#buy silver 2022
sunshineandlyrics · 2 years
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☕️ 💙 Barista Louie x
Hey Babe!
It's Written All Over Your Face, Say It
A Toffee Nut Behind the Door oh oh
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I feel so ashamed I actaully followed an ad and bought something
but also not so ashamed bc a) i am getting two new beautiful necklaces (a dragonfly and a turtle!) and b) I'd seen stuff about it before it was only this ad that made me go finally 'okay given that this is a closing down sale of this thing I will make my final decisions regarding purchases' so the ad didn't really influence anything it just made me get on with it
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preseriesdean · 1 month
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for @spnficrecfest day seven: outsider pov 🧡
Like Arrows in the Hands of a Warrior by ADeedWithoutaName 10.3k words, rated M, published 2018, underage John Winchester loves his boys, and would take a bullet for either of them. He knows that he's doing it right, the way he's raising them, the things he's teaching them. Not every problem, however, has an easy answer. Like what to do after an incubus case in which their target got his pollen all over both of John's sons.
Flagstaff by Linden 7.3k words, rated T, published 2014 John tracked Sam down in Flagstaff, four days after he got home to find him gone.
Generosity by astolat 1.7k words, rated E, published 2007 John had traded the gun; he'd have traded away more, and he was still feeling the cold dread of the moment when the demon had cocked its head like a pistol and said, "You know, I'm feeling generous today," because if it hadn't taken more, that was only because it figured what was in store was going to be worse.
lost in yesterday by margaryes / @christsam 1k words, not rated, published 2023 John hasn’t seen his youngest son in 18 months.
half the man i used to be by dollylux 2.2k words, rated M, published 2016 John has a gradual, horrifying realization.
Mary's Angels by FrancesHouseman 3.1k words, rated G, published 2016 There's one more silver bullet in the chamber; one last shot at the sikutor, the ice siren that has Dean in thrall. John takes aim, and misses.
Buy You a Mockingbird by candle_beck (a.k.a. thee outsider pov fic of all time no contest) 10.3k words, rated M, published 2011, author chose not to warn A genuine horror story.
Multitude of Sins by Linden 4.4k words, rated T, published 2015 Every now and again, Jim Murphy would look up from his altar and find the Winchester boys at the back of his church.
All Heartless Spectres, Happiness 5.7k words, rated E, published 2021, soulless!sam Lisa Braeden receives an email with the subject line, "You Deserve to Know." It contains a single video file and nothing else.
I'll take my chance on a beautiful stranger by fleshflutter 3.9k words, rated M, published 2007 If Chase were a better friend, he might try to end the game now, before Brendan loses even more money. But if Brendan is a dick at Stanford, it’s nothing compared to how he is on break.
Other Brothers by homo_pink 7k words, rated M, published 2020, underage A callow boy can go from infancy to someone’s lover in the space of two wildflower summers.
Try asking by @goshen-applecrumbledore 7.4k words, rated T, published 2022 “Jerry says he saw them going at it in the back of that car of theirs outside Atlanta last year, I swear to God.” “Listen, man, I don’t like them either, but that’s a low blow. Jerry’s a fucking pervert.”
charmer & gentle by Askance 3.7k words, rated G, published 2015 The afternoon girl calls them Big and Tall, the strangers who come in late every now and then, buying this or that. The night girl doesn't think those names fit quite right.
Happy Wife, Happy Life by petrichorsam pre-slash, 7.1k words, rated T, published 2023 The hunters at Johnny's Roadhouse have heard enough tales about Dean Winchester's wife, Sam, to fill a book, and yet no one has ever seen her.
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mizgnomer · 8 months
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Behind the Scenes of The Star Beast - Part One
Excerpt from Benjamin Cook's Star Beast Set Visit in DWM 597:
There’s a buzz in the air in Camden Town tonight as the market vendors shut up shop. Businessmen wait on the bridge by the lock. Students rush from the Starbucks, buskers busk. Tourists jostle for a selfie spot, next to the bronze statue of Amy. At the northernmost point of Camden High Street, a man with a mohawk folds away his cardboard placard (‘HELP A PUNK TO GET DRUNK’) and heads across the road to buy a Red Bull from the 24/7. Three men in North Face jackets, one on a stepladder, yank a tarpaulin sheet off a police box. Security guards change shifts. On Gin Alley, people are still queuing for meat and noodles. A woman in a Kermit tee leaves Oddballs carrying a unicycle. Rose Noble buys a bagful of eyes. Outside Cyberdog, two silver robots, three times the height of the average human, stand vigil. A different crowd is gathered here too, dripping in scarves, bowties, and pinstripes. A dog barks. A neon sign flickers. David Tennant arrives. Some people cheer. Others clap. A boy in a beanie hat drops his falafel. An ambulance siren wails in the distance. Two-hundred phones are held aloft. “What a rock star,” says Doctor Who’s executive producer, Phil Collinson. “I still can’t quite believe David is back on the Doctor Who set.” Neither can he. “It’s mental,” says David, grinning. “We’ve got three more months of this.” It’s mid-May 2022, and he’s donned the vintage Converse once more to play the Doctor, alongside Catherine Tate as Donna Noble, in three hour-long 60th Anniversary Specials. They began filming in Cardiff last week. A few days ago, he recorded his half of the regeneration from Jodie Whittaker’s Thirteenth Doctor.
I’ll post additional parts in the coming months with the  #whoBtsBeast tag. The full episode list is [ here ]
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teafourbirds · 5 months
Please take a moment to admire Tiny Baby Roy Harper who is Trying So Hard to organize his notes and finish his book report while Ollie cheerfully smokes a pipe and distracts him with random facts.
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It is my firm headcanon that Ollie goes on to derail the writing of the book report by reading Connecticut Yankee out loud, substituting himself and Roy for Hank Morgan, and that the whole of the following comic (later described as "maybe a dream????") is actually his retelling (Chitty-chitty Bang Bang-esque, for anyone old enough to have grown up on that movie). Because really, what else is Ollie's dream (especially this clean-shaven young Ollie) but to be an old-fashioned hero saving villagers from wild boars and emptying slaves from the dungeons of evil queens?
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Adventure Comics #268
There will just never be enough early Ollie-tiny Roy content on this earth to suit me, and one of my favorite games to play is building out their golden/silver age stuff in my head to fit with the later comics. I still haven't read very much past the early 2000s (and almost nothing post-Flashpoint) but one of the major exceptions is the 2022 "Earn It Back" story, which is the loveliest Roy-Ollie relationship, where Ollie is Trying So Hard to be a good parent for Roy but also is clearly uncertain about what a good parent looks like, vacillating between being overly permissive and overly strict.
(Ollie's lack of parental figures growing up is another of those astonishingly under-explored stories, IMO. The few interactions we see involve him begging to be allowed to travel with his parents, and his father telling him to "toughen up" when he doesn't want to go hunting. This followed almost immediately by his parents getting mauled by lions in front of him, and then getting shipped off to boarding school by an unnamed uncle. Of course Ollie doesn't know what he's doing. Bruce, the famous orphan, had Alfred from the beginning - who did Ollie have? What does he know about being a parent? I think he goes in with a lot of love and no game plan, except maybe for his firm conviction that Roy is strong and capable and resilient. That he'll be okay no matter what Ollie does. That he probably doesn't really need Ollie at all except as a partner in crime.)
So I'm eternally fascinated by going through the old World's Finest/Adventure Comics (which is nearly all we have of young Roy-Ollie) and imagining how those dynamics fit together. Little Roy, who collects stamps and stands up to bullies and is the secretary of the school's Green Arrow Fan Club (lmao) and is saving up to buy a sailboat and tries SO HARD to prove himself. Ollie, who trusts Roy to pull himself up but still follows him to make sure he's safe when he’s been gone to long, who whisks Roy away from school and homework to save the world, who doesn't realize the extent of his influence over Roy, who trusts that Roy has everything under control because of course he does, because Roy is just that great.
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Adventure Comics 262 // Green Lantern (1960) #85
Anyway, all that is to say, enjoy a bit of Ollie trying to be helpful by distracting Roy from his homework with stories of heroism and bravery. They are everything to me.
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Adventure Comics 264
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A Great and Gruesome Height by @moku_youbi. 
So this bind was a wild ride, with experimentation galore. It’s my 10th bind (HURRAY) and I started this bind knowing I wanted to play with thread, given I had so much fun with the stab binding. I had some red thread which i had originally purchased for the VTE bind - and just the right shade i was going for so i went for it.  
the original idea i was going for was ‘red thread of fate, but make it MURDER’ and so this tidy little concept was born. half way through the design conceptualization phase i had a little epiphany while watching season 3 of hannibal that blood spatter stringing was ALSO red thread and i just couldn’t resist (yes i know hannibal’s little murder tableaus seldom have blood but the string! MORE STRING!) 
More photos under the cut. 
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115559 words || 426 pages
Body Text: Crimson Text 
Chapter Headers: Cormorant Garamond
I quite like the experimentation with body fonts and trying to divert away from regular Garamond. So far, I’ve only used Baskerville, Garamond, Liberation serif and Cardo, but I do like this one. I lack the typography terminology but it feels fancy and posh and something Hannibal would enjoy. 
I also aggressively rounded this book - boy is it ROUND, perhaps a little too so. i had a difficult time getting the spine piece to be as round as I liked. 
Also, it was my first time putting a quote on the first few pages - i have zero regrets. Also featuring my new imprint page with AN ERROR (IT’S DECEMBER 2022 NOW OOPS). 
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I didn’t have enough heat-reactive foil and this fic has 40+ chapters so I could only foil the last couple of chapters which were actually short mini-sequels to this fic which I also added in. I have to say, using a laminator over an iron for heat-reactive foil is MUCH superior. I didn’t have to work myself into a frenzy trying to get an even layer of foil on it. 
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Endpapers are a little bunchy because of the thread. But i had to put butterflies because THE CHRYSALIS has hatched (i will never tire of hannibal metaphors).
See below for the conceptualization phase on cricut and er paper. I have zero art skills and have aphantasia so I had to print it out to try and figure out where everything needed to go. 
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This bind is also the bind where I won my blood sacrifice badge - don’t use rusty tools guys. The spouse had borrowed my rotary cutter to cut wrapping paper for christmas wrapping and is RIGHT-HANDED. Self is LEFT-HANDED. Tool returned to me as is and I did not check if the blade protector was on the correct side as the tool will get flipped direction wise depending on the handedness of the user. So guess who needs to get a tetanus shot today? :joy:
 All in all, still a successful bind. It is a little busy, and if I had to do it again, I might not put the titling on the spine (always a little crooked, cause I roll that way). The Siser gold and silver metallic HTV for the hands fought me the entire way, and I’d probably not use it for such delicate lines - only part of it adhered and it made me very upset at first but since the bind is for myself it’s fine. 
I’d also use a thinner red thread next time (the thick waxed linen thread for leather work doesn’t fuck around, WILL NOT BUY AGAIN) because as you can see 3-4 rounds around the finger looks like it’s choking it and i had some space limitations at the edges. 
Well, a fun idea, with less than perfect execution but I’ll probably do it again one day if i ever summon up the courage to consider making this again (perhaps for the author if i get over my massive to-bind pile). PROBABLY NOT IN WHITE - gad WHITE IS SO SMUDGEY - nothing to remind you how dirty your hands are than white bookcloth. this is off-white pearl BUT fingerprint smudges!!! 
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Resources: Page dividers made by evil-robot-cat here. 
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matan4il · 1 year
Last post of good-natured silliness regarding Mile and Apo's trips! (the first can be found here and the second here)
Jul 28, Mile posted a pic from the car in Paris in the rain set to Jazz (his and Apo's fave music genre). Then he started posting from flying back to and landing in Bangkok. He was wearing the same cap with a big 'A' on it that he wore during departure on Jul 19, even though weather wise, that cap didn't make sense then and even less so now.
When he left:
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And as he returned:
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This is kinda similar to Apo, who wore his trinket necklace both when he departed Bangkok on Jul 19 and when he came back on Jul 25. It has two silver circle rings, joined by a heart pendant.
Apo when leaving:
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And upon returning:
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Back on Jul 6, when they went to Song Wat together, I noticed these joined rings and that, because most of the time the heart holds the two together, it makes them look a lot like Mile's double circle silver ring, which he has had for years, way before KPTS.
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While Mile's ring is obviously not connected to Apo, I did wonder when Apo started wearing his trinket necklace which includes this pair of joined rings, and whether they might intentionally have been chosen for their similarity to Mile's (once locked together with a heart). I can't actually answer any of these questions, other than to tell you that Apo doesn't seem to have worn these rings before he re-met Mile in Oct 2020. At least I couldn't find any evidence that he did, not on his fingers and not on his necklace (though he did wear other necklaces). The first time I could find him wearing the joined rings on the trinket necklace is a pic Apo shared on Sep 13, 2021:
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He's also wearing it in a pic he shared Sep 16, 2021, you can see it a bit better there (especially since on Jan 10, 2022 he posted another pic from the same occasion where the necklace with the rings and heart is even clearer). Also, as far as I can tell, Apo changes the trinkets he wears with the paired rings, but he always wears those. Make of all this what you will...
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Mile posted a vid on Facebook from the plane as it approached Bangkok, captioned it with text about saving money to construct, buy and decorate a house, and added this post to his "Happiness during the day" album:
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He also pasted the same text about saving money for a house onto a vid of an apartment with a view of NYC, which he shared on his personal IG, and we all know who loves that city and even lived there for 7 months...
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After landing, Mile posted on IG pics and vids from the Eiffel Tower in the rain on Jul 27, and he captioned them with "Something is more romantic with rain... #LikeYou ^^". Within 13 minutes, Apo liked the post and commented, "Very romantic."
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Mind you, the entire 10 days they've been apart, neither one of them used the word "romantic" in any of their captions. While Mile WAS ACTUALLY IN Paris, at the Eiffel Tower, in the rain, he didn't use the word "romantic," but he did right away after he returned to Thailand.
Apo posted on IG 15 minutes after Mile did, sharing pics from Jul 21 in China, and he captioned them "Sleep no more." Except unlike me, Apo capitalized every first letter of each word, which is what Mile always does with his own captions in English. Mile commented not long after with "Cool."
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Another thing to note is the day before, Jul 28, as Mile was flying back to Thailand, Apo posted a pic from China, from Jul 23, where he's doing a half heart, and he captioned it, "Miss you."
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Just as a bonus... On the same day, while Mile was flying back to Bangkok, his mom posted multiple pics and vids of herself in a green shirt (Mile's color) and yellow pants (Apo's color).
Wait, bonus #2! Mile also mentioned returning very soon. Pond replied to a photographer that he'll see him in September. The Paris Fashion Week 2023 starts on Sep 25, so we might get some more Mileapo in Paris then.
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Did I miss anything? Probably, there's been a lot. But I hope this series of posts made you smile! You can find more of my Kinnporsche/Mileapo stuff under this tag. xoxox
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fairygeek777 · 2 months
Can you tell us more about your Sailor Earth OC? 👀
Oh my goodness thank you for asking!!! I'm going to be greedy and use this as an info dump, hope that’s okay anon! 🙏
For starters, I should mention that Sailor Earth is a redesign/alternate fandom recycle of my main oc Genevieve Marena. She was originally created in 2018 for the Fairy Tail fandom and started with the name Hoseki Ishi. 
Gene's thing was always diamonds, gems and minerals. So when I became obsessed with- *ahem* I mean, Got into Sailor Moon, I could not resist the urge to draw her as Sailor Earth. I drew her within a month of reading and buying the first 2 volumes LOL. 
This is the art from August 1st 2022
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Since then I fell utterly in love with Dream arc, Mamoru and any version of him, Elysion, the Golden Kingdom, Helios’ role as a guardian priest and literally anything related to the Earth as Naoko Takeuchi wrote of it.
I was also low-key upset about how 90s was treating Mamo and Usagi, so I ironically made her the senshi that defends the love of Serenity and Endymion and protects their happiness lol.
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Thinking about her more seriously as I am now deeply attached to Sailor Moon, I have a working summary of how I imagine her.
I explored her various designs for the series back in Summer 2023 (again after finishing the manga) 
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More recently, I've been brainstorming how to more efficiently include her in the Sailor Moon story. I've been doing light research on Mythology, becoming more familiar with Astrology and crystals. I was honestly struggling quite a bit when it became clear that Earth is almost excluded from Astrology. That is, it's not treated in the same respect as Mercury or Neptune etc. are. 
I also knew that I didn't want to make her a Princess, that would be like replacing Endymion as the heir to the planet. And I was not about to make her the child of NQ Serenity and King Endymion. So I thought I might make her somewhat like Chibi Moon. If there can be two Sailor Moon senshi, then I say, why not two Earth guardians? Then I noticed that Pink Moon is actually the term for April's full moon. So I thought I could do something with that to make my Sailor Earth stand out (since it is obviously a very unoriginal idea in the first place) but I have yet to find a similar thing for Earth. 
Basically Earth is much less interesting than literally any other heavenly body to astronomers and astrologists so I'm working with very little lol. 
Anyway, I decided she'd be an Elysion Priestess and that she was given the powers of a Sailor Senshi to protect the Earth and her prince. She goes to the surface and attends Rei’s school, T.A girls academy. 
More recently, I was watching Eternal for like the 1 millionth time and it has always bugged me that the 2 Maenads look like they are from the Moon.
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They look more like Queen Serenity than someone from Earth.
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So, no offense to Takeuchi my girl, but imma change that. Because unfortunately I feel like things from Silver Millenium like the Twin bun hair on these two overlap too much with what should be unique to Earth. (But that is a blog for another day, so I digress) The two Maenads are now Gaia and Terra. Gaia becomes Sailor Earth and goes to the surface as Hoseki Jinsei and her Lavender Earth Crystal forms.
See these two? One of ‘em is Gaia.
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Also, since it is already shameless enough to make a Sailor Earth self insert, I'm inserting my late cat Flash and his name is Apollo because Moon kitties are from Mau therefore any planet can have one not just Moon senshi. But also cuz I miss the hell out of him and I can't look at Artemis without thinking about him.
As of right now, this is the general concept of my Sailor Earth:
Name: Gaia
Gender: female
Civilian Name: Hoseki Jinsei
Senshi name: Sailor Earth
Sailor Crystal: Lavender Earth Crystal
Family: Terra (sister?/mother?) Helios (brother)
Occupation: Elysion Priestess
Partner: Apollo (white kitty with heterochromia from Mau, Artemis' twin brother)
Again, thank you so much for giving me the chance to info dump :3
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bcolfanfic · 5 months
everytime i listen to picture me better by weyes blood i can't help but think of young vets buck and bucky. my heart hurt everytime i think of those boys. you've written them so perfectly. <3
what are some songs you associate with either of them?
heyy sorry it took me so long to get to this (and everything else in my box)- it’s finals szn at my law school and my brain is gonna be at like- total capacity till next thursday at 5pm central time. buttttt. i am big music as a story mood setter person so lotsss of thoughts. gonna focus on young vets au here, but i can make another similar post for show canon if ppl like this? im biggg into oldies music so that would actually be fun to me!
disclaimer: re: the young vets au the “veterans” part of the story takes place starting in august 2021 after the us pulled out of afghanistan. If you see a song and think “but wait that didn't come out until this year so they couldn't listen to that in 2022/2023” simply work with me here and don’t think that <3 LOL.
biggg zach bryan person and i think in general really likes that specific niche of “new age” country music. gets *irritated* by the hardcore conservative military country music lmfao, those vets that go hard in the sand for songs like courtesy of the red white and blue? not his people. that song gives him hives. also a big fleetwood mac guy, just scratches an itch on his brain. likes florence + the machine too.
east side of sorrow - zach bryan
i lost friends in the august heat / at night it was God I'd always meet / i said, "Lord, won't you bring me home? / i've got women in the west i wanna hold
oklahoma smokeshow - zach bryan
there's so much whiskey in his coke it'll make her nose bend / but she swears that his love is a damn God send / she's known God since she was a child
el dorado - zach bryan
you used to say you'd settle down / but that kind girl from school in town /she was gone before you got back home
to El Dorado, hell if I know if you're still alive /there's a note in the glovebox in your drive / El Dorado, hell if they know the difference in a hero / and a man i wish was still by my side
burn, burn, burn - zach bryan
i wanna be a child climbin' trees somewhere / breathin' in the fresh outside air / before I knew this life was unkind
you should probably leave - chris stapleton
sun on your skin, 6 am /and i been watchin' you sleep / and honey, i'm so afraid you're gonna wake up and say / that you should probably leave
me against the mountain - ian munsick
it’s me against the mountain / most days the mountain wins / but i’ll meet you tonight my love or i’ll meet my end / either way an angel’s waitin when i fought this fight
painkillers - rainbow kitten surprise
living just comes with a bit of heartache / heartache comes with a bit of young faith / faith stays young till your heart get broken / hope grows up to become someday / i never hurt no one and no one will ever hurt me / i believe i believe i believe i believe
motorcycle - colter wall
well, i figure i'll buy me a motorcycle / wrap her pretty little frame around a telephone pole / ride her off a mountain like old arlo
physco - jack kittel
don't hand me johnny's pup, mama / 'cause i might squeeze him too tight / i'm having crazy dreams again, mama
go your own way - fleetwood mac
if i could / baby, i’d give you my world / open up / everything's waiting for you
third eye - florence + the machine
i'm the same / i'm the same / i'm trying to change
astrovan - mt. joy
he said son you're famous in heaven / maybe you're famous in heaven / maybe there is no heaven / maybe we're all along together now / but i don't wanna see those tears again / you know Jesus drives an astrovan
gold dust woman - fleetwood mac
take your silver spoon, dig your grave / heartless challenge / pick your path and i'll pray
all these things that i’ve done - the killers
i got soul / but i'm not a solider
between me and you - brandon flowers
the first time that i saw your face / time stood still / i found my place / now i'm watching it tear out of my arm
listens to zach bryan for bucky but his country music niche is more on the tyler childers side of things. likes older music too bc it’s what his mom would play around the house and he finds it comforting. i think he likes pop music more than bucky does lol, bucky ribs him a lil about some of it but he finds it endearing. the taste they share the most i think is the fleetwood mac and the killers/brandon flowers stuff.
follow you to virgie - tyler childers
back when all us boys were tryin' / to make sense of all these string / i can see her in the corner / singing along to all our crazy dreams
coal - tyler childers
so sometimes, i imagine that I'm getting pretty close to hell / and in my darkest hour, i cry out to the Lord / he says, "keep on a-mining, boy, 'cause that's why you were born
nose on the grindstone - tyler childers
well daddy, i've been tryin', i just can't catch a break / there's too much in this world that i can't seem to shake / but i remember your words, lord, they bring me the chills / keep your nose on the grindstone and out of the pills
folsom prison blues - johnny cash
i bet there's rich folks eatin' from a fancy dinning car /they're prob'ly drinkin' coffee and smoking big cigars / well i know i had it comin' i know i can't be free / but those people keep a movin' and that's what tortures me
old rugged cross - alan jackson (i’ve made a woowoo post about this before/bucky being gale’s cross to carry but. in my mind he listens to this on the drive home when bucky’s in the hospital. has to pull over to cry a lil. sweet boy.)
to the old rugged cross i will ever be true / it's shame and reproach gladly bear
where we’ll never grow old - johnny cash
when our work here is done / and our life's crown is won / and out troubles and trials are o'er / all our sorrows will end / and our voices will blend / with the loved ones who've gone on before
(sittin on’) the dock of the bay - otis redding
sittin' here resting my bones / and this loneliness won't leave me alone / it's two thousand miles i roamed / just to make this dock my home
wouldn’t it be nice - the beach boys
oh we could be married / and then we'd be happy / woudn't it be nice?
the chain - fleetwood mac
listen to the wind blow, down comes the night / running in the shadows / damn your love / damn your lies
romeo and juliet - the killers
i can't do the talk like the talk on the TV / and i can't do a love song like the way it's meant to be / i can't do everything but i'd do anything for you / i can't do anything except be in love with you
xo - beyonce
in the darkest night hour (in the darkest night hour) / i'll search through the crowd (i'll search through the crowd) / your face is all that i see / i'll give you everything
if i ain't got you - alicia keys
said nothing in this whole wide world don't mean a thing / if i ain't got you with me, baby
sweet escape - gwen stefani
come on let's bounce / counting on you to turn me around / instead of clowning around / let's look for some common ground
come on over baby - christina aguilera
now baby don't be shy / you better cross the line / i'm gonna love you right / all i want is you
the clock was tickin’ - brandon flowers
jackie flips the pages and she dreams little dreams / a cottage in the country built with real wood beams / there's a baby in the bedroom, he's starting to scream / she holds him though he probably won't remember it
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watercups · 4 months
TCAF Report: Shirahama Kamome Live Drawing
1. Her tools and where I'd buy them
2. Art References
3. Process Notes
4. Drawing Technique Notes
5. Further Process Recordings
STAEDTLER 925-25 Silver Series Drafting Pencil - 0.9 mm
Pentel GraphGear 500 Drafting Pencil - 0.9 mm
(not used at live drawing, but in video from 2019)
COPIC Multiliner Pen - B-2 - 9 Pen Set
ZEBRA Permanent Marker Hi-Mckee
Tokyo Slider SL2011 Double-Sided Nib Holder
(not used at live drawing, but in video from 2019/2022)
Seisyo(?) Ink
(not used at live drawing, but mentioned)
(brand unidentified)
Pilot Drafting Pen Ink - Black - 30 ml Bottle
(not used at live drawing, but in video from 2022)
Kneaded Eraser
(brand unknown, but in video from 2022)
-- Art References
Arthur Rackham
Peeters - Les Cités Obscures
-- Process Notes
1. Blue charcoal sketch (mentioned but skipped for the live drawing)
2. Drafting pencil sketch
3. Ink lining
4. Erasing undersketches
-- Drawing Technique Notes
1. Dynamic quadrupod grip
2. Does not do any stretches in preparation or cooldown for drawing, but right arm is stronger than left arm due to drawing
3. Eraser rubs usually in one direction, not back and forth over the same area
-- Further Process Recordings
1. 白浜鴎「とんがり帽子のアトリエ」作画動画(下描き編)- pencil undersketch: https://youtube.com/watch?v=Lbp_pe8cJso
2. 白浜鴎「とんがり帽子のアトリエ」作画動画(ペン入れ編①)- inking 1: https://youtube.com/watch?v=g3bGQwg8BPk
3. 白浜鴎「とんがり帽子のアトリエ」作画動画(ペン入れ編②)- inking 2: https://youtube.com/watch?v=pA1KKfpnspI
1. Kamome Shirahama draws milet - Grab the air | EGAKU #3: https://youtu.be/n_rSQ-NWiPk?si=OXycZc26mKOlcRAA
1. とんがり帽子のアトリエ1巻カバーイラストメイキング映像/㊗️アニメ化決定!【公式】: https://youtu.be/t1hoyccqYpA?si=isku1rOVT8JIX6TX
Last updated: 20240602
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mariacallous · 27 days
The members of PleasrDAO are, well, pretty displeased with Martin Shkreli.
The "digital autonomous organization" spent $4.75 million to buy the fabled Wu-Tang Clan album Once Upon a Time in Shaolin, which had been produced as only a single copy. The album had once belonged to Shkreli, who purchased it directly from Wu-Tang Clan for $2 million in 2015. But after Shkreli became the "pharma bro" poster boy for price gouging in the drug sector, he ended up in severe legal trouble and served a seven-year prison sentence for securities fraud.
He also had to pay a $7.4 million penalty in that case, and the government seized and then sold Once Upon a Time in Shaolin to help pay the bill.
The album was truly “one of a kind”—a protest against the devaluation of music in the digital age and the kind of fascinating curio that instantly made its owners into “interesting people.” The album came as a two-CD set inside a nickel and silver box inscribed with the Wu-Tang logo, and the full package included a pair of customized audio speakers and a 174-page leather book featuring lyrics and “anecdotes on the production.”
In a complicated transaction, PleasrDAO purchased the album from an unnamed intermediary, who had first purchased it from the government. As part of that deal, PleasrDAO created a non-fungible token (NFTs—remember those?) to show ownership of the album. The New York Times has a good description of what this entailed:
Makin’ Copies …
But after purchasing the album and sharing the collective ownership of its NFT, PleasrDAO discovered that its "one of a kind" object wasn't quite as exclusive as it had thought.
Shkreli had, in fact, made copies of the music. Lots of copies. On June 30, 2022, PleasrDAO said that Shkreli played music from the album on his YouTube channel and stated, "Of course I made MP3 copies, they're like hidden in safes all around the world … I'm not stupid. I don't buy something for $2 million just so I can keep one copy."
Shkreli began taunting PleasrDAO members about the album, telling one of them, "I literally play it on my Discord all the time, you're an idiot" and claiming that PleasrDAO was concerned about an album that ">5000 people have." Shkreli claimed on a 2024 podcast that he had "burned the album and sent it to like, 50 different chicks"—and that this had been extremely good for his sex life.
Shkreli even offered to send copies of the album to random internet commenters if they would just send him their "email addy." He also told people to "look out for a torrent" and hosted listening parties for the album on his X account, which reached "potentially over 4,900 listeners."
We know all of these details because PleasrDAO has sued Shkreli, claiming that he is acting in violation of the asset forfeiture order and that he is misappropriating "trade secrets" under New York law.
Shkreli "knew that by distributing copies of the Album's data and files or by playing it publicly, his actions would decrease the Album's marketability and value," said PleasrDAO. They have asked a federal judge to stop Shkreli—and also to get them a list of everyone he has distributed the album to.
Not a Secret
Shkreli's response to all this is, in essence, "So what's the problem?"
When he purchased the album for $2 million in 2015, he also acquired 50 percent of the copyrights to the package. Before the album was seized by the government, Shkreli says he took advantage of his copyright ownership to make copies as he was "permitted to do under his original purchase agreement." The government, he says, seized only the individual, physical copy of the album, and Shkreli was within his rights to retain the copies he had already made.
As for trade secrets, well, a trade secret actually has to be "secret." Thanks to his own actions, Shkreli has made sure that the album is not a secret. "Because Defendant legally purchased and shared the work before the Forfeiture Order and the Asset Purchase Agreement, the work is no longer a trade secret," his lawyers wrote in his defense.
The Empire State Strikes Back
On August 26, 2024, a federal judge in Brooklyn issued a preliminary injunction (PDF) in the case as the two parties prepare to battle things out in court. The injunction prevents Shkreli from "possessing, using, disseminating, or selling any interest in the Wu-Tang Clan album 'Once Upon a Time in Shaolin' (the 'Album'), including its data and files or the contents of the Album."
Furthermore, Shkreli has to turn over "all of his copies, in any form, of the Album or its contents to defense counsel." He also must file an affidavit swearing that he "no longer possesses any copies, in any form, of the Album or its contents."
By the end of September 2024, Shkreli further must submit a list of "the names and contact information of the individuals to whom he distributed the data and files" and say if he made any money for doing so.
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kittysdiary · 2 years
Kitty’s Pink Princess Winter
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It’s been awhile since I made a winter guide so I thought I’d make an updated one since winter is literally my favorite season ever! 🎀❄️🧸
Winter Doll Looks
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I am definitely feeling Yves Saint Laurent Fall/Winter 2022 collection but with more pink! Fashion staple fabrics like furs, leather, velvet, silk, cashmere and lace are definitely going into my closet for the colder weather.
Statement wardrobe pieces include:
• Turtle neck dresses
• Fur coats
• Knits
• Leather jackets
• Pea Coats
• Skirts
• Blazers
• Cigarette pants
• Heels + winter boots
• Silk slips
Shopping List
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Since the weather has been getting colder, a lot of my clients who come to see me for a facial have been getting flares of dry skin and I can totally relate! Treat yourself to a day at the spa for a facial, mani + pedi or hair treatment to get prepped for the cold weather. Stock up on moisturizers, creams, hair masks, lip scrubs and lip balms!
• Buy gloves or mittens to stay warm and if you’re prone to dry skin in the winter time
• Purchase fragrance free skincare to prevent sensitivity and irritation
• If dry skin is present on your body, try out Peach & Lily’s KP Bump Boss body scrub (my fave!!)
• Get a few Tree Hut body scrubs for fun
• Buy clothes and laundry detergent that are non-irritating
• Get a humidifier to add moisturizer to the air
• Change out your bed sheets and pillow cases. I like to purchase fuzzy blankets and satin pillow cases which helps with my skin + curly hair
• Buy some yummy scented candles + peppermint essential oils for relaxation
• Add cozy slippers, socks, leg warmers, ear muffs + uggs to your winter wish list
• Satin pajama sets and night gowns from Victoria’s Secret
• Sleep masks
• Oversized sweatshirts + velour track suits for lounge days
•Pretty lingerie
• New mugs, cookie cutters, aprons, hot chocolate, tea, coffee and winter baking books should all be on your shopping lists
• Get a cute plush friend and a night light
Winter Glam
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• Sleek buns/ponytails
• Bombshell curls
• Black, brown, platinum blonde + auburn hair colors
• Fluffed false lashes or lash extensions
• Lip glosses in any brown, red or pink shade
• Powder matte lipsticks that are nude, deep red or earth tone pink
• Arched eyebrows
• Faux beauty marks
• Warm + spicy fragrances (my favorite winter scent is YSL’s Black Opium Neon + Philosophy’s Fresh Cream & Warm Cashmere)
• Pink blushes
• Setting powders with warm undertones to brighten up your face
• Glitter eyeshadow
Icy Accessories
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• Pearls, diamonds + swarvorksy
• Fluffy handbags
• New wallets
• Icy watches
• Hair clips
• Velvet scrunches
• Hair pom-poms
• Scarves
• Plush spa headbands
• Diamond brooches (yes I know. I’m an old soul 🥹)
•Gold or silver jewelry pieces
Other Winter Doll Tips
• Get a new calendar and use it!
• Write down goals + affirmations for the new year
• Get new books, journals and magazines
• Organize and clean your space
• Stock up on cold and flu medicine
• Get hand sanitizer and hand creams so you don’t dry out your hands
• If you have a Barbie mobile please stay safe on the roads and get your car prepped for the cold weather please!!
• Meditate and manifest
• Don’t forget to check in with therapists and health care providers! Seasonal depression is making its rounds so please make sure you have a good team behind you!!!!
• Stay extra cozy and warm under the blankets + by the fireplace
• Watch holiday movies, bake some sweet treats and go holiday shopping
• Send your loved ones well wishes with letters or cute holiday cards
• Decorate your home while listening to holiday music and clean the snow from the drive way if needed
• Most importantly stay safe and have fun!
Happy Holidays!
Kitty (xoxo!) 🦌💓
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merrymorningofmay · 9 months
you know when people go "funny how ukraine got instant western support and palestine didn't, blegheugh" and the usual counter argument to this is that the support was actually 8 years late and before that the west was perfectly comfortable with mass human rights violations and torture camps because there was russian oil to buy and netrebko galas to attend.
and that's all true and relevant.
but what gets to me is that even if we agreed that russian violence in the donbas+crimea before feb 2022 was Not Big Enough to warrant attention, it's just so disingenuous to pretend as if ukraine got handed that juicy western support on a silver platter just for being very sad little guys, when in fact literally all help the us+europe is giving us is because our diplomats and officials work fucking hard for it, demand it, negotiate it, haggle for it; because our activists, public figures and experts use every platform available to argue for it, to reason with the west and explain our needs to it.
(the only "support" we didn't have to fight tooth and nail for was like, von der leyen tweets. which. if that's the help you're demanding for palestinians, then sure.)
if we are in any way privileged compared to palestinians, it's not our """whiteness""" that makes us so. it's that we have a government that represents us and can speak with other governments for us. it's that we have institutions that can speak with other institutions on our behalf.
and, yeah, we truly did luck out in this regard, and i'm grateful for it every day. has nothing to do with the west's supposed good will (lol) or affinity for us (lmao), though.
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fashionbooksmilano · 8 months
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Audrey Hepburn
The Illustrated World of a Fashion Icon
Megan Hess
Hardie Grant, Melbourne 2022, 192 pages, 19,5x25cm, ISBN 978 174379836-2
euro 28,00
email if you want to buy [email protected]
Audrey Hepburn: The Illustrated World of a Fashion Icon is a stunning illustrated biography of legendary fashion icon and actress Audrey Hepburn from internationally renowned fashion illustrator Megan Hess. Discover the key moments of Hepburn's fascinating life and the iconic looks she pioneered. From Sabrina to Breakfast at Tiffany's, Audrey Hepburn is renowned for her acting skill and fashion style, but less well known is her life in Nazi-occupied Holland or her tireless dedication to helping those less fortunate than herself. Elegantly enclosed by a hardback cover and ribbon, Megan's beautiful illustrations follow Hepburn through three distinct chapters: her early life in World War II Europe, dreaming of becoming a ballerina; her ingénue years as the rising star of Hollywood and her incredible fashion partnership with Hubert de Givenchy; and her private life beyond the silver screen, building a legacy through her humanitarian work. Audrey Hepburn is a celebration of a woman whose life was as remarkable as the clothes she wore and the movies she starred in, brought to life on the page by the expert hand of Megan Hess.
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uwmspeccoll · 4 months
Milestone Monday - World Bee Day!
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May 20th is World Bee Day! Proclaimed in 2017 by the United Nations, events on World Bee Day educate the public about the importance of bees and beekeeping, emphasizing their valuable role as pollinators and dwindling populations. The theme for World Bee Day 2024 is Bee engaged with youth which aims to engage young folks in beekeeping activities and advocacy efforts. The public is called to action today to set up a pollinator farm of diverse native plants, buy hive products like raw honey and beeswax, and leave water bowls outside for bee water fountains.  
In recognition of the day, we’re sharing All the Bees & All the Keys written by James Reaney (1926-2008) with illustrations by Rudy McToots and a musical score by John Beckwith (1927-2022). All the Bees & All the Keys was commissioned by the Junior Women’s Committee of the Toronto Symphony and first published in 1976 by Press Porcepic Ltd out of Ontario. The story was intended for narration with piano accompaniment.  
This book has it all; a bee bully, a twenty-four-year grudge, dueling silver and tin bands, prophetic dreams featuring a queen-bee entity, and anthropomorphic bees who sting musicians when they make a mistake. Embedded within the chaotic storyline, All the Bees & All the Keys stresses the idea of a symbiotic relationship with bees who will help us if we help them.  
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Read other Milestone Monday posts here and World Bee Day posts here!
– Jenna, Special Collections Graduate Intern 
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nonobadcat · 2 years
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A real world AU Gothic Romance - Final Chapter
Artwork by the amazing @obsidianne-art
Pairing: Ghost Shigaraki X Fem!Reader
Rating: Readers 18+ only
Content Warnings: PnV relations with a literal ghost, toys, mirror
Chapter Three Word Count: 3.9k, Ao3 Mirror
Part I ---❤--- Part 2
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Sunday October 23rd, 2022
At six in the morning, you awoke to the screech of a train horn, and a full bladder. Wiping your half-matted hair out of your face, you creaked to your feet and wrapped yourself in the comforter. Dragging your warmth with you into the bathroom, you climbed onto the toilet with one eye open…
…and proceeded to pee fire.
By nine in the morning, two inquisitive text messages and one graphic description of chafed skin summoned your best friend to the landline like a fox to an injured bunny. 
“Well, of course you’re gonna give yourself a rug burn using something rough like that!” Serenity spat into the phone. “What were you thinking?!”
Um… how horny you were for some dead man’s dick?
Gripping the cold pack between your thighs, you winced. “Since when is thinking involved in that kind of thing?”
An annoyed snarl echoed from the other end. “Look, if you can’t use your fingers, you need to use a toy or something!”
You scrolled through the adult toy listings, eyeing up the options. Fake glass cock. Fake silicone cock. Fake plastic cock. Fake hot pink plastic cock with a little vibrating branch that looked like Vienna sausage. Hitachi wand. Egg thingy. Silver bullet? That sounded more like a solution to a werewolf infestation than something you wanted to put between your legs.
 “Give me a break Ren-Ren! There’s too many different options,” you protested,  scratching the back of your neck. “How am I supposed to know what to buy?”
You could practically hear your best friend’s headache as she loosed an indignant sigh. “All right. I got you. Do you want inside or outside stim?”
“Um…” you scrolled past a fake tentacle with weighted Kegel eggs. “Both?”
“Then order a rabbit.”
“What’s a rabbit?”
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“Heaven have mercy,” she muttered. “Sit yourself down because this is going to be a long talk.”
Monday, October 31st, 2022 4:013 pm
Eight days after your sexual re-education lecture, a text message notification dinged your phone as you passed through the center of Smalltown, USA. Pulling into the old brownstone library, you parked your car and took advantage of the only five bar signal in Podunk County outside of the Walmart plaza. Not even the smell of garlic and deep fried something pouring out the vent from Wang’s Chinese Buffet could distract you from your excitement. The message was from USPS.
Your package has been delivered.
Oh good, Mrs. Murray’s pack of angry, push-face Pekingese hadn’t eaten the mail lady. You weren’t so sure when you saw her tearing down the sidewalk last week, being chased by bubble-fluff Cujos who probably asphyxiated for their efforts.
As you looked up from your phone’s screen, blustering winds painted the smooth cement walkway to the library doors with curled, brown leaves. A plastic sign reading “Trunk-or-Treat - 5pm - Halloween” flapped in the wind. You eyed the library's posted hours before cutting the engine. Perfect. For once, you were done with house calls early enough to go inside. Snagging your purse, you schlepped up the walkway to the glass doors and pushed your way in.
Paper cut-out ghosts and fresh pumpkins from “Miller’s Prize Winning Patch” coated the warm lobby with seasonal excitement. Tiny rubber bats flapped from the door frame, leading visitors up a trail of plastic “Big Foot” tracks to the circulation desk. Pinned into a vintage, slate colored silk dress with billowing mutton sleeves, the head librarian paused her frenzied typing just long enough to adjust her golden Prince-Nez spectacles. She tugged at the frilly trim of her high collar, fussing with the long lace. The upturned brim of her wide, feathered hat reminded you of a bowl. It didn’t budge as she lifted her head to face you. Considering the number of long, pearl tipped pins she’d inserted through the felt, it probably would have shrugged off an EF5 tornado by having a glass of sherry.
"Good afternoon, Mrs. Curtwright." You folded your hands neatly on the desk. "I'm sorry it took me so long to make it in. Work has been savage."
The librarian smiled and turned to the squat metal, bookcase marked “holds”. She pulled down a heavy grey text labeled “Miller’s Antiques Encyclopedia”. “It’s just so good to see that old house cared for by someone who really appreciates its history,” she replied, passing you the massive reference book. 
“Speaking of which, do you know what happened to the Shimura’s son after the fire?”
She hummed, tapping her chin. “Not off hand.”
You sighed. “Oh well.”
“Did you find another picture in the old furniture?”
“Uh…” Your cheeks burned as images of the naughty dream drifted across your mind. “Something like that. There was a young man in his twenties with wavy white hair. He looked a little different but I could swear it was the same person.”
“If you know the date, we can check some of the old town records.”
“There wasn’t a date on this one.”
She tugged at her sleeve. “Do you remember what his clothing looked like?”
You crossed your arms. “A red velvet jacket with these fasteners that looked like a marching band uniform.” Closing your eyes, you tried to picture the outfit you were wearing. “There was a woman in something that looked like your dress. It was really tight fitted with these slightly poofy sleeves—”
“Poofy at the shoulder or the wrist?”
“The wrist? Sort of anyway. The end of the coat was wide like a funnel.” You scrunched your face. “It was short and the shoulders were smooth, like a normal suit coat.”
“Bell sleeved jacket with Bishop sleeve shirtwaist. Probably Edwardian then. Did the dress have an S-shape that made the chest and butt stick out?”
You nodded.
“Pouter pigeon. Classic Gibson Girl look,” she murmured, leaning into the conversation. “Must have been the early years. Was there a hat?”
“Yes. It was kind of puffy and made of felt.”
“Did it have a brim?”
You pinched the air. “Maybe a small one?”
“A beaver felt Toque. I’d guess 1901 to 1904. By 1905 they were back to the Leg-of-Mutton style shirts.” She jerked a thumb over her shoulder. “Let’s go check the old town records.”
Leading you across the open floor, she motioned to some leather bound volumes on the far wall behind the “Historical” desk. Labeled by decades, each volume was four inches thick. She tugged down the 1880-1910 binder and gingerly flipped through the yellowed pages. You leaned on the beige, laminate countertop, peeking over her shoulder. All at once, a single certificate caught your eye.
“There! Shigaraki! That was the name I saw.” You pointed to the small slip of paper. “What is that?”
“Huh…” She turned the book so you could read it. “Adoption paperwork. It looks like little Shimura was adopted by someone named… well… the first name is smeared but the last name is clearly Shigaraki.” Mrs. Curtwright wrinkled her long, roman nose. “I wonder if he was related to the old Dr. Garaki that used to practice in town.”
You cocked your head. “Why are you making that face?”
She lowered her voice to a whisper and cupped her cheek. “He was a notorious grave robber. They tried to run him out of town but he had some rich friend from New York that prevented it. Supposedly, the buddy had underworld connections.” 
The librarian winked at you. “I’m not sure how much I believe that. Why would a crime syndicate come all the way to this little town?”
As you thought back to the scars on your dream lover’s face and how powerful his grip had been, the idea of him being more dangerous than you first realized didn’t seem that out of place.
Mrs. Curtwright flipped the page. “Oh, it looks like they changed his whole name after the adoption. No wonder Tenko Shimura disappeared from the records at the end of the Victorian era.”
Printed on the fragile paper in ink the color of night was the name you’d been searching for: Tomura Shigaraki.
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After a quick stop off for $7.99 per pound Chinese buffet take-out, you rolled down the solitary drive to your Second Empire home. Pointed wrought iron trim along the edge of the tall, Mansard roofline looked like rusty knives against the thick, overcast sky. A cold, late autumn breeze slapped your cheeks. Pulling the hood of your Carhartts up, you crunched up the gravel drive to the front door. You snatched the “discreet” cardboard package off the front porch and fumbled for your keys. The old oak rattled in the breeze, its leafless twigs snapping against each other like dried chicken bones being crushed under foot. With a shudder, you headed inside and locked the door behind you.
Wang’s fried food and wonton soup proved every bit as delicious as the smell promised. However, sitting alone at a table built for many left a cold disappointment balled in your chest. You picked at the scrumptious meal, surveying the empty walls and vacant shelves. Maybe some photos would help? Did you have any printed pictures aside from the Shimura kids? Pressing your forehead against the smooth wood, you groaned. 
“I need to get out more.”
After dinner, you settled in the front parlor to await any visitors. Nursing a cup of warm apple cider, you sat in the bay window, clutching a wide plastic bowl full of Kit Kats, Reese’s Pieces, Snickers, Fun Dip and SweeTarts. Dusk descended on the world outside. Trick-or-Treat hours came or went, but no costume coated child made the long trek up the barren gravel drive. 
“Guess this isn’t suburbia,” you muttered, eating your tenth candy of the night. “The kids probably go to Trunk-or-Treat because the houses are too far apart.”
Disappointed and lonely, you flipped off the porch light and retreated upstairs with your package. 
Flopping onto the bed sheets, you rattled the white and red box. The flesh colored, rubber-free cock flopped in its clear plastic packaging. Heat filled your cheeks as you tugged open the safety seal. As you flexed the internal rod, the moveable skin wrinkled in your fingers. You snorted with laughter, positioning it into a raunchy curve. Taking your new toy into the bathroom, you cleaned it gently with unscented soap before sticking it to the side of the porcelain basin. Giggling to yourself at your suddenly well endowed sink, you flipped on the shower and started in on your nightly routine.
Twenty minutes later, with the bedroom door locked, you peeled the plastic organ off the side of your sink and wet the base. Bathed in the flickering light of a single wick oud and musk scented candle, you snatched up your bottle of “personal jelly” from the nightstand. Then, you headed for the bare, wooden floor just beside the heavy, mahogany bed. Tossing the comforter pillows down, you fluffed them into a makeshift nest. The fake cock came down on the wooden bedframe with a lewd smack. It wiggled for a moment before standing tall directly in front of the antique oval mirror. Heat glowed in your cheeks as you adjusted the bendable shape into a less intense curl.
On the other side of the room, Tomura leaned against the other side of the ornate frame, strong fingers crawling at the glass. Blazing red eyes watched tentative hands smearing the textured organ with gelatinous lube. Then slippery digits found their way between your legs. Closing your eyes, you leaned back against the pillows. Tomura licked his rough lips as soft thighs spread for his viewing pleasure.
Smooth but firm, you teased apart your folds, working your way towards your sensitive nub. The pad of your finger lifted hooded flesh, tickling the nerves with deep, slow swipes. Musky moisture pooled in your core as a low moan slipped from your swollen lips.
One finger dipped inside, tracing over stippled flesh as it followed the curve of your body. Your wrist ached, pressing your palm tight over your clit as needy hips rolled of their own accord. Your eyes squeezed shut. Tossing your head back against the side of the old bed, you pinched one pert nipple between your fingers.
At the sound of his name, Shigaraki’s hard teeth bit his thin lips to blood.
Groaning as your hand pulled away, you climbed to shaky legs before kneeling in the nest of bedding. Lowering yourself to your forearms, you shuffled back and reached behind your hips. False flesh slid between your thighs as one hand pressed it hard to your core. The dildo’s artificial skin puckered. Thighs clenched tight, you rode its length, letting all the world fade into the feel of its sultry friction between your legs. Your body quivered as gaze drifted into a glazed stare.
Tomura groaned, savoring the erotic sight. Positioned directly in front of his mirror, you glided across the toy. The teasing sway of your tits combined with occasional peaks at pebbled nipples was exquisite torture. A bead of thick pre-cum rolled down his fingers. His eyes never left your blissed out face.
Spreading your hips and squeezing your lips, you pressed the rounded head in between your folds. Tickling yourself with the tip left your body shaking with need. You sunk back, letting your new purchase worm its way past your entrance. Quivering hands fisted the blanket. When it dipped inside, your eyes went wide.
“T-Tomura!” you stuttered. 
The toy’s delicious curve was well worth the trouble. It fit like a hand in a glove, following your body’s arch to that tender spot along the front of your pussy. Drool pooled at the corner of your lips as you leaned into the sensation, letting the veiny craftsmanship set your nerves ablaze. Slick fingers gilded across your clit as you rocked yourself back and forth between twin pleasures. 
Shigaraki’s eyes bulged, following every nudge of your hip as you rode his pathetic replacement. Irritation bristled across his skin. He clenched his jaw, watching the toy with burning envy as it slipped in and out of your body. A steady stream of breathy curses poured from his mouth as he waited for the right words to come from yours.
“Tomura… ohmigosh Tomura!” you moaned. “Need your cock.”
Not yet. Not until you said it.
“Please! Please! Tomura! Ngnnn—w-want you so bad.”
So close! Too close!
As you bottomed out against the base, you let your tongue hang like a dog in heat. Saliva pooled at the tip before dripping onto the blanket below. Tomura’s nails raked the glass. The candle light flickered. You looked dead in the mirror and fixed him with a lust drunk smile. 
“Take me, Tomura Shigaraki.”
All at once, a hard hand pinched your jaw. You glanced up, only to see a feral snarl. Massive, tombstone wide teeth flashed in the thin light. Pale waves of ghost white hair framed his heart shaped face. Blood dripped from his broken lip as he sneered down at your intoxicated smile.
“T-thought you’d never come…” you mumbled.
Red eyes glowed in the din. “Thought you’d never ask,” he snarked back.
In one smooth motion, Tomura dragged you to your wobbly feet. You stumbled into his chest. Wrapping his arm around your shoulders, he kicked the comforter aside. The mattress squeaked. One massive hand pressed your cheek first into the springs as the other hoisted your hips against his. “You know you really ticked me off, putting on a show like that.” 
“S-sorry,” you muttered, scooting back against him. “Didn’t know what else to do…”
He rolled his eyes, slotting himself between your thighs. You gasped as cool, firm flesh clipped your raw clit. His hoarse voice growled in your ear. “No more games and no more toys. From here on in, the only one you wag your tail for”—a thick, cold weight pressed against your hot entrance—“is me.”
You nodded.
He chuckled, patting your cheek. “Good girl.”
Tomura canted his pelvis to meet you. One stroke at a time, he worked his way inside, spreading goosebumps along your skin. Icy fingers spread your lower lips, soothing your friction sore nub. Warm breath steamed from your every pant as your ghostly lover molded your pliant body to his cock. When he finally seated himself deep inside, an experimental roll of his hips left you writhing in the sheets.
“Oh no, no, no .” He taunted. “You’re not getting off that easy.”
Grasping the meat of your thighs, Tomura set a steady, bouncing pace. Every thrust pressed you deeper into slippery sheets. Your clit tingled. Crawling pleasure prickled up your nerves. His girth filled you to the brim, baring you to him in ways that set your skin ablaze. Soon, the rhythmic creak of the mattress was drowned out by mewling cries of unbridled ecstasy. 
“Like that, do you?” he demanded, pressing into your farthest walls. 
“Mmmm To-Tomura,” you moaned, arching your back. Another grind of his thick cock left you slurring your words “A-ah! L-love it!”
He leaned his weight forward, licking the shell of your ear. “Slut,” he rasped. 
“D-on’t mind”— You buried your warm face in the bedding and grinned—“being your slut.”
With a curse, Tomura ripped himself out of your body. You flopped to the mattress with a confused whine before turning to face him. Before you could speak, he grabbed your shoulder and flipped you on your back. Cracked lips smashed against yours in a frenzied kiss. Cold hands dragged you over the side of the bed, as he hoisted your legs over his hips. When he broke the kiss, a skeleton wide grin split his face from ear to ear.
“Oh?” A creepy chuckle shook his chest. “Is that so?”
With a snap of his hips, Tomura buried himself deep in your cunt.
You yelped, clawing at his shoulders. Long hair tickled your cheek as he pressed his nose into your neck. Hard teeth nipped at the delicate skin. He reached between you, boney fingers toying with your clit. With a gasp, you writhed on his cock. His free hand cupped the back of your head, tilting your face.
“Take a look at how naughty you are,” he whispered.
When you saw yourself in the mirror, your breath caught in your chest. Though you could see him plain as day, there was no one reflected in the glass. Instead, your body hovered in midair, back curved and nipples tight. Between your thighs, glistening in the candlelight, your naked core clenched around nothing. Heat flooded your brain, torching all rational thought. You gulped.
Tomura turned your gaze back to him. Half-lidded eyes paired with his smug grin sent a shock of lust though your insides. He chuckled at your expression before rolling his hips again. When you gasped, he smothered it with another hungry kiss.
“Mine,” he growled.
Locking your hands beside your head, Tomura trailed his scratchy lips down the column of your neck. You whimpered, turning your cheek into the sheets. Squirming legs clamped to his sides. An eerie chuckle rumbled from his chest and he buried his nose in your hair. The wet smacks from each firm thrust filled the air like a lewd base beat. When he settled upon one particular motion, you choked on your own voice. 
“Oh?” He sneered. “Here?”
Tomura leaned into you, rolling his head across your walls. 
“T-Tomura!” you whined, arching your back.
A shiver wracked his body. “Again,” he commanded, pressing into the spot that left your vision swirling grey. 
Your toes curled. “Tomur-ah!” 
He sped the pace, pounding you against the sheets. The springs squeaked their protests but you couldn’t hear them over the sound of his feral panting. “Again!” he hissed.
Closing your eyes, you wrapped your legs around his back. “Tomura…” you moaned, pulling him tight against you.
Shigaraki swore again, wrapping his arms under your shoulders. Burying his face in your neck, his movements stuttered. Tingling waves of pleasure rippled down your thighs. You tensed, clamping your body down until the electric vibrations rattled your brain. He surged forward, pounding relentlessly into you. 
“Gonna take my cum aren’t you? Take it like the good little slut you are."
As coarse white hair clipped across your swollen clit, your world swam behind blurry tears. Half formed thoughts slurred from puffy lips.“Want it. Want your cum so bad!”
Tinged with the taste of copper, his feverish kiss threatened to suffocate you. You tongue met his in an intoxicating dance. Saliva dribbled down your chin as your body coiled tighter and tighter. Just when you were about to snap, he whispered one final order:
“Say my name.”
“TOMURA!” you yelped as your world exploded into white hot bliss. 
With a strangled grunt, Tomura emptied himself inside you. Out of breath and shaking, he collapsed on top of you, grinding his hips against you over sensitive skin. As his seed leaked around the sides of him, you pressed your forehead against his. Clammy skin met flushed flesh as you tried to still the spinning room around you.
Climbing to his elbows, Tomura swept the stray hairs away from your sweaty brow. A cruel cackle filled the room. Scarlet eyes gleamed with villainous mirth as he lifted your chin. 
“Boo," he whispered.
 ❤ ~Fin~ ❤ 
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Need more dark, gothic romance with hot villains? Check out my original reader insert novel:
Maid For Your Master by Afipia Felis
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Reviews from readers like you:
"...The fantasy world is lush and the descriptions feel very historically real... This is a story written [with] the kind of dark heroes who feel real, and who don't immediately reform when the heroine batts her eyes at them..." - (Amazon)
"...It also has a lovely dark plot that really gives off the best historical tropes in a really well thought out world :)..." - (Amazon Kindle)
"Delightfully Devious! One thing I also particularly enjoyed about this book was the POV. Its very seldom that you find well written novels written this way. This was a very thrilling book and I can't wait to read more!" - (Goodreads.com)
Read the first three chapters for free on Amazon and Google Play.
Character design by Obsidianne-art
Chapter seven Excerpt By NoNoBadCat
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