#but yeah i have nothing against stories where God is a good dude or it's ambiguous or w/e
gloriousmonsters · 2 years
just watched Amanda the Jedi's video about it and man, the cabin at the end of the world 🤝 horns: books that clearly state that if there is a God that causes horrible things to happen, it's the right thing to do to say fuck that God and his plans, which got movie adaptations that were like nooooo let's remove all of that God is fantastic actually ignore all the bad things
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weaselbeaselpants · 1 year
Legit Bad-take/Bad-Faith Helluvaverse critics you should not trust if you see them
Interpersonal squabbles within the critical tag are irrelevant, sorry. This here is a genuine warning against users you should keep your distance from in regards to any VivziePop drama-discourse because their names may come up and you should know what it is that crossed the line.
Starlatte/Starvader/HonestHazbinCritiques/OhGodDude and Woomycritiques/RaySquid - Serial harasser(s). Long story incoming. Starlatte was/is a Vivcritical who got involved in the fandom back in 2019/2020 when she was a minor and didn't tell anyone. Her blog on tumblr was HonestHazbinCritiques where she made some good points but also managed to find/be a part of everyone else's takes in the critical community. Her relationship with several criticalblogs turned sour when she started lashing out, talking over people, being accused of faking her age, and doing stuff like arguing with irl sexworkers abt how they should feel about Angel Dust. Whatever her age actually was at the time, she was also sending her own rewrite scripts and fanwritten episodes to Spindlehorse in order to 'fix' Hazbin. In 2021 Star returned to Tumblr under the name "Oh-God-Dude" w/o disclosing to new people who she was while also starting shit. When said new ppl found out her past and got mad at her, she proceeded to block-backtalk every one of them.
Woomycritiques (twitter handle: Raysquid) is a critical blogger who stans Star and calls everyone else in the critical community an obsessed stalker while lashing out herself. She accused others of racism (unfounded), her friends of predation just for being proship (not the 'cest and underage is good'-kind, the "I like some problematic stuff in fic-context"-kind), and heckled Dirgentlemen over how much they should hate Helluva, and more.
Regardless of if you believe Woomy and Star are the same person, which ppl do, they are both -by now- adult persons who have been asked to stop and DIDN'T, which is why people don't trust them. Star and Woom were asked to tone it down, stop making accusations and even asked by many criticals to leave and stop talking about Helluvaverse as she/they seem to have nothing good to say about it. To put that into perspective, cuz I know some HH/HB fans are gonna be reading this: the people who've self-styled themselves antis and criticals begged this person to leave cuz she had nothing nice to say and was being a nuisance. I know the stans think that's all of us anyway, so let that sink in.
LincarRox aka ToyTaker - Creep. Nasty jealous stalker freak who got kicked out of Helluvaverse servers and Aminos for saying nasty shit like how he "wants to put a baby" in Viv. No really. He took his shit and grievances to BadWebComics wiki under the name TheToyTaker while also seemingly trying to get work at Spindlehorse in order to have access to Viv directly and to 'fix' her show. He did so by faking his animation portfolio. BWW did eventually catch on and kick him out but yeah....bad. May or may not still be going under his old pseudonyms, but regardless if you see someone talking weirdly sexually abt Viv while saying they were "let go" both by SH and BWW, get out now. That's probably him.
Animation Call-Out - Bigoted shitlord. Twitter user who rags on Vivz' controversies w other people but also hates gays and BIPOCs. Admitted to submitting one of the anonymous reviews against Spindlehorse "for fun" amidst legitimate ex-employees. All of the reviews, even the ones that seem the most validating/believable should be taken with a grain of salt I believe especially since they are coming to us anonymously, but when a racist person admits to def being one of those fake reviews for "Lolz" sake, that's def when shit's hit the fan.
DoodleToons - Also bigoted creeperlooser. Altright white kid who hates BIPOC existing in anything and admits to hating Viv's stuff for their LGBTisms and 'demons'. Yes, there legit are bad-faith critics who are homophobic. Just because Viv and her crew have a way of saying that's EVERY critic of her work doesn't mean there aren't shitty people out there.
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pokemenlovingmen · 2 years
Hey there! I didn't see who you write for on your page, so I'll include a couple of characters in case you don't write for one of them.
Can you do a GN or Male!Reader x either Arven or N, please? Just some cuddles and quality time, because I am pretty sure that's what most of us crave!
Thank you!
-First Anon
Ohhh yeah I know what you mean, cuddly fluff is always what I crave! Hopefully people who come for my content have similar interests, lmao. :) I went with a male reader because yknow… these are some guys I have a man crush on.
But yeah!! Cuddles with dudes I have fictional crushes on!! Pokemon gave me a great gift in the form of two fruity dudes with long hair and familial issues who are my age.
cw: child neglect (given who these are about…)
Cuddling Headcanons with a Male Reader for Arven and N
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🥪 — Arven is hesitant with physical affection at first, just because he’s really not used to it. Like what do you mean… you want to put your arms around him because you love him?? Are you okay??
🥪 — Arven’s always been of the mind that acts of service are the only way to win the love of someone from previous experience, after all working so hard at school and home upkeep always earned praise from his mom/dad even if they weren’t there physically.
🥪 — Given you’re both guys, he’s also kinda shy about the relationship at first. Now, Paldea is one of the most queer-accepting regions you could be in, but it’s still, yknow. Not considered “normal”. People might stare, or say something. He’s no doubt in love with you but the potential negative attention scares the shit out of him.
🥪 — But when he does open up? God, he’s the biggest cuddlebug. He tried physical intimacy once and now he’s addicted.
🥪 — You can hold him, he can hold you, he doesn’t care, just being close is enough. If you’re shorter than him, he’ll usually rest his chin on your head and hum happily. If you’re taller than him, he’ll usually bury his face in your chest.
🥪 — Play with his hair and he’ll die a little bit. If you’re able to see his face, he’ll be wearing the biggest and dumbest smile the whole time. It’s best not to mix this with compliments because you WILL kill him.
🥪 — If you’re a weighted blanket enjoyer, you’ll never need one, because he can snap his fingers and suddenly there’s a massive weighted blanket with legs, a tail and a big furry face on top of you both.
🥪 — So as if you didn’t already have the pleasure of cuddling up to such a sweet guy, you also have his huge dog. Nights are never cold when you’re with these guys.
🥪 — He’s lowkey kind of a house husband of a boyfriend and he likes doing things like cooking meals for you, especially surprising you with breakfast, but that can be hard if you guys fell asleep cuddled up to each other. He doesn’t wanna climb out of this :(
🥪 — He’ll just kind of talk and ramble about nothing in particular while you guys snuggle if you let him. How his day was, how Mabosstiff is doing, compliments and things he loves about you, new recipes, funny stories, all that. Sort of comes to a point where even he doesn’t really know what he’s talking about, he’s just sort of talking to talk because he’s not too fond of dead silence.
🥪 — He’s yours, alright. Even if he was nervous about the relationship at first, Arven’s a happy, happy guy. And he’ll take any chance he gets to cuddle up to you.
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💚 — His relationship with touch is complicated. That and the whole concept of cuddling and just having someone’s weight against him.
💚 — I feel like sleeping at night he switches regularly between “literally the thinnest blanket is a constricting prison” to “this weighted blanket isn’t enough I need to be buried alive”
💚 — So you can only cuddle with him on touch-positive days, but N’s fallen into a good rhythm with you and is very communicative of where his boundaries are at at any given time.
💚 — Pokemon have no concept of sexuality, and no social constructs that dedicate one sexuality as more “acceptable” than the other, so neither does he. Not that he’s the biggest PDA person on earth, but he’s not at all nervous about you two openly being together. Yeah we gay, keep scrolling
💚 — If he’s in the mood for contact while you guys are out and about it’ll usually be while you’re sitting, he likes leaning against you and resting his head on your shoulder. I would say that would make the perfect date, taking him on the ferris wheel on a touch-positive day, but who am I kidding, he’d be too fascinated to rest with you then.
💚 — As one could guess by looking at him, he’s LIGHT. You could pick him up and sling him over your shoulder like a sack of potatoes, provided you are tall enough to support all his lankiness.
💚 — You can play with his hair if you want, he’ll undo his ponytail for you, but I can’t imagine it’s actually all that soft. Probably pretty coarse and tangled to be honest, given his upbringing, tending to his hair was never a prerogative. If you can’t stand it being a Rattata’s nest, though, he’ll rather contentedly let you brush it—through he might twitch or squirm a bit, just because the feeling of the brush going through his hair is NOT something he’s used to.
💚 — He spooks you from time to time on his touch-negative days, because you can roll over in bed at any given time and find him just. Staring at you. It’s a stare of pure love, but his eyes do have a kind of naturally vacant look that’s startling at first. Baby you have the haunting thousand-yard-stare of a possessed victorian child
💚 — When he is in the mood for cuddles, he really likes them at night before bed. Specifically right after you shower, because he loves the smell of your shampoo still lingering on your hair. It’s just so completely… you. And he loves that.
💚 — Fall asleep cuddling him and he will become a limp corpse though. An actual ragdoll. Don’t toss and turn too hard or you’ll break him. He’s fragile. And by that I mean if you roll over onto one of his arms he will be stuck there.
💚 — He’ll also chatter on endlessly if you let him, but unlike the sandwich man above, he can be a little harder to understand because he both talks super fast and lays out his words the same as he does his thoughts, which are hard for people other than him to understand. But he knows this, and he’s just happy that you listen, even if you don’t get all of it. And he’s happy to be able to talk, to be heard, to just… say things and not have them carry the weight of the world when he does. Normal conversation is a beautiful treat to him. Oftentimes he’ll talk himself right to sleep, but between being in your arms and getting to speak his mind on all these simple things, he sleeps really easy when he does drift off.
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SO. ON THE TOPIC OF LOSS OF AUTONOMY. i am having the analysis brainworms now i hope u dont mind me going off in ur inbox. hi :]
there is something to be said about how vash's name is used against him constantly. that loss of who he even is as a person. i think about this so much. his name, his very identity is taken away from him. just the mere mention of the name vash the stampede is enough to send an ENTIRE town into a panic. it happens so much and its DEVASTATING to me. hes been labelled a monster across the entire world, and people who stick by his side after hearing his name are few and far between. theres been so much fear tacked onto his name, so much so that OTHER outlaws have used it on multiple occasions to make themselves more powerful. using his name to commit crimes that the real vash would be horrified to even consider. power in names and all that.
vash even. leans into it himself at a certain point. in order to protect the people of augusta he runs through the city shooting bullets into the air and solidifying his image of a deranged killer in the pursuit of. saving everyone. the only way theyll listen to him is if they think hes going to kill them all. if theyre afraid of him. theres also the part in hang fire (? i think its that one) where hes walking through the halls of the sand steamer singing about killing people in order to scare the bandits into not hurting the hostages.
and then you think about. eriks. how lina and her grandma took him in and accepted them as part of his family. how the town around them accepted him only because they had no idea who he actually was. he was a good guy... up until they learned he was vash. and then we get the conversation between the two men in the bar talking about how they should chase him out of town, despite living around him and knowinf him and seeing how good he is for . two years.
but lina and her grandma still accept him after that. theyre one of the only people besides milly/meryl/wolfwood who genuinely love and care abt him despite his name. they still want to keep him safe, grandma asks wolfwood to protect him and keep him out of trouble, even after learning hes the legendary outlaw gunman. because shes seen the true vash ans doesnt let the name scare her.
aughhh im rambling now i probably should have made this into my own post but this makes me SO fuckign crazy dude . give me ur thoughts id love to hear them.
I. YEAH. YEAH. OH MY GOD. Like. nothing is his own anymore. His name is used against him, his face is plastered on wanted posters. There is nothing about himself that he can truly call his. Not even his Plant powers! Because those are used against him time and time again by Knives in EVERY ADAPTATION!!!!
Like. Vash is no longer the name of a kid who once argued with his brother and laughed with his mother and celebrated his birthday and rolled around in grassy fields. It's the name of an outlaw who will kill at the drop of a hat. It's the name of an out-of-control human natural disaster who's leveled cities. If he doesn't even have his name, then what part of himself is really himself anymore?
AND THAT'S WHY I LOVE ERIKS! He finally has something of his own! He's got a name that attached to no one, and a life where he can settle down and stay out of the public eye. He finally has something that is truly his. And no one lets him keep that except for Lina and her grandma.
This guy really has no control over his own life doesn't he!!! He's a passive character in the story of his own life!!! He has nothing of his own, no identity past "humanoid typhoon" because everything about his identity has been stripped from him and morphed into something he's not. He has no say in anything in his life, not even who he is as a person, AND IT DRIVES ME BONKERS N FUCKING YONKERS!!!!
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haljathefangirlcat · 8 months
My dealer: got some straight gas 🔥😛 this strain is called “Beowulf” 😳 you’ll be zonked out of your gourd 💯
Me: yeah whatever. I don’t feel shit.
literal years later, when I least expected it: dude I swear I just saw Cain's spawn lurking in the fens
My buddy the narrator pacing: Hrothulf is plotting against his uncle
The thing about Beowulf is... I never quite got the hype about it. (Yes, we're not Supposed to use words like "hype" about world literature Classics, especially from ancient times, or to make light of them in general. Shut up and contemplate the fact that social media posts expressing nothing more than personal opinions and feelings aren't generally meant to be the same thing as academic work to be shared between academians in an academic context.) Ofc, I understood its historical value, including in terms of linguistics and philology. But in terms of "would I pick this as reading material to obsess and fall into a research hole over"? Despite trying a few times, I never quite got past ALL the references to God every other line. ("Snorri was an Evil Zealot who set out to knowingly and purposefully Christianize Norse mythology For The Evulz" crowd, I will tattoo each and every single one of those all over your body so you can't look into a mirror without accidentally reading one ever again.) The apparently disjointed "Beowulf fights Grendel and then Grendel's mother in Denmark. Years later, after going back to Sweden and becoming king, he also fights a dragon but this time he dies" narrative didn't really appeal to me, either. Nor did the presence of (afaik) exactly one (1) named female character. (Wealhtheow, babe, in hindsight I'm so sorry.)
I'm not sure what changed, exactly. It's just that, some time ago, I finally got around to reading Grendel by John Gardner, and I loved it and thought "wow, this would have made me either bawl my eyes out or stare off into space for like five-to-ten minutes after finishing it, had I read it as a teen." And after that, I found myself thinking "well, now I should probably get to know know the original story," and finally picking up my copy of Tolkien's translation of Beowulf, and realzing there actually was a lot going on in the story, and getting way too engaged in the looming "Hrothulf kills Hrothgar's kids" subplot that doesn't even really resurface in any later material about Hrolf Kraki (though those aren't exactly free from fucked-up family dynamics, either...), and going "!!! Volsungar mention!!!!" at the bit about Sigemund and Fitela despite already knowing about the Sigemund and Fitela bit and the whole "who actually killed the dragon first/in which tradition" question, and losing my mind at the bit about Hama and the "necklace of the Brosings" and "Eormanaric's hate" because, yeah, I already knew about that one, too, kind of, but recently I've gone into a little bit of a Brisingamen deep-dive, and a while ago I read a really interesting commentary and translation of the Hildebrandslied that had quite a lot to say not just about the specific hatred/enmity of a powerful king for an adventurous hero but also about the shift from Odoacher to Ermanric as Dietrich' von Bern's enemy, which ofc (?) got me thinking about Eormanaric/Ermanric/Jormunrek's apparent widespread reputation for being an asshole, something there probably has to be some accessible paper in English about somewhere out there...
Ahem. Anyway, I also found myself alternating reading Tolkien's translation with watching Grendel Grendel Grendel, the weird and very simplified and toned down but still somehow very enjoyable and sad kids' movie adaptation of Gardner's Grendel. And Beowulf & Grendel, the one without any magic where Grendel's a traumatized Neanderthal on a quest of vengeance that's somehow also quite a good watch despite the wonky editing, the cast and crew being possibly cursed by the Norse gods, and ofc, the time-displaced Neanderthals. And Animated Epics: Beowulf, which I might have actually watched once as a child, thinking about it. And Simon Roper and Jackson Crawford's read-along, featuring interesting linguistic, literary, and historical notes as well as Australian!Hrothgar, Beowulf making it exceedingly clear that "some of my best friends are Danes!", and some unforgettable exchanges such as "I used to tell my students the story about that time I almost drove off a cliff when they were worried about their exams to make them undestand that I, too, had experienced the fear of death :|" "I'm glad you didn't perish :)" "Thanks. :|" (I'm on the Fits 8-11 video, btw. Even if, when it comes to Tolkien's translation, I'm already at the part where Beowulf says goodbye to Hrothgar and sails back to the land of the Geats. Look, I remebered thos videos existed somewhat belatedly.)
I think eventually I might also end up rewatching The 13th Warrior (which I'm gonna go out on a limb and say might be the true origin of the ahistorical Neanderthals in Beowulf & Gredenl, but I remember liking that one, too). And Outlander (my beloved "aliens crash-land in Viking Age Scandinavia and fight each other while being Sad & Tragic in their own ways" one, not the Scottish one) but specifically as a Beowulf reimagining this time around (rather than as "the movie that could have totally had the Brooding Hero, Fiery But Sweet Warrior Woman, and Hotheaded Rival-Turned-Friend invent modern polyamory, because that wouldn't have been weirder than having a character called Boromir" like every other time). Maybe that weird post-apocalyptic Beowulf that was the first to do the "Grendel's mom's got it goin' on" thing, too, at least if I can find that snarky review of it on Youtube again. Probably not the Uncanny CGI Desperately Trying To Be Live-Action 20O5 Beowulf where the titular hero keeps screaming "BEOWULF!!" and "I'M BEOWULF!!!" just in case the audience's intelligence levels can't be considered to be above the average rock's, and that also decided to add a foot fetish/body paint kink note to its cover of Grendel's Mom, though, unless I can find any snarky review of it. (I remember reading somewhere that the director actually hated Beowulf, as in the poem itself, and accepting the bit of info without question. The high heels-shaped feet are just one of the reasons why I wonder if anyone ever asked him if perhaps he hated women, too. At least his work supposedly contributed to the writers of Outlander being told "there's already too many Beowulf movies coming out!" and going "whatever, we're gong to do our own thing! With blackjack and hookers aliens and shieldmaidens", so I should probably thank him for that.)
Unfortunately, while I'm pretty sure I'll be able to avoid writing down a list of Adaptations I Absolutely Need To Check Out One Day Or I'll Die (i.e. Every Single I've Ever Heard About) like I did for The Nibelungs In Their Every Possible Form, all of this had the unforeseen side effect of reminding me that, even when I didn't have much if any interest in Beowulf, I used to have a bit of soft spot for Unferth. I mean, how could I not, when I imprinted on Hagen von Tronje when I was eleven-years-old? Give me a guy who knows all of The Hero's heroic deeds and still doesn't find him all that impressive from their very first meeting, and I'll just "👀" at him. Though from what I knew, this guy in particular seemed to go against his character type by becoming more friendly with the hero and lending him his ancestral sword, which seemed pretty interesting. Especially because he was apparently a fratricide, too? And you wouldn't expect a guy who killed his own brothers and got a "... and that's why you'll go to Hell!" by The Hero over it to have any kind of redemption arc/sudden reveal of hidden depths in any positive sense. And there was also that paper (which, ofc, I didn't bookmark at the time, and now I want to kick myself for that until I remember the title or at least the author...) arguing that maybe him telling off Beowulf about the swimming race was less about him as a person and more about him having a specifc role among the thanes in Heorot that included testing strangers requesting to speak with Hrothgar to figure out if they really were who they claimed to be or if they could actually live up to their reputation...
Again, I blame John Gardner, at least in part. He has a really crunchy Unferth, who definitely reawakened my interest in the character. The on in Grendel Grendel Grendel wasn't half-bad, either, though very different in some respects. But the original, too, ended up being actually so much more fun (meaning, so much more to chew on/rotate in my mind) than I could have imagined from my vague memories.
First you've got the iconic "didn't you look like a total loser against Breca, and isn't that literally all there is to know about you?" "shut up, you're drunk, a kinslayer, someone I have never heard anyone tell heroic tales about, and also, maybe if you were braver Grendel wouldn't keep eating you guys" banter, and I'm starting to realize that might be already more juicy, in terms of both Beowulf's and Unferth's characterizations and their interactions together, than I ever thought it was. Then you've got a line that sounds an awful lot like "everyone could see Grendel's severed arm hanging from the ceiling and that shut Unferth up" and seems to imply some sort of lingering bitterness on Unferth's side when Heorot is in the middle of the celebrations for Grendel's death. But then Unferth actually starts being described in much more favorable terms, almost as if the narrator were pointing out that, despite what the audience might think after his first appearance, there's a reason he's close to Hrothgar and has a good place in his hall... even if at the same time Unferth's praised for his "mighty heart" (something quite different from cowardice), wisdom, and the trust everyone in Heorot apparently has in his mind, there's actually another reference to him having had no mercy for his relatives "in the play of swords" in the past. (Fun little detail: that line comes right after one to the effect of "Hrothgar and Hrothulf were there and no betrayal had yet happened between them"...)
Until, finally, you get Beowulf preparing to go fight Grendel's mother and Unferth giving him his family's swords, Hrunting. And all kinds of entertaining things happen in relation to Hrunting.
You've got Unferth not remembering his first words to Beowulf because he was just really, really, really drunk when he said them, which seems to go well with Beowulf himself calling out his speech as a drunken boast but not with the "that shut him up" line I mentioned before. (Which leads me to wonder: was he actually too drunk to know what he was saying? Or did Beowulf give him an easy out in case he regretted it, which Unferth eventually chose to take to try and smooth things over?) You've got Unferth being "mighty of valour" yet not daring to go after Grendel's mother himself and "forfeiting glory" while giving his weapon to a "worthier" warrior, but his sword getting some lengthy praise nonetheless, to the point of being basically deemed infallible, and Beowulf not only not making any more comments on Unferth's supposed lack of bravery but calling him a man of "wide renown", praising his sword some more, vowing to succeed in his heroic feat with Hrunting or die trying, and telling Hrothgar that no matter what happens, Unferth must get it back when it's all over. And after that... you've got Hrunting utterly failing to kill or even harm Grendel's mother.
Except, that's literally the first time it ever fails at anything? And Beowulf can only kill Grendel's mother when, with the help of God, he finds a magical sword forged by giants, which implies there was no problem with it (and, by extension, with Unferth?) as the whole situation simply needed a little something extra to be dealt with?
Then, you've got Beowulf actually bringing Hrunting back, even if it wasn't much use to him when it really mattered. And praising it again, making sure to publicly clarify, while addressing Hrothgar himself, that no, it really is an excellent sword. And, after some more "the monster is dead!" celebration, Unferth himself (unambiguously "bold", now) having the sword brought over again not just to lend it Beowulf, but to gift it to him.... a weapon that is both nothing to sneeze at and, as Beowulf himself has acknowledged while praising it, a family heirloom. (From a guy who probably already has enough complicated feelings about his family without running around giving that kind of stuff away, to boot!) One Beowulf accepts once more, and gladly, already figuring it will be "a good friend in war, a power in battle" and saying absolutely nothing bad about it (the narrator goes "oh he's so gallant!" at him after that bit, which is admittedly kind of hilarious in itself, but still, imho, not really much to go on if you want to think he's not being sincere) right before he announces his intentions to sail back home.
I'm gonna be honest: I had already read most fics tagged Beowulf/Unferth on AO3 before this Beowulf binge. And now, I've gone and reread them. I've actually read the ones I'd missed the first time around, too. Not that it took me much time at all, but still. WildandWhirling has two really lovely ones. This innuendo-heavy one is a delight to read, too.
I think I might end up writing at least one more. Maybe canon!verse, if I manage not to spiral into researching Old English attitudes to homosexuality, or maybe Modern!AU, if I manage to find a good way to transliterate "sailing off to another country to slay monsters" in this century in a convincing way. Even just to have more than six works in the tag itself. But we'll see...
I suppose, in the end, the whole point of this random, almost stream-of-consciousness post (besides freeing up my head from at least some of my recent Beowulf thoughts) might have turned out to be just that, no matter who they are, fangirls will, indeed, always make them gay. (... I say, as if this was a surprise and I didn't already ship a number Nibelungenlied-and-adjacent gay ships I got into way before any of this.) It wasn't its original purpose but *shrug* I'll take it.
Then again... come on. All that talking about swords. *grin*
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i-spilled-my-soup · 1 year
could you explain your asklepios au ? genuinely curious and invested in the solangelo -> asklepios pipeline
alright this will be long. tl;dr it's a greek mythology au about mortality and righteousness and hubris and has like. no romance at all. if this is written i plan for no making out; hugs and kisses probably but romance lies only in interpretation. tw/cw for death, corpses
will centered and will pov where he takes the place of asklepios/asclepius/ophiucus(constellation was asklepios to the romans) in a sort of greek myth universe, like a camp half blood in 300 bce ish? in the relative time of the popular tales like homer's iliad and odyssey, virgil's aeneid. setting where songs and hymns are well known (let me imagine a place where everyone gets the obscure balls jokes i so adore). and important detail about worldbuilding, there are no powers. only gods can control the elements, and its only in threats/blessings that in modern times could be written off as delusions but in characters' minds is concrete evidence. nico is just some guy.
will keeps his canon mom and siblings and medical prowess, his frustration with death is amplified to an unhealthy amount. nico is still just some guy at this point
assuming this is a finite to be written work, the story starts after will and nico have gotten acquainted. nico does his thing, begins as a weird unfriendly guy but after being acquainted becomes a good friend. they bond over losing their siblings and feeling responsible for their deaths, less of a "you did nothing wrong" and more of a "yeah that sucks balls" kind of empathy. then will learns that nico is a child of hades(the guy) and (after an orphic hymn infertility joke) has to fight the urge to use nico to bring people from hades(the place)/keep them from ever going there
in typical nico fashion he disappears like fully. will is reasonably concerned and tries to look for him whenever he isn't practicing and teaching medicine in case of impending war with a neighboring state? this part is funny and i want to say war is the conflict because battle is the usual conflict in the myth and history i've read and also in riordan's series itself. turns out the guy is dead. yippee! (probably some scene where will sees nico but its actually just the ghost or nico visits in a dream or will actually just finds the body preserved in snow. the last one's a little too intense)
so will takes it upon himself to help give nico proper burial rites as a last favor. he gives nico a drug/ritual to aid in the burial process and accidentally brings him back to life. they both recognize that they have, unintentionally or otherwise, defied the will of the gods reigning and primordial. will is reluctant to let nico just straight up die again (for selfish reasons) and argues that nico could regain the favor of the gods if he did good stuff in his new life (supposedly selfless reasons). nico is skeptical but dude's love language is acts of service at the cost of his own health and comfort so he agrees
no one else had known he was actually dead and they pretend that he was always alive. nico gets himself mentally ready to die at any moment (cause psychopomp hermes could pull up at any moment) but will can't let go of how he actually resurrected someone. and the power before him is tempting him to fall into hubris
augh something something something. probably a battle and will saves more people and he is slowly going mad with power against his own conscience, defying the gods for his own goals of helping people
uh. eventually nico dies again. the feds(god) got him. will goes out into a storm to look for him, and to forage more of the drug that brought him back to life, and gets killed in the storm, supposedly by zeus(asklepios moment)
since will succumbed to hubris and consciously defied the gods he gets a punishment, and that's immortality. with his mortal person taken away he can no longer practice medicine. he cannot save anyone anymore, he has become the lost sibling and friend he had sought to rescue. he loses the solace(haha) of joining his family and friends in the underworld, instead he is separated from them for eternity. he will outlive everyone he knows, and will not be able to see them after they die
so here i imagine a dual bad ending. nico gets a bad lot cause he will lose his life at the peak of potential, at the exact point where he could find peace and help so many more people than before. will gets the same, where he can no longer achieve his aspirations in life, discontent with a self-serving existence, but now separated from everyone he holds dear, trapped in the realm of those he defied
potential happy closure ending? will escapes to the underworld and works under hades and sees nico once and even though he's torn away from the shades as per his punishment he is happy that in the forever he exists there he could see his friends again, that they could both be assured of another's existence and history and regain the selves they became in each other's company
fear of death prevails. but they won over it because so long as they could know each others' names it proves they had once lived? mutual immortality sculpted in the eternity of death?
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antiradqueer · 10 months
Trigger warning for mentions of fetishization, pro-c for non-con stuff,paras, and like very little of cult tactics, nothing with much detail I believe. Sorry if i tagged these wrongly, I'm not really good at putting trigger warnings.
Lol, im in the rq community but its like really confusing, i dont agree with some terms that fetishize people and invalidate others but some parts are i agree with too so its weird.
Im not sure if i should leave and even if i do where do i exactly go i dont really know, also some of these terms really help me to explain and express my non-human identity better, and stuff like that. (i only have id with transbody terms that go like 'wanting to have more eyes' or 'wanting to be taller' due to non-humanity, im not sure if that is wrong. Because these terms really would be okay and very nice in my eyes if they werent soo,, interwined with pro-c for non-con paras and actual fucked up shit.)
Also the community is meant to be anti-harasment, which is what i am, knowing that harassment on the internet wont really work in anyway. Though the community is extreme (this goes for antis too, both sides are very extreme which sometimes wants me to just stay in the middle of it.) And people in the rq tend to ignore the pro-harassment rq's by saying stuff like 'oh theyre not actually rq' and that on itself sounds like very problematical to me. Maybe not just me, i have no idea.
I also thought of id as transabled due to my heavy signs of BIID, (though i am not diagnosed so it might be something else, so i wont self diagnose for now since it might be a placebo effect due to my legs not functioning well in the first place) but the things it implied was just,, not something i would like to be associated with. So idk if that makes me unvalid or anything of that.
Im so fucking confused and i dont really like the fact i am so confused and kind of not fitting for both sides and being neutral seems,, y'know,, ignorant to me because both sides have their extremes and problems, so god i have no idea.
Also i did notice rq community using ways that are like,, weird, and i have experienced cult tactics and when i noticed it literally didnt go away so yeah. And that certainly something I don't want to be associated with and harms me too.
Its weird, i have no idea, wa.
Also i quite literally dont care whos origin is what, i used to be heavily endogenic but after a while i was like,, 'dude i cant change these people nor should i can encourage possible harmful things to them and the plural community' and decided to be neutral especially because i have a traumagenic system of 750+ with some alters still heavily anti-endo and some pro-endo. Which again makes me feel like i will not be welcomed elsewhere.
I have talked to a few anti-rqs about my experience but idk
Also i have multiple paraphilic disorders and Paraphilias without disorders, so im not sure if i will be affected in the other communities since of my paraphilic disorders.
So sorry this is like very long, i apologize if i made y'all uncomfortable,, it was not what i intended.
first of all, I will just repeat what I tell every radqueer that comes into our inbox: think about if you really want to be part of and support a movement that inherently supports pro-c paraphiles of all kinds, is racist, ableist and whatnot. you simply can't on one hand call yourself radqueer and on the other hand pick and choose the parts of the community you like. if you use that label, you are supporting the WHOLE community, end of the story. of course there are disgusting people in every community, but it's different with radqueers - for example, there are quite a lot if pro-c zoophiles who are also therians and claim to be part of the therian community. BUT the therian label in itself is strictly against that and will never ever accept those people. the radqueer label however is inherently supportive of and welcoming to pro-c zoos, pedos and necros. and that's the difference. that's why you are still supporting those people even if you only use the term radqueer. please realize there are alternative terms you can use for the same experiences, which are not associated with radqueers and/or are coined by folk who are openly anti radqueer and anti transid.
aside from that, being neutral or unaligned is 100% a path you can choose! always put your own comfort and safety first and if the discourse stresses you out too much, you can always just back off.
I don't have too much to add honestly, to me it seems like you are THIS close to truly realizing how horrible the radqueer community actually is - I mean, you even noticed the cult tactics. but it is on you to take the final step and get out and I promise you, if you do, you will be welcomed by us antis and other communities!
[I won't comment on the endo system part, since we don't do syscourse topics here]
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faggotmox · 2 years
trauma magnet: all day breakfast (ch1)
rating: teen pairing: Jon Moxley/Bryan Danielson, Claudio Castagnoli/Eddie Kingston, Jon Moxley/Eddie Kingston word count: 5,044 warnings: a lot of swearing & tobacco use (cigarettes & dip), dude bro talk, dude bro behavior author’s notes: this is an AU where Mox & Eddie are an EMS crew while Bryan & Claudio run a coffee shop/bakery. ao3 link: [ one ] series masterlist: [ post ] chapter summary: The only places open at 4am are coffee shops. Eddie & Mox decide to check a place out while on the job. It has nothing to do with the fact that the barista & baker are both very hot. The EMS crew is just hungry.
“Don’t fuckin’ start.” Mox declared sharply, his eyes not leaving the comic book in hand.
“There’s nothin--”
“I swear to God, Kingston, if you jinx us you’re gonna be the one in need of an ambulance. Ya hear?” Mox looked up from his reading finally to glare at Eddie from across the cab of their truck.
“Easy for you to say. You got readin’ material.” Eddie grumbled as he sunk further into the passenger seat. 
“Bro, you--” Mox sighed and slapped the comic book down in his lap. “I let you pick the music, didn’t I? Is this not a forever playlist of DMX?” 
“...It is.” Eddie gave in and sighed. “Sorry. Sorry. Go back to your fuckin’ comic.”
“Thank you.” Mox shook his head as he looked back at the color pictures but couldn’t focus anymore on the story. “God damn it.”
“Yeah?” Eddie grinned over at his partner.
“Don’t be fuckin’ smug about it.” Mox grumbled as he got out his dip container and packed his lip. “I fuckin’ hate you.”
“Uh-huh.” Eddie chuckled. “C’mon, I know we’re new around here but not a single call? Not even a bandaid?” 
“I’d rather be bored, my man.” Mox shifted in his seat before leaning forward against the steering wheel. “You know I’m fuckin’ superticous about this shit. Why ya keep it up? When you supposedly love me so much?”
“‘Cause I like fucking with you too much.” Eddie cackled as he smacked a pack of cigarettes against his palm.
“Wait, you gonna smoke?” Mox glared.
“Since when do you give a fuck about smokin’ in the rig?” Eddie frowned.
“Don’t give a fuck, but I just put in my dip.” Mox pouted. “You coulda said somethin’.”
“Ah! I see. I see. Well, you could quit that disgusting habit and pick up something cleaner. Like my cigarettes.” Eddie popped one stick into his mouth. “Seriously, your teeth are already…”
“Hey!” Mox leaned over to punch Eddie but the other didn’t respond much other than an ouch. “What’re you distracted by?”
“Who.” Eddie blinked a few times and rubbed his eyes. “Dude, look at this hot guy. Across the street. Fifty feet tall, shaved head, beard?” 
“Oh fuck, dude.” Mox looked in the direction Eddie was looking and spotted the giant. “He is hot. What the fuck?”
“God damn.” Eddie watched the tall man closely.
The man in question stood on the sidewalk of a coffee shop and bakery with a black apron tied around his waist and a broom in hand. The clock said it was 4 in the morning which meant the coffee shop was opening. The sign above the shop window said Claudio’s Cafe & the Blackpool Bakery . Eddie watched the man sweep, the black t-shirt he wore with the cafe’s name on the back pulled taunt over his biceps and chest in the most perfect way. The jeans were a similar story but Eddie never minded a squeal, especially a good one. 
“Moxie.” Eddie sat up more, leaning on the dash. “Am I in love?” 
“Nah.” Mox chuckled. “You’re just hungry. I bet they have pie.” 
This time Eddie reached out and slugged Mox’s shoulder making the other howl. Mox was laughing his way through the sting when the glass door of the cafe opened up and another man stepped out. Considerably shorter, but Mox noted that he had a full head of hair. Long hair pulled up into a neat bun. A blank white t-shirt concealed hefty muscles, already there was flour on the black apron he wore. The pair exchanged words before the one in the white shirt went back inside.
“I want the short one.” Mox declared as quickly as his brain would let him.
“Fuckin’ have him. He looks annoying as fuck.” Eddie shook his head. “I got big boy.”
“Dispatch,” Mox gripped the walkie talkie on his shoulder. “This is Elite-12. We’re stepping out for breakfast. Radio’s hot. Over.”
“Confirmed, Elite-12.” The crackling voice came over the radio. “Drink some coffee for me too. Over.” 
"You got it, Orange.” Mox responded as they got out of the ambulance. “Elite-12 out.”
As they made their way across the street Mox fixed his t-shirt, tucking it back in where it came loose. Eddie flipped his FDNY cap backwards and rearranged his belt as they approached the cafe. The one Eddie called ‘big boy’ had stepped back inside while they were on their way over so Mox stopped them before the door.
“Hang on.” Mox fixed Eddie’s button up where one of the buttons had come loose. “There ya go.” 
“Always lookin’ out for me, Mox.” Eddie pushed the door open for Mox to step through first. They were greeted before the door swung shut.
“Good morning.” The one in the white t-shirt greeted them without looking up from the display case he was working on. Mox bit his lip at the slightly nasally voice. Everything about the guy read smug. 
“Welcome to our cafe.” The other man had an accent that made Eddie want to bark, and an absolutely beautiful smile to match. A much warmer personality Eddie gravitated towards. 
“Thanks.” Mox responded back automatically as he watched the man work in the display case, putting out freshly made baked goods. 
“My pal and I were wondering which one of you was Claudio.” Eddie slithered up to the counter that the man with the accent was behind. 
“Oh?” The man looked over at the one in the display case, who finally popped his head out. Like this was an ongoing thing they got.
“Which one of us do you think is Claudio?” The baker asked as he looked over the EMS crew. Eddie and Mox shared a look before looking at the taller man.
“It’s the tall one.” Eddie said at the same time as Mox spoke.
“You.” Mox gestured to the taller man.
“You’re correct.” Claudio looked a little smug. “Sorry, you do not look like a Claudio, Bryan.” He shrugged before looking at Eddie. “Paramedic Kingston?” 
“You can just call me Eddie.” Eddie smiled back, turning on the charm. “So it’s your cafe.”
“Yes, it’s my cafe.” Claudio nodded. “But it’s Bryan’s bakery.”
“Good. I thought Blackpool was a strange first name.” Mox joked but the baker, Bryan, simply rolled his eyes. “I’m Mox.”
“J. Moxley.” Bryan indicated the name printed on Mox’s department t-shirt.
“Jon Moxley, but my friends call me Mox.” Mox started looking at the pastries Bryan was putting out, his mouth was practically watering and Bryan didn’t need to know that it wasn’t really about the baked goods.
“EMT Moxley.” Bryan said definitively. “Were you looking for breakfast or just curious?” 
“You’ve been out there for quite a few hours. I can imagine you must be tired and bored.” Claudio looked Eddie over as they talked. “What kind of coffee can I get you?” 
“Something strong.” Eddie pointedly looked at Claudio’s arms when he said that.
“Something sweet or plain?” Claudio asked as he started getting the espresso ground and packed. Eddie was choosing to read into the question. Claudio was sweet, Bryan was plain, Eddie thought.
“Sweet.” Eddie winked and then started watching Claudio’s hands pack the portafilter. “Some cream too.
“I’ll fix you up, Eddie.” Claudio smiled warmly as he latched the portafilter into the machine and started it. The heavy smell of fresh coffee filled the room.
“It all looks really good actually.” Mox was actually distracted by the pastries by now. They all looked perfect, like they should be in an overly expensive shop in Manhattan or at a school. “Uh…what’s your favorite thing to make?”
Bryan blinked at the question, his eyes narrowed as he formulated his response. Before the baker could speak though the crackle of the EMS radio sounded out into the quiet cafe. Neither Mox nor Eddie reacted, but Claudio and Bryan jumped. The voice spoke grumbled nonsense that the pair seemed to understand. They made eye contact with a nod and Eddie turned his set off and Mox turned his set down a bit more and readjusted the belt he wore as bandolier.
“Is the belt standard issue?” Bryan looked at the regular leather belt. 
“He used to be a firefighter. Kinda their little trick. Makes it easier to carry and work the radios.” Eddie explained as Mox nodded along. 
“Why don’t you wear yours like that then?” Claudio asked, nodded at the radio being latched to Eddie’s belt and shoulder lapel holding the held set. 
“Eddie ain’t a firefighter.” Mox shrugged. Bryan considered Mox in a way he couldn’t read.
“Why not?” Bryan looked over Eddie.
“Are you kidding? I ain’t running into no fuckin’ burning buildings, my man. I’m not scaling tall buildings. You ever see how hard it is to put out a fuckin’ fire? Nah. That’s for the birds.” Eddie shook his head quickly, clearly displeased at the thought of being a firefighter. “Save that shit for the insane and stupidly brave.” Eddie pointed at Mox who just shrugged. “Gave me daily heart attacks when he was doin’ that shit.” 
“It was fun.” Mox responded innocently, a little smile on his face. “While it lasted at least.”
“Your life expectancy is longer.” Eddie looked over at Claudio and smirked. “Watch this. It means you can smoke more cigarettes since you’re not inhalin’ all that smoke.”
“Amen to that, brother.” Mox grinned back. “And I get to ride with you every fuckin’ day.”
"Cute. How long have you two been married?" Bryan deadpanned.
"You're mean." Mox grinned over the glass at Bryan. "I think that's hot." Bryan tried his best to keep a straight face.
"Blueberry scone." Bryan finally said.
"What?" Mox blinked at him.
"You asked for my favorite pastry to make. Today it's a blueberry scone." Bryan rolled his eyes, speaking a little slowly just to be a dick.
"Alright, asshole. Then let’s have it.." Mox grinned and then looked over at Claudio. "Can I just get a drip coffee?"
"I want that muffin." Eddie pointed one out to Bryan as he got Mox's on a plate.
"Sure." Bryan rolled his eyes at the demanding tone as he plated both pastries, handing them over to Mox above the glass. Normally Bryan walked them to the table or the boxes for to go orders went to the register. Handing things over the glass wasn't professional.
"Here you are, Mox " Claudio sat out a to-go cup of black coffee for Mox then next to it sat another cup out for Eddie. "And for you, Eddie."
"Thanks, Claudio." Eddie extended the o a little as he took his coffee. "What do we owe you?" Eddie asked as Mox took a seat at one of the nearby tables with their food.
"Don't worry about it." Claudio waved his hand dismissively but Bryan was glaring dagger at him.
"Alright, alright. I'm not one to look a gift horse in the mouth." Eddie shrugged and took their coffees to the table.
The pair behind the counter graviated towards each other as Mox and Eddie found a seat. Claudio and Bryan stood side by side, whispering a bit as Mox and Eddie got ready to eat. The crackle of the radio sounded again.
"Elite-12. Come in." The radio on Mox's shoulder spoke.
"No." Eddie glared at Mox. "Don't. Do not answer it. We just sat down."
"Eddie." Mox shook his head.
"Elite-12, I know you're listening." The bored voice got louder as Mox turned it up. "Got a 45 year old female with chest pains." A beat. "Come on, Elite-12. It's life or death or whatever."
"This is Elite-12 responding. Over." Mox radioed back.
"Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck this lady. Let's fuckin’ go." Eddie stood up with a huff, a look of longing cast at the food and drinks.
"Finally." Orange sighed into the radio and started repeating the address as the pair left the cafe in a hurry.
"Thanks!" Mox called out as they left.
"Come back and see us." Claudio waved, hoping his voice got to them before the door swung shut.
The pair hurried across the stress to the ambulance. The traffic stopped for them as they recklessly went into the stress. Mox was on his way to the driver's side while Eddie was able to jump right into the passage seat.
“Hang on, Eddie.” Mox jogged around the far side of the ambulance as Eddie was climbing in.
“Hang on? We gotta fuckin’ go! MOXLEY!” Eddie shouted, leaning over to throw open the door to Mox’s side. “The fuck--”
Mox was retching hard, one knee on the ground and mostly losing whatever was in his stomach. Luckily none of Bryan’s baked goods or Claudio’s coffee. Eddie groaned, hitting the lights but not sound just yet. Mox threw up a few more times, spats and then quickly got into the ambulance. 
“You gonna explain yourself?” Eddie passed Mox an old bottle of water. 
Mox was somehow weaving in and out of traffic, flipping the siren, and throwing back the water before spitting it back into the bottle. There was a heavy sigh from him before he tossed the bottle onto the floor.
“Holy fuck.” Mox shook his head. “We walked in and I knew if he saw me dippin’ he’d be fucking digusted.”
“Jon.” Eddie snapped his head to the side to stare at his friend. “Did you fuckin’ swallow your lip full of dip?”
“Yeah.” Mox said miserably. “I fuckin’ swallowed it.” 
“Jesus fuckin’ Christ, dude.” Eddie just stared at his friend.
“It was fuckin’ stupid. A snap decision. I don’t know why I thought that was the solution.” Mox groaned, punching the steering wheel. “Fuckin’ move!” He honked at a car that had yet to notice the emergency service vehicle. “He was just…so fuckin’ smug and god damn pretty, Eddie, I panicked.” 
“Brother.” Eddie shook his head and looked back at the road as Mox swung around the car. “I don’t even know what the fuck to say to that. Don’t do it again?”
“Sure fuckin’ bet I won’t do it again!” Mox laughed. “I might just fuckin’ give up dip now.”
“Disgusting, dude. Wait you swallowed that at the…like just as we walked in?” Eddie gagged. “You had to fuckin’ throw up that whole time? Are you okay?” 
“I think I’m good now.” Mox sighed, actually soundly still miserable as he held his stomach. “How much longer we got?” 
“Six hours. Sorry.” Eddie sighed as they double parked on the curb of a complex. “Let’s ride. Grab the lifepack, and don’t fuckin’ throw up.”
It was a very long, busy six hours and forty five minutes for Eddie and Mox. They dropped off their last patient at the nearby ER nicknamed the Butcher Shop due to the fact that the doctor that ran the night shift was named “Butcher” Williams, and the head nurse was called the Blade. They all burned some time on the clock chatting and talking shop before Eddie and Mox dragged themselves back to the EMS station.
Of course they had to do all their logging and cleaning up. By the time everything was done Mox was sleeping sitting up in the cleaned and restocked ambulance. Eddie shook his partner awake. It was a difficult task to get Mox to open his eyes.
“C’mon. We’re not sleeping here again.” Eddie urged, pulling and tugging at Mox’s arm.
“Who cares? I’m tired.” Mox grumbled as he tried to lay down on the bench seat. 
“If you get your ass up not only will I drive us, but I’ll make sad rice when we get home.” Eddie promised. He was the least tired of the two. Mox hadn’t gotten much sleep and he was always determined to be the one driving simply because he knew Eddie hated it.
“Sad rice?” Mox perked up, pushing himself up onto his elbow. “For real?”
“Yeah. I’ll make it while you shower, okay?” Eddie sighed, reaching out to ruffle Mox’s shaggy reddish brown hair. “C’mon, buddy, you deserve to sleep in your own bed. Yeah?”
“Okay. Fine.” Mox sighed as he finally got up.
They stumbled out of the back of the rig together and headed through the front office leaning on one another. While Mox had finished up the last of their duties on the ambulance Eddie had stored their bags in the truck they drove to work together. To this day Eddie wasn’t sure how they managed to live together, drive to work together, work in close quarters together, and then go back home together, but they did, and they had for a while.
“Mox, Eddie!” Excalibur called out from behind his desk, waving them back over. 
“Yo, Captain. We can’t. Sorry. I barely even got Mox walkin--”
“Would you shut up for just a second, Kingston?” Excalibur threw a pen across the small room at Taz, the lieutenant, when he snickered. “A kid from some fancy cafe delivered you guys something. Here. The crew were going to eat so I, being the good guy I am, brought it in here. Where I only had to fight off Taz.”
“You guys ain’t getting Reversed Nightinggaled, are ya?” Taz asked. “Because that’s a nice fucking breakfast.”
“What?” Mox looked at the plain white box and opened it up. There was some sort of puff pastry with cheese and meat, probably more. “Oh shit. This is from Bryan and Claudio.”
“Woah.” Eddie stared at the food in front of them. It looked incredible, delicious. Something out of a cookbook.
“We drank the coffee though. It was gonna be cold by the time you got here.” Taz shrugged. 
“That’s true. It was our fee for watching over the food.” Excalibur grinned. 
“Also no, we’re not getting fucking Nightinggaled or whatever.” Eddie went to reach in to grab some of the pastry but Mox batted his hand away.
“Wait till we get home.” Mox grunted as he closed the box. “It was a cafe we were parked across from. We sat down to eat breakfast and got a call before we could have any of it.” Mox explained as he picked up the box. 
“What cafe?” Excalibur asked. “Oh, wait. There's a card.  It was loose. Hang on.” He got up to get his uniform jacket and pulled out the card. “There.”
“Thanks.” Eddie took it. “It’s called Claudio’s Cafe & the Blackpool Bakery.” Eddie recited without really thinking about it, having committed the place to memory. 
“People love to give us free shit.” Taz finally tossed the pen back at Excalibur. 
“Hell yeah, they do.” Eddie grinned. “I think we’re also gonna fuck these guys. They’re hot. Well, Claudio is hot. The baker is a bitch.”
“I wish you the best of luck in that, but please don’t do it on the clock, gentlemen.” Excalibur sighed and put the pen away, clearly calling an end to his fight with Taz.
“Get yours, boys. Bakers tend to be bitches, but that’s Mox’s type, huh?” Taz grinned.
“Fuck you, Taz. How do you know anything about bakers?” Mox asked as they headed towards the door.
“The same way you’re learning about bakers, kid. Get out of here. Don’t come back. You boys look tired.” Taz shooed them off with a dismissive hand gesture.
“What he said.” Excalibur grunted. “Enjoy your days off, guys.”
“Thanks, Cap. Lou.” Eddie tipped his Yankees cap to them.
They left to Taz’s comments about baseball.
The fifteen minute drive home was too long for Mox, who slept on the window as they passed through the sunlight city. It was sometime around noon and they’d soon be home to go to bed. The radio played sport reports Eddie tried to pay attention to so he didn’t nod off between the station and their driveway. The smell of Bryan’s food was really what kept Eddie awake.
Once they pulled into the house Eddie left the truck running as he took in their bags and the food. Mox got a few minutes extra to sleep. Their yellow lab greeted Eddie at the door and followed him to and from the truck. 
“Wake up Mox, Deano. That’s a good girl.” Eddie led their dog through the driver's side door.
Deano jumped into the seat and then dropped into Mox’s lap, slowly scooting her snout under Mox’s arm and making quiet whines. Slowly Mox’s eyes opened and Deano lifted up to lick his face.
“Oh, hey, girl.” Mox grinned as he put his arms around the dog and buried his face in her neck. “I missed you. What a good girl. So sweet, wakin’ me up.”
Deano was practically Mox’s service dog at this point. They had trained her to do a few things to help Mox but she was older and already had many years under her being a search & rescue dog. Mox was definitely her human, though she loved Eddie just as much. 
“Let’s get inside.” Mox unclipped his seat belt before getting out.
They trudged inside with Eddie. They got onto the porch and Mox had to kick off his work boots. Eddie’s already gone and replaced by his slides. Their dirty uniforms were tucked into a laundry basket outside as well. None of their work clothes made it inside until they washed them and cleaned their boots on the porch. Deano patiently waited just inside the door for them. 
It was a routine they could do in their sleep which was good because they were both asleep on their feet. Eddie urged Mox to the shower as he got their food ready to eat. It didn’t take Mox long to stumble down the steps from his shower, too exhausted to even enjoy that.
“Gonna take Deano out while you shower. Then food?” Mox looked so hopeful.
“Of course, dude.” Eddie chuckled as he started up the stairs. 
Mox went to the back door to let Deano out. There was a doggie door but when they got home one or both of them would take her out, let her run around and play some fetch. They were gone so much they worked to make time for her. After all, Deano deserved it. On long shifts sometimes they left her at the station with Taz or Excalibur or Tony. Sometimes their neighbors would check on her.
“C’mon, Deano!” Mox grinned as he threw the ball and she took off at top speed for the fences to get the ball.
Mox could get lost in these moments. Simple, and easy with his dog. After the day they had. The days they have. The weight of it all sometimes hung too heavy on Mox, and he needed to ground himself in his own life. Deano had been perfect for that. He loved their dog so much. Deano darted back and happily gave him the ball, they repeated this until she decided to play with him. When Mox reached for the ball on the ground she dropped onto the ground and acted like she was going to get Mox’s hand.
“Hey!” Mox laughed and then darted out to playfully, and gently, tackle Deano.
“Ready for breakfast?” Eddie asked as he brought everything out onto the porch, freshly cleaned up and looking a little more alive. 
“Yeah. Yeah. C’mon, Deano.” Mox snapped his fingers for her to follow. Before sitting down he poured a cup of food for Deano and while she chomped he took his seat. “I’m so exhausted I feel like I’m not going to actually be able to enjoy it.”
“I feel like I’m not refine enough to know what I’m enjoyin’.” Eddie grumbled as he watched Mox cut and lift out the pastry Eddie had heated back up. “Here.” He slid a cold diet coke to Mox and took his own Sprite. 
“You thought of everything.” Mox sat back. “Here it goes.”
They both started eating. After the first bite they locked eyes and groaned as they ate the most amazing breakfast they’d ever had. Incredibly flaky and buttery, savory and cooked perfect. Mox couldn’t quite believe it was as good as it looked. Or that Bryan was running just some bakery in the city. The place had been new too. 
“Okay, I didn’t want to have to give it to him but that bitch is a fuckin’ good baker.” Eddie grumbled as he shoved more into his mouth. “Like what the fuck even is this? How is it so good?”
“I’ve never had a savory pastry before.” Mox spoke quietly as he tried to commit everything to memory. He wasn’t a food guy. Things kinda mostly tasted the same to him, or just big flavors stood out. This was subtle and perfect, prepared by someone who could taste every ingredient. “We should go back tomorrow afternoon.”
“We fuckin’ should.” Eddie looked up. “Hey, what’d the card say by the way?”
“Oh fuck. Forgot about the card.” Mox said through a mouth full of food, getting up to dart inside. The card was in his pocket in his jacket by the front door.
As he came back he opened it up, sliding the hefty fine card out of the equally elegant envelope. The paper was a coffee brown. The front had Claudio’s Cafe & the Blackpool Bakery beautifully handwritten across it, perfectly spaced letters in perfect swooping penmanship. It wasn’t a stamp though. When Mox opened up the letter the top portion of the card was filled with the neatly handwritten recipe on the top of the card, in the same handwriting as the front. It included everything, how much, and serving sizes. Below that was different handwriting telling them how nice it was to meet them.
“Eddie & Mox, meeting you this morning was wonderful. A nice change from the normal trickle of customers. We hope to have you back, but in the meantime enjoy Bryan’s jambon.” Mox read aloud, not totally sure how to say jambon. 
“Claudio is fucking cute.” Eddie reached over to take the letter and read it himself.
“He’s seven feet tall and jacked. Not cute. Very sexy though.” Mox chuckled as he took another bite of his food. “Bryan’s cute. I wanna watch him make his fuckin’ little pastries.”
“And eat his ass.” Eddie rolled his eyes.
“Shut up.” Mox laughed, shaking his head. “I bet his ass is as good as his baking.”
“Please. I’m fuckin’ eatin’ here!” Eddie shook his head, dramatically pretending he could throw up. “Don’t ruin the one thing I like about the dude.”
“His ass?” Mox teased as he took the note back.
“His cooking, bitch!” Eddie had half a mind to throw his fork at Mox. “Anyways, Claudio is obviously the catch. Bryan couldn’t even write a note, just the recipe. Like we’re gonna make it ourselves, please.”
“It’s probably just his way of saying thanks. He had to make it after all.” Mox pointed out.
“Fine. Whatever.” Eddie sighed as he finished his plate, pushing it forward and then pulling out a package of cigarettes. “Wanna?” 
“Yeah, yeah.” Mox was still stuffing his face, eyes glued to the careful, perfectly spaced capital letters that made up Bryan’s handwriting. The last bite of Mox’s breakfast was savored as he took the newly lit cigarette from Eddie. “We’re going to the Ranger’s game tomorrow night with Santana & Ortiz, right?”
“Yeah, we’re supposed to.” Eddie looked over at Mox, the idea transferring from Mox to Eddie without a word. “Or they could have something else to do and we could take the baker and the hot guy.”
“Exactly.” Mox grinned as he sucked down the smoke. “We’ll go sometime tomorrow and invite them.”
“Sounds like a plan.” Eddie paused. “What if they don’t like hockey?” 
“Then we give the tickets back to Santana & Ortiz and do something else with them?” Mox suggested as he got their plates together. 
“Yeah, yeah. I mean, I really wanted to go to that game.” Eddie frowned.
“Fuck off. C’mon.” Mox exhaled. “We can go any time we’re off.”
“We can also chase dick any time we’re off.” Eddie shrugged. “We kinda chase dick when we’re at work too though.”
“Think chasing dick is just our default.” Mox grinned.
“You’re right. Chasing dick, smoking sticks.” Eddie reached out to bump fists with Mox in their absolutely ridiculous manor. 
“You should be a poet, Eddie. Really.” Mox leaned back in his chair. “They’re cool. Seem cool at least.”
“Cool? Don’t know about that, but I do know I wanna fuck Claudio until he cries and I’m pretty sure he’s into the idea.” Eddie looked off into the distance, reimaging their meeting this morning. “You didn’t get close enough, but Moxie, his eyes. They’re so pretty. His smile is just…” 
“Calm down, dude. How can you even tell what he wants, Eddie? You talked to him for like five minutes.” Mox always doubted Eddie’s ability to clock a compatible partner in bed. The man could nail down someone’s sexual prefances like he was reading a list, and had done so to Mox many times. Mox still always doubted. “I just don’t get how you can clock that he wants you to fuck him until he cries from like 30 words.” 
“Well,” Eddie took a huge drawl off his cigarette. “It’s a vibe, babe. Just gotta read it. I’m putting out a vibe, he’s sending it back. I don’t know, but I’ll let you know if he’s into it when I do fuck him.”
“You’re pretty sure of yourself.” Mox considered this for a moment. “Twenty bucks says Claudio wants to fuck you until you cry.”
“Oh, you’re on, kid.” Eddie cackled. “I’ll do ya one better. Twenty says I fuck Claudio in the described fashion, but also I bet you an additional twenty that Bryan is a fuckin’ freak who is gonna fuck you sideways.” 
“Do normal people have these kinds of conversations and shit?” Mox laughed, rubbing his forehead. “Fine, but define ‘fucks me sideways’.” 
“He looks like he does yoga. I mean, literally fuck you sideways.” Eddie stubbed out he butt of his cigarette. 
“Fine, fine. You’re on.” Mox shrugged. “Don’t know how I’m the fuckin’ normal one between us.”
“Oh, sweetheart, you’re anything but the normal one.” Eddie took the dishes and headed inside.
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gunkreads · 7 months
10 Characters, 10 Fandoms, 10 Tags
Tagged by @highladyluck (sorry I'm late! had a hand injury!)
Rules: choose 10 favorite characters from 10 different fandoms -- no double dipping! Then tag 10 5 friends or mutuals to complete the game as well.
I'm not sure about this one! Kind of hard, honestly. I'm deliberately trying to mix it up a little bit from the previous "top 10 characters" thing I did, but a lot of these are repeats.
Kvothe/Denna synthesis, Kingkiller Chronicle. Not cheating! Hear me out. These two characters are fairly standard and, though I hate to admit it, not particularly remarkable on their own--but they synthesize into something completely different. Together, they have a dynamic that neither of them can possibly have with any other character, effectively both modifying themselves into half of a completely different character to become part of a unique and separate whole. Give them potara earrings and see what happens. So my answer isn't Kvothe or Denna, or even Kvothe and Denna, but the space between them. Sorry for being a fucking sap; it's in my blood.
Kurosaki Ichigo, Bleach. Not sorry for this one. He's my Goku, my Naruto, my Inigo Montoya. My special teenage obsession. Sometimes, you're 15 and everything means more than the world to you and the only thing that'll keep you going is watching your favorite cartoon guy stand back up after getting killed.
Murtagh, Inheritance Cycle. Sorry for this one. Inheritance shaped my understanding of fantasy from the age of 4 and, in some ways, I'm glad it did--learning a genre from such a derivative story is kind of nice because it prepares you to see those tropes executed better in other, better-told stories. Murtagh was the first character I ever read who was a legitimate rival to the protagonist, actively fighting against the good guys while holding a strong bond to the protagonist, and that's still one of my favorite character tropes.
Bayle Domon, Wheel of Time. Look... it's hard to pick a favorite WoT character, especially because there are so many characters I love that are widely hated (Gawyn, Thom, Faile, Perrin, etc), but Bayle is my BOY. He's my fucking GUY. He'd be the protagonist of a smaller story. He's just always fucking there, by a combination of ta'veren bullshit and his own baked-in need to trade/smuggle wherever the action is. A physically large, narratively small man who sets his elbows firm and keeps his space in the story. One of my all-time favorite "everyman" characters.
Cassius au Bellona, Red Rising. He's just Gawyn Trakand 2.0. Come on. You could've seen this coming. God's specialist little boy who doesn't know how to stop fucking up. Yeah, yeah, I'll watch Green Knight someday.
Jackie Welles, Cyberpunk 2077. Best friend a guy could ask for. Don't even talk to me about this. I've played through this game 3 times and it hit me just as hard in both replays.
Kaioh Retsu, Grappler Baki. Baddest motherfucker on the planet. Class out the ass. My favorite over-the-top "martial arts is the best thing ever" character, managing to beat out the rest of the cast of THE premier "martial arts is the best thing ever" manga.
Amos Burton, The Expanse. What's going on with this guy? Well, nothing. He already told you everything there is to know. It's your fault for trying to look for hidden meaning where there isn't any.
Tain Shir, The Masquerade. Come on, dude. Come on.
Camilla Hect, The Locked Tomb. Come on, dude. Come on.
I'll tag @pillowfriendly @briannysey @coffeefirst-thenspacepirates @iliiuan @ofdarklands
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galaxysharks · 2 years
You ever have shower-thoughts at 2am for a fandom you havent touched in like 5 years? In fairness, Teen Titans was my shit for like 13~ years, y'all i literally ran out of fanfic to read, it was bad.
Regardless, i was snooping on the tags for Raven again and found this mini-lecture on the semantics of Hell!Demon vs DimensionalRift!Demon in dc, and the author mentioned how much more powerful Raven's story is if she is considered to be this inherently evil creature that chooses good despite her instincts that literally radiate #badvibes off of her.
And i began to hear the rattling of genius within my mostly deserted skull. So now Everyone must bear witness to my unraveling.
K so Trigon is pretty much established to be less Demon and more so Demon God, right? And has thusly fecked his way through the dimensional void, spawning his little half-demon babies, yeah?
Our boy's got 7 children, each forming the living embodiment of humanities worst traits. (As explained via convenient Western Religious analogies).
1. Pride
2. Sloth
3. Wrath
4. Lust
5. Greed
6. Gluttony
7. Envy ( full disclosure, took me 15 min to remember this one, which is sad and funny all on its own. Sorry not sorry dude )
Now, daddy-dearest wanna rule the universe, but needs a ride to do it, so he picks one of his kids, and boom, sudden Anti-christ, fair enough, demon-gotta-demon. So Trigon looks at his selection and chooses his only daughter, that'd be our girl Raven.
This is where i propose, Trigon Fucked Up, and inadvertently provided Raven with the only circumstances that would allow her to defy him.
With his other children, he clearly has total control of them, and to be fair Rae does have several altering factor that could contribute to her breaking free, Azarath and Azar's teachings included. But i dont think she needed them, i think she would have gone against him anyway.
Raven is mentioned to be his most powerful offspring, go off girl, but more importantly, those Sins up there, Our girl is Pride. Trigon chose Pride to be his portal.
( Which btw is the most typically pseudo-fatherly patriarchal bullshit and i am kind of here for it. :D )
Anyway, it is important that the sins are not just strong characteristics within these guys, the are the living fundamental expressions of these concepts. Nothing will ever alter who they are or how they are at their core.
Pride is the only sin that could have failed the portal.
Wrath, Lust, and Greed can be warped into believing it served their own goals
Sloth cant be bothered to fight it
Gluttony sees it as an expansion to their need to consume everything
Envy would do it just to prevent the others from getting there first
But Pride fundamentally cannot allow itself to submit to another. It has to come out on top, second best or equal share isnt good enough.
Raven has to fight him, because to do anything else is to war with her very nature, which is impossible. She can do good because the Sins are simply flaws, not in of themselves damning.
Admittedly i misspoke earlier, Dc Demons are not inherently Evil, they are inherently Malicious, ( which if youve spent any amount of time with preteens you know are not actually the same. )
Raven directs her darker natured instincts at bad guys and her father, still maintaining her nature as Pride, after all she is the most powerful Titan, raw power wise, and she knows it. Pride is content without constantly having to prove herself becuse she lacks the Envy amd Greed that usually come with excessive pride flaws.
Whats funny is that Trigons plan could have worked, if he simply wanted her to take over in his stead, rather than do it himself. But he was never going to do that because he is also Pride, and all the others too, and to do so is against his very nature.
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storiesofstratos · 1 year
Chapter 10: Daniel in Danger
Not every secret can stay hidden...
Leah Nguyen is an OC created by my good friend Shima, who was gracious enough to allow me to include her in the story! Please go give Shima some love <3 Leah is from @elganac and Shima is on twitter @/ShimaVT
The ground gave way under my feet suddenly. Scrambling in a moment of panic, I found myself unable to catch the ledge, tumbling down the side of the cliff. I only managed to survive by the skin of my teeth, my hands finding purchase on a root jutting out from the cliffside. It was steep enough that if I hadn’t caught myself, I would’ve been a goner for sure. “Shit, oh shit,” were all the words I could think to say in that moment, seeing my friends look on in absolute horror as they saw me tumbling to what was almost certainly my death.
“Shit, Daniel,” Jack called out to me as he looked over the edge, “Dude are you okay?”
“Oh, yeah! Just fine,” I shouted back, “In fact, the view’s pretty nice down here, why don’t you come join me?”
“NOW IS NOT THE TIME,” Nico screeched at both of us, full blown panic on her face, “Oh my god oh my god, what do we do? Do we have a rope? No, we don’t, god, I knew we shouldn’t have traveled so far from camp! Now Daniel’s gonna die and we can’t do anything about it!”
“I’m not gonna die Nico, I’ll be fine!”
“Nothing about you says fine right now! Hang on, I’m gonna get the teacher, just wait right here!”
“Trust me, it’s not like I can go anywhere-” Wait. Of course, that’s it! “Hang on Nico, table that teacher thing for now!”
“Excuse me?? Dude, this is not the time to try and show off!”
“No, no, seriously! I have an idea… but, I need you both to trust me. Promise, you will not freak out.”
“Freak out? I’m already freaking out,” Nico’s panic was palpable. Hell, she was almost making me nervous! “What are you just gonna fuckin sprout wings or somethin??”
Nico was about to open her mouth again, but Jack placed a hand in front of it, giving her a look. “We promise.. Do whatever you gotta do..”
Okay.. Easy now Rowe, no need to panic. With where I was at now, the angle should be just right to… yes, okay, good. Just two solid leaps, and I should be back on stable ground. “Just like I practiced,” I whispered to myself.
Get the feeling back in the legs. Feet firm against the wall. Focus… and-
I let go.
Despite Nico’s sudden scream, I maintain that focus. Feel the pressure build under my feet, and-
Suddenly I’m in the air. Everything is dead silent after that thunderous boom of my kickoff, and it’s just me, and the wind. I landed on a nearby cliff, about twenty feet up from where I was, on the opposite end of the ravine. Good.
I crouched down, feeling that pressure build up again. I let loose-
The ground cracks underneath my feet as I leap into the air, clearing not only the gap across to my friends, but making it up another thirty or so feet, landing squarely next to them, brushing myself off.
Their mouths are agape, slack-jawed, staring at me as they get their first look at my abilities that I’d tried so hard to hide from everyone, for all these years. That super strength I’d been blessed with at birth, finally coming out in front of anyone.
Jack was the first to speak up, “So.. since when the hell can you do that?”
“Uh… since… I dunno, since forever? I was… born with these powers, Jack.”
“BORN with them? Bro, I’ve known you since we were like, six, and you didn’t think to bring up the fact that you’re a fuckin superhero?”
“I try not to bring attention to it. I don’t wanna be treated differently because of my powers.”
“Hang on,” Nico piped up, “But you play baseball. You could be the top player if you’ve got super strength. You’re not even in the top ten.”
“I hold back. Like I said, I try not to draw attention to them, so.. I hold back. Like, a lot. I mean, I had thought about, maybe senior year, giving it a little extra in baseball, really make this school remember me, y’know? But, for now, I just use plain old normal strength.”
“So.. how strong is super strong to you, exactly?” Nico seemed more curious than Jack. But, I owed them some answers, I suppose.
“Uh… I never really measured the extent of it, but I know I can lift two of those old cars in the junkard with one hand.. My top running speed measures out at about fifty miles an hour… what else… oh, and I can heal super fast. Nasty cuts last a couple hours… broken bones, maybe a day at most. Never been too keen to measure how far that one goes. Getting hurt sucks.”
“So, back in eighth grade when you broke your arm and wore a cast all that time?”
I shrug, “Fake. Had to keep up appearances.”
They looked like they were about to ask about a thousand more questions before we heard a twig snap behind us. My head whipped around to see the source. Shit, who else could have possibly… oh no.
There she was. Leah Nguyen…With her beautiful brown eyes and her- no, wait, focus Rowe! How long has she been there? How much did she see? Her mouth was just as wide open as Jack and Nico’s… don’t tell me she saw-
Nico turned to Jack, “Grab her.”
Jack nodded, walking toward Leah with a weirdly menacing gait.
“Wait, hold on-” Leah tried to protest, but it was too late. Jack had grabbed her, covering her mouth with his hand before Nico and him dragged her away to somewhere more remote.
“Wait, guys!” I called out to them, “Why the hell are you two being so damn ominous?” I followed, making sure they weren’t about to do something really stupid. That was my department.
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llycaons · 1 year
ep41 (1/2): unironic 3zun shippers are so fucking stupid
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I've always liked these water-carriers. not too heavy or bulky, but also probably not for more than one or two people
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he's almost unrecognizable here. I don't know what it is about him
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stupid idiot taking a bite that's way too big and needing to chew on it and looking stupid. you're on camera. take smaller bites you fool. look at yourself
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worth noting that whatever grace he lacks in biting and chewing bread he makes up for tenfold in the speed and grace with which he stood and bowed. absolutely seamless
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yeah this sucks. jgy genuinely does face harassment and discrimination from trueborn cultivators who enact violent classism and entitlement upon him
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he LITERALLY didn't. you pieces of shit!
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I don't agree with all of nmj's choices, because I think his evaluation of wen qing is narrow-minded and inflexible, but it's clear why he has a reputation for justice, why sl and xxc wanted to deliver to to him, and why lxc is friends with him
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his robe here is so nice
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still one of the funniest parts of the story. bro he literally saw you. and immediately with the trembling and the wide eyes and the denial. oh he's so good
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yeah the things he throws out in desperate bids not to be killed...man will say ANYTHING
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nmj putting together the pieces to declare this first-degree murder. correctly! I've seen AUs where he's a lawyer and I'd definitely prefer that or a detective to a cop
hm, a lawyer who goes to leather bars after hours. and the gym. yeah, I've got it all mapped out
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hey now. this isn't fair. it's not like he paid all those people to talk shit about him. he may have played up his vulnerability in order to appeal to nmj and get protection from him, but is that really that bad?
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actually wait this is so funny. nmj is like 'why the FUCK did you murder all these guys what's your game' and jgy is like trembling eyes full of unshed tears on his knees 'I am just grateful that....I got to meet you' you are such a bullshitter answer the question bitch!
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I mean he didn't have to be such a huge dick about it and torment nmj like that or actually kill anyone? did he? he couldn't have just knocked them out?
I do wonder how much of his behavior is related to his resentment of the nies given that he started planning the murder of nmj very soon after this for no other reason than 'he got mad I murdered his commander and then kicked me out' dude he gave you a top political spot and then spared your life after murder what did you WANT
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oh I know there's a shot just like this with lwj and wwx
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yeah. god damn, jgy you are so so good at lying to people and gaining their trust and then stabbing them in the back
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LOVE THIS SHOT. entering a brotherhood not out of camaraderie but to protect someone else who can't see what you can. sincere 3zun shippers are so stupid. nmj is never going to trust jgy again after even one lapse, he's there because he loves lxc and he wants to keep an eye on jgy. lxc loves both nmj and jgy, and has full faith in both of them. he's right about nmj, but he's a little love-drunk around jgy imo and jgy actively manipulates him further. jgy meanwhile is trying to get close to nmj to kill him and to lxc to use HIM for protection. it's delicious. I've said before that I think jgy is lying to lead lxc on, but nmj clearly hates him and doesn't trust him and he;s trying to murder nmj in turn for like, nothing. so yeah this would never romantically. obviously. it just goes against their characters far too much
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his flirting is so funny. nmj is NOT pleased
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whenever he says these things he like, readies himself for it then delivers the words he wants to say. like taking a breath and diving in. it's not something that I would comment on usually because some people do talk like that, but knowing he's lying make it seem that much more of a performance
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cleansing is so so pretty but the evil version is very noticeably off...and like deliberately so. it SOUNDS evil. nmj. dude. you didn't hear it?
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god he is so invested in his event planning
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he's right though
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the fact that he's crying? dude. come on
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cassioppenny · 2 years
top 5 pkmn rivals OR top 5 non-pokemon video games :D
starting with rivals...
5) silver
he is so silly his favorite video game is probably unironicly shadow the hedgehog. i think it's sad he has never interacted with red once not even in pokemas which is so weird to me. milesverse silver and red (also leaf/green but she's from an alternate universe so she doesn't count) are brothers (same dad) so uh yeah. more milesverse lore silver basically tried impersonating red during the main story ethan like immediately figures out he's full of shit not only because he looks nothing like him but also silver dropped his trainer id so lmao. the team rocket grunts he fights don't realize though. so uh yeah the meow meow
4) blue
kanto trio sweep. i love blue a lot but like specifically the made up version of him in my head and also anything post gen 1. gen 1 blue by himself isn't like incredible or anything though he is easily the best character in gen 1 by virtue of being the only character with more than four lines. though milesverse gen 1 era blue is my little meow meow i have given him every mental illness
3) cheren and n
i don't know who i like more so i put them together. very swag dudes i like them a lot
2) all of the sv rivals
i love them so much i had to put them all on here but i didn't want to put any of them higher than eachother i love them all equally they are my besties for real
1) wally
walter my little meow meow he was born in a wet cardboard box all alone i will protect him with my life he is my little guy. here's some milesverse lore he's like basically the main character in the gen 3 adaptation though brendan is like thoroughly convinced he is. wally, brendan, and may end up calling themselves team sky when they start going against magma and aqua. wally kinda just blurts it out during the part at the waterfall place and the gang rolls with it. also wally summons rayquaza like how the player does in emerald so uh yeah wally swag moments. he also becomes champion at the end
and now vidya games
5) sonic 3 & knuckles
i love sonic <3
4) sonic adventure 2
i love sonic <3
3) undertale
undertale sweep i love undertale so much. when i was a kid i though aus were so cool i made an au where all the characters were pokemon. i love that game. i actually like deltarune more but it's not done yet so undertale takes its place for now
2) persona 3
it's an incredibly wonderful game about living your life to the fullest even though death is inevitable with characters i adore. it is also a game created by a guy who said that he has never had a friendship with a woman and it shows. never play a persona game worst mistake in my life 0/10 don't recommend. it is also one of my favorite games of all time. special mention to the new content added in persona 5 royal actual peak fiction it is so good and on its own could be my favorite game of all time. too bad it's still persona 5. persona 4 is just bad for the love of god never play persona 4
1) kingdom hearts 2
i am. a big fan of kh. sorry for liking the disney game i can't help it. the kairi in my url is in fact kairi kingdom hearts. i will defend her honor to the end of times no one gets to bully her when im around. i kinda hate the kh fandom though specifically the people who are really invested in the ships there is a lot of misogyny there i fear. back to the game kh2 is fucking amazing it's so fun to play and the ending is so cool and the first four hours is good actually fuck you. hashtag kairi sweep give her a game square enix you cowards
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kosi-annec · 8 months
[HAIKYUU!!] Season 2 episode 25
Oh fuck, that means seijo lost their last chance to go up against shiratorizawa, oikawa lost his chance to go up against ushijima (yes had to search his name up). I... Don't know how to feel about that
The girls (kage & oikawa) are fighting again, but more subtle this time
Holy shit I still can't believe karasuno won against seijo
Oh god, yeah daichi receiving a spike like that, one where oikawa literally made a set that shouldn't be possible, yeah that gonna haunt iwa for a while
HHHHH GOD FUCK- this is what i mean when haikyuu makes you love basically the whole cast to some extent. I don't want seijo to go nooo
But I'm still so happy that karasuno won like! They trained so hard to get here, they deserve this win
Oh? Kage reuniting with his old teammates- EH, MY DUDE?? DON'T JUST IGNORE EM
Wow, that was anti-climactic, i was expecting some more yelling
Most probably a bit of both, hinata just has this way of pulling kage's attention
Lol kage's "HM??" HSKSHSK
Aight dude, chill, you don't need to tell him I'm pretty sure oikawa knows better than you
"what was it that you said about worthless pride? I can't recall" OOOOH SNAP, EAT YO WORDS USHI
Yeah ushi, better watch yourself, nothing's more dangerous than an opponent being underestimated
Everyone's fuckin passed out in the bus lol. Bruh wtf hskshsk kageyama can't even relax in his sleep LMAO
Awww yeah couch has a point, without club advisor karasuno wouldn't have been as good as they are rn. My guy just accept the compliment from your hypothetical husband HSKSHS
Oh hey its the volleyball captain on the girl's side! Aw the whole school's there cheering for them!!
Ofc the news focuses more on the popular schools still, even tho karasuno won. I wonder how it's explained in-story on how the news were able to get these specific shots, cuz technically they shouldn't have been able to
Cmon dadchi, you better that hinata never really has bad intentions whenever he says anything bout other volleyball players, he loves volleyball too much for that lol
GSAP OMG THE CINEMATIC PARALLELS!! Literally the same scene from season 1, but this time it's so much more positive
PFT LMAO BRUH THESE DUMBASSES, fuckin forgot yachi was there for real
Lmao kyoko having to be big sister to her very volleyball addicted lil bros
Oh come on could've shown kage giving even a slight twitch to his mouth, but eh I'll take him initiating the fist pump ig
After credit scene! Look at my boys walking in like a gang lol
Honestly surprised that the rest of karasuno aren't confused as to why hinata and kage seem to know ushi more personally lmao
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stormkobra-5 · 2 years
Batons and Unicorns
Steven Grant x GN!Mute!Reader
Part 2 || Part 3
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Summary: You, a new and shy addition to Avengers Tower, are a mutant with the ability to shift into animals at will: you're Skinchanger. Thing is? You're mute, and much prefer the company of your fellow animals to humans, even the Earth's mightiest heroes, which kind of alienates you. Until you meet Steven Grant, the other new addition to Avengers Tower.
Fluff, cute, silly, a purely ridiculous fanfic involving our boy Steven
A/N: Yeah so I enjoy the fanfics where Avengers Tower still exists and nobody died horrible deaths and endured unnecessary suffering due to a giant purple alien with a thing for jewelry and everyone is hApPy like they deserve. (I do not know if there's actually a Skinchanger in the Marvel universe and I am way too lazy to Google it) .
Notes: My knowledge of DID comes solely from Moon Knight, so if there are any inaccuracies please let me know!
Warnings: Rated 14+. This story involves strong language. Reader is mute due to being extremely shy. Hawkeye is an ass because I really, really do not like Jeremy Renner at all (which means he has no sad MCU backstory to make him more of a jackass in this story), and also? I needed an antagonist.
So, apparently you're an Avenger now.
You should be celebrating.
Seriously, like go grab a fucking cake and some candles or whatnot and party because wow, somehow you made it into the elites of the elites.
Which just doesn't happen to average people, right?
Yeah, except you aren't average.
Not in the bad way, not at all, I mean you're a freaking badass. The way you casually shifted into an elephant to scare the shit outta those guys holding up the train station? Fucking badass.
Only, you didn't know these dudes were apparently rogue criminal agents ready to set off a chemical weapon. You didn't know that Iron Man would bust through a window to grab the bomb that you'd accidentally knocked into a grate, which you then collected with your trunk. And you really didn't expect to accidentally save Ant-Man's life. How were you supposed to know you were stepping between him and a speeding bullet that was only a superfluous injury to your badass elephant self?
'Course, the Avengers didn't know you were a person. They thought you were an escaped elephant from the Central Park Zoo or something. Nah, you're just a wanderer setting out from (your hometown) on a journey of self-discovery. Right place, right time.
You were also broke as hell and lost as fuck, but nobody's keeping track, right?
Ah, whatever. Somehow you bagged the greatest job in the universe.
Iron Man himself (against the judgment of like, everybody, but whatever, he's Tony Stark so he can do whatever the fuck he wants) recruited you when you turned back to your normal human self. "Wanna be a hero, kid?"
Sure, you'd nodded. You're mute, which was easily explained when you started communicating in sign language and kind Captain Rogers translated for you.
Although, honestly? You hate people. Who doesn't nowadays? Even the heroes you really didn't wanna be around. But, you took the job. Pays well, gets you college, and gives you a pretty damn good reputation while you're at it.
Not to mention.
Not to mention.
You are now, personally, in the midst of heroes. Gods, even. On your first day moved in with nothing but your little bag of luggage you meet Thor himself. And Loki. Did I mention Loki. Although with the whole New Asgard thing in Norway, they're not really at Avengers Tower much thank whatever, because it's kind of nerve-wracking, being in the presence of gods? Not to mention Loki. You were there for the Loki-pocalypse taking over Tumblr when he reformed. You witnessed all the hype and fanfics and millions of people across the globe drooling over this man.
You may have been one of them.
Just saying. That might be why it was kinda hard to look him in the eye. Not that you read hardcore smut or anything (or did you...? I don't know you. That's none of my business.), but still. The guy is like ten feet tall and dark and handsome with his features sharp enough to cut through fucking diamond.
Geez, you're glad he's off to New Asgard.
So, you move in. Mr. Stark (as you've been told to call him, by him) takes you to a mandatory introduction to the whole of the Avengers crew.
There a lot of them.
There's like three Peters, five Steves, and each guy or gal has a specific superpower. And backstory. And twenty pages of why you should not under any circumstances fuck with any of them of previous missions and accomplishments that make you feel like your elephant-heroic-ness is falling far short of the Avengers title.
Then you move in.
Mr. Stark gives you a spacious apartment on the living floor, in the midst of everybody else's apartments that few of them actually use. Thankfully you are set far back. You get a crappy nice view of the congested cluster fuck of cars and smog-covered city of New York through a big-ass window, a gigantic bed, a generous bathroom, and the man even buys you clothes. Congrats! You've officially been adopted by Tony Stark! Way to go!
Your mentor? Thank god it's a robot. You're given a set of martial arts lessons and must copy them, occasionally fighting some drones. You do this in the evening, after school to get your... whatever degree.
Thankfully, you see very little of the heroes. They're off doing hero stuff or whatever. You see them at the compound dinner (although there is a kitchenette in your personal apartment like everybody else's so you can have your own private dinner if you want), sometimes, never all of them at once. The only ones that actually live there are Scott Lang, Natasha Romanoff, Thor and Loki part-time, Bruce Banner, and Peter Parker part-time. The Guardians of the Galaxy use it as a recharge station when they come to Earth.
And Mr. Stark, duh.
When you do see them, they try to make polite one-sided conversation with you because only a few of them know sign language, like Mr. Rogers and Parker. But you don't talking to people because they're like??? just no??? don't talk??? to you??? Like you wanna go about your own business.
And then you come home from school one day to find the apartment next to yours fucking open, like???
Open??? Like??? Somebody's moving in???
Whom the fuck, you might think, like a very proper-speaking person.
Whom the fuck indeed.
Milling around in front is Nick motherfucking Fury, who you only met once upon your arrival. Next to him is Mr. Stark himself, using a dolly to wheel in a pile of boxes full of books.
Man do you love books. Like your whole apartment is full of books from floor-to-ceiling of your own and from your local library. BOOKS GALORE.
"Well, Stevie--" Mr. Stark tries to say, but he's interrupted.
"Ste-ven. With a V." Says a very British voice in response, soft and quiet, though also impatient. Exasperated. Like he's said this a billion times.
"Sorry," Mr. Stark replies nonchalantly, "Steven. Marc. Jake. Welcome to Avengers Tower."
You kind of linger behind Fury and Stark, who haven't noticed you yet, peering into the room. There's a large fish tank with a single beautiful goldfish, and shelves and shelves of what will probably hold books, because all the boxes in the room have books. Old books. New books. Big, small, medium, tiny, books everywhere.
This Steven/Marc/Jake guy might be a good neighbor to have. Like maybe you might befriend him to get access to this little personal library of his? Maybe???
The poor guy, though, looks extremely tired. He has dark bags under his dark eyes and his inky black hair is unkempt. Poor guy looks like he hasn't slept this millennium. Dudebro, you ok?
"Am I a prisoner?" Steven questions.
"No," Fury replies sincerely, "You're a guest. Marc joined the Avengers Initiative for you and Jake both, and so now you're based here. You're free to leave, after you've completed your training."
Steven seems surprised. "B-but I'm already the Avatar of Khonshu..."
Khonshu? As in the crazy moon god from Egyptian mythology?
That's right my dude. Dudette. Person. Whatever. You do your research. You're a fucking nerd and you have nothing to be ashamed of.
Or you're not.
Either way. You know who Khonshu is.
Realization hits you. This must be fucking Moon Knight.
You'd heard of the guy since you moved into the tower. The vigilante who protects those who walk at night or some cool shit like that. He wears white so the bad guys see him coming. He's fucking brutal. And part of all that Egyptian stuff. He's apparently crazy or something.
Yet the stories you've heard of the guy who beats people to shit using moon-shaped boomerangs and sheer brute force and Egyptian curses or whatnot does not match the sweet guy standing before you.
Fury acknowledges Moon Knight's question with a noncommittal shrug. "It's protocol. Even Thor and Loki were trained for Earth-based threats. Just following procedure."
Steven only nods. In defeat. You feel bad for him.
Of course, now Mr. Stark sees you.
"Oh! Y/N! Hey!"
Mr. Stark's always been nice to you.
That doesn't mean you like human interaction.
You freeze like a deer in headlights as all attention turns onto you.
Respectfully, fuck you, Mr. Stark.
Mr. Stark reaches over and grabs your shoulder, nudging you forward. You hold your books to your chest in sheer terror.
"Guys," Mr. Stark says to Steven, although there's only one dude in the room, "Say hi to your neighbor. This is Y/N. Y/N, meet..." He turns to Steven for confirmation. "Steven, right?"
Steven nods, shy, looking up at you from under his brow with a faint, tense smile. He gives a little wave. "Hello." He looks just as terrified as you are.
You give a stiff nod. Mr. Stark goes on to introduce the... other people in the room. Of which you see none. But Mr. Stark gestures to a frightened Steven. "He's also Marc Spector and Jake Lockley. He has something called Dissociative Identity Disorder. Means he's not just Steven Grant all the time. Figured you should know, so you don't treat him like he's crazy when somebody else is fronting."
Huh. Sounds like Mr. Stark has done his research, too. Steven seems to be gauging your reaction, but you're only nodding in understanding. The planet has been invaded by fucking aliens.
Numerous times.
You can handle a dude who is simply just not one dude. Mr. Stark may be snarky, but he's always trying to make sure everyone feels welcome and at home, which is why he then turns to Steven to tell him about you. "And bro-- bros, sorry-- if they don't talk, they're not ignoring you. They're mute. They can speak in American Sign Language, though. They're also really, really shy so they take awhile to warm up to new people. Still hasn't really warmed up to us yet, so."
Steven's eyes keep flicking to you as Mr. Stark is talking, and then Mr. Stark pats your back in acknowledgement, turning to the doorway to confirm that Fury is already gone. "So, I'll leave you to get unpacked. I've got stuff to do. Compound dinner is at 6:00 pm sharp, but you're free to have dinner in your own apartment if you want. Hence your own kitchen."
"Thanks," Steven mutters, but you only nod as Mr. Stark leaves.
The two of you stand there awkwardly for a second before Steven comes forward to shake your hand, which you do stiffly. "Nice to meet you, Y/N."
Nice to meet you too, you reply in ASL (which is awkward with your books), but Steven doesn't know it. He furrows his brow, looking honestly ashamed. "I-I'm sorry, I don't know sign language..."
You nod. Seems like that and charades are the extent of how you two can communicate. Is that gonna stop you from helping out the fellow introvert who is also a badass god-avatar and also Marc Spector and Jake Lockley? Nah.
You hold up a finger. Hang on. You rush into your apartment and set your books and backpack down before returning to find Steven in exactly the same place and pose as you had left him. You tap the top of a box, your chest, and gesture to the room. Steven looks around and follows your signals, puzzling it out.
Then the poor guy seems confused. "I'm sorry, do you want to help me unpack?" It sounds like nobody has offered to help him with anything in his life.
Know how you feel, my dude.
You nod, eagerly. Steven is clearly flustered. "Oh, no no no, you don't have to do that. I wouldn't want to trouble you."
You can't tell if he doesn't want your help because he doesn't like you, is a bad introvert like you (you don't know where your sudden bravery is coming from), or seriously thinks that you don't want to. You tilt your head a bit, thinking. Then you come forward and take his hand, which he reluctantly allows you to do. You spell out on the back of his hand, I want to help. That OK?
Steven seems to think for a second. Or maybe he's listening to Marc and Jake say something. Then he smiles, and it's the warmest smile you've ever seen. "Yeah. That's ok. You wanna start with that stack over there?"
And that, reader, is the start of something wonderful.
Although it's slow.
For the next couple of days you help Steven unpack. In the middle of day two, after lunch, you come back to find not Steven, but Marc, the American ex-marine mercenary who really fucking intimidates you. He's not mean, he's just... like you feel like you should call him sir and stand at attention because this dude is badass and not shy and is more quiet than even Steven, but in a brooding kind of way.
You don't meet Jake yet, but the next day Steven is back, and he's sweeter than ever. The way Steven and Marc talk about each other is like brothers-- with Marc being the older brother, of course.
Steven is extremely slow in warming up to you over the next few weeks, like you are to him. Like sometimes he'll start excitedly rambling about the Ennead and you'll listen with interest before he'll abruptly stop himself, thinking he's been talking too much. You urge him to go on.
Because it's really fricking interesting.
Also, he's so nice and sweet that you can't help but warm up to him a little quicker than you would to others. Those memes, where two introverts meet and they just click? Yeah, it's kind of like that. Your arms get tired from how much you're talking through ASL (which he's learning fairly quickly) and your face hurts from smiling. You never knew unpacking and making a friend could be so much fun.
Although the two of you are still a little... conservative. You don't talk about yourselves much. You wonder if he'll think your power is stupid, instead of bending time or being super, so even though you sometimes think it would be easier to put books on top shelves if you were a small giraffe, you don't shift. Steven doesn't seem to keen to summon his suit around you, either, asking the subject to be changed when you bring it up.
Three days after his arrival, Steven starts his training. Since he's obviously not in college, his takes place earlier in the day, but when you come over he's quiet, reserved, and looks like somebody just dragged him through the dirt. Which is odd, because for Mr. Knight/Moon Knight, he should kick ass.
It's on a Saturday when you figure out why.
So you know how everybody's been nice to you? Yeah.
Not Barton.
He's a fucking asshole.
Not just to you, to everybody but Natasha, who's kind of like his sister. But he tries to beat up his opponents in the training rings brutally. Including you. You've gone bison on his ass before just to get him to back off.
Although today, nobody sees you from your position perched calmly on a railing in sparrow-form, because sometimes you just need to hide and chill, y'know? What better place than the obvious?
But when Steven-- because it's clearly Steven, Marc walks differently-- comes in with his bag for training, looking like he's scared to death of what's lurking about, you immediately perk up, waiting.
Steven pulls a little mirror out of his pocket, huffing. "No, Marc. I'm not gonna let you take over. You'll bloody kill him. Besides, it's Saturday. Right? It is Saturday? ...I thought so. He's not gonna come here on a Saturday, is he? I can do it."
Steven shrugs and puts the mirror back in his pocket.
You've seen the mirror conversations before. Of course, you can't see Marc or Jake, but Steven can. The first time it happened he was scared he'd freaked you out, but you'd only shrugged and told him to say hi to Marc for you.
You watch, intrigued, as Steven goes to the robot and starts to input the code to access his lessons. The far door opens and he freezes, turning around to find Barton entering. He starts to gather up his things and make to bolt out of there. The fuck? You scared of Barton?
"Grant," Barton greets loudly, spreading his arms in a challenge. He has a disgustingly smug grin on his face, and you can take a guess that he's probably been successful in bullying Steven, who wouldn't hurt a fly even if it were a ten-foot-long one threatening his life. "Where you goin', buddy? Don't you wanna practice?"
"I, erm," Steven is backing toward the door. "I've decided to do it later, actually." Dude. Let Marc front and cream this guy. Very few people take Barton's shit, but one of them is Peter Parker, who you've occasionally defended by turning into a falcon and dive-bombing Barton until he leaves him alone.
Well. If he's not gonna let Marc front.
You swoop down, behind Steven, as Barton grabs him by the collar of his shirt and starts to drag him toward the fighting ring. Then, before you can do anything--
Steven just fucking-- suddenly he's in a tux. Like, a bright, white, glowing-eyes tux. Blink, puff, Steven is fucking brighter than a goddamn lightbulb. He yanks Barton off of him, twists his arm, and kicks him so hard he goes flying across the room.
You watch with big bird heart eyes because.
You've never seen either of his suits. He's fucking amazing. "You want to get planted again? Back off, Barton." Steven threatens as Barton struggles to his feet. For a second, you're scared he's gonna go for his bow, but then Steven whips out a couple of batons from his goddamn sleeves and takes up a fighting stance that you're more than certain Marc taught him. "Go ahead! Try it! I dare you!"
You think Barton just might, and Steven doesn't deserve to stand alone. You flutter up to Steven with a couple of chirps and land right on his shoulder. Steven flinches, confused by the presence of a random bird, but Barton knows exactly what's happening. He glares, knowing what forms you can take: you could be Godzilla if you really wanted, but for only like a minute, tops.
Not that you'd actually seriously hurt him.
But when you were a bison you may have jabbed him in the ass with your horn.
With a huff of frustration, Barton mumbles something unintelligible and storms away, clutching where Steven kicked him. Slowly, Steven flips his batons and they disappear. You take flight, hovering and fluttering around his face with a series of excited chirps. Steven watches you with his glowing white eyes in total shock for a second before holding up his hand for you to land on, which you do. If birds could blush and have heart eyes, you would be doing both as you stare up at him in awe.
You can see Steven smile under the mask. "Hello, little birdie. Where'd you come from? Are you lost?"
Then you do something a bird would never do. You write, hello badass on his gloved palm with a bird-ish smile of squished-up cheeks and sparkling eyes.
Steven chuckles in disbelief. "Y/N?! That's your power?! You can turn into birds?!"
You take flight, and he keeps his hand under you with a smile in case you fall. When you land, you're a human again, and you're beaming. So is he. "Don't know why we never showed each other our powers before. We could team up! You could be..." He thinks, and you let him. You haven't seen him this excited yet, and it's endearing. He's like a kid. "Ah! Starbird! Mr. Knight and Starbird!"
I can turn into any animal, You sign, laughing, From any time or realm. I'm Skinchanger.
Steven smiles even wider under his mask. "But we can still team up! I'll switch my training to the evenings so we can do it together. I'm sure Marc and Jake won't mind."
The fact that he wants to train with you has you grinning from ear-to-ear. But then he seems to realize something. "...Can you... Can you turn into mythical creatures? Like dragons?"
Why of fucking course, you reply, because what good would turning into animals be if you couldn't be the most badass one to ever exist? But you don't do that, because last time you did you almost set fire to a whole forest. Instead, you shift into something more magical and pleasant.
A white unicorn, because you can do whatever the fuck you want and no one can stop you.
Steven busts out laughing. You've never heard it, and you lean closer with a whinny of question. Is he laughing at you? No, not Steven. He's too sweet. "Why did you pose like that?!"
Then you're laughing, in a very horse-y way, because you did pose. You just hadn't thought it would be that funny. Steven pats your cheek, grinning. "You're beautiful, birdie."
Butterflies swirl in your belly, because Steven just gave you a nickname.
And called you beautiful.
"Give me a ride back to my flat?"
You strike the pose again, making him laugh. Of course you'll give him a ride. Once he's up on you're back, you purposefully trot by the main living area even though it's out of the way. Yes, Mr. Knight is riding a unicorn. And everybody sees it. Banner even takes off his glasses to wipe them off, a little more than confused.
When you get back to his apartment, Steven is in his regular clothes and you're human. You both plop onto his couch in fits of laughter, harder than you've laughed in years, making jokes about the reactions of the other heroes as they watched you go by.
Slowly, you come to a realization.
You, my friend, might be falling for the sweetest guy on Earth.
You can't help yourself.
You do something unexpected.
"Steven," You say, and he freezes. He goes still like somebody just slapped him hard. He sits there for a second, and you realize he might be trying to figure out if that was one of his alters. "Steven," You say again. Your voice is hoarse, and it hurts. But it's the first word you've said in a very long time.
Steven looks at you in disbelief, jaw slack and eyes wide. "Y/N... Did you just--"
"Steven!" You repeat, beaming.
Slowly, Steven grins. You might see tears in his eyes because a mute person cares about him enough to start speaking for him. "Y-you just said my name," He breathes, gripping your shoulders tight.
"Steven!" You confirm, and throw your arms around his neck to engulf him in a tight bear hug, laughing.
Steven doesn't think he's ever smiled harder in his life.
Yes, reader, this is the start of something wonderful indeed.
Thanks for reading! We all need a random silly, fluffy fic once in awhile, right?
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s1ater · 3 years
nothing on you.
pairings. tasm!peter parker x fem!reader
about. in which you find your lab partner in a strange place you’d never expect to find him in.
Tumblr media
warnings. corny‼️
ricky rocks. short story 4 my best man because i didn’t want to think too hard into this
“you look like someone who could use some company.”
oh god, you sounded like a weirdo. or a hooker.
but despite that, he still looked and smiled at you, “look at you.” he almost grinned harder once he got a good look at you, taking notice that you weren’t exactly wearing the sweatshirt and sweatpants he always saw you in—but rather a very revealing top and a mini skirt. “didn’t take my lab partner for someone who liked to party.”
“i might say the same thing about you, parker,” you smiled back, taking a seat next to him on the ratty old frat couch he sat on. “when i thought of you getting your rocks off, i thought you’d be in an actual room with rocks.”
“wow, i’m offended,” he squinted at you putting a hand against his chest as if to cover his wounded heart, but he stilled smiled. “i would have hoped you thought higher of me, y/l/n.”
“i don’t intend on offending you, peter,” you smiled with amusement, “i just would have thought you were better than this.” you motioned and referenced to the frat house that you both currently sat in with all the buff dudes bumping their heads as they watched another identical guy chug a beer.
it made him scoff and his head slightly tipped, “but it’s normal for you to stoop this low?”
you shrugged, “we all have our moments of weakness… me more than anyone.”
“oh, so you’re saying this is a weekly occurrence for you?” he quirked an eyebrow, really wanting to know the answer.
and you almost didn’t want to answer, cringing as your head slightly fell sideways in shame, “maybe.”
“oh, on,” he shook his head, “cheap beer? men who don’t know basic hygiene and are probably failing their math 1 class? that’s your type, isn’t it? that’s why you come here, to get some play from boys with pedophile staches and low iqs?”
you laughed maybe a little too loudly, quickly slapping your hand over your mouth as you stared at peter who’s brow arched higher, but still he smiled, loving every moment of your presences.
“i don’t stoop that low.”
“oh, good. we still have time to save you,” he sat up now, clasping your elbow and scooting closer to you, “i almost thought i’d have no chance with you.”
“really?” your cheeks burned and you almost felt shameful for leaning closer to him as his voice was now a whisper and comforting and warm and ready to swallow you whole.
“yeah,” he nodded his head, “compared to those big burley guys who live off pre-workout, i’m nothing.”
you giggled again, feeling woozy and even more drunk with his amusement that was just feeding you to the brim with bliss. it felt out of body, it didn’t feel real, but it was and you felt like a fool falling so fast for someone you barely knew.
“they got nothing on you, peter parker.”
you were completely lost with time, but all you knew was he was a really good kisser and that’s all that mattered right then and there as the two of you stumbled into your dorm room where you were soon consumed in pitch black. neither of you could find care for it as you still clung to him feverishly, kissing him with all you could as if on a timer.
you couldn’t help but laugh once his mouth pulled from yours and started pressing kissed against your neck while the two of you still absent mindedly attempted to find your bed. you tried your best to guide but failed—causing the both of you to trip over your own feet and fall to the ground.
you giggled through the pain as you were now squished beneath peter’s body. he groaned, laughing a little himself but he still winced, pushing himself off and to the side of you, “well, we tried.”
“we did.” you smiled, not finding the attempt a complete failure due to now being a lot more familiar with your lab partner.
“i’d say i was hoping things would go a lot more smoother but…” he traveled off, now looking to the side of your face, “i’m not completely disappointed.”
“nor am i,” you looked back,
“next week then?”
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