a smile came to her face. "Hey," she smiled at Kevin, who took a seat next to her. "Going home?"
The Danish driver nodded. "You too?"
She nodded. "It's my mum's birthday tomorrow."
"Ah, that's sweet. Congrats on your win, by the way! Your first victory as team principal and the first victory for Ferrari this year!"
A weak smile came on her face. "Thanks."
"Hangover?" The off reaction didn't go unnoticed by Kevin.
"Yeah," she breathed. "Something like that."
He smirked. "You will remember this one forever."
"And if I will," she muttered. The good and the bad, she thought. "How was your race? P11, P10?"
"P10, quite average. It was an alright weekend. The track is fun, but the entire show around it... Not a big fan, to be honest."
"Yeah, Miami is something else. I wonder what Las Vegas will be like," she mentioned.
"We are Danes, we keep it low profile."
They both laughed.
"Where are you seated?" Kevin asked.
Matilde looked at her ticket. "2A, you?"
"8H," he replied. "I don't know if it is me, but it's quite funny that in America, we get paper boarding passes, and in Europe, or flying from Europe, we have them online. Or it's me, my subconscious preference."
"No, I have it too. But I don't know. Also, when going through security here, we have to remove our shoes. I have never done that in Europe. Bizarre how many things are different between continents." She took a deep breath. "It makes travelling interesting and fun."
Matilde and Kevin made their way to the gate when it was almost time to board. They had to wait for just a few minutes, because the crew still had to arrive after a short delay on their side. Matilde's eyes fell on the crew of SAS, who now arrived. A smile came on her face, and tears flowed in her eyes. One of the stewardesses happily smiled as well and excused herself from the crew, just like one of the pilots. Matilde stepped towards the inflight manager of the flight.
"Mati," the stewardess said and embraced her daughter tightly.
Matilde closed her eyes, not saying anything back. She was so relieved and happy to see her mother after five months. More tears welled up, but she was fighting against them.
Freja pulled back, looking at her daughter. Matilde opened her eyes and took a deep breath. "Sweetheart..." Freja found herself in a difficult situation as well, trying to hold back the emotions as well. She stroked a piece of hair behind Matilde's ear and placed her hand on Matilde's cheek. "I'm so happy to see you. How are you?"
"I'm fine," Matilde whispered, not wanting to bother her mother before the flight and her job with her issues. "I'm so happy to see you, too," she said and smiled. "I didn't know you were on this flight."
"Coincidence," her mother smiled. "We will talk once we are in the air, okay?" She let go of Matilde and looked at the man who sat on the bench; she assumed it was a friend of Matilde's. "Are you flying together?"
Matilde looked behind her, at Kevin. "Yes, but we're not seated next to each other. He's a friend of Lars."
"Since when does Lars know Kevin Magnussen?"
"Lene is friends with his wife," Matilde smirked, thinking how ironic it was.
Freja looked impressed and introduced herself to the Danish driver. While they had a quick chat, Matilde greeted the pilot with a hug, happy to see him as well. The stewardess and pilot excused themselves and boarded the plane.
"Parents?" Kevin asked curiously.
Matilde nodded. "Mother and stepfather," she exclaimed. "She says it is a coincidence that she's working on this flight, but I know she planned it like this."
"Parents..." He smiled. "It's adorable." He looked at her. "This might be a personal question, and if you don't want to answer it, it's fine. But do you still see your father?" Kevin looked waitingful at her. "Lars doesn't really talk about this family, as you probably know by now."
A comforting smile came on her face. "Yeah, Lars is really private. But we all still see our dad. My parents divorced twenty-four years ago, and they're still friends. Mum met Emil through work, and they try to work on the same flights since they got together."
"Did they get together..?"
"Oh, no. A few years after the divorce."
"And your dad?" Kevin's eyes grew round. "Sorry, I'm asking way too much."
She shook her head. "It's okay, it's not like I have issues talking about it. My dad has a girlfriend, Astrid. They met two years ago. It's complicated, but it is what it is," she said and shrugged. "How are Louise and Laura, by the way? And how is the pregnancy going so far? You're having another girl, right? "
"They are both doing fine, and yes, we're having another girl." A smile came to his face as he continued to talk about his family.
* * *
Since it was a day flight, Matilde didn't manage to get any sleep. She planned to do some work on the plane, but ended up watching some movies. Her mind kept drifting off to last night. She got up from her seat and walked through the aisle, passing Kevin, who sat on the other side of the cabin. Their eyes met, he smiled, she nodded. Once she got in the galley, she waited for the bathroom.
"Mati," Matilde's mother said when entering the galley. "How is everything?" She closed the curtain.
"Fine, a whole new experience in business class," Matilde replied and playfully smiled.
"You've never flown business class at SAS?"
"No, economy is all I could pay for, and Red Bull could book for me. Now Ferrari books business class for me. Well, not this flight. I happened to get an upgrade?" She raised her eyebrows. "On this flight only? Not the first flight?"
Her mother smiled. "That is weird, lucky you."
"Mum, you didn't have to do this."
"You are the team principal of Ferrari and flying economy? A woman like you should fly business class. And it is a pleasure to have my daughter in business class on my flight," her mother proudly said and nudged Matilde's shoulder.
Whenever Matilde or her brothers were on the same flight as their mother - which wasn't often, they flew economy. And they grew up appreciating the small things, they didn't bother to fly business. Matilde wanted to ask Ferrari to book economy tickets, but she didn't dare to ask because she understood that by booking business class, she could properly rest or work during a flight. But flying business class wasn't in her nature.
"Still... This is a flight for a private event."
"Still. At least you're not flying private." Freja handed over a bottle of water. "How was yesterday?"
"Aren't you supposed to work?"
"We are mid-flight, all the passengers are served, and now we get on a break."
"Oh, yeah, that is right." Matilde took a sip of her water. "Well, go get your break. It's important."
Her mother proudly smiled. "You sound like a real boss, a caring boss."
A fragile smile came on Matilde's face. "I will tell you all about this weekend once we are home."
"Of course. Unless you want to say something now?"
"No, no, it can wait. You should take your break."
"Okay, sweetheart. By the way, are you driving home with Emil and me? After the plane lands, we have a quick debrief, and then we are free to go. It's okay if you want to go home. Are you staying at mine or your dad's?"
"It's your birthday tomorrow, so I was hoping to crash at yours?"
"Yes! Of course. You're always welcome."
"And if I can drive home with you? I think that's fun," Matilde smiled. "We're going to the same destination, after all."
Freja nodded. "I will share the plans after my break, yes? And you go to the bathroom, it's free now."
Matilde laughed. "See you soon." She stepped into the toilet and did her thing. When she stepped back into the galley, her gaze fell on Kevin. Business class was almost empty, and so was the seat next to Kevin. Without thinking too much about it, she sat down next to him; only the aisle was in between them. "Hey, can I ask you something?"
He sat up and smiled. "Yeah, sure. What's up?"
She licked her lips and looked around her. "Well, uh, I don't know if you're the right person to ask this, but yeah... From my experience, we did things differently... but when you're going out after a race, celebrating a...perfect result... do you ask Steiner to join? Or other Head of Departments?"
A frown came on his forehead, and he crossed his arms. "We don't have those results often, but... Yes. Why?"
Matilde slowly nodded. "Exactly," she mumbled. She looked down and saw that her hands trembled slightly.
"Why?" Kevin asked again.
"I'm telling you this in confidence, okay?" Matilde said and looked at him.
"No one will know about it; whatever you have to say, I promise."
"No one in F1," she repeated. "I'm struggling with this thought, but...uhm, the team went out to celebrate the win and P2," she told him. Kevin nodded. "Without me." Tears filled her eyes. "And I don't know if it was their intention, like, not to invite me. As in, they didn't want to celebrate it with me. Or if this is how it goes at Ferrari."
A concerned look came on his face. "Oh, wow. Matilde..." He didn't know what to say. "Why is that your thought?"
"Things are not going smoothly with the team and me; there's still a lot of friction. And I'm still an outsider, which I get; I'm new, young, a woman, still learning to speak Italian. But this weekend... It felt like we bonded, like we finally became a team. And I was, am, still proud of this weekend with all the performances, but then I got a message from Leclerc, asking where I was at their celebration. Coincidentally, we were in the same restaurant. I was with Gemma, and we ended up at Red Bull's dinner. And then I saw the team celebrating the great results."
"But didn't they go out with the team and... I don't know, perhaps the crew only?" Kevin asked, trying to understand it and trying to soften the blow for her.
Matilde shrugged and wiped away a tear that was rolling over her cheek. "No." She looked in front of her. "Everyone was there, except me. But why would Leclerc text me, asking where I was? If it was a crew-only dinner, then why would he text me?"
He showed a weak smile. "I don't know. I'm trying to find some reasonable excuses, to make you feel less shit. You know, I know my crew often goes out as well without inviting the board." He scanned her face. "But the message from Leclerc doesn't make sense. But why were you with Gemma at the Red Bull dinner?"
"I kinda forgot," she said, more tears rolling over her cheeks. "I had so many emotions, and everyone was texting and calling me and asking me things. I asked a mechanic, and he said that they would stay in, because they all had an early flight home the next morning," she rattled. "And then Gemma showed up and asked if I wanted to join her. Next thing I know, I was doing shots with Max." She ran a hand through her hair. "I was thinking of throwing lunch or something after the days off, but I'm not too sure about it now."
Kevin nodded and took a deep breath. "This is not nothing..." He didn't want to say too much; what if he said something wrong? Or gave her an idea? "Did they see you?"
"I sent them champagne."
Kevin straightened his face. "You did what?"
"Yes, I'm sorry, but what the fuck was going on? It didn't make sense. And I wanted to let them know I was there without actually standing next to their table," she blurted. When she thought about it now, it was a bold move, a dick move, but it was genius. "And I told the waiter to say that I gave them my compliments."
"Matilde..." He looked impressed and disapproved at the same time. "This is so..."
"Not me? Yes, I know. But I already had alcohol in my body, and I just... I don't know, I was so confused and disappointed. And when the waiter pointed at me... You should have been there. They looked like they had seen a ghost."
Kevin couldn't help it, but laugh. "It is such a dick move, but such a great move. You can't do this. This is not professional."
"It's not professional to invite everyone, but your team principal. And I get it; it's awkward, but I'm not awkward. Half of the team is older than me and more experienced than me. And it's not like I don't know how to function in a team." She shrugged.
"But how did things go at Red Bull?"
"We would go out for dinner first, often with Christian and the board. The team would go to a club, and Christian and the board often would go back to the hotel; sometimes, they would join. Or we would go out without Christian and the board, team only thing, but they would know. Or they declined the invitation. We were very open," she said and dried her eyes when her sight became blurry. "It was asked... And everybody had a choice. I know things work differently at Ferrari, but this was the last thing that I expected." Matilde shook her head. "We still have to bond and stuff, apparently, but I honestly thought we bonded well over this weekend, and I was just so proud to lead this team." Warm tears left her eyes again. "They didn't invite me for a reason."
"I don't know." She sniffled. "But it's good to know that this isn't normal. Or that this is the way Ferrari operates. The text of Leclerc still doesn't make sense."
"Well, I know that this isn't normal."
She got up. "God, I'm sorry you had to see me having a breakdown," Matilde embarrassedly laughed and dried her eyes. "It's the lack of sleep, hangover and yeah... But thanks for listening. I won't hold you up longer from whatever you wanted to do."
"Matilde, this is a serious issue. I'm not saying you have to go to the board and say something about it, but you have to talk about it. If you say nothing, they will think this is normal, and it's definitely not normal," Kevin mentioned. He grabbed her hand and squeezed it softly, just to let her know that he was there for her. "Let me know how it goes." He gently let go of her hand.
She nodded. "I will, thank you. Really," she said and walked away, back to her own seat.
Kevin was perplexed and processing the words he just heard. Should he do something about it? Or did her team have other intentions? Either way, he knew he had to text her brother when they landed, sharing his concern. 
Next chapter
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ravenalla · 1 year
So Helluva Boss Episode 8 thoughts
It was fine, honestly a breath of fresh air when compared to how outright terrible some of season 2’s episodes have been, but just basic and bland. It was nice seeing Loona actually get focus without Blitzo having to be there from the start, as someone who also has party anxiety I can really relate, but eh I really don’t understand what the point of the later half was story-wise. It’s not like she treats her dad any better after this episode, if anything she’s worse to him than we ever saw her in Seeing Stars. But whatever it’s own thing separated from season 2 the ending was cute, even if seeing Blitzo mope around for being a shitty person or Stolas being terrible is getting tiring. Speaking of yeah they really just didn’t acknowledge Ozzie’s outside of a blink and you miss it text message so that’s fun, now I hope the people who were saying “stop complaining we have an episode missing!” realize Viv was telling the truth when she said it had literally nothing to do with the main plot of the show. Also animation this episode felt especially rough in some areas in the beginning, the lineart thickness looked really inconsistent and almost like a map project at times. But I think it got better as the episode went on.
Bee I’m conflicted on, she’s just another one of the classic furrybait designs Viv liked to use in zoophobia and really underwhelming design for Beelzubub, seriously you could be so creative with it but instead for some reason they went with JayJay 2.0., literally you would never guess she’s suppose to be the ruler of Gluttony without the show outright telling you 🙄 but I did really like the animation they did on her tail and hair and the song had some nice visuals. It just doesn’t go at all with the rest of the design, not sure why they made her look part hellhound or even have THE Beelzubub to be the one dating Tex (seriously why is Blitzo dating Stolas a big deal then if all these supposed ringleaders who are HIGHER IN STATUS THAN HIM can just date whoever they want?) Chances are we never see her again or they replace her voice actor like they did with Striker. The dialogue they did for her was just as terrible and unfunny as always, and while I think Kesha overall was good for not being a voice actor yeah you could tell some of the lines were delivered really awkwardly. But I still commend her and the fact that they didn’t pull a Verosika and make her just the bitchy girl dating Loona’s crush your suppose to hate. Really hope they don’t go back on that and ruin her so they break up. Tex just felt kinda bland to me this episode anyways, he was cool in episode 3 but here he’s just kinda the friend/boyfriend who stands around. It’s be great if we got to see him and Loona bond more as just friends later on but who knows.
So yeah not godawful but not good. Just kind of a fine filler episode with the shows usual ups and downs. Kinda just glad it’s out now and it can’t be used as a gotcha for all of season 2’s inconsistencies lol
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