#but yeh. Not home tomorrow
laprimera · 2 years
OKAY, I’m gonna make.....I’m gonnNaA MAKE....a discord call.
Ya can like this post so we can exchange to plot and stuff 🤙
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ribbonprincess · 6 months
Rafe's got a hand wrapped around his bottle of beer as the other is securely holding your waist,chatting with a couple of friends while you look Around the backyard with droopy eyes after a shared joint with your boyfriend.
"yeah,see you man" Rafe says,dabbing everyone before turning around to look at you "how kitty cat doing" he smirks,tilting your chin up with his finger. "Told you not to call me that" you reply with a roll of eyes before smiling a bit "but I'm doing okay,I just can't find my lipgloss"
"oh,I have it- you gave it to me before we got in" he mumbles,pulling out the shiny tub from his pocket as he handed it to you. "thank you" fixing your black lather corset before taking out a kuromi hand mirror and reapplying the shiny gloss. "so,are we heading inside for that beer pong or not?"
After a game or two of beer pong you find yourself slowly tipsy,leaning a bit more into Rafe as you tug at the material of your skirt. "I'm starting to get tired" you mumble,coming out more annoyed that you intended to "hey,fix that tone and maybe I'll think about bringing you home" Rolling your eyes,you take a sip of the coca cola in your cup,humming to the song playing through the speakers of the house. You move to sit on an available chair as you look at your makeup,making sure your spiky eyelashes and eyeliner are still intact; Rafe's quick to follow you as he stands protectively behind you,his arms wrapped around your neck as you chuckle. "you don't have to stay here like a guard dog,I know how to protect myself." "yeh,I know...but I want to"
Deciding to let him stay you lay your hands over his arm, sometimes running your sharp nails over the skin,leaving red traces behind. "you know" you start slowly,tilting your head back to look at him. "you know that a cockroach can still live a week after you cut their heads off,isn't that cool?" This information causes your boyfriend's face to scrunch up before he nods slowly,still not used to your antics. "yeah...super cool baby" "and...and,did you know that spiders have clear blood" Humming at your words rafe press a kiss to your head "hm,always have weird facts up your sleeve don't you?"
giggling to yourself you nod in response "my weird,scary girlfriend" Rafe mumbles to himself before leaning down to kiss you,smearing your lip combo all around. "rafe..my lipstick" you mumble,pulling away as you wipe at your chin and around his face. Rafe chuckles "hm...sorry about that" "yeah yeah..." you hum before he speaks again "tomorrow,I'll take you to that weird stone place you like- the one with the old lady and the books about amputation and stuff like that that you like" "hm...they're called crystal,but thank you handsome" you smile,holding onto his bicep as he presses a sloppy kiss against your neck "I'll be with the boys over the couch to get my stuff and then I'll take you home,okay?" "hm...okay, love you"
"love you too kitty cat"
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helen-with-an-a · 6 months
Hi. So this was a request that I thought was such a cute idea. I hope you enjoy it.
Lucy Bronze x Reader
Description: Moments were Lucy helps take care of R when she's clumsy
Word Count: 2.8k
TW: Injury
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You were clumsy. That had been a fact of life since you were born. In nursey, you had a designated Mr Bump ice pack that was used solely by you. In primary school, the office lady who doubled as the nurse was your best friend, often spending more of your playtime with her getting something patched up than running around with your friends. In secondary school, things didn’t get any better. You often sported random bruises that you didn’t know where they came from. You would think that being placed into a sport that required a level of coordination and skill from a young age and then becoming a professional footballer would improve your balance and dexterity, yet you were often on the ground in matches due to your own idiocy rather than a harsh shove or poorly timed tackle from the opposition.
The bruises to your ego hurt more than the ones on your skin, but you often just laughed it off, accepting the hands that came to help pick you up off the floor and wipe away the grass stains. The hand that, more often than not, belonged to Lucy. She was always the first to come to your aid with a poorly concealed laugh and a kind smile. In a match, it was followed by a raised eyebrow and a squeeze to your shoulder as she shook her head, trying to remain professional on the pitch. In training, it was a gentle kiss to the forehead and an arm around your waist as she steadied you. In your daily life outside the training ground, you could never fully fall as she often tucked you safely into her side or had a firm, supportive grip on you if that wasn’t possible. In your own home's privacy, you could hardly move without Lucy fretting over you. She had seen too many injuries occur for you to be allowed to do much without her personal supervision – not that you really minded your girlfriend’s near-permanent presence.
It was a wet and windy day as you battled it out on the pitch. It was not the most ideal conditions to play in regardless, but with your inability to stay on your feet, you were having more trouble than most. You were making a run up the wing when you tripped, stumbling over your own feet as you went flying, skidding painfully along the sodden grass. You groaned, embarrassed that you had, once again, ended up face down on the pitch. You lay there for a minute, waiting for your mind to catch up with what happened before rolling onto your back.
“You good, love?” Lucy laughed as she came to your side.
“Ow,” you groaned, but reaching for her to help pull you back to standing.
“Are you ok?” Lucy asked again, a hand coming to rest on your shoulder as you drew level with her again.
“Yeh, sweets, I’m ok,” you sighed, wiping the worst of the mud off your jersey. Her eyebrow raised, silently asking if you were being honest with her. "I might be a little sore tomorrow, but I’m okay,” you mused. You had gone down a little harder than normal and could already feel the ache in your body as a result.
“Do you need to come off, bubba?” She asked, face full of concern as she scanned you discreetly.
“No, I’m ok. My ego took more of a battering than I did,” you laughed, lifting your shoulder to trap Lucy’s hand between it and your cheek. She squeezed three times and winked at you. You stuck your tongue out in an attempt to playfully lick her hand, demonstrating to her that you were clearly fine.
“C’mon, then. Let’s try to stay vertical with your feet on the ground for the rest of the match, shall we?” Lucy teased as you moved back into your respective positions.
“I can try, but I make no promises,” you joked back, grinning widely at her as you separated.
She shook her head at you. “I love you,” you mouthed at her.
“I love you,” she mouthed back.
“Shit,” you said as you stumbled up the stairs to the training pitches.
“Careful, idiota maldestre.” Aitana called as she came to steady you.
“Mi héroe,” you thanked her, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. “And I’m not an idiot. I might be clumsy, but I’m not an idiot.” You slipped her into a headlock that she quickly broke out of.
You came to stand beside Lucy in the huddle before training started, her arm automatically drawing you into her side.
“No quiero ninguna herida,” Jona said as he finished his pre-training speech, his eyes lingering on you for a second longer than everyone else. You just smiled at him.
“Now, what are we going to do today, love?” Lucy asked in a serious tone, but you knew she was teasing. Her hands came to rest on your hips as the others split off into their training pairs.
“Stay upright,” you replied in an equally severe voice.
“Good.” She squeezed you lightly before glancing around and pressing a swift kiss to your cheek. You rolled your eyes at her antics and beamed anyway.
Your promise only lasted about 20 minutes. You were in a trio with Alexia and Patri; Alexia pushed against you with a yoga ball as Patri passed the ball for you to kick back. It was going well. You remained strong and firm, leaning back into the shoving and stabilising your core muscles. But you were so focused on keeping your body straight that you forgot where you planted your feet.
“Fuck,” you exclaimed as you went tumbling to the ground, Alexia and the giant blue ball following you. Patri stood, slightly stunned, as her group was no longer in front of her; instead, there was a pile of limbs on the floor. “Ay, dios mío. Estás bien?” Patri asked, recognising the grimace of pain on your face. “Ow,” you winced as you tried to wiggle it. Now standing again, Alexia left your side, heading toward your girlfriend.
“Bubba?” Lucy’s concerned voice reached you as you shifted to sitting, her hand coming to rub your back as she crouched by your side.
“I’m ok, sweets. It’s just my ankle. I put my foot down wrong.” You tried to move it again, but it didn’t hurt, though it definitely felt funny.
“Ok, let’s get you up and to the medics.” Lucy moved to help you up, taking most of your weight. You gently added more pressure to your foot, relaxing slightly as no pain radiated up your leg. “What did I ask you about injuries?” Lucy sighed dramatically as she guided you to the bench where the physio was waiting.
“I’m sorry,” you said guiltily, your cheeks flaring with an embarrassed blush.
“I know you are, love,” she said, depositing you on the seat and pressing a lingering kiss to your forehead. “No funny business,” she said seriously as she cupped your face. "And listen to the doctors.” You nodded, taking her hand and kissing her palm lightly.
“I love you,” you whispered.
“I love you,” she answered, equally as quiet before she returned to training.
“Anem, anem,” Aitana chanted, her excited calls encouraging everyone to increase their speed as you walked to Manuela’s. There was finally a break in the busy schedule, so naturally, you used it to your advantage. The drinks were flowing, and the carefree atmosphere helped relax you immensely.
“Oops,” you muttered under your breath as you tripped over the uneven pavement. You didn’t go very far, not with Lucy's iron grip on your hand.
“Okay?” She asked you as you shook off the jolt.
“Yeh. You saved me, sweets. My knight in shining armour.” You lifted your intertwined hands and pressed a loving kiss on the back of hers.
“Ew, ustedes dos son asquerosas,” Mapi gagging as she fell in step with you. You clicked your teeth.
“Girl, you have no leg to stand on with that. You and Ingrid are so in love, it’s hideous to witness.” You laughed at how offended she seemed.
“Es cierto,” Lucy agreed. Ingrid giggled at her girlfriend’s expression.
“Uhh, mi Princesa, no deberías estar de acuerdo con ellos.” Mapi continued, outraged at the apparent attack on her relationship.
“She just recognises the truth,” you goaded, drawing Ingrid closer as she swung her arm around your shoulders.
“Relax, min skjønnhet. She’s only teasing.” Ingrid placated her girlfriend, extending her hand out for Mapi to take. You watched as she and Mapi fell into a quiet conversation, love clear on both of their faces. You turned to look at Lucy and found her already looking at you, her own adoration clear on her face, which you were sure echoed in yours. She squeezed your hand three times, causing a blush to bloom on your cheeks. You squeezed back three times and watched as she looked down, slightly shy under your intense gaze.
The problem with alcohol for you was that it caused you to fumble even more. You had gone outside with Ona and Keira to get some air – the sweaty club was getting to all of you.
“So, yeh. I think I want to try to get a long weekend away in soon ish,” Ona finished her conversation. You weren’t really paying attention, your minds drifting between the chicken nuggets you would pester Lucy for on the way home and if you wanted another drink or not – the world spinning slightly as you sucked in the cool night air.
“You alright over there, clumsy?” Keira asked, noticing you staggering somewhat as you drifted away from the pair.
“Um? Oh, yeh. I’m a-ok,” You threw Keira the universal ‘ok’ sign – pausing slightly as you commanded your fingers to do what you desired. Your drunkenness was obvious; you blinked a little too slowly, and you were clearly not in complete control of yourself, but your speech wasn’t slurred yet.
“Sure, you are,” Ona laughed as you tried to wedge yourself between them, throwing too much weight into the action and launching yourself forward. You crashed heavily into the ground, your knee taking most of the force. You yelped a little at the pain before flopping down on the floor behind the bar. You looked down, and a slight graze on your right hand captured most of your attention until Ona gasped.
“What?” You looked around, trying to see the cause of her alarm.
“Su rodilla,” she said as she pointed to your knee. Your drunk brain didn’t know what she was referring to, but you followed her finger and came to stare at your bloodied knee. You gasped.
“My knee,” you whined, only now becoming aware of the throbbing cut.
“I’ll get Lucy; you stay with her.” Keira rushed back inside.
“Oni, I fell,” you pouted. You looked from your knee to her and back again, your frown increasing with every minute. Ona had to admit, drunk you was very adorable.
“Love?” Lucy appeared, looking around frantically for you.
“Sweets?” You perked up, looking somewhat like a meerkat.
“Hey, lovely. How are you doing?” She asked gently, taking a seat next to you.
“I fell,” you said wetly through the tears that had begun to roll down your cheeks.
“Oh, Bubba. It’s ok.” She cooed, drawing you to lay your head on her collarbone. She shushed you gently, used to your drunken antics after the number of years you had dated. It was easier for her to treat every issue with just as much seriousness as you did. “It’s just a small cut. Let’s get you patched up, and we can head home, ok?” You nodded, refusing to leave the sanctuary of Lucy’s chest. “Do you want me to do it, or are you ok with Manuela’s staff doing it?” she asked, leaning back slightly to hear your answer.
“Want Mazza to do it,” Lucy sighed. You often missed your best friend when you were in Barcelona and she was back in Manchester.
“Mary’s not here, Bubba. How about Keira?” Lucy comforted you, nodding to Keira to take the first aid kit from the security guard who had joined you outside. You sniffled slightly, burring yourself further into Lucy as the alcohol wipe stung your cut.
“Can I have nuggets?” You asked, your mind still lingering on the food you craved.
“Sure, love.” Lucy laughed as you sat up straighter at her response.
“I love you,” you said, staring straight into her eyes.
“I love you,” she responded, leaning in to press a kiss to the corner of your mouth.
You stared at your relatively empty fridge. An onion, a pepper, some leftover chicken, and 3 eggs stared back at you. It's not particularly inspiring, but it would do. You gathered the ingredients, deposited them on the chopping board, and started cutting. You should have started with the pepper to avoid having watery eyes as you chopped everything, but you weren’t thinking and now you were regretting it. The lingering sting of the onion made it harder to see what you were doing. The front door opening also distracted you even more. Lucy’s calls of arrival made you not watch where you placed the knife and try to cut the pepper.
“Fuck,” you swore loudly. The red liquid came streaming out alarmingly quickly. “Ow, ow, ow.” You blinked away the tears.
“Love, what’s wrong? Are you ok?” Lucy ran around the corner, skidding on the hard floors as she rushed into the kitchen. You were aware of how scary it must have looked, you standing wide-eyed at Lucy, blood running down your hand with a knife in the other.
“Oh, Bubba.” Lucy soothed, her gentle fingers taking the knife from your hand and manoeuvring you to stand by the sink, letting cool water wash over the cut. “What happened, lovely?” she asked her.
“I was trying to make us tea,” you said dejectedly. Why couldn’t you do anything right? All you wanted was to do one small thing for Lucy, and here you were, bleeding into her sink. You looked up to the ceiling, trying really hard not to let the tears fall. She gently patted your finger with a clean towel before holding it tightly, trying to stop the bleeding. “So stupid,” you whispered dejectedly.
“Hey, stop that. Accidents happen.” She chastised gently, pushing some hair out of your face.
“Not just this,” you waved your injured hand around. “I constantly trip and fall, and it’s just so stupid. I’m an adult. I’m an athlete. I should be less of a fucking clumsy idiot.” You had heard it your whole life – people teasing you over your clumsiness, calling you affectionate nicknames based on your inability to stay upright. You sniffed, staring hard at the floor.
“Hey, no, stop it.” She said firmly, her free hand forcing your chin up until you had to look at her. “I love that you trip all the time. It’s part of who you are,” she kissed your cheek. “And I like that I can help you,” she admitted softly. “It makes me feel important,” she whispered.
“Oh,” you said, surprised. “You are important. And not just to me. And not just because you help me when I trip.” You spoke with such conviction. She leant in to press a passionate kiss on your lips. You hummed quietly at the feeling. “I love you,” you proudly stated when she drew away.
“I love you,” she said declared back.
You weren’t really paying attention as Leah moaned about something someone had done to her. It was very trivial, but she took it as a personal attack. You spotted Lucy walking down the path to the field with two water bottles. You saw her spot you and speed up slightly, smiling at the thought of her hurrying to get to you. She was practically speed walking down the gentle slope, her movements slowly becoming less controlled. You saw her foot catch the uneven pavement from a tree root. Before you knew it, you had abandoned your conversation with Leah and rushed to Lucy’s side, getting her just in time to stop her from falling painfully onto the concrete.
“Easy, sweets,” you teased, leaning your body into her to help steady the both of you. “You ok?” you asked her, scanning her features for any discomfort.
“I’m all good, bubba. You caught me.” She smiled broadly at you.
“You always catch me. I thought it was only fair.” You pressed a kiss to the underneath of her jaw.
“I love you,” she said happily.
“I love you,” you replied, equally as joyful.
I hope you enjoyed it <3<3<3<3
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pabtsblueliving · 1 year
I loved Come to Papa! I have the biggest crush on Chibs 😍. The man gets hotter as he gets older! Can I request for Chibs, maybe a first date with him??? He's trying to impress her. Like it's hard, right? Thanks!
Baby, I'm Yours
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First date with Chibs
WC: 1.2K
Warnings: smoking, drinking, making out, like one curse word.
Hello, who doesn't have the biggest crush on him, hard not to. He was hot then and is still hot now. I started and finished when I got back from work, been wanting to write this all day. Bit rushed, but thank you for requesting, enjoy!
xoxo pabtsblueliving 💋
pabtsblueliving © 2023
You were nervous. A date.
You fiddled with the edge of your clay colored dress, sitting in your living room waiting to hear the motorcycle revving down the street. You were pleasantly surprised when Chibs Telford had asked you on a date.
You worked at the tattoo shop all the Sons had come through when they needed a new tattoo, or a new prospect was finally being initiated. You’d seen chibs a few times, never interacting too much unless it was a hello in that gorgeous voice, and a wink. A smile returned from you to him.
A few days ago he’d stopped in by himself, and you were cleaning up the shop. 
“Chibs, hey what can I do for you?” You smiled to him,
“Hi Lass, how’s the day?” He responded, “I’ve got a question, mayb’ bit out tha’ blue” He took his sunglasses off, put them on the counter, and leaned against it.
“Yeah, of course, what’s up?” You furrowed your brows, and taking off your gloves
“Ehm, would you want’a go on a date with me? Dinner, drinks, take yeh on tha’ bike?” He let out a breath he was seemingly holding since he’d arrived
Your eyes widened, and you smiled a bit, “Oh! Uhm, yeah, Chibs,” You looked down and smiled, then looking back up at him, “I would love to.” You beamed.
He gave you a smile, and a chuckle, “Alright, lady. Then uh, its a date” He picked up his sunglasses and began to walk out, confident in his stride. 
“Chibs, hold on.” You chased after him, meeting him at the bike.
He sat down and looked up, you continued, “When and where?” You chuckled a bit, he seemed to miss that part.
“Oh, ehm,” He let out a puff of air, “How about, tomorrow, 6pm, I’ll pick yeh up?” 
“It’s a date” You smiled and turned away, closing down the shop as he rode away.
And now, you find yourself, where we started. 
You fiddled with the edge of your clay colored dress, sitting in your living room waiting to hear the motorcycle revving down the street. You were pleasantly surprised when Chibs Telford had asked you on a date.
You’d just finished your third cigarette, in 30 minutes and a cocktail. You weren’t used to dates. You kept to yourself, provided your service of body art to the Sons, went out with friends sometimes, but that's really it. 
You let out a shaky breath. Did your hair look stupid, was your dress wrinkled, did your boots match your outfit? You were ripped from your thoughts when you heard the bike. His bike. You flew out of your seat, finding the nearest mirror and smoothing out your hair, adding lipliner and gloss to your lips.
He removed his gloves at the door, rapping his scarred knuckles on the door. Those three knocks finally pulled you into reality. You smoothed your dress and opened the door.
Upon opening the door was Chibs. He looked different, but handsome. He had black slacks with boots, a black button up that had more than a few buttons undone, and his cut. God, he looked great. 
You smiled and pulled your purse to your shoulder, “What do you think,” He started, “Clean up ok, for an old crow” His hands went up, presenting himself.
You laughed, “Clean up maybe too well” You winked. “Ready?” He held out his hand and a helmet. You nodded, strapped on your helmet and climbed behind Chibs, wrapping your arms around his sturdy frame.
And off you went, to the best date of your life. You went to an outdoor, casual, restaurant in the desert, 20 minutes from home. You had a chatty dinner, followed with a few drinks. You didn't want it to end.
You swallowed a sip of your cocktail, and took a drag of a cigarette, handing it to chibs as he leaned back in his chair taking it. The sun was setting on the desert, and he looked incredible.
“So,” You said, blowing out the smoke, “I’m surprised you’d asked me on a date.” 
He took a drag and chuckled, “Why’s tha’, Lass?” He raised a brow.
“I don't know, we’d never really spoken too much before, here and there. A wink and a smile maybe…” a smile broke out as you spoke, and he laughed.
“Well, em, I’ve had my eye on yeh for quite some time, Darlin’. Just recently grew the balls to finally talk to you and ask you.” He winked, bastard.
“Well, then thank god for your…balls…” You began to giggle and he chuckled, handing you the cigarette back.
As you took a final drag he spoke up, “How about we get outta here, love?” 
He handed you your helmet and put his sunglasses on, leading you back to the bike, and you rode off back to your home. 
He walked you to your door, a large, warm, hand at the small of your back leading you gently. You dug for your keys, nervous about his sudden silence.
“Damn…keys…uh,” You chuckled out an apology, and looked back. Finding him with his hands in his pockets, looking right at you. 
You finally grabbed your keys, and asked, brows furrowing, “What?” you questioned.
“Nothin’...I just eh, had fun…” He stalked closer, the space between you and your door, and him was getting increasingly smaller.
“I had a lot of fun too, Philip. I’d love to do it again sometime…soon…” You dropped your purse on the floor, and he trapped you between him and the door, arm above your head. You smelled his cologne, hoping it sticks to every item of clothing you're wearing.
You began, “so maybe like in a few days we can plan someth-” you started, cut off by a soft “shut up” 
You felt the chill of his rings on your cheek, and the smell of the leather and cologne on his skin, tasting the cigarette you shared not long ago, before you reached up and grabbed the shoulders of his cut. You quite literally melted into his kiss.
The arm above your head moved to the small of your back, bringing you in, This wasn't a normal kiss. It was sweet, slow, nothing too heated or sexy. 
You were soon interupped by the shrill of his cellphone, and he pulled away, breathing heavy as he sighed and answered the phone, while you remained in his grip. 
“Yeh?....Alright’ well, mate yer fecking interruptin’....You need me right now? Where?....” He answered on the phone, keeping eye contact with you then sighing, “Alright, Jesus christ, Tig give me twenty minutes.” He slammed the phone shut, forehead falling onto yours.
“I gotta go, lass…” He whispered, bringing a hand and stroking your hair.
“It’s ok, do what you’ve got to do Phil.” You gave him a wink and a smile, kissing right below his scar on his cheek
He winked back, and began to walk to his bike, “So, ill see yeh’ again, yes?” He yelled from down the driveway.
“After tonight, baby I’m yours.” You yelled back, a smile etched into your skin that would remain there for the whole night.
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mollycabot · 4 months
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Casey Novak X Reader coffee dates
A/N a short but sweet fanfic because I’m to tried to write more
Y/N was working with Olivia and Elliot on a case as Casey walked into the squad room.
“Hey guys” Casey said “hi case what you doing here?” Olivia asked “just come to look over a couple of things for this case” case responded.
As Y/N was walking back “Olivia got the flies for you” Y/N walked in and Elliot took the flies as Olivia was busy chatting with Casey. “Who is that gorgeous woman?” Y/N whispered to Elliot who shook his head “that’s our A.D.A Casey Novak” he replied. “Why don’t you go say hello to her” Elliot suggested with smirk.
“Nope nope I would trip on my words” causing Y/N to be come flustered “your ridiculous” Elliot said walking over to Olivia and Casey “oh look it’s my break anyway I’m going to get some lunch” Y/N said as she walked out the room.
“Who she?” Casey asked “she our new detective she was transferred to us from other unit as her skills and kindness would be a great addition to our team” Olivia explained “she also a really funny and easy to winded up” Elliot added.
“Well I hope to meet her when she comes back” Casey said she saw you in court a couple of times supporting the victims and she see you around and she find Y/N very stunning and wants to get to know her.
After a while Y/N walked In and sat at her desk with her lunch and sat down doing some paperwork work not nothing Casey walking up to her desk.
“Hello Y/N” Casey said as Y/N looked up and felt her heart speed up “hello” Y/N said “Olivia said you got some files for our up coming court case mind if I have them if there ready?” Casey asked as Y/N handed over the files.
“Thank you” Casey said as she put the flies in her bag and said goodbye to the team as she walked out.
“So our Y/N has a little crush” Olivia said which made Elliot laugh “Shut up you two” Y/N said embarrassed and going red in the face. “You know Y/N Casey likes you as well” Olivia started “she seen you a handful of times and thinks your stunning and gorgeous and kind and she likes how you help the victims and help get them through court”. Olivia finished.
Elliot then said “you two are as bad as each when do you speak about your feelings” Y/N just nodded “well I’m heading home now my shift is done and I’m going to go and sleep. As Y/N was leaving she ran into Casey.
“Hi case what you doing here?” Y/N said “well I just came to ask you if you would like to go and get some coffee sometime? And I was hoping to catch you before you left” Casey said.
“I would love that very much thank you Casey how does tomorrow morning sound?” Y/N said.
“Perfect” Casey said handing Y/N her card with her number on it. Which Y/N happily took.
As they both headed the different ways Elliot stood next to Olivia and said “so are we going to tell them that we told Casey to ask as Y/N is to much of a chicken to admit anything” Olivia laughed “nope it our secret”.
Next Morning
Y/N was stood outside the coffee shop when Casey arrived, “hey love would you like to go inside” Casey said which caused Y/N to go red in the face “yeh sure” Casey smiled once they gave the order and started chatting about work and hobbies. Once they had their coffee they left and decided to go to work together.
“Thank you for this it was a lovely morning love” Casey said as they walked into the squad room, “it was Casey” Y/N said.
“Well we definitely do this again” Casey said as Y/N agreed. “Well as much as I would love to stay I got to head to the office have a nice day my love” Casey said as she gave Y/N a kiss and with out a second thought Y/N kiss her back.
Not knowing Elliot and Olivia are at the back smiling like idiots and happy that they finally admitted their feelings for each other.
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pablitogavii · 10 months
Counting Blessings
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You practically ran to Mikky's apartment , and you needed to tell someone.
"He's so tiny..can't believe he was living inside my belly for nine months" she said playing with the little boy laid on the couch while you were sipping on some tea completely lost in thought.
"What's wrong girl??" she said and you finally snapped out of your dreamland. She could help you, but you had to tell her now.
"Umm..I..I..ne..ed..advice??" you say and she nods waiting for the question.
"Mikky..I'm..pregnant" you say touching your stomach not believing it until it finally left your lips. Now it was all true. And you were panicking more than ever!!
"Oh My God! Congratulations!! How's Pablo taking it??" she asked already knowing he doesn't know from the way my face looked. I was too scared to tell him.
"I was too scared to tell him with everything going on..I found out on the day of his injury" you explain
"And still you haven't told him?? When will you!?" she asked
"I don't know! Everything happened so fast with him..and..tomorrow is his surgery" you say
"You have to tell him tonight! It will help him tomorrow!" she said
"U sure? I don't know if it's good idea?" you say worried he might hate it deep down knowing he's not a man like that.
"He's not gonna hate it! He loves you! And this will help him overcome this tragedy that happened" she said and you smiled thinking the same thing. Maybe now he won't feel useless these eight months..
"You're right! I gotta go!" you say and she smiles as you rushed passed Frankie who yelled "say hey to Pablo for me!" before you left.
When you arrived home, Pablo was sitting at the sofa. You came in nervously playing with your sweater edges.
"Amor? You wanna sit or keep standing in front of a screen like that?" he mocked and you quickly moved sitting down in silence. Now he was intrigued.
"Que pasa? Everything ok with Mikky and the baby?" he asked and at the mention of beby your stomach literally flipped.
"Yeh..yeh..they're fine..but um P, I have something to tell you" you say and he nods waiting while lowering the volume on the tv.
"Just please don't talk to me about the surgery, I'm nervous enough.." he said with smile but you knew he was not in such a mood..at least not yet.
"No..umm..it's not about that..well it is about the next eight months..and I know it seems like the end of the world to you..but um..I..j..just..don't know how to tell you this..it's so hard" you said and Pablo started to have fear in his eyes.
"You don't love me anymore? Yeh, you love a footballer and i'm an invalid now.." he said and you shut him up with your hand as he stared at you with big eyes.
"Shut up P..I love you so much..and..I think these eight months don't have to be so horrible..b..because" you move your hand while he keeps quiet. This was it..
"I'm pregnant Pablo.." you say touching your belly and he just sits there frozen.
"I..will..be..dad?" he said and you smiled nod
"Yes, cariño..you will be papi in eight months" you moved closer kneeling in front of his legs holding his face that was covered in tears.
"You happy cariño??"you try nervously not knowing what type of tears these were.
"Of course I feel happy! You're the love of my life preciosa..now you have my baby..it's all perfect" he said as you hugged him tightly letting him cry into your shoulder.
"I'm blessed preciosa..so blessed" he said and you smiled nodding your head and kissing his the top of his.
"You shouldn't be on the floor! It's cold! Venga! Let me take you to bed preciosa.." he said and you chuckled reminding him he is the patient now but he refused to listen holding your hand and taking you to bed where he tucked you in before joining behind you to cuddle you.
"Um, preciosa..could..I?" he said referring to your belly and you smiled taking his arm and wrapping it so he touched your still invisible bump.
"It's your daddy mi amor..he's the one touching you now" you say he watched in utter love with blushed cheeks.
"What would you like to have amorcito??" he asked still touching gently and you smiled wide.
"Hm..it's a boy cariño..I know" you say to his confused face.
"Don't you find it out later??" he asked and you chuckled nodd
"Hm..it's mother's instinct..we will have little Pablito in eight months" you say looking at his brightened face. Then you turned around touching his face worried.
"Just..please..return to us P" you say to him before he kissed your lips lovingly with much force.
"I promise..there's nothing I wish more..just to keep counting blessings with you two.." he said into new kiss that gave you reassurance..<3
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bruhhxiao · 9 months
𝑁𝑒𝑒𝑑 𝐻𝑒𝑙𝑝?
Simon ghost riley x fem!reader
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Summary: He helped you after your grocery bag broke. (!Biker Simon!)
>au starting note; I apologize if there are some grammar mistakes, English is my first language!
It was around 18pm Simon was on his way home after he gave Johnny a ride to his flat, his attention was taken by you. You were on your knees on the cold and humid cement trying to organize your lost groceries meanwhile people ignored you as they walked beside on the sidewalk. At first he thought you could find a way to go home by yourself but when he saw you taking your jacked off using it as a beg he pulled over helped you get the groceries.
You thanked him but when he met your gaze he couldn’t ignore the redness that was now forming on your cheeks and the tip of your nose.
“Did you call someone to come get you?” He asked because he noticed your buzzing phone and it was one of your roommates.
“No actually I think I can handle it by myself sir…”
He stood in front of you taking his leather jacket off.
“I’ll give you a ride back home. Take this.” He just lean the jacket to you.
You take it. He helps you getting behind him, he tells you to place your jacket full of groceries on your lap and wrap you arms around his waist so you did.
“How much distant?”
It was a bit distant but he still wanted to take you home safely. “Why don’t you take the car?” He said before starting the engine.
“I don’t own one, sir.”
“Simon. Call me Simon” You wrap your arms around him and give him indication to your house. The ride was calm there wasn’t to much traffic but it felt like time has stopped after you rested your head on his back.
Once he killed the engine you realize you were parked in front of you house. You rush to get off, Careful, Careful he said offering you his hand that you didn’t take because you were busy taking the helmet off.
You thank him and he bows with his head. You gave him back his jacket telling him how grateful you were.
“Would you like a cup of tea?” You said immediately when we was about to jump on his motorcycle.
He didn’t say anything he just shook his head and started the engine but there was a feeling, you didn’t want him to go yet. You told him your name and he looked back before putting his helmet on.
“Nice to meet you…”
From that day you didn’t see him anymore. You were watching tv in the living room, it was a lazy Saturday night and you’re roommate was annoying by asking how hot she looked in her new dress.
“This guy asked me out.. I think he’s rich so I’ll give it a try” she said twirling around the hallway.
“You have work tomorrow don’t get too high…” You rolled you’re eyes. She is a nice person but she is annoying sometimes.
The sound of your phone woke you up. You answer wiping your drool, it was a male voice and the Scottish accent was strong. Apparently your roommate was really drunk she couldn’t stand straight.
“I’m sorry my lady but me and my friend came with a motorcycle and it’s a bit too dangerous drive her in that state” He tried to speak with an British accent, is he drunk too? Maybe but the most important thing was that she wasn’t in good hands. You put some decent clothes on and walked to the bar, the only fortunate thing of that night was that the location wasn’t too far.
“Here is she..” The Scottish guy was waiting out side holding your roommate. You take her and thank him.
“Yo Ghost shall we go too?”
I turned around to see the man wearing his helmet while a huge guy with covered face walked towards the vehicle. “He reminds me of someone…” you thought and you were sure you met him somewhere and you knew that maybe he was thinking the same because he couldn’t stop staring at you. He was about to start the engine.
“Are you Simon by any chance?” You turned to them.
“Yeh Ghost I didn’t know you were into cute girls mate.”
He immediately explained how he may you and right after he started the engine.
“That’s not nice of you Lieutenant.. I’m Johnny pleased to meet you miss. Next time why don’t you join us huh? Your friend gave me her number we can meet sometime, is that alright with ya?”
You could feel Simon’s piecing gaze on you, electricity running through your spine. You looked back at Johnny with a soft smile.
“I’d like that but unfortunately I’m not into partying…” you tried to find an excuse, you knew in that moment Simon was bothered.
“Who said it’s gonna be a party?”
Hi people! I’m new writer on this platform and I was thinking about making a series for this story!
My bad English isn’t my first language so I apologize if there are some mistakes!
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theyungihven · 5 months
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Time fades away but the moments captured on films last for an eternity. It is your choice to revisit them, enjoying the forgotten times which still reside in your heart.
As an adult whose childhood was filled with these timeless classics, this is an attempt to bring together two things dear to me; bollywood and K-pop. Presenting, a crossover between ATEEZ and Bollywood (late 2000s and early 2010's in Season 2)
just leave a comment under this post to be tagged
↬ Seonghwa as Rahul in Chennai Express
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mugs-n-cans · 4 months
*bashful from Scout complementin' them*
Y'all are just a buncha sweethearts, ya know that? Too damn kind for two mercenaries that's for sure but thanks for it, genuinely. I'll for sure stick around! Can't disappoint a fan now can I? *chuckles in jest*
Just got time for a quick question today babes then I'll let ya go! I've got so much stuff happening' it's unreal. I'm teaching some 4th graders an art thingy tomorrow *against my will they mutter* and it's got me swamped in prep.
Don't y'all just hate bein' voluntold for things? It's the worst.
Anyways, I've got that going tomorrow and I'm trying to come up with some quick doodles for them to copy if they ain't exactly artistically minded. Last time I drew a Capybara and they all screamed... *looking unsure about it* in excitement? I dunno.
Anyways (again)! To make my suddenly long question short again, I'm wondering if you've got a good suggestion for one? I was thinking, we know what animal/bird ya might be, if suddenly turned inta one by totally NOT Meramus, but we haven't heard ya favorite, so maybe that?
I like ducks myself.
*gives them a quick little quack then giggles*
- 🖍️
Scout grins proudly a moment before pausing: Hey, uh…would it be weird to say ya kinda…remind me of my Ma? I mean, just in the way ya chat and all that. It’s a lot like her!
Sniper: Now that ya mention it, I see what ya mean, roo.
Scout: Right?! Well uh, anyway…yeah, the guys freakin’ volentell me for crap all the time, it’s like. Hey, ya know I got stuff to do too, right?!
Sniper: Reckon I’d be partial to er…horses. I know, probably expectin’ somethin’ more…rugged or excitin’. But yeh. Horses are my answer.
Scout: Hmmm, favorite? That’s a tough one, pally. [He taps his chin]. Think I’d have to choose…opossums! They ain’t the fastest or nothin’, but growin’ up me and my brothers would see ‘em a lot in fields. They sorta just…remind me of childhood, ya know? Jeez, guess I’m thinkin’ of home a lot today.
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alexismcknight25 · 1 month
Here we go again - Part 5
This is the second half of Red and Chloe’s visit to Wonderland.
Part one - Part two - Part three - Part four
Chloe and Red are in their room for the night. They had a small bag with overnight clothes if they needed them, which they did.
They change quickly. They decide to call Leah to explain and have a chance to talk to Dizzy and Chad before bed.
They talk to Leah and then Dizzy quickly before the phone is passed to Chad.
“Where are you?” Chad asks them
“We went to visit your mum and Bridget. To see if they were ok?” Chloe explains
“Are you coming back?” Chad asks worried the last time someone went to Wonderland they didn’t return.
“Of course, we will see you tomorrow” Chloe reassures him
“Are mum and Mama Bridget ok? Can I talk to them?” Chad asks
“They are fine, but they are in bed now. How about I call you again at breakfast when I see them and you can talk to them then?” Chloe explains before she offers
“Ok I would like that” Chad tells them
“Is mum coming home?” Chad asks
“She wants to stay here with Bridget. They are both still very sad” Chloe explains
“Your mum did say you can stay with us and attend Auroria Elementary with Dizzy, Audrey and Mal” Chloe tells him
“Yay” Chad tells them excitedly
“We need to go now but we will talk to you in the morning” Red tells him
“I love you both” Chad tells them
“We love you” Chloe and Red tell him
They hang up
“I’m glad he didn’t ask us to find them. I don’t want to think about where they are or what they are doing” Chloe comments and as she gets into bed
“Yeh, I certainly didn’t expect to find them like that. I know they were close, but not that close. I’m guessing they either hid it from us or we didn’t want to see it” Red comments back as she gets into bed beside Chloe
“Yeh, I definitely did not want to see it. But also we didn’t even know they had been Best Friends at one point two years ago” Chloe comments as snuggles into Red's side
“Chad seems to be happy to attend Auroria Elementary with his friends” Red comments taking the conversation away from their mothers.
Chloe and Red continue to discuss everything that happened that day as they fall asleep.
In Bridget’s room, she and Ella are getting ready for Bed.
Ella hadn’t told Chloe and Red, but on that day she left Auradon. After Red and Chloe had left with Chad, she got into a fight, as she had feared, with Henry about her leaving to visit Bridget. She had yelled at him for not being there for her and Chad, ignoring them and hiding away. He yelled at her for running off to Bridget. She had yelled back that she was broken after the loss of their baby girl. She was also worried about Bridget’s baby girl. Bridget didn’t have anyone else; her wife had died not long after Bridget had become pregnant. If he wasn't going to be there for her, she would find someone who would. He told her to leave then. So she left and didn’t go back. She regularly called Chad and was relieved that he had Chloe and Red to be there for him when she couldn’t be.
Bridget gets into bed and Ella crawls in after her.
Originally, they had separate rooms. After a few sleepless nights, Ella got up and went wandering around the castle. She bumped into Bridget, who was doing the same.
Bridget remembered as kids if they couldn’t sleep sometimes they would share a bed so she had invited Ella back to her room to sleep.
Nothing happened, it was just two friends sharing a bed at first but they found that they slept better in the same bed.
They were also both used to sharing a bed with their partner, even if it had been longer for Bridget.
Their romantic feelings came back over time. Feelings they had both pushed down years ago.
The make-out session on the couch that day had also been new.
Only for a week or two.
But all those feelings they had repressed and run from years ago had come back in full force.
Ella turns to Bridget “I’m sorry for asking about Time Travel to get Henry back”
“Hey, I know you and I know you love him. It's ok” Bridget tells her
“I love you too” Ella tells her
Bridget just kisses her when she hears that
When she pulls away she says “I love you too, I always have”
Which gets her another kiss from Ella
“I wish I could have accepted my feelings for you when we were younger” Ella says
“It’s ok, we both found love with others and I could never change that because It gave us our children” Bridget comments which gets her another kiss
“Our daughters are grownup and together, it is so strange to think about. I’m guessing we never found our way back to each other where they are from” Ella comments
“Or if we did, they never knew about it” Bridget mentions remembering the look of shock on their daughter's face when they found them.
Bridget just pulls Ella into her arms and they fall asleep in each other’s arms.
The next morning the four have breakfast together, before Red and Chloe head back to Auradon.
As promised Red and Chloe call Chad so he can talk to his mum and Bridget.
Chad tells his mum how much he misses her and hopes that her mama Bridget can make each other happy because he doesn’t like seeing them sad.
He thanks them for letting him go to school with his friends.
He talks to them for a while before he has to go.
Chad tells them he misses them both and that loves them.
Ella and Bridget both tell him how much they miss him and love him.
Red and Chloe promise him that they will see when they get back later in the day.
After breakfast, Ella brought up something she and Bridget discussed this morning in bed before they got up for breakfast.
“Chloe we had an idea we wanted to run by you?” Ella asks her
“Ok, sure” Chloe agrees wondering what this is about with a quick look to Red who gives a nod of the head also wondering what this might be about
“I was wondering if you wanted to tell people you’re my sister. We know the truth but this way people might understand why Chad is living with you. Also, the only people who could dispute it live on The Isle. You are too old for anyone other than us to believe you are my daughter. I thought this might be a good alternative” Ella offers
“That would work. I’m happy to do that in Auradon, but when I come here I can just be me” Chloe agrees. It will be weird, but it's actually not possible for her to be Ella’s daughter in this timeline unless they explain to everyone about time travel and they don’t want to do that.
“We are also raising Drizella’s daughter in Auradon so I don’t think your step-family will be an issue” Red comments
“Wait, Excuse me?” Ella asks confused
“Oh crap, we didn’t tell you that did we. Dizzy is your niece. Five years ago we went to The Isle and got a couple of kids off The Isle. They were Time Travellers too but were stuck on The Isle” Red explains, after realising the mistake she made
“Wait that day you were all found at Auradon Prep telling everyone you had no idea how you got there. Or who the kids were who no one knew” Ella begins to figure out
“Yeh, that was the day after we arrived in the past. We actually arrived during the night. The others had already existed in the past so their memories of the future took over their younger selves. However, Chloe and I didn’t exist yet so we arrived as we were in the future” Red explains
“Wait so everyone who was there that day was from the future? Why wasn’t Chad there?” Ella asks
"Chloe, Lonni, Audrey, and I came back to save Chad, which we did." Red comments. Not telling what really happened because they saw what happened the last time they did that. This time they had told them what they needed to know without telling them what Chad became in those futures
“And the others?” Ella asks grateful that they came back to save her son
“Came back for their own reason” Chloe tells her mum in a no more voice, it’s not their story to tell and they don’t want them to know
“But you saved Chad?” Bridget asks
"Yes, we did," Chloe tells them. They can see the change in Chad every day. He will never be the person he was in her original timeline. She just hopes that the mess of what is going on with their parents doesn't change that. But they will be there for him every step of the way.
"Hey, I know today's been overwhelming, and there's a lot to process from yesterday too. Why don't you take some time to think about everything, and we can discuss it again next time we visit during the school holidays with Chad?" Red suggested.
“Yes, let’s do that. One more thing, Red. If anyone asks, you can say you are from Wonderland, and I will tell anyone who asks that it's true,” Bridget tells Red.
“Ok, Thank you” Red thanks her
“I know this is weird for all of us but we love you both. You are family. You will always be Family, even with the messed up timeline” Bridget tells them both
“We are family” Red agrees
They hug their mums goodbye and not long after Red and Chloe are heading back home to Auradon.
Thanks for reading.
I added a little headcanon I like to this about Bridget having a wife and Red having two mums. That in Wonderland two women could have a child together. I read this in another Bridgella story and I loved the idea so I added it to mine. Part 6 we will be heading back to Auradon so we won’t see Bridget and Ella as much. But I love them so much.
Please comment, Kudos, like or reblog if you get the chance
Haylie Myers
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piedpiperart · 1 year
Marked for Death pt 1
With Ao3 down I wanted to put my current fic somewhere for you guys to read, so here’s part one of Marked for death! A fic where Tim gets de-aged Case Closed style!
Ao3 link
Chapter one!
Tim wasn’t looking for trouble. 
This time. 
He had been walking home from Steph’s house, an impromptu study session for their classes because Steph needed help with Chemistry and Tim needed help with English. It’d been his worst grade up until Steph started dragging him to study sessions. Since then, it was admittedly, still his worst subject, but his grades were higher. Bitterly, Tim couldn’t help but want to ask Jason for help on his upcoming essay. He knew the former Robin was the best at literature, if only they’d met before.. before.
Coming up around the street, Tim scuffed his foot against the gravel, sending a few pebbles down the sidewalk. He wasn’t looking forward to coming home to his empty house at Drake Manor. With his parents still in Ghana, he was all alone at the house. Hopefully, they’d be back tomorrow morning like they said they would, but Tim wasn’t optimistic. Even so, he told Bruce he’d be spending the next two weeks with his parents, so he probably wouldn’t be able to patrol as Robin. 
He’d have to remember to text Dick later too, otherwise Nightwing would show up. Tim knew Dick and Bruce were still upset with eachother over Jason, so he’d been trying to mend their relationship with all three of them on patrol. It was going well so far, but Tim didn’t want to have to rework his plans if Dick and Bruce had an arguement when he wasn’t there. Tim sighed, mentally preparing himself for a week or so of staying in his room. Though, he figured he could catch up on some casework.
Suddenly, he started to hear muffled yelling coming from an alley ahead. Tim tensed, stepping back into the shadows of a building. Feeling the burn of curiosity, Tim's footsteps were light and silent as he creeped closer. 
“We jus’ need the bat outta the way,”One guy was saying. His voice was harsh- probably a smoker, Tim thought- and terse with frustration. “Yeh, a distraction. Jus’ ta’ Keep ‘im outta Park Row.”
Seemed like the guy was alone, talking on the phone. Tim gripped his backpack straps as he neared the entrance of the alley, getting as close as he dared. He wondered absently if he should have made for the rooftops to overhear this, but he shrugged it off. There didn’t seem to be any kind of danger, just one guy on his phone. Sure, he was saying pretty concerning things, but Tim was confident he could take him if the guy discovered him. Though, it was doubtful with how the guy was stomping about the alley, pacing back and forth. Tim didn’t need to be nearly as stealthy over the loud voice and footsteps.  
Tim puzzled on why this guy would want Batman out of the picture though His best guess was some sort of trade or  distribution going on in Crime Alley. Considering the guy called it Park Row, Tim was pretty sure he wasn’t from Gotham, and the slight accent leaned towards Japanese. Easing closer, he could peer around the wall and caught a glimpse of all black clothing. 
“Jus’ make it happen,” The guy continued, gritting his teeth. He looked frustrated. “It’s bad enough I’m stuck waitin’ on-” 
Tim froze, processing the possibility of another person coming to meet with the man in black when he was suddenly struck from behind. What felt like a giant rock collided with the back of his skull, making Tim’s vision black out almost immediately. He didn’t even realize he’d fallen until his face was pressed against the harsh gravel. 
Tim groaned, hearing muffled voices and strained to pay attention. Just who the heck were these guys who could sneak up on Robin, he winced. Trying to move was futile, given his limbs felt all fuzzy. He couldn’t think straight, and it took so much effort for Tim to curl his fingers, much less lift his arm. Squinting his eyes open- when had he closed them?-  he could make out another guy with longer hair in the same black clothing as the first guy. Both wearing fancier clothing than common thugs in Crime Alley, for sure. Tim thought absently that they kind of looked ridiculous in all black. 
The teen felt them pawing through his pockets, one pulling out his wallet and phone. Tim’s heart raced, and he tried to focus on moving, getting up, anything, but his body wouldn’t cooperate. He shouldn’t have been so cocky, should have gone straight home. Batman would be so disappointed in him if he knew Tim was snuck up on by one guy with a… was that a pipe? Ouch. Well, if Tim didn’t die today, Bruce would probably kill him. 
 There was a moment before one of them cursed. “This is fuckin’ Tim Drake, Boss,”The first guy hissed, and Tim decided that guys sunglasses made him look really, really stupid this late at night. Sunglasses then pulled out a gun, only to tuck it back after the other one stepped closer, saying something in a low voice that Tim’s aching head didn’t catch. He hoped he wasn’t going to get shot. Bruce would probably start spiraling again if he lost another robin, so Tim had to do everything he could to stay alive. He dug his fingers into the rocks below him, trying his hardest to lever himself up, but he couldn’t manage to lift himself off the ground. What was wrong with him, Tim thought desperately. 
“No, we can’t draw attention to ourselves now, especially with the deal going down this week,”The second guy was arguing. “Batman could be around here and a gunshot would only draw attention.”
Tim missed the second part as he’d tried to shift, only for a spike of pain to shoot through his head. He wasn’t sure if he’d passed out, but the next time he opened his eyes there was a strong hand gripping his hair, about to hoist his head up. 
“-organization’s latest poison. It won’t even show up on autopsies,”The second guy, the one with the long hair, said with a smirk in his voice. Tim could barely process what that meant, but froze when he realized what was about to happen. Was he about to die? Tim thought wildly. He tried to struggle, but the concussion and the grip on his hair prevented him from doing anything more than panic. “It hasn’t been tested on humans yet, but let’s consider this a trial run.”
Dread filled Tim as a hand came into his blurry vision and he tried to jerk away. The boss held firm though, managing to shove what was probably a pill down Tim’s throat and pouring what tasted like alcohol down his throat to get him to swallow it. Tim sputtered, the drink burning on the way down as he inadvertently swallowed the poison. He felt stupid, helpless, and weak as he ran over all his bat training, now virtually useless after a measly blow to the head. Now he couldn’t even think, could only feel the burn in his throat, panic in his chest and pain in his head. 
Satisfied that Tim had swallowed the poison, the kid was dropped unceremoniously to the ground, his cheeks digging into the gravel. Tim groaned, feeling his body grow hotter and mind foggier as the seconds passed by. He barely recognized the crunch of gravel as the two made their getaway, not even staying to wait and see his demise. Tim could only hope that the so-called experimental poison wouldn’t work. They’d said trial runs, right? So maybe he had a chance, he tried to tell himself. Nevermind the burning sensation traveling throughout his body, dread building in his stomach. 
They’d taken his phone, for all the help that would have been, since Tim could barely move his fingers anyways. He gripped the gravel beneath him as his body soon got hotter. He probably had a fever, Tim winced. He bit back a whine at a feeling that he could only describe as his bones melting. Zero out of ten, worst poison experience ever, Tim grimaced, tasting blood in his mouth. Must have bitten his tongue, Tim reasoned, but he couldn’t really feel anything over the white hot pain. He couldn’t do anything but hold on, body tense as the burning feeling passed through his body, ramping up until he thought he might pass out. Gasping for breath, Tim barely managed to hold in a scream before everything went dark. 
Tim’s thoughts came back like the last bit of syrup out of the bottle, frustratingly slow and sluggish. His body ached and it took effort to breathe evenly. His lungs hurt. Actually, he amended snidely, everything hurt. Tim lay there, breathing in a way Bruce taught him as he ran through everything that happened. If he wasn’t so drained right now he’d probably be feeling more embarrassed about being snuck up on and poisoned, but he couldn’t help but feel relief for not being dead. Well, relief and pain, because he was poisoned. 
Dizzy, Tim managed to pull his head up, wincing at the gravel that dug into his skin. Obviously, the poison didn’t work how those two had thought it would, otherwise Tim wouldn’t be here. Maybe it doesn't work on humans after all? Tim wondered. If they hadn’t tested it on humans yet, surely they had animal trials that succeeded? Tim hoped it wasn’t a long-lasting poison. He wasn’t even sure what this so called poison was supposed to do to him. So far he only felt like all of his muscles and bones were on fire. In all his time as Robin, he’d never felt so much like what comes out of a woodchipper. Tim winced as a street light shone into his eye, bringing stabbing pain to his head, and tried to bring his arms over to pull himself up. Only, his arms weren’t cooperating. 
Tim took a breath, glancing over to see his arms were.. Trapped in his jacket? Puzzled and a little more than panicky, Tim struggled to sit up. Huh. 
No wonder my whole body is so sore, Tim thought, pushing his panic aside in favor of figuring out his next steps. He tried to school his thoughts into logic, but the pain was definitely not helping. He could break down when he was somewhere safe, he reasoned. But for now… he was no doubt trapped in the body of a toddler. 
I shrunk? Tim exclaimed in his head. He wondered how old his body was now, looking down at his smaller body. He sighed, mourning his loss of height. His growth spurt had only just started, he was sure of it, and now he’s the same height as a fire hydrant.. Great. Looking himself over with barely concealed horror, he estimated his age to be between four and seven. Tim wasn’t exactly sure, considering he hadn’t been around many younger kids in his lifetime. He’d go with six for now, but abandoned that thought for more important things.
Regaining a bit of energy, Tim managed to wriggle his way out of his pile of clothes, keeping the shirt and jacket on as best he could. Regretfully, he had to abandon his jeans, considering his sudden change in height, no matter how much he wanted to keep them on. The shoes were a similar issue, but he pulled on his socks up to his knees, wanting to have some protection against the dirty Crime Alley streets. 
Tim stumbled, due to his aches as well as the change in height, down the alley and back to the street, noting the sky showed the sun about to rise. He’d been out there all night then, Tim thought. It was a miracle nothing happened to him. Oh wait, Tim scowled, pouting at his six year old body.
The toddler made his way down the street carefully, trying not to step on anything sharp or wet with his socked feet. He was wearing his boxers as pants, but his shirt and jacket were so big they reached his ankles anyway. It made sneaking around more difficult, but he was not about to give up more of his clothes for maneuverability. He was light on his footsteps, keeping to the shadows so as to not attract any attention. He definitely didn’t want to be seen at this size in Crime Alley at night. He’d die for sure, Tim thought grimmly. There was hardly anyone out this early, but Tim wasn’t going to jinx it. The two men in black could be anywhere around here. 
Tim huffed, pulling the hood of his jacket up. He needed a plan. Due to his time stalking the bats, he was very familiar with the streets. Less so in Crime Alley, but he’d manage. First, Tim figured he’d need clothes that actually fit, shoes especially. Then he needed to find a place to stay during the night. There was no way he’d be able to go out at night anymore, considering his significantly weaker body. He didn’t even have a way to contact Bruce. The two men in black had taken his phone and wallet, meaning no calls for help and no money. Which was another thing he’d need. 
Tim mentally smacked himself for forgetting to check the alley for his phone and wallet. No doubt they’d just been tossed there, but he wasn’t about to turn back now. Tim was tired, sick, sore, and hungry. At this point, he just wanted to find a safe place to take a nap. 
On Tim’s way through the dirty streets, his mind raced with plans. Obviously he couldn’t contact Bruce or go home. If he went home, his parents would find him as a child and that was not happening. Even if they canceled their plane to Gotham, Tim wouldn’t risk it. So no Drake Manor. 
No Wayne Manor either, given that the men in Black no doubt had their eyes on anything related to Tim Drake, and if Batman was suddenly after the men in black, they might connect the dots that Tim is Robin. So, no contacting Bruce, even if the man thinks he’s dead. Which, he definitely should be so Tim didn’t count it as a lie. He’d protect Batman’s identity staying away, at least until he could apprehend the Men in Black. Tim paused, looking towards his tiny hands poking out if his oversized jacket. Until he could give the information to someone else to aprehend the Men in Black, Tim ammended. 
Sunglasses and Long hair were obviously on a mission of some sort from their ‘Organization’, and they had plans later this week in Crime Alley that called for a distraction for Batman. That was second on Tim’s priority list. If he could figure their Organization out, and maybe how long this poison is supposed to last, he’d be able to go back home.
First on Tim’s priority list was obviously food and shelter. It was a good thing Tim had prepared for situations like this. Not this exactly, he amended. He’d created a system that was like a backdoor to his parent’s bank accounts, back when he was teaching himself how to hack. He’d only had to use it a few times when groceries were late and his parents cut off his allowance for snacks. He had to admit, it was a nice safety net, especially if he’d ever been kicked out or stranded somewhere, or maybe if he needed to hire a fake uncle or something. At least now he had a way to get money without much trouble.
Money was covered as soon as he could reach a computer of some sort. Shelter would be another problem, not as easily solved. There wasn’t a way to buy an apartment as a six year old, nor keep up payments on it without his parents noticing. Probably. Tim was confident in his ability to hide away in some abandoned place quietly though. He’d be fine. Once he’d gotten a secure way of getting money, he’d be able to provide food for himself, so that was covered too. Tim sighed, sidestepping a puddle on the sidewalk. He was tired. 
Tim wasn’t too familiar with Crime Alley, considering he and Batman never patrolled there, especially not after that new guy claimed it as his territory. Some guy calling himself Red Hood had recently taken over the Alley, getting rid of a lot of dealers and gangs, making new rules. Tim hadn’t been able to look into it too much before, but maybe he could do some snooping while he was incapacitated. The only thing he knew about Red Hood was that he protected kids, hated the Joker, and had no qualms about killing people who deserved it. Those including pedophiles and crime lords like Black Mask, apparently. 
As he walked, Tim came across a convenience store and silently rushed to the entrance. It looked old, but the sign with hours listed said it opened around ten. Judging by the position of the sun, it was around 5:30 in the morning, give or take. Tim squinted, pulling out part of a lockpick set from his jacket pocket. He always kept something on him, just in case of kidnappings or his urges to snoop. Tim had the convenience store unlocked in seconds. 
Hurrying inside, he missed the pieces of glass littering the ground and hissed when a piece cut into the heel of his left foot. Tim cursed, but stepped carefully to the side, away from what looked like a broken bottle. He didn’t feel so bad for stealing from this place if they just leave broken glass on the floor, he thought with an angry huff. He took a minute to brace himself against the wall and lift his foot up to what little light shone throught the window from the rising sun.
Thankfully, the cut wasn’t too big, and he was able to wrap his sock around it to stem the bleeding and still keep his foot as protected as possible. After that, he made his way to the back room, avoiding the one camera pointed at the register. In the break room, Tim was surprised to find a little girl’s jacket and backpack. Tim silently apologized to the girl as he took both. The jacket would fit him better and he needed some way to carry things while he was on the streets. To his growing luck, he caught sight of rainboots and a pink butterfly umbrella propped up near the backdoor. 
Tim heaved a sigh of relief and went to put on the boots. He didn’t even care that they were pink froggy boots, they’d keep his feet protected and waterproof, even if they were a bit big. Taking his finds, Tim made his way back to the front of the store to pack food in his newly acquired backpack. It was Wonder Woman themed, but with pink instead of the iconic red. 
The boy busied himself with supplies, taking a lighter along with three sandwiches, a first aid kit, two bottles of water and a bag of jerky. He didn’t have time or need for anything else, considering he couldn’t carry much and needed healthy foods while on the streets. He wasn’t sure what he had to do next, but knew that he needed to find out what organization the two men in black are from. If Batman immediately got involved, they might start to suspect that Tim is Robin, so he couldn’t tell B. Even though he really wanted to. This was Tim’s mess and he was going to fix it himself. He’d never forgive himself if he put the rest of them in danger because of his stupid mistake. 
Tim scoffed, pulling the convenience store shut and locking the door again. He was pretty sure no one would find him missing for at least a week. If not more. That depended on whether the guys in black planned on using his phone to pretend to be him, but Tim shrugged off that possibility because it was encrypted. With Red Hood out and his parents visiting in a few days, Bruce had benched him for the rest of the week, which Tim agreed to since he’d been hoping his parents would be home the two weeks they said they would be. 
Tim rolled his eyes, remembering the way Bruce had told him to use the time to catch up on homework and hang out with his parents. Tim knew his parents wouldn’t notice he was missing for months on end, even if they were visiting. Though, Tim was pretty sure they’d postpone their return to Gotham, so that meant at least two weeks before Bruce noticed he was gone. Maybe. The man had been acting weird lately, texting Tim more often about staying at the manor or about how school went. It was… unfamiliar to Tim, but he had to admit it was nice. 
Now that he was thinking about it though, Tim wasn’t sure if Bruce would report him missing if he’d found out. Considering he’d need to tell Tim’s parents and all, and then explain what his relationship to Tim was. Not like he could say “oh yeah I fight crime with him while you’re out of the country” without getting arrested. Probably. So Tim wasn’t entirely sure what Bruce would do, but he hated doing this to Bruce so soon after Jason’s death. It hadn’t even been a year and he was already losing another Robin. Tim just hoped he wouldn’t be gone for too long. 
Tim grunted, pushing himself to climb through a hole in a boarded up door. He’d seen this place before, an old Vietnamese restaurant. It was a small building, but he remembered it from one time he’d had to duck in there with his camera during the start of a particularly nasty turf war. THat had been before he was Robin. The Restaurant was generally left alone due to the infrastructure issues over the years and that it took up residence in between two rival territories. Tim figured it was his best bet considering it was somewhere he could easily get to at this hour on short legs. He didn’t think he could make it two more blocks, much less Bristol with the way his body was aching. 
Stifling a cough as he entered, Tim took in the place, searching for signs of life. Dust covered pretty much the whole area, so it was safe to say he was alone. On weary feet he dragged himself up to one of the booths, doing his best to take a sheet from off the table to wipe down the dust on the booth seat. When that was done he put the backpack on the seat and climbed up, laying his head down on the backpack. 
As he lay there, body aching and in pain, Tim ran through his next steps before he allowed himself to fall asleep. First was money. He needed to get to a library, there was one close by Steph’s house and that wasn’t far, he remembered. Then he could access his money stash without alerting anyone that Tim Drake was alive. On one hand, he couldn’t draw attention to himself as Tim Drake because who knows what the Organization would do to him. On the other he couldn’t catch Bruce’s attention or he’d risk the Organization looking into Batman, potentially connecting the missing Robin to Tim Drake. So, Tim had to play it safe and investigate the Organization with the men in black first. And get some sort of antidote, if there was one. 
After getting money he’d have to buy some clothes that fit him. Then probably find a more permanent place to stay, somehow. After that was done he could work on tracking the men in black and researching that strange poison. No way was it supposed to turn me into a child, he thought. Though he had to admit a child was better than being dead.
Tim sighed, then held in a sneeze as he disturbed some dust. He was glad he didn’t have any allergies. Scrunching himself up, Tim tucked his legs closer to his body and closed his eyes. Before he could stop himself he was drifting off. He just hoped he wouldn’t feel so exhausted and sore when he woke up. 
Chapter two
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gentlylily11 · 10 months
"He is very pretty"
She thought to herself in her half sleep state as she watch the fae with fondness in her eyes while he ramble about some storic fact with happply
The female stare at him, his lips, his horns, his pointy ears that giggle a little at times and bis beautiful hair silky
She always wanted to touch It and play with It, It so soft
And she wonder If It was softer than his confort blankets back at home
The fae then stare at her
Oh yeah, those beautiful eyes...how could she forget about those beautiful Green orbes, they were her favorite part of the fae
A luxury that she rarely indulged in such pleasure, It wasnt because she fear the fae
She knew that If she told him, she would only bust his ego, she rarely did so because she always got too fluster and her emotions got out control
Which always force her to end their meetings sooner, she hate it.
She wanted to enjoy their meetings the best she could since both could only truly enjoy each other company in peace in the darkness of the night
Where only the sining of crickets may brother them
She flinchet when the fae came close to her and was about to wrap his arms around her
"Oh...I thought you had fallen sleep" said Malleus going back to his place
"How would I be sleeping with my eyes open?~" she said back playful
"Well Lilia use to do sleep sometimes with his eyes open when he had to take of us before..." said Malleus his mind going to those memories in the past
"Oh Tsunotaro but I am not a fae, Im a human" Yu giggle to the coment
"Faes dont sleep with their eyes open, at least I dont" explein Malleus
"Well then I guess Lilia is a pretty unic fae" she smile covering a yawn that leave her tired body
"You are tired, you should go to sleep It is pretty late" said Malleus looking at the moon
"Ugh...yeh you are right"
Said Yu slightly annoy before standing up and strenching her tired body some of her bones cracking to the movements
"Human I am curious, why do you always stare at me so much?"
ask Malleus making the human's heart skip a beat, she knew she was obvius yet...
"Im sorry Tsunotaro did I made you unconfortable?" said Yu concern and ashame
"Not really, but you stare at me in a way that no one else has ever look at me and I dont understand It, so I want to know what is in your mind?" ask Malleus his curiosity in his eyes
Yu turn her gaze away from the fae and as she felt her temperature raise to her cheeks and became harder to breath
Dang she hated this feeling.
She took a deep breath before looking back the fae
"Well Tsunotaro...I just think you are very mesmerizing"
Yu giggle looking nervously at the fae
And his eyes shone for a momento as the slit in his eyes widen like the one of a cat, he seen frozen
The fae's reaction only made her blush more
Why did he had to be so cute?
"Well...i should get going Tsunotaro, good night and sweet dreams i'll see you tomorrow"
Yu said before starting walking back to his
"I too think you are mesmerizing"
She hear him say from behind which made her froze and turn around too look at the fae but she only found a bunch of fireflies flying around the place were the fae once was
She entre her doorm and close door carefully to not wake up Grim who always nag her about being to noisy
She then slide down the door slowly until she was sitting on the floor and...
This feeling was too much for her
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424151998 · 8 months
I am in Athens and tomorrow I am going to Tbilisi
Athens is cool at first I was scared and kept thinking I was gonna get pick pocketed but it’s actually extremely chill here. I’ve been wearing the same outfit the whole time tracksuit pants and cardigan and hoodie with the addition of fleece and long sleeve and two puffer jackets and scarf wrapped around my head today and gloves coz it was like 10 degrees lol soooo not that bad but it felt hellish to me it’s gonna get sooooo much worse and I’m scared
Ummm yeah having withdrawals too so I’ve been sleeping a lot and feeling irritable but I’m optimistic that I’ll be feeling more normal soon
I didn’t go to any of the ancient ruins coz they cost money so I just saw them from a distance
Just tonnes of walking and eating
Tis theatrou to steki twice now…first time was better..first time I was like 😍 marinated anchovies and vegetables in vinegar and garlic and bread and saganaki w lots of lemon 😍 second time we got like an omelette which was average and meatballs which were boring and such a bad choice by me hmm kinda just like eating bread with little accompaniments rather than bigger dishes, cheap place
Went to some place max’s friend recommended that had vinyl records as placemats and we had this amazing soup with ceviche but after that dish it wasn’t as yum it was like a big stir fry type thing and that’s just not really my thing but max really enjoyed it and also some coconut rice thing which again meh I don’t really care but that’s just vegetarian food I’m so meh but also again I am in a state of withdrawal so maybe I’m just pretty anhedonic. We did get a little carafe of wine which was soooooo good and also some digestif after I forget what it was called but similar to ouzo super strong and when we got home I passed out I felt so drunk
We went to Atlantikos this like tourist famous fish restaurant for lunch and it was good yeh idk max was really into it we had squid and it was fine idk I think we ordered badly coz I was jealous looking at some of the other tables
We had giros at o kavourras which was so effing yum
We’ve also had a couple falafel wraps
I keep waking up super early it’s funny coz my sleeping pattern is so fucked up in Melbourne it’s like super normal here I wake up at 7am like 🤩and then have to wait til midday for max to wake up but anyway yeah it’s crazy I’m like early bird here but for some reason I don’t wanna leave the apartment without max I could probs go walk around and get a coffee but I’ve just been chilling on my phone and reading my kindle hmmmm until like 1pm when we leave the apartment , after about 5000 steps im fucking done and Need to rest before I can keep going..
Currently in bed and gonna go back out at some point idk I have these Greek cigarettes I might have one later but only one
Step count:
Wednesday: 12,299
Thursday: 12,719
Friday: 11,367
Saturday: 21,146
Sunday: 5,785
Monday (so far, will update): 8,521
Umm what else I keep having insane nightmares which is disturbing but I’m Hoping it’s just my brain cleansing itself …nd max says I’m grinding my teeth heaps so maybe I’ll get teeth grinding Botox when we get to Istanbul but idk
Ummm ok that’s all
Oh yeah and I’m obsessed with how easy it is to get thru the metro gates like soo amazing and not scary like they just stay open if u put your hand in front of them unlike the myki gates that feel like they’re gonna fully slam my pelvis
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mollycabot · 4 months
Alex Cabot
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Alex Cabot X Casey Novak X Reader Sick
A/N Casey and Alex are in for a long night after they come to home to a sick girlfriend.
Casey and Alex had another long day at court and they both were looking forward to having a movie Night with Y/N, as they walked in and put their coats and bags away they walked into the living room.
Unsure where Y/N was Alex called out “Y/N where are you ?were home” no response Casey then offered to have a look upstairs while Alex looked down stairs.
As Casey was walking around upstairs she heard quite whimpers from the bathroom and a strong smell of sick, Casey quickly shouted for Alex as she ran straight into the bathroom and her worried was confirmed by seeing Y/N on the floor sweating and looking really sickly.
“Oh baby come here” Casey said helping her girlfriend off the floor and helping her lean against the bath,
“What’s wrong?” Alex said walking into the bathroom however she didn’t need to ask what’s up as she kneel down next to Casey and Y/N “what’s wrong hun?” Alex asked “I don’t know” Casey replied quietly as they watch Y/N’s head lean down Casey moves her body so Y/N is resting on her and not the uncomfortable bathroom room.
“How long have you been in here baby?” Alex asked as she looked at Y/N. “I don’t know” Y/N responded.
“Lest get you to the bedroom yeh” Casey said as she picked up Y/N and helped her to the bed room. Once in the bedroom Casey helped put Y/N into the bed and removed her clothes as Alex came in with some water and wash bowl with a cloth.
As Casey Went to get some fresh pjs for Y/N Alex place a gentle hand on Y/N’s forehead “oh my sweetheart your burning up” Alex stated as she placed a cool cloth on Y/N’s forehead in the hopes of getting her fever down.
As Casey came in she placed the pjs on the bed and her and Alex helped Y/N to put the pjs on. And helped Y/N to get comfortable as she can be.
“My stomach really hurts case” Y/N cried “I know baby Alex said as she handed case the hot water bottle to place on Y/N stomach under her shirt and Alex climbed into bed with Y/N and Casey. “Try to sleep my love” Casey said tracing patterns on Y/N’s back as she turned to snuggle into Alex.
“It’s ok my love me and Casey are here” Alex said offering some comfort. “We going to phone into work tomorrow and see if one of us can stay home tomorrow” Casey explained.
“Thanks my loves ” Y/N said quietly as she felt sleepy and Alex and Casey could see that. “Sleep Y/N don’t fight it it will help” Alex said while stroking Y/N’s hair and Casey laid her arm gently over Y/N “Alex is right baby sleep will help” Casey added.
Eventually Y/N fell asleep. “Poor baby” Casey said Alex nodded “wish she had phoned us as I didn’t like that she could have been on that bathroom floor for hours” Alex stated Casey agreed. As Alex and Casey were tried themselves they end up sleeping not long after.
However both their sleeps were cut short when Y/N cried and woke Up, “I think I’m going to be sick” Y/N cried. “Ok baby Ok” Casey said panicking and helping Y/N into the bathroom. “It’s ok it’s ok my love” Casey said rubbing Y/N’s back as Alex stood at the door wanting to help but doesn’t like to deal with sickness once Y/N calmed down Casey cleaned the bathroom as Alex helped Y/N back to bed. And then they both go back to bed.
Given that they all didn’t get much sleep and the fact it’s early hours in the morning they both decided to call in and explain and were granted the next few days off so they could help Y/N get better. So for the rest of the day I was napping and watching movies. With Alex on one side of the couch Y/N in the middle and Casey on the other side.
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Sicktember #8
Prompt: Persistent Fever
Fandom/OCs: Cowboy ‘verse OCs (Aaron and Katy)
Words: 1900
Sicknario inspo: Checking for a fever post illness from this post, finding your love sick in bed from this post, patient reassuring caregiver from this post, and sick physically imposing character from this post.
Author’s comments/background: I just love these two so much, and it makes me sad to realize I haven't written them since last Sicktember (check out their first fic here). This would be a perfect fic for a "married people shenanigans" tag. They're crazy about each other, and I love writing about couples who are crazy about each other, if you haven't noticed. Would love to get more prompts for the two of them, hint hint.
Fun fact: I believe this is the only fic where I didn’t use the prompt somewhere in it verbatim. 
Aaron was kneeling in front of the stove, filling it with wood before bed, when he sensed Katy behind him. Guessing what was coming he paused, and sure enough, her small hand was suddenly pressed against his forehead. He frowned almost imperceptibly.
"I'm gonna feel hot, darlin'. I was jest choppin' wood. 'M all sweaty."
"I know, and I wish yeh wouldn't'a done that with how much ya been shakin'. I coulda done it."
He sat back on his heels and turned to look up at her, the frown deepening. "I'll never 'llow ya ta be choppin' wood while I'm home and able ta stand," he said firmly. "I ain't so sick anymore. Ya don't need ta worry 'bout me so much."
"I'm entitled ta worry if I please. I never saw ya sick like yeh were at first, sweatin' and shakin' and cryin' out. And then ya fall down outta nowhere like ya were dead the first day ya try ta get outta bed, burnin' up like ya were holdin' yer face in the fire. I've had my share of worry these last weeks, so I'm keepin' an eye on ya until further notice, buster."
"It was the second day I was outta bed," Aaron muttered.
"Even more reason, then. Yeh've caught yerself a damn stubborn fever, and I'm not takin' any chances until it's done and gone."
Aaron sighed. "Yer the boss, sugar, like I always say." He brushed his hand near his temple. "My head's still sore from fallin' anyway. I ain't keen ta have it happen again."
"I bet it is." Katy kissed the sore lump on his head tenderly. "Which is why ya need ta take it easy." She ran a hand over her braid distractedly. "I wish I wasn't leaving ya alone tomorrow. But Auntie Sarah's bound 'n determined to go into town tomorrow, and she won't go alone…."
Aaron carefully stood as she spoke, his sense of balance not yet fully returned since his illness, but when he was steady he tilted up her chin with a gentle touch, smoothing away the worry line between her brows with the pad of his thumb. "Quit yer worryin'," he murmured. "I'll be jest fine. Nothin's gonna happen, and yeh'll be back home before ya know it."
"I hope yer right," she sighed. "I don't like goin' ta town as is, an' this jest makes it worse. Tomorrow can't be done soon enough."
Aaron and Katy were up before the sun the next morning, neither in the mood for much talk. Aaron went out to do the morning chores (since that was the only thing Katy was allowing him to do currently) while his wife got ready for town. He finished the chores just as she finished dressing and primping. Katy watched through the bedroom window as her husband shuffled his way from the barn to the house, already (or still?) looking exhausted. She bit her lip in worry as she yet again noted how pale he still was, and how the deep circles under his eyes had yet to start fading. Despite what he said, he still wasn't himself, and she was at a loss of what to do. 
He made a point to put on a warm smile as soon as he came in the door, and she saw pride and admiration in his gaze as he took in her "dressing up" attire.
"Yeh look mighty fine, Miz Rivard," he murmured, pulling her into his arms and kissing her. 
She pulled away with a giggle. "Leave off, now. Yer gonna muss my dress, an' I jest pressed it," she said, though she flushed and smiled at his earnest praise. 
They both turned to the door just then as they heard Aunt Sarah's wagon roll up and come to a stop. Then they looked back at one another, worry puckering Katy's forehead yet again. 
"Ya be safe now, ya hear?" she murmured. "Don't do nothin' ta exert yerself too much. Ya cain't keel over while I'm not here, or I'll take a switch to ya."
"Don't be threatenin' me with a good time, now," he said, raising an eyebrow rakishly.  Then he laughed when she laughed. "I'll behave, I promise. Think I'll take a lil' lie-down this mornin', then I'll prob'ly dig up yer garden fer winter. I'll take it easy, though, don't ya worry none, my Katydid." 
"Okay," she sighed. 
They both jumped as Aunt Sarah began to holler for Katy, then shared a last smile.
"Behave yerself," Aaron murmured, pressing a handful of money into her palm. "And come home safe. I'll be waitin' up fer ya."
She reached up on tiptoes to press her lips to his forehead. "Take care o' yerself. I'll be back as soon as I can." With a wave, she flew out the door, hollering back to her aunt in greeting. 
Aaron watched wistfully, making sure they got off alright, then wasted no time in shuffling his way back to the bedroom, yawning wearily. 
It was just past dark when Aunt Sarah dropped Katy off after a successful day of errands. Katy nearly flew to the house once her aunt was out of sight, but she paused on the stoop, for the windows were dark and not a soul was in sight. She glanced at the garden and found it untouched from that morning. What else would Aaron have gotten up to that day if he couldn't get to the vegetables? She hurried to check the barn just in case, but it was quiet and dark, just like the house. 
She ran back to the house now, panic fluttering in her chest, expecting to find her man collapsed on the ground at any moment. 
"I jest knew shoulda had Andrew check on ‘im," she fretted to herself. "What a fool I am. I shoulda never left ‘im alone."
There was no sign of him in the main rooms, and everything looked exactly as it had when she left that morning. She flew to the bedroom, yanking open the door, then breathed a sigh of relief upon finding her husband safe in bed, wrapped in the coverlet and snoring, the moonlight casting the scene in sharp relief. 
She took several deep breaths to calm herself, knowing he would tease her mercilessly if he knew how worked up she'd been. Though she had a right to tease him right back after seeing all this. He'd promised to wait up for her and had fallen asleep before dark like a tired child instead. 
She moved around him quietly, changing into her night dress and brushing her hair for bed, but he didn't stir until she brought a candle to her nightstand so it shone directly in his face. She surveyed him at last as he stirred and mumbled and her heart plummeted again, because she didn't like what she saw at all. The hectic flush of an angry fever covered his cheeks, and the sweaty, tousled hair and blankets indicated that he hadn't left the bed for several hours. 
"Katy," he croaked, his eyes flickering open weakly. 
"Oh ya poor thing," she sighed, reaching out to brush the hair away from his forehead. 
" 'm not feelin' so good again all of a sudden," he mumbled, letting his eyes slip closed under her touch. 
"I cain see that. When'd it start?"
He thought for a minute. "S'pose it was right after ya left. Haven't had the gumption to get outta bed all day. Feelin' weak as water, jest bin sleepin' and sweatin' or shiverin'."
"It's a damn stubborn fever that yeh've caught, an' no mistake." She sighed again. "Alright, jest wait here while I fetch the basin, then."
"I ain't goin' nowhere. Don't think I'm much up to runnin' away jest now," came the weak, teasing response. 
Glancing over her shoulder, Katy saw the old, familiar twinkle in her husband's eyes, faint though it was under fever-shine, and the dimple in his cheek was flickering. Whenever he smiled like that, she couldn't help but smile back.
They passed the next stretch of time in silence as she bathed his face, underarms, neck and chest with cold water, trying to give him any relief from the heat raging beneath his skin. Katy was less worried this time than formerly, though, since he was fully lucid and even somewhat relaxed, just uncomfortable and sick where he had been delirious and restless before. He so rarely got to spend so much time at home, and when he was home he was rushing around to take care of things before he had to leave again, so this rare chance to simply rest and enjoy his company was a treat she was doing her best to savor.
 He had thrown off most of the blanket and she let herself get lost in momentary admiration. His long, lean legs, stretching nearly to the end of the bed, muscled and toned from a life spent on horseback; the various shades of tanning across his skin from years in the sun; the planes of his abdomen and chest and shoulders, smooth skin over rounded muscle, flexing and shifting each time he moved. Even feverish and miserable, he was beautiful, and his beauty distracted her from her worry. 
Eventually the water became too warm to do further good, but by then Aaron seemed marginally cooler and was resting more comfortably, so she set the basin aside. The sick man said he needed nothing further, so his wife at last slipped into bed beside him. He tugged her closer then, shifting to lie his head in her lap with a contented sigh. She began to trail her fingers up and down his back and neck and through his usually close-cropped hair. 
"We need ta give ya a haircut. Ya bin so sick that I ain't had the chance," she murmured, exploring the unfamiliar length around his ears.
"Mm," he hummed, too close to sleep for a true answer. In that same moment a chill wracked him, and he moaned softly as he shivered and shifted in discomfort.
Katy bit her tongue to keep from expressing her worry, but she couldn't keep a sigh from escaping as she pulled the coverlet over him once more. Out of nowhere his hand reached up, even despite the awkward angle, and he smoothed the worry line between her brows with the pad of his thumb.
"Quit yer worryin'," he murmured. "I'll be jest fine. Tried doin' too much the last few days. If I rest like ya bin tellin' me all along, I'll be good as new in a day or two."
She grabbed his hand and clasped it to her chest. "I jest need ya ta be well," she whispered. "I hate seein' ya so sick fer so long. My heart cain't take it."
His low chuckle was a soft rumble against her. "My soft-hearted woman. What would I do without ya. Ain't no way I cain stay under the weather for long with the good care ya bin givin' me."
"That better be a promise," Katy said, kissing his hand. 
"It's a promise, sugar," he murmured as he once again drifted toward sleep.
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poisonedspider · 3 months
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Continued for @gamblinwildcat
Angel Dust hadn't meant to be caught like this, usually so good at hiding his emotions or making sure that his mental break downs were in absolute privacy. He supposed, in all fairness to himself, he had thought that he was in a private enough place at the moment. All the other show girls had gone home, so for all intents and purposes, he had been alone.
He felt embarassed knowing that Husker of all demons had found him, wiping the mascara streaks off his cheeks with the back of his gloves, sniffling and shaking his head. "It's fine, Huska', trust meh'. It's nothin'. No big deal, nothin' tah' be cryin' ova'." He turned away from the vanity, facing the Overlord rather than just the reflection of the other in the mirror.
"Just a rough night, that's all." A roll of shoulders in the form of a shrug, rubbing at his exposed arm right above the cut of the dress. There had been some patrons who had been a bit too handsy. He knew his job was to flirt, and be touchy, and get people in a good enough mood that they would gamble away everything of importance, so he felt he had no room to complain or say anything. He felt like it just came along with the territory.
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He tugged slightly at his dress, smoothing it out with his lower set of arms, before flashing the Overlord a smile. "Like ah' said, no big. Ah'm just gonna change and go home, and tomorrow is another day, yeh' know?"
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