#byakuya fanfiction
uraharashopslut · 5 months
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sashi-ya · 1 year
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ𝐁𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡 𝐦𝐞𝐧 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐭
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ part one: Aizen, Byakuya, Ukitake, Shunsui, ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤUryu, Äs, Kenpachi.
♡ tw: pregnancy symptoms. fluff, a lot of fluff. ♡ wc: mini scenarios ~3k total. ♡ coming next in part two ➛ kisuke, shuuhei, shinji, ichigo, ryuuken ➛ you can request for others.
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𝐀𝐢𝐳𝐞𝐧 𝐒𝐨𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐞. The man that has everything planned, widened  his chocolate orbs once the unexpected happened. It didn’t take him much to discover the truth, not because you wanted to hide it but because it was clear to him. Your body had changed; the little differences in your physique didn’t match the characteristics he had studied so exhaustingly about you. Those weren’t normal fluctuations in weight nor your cups size. But mostly, he noticed it on the way your hips slightly began to adapt to prepare for nine months ahead. Something that, inside of his own twisted thoughts, made his heart beat go faster.  
The black tea he was sipping that morning fogged his glasses, he still uses them to read. However, the many technical and biological aspects of hollowification were set aside for as long as you watched through the windows of squad five on an autumn day. Sosuke took his glasses off and stood up, as always, in the only way he knows how to… dominantly, like there was nothing nor anybody above himself. Big hands reached for your hip bones, nose that traced a perfect warmth path from the crook of your neck to your ear. “How many weeks?” he asked, because he knew. “I am not sure… are you mad?” you asked back, knowing this could potentially ruin his plans. “Hmm…Mad…? How could I?” he answered. You watched his smile suddenly go from a smirk to a soft, soft expression. Sosuke melt, Sosuke felt like he wasn’t as lonely in this world as he used to think he was…
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𝐊𝐮𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐤𝐢 𝐁𝐲𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐲𝐚. Mornings have never been really lively; those days in which he calmly sat on his special chair, drinking his tea while you still stay in bed suddenly got interrupted by a rather suspicious behaviour coming from you. Two mornings in which you ran to the bathroom covering your mouth were enough to set the alarms for the Kuchiki clan head. “She is sick. SHE IS SICK” he panicked. Not again, not again…  he felt once again the fright, the fear of losing his lover. Byakuya didn’t need much more to ask you, however the idea of pregnancy -even for one of the most intelligent minds of the Seireitei- never crossed his mind.  By the third day, in which you thought you could run faster than him, his foot stopped the door from closing. “I called Dr. Yamada Seinosuke, he is coming to check on you” those cold words sounded like an order, yet, he was as scared as a lonely child. Byakuya felt unable to express any other feeling, if any at all. All the progress he made, seemed to be lost in just a matter of seconds. His hands couldn’t touch you; his arms couldn’t hold you. Deep blue eyes had turned every shade of black, and once again he felt himself drowning into the deepest waters of his  inner world. “I am not sick, Byakuya…” you murmured, after washing your mouth with a soft smile and your hands over your belly. “I’m sure you can quite understand why I am feeling this way…” Oh, how to repeat the way those deep blue eyes suddenly became the colour of a summer sky.
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𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨 𝐔𝐤𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞. You weren’t nauseous. You didn’t even notice at first. But he did. Somehow, without even knowing, every night in your sleep your hands reached for his and dragged them to your belly. It was as if you were asking him to protect something sacred. And he could tell a piece of his own soul nested in yours, safely resting, surrounded by the purest love. His long locks rained on your cheek, on that morning in which snow as white as them covered the green hills of the Seireitei. “I am sure there is something you need to tell me…” he whispered, caressing your cheek with the softest kiss. “Wh-wha-t….?” your lips began to tremble, many tears sprouted from your sleepy eyes. It was as if those words where the sudden revelation of something “you didn’t know you already knew” “I will protect both of you, even if it might cost my life… you two will be always first”
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𝐊𝐲𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐤𝐮 𝐒𝐡𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐢. He noticed something had changed the moment he came home and discovered you sleeping on the couch made into a ball. What is happening with his lively sweet doll? Why is she sad? What is going on? “Honey… what is going on? I’m sorry it took me a little bit more to come back home, being the general Taicho keeps me a lot more busier…” he sadly whispered in your ear, as he lifted you up and carried you to bed. The scent of his skin immediately brings a soothing effect to your unknown cause of anguish. You were a total mess of emotions that you couldn’t handle all alone, and you didn’t even know why it was happening to you. Shunsui put you in bed, and when he got inside the sheets you immediately snuggled against his wide chest. “I… I don’t know why I am so sad, but I’m so glad you are back” you whispered, kissing a patch of slight caramel skin. His hands instantly landed on the crown of your head, pulling you closer, surrounding you with the type of paternal care and protection he had always had. “You know, maybe it is that time of the month…” he dared to murmur, sure he was about to get a soft punch coming from you. Of course, not everything In a woman’s life has to do with her… hormones… You widened your eyes, blinking rapidly while looking at a clueless Kyoraku. “I… it’s- been- two months…” your lips trembled. You suddenly realized that, while lost into nightly sex sessions with him, your period -nor Shunsui’s cream pie kink- represented a problem to you. “YOU DON’T MEAN… YOU – AM I GOING TO BE A DADDY????? I AM GONNA BE A DADDY!!!! CALL ME DADDY, OK?” “Shunsui, for the love of God… I need to take a test- we-” you giggled, still amazed and unsure but excited.  
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𝐊𝐞𝐧𝐩𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐢 𝐙𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐤𝐢. Carrying every child he could find in the Seireitei on his shoulders, Kenpachi is the ultimate father. He doesn’t even have to try. He never cared for your period, it never represented something that could stop him to love you and your body. In fact, the messier the better. However, those moments began to be absent, and he didn’t take much to realize. During that spring night, in which he indulged in some sake with his subordinates, he suddenly popped a question to them. “Oi, my woman hasn’t got her period in two months… what the fuck?” Yumichika choked with his drink, while Ikkaku definitely spitted all the contents of his mouth in a violent motion. “TAICHO?” the beautiful Shinigami asked, once he had recovered the composure. “TAICHO… ARE YOU SURE?” he continued. “Yeah. What is it?” Zaraki asked, confused by their sudden reaction -and honestly about to laugh at Ikakku turning red, even his head, from how much he was coughing- “She could be pregnant, Taicho… are you gonna be a father?” Yumichika assumed, particularly amazed by how his captain was asking something so important and yet so obvious as if it was nothing. Kenpachi’s eyes suddenly turned from wild to more softened ones. He left the sake bottle down and stood up. With no words said, he left, leaving his subordinates astonished. A loud thump on the door, woke you up all of a sudden. You sit down on the bed, not sure whether to grab your zanpakuto or not until you noticed the topping huge silhouette of your brute lover. “Kenny, the fuck is going on?” you ask, while grazing your right eye. “ARE YOU PREGNANT WOMAN?” he asked, shouting, and desperately requiring for you to give him the truth. You gasp. You hadn’t even taken a test yet and even if it was pretty possible, how did he notice? “HOW? I DON’T KNOW YET” you told him, urging him to close the door. You didn’t really want the whole barracks to know. Kenny sat right by your side and cupped you to his lap. “Come’ere…” he murmured, nuzzling on your hair. He was holding you with the care someone would have to grab a piece of silk paper. He scoffed, sweetly with his eyes shut and a big smile adorning his sharp manly features. “Nhh… yes, yes yes yes!!!” he celebrated, ripping the most beautiful smile from your lips.
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𝐈𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐝𝐚 𝐔𝐫𝐲𝐮. “Dr. Ishida, you have another patient” his secretary informed him by the end of his shift. “I have received every kid on the agenda for the day, is it urgent?” Uryu asked, he was used to treating kids whenever there was an emergency. Some paediatric patients can’t wait. “Well, is not urgent but the mother requested me with urgency that you please take a look at her baby” she said, walking into his office with two papers in her hands. She handed them to Uryu who soon discovered the next patient wasn’t even born yet. “But… (secretary name), this is a pregnancy test… I am not an obstetrician I shouldn’t- plus, whose tests are these? They don’t even have the name of the patient” the Quincy doctor stood up, a little annoyed and confused. “The patient is waiting on the ultrasound room; she has been already connected to the heart monitor by Nurse Inoue. Just please give the preggo lady a look. She specifically requested for a check-up by Dr. Ishida Uryuu” the secretary said, giggling and leaving the room as fast as possible. Uryuu remained silent for a few minutes, listening to those accelerated heartbeats coming from a few doors away. Even if he is a peadiatrician, OB and Neo are also located in the same floor as his, in his father’s hospital. He smiled sweetly, the sound of a new life thriving to become a beloved child in some months always melts his heart. He should go back home soon, but he couldn’t help it… there was something in that sweet beating melody that put a big smile on his face and called him to listen to it for a longer time. He put his coat on and thought of texting you “I’ll be home in a couple of minutes, just an urgent consult and I’ll be free” but he didn’t. He thought you were tired of excuses and him coming home late. Cleaning his glasses, he entered the ultrasound room, presenting himself without taking a look at the patient immediately. “Good afternoon, I’m Dr. Ishida. The secretary told me you request- (Name)…?” he stopped his words, discovering your barely bumpy belly and the sound of that heart coming from within you. “Good afternoon, Dr. Ishida. Would you like to meet the love of your life?” His eyes become waterfalls, Uryuu couldn’t move for a couple of seconds. He then, sat right by your side and with a soft peck on your lips, he whispered a heartfelt “Thank you, my love”…
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𝐀̈𝐬 𝐍𝐨̈𝐝𝐭.
There was a time, where things were different. Where Äs didn’t feel pain, nor loneliness. A different outcome, where his body cured and the first steps out of that hospital were given holding her warm hand in his. No pain, no war, nor powers, nor Kings. It had been difficult to adapt for him; he didn’t know exactly what it was to make love. But he learned, naturally, by the calling of his heart and his needs. He also didn’t know what it was to love and be loved, but he discovered he didn’t need to try with you. And slowly but surely, a new family of you and him, happened. “Do you think I could be a good father someday?” he asked, while playing with your hair on a very orange sunset in the garden of your little house. “You wanna be a father, Äs?” you asked back, a little surprised by the right timing of his questioning. “I am a little scared… well, not a little… I am afraid of not being able to be one” he answered, looking right towards the fiery clouds of an autumn afternoon. His paler complexion, kissed by the dying sun rays, reminded you of those days in which it was too painful to be touched; and how hope was all that it was needed to progress. You look towards the crunchy leaves underneath your feet, and then grabbed his slim cold hand. “Follow me inside, there is something I need to show you…” “My dear Äs, I am about to grant you with a big power right now. Would you accept it?” you ask, covering his eyes with a black face mask that had been hanging there since covid. “What- yes? But what is it? You are scaring me” he murmured, confused. “Give me your hands” you ordered him, depositing something fluffy on his palms. When you took off the mask off his face, his black orbs fixed on the white pair of booties on his hands. “This…” “I am giving you a very strong power, the “F” one… Äs, you are gonna be a father… a fantastic father”
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katsuma6 · 7 months
Hi there ✨
Can I request bleach men receive a very passionate/needy kiss from s/o in a public space or in front of someone else. Like for instance it was just supposed to be a peck on the lips but a/o couldn’t control themselves.
Characters (in order of importance): Byakuya, Shunsui, Ichigo, Jushiro,Toshiro.
If this is too many please remove characters started from the back.
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Kissing Bleach men in a public setting. (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
Byakuya has been very busy. Keeping up with his squad, paper work, and Captains meetings.
One day Byakuya was leaving a Captains meeting and he spotted you. You were standing there, patiently waiting for him.
"Were you waiting long, love?"
You smile, shaking your head. "Not at all."  You noticed the other captains walking by the two of you but, you didn't care. You walked right up to him, holding his calm gaze. "I really miss you." You mumbled before leaning in. He happily met your lips, kissing you back. They're warm and soft. They parted slightly, allowing you tongue to slip inside. Byakuya quickly pulled away. He doesn't show it but, he's extremely flustered.
"Y/n, please, no out here."
You frown, taking a small step back. "I'm sorry. I couldn't help myself." Byakuya noticed your disappointed face and took your chin in his hand. "I promise. Tonight is about you. No work."
Shunsui does not mind pda. He loves showing what's his in a respectful manner.
Things are busy in the Soul Society but, sometimes he sits around with squad mates having a drink.
You sit beside him contently, listening to the different conversations and shared laughter. Your eyes meet his and he smiles warmly. "Can I have a kiss?" You whisper while the squad mates are chatting. Shunsui beams before leaning in. "Of course." Your lips press together and instantly, you melt. You need more. Your tongue pressed between his parted lips in ticklish kitten licks. You can feel him tense slightly but, he allows it for a moment longer before pulling away. You can't help but pout when he does.
"I thought you meant a kiss sweetheart. Didn't know you wanted to swallow me." He chuckles. You feel heat spread across your face.
This man gets flustered. Very easily. Especially when it comes to you. It's a normal day when Ichigo and his friends decide to hang out and have lunch together. You were going to meet up the group. Upon your arrival, you see your boyfriend patiently waiting for you. He's standing beside his friends, smiling. All you can think about is how handsome he looks. He opens his arms wide to greet you with a warm hug. Your bodies pressed together. He smiles down at you and you lean in just a bit closer. Taking the hint, he leans down and your lips mash together.
But you decided to kiss him like you've never kissed anyone before. Soft and hot. Not trying to win a battle but, seeking union and closeness. The moment your tongue touches his, he pulls away with a very red face. You can't help but giggle when Keigo whistles.
The most respectful and caring man. He loves you with all of his heart. His doesn't mind a little pda. Hand holding, hugging, and maybe small kisses.
But something is different this time. You haven't seen Jushiro a lot lately due to the Soul Society being hectic. You noticed him standing and talking amongst some squad members. Nothing serious, just casual conversation. You excitedly walk up to him and stand patiently beside him. He smiles, gentle grazing your hand. His eyes land on you once the squad members talk amongst themselves. "I found you." You mumble softly. "I miss you."
"I'm sorry I've been so busy. I promise to make it up to you." He reassures, looking towards his squad mates. "If you give me a kiss, maybe I'll forgive you." You joked in a whisper. Jushrio laughed softly before leaning down to kiss your cheek but, you quickly turned your head and pressed your lips to his. Your hands gripped tight to his sleeves. Jushiro was filled with deep astonishment once his felt your lips becomes sloppy. He pulled away but you leaned back in. "Just one more," you whisper against his lips. He pulled away once again, keeping his eyes trained on yours. "We can't do this in front of our squad mates." He mumbled. Judging by the light pink hue in his cheeks, you definitely caught him off guard.
It's training day for squad 10 and Toshiro doesn't miss the opportunity to join the rest of his squad. Not only does he watch but, he'll spar with members. You were heading off to catch up with some friends and before you left you had to see your hard working boyfriend.
Toshiro was sweaty. Strands of hair sticking to his forehead. You couldn't help but think how incredible he looks. "Toshiro!" You call. He turns his head your way and smiles. "I'm leaving now. Just wanted to say goodbye."
"I'd hug you but I'm gross." He mumbles. You playfully roll your eyes, embracing him anyways. "It doesn't bother me." You looked up at him, his head cocked slightly to the side. "Can I have a kiss?"
His face heats up at your question but he would never turn you down. He leaned forward slowly until meeting your soft lips. You took the opportunity to wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him deeper into the kiss. His body stiffened and you couldn't help but smile against his lips. "This isn't the right time for that." He whispered. "You one more. Please?" You begged. Toshiros face grew more red as you leaned in and slipped your tongue between his lips. Clinging to him like it's your last goodbye. Rangiku squealed. "Captain! Get a room!"
Toshiro pulled away, covering his mouth with the back of his hand. You smiled innocently. "Alright, get going. I'm all yours later." He mumbled, looking away. Unable to hold your gaze.
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teamatsumu · 1 year
What if the Seireitei had a Human Resources Department? And what if you were in charge?
Summary: With the kind of antics these shinigami get up to every day, it was only a matter of time before the higher ups felt the need to create an HR Department to deal with the day to day messes. Here’s a little drabble about how it all started
Word Count: 2,062
Warnings: swearing, bad humor, mentions of violence
next part
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Sometimes it was hard to believe that the gods didn't have it out for you. Especially when you ended up in situations like this against your will and through no fault of your own.
The corridor was completely silent despite the amount of people that it held. It’s almost like everyone knew how fucked they were, and they were praying with every fiber in their bodies that somehow, they would not get killed at the hands of the Captain Commander today.
You stared at the large “1” written on the wooden doors in front of you, hands clasped so tightly in your lap that your knuckles turned white. Your heart was beating so hard it almost hurt your ribcage. Next to you on the bench, Ikkaku shuffled, and you resisted the urge to deck him across the face. He was injured enough as it was. And frankly, no punch you could land on him would do any good. You had zero hurting power in your body.
Once again, you wondered which otherworldly spirit you had pissed off to get where you were.
Squad 4 was supposed to be a safe choice. You had asked to be put in it for a reason when you graduated. Far, far away from the fighting and pain. No conflict. Just helping people, healing injuries and staying inside where there were no battles. You would take any amount of scut work over whatever the hell those other divisions got up to. And you were good at your job. You handled medical emergencies well, you were a boss at getting through paperwork. Lieutenant Isane would cry tears of joy at the sight of you almost daily since you were singlehandedly keeping the admin side of the division afloat on your own.
So why did it have to come to this?
After what seemed like an eternity, the wooden door cracked open with a deafening sound and a head poked through it. The Shinigami’s eyes scanned the crowd outside until they fell on you. You felt your throat knot. He gestured for you to come to him before disappearing behind the door again.
You stood up on shaky legs, deliberately trying not to look at everyone around you who was now staring at you with pity in their eyes, no doubt. You unintentionally caught eyes with Captain Kuchiki, a calm slate gray that seemed to settle your nerves just a bit. He gave you an almost imperceptible nod, and some strength returned to your legs. You were grateful he was there, despite him not having any involvement in the situation.
Well, it was his Lieutenant on the line so maybe some involvement.
The Shinigami led you down a long hallway silently, your almost numb legs following behind. You felt like a baby deer with how unsteady you were. What were baby deers called again? Foals? You had no clue. Your mind was fried at this point. You tried to send a short prayer to the gods above, but then you remembered they were the ones who put you here in the first place so maybe praying to them wouldn’t be too good of an idea.
The Captain Commander certainly had an air about him. The table he sat behind in his office made him look grand. The office was almost like a balcony, overlooking a magnificent view of the Seireitei that you would have loved to admire under less precarious circumstances. You kept your eyes on the desk he was seated at, bowing low and standing straight as a rod until the Shinigami who brought you there had shut the door behind him with a click that echoed in your very soul. Then, it was silent.
Yamamoto Genryuusai was looking at you with a hard stare. You felt the horrifyingly embarrassing urge to burst into tears.
“Explain.” He said.
What came next was the worst word vomit known to mankind.
It had started two days ago, as festivities for New Years were just beginning to unravel. You had been on night duty, a post you wouldn't wish on anyone. Holidays almost always ended up with someone landing in the Squad 4 barracks with injuries. A bunch of drunk soldiers with weapons and the ability to fight felt like a disaster waiting to happen. But what happened next was ten times worse than what anyone was anticipating.
The fight was pretty standard. Some drunk Squad 3 member had thought it would be a good idea to taunt Squad 11 members by calling them brainless idiots who only knew how to swing a sword. It was a fist fight that escalated when Yumichika and Ikkaku stepped in. Somewhere in the commotion, someone had broken a bottle of sake on Yumichika’s face.
This, of course, caused a complete meltdown on Yumichika’s part, who could feel the cuts on his face that would potentially leave scars. He lost his shit and proceeded to beat the crap out of everyone around him. A very, very drunk Ikkaku and accompanying Renji thought that was the best solution in their alcohol-addled minds. The rest was history.
What had landed into Squad 4 was over 20 extremely injured Shinigami, a flurry of broken limbs and blood. The biggest issue was that this had involved a Lieutenant and two seated officers. Once Captain Unohana got wind of it, it was all over. This kind of violence wouldn't fly under the strict Captain’s nose, and she had reported the whole matter to the Captain Commander. That immediately put Captain Zaraki and Captain Kuchiki’s asses on the line since it was their officers involved, and since you had been the attending who received every case in Squad 4, you were asked to report to the Captain Commander for a full explanation on the matter the following morning.
That morning, extremely hungover Ikkaku and Yumichika had shown up at your barracks, pleading with you to save them. Apparently their Captains had been furious, and both of them were being considered for a major demotion. And Renji? Lord, Captain Kuchiki would make sure Renji never saw the light of day again.
While you made them tea to try and stave off their headaches, Yumichika had given you an honest recounting of the whole situation, and it made your heart soften. They really had just been there to break apart a fight before Yumichika’s face got involved. And as you looked at his bandaged face, knowing full well the extent of the damage underneath, (you had been the one to heal him after all) you felt your heart swell in pity.
So you had agreed to the impossible task of trying to make them appear like the victims in this situation. In front of the fucking Captain Commander. What were you thinking? Curse your empathy and curse the fact that you had somehow befriended these people.
“So according to you, Fifth seat Ayasegawa was there to break up the fight?” Captain Commander Yamamoto’s voice was grumbly and low.
You nodded. A drop of sweat rolled down the side of your face and you were breathing hard. You twisted your fingers behind your back, jaw locked so tight it made your teeth hurt.
“You realize he was singlehandedly responsible for incapacitating 11 out of the 20 injured men?”
You closed your eyes. Fucking Yumichika. That fucker.
“He only responded to an extremely hateful and violent attack on himself, sir. He was not the instigator. As the healer who received him in Squad 4 barracks, I can guarantee that his condition was horrifying.”
“So you agree with his decision to retaliate the way he did?”
You shook your head immediately. “No, sir. I do not agree with it, but in the uh, inebriated state everyone was in at the time, including the sight of his comrades injured and charged comments against his Squad, I can understand why he acted the way he did.”
The Captain Commander appraised you under a weighted stare which made you gulp heavily.
“You have an admirable track record, Sixth Seat Y/L/N.”
What? You blinked, not knowing how to respond. He knew about you. Well, of fucking course he did. He couldn't have summoned you here with no knowledge of who you were. But being referred to by him unnerved you.
“Your account for the event of New Years Eve is very diplomatic.” He continued. “If I go off on what you have told me, I am left with no one to blame this whole situation on. It seems this will just be written off as an unfortunate accident.”
You nearly bawled.
The Captain General closed the file in front of him, leaning back and placing his chin on his bony knuckles. His eyes fell shut, yet you felt he was closely watching your every move.
“You may leave. And inform everyone that they will receive a written warning for their involvement. You will receive a letter too, but of a different nature.”
You nodded and bowed instantly, turning around to walk out of the office. When the door shut behind you, you choked on a gasp and keeled forward, resting your hands on shaky knees. Fuck. Fuck. That was so intense you could cry. You would cry, actually. The tears were coming on. You sniffled.
Someone cleared their throat and your head shot up, looking at the Shinigami who had led you here. He gave you a look that told you he knew how you felt, before gesturing you to follow him out.
On numb, trembling legs, you walked out of the Squad 1 barracks, immediately being greeted by all the parties in question. Ikkaku,Yumichika and Renji crowded you, looking at you with hopeful eyes. You looked at the half bandaged and swollen faces in front of you and felt the horrifying urge to laugh.
“You all will get an official warning. No lasting consequences.” You managed to choke out.
The air that lifted at your words left behind an atmosphere so light it nearly made you collapse, you swayed a little as you sat down on the bench, watching Renji collapse in relief while Yumichika slumped into a wooden pillar. Ikkaku was looking up at the sky like he had just received redemption from the gods themselves. You held back more laughter.
Captain Zaraki let out a heavy sigh and stretched, patting you on the head with a heavy hand in his show of thanks before shuffling off, hands deep in his pockets. Captain Kuchiki sat next to you on the bench smoothly, staring at his Lieutenant with disdain.
“I must thank you.” He said, not looking at you. “I was convinced this would end poorly. You have surprised me, Sixth Seat Y/L/N. And I assume you surprised the Captain General too. I have not known him to be lenient in the years I have worked in the Gotei 13.”
You stared at the Captain as he got up once again, each move as pristine as the last. He walked over to Renji and let out a pained breath at the sight of his Lieutenant.
“Stand, Renji. You will still face the punishment I have set for you.” He stated simply before turning to walk away.
“Yes, Captain.” Renji’s voice was small and muffled. The corner of your lip twitched.
Yumichika sidled over to where you sat, tears in his one visible eye.
“I love you.” He breathed, making you snort.
“I want you to stay as far away from me as possible from now on.” You stood up, feeling better now after seeing the relief your friends felt. You were of course, being dramatic. But you were sincerely so drained you wouldn’t mind sleeping for a week.
And sleep you did. In fact, you had completely forgotten the Captain General’s words until the next morning, when a Shinigami showed up at your barracks with a letter in his hand. You stared at it in confusion until you saw the name of the addressor on the envelope. Your eyes widened and your heart fell out of your ass as you remembered the words.
“You will receive a letter too, but of a different nature.”
With trembling fingers, you tore through the paper, frantic eyes trying to make sense of what you were reading. Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
“What the fuck is a Human Resources Department?”
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A/N: Should i make this into a series? Im contemplating it. Pls let me know!
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thatnewweeb · 3 months
Wrong | Byakuya Togami
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Summary | Before the Tragedy, before the Killing Game, Hope's Peak Academy was just a school for the Ultimates. The Ultimate Affluent Progeny wasn't supposed to fall in love, wasn't supposed to get married. So why did he have to meet her?
Content | Fluff, fem reader, Byakuya gets angry at reader, reader doesn't take very good care of themself, he might be slightly out of character idk
Word Count | 1.9k+
A/N | Personally I love the idea of Byakuya falling in love and changing the way the inheritance system of the Togami family works for one person. I might do a part 2 to this, I'm not sure yet
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"Good morning, Byakuya," you smile, walking into your classroom. Not yet going to your own chair, you take a seat on the desk of the Ultimate Affluent Progeny.
He tuts a little as he looks up at you, shaking his head. "You should not sit on desks, you know."
You laugh, running your fingers through your hair. "I know they're not meant to be sat on, but that doesn't mean you can't. Besides, this desk is used to it by now. It actually probably likes it by now," you stroke your fingers across the top of his desk in a sensual manner.
This response just makes him shake his head again. "Are you trying to seduce the desk, Y/N?" he teases.
"I don't know, depends on what the desk wants, doesn't it?"
He smirks a little, looking down to hide the small genuine smile. "The desk certainly does not have feelings. It is not sentient, you imbecile."
"I know that, Byakuya."
"You are later than usual," he says, looking at the clock. "Did you eat breakfast?"
You shake your head. "No, I missed it," you say sheepishly, smiling as you look at him. "I stayed up all night researching again."
"Ultimate Biologist? Tch! More like Ultimate Insomniac. You cannot keep staying up all night, or skipping breakfast."
You widen your eyes, staring at him. His eyebrows furrow a little in confusion at the look on your face. "Is Mr Cold and Emotionless worried about me?" you ask him teasingly.
He rolls his eyes. "In order to perform at your best, you should be taking care of yourself." He crosses his arms, raising his eyebrows at you.
At this point, Taka notices you sat on the desk and storms over, telling you to sit in a chair. You sigh and slide off the table, sticking your tongue out at him once he turns around. Byakuya looks down, smiling to himself before you address him again, forcing a neutral look onto his face.
"Well, I guess I will talk to you later," you smile brightly and wave before turning around and walking away to sit in your own seat, giving Toko a smile when you make eye contact with her.
He sighs to himself as he watches you walk away from him, wondering what he's going to do about this.
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Later that same day, you're in the biology lab, sitting at a desk in the corner of the room, reviewing some findings from a previous experiment you conducted.
You're so focused on your reading that you don't notice someone enter the lab, jumping when they clear their throat.
"Were you really that focused?" Byakuya asks, smirk on his face.
"Well, you were cornered by Toko, I assumed you'd be trapped for longer, so I thought I would come back here and spend a little more time on my research. It's important, after all."
He nods. "Yes, it is," he says, walking over and looking over my shoulder. "You should cross out that result. It's clearly an anomaly."
"I know that's an anomaly, sir. I thought I was the Ultimate Biologist."
"You should call me sir more," he smirks.
You roll your eyes. "Well in that case, I'm not going to call you that ever again."
He smirks, shaking his head at you. "You will say it someday, not trying to mock me." You immediately shake your head, making him chuckle. "You're coming with me. Pack everything away."
You tilt your head, confused, but he doesn't give you any further explanation, looking at you expectantly. You get up, packing away your equipment. He makes you leave your research in the lab so you can't stay up all night reading it over and thinking of new tests.
"I have a ton of books in my room already, you can't stop me." You stick your tongue out.
He sighs, pushing his glasses up. "Well then, I will be confiscating those before you go to bed."
You pout, looking up at him. He has to struggle to fight back a smile, grabbing your cheeks and squeezing your face.
"Don't look at me like that. It's for your own good."
You stand right in front of him, crossing your arms. "So, when did you start caring about my wellbeing?"
He keeps his eyes locked onto yours, but a small blush creeps onto his cheeks, which absolutely does not go unnoticed by you.
"Aww, is the Ultimate Cold Bastard blushing?" you tease.
He ignores you, not even bothering to react. "Are you finished here?"
When you nod, he grabs you by the wrist and basically drags you from the lab and to your class's dorm floor.
"Now, we are going to have dinner, and you are going to bed."
"Come on, you dragged me away from my research, my very important research, for this?"
He sighs. "I know your research is important, but you are working yourself far too hard."
"No, I am not. If anything, I'm not working hard enough!" you say loudly before taking a deep breath. Byakuya just stares at you, having never heard you raise your voice at anyone before. "I understand that it may seem concerning, but I am fine."
"No, you are not," he says seriously. "If you don't eat and barely sleep, you will get weak, and you will get ill. If that happens, you cannot continue working."
"I'm a biologist, do you really think I don't know that? Byakuya, I'm aware of the limits of my body, and I'm not going beyond that. I will eat, I haven't yet today, but I want to go back to the lab."
He shakes his head. "No, Y/N, you're going to sleep. You need it, you look tired."
You sigh before walking into the dining room, Byakuya following behind you.
After you finish eating, he forces you to go to your room, dragging you along the hall.
"Byakuya, let go of me!"
"No! You are going to sleep!" he shouts at you. When he sees the surprised look on your face, he sighs, pushing his glasses up. "You need to sleep."
You sigh and just agree, deciding it is for the best to just go along with what he says. Once you have changed your clothes, Byakuya standing outside so he can make sure you've actually done it, he says goodnight and leaves you alone.
Figuring that he will wait around your room for a while, you set an alarm on your phone for an hour and a half, getting into bed and taking a nap. He isn't wrong, you haven't been sleeping recently and you need to, but you can't spend a whole eight hours sleeping.
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An hour and a half later, your alarm startles you awake. Immediately, you shut it off and jump out of bed, changing back into your clothes. You slowly open the door, checking that there's no one around, specifically Byakuya.
There's no one there, so you walk back to the lab, continuing with your research. There's no one else around at all, so you don't have to worry about making too much noise or anything.
You hum to yourself as you work, walking around the lab as you read.
Probably an hour after you go back to the lab, you hear the door open, spinning around to see who it is, but you have a pretty good guess.
Byakuya stands by the door, arms crossed, a look of disappointment and slight anger on his face.
"What are you doing here?" you ask him, panicking a little. You know he'll be upset with you for this.
"I should be asking you the same question," he snarls, walking over to you. He doesn't stop in front of you, making you walk backwards, back eventually hitting the wall. His hand slams on the wall next to you, trapping you between him and the cold surface.
You look up at him, shocked, but you can't keep eye contact with him, the angry expression on his face making you look away. His hand immediately comes up, forcing you to look at him again.
"No, don't you look away from me," He hisses. "What are you doing here?"
"I-I was doing some research," you say quietly, keeping eye contact now, a little scared to look away.
He tuts, shaking his head. "Well, at least you are honest about it," he sighs, letting go of your face, but putting that hand against the wall also, really keeping you trapped.
"Why do you care anyway?"
"Why? Why do I care?" he shouts, face getting angrier. "Because, believe it or not, I care about you, you idiot!"
"Why? Aren't I just some peasant who's below you?" you shout back.
He doesn't say anything, just gritting his teeth as he stares at you for a moment. A second later, before you even know what's happening, his lips press against yours.
Your eyes widen for a moment in surprise before they close, hands coming up to rest on his chest. The kiss is rough, obviously angry, yet full of passion.
"Do you think I would do that if I considered you to be below me?" he asks with a smirk. "You are the one person here that I consider to be my equal."
"I- Byakuya, I-" you start before you sigh. "Byakuya, I can't do this," you say quietly.
His eyes widen slightly when you say that. "Why not? I-I thought you liked me too," he says, showing a rare sign of hesitation and panic.
"I do! I do like you!" you say with a soft smile, trying to reassure him. "I just- you've told me about how your family works. I refuse to be part of the Togami family's stupid game. It's because I like you that I can't do this."
He looks down slightly for a moment, thinking. "I'll change it," he says, meeting your eyes again. "I'll change the system. I don't- I don't want to have as many children with as many exceptional women as possible. I already have an exceptional woman who I genuinely want a relationship with, so why would I want more?" he takes your hands, squeezing them tightly. "I was told not to fall in love, I was told it was wrong for me, I always thought it was wrong for me, I didn't think it would happen, but it did."
You squeeze his hand back softly. "Byakuya, it isn't wrong to fall in love." You give him a gentle smile. "If you really want to change everything, I will stand by you as you do it."
He stares for a moment before wrapping his arms around you tightly, his head resting on top of yours. "Thank you," he whispers.
Clearing his throat and letting go of you, he straightens up. "Now, you still need to sleep."
You pause for a moment, looking up at him. He sighs at the look on your face, shaking his head.
"You are going to bed. If you do not wish to spend the night in your own room, you are welcome to spend the night in mine."
His response surprises you, but you nod, agreeing with his proposal, small blush spreading across your cheeks.
He immediately slips your lab coat off your shoulders, placing it on a table. His arms slip under you, picking you up princess style, and carrying you back to his room.
You spend the rest of the night in his bed, cuddling with the Ultimate Affluent Progeny.
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sprinklenoodles · 1 month
I am but a fool. It is 12am and I should have read Chapter 3 of the Fantasy ay sooner cus AAAA! I wish I could draw!!! This was so coooool! For once, the beginning and the clear fondness Byakuya has for Chihiro. How he picked out an outfit for Chihiro and everything. When they're out in the town and Byakuya interacting with that kid. That was adorable. Also, just the showcase of how Byakuya want's to be a good prince, making sure the fire didn't spread when that building got hit with fire. And how he got all worried at the end for Chihiro which distracted him which shows how much he cares! MY HEART!! I have no clue if this is coheirent by the way. Like, gosh! It was such a nice read and was refreshing which is fitting since it's a change from Byakuya being in the castle. Plus, the plot is plotting and that is awsome. OH! And I liked that one part when Byakuya's ears twitched and he could sense something was wrong. I like how it gives a subtle show to his awareness regarding the people of his kindgom and how he can tell when something's afoot. ALso, ice sword cool. We gotta love the ice sword cus he of course has sword training! Even if this wasn't the fantasy au, he just gives that vibe that he's maybe fenced sometiem in his life. AAAALSO!!!!!! Chihiro is precious and wonderful. I would like to draw the outfit Byakuya gave the little guy cus fashion B-] Not sur wht Byakuya was wearing but u can tell! I wanna draw that scene with him and the kid. Also, I like how the kid's name is Jay. Reminded me of Ninjago cus why not. I could just imagine that little elf kid vibrating in excitement btw. It is very apparent I am tired as hell and I'm rambling so bad ahaha! I feel I was going to say more but I lost steam and I am so tired in fact that I don't even think I'm capable fo fixing any of the types I have here which is quite the load. Quite the heavy laod. Like some dirty dishes that I'm ignoring cus booooo! Byut yeah! Good read. Goood time. Byakuya got kidnapped. Good for him. During that fight, my brain brought up a freaking Pitbull song which I will not elaborate on and will instead leave as a vague thing for suspesne and all WOO READING! ALSO I FINISHED THIS AND IT IS NOT 1AM SO WIN!!! GET DUNKED ON, TIME!
This was definitely one of my fav chapters to write so far, so glad you liked it too!
And yeah, Byakuya is fond of Chihiro!! He just has to be in a good mood and suddenly Chihiro is his little buddy.
He also does just care about his kingdom and the people there. He's obviously still an asshole, he really is, but he can also be nice. And he does try to be nice to kiddos, especially when they're a fan of him like little Jay.
Doesn't mean he's nice all of the time though... Like, it was kinda mentioned but Byakuya isn't the nicest to his servants at times... He's still Byakuya after all.
But he does just want to be a good prince. He'll generally be nicer to strangers cuz they're his people and haven't wronged him, especially kiddos.
And Byakuya is just kinda wearing his usual outfit. So, like, light blue dress shirt and pants, with a black vest and black cape. I, uh, have a wee little habit for forgetting mentioning clothing lol.
Also, the kid's name was a Ninjago reference. I will in fact be using those names whenever I just have a random character. Already have another in Chapter 5 lol.
And, ice sword!!! It probably won't be the last time you see something like that, it's a very handy weapon after all. Byakuya also did have some sword training, but not a lot...
But, yeah. Glad you liked the chapter since I had a blast writing it :D
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shes-so-insane · 1 year
Bleach Men Asking For Sex (NSFW)
(Byakuya, Renji, Kisuke)
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warnings: Obviously smut, bit of rough house. GN reader.
Byakuya Kuchiki
Byakuya never showed his lust or desire for you, only waited until you approached him. Of course whenever you were in the mood, he always obliged. However, it's been a while since you two have been intimate and he's itching for your body. You and him were walking back to his Captain's Quarters after a patrol duty, and he couldn't help but keep his eye on you, taking in your scent. The whole day you've been teasing him subtly; bending over and grazing his groin, showing a bit more skin and wearing that perfume that drives him crazy. He was a man of composure, or so you thought.
When he opened the door, he quickly shuffled you inside and pressed you against the wall gently.
"you've been distant. why is it that you've been like this?"
"I just thought you were getting sick of me, is all" you say with a teasing grin.
This comment makes him grit his teeth, his cheeks hinting at a soft blush.
"what would make you believe that? I... I need you, Y/N. I can't.. keep my hands off you anymore."
His nose is grazing your temple, and he nibbles at your ear. He whispers, in a low growl. You could smell his flowery scent, and his hot breath made you shiver.
"I need to fuck you. Now. I'm going to take what I need."
Lips crashing, his hands searching desperately for your body as he takes your shinigami uniform off. He peels his own in the process, his porcelain skin making your own desire grow.
"you know, you could have just asked" you smirk as he bites your neck.
You surely were going to be in for a long night, dealing with his pent up sexual frustration.
Renji Abarai
Renji and you have sex, a LOT. Every position in the book. But recently things have been busy. You are sitting filling out paperwork in your office, as he lays on the ground beside you staring up. He's pretty open about what he wants.
"just a kiss? Please?"
"no renj. I've got work to do." You smirk. He thinks you're challenging him.
without sitting up, he places his large rough hand on your thigh.
"are you sure?"
He says smugly, rubbing his hand on your thigh. He sits up and sits behind you.
"and what if I just... Touch you? That okay?"
His hands are running on your body, his right hand dangerously close to your arousal.
"Renji." You say with a low growl, but he doesn't give up.
He starts pawing at your arousal through your pants and grins.
"seems you want me too... So wet." And with that, you give in. A small break couldn't hurt. Or two. ------------ Kisuke Urahara
"(Y/NNNNNN.........)" He'll call you from the back of the shop in that stupid teasing voice he always uses. "what do you want, Kisuke?" you call out, before walking down the hall and seeing the tent in his pants. His hands are on his hips, his sandy blonde hair sticking to his forehead from sweat. "You. What do you think?" "It's been like an hour since we had sex" you roll your eyes and turn around, but a strong, delicate hand pulls you back into his chest. You can smell his musk and he speaks in a low growl. "So? I always have you yelling for more. Come on, little bunny." He licks and nibbles at the side of your ear, as he drags you to sin.
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m-y-fandoms · 11 months
COMMISSION: SDR2 Boys x Female Reader - Seven Minutes in Heaven
Details: Takes place during the killing game, timeline switched around, creative license taken to imply everyone is alive and has known each other for at least a few weeks and has had time to get to know each other. The threat of the killing game is still looming though. It’s also implied that the reader has a crush on the boy in each section however whether or not the boy is oblivious to that fact or feels the same varies.
Word Count: 5K Words
Warnings: SFW - fluff, probably mild angst, possible SDR2 spoilers
Everyone needed a distraction. It was getting pretty hard for the group’s self-proclaimed leader, Byakuya, to keep their minds off of the threat of a potential killing game, and he wasn’t the most creative when it came to having fun. Unfortunately for him, having fun was probably the only thing that would help a gaggle of anxious, on-edge teens relax right about now. It’d been weeks without incident since that malicious-looking monochrome bear appeared and told them he expected them to kill each other for sport in order to go home, but nobody seemed to feel safe despite that fact. There was no cold hard evidence to prove this wasn’t some long, elaborate prank or social experiment, and two facts made them believe Monokuma’s words, made them believe they were in danger: first of all, they’d seen those “Monobeasts” blast their innocent, adorable self-proclaimed teacher Usami to pieces, and secondly, nobody from their lives back home had even attempted to contact or rescue them. With each day that passed, they trusted each other less, and the bags under their eyes grew darker. Yes, they needed to have fun.
A game was suggested. It was something simple, well-known to most of the group, even if they hadn’t played it since middle school or really at all. It would pass the time, and maybe create some romance or drama. Any feeling was better than impending doom and the fear of death.
Seven Minutes in Heaven: a game where two people go into a small room or cramped closet alone and have seven minutes to do anything they want to each other. Usually, the goal was the get handsy, to kiss or hug, to confess to someone, to make each other nervous, or to engage in casual romantic activities. It was supposed to be steamy and awkward, to put pressure on the two people. They would all randomly pick straws, and the two people who got the shortest straws would have to go in together while everyone else sat outside and timed their seven minutes. Knowing your peers were mere feet away outside the door only added to the tension.
The location was set: a small, cramped closet in the old building next to the hotel. It was dimly lit by an ancient yellow overhead lightbulb hanging on by a thread and had just enough room for two people once the abandoned supplies, tools, and cobwebs were scooted to the edges.
And so, the game began.
Teruteru Hanamura:
   You were standing in the back of the dark closet, having been the first one chosen to play the game. Figures it would be you. Out of 17 students you picked the first short straw, and now waited patiently for whoever you'd be matched up with. It could be a girl, a guy, someone you hung out with often, or a weirdo you actively avoided. It was nerve-wracking knowing that if you embarrassed yourself, 15 people would be listening right outside the door, but on the bright side, at least no one could get away with killing you when classmates waited within earshot. One scream for help and your attacker would be caught, right?
It didn't take long for your partner to make themselves known, as the closet door busted open before you and was closed in a flash, barely giving you time to process what was happening and certainly no time to see who entered.
You were swarmed in an instant. A warm, soft body clung to your own and engulfed you in a flurry of hands. You were being poked and prodded and the excited mutterings and giggles gave away who this was immediately. You knew those salacious squeaks very well.
"Teruteru?" You grappled with him, grasping out in the dark for his hands to settle them.
"Ohoho~ yes, my queen?" The flirtatious chef snickered, fighting off your attempts to calm him. Queen? Given your little secret crush on the Ultimate Cook, you would've blushed if you didn't have the knowledge that he spoke to everyone like this.
"N-now just hold on a second! Wait!" You squealed, ticklish in odd places and your heart racing at your luck. You often spent time with Teruteru as he seemed harmless, and he made you laugh with his antics. You never meant to develop feelings for him, and sometimes you swore it was just infatuation because he gave you attention and could be quite charming, but regardless here you were, feeling this way. "Don't you wanna slow down, take our time a-and make the most of our seven minutes?" You sputtered, trying to appeal to a sense of reasoning you didn't really know Teruteru to have.
"Huh...?" To your surprise, he halted all movement, seemingly confused by your words. You were just as shocked to get through to him at all. Soon the closet was quiet, filled with just the sound of two souls breathing.
"What's wrong?" You gulped.
"Well... I entered fully expecting to be kicked out expeditiously... either that or you would make a break for it, so I figured I would try to rush in and at least get something out of this experience," he spoke candidly. It was true that he was someone used to rejection, to being an object of repulsion. He probably expected you to be like everyone else.
"But, Teru... I mean… you and I hang out all the time. Do I ever treat you like that?" You posed the question, a bit hurt that he thought of you the same way as everyone else after you’d put what you thought was a lot of time and attention into building a friendship with him.
"Hmmm... I suppose not... but this is something different altogether. I - wait a second! Are you saying you want to do this with me?" He sounded astonished, incredulous. His hands trailed down your arms to take your own in a gentle grasp.
You felt your face heat up, your pulse in your throat, like maybe you'd been too frank, too honest. Maybe your little crush was being worn too plainly on your sleeve.
"Umm... I mean, well..." you chuckled nervously. You could almost feel his smirk, the little devilish rosiness creeping up his cheeks.
"Well, well, well, it looks like my little sous-chef has been hiding something from me. All this time, I never would've guessed~ I thought you were just tolerating me," he teased. You squirmed as he ran his hands up your arms then down the sides of your waist. "Looks like I need to give you some private, one-on-one cooking lessons more often~"
Byakuya Twogami
Cramped even further into the already tight closet by his rather robust figure, you stood there looking up at Byakuya, feeling rather small and exposed, vulnerable. He looked down at you with his arms crossed confidently over his chest. This was a condescending look and stance that he often displayed. It made you feel even more inferior this close up.
"Let's be very clear here. I volunteered to go first for one reason and one reason only: as the leader of you braindead group of cretins, it is my duty to keep up morale so you don't all completely lose it. A true leader," he sneers, "leads by example. I'm tired of seeing you lot run around depressed and terrified so here I am, to save the day as usual. If this silly game makes you all stop whining, I’m willing to lower myself to your level for the night." He rolls his eyes, an expression you can only just barely make out in the dim warm lighting.
"Oh... yeah, I know-" you are promptly interrupted as he continues, blonde hair moved casually out of his face and properly back into place.
"This is beneath me and my breeding: this musty, disgusting closet, this silly child's game, this island, but I know you'd all fall apart without me so here I am. I don't intend to participate in any activities beneath me in this closet here today, however. I simply refuse."
"Yeah... I suspected as much," you twiddled your fingers nervously, looking down at the ground, attempting to get the sentence out once more. "I figured you volunteered for those reasons, and not because you saw it was me coming in here first... that would be too good to be true," you spoke shyly, voice breaking. You really admired Byakuya and the immense pride and status that he carried with him. You found him attractive even though he was extremely intimidating.
A shade of pink dusts over his cheeks at the implication behind your words, his eyes widening under his spectacles for just a beat before he took on that nonchalant, confident expression once again. He couldn't let the facade fall, not for anything or anyone.
"Well then," he cleared his throat, a little too awkwardly for someone of his usual poise, "I'll allow you to admire me. It's not like I'm unused to praise and reverence... envy even..." His voice trails off and he holds one large hand out to you as if you were a peasant expected to kiss a king's ring before being allowed an audience.
For a second you didn’t know what to do, heart racing wildly in your chest. You felt like no matter what you did, you'd mess up, earning a scolding from him, an insult perhaps... but why did even the idea of that excite you so much?
Body shaking, you leaned down, took one of his hands in both of yours and kissed his knuckles. He tried to hide any and all instinctual responses but you felt him stiffen up, his knuckles flexing at the touch. The skin there was unexpectedly rough... not the pampered, soft hands of Togami nobility you'd anticipated. You didn't linger on the thought though, too anxious to see his reaction. Pathetically, you kissed him now on his wrist, agonizingly slow. It was more out of embarrassment then trying to be a tease, however, he was getting impatient all the same. He felt himself sweating over a certain emotion for the first time in forever.
"Oh for the love of-" he scoffs, ripping his hand out of your grasp, "You're embarrassing yourself." He spoke curtly. Roughly, he grabbed onto your shoulders firmly with both hands, pulling you into his chest. With a fervor that frightened you, he took control, crushing his lips skillfully onto yours.
Gundham Tanaka
When Gundham Tanaka burst into the closet with zeal and anything other than an expression of displeasure on his face, you immediately knew he was there under false pretenses. He was the last one who would want to rush into this game, to want to have anything to do with it, so the fact that he was clearly entering by choice told you everything you needed to know. This man was clearly confused. You couldn't help but chuckle as he slammed the door closed behind him, leaving you two alone with a little privacy.
"I see I got here not a moment too soon! The imp Hiyoko Saionji let slip that this unassuming closet in fact contains a portal to the Nether and revealed you'd gotten yourself trapped in here with no way to escape! Of course, only I, Gundham Tanaka, can resist the energetic pull of a Netherworld rift! Fear not, foolish mortal, I am here to save you!" You let him rant, shaking your head at the theatrics. You found his outbursts so entertaining, his personality cuter than even his soft hamsters.
"Gundham... I fear you've been tricked," you sigh, taking a step back to give him some space. "This is a game, there is no portal... but unfortunately, it looks like neither of us will be having any fun." You spoke dejectedly, seeing as you truly would've loved indulging in this game with someone as attractive as Gundham. He was dark and mysterious, with a sexy deep voice and amazing hair. He was kind to animals and such a unique character. Truly one of a kind. How could you not fall for him? "I refuse to play now, knowing that you didn't consent to this. I'm sorry they roped you into thi-" Your words were halted as another thought crashed into the previous one impulsively like a train off its rails. "Wait a second... why would you come save me? You came in here... to rescue me from danger?" You smiled, a big, cheeky grin.
"Think nothing of it, fiend. I would've done the same for any mortal here!" He blushed and stuttered, hiding his face in his purple scarf. "Do not look at me like that! I feel accursed by your gaze alone!"
"No... no you wouldn't," you giggle. "You actively avoid us all. You've been a loner since day one." You step closer, emboldened by his response, by the words you were reading from in between the lines.
"You... you're less insufferable than the others. Nothing more, nothing less." He crosses his arms, a violent red covering his normally corpse-toned face. With a gasp, you look down in surprise when you feel the skittering of claws and fur brushing up your arm. One of the Dark Devas, small and swift, clung to your sleeve and made its way up to your shoulder, buying its master time and a distraction. It presses its little lips to the side of your cheek as if to mimic a kiss as best as it could, rubbing its tiny claws into your skin playfully. It looks up at its master with shiny, telling eyes. He knows exactly what it means to convey, a savant of animal behavior. "It seems you've earned the blessing of one of the most powerful beings to walk this plane of reality. Rejoice and feel blessed that he approves, for the opposite reaction is far more common and fatal!" He was back to his performance again it seemed.
"And..." you feel more confident than before, knowing Gunhdam took the opinions of his hamsters extremely seriously, "what about you? Do you approve?" You took his cold, bandaged hand into yours gently, looking for his consent, for him to let his walls down just enough to allow you to do more. You wanted more.
Nekomaru Nidai
This closet was tiny, criminally so when you considered its newest occupant. You found yourself crushed between a dusty wooden wall and the largest, firmest pectorals you'd ever seen. You were sweating profusely, a nervous mess. Most people slowly got to know their crush, observed from afar, had lunch and chit-chat maybe, and here you were, suddenly pressed flush up against the steel-like muscles of the object of your desires.
"Why do you look so... worked up, (Y/N)?" Nekomaru grins genuinely down at you, oblivious of both your crush on him and how uncomfortably you felt about this forced skin-to-skin moment (probably because the man had never felt shame in his life).
"I- I'm not!" You squeal a little too defensively. You try to shuffle past him, closer to the wall, anything. It only serves to chafe, to make him readjust as well until you're even stickier and smushed than before.
"Anyways..." he continues heedlessly, "I don't really get the rules of this game or whatever." He stretches his arms upwards carelessly, easily hitting the ceiling. Your eyes can't help but rake over his flexing arms and lumbering frame.
"Well if you don't understand, then you can leave... I don't wanna make you uncomfortable," you state sympathetically, not wanting to make a fool of yourself in front of your crush.
"Nah, everyone wanted me to play so I'll play!" He beamed. "I'm no killjoy. You just go first, maybe I'll pick it up and understand along the way!" He was so authentic, so sweet, and positive. You wanted to melt under his gaze.
"Are you sure?" You rubbed your forearms restlessly. He nodded enthusiastically. "Well... I've always liked the idea of being carried by a big, strong man... to feel dainty and.... small and... ohh!-" Before you could finish your thought you were swept off of your feet and scooped into a pair of secure, firm arms. You felt safe, impossibly tiny and protected.
"Like this?" He questions, obviously eager to please. Now level with his eyes this high off the ground, face-to-face with him, you were stunned into silence. His strong features, so unbelievably masculine and striking, hypnotized you.
"Yes..." You felt breathless, lost in a trance. You couldn't stop staring at his lips, at his intense eyes. "Just like that..." It's silent for a long while, and he tightens his grip on you almost instinctively. He feels the need to be your shield, to keep you to himself, and finds himself staring right back.
"I think I'm starting to understand... so, it's only fair that it's my turn now?" He speaks plainly, some glimmer of want in his eye.
Nagito Komaeda
You feel like a complete oaf, heart nearly bursting out of your chest. You were an agitated, sweaty mess, staring across the mere feet of space in the tiny closet into the eyes of a boy who had you cornered like a fox with a rabbit. You felt like prey, as his eyes, always mysteriously unreadable to predator-like, combed over you shamelessly. He was always up to something, and everyone knew it.
This had to be planned. Of all people, it had to be Nagito. Someone did this on purpose... they knew you had a huge crush on him and made sure he picked the second short straw. Someone wanted to see you squirm and suffer. Everyone here knew you weren't the type to be bold or romantic enough for this game. This wasn't for your benefit, to gently help you shoot your shot. This was rigged.
"It's like your thoughts are written all over your face, (Y/N)... They might as well be," he teases, backing up until you are cornered, crushed against the wall with only his slender frame to brace you. "I know you like me, (Y/N). There's no denying it." He knows using your name, hearing your name spill from his lips will drive you wild. The little shit. "You're a wreck right now," he chuckles fiendishly, feeding off of your energy and positively basking in it. "Just my luck, to be chosen at random to come in here with you~" He grins devilishly. "Well... drawing straws is child's play for my 'talent.' Oh well! You should probably make the best of it." He shrugs dismissively.
"So... you wanted this? You did this on purpose?" You were trying to glean the meaning behind his words, his true intentions, anything to make this situation less vexing. You tried to read his pale, beautiful features, begged him with glistening doe eyes to give you space or mercy. At the same time, you wanted him closer, to feel his touch. It was unbearable.
"Why are you fighting your feelings?" He spoke so casually, as if asking what time it was. How did he seem to know everything, all the time? "Are you embarrassed to like someone like me, for the others to find out?" He snorts, exhaling dangerously close to your face. He places one hand on the wall behind you, the other on your waist. "I can understand why. I would be embarrassed as well. I'm a nobody here. Everyone thinks I'm a weirdo and my talent is useless. However, seeing you flustered, riled up for someone like me... it fills me with a sense of hope."
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu
"Get off of me! I'll fuckin' kill you!" You are startled into the back corner of the closet as the second participant of the game stumbles clumsily in. Obviously having his small frame pushed forward none too gently, he's pissed off (not that this was a rare occurrence for him) and determined to give your classmates a piece of his mind. He screams threats of violence at the giggling teens who pushed him one last time before the door is slammed in his face. "I already said I'd play, you dipshits! You didn't need to fuckin’ shove! Next time you put your hands on me I'll cut them off!" He huffs, face red as a tomato.
"Um..." You're at a loss of what to say, and how to begin. It's not starting off well. He was in a foul mood, and it seemed you'd never get to indulge in the fun of this game with him. Upon hearing your voice, he is brought back into the moment and finally turns to face you.
"Oh great, it's you," he scoffs, determined to make someone, anyone hurt the way he was hurting. If he had to feel embarrassed and have his night ruined, so did you. A shiver of sadness ran down your spine. It was like a surge of palpable hurt. Why would he say that? Why did he feel the need to hurt you? You felt nothing but admiration and attraction toward him. You'd never judged him or pitied him for his height and baby face, never annoyed him on purpose or brought up the topics that others used to rile him up. In fact, you enjoyed your conversations with him and found him exceedingly handsome. It made it hurt twice as much, that he would so casually insult you. When he sees that flash of insecurity, of pain across your face, he instantly regrets his words. He blanches, mouth dropping open for just a second before he begins to backtrack in remorse. "Hey... don't look at me like that." He forces an airy snort. "I guess you're not so bad... I mean, you're way more normal than the rest of these weirdos we're stuck with." We? "Actually, after that story you told me in the market that one day about your dad, I'm starting to think we aren't so different..." He crossed his arms, looking up at the ceiling. You perked up at that.
"You remember that? I didn't even think you were listening..." Your heart beats, and flutters with hope.
"Of course, I was listening. I'm not deaf, am I?” He rolls his eyes. “And like I said, you're not like these freaks. I don't mind spending time around you..." He sounded like he was fighting his own words, pouting. When he sees you start to grin sheepishly, he frowns. "Don't go getting a big head now just because I tolerate you!" He points at you in a warning way.
"Sorry! I'm sorry..." You cover your smile with your hands as you are unable to relax the muscles of your mouth.
"So what, are we supposed to make out now or whatever? Is that how I win?" He speaks as if this were some competition, yet another thing in his life where he must excel or be looked down upon, or bring shame to his family name. "I'm not letting any of these losers upstage me at a stupid child's game!" He huffs.
"Well, you don't have to do anything really..." You shrink into yourself, feeling silly and really exposed all of a sudden now that the actual game was supposed to begin.
"Nah, nobody is gonna call me a pussy," he snarls, marching two steps toward you with purpose until you have nowhere to go. You gasped in surprise as you were pulled into a fiery, forceful kiss that set your skin alight and left you dazed.
Kazuichi Souda
"Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!" The magenta-haired boy across from you was riled up, revving like an engine. He was practically drooling, shaking with anticipation and excitement in the low lighting of the dimly lit closet.
"Kazuichi, may I ask why you're so hyped up?" You couldn't help but giggle at the display before you. He licked his lips and sharpened teeth, restless and full of vigor like a male bird doing a mating dance to attract a female. He was so adorable when he was in good spirits like this, so hyper and oozing energy like the engines he tinkered with.
"Huh, what do you mean?" He smirks mischievously, but there is a hint of genuine, innocent confusion in his tone.
"Well, I'm only wondering why you're so excited. It's just a silly game, and it's just me," you scoffed playfully. You'd had a crush on the skillful and eccentric mechanic for a while now, but you'd never dreamed he would be this excited to show his feelings for you in return. Maybe he would be satisfied with any female classmate showing up in that closet that night, especially someone as regal as Sonia or perhaps someone who played hard to get like Peko, but you weren't used to boys giving you this type of attention and wanted to bask in it.
"Whaaa?" He sounded incredulous. "Just you? You're super hot, why wouldn't I be pumped? It's not every day I get to spend time alone with a hot chick, and you're super chill! I've always liked you! I think you're a ton of fun. Such a unique talent, too." He sticks his tongue out teasingly, almost daring you to play with him.
"Are you serious?" You can hardly believe his words. "Well... I really like you, too, Kazuichi... I think you're... 'hot' as well." You chuckle, cheeks warming up. His bravado fizzles a bit at that. He was certainly not used to that reaction to his advances. He suddenly feels quite sheepish, overly flattered, and it makes him want you even more than before. Your words are not the kind he hears often.
He was a flustered mess.
"C-can I... would you mind if I kissed you?" He stuttered, sweat beading on his forehead. You eagerly, enthusiastically nodded, wanting that and much more from him.
He endearingly, awkwardly pulls you in by your waist, slotting himself in so your bodies meld together comfortably. When his jittery lips press against yours they are a bit chapped, as were most body parts on a blue-collar tradesman. It was expected, but not unpleasant. It was what made him, him. He parted his lips and you mirrored him, deepening the kiss. You let your hand wander, playing with his hair until his beanie slipped off and onto the floor.
Hajime Hinata
Hinata was closed off, arms crossed, expression uninterested, dull, and neutral. It was no surprise to you. Hajime could certainly come off as the "Tsundere" type you'd read about in manga comics and see on TV shows. He never struck you as romantically inclined, more interested in practical things like trying to get off this island, or platonic conversations. He seemed to love making friends and all of your classmates liked and trusted him. He was the true neutral, often a moderator. People seemed to open up to him, but not romantically. He could be quite sarcastic or cynical at times but was reliable and kind. That's what you found alluring about him. He was handsome, with a wide chest and broad shoulders, a good height, and an attractive voice, but in a less shallow vein, he was also an ear to listen, an intelligent mind, and an excellent friend.
"They pressured me into playing. I assume they did for you, too. We don't have to do anything..." He shrugs and grumbles. His eyes seem to quickly dart between you and the wall. His Adam's apple bobbles once, twice. Little gestures betray his heart and mind. Maybe he wasn't as cool and collected as he seemed.
"What if we want to...?" You counter, unable to look him in the eyes for fear of rejection.
"...Well, do you?" He retorts, just as sharp-witted as always. He was terribly good at deduction, reasoning, and reading between the lines.
"I don't know... I played this game in middle school once but I guess since we are older, we know more... we do more? I don't know the exact rules."
"I don't think there are any rules." He takes a step closer to you, a glint of curiosity and interest in his eyes. "...Do more? How much are we talking?" You see something like intrigue arise in him, more awake than before. It seems like he wants to play... that he wants to play with you, but Hinata was not promiscuous, he was not one to chase skirts or flirt casually like Kazuichi and Teruteru. He wasn't one to engage in anything sensual or even mildly suggestive with a girl unless he truly had feelings in the first place. You started to wonder if maybe, after weeks of spending time exploring the island with him, getting to know him, your crush was mutual... "Well... we don't have much time." He looks you up and down, not so innocently. He bites the corner of his lip, thinking of what to do with such little time. He was effortlessly seducing you and he didn't even know it. He lowers down to the ground, sitting with his knees bent up.\
"Hajime?" You nearly whisper, puzzled by his actions.
"Sit." He doesn't need to ask twice. You sit beside him on the dusty floor of the cramped closet. You inhale sharply in surprise when his arms, much stronger than they appear, encircle your waist and pull you effortlessly onto his lap until you straddle him. Your face is inches from his, your warm thighs hugging his hips. "Is this fine to start?" He speaks in a new octave, lower than you've ever heard from him. A shiver runs down your spine.
"Of course..." Your eyelids feel begin to feel heavy, your head dizzy. Was this really happening?
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Who in Elephant is the most unexpected person to have any piercings? Who has the most, or the 'weirdest' one? And, of course, who has the most ostentatious jewellery, regardless of where it is or whether anyone actually sees it.
@brighteyedbadwolf and I share a headcanon that once he started running out of tattoo room, Renji got into body piercings in a big way, and also learned the value of moderation so he's gotten some interesting piercings done, but has learned to savor them and only get one done every few years.
His most recent ornament is a tongue piercing and 9/10ths of the fun has been seeing how long he can keep it a secret. It's surprisingly easy- he's picked up Byakuya's habit of not moving his lips much when speaking at an interpersonal distance, and only raising his voice when people are actually far enough away to warrant yelling.
Several people noticed immediately but didn't say anything because it's not, strictly speaking, their business what Renji recreationally does with his body unless he needs medical attention for it, and because Retsu also wants to see how long Renji can keep it a secret and what the fallout will be like when it inevitably gets out.
Ikkaku was the first to call him out because his little kohai was looking just a bit to smug about something, and when he refused to say what, Ikkaku took a shot in the dark that squarely hit its target. Ikkaku is now also seeing how long before it really gets out, but has perhaps been selectively hastening the process by telling certain people.
Shuuhei didn't call Renji out, but during a lieutenant's meeting, Shuuhei heard the rather distinctive *click* of metal on Renji's teeth, and fixed him with a nonjudgmental, but extremely knowing stare.
Renji is... pretty sure Byakuya hasn't noticed yet. He's hard to read at the best of times, and Renji is privy to the bizarre oceans of stuff Byakuya has somehow remained ignorant of, like dinosaurs. He's sure his boss will have something to say about workplace-appropriate attire when he finds out.
Pretty sure.
Byakuya is also not a snitch- he saw Ichigo's hollow mask transformation and kept his mouth shut tighter than a bear trap about it.
Byakuya keeps his mouth shut all the time both figuratively and literally. Almost doesn't move his lips when speaking, and only opens his mouth maybe half an inch, even when he raises his voice. Renji has never actually seen his molars, let alone most of his boss and prospective brother-in-law's tongue.
Could he..? No, that's much too scandalous for him.
Rukia has managed to remain oblivious to not only all of Renji's hardware thus far, but is actually ignorant of the lower 56% of Renji's ink as well. As emotionally close as they are, she doesn't actually spend that much time in close physical proximity to him anymore, and her mental image of Renji is about six major changes out of date.
She *has* noticed that Byakuya gets a small dessert- something soft and meant to be savored, like a single slice of cheesecake, every year on April 6th, which isn't the anniversary of anything she can find. Nobody he knows was born, got married or died on that day, she knows he and Hisana started "courting" in the middle of July so it's not that, and it doesn't seem to be a sad date for him- if anything, he seems ever-so-slightly pleased, perhaps even a bit smug, whenever he sits down in the garden and takes three hours to eat that tiny wedge of cake. According to the house staff, he's been doing this for over fifty years now, and this befuddles her, but Byakuya is a singularly inscrutable man sometimes, and she is not about to deny him whatever small, harmless joy this is.
For his part, Byakuya is very pleased with how well his two stainless steel studs have held up over the years, enjoys taking some time to really savor the feeling of them by taking a long time to enjoy a bit of dessert on the anniversary he got them, and is still deciding on the funniest time to ask Renji where he got his piercing done, so that they may compare notes.
He's tentatively considering the day after Renji and Rukia inevitably announce that they are expecting their first child- a date some time off as the two are not, strictly speaking, engaged yet, but Byakuya is as certain of that event's coming as he is of the sunrise- both because it will be a humorously long time to have kept that secret, and Byakuya estimates that at that point, Renji will be in the first throes of impending fatherhood panic, and could probably use a distraction.
Byakuya is very fond of his prospective brother-in-law, and thinks this is a good way to demonstrate his affection.
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blueparadis · 2 years
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( cw. )—› f!reader, angst, stranger to (fre)enemies to lovers, canon typical elements, slowburn, widower!byakuya, soul society arc spoilers, arrange marriage , mention of death,smût descriptions. word count :: 3.2k | redirect to blog navigation.
( syn. )—› after an emotional whirlwind, byakuya was given a chance to recuperate his irrevocable losses but little did y/n know that it was not what he asked for and he could never have what he wanted to ask for; hence, she had to face all kinds of retaliation from him.
( notes. )—› submission for ‘a change of pace’ collab by @mekiza . also, please accept this Sawn ( @swanphantasm ) ; it is because of you that I became aware of how handsome ( and sad ) he is. well . . .he is not my favorite but i like him a lot, so much so that i wrote that same cliche trope with him. forgive me </3
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Words do not express emotions and thoughts precisely. They always become a little different when they are expressed; a little distorted, a little foolish, and a little bitter at some times yet life still goes on carrying a bevy of misunderstandings. It has to go on at least for Byakuya, who was stripped of love and time. Time to grieve, give and forgive, time to heal, and time to fall in love again.
Another bright day washes over the lush green spread of the garden despite the despondency and the agony of losing his wife, Hisana Kuchiki, to illness, to mere illness . It has been a few months since he became the head of the family even though his grandfather was still alive. His grandfather thought it would be better if Byakuya became the head of the family while he has still time, time to supervise him to keep up the family's reputation at hard times. 
And so it began: the hypocrisy of rules. 
Ginrei Kuchiki, the former head of the Kuchiki clan, when death was knocking at his door declared that Byakuya needs to be re-married. He knew that even if he was the head of the family he had no freedom to exercise his wishes and desires. He was just a scarecrow now , not the head of the family. He wanted to protest. He was aware that he would have to re-marry since he is the only one to carry the family line but he did not know that it would be so soon. All he wanted was time but everyone was running sort of it. His grandfather once said that decisions made in haste yield no good. What happened to that now, huh? However, there was one thing he was free to do, and that is, to choose his wife regardless of the family background and bloodline. 
“You should be grateful that Byakuya has agreed to marry you even with all the rumors. He could have chosen a wife from the younger line of pure women” Y/N’s mother spoke as she kept on brushing her daughter’s hair, body shaking with excitement and tension brimming at her fingertips. She was not trying to hurt her. She only stated facts. Everyone knew about it. Y/N did too. Shihnōin Clan was one of the four noble families in the soul society. And the fate of the clan was hanging by the thread since Y/N’s previous marriage was full of woes. With no male heir she was the one to carry the bloodline. Even the distant families warded off when they had an ounce of the knowledge that Y/N was the reason for her husband’s death, for her own doom. And her father made it clear that she is too young to stay unmarried as soon as her husband was buried. No time to lament, nor to grieve. Tragic, is it not?
No. It is not. It was anything but not tragic. Sure, people talked, spun lies, and spread rumors but that is what they do, that is the only thing they know to do. Some said she poisoned her own husband; some said she was a witch of dark magic; some even go as far as saying that she had a secret lover who belonged to the low caste who killed her husband; But it did not matter what they said, it did not since if anything they helped to her to earn sympathy from the kinder souls, and Y/N’s mother made sure her daughter had no problem to have a stable life, finding her a proper husband and sealing the fate of Shihnōin clan with the Kuchiki clan. To people, it was more of an alliance, to the respective families, it was more of a marriage of convenience than a marriage. But to her it was a re-birth while to him it was just duty. 
It was the fourth of January when her heart beat again hearing the sound of carriage. He is here.  
Y/N could hear low voices from downstairs. Plain and prosaic but she could spot Byakuya’s voice out of them all. He specifically requested to see y/n alone and her parents did not express any objections. If she had not been married before, they would never have let her alone with a man, but as it was they thought they did not have to defend her virtue anymore. And Y/N could never tell them how wrong they were, that her previous marriage was never consummated. How shall she ever say that to him?
Byakuya was decent enough to knock and Y/N made no hurry to open the door. She bowed down, greeted him with a smile, and retreated towards the couch standing, waiting for him to follow her lead. “I hope you're aware of the circumstances of our meeting today. ” He seemed so restrained and controlled,  as if his emotions were bottled up so deep inside, not even he could reach them. It is a wonder how much of it was the result of his wife’s death and how much was his natural disposition. 
“Yes,” she said, hoping he could not see how nervous she was. She gestured toward the couch to the left. “Would you like to sit down for our talk?”Byakuya nodded. She sank down on the sofa, and he took the armchair across from her. She would have thought he would sit beside her, but he seemed content to keep as much space between them as was acceptable. 
“I assume your father told you that our wedding is planned for February 14th” Y/N  searched for a flicker of sadness or wistfulness in his voice, but there was nothing. She rested her hands in her lap, linking her fingers. There was less chance of him noticing her trembling that way. “Yes. He told me a few days ago.” Byakuya was courteous enough to give her the attention she needs. If all these were in his hands, he would not have been here. “I hope you're okay with this. With o-jii-sama’s health deteriorating and me being the head of the family, things are a little hasty. . .” Words became too heavy to reach her. She was bubbling with excitement that maybe, this marriage won't fail like the last one, maybe he won't flee with his secret lover while staging his death ( like her previous husband did ), and maybe he will see her as a woman enough. . . 
“Why did you choose me?” Y/N asked out of the blue unable to keep up with his calm demeanor anymore. She had been wondering about this ever since her father had told her about his agreement with Byakuya. She knew it was a question that she was not supposed to ask, not like this. Byakuya’s expression did not alter. 
“Of course. Many suggested your cousin but I didn’t want a  wife who’s barely of age. Unfortunately,  most women in their twenties are already married, and most widows are older than me or  have  children,  both  unacceptable  for a man in my position as you will probably understand.” She nodded. There were so many rules and etiquettes when it came to finding the right spouse, especially for a man in his position, which was why so many were shocked when y/n was announced as his future wife. Byakuya had stepped on many toes with that decision. “So you were the only logical choice. You are, of course, still quite young, but that can’t be changed.”
For a moment She was stunned into silence by his emotionless reasoning. She was not as naïve as she used to be, but she would have hoped at least part of the reason why Byakuya had chosen her was that he was attracted to her, found her pretty, or at least fascinating to some extent, but this cold explanation destroyed that small flicker of hope. 
“I’m twenty-five,” she exclaimed in a surprisingly calm voice. Maybe his aloofness rubbed off on her. If so, she would be known as the ice queen in no time. “That’s not young by our marriage standards.”
“Yes,  still five years younger than me” He sounded as if she was forcing him to marry her, as if one of the rumors, as they say, that y/n is a witch is true. His previous wife was barely a year younger than him and they had shared good five years of married life until she died due to illness on a fine morning on a spring day. 
“Then maybe you should look for another wife. I didn’t ask you to marry me.” The moment the words were out,  y/n  clamped a hand over her mouth, then met Byakuya’s gaze. He did not look angry, he did not look anything. His face was as it always was. Stoic and emotionless . “I’m sorry. That was very rude. I shouldn’t have said that.”
Byakuya has been sitting in the same manner as he did when he first took the armchair instead of the couch. He left the chair and walked towards her. With his hands now inside his slacks, his frame loomed over her. He took out his right hand, fisted, and kept the small velvet box on the side table. “Right. You shouldn't have.” Byakuya said as he noticed her eyes were still on the carpet. “But it's okay. I understand your concern.”
Her gaze flickered toward his right hand and her stomach plummeted. He was still wearing his old wedding ring. Another strange burst of disappointment filled her. If he wore it after all this time, he must still be in love with his dead wife, or was it a simple matter of habit? He noticed her gaze and for the first time his stoic mask slipped but it was gone so quickly that she thought she imagined it. Byakuya did not bother to explain and there was a knock on the door so he did not have the time either. With the exchange another set of pleasantries he left without a proper goodbye. 
The wedding day came sooner than expected. She barely had the time to count days. And as the elders of the family discussed, it was small with no engagement ceremony but with just close family members and friends. Y/N did not object, actually, no one asked for her opinion except her husband. But it would make a great fuss if she were to bring her opinions to light. Moreover, she had more serious things to worry about. If Byakuya came to know that she still had her virtue intact, it would be just a matter of minutes for her before Byakuya puts all the puzzle pieces together to get the whole picture. He is a cold, clever man. So, mercy was the last thing y/n expected from him. Her previous husband, her not-so-dead husband fled with his lover because the rules and the customs would have kept them apart. And, if Byakuya had any clue of what happened at backstage he would turn the world upside down, at least he was expected to do so.
Y/N was finally able to catch up with her life when she was in the carriage with her new husband. There was no time to decipher him with all the people around. This night was going to be her first proper wedding night but Byakuya made sure that there was no chance of it at all. He did not seem tired, or interested in her. She could not pin any moment where she caught him looking at her, not even once. Dread and relief filled her at the same time. By now it is okay to accept that she was the problem, not her fate, or him. Perhaps, she can keep the secret of her previous marriage enjoying the little freedom she has left in her life. 
The next morning was gorgeously sunny. When Y/N came downstairs she already found Byakuya on the other side of the dining table, with his breakfast and a rolled paper on a tray by his side. God knows, what news it holds? At least, not the one she was anticipating.
“I hope you slept well.” Byakuya broke the stifling silence that had made her think of all the possibilities that could end her life thinking of the contents of the letter. “I’ve already informed the staff to be here. Yesterday was an exception. Hope you did not have much problem without the staff not being around. They will be here at your beck and call, so you do not— was he mocking?
“That’s very kind of you.”
“Is something bothering you?” she nodded letting him know that there was no reason at all with a flimsy smile on her face. She could barely focus on eating the food. Byakuya noticed it too. “I thought you needed time.” his voice was coaxed with an apology. Of course. Byakuya would give her the very thing he was deprived of, for it had been his necessity too; Y/N’s glance switched to him and then to the food again. He did not look sorry though.
“As I said, That’s very kind of you.” She grabbed the tea cup and was ready to leave since there was no one to keep tabs on her etiquette and as such. If he wanted the marriage to work, then why should she keep trying all the time? all these hopes and anticipation would be the death of her if not the secret she is carrying with her.
“There will be a social gathering. On March 14th. You’re expected—She looked over her shoulder as the sound of the dragging chair made it to her ears. Byakuya hesitated before he spoke the rest, “I would like you to come with me.”
Sure. Byakuya had his reasons to act the way he is acting. He was aware of the details of her marriage. Before visiting her, he made sure to do a background check and he did regret it when he recognized her previous husband. He had seen him in the land of the living. And, now he was not sure where exactly her loyalties lie: to him or to the man who left her. For now, he had no time to think about it. There were some grave matters that he had to handle.
Crest-fallen, a week prior to the gathering Ginrei Kuchiki took his last breath. There were lots of preparations and ceremonies to be done, but at the same time he could not afford to miss the meeting and so it all came down to y/n who had to shoulder most of the responsibilities while Byakuya just paid a visit to the meeting.
Time flew by as if someone were stealing it from them. Even though they spent the days under the same roof, Byakuya barely had a chance to speak to her or make things right. By the time he came to bed, she had already fallen asleep or was too tired to stay awake. Byakuya has been a light sleeper anyways. He often waited for her to be perfectly asleep so that he could slip under the same covers as hers. Y/N was too disappointed and angry to notice the small changes in him, in his gestures. Not that she tried, she did but Byakuya brushed her off every time. It was such a slow poison for her. She had made up her mind not to consummate this marriage unless they were asked for a child but fate never goes along with the human will. It opposes, always .
“You’re early,” Y/N said as Byakuya entered the room. Seeing her in a flimsy nightgown he looked away from her. She scowled when she noticed him looking away. 
“Could you wait for me? I need to refresh myself. I want to talk about something.”
Ah! finally, it's happening. She gave him a simple nod and slipped under the covers. Perhaps it was about an heir, or shifting into a different house or maybe a visit to other families or so; Y/N had no idea that her secret was going to slap her in the face.
“I see. How long have you been aware?” Y/n asked still facing away from him while Byakua was seated on the bed. “Since before our marriage.” Y/n turned and sat folding her legs, covering herself so that he does not have to look away while talking. “Ah! That’s why the cold shoulder.”
“No. No. I was just—
“Just thought that I might have a secret lover too?
Byakuya closed the gap a little, “Well, do you?” 
“Does it matter?”
Does it matter? Of course, it does. Byakuya did not respond not yet but Y/N could see his jaw tightening, muscles stiffing at the mere possibility of a ‘yes’.
She interjected, “Yeah! Thought so.” and left the bed, his sight heading towards the bathroom but Byakuya grabbed her hand and pulled her in his lap. She gasped loudly at such a sudden swift motion but more than so his bold voice declaring something so unexpected something so unbelievable that it turned her on more than it should. “Yes. it matters. It matters to me because I would be bothered, so much that I’m incapable of bearing the thought of losing you.”
Her breathing was heavy since not only his deep raspy voice stilled her motion but also made her thinking come to a halt. Byakuya slipped his hands under her gown earning a huge gasp as his lips touched her bare shoulders. Her body responded quickly, she arched feeling his cold and calloused fingers on her breasts, pinching her areola. “Tell me,”, his voice coated her skin with goosebumps, “do you want this, with me?” She turned her face, eyes holding the tears back, blurring her vision. She was burning with desire. How could she not?
“Yes.” Byakuya’s hands traveled down to her core, rubbing gently on her clit over the cloth. It was already damp. She could barely process all of these while his voice hinted impatience again, “then, tell me where you involved with him, in his act?” 
Her grasp on his thighs tightened as she struggled to stand up on her feet. With all the dim lights around it was not of any help. Byakuya pushed aside the fabric and touched the outer lips with more pressure than before. “Do you not want me?” Y/N has torn apart between keeping her self-respect and submitting her to him. She had tried countless times to get his attention, tried every lewd way to lure Byakuya that made her feel like nothing but a cheap whore.
“Do you not want me?” she managed to utter thinking of all those nights when she had to go to bed feeling like a mistress rather than a wife.
Byakuya verbalized holding her in his embrace tightly. “Yes. I do. I really do.”His voice reeked of agony and loneliness, his touch was so desperate yet so gentle. Y/N read him wrong, he was not playing games anymore. 
⌗ :: @sailewhoremoon @massivementalitynut @tokyometronetwork @underratedcharactercorner
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yawujin · 10 days
could you write when nagito, shuichi, hajime and byakuya get jealous or them reacting to you being jealous? i love your works so much!!
thank you!! 🤍 hope you like this too ;D
request | danganronpa boys react to a jealous! reader
type | toxic(ish) , you pronouns used , head canon format , no killing game
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nagito komaeda ♡
he misunderstood...and thought you were jealous of his life
"you're jealous? but why?" we all know what he thinks of himself , so he was seriously wondering how someone could ever want to trade their life for his own.
but when you told him how you really felt; he felt a little bit relieved
if there is someone you want him to stay away from, he'll do it.
he's no stranger to suddenly giving someone the cold shoulder
shuichi saihara ♡
you can see in his eyes that shuichi is stunned that you're jealous
he's slightly oblivious when it comes to the emotional aspect of things (unless you are outright crying about something that got you down)
not keen to the idea of completely cutting off his friend(s) that you're jealous of, if you're the type to ask for that
however, he will agree to spend less time with them and give you more of undivided attention.
hajime hinata ♡
"oh , okay. what can i do to make you less like that?"
is what he'll say when you confess your jealousy
why is he lowkey so laid back lolol
he's very reasonable so don't shy away from having a conversation about everything you feel
similar to shuichi, he won't be ready to cut everyone off. but, he'll offer to hang out with you more AND bring you along to more of his hangouts with his friends
byakuya togami ♡
don't get jealous around this man
he'll be all smug about it omg bye
you tell him that you're jealous and ask him to not do the thing that makes you jealous and he'll say:
"convince me"
you might have to beg him 🙃
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kotton-kandy953 · 7 days
What yandere themed songs do you associate with some of your favorite yan danganronpa boys?
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➛ yandere!male headcannons × fem/gn!reader
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title page┆word count: 0.3k┆warnings: second-person pronouns, manipulation, murder, obsessive behavior, yandere themes┆a/n: I barley post abt byakuya so I had to put him in the banner
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dr boys and their yandere ! songs x g/n ! reader
➤ 𝐃𝐑𝟏
❝ I want to go on walks with you, I want to have long talks with you ❞
I Want To Be Your Boyfriend - Hot Freaks
this isn't exactly a "yandere" song (I think) but it's Makoto-core I guess
Makoto would be more a "soft yandere." or a yandere who doesn't want to kill off "threats." He just wants you to love him back.
❝ told her, ‘pick out any bag, it’s not too much’ ❞
Wet Dreams — Odetari ft. Nimstarr
He’s rich asf
Byakuya would be an overprotective and possessive yandere. Only wanting to protect you from anyone and everything that could possibly hurt or harm you.
➤ 𝐒𝐃𝐑𝟐
❝ they don’t love you like I do ❞
Love Taste - Jamie Paige ft. Moe Shop, Shiki
He'd be like super overprotective and possessive as a yandere as well. Quite similar to Byakuya but not exactly like him.
❝ I just can’t function without you ❞
Functioning Alcoholic - Odetari
I feel like Nagito is so crazy and obsessive that he can’t go seconds without being with you. Hence this song being picked for him
➤ 𝐃𝐑𝐕𝟑
❝ you’re so upset with me but I’m so obsessed with you ❞
I’m so crazy for youuu </3 - Rebzyyx
It was either this or "all I want is you" by Rebzyyx
According to my own personal beliefs, Shuichi would be an over-obsessive and delusional yandere. Like Nagito but toned down 1,000%
❝ If I can’t have you, baby no one else in this world can ❞
Jealous Girl - Lana Del Rey
I could NOT decide on a song for his lying ass
Due to his compulsive lying, it would be easy for Kokichi to manipulate you. Especially if you both were close friends. And not to mention that he'd be hella jealous of anyone you seem fond of. Platonically or Romantically.
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sashi-ya · 4 months
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bleach masterlist 1: multichapter & events main list.
bleach masterlist 2: older events and sfw & nsfw random fics, not event related.
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EVENTS 2/2 (recent events on masterlist 1)
𝐀 𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐠 + 𝐀 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭 ⭒ 𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 kuchiki byakuya x f! reader⭒ 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 jushiro ukitake x gn! reader⭒ 𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲, 𝐢'𝐦 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬 adult! ishida uryu x f! reader R18+⭒ 𝐢 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐛𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬. kuchiki byakuya x f! reader. R18+
五 𝗦𝗘𝗡𝗦𝗘𝗦 𝗘𝗩𝗘𝗡𝗧 [+18] 𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐚 𝐁𝐞𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐚 𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐆𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐧 - 𝙷𝚒𝚛𝚊𝚔𝚘 𝚂𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚓𝚒 𝚡 𝙵! 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 [+18] 𝐃𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐅𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐌𝐞 - 𝙶𝚘𝚍! 𝙰𝚒𝚣𝚎𝚗 𝚡 𝙵! 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
𝕸𝖆𝖗𝖈𝖍 𝕽𝖆𝖓𝖉𝖔𝖒 𝕽𝖊𝖖𝖚𝖊𝖘𝖙𝖘 ⋆ +18 Eyes For The King. Äs Nödt x f! reader ⋆ +18. Serve Me. Dom! Kuchiki Byakuya x f! reader ⋆ +18. HCs: Sexy Things Byakuya and you do together ⋆ +18. Eternity Only Lasts For a Minute. Aizen Sōsuke x f! reader ⋆ +18. adult! Kurosaki Ichigo n/s.fw Headcanons
⋆ 霊圧 + 淫慾. //𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐮𝐚𝐥 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐞 + 𝐥𝐮𝐬𝐭. [𝐓𝐇𝐄-𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐂𝐇-𝐎𝐅-𝐎𝐍𝐄-𝐏𝐈𝐄𝐂𝐄 𝘹 𝐒𝐀𝐒𝐇𝐈-𝐘𝐀 𝘤𝘰𝘭𝘭𝘢𝘣] ➡ 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬t
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katsuma6 · 7 months
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Calling Bleach men bro! ヾ(@⌒▽⌒@)ノ
- Grimmjow, Ichigo, Toshiro, Renji, Byakuya, Aizen.♡
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dangans-ur-ronpas · 1 month
Chapter 24
why did this chapter kick my ass?? damn!!!
Some pre-chapter notes:
soz for the unexpected delay i was moving + starting a new job + lost my grip on byakuya's slippery psyche
playing with my own headcanons for hiro and his backstory actually. bc. well. the original just is not very good at all now is it
tyyy @digitaldollsworld as always!!
Content warning tags: blood, mention of razor (not in intentional self-harm context), minor injury, nausea, panic attack, toxic obsessive stalker Toko, insecurity, mentions of self-starving
< previous - from start - next >
Byakuya drops his straight razor, and it splashes into the basin of his sink. Followed by a few droplets, hot and ruby-bright as it tracks down his jaw, vanishing almost instantly upon contact with the water.
For a moment, he doesn’t move, frozen, one hand still half-raised to his face, still curved in that loose grip. Then he braces his hands against the porcelain edge, knuckles tensing as he tries to keep them from shaking. The cut on his jaw stings, still slowly welling blood; his razor, silver and distorted, warbles in and out of sight with the water’s ripples, his eyes struggling to track its shape. He makes no move to fish it out of the water.
This was his second attempt at shaving. The evidence of his first attempt still throbs on the opposite cheek, near his ear. Despite moving glacially slow, other hand pulling the skin as taut and still as he could manage, the hard edge of the sink digging into his hip as he leaned as close to the mirror as he could, it was still proving to be a fruitless effort. The elegant blade that his mother’s family had gifted him, that he had been using since he became heir, was now simply too large and awkward for him to use. A task that should have been easy after all of Pennyworth’s guidance was now fraught with pointless danger.
…Maybe it’s not worth the trouble, he thinks, numbly. But the hollow, shattered defeatism that comes with the thought is so unfamiliar that it makes him grit his teeth, and then reach slowly into the tepid water to pull the razor out. His stubble was patchy already, especially near his jawline, and any more delay would almost certainly warrant someone commenting on it - maybe Hagakure, who couldn’t seem to keep anything to himself, or Celeste, who would delight in pointing it out while masking it as polite concern - but, at the rate he was going, he was going to draw more attention with a bloodied face.
His fingers scrape the basin, searching at a glacial pace until the edge of his thumbnail taps against the handle. He draws it out gingerly, shakes off the stray droplets, then wipes the blade with a silk cloth. Drying it carefully, meticulously - as Pennyworth had taught him, ‘it’s as good as useless if it rusts’ - before folding it and replacing it in the cupboard behind his mirror. He dries his face with the towel hanging around his neck, ignoring the way the Turkish cotton scraped against raw skin.
I could always just try again later, he reasoned with himself. Not so much as a surrender as it was a tactical retreat; and the results were bound to be better when he was calmer, more composed. He could still do it - he just needed some time.
And as for anyone who might notice it…
…Well. It wasn’t like he was spending much time around anyone else these days anyways.
Even if he wasn’t trying to seek out anyone else’s company, he couldn’t help but take note of their own routines, how they settled into their lives after feeling the world shake around them. 
It doesn’t surprise him that Celeste and Yamada have continued on as if nothing had happened at all. Celeste still maintains her airy simulacrum of a mysterious princess, occasionally inviting Byakuya to tea or dinner or a game of Othello, which he declines each time. Yamada, when he wasn’t offering himself up to be bullied and ordered around by her, would be in the newly-opened art room, and Byakuya could occasionally pass by to hear sounds of shuffling paper and the scrape of pens, and the harrowed, heavy breathing of a man possessed.
Ogami and Asahina are similar, returning to their athletic routine, though clearly more affected by the deaths of their classmates. They were attached at the hip before, but now Byakuya never saw one without the other, always in each other’s company, often holding hands - if Ishimaru were here, he might have decried it, ‘No PDA in the hallways!’ in that annoyingly shrill, school-bell voice - once, Byakuya had even overheard the two of them occupying the bathhouse together, when he had passed by with the intention of checking on Alter Ego’s laptop.
(He’d left quickly when he realized what they were doing, leaving the locker unchecked, his face hot and uncomfortable. It was all well and fine for them to cope how they pleased, but couldn’t they have some more decorum about occupying a public space? He was almost beginning to miss Ishimaru.)
…Speaking of Ishimaru. Even Mondo had found something to occupy his time with, these days.
It seemed that after that night with Alter Ego, something had shaken loose inside him, and he was an entirely new person. In some ways, he was even more troublesome than when he was depressed and languishing; loud, piercing, and always appearing when he was least expected, or at least it felt that way to Byakuya. Somehow materializing nearby, demanding to know what you were doing, why you weren’t adhering to some vague, obscure rule that he might’ve made up on the spot. An overgrown hall monitor that acted like every little infraction could mean life or death.
(It was all in the name of protecting the AI, but it was also getting on everyone’s nerves, and it almost made Byakuya regret ever involving himself in the biker’s business in the first place.)
Makoto and Kirigiri were doing whatever it was they were doing. Byakuya rarely saw them, and when he did, he never made any attempt to speak to either of them. It didn’t make much of a difference from his previous dynamic with Kirigiri, but with Makoto, it was almost like a repeat of what had happened just after the first trial. But this time, Makoto never made any attempt to approach him.
Which was perfectly fine by him. Regardless of Makoto’s intentions, his betrayal was unforgivable. There was no reason to associate with him any longer.
And lastly, there was Hagakure.
It’s not clear if the self-proclaimed clairvoyant had given up on Mondo, given the overnight change in personality (at the very least, there was no more need for a suicide watch anytime soon), but he seems to have latched on to Byakuya, for no clear reason. Frequently calling out to him whenever they crossed paths, dogging in his steps like a very determined stray. Chattering incessantly, even when Byakuya refused to deign any of his ridiculous stories with a response, often trying to herd him into the cafeteria so they could “lunch together, bond, maybe share a cup of joe? Even rich guys like joe, right?”
“...Did you mean ‘coffee’,” Byakuya replies in a flat, deadpan tone that was more resigned than irritated, during what must be the dozenth time that Hagakure had intercepted him, and maybe the third time he conceded to the other man’s insistence; if only because Hagakure had been particularly persistent recently, and would probably end up following him and broadcasting to Fukawa or Monokuma or anyone else exactly where Byakuya was seeking refuge, when not in his room.
(Not to mention that he was a little hungry himself, though he could only imagine the kind of common swill someone like Hagakure might consider coffee.)
“Hey man, to-MAY-toes, po-TAY-toes, right?” Hagakure just shrugs, and half-guides, half-pushes Byakuya by the shoulders into the cafeteria.
It’s midday. The place is empty, with even Celeste missing from her favored spot at her table. Hagakure shuffles him into the kitchen, tells him to wash his hands, and then-
-shoves two things at him. One, round, pale brown and still damp, with a slight papery texture beneath the moisture. The other, a piece of smooth, green plastic shaped like a ‘T’, with something silvery running parallel to the top. He skates his thumb lightly over it, and finds the edge of it sharp; a tiny blade.
“Whoa, careful! Don’t hurt yourself!” Hagakure tugs the tool back out of his hand, inspecting his fingers. “Like, come on. I even gave you the vegetable peeler, this is easy mode.”
Hagakure doesn’t explain right away, instead occupied with rolling up his sleeves, tying the brambled mass of his hair back with a strip of white. Arranged on the kitchen counter is a selection of tools, a colorful assortment of vegetables, and a hunk of something dark and pink, occupying the cutting board. There’s already a pot on the stove, and Byakuya watches Hagakure’s hand fiddle with some dark, invisible button across the top of the oven, and a telltale blue flame clicks to life. “We’re making gumbo! And you’re my assistant for the day.” He announces, with the same cadence of a cooking show host. He’s beaming, as if he hadn’t just said something utterly, completely insane.
It’s hard to make out, but he swears Hagakure rolls his eyes at him. Which would be infuriating enough to comment on, if he wasn’t also holding out the aforementioned vegetable peeler out, handle first, towards him. “Gumbo. It’s kinda like, curry I guess? But it’s a lot more soupy.” Apparently not put off by Byakuya’s unresponsiveness, he pushes the peeler into his slack hand. “I mean, I guess I’m not surprised you haven’t tried it. It’s not Japanese, or like…fancy, rich guy food.”
That snaps him out of it. “What,” He repeats, emphatically, with feeling. “Do you think you’re doing?”
“Um, like I said, making gumbo-”
“No, I mean-” Byakuya waves the objects in his hands, and feels only a little ridiculous in doing so. “I’m not- using these.”
Hagakure winces at that. “...No offense, Toga, but, uh…” He hesitates. “It’s…not exactly a good idea to give you a knife right now, you feel me?”
Byakuya can imagine his eyes tracing down his face, to the still-pink line on his jaw from this morning, and feels his face grow even warmer, with nothing to do with the open-flame stove not a meter away from him. “That. Is. Not. The. Point.” He hisses, emphasizing each word. “And - don’t call me that - you said we were here to get coffee.”
He spits these words like they’re poisonous, and Hagakure is still for a moment. He thinks that he’s managed to get his point across, but:
“Aww, Togster…you really did wanna get coffee with me?” Hagakure sounds genuinely touched, one hand pressed to his chest. Byakuya was about two seconds from throwing the stupid root vegetable in his hand against Hagakure’s equally stupid head. “We can have coffee after we make food. Besides, aren’t you sick of the meals we’ve been doing recently? Like I’m not a picky guy, but ramen and bread every day for the past few days is getting kinda…bleh, y’know?”
The worst part of this was that Byakuya agreed with him on that front. Even with his newfound habit of only eating when there was no one else around, or when Alter Ego threatened to stop reading for him until he took a meal, the selection was paltry to begin with and had only grown more unappealing with time.
“Your job is easy,” Hagakure continues, and grabs something hanging off the handle of a nearby oven, and drops it over his face, obscuring his vision for a moment. He jerks backwards in alarm as it settles to hang around his neck, only to realize that it’s an apron - a pale, mint-green thing that’s one size too small, with some still-visible stains splattered across it, and Hagakure had somehow gotten behind him and tied the thing in place already  - “You just gotta peel the potatoes, and I just gotta cut everything up. The roux’s already done, so all we gotta do is dump the ingredients in and let it do its thing.”
Byakuya is still reeling a little from being forced (though, there wasn’t much he could’ve done in protest, with both his hands occupied) into an apron. The things in his hands are so unfamiliar to him that they may as well be OOPart pieces in the making.
Besides him, Hagakure was whistling away, chopping meat with the silver blur of a large kitchen knife. Completely oblivious to anything around him; and Byakuya realized, he could leave right now if he wanted, and it wasn’t like the fortune-teller, of all people, could stop him.
He’s about to do just that when the other man looks up, knife stilling. “Something wrong?” He asks, with a tilt of his head. And before Byakuya could explain that, yes, there was something very wrong with this entire situation: “D’you need help?”
“No.” He says automatically, and immediately kicks himself for it.
“Oh, then-?”
“I don’t-” Byakuya says at the same time, and frowns sharply at the interruption. “I. Don’t do this sort of…thing.” It comes out a lot less assertive than he would like, and sounds a lot more pathetic than he means it to be.
“Oh. Well, yeah, I figured.” Hagakure shrugs, as he scoops up the mess of pink on the cutting board with the edge of his knife and drops it into a metal bowl. It lands with a loud, wet slap, and the bowl rings as it shakes against the counter. “No time to learn like the present though, right?”
Byakuya feels his eye twitch. In some ways, talking to Hagakure was more frustrating than negotiating with most white-collar businessmen, and more akin to arguing against a very enthusiastic wall. “I’m not supposed to do this kind of thing,” He tries again. “I’ve never had to prepare my own food in my life.”
It echoes what he told Makoto, that night he dragged Byakuya to the kitchen to prepare him a meal. But this time, it feels much less like a boast, and more like an admission. Like he couldn’t even do this much.
If Hagakure noticed the grimace passing over his face, he made no comment. Instead, he plucks the items out of Byakuya’s hands. “No time to learn like the present, my man.” He twirls the peeler between his fingers, and it spins, a foggy green circle. “It’s like a pattern, you pull the peeler down, turn it again, and repeat.” He demonstrates, hands moving quickly, with practiced ease. “Don’t worry if you miss anything. We don’t need it to be super clean, we just need most of the skin off.”
And he offers the peeler back to Byakuya, a gleam of white teeth on his face. Deceptively kind, poisonously pleasant. “Think you can handle that?”
Byakuya shoves his hand away, his patience thinning to a thread. “Take the hint,” He snaps, reaching behind himself to try and undo the knot. “I’m not doing this.”
“What? But it’s easy!”
“I don’t care,” He yanks at the ties, feels them come no closer to being loosened, and feels his face reddening with frustration, humiliation. He needs to leave, now. “I’m leaving.”
“Aw, Toga, come on-”
Byakuya reaches for the knife, left abandoned on the cutting board, and there’s a clatter as Hagakure backs himself against the ovens. “O-okay, okay, sure! Sure, jesus, okay!”
Byakuya rolls his eyes at the overreaction, already tuning him out, then starts awkwardly maneuvering the knife to try and cut the apron off. Arms twisting awkwardly to catch the bladed edge against the side of the knot. It’s not easy - he could swear, the blade seemed sharp enough when Hagakure was using it to dice meat, but now it slides clumsily against the twisted cotton, dull as a stone -
“Jesus,” Hagakure says again, but less panicked now that it was clear his life was under no immediate threat. “Okay, you’re gonna hurt yourself.”
“I am not-”
“You totally are, man. Just - don’t slash me, please, and hold still -”
Hagakure gives him a wide, cautious berth, as if still worried he would suddenly turn into some violent, knife-swinging killer, edging until he’s out of Byakuya’s peripheral and standing behind him. A slight tug around his midsection later, and the apron is flapping loosely against his stomach.
To show his thanks, Byakuya sets the knife down before he pulls off the apron, not so much as handing it over as simply dropping it in the other boy’s direction.
He makes to leave, but Hagakure stops him - or tries to, throwing one hand out while scrambling to catch the apron with the other - “Wait, wait,” He still sounds jovial, but there’s a thin edge of nervousness to it now, residual after the earlier scare. “Listen, you don’t hafta help if you don’t want to, but like…can you just hang out? Here?”
“...You want me to stay. In the kitchen.” Where it was overly warm with a pot of water building into a steady boil, heavy with the smell of various condiments and spices, and pervaded by a general stickiness on the tile. “Why?”
“U-um, well…”
Byakuya sighs. He’s wasted too much time already. The coffee he was promised earlier was looking like a lost cause, and frankly, he wasn’t interested in eating anything anymore either. It would feel too much like accepting undue pity, somehow.
Apparently sensing his impatience, Hagakure finally blurts out: “Because-! I’m, um, scared! To be alone! So…”
Byakuya only stares. Even with his hair tied back, the shape of Hagakure’s head is still a round, dark splotch, albeit smaller than usual. And it bobs up and down like a dandelion as he ducks his head, hands clasped in an exaggerated plea. “Please, man, I literally can’t ask anyone else,” He begs. “Mondo’s all psyched-out and freaky serious now, Hifumi and Celeste were weirdos to begin with, and I’m sick of third-wheeling for Hina-chi and Saka-chi! And there’s no way I’m hanging out with Toko!”
He doesn’t mention Makoto or Kirigiri. Which, Byakuya assumes, makes sense, so he doesn’t bother to ask about it. “How do I know you aren’t trying to kill me,” He says instead, deadpan. 
Hagakure snorts. “Have you seen me?” And then immediately winces. “I mean - shit, sorry - but seriously, I’m pissing my pants every time Monokuma shows up. And at every crime scene, and every trial. You really think I could get over myself to off someone?”
“None of Monokuma’s motives struck a chord with you?”
“Well - I’d be lying if the first one didn’t make me nervous,” He nods. “But I divined how my parents were doing a bunch of times, and they were always alright, so that didn’t worry me too much. And the thing about secrets; well, mine is that I’m actually on the run from this yakuza boss I accidentally pissed off. I owe him a debt of eight million yen.”
Byakuya is certain he doesn’t miss the way Hagakure glances at him then, based on the way his ponytail twitches as his head turns imperceptibly. He decides to ignore the obvious bait, and moves on: “Fine, then. Then what’s your reasoning that I won’t try to kill you?”
“Oh.” Hagakure pauses. “...I didn’t, uh…think about that.”
Right. Byakuya can’t find it in him to be surprised about that either, though some bruised-up part of his pride does rail against the implication that he wasn’t dangerous. Like being blind meant he was harmless, helpless, defanged - he struggles against the implication, but only sickens himself more with the truth of it.
“I mean…do you want to kill me?”
Byakuya snorts. “I want to leave,” He leans back against the counter, feeling the hard, smooth edge of the marble dig against his back. “Obviously, I’m not crazy enough to spend the rest of my life here, waiting to kill or be killed.” He pauses. “And…I’ve been looking into possible causes for my…circumstance, and it’s looking more and more like it would require the work of a trained doctor, using specific equipment to resolve. Which this place,” He gestures around him. “Isn’t exactly equipped to handle.”
The other boy scratches his head. “Um, yeah. I mean I know that much. We all wanna get out and all, but like…do you want to kill someone to make that happen?”
Not in the slightest. He probably held responsibility for the deaths of multiple people at this point, but he had never had to kill them himself, nor witness the moment of their end. Dirtying his hands with someone else’s blood never appealed to him, and it was far more sophisticated to orchestrate someone else handling the messy work.
But his answer must show on his face, because Hagakure nods, satisfied. “Well, there you go! Also, I ran a divination on whether one of us would die today, and it’s not in the cards or the stars or divine intention, so we’re good!” He claps his hands. “Anyways. If you don’t wanna help, that’s all totally cool. All you gotta do is stick around.”
“You can’t be serious.” He scoffs. But he was getting sick of the earlier conversation - sick of talking about himself, sick of thinking about himself - so he stays where he is, crossing his arms as Hagakure busies himself with the ingredients. “How do your divinations even work, anyways?”
“What, you interested?” Hagakure flashes another white smile, and even through the haze Byakuya gets the impression that it’s a salesman grin. He could practically hear the cartoonish chime of a register. “My current going rate’s ten-million yen a reading, but for you I’ll throw in a buddy’s discount of twenty-percent!”
Byakuya gives him the most unimpressed look he can manage. “I’m not interested in wasting money on frivolities.”
“It’s not frivol-anything, man. They’re a hundred-percent legit! …Thirty-three-percent of the time,” He amends, sheepishly, at Byakuya’s withering stare. “But when they’re real, they’re real! With a hundred-percent accuracy!”
As he talks, his hands blur, moving with practiced ease. The small pile of potatoes changing from brown to pale yellow, to small, misshapen chunks, the green stalks of celery disintegrating under a knife, sharp-smelling and darkening the wood beneath it with its moisture. There’s a steady, fluid grace to it, and Byakuya watches on, feeling a sense of deja vu - faintly envious, partly entranced - the last he felt this way, he recalls, was being a child and watching his mother work in her studio, hewing faces out of stone.
He hasn’t thought about that memory in years, and he clicks his tongue sharply, irritated. Hagakure jumps at the sound. “M-maybe it’s more like a ninety-eight percent accuracy?” The fortune-teller tries, hurriedly. “Uh, it depends on how clearly I can convey it, I mean. Like how good the client is with understanding me…dialect differences and all that, though my English is pretty solid-”
“Why fortune-telling, anyways?” He cuts off Hagakure’s rambling. “I can’t imagine it’s an inherited position. You don’t seem the type to be taking up someone else’s legacy.”
“Oh! Well…” He turns to the pot, scrapes a bowl of brown slurry into its bubbling contents. “It was my dad who got me into it - not that he was a fortune teller or anything - but he knew stories about fortune tellers and priestesses and stuff, from where he grew up. It was pretty interesting, and I guess that’s what got me started.” He stirs, sniffs, tosses a handful of green shapes into the mix. “He actually bought me my first crystal ball, though it was just a cheap souvenir thing. I couldn’t’ve been older than, like, six or something.” He laughs. “Wow, I haven’t thought about this stuff in forever.”
“Am I dredging up bad memories?” Byakuya drawls, and Hagakure shakes his head.
“Nah, just old ones. But I got super into it; started begging my Ma to read me divination textbooks for bedtime, she thought I was going crazy. Dad just said it was normal for little kids to be a little crazy about something they like, though.” He shrugs. Another sniff, a sprinkle of red seasoning. “He was the first person I did an accurate divination for, actually. Like a real divination, not just for pretend.”
He goes quiet for a moment, wooden spoon scraping against the inside of the pot. Byakuya frowns. “And what did you ‘see’?” He asks, though only about half as sarcastic as he intended.
“Saw him in the hospital. And then leaving.” He replies simply. He turns, and scoops up the chopped ingredients in his hands, tossing them in with a hiss. “It was clear as day in that little glass ball, like I was watching a TV screen, except also kinda…I don’t know, wiggly? Like a dream. But I got shook up so bad I dropped it and broke the damn thing, and the next day my Dad went to the doctor for a check-up, and they shipped him to the hospital right after. Some genetic, hereditary thing, they wouldn’t even tell me what it was. I think Ma thought it’d freak me out if I knew, but I was just more freaked out not knowing.”
He reaches blindly behind him, searching hand patting at the counter, the cutting board. Byakuya hesitates, then grabs the bowl of chopped meat and passes it over. Its contents splash into the pot. “Thanks. Anyways, the weirdest thing was that I wasn’t, like, scared he was gonna die, or anything. For some reason I knew he was gonna make it, but I was more worried that he was gonna…hurt? Get even worse?” He pauses. “I kept on doing divinations afterwards with a tarot card set, just to see how he was doing, and each time it told me he was gonna be fine.”
His voice sounds a little thick, indistinct. Byakuya was beginning to regret bringing up this topic; he would hate it if he was suddenly expected to have to comfort a grown man. But instead of bursting into tears, Hagakure leans to the side, tucks his face into his elbow, and sneezes, gunshot loud. “Phew! Jeez, the paprika.” He sniffs, and Byakuya’s unease turns back into a comfortable sort of annoyance. “Anyways. Where was I…?”
“...Your father.” He hesitates for a moment. “When he passed away.”
“When he-?” Hagakure turns fully away from the pot to stare at him, mouth open, before breaking into a laugh. Doubling over so and wheezing like he just got punched. “Dude! No way, are you- did you really think that?!”
“What? Am I wrong?” Byakuya feels his face heating red again, with nothing to do with the steam. “Shut up. The way you were talking about it, you were acting like he kicked the bucket,” He snaps, and Hagakure stifles another laugh. “It’s the logical progression of things. You saw him get sick and die, and then-”
“No, no, dude, I said I saw him in the hospital, and then leave - oh, yeah, I guess I can see how you’d think that now.” He stands up straight again, swiping a hand across his face. “Oh man. No, I meant ‘leave’ as in literally leaving, like at an airport? He got better and swung back around, but got a job offer overseas right after, so he never really came back to settle permanently in Japan.” He turns back to the pot, turning the heat down low. “He sends postcards for me all the time, and he and Ma vacation together every year around the holidays.”
So that was it. Byakuya feels an irrational surge of exasperation, as if all his previous pity had just been wasted. “What does he even do? Your father?”
“He teaches quantum mechanics.” At Byakuya’s stunned expression, he snorts. “What, I’m not kidding! He test-runs all his lectures and speeches and stuff to me, and now I know way more about that stuff than I think most people ever need to!”
‘Prove it’ is on the tip of Byakuya’s tongue, but he holds back. He probably would never recover if Hagakure did somehow manage it and make him look like a fool. Hagakure stirs the pot in silence for a moment longer, before asking: “What about you?”
“Your parents.” A shot of cold immediately runs down his spine. “Like, I know your dad’s a big rich unmarried bachelor hotshot, but what about your mom? Ah- ” Hagakure presses hand to his mouth. “She…is she, like…?”
“She’s not dead, if that’s what you’re trying to ask.” He replies, stiffly. “We’re estranged.”
“O-oh. Um. I’m sorry?”
“It’s fine.” He pauses, looks down at the tile floor. It was a mutual disavowment, around the time he made the decision to try for Togami heir. She was relieved to be rid of him, he was sure, and he was glad to be out of her house full of stone statues and hollow eyes. “I haven’t been in contact with her for several years. We’re as good as strangers.”
He really should just leave it at that. There’s no reason to elaborate any further, nor does he want to; he glares down at his feet, trying to count the tiles, and watches as the dark lines dividing them squiggle and disappear the moment he loses focus. And finds his mouth moving against his will. “My mother is Genevieve Delasol.”
“Cool.” A pause. “Wait, what!?”
Byakuya scowls and looks away as Hagakure turns back to him. “Like, the Delasol?! World-famous artist lady? With the sculptures? Miss Modern Michelangelo?!”
“Don’t call her that.” She had always hated that stupid nickname that the press forced on her, and so did he, though not for her benefit. It was a tasteless, and frankly disrespectful moniker. “But yes. Her.”
“Dude…” There’s awe in his voice, as if it were something impressive. “That’s crazy.”
“It’s not. She birthed me like any other human.”
“Still! Like, they talked about her in my elementary school art class. Her stuff is so-” He splays his fingers near his head, puffs his cheeks to mimic the sound of an explosion. “Like, I remember seeing pictures of her stuff for the first time, and it freaked me out. One of the older kids in the neighborhood told me she was freezing people into rock, that’s how real her stuff looks.”
“She’s a good artist, but she was an awful mother.” Byakuya says flatly, immediately draining the rest of Hagakure’s enthusiasm. “We’re not continuing his conversation.”
“Right, right. Um. Sorry.” He taps his fingers against the spoon, ladles some of it into a little dish to taste. “Okay, um. Could you pass me some dishes? From that cabinet in front of you - to the left - yeah, thanks.”
The concoction he scoops into the shallow dishes Byakuya hands him is…unappealing. At least visually - a muddy brown sludge that glops thickly off of his ladle - but it smells good, spicy and warm. One of the bowls is passed back, and there’s a conflict of sensation as Byakuya tries to decide if he’s hungry enough to risk it, something that he couldn’t even clearly oversee the process of making.
“You’re surprisingly well-versed in the kitchen.”
“Yeah, well. I get into hot water a lot when my fortunes don’t work out, especially with my, uh…higher class clients, so I had to get used to taking care of myself. Didn’t wanna bother my parents with it, ya know?” He flicks off the stove, covers the pot, and reaches to the right for the rice cooker. Opens it with a sharp smack to the lid. “Like, I don’t think I’ve seen my dad face-to-face in…it feels like two years. Maybe longer.”
He holds out his hand. Byakuya passes over his bowl, and he plops some rice into the center of it, before handing it back.
“I can’t finish this much.”
“Sure you can, you’re a growing guy.” There’s the roll of a drawer being pulled open, then a clatter before a spoon is being dropped into his bowl as well. “You better eat all of it, by the way. Every grain of rice has seven gods, so you gotta eat them all so you don’t get cursed.”
“...What kind of saying is that?”
“Dunno, but my Ma used to say it all the time. Come on, let’s go into the caf-”
He halts suddenly, halfway to the door. Byakuya nearly runs into his back, and just barely keeps from spilling his bowl. “What-”
“Um. Hold on.” The previous casualness of his voice is gone, and there’s a hard thread of unease running through it again. “Uh…wait out here for a moment, okay?”
“Dude, please. Just for a moment.” He sets his bowl down on the counter. “I’ll be right back.”
And then he’s out the door before Byakuya can make any protest, leaving him alone in the kitchen, now uncomfortably quiet without the soft hiss of the stove. He stands there, stunned, feeling a little bit stung - no, irked - at the sudden dismissal.
He wasn’t about to take orders from Hagakure, regardless of whatever weird pseudo-symbiotic-relationship the other boy thought they had going on. He walks towards the door, moving to elbow it open-
“I’m telling you, just leave him alone.”
He freezes, ducking his head down. Hagakure’s voice is high and scratchy with nervousness, but firm despite that. “For the last time-”
“I-I-I-” Someone else stutters. The voice is familiar, and Byakuya feels his gut drop in recognition. The last he heard it, it was seething with malice, spit like venom at his feet. “I j-just wanna l-look at him…”
Hagakure lets out a long-suffering sigh, indicating that this wasn’t the first time he’s had to deal with this. “Seven hells, Toko, I really don’t get you,” He grumbles. “You said you hated him, right? I mean, you said so at the trial, and you did…all that.” He coughs. “He wasn’t interested to begin with, and there’s really no way to turn it around after that.”
“I-It was t-to prove that we’re th-the same!” Fukawa shrieks, trigger-sudden and indignant. There’s a sharp thump as she stomps her foot, hard enough to rattle some nearby furniture. “If I d-didn’t do that, he w-would’ve never a-accepted what h-happened to him!”
Byakuya frowns at that, and sets the bowl aside in favor of sinking into a half-crouch, ear pressing up against the door, beneath the tiny window. What was she talking about? Not accepting my own condition? Don’t I know myself better than anyone else?
“That’s not up to you to decide,” Hagakure starts.
“I-It’s not up t-to you to p-protect him either!” She spits back. “Y-you’ve been keeping him a-away from me recently, wh-what’s with you? D-did you have some k-kind of awakening, or something?!”
“Hey, I’ll have you know that my type is none of your business - and anyways, ain’t it logical to wanna keep away from you?” He grumbles, then yelps. “C-calm down-! I just mean - you know, you…you don’t exactly give off warm and fuzzy feelings about hanging out with people!”
Toko barks a laugh, shrill and mirthless. “Wh-which makes him perfect for me,” And Byakuya feels disgust roll down his back. “I-I know I’m m-miserable, a-and unfriendly and unloveable,”
“Hey,” Hagakure says, a little more gently than before.
“B-but s-so is he! H-he’s just b-better at hiding it, p-pretending to be a, a perfect, white-horse prince,” She spits the words vehemently. “I-if he was p-perfect, th-then maybe, I c-could just be s-satisfied with - with being n-near him, with b-being used…”
She trails off. Byakuya fights the urge to physically cringe at the mere suggestion, instead gritting his teeth, nails scratching lightly against the door’s tacky surface. “B-but, he’s not perfect. S-so, that means I c-can reach him - i-it’s possible for someone l-like m-me to actually be with him,” She giggles, and the sound is far too childishly delighted to suit her mouth, and far too chilling to have innocent intentions behind it. “I-I dragged him off his p-pedestal, s-so now I can actually touch him.”
It’s vile, listening to her. The sound feels like a filth that clings to him, sliding into his ears, contaminating him from the inside out. Poisoning him, paralyzing him.
He’s only vaguely aware of his body sliding down lower, unable to maintain the awkward pose, curled over and unable to brace himself properly against the swinging door. He sinks into a squat, ears straining.
“...Um, ew.” Hagakure mutters succinctly. “Okay, first of all, no you can’t. Pretty sure Monokuma would have some problems about that, he’s all gung-ho about decency and stuff. Second, Toga’s still not gonna be into you. You blew that chance when you, uh…”
“When I w-what? S-strung up Chihiro?” She snorts. “H-he would’ve done the s-same if h-he was a-actually as perfect as h-he said.”
The contamination sinks deeper, claws curling cruelly into his chest. I would have never, He thinks through the tinny, lightheaded hum in his skull, but there’s a sickening sense of dread that twists in his stomach as he realizes he can’t even be sure of that. He might have. He would’ve had no use for Chihiro if he wasn’t blind, he would have barely even hesitated if the opportunity was there - to defile someone else’s corpse for nothing more than his own self-righteousness.
He’s probably had this realization already, but it’s revolting to hear it come from Fukawa. He should go out there, tell her to shut up, to leave him be-
“-a-and anyways, y-you still didn’t t-tell me why y-you’re so obsessed with p-protecting him.” She’s still saying, distantly, and it feels as if the door is suddenly several times thicker than it was previously, muffling the sound dramatically. “Y-you don’t have a-anything in c-common, I don’t s-see why you’d want t-to be near him, u-unless…y-you’re doing it for someone else, aren’t y-you?”
Hagakure doesn’t respond. Makes no sound to confirm or deny it. Byakuya waits, ringing intensifying, disease festering into his lungs. It was getting hard to breathe. His pulse thrums in his ears, too loud to think, not nearly loud enough to drown their voices out.
“I s-saw you with Makoto,” She continues, and the confirmation of Byakuya’s suspicion does nothing to make him feel better. “He- he asked you t-to do this, right? To protect him, h-how nice,” She snarls, disgusted. “L-looking out for his p-precious boyfriend, when he won’t d-do it himself-”
“That’s…that’s not it,” Hagakure protests, but he doesn’t sound convincing, voice so hesitant and soft that Byakuya barely catches it. “Mako-chi’s just…busy, right now-”
“Y-yeah, too busy trying to g-get out of here so Byakuya c-can get fixed, so he can s-stop f-feeling guilty - h-he doesn’t want to have to look at him, b-but he can’t help s-sticking his nose in anyways, he’s s-so sweet it makes me sick.” Byakuya legs shake, cramping, but he forces himself still, keeps his ear flattened to the door despite the nausea building in his gut, the light-headedness in his temples - “B-but it’s too much work t-to comfort him or drag him a-around, s-so he has to get s-someone to do it, right?”
He wouldn’t, is Byakuya’s immediate thought, but it’s weak, even in his own head. Makoto hasn’t sought him out all since that night in the bathhouse because Byakuya had requested it; had demanded that he leave him alone with as much vitriol and firmness as he could muster, and as with so many other things, Makoto had obeyed. But while Fukawa’s words are acerbic and biting, they’re also painfully, terribly logical.
He wonders now, how he must have looked to the others. Slowly falling apart, barely eating, rarely showing his face. So utterly different from how he tried to portray himself at first, an ill-fitted facsimile of how he used to be, how he should be; it’s no wonder Makoto would go behind his back to take care of him. Between disobeying him again and trying to keep him alive, the choice must have been easy.
The fact that that choice had to be made at all, however, made Byakuya want to…
There’s a thud as his legs finally give out, his knees smashing against the tile, but he hardly notices. Not while the sickness spreads, a physical decay in his torso eating away at him, swift and insatiable. He’s not hungry anymore, but he feels emptier than he’s ever been. 
The door swings open suddenly, bumping against his shoulder, and he sways, unsteady. Hands reach out, catching him before he can fall over.
“Whoa, hey,” Hagakure sounds muffled, underwater. He hooks his hands beneath Byakuya’s arms, trying to pull him upright, and only then does Byakuya realize that he’s not really breathing. Probably hasn’t been for the past few minutes. “Toga- I mean- you okay?” 
Of course not, he wants to snap, but talking would mean opening his mouth, and that would mean breaking down into tears like a petulant infant, so he clamps his mouth shut and tries to get as much oxygen as he can through his nose. Slow, stuttered, wheezing breaths, teeth sinking into raw, just-healing skin and breaking it bloody all over again. He leans away from Hagakure’s grip as much as possible and tries to brace himself against the wall, shaky hands against the cool bumps of the tile. Trying to count them, one by one.
“I,” He manages to grit out when he was marginally more calm, ignoring Hagakure’s worried clucking. His voice quavers, and he swallows hard around the shrapnel lodged in his throat. “I’m going to go.”
“Dude, come on-”
He lurches forward, clumsily dodging Hagakure’s attempts to support him, and walks as steadily as he can out of the kitchen. The moment he crosses the open space of the cafeteria and into the hallway, he breaks into a sprint for his room. As far away from prying eyes as he can manage.
(When he opens his door later that night, he finds a plastic container and a spoon sitting by the threshold, its contents long cold.)
(He eats it anyways and scrapes it clean, and leaves it sitting empty outside of his door again.)
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Bleach Masterlist - Headcanons
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Everything has been appropriately labeled, please do not read the ones marked NSFW if you are a minor
Urahara Kinky Kido Hisagi finding out his s/o likes his voice Shinji finding out his s/o likes his voice Bleach Men Finding out Their S/o Likes Their Voice(Shunsui, Ukitake, Byakuya) Byakuya finding s/o asleep Skincare Shunsui/Jushiro Modern HC Jushiro Headcanons SFW/NSFW Gin x Byakuya Aizen and Ukitake modern HC’s Aizen and Gin finding s/o asleep Gin x Byakuya Mistletoe Zanpakuto Inconveniences Zanpakuto Inconveniences Part 2 Shunsui/Jushiro Modern Headcanons Jushiro Headcanons SFW/NSFW Oddities Part 1 Oddities Part 2 Love Languages Reiatsu Descriptions Female Shinigami Reiatsu Descriptions Male Shinigami Clueless Desserts Starbucks Drink Orders Finding Fanfiction of Themselves
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