#byron langley smut
jackncon · 6 years
Friends or more?
byron for “I’m not jealous, but, like, come on, movie night is just for me and you only.” please?? xx
Byron had texted you earlier that day, asking if you were still on for movie night at his since Joe was out. And so when you arrived at Byron’s and Joe answered the door, you were surprised to say the least. 
“Joe! Sorry, I just didn’t think you would be here.” you cleared your throat.
“Silly me, being in my own house and all.” Joe laughed, stepping aside to let you in. “C’mon, Byron’s already making popcorn.”
You entered the kitchen, Joe trailing behind as you sent Byron evils.
You pulled him aside as Joe cooked the popcorn. 
“I’m not jealous, but, like, come on, movie night is just for me and you only.”
Byron only smirked at this, “Not jealous, huh? Whatever you say princess,” he said with a wink before situating himself on the couch. 
You huffed, going to sit next to him, before an oblivious Joe sat right between the two of you.
“So the goonies, yeah?”
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elsehuggs · 6 years
lakeside | jack maynard
chapter one, part one
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blurb: two entirely different people, who find their ways towards each other, give each other their hearts, but it all could be broken in the blink of an eye, or a snap of a finger.
an: welcome to my new fanfic, lakeside! this is a fairy tale au, hope you enjoy! I’ve done this first chapter in parts, this is an introduction thing.
Neve remembered when she found out. There was a storm outside, crashing with rumbling thunder and violent rain, and she struggled to sleep. It was the second day of the sixth month and the year was 1697.
The young princess remembers how she lay there, feeling anxious. Her brother, Alexander was coming home from a voyage, and she had been touring the kingdom, seeing all the sights before she became King. The day he came back would be the day his coronation was held. And yes, this was what princess Nevada had been worried about. The fact that he was travelling home in such dangerous weather conditions made Neve more anxious; she didn't want anything happening to her brother.
And then she remembers the worst part. The moment when she received the news. When her whole life crumbled and crashed down onto her into a million tiny, fragmented pieces. Nevada remembered how her lady in waiting, Tara Morton, ran into her room with a look of distress spread across her face. The princess still remembers how she could hear in Tara's footsteps how panicked she was, as she gazed out at the purple glow from the mysterious enchanted lake that she so wanted to visit but was forbidden to. Then she still remembers vividly, the exact sound of thunder when Tara passed over the unbelievable news. The thunder was loud and it was clear, it crashed and banged against the dusty window pains of Neve's bedroom.
When I said the news was unbelievable, it wasn't the happy type of unbelievable. It was cruel and evil and unwelcome.
"Nevada, my dear," her lady in waiting said, "I am very sorry to be the one to have to say this to you, but your brother, Alexander, has passed."
That's how her life broke into a million, fragmented pieces, and she'll still remember it to this day.
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Noise - Jack Maynard
Where you live in the apartment a level lower than Jack and you can’t sleep because Jack has way too much fun with a girl.
Warning: Mentions of smut
Ugh, I know it’s short, but I’m thinking about making a part 2 maybe...
It was nearly 2 am, and Y/N couldn’t sleep. She lied awake, actually having to study for her upcoming finals tomorrow, but she was too tired for that. She really wanted to rest, she needed to, but she couldn’t. And there was only one reason why.
Jack Maynard.
Out of all people, he had to live in the apartment above hers. He was the loudest person she had ever met. She didn’t even know when he slept, because there were people over yelling and cheering in the middle of the night, or he would bring random girls home literally 24/7. Two days ago, it had been 9 am, and they were so loud that she did not only hear them in her bedroom, but in her living room, too. Today though, they reached a whole new level of noise. It sounded as if they were about to break the bed. She didn’t mind him having an active sex life, she had one herself, but she didn’t do it so loudly that everybody else in the entire building lied awake and was forced to listen.
Enough was enough. She had an exam tomorrow, she could not go there completely sleep-deprived, so she decided to go up there and disrupt their little... encounter.
She took the lift, went one floor up, and rang his bell. Y/N was surprised that she couldn’t hear them as well as from her bedroom below. When nothing happened, she rang again. And then she just kept ringing until finally, the door opened, revealing a thoroughly fucked out Jack.
“What do you want?”, he asked as he recognized her. She had caught his eye once or twice as they met at the mailboxes or as they shared a lift.
“Look”, Y/N said, “I’m glad you have a healthy sex life and all but will you please try not to pierce a whole through my ceiling with your bed? Thanks.”
She wanted to turn around and go back to bed, finally getting some sleep, but there was something that caught her eye. It was a very prominent, purple hickey that started right at his collarbone. She took a closer look at his state now, finding that his face was flushed, his hair a mess, and his body was bare except for a pair of boxers that he apparently had put on in a rush.
She suddenly became very aware of her soggy pajama pants and her top that, as she discreetly looked down, revealed way more than she wanted. To top it off, she didn’t wear a bra and the chilly air in the hallway made her nipples stand out through the thin fabric. She felt herself blushing, but there was nothing that she could do about it.
“Look, I know we might have been a bit louder, but... we’re done soon, okay?”, Jack said and tried to shut the door.
But Y/N wasn’t having any of it. She placed her foot in between Jack’s door and the frame, wincing slightly as the door squeezed her foot. She hadn’t bothered to put shoes on, she just went up there in fuzzy socks.
“No”, she said. “No, it’s not okay. I have a bloody exam tomorrow and I can’t sleep because you choose to ruin your bed right above of mine. I don’t care what you are doing to her, but keep it low”, she stressed the last few words, “or I’m calling the security guy.” Then she turned around and stomped back to the lift.
Jack really was an idiot, although she couldn’t shake off the feeling that she had had when she saw him like this. Still, she reminded herself, he was an idiot.
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Based off this post from @dailyau
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I Wanna Dance With Somebody
Who? Josh Pieters
Request? No
Smut? Yes
Sorry it's been so long since I last posted, I will try to post more often. I was inspired by Josh's most recent video where he tries to learn the fortnite dances (wow that was a long time since I started this).
Please send in requests
It had been a pretty busy day at your internship, and all you wanted to do was get home and relax. Josh, one of your best friends, asked to come over to your place for some distraction, which he was pretty good at. You guys hung out and stayed over at each other's place pretty often. He was so fun to be around, you enjoyed every second of his company, sometimes a little too much, since you had started feeling some attraction towards him. However, you were too scared to say anything, as you didn't want to ruin eleven years worth of friendship.
Anyway, you got home and tidied up quickly and jumped straight to the bathroom for a calming shower. Around an hour later you heard some keys interact with your door, followed by loud footsteps and a "Y/N I'm here" from Josh.
You turned off the TV and went over to the living room to greet your friend with a hug. You asked about how his drive was while he placed some groceries he brought over for a chilled night.
You both motioned towards the couch and turned on the TV to watch Netflix. Josh sat on the corner seat of your L-shaped sofa, you followed him and lied down the opposite end, resting you head on his lap.
You watched a couple movies from the "new releases" category and then got tired of just sitting there. So you stood up and went towards the kitchen and decided to make some food. Josh wanted to order take-out, but you convinced him to cook because it would be more fun. It was a chilly night so you decided to make some comfort food. You had some premade pizza dough, and some ripe tomatoes and just random toppings so you got started on making the sauce.
"Why is your place so quiet? I will put some music on" Josh commented as he made his way to the couch where he had left his phone.
"What are you gonna play?" You asked while stirring.
"I'll surprise you" he said with a suggestive smirk.
You rolled your eyes sarcastically.
Suddenly the melody of Whitney Houston's "I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Who Loves Me)" filled your flat. You motioned your focus from the homemade tomato sauce and towards Josh, who had just started playing a throwback playlist. He started dancing towards you moving his torso, particularly his shoulders, seductively.
You started laughing so genuinely at the sight of the ginger boy playing, and dancing, to such unexpected music. Barely managing to keep your eyes open from laughing too hard, you see him stripping off his white t-shirt and slowly swinging it on the air to the beat. He starts getting even closer and once he reaches the opposite end of the counter, he lowers his hand and asks you to join him. You, barely containing yourself from every feeling going through your body, turned off the stove and placed your hand on top of his, following him to his original dancing spot.
You and Josh, hands locked together start twirling, lip syncing, and swaying your arms back and forth to the beat. A couple more songs pass by and you both get a bit sweaty, which is why some bits of Josh's hair have turned slightly darker from the dampness.
Lost in the moment you mouth "you look so hot like this", immediately realizing you've just said this out loud, you blush.
"Oh what was that Y/N" he says lifting your chin to look you in the eyes.
"Oh nothing really, I better get back prepping the pizzas" you barely reply.
"Don't go I'm gonna go prep the pizzas on me like that, I know what you said" he paused " you don't look so bad yourself" he finished, biting his lip.
Confused as to what to do, you went back to the kitchen and worked on finishing the sauce, except it was so difficult, seeing as you couldn't stop shaking. Josh noticed and stood behind you without you noticing. Right when you were about to try the sauce, he placed his hand on your waist, unaware of what you were doing, making you spill some sauce on your pijamas.
"OH MY GOD JOSH YOU SCARED ME" you screamed, followed by a laugh.
"I didn't notice you had the spoon on your hand, sorry" he laughed as well. "Oh and your pijamas are stained now", he stopped for a second and carefully thought about his next words, "I guess I won't have to make up an excuse to take your clothes off anymore"
Your smile widened at the realization of what he had just said kicked in.
"Oh, I'm sorry I've been a dirty girl Josh" you mock back at him with a cheeky pout.
He rapidly grabs your waist and places you on the kitchen counter, taking your shirt off and throwing it on the floor. Slowly, he trailed kisses from you lips and towards your chest, taking extra time on your neck, making sure you would have something to remind you of him tomorrow (not like that was gonna be a problem). He proceeded to unclasp your bra, and massage your boobs with his hands, without his lips leaving yours.
Next, Josh moves your legs leaving an open view of your entrance, covered only by your pijama shorts, as you decided not to wear knickers that night. Josh, still with his shorts on, got between your legs and continued to kiss you passionately. You could feel his member getting harder as time went by. Having enough of his kisses for now, you jumped down the counter and grabbed his hand so he would follow you to the sofa. Once there, you took off his shorts and got on your knees to tease his member with your tongue, followed by bobbing your head back and forth to give him a bj.
"Oh... you're so good" Josh moaned, "you're making me so hard".
You slowly stopped and stood back up to kiss him, running your fingers through his hair and sometimes lightly pulling it with your grip. He sat you down on the sofa, and instinctively you opened your legs. He teased you with his fingers for a bit and then took off your shorts, so he could return the favor for what you had just done to him.
He started planting a few kisses on your thighs making his way between your legs. He finally gets to your clit and starts sucking on it, making you moan in pleasure. Then, he teases your entrance with his index and middle finger and gets them inside you, stretching you out a little. After a couple minutes of this, Josh grabs both your ankles with one hand and lifts up your legs, giving him a perfect view of what he was craving so badly. With his other hand, he grabs his member and slowly inserts it where his fingers had just been. He was so big, even bigger than you anticipated. He started drilling his cock inside you, getting faster with every thrust.
"oh my... Oh Josh...yes...you feel so good inside me" you barely moaned out.
"seems like you wanted this just as badly as I did" he said short of breath, "oh you're so tight Y/N, I'm gonna stretch out that little hole of yours".
Letting go of your ankles, Josh told you to get on your knees for him. You followed as he said and prepared yourself to be entered again. Josh held on to your ass and started spanking you, leaving marks he seemed to be proud of.
"I want you inside me Josh please" you begged as you backed up towards his body.
"I like it when you beg you dirty little girl" Josh entered you once again and started thrusting even faster this time. "You like it when I'm inside you don't you?" He asked.
"oh fuck Josh... you...you are...making me so...so...so wet...I think I'm gonna...ahh" you let out in a high pitched voice.
"oh you wanna come don't you, baby girl?" He mocked while thrusting slow and hard.
"Yes... Josh I wanna... I wanna show you how much you please me" these words made him even harder, like that was possible. You started rubbing your clit and backing up onto his dick for maximum pleasure. You just couldn't take it anymore.
"JOSH...OH MY GOD YES... YOU'RE SO GOOD" you said as you tried to catch your breath.
"Come on now finish me up, I wanna see you take me in your mouth" he smirked.
You sat down and he stood in front of you. Josh grabbed your hair into a messy ponytail and helped you out. You looked up to him with "innocent" eyes while you sucked, which drove him crazy.
"Oh...looking at you like...like that makes me want to come...you're definitely getting me off...come on Y/N...show me what this mouth does." He provoked you.
You started going as deep as you could, massaging his tip with your tongue, and giving him handjobs while you teased his balls.
Josh let out such loud moans letting you know he was getting closer, this only made you do everything faster until he finally released over your face and chest.
"you are so naughty baby girl, this is so much better than I fantasized" he went to kiss you.
He then sat down and you sat on his lap facing his body, "I always wanted a taste of your body.......I wanted you inside me so badly.....stay over so we can do this again in the morning" you said interrupting every sentence with passionate kisses.
This was exactly what you needed, like you said before, he was a really good distraction.
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Please Forgive Me- Conor Maynard
"Conor please" You voice cracked as you said the last word, tears were streaming down your face.
He gave you a cold hard stare, just as many tears were falling down his face as yours. He was furious.
"Please forgive me" You begged but it came out as more of a whisper.
"Why should I y/n?!" He yelled "You kissed my best friend, of all people my best fucking friend"
You could see the hurt in his blue eyes and he remembered the scene he had just witnessed. Anth has kissed you, you did not kiss him back at all; but Conor won't listen to you trying to explain what had happened. He was blinded by anger and won't listen to any of your apologise or explanations. He had made Anth leave and refused to listen to anything he had to say.
"I didn't kiss him, he kissed me!" You tried to yell back but it came out quieter.
"Bullshit y/n!" He said "Anth always had a thing for you and I'm pretty sure you fucking knew because you were always flirting with him!"
"No I fucking wasn't, maybe if you didn't get so fucking jealous you'd see that we were just friends!" You replied.
"Just fucking leave!"
You stared down at the ground, you were so scared to loose Conor. You couldn't imagine life without him.
"Please listen to me, Con" You whimpered "Please forgive me"
"It's okay,y/n"
You looked up shocked by his reply, was he forgiving you?!
"You and Anth deserve each other " He said harshly.
"Conor why can't you fucking listen to me, I didn't kiss him back!" You screamed.
"Just get out" he said.
"Y/n I said get out!" He said so loudly and so harshly it made you jump, Conor never spoke to you like this and now he was it scared you so much.
"Conor" You whimpered in a last attempt to get him to listen.
"Just leave" He said sofly.
With red puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks you slowly left conors apartment, closing the door softly behind you.
You had just lost your entire world, you felt so broken.
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buttercreamscenes · 7 years
Locking Lips - Joe Sugg
Request: hi could you please do an imagine where joe and the girl are caught making out by the buttercream squad and they all tease joe thx 😍😘
Smut: Mild
Requests are OPEN!
A/N: I hope you like it :)
He was your first everything; first best friend, first kiss, first time and first love. Although he knew about the first three, you refused to let him know about the last. He was someone who avoided serious conversations at all costs. He hated letting someone know how he felt about them and when it came to commitment, he dodged it faster than one would dodge a bullet.
You started out as best friends; late night drives for ice cream. During Christmas in year seven, the mistletoe hung directly above you; the kiss was a quick peck as everyone in the room was watching, trying not to laugh at how awkward you two were but that one quick peck meant everything to you. After your cousin got married and a couple of alcoholic drinks later, Joe was pushing you up against the wall and attacking your neck with his lips. The last first happened quite gradually and although you knew you were falling, you promised yourself Joe never would.
Frequently it would happen again. Nights with Joe seemed to happen after night outs and would never be spoken about the next day. He would just gather his things and leave, texting you later in the day to see what your plans were. However, on the odd occasion, they would happen sober. It was never established but you considered it Friends With Benefits and a little more from your side. But along with the drunk nights, the sober ones were never spoken about.
This morning, he left like he usually did and as you sat up in your bed, gripping onto the sheets and holding them against your bare chest, you wondered if you could keep doing it. You began to wonder if your heart could continue on like it meant nothing to you. He texted you throughout the day; sending you funny memes, asking what you were doing and if you wanted to hangout with the boys later that night but for some reason, you didn’t feel like replying. You ghosted him all day and you were finally getting a chance to clear your mind and decide how you really felt about the situation.
“Can I come over? I really need you.” His message read. Your fingers danced along the screen of your phone and as you debated whether or not to reply, you jumped at the sound of your front door being swung open.
“Joe-” You began to say but you cut off by his hands cupping your face and his lips connecting to yours, hungrily. Your mind told you to stop and push him away but your heart knew it was easier said than done. You pushed Joe onto the couch, straddling him without breaking the kiss as your hands unbuttoned his shirt. You ran your fingers down his chest as you began grinding your hips against his. You felt him grow inside his jeans and he switched positions so he was now hovering over you on the couch.
“And then I said-whoa!” Caspar shouted, causing you and Joe to jump apart. You pushed your shirt down back over your stomach as the group of boys stood there staring at you.
“Are you guys together?” Mikey asked, pointing at the two of you.
Joe stood up from the couch, buttoning his shirt back up and shook his head. “Nah, we’re just friends.”
“Friends who like to do that?” Josh asked, also pointing around at the awkward situation.
“Yeah,” Joe nodded. “Friends. Right (y/n)?” He asked, grabbing a beer out of your fridge.
You looked over at the boys, straightening out your hair as you nodded. “Yeah...just friends.” You lied, allowing the words to finally break your heart.
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tinychaosdeer · 7 years
A little too loud ✽ Byron Langley Imagine
Request: I loved the byron imagine love😍 if it's okay i would like to read a part 2 
Note: Here you go. As promised, it is a bit more smut, which also means that I recommend not reading this, if you’re under the age of 15-16 years. Plese note that this is a part two, so if you want to read part 1, you can click right here Hope you like it, enjoy :)
Words: 815
It was half past midnight. Caspar, Josh, Jack, and Conor had all gone home, and Joe had gone to bed. You and Byron were cuddling on the couch. It had been an eventful evening, and your stomach was tickling with excitement. “I’m glad the boys forced me to tell you how I feel” Byron whispered in your ear. You turned around so you were facing him. “I’m glad too” you said and kissed him. Even though it had only been a few hours, his kiss felt familiar and safe. As if you’d known that kiss forever. He ran his hand through your hair and let it hold your neck. Your bodies were close, and slowly you could feel his lower part expand. You couldn’t help but smile. As you turned away from the kiss, you realized that Byron was bright red, but his smile was at least as big as yours. “Why do I have a feeling, that I know what you want to do now?” you chuckled. His face color went a bit back to normal. “Well, sometimes there are just certain things you can’t control” he said and you both laughed. It felt nice to be with someone, where you didn’t have to be dead serious all the time. He turned you around, so you were laying under him, while he kissed you. In a second, you took off his plain white t-shirt, and you were met with a well-trimmed stomach. “Wow” you said uncontrollably. “You like what you see?” he chuckled, and even though you didn’t answer, you both knew the answer. Who wouldn’t like that view you thought to yourself. Just as he were about to take off your shirt as well, he stopped himself. “We should take this to my bedroom” he said. The thought of Joe interrupting you quickly came to your mind, and you got up in a second. “We really should” you said, but before you could take a single step, he swept you off your feet, and carried you all the way to his bedroom. He threw you down on his bed, and you started to unbutton the buttons in your shirt. After watching you for a few seconds he attacked you, and almost ripped the shirt off. “You were taking too long” he explained, and you could help but laugh. He took your pants off at least as quick, and before you knew it, you were both naked. He took his glasses off and gently put them on the table beside the bed. He was one beautiful piece of man. Just the right amount of muscles and exactly the right size of certain body parts. Even the thought of what was about to happen made you wet. You were laying on the bed, and he was standing on his knees above you. He then got down and started kissing your bellybutton. Slowly he moved up and kissed you all the way up your stomach. When he came to your breasts he kissed each nipple and continued to the neck until he reached your mouth. When he pulled away, you let your hand feel his muscles. They were as firm as they looked, and only a little bit hairy. He gently stuck two fingers up in you, as some sort of warm up, and you couldn’t help but moan. One thing led to another, and before you knew it, it was his lower part that was inside of you. You moaned even louder as you were grabbing the sheets. Your body felt numb with pure pleasure.
When he pulled himself out you were both sweaty and exhausted. You fell down on the pillows beside each other and didn’t say anything for a while. Byron kissed you on the cheek before he went out of the bed.  “We’re you going?” you asked a little worried. “I just wanted to give you a t-shirt” he said and stopped at the closet. “You thought I was about to leave?” he chuckled. “You never know” you said and grabbed the t-shirt he had thrown at you. He let himself fall back on the bed and looked at you with his big blue eyes and a smile. “I wouldn’t be able to leave you that easy Y/N” he said and kissed you gently. You felt more and more tired, and within a few minutes, you fell asleep in Byron’s arms.
The next morning you and Byron were sitting at the dining table eating breakfast. You were still wearing his shirt, and – to your pleasure – he was only wearing boxers. Suddenly Joe came in. “Good morning” you both mumbled as you saw him. “Good morning you two” Joe said. “You had an interesting night” he added with a smirkey smile. Byron and you looked at each other, and neither of you could hold back the laughter. “Oh well” Byron said and took your hand.
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sunrisejoesugg-blog · 7 years
this channel, oh my goodness. just watch it, i laughed so much
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angelzrose · 4 years
Mobile Masterlist
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Welcome to my mobile masterlist! Here you’ll find the list of celebs and fandoms I write for. If you’d like a specific imagine, preference, or drabble, feel free to send in your request.
*Note: I don’t write any NSFW or smut stuff, so please don’t ask.
Dana XOX
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✧༺ Imagines ༻✧ 
✧༺ Preferences ༻✧
✧༺ Drabbles ༻✧
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Anne with an E
Gilbert Blythe
Buttercream Squad
Byron Langley
Caspar Lee
Conor Maynard
Jack Maynard
Mikey Pearce
Josh Pieters
Joe Sugg
Oli White
Noah Centineo
Taron Egerton
Tom Holland
Zayn Malik
Shawn Mendes
Charlie Puth
Nick Robinson
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Credence Barebone
Percival Graves
Newt Scamander
Theseus Scamander
Game of Thrones
Gendry Baratheon
Joffrey Baratheon
Tommen Baratheon
Ramsay Bolton
Theon Greyjoy
Jaime Lannister
Oberyn Martell
Podrick Payne
Jon Snow
Jojen Reed
Bran Stark
Robb Stark
Viserys Targaryen
Harry Potter Series
Cedric Diggory
Seamus Finnigan
Neville Longbottom
Draco Malfoy
Harry Potter
Tom Riddle
Dean Thomas
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Ron Weasley
Oliver Wood
Taylor Caniff
Aaron Carpenter
Cameron Dallas
Matthew Espinosa
Hayes Grier
Nash Grier
Carter Reynolds 
Omaha Squad
Jack Gilinsky
Jack Johnson
Nate Maloley
Sam Wilkinson
One Direction
Niall Horan
Liam Payne
Harry Styles
Louis Tomlinson
Peaky Blinders
Luca Changretta
Bonnie Gold
Michael Gray
Isaiah Jesus
Arthur Shelby
Finn Shelby
John Shelby
Thomas Shelby
Alfie Solomons
Pretty Little Liars
Toby Cavanaugh
Jason DiLaurentis
Ezra Fitz
Noel Kahn
Mike Montgomery
Caleb Rivers
Simon Lewis
Alec Lightwood
Raphael Santiago
Sebastian Verlac
Jace Wayland
Star Wars
Cassian Andor
Poe Dameron
Armitage Hux
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Kylo Ren
Bodhi Rook
Han Solo
Anakin Skywalker
Luke Skywalker
Jack Kline
Castiel Novak
Kevin Tran
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Mark Fischbach
Ethan Nestor
Tyler Scheid
The Chronicles of Narnia
Edmund Pevensie
Peter Pevensie
The Originals
Lucien Castle
Elijah Mikaelson
Klaus Mikaelson
Kol Mikaelson
The Vampire Diaries
Matt Donavan
Jeremy Gilbert
Tyler Lockwood
Kai Parker
Damon Salvatore
Stefan Salvatore
Quil Ateara
Riley Biers
Jacob Black
Embry Call
Jared Cameron
Seth Clearwater
Edward Cullen
Emmett Cullen
Jasper Hale
Paul Lahote
Alec Volturi
The Witcher
Geralt of Rivia
Why Don’t We
Jack Avery
Corbyn Besson
Zach Herron
Jonah Marais
Daniel Seavey
Ethan Dolan
Grayson Dolan
Finn Harries
Jack Harries
5 Seconds of Summer
Michael Clifford
Luke Hemmings
Calum Hood
Ashton Irwin
326 notes · View notes
Byron Langley 
Wedding - Byron
5 Seconds of Summer 
A Calum imagine part 1 
A Calum imagine part 2 
It’s not goodbye - Calum 
Secret Girlfriend - Calum 
You’re pregnant? - Calum
Douchebag neighbour - Michael 
Blind Date - Michael 
Lazy Days - Michael
Water fight - Michael
Can’t help falling in love - Michael
Beside you - Michael 
Bad boy Michael (smut) - Michael 
The first time (smut) - Luke 
Cuddles - Luke 
Prank Calls - Luke
Cheer up babe - Luke 
Cheer up babe (part 2) - Luke
Big Bro - Ashton 
Get off me you idiots - everyone
Luke imagine for Sophie 
Luke imagine for Fayee
Luke imagine for Brittany 
Luke imagine for Eloise
Luke imagine for Katelynn
Luke imagine for Meah
Luke imagine for Alice
Luke imagine for Alexis 
Luke imagine for Alice (2)
Luke imagine for Jillian 
Luke imagine for Marilyn 
Luke imagine for Lauren 
Luke imagine for Jessica
Luke imagine for Emma 
Luke imagine for Alexis (2) 
Luke imagine for Brooke
Luke imagine for Rodas
Luke imagine for Rodas (2)
Luke imagine for Annika
Luke imagine for Alexandra
Luke imagine for Caroline 
Luke imagine for Karly
Luke imagine for Marie
Luke imagine for Brooklyn
Luke imagine for Alexa
Luke imagine for Mary
Luke imagine for Elizabeth
Luke imagine for Nilofer
Luke imagine for Carly
Luke imagine for Samantha
Jai imagine for Xena 
Jai imagine for anon
Jai imagine for anon (2)
Jai imagine for Ally 
Daniel imagine for Rachael 
Daniel imagine for Christin
Daniel imagine for Kirsti
Daniel imagine for Emmy
Daniel imagine for Senny
Daniel imagine for Sydnee
Daniel imagine for Schyler
Daniel imagine for Luna 
Daniel imagine for Naomi
Beau imagine for Becky
Beau imagine for Sophie
Beau imagine for Alyssa
Beau imagine for Gina
Beau imagine for Rodas
Beau imagine for Jaileen
Beau imagine for Sydnee 
Beau imagine for Alexandra
Beau imagine for Brooke
James imagine for Lauren
Beau/ Jai imagine for Paige 
Luke/ Beau imagine for Nicole
Luke/ Jai imagine for Alexis 
Dacre Montgomery
Cuddling with Dacre
Billy Hargrove
I’m your new vice
Dylan O’Brien
Everything looks better wet part 1 part 2
Billy Hargrove
Billy has a nightmare
Preference #1 How you cuddle 
Preference #2 The picture he tweets of you 
Preference #3 Where he takes you on your first date
His shirt you sleep in 
How he kisses you 
His favourite picture of you
The Vamps
Preference #1 Where you first meet
Preference #2 Your song together
Preference #3 Your secret place together
5 Seconds of Summer
Selfies he sends you when you miss his face 
Your secret place together
His favourite lipstick on you 
Your matching sweaters
The heels he buys for you
How you cuddle 
5 Seconds of Summer 
Cuddling Calum 
My Hero - Calum 
The Vamps 
Skyping James
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jackncon · 7 years
Friends or more?
could you please do “I’m personally offended you didn’t get me to be your fake date” with Byron
It had been a long night of drinking (not on your part of course, you were the sober driver), dancing, and celebrating. But the night was finally over and your cousin was officially married, and so headed home to your flatmate, Byron.
“That was absolutely appalling.” you groaned, hiding your face in your hands after collapsing on the couch next to Byron.
“What happened?” he laughed, adjusting himself so he lay his head in your lap.
“Well I took Jake because I was not prepared to answer everybody’s questions on why I’m still single. But then my uncle wanted to know literally everything. Like he asked Jake if he knew my starsign. Who the bloody hell remembers someone else’s starsign?!” You groaned, letting your hands flop down to rest on Byrons chest.
“I know your starsign,” Byron laughed, “besides, I thought you and Jake weren’t a thing?” 
“No were not. But I needed a fake date,” you frowned, Byron usually didn’t like to discuss your dating life.
“I’m offended you didn’t get me to be your fake date.” He laughed, holding a hand over his heart and feigning hurt. 
“I’ll take you next time.” You smiled, pushing his head off you and you slipped your heels off.
“It’s a date then” Byron said, smiling.
To be honest, Byron didn’t even care about the wedding, he much preferred you in socks and sweats than all dolled up. He would love to be the one to massage your feet after they’ve been in heels all day, he loved all the little things. But he hoped that the next wedding you attended together would be your own.
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elsehuggs · 6 years
Okay baby I’ll give you a hug
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marvel-mendess · 7 years
Wrongful attraction - Byron Langley
Request: Heeey, can you please do a teacher Byron imagine, where he lectures at the reader’s college and they have to watch out to stay together. Thank you soooo much
Word count: 1,134
Smut: implied
A/N: I’m so sorry this is short & probably not the best, but if you want a second part please feel free to request it and I’ll write one! I hope you like it :) 
Pairing: Teacher Byron x Student Y/N
Requests are open!
Summer coming to an end means another school year right around the corner. In honor of our last weekend of freedom, my friends and I decided to go to the best bar in town to forget about the stress that is about to come. Wearing my favourite pair of black jeans with a low-cut navy one piece and my thigh high black boots, I felt great which meant for a good night. Applying the finishing touches to my makeup I hear my best friend (Y/B/F/N) yell at me to come outside as the Uber was already waiting for us.
After a couple badly sang songs, the Uber finally pulls up outside of DRAMA . After bidding thanks to our Uber driver, the girls and I make beeline for the bar.
A couple of hours have passed by and (Y/B/F/N)’s idea of making us take shots after shots was probably not her brightest idea as I’m now experiencing the room spin.
Waking up the first thing I noticed was my head pounding, the second was that I definitely wasn’t in my bed and the third was that I was definitely naked. Slowly looking to my right I realized that I was in fact not alone either. Reaching for my phone I see that (Y/B/F/N) has sent me 17 “where are you text” as well as some texts wondering if I was in fact still alive. Shooting her a text reassuring her that i am still alive & breathing, I decide to order myself a Uber back to my flat, before mystery man wakes up. I did not want to do one of those awkward “hello” after a one night stand. Getting out of bed was a struggle as this man’s tan arm was around my waist yet, after many attempts I finally manage to wiggle my way out and start collecting my clothes while quietly putting them on. Slowly but surely I make my way outside in the hall of his apartment without waking him up. Letting out a breath of relief I walk towards the elevator to reach my Uber driver that is waiting for me outside.
As soon as my Uber driver reaches my flat I start rushing to get ready for my first class of the day; History. Pulling my hair in a messy bun, taking off last nights makeup off of my face and dressing in leggings and a sweater with my trusty pair of vans I look at myself over in the mirror and consider myself presentable (enough) for the day. Grabbing my backpack and my laptop I go outside and start speed walking to school. Good thing I only live 1 block away from my university if not I definitely would be late.
Looking at my phone it's now 10:10am which means i’m officially 10 minutes late so that calls for some light jogging. Bursting through the doors of my first class I realized that i didn’t even need to speed walk as the teacher himself was late. I search for (Y/B/F/N) as I reckon she sent me a text saying she saved me a spot. I find her in the mass of students and start walking towards the seat she reserved for me. I hear doors opening behind me which means only 1 thing; the teacher has finally made an appearance. 
Deciding on ignoring wha was happening behind me and making my way towards my friend without tripping over someones backpack, I don’t realize the look of shock she sends my way.
“ Hey sorry I was late, I was at this-“
“(Y/N)!” (Y/B/F/N) says in a tone of panic
“ wassup? what? do you think your pregnant again? oh no don’t tell me you hooked up with Johnny again!”
“No, it's even worse!”
“Well what is it?” I saw slightly getting annoyed
“Look in front of the class”
And that's when my whole world stopped for what seemed like forever.
In front of the class was the guy I ended up in bed with, naked.
I slept with my History teacher.
Bloody hell. That was the first thought that went through my mind when i woke up this morning. My head was pounding and I had the biggest hangover of life. My eyes are wide open as soon as I realize that today was monday and I had work to go to. Turning over to apologize to the girl I brought back with me last night I came face to face with an empty & cold bed. Lifting myself up a little and looking around my room I realize that she in fact left this morning without even saying anything. Bloody hell, I didn’t even have the chance to get her number. “I’m a mess that cant even do hookups right” I say to no one in particular as I lived alone.
Looking over at my alarm clock, I realize that I have 10 minutes to get up and leave for work or else ill officially be late for my first day of work.
“Being late on your first day of work is so classy of you Byron” I said to myself out loud with a long sigh following right after. 
Getting up I decide that a shower and then coffee would be the best decision to do now even if it does make me late. Rather look awake then go to work looking like I just rolled out of the bar.
Walking towards the University I realize that I am officially 20 minutes late and that my students are probably already annoyed with me or even gone at this point. Speed walking a little, I finally make it to the front of the building. I take in a huge breath of air in a way of mentally preparing myself to see all my students gone and that’s when I decide to walk in.
All talking stop as many pairs of eyes stare at me while I walk to the front of the class. The students must have put two and two together and realize that their teacher finally showed up which prompts them to start taking their writing utilities out of their book bag and get ready to listen to the first lecture of the semester. 
After settling myself in, slowly but surely as i’m hungover and completely unprepared for this first day, I look around the classroom to see what I will be working with this semester and I am met with a class full of third year students, yet my breathing stops at one student in particular.
The girl from last night. Oh no. My eyes widen a little and my heart goes to my stomach, she was the girl I ended up with last night.
I slept with one of my students.
I stare at her a little longer and watch as her friend from last night starts talking to her in a panic. She must know who I am which is definitely not good. The girl I brought back to my flat turns around and looks at me with the same shocked appearance I was sporting a couple of seconds earlier.
Oh fuck this won’t be good…
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buttercream-me-up · 7 years
Festival Hero // Byron Langley
Word Count- 1495
Summary- You’re a bit lost at a festival, and decide to help out a stranger in need.
Warnings; N/A
A/n; Recently watched IT.. I’m genuinely obsessed. Usually I hate horror movies, but like oh my gosh, it was so well made.
Requested; Yes, so sorry for the wait. Hope you like it x
req;  Could you write something with the boys and the reader being at a festival and some girl(s) won't leave Byron alone (flirting, touching,...). He feels really uncomfortable but is too nice to say something so the reader saves him by pretending to be his girlfriend?
req; Please can you do a Byron smut or imagine pleaseeee
“We’re going to the loo, Y/N!” They said, walking to the never-ending line of people waiting for the bathrooms. “I’ll wait here? I don’t have to go, and I’d rather not stand in a two hour line for nothing.” You said, a pleading tone in your voice. “Sure, meet us at the bar in about an hour?” Y/B/F asked. “Okay, I’m just gonna wander around a bit.” you told them, and they nodded.
Now here you were, an hour and a half later. Beer in one hand and phone in the other, you walked aimlessly around the festival, in a feeble attempt to find your best friends. They never showed up to the bar, and now you were completely alone in a very busy festival, with tons of strangers. You tried texting and calling them several times, but neither of the two picked up or even read the messages. Sighing, you walked slowly, glancing every which way as much as possible, looking for your lost companions.
As you walked, you saw a group of a few guys, who you thought were cute.. Oh, who were you kidding. They were all really hot. Your best friends would regret not being with you now; you weren’t necessarily the most flirtatious of your group; the other two were, and now they were missing out. You scanned the group, they all had beers in hand, and were chatting aimlessly. Your eyes fell on one boy; he was a bit separate from the group, looking extremely uncomfortable.
He had three girls fawning over him; one blonde girl with way too much makeup on was hanging loosely from one of his (very nice) arms, a brunette with very skimpy clothes had her arms wrapped around his neck, practically sitting on his back, while a black-haired girl who looked semi-normal, was lightly running her hand up and down the arm opposite to the blonde.
Normally, you would scoff at guys like this, or laugh with your best friend. But then again, normally, the guy would be enjoying it, and basking in his attention. This blue-eyed brunette, who was very attractive, looked absolutely disgusted and was silently pleading with his eyes for his friends to help; but none of them were looking his way. He sighed, obviously annoyed.
You weren’t a mean person; and this guy was hot. You figured you’d kill two birds with one stone; help this guy, and possibly get his number for later. Smirking at the thought, you strolled over to the guy, putting away your phone and holding up your untouched full bottle of beer, looking a little hurt. “Who are all these girls, babe?” You asked, and he looked at you confused. You sent a little wink and a look that said ‘Go with it.’ He looked instantly relieved, and nodded ever so slightly, letting you know he was in on the plan.
“Not sure. Took you long enough, though. Were the lines really that bad?” He asked, shaking the girls off his arms. Almost immediately, the black-haired beauty shrugged, skipping over to one of the brunette’s friends, flirting with him instead. The blonde stormed off, clearly mad she didn’t get the boy’s attention. The brunette on his back, however, refused to give up, and jumped on his back, making him stumble. He grabbed her thighs, and you looked at her unimpressed. “Can I ask why you’re on my boyfriend’s back?” You said, a warning tone to your voice.
She shrugged, wrapping her arms slowly around his neck. “I don’t see him arguing about it.” She said, innocently. “Actually, I’d love for you to get off me.” He said, dropping her thighs. She fell off, landing in some mud, ruining her oh-so-small clothes. With a squeal and a huff of annoyance, she stormed off, clearly ‘distraught’ over the destruction of her outfit. If you could even call it that. You may as well call it a bathing suit.
As soon as the girls were out of view, the brunette sighed, relieved. “Thank you.” He said, now looking at you properly. He very obviously scanned you up and down, but he didn’t look like he hated what he was seeing. Feeling flirtatious and playful, you slowly began to spin, showing him all aspects of you. You even took the liberty of sticking your butt out a bit when it was facing him. You did a full 360 turn, stopping and facing him with an innocent smile on your face.
“So, do I at least get a name to put to the man I just saved?” You questioned, stepping closer slightly. “I suppose it would only be fair. My name’s Byron.” He said, and you looked him up and down. “Hmm. You don’t look like a Byron.” You stated, smirking. “Then what do I look like to you?” He asked, raising a brow. “I don’t know. Maybe a Harry, maybe an Oscar.” “Oscar?” He chuckled, amused.
You shrugged. “Don’t know. Was never good with names.” You said, teasingly. “Well, are you good enough to remember your own? Or should I just call you my festival hero?” He asked, cocking a brow with a smirk. You pretended to think about it, plastering a confused look on your face. He smacked your arm lightly, making you both chuckle. “It’s Y/N.” You said, sticking out your hand to shake.
“Nice to meet you Y/N.” Byron said, shaking your hand with a bright smile. “Wow, you are really hot. You could be a model.” You said, blatantly. Byron looked taken aback by the confident and calm nature of your compliment, but he recomposed himself quickly and smirked. “I’ll have you know, I actually am a model.” He said, winking. You laughed, thinking he was joking. He just smirked and waited for you to stop.
Realizing he wasn’t laughing, you gawked at him. “Wait, seriously?!” You asked, surprised. “Yeah, let me show you.” He pulled out his phone, showing you some of his pictures from old shoots. “Wow. Maybe losing my friends here wasn’t so bad after all.” You said, smirking up at him. He closed the photos app, and opened the contacts one, handing you the phone. “Can I have your number?” He asked, a tad of nerves laced in his voice.
“I’m sure we could arrange that. I’m much better with numbers than names.” You winked, typing in the number and taking a quick selfie for the contact picture. You were about to hand him your phone, when it began to ring. “Hello?” You answered, furrowing your brows. “Y/N! Where are you?!” You friend exclaimed, basically yelling into the phone. “With a guy..” You muttered, sheepishly. “What?!” She exclaimed, excitedly. “Where are you?” You explained to her the directions, and she and your other friend found you in under 10 minutes; it was surprising, especially for the size of the festival.
They pulled you away from Byron, much to your distaste. “Ooh, he’s hot!” Your friend exclaimed, eyeing Byron up and down. “Hey, he’s mine!” You said, teasingly. She smacked your shoulder, but froze when her eyes landed on one of the boys Byron was with. “Oh my god, but he’s hotter!” She exclaimed, pointing to a short boy with floppy, dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. “And so is he!” Your other friend said, pointing to a tall red head. “Hey, Byron!” You called, and he came over. “Everything alright?” He asked, smiling kindly.
“My friends think your friends are hot. By the way they’re checking out my friends too, I’d say they feel the same. Wanna play matchmaker?” You grinned evilly, and he shook his head with a chuckle, but motioned the two boys over anyways. They happily obliged, strutting over. “Hey, Byron.” The blonde hair, clapping him on the back. “Hey. This is Joe, and this is Josh.” He introduced his friends. You introduced yours, and the pairs separated.
After chatting for a bit in your little pairs, one of your friends motioned you over again. You walked over, confused. “The Killers is about to go on, come on!” She said, excitedly. The boys all snapped their heads to her, gawking. “You like the Killers, too?!” Joe asked, who’d she’d been hanging out with asked, astonished. “Yeah, we all love them!” Your other friend pitched in, and the boys all gave each other looks. “Boys, we struck gold!” Byron teased, throwing an arm around your shoulder.
You shimmied out of his grip, grabbing both girl’s arms and running towards the stage. “We’re about to be the Killers if we miss that show, boys!” You called back, smirking as you and your friends laughed and ran. The boys followed, and caught up with ease. You spent the night dancing with Byron, and yes, you did eventually give him his number. You mentally thanked your best friend’s for ditching you for the bathroom; all was well, and all six of you were more than happy.
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littlepuddingsugg · 7 years
Smut**    Mild Smut*    Trigger Warning~
20 Hours
Age Gap
A Little Show*
A Holiday to Remember
Adorable Little Sugg
All Daddy’s**
Alternate Cures**
Backfired Prank
Backseat Taxi**
Bad Day Baby……...Part 2
Bar Fights
Bad Dreams
Beach Walks
Behind the Scenes**
Best You’ve Ever Had**
Birthday Sex**
Black Lingerie**
Blind Love
But its My Birthday**
Byron Langley
Camping V.1**………V.2**
Caught in the Rain
Christmas Baking
Come get Your Girl
Couch Cuddles
Cut That Out**
Dr. Sugg
Drunk and Jealous**
Don’t Be Mad**……..Part 2
Don’t Be Shy
Fake Couple
Feeling Poorly
Festival Surprise
Find Another Way*
First Christmas Eve…….Part 2
Get Out......Part 2
Girly Things
Halloween Bash
Hello World Surprise
Hey Bartender*
I Miss You
I Promise
I’ll Always Be Here ~
I’m Not Complaining
I’m Not Jealous.....Part 2
Into Labour
It’s Going to Be Okay
Impossible Things
Just A Feeling
Just Sex**
Let’s Try Something New**……Part 2**
Life After YouTube
Love in the Club*
Manhattan Dreams
Meeting His Parents
Meeting the Boys
Meeting Your Daughter
Meeting Your Parents
Missed Arrival
My Game, My Rules**
Need a Distraction**
Never Stopped
Never Thought this Would Happen**
No More Keys
Not Going Anywhere
Not Mad, Just Annoyed
Not Safe for Livestreams*
Not So Fuckboy*
One Day Sugg
Outlast II
Painful Confession
Pranking my Girlfriend
Predicting the Future
Puppy Love
Reconnected……..Part 2**
Red Carpet Attraction
Revealed Kink**
Rough Day**
Ruined Holiday
Scavenger Hunt
School Crush
Sex Tape**
Secrets Out
Shape of You**
Shit Daily Vlogger
Shocking Makeup Challenge 
Shy Meetings 
Singing in the Car
Size Doesn’t Matter**
Skinning Dipping
Sleepy Days
Sleepy Holiday
Sleep Talker**
Snow Lodge Skinny Dip**
Summer Sail Week
Super Far
Sweater Weather
The Dress**
The Honeymoon
The Next Morning……Part 2
The Set Up……...Part 2….Part 3
The Tinder Date………Part 2
Three’s a Crowd**
These Things Happen
They Don’t Matter**
Too Hot**
Tonight’s Remedy**
Under the Table**
Unpacking Mishap
Valentines Day**
Walked In*......Part 2*
We Can Make This Work
We’ll Take It Slow**
What You’ve Been Looking For**
Why Just Fantasize**
Will You Stay**
You Don’t Have to Hide
You Suck
You’re First
You’re Home**
You’re My Favorite
You’re Stronger Than You Think~
Zalfie’s House
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buttercreamscenes · 7 years
Relaxation Session - Joe Sugg
Request: Smut involving Joe’s recent trip to Dubai because him and that gorgeous hotel room are a dream come true. Please??????
Smut: Mild
Requests are OPEN!
A/N: I hope you like it :)
Being in Dubai was a dream come true. However, being there with Joe made it that much better. He decided to surprise you with a trip for your birthday and arriving at the hotel, you could already tell it was going to be the best birthday you had ever had.
“This way.” The hotel employee said, leading you and Joe away from the lobby. You looked around. The hotel had an amazing view of the aquarium, the ceilings were so high, you couldn’t even see the design on them and the matching colours of everything little detail was so aesthetically pleasing, you could have slept in the lobby and still had an amazing time. After a couple minutes of walking across to what felt like the other side of the city, you finally arrived at the room. “Your keys.” Joe smiled at the employee, tipping him before sliding the key and opening the door, allowing you to enter first.
Walking in, you couldn’t believe your eyes. The room had a king size bed and facing it was a full size window of the aquarium. On the bed, there was a bottle of champagne with some flowers that had a Happy Birthday note attached to it. You walked into the bathroom, following the window and you couldn’t help but smile at the fact that the window carried over into the bathroom. The bathtub sat perfectly in front of it and you immediately knew you and Joe were going to put that tub to good use.
The day went on as planned; you and Joe heading out for some sight seeing activities before hitting the pool for a quick relaxation session. As you arrived back at the room, you stared out the window, watching the fish as they effortlessly swam by and you smiled, seeing Joe’s reflection appear next to yours. His hands wrapped around your waist and he rested his head on your left shoulder.
“Happy birthday, babe.” He whispered, pressing a soft kiss to your cheek. You turned around, facing Joe and softly kissed him. You had been dating for a couple of years now but you never, in your wildest dreams, thought he would do something like this for you. You pulled away, smiling at him but the look in his eyes told you he wasn’t finished yet. 
He hungrily pressed his lips against yours once again, this time placing his right hand on the back of your head and using his left to pull your body closer to his. You wrapped your arms around his neck, deepening the kiss and allowing for the gap between your bodies to disappear. Taking control, Joe guided you towards the bed, laying you down before climbing over top of you.
Beginning to lift your shirt, Joe moved his kisses from your lips and towards your neck, allowing you to be able to look towards his shirt and lift it as well. Sliding one leg in between yours, Joe placed all his weight on the left side of his body so his right hand could begin to roam your skin. Piece by piece, clothes were falling to the floor of the hotel room and you and Joe were getting closer than ever.
Laying down beside you, pulling the covers over top of your bodies, Joe wrapped his arm around you, pulling your body towards him so your head was now on his chest.
Drawing little circles on his bare chest, you whispered a soft “I love you” before placing a kiss against his skin.
“I think they enjoyed the show.” Joe said, smiling. You looked towards the window and laughed at the amount of fish that were swimming by the window.
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