#jack maynard writing
calicohyde · 10 months
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me when i'm struggling to write a scene with sexualized violence
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bearlythere · 5 months
will not shut up about how bluey's 30 min episode gave us so much more lore and references to the real world
the writes really made so much literal and euphemistic use of the word "sign" in this episode
in chronological order! and spoilers below!!
do let me know if I missed anything out!
FRISKY AND RAD'S WEDDING!!!! in the iconic heeler house!!
bandit's bully bucky dunstan being the real estate agent selling his house
English sheepdog buying the bluey house (emigration - would be nicer if they got english voice actors to voice them though)
the bluey house was actually for sale on an Australian real estate website! and as per the time of writing this post, it's been "withdrawn from sale" - the bluey digital marketing team AMAZES ME.
I wonder which city bandit got a new job in - don't know if they'll explore that in future seasons
bluey's friend the brown dog (I'm sorry I don't know his name) having 2 mums!
winton talking about his divorced parents and the terriers' saying their mom likes winton's dad!!!
jack and his army interest! him and rusty playing army!!
the sitting in a tree, kissing thing that kids do
Jeremy the gnome
bobo being the car's name
frisky's licence plate being fr15k
the first time kids sit in the front seat of the car
police officers pulling people on the road over LMAO
rad's profile picture being him goofing around with his 2 brothers
how realistic it is trying not to lose someone you're following on the road
the butterfly from slide!! 🦋 it has a name! flappy!
everyone being afraid of the butterfly except bingo because we know she loves insects!
chilli reminiscing how she and frisky used to go to the lookout to "think" when we all knew she meant drink LOL
frisky's 3rd friend appears!
the canon in d rendition as bgm
the busker being the priest??
also they got mort and maynard to come attend the wedding too!!
frisky's father is a typical surfer dude lmao
we see trixie standing amongst the girls during the bouquet toss. and then we see stripe come in to intercept the toss. does this mean that stripe and trixie are not married yet and have just been cohabitating? stripe grabs the bouquet and celebrates, but we see trixie face palm... what does this mean??
love the photo montage and the huge family photo, how it shows that you can't get everybody to be ready for the photo
GRANDPA BOB WENT TO INDIA TO FIND HIMSELF 😭 man needed spiritual rediscovery
the busker is the music dj too!!
uh oh... stripe and trixie are fighting... perhaps it was about the bouquet toss? and we see socks playing with the cake toppers - possibly mimicking her parents actions
awww Radley quit his job so that frisky could stay in a city she loved ❤️
they brought back the music from dance mode!
chattermax randomly appearing 😭
bingo getting stuck in the railing again
bingo being sad because she has to move and lila won't be able to follow. which is also the moment I realised they won't be moving in the end, because of the montage at the end of daddy drop-off episode where bingo and lila grow up together and be friends "forever and ever and ever"!
the 2 English sheepdogs pushing their fluff away from their eyes to see haha
seeing the iconic bluey house empty, with spots where furniture used to be somehow makes me feel a little empty and nostalgic
the montage of them saying goodbye to their old neighbours, bandit having one last chat with pat, the girls and chilli saying goodbye to judo and her mum
Judo still has short hair!
chilli reminiscing the kitchen because bluey took her first steps there
you can tell how much chilli didn't want to move as she was the first one out of the car running over to hug him when she realised bandit didn't want to sell the house anymore. and the shoulder shakes shows that she was fully sobbing too
iconic kiwi rug! loved the simplicity of the last scene, where even if there's nothing around you, as long as you're together with the people you love, eating the simplest meal, enjoying the moment, that's family.
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imagineabuttercream · 2 years
Covers With Conor (Josh x Reader)
Having had your music channel open on you-tube for 4 or 5 years now, you had made quite a few friends that you would occasionally do covers with or even write originals with.
One of your long distance besties was Conor Maynard. Just last week, Conor had convinced you to come stay with him in London for a month. You two had never met in person and he wanted you two to bank as many cover videos as you could. Thankful for in-flight wifi, you text Conor that you would be landing within the hour.
Conor - *YES!! We'll meet you at baggage claim!*
You - *Meet you there! We?*
Conor - *Anna wouldn't let me pick you up without her. Prepare to be Koala'd like you've never been Koala'd before.* Conor -*By Anna, not me...Maybe both...........okay me too.*
You - *Hahaha, ANNA! I cannot wait to finally meet her in person. I adore your sister.*
The overhead announcement to put your seat-belts back on was made and you started to get butterflies in your stomach.
You knew that Conor shared a place with his brother Jack and their friend Josh, so you would be meeting and spending time with quite a few new people. While your channel was more like Conor's, you still watched pretty much all of the buttercream videos. Joe and Josh were your favorites, but you were actually a little nervous to be around Josh for an entire month as you had developed a little crush on him.
You - *Just landed. Just waiting to get off the plane!*
As you made your way to the baggage claim area, you heard a squeal and then felt all of the air leave your body. Looking down, you saw Anna.
"ANNA!" You squealed squeezing her tight.
Conor walked up holding his phone up "I cannot believe I have to beeeee seen with these embarrassing nerds."
"Are you ever going to stop using the bee filter on snapchat??" Anna teased him.
"Yeah! Talk about embarrassing." You added, laughing.
Conor had been catching your conversation in snaps and turned the camera to him and faked some tears "do you see how they treat me?? So beeeelittleing"
You and Anna shared a look and then tackled him to the ground.
"I leave you alone for 5 minutes to find a parking spot and I find you rolling around on the ground in a public place. Shame on you, Conor." Josh walked up laughing.
Turning bright red, you quickly stood up. You helped Anna up and fixed your clothes. "Definitely all Conor's fault. I'm Y/n, nice to meet you." You reached to shake his hand.
"Oh, come on." Josh said, pulling you into a hug. "I know who you are. Are you kidding? Conor hasn't shut up about you since you agreed to come visit. I'm Josh, by the way."
"Lies, y/n. All lies." Conor said in his funny high pitched voice.
Laughing, you returned the hug. "I know who you are, too. You really thought you'd make it 60 hours?" You teased, walking to your luggage with Anna.
The car ride to their flat was awkward, but really funny. You and Anna sat in the back texting and giggling.
Anna - *Did you ever tell Conor you like Josh??*
You - *NO! Are you kidding me?? Neither of your brothers can keep a secret to save their lives.*
Anna laughed at my response making the guys up front ask what we were doing.
"Mind your business, Conor." She responded.
Anna - *He's going to figure it out. He's annoying, but he's smart, lol. Your face turned bright red when Josh walked in.*
You - *Fml, I know. SPEAKING OF JOSH, why didn't you warn me he was coming!? You brat!*
Anna - *Hahaha, I actually didn't know until we left, and then I thought I'd let him surprise you. Don't kill me.*
"Oh, I'm gonna get you back." You said out loud, laughing, causing Anna to laugh too.
"What the hell are you two on about?" Conor asked.
"Girl stuff." - Anna "Periods." - You "How often we wash our hair." - Anna "Boys." - You "Secrets." - Anna "That's why her hair is so big.." - You "It's full of secrets." You said in unison.
Josh and Conor went quiet and you and Anna started busting up laughing.
Josh joined in laughing a bit, but Conor just had a very confused look on his face. "You two are so fucking weird. How did I ever let you become friends?"
You - *Not a word about Josh. Promise??*
Anna - *Convince Conor to let me stay this week with you guys and your secret is safe with me ;)*
You - *Deal.* ----------------------------- Once you guys picked up food, you headed back to the flat. You were supposed to be crashing on their couch, but that changed once you convinced Conor and their parents to let Anna stay with him for a few days. Conor decided that him and Josh would share Conor's bed and you and Anna would share Josh's bed. Neither of the guys wanted to share with Jack, teasing him about cuddling them in the middle of the night whenever they bunked together.
"Let me help you bring your bags to the room." Josh offered, grabbing your suitcase and Anna's bag. She shot you a knowing look before going to talk to Jack.
"Thank you. You didn't have to do that." You smiled, following him into his room.
"What kind of gentleman would I be if I made you carry them?" He smiled, putting the bags in front of the wardrobe. "The linens are newly washed and you guys can use anything you need in the bathroom. Towels are here." He said, pointing to a cabinet by the bathroom.
"Perfect. Thanks, again." You tried not to blush, but Josh was just being so damn cute. You realized you had been staring a few seconds too long and you knew your cheeks had to be red at this point.
"Let me know if you guys need anything else." He smiled and grabbed a few things to take to Conor's room.
Reprimanding yourself for being so awkward, you laughed, sighed, and fell back on the bed....and all of a sudden heard giggles.
"That bad, huh?" The very recognizable voice of Jack Maynard filled your ears.
"ANNNAAAA." You moaned, knowing she had just filled Jack in about your crush.
"I told you I wouldn't tell Conor, not Jack." She laughed. "Plus...he already knew."
Sitting straight up, you yelped "What?!"
"Come on, love. All it takes is a look through your Twitter likes. You've liked maybe 10 of my tweets, but at least every other tweet you like is Josh's. Even his stupid tweets that make no sense." He replied, laying down on one side of you while Anna laid on the other.
Laying back, you sighed. "Fuck my life."
Jack and Anna both laughed until Conor and Josh walked into the bedroom. "There you guys are. What's so funny?" Josh asked. You threw your hands over your face while the other two just laughed harder.
"Oh, God. Now Jack is in on it??" Conor whined.
------------------------ When you and Anna finally decided to turn in for the night, you talked for a few hours before actually getting in your pajamas and crawling into bed.
"I'm so glad Conor convinced you to fly all the way over here." Anna said.
"Me too. I'm beyond excited to work with your brother face to face and I'm so happy I finally got to meet you guys." You replied. "I really need to work on my poker face, though. I literally just stared at Josh when he was in here earlier. Awkward, much?"
She laughed in response. "You'll do fine. He really is a sweet guy."
"Thanks...and he is. I just hope I don't make a fool of myself in front of him." you laughed.
It wasn't long before you both fell asleep.
Late the next morning you were woken up by quiet mumbles and giggles. You and Anna had apparently cuddled close in the night and the boys were standing at the bottom of the bed laughing. Once you woke up, Jack threw himself on the bed, being obnoxious. "Wake up, lazy bones!"
"Fuck off, Jack." Anna mumbled.
"ANNA!" Conor and Jack scolded.
"Look who's talking!" you laughed.
After you guys all had lunch, you and Conor went to his studio area and started planning out your songs.
"So we have our list of covers, do you have any unfinished originals you want to work on?" Conor asked.
"Yes! Let me grab my song book. I have a lot of pieces started that I just can't do anything with." you replied, hopping up to grab your notebook.
When you returned, he was flipping through a notebook of his own. "Feel free to look through this. All of the finished pieces have a title at the top and the others are just one to a page." you said, handing him your book.
"Same." he switched notebooks with you. "I have to warn you, though. The last 10 or so unfinished songs in there are all depressing. Apparently my life goal is to bring back 2006 emo music." he laughed.
"Mine's not much better." you chuckled. "Most of the unfinished pieces in there are love songs."
After reading through each other's lyrics for about a half hour, Conor looked up with the weirdest look on his face. "Are you dating someone?" he asked.
"Nope! Single and actively avoiding mingling." you smirked at him.
He looked back down at the book only to look back up within a minute. "These are recent?"
"Yup. What's going on? Did I accidentally hand you my notebook filled with fan-fiction?" you joked. "I warned you they were all mush."
"They're just all about one person." Conor gave you a knowing look.
"How can you tell?" you stuttered. "I mean, what do you mean?"
"I knew it! They ARE all about one person. *Somebody's got a crush*" he sang the last part. "What dashing stranger has won the heart of the famous Y/n?" he said in one of his weird accents, continuing to read lyrics from your book.
When you didn't respond, he looked back up to find your cheek had gone bright red. "I'm just teasing you, love. Don't worry. I can keep a secret." he comforted you, looking back down at your notebook. All of a sudden his head flew back up. "Oh, god. It's not Jack, is it?"
The terrified look on his face sent you into a fit of laughter
"What would be so wrong with that?" Jack teased as he walked into the room with Josh and Anna. Jack sat on your lap, cheesin' it up. "Writing songs about me, love?"
"Oh, god." Conor let his head dramatically drop into his hands.
You were too busy laughing at the brothers to notice Josh's face drop, but Anna saw it. "Hey, we are going to the park to kick the ball around. You two in or are you still working in here?" she asked.
"I want to stay and work on some of these" you replied, smiling at her and Josh.
"Make sure you put a line in there about my muscles." Jack kissed your cheek, hopping off of your lap. "Come on, boys. I mean, boy and Anna." he said, marching out of the room.
"See you guys later." you called after them. Looking back up at Conor, he was still staring at you with wide eyes. "it's not Jack!" you finally put him out of his misery.
"Oh, thank god." he started laughing. "I was kidding, anyways. I know it's me." he struck a cheesy pose.
"Dream on, Maynard." you chuckled.
On the way to the park, Anna kept thinking about Josh looking bummed out when Jack sat on your lap. "Boys, we've got a long walk. We should play a game."
"What were you thinking?" Jack asked.
"Truth or dare?" Josh chimed in.
"No, I'm not doing anything stupid you guys dare me to do." Anna whined. "Never have I ever?"
"Yes!" Jack yelled. "I'll go first. Never have I ever crushed on one of my siblings friends." He looked straight at Anna.
"Ewwww, no!" She laughed. Josh laughed and shook his head no. "Never have I ever been caught by your parents with a person of the opposite sex." She added.
"I have" Josh and Jack said in unison. "I was really young, though. We didn't know we were doing anything wrong." Josh added.
"I wasn't." Jack laughed. "It was right before I moved out and a girl followed me from the bathroom to my bedroom and mom caught us and told us we had to come downstairs to play 'family games' just to embarrass me."
"That was why that girl played Uno with us? That was the most awkward thing I've ever experienced in my life." Anna laughed.
"Tell me about it." He replied.
They were almost to the park, so Anna decided to try for some info. "Never have I ever had a crush on one of my roommates friends." Anna asked, making eye contact with Jack.
"Not a crush, really, but Conor and Josh do have some beautiful friends." Jack answered. "You?" he asked Josh.
"Yeah." he very quietly answered trying to go into the next Never Have I Ever question.
"What was that?" Anna asked.
"Fuck. Fine. Yes. Yes, I have." Josh answered in a huff.
"Ooooh, touchy. Who?" Jack teased.
"That wasn't part of the question!" he replied. "Plus, I doubt she likes me."
"So this is a current crush?" Anna asked.
"Why are you guys so interested?" Josh's cheeks flushed.
"Well, if it's one of my friends I'd probably know if they like you." Jack said. "Plus, you're my mate. I'm a great wing-man."
"Nah, It's nothing serious." Josh responded, kicking the ball and chasing it into the park you finally arrived at.
"Do you think?" Anna asked Jack once Josh was out of earshot.
"I mean, it makes sense. He doesn't usually get this weird when I ask him about girls." said Jack.
"He looked proper sad when you sat on Y/n's lap. It's gotta be her." Anna ran after Josh.
"I guess we'll find out." Jack joined them in the park.
That night, when everyone had gone their separate ways, Josh and Conor were up in Conor's room just talking and hanging out. Conor had asked you to leave your book with him and he had a stack of post-it's to write more lyric Ideas down for a few of the songs he really liked. He was almost finished reading through your song ideas when he found a scrap page that had scribbles and doodles on it. Things like "Learn to play guitar better" and "fuck my life, what rhymes with 'strength'?" Conor laughed, being able to relate to the stresses of song writing.
At the bottom of the page were the letters "J.P." written out a few times in different swirly fonts. *Must be the guy she's writing about* he thought to himself. Turning the page, he saw the name Josh written out similarly and his head snapped up to stare at his roommate, sitting on his bed.
"How was the park?" he asked Josh.
"Good. We got rained out, but we played for a few hours." Josh replied. "By the way, I don't know how you deal with your siblings when they're together. They gang up on you."
"Don't I know it. What did they do to you?" Conor asked.
"We played Never Have I Ever on the way to the park and they were just relentless. Though I did find out that Anna has a boyfriend. Jack went mental." Josh laughed.
"I told her he'd freak out when he found out. She told me a few weeks ago. It's one of my mate's little brothers, so I'm not too worried." Conor tried to figure out how to ask Josh about anyone he liked. "What were they badgering you about?"
"Anna asked if either of us had crushed on a roommate's friend. Jack denied it, but I said yes." Josh reluctantly answered.
"Awwwwww." Conor teased. "Who do you like?!"
"Not you too." Josh huffed. "Come on, I don't want to say. I'm obviously not their type, so I'd rather just get over it."
"Don't say that. Loads of girls would go for you." Conor replied, feeling bad that he obviously struck a nerve. "I won't tease you. I promise. I was just genuinely curious."
"Thanks. I'm making Mikey and Jack go to the club with me tomorrow, if you want to join. I need a night out to clear my head." Josh invited Conor.
"After reading through a few of these songs, I think we're going to work really late tomorrow. I've felt pretty inspired the last few days to write and I don't want to lose it. I'll come pick you guys up after the club, though. That way you don't have to wait for an Uber." Conor answered.
"Sweet. Thanks. I'm going to call it a night." Josh started getting ready for sleep.
"Me too, actually. I think I'm too sidetracked to work on this tonight."
The next day was amazing. You and Conor had been shut up in his studio working on melodies and lyrics with Anna. She had started to show an interest in singing and music, so Conor let her sit in on the writing process. She actually helped a few times when you were too caught up on something to see the best answer. She would bring you snacks and drinks and finally around 8pm she made you guys take a break.
She put on Jurassic world and you all sat down on the couch under a blanket. About 40 minutes into the movie, Conor passed out and his head fell on your shoulder. Jack and Josh walked through the living room to catch an Uber with Mikey and Caspar and Josh saw you looking mighty comfortable with Conor.
"Have fun, boys!" you called out. "Remember to text us when you want to be picked up. We're getting ready to go back up to the studio soon, so we'll definitely still be up."
"Will do." Jack replied.
"Who knows? After tonight I may have to do the walk of shame tomorrow morning." Josh replied grabbing his jacket.
"Just let me know you're safe." You forced a smile as they left, making awkward eye contact with Josh.
Conor woke up when the door closed, popping up and yelling "I'm awake." leaving Anna and you in a fit of laughter.
You had left Anna to watch the rest of the movie and to wait for the food that was being delivered and you and Conor want back up to the studio.
"Love, you need to do something to clear your head. I would say take a shot, but we have to pick up the boys later." He laughed. "Ever since we came back up here your ideas have gotten more and more angsty."
"I'm sorry." you said, hanging your head.
"Don't apologize. I just want to help. What's going on up there?" he tapped you on the forehead.
"It's nothing. I think I'm just in a mood." you tried to laugh it off.
"What about?" He asked.
"Boys. Dumb, dumb boys." You were genuinely laughing at yourself, now. "We should take advantage of my angst and work on one of your emo songs." you joked.
Conor caught on that you didn't want to talk about it and decided to try to make you laugh. He stood up and starting singing lyrics to an old Hawthorne Heights song.
"Too emo! TOO EMO!" You were rolling laughing at this point.
Soon after that, Anna brought the food up and the rest of your night ended up back on track. You finished a song and had started another.
"Lets do another round!" Josh called to the boys.
"You're really in it to win it tonight, aren't you." Caspar replied, suggesting shots. "What's gotten into you?"
"He's caught up on a girl." Jack replied before Josh could answer. "He won't admit who it is, though."
"Is that why you wanted to go out tonight, mate?" Mikey asked. "Find yourself a distraction."
"Why don't I know about this?" Caspar asked, faking that he was hurt.
Josh just glared at Jack. "Because it doesn't matter."
"Go grab the next round, Josh." Jack handed him cash, watching him walk off to the bar.
"Who is it?" Caspar immediately asked. Mikey's face looking just as interested.
"I think it's Y/n, but he wouldn't say. He just said that they wouldn't like him back so he wants to get over it." Jack quickly said, trying to fill them in before Josh got back with shots.
"Awww, they would be cute together!" Caspar squee'd like a proud parent.
"I know! I just don't know how to get him to tell us that it is for sure her. I don't want to play match-maker and fuck things up if it's not." Jack saw Josh approaching their booth so he told the other guys to act normal.
"Yeah!" Mikey cheered when Josh put the drinks down. "To a good night out with the boys." he added, picking up his glass and tapping it to the other glasses.
"Amen, buddy." Josh replied, downing his 7th or 8th shot of the night.
2:30 A.M. and Conor finally got a text from the boys. "Either of you want to come with me to get those losers?"
"I'm in." You grabbed your sweatshirt, looking to Anna.
"May as well. I hate being here by myself." She joined you at the door.
Anna sat up front so she wouldn't have to share a seat with a drunk boy. "Hop in fellas!" she yelled to the boys once we arrived at the club.
Josh slid in next to you, with Jack following. Caspar and Mikey sat in the very back row. "Who is going where?" Conor called to the back of the car.
"If you don't mind, can you drop me off at my place?" Caspar asked.
"Not at all. We'll drop you off first." Conor replied.
"Did you guys have fun?" you asked.
"Yeah. Mostly just caught up with one another and drank. We drank a lot. I'm glad you guys picked us up because I don't think I could have worked my Uber app." Jack looked like he was half asleep already.
"How did your song writing go?" Josh suddenly asked, a drunk smile on his face.
"Good, actually. Thanks for asking." You smiled back at him. "Did you have a good night?"
"Yeah. Nothing special. Just hanging with the boys. Do we get to hear what you wrote?" Josh asked as we pulled up to Caspar's place.
Knowing that your first song was kind of inspired by the drunk boy sitting next to you, you were kind of nervous to have him listen to it. With blushing cheeks you responded, "Of course. Once it's finished."
"Bye guys. Thanks for the ride, Conor." Caspar called into the car. Jack joined Mikey in the back so that it was 2 to a row, and Josh laid down taking up the whole seat with his head in your lap.
"Too much to drink?" you asked him, chuckling.
"I can handle it." he mumbled.
You saw Anna look back and smile at the sight of you two. "Sure you can, buddy." She teased him.
Jack was giving Josh a hard time from the back seat. "Mate, you're gonna crush her. Or be sick. Whichever one comes first."
Josh attempted to sit up, but you put your arm over his side. "You're fine, hun. I'll wake you up when we get back to the flat."
Mikey jabbed Jack in the side, telling him to shut up.
You were totally fine with how the night ended up. Josh didn't go out with some random girl, you finished your song, and you were now running your fingers through his hair.
Your phone went off and you saw a picture Anna had just snapped of you two. You had to admit, it was quite cute.
When you pulled up to the flat, you rubbed your hand up and down Josh's side trying to wake him up. "Josh. Come on, love. You gotta wake up."
He sat up looking really confused. "Are we back?" he sleepily asked.
"Yes." you tried to keep a straight face. His hair was all over the place since you had been playing with it. "Lets get inside."
You tried to help him out, but he insisted on doing it himself. "I'm fine. I'm not that drunk." But when he practically fell out of the car, he admitted defeat.
"Come on." you laughed, putting your arm around his waist and pulling his over your shoulders. "I got you."
You and Anna decided to sleep on the couches, letting Josh sleep off his drunk in his own bed. You got him to the bed and started taking his shoes off. "Josh, do you need anything before you pass out?"
"I'm going to go get water in a minute" he replied with his eyes already shut.
"How about I grab you some water and some crackers and you stay here and change into some pajamas." You offered.
When you returned with some water, pain pills, and crackers he hadn't moved. "Josh, can you drink some of this before you fall asleep?" getting him to sit up for a second. "You don't want to sleep in your jeans, either."
He drank all of the water, but then he just laid back down. "Your phone is by your bed, okay? Can I get you anything else?"
He didn't respond, so you assumed he'd fallen asleep. Walking to the door, you heard him mumble something that truly sounded like "stay."
Turning around, you asked him. "What was that?", but the only response you got was a light snore. Feeling bad that he was going to be uncomfortable all night, you pulled his jeans off and left him to sleep in his T-shirt and Boxers. You tucked him in and made your way to the living room.
Anna had already fallen asleep on a couch, so you were free to write for a little bit. "Conor, can I grab my song book from you?"
"Of course. I'm actually going to write a bit tonight if you want to come up." He replied. He had actually been waiting for you two to be alone so he could question you about "J.P. and Josh".
"Perfect." you followed him up the stairs.
"Feeling inspired?" he asked, trying to keep a smirk off of his face as he handed you your book.
You blushed, feeling like he was trying to get information out of you. "Just don't think I'll be able to sleep, is all." You sat cross-legged on the floor and opened your notebook and it fell open on your trash page. When you realized that Conor had been through the whole thing and would have seen this page, your head shot up.
He had a full blown grin at this point. "Josh, huh?"
"Oh, fuck my life." you laughed, burying your face in your hands. "I cannot win with you guys."
"Awwwww, its true! Is that why you and Anna have been being so secretive??" he came to sit across from you on the floor.
"She told Jack, too!" you whined. "I just don't want to make things awkward. I'm in your flat for a month."
"It won't be awkward, love. Also, you two are fucking adorable. I saw the picture Anna took. You should tell him." he replied, opening his own songbook to find something to work on.
"NO! No way! Please don't tell him." you begged Conor.
"Hey, hey! Calm down, y/n. I would never break your trust like that. I just think it's really cute. He's a great guy." assuring you that your secret was safe.
"Thanks." you smiled back at him.
You guys wrote for another hour or so before finally crashing for the night.
The next morning, you and Anna were the first up. With it being almost noon, you decided to cook a full breakfast for the guys. Anna made toast and fried eggs while you made bacon, sausage, and hash browns. While the last pieces of toast were browning, you guys went to wake the boys.
You heard laughter coming from Jack's room and walked in to see Anna snap chatting Mikey and Jack spooning. You then went to wake Josh while Anna went to wake Conor.
"Josh?" You called, gently shaking his shoulder. "You have breakfast waiting for you in the kitchen."
Josh sat up, taking notice of what room he was in. "Why am I in my room? Where did you sleep?"
"You boys came home pretty drunk last night, so we figured you'd like to sleep in your own bed." You replied.
"But where did you and Anna sleep?" He groggily asked, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.
At this point you realized he didn't remember anything from last night. "What do you mean? I slept in here, don't you remember?"
Josh's eyes shot open. "What?! I mean, uh. Oh...Did we, uh...what exactly um..."
"Nothing happened, Josh. What kind of girl do you think I am?" You went on. "You do talk in your sleep, though. Apparently it was confession hour for you." You teased.
"Oh, God. Y/n please tell me I didn't say anything embarrassing..." He went quiet for a second. "Oh, shit! Did I say anything about you?"
"Josh, I'm kidding! Anna and I slept on the couches. Don't freak out, hun. Your secrets are still safe." You laughed. "I am intrigued what you thought you said about me, though. Put your pants on and come eat." You smiled and left the room.
"You were in there a long time, y/n." Conor teased when you made your way back to the kitchen.
"Shut it." You scolded. "He can hear you!"
"Morning, ladies." Mikey said, joining you at the counter.
"Morning, Lp." You replied, handing him a plate.
"I feel like I'm dying" Josh said, finally walking out of his room. "I don't remember anything after falling asleep on Y/n's lap in the car. Sorry about that, by the way."
"Don't apologize for being adorable." You replied, making Josh smile.
"It WAS really cute." Anna added. "I even took a picture. I'll send it to you."
"You guys went pretty hard, last night." Conor said. "Make sure to drink lots of water."
"I have an empty glass by my bed, so I assume someone made me drink some last night. Thank you, whoever that was." Josh replied.
"That would be your pillow over here." Anna said, pointing her thumb at you.
"The food is delicious, girls." Jack said, stuffing bacon in his mouth. "Josh, please tell me you've changed your mind about going out again tonight."
"You're going out again?" Conor asked.
"No. It was a dumb idea." Josh said. "Learned my lesson."
"No more distractions?" Jack asked, sitting next to Josh.
Josh immediately punched him in the arm. "Shut up."
You and Anna shared a confused look. "Anyone have any plans for the day?" Anna asked.
"Well, I think Josh and I are filming at Caspar's later." Mikey replied.
"I'm supposed to be at Oli's in a few hours." Jack added.
"Looks like we're writing again today", you smiled at Anna and Conor. "Also, Anna, we should bake a cake."
"YES! Conor, can you drive us to the store?" She looked really excited.
"As long as you share." He bargained.
"Deal." She answered.
Josh eventually made his way to Caspar's with Mikey. Anna had text him the picture of you and him in the car and he kept unlocking his phone to look at it.
"You alright, buddy?" Caspar asked his best mate.
"Yeah. Of course." Josh locked his phone, setting it on the table. "What are we filming today?"
"I wanted to film a new game I ordered but it didn't come in time." Caspar complained. "We can do a QnA or a Would You Rather video?" He suggested, trying to come up with ideas.
"Let's do Would You Rather, but like Jack has been playing it. You have to actually do the one you pick." Josh replied.
"Oh, man. I already did this with Jack!" Mikey whined.
"Okay, why don't you read off the questions then." Caspar suggested. "Let's write down a few each. Then we'll make sure we have everything for the game."
Doing his intro, he mentioned Josh and Mikey and explained why they were doing this instead of the video he had planned. "Okay, I'll go first. Mikey?"
"Caspar, would you rather eat a spoonful of coffee grinds or retweet every tweet Joe has written in the last month. Including replies."
"Oh, fuck my life. I'm going to look like the biggest weirdo." He said, spending the next 5 minutes retweeting a months worth of tweets.
"I'm glad you got that one." Josh teased. "Lay it on me Mikey."
"Josh, would you rather let Caspar text anyone from your phone or tweet your YouTube crush asking them out on a date?" Mikey read the paper.
Josh felt really stuck. "I guess I'll have Caspar text off my phone." He said, reluctantly handing over his phone.
"Ooooooo, who should I text??" Caspar squealed. Opening Josh's phone, he saw it open on his text with Anna. The picture of Josh laying on your lap was the last text he had received. "Well I guess that makes it easy to pick." He held the phone up to Josh, showing him he had seen the picture.
"Please don't text her." Josh begged, getting flustered. "Caspar, don't." He grabbed his phone back, walking away from where they were filming.
"Hey, Josh. We'll start that round over." Trying to calm Josh down. They teased him a lot, but Caspar loved Josh. He knew when things had gone too far. "I do want you to talk about it, though. Jack thinks you like her."
Josh sat down on the couch, looking at  the picture. "That's funny because it seems like she likes Jack."
"If she does, I don't think he knows it. He wanted to try to hook you two up." Caspar said, sitting next to Josh. "You should just talk to her."
"Nah, she's going to be here for a month staying in our flat. I don't want to fuck it up." He said. "Can we film later? I'm not really in the mood anymore."
"Of course. I'll do a QnA with Mikey and we'll film something else later." Caspar said, grabbing his phone. "Oh, fuck me, I need to delete all of these retweets."
That actually got Josh to laugh a bit. "I'll see you later." He said, leaving Mikey and Casper to do a QnA.
Conor, Anna, and you were in the grocery store shopping for baking supplies.
"What kind of cake should we make?" You asked Anna, looking at all of the options.
"Well...Josh's favorite is chocolate." Conor said, grabbing a tin of chocolate frosting.
"You told Conor?!" Anna shrieked.
"Calm down, he figured it out." You laughed.
"Yeah, she's written his name in her notebook about a dozen times." He teased.
"Stooooooop. It's hopeless, guys." You said, reaching for the vanilla cake mix.
"Fuck off." Conor said, swatting your hand away from the box and grabbing the chocolate mix instead. "You know you're not about to give up. One, you're actually way out of Josh's league. So you have that going for you." He laughed. "And two, you've literally been writing lyrics about that boy. I'm not letting you give up on your muse."
"Just put the cake mix in the cart and shut up." You said, laughing. "Also, where's the wine in this place?"
"That's my girl." Conor cheered.
When you got back to the flat, you noticed Josh's keys on the table by the door.
"Lets bake the cake now so it can cool." Anna suggested.
Grabbing all of the ingredients, you started looking through the drawers for the wine bottle opener. "Found it!" you called, pouring yourself a hardy glass of red. "Okay, where are the mixing bowls?"
You and Anna were halfway through adding your ingredients and you were about halfway through your glass. "Oooo, you grabbed chocolate chips too!" Anna sounded excited, throwing them in the batter.
"Did someone say chocolate?" Josh walked into the kitchen, sitting at the counter.
"We're baking a cake!" Anna cheered, sneaking sips of your wine.
"And underage drinking apparently?" Josh laughed.
"I have done no such thing." She replied, sneaking another sip.
"Girl, your brother is going to kill me." you poked her in the side, making her giggle. "Would you like some wine?" you asked Josh.
"Yes, actually. That sounds great." he smiled at you.
Grabbing a second glass, you filled his and re-filled yours. "Okay, we need to add the eggs." you said, reading the back of the box.
"I want to crack the eggs!" Anna ran to to grab the carton.
"I thought you were filming at Caspar's, today?" you asked, sipping some more of your wine, feeling it start to relax you.
Josh took a hardy drink from his glass and replied. "Filming got a little stressful, so he's just going to do a QnA instead."
"That's a bummer. On the other hand, we'll have cake in about an hour." you held up your glass to cheers him.
"Cake makes everything better." he laughed, clinking his glass to yours. "This wine is really good."
"Red is best. Jack is always drinking white wine." you replied.
"I'll have to remember that." he said, topping off his glass.
Anna cracked the eggs and finished the mix. Once the cake was in the oven, she said she had to ask Conor something and left the room.
"How do you set the timer on this?" you asked.
Josh walked up to stand behind you and pointed over your shoulder to the timer. "How long?" he asked.
Feeling him stand so close to you with this much wine in you had your head spinning a bit. "Um...thirty minutes should be fine."
"three zero zero zero." he read the numbers out as he punched them in. "It's good to go."
"Thank you." you said, turning to face him.
"No problem." he replied, stepping back to lean on the counter. "What are you guys doing for the rest of the day?"
"Conor and I will eventually hole up somewhere to write, but I think we're just going to hang out for a bit. I know Anna wants to watch Conjuring 2."
"Mind if I join you for that?" he asked. "I didn't get to catch it in the cinema."
"Of course! We should try to pull the blinds and drapes so that it gets dark in here. We can put the movie on after we pull the cake out to cool." you replied, finishing your second glass of wine.
"I'll fix the windows if you go grab blankets." he smiled, finishing his wine, as well.
"Perfect." you left the room, glad to have a moment to yourself. grabbing the extra blanket off of Josh's bed, you climbed the stairs to Conor's room.
"What are you two doing in here?" you asked, startling both of them.
"You scared the shit out of me." Conor said, covering his chest with his hand.
"Well, if a tipsy person walking up stairs scares you, I don't know how you're going to survive the movie." you said, laughing. "I need to steal your second blanket. We're getting the living room ready for Conjuring 2."
"YES! I'm going to go make popcorn." Anna said, running down the stairs.
"Tipsy, eh?" Conor asked, patting the chair next to him that Anna had just left.
"Wine does wonders for the nerves." you laughed.
"I really do need to take you out one night. It's totally different than in America." he added.
"I'm in. I haven't been out dancing in forever." you replied, looking at his computer screen. "Have you been working on our songs??" you asked excitedly.
"Yeah. I was just letting Anna listen through a couple of the backing tracks." he said. "We'll go over them later, though. Let's go watch the movie."
"I'm really excited to work on those. I feel like I was stuck in writing some of them, but they're turning into great songs." you said, smiling at Conor.
"That would have nothing to do with the giant ginger downstairs, though, right?" he teased.
"Oh, shut it. I think it's just being here. Finally getting to spend time with you and Anna. Leaving my routine. Visiting a new city. I just needed to not feel stuck. Thank you for making me come out here." you hugged him.
"I'm glad you came." he replied, hugging you back. You two talked a bit before going downstairs. "Come on, you lush. I'll grab the other blanket."
Walking downstairs, you heard the timer start to go off. "Anna, can you grab the cake?" you called.
"I got it." Josh said from the kitchen, shutting the timer off and grabbing pot-holders.
"Thank you." You smiled at him.
"This smells delicious." he replied, putting the cake tin on a cooling rack and turning off the oven "The movie is ready to go, too."
When you got to the couch, Anna and Conor had taken each end, leaving the two spaces in the middle open. You sat next to Anna, throwing the blanket over your laps. "Come on, Josh. We're starting it."
"Coming!" he called, grabbing something before he left the kitchen. He joined you on the couch and you saw that he had filled his wine glass again. "Have any of you seen this?" he asked.
"I did. It was terrifying." you answered, watching the opening scenes. As you all relaxed into the couch and got comfortable, you and Josh ended up a little closer, your thighs and shoulders touching.
About half an hour into the movie, it starts to get pretty scary. The lot of you jumping at certain scenes and ducking your head to avoid watching others. During one particular scene, you had practically yelped and the other three got quite a laugh out of it. "Don't tease me!" you laughed, too. "I forgot about that part!"
"We're just giving you a hard time." Josh said, throwing his arm around you to shake you a bit. "We've all jumped."
"Just wait. It gets scarier." you said, looking up at him, grabbing his glass from him and taking a sip.
"We'll see." he left his arm around you, letting it drape over your shoulder.
For as nervous as you had felt around Josh, you felt really safe tucked into his side. Anna, being the sneaky photographer again, snapped a picture of the two of you.
"That was way better than I thought it was going to be. Sequels normally suck." Conor said, stretching and getting off the couch to turn on the lights.
"I agree. I still wish I would have seen it while it was in the cinema. They're always scarier." Josh replied, his arm still securely around you.
"It smells like cake." you guys heard Jack say from the door.
"Oh yeah! We need to frost it." Anna said, getting up and going to the kitchen.
"You can frost it. I'm comfortable." you said, pulling the rest of the blanket over to now cover you and Josh.
"Awwww, finally." Jack said, seeing you next to Josh.
Your eyes flew open and Josh had a confused look on his face. "What do you mean?" Josh asked Jack.
"Nothing." you quickly replied. "He's just being an idiot." you stared at Jack, standing up and joining Anna in the kitchen.
"What was that about?" Josh asked Jack once you had left the room.
"I just mean that I was glad you two finally...you know...talked or whatever. You looked cute all cuddled together on the couch." Jack said.
"That would be the wine. They didn't actually talk." Conor laughed.
"Aahhhh, well lets open another bottle." Jack joked.
"I'm not going to break Y/n's trust, but I can guarantee you Jack will, so I'm going to leave the room and let you two get on the same page." Conor said, joining you and Anna in the kitchen.
"What is going on?" Josh asked.
"Well, a few things. Caspar already text me, so I know you like y/n." Jack said, holding his hands up telling Josh to stay sat down and listen. "Also, the reason I've been trying to find out who you like is because Y/n likes you. Like, she's told me and Anna and apparently Conor."
"What?" Josh said, relaxing back into the couch.
"Yeah, so stop being a moody child and do something about it." Jack replied.
"I wasn't that bad." Josh defended himself.
"You said you might go home with a girl from the club right in front of her." Jack scolded him.
"Ah, fuck. I'm an idiot." Josh replied, standing up. "I'll make it up to her." he said, walking to the kitchen with Jack.
Anna had finished icing the cake and Conor and you had gone up to his room to start working on the songs.
"So, we were right." Jack said, walking up to Anna and stealing the frosting spoon.
Looking at Josh, she asked, "What are you going to do about it?"
"I don't know yet. I just found out she likes me." Josh replied.
"Well...Why don't you post this?" Anna held up her phone, showing Josh the picture of you two cuddled together watching the movie.
"That's a big move." he replied, getting a bit nervous.
"Josh, you already know she likes you. I think it's perfect." Jack added.
Downing the last bit of wine, Josh agreed. "Fuck it. Send it to me."
"I need to start charging for all of these photo shoots." Anna teased, texting Josh the photo.
Josh posted the photo on his Instagram with the caption "I'm not above using a scary movie as an excuse to cuddle with a beautiful girl."
"Damn, son." Jack said, patting Josh on the back. "That's slick."
"Even better, Y/n's phone is right here. She won't see it right away." Anna said.
"Perfect. Now lets go get something to eat before Conor sees it. I've had too much wine and not enough food." Josh said, grabbing his wallet and ordering an Uber from his phone.
"Lets get Chinese." Anna said, writing a note and leaving it next to the cake. "Be back soon. Josh, Jack, and I went to get food. We'll bring you something back. - Anna"
You and Conor had been going through the backing tracks he had made, tweaking and refining them. Conor got the notification that Josh had posted a picture and clicked on it. "I'll be right back." Conor said, running down the stairs. Seeing the note and your phone, he ran back upstairs.
"Are you okay?" you laughed, seeing Conor out of breath and looking a bit crazy.
"Two things." He said, handing you the note.
"Okay, they'll be back in a bit. And?" you replied, really curious where this was going.
"You should check your phone." He said, now handing you your phone.
"Oh, god. What did he post? Did they get in trouble?" you asked, opening the notification.
Conor watched your face light up and your cheeks turn red when you read what Josh wrote. "I'm not above using a scary movie as an excuse to cuddle with a beautiful girl." You started typing a comment on his photo and Conor looked over your shoulder to read it. "I'm not above playing up how scary the movie is to cuddle with a handsome boy."
"You two are disgusting." Conor teased, walking back to the computer.
Waiting at the "to-go" counter of the restaurant, Josh unlocked his phone and saw your comment. "Oh, shit."
Grabbing Josh's phone, Jack saw what you wrote. "See! I told you, buddy."
"God, I'm so awkward. I feel like a teenager that's scared to ask a girl to the dance." Josh replied, rubbing his hand over his face.
"That's kind of perfect, though. You're both awkward. It works." Anna laughed, grabbing the bags of food from the counter.
When they made it back to the flat, they brought the food into the kitchen. "I'll go let them know we're back." Jack said, going upstairs. "Hey, you two." He said, walking to stand between you and Conor's chairs.
"What did you guys bring?" Conor asked, saving his project.
"Chinese. Anna wants to eat and play games downstairs, so join us whenever you're ready." Jack replied. He started back down the stairs singing "Josh and Y/n, sitting in a tree..."
You both laughed, but Conor knew you were nervous. "Come on, love. You'll do fine."
When you joined the rest downstairs, you grabbed your plates and made your way to the living room. "Tonight is my last night here and I want to play games." Anna said.
"Sounds fun to me." You said, sitting next to her. "what do you have in mind?"
"We have board games, but I also want to play charades." She said, digging into  her food.
"I'll text Mikey so the teams are even." Jack replied.
The evening went by without a hitch. You had eaten your dinners, had some cake, opened a few more bottles of wine, played some games, and filmed the charades for Jack's channel. You were grateful that you and Josh never got brought up. When the evening was winding down, you decided to get some air and went to sit on the balcony. You sat cross-legged on the floor, flipping through your songbook and reading over some notes Conor had left you. "How are you doing out here?" Josh asked, walking out onto the balcony.
"Hey! I'm good. Just enjoying the night air." You smiled up at him, closing your book.
Seeing you flip your notebook closed, Josh apologized for interrupting you. "Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt. I'll leave you to it." He smiled and started walking back inside.
"Oh, no!" You replied. "I was just reading through what Conor had written. You're totally free to stay if you'd like."
"You don't mind?" He asked, hesitating at the door.
"Of course not, silly." You said, patting the spot next to you.
"Hold on." He said, ducking inside and coming back out with a blanket. "It gets quite chilly out here this late." Josh sat next to you and threw the blanket over your laps.
"Thank you." You said, leaning back against the wall.
After a few moments of comfortable silence, Josh blurted out "I'm sorry if I've been an ass."
Turning to look at him, you couldn't help but laugh. "What do you mean?"
"Let me explain." he said, leaning back against the wall. "I've had an innocent little YouTuber crush on your for a while. I never thought much of it until I actually met you in person." He paused, turning to face you for a moment before continuing. "When I realized I had actual feelings for you, I got a bit jealous of your relationships with Jack and Conor."
"Josh, they're friendships. And Jack flirts with everybody." you laughed.
Chuckling himself, Josh continued. "I know, but I was still jealous." He turned to face you again. "I really like you and I know you're probably way out of my league, but I'd really love to take you on a date."
"Josh, I'm not out of your league. And I've liked you for quite a while." you replied, opening your notebook to your trash page. "look."
Josh laughed, seeing his name and initials scribbled in your notebook. He started teasing you. "You really like me, you want to kiss me, you want to hug me...." he continued on, both of you laughing.
"Alright, alright. Give me a break." you replied, leaning on his shoulder. Josh put his arm around you and pulled you to snuggle into his side. "I vote we call this our first date. We've had wine, food, fun, and now we're cuddled up outside enjoying each others company in this beautiful weather."
"I think we can make that happen." he replied, pacing a kiss on top of your head.
You looked up at him and pulled him into a sweet and gentle kiss before snuggling back into his side. You both sat there in comfortable silence for about a half hour, just enjoying being together. When Jack walked out onto the porch, he hopped up on the wall and "awww"d the two of you, seeing you asleep tucked under Josh's arm. "Good job, buddy. Did you finally talk?"
"Yeah." He replied looking down at you. "I'm an idiot. I should have talked to her straight away."
"I tried to get you to talk!" Jack laughed. "I knew she really cared for you and I didn't want to try and hook you two up if  you didn't feel the same."
"I definitely do. She's only here for a month and I feel like I've already wasted so much time." Josh replied, tucking your hair behind your ear.
"It's not like we don't travel all the time. You'll make it work, buddy." Jack encouraged Josh.
"I know." Josh smiled.
"Well Conor's gone to bed and Anna is asleep on the couch. You may want to wake sleeping beauty." Jack said, hopping down off of the wall.
Josh waited for Jack to go inside and then he tried to wake you up. "Y/n." He said, running his hand up and down your arm.
"Sorry." You said, sitting up and taking in your surroundings. "I'm exhausted."
"Anna and Conor are asleep and Jack's headed there. We should probably go inside." He said.
"I agree." You said, standing up. "Where did Anna crash?"
"Couch. You can have my bed. I'll go join Conor." He said, grabbing the blanket and following you inside.
"I can take the other couch. You don't need to give up your own bed." You replied, going up on your tip-toes to kiss Josh's cheek.
"No way. I'm not taking a bed if you have a couch." Josh argued.
"Well then, fancy a cuddle buddy?" You asked, tucking Anna in with the blanket.
You turned around to see a sleepy smiling Josh. "Sounds good to me." He replied, following you into his room. "I'll go change in the bathroom. You can get ready for bed in here."
When Josh returned, you went to wash your face and brush your teeth in the bathroom. Walking back into his room, you saw him laid down in the bed with his eyes closed. Worrying you would wake him, you gently crawled in on the other side and turned the lamp off.
"You're too far away" you heard Josh say before feeling his arms snake around your middle and pull you to him.
Giggling, you replied. "I thought you had fallen asleep."
"Just waiting for you, love." Josh kissed your hair and snuggled into the pillow behind you. "Sleep well."
"I definitely will." you replied, letting the rhythm of Josh's chest rising and falling lull you to sleep.
The next morning you woke up with Josh's head laying on your chest and his leg thrown over one of yours. You looked down and stared at the sleeping ginger and couldn't help but smile. Checking the time on your phone, you saw that it was almost noon. Clicking on a text notification, you saw it was from Anna. "I came in to say bye, but I didn't want to wake you. I'll make sure to come down from Brighton again before you leave. :) Or I'll make Conor and Jack bring you up. I'll leave you with this." Her text was followed by a picture of you and Josh cuddled together in his bed.
Running your fingers through his hair, you tried to wake Josh. "Josh, wake up." Josh just snuggled his face into your chest a bit and continued to sleep. Your laugh is what ended up waking him up. "Comfortable?" you asked.
Sleepily he looked up at you, realizing that he was laying on you. "Sorry." he said, starting to roll away.
"No you don't." you said, pulling him back to you. "You can stay." you started running your fingers through his hair again. "It's just almost noon and I'm starving."
"Mmmm, I am too, but you're so comfortable." Josh replied, practically purring as your drug your fingers through his hair.
"We can cuddle again after food." You said, your stomach growling.
"I'd love to be selfish, but your tummy is yelling at me." Josh laughed, rolling out of bed. "Let me go see if anyone else is awake."
Watching him walk out of the room, you couldn't help but have a moment of "this is real". You stayed laying in the bed with your eyes closed for a moment before standing up and changing into fresh clothes.
Josh walked back in without making any noise and caught you mid change. "Shit, I'm so sorry!" he said, turning back to the door.
Startled, you jumped and turned and then started laughing. "You scared the ever livin' out of me." you called after him. "Josh, you can come back in."
Shyly he crept back through the door. "I didn't mean to intrude." he said, watching you pull jeans and a sweater on.
"It's your room, nerd. You're good." you said, going up on your toes to kiss him. "Anyone else awake?"
Circling you in his arms, he responded. "They're both just waking up. I kind of want to leave the flat for food."
"Coffee shop down the street?" you suggested, leaning your head against his chest and slipping your arms around him.
"Perfect." He replied. "Let me get changed and we'll tell the boys to meet us there."
"I'll let them know." you said, kissing him and leaving the room.
After letting the guys know, you walked back towards Josh's room and heard him talking to someone.
"That's perfect, thank you. I'm going to wait to book a ticket back. I'm hoping the person I'm visiting will want me to stay a while." Josh said into the phone.
You peeked around the corner of his door frame and saw him blush when he realized you had heard him booking a ticket to visit you. He ended the call telling the customer service rep to have a nice day.
"Plan on visiting someone?" You asked with a smirk on your face.
"I mean. There's this beautiful girl in America I'm hoping won't mind sharing a bed with me for a while." He grinned, pulling you to sit in his lap on the bed.
"Well I hope she says yes." You pecked his lips with a chaste kiss.
"Me too." Josh said with an adoring look in his eyes. "Because I just can't accept that this ends when you fly home. I don't want to let this go."
"Don't worry, Josh." You smiled, putting your hand on his cheek. "You can share my bed anytime you want...even if you do snore."
"Hey!" Josh said, faking hurt. "I don't snore."
You got up laughing and walked out to where the guys were waiting. "Oh, you definitely snore."
"Looks like you two got on well last night." Conor said.
"We did." You replied, grabbing Josh's hand when he caught up. "Even tho this one snores like a mad man."
"I do not!" Josh retorted, leading you both out of the flat.
"I thought it was bad watching them pine over each other." Jack said sarcastically. "Now we have to live with the married couple for 3 more weeks."
Conor cracked up laughing. "Oh, you better prepare yourself. That's going to last a hell of a lot longer than 3 weeks."
"Yeah yeah." Jack laughed, following them out of the flat.
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enobrien · 6 months
Finding your feet in the internship: induction, and completing initial tasks.
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At Sports Entertainment Network, my initial role was as a digital content and video assistant. These roles stemmed from anything editing in video, but I also had the opportunity to complete other tasks such as writing articles. In my first few shifts, I was taught the task of clipping up radio segments and discussions into shorter videos for sharing on all social media platforms. For example, I would get in at 9am and go through the SEN Breakfast producer notes and clip up any important conversations that I believed were of note and cut them into short 2min clips.
At first, I had to learn the editing procedure that was required, and with the help of Jack I was able to get a hold of it fairly quickly. Most of the tools and ways in which they wanted it to be done was already set up in Premiere Pro, so all I had to do was drag in the vision and audio and find the in and out points of the conversation. The next step was to do it as quickly as possible, so the number of clips that could be posted was increased and able to be scheduled throughout the day. My biggest learning curve with that task was actually determining what was a comment or conversation worth clipping up. Over the period of a 3 hour show for instance, there is a lot of things that say Kane Cornes or Nathan Buckley would talk about, and figuring out the best things to clip that would likely get a lot of traction on social media was what I needed to figure out.
I was also asked to broaden my skillset and have a go at writing a small piece for publishing on their website. This is something that I know I can always improve, as I haven’t practiced it as much as my editing skills over the years. I gave it a go and wrote a small article about a contentious decision in a match from the previous night between Collingwood and Geelong. Knowing it was about Collingwood and Brayden Maynard, it gained quite a lot of traction on socials, and it was cool to see something I wrote about be so topical with the fans. This was a good experience for me to further my writing skills for the future.
At Tennis Victoria, my initial task was to take over the videoing and editing of their weekly State Grade Show. As Steph – who was previously responsible – was going on leave, it was a great opportunity for me to step right in to the deep end and put my current skills into practice. Every Tuesday we would go find a location for filming, then I would come back and edit the final product for it to be posted later that day. It was fun learning and experiencing what was close to a full producer type role.
This wouldn't have been possible without the preparation that was given to us by Holmesglen before the internships took place. The unit "Transition into Professional Practice" taught by Sharon was greatly beneficial to me and all students. "Students and supervisors would benefit from more formal preparation or training prior to the start of an internship." (Zehr and Korte, 2020).
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docrotten · 1 year
IT CAME FROM OUTER SPACE (1953) – Episode 155 – Decades Of Horror: The Classic Era
“Where are you? What do you look like? What am I supposed to be looking for? I know you are out there hiding in the desert. Maybe I’m looking right at you and don’t even see you. Come on out!” Doesn’t the song go, “Who are you? Who, who, who, who?” Join this episode’s Grue-Crew – Chad Hunt, Daphne Monary-Ernsdorff, Doc Rotten, and Jeff Mohr – as they set their eyeballs with relish on Jack Arnold’s It Came From Outer Space (1953).
Decades of Horror: The Classic Era Episode 155 – It Came From Outer Space (1953)
Join the Crew on the Gruesome Magazine YouTube channel! Subscribe today! And click the alert to get notified of new content! https://youtube.com/gruesomemagazine
ANNOUNCEMENT Decades of Horror The Classic Era is partnering with THE CLASSIC SCI-FI MOVIE CHANNEL, THE CLASSIC HORROR MOVIE CHANNEL, and WICKED HORROR TV CHANNEL Which all now include video episodes of The Classic Era! Available on Roku, AppleTV, Amazon FireTV, AndroidTV, Online Website. Across All OTT platforms, as well as mobile, tablet, and desktop. https://classicscifichannel.com/; https://classichorrorchannel.com/; https://wickedhorrortv.com/
A spaceship from another world crashes in the Arizona desert and only an amateur stargazer and a schoolteacher suspect alien influence when the local townsfolk begin to act strangely.
  Director: Jack Arnold
Writers: Harry Essex; Ray Bradbury (film treatment)
Produced by: William Alland
Music by: Irving Gertz, Henry Mancini, Herman Stein (all uncredited)
Cinematography by: Clifford Stine
Editing by: Paul Weatherwax
Costume Design by: Rosemary Odell (gowns)
Makeup Department:
Joan St. Oegger (hair stylist)
Bud Westmore (makeup artist)
Jack Kevan (makeup execution) (uncredited)
Art Department: Joseph Hurley (conceptual artist) (uncredited)
Visual Effects by:
David S. Horsley (special photography)
Roswell A. Hoffmann (special photographic effects / visual effects optical printing) (uncredited)
Selected Cast:
Richard Carlson as John Putnam
Barbara Rush as Ellen Fields
Charles Drake as Sheriff Matt Warren
Joe Sawyer as Frank Daylon
Russell Johnson as George
Kathleen Hughes as Jane
Virginia Mullen as Mrs. Daylon (uncredited)
Dave Willock as Pete Davis (uncredited)
George Eldredge as Dr. Snell (uncredited)
Bradford Jackson as Bob – Dr. Snell’s Assistant (uncredited)
William Pullen as Deputy Reed (uncredited)
Robert Carson as Dugan (uncredited)
Edgar Dearing as Sam (uncredited)
Alan Dexter as Dave Loring (uncredited)
Whitey Haupt as Perry (uncredited)
Casey MacGregor as Toby (uncredited)
Dick Pinner as Lober (uncredited)
George Selk as Tom (uncredited)
Robert ‘Buzz’ Henry as Posseman (uncredited)
Kermit Maynard as Posseman (uncredited)
Ralph Brooks as Posseman (uncredited)
Ned Davenport as Man (uncredited)
Calling all “Monster Kids!” The Grue Crew tackles the sci-fi, 3-D, Jack Arnold classic, It Came From Outer Space. This one’s got it all: groovy alien eyeball monster, body-snatching shenanigans, coming-at-ya 3-D fun, and… The Professor from Gilligan’s Island. What else do you need? The Grue Crew discusses all this and much more.
At the time of this writing, It Came From Outer Space is available for streaming from the Classic Sci-Fi Movie Channel, the Classic Horror Movie Channel, and multiple PPV sources. The film is also available as a Blu-ray disc from Universal.
Gruesome Magazine’s Decades of Horror: The Classic Era records a new episode every two weeks. Up next in their very flexible schedule, as chosen by Daphne, is The City of the Dead (1960), released in the US as Horror Hotel and featuring Christopher Lee.
Please let them know how they’re doing! They want to hear from you – the coolest, grooviest fans: leave them a message or leave a comment on the Gruesome Magazine YouTube channel, the site, or email the Decades of Horror: The Classic Era podcast hosts at [email protected]
To each of you from each of them, “Thank you so much for watching and listening!”
Check out this episode!
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Noise - Jack Maynard
Where you live in the apartment a level lower than Jack and you can’t sleep because Jack has way too much fun with a girl.
Warning: Mentions of smut
Ugh, I know it’s short, but I’m thinking about making a part 2 maybe...
It was nearly 2 am, and Y/N couldn’t sleep. She lied awake, actually having to study for her upcoming finals tomorrow, but she was too tired for that. She really wanted to rest, she needed to, but she couldn’t. And there was only one reason why.
Jack Maynard.
Out of all people, he had to live in the apartment above hers. He was the loudest person she had ever met. She didn’t even know when he slept, because there were people over yelling and cheering in the middle of the night, or he would bring random girls home literally 24/7. Two days ago, it had been 9 am, and they were so loud that she did not only hear them in her bedroom, but in her living room, too. Today though, they reached a whole new level of noise. It sounded as if they were about to break the bed. She didn’t mind him having an active sex life, she had one herself, but she didn’t do it so loudly that everybody else in the entire building lied awake and was forced to listen.
Enough was enough. She had an exam tomorrow, she could not go there completely sleep-deprived, so she decided to go up there and disrupt their little... encounter.
She took the lift, went one floor up, and rang his bell. Y/N was surprised that she couldn’t hear them as well as from her bedroom below. When nothing happened, she rang again. And then she just kept ringing until finally, the door opened, revealing a thoroughly fucked out Jack.
“What do you want?”, he asked as he recognized her. She had caught his eye once or twice as they met at the mailboxes or as they shared a lift.
“Look”, Y/N said, “I’m glad you have a healthy sex life and all but will you please try not to pierce a whole through my ceiling with your bed? Thanks.”
She wanted to turn around and go back to bed, finally getting some sleep, but there was something that caught her eye. It was a very prominent, purple hickey that started right at his collarbone. She took a closer look at his state now, finding that his face was flushed, his hair a mess, and his body was bare except for a pair of boxers that he apparently had put on in a rush.
She suddenly became very aware of her soggy pajama pants and her top that, as she discreetly looked down, revealed way more than she wanted. To top it off, she didn’t wear a bra and the chilly air in the hallway made her nipples stand out through the thin fabric. She felt herself blushing, but there was nothing that she could do about it.
“Look, I know we might have been a bit louder, but... we’re done soon, okay?”, Jack said and tried to shut the door.
But Y/N wasn’t having any of it. She placed her foot in between Jack’s door and the frame, wincing slightly as the door squeezed her foot. She hadn’t bothered to put shoes on, she just went up there in fuzzy socks.
“No”, she said. “No, it’s not okay. I have a bloody exam tomorrow and I can’t sleep because you choose to ruin your bed right above of mine. I don’t care what you are doing to her, but keep it low”, she stressed the last few words, “or I’m calling the security guy.” Then she turned around and stomped back to the lift.
Jack really was an idiot, although she couldn’t shake off the feeling that she had had when she saw him like this. Still, she reminded herself, he was an idiot.
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Based off this post from @dailyau
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weaselett · 3 years
Things I learnt from Chalet School
This has been on my mind for the last few days in particular, after some, discourse, but has been something I think about on and off all the time.
By chance I came across a copy of the first Chalet School back when I was eight/nine and I was hooked. Yes, it’s a school story, but you know what? There’s a hell of a lot packed into those books.
They were written at the time they were set - the school starts out in Austria in 1925 - Elinor M. Brent-Dyer reacted to the things that happened there as she was writing them. There is no way that that wasn’t a hell of a wild ride for her (the school moved to Guernsey pre-WWII when it was too dangerous for them to stay in Austria.....and then....YEAH)
I knew from reading these books that people knew/saw the second world war coming. There are Germans who were against the N*zi party in the series, characters you knew died, suffered and did what they could to help people on the ground.
They are SHORT books, but there’s a lot packed in there. They are totally a product of their time, but they are also a lot more liberal than we are taught was acceptable at the time (there are specific things that are out right said, that are counter to opinions of the day - and it still amazes me that they were allowed to be published during WWII with some of the messages in them)
OH and Jack Maynard punched a N*zi before Captain America even existed - and he did it as a non-super hero (there was also A LOT of ‘as much as we would like to, we can not kick up a fuss because it will get people killed’ - the punching happens in a very specific situation - it’s in the book written JUST before/during the start of the war as well)
The Chalet School league is an amazing thing (and is how you find out about aspects of the war, and is why I side eye people who say ‘oh people didn’t know that was going down’ - look folks, if it’s in this school series written as the war was happening, by a lady in england, PEOPLE KNEW) (this article talks about the league: http://www.ju90.co.uk/edu.htm )
They aren’t perfect, but they are fascinating, and a good read for a view point of that era and the events going down. I also feel like reading them has effected how I tend to look at/react to texts that deal with certain issues. We aren’t super heroes, we can just do our best to help others and make things better rather than worse.
(And I love Joey, even if she does stan napoleon (which she gets called out for, it’s one of the list of ‘Joey’s flaws’ that gets thrown around) - and all the lady teachers.)
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cali-girl-in-heart · 6 years
Prompt List
Feel free to reblog, this is for everybody who needs a bit of inspiration, or just wants his readers to choose and send requests.
I’d love it if you tagged me in the writing you make with this ;)
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“I need you.”
“You really had me worried there, love.”
“Where do you think you’re going?”
“What do you think you’re doing?”
“Who do you think you are?”
“But I never wanted her/him, it was always you.”
“Guess we’ll have to find out.“
“C’mon, let’s do this!”
“Do you regret it?”
“I can see it in your eyes.”
“Don’t move.”
“Don’t you dare.”
“Oh, you didn’t know?”
“How could you...”
“I’m not ready for this.”
“Please, talk to me.”
“I just really needed to hear your voice, I guess.”
“What’s wrong?”
“If you’re ready, come find me.”
“He got me flowers.”
“I can’t believe it.”
“How are you holding up?”
“I can’t breathe.”
“D’you think I’ll make it?”
“I’ll make it up to you.”
“You don’t know the half of it.”
“Damn, this is getting really hard.”
“You’re ridiculous.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Don’t roll your eyes like that.”
“Make me.”
“Why did you keep that from me?”
“I don’t understand.”
“You can talk to me about anything.”
“Don’t be mad.”
“I love you. For real, I mean.”
“Never thought I’d feel that way.”
“Read to me.”
“Smile for me.”
“Love? Where are you?”
“You’re my home.”
“Why can’t you see that?”
“Why do you always ruin the moment?”
“What’s that noise?”
“I told you that was bound to happen.”
“You were right.”
“I was right.”
“She’s a maniac.”
“Are you out of your mind?”
“Drink up.”
“Go ahead, tell me you knew that was going to happen.”
“Let me fix it.”
“I never loved you.”
“Where did you get that?”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I warned you.”
“I dare you.”
“Truth or dare?”
“Just one more sip.”
“Just five more minutes.”
“You little shit.”
“It’s too late.”
“No, we can’t, and you know it.”
“The night’s still young.”
“Fuck me.” - “Gladly.”
“You’re such a perv.”
“Don’t be such a pain in the arse.”
“I have to pee.”
“Are we there yet?”
“Oh, how come?”
“Did you-”
“No way.”
“Let’s run away, just you and me.”
“Oh, I like that.”
“Sorry, what was that?”
“Could you say that again?”
“You dazzle me.”
“Are you really that unaware?”
“I’m scared.”
“I don’t want to lose you.”
“You may now kiss the bride.”
“Do you want to be my valentine?”
“You mean, exclusive?”
“I’ve never been more sincere.”
“Don’t lie to me.”
“Well, did you?”
“I hate surprises.”
“Don’t do that to me.”
“Te amo. That’s spanish.”
“Fuck you.”
“Fuck them.”
“Fuck all this.”
“Don’t laugh.”
“I’ll show you.”
“I’ll teach you.”
“I’m not going anywhere.”
“If you tell someone, I’ll kill you.”
“Wake up.”
“Kiss me.”
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chocolatemillkk · 6 years
Call me Out (CM)
"Soo what are we doing again?" I ask for the fifth time, hugging my arms to my chest. It was an unusually cool evening in LA and although my bottom half was covered appropriately in a pair of jeans, I had on only a tube top leaving my bare arms covered in goosebumps.
"Well Rick forgot his ID and so did Omar and Anth's still on the damn phone." My friend sighs. "So I don't know!"
"Just go to the club without us!" Rick says for the millionth time and I seriously wonder why we didn't do just that. "We'll come next time."
"The whole point was to go together since we've all finally got fake IDs." Omar pouts. "They can go if they want. But-"
"We could go to one of those all-age clubs-"
"No! No, those suck-"
"I have an idea." My friends all pause at the new voice. It was Anth's friend Conor who he introduced us to earlier that evening. We'd all said hello and included him in the group without a question even though he was obviously British and not from around here. Which we all secretly thought was really cool...but were just too LA to admit. But Conor hadn't gone unnoticed for me-catching my eye and sending my heart racing. Not only because he had the same accent as my favourite movie ever made at the time (Bridget Jone's Diary) but he was cute in a way that wasn't intimidating. "Those of us with ID can get the beer and we can find some place to hang out." Conor licks his lips. "We can still make the most of the night that way."
All eyes are on the group newbie until Omar speaks up, obviously relieved from his fomo: "You're genius. Let's do that."
"Okay, my basement's empty we can head there. So how about Y/N goes and..." Malia stares at our newcomer for an uncomfortable second as she blanks on his name.
"Conor." I cut in. "Conor and I will go."
At the sound of his name, Conor looks up sharply at who said it. I feel myself blushing clumsily as I try not to look as excited as I felt but I couldn't help it! I would finally get some time alone to get to know my sudden new crush.
Since the closest liquor store was right up the street, Conor and I head off and tell the gang we would meet them at Malia's. As we walk, I'm nervous. I fold my arms into myself, and then unfold them, and fold them again before Conor offers his leather jacket.
"Oh I'm fine," I say politely. Damn. I wasn't fine in any way. But I couldn't just accept his-
"No take it. I'm warm." Conor begins stripping the jacket off before I could politely decline again. "I've got a jumper underneath anyway."
"A jumper?" I ask, looking at the sweatshirt he wore underneath and back up at his face.
"Yeah," he picks the fabric up to show me. "A jumper?"
I take the jacket from him and eagerly drape it over my shoulders; its leftover warmth blankets my body. "Is that like, a British thing?" I ask, intrigued and still staring at him, forgetting we should be continuing our walk instead of standing under the street lamp.
"I don't know...I guess?" Conor seems just as nervous as me as he shoves his hands into his pocket. I tug the jacket closer around my body which catches his attention, his eyes roaming all over me. I sense a shift in him, almost unnoticeable except in the way that he finally meets my gaze.
"You've got really nice eyes," he says and then immediately looks away.
"Thanks," I laugh nervously. "You've got a really toasty jacket."
He looks back up, his cheeks a slight pink under the sodium lights, and his tensed face melts into a smile that warms me up from the inside. He has a playful glint as he tugs at the jacket's lapel, "I'm a hot guy-didn't I already say?"
He was hot. But I don't stroke his ego. I turn away instead, continuing again on our trek to the store, calling out behind me. "If I remember correctly the only thing you said was you were warm!"
He laug loudly into the night and the ice between us. We begin talking and asking about the other, greedily tearing up the rare time alone, wanting to know each other as well as we could before we had to return to our group. By the time we get into the liquor store I've told him about growing up in LA, how I hated school, and how my brother drove me crazy and he's told me about the town he's from, his younger brother and sister, and why he was in LA--to work on music. And I was impressed, he was only my age.
"So are you any good?" I ask him as we track down the aisle with the cheaper beer. We're the only ones inside so we try not to draw too much attention.
"No. Not yet," he laughs and his face does the squinty thing I'd started to find adorable. I stare at him as he leans down and picks up two cases.
"Well will you let me hear it? When it is good?" I ask seriously.
He straightens up and turns to me, nodding his head vigorously. "Yeah," he answers, his voice suddenly serious. "I will."
Two Years Later: "I've heard it then," I'm on the phone with Conor as I look out the taxi window into the crowds of tourists. I was on my way to my boyfriend's place and the radio surprised me with a familiar voice. "Your song just came on the radio and I've finally heard it!"
"I was on the radio?" Conor asks from the other side of the world. I wished he was here to hear it with me so I could see his reaction myself. "You heard me in LA?"
"I'm in a taxi," I say. "And I'd recognise your stupid voice anywhere."
"And?" Conor asks, not hiding his excitement at all.
"It's still not good-I told you to only show me when-"
"Shut up!" Conor shouts and I have to move the phone away slightly as his belly-laugh emenates from the phone. "You're a little shit!"
"No!" I insist. "You're shit!"
"Don't say that," Conor's humour is slowly leaking out of his voice and I decide I'd taken the joke far enough.
"It’s-as you would call it-bloody amazing! I was totally kidding. The song. Is. Amazing."
"Really?" Conor asks, his excitement apparent again.
"Yes!" I shout. "You should be so proud of yourself! Soon you'll be as big as Beiber!"
We go back and forth as he shies from the compliments and finally accepts them. We move onto the cliffnotes version of life updates before I reach my destination and tell him I had to go. This was the way it had been with Conor and I over the two years we'd known the other. After an intense first time hanging out, we'd eased up and stuck to the safe option of being good friends. The constant distance between us and the fact that we shared a mutual friend group, prevented us from hooking up-if things went south, it would be very awkward. Plus, we were both busy figuring out our own futures. Mine, currently, was going to school so I could get into acting.
But I still couldn't control my erratic heartbeat whenever I spotted Conor in LA. There was an undeniable attraction, made stronger with the easy chemistry we had. He had a pull on me none of my other crushes or boyfriends ever had. But after a few weeks every time, I had to let Conor go back home to London and as painful as it was each time, it would be made more painful if we were anything more than friends. So I simply chalked it up to a juvenile crush and forced myself onwards.
One Year Later: "Y/N..." Conor pulls his pants onto his hips and secures it with a belt. "I don't know what to-"
"It's fine," I laugh like I thought everything that had happened over the last 10 hours was all one big joke. But my hands shake under the covers and I have a hard time looking him in the eye.
I had turned 21 yesterday and my boyfriend dumped me the morning of because I was being too "clingy”. He was leaving in the afternoon, flying out across the country for some modelling jobs he'd landed and I was mildly upset he had to leave on my birthday. Meanwhile, Conor suprised me at my apartment, completely oblivious, with birthday champagne and a balloon he'd stuck a picture of his face on. It was his only free night because he had to fly out the next morning.
But he'd found me: mascara on my cheeks, crumpled pyjamas, and a fistful of tissues. He sat and listened so patiently before helping me clean up. Once I'd cried it out however, the inevitable happened. We popped the champagne, swore at my ex, drank the bottle between us, and then reached for each other. Because of loneliness or our long history, we ended up in bed. My bed. And I wish I hadn't drank so much so I could remember even half of it but as soon as I woke up I knew I fucked up. I was simultaneously heartbroken over my ex and absolutely gutted that my first time with Conor was under circumstances like this.
"You were comforting me. We're both adults now and we made an adult decision right? It's fine." I sit up, making sure the blankets were wrapped tight around my torso. Conor looks at me hesitantly, his hands dropping to the side and he looks just as gutted. We weren't supposed to let this happen. Not like this. We knew eventually we would sleep together with all the sexual tension we had between us-but never ever like this. This felt cheap...we could barely even remember it.
"So you're okay I have to go again?" Conor asks slowly.
"I'm fine. You have a life to go back to." I say more confidently than I felt-I didn't want to be clingy again. And what would I even say if I wasn't okay? It was a stupid question to ask. "And my shift starts in a couple hours anyway-acting doesn't pay the bills!"
Conor throws his shirt on before sitting beside me. He looks down at my hands clasped around the covers and then my collar where the pendant I always wore rests. He picks it up and rubs it like I usually did when I was nervous. It was hard to reconcile the person Conor put on in public to this gentler version of him in my bedroom. "Don't be so hard on yourself. I'll see you on the big screen soon enough."
"You'll only see me when I'm good enough," I give him a wry smile, calling him out. He drops the necklace, his hand curving around the back of my neck. For a split second I think he was maybe going to kiss me again but he kisses my forehead instead. I close my eyes, stretching the brief millisecond into an hour, or two, or five. I create some alternate timeline where I can do this all over, so that when Conor kisses my forehead it doesn't feel cheap with regret and stink of pity.
Fourteen Months Later: "It's nothing!" I pull my hand out of Malia's grip but she grabs my hand again.
"You call that a promise ring?" She asks skeptically of the diamond ring my boyfriend had gifted me yesterday evening.
"Promise ring?" Anth asks as he comes back with Conor who'd arrived late-a bad habit we'd all gotten used to. I try to stuff my hand back into my hoodie but Conor catches the light glinting off the diamond. I don't want to see his expression but I can't help but watch as it falls, a look of betrayal settling in. It wasn't my fault-not really. Conor and I kept up a false pretense of being friendly after the last time we saw each other but we unravelled quickly the longer we went without addressing it. How could we be the same when we suddenly carried so much baggage?
Our relationship suffered. Meanwhile, my boyfriend came back to LA on his knees begging for forgiveness. He had been stressed out about his shoots and he regretted our breakup as soon as he'd landed at JFK. So I kept my own regret from that night to myself and taken him back. A month in and we'd moved to New York for the year where he modelled and I miraculously landed a very small Broadway part. When we moved back, he'd given me the promise ring. That was last night. Malia messaged me this morning to tell me the gang was in town and we were meeting up again. I didn't realise Conor would be there too. Our conversations had fizzled out once he realised I’d moved to New York with my boyfriend.
"Y/N's settling down," Anth teases. "Y/B/N is making a wife out of you!"
"It's not an engagement ring guys!" I insist but it sounds false even to me. It was supposed to be one. But the look of horror on my face when my boyfriend got on one knee at the beach had him stuttering and then insisting it was just a promise ring. So I had accepted like the coward I was because I was too scared to be on my own again. Three years of our relationship and Anth was right-I was settling.
"That's a big ass diamond," Conor jokes but it has a sharp edge to it. "Good for you. So uh-I'm getting a drink."
When I track Conor down, away from the group, he's stony faced.
"It's been a while." I say, feeling like that first night we met when I didn't know how to talk to him.
"Yeah," his eyes flick down to my hand. "A lot's happened it seems."
"Con-" I try.
"I'm alright." Conor cuts me off.
"No. You're not." I call him out.
He clenches his jaw, glancing at me and then sighing. "I know we fucked up Y/N but why did we just stop talking? You're bloody engaged and why am I only finding out now? I've never even met your boyfriend!"
"It-I know-it's complicated. We...complicated things!"
"It shouldn't be complicated! It was just sex!" Conor shouts. "It wasn't complicated! I'm still your friend!"
"Right..." I look down and try to blink away the sudden tears. That all it was to him? "Right. Yeah of course...obviously-duh! It was! I just got...I was unsure! I didn't know what you thought about it. But I'm cool if you are. We're still friends?"
"Yes we're still fucking friends!" Conor is instantly a ball of sunshine as we slip off our past like an oversized, stuffy jacket. I grab his hand and intertwine our fingers, trying to toss out the confused emotions I was feeling. Conor squeezes my hand and I snap out of my thoughts to his smiling face and when he looks at me it feels like that night, I first saw him smiling under sodium lights. When we wouldn't even know this was how we would turn out. I wish I could go back then. Maybe tell Y/N to keep things simple.
As his mouth moves to tell me something, I can’t focus as my head buzzes with the words he'd said earlier. But maybe it's better this way, I think. I didn't want to end up hating Conor, or be hurt by him, when I cared for him this much. I would just have to see it his way, I decide. Just sex. Only friends. "-always your friend."
One Year Later: "Happy birthday!" I shout at Conor. He was in LA for his 24th and the party was massive. Like this-many-people-could-never-fit-in-my-house massive. "Look at you! You're so spoiled now!"
Conor crushes me against him-it had been a good six months since I'd seen him. I was travelling all over for a movie I'd gotten a small role in and barely had time to see friends let alone Conor. I missed his energy. And he was super famous now too. Somewhere between seeing him last on New Year's, breaking up with my boyfriend and moving out, auditioning like crazy, and finding a role-Conor had blown up online and my heart swelled every time I saw his ad or his music somewhere. Despite our messy mishap, I'd realigned myself to realise Conor and I could only ever be friends.
"I love your jumper," I say-the term an inside joke by now.
"This is actually a hoodie." Conor teases.
"Fuck I can never get the terminology right!" I laugh and wrap my arms around him again, his "hoodie" a snug fabric to rest my head on.
"Y/N." Conor says seriously so I look at him again, concerned. "Y/N I-I think I'm finally good!" Conor shouts in my ear and when I give him a questioning look he explains. "My music! I think it's finally good enough!"
"Oh Conor," I can't help but grab his face between my hands and squish his cheeks. "It was always good enough!"
Conor laughs causing his face between my hands to morph oddly so I let go. "You're not as much of a bitch as you used to be!"
"Watch your mouth!" I pull his hood over his head and continue tugging it over his face until he apologizes between laughter. When I let go, he takes off the hood and wraps his arm around my shoulder. We stay that way for the rest of the night as he introduces me to everyone we meet. They all assume I'm his girlfriend, joking with me that I should watch out. And I didn't blame them with the way Conor's hand was always on my shoulder or my waist, my hips, touching my hair, leaning in to say something in my ear. I crave his touch every time I don't have it and by the end of the night, I feel drunk on desire more than any of the cocktails I'd had. So when Conor looks at me with a question in his eyes at the end of the night, I don’t call him out. I simply take his hand and go back home with him. Just sex. Only friends. Always friends.
Eighteen Months Later: Since Conor's 24th, we'd made a routine. Unless one of us were in a relationship, every time Conor was in LA, he would stop by. We'd catch up on life and then end up in bed for however long he was here for.
"I'm only in LA for two week." He would say. Or "I go to New York next week." Or "I have a flight on Thursday for Dubai."
It wasn't permanent, he meant to remind me. It wasn't a relationship. It was just sex. And we were just friends. And this was just a bad habit. Or a good habit-was there such a thing? I always looked forward to it. It felt like we were each other's safe space, a secret the other held close to their chest. Minus the emotional attachments of course. It happened so often like this that I'd forgotten I ever wanted more. Being like this actually gave us more time to catch up on every detail of each other’s lives. We opened up about our insecurities, our goals, and all our shared memories. When Conor was staying longer he would work on things in the same room I was in or he would help me practice lines and we created small bubbles in time where everything was blissful between us as long as we were together. It was harder some days than others like when I wanted to kiss him in public or gush to my friends about him-but it was worth it to be close again.
Months Later: I had my first anxiety attack that morning. I didn't even realise I was having it until my knees hit the carpet and I tried to look up at the time.
I had a big audition that afternoon for a children's movie. My agent was so sure I was going to get it-she'd talked me up to every friend she had in high places and knew the company hiring so I knew I had it in the bag yet a movie on such a scale was terrifying. Conor had told me he was coming over after auditions to see how it went and I was oddly nervous to see him too-I'd gotten out of a short relationship so it had been a while since Conor and I got together. And then my mom called me worried about my brother who'd been making all the wrong choices in life as of of late which kept running through my mind. So when my agent called to tell me they wanted a Skype interview now, I knew that usually meant it was a courtesy interview and they didn't actually want me. I did the interview with a really bad connection, my anxiety heightening with every scene looking at their impassive expressions. As soon as it ended, I ignored my agen't phone call and suddenly found it hard to breath, my vision narrowing as everything looked off, and the room tilted around me. I fell to my knees and located my phone, calling the only person I knew who'd understand: Conor.
By the time he arrived, I had managed to calm down but I still couldn't take a deep breath nor could I talk in full sentences. Conor squeezed my hands and helped ground me until I could focus and then he'd gathered me in his arms so carefully, so lovingly, that it scared me enough to start crying. He mistook this for being sad about not getting the part and helped me to bed, setting up his laptop beside me. I didn't correct him, falling asleep as I felt exhausted, and awakening to a vibrating hum.
I don't open my eyes, anxiety clutching my chest as I remembered where I was and what had happened. But the humming beside me helped, the dread slowly unravelling it's hold on me. When I do open my eyes Conor's concentrated on the screen as he hums the same few lines again and again. And the tenderness with which I felt towards him sends me tipping into the panic zone so I get up and yank the covers off. I couldn't do this. We said we wouldn't.
"Hey you're up," Conor looks at me. "I'm gonna hum something does it sound like something you've already heard or is it-"
"You have to go." I say abruptly and he stops talking immediately. "I need to be alone Conor please go. Now."
He stays for a heartbeat before closing his screen and getting out of bed. His mouth opens to say something but he looks at me and closes it, bowing his head and moving out the door. I listen as he leaves and take a deep ragged breath. I felt wild, like a frantic ball of confused energy was buzzing within me like a pinball machine. Like a panic attack hangover and as soon as Conor goes I want him back. I make it so far to the front door when I retreat until my back hits the wall. What was I doing? But I craved the comfort of his touch and it urged me to call him back. I couldn’t though. He wasn’t my boyfriend, I couldn’t keep doing this. But the sudden sound of a knock at the door echos my pounding heartbeat.
I carefully open it to Conor, running his fingers through his hair. I barely register what he says; opening the door wider, just wanting him back in. He drops his bag to the floor as he closes the door behind him. In an instant, his hand finds my waist, our foreheads touch, our eyes locked. It felt like we were the center of a volcano of passion and desire, boiling as his hand tightens on my waist, bubbling as my hand slips around the the base of his neck, simmering and leaking as I close my eyes and he crashes his lips into mine.
I can't remember what happens next-not chronologically. We're bumping into walls and shedding the day, as well as our clothes, and as we ease into the sheets the volcano bursts with hot molten lava, destroying anything that was ever left of us before.
I must have nodded off again right after because I wake to Conor in bed facing me. Behind him, my window shows streaks of pinks in the sky as day goes down to dusk. Conor's eyes are watching me carefully, his expression unreadable as he watches me watch him. I trace the bridge of his nose to distract him but he continues staring, something budding in the way he looks at me. It was scaring me and I tell him so.
Yet Conor doesn’t take his eyes off of me, his thumb brushing my cheek and my breath catches as I realise why I was so scared. His eyes hold no trace of its usual playful spark. Instead they're unguarded and clear as day with what he was thinking. Shit. This was it. This was the end. We'd both fallen. Made this something important.
"When are you leaving LA?" I ask, almost begging him to reply with a deadline to our romance for some sort of normalcy. The only way this worked was when he put a time stamp for us to stop waking up in each other's arms. Even if it was one month or one week we would have the most fun as the end date was our safety net.
But when he shrugs and continues to gaze at me, my heart feels like it would burst from my chest. And it practically does as all the hopes I ever ignored of Conor and I as something more than friends, all the fantasies I ever had of Conor wanting more with me, the thoughts I suppressed before they could even manifest-shoving them into a dark corner of my mind-roll forward and flash before me. This was Conor-the first person I think I ever fell in love with. And I can admit it to myself now, looking at him-at us, like this. This was Conor-how could I have ever thought we could be anything but in love in the end? So I remove Conor's hand from my face and hold it to my chest, willingly showing him how much I was feeling in the moment. "I feel it now, can you feel it too?" Conor takes my other hand with his free hand and places it against his own palpitations. My own races faster; was this our demise?
"I feel it too." Conor answers slowly.
"But this is exactly what we said we wouldn't do." I remind him. What he said we wouldn't do. What we weren't.
"What was that exactly?" Conor asks me and his mouth flicks up in a slow smile as the playfulness returns in the blink of an eye. He's weightless as he rolls over me and brings his lips down in a kiss so tender, I never realised he had it in him. When he moves away, he rests his forehead against mine, his lips a hair's breadth away from my own. The look he gives me is a challenge, a dare like we would give when we were younger. His brown eyes looking into mine are daring me just one simple thing:
Call me out.
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oh-ishouldnt · 6 years
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Joeck on “From the best day to the worst day!”
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elsehuggs · 6 years
Send me in some Joeck requests
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tinychaosdeer · 7 years
Tell her what you feel, Byron ✽ Imagine
Request: Please write something about Byron Langley! Maybe about being friends and then lovers, better if its smut.
Notes: Hi, thanks for the request. I couldn’t fit anything in to make it smut, but hope you like it anyway. If you want it smut, you’re welcome to request a part two :)
Words: 897
It was early December and the weather in London was already freezing. You were on your way to Joe and Byron's apartment for the third time this week. You and Joe had been friends for years, and after Joe moved in with Byron you and he had hit it off pretty well too. But three times in one week, was odd, even for Joes and your friendship.
When you got there, Caspar, Josh, Conor, and Jack were there too. “Hey guys” you said, and dropped your bag before you sat down on the couch between Joe and Caspar. Conor and Josh were playing Fifa, and the others were just casually talking. “Do you want a drink?” Joe asked you, and you realized all the others were drinking beers. “I could use a drink” you said, and in seconds Byron got up.  “I’ll get it for you” he said and left to get it. As he was gone, all the boys laughed.  “What’s going on?” you asked confused. “Can’t you see it Y/N?” chuckled Jack. You shook your head. “No”. All of the boys continued laughing, and no one answered. You shrug your shoulders, and thought to yourself, that they were probably starting to get drunk. Not long after, Byron returned with the beer. He’d poured it in a glass, and even added ice cubes. “Thank you Byron” you said, as he sat down beside you.
After an hour of drinking, yelling at the Fifa game and generally having a good time, Joe turned off the screen. “Alright guys, we need to do something” he said, pretty drunk. Once again you looked confused at him. He was being a bit weird today. You looked over at Byron, and he looked evenly confused. “We need to play truth or dare” he added and found an app on his phone. “Great” you said and clapped your hands while making yourself comfortable on the couch. Truth or dare was usually the funniest thing ever with these guys. “I’ll start” said Caspar and looked around the room. “Truth or dare Conor” Conor thought about it for a while before saying “dare” “I dare you to drink that glass that egg mix Joe used in his video last week” said Caspar with a grin on his face. Conor chuckled lightly. “There’s no way he still has that” he said. “I do, Conor, I do” Joe said and you all laughed. Conor hid his face in the pillow, before realizing he had to get it over with. Joe ran to the kitchen and picked it up, and before you knew it Conor had already taken a sip. “My turn then” said Conor, when he had drunken 2 litters of water after the egg mix. “Byron. Truth or dare” he said, and you looked excited at Byron. He, on the other hand, looked nervous. “Dare” he said, with a trying smile. “Please be nice” he then added. All of the boys sat tight with a huge smile, and once again you were confused.  Conor cleared his throat as if he were to say something he had been wanting to say for a very long time. “I dare you to tell Y/N how you feel” he said, and the boys started buzzing. You looked over at Byron, who was turned bright red. “What does he mean?” you asked more confused than ever. Byron gently took your hand and let you out on the balcony. For some reason, it didn’t feel as cold anymore. Thinking about it, you realized that that one beer had turned to five or six. “What’s going on?” you asked Byron. He didn’t say anything for a while, he just looked down at his feet. “You see” he said, and finally looked up into your eyes. “Lately I have been getting those feelings” he said, and his voice almost made a little crack. He looked very uncomfortable. “For you” he added and looked at you nervously. It was as if a little man was jumping inside of you of pure excitement. You couldn’t hide your smile anymore. For all that time you had been feeling the same thing, but you were too afraid to say anything. Even to try and make a move. “I’m so glad you feel that way” you said, and kissed him. His lips were soft, and he gently let his hands rest on your wrist his tongue found its way to yours. You have been dreaming of this moment almost since you met Byron, and it finally happened. “You feels cold” Byron said as he felt your arms. You two had been out on the balcony for 15 minutes now. Thinking of it, it actually was starting to get a little cold. “I am a little” you said. Without hesitation, he took his sweater off and gave it to you. “Take this” he said and kissed you gently on your cheek. His lips were warm. Before it could turn into a real kiss, you realized that the boys were watching from the other side of the door. “For God’s sake guys, you never give me any privacy” Byron chuckled, and we both laughed, while the boys were having some sort of victory dance inside. Joe opened the door. “I knew it would work out” he said to Byron. Byron didn’t answer but just gave him a smile, before he kissed you again.
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dwwak · 7 years
Baby Surprise - Joe Sugg Imagine
Word Count: 1061 Triggers: None Requested: No 
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"Oh my- Joe!" You whine right as Joe let one go as the both of you are still in your guys bed.
Joe's eyes are still closed as he smiles at you.
You make a disgusted/happy face, "I can't believe I've been married to you for two years."
He slowly opens his eyes, "Worst years of my life." He teases you.
You swiftly take the pillow behind your head and hit Joe with it, "You're such a dick." you giggle out.
"Oi!" He chuckles out.
It takes you and Joe fifteen minuets to finally get out of your shared bed, and Joe went to the kitchen to go make some breakfast. So with you and Joe trying to have a baby for the past year,  you went to the bathroom to try another pregnancy test for about the hundredth time.
"Do you want sausage patties or links?" Joe calls for you from the kitchen
You take a moment to think about it but you couldn't concentrate as you waited for the test to process, "I don't mind."
You tried hard not to think about all the negatives that you got in the past, and how Joe's smile would fade a little but still tell you that he still loves you.
You knew by now that the test would be ready now but you couldn't look at it just yet. You picked it up from the sink and sat down at the edge of the tub. You cover the sign with your finger, for you were afraid of what it might show. You take a deep breath and close your eyes, with your eyes still closed you remove your finger. You slowly open one eye, and in seeing that it was a plus sign you open your eye in doubt. You cover your mouth with your hand and start to tear up a little. You get up from the tub, about to go out of the restroom to show Joe but an idea struck. You hide the test in the garbage and go up stairs, ready for your plan to strike.
You and Joe's relationship isn't complicated, but it's not per say 'normal'. So you decided to change up all of Joe's food and drinks in a way that a pregnant woman would go through.
You see that Joe has placed out breakfast onto the dinner table, "Lovely." you smile at Joe.
Joe comes up to you and gives you a small peck on your forehead, "Just like me." He smirked
You both sit down at the table, ready to eat. But you knew that you better start now, so you get up from your seat and get some peanut butter and an avocado. Take at a scoop of peanut butter out and put it on Joe's plate, then placing the avocado next to his plate.
"There you go, love" You smile at him while sitting back down.
He just looked at you and smiled, "Okay. Are you pranking me?"
You looked up from your food, "No, you said you wanted some avocado yesterday and some peanut butter. So I got you some." You smiled bright to him, you couldn't wait to tell Joe about his baby.
He looked over you suspiciously but did not proceed any further, "Alright."
"Hey Joe?" You call to Joe
You take a glass down from the cupboard and take some juice out, "Do want to try this new juice I bought?"
It takes him a moment to answer since he is editing one of his videos, "Uh yeah sure."
You put the juice into the cup but you then dump a lot of unneeded salt into the cup, and with a devilish smile you take the cup to him.
"Here babe." You place the cup onto the desk.
He smiles at you, "Thanks love."
You just smile and leave, but before you could exit the hallway leading to the room Joe let out the loudest croaking noise. You stop in your tracks and turn around back to Joe.
"What the hell was that?" Joe asks while holding a disgusted face.
You put on a concerned face, "What? You don't like the new juice?"
Joe flicks his tip of his tongue in and out a little of his mouth, "I don't like it.."
"Huh." you pick up the drink and take a sip of the juice, you scrunch up your nose a little. "ugh, that is disgusting." You take another sip, "But so good." you turn around and walk out the door with the drink in hand.
Through out the whole day you kept messing with his food and drinks, you even gave him random hits in the stomach with a pillow to try and emphasis the baby. Of course you continued to do all this when you two went out with your friend and her boyfriend for some dinner. You found it amusing as you saw questions roam in Joe's mind every time you had some 'fun'. There were times that you were a little fearful that he might figure it out but he always guessed wrong.
It was about two in the morning and you two snuggled into your guys bed. You two face face each other and look at each other with tired eyes.
Joe smiles, "So what was up with you today?" He asks you as he snuggles deeper in the bed.
You couldn't help it any more, you smiled back him and let out a small giggle.
"What?" Joe coos.
You bite your bottom lip a little, "I just wanted you to know what I'll be dealing with for- I don't know. About nine months." You give him a huge smile.
Joe borrows his eyebrows, "What? What do you-" it clicked and he shot right up from his laying position. His face was filled with so much joy.
You positioned yourself up, "Yeah." You smile and nod.
He kept his big smile, "No, really? I'm going to be a dad?"
You bit your bottom lip again, "Yeah, you're going to be a dad." You felt your stomach spark with butterflies and joy.
He hugged you tightly, "Holy shit! I better get on my dad jokes."
You couldn't be more happy for the sleepless nights ahead and all the forever moments between your sweet baby and your weird husband.
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little-maynard · 7 years
Twelve Days of Jack (December 22 - Day 9)
Summary: When Sarah is invited to casually hang out with her Friend With Benefits, Jack, and his group of friends, things suddenly get a lot more serious than she bargained for.
Word count: 1.3K
[A/N] This mini series all takes place in the run up to Christmas. Each chapter takes place the day it is uploaded.
[Extra A/N] This chapter contains mild smut.
Day One - Day Two - Day Three - Day Four - Day Five - Day Six - Day Seven - Day Eight
When Sarah arrived, the party was already in full swing. Jack had told her not to call it a party because ‘we’re just doing drinks at Joe and Byron’s’, but by the look of things it was more of a party. A casual one, but nonetheless a party.
She was late, having watched a movie with Kailee and Amber before coming, but no one seemed to mind her tardiness. She was immediately invited to join a game of Beer Pong by the losing team, consisting of Joe and Caspar, to take on Jack and Conor.
Some rap song was playing loudly from the speakers at the back of the room and the beer was already getting to the members of her team, so it was hard to understand what they were saying. It was probably something along the lines of “kick their arses”, judging by their smug faces.
She was good at beer pong. She had played it plenty back in secondary school and had been her friend group’s wild card every time, knocking entire rounds of boys out as she rarely missed. This time was no exception; she picked up the ball and effortlessly got it into one of the red cups. The boys cheered and Jack picked up the cup, tossed Conor the ball and chugged the drink while his friends egged him on.
Conor missed, was followed by Joe, who also missed, but then Jack got it in. “Go on then, Sarah.” He said, grinning like he was challenging her. As if that was a challenge. As if there was any chance she wouldn’t go all in.
She tossed him the ball and finished the cup of beer all in one quick swig. “Give me something better, Maynard.”
With Sarah on their side the team started to pull the game back in their favour. She watched Jack and Conor get more and more drunk, while they’d been mostly sober when she’d arrived. Joe and Caspar each had a drink, but Jack and Conor kept missing after that. Her own team only had two cups left on their side, while the brothers on the other side had three cups standing. A well-aimed throw from her made that two.
Conor drank the beer and proceeded to throw the ball straight at Joe’s face.
“Dude, our shot!” Jack punched his shoulder.
“Was worth it to get that smug look off his face.” Conor said.
There really had been no need to try and put Joe off his game, as he missed in a manner that was almost comical.
Caspar was a bit better, narrowing his eyes in concentration and hitting the left cup.
When Jack hit the next cup too, it got serious. They both had one left and the atmosphere hung tensely around them.
Sarah picked up the ball, rubbed it on her jumper for good luck, and threw.
It made an awkward bounce of the side of the cup and kept them all waiting just a second too long, but then it popped in and Joe and Caspar erupted in cheering. An already way drunk Jack took the cup and poured its contents down his throat without bothering to take out the ball, which proceeded to fall onto his face.
“An honorary shot for today’s queen of beer pong.” Conor offered her a shot glass of what looked like whiskey, and she was met with more hollering from the boys when she chugged it.
Jack grabbed her arm, and when she turned to face him he kissed her. Right in front of all his friends he was pressing their lips together and holding her with both hands on her face.
Once she got over the surprise, she kissed him back. They ignored the shouts to “get a room”.
2AM found her cross-legged on the armrest of the sofa with a group of random people of whom she knew maybe half. They were playing a lame Who’s Most Likely To drinking game, but she hadn’t joined it, preferring to stick to water after the hit she’d taken from beer pong. Jack had chosen a low alcohol fruit beer, sat on the floor in between Josh and Mikey.
“Who’s most likely to beg a girl for anal?” Someone Sarah didn’t know asked.
There was some shouting and then pointing. Most fingers went to another person Sarah had never seen before, and he shrugged, laughing, and took a swig of his drink.
“Alright.” He said then, “Who’s most likely to become a 35-year-old fuckboy?”
Laughter ensued, fingers pointing at Jack.
“Jack will never settle. He’ll be sixty years old in his mansion with a harem.”
“You’re just jealous because I get more girls than you do!” Jack laughed. He gave in, putting the beer bottle to his lips.  
Sarah awkwardly shifted her glass between her hands. This is the universe telling you to get him out of your head, she tried to tell herself. But she wasn’t even convincing enough to sway her own heart.
By half three things were dying down. There were people asleep on strange surfaces here and there, and some others were having quiet conversations on the sofa or at the dinner table.
“Do you think Joe will mind if I sleep in his bed?” Sarah asked Jack, who was standing by the counter to pour himself some Ribena.
“Go ahead. Mind if I join you, though?” He grinned at her.
“Feel free.” She winked, her head hazy but clear enough to know what his expression meant.
He abandoned his glass and followed her to the bedroom.
It was still empty, miraculously, and Jack locked the door behind them to make sure it would remain that way. The moment he turned around she was on him; her hands on his hips and her lips on his. He tasted like beer and was slower than she had grown used to, but she couldn’t bring herself to care.
The drunk pair didn’t bother messing around for too long, stumbling to the bed within minutes and pulling on each other’s clothes soon after.
“Joe’s going to hate us for this.” Jack breathed as he tossed his underwear onto the floor.
“Don’t care.” She responded, reaching her hand out to touch his cock. He groaned, lying back and closing his eyes.
“You think this shit is free?” She used her free hand to push his shoulder. “Come on.”
He rolled onto his side and pushed his hand into her underpants.
Neither of them lasted very long; they were too drunk and too horny. He turned onto his back just in time, coming on his own stomach, and she followed suit.
They lay side by side for a few minutes, catching their breath and struggling to stay awake, until Jack muttered, “Can I go to sleep like this or is that too gross?”
“Too gross.” She mumbled in reply.
He made a dramatic sound and then got to his feet, stumbling off to the bathroom with his pants in hand.
While he was gone she put her underwear back on and crawled under the covers, relishing in the sudden warmth even though she hadn’t realised she’d been cold.
When he came back into the room he immediately dropped down onto the bed, relying on Sarah to pull the sheets over him, and closed his eyes. “Bye.”
She chuckled, “Bye. Talk to you later.”
They were quiet for a minute or two. Sarah tried to close her eyes and go to sleep but her mind was suddenly racing again; back in the moment where one of Jack’s friends said he’d never settle. He’d stay single forever.
“Hey, Jack?”
He groaned in response.
“Will you come play Dungeons and Dragons with me and my friends tomorrow?”
“The nerd game?”
“Fine. Let me sleep now.”
“Okay.” She brushed some hair out of his face and kissed his forehead.
“Bye. For real now.”
She laughed. “Bye Jack.”
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janosxmaynard · 7 years
Hey guys!
So yeah I know I’ve literally been the worlds worst writer recently. I’ve just been busy with work & personal things but with the recent bad weather we’ve been having I’ve been cooped up in the house with nothing else to do, which means I’ve been playing around with some prompts. So should be posting something soon.
Also you may notice I changed my username from littleworldofmyown idk felt like a bit of a chance haha. Anyway please send in any Prompts for Janoskians & Buttercream one shots and I’ll see what I can do.
All my love,
Kez x
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All of my writing in one place!
View the list on my blog
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Conor Maynard
Late Night Tea
Dating Conor Maynard might include...
Back Home - Drabble
Release Party
Red Wine Series
The Shirt
Jack Maynard
Dating Jack Maynard might include...
Noise - Part Two
Concept: Jack as a dad
Joe Sugg
Silhouette - Drabble
Caspar Lee
Sick - Drabble
Dating Caspar Lee might include...
Josh Pieters
Dating Josh Pieters might include...
Blush - Drabble
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