#but you still need to invest in the original red-eyes first
lovezbrownies · 5 months
Work affair. (Yandere!Boss x GN!Reader)
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Synopsis: Your boss never cared much for you, until he did.
Red Ludenhart x Reader.
Warnings: Stalking, breaking and entering, alcohol, clubbing, drugging (to reader), death (minor character), forced memory loss,
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Your boss was a tad bit strange, but you can put up with the strange behavior if it meant getting paid. Even if your boss didn’t allow you to step outside of his office and the VVIP area of the club that’s okay, maybe he doesn’t want you to be influenced by lazy workers! Or he doesn’t want any of the sleazy non-VVIP customers to harass you! It was all for your own safety. You think.
Red was delighted to learn your apartment was close by to his club. He would always offer to walk you back home when your shift is regrettably over, he has your address memorized, as well as the entire layout of your apartment. The second fact was not something you were aware of however, you should definitely get better locks. It was child’s play to break into your humble abode.
The first few nights he broke into your home he was far more cautious than he is now, Red didn’t know when your bedtime was, but when he decided to install cameras all around your apartment, he could finally have some peace knowing when you were and weren’t awake. And of course to spy on any guests you have over, watching you walk around and commit yourselves to your hobbies on the weekends.
You were the definition of perfection in his eyes. Red wasn’t one for love and that mushy stuff, he’d always preferred the more chaotic parts of his life than the mushy lovey dovey stuff he’s seen on TV. That's what he’s been saying to himself up until he met you, the new bartender. Red has no clue who hired you but he sure as hell is eternally grateful for it.
It wasn’t a love at first sight situation, nor did you meet immediately. You met the owner of the club you work at a month after you started working. It was during the monthly staff meeting when you did. Red was confused by your presence and asked who you were, after introducing yourself to him he brushed you off. Red didn’t care if there was a new employee, as long as you don’t cause trouble you’re not someone important to him at all.
Red thought you were attractive, sure, but most of his staff are– nothing new. Red doesn’t like the main entrance of his own club, usually taking the back entrance for special patrons, and into the VVIP area. So that means months passed, and the only times he’d ever see you are during the staff meetings. He’s sure you do at least the bare minimum since you don’t get a lot of complaints like other staff. Maybe the illogical assholes every now and then would accuse you of something but the floor manager usually has it handled.
It wasn’t until you had the closing shift while Red was still there that he realized how wonderful you are. Normally he’d be back home before the closing shift, today was different. It was a long complicated process but Red managed to convince an investor to put in double the money they originally invested; it was now 5:50 AM. Patrons have been kicked out, evident by the lack of noise, and Red’s sure the staff have left by now.
Red needed to drink something, and he needed it to be as heavy as possible. The VVIP areas didn’t have anything strong so he went to the general area of his club. Red expected the usual emptiness of the club, but someone was still there, vacuuming the confetti off the floors. In the middle of the large empty club stood you, headphones on as you nodded along to the music you were listening to.
This was something he hadn’t seen before; and he just stood there– watching as you cleaned up, unaware of the predator watching your every move. Eventually, tired of standing there Red just walked over to one of the bars around the club, took his favorite brandy bottle, poured himself a cup full, and kept watching. This time he was leaning against the bar counter. It was cute how you were none the wiser of his presence.
Eventually you turned off the vacuum. Turning around you expected nothing less than perfectly clear floors, which yes that you did see, but you also found the owner of the club, smirking at you, glass half empty. You stood there, motionlessly staring at Red as he stared right back at you. Not wanting to get into trouble for whatever reason you sped off into the restricted area for the staff and booked it to the janitor’s closet; just as Red was about to say something to quell your anxieties.
Well, not Red’s interest was certainly piqued. Picking up the vacuum you abandoned he made his way over to the staff only area, waiting to hear some shuffling but all he heard was the staff’s exit door opening and closing. You left. Not a trace of your existence to be seen. Looked like you were all ready and packed to leave, it’s fine, he’ll just put the vacuum back and see you the next day.
And see you he did. For weeks, he would approach you at the end of your shift, chat, and then walk you back home. A month and a half into your newfound friendship he promoted you to be the VVIP’s sole bartender, firing the old one for reasons unknown. Red watched your every move since, in his club, in your apartment, with your friends, shopping. Wherever you are. There will always be a camera following your every move.
Your boss was a nice man for getting to know you, walking you home as the sun rises, making sure no one bothered you, and when someone did he’d defend you like his life depended on it. Normally, you’d fall in love with a man if he did all that just for you. But you were already in a committed relationship. 
Your husband, Richard, is a military man, striving to be the next Chief. He moved away from the city you two lived in right before you started working at the bar– Rich was transferred over to a different city, and you didn’t want to move away from your family and friends, so you compromised. Richard tries his best to come by and visit, he still pays for your shared apartment, and always calls you morning and night. He is the man for you.
Red knew about Richard, of course he would. Red knew everything there was to know about you, and was he concerned over it? No. Red has connections everywhere. Including in the military, so when an unfortunate accident occurs, a misfire, or maybe a terrible case of food poisoning. Whatever it may be, your ex-husband is now dead. Leaving room for Red to be the sincere loving friend. Yes, come running to his arms, cry to him, it’s late and you don’t want to be alone? No worries, he’ll stay the night!
Red’s been doing an amazing job distracting you from the death of your ex-husband. Hugging you when you need, cooking mouth watering dishes just for you, and buying you many things to help distract you from the grief. Like gaming consoles, knitting yarn, books, art equipment, anything! If he ever sees you show interest in something he will immediately purchase it or at least try to get a hold of it. Whenever you show concern or guilt over the amounts he’s spent on you he softly pets you and tells you that his club is very successful.
Over time, Red truly weaseled his way into your life. He spent most of his nights in your bed; although platonically, as you so claim. Red likes to act like a good househusband when he does sleep over, wake up early, cook breakfast, and shamelessly flirt with you. You two walk together to work, he doesn’t dare think of work up until your shift starts.
Red doesn’t like to harm you, but he has been slipping a few pills into your food; a few anti-anxiety meds, with sleeping aids and here comes the perfect concoction for lapses of memory, causing you to forget quite a bit but not too much to be dangerous. He does this for a while, until you mostly forget about the fact that you had been unfaithful to Red by marrying some rando. Once that happens Red pulls back from the drugging. It was easy to do so, with a spare key to your apartment and him cooking you most of your meals.
You stare up at the ceiling with a soft smile on your face, you ponder how you hadn’t managed to fall in love with your husband sooner. He’s always been there for you, he’s protected you from creeps, and he’s spoiled you even before you got together. You were so lucky that you had him. You looked back down, gazing at the handsome man laying his head on your lap. You caress his hair, your perfect man, Red.
Red loves his little butterfly.
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Absolute Submission to the Queen
Translations may not always capture the exact nuances or tone of the original text. Expect grammatical errors.
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Emma: *coughs, coughs*
Silvio: "Hey, what's wrong!?"
Silvio hurriedly approached me and placed his hand on my back.
Despite feeling guilty, I forcefully grabbed his shirt and pulled his handsome face closer.
Silvio: "!?"
Then I lightly kissed him, causing his face to turn bright red.
Even though it had been a while since we got engaged, it seemed he still wasn't used to being touched like this.
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(I'm sorry, Prince Silvio.)
Emma: "If you don't do what I ask, I'll humiliate you even more."
Silvio: "You...!"
Emma: "Want me to help you change your clothes?"
I started unbuttoning his shirt, and he quickly distanced himself.
Silvio: "Fine, I’ll turn around, damn it."
Silvio: "But don't you dare stand up and change!"
His ears were still red as he turned away.
(I might be able to tame him more than I thought.)
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Silvio: "This profit margin is too low. We're overspending."
Merchant: "But the key to this business is to target the rich with high-quality..."
Silvio: "That market is already saturated by existing businesses. Investing in it won't lead anywhere."
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(They're having a serious conversation, and yet...)
Silvio continued to examine the documents with one hand while readjusting his hold on me with the other.
(What the hell is even going on here!?)
He regularly hosted business negotiation meetings to invite promising entrepreneurs for business matchmaking.
However, I felt out of place in such a serious meeting, both physically and in terms of the surrounding gazes.
(Of course, I didn't want to interfere with his work, but I never expected him to carry me around like this instead of leaving me in the room.)
Even when I asked him to put me down, he flatly refused.
Seeing how worried he looked, I couldn't bring myself to refuse either, and as a result, I found myself in this embarrassing situation.
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Silvio: "Emma, if there's something on your mind, just tell me."
After finishing the business meeting, our eyes met from a close distance.
Emma: "The current situation is what's bothering me the most."
Silvio: "You're still saying that?"
Silvio: "You injured your leg, so there's no helping it. Just stay quiet."
Emma: "Don't you get tired of carrying me like this?"
Silvio: "This is nothing."
Emma: "..........."
Silvio: "You look dissatisfied."
Emma: "You understand the reason, right?"
Silvio: "I dunno."
(I need to do something about this. Their stares are getting to me!)
I looked around, hoping to find something useful, and my eyes landed on the dishes laid out on the table.
(He's a bit of a shy one, so maybe...)
Emma: "Prince Silvio, I'm hungry."
Silvio: "Come to think of it, you didn't eat much this morning."
(I couldn't taste anything because you kept me on your lap the entire time.)
I swallowed the urge to say that and smiled.
Emma: "Could you please let me sit in that chair over there?"
Emma: "I'll sit still and behave."
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Silvio: "Alright."
(He's surprisingly compliant.)
He quickly closed the distance and sat on the chair.
I blinked in surprise when he suddenly placed me on his lap.
Silvio: "What do you want to eat?"
(Wait, wait, wait!)
Emma: "You're not planning to do the same thing as you did during breakfast, are you?"
Silvio: "Isn't that what Her Majesty the Queen desires?"
(Doesn't he realize people are watching!?)
(No, he's a tyrant, so maybe he doesn't care about being watched in the first place.)
Ignoring my frozen state, he skillfully cut up the seafood dish on the table and brought it to my mouth.
Silvio: "Here you go."
Emma: "I want to eat by myself."
Silvio: "Denied."
Emma: "I see."
(If that's the case, there's nothing I can do.)
I opened my mouth wide and let him feed me, deliberately brushing my tongue against his finger.
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Silvio: "!?"
Emma: "It's delicious."
Silvio: ".........."
(I'm really sorry, but this is for my dignity.)
Emma: "What's wrong? Weren't you going to feed me?"
Emma: "Or have you decided to listen to my request?"
Emma: "A simple request to let me eat by myself."
Silvio: "You might actually have the Queen's talent in you."
Emma: "It's embarrassing to be praised by a tyrant."
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Silvio: "Don't get embarrassed. Haah."
Exaggeratedly sighing, he sat up and gently helped me back into the chair.
Silvio: "This should be enough."
Emma: "Thank you."
When I received the plate handed to me, he looked at me with some dissatisfaction.
I felt like he would pounce on me the moment I put any strain on my legs.
(He really cares about me. He's just overly protective.)
I couldn't help but smile, and in response, he tousled my hair affectionately.
Even though it was a bit embarrassing, his care and concern made me happy.
Surrounding merchants: "..........."
I should have been concerned about how that scene looked to others, but I only heard the rumors a few days later.
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Rio: "Damn it, I'm so jealous!"
Silvio: "Sorry about that."
Rio, frustrated, knelt on the floor and pounded his fist into the ground, leaving Silvio looking down at him in bewilderment.
Just like before, Silvio carried me with one arm.
Emma: "No, wait."
Emma: "Rio, what did you just say?"
Rio: "Are you making me say those cruel words to him again?"
Emma: "No, that's not it. Let me repeat."
Emma: "Did you just say Prince Silvio has completely become a dog tamed by me?"
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Rio: "That's right. The merchants who were present at the last meeting are spreading the rumor that this flirt is your dog."
Rio: "Not just the merchants, even the servants in the castle are all saying the same thing, calling him a dog."
Rio: "But it's true, right? Lately, this guy has been clinging to you constantly, never leaving your side."
Rio: "He's been doing everything for you like a dog."
Rio: "I'm so jealous. I want to become your dog, too!"
Rio: "Hey, can I also become your pet?"
Silvio: "Idiot. I'm not generous enough to allow multiple pets."
Rio: "Stingy!"
Silvio: "Shut up! You better go do your official duties!"
Rio: "Don't get carried away just because you became Emma's dog!"
Silvio: "Stop barking, you damn dog!"
(What should I do!? If Silvio continues to be ridiculed like this, I don't think I can tolerate it.)
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Part 1╎Premium╎Epilogue╎Special Story
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jadedwolf18-blog · 7 months
Joke’s on You!
Hi! Don’t shoot! I have gifts!
I put Jokes on You on AO3 so you can find the full fic there, if this is the first time seeing this fic, otherwise you are welcome to try and find my original chapter posts by combing my Blog Archive. Here’s the latest two chapters if you’re up for if you’re up to date. Otherwise I recommend clicking the link to get all the chapters in on place!
Ok, enjoy you Beasties(affectionate)!
Chapter 8: Bats and Stalkers
Red Hood watched as his newest subordinate flittered around their current base, the kid had shown up two weeks ago and had slowly integrated themself into his gang. Hood still didn’t know if he should trust the kid or not but other than a strange buzz whenever they were near, he had no reason to mistrust them. The kid was… strange but seemed to genuinely want to help despite having admitted to practically stalking him for weeks before approaching. He huffed as he thought over their first encounter.
Jason sighed as he leaned back, legs dangling over the edge of the abandoned theatre's roof. It was a slow night and the semi-peace had him on alert, calm in Gotham almost never bode well for anyone. He'd removed his Hood, Domino in place as he looked over Crime Alley, smoke trailing from his lips as he took a drag from his cigarette.
The usual Gotham smog clouded the sky, obscuring the stars from view. It was nearing early morning when a scuff from behind had him instinctively grabbing his guns as he got to his feet and spun around to face the intruder. Pausing to take in the figure in front of him. They had their hands up in a show of peace and remained calm under hoods scrutiny. "who are you?"
Instead of a verbal answer, they slowly began to sign. "I want to join you. I'm new in Gotham, been following the bats and rogues the last few weeks. Thought my skills and goal lined up best with yours"
'Huh, that's knew.' Jason leaned down to pick up his Hood and put it on before replying. "Why'd you think that? If yah know who I am, what's your goal?"
The kid? they looked about Duke or Tims age, not that he could tell much from the full head and face mask they wore. Similar to Black Bat. 'A copy cat?'' He took the chance to look them over more thoroughly as he waited for a response. Their outfit covered every inch of skin and was mostly black with thin hacker green and screen blue lines running along the seams and crisscrossing their chest, almost resembling the motherboard of a computer, the area covering the eyes glowed faintly and was the same screen blue, there was also a neon red X over the mouth area that looked to have been painted on rather aggressively over a silver grin.
The boots they wore were strange, they were similar to Nightwing's skintight suit but in place of the thin flexible soles, they had thick heavy silver platforms that resemble combat boots. 'how'd they sneak up on me in those?' he wondered. Tucked into the boots was a pair of loose cargo style pants, held up with a silver belt. The top once again bore resemblance to Nightwing's skin tight suit with the sleeves continuing on to cover the hands, each finger tipped in silver claws.
Movement from their hands caught his attention, he paid keen attention as they signed. "1-Personal investment in taking down the Joker. 2-Need help, you were the best bet in letting me get my shot, others would try talk me out of it. 3-Don't feel like being a Rogue. 4-I'm good at gathering info unnoticed."
They let their hands drop to their sides but kept them in sight, head cocked to the side as they waited for a reaction. Hood thought it over. "Prove the last one and I'll let you in on a trial run. Once you do that we can go over house rules and the types of jobs you'll get."
Jason had fully expected the kid to agree and leave to gather information on some gang or something. He was not expected for them to slowly reach behind them and pull out multiple folders, from seemingly nowhere and toss the stack onto the floor between them. Giving them another once over, he saw nowhere they could have possible hid the stack. Looking from the stack to the kid in question, he tilted his head in silent inquiry. They gat the message and began to sign. "That's all the info I gathered on the other Bats during my time observing them, as well as information I gathered on various Rogues and factions in Gotham"
Jason's brow rose under his hood as he slowly moved to pick up the files. flipping through the stack, he could feel his brows clime higher and higher as he did before farrowing when he got to the folders on the Bats. The files were incredibly detailed, describing each of their patrol routes, rotations, preferred routes, habits, favourite rest stops and they even went into detail on their relationships and who paired best with who for fights and recon missions.
He glanced up at the kid, who was currently staring up at the smog filled sky. 'I'll have to leave soon, the sky is already started to turn pale.' He quickly skimmed through the rest of the files, almost snorting as he came across a picture of Nightwing face planting a window at Wayne Enterprises Tower. 'It's a good thing Bruce had all the windows reinforced'. His humour quickly turned into a scowl when he came across a picture of Red Hood dangling from his ankle after being caught in a trap set by Spoiler. "What's your plan if I say no?"
"Black Mail you into letting me join." Jason's brows shot up at that.
"And if that fails?" Jason was curious, what would this kid do?.
"Help you any way. You just wont see me." Jason resisted the urge pinch the bridge of is nose.
"Fine Kid, I'll let you in for a trial period of a month, if you double cross me in any way you're out. Got it?"
Jason received a nod and salute from the kid. "Alright, come here tomorrow at 9pm and I'll lead you to the warehouse we use for debriefs. We'll start on one of the gangs we've been onto for awhile, you got some good tips here. From there we'll test your skills. Now, What do I call you kid?"
"Not a kid. 18. You can call me Hex." With that the kid stepped back, spun and made a running leap to the next roof top. Quickly disappearing into the distance.
"Hex, huh." He'd have to keep an eye on them, they were good, if they could keep tabs on the Bats without being caught. he bit his lip as he looked through the files again until he found the one on Black Bat. 'I really hope this kid doesn't turn out to be a budding Rogue... this is Tim level of fuck all stalking and the fact they manage to make a file on Black Bat... She hadn't mentioned anything, so either she felt there was no threat or she did not detect them at all.'  With a heavy sigh, Jason gathered the files and stuffed them in to the bag he used for collecting shit from the dealers or thugs he came across during patrols. Stretching out, he slung the bag over his shoulder and made his way down to his bike. it was time to get back to his safe house and sleep before tackling whatever the hell that encounter had been.
Danny yawned as they stretched out on their couch, it had been two weeks since they got themselves an in with Hoods gang, things were going well so far. They were still doing grunt work being a runner, but Danny found it fascinating. It reminded them of watching his sperm donor's operations but at the same time it was the complete opposite. Where before they were always wary, now they were at ease and confident in their safety. Back then there was always screams, crying and fights in the background, with the current Red Hood? There was a camaraderie, a deep understanding that they work to help those in Crime Alley.
Hood ruled by respect, fear and protection. It settled something in Danny to see the Red Hood title so far removed from their childhood memories. It was also a surprise to find that Red Hood was the source of the Angry/Hurt tugging they had felt here and there since entering Gotham. Red Hood was a Revenant, a sick one at that. Danny had slowly been filtering the corrupt ectoplasm via proximity and was happy to feel the Anger slowly drain away. They couldn't do much about the other emotions but the Anger was defiantly a direct result of the corruption.
"Oomph!" Danny's thoughts were interrupted by a weight landing on their back. "Hello to you too. Why are you trying to suffocate me, this fine afternoon?"
"I Know" There was something smug in her voice.
"Know what?" Danny gave a half hearted attempt to dislodge the Little Shadow but she only readjusted and they gave up with a huff.
"Hex." Danny stiffened and made to sit up, Cass easily slid off them and sat next to them.
"How?" Danny observed her, she was calm and didn't look or feel upset, they were rather confused about the Happy/Smug/Mistchief she was unknowingly giving off.
"Was following Red Hood, He was acting strange. Good strange but strange. Saw Hex use Sign for Me. Only you use Swan sign but Hex used Swan and Hood say Black Bat!" She really looked proud of herself. They had figured out the Bats were the Waynes almost immediately after seeing Nightwing do a quadruple flip and Black Bat's Liminalty gave her away as Cass.
"Ok, fine I'm Hex... What now?" They looked at her curiously. 
"Keep secret. Not tell Bats, yet." Danny watched as she seemed to hesitate before continuing in sign. They froze as they watched her hands. "Bats found the Ecto-Act, Big bat is not happy and is investigating how no one found it before. He also wants to know why he was not told and if calls to the Justice League was made."
Danny sighed and flopped back into the couch. turning to look at Cass they decided to tell he the parts of their story they left out the last time. Seems help was coming sooner than they expected. This changed a few things but over all? It was good. They felt Cass snuggle into their side. Danny glanced at her and smiled before grabbing their phone and ordering takeout. Seems they were having a stay in day. They might ask for the nigh off from Hood if Cass doesn't have patrol, they could watch movies and dance. Yeah, that sounds good.
Chapter 9: Stalker meet Stalker
Hex hid in the shadows, ever observant as they waited for their chance to make an appearance. During their observation and information gathering, in order to guarantee a way into Hoods gang, they had noticed the source of the main reason they were in this Cursed city was coming from the Red Bird. So every chance they got, Hex would go out and follow the Red Bird to figure out if the tugging was coming from him specifically or from an object he was carrying. The Red Bird was currently wrapping up an attempted robbery. Hex leaned back on the ledge, rubbing a hand over their chest where they knew their core rested. The tugging was more frantic now that they were so close to figuring it out. A click got their attention and they realised all the thugs had been secured and the Red Bird was getting ready to continue his patrol.
'There!' Hex jumped to the next roof, landing just as Red Robin swung over the ledge. Hex watched as the Bird paused and settle into a well hidden ready stance as he took notice of the fact he wasn't alone.
"Who are you?" Tim kept his focus on the unknown as he subtly clicked the alert on his belt. It would let the others know he had encountered an unknown but to hold back until they are confirmed to be hostile. The unknown tilted their head to the side as they slowly lifted their hands, Tim watched as they began to sign.
"They call me Hex. You have something I've been looking for." Hex leaned against the large vent, hands still visible.
Tim waited but when they didn't continue, he shifted into a more relaxed stance. "And what would that be?" 
Tim watched as they slumped slightly, giving the impression they were sighing. "I don't know."
"You don't know?" Tim raised a brow at that. "Then how do you know I have what you want?"
Hex straitened a little before signing. "Something... Something lead me to this city, something was tugging me here. If it wasn't for that feeling, I never would have stepped foot in this Cursed City. But... certain circumstances left me a lot of free time and the tugging grew near painful. So, I followed it, it lead me to this city, it lead me to you. I had no idea if it was an object or a person." Tim watched as they stretched and straitened fully, shifting to face Red Robin straight on. Tim tensed, as he straightened up himself. "Now standing so close, I can tell the pull is coming from you, you directly, not something on your person. Now, I'm left with the question. 'Why?'."
Tim flinched at the sudden sound of Hex's voice. It was distorted and sounded like it was overlayed by static. He was quick to fall into a more ready stance. "So what now? You going to try capture me to figure it out?"
"No." Red Robin watched as Hex took a step back. "I know what, or rather who, the pull is coming from. Now, I need to figure out Why and How but it's clear you know nothing about it."
With that Red Robin watched as Hex flipped back and over the edge of the roof. Tim gave chase slamming into the roof top barrier and peered over the edge but there was no one there. Hex had vanished. A click from his comms had him snapping to attention. Tapping his comm once he connected to the private channel. "Red, Report."
"The unknown has left, they are apparently in Gotham because something lead them here. They were following it and, according to them, it lead them to me. They don't appear hostile, just someone searching for answers." Tim unlatched his grapple hook. "I believe it would be best to observe but do not engage in case that changes."
"Hn, can I leave this to you Red? Or should I put one of the others on this?" Tim took aim at the next roof. 
"I'll be involved either way." Tim shot his grapple. "But I'll take a back seat on this one, do the paperwork and research, if they make contact again, then I'll put it on a higher priority. O.G.J.J. takes precedence."
"Don't push yourself Red. I'd rather you stepped back from anything involving the Joker." With a tug to insure it was secure, Tim stood on the ledge and swung through the Gotham night, landing on the buildings gravel top. 
"I know B. But it's my case, I'll see it through." Silence fell on the comms. Aim, shoot, check and fly. Red robin soared though Gotham, watching out for any petty crimes or signs of trouble as he did a final lap of his patrol route.
"We're here, I'm here if you need help. Don't forget that Son." The Comms clicked signalling Batman had switched back to the main channel.
Tim's breath hitched as he drew in a deep breath. "I know Dad, I know."
Tim shook himself before making his way through the city and towards his bike. His thoughts on his current case and the new mystery. It would seem he'll be needing a new Pin Board.
Danny narrowed their eyes as they watched the Red Bird fly away. Their Core gave a particularly hard yank as they watch him disappear behind the taller buildings. 'Just what is your connection to me Birdie.' Danny sighed as he thought of just Who the Red Bird is behind the mask. Slinking further into the shadows, Hex vanished into the night. 
"And just where have you been?" His tone was light but the hint of accusation was clear in Hoods voice. Jason watched as Hex slipped into his office and made themself comfortable on one of the couches, stretching out like a particularly satisfied cat. Giving the kid a once over, he gave a mental nod of satisfaction, noting they had no visible or obvious injuries. The kid sat up and began signing.
"Here and there, I got the information you wanted." Hex once again pulled a file out of nowhere and tossed it at him. Jason caught it and was quick to open it and go over the information. Remnants of the Black Mask gang had been seen gathering recently and Jason didn't feel like waiting for them to become a problem. 
"What else were you up to?" Jason looked up from the file to pin Hex with a look. Though the Hood hid it. Hex sat up and pulled their legs up to sit cross-legged, staring right back at Red Hood.
"Bird watching, the red one has caught my interest, seems he has a connection to what I'm looking for." Hex sighed and slumped back into the couch. "After observing him and having a little chat... I have an idea as to what it is but not the how or the why he is connected."
"Whatever it is, it's not gonna cause trouble or put the Bird in danger." It wasn't a question, the threat was clear.
"I don't know. I hope not but with the way my life is going..." Jason observed the way Hex had hunched in on themself. The kid was good at what they do and Jason new the kid truly wanted to help more but something was haunting them, following them from wherever they came from. Jason waited for them to continue. "I have a few theories but I'm not liking any of them or the tapestry they are threading because if I'm right. Then if it weren't for my mother dumping me on my Donor My life could have gone so differently. And I would never have wished my life on another I would have died of guilt if I ever found out."
"Just let me know if you need help, or at least give a heads up if you think things will go south. I may be on the fringes but the Bats and Birds are still allies, nothing better happen ta' Red, yeah hear." Jason turned and headed for his desk, he had plans to make. As he sat down he heard a scuff and looked up. Hex was standing in front off his desk, rocking on their heels. "Ya' need something?"
"I'll be taking the next two nights off, I'll be out of town for a date" Jason felt his brow raise at that. The kid has partner? Huh, would you look at that.
"Oh? Where ya' goin' and who's the unfortunate soul?" Jason smirked at the offended huff he received from the kid.
"1st, None of you business Boss and 2nd, Black Bat." Before Hood could react, Hex had vaulted over the couch and slipped out the door. By the time Jason had gotten up and to the door, Hex was gone.
"Get back 'ere ya' Rat!" Hood yelled down the hall, even knowing it would be useless. "Damn Brat!"
Cass paused in her packing when her phone started blasting 'I'm a Barbie Girl'. Tilting her head in curiosity, she set down the shirt she was folding and went to pick it up. Jason? Why's he calling so late? Sliding her finger over the screen to answer, she quickly held it up to her ear, only to yank it back as Jason's voice blasted through. She stared down at her screen until silence returned before holding it back to her ear. "Done?"
"No, but I've calmed down enough to talk." She hummed as she moved back to her bag. "Are you dating Hex?"
Cass blinked, Did Danny tell him? "Yes."
"Okay, okay. So how do you know my informant?" She could hear Jason shuffling things around and the faint clicks of mental against each other. Probably cleaning his guns. 
"Met them first. became friends." She picked up the shirt and another, as she held her phone to her ear with her shoulder, and held it up to compared the two. "Followed them, learned about Hex. Went on date. Been together 3-4 weeks, more if you count hiding feelings."
"Does anyone else know?" Cass thought about it, she hadn't told anyone, neither had Danny, until now, as far as she knew. she shrugged and packed the green shirt. She noticed Danny liked seeing her in their colors.
"No." Silence fell and she went about packing the last of her things, just as she was zipping up her bag, Jason spoke up again.
"They treating ya' good?" She smiled at the very obvious and familiar tone of protectiveness in his voice.
"Yes, very good." She bit back a giggle at the resigned sigh. She fell quiet for moment before whispering. "They are good. Grew up like me, like you. They are hiding but fighting. They are strong."
She could hear Jason's breath hitch. "Okay, I won't ask. I'm happy for you Cass. You think they'll open up more and start interacting with the other Bats and Birds?"
"Yes, they are searching for something. Something will happen but we will be on their side." They were silent for another moment. "They are willing to ask, to trust but need time."
"No pushing, I got it. Bye Cass, have fun on you date!" The line went dead as Cass blushed only for it to deepen as she felt arms wrap around her and fluffy black hair tickle her neck.
"Big brother being over protective?" Cass nod, a shiver ran down her spine as Danny's lips brushed the skin off her shoulder. "You think he'll try to kill me when we get back."
"No. Make you work more." She felt their breath as they let out a groan but giggled as she felt their lips tilt up in a grin.
"It's worth it." Danny spun her around and started leading her into a dance as 'Can You Feel The Love Tonight' began playing softly from her speakers. She let them twirl her around her room before pulling them onto her bed.
"Shouldn't be here." She giggled at their pout. "Brothers, dad, grandpa Alfred and Steph are here. Steph doesn't knock. Dick knocks but will get suspicious if I take too long to answer.
Danny sighed as they flopped back onto her bed and stared at the ceiling. "Hood knows, the others will find out eventually."
"True." She flipped over so she hovered over them."Brothers will give chase if they find you here. Damien is stabby, Dick will hunt. Tim... depends on sleep level. Dad will try to lock me away and will hunt. Alfred will be disappointed."
"So they are fine with you being at my house but not me being in your room?" They raised a brow at her in amusement and she huffed before letting her full weight full onto them. "Oompf! Oi! There’s nothing to worry about. I'll just turn invisible until they leave."
Before she could reply her door was flung open and she found herself face planting her bed. "Hey Cass... What're you doing?"
Cass rolled over and sat up to see Steph in her doorway. "Resting."
"Ah-huh... I was gonna ask if you want to watch a movie and hangout. Since you're leaving tomorrow?" Cass watched as Steph looked around her room, poking at random things as she went.
"Ok, be down now." Cass made a show of picking up the things that didn't make it into her bag, Steph made a sound of agreement and left, swinging the door shut behind her. A minute passed before Danny blinked back into visibility.
"You weren't kidding when you said she doest knock." Cass thew a shirt at their face, which they promptly phased through. "OK, ok. I'll see you tomorrow."
Danny pulled her towards them and places a kiss on her forehead before drifting to the window and fading into invisibility with a wave. She shook her head, a small smile on her lips.
Tim stared at the fifth board, then at the other four and groaned as he slumped into his chair. Hex was an unknown but asking around and looking up sightings he found they're working with Red Hood and showed up a few weeks after Daniel Napier. Tim stood and dragged the new board over to the others. It would seem that Hex was just another identity for one Daniel Napier.
"Just who are you? And what do you want?!" Tim ran his hands through his hair in frustration and sighed. Looks like he's going to be more involved than he thought.
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cherry-pop-elf · 9 months
Father Figure Snape To Fred And George Weasley Snippets
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Snape originally hated the twins, with a passion. Seeing nothing but James in them. These pair of students who wanted to cause chaos and destruction. That goofed around, were Casanovas, and over all a burden to him
But as time went on, he started to see alot more Lilly in them. He noticed them be there for the younger kids. Making rules on who to prank and who to not prank. They even apologized when a joke went too far. They had a moral code, and a clear passion for potions. They weren’t James, and they weren’t Lily either. They were their own beings, and he admired it
He had to keep up his scary aesthetic, for a number of reasons, so he tried to hide his fatherly affection from public eye. But he would slip up, now and again. And it was REALLY noticeable during Umbridges time. Given she was out for blood at the twins
Rumor has it that he was the one to even unlock the closet that had their brooms in, when she took them away from the twins, so that they could make their grand escape from school. There is no proof, besides some strange slashes at the lock on the closet. As if someone made multiple slashes.
Don’t lie. Molly is a good mom, but was verbally abusive. Especially at the twins. One of his ways to show his fatherly affection was that no matter what, he never raised his voice at them. Even when in class. When he had to yell, he made sure to make it clear it was either at a certain person or the class as a whole. So the twins didn’t have to be scared
When Snape passed on, that’s when the twins could be open about his affection. Knowing he wouldn’t be at risk of any punishment for it. They named him after muggle candy they make even, to let him have pride in his muggle blood. Along with other cute things. Like named his favorite flavor after him. Much like how they sold muggle things, in honor of their dad, they would even make mini potion kits for the honor of Snape
Snape 100% would talk to the twins about muggle things, and it was mentally healing for him. These two red heads that were so fascinated by muggle things, and ready to hear him about it. He’s able to see hope for the first time in a long while. To heal. To have some pride in his muggle blood, and comfort in the fact he had these pranksters genuinely be super invested
He even went as far as to be involved in pranks with the twins. Especially at Umbridge. It was healing to be part of the making of pranks, and even didn’t mind when the twins pranked him. Because the twins respected his trauma, and never did anything super extreme. Like they normally would. Silly things, like muggle pranks. Like invisible ink, and rather harmless jokes. Snape never got hurt by them, and it was comforting to know he could be treated normal like that. Normal, and with out pain
Snape so taught them how to perform muggle pranks, and no wizard was able to escape them. Given it’s a muggle thing, so they had no way to know what to expect. Made Snape hold pride in his half blood
Snape is able to be a little more sane, all because of the twins, and he makes sure that it’s known when he passes. That the twins are in his will, and inherited his things. Spinners End would end up becoming like a muggle summer home. That it’s now a home for joy, for the next bundle of Weasley kids, compared to pain that his family had. There was love in that house
It becomes a good safe haven, for George, when he needs to process Fred’s death. Which is very important for him. Somewhere different, but still familiar at the same time. Just away from it all. Somewhere safe, and in the muggle world. Away from anything that reminded him of Fred, but still a comfort of someone familiar. The man that helped raise them
Snape, in general, was a dad to all the Slytherin’s. Duh. So it catches the dorm off guard at seeing the twins inside now and again. When a party isn’t being thrown
Father figure Snape to Fred and George is my blood fuel. Thank you. One of the few students to ever get perfect grades in potion class, while still being goofballs
Probably one of the last few things Snape did, before the Dumbledore Moment was go to the Weasley Shop. To tell them in person he was proud, and maybe even show support in buying something. The twins, unaware, that these were the final acts of a dying man
George would also tell Daniel how much he reminded him of Snape, and that it wasn’t a bad thing. Happily sharing with him those special moments with the newest potion master to be
Snape was there for the moments Molly couldn’t, and uh. Yeah. That’s the post. Fight me. Father Snape
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debsarcasticplight · 10 months
The Impala rumbles to a halt outside The Starlight Motel, its tired engine sighing in relief. Dean leans back in the worn leather seat, rubbing his eyes, exhausted. The road has started to take its toll on Dean despite him having made this trip countless times before. After nearly a decade, his journey here and back again has become the only ritual that keeps him connected to his past and the one person still holding a piece of his heart.
Stepping out of the car, Dean can't help but glance around, his eyes scanning the familiar surroundings. The Starlight Motel hasn't changed much over the years. It’s still the same dingy, run-down place where he and Cas first met, spent countless hours as kids, and dreamt about escaping from someday.
Dean makes his way to the front desk, the bell above the door jingling softly as he pushes it open. The desk clerk, a tired-looking woman with bleach-blonde hair and bright red lipstick, removes an unlit cigarette from her lips before offering him a half-hearted smile. 
"Can I help you?" she asks, her voice heavy with boredom.
"Yeah," Dean replies, pulling out his wallet and tossing a few crumpled twenties onto the counter. 
"I need a room for a couple of nights."
"Okay, you're in #12," The clerk says, taking the money and handing Dean a key with very little investment.
Dean nods and heads for the lobby, the worn carpet muffling his footsteps. It's early November, but there are still a few flimsy-looking Halloween decorations strewn around in the corners of the motel. Just another subtle reminder that time keeps marching, regardless of whether anyone’s ready to start letting go. Room 12 is just like every other room in the place—barely functional, but it has a bed and a shower, which is all he really needs.
Dean tosses his duffel bag onto the bed and lets out a long sigh. He knows he has to check on Cas next. Doing so has become a routine for him, a way to ease his conscience, even though Dean’s never sure what he will find. Dean’s been renting Cas a room at the Starlight Motel year-round since he left, figuring it's the least he can do for the guy. Cas has a tendency to move around a lot, seeking out the sketchiest people while chasing his next high. At least this way, Dean can try to help his friend retain some semblance of home, even if it's back here, of all places.
Pulling out his phone, Dean scrolls until he finds his favorite picture: two young boys, their eyes wide with anticipation and ready for whatever life has in store. Although the original photo was taken many years ago, Dean can't help keeping a digital copy purely for sentimental value.
Holding a breath, Dean taps "Call" as a pit of concern opens up beneath his ribs. He’s got six different phone numbers for Cas currently, and it's always a gamble whether any of them will even go through.
"Hello?" Cas's voice crackles over the line, already sounding very far away.
"Hey, Cas," Dean says, trying to keep his voice casual. 
"It's me."
There is a long pause before Cas replies.
"Back again so soon, Dean?"
Dean runs a hand through his disheveled hair, trying to steady his breathing.
"Naw, you know me, I’m just passing through. But I thought I'd call and see how you're doing."
"You know how I'm doing, Dean." Cas states, his voice thick with bitterness. 
Dean winces at the truth in his friend's words. Knowing all too well how much Cas has struggled for years now, battling demons Dean still doesn’t fully understand. They had been close once, more so than anyone could’ve imagined, but life has taken them down different paths.
"Listen," Dean begins, 
"I rented myself a room at The Starlight for a few nights. Why don't you swing by? I’ll order us some pizza and maybe restock your fridge. We can catch up."
Cas hesitates, and for a moment, Dean thinks he might actually say no. 
"Okay, Dean. I'll be there." Cas says, sounding defeated.
Dean hangs up and lets out another sigh, this one heavier than the last. He knows he can't save Cas or fix the mess that is his life. But he also can't find it in himself to walk away either. Not after everything they have been through.
Dean leaves his room, returning to the front desk once more. When he requests an extra copy of Cas's room key, the clerk hands it over without question. She’s seen this all before, the two of them coming and going like ghosts.
Back in his room, Dean sits on the edge of the bed and stares out the window. The parking lot is empty, save for a few beat-up-looking cars. The neon sign of The Starlight flickers and buzzes, casting an eerie glow over everything.
Dean can't help but think back to his and Cas’s origins as he waits. They had been inseparable as kids, each other's lifelines in a world that seemed determined to tear them apart. They had even dated briefly, an awkward and confusing experiment in teenage love. Then Sam died, Dean left town, and Cas stayed behind to pick up the pieces alone. Even now, after all these years, the wrongs of the past haunt Dean, while the present feels no less bleak. But he’s determined to be there for Cas, no matter how impossible the task seems. For the sake of the man he once loved and probably still does, Dean knows he has to at least try.
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yacinthemorning · 1 year
Tailored to Your Liking
Chapter 4
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Summary: Tumble Town attracts all sorts of misfits looking for a fresh start on the frontier, but everyone still needs clothes. Be it extra limbs or high temperatures, Jimmy caters to every hyrbid's needs.
Ships: Jimmy/Tango (slow burn romantic), Grian/Mumbo/Scar (romantic), Joel/Lizzie (romantic)
Warnings: Implied traumatic events, awkward flirting
“Are you sure you cannot stay another few weeks?” Jimmy pleaded. “I’m sure Lizzie would love to have you at her party. We barely got to speak.”
Pearl took her mended clothing with a muttered thank you and handed it to Gem, who was packing all of it away into their bags. “As nice as it is to visit my dear little brothers, our competitors won’t sit around waiting on a good bounty to make it fair. Besides, pretty soon we’ll be leeching off Grian if we stick around.”
It was a lie, and they both knew it. Stashed away in some labyrinthian caves in the desert was likely more hard cash than even Grian had in the bank and tied up in investments combined. Unless she retired, however, it went unspoken. Hopefully retired, at least.
In any case, it had cooled down enough from the heat wave for her to wear her favourite dark blue duster, now hemmed an inch shorter and sporting new buttons. With her wide-brimmed hat and large boots, she looked like a true gunslinger. All the more terrifying when she would circle overhead like a vulture, as Gem enjoyed bragging.
“Well, stop by the sheriff’s office before you leave, then. I’m sure False has a bounty or two for folks who ran off into the desert.” Grian said. “Heavens knows no one else comes this way to pick them up.”
With a grin and a yank at something sticking out of her satchel Gem happily informed them, “Oh, we know. Already taken care of!” The poster was worn from age, damaged and sun bleached, leaving the name ‘Orion’ almost illegible. It was a young man, looking absolutely ridiculous in a theatre costume, with the sort of smile a kid wore before pulling his sister’s pigtails. There was a moderate bounty of 100 diamonds, alive, listed. Scamming and conman activities were the man’s only crimes. If that was the bar these days, then Scar should have been arrested years ago.
Actually, he simply should have been arrested years ago, period.
But Jimmy put that thought aside for now. At that moment Gem and Pearl were locking up their luggage to take out to the horses. Tango waited outside with the beasts, patting down their snouts. His tail danced behind him whenever they nudged into his palm.
A smile crept up onto Jimmy’s face as he approached. “Keeping them company? Or just avoiding luggage?”
“Do you need help?” Tango quickly jumped to attention. It was a curious habit of his, making himself as available as possible. If Jimmy had to guess, it was to do with those awful mines. 
Wherever it originated, he wasn’t about to entertain it. “Not at all. I was just wondering where you ran off to.”
“Oh, well, I figured you’d all be wanting a last moment with the family.” Shrugged the blazeborn, shrinking in on himself.
Pearl let out a squawk, a warning that whatever she was about it say, Jimmy would be the one to regret it. “Well what, are you saying you’re not part of the flock? You got your talons in Jim’s feathers, I figured.”
“Pearl!” Jimmy shrieked, turning beet red. Why was he always right?
Tango gave a lopsided grin in reply. “Not yet, ma’am. That job’s still a work in progress.”
“Well, when you get around to making this silly man less lonely, do be sure to send a letter.” Her eyes softened.
After her words Jimmy tuned out the rest of the stressful conversation until it came to an end. Bags packed and brothers humiliated, Pearl leapt up onto her steed and waved them off. “We’ll be back for the holidays, I reckon. Good luck and good bye!” She said, backed by a giggle and wave from Gem.
It was silent as they watched the two women ride off into the scrublands, until Grian squawked with a pout. “Good riddance! If she’d stayed any longer then I’d be the one on a bounty poster.”
Jimmy rolled his eyes, patting his brother’s shoulder. “Well, you have a good day doing whatever it is you do to wring money from the poor, I have to finish the mayor’s dress.”
A colourful wing flitted through the air by Jimmy’s head. “Off back to your burrow with you, then.”
“Y’both so dramatic.” Sighed Mumbo behind his parasol, to which he received a pair of indignant squawks. 
“Your family really are theatrical.”
Jimmy pursed his lips, not looking up from the sewing machine. Though it’d been several days he was still getting used to the contraption. Most unfortunately, since it was homemade it lacked a manual, and Tango had a talent for explaining everything in too much detail to where Jimmy understood little of it. Still, the gift was a godsend, allowing him to finish the most tedious work that would take hours within minutes. “Why do you say that?” Jimmy asked while he finished lining a pocket.
Tango rocked back until his hair rested against the desk. What had he been working on again? An aether clock? “You don’t make many chirps or tweets around town, but whenever you’re together it’s like a morning chorus.”
“Well, apologies.” He huffed. A bit pointedly he set the pocket aside.
“I don’t mean it like that.” Tango attempted to backpedal. It wouldn’t work on Jimmy, and he should know better. “It’s cute.” He gave a sharp-toothed grin, eyes narrowed with honest affection.
Okay, so perhaps it worked a little.
Jimmy kept his eyes away, rummaging through his button drawer. “Of course when speaking with other avians we would communicate in our own way. Do you not do so with other blazeborn?”
“There aren’t any other netherborn in Tumble Town.”
Right. There were at most three hundred folks, including the miners, of course there were no other netherborn. If there was, Jimmy would not be in the predicament that led to Tango remaining with him to begin with.
“I’m sorry.” He quickly stuttered, to which Tango waved him off.
“It’s not a big deal, I didn’t know many other blazeborn even back in the Nether.”
Swallowing his guilt to make room for curiosity, Jimmy asked. “Do you not have a flock? Even back across the way?”
Hackles rose, figuratively and literally, and the air became a bit tense. There was an unspoken law among the cowboys and frontiersmen. Never follow a man’s steps in the sands, backwards or forwards . They were all reborn when they first walked into Main Street.
Yet Jimmy couldn’t help himself. It is, perhaps, that he was not quite cut out for frontier life like Pearl or Fwhip, who took full advantage of its lifestyle. He was simply a mediocre tailor with a bad habit of sticking his nose where it likely didn’t belong. Instead, he toyed with the button in his hand, waiting to be told to mind his business.
Tango shuffled, contemplating the question, Or, more likely, contemplating if he would bother to answer. It was just as Jimmy was preparing to apologize and change the subject that Tango spoke up. “I never had a pyre before. Only here, only Impulse, Zed, and… uh, you?” He muttered the last bit uncertainly, eyeing the avian for permission to speak the words.
Jimmy nodded, though his cheeks darkened. Out of the corner of his eye Tango’s tail flicked out, glowing just a bit brighter.
“Yeah.” Tango sniffed. “I guess it’s part o’ why I’m here. Land of opportunities and all that. Hard to get anywhere on your own everywhere, though, I guess.” 
Warmed button still in hand, Jimmy palmed his cheek and rested his elbow on the desk, examining his companion. A shiver ran through his wings, feathers fluffing. “I suppose it’s because we’re not meant to be alone.”  He mused with a smile.
He got a raised eyebrow and snorted in return, though a smile did form as well. “I like that idea a lot better than the one I had…”
“There can be multiple truths.”
“I suppose… What about you, Sunshine?” Tango’s head swivelled towards the windows where sunset was beginning to pour through.
“What about me? You’ve met my siblings.”
“Is that all, though?”
“Mmm…” Jimmy lulled his head into his hand. “We flew the coop, so to speak, and so ‘before’ no longer matters. Sheriff False is certainly flock. I’m not particularly close with her, but Grian and Pearl say she is.”
“So, it’s a group decision?” Curiosity danced in Tango’s eyes.
“Yes. There’s flock, and then there’s nests within the flock.” Though, in his case, he only had a flock. Unlike his brother, who was making a collection of watery-eyed strays doing their best to run his coffers dry, Jimmy was just fine on his own. So much for the dependable eldest and bumbling youngest.
Tango hummed, “I see.” A soft breeze rattled the windows, drawing attention to the darkened twilight. Something seemed on Tango’s mind with no intent to share. Instead, he turned a sheepish smile on Jimmy. “Pyre’s not quite the same. It’s a personal affair.”
Jimmy nodded absently, still searching for an answer. “Most hybrids’ terms differ greatly in meaning. Mayor Lizzie would be no mayor if not for such a misunderstanding.”
“What?” A laugh burst from Tango.
Jimmy joined him. “I suppose you weren’t here when it happened. She became mayor not long after her arrival. There was none before her. We’re such a small community. She was quite friendly, supportive, curious to learn about everyone. We thought ‘ Oh, how welcoming, despite being the one who is new, treating everyone with such investment. Surely, she’s a natural born leader.’ ”
Tango seemed barely able to contain his amusement. “Mhm?”
“What a bunch of landfolk in the scrubs didn’t know was that, in fact, a school is much less intimate than a flock or a pyre. A woman who was simply scouting out her new school became confused for a campaign from a very respectable candidate and, well… the next month we had a mayoral office.”
“Amazing.” He let out a short wheeze, shaking his head. “Only out here.” The sparks of amusement in his hair were the only thing which lit the desk now.
“Indeed. Though, she has done a splendid job for the most part.” Jimmy sighed and stood up. As he flipped the sign on the door and closed the shutters Tango pulled out a lamp. One of his many homemade projects, a simple twist of a nob had redstone spark the glowstone within. Not a personal invention, much like the sewing machine, but a luxury universal only to the coast. Only a few lamps in Jimmy’s house had yet to be converted, and he couldn’t deny the convenience.
Convenient. There was the word he might use to describe his life recently, ever since they met. Chores were done quicker, work was easier. Jimmy refused to take money from Tango, but he found loopholes around it by paying for groceries and things such as the lamps.
It flickered, casting light enough that they could easily continue work. A month ago, he would have been ecstatic to do just that. “How did the stew look?” He absently asked instead.
“Ready whenever we are.” Tango replied, picking the lamp up. It seemed almost dull placed next to his inviting smile.
His eyebrow rose and long claws reached out towards Jimmy. They poked at his cheek and a pressure he had not noticed released. Held up to the light was a small button. “You’re starting to become your clothes.” He teased.
A quiet trill vibrated in Jimmy’s throat, “I suppose that means I should stop for tonight, then.”
“I suppose so.”
Curtains pulled back, and out walked Lizzie. Silks shimmering between violet and azure draped over her petticoat, bundled to meet an as-of-yet undecorated neckline. Despite its incompleteness it flattered her figure to perfection. Pride swelled in Jimmy’s chest. Beside him, Tango let out a low whistle, while at his other side Joel had an expression as if it was the first time he’d laid eyes on her all over again. The mayor let out a shy giggle, spinning slowly to let the watery silk flow around her with the long fins of her tail.
“Oh, Jimmy, it looks absolutely wonderful!” She cooed as he approached to adjust a draping. Though it was yards more material than he was used to thanks to her great stature, it made it much easier to see what needed to be done.
His feathers puffed up, nodding vigorously in agreement. “I was terrified how it might come out, but this may be the best piece I’ve made so far.”
“Thank you so, so much for this.”
“Is the neckline low enough? Not too snug?” Jimmy asked, leaning past her shoulder to check the lacing and buttons were in place.
Lizzie shifted, her large tail swaying underneath, its moisture safe from the sun and unabsorbed by the ocean silk. Gills flexed along her neck and chest as a test. “I don’t believe so, no. All gills accounted for.”
A hand smacked into Jimmy’s shoulder, nearly knocking him over. Tango snickered. “Relax, Jimmy, you did amazing! You’re gonna put a kink in your neck if you don’t slow down.”
“Oh, he’s just a proud little birdie.” Lizzie joined in on the teasing, cupping Jimmy’s face to give it a small shake. The small down running across the crest of his cheek flared to avoid her hands’ beaded webbing. If a childish whine left him then he would deny it. 
He stepped back to survey his work one more time. Joel approached to whisper something to his wife which made her expression soften. Delicately she bent down to give her husband a peck, first on his forehead, then lips, and whispered something back. If Jimmy strained his ears forward he could have easily captured their words, but he kept his feathers rested. Something warm strained at his chest forcing even his gaze away.
The fitting continued. Conversation devolved from work into gossip as soon as Joel had made the mistake of mentioning the young shepherd at the other end of town and the proclaimed medium she had living on her property.
“Katherine swears by her seances, she says she spoke to her grandmother!” Lizzie insisted, making a wide arm gesture that nearly tore the fabric out of Jimmy’s hand.
Joel seemed less amused, shaking his head. “All that occult nonsense is just a con, no more reliable than Scar’s cure-alls.”
Hurt and betrayed, she turned to Jimmy with a plea for support. His wings twitched uncomfortably, and he kept his eyes on his adjustment work instead. “I suppose… If it hurts no one, it’s harmless either way.”
“It sounds like fun!” Tango interjected. To Jimmy’s surprise, there was a bright spark of fascination in his eyes. It received a pleased tail slap from Lizzie, which caught the hem of her dress and pulled a bit too roughly. He needed to shorten it just a bit further, it seemed.
“I took you for a man of science, Tango, not faith and spirits.” Joel vocalized for them both.
The blazeborn shrugged. “Well, if spirits exist, then what’s more scientific than contacting and speaking to them yourself? And besides, what’s science matter to a bit of fun?”
Lizzie let out a pleased, bubbly sound, looking between the three men. “Oh, yes! You understand perfectly! Joel, we should meet with Katherine and ask her to host a seance for us. We could speak to my father!”
“Yes, dear.” His words came out exasperated, but an amused smile rested on his face. Once again, he focused down on his work instead. His wings twitched in agitation at the completed draping rumpled by his talon. The work had been done a while ago.
“… Jimmy?” 
“Hm?” His head shot up, looking with Tango’s gaze, wrinkled in the corners by amusement.
“Would you like to go with them?” He repeated, presumably.
Jimmy’s wings tighten around his shoulders. “Oh, I don’t really have anyone to contact.”
“I don’t think you need to.” Tango’s tail curled, expression wilting into something softer. “If it’s not interesting to you, though-”
“No, we can go.” He assured. “It… may be fun.”
“Splendid!” Lizzie clapped, beaming. “We’ll set up the seance and tell you the date on our way back. I can’t wait!”
“Are you sure you want to go?” Tango asked once their customers left. “We don’t have to if you’re not interested.”
Jimmy was in the middle of carefully placing Lizzie’s dress back upon the mannequin, stopping to lock eyes with the other man so he might be assured. “I have nothing against going. If it would be fun for you, then we should.”
He shook his head, fiddling with the cuff of his work shirt. “You don’t have to go just for my sake.”
“No, that’s…” Jimmy’s voice wandered away with his thoughts. Recollections of earlier, of the whispers and fond gazes. “I enjoy you enjoying yourself.” He finally said, becoming a bit pink from his fumbled words.
A darkness dusted over Tango’s cheeks as well, but it disappeared under one of his radiant smiles. “I do, too. Enjoy you enjoying yourself.” He whispered back. Jimmy was unsure if he was intended to hear it, but he had, and it wreaked further havoc on the warmth in his chest.
“We should get back to work.” He stuttered, rushing his pace back to his desk, hoping there was something he needed from it that would distract him. Anything, besides confronting the fond gaze he could feel on his back.
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bedofthistles · 3 months
Flowers - Moonacre Week 2024
Robin had never wanted to be farther away from a place more than Moonacre Valley! If he had anything to say about it! Oh, if it were up to him! 
Of all the foolish-!
But of course he would lose his father, the house that was entitled to him, and all sanity in one fell swoop! 
It was not enough that the only thing that was not repossessed by those vultures was a damn book about some sordid history that had little the do with him! It was not enough that his bastard of an Uncle had fallen to alcoholism, and was so touchy about any and everything Robin said that he erupted at the boy! No! 
It was not enough that the man had restricted the places he could travel - as if he were still a lad! - and forbid him to go into the forest, no there had to be bandits there as well! And not just bandits, the girl who had afforded him a new scar. 
“You!” he hissed, glaring at the girl, but she looked different today. Gone were the men’s clothing, but she was not dressed properly in any sense either. A long, velvet dress, without a fashionable bustle of any kind, gloves nor bonnet. 
He didn’t pay much attention to the three others, who wore similar dress as she when she had attempted to rob his carriage. 
“You’re not supposed to be here.” One of them said, but before Robin could respond, the girl interjected. 
“Tell my father to invest in a better blacksmith.” She spoke clearly, and despite everything Robin knew of her, like a lady. 
“Tell him yourself, he’ll be here soon.” 
Robin had half a mind to draw the pistol tucked away in his breast pocket, “Is that supposed to scare me?”
The boys around him laughed rather mockingly, but of course they would. To them, he was just some mincing nincompoop of a londier with silk stockings and pomade in his hair. 
“Oh no,” The girl smirked, “He’s just dying to make your acquaintance.” 
But then his Uncle’s black hound came bounding over the hills, and it seemed they were more scared of the dog than Robin. Which was an insult in and of itself. The girl stood, stock still until one of the boys called out her name. 
But for a moment, she stood between the trees, staring at him. 
“Maria, c’mon!” 
Wrolf began to lick Robin’s hand, and he offered the old dog a scratch behind the ear. “You old demon, you.” He said almost fondly. 
But then he went home - to the Manor, which was not home - only to be scolded for travelling out of bounds. 
“Don’t lie.” His Uncle glared, his cheeks flushed and Robin knew he had given into his vices once more. Sir Benjamin leaned forward and plucked a pine needle from his coat. “You’re just as bad as-”
“What?” Robin demanded, when Sir Benjamin had cut himself off. 
“Your father! He wouldn’t listen to me, would he? And you- you’re just as stubborn as he was.” Sir Benjamin’s red rimmed eyes narrowed. “You’ll destroy yourself.” 
“My father was a fool who let himself waste away!” 
The pistol had been a gift. 
Originally, Robin had thought it was expensive, an example of fine weaponry, but he learned the truth too late. It was won in a duel, the first warning George Merryweather had. One of his debtors, upon learning he had not the funds, tried to take his life. George was a good shot. But George had more than one debt to pay to one man. 
It was a dead man’s pistol his father had pried from still warm fingers. 
Robin used to believe his father cared about him. 
Sir Benjamin collected himself, but they were far past the false notions of unfamiliarity. “There is nothing to be done.” His face was grim, but Robin knew that Sir Benjamin was not talking about Robin’s disobedience. 
Then there was the fucking horse. 
Marmaduke Scarlet, a funny little man who may or may not have been magic, (Robin was still sceptical) had told him about the Curse, or rather that he needed to finish reading the book. And there within the story lied the reason for everything. The reason the house was falling apart, the reason the families had such bitter hatred towards each other, the reason his father had run away. 
But then… 
But then Mr. Scarlet said, “An invisible horse, a mystical companion, that only appears to the true Moon Princess.” 
“How can that be when I’ve seen it?” Robin asked, his brow furrowed in the way he was taught not to furrow it, the images of a ghostly stallion galloping through the trees. He had thought it was a dream- “Hang on, Moon Princess?” 
“You mean to tell me-?” Mr. Scarlet’s face twisted into one of confoundment. 
“Do you mean to insult me, sir?” 
“No! Not at all! I had simply meant- I assumed-” Mr. Scarlet’s face calmed. “Maria, the daughter to the De Noirs, I had assumed the responsibility would fall to her, but perhaps-” 
“I am not- And this whole place- You’re all insane!” Robin turned and stalked off to his room, it was clear he had no business here. There was no reason for him to remain, no place he belonged. Before dusk came, Robin had deserted the manor, a bag flung over his shoulder, a thousand things running through his mind. After all, it would be the 5,ooo Moon very soon, if his mathematics were accurate, and the whole Valley would be decimated. It was a beautiful place, despite the rampant amount of insanity. 
He walked until morning, and by then he had reached the iron gate, but ever so softly, he heard a voice call his name. 
At first he thought it was Maria, that she had someone tracked him down, but the longer he listened, the more he realised the voice was much too mature to belong to Maria. 
He turned, and there before him was a cave lined with geraniums. 
But damn it all! If the Valley was all but lost, what trouble was there to stay? 
For reasons unknown to him, Robin followed the voice until he was well within the mouth of the cave, when a hand reached out and took hold of his shoulder.
A woman pulled back the hood of an old tattered cloak to reveal her face, and by god did she look like the woman in the painting. 
“Come along.” She said, her voice warm and soothing. 
She was a Moon Princess, and while Robin could not convince her to do anything to try and save the Valley - for she declared she was no longer Moon Princess - she quite convinced him. 
“You have an advantage none of us have, and perhaps that is why the Moon chose you, regardless of your sex.” Loveday said. 
“And what could I possibly have?” 
“You have no hatred in your heart.” Loveday smiled, and placed a gentle hand on his cheek, and he almost didn’t mind that she was treating him more like a child than a man. “You, unlike us, were not born into this family drama, you were not brought up in anger, so perhaps you are the only one of us that can see clearly.” 
“Including yourself?” 
Loveday smiled bitterly, placing her hands in her lap she stared off over the trees and the mountains. “It is precisely why I failed.”
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hyog-blog · 3 months
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A Journey to Love I don't even know where to start with this show... spectacular visuals, nearly impeccable writing, breathtaking OST? Anyway, if you still haven't watched it and you love wuxia - do not even think twice, it's one of the really good ones.
It's so cinematic in a way it's been shot - some frames are pure orgasm for the eyes. You can see it in the colours, in the clothes, in all the styles. The music everywhere just fits so RIGHT. Most of the time it's just so good you don't pay attention because it's well-matched, but having watched so many cdramas you just learn to appreciate the not-so-small things that make a masterpiece.
I was pleasantly impressed to find out the plot was original - it's so well-written and you can see the character growth and changes of the leads and many other characters as well. You will find everything here - quirky romance, amazing brotherhood, a load of fresh almost anime-style humor that will get you rolling, proper wuxia mood, lots of murders and killings done in style, lots of plotting, revenge, and a FL courting the ML like I've never seen before XD They're seriously gorgeous together both visually and personality-wise.
A story about killers, heroes, and killer-heroes, as well as rulers, power-hungry royalty, war, the role of a woman in a not-so-modern society, and the badassery that comes with it once a woman does decide to take her destiny into her own hands. The FL, Ren Ruyi, played by Liu Shishi is vicious, strong, professional, stabby, murderous, looks stunning in red, and doesn't think twice when she sees a man she likes. The ML, Ning Yuanzhou, played by Liu Yuning, is tall, handsome (with long legs and a kind heart (c) he-he). Not-so-former leader of the emperor's special force, also stabby, murderous, and looks dashing in a uniform. Their relationship is mature but also cuddly and a bit kinky. Still, they are one of my most favorite CPs out there (and oddly healthy despite their flaws and backgrounds). They just match so well.
Ning's brotherhood of nosy and highly talented boys is truly unmatched both in the looks and gossip department. There is literally no privacy for anyone, there was so much comedy built around that, I didn't know a show could be this good.
Anyway, it's not a detailed review, I'm just trying to vent a little bit having watched the finale. The show did make me cry quite a lot, that happens only when you really get invested in the characters and the plot - and everything is written so well that by the end of it, you're just lost to the amazing production, great acting, and world-building. Just a stunningly made wuxia piece that has a little bit of everything we love so much - romance, revenge, murderous husband and wife, brotherhood, love-love-love, bad guys showing their good sides, the baddest guys getting what they really deserve, lots of heroism, lots of beautiful fights, great music, and a highly entertaining plot.
That's about it for now, I'll probably sing some more praise later, but need to recover after the show's ending first.
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pleasurewellness · 2 years
Sunday Kind of F...
It was Monday morning when Ella decided to finally go home. She quickly got dressed, rummaging through the piles of clothes on the floor trying to find her underwear and blouse; she stared at the man in the bed before shuffling out the door, without making a sound. Making her way into the elevator, she stuck her earrings back in each hole, carefully making sure the neighbors didn’t notice her stained neck with tiny love bites made from the previous few nights. Her stockings were ripped, though she didn’t even bother putting them back on. After exiting the elevator she quickly tossed them into a nearby trash can—a devilish smirk on her face, making eye contact with the doorman before flipping her long black hair and making her exit. 
Before hopping on the subway she stopped at a local vendor, chicken over rice with lettuce, tomatoes, and extra white sauce please and thank you. The man behind the greasy stove smiled at her ear-to-ear, pretty girl, for you, $7. She smiled back, handed him a plain $5, and winked before taking her meal and walking to the train. 
When she got home she took a long look in the mirror and admired the bruises, bites, and the way her face had this glow she hadn’t seen since her early 20s. 
After dinner Ella decided to take the dishes while her husband, Elijah, cleared the table. Marvin Gaye was playing on their ceiling speakers, a new investment Ella felt was much needed for the ambiance in the space—of course, the original idea had been conceived by the artist one snowy evening, lounging in the bedroom while Ella modeled her holiday corsets and stockings, gifted by her husband. While scrubbing the large pot, made to hold their bolognese, she looked out on to New York City and became overwhelmed with the love she had for her life, her job, her relationship with her distant-yet-attentive husband. She then looked down, on a younger, more magnetic couple sipping post-dinner wine on their balcony. The young man looked like the artist—her artist. It had been two weeks since she spent the weekend with him, confined in his medium-sized Brooklyn loft. Still scrubbing, she thought about how good it all felt. How good he felt. He made her feel like a dainty college freshman, a feeling she had surely forgotten after all these years experiencing life—experiencing life with Elijah. 
At first she didn’t know if she should go. They had only gone on a few coffee dates, exchanging notes, and talking about growing up in the city. He asked her why she chose to be an art collector, what motivated her and inspired her. Ella glistened with elegance and an unassuming knowledge on Renaissance art, Pop art, and even pornography. She was everything the artist had dreamed of, and more, in a woman—in a partner, for life. And she found him exciting, full of life; an artist with true vision, questionable morals. I mean, he is an artist… she told her closest friend one afternoon over brunch. Before thinking, she agreed to meet him again—this time, at his loft in Brooklyn. At first, she didn’t think anything of it. However, as the day crept closer, she found herself running unusual errands; getting her hair blown out, booking an expensive spa day, getting her nails and toes painted cherry red, waxing her untouched body. It hadn’t occurred to Ella that the last time she had sex was more than six months ago; the last time she felt desired, even longer. It wasn’t the physical act of sex she missed; it was the pining, the waiting, the teasing, the unknown. Ella had always been one for spontaneous activities, it’s what drew Elijah close to her in the beginning. Still scrubbing, she started to struggle with a piece of burnt pasta stuck to the bottom of the pot. It resembled one of the strings to a sculpture in the artist's apartment. She began to think about him, his hair, his hazel-with-a-hint-of-green eyes, his big smile, gapped front teeth; she thought about his fingers, how soft and strong his dark skin was, his clean fingernails; still scrubbing, she thought about his tongue; how he was the first man to suck her own tongue with his—something not even Elijah had shown her; still scrubbing, she thought about how he slowly undressed her when she first walked into his dimly lit apartment, with every question of if he liked what she was wearing he would slowly remove an article, eyes locked with intention; she pined for the way he tongued her ear, gently biting; still scrubbing, she remembered the way he removed  her dress with only his mouth, how he slowly bit off her stockings, accidentally ripping them with excitement, the way he kissed her fresh toes, her fingers, her thighs; still scrubbing, she remembered how good he felt inside of her, her desire now dripping onto her lace thong and shit I hope Elijah doesn’t notice. 
It was a tight pressure she hadn’t felt since she spent a semester abroad in France her junior year of college; where oral sex is a given and the women almost-always cum. Ella had never came with Elijah, maybe once, while they were drunk after a birthday dinner, but she couldn’t remember all that well. Still scrubbing, she pictured his fingers in her mouth, something she never knew she enjoyed until the artist; he showed her how to feel young again, to feel free, to feel ecstasy. 
Damn girl, you think the pot is clean enough? Elijah joked, startling Ella. She flew back and nearly wet the entire kitchen floor with both of her messes—of course, Elijah didn’t notice either of them. Elijah quickly disappeared into the shower, leaving Ella to her imaginative meditation. After debating whether she should stay in her fantasy, Ella decided to join her husband in the shower. To both of their surprises, it was exactly what they needed from one another. They made sweet love in the wet confinements of their rainwater shower. After six sex-free months with Elijah, Ella quickly remembered why she never felt guilty about the artist; the following week, while Elijah was sent on another “business retreat,” Ella decided to visit her Brooklyn-baed artist. 
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namenoted · 13 days
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❝ i'm sure my absence seemed pretty abrupt. it's what everyone on campus is talking about right now. me being back, where i was. everyone keeps asking ... but ... actually, though? i wanted to talk to you ... ❞
for some reason. even yagami can't put his finger on it, but one of the first things he did when he got his phone back (and out of sight from prying panda eyes) was text the raven-haired girl from school.
❝ i just wanted to say ... i'm sorry for leaving you hanging like that. that wasn't my intention. ❞ that feels lame, wrong even.
because, in truth, he feels like he owes her an explanation for something. something he just cannot quite grasp. it's on the cusp of his tongue, like he's ready to say it, but the words are unable to form, and thus all he can muster is an apology that even sounds a bit dull coming from him. he doesn't even really know what he's apologizing for.
HERE IS THE REALITY: the investigation is at a standstill. nothing is progressing. they can't find kira. studying the yotsuba group has provided enough context to keep the case alive ... but little beyond that. after the task force's probing, yotsuba clammed up and sold most of their assets outright, muddying their stocks and investments along the way, and then the company dispersed itself entirely before L could even try to pull the plug.
finding them all as individuals has been tough, and L was certain up until this point of three things in absolute:
kira is operating within yotsuba ... and that yagami raito was kira at one point in time, likely the original, and presumably gave up his powers to someone else. this power was somehow also given to amane misa, but was taken away, leaving her in much the same position as yagami. it sounds plausible, right?? it sounds too plausible. even with how damning it felt to be put on the spot, yagami had to admit ... he wondered. am i kira? is ryuzaki (is L) right?
still, there's no proof. without his memories, yagami is admittedly only as good as he is normally.
which is pretty outstanding, he would argue, as he's been pretty invaluable, if not a bit argumentative, up until this point. and agreeable, he would further insist. extremely so, given the circumstances i was put in.
his wrist is healing from the chaffing of the cuffs, but a thin red line remains for now. yagami rubs at it absentmindedly, sighing to himself before looking back up to her.
her. jabami yumeko. he knows her, even remembers her, but it's all so ... limited. limited in its scope of what they truly are. he remembers conversations of idle passing — exchanges about their families, dinner invitations, walking the campus together.
but that's where it ends. at least, he thinks it does.
ask him about the ship of theseus and his answer might be different now.
❝ this sounds crazy, but i feel like ... i missed a lot, right? while i was away. but, like, it's more than that, you know? i was hoping maybe you could fill me in? that we could go out together? ❞
i know we used to. i wish i could remember what we talked about. i wish i could remember why i need to see you. all i know is ... i just do. — @snakedevour
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whitefluffybearcub · 1 year
— be patient with everything and everyone in this simulated illusion. Everything and everyone is meant to be.
— feelings would arise for being a human but know that it is simulated by an illusion. All and everyone is simulated In this illusion, ultimately everything is an illusion.
At some point, your spirit understands this and you won’t grab onto things so tightly and obsessively anymore.
Let it come. Let it go. Dance the dance if it is fun and if you are willing. Pace with patience and elevate with kindness.
— when one focuses too much on their own ego, it eventually over shadows everything.
— time is a human construct in this simulated illusion. In the human realm, everything has its time, it happens accordingly to its designated divine timings.
Let it be. See it with patience and kindness.
— everything in this reality operates at a frequency and vibration. Anything excessive is automatically a low vibration because it is not in a balance state.
Believe it or not, even the excessive of wealth, fame, power, and ego is low vibrational energy.
If you do not believe it, just watch how any of those destroy whoever has it. See with clarity.
— time is a human construct. In this human world, anything that needs time, whether it be healing, or else, don’t you see that it really is a lesson of patience.
Your soul wants you to really experience and understand the essence of patience. And it is only here in this frequency that is possible.
— everyday you see people ignoring their conscience but deep down they know they’ve traded ethics for something lower.
Despite everything they still have to answer to karma and their conscience at the end of the day. If rock bottom is what they choose, they shall have it.
— nothing and no one can be in this reality as pure love because it wouldn’t be here in the first place. It would always have its vices as a earth dwelling.
They would even hiss at love and kindness if it catches them at the wrong times. Leave them be.
Part of the designated journey.
— when you over invest yourself, you lose that balance. you are bound to fall.
— in the group of the so called elites , they are linked by the common lack of ethics and same interest of the insidious.
They have to do bad to reach the top yet the bad also becomes their downfall when their master sees fit. They are being played like this.
— a person has to do bad to join the top elite class, the bad becomes blackmail then they live in fear, their purpose becomes fulfilling goals whatever their master tells them to, then more blackmail and threats.
If they resist or want to back out, They dead. And If they keep going, One day they would also become the typical fall from grace in the public eyes when the master deems them useless.
What a game
, that is called karma.
— on each bright and glamorous stage that gather emotions and energy from millions, there is a evil red eyed troll that is controlling behind the scene.
— almost all of the negative thoughts originate from the components of ego. Be reminded that ego is just an illusion.
Let it be. Let it go. All that happens is meant to be.
Don’t analyze. Don’t over think it. Let go and release.
It is all an illusion.
— even the sorrow, pain, and wound have its time and would eventually vanish, but that is if you are willing to elevate your spirit.
— remember, even an angry face has a backstory of its origin. If you could see it all, the whole picture, you probably would show more mercy, understanding, and kindness.
Judgements and negative reactions often times come from short sighted /short fused temper and ego.
— as a human, you are not given the ability to see all of the karma, nor absolutely everything of another person, but you are given the ability to always be kind and patient, the only way to elevate in this reality.
— watch the movies as long as it is fun. Do not get over invested. It is all just an illusion.
Look at the ones that amuse you.
— so you exercise your mighty power to try to turn off All the lights but now the candles are lit. There are consequences for overstepping. Everything is karmic.
Ego and control shall be your biggest teacher. You are here to learn about limitations as well, no matter which sides you are on.
— every scenario In the human realm is basically about karma. It is how each experience goes. Up and down.
— there is such an energy that is not allowed creativity. It would always follow the oldest rules In the book. The cosmic and the universe call for this,
But creativity is definitely part of the human expression and experience.
— in the narrative of evil, no matter which level they are at, each can be designated as a fall guy should their masters deem fit.
The funny thing is that sometimes you can just tell by their faces , as if the term the fall guy is written on their forehead and within their expression.
Just how the story goes.
— when big big money is involved, there is usually no fairness. Energetically, big money is low vibrational as it brings out its same energy peers: ego, greed, jealousy corruption, and deceit. Fairness naturally operates at a higher frequency and vibration, at the same level of honesty, integrity, and honor.
— you know when everyone is obsessed with the same thing here or far away from here, they have cast a spell onto the mass, either for distraction or to conjure up a certain energy. Things aren’t usually what it seems in times like this.
— the money you steal or obtain at the expense of others through deceit, harm, and ego. Do you really think it is karma free? And that your conscience stays absolutely clear?
Karma shall be your biggest teacher but don’t stay blinded forever.
— no matter where you have been. I wish that you would have the encourage to try to elevate, that you would be free from the fear at least for some periods of this journey.
— there will always be willing audiences so they make theaters. Both sides need to evolve and learn thru this way.
— please be reminded that, everything and everyone in the public arena stage, is trying to sell you something, or to plant ideas into you, unfortunately money is the motivation most of the times, as well as control.
— when everyone is talking about the info they have been fed, you know that itself is a mission accomplished because most of times it is just distractions.
Looky here. See it as long as it is fun but don’t be fixated.
— in this world, to reach a certain level of fame, fortune, power and elitism, you knowingly or unknowingly agree to become a pawn someday for your masters. Even the kings and the queens of this world have to answer to the hand that is controlling them.
— the devil Of this world loves to use honey pot to lure its pawns. A honey pot filled with diseases and poisons.
— when you choose the ways of the evil, know that there can be no genuine love and kindness, not to mention mercy. The devil is not about any of that. Beware that they can trick and lie because they are in that frequency.
— the funny thing is that , the only thing between you and happiness could be as simple as switching a different way to think and to perceive, at least for many of you.
— see no evil. Hear no evil. Speak no evil.
— when you are meant to not see something, the universe would somehow make you ignore it. It is designated this way.
— if the government cared about all of its people, there would be no wars, there would be no sending its children to die or to be hurt, they would not choose to help people far far away and let its people die in toxicity.
There would be no hunger, no homelessness, always clean water and air.
It is what it is. Some people are here to experience low vibrations no matter how high they reach, how wealthy they become. And you probably wouldn’t believe there is one hand controlling the whole world and all leaders are just chessboard pieces.
You reap what you sow. All is karmic if you are here, no matter what you are. Have fun.
— a life time of ego, jealousy, exploitation, servitude, anger, obsessions, feeling imprisoned and hopeless. From a human perspective, they deserve mercy the most but in this reality the energy is inverted.
The inverted energy itself is also an expression and experience. What a trip.
— no one is truly harmed in making this ultra thrilling horror movie.
— no matter how much you focus on a movie, at the end of the day it is just a movie, one of the many. The characters are portrayed by actors, the lines are written, the acts are directed.
Enjoy it, don’t take it too seriously.
— no matter how angry, no matter how insidious, it is just an illusion.
Laugh, find it amusing as it is purposed to be funny. Learn to perceive this way.
— karma is balance.
— in the neon garden of evil, the light can’t be tainted but would be distinguished and put out. The light held on to the path as long as it could.
It was meant to spark bravery, definitely over fear.
— strip away the humanly perception of good and bad, each person and being is simply living its life as an expression among the infinite.
Good and bad is also meant to be for humans because it is a guiding force as well as energy.
— the pawns lose their will and become puppets. They do not even know what they do. They become the existence to be blamed on.
— it takes evil to know evil. One experiences being evil so that all aspects could be understood.
Once the spirit elevate, they would understand the backstory of all evil, each has a backstory and a reason why, all in the complexity of karma and energy.
The energy of once evil now has elevated and it now has compassion to help other evil to elevate because it understands what it is like. What an interesting place.
— the unconditional love understands everything because it is and has been everything simultaneously and infinitely. It embraces all and loves all.
— let go. Let karma take care of it. Karma is balance.
— do your best. let patience and karma work its magic. Infinite love would take care of it all, have trust and faith.
— we are given the illusion of individuality and we are all each other’s teachers and helpers. It is not limited to one realm. It happens simultaneously.
— big money, massive fame, powerful control, and giant ego are a bind. It binds one to lower vibrational realm and attracts all low frequency energy.
If that is what one chooses, then each of these would be their greatest teacher. They are really in it for the lesson.
— you find meaning in the games you choose to play, the cults you join, the stars you follow, the lies you speak of, the greed you dive into, the corruption you allow, the harm you do, the control you impose, the ego you sleep with, and perhaps many Of you are bound to these, But there is also meaning in the love you give and receive.
Each teaches you something but be reminded all is karmic. It is why you are here.
— when the energy of ego is strong, say only what is necessary or be silent.
— as observed, in the history and realms of human, the biggest hurt has also been humans’ doings to other humans. Karma is complex but also simple in the sense of balance. This would go on infinitely. Just part of the human worlds. But know that there would also always be love, if balance and karma is running everything.
— fear is a powerful entity, it usually gets its victims to do its biddings but it really is just an illusion.
— many people have the capability to see the truth but they cover that in denial. Deep down they know.
— do what you will, with kindness, patience, and clarity.
— a lesson that you have learned with another person is always a two way lesson. The same thing goes to a lesson learned by many with many in all infinite ways.
— each cult leader refers to themselves as a god, that itself is egotistical and ego is in very low vibrational frequency in this human realm. So go figure.
— all is well x infinitely
— there would always be fear in the human narratives. Man made but also fate. Some do not fear it and they energetically become braver. The healing can only be learned in such reality.
— a spirit that is designated to have a low vibrational journey in this human realm, to play the bad guy so to speak. In the places of karma, both light and dark are needed for balance.
If you could see without all the humanly filters, you would show mercy and feel compassionate for the so called bad guys.
— the fear preaches its followers and then they start spreading that energy. It is how they cultivate and Manipulate the energy of the mass and the collective.
The energy of fear is the same but can dressed up as different topics in the human world. Just like theater, it would show up when it is its cue to. Right on the consistent schedule as the script.
— if you could see yourself from a different perspective in a certain circumstances, you would probably change.
— after you experience all that negative emotions and low vibrational energy, you definitely would bounce back but I wish it would also be in this lifetime.
No matter what I wish you love always. All has been designated.
— when you live a lie, the ice below your feet get thinner and thinner. One day it would break but it is meant to wake you up or it is your exit.
— in this humanly game, the entities who are so desiring for full control of the mass, is actually burdened with ego in ways of insecurity and fear.
— people worship the so called celebrities for whatever reasons, once they do they attach their energy to their idols, and problem is that celebrities all operate at very low vibrational energy and don’t be surprised if deceit is the first one that surfaces.
— people who have a narrowed sight and mind would not understand about karma. They see only a couple feet ahead at all time, as a metaphor. They needed to be this way to carry out certain soul contract obligations.
Just like a cat and mouse game, cat only sees the mouse and vice versa, again as a metaphor.
— the bad guys get caught, from there it presents a opportunity for them to make it right and elevate, it is a turning point that splits, some choose to continue doing bad but In a different reality it would be different.
— evil fights good, but at some point evil also pushes other evil off the cliff because they are evil. That is what evils do. What a story.
— the devil gives its followers a short false sense of sweetness but really it is poisons and diseases, at the same time it is also thinking of unspeakable plans for all these pawns.
— kind people who have a good nature, who aren’t vigilant and allow ego, jealousy, and anger take over. The shadow covers up the light until they decide to heal.
— when you have had enough money, power, fame, and ego, you would miss home. You would try to balance and elevate then.
— our fate lives within us. You only have to be brave enough to see it.
— a good marriage, a bad marriage, many marriages, all have to do with karma.
— keep calm. Let karma work its magic. Karma would balance the energy. Everything that happens in this realm is meant to be.
— in the vicious karmic cycle of getting back at each other, it would go on like this forever until one side decides to heal and elevate.
Tell me, Will you choose healing and peace? Or you would rather continue playing this game within this simulation and illusion for eternity.
— so you are reckless, bold, and like to drive into the traffic without looking. You operate at that certain frequency and will attract another one just like you. You both will make the biggest clash and spark. Could be fierce and fiery but it is how you will learn.
I wish you love always.
— all the angels who drink from the cup of the devil, all become fallen and operate at a low energy state. All of their faces eventually all become wicked, that is one thing they have no control over, the karmic change of the energy, no matter how much magic potion they use.
— human nature is a program. It applies to only humans In humanly realm.
— there is an endless of all sort of poisons. It is human nature. Each week is a new fear, obsession, and trend of song and dance.
— in the mainstream of things and people, nothing is what it seems but human life is predictable that way.
— in an illusion there is such a limited perception called human construct.
— don’t react, don’t let it get into your energy, don’t be offended. Just observe where they are in this realm. You can still learn this way.
People will be all walks of life always because it’s been designed this way.
— humans are given minds to perceive for perceptions In this reality of simulation. It simulates, therefore the only thing that makes you fearful is really just your mind.
— when you sense a component of ego, you can either snowball with it or pass it by, whatever you choose would be your expression, your choice, your journey and soul plan.
— all is well. See how karma work its magic and balance.
The universe is magical because anything can happen in this simulation.
Your limitations is your humanly perception.
— you realize that in this human world, the top of the food chain, the elites, the worshipped are really just exploiting others. The exploitation of the maximum but all operate at very low vibrational frequency.
Of course, the higher of a elite, the higher of the price tag is.
— as a human your perception receiver comes in five senses in this simulation. The energy you encounter, it simulates your mind thru five senses yet it is an illusion of energy.
What and how you perceive of anything, shall be your everything, while you are still human that is.
— in this human world, there would always be inverted energy, and it would express like this, as lovers who hate each other, the worshipped saints who are morally corrupted, the leaders who send their followers to die, the doctors who are killing their patients and so on.
This such energy would be here infinitely in possible forms as all is. It is part of the humanly expression and experience for a certain soul.
You can beat yourself up or embrace it for such scenarios and narratives.
— remember in this reality, they will always use fear for control. They will always follow the oldest rule In the book.
Fear and control would always show up but In different dresses and scenarios, basically the same energy.
Be absolutely mindful and vigilant. Observe. Human world is predictable that way.
— you are free. You are stuck. You are imprisoned. You are forced. You are happy. You are sad. You are fake. You are real. You are this or that.
Whatever you perceive, shall be your experience. Enjoy what you order from the universe.
— let it be known that sometimes anger really is a disguised fear. Nothing is what it appears to be in such circumstances.
— your conscience is also your teacher. Good conscience / guilty conscience, happy or unhappy. Your soul has a plan.
— in the realm of endless voices and noises, I personally think quietness is so very precious, without simulated triggers.
— remember, behind the inversion of what is supposed to be good but turns out to be bad,there is karma.
— be reminded that anything to do with ego would only bring unhappiness, so what is the point of holding onto that egotistical energy when you know all is an illusion?
— when you focus too much on whatever that is hurt, it has no room to heal because your energy is preoccupied by the hurt. Look away, relax, find things to be happy about and you will heal. And remember patience is also of essence in this.
— happiness is what you make of it.
If your happiness is entirely dependent on someone else’s doings, I would bet my money on you ending up disappointed. You give away your power and it is ego to assume you are to be served goodness by one another.
— no matter what one stands for, when they hate, they are in their own hell.
— In any relationship, a human is meant to learn about ego and tolerance from it.
— shine your light. Each encounter is meant to be.
— know that people become cruel because deep down there is fear, there is corruption of the heart, there is struggle within them always. It is their world.
If they are meant to heal, they will find happiness and mercy as well.
— everything about a person plays perfectly into a designated journey for them and for their encounters.
— everything and all encounters happen accordingly to the designated vibrations, even if a human thinks something is delayed, it isn’t. It has always been designated that way. Everything happens precisely accordingly, there isn’t coincidence like how human thinks.
— fixated on one thing like an obsession then ignoring the bigger picture. It is a lesson some humans would have to go thru to learn about it. It has to be first handed.
Let them be.
— it is obvious but most don’t see it until later, some not at all. All meant to be.
The more one is in tune with ego, the harder the journey would be.
— if you deceive other people habitually, it will end up corrupting your own mind and all of your relationships.
— ultimately, thank you so much for teaching me how to think for myself, follow my heart to see the truth, to not jump into the hysteria of fear, and to see with clarity
I understand this has always been the purpose provided by the universe and fate.
— you have to see it with clarity to understand what it truly is, whether this be evil or good. The Universe would make what you need to understand come up to the surface so you can see it without filters.
Be reminded that the universe works in mysterious ways via karma and fate.
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
📝Nina Rogers
| Send me 📝 and i'll give you a random amount of headcanons/facts about my muse!
So similar to Richard we'll do some meta stuff though I feel there is more I can say on Nina? I'll also cover her relationship with Autumn since you don't get that much on the blog.
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Nina is actually short for Valentina, so on official Documents and such she is listed as such. Mainly she just goes by Nina. Full name Valentina 'Nina' Sarah Rogers.
Even though shes adopted, i never gave her a last name from before cause shes just Rogers to me XD
Like Richard nina also had some character inspirations behind her creation I know I said one before but I'll repeat myself.
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Rapheal from tmnt 2003. It's why her color is red and why Nina tends to deal with simallair story beats in a sense. I guess her Leo would be another oc that belongs to my friend Jasmine. They are rivals and yet they do work well together. They butt heads a lot and fight the second eyes lock.
Nina is far more sensitive so she gets angry easy and tends to rely on that anger when it comes to fighting. She just learned far sooner that isn't smart thanks to Steve. She still has her bad temper she just dose better at controlling it but like her Lantia blood suggests shes a hot head for sure.
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Another inspiration because Sailor Moon seems to impact a lot of what I do XD. Is Makoto from Sailor Moon. I always loved how she was the tallest, and Strongest of the group but was also one of the most feminine characters in the series with dreams of falling in love, having a family, and being all into cooking.
Originally Nina used to have a ponytail for this connection. Nina does still have her more feminine trait now. Nina doesn't dress girly but she is very into beauty products also keep her out of the kitchen u-u.
Nina has been an avid fan of Steve for as long as she can recall. She got invested in him as she got older and learned about his story of being this poor sick kid from Brooklyn that became the Hero known as Steve Rogers. And it inspired Nina to do good for others despite her own situations. Being a hot head landed her in a lot of trouble for fighting, however. Steve didn't become her hero though till taking her under his wing and being a mentor to her.
Nina is a hopeless romantic in truth she's a sap for a good love story and claims shes a cupid, she has helped people get together in the end but she shouldn't meddle u-u
This is why Nina's own romantic history is a tad messy. She falls in love kind of easily in that sometimes a girl just says so much as hi and Nina's head over heels.
Despite her break-ups and such Nina has never been against dating and has had both short-term and long-term relationships the shirts being a month the longer ones about half a year or more. Her final relationship though is Autumn her wife.
Nina meets Aumtun in her second year of college, they meet in the campus library where Nina needs help finding a book for a mission because something just doesn't make sense to her. This kind of leads to a lot of thier interactions. Autumn's expertise makes her a sort of secondary source for Nina to hit when she needs help. Of course, the moment she heard Autumn's voice the girl fell hard. So it became a great excuse to see this girl more.
They start to date not to long after this meeting, Autumn was the first girl Nina ever dated who truly loved Nina for all she was and saw her as more than a strong girl. She saw ninas passionate side, her drive, and more importantly her brains. Autumn is the one who told Nina how she's a quick thinker even if she makes a mistake she's able to keep her brain working in stressful moments.
Something that stuck with Nina because she was so used to others thinking she was reckless or stupid no one else ever told her that before. Sure Nina's been in love before but that was when she truly felt something deeper for another person. Finally being felt seen in a way no one else ever has.
Nina lives for social media she has an account on a lot of the main sites.
Twitter: Where she is the most mainly to post updates on her hero work it's been a good way to connect with people and send out alerts for people to clear areas.
Instagram: Is mostly her posting pictures of herself around the tower leaving for missions or returning she never post the same days those go on just to be safe. Has posted many photos of Steve's dad get ups. Lots of Cooper photos
TikTok: Shes usually follows the trends roping Brook, Peter, and even Astrid into joining her. Peter usually has more idea on what's going on and tends to work the camera since he has experience. Lots of skits to trending sounds or dance videos
snapchat: this is mostly her and Aumutn just sending photos back and forth to each other
Nina deff had a Myspace back in the day, she has a facebook but don't use it when people left Myspace. She once had tumblr but she wasn't much of a blogger and just assumed that all it was for.
Nina always wanted to be part of a family. Her own was such a mess and torn apart. Mom didn't want a kid (fair) Dad was stuck with her and seemed to always wish to get away from her. She had a grandmother she often was dumped off to but they weren't exactly always wanting to babysit her.
You can say this adds a lot to her trust issues.And why she can be fast to pull others in despite it.
In truth the reason she can't stand Drac? he reminds her too much of her biological sperm donor. Nina doesn't care if she gets hurt its why she rushes into fights and takes all the hits she can so someone else won't have to. But she fears him hurting Steve again and Brooklyn. To her he hasn't done a thing to prove he won't leave them (I will say him leaving CABEL would be the start to her agreeing to reconsider)
It's unfair to Drac but that's a whole land mine for Nina an issue and area she doesn't want to touch on if she can avoid it.
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Very rough I need to work on this but this is Nina's hero logo an 'S' with a star shape. Nina design a lot of her own brand in a sense even her hero costume she designs before having Tony get it set up to be made.
Next to Steve Nina also admires Tony Stark, mostly for his achievements in inventions and he's the reason she goes to school for engineering he encouraged it even. When she was first brought in he took note of her interests and ended up getting her a scholarship and more for her remaining high school years. This did cause some issues between them Nina not wanting a hand own but he made it clear it never was a hand out he truly thinks she has a mind that needs to be 'properly looked at' an insult and compliment. Tony is differently a second father figure to her no matter the verse. Often when mad at Steve it's Tony she goes too
Natasha is her third idol and the one she learned most her fighting from when she wanted to prove herself to Steve.
Nina’s favorite way to excuse anything she dose is say it’s because she’s [insert random star sign here] Nina doesn’t know her star sing nor understand anything about this stuff so she’s always saying whatever ones comes to mind
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trident-dragion · 2 years
The funny thing about early structure decks to me is the central boss monster, the one depicted on the box, was almost NEVER worth playing. Like, Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon, Vampire Genesis, Infernal Flame Emperor, Ocean Dragon Lord - Neo-Daedalus, Gilford the Legend, and Dark Eradicator Warlock were all just worse than focusing on the secondary stuff and lower level monsters that actually made the deck work. Sure, some of them might be good if you can summon them, Neo-Daedalus is probably the most viable of these, but the effort and resources required are just... not worth it? Like compared to today where the cover card of a structure deck is usually incredibly strong, it's wild thinking about how back in the day the REAL build-around card of a structure deck was something like Armed Dragon LV5 or Raging Flame Sprite
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soulmate-game · 3 years
Daughter of wonderwoman au where marinette finds out her mother is actually Diana and somehow it ends up with her meeting/being introduced to the batfam maybe because she has super strength and is seen yeeting some bad guys who tried to mug her... Or something.
“... you are running from your problems, Mari,” Adrien’s exasperated voice reminded his best friend. Again. She ignored him, and he threw his hands up in exasperation. “Look, you don’t have to do anything about it! Nobody would hold it against you if you decided to just, ignore that you found anything out at all. But you need to actually think about what we just found out and decide whether or not you’re gonna do anything—“ he side-stepped a piece of trash that went flying in his direction. “—or if you’re gonna move on and pretend nothing happened.”
“Isn’t that what I’m doing?” Marinette shot back, pushing her bangs out of her face and tying her hair back with one hand.
“No, you’re currently hiding away in Gotham to avoid your parents while you beat up every random group of idiots who thinks you’re an easy mark,” he retorted. Another wannabe kidnapper went flying in his direction, making him sigh and side step again. She had thrown that one with only her one free hand, showing just how upset she was. “You’re ignoring everything in your life, which is not what we meant we said you should get a little space.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Marinette dropkicked the last criminal into unconsciousness before stepping back and putting her hands on her hips. She looked over at the now seven passed out men in the alleyway, and the one very frustrated ex-model pinching the bride of his nose. “I think I’m coping just fine.”
“It’s better than being forced to suppress all of your emotions, sure,” Adrien reluctantly agreed. “But not by much. Your angry rampage through Gotham has already attracted more attention,” he raised his hand to point at a nearby rooftop. Several shadows lurked there, looming over the building’s edge. “Which, might I add, is exactly why I told you not to come to Gotham.”
“You’re the one who followed me here,” she shot back before turning to the shadowy figures above them. “Go ahead and come down! But it was self defense, and you can’t arrest or beat me up for defending myself!”
The first figure to drop down straightened your just as quickly, revealing the imposing figure of none other than Batman himself. The little white eyes on his cowl seemed to narrow on their own as he looked down at her.
“That might be true, but I’m sure you know my policy on metas in my city,” he grumbled back at her. He wasn’t necessarily threatening, but he definitely wasn’t welcoming either. With all of his limbs hidden behind the cocoon that was his cape, Marinette would never be able to predict his next move if he did decide to fight. Not that she seemed particularly worried about that as she crossed her arms over her chest and met his glare evenly.
“Oh, do you own this city now? I wasn’t given the memo,” she retorted. “And considering I didn’t even know I was a meta until last week? I think I deserve a little slack. I’m angry and if people think the tiny little girl in pink is an easy kidnapping target, then it’s their fault for making themselves into the perfect practice dummies for me to try out my newly discovered strength on.”
Adrien saw the eyes on Batman’s mask narrow even further. Marinette wasn’t exactly at her most charismatic at the moment, and Adrien didn’t wanna get the both of them into a bad relationship with the experienced superhero who always seemed to know things he shouldn’t know. So he stepped up quickly, getting in between Marinette and the Bat and holding his hands up in a placating gesture.
“Okay, Monsieur Batman,” Adrien started slowly, making sure his posture was impeccable and his smile bright. “She’s telling the truth, even if she’s not... the most tactful about it right now. She just found out some very concerning things about her origin and Gotham is the best place for her to hide from her problems and let loose a little pent up aggression. But— well,” he grimaced. “We didn’t intend to run into you guys, but maybe it’s a good thing we did.”
“How so?” Batman was clearly still incredibly suspicious of the both of them and wasn’t giving an inch. So Marinette rolled her eyes (she was still very moody) and leaned around Adrien so she could get a good look at the monochromatic hero.
“I thank my lucky spots that we ran into you, Batman!” She said monotonously. “Me and Adrien are paw-sitively excited at this opportunity.”
Batman. Froze.
Not only were those two lines the very first lines ever spoken to him by two foreign heroes a few years ago (with a few key words changed to protect identities), but they had become their code phrase for whenever they made calls to one another outside of their costumes. All at once it seemed to hit him— the golden hair and bright green eyes on the boy, the blue-black hair and normally super-focused bluebell eyes on the girl that were currently sporting very uncharacteristic frustration. Their heights. Their builds. All of this info flowed through his mind and compared to the information stored in his memory, and it only took the span of two seconds for everything to click.
Suddenly Batman was at full attention, back straight instead of looming over them and eyebrows clearly raised high under his cowl.
He knew Chat Noir and Ladybug would never take a random vacation to Gotham. Ladybug herself had nearly waxed poetic about how much the city depressed her just from the pictures she saw online. If she had willingly come to visit, it was more than to just blow off some steam.
“Batcave?” He asked, earning a relieved look from Adrien and a moody silence from Marinette.
“Please,” Adrien agreed. “You can probably help us, actually.”
Marinette leaned back in the metal debriefing chair, legs up on the table and looking for all the world as the picture of pure teenage rebellion and angst. Coincidentally, Red Hood was in the exact same position in the chair next to her.
Batman and all of his other bats and birds were in the cave with the two off-duty Parisian heroes. Everyone except Adrien and Marinette still had their masks on, since the two Parisians were still not privy to their identities. Yet.
To be fair, the bats hadn’t known the identities of the two miraculous users either before today.
“Cha Noir,” Batman started, only to get a head shake from the blond boy.
“Just call me Adrien. Chat’s out of the bag—“ he ignored the groans at the pun and soldiered on, “—so might as well use my real name.”
Batman nodded. “Adrien, then,” he amended. “Why are you and Ladybug really in Gotham?”
Adrien sighed. “I wasn’t lying, before. Marinette,” he gestured to his hero partner. “Just found out some distressing family news. Since HawkMoth is gone, she doesn’t need to repress her negative emotions anymore. But she also didn’t want to be around her parents while she processed everything. I told her to choose any other city— really, I begged— but she insisted on coming to Gotham.”
“The never ending cloud cover and constant rain seem thematic,” she finally spoke up, reaching into her big over-the-shoulder bag and pulling out a large envelope. She threw it to Batman, making the thin package slice through the air like a knife. To nobody’s surprise the seasoned hero easily caught the projectile between two fingers. He looked at the envelope and back to Marinette, silent questions floating in the air between them. Marinette decided to answer at her own pace.
“That’s what we found out. You see, one of my friends is a huge science nerd. A genius. And he wanted to compare DNA samples between us to see if there were any genetic components that determined a person’s suitability towards certain Miraculous or other magical artifacts over others. It was supposed to just be a fun side project that he didn’t expect any breakthroughs on. He mostly just wanted to satisfy his own curiosity. But instead of finding out if our DNA was linked to the miraculous, he found out that my parents are not biologically my parents.”
“Hence the whole just finding out that you’re a meta thing, right?” Nightwing spoke up, fully invested in the story. “Did they never say you were adopted before?”
“It’s not in the system,” she replied easily. “My parents have all the documentation to prove that I’m their biological child, except I’m not. When I confronted them about it, they caved and admitted that they had adopted me in secret and covered it up. Apparently a friend of theirs was involved in something illegal, and,” she waved at the envelope that Batman was now opening. “The details of what we were able to dig up are in there. The summary is this; their friend was part of a secret, illegal experimentation to create clones that could defeat the Justice League—“ the air seemed to get sucked out of the room as soon as those words left Marinette’s mouth. Everyone seemed to know exactly what she was talking about. “—a group called CADMUS. They made me, as apparently one of their early attempts. But I didn’t exhibit any of the powers they were looking for, or any meta traits at all, and my body refused to mature at the rate they wanted. They had no use for a seemingly normal human baby that they managed to clone, so they were preparing to kill me and start over. That’s when my parent’s friend stole me, not wanting to kill an infant, and begged my parents to take me in and pretend I was theirs. Low and behold, it turns out that my DNA just needed a very specific series of emotions to unlock it’s latent abilities.”
“Those emotions being..?” Red hood trailed off, earning a wolfish smile from Marinette.
“Intense anger, betrayal, and confused frustration closely followed by the desire to punch other people’s faces in.”
“That last one is just an assumption,” Adrien chimed in. “And maybe not accurate. But the first three, our scientist friend was able to confirm. The rapid experience of a lot of negative but action-oriented emotions released whatever had been holding back the powers in her DNA from expressing themselves,” he had switched to French so that he could explain everything exactly as Max had told it to them, but he knew all of them were fluent anyway so it was fine. They nodded along, processing the information.
The crinkling of paper drew everyone’s attention back to Batman, who had been flipping through the detailed break down of everything they had found about Marinette’s situation and how she was made by CADMUS.
“Uh,” Red Robin nervously spoke up. “What’s up, Batman?”
“Your genetic donors...” Batman breathed, getting a wink and finger guns from Marinette.
“Yup. Isn’t that just the most fucked up thing you’ve ever seen? They were clearly trying to make someone who could destroy the world.”
“That makes me nervous,” Nightwing admitted, getting up and going to get a look at the papers himself. “It can’t be that ba—“
When even Nightwing was left agape, everyone else who wasn’t in on it found themselves squirming.
“Just tell the rest of us, already!” Robin demanded after the silence stretched just a bit too long.
“The unknowing genetic donors that CADMUS used to make me,” Marinette spoke up, still with her legs up on the table. “Are a very mad-scientist’s-wet-dream combination of Lex Luthor, Bruce Wayne, and Wonder Woman.”
“We don’t even know why they added Bruce Wayne’s DNA,” Adrien admitted. “Although our scientist friend thinks it’s because of physique. His hypothesis is that, in order to support the genes of Wonder Woman, they had to add male genetics that could support the production of a very high muscle mass and would lean towards easy development of a very athletic body. Lex might be evil-scientist smart, but he’s a string bean. But if he added the DNA of another multi millionaire who just so happens to maintain a ridiculously fit body without putting any obvious work into it,” Adrien shrugged. “Then maybe the clone would be able to support Wonder Woman’s genetics and that of two human donors without falling apart.”
“So I’m ‘the clone’ now, huh?” Marinette snarked, earning an exasperated eye roll from her friend.
Batman just stared at the both of them for a moment. He walked away without a word, and came back with a fresh needle and a box. He placed it on the debriefing table.
“Can I do a paternity test myself?” He asked, his voice suspiciously less gruff than normal. “I trust the both of you, but I rather be safe than sorry with something like this.”
The both of them just stared at him in confusion. They traded a glance, and finally Marinette shrugged and moved to sit in her chair properly. Her shirt was already short sleeved, so she just held her arm out so Batman could easily get a blood sample.
“Sure, why not. But do you just have Lex Luthor or Bruce Wayne’s DNA sitting around to compare, or—“ she shut up when she watched Batman take off his glove and roll his own sleeve up. Realization slowly sunk in as he asked Nightwing to take a blood sample from him.
“Holy shit,” she breathed, eyes wide. “You’re— and Luthor doesn’t know— holy shit this is even worse than I thought,” Marinette rambled, not even noticing as Red Hood moved forward and took a small blood sample from her.
Adrien put a hand over his face and just laughed for a moment hysterically. “Oh my god,” he looked over at Marinette. “You could take over the world.”
“I have the blood of Batman AND Wonder Woman on MY side,” Marinette joked back, also hysterical.
When the bat’s high tech equipment was able to come back with a positive result only a few minutes later, Marinette and Adrien had to sit on the floor and just let it all sink in. Which Batman did not at all help by immediately unmasking himself and trying to make a proper introduction.
“I wanna go beat up random thugs again,” Marinette whined, pulling at her hair. “I’ll put on a mask, whatever, but just please let me punch people. I need to punch people right now.”
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milqueandsugar · 2 years
🏵 Gods and Glory 🏵
Warnings: Mentions of blood/injury
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| Pilot |
There were few things you hated more than the cold months, you hated having to rely on the village markets for your next meal. you hated never having quite enough wood to keep the cold out of your home, you hated winter. As the end of autumn crept ever closer you found yourself in the forest more and more often. You had spent far more that you would have liked mere weeks ago, having to invest in a new axe after the handle of your original splintered You didn’t have the funds to rely on the local village as you usually had, deciding canning was your only hope this winter you had ventured into the forest before dawn broke, a few monsters still lurking in the shadows. You were no stranger to the blade, living on the outskirts of town you had grown used to brandishing the weapon, even as the day had melted well into the afternoon you kept your free hand close to your hip were your sheath lay, the other gripping tight to the basket brimming with mushrooms and berries you had come across from the forest floor. 
Despite the chill of the breeze that tugged on your cloak and hair you found peace in the bustling forest, the birds had recently begun to migrate south and they were as loud as ever. Wolves and foxes alike seemed to have the same idea as you, lurking around for anything they could stuff in their bellies. Of all the things you hated about the winter, you did enjoy how busy life was just before the first snowfall, everything after that was awful however. Relishing in the sound of bird song while you could you had almost missed the bushel of shiny red berries that gathered under a particularly tall pine. Almost. A smile brought its way to your face, sweet berries, your favourite, you could practically smell the sweet berry pie already as you placed your basket down and carefully plucked the delicacies from their thorny confines, your hands receiving a few pokes and scrapes for their greed. 
You had hardly time to think up many other recipes before something else red had caught your eye, at first mistaking it for crushed berries with a chill you quickly corrected yourself, blood. Quite a bit of it as well, at best it was a lucky wolf, at worst someone had been hurt out here. Swallowing nervously as you rose, you had seen far more wolves out here then usual, so chances were it was an unfortunate sheep, and as much as you were tempted to fill your mind with delicious sweet berry jams and wine, the worry of an injured hunter or traveller haunted you. You couldn’t not know. 
The grass had thankfully yet to brown, which made following the blood trail fairly easily. You weren’t much of a hunter, but you did grow up in a hunting community, from the distance of the blood drops you could tell that whatever was running wasn’t going very quickly, and was slowly even quicker. Your prayers for an injured sheep fall on deaf ears as your eyes trail to a nearby tree, a smear of blood vaguely hand shaped was far to high up for it to be any animal. Your heart dropped in your stomach but you kept pace, someone definitely needed your help. With your quickened pace it wasn’t long until you had caught up with the unfortunate soul. Catching sight of their boots first you nearly trip over yourself rounding the tree they leaned against.
Or he you should say. 
Leaned against, the man was clad in green, from his cloak to his tunic, the only thing that didn’t seem to be one shade of green was the strange black armour that didn’t seem to reflect the sun that burned brightly above and the white mask that hid the strangers face from view, a few blonde locks of hair poking out from behind it. His clothes were fine. With gold stitching and embroidery that shone, whoever he was this man was one of importance, not many wore garments like these, let alone his detailed chiselled armour.  Although odd, the mans peculiar fashion wasn’t the first thing on your mind. The arrows that pierced his chest and leg were your immediate concern. Moving fast you bring his arm over your shoulder, lifting him with a bit of trouble, his armour and tools that hung from his belt only adding to the weight of the built stranger, not to mention he was limp in your grasp, you were more dragging him then anything else. You were determined however, you weren’t just going to let a man bleed out, even if they were a little weird. You had hardly walked a few feet when how far you were going to have to walk clicked into your mind, adjusting the man’s arm around your shoulder you huffed, he was going to owe you so much for this. 
“come on big guy, let’s get you home.” 
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shurisneakers · 3 years
harmless (ix)
Summary: Bucky volunteers to go stop a small time villain, but nothing can prepare him for what exactly he has to deal with. (Bucky x villain!reader, drabble series)
Warnings: cursing, sex jokes, frustrated bucky, dramatic reader, anxiety
Word count: 3.9k
A/N: a lot of requests came in last week, so cool and thank you for sending them in!! i’ll try my best to write them if they weren’t originally what i had planned for this series bc they’re so cute kfjdghdf. also hey shoutout to @i-reblog-fics-i-like​ for suggesting the backstory thing! 
here’s my ko-fi if you’d like to support my writing <333
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Hot single in your area! 😈  Find your solemate! 
Somehow it bypasses Bucky’s spam folder and is in his primary email. SHIELD tech is too advanced to let fake mails like this reach him and this doesn’t make sense. Unless it was one of the stupid dating websites he signed up for.
Leaving aside the obvious typo in the subject, he clicks on it, hoping it doesn’t unleash a virus onto his computer. 
He’s instead greeted with a poorly Photoshopped picture of you at a bar with a martini in your hand. He doesn’t have to look too hard to see that the martini is, in fact, an emoji. Off to a terrible start already. 
Right beside it is an even worse image, an imitation of an early Internet chat box.
Harbinger of Doom just sent you a message! 
Come to the empty lot near lair. Bring goggles. 😩���
He wants to strangle you. 
“Why did you curse my eyes so early in the morning?” He spots you at the top of the lair, speaking loudly so that it hopefully reached you. 
“What?” you yell back down instead. “If you’re saying something, I can’t hear you.”
He rolls his eyes. He pulls his phone from his pocket and presses on your contact. 
He watches the look of confusion morph into one of slight surprise when you reach into your pocket and pull out your call.
“Don’t ever send an image like that to me again,” he says directly.
“If that one image is too much for you, how will we ever make our sex tape?”
His mouth opens and shuts like goddamn fish.
He can hear your laughter even without the phone.
“First of all- stop laughing- first of all, a sex tape is never going to happen. Second of all, I have a debriefing to go to, we need to make this quick.”
He holds up a finger when he sees you begin to say something. By the look of trouble painted all over your face, he knows it’s going to be a dumb innuendo. 
“Thirdly, why are you standing there?”
“I watched The Last Airbender,” you say once your cackling dies down.
“I like that show.” He did. Peter sometimes watched it when he came over and Bucky more often than not joined in.
“I know, you told me.”
“Okay, what now?” 
“Put your goggles on.” You take one step towards the ledge. 
“What are you doing?” The goggles don’t do anything to shield him from the sun, considering that they’re not tinted. Maybe he could invest in those.
You send him a smile, taking a step further. His walk towards the building turns into a jog, then a sprint when you’re basically standing on the edge.
You spread your arms out like Jesus Christ himself before flinging yourself off the building. His stomach drops.
His phone falls to the ground, discarded to the side as he sprints to break your landing. 
It never comes. 
Instead, a gust of wind smacks him in the face, forcing him a few steps backwards. 
“I am now an air bender.” your eyes shone. “Kind of.”
Just like that, the show was ruined.
He wipes the dust on from his glasses that he now understands why you made him wear. Considerate, for a person who nearly just gave him a heart attack. 
“Why.” It’s not even a question, just a statement. 
“You know how the Tower has a giant ‘A’ on the side?” 
He stares at you. 
“I‘m gonna spray paint ‘asshole’ on the side of it.”
Pepper would not like that. 
“That’s not even evil.”
“Yeah, but it’d annoy your super friends,” You do a flip midair, testing out the repulsors that were tied around your palms, “and I’m the voice of the people.”
You’re too high for him to reach. He doesn’t have his tools, or anything useful on him considering that he never had to use them before. He couldn’t even launch himself at you from the side of the building because you’d just move out of the way. He could jump really high but it would just have the same consequence.
He could talk and keep you distracted but that worked once, it wouldn’t again. At least not for long. 
Fuck, he really had only one option. 
He leaves you to do your somersaults and turns, walking over to where he dropped his phone. It’s an upgrade from the brick he was using a while ago, but not a high end Stark model. A smartphone, but barely.
He sighs, punching in the number and holding it up to his ear.
“Who are you calling?” you yell from above him. 
“Go back to your shitty aerobics,” he yells back.
You pause for a second. “Was that a fucking pun, James Bar-”
The dial tone ends when someone picks up. He diverts his attention back to the call.
“Hey man, I-
“You didn’t even let me finish.”
“It’s probably something stupid,” Sam doesn’t even sound annoyed, just uninterested.
“I need your wings.”
“I was right. Bye.”
It was a long shot anyway.
“Fuckin’ hold on a second.” He sees you disintegrate a concrete block by having it drop from the air. “You come here and fix this, then. She’s air bending now.”
“...like Avatar?” Sam unsurprisingly got the reference. 
Peter’s interests were usually shared by everyone in the Tower, just because they had to compensate for the teasing he had to endure. It led to a lot of geeky documentaries and occasional musicals. Bucky wouldn’t be caught dead humming songs from Thoroughly Modern Millie under his breath. 
“You want me to come and fight your girlfriend,” he says slowly. 
“She’s not my girlfriend,” Bucky urges, “and yes, I need help. Can’t exactly reach her when she’s twenty feet above me.”
“We have a briefing in 30 minutes. Why did you even go there today?”
He doesn’t know how to answer that. Just looks up at you smacking one of the repulsors against your thigh when it sputters for a second. It’s tradition. 
“Well?” Bucky ignores his question.
“Fine,” Sam’s voice is distant for a second as he agrees. “Clint’s asking if he can come too.”
“Fuck no.” One of them was more than enough and Sam was way better at negotiation. 
He hears a faint profanity from who he assumed was Clint before the call cuts.
He takes a seat on the ground and waits.
“You’re not going to make any effort to stop me?” You have your arms pressed to your side, palms pointed downwards to keep you afloat.
 “I could just throw things at you again.” He makes a mention towards the small pebbles.
“I will fuck you up if you even try,” you warn. He lifts his arms in surrender. “So that’s it. You’re just going to sit there.”
“To be honest, I couldn’t care less if you painted the building,” he says with the least amount of interest he could muster, not that that was very hard.
“Do you not like your team?” 
“I do.” He isn’t lying. “But they’re little shits.”
“I can draw a couple of dicks on their window, no problem,” you say offhandedly.
He looks up at you through his fingers. “That won’t be required.”
Although it was appreciated. 
“Cool, so then I’m gonna go.” You make a mention of the utility belt on your waist. He looks at the many spray cans that decorate it. 
“What colour are you going with?” he interrupts quickly. Fuckin’ Sam. What was the point of wings if he couldn’t get here in 2 minutes?
“Red, probably.” You look down. “I got purple and white just in case.”
“Building’s dark, red is good.”
“You really don’t care, do you?” You lower yourself down to the ground, a few feet ahead of him. “What’s going on?”
“Nothing.” For fucks’ sake, Sam. “You really don’t like superheroes, do you?”
“I don’t have anything against them.”
“Then why do you do this every week?”
This was wading into personal territory and he did not like it. 
“Well.” Your eyebrows knit together. “Because I want to. It’s fun.”
“No other reason?”
“Do I need to have another reason?” You push your palm downwards, sending you back up into the air. “Can’t I just be evil because I want to?”
“Sure,” he says. He’s heard worse reasons. “Why not?”
“Besides, if you think I don’t like superheroes then you should meet Jake.”
“Who’s Jake?” He hadn’t ever heard you mention him before because he’d remember if you had.
“My roommate.” 
“I didn’t see him when I came over.”
“That’s because we’re not conjoined at the hip.” It takes you a second to stabilise. “Besides, he grabbed the water while I got the bracelet but he refused to come say hi.”
Bucky looked down at his wrist. It was still there. He found himself fidgeting with it more often than not.
“He hates superheroes?”
“He has a valid reason.” Your eyes widen in worry when your head suddenly dips. 
“What is it?” He knows the height at which you’re at isn’t very dangerous but if need be, he’s close by. 
“Come find out.” Your eyes shone mischievously. “But yeah, no reason for me to be evil.”
“Not even a tragic backstory?” 
“None. But if you want it, I can give you one, Barnes.” You test the waters, seeing how long you can lie horizontally. “Can’t promise you’ll like it though.”
“Try me.” He has time to kill. He’s a good listener.
“Well, it all started with my family- a troop of gorillas.” You flip over to lie on your back. “They practically raised me, they did. Until my gorilla mother died and I was all but consumed by grief and-”
“Your mother was a gorilla?” He entertains the notion. 
“Or was it my father?” you ask thoughtfully. “I don’t know, I don’t remember. Anyway, I met a-”
“Just to clarify, none of this is real, right?” he interjects. 
You stare at him. He stares at you.
“Bucky, that’s the plot of Tarzan,” you say slowly, “or at least whatever I remember of it... which I’m beginning to realise isn’t much.”
“Just clarifying.” He leans back again.
“Anyway so then when my mother, the deer-”
“Whatever. Was killed, I escaped to some place-”
“Somewhere. And I stayed with these seven men-”
“Why seven?” He actually remembers watching this movie with his sister when it came out. An early memory, a bit faded. He remembers how long he saved up for the ticket.
“Because character development. And then I realised the reason my life was so weird was because there was a rat controlling me by pulling on my hair-”
“What the fuc-”
“If you ask any more questions, I’m going to stop.”
Bucky blinks at you. “So that’s your backstory.” 
“Raw and uncut, baby.”
“Just to get this straight, your mother, the gorilla deer-”
“She was a witch who stole my hair.”
He’s interrupted by the giant shadow cast by something that flies overhead. 
Fucking finally. 
He doesn’t even have to look up. Sam does a small glide to the ground, landing gracefully beside him.
Bucky finds you speechless but straightened up from your earlier posture.
“Buck,” Sam greets him.
“Sam,” he says in return, getting up from his place. 
A grin spreads across your face. “Mr. Sam Wilson. No way.”
“You’re Y/N, I’m assuming?” Sam offers, posture relaxed. He clearly wasn’t here to fight. 
“The one and only.” You tear your eyes away from Sam to glare at Bucky. “Barnes, if you had told me we were expecting guests, I would have dressed better.”
Bucky furrows his eyebrows in suspicion at you. You’d dress up for Sam. 
You dressed up like a suburban tourist dad for him. He was feeling the offence incoming. 
“Can’t count on him to be useful in any situation.” Alright, he did not call Sam just to have the both of you team up against him. 
“Normally I’d agree with you but he did just invite you here, so...” you trail off, looking at Sam expectantly. 
What the shit.
Sam smirks. Bucky switches rapidly back and forth between the both of you.
“I see why Buck keeps coming back every week.” It doesn’t take long for him to catch on, enlisting a feeling of triumph from you. 
“I can’t see why he doesn’t just stay at home everyday if this is the view.” You gesture to him.
This is not what Bucky wanted.
“Okay,” Bucky interrupts, “what is going on here?”
“Pure chemistry, I’d say.” You’re half tempted to bite your lip to seal the deal.
“I agree.” Sam just nods, completely and utterly serious. 
You think that you’ll give him a gift basket just for playing along despite meeting you for the first time at that moment. 
“Get a room.” Bucky rolls his eyes.
“Maybe we will.” You tap your finger against your lip in thought. “How do you feel about Indian food, Sam?”
“Very positively.” 
Bucky grits his teeth. “If you’re not planning to spray paint the Tower, can you just hand over the repulsers so we can go home for the day?”
You let out a small tsk in disapproval. “See what I have to deal with?”
“Can’t imagine how you do it every weekend,” Sam says dryly, not wasting a second in replying. 
“Hello?” Bucky waves his arm around. “She’s the villain here.”
“Your face is the villain here.” You tear your eyes away from Sam only to glare at him. “He won’t even wear a cape. Why am I the only one who brings their A-Game every week?”
“Sam just get the damn-”
“You should wear a cape, man.” Bucky’s absolutely sure that even Sam knows it’s a ridiculous idea.
“I’m not wearing a fuckin’ cape,” he grumbles. 
“What are your thoughts on swords, then?” Your finger finds a place under your chin in deep contemplation. “You’d look great with a sword.”
Bucky buries his face in his palms. “Sam, for the love of God.” 
“Okay, alright.” Sam finally gives in with a small chuckle. He runs a few steps to get a small head start before launching himself into the air, whizzing past your levitating figure. He does a neat little flip midair before matching your height.
“How difficult are you gonna make this, Wilson?” you ask, a smirk on your face.
“Jesus Christ.” Bucky exhales, looking at the both of you through his goggles. 
“What’s your play here?” Sam calls out loudly.
“Was gonna spray paint ‘asshole’ on the side of the Tower.”
“After the ‘A’?”
“After the ‘A’,” you confirm. 
“Now that’s too small,” Sam tutted. “You gotta think bigger. Paint the whole Tower.” 
“Sam!” Bucky looks horrified. 
“Hmm.” You look like you’re considering it. “Don’t have enough paint for that though.”
“You’re an evil genius, right?” Sam casts a small glance at Bucky. “At least that’s what he tells me.”
“You talk about me?” You grin at the disgruntled man on the ground. 
“I don’t,” he mutters, shaking his head. A lie.
“Yeah, so build something,” Sam points out. “Get some more paint. I’ll even tell you the best vantage points to spill it.”
“No, he won’t,” Bucky shouts from below. 
“He’s just cranky because he didn’t get his prune juice this morning, ignore him,” Sam dismisses him.
Prune juice? He was a young 100, not ancient. 
“What’s your favourite colour, Falcon?”
“I like red.”
As annoyed as Bucky is right now, he stores that away in his memory for later. He also knows Sam loves seafood and a good pair of shoes. 
“A couple of gallons of red paint it is, then.” You lower yourself to the ground, Sam slowly follows suit until he lands beside Bucky.
“You know we can’t let you go without taking those, right?” Bucky tilts his head towards your invention.
You narrow your eyes at him. He doesn’t budge.
“I’ll tell ya what,” Sam pipes in instead. “I’ll keep them until you finish getting the paint and once you’re done, we’ll make an evening out of vandalising the Tower.” 
Bucky may not enjoy his company all that much but he admires Sam’s diplomacy. Of course, you would never make it this easy while reasoning with him.
“That a promise, Mr. Wilson?” You raise your eyebrow at him questioningly but are already in the process of removing the things from your hand. 
“Wouldn’t ever lie to you, doll.” He holds up his hand in a mock swear.
You walk towards Bucky and him, rotating your wrists to get rid of the soreness. “Bold claim for a man who met me ten minutes ago.”
“Feels like it’s been longer.” He sends you a wink and you can’t stop the laugh the escapes from you finally. 
Bucky holds his hand out for the gadgets. You shrink away from him with a click of your tongue.
“Technically, he takes this round.” You send a nod towards Sam, dropping off the repulsors into his hand. “So he gets it.”
Bucky rolls his eyes.
“You gonna keep ‘em safe?” you ask Sam, this time a little more earnestly. 
“Guard it with my life,” he says seriously, pressing his lips together in a line to avoid smiling. 
“You’re both ridiculous,” Bucky cuts in.
“You’re going to be late.” Sam tucks the devices into his pocket safely. “You know how Steve gets when people walk in on his speeches. Do you even have a ride?”
“Got the motorcycle.” 
“See you there.” Sam nods. 
“Save me a place,” Bucky says to him.
“No.” He doesn’t even hesitate. “Y/N. It was a pleasure.”
“Still holding you to that evening, Sam.” You send him a smile.
“I’m countin’ on it.” He gives you a small three finger salute before taking off, leaving you staring after his retracting figure. 
When the dust settles, Bucky awkwardly clears his throat. “Right. So that was that.”
“Dude,” you let out an exhale. “he’s so hot.”
He murmurs something unintelligible. It vaguely sounds like a series of threats but mostly a list of complaints.
“Don’t you have a meeting to get to?” You turn your attention back to him.
“Aren’t you going to be late?” You glance at the clock on your phone.
“I’ll just tell them I was on a mission.” Well, sort of. “Besides, what are they gonna do? Kick me out?”
“Fair enough.” You shrug. “Have a safe ride back.”
From what he knows of you and Sam, the both of you were kidding around. But he could never be too sure. He can’t even ask if you were serious about the entire thing because it’s none of his business. 
Were the implications of having his mortal nemesis and other mortal nemesis date important enough to overrule that? 
“Are you planning to skip your meeting, or?” you ask when he remains freezes in his spot, eyes glazed over like he’s thinking about something. “Because if you are, I know this great Thai place-”
“Don’t do that again,” he says instead, shaking his head to jolt him out of his thoughts. 
“Flinging yourself off roofs like that.”
“Why?” Because it scared the hell out of him, for one.
“Just don’t.”
“Oh please, like you’ve never done dangerous shit like that before.” You narrow your eyes at him, reading his face. “Are you telling me you care about me?”
“No.” His nose twitches. “Just don’t throw yourself off buildings when I’m around.”
“What about when you’re not?”
“As long as I’m not there to witness it.” He shrugs, spinning on his heel to leave. Technically he preferred if you didn’t do things like that at all. 
“Fine. I’ll just have my clone try out all the dangerous stuff for me.”
 He stops in his tracks. “You have a clone?”
“Well,” You squint, “no. But I’m working on it.”
He scoffs, shaking his head. “Bye Y/N.”
“You know, it sounds an awful lot like you’re saying we’re friends.” Your whole demeanour changes and he already knows what’s coming.
“I never said that,” he argues vehemently. “All I said was that I can’t have your murder on my hands.”
“Thus implying that we’re friends. In a fucked up, enemies kind of way.” You positively beam at him. “Aw, Barnes, that’s adorable.”
Adorable? Adorable?
“I hate you.”
“I love you, too, bestie,” you gush, dumb grin on your face. “I’ll make us friendship rings next time. What are your thoughts on matching tattoos?”
He wants to cry. 
By the time Sam walks into the meeting room, the session’s already begun. He shoots an apologetic look to a monologuing Steve before taking his place at the nearest chair available. 
Something sharp pokes his thigh. His wings are off and in the backpack beside him, but then he remembers your little inventions that were still in his pocket.
He tries not to make much of a noise while he pulls them out, giving them a look over to make sure they’re not broken.
“Watcha got there, Big Bird?” Tony asks lowly from beside him.
“Something that Barnes’ enemy made.” Sam holds it up slightly. 
“The one he’s been rendezvousing around town with every weekend?” 
“That’s her.” He’s about to put it in his backpack when Tony stops him.
“Pass that here for a second.” He recognises it immediately for what it is, interest piqued. 
Sam hands one of them over while he puts the other back in the bag. It’s a metallic circle, not bigger than Tony’s palm, with a thick leather strap to tie it around your palm.
“She made this?” 
“Why don’t you ask him?” Sam mentions towards Bucky who silently slips into the conference room, standing in the corner near the potted plant since there were no more chairs left.
“The balance has gotta be off on this thing,” he mutters to himself, wholly ignoring the brooding man standing in the corner like a Christmas tree.
“She seemed to be manoeuvring it fine,” Sam catches the eye of a lower ranking agent who makes the mistake of glaring at him for talking while the meeting was going on. A few seconds later the agent hastily looks away and doesn’t turn around for the rest of the hour. 
“Could be better.” He uses a much more intricate model for his suits, although this isn’t even half-bad for a homemade version. “Do you know how long she took to make this?”
“Buck says she comes up with a new one every week, so I’m guessing that long.” 
It had a few glitches but it was incredibly refined for a week’s worth of work.
“Interesting.” He gives it a quick overlook before handing it back to Sam who drops it into the bag.
He casts a swift glance at Bucky, noting how he wasn’t even paying attention to the meeting but rather to whatever he had tied around his metal wrist, fidgeting with it with his thumb. 
Tony has an idea. 
And that was generally bad news.
Next part
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