#but yeah i almost felt bad for this person. but Also. this response gave me some very useful info for my research
orcelito · 2 years
Also me loosely researching the classical music industry in japan and finding some westerner getting ripped to SHREDS in some reddit post. I was legit reading this comment aloud to my coworker bc I was aghast at how brutal they were being (but also kinda amused bc they were. Kind of right.)
#speculation nation#i say loosely researching bc im not going for 100% realism in my self indulgent band au fanfic#but i still wanna have an idea of what the real life music industry looks like#the original asker was someone who was like 'i wanna combine my dreams of being a professional musician & living in japan. any tips?'#tho like much longer than that. talking about the plan they were thinking of and all that shit#there were ppl who were like 'literally Why Japan'(bc of anime probably)#& then the brutal reply from someone living in japan that tore INTO it#one of the biggest things being that Most people in professional orchestras in japan are japanese. for several reasons#like paying for visas not being smth the orchestras would wanna do. just easier to keep with ppl from japan#this response detailing how they could Possibly go about this if they were legit serious#but then being like 'but thats not why you want to do this is it?' & calling out the weird glorification of japanese culture#and i was just like Dammnnnnnnn#me and the employee both being old anime fans who are learning japanese for the enjoyment of it#but neither of us having any illusions about japan being the end all be all & thus wanting to Move There#id love to visit someday but i dont want to Move There. it's apparently pretty hostile towards foreigners overall anyways#but yeah i almost felt bad for this person. but Also. this response gave me some very useful info for my research#like yes sorry OP that u just got murdered. but this person just supplied the info i was looking for so Hell yes
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steddieas-shegoes · 9 months
sew you up
for @steddieholidaydrabbles prompt 'hurt/comfort' rated t wc: 993 cw: injury tags: post-vecna, someone finally takes care of steve's bat bite, getting together
He just had to get them all safe. Then he could take care of the bite.
He just had to keep an eye on Eddie, make sure no government officials tried to take him or let the police arrest him. Then he could take care of the bite.
He just had to help Wayne get them moved into their new trailer. Then he could take care of the bite.
Excuses kept piling up, one after another, and the pulsing, searing pain of the bite became easier to ignore. That meant it was healing, right?
But one month later, the bite was still as open and ugly as it had been when the bat latched on, and he had to face the facts.
“You okay over there?” Eddie asked from his bed.
He was mostly mobile, but moved much slower than he used to and had a lot of aches and pains from still-healing scar tissue. He rested in bed more than he did anything else, and Steve usually kept him company long after everyone else left.
“Yeah, think I’m just tired.”
He was tired. But he was also in pain, and could feel the sweat beading on his forehead as he clenched his jaw to avoid groaning.
He’d just moved wrong a little while ago and the pain wasn’t subsiding like it usually did. He’d be fine.
“You’re pretty pale, Stevie.”
“Might be coming down with something,” he shrugged it off. It could be true, after all. He was feeling feverish.
“Oh! Meant to ask you the other day. How’s that bite doing?” Eddie asked casually.
Too casually.
Steve stared back at him, eyes squinting in suspicion.
“It’s fine.”
“Yeah? Mine’s kinda hurting still. Can’t bend down all the way.”
Still so casual.
“Yours was worse than mine, man.”
Eddie nodded, seemingly accepting that as a response, almost looking like he was going to move on.
“I saw a doctor for mine. Many doctors. A few nurses. One government person who took an hour bandaging it up. Not sure what that was about,” Eddie shook himself out of a thought. “But you didn’t see anyone, did you?”
Steve bit his lip.
“No. But mine wasn’t that bad. It’s healing.”
Eddie put his notebook down and took in Steve’s posture. Steve tried to sit up straighter in the desk chair he was lounging in, but as soon as he tried, he let out a hiss and small whimper.
“Let me see it.”
Eddie’s tone was short, serious, something Steve had never heard from him before.
He stood up slowly, wincing as the area around the bite pulled painfully.
Eddie slowly moved to the edge of his bed and parted his legs, waving his hand to get Steve to come closer.
Steve moved closer, ignoring the way his stomach fluttered when Eddie’s hand gripped his uninjured hip to tug him even closer.
His other hand lifted Steve’s shirt up enough to see the wound.
“Steve,” he breathed out. “This needs to be stitched up. It’s too deep to heal on its own. You’ve just been walking around with this?”
“I mean, yeah. It’s gotten a little better.”
Eddie looked up at him with wide eyes.
“This is better?”
Steve nodded.
“This is. Steve, does Robin know it’s this bad?”
Steve shook his head.
“Does anyone?”
Steve shook his head again.
“Alright. I’m fixing this.” Eddie started to get up, gently pushing Steve away from him, but not removing his hand from his hip. “You lay down. I’m grabbing my sewing kit and alcohol.”
“Wait. What?” Steve felt himself panic. “You can’t- you’re not!”
“Steve. Do what I tell you to do before I call Robin and tell her you’ve been ignoring a fucking demobat bite for a month.”
So Steve got as comfortable as he could on the bed, lifted his shirt up to his chest, and waited.
Eddie took his time, but Steve didn’t mind, would much rather wait than Eddie hurt himself worse.
Eventually, Eddie came back and pulled the chair to the side of the bed.
He worked slowly, but confidently. He gave Steve a pillow to hold so he wouldn’t flinch too much while he worked, closing up the main part of the bite so it could actually heal.
When he was done, he bandaged it up tight, and then traced the edges of the bandage.
“Why didn’t you say something?” He whispered.
“Didn’t think it was that bad,” Steve whispered back.
“You didn’t think an open wound like that was bad? Jesus.” Eddie shook his head. “I knew you were self-sacrificial, but this is insane. You can’t hide this shit, Stevie. You could get an infection, you could die.”
Steve gulped.
He’d considered it a few times, but figured he would have already ended up in the hospital if it was going to happen.
“Yeah. But you fixed it, so I’ll be fine.”
“You better let me change your bandages every day for the next week so I can make sure it’s healing right.”
“Won’t that get annoying?” Steve asked.
Eddie didn’t answer for a moment, just watched as Steve pulled his shirt back down.
And then his lips were gently pressing against Steve’s forehead, lingering heat making Steve close his eyes.
“You could never annoy me. The only thing annoying to me is that you thought that being taken care of was annoying,” Eddie said, lips still resting against Steve’s skin, his breath almost tickling.
“So you’re my nurse, now?” Steve asked with a smirk.
Eddie pulled back and cupped his cheek.
“Yep. You better be a good patient.”
“Or what?”
“Or I’ll steal your hairspray.”
Steve gasped.
“You wouldn’t!”
“I would. So you better do as I say and make sure you take care of this.”
“Fine. Do I get a real kiss for being on my best behavior?”
Eddie bit his bottom lip, his cheeks going red.
“Maybe if you make room for me in bed.”
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lfghughes · 1 year
Heaven Can’t Help Me Now | Both
a/n: this one is definitely just a small little filler just to kind of lead up to the last part. Kinda excited about the next part I’m going to post so pls dont hate me for this. Also please dont hate me for how this is all going to end
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Morning rolled around and you felt worse than you did the night before. You had really messed up your friendship with Jamie and the look of hurt that had been on his face last night haunted you. Your hand found your phone and called the one other person you knew you could talk to. But a frown filled your lips when Trevor didn’t pick up the phone. He must have still been asleep so instead you found yourself scrolling on social media.
It felt like a punch to your stomach when videos from last night popped up for you. Trevor with another girl and you knew this video was recent and not just an old video that resurfaced. Guess you were right about assuming that it had meant nothing to him. You felt bad about hurting Jamie and on top of it you were angry at yourself for also believing that maybe just maybe Trevor had feelings for you.
*3 weeks later*
The past few weeks had been a blur, your life was pretty normal except well you barely saw Jamie except up until this week when he had reached out about having lunch together. It was nice but you could definitely still feel the awkwardness there between the two of you. “So Trevor came back last night. We’re going out to that bar we like, if you want to come. It’s cool if you don’t want to.” 
The invite sat there between you for a minute before you nodded your head. “Yeah, I’ll go out for a bit.” But the minute the words came out you weren’t sure if it was even a good idea. You weren’t sure how you would feel being out with Trevor since the last time you had seen him. You also weren’t sure how Jamie felt about any of it and you didn’t want to upset him any further.
Yet you still managed to pull yourself together and go out with them. It maybe took a total of thirty minutes before you regretted being out. It was a casual hang out but Trevor was over the top. For starters you had barely talked to each other which wasn’t normal for the two of you. Then he had also been around some other girls. It had all become too much the minute you had looked over and noticed him kissing one of them.
“Hey Jamie, I think I’m going to turn in for the night. I have work early in the morning.” You told him and he gave you a small sad smile, almost like he knew the reason you were wanting to head out. “Text me when you get home safe.” You headed out of the bar, hating everything. Hating how nice Jamie was even when you didn’t deserve it. Hating Trevor for giving you a glimpse of something that would never happen. Mad at yourself for being here in this situation.
“Why are you throwing a fit?” The voice rang behind you and when you turned around Trevor was standing there. “I’m not throwing a fit.” You pointed out to him, why had he even bothered following you out here. “Kind of looked like it with the way you left. Didn’t even say goodbye.” He pointed out and you just rolled your eyes. “You looked busy.”
“Is that what this is about? Because I was with someone else?” A small laugh left his lips and it only angered you more. “We agreed on the trip that it was just friends having fun. I don’t do relationships, I thought I made it clear. But that’s my bad.” Now you hated him even more. This didn’t even seem like the same Trevor that you had known this whole time. Instead of giving him a response, you turned around and got into your car, leaving him behind. 
Saying those words were probably the hardest thing that Trevor had to say. He didn’t mean a single word he said but he knew it was the only way to make her hate him. Maybe then she would realize that Jamie was the one for her and not him. A few raindrops started coming down from the sky and Trevor made his way back into the bar. Making his way over to Jamie who was giving him a disapproving look. “Why are you looking at me like that?” Trevor asked as he took a seat. “I think we need to have a serious talk.”
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w4lh4ll4 · 5 months
Catch me posting something for once 😱 But yeah here's a little Kojiro x Fem!Oc drabble because I love him he's so 💚💚
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Kojiro hated touch. He despised it for so many reasons. It got too warm, his skin always felt buzzy when another person touched him, it gave him symptoms of severe anxiety and he didn't know why. Even with Ryusei, touch felt like it had to be limited. And yet..
Kojiro sighed heavy as he leaned into the noirette girl. He'd been sitting cross legged on the floor of his and Ryusei's 'secret hideout' and just zoning out fidgeting with one of his knives when he felt the body drape over his back. Abreu Inés had been so silent as she walked in, her being barefoot definitely helping that, all the way up until she squatted behind Kojiro and flopped over him. Her face against his neck, her arms thrown over his shoulders and limply crossed in front of him, her chest and abdomen pressed to his back, and yet not a single centimeter of touch made Kojiro feel like scratching his skin raw to remove the feeling.
"You okay?" Inés shifted her head to speak clear but quiet and let her dull purple eyes watch the knife Kojiro still shifted in his hands. He ran the very tip of his nail along one of the beveled edges, threatening his left thumb but having done this many times enough to not cut himself. Kojiro hummed very briefly to show her he'd heard but had to think about it and she stayed quiet to let him.
"I don't know. Probably not." Kojiro's answers about his mental state, particularly about being 'okay', were always like this and they both knew that. But the blond and the noirette hadn't spent the last five years around eachother for nothing. Inés knew how to read between the lines of Kojiro's words and, at the very least, he didn't try to lie to her and tell her he was absolutely peachy. So she nodded.
"Do you want to talk about it?" The girl also knew that her offer would almost definitely be turned down but that didn't mean she wouldn't give it. She would always remind Kojiro that he had someone on his side.
"No." Kojiro's desire to apologize with that, to apologize for being a pain in the ass for the girl, was another thing that he set between the lines for her to see. Sometimes Kojiro wondered if they communicated between words than they did actually saying what they meant. It worked nonetheless.
"That's alright. I'm right here if you change your mind, Koji" Inés rubbed her head against Kojiro's for a moment before shifting. She never fully parted from the male but she sat cross legged behind him and moved her arms to hug around his waist so they could both sit comfortably. Quiet lulled but Kojiro's mind couldn't fall back into the hellish place it was before Inés arrived.
This girl who was just as quiet as him, who had an air to her that said she'd been through shit just like him, who was just as abrasive as him, and yet she was the only one who could get closer to Kojiro than Ryusei.
"Am I a bad person?" The blond let the words fall from his lips almost within a breath as if he didn't want to actually say them. But Inés's response was immediate.
"Are you trying to be a bad person? Or.. are you wanting to try to be a bad person? For yourself and no other reason?" She asked, sending Kojiro thinking for a moment. Not necessarily? Not at all. There were so many reasons he was an asshole but none were of his own volition. He didn't want to act like this but it was the best plan his mind could come up with for whatever reason. He wasn't even sure why he needed to be like this.
Acting like this clearly wasn't enough to appease Kensho but Kojiro was so dead set on making his brother, his only family, proud that he was losing himself to this overwhelming anger and hate for anything that he could paint as weaker than him. It wasn't enough so why did he keep trying? He hated those weaker, he hated those stronger, he hated himself most of all for ending up like this. How could he not be a bad person with all the things he'd done?
"No." Once again, Kojiro was short in his words and inexplicably long in his meanings. Inés understood it all.
"Then no. You were never a bad person Koji. Good and bad are subjective anyway but you aren't bad." The purple eyed girl rubbed her forehead to Kojiro's shoulder and his green eyes wished they could look at her. He wanted his eyes to carry the gratitude his words couldn't.
"Do you think I can come to heaven with you when we die?" Kojiro's words were half joking, more meant as a compliment than anything. But he did loathe the thought of a day they would never see eachother again. By death or any other way, he didn't want to exist without Inés. But the blond listened to her huff softly and very slightly shake her head.
"That was never up for debate. Wherever you go, I'm going. Heaven, Hell, Limbo, reincarnation, I'll have your back no matter what." The girl's fading accent put some more enunciation one the words she learned first, as if she couldn't process saying the religious words in any other way while later learned or more used vocabulary had faded her intonations. It was such a small thing but the green eyed boy loved the words she said different than anyone else in his life. He also loved how Inés never tried to falsely praise him and say he was an angel either or that he was good.
The blond wasn't good. He wasn't an angel. He wasn't destined for heaven. But that didn't mean he was the complete opposite of those either. Kojiro had never met someone like Inés and he would never regret meeting the girl who was so.. right in all the wrong ways. She wasn't a good person either, to most anyway. They were eachother's exception.
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loftedlow · 2 months
i’m angsty because i think my period is coming soon so short Fyolai stuff (i keep forgetting to track it.)
p.s. This is my first time writing fanfic so uhm yeah tips are welcome and i’m sorry it may not be up to expectation…
I want to bash your head in so I may be the one you lose life to. Not illness. Not in a home at eighty. Right between my arms and a concrete wall, your blood reminding me of my own sanity.
It won’t bother me. It won’t bother me a bit because I can just do that.
Someone made a grave mistake letting me the gift of free will and I thank at their feet for that error.
3rd person
But also like kinda Nikolai pov
Nikolai dreamt of a day like this. He knew what it was like to have a man die at his arms but Fyodor was something more than that. An enigma to say the least. Thats why they were perfect for eachother, of course!
The white-coated man made his way to find his best friend. He opened the door to Fyodor’s office without knocking, as per usual, or sometimes he’d knock in different tones or rhythms. Contrary to the others in the DOA.
“Kolya.” Fyodor greeted without batting an eye toward him. “You’re up early.” At least he agnoledged. Nikolai liked to go at different schedules on different days. It deserves to be noticed— not that Nikolai felt like fixing his sleeping schedule. Maybe some day.
“Fedya~..! Good night to you too!” The overgrown class clown stepped up from behind the anemic bastard and wrapped his arms tightly around his shoulders, tightening as he moved up slowly toward Fyodor’s neck. He didn’t plan on killing him right now. The sun had barely come up and there was no way to see his beautiful eyes glaze over as his body might go limp in a cold, lonely lay over Nikolai’s body. Or maybe the moon would be a better setting? “When I kill you do you think the sun or the moon would be prettier to die on?”
Fyodor brought his own dainty, cold hands up to gently peel off the digits from his neck. He gave him only the smallest chuckle in response and turned the swiveling chair to face the standing, Almost like morse code to say try it, Lyubimaya moya, as his violet eyes settled on Nikolai’s figure.
“Like a proposal! You’d be with me together because your my best friend! Til you started to stink cause’ I don’t know how to comfort poor Sigma.” Nikolai wrapped his cape wonkily around his body and fidgeted with it. That had not sounded as…sentimental as he had originally intended.
Suddenly a long finger touched his lips. “Kohl’s, how about we talk a walk, hm?” And Nikolai smiled warmly. Similarly to the rest of his body in which apposed Fyodor perfectly, warm and bright. He enjoyed the outside much more than his beloved Fedya.
The two ter**ists locked the creased of their fingers in each other’s, shifting every once in a while and accossionally, platonically squeezing the other’s hand.
___________________ ew so rushed i’m not even gonna read it back bc i don’t even WANT to know how bad it is some goddess/god of an ao3 author tell me your ways or teach me, dm me anything. This might stay in drafts idk. Love u all tho <3
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mrs-kodzuken · 8 months
What’s mine is yours ♡
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Pairing: Sō Inuoka x fem!reader
WC: 2.1k
Genre: fluff
CW: fem!reader, fluff, bad home situation for reader, found family, inuoka has a big-ish family, mentions of yakulev relationship
˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖ ˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖ ˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖ ˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖ ˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖ ˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖
My palms grew sweaty as Inuoka once again changed the subject. I was starting to grow insecure about myself due to this silly reason.
I have always wanted to meet his family. Seeing as mine is one I'm not fond of, I was eager for his.
"(Y/n)? You're not busy this Saturday, right? Do you maybe want to go to the movies?" Sō beamed with his usual delight, awaiting for my response.
It's not like I'd have plans anyway. Leaving my house was all I did; if not, I'd be surrounded by my parents fighting all the time. Which wasn't the greatest sight to always see or hear.
"Great!" He cheerfully took my hand in his and started racing down the hallway with me trying to keep up.
We've been together for almost a year now, and he has such a unique personality.
However, I have started to grow used to his unusual bursts of energy.
Inuoka was definitely leading us up to the rooftop with Lev and Yaku. We'd always eat there every day, unless it rained, snowed, or the pollen was too much in the spring.
The smell of the fresh summer air filled my lungs as I felt the blazing sun beam upon us while we ate. Summer was such a good season and I loved its clear blue skies.
Once I finished my bento, I leaned on Inuoka's shoulder. He smiled warmly, wrapping his arm around me.
I watched Yaku glare at us in disgust, even though his boyfriend was literally right beside him.
"Yaku-senpai, can we?" The Russian first year was cut short as Yaku elbowed him in the ribs.
I stifled a laugh while Sō's laughter rang through the wind. Still makes my heart feel all funny.. or maybe it's heartburn from my lunch.
"Hey! It's not funny!" Lev groaned, holding his waist.
Who knew Yaku could be so violent toward his partner?
"Yeah, sure, it's not." I chuckled, grabbing my bento box and checking the time.
"Sō? It's about time we head back." I stood up, dusting myself off and being able to look over him for a couple of short seconds.
"Oh, already? Well, see you guys at practice!" Inuoka frantically waved with one hand as we started our walk back inside.
I giggled, pushing him lightly to the door. While we were walking towards our classes, I decided this would be the last time I asked.
"So, this Saturday, can we stay at your house for movies instead?" I asked him, looking down, cursing at myself for always using him as my escape.
"My place? (Y/n), I've been meaning to tell you-" My boyfriend got cut off as one of his classmates came near.
"Hey Inouka! You're going to be late if you dilly-dally!" I heard one of his classmates say to him, clapping him on the shoulder.
He nervously turned back to me and gave me a soft kiss on my forehead. Which left me with shivers and butterflies in my stomach.
"I'll tell you later, I promise." He swore, sliding his right pinky through my left one.
I nodded my head knowing he didn't ever break a promise but also wanting to get out of here as soon as possible.
It was really embarrassing, even if it didn't seem like it for others, it was to me.
When he turned around I did the same, walking fast in the other direction. Since I was in class four and not one, we had different classes and they were kind of far down the hall from one another.
I felt the red flush grow onto my face as I barely made it to class on time. As I took my seat in the back and put my head down the bell rang.
What did he want to talk about? Was I being too persistent? Most likely.
He was probably fed up with it, but Sō isn't the one who usually gets mad at people. He's so sweet and kind, always thinking of others, especially me.
All kinds of questions ran through my head; I hadn't been paying attention in class.
By the time I did get out of my head, the bell rang. which signaled the end of the day. I sighed, grabbed my notebook in my hands, and walked out.
Inouka had volleyball practice today, and being the obviously kind person I am, I avoided him so he wouldn't be late.
God knows how many times he's been late to practice just because he talked to me on the way to the gym after class.
Scurrying the halls, I took a different path from our usual one just to avoid him. It did kind of hurt my own feelings that I was avoiding him.
When I realized that he hadn't followed me, so I continued my journey home. I hoped my parents weren't arguing today; the sound of yelling, door slamming, and contents being thrown about scared me.
However, that seemed like a wish that would never come true.
As I neared my beloved house, I could hear the sounds of shouting from outside. I didn't even want to go through the front door because they'd see me.
Not that it really actually mattered, but the chance of getting hit with something would increase. That incident happened two weeks ago, I had a bandage on my temple for five days.
I rounded the house, climbing on the tree near my window. It was perched near my outside balcony that I use for reading some nights.
I sneakily opening the doors and softly stepping inside. I quickly began to pack two nights worth of clothes.
Staying at (F/n)'s house would seem like the better option than staying here any day.
I grabbed my red duffle bag, courtesy of Nekoma handing them out during pep rallys, and shoved all my necessities into it.
I slung it over my shoulder and stuck a small note card on my bed, stating my whereabouts.
Not that they'd check it but just in case they do and feel tempted to call the cops to report a teenager missing.
Closing my balcony doors, I climbed down from the tree. Brushing dirt off my skirt, I made my way down a couple of neighborhoods to her house.
I walked past a house that had child bicycles all over the lawn. A couple of children were playing outside, minding their business.
It sure did look like a house that held a big family. I saw, what must've been, their mother coming outside and telling them that it's time for dinner and to wash up before.
As soon as she said that, I hurried over to (F/n)'s house because her parents had probably made dinner by now.
Pressing her doorbell, I was met with (F/n)'s dad.
"Hi Mr.(F/Ln). Would it be okay if I stayed over?" I asked, greeting the man like a close family member.
"Are they going at it again? Well, you're always welcome here. Please come in." He welcome me in with a warm but sad smile.
I smiled and took off my shoes, being brought into a hug by (F/n).
"Hey, mom just made dinner; you're hungry?" She asked, pulling me into the kitchen.
I helped set the table and sat beside (F/n) as we ate dinner, telling each other about our day.
Suddenly, the conversation switched to me and my dating life. Since (F/n) and I have known each other for the longest time, I always spilled everything to her family.
"Well, he said he had to talk to me after class, but he was going to be late if I didn't go the other way." I finished up my latest news with them.
"Maybe he texted you? Have you checked your messages? But do that when dinner is over, sweetie," my friend's mom told me with a smile.
"Yes ma'am." I answered politely.
I quickly ate and then helped wash up some of the dishes while (F/n)'s got my shower ready. They always continue treating me like a guest when i'm more of a family at this point.
Walking into her room, I saw her pulling on her shirt; she must've taken a shower while I was busy.
"I'm going to go take my shower now." I grabbed my clothes from my duffel bag and headed to her bathroom.
"Wait, do you want to watch comedy or romance?" She asked, holding up two DVDs.
"(Comedy/movie)." I pointed to it, and she nodded.
I've never been fond of romantic movies, but my friend never seemed to complain about it.
Today, Sō had told me to meet at the park. I thought we were just going to go to the movie theater, but he had other plans.
"Wait, really?"
"Yeah, they're really embarrassing. That's why I didn't want you to meet them." Inouka nervously laughed and rubbed the back of his head.
"Do you want to go now or get ice cream before we head there?" I asked him. I knew he was nervous, but they can't be that bad, right?
"Ah! That sounds great!" He laughed, pulling me towards an ice cream truck he had his eye on for a while.
I ended up giving my ice cream cone to him, only because I loved the way his eyes lit up at the sight of more sweets.
We neared a house I had seen the other day, with all the bicycles around the yard. My heart kind of dropped but it was still filled with excitement.
"I'm sorry in advance." He whispered and opened the door before I could process what he said.
"Mom? Dad? I'm back!" Sō shouted, taking off his shoes, which were set by lots of other pairs with different sizes and colors.
"Oh! Did you bring your girlfriend yet? I've been dying to meet her!" I heard a lady shout from the kitchen.
Different sounds throughout the house brought me to my senses. I heard the TV on in the living room, kids playing, some even playful arguing, and small footsteps on the stairs.
It was definitely a lot to take in; I could feel Sō's eyes burning into my head as I looked around the cozy feeling house before I got greeted by a woman.
"Oh my! She's so gorgeous! What's your name, darling?" The woman I saw the other day had pulled me into a hug. I spewed out my name, which was muffled by her shoulder.
"(L/n) (Y/n). And could you please stop suffocating my girlfriend? I'd like to keep her alive." I felt him pull me back from his mother's grasp.
"Sorry, Sō, she's just so cute, and this is the first time you brought a girl home! Honey! Come meet (Y/n)!" I heard his mom yell, not in anger but in pure happiness. It was definitely a change did pace from my own house.
I was surprised by her using my first name right away. Inouka nudged my arm, causing me to snap my neck towards him.
"I'm sorry, did she make you uncomfortable? I keep telling her about how people might not like that." He groaned shamefully, and I could laugh at how cute he is.
"Sō, it's okay. This is exciting." I held his hand while he led me to the living room. I had met his mom, dad, and five siblings.
"Your siblings do have a lot of energy," I commented as I watched two small children run after each other.
"Well, when your parents are actual crackheads, then I guess you get this." He gestured to himself and his siblings.
After that, I had been spending so much time with them that I had forgotten it had gotten dark. Which concluded with me staying the night, they promised that they wouldn't mind having another child in the house.
That night changed everything; I had consistently came over and sometimes spent a whole two weeks over. My parents obviously were too busy fighting with each other to notice.
They had practically said I was their own, which Inuoka and I reframed from letting them say since we are dating.
"Play the movie." I heard the child whine as he settled on the couch.
"Okay, okay. Calm down (C/n)." I laughed and pressed play on the Disney movie we picked.
It was as if I had become a part of the Inouka family. Which was all I really wanted all along: a family.
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a/n: this is from my book “Haikyuu x Reader Oneshots” on Wattpad! I hope you enjoyed and let me know if you have any requests!
the header is made by me! please like/reblog if used <3
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decks-writing-blog · 3 months
Here to Stay Drabbles: We're Cool
Summary: Or talking to Dr.Coomer about his file.
With Black Mesa’s personnel numbers being so far reduced and the lab being small compared to the old one, there were lots of opportunities to talk to Dr. Coomer. Finding one in which it was just the two of them was a bit harder but not by much. It made it rather difficult to find excuses to continue to put off talking to him. Gordon did so for as long as he could but well, if he continued for too much longer he’d basically have to commit to carrying the secret of his transgression to his grave. Not something he wanted weighing on his conscious for that long.
And so the time finally came when it was just the two of them in their corner of the lab because both Tommy and Darnold liked to go home at the same time every day while the two of them sometimes stayed a bit longer, often to finish what they were doing. Organizing and sorting stuff as it was brought in from the old facility was still their main responsibility. Staying on top of it sometimes meant one or both of them had to stay an hour or two longer, no big deal. They weren’t overworking, it was fine. Especially since it gave Gordon this perfect opportunity to go over to Dr. Coomer’s desk, and come clean.
It really wasn’t that big a deal. None of the clone files had contained much of Dr. Coomer’s personal information. Or maybe ‘none’ was a bit of an exaggeration, ‘only a few’ was a better description. But still, Gordon had skimmed through those parts. So it was fine. And if it really was fine then maybe he didn’t need to… No. He wasn’t putting this off again. Even if Dr. Coomer wouldn’t care he felt bad about it and thus he should tell if for no other reason than to get it off his chest.
With a sigh he stood and walked over to Dr. Coomer desk.
Dr. Coomer looked up at him and smiled. “Hello Gordon!”
“Hello Dr. Coomer.”
He pushed his keyboard up, allowing him to fold his hands on the desk in front of himself as he looked up at Gordon. Waiting for him to speak because it was that obvious Gordon had something to say. Why else would he come over here? Meaning there was no more getting out of this. Probably for the best.
Well best to just put it out there and be done with it, right? Let Dr. Coomer be mad if he needed/wanted to be. “I came across the files about you and your clones and read through them. I skimmed through parts of it when more sensitive information was brought up but I did go through all of it. Also, this wasn’t just now it was back before we went back to the old facility to get Benrey’s files. And um, I think it’s what made me decide I wanted to peek at at his files because I thought it was fine that I looked at yours so maybe it would be fine if I looked at his too. Which is obviously not true in either case, both are bad without permission. So uh… sorry. I fucked up.”
Dr. Coomer’s expression didn’t change throughout Gordon’s entire spiel. “That would explain why and how those files mysteriously appeared on my work computer the other day.”
“Uh… yeah, that was me. I figured you should have them since they’re yours.”
“Thank you for coming clean with me Gordon. That a sign of growth and maturity. And that you care about me enough as a person to risk me being mad at you for having invaded my privacy to let me know you did that. I appreciate it.”
“Does that mean you are mad at me or… what?” It was hard to tell with him sometimes.
“Hmm… no, I forgive you. After all if you can forgive me for my clones trying and almost succeeding to kill you, I can forgive this minor indiscretion.”
“Gosh, don’t remind me of that, please.” Gordon barely remembered any of it other than that it had happened. Probably a trauma thing so best not poked at. “But that means we’re uh… cool?” That it really was fine? Not fine that Gordon had done it but that he’d realized it was wrong, apologized, and was forgiven so they could both move on from it.
“Yes, we’re cool. Don’t do it again though.”
“I won’t.” Gordon had more than learned his lesson in that realm. No more being overly nosy about his friends. He’d indulge his curiosity about strictly non-person related things from here on out. It was easier for everyone that way. “Thanks for the second chance.”
“You’re welcome! Now back to work Gordon! There’s much still left to do. … Or maybe not much, only a few more things to wrap up and then we can go home.” Said as if Gordon wasn’t the one in charge. But that was fine, he wasn’t wrong and it’s not like it was the first time he’d told Gordon what to do.
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hearts4golbach · 1 year
Light Shower. (Sal Fisher x Fem!Reader)
part 3
"buried in the desert, didn't think I'd push through the dirt"
I head towards Larry's apartment to give him an update on how Y/ns are doing, since she got broken up with she hasn't left her apartment.
"Sal! hey, bud! haven't seen you since you first moved in. How've you been?" I heard Y/ns mom call from down the hallway.
"Hi, Mrs. L/n." I waved. "I've been good."
"Great to hear! wanna come inside? I have tea boiling on the stove. I was just about to go see if your dad"
"I'd love to." I followed her back into their apartment.
"If you don't want tea, we have other beverages. water, milk, apple juice..." I shook my head. Mrs. L/n walked over and placed her hand on my shoulder. "sal, I need your help getting Y/n out of this damn apartment. I'm worried for her. she hasn't left her room in 5 days. I've had to bring her fricking food!" she whispered.
"yeah, I know. I'll give it a shot. she just hasn't answered the walkie talkie." I knocked on Y/ns door before walking into the room. "Y/n? it's sal."
Y/n quickly shut her flip phone whenever I walked in. "Hey, sally face. thought you were going to see Larry, I heard over the walkie.
"I thought I'd see if you wanted to come with, he misses your face. I mean, I do too."
"I would but I'm kinda tired and I need to shower."
"well, what if you shower then we go to lunch instead? just you and me."
"are you that desperate to see my gorgeous face?" she said sarcastically. but truthfully, I was.
"Duh. come on." I grabbed her hand, causing her to flinch. "shit, are you okay? I'm sorry." I said, immediately letting go of her hand. she nodded and took my hand gently. I pulled her out of her bed.
"fine." I watched as she walked out of the room to the bathroom.
I waited patiently in the hall next to the bathroom. she talked to me from the shower. Y/ns mom walked by and gave me a wink and mouthed thank you. I flashed her a thumbs up.
"where are we going?" Y/n asked.
"mcdonalds?" I offered, making a small hand gesture that she couldn't see. I paused. "are you okay? like, really."
"yeah, I'm just-" she opened the bathroom door completely dressed and brushing her hair. "I don't know, you know?" she looked at me.
"uh, I guess?"
she rolled her eyes and walked out the door with me trailing behind her.
we ordered out food and left, going to our usual spot at the park. "tell me how you feel about what happened. I'm worried about you." I said, swiftly sliding a fry under my mask.
"I just feel weird without him." she confessed, beginning to eat aswell.
"he abused you," I grumbled in response. "we both know you deserve better."
Y/n didn't respond. I wished i could read minds as I stared deep into her e/c eyes. my heart fluttered as she stared back with a small smile on her face.
she reached out and patted my knee. "I know, sally. I guess it's just, I don't know. nevermind." Y/n looked away, making me curious about what she wanted to say but I didn't want to pressure her. she looked back at me and my heart leaped. "thank you for getting me out of bed, sal. I don't think I realized how much I needed it."
part of me hoped she was talking about being here with me, but I also knew she meant just getting out of the house for the first time in almost a week. I felt bad for Y/n, like I could've done something different and she wouldn't have even dated that cunt. if I could protect her from shit like this, I would in a heartbeat. "i- yeah. you know you can always call me. I'll drop whatever I'm doing."
she laughed. "I know, sally face. sorry I've been distant." she flashed me the sweetest smile. I could feel my body melting under her gaze. "thank you." I looked at her, confused. "for everything. you're my favorite fucking person and you always will be." y/n pulled me in and hugged me.
the next night, Y/n came over to Larry's house with me to play video games. she'd usually play with us, but this time she just sat squished between us on his tiny couch and watched us play, enjoying our presence.
she cleared her throat before she spoke as we rode the elevator to go back home. "can I stay the night at your place? I don't really wanna go home right now."
of course I said yes. I gave her one of my sweatshirts because my dad had way too many fans around the house.
"why don't you want to go home?" I asked her, flopping down onto my bed. Y/n followed suit.
"honestly sal, I wanted to do coke but I don't want to be addicted anymore. and I miss you." she replied. butterflies danced in my stomach. she wrapped her arms around my waist and held me tight. I ran my fingers through her hair as she fell asleep. she had been getting better since I've been able to get her at least out of bed and off her phone. today we deleted his contact so she wouldn't dwell on him anymore. I took of my mask and fell asleep with a smile on my face as Y/n and I held eachother.
"Hi mama!" 10 year old me called from on top of sals shoulders. my mom waved after taking a swig of her wine. I giggled and looked down at sal who had his electric blue hair in a bun. "your bun is kind of weird, sal." I heard him laugh before shoving me back into the water. I quickly swam back up, gasping for air and trying to get the chlorine out of my nose. "oh my god, asshole!" I laughed hard, pushing him and making him fall back. he yelped before he went under.
"y/n! language!" I leaned mom yell. "I don't know who the fuck she got that from." mom said to Henry. he laughed. I rolled my eyes.
I felt a hand tightly grip my ankle and pull me down. Sal was fully submerged, his head the only thing poking out of the water. I covered the side of my mouth with my hand so mom couldn't see. "you're still and asshole." I whispered.
"you're a bitch." sal whispered back. "wanna go get a popsicle?"
sal adjusted his shorts as he got out. I laughed. "gross, don't adjust your wedgie in my face."
he laughed. "I didn't have a wedgie."
"right." I said sarcastically. I shivered in my towel as we walked inside. "I can make hot dogs too." I offered, grabbing him and myself a popsicle. he nodded as he licked his grape flavored ice.
I sat next to Todd in the coarse dirt at the edge of the lake as we waited for our sunscreen to set in, unlike Neil, Ash, Larry, and Sal who were already making their way into the lake. I watched as the cold water hit Sal like a brick, making all of the muscles in his back tense. he looked at Larry and laughed. Larry smiled at sal and shivered. The water must be super cold, but it has to feel good since it's atleast 80° today. I softly blushed thinking about Sal. I watched his bare back relax as he got used to the water. he had his arms wrapped around himself. he turned around and sat in the water, waving at me. I smiled back at him and brought my knees to my chest. he had cute blue swimtrunks that matched his hair and eyes. I caught myself staring at his hands, imagining things that I definitely shouldn't have. I needed to get my mind out of the gutter, especially here in front of everyone, including sal.
I shook my head a little, shaking the thought away. "ready to get in?" I asked Toddy.
he took his glasses off and set them on the large pile of towels and snacks. "ready when you are."
I nodded and stood up. I ran into the water, preparing myself. a shot of cold ran through me as my feet splashed the water. I laughed a little, noticing Sal was looking at me expectantly for my reaction. I ran over to him and sat next to him, fully submerging myself in the water.
"hi." he said with a certain tone in his voice which made my heart flutter.
"Hey, sally face." I said, wrapping my arm around him.
"we should play chicken!" Larry exclaimed. i looked at him and raised an eyebrow. "Sal and Y/n, me and Ash, and Todd and Neil. come on, fucking losers!" he mocked, helping ash on his shoulders.
I looked at sal and he shrugged. he helped me up on his shoulders as Todd climbed on Neil's.
"me and sal are gonna win! I'm gonna kick your asses!" I teased in a sing song voice.
"I'd like to see you try!" ash laughed.
me and ash both targeted Todd, knowing he's probably the weakest out of the three of us. which, we were right. we easily pushed him off of Neil's shoulders, causing him to plunge into the water. he swam up, moving his bright red hair out of his face. he cursed profanities at us.
sal giggled and tightened his grip on my thighs, slowly trailing their way further up for a better grip. I was so glad that we were in the water like this, if you know what I'm implying. "get her ass."
sal and I lunged at ash and Larry. me and ash locked hands, smiling devilishly at eachother. I almost slipped, but sal quickly readjusted me before me and ash began pushing eachother again. Sals shoulders moved a little as he laughed along with Larry. Sal stepped forward, assisting me enough to finally manage to make ash slip. she screamed and dragged Larry down with her.
"yes!" I screamed, flipping all of them off. I wrapped my hands gently around sals face, hugging his head. "we win!"
ash rolled her eyes. "okay, show off. let's do another round. we switch places, sal on your shoulders. you know what i mean?"
"I'm down." Neil said.
I nodded, sal did aswell. I helped sal climb onto my shoulders, he was heavy but I could manage. I gripped his legs tight. Larry ended up falling first, sal not far behind him. sal came up from the water, his electric blue hair drenched. i tucked his hair out of his face, making his ears red. i gave him a sweet smile. "you suck." i said, in the sweetest tone I could.
this time, Neil and Todd ended up winning. which was kind of a surprise, because I would assume Neil is stronger than Todd. I suppose I was wrong.
we all got out after another hour or so of messing around.
"I think I got fucking waterboarded." Larry mumbled, earning a loud laugh from Sal and Neil.
"you deserve it." ash punched him in the arm.
Neil drove us all back to the apartments, where we all went back to our own apartments, ash heading over to Larry's.
I texted sal before I got into the shower.
'hi, I had fun today we should def hang out with the group more'
he read it almost immediately
"Hi <3 me too and ya'
'goodnight, sally face luv you to death'
'love you more yn ;)'
sally was being hella flirty, which made me smile. I couldn't keep my mind off of him the whole time I was in the shower. God, I loved this boy.
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Logan and female!Reader learn two terms from each other (author's choice who learns what):
"Alexithymia," and "touch-starved."
(I see this as platonic, but it could work romantically as well!)
Authors note: I love this request so much and it’s kinda making want to write this with Spock lol. Anyway, yeah I’m gonna keep this kinda vague so it could work as either platonic or romantic.
Pairings: Logan x reader
⚠️ Warnings⚠️: fluff, tiny bits of angst if you squint
💙💙 💙 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙
Alexithymia…Logan read and re-read that word over and over again. It was one of those rare times that Logan didn’t know what a word meant.
He pulled the book closer to his face as if that would magically allow the definition to drift into his mind.
Eventually let out a small sigh and put down the book onto his lap, letting his eyes wander over to the person sitting on the other side of the couch with him.
You. You had suggested reading as a way to spend time together even if the two of you didn’t talk while doing so. Reading wasn’t your first idea but ever since the storm outside cut the power, it was the only thing you could do.
The pouring rain banging against at the windows and the thunder booming from afar made the apartment rather cozy. Logan had lit candles for you two to be able to read which only added to the coziness. Even with something that was meant to be a bad thing you both managed to make it enjoyable.
It was nice. The both of you absorbed in your own stories but you still enjoyed each others presence. It was very peaceful for once in the usually chaotic apartment.
When he spoke your name, it felt out of place in the comfortable silence, so he decided to lower his from here on out. Once you had risen your head, signifying that he had caught your attention, he spoke once more.
“I am aware that I don’t usually ask this type of question but do you know the definition of the word ‘alexithymia’?” Logan muttered as he leaned forward so you could hear him more clearly.
Your eyes, illuminated by the soft golden glow of the candles, flickered to the side for a second as you thought of your response.
“Oh. It’s a word used to describe someone who… has trouble processing and displaying emotion.” Your eyes flickered back over to meet his and had a look of…familiarity. Like the word reminded you of something. Or someone.
The words definition struck a little closer to home to Logan than it had to you. Although he felt a little called out by it he also felt a strange sense of…relief. He couldn’t understand why but he felt as though his head had been cleared. Something about the word describing him made him feel something he couldn’t describe. ‘How fitting..’ he thought.
He must’ve been lost in thought because it took you calling his name three times for him to finally look up.
“You alright? You seemed a little lost there..” You gave him a small but comforting smile. He must’ve really been lost in thought as he hadn’t noticed you get closer to him. You were at arms length at this point and he could clearly see the worry in your eyes.
“Apologies, yes, I’m fine. I was simply…thinking.” Logan was at a lost for words, not able to put what he was feeling into a coherent sentence.
‘I suppose that word is more accurate than I thought’ Logan thought to himself. He could almost find it funny if it wasn’t for the fact that him relating to that word wasn’t a good thing. Then…why did he find it relieving?
Your voice grounded him back to reality before he could get more lost in his thoughts.
“It’s a little funny that just before you asked me what Alexithymia meant, I was about to ask you for the definition of a word myself.” You still kept your voice low as you scooted closer to him.
“Touch-starved. I’ve never heard that before.” Your voice was curious yet perplexed, an indication you were waiting to hear his response. You even had your book in your lap with a book mark underlining the sentence the word was on.
He turned to face you and noticed how you were fidgeting with the corner of the page. You had a habit of fighting with things when you got nervous about something or were in the process of contemplating something. He knew this much but whatever it was that you were nervous about…he just couldn’t put his finger on it.
“Touch-starved. A condition that occurs when an individual is not getting as much physical touch one needs.”
While Logan spoke, he couldn’t help but analyze you to see if you had gotten the same revelation he had.
That you familiarized yourself with this description.
He did see it. He saw the way your face changed to a look of realization. Like something had clicked. He decided to continue on with his explanation.
“People who are touch-starved crave physical affection from others but can’t seem to bring themselves to initiate it.”
You’re fidgeting had taken a pause as you processed this information. His eyes flickered over your face but you had long since moved your head as to not make eye contact with him.
Another wave of realization came over him. The thing you were nervous about was about initiating physical touch. The fidgeting, you growing closer…how could he not see this before? You had even done the same things in various occasions in the past.
You both stayed quite for a long moment, the only sound being that of the pouring rain and thunder outside. Logan made a motion to move his hand, hesitating for only a moment, before finally deciding to wrap it around your tense shoulders.
You stiffened even more for a second and moved your head to stare at him for a brief moment. Logan could feel the tension slowly leaving your shoulder once you realized what he was trying to do. Although you were still quite stiff as you weren’t used to this. Especially from Logan.
He didn’t know what to do after that so he just left his arm there for a minute before breaking the silence.
“Is this…ok?” He asked cautiously, hoping he wasn’t crossing any boundaries.
You didn’t respond for a minute, which worried him, but you were just trying to take it all in. You slowly started to lean into him and once you were comfortable, you let out a deep breath. The tension in your muscles left like it wasn’t even there in the first place.
Logan took this as a yes.
A few minutes went by and your eyes were dropping. The warmth of Logan’s body, the blanket and the rain outside all made it too cozy to stay awake. Logan was in the same boat and he was blinking more than usual to fight to stay awake. While he took off his glasses to rub his eyes, your gentle voice caught his attention.
“You were relieved because you finally had something to describe what you’re feeling. It made you feel less alone. Right?” You’re voice was thick with tiredness and it was only a matter of time before sleep took over you.
Logan was confused for a second before he remembered what had happened earlier. He looked down at you and was about to say something but stopped once he saw you had fallen asleep.
He was grateful. For you and your explanation. And for what seemed like the first time in forever, he could finally relax. For the first time he knew how he was truly feeling. And he knew he could count on you to be here like how you can count on him.
Logan hoped you two could do this again
That was his last thought before sleep pulled him into a peaceful slumber.
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watercolor-hearts · 1 year
Hi! I have two prompts!
1. Is being carried while unconscious and watching love interest while they're unconscious for Simi
2. X comes out to Y and is pleasantly surprised at their response with Simi 🥰
Oh my god hi!!! You're the first person that ever sent me prompts to write and you made me incredibly happy. Thank you so much and sorry for the long wait! (I wanted to write it on the bus on the way home from the university but I wasn't in the mood for it then.) ❤ Also, Simi, my comfort pairing. 🥺🥰
I know I said I'll write only a few sentences but... It turned out I can't write only a few sentences (or at least I couldn't for this prompt) so here's a 1.3K story. Yeah. Also I still am not good at writing in English so sorry if it's really bad – still thank you for giving me the chance to practice, I appreciate it a lot. (Since it's longer than I expected it to be I'll only put the first story here and then tomorrow I'll try to write the second one too and tag you in the post if that's okay for you.)
• being carried while unconscious • watching love interest while they're unconscious • 1353 words • Seb/Kimi • dehydration • mentions of IV/needles and being scared of needles/smaller injuries • hurt/comfort (sort of) • Ao3 link
Sweat ran down Kimi's face when he took his helmet and balaclava off after the race. He handed them to his performance coach and wiped his face with a soft towel he got from him. Singapore is the toughest race of the calendar. Hot, exhausting, and challenging. It requires a lot of strength and skill.
He gave the towel back and started looking for Sebastian. It didn't take long for him to spot the other red car a bit further back as Sebastian's helmet popped up when he started to climb out of the car. Kimi could sense that something wasn't right because it took way too much time for Seb to climb out as he was looking for the right grip on the halo and had to stop a few times when he tried to stand up.
Kimi decided to go closer to check on him and make sure he was all right.
“Seb, you okay?” asked Kimi when Sebastian was finally out of the car, still looking for the best position to stand still so he could take off his helmet. The world started spinning with him, his heart racing and his head throbbing. The dizziness he felt was awful. Sebastian tried to take a deep breath to calm his rapid breathing down and stop the spinning but it didn't help. He couldn't see clearly, there was blurriness everywhere. He reached out to find a hold on the car to stabilize himself and call for help but he wasn't fast enough.
“Seb!” Kimi shouted almost panicking, his heart jumping into his throat when he saw his teammate collapse next to his car. He sped up the last few steps and kneeled next to him. “Seb, can you hear me?” he asked as he opened the visor on Seb's helmet. His teammate didn't respond, his eyes remained closed, his body limp. “Someone get a medic now!” he shouted and a few team members started to run to the medical center to get help.
“Oh my god, Seb!” Charles gasped, his hand over his mouth when he noticed Seb on the ground. More and more people started to gather around them. Kimi didn't like it. It wasn't a show for the people, it was a serious thing.
“Everyone that's not a member of the team or the FIA go away now!” Kimi ordered with a serious look on his face. “He needs space!”
Kimi then looked at Charles. “Help me take his helmet off.”
Charles nodded and kneeled down to help. Charles held the helmet stable while Kimi unbuckled the strap. “Now slowly take it off.”
When the helmet was off of Seb's head, they put him in recovery position. He was breathing and he had a pulse, which was a good sign. “Where's the medic for fuck's sake?” shouted Kimi when he still couldn't see any medical personnel near them. Kimi started to lose his patience. Where the fuck are they? Shouldn't they be nearly everywhere on the track? This is not a fucking joke. His teammate is unconscious and all the people were just watching instead of doing something to get a medic there.
“I'm gonna carry him,” Kimi said firmly. Charles' eyes opened wide and he shook his head.
“No, please don't. We don't know how bad...”
“That's why we can't wait, Charles! I need to get him to the medical center. Help me or go away.”
“I– I'll help you,” Charles nodded, helping Kimi to pick Seb up. Once Seb was in Kimi's hands in the bridal position, head resting on Kimi's shoulder, they were ready to go.
“Clear the way, Charles.”
Charles nodded and went ahead to make room for Kimi all the way to the medical center. He didn't have to do much, fortunately, the people immediately step away to make room for them, wishing Seb to get well soon as they saw him trying to open his eyes and speak a few incoherent words.
“He's severely dehydrated,” the doctor told Kimi after examining Seb. “We're going to give him some fluids and electrolytes, that should help. He's going to be all right in a few hours but he needs to rest after the treatment.”
“I'm gonna take care of that, doctor,” Kimi nodded. “Thank you.”
“The IV is in, it'll take about an hour for his body to process the fluid. I'll come back and check on him a few times.”
“Thank you. I'm gonna stay here until he's okay again.”
The doctor nodded and left the room.
After they were left alone, Kimi reached out to hold Seb's hand. He tried to be as gentle as he can not to hurt him. Kimi knew how much Seb hated needles and wanted to make having an IV a bit better. He'll maybe even massage Seb's hand later to make him feel better.
Kimi was scared. He would never admit it but he was scared. He knew it wasn't good if someone was unconscious for longer than a minute. Seb was conscious for a few seconds on the way there but that wasn't much and seeing him being unconscious again made Kimi worry. What if he has a head injury? The doctor said he doesn't show any head injury-related symptoms but still. They could never know for a hundred percent.
He looked at Seb's face and noticed how dull it was. There were dark circles under his eyes and his fine lines were more defined than usual. He clearly was looking sick. Was his drinking system not working? Or was he already sick and still decided to race? Kimi didn't know the answer.
He started to caress Seb's hand and like it was some kind of magic, as a reaction to it Seb started opening his eyes.
“Hi,” Kimi whispered, “Are you gonna stay now?”
“Yeah,” Seb smiled, “I'll try to. There's a needle in my hand, right?”
Kimi tried to hide the cannula from Seb but he of course could still feel it. Kimi didn't want him to stress about it. “Don't think about it. The doctor said it'll only take an hour and then we can go back to the hotel to rest. I'll be here with you and then I'll drive us back to the hotel.”
“Yeah?” asked Seb, smile growing wider on the thought of Kimi being there with him so he doesn't have to be alone and think about the needle in his hand and causing himself panic with it. “What about the race debrief?”
“They said we can do it tomorrow or when you're feeling better again. You're more important than the debrief. You scared everyone.”
Seb looked away. “I'm sorry.” He couldn't not look at his hand. He flinched at the sight of the IV cannula. “Do you—Do you still have those band-aids with the bees on them?” Seb asked shyly.
“Well...,” smirked Kimi, “There might be some left in my suitcase.” He didn't want to tell that after the first time he gave one to Seb after cutting his finger while cooking, Kimi bought three more packs of those bee-patterned kids' band-aids because Seb loved it and his happiness made Kimi happy too.
“Then... Can I—Can I have one after the IV?” Seb asked, not daring to look Kimi in the eye because he was scared Kimi would laugh at him for being scared of needles and small injuries and wanting kids' band-aids to feel better.
“Seb,” Kimi whispered while gently caressing Sebastian's cheek, “Look at me, please,” he asked in that tone Seb really really loves and can't say no to it because Kimi only uses it with him.
So Seb looked at him.
“You can always have the bee band-aids. They make the pain go away and that's what's the most important. Right?”
Seb nodded. “Thank you,” he whispered and then moved Kimi's hand from his face to his lips and placed a soft kiss on it. His lips were a bit dry but it didn't matter. “Love you, Kimi.”
Kimi leaned over Seb and kissed his temple. “Don't ever scare me like this again.”
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ashes-writing-corner · 9 months
Guys I'm back with another update for Ghosts that We Knew! Finally Soap enters the story! Yes he's alive in this because screw Canon, it sucks and I've made my own!
Trigger warnings for Suicide, Suicide mention, discussion of organ transplant, and a bit of phone anxiety if you squint. Also possibly poorly translated Scottish Gaelic, I used Google Translate. It's supposed to mean "No Fucking Way".
Taglist: @stargatenovus
On to the update!
Ghosts That We Knew
Part 10- Soap
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Christmas was a time of giving, and not just gift giving. It was a giving of time, charity, and unconditional love. So you were left with a question: what in the world does one give a ghost for Christmas?
There were so many different possibilities. He could want to live again, if only for a day. But unfortunately that wasn't a gift you were capable of giving. He could ask for nothing, but in your mind that wouldn't have been fair. So…what to do?
Well, ever since Ghost had brought up the name John MacTavish, you had been on a hunt for the man. Scouring the internet through countless people with the same name. You left messages for some, had to call a few others, which was incredibly jarring. You were antisocial enough. This was very much uncomfortable to you. But there was a strange mix of annoyance and relief when no one either knew what you were talking about or turned down your requests to message. You felt like a mad person trying to hunt this man down.
All of this for a dead man, and it felt like you were just wasting your time. With only a few days left before Christmas, you had no way of knowing where to find this guy your ghost seemed to know.
Until finally, someone answered your request to talk…
You had typed to the man, asking if he was John “Soap” MacTavish a few days prior, but it seemed he was only just now getting back to it.
The message was read and one was sent back. “What's left of him…who is this? How do you know my call sign?”.
When you had a slow moment at the Cafe, you were quick to introduce yourself. “HI! Thank goodness, I finally found you! My name is Y/N L/N. I know you don't know me and this is a very weird situation. But…I have a ghost haunting my apartment and I think he knows you. He's been asking after you!”.
With held breath you waited for a reply. Those three damn little dots were the bane of your existence as the man was typing a response.
“My call sign is supposed to be classified. How do you know about it?”.
Really? That's what he was worried about? You supposed it made sense though to an extent…
“Look, I know it's strange. But seriously the ghost haunting my apartment told me. Then he mentioned your name and I had to track you down. Maybe you guys knew each other at some point. I don't know. He's not been too keen on the details”.
A long pause before those damn dots appeared. Your heart hammered in your chest as you waited for an answer. An answer didn't come but instead, you landed yourself a video chat request.
Oh shit…
This was about to either go great or really, really bad. But for Ghost…you had to do it. You answered the chat, only to see who was, arguably, the most handsome man you'd seen in a long time. His dark brown hair was in a ridiculous Mohawk style, but it seemed to suit him well. He had concerned but kind eyes. You didn't fail to notice the scar on his chin, despite it being almost covered by a short well kept beard. He seemed surprised to see you too.
“Um…hi!” You gave a shy but pleasant wave, “I wasn't expecting this but-”.
“You said there's a ghost hauntin’ yer place?” He had a very nice Scottish accent that was frankly making you feel things you hadn't in a while…
You ignored it and gave a nod. “Yeah. He's been asking after you”.
“Has he shown himself? You know what he looks like?”.
“Only a few times. He's tall, skull faced…I've never seen-”.
“Holy shit, that's him. Ya got the LT hauntin’ ya. That's either a very good thing or a very bad thing. There was never an in between with ‘im”.
“So you did know him?!”.
“Sure did. We worked together, on a task force together. What I don't get is why he'd be askin’ after me…” there was a sadness in his face and tone, “it was my fault what happened”.
“I…doubt he feels that way. I think he's been wanting to see you again. He's mentioned you like twice at this point”.
“Where you at, sweetheart?” He asked and again he made you feel butterflies.
“I um…I moved here to Manchester a few years ago after my partner was killed in action. I just…needed to get away from it all. And I thought a change in scenery would help my daughter too. Things got a bit weird after I had a medical incident some time ago and he's been on again-off again haunting us since my surgery”.
“He was from there. You may have accidentally ended in his old flat” Soap replied, raising a brow in interest.
“Yeah it was his. He doesn't talk about it very often-”.
“Does he actually talk? Like…to you?”.
“Yeah! We communicate through an app on my phone! It keeps a record of everything up to about six months!” You grabbed your phone to show him the messages, scrolling to where he was mentioned.
He saw the messages and blinked in surprise. “Jesus…well…if you're worried he's gonna hurt your kid, he won't. If I know Simon-”.
“That's his name?! I'm sorry he just never told me”.
Soap nodded. “Simon Riley. His call sign was Ghost. Apparently he's still goin’ by it. Damn that's not surprising any…”.
“Simon Riley…” the name seemed to roll off your tongue perfectly.
It sounded oddly familiar. Like you should've known that was his name, and now that you knew it felt so damn obvious. Simon Riley…so familiar and yet so far away…
“What…what happened to him?” You asked, genuinely curious.
He looked hesitant for a moment, as a look of guilt and shame seemed to hit him. “Suicide. Physically Simon was at his peak, but mentally he wasn't doing very well. He had it very rough, even before becomin’ a soldier. He came from an abusive home, his family all dead…it all just took a toll. He couldn't handle it. I was the one who reported him the first time he tried. We didn't speak after that. He was pissed at me and I just…kinda left ‘im to it. Thought I did the right thing, but gettin’ ‘im kicked out didn't solve shit”.
You blinked. “It…wasn't his first try wasn't it?”.
Soap shook his head. “First time I caught him and reported it. Thought I did the right thing. I didn't expect them to discharge him. I kept tryin’ ta reach out but I didn't hear anythin’ from him. Second time, he was in a coma. That's when I was there. I tried so hard…I wanted to get ‘im back…tell ‘im I was sorry about all the mess. Even if he hated me he would've known…” he paused, those eyes of his watering, “me and the guys…we all tried. We didn't know just how messed up he was. Gaz got him to talk a few times but he outright refused to talk to me or the captain”
“Hey…” you said in a comforting tone, “what happened wasn't your fault. As you said he was troubled. And maybe that's why he's reaching out now. Maybe…maybe seeing you again can help him move on. Not that I don't appreciate his company. I do. A lot. But…he deserves to rest. Maybe we can help him and you also get some closure”.
Soap nodded looking thoughtful. “I'll see about talking to the guys and maybe we'll make our way over. Never thought I'd get a chance but…we all got a lot to say i'm sure. And if he's askin’ after me, well, it's only a matter of time before he starts asking for the others”.
“I don't think he's mad at you. He never talks bad about you. Or anyone else for that matter. Really he just talks bad about himself”.
“He shouldn't. He was a hero…in a way. In life and in death”.
“Yeah, he was an organ donor. We all are in 141st. Not a requirement but highly recommended. He gave blood regularly. Kept himself in shape. He wanted his donors to get the best they could get. His mind might not have been the best but he wanted to make sure the rest of him was”.
You blinked. “I…I suppose I shouldn't be surprised” you paused a moment, “how long ago did he die?”.
“About two years ago. Why? It was roughly around Halloween two years back. I um…wasn't at my best at that time. I actually-”.
“What hospital?” You asked.
It was beginning to click in your head. No way, this had to be some kind of crazy coincidence. There was no way.
It couldn't be…
Could it?
“I can't remember the name off the top of my head. The captain would know. I'll contact Price and see if he knows-”.
“Was it the royal infirmary?” You asked, trembling.
“I think so…why? You okay?”.
You blinked. “I um…I had a medical procedure done a few years ago. You mentioned he was an organ donor?”.
Soap blinked. “Think ya got somethin’ from ‘im?”.
“I…I think I did. But I don't know. I never looked up my donor”.
“What'd ya get? Liver? Pancreas?”.
You lowered your shirt a little so he could see the top of the scar on your chest. Soap went wide eyed.
“Holy shit…gun dóigh air choireigin…” he somehow managed to pick his jaw off the floor, “okay that settles it, I need to meet you. Listen, I need you to find out the truth though. I need you to find out about your donor because this is really fucking insane…”.
“You think he was my donor?”.
Soap looked at you with a serious expression. “I think he was. But it's best that you get confirmation. This is meta as all hell…”
“You're um…you're telling me. You actually want to meet me?”.
“I do. And so do the guys I think. We were all there that night. I think they'd all be very interested in meeting you. Please…I know it's crazy but if you could find out your donor…please do. He didn't have any family so you're actually entitled to that information. And if I recall correctly, he may have left a little somethin’ for you”.
“For me?”
“He wrote notes, letters for his donors in case if he was KIA or somethin’. This definitely counts. I'll talk to the guys and we'll be in touch, alright?”.
You nodded, unable to speak. This was insanity. Who would've thought a haunting would connect you to so many people?
“Alright. I guess I'll see you soon then? I think it's best we meet outside the apartment first. I can give you the address to my Cafe if that's okay?”.
“Yeah that's perfect! You…stay safe. Don't tell him we're coming alright?”.
“Wasn't planning to. This was supposed to be a Christmas thing anyway”.
Soap nodded. “Got it! Thank you! Seriously thank you for reachin’ out. We'll be in touch! I'll see you in a few days!”.
You ended the call and were left speechless. There was no way. Ghost…Simon…he couldn't be your donor…
Could he?
Hey guys if you like this story please feel free to like, comment, and please reblog! If you want feel free to follow as well ^^ I write both fanfiction and original works ^^ thanks for reading and I'll see you in the next one!
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mirrortouchedsea · 1 year
Everyone tells me to just stay the same (but it's not like that)
Word count: 1640
Summary: Hinata finally decides to tell Rinne about his past at Yumenosaki. CW for Setsubun mentions, identity issues, and mentions of abuse
Read on AO3
Hinata isn’t entirely sure what compels him to send a message to the leader of Crazy:B. Rinne Amagi had a habit of doting on him and treating him like another younger brother, which he knew Yuta wasn’t a big fan of. Yuta would often call Rinne a bad influence on Hinata, but Rinne was also one of the only people who treated him like a normal kid. 
It was kind of addicting in a way. It wasn’t just Rinne who had treated him like that either. The rest of Crazy:B had taken him in as one of their juniors (despite the fact that Kohaku was younger than Hinata) and Alkaloid, or at least Hiiro, had taken a liking to him as well. He treasured those nights that he spent with Niki and Hiiro playing video games and snacking on homemade sweets late into the night. 
Maybe it shouldn’t have been surprising that the first person he texted was Rinne on the anniversary of Setsubun. It had only been a year and yet it felt so much longer than that. He was grateful that the year since then had been filled with smiles and warmth, much more than years previous had been. The Amagi brothers were partially responsible for that change in his life. 
Rinne responded quickly and asked if he’s alright since he doesn’t normally send cryptic messages like this in the middle of the day. He said he’ll be there in 15 minutes after debriefing with his unit. 
Hinata didn’t bother replying to that, instead opting to just tell Rinne everything when he gets to the rooftop garden with him. He needed to figure out exactly what he wanted to tell Rinne anyway. It’s not in the older man’s nature to judge people based on things they can’t control, and he would understand a lot of Hinata’s own problems…probably. Rinne also wasn’t fond of showing weakness in front of other people. 
Hinata sat at the edge of the garden, towards the back. Being so high up reminded him of that day, but this was almost cathartic in a way. He was in a better place now, with people who didn’t know about that incident at all and cared for him as his own person. As much as he knew Yuta didn’t like the nickname Rinne gave him, it was a comfort for Hinata. 
Hina, such a simple nickname and yet it was a breath of fresh air, a new start, and here he was about to change everything. He just hoped that Rinne wouldn’t change how he talked with Hinata afterwards. 
Hinata was dangling his feet over the edge, looking down at the bustling street below when Rinne finally sat beside him. 
“What’s up, Hina? Somethin’ on your mind?” Rinne’s voice was gentle today, soft and even. Such a strange contrast to the Rinne most people knew. 
“Mmm, you could say that,” he replied, not looking at the older man. “Rinne, have you ever felt like…people don’t see you for you?” 
Rinne chuckled. “Every damn day Hina. Even back home…” he trailed off. Hinata knew not to push that topic. 
The two of them were like peas in a pod in that sense. 
Hinata laughed too. “Yeah, I knew you’d get it.” 
They sat in silence for a few minutes, Rinne waiting patiently for Hinata to keep going and Hinata searching for the words to say. But just having someone else there helped keep him from spiraling too much. 
“I just…feel like people wouldn’t miss me if I was gone, because they see me and Yuta-kun as the same person. It hurts a lot but I don’t know what to do about it because…I feel the same way. Like Yuta-kun and I are one person in two, but that’s not true anymore. I try to keep telling myself that we’re different but it’s hard to change how you think when it’s all you’ve ever known.  
Yuta-kun has so many friends and is always laughing and smiling with them and I want to be like that too, but after ah…” 
“After what, Hina?” 
“After Setsubun fes, people started treating me like I would break at any moment. I’m not grandma’s fine china or anything that will break if you handle it too roughly! But everyone at Yumenosaki can’t seem to get past that video.” 
Hinata still couldn’t look at Rinne, but he knew Rinne was confused. He hadn’t known about Setsubun at all. Of course he hadn’t, he didn’t go to school with them and was much too old to have been there at the same time as Hinata even if he had. It’s why he was drawn to him in the first place, along with his roommates, Niki and Hiiro. 
“Ah, sorry. You don’t have any idea what I’m talking about, do you?” 
“Not a clue.” 
“Long story short, I had a mental breakdown on the roof of the school last year and…it was filmed and everyone at the school saw it. It’s not like I had much of a choice in the distribution either, so everyone was just watching me like I wasn’t a real person.” 
Rinne moved a hand to Hinata’s back and began rubbing gentle circles between his shoulder blades. There were damp spots on Hinata’s cheeks. He rubbed his eyes with his hands balled up in fists. Why did his lowest moment have to be broadcast to everyone he knew? Why was it made to seem like a spectacle for people to watch and not do anything to help? Even after his monologue to his brother making it clear that he didn’t want to be treated like the same person anymore and not knowing how to distinguish himself without just moving into the background, nobody offered him help. 
He was drowning in the unknown and it took the creation of ES and Crazy:B for him to find a lighthouse to guide him to somewhere safe. Even when Crazy:B was against the entire world, hated by everyone, Rinne and the other members never once hurt 2wink. After their collaboration at the nightclub Rinne had taken a liking to Hinata. He was there for him to lean on when he wasn’t sure about the direction of his unit or how to be a big brother or a good senior to the new first years or just how to navigate life. 
At some point, Rinne had pulled Hinata into a side hug and just let him cry into his side. Hinata leaned into the touch and allowed himself to let it all out. 
Rinne’s hugs were always warm. 
It took several minutes of crying before Hinata ran out of tears. His sobs turned to sniffles and he pulled his legs to his chest. 
“You didn’t deserve any of that, Hina.” Rinne’s voice was serious, but not cold. It was a warm honey-sweetened tea on a rainy day. 
Another stretch of silence. Hinata’s head was spinning and numb and full of cotton. 
“But…I know how it feels. When I was younger, I had to keep my emotions in check, especially in front of other people. Any sign of weakness was always punished by my father. ‘A good leader doesn’t cry’ he would tell me. 
When my mom died, I was…eight or nine. I couldn’t cry at her funeral and when we returned home I just couldn’t hold it in anymore. I’ll spare you the details but he punished me severely. I never wanted Hiiro-kun to see me like that again and I made myself stop feeling. It felt like I was just there to be the next leader of the village, never allowed to be myself. 
What I’m tryin’ to say here is that I get it. I know how it feels for people to try and put you in a box that doesn’t fit, and how they treat you when you finally break. It’s okay to be frustrated and angry that it happened, but you can’t let it consume you. Show the world that Hinata Aoi is his own person, that you aren’t just that video and that you’re here to stay.” 
Hinata sniffled and leaned more into Rinne’s touch. 
“Thanks, Rinne-senpai. It means a lot, heh. I guess we all have our own burdens to carry.” 
“Yeah. Life is about learning to carry them and not let them drag you down. If it gets too heavy, I’ll be there to pick you back up and carry it for you.” 
“You don’t have to go that far, Rinne-senpai. How will I learn to carry my burdens if you take them for yourself? Wouldn’t that just make it heavier on you?” 
“I’ll take on everyone’s burdens if it means they get to smile just for one moment. I’ll fight fate itself if that’s what it takes.” 
“I’m not sure why, but I believe that you would find a way to do that, even though most people would say it’s impossible.” 
“Thanks for believing in me, Hina.” 
Hinata laughed, Rinne lightened the mood just enough that he felt like everything was at peace for the moment. His cheeks were stained with tears and his eyes would be puffy and red when he returned to the dorm, but at least he’d be smiling. 
Even if the world was against them, Hinata could count on Rinne at least being in their corner no matter what. Rinne was a lighthouse to people like Hinata, a steady light in the rocky ocean saying that someone is there, watching out for you. 
Despite the front that he put up and how he had a bad habit of pushing people away, Rinne was always there when it mattered. 
Hinata fell asleep curled up on the rooftop as Rinne hummed a gentle melody from his hometown. And everything was right with the world. 
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consolecadet · 1 year
I was really not prepared to participate in an art show! I didn't have a bad time, I just had no idea what to expect, and also should have worn much more comfortable shoes.
I got there right on time for the members-only hour, earlier than almost anyone else. They gave me a name tag with a photo of my painting printed in the background. While it was still quiet, multiple members of the art org's staff pulled me aside to introduce themselves and...tell me what they thought of my painting, basically? Got some comments like "A lot of us really liked it" (great), "It might make some people uncomfortable, but it's memorable and intense and that's what makes art valuable" (thanks), "I know it's trite to say this but it is very visceral" (yeah!), and "the teens were in here the other day to judge the youth committee prize and you got a lot of sticky notes next to yours" (cool). I was mostly kind of uncomfortable, but I can see how this sort of thing could quickly become a person's personal cocaine.
An upbeat local media producer with deep mauve eye bags interviewed me and the artist whose painting was next to mine (she had painted a beautiful, slightly abstracted forest landscape of Falmouth, Maine). This was the part I was really unprepared for! Fortunately I've had to explain the painting to people a few times, since I worked on it during Open Hacks around other people...but this was a much artier crowd, and despite technically knowing how, I really don't want to talk about it like "I'm juxtaposing familiar objects with a transgressive concept to blah blah blah etc". He was like "man, my insurance won't approve shit, we gotta nationalize healthcare" which, so right.
The gallery quickly got extremely crowded and, because the sun was blasting in through the enormous picture windows, extremely hot. I wandered around looking at everything. My favorite works were "All Bagged Up", a 3d wall piece of pink expanding foam with bags of candy and toys tacked to it, "Self-Discipline #23", a pair of charcoal self-portraits of the artist wearing a bondage mask, and "Resilience", an mixed media painting with mesmerizing swirls of green and blue iridescent paint.
I had to take some daily meds at 6 and -- I swear this was not on purpose -- spilled all the fucking pills from my pill-shaped pill case onto the floor. On brand, I guess?
KC came partway through and brought me a big bundle of sweet-smelling lilacs from his workplace's backyard. <3
I met someone who recognized me from a FB group I'm in for fat people in the Boston area. She'd painted a self-portrait of her squeezing her waist extremely tightly with a leather belt. She asked to hang out (!) and followed me on Instagram. I followed her back. She has 25k followers and I'm a little intimidated.
Several people found me to say they found my painting relatable, which was nice. One woman told me about her chronic pain and told me, sounding a bit constricted in her throat, that she wished more people would talk about and make art about this stuff. I am really used to people oversharing about very personal topics in the tags on my posts, but it's another thing entirely to experience someone's response to your thoughts or art IRL. Unlike Tumblr, though, nobody said anything unkind to my face!
My feet got so sore. I was so sweaty. I got an honorable mention from the Youth Committee of tweens and teens. Fat positive belt lady got the Youth Committee prize. We...hugged about it?
I felt somewhat out of my depth -- some of the artists priced a lot higher than I would be comfortable charging, some of the art was much more technically advanced than mine, and some of the artists' statements were much more, uh, Art School. I feel I did not schmooze very effectively. But I would try doing this again!
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amazing-aria27 · 3 months
a timeline of you
on valentine’s day, you have me chocolate. i almost wanted to cry because no boy had ever done that for me. i forgot the fact that i thought you were gross and the fact that i hated most of your friends. i was just so happy that someone had unexpectedly cared for me. i wrote in my diary that night in all caps with exclamation marks. 
  “MY FIRST BOX OF CHOCOLATE FROM A BOY!!!” i had exclaimed. 
  people quickly started teasing us. no one expected you to come out of shell like that. they wondered what was going on between us; if i liked you back. they wrote our names with hearts on the whiteboards. they put our names as game usernames. they thought of whatever was going on as a joke.
  a few days after valentine’s day, we played a game in math. i didn’t play, but instead read with my book hidden behind my computer screen. when class was over, a girl came up to me and informed me that your username was, “i like aria.”
  i was in disbelief. 
  i was upset.
  i did not except that from you at all. you were the quiet, weird boy who sat next to me in math. you were the boy whom i had never heard speak. 
and then, there you were. 
  you made me feel objectified. i did not want my name to be up there on your username for everyone to see. i didn’t like you, but i had to go through the teasing you created. 
 the couple of months afterwards were relatively quiet. people still teased us. i slowly ate the chocolate you gave me. i saved the box and put it in my closet. i saved the wrapper for my scrapbook. i discretely defended you when my friends made fun of you at first.
  eventually, i think i just surrendered. i would never like you. i would never date you. i still felt bad for you. i knew how it felt to like someone who didn’t like you back. but, i stopped defending you in front of my friends. i joked about you behind your back. 
  one friday afternoon during dismissal, i felt a tap on my shoulder while i was laughing with my friends. before i even turned around, i somehow knew it was you. i knew you were going to ask for my number or ask me out or something. 
  i slowly turned around, and, of course, there you were. my eyes traveled down to your notebook and i read your messy block letters.
  in a moment of panic, i said, “oh, yeah!!” 
  you handed me your pencil with wide eyes and i wrote my phone number on the page of your notebook.
  once again, you said nothing, but turned and walked away. you sat back down next to my crush-who's also your best friend-and showed him the notebook. y’all cheered and fist bumped. i felt so out of control.
  when i got home, you texted me. you called me cute. my sister and i laughed and laughed about how cringey our one-sided conversation was. 
  you asked me to some party, and i came up with a random excuse. i couldn’t imagine hanging out with you out of school. what would we even talk about?
  the next day, my best friend and i prank called you. that was when i saw the true side of you. no longer were you just some innocent boy who had a crush on me. now you were a boy who frequently cussed, who got very angry, who threatened to sh**t people’s heads off. 
  i felt very scared.
  at school, you still never talked to me. we would text occasionally, but that was it. 
  a week or two after you got my number, my sister and i created a fake person whom we named “hannah”. she thought you were cute. she called you. she insulted me. she asked you questions about me, and your responses were very kind.
  she encouraged you to ask me out. we made her do this so that i had a chance to stop accidentally leading you on. anyway, you agreed, and a few seconds later i got a text from you. we made small talk for a minute, before you asked me who i liked. i knew that i would never ever tell you that i had a huge crush on your best friend. instead, i told you that i didn’t like to tell people who i liked. you were nice because you didn’t try to push it. you just accepted that i wasn’t ready to share.
  you asked me if i knew that you liked me. i told you that, yes, i knew. but that i liked you as a friend. 
  truth is, i didn’t even like you as that. 
  i thought that once i tuned you down, you would stop texting me. but i was wrong. you sent me pictures of myself that you found on social media and called me good-looking. i was kind of creeped out.
  one of the last days of school, we played truth or dare in the back of english class while our bored teacher played some movie. you sat down right next to me. when more people joined, we were so close that our arms touched. 
  of course, people kept asking us truth questions. i felt so uncomfortable. eventually, i moved across the circle to sit with my best friend instead. i thought that if i moved, people might forget that i existed. i was wrong. 
  then, it was the second-to last day of school. field day. i played tug of war, and you sat below my friends on the big hill. they told me afterwards that they could see you recording me. you were zoomed in and everything. 
  “this is the last straw,” they said, “you finally need to block him. he’s a creep!!”
  and yet, i didn’t block you. for some reason i wanted to give you one more chance to redeem yourself.
  the next day (the last day of school), my friends and i moved about a teacher's classroom, helping him with different tasks. you sat in the corner of the room with your phone facing us. i was starting to notice how your camera followed me across the room, when my friend came up and told me she saw the same thing. we told my other two friends who were with us. 
  that was really the last straw.
  i did not want to give you anymore chances.
  we hustled to our grade's principal's office, just minutes before summer officially started. we told her everything and i watched as her expression grew more and more worried with every word i spoke. she asked the teacher to send you in a few more minutes. she consoled me. she asked me if i needed help blocking you. asked if i wanted her to talk to my parents. i told her no, that i could do everything myself. i thanked her relentlessly. 
  the bell finally rung, and i escaped into the late may heat. i blocked you. i did not look back at the school i wouldn’t see again until august.
  a day or two later, i unblocked you. i was not going to respond to any possible texts, i just wanted to see if you would say anything.
  over the course of the next few days, you sent many texts saying “sorry.” 
  that made me even angrier. i had no idea how you could send a girl pictures of herself that she definitely didn’t ask for, RECORD her, and then expect everything to be okay with a single-word text at one a.m. 
  at one point you texted, “i don’t like you anymore. and also sorry. i’ve wanted to tell you two or three weeks.”
  i responded with a thumbs up emoji. you said, “btw i didn’t record you.”
  i did not believe you but i said okay and we said goodbye.
  at my birthday party a couple weeks ago, my friends and i prank called you. we used fake voices and joked and laughed for thirty minutes at a time. you eventually said that you never recorded me. first, you were just recording the tug of war game as whole. and then you were playing a game on your phone with your back against the wall. 
  i started to believe that i was in the wrong. what if you never even recorded me? what kind of person was i to assume that as soon as i got the chance?
the next morning, you told “hannah” that you liked her. y’all exchanged pleasantries, and you told her you loved her. i still cannot believe how quickly you move on.
  and then you texted me on my birthday. 
  i had treated you horribly all year long. i led you on, and then told you i liked you as a friend. i jumped to the conclusion that you were recording me when i wasn’t even fully sure. i blocked you. i unblocked you and then responded very dryly. i had treated you like that, and then you freaking texted me happy birthday. i feel like a horrible person.
  i’m writing this to say that i’m sorry. i still don’t know if you recorded me or not, but i really would like to think that you didn’t. i feel horrible. i know that i’ll never even work up the courage to tell you i’m sorry, so i’m just writing this on tumblr at 8 p.m on a random wednesday night this summer. i wish i could tell you i’m sorry. i don’t fully know why i won’t. 
  i hope you have a great life. i hope you go to a good college and have good friends. i hope you graduate and get a solid job and live a happy life. i will never forget how i’ve acted towards you and i will not forget your subtle kindness. 
  once again, i’m so so sorry.
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boqvistsbabe · 2 years
Different Skates: Cale AU - Pt 1
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A/N: Hey guys!! Here’s a series I’m starting. I haven’t done an actual series before so hopefully y’all like it. Also as of now I don’t have a title so if you have any ideas lmk!! Also this is going to be set in December/ around Christmas!!
Thanks to my irl friend that peer pressured me I to actually writing and @savoies for helping me figure stuff out 💜💜
Thanks to @typical-simplelove for the name idea!!
Warnings: Some swear words, also uses she/her pronouns. I don’t think there is any in this chapter but it will in the future.
Word Count: 1,627
Also note this is unedited 💀
Next part
You hated hockey players. Okay maybe not hate, but strongly disliked them. Except for your brother Charlie, he’s okay. No one else. Actually you take that back, girl hockey players are fine but not the guys. Nope, not gonna happen. Well not gonna happen again. Yeah, bad idea. It’s the same story everyone hears about hockey boys: you knew they were bad news but you could hang with your brother’s teammates because not a chance they’d ever want to date you and vice versa. Until Gabe came along. He was different and nice and not a jerk like the other guys on the team. So you gave him a chance. It was a great few months of cheering for him at games and rituals before said games and date nights that felt like a dream. Then you found out about Sarah. Sarah was his other girlfriend. You met her at an away game that you surprised him at. Almost the whole team knew. Charlie and two of his buddies were the only ones who didn’t. So yeah hockey boys suck.
Flashforward to the present. Cale -the new guy- is next to Charlie, hand out to shake yours. Practice had just gotten over. You were a figure skater so between that and Charlie being on the team, you practically lived at the rink. It also helped that you worked there too. There was a local restaurant inside the rink that you worked at along with being a social media person for the hockey teams that practiced there. Yeah disliking hockey players and being a videographer for them at the same time didn’t make sense, but it paid well. Anyways Cale was essentially the replacement for Gabe. Cause he moved to the team that was located closer to Sarah. Which totally didn’t bother you at all, no matter what your mom may think. Supposedly Cale was a stand up guy and an amazing defenseman. You couldn’t care less, so why Charlie decided to have you both meet didn’t make sense.
“Hellooo? Earth to Y/N?” Charlie was getting impatient, “this is Cale, he’s new to the team.”
“Yeah, heard that the first time when he said it and I remember it from when you were gushing about “the new awesome defenseman that the team is getting” it is legit seven in the morning so you’ll have to forgive me if I’m a little unresponsive.” You snarked back.
“Don’t get snappy with me you nerd. Coach wanted you to meet him cause when you media things and whatnot however that stuff works. Also he introduced himself so the proper response is?”
“Yeah yeah whatever. Hi Cale I’m Y/N, I work here at the rink restaurant, I do videography, and I’m a figure skater here. Before you complain like all the others, no I don’t make holes in the ice just to annoy you guys. If I do make a hole in the ice I fill them and if I happen to miss one it’s an accident so don't go complaining to my coach so I get in trouble. It doesn’t work like that here. I’m sure you’re probably a perfectly nice guy and whatever, but I’m not here to be your friend. Sometimes I’ll hang out with you guys, but mostly I’m only around here to do my job. Speaking of my job, if I ask you to do something for content or anything, don't complain. I’m not gonna ask you to do anything crazy so you’ll be fine. Just remember I’m doing my job, not trying to make you miserable. Sorry if that’s a lot for your probably mouse sized brain to comprehend but get used to it. I’ve got to go work, but it was nice to meet you I guess.” You said the last part while putting on your blade guards before walking in the direction of the locker room.
Cale POV
“Uh she’s intense.” There was no other way he could describe you. Except maybe aggressive, but that seemed a little much.
“Yeah she doesn’t really like hockey players. Don’t take it or anything she says personally, she’s had a bad experience with one guy. The guy you replaced actually.” Gabe responded.
“What do you mean by that? If you don’t mind my asking.”
“He was new and different, pretended to be someone he wasn’t. Cheated on her and the whole team except John, Tyson, and I knew. So yeah she’s not super close with the team anymore. Also as a figure skater getting harassed by hockey players her whole life she wasn’t too fond of us in the first place.”
“Ahh okay. That sucks a lot.”
“Yeah, she’s over the whole cheater thing but she definitely agrees with the douchebag stereotype for us. Anyways we gotta get to practice.
“Yeah.” Cale’s mind was on anything but practice. He wanted to be your friend. He agrees with the stereotype most of the time. There’s only a few exceptions obviously. But he thinks you and him could be great friends if you give him a chance.
Your POV
It had been a week since you first met Cale. There have been a few interactions since then because of introductions on the socials for him, but other than that no more conversations. You were glad he seemed to have respected your boundaries, that was much appreciated.
You had just gotten done with your shift at the restaurant and it was nine o’clock. The day started with a six o’clock practice then some editing while eating breakfast, then some practice pictures of the guys and a few TikToks of the guys, ending with a seven hour shift at the restaurant. Walking out of the break room, you grabbed your duffel and fished your car keys out of the outside pocket.
The stars were really out tonight. That was one of the perks of where the rink was located. On the edge of town and away from all the bright, crazy lights. Perfect for stargazing. Unlocking your car, you threw your bag in the seat next to you before putting the key in the ignition and turning it. And nothing. Not even a little sputter. Of fucking course. You dropped your head to the steering wheel. Charlie was in the next town over with your parents helping your grandparents pack to move. None of them could come get you. Shit shit shit. Today of all days. Of course on the day you had been running all day and just wanted to relax before having to study and edit all of the next day. You popped the hood and got out of the car. After checking the oil and transmission fluid and finding nothing wrong there you were racking your brain for what it was this time. This car was a hand me down and had issues in the past, but you had just got it back from the shop. You were pissed. The shop you went to was a new one because the one you usually went to moved. The new shop was definitely getting a call in the morning. Closing the hood and wiping your hands on your leggings you turned to get back in your car when you saw Cale.
“Hey, uh I don’t mean to bother you but it looks like you’re having some car trouble, do you have anyone you can call? I can wait with you while you do. It’s late and it would feel wrong to leave you here without knowing you can make it home.” He said.
“Yeah I don’t have anyone to call, my family is in the next town over and all my friends don’t have cars so I don’t really have anyone to call. I figured I would walk home and get it towed in the morning, I don’t live that far.” You shrugged, not like you haven’t walked home by yourself before. Not the safest thing but you gotta do what you gotta do.
“I could give you a ride. Home I mean,” you could’ve sworn you saw the redness on his face, “I haven’t lived here long but I assume it’s like everywhere else in the world, not the safest place for anyone, especially a girl to walk alone, especially at night. Also that came out super high handed so I apologize. But please let me take you home.”
You thought about it. The pros outweigh the cons here. It had been a long day and you were tired, plus he wasn’t wrong about the fact that it wasn’t safe, “Yeah that would be great thanks. Let me just grab my stuff.”
He nodded and you got your stuff before locking the car. While following him to his car you texted Charlie, he’d answer before your parents, and let him know what was going on.
“Uh this is my truck.” Cale stood there awkwardly while he waited for you to look up.
“Okay, I was just letting Charlie know what happened. Thanks again.”
“Yeah of course not an issue.” He nodded before opening your door before walking over to his side and hopping in.
The ride was in silence except for the radio playing softly in the background and you occasionally giving home directions.
“Sooo why were you at the rink so late?” You were over the silence, plus the less noise the more likely of you falling asleep which is the last thing you want.
“I was working on some drills. They do stuff a little differently from my last team so I’m just trying to get comfortable with it.”
“Fair enough. Are you liking it here? Also turn right at Walnut.”
He turned before he responded, “Yeah, I like the way stuff is run here. A lot more strict than my old team, but more efficient and with better results. The guys aren’t too bad, but I mostly hang with your brother and John and Tyson. Everyone else is kind of douchey. That was rude of me to say, please ignore that.”
“It’s the house all the way at the end on the left. And no you’re totally right. They’re assholes. What team did you come from?”
“I came from the Bulldogs a few towns over.” He responded as he pulled into the driveway.
“Ahh cool. Alright this is me. Thanks again for the ride. You’re not half bad. Don’t make me regret saying that and don’t let it get to your head. See you at Monday practice.”
“Night Y/N.” He called out his window as you walked away.
He didn’t leave until you shut the door behind you. What you said wasn’t a lie, he wasn’t like the other guys. Though you’ve been there before. He’d be a great friend though. Heading upstairs to get ready for bed you texted Charlie and asked him for Cale’s number to thank him before you passed out.
Thanks for the millionth time lol - Y/N
Pt 2
Thanks for reading this! I hope you liked it, I haven’t ever done a series so hopefully this goes okay.
Tagging some friends:
@2manytabsopen @ilyasorokinn @joshsandersons @krugstrash @jimmystrudel @sidneycrosbyhoe @andreburakozy @kolsmikaelson @typical-simplelove @rosesvioletshardy @laurenairay @lam-ila @josthours @fallinallincurls @stroopwaffle8 @boesersdrurys @heatherawoowoo @pierrelucduboiis @cinnamoncowboy @raysofcrosby @suffering-canucks-fan @three-headed-monster @1-800-iluvhockey
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“You make me feel safe.”
Those words escaped Dre’s mouth before he even had time to process what he even meant. He made a noise in confusion at that, soon feeling uneasy as he waited for Cala’s response.
Cala was in the middle of drawing in her sketchbook but she paused and looked up at him.
And smiled.
“Aw, well I’m glad to make you feel safe Dre.” She simply replied, that radiant smile never leaving.
He had no idea why, but she just felt pleasant to look at.
Like he could just stare at her and the itch of feeling like he’s forgetting something is just… gone.
She feels like a safety net.
He just nodded and she gave one more smile before she went back to drawing.
He stared at her for a few minutes, contemplating on what to say next before he floated behind her to see what she was sketching.
She was drawing a portrait of.. him. He almost looked startled at first as he saw the sketched version of himself, seeing the obscured face and the torn wings.
It felt like he was about to faint seeing that but, in a way he was also oddly calm.
“I know you don’t like looking at yourself in the mirror,” Cala began as she looked up at him, her smile softening as her eyes were soft with care,
“So I wanted to draw you to show you what you looked like.”
Dre paused, and a part of him still felt on edge. Like he was terrified of seeing how he looked.
It felt wrong seeing himself.
But when she was showing him it felt.. safer.
He stayed quiet and nodded, looming closer to her.
Cala stiffened slightly but let him, not minding that the green ichor was dripping onto her clothes or the paper.
He stayed quiet, admiring it for a minute before he spoke,
“…Do I make you feel safe?”
Cala blinked, almost surprised about his question before she pouted to think.
“…I mean. In a way, yeah. You’re scary looking and very foreboding, but that’s not a bad thing. I don’t judge by looks— and you ah, listen to me when I ramble a lot and you try to take care of me when I’m not doing my best so— I say yeah.”
She shrugged and soon laughed, a sheepish smile across her face as a blush formed,
“I think you’re a good person. You feel like a good person to me, so you feel safe.”
Dre felt his whole body heat up as green ichor practically dripped down heavily. Cala made a noise in surprise and he pulled away, shaking some as he stared.
He felt like a good person to her..?
Why did those words seem so foreign?
Like they felt new to hear.
He was expecting to be berated or her to be insulting but in reality she was nothing but kind.
This kindness felt so new but so… welcoming.
And terrifying.
He nodded wiping his face before his voice cracked,
He quickly disappeared, trying to figure out why he was feeling so scared by her saying those simple words.
And she was left alone, confused but worried about her ghost friend.
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