#but. priorities in this fandom
floralcavern · 7 months
Traumatized kids in yellow raincoats
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v-yun · 18 days
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Text translation:
There's no Oleg here-
Oleg is here.
Spoilers to "Major Grom: The game" movie:
Let's pretend Razumovskiy listened to Igor and took more pills, which magically helped him hold Ptitsa (the Bird) back and get a proper hug, because I desperately needed that scene TT
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what the actual fuck. there's people in the comments of Donna Ketsu, begging for the song to not be deleted. are you being serious? the producer was both dating a MINOR while he was thirty AND STABBED HER LAST WEEK WITH THE INTENT TO KILL?
and you're worried about a SONG? have some fucking compassion.
if ColoPale actually does get rid of the song, i will be seriously disappointed in anyone that starts to whine and protest and cause a riot like the one following RMD's EN removal.
"it's important to Rui's character and the story, they better not remove it!!!!" do you hear yourself. you can believe "separate the art from the artist" all you want but THIS artist attempted to TAKE THE LIFE OF A REAL TEENAGE GIRL. anyone would be fully right not to want any association to him!! i will be more disgusted if ColoPale does NOT say anything about the situation.
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mayasaura · 1 year
Going into Alecto, I think it's important to expect that the series won't conclude with a clear lesson. Either about morality—what makes a good person, evil getting their just desserts, ect—or a thesis on decolonization. It's not that kind of story.
Deep down, this series is two drunk girls bearing their souls in a dark corner of the bar. An hours-long conversation that wheels wildly through pop culture, past trauma, theoretical physics, dreams and aspirations, global warming, hairstyling, friends, family, gender, personal insecurities, world history, favorite foods. It has a lot to say, and a lot of it profound, but it's not trying to teach anything. At the end of the night, the point was how fucking cool that girl was, and the potent electric potential for something lgbt to happen
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lightbulb-warning · 1 year
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Saiuoma not-Week not-Day 4: pregame
discussing Hot Takes from your hyperfixation, loudly, on public transport, is a love language all by itself
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protopoe · 1 year
Yellow theme 💛💛💛
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simply-sithel · 1 month
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and when you move, I'm moved by Catja [link]
A wee 60 pages- true mini, bound for the @renegadepublishing Tiny Book Bang. Typeset by Indoor Cat Press.
...this book was so tiny, I lost it in my Drafts! Sharing now, almost a year later, as the 2024 Tiny Books Bang nears it's 2nd typeset reveal
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jaarijani · 4 months
his voice crack at the end of rrrrrrakas~
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There is a cynicism about [Star Trek: Voyager] that truly troubles me. We loved DEEP SPACE NINE. We loved the show. We loved all the characters. There are actors that always give you trouble, and there are always times when the producers and actors are sometimes at each other, because, ‘You don’t understand my character.’ ‘No, you don’t understand the character I am writing.’ That’s fair game. On VOYAGER, there are characters they have given up on. They will just say that to you, flat out. I started asking questions about B’Elanna, who she is. I was saying, ‘I’m having a little trouble watching episodes and getting a handle on her, and what she is about.’ The response was, ‘We don’t have an idea. The past doesn’t matter. Just do whatever you want.’ What are you talking about? How can you give up on your own show? How do you give up on your characters? There is such a cynicism about the show within the people that do the show. I’m not just talking about the writing staff. It permeates the production.
— Ron D. Moore, from this interview that he gave shortly after leaving Star Trek: Voyager (originally published on 18/01/2000)
I'd like to add that in the time since this interview Moore has considerably softened his opinion on the Voyager production, but I still think what he says here is relevant as someone who had the experience of being in both writing rooms.
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Gentle reminder that the only thing Jason could worry about in a life threatening situation was that his vegan girlfriend wouldn't kiss him for a month (since he had eaten raw meat in the giant's place)
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aleksanderscult · 5 months
Was the Darkling that much of a liar as the fandom makes him to be?
Because it's literally one thing for a character to truly lie every other page and another for the reader to have been tricked by the narrative that he's a compulsive liar.
If we thoroughly search and find his lying moments in the Grisha trilogy then it would be these:
“I don’t want to answer you.”
Then he sighed and said, “One hundred and twenty. Give or take.”
After a moment, the Darkling said, “My great-great-great-grandfather was the Black Heretic, the Darkling who created the Shadow Fold.”
“How?” I pleaded. “How am I supposed to do that?”
“By helping me destroy the Shadow Fold.”
“What’s Baghra’s power, anyway?”
“I’m not sure,” he said. “I think she was a Tidemaker.”
“Because every day we don’t find the sea whip, I’ll peel away a piece of her skin. Slowly. Then Ivan will heal her, and the next day, we’ll do it all over again.”
“Where are they? ” I screamed.
“They are safe. For now. They will be on my skiff when I enter the Fold again.”
“As hostages,” I said dully.
He nodded.
So in the whole trilogy the Darkling lied six times. Four if you count the scenes before he was revealed as the "evil guy".
His first real conversation with Alina is considered both by the protagonist and the fandom as manipulative and shady. He lied about his identity, age and true goal. Now let's take it from the beginning.
The fact that he lied about his age and identity wasn't something personal against Alina. This is the exact same lie he had been telling the world for four hundred years as a means of survival and staying as head of the Grisha. Also, did we really expect him to say "Yeah, I was the one who created the Fold. Hehe what can you do?☺️". We would be lying too if we were in his place.
Another thing that needs to be understood here is that the Darkling was testing her. He was trying to see what her personality is like, how does she feel about her newfound powers and, most importantly, what has she heard and how does she feel about him. I'm pretty sure that he was kinda sure that Alina would have been influenced by the people's views about him. And he was right. Alina was afraid of him thanks to the rumors and superstitions that surround him. If she also knew who he truly was then she would run from that barn ASAP.
Now let's see the next lie that the Darkling spat out. The one where he told her that he needs her to destroy the Fold. This was another test. Trying to see how she would react if she knew her true purpose as the Sun Summoner that everybody expected.
Apparently she failed that test as well:
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Alina panicked when she heard that the realm's future lies on her shoulders, when she understood that she would be the one to destroy the Shadow Fold. Imagine how she would react if the Darkling said "Okay look. I need you so I can use the Fold against some nations, not destroy it". Yup, she would scream and run.
There's no way the Darkling would say the truth to her, especially since he saw how frightened and prejudiced she was about him and how clueless she was about the whole economical and political situation Ravka was at this point.
He was waiting for the Sun Summoner to be born and emerge for centuries. He would never risk losing her now because of her narrow views and some brutal truths. It was a matter of life and death for him in order to protect his country. And this girl was too young, too naive to understand.
So no. He didn't do it because he had something personal against her or to seduce her. He did it for the good of his country so this girl would stay no matter what.
Sadly, it's evident that in the end the Darkling's suspicions proved to be right. She run away. And when he found her he chastised her about her selfishness and her inability to see the bigger picture.
“Did you deserve my trust? Baghra whispers a few accusations in your ear, and off you go. Did you ever stop to think of what it would mean for me, for all of Ravka, if you just disappeared?”
“You didn’t give me much choice.”
“Of course you had a choice. And you chose to turn your back on your country, on everything that you are.”
“That isn’t fair.”
“Fairness!” he laughed. “Still she talks of fairness. What does fairness have to do with any of this? The people curse my name and pray for you, but you’re the one who was ready to abandon them. I’m the one who will give them power over their enemies. I’m the one who will free them from the tyranny of the King.”
The Darkling was right, she did have a choice. I once heard a line from a show that said "In life we always have a choice. But sometimes it's easier to think that you don't" and it applies to Alina here perfectly. She had a choice but she said to herself that she didn't. And by doing so, she only proved Aleksander right. She can't handle the truth.
Now the next lie is when he lied about his mother's powers. Don't have to dwell here because it's the same thing as before. It's the same lie he tells everyone "I don't know. I'm not sure". The Darkling (publicly) has distanced himself from his mother and keeps that relationship a secret. It's just part of his persona (just like his age, his identity etc.). Again nothing personal against Alina.
The next one is just some clever emotional manipulation. When he made clear to Mal that he would curve Alina's skin he knew that the threat was just enough. He has seen them act all cutie-cutie and being sacrificial for the sake of each other to a disgusting point so he took advantage of that (I say good for him).
And the last one is just my personal favourite if you ask me. That strategy he displayed there was my most favourite that he ever showed. Since he knew again how the threat would be enough for Alina to come to him like fish on a bait. He embraced his villainous persona and pretended that he would hurt those children if she didn't surrender to him. But he knew better. Mindless heroism would just bring her right into his net and again he was proved right until everything fucked up and died.
In his own words:
“I know what you thought, what you’ve always thought of me. It’s so much easier that way, isn’t it? To puff yourself up with your own righteousness.”
Just some delicious shit actually.
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So, in conclusion, no. He wasn't a compulsive liar. But when he needed to lie he did and only for (as he saw it) selfless reasons. In fact, he mostly either evaded the truth or spoke truth. So misinformation just spilled that man's reputation lmao.
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theweeklydiscourse · 2 months
It’s a bit funny when ATLA fans who are so deeply attached to the show blame the fandom for the problematic elements of the actual text. They’ll say: “You missed EVERY message that the writers included! I can’t believe that you’re unable to understand the deliberate messages woven into the show!” And then the “message” in question will be a flaw they noticed in the text, an unresolved narrative issue, or an instance of the writers’ biases seeping through the story.
I just wish that certain fans would consider the idea that perhaps the writers were not as all-knowing as they thought they were and that those gaps manifested in the story. Blaming fandom for misinterpreting the story (according to your own interpretation of it) is so ridiculous and indicative of the reluctance to critique a beloved childhood show. ATLA was ahead of it’s time in a number of ways, but we have to stop acting like it is beyond reproach.
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rubberbandgirlme · 3 days
my fellow touchstarved enjoyers....... im planning to compile all the lore scraps that we have into one post, probably with my thoughts and speculations because there are some interesting bits.... and i want to ask you something:
could you share your favourite piece(s) of ts lore that you encountered in the game or saw in one of the dev posts? 👀 reasons are: 1) im simply curious 2) it will help me collect those lore pieces faster
replies/reblogs/dms are all fine
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swee26oy · 17 days
Lyanna : I will not marry Robert because he has a bastard.
Also Lyanna (She runs away with a married man with two children).
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linmmelonz · 2 months
Mm hmm?
I think it might be time for me to stop being a fisherman.
I don’t know. I’ve…I have fished and I’ve fished mending.
Uhh huh
And… I’ve gotta confess something…
Ok, yeah, go on.
I’ll tell you at the next end city…Right I have a confession to make.
Ok, sure, yeah.
I might need to stop being a fisherman.
I don’t like this talk!
I-I lost Rodney.
I-I don’t know where Rodney is!
What is a fisherman without his fishing rod?
You-you have a point but maybe what you actually need is a storage system.
HAHAHAHAHA You know… you could be onto something…
It’s on the list! Right after… my sheep farm!
I’ve got more important things!
You know your priorities here… are questionable.
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morocorra · 25 days
Ik I’ve said a variation of this before but I hope anyone whose main take on the Blue x Noah kiss scene is about how awful it is Adam is never told about it / cheating ethics qualms knows I will then not take any of their other trc analysis seriously et all.
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