#by which I mean if you send another ask I’ll continue to talk but you’re gonna need to get SPECIFIC
astralis-ortus · 5 months
love, am i home?
✱ bestfriend!bc × gn!reader
— how can you tell it's not simply an infatuation?
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w.count → 0.6k genre → angst, one-sided love warnings → minor cussing, mention of alcohol but no described consumption a.n → honestly i don't even know what i wrote i am feeling feelings soooo yeah! also, there's a few mentions of bambam as the home owner lol ⋆ see masterlist
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“do you reckon i’ll fall in love someday?’
chan’s odd, unprovoked question nearly made you choke on the strawberry-lychee juice you were trying so hard to savor. worse, your heart also took a hit from it—which, frankly, you should have been preparing yourself for from the day you realized that your hiking heart bpm whenever chan was sitting a little too close was not exactly a normal reaction between friends.
“yeah,” you barely managed to quip a reply, setting your half-empty paper cup on the coffee table across the tan leather couch before chan could send another unwarranted hit on your poor heart. “i mean, didn’t you have a few relationships before?”
well fuck—now he’s going to elaborate, isn’t he. good job, dumbass.
sometimes you wonder why you’re trying so hard to be a good friend when you do realize it will only further tighten the chains wrapped around your chest. does bambam have some alcohol in the fridge? also, where the fuck is he?
“fair point,” a long sigh escaped his lungs as chan fully leaned onto bambam’s ridiculously large sofa, eyes tracing whatever interesting shape he could find on the ceiling of their still-missing friend’s apartment, “but i wonder if those feelings were actually… love, you know? not merely infatuation?”
“i don’t, actually,” you playfully snickered, hoping the faint smile on your lips would help in numbing the dull ache spreading on your chest. “i mean, as far as my experience goes, i think it has always been love for me.”
“and how does that feel?”
“how?” the faint urgency in his voice pulled your line of gaze towards chan—unexpectedly meeting his pair of curious brown eyes, and you sighed. are you really going to say it?
you were preparing a joke, really. deflecting, avoiding his question, all that thing.
you really were.
and you know, with every part of your bones, you’re probably going to regret this.
“uh, well, it feels like…”
the butterflies when i see your name lit up my phone screen.
the odd twist in the pit of my stomach when i hear you talk about that new friend you made and how you thought they were beautiful.
the way my lips followed yours into a smile when you excitedly told me about a new song idea and how spring flooded my chest when you said it’s our little secret.
the sudden void when you told me you asked that new friend of yours to go out for dinner, and how my heart went numb when you brightly exclaimed that it would technically count as a first date.
an excruciatingly long roller coaster of emotions,
an endless hike under the scorching summer sun,
a long night staring at where the waves breaks,
and yet…
“it was home.”
“yeah,” you shrugged, fingers hiding inside the sleeves of your hoodie while you pull your knees closer to your chest, “home.”
“it’s everything that is good, everything that’s not quite there, and yet you can’t help but find yourself longing for every piece of it. you accept that it’s not going to be perfect and never will be, and yet you’re still willing to continuously nurture that feeling because, well, you love them, and even if it eventually didn’t work out… you’d still think it’s worth the effort to try.”
you don’t know what the silence between you now meant.
you don’t know, and probably would never want to find out.
you’d hate to know who he thinks about when he opens his mouth,
and you’d forever thank bambam for his impeccable timing with bags full of thai foods in his hand.
©️ astralisortus, 2024. | likes and reblogs are highly appreciated♡
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junkdrawerfics · 9 months
Gonna ask me to dance, Cowboy?
Jasper Hale X Reader
Summary: Reader was in an accident that damaged her spinal cord and left her temporarily wheelchair bound. It's during this time that the Cullens move to Forks, and she meets and falls in love with Jasper. A little bit of your story, wrapped up with a big surprise at the end. Requested by @twilightlover2007
Words: 2457
Note: Obviously went with Jasper and boy did this take on a life of its own! I hope you like it!!! It's a little cheesy, but that's what I like.
Disclaimer: I have limited knowledge of temporary paralysis and life with a wheelchair. If I'm wrong about anything, please let me know!
The accident happened before the Cullens moved to Forks. You don’t remember much of it, which the doctor says can be common given the head trauma you experienced. All you know is that you were driving home from a game and a drunk driver decided not to stop at the red light.
The accident left you with some severe damage to your spinal cord. Not irreversible, but enough to strand you in a wheelchair. It took almost two months alone for the fractures in your leg to heal, and then another to find a good physical therapist in Seattle who could work with you.
In the midst of this, the Cullens showed up. And you fell for Jasper like a newborn fawn trying to walk for the first time. A fitting comparison considering your legs worked just as well. 
Your friends thought you were crazy. Afterall, he was the least…approachable of the group. Always frowning. Not at all talkative. Everyone thought he was a bit of a grouch. But you knew better.
You met the real Jasper the first Friday after they arrived. It was another game day, meaning your little high school was going all out cheering for the team throughout the day (even though everyone knew you didn’t stand a fighting chance). 
You were making your way to the pep rally at the end of the day when someone jostled you from behind, sending your wheelchair right over the sidewalk’s ledge and into the grass. You cursed the school’s outdoor hallways so hard that day. It was raining, as it always was, and the moment your wheels hit the ground, you could feel them sink into the mud.
You were effectively trapped.
Or at least, you thought you were. Until a certain blond appeared out of nowhere.
“Are you alright, miss?”
You huff out a laugh, trying to keep a smile despite it all, “Yah, yes, I’m okay. Just a little stu-”
When you look up, the words get stuck in your throat. Jasper Hale. Jasper Hale is standing right in front of you, in the rain, hair already sticking to his face, and despite the concern dripping from his features, you can’t help but notice how absolutely gorgeous he is. How did you not notice before?
Before you can stop yourself, the thoughts spill out of your mouth, “Wow, you’re really pretty.”
Shock flickers across the blond’s face, though it’s quickly replaced by a soft smirk that makes his eyes crinkle just a little, somehow making him look more attractive. You blink. And blink. And blink. Until what you said finally sinks in.
Your face goes impossibly red. 
“I am so sorry,” you squeak, eyes wide. His smile only widens when you continue to sputter, “I’m fine! Really. And um, I, you can, you don’t have to worry! I’ll just-”
You try to push yourself forward, anything to escape this moment, but your wheels just spin futilely in the mud. You’re not going anywhere, not without help, and Jasper seems to know that, his gold eyes glinting with amusement. You purse your lips, face only going darker.
“Would you like help, darlin’?” Jasper asks, voice low and honey-like, and wow - it seems so unfair for someone to look so handsome and sound like that too.
You cast him an embarrassed smile, “Yes please. If you really don’t mind, that is.”
The blond chuckles, the sound making your heart flutter. He makes it look effortless, the way he maneuvers you out of the grass and back onto the hallway sidewalk. You hum happily when you’re back on solid ground, wheeling back and forth a bit to dislodge the mud from your rims.
“That’s better,” you sigh, spinning back to face him, “Thank you so much.”
Jasper nods, “It was my pleasure, miss.”
You roll your eyes playfully, “Please, call me (Y/n). (Y/n) (L/n). Miss makes me feel so old, and I’m like, a hundred percent sure you’re older than me.”
Something flickers behind his eyes, but it disappears as quickly as it came. 
“Well, it’s a pleasure to meet you, Miss (Y/n).” You narrow your eyes, but he only grins a little teasingly, which you refuse to admit makes your pulse race even more. “The name’s Jasper Hale.”
“Nice to meet you too, Jasper.” Officially at least.
“I suppose you were headin’ to the rally?”
Your nose scrunches,“Yep. Before the impromptu shower, at least.”
“Would y’mind if I accompany you?” 
Blinking, you glance up at him in surprise. Jasper just looks down at you, face still set in a charming, calm smile, so different from the scowl you’d grown accustomed to in passing. He’s being genuine. Actually genuine. It makes your face go warm all over again.
“I think I’d like that.”
You don’t know what possessed Jasper Hale to help you that day, but he did.
From then on, you and Jasper became friends. He was still a bit odd, but his whole family was. And you liked them. Even Rosalie, whose bluntness was refreshing compared to most of the girls at your school. You befriended all of them, but you and Jasper were particularly close.
Falling for him was easy. Between the soft smile he seemed to reserve only for you and the way he always supported you, how could you not? You realized it after a particular hard day of physical therapy, when your legs were aching and it felt like you were making absolutely no progress. It was a day that Jasper offered to pick you up because your dad had to work late.
Jasper can tell you’re upset before he even reaches you.
You sit at the entrance to the rehab center, head ducked, fingers fidgeting in your lap. You see Jasper’s shoes first before he’s kneeling in front of you, honey eyes dark with concern as they flicker over your features. You look back at him, eyes blurry with unshed tears.
The blond’s gaze softens, “Oh, darlin’.”
And you break.
All the pent up frustration and guilt you’ve been holding onto comes pouring out. You manage to stay quiet, barely, but your whole body trembles with your tears as you collapse forward into Jasper’s arms. He holds you close, not saying a word, just humming softly into your hair.
The longer you stay like that, the calmer you feel. It’s like magic, the storm of your emotions calming to a dull roar, until you can take in a few deep breaths
It’s only when your hiccuping goes quiet that he draws you back, eyes scanning you again. You glance down, feeling too raw, too vulnerable like this, with his thoughtful gaze burning over you. But you also feel undeniably safe somehow.
“You’re doin’ so well, darlin,” he eventually murmurs, voice low, soothing your frayed edges. “I know you’ve been hurtin’ and you’re feelin’ like giving up, but we’re all so proud of you. Someday you’ll be back on your feet and I’ll be here ‘til that day comes. And long after it.”
It’s the most you think you’ve ever heard him say at once. His words ring with something so genuine, you can’t help but melt.
“Thanks, Jasper.”
“Always, darlin.”
It felt like more than a promise about that day. More than just a friend being there for another friend. And it was the moment you realized you really liked Jasper Hale. 
It was only a matter of time before you learned about his world.
None of them told you, of course. They couldn’t. But the truth was hard to deny when a lone vampire came through Forks and almost killed you. 
You knew it was a bad idea to go out by yourself. Even though your legs were getting stronger from your perseverance in physical therapy, you still couldn’t walk by yourself. Which made you quite the easy target.
Luckily, Jasper was just in time to save you.
After the shock, though, came all your questions. Why did that man try to bite you? How did Jasper throw him all the way down the alley? How did he know where to find you and that you were in trouble?
A silently distraught Jasper ended up taking you back to the Cullen house. The air was tense, except for Alice, who was more than excited. She foresaw it all, of course.
Carlisle explained it all to you as Jasper paced off to the side. A scowl lingered on his lips, his eyes set on something distant. The moment you felt a flicker of panic though, he was there, kneeling at your side, smoothing a hand over your shoulder. You covered his with your own, holding on so tightly that if he were human, he'd probably be hissing in pain. You had a good grip strength from wheeling around for a few months.
It took time to settle into this new reality. Jasper gave you space to process, scared to push you too hard, but you wouldn’t have it. Vampire or not, you couldn’t stand the distance. You hadn’t realized just how ingrained he was in your life until then. Whenever something happened, no matter how small it was, you wanted to rush to him and tell him everything. You hated life without him.
So you ended up asking him out.
Dating came as naturally as breathing. Nothing changed. He still drove you to physical therapy and walked you to all of your classes. Only now, he would press a kiss to your forehead when you parted ways and take you on dates after every p.t. appointment. 
You had never been happier.
That’s when you came up with an idea for the upcoming school formal.
“You ready, darlin?” Jasper pauses at your side of the car, wheelchair pulled out and set up behind him.
You grin, squashing the nerves buzzing in your chest before he can sense them, “Yes! Now help me out of here, mister.”
The blond chuckles. He helps you down from the car, touch overwhelmingly tender, as if he’s scared of breaking you. Which, you suppose, he could. You settle into your wheelchair with practiced ease, your dress only causing a little trouble.
The night starts off perfectly. You take your pictures and meet up with his siblings inside the venue. Everything is beautiful. As usual, Forks high went all out with the theme. It’s something cheesy, like ‘a night under the stars’, everything draped in a deep navy blue, the ceiling decorated with shimmering stars.
When the dancing starts, you give Alice the cue. She sends you a little wink before dashing off to the dj booth. You catch Edward grinning out of the corner of your eye. It was impossible to keep him out of it, what with the whole mind reading thing, so you just shoot the man a playful glare. He stifles a chuckle, making an excuse to go get some punch, despite the fact he can’t drink it.
Sighing softly, you steel your nerves, spinning back to your boyfriend.
“Hey,” you call, catching the cuff of his suit.
Jasper’s eyes turn to you, and oh, wow, you’ll never get used to that. The way he looks at you, it’s like you’re one of the stars decorating the night. His eyes glow with an overwhelming warmth and something so so fond. All of a sudden it feels like you’re the only two in the room, everything else fading away.
“Yes, darlin?”He hums, slipping your hand into his to brush his thumb over your knuckles.
The touch sends sparks cascading over your skin, settling in your chest among the wild butterflies. You bite your lip to try and hold back a massive smile.
“You gonna ask me to dance, cowboy?” You tease.
A smirk pulls at the corner of his mouth.
Jasper makes a show of pretending to tip a hat, voice bright with amusement, “My apologies ma’am. I shouldn’t have kept you waitin’.”
“Mmm, I’ll forgive you,” you hum, biting back a laugh, “just this once, Mister Hale.”
“That’s very kind of you, darlin. Now, would you give me the pleasure of escortin’ you to the dance floor?”
“Why, of course.”
Jasper figures he’ll hold you up as you dance, or maybe spin you while you sit. Anything you want.
Except you do neither of those things. Instead, you gather every ounce of your strength, and shakily push yourself to your feet. Your wheelchair disappears (thank you Alice) and you stand there, all on your own.
After a few seconds, you’re certain that your legs won’t give out, and glance up at the blond expectantly.
Jasper stares back at you, eyes wide, brows arched. It almost looks like he’s forgotten to breathe, his whole body rigid. Shocked. Your grin finally breaks loose, so wide it makes your cheeks ache. Squeezing his hand, you take a tentative step closer. A little wobbly, but you stay standing. It’s only one step, but -
You’re walking.
In an instant, Jasper’s hands are cupping your face, and it’s only then you realize you’re crying. Tears race down around your smile and he’s quick to wipe them away, drawing you close so he can rest your foreheads together.
“My Lord, darlin-” He lets out a breathless laugh. “-you’re goin’ t’make this old man’s heart start again.”
You giggle, curling your arms around his neck, “I wanted to surprise you.”
“Been a long time since I’ve been surprised.”
“But I did?”
“Yes, you certainly did.”
Jasper leans down, pressing his lips to yours. It’s soft, featherlight, and you feel like you’re floating. It’s perfect. Everything about it is perfect and so much better than you expected.
The vampire pulls back, just enough to whisper against your lips, “You’re amazin’ darlin. Absolutely amazin’.”
“I couldn’t have done it without you,” you hum back, “Now, dance with me, cowboy.”
Your song comes on. The one you first danced with Jasper to in your kitchen, when he set you on his feet and held you close to support your weight. A knowing grin falls across his lips, his eyes creasing as he looks down at you.
“It would be my pleasure.”
Unlike that first time, you don’t have to stand on his feet. You don’t even have to clutch onto him to stay upright. Instead, you rest your hands on his shoulders, and Jasper traces his along your waist. The two of you move together slowly, perfectly.
By the end of it, you’re leaning against him, head tucked under his chin, just soaking in the feeling of his arms around you, his lips pressed to the crown of your head. Your legs are shaking, but you don’t care.
This is everything you could ever ask for.
I had fun writing this!! It came really clearly for me, though it ended up being a lot longer than I thought because I wanted to add so much exposition.
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ghost-proofbaby · 9 months
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☆ pairings: rockstar!eddie munson x fem!reader
☆ warnings: no use of y/n, strong language, angst, minors dni
☆ WC: 5.8K+
☆ A/N: if i could put the entirety of the lyrics to this song on here, i would. it's! their! song! (side note: these idiots need to start making progress before i tear my hair out i mean it. they make me think about jumping off of very tall somethings)
thank you to my love @hellfire--cult for the divider!
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The coffeeshop that Eddie chooses isn’t one you’re familiar with. It’s smaller, more hidden, tucked away in an unsuspecting corner and disguised from prying eyes. 
It wouldn’t have been your first choice, but you’re sure his thought process on choosing public locations differs from yours now. One wrong move, and he’s sure to end up on the cover of another magazine. Actually, one wrong breath, and the public eye probably eats him alive. 
He’d sort of brought that upon himself, building up such a polarizing reputation all by his own hands. 
“Ever been before?” he asks as the two of you stand in line, the scent of espresso burning your nose and the hiss of steam wands cutting straight through the soft chatter of fellow patrons. 
You only shake your head. No words to ease his clear anxiety as you watch him shift his weight between his two feet and his hands dig deep into his pockets. 
“It’s pretty good,” he continues to ramble, looking up at the menu rather than you, “They’ve got decent hot coffee, and their lattes aren’t too bad. I like the vanilla one best, which is probably boring but-”
“Eddie,” you interrupt him sternly, “What happened to not talking?” 
He scoffs a little, finally turning to look at you. “We aren’t seated yet. Once we get a table, I swear, my lips are sealed.” 
You highly doubt that. 
It’s torture being this close to him for this long. The accidental bumps of his elbow against your shoulder that send you jumping from the contact. The way you nearly stepped on his foot when you’d shuffled out of the way for someone, and your apology got tangled on your tongue when he’d reached out to steady you. In small moments, when he’s too busy glancing nervously around the cafe, you spare him longer looks. Since he first came tumbling back into your life a mere week ago, you’d been staunch on your stance that he had changed beyond measure. But here, out at a coffee shop with just the two of you present along with all his nervousness, you can see glimpses of something familiar beneath the surface. The way he bites his lip, the way he fiddles with his rings, how he’s occasionally humming tunes beneath his breath as he avoids eye contact with you – you hate it. You hate every aspect of it, and all the painful nostalgia it stirs within you. 
It reminds you of your first date with him, back in Hawkins. All the confidence he’d exuded at that Halloween party you’d met him at had disappeared the moment he got you alone sober. As if he had felt the weight of what this would become from day one, as if he knew just how much of both your future’s rested in one stupid date. 
You almost get lost in the memories before it’s your turn to order at the counter. 
“Just a vanilla latte, please.” 
You can see his small smile out of the corner of your eye. A small trace of triumph is clear as day as you order the exact thing he just said was his favorite. It wasn’t intentional, but there’s no use trying to convince him of that. 
It’s just a coincidence, you try to convince yourself. It just sounded good after he brought it up. 
“I’ll have the same,” he tells the barista behind the counter, moving to pull out his wallet. 
On your first date with him, you had bickered endlessly about who would pay. And you nearly do it again – you nearly reach out a hand to stop him and insist you could pay for your own coffee on instinct. 
It would be so easy to let history repeat itself, to watch your greatest hits reinvent themselves at this moment. Maybe, this time around, the two of you can get it right. 
You don’t move a single muscle as he hands over his card. 
He murmurs out a soft thank you when it’s returned to him with a receipt, and you’re already turned to scout out a table to sit at. 
There’s plentiful booths, a few high-tops by the front windows. There’s even half booths lining one wall of the cafe. If you were out on your own, all of these choices would be perfect. You’d take a seat at any of the tables and be content, especially the high-tops that offered the perfect opportunity for people watching between work. 
You choose a table in one of the back corners. Somewhere darker, and far from everyone else in the building. Somewhere hidden. 
“Here?” he questions, hesitating behind you as you drop your bag down beside one of the chairs.
“Something wrong with this table?” you ask over your shoulder, hand gripping on the back of the chair as if it could ground you. 
“I mean… not really,” you turn and look at him over your shoulder, “It’s just kind of dark back here, and you used to like sitting by windows-”
Your throat tightens at it – the acknowledgement that he remembers. That he can recall anything from the past, of you, of your time spent together. Part of you had been convinced he’d taken a sledgehammer to the past, shattered it into something unrecognizable and abandoned it altogether. 
He hadn’t. It should have been obvious, but he hadn’t. 
“Maybe I’ve changed,” you cut in, gaze unwavering as you dare him to challenge you on the fact, “Besides, I don’t want to be distracted while I work.” 
You won’t lose this game; whatever he’s currently playing at, you can’t afford to lose. You are not the girl he remembers, and he is not the man you’ve mourned for two years. Both of you, it seems, need that reminder. 
He joins you at the shadowy table without another word. 
You take to setting up your laptop and notebook, powering up your devices as you flip back open to your pages of contacts and physical notes already taken. Your eyes refuse to find his the entire time as you log in, as you open up to that damn refusal from the latest venue, as you sigh harshly out your nose at that bitter reminder of failure. 
When they call your names for the lattes, he’s up and retrieving them without you even asking him to. 
In your short time alone at the table, you lean forward to rest your forehead on the palms of your hands. It’s exhausting – being around him, pretending like you wouldn’t have enjoyed the view out the window, facing the reality that his mess had once again become yours. Every inch of your skin prickles with the need to run. And yet you don’t. You could have told him no, easily turned down his offer for coffee. But you didn’t, so now, you’ll live with the consequences. 
“One vanilla latte,” Eddie appears, setting down that takeout cup of coffee down in front of you before he takes his seat, “I didn’t know if you’d want any extra sugars, but if you do, I can grab them-”
“Thanks,” you interrupt blandly, lifting your head from your hands as you watch him sit down his own coffee. You really, really didn’t want to hear him ramble anymore. 
Didn’t want to ponder how it’s almost as endearing as the first day you met him. Didn’t want to think about how each syllable that falls from his lips strikes something deep in you, something stained and something yearning for erasure of a past both of you can’t change now. Didn’t want to keep caving so damn easily. 
You are meant to be furious. You have every right to be; he left first, he stopped loving you first, he broke this first. You’ve had two years to gather up all your grief and all your anger, package it nicely with a bow on top, and that is what you should be handing over to him right now. Not forgiveness, not understanding. Certainly not endearment. 
Something in your chest still shudders at the sight of his wince when he tries to sip the hot latte too soon, effectively burning his lip and tongue. 
“So, you come here often?”
What the hell happened to not talking? 
It’s not him to blame – it’s you. The words tumble out embarrassingly quickly. You had a plan, why weren’t you following the plan? Get a free coffee, get a break from the office, maybe manage to have some sort of breakthrough while away from that stuffy building. You weren’t supposed to be talking to him.
And he knows it. Damn it, does he know it as his lips curl at their corners ever so slightly, “Yeah. It’s convenient, nice and close to the studio.”
Where the fuck had all his rambles disappeared to? What are you supposed to do with such a short, such a normal response? 
“Right,” you nod, acting as though the location of his studio would be common knowledge to you, “Right, no, of course. It’s good to have a convenient coffee place.” 
He leans back in his chair, nervousness misting away and some sort of confidence creeping in instead. Fuck him. 
“Do you have one around here?” 
He’s testing the waters, seeing just how much conversation you’ll allow. The threshold should be none. Zilch. A resounding absolutely not. 
“I usually stop by the Starbucks closest to my apartment.”
So much for that.
“Starbucks?” he crinkles his nose, and dear Lord, you need to look away. Save yourself the heartbreak, because those wrinkles are almost a replica map of the ones you remember back in Hawkins when he’d make faces at you across the Hideout when someone would approach him with boring conversation he wanted no part in. The same disgust, the same silent conversation between you transpiring, “I thought you were always a coffee snob. Hated that shit.” 
You had been. When he had known you, you had hated that subpar commercial coffee.
“Like I said,” you swallow hard, looking down to your keyboard, realizing the conversation needed to end, “People change.” 
Did you change, though? You still hated the taste of your morning coffee, cringed at either the burnt bitterness or overwhelming sweetness you could never find peaceful equilibrium between. A thousand different orders, a thousand different experiments, and you still had yet to find anything that satisfied your caffeine cravings. 
Kind of like how you window-shopped at the bars. How you’d look over various men that Romina pointed out, and only shake your head before picking out something wrong with them. Something that wasn’t to your usual taste, something that wasn’t him. 
You finally take a sip of your latte as Eddie nods, muttering a soft, “Guess so.”
It’s perfect. The latte isn’t too sweet, isn’t too bitter. It’s exactly what you’ve been searching for these last two years. 
“They have really good muffins,” Eddie continues on, mimicking you by taking another sip of his drink. This time, he doesn’t burn his mouth, “Cinnamon rolls, too.”
The small talk is nearly killing you. You should go silent on him, begin to work on figuring out the venue situation. But you watch the way he fiddles with the sleeves of his leather jacket and can’t help but remember the old one with safety pins holding together the sleeves. Finally, you cave outwardly. 
“What kind of venue do you want?” 
It’s not small talk, but it’s not personal talk. It’s just you swallowing your pride, and shocking yourself by reaching out for the help everyone has pestered you with offering the last week. 
“What?” Eddie’s eyes widen, no longer rubbing the fabric between his fingertips.
“The venue for the party,” you elaborate, “What are you looking for in it? Small? Big? Private? Rooftop? I’ve tried asking Matt, and he’s given me nothing to work off of.”
Eddie slowly lifts his hands to lay on the tabletop, watching you with such careful eyes that you can see all the lack of trust in them. “Does it… matter?” 
You scoff, and before your brain or heart can warn you against it, you’re scooting your chair around the table to be closer to Eddie. You pull your laptop along with you, shifting it so that both of you can see the screen as you bring up your list of options. A colorful spreadsheet: rejections highlighted in a muted red, the ones you haven’t heard back from highlighted in soft orange, the ones you’re unsure of and haven’t even sent out queries regarding highlighted in a nearly transparent yellow. 
Only one is highlighted in a pastel green. The one with a rooftop option, as well as several downstairs rooms. The one you thought seemed the most like Eddie.
“Yes, it matters a fuck ton,” you explain, pointing at a random line as his eyes dart about your impressive display, “The ones in red are ones that already rejected me, but most are larger venues you’ve played in the past. By the way, why have you destroyed so many green rooms?”
“I get bored,” he flatly replies, leaning in with squinted eyes, “What does that yellow mean?”
“Those are ones I’m unsure about. Either too big, too small, or too exclusive.”
“And orange?”
“I sent out an email, and haven’t heard back.”
“And…” he pauses as he reaches that venue, “And green? Why’s there only one green?” 
It occurs to you he’s the first person to not turn their nose up at your extensive organization. Everyone else had thought it was stupid, wasteful, to spend so much time on the spreadsheet. No one had asked you to explain the color system before, usually hardly glancing at the screen before brushing you off. 
No one had even questioned the green line yet. 
“Green is the one I think…” you trail off, unsure of why you’re so afraid to admit the meaning. You sort of feel foolish; that terrible imposter syndrome managing to creep up on you as you doubt your judgment, “It’s the one I think might be the best fit. It probably isn’t, I don’t know. Honestly, I can take it off the list-”
“Show me the venue.” 
“I really don’t-”
He interrupts you by saying your name sternly, looking away from the screen to glance at you with raised eyebrows, “Just show me. It can’t be any worse than…” he looks back over the list, letting out a snort, “Jesus, Webster Hall? Yeah, they’re not letting us come back any time soon.” 
“What did you do to them?” you ask, too curious for your own good. Most of the venues wouldn’t divulge the messy details, only staunchly say no and promise they had their reasons once you mentioned Corroded Coffin.
“I’ll tell you if you show me the green venue.”
He knows he’s won when you finally click onto the still open tabs. You’d opened the hyperlink for every single different room, ranging from the large main one to the petty small one on a rooftop. You start with the largest room, and Eddie eagerly drinks in the details on the page.
He whistles softly, only loud enough for you to hear, “Quite the venue.”
“This is just the first room.”
He looks at you, clearly shocked, subtly nodding for you to click through the rest of the tabs. His reaction is fairly consistent as you show each new room, new capacity, new option. You can see the way his face lights up – you had been right.
Your judgment was correct. You hadn’t been an idiot, shouldn’t have doubted yourself. It almost makes you feel as if there’s still a chance that you still know him. Somewhere deep down, beneath your layers of stained armor and his layers of reckless defenses, you still know him. 
“It’s… good,” he says softly after reading over that final tab you had opened, “Like, really good.”
You exhale in relief, “Yeah?” 
“Yeah,” he leans back in his chair, “I don’t think we’ve ever played that venue before, either, so… no wrecked green room to hold over my head.”
You should stay on track and focus; you are making progress. After a week of hopelessness, you were finally not feeling like an absolute failure. Better to keep the train moving forward than to halt right now. 
And yet, your mind picks up on that green room comment again, and you can’t help it – all your focus flies out the window. 
“Why do you fuck up all those green rooms? And don’t just say you were bored,” you ask, curling your hands around your still warm cup of coffee, “I mean, I get it – the rockstar image or whatever – but isn’t it… isn’t it more trouble than it’s worth when it comes to scheduling tours?” 
He shakes his head softly, curls tumbling over tense shoulders, “Definitely not for the rockstar image.” 
“Then why?” you turn your head, ignore the screen, focus on him. On his scruff and the bags under his eyes, on the cracks in his chapped lips. 
On that distinct look overtaking his face that says you overstepped.
“Forget it,” you weakly say, taking back your words to the best of your abilities without being able to pull them back onto your tongue, tuck them back into that box of anger and grief, and curiosity now, apparently. “I guess it doesn’t really matter. Either way, it’s good that these guys have nothing against you, right?” 
“They still might,” Eddie shrugs, sucking his bottom lip in between his teeth, “Word travels fast between venues.” 
He says it so sadly, it’s hard to think of a proper response. You know he brought it upon himself. There’s no room for sympathy at this table, in this cafe. 
But it still only adds to your motivation to do this job, and do it well. A parting gift to Eddie; a way to silently swallow the pride leftover from a messy breakup, and apologize for the way you’d left without a trace. Right then and right there, you decide that’s what this has to become. For your peace of mind, and possibly for his. 
“You want a rooftop,” you don’t phrase it as a question, but as a statement as you yank your laptop closer to you, fingers flying over the keyboard, “A rooftop with a nice view, that’s what your email said.”
“I mean, that’d be nice-”
“You all want an open bar,” you add, continuing to type loudly enough a few people glance back towards the dark corner. You pay them no mind, your determination taking over, “And it needs to be smaller than your normal shows according to Matt. That doesn’t mean we have to limit venues by capacity – we could just limit ticket sales.” 
Eddie’s mouth falls open ever so slightly, watching you in awe as you start a new document. Making a checklist of just what was possible. No more spreadsheets littered with reminders of rejections, of what you weren’t sure you could get for the band. It would be nice to have a list of the venues you couldn’t contact now, but there was no need to let their names glare at you every time you reviewed your plans. 
“We need a top three for venues. What are your top three?”
You finally pause your clacking to look at him. Still stunned, still under the spell of watching you come to life. 
It used to be this way back in Hawkins, too. Whenever you took over on a school project, or a new gig for Corroded Coffin. You could do this. You would do this.
“I don’t-” Eddie starts, before taking a deep breath, “The only venues I really know by name are the ones I can’t perform at. The ones that banned me.”
“Awesome,” he shrinks back a little at that, almost in disbelief, but it was awesome. Not that he’d gotten banned, but that you had somewhere to start, “Send me that list. Type it up on your phone right now, and send it.”
“To your email?” he questions, already doing as you’d commanded of him. 
You consider it. Your email was already overflowing with work related notions, and brimming with those goddamn rejections you had yet to delete and move past. 
Personal email was out of the question. You only checked it for coupons from your favorite online shops and notifications from your mother’s Facebook. 
You snatch his phone out of his palm, and don’t look up at him until you navigate to the contacts app, hit the small plus sign, type in the magic number that you don’t check to see if he actually deleted two years ago. You just assume he did.
Your number. 
“Text it to me,” you instruct him as you pass the phone back. His hand still hovers where it’d been when you’d taken the cell phone, as if he’s frozen. “Now, please.” 
You don’t care if it’s stupid to do, it’s necessary. He’ll probably just delete it once you finish this final favor, this final gift to him to send him off and out of your life for good. 
“O-Okay,” he stutters, and not even a minute later, your phone buzzes with a text. 
You flip it over, keep it angled so Eddie can’t see the screen. 
New text from ROCKSTAR ♡ !
He may have deleted your contact, but you’d never deleted his. 
You’d tried to, make no mistake. Spent plenty of late hours staring at that haunted number, even tried to backspace it away a few times. But every time your thumb would hover over the delete button, your hands would shake and knuckles would ache. Every time you’d manage to fully backspace the number away, it was no use; you still knew it by heart, still retyped it and saved it as if nothing had ever changed. There had been a short week of having his number blocked, but you’d given up, unblocked it then sometimes still sat and waited for another round of calls from him begging for a chance to just talk. 
You always seemed to have one foot in the door, one foot out with Eddie. Always stained, never cleaned of him. 
It didn’t matter. After these next three months, you’d delete it. You told yourself you would, for real this time. You’d erase him, properly let him go until you forgot the sound of his voice and couldn’t even recall the first three digits of his phone number. You would. You had to. 
You flip the phone back over and face it down on the table, looking up at him, forcing a polite smile. It kills you – it startles him. 
“Alright, Mr. Rescue Party. Shall we begin?”
You never return to the office. 
Hours later, when the sun was setting and the table was littered with empty coffee cups bought by Eddie to continue to fuel the two of you, you receive an email from Lydia. 
Leaving and locking up the office now. Hope the meeting with your client went well. See you tomorrow. 
You blink rapidly at the message, hardly being able to process the time. It was nearly seven. 
“Okay, so, that venue was a no-go,” Eddie says as he approaches the table again, finally stepping back inside from calling your green venue. The two of you had decided it was time to stop sending off emails that could be easily ignored – you were tracking down numbers and calling them directly, now. Forcing them to give an answer then and there rather than putting you off for weeks, “I was right about word traveling between those assholes- What’s wrong?” 
He stops just before he pulls out his chair, leaning down with his forearms pressed into the back of the seat when he notices your expression of shock. 
It had been easy, too easy, to waste away the hours with Eddie. And, sure, the main distraction had been planning and putting everything into action. Eddie had narrowed down his top three venues, you had found a few businesses that would service an open bar and had begun to gather quotes. But it hadn’t all been business. 
Small things had slipped in. A short conversation had been had about the best bars in town when you’d begun that side quest, Eddie admitting which bars in town let him frequent them while offering the most privacy (not many, unsurprisingly) and you’d listed a few of the clubs your coworkers liked to frequent. No overlap to be found. But then, there had been the joking after Eddie called one of his other top three venues and put them on speaker, allowing you to hear the way the owner chewed Eddie out for the time he’d caused chaos at a show that wasn’t even his own. The moment the owner hung up, Eddie had made a face, somewhere between embarrassment and irritation, until you’d finally spoken up and mocked one of the last things the owner had said before the dial tone.
“Don’t you ever call here again,” you’d jokingly mimicked in a deep and comical voice, wagging a finger in Eddie’s direction in fake scolding. 
It hadn’t even been that funny. But the two of you had still descended into giggles like two children, until tears pricked the corners of your eyes and your stomach ached just a little bit. 
Small moments. Small exchanges. Things that were personal, things you wouldn’t have done with a normal client. Things that had a full day slipping away from you quietly in the darkest corner of a coffee shop you never even knew existed mere blocks from your work. 
“It’s seven, Eddie,” you tell him as if he should be just as taken back. He hardly blinks an eye, “We’ve been here seven hours.”
“And?” the creases between his brows finally smooth, standing back up straight, “We’ve been getting shit done, and we’ve been paying customers the entire time. I don’t see the issue.” 
The issue is the way you made work not feel like work. 
The issue was the cycle you had been fearing, avoiding, and falling victim to ever since he’d been waiting for you in that conference room that very first day. Every time Eddie would inch back into your vision, whether right before you as he was now or in the form of emails you’d find yourself reading over before bed, you were forgetting the anger. It kept feeling like a time machine, sending you right back to that very first night. Before the fame, before the hurt.
You have no idea how you’ll manage to keep this to just a parting gift. 
“I just…” your words fall short, because he’s technically right, “I didn’t realize we’d been here that long.” 
Eddie takes his seat with a nonchalant shrug, “Easy to lose track of time when you’re actually getting shit done,” he stops, blanches at his words as he stares at you as if he thinks he’s just insulted you, “Wait, I- No, I just mean- I don’t mean you weren’t getting things done before. I swear.”
You’re not offended in the slightest, “I know. But to be fair, I really wasn’t. I’m sorry for doubting how helpful you’d be when you showed up earlier today.” 
“Don’t do that.”
“What? Apologize?”
“No, discredit yourself,” he stresses. And you hadn’t noticed it, but your two chairs had seemingly grown closer over the hours as his knee bumps your thigh, “You… I’m not an easy client. You were handed a shit deal, plus Matt really wasn’t giving you anything to work with. I wasn’t giving you anything to work with.” 
“I’m working for the entire band,” you remind him, remind yourself. 
All it does is remind you of even more people you miss. Gareth, who was the little brother you never had back in Hawkins. Jeff, who had been one of your closest confidants. Craig, who would’ve answered your phone calls even in the dead of night. All friends you gave up when you walked out on Eddie. You always forget that – you didn’t just leave behind one person, you left behind an entire life.
Eddie’s phone buzzes, and he makes no move to grab it, “Have they been helpful?”
You stare at the phone, waiting for him to reach out. He doesn’t.
“Sort of.”
Another buzz. Another unanswered message Eddie clearly has no interest in responding to. 
“Sort of? What did they ask for in their lists?”
Another buzz. Finally, you break free of whatever conversation Eddie’s trying to have, and lean forward to grab his phone and pass it to him, “You need to check that. What if it’s Matt?”
Eddie doesn’t glance at the phone, only crosses his arms, effectively tucking the phone out of your sight as well, “He can wait. What did the other guys ask for?”
You can hear the next buzz, more muffled against his t-shirt and beneath his jacket.
He knows the nickname is a weapon against you. He uses it more deliberately this time, not letting it just slip out as it had at the office. 
“Open bar, fuzzy robes, normal things,” you finally spit out, trying to not let the echo of him calling you that name to worm into your brain and begin to rot you away, “Now, check your phone. Please.” 
This time, when the phone buzzes, Eddie removes it from being trapped beneath his armpit and actually looks at the screen. You know immediately you were right; his face falls as he reads over the missed messages, all his teasing fading and that air of light-hearted arrogance being sucked out of the space between you two. 
You don’t need to ask, but you do anyways, “Rockstar duty calls?”
He looks up rapidly, mouth already forming the word no, but you shake your head to stop his lie. 
It’s fine. It’s entirely acceptable that other people need his attention, that he has other affairs to tend to. You had gotten used to it when the two of you were dating and he first made his big break, you shouldn’t expect a change now when you were nothing more than a stranger working for him. It shouldn’t sting, and you shouldn’t feel a small fraction of you hopeful that he’ll be defiant and insist on ignoring those duties.
Today was only ever meant to be one cup of coffee. The fact that you two had lost track, fumbled and turned one cup into four, was only a blip. 
“I get it,” you say, sinking back into your chair. And you did, you really did. It was easier now to understand than it was back then, back when this very type of situation started the domino effect that was the beginning of the end, “You should go if they need you. You are a rockstar, after all.” 
It’s a hard sentiment to say without a trace of bitterness, but you manage. He’s a rockstar. All his hopes, all his dreams, have finally come true. He gets to breathe, he gets to be rowdy, he gets to hear crowds scream back all those lyrics you’d watched him write in his bedroom back in Hawkins. He got everything he wished for. 
You should be happy for him. If this arrangement is going to work, you have to be happy for him. 
“What are you doing tomorrow?” he asks you as he shoves his phone into the pocket of his jeans, standing and beginning to gather empty coffee cups.
“Work,” you shrug, crossing your arms as you glare at the laptop, already feeling preemptive frustration at the thought of picking up where you’ve left off today, alone. 
It’s not just because you want Eddie to join you on the project. It’s not Eddie’s help that you specifically want. It’s just nice to have someone to help shoulder the load with you, right? 
“At the office?”
“That’s where I usually work, yes.”
“Come to my place instead.”
Time almost freezes. He’s standing there, nearly all of the empty latte cups balanced in his arms, and looking at you as if he hadn’t just asked the most insane possible thing of you. 
“Eddie,” you speak softly, carefully, as your arms drop from your chest, “I don’t think that Lydia would be okay with that-”
“I’m a client,” he points out, “Besides, you’ve been stressed about this project, and I like to think I helped with that today.”
He did. God, he did.
“Just think about it,” he’s nearly begging. Beneath the lowlights of this cafe, features dancing with the reflection of some Christmas lights pinned up to line the top of the wall as they cast an aesthetic glow of gold over the surroundings, Eddie Munson is begging for your time, “You have my number. Think it over tonight, and just text me if you decide you want to. I can send over my address.” 
“I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
“Probably not,” at least he’s being honest. But quickly, it becomes apparent he’s misinterpreted you as he continues on, “You’re probably going to get photographed by paparazzi when you show up if you’re not careful, and if they figure out you’re there to see me, you’ll probably end up on the cover of some lowlife magazine-”
“That’s not the part I’m concerned with,” you lament, finally choosing to stand now. The last thing on your mind is publicity, or cameras, or magazines, “I mean, I don’t think it’s a good idea to make this,” you motion your arms between the two of you, “A habit.”
His face falls ever so slightly. A soft drop of his eyebrows, a gentle pinch of his lips. You swear, you watch him nearly drop one of the coffee cups before he regains composure, “It won’t be. It’s… It’s just work, yeah?” 
Just work. Just a project. Just one final parting gift. This is nothing more than a source of closure for the two of you, a slamming of the door on that chapter of your life where the boy standing before you was your end-all, be-all. He’s right – it’s just work. 
Your voice hardly comes out a whisper, “Okay.”
“I’ll think about it,” it takes everything in you to level your words, to keep them from shaking, “I’ll ask Lydia, and I’ll let you know.” 
A slow smile spreads across his face, and you can’t ignore the way it puts the glimmering lights on the ceiling to shame. No shade of gold, no twinkling reflection on the windows overlooking the busy street, can compare to the knife his hopeful smile strikes in you. It’s the type of smile that aches, that resonates, that haunts.
It’s the kind of smile that tells you you’re going to bleed for this, no matter how much you resist. 
“Cool,” he nods, finally taking a few steps back, “I’ll see you tomorrow then, maybe?”
The kind of smile that tells you the bloodstain is never going to wash out, whether this is all just for work or not.
“See you tomorrow, Eddie.” 
The idea of closure is about as tangible as smoke and mirrors as he leaves you alone in the dark corner of the coffee shop. It almost hurts as much as it did the first time he walked out to be a rockstar.
eddie's taglist: @capricornrisingsstuff @thisisktrying @hideoutside @vol2eddie @corrcdedcoffin @ches-86 @alovesongtheywrote @its-not-rain @feralchaospixie @cheesypuffkins87 @thebook-hobbit @babez-a-licious @eddies-acousticguitar @aysheashea @kellsck @cosmorant @billyhvrgrove-main @micheledawn1975 @eddiesxangel @siriuslysmoking @witchwolflea @tlclick73 @magicalchocolatecheesecake @mizzfizz @nanaminswhore @mikiepeach @ali-r3n @hawkebuckley @alwaysbeenfamous @darkyuffie-blog @vintagehellfire @lilmisssiren @elvendria @@loveryanax @stylexrepp @princessstolas @fangirling-4-ever @eddiesguitarskills @babez-a-licious
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blindmagdalena · 1 year
Trick & Treat
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18+ 2.1k Dullahan!Homelander x F!Reader. established relationship, body horror, dirty talk, cunnilingus, cream pie. written for monsterlander mania
A world in which all supes are the results of humans experimenting on one another with the blood of Fae from the Seelie Courts. Homelander is one such amalgamation, and as a result of his Gan Ceann blood, he has a particularly neat party trick to show you. 
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Homelander always kisses you like he means to devour you. You’re certain he could, especially when your teeth touch the sharp juts of his canines. Never do they seem more like fangs than when he’s dragging them along your throat, licking the salt from your skin with a wicked, hungry noise.
“You said you were going to show me a trick,” you remind him with a giggle, carding your fingers through his hair.
“Mmmm, that I did,” he hums, walking into you, forcing you backwards until the back of your legs bump his bed. You laugh as he gives you a gentle push, sending you down onto the plush bedding with a bounce. “Think you can handle it? It’s an awfully spooky trick,” he warns, those fangs of his flashing in a brilliantly white smile.
Sitting up, you scoot forward on the bed so that you can begin working his belt loose. “I’ve handled everything else you’ve thrown at me, haven’t I?”
Dating Homelander has more or less been a gauntlet of how many strange quirks you can endure from a single partner. You’ve grown accustomed to his fussiness when it comes to the rules of hospitality, his severe aversion to any and all iron, his penchant for milk–he likes it best when you leave it out for him unprompted–and most importantly of all, his deep love of jokes and trickery.
“True,” he supposes, cupping either side of your face. He strokes the rise of your cheeks, smiling down at you with the kind of tenderness that makes your stomach flip.
Returning his smile, you tug at the zipper of his pants, but he stops you. “Ah ah ah. I’ll be the one giving you head tonight, missy. But first,” he says, which tells you he most definitely has a scheme in mind. “Undress for me.”
Huffing a playful breath, you withdraw your hands and instead pull off your own shirt. You shimmy out of your pants and underthings next, leveling Homelander with an expectant look once you’re fully undressed. He lets out a low whistle, leaning down to kiss you. “It’s like a self-opening present. Never gets old,” he says, nipping at your bottom lip.
“What’s the trick?” You ask, bouncing lightly on the bed. 
He laughs. “So impatient! Fine, fine, alright, Christ,” he says, reaching up to the collar of his suit. He unzips a concealed zipper, and tugs the opening loose. Watching you, he places both hands flat over his temples, and gives you one last lingering look, lips curled in a devious grin. “Y’ready?”
Apprehension crawls into your gut and nestles there, your own smile faltering slightly. “Ready…”
You jump when he snaps his head to the side with a strange sound. It almost sounded like the tear of velcro, and before you can question what the hell it was, the wind is knocked completely from you when he lifts his head clean off his neck. No connective tissue, no blood, no gore. He simply holds his head up like a trophy, the bottom of it an empty, black abyss.
“Surprise!” He says, his disembodied head still grinning as he suddenly holds it out to you.
You scream, scrambling back on the bed, your eyes wide. “What the fuck! Oh my god, what the fuck? What the fuck, Homelander!?”
He starts laughing, kneeling on the bed. “Whaaat? I thought you liked tricks,” he says, placing his head on the bed while he adjusts his collar. “Yeah, we don’t advertise this one too much. Freaks people out,” he says, rolling his eyes. It’s beyond surreal to watch him emote like this, his neck cushioned by the bedding while his body continues to operate behind him.
Mouth agape, you continue to stare at him, a morbid curiosity slipping in amidst the horror. “How… How is this possible?”
“Same bullshit that makes flight and laser vision possible,” he says, watching you. It takes you a moment, but beyond the perverse enjoyment of your shock, you’re sure you see a flicker of apprehension in his expression. He’s waiting, you realize.
Waiting to see how you’ll respond. If you’ll reject him.
These are often the stages of your relationship with Homelander. He parts the curtain of himself bit by bit, daring you to flee with each confession about his existence. This is by far the most alarming reveal so far.
“Does it hurt?” You ask, the tension in your body easing.
He looks surprised, as if no one has ever asked him that before. Behind him, his body shrugs. “Uh, nope. Feels like stretching.”
“This is insane,” you say, crawling towards his head. Of all the things supes are capable of, you’ve never seen anything like this.
His smile slowly returns. “Pick me up.”
Your expression blanches. “What?”
“C’mon! Pick me up. Gimme a kiss,” he says, puckering his lips, coaxing you with kissy sounds.
Oh god.
“I…” You sigh. “...Alright, I’ll… Okay. Let me just…” You slip your hands behind his jaw, cupping the back of his neck, using your thumbs to brace him from tipping forward. “Oh, god, okay, I don’t want to drop–your head is really heavy,” you grunt, surprised by the density of it.
“Thirteen pounds, baby,” he confirms proudly.
“I was sure all the hot air would lessen the load,” you say, hefting him up to your eye level.
“Veeery funny,” he drawls. “Kissy time.”
After one last beat of hesitation, you lean in, bringing him close as you do. Closing your eyes, kissing him feels like it always does. His lips are as hungry for yours as ever, coaxing them into a dance. If not for the weight of all thirteen pounds of his head in your hands, you might forget anything was different at all.
Distracted, you don’t notice the bed dip behind you until you feel Homelander’s gloved hands on you, pulling your back to his chest, startling you. “God,” you gasp as you look back, a shiver running up your spine at the image of his headless torso poised behind you. “That is so fucking scary,” you say, returning your gaze to his head in your hands.
“Relax, babe,” he purrs, licking his lips. “You got your trick. It’s only fair you get a treat now.”
“What do you–oh!” You startle at the press of his fingers between your thighs, grip tightening on his skull. “You seriously want to–to fool around like this?” You ask, unable to do anything but fall back against his chest while his fingertips stroke your clit, his other hand sliding up your side, cupping your breast.
“Do I seriously want to eat your pretty pussy while I fuck you? Uh, yeah. I do,” he says, which admittedly lights a spark right at your core. “C’mon, sweetheart. Like this,” he says, taking his hand from your chest to grab a handful of his own hair, pushing your hold on him down, bringing his head between your legs. He nudges your knees further apart with his own, and brings himself close enough to drag his tongue over your clit, glancing up to watch you shiver, the glint in his eyes downright wicked.
“This is so weird,” you say, but it fades off into a moan as his tongue swirls. He only stops so that he can suck his own fingers into his mouth, thoroughly wetting them before he returns to licking your clit while his spit-slick fingers stroke your cunt, rubbing back and forth a moment before slowly sliding in.
Your head falls back against his shoulder, hips jerking. “Oh, ffffuck…”
It’s almost like being in bed with two different people at once. Homelander is as voracious as ever, licking and sucking every drop that spills from you. You feel his tongue lap at where your pussy is stretched around his fingers before dragging back to your clit, lips closing on it while the pointed tip of his tongue swirls.
“That’s it,” he says between the drags of his tongue. “Taste so fuckin’ good, babe. Ready for me?” He asks, slipping his fingers free. You’re not left hanging for long, the wet head of his cock eagerly nudging your pussy. He moans at that first hot press, giving a playful little growl as he nuzzles against your cunt, sucking hungrily at your clit.
“Yeah, yes, yes, m’ready,” you pant, thighs shaking. His head is getting heavy, but his tongue feels too good to let go of, or even adjust. “Don’t stop, keep–keep doing that.” He eagerly complies, humming against you while the head of his cock splits you open in one slow delicious slide.
You’ve had his head between your legs, and you’ve had the fullness of him inside you, but never could you have imagined both at once. The sheer heat of him is overwhelming, and you shudder bodily against him. His arms move to either side of you, and he nudges your hands out of the way, taking his head from them and relieving you of the weight.
“Touch me,” he groans against you, bracing you firmly in place within the bracket of his arms. You do so readily, slipping one hand into his hair while your other falls to his thigh, gripping it tight. He snaps his hips harder, knocking a moan out of you as he picks up a rhythm, his tongue never once faltering. Your breaths grow pitchier the faster he moves, his arms giving you nowhere to squirm, no reprieve while he fucks and devours you to his hearts content.
All you can do is hold on.
“I-I’m gonna come,” you whine, struggling to get the words out with the way each crack of his hips knocks the breath from you, edging you closer and closer to your climax.
“Me too,” he murmurs, though you feel it more than you hear it. “Go ahead, sweetheart. Do it. Wanna taste it when you come on my cock.”
“Fuck, fuck, Homelander, Homelander!” You cry, your nails biting into the fabric of his suit, yanking hard on his hair as your body locks up. The orgasm that hits is torrential, wave after wave of pleasure crashing over you. Your thighs shake, and if not for Homelander’s arms braced on either side of you, holding you tight to his chest, you’d collapse. 
All the while he sucks and licks you through it, fucking greedily into your quivering pussy, gasping hot and wet against your clit as he comes, too, fucking it into you as deep as he can while lapping up whatever spills on his tongue.
You sink back against him, loose-limbed and shuddering. Every pass of his tongue earns a jerky little thrust from you, the wet slide of it creating a burst of little aftershocks of pleasure.
Eventually, overstimulation begins to edge out your enjoyment. “Okay,” you rasp, giving his hair a gentle tug at the same time you pat his thigh. “Okay, good, good boy, that was… Fuck.”
Homelander pulls off of your clit with a pop, humming a pleased little purr. You completely collapse against him as he lifts his arms from you–lifting them over your head like the bars on a rollercoaster–and takes his head with him as he does. You hear a shuffle of fabric, and then an odd kind of crunch not unlike the one you heard when he first popped it off.
“Mmmmm…” He sighs, wrapping his arms around you, nuzzling at your neck. As he tenderly kisses up your neck, it's good to feel his lips where you expect them to be relative to his body again. “God, I’ve been thinkin’ about that for awhile,” he says, nipping playfully at your ear.
“I can confidently say that I had never once considered that,” you say, your words half slurred. You barely feel like your own head is attached after how hard you came.
He laughs, the heat of his breath on your ear giving you goosebumps. “Think you’d do it again?” He asks, voice pitched low and wicked, but you can hear the slight edge to his voice. You’ve been with him long enough to know that he wants to know that you liked it. That you like him. 
You turn to look at him over your shoulder, and you can’t help but smile. You kiss him, licking the shared taste of you both from his lips. He squeezes a little moan out of you, hugging you like he’ll never let you go.
“Yeah,” you say softly, toying with the hair at the nape of his neck. Part of you is surprised you don’t feel some kind of seam. “In a heartbeat.”
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apomaro-mellow · 4 months
King and Prince 20
Part 19
There was no other way to describe it, Eddie thought as he literally watched Steve sitting under a tree with Robin, laughing at something she said. Spring had not only come to this land, but to the prince as well. Like a flower in bloom, he was open and inviting. And everyone longed to be like the sun, having that flower turn to face them. At least, that was the thought that crossed Eddie’s mind and surely everyone else felt the same way.
He teased the kids more, ruffling their hair, and even allowing himself to be the but of the joke at times. He and Robin turned out to be thick as thieves, which Eddie could have never predicted. All this because he had been allowed to roam the town.
Yesterday, Eddie happened to spy a hickey peeking from the top of Steve’s collar and could deny it no longer. He had found a lover. Steve had found a lover. Perhaps even more than one. After all, there was no reason to limit himself to just one. The fact remained though that someone was making him glow with their affections. 
Someone out there was kissing him, whispering sweet things in his ear, telling him how lovely he was-SNAP
Eddie looked down to the broken quill in his hand. 
“Something on your mind?”, Gareth asked, returning a book on one of his shelves.
Eddie wriggled his fingers and brushed the broken quill away, careful not to smudge what he had just been writing. “No. Nothing at all”, he lied. 
Gareth waited patiently for him to continue, knowing he would. In the meantime, he grabbed another book and sat on the other side of Eddie’s desk.
“Steve has been going out often, hasn’t he?”
“About every other night, yes. Are you regretting giving him that freedom?”
“Well…”, Eddie struggled for only a second to think of a reason. “What if Nancy’s right?” He pushed off from his desk and stood, going to the window behind him. Thankfully Nancy was in a neighboring town, otherwise he’d fear she would actually materialize out of thin air.
“About the prince conspiring with townsfolk?”
“Or a spy. Anyone really. We just don’t know.”
Gareth sighed. “Time to put on my ‘Nancy hat’. Why don’t you send someone to follow him and see?”
The last thing Eddie wanted to see was Steve actually in the middle of the deed. But going along just far enough to make sure no other liaisons were happening was just his duty as a king, wasn’t it? He had to protect his people. And if Steve was only just meeting lovers, well he should feel confident enough to bring them back to the castle to introduce to everyone, shouldn’t he? If they weren’t conspirators anyway.
Eddie found the resolution to do so just a few nights later. He and Robin were relaxing in a sitting room, sipping together after having sent the kids to bed a couple hours ago. That was when Steve came in and draped himself on the couch Robin was sitting on with a dreamy sigh.
“Let me guess”, she said. “The woodcarver’s son?”
“You know me a little too well for how short we’ve known each other”, Steve said, bringing his head to her lap.
Eddie was sitting on the couch opposite them, leg propped up on the armrest. He didn’t like the way Steve didn’t even seem to notice he was there.
“You’re late”, he said, sitting up.
Steve turned just his head to look at him. “I know, I’m sorry. But it’s not always easy to get away.”
Robin snorted. “You mean clean up takes forever?”
“Don’t be crass”, Steve scolded lightly. “And I’ll have you know, Jason is the perfect gentleman. He always helps me clean up afterward.”
Eddie knew of Jason, the son of a woodcarver. Diligent in his work, a leader among the youth in town. His face was…fine, Eddie had to admit. He certainly wasn’t plotting to take Eddie’s kingdom down, that was for sure. Born and raised here, Jason only stirred up trouble a couple of times the way kids typically did. He had no reason to mistrust him.
And yet…
As the night went on, Steve and Robin continued to talk about him. Apparently Jason first saw him at the festival when he competed in the games. They talked a lot about athletic pursuits. Wood carving wasn’t for the soft of hands after all. Robin asked about others Steve had met with. Faith, Gabriella, Harris, but it always came back to Jason. 
He must be Steve’s favorite. Which meant that Eddie had to see what the big deal was about. On top of all the other reasons he’d come up with before too, of course. Steve didn’t go out the next night or the one after. But the third night, he did and Eddie followed. He traveled in the shadows until they got to town, then shifted to a bird. His usual form would have been instantly recognizable at this point, so he went with a starling appearance tonight.
Steve tied his horse to a post and went into a tavern. Eddie perched on a window just long enough to see Steve immediately sit down with a young woman. So not Jason. He waited by the door for someone to go through and flew in, staying aloft in the rafters and close to the edges of the ceiling. He got right above their table to listen in. She seemed a sweet lady, but looks could be deceiving.
“I wasn’t expecting to see you here tonight”, Steve said. “I thought your family needed help at home this week?”
“I was able to get away”, she said. “Are you…disappointed?”
Steve reached out and touched her cheek. “How could I be when I am gifted with your presence?”
She melted in his touch and Eddie had seen enough. There was nothing shady going on, so he had no reason to stay. He went back home, but spent about an hour, pacing about in his room, trying to find explanation for why he was so agitated. Steve hadn’t lied. Hadn’t gone against them. Which meant he got to say ‘I told you so’ to Nancy when she got back. The night after that, Eddie sat down in his chair, ready for story time but was off most of the evening. El was the one to point it out.
“Why do you keep looking at the door? Are you expecting someone?”
“This late?”, Lucas asked.
“Yeah, you’ve been kind of twitchy all night”, Dustin added.
“No I haven’t, and it’s fine”, Eddie brushed them off. He knew it was because of Steve. If these kids knew, they wouldn’t stop until they got to the bottom of why. And Eddie wasn’t ready to face the why. 
It wasn’t until Robin spoke up later, once the children were sent off that he got the kick in the pants to find out the truth.
“They’re right you know. You were twitchy.”
“You know I can’t stand still for more than a minute”, Eddie said in his defense.
“Yeah, but this is different. It’s like…”, then she snapped her fingers. “How Mike gets when Will would rather spend time with Lucas.”
Eddie’s stomach dropped. They had been teasing Mike about his not so secret crush for a while now. To be compared to that…
The only way to prove he wasn’t jealous was to see Steve actually be with someone and have no problem with it, right? He had walked in on more than one of his servants entangled with each other. It was a big castle, places for secret rendezvous were numerous. He’d even happened on Dustin stealing a kiss from a girl in town once. He felt nothing when watching others share their affections. So Steve shouldn’t be any different. 
Eddie hadn’t disciplined Steve when he came back late, so he got more bold with his curfew. He always returned to lay his head in the castle, Eddie noticed, but he didn’t rush back as the sun set either. One day he left as the sun was dipping low, giving the last bits of light as he traveled on the path from here to town. 
Eddie followed, in his raven form this time as pitch black wings were better for camouflage in the night. And Steve may recognize this form, but even if he saw him, surely he wouldn’t put two and two together. There was more than one raven in the world, they couldn’t all be Eddie. When Steve dismounted, the tavern was just a quick stop. He tied the horse to a post and then went across the street. 
He watched the prince chat up a candlemaker, seemingly having just a nice conversation before leaving to go somewhere else. Eddie was about to follow when his bird’s eye view allowed him to see a child sitting in an alley, legs hugged to their chest. He flew down and pecked at their shoe to get their attention.
A nice shoe, not an orphan, probably just lost. The kid seemed down on themselves and after Eddie played around to get their spirits up (making funny bird noises, puffing his feathers up, tugging at their hair) he was able to lead them out of the alley. Feeling less hopeless, the child called out for their parents and Eddie helped to get attention by squawking from their shoulder.
A man ran up and scooped up the kid, grateful for having found him. Eddie took his leave then, but had unfortunately lost Steve. He knew he wasn’t at the pub, so his only lead was the woodcarver’s. That was where he flew and sure enough, when he perched on the roof, he heard something from behind it.
A soft sound, just a low ‘mmf’ that anyone else still on the street or in their homes wouldn’t be able to pick up. He walked across the roof and the posterior of the shop was lit by just a single lantern hung from a rung. He peered down, almost hanging upside down to see Steve, legs wrapped around Jason while he was sat upon some crates. Steve let out another quiet moan and Jason gave him a gentle shush.
“It’s the evening hour, you’ll wake everyone up if you’re too loud”, Jason smiled while continuing to thrust into him.
Steve pressed his lips together to keep from making too much noise. His eyes were unfocused as they looked up, suddenly gaining focus and gasping when he noticed the bird watching them. Eddie remained frozen. If he left now that he’d been spotted it would practically confirm his identity. Steve tightened his hold on Jason. His panting picked up as he got closer and Jason stuck two fingers into his mouth.
The prince groaned and for just a moment, Eddie imagined what wonders Steve was doing with his mouth. Was he simply sucking or did his tongue lick between the digits? Eddie knew he should leave, it was only decent. But Steve’s gaze kept him tethered to where he was. His eyes only closed when he started to cum, Jason pushing and pulling a few more times before he did as well. 
Steve was floating. Jason pulled his fingers out and wiped them on his shirt. He was saying something as Steve came back into himself but he wasn’t sure what. The bird had flown away.
Part 21
@thesuninyaface @only-evanescent  @snakeorsquid  @ignoremyworld  @theclichefortunecookie 
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@justdrugsformethanks  @potato-of-the-lord  @notaqueenakhaleesi  @swimmingbirdrunningrock  @queenie-ofthe-void 
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@anne-bennett-cosplayer  @moomkin77  @here4thetrama  @bookworm0690  @autumncrocusandladybug
@lil-gremlin-things @littlebluejane @puppy-steve
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f1goat · 1 year
mistake(s) x lando norris + part nine
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In which you keep making the same mistake over and over again by fucking the boy you hate the most.
masterlist - playlist
part one part two part three part four part five part six
warnings: smut but with a plot, 18+ | english is not my first language fem!verstappen reader x lando norris
The door didn’t open that night. You don’t know if Lando didn’t hear you, wasn’t home, was sleeping or was ignoring you on purpose. You can only hope he didn’t ignore you on purpose, but you’re afraid he did. When he didn’t open the door for you the next times, you decided it was better to give up. It’s useless. You have contacted him every way you knew of, but it was no use. He didn’t open the door for you. He didn’t react to your messages on every social platform and he didn’t respond when you send him a letter. 
It’s done. He’s gone out of your life. 
And now you have to find a way to deal with it.
Last days you have spend all your time studying. Focussing still is hard, but you’re managing. Days are going slow and fast on the same time. Every day feels the same. You’re home or at school and in both cases you’re busy studying. Weeks are passing by. 
Graduation is coming closer and closer. You’re working even harder then ever to make sure you’ll pass. Your exams are all passed, but you still have to turn in a research paper. Some days you think you’ll manage, other days you think you’ll just fuck this up as well. That would be nothing new for you. 
“Y/N, start packing,” Max marches into your room while talking to you. Before you can even ask for what you need to be packing, he continues to talk. “I’m done with your self pity, you’re coming to the race weekend with me,” Max tells you. 
“No,” you reply quickly. No way that you’re going with him. What if you see Lando?
You don’t want to see him anymore. It’s almost a month ago since your fight with him. It’s been two weeks since you knew for sure it wouldn’t be fixed anymore. Max never told you, but even he couldn’t get Lando to come around. You follow enough gossip accounts to know about Lando his recent activities. Every night he seems to be out, every time he’s pictured with another girl. It’s always the same kind of photograph. Just a different kind of girl. But they are all beautiful enough to make you jealous. 
One time you asked Max about those girls. He didn’t tell you what Lando did with them. It told you enough. Lando’s back to his old ways. 
“Yes. I’ll drag you with me if I have to,” Max states, “I’m done with this awful self pity you and Lando both have. If you weren’t idiots like this, everything would have been fixed already. Match made in fucking heaven,” he continues to say annoyed.
It only took you twenty minutes around the paddock to see him again. It’s Friday. Max dragged you with him to the paddock for today, after you spend the whole Thursday into your hotel room. First practice will start in a small hour. Everyone is around the paddock. You were already afraid that this would happen. You’re thankful that Max is next to you. Or better said, you’re thankful that you’re not alone with him. 
“Why did you told me to meet you here when you’re with her?” Lando asks angrily to your brother.
Max caused this meet up? You can’t even say you’re surprised. 
It hurts you that Lando doesn’t look at you. He doesn’t even say your name. In the mean time, you can’t stop looking at him. He looks bad. Or better said, he still is handsome but he looks tired and worn out. He has massive bags underneath his eyes. It looks like he didn’t sleep for weeks. Then you remember the pictures of him at all the night clubs. Who wouldn’t look like this when partying this much?
“You two have to talk,” Max simply states. He doesn’t seem impressed by the anger from his friend. 
Lando fake laughs. “We have talked,” he grunts, “and she made her choice.” 
Is he really acting like you aren’t standing right in front of him?
“I didn’t know,” you softly say. 
“You didn’t know what?” Lando asks you annoyed, “You didn’t know that it was more then sex for me? Maybe if you weren’t so fucking oblivious you would have noticed that I don’t have sex with the same girl more then once and that I don’t take girls on dates. And I certainly don’t organize dates for them.”
“Don’t,” he interrupts you, “I don’t want to hear anything else from you. It was nothing more to you, so don’t start acting like it was.”
“It was more,” you try to tell him. 
“Don’t lie to me,” Lando replies angrily.
“I’m not!” You yell out annoyed. 
“If it was more for you, you wouldn’t have broken it off like you did,” Lando tells you. 
“I never want to see you again,” Lando states after interrupting you again. 
His words make you mad. His whole behavior makes you mad. Yes, you have made a mistake. Yes, you were the one who fucked it up. But you have spend weeks to make it alright with him. You don’t think about your following actions. Lando tries to leave, but you grab his arm. He turns around to you, looking even more mad then before. 
“I tried to talk to you,” you state, “multiple times,” you add. 
“I don’t want to talk with you anymore,” Lando replies. He tries to undo himself from your grip. 
“Oh sorry, I forgot that you’re way better off without me. Must be great to party every night, to bring back home a new girl to fuck every night as well and walk around like some sort of zombie,” you tell him frustrated. 
“You don’t know anything about that,” Lando groans.
“Maybe I didn’t ruin anything for you after all. You seem to be more then fine with sex with other girls.”
“Shut up,” Lando grunts.
“And while you’re busy fucking them, I can’t even focus on my graduation paper. It’s safe to say you’re the one who ruined me.”
After those words you walk away. Lando walks away as well in the opposite direction. Max is still standing on the same place as before. This is even a bigger mess then he already thought. He doesn’t think about following either of you. He just walks towards the RedBull mother home and decides to stop intervening in this mess. 
Lando can’t focus for the rest of the race weekend anymore. He can only think about you. Not that it’s new for him. His focus never shifts away from you. He tries to forget about you every night by clubbing, but he never manages. He tries to talk to as many girls that he can, only to find someone who can distract him of you. But no one can. He gets your words, but you don’t know anything about it. Of course he isn’t fucking with other girls, let alone a different girl every night. He can’t even think about sex with someone else. Instead he’s wanking every night while thinking about you. 
He has been a mess lately. He was so mad after you broke things off with him. Of course he has been mad at you, but he was also mad at himself. How could his own mind give him hope that you would like him back? He decided that it was better for him to don’t speak to you anymore. So he ignored everything you did. 
When he’s in the car on Sunday he can’t even focus on racing. He keeps thinking about his last conversation with you. Has he been to harsh? Maybe he has been a dick the last month. He read all of your messages, he heard it every time you were at his door, but he didn’t do shit. Fuck. You tried to fix things, but he didn’t gave you any chance. 
He’s not even surprised when he is braking way too late and spinning of the race track. 
That’s what you get for not focussing on racing.
He doesn’t even care about missing points. He can only think of you. Is there any way for him to fix things?
You are. You gasp when you see Lando spinning. It’s nothing for him to make mistakes like this. It doesn’t take long before he is off the track. You watch how Lando gets out of the car. Then you doubt about your options. Should you do something? You doubt about finding him, but when you think about it you’re pretty sure Lando doesn’t want to see you. 
But maybe he does want to fuck you? Maybe that would be a nice solution for a lot of problems. Let him fuck his frustrations out. Perhaps you can even talk like normal people after that.
Without thinking about it you start to walk to the McLaren motor home. What should you do? Last time you got in rather easily, but you don’t know how Lando will react when you’re standing in his driver room without any warning. You doubt about texting him, but that has probably no use since he doesn’t have his phone yet. You continue to walk. 
When you’re standing in front of the motor home a mechanic is quick to stand in front of you. You decide to use the same excuse as the last time. 
“Hey, I’m here for Lando,” you say, “He told me to wait in his driver room.”
“Nice try,” the mechanic tells you, “but Lando told everyone to not let anyone in his driver room anymore unless he told us before hand.”
You sigh and turn around. It has no use. You simply get back to the RedBull motorhome to continue to watch the race.
When Lando gets back to his motorhome later, his team asks him multiple questions. He notices the way Zac looks at him. How everyone looks at him. They think he’s fucking it up on purpose. It’s obvious. It’s one of the mechanics who finally starts about something else.
“I stopped a girl from getting in to your drivers room,” he tells Lando.
Lando doesn’t pay attention at first. It’s nothing new.
“But I think if you saw her, you would be sorry that I told her to leave,” the mechanic jokes.
“Was she that beautiful?” Someone else asks.
“That too, but I also believe she is the sister of Max Verstappen? I don’t know for sure,” the mechanic explains, “but she was really beautiful too.”
That got Lando his attention. 
“Was Y/N here?” He asks surprised. 
The mechanic nods. 
“And she wanted to get into my drivers room?”
“Yes, she told me that you said she could wait there for you.”
Fuck. Another missed opportunity. What does he need to do now? Lando sighs. Since when is everything so messy in his life? He regrets his earlier mean words to you. What if he was a bit more calm? Could you two have worked it out then?
You haven’t seen Lando since that day. But today you don’t want to think about him anymore today. It’s the day you worked towards the most in years. You have graduated and today you’ll finally get your paper. 
“Ready?” Max asks you, you show him a small nod. Together you step inside his car. To your luck, the graduation isn’t happening during race week. Meaning that Max will be there with you. Max drives off. You can’t suppress a small smile. This is going to be your day. You deserve it. 
Lando is nervously sitting inside of his car. He checks his watch for the tenth time in a few minutes. He is early. He rolls the sleeves of his blouse a bit up. Was it already this hot in his car? He doubts about his plan, more because the lack off it, and decides to step out of his car. Lonely and uncomfortable he walks towards the big building in front of him. 
In all his years, he never stepped a foot in a University. He’s glad Max texted him a description of the route he should take. Otherwise he would be lost in a couple minutes probably. He thinks about his actions again. Is this the right thing to do? Max texted him about this a few weeks prior and since then Lando has been doubting about what to do. But, he’s here. 
A big part of him thinks it’s a bad idea. This is suppose to be your day and by being here he will make this about him as well. But he couldn’t miss it. In the months he was close with you, he saw your hard work. He wants to see how it pays off. He wants to be here for this important event in your life. 
He takes a seat when he arrives at the right place. He notices that family and students are walking in. He spots Max, who spots him quickly as well. Max walks towards him and takes place next to him. 
“You made the right decision,” Max says. 
Lando doesn’t look at his friend. He doesn’t want to miss any second of the sight of you. He starts to get afraid that he already missed you. 
“I hope so,” he tells Max.
He hasn’t seen you in a month. You didn’t came to the race weekends anymore. Max told him it wasn’t because of him, but that you were busy with graduating. That’s one of the reasons why he decided to leave you be. You were too busy for drama with him. It took him a lot of strength, but he didn’t contact you last month. 
Lando knows for sure he can’t miss the sight of you when you walk into the room. It’s impossible to miss the entrance of someone who looks like you. It’s absurd how beautiful you look. Lando almost feels like a dick when he can’t stop thinking about fucking you while you look like this. It’s unfair what you are doing to him. Not that he’s surprised that you’re still doing this to him. 
Proudly Lando watches the ceremony. He applauses for everyone who walks up the stage to get their diploma, but his most sincere applause is for you. He feels so proud of you. 
The ceremony is over and Lando is standing next to Max in a big room. There are some waiters going around with drinks, he notices that you took a couple. He doesn’t want to ruin your celebrations. Lando is sure that he will ruin your day when he shows you that he is here.
“You should say hi to her,” Max tells him. 
“I don’t know,” Lando sighs, “What if I ruin her day?”
“I think you’ll only make it better,” Max states.
Lando still doesn’t budge. He keeps standing in the same spot. The spot where he can look at you perfectly. He watches how you make small conversations with others from your study. He notices the way other boys look at you. Maybe he should just leave? There are more then enough others who will treat you way better probably. He discard that thought when he notices a familiar boy. Is that Joshua who you’re talking with? 
Something tells him that this is the moment to walk to you. But he also knows that the chance is there that he will cause a scene. Lando still decides to get closer to you. When he’s almost near you, he hears to words Joshua says. 
“Maybe we can try again?”
You whimper at the idiotic words Joshua just told you. “We can’t,” you simply state. You notice the look on Joshua his face getting more mad. He’s probably not used to hearing no, you think.
“Why not?” Joshua asks you, he is quick to add another question. “Is it because of that Lando guy? You can’t tell me you fell for him.” 
You let out a soft sigh. You did think about Lando during the ceremony. You wondered how it would be when the two of you didn’t ruin the things between you. Would he have come then? Would he be proud at you for graduating? You like to think so. 
“You know what Joshua,” you say harshly, “I did actually fell for him.”
Lando hears your words. It’s the first time he actually hears you say them. Max told him many times before, but he never wanted to believe him until you said it yourself. And now you’re even saying it to Joshua. 
“You’re an idiot.” Joshua laughs, “as if someone like him will fall for someone like you. Don’t you see Y/N? You’re opposites.” 
Lando doesn’t think about his next move. He slides his arm around your waist and pulls you close to himself. He shivers because of the contact he missed so much. 
“That’s why it works so well,” he then tells Joshua, “so fuck off mate.”
You look next to you. Is this actually happening? Lando doesn’t wait for you to reply, he takes you with him to a less crowded spot. He can only hope you’re not mad at him. You don’t know what to think. Since when is he here? How did he know about your graduation? What is he doing here? You haven’t heard from Lando in a month and now he’s suddenly at your graduation? 
“What are you doing here?” Is the first thing you ask him when you’re finally alone with Lando.
“I uh,” Lando stutters a bit. He had thought about this multiple times, but what does he need to tell you? “I.. I.. Max told me about today and uh, I wanted to be here I guess.”
“You wanted to be at my graduation?” You ask surprised.
Lando nods. “I didn’t want to miss it. You worked so hard for this,” he tells you honestly. 
“I don’t get it,” you say confused, “We fought the last time, then I didn’t hear from you for a month and now you here?”
Lando understands your confusion. He has been acting weird. “I uh, Max told me how busy you were with graduating, I didn’t want to be a distraction.. So I thought I could better wait till after your graduation before contacting you again,” he explains eventually. 
“That’s stupid,” you sigh, “but also really sweet of you.” 
“You look beautiful,” Lando compliments you, “and you did amazing. Max told me about your grades, you’re so smart.” 
“Not smart enough apparently,” you joke lightly.
“What do you mean?” Lando asks a bit confused.
“I didn’t figure it out,” you explain, “I ruined things between us, because I thought you’d never like me back.” 
“Let’s talk later,” Lando tells you, “First we’re going to celebrate you. This is about your graduation.”
You smile. Without thinking about it you turn yourself closer to Lando. He wraps his arms around your body, pulling you into his while doing so. You look at him. He looks better then the last time you saw him. Lando lifts up your chin a bit before pressing his lips against yours. You shiver from the feeling. You have missed this. 
Later that night Lando is taking you home with him. You’re sitting next to him in his car. Today was an absolute blessing, one you didn’t expect for the one tiniest bit. Who would have guessed that Lando would show up at your graduation? You certainly not. You feel happy about today, but you know that you still have to talk with Lando about everything that happened. 
You decide to start about the subject, how sooner it’s over how better. Tonight you want to enjoy your time with Lando without having to worry. 
“I’m sorry about how I stopped things between us,” you tell Lando, “I should have told you the truth instead of not giving you any reason.” 
“What was the reason?” Lando asks. His focus shifts to you. 
“I fell for you,” you confess, “and I didn’t believe that you were feeling the same.”
Lando laughs softly. “You’re really oblivious,” he tells you. That’s something you have heard a couple times before now. Max kept calling you that as well. 
“Do you actually believe that I don’t have any feelings for you?” Lando asks you. 
“I didn’t think so at the moment,” you confess.
“I can’t really call you dumb on your graduation day, but otherwise I would have said you’re a bit dumb,” Lando laughs. “How can you think I didn’t have any feelings for you? I changed for you. Maybe I didn’t show you enough, but I actually bettered myself only with the hopes you would give me a chance.”
Lando parks his car. Together you walk inside his home. You look at him. 
“You look better then the last time I saw you,” you tell him.
“I sleep a bit more,” Lando replies.
You think back about all the gossip about him and the other girls. You cringe. Maybe you should ask him about it? 
“No more partying?” You ask him.
“No,” Lando answers, “It didn’t even help.”
“With what?”
“Forgetting you,” Lando sighs, “I tried to forget about my feelings for you by getting drunk every night, but it didn’t do shit.”
“And the girls?” You ask bitterly.
“What girls?”
“The girls you fucked. A new one every night.”
Lando laughs. You start to feel irritated. 
“I didn’t fuck anyone,” Lando explains, “Every time one of them got to close, I would tell her to go. It annoys me when anyone else than you touches me. I didn’t tell you for nothing that you ruined it for me.”
“You didn’t fuck anyone else?” 
“Of course not.”
“Thank god,” you say relieved. 
“What about you?” Lando asks you. 
“As if,” you laugh, “I couldn’t even focus on my study let alone on someone else. You were the only one on my mind.”
“Be mine.”
You don’t know if it’s a question or a command, but you don’t care. There’s nothing else that you want as much as this. 
“I’m already yours,” you tell Lando. 
“And I’m yours,” Lando says back relieved.
“Make love to me?” 
Lando doesn’t verbally reply to your question. He pulls you closer to himself and presses his lips against yours. It doesn’t take long for you to end up upstairs in his bedroom. 
that's it everyone :) the end of this series ! i'm not sure about something new yet, but maybe it will come. thanks everyone for reading & interacting! ly
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vodika-vibes · 7 months
Hehehehe… Okay, you said it would be cool to send in another request, and after the Jesse fic which was absolutely fluffy and squeal worthy, I’m sending in another.
White Tulip and Yellow Orchid
You break up with Fox, and it’s taking a toll on the both of you. It was hard enough when you found out Fox cheated, but somehow it’s even harder not being around each other in a relationship.
I don’t know something along those lines; maybe realizing they are better suited as friends with th hope for more or maybe Fox realizing you deserve better… I’m just spitballing. Anyhew … love oo
Summary: You break up with Fox, and both of you are suffering for it.
Pairing: Commander Fox x F!Reader
Word Count: 1724
Prompts: White tulip - new beginnings, Yellow Orchid - Forgiveness
Warnings: Angst with a happy ending
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni
A/N: So, I ended up having to change some things from your request to make it something that I'm able to write. Turns out cheating is an unforgivable hardline for me, which is good to know about myself. So I ended up completely dumping that plot idea for something else. I hope you don't mind.
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You don’t look up when the chair across from you slides away from the table. You already have a good idea of who’s going to be sitting there.
“Are you here to yell at me too, Commander?” You ask as you pour some more sugar into your caf, take a sip, grimace, and then add even more sugar. It already tastes like caf flavored sugar, but you need the extra energy. Even if it’s cheap energy.
“Buy me a Caf,” Commander Wolffe says, his dark eyes serious as he looks at you, “And something to eat. We need to talk.”
You lift your gaze and scowl at him, but you pull out your credit chit and set it in his hand, “Order what you like, I suppose.”
Wolffe nods and heads to the counter, only to return several minutes later with a large caf and a breakfast sandwich. He hands you your credit chit back as he takes a seat.
You shift and rest your chin on the palm of your hands, “Alright. Lay it on me.”
Wolffe arches a brow, “You expecting something from me?”
“Thorn, Thire, and Stone have already come to yell at me, and they’re not Fox’s twin. You are. So,” you gesture vaguely, “Go ahead. Start yelling.”
“I’m not going to yell at you, sen’ika.” Wolffe says quietly.
“Well, that’s a first.” You mutter.
“I don’t kick people when they’re down.” He continues, his sharp eyes lingering on the dark circles under your eyes, and the sheer amount of sugar you’re adding to your caf. “That’s going to taste awful.”
“Sen’ika,” He says slowly, quietly, “You’re clearly miserable-”
“I’m fine.” You interrupt.
“You’re not.” There’s a firmness in his voice that stops you from arguing back. “When was the last time you went home?”
“Last night.”
“And slept more than an hour or two?” He asks with a pointed look. 
You look away from him, “It’s…not important.”
“Sen’ika,” His voice is so gentle, “Why did you break up with Fox?”
Your hands fold into fists, “Maybe I was cheating on him. Maybe I wasn’t happy.”
“You might be able to pull the shit with other people,” Wolffe says quietly, “But I saw how happy you and Fox were together. And I know you would never cheat on him. So try again.”
You press your lips into a thin line. “I…I refuse to be another burden on him.” You admit quietly.
“You don’t see him after work, Wolffe. He’s so tired. All of the time and some of the bruises and scars…” You trail off, “He was happy with me, yes, but having to hide me from everyone? For my own protection? It was wearing him down. And I can’t, won’t, do that to him.”
“He’s miserable.”
“I know.”
“You’re miserable.”
“I know.”
Wolffe is quiet for a moment, “Is there nothing I can say to make you change your mind?”
“I will not let him kill himself for me.” You say quietly, “And if that means that I’m on the shitlist for every single member of the guard…then so be it.”
Wolffe doesn’t say anything for a long time, and then he sighs, “I’ll talk to the guard. Tell them to lay off.” He stands and drops a light kiss to the top of your head, “Fox loves you,” He says quietly, “He’s never going to stop loving you. You should at least give him a choice.”
“He’d pick-”
“You. Always you. And we both know it.” He pulls away, “Just think about it, alright? Thanks for the food.” And then Wolffe is gone.
You cast your gaze back to your caf, sigh, and add some more sugar.
Even if you want to talk to Fox, it’ll never happen. Thorn made that plenty clear the other day. And then Thire made it clear later when he came to yell at you on your way home. 
You sigh at your caf, and then you pick it up and down half of it, before you make a face.
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About a week later, you’re at home, trying to clean up the mess that your house has turned into since you haven’t had energy, or frankly, the will to keep up with it.
According to everything you’ve ever read in your life, time is supposed to heal all wounds, but you’re starting to wonder if that was just something that people said to give themselves hope.
Because you aren’t healing.
In fact, you feel worse than ever.
Bad enough that you’re starting to wonder if you’re actually sick, because a broken heart (a self-inflicted broken heart even) shouldn’t hurt this much, right?
You’re so involved in your cleaning that you don’t hear the knock on the door at first. It’s not until the doorbell rings, startling you bad enough that your vacuum falls from your hands, that you realize you have company.
You look at the mess that is your home and sigh. Maybe they won’t want to come inside?
Carefully, because you had the genius idea of dumping everything you own in the middle of the living room so you can organize it properly, you step over the piles of stuff to get to the door. 
You press the door control to open the door, “Yes? Can I hel-” You stop mid-sentence when you see who’s standing there. “...Fox. Um…I mean, Commander.”
He looks…pissed.
“Let me in.” He bites out.
“We’re not dating anymore, Commander. You can’t order your way into my home.” You offer as you avert your gaze from his face. More than just angry, he looks tired. About as tired as you feel, really.
You hear him exhale sharply, “You’re wearing my shirt, cyare.” Even his voice is tight with anger, “Let me in.”
You glance down at the shirt, his shirt, that you are wearing, and you silently move to the side. “...sorry about the mess.”
“What mes-” He stops as soon as he steps into your apartment, and his jaw drops, “Holy kriff, did a bomb go off in your living room?”
You fold your arms, “I’m deep cleaning.”
“By making a bigger mess?”
“I have a system.”
“Is it working?”
You scowl at him, “I’ll let you know.”
He glances at you, and his lips twitch up into a small smile, before he looks away, as if suddenly remembering that he’s supposed to be angry at you. You avert your eyes as well, it’s easy, far too easy, to fall back into easy bantering with Fox.
You broke up with him.
You told him that you weren’t happy anymore.
You have no right to his time or his smiles.
“I had a chat with Wolffe.”
“He told me something interesting.”
Kriff. You should have sworn Wolffe to secrecy. 
“You broke up with me because you wanted to protect me?” There’s a strange mix of emotions in his voice. Anger, yes. There’s a lot of anger. But there’s also hurt, and something you recognize as affection.
“Wolffe is a kriffing snitch,” You mutter.
“Yeah, well. Maybe you shouldn’t have tried to confide in my twin,” Fox points out, “And then he wouldn’t have snitched on you.”
You purse your lips, “See if I ever buy him breakfast again.”
“He came to stop the Guard from harassing you,” Fox says, “I didn’t know that they were harassing you.”
“It’s…fine. I deserved it.”
“You didn’t.”
You sigh and turn your gaze to him, “Why are you here, Fox?”
“Because I love you.”
He presses a finger against your lips, “Stop and listen.” Fox waits a moment, and as soon as he realizes that you’re going to do as he asks, he adjusts his hand so that his thumb is brushing against your lips. “I love you and I’m not going to give up on us simply because you think you’re a burden.”
“I am a burden. I saw how exhausted you were-”
“I’m more exhausted now.” Fox counters sharply. “Because I’m still trying to keep you safe, only now I have to do it in secret!”
“I never asked-” You start.
“You never had to. It’s what you do when you love something.”
“I know you think that you’re a burden to me. And I know I’m so tired all of the time, and I know you worry about me all of the time.” Fox says, “But I love you. And you don’t get to decide what’s best for me. Only I get to choose that, and you’re what’s best for me.”
“Fox-,” You repeat his name, feeling tears pricking your eyes.
“I’m happier when I’m with you. You give me a reason to want to wake up in the morning.”
“I hurt you.”
“And I forgive you.”
“Just like that? You were so angry-”
“Of course I was! You broke up with me after deciding what was best for me! I’m pissed about it!” Fox bites out, “But I still love you and I’m willing to accept the fact that you did this because you were worried about me.”
“...I’m sorry.”
“I forgive you.” Fox repeats, he searches your face, and apparently finds what he’s looking for there, “Cyare, do you still love me?”
“...of course I do.”
“Be my girlfriend again?” Fox asks, “Please. We can start over if you really think we have to. I just…let me be a part of your life. I need you in my life.”
You sigh, softly. How could you say no to that? To him?
“Okay. I’ll be your girlfriend again.”
“Oh thank kriff,” Fox blurts as he presses his forehead against yours and closes his eyes, “Can we take a kriffing nap, I feel like I haven’t slept in weeks.”
You glance at the pile of stuff on the floor of the living room, and then turn your guilty gaze on Fox, “I think my comforter is in the mess.”
Fox glances at the pile of stuff, and then shakes his head, “No matter.” He carefully scoops you into his arms and steps over the stuff, before he heads into the bedroom and drops you on the bed, before he curls up against you, “Sleep first, everything else later.”
You tuck your head against his chest, and he folds himself around you. And you’re both asleep in a matter of moments.
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ask-shane · 4 months
Hi, I am the anon that said i send mean asks on purpose. I just wanted to make a clarification and a formal apology and then i will stop interacting with this blog.
I need to clarify that by mean asks i meant things like saying shane has no bitches, or that he uses 738283837 in 1 shampoo. I never sent any slurs or genuine insults to this blog, and on top of mean things i also send nice things. I should've specified that the asks I sent were teasing and not genuine mean things.
I sincerely apologize for saying what I said. I had no idea the extent of the awful things people sent you and the fact that I could make you feel like i intentionally try yo make you feel bad and ruin your day with slurs and insults litterally made me shiver and feel anxious in real life. I fully understand how what i sent was harmful and damaging to someone who has to deal with toxicity on a daily basis.
I feel a lot of shame for what I did, this blog is something i check daily because i love your writing and i Love this character. I don't need you to unblock me if its even possible, i just wanted to apologize and wish you well
hi anon, mod dawn speaking. i’m gonna be talking directly to this person so please feel free to skip this if you aren’t them
i just wanted to start by addressing a couple things. firstly, thank you for apologizing so sincerely and honestly. i can tell how genuine this is and i’m certain it was a very brave decision after i put you on the spot earlier. i’ve deleted the post replying to your ask out of respect for this situation.
and for that, i am extremely sorry. i’m speaking to you with recognition that there is a person who is going to be reading this. i should’ve been more aware that i was putting you on blast in front of a lot of people. even if you were on anonymous, i can’t imagine how anxiety-inducing it was to be reading my response when you actually meant to be playful/teasing.
another thing i need to clarify here was that i did not realize that you were not the one sending me death threats and slurs. i had received a barrage of messages at the same time and had wrongly assumed the others were coming from you as well. it all happened at once, and the context of you sending that ask was shockingly related to the vile ones i received. your asks were not at all on the same level of “bad” the ones you didn’t send were.
unfortunately i had no way of telling which ones belonged to you and which ones didn’t, so i decided to address them using your ask. i made the mistake of incorrectly conflating your ask with the others.
that out of the way, i am so sorry once again, and also very thankful you apologized. please know there’s absolutely no need to feel shame for this.
i want to make it clear now that teasing (and even being somewhat mean) asks on my blog are okay. it’s fun to be provocative! there’s an art to it that i can appreciate, especially here, where shane gets glazed a lot. it is really awful that my guard happened to be high when you sent this because of what another actually unacceptable anon did. you shouldn’t be lumped in with them and i am so sorry i couldn’t discern your intention. i should also use this as an opportunity to say you have a good heart. i love that you can be playful and i thought a lot of what you said was actually quite funny. i didn’t intend to make you feel anxious or responsible for what other people did, but regardless, i did so, and it wasn’t fair of me to do to you.
lastly, thank you for interacting with my blog. now that we’ve cleared things up, i want to personally say to you that it is more than okay to continue to interact with my blog. i can appreciate a presence like yours around here. i’ll figure out a way to make sure you’re able to continue interacting (if you’d like to, of course). i am so glad you enjoy my writing and my portrayal of the character and it is honestly heartbreaking to hear i may have spoiled this experience for you. i have no negative feelings toward you whatsoever— if anything, i respect your ability to communicate with me after this (even though i’m sure it would’ve been much easier to block me and try to forget this happened)
i hope you are reading this.. i wish you nothing but the best 🤍
- dawn
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hxney-lemcn · 2 years
Too Cute <3 — Alex [Adult World] x gn! reader
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summary: Just some workplace fluff with Alex <;3
tw: none
a/n: Prompts are highlighted and from here.
wc: 0.6k
Master List
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Another day, another shift. Something the world doesn’t talk about enough is what happens when you try, and fail. All my life, I wanted a good job with decent pay, I tried my hardest in highschool, and even graduated college! Yet all that hard work seemed to be down the drain. I made connections, I applied to jobs, and it was always “Thank you for applying, but you’re not what we’re looking for”. It was even like that for entry level jobs! And I had previous experience! It was infuriating. If I didn’t get money soon, I’d be out on the streets.
Which led me to my current prediction. I worked at a porn shop. Which wasn’t as terrible as it sounds. Yeah, some of the customers were weird, but at least your coworker and manager, Alex, was there to make you forget that you were technically even working. With good pay, and a good environment, I suppose I didn’t have much to complain about. Yeah, it was embarrassing to tell people where I worked, and I tried to avoid the topic, but like I said, the pay was good. I suppose only having to pay two workers meant you could treat them better.
I let out a sigh of boredom as I scrolled through my social media. My head darted up at the sound of a door opening, smiling softly as a familiar man with fluffy brown hair came out of the back room. Alex was carrying a box and set it on the ground with a huff. Must be new videos that came in. 
“Want any help?” I asked, not wanting to sit around while he does all the work. 
Alex pretended to think for a second before saying, “Youuuuuu could clean the bathroom before we close.”
I frowned, staring at him with pleading eyes, but his puppy dog eyes were more powerful and I spoke without thinking, “You’re lucky that you’re cute.”
I got up from my stool and put my phone in my pocket, but before I could make my way to the closet Alex replied, “Wait, you think I’m cute?” 
I felt myself freeze, not even realizing that I said that outloud. I bit my lip, trying to think of a way I could play this cool. Glancing back at him, I tried to give him the most natural smile I could muster.
“Yeah, who wouldn’t?” I asked with a shrug, continuing to the closet to grab the cleaning supplies. As I cleaned the bathroom, I was internally screaming at myself. Did I just make things weird? I mean yeah, we’re friends, but he’s also my manager. I took a deep breath and let it out, trying to calm myself down. I’ll just act like nothing happened, and maybe everything will be fine. Yeah, that’s totally what’s going to happen. 
It took me a bit to clean the bathroom. I tried to ignore the nausea that filled me at every unsanitary thing I had to clean. I forgot all about the little predicament that happened before. The need to leave that bathroom was the only thing filling my mind. I took in a deep breath as I exited the bathroom, Alex counting the register came into view. 
“I can’t believe you made me do that,” I groaned, acting like I didn’t do that every close shift. 
“You’ll live,” Alex laughed lightly, taking a glance at me before finishing the count. I tossed the bucket, gloves, and cleaning supplies back into the closet. 
“I suppose it isn’t that bad here,” I said, locking the front door. I turned back to face Alex as he put the deposit into an envelope. 
“It’s better with you here,” He replied nonchalantly, sending me one of his heart warming smiles. I felt myself warm at the sentiment and I smiled sheepishly back. “C’mon, let's get out of here.”
This may not be the life I envisioned, but you know what? It’s really not that bad.
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beauzos · 5 months
If you’re still doing the character ask game maybe Apollo or Athena???
Send me a character and I’ll list:
I will always accept more of these, I love talking KRKJF So thank you! I'll do both of them.
Favorite thing about them: I know it kind of applies to all the MCs, but he is sooo... cringefail. And I love that about him. Like idk he's just so sweaty and vaguely unwell all the time and I think it's charming that he's constantly convincing himself he's Totally Cool Totally Fine Just Absolutely Fine. I also like that he can't help but be kinda mean. Not that he is a mean character, just that he has the most shit-tier filter when it comes to talking to people. I love how often he says shit he shouldn't to people, it's funny as hell to me. I love him Least favorite thing about them: He's really boring until Spirit of Justice. At least to me personally. He's like cardboard in AJ, and I don't... care about his arc at all in DD lol. Spirit of Justice may have slapped another backstory onto this bitch, and while it's silly, I think it works the best because now at least we have SOME understanding of his background. And I like his dynamics with the Khura'in crew a lot. Favorite line: idk... I don't really pay mind to people's lines. But the bit in Turnabout for Tomorrow where he says he finally trusts Athena is fun. I also like that bit in 6-5: "If you committed a crime, you'd better be ready to do the time. Be you a priest, a saint, a queen or a god." That goes pretty hard. Like bro he fucking rules during Turnabout Revolution it's crazy, he's the star of that trial for sure. The star he should've been in this trilogy all along. brOTP: Him and Athena are iconic together. I like him and Trucy for sure, but Athena really brings out some great stuff in his personality. They are so damn funny together, and you really get the impression they care about each other a lot despite the constant teasing and the rivalry. OTP: I generally don't ship Apollo with anyone because I headcanon him as aroace, but if I was going to pick a ship, I like Justicykes, I admit. I think it could be a cute ship and they already have a terrific dynamic together. But yeah. nOTP: Since I already said Nahyuta/Apollo when I did Yuty's, I guess barring ships like him and Trucy which are a given for me, I don't really care for Klavier/Apollo because I feel they have no chemistry. Like. At all. Like for anything KRKJFN The writing between them in AA4 is so Nothing to me, so idk, I just don't see it. It's not a bad ship and I understand why people like it, but it didn't click with me-- but it probably also didn't click because I don't particularly like Klavier to begin with. I don't think he's very interesting. Random headcanon: Uhhh idk! Let's see... I do headcanon Apollo as a trans man, and since I also headcanon Yuty as trans, I guess like... I like the idea of them playing games as boys when they were kids because they don't have the language or knowledge to understand why neither of them are particularly happy with being viewed as girls, so it was a little secret thing that they encouraged for each other because it made them happy. They understood when no one else did. And then they reunite 15 years later, see the other has transitioned, and thinks, "That explains a lot" lol. Unpopular opinion: His SOJ backstory is stupid as fuck but I actually also think it's great and the best thing they've done with his backstory so far, especially since they have continued to not tell Apollo and Trucy that they're siblings (though yes, I know, the ending of SOJ implies Thalassa and Phoenix are finally going to tell them). It's the first time I had a good grasp on his background, and I think his dynamic with Dhurke, Nahyuta, and Datz is legit great. Song I associate with them: I don't think I've ever thought about it. Everything is Fine by Qbomb could be good for him, but it's also very intense, probably too much even for him. But I'll go with that. Favorite picture of them: I love his grin, it's adorable
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Favorite thing about them: Her personality!!! I love how bombastic she is, I love how much emotion they put into her animations and everything. I love how much she cares about people, she's so ride or die and hardworking even when people underestimate her or look down on her. It makes her a really endearing character. I worried if I'd like her when I first started DD, but she's honestly awesome. She's my favorite protag from the new trilogy, though Apollo is not very far behind. Least favorite thing about them: I wish she wasn't so young sometimes. Like I find it weird that the newer games veer so much towards people becoming lawyers fresh out of high school, and even for someone as smart as her, I'm just like... you can't make her 20 at least or something? And I feel like the only reason she's even 18 in DD is because the assistant characters have to be a teen girl. Like. Yknow lol.
I also thought it was kind of annoying how 6-4 kept pushing her being a kid when basically nobody ever talked to her like that before. It felt like they just needed more conflict so threw in suddenly everyone being like "she's just a little BABY GIRL who doesn't KNOW NOTHIN" and I thought it was a touch lame. But not too intrusive, really. At least someone started recognizing she's young as hell, lol. Favorite line: Everything she says is iconic. How am I supposed to pick. Yeah I honestly don't know lol brOTP: Her and Simon are legendary together. Their dynamic is so fuckin funny and endearing to me. It's one of the highlights of DD and the highlight of Turnabout Storyteller. I never knew her and Blackquill were connected before I played DD, albeit I basically never saw anything new trilogy content so it surprised me, but I love them. The siblings of all time OTP: Justicykes, I guess? idk. I don't really ship for her. I'm not even certain what my headcanons for her sexuality are to begin with. I could see her as a lesbian, but I could see her as pan, but I could see her as aro, so on. Her and Juniper is cute too, I just feel like their dynamic isn't fleshed out enough, but that's kinda par for the course in DD. But I can vibe with it. nOTP: Her and Blackquill romantically. Like sorry, but you have fundamentally misunderstood their dynamic. I feel strongly about that. I can't explain it, but it really feels like it misses the point of their dynamic and what makes the dynamic great, but idk. Also it's just Weird for a lot of reasons. Random headcanon: (guy who makes every character he likes trans voice) I Think She's Trans. Also love her being taller than Apollo, I'll go with that hc like the rest of us. Unpopular opinion: I dunno. I think she's a mixed bag to a lot of people because of how DD pivoted so aggressviely away from AA4's vision and direction, which makes it tough for me to determine what an unpopular opinion with her would be, beyond that, like, she really needs her own game. I'd say DD is her game, but we need one where she's in the driver's seat and leading the story on her own. I don't want to see Phoenix or Apollo helping her anymore I'm sick of it KRKF
No clue if that's unpopular though, lol. Song I associate with them: I got nothin', sorry. Favorite picture of them: I like her angy sprite, it's cute.
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marvelmusing · 2 years
Hi, here’s me gently begging for V Day HCs featuring the boys (especially Aleks bc I have a Problem)…what would they like on a first (or fifth) date? Extra points for if there’s some kind of supernatural element bc I am eternally in a magical mood!
Hello!! I saw V Day HCs and immediately started writing about a Valentine’s Day date with each of my boys - Billy, Logan, Aleksander, a few au Aleksander’s as well as my Russo twins (I will probably do first date HCs on another post at some point too)
I’m picturing the most casual Valentine’s Day celebration for you and Billy.
Billy comes home with a bunch of roses for you, and on your way home from work you buy a bottle of Billy’s favourite wine that he always forgets to buy for himself.
Once you’re home, you order your favourite takeout and the two of you sit on the couch together and watch a film that you both know by heart, so that you can spend most of the time talking and enjoying the food.
You make ice cream sundaes for one another, cramming all of Billy’s favourite sweet treats into the glass while he does the same for you.
Billy opens up the wine, and somehow the two of you end up playing twister on the floor next to the couch.
He tries to distract you into losing by coordinating his movements so that he can keep his body pressed against yours.
When you hold strong against his distractions, he decides to change tactic. He drops kisses against whatever skin he can reach, making you wobble and soon the two of you have landed on the floor in a crumpled heap.
Billy’s lips stay on yours in a passionate kiss, and neither of you try to untangle yourselves from the position you’re in. The sticky sweetness from the sundaes linger on your lips as you continue to trade kisses with one another.
When Billy carries you to the bedroom you notice that he’s strewn rose petals over the sheets and lit candles around the room, which prompts you into kissing him even harder.
He might protest against it, but deep deep down Billy Russo is a hopeless romantic - even more so now that he has someone to share his love with.
Aleksander had been looking forward to spending Valentine’s Day with you, but when you disappear off to somewhere in the Little Palace he assumes the holiday doesn’t mean much to you.
So, he goes to his study and gets on with some of his work.
Meanwhile, you’re in the kitchens making him a heart-shaped cake which seems to take you forever to get it perfect enough that you feel confident gifting to Aleksander.
It’s a simple vanilla sponge, but you made the strawberry jam and buttercream filling all yourself.
The icing on top of the cake is a little wonky and the juice from the sliced strawberry decorations is slowly staining the white cream but you’re rather pleased with the result as you walk carefully through the hallways towards Aleksander’s study.
You manage a few thudding knocks against the door with your elbow and Aleksander calls for you to enter.
“Are you busy?” you ask him, noticing that he doesn’t lift his head from his papers. He hums distractedly. “I made you something.”
At that he lifts his head, turning to look at you.
He sees the flour on your clothing, a smudge of cream on your forehead, and the shimmer of sticky jam drying on your exposed forearms. Then he sees the cake.
“My love, you didn’t-”
“I know I didn’t have to. I wanted to.” You step closer, placing the cake down on a paper-free corner of his desk. “Happy Sankt Valentine’s Day.”
He pushes his papers away, pulling the cake closer so that he can admire it. Then he stands, taking your chin between his fingers to kiss you.
“I’ll send for a pot of tea.”
“If you’re busy I can wait.”
He shakes his head.
“The only thing I want to do today is spend time with you.”
All I’m going to say is: arcade games.
You had come up with it as a surprise for Logan after he had told you he never really celebrated Valentine’s Day before.
I know for a fact that Logan gets puppy dog level of excited at all the different games. All you have to do is keep tight hold of his hand as he leads you from one game to the next.
He loves the two player games, so that you can play together though he pouts whenever he loses against you - regularly demanding a rematch. He is terrible at air hockey and it takes five losses in a row for him to finally give up.
I’m also picturing Logan being completely unable to accept defeat over a claw machine.
He sees you glance longingly at one of the stuffed animals inside and immediately vows to get it for you.
“Logan, honey it’s fine. You’ve spent way too much.” He shakes his head.
“These things are rigged,” he assures you. “Once you’ve spent enough they’ll give you one.”
“And exactly how much is classed as enough?” He ignores your teasing, shooting you a smirk.
“Only one way to find out, sweetheart.”
When he finally wins the stuffed animal for you, he wears a proud smile all night, replaying your delighted reaction to his win over in his head.
The two of you buy all sorts of junk food and share it between you as you sit on a bench.
Once you’re finished, the two of you talk about your favourite moments, laughing at different points in each others stories. You lean your head on his shoulder as he wraps an arm around you and Logan confesses that this is the best Valentine’s Day he’s ever had.
Vampire!Aleksander (TLC!AU)
You’ve never really celebrated Valentine’s Day. As a vampire, it’s been hard for you to maintain romantic relationships with anyone.
Alina bought you a friendship Valentine last year. It was just a simple bunch of your favourite flowers but you had cried when she gave them to you.
She explains this to Aleksander as the celebratory day approaches so that he can be prepared.
He invites you over to his apartment and gives you the opportunity to have a look around while he begins to prepare dinner.
Aleksander is an incredible cook.
Whatever your favourite dish is, Aleksander will have learnt how to make it. He will have bought the freshest, and most high quality ingredients.
He opens up an expensive blood vintage for the two of you to drink while you sit at the kitchen island, legs swinging, completely mesmerised by the sight of him cooking.
You don’t know how he does it, but he takes your favourite food and makes it even more exquisite. He uses some different bloods to provide enough flavour to satisfy your vampiric nature, but still enjoy the food as if you were still human.
He makes you feel normal. Like a human on Valentine’s Day, celebrating with the person that means the most to them.
It makes you a little emotional, but Aleksander wipes your tears away and kisses you softly before he reminds you that you deserve every second of this wonderful evening.
Vampire!Aleksander (BIT!AU)
This man owns a huge castle in the middle of the countryside, so of course we’re going to take advantage of that and have a midnight picnic.
Aleksander is the most frightening thing in the woods and fields that make up his estate, so there’s no fear of anything lurking in the darkness as the two of you walk towards the picnic spot he had created.
Aleksander insists on no lighting at all, meaning that you’re reliant on him for everything due to his excellent eyesight that allows him to see in the dark.
He keeps an arm tucked around you as you walk and he helps you get settled on the soft blanket beneath you.
Your eyes do adjust a little and the moon occasionally peers out from behind a cloud but you don’t try to strain your eyes to see, Aleksander will help you with anything.
He feeds you luxurious sweet treats, sucking the sugary taste from your lips after each swallow. He nips lightly on your shoulder, drawing a little blood for him to feed off and you both sigh in pleasure as he does.
After this, you’re content to lie snuggled up beside him as he points out constellations and explains how they’ve changed since he was still a human. When your eyes grow heavy, he pulls out a book and begins to read.
It’s still strange to witness Aleksander reading perfectly from a book that you can barely even see in the darkness, let alone manage to decipher the words printed there.
His soft voice soothes you, encouraging you to nestle closer to him and rest your head against the crook of his neck where you eventually fall asleep.
Billy & Jonny (platonic) (Twins!AU)
Billy has been having a rough week so you and Jonny decide to make something sweet for him to enjoy.
It starts with some cookies.
You don’t know how it went wrong - but it did. Some of the cookies merged together in the oven and the others ended up black around the edges.
When you suggested cutting the edges off, Jonny seemed eager to salvage your creations. It’s only once he removes the darkened edges that you notice another issue.
“Jonny that’s raw.”
“It ain’t raw, it’s just…” He pokes the middle of a cookie, nose wrinkling at the texture which prompts him to quickly wipe his hand. “Soft.”
“And damp?” you add.
“How about brownies?”
“Good idea.”
Because surely the two of you can’t fail at a box mix?
Billy returns home to his apartment, feeling rather dejected by the impromptu meeting at a bar with some investors that Frank had dragged him to.
He’s expecting to put his feet up and remain on the couch for a very long time. He’s not even sure if he can be bothered to order some food in tonight.
What he isn’t expecting is to hear you and his brother creating a ruckus in his kitchen.
“Just smack it!” you exclaim.
“I am smacking it!” Jonny protests.
“Smack it harder then.”
“Yeah cause it worked so well when you tried that, huh?”
“Shut up,” you grumble. “I’ll clean it up before Billy gets home.”
“What’s that?” Billy asks with a smirk as he leans on the door frame.
He laughs at the sight of your eyes widening in horror. Quickly you grab the metal tray from Jonny’s hands and thrust it towards Billy.
“Happy Valentine’s Day.”
He raises a brow at you.
“Don’t look at the kitchen floor,” you warn him.
A smile spreads over his face as he looks down at the slightly crumbled brownie that had welded itself to the tray. He assumes this is what you and Jonny had been squabbling over when he arrived.
“Thank you, sweetheart.” He drops a kiss onto your cheek before he sits down at the kitchen island, picking up a spoon and scooping out some of the brownie.
“No ‘thank you’ kiss for me?” Jonny teases.
Billy rolls his eyes at his brother before he gestures towards the more crumbled half of the brownie.
“Where did the rest go?”
Jonny smirks and you flush nervously.
“Not important,” you say quickly. After a pause you add, “On an unrelated note, where’s your sweeping brush?”
Billy laughs. The brownie might not be the best he’s ever tasted, but you’ve certainly turned his night around.
marvelmusing Tag List: @dreamlandcreations @blanchedelioncourt @idaofinfinity @slytherheign @ellooo0ooo @vixenofcourse @dumb-fawkin-bitch
Billy Russo Tag List: @blackbirddaredevil23 @rafaelakelley @theysayitscrazy @nyx2021 @skybridgerton @dragon-of-winterfell @chickensarentcheap @stardustmorozov @sweetwritingfanficfriend @witchcraftandwit @ladyofsoa
Aleksander M Tag List: @nyctophiliiiiaaa @jazmin2211
BB Characters Tag List: @rachlovesactors @noortsshift @aikeia @weallhaveadestiny
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comfort-person · 1 year
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Come with me, and you’ll be in a world of pure imagination
Synopsis: y/n used to reside within Hawkins lab, until the massacre… she was the one whom watched eleven send Henry into the upside down but she is constantly tormented by her demons… the ones inside her head… how could she betray Henry like that? Well the reader comes across a very familiar person… but he isn’t all that he seems. (A very horror-y aspect to it all)
Trigger warnings: attempted killing, gore, blood, violence, psychotic 001, psychotic vecna, food talk, death, all that stuff. If you’re sensitive to this then please read at your own discretion.
A/N: Yes I’m obsessed with this man but… how can I not be? I mean cmon look at him😩🫶🏻 and yes I’d also join him… I in fact volunteer as tribute.
The lab was always a nightmare. In the past, present and future. It would always haunt you. It was the type of memory that was certain to leave a bad taste in your mouth. It was awful to say the least. But it wasn’t just that… no… it was more than that. It was Henry- you remember the day like it was yesterday,
Your body stood rigid eyes full of fear as you watched how el threw him against the wall, the edges of the wall beginning to crack and fly off like dust as Henry’s body began to melt into the wall… melting like he wasn’t a human. Melting in such a terrifying inhuman way. You wanted to help but you couldn’t, he had killed your and elevens friends. Even if those friends did bully you relentlessly it didn’t give him any rights to hurt them. They were just children. The way Henry screamed in pain begging for your help looking you dead in the eye as he begged for you to do something… but you didn’t. You just stood there hands by your sides, clenched into fists as you breathed heavily. The wall sucked him in as he flew out of sight, his screams being heard for the next few seconds until the wall quite literally sealed shut as if nothing had happened “we’ve got to go, come on,” eleven spoke grabbing your wrist as she pulled you towards the door “we need to find safety. Come on. We aren’t welcome here anymore, the bad men are after us. Come on y/n.” Her voice desperate, and you simply went along with it… head empty… brain thoughtless… your body going into autopilot. You had really just betrayed the man who helped you with everything. You felt guilty as anything but knew it was for the best, right?
-a few years later-
“You’re such a dingus oh my god!” Robin burst out laughing as she shoved Steve who was shoving as much banana into his mouth as he possibly could, you watched on slightly disgusted.“Cmonitsaworldrecordformostbananainthemouthright?” Steve spoke in such a way no one understood him. You groaned out rolling your eyes “that’s so gross Steve! Eat with your mouth closed!” You almost begged making him roll his eyes at you but he listened silently eating the rest of the banana which was all mushed up in his mouth, and once the banana was all gone he looked at both you and Robin “tough crowd huh?” He asked purposely opening another banana much to robins disgust, watching as Steve took another huge bite of the banana smiling widely at both you and Robin to try and torment you and you grimaced “no, you’re just disgusting..” robin continued as she and Steve continued bickering about whether scoffing a banana down was gross or not “at least I didn’t swallow it whole! Would you of rather me deep throat it-“ “what the fuck Steve that’s rancid!” Their argument went on back and forth but you weren’t focusing eyes locked onto the fact that there was a figure standing in the doorway your eyes squinting trying to figure out who was there “I’ll be back in a second guys,” you spoke standing up not even being acknowledged by the arguing teens…
You walked out into the hallway but no one was there, your brows furrowed as you gulped slightly. Weird things always happened in Hawkins but especially since two weeks ago… you started having more frequent dreams about the lab. About the horror that consumed your every day life in the lab it simply just wouldn’t go away. “Dustin?” You asked nervously eyes flicking back and forth “I swear to god if you and your dumb friends are playing a prank on me I will not be happy…” your voice unbeknownst to you had gone from being shaky to being echo-y as if you were in a endless tunnel. “Dustin stop this right now! I swear to god if you and your silly friends don’t come out right now I-“
click click click click tick tock tick tock tick tock
Your breath hitched a chime soon following the ticking and you soon found that there was cobwebs everywhere, dust as well, there was absolutely no human touch to it anymore as if no one had been here in decades. You spun around looking around for somewhere to run, but everywhere was boarded up… what the fuck? You quickly darted towards the front door as you heard the chimes getting closer and closer to you. You began pulling and yanking at the handle of the door not stopping until you had quite literally fallen over from pulling so hard, pulling the door handle off as well “classic! What the actual fuck” you spat out quickly forcing yourself to stand before you looked back towards the door… or well… where the door was. There was no door there anymore there was only vines that caressed the edges of the door as if waiting for an unsuspecting victim to cross its path, you let out a shaky breath unsure on what to do exactly before a sudden scream grabbed your attention,
“Y/n!!! Please! Please! Help me! I-I’m stuck! I cant get out! Y/n!!” The voice was scarily close to Eddie’s and you immediately without even thinking about it sprinted out of the front door, running to where the voice was coming from but the closer you got the further away it became his screams only growing louder and louder, screaming your name for mercy as tears stung your vision and you weren’t quite sure whether it was because of the fear you felt or the wind piercing your vision but before you could think much more of that your body collided against another body, your body collapsing onto the ground as you panted “Eddie?” You squinted looking up “ouch, why wouldn’t you recognise me?” A different voice spoke the screams stopping “look who decided to finally join me,” his voice was soft and gentle a sincere smile on his lips “someones a sleepy head this morning,” it was as if he was reciting a script to torment you… his body still clothed in that white sterile outfit,
He then held his hand out for you to take his skin still soft looking, yet little almost invisible markings were on his skin… as if his skin wasn’t his but instead of recognising the red flags in this whole entire situation to carefully reached your hand out grabbing a hold of his as he pulled you up gently his blue eyes full of trauma and sadness before he slowly let go of your hand, a stray tear had trailed down your cheek and he was quick to capture it with the pad of his thumb turning his hand to face himself as he stared at the clear liquid staining his thumb “why do you cry?” He asked and you stared in silence “why don’t I cry?” You responded rhetorically making him tilt his head to the side as if questioning you before he dropped his hand back down by his side “there’s no need to cry… I’m the same person as I was…” he soothed but there was an undertone to his voice that told you, you couldn’t trust him. He then looked back into your eyes “the offer still stands.” He spoke, slender fingers reaching forward to gently caress against your cheek “join me,”
He spoke so softly so sincerely it was almost hard to not say yes to him but you knew… he had changed in ways that you didn’t want to experience. The chimes were still in the distance and you knew that most definitely was a pawn in his game. Just like you… you were nothing but a pawn in this fantasy of his. His eyes searched yours and yours did the exact same thing back to him before you shook your head “this shouldn’t be real life… it isn’t real life. You’re fake, Henry. Stop trying to get in my head.” You demanded making him pull back a frown forming on his face “I don’t understand why you would say such a thing. This is real life. Or maybe you’re fake. Who’s to say you aren’t dead.” He almost threatened you, gaslighting you in the most ridiculous way. You stared silently staring at him before letting out a soft laugh… “I love when you laugh” he spoke making your smile disappear in an instant. “This is real life, yes, but you… YOU. You aren’t real.” You spat out and just as Henry was about to twist those words on you again you cut him off “and I am real, one, realer than you… because if I was fake… then would I be able to do this?” And in one quick movement you threw your hand forward attempting to throw him but his large hand wrapped around your wrist turning your wrist in such a way that it caused you so much agony, your lips parting, shuttered breaths leaving your lips as you tried to pull away from him “ah, ah, ah… I wouldn’t try that if I were you.” His slender fingers curled further around your wrist tightening in such a painful way that your knees buckled beneath you as you began to kneel in agony until your knees touched the ground and he let go of your wrist
“I don’t want to hurt you,”
He shook his head along with his words before exhaling softly “but if I have to, I have to… okay?” His eyes remained on you but you didn’t respond watching how he tilted his head to the side staring at you “I’ll give you one last chance, y/n, join me.” He spoke as he crossed his arms over his chest, you breathed heavily cradling your wrist like a baby as you began automatically shaking your head but you feared what he would do to you if you didn’t and so your shaking head soon turned to nodding the smile that appeared on Henry’s lips being unrecognisable “that’s what I like to hear” he then slowly walked towards you as he helped you stand carefully “I just wanted to rule the world with you y/n, yet you and Eleven had to ruin it. Didn’t you?” He whispered gazing into your eyes, tears forming in your eyes “you’re just so guilty aren’t you? Pent up with so much guilt and regret for leaving the only person who could save you… isn’t that right…” you didn’t dare look into his eyes before he grasped onto your chin forcing you to look at him “isn’t it?” Your eyes searching his before you slowly nodded “yes.” You whispered out feeling completely weak against him,
“I’m sorry, Henry.” You whispered out and his eyes softened “don’t be. Be grateful we met again…. Come with me and you’ll be in a world of pure imagination, you’ll be happy with me. I promise. Those bad things that happen to the people you love… they won’t happen ever again. Now that you’re with me.” He whispered into your ear as he pulled you closer and closer until you were wrapped up in his embrace, the smell of him still lingering… he smelt of the lab… he smelt of everything wonderful: flowers, daisies, the cologne he always wore and just everything you loved… but that didn’t distract you from the fact that his human form, the clothes beneath your fingers seemed to melt into nothingness. You froze… you could feel the way something on him moved. It felt like some sort of sea creature or alien… or unearthed creature… and that’s when you noticed it… tentacles slithering up and down his body “Henry” you whispered out hands now resting against his chest trying to push him away “Henry I don’t like this” you spoke panicked your anxiety rising. “Henry stop this!” You yelled wriggling against his vice like grip “hush… y/n… hush… your suffering is about to come to an end… you said you wanted to join me… so you’ll join me.” He said his voice now totally demonic. It didn’t sound like him… it sounded like some sort of monster.
You continued struggling as you hit at his abdomen in hopes of getting out of his grip “struggling will make it worse” he spoke in such a horrific tone that it made you struggle worse and then that’s when you felt it… your sunglasses in your pocket, your knew it wouldn’t do much but it was something and so you reached into your pocket despair setting in as you desperately lifted your sunglasses above your head before penetrating the arm of the glasses straight into his eye his grip on your loosening as he doubled over his large left hand crushing your sunglasses into nothingness, your legs quickly carried you along the world full of debris your breathing heavy as you sprinted away from him but the further you got the closer to him you remained… it was horrifying. You looked over your shoulder seeing a large tentacle coming straight your way, it was vine like, as if he had control over nature and just as it was about to wrap around your ankle you jumped back watching as it curled around nothing,
“You can hide y/n but you can’t run forever… remember what papa said? The more energy you burn the harder it becomes… you stop now and this’ll be easy for you. I promise.”
He spoke tormenting you as you continued running not stopping, your chest ached eyes full of terrified tears. You ran towards Steve’s home that was completely boarded up again the door that once disappeared now replaced “no no no no oh my god” a soft scream left your lips as you banged on the door loudly “don’t ignore me sweetheart… you can’t ignore me… I won’t let you” he seethed out the sound of his voice now right by your ear and you tensed up “you betrayed me y/n… I won’t ever forgive you for that… but if you join me we can start that process of forgiveness. Cant we?” His nails stroked against your back before he turned you around to look at him “can’t we?” He asked tilting his head as he leaned his head forward eyes a darker shade of blue as he glared into your eyes expectantly, he watched as you sobbed, his head moving back as he took a slight step back a sudden softness overcoming him as he stared at you “or do you need a little longer to decide, hm?” He asked and your breath hitched trying to back into the doorway more as you watched how this figure of his seemed to shrink down into the real Henry a small smile on his lips “I can see you’re struggling. And that’s okay. You’ve got time…” a grandfather clock chimed just a few meters away before he gently grabbed a hold of your hand “not everything’s as it seems… I promise we’ll be happy together one day.” He spoke with a little smile eyes glowing with that warmth again before you sniffled looking at him “I’m sorry Henry.” You whispered and all he did was smile before pulling you close again holding you in such an angelic way that you immediately calmed down in his embrace… “don’t be. You’ll join me soon and realise that, that’s the best thing to do.” A smirk tugged at his lips as he closed his eyes keeping a hold of you….
‘Come with me and you’ll be in a world of pure imagination. Take a look and you’ll see into your imagination… we’ll begin with a spin travelling in the word of my creation, what we’ll see will defy explanation,
If you want to view paradise simply look around and view it. Anything you want to, do it. Want to change the world? There’s nothing to it,
There is no life I know to compare with pure imagination living there you’ll be free if you truly wish to be…’
“Come with me and you’ll be in a world of pure imagination…” the voices were all of Henry’s, Steve’s, Eddie’s, robins… all those you loved but there was that deeper voice of that monster you didn’t wish to encounter again “y/n!” A voice yelled and you fell out of Henry’s arms watching as he smiled watching you fall through the door that was once again no longer there, his figure disappearing as you landed straight into Steve’s arms “Jesus christ! Thank god…” Steve stared down at you eyes full of worry “are you okay?” You then removed the headphones from your ears that were constantly playing the same lyrics over and over again your breath hitching as you stared up at Steve horror in your eyes “she looks exactly like max when she had that experience” Lucas spoke eyes full of worry and you realised your other friends had now appeared there… “what did you see y/n?” Max asked and you stared at her “a monster…” you whispered unsure of how to describe him or it. You didn’t even know… but you watched as everyone looked to each other… and in synchronisation they all spoke the same simple name…
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pensat-i-fet · 2 years
A jealous overreaction (Ansu Fati x Reader)
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**I got a little request for some jealous Ansu and even though he’s got the sweetest face in the world and writing angst for him almost felt wrong 😅, I managed to get this done. Hope you like it ☺️❤️**
Word count: 2440
“Can we do something fun tomorrow after training?”
“No, sorry. I have to work”.
“Oh, ok”. You could hear your boyfriend’s disappointment in his voice. “Are you doing anything exciting?”
“I’ll just be going to an event. Your teammate is going to be there too, actually”.
“Which teammate?”, said Ansu, curious about you working with someone from his team.
“He didn’t tell me about working with you”.
You laughed. “He wouldn’t know about me being there. It’s just for a phone brand. Boring but it’ll pay well”.
Working as a model also meant attending these types of events where you just had to be standing for hours looking pretty while the event's star got all the attention. But at least this time you knew that star. Even if you and Ansu were keeping your relationship a secret, for now, you knew his friends. 
So the next day you went to the location for the event. Since you were there a bit early, it was mostly empty, except for a few journalists setting their cameras.
Being there early meant more time for hair and make-up and less stress. So you ended up being the first model that was done getting ready and could move to grab something to drink.
“Hey, what are you doing here?”
“Hi Pedri, I’ll be working here today. Didn’t Ansu tell you?”
“No, but I had to leave before everyone else to get here. I didn’t really have time to talk to anyone. But I’m really happy to see a familiar face”.
You smiled at him, not noticing the cameras already taking photos of his every move.
When Pedri was asked whether he needed someone to help him during the event, he picked you. Knowing the afternoon would be less boring if he had a friend he could chat with. That also made the event more fun for you and the three hours you were there flew by.
“I could drive you home”, offered Pedri when you mentioned calling a taxi.
“You don’t need to bother”.
“Come on, you’re my friend’s girl. It’s the least I can do”.
Little did you know there were photographers documenting you getting into his car and that the media was going to spin that information into something that wasn’t true.
Ansu was just bored at home trying to find something to watch on tv when he noticed all the notifications on the team’s group chat. Maybe they were talking about something fun that could stop him from falling asleep at 9 pm. 
But it wasn’t something fun they talked about. It was something that made him mad.
“Wait! What do you mean about the press reporting that?”, he wrote.
“It’s so stupid”, wrote Pedri. “I just talked to your girlfriend because I know her. And I wasn’t going to let her go home alone if I could drive there. But the stupid press now writes about us being together”.
Your boyfriend closed his eyes to take some deep breaths and relax. What his friend was saying made sense. It was just his jealousy making him overreact. 
“Ansu, I can see you’re online. Are you ok?”
“Yes. Yes of course”.
“I mean”, continued Pedri. “If it was anyone else I wouldn’t care, but the fact that it’s your girlfriend they’re talking about makes me really mad”.
“It’s fine. Don’t worry”.
But it wasn’t fine. And even though he lied to them saying he was going to bed early because he was tired, he spent the whole night trying to rest. And he also didn’t send you a goodnight text like he did every night.
“My mum wants you to come to dinner tomorrow. Are you free?”
That had been the mood the whole afternoon. Your boyfriend just didn’t seem to be there with you but on another planet. 
“What’s wrong with you today? It’s like you aren’t listening to me”, you said, sitting up on the sofa and staring at his face, trying to find clues as to what was going through his head.
“Just tired”.
“Have I done something wrong?”
Your question made him sigh. Because you hadn’t and neither had Pedri, but he had also ignored him most of the time at training.
“I’m…I’m jealous”.
“Of who?”
He usually found the way you scrunched your face when you were confused adorable, but now he felt stupid. “Why would you be?”
“The event yesterday. The press has been writing about you two and I know nothing happened but…I don’t like reading those things”.
“Write about what…right, just the fact that I’m a woman and I was talking to him, right?”
You rolled your eyes and got up to get yourself something to drink. 
“I trust you. You know that”.
“But you’re still jealous? How does that work?”
“I don’t know”, he said, hugging you from behind to try and stop your nervous walking. “I’m sorry I am this way. I can’t help it”.
You shook your head because you got it. It wasn’t nice for you to see all the girls interested in him either. But you trusted him and it wasn’t his fault that they liked him.
“I guess I get it now”.
“Get what?”
“I got a call this morning from the brand that organized the event. They want me to do a campaign for them”.
“That’s great!”, he said, excited. He knew campaigns were a big thing.
“With Pedri. So they don’t care about me as a model. They just want to do a campaign with the both of us so the press reports on it. I feel so stupid”.
You covered your face with your hands, trying not to cry. One of the main reasons why you hadn’t made your relationship public was to avoid this. You wanted to be hired for jobs because of your talent, not because of dating a famous guy.
Ansu turned you so you were facing him and took your hands from your face so he could hold you with his.
“Do the campaign”.
“What? No way! Not only do they want me just because of those rumours but it’ll make everything worse for you”.
“Do it. I’ll be fine. And if they want to use you, you used them back getting their money. Just make sure they pay extra, knowing why this is happening”.
A part of you was happy about him being so mature and putting his jealousy to the side to think about your career. But you still felt hurt about the whole situation.
“I’ll think about it”.
And you thought about it…and decided to do it. Ansu was right. And he had promised to not get jealous so it was all going to be fine.
You got to the set and Pedri was already there, so you waved at him but he was too busy on his phone.
He jumped on his seat and almost drop his phone. “Don’t do that!”
“I couldn’t help it”.
He shook his head and moved the chair next to his so you could sit.
“How’s your boyfriend?”
“Hopefully dealing with his jealousy well”.
Pedri raised an eyebrow at that. “Why?”
“He didn’t tell you?”. When he shook his head you continued. “He was jealous when the press reported that there was something between us”.
“I would never try to steal my friend’s girl. Why didn’t he say anything to me?”
“He felt stupid feeling like that”.
“It was stupid”.
You both laughed and then the hair and make-up people arrived to get you ready for the shoot.
You were more used to being the main model in a shoot, not the accessory for the male model but…this was a different campaign. But still a pretty simple one. I mean, you were advertising a phone.
When you were done with the photographs, the ad director gave you a quick explanation of what the tv ad should look like. It was really hard for you to not roll your eyes when he explained how close to Pedri you needed to be the whole time. They were really playing the “they might be dating” card.
But the shoot went well. You got it done in a couple of tries and once you heard the words “it’s a wrap!”, you took your very high and painful heels off and picked up your things so you could leave. Pedri offered to drive you home again, but this time he drove you to your boyfriend’s house. And thankfully, there were no paparazzi around to make a big deal out of a friendly gesture this time.
“Hi”, said your boyfriend when he opened the door and saw it was you.
“Your friend is there”, you told him, pointing at the car.
Pedri waved at you both and you got inside the house, ready for a relaxing evening together.
It didn’t take long for the campaign to be released. And the aftermath was way worse than you had imagined. 
“There is a new article every hour. What’s going on?”, you asked your manager, trying not to scream at the phone.
“My guess is the brand paid for all those articles”.
“Why did I do this?”
“Look at the check again. It’ll make you feel better”.
But no amount of money was going to make you feel better if this ruined your relationship with Ansu. He promised to not be jealous but…this was too much. 
Too much for you and too much for him. You didn’t get a lot of mentions in the press, but he liked to have notifications on for anything that mentioned you. He was always the first one to congratulate you on how great your new campaigns or editorials were. Actually, he found out they had been published even before you did. He just wanted to be supportive of your career, knowing how much it meant to you. But now…now he wanted to throw the phone to the floor so it would smash.
“Ignore all that crap”, said Pedri.
“Easy for you to say”.
“Easy? Do you think I like people thinking I’m dating your girlfriend? Even if you haven’t made it public. It makes me sick”.
“I bet, yeah…”.
Ansu got up to leave. He couldn’t face his friend right now.
“What do you mean by that?”
“Well, I bet reading about people thinking you’re sleeping with a gorgeous model is a horrible feeling. I feel so bad for you”.
“I don’t care about that!”
“Right”, said your boyfriend, noticing his patience running out. “I don’t even know what to believe anymore”.
“You can’t be serious, bro. How can you be jealous because of this? You know I’ll never do that. And neither would she”.
He was getting a headache from this conversation and the overthinking he was doing.
“Ansu, be a dick to me all you want. But don’t do this to her”.
But he wasn’t listening anymore. 
You got to Ansu’s house feeling like a ball of nerves. He had been answering your texts but it felt…off. And then Pedri told you what happened after training.
A part of you wanted to go home but you had to face this situation now. Waiting was only going to make it worse.
His sad face made you feel terrible. You expected him to be angry but not like this. On the way there you had been wondering how to approach this. But his eyes told you the answer was to hug him. 
“I know I shouldn’t feel like this but I can’t stop it”.
“I get it. Let’s go sit down so we can talk”.
At the mention of talking, he tensed. Were you going to break up with him? Jealousy was the reason why a lot of couples had to end their relationship.
“Be honest with me, my love. Why are you jealous? If it was someone else, I could understand it. But you know Pedri is your friend and will never do that to you. Even if you didn’t trust me…you have to trust him”.
“I trust you”, he whispered and you took his hand so you could hold it.
“Then what is it?”
He hadn’t allowed himself to think about it before. It was easy to just blame it on being jealous. But there was a reason for his behaviour.
“Why don’t you want people to know about us?”
“You know the reason. I want to wait until my career is more successful so I can feel like I got this on my own, not because of you. We’ve talked about it…”.
“But you accepted this job”.
He was confusing you even more now. “You insisted I did”.
“But you knew this was going to happen”.
“And so did you. Ansu…I…”.
You got up to pace around the sofa because you didn’t understand what exactly he was accusing you of at that moment.
“Stop. Come here, please”.
Even though it took a lot of effort, you sat down again. But didn’t want to hold his hand for the time being.
“First, I was hurt because the rumours were with another player. And I felt like if we made our relationship public, people will still mention you and Pedri had a thing before we got together. And that would probably make people send abuse to you and…it worried me”.
“That I can understand”, you said. “But what was the issue now?”
“I guess it bothered me that even if you knew rumours were going to be created, you still took the job. Like you didn’t mind people speculating about you and Pedri but you’re extra careful when it comes to me”.
You hadn’t even thought about any of those issues but…it made sense that he reacted to the situation if he felt that way. Maybe it was a bit of an overreaction still but it made some sense. At least.
“Do you think I’m embarrassed by you or something?”
He tried to look away but you caught his chin before he could do it.
“I’m not. I love you and I love what we have. I’m sorry if my wanting to keep this private hurt you in any way but that was never my intention”.
“I didn’t mean to hurt you with my jealousy either…”.
“So we settle it at we’re both dumb?”, you asked, laughing. And when you noticed a little smile on his face, your chest tightened.
“What do I need to do to prove to you how proud I am of our relationship?”
He looked at you hoping this would finally be the time when you said yes. 
“Can we make our relationship public?”
“We can”.
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sinsiriuslyemo · 9 months
Title: We Got Everything Here
Pairing: Drexyl Spivey/Reader
Rating: NC17 (smut, language)
Summary: A continuation of the reader from I Know I'm Pretty. Your roommate, Alex, goes out in a date, which leaves you and Drexyl with the apartment to yourselves.
Notes: Check the warnings, ya'll, cause as it turns out, Drexyl is a kinky motherfucker 😈 On that note, if I wasn't already going to hell before, I for sure am now. Pretty sure Drexyl's down there, so it's totally fine 😂
Warnings: language, referrenced voyeurism, exhibitionism, DD/lg dynamics, spanking, dirty talk with some degradation, rough sex, face fucking, face sitting
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That first afternoon with Drexyl had been the start of something new. Much to your secret delight, he had come to see you almost every night, unless he was meeting with a ‘business associate’. He never specified what that meant and you never asked. He even stayed the night a few times, which surprised you as he hadn’t struck you as the commitment type. But after the fourth night he stayed over, he had started calling you his girl, and you hadn’t challenged him. But what surprised you even more than everything else was that apparently, despite his rough exterior, he was quite the affectionate type as well. He held your hand whenever you were out together, cuddled with you through the night, and even brought you thoughtful gifts every now and then. He was even friendly with your roommate, Alex. More than once, he would snuggle up on the couch with you, while Alex would take up space on the opposite end, and the three of you would watch movies.
Mean Streets was his all time favorite, while you preferred The Deep. Alex, on the other hand, was much more likely to suggest something like The Goodbye Girl, and even though he would roll his eyes and groan about it, he would still sit and watch romantic comedies with the two of you. Of course, those were also the nights where he would finger you under the blanket while you tried not to make obvious what he was doing, but Alex didn’t need to know that. Nor did she need to know that sometimes you would snake your arm behind you to rub the hard bulge in his pants, the two of you working each other up into a stifled frenzy before you excused yourselves to the bathroom or your bedroom.
It was a Friday night, Alex was in the kitchen, finally making cannabis butter for her pot cookies while you worked on a tattoo design for a client on the couch. The phone rang, and you blindly reached over to pick it up off the floor.
“What’s my girl doing right now?” The rumble of his voice never failed to send a shiver down your body, which would settle between your legs.
“Working on a tattoo. You?” Biting down on your bottom lip, you carefully shaded the design you had been drawing up all afternoon.
“About to come to see you after this fool bounces.” He paused for a moment and from the fading background noise, you could tell he was walking into another room. “Whatchu got on?”
“Why don’t you just come over and find out?” you teased.
His drawled out chuckle made your nipples harden beneath your shirt.
“Alex won’t be here,” you added with a smirk.
“Mhm, she's just finishing up her cannabis butter and then she’s got a date.”
“So maybe you shouldn’t be wearing anything at all by the time I get there,” he purred, sending another flurry of shivers down your frame.
“Maybe I won’t,” you replied as Alex put her butter in the fridge to solidify before she went to her room. “But if I do that, just know that if you take too long to get here, I’ll start without you.”
“You’re a fucking tease,” he breathed. “You know that vibrator you got ain't got nothing on me.”
“Maybe I’ll just use it to warm me up then,” you answered, rubbing your thighs together to create a bit of friction.
“God damn, baby,” he groaned.
“Yo, Drexyl, I’m out!” you heard from a distance away on the other end.
“Yeah, aiight, Spider! Later, man!” he called back. “I’ll be there in fifteen, you better be waiting for me with that pussy on full display, you feel me?”
“What if I’m not?” you challenged playfully.
“Then Daddy’s gonna spank that ass until it’s glowing.”
A thrill flooded your stomach at his use of the title you’d given him the last time he’d been over. It had tumbled from your lips by accident, while he had you bent over the vanity in the bathroom before a shower. As soon as the two syllables had rolled off your tongue, his eyes had met yours in the mirror, swirling with more lust than you’d ever seen in him. His hips had paused as he leaned over you and held your face with a hand under your jaw.
“What’d you just call me?” he’d asked, and for a second you’d thought maybe you had turned him off, but when it took you a moment too long to answer, he thrust once, hard enough to dig your hips against the edge of the vanity. “I asked you a question,” he’d growled. “What did you just call me?”
Holding his stare in the mirror, you swallowed and repeated, “Daddy.”
His eyes had darkened and the corner of his lips twitched into what might’ve been a smirk if his attention hadn’t then been captured by pounding you into the vanity harder. “Say it again.”
So hearing him use the moniker again without any prompting made your toes curl against the couch cushion beneath them.
“You promise?” you asked, the fingers of your free hand coming to graze along your neck where a mark he’d given you from the same day in the bathroom was just beginning to fade.
He chuckled. “Damn right. Fifteen minutes.”
You hung up just as Alex was coming back into the living room in a short sundress, putting on lip gloss.
“Okay, that should be fine in the fridge,” she said, gesturing toward the kitchen. “I’m planning on not coming home, so you should have the place to yourselves. I assume Drexyl’s coming over again?”
“Yeah, he’s on his way now,” you answered. “Why? Is there any reason you would come home tonight?”
“Well, it’s the third date so theoretically he should be getting laid at the end of the night, but he still has the entire date to turn out to be a douche monkey so I dunno. Hopefully, he won’t be. It’s been way too long since I’ve had any dick, and I swear to the gods if I have to pretend not to notice that Drexyl’s fingering you under the blanket again, I’ll fucking die.”
Your eyes widened, almost popping out of your sockets. “How did you—?”
“Oh come on, Y/N, seriously?” She started imitating you, or at least her perception of you; gasping and jolting in place, whimpering softly, her shoulders were stiff and her jaw was clenched. Her lips parted as a sharp breath pushed through them, and she clamped her mouth shut, jaw trembling with an imaginary effort. The next moment, her expression had dropped as she looked at you with a pointed stare. “I didn’t think you liked Richard Dreyfuss that much.”
Pursing your lips, you tried not to laugh. “Sorry if we made it awkward.”
“Actually, it was kinda hot, I’m honestly a little pissed that you didn’t invite me to watch, but it’s cool. I had Richard and Marcia to keep me company, I guess.”
“You would seriously watch?” you asked with an arched brow. “I knew you were kinky, but I didn’t think you were that kinky.”
“Hell yes, I would watch, bitch!” she replied, looking herself over in the mirror next to the couch and earning a laugh from you. “Okay, how do I look?”
“You look hot.”
“Yeah, but, like, would you fuck me?”
“Absolutely,” you answered.
She grinned at you and picked up her purse from the TV stand. “Tell Drexyl I said hi, and as for you, if I don’t end up getting laid tonight, I expect full details of what you guys did.” She walked to the door and turned to look at you. “With sound effects.”
You laughed and gave her a wave, turning back to your design. You drew a few more lines and decided to finish the rest the next day, picking up the phone to order a pizza for you and Drexyl.
Just as you hung up, there was a knock at the door, and you went to answer it, biting down on your bottom lip when you remembered his promise to spank you if you weren’t naked by the time he arrived. Opening the door, you gave him a sultry smile as he gave you a once over and stepped toward you until his chest was nearly touching yours. His eyes took in your sleeveless shirt and soft cotton shorts before they came up to meet yours again.
“You look sexy, but I thought I told you I wanted you naked by the time I got here,” he said, closing the door behind him and locking it.
“I figured you would want to unwrap me yourself, Daddy,” you answered.
He smirked down at you, and in a flash, his hand came up to grab a fistful of your hair, tilting your head back. “Nice save, Not Sugar.”
You smirked back. “Thanks.”
“But don’t think it’s gonna get you outta that spanking.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it,” you said.
Leaning down, he pressed his lips to yours, his free hand slipping under your shirt to the small of your back, pulling you flush against him as he walked the two of you further into the apartment. Releasing your hair, he took your shirt off, groaning at the sight of your bare breasts. Hands following the curves of your sides, he slid both of them under your cotton shorts to grab your ass.
“I ordered pizza,” you said as he kissed along one side of your neck.
He grunted in acknowledgement against your collarbone, bending enough to tug your shorts off, leaving you in your dark gray boyshorts with marijuana leaves printed all over them. “Nice panties.”
He sat down on the couch as you thanked him, and before you could sit beside him, grabbed your wrist, yanking you down across his lap.
You yelped in surprise, gasping as the thrill in your belly reignited. Your hips instinctively arched back, presenting your ass to him and your breathing deepened. A tingle bloomed between your legs, an itch forming on your ass cheeks at the realization that he was going to spank you. Waiting for the first blow was sweet agony, the anticipation for contact alone making your muscles clench as the tickle between your thighs continued to build. You jolted, moaning when his hand gently caressed one ass cheek, squeezing every so often while his other hand laid on the small of your back.
“Listen here,” he said softly, his hand lowering to stroke over the back of your thigh. “When Daddy tells you to do somethin’…” The first slap surprised you, making you gasp and your eyes widen as the reverberations from the impact spread through your core. The heat it left on your ass combined with the cool breeze on the back of your thigh where his hand had been was intoxicating, pulling you deeper under his spell. “I expect you to do it.” He spanked you again on the opposite cheek, his hand coming down faster than the one before, but it wasn’t until the third slap that you grunted, the sting finally delivering more pain than tingle. “You got me?”
Panting softly, you nodded. Apparently that wasn’t good enough for him because the next time his hand came down on your skin, the sting set fire to your ass, the heat and pain lingering just a bit longer. You cried out, lifting your ass slightly up to him.
“Say it!” The dangerously low growl of his voice sent a shiver down to your cunt, hardening your nipples in its path as a moan blew through your lips.
The next spank was harder still. His hand stayed behind this time to squeeze your ass cheek, pinching it between his fingers and the heel of his palm. Tears formed in your eyes as your muscles contracted, making your hips squirm in his lap. “Yeah, what?”
Before you could answer, his hand came down three more times, alternating cheeks and making you quickly realize that his promise to spank you until your ass glowed was not sexy hyperbole. It was a promise, and one that had your panties soaked in arousal.
“I got it, Daddy,” you whimpered.
“Good girl.”
You moaned as his hands soothed the sting that lingered on your backside. His erection poked against your stomach, and you took a deep breath to allow your diaphragm to expand, pressing back against him. Just as you were beginning to relax beneath his touch, he spanked you two more times, harder. Crying out at the fire his spanks induced on your skin, you squirmed again in his lap. Your panties had just become so wet they stuck to your labia, the soaked cotton creating a makeshift mold of your pussy. The slick between the tops of your thighs was becoming sticky, and you wiggled some more, trying to get his hand to move again.
“Next time I won’t be so nice,” he said, squeezing one ass cheek tightly, earning a whine before he leaned back on the couch, both his hands leaving you. “Stand up.”
You pouted but immediately obeyed, moving slowly in an effort to keep physical contact with him until the very last minute. You didn’t have to wait long for his hands to be on you again, pulling down your panties. He hissed at the clear string of arousal that connected your underwear with your center, and licked his lips while you stepped out of the soiled cloth.
“Fuck, baby girl, so wet for Daddy, aren’t you,” he purred, one hand immediately coming to slide his fingers through your folds.
He wasted no time, thrusting first one then two fingers inside you while the other hand held your hip. Using the fingers in your cunt, he tugged you toward him, pressing against your g spot for as long as it took to pull you between his knees. You moaned, hands instinctively going to his shoulders in an effort to hold yourself up. Leaning forward, he dropped wet kisses over your stomach while his fingers moved hard and fast inside you.
Your knees buckled, muscles briefly hugging his fingers. Closing your eyes, you panted through parted lips, breath catching in your throat when he curled his digits inside you and tickled your g spot. Rolling your hips, you chased the orgasm that you could feel building in the pit of your stomach. Just as the tingles reached a fever-pitch, he pulled his fingers out, leaving just the tips inside.
Your muscles seemed to freeze mid-clench, unable to gain purchase on something to pull you over the edge. There was something slowly rolling down your labia, and you could only guess that more lubricant oozed from your body. Your own fingers pressing against his shoulders, you whined and wiggled in place. Opening your eyes, you looked down to find him with a cocky smirk on his face.
“Oh, I’m sorry, baby girl, did you wanna come?” he teased, sliding his fingers back inside you.
You gasped, moaning just as there was a knock on the door. No! Go away! Fuck!
“Pizza,” you whimpered. Alex wouldn’t have knocked.
He grunted, clearly also a bit annoyed at the interruption as he slowly walked his digits inside you, earning another moan, instantly refocusing you. His fingers once again slipped from your depths, prompting a sob of protest to fall from your lips. You bounced in place, your eyes pleading.
You were so close. So fucking close. You just needed him to finish you.
“What? You wanna leave him out there?” he asked with a smirk as he stood. He brought a finger up to your face. “Don’t move, you hear?”
You nodded. “I won’t, Daddy.” Rubbing your thighs together, you closed your eyes, legs still moving to create friction between your thighs.
“Nope. I don’t wanna see any of that,” he said pointing at your hips. “I said, don’t fucking move.”
Is he joking?!
“You’ll stand there and wait for Daddy to make you come.”
Something rolled up the underside of your clit, and you moaned softly, nodding. “Okay, Daddy.”
He walked to the door and opened it just enough to grab the pizza, making sure to keep the delivery person from seeing that you were standing naked in the middle of the living room. You didn’t dare say so out loud, but your pussy even throbbed at the thought of them looking at you — naked and dripping wet on the hardwood floors, and likely looking absolutely wrecked.
You’d teased Alex earlier about having a voyeur kink, but maybe it was you that had an exhibition kink.
You wiggled in place, catching yourself just in time. You had already pushed it when you didn’t do as he’d asked before he got here, this time you would do as he said, still desperate for release.
He closed the door and came back with the pizza, knitting his brows when he finally realized something was different in the living room. “Shit, where’d the coffee table go?”
“It’s over there, Alex needed someplace to put her project,” you said, pointing with your thumb behind you, where the coffee table sat with a full model of a building and surrounding landscape. “Now come back over here and make me come.”
Snorting, he put the pizza down on the peninsula that separated the living room from the kitchen and came up behind you.
“You think you’re running the show, baby girl?” he asked, trailing his fingertips down your side, eliciting a shiver from you.
“Please, Daddy?” you pleaded, wiggling your hips against his erection, the denim of his jeans rough against your red cheeks. The itch between your legs became unbearable.
“You begging?” he teased.
“Yes! Please!” you urged through clenched teeth.
The vibration of his chuckle trickled over your skin, hardening your nipples into two stiff peaks as he moved past you and sat on the couch again. One of his hands went to hold you by the hip while the other trailed up your inner thighs. You arched your hips forward as his fingertips made contact with your soaked folds.
“Fuck, you’re so wet, baby,” he whispered to you, thrusting his fingers in you again and tugging you toward him, pressing on your g spot. “Go ahead and come for Daddy,” he purred and his fingers curled to wiggle against the spongy gland, relentlessly stimulating it until your full focus was on what was happening between your legs.
Your hands shot to his shoulders, holding onto him firmly as the pressure coiled inside you, tightening until you were holding your breath, anticipating when it would finally burst. With a stuttered gasp, your pussy fluttered around his fingers as your orgasm crashed over you. You tried to buck your hips, but could barely move due to the grip he had on you, which only intensified your release.
“That’s it, baby girl, show Daddy what a needy little whore you can be for him,” he purred against your stomach, causing another rush of tickles to the apex of your thighs. He dropped wet kisses and bites all over your midsection, the fingers inside you beginning to thrust again.
A sob ripped from your throat as another surge of tickles bloomed between your thighs, legs trembling as another intense orgasm crested. To your surprise, you wanted more of him, even in the throes of your second orgasm.
“Fuck me, Daddy,” you whimpered.
A gasp escaped through your lips as he pulled his fingers away and turned you around, dropping you on the couch on your back. With his hands behind your knees, he yanked you to the edge, pushing against your inner thighs to widen them enough for him to kneel between them.
“You want me to fuck you?” he asked, the clinks of his belt sending goosebumps over your body.
“Yes, please!” you replied sweetly, holding your legs apart by the back of your knees. You wiggled your ass for him and smiled as he unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans.
“You’re so fucking cute, baby,” he said as he shoved his pants out of the way and slapped his cock on your slit. Your muscles clenched in anticipation. “Tell Daddy how bad you want his cock.”
“Please, I want your cock, Daddy!” you whimpered, rocking your hips against him as he slid his shaft along your folds. “Please fuck me!”
That seemed to do the trick and a gasp stuttered in your throat, your eyes immediately lowering to where he sunk into you. You let out the breath as his hips pressed against your ass. Hands on your knees, he pulled them down, keeping them as wide as they would go.
“Feet on the floor, baby,” he purred, grabbing your hips in both hands before he began a pace that was slow enough to be agonizing, but hard enough to make your breasts ripple from the impact. “Is this what you wanted?”
“Yes, Daddy!” You arched your hips to try to make it so that his shaft would drag along the sensitive spot inside you. Clenching your teeth, you moved insistently, desperate for him to increase the pace.
He reached up with one hand and pinched each of your nipples one at a time, making you arch your back toward him as you cried out.
“Tell me what you want.”
“F-faster, Daddy,” you stuttered.
“You want me to fuck you faster?”
You nodded as a series of mewls tumbled from your lips when you tried to answer properly.
“Greedy little slut,” he hissed behind a smirk before he snapped his hips faster. “Fuck, baby, your pussy’s so wet right now. So fucking tight.” The hand that had been playing with your breasts moved to cup your jaw, his thumb thrusting between your lips. “I think I’ll use this pretty mouth as my cum-dump.”
Your eyes rolled back as you moaned around his thumb, your legs widening as your cunt walls fluttered around him.
“Yeah, I know you like that. You like when I use your holes like a cock-sleeve, don’t you, baby?” His thumb pressed down on your tongue as he bent forward, taking your earlobe between his teeth.
“Yes, Daddy,” you groaned, the words partially obscured by his thumb.
“Such a good girl.” He moved faster, and you began to pant noisily around his thumb. “That’s it, come on, baby, come on Daddy’s cock,” he urged in whispers against your ear.
Your body responded immediately, trembling as your muscles clenched around his thick shaft. Your throat was raw, but that didn’t stop you from crying out again and again, your hips bucking against him desperately. This orgasm lasted somehow longer than the first two, your pussy squeezing his cock again and again until he slowly pulled out. You whined, wanting to feel him come inside you, but automatically opened your mouth when he took a fistful of your hair and pulled you to a sitting position as he stood.
“Good girl, open up,” he groaned, pushing you down on him and thrusting into your throat. “You better swallow every last fucking drop, you hear me?”
You tried to say, “Yes, Daddy,” but it just sounded like wet, muffled noise as he fucked your mouth relentlessly, his balls slapping against your chin.
It wasn’t long before the thick vein on the underside of his cock throbbed against your tongue, stream after stream of his cum spurting down your throat. His groans and praises continued as he held you down, thrusting shallowly against your face while you swallowed around him as quickly as you could, careful not to waste a single drop.
Your nose was smushed against the trimmed hairs just beneath his hips and your face grew hot with the lack of oxygen, tears blurring your vision as your hands went to his hips. You coughed around him, swallowing one last time as he finally pulled out. When your airway was clear, you took a huge gulp of air and licked your lips before taking his head in again. Drexyl groaned under his breath as your tongue gently slid over his tip, gathering the last few drops of his orgasm.
“Fuck!” he hissed, loosening his grip on your hair. With the same hand, he cupped beneath your jaw and tilted your head up as he bent forward. “You look so pretty choking on my cock, baby,” he purred, kissing your lips. His free hand came up to cup your face, thumb wiping your tears away from under one eye. “You hungry?”
“Starving,” you answered, your voice ragged.
“Go clean up, I’ll get you some pizza,” he replied, kissing you again before he stuffed himself back into his jeans and buttoned them up. He walked to the kitchen. “We’ll watch whatever you want.”
“How about The Godfather?” you asked as he put the pizza on the stove and took out a couple of plates.
He grinned over at you, pulling out two slices of pizza. “A gangster movie, huh? That's my girl.”
Smiling back, you stood and went to the bathroom, not bothering with your clothes, and washed your face. Turning to look at your ass in the mirror, you smiled to yourself at the redness of your cheeks, grazing your fingers over a handprint on your left one. Biting your bottom lip, you turned off the light and went back into the living room.
Drexyl was already sitting on the couch eating a slice of pizza, your plate sitting beside him. His eyes moved to you, arching a brow when you sat down, still naked. “You’re not gonna put anything on?”
“Why should I?” you asked, smirking at him as you took a bite from your pizza.
“Fucking tease,” he murmured, using the remote to hit play on the VCR.
“By the way, Alex knows you’ve been fingering me under the blanket when we watch romantic comedies.”
“The fuck you tell her that for?” he asked, taking another bite of his pizza.
You swallowed the bite that was in your mouth. “I didn’t. She figured it out.”
“That’s cause you make too much noise,” he mumbled playfully behind his hand.
“Shut up,” you replied in a chuckle.
The two of you ate your pizza and watched the movie in a comfortable silence. Every now and then, from the corner of your eye, you’d see Drexyl look over at you, appreciating your still naked form. About halfway through the movie, he shifted in his seat as you stood and took both plates into the kitchen, putting them in the sink.
“You see the mark I left for you?”
You didn’t have to look back at him to know he was smiling, and it made your own lips curl upward. “Was that the plan all along?”
“Damn right it was,” he answered.
Shooting him a smile over your shoulder, you moved to the fridge and opened it. “You want dessert? I think we might have some chocolate pudding.”
“Nah, I don’t want pudding,” he answered, his eyes still on you.
There was a moment of silence before you saw him move to sit on the floor from the corner of your eye.
“How bout you come over here and put that pretty pussy on my face?” he purred.
The muscles between your legs clenched, sending a tingle to your clit as you looked back at him. Slowly closing the fridge, you walked up to him.
He leaned his head back and licked his lips as you moved to straddle his face, standing over him. Smirking up at you, he swirled his tongue through your folds. His hands cradled your ass, holding you to him as he used his tongue to massage over your sex. Pulling you closer, he sucked your clit between his lips and groaned at your taste.
Gasping, you brought your hands to the back of his head, holding him in place while your hips rocked against him. You shivered at the way his facial hair lightly scratched your labia, the tips of the hair on his chin feathering your opening. Wincing when his hands squeezed your ass possessively, you closed your eyes, letting the dull pain mixed with sharp pleasure take hold of you. Your thighs flexed as you fought the urge to close your legs around his head, the familiar pressure beginning to coil deep inside you. Your muscles clenched in search of something to squeeze, to no avail.
Empty. You were so empty.
Your orgasm was lingering just beneath the surface, your hips bucking as you desperately tried to push yourself over the edge. Crying out when he moved his hands from your ass to your hips, holding you still and doubled his efforts, sliding a pointed tongue to your entrance and thrusting it in as far as it would go. Your pussy tried to close around it when he slipped it out and back to your clit.
“Ooh fuck, Daddy!”
“That’s my girl, come for Daddy, baby.” The vibration of his words tickled your swollen bud, and he dropped an open-mouthed kiss on your clit, sucking it. But it was when his fingers sank into you again and curled forward that your muscles contracted. Your legs trembled as your fourth orgasm of the night washed over you, your legs turning to jello.
Drexyl tightened his hold on your hips, holding you up as he continued to lick and suck your cunt, lapping up every drip that flowed out. With his mouth still latched onto your pussy, he gently pushed you onto the couch. He grunted when his lips lost contact with your core, licking a path from your clit, up the center of your stomach.
“Oh yeah, fuck me again, Daddy,” you whimpered in a small voice. “I want you to come in my pussy.”
“Oh fuck, baby,” he whispered back, taking your lips with his as he settled between your legs.
Reaching down, you began to unbutton his jeans when he stood and quickly shed all his clothes, making you chuckle softly.
Your arms wrapped around his shoulders as he lay between your thighs again, one hand reaching for him. Your eyes widened slightly as his cock slid into your hyper-sensitive pussy, sending tickles along your inner walls.
He groaned against your neck as his hips pressed into yours, not waiting for long before he began a steady pace. A gentle slap of skin on skin and heavy breathing filled the air. He didn’t always fuck you sweetly, but when he did, it still carried an air of the animal he could be, and the one he could turn you into. Biting down gently on your neck made your walls clamp around him as you rocked your hips up to him.
“Good girl, fuck me back. That’s it.”
His whispers tugged you along, closer and closer to the edge the both of you loved so much, his hips quickening. Your eyes stung with the sweat building on your face, some of it rolling down your temple as he licked a path up your neck, over the sharp curve of your chin before he slid his tongue in your mouth. You automatically began to suck on it, the way you would sock his cock during your more passionate blowjobs. He groaned, and his hips were pounding you hard, jerking you up and down.
Your orgasm hit you from nowhere, jolting you like a rubber band that had been pulled taut and then released over your entire body. Arching your back, you whined and gasped, stomach trembling in pleasure while your cunt milked him. Your muscles clenched even harder when he grunted a final time, grinding himself into you as he spurted his cum in your pussy.
It was a few more minutes before either of you spoke, and had you not been so thoroughly serviced, you might not have asked what you did then, “Would you ever be okay with Alex watching us?”
He picked up his head, smirk on his face but with an arched brow above his good eye. “Watch us fuck?”
“Watch you finger me,” you clarified, not quite ready to offer your roommate a full show just yet. Maybe someday.
“You want her to see what a little whore you are for my cock?” he asked, dropping a kiss beneath your earlobe.
“I dunno, but if she ever asks again, I at least wanna know where you stand,” you replied.
He thought it over for a moment, then bobbed his shoulders. “If you’re cool with it, sure.”
Grinning up at him, you pulled him down for another kiss, your nails scraping down his shoulder blade. He pulled out of you and laid behind you, pulling down the blanket from the back of the couch to cover your waists as he settled in to watch the rest of the movie, which was close to over by now.
Pulling his arm tighter around you, you sighed contently. “We can watch Mean Streets after this if you want.”
You felt rather than saw his satisfied grin. “You treat me so good, baby.”
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forevfangirlwrites · 2 years
play stupid games, win stupid prizes
“Hey Princess.”
She tries to hold back an audible groan while pointedly ignoring what has become the bane of her existence, Percy Jackson.
“What do you want, Jackson?” Thalia retorts, rolling her eyes.
Out of the corner of her eye, she catches his grin. “What?” he continues. “The princess can’t answer for herself?”
“Do you need something?” she huffs, turning towards him with her arms crossed. (One of these days, ignoring him will work.)
“She speaks!”
“Percy!” She’s so fed-up with this.
He raises an eyebrow. “Oooh, spicy. I didn’t know you wanted me like that!”
One of these days, she’s going to give in to the impulsive thought and strangle him.
“In your dreams, Jackson,” she retorts, happy to see him frown at the answer.
“Do you have the math notes?” he asks, finally getting to the point.
“Why would I give them to you?”
Percy smiles. “You know, you’re pretty feisty for a quiet girl.”
She does not care to explain to Percy that she’s not that quiet, he’s just obnoxious. Plus, he never misses an opportunity to provoke her.
“Because I asked the teacher and she said to ask you,” he continues after she doesn’t say anything.
“Impossible!” There’s no way Mrs. Clark would do her dirty like that…right?
Percy shrugs. “Ask her yourself. Why would I make this up?” He leans closer to her, causing her to lean back.
“I don’t enjoy talking to you either,” he whispers.
She rolls her eyes. His story isn’t entirely plausible, but retorting would just continue this already unwanted conversation, so she gives in.
“Fine, I’ll send you pictures.”
“Today would be nice.”
“Then I’ll send them tomorrow.”
Percy rolls his eyes but, thankfully, starts to walk away. “You better not be the reason I fail math!” he calls.
“Oh please, you’re the reason you’re failing math!” she shouts back.
And that’s on getting the last word.
Thalia, who’s had to suffer through this conversation on the side, looks approvingly at her. “I’m proud of you.”
Annabeth smiles. She might not be the most sociable person ever, but she can hold her own. Well, with Percy Jackson she has to, so she’s getting better with it.
Which is good, because the world likes to test her patience with him by not only putting him in her math class, but in adjacent classrooms for at least three other subjects, which means she has to see him throughout the day.
And when she walks into the homecoming committee after school, the world decides to test her patience even more.
Being a senior (and one of Mr. Brunner’s favorites) she runs the homecoming committee. She used to be in a few other after school activities, but this year she decided to go all in an as the committee president. Needless to say, it’s her favorite club, it’s nice and peac—
A knock on the door interrupts them before they can even properly begin, and she turns to see Mr. D standing at the door.
What is the principal doing here?
“Alright,” he begins in a somewhat bored voice when all eyes land on him. “In an effort to modify our punishment system, I have a new member for your committee.”
When Percy Jackson appears in view, she has to bite her cheek from saying something. Of course he would find a way to infiltrate her one source of—
“You have to help them,” Mr. D instructs, waving a hand over the classroom, before turning around and walking away.
“Right,” Mr. Brunner says, the only person who seems unperturbed by the turn of events. “Percy, please take a seat.”
Percy’s eyes scan the room, she waits for them to reach her. His reaction upon finding her is immediate, he smirks for a second before slumping into the nearest seat.
Mr. Brunner turns to the rest of them. There aren’t too many people—Rachel, Will, Nico and the Stoll twins, who (along with her) are the only seniors in the group.
“Alright everyone,” Mr. Brunner starts. “It’s good to have another pair of hands, as you know the pep rally is approaching in two months, so we need to get started.” He turns towards her with a smile.
“Annabeth, since you’re organizing all this and you still need another MC, I’m assigning Percy to help you.”
A/N: New book everyone! Hope you like it!
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iamfruitie · 9 months
In Too Deep Chapter 44
Ao3 link
Claim Me
Mad held his tongue between his teeth as he focused, watching as line after line of code transferred and displayed on the screen. He’s been hunched over the tablet in his hands for almost two hours, wanting to ensure that Hawk got processed how he needed to be and could travel without leaving a hint of him behind. Mare had spent the time packing and sending things back to the vampire’s house, allowing his abilities to kick in fully, and was making smooth progress. He even labeled the boxes and placed them in rooms where the items were most fitting. Mad’s bedroom hadn’t gotten touched yet since Mare assumed Mad would like to take care of that himself, and taking care of Hawk was the first step. 
“Hawk? Are you in there?” Mad asked the tablet.
“I am here,” Hawk responded, and Mad held the tablet up in the air with a victorious cheer. 
“Sounds like you finally got that done.” Mare chuckled as he came into the room. 
“Hawk’s saved to the drive. I had to uninstall and delete everything on this tablet in order to get him to fit, but it will let me travel with him and possibly install him at the other house and continue my work.” Mad was practically buzzing. 
“You are so precious when you get excited.” Mare chuckled, walking up to Mad and cupping his cheek. “I could watch you ramble about your techy stuff all day and never tire of it.” He added with another, deeper chuckle and kissed Mad. Mad couldn’t help the little giggle that came out after Mare’s words and the kiss. He then blinked as his conversation with Marvin came to mind, and Mare could see his brain working. “What are you thinking about there, starlight?”
“I talked with Marvin about claim marks,�� Mad said. 
“Wait? Marvin? You talked to him about claim marks?” Mare echoed to make sure he heard Mad correctly. 
“It was last night before Wilford carried me to your room. He caught me walking around and let me feel his claim mark.” Mad explained. 
“Hm.” Mare’s hum was from jealousy, but Mad missed that. 
“He told me that it’s a way to show that you really care about your partner and that…and that it lets you feel them all the time.” Mad chewed on his lip. “I didn’t ask how it felt for Chase, but I assumed it was the same for both. But I don’t want something if it’s only for me and not-”
“Wait, are you saying you want a claim mark?” Mare felt several conflicting emotions hitting him at once.  
“I…I do.” Mad said softly, looking down at the ground in embarrassment. “But, I mean, if you don’t want to, that’s okay, and-” He didn’t get to continue his anxious rambles as Mare held his face and caught him in a kiss. Mare wasn’t expecting the emotion that took over when Mad confirmed what he was asking to be joy, but he was more than okay with that as he stepped closer to Mad, pressing their bodies together. 
“Are you sure?” Mare asked against Mad’s lips. “It’s not something permanent, so I can always take it back if you don’t like the feeling of it.” 
“I’m really sure. I’d like to do it now.”
“Did Marvin tell you about everything that happens when you get a claim mark?” 
“Yeah.” Mad’s face flushed. “I-I would like to do that.” 
“Holy fuck.” Mare breathed out and kissed Mad again. “Let’s get you on the bed.” He guided Mad over to the bed and, with a sound of protest from Mad, lifted him and sat him on the bed. “I’ll get you all comfortable.” Mare started moving and adjusting the pillows so Mad was propped up on a soft surface. “Already no shoes and, um, maybe I can turn on some music or maybe get flowers or a gift or something or-” He wasn’t sure why he started rambling, feeling almost clueless, which was a new feeling for him. 
“Mare?” Mad couldn’t help from giggling. “You’re usually not the flustered one.” 
“I usually know what I’m doing.” Mare weakly laughed and adjusted, sitting in front of Mad, legs touching and not leaving much space between them. 
“Do you not know how to give a claim mark? If need be, I can go ask-” 
“No, no, I know how to do it. I should have worded it differently. I meant that I haven’t done it before, so it’s a different feeling to do something for the first time.” Mare explained, getting a little flutter in his heat from how ready Mad was to research something for him. 
“Well…we can do what you do with me and go slow?” Mad suggested and took hold of Mare’s hands. “We can start with what you do know and kiss?”
“How are you such a genius?” Mare chuckled. “And how did I get so lucky to be allowed to call you mine?” He had forgotten his worries about never giving a claim mark before and leaned into another kiss. Mare’s confidence soared back to where it belonged when he lightly nipped at Mad’s lower lip and got a little gasp from him, the hold on his hands tightening. 
Mad’s hands went to Mare’s shoulders when Mare let his hands go. One hand went to the back of Mad’s neck, fingers sliding up to comb through his hair. His other hand went to Mad’s waist, pulling him in as he leaned against him. Mare softly groaned at Mad kissing back, now gripping the front of his shirt and trying to get him closer as if that was possible. Mad eventually did have to pull away to catch his breath, softly panting. 
Mare softly chuckled and started trailing his kisses along Mad’s jaw and to his neck. He followed his instincts and dragged his tongue along the crook of Mad’s neck, loving that he could hear Mad shiver. He tugged on the collar of Mad’s shirt, trying to get to more skin, but felt the resistance of it. Not wanting to cause Mad any discomfort, Mare took hold of the bottom of Mad’s shirt. 
“Can I take this off of you?” 
“Y-Yeah.” Mad had to clear his throat to speak and adjusted himself to help remove the article of clothing. “Are you going to…” He let the rest of the question trail off, knowing Mare would catch on.
“Do you want me to stop?” Mare wanted to be sure Mad wasn’t having second thoughts. Mad only shook his head and nudged Mare closer to him by lightly pulling on his shirt. 
“Claim me,” Mad whispered. Mare had to take a moment to find his brain, having not expected Mad to say that, let alone look so hot while doing so. He also couldn’t help the almost possessive growl that rumbled in his throat, and he scraped his fangs against the crook of Mad’s neck. 
“Mare~” Mad breathed out, tilting his head to give Mare easier access. 
“Mine,” Mare growled again and sank his teeth in. Mad gasped and tensed up. That sharp tinge of pain that came from the skin getting pierced only lasted for a second before he was relaxing with a light moan. His eyes rolled back from the pleasure while Mare got a good mouthful of his blood. Then, the feeling got deeper. He felt Mare holding him tighter and heard his moans as his fangs pushed in more, and an even stronger wave of warmth went through both of them. 
“Oh, f-fuck~” Mad gasped as he clung desperately to Mare, pressing against Mare’s thigh and rutting his hips. “M-Mare, Mare, please.” He could feel everything and more. It was all so good. “Mare~!” Mad cried out, cumming unexpectedly. His legs and arms started trembling and continued to do so after Mare pulled his fangs out and lapped up the few drops of blood that escaped. The bite wound sealed quickly and left behind a mark. A claim mark. 
“Mine.” Mare purred and kept his tight hold on Mad, nuzzling his face against the fresh claim mark. 
“Mare.” Mad whimpered, and Mare lifted his head to look at him. And Mad was a sight to see. His pupils were blown wide, his face flushed a lovely shade of red, and his lips slightly parted as he panted. “It feels so good.” Mad’s voice was soft and breathy. “Mare, Mare, it feels so good.” He arched toward Mare, trying to rut his hips against his thigh more. “Please, I need-I need you, please~” Mad’s begs went right through Mare along with the rush of claiming someone. He gripped Mad’s hips, forcing him to stay still and kissing away the whine or protest Mad made. 
“I’ll take care of you. I’m going to take such good care of you~” 
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@dungeon-dragons-dragons @angst-anonn @damnthedead
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