krashlite · 6 months
C!Pearl’s a character who people usually only analyze from DL onwards, with her Scarlet Pearl arc influencing future seasons. However, I think it’s very important to look at LL when talking about her, since that season formed a lot of her fundamental viewpoints in this game, viewpoints she’s forced to unpack in later seasons.
LL was the most chaotic and violent season BY FAR, even including LimL! The deaths in LimL were very much gamified, while in LL every life counted. The main lesson the three newcomers learned is that the world is cruel and they can never truly trust anyone. Well, except Pearl didn’t learn that second lesson
Mumbo and Lizzie both spent LL in a constant state of either panic or confusion, with there being a few very brief breaks between. This is the case for LL in general, but with the newcomers it’s so much more startling. They don’t know how this goes, and they see Experienced players paranoid alongside them.
Not to mention Mumbo and Lizzie were constantly put in situations where they couldn’t trust the people around them, whether it be because of a boogeyman or any other reason. With them being in a group of 4-5 people, there was a much higher chance of them being betrayed and they never let themselves relax
Pearl definitely experienced the same panic and confusion, but she adapted much quicker than they did. This is mostly due to Scott being her ally- him being pretty consistent and calm as a person. Not to mention, Pearl only had a single person to worry about, when other alliances had 4-5 people to consider. Any one of them could turn and still have a place with the other members, but a group of two didn’t
(Also sidebar, 3L turned into a game of factions, so in LL everyone immediately started with factions, the exceptions being Ren, Lizzie, Pearl, and Scott. Ren was recovering from his Red King arc and ashamed of his former self, while Pearl and Lizzie were new and hadn’t been adopted into a group like Mumbo had. Scott’s reasoning for picking a small group is that he only stayed safe in 3L when him and Jimmy were fairly isolated, so that’s why he will usually opt for a group of two. Anyways)
Since Scott Only had her, he wasn’t about to turn on her and Pearl knew this. When Cleo later joins the group, she isn’t a risk either due to the circumstances of her joining. Cleo was betrayed, they were killed by a boogeyman in their group. BigB’s betrayal hit so hard that Cleo named him her sworn enemy. Why would they turn on Pearl if this affected them so much? Pearl is able to lean on them comfortably, even as the rest of the server begins to target the alliance (for a green name I might add! Pearl was safest for the longest amount of time this season)
Pearl could trust her team, and her team was honestly well provided for. They had nether goods, they had a spawner, Pearl had enough lives to keep them stable for a few deaths. They’d managed to defend themselves against Constant invasions and weren’t backing down anytime soon.
As for others, Pearl only ever saw them if they wanted to rob her or kill her, having very few interactions outside of that. This establishes that theft and threats are one and the same, with robberies threatening their resources and their survival and threats being, well, threats
The main lesson Pearl learns here is that her team are the only people she can trust, and she trusts them wholeheartedly. They will always have her back, they will always steer her in the right direction. The world is hostile, but they’ll face it together. What Pearl doesn’t learn is impulse control. Her impulse control came in the form of Scott and Cleo, with them being much more cautious than she is
Because of them, Pearl made it to the final four in her FIRST SEASON. This is incredibly impressive, Especially considering how, again, LL was the most violent and chaotic season. She might’ve fallen in the final melee, but she rested easy knowing her teammate won. She had gotten him there, and counts it as a personal victory
When DL rolls around, Pearl employs the same tactics as the last season. LL had a very quick race for resources at the start, specifically for sugar cane and goods from the nether. So Pearl assumes it’s the same thing. She’s preparing for the same chaotic environment as LL and is reassured by the soulmate feature
In her mind, her soulmate is her one designated ally. She trusts them wholeheartedly and assumes they feel the same. No matter what they face, she knows they’ll face it together
Except that isn’t what happens
As it turns out, Scott was her soulmate. But she overlooked one key detail about him- Scott plays it safe. He doesn’t endanger himself unless absolutely necessary. She’d previously assumed it was a matter of practicality, but really it’s a means of defending his own peace above all else, even at the expense of others
So her little trip to the nether with Martyn didn’t just endanger them, it endangered their soulmates. It endangered Cleo and it endangered Scott
Their response is to abandon their soulmates because they felt abandoned. They don’t feel that they can trust their soulmates because of the fact that said soulmates were prioritizing a dangerous mission over them. Except Pearl doesn’t understand this. All she sees is that they abandoned her after she went on a dangerous mission For Them, a mission she would have been previously praised for
Pearl is dropped by the very people she trusted with her life last season, and she doesn’t know Why. To say this crushes her is an understatement
It wasn’t just a rejection from her former friends, it’s a betrayal of a fundamental worldview she developed last season. How could a group that was basically family abandon her just like that? If her designated ally wanted nothing to do with her, then whats the point in trusting anyone?
That last question is pushed to the side, with her insisting on Tilly being her true soulmate. Tilly would never abandon her, she can trust Tilly wholeheartedly. Except Tilly dies almost immediately afterwards, starting her Scarlet Pearl arc
(And I do want to say, I consider Tilly to be fully Dead. The second wolf was a different wolf entirely, but Pearl was in a state of delirium and wanted so badly to have someone to rely on. If it couldn’t be another player, then it would be her dog. Funnily enough, this actually comes up later but that’s an asterisk*)
This arc was basically a constant downwards spiral for Pearl. Any foundation she had was immediately uprooted, any alliance she formed immediately fell apart. This stressed her out to the point she wasn’t sleeping and frequently acted out against the people in her surroundings. Pearl was not maintaining herself in the slightest, her mental state affecting those around her. The main examples I can think of is her stealing horses and sitting in powdered snow to punish Scott, both of which do have explanations
Again, Pearl is basing her actions off of LL, even if she doesn’t realize it. Her alliance was robbed over and over again, usually for things like sugar cane and nether goods. These are things that are high value because they help a team survive. When it comes to pets and livestock, they really weren’t considered unless they were being held ransom. In LL, being stolen from was a threat to someone’s survival
Except this isn’t LL and Pearl is just starting to realize that, with every alliance being stable from an outside perspective. She’s using these thefts to test the waters. If something happens, she’s right to be paranoid and right to lash out. If nothing happens, she can relax, which she does! After stealing Scar’s horse she does briefly stop tormenting the server, instead going back to watching the others.
(^^ I might have the timeline wrong here btw it’s been a second)
As for Scott, her sitting in powdered snow has different connotations than it does for other alliances. She isn’t the only person to hurt her soulmate in this way, Scar actually being the one to suggest this. For Scar it was a harmless but irritating way to get back at Grian for kicking out the Jellie Pandas. It hurt, but it wasn’t meant to actually endanger the other (still abuse btw, just a different kind). For Pearl, her sitting in powdered snow was a tactic intended to make Scott feel unsafe. If he valued his precious security so much that he kicked her to the wolves, then she won’t let him have a moment’s peace.
But going back to the horses- stealing Ren and BigB’s horse was the moment things changed for her. This theft resulted in both of them dying, confirming the idea that thefts threaten someone’s survival. Except Pearl never meant to endanger them, as shown with her defending their items when none other than Scott and Cleo come to scavenge them.
When Ren and BigB return, it’s Pearl who gets blamed for the death, not the circumstances. The blame shifts from the world being cruel, to Pearl herself being cruel. Pearl is unable to cope with this, isolating in response. She sees every other pair finding peace and joy in one another, but she destroys everything she touches. In her mind, she IS the cruelty that exists in the world and nobody is coming to save her.
I think Pearl actually blames herself for Ren and BigB falling apart, which she finds out about when Ren and Martyn “summon” her. This actually affirms the lesson she Just learned, with her accepting the role of Scarlet Pearl. Previously, it was just an act but now it felt more real
She goes on to purposefully endanger others, seeing this as her true role on the server. Pearl had been wearing her red skin before this, but that was only to show her state of mind. Now, she was fully playing into this role, as seen with the fishing rod incident and, again, stealing armor from Boat Boys as a means of threatening their survival
I don’t think Pearl expected to be threatened in return, and her subsequent death did give her a moment of clarity. She was made to understand that her existence in this state was inherently risky, and she needed to be more careful. I think that was the driving force for her seeking out Scott and Cleo to form a tentative alliance. Pearl hasn’t forgiven them at this point, but knew she needed them if she was to last. This forces her to have some level of impulse control, instead of only relying on those around hee
Them being her failsafe put her in a difficult situation when it comes to her Scarlet Pearl role. She was a “Red,” that’s her job, but her team still needed her. But they’re not her team, but she needs them, but she can’t trust them, not after what they did.
But she has to, and that’s what ultimately brings her to side with them; necessity. She doesn’t like them, she doesn’t trust them, a sentiment they return, but she needs them.
The world is cruel, Pearl is cruel, and she needs to defend herself and her own peace- a lesson that, funnily enough, she picked up from Scott
Ultimately Pearl doesn’t learn to care about either of them until the moment she dies. ESPECIALLY Cleo, who ended up siding with Martyn in the end. But it’s Scott’s sacrifice that cuts through the callous she’d developed over the course of the season. He gave his life for her. Scott sacrificed himself FOR HER. The action doubles as changing her perception of him as a person and changing her perception of the world. Scott wasn’t the selfish man she made him out to be, and the world wasn’t filled with senseless cruelty.
Pearl hasn’t learned to trust again, but she’s able to begin the process in LimL
Enter: BigB
BigB’s someone who has had shaky alliances over the ENTIRE series. This started in 3L when the other two Blue Sword Boys ended up on opposing sides of a war, him trapped between them. He learned that season that ultimately he was the only person he could trust. In LL, his initial decision to stay with Cleo then the fairy fort was one made out of necessity, NOT trust. BigB was a sitting duck on his own, and he wasn’t about to have a repeat of last season he got targeted over and over again for being isolated.
And I do think that he cared about the Fairy Fort, they gave him a sense of genuine security that he hasn’t had before. So him being the cause of the Fairy Fort’s collapse gave him a Crisis
The last person he was able to trust that season was Ren, and Ren ended up being his soulmate in DL. Except due to the cheater’s arc BigB blames himself their demise in DL as well (Again, there was shared blame across all parties I made an entire long post about this already).
So BigB is going into LimL with the same lesson Pearl has just begun unpacking; They are the cruelty/danger that exists in the world and can never truly rely on anyone
(Also second sidebar, this is something I love about LimL. Everyone coincidentally got an alliance with matching wounds, but moving on)
The first thing Pearl actually does this season is try to retrieve Tilly, her dog she thinks is still alive. (And here’s that asterisk*) what actually happens is Martyn jokes that he cremated her dog, and Pearl’s unintentionally forced to understand that her dog is dead, she’s Been dead since the start of DL. Breaking apart that delusion was actually Very important to her breaking apart her worldview. If that information was false, what else was she wrong about?
And this is explored through her alliance with BigB. See, the Nosey Neighbors were a fresh start for both of them. They both were re-learning how to trust themselves and others, relearning how to care for others and be cared for in turn. Them watching the server was a lighthearted way to vent their paranoia- again, both unpacking how they view the world and how they view themselves
LimL as a season did a lot to defang the games, for lack of a better term. The deaths were very much gamified, they weren’t nearly as serious as they previously were. Pearl and BigB used this environment to reflect on themselves. The world was chaotic, yes, but it wasn’t as cruel as they thought it was. THEY aren’t as cruel as they thought they were
Pearl makes the decision to be his protector, treating this as a test to show she doesn’t destroy everything she touches. Except, she hasn’t unpacked how she sees herself as cruel, only points that “cruelty” away from those she cares about, and that’s why acting as Protector comes so naturally to her
This is reinforced over the course of the season, but it’s only ever confronted towards the end after Grian’s plan resulted in the three of them being shot. BigB was left with under a minute left, causing Pearl to panic. Pearl immediately insisted he kill her for more time, with BigB panicking in turn because he “didn’t know how.” He was scared of breaking the bond they’d developed over the season and Pearl cut through that fear without hesitation
And here’s where her role as protector is solidified. The world is cruel and unjust, and everyone deserves to have someone to rely on. Pearl would be the foundation for others since nobody else was going to be.
Pearl had already made a promise to herself and to BigB to get him to the end. He would win that season if she had anything to say about it. Except Pearl isn’t able to keep her promise to BigB. He dies just out of eyeshot, and she is helpless to save him
Pearl doesn’t give up on being a protector, this decision influencing a lot of her actions in SL. She wants to be a solid foundation for the Mounders because she knows the importance of having that foundation- she knows the pain a lack of foundation can cause.
Also, the Mounders being a larger group acts as proof that she’s able to trust others again, even if that doesn’t register to her. Remember, LL created the precedent that larger groups are more dangerous, with smaller alliances being much safer. Pearl being able to function comfortably in a group of 4 just goes to show how much she’s grown as a character
SL goes on to challenge her new worldview in several ways. First it was Mumbo turning Red, him becoming excessively violent like he’d been in LL. This actually acts as a mirror to Pearl’s former self, since Mumbo’s pulling from the same logic she was pulling from in DL. Remember, Mumbo hasn’t been in other seasons, his only experience with the games was the confusion and paranoia of LL (I think the lighthearted confusion of the tasks actually triggered his and Lizzie’s paranoia, but that’s another essay). He hasn’t had a chance to unpack that like Pearl has, and she sees this as a failure on her part, doubling down on her Protector role for Joel and Bdubs
Second, Joel and Bdubs, losing their lives. Pearl was forced to reckon with the fact that she cannot keep them safe in the same way she couldn’t keep BigB safe last season. It brings back her fears of destroying everything she touches, even though she worked so hard to unpack that last season. She sees them dying as her failing to be their protector, and her clinging to Scar is a response to that. Pearl needed to prove to herself that she can save Someone, that she doesn’t destroy everything she’s a part of.
Pearl also sees Scar as an echo of who she was in DL, same as Mumbo. She refuses to let him spiral in his isolation. Except, circumstances make it clear to her that she cannot save him by being his protector, she cannot save him at all.
And so she attempts to sacrifice herself for him, just like Scott had done for her. Pearl thinks she will ultimately cause his demise and the only thing she can do is give her life for him
But Scar immediately shoots that idea down.
This is because Scar was unpacking the exact same idea- the idea that he is inherently cruel and destroys everything he touches. Scar recognized that Pearl was self destructing and Did Not Let Her. Pearl wasn’t allowed to be his protector, she’s allowed to be his ally, his equal
Pearl in turn is allowed to see herself not as a force to be controlled, but a person. I don’t think she even realized how she’d been dehumanizing herself until this moment
And I think she has conflicting feelings on Scar’s victory. On the one hand, she achieved her goal in having an ally make it to the end. On the other, Scar’s victory challenged what it even meant to win the games. Pearl doesn’t know if the victory was worth the path it took to get there, and she’s left in that headspace until the next season
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justalilpearlie · 8 months
Duo name(s) for Scar and Pearl
I'm here to propose duo names for scar and pearl cus theyre the sillies ever and i think theyre found family/sibling coded.
outcast duo/siblings
moonflower duo/siblings
villanized two
lone winners
scarlet paralels
(powdered) snow buddies
magic siblings
tower wizards
lonely wizards
they should've been chosen soulmates your honor. best sibling relationship ever.
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pearl loving her knee braces!
this somewhat au design of c!pearl is physically disabled (possibly hEDS, patellofemoral pain syndrome, likely as a complication of being a cat hybrid in this design?), and I actually wore my knee brace for my pfps on my walk today. so thats why yall are getting brace wearing pearl.
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Intro post !!
Roleplay blog of e1!Pearl, my main is @justalilpearlie
He/Xe ooc, you can just call me Pearl. I speak esp/eng
This acc will use my own ships and headcanons
Feel free to interact and send asks! Even if you dont have a rp account! You can just sign off or rp as yourself instead of an emperor, just have fun!
I'll play Pearl however I deem in-character, if you have a problem with it you can block me, this is my take in the character, trying to stay as canon as I posible can.
No nsfw, I'm a minor. I use slurs freely and untagged, tho theyre all ones I can reclaim, such as the t slur, f slur and r slur.
Roleplay info:
She/He pronouns
Terms Queen & Emperor good!! King & Empress are- not preferred but alright.
Verinix Gendervoid Bigender
Pearl is Sausage, Fwhip and Gem's cousin, they grew up together.
Pearl sees Pixl as a father figure of sorts.
Avian with golden wings and pointy ears.
Does not remember any other SMP (might make another rp acc for life series)
Ships I will and wont do:
Majormoon ✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️ (main ship)(mlm)
Flower husbands ❌️❌️❌️❌️❌️ (DNI)
Any WRA ship (aka gempearl, sausage x fwhip, fwhip x sausage, etc) ❌️❌️❌️❌️❌️ (dni + theyre family in this acc)
Jausage ✔️
Fwhimmy ✔️
Fwhip x Pixl ❌️
Sausage x Pixl ❌️
Joey x Xornoth ✔️
Guns n Roses ✔️
Literally any other ship is okay as long as its legal and yknow not related ✔️✔️
#Gilded Helianthia - All posts
#awnsering to the people - Asks tag
#talking to the people - Text posts
#a view of the farmlands - Picture posts
#[title][characters name] - Talking about/Sent by another ruler
#snowy crops - Empires 1 Pearl x Scott
#majormoon - Main Pearl x Scott tag
#my dearest scottsy - about the Elven King
#wither rose alliance - Pearl, Sausage, Gem and Fwhip
#my dearest cousins - about Gem and/or Sausage and/or Fwhip
#my dearest father - about Pixlriffs
Thats all for today!! Thank you, might update ^^
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bananacakepie · 2 years
What is the difference between a god and a saint?
They had both been human at the same time. They had known each other. Been friends? The only thing Joel knew was that they were no longer the same.
Pearl had gone down with her kingdom, fought a demon head on, stood up for what she believed in, and never been corrupted by wearing the crown. She made thing better. She took her tiny kingdom and built, spread, grew, until it was known by all. She had done so much and so well that after she died, she became a martyr. A saint. Joel’s books called her a blessed.
She gained a spot in the sky, her name written across expressive stars. And she hated it. Crying out for past lives, past worlds, past friends. (He never knew she was that close to Scott. He never knew she had known that random cod guy Jimmy knew.)
And Joel was like her. Walking on clouds, name in stars, accending after death. But at the same time he wasn’t.
He was a God. Supreme, omnipresent, an idol, a deity. All powerful. His books would have called him LORD.
He didn’t know how he grew this high. If an entire life spent fighting only earned one the rank of a saint, why would a life of artistry have earned him Godhood? (He cried too. For Lizzie, Jimmy, Pix, random lives spun past him. Lizzie appeard often. A weird Nuarto guy. Jimmy. Scott. But every time they were different. He was different too. Sometimes he saw Pearl- did she see him?)
But maybe that was the point. Pearl would go down as brave, a hero, someone who sacrificed. He would have ultimate respect and power, but it would be skin deep. People would throw extreme festivities in his honor, and leave luxurious offerings at his temple, but to Pearl would they seek human guidence and council, to Pearl they would invite to drink at their table, to Pearl they would always respect honor love.
Joel would never have any of that. Joel was above human treatment, above them all. But among gods? He was weak and lesser. Spineless, pathetic, cowardly. Pearl would have been better.
Maybe that’s why he went down to earth, why he poked and prodded and inturupted and loved and joked. Maybe it was so people would finally see him as human. So they would invite him to their tables, and ask for help.
But even then he was never human. He was different, he was a God, and he could never go back. He could never have both and it hurt.
He stared at the memory and art of Saint Pearl. How she was honored and remembered, held in up in joy.
He looked at his floating town, his allies, his reputation, his powers. He was honored and revered and loved and hated and an enemy and friend and… and…
He would never be as human, as close to humanity, to human nature, as Pearl.
What is the difference between a saint and a God?
Which one is more close?
•This does feel a little anti-Joel, but he doesn’t believe he deserves all this, so he puts himself down•
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ladyddanger · 2 years
DsmpX HermitCraft Au werewolf
Pearl and Scott run an “animal hospital” called the Hermit’s Stop. Really it’s a it’s one of the most poweful werewolf packs in America. Wilbur’s father was a powerful pack leader who trained Wilbur as nothing more then a solider . Wilbur wanted better for his younger brother Tommy so he ran to Scott. Ranboo is a teenager with weird powers who became best friends with Tommy. Wilbur is suspicious of almost everyone but Pearl and Scott due to trauma tm and he dosen’t even like Ranboo that much. The plot starts when Quackity shows up covered in blood with a half dead Tubbo. Quackity demands shelter from Tubbo’s father Schlatt claiming that Tubbo is the chosen one, the Alpha of all wolves. Wilbur knows that’s bullshit b/c Tommy is the chosen one. However he can’t say that for Tommy’s safety. He and Quackity are forced to work together anyway when a odd masked man shows up claiming to be sent to help Tommy achieve his chosen one greatness. If Quackity’s found out as a liar he could lose the pack and everything he did to keep Tubbo safe. If it’s found out Tommy is the chosen one Wilbur is sure Phil will turn him into a weapon.
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charlietheepicwriter7 · 5 months
guys, I had a weird idea.
So, Danny and Damian are twins au, right? They used to be identical as children. I say used to, because when Talia smuggled her son out of the League (Ra's was planning a fight to the death, the douche), she got him excessive cosmetic surgery, changing his entire face and lightening his skin closer. (The League has sci-fi technology, just role with it).
Danny ends up living with one of Talia's off-the-books scientists, so she can keep an eye on him, growing up to look different than Damian. Danny finds himself wishing that he still looked like his brother, but there's nothing he can do to change it. Which is all well and good until the portal accident and Danny discovers that his wish to look like his brother again worked, and now Danny and Phantom are physically different, with Phantom looking like Damian with flowy white hair.
A few years pass with no one knowing Danny=Phantom until Dani crashlands, melting and needing help. Danny saves her and she's de-aged to a toddler age, but the Fentons 100% saw him help Dani and maybe see her transform, so they want to experiment on her. Danny bolts with Dani and heads to Gotham, which has enough ambient ecto to keep Dani stable.
(Meanwhile, Talia figures out what really happened to make Danny run and absolutely nukes the Fentons and maybe the GiW. That's her son and granddaughter, you fools.)
Despite Danny trying to go under the radar, but at some point the bats discover Phantom and Dani, maybe Dani escaped in ghost form? she is a toddler after all. Damian immediately recognizes Phantom as his brother, they get confirmation that the two are ghosts. Dani calls Danny daddy and everyone is sad.
And while the bats are trying to figure out a way to approach Phantom, they stumble across Danny and Dani, the later alive and calling this completely different man daddy. The bats put alive Dani and dead Dani together and get human/ghost hybrid, but Danny looks different enough from Phantom that they conclude the two aren't the same.
Which leads to Damian thinking that Danny is some random man who had a child with his dead ghost brother.
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amararala · 24 days
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Gem's demure letter
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ssseriema · 1 year
martyn lore stream was a fucking banger. my favorite bits were the fragments reveal and also this
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mote-historie · 6 months
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The Jewelry and Enamels of Louis Comfort Tiffany, Necklace, 1903.
Exhibited: Salon of the Société des Artistes Français, Paris, 1906 Peacock and flamingo. Enamel, opal, amethyst, ruby, sapphire, demantoid garnet, emerald, chrysoberyl, pearl, gold
Tiffany & Co., New York City, 1837–present.
Designer: Louis Comfort Tiffany, American, 1848–1933 Jeweler: Julia Munson [Sherman], American, 1875–1971 Marks: TIFFANY & Co.
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krashlite · 9 months
Millie Warm the Kettle,,,
i thought too hard abt bigb's POV and how in both 3L and DL he's caught between two alliances- one with grian and one with ren
something something damned if he does, damned if he doesn't
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justalilpearlie · 8 months
You've got to be kidding! (Secret Life)
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redliferiot · 1 year
grian pearl and scott: none of us chose or even truly desired to win, rather, victory was thrust upon us like the cloak of destiny that we all don. victory was unwelcome and in some cases unexpected, it could've been anyone but it was us martyn: i murdered cause i wanted to win and i won cause i wanted to murder
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z0mbiew00d · 3 months
“Martyn doesn’t hold on to past alliances unless it’s Ren” Is a take I see relatively often and everytime I’m just baffled at how wrong it is
Is Ren the main one he holds on to? Yes, of course, but he’s not the only one. Early Double Life he hangs around with Jimmy for a bit and they make aha jokes, he allies with Scott and Cleo in Limited Life after the soulmate/ally thing, he teams up with Jimmy again in Secret Life and once both his allies died when he came to the warden fight he asked Cleo what happened first, showing he still holds onto them and trusts her.
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bebemoon · 9 months
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my dearest world "seraphim lock" collar w/ soft metal heart padlock and chicken foot pearls .
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maddeningtrash · 3 months
This week of pride month we have the bisexuals of splatoon (ignore Beika dying)
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