#byron langley x reader
jackncon · 6 years
Friends or more?
byron for “I’m not jealous, but, like, come on, movie night is just for me and you only.” please?? xx
Byron had texted you earlier that day, asking if you were still on for movie night at his since Joe was out. And so when you arrived at Byron’s and Joe answered the door, you were surprised to say the least. 
“Joe! Sorry, I just didn’t think you would be here.” you cleared your throat.
“Silly me, being in my own house and all.” Joe laughed, stepping aside to let you in. “C’mon, Byron’s already making popcorn.”
You entered the kitchen, Joe trailing behind as you sent Byron evils.
You pulled him aside as Joe cooked the popcorn. 
“I’m not jealous, but, like, come on, movie night is just for me and you only.”
Byron only smirked at this, “Not jealous, huh? Whatever you say princess,” he said with a wink before situating himself on the couch. 
You huffed, going to sit next to him, before an oblivious Joe sat right between the two of you.
“So the goonies, yeah?”
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im-robins-bitch · 7 years
Date Night with Byron Langley May Include:
Date night with Byron Langley may include:
turning up at his door with a bunch of flowers
only for him to open the door holding onto a matching bouquet
Both of you laughing as you exchange flowers
Taking him to the movies
After him saying he wanted to go on a cheesy date
You spend more time staring at him than watching the movie
When they finally admit they love each other in the film, Byron squeezes your hand
Then laughs at you when your cheeks turn bright red
After the film, you go back to your apartment for pizza
because you’d rather eat pizza on your sofa than sit uncomfortbly in a room full of people
You spent the rest of the day laughing together at bad films on Netflix
You end up falling asleep on the sofa
So he carts you of to bed
He tucks you into bed and then wraps his arms around your waist
He smiles to himself when he see’s you snuggle into his side in your sleep
Finishing the night by kissing the top of your head before he joins you and drifts of to sleep as well.
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spotofimagines · 7 years
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weird sleeping positions  Byron Langley Imagine  ft. Joe Sugg
As the opening credits of Moana started to role in you snuggled closer to Byron. After about fifteen minutes you and Byron found your self in comfortable position on the couch with you lying on Byron chest. As time went on you started to fell your eyelids drop as sleep takes over your body.
Joe’ POV
“okay so I just got home now lets go see what Byron’s up too” I say as i walk through the front door. “BYROOOOOOOOOOOON” I shout through are apartment. as I make my way to the living room I start to hear soft snoring. As I fully make my way in to the living space I see Byron and (y/n) sleeping on the couch in the most weird position I have see in my whole life. “okay look at this” I say as I pan the camera their way “how do they even sleep like this” i ask as (y/n) feet are where her head should be and Byron’s is hanging half way off the couch. “ well I guess weird couples sleep in weird positions”
Author’s Note 
So this was my first time ever writing an imagine and i know it really short and I would love to have feed back on and if any one has any tips just tell I would really appreciate it . once again sorry it’s so short <3 Mad.
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whereyoustand · 6 years
Set Up
Hi 👋, can I ask for:  “I can’t stop thinking about, day and night, I can’t stop.” And “certainly took them long enough” with Byron, please ☺️ (Joe is ok as well 😉)
Summery- Joe is sick of the sexual tension that goes on between you and Byron. So, with help from your friend, he sets you two up on a date.
Warnings- None, My bad writing
F/m- Favourite Movie
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"Y/n and Byron have been friends since they met at a  famous Connor Maynard party. And, honestly, I just can't keep up with the sexual tension." Joe exaggerated. "What pains me most is that they both have a crush on each other but neither do anything about it. Y/n told me back when they first became friends but Byron is a sneaky son of a gun and he hid it from me until a year ago."
He rolls his eyes dramatically.
"And so to help them get together, I decided to do what any sane person would do. Interrogate all their friends so I could set up the best date of there lives." He laughed like a maniac before the video cut to another clip where Joe was in a dark room with a faint light on him and a bright light on a Latino woman around the same age as you."Can you state your name, age and your relationship with Y/n M/n L/n?" He asked seriously.
"My name is Rosa, I'm 25, and best friend and roommate of Y/n." The girl tucked her black curls behind her ear.
"Now can you name me Y/n's favourite food, location and movie."
"Oh um, she likes stir fry, her favourite place is the rooftop of our apartment and her favourite movie is f/m."
"I love a classic f/m." Joe sighed happily as he pretended to write notes on a clipboard.
"Okay bring in the next person." He spoke seriously as Rosa got up and walked out and Joe look at the camera.
"So since I am Byron's best friend, I know for a fact that he loves stir fry and love f/m however he actually has never been to the rooftop that Rosa referenced during her questioning. However he loves romantic decorations. Like, fairy lights and roses."
The video cut to the rooftop of Rosa and Y/n's apartment.
"Okay so, we've gotten permission from the landlord to decorate here. So we have a mini fort set up with pillows and a light sheet over it. And fairy lights hanging of poles. Here, we have a projector that will show f/m and Rosa is brining the stir fry now with Y/n. And Byron will be here soon and I've told him to get Roses. I've set up secret cameras to capture this. I really hope this goes well." He rubbed his head worriedly.
Byron arrived as Joe finished setting up the cameras.
"What are you doing?" Byron asked. Joe turned around and observed his friend.
"Looking at the view." Joe lied.
"So what exactly are we doing?" Byron asked.
"We are surprising a fan with a date with you!" Joe lied again and heard three knocks signalling that Rosa and Y/n arrived.
"That's her, I'll let her in and you can romance her away!" Joe winked before opening the door and shoving Y/n through as he and Rosa left.
"Okay?" Y/n muttered before turning around and seeing Byron. "Byron?"
"Y/n?" Byron asked surprised. "I didn't expect to- Oh." Byron then understood what was going on. "I think Joe set us up on a date." Y/n chuckled and Byron soon joined in.
"I think Rosa is on it because she made me bring stir fry!" Y/n blushed.
"Should we sit in this fort they made?" Byron asked awkwardly.
"Yeah, it's actually cute?" Y/n spoke. "I'm surprised."
"It's nice- is this a projector?" Byron laughed.
"I guess? What movie is play- Oh my God, it's f/m!" Y/n squealed.
"I love that movie!" The said at the same time before blushing and chuckling.
The two settled down and dished out the food as the movie started.
"Why on earth would Joe set this up?" Y/n asked chuckling lightly.
"Yeah, he must think we like each other!" Byron joked despite it paining him.
"Well let's be real here-" Y/n quietened, looking down. "Who would like someone like me?"
"Now I understand." Byron spoke.
"Understand what?"
"Why Joe set us up on this date."
Y/n remained quiet and Byron took that as a sign to continue.
"Y/n I-." He sighed. "I can’t stop thinking about you, day and night, I can’t stop. And it's because I love you. Joe set us up on this date because he knew I wouldn't do anything because I was scared."
"I really like you Byron. Fuck, I might even love you so I am willing to give this a go. But only if you are willing too as well?"
"Of course I am." Byron smirked ass they leaned forward. "Is is okay if I kissed you?"
"Fuck yeah." The lips pressed together as a door slammed open. They pulled apart quickly to see Rosa and Joe with his camera.
“Certainly took them long enough!” He chuckled and y/n hid her blushing face into her new boyfriend's chest.
sorry this is short I'm a mess at the moment ahshsksj
send me requests or leave reviews lol
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calmasf · 6 years
New imagines!
Sorry I’ve not posted much recently but school is getting stressful!! I feel like I’ve been a bit stuck for ideas on who to make imagines about so if you have any ideas on who you’d like to see more of on this blog then let me know and I’ll make gif imagines for them.
Side note: I’m really sorry but I don’t do written imagines on request because of school stress so will do another post soon listing blogs that will accept requests for written ones.
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dwwak · 6 years
Jack Maynard Short Imagine
Requested: No (requests are open) Triggers: None Word Count: 860
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You are cozied up on your couch, wrapped like a burrito with your fuzzy blanket early in the morning watching the London sun rise, stretching it its coloured arms across the sky. Your hands are warmed by the hot coffee in one of your favourite mugs, you hear Jack’s feet patter down the hallway; getting closer to you. Hearing Jack coming closer your face raised in a smile accompanied with rosy, heated cheeks. Jack jumps over the back of the couch, landing right next to you. He puts his head in your lap and lies down.
“Morning, babe.” You say as you begin to run your fingers through his bedhead.
Jack looks up to you, “Kiss me?” his raspy voice whines a bit.
Chuckling a bit you tell him no, “You haven’t brushed your nasty breath, there is no way in hell I’m going to kiss that hole right now.”
“Oi, your breath isn’t any better than mine!” Jack whined once again.
“At least mine smells like coffee and not the dead.” You giggle as you put your mug down on the coffee table, “We need to go, before we miss our flight.”
You wiggle yourself off the couch while Jack sits himself up. You look at Jack and give a little smirk, the smirk sparks Jack with energy. Jack gets off the couch and starts to run toward you, you don’t dare to move. You just close your eyes and squeal with joy as Jack runs up to you and wraps his arms around you. Jack spreads kisses all over your blushing face, you embrace the jolt of energy from Jack.
“Okay, okay! We are really going to miss our flight.” You giggle out as Jack places one last kiss on your forehead.
“Ah, I like it here. Let’s stay home, I’m too tired.”
You laugh a little at Jack’s squirminess, “Okay. But you have to cancel everything, and I’ll go back to sleep while you do it.”
Jack’s face went straight, right away he let go of you and sprinted toward the bedroom where all your baggage sat waiting.
Hours later you and Jack finally checked in to your guy’s room at the front desk, pulling your baggage and down the hall with Jack following behind with his own baggage you head to your guy’s shared bedroom.  Right as you slid the card into the door and it opened you dropped your bags at the door and sprinted toward the bed, you flopped right onto the well-made bed; with Jack following behind. With both of you lying on the bed chuckling you bask in the simple, happy moment between you two.
“You ready to eat my snow, lover-boy?” You tease Jack ass you get up and get your things from the hallway.
“Are you ready to eat your words?” Jack teases back at you as he gathers his snow gear together.
You and Jack made it to the mountain, you both face the steep way down to the coffee house that looks like a tiny house for an ant.
You pull down your ski goggles and slide down the snowy slope, you stop and look up to Jack, “ Your move.” You smile at Jack
Jack gives you a smirk, “Eat my dust!” Jack pulls down his goggles and started down the slope with his snowboard. You let out a small chuckle and follow him down.
After just a minute you two stop for a moment, “First of all, there is no dust up here. Second, don’t go crying when you lose.” You snicker at Jack.
After a whole day of covering Jack in snow you two finally made it back to the lodge and relaxed together with some good food in your bellies. Jack was sprawled out on the bed editing one the vlog that would be going up the next day, you were occupying yourself with your phone while listening to music.
Some time later you plugged your phone, putting it down next to the bed you rolled yourself onto the bed. Rolling next to Jack you look up to his concentrated face, “You are so serious.” You say with a funny accent.
Jack looks down to you and places a kiss on your lips, “You are so hot.”
You kiss him back with a smile, “So are you.”
Jack closes his laptop and places it on the ground, he turns back to you and kisses you again. He continues to kiss you, slowly placing them down your neck and back to your lips.
You stop him before his lips carry him away, “Watch yourself before you wreck yourself, babe.”  You kiss him one more time before you snuggle yourself down into the bed’s blanket. “You have to turn the lights off.”
Jack laughs a bit, “You’re an ass.” Jack got up and turned the room lights off, walking back to the bed Jack stubbed his toe. All types cuss words run out of Jack’s mouth, without any sympathy you laugh a bit.
Jack wiggles into the bed, after whining a bit, and faces you. “You’re going to pay tomorrow.”
“Love, I’m the poor the one.”
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moonhowlerpack · 7 years
What’s it like to date Joe Sugg
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Ask Anything: {Here}
Request: {Here}
You’re Zoella’s assistant
You met him when he decided to prank Zoe but ended up pranking you instead.
You took the prank as a champ if anything you decided to get back at Joe
Your relationship started of from there.
You helped Joe with video ideas while helping Zoe with her scheduling.
You made sure Zoe’s life super easy and Joe appreciated the fact you helped Zoe relive her stress.
The buttercream’s would recruit you to do videos with them.
The fan’s hated you at first for being so close to every single of the buttercreams and Zalfie.
But after realizing you how much the buttercream’s mean to you they immediately apologized.
Sarcastic conversations
“Are you crying” “No, I’m impersonating a fountain”
 Comforting Joe when his anxiety gets to him
Always praising him
“You’re really cute and it’s ruining my life because I think about kissing you all the time.”
“What are you reading Joe?” “10 tips for beautiful hair the Government don’t want you to know.”
Super big on cuddling.
Being completely honest in the relationship.
“Safety” {You fell of the bed} “Jesus Joe that was-wow I thought Godzilla actually made it to London”
Getting Joe to open up to you about his feelings.
Said ‘I love you’s’ after nine months of dating
Literally your wedding consisted of happy tears because honestly Joe would treat you like a literal Queen.
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Summer Love - Joe Sugg Imagine #3
You and 3 of your friends go on holiday together. But who is this handsome boy asking you to take a photo? Word Count: 1.4k ------------------------------------------------------------
I decided to take a walk on the beach alone, as my friends just wanted to chill. It wasn’t a big deal, I loved taking walks alone, to dwell on memories or overthinking some past conversations. Especially before big night outs, like tonight, I loved the calm before the storm. The sun was about to go down and everything was dipped in a gold light. I loved this time of the day the most. Only a few tourists were still here, catching the last sunlight. It was a beautiful, small beach, mostly unknown and natural. My feet were in the ocean and my heart never felt so light. This is everything I needed right then. “That rock over there is perfect! Just lean against it. It’ll look bomb!”, I overheard a conversation a few meters ahead of me. Some guys were eyeing said rock thoughtfully, walking slowly around it. Some photoshoot, I thought, but kept on walking towards them. “Excuse me? Sorry, would you mind taking a photo of us?” Hm, so no professional photoshoot. I looked up, looking at the young men in front of me. One with long hair and a camera, one with short hair. They were british, I knew the accent. “Sure, why not”, I accepted the camera and walked with them to the rock. The one with the short hair climbed up, the one with the long hair just leaned against it. So I started taking some snaps from different angles. They both were very photogenic and the camera caught the golden light perfectly. “Alright, thank you!” I handed the long haired one the camera and smiled. “You’re welcome. Have a nice holiday”, I said goodbye. “Hey. I’m Byron by the way, this is Joe.” “Nice to meet you. I’m Y/N.” I shook both hands and smiled up to them. “I gotta go, I think my friends are already worried about me. Probably thinking I was kidnapped or something.” “So you got plans for tonight?”, Joe asked, returning the smile. “Yeah, my friends and I wanna go out. It’s our first night after all.” “You should definitely check out the Sundance. It’s a bar, but it has a dancefloor, too and if your friends looking just half as good as you, you gonna get in free.” I laughed at the compliment, but promised to keep that in mind. We said our goodbyes and I started walking again.
I arrived at the hotel room, which I shared with my best friend and told her about the boys I just met. “Were they cute?” “Yeah, totally. I mean, I think so. I didn’t really pay attention.” “you know… It would be really romantic if we fell in love on this trip.” I laughed. “Yeah. Romantic. Getting your heart broken at the end of the trip.” “Y/N you’re so pessimistic. Think positive.” “I’ll try.” “So… Sundance  it is?” I nodded. “Yeah, let’s try it.” As we all had gotten ready to go out, we decided to get something to eat first, chatting away about our plans tonight. “I wanna make out with a hot Spanish guy”, my one friend giggled. “I wanna dance till the sun comes up”, another chimed in. “I wanna fall in love”, my best friend sighed. “I wanna be drunk to not deal with all of your bullshit anymore”, I joked. I really wanna meet the guys again, I thought to myself. But that was something, the other girls didn’t have to know. The bar was beautiful, the music good and the crowd hyped. They didn’t lie it was a nice place. My friends and I made our way to the bar and everyone was ordering a colourful cocktail. But I wasn’t in the mood for sticky sweet drinks, so my order was an icecold beer. As my friends chatted away I looked through the crowd, searching for a long haired and a short haired guy with extraordinary good facial structures. But they were nowhere to be seen. Maybe they weren’t even coming, they didn’t say that they were after all. So I concentrated on my friends and forgot about them really quick. We were dancing to some 90s hit, as a hand grabbed my shoulder. “So did you have to pay to come in?” I turned and looked at Joe, smiling at me with a beer in his hand. “No, we all got free entry. Thank you for the tip by the way. It really is a great bar.” “You’re welcome. Hey, do you want a drink? Mine is empty.” I nodded and followed Joe to the bar. “What do you want?” “Just a beer.” “A beer?” “Yeah.” “You really wanna tell me that you are drinking beer?” I laughed. “Yeah.” “Unbelievable. Alright. A beer for the lady.” After that we literally became inseparable. We spent every waking hour together, talking, swimming, tanning, eating, dancing. He and his four friends and me and my 3 friends became one big group of friends and it couldn’t have been more perfect. But I began to slowly feel more than pure friendship for Joe and as much as I tried to hide that, my best friend was catching on. “You like him. Joe, I mean.” I laughed nervously. “Obviously. He’s my friend.” “No, not like that. You like him more than that. Way more.” “You’re being ridiculous.” “Don’t try to lie to me!” “I’m not!” “You are! And you’re blushing by the way, it’s quite cute.” I tried to hide my face from her. “Stop it!” “Just admit that you like him and I’m gonna shut up.” “ALRIGHT! I like him, okay? I think he’s funny and cute, he’s a gentleman and he looks amazing. And I hate you.” “You don’t!” My best friend laughed and pulled me into a hug. “But, Y/N, that’s so cute. You two are so cute.” “Stoooop. We are not. He doesn’t even feel that way for me. Besides, I’m not gonna make a move. Our vacation is nearly over.” “We have three more days!”, she argued. “NEARLY OVER! It just would be painful. Nothing more, nothing less.” “Ugh, you’re exhausting me. But fine. It’s your life.” “Right! It is. And now give me my lipstick.” We made a picnic at the beach. All of us. It was the golden hour again, just like the first time I met Byron and Joe. I was comfortable leaning against Joe’s shoulder, resting my head on it. I had my eyes closed and listened to the waves and my friends conversations. But I had no intention of being a part of it. I was tired and the butterflies in my stomach making me feel nervous as Joe gently caressed my arm. We were close for friends who knew eachother only a little over ten days. “Up for a walk?” He asked quietly. I nodded and it took a lot of my willpower to pull myself away from him. We made our way to the ocean and started talking about the first time we met. “You know, I think it’s quite awkward to ask someone else to take a photo of you, while you are posing hardcore.” I laughed. “Well, it is. But you and Byron are both super photogenic. I was jealous as I took the pictures.” “Oh, shut up.” “No, I mean it. Pretty boys.” We laughed and our hands brushed because we walked that close. My heartrate sped up. Damn, this boy will be the end of me, I thought to myself. “You know, I never would’ve thought I would met someone like you on this trip. I mean, Caspar speculated, that we’d have a new girl every night.” “Well that didn’t work out.” “No. No, it didn’t. But I’m not mad about it.” “You’re not?” “Not one bit.” And with that he took my hand and interlaced our fingers. I let it happen and looked up to him. “You know, I always think rationally and rationally is this”, I pointed at our hands, “not very clever. I mean, we’ll leave in three days.” “But Y/N you’re the first girl who drinks beer with me. You’re the first girl who makes ugly faces for selfies with me. You’re the first girl who ever made me feel that way.” The sun was sparkling in his blue eyes and I couldn’t hold it back anymore. I leaned in for a kiss and for the first time I didn’t care if it was clever. It felt right. “I would love to see you again, when we’re back home. I’ll take you out on a real date.” I laughed. “Well, gladly I got accepted at the University of London, then. What a coincidence.” “No coincidence. Faith.” ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The next one! I hope you enjoy these.  I for sure love writing these. Love, Kat .xx
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buttercreamscenes · 6 years
Lost and Found - Byron Langley
Request: Hi! Can you write a Byron x reader imagine where they know each other since highschool but were never really close, he just thought she as cute. But then a couple years later they meet again
Smut: No
Requests are OPEN!
A/N: I hope you like it :)
“Yes, okay.” You said into the phone as you waited for the cars to pass. “Tell her I’m on my way there. I’m just entering the store now.” Rolling your eyes as you lied through your teeth, you began making your way across the street as your Mom began listing all the things you needed.
“I’m so sorry.” Watching your phone hit the ground, you stared at it as the screen went black and you couldn’t help but smile. “Um...” The man said, also looking down at your phone. Picking it up off the ground, he handed it to you and as you looked up from the phone, you took a step back. “(y/n)?”
“Byron?” Looking at him, your mind traveled back to high school where you had first met Byron. He was decently popular, which meant you hadn’t had many interactions with him but you definitely wanted to. “What are you doing here?” You asked, confused as to how you managed to bump into him in a completely different country.
“Apparently breaking phones.” He joked, extending his hand and giving you the phone.
“Trust me, in this moment, that’s a good thing. Bridezilla is not a friend to me right now.”
“You’re engaged?” He asked, not bothering to hide the surprise in his voice.
“No,” You explained, cracking a smile. “My sister is; I’m her maid of honour.” Jumping at the sudden car horn, you realized you and Byron were still standing in the middle of the street. Continuing to make your way across the street, you noticed Byron following behind you.
“Well (y/n), I’m sure you have a long list of things you need to get done but it was nice seeing you again. You look good.” Beginning to make his way across the street once again, you couldn’t help but think it was a good idea. Maybe he’d say yes. Maybe he’d say no. But you had to ask.
“Byron!” You shouted, catching his attention once again. “How’d you feel about weddings?” You asked, hoping to get the answer you wanted.
“Love ‘em.” He explained.
“How’d you feel about being my date to the wedding?” You knew the Byron from high school would have never said yes but it had been years and people change, right?
“I’d love to.” He agreed, causing the smile on your face to grow. “I’ll call you.” 
“But you don’t have-”
“You may have lost me but I never lost you.” He said, smiling as he began to walk away from you.
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jackncon · 7 years
Friends or more?
could you please do “I’m personally offended you didn’t get me to be your fake date” with Byron
It had been a long night of drinking (not on your part of course, you were the sober driver), dancing, and celebrating. But the night was finally over and your cousin was officially married, and so headed home to your flatmate, Byron.
“That was absolutely appalling.” you groaned, hiding your face in your hands after collapsing on the couch next to Byron.
“What happened?” he laughed, adjusting himself so he lay his head in your lap.
“Well I took Jake because I was not prepared to answer everybody’s questions on why I’m still single. But then my uncle wanted to know literally everything. Like he asked Jake if he knew my starsign. Who the bloody hell remembers someone else’s starsign?!” You groaned, letting your hands flop down to rest on Byrons chest.
“I know your starsign,” Byron laughed, “besides, I thought you and Jake weren’t a thing?” 
“No were not. But I needed a fake date,” you frowned, Byron usually didn’t like to discuss your dating life.
“I’m offended you didn’t get me to be your fake date.” He laughed, holding a hand over his heart and feigning hurt. 
“I’ll take you next time.” You smiled, pushing his head off you and you slipped your heels off.
“It’s a date then” Byron said, smiling.
To be honest, Byron didn’t even care about the wedding, he much preferred you in socks and sweats than all dolled up. He would love to be the one to massage your feet after they’ve been in heels all day, he loved all the little things. But he hoped that the next wedding you attended together would be your own.
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im-robins-bitch · 7 years
On My Mind | Byron Langley
Warnings: Swearing
Requested: No
Summary: Caspar makes a comment and suddenly it’s the only thing on your mind.
It all started one night when you were having a movie night with the boys, you were on the small sofa with Byron, your legs stretched out across his. There was no room for them to go anywhere else, so it’s not like you had a choice, but Caspar seemed to think otherwise. “You two are so cute.” He commented from the sofa opposite, making everyone's attention to go from the movie to you two.
“What?” You had asked, cocking your head to the side. At that time you had been so unaware, now all you wished was to go back so you could stuff Caspar's mouth with your fist.
“You and Byron.” He replied, oh so laid back as if he hadn’t completely torn your friendship into pieces. At the time you brushed it off, “Yeah, we’re planning a spring wedding,” You had replied, making Byron snort.
Only now you were completely consumed, it had been a month and that comment had been plaguing your mind. You thought about it before bed, meaning when you were asleep it was all you dreamed about. Soon your friendship with Byron was becoming strained, it was getting to the point where you couldn’t even be in the same room as him without just staring at him, conversation wasn't even an option. You had gone from talking every day and texting each other the lyrics of Last Resort on the constant to replying with the bare minimum.You had had enough of it, you had even declined a night out, knowing Byron would be, there because you couldn’t choose what outfit to wear.
 It was the next day and you decided to ask Joe for help, he was always reliable, especially when he was hungover because he would be too sick to come up with any jokes.
“I don’t know what’s wrong with me?” You exclaimed as Joe downed a glass of water.
“Isn’t it obvious,” He stated, wiping his mouth with his sleeve, trying to get rid of the water dripping down his chin. “You clearly like him.” He explained, rolling his eyes.
“No way.” You argued, crossing your arms. There was no way you liked Byron, you were friends, you couldn’t just suddenly start to like him.
“In fact, you could even love him,” Joe suggested, wiggling his eyebrows with his famous Sugg smirk.
“Fuck off,” You replied, shoving him in the arm.
“Just ask him out, who knows maybe he’ll like you back?” Joe said, his eyes glinting with mischief. “I could even vlog it and then we could play it on your wedding day.”
“You mean film me getting completely rejected,” You sighed, sinking onto his kitchen counter.
“Don’t be so depressing, Byron's a nice guy, even if he rejects you I’m sure he’ll still be nice to you afterward.”
“Wow thanks, Joe, that made me feel so much better,” You sighed rolling your eyes.
It had been a couple of days since you had talked to Joe and if anything it had made things worse, in fact, you hadn’t even slept all weekend. It was 3am and you had completely given up on any chance of getting to sleep because as soon as you put your head on the pillow your mind would just wander back to Byron.
In your sleep deprived state you threw your blankets aside and went to your wardrobe, grabbing a hoodie a pulling it over your pajamas, you slipped your bare feet into a pair of trainers and walked the 20 minute walk to Byron’s place, maybe it was the small part of your brain that knew this was a bad idea, hoping that by the time you walked there you would have changed your mind that put you off ordering a taxi, but now it just meant you were shivering, pacing back and forth in front of his apartment building.
It was another few minutes until you decided to bite the bullet. You went into the building when a guy in a suit came out from outside, meaning you could just go through the door without needing to get someone to buzz you in. Taking the chance you ran for the door, catching it just in time, making your way in. You hopped into the elevator, hoping that you were going to the right apartment and after what felt like the longest elevator ride of your life you were outside the wooden door to his apartment.
You thought when you got there you would lightly knock the door once, he would open the door and you would be swept inside like a princess. Instead, you were banging on the door, whisper-shouting his name into the spruce door, hoping he was asleep and not just ignoring you. You were about to use your foot to give it a good kick when the door swung open, making your foot narrowly miss kicking Byron in the shin. “Y/N?” He groaned, rubbing his eyes, normally you would feel bad, but right now you had just had enough. “What are you doing here?”
“God, you are so annoying.” You exclaimed, running a hand through your hair, trying to remain focused on the task at hand and not admire how adorable he looked when he had just woken up.
“What?” He questioned, looking at you in complete confusion, as most people would when someone turns up at the doorstep at 3am.
“I-You-Ugghh!” You stuttered, in complete anguish. “I’m so exhausted, you are giving me such a headache, I don’t know what to do, I can’t sleep, I can’t eat, I can’t even hang out with my friends anymore.”
“Y/N what are you talking about, come inside,” He said, his arm reaching out to pull you inside his warm apartment.
“No, I’m not coming inside. I hate you, you’re all I think about, I’m obsessed, I don’t know what's wrong with me, just get out of my mind.” You ranted, shoving his hand away. “Just let me ask you out so you can reject me already,” You panted, trying to catch your breath.
“Did you just...do you like me?”
“YES!” You yelled, exacerbated, feeling your body relax. “Now just tell me yo-” You stopped, being cut off as Bryon grabbed your face in his hands and pulled it to his, resting your foreheads together.
“Thank god.” He whispered. “I thought you hated me.” You felt your cheeks heat up, you couldn't find the words to respond, leaving your mouth hanging open. His eyes poured into yours as he stared at you, waiting for you to make some kind of move, getting sick of waiting, he kissed you instead, making you open your eyes even wider, wondering what on earth was going on.
“Wha-what are you doing?” You questioned, pushing him away.
“Didn’t I say?” He questioned furrowing his brows, “I like you too.” He grinned, grabbing your hands in his, pulling you into his apartment, closing the door securely behind you. “So, about our spring wedding?”
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marvel-mendess · 7 years
Wrongful attraction - Byron Langley
Request: Heeey, can you please do a teacher Byron imagine, where he lectures at the reader’s college and they have to watch out to stay together. Thank you soooo much
Word count: 1,134
Smut: implied
A/N: I’m so sorry this is short & probably not the best, but if you want a second part please feel free to request it and I’ll write one! I hope you like it :) 
Pairing: Teacher Byron x Student Y/N
Requests are open!
Summer coming to an end means another school year right around the corner. In honor of our last weekend of freedom, my friends and I decided to go to the best bar in town to forget about the stress that is about to come. Wearing my favourite pair of black jeans with a low-cut navy one piece and my thigh high black boots, I felt great which meant for a good night. Applying the finishing touches to my makeup I hear my best friend (Y/B/F/N) yell at me to come outside as the Uber was already waiting for us.
After a couple badly sang songs, the Uber finally pulls up outside of DRAMA . After bidding thanks to our Uber driver, the girls and I make beeline for the bar.
A couple of hours have passed by and (Y/B/F/N)’s idea of making us take shots after shots was probably not her brightest idea as I’m now experiencing the room spin.
Waking up the first thing I noticed was my head pounding, the second was that I definitely wasn’t in my bed and the third was that I was definitely naked. Slowly looking to my right I realized that I was in fact not alone either. Reaching for my phone I see that (Y/B/F/N) has sent me 17 “where are you text” as well as some texts wondering if I was in fact still alive. Shooting her a text reassuring her that i am still alive & breathing, I decide to order myself a Uber back to my flat, before mystery man wakes up. I did not want to do one of those awkward “hello” after a one night stand. Getting out of bed was a struggle as this man’s tan arm was around my waist yet, after many attempts I finally manage to wiggle my way out and start collecting my clothes while quietly putting them on. Slowly but surely I make my way outside in the hall of his apartment without waking him up. Letting out a breath of relief I walk towards the elevator to reach my Uber driver that is waiting for me outside.
As soon as my Uber driver reaches my flat I start rushing to get ready for my first class of the day; History. Pulling my hair in a messy bun, taking off last nights makeup off of my face and dressing in leggings and a sweater with my trusty pair of vans I look at myself over in the mirror and consider myself presentable (enough) for the day. Grabbing my backpack and my laptop I go outside and start speed walking to school. Good thing I only live 1 block away from my university if not I definitely would be late.
Looking at my phone it's now 10:10am which means i’m officially 10 minutes late so that calls for some light jogging. Bursting through the doors of my first class I realized that i didn’t even need to speed walk as the teacher himself was late. I search for (Y/B/F/N) as I reckon she sent me a text saying she saved me a spot. I find her in the mass of students and start walking towards the seat she reserved for me. I hear doors opening behind me which means only 1 thing; the teacher has finally made an appearance. 
Deciding on ignoring wha was happening behind me and making my way towards my friend without tripping over someones backpack, I don’t realize the look of shock she sends my way.
“ Hey sorry I was late, I was at this-“
“(Y/N)!” (Y/B/F/N) says in a tone of panic
“ wassup? what? do you think your pregnant again? oh no don’t tell me you hooked up with Johnny again!”
“No, it's even worse!”
“Well what is it?” I saw slightly getting annoyed
“Look in front of the class”
And that's when my whole world stopped for what seemed like forever.
In front of the class was the guy I ended up in bed with, naked.
I slept with my History teacher.
Bloody hell. That was the first thought that went through my mind when i woke up this morning. My head was pounding and I had the biggest hangover of life. My eyes are wide open as soon as I realize that today was monday and I had work to go to. Turning over to apologize to the girl I brought back with me last night I came face to face with an empty & cold bed. Lifting myself up a little and looking around my room I realize that she in fact left this morning without even saying anything. Bloody hell, I didn’t even have the chance to get her number. “I’m a mess that cant even do hookups right” I say to no one in particular as I lived alone.
Looking over at my alarm clock, I realize that I have 10 minutes to get up and leave for work or else ill officially be late for my first day of work.
“Being late on your first day of work is so classy of you Byron” I said to myself out loud with a long sigh following right after. 
Getting up I decide that a shower and then coffee would be the best decision to do now even if it does make me late. Rather look awake then go to work looking like I just rolled out of the bar.
Walking towards the University I realize that I am officially 20 minutes late and that my students are probably already annoyed with me or even gone at this point. Speed walking a little, I finally make it to the front of the building. I take in a huge breath of air in a way of mentally preparing myself to see all my students gone and that’s when I decide to walk in.
All talking stop as many pairs of eyes stare at me while I walk to the front of the class. The students must have put two and two together and realize that their teacher finally showed up which prompts them to start taking their writing utilities out of their book bag and get ready to listen to the first lecture of the semester. 
After settling myself in, slowly but surely as i’m hungover and completely unprepared for this first day, I look around the classroom to see what I will be working with this semester and I am met with a class full of third year students, yet my breathing stops at one student in particular.
The girl from last night. Oh no. My eyes widen a little and my heart goes to my stomach, she was the girl I ended up with last night.
I slept with one of my students.
I stare at her a little longer and watch as her friend from last night starts talking to her in a panic. She must know who I am which is definitely not good. The girl I brought back to my flat turns around and looks at me with the same shocked appearance I was sporting a couple of seconds earlier.
Oh fuck this won’t be good…
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buttercream-me-up · 7 years
Drinks & Pranks // Byron Langley
Word Count- 1385
Summary- De-stressing with your best friends ends a bit differently than you expected.
Warnings; N/A
A/n; Ugh, only one more day before I’m back to school.. someone end me please. Also, I got four Byron imagines in one day.. ok. Idk if I like this, but I hope someone does.
Requested; Yes, two in one, hope you both like it! (unless one person requested both, then hello, thank you, though I doubt it.. oh well.) x
req; can you do a Byron one where you've both liked eachother for a while and it takes a game of never have I ever or spin the bottle for them both to admit it
req;  hey could i request an imagine with byron (if you're not fed up with him lol)? one where the reader is a good friend of the boys (not a youtuber and not in a relationship with byron) but the fans know about her and ship her a lot with byron, then one morning joe does a prank on byron and then sees someone else laying next to him, turns out it's the reader and the fans freak out or something? sorry this is very specific you can change anything if you want!
You groaned as you walked into the living room of Joe’s flat, where all the boys were waiting, alcohol in hand and in a circle. “Again, really?” You asked, rubbing your head in frustration. “Yup.” Joe said, simply. “I hate you all.” You said, plopping down next to Conor and Jack. “C’mon, Y/N. You’ve been overworking yourself like crazy, you need to relax and this is how we’ve chosen to relax.” Conor said, nudging you playfully, but he had a concerned look on his face.
He wasn’t lying, you’d been having a hard time at work lately. You were falling behind, half of your co-workers had decided to take vacation all at once, and majority of the work was being passed to you, as you were the hardest working and most dedicated in your building. “Fine.” You sighed, you couldn’t resist these boys. Besides, Conor was right, you needed to loosen up.
“What game are we playing today, boys?” Joe asked, you gave him a look. “I mean.. queen and peasants!” He corrected, making you and the boys chuckle. “Never have I ever?” Oli suggested, and everyone nodded in agreement. “I’ll start.” Caspar said, sending a smirk Joe’s way. “Never have I ever kiss someone of the same gender.” He said, and Joe and Jack visibly tensed, before each grabbing a shot and downing it. (Yes, I went there. I love Joeck.) Josh and Mikey also downed a shot, but everyone knew they’d done it for a video. Joe cleared his throat. “Right, moving on, Never have I ever..”
The game progressed for awhile, questions and alcohol passing by quickly. “Alright, Y/N. Your turn.” At this point, you weren’t exactly drunk, but you were quite tipsy. That couldn’t be said for the other boys, who were all very drunk. “Never have I ever… Never have I ever called someone the wrong name while hooking up.” You smirked as every boy except one drank. “You’re all idiots.” You laughed, and Byron, who was the only one who didn’t drink, had an amused look on his face as well.
“Byron, have you even had a drink yet?” You asked, confused. He seemed completely sober. “Nope.” He said, and all the guys gawked at him; as everyone had multiple drinks and were completely smashed. “Alright, Byron. Your go, then.” You said, raising your eyebrows. “Never have I ever had sex.” Everyone looked at him wide-eyed. Joe dropped his beer bottle, Caspar screamed. “What?!” Everyone exclaimed, Conor looked personally offended. Why? Who knows, it’s drunk Conor.
“You’re kidding me, right?” You asked, and suddenly Byron burst out laughter. “Of course I’m joking, you pricks.” He said, and everyone sighed, relieved. “Oh my god, I thought I was going to have to unfriend you.” Conor slurred, and everyone looked at him oddly. “Unfriend him, Conor?” You teased, and he nodded quickly. “Yes!” He said, not noticing how what he said he didn’t make sense. “Okay, I think it’s time for bed.” You said, a bit concerned of how much alcohol Conor had consumed. He usually wasn’t a lightweight, either, so if Conor was smashed, the rest of the boys probably were too.
“Can we have a sleepover?!” Joe asked, excitedly. Yup, they were smashed, alright. “Only because I’m very worried for all of your conditions right now.” “Yayyy! I dibs the bed with Joe!” Jack said, grabbing Joe’s arm and running off, slamming the door behind them. “Okay then.” You laughed, shaking your head. You got the others situated in the living room; pillows, couches, blankets, etc. You definitely were the ‘mom’ of the group.
Once everyone was asleep, which luckily, wasn’t hard, you got up and began to grab your things. “You can stay as well, if you want.” Byron piped up, walking into the room. You turned to face him, to politely decline, but your jaw fell open and your eyes widened when you saw he was shirtless. You were pretty drunk as well, and it probably was the best to stay, and you both knew it. “I’m not sure that’s a great idea. There’s no more room in the living room, and Mikey’s already on the floor.” You said, throwing your bag over your shoulder.
“You can stay in my room, you know. I’ll stick to my side of the bed, I promise. It’s really late, and you’re obviously drunk.” He said, pointing to his room. “I wouldn’t want to intrude.” You said, rubbing the back of your neck sheepishly. “Y/N, I’d rather share a bed with you and know you’re safe rather than you go home and put yourself at risk. Besides, who said I didn’t want you in my bed?” He said, quietly. You almost choked on the air, and looked at him surprised. “Wait, no, I didn’t mean it like that.” He stuttered, and you laughed.
You opened your mouth to reply, but a yawn escaped instead. “C’mon, we can discuss this in the morning, if you remember.” Byron said, pulling you to his bedroom. You stole one of his shirts (with his permission, of course) and it hung loosely past your thighs. You climbed into the side opposite Byron, and faced the back towards him. “Goodnight, Byron.” You said, smiling to yourself. “Goodnight, Y/N.”
You were fast asleep, dreaming contently, when a blaring air horn sounded through the room. You shot up, eyes wide. “Joe!” Byron said, rubbing a hand on his face. You looked over, to see Joe, jaw dropped, holding his phone, meaning one thing. “You aren't.. livestreaming, are you?” You asked, mortified. Joe’s face said it all. “I’m so sorry..” He muttered, looking horrified at the camera. “Um, I’ll go.” He said, shutting the door behind him.
“That is not how I wanted to wake up this morning.” You groaned, and then your eyes widened. “Wait, why am I in your bed anyways, Byron!? Did anything..” You asked, surprised. Byron chuckled. “No, Y/N. You were just drunk, and had nowhere to sleep. Nothing happened, don’t worry.” You sighed, a bit relieved, yet a bit disappointed. You really liked Byron, and wouldn’t have minded waking up to that every morning.
“Well we should probably get up and clarify that little uh.. Incident.” You said, sheepishly. “Oh, yeah. Of course.” Byron cleared his throat, rolling out of bed. You threw on the pants you were wearing yesterday, staying in the shirt Byron gave you. You walked out, realizing Joe was still filming his livestream. “Hey, Joe.” You smiled, waving to the livestream comments, which instantly flooded with comments about you and Byron being adorable.
“We aren’t dating, guys.” You said, a hint of disappointment hidden in your voice. “It was just a misunderstanding. It’s a bit embarrassing to admit, but I had a few too many drinks last night, and all the boys took up all the couches and the floor, so Byron was kind enough to let me stay in his room.” You told the livestream, and checked your watch. “Crap! I’m going to be late! I gotta go, thanks for everything boys!” You cursed, grabbing your bag, which you thankfully packed last night, and ran out the door.
Byron came in shortly after you left, having gone straight to the shower. He looked around, confused. “Where’s Y/N?” He asked, rubbing his eyes slightly. “Just missed her, mate. She had to run, she was going to be late to something. Probably more work.” Joe told him, and turned back to his livestream. Byron walked over, reading the comments flying by about him and Y/N and he chuckled.
“No guys, we aren’t dating. I haven’t even asked her out, yet. Don’t get ahead of yourselves.” He winked at the livestream, grabbing an apple and walking back into his room. He left a shocked Joe and exploding viewers, excitement. “Right, well, I think this has been an eventful livestream. Thank you all so much for watching, and I’ll see you soon with another Sugg Sunday special.” He said, turning off his phone. Joe’s prank didn’t quite go to plan, but it sure as hell turned out good for the both of you, and he was satisfied with that. (He also figured, at least now he had some leverage over the two of you for future uses.)
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brokenbarnes · 7 years
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Carl Grimes
Family Reunion - Carl Grimes x sister!reader 
You are alone when reunited with some family members (No romance)
I’m A Monster
After he loses his eye, you get Carl to open up to you when nobody else can
Not Okay
the reader is having a hard time coping with the saviors and Carl has to help
One Last Time
reader gets bitten so Carl and her do some things one last time
Our Baby
reader finds out she’s pregnant and Carl is upset
the reader runs away from Alexandria from an abusive situation, but Carl brings her back home
Together Forever
reader and Carl have known each other for too long before Carl asks her out
Negan makes the reader feel bad and Carl brings her back to the light
Young Love
Carl admits his feelings to you under the pressure of everyone else
reader is mute and Carl learns sign language for you
No Run Today
you’re Daryl’s half-sister and fall in love with Carl Grimes
Marry Me
Carl asks you to marry him
Snowed In
You tell your kids how you and Carl met on a snowy day
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Chandler Riggs
Just the Way You Are - Chandler x Plus Size! Reader
reader has been getting body-shamed unknowingly to Chandler and he finds out
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Daryl Dixion
I promise 
reader finds out she’s pregnant just as Daryl is taken by Negan
Never Letting you Go
you were Daryl’s girlfriend before the apocalypse and find him in Alenxandria
Put Back Together - Father Figure! Daryl x reader
you were found bloody and half dead in a ditch, Daryl takes responsibility for you
You Won’t be Alone Anymore - Daryl x OC! Sister Kaytee
A 15 year old Kaytee is rescused from a herd and Daryl let’s her know she’s family now
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Dean Winchester
on a mission, you lose your memory, including everything you know about your boyfriend Dean
Djinn Dream - Dean x OC
Dean gets captured by a Djinn again and shows him his “ideal” life
after a rough hunt, you can’t sleep so you and Dean take a drive
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Josh Pieters
Josh has been having nightmares and not letting you know
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Sam Winchester
My Baby Girl - Sam x Daughter!reader
Sam finds a baby without parents during a hunt and raises you as your own
The Torturing(I cri evrytime)
God it’s so bad don’t even read it
Treat You Better
Sam finds out you’re in an abusive relationship and gets you out of it
Turn this canon into a ship(ditto)
yeah don’t read this either
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Byron Langley
Castle on the Hill
when Byron leaves for London, you admit your feelings to him after pining for years
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Bucky Barnes
You get injured on a mission and Bucky feels guilty
Night Bruises 
Bucky gets nightmares and you get caught in the midst of one
Those Three Words
Bucky’s nightmares don’t always stay at night, but you clean him up after a mission and are determined to bring him back to the light
18+ - Bucky loves the color red on you
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moonhowlerpack · 7 years
Celebrities/YouTubers MasterList
Main MasterList
Ask Anything: {Here}
Request: {Here}
Josh Dun
What’s it like to date him
It’s uh-uh
Niall Horan
What’s it like to date him
Happiest with you
The Cafe
Dan Howell
What’s it like to date him
After Effect
Either Way
Overheard Conversations
Not The Problem
Definition of... // {Part Two}
Tom Hiddleston
What’s it like to date him
Jensen Ackles
What’s it like to be married to him
Ethan Dolan
What’s it like to date him
Colby Brock
What’s it like to date him
Welcome to...
Peaches and Cherries
Shawn Mendes
What’s it like to date him
What’s it like to date him
Conor Maynard
Imagination to Reality
Joe Sugg
What’s it like to date him
What’s it like to date him
Byron Langley
What’s it like to date him
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