#buy a big diamond ring for me??
luxuryghouls · 2 years
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all i ever wanted was the world
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ninjagirlstar5 · 1 month
Kikuo's worthless child song makes me think about Minako and Kizuna quite a bit
Ohhhhhhh nooooooo.
That huuuurts.
Minako caring for Kizuna but also being a toxic parent as she often puts her down in response to any sort of emotional outburst instead of trying to offer emotional support, and also just how she ends up passing her unrealistic and toxic expectations on beauty standards down to her because "that's all that matters for a girl." And by the end of the song, the child, now older, disappears (a.k.a. die in Kizuna's case) and the parent is left berating themselves for everything that's happened, wishing they can turn back time. But all Minako can do is live with the regrets of the past and the self-hatred that's left behind.
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emjiroki · 2 years
Sugar daddy enji when??
Lmao when I get motivation. I literally can barely even look at my WIPs right now and I've got due dates coming 😅 but Sugar Daddy Enji does sound good! Might dip my toes in later
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traffytaffy · 2 months
OP Men and proposing💍
Ft. Law, Kid, Sanji, Zoro.
Sorry i haven’t posted in a bit. I had like no ideas, but this was actually requested by my best friend who was going through “marriage fever” lmao.
Requests are open!
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-Marriage isn’t something he’s concerned with but if it is something that you’ve shown interest too, then he’ll consider it. But expect a proposal after several years of being together.
-He would prefer something quiet.
-Somewhere that only you can hear the way he speaks to you in his gentle voice as he tells you everything he loves about you. 
-He wont get on one knee but he would be right next to you, thigh-to-thigh, hand-in hand… as the close contact of his warmth radiates off of him and onto you.
-He would probably pick the night time so it would be more peaceful as the moon and stars are out (also so you don’t see his deep blush)
-He looks embarrassed at first but decides to just be upfront and honest.
-He would pull out a diamond ring. It wouldn’t be too extravagant,something minimal but filled with love.
“Would you…accept this? And make me the happiest man…once more?”
❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎
-Marriage doesnt really pass his mind. If youre with him. You’re his, not a paper or a ring can tell him otherwise.
-I dont think he would care about the logistics of it, but he decides to take matters in his own hands once he sees someone flirting with you…
You nod to get the person flirting with you away…
“I don’t see a ring on ya finger”
-After…beating their ass. Kid would make you a custom ring with an engraving of you and his initials.
-Instead of getting on one knee. He just hands you the ring, his flustered face not able to meet your eyes and all he says is:
“Keep it on, you hear me?”
-And thats all you needed to hear to know you’re a married partner now…without even saying yes.
(You can not convince me he’s not a big softie)
❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎
Do i even have to say it?
He has every…little..thing… planned..
-Its Sanji, you should know he would make a proposal the most romantic gesture he has ever done.
-He’d probably buy you bushes of flowers. Petals running up and down the beach where you find a candlelit dinner waiting for you. And of course… he cooked it all.
-French wine. The best of the best.
-His suit was fresh and crisp, not one single wrinkle in its fabric. You actually felt a bit under-dressed but he assured you that you were the most beautiful thing to him no matter what you wore.
-You felt like an idiot cause out of all the extravagant dates and romantic gestures hes done for you, it took him getting down on one knee for you to finally understand what was happening.
-He has a long speech. You probably have to shut him up by giving him a kiss midway through and saying “please shut up. Of course its a yes” in a sweet and playful way obviously.
-Cause he didnt need to say every great detail about you for you to know your answer was always going to be a yes.
❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎
Probably accidentally got lost and made it to an office where he can file for marriage.
(Kidding…well maybe..?)
-He probably would propose if its something you want. As for him, its not really a big deal.
-He actually does try to plan it out to the best of his ability, asking his crew members for help.
-He loves you so much and wants this to go as planned that he even asks Sanji of all people for help. Sanji takes care of cooking a special dinner for you two.
“Im only helping you cause its for y/n”
But secretly, he wants Zoro to be happy as well.
-When it happens, you two are alone on the deck of the ship, sharing a drink after the two of you ate the dinner Sanji had made for the two of you.
-When the time of the night came that he thought was right, he is sweating profusely.
“Can i talk to you?”
-You nod and listen as your beautiful eyes stare into his, causing him to stutter.
-He doesnt have a speech or anything, he believes the words should just come to him.
But they dont.
-He pulls out the ring and looks at everything else but you.
-He holds the ring out to you while rubbing the back of his head nervously.
“Marry me?”
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star-sim · 6 months
say it back! ☆ jay park
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☆ non-idol! bf! jay x fem! reader ☆ summary: jay thinks you're really cute, especially when you're mad. ☆ genre: fluff!! implied college! au / young adult! au , super domestic and cutesy ☆ warning(s)? nope! ☆ word count: 1.1k ☆ after supermassive blackhole i realized just how many jay stans followed me, so eat up guys 😛
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It was a Friday evening. The sun was beginning to set, casting a vibrant peach-orange glow over Jay’s apartment.
With a navy-blue apron hanging loosely from his neck, Jay took in the scent of garlic chives and caramelized onions marinating in the pan. With a spatula, he popped in a lump of gochujang, stirring in the hot, red paste.
If Jay had to be honest, he spent most of his time just touching you, his girlfriend. Not in a sexual way. Any physical touch with you was more than enough. Whether it be cuddling on the couch or you clinging onto him while he did things, the intimacy of having skin-on-skin contact was everything.
On days like this, Jay was the one cooking dinner. Not-so-surprising, you were an absolute mess in the kitchen, so he took on that responsibility. You should be home soon. You had taken up an internship a weeks ago, so you had to stay just a tad later than usual.
As Jay immersed himself in the gorgeous aromas of his craft, he thought of what he should do with you later.
He could watch a movie with you, but knowing you, you would probably be all over him. He never expected you to be the clingy, needy type, doing whatever you could to snuggle up against his warm body. Jay’s lips parted before spreading into a gummy grin. He could imagine your voice:
“Baaabe,” you would whine, plopping yourself in between his legs. You would tangle your arms with his, or maybe you'd place his hands in your hair and make him play with it.
If his eyes were glued to the TV for long enough, you would pout, before peppering soft kisses against his neck. Jay would pretend to ignore you, making you whine again. 
“Give me attention,” you would murmur against his ear. 
Oh man, Jay felt giddy and warm inside just thinking about it. 
What he wouldn’t do just to have you come home already—
The door clicked open.
“I’m home!”
Speak of the devil and you will appear.
Jay heard a few footsteps and a giggle before feeling arms slither around his torso. 
“Hi,” you mumbled against his back. 
Jay grinned. “Hi, Angel.”
You peeked over his shoulder, taking in the scent of his cooking. “Smells good.”
“Go wash up, baby,” Jay said. “I’m almost done.”
“Okayyy,” you squeezed his waist. You gave Jay a small peck on the cheek. You drawled, “I love youuuu!”
Jay hummed. 
He heard you huff. 
“I love you,” you repeated.
There’s a pulse of silence before you pulled away, leaving him alone.
When you left, he couldn’t help but smile so stupidly. 
You were going to drive him crazy. 
You were so cute, and adorable, and pretty, and beautiful, and gorgeous, and precious, and everything that he loved. He wanted to hold you in his arms forever and kiss you forever and be with you forever and-
How many kids should you and him have? He’d always wanted two boys and a girl, but he wouldn’t mind having more. Later down the line, when you and him got older, he’d buy you a pretty diamond ring— in fact, he’d buy you everything that you’ve ever wanted. And then you and him will get married and buy a house. Would you take his last name? [Name] Park didn’t sound too bad. People would call you Mrs. Park, and instead of calling you by your first name, Jay would refer to you as “my wife,” and—
He was feeling dizzy just thinking about it. Was he getting ahead of himself?
“Are you mad at me?” your voice suddenly said.
Jay jumped. He whipped his head around to see you with your arms crossed and a big, sulky frown.
Were you standing there the whole time?
“B-Babe, I thought you went to the bathroom…”
You shook your head. 
“Are you mad at me?” you repeated. Taking a few steps forward, you turned him around, pressing him up against the kitchen counter while holding his hands together.
“Wait, what?” Jay’s brows knitted together. “Baby, where is this coming from?”
“You…” you began, averting your gaze. “You didn’t say it back.”
Jay cocked his head. “Say what back?”
You huffed. “I said I love you, and you didn’t say it back.”
You tilted your head so that he couldn’t see your pouty face, playing with his fingers. You murmured something under your breath, something that he couldn’t quite hear.
Jay stared at you for a few seconds, processing everything. And then, he threw his head back, loud bouts of laughter emitting from his lips. Every time that he would calm down and look at you, your sulky face would make him burst back into his fit of giggles.
“It’s not funny!” you slapped his shoulder, your cheeks heating up with embarrassment. When he wouldn’t stop laughing, you turned away, punching him on the arm, “You’re a jerk, Jay.”
At that, Jay immediately stopped laughing.
“Wait, I’m sorry!” Jay clasped your hands in his, pulling you close to him so that you were flushed against his chest. 
You frowned. 
“It's too late to apologize,” you mumbled.
Jay almost chuckled at your grumpiness, but stopped himself before you’d be even more upset with him.
You stayed like that for a few moments: Jay holding you close against the kitchen counter, fingers loosely intertwined.
Finally, Jay poked your cheek.
“Don’t be mad at me, Angel.”
Your frown deepened.
Jay sighed.
Bringing a large hand up, he gently grabbed your face, bringing it closer.
“What are you-”
Jay began littering chaste kisses all across your face– he started at your cheek, moved up to your forehead, down your nose, to your other cheek, and lastly to your chin, where he teased you by kissing just close enough to your lips. He exaggerated by making loud kissy noises to further rile you up.
“Stoooooppp,” you whined, but made no attempt to resist him.
Jay let out a low chuckle. He cupped your cheeks. He ghosted his lips over yours, reveling in the way that you automatically closed your eyes and wet your lips in anticipation. He contemplated whether or not he should pull away to tease you, but decided against it. 
Who was he to deny you?
When your lips met, you let out an excited squeal, squeezing his bicep. When you guys pulled away, Jay breathed against your lips, “I love you.”
“Baby...” you mewled, sliding your hands up his chest to hook around his neck.
“I love you,” he repeated himself, leaning in to give your lips a peck. “I love you so fucking much.”
You giggled softly, your breath brushing against his cheek. “I love you, too.”
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i-love-ptv · 4 months
He Loves My Heart-Shaped Sunglasses
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Felix Catton x Fem! Reader
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You and Felix spend Valentine’s Day together. <3
Smut (lowk filthy) + Fluff
Wc: 2,550
An: Wanted to post this before v day, but i got sidetracked, thankfully pushed it out before the day ended :3
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February 14th.
The day of love.
The day to show your special someone how much you care for them.
The day that’ll bring out the joy and excitement out of most, but will also bring out the bitter feelings of some.
Felix has never really favored Valentine’s day. He may be a soft romantic now; a year into your relationship, but before, he was used to hookups that led to his lonesome morning after. Hence why it was so hard for him to ask you out last year on this very day.
He spent hours in different shops; trying to find the perfect gifts for you. Obviously, this process would’ve gone by quicker if Venetia didn’t get distracted by the hundreds of soft stuffed animals every few minutes, and if Farleigh had even went.
“Please Farleigh! Surely you can help me! You know more about these things than I do!”
“No can do lover boy, besides, you have Vee going with you.” Farleigh had said with an amused smirk.
After a little more of groveling and begging on Felix’s end, Farleigh still didn’t budge. The fact that Felix had said that he wanted to “woo” you, hadn’t helped his case either.
The beaming lights of the shops reflecting off of the bright pinks and reds had Felix’s head starting to ache.
He had settled on getting you a bouquet of red roses, a basket of your favorite snacks, and some other little goodies.
That day when you saw one singular rose on your desk in your english class, the last person you expected to be nervously glancing in your direction was Felix.
After a long, panic-filled conversation with the blubbering boy, you two had finally become official, and Felix swears to this day, that it was the best day of his entire life.
Now, Felix has gotten a bit better at buying gifts for you. He knows you like the back of his tattooed hand. But he can’t help but feel nervous to see you this morning. After all, you only have one, one year anniversary with your love.
Felix observed as the other students of Oxford were handing out gifts to their significant others. Felix couldn’t help but think about how his presents for you were far more superior to everyone else’s.
He had been so distracted, that he hadn’t noticed you walking up.
You tapped on his shoulder and he had nearly leaped out of his skin.
He quickly realizes who is in front of him, and grips you up like you were light as a feather.
“Angel! Oh my goodness you startled me! Happy anniversary sweet girl!” Felix says grinning, like he was looking at the brightest star in the galaxy.
“Happy anniversary my love,” you return through your giggles.
“Here! Here! Open the gifts I bought for you honey!” Felix rushes out as he’s pushing the bags into your hands.
You jokingly chide him for nearly knocking your things out of your hands, but quickly start digging through one of the bags.
He had given you one of his sweaters, a pair of heels you had been eyeing in town, a few other items, and most importantly, a beautiful ring covered in diamonds.
“S’not an engagement ring, not yet anyways, but a promise ring, because I promise to love you always and forever. Tha’s a bit too cheesy, isn’t it? Sorry, I had this whole thing I was going to say but-“
You cut his rambling off with a deep kiss to his rosy lips.
“Thank you Felix, I love it with my whole heart, baby.”You say while pulling away breathlessly.
Felix’s face started to hurt from the constant smiling, but the thought of that flew out the window as he remembered that you had gotten him something.
Felix had practically ripped through the big box you gave him; feeling like he was about to burst at the seems. You smile softly, imagining him with a wagging tail and perked up puppy ears.
You had bought a few articles of clothing, more cologne, a new book that he said he had been interested in reading, and of course, a stunning bracelet, that matched the exact same on dangling on your wrist.
After many more kisses, hugs, and sugary sweet words exchanged between the two of you, you both head to class.
Felix was counting down the minutes until he could see your dazzling face in front of him again. His class felt as if it had been going on for hours, and the fact that he couldn’t focus on his lesson for even a few minutes while thinking about you, wasn’t helping. His mind was drifting to what he had planned for the two of you later tonight.
You, on the other hand, were on the same boat as Felix.
All that consumed your mind was Felix; you’re sweet, dashing Felix.
You’re suddenly snapped out of your thoughts by your professor, who had agitatedly started lecturing you on the importance of focusing on class.
And finally, after multiple grueling hours, and a heated make-out session in a storage closet, classes for today were over.
Felix suggested that you two go into town, and go on a date to the cafe you both loved. At this point, it was your guys’ cafe; your designated spot, where you both can run away from the world and just enjoy one another.
After spending hours, which seemed like minutes, in the cafe, and throughout town, the two of you settle on going back to your dorm.
Normally, the two of you just go to Felix’s dorm, but his was still somewhat airing out from the smoke session you two had the night prior.
Although, the idea of you two walking through town sounded romantic at the time, you hadn’t thought into how long you two would be walking.
“‘Lex?” You call out softly. Felix immediately turns to you.
“Can you carry me? M’feet hurt honey.” You say with a slight pout, to get your point across.
Felix, of course, being the amazing boyfriend he is, quickly picks you up, bridal-style and carries you back.
You ask him multiple times if he was alright carrying you for so long, but after his reassurance and light nip to your nose, your worries are put to rest.
The two of you eventually settle on your bed, and you curl against Felix’s warm body.
“Wait, darling, I forgot a few things at my dorm,” Felix rushes out.
“Mmm, no ‘Lex, stay with me”
“It’ll only be a minute angel, I promise.”
Felix nearly doesn’t have the heart to pull you off of him, but he can’t afford to keep you from your final gift for much longer.
He leaves with a quick kiss to your forehead and nose, and goes to retrieve the items from his dorm.
He comes back and spots you sitting up on the bed with what he thinks is nothing, but his shirt on, and strawberries. You had also opted for a can of whipped cream, instead of melted chocolate, because after last time, you didn’t want to endure the process of the chocolate staining your white sheets, and hardening as you two tried to use it.
“Wha’s this baby?” Felix says with a smirk as he inches towards you.
You feel his warm, hand on your calf as he reaches you.
“What? Did you really think we were going to go without some fun on our anniversary baby?” You say while looking up at him with longing.
“Unwrap your gift, Felix.”
The brunette boy wastes no time in stripping you from his your shirt.
There, he sees, the lacy brown lingerie covering your body; the brown being almost, if not fully, identical to the color of his dark brown irises.
Felix kisses your neck, leaving no area of skin unmarked with purple bruises.
“Mm, wait” He says as he leaves behind a slight strain on saliva on your flesh.
“Oh my god Felix, seriously?” You say with slight annoyance.
“Relax. I have something for you.” Felix chides.
Felix pulls out a box, containing a necklace; with his initials on it.
“D’you like it baby? I think it’ll be perfect, tha’way none of those other boys could even think they could have a chance with you.”
“Why boys, Felix?” You ask slyly, trying to push his buttons a bit.
“I say boys because, my angel..They could never fuck you like I do…Like a man.” He says lowly, showcasing the bass in his silky smooth voice.
You let out a whine at this; loving when he gets possessive over you, “put it on me Felix, claim me.” You purr.
He moves your hair out of his way, and puts the necklace around your neck, subtly grinding his hard, pulsing cock against the little fabric you had covering your cunt.
You let out a sigh, as Felix moans lowly in your love-bitten ear.
He then grabs a strawberry and stuffs it gently between your lips, making you bite down on it.
The juices trickle down your chin as he moves the fruit around inside of your mouth. He licks a stripe up from your throat to right below your lips.
He goes back and leaves a bite on your throat, making you tilt you head back with a sharp moan, giving him more access.
Felix kisses you roughly as he grabs the whipped cream. He squirts a line of the sweet cream onto your navel; watching it slowly glide down to your soaked core.
“God…’Lex don’t tease me,” you whimper meekly.
“But y’taste s’sweet, lovie.” Felix says, letting out a giggle that makes your pussy clench.
“Oh look at you, m’dirty little thing. Clenchin’ around nothin’,” Felix says smugly as he kisses down your warm body.
Abruptly, Felix dips down and licks a stripe up your achy cunt.
“Fuck ‘Lex!”
Felix grins at your shriek, as he presses sloppy kisses to your clit.
“…I thought I told you to stop teasing me baby,” you say, pushing his head down onto your cunt, prompting him to start licking and sucking where you want him to.
Your back arches off the bed as you squeal in ecstasy. You grab Felix’s hair with both hands roughly; he moans at this, which sends shockwaves through your body.
Felix fucks you with his tongue for what feels like hours, sticking his tongue in and out of your pulsing hole.
Felix feels your thighs trembling, making it clear that you’re close to reaching your climax.
Felix removes his mouth with a slick pop and a charming smile, making you cry out.
“Wait! Wait no. ‘Lex, why’d you stop? Baby. Baby please I need it. Put it back please-“
“Shhh, angel. M’gonna give you somethin’ better. Gonna give you this cock. Tha’s what you wanted, right?” Felix says pressing his lips to yours, again, and again.
Felix continues kissing you as he pulls down his pants and boxers, pulling out his stiff dick.
He rubs the tip against your folds, watching his precum drip against your wetness.
“Mmm, y’ready f’me sweetheart?”
“Please, please, please ‘Lex. I’ll be so good! So so good, I promise! Please give it to me! I need it!” You shout eagerly.
“God, you make me feel whole,” Felix says as he slowly pushes his cock into your heat.
“Thank you ‘Lex! Thank you! Oh fuck!”
Felix almost immediately starts thrusting in and out of you roughly, opening your legs wider as he plants his feet.
“Fuck babe! I swear y’made f’me. I thank any ‘n every god tha’ led us to each other, honey.” Felix says with a delicious groan.
“Shit! God that’s it baby. Don’t stop!” You say, reaching down to start toying with your clit.
Felix nips at your fingers; having noticed your dainty fingers rubbing circles. Silently ordering you to quit it.
You wrap your legs around his meaty torso tightly as he flicks at your puffy pussy.
“Oh! O’fuck! Right there! Mhm!” Felix feels as if he’s consuming your moans, picking up his already brutal pace to absolutely abuse your cunt. His main goal being to make you squirm in ways only he can.
“Uh huh? Yeah y’like that angel? Feels- oh f-fuck. Feels good doesn’it?”
Felix lets out more deep groans, with the occasional whine.
“‘Lex. ‘Lex, baby. M’cumming.” You rush out breathlessly.
“M’right there with y’baby, m’right here. Just, fuck, wait a second..Wanna come together, beautiful.” Felix says panting.
The only noises to be heard in the somewhat small dorm are the moans and gasps of two passionate lovers, and the squeaks and banging from the plush bed.
In any other scenario, you’d be pressing your hand around your mouth, stressing to Felix about the importance of staying quiet; not wanting to get more noise complaints. But right now, you could barely even think about where you are; focusing only on the circles being rubbed on your glistening cunt, and the feeling of Felix’s warm, almost candle-lit hot limbs touching yours.
Felix’s pace begins to falter, growing sloppier and sloppier with every thrust, showing signs of Felix nearing his blissful end.
“Yes! Fuck yes! Come f’me angel, please! Give it t’me! C’mon, y’know y’can, here hold m’hand.” Felix says, reaching his clammy hand to your already sweaty one.
“F-fuck! ‘Lex!”
In the span of seconds, the two of you are coming undone together, gripping each other’s hand so tightly.
You feel your climax shake through your entire body, making you jerk against Felix’s hold, as he tries to keep himself together.
Felix collapses softly next to you with a soft “holy shit,” making sure not to startle you in your hazy state.
He brushes the hair from your moist skin and peppers feather-like kisses onto your face, collarbone, and scalp; helping you calm down from your high.
You look at him bleary eyed, taking account of his wobbly smiles as he tries to catch his breath.
‘Does he ever stop smiling?’ You think to yourself.
“Hi honey,” Felix whispers.
“Hi baby,” you whisper back with a giggle.
“Y’so gorgeous, y’know that, angel?” He says, after softly pulling out and snuggling closer to you with a blanket.
“So i’ve been told,” you say, blinking sleepily.
“Wait, sweetheart. Y’can’t sleep yet! I gotta clean you up!” Felix says in a hurry, jumping out from underneath the blanket. He quickly walks over to his desk, which has a pack of wipes on it, and he finds a towel on his dresser.
You fight sleep, as Felix softly wipes you, making sure not to put too much pressure on your already sore cunt.
He sits you up a bit, putting on of his cozy sweatshirts on your frame and gently lays you back down.
He quickly puts a pair of boxers on once he hears your soft whines, begging for him to cuddle you.
He lays down and drapes your body on top of his.
The last thing you feel before drifting off is a sweet kiss being pressed onto your forehead.
“Happy Valentine’s Day lovie..and most importantly, happy one year anniversary.”
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feedback always appreciated bb <3
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dante-mightdie · 11 months
my thoughts about ceo!john price and trophywife!reader…
warnings: minors dni, smut, blowjobs, finger-sucking, daddy kink, fluff, john spoils you rotten <3
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john price is a powerful man…
successful, wealthy, strong, attractive…
what else would you expect from a man who owns his own private military company…
he drew you in the moment you first laid eyes on him…
sat in the back of the painfully boring soiree that you had been dragged along to his black suit, a glass of scotch in one hand and a cigar in the other…
he must be an important man here because apparently he’s the only one allowed to smoke inside…
it wasn’t the way that his suit fit in all the right places that made you blush…
nor was it the way he sat… legs spread wide with a prominent bulge on display…
what made you blush… was that he was also looking at you…
it wasn’t long before he was striding up to you, as confident as anything, and offering to buy you a drink…
and the rest is history…
now you’re by his side everywhere he goes, a pretty little thing on his arm to show off and spoil…
perfectly manicured nails, more clothes than you know what to do with, a disgustingly expensive wedding ring…
weekly date nights at the fanciest restaurants, top-shelf liquor and kisses that taste like champagne…
nothing is too much when it comes to you <3
you’ve never had a man that takes care of you like john does…
he buys you everything you could ever want and more…
all he asks is that you sit pretty on his lap and empty his balls for him :(
but he never has to ask :)
you are more than happy to get on your knees for daddy…
thanking him for the brand new red-bottoms he bought you…
sucking on his balls and stroking his long, thick cock…
he’ll watch you with a content smile, interlocking his fingers with yours, watching as the diamond on your engagement ring twinkles in the sunlight…
don’t think it’s over once you’ve swallowed his cum…
you gotta make sure you climb back into his lap and cockwarm him whilst he smokes…
let him stroke your hair and press kisses your cheek whilst he praises you…
“such a good little thing for me, aren’t ya, lovie?”…
he’ll coo the words in your ear before he runs his thumb over your bottom lip, letting you press a kiss to it before he slips it into your mouth…
“‘m gonna give you the world, sweetheart…”
call this man daddy in public and see what happens…
call him daddy in front of simon or gaz… I dare you…
he’ll be dragging you to the nearest private room and tearing your panties off then stuffing them in his pocket…
this isn’t horny but john matches his suit pocket handkerchief to your dress…
this is horny but you match your lipstick and nail colour to the tip of his…
he didn’t notice until you gave him a blowjob and he couldn’t stop staring at your lips sucking on the head of his cock…
“you little minx…”
if you’re really good for him… he might be nice and let you pick a 141 member to have for your birthday…
he’s seen you eyeing up simon for a while…
and god knows the man needs to unwind…
john is an old-fashioned lover <3
he only has eyes for you…
and he’s such a gentleman…
he’ll kneel down and tap his knee for you to place your foot on so he can strap up your heels…
gives you his jacket when it’s cold…
opens doors for you…
kisses placed to the back of your hand…
“love…” “darling…” “honey…” “dear…”
“daddy’s good girl…”
personal headcanon that john is a big james bond fan…
owns an aston martin and everything…
you giggle everytime he orders the famous martini…
john loves it when you spend his money…
loves getting notifications from his bank when you go shopping…
especially when he sees that you ordered something from the Italian lingerie store that he adores…
but he especially loves when he sees that you’ve clearly bought something for him…
£2,750 at The Whisky Exchange, £1,080 at Sautter Cigars…
you know him so well…<3
I feel like this version of john would still have the 141 working with him…
and he’d pick one of the boys to be your personal bodyguard…
maybe soap because he knows you’ll like his fun personality…
john favourite thing to come home to is you in sage green lingerie, white stockings and his bucket hat…
bonus points if you’re already touching yourself when he gets home…
john spoils you rotten on birthdays, anniversaries, etc…
you wake up to dozens of designer bags strewn about, bouquets, huge stuffed animals…
but the most treasured gift john has ever given you is a emerald locket with the letter ‘J’ engraved and your wedding picture inside <3
gonna think about him all day at work…
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Lost conversations —Konig x Reader -Sfw/Some cursing/mentions of fucking.
Drunk König who's infinitely calmer than his usual.
He asks, waiting for a response. His head lolls on your shoulder, brain full and stuffy. Thinking of everything and nothing at once.
You respond, your voice filling his brain and echoing off the walls of his thick head for a moment before he actually processes it.
Well. Better now than later.
"Marry me."
A pause. Then two. Maybe kidnapping you would be quicker.
"König, you're drunk."
"Ja and?"
He knows you would, maybe someone's forcing you not to. He'd kill them if that's what it takes.
"I have known you for years by now Schatz."
"You...you just confessed to me a week back König."
Oh, is that it?
Should he get you a diamond ring? Maybe moissanite, he's heard it shines brighter.
"...What about the wedding. Do you even want one?"
Ah, you're actually considering it.
"Ja, not if you don't want to of course."
"So just what? Make me sign the papers hm?"
Oh, you're just entertaining him. He'll take that.
"And a ring, anything you'd like."
"Make it all shiny and expensive yeah?"
When did you start carrying him? Ah nevermind, his quarters were close either way. He shouldn't lean too much but his shoulders felt heavier than usual.
"Only for you."
"I'm a fucking colonel Schatz if the higher ups knew I was trying to fuck they'd congratulate me on finding a hobby."
"What about a necklace instead hm big boy? Can't really be caught out here fraternizing can we?"
What a fucking joke. Getting married to you is much more important than those people.
That earned a laugh out of you, you always liked it when he was brutal with his words. Fuck, he had to have you.
"So what? That's it? A ring and some papers, doesn't sound very romantic does it?"
Romantic, what a rip off. He'd kill himself and the whole base if you'd ask him to and you were asking about how romantic it is. fine. He'll be romantic.
He manages to groan out, women liked those right? Something about the symbol of romanticity, probably even a word but who cares? His Oma always loved the flowers back home, maybe you did too.
"Vows, I'll speak my vows. I'll sign them on paper, record them if you must but they will be. I just- marry me please Schatz I need-"
"Ah of course flowers, a woman's dream. What says I couldn't buy myself flowers hm tough guy? Anything to counter that or are you too wrecked?"
The main event of a wedding were the promises right? And the bride of course. Mostly promises.
A stumble and he's grunting off the floor right infront of you, he would be much more embarrassed if he hadn't already thrown up on your feet a few years back.
"C'mon, let's get you to bed."
Is all he hears before he blacks out, a forgotten conversation yet he knows it's a memory he can feel. A memory that he can't even remember clearly but can feel. He just needs to marry you Schatz.
××××××××××××××××××××××x x××××××××××××××××××××××
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cweampier · 1 year
okk so I'm returning the favour <3
I was wondering if you could do a small fic or drabble where reader and Leon are at a wedding. Probably readers relative or friend, and when the bride is coming down the isle leon whispers into readers ear
"That's going to be us someday, I promise you that."
Like ahhh I'm so unstable seriously lmao. I originally wrote this idea and posted it but it didnt do well so it was deleted. I hope u can ressurect the idea 🥰
gonna cry gonna cry… gonna cry…
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you’d been to a fair amount of weddings in your life, but it was your first time bringing leon along with you. he’d struggle with the overriding issue of if he looked presentable enough, seeking for your reassurance. clammy hands adjusted the tie of his suit as you snickered beside him, it was like he was the groom of today. “you don’t have anyone to impress besides me, leon.. now stop stirring in your seat, the reception is starting.” you’d patted his thigh, hoping he’d take the hint and cease his movements. he did so in earnest, watching as the crowd craned their necks to the back.
he listened to the remedy of church bells and to the bright orchestra that commenced as his eyes followed the woman dressed in a recognizable white gown walk down the broad aisle, holding a beautiful bouquet of flowers. he always loved the way wedding gowns looked, how they fitted forms so perfectly. he found his thoughts running rampant, imagining you both in this very moment, trying to capture a glimpse into what the future holds for the both of you. he’s yet to propose, but something stirred up inside him, wanting nothing more than to ask for your hand in marriage right then and there.
he knew he wouldn’t hear the end of it if he were to do so, the selfish idea reducing into nothing more than a distant memory one that he chased so desperately as he thumbed the back of your hand that he was holding. as the woman approached the alter, he leaned in close to your ear, hot breath tickling the lobe of it as he smiled against it at the thought of what he was about to say. “someday… i’ll buy you a beautiful ring and ask you to marry me,” he lulled, brushing a stand of hair from your face. “pick your karat, two, four, anything for you, just say the word,” he nuzzled his nose into the side of your ear, bunting his head against yours affectionately.
“it’ll be our day, just like it’s theirs today— ah..” he backed up as you elbowed his shoulder, watching your face pucker up sourly at his words. it was obvious you were trying to mask the excitement that bubbled up inside you at the thought of leon getting down on one knee, sporting a beautiful diamond ring only for you to accept as he asked you to marry him. through sickness and health, how he’d love you and honor all the days in his life that’ll be filled with you. “don’t be ridiculous, leon…” you whispered through your plump, pouty lips as he wet his bottom lip with a swipe of his tongue along it.
he let out a faint huff, calloused hands finding your ring finger, smoothing his own fingertips along it as he imagined a ring fit snugly onto it, his mark officially being made on you through lavish jewelry. jewelry that held true meaning and promises soon to be met as you both welcomed each other as not only partners but as soon-to-be husband and wife. he couldn’t wait for it, he sat in his seat like a tall child who dwelled giddily on the plans he had for what lies ahead. “ridiculous just so happens to be my middle name.. i can’t help who i am and what big dreams i dream. i just know i’ll always want you in them.”
you could only think to yourself ‘what a geek’ as you found yourself thinking about the same thing. a promising future, security and unconditional love.
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imtryingbuck · 4 months
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader
Summary: Bucky comes from a well respected family, he falls in love with a girl who prefers the simple things in life. Follow their journey through the years.
Word count: 5,109
Warnings: angst, heavy use of pet names. Engagement. Wedding. Death (Cancer) someone makes an appearance. Swearing. Fluff.
A/N: No description of reader other than she has curly hair.
Masterlist   Series Masterlist
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~Two and a half years ago~
The barbeque get-together that Howard and Maria was throwing was in full swing, Y/n and Bucky along with Steve and Sam was sitting at a wooden bench laughing at something that Tony had shouted to Morgan – his daughter.
Y/n sat there with Bucky’s arm around her shoulders listening to whatever he was talking about with the boys, every now and again he would press a kiss to her temple. Her eyes drifted over to where her dad and George was manning the grill, chuckling softly as George pulls Howard closer and all but force him to dance along with the music that was playing through the speakers. Every time her eyes caught her mommas and Winnie’s both women smiled brightly and turned to each other to whispering to each other.
“Son, come here” George shouted.
“Be back in a second pretty girl” Bucky told her, getting up and walking over to his dad and Howard. Maria and Winnie soon following, as well as Sam and Steve. Then Tony and Pepper – his wife. Then Rebecca – Bucky’s sister – joined them.
Furrowing her eyebrows in confusion she went to get up but Morgan came bouncing over to her “Auntie Y/n do you like my wings?”
“I do sweetie”
“Do you want some?”
“I do”
“I can ask uncle Bucky to get you some”
Chuckling at the four year old she nodded “I would appreciate it if you did”
“Then we can match all the time and be fairies”
“That would be amazing-“
“Morg come here darling” Pepper called for her daughter.
Morgan turned to face her mom and confused Y/n even more by asking “Did I do good mommy?”
“You did sweetheart” Pepper replied, smiling at Y/n.
Everyone moved closer together as Bucky moved towards Y/n, smiling softly he took her hand in his.
“Y/n I love you more than anything in this world. You are my light, my happiness, my sweet Bunny. I am forever grateful for meeting you that day in the woods, because if I didn’t I would have never known the true meaning of love. Bunny will you do me the honours of being my wife?” Getting down on one knee he holds out a box, inside a gorgeous diamond ring.
“Yes” she whispered, tears threatening to spill over. “Yes I’ll marry you Ducky!”
Jumping up her picks her up and spins her around, placing kisses all over her face and finally her lips.
Everyone erupted in cheers. Congratulating the couple on their engagement. The moms had the audacity to act as if they hadn’t seen the ring before, the dads wiped their tears before anyone could see them.
“I love you Bunny”
“I love you Ducky”
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It had been two and a half years since they were engaged, there was a few setbacks that made them not rushing into marrying.
First setback was their new home, both sets of parents paid for it as an early wedding gift, it was a beautiful house she had to admit but for Y/n it was way too big just for the two of them. A large gorgeous kitchen, two living rooms, two offices – one going to be turned into a library. Six bedrooms. Yes six. Three and a half bathrooms.
Gorgeous but way too big.
Not wanting to upset anyone or seem ungrateful she placed a huge smile on her face as she hugged her parents and surrogate parents turned in-laws. Moving in and redecorating took longer than planned.
The second setback was Bucky taking over his dads company. There was a lot of business he needed to take care of and Y/n understood, so the wedding got pushed back once again.
The third being Y/n’s biological father showing up.
She was walking down the street with Bucky, Steve and Sam. The plan was to buy some more furniture for the house, and Steve and Sam just had to come too.
The guys went into one store as Y/n went to get a drink from across the street. Everything was fine until-
“Y/n? Y/n” She couldn’t understand why that voice sounded so familiar to her ears until she turned around.
“Hi baby…wait don’t you recognise me? Y/n it’s me, your dad.”
No. No this was not happening. Nope this was a very bad nightmare, come on Y/n wake up.
“Surprised to see me aren’t you? I got out on good behaviour”
Nope, nope this was just life taking the mickey out of me. Wakey wakey Y/n!
“Why are you being weird for? Come and give your old man a cuddle”
The thought of touching you makes my skin crawl. Where the hell is Ducky when I need him? No no no no stay away from me!
“Look how you’ve grown baby girl”
Why aren’t you moving Y/n? What is wrong with you? Ducky? Ducky where the hell are you?
“Bunny? Can you get away from my fiancée, like now!”
Ducky you’re here! Thank God! Please get him away from me!
“Fiancée? Wow my little girl is all grown up indeed, she’s getting married man!”
“Wha-Bun do you know this man?”
“Did they change her name when she was adopted?”
“Who are you?”
“I’m her dad”
Bucky stood straighter at the man’s words. Placing his body in front of hers as a shield he looked back at the store hoping Steve or Sam would see and come out, he needed to get his Bunny way from the monster solely responsible for the pain and suffering she went through.
“Get away from her” Bucky voice dropped low.
“She’s my daughter”
“No she isn’t, don’t ever come near her ever again.”
“Why what are you going to do? Bet I can still control the little cunt. Y/n get here!”
It was a good job that Bucky had been standing in front of her as her foot moved on its own accord.
“Don’t. Don’t call her that”
Sam looked outside pulling on Steve’s arm when he noticed the way Bucky was standing in front of Y/n, and the way she was trying to make herself look smaller behind her fiancés back.
Jogging across the road, Steve slapped his hand on a cars bonnet when the driver nearly ran him and Sam over. “Buck what’s going on?”
“Sam take Bunny down the street. Now”
“Okay-okay. Sunshine come with me sweet girl” coaxing her hands away from Bucky’s jacket as she gripped on for dear life. “Come on Sunny, I got you”
Sam wrapped his strong arms around her shielding her from the prying eyes of strangers he led her down the street, already knowing where to take her. He heard Bucky tell Steve to ring Howard. Sucking in a breath and pulling his best friend, his Sunshine closer to him when he heard Bucky saying who the man was.
Fifty-four minutes later – Sam timed it – the bell ringing chimming over the door signalled someone had entered. He sat them both in the far corner, he watched as she sat on the floor in the corner as she stroked the large black and white cat in her arms.
“Over here Buck” Sam answered. That’s when he saw Bucky, Steve, Howard, George and Tony. Each of them having blood on their clothes.
“Bunny, baby-it’s me Ducky” Bucky had to tell her when she flinched when he touched her knees.
“D-Ducky?” hearing her sound so small broke their hearts, wanting to go back and beat the prick up even more.
“It’s me baby, who’ve you got today?” he asked referring to the cat in her arms. It wasn’t uncommon for Y/n to come to the cat café on Main Street, sometimes when things got too much for her she would go there spending hours just playing with the cats, sometimes she even helped out the staff if they were busy.
“Mr Nibbles” great name for a cat that nibbled on anything and everything. Who was currently nibbling on her jumper.
“How are you feeling Bun?”
“Why do you feel stupid baby?”
“I always thought that if I ever saw him again I would call him all the names under the sun, you know? Or at least hurt him but no I just stood there like a frigging idiot not knowing what to frigging say because I’m frigging stupid!”
“Bun you’re not stupid so don’t ever call yourself that ever again. You wasn’t expecting him to appear baby, it’s not your fault-“
“I froze Bucky! I frigging froze an-an-and I didn’t know what to do. I-I-I-“
“Y/n breath-“
Shaking her head, she couldn’t, she needed him to know why she froze. She needed to explain. She couldn’t let him think she was weak. “I recognised his voice straight away, of course I did it haunts my nightmares. I turned around Bucky an-and I wanted to tell him how much I frigging hate him, how much I wished it was him that died and not my mama. I wanted him to know that no matter h-how much he thought he won he didn’t because he didn’t, did he Bucky? No-no-no-no he didn’t. He didn’t. He didn’t”
Not being able to stomach seeing his daughter struggle and stumble over words anymore Howard pushed Bucky out of the way, knocking Mr Nibbles off his daughters lap and pulled her into his arms.
“You’re right angel he didn’t win, he never will baby and I promise you that right now” he spoke with determination to make her understand that she had not only won by living a life surrounded by so many people who loved and adored her. Howard knew that everyone Y/n had around her all thanked whoever had brought her to them, because he did. Every night. Y/n was the light that brightened their lives. The sweetest, kindest, warmest souls out there and they were lucky to call her daughter, sister, fiancée, friend – hell even acquaintance. No matter what she saw the good in people, always happy to help family, friends and strangers.
But not only did she win she also survived. She survived the abuse she suffered, the orphanage, the bullying, the attack done by Brock. She proved the doctors wrong when they told Winnie and George that she wasn’t going to survive the attack from that bastard, by opening her eyes. She survived when she stood in the witness box of the court room and she told a room full of strangers what not only her but her mama had gone through.
Howard Stark was proud to call her his daughter.
Bucky had the wedding date pushed back once again, on the account of Y/n had been too scared to leave their home.
Months passed and Bucky was notified that Y/n’s biological father had been found in a ditch, dead. Nobody knew what or who did it, not like it mattered.
The fourth and final setback was Maria’s cancer diagnosis.
One night when Bucky and Y/n were asleep in bed the phone ringing woke both of them up, Bucky answered groggily sitting up straight away when he heard Tony’s voice on the other side sounding like he had been crying.
“Baby w-we need to go, come on get dressed”
“What is it? What’s gone off?”
“Bun…it’s your mom. Baby she’s in hospital-” Though she could see his lips moving she just couldn’t hear the words he was speaking.
Getting out of the bed and rushing to her side of the wardrobe she put on whatever clothes she grabbed first. Practically flying down the stairs she rushed out of the house. Bucky following behind closely, trying to get her to slow down but it was no use.
Arriving at the hospital she instantly found Tony, running straight up to him she asked what had happened.
“Dad found her in the kitchen coughing up blood. Y/n/n I-I don’t know much more, Albert – Howard’s brother - rang me telling me to get here as soon as I could.”
“B-but she’s okay right? She will be won’t she Tone? Tony?”
“I-I don’t know Y/n, I don’t know”
By the time Bucky had gotten to them he saw brother and sister holding on to each other crying.
After multiple blood tests the doctor sat the family down the next day as Bucky waited in the waiting room with George and Winnie. “I’m sorry to have to tell you this but the results came back and it is stage four cancer. Lung cancer can be treated with surgery however the mass is too big for us to go down that route, we can also slow it down with the help of chemotherapy but sadly it will not cure it-“
“H-how long do I have left?” Maria interrupted, her hand gripping Howards.
“I can’t say for certain, it varies with everyone-“
“Can you give me a rough estimate? I’m sorry that I keep interrupting you”
“Don’t apologies, I understand. With treatment between seven to sixteen months, maybe even longer. Without treatment a few weeks to a few months” the doctor said regretfully.
“Months. Okay. Okay. That’s okay. When do I start treatment?”
“We can start the process next week”
“Okay, I’ll do it. My daughter is getting married soon a-and I want to see her walk down the aisle, you see” Maria smiled as if she hadn’t just found out that she’s dying.
The doctor smiled too “I’ll make sure that you see that happen”
Truthfully Howard, Tony and Y/n didn’t hear the rest of the conversation – their ears going fuzzy when the doctor said stage four cancer. Only snapping out of it when the door closed behind the doctor, leaving the family to come to terms with the results.
Telling Bucky and his parents, Winnie burst out crying at hearing her oldest friend was going to die. George trying to comfort his wife and best friend. Bucky took Y/n’s hand and took her outside for fresh air.
“It’s not fair Ducky, it’s not fair” she cried “It must be a mistake, it has to be. Yes they made a mistake!”
Even though he knew it was unlikely, he agreed with her. “It’s not fair baby, I know. Maybe they got it wron-“
“There’s no maybe Bucky. They got it wrong! My momma isn’t dying, she isn’t!”
“I know Bunny I know” he didn’t know what to say, so he just stood there and held his fiancée tight in his arms as she soaked his shirt through with her tears.
When Maria heard that Y/n wanted to push the date back just until things had settled down, she was against it at first she tried to argue with her daughter but ultimately got cut off with a coughing fit.
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Now six months after her momma’s diagnosis Y/n was standing in the hotel room in front of the ceiling to floor mirror in her wedding dress. Wanda was behind her fixing the back of the dress and her hair at the same time. Nat was taking photos of everyone. Maria sat in the wheelchair she had been using for the past few months, Winnie sat next to her holding her friends hand. Both mothers crying at the image of Y/n in her wedding dress and at the fact that their babies were marrying each other, finally.
On the other side of the city Bucky was doing the same. Standing in front of ceiling to floor mirror in a hotel, Steve helping him fix his tie. Sam taking photos of them all. George and Howard sitting on the bed next to each other drinking whiskey. Both fathers feeling an overwhelming sense of pride at seeing Bucky standing there in his suit, knowing that in just in two hours that he will be marrying the love of his life.
Bride and groom to be both excited and nervous at the knowledge that they’ll be joined as one in two hours.
It was time to leave for the church when Nat stopped Y/n. “Bucky told me to give you this when we was on our way” handing over an envelope Nat gave her best friend a kiss on her cheek before helping Wanda with helping Maria into the car.
Finally seated in the car she opens the envelope containing a photo. At first she was confused as it was just a topless photo of Bucky until she turned the photo around.
She burst out laughing.
‘This is a reminder of what I looked like before we got married.’
“What is it?” Maria asked chuckling.
Showing her momma the photo and telling her to turn it over Maria too started to laugh, which made everyone else intrigued, one by one everyone started to laugh.
Bucky sure knew how to make her nerves settle even when they were apart.
When Steve saw Y/n in her dress he knew Bucky was going to cry. It was going to be the easiest fifty bucks he was going to win. Yes he and Sam made a bet on whether Bucky would cry or not. The bridemaids and groomsmen were in places, Nat and Steve, Wanda and Sam, Rebecca and Tony. Pepper was to help Morgan as she was the flower girl. Winnie had pushed Maria down already and were both waiting for the music to play along with everyone else.
The music had begun and everything was going perfect just like they had practiced but as Y/n put one foot out she just couldn’t move.
“Dad-dad-I-something’s wrong”
“Nothing’s wrong sweetie, come on James is waiting for you angel”
“No-no it feels wrong. I can’t-“
Bucky looked at Steve, then his dad they both saw the pure fear in his blue eyes. George nodded to his son and smiled reassuringly before making his way out to see what was going on.
“Hey what’s wrong?” he asked seeing father and daughter standing there, Howard shook his head.
“I want you to walk me down the aisle as well George. Please.”
Oh how his heart leapt in his chest.
“Ar-are you sure darling?”
“Yes, it’s only right. That’s if that’s okay with both of you?”
“Of course” Howard and George spoke at the same time.
The music started again and everyone’s attention turned to the double doors as the three stepped over the threshold. Friends and family smiling as Howard, Y/n and George walked by, some of them muttering about how beautiful she looked.
Bucky stood there with tears streaming down his face at seeing his Bunny. Nat and Wanda rolled their eyes when they saw Steve smiling and Sam shaking his head, knowing they had put a bet on their friends reaction.
Reaching him Y/n smiled softly at Bucky, giving both Howard and George a kiss on their cheeks she took Bucky’s waiting hand.
“I thought you ran away” Bucky whispered.
“No never, just wanted your dad to give me away as well”
As the pastor greeted everyone and began the ceremony Bucky couldn’t pull his eyes away from Y/n, nor could she with him.
“James you may read your vows”
“My beautiful Bunny, I love you more today than I did yesterday and I’ll love you more tomorrow than I did today. For as long as I am alive I promise to not only to keep loving you in the purest form but I promise that I will never let you ever second guess my love, loyalty and devotion for you. You are my soul mate, my better half, my Bunny. I promise in front of everyone here to cherish you, to honour and sustain you, in sickness and in health, in poverty and in wealth, and to be true to you in all things until death alone shall tear us apart”
Reaching out to wipe the tears that had fallen on her cheeks, the pastor waited for Bucky to move backwards before telling Y/n that it was her turn to read her vows.
“My beautiful Ducky-“ she started knowing he always blushed when she called him beautiful or pretty. “I have loved you since I knew the real meaning of it. When I look at you all I see is my future, our future. Like I told you on our first date its always been you. You’ve always been my beacon, my happiness. You have saved me so many times I don’t think you realise how many. I will always love you more and more as our days go by and that’s my promise to you. I promise in front of everyone here to cherish you, to honour and sustain you, in sickness and in health, in poverty and in wealth, and to be true to you in all things until death alone shall tear us apart”
It was now her turn to wipe the tears that fell from his bright blue eyes.
“Rings please” Nat and Steve stepped forward handing the rings over “James repeat after me- With this ring I, James, take you, Y/n, to be no other than yourself. Loving what I know of you, and trusting what I do not yet know, I will respect your integrity and have faith in your abiding love for me, through all our years, and in all that life may bring us.”
Repeating the words, making sure his voice was strong so she knew he was as serious as he has ever been, he slips the ring on to her finger.
“Y/n repeat after me- With this ring I, Y/n, take you, James, to be no other than yourself. Loving what I know of you, and trusting what I do not yet know, I will respect your integrity and have faith in your abiding love for me, through all our years, and in all that life may bring us.”
She too repeats the words, she puts the ring on his finger.
“Y/n and James, you have come here today before us and before God and have expressed your desire to become husband and wife. You have shown your love and affection by joining hands, and have made promises of faith and devotion, each to the other, and the receiving of the rings. Therefore, it is my privilege as a minister and by the authority given to me by the State of New York, I now pronounce that you are husband and wife. James, you may kiss your wife”
The whole church erupted in cheers as Bucky took Y/n’s face in both hands and kissed her passionately.
“Ladies and gentlemen, it is my privilege to introduce to you for the first time Mr and Mrs Barnes”
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Their first dance as man and wife was to Unchained Melody, as they danced on the dance floor Y/n noticed the way her dad was looking at her mom, and how George looked at Winnie. The same way Bucky looked at her. Full of love. Nothing more, nothing less.
Y/n caught her momma’s eyes and nodded.
Winnie stood and helped Maria stand. Howard shooting straight up as her legs were lightly wobbly. Before he could ask what was going on Y/n spoke “Instead of doing the traditional father and daughter dance, I would like my father and mother to dance alongside me and Ducky, the same for Winnie and George”
As the music continued both sets of parents danced on either side of their children. Bucky couldn’t stop looking at his wife, his heart soaring at being able to call her that now, his trousers tenting too. Don’t judge him.
As the night draw close, Bucky and Y/n thanked everyone for coming and took their leave back to the hotel that Bucky had gotten dressed, celebrating on their own. As husband and wife.
The next morning they were off on their honeymoon. Greece.
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Six weeks after being married and four weeks after coming back from their honeymoon Y/n sat on the toilet checking her watch every few minutes, the white pregnancy test seemed to have grown eyes as it was staring back at her. Bucky sat on the side of the bath, his knee bouncing, checking his own watch.
“Baby it’s time”
“You check I’m too scared”
A noise between a laugh and a sob made it way out of Bucky’s mouth as the positive sign was there.
“What? What does it say?”
“Positive. Bunny your pregnant!”
Standing up and taking the test from his hands not really believing him, Bucky got down on his knees his hands going straight to her stomach, lifting her shirt up he kissed the flat surface.
“Ducky…we-we’re going to be parents”
“We are my love”
The bathroom filled with laughter mixed with cries.
And then the phone rang.
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Arriving at her parents’ home as fast as they could, Pepper greeted them. “In their bedroom” is all she said.
Running up the stairs Bucky tried to get her to slow down without blurting out the reason but it was no use. She needed to see her momma.
“Momma-I’m-I’m here”
“Oh my sweet girl” Maria croaked out, looking weak and so small in the double size bed. Her hair long gone, skin wrapping it’s self tightly around her skeleton. Though she didn’t look like herself but a shell of what she once was, Y/n thought her momma was still as beautiful as she was the day they had first met. “I’m so pr-proud of you, y-you know that don’t you?”
“I know m-momma”
“Oh b-baby plea-please don’t cry, I’m always go-going to be with you. Always.” Taking her daughters hand in her frail one Maria knew it wasn’t long until she left her husband and children behind to head up to the pearly white gates in the sky.
With her family around her, she was happy. Her eyes scanned the room, her husband on her right holding her hand, her only son who she was so unbelievably proud of everything he achieved in his life sitting on the chair close to his father, Pepper who she was proud to call her daughter-in-law standing behind Tony. George standing against the wall, the man gave her the life she had from the moment he introduced her to Howard. Winnie-her dearest and longest friend tucked in George’s side. Bucky who she help deliver when he decided that he had been in the womb for long enough, the one she was proud to call her son-in-law even in the short period that he had been married to her daughter, standing by his parents.
And her pride and joy, Y/n. Though she wasn’t biologically hers yet she never treated her any different to Tony, no never. Maria’s love for her daughter was pure and real, she always wanted a daughter and she knew she could leave this world happily knowing she had the sweetest, kindest people to call her daughter.
“Momma, I ne-need to tell you something”
“Wha-what is it sweetie?” Y/n leaned in so she could whisper to her the news. That she was going to be a grandma again.
“Oh swe-sweetie th-that is amazing” gesturing for Y/n to come closer so she could whisper in her ears. “Make sure they know that I love them e-even t-though I wo-won’t meet them”
“I w-w-will momma. Promise”
Thirty minutes later hand in hand with her husband and daughter, surrounded by her loved ones Maria closed her eyes and took her last breath with the only regret being that she wasn’t strong enough to meet her unborn grandbaby.
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Two weeks later it was time to say goodbye properly by burying Maria, Howard couldn’t find it in himself to stand long enough to do the eulogy. Tony couldn’t find the words to do it so Y/n told them that if it was okay with them she would.
Now standing there in a church packed full of family, friends and strangers she started to regret saying she would do it. But she couldn’t fail her momma, not today.
“As many as you know I’m- I was adopted when I turned eight by my parents. I was brought into their home, their lives, I was accepted and loved by them. I never once felt out of place growing up or felt alone, I never felt like I was different because they always made sure I knew I was truly loved. My momma was always there for me when I needed her, she was the best person to go to for help and advice. She was the best mom ever and I was truly blessed to have her as mine. There’s no doubt in my mind that my momma will be with my mama and be talking her ear off” she stops as everyone chuckles. “Maria Stark was the one of the best women I have ever met, she didn’t care about your past, whether you was rich or poor, as long as you was kind-a good person she was happy to talk to you. She helped anyone who needed to be helped. She saw good in those damaged and I’m the perfect example of that.”
“My momma wouldn’t have wanted people to cry at her funeral so please don’t, dry your tears and smile. Smile at the memories of her, smile at remembering how she was, smile when your think of the name Maria Stark and all the good that comes with the name. Maria Stark was an incredible, strong, beautiful woman, please don’t ever forget her. On behalf of my father and brother I would like to thank each and every one of you for coming here today to celebrate the life of a wife, mother and friend, thank you”
Y/n steps down from the podium, her hands shook as she moved towards Bucky who stood up and took her hand in his. “I’m so proud of you baby” he whispered into her ear.
As her momma was placed into her final resting place and the flowers started to overflow Y/n stood back and let everyone say their final goodbyes first. As everyone moved away and started to go back to their cars all that was left was Howard, Tony, Bucky’s parents, Bucky and Y/n.
Y/n looked to her right, her breath hitching caused Bucky too look over at her. Following with his eyes at what she was staring at he released a stuttering breath.
Howard caught onto what Y/n had saw, putting his rose on top on the pile of flowers and saying his goodbyes to his wife, his only love, he moved over to his daughter. Kissing her forehead, he squeezed his eyes shut before whispering.
“Your momma wanted to be buried next to the woman who gave her, her daughter”
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A/N: I wrote Maria’s death whilst listening to For Whom The Bell Tolls by Bee Gees…and I had to stop three times because I was ugly crying.
Tags: @cjand10 @unaxv @mcira @bisexualnikkisixx @kneelforloki @kandis-mom @sagebarness @sandyruston @scott-loki-barnes @nikkivillar @saltedcoffeescotch @scentedharmonymiracle @examinarei @sarcastickiddo @sadboiabby @unholyhuntress @8crazy-freak8 @ijustneedpopcorn @moonbeampillgoth @imcinnamoons @elmo-1066 @violetwinterwidow01 @suz7days @adoredire @ozwriterchick @randomrosie01 @mrs-bucky-barnes-73 @emerald-writes @justafangir1 @sibsteria @spencerreidisagorgman @sapphirebarnes @bruher @hawkinsavclub1983 @onlyonetifosi @parisadams @unabashedstarlightcrown @nash-dara @allofffmypeaches @loki-laufeyson68 @behindmygreyeyes @missvelvetsstuff @pigeonmama @lizslibrary @gloriouspurpose01 @gaya-is-weird-af
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rewh0re · 9 months
-headcanons of items that you'd match with each other hehe, very fluffy lol, short short short, this is my way of saying that I'd love to match with my babies. REBLOGS + INTERACTIONS ARE HIGHLY APPRECIATED!!
-pairings : reo, chigiri, isagi, rin x reader (separate)
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╰►REO :
He'd definitely be the type to get a pair of matching rings. They're expensive too, probably from Tiffany and co. or some big brand like that. Reo would buy these gorgeous pair of diamond rings for couples which would make your eyes almost pop out of their sockets. You would chastise him for getting such an expensive item too but all he would say is that it's a sign of commitment. He'd get so confused when you would tell him that you can't wear it daily.
"What? Why?" Reo would ask, a tinge of hurt taking over him filling you with immense sadness.
"Baby these are expensive. I don't wanna lose them by mistake or have someone steal them," you would hold his hand in reassurance.
He'd find a way for that too. The very next day he gets two thin silver chains for the rings. That way you can wear it and have the ring on you daily without losing it!
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I think you guys probably saw this coming but Chigiri would definitely get like these hair ties or scrunchies. He'd buy these sets of 2 and would give you one while the other stays with him. You bet he'd always wear the hair tie or scrunchie on his wrist without fail. He would never take it off and if he ever sees you without it, he'd probably frown a little bit asking where the hair tie was. You would also trade them. He would take yours and you would take his whenever you felt like it and he was always open to it. He probably doesn't like sharing his hair items but when it comes to you taking his hair tie, he'd gladly give it to you and take yours too. Oh he would also try out hairstyles on you and tie your hair with his gift. So sweet.
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╰► ISAGI :
Isagi is a bracelet guy. He had bought this simple bracelet with an infinity charm for the both of you before joining blue lock as a parting gift. He would never take it off and neither would you because it was the only reminder you both had of each other. Coming out of blue lock, his popularity hit a surge. His strength as a footballer increased ten folds, he changed a lot overall. However, what still remained was the bracelet he'd got for the two of you. Seeing the little accessory, you knew he had and always would be your Isagi. Later, when he's even more popular, on covers of magazines as a star football player and a lot richer than he was years ago, he gets a more luxe bracelet. Don't get me wrong, he still wears the little infinity charm one but he gets the pair of you, two new golden bracelets with little embellishments of precious gems as you both are settling down. So now both of your wrists have not one but two bracelets as a sign of forever!
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╰►RIN :
In his case, you would be the one getting something. Probably like a set of matching t-shirts, and I am talking about those t-shirts that had ‘I LOVE MY S/O’ or ‘IF FOUND PLEASE RETURN TO THEM’ ‘I AM THEM’ printed on them in bold. You had the most mischievous grin plastered on your face as he opened the packaging to find two absolutely hideous choices of garments (he would frame it like that, not me). However with a bit of whining and a little bit of bringing out your inner theatrics would finally lead him to wear the t-shirts. He would mostly wear it at home whenever you would wear your one. However, recent paparazzi pictures of him showed him wearing that specific t-shirt paired with some jeans and shades, a cup of coffee in his hand. When it reached you through the power of the internet, it sent you hollering. There were memes being posted every second and you lost no opportunity to troll your boyfriend. Rin would be so embarrassed but hey as long as you were entertained right?
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yourlocalcryptidbee · 3 months
⭐Lucifer Morningstar Headcanons
Headcannons about the lovely Lucifer Morningstar and the ways he acts with the even lovelier reader! Grab some snacks and a beverage, get comfy and enjoy <3
~1k words
GN-ish! Reader (mentions of hair long enough to braid that’s it) NOT proof read.
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Dude hates crowds, like has a burning(get it? hellfire? burning…never mind) hatred for them, most of them anyways. Crowds, people in general, can’t seem to think for themselves when around him. It’s always ‘whatever you want, your majesty,’ ‘don’t let us stop you, your majesty’ ‘we’ll do whatever you ask, your Majesty’ It reminds him of Heaven and the councils, and the masses, and the sermons….the list goes on. It’s Groupthink on steroids. A complete echo chamber that a young Lucifer tried to break. That version of Lucifer stood up to the majority and lost everything because of it. Of course that man still can’t stand it, especially now that he’s on the other end of it. He wishes that sinners could at least try to have a personality around him, not just a bunch of spineless pushovers, ready to wait hand on foot in fear of being smote.
He likes to watch you, not in a creepy way! At least he hopes that it isn’t creepy to you. Simply put, Lucifer likes to see you there, see you take up space in his home. Although he isn’t apposed to helping cook breakfast or clean, he’d much rather just watch you do it. It’s a comfort thing for him, watching you physically move around and disturb his space reminds him that you’re real and not something his mind made up as a last ditch effort to fix his depression. In the beginning when you would sleep over at his house, Lucifer wouldn’t make his bed after you left. He’d just leave all the bunched up blankets and sheets exactly how you left them. It made him feel less lonely when he had to sleep by himself the next night.
Frivolous. Like, truly does not care how much he spends on shit. Couldn’t even try to think about caring. It doesn’t matter to him. Partly due to his pride, he’s the big dick in charge of hell! of course he has the money for that 24k gold and diamond encrusted something or other. Especially if he’s buying something for you or Charlie. Your wish is his command after all.
His house is sssssoooo dusty. After his divorce he had quarantined himself to his bedroom, bathroom and office. He never went anywhere else in his house, he would portal himself between the rooms when necessary so he didn’t even use the hallways! Which one could imagine would leave a substantial amount of dust EVERYWHERE. He had invited you to his home for the first time on a whim, feeling proud of himself for finally asking and had coincidently walked through his front door, only to cough from inhaling so much dust. That pride turned to horror as he realized he only had an hour to clean his house before you showed up. That man had never moved faster in his life. He was so focused, unfortunately sometimes on the wrong things, I mean why was he cleaning the support beams that were 15 feet high and attached to the ceiling and not, I don’t know, the kitchen!? 
Lucifer cannot throw things away. Just look how long he wore his wedding band after he and Lilith split. In fact, he still has kept the ring after getting together with you, though he’s not wearing it, Lucifer just couldn’t bring himself to get rid of something like that. It still lives in a nice box in the very back of his nightstand. This is even worse when it comes to gifts from either you or Charlie. It could be the stupidest thing and he’ll cherish it and hold onto it for eternity. All those rocks, broken crayons, leaves, and bottle caps that baby Charlie gave to him? All tucked away safely to this day, hell, sometimes he’ll look through it all as a little pick me up. Maybe this has to do with being physically thrown out of his home in heaven or maybe he just is sentimental, even Lucifer doesn’t know.
Loves having his wings be taken care of. It was hard after he fell from heaven, those beautiful white wings now a blood red? Not something he liked to look at. It reminds of what he failed to do and of the pain he created for all of humanity. Having you take care of that is so special to him. You take the time to preen his wings and make sure they’re perfect. One of the things that are constantly reminding him of his failure as an angel is just so easily accepted and loved by you. Something so small to you, means the world to him. You can look at something that symbolizes failure and still love it unconditionally because it’s Lucifer’s? Yeah, he loves it that you take care of him.
Will 1000% make dad jokes when he doesnt know what to say. It’s honestly adorable. This happened on multiple occasions when your relationship was still new. A conversation would finish and there’d be a lull or a pregnant pause, and then he’d just “what-what do you call a can opener that’s broken?”
“a can’t opener. ” 
Cue his quiet, stifled yet awkward laughter at his own joke and the distant groan from Charlie who has probably heard that a million times already.
Has a gift for braiding hair. Honestly, he’s pretty good at styling hair in general but allow him to braid your hair and his talent just shines through. His own hair has some length to it so he has in fact braided his own hair but come on, his (ex)wife and baby girl have some of the longest blonde hair in the underworld, of course, he knows what he’s doing. Doesn’t matter what style or where the braid originated, he can do it. The cherry on top is that when he’s combing out your hair beforehand, there isn’t a single tug. Could this be magic? Yes. Could this also be a skill carefully cultivated over the literal millennia he’s been alive? Also yes.
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fangirl-writes · 1 year
Planning Our Future
JJ Maybank x Reader
Warning(s): Mentions of child abuse, mentions of a sex
Notes: I wrote a little blurb when watching the ‘Midsummers’ episode and decided to turn it into a whole fic. Also I still haven’t seen season 3 yet so no spoilers please!
Summary: JJ dreams about running away with the gold and taking you with him.
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You and JJ were cuddled together in one of the hammocks tied to the chateau’s trees. It was just close enough to the water to hear the waves, but far enough away not to get sprayed. That, and you could watch the sun dip into the water every evening.
JJ’s arms were wrapped around you tightly, like he was afraid you’d disappear if he let go.
It had been a long day.
John B. was in the hospital after Topper pushed him from the Kildare Hawk’s Nest, with Sarah Cameron by his side.
He was losing his mind about the gold and about her. 
“You think he’s still going to try to find it after this?” You asked quietly. It felt wrong to speak in a normal tone and disrupt the silence that the two of you had built there.
“Probably,” JJ replied. “As long as he didn’t break any ribs or anything, he’ll bounce back pretty quick. I’ve never seem him as determined about anything other than this.”
You hummed. “Don’t act like you haven’t been enabling him a little bit.”
He frowned. “No. In fact I told him that if he kept going down this road he was going to end up just like his dad.”
“JJ, that’s a horrible thing to say.”
“It’s true. They’re too much alike. Big John wouldn’t give it up either and who knows where he is now. Probably floating in the bottom of the ocean somewhere.”
You didn’t respond to that. As blunt as it was, he was right.
A few moments passed before either of you spoke again.
“So...are we gonna talk about it?” You asked.
“Talk about what?”
“J,” you said. “Come on. You take the fall for Pope then turn up with a busted lip and bruises-”
“Can we not talk about this?”
“No, JJ, I’m sick of not talking about it,” you said, moving so that you were on the other side of the hammock, facing him. “You can’t stay there if he’s gonna treat you like this. Everybody knows what a piece of shit he is so why don’t you-”
“Shut up!”
You snapped your mouth closed.
He’d never raised his voice at you before.
“Sorry,” he said. “I just...I can’t leave. I don’t got anywhere to go. If Big John was still around, he’d take me in a heartbeat but your guys’ parents don’t like me and I know it. And I’m not letting DHS take me away. If John B. can stick around and play the system, then I can deal with this.”
“You shouldn’t have to,” you muttered, crossing your arms over your chest.
JJ sighed. “I know just...can you come back here?”
You frowned but slid back over into JJ’s arms, laying your head on his chest; his heartbeat a welcomed lullaby. 
“We get that gold,” he said. “You and me. We’re gonna ship off somewhere nice. Somewhere our parents can’t reach us.”
You hummed good-naturedly.
“We’ll surf waves every day and smoke only the finest marijuana.”
You smiled.
“Our own little slice of paradise. Far from OBX.”
“That sounds amazing, J,” you said, softly.
“We’ll have our own house and everything. Have sex in every room, just to christen it.”
You giggled. “Can we have a waterbed?”
“Of course we can have a waterbed. But also a memory foam mattress for when we need more stability.”
He was staring up at the sky that was slowly fading from orange into inky night, eyes glazed over as he dreamed.
“I’ll buy you a pretty diamond ring. And we’ll get married on the beach in the summertime by the water. Barefoot, but I’ll still wear a tux if you want me too, as long as you wear white. We’ll only invite the pogues...”
You were lapsed into comfortable silence, the hammock slowly swinging.
“I put the gun to his head,” JJ said, suddenly, making you sit up from his chest. “He was asleep and I had it right there” - he gestured to his forehead - “I could’ve killed him...he’d’ve deserved it...but I couldn’t pull that trigger, Y/N. I couldn’t do it.”
You took his head in your hands and pulled him to your chest, the tears in his eyes falling freely and he sobbed in your hold.
“I hate him,” he whispered. “I hate him so much, why couldn’t I do it? Why...”
You blinked back your own tears. “Cause he’s still your dad.”
JJ didn’t reply, just sobbed in your arms.
“Tell me about our wedding again,” you said. “Will we have a priest?”
“No...” JJ said, softly, sniffing and wiping his tears. “Pope will get ordained and perform the service. A full pogue ceremony, nobody else. Not even parents.”
“I love you, JJ,” you whispered, pressing a kiss to the top of his head.
“I love you, too, Y/N,” JJ replied.
“Will we have kids?”
“Yeah...but not for a while. John B.’ll probably have them first. Then Kie. We’ll probably be the last of the group to have any.”
“Booker, after John B., for a boy. I kinda like Bianca, for a girl.”
“I like it, too,”
JJ kept dreaming for a while, until the both of you fell asleep under the stars. In your own little paradise, right in the OBX.
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Champagne problems
Charles Leclerc x reader
𝗪𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀:language, drinking, crying, just a lot of sadness tbh..
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The season has come to an end, I couldn’t be more relieved. Charles won his third championship, i couldn’t be more relieved about that either.
Its been a tough couple of years for him, he’s been extremely busy. This year more than ever.. we started dating 6 years ago. From the start we had so many plans, so many things we were excited for. Those ideas of relaxing and spending long days in the sun together vanished into thin air the second he promised his father that he would sign with Ferarri. I don’t blame him, how could I ?
Charles was a man who made a promise to his passed father, it would be extremely selfish of me to bring it up. I honestly didn’t feel the need to, my life was perfect in every way. Charles was everything and more. He was caring, compassionate, funny, respectful and extremely romantic.
That brings us to today, the end of the season party. It was quite a formal gathering. With bejeweled cocktail dresses and champagne flowing.
Me and Charles walked in hand-in-hand. He was being nicer than normal, if even possible. We greeted a bunch of people, all of them congratulating Charles with huge smiles and compliments.
I settle down on a wooden chair with a white cushion, my little black dress with gold detailing working perfectly with the colour theme of the party. Carmen and Kika sit next to me, both of them staring at their boyfriends with big smiles. I take a moment to look around the boat, bustling crowds filled the deck, all of them crowding around Charles. He had won the Championship this year. It was his third, for the third year in a row. He had promised me we would start to settle after he reached his goal. We never did, always on the move and always making promises we couldn’t keep.
———— 𝘁𝗵𝗿𝗲𝗲 𝘆𝗲𝗮𝗿 𝗮𝗴𝗼
“Charles you did not !” I scream, my hands covering my tear filled face. The man I would do anything for stood with a proud posture and a devastatingly beautiful smile on his face. I practically sprinted into his arms, his flannel riding up on my body and exposing my lace underwear.
Charles took me to his family’s lake house, the season was at its end and Ferarri was second on the leaderboard. He had decided to steer clear of the chaos and rather taken me away for a little vacation before Christmas with his family in December. I was over the moon at the thought of spending the whole of November in the cabin with him. What I was not expecting was him buying me a Chevy convertible. It was my dream car, I had brought it up a few times, all black with red leather seats. It was gorgeous, the interior being Ferarri red and the exterior being as black as the night sky. “Thank you Charles, I love it.” I say with a huge smile on my lips, staring deeply into his eyes, I only see my future.
“I love you, Y/n.”
My mind goes foggy with all the memories of what we had, I almost don’t realize that Kika was tapping my leg. I blink a few times and smile at the stunning woman in front of me. “Y/n, are you alright? You look a little tense.” Kika was an amazing friend and I appreciated her throughout the years. I look down at her hand on my leg, her diamond ring glistened in the flashing lights of the yacht. Her and Pierre were engaged, the two being absolutely perfect for each other. “Yes, I am. Just excited to go home, is that bad ?” I was happy for Charles, but I was exhausted with this whole thing. I was with him every step of the way and I wasn’t complaining. I loved Charles, more than I have ever loved anyone, I gave up everything for him. My job, my friends back home, my family, in all honesty I gave up my whole life to be by his side. I regret it now, the guilt of leaving everyone and the job I had such a passion for, it was catching up to me. I did not matter beyond Charles and his social bubble. I made new friends and I had everything I could want. but it was all so bittersweet.
“Y/n!” I snap back into reality once more. “Fuck , i’m sorry Kika, I should probably go freshen up.” She gives me a sympathetic look, offering to go with me before I turn her down and make my way to the bathroom. I use the one by the master bedroom, as I know there would not be anyone. This isn’t my first time breaking down on this yacht. It’s actually been a tradition for the last three years. Sulking in the bathroom, my mascara smudged onto my inflamed cheeks. It happens every damn year.
This wasn’t what I wanted, nor was it what I deserved. I was stuck in a loop of race after race and party after party. Charles was a natural, this was his favorite way to pass the time. Noting else really mattered all that much. Except me, i guess. He showed me love and care that I have never experienced before. Even with the back lash i received daily. And not only from fans and supporters, but from friends and family members too. His close family and I were in a verg good place. His mum adored me and his brother and I got along very well. I felt comfortable and loved around them. It was the distant relatives and friends that had their opinions. It never bothered Charles, so much so that he didn’t even think to check if it maybe bothered me. It did, a tremendous amount, actually. But I was stuck in the same loop, for I don’t know how long. I couldn’t leave, but I couldn’t bare the thought of this routine going on for decades. My chevy has stood in a private parking garage for the last three years now, only been driven once when I took Charles along with me to pack up my dorm at med school, quitting that year and deciding to move in with Charles. I would have been a doctor by now, a surgeon actually.
I hear a bottle pop and have no doubt in my mind it’s the bottle of Champagne Charles had brought. I clean myself up and walk out of the bathroom, my tears dried and my hart heavy. As I turn the corner I run into Kika who looks like she’s waiting for me. “Y/n, what’s going on?” She has a very concerned look on her face, I smile at that, appreciating how much she cares. Her hand is once again gripping onto me, her ring taking my attention. “You think he’s going to?” she whispers, a slight frown on her face. That confused me, I thought she would be excited at the idea of me and Charles getting married. I’m not even sure I was. “I don’t kn- ”
“Y/n !” I look over Kika’s shoulder to see Charles on his way over. “I’ve been looking all over for you, where have you been love ?” He exclaims gently, his hand in my lower waist. I instantly feel safe in his embrace, like the world stopped for a second and allowed me to take a deep breath. Kika squeezed my arms and walked over to her fiancé. “Sorry, I was with Kika.” I say hazy. I really needed to get my shit together.
“no need to apologize. Cmon, Arthur wants to do shots.”
I was a few drinks deep when the music switched to a slow song, Charles immediately found me, his arms wrapping around my waist. his head rests gently against the side of my temple, the same temple that was pounding and messing with my ability to stay in the present. “I love you so fucking much Y/n. You do know that right?” Charles pours his heart out. I dropped his hand that was so tightly held in mine. I pinch my eyes shut, finding Pascal looking at me with sorrow filled eyes. I was so fucking confused why people kept looking at me like that.
So i chose to ignore it, I leaned back, looking into Charles’s captivating eyes. “I do, I love you more than anything Charlie.” I smile at him. He kisses me, the kiss is passionate and soft. It almost felt as if I would never see him again. When my eyes opened I looked around and saw that it was only me and Charles left on the dance floor, everyone gathered around us. I frown, looking back at Pascal and Kika they both have worried expressions on their faces, Arthur is taking back glass after glass, with the same panicked expression on his face. But he’s not looking at me, he’s looking behind me. I turn around to be met with the Lorenzo on the other side of the crowd. His expression also mirroring the rest. Fingertips graze my leg and I look down to a hopeful Charles with his mother’s ring in his hands. The world stops, not to give me a deep breath, but to suffocate me. I felt breathless and light headed. It was dead silent, the only sound being Arthur putting the now empty bottle of Dom Perignon on the glass table.
“Y/n you are everything. I have never in my whole life been this inlove, nor have I ever imagined an angel like you to ever grace me with your presence. I cannot imagine myself without yo- ”
“Charles.” I whisper, my breath caught in my throat and my eyes watering. Everything burned, the lights the feeling of his fingers still gripping my leg, the sting in my heart.
“Y/n let me finish, baby. It would be an honor to live up to this speech every day. So if I could just finish it?” He smiles at me. Down on one knee and love circulating in both eyes.
“Charles I-” I choke on my words. “Okay I understand my love, this is a big thing, I’ll skip my shitty speech for now.” I wanted to say something but I felt as if i was going to fall faint right here and die. “Y/n I have loved you for a long time now, and I intend to do so until I die.”
“Will you marry me?”
Complete and utter silence, throughout the whole boat, nobody made a sound. The problem was, I didn’t either.
Charles looked at me with years and years of adoration and love and my heart broke a little more every second I stood still.
“No.” I whisper.
Gasps all around the room, it’s all I could hear. Kika let out a big sigh and Pascal let out a big sob. I could hear curse words being thrown and Charles’s manager saying how I could have been such a lovely bride. I next hear Carlos reply “what a shame she’s fucked in the head.”
“Fuck. I- I’m sorry, I can’t.” I sigh and sob at the same time, hyperventilating almost. Charles dropped the ring out of shock, and I could see his heart was also on the ground, although it was shattered.
I turn away in a complete state and rush towards the street. Quickly climbing into a cab and going home. I pack all the things I could need for a few days before taking off on the next train to God knows where. The train is silent and not a single person is awake. I look around the train, my phone ringing uncontrollably in my hand.
I take a seat next to an elderly woman, her window wide open. My phone goes through that same window about gen second later. As do all my worries. My heart has never hurt this much, but I have never in my life felt a weight quite this big being lifted off my shoulders.
I open my leather wallet and look at the picture of Charles tucked on the inside. That too goes out of the window.
hope you enjoyed!
there won’t be a part 2 unless this story really takes off, but I doubt it ?
𝗧𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗸𝘀 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴 !!!!
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thebearer · 11 months
some carm + jewelry thoughts after reading your blurb about his dangling chain:
-he buys you a gold anklet with a “c” charm on it so he can watch it dangle when he puts your legs up on his shoulders to fuck you
-he has a signet ring embossed with a design (maybe a bear? st anthony? family crest?) and he turns it so the design is facing inwards and he spanks you so it leaves a brand on your ass
-after the big checks start coming in he buys you an exorbitantly expensive necklace and fucks you with nothing else on
omfggggg smut ahead minors dni 18+ but i have to elaborate
ok number one the anklet???? yes. yes. yes.
you mention wanting one, sorta in passing, and carmen's like weirdly adamant about you getting one lol??? you don't really understand why but he shows up a few days later with one you'd shown him online, except it has an embellishment. a tiny 'c'.
carmen's kinda blushy about it but you're beaming and squealing and just smothering him in affection bc it was so cute and sweet, and he really was too!!
then you quickly realize why carmen likes the anklet so much when he's putting it on you, then your legs are up in the air thirty minutes later as a "thank you".
your heels are digging into his shoulders, and normally his eyes are on you solely when he's fucking you especially like this. but you keep catching him staring at your anklet, fucking you hard, gripping your claves while he watches it bounce lightly.
maybe it's the thought that he has a sorta mark on you now. wherever you go, you've got something that symbolizes your his- that he's yours.
it was his grandfathers, then mikey's, and then his. mikey gave it to him when carmen went to new york because "you're a big shot now. need the ring to match since you're gonna be goin' to all that fancy shit, carm."
the ring was gold with a black onyx surface, a gold encrusted 'B' in old english font laid on top so it stood up. carmen didn't wear it often, didn't want to lose it or damage it, but every now and then- on date night, mainly, he'd wear it.
and you loved it.
the chain, nice outfit, plus pinky ring? you were drooling. watching him grab the door handle, cut your food, hold your hand in the car. you couldn't help yourself. he knew you couldn't either. it's why when you got home, he just nodded and you were over his lap.
carmen would take his time pushing up your dress, letting his hand glide over the small of your back, down your exposed cheeks, smug at the way you shuddered in excitement. he'd turn the ring around so the etched side was inwards, cracking his hand down on your ass over and over.
you'd squirm and mewl, gripping onto his legs or the sheets. carmen would just stare, mesmerized by the faint emblem showing on your skin only for a flash before fading.
the bear had made the chicago tribune after a raving review from a lifestyle travel influencer posted a video on the menu and it went wild. you were booked a year out, a waitlist a mile long, a million newspapers, magazines, and interviewers wanting a chance to write about the bear. it was buzzing around chicago, and carmen couldn't be happier. or busier.
he felt bad that with the newfound press, he'd been busy. you'd always been understanding but still, he felt bad, heart breaking every time your shoulders would fall when he said he had to work.
the two of you had just moved into the brownstone. you spent your days decorating and unboxing, showing him swatches of paint that you'd mull over for hours.
"carm, which one looks better?" you'd ask, turning around to see him standing there. only this time, he wasn't empty handed.
the infamous teal bag in hand, grinning at you proudly. "what's this?"
"a gift." carmen shrugged, pulling you over to the couch, setting you between his thighs.
you hummed, unraveling the tiny box. "you really didn't have to get me- oh my god." you were expecting a tiny piece of jewelry, not the dazzling strand of diamonds that sat on the tennis bracelet.
"carmen." you gaped, snapping the box shut, holding it against your chest. "how-how much was this?"
"doesn't matter." carmen shrugged, prying it gently out of your grasp. "let me put it on you. i wanted to get you somethin'. the restaurant is doin'... great. and ya know, i couldn't do it without you baby."
you pressed him about the price, but carmen waived it off. you knew he'd been making money- your new house and car told you that, but the kind of money to casually get gifts at tiffany's? it was new to you. a splurge still, but one that you treasured.
carmen left the necklace on, hips rolling while he fucked you in front of the fireplace, right on the new rug. he wanted to take a picture of the moment, watching you ride him, your head tipped back, diamonds sparkling still even in the low glow of the fire.
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tofuhoon · 1 year
things that remind enhypen of you
genre: fluff
warnings: mentions of food
whenever heeseung passes by the flower shop on the scenic route home, his first instinct is to walk in and buy the biggest bouquet known to man. he manages to hold himself back most of the time, but will still sometimes randomly show up with a bunch of roses big enough to cover his torso. and every time, without fail, your cheeks flush red and you flash a big smile at him. that alone is enough to make him take the long way home the next day.
jay, being the hopeless romantic he is, sees your face in the reflection of diamond rings. passing by the jewelry store on his way home from work doesn’t calm his thoughts of starting a whole new life with you. he’ll gaze into the window, face nearly pressed to the glass, daydreaming about a domestic life with you. for now, he’ll stick to a promise ring, but he knows one day that it will come to be the ring.
jake is reminded of you when he’s with layla. he’s a strong believer that nothing can make layla better – except you. when he ruffles her fur and runs around the park with her, he’s imagining you right next to him as he does it. even layla can sense something’s missing when he’s walking her alone. jake uses layla as an excuse to see you whenever he can. “she misses you!” he’ll wail over the call. not that she doesn’t want to see you, but even layla understands his true intentions.
sunghoon thinks of you while he eats. whether its the kind of food so unbelievably good it makes his eyes grow wide in disbelief, or the kind that he spits quietly into his napkin while no one’s looking, he knows that you being there to enjoy it with him would greatly improve his eating experience. he wants to share all the good food with you only. you get texts everyday of pictures of his delicious meals. “you’d really like this restaurant,” the text reads. “i’ll take you with me next time.”
sunoo sees you in the ridiculous couple items he sees in the store. “we should get these.” he says with a serious face as he points at the “i’m hers / he’s mine” shirts. you push him lightly as he bursts into a fit of laughter. he thinks of you whenever he sees cute matching phone cases and key chains, and he’ll buy them everytime. you’ve never complained about it (you actually think its quite cute) but someone would think you do by the way he tries so hard to justify his purchases. (“it was buy one get one free, i swear!” “sunoo i didn’t even say anything”)
jungwon finds a way to see you in everything he does. the members laugh anytime jungwon remembers a random episode connected to whatever topic it is they were discussing. he can’t help but think of you in everything he does. his memories are filled to the brim with you, and he is determined to fill it up even more. (jay hyu- but make it yn)
niki doesn’t think anyone notices when he takes his little pictures. his members only giggle fondly as they watch their youngest not-so-discreetly snap a couple of blurry pictures of the heart shaped cloud in the sky or the ramen noodle that spelled out your first initial. he always sends you the pictures, which you have saved in a special album. you thank him for his thoughtfulness, as he brushes it off. (“i should at least do this much. we are dating after all” “niki you’re so grown!” “shut up”)
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