#but yes anon acknowledge art when you see it is IT i feel that way about dubstep i dont like it but im also not about to launch a moral
soracities · 18 days
People are wild lol rap does actually take a certain level of skill to both perform and understand, it takes five seconds of research to see that theres decent lyricism going on there. Lots of rappers are actually great at english, they dont all know the official terms for the things they practice but rapping is like a form of poetry really.
ofc there are subgenres that i personally do not like such as mumble rap (a conversation for another time i digress) but if you take for example kendrick's latest diss tracks to drake, its something that has to literally be studied and broken down by a bunch of people lol and once you break it down and understand the refrences you see that its not just a bunch of words and a beat. of course white people will think something they dont understand is ghetto trash what else is new lol they're the kings of ostricizing and devaluing what they dont understand. They did it to jazz they did it to metal and alternative music and they do it to rap.
At the end of the day, culture is a thing that will be understood by those who are meant to understand it. You dont have to like rap to acknowledge that its an art, but calling it trash and refusing to see it from any point of view but your own speaks for itself.
And for the record, im not a rap fan lol its a genre i hardly listen to in fact, but what i am is an artist, and i can acknowledge art when i see it.
i'll be honest, i don't think lack of understanding is solely what comes into it, if at all. the genres that get the most aggressive pushback are also ones that threaten a cultural hegdemony in their respective societies (white, male, christian etc) and that's not a coincidence. rap gets the worst of this and ultimately i don't think it has ever boiled down to not knowing what GOAT means and a lot more to do with overt and tacit hostility towards black people making outspoken art on their own terms in a deeply racist society.
but otherwise i completely agree with you! the lyrical complexity, rhyming schemes and dexterity at play in a good rap song is second to none and you could absolutely teach a literature class on it. it is as much a poetic medium as anything else while also encompassing its own deeply layered, complex and distinct sensibilities--just like, literally, every other art form on earth! to pretend otherwise is just ludicrous at this point.
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minniiaa · 2 months
some lawlu brainrot from another anon.
Before Flevance fell, Law masturbated to Nika at least once.
This one was drink-spit-worthy but yes, I agree. I have always supported the idea that in Wano, Law is a 'man who stopped believing god who sees god for the first time'. There's even a post somewhere in the depths with that exact verbiage. So, here you go, a little headcanon about Law, a man who stopped believing in his god Nika, meeting his ex-god and how I think it would play out. Best be assured I am RUNNING to make this a full blown oneshot.
Like any good religious boy, Law sometimes got horny over the iconography of his god. He couldn't help it, Nika was hot with his flowing white hair, red eyes, and incredibly hot body. A perfect specimen, as a god should be. Sometimes Law even touched himself to the thought of Nika, he couldn't help his lusty preteen behavior though he was incredibly ashamed of it as an adult.
Imagine his shock when he sees the beautiful god he had spent his childhood worshipping bursting through the ceiling in the form of his alliance partner whom he had saved and who had saved him in return.
It seems Luffy doesn't understand who or what Nika is, simply calling it Gear 5 and a new power of his. However, the moment Law saw him on that rooftop, he knew exactly who Luffy had become. From the statutes of his church to the altars in the homes of his family and friends, Law has seen that face. Nika. Luffy is Nika.
Later, after Luffy realizes he is Nika and what that means, Law feels guilty knowing he had been attracted to Nika in a sexual way. He's always been secretly attracted to Luffy too, but that's a deep dark secret he intended to take to the grave. He confesses his sins like the religious man he is, apologizing to Luffy for seeing him in that way and promising to follow him and treat him with the respect he deserves.
Luffy's confused, he doesn't even know what a Nika is. He's not a god he's just Luffy. He doesn't want to be treated with that kind of respect and he's always felt the same way about Law but he didn't realize what it meant until he saw Law for the first time after he connected with his new form which apparently was called Nika. When he laid eyes on Law after he woke up from his sleep in Wano and found Law, he was almost glowing. He was so pretty with his wary and always on-guard golden eyes, his perfect jawline, fluffy hair, and amazing muscled body that looked like art with all those black lines of his tattoos. Luffy realized then he liked Law as MORE than just a friend and that he should have noticed this long ago.
Luffy tells Law he doesn't want to be worshipped by anyone and that Law is his equal but if he really wants to get on his knees for him he'd be more than happy to let Law pray to him in other ways. Law almost passes out, he's never heard Luffy talk like this but damn is it hot.
Luffy activates gear 5 and is floating in front of him with his legs spread and a seductive smile on his face and Law can't help but do exactly what he said, dropping to his knees in awe that the sheer radiance of the god he once worshipped who was now right here in front of him, offering himself up like a buffet.
Though Law stopped believing in Nika after the world beat him down over and over, he can't deny his existence now that he sees him with his own eyes. So, like any religious person, he is greedy for his god's love and he decides to takes full advantage of this blessed opportunity he has been given.
He finds that his god is very good at pleasing his servants (Law acknowledged the 'we're equals' part but he hasn't quite accepted it yet, he's still in shock). However, once they're done and he's almost passed out from how amazingly demanding and insane the sex wa, Nika turns back into Luffy once again.
In that moment Law realizes it's not Nika but Luffy in Gear 5 who gives Law the most mind-breaking, unfathomable, borderline impossible sex of his life with Nika's powers that he has inherited. It's not Nika who he wanted to praise and show his love for, it was Luffy. He doesn't need a god to save him, he already has one who has performed miracles over and over, saving him from dying at the hands of Doflamingo.
Law concludes that Luffy isn't Nika, he's still the same Luffy he's always known only now he has the power of the god and that's totally fine with him. He didn't need Nika's love before and he doesn't need it now. All he needs is Luffy's affection and damn does he get it because, like any god-but-not-god, Luffy is very good to his favorites. Luffy is upset with himself for not realizing this before and vows to take full advantage of his time with Law from now on.
I will recycle this image that I used in my previous Law seeing G5 Luffy/Nika for the first time because it is that good and fits perfectly here:
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shkika · 1 year
Hi! I have a question regarding how close pebbles is to moon! I just finished reading pebbles pearl reading dialogue and in all his dialogue he just refers to moon as his neighbor. And he refers to suns as a close friend so do you think that canon pebbles doesnt feel close with moon while moon feels close with pebbles?
Oh no... do you know how much I love Pebbles and Moon's relationship. How well it's written, how every event makes sense and how much I love them?? Anon... you're sending me into a spiral..
Short answer to your question is yes! Moon thought of Pebbles as closer than he considered her in my opinion.
Incomprehensible ramble incoming! Since I NEED this information for my Moonie blog, I've researched this quite a bit, but I'm scatter brained so I'm sorry if it's hard to read.
We actually know this as a fact even merely from NSH talking about their relationship from him perspective!
Actually Sig and Suns are PERFECT candidates to peer into what Moon and Pebs were like! As they were their close friends from different sides of the coin!
Look at this for example.
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Pebbles has always been distant. Moon tried to be a big sister to him and Sigs felt like she was never truly appreciated for it proper.
Suns acknowledges this and gives the reasoning that Pebbles sought independence. He didn't want to be told things. Which combined with Moon's seeing him as a younger sibling, it probably led to him being coddled too much.
Which.. no doubt probably annoyed him!
And how could he NOT seek independence on the other hand! He might sneer to Artificer about the protests concerning his creation, but they NO DOUBT left an impact on him! That's my opinion at least.
Not only was his very existence protested against from both the Shaded Citadel people, but ALSO from the very city that built him to MOVE there!!
WE KNOW that not everyone even MOVED!!!
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(Ashy green pearl quote- Pebbles)
They did not want a new iterator!! They wanted Moon. No doubt he was compared to Moon as well. He didn't even get the luxury to have his own grounds of sorts. He and Moon are the only example we and hell maybe even they know of iterators being built so close together.
Which is especially sad when we put into perspective that Moon doesn't even like her citizens or have strong fondness for their art and culture. Unlike he very much does!
His last comfort was a pearl containing their hymn. He shares how he viewed the relationship he had with them as mutually beneficial (Very funny when she compares them to parasites.)
Moon is the one with seething hatred for them, not him which is just... so good. It only deepens as the game goes on by the way. Moon you are such a good character.
Back on track though.
What this entire situation reads to me as. Moon wanted to help and be there in any way she can for her little brother. She had responsibility over him. Pebbles was literally the only iterator out of them with another iterator administrator and it was her. She wanted for him to view her as family not as a boss or direct example.
But they were still attached and compared to one another. And although she tried her best, you can see how being treated as the lesser of the two, led to him wanting to be more distant.
Instead he grew very attached to Suns! Who seems like the opposite of Moon in all ways honestly. EXTREMELY BAD with their words, nihilistic prick!!!
It just makes sense. It's sad. I wouldn't blame anyone for the fact they grew a little distant.
I also don't in any way think Pebbles didn't at all like her or didn't care for her or all of that. His feelings were just complicated. I still think they loved each other.
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bonsiii-art · 3 months
I wish I had enough confidence to post this off anon, but I don't so you get my compliments anonymously.
I really adore your style, the way you draw characters while still being able to keep/translate the charm of their Canon appearance is honestly astonishing. The way you draw expression is captivating, and not to mention all the little details in clothing.
I'm especially a fan of your linework, from the line thickness to the colour variation in certain places (I have to ask do you do that all manually?) It really brings it all together in a way I can't describe.
Not to mention your colouring! Whether it's a full colour piece or adding tones to a sketch I really like it.
Your art inspires me, so I hope you keep at it!
I've been holding off on answering this, bc I don't know how to express just how much joy it brought me to read when I was first sent this! Like, it was very in-depth, I was stunned! Σ(っ °Д °;)っ
You mention the expressions and clothing details in my drawings, and it makes me feel seen, like me fretting over those things endlessly is worth it since someone has noticed it. Like I have fun drawing those things regardless, but the acknowledgement does feel nice qwq I'm super glad that you like the line work; It's my fave part of the process, bc it really fleshes out the drawing and relaxing in its own way! To answer your question, yes and no :P Sometimes it's the gradient map's doing, changing colors depending on how light or dark the lines are. However, I will go in and manually color the lines myself wherever I see areas of the drawing that needs it. Thank you for the lovely notes, anon ヾ(≧ ▽ ≦)ゝI'll do my best to keep drawing and improving!
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beardedmrbean · 2 months
Sorry, the long puzzles things is meant to show how the Templars influence history while the assassins desperately try to stop them
Oh yes I know about Ford Antisemitism, ac acknowledge that in the long video I sent
As Ford sent a certain item to Agent “H” to kick off WW2
Ugh, okay which king I have to strangle in hell that decided that Jews were only good at doing “dirty” jobs like money?
I sure hope that antisemitism don’t come back like virus because people wanted to treat a geopolitical conflict like it a fucking kids cartoon
Oh btw, yes their fully grown adults, but Candace and Kanye antisemitism? Welll
It’s heavily because how my community views the world
Yes I’m 24, but allow me to explain
You see black Americans, since the fucking womb, that white people are the root of all our problems. Like years ago I learn that Africans sold Africans to Europeans
But if my reactions to the horrific connections the Dahomey is to the black American diaspora
Imagine the mentally hell older blacks may have
But back to my community…the problem is that my community have extremely bigoted views that is normalized. Like i remember someone saying that black activists (and many blacks in general) views white people the same way Nazis viewed the Jews
But about Kanye because someone pointed out a line in Micheal Jackson song. Given how a lot of powerful people in the music industry often screwed over artists happen to be Jewish so I think Kanye projecting that a lot.
No infantilizing him and sorry for the pain he caused
But the reason why I say I’m a zoomer Huey, i acknowledge that yes black Americans been fucked over…but we also have a lot of self destructive habits
Also look how black activists say Asians are white adjacent or how magical negeroes thought the fuck up “joke” saying upset white people are the most dangerous animal on the planet
Candace and Kanye bigotry…isn’t surprising when a huge chunk of the black community have the “Jews ran the world!” mindset but changed the Jews part to “ white people”
Yeah tomorrow anon but people acting shocked about their bigotry…sure if you turn a blind eye to the unhinged dog until the rabies comes out
Shit that kinda racist, but if people switch “white people” to “Jews” in the racist af but Society approved statements black activists got
You would think it’s a black edition of Mein Kampf
Sorry, the long puzzles things is meant to show how the Templars influence history while the assassins desperately try to stop them
no need to apologize I try to give some time to the things folks send, even most of the silly stuff.
Oh yes I know about Ford Antisemitism, ac acknowledge that in the long video I sent As Ford sent a certain item to Agent “H” to kick off WW2
Ya he was pretty bad, not uncommon at that time either, Louis Armstrong had a Jewish Lithuanian couple that lived next to him as a kid taught him some of their song, he found an affinity with 'these white people that got treated like us black people' always war a Star of David in their honor, if you have a little time to spend reading about it, it's a good story.
Ugh, okay which king I have to strangle in hell that decided that Jews were only good at doing “dirty” jobs like money?
That would be the Pope, Christians couldn't extract usury from other Christians so Jews did the loans since they could do them.
They were excluded from lots of jobs, that's why we wound up with so many of them in the arts and sciences and also entertainment.
Stayed in their own communities because not only community, but kosher is easier that way too, among other things.
I sure hope that antisemitism don’t come back like virus because people wanted to treat a geopolitical conflict like it a fucking kids cartoon
Feels like we're getting there, sadly, I hope I'm doing enough to stop it.
Oh btw, yes their fully grown adults, but Candace and Kanye antisemitism? Welll It’s heavily because how my community views the world Yes I’m 24, but allow me to explain
all ears
You see black Americans, since the fucking womb, that white people are the root of all our problems. Like years ago I learn that Africans sold Africans to Europeans But if my reactions to the horrific connections the Dahomey is to the black American diaspora Imagine the mentally hell older blacks may have
Best part of that movie was forcing people to confront that at last.
But back to my community…the problem is that my community have extremely bigoted views that is normalized. Like i remember someone saying that black activists (and many blacks in general) views white people the same way Nazis viewed the Jews But about Kanye because someone pointed out a line in Micheal Jackson song. Given how a lot of powerful people in the music industry often screwed over artists happen to be Jewish so I think Kanye projecting that a lot. No infantilizing him and sorry for the pain he caused
Look up ice cube's "no vaseline" dis track aimed at Eazy-E (E would be shredding his old mates lyrically if he hadn't got AIDS) I don't remember the exact line but you can tell cube isn't fond of the Hebrews even though he'd be dead on the street if not for the one that helped make him and the rest of them famous, also kind of homophobic and honestly saying I hope you get prison raped dry is not something anyone should say.
But the reason why I say I’m a zoomer Huey, i acknowledge that yes black Americans been fucked over…but we also have a lot of self destructive habits Also look how black activists say Asians are white adjacent or how magical negeroes thought the fuck up “joke” saying upset white people are the most dangerous animal on the planet
Go back to Louis Armstrong and what he'd said about that couple, now look at where the two groups are currently,
MLK was a Zionist and the Jewish community for the most part joined in with the black community for civil rights marches and protests and all that.
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I don't know how Politico can actually determine his motive for doing it, but still the point here is that even in 1995 there were clubs that had a no blacks no Jews on the door, still are some too.
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I always like people that say shit like this, guy doesn't care who you love and the only colour he cares about at the club is $$$green$$$
But that's beside the point, 1995 even if you could pay the $100,000 fee there were clubs all over the world you couldn't get into if you were black or Jewish, really should be more solidarity there I'd think.
Candace and Kanye bigotry…isn’t surprising when a huge chunk of the black community have the “Jews ran the world!” mindset but changed the Jews part to “ white people”
nick cannon ( I think) stepped in it a while back too, cost him his tv gig
Yeah tomorrow anon but people acting shocked about their bigotry…sure if you turn a blind eye to the unhinged dog until the rabies comes out Shit that kinda racist, but if people switch “white people” to “Jews” in the racist af but Society approved statements black activists got
@inverted-race is fun, dead but the race swapped posts are still there and good fun
You would think it’s a black edition of Mein Kampf
They made a feminist one and it got peer reviewed and published in a academic journal, team that did that one did several and I think all but four were published, so why not.
Gonna have to wait on that other one till tomorrow, it's time to start shutting my brain off I'd like to get some final fantasy VI time in, still need to order a controller so I can do the other games I have that I really want to play but I keep forgetting to get a controller.
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snellyfish · 1 year
OHOGHGOH MY GOSH OK OK OK you know how funny it was for like 2 days straight after we FINALLY caught up i just kept saying "i have to go write out my thoughts on drdt and feed my anons (mostly with you in mind)" every few hours with nothing but "i thought you already did that??" in response, cue me being like "no but like for real this time"
I also give my best wishes to the creator of DRDT, you've given us such a fun story with fun characters and I hope you the best on recovering, resting, and focusing on yourself. If we never get another episode that is a-ok, I'll be very sad but only because I truly appreciate the art and writing for a wonderful story that you've given to us all for FREE. Thank you for that<3 For clarity and reference, this whole ramble is written with the intention/presumption that we will get more chapters, though I'm not getting my hopes up
Also just an insane wall of text in general, jfc, you have been warned
Ok so first of all, I'll say what everyone's really here for:
Sorry, I personally fucking LOVED the twist, no significant complaints with it; it's a character trope I ADORE and more than I ever could've asked for to come from such a blorbo as David
Sorry, yes, I am also unfortunately down bad for him, HOWEVER-
Extremely happy that David wasn't the killer because we get to see more of this little freak in action in the next chapter, I can't even tell you how excited I am for his character omgomgomgomg I love horrible fucked up manipulative freaks so much. I also don't blame anyone for not enjoying his character anymore (especially if you liked the trope of his preconceived notion of a character) but like, me personally I can appreciate any character no matter the morals (the less the better imo) as long as they're written in an interesting and compelling way.
The way David is so horrendously straight-forward about everyone else just being a funny little pawn to him with absolutely no remorse (genuinely hope he never gains any empathy or I'll be a little upset ngl (well…depends on how it's done I GUESS!!)) makes his seemingly multi-layered character into….. something one-dimensional (/pos /GEN!!! one-dimensional is NOT a bad thing if it's a cool dimension that causes fun character conflicts) but the WAY they introduce this static ruthlessness to him is just;;;; CHEFS KISS. He's still a layered character, sure, two-faced freak running the long con, but his true self is just so reprehensibly remorseless it's hard to see ANYTHING under it
We were also both dying of laughter in the first episode how David had a really long horribly winded speech about fucking,,,,,,God knows what,,,, And no one acknowledged it and me n my bestie were just fucking whale eyeing each other like "SO IS NO ONE GONNA TALK ABOUT THAT? WE'RE JUST GONNA STEAMROLL RIGHT OVER HIS MINI PSYCHOTIC BREAK? OK" Not to be salty but GUYS.. Anyone who genuinely believed David was a good person and were shocked with the twist I…I'm sorry …… I'm sorry that we did not watch the same character introduction …. I've been on team two-faced David from the start that's my manipulate mansplain manwhore right there, babe! If you don't love him at his X you don't deserve him at his Y
Erm erm erm also thought it was hilarious when David was droning on after his big real reveal because, even though I was having a great time with it, I was also just repeatedly muttering "the fish…..?" looking around like the john travolta gif "the fish? the fish? guys, the fish? can we talk about the fish? im dying to talk about the fish" AHGHGAGAHA AND JUST GETTING SO FRUSTRATED WHEN EVERYONE FINALLY BROUGHT UP THE FISH AND WERE LIKE "OH EM GEE THE LIAR IS LYING ABOUT KILLING AREI??? DAS SO CRWAZY" Old school Danganronpa feeling of screaming at the characters denseness, so nostalgic, I DID ENJOY IT, IT WAS FUNNY, I HAD A GOOD TIME HAHA I loooove characters who lie for no good reason only to benefit themselves and have a good time while others suffer (Kokichi doesn't count + I don't like him (also stop comparing David to Kokichi you guys are insane and don't understand character nuance SOWWY))
My apologies I'm still like keeling off [MULTIPLE SUBSTANCES OF VARYING LEGALITY] so DON'T tell me if this is incomprehensible or not because I'm speaking straight from the heart and the heart says I won't him. This reminds me that for the entire time he was having his MAIN psychotic break (especially in the animation) my best friend wouldn't stop fucking muttering in distress "I WANT HIM I WANT HIM I WANT HIM" I had to tell him to shut the fuck up even though I was also internally very much not normal. We should both be shot.
Still think David and Hu should kiss. I think now more than ever they should kiss. Maybe make out.
Actually do you know how many times I said "Shut up, Hu." during these two episodes?? It was at least 5 I was getting SO mad at her for like no good reason, I don't even remember WHY exactly but I think her mom friend energy was getting TOO motherly and I'm no longer appreciating the particular WAY she mothers people, i.e. picking favorites + taking accountability for said favorites + defending them blindly and naively but in weirdly elitist way etc etc etc.. Very typical of Snellyfish to ship toxic men with female characters they don't like. Maybe I should look into my soul for this one, doesn't seem like,,,healthy, or something. I'll write my own callout post for me on that one dw.
Also I'm not necessarily saying Hu has bad writing or a wholly unlikeable personality at all btw, I am interested to know Why she's like that, I just gotta get over the hill of disliking her rn. Uber sweetie characters like that can just get on my nerves is all. She's also definitely got the secret motive for having multiple Attempts, huh? Give us your backstory queen,,,, I promise to like you a little more if you can bring a lil tear or two to my eye,,,,,,, I think my main thing with her is that she's like the most NORMAL of the group LMFAO
Either way, Huvid real. Sorry, but it shouldn't be surprising, I'm a Verturo shipper after all, it's in my natur-
SPEAKING OF VERTUROOOOOHHHH MY GGOOODDDDD I ATE SOOO DAMN GOOD. NO CRUMBS LEFT, I WAS GOING CRAZY. GOOD GOD CHRIST ALMIGHTY. The way that Veronika was the ONLY mf defending Arturo and he was like "girl you're making me look BAD" was so fucking funny, I am so horribly obsessed with their dynamic it's unreal
Not to "omg as a veronika kinnie-" for the millionth time but GIRL-- the way that I've said in the past Multiple Times that I hope both Arturo and David get worse and worse in an irredeemable way (mostly David, I kiiiinda want some nice Arturo content maybe one day 😳), and to have Veronika in like the same episode (I think) pivot back and forth towards both Arturo AND David in a "ohhh you're horribly fucked up I hope you never get better because I want in your brain NOW!!! let me IN!!!!!! THE TOXIC FUMES ARE CALLING TO ME LIKE A SWEET SWEET SIREN!!!!!!!" I think all three of them should also hold hands and kiss and--
OH. OH OHH. ARTURORRROOOO God as a general fuckin stan of all three Arturo + Veronika + David I ATE SO DAMN GOOD IT'S BEEN CRAZY TO CONTAIN MY THOUGHTS LMAO, had to stew on this one before writing it all out y'see. I definitely want to rewatch this chapter sometime because I know I've consumed it pretty mindlessly and a lot goes over my head. EITHER WAY.
Arturo backstory real??? Arturo's breakdown about his sister and how it's not his fault?? Not your fault in what way? Blushes and bats my eyelashes and holds your latex glove hand. plink plink. <-- sound of me batting my eyelashe.s. I was also incredibly normal when he straight up pulled a scalpel on Eden Kai Satou style, really really sane I didn't make monkey sounds or ANything like that, you guys. trust me.
In general I try not to give too hard of a time on DRDT's writing because it's like,, a passion project, obviously not professionally done, just a happy little writer writing their happy little characters AND I APPRECIATE AND RELATE TO YALL SO MUCH FOR THAT;; But I do have to finally properly mention how I frequently face the problem of a very consistent flow of characters being very straightforward, telling instead of showing, and making things just very awkward seeming? I bring this up mostly because of the Eden/Arei scene. Don't get me wrong I LOVE that dynamic and I LOVE what could've been between them in their friendship (🌈?) but I also wish that they didn't write Arei to so boldly claim like "I've been a manipulative bitch" or something like that, I guess I just don't feel that it's the kind of thing someone (especially like her, even with her breakdown-breakthru with David) would be able to articulate so clearly, and accept so honestly in such a short timeframe; I dunno. I've felt this way with a lot of dialogue even just in the prologue/introductions sections, wherein characters speak like they're Just Characters and know exactly how to word things like robots and just don't speak like Real people half the time. Whateva. That's my nitpick. I definitely think the dialogue has gotten better but the Arei thing ticked me off, but, I think her self-awareness might just be a crucial part of her character I'm not picking up on enough so,,,,augh, might just be me, honestly! I'm not the greatest writer myself so 🙏 feh!
Can't wait to figure out if I ship Arturo and J or not. Feel insane about it. Every time they talk I'm like DO I??? DO I SHIP IT??????? LOOKS AROUND AT THE AUDIENCE
GUYS I'LL BE REAL I'M STILL SO LOST ON WHO THE FUCKING KILLER IS LMAO!!!!!!! Entirely forgetting everyone's alibis right now so I can't really say who I'm leaning towards because they could be completely safe and I'm just dense and didn't pay enough attention. My b.
Even though Ace is one of my top fav characters I can feel myself getting steadily less and less interested in him just because all of his energy is going into the stupid Nico/Levi situation and I'm like SO sick of it Actual. I know it's mostly because I don't personally like Nico or Levi AND because this shit keeps getting brought up with no resolution nor any progress and it's like BRO.. I'M SICK OF IT. The amount of times they would bicker and I'd say "I'm sick of this drama." and then strategically zone out in self-defense was kind of funny. ACE DEFINITELY HAD SOME REALLY GOOD PARTS IN THESE EPISODES OUTSIDE OF THAT THOUGH GHGHHG HE KEEPS ME HOOKED, THAT DAMNED SMILE, as a chihuahua lover myself I can never stray too far from Ace's light, he's so fucking funny and I love his dynamic with David-- oh no, I love his dynamic with David........... Looks at my palms.
As always: Charles<3 I have such a funny relationship with him because it's like, he's not one of my top favs by any means, doesn't stand out the most for my particular taste, but I also have literally no reason to dislike him and he's just written GOOD, so whenever he shows up and has a nice scene or a nice line I just go "ah,,,,,,, charles<3" Not a single negative thought about him. He's like a sister to me. This isn't true I have many negative thoughts about my sister but you know!
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patrice-bergerons · 2 years
Cuddle prompt for 00Q #30
Pretty please?
send me cuddling prompts!
okay anon this got way out of hand and will be a two-parter but here it is, part 1, featuring dangerous field missions, blizzards, and some cuddling for warmth.
When he accepted the position at MI6, Q had pictured himself designing state of the art weapons, helping shape the future of intelligence and keeping his country safe, all from the safety of a nice office or a sleek workshop.  Standing on a frozen Norwegian lake in the middle of a blizzard, getting ready to dive in, on the other hand?  Not so much.
It’s just that the latest criminal megalomaniac who wants to see the world burn has fitted a dirty bomb at the bottom of this lake and it is set to go off in two hours.  The henchmen are all dead but the blizzard means they can’t get help in time and the lack of waterproof comms means he can’t guide Bond on how to disengage the bomb remotely.  Ergo, Q shedding his clothes with gay abandon in -15 °C weather.  He would have at least packed a wetsuit had he known.
“When you go in, the first thing you will need to do is to get over the cold water shock,” Bond is saying and doesn’t that sound marvellous.  “Your heart rate will jump and you will be gasping for breath but it will pass in less than a minute—just float and let the panic flow through you.”
Bond’s coat and beanie are white with snow and he has to speak up to be heard over the howling wind.  Q appreciates that his voice is all business now, any hint of concern for Q’s wellbeing relegated to a remote corner of his eyes.
He nods, taking off his jumper followed by his trousers.  The cold cuts into his bones without a moment’s mercy—bollocks, he thinks as he shivers.  
Bond does him the favour of not acknowledging it.
“You will have at most five minutes before your hands become too numb to handle tools—come up for air if you need to but you won’t have time to do it more than once.”  Q puts on his headlight as Bond turns on their torch and places it upside down on the ice.
“The surface will freeze over quickly-” 
“Yes, yes, I know,” Q cuts him off.  They have been through this already.  “Don’t panic, follow the light, and you will break the ice for me by shooting at it as if it’s a target M asked you to capture alive at all costs.”
Bond’s surprise is quickly eclipsed by a smile.  His eyes are a familiar, vibrant blue, like an act of defiance against this white hellscape they have found themselves in, and so very warm.  Sometimes you put him in his place and he looks at you like you hung the moon in the sky—like you can reach out and hang it there if it disappears one day.
“I’ve got this, James,” Q says, offering Bond a quick smile of his own.  “Now shoot.”
In the end, it takes him two trips to disarm the bomb.  
The device is unfamiliar enough that, combined with low underwater visibility, he has barely figured out what needs to be done before he runs out of air on his first trip.  He surfaces and stutters out a two word response to Bond through chattering teeth before diving back again.  
When the deed is done and he has chased the weak glow of Bond’s torch to safety again, he is barely feeling much of anything—not the cold, not his extremities, nor the strong hands that pull him out of the water.  
“Lift your arms,” Bond instructs and his arms rise above his head in response, having bypassed any chain of command with his brain.  Bond takes off his tee shirt in a single deft motion and replaces it with his dry jumper.  His pants come next, swapped for the pair of trousers he’d left behind.  Pity I’m a grower, Q thinks absentmindedly as he is already being swaddled in his puffy coat, then in his beanie that makes his wet hair stick to his scalp, gloves and his dear old glasses, fat use they are in a snowstorm.  
He has imagined Bond dressing him and undressing him, perhaps more times than he would care to admit, and it was never like this but all he can reach now is the cold fact of that knowledge.  The way he theoretically knows the winter cabin they commandeered is a ten minute walk away, but there is no kindness, no warmth in this place, only the sharp wind and an endless, terrible white that presses on in every direction until everything you were and you are is frozen over and buried in snow.
It’s only Bond that keeps that terrible fate at bay—he has hooked an arm under Q’s shoulder and leads them steadily onwards, through knee deep snow and the blizzard which hurls more of it in their faces at every turn with vicious glee, his will a match for the worst anyone can throw at him, including the winter.
When they make it to the cabin, Q is summarily deposited onto the bed.
Bond removes his coat for him and swaps his trousers, now caked with snow, for a pair of thermal tights before he lays him under the duvet and blanket they had stacked on top of one another, much like a life-sized Barbie doll.
Q tries to focus but his thoughts feel like feral kittens, mewling and scattering before he can hold them in his hands. 
There is no glory in it, Bond says quietly, shaking his head.  He is sitting across from Q at an old, stately pub that is a far cry from either of their usual haunts.  They have had too much to drink and Q has made a quip that he will regret every time he remembers it afterwards and in Bond’s eyes, hazy now with alcohol, is a glimpse of something that cannot be put to words, broken and mute and vast.
The cabin brings to mind the word ‘cottagecore’—rustic and kitschy, it is too posh and impractical to be anything other than a seldom used holiday home of a rich couple.  The henchmen lie dead on the ground, their blood staining fresh fallen snow crimson.  He is not shivering and does not feel cold which is Bad with a capital B.  
Bond turns around from where he is standing in front of the fireplace, lighting fire to the logs they built before they headed to the lake, and Concern (with a capital C, Q supposes) flashes across his face, knitting his brow in a knot.  This was supposed to be a simple assignment and one Q handled, yes, in Norway, but strictly from his computer.
“I make for a decent field agent, don’t you think?” he asks weakly, to cheer him up.
“You were brilliant.”  Bond smiles and Q hates him for it.  “You might put me out of a job if you ever decide to switch careers.”
He shifts a little despite the monumental energy cost to have a more authoritative angle and lets his voice go as haughty as he can.
“The same cannot be said for you of course.”
A warning.
Bond turns back to the fire momentarily, raking it to make sure the logs catch, but he understands.   
“I don’t know what you mean—I am excellent with a computer.  Just changed my password successfully last week.”
Different as they are, they do understand each other, most of the time—Bond more so than any other double-0.
Q snickers, letting himself fall back into the bed; the soft wonderful bed. 
The fire now lit, Bond soon sheds most of his own clothes and instructs Q to do the same with his outer layer.
“Your personal radiator reporting for duty,” he says as he peels open the covers to sneak under.
Bollocks, thinks Q as Bond takes him in his arms and arranges the two of them so that Q is mostly lying on top of him with his head pillowed on Bond’s bare chest.
This will be an afternoon.
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dearweirdme · 3 months
Truly you guys hold so much disrespect towards Jungkook's music. Why are you reducing his music to straightification when I could say he is the member besides RM and Jhope thought most to be straight? Like yes we can acknowledge there are women in his MV, but why don't you see it as just art instead of some dumb ploy? Also you can tell that people that say this have not listened to the album except seven and 3d. How is hate you, snty, closer to you, yes or no, shot glass of tears straight?
Hi anon!
I don’t feel that’s what most of us are doing, though perhaps some are… there’s always outliers. I don’t feel they put in more effort to make Jk seem straight.. I think they just followed the blueprint of male straight popstars. To me it’s more that they left little room for the idea of Jk being into men also. But I was never under the impression that there was going to be much room for that anyways… and maybe I should specify that I think this goes mostly for Jk’s mv’s. Which is what a lot of people use as a reference when forming ideas about an artist’s preferences.
I do see it as art and I think it’s definitely not something that has been used to make him look straight. There aren’t that many who think of Jk as queer, so the need to settle that ‘problem’ wasn’t there to begin with. But they also didn’t invite any speculation. To me it was more about that.. keeping the ‘he’s straight’ going.
I do agree that there’s a possible queer reading of his lyrics (and let’s not forget the bisexual possibility here), and that people tend to ignore that. But to me that is what the power of mv’s is. It gives clear imagery so people usually stick with that. With straight still being the default, for people to consider someone to be queer there has to be something more on the nose to point to that. But I don’t feel like there’s been a wish from both Jk and the companies to make people consider the possibility of him being queer.. so they just went with what is the default for a lot of male popstars.
This is a Tkk blog, so you’ll often find our discussions going in that direction and the way Jk has been portrayed is part of those discussions. That does not mean that aside from that we do not see the art. I am very much aware that Jk is an artist first to fandom and that he wants that to be the case. Ofcourse his album and his mv’s aren’t designed to make us think he is straight. We just talk about it around here in that way at times because to us it ties in with Tkk.
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anisaanisa · 1 year
Hiii hope you’re well! i hope this doesn’t come off as rude or anything but i was just wondering if there was going to be a conclusion to members only, i just ask because i really liked that fic and the plot, but i understand that sometimes things get in the way and all that. again i hope this isn’t coming off as rude and you can totally disregard this!
Hi, anon! Thank you for the ask, I appreciate it. At first, I thought to respond quickly so you were more likely to catch it, but the further I moved away from it, the more I thought on it, and felt it deserved a more fleshed out answer.
You’re not rude for asking, and I’m glad you reached out. I remember very well what it’s like to be a reader that’s left wanting for a fic that’s seemingly been abandoned (some of my personal favourites have remained unfinished since 2006), so I understand completely where you’re coming from. I never considered that I might be that author for someone until I got this ask, so you have nothing to worry about. I’ve taken it in good faith, and if anything, I’m a little humbled.
The short answer: Yes, there is a conclusion! And it's...done. The final chapter is sitting at 27K, half-edited, and put to rest by me a while ago now when I stalled on the editing (my bain, my beloathed). I’d like to get it finished and out of the way soon, but I hate to make promises, so I’ve got a much longer answer below the cut.
The long answer: Members Only appeared at a very particular point in my (and everyone elses) lives. Covid was still at the forefront of…everything, and it was cathartic for me to outline and write here and there. I really like the characterisation, their dynamic and the world they were plopped into. The period of rest and relaxation (aka floundering on the editing) rendered it unfinished on the reader end for 2 reasons:
1) The world was moving on from a global pandemic whilst I remained stagnant (irl things). Like you garnered, things get in the way, stories need to be told at a certain time, and there’s a small ache there with tying up threads that feel a tad fragile and gnawed on.
2) The constant fluctuation of writing woes. I go through ups and downs with how I feel about my own writing – sometimes I read something back with wonder and I think “wow, I did this.” Other times, I cringe and think “wow, I did this?”. Fun factoid: they're the same story. I was just in a different mode each time. And I remember with stark clarity how much I did not vibe with my own writing at the point in time where I was editing that final chapter.
Fanfiction is an inherently selfish act, and because of this, I go with the flow when it comes to the things I share, and I’d be lying if I didn't acknowledge writing is my most emotionally taxing hobby. It takes so much more bandwidth for me than art and anything else that I have going on. Writing, editing, all that, it ebbs and flows with my mood. The state of the world. The position of the sun.
How much water I drank that day.
There’s a whole vault of stories and outlines living in my PC that may never see the light of day – but they were there for me to pour myself into when I needed them the most. That’s my satisfaction: the process, rather than the result, and unfortunately, sometimes that need or want being quenched leaves those that are along for the ride left unsatisfied.
And I get it. Cause I’m a reader just like you, and I've been left wanting.
I still care about this story a lot. It’s alive to me in a way that I can’t really articulate without you living in my head with me, and I know there are authors that might be reading this that know exactly what I’m talking about. It’s not abandoned – if anything, it’s so alive that putting it to an end is like a tiny death. There’s grief in finishing stories that are hard to navigate unless you’ve done it, and I think that’s one of the things that’s so personal to fiction – both fan and original – it’s just really hard to say goodbye sometimes, so it's easier to not say goodbye at all.
Thankfully, I’m in a place where I’m jiving with the words I’m making. Hopefully I can put that energy into seeing it published before the end of the earth. And thank you again for reaching out. Sometimes yer pal just needs a little reminder that her stories meant something to someone, somewhere.
ttyl bbs <3
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tetsusgoing · 2 years
yes that anon who sent
"tag all of your mutuals and put beside it the kind of person they are im really curious :)"
anyways im ready for that kiss 😚
I love u for sending in this ask but my stupid self accidentally posted it when I wasn't done so now I'm answering this one instead. Ok where do I start,
@icedhoneyy : my #1 my 4 lifer my online best friend at this point. Isa is such a sweet and bright person it's amazing to be around her, she had a way of reassuring me that things were fine and making me feel better. Her ideas are all so cute and her writing is so so good she's terribly underrated, once she is back from being inactive I will be the happiest woman alive ok.
@boo-kugo : one my early made mutuals, so so nice and I know she will always be reblogging something of mine. Such an interactive mutual I love that you're always in my notifications and that I can feel so easy with you (read: not wonder if you actually like me or not as I usually do with people) and that your themes are always so CUTE
@kurootosis : lem where do I even start. One of my special kuroo made mutuals (read : we bond over our love for the silly guy) I love the ideas you implement into your writing so much and I love how we both write to comfort ourselves like girls who think about their fictional boyfriend to cope relate to each other so hard yk (I have some of ur work in my drafts but forgive me for not having enough time to read and appreciate it I am heart broken </3)
@mushiemin : my FIRST haikyuu mutual, and when you followed me I was jumping up and down and giggling from excitement cause wow your art is so amazing and if someone like that follows me then I must REALLY be something. I hope you're having a wonderful day whenever you're seeing this !!!
@rayesloveletters : my dear friend ray reblogs all the cutest stuff in the world, whenever she's on my dash I just experience visually pleasant thing like God I am SO thankful we are mutuals. Plus you've been so sweet and so nice to me, especially by reaching out first because I'm deathly afraid of rejection so I'm terribly glad you talked to me first otherwise idk where we would be rn (silent mutuals probably)
@sunamour : I can't put into words how much I love your work. I've probably told you before but everytime I feel like hurting my own feelings I go through your masterlist because your writing is THAT good!! I couldn't believe myself when you followed me actually, because wow.. it's like Beyoncé herself acknowledged my existence okay. Definitely check scar out for suna related works she's amazing 10/10
@sookisaurus : risu is one of my early mutuals too and I remember stumbling across your blog and also feeling excited about having a kuroo mutual. When you wrote me that one shot?? My god I died and went to heaven. Risu is so easy to interact with and she is so talented if you ever don't know where to start in the haikyuu fandom she's an amazing person to talk to!!
@tahdashi : I think everytime sayu reblogs something of mine I get more recognition than I've gotten the whole time I had this blog, safe to say I couldn't believe when she followed me because??? The sayu?? Liked my work?? That one winter kuroo piece is my most popular one now. I also love the way your mind works and I associate you with study boyfriend akaashi (rip sunkeiji)
@wakatshi : miss daria... so cool, so amazing, I feel like she's a huge star and I'm this journalist who she will talk to from time to time and I'm actually just her biggest fan. Amazing themes, amazing energy, such a cool person, and no one is more worthy of the mrs ushijima title. Can't picture him without her popping up in my head actually
@miyasann : I remember when you answered my first ask ever and you called me by my name and I was so surprised that you knew my name like it wasn't right in my pinned post... but basically another incident that felt too good to be true because you are so nice to be around and your Journaling will always have a special place in my heart. You remind me of orange blossoms ok I don't know where that came from but it makes sense !!!
@rinoomi : she's inactive as far as I'm aware but GOD I loved her art so much, I remember coming back from school and checking her blog to see if she drew kuroo again and those were the good old days
I feel like I've forgotten some so I will return to edit them in if it's necessary!!!
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Hewwo, 1, 12, 21 and 22 for the ask thing, pls! :3c
Hello, anon!! :D
the character everyone gets wrong
Okay, I’m gonna cheat a little bit and give you three XD
1. Ghostbur! I feel like a majority of the fandom sees him as “silly ghost guy” and don’t acknowledge that he’s anything other than childish, innocent, naive, or dumb. It’s proper annoying.
In actuality, he’s a very interesting, very smart, very unique character!! It makes me so mad when people see him as shallow, or anything similar >:/ Because he’s not. He’s such a cool guy like genuinely 😭
2. Technobladeeeeee. I’m talking specifically about fics here—not so much art or fandom analysis.
I’ve read a handful of stories that characterize Techno accurately—no literally, a handful! I could count the number of fics on one hand!
It’s to the point where fanon Techno and canon Techno feel like two completely different characters 0-o It’s really weird.
3. Tommy! I just… I feel like so many people reduce him to “victim” and take away all the interesting bits about him; all his humor, his weirdness, his fire, his personality, even. I see this way more often in fics than anything else, especially SBI fics.
the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
I feel like I’ve answered Ghostbur for most of these but… Ghostbur 😅
He’s so interesting and so unique and I can’t really think of any other character like him and he loves sheep and he cares so deeply about others especially Tommy and goes out of his way to help them and he feels so many things and has so much difficulty letting himself feel those things and he’s so smart and cunning and resourceful and DREAM FREAKING SAW HIM AS A THREAT THAT’S WHY HE SENT HIM AWAY INTO THE WILDERNESS and Ghostbur is far from dumb or stupid no no no he’s actually very perceptive and has such a cool way of viewing the world and he sees the good in everyone even if they’re villains and he always gives people second chances even if they’re villains and his best friend is a sheep and he loves that sheep to bits and he loves Tommy so so much and was fully prepared to leave the entire server just the two of them if that would make Tommy happy and oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh.
I freaking love Ghostbur, man.
part of canon you think is overhyped
Mm… oh!
I guess this isn’t so much overhyped as it is a fandom idea, but the whole thing where Niki is girlboss-y and needs to kill Wilbur to get revenge on him or something aksgaksgkagshs
It’s so horribly out of character, and really doesn’t… help anything?? I don’t know, I just think it’s weird.
your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
Already answered this (Ghostbur and Tommy’s friendship!!) but my second choice might be…
OH!!! NIKI AND WILBUR’S FRIENDSHIP!!! YES!!! I ADORE THEM!!! Especially during the L’manburg days; they clearly had such a lovely and close bond, and cared so deeply for each other.
They’re also one of the very few platonic male-female duo’s I’ve seen in media alsgaksgajgshsv and I absolutely love those types of relationships :D
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sundropglass · 2 years
if you're still doing em:
taro, palm tree (for if you'd like to talk about your characters!), nutmeg?
Thanks so much Anon, you’re very considerate!
taro ⇢ if someone called you right now to catch up, what’re the things you’d tell them about?
I’d do the tiring update of Yes we’re still moving, No I don’t know where to. No, that was three houses that fell through ago when I had been looking forward to it. There are so many mushrooms outside, I’m not surprised at all that there’s.. growth in the house. Kind of comedic, really.
I have plans of calling R when I’m feeling like I can talk for a long time, because Mr. H wants to catch him up to speed on system changes and all about the subsystems.
If its either of my special people then I’d tell them the latest ridiculous mom thing going on and laugh bitterly about it.
I don’t.. call my loved ones very much because I don’t have anything nice to update with :x always asked the same thing: when are you getting out? I don’t know. Its complicated.
palm tree ⇢ do you have a fictional villain you shouldn’t like but love regardless?
Since you’re giving me the space specifically to talk about my shitty ocs, I will
I always make my birth father into an oc. Always always have since I was little til now. Nowadays I’ve split up his concept between three characters to be able to process the triad of traumas he caused me. I sort-of do with my mom too but living with her still makes it a lot more.. complicated to approach. I’ll give them vague names because I don’t want the connections made to my art account yet
TW for mentions of violence, incest and emotional abuse
There’s the Pastor, nebulous and untouched by story. He solely exists in the character’s past and the rules are that no one touches him or brings him to use. I don’t want him to be in any way forgivable by having a character to him. He’s the violent side. A pathetic monster by all accounts and nothing more. He doesn’t show up in art. I’m scared of him. Past iterations of the Pastor had too much character to him and that just.. fucked with me in a way I’ve decided not to go into again
Then the Lord. He’s not really a characterization of my exfather in the same way at all; he’s an entire character in his own right and I use him for shipping, blah blah. But his complete lack of care for his daughter is a reflection of the emotional neglect. He doesn’t care about his daughter so much he wouldn’t bother to remember her name if prompted. He’s fucking pathetic. I would like to see him trip. I don’t take him too seriously because people get weird when I do
And lastly the King. A much more.. complicated case. He’s ah.. very mentally ill. I use him for exploring the extreme complexities of the possibility that he was incestuous towards me and what that means. What his mentality could possibly be for him to do what he’d done. The sick and twisted and violent side of him that made him.. go further than just that.. the enmeshment and care I had for him despite. Working with this character really fucks with my head, but it must go somewhere because I can’t really hold it or fathom it otherwise. R lets me use him however I need, from a range of directly exploring who he was with all his mannerisms to killing him off entirely or erasing him from existence. Sometimes acknowledging the princess’s cage is really necessary to be close to her, in a ‘know that the product you’re buying is extremely damaged’ sort of way
I don’t love the characters, but I put a lot of love into them. Love for myself and all the parts effected. Stray bits of fawning that it’s already been dangerous to act on. Things like that.
I’m also not insinuating that by having the same mental illnesses as him makes the mental illnesses bad, but a lot of his violence wouldn’t have happened if he weren’t as extremely traumatized and ill as he his and that’s just a fact. The difference between me and him is that I started working on mine way before I could hurt anyone, where he didn’t.
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onlyswan · 1 year
I've been a silent reader of yours, art, but this time the latest drabble really struck something in me that I can't help but let you know how amazing of a writer you are. This couple has the kind of love that indeed feels like home, the kind of love that you will feel bad abt them breaking up not bc of how long they've been together but bc you know how much they love each other and being away would never be good for the both of them and every single fic that I have read from in which couple got me in the feels and made me kind of reflect on how I view loving romantically as a whole.
When yoongi said that some problems doesn't need a resolution and u kind of just have to let it pass, I thought abt how sometimes problems are caused by emotions (which what happened to kookie) and sometimes we don't need to act on it and resolve it, just have to sit with it for maybe a few days. Jk acted impulsively and I love the way oc viewed what happened, it really solidified how well and deep they've known each other. Their connection and the way they cherish and adore each other isn't something superficial that could be change by a mistake as big as breaking up. Yes it hurts like hell but it's bc you know that there are internal problems that drove them to do that.
I certainly love these lines:
"from now on, all i'll think about is what i can do to make you happy and safe without compromising our relationship", I love how jk acknowledge where did he went wrong all throughout the drabble that ending things between them to save oc is never the answer to his worries about the future.
"it's okay to hold onto me. i'm also strong", I really love how oc really speaks whatever is on their mind, and how they put their words together. it stings a bit but it also feels so comforting and reassuring seeing it from an outsider's pov bc it's like "you might have forgot about it but you can lean on me, you know?"
I don't want this to be too long but they way you wrote the making love scene. The line starting from "he wants to grieve for all of the wasted time...", I love love love how you crafted that part in a way that describes how a famous and a loving person and has the genuine love of his life like jungkook would view a kind reconciliation like that. It's like you would understand that in which! jk would def tell the phrase "I'll love so hard until they break my heart". It's just soooo good!
All in all, you never cease to blow my mind with your writings and how you deliver an experience through words. Sending so much light and love to you, art! Thank you for sharing your crafts with us!
Love, 🦢 (is there a swan anon already?)
ps. jk reminds me of sunny day by beadbadobee :')
hello new swan anonie 🥹 this brought tears to my eyes oh my god. you have no idea how happy this made me !!! thank you so much for taking the time to write such a kind and lovely message and sharing your fav lines. gotta be my fav part too when reading reviews ahhh :,))) i loveloveloved hearing your thoughts about our couple! <3
thankfully things worked out but it’s so sad how he realized that it was a mistake a little too late :(
it stings a bit but it also feels so comforting and reassuring seeing it from an outsider's pov bc it's like "you might have forgot about it but you can lean on me, you know?"
ihhh this made me emotional it warms my heart seeing oc so loved and understood 😭
and thank you for mentioning this part !!!! ㅠㅠ i wasn’t sure how it was going to be perceived, and the drabble over all, but omg i’m so happy that you liked it 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
hugs and kisses 🫂💗 i hope you have a wonderful day!
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lotronprimesucks · 2 years
It's just such a culturally conservative and dishonest position to afford leniency to old things because they already exist and vitriol to new things because the circumstamces of their creation are insufficiently socialist. It's the attitude of my literature teacher who didn't talk about anything created after 1960 because it couldn't compare with the classics. Again, you're entitled to your opinion, it'a just that your opinion is based in some really sketchy assumptions. Like... do you think most artists and screenwriters can get work outside the studio or streaming system? Do you think there exists ethical consumption under capital? When Amazon and Disney are the biggest employers on the market, serving their own interest with their products, should we avoid all those products because they're not made ethically? Nothing is made ethically. Should we just stop enjoying all art until the revolution comes? (Before you say it - yes it can be art even if it's made for profit by a megacorporation). Your position here feels like cultural veganism. And much like veganism, it reeks of naivety, privilege, a patronizing attitude and a first-world-online-leftie approach to politics.
You know what, anon, sure, I'll bite. I've got nothing better to do this Thursday.
more or less in the order you brought them up:
I stated in my previous answer that I don't afford leniency to the Jackson films. Stating the truth - that they exist, that they're undeniably good works of cinema, that they exist because someone pitched them rather than because a studio commissioned them, and that they fail both as adaptations and as modern appraisals of Tolkien's racism - is not leniency, neither is saying that if they were being made right here and now I would be among the naysayers. At what point is it lenient to acknowledge that I was a child when these films were being made and had no ability to comment on their production or the ethics of blockbuster films?
There is not ethical consumption under capital(ism) and what that means is not "you can do whatever you want because it doesn't matter! yay! nihilism!" - everything you do has harm and moral weight, and it's your choice to decide for yourself how to engage with that. In my case, yes, that does mean avoiding everything Disney and Amazon does, both because reports from these specific companies about working conditions and corporate politics and exploitative unionbusting and anti-union filmmaking tactics are worth paying attention to and because if they aren't going to pay their workers what they're worth they don't deserve to exist. Again, at what point is it controversial to say "large corporations are the enemy and anyone calling themself a leftist has a moral imperative to oppose them"?
Trying to argue with me that the only possible paths we can take are "no art until the revolution comes" and "embrace our corporate-oligarchical overlords" is relying on a strawman representation of what I'm saying. Indie film and indie projects exist. Independent creators and novelists and artists and podcasters exist. Millions of artists without a marketing budget are out there trying to make their dreams happen; money I might otherwise spend on a streaming service is spent on Patreon and Gumroad and Ko-fi. The people breaking their backs for the sake of corporate greed deserve better, and the idea that the only way these people could ever make good art is through employment by Amazon and Disney is both stifling long-term creativity (think of how many projects Disney shelved when they acquired Fox) and insisting that artists now should just accept that they're stuck in a system that sees them as interchangeable cogs in a machine.
On that note, yes, the idea of a Revolution coming and changing everything with no effort is shortsighted and immature. That's why you have to actually do things to start the revolution! Small steps and small outcries are how we get bigger steps and bigger outcries. Yes, ultimately I want both Amazon and Disney to go down, because I don't think that the art they commission as propaganda to advance their corporate goals is something they deserve to be able to keep making. I don't like seeing them manipulate innocent people who can't see what their ad campaigns are doing, and I don't like seeing them churn out lesser and lesser quality work because they know they don't have to compete to rise to the top. (Before you argue otherwise, this is definitely happening with both companies' output, Disney in particular, and not only in media but in experiences and physical products and park experiences. I will happily provide sources upon request, for this or any other point I make.)
In conclusion, I might be a cultural vegan but at least I'm not a bootlicker.
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ae-neon · 1 year
May I suggest a chaotic (?) ship idea?Since the UtM plot is giving a struggle?
Feyre×Tamlin (the OG and the best🥺)
Nesta×Rhys (Cursed but also intriguing asf-the true enemies to lovers if you think of it)
(I also always have thoughts of Nesta×Amren which is another cursed one but also not sensible to the plot ig)
Elain single fae/human and with grayson and helping build human-fae relationship or whatever(yes I'm the same anon who suggested this before if you remember)/or if she has to be Fae for the plot or something and has to be paired-Cassian.It's a new ship to me.Or Lucien.Really anything you want honestly.There are so many ways you can take her considering we don't really know much about her Canon wise.
Basically it follows canon somewhat where Feyre gets taken and Nesta follows and later after coming back they go back Utm because Feyre and Tamlin and maybe we can say Nesta goes for Clare?(idk I'm terrible at stuff like this😭)
Though if we do have Nesta×Rhys then maybe the Rhys' abuse of Feyre UtM should be dialed back/removed?Because I just can't see Nesta being with someone who would do that to Feyre.Though would be completely okay to see him morally grey as long as it is acknowledged by the narrative.
I hope this makes sense-It's 4AM here and I've been up for over 24 hrs....on another note uour world building posts have been absolute art🤌🏻
Whatever you do with this rewrite-it is going to be so good!!!You're so creative like omg-
Also hope I'm not being overbearing or rude with this message.Sorry if the tone is off.
-Vote change anon here btw😭
I have been signing some messages and not signing others but I think I will just think of a name to identifying myself with soon enough lol.
Ok.I'll leave it here.I'm exhausted-and I feel like I'm rambling and I'll regret it later on when I open tumblr when I'm more awake.
Hope you had/have a great day :)
And that none of this was too weird-I clearly went off track😭
My lovely anon
I won't lie, the OG ship is so tempting - especially when considering really playing into the Ballad of Tam Lin.
(I ship that cursed enemies to lovers ship)
Elain is a wildcard for me. But she'll probably end up being the biggest insight into the mortal lands worldbuilding.
When Nesta leaves to go after Feyre, she tells Elain to:
Go stay with Clare (who then introduces her to Graysen)
Go south to the Capital if she's not back in a month (but comes back in a month)
Go south to the Capital (and that's where Elain is until book 2)
I haven't decided yet.
UtM interactions are gonna be different while still including some canon elements. Hope you trust me.
PS hope you sleep well and find a cute anon name
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goblin-lee · 7 months
hi! i want u to know before i start that i mean this with all respect and i am genuinely asking a question (if u don’t wish to answer i completely understand!)
i saw ur post abt tickling being a special interest for u, which yea same, but i also saw that u said tickling is entirely non-kink for u. can i ask why u think of it like that? i’ve kinda acknowledged that while embarrassing, it’s still technically a kink (for me personally!) considering it gives me the same fluttery feelings ppl with other kinks describe. ig im just confused how this doesn’t ascribe to being a kink for u, even if u don’t use it in sexual contexts. i don’t usually use tickling sexually but i still consider it a kink for me.
i’ve just noticed a lot of people in the tickle community say that it’s not a kink and ig i just have a hard time wrapping my head around that and i’d like to understand more abt the ppl in my community.
if u answer, ty for responding! all love
HI anon!
Okay so for a lot of people its more on how you see it i guess. If we went into specifics then by some thought yes it is a Kink for me in a way, but i do not see it like that at all.
Kink by definition means- a person's unusual sexual preference.
I think this is where people get hella confused (at least for me). I use tickling as a complete I guess comfort tool. It helps me calm down when im upset, and genuinely makes me happy but not in a sexual way.
If we do a deep dive on it, Tickling causes serotonin; depending on said person being Tickled its a different amount of serotonin. Tickles can get a person off sexually but for some people it's more a comfort thing. I also look around and realize a lot of people who like Tickles as a comfort are on the Ace sexual spectrum.
So i guess when it comes down to it, it's how you use it and how you like it! If you like it as a kink you like it as a kink; if you like it as comfort you like it as comfort. Everybody is entitled to this, and do not think because you like it as a kink you're bad. Its just some people use it as a coping mechanism or a means of making them happy and don't want to be sexualized while doing it!
For me personally Tickling wasn't a huge part of my childhood (but was at the same time and we will get into it.) I never got it from family and it always weirdly upset me. I remember when I was 8-12 and getting a phone. I would search up how the brain responds to tickling and why it does. Then I found videos and art and it gave me that weird comfort i'v always wanted.
While it wasn't a huge part of my life it was. I never really had friends growing up and when i did they were pretty weird. I remember going over to one girls house and i would lay next to her watching her do something, when she got bored she'd ask to trace and tickle me on my stomach and being a good kid i always said yes. My old babysitter was a huge video game and anime person (love you victoria) And she would put on shows and anime's (mostly kid friendly) and every time a tickle scene came on i would freeze up embarrassed. I remember her chasing me around the house and tickling me a lot when she found out i liked it.
So for me i really don't consider it a kink. But again its completely okay if you do anon! Also i love when people ask me questions it wasn't weird at all!
We can get more into this in dm's or another ask if you need me too!
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