#but yeah. stampede could benefit from being more direct with it
ruporas · 1 year
I don't know if this is a heavy question to ask- it may be. Feel free to ignore it.
But I was questioning myself if it was even an okay thing to ship Tristamp! vash x tristamp! wolfwood due to the age gap???
In the manga it was proven ww was of age (since the treatments went over a course of years) but it wasn't so clear in tristamp, especially with the whole forced growth sequence being more cut short than the manga. He may be in the body of a man but, isn't he still a child? is what I mean to ask.
At the end of the day I know they are all fictional and to block if I don't like but it still has me wondering.
I've seen a lot of people simultaneously pull "dni pedos" (which is more than okay and I agree) but then also go and ship what they ship.
I'm just genuinely confused I think. Is there something I am missing? or is he still a child in a man's body?
I don't know who else to ask, because I also know at the end of the day you're just an artist on the other end of the line. I'm sorry 😭
yeah, it's confusing because stampede never states it directly, but i'm certain that wolfwood is an adult from the brief glimpses of time shown in stampede itself and in trusting the studio themselves.
as we saw with rollo, he was experimented on for 5 years before ending up like this
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and then we see him again in this same state 20 years later in episode 5. we get concrete numbers for rollo who we can estimate to be in his 20s when he dies. see here too that elendira, 20 years ago, also still looks like that, the same in the present. i'm saying all of this to dissuade any arguments that might be like "wolfwood should look older and not the same as he did in the flashback of ep 6" because there are only so many 3d models orange studio can make and design. i also think that ep 5 itself is meant to exemplify the quick years that can go by when in reference to a flashback.
the mention of wolfwood aging "in just a few months" shouldn't be an indicator of his age because narrative-wise, they only brought that up to emphasize him being a s+ grade and unique and to highlight how much he's suffered in just a short period of time. wolfwood's flashback is put together in one(1) episode, much of it is used to highlight the bond between him and livio in their childhood because that's the point of his arc. because of that, any scenes that shows him working under the eye of michael are all cut because it isn't important at this time of the show. there's a huge time gap missing in wolfwood's history because studio orange chose specific years to give weight to the arc they wanted to present to us first.
this is like the only scene we get of him doing his job under the eom, at the beginning of ep 6
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and him here is different from how he is here.
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so from the show itself, i think those are the obvious points that suggests wolfwood is not Still 10 years old when he gets sent to retrieve vash.
in reference to my second point of believing in the studio -- because they heavily based stampede off of maximum, i find it Hard to believe they'd randomly make wolfwood a minor because it genuinely serves no benefit to his story to make that change. there would be less weight to his bond with vash because wolfwood has always been the character to challenge vash, they're meant to be equals. much of maximum and 98, Even Badlands Rumble, play up the significance of vash and wolfwood's relationship and how the two can argue and depend on each other as people with similar life experiences. orange studio pour love into stampede and respects nightow and his craft and as a result, i think they'd keep vash and wolfwood on the same level in this adaption too.
all and all, they're both adults in previous versions and they're both adults in this version. final phase will probably give room for more of wolfwood's past experiences now that we know most of vash's story, maybe that would resolve any confusion.
hope that helps!
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spicyfloaty · 4 years
Give & Take | Chapter 3
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pairing: kacchako
genre: slowburn/fluff
words: 2.7k
summary: Ochako's grades are slipping. Bakugo is dangerously nearing suspension, or worse, expulsion. A certain twist of fate pairs them together for tutoring sessions. He teaches her math. She keeps him from getting suspended. A simple exchange, but what if this only brings them closer than necessary?
header credits: @alexbenedetto
Chapter Two
Chapter Three: Emotional Whiplash Courtesy of Shoto Todoroki
Ochako’s lunch looked less appetizing despite the fact that she got her favorite meal and weirdly enough, the same could also be said about today’s breakfast. She couldn’t help but lose her appetite thanks to the stampede of thoughts clouding her mind, twisting her stomach in knots that could intimidate a senior girl scout. She might as well be sporting a flashing neon sign that read, I have a tutoring session with Bakugo Katsuki later. Help. 
Her train of thought comes to an abrupt halt, only to go full throttle, bringing her back to the events that took place yesterday. It was bad enough that she fell asleep in class, it was another thing to be woken up by the one person she wanted to desperately avoid at all costs. She wasn’t a hundred percent sure of what happened after that, but the clearest images she could conjure in her head were warm hands and the indisputable figure of Bakugo’s back facing her as he walked out of the classroom. Ochako wants to give herself the benefit of the doubt and believe that she didn’t do anything stupid in between the gaps in her memory other than Bakugo being the one to wake her from her slumber.
Her mind wanders to this morning, Ochako didn’t miss the indiscriminate glances Bakugo occasionally threw her way within the cluster of their classmates coming together in their dorm’s common room before they make their way to class. She pushed aside the little voices that whispered ridiculous assumptions behind the sudden attention she was getting from him, instead, she reasons that Bakugo was most likely just thinking along the same lines as her, their upcoming session, that is. His thoughts might not be as all-consuming as hers, but she couldn’t think of any other reason why he’d even bother giving her the time of day.
A hand makes its way in front of her face, waving up and down, “Are you all right, Uraraka?” She realizes that she had been staring at her lunch tray for a concerning amount of minutes, “Is there something wrong with your lunch?”
Iida has a worried look etched on his face, she notices Todoroki and Deku also wearing the same expression, “Oh no, I’m fine! I was just caught up in my own head, that’s all,” She says with a dismissive wave. She instantly regrets not leaving out the last part of her sentence when she sees Iida’s eyebrows knit together, “Oh? Is everything okay?”
As much as Iida’s overwhelming concern warmed her heart, Ochako would much rather not have Bakugo as the table’s next topic of discussion, “Yes, I promise it’s not a big deal.” She manages to give her friend one last reassuring smile before trying to change the topic, “You were saying something about today’s hero training activity? I heard that All Might’s planning on having us disarm bombs again.”
Finally, this shifts the attention away from her, “Ah, yes, I’m looking forward to surpassing my record from the previous one!” Iida replies, Ochako exhales a breath of relief, thankful that her thoughts about Bakugo led her quick thinking to the subject of bombs.
“All Might also mentioned that today’s bombs would be more difficult to disarm,” Deku chimes in, “It’s most likely because he decided to have us use real ones this time instead of the simulated ones we used last time!”
Ochako takes in the sparkle of enthusiasm in Deku’s eyes and the overflowing amount of admiration in his voice, the mention of All Might never fails to elicit that kind of reaction from his biggest fan. She almost smiles fondly at the thought if not for the heavy feeling that spreads across her chest. Her mind drifts to a distant memory of the sleepless nights she used to share with him, heavy eyelids, phone pressed against one ear as she listens to Deku rattle on and on about the new limited edition All Might figurine he bought that day.
Oh, how she wished things were still like that.
“Do you think he’ll have us perform in pairs again?” Iida’s question plops additional weight on her chest, I certainly hope not.
Todoroki lifts his attention from his soba and places it on Deku and Ochako, “If that were the case, I’m confident that Midoriya and Uraraka would finish in record time just like before.” Ochako instinctively glances at Deku and he follows suit, but they look away just as quickly. If there was one thing that this conversation did not need, it was the awkwardness that already plagued Deku and Ochako’s relationship. It also didn’t need the dreadful silence that immediately follows, occupying their table as if it were a fifth person sitting alongside them.
Iida looked as if he’d much rather be anywhere than to be seated between her and Deku while Ochako tried her very best not to make a face that screamed she’d rather not be in this table at all. Todoroki, as usual, is clueless about the new atmosphere he had brought down upon the table, he takes another bite out of the soba that reminded Ochako of her own legs, had she not been sitting down right now, it would’ve been an impossible task for her to stand upright.
“Yeah,” Deku says softly, “I’m sure we would.”
A part of Ochako thanked him for breaking the painful silence gripping both of their necks, the other part of her sank in a vicious pool of guilt. Deku had always been the one making a conscious effort in trying to patch up the relationship that had both of them speechless around one another and even if they had something to say, it wouldn’t make it past the confines of your regular greeting or anything school related, on the field or within the classroom.
An image of Deku’s text from last night flashes in her mind, it had no more than 10 words, but it was the most they had ever spoken to one another after what happened last year. Hey, are you okay? You don’t usually sleep in class. Once again, it was Deku who takes the first step. She wished she had more to say than just I’m okay, but she had nothing. What’s worse is that she lied, of course she wasn’t okay, but would she really admit that to anyone, let alone him?
Ochako would have sunk deeper into guilt if it weren’t for Todoroki once again speaking up to point out something she had almost forgotten about.
“Uraraka, Mr. Aizawa called you in his office the other day,” he begins, putting his chopsticks down. Ochako feels her breath hitch at the unexpected mention of her meeting with Aizawa, the weight of her guilt suddenly exploding into confetti inside her gut the minute her thoughts fly back to Bakugo like persistent flies on a moldy sandwich. She was going to get whiplash because of all the shifts in emotion this clueless, soba-loving boy was inflicting upon her.
Todoroki’s gaze focuses on her, “Bakugo was also summoned not long before, are these two events related in some way?” he asks as if it were the 17th century and he was a king questioning his subjects. She thought that she had already escaped every possibility of talking about Bakugo but here it comes barging into the conversation like the metric ton wrecking ball that it was.
She knew that if she told them the entirety of her conversation with Aizawa, she’d only make her friends worry about her more than they already should. She even has yet to tell them about the part time job she took about a month ago at a small cafe in a nearby town to help cover her father’s medical expenses, not to mention the huge decline in income for their family’s business. The times when she had to book it to the train station the minute their last period ends were often explained to curious classmates as extra martial arts lessons with Gunhead, not that she has anything to show for it since she was probably washing cutlery during that time rather than learning how to do a proper axe kick with a pro hero.
She decides to keep her answer brief so as to not give anything away, “I’m gonna be having tutoring sessions with Bakugo from now on.” Thinking about it in her head, the idea never really struck her as something peculiar, but hearing it from her own voice for the first time with her closest friends as her audience, she realizes how weird it actually sounded.
To her surprise, Deku is the first to react, “Kacchan?” The way he said it didn’t sound like he disagreed with the idea, he just sounded genuinely surprised.
“That’s...unusual” Todoroki points out. It’s not like Ochako could deny that, the last person anybody would consider to be capable of helping someone understand what a definite integral was would be Bakugo.
“Well,” Iida interjects, “as um unusual as the idea may be, I believe it would be a wonderful opportunity for you, Uraraka.” Ochako wanted to hug the boosters out of Iida right then and there, but he wasn’t finished yet, “But was there...,” he trails off for a while.
“...Another option?” Shoto finishes.
“Well, Iida and Momo are already helping Kaminari, Jirou, and Mina, while Deku--,” she pauses. For a moment, she had forgotten that Deku was sitting one seat apart from her, and now he was learning about how she had considered being tutored by him instead. “uh Deku...was already busy training with All Might.” Her eyes dart to anywhere except for Deku’s direction.
“What about me?” Todoroki offers, “I’d be more than willing to tutor you.”
Ochako considers this for a short while before remembering how much it was necessary for Bakugo to be the one who tutors her, “No! I mean--I appreciate it, really I do, but,” Her eyes quickly dart to Bakugo’s table before focusing on Todoroki once more, “I’m okay with this.”
Todoroki studies her for another second or two before replying, “I see,” he picks up his chopsticks and points them towards her, “If you’ve already set your mind to it, then I will no longer push the idea.” He punctuates his sentence with a slurp of soba.
“Bakugo is a consistent top student, yes, though he can be a bit--,” Iida clears his throat, “ill-mannered and quite...loud.” He turns to Ochako, the same concerned expression taking over his face once more, “Are you sure about this?”
This makes her think. Bakugo surely wasn’t the most pleasant person to be around nor was he someone she was over the moon to be learning one on one from. Despite this, she was at least 95% sure about her decision since she believed that everybody can learn a thing or two from anybody, even from a piece of work such as Bakugo Katsuki and as if to read her mind, “Kacchan can be difficult to get along with, but I think that there’s a lot Uraraka can learn from him.” Deku adds, “I don’t think his attitude should overshadow the fact that he’s an amazing person, and maybe someone who could be just as amazing as a mentor.”
It’s been almost two years since Ochako had first met Deku, but it still never fails to amaze her whenever he praises Bakugo like this. She’s heard stories from when Deku and Bakugo were still in middle school, but they would always be told in a way where it would never be truly complete. Then again, it was Deku she was hearing it from. Ochako doesn’t think she would ever truly come to understand how tough those times must have been on him, but even that won’t stop Deku from listing all the things about Bakugo that he deemed amazing.
It was this sentiment from Deku that gave her the strength she needed to face Deku head on with a small smile, “Yeah.”
The boys eventually tangent to a conversation about Present Mic’s lecture when Ochako’s gaze finds its way to Bakugo’s table once again. Bakugo had Kirishima’s arm hooked around his neck and a deep scowl on his face that made her wonder how Kirishima was still alive and breathing,  moreover, how his arm was still attached to his body. Despite this though, she somehow already knew the answer. Bakugo was someone who could blast your head off if you looked at him the wrong way, but at the same time he was also the kind of person who would push a friend to their limits no matter how much they tell themselves that they can’t do it. He’d be the type of person who would take absolutely no shit from anyone because he'd be too busy being the best version of himself he could be.
Bakugo’s scowl morphs into a grin in response to Mina hitting Kaminari upside the head and it sends a flutter to 3 different parts of her stomach. It’s probably the lack of food in her stomach right now, she should really get to eating.
Watching the captivating dynamic of the neighboring table, Ochako can’t help but wonder if he was asked the same question as her by his friends. Had he told them about her? What did they have to say, nevermind, what did he have to say?
She doesn't realize that she’s been staring for too long when Bakugo looks over to actually catch her staring. Ochako doesn’t know what possessed her to decide not to look the other way, but she doesn’t. Bakugo narrows his eyes as if to say The hell are you lookin’ at? and before her heart could leap out of her chest and yell at her to look away, she finally does. She lets out a heavy breath, not knowing she was holding hers the whole time.
The day goes by as it usually does, the only notable thing about it being the bomb disarming activity they had during hero training. Fortunately, All Might didn’t throw them into pairs again, this time grouping the class into teams of 4, her teammates being Iida, Momo, and Tokoyami. The reason for the increase of allies was due to the presence of civilians/dummies they had to evacuate while simultaneously having to disarm the bomb.
Iida stayed true to his word and beat his previous record, Ochako didn’t have much time to celebrate because she was already running to the nearest dumpster to hurl her guts out. Bakugo’s team however had the best time out of everyone, not that anyone was surprised by this, but the way he did it was what stuck with her the most.
Normally, a team’s initial strategy would be to evacuate the civilians first before dealing with the bomb itself, it’s that or the team would split up to tend to the civilians while another faction disarms the bomb. Bakugo’s strategy was to just simply allocate all manpower to disarm the bomb right off the bat and when accused of not cooperating with his team to get the other part of the job done he says, “Why would I waste my time evacuating civilians when I could just disarm the damn thing so no one would even need to be evacuated, fucking morons.”
His statement didn’t sit well with most of the class, but Ochako knew that Bakugo didn’t just do that for the sake of being selfish and arrogant, he did what he knew was the best option to take and no one could have seen it that way except for Bakugo.
Ochako’s thoughts subside and her attention returns to the sound of her footsteps bouncing off the empty halls of UA as she made her way to the room indicated on the schedule clutched in her hand, Mr. Aizawa had already made arrangements to allot an empty classroom for them to study in. She turns a corner and she spots Bakugo on his phone leaning against the doorway, already there waiting for her. The faint glow of the setting sun paints the hallway a soft shade of orange, wisps of Bakugo’s hair form shadows on the sharp features of his face. He looked at peace. Bakugo looks up at her, blood-red eyes holding her in place. Ochako could have sworn he had some kind of hidden quirk that paralyzed people dead on their tracks.
“Took you long enough.”
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ourownsideimagines · 5 years
Do You See The Way I Look at You? (Slytherin!Crowley x Fem!Hufflepuff!Reader)
Characters: Fem!Hufflepuff!Reader, Ravenclaw!Aziraphale, Slytherin!Crowley, Slytherin!Gabriel, Slytherin!Michael, Slytherin!Uriel
Requested: Yes 
Requested by: Anon
Point of View: Second Person
Summary: When Aziraphale introduces you to Crowley, a Slytherin in the same year as you, you’re unsure how to feel about him. He seems the stereotypical evil Slytherin - until you get to know him, that is, then you realize how much more there is to him. Especially considering his magical background - or, really, the lack thereof. 
Warnings: Bullying, use of the term ‘mudblood’, cursing, minimal editing
Words: 1669
A/N: Crowley is muggle born, Aziraphale is half-blood, and all others are purebloods. I also decided to put Anathema into Hufflepuff because of her loyalty to Agnes’ prophecies (and because I needed a name for the reader’s roommate). I’ll do a part two of this that takes place in Hogsmead.
Overall you liked to think you were a kind person. You tried to be very accepting of everyone, regardless of bloodline, or ethnicity, or sexuality, or house! People deserved the benefit of the doubt - you believed that deep in your soul.
But there was something about the Slytherin Anthony Crowley that set off alarms in your head.
Before now, you had never talked to him. You’d had him in a number of classes since first year. Now in sixth year, you had to admit he was an attractive young man. He’d decided to grow out his hair over the summer, something a lot of people seemed to notice but never mention. Most of it was gathered into a half-bun on the back of his head, and what did hang down was wavy, curling up at the ends.
But you didn’t really care about appearances. At least, not physical ones. From what you had heard about his personality Crowley was as Slytherin as they came - that was to say, he wasn’t a very nice person. He screwed around in classes, he made snide comments about other houses, and it was rumored that he’d set fire to a young Gryffindor’s robes between potions and herbology class.
If the circumstances were any different, you probably would have never interacted with the hot-headed Slytherin. But here you were, sitting in the count yard with him and your good friend Aziraphale, who had made it his job to introduce the two of you. From what you could gather, Aziraphale and Crowley had met on the train first year, and had slowly but surely become best friends. It had been a surprise to you, as you’d never actually seen them hang out before, or ever heard Aziraphale mention Crowley.
Everyone had their secrets. Still, if Aziraphale trusted him surely you could as well?
You had been as open minded as possible while talking with him. You tried to get to know him, but Crowley was very shut off and wasn’t afraid to tell you to piss off if you were asking things he thought were ‘too personal’ like his favorite color and what class he had next. And he didn’t seem too interested in getting to know you, either. You’d heard Aziraphale chastise him on multiple occasions for being so rude only for Crowley to blow him off.
Christmas Break was coming up fast now, and this year you would remain at Hogwarts while your parents went to Africa on business. It upset you, but you knew the work your parents did was important to them.
‘This is the big one, sweetheart.’ Your dad had written. ‘We’ll celebrate Christmas together once school is out’.
It had been all you could think about since breakfast, when the letter had arrived. You could tell by the looks on your friends faces that they knew something was off, but no one said anything. They were all busy talking about all the exciting things they were going to do over break. And with the Hogsmead visit coming up, they also spoke about who they would go with. You had been looking forward to the visit, and planned to go with your roommate Anathema, but you weren’t looking forward to also be spending time with her boyfriend Newt. He was clingy to say the least and you suspected you wouldn’t get to talk much with Anathema.
You had your books gathered in your arms, rushing to potions, and not exactly paying attention to where you were going when someone popped around the corner and you walked full force into them. You yelped as the books fell from your arms, landing onto the person’s foot.
“Damn it!” You looked up, heart suddenly racing as a pair of violet eyes glared down at you.
Most people knew who Gabriel was - a Seventh year Slytherin with an even worse rep than Crowley. You’d done your best to avoid him and his crowd, but it looked like you’d really done it this time. Beside him stood two of his friends, Michael and Uriel.
Yeah. You were fucked.
“Oh, my god, I am so sorry-” Your natural instinct kicked in, apologies spilling from your mouth. You dropped down, reaching for your books, but the three began to kick them away from your hands.
“Do you even watch where the hell you’re going?” Gabriel sneered at you. You managed to get a hand on one of the books, only for Michael to stamp their foot down on your fingers. You cried out in pain, pulling your hand back to your chest as you fell onto your butt. “You’ve made me late to class, Hufflepuff.”
“All of us.” Uriel said coldly.
“I didn’t mean to-” You tried again, tears forming in your eyes.
“Look, Gabriel, she’s crying.” Michael taunted. “She makes us late, and she’s crying.”
“Maybe we should teach the crybaby a lesson.” Gabriel said, smiling suddenly. You began to scramble backwards, letting out a small yelp as you hit someone else. You looked up, catching a flash of red hair and a green tie before Crowley was stepping in front of you, books clutched to his chest as he stood tall.
“Leave her alone.” He hissed at them. Gabriel scoffed.
“What are you gonna do about it, mudblood?” Gabriel drew his wand, and Crowley did the same with lightning speed. “You’re a disgrace to the Slytherin name.”
“If you knew me,” Crowley began. “You’d know I don’t care.” Then, he turned his wand down to your books, which sat between their feet, and your eyes widened as he spat out, “Incendio.” And the books roared into flames at Gabriel, Michael, and Uriel’s feet. The three Slytherin jumped back in surprise, giving Crowley enough time to help you to your feet, racing with you down the hall. 
You can hear them following you, which distracted you from the fact your books had just gone up in flames, and which carried you further and faster down the halls.
There were no students left, and Crowley seemed to know the exact halls to take to avoid any adults who would yell at you if they saw you out of class.
“Get back here, Crowley!” Gabriel shouted. “Get back here you filthy mudblood!”
Crowley yanked you left, and you allowed him to pull you through a large set of double doors. He then lead you to a nearby column that had just enough room to hide both of you from view. As the doors flew open, you bit your tongue to keep from screaming as Gabriel, Michael, and Uriel stampeded past the two of you. Your breathing calmed down after a moment, finally free from them.
But you weren’t out of the woods yet.
“They’re gone,” Crowley said from behind you, his warm breath ticking the back of your neck.. “So could you please move so I can get out.”
“Oh, my lord, I’m sorry.” You squeaked, quickly rushing away from him. Crowley steps out from behind the column and brushes himself off with his free hand. “Um, thank you. For helping me.”
“It’s nothing.” He said, shaking his head gently. Then, you remembered what had happened, and a sudden wave of anger came over you.
“You set fire to my books!” You snapped suddenly, and his head lifted up. “You set my bloody books on fire!” He stared at you from behind his dark sunglasses for a good few moments.
“Wow,” He said suddenly. “I honestly didn’t think you could get mad.”
“How dare-”
“Here.” He said, shoving his books into your arms. “I never use them anyway.” You looked down, surprised to find that he’d handed you the exact same books you had dropped. They were in much better condition than the ones you had owned.
“I, uh, what-”
“We’re late for class.” Crowley turned on his heels, prepared to head back in the direction of class. “C’mon.” A sudden burst of confidence had you reaching out to him, grabbing the fabric of his cloak sleeve. He stopped, turning back to you.
“Why… Why are you being so… kind to me?” You asked. Crowley didn’t try to pull away from you, but he took a moment to answer.
“I don’t know.” He said. “Just felt… right.”
“Right enough to set my books on fire?”
“Are you not going to let that one go?” His tone surprised you. You’d expected it to be sarcastic, or even annoyed. But he sounded amused. “Look, it seemed like the only way out, and like I said I don’t use my books so… yeah.”
“That’s very kind,” She said. “I honestly didn’t think you could be kind.” Then, you pulled your hand away. “I honestly thought you hated me.”
“Hate’s a strong word, (name).” Crowley said. “I, uh, I don’t hate you.”
“I’m glad.” You said.
“So, uh. Class?” Class. You had to get to class. But there was one last thing you wanted to ask.
“Oh, yeah.” He began walking again, but you gently called his name. He stopped, and turned back again. “Do you, uh,” You refused to look at his face. Not being able to see where he was looking unnerved you a bit. “Are you going to Hogsmead with anybody?”
“I, um, I was, uh,” He stuttered. “I usually go alone.”
“Oh,” You nodded. “Well, I was wondering if you’d maybe want to go with me?” The long silence that followed made you panic. You’d gone to far, you were sure of it.
“Are you sure you want to go with me?” Crowley spoke up suddenly. “I haven’t exactly been very… friendly.”
“I’m sure.” You confirmed. “I mean, I don’t have to if you don’t want me to-”
“No, no, I never said that.” Crowley rushed out. “I guess I could let you join me.” He shrugged, holding out his arm to you. You rolled your eyes, and gently interlocked your arm with his.
“How kind.” You teased gently. Crowley rolled his eyes, but began walking.
“Shut up.”
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sariahsue · 6 years
Seeing Double, Chapter 5
Summary: Ladybug has discovered Cat Noir’s secret identity, and he doesn’t know that she knows. And she doesn’t know that he knows hers. He doesn’t know who Marinette has a crush on. She doesn’t know why Adrien is suddenly flirting with her.
Read chapter 1 here Read chapter 4 here
    Marinette woke up grumpy, having slept terribly. She was mad at Cat Noir. She was mad at Tikki too, but that was hardly the kwami's fault. All she'd done was ask what was wrong about a thousand times and offer words that were supposed to be comforting but didn't fix anything. She buried herself deeper into her warm blankets, too tired to move but too alert to go back to sleep.
    She'd have to get up for school soon and see him. She didn't want to see him. She didn't want to think about him. She didn't want him to come haunt her balcony again. She didn't want to go fight an akuma, where she was guaranteed to see him.
    A quick glance at her cell phone told her she only had a few minutes until she had to start getting ready. Marinette set it back down slowly and quietly, hoping her movement wouldn't upset the spot on her pillow where Tikki's small weight dimpled the fabric.
    He'd changed his mind so easily. Two days ago, he'd taken every chance he had to tell Ladybug that she was amazing, they were meant to be together, that she was the only one for him. And he dropped that crush in a few measly hours. If he'd gotten over her so easily once, how quick would he be to get over her a second time? She'd never be able to keep the attention of a flirt like Cat Noir.
    A part of her wished Tikki would just intuitively understand what was wrong. She didn't want to have to explain. But she was pretty good at imagining Tikki's arguments anyway. "He probably didn't mean it that way. Wouldn't it be easier to just ask what he meant?" "You turned Cat Noir down. You wanted him to move on, didn't you?" "Weren't you complaining to me – just last week – that you thought he only liked you because he thinks you're a 'perfect' superhero and not because of who you are?" "You won him over from yourself. Isn't that a good thing?" "Don't you want him to like you?" The answers were all yes, of course, but that didn't make her feel any better.
    She sighed and twisted in her blankets. (It wasn't like she could get any more tangled, anyway.) At least something good had happened from this whole thing. She'd learned that she barely stuttered around Cat Noir, which was a huge relief. They'd both be safer if she could function as a normal human being in his presence, and he'd be less likely to guess her identity. The bad news was the lack of stuttering was probably due to her still partially viewing them as two separate people. She'd need to work on that.
    Her twisting and turning was slow to wake Tikki, who had been putting up with it for most of the night, but wake she finally did, looking as cheerful as ever.
    "Good morning. Do you feel better?" she asked cautiously.
    "Not really." Marinette threw the blankets back over her face. Did ladybugs make cocoons? They totally did, right? Because she wanted one. It was dark and snug in here. It smelled familiar and soothing. And Adrien wasn't in here, so that was an added bonus. Adrien snuggling under the blankets with her... Another benefit of cocoons: no one could see her embarrassed blush.
    "Maybe school and Alya will help take your mind off things," Tikki said. She phased right through the covers and landed on Marinette's nose. She only groaned, so Tikki tried again. "Do you want to talk about it now?"
         "Just leave me alone to die," she moaned and swatted at her face.
Tikki dodged out of the way. She must have been tired of being pushed away, because her tone was clipped as she phased back out of the blanket. "Get. Up."
    Marinette's goal for the day was easy: Avoid Adrien at all costs. It shouldn't be too hard, she reasoned. She only had to see him the WHOLE STUPID DAY!
    She made herself late on purpose, so she wouldn't have time to talk to him before class, though it wouldn't have mattered. He showed up thirty minutes late himself, informing the teacher that he'd had an emergency photoshoot. Apparently, the pictures from yesterday hadn't been good enough and needed to be redone. Marinette propped her book open on the desk and hid behind it before he could look at her. Her fault. He'd been distracted after she'd shown up. He sat down without a word and unzipped his bag quietly.
    Alya poked her in the shoulder and raised her eyebrows, then nodded toward Adrien, wordlessly asking what was going on. Marinette pressed her face into the table and didn't say anything.
    She kept the book up as a barrier all class, but it couldn't stop her from hearing every time Adrien shifted in his seat. Was it her imagination, or was he more fidgety than normal today? Twice, she peeked around her wall and found that he was sneaking a glance at her. Both times, she squeaked audibly before ducking back out of sight. The second time, it had been loud enough to get the teacher's attention. The end result was that Marinette was told to lower her book shield and pay attention. She could unhappily fulfill one of those request, but paying attention turned out to be too much to ask for. She couldn't focus her eyes or thoughts on anything but Adrien, who kept his head bowed for the rest of class.
    At the end of first period, Marinette sprinted out of the classroom, Alya in tow. She had it all figured out. She would claim that she needed to talk to Ms. Mendeleiev about something, so she couldn't possibly be expected to talk to other students between classes. Then, she'd spend lunch at home, and maybe she'd conveniently have a fever that afternoon.
    "You can't avoid him for the rest of your life," Alya said as they powerwalked down the hallway.
    "I can try." Marinette kept a firm grip on Alya's wrist.
    "I'll catch up with you later, girl," she said, tugging away from Marinette's grasp. "Gotta talk to Nino real quick."
    "Wait!" Don't leave me!
    Alya broke free and moved out of reach before Marinette could grab her and keep her there. She hadn't said anything earlier about Nino. Why was it so urgent now?
    "Hey, Marinette." Adrien said.
    She tried to jump at the voice and spin around at the same time. It didn't work out too well, and she ended up losing her balance. The lockers were kind enough to catch her as she fell. She made quite the crash when she hit, and several people looked over before continuing on to their next class.
    "Oh, h-h-hi, Adrien." There were only five minutes in between classes. And this was Cat Noir! She could last that long against Cat Noir, right? Sweat already trickled at the back of her neck. Probably wrong.
    He'd reached out to help steady her, but retracted his hand before he touched her and dropped his gaze quickly. Something was different. He seemed more hesitant, and he took a small step back when he saw that she didn't need his help staying upright. She knew it. He was put off by her weirdness and wanted to keep his distance!
    "I- I'm sorry about yesterday. Are you okay?"
    "Oh, sure!" she said, smiling in what she hoped wasn't a creepy way. "It's your fault." She watched his face contort into a crinkled frown. "I mean, MY fault! NOT your fault. Sorry." She held her books up and ducked behind them. How many more minutes until class started? It'd been five already, right? Please tell her it'd been five.
    "Listen," he said, pushing her books down so she would meet his eyes. "I was- I was thinking, and I figured I should probably tell you-" He seemed to think better of whatever it was. "Is something bothering you? I mean, you've been really quiet all day, and I was just wondering if maybe something happened yesterday, maybe at school, or... or after school, that you wanted to talk about? You seem... really upset."
    He shuffled his feet nervously, and she suddenly felt guilty. She'd never stopped to think what running out on him would make him feel. She expected Cat Noir would think she was just a weird random citizen, laugh it off, and go find someone else to flirt with. But Adrien would be concerned about his friend and maybe a little hurt. She had to stop seeing them as two separate people.
    "Oh, I'm okay," she said. "Really. You don't need to worry." Should she tell him she knew? She didn't think she was ready. But she also didn't want to hurt him. If Cat Noir and Adrien were the same person... it had been bad enough rejecting her kitty and hurting his feelings, but – her heart squeezed painfully as the full weight of the realization sunk in – but she'd been rejecting her sweet Adrien, too. Did he still feel that way about Ladybug? Or had he moved on already?
    "Okay," he said, finally taking his hand off her books and scratching the back of his neck. "As long as you're sure you're fine." He didn't sound very convinced.
    She started to reply, offer some comfort, tell him the truth, but she stopped when she heard a loud shriek.
    "MY HAIR!"
    She'd heard Chloe's screaming enough to be able to identify it from a distance, and she gave an exaggerated sigh. It was only when more people joined in that she realized something was wrong.
    Marinette and Adrien locked eyes. Clumps of students stampeded past them, looking for shelter, and they were quickly left alone.
    "We should, uh, get to class?" she said. No, stupid. He's not going to believe you're still going to class during an akuma attack! "And- and lock ourselves in for safety?" NO! That was even worse! "I m-mean-"
    "Good idea," Adrien said, panicked. "But I'm... going to go check on Chloe first. Yeah." He dashed in what was clearly the opposite direction of the screaming and started glancing into open doors, probably looking for an empty classroom to transform in. Marinette watched him go until he turned a corner and was gone.
    Tikki popped her head out of Marinette's purse. The akuma must have been close, because the hallway was already emptied of other people.
    "See?" Tikki said. "He likes you."
    "But which of me?" she asked. "Spots on."
    She knew she didn't have time to wait for an answer, and Tikki couldn't provide one for that question anyway. Did he really like Marinette? Did he still have feelings for Ladybug? Cat Noir could be an insincere flirt sometimes, but Adrien didn't strike her that way. When her transformation was complete, Ladybug raced down the hallway, where she could hear Chloe's wailing.
    So which was it? Who did he truly have feelings for? Or was he just playing both of her identities? There had to be some way to find out.
Read chapter 6 here
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silhouetted-beauty · 7 years
“Run-In” - Part 4
Genre: MILD GRAPHIC CONTENT, Angst, and Smut
Word Count: 8,019
A/N: There is a graphic scene in this chapter and can be triggering… (I think) Please read at your own risk.
 Theme Song for this Chapter- “Ven ft. Beenzino- On Your Body”
You fell, face-first, on your bed in exhaustion. Finally you had a moment to yourself to rest. You and Yoongi had been kicking it into overdrive, fucking everywhere and majority of the time. He would just randomly pop up to fuck you and you, like a horny teenager, are always willing and ready for him. He had showed up one day when you were out to lunch with Hyolyn thus making you return with the ‘I just had sex’ look. He would fuck you in his car after a meeting and some times before no matter if it’s daytime or night. Then he would just show up out of nowhere to your apartment. And it didn’t matter if you were sleep, in the shower, or eating, when Yoongi showed up you had to drop everything and fuck him. You haven’t been back to his club since the last time and he wouldn’t let you come back, said that you being there was bad for business.
You rolled your eyes at the thought, turning over on your side. Since you two have been getting along so well, you also were often running into his friends. You finally introduced yourself to Namjoon and Hoseok and quickly came to the conclusion that you liked them. They reminded you of silly older brothers and the fact that they occasionally bugged Yoongi, made you like them even more.
“Y/n, what do you see in this jerk?” Hoseok asked one day, nodding his head in Yoongi’s direction.
“Yeah I’m sure you can find someone a lot better to please you,” Namjoon stated, wrapping his arm around your shoulder and pulling you closer to him. “Like me.” He whispered in your ear but loud enough for Yoongi to hear. You blushed, not knowing what to say. But before you could respond, Yoongi pulled you away from his friends, leaving them laughing at his instant jealousy. Not that he would ever admit it.
A few times, he would invite you out with them. And while they were in a meeting, you waited patiently indulging in whatever was around. You at least got to hang out with them for a little bit before Yoongi pulled you away from everyone. Those evenings always ended with Yoongi fucking you.
The alarm on your phone went off and you struggled to get up. Your ass was beyond sore from all the hard spankings Yoongi released on your behind an hour ago. Now you had to get up and get dressed for work, waddling and limping to the bathroom. At work, you took your time moving about the store. You made sure not to bump against anything and if you needed to kneel down, you avoided touching your ass with the heels of your feet.
Mina laughed at you. “Wow y/n, your boyfriend really did a number on you, huh?”
You looked at her confused. “What do you mean?”
“I mean that the sex must have been great because you are limping around.”
“Oh!” You giggled. “Yes, it was amazing but he’s not my boyfriend. Just a guy I’m seeing.”
“Ohh… it’s one of those relationships. Friends with benefits,” Mina sighed. “Sex with someone you know you’re not supposed to be with, is always adventurous and exciting. My ex always knew how to please me. He would balance it between making love and rough sex. When we made love, he took his time catering to my body. But with rough sex… let’s just say those were some of the longest but best nights ever! Just last week we had a quick moment,” she giggled to herself. “That man is unbelievable.”
Now it was your turn to sigh. “Why don’t you two just get back together? You are giggling like a little schoolgirl over him.”“
"One day, I will introduce you to him.”
“Good, because when you do, I’m telling him how in love you are with him. It’s like a schoolyard crush.” You laughed.
Yoongi ran his hands threw his hair as read over the files in front of him. His family owned a lot of property which meant they controlled a lot of people. They foresaw any transactions on drugs in the city, they owned clubs, restaurants, and other small businesses. The responsibility on his shoulders was a lot but he handled it like he was the one who first started everything. His brother and father were elsewhere, looking to expand their businesses to other cities in the country.
“Playboy Min!” Namjoon shouted as he entered the office. “Even with all the pussy you get on a regular basis, you still seemed stressed.”
Yoongi tossed the paper on the desk and leaned back in his chair. He rubbed his face taking a deep breath. Hoseok, who was sitting at the desk, did the same. Taking a break from the files he was looking at.
“I think I gotta make a few stops at a couple businesses. Make an example out of them for not paying the full amount of what’s due.”
“I think you need you call y/n up and have her come over so you can relax. Withholding money is what these small businesses have been doing for the past year. It’s not worth getting upset over.” Namjoon stated looking at the paperwork.
“It maybe a little but over time, those dollar amounts add up.”
“Ok, then let’s take a drive by each one, if it will make you feel better.” Namjoon said, placing his hands in his pants pocket. “So how’s that situation going?”
“What do you mean?” Yoongi asked, picking up another paper to look over it.
“The situation with y/n. I gotta tell you, Yoongi, I thought you were biting off more than you could chew getting involved with her. But it’s been a couple months and I gotta admit she’s not as bad as I thought.”
“Well I’m only keeping her around so I could get information on the police.”
“And have you?” Hoseok questioned.
“Not yet, I need her to open up to me before I starting asking about the family. Otherwise, I’m sure she’ll get suspicious.”
Yoongi’s phone rung out. He looked at it and before answering. “The main woman in my life that likes to call and bug the hell out of me for fun.” He slid his finger across the screen.
“Yes, mom,” Yoongi rolled his eyes making Namjoon chuckled. His attitude quickly changed to a panic after hearing her frantic voice. “Whoa! Whoa! Slow down and repeat that.”
Yoongi stood to his feet alerting everyone around him. He listened carefully as she repeated it over. Yoongi shook his head in disbelief, trying to control his anxiety from taking over.
“L-Let me call you back.” He hung up the phone, her cries cut short. Lowering the phone from his face, Yoongi was frozen like a statue.
“Yo man, what’s up?” Hoseok asked concerned. Yoongi took a deep breath and looked up at his friends.
“That was my mom… she said that my brother was killed,” Yoongi stated in a shaky voice. Hoseok’s and Namjoon’s eyes widen at the news. “My brother is gone… he’s gone…”
Yoongi picked up the statue off of his desk, the same statue that you had hit him with. In anger, he threw it at the giant window listening as the loud sound of glass breaking filled the room. People in the club panicked, as the shattering glass fell down on them. They ran to the exit as fast they could, causing a stampede. Yoongi went on a rampage, destroying everything under his touch. Namjoon and Hoseok quickly went to restrain him.
“LET ME FUCKING GO!!!” He screamed in pain as tears fell from his eyes. He couldn’t believe it. He refused to accept the fact that his brother was gone.
They pulled him down on the couch, listening to him weep. Yoongi cover his face in his hands trying to keep from losing his mind. His head was racing with thoughts on what might have happened. Namjoon sat with Yoongi as Hoseok got up to look for his phone, which was ringing nonstop. He managed to find it under the debris items that were now no good. He answered as quickly as he could.
“Hello?… Hi Mrs. Min… yes this is Hoseok,” he listened for a minute, looking over at Yoongi broken figure. “No ma'am, he’s in bad shape… ok, I’ll give him the phone.” Hoseok held the phone for Yoongi to take. He took it, taking a deep breath to control his voice.
“Yeah,” he sniffed.
“Your father has called a meeting. Everyone is ordered to come here now. We’re leaving town in thirty minutes.” She spoke quickly.
“What happened?” He asked, ignoring her statement.
“He went to meet with a guy, but the guy rat him out to the police. They were on him in seconds, executing him on the spot.” She sobbed. Yoongi’s blood boiled just listening to her cry.
“Who was it? Who’s the guy and who is the pig bastard that shot him?” His voice was sharp and cold. His friends knew that Yoongi would be out looking for blood and this wasn’t just a simple kill. When Yoongi got like this, everyone the person was associated with was dead. Their children, their parents, family, and friends. It’s was about to be a massacre.
“Yoongi, we will deal with that accordingly. But for now, we are going to see your brother’s partner. He was the one that called your father but he was also supposed to be with him at that meeting. That’s all can say. Get over here now.”
Yoongi hung up the phone and stood to leave. “Close down the club. We’ll be leaving town for awhile. Go home, pack, and meet me at my parents place.”
He told his men before walking out of the office.
Car after car was parked out on the street surrounding the Min Estate. Everyone was dressed in all black, waiting on their orders from the boss. Yoongi paced the floor while his mother calmly sipped her wine. She was dressed in black too, ready to stand beside her husband and son. Mina held on to her hand watching Yoongi walk back and forth. When he called her, she was up in seconds waiting on him to pick her up. They may have been broken up but she wanted to be there for him.
Moments later, his father entered the room with thirty men in tow. Everyone stood as he walked by. Yoongi went to greet him, bowing as he stood in front of him.
“Welcome back, dad. Did you have a safe trip?”
He nodded removing his coat. “Yes. I take it, you’ve been taking care of everything here,” he asked and Yoongi nodded. “For safety reasons, I want you to double check everything and move on my say-so. I don’t want to lose you like I lost your brother.”
Yoongi’s mother put her glass down and stood. “When will those fucking pigs release my baby? I want to see him.”
He took his wife’s hands in his. “His body will be delivered tomorrow and we will have the funeral five days later.”
“What do you need me to do?” Yoongi spoke up.
“I need you to travel back to the neighboring district and speak with, John, his partner. For whatever reason, John didn’t show up for the meeting.”
“Yes, sir,” he signaled to his men. “Let’s go.”
John was asleep in his bed. He turned on his side to reach for his wife but she wasn’t there. His faced contorted in confusion as he continued to feel the cold sheets for her. In a panic, he sat up in bed and turned on the table side lamp. Yoongi was sitting in a chair close to the bed, wiping off a gun. He didn’t look up at John when he woke up, he just simply spoke.
“Glad to see you’re awake.”
John looked over and saw that not only did they have his wife tied up and blindfolded but also his two little girls. They were forced to kneel while Yoongi’s men surrounded them.
“Oh God! Please don’t hurt them!” He cried out.
Yoongi finally looked at him. “That’s really up to you,” he stood and walked over to the bedroom window.
“I’m really sorry about your brother, I really am. I blame myself for what happened. I told your father that I’ll take full responsibility.”
“Yeah you seem really stricken with grief,” Yoongi replied smartly. “That’s why you’re resting comfortably in bed instead of trying to help us,” he knocked over the dresser causing everything on top to fall over in a mess. The girls screamed out in fear. “I swear to God if you repeat such a stupid thing to me again, you could kiss your youngest goodbye!”
“Ok ok, I’m sorry! Please don’t hurt them.” John begged with his hands up in defense.
“I want to know who was he meeting with and why didn’t you show up?”
“The guy’s name is BigE.”
“BigE?” Yoongi asked confused.
“Yeah, I was on my way to the rendezvous when a car pulled me over. Five guys jumped out claiming to be BigE’s men. They handed me a suitcase full of money and drove off. When I arrived to the scene, the police was there and your brother was dead. I’m sorry, I tried to get through to him but they arrested me.”
“Where’s the case?”
John pointed to a small silver case in the corner. Yoongi picked it up. Right away he could tell something was off about it. It was heavier than the average case with just money.
“How do you know money is in this? Did you open it?”
John seemed taken aback by the questions. “Well no, but what else could it be?”
Yoongi handed the case to one of his men. “Do you have an address for BigE? Where does he stay?
"I have a location for his ex wife.” John scribbled something down on a piece of paper and handed it to Yoongi.
“If the address is a fake or if I find out that you’re lying to me, I’m gonna come back and make you watch me put a bullet in each of your daughters and your wife. And then I will kill you. You got that?!”
Yoongi left the house leaving one of his men to stay behind.
BigE climbed out of bed to go to the kitchen. He reached in the fridge and pulled out a beer, checking to make sure the gun on top was secure in place. Being an informant for the police, not only put his life in danger but also his family and he wanted to make sure they were protected. Him and his estranged ex wife had their differences and he wasn’t too happy when she took the kids and left. But with the money he made that day, he could afford to take them all on a long vacation.
He walked into the living room, taking a seat on the couch. He took a swig of beer only to be knocked upside his head. When he looked up, he was surrounded by four men. They covered his mouth and dragged him out of the house, throwing him down on the cold concrete. Yoongi slowly paced back and forth looking at his Rolex.
“5… 4… 3… 2… 1…”
BigE watched in horror as the living room exploded into pieces. The fire slowly spread to other parts of the house. He could hear his ex wife screaming for help as the fire trapped her in the bedroom. It wasn’t long before he heard his kids screaming for help too. He struggled to get up as their little voices yelled and cried at the top of their lungs. And soon the only sounds that could be heard, was the roaring of the fire. BigE tried to get up but Yoongi pointed a gun his face.
“I’m not ready for you to die just yet but I promise that you will be joining your family soon enough.”
The men placed BigE in the back of a black van. Yoongi walked over to his private car and climbed in. He pulled out his phone and called Hoseok to make sure everything was set up. They headed to an abandoned warehouse at the edge of town. BigE was already tied down to a chair when Yoongi had arrived. He walked up, handing his coat to one of the guys.
“Now that we finally have some privacy, we can talk.”
“Fuck you, Min! The police will come looking for me when they know I’m missing. You might as well give up.”
Yoongi laughed. “I’m not worry about the police. I’m not worried about anybody coming to disturb us but if you like, you can scream for help.” BigE looked intimidated but tried not to show it. “Come on, do it. I’ll do it too. AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! SOMEBODY HELP! COME SAVE BIG-E!!!! PLEASE!” Yoongi screamed out with his head tossed back, making sure his voice echoed around the empty warehouse. He looked back down at BigE.
“I guess that means we are all alone. Now are you ready to answer my questions?”
“Fuck you!” He spit on the ground in front of Yoongi. “I’m not saying shit!”
Yoongi didn’t say another word. He searched BigE’s pockets, pulling out a pack of cigarettes before he grabbed a gas can and poured a little on his bare feet. Yoongi put the cigarette to his mouth and lit it, a cloud of smoke surrounded his face as he exhaled. He flicked the stick of nicotine, igniting his feet. BigE yelled in pain as flames burned off his skin. Namjoon and Hoseok, as well as the rest of the crew, watched the graphic scene. The smell of burn flesh filled everyone senses.
“I guess this must have been what your family felt before they were melted to ash, huh?” Yoongi laughed. “Are you ready to talk now? I can always burn off more body parts.” BigE nodded and Yoongi signaled for them to put out the fire.
“I want to know why… why did you set my brother up? Where did you get the case with the bomb?”
BigE groaned from the pain as he tried to talk. “The police… the police raided my hideout. I didn’t know it was a bomb. They just told me to give the case to John and to trap your brother.”
Yoongi and his friends shared a confused look before he turned his attention back to BigE.
“Do you really expect me to believe that cops set you up?”
“They did! They even paid me! I was told to leave town with my family!”
“Ok, who was it?”
“I don’t know who they were. They weren’t the cops we usually see around here. They seemed more like thugs in suits. The one that shot your brother was wearing a suit too, not a uniform.”
“But you don’t know his name?” Yoongi asked. BigE shook his head. “Well, thanks anyway.”
Yoongi, Hoseok, and Namjoon walked away as the rest of the guys dealt with BigE. They lit him on fire until his charred body remained. He was then chopped up and burned again and his ashes were scattered into the nearby river. Within a couple of hours, everyone was back at home and the death of one family seemed as though it was caused by ghosts. Yoongi got out of bed, leaving Mina to sleep quietly. He reached for his phone and dialed Namjoon’s number, listening to it ring until the sleepy voice of his friend came on the line.
“I had been thinking…”
“No no no, don’t you ever get any sleep?” Namjoon groaned.
“Sleep is for the dead. Now as I was saying before you interrupted me, I had been thinking and I wanted your thoughts. What do you think of his accusation about the police?”
“I mean it was strange. When do you hear about the police using their intel as bait to kill off mobsters? That was the first time for me.”
Yoongi sighed. He had a bad feeling about the entire situation. “Something’s not right about this and I’m willing to bet my entire fortune just to prove it.”
“What do you want to do?”
“Meet me at the office downtown first thing in the morning. And bring Hoseok too.”
“You got it! Now gets some sleep before you turn into an old man.”
Yoongi hung up the phone just as he heard Namjoon laugh. Instead of going to bed, he stared out of his large window at the moon. He didn’t know why but killing his brother was just the beginning. The beginning of what?
The funeral was held on a cold and rainy day. The dark clouds kept the sun away preventing the light from shining through. Yoongi was really out of it after seeing his brother in a casket. He was grateful that the bullet to the back of his head didn’t exit through the front. He wanted to see his brother one last time and was relieved that he could. Yoongi chuckled shaking his head, reminiscing about all the times they had growing up. No matter how hard their father was on him, his brother was there for support. Yoongi wanted to be just like him but his brother told him to grow up and be himself. “Dad will be proud when he sees what a man you have become. I guess you didn’t need to be like me after all”. He reached out and touched the cold hand.
“I’m sorry. I can’t imagine what you went through the last couple minutes before you were killed. But I promise you that whoever is responsible, will die. I will send them your way so you could finish the score.”
Now they all stood at the graveside. His mother crying into his father’s arms, Hoseok and Namjoon were on his left and Mina stood on his right, and the rest of their family and friends surrounded them. Yoongi stared as they lowered the glossy wooden box into the ground. He was trying like hell to keep his anger at bay. His brother shouldn’t be the one to lie in a cold grave for eternity. No, he planned on bringing enough pain and death to whoever was involved.
Mina held on tight to his arm. She could feel his body tense up and became worried. She didn’t want Yoongi to get himself in trouble or worst, wind up dead. During the Repast, he kept to himself except for a few conversations with his friends and father. He gave her attention but she could also feel him withdrawing away from her. As much as Mina wanted to comfort Yoongi, she gave him space hoping that he would open up to her but it was just like before. He wasn’t really there. She sighed and went to talk to his mother who embraced her.
“Give him time, sweetheart. He is just grieving the lost of his brother, they were very close.” His mother stated wiping away tears.
“And what about the days when he’s not grieving? I thought that this would bring us closer together but maybe it’s time to let go. I want to be with him but he treats me like I don’t exist.”
“Just give him time. Yoongi has his own way for going about things.”
Mina looked over at him. He had his phone out and his attention was into that. Yoongi sent you a quick message before leaving from the ceremony.
You were on your couch watching TV when a message came through on your phone.
7:13pm- The Big Asshole: I’m on my way, be ready for me!
You had rushed to the kitchen making sure everything was ready. You haven’t seen or spoke to Yoongi in six days and you wanted to do something special. You two had grown a little closer in a short period of time and he wasn’t as bad as you thought. Your feelings had changed and you were starting to like him. You found yourself smiling at the thought of him and reminiscing on all the past sexual experiences you two shared. You even wanted to dial his number just to hear his voice, no matter if he was annoyed or not. So you had prepared a meal for him, liquor for him to drink and relax, and you even had on a little surprise under your robe. Hoping that maybe you two could take your relationship to the next level tonight. You planned for this moment three days ago when he disappeared. You went shopping for lingerie for him to rip off and toys from an adult store for him to use on you.
You smiled and quivered with anticipation. You were starting to suffer from withdrawals without him. Hearing your front door open and close made you straighten up your posture. You were waiting on him to enter the kitchen and finally he did. He was dressed up and you wondered where he had been. Yoongi looked around the kitchen and then his eyes focused on you.
“I thought I said to be ready.” His deep voice spoke. You could hear the irritation in his voice but chose to ignore it.
“Well I thought we could have dinner and a drink first.” You replied, gesturing towards the table where everything was set up. “I wanted us to take things a little slow. We could eat and talk because there was something I wanted to say–”
Yoongi immediately swiped his arm across the table, knocking everything over. You watched in horror as the food you cooked made a mess over the floor.
“I told you to be ready, not to do all this romantic shit!” He yelled in anger.
“B-But… but I thought–” you stuttered as tears filled your eyes.
“I hope you aren’t insinuating that this could be anything more than just sex.” He gauged your reaction and when you didn’t deny it that confirmed his suspicions. “You thought I liked you?!” He grabbed his head in disbelief, laughing sarcastically. You could slowly feel your heart breaking. “Let me remind you so that this stupid idea doesn’t cross your brain again. You mean NOTHING to me! NOTHING! I only want you for one thing and if you didn’t feel so good wrapped around me, I definitely wouldn’t be here! Now if you can’t control your fucking hormones then just say the word and I’ll leave.”
You wrapped your arms around yourself and looked down at the mess on the floor. This was not what you had imagined at all. If he didn’t want to be with you, he could have said it without making you feel so low.
“You’re right. I’m sorry.” You sniffed.
The moment the last word left your mouth, you were being lifted in the air. Yoongi thrown you over his shoulder and carried you to your bedroom. The entire time, you felt a pull at your chest. You had offered your body without your heart and that really bothered you. He tossed you on the bed and climbed on top of you. He roughly kissed you, moving down to your neck so he could plant hickeys on your skin. Your moves, however, became mechanical. Responding without feeling because your mind was elsewhere.
Yoongi opened up your robe, immediately liking the view. He nibbled at your smooth skin waiting to hear that sweet sound of your voice but nothing came out. He sat up and the look on your face made him stop his actions. You stared up at the ceiling, breathing calmly but deeply. He watched as tears spilled from your eyes. Knowing that he was watching and you had to hold back how you felt made your interior wall break. Unable to hold in your emotions, you burst into tears. You covered your face with your hands as you cried. Yoongi was taken aback by your sudden change in attitude. He didn’t know what to say or do so he got up and left. You felt the bed shift and then heard the front door close. You grabbed the nearest pillow and cried into it. You didn’t know why it hurt so badly but it did.
It had been a week and you haven’t heard from Yoongi. Not a single call or text. Deep down you knew he was avoiding you and the thought ate at you. You felt like shit. Being ignored because of your feelings for someone. You didn’t want to think about it anymore. You grabbed your phone and called, Riku, a girl who you used to work with. She was an absolute party animal and was very obnoxious. She was warned for her rude attitude towards the customers five times and was eventually fired. She also used to brag about the different guys she had every week and tell you about her sex escapades all the time. Hyolyn didn’t like her and thought she was bad news, so did your family when you told them about her. After Riku was fired, the two of you only talked when you both made plans for going out.
You squeezed into a tight hot pink dress that hugged your curves. You put on your black heels and made sure your hair and makeup was perfect before you had Riku pick you up. Because you didn’t want any other problems, you avoided going to Yoongi’s lounge and instead, had Riku picked the destination. When the car pulled up to the club, you could hear the music from the outside. People were everywhere, drunk and sober. Riku found a spot and parked the car. The two of you got out and walked over to the line. Four guys came and stood next to you. You watched as Riku instantly greeted and hugged them, pushing her body up against them. She introduced them as her friends and also invited them out to hang with you. A part of you knew that there was a good chance she probably already slept with them. Three of the guys stood around her while the other one showed interest in you. He asked you a lot of questions and your thoughts on different topics. The conversation was never boring and you found it refreshing. Once inside the club, you all were seated at a booth. You were going to stick to your usual cocktails but Riku wasn’t having it.
“Sorry, y/n. But we’re only drinking shots tonight. We gotta loosen you up!”
Everyone cheered and you couldn’t help but blush a little. The first five shots were nothing. The next five made you tipsy. The five shots after had you slumped over, seeing three of everything. Riku tried to hand you another drink but you ended up spilling it due to your inebriated body. The guy who you were talking to moved closer to you.
“Hey, are you alright?” You looked over at all three versions of him.
“Yeeeaaah, I ammm okaaay.”
“Good, for a second I thought you were done partying.” He smirked looking over at Riku and his friends. They were all smiling, watching him make his move. He moved even closer placing his hand on your thigh, slowly moving his hand up your leg. Your inner self was screaming to get up but you felt weighed down. You were way too drunk for your liking.
“Excuuuuse meee.” You slurred.
You knew you must have looked like a fool as you stumbled away. But you had to leave, something just didn’t feel right. The guy snapped his fingers at his lost.
“Dammit! I was so close.”
“I thought you said that your friend puts out, Riku?” One of his friends asked.
“She does! We didn’t get her drunk for nothing. You just have to wait.” She stated irritatingly. Now that you had left, she had to deal with all four of them and that wasn’t her plan. She quickly spotted someone in the crowd that was in dire need of her attention and got up.
Yoongi was there to meet a good friend of his father’s to talk business. He hadn’t even been inside the club, two minutes before he was being harassed.
“Min Yoongi…”
“What do you want, Riku?” He asked in irritation as he continued walking to the back of the club.
“I just wanted to say 'hello’.”
“And now that you have, don’t break your cute little ass walking back to wherever you just came from. You know you won’t be able to sell pussy of you do.”
Riku pouted. “I’m not a hooker, Yoongi! You should know that.”
“That’s not what Namjoon told me. Or Hoseok.” He chuckled walking behind a door only meant for staff.
Riku huffed, stomping her heels as she walked away. Yoongi walked further into the back, entered the elevator that lead to a private upper office. He found an older man sitting at his desk looking over paperwork. He went to make himself a drink before taking a seat in a leather chair.
“You look like shit, Min.” The man said still staring at the papers in front of him. “When was the last time you got a good night sleep?”
“Sleep is for the dead.” Yoongi replied sipping the expensive liquor.
“How’s the old man? Tell him I’ll have what he asked for in a few days.”
“I’m not here for that. I wanted to talk to you about something.”
“Did you run this by your father?”
“For now, I’d like to keep him out of this.” Yoongi took a big swallow of his drink, finishing it off.
The man finally looked up. “Let’s hear it.”
Yoongi waited for the elevator to come up so he could leave. He recounted the conversation he just had over in his head. He knew what he was doing would pay off in the future. He smiled to himself and stepped on. His thoughts went to you and the last encounter he had with you. Yoongi knew he crossed the line shutting you down like that. He should have said it another way, something less hurtful but he didn’t know how. He channeled his anger from the funeral and took it out on you. Even now, the image of you crying clouded his mind. He refused to admit the fact that he felt guilty about the entire thing which was he stayed away. He shook his head and walked back through the club, heading for the exit. Yoongi had pulled out his phone, about to make a call when something caught his eye outside. Four guys were surrounding one girl, trying to get her to leave with them. The girl was sitting on the ground slumped over against the building. It was clear that she was drunk off her ass. Yoongi shook his head and got into his car.
“Dumb broad.” He mumbled to himself.
He drove by them, about to pull out of the lot when one of the guys pulled the girl up to lean on him. Yoongi was now able to get a good look at her face. It was you. He quickly pulled the car over with a loud screech and hopped out. He wasn’t sure why he reacted this way but he wasn’t about to let you leave in the condition you were in. He walked over, grabbing all four guy’s attention.
“Thank you gentlemen but this one is spoken for. I’ll take it from here.” Yoongi stated confidently. The guys looked at each other in confusion but held their ground.
“No way, man! She’s a friend of ours and she is come back with us!” One replied.
“Yeah, we’re just waiting on Riku then we are leaving.” Another one spoke. The moment Yoongi heard Riku’s name, he definitely wasn’t letting you out of his sight. Just the thought of you hanging out with that whore made him mad. You were honestly better than that.
“Listen closely because I’m only going to repeat myself once. You can either put her in my car, or put her back on the ground but she is not leaving with you.”
“And who are you? Another asshole ex boyfriend trying to save the day?” The guy asked sarcastically.
Yoongi stepped closer to him. “And if I was, what were you going to do about it?”
The guy was about to say something when Yoongi pulled out a gun and pointed it at his head. The guys immediately became afraid and placed you back on the ground where you were. You were mumbling something nobody could understand. They guys took off, running as far as they can away from the club. Yoongi put the gun away and carried you over to his car. Once you were secured in the passenger seat. He climbed in and drove off, heading to your apartment. Along the ride, the movement of the car shook you awake. You were still feeling the effects of the alcohol but you were alert. Looking over, you were surprise to see who was sitting next to you.
“Who were you expecting? Your four 'friends’ ready to run a train on you?” He replied smartly, shaking his head in disbelief.
“Yoongi…. Yoongi….” you repeated numbly, feeling a little car sick.
Yoongi looked at your face and instantly pulled the car over. He got out and rushed over to get your door open. You vomited over the pavement, trying empty your stomach.
“I don’t believe this shit!” He mumbled to himself, sitting on the hood of the car.
He listened as you groaned in sickness. You had coughed up the rest of the contents and now you had rid your body of the toxic liquid. You were still a little drunk but at least you were feeling better. You pulled yourself up, straightening yourself in the passenger seat. Agitated, Yoongi got back in the car and sped off.
He helped you inside your apartment, dragging you to your bedroom. He stripped you out of your clothes and heels and carried you to the tub. Placing you inside, he turn on the water, hoping it would sober you up. You slowly opened your eyes, hazily gazing up at him.
“Hey asshole…” you giggled drunkenly.”That’s your name in my phone.“
"How nice.” Yoongi stated sarcastically, straighten out his clothes.
“Your name is Yoongi, right?… I’m fucking this guy named Yoongi but you wouldn’t like him. He is the biggest asshole on the planet earth.” You stated trying to sit up, splashing water everywhere, even on Yoongi. He was getting pissed by the second. He wasn’t in the mood to play babysitter. When he looked over at you, you had a sick look displayed on your face again. He pulled you out of the water, bringing you to the toilet to throw up.
“How much did your ass drink?!”
You fell against the toilet in exhaustion. “I didn’t have that much. I had fifteen shots then Riku said we needed to party more so I had five more.” You groaned. “Ugh! I feel like shit.”
Yoongi chuckled. “You look like shit.”
He looked back down at you and saw that you were passed out, on the verge of falling inside the toilet. He took a towel, wet it, and wiped your face. He picked you up, bridal style and the movement shook you awoke briefly. You held on to him tightly, not wanting to let him go.
“Thank you.” You whispered to him as tears ran down your cheeks.
Yoongi placed you in bed, pulling the covers over your naked body. He stared down at your sleeping form and smiled to himself. You were such a pain in his ass yet he wasn’t sure why he continued to let you get away with it. He leaned forward and wiped away the tears before walking out of the room.
You woke a couple hours later, sitting up in bed. It scared you when you woke up naked in a dark room. But you didn’t feel any pain between your legs and upon further inspection, you realized you were in your room. You grabbed your robe off the chair and put it on. You walked out of your bedroom into the living room. You freeze when you spot a dark figure on your couch. You immediately reach for anything to use as a weapon and turned on the lights.
“Yoongi?” You asked stunned. “What are you doing here?”
He sat up rubbing his eyes trying to adjust to the light. Yoongi decided to stay because he wasn’t sure if you would be okay on your own in the state you were in. But seeing how you were back to your annoying self, he should have gone home. He stood to leave but you stopped him.
“You’re not going to answer?”
“What do you want me to say? You should be the one thanking me right now. If I didn’t show up, you would have become another whore like Riku and I don’t touch damaged goods.” He joked. You frown in confusion. The last thing you remembered was drinking with Riku and her friends.
“I… don’t…” you tried to get the words out.
“Oh and by the way, stay away from Riku. You wouldn’t want people to think you’re two of a kind. I may not be there to save your bratty ass next time.”
You were trying to think of everything that happened that night but your anger was rising. The last time Yoongi was there, he made it known that you were just his sex toy but now you learned that he carried you home, drunk and tucked you into bed. Something completely out of character for him and you didn’t understand why he did it. You weren’t going to let your guard down a second time just for him to hurt you again.
“Why did you save me the first time? Instead of just leaving once you got me home, why did you stay?”
Yoongi raised an eyebrow at you. “Are you saying that you want to be taken advantage of by a couple of creeps?”
“I’m saying, make up your mind! What do you want! You told me that I mean nothing to you yet you try to control my life! You know what, Yoongi? Fuck you! I think you’re just scared to be nice and care for me!”
Yoongi walked closer staring down at you but you stared back, standing strong. His intimidation tactics no longer worked on you and you weren’t afraid of him either. Now you wanted answers. Yoongi didn’t know what to say because he was confused as well. He didn’t have any feelings for you but he was definitely treating you different, he couldn’t deny that.
“Watch who you are talking to.”
“Fine! If you’re not going to talk to me then I changed my mind. I’m not fucking you anymore!” You stated with your hands on your hips.
The look of surprise flashed across Yoongi’s face. Out of all the things to say, he wasn’t expecting you to say that. You, denying him for sex? Yeah, right! He could tell that you wanted him just as bad. In all actuality, your defiance was turning him on big time. His mind was working out a plan to get everything to work in his favor.
“How about we go out to dinner tomorrow night and you can ask all little questions until you’re satisfied.”
You thought it over, not fully moved by his offer. “And what do you get in return?”
Yoongi raised his hand to your shoulder, slowly moving your robe aside. Your heartbeat sped up and you could feel the wetness gathering between your legs. He lowered his head, licking the base of your neck. You moaned, moving your head to the side allowing him access to your skin. He planted wet kisses along your neck, leaving dark marks along the way. His hands undid your robe, letting it fall to the floor. You stood before him naked while he was still fully clothed. Yoongi lifted your leg in the air, giving him admission to your wet center. You leaned against the nearest wall and watched as he licked two fingers, moving them closer to your heat. You moaned as you felt them penetrate you. Yoongi fucked you on his fingers, rubbing his thumb against your clit. You drooled, getting lost in complete ecstasy. He definitely had the magic touch. You were getting so wet, you were starting to drip down your leg.
“And you always try to put up a front like you don’t want my dick inside you. Look how wet you are.” He teased, adding a third finger.
You were a moaning mess. Grabbing onto him for support as he drove his fingers inside you repeatedly. Eventually, your legs went out but Yoongi held you steady, increasing his pace. You wrapped your arms around his neck crying into his shoulder as you were on the verge of cumming. Yoongi’s cock twitched in his pants at your sweet voice. He needed to be inside you now before he lost his mind. He removed his hand causing you to whine and pout. He made you undress him first before he led you over to the couch. Sitting down, he held his cock straight up for you.
“Ride me.”
You eagerly obliged, straddling his legs so you were position right over his crotch. You managed to get the tip inside you before Yoongi became too impatient and slammed you down. His thick girth invaded your walls, making both of you moan out. He leaned his head back against the couch enjoying the feeling. You felt amazing wrapped around him and he loved every minute of it. You leaned back, holding on to his knees as you moved his cock in and out of you. Yoongi lifted his head to stare at your breasts as they bounced in his face. Your head was tossed back and your mouth hung open. He wrapped one arm around your waist holding you still while his other hand grabbed your hair, yanking your head further back. He began thrust his hips upward, sliding his cock in and out at an increasingly fast pace. Yoongi peppered kisses on your neck as he spoke.
“Why don’t you ever behave like a good girl, huh?” He groaned into your skin. “Why do you always test my patience with that smart ass mouth of yours? Do you misbehave because you love fucking yourself on my dick?”
You were too far gone to speak. The words were lodged in your throat and refused to come out. But the pull on your hair made you release a loud gasped.
“Yes!… Yes Yoongi! I misbehave because I love it when you punish me.”
“Yeah?” He asked letting his hips move faster. “Does that mean you belong to me?”
You whimpered, feeling your orgasm approaching. “Yes.”
“I didn’t hear you. Who do you fucking belong to, y/n?”
He yanked your head causing you to scream out as you came, releasing a guttural moan. “YOU! I BELONG TO YOU!… OH GOD!!!”
He felt your pussy spazzing around him and he bit his lip at the feeling. Your body trembled as you fell onto of him limply. Yoongi held you close, flooding your walls with his DNA. You both remained that way as you caught your breaths.
“Were you seriously about dinner tomorrow night?”
Yoongi rolled his eyes and moved you off of him so he could get dress. “Why not.”
You smiled to yourself. For once the two of you were going to be together and sex wasn’t involved. You knew that nothing has probably changed between you and him, but at least this was a step in the right direction.
©2017 Silhouetted_Beauty
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sending-the-message · 7 years
The ultimate race by TaraDevlin
Every year in our town there is a race, but it’s not just any race. In this race anything goes and the winner gets to have their deepest, darkest desire filled. You’d like someone dead? They’ll hand you the gun or do it for you. Want a million dollars? It’s in your bank account before you even get home.
Not only that, however, but during the race all bets are off. Within the confines of the race track anything and everything becomes legal. Whatever it takes to win. Competitors aren’t allowed to bring any weapons with them but if you manage to kill someone on the race track to get ahead you’ll never be held accountable. It’s considered part of the risks for the incredible rewards. And so year after year people sign their lives away to take part, sometimes literally.
This year I was one of those people.
My family is small, just myself, my younger sister and our mother. She’s been raising us alone since our father died of cancer when I was only five years old. My sister was too young to remember it but I remember watching him fade away and die before my eyes. Now our mother is sick, too, and she needs a heart transplant. Of all the things… I sometimes wonder if we’re cursed. Of course you can’t just come by a free heart, and that’s why I signed up for the race. If I could win I could get my mother to the top of the transplant list. I could save her. I could save both myself and my sister the pain of having to watch another parent die. I didn’t care about the free-for-all that many people used the race as an excuse for. I just wanted to win and get that heart. I just wanted to save my mother and be the hero.
How stupid I was.
The competitors gathered at the starting line the morning of the race. Like previous years there was close to perhaps a hundred runners or more. It was like those marathons you see on TV where a giant group of people move en-masse, like a giant wave of ants moving to devour a carcass. Only these people were even deadlier. A good deal of these ants weren’t likely to make it to the finish line. That was exactly why a lot of them were here. A chance to kill with impunity. It attracted a surprising amount of people.
Oh. Oh no…
It was my friend, Jo. My heart dropped. Why was he here?
“You’re racing this year too, huh?” he asked.
I pointed to the race number displayed on my chest and shrugged.
“Me too!” He laughed and slapped me on the shoulder. “So what’s your deepest, darkest desire? What’s big enough to get you out here with all these crazies?”
“A heart transplant for my mother,” I replied. Jo nodded and mouthed ‘ah,’ like it all suddenly made sense. “You?”
“Perhaps not as dire or noble as your cause, but money.” He shrugged. Jo also had a younger sister, and although our family was very far from well off, Jo’s family seemed to struggle even harder. He came to school without lunch more often than he did, he’d been wearing the same shoes for the last two years now, and I’m pretty sure that he was using the same school bag he’d gotten in the second grade. Of elementary. His family certainly could benefit from the money, there was no denying that.
“Competitors, to your starting positions,” an announcement blared across the track from the speakers set up either side of the road. The course changed every year, this year it would be taking them through the mountains, down past the local river, around the school and finally ending at one of the biggest parks in town. It wasn’t a terribly long race, all things considered, but you tell that to a hundred people trying to kill each other for that grand prize.
“Good luck, hey!” Jo smiled again. How could he be so happy? He was surrounded by people who for the next hour or so would be trying to kill him. “May the best man win!”
“Yeah.” I smiled meekly. If life worked that way we wouldn’t be in this predicament in the first place.
The starting gun went off and like murderous lemmings the crowd of racers surged forth. I wasn’t even 10 metres down the track when already I had to jump over fallen bodies and dodge projectiles coming my way. I’ve seen the race enough times to know how it begins every year. It’s always the same. A rush of bodies, the initial thrill of the chance to kill. A good number of people go down and for them the race is over before it even began. Ambulances and clean-up crews stood nearby ready to pick up the pieces once the rush was over.
My plan was simple. Stick to the back of the pack initially, let the lead runners pick each other off, maintain a good pace and as the finish line drew closer I’d make my move. Whatever that mood needed to be.
In the week leading up to the race I questioned myself often over whether I could do it. Could I kill a person? If it was for my mother, for my sister, could I kill another human being? What if it was just me and one other person drawing in on the finish line? Would I be able to take that person’s life with my own hands in order to save my mother’s?
Honestly, I didn’t know. I wanted to believe that I couldn’t, but who really knows what dark, horrible acts a person can commit in the heat of the moment.
“Phew, that was close!” It was Jo. He kept a steady pace beside me as we followed the violent stampede up the mountain. Bodies continued to drop like flies. I jumped over a man with his skull crushed in. A bloody rock lay beside him, discarded like he was. I remembered him from the front of the pack. That’s why you never started at the front.
Few spectators lined the mountain road. Most of them would be waiting near the finish line, where all the real action was. Nobody cared about the insignificant ants who died early on. It was the furious battles near the finish line that people camped out for days to secure their spot for. That was what the crowd really wanted; blood. Not just any blood, but the kind of blood that could only be spilled by those on the verge of having their biggest wish granted… or about to have it taken away.
“So your parents agreed to you doing this?” I asked Jo as we reached the top of the mountain. It gave us a view of the race ahead. There were probably 20, maybe 30 runners ahead of us. A few bodies lay by the side of the road. Not the biggest starting race massacre ever but it still wasn’t pretty. The lead was about 300 metres down the road, a physically imposing man with something large in his hand. Probably the rock that had taken down at least a few of the bloodied bodies lying nearby.
“They don’t know I’m here,” Jo replied, leaping over a hand grasping for his ankle.
“They don’t know!?”
“Nope!” Jo smiled as though it was all a big game. “Although they probably do now, haha!”
“Are you crazy?”
“Maybe. Did you ask your mother first?”
“Well… not in so many words, no…” It was true. I mentioned the race to her but never specifically said I was taking part. But I think she knew deep down that was why I brought it up anyway, and she never objected. That was permission enough for me.
“Look out!” Jo grabbed my shirt and yanked me back. Something whizzed by my head and landed by the side of the road.
“A knife?” Competitors weren’t allowed to bring knives. It was strictly what you found on the way. A woman coming down the track behind us spotted the knife and slowed down to pick it up. She turned to us and smiled. It was a feral smile, like a starved animal about to take down its first prey in weeks. It was also the last smile that would ever touch her lips. Mere moments after she picked up the knife a rifle sounded and the woman’s head split open. The knife hit the ground, followed by her crumpled body.
The sound of a taser drew my attention from the sight before me. One of the few spectators on the mountain descent was twitching as he hit the ground. A man in raid gear spoke into his mic before the body was dragged off. Jo and I looked at one another and started running again. Just need to keep moving.
“You’ve got some blood on your…” Jo pointed to my face. His hand was shaking. I just kept running. It was all I could do.
We reached the river. By now maybe ten people were in front of us. We’d reached the part of the race where most of the runners were spaced out enough to just keep running. Other than the sound of our breathing, our feet hitting the dirt and the trickle of the river everything was quiet. I was okay with that. Quiet was nice.
The sight of that woman’s head exploding haunted me. She broke the rules. She picked up a weapon tossed onto the track by a spectator. Everyone knew what happened when you broke the rules. But I couldn’t get the image out of my head. It was like her head just exploded. Blood and bone showered in every direction.
“I don’t know if I can do it,” I muttered.
“Do what?” Jo’s feet continued to hit the ground in sync with my own.
“Kill a person. I don’t think I can do it.”
“You don’t have to kill anyone to win the race. Stop thinking about it.”
“I know, but you saw that guy up there. You think he’s going to just let us peacefully pass by and take first place?”
“Probably not, no.”
A scream sounded ahead of us. Another competitor down?
“What are you going to do with the money if you win?” I asked. Jo didn’t seem like the type to really care about material possessions, but with a million dollars in front of you, well that could change a person.
“Send dad to that training course he needs to get that promotion at work finally. You know they’ve skipped him over three years in a row now simply because he can’t drive the forklift and they’re too scummy to pay for his license?”
“I didn’t know that. I’m sorry.”
“And it’ll let mum quit her night job, and I wanna get Mari some new clothes and such for school. She doesn’t say anything but I know the other kids tease her. They teased me.”
I didn’t know what to say. I just nodded as we ran.
“We’re about to lose the house too,” Jo said after a few moments. “We have nowhere else to go. I don’t know what to do. Even if I got another part time job, another five part time jobs, it wouldn’t help. This is our last chance. No-one can do this but me…”
Jo hit the ground in front of me, sending me tumbling over the top of him.
“Boohoo, what a sad story. Let’s all have a pity party about it.”
One of the runners was standing above us with a large, thick tree branch in hand. He must have been hiding behind one of the trees. I turned over and saw a body lying in the river. That must have been the scream we heard.
The branch connected with my torso and pain exploded throughout my side. Another strike, this time my shoulder. His aim was getting higher. Another hit and…
Jo’s foot connected with the man’s jaw and sent him flying. Jo scrambled for the branch before the man caught his bearings and before he knew what was happening it was all over. Jo battered his face in, over and over the branch came down until there was nothing but a pulpy, bloody mess in the mud.
Jo stood up and turned to me. His face and upper body were almost entirely red. I opened my mouth a few times but Jo just dropped the stick and held out a hand. “Come on, we’re not winning this race sitting around here.”
I swallowed my words and looked at his bloody hand, still in shock. He’d just murdered a man right in front of me. He was about to kill us, sure, but… I’d known Jo since we were five years old. We grew up together. He was always so sweet and kind to everyone. The joker who never took anything to heart.
“They’re getting further ahead of us.”
I shook my head and took his hand. It was sticky.
“Yeah, right. Sorry.”
“Come on, let’s go.”
I took one last look at the body and started running again.
The longer I ran with Jo the more I realised that things were going to get very complicated. Only one person could win. It may not be either of us, but if it came down to it, what would we do? I needed that heart transplant for my mother. He needed that money for his family to survive. It wasn’t like either of us could just give up for the other.
We neared the school. There were a few more spectators here. We were closing in on the end.
“Do you hear that?”
“Hear what?”
There was a fight up ahead. It was the big guy who’d been in the lead. A woman and two men were circling him, his brow cut and dripping blood into his eye. One of the men, tall but skinny, had something small and sharp in his hand. The woman was swinging a chain she’d probably lifted from the trash cans.
Jo put a hand across my chest and brought a finger to his lips. He pointed through the middle of the school.
“Leave them be. If we go this way we can avoid them. It’s a bit longer but…”
“Hey!” The big guy saw us and called out.
“You go deal with them,” the tall man said. The smaller one started running towards us. He had a baseball bat in hand. It appeared to be wrapped in something sharp. Barbed wire? Where did he manage to steal that from?
Jo and I took off at full speed. I was tired. The run itself was wearing me down but the rise and fall of adrenaline was taking its toll on me as well. I didn’t know how much longer I could keep doing this. My legs burned like molten lava and my chest heaved like it was going to explode.
Jo fell to the ground once more. The back of his head was bleeding. The man had thrown the baseball bat at him and was quickly closing in.
I picked it up. There was no time. As the man got closer I swung with all my might. The sound of his jaw cracking was a sound I’d remember for a long time. Jo had saved me before. Now we were even.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah, yeah, I think so… I’m just bleeding… Come on, let’s keep moving.”
I held a hand out and helped Jo back to his feet. He was a little wobbly but we pressed on before the others could follow.
“Once we clear the school we’ll be in first place. There’s only 500 metres between here and the finish line. We’ll make it.” Jo smiled. More and more blood was pouring from the back of his head.
“Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Stop asking me and keep running.”
We cleared the school gate when we heard it. It was an almost inhuman growl. I turned. It was the big guy, covered in blood. He was holding the woman’s chain in one hand and what looked like a steel pole in the other. He hurled it towards us and was moving before it even hit the ground.
The finish line was straight ahead, the park at the end of the street. Spectators lined the road and wild cheers went up. It would appear we were the final three and the last leg was about to begin. The crowd wanted blood. They always wanted blood.
It’s only another 500 metres, I kept thinking to myself. Just keep moving. Nothing else matters. Just keep moving. He can’t touch you once you pass that finish line. Nothing else in the world matters but being the first across that line. Then everything would be okay.
My legs pumped across the hard asphalt. It was awkward running with the bat but I refused to let it go. Jo was not far behind me. I couldn’t turn to look. It would be precious wasted time.
“He’s gaining!” Jo screamed.
“So run faster!” It was all I could get out. My entire body and mind were focused on moving forward and nothing else.
400 metres. Already I was slowing down. I could feel it. I couldn’t keep up this pace much longer. Not anymore. The cheers of the crowd were drowned out by my heartbeat throbbing in my head and chest and throat.
300 metres. Jo caught up to me. The cut on his head was still bleeding a scary amount of blood but it didn’t appear to be holding him back. Sweat poured down the side of his face, mingling with the dried, caked-on blood. His face was sickly pale but he didn’t say a word. We just kept running.
200 metres. I could hear the footsteps behind us. He was closing in. I could almost feel his breath on my neck. I could hear the chain hitting the ground as he ran. For such a big guy he sure had some stamina. The finish line was in sight. People were standing up and cheering, urging us on. Not to win, but to fight. Blood. They wanted more blood.
100 metres. I tasted asphalt. So close, yet so far. I don’t remember exactly what sound I made as my face planted into the ground at full speed but I’m sure it wasn’t dignified. The baseball bat flew out of my hand and clattered nearby. ‘This is it,’ I thought. ‘It’s all over. I’m a dead man, and right before the finish line. How fitting. I’m sorry, mum. I tried.’
A huge weight suddenly pressed down on my back. An almost maniacal laugh sounded near my ear. The crowd grew even louder. I didn’t have to turn around to know who it was. I braced myself for another impact. The last one of my life, no doubt. Just what the audience wanted. A grand finale.
The impact never came. There was a thud followed by cursing. I turned to see Jo kicking the man in the face again. The finish line was right there and here he was, helping me out once more. The big guy’s face turned murderous. He swung the chain over his head and then towards Jo’s side. He couldn’t get out of the way in time and crumpled to the ground.
“You think you little shits are gonna keep me from my prize? Think again.”
Pain exploded through my head once more as his fist connected with my cheek. He grabbed Jo and yanked him up by his T-shirt, delivering a swift punch to his jaw as well.
Jo just smiled at him.
“Oh you like that, did you? You some kind of sicko, kid? Is that why you’re here?”
Jo said nothing. I wasn’t sure he could. His lip was busted and his jaw bruised. He just kept smiling.
He then held up his other hand. He was holding the other end of the chain. Before the big guy knew what was going on he wrapped it around his neck, planted his feet against the guy’s chest and pushed with all his might.
He grabbed feebly at his neck, the veins popping out and his face rapidly turning red. Jo kept pushing against him with his feet and pulling on the chain, not letting go even as the body slid off me to the ground. He just kept pulling tighter and tighter. The big guy’s eyes bulged, his breath rasped. The crowd cheered even louder. He was going to kill him.
I looked over. My heart dropped. My mother and sister were in the crowd. Why? Why was she here? Why did she bring my sister here? She was only 12. Too young to see any of this. I didn’t want them to see any of this.
My heart dropped even further. Next to her was Mari. Jo’s sister. His parents were nowhere in sight, presumably at work.
“Jo,” I called out but my voice refused to work. My throat was so dry I could barely swallow. My head was spinning. I got up to my hands and knees and tried again.
The big guy had stopped moving. Jo kept pulling the chain like his life depended on it.
I put a hand on the back of his leg. He looked down at me, eyes full of fear and confusion and adrenaline. He was like an animal cornered with nowhere to go. He looked awful.
“Jo, you can let go now. He’s… he’s not breathing.”
Jo turned back to the man and after a few more moments he dropped the chain. He fell to his knees beside me.
“It’s just us now.”
“It is.”
“What are we going to do?”
“We need to finish this race.”
I stood up on wobbly legs. The finish line was just there, 100 metres ahead of us. I put an arm over Jo’s shoulder and we stumbled forward. Together. The crowd was cheering. It was no finale they’d ever seen before. I could hear voices calling for blood. Calling for one more bloody finish. I could hear my name coming from somewhere. I turned back and my family were gone. Did I imagine them? It didn’t matter.
Forward. We kept moving forward. Step after step. Blood ran down my face and dripped onto the road below. Jo was silent, one arm across his battered side and the other helping to hold me up. What a sight we must have been.
We reached the finish line and stopped. We made it. One of us was about to win, and that’s when it hit me again. One of us. Only one person could win.
Jo smiled again. “Hell of a race, huh?”
“Hell of a race,” I agreed.
“This is it.”
A silence fell between us as the crowd got even louder. I could hear one of the race commentators blaring over the loud speakers but I had no idea what he was saying.
“I’ve been doing a lot of thinking,” Jo began. I opened my mouth to reply when he let go of me and shoved me over the finish line. I hit the ground, hard.
I’d won.
I looked up, confused. Jo was still smiling, but it no longer reached his eyes.
“Your mother needs that heart. I can’t keep that from her. She was one of the few people who was kind to me growing up, you know? She never said a word but she always gave us extra food when we came over to play, or tucked a few bills into our pocket when we weren’t looking.”
I didn’t know what to say. Tears filled my eyes. I was so confused.
“I took out an insurance policy before the race. Just in case.” He gave a small laugh. “Even if I didn’t win, well I wanted to make sure that my family would be okay.”
“I don’t…”
“This is the only way both of us wins. Watch out for my sister for me, will you? And give your mother my regards. Her pain is going to be over very soon.”
He looked around, as though for the last time.
“It’s so cold,” he whispered. It was the last thing he ever said.
Everything afterwards was a blur. Ambulance officers rushed towards Jo while I was picked up and put on a stretcher myself. The race organisers were congratulating me at the same time medics were plugging a drip into my veins. They told me later I was suffering from blood loss and heat exhaustion. They were amazed I made it to the finish line at all.
My mother got her heart transplant. Turned out the big guy was a perfect match. Jo’s family also got their money. Unbeknowst to them he’d taken out a life insurance policy on his own life before the race. A sort of backup measure in case he didn’t win.
Jo bled to death from his wounds. He was dead before they reached the hospital. I never got the chance to say goodbye to him. To say thank you. Because of Jo my mother is still alive. Because of Jo I’m still alive. Mari got her new clothes and books for school. She hasn’t been the same since the day of that race though. She doesn’t speak very much and just spends all her time running…
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sj rambling like goddamn for real
i know it’s not “time for rhetoric”
theres literally people chanting na/zi slogans on the street. and that’s terrifying. and i don’t even know the half of how terrifying it can be. and it needs to stop. yeah.
but. ive been grappling with this phrase in my head for a while. im not quite sure it makes sense yet. but it’s something like, “opposite is not dissimilar.” if something is “opposite” it actually has quite a lot to do with the thing it’s opposite to. It’s across from this thing on one single axis, as opposed to catty corner and off in another section on the y coordinate and blah blah...
so. yknow. no, i don’t think people who use tactics similar to the alt-r/ight, but on the other end of the political spectrum are “just as bad.” it’s very difficult to be “just as bad” as... actual... na/zis ....but. I do think those tactics are incredibly polarizing and short-term and...well, violent. And I don’t know if you’ve looked around America lately (I wish I could stop looking around), polarization looks like an absolute shitshow. I mean, part of it is that the loudest voices are the most extreme, so the ones you hear about are the ones who are pretty set in their ways.
But there are people who follow more right-wing politics that aren’t that polarized. Yet. And they’re probably thinking, yknow...what a mess their party has become. Like, in some ways, don’t you really wish we could trade for Romney right now? Like, he’s obviously not the #1 choice but if your only option was Romney or this, I would take Romney. And I bet a lot of republicans feel that way too. They don’t want to be associated with this. Some might very strongly feel that it needs to stop, they just...aren’t sure what to do about it.
And there’s not a lot of entry points for that when all of the talk going around is something like... yknow.. “all republicans are horrid beings and this was the obvious outcome of their beliefs” etc etc and. so. there’s not a lot of places where people can go and get something like. “okay. we don’t agree on some things. and we’re definitely going to hash that out. but we can do that LATER. right now we need to work together to stop this absolute cancer from taking over america.” but aside our differences. work together. it sounds optimistic, but...is it naive to say that people on any side would like there to not be na/zis in america right now? i... hope not.
i just. I don’t want to be “opposite” to this group. I want to be the wrench in the entire system. I don’t want to hammer this nail so deep into the ground with brute force that you don’t see it anymore, but it might still wiggle out if the floorboards loosen. I want there to be no need for this nail. I want to redo the entire floor, yknow. I want the people who have these beliefs to...not feel anymore like they need them. Now that...that’s naive. That’s idealistic. But I think working with that goal in mind is better than. Not.
I just don’t know how to deal with the short term problem while considering long term effects. i dont have the answer here. maybe...maybe we need to do whatever we can to stop this from happening right now
but. maybe this is a cycle. maybe what’s happening is the pushback just keeps springing over with as much force as it took to push it back down. I haven’t...been alive to see most of these cycles so it’s really hard to make a big picture out of it but. Bush? We hated him. What a shitshow! He was so bad we all rallied together to get Obama elected, and that was good. I’m glad that happened. But then...republicans were so mad about this yknow, the entire government refused to do anything his entire administration. how many times did they do that stupid vote to repeal the ACA instead of getting actual work done? and we thought they were just...being extremely childish about this whole thing! making policy isn’t about standing steadfast in the ground and refusing to move, it’s about compromising and figuring out a solution that can move forward.
and then...the pushback was, unfortunately, this guy. which i still have trouble believing got legitimately elected. i don’t think my heart can take the idea of this guy getting legitimately elected. and...what did the democrats do? they said, no. we’re going to sit and oppose every single thing this guy wants to do. and... i want them to do that. i desperately do. but now i understand how the republicans felt when obama was in office. i can’t say i agree with those feelings, i don’t think “oh, well what they did under obama was okay i guess,” but i understand what it feels like.
but. how do you compromise when your parties are growing more and more polarized with more and more separate ideals and more and more sentiment that the other side is evil and wants to destroy you.
because. well... personally, i can’t think of republican policy without thinking of people...dying in result. in direct result. people need food stamps to eat. they need welfare and health insurance, god do people need health insurance. these policies will kill people, and that is my genuine belief.
and i don’t understand how republicans can oppose what we stand for. I don’t.
But... I do believe they feel the same way. Somehow. I can’t explain it, but I know they feel this way. We are a direct threat to their lives. I don’t agree with it. But it’s a fact that that sentiment exists in some people.
so where do we go from here. we can’t relax and begin to compromise unless they relax and begin to compromise at an exactly equal pace. and how do you do that? how do you enforce that? how do you enforce trust and goodwill? how do you take the first step forward in letting the barricade down without getting completely stampeded by people who are, at this point, absolutely happy to take the opportunity?
i don’t know. im lost. i’m completely at a loss here as to how to move forward.
but i know that pushing back with brute force is...going to end in violence. somehow. we can’t keep up like this. something is going to break. our government cannot operate like this anymore. let’s be honest--it’s not operating like this anymore. our government is no longer functioning.
and that’s how things change, i guess. that’s how colonies threw off their colonizers. a violent revolution. that’s the way to do away with the system and build another on top of the rubble.
but since when has that worked out. that’s not an option i’m excited about. people will die. we all know how war works these days. it’s not a bunch of volunteers going off into an empty field and fighting in the name of their country. it’s personal. it involves civilians. it’s long and drawn out and it’s automated. innocent people get involved. all of those people we’re trying to protect with government benefits--what will happen to them if there’s not a government anymore. i just.
i don’t know what the conclusion of this post was supposed to be anymore.
i think what i really want to say, and what i really want to be true, but wishing isn’t going to make it come into existence
i want to release the pressure. i want people who are capable of doing this, and not in immediate danger, to reach out to those around them and talk to them. i want to be human to each other and i want to be understanding. i want to talk about ideals. yes, i want to sit down and have a goddamn talk about ideals and that doesn’t make me a traitor to our cause because there are so many of us and we can be doing different things at the same time! violence is a shitty patch-up job for what’s going on right now. if you’re in direct danger or someone close to you is in direct danger then yes, take action, please, protect yourself, protect those close to you, protect strangers who need your protection, but don’t pretend like self-defense is a political solution to what’s going on right now. it’s necessary, but it’s not addressing the root cause. we can’t go around perpetuating it because that’s not what we should want. we want people to feel safe because when people feel safe they don’t enact violence against other people at least in the large, large majority of cases. i don’t want those who can’t defend themselves to have to continue relying on other people to help them, i want them to feel safe on their own. i don’t want to put vulnerable people’s lives at risk for the sake of some kind of righteous vigilante justice. i want to have a system that works and to me what that means is people who are willing to talk to each other and be compassionate and address concerns and just. just be human! connect! hold fucking hands and sing songs together!!!!! fuck it!!!
fuck it!!!! the tools of violence are bad tools and the second we lay them down they’ll get picked up by people who will use them against us and idk about you but i dont want to keep violence in an iron grip all my life!!! AUGH
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aloserwithakeyboard · 7 years
"Here's that sandwich you wanted."
There’s only an hour left. An hour of worried parents trying to find the classrooms that their students will sit in everyday, and asking for snacks once they give up. It’s back to school night and I’m the only kid willing to man the cafeteria station. I’m serving food and giving directions. And 2 hours in, I’m definitely understanding why nobody wanted this job. “Sweetheart, do you mind telling me how to get to room 403?” A woman with graying hair asks. “If you go to the top of the middle staircase, it’ll be the first classroom on the left.” I respond with the fake smile shared by every student volunteer who is still at school as the clock hands reach 8:00 pm. The woman walks away after thanking me and I sit down behind the table full of dinner foods and snacks. No one will care if I steal a brownie off the dessert tray, right? I deserve a brownie after dealing with all these clueless parents. Most of them have come to this at least once before and they still have no idea where any classroom is. Someone asked me what floor Trailer 3 was on. On the bright side, no one brought their kid to this, so now the parents are learning to actually read. That’s always a good sign. “What are the chances of a cute boy giving me one of those sandwiches?” I’d like to revoke my prior statement. Clearly, some idiot parent still need to learn to keep their children at home. “Somewhere around 5%,” I answer, “Why are you here, Josh?” The junior takes a second to flash a smile and sit down across from me before addressing the question. “Well, my dad couldn’t make it, but my little sister is going to be a freshman here this year and I wanted to make sure her teachers are decent. I’m supposed to be in Mr. Grant’s room right now, but I already now he’ll be cool with her because we had him last year. I figured, why not take this time to go say hi to my favorite person willing to volunteer at this stupid excuse of a school event? Why are you volunteering here, anyway?“ “Wait, slow down. Why is it so important for you to know your sister’s teachers?” I question. Josh doesn’t seem like the type of guy to come just for the sake of knowing his sister will have nice teachers. Josh shrugged. “Kailey is blind. I’m making sure her teachers will make the right accomadations and be good about the whole situation. I already have to have administration switch her English teacher because Smith doesn’t want to let her use audio or Braille books. I mean, what the hell? Does he just expect a blind student to magically be able to read in his class? It’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard, so I walked out of his orientation and went over to Ms. Mell’s and she said she’d be happy to teach Kailey and make all necessary accomadations since I was such a pleasure to have in class.” Josh ranted. I scoffed at his last comment, but sobered up quickly. “You should report Smith, he can’t do that. It’s illegal. Mell’s class is a lot of fun, I’m sure your sister will love her. And to answer your earlier question, I’m here because I’m the only kid in our grade who is active in student government or cares in the slightest about our school.” “Well, you got that right, this place sucks ass,” Josh leans his arm onto the table, making us much closer together than we were before. “And so does SGA, everyone who’s on it just wants to pad their college resume a bit, they don’t actually care about what goes on at Ravena. And no one is going to do anything when Kailey’s teachers act intolerant just like no one did anything when Paige was being bullied, you know it, I know it, and we can’t even fix it.” Josh’s expression screamed of bitterness and frustration. Paige was what connected Josh and me. I knew them because our mom’s were friends in college. Josh and Paige played baseball together in middle school. Now, Josh and I were at Ravena High School, and Paige was… well, let’s just say not here. They had a hard time freshman year and their parents sent them to a different school. Josh won’t admit it to anyone, but you can tell he misses them horribly. I reached my hand out to squeeze his for reassurance. “Josh, SGA can’t fix that stuff, it’s up to administration. You know Paige is safer now.” “No, we don’t. When was the last time you heard from them. What if this doesn’t go well and we have to send Kailey to some special school? When will I hear from her again? How could I make sure she’s alright?” He kept one hand in mine and rested his head on the other. “Josh, listen to me. Kailey is going to be fine. If any teacher gives her shit, I will march down to their room and read the Disabilities Act to them word for word. We can make sure she’s safe here. I’ll ask Mrs. Levenson to call Paige’s school and ask if we can visit. Okay?” He looks like he’s about to cry and Lord knows I don’t need that right now. Especially since a bunch of parents are gonna come stampeding in to ask for directions to their next classroom in five minutes. Josh wipes his eyes before speaking up, “Thank you, that’d be nice.” He looks me in the eye, seemingly desperate to change the subject, “um, Danny?” “Yeah?” I inquire. He can’t have much to ask me about. We’re not that good of friends, I mean we both sit in the music room at lunch and we’ve had a few classes together. We used to hang out all the time together with Paige when they still stayed around here and after Paige first left he’d show up at my house and I’d show up at his, both of us visibly upset, as we’d lost our best friend. But, even that ended after we both got busy, it had been nice while it lasted, always having someone to talk to. “Um, well, I’m sorry if I’m overstepping with this question, but seeing as it’s after 8:00 pm, I feel like I kind of have to.” He pauses. This is making me kind of nervous, “What time did you put your binder on this morning?” I take my hand out of his and hunch my back. “Probably seven…” I mumble. “Danny, did you take it off afterschool? ” He looks genuinely concerned and it’s genuinely annoying. “No.” I reply staring at my lap while I twiddle my thumbs. “You know that’s not safe.” It feels like I’m being scolded. “I also know it’s none of your business.” I shoot back, “and you should probably be getting ready to meet your sister’s next teacher.” I try not to look at Josh when I hear him stand up from the cafeteria bench. The bell rings, signaling the transition of orientations and triggering the set of footsteps walking away from me and toward Kailey James’s period 3B class. The flood of confused parents makes it’s way to the cafeteria and I’m back to giving directions and handing out food. ••• I was really hoping I could make it out of back to school night without seeing Josh again. I almost made it, too. I had grabbed an extra sandwich from the leftover food in the cafeteria and started to walk out when I caught a glimpse of him. He saw me as soon as I saw him and now he’s making his way toward me. I make it to the bike rack where my bike sits before he catches up. I turn toward him as he starts to talk. “Danny, please talk to me.” “If you minded your own business a bit more maybe I would.” I say, unlocking my bike and pulling it in front of me. “I’m just worried about you,” I scoff and put my helmet on, but he jumps in front of my bike, “Danny, wait! I’m sorry, I just don’t want you to hurt yourself.” “Yeah, well, you don’t have to worry about me Josh. I’m a big boy now.” I mock. “That’s not what I’m saying, Danny. I care about you.” This is straight up pitiful. “No, you don’t. You cared when you thought I could be a replacement for Paige. When I seemed like a good alternative. You don’t actually care about anything that happens to me.” He reaches for my hand and I jerk away from him, horrorified. “I’m sorry,” He keeps trying to take my hand, “I’m sorry I kissed you this Summer. I didn’t mean to make you upset or anything like that. It’s just, you looked so-” “What? Pretty? Like Paige? I love how the one time you think it’s okay to kiss me is when my mother is parading me around in a dress. A dress that actually was a hand-me-down from Paige in case you were wondering. Their mom wanted them to start looking masculine again and my mother wants me to look feminine so I got the dress. I bet you really regretted it when I showed up to your house wearing a binder the next day. I wasn’t your prissy pink princess anymore. Sorry.” I glare at him, hoping it’s enough to get him to let me leave. “No, that’s not what it was at all. You looked out of place. You didn’t belong in the dress, and it was the first time I could tell. I knew you had some secret that you only talked to Paige about, I knew those clothing swaps you did every morning of freshman year wasn’t just for their benefit. They got whatever sweater or skirt your mom forced you in that day and you got their cargo shorts and oversized t-shirt. You were always happier after you changed. Every single time. I kissed you because you looked like you needed reassurance, nothing else. And I was happy when you showed up at my window in a binder, you looked like yourself. You looked handsome.” He tries to explain. “I don’t need your validation. I didn’t need anything from you, asshole. Now, get out of my way or I’ll run you over.” I grip the handlebars of my old bike, ready to peddle away as soon as he gives me the chance. "Fine. Just, please don't completely ignore me." He steps back from my bike and puts his hands up in surrender. "Here's that sandwich you wanted." I throw the leftover food at him and start to ride away. The soft laughter from Josh serves as audio for the beginning of my ride home. It's safe to say that was the quickest I've ever biked to my house.
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