#tnt duo do not fall in love!!!!
ladyddanger · 2 years
DsmpX HermitCraft Au werewolf
Pearl and Scott run an “animal hospital” called the Hermit’s Stop. Really it’s a it’s one of the most poweful werewolf packs in America. Wilbur’s father was a powerful pack leader who trained Wilbur as nothing more then a solider . Wilbur wanted better for his younger brother Tommy so he ran to Scott. Ranboo is a teenager with weird powers who became best friends with Tommy. Wilbur is suspicious of almost everyone but Pearl and Scott due to trauma tm and he dosen’t even like Ranboo that much. The plot starts when Quackity shows up covered in blood with a half dead Tubbo. Quackity demands shelter from Tubbo’s father Schlatt claiming that Tubbo is the chosen one, the Alpha of all wolves. Wilbur knows that’s bullshit b/c Tommy is the chosen one. However he can’t say that for Tommy’s safety. He and Quackity are forced to work together anyway when a odd masked man shows up claiming to be sent to help Tommy achieve his chosen one greatness. If Quackity’s found out as a liar he could lose the pack and everything he did to keep Tubbo safe. If it’s found out Tommy is the chosen one Wilbur is sure Phil will turn him into a weapon.
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flamedraco · 6 months
So I don't really post a lot on this site. I reblog shit but the amount of times I've actually "posted" in the sense of using my words is a lot smaller than my reblogs. I write a lot of fanfiction though. So in celebration of the fact that my tumblr is now apparently a year old??? I think? Like hell do I know how this site works but I got a notification this morning about it? But in celebration of that I'm going to talk about "You Were Never Meant to be a Hero", my most popular, completed, TNT Duo superhero fanfiction. You'd expect me to talk about my fics more often so if you want to see more of this let me know I guess? And feel free to ask me questions. I enjoy getting them.
So YWNMTBAH started as an urge, as most fics do. I was reading through a lot of TNT Duo fics while working on my first project, Arsonist's Waltz, and I encountered one or two TNT Duo Superhero AUs. Now, I had just come to DSMP directly after two years worth of being in the BNHA fandom. Which if you didn't know is a superhero based Shonen anime. I love superheroes. I always have and probably always will, despite not being able to grow up with too much traditional "superhero" media. So of course I was excited seeing superhero AUs in my favorite ship. I had seen it a lot in SBI stories but not TNT Duo yet. However: I couldn't find the kind of story I wanted to read. The stories I read honestly just...didn't hit the right buttons for me. I'm not saying any of them were bad, gods no. They just didn't have my favorite trope involved or the type of pairing I was looking for. I saw hero/hero, I saw hero/vigilante. I saw a lot of "good" pairings. But I also saw a lot of characters being dumb idiots and while I do love some fun identity shenanigans it gets dull after a while. I have a thing with dense protagonists and 'will they won't they'. I hate miscommunication and a lot of tropes that were being used at the time. There's more to "superhero" than just secret identities. There's a lot of creativity to be had. Creativity and ideas that I just...wasn't seeing. I wanted hero/villain. And I wanted fallen hero, my favorite trope. The antithesis of the redeemed villain. YWNMTBAH started as a oneshot idea. Because I knew how I was. I knew that if I didn't cap it as a oneshot I would spiral when I already had a massive project I was working on. But after giving it more thought...I realized that I really wanted to do more with this idea. I wanted to write a multichaptered superhero fic for my favorite pairing. Self indulgent? Yeah. I didn't expect many people to read it at the time. Little did I know. Which brings me to what I really wanted to talk about: The first chapter.
Anyone who's read YWNMTBAH knows that the first chapter is very unique. I showed you the future before showing you the events that lead up to it. (This is the part where you should abandon ship if you don't want spoilers for the fic btw, link will be down below). From day one I knew what I wanted for the fic. I knew what its themes were going to be. I know precisely what the endgame of the fic was going to be. And for any other authors out there? Here's the best advice I can give you: Know what you want out of the story. Know your ending before you even think of the rest. The job of a first chapter is to ALWAYS- 1: Establish your main characters. 2: Establish your plot. 3: Establish your story concepts. The first chapter is always going to be the hardest in my opinion because it's your first chapter that you, as the author, use to introduce your world to your readers. Think of it like your hook sentence in a professional essay. You need to draw your readers attention and get them to want to keep reading. I was impatient and wanted to write Wilbur's fall immediately. I wanted to write his break down as opposed to the build up. So...I wrote it first. And then realized: I could make it the first chapter. I could make it the first chapter...and then the next few chapters could be flashbacks. Showing the events that lead up to it. Not only was it a clever way to establish the world, the characters, and my plot and concepts, it was a good way to hook the readers' interest! The first chapter's objectives were to make it obvious what the fic was. It should've been a clear sign as to what the fic is. In the first chapter it's present from the start that Quackity is a manipulative bastard and that Wilbur, despite that, and despite knowing what Q is trying to do, he's still a hopeless fool in love. There is manipulation, but there is real love too. (And anyone who got mad over Quackity, the villain, who is tagged as a villain, manipulating Wilbur clearly didn't read the tags. Just because I gave him a sympathetic backstory and the fact that he does LOVE Wilbur doesn't change the fact that he manipulated him and would do it again. Quackity is written as a villain. Thinking he was anything other than a villain was a fool's decision. I could go on an entire separate rant over this aspect of my story). YWNMTBAH is a dark fic. It's been a dark fic from the very beginning. They are a villain and a hero. They are on opposite sides of the war. They are enemies, each other's nemesis. It was the perfect way to introduce people to my world. I knew from the beginning what I wanted for YWNMTBAH. I knew what I wanted it to be. "Fallen Hero" is the trope that refers to a hero who falls into villainy. It's the opposite of the redeemed villain, a trope that I feel is so overdone and overused. It was self indulgent, and I never expected it to blow up like it did. I didn't expect people to latch onto it despite everything. I knew it was different from other things I had seen, it was like that by design. I didn't want to emulate fics like Clinic (that I didn't know existed by the time I was writing it, otherwise I probably would've picked a different villain name for Wilbur other than Siren XD), I didn't want it to be the same hero/hero, hero/civilian, hero/vigilante pairs I had seen, and because of how common Wilbur was written as a villain in the fandom I wanted to write Quackity as the villain. In the same lane: In future superhero fics you'll be seeing Karl as a villain more often too. But by design I made YWNMTBAH to be different from what I was reading. I wanted it to be unique because I wanted it to be EXACTLY what I wanted to read. And apparently? A lot of people got behind that self indulgent idea of mine.
"You Were Never Meant to be a Hero" is my baby. It's my magnum opus. It has an entire multiverse surrounding it now with alternate timelines and AUs for this AU. It's helped me build an amazing community and I feel absolutely FLOORED with the beautiful artwork I've received for the fic over the years of it being uploaded.
So from one author to others: Write the things you want to see in the world. Be the change you want to see. I've seen a lot more hero/villain pairings since I posted YWNMTBAH and I couldn't be happier to see them. Write things inspired by other author's works. Just make sure to credit them and tell them about it. We love it when you guys do things like that. Enjoy creating what you want to create and don't worry about what other people might think of it. Because you should write for yourself, first and foremost. So what if someone would've enjoyed YWNMTBAH if Quackity got redeemed? That was never the intention of the story. That was never the point. So what if someone didn't like that Wilbur ended up with Q in the end because of how Q manipulated him at first? It's a dark fic, read the tags. Write for yourself. Write what you want to see. Inspire others to create. And if you see my fic and think you want to write a version of it in your vision? Fucking do it. I dare you >:) Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/37319827/chapters/93120913
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indomitableyearner · 10 months
someone should do a tnt duo christmas, cheesy as fuck fanfic. like i'm talking about movie shit, we could have brat rich quackity who's so self centered and then he gets publicly humiliated or something and flees to a nowhere to be found town, where he meets wilbur and they fall in love.
Tumblr media
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zodarii-dae · 1 year
Just finished watching 3rd Life!!!! I was a bit busy so I couldn't do it as quickly as I wanted to but I made it.
I watched Grian's pov as you suggested and holy fuck was that a ride. I have Thoughts.
Grian and Scar. Scar and Grian. Those two shared a braincell and Grian had it for most of the series.
Grian I think had the most kills out of anyone by the end of it??? Guy really thought he could use Scar as an excuse to satiate his bloodlust without losing any lives. He was 100% correct.
Scar had a lot of kills too, didn't he? Especially in the Dogwarts war. Even if he is the goofy boss to Grian's competent right-hand man, it was nice to see him get down to business as well.
"Your Honor, he pleads /j."
I'm focusing a lot on Scar and Grian here, but I would also like to give a shoutout to Jimmy for being the first person out. From what I hear it's pretty on-brand for him and it makes me think Scott was his Grian. For a second I thought it was Cleo tho.
The Battle of the Red Desert was painful to watch lmfao.... Scar pulled the lever, Grian. Wrong time tho.
Can't be good at building without being good at demolition. Grian really likes TNT, doesn't he. Just pray he never improves at redstone, I think it's best his traps stay broken.
I learned from a comment section that Impulse was killed for a clock that belonged to him in the first place. Rough going, buddy.
Scar's second death had me wheezing.... that's how you know he had some sort of plot armor on, no matter what Grian might say, cuz no way in hell did that guy become the first red name and stay alive for 2nd place.
That was the most Canadian fistfight I ever did see. Scar's muscles did not help.
Grian I see is associated with a bird sometimes? I don't know the reason for that but I find it interesting considering he killed himself by jumping off a cliff.
All in all....... yeah I really liked it!!! I have only watched Grian's pov tho, so if you recommend checking out any other POVs, I could do so. Not sure if I'll be able to watch any of the other Life seasons soon, as I might start dipping into, y'know, Hermitcraft/Empires (thanks to you, really!), but we'll see.
This was long. Yeah. Uhhhh Wings of Fire: A Guide To The Dragon World is coming out October I think I read the excerpt I'm excited ok bye-
nice! glad to see you again :D.
desert duo my beloved. absolutely they are two halves of a whole idiot. grian is the designated braincell holder.
grian kills and maims and we love him for it. i love his maniacal laugh whenever he gets a good kill. like a cartoon villain.
scar is goofy and silly and also bloodthirsty. he's so much fun. he can go from himbo to terrifying red life so fast.
yup, very on brand. poor jimmy. scott is kind of his grian? he's definitely the green to his red, and smart to his stupid, but their vibes are pretty different from grian and scar. they're husbands rather than boss and right hand.
i cannot physically express how disappointed i was when the explosion didn't kill anyone.
the real best duo, grian and tnt.
impulse's death... oh i feel so bad for him. you could hear him starting to say bdubs' name as he died. i had to stare at the wall for like five minutes after that scene.
the only reason scar lasted so long was because of grian. if they hadn't teamed up, he would have died much quicker lmao.
oh the fist fight. oh the cactus ring. oh god.
grian is usually depicted as a parrot hybrid. i'm not sure why, i think it started as a hermitcraft fandom thing that bled into his other stuff. people often fannonized as birds falling to death is one of my favorite things. i can't get enough of it.
if you want to watch more povs, i would recommend martyn or scott. martyn's is good if you want to understand the dogwarts side of things, and scott's is just one of my favorites.
i haven't watched any hermitcraft myself, but i plan to one of these days. empires is one of my favorite smps, and really what got me back into mcyt. if you ever do get around to watching the other life series, i think you'd enjoy them!
i'm also very excited for the guidebook! i haven't read the excerpt though.
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scoutpologist · 1 year
Oscar the beloved I bring you a hypothetical tnt duo fic title
Hatred’s not the same anymore (but it’s a good one for you and I)
I LOVE THIS ONE. this one is gonna be 18+ and contain all my fav tropes cause i'm feeling SOOO self indulgent tonight <33 thank you mye darling
okay so my initial thought was divorce. however i think we could do something spicier than that
instead of a whole divorce, which implies a relationship that was stable enough to turn into a marriage at one point, they are exes.
this is, of course, a modern au. why would it not be. all of these are gonna be aus by the way sorry it's just how my brain works. love you guys <3
they had. a horrible relationship, if only because they were both at very unstable times in their life (read: quackity just got out of a big breakup and lost a bunch of friends while wilbur was falling headfirst into a mental health crisis) and cared very deeply about each other but didn't know how to navigate their time with each other
so eventually their communication just broke down (wasn't very good in the first place) and they had one big fight that ended in a very messy breakup and completely cutting each other off.
it takes them both a very long time to get back on their feet. we're gonna focus on wilbur for now because i think he'd be the pov character. wilbur goes Through It, goes to several rounds of intense therapy, maybe gets hospitalized because he is not doing well.
but he gets better. it's hard fucking work but he gets better!! he has his family (sbi <3) and they support him while he gets back on his feet. he even manages to graduate, albeit a few years late.
he works a couple shitty odd jobs for a while, but eventually he beefs up his resume and skills enough to go to
so years later (they dated in like college, they're both easily late 20s now), wilbur applies for a job. probably a smaller workplace, but it pays well, and he's gotten a lot better with talking to people without making them hate him (he's autistic to Me). and he gets it, he's super excited because he needs this job, he walks in on his first day hoping for a good, fresh start, and-
well. quackity is there. and quackity is like "what the FUCK are you doing here".
their boss has to come in and ask them if they can be professional about this, because quackity got mad and lowkey started some shit (something very unlike him). wilbur got defensive and it nearly escalated before their boss came in.
so they part ways and just. avoid each other for as long as possible. weeks, maybe months. it's awkward, but they manage. and then wilbur goes out back for a smoke break and quackity is in the spot he's found (smoking, of course). it's awkward and quiet but eventually they start to chat a little.
quackity, it turns out, has been working there for a couple years straight out of college, so to see his college ex who he REALLY hates walk in shook him to his core. he apologizes for his outburst and wilbur apologizes as well. they're both a little shocked at each other.
either way, they chat a little bit, trade pleasantries, and then quackity goes back inside, leaving wilbur to his thoughts for a couple more minutes.
quackity is pretty high up in the office, having worked there for so long. he's maybe second or third in command, in terms of stuff, but his work and wilbur's don't really overlap that much, so they don't have to interact.
but they start to interact a little. and little by little they tentatively begin to repair the relationship to a professional level.
and then they start getting on each other's nerves in a completely different way. they start to annoy each other like friends again.
months into this, they start teasing each other. they do little shit to annoy one another. they're not where they were before, but they
the coworkers all go out to a bar, just for fun, one friday night - it's been a big week and everyone is relieved it's over. quackity and wilbur end up sat next to each other later on in the night but can't bring themselves to give a shit, and they start chatting at a level they haven't in years. actually talking.
eventually quackity gets a little too drunk and wilbur has to call him an uber. while waiting on the curb for the car to show up, quackity leans over and dozes off on wilbur's shoulder. cue internal crisis. screaming crying etc. but he still sees him off and makes sure he gets home safe (he goes in the uber with him and also uses it to get back to his place) (also note that he learns quackity's address from this)
now something has been unlocked. they feel like they're actually friends again (despite the nagging heartache at the back of wilbur's chest). and they're fucking annoying about it!
they'll complain about each other often, but will be quick to assure everyone there's no actual problem if asked. stupid shit. it's dumb. "i'd change your height" "that's the same thing i'd change about you" "well i'd change your fucking attitude" type shit and then they bitch about it to other people.
eventually they have another outing at another bar with the coworkers, but quackity absolutely refuses to get drunk this time. eventually everyone goes home, and wilbur, a little buzzed, asks quackity why he didn't drink. quackity just said he didn't want to do anything stupid. wilbur is like "what do you mean??" and quackity responded that he gets a bit clingy when he's drunk, hence last time, and he doesn't want to make wilbur uncomfortable now that things are good between them
and wilbur, with the courage of a slight buzz and years of pent up feelings, says there's no way in hell quackity touching him would ever make him uncomfortable. and somehow they end up at wilbur's and hook up lmao
morning after is awkward as hell but they basically agree like... it's fine, we don't have to have strings attached, it was just a one time thing because we already know we're compatible Like That. moving on.
it happens again lmao.
and again.
and again.
and they refuse to talk about it.
people start noticing that things have changed between them a little bit. the air just starts shifting.
wilbur knows he's in love with him again. but if this is the only way he can have him, he'll take it. he was gone for him again the second they said hi in that smoke spot.
okay im getting tired and losing steam so i'm gonna be quick about the rest of this
but they basically get closer and closer to crossing that thin thin line between "just having fun" and "in a relationship". the one unspoken rule is that they NEVER bring up their old relationship. but eventually wilbur does. and they talk about the time they met. and they talk about what they liked about each other. and they talked about why they failed.
the conversation dies. they go to bed. part ways. wilbur comes to the office a bit late to find out that quackity has fucking quit. he filed his two weeks.
wilbur immediately confronts him and demands to know what the hell is going on, because just yesterday he was talking about loving this job. quackity just pushes him off and starts saying it's none of wilbur's business and they're not even that close, and eventually wilbur has to storm out before he says something he regrets.
wilbur, who's having every well-managed mental issue resurface right now because of the whiplash, works like shit the entire day and goes home the second he's able to clock out and just. fucking breaks
hours later, after he's cried himself out, the anger starts. and he says to himself that he's not going to take this lying down, and he knows quackity's address, so he goes over.
oh my god it's getting too fucking long for a tumblr post. okay i will reblog with the rest.
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grimaussiewitch · 11 months
❤️⚡️🌹for the ask game?
Yoooo more asks! Thanks dude!
❤️ best double life pairing?
I’m sorry but I’m a sucker for team ranchers. Two guys who have barely interacted becoming two guys running a ranch, being each others hype man and SUMMONING A WARDEN!!!
Listen I love all of the duos in double life but nothing will beat the two wet cats summoning Ranchers Revenge.
⚡️most cinematic death?
I’ll do one for each series:
Third life: scar and grian’s final deaths. Just everything about that storyline ending with friends fighting to death in a cactus ring, surrounded by the ghosts of their fallen allies and enemies. There is so many ways you can picture their deaths going.
Last life: I think the lead up to Joel’s death is the most cinematic death to me. Joel and Grian doing their best to kill the other players, slowly one by one people fall until it’s just Joel alone with Ren and Scott. A pathetic plea coming from Joel to team, begging to not die only to be killed by Scott, foreshadowing his overall victory. The first red that shadowed over the server dies pleading to live.
Double life: Scott’s sacrifice for pearl to win. “Tilly death do us part” as Scott ignites tnt will always stick to me and Pearl’s last words being her yelling Scott’s name just struck to me. She couldn’t even get her final victory speech before dying.
Limited life: there’s a tie between Skizz’s final death and Martyn’s glass death. Skizz was doomed from day dot, him encouraging team TIES to continue on, to be killed by etho for time and the fact that he got his wish, for a member of TIES to which final three.
Now Martyn’s glass death might be a strange answer but something about him falling into the water below into shards of glass, invisible in the water and a newly red life Skizz witnessing it all it’s just peak cinema to me.
Secret life is still going but Torchy’s “death” man.
🌹if you could add one more player, who would it be?
My serious answer is Fwhip. He was rumoured to being a possible player for double life if Skizz was in. I don’t think pvp and trap heavy smps is too much of his style at the moment but I think it would be really cool if he joined. He knows most of the members well enough that I think he could slip in easily like Gem.
My crack answer is Philza. I have made a giant post to why I think he would be perfect for a life series. Will it happen? Dear god no. Can I dream and read fics about it? Yes I can XD
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commaclear · 2 years
ÆÆ and cqaa have some kind of romantic tension imo like i mean cqaa already fell for the biggest whore of the inbox whos to say they wouldnt fall for the second biggest whore to
also ÆÆs whole thingy is power or whatever and it would make sense that they would want to join forces with one of the most known anons in the inbox
ik cqaa and qaa have been around for a while now considering they were the first to actually have names even if they didnt sign off like how they do now
i think **** came shortly after due qaa and **** getting mixed up or something like that but **** doesnt really fuck with the reality tv show romance stuff thats going on here
then wsd came here and they got with qaa after a rocky start pretty quickly and i think cqaa had some stuff to say abt that but when doesnt cqaa have something to say about qaa
cqaa is either absolutely head over heels for qaa or a hardcore qaa anti there is no inbetween and i think qaa just likes quackity a lot and thats what that whole thing is
like qaa is a fucking mess tbh they are in it for quackity and they just want mfs who will take them back time and time again despite their very poor choices like someone should check on the wellbeing of their partners because that cannot be good for them
then ik dadschlatt anon is somewhere but god knows where
but what im trying to say is that if ÆÆs goal is power and cqaas type is harlots and whores then yk it would just kinda check out that they are walking circles around each other for more reasons other than just hatred
I know the whole thing with cqaa qaa and ÆÆ is that qaa was flashing their tits at ÆÆ and ÆÆ was absolutely devoted to them and cqaa did that whole anti qaa thing they always do and then the stalking is kinda just very yk gay
i know qaa and cqaa resolved their differences and almost got back together but qaa ran back to ÆÆ because abusers love abusers ig but somehow some way qaa and cqaa got back together in the process but ÆÆ doesnt like cqaa that much
but i feel like and all of this was to say there is something homoerotic about it all
idk im no analysis anon or whatever but theres something up with them
I find it really funny to come onto a tnt duo blog and suggest that there might be something homoerotic about two petty bitches who make poor choices and fight all the time
Like yeah
That's why we're all here, isn't it?
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bonesandthebees · 2 years
I gotta love how you cut the chapter in half right before everything starts going to shit. It’s literally going do well, everything seems the be working out, everything is falling into place, us readers are impressed Wilbur is actually pulling this off... And then Aimsey comes in with the metal chair. And this is one of the many times they have run into Wilbur, some at night, definitely doing shady things like eavesdropping, and some during the day when both of them look like shit.
Their last conversation also wasn’t really great. (which hey, guess Ranboo did know that Tommy and Techno were talking negotiations after all). I feel like Aimsey is also decent at reading Wilbur because of their (mostly) past friendship, they can instantly tell that he’s terrified. And he has a bag, and it’s the middle of the night, and even though they are supposedly fighting, he’s still going to his brother’s room.
All I’m saying is that Aimsey definitely picked up on the fact that they were trying something, probably running even. At that point, they also don’t get where the distrust is coming from, so they know Wilbur lying, (it’s somehow his worst lie of both chapters) and decide to follow.
Wilbur tried the same friend-guilt trip that worked on Jack, but unlike Jack, Aimsey has other friends and a (useless) position of power. They never agree to do what he asked either, so of course they follow.
LMAO I didn't mean to split the chapters right when things went to shit, it just kind of happened that the perfect place to split it was after the second tnt duo convo, and right after that is when everything starts to go wrong.
their last convo was very bad, so running into aimsey at any point would be awkward. but now? in a VERY strange position like this? aimsey can tell something's up. they knew wilbur before the invasion happened. they were friends, so they have an advantage that no one else on zephys iv besides tommy has on him. they know that most of his behavior so far is not how he normally acts. so they can read him better than most. so yeah, aimsey 100% knew there was something going on. they weren't sure if they were trying to run, but the thought crossed their mind, hence why they decided to follow
yup. they never agreed to do what he said. and unlike jack, they're not desperate for wilbur's friendship and acknowledgement. so the guilt tripping doesn't work.
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liloinkoink · 2 years
its endlessly interesting to me that red&green partnerships (and, honestly, deep and long-lasting partnerships in general) are like. The Backbone of mid-to-late series 3L / the most compelling part of 3L and yet in LL the rule changes make them pretty much impossible/nonexistent
like, for one, the addition of the boogeyman makes it that much harder to make and keep any allies. if every single new session is an opportunity for your most trusted partner(s) to turn on you--especially the later you get, when each session the amount of other options goes lower and lower, and incentive / opportunity to turn on those you spend the most time around goes up and up. you can hardly have trustworthy allies when you two are both on dark green in session one, how can you forge a bond strong enough to persist even when one of you drops to red?
not to mention LL also stresses the complete abandonment of red names. basically every time someone went to red on 3L, they would lose all their loose ties and cement their enemies, but they generally kept their closest allies. on LL, no dice no matter what your relationship used to be. again, how can you make any close allies when you know that you're just one bad fall or tnt minecart away from being dropped completely? hell, your own ally could be the one to send you red, if you're particularly unlucky.
i do understand the change. icing out reds and being unable to keep any yellow or green allies adds drama, removes incentive to purposely go red, and adds incentive to try to get yourself (or your allies) off of red. it also stops the sort of rules-bending of green and yellow names acting like red names because their commanding allies were red (3L grian i am looking directly at you for this one, but to an extent 3L martyn as well). the red name ability to initiate pvp is powerful in part because of the fact it's one-sided
plus, on a fully practical level: why would you have a red & green partnership when the /givelife command exists and could put you both on equal yellow footing? not being allowed to keep your red allies encourages players to pull their allies out of the red... not that anyone ever really tried!
cuz like, that's the other thing, isnt it? those bonds just didnt exist. people went red and were rarely loved enough to be pulled out, especially at the cost of one's own lives.
the only person (other than scar, who was threatened/bought) who i can remember giving up one of their own lives to take someone out of red is tango, giving a life to scar when he attacked team BEST. and that wasn't even someone giving a life to an ally, it was entirely a defensive move to get scar to leave them alone
the only outlier to this whole thing is etho and bdubs, but even they dont really reach, like, renchanting or desert duo Red And Green partnership. etho doesnt throw bdubs out, but he still cuts their home in half. he buys a life off of scar, which is more kindness than you see given to any other red name, and yet still not his own life. he agrees to hand his green life to bdubs when bdubs goes red again, but the agreement is conditional, and that condition gets bdubs taken out of the series completely
i love last life and generally find that ruleset more interesting, but i miss the R&G duos of third life every godamn day, and theyre just. nowhere near as feasible with the LL rules
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anindecisivespirit · 3 years
An idea for the tnt duo. Imagine:
Quackity sat on the sand that didn't save Slime and screamed for who knows how long. His palms are raw and pink from pressing into the burning sand, and he only stops wailing when his voice is hoarse and weak.
He climbs out of Purpled's trap and collapses, crying for what he's lost and what's yet to come. Technoblade and Dream were still coming for him, for his country, for his people.
And he scoffs at the thought, because he doesn't have people. Slime was dead, Purpled had betrayed him and ran, and really, that was the wake up call he needed. No-one in Las Nevadas actually cares about him. None of them are loyal, or trustworthy. None of them but Slime, and look where Quackity had led him; into fire, pain, and death, while the rest of his crew slowly crumbled.
And he shouldn't be surprised! It's not the first time. Schlatt had deteriorated before his eyes. Bad had been overtaken by The Egg. Karl had forgotten him- hated him even! And Sapnap... he would always choose Karl in the end.
Quackity had no-one left, no-one and nothing and so he sat at the edge of Purpled's revenge, and he wept. Until-
"Fancy seeing you here," and Quackity leapt up to his feet and turned to face the man who intruded on his mourning, but- but seeing Wilbur's face made the tightness in his chest loosen, while his throat constricted. "Has something happened?"
And Quackity couldn't tell bring himself to speak, but in that moment Wilbur was practically an angel. Everyone else left, died, or were just waiting for an excuse to betray him, but Wilbur... He stayed. They may be rivals, but right now that didn't matter.
"Anything to say?" Wilbur asked, and there were no words Quackity could ever find that would express what he felt, so instead he let himself crumble. For the first time in a long time, he let himself fall apart before another human being.
He fell forwards, wrapping his arms around Wilbur and hiding his face by pressing close to his chest. His earlier tears returned, and he sobbed into his rivals shirt, clinging to him as if he were the only thing that mattered.
Wilbur was shocked, hands hanging outstretched in the air. But, as Quackity cried, he found himself relaxing, settling his arms around him. The embrace was warm, and it had been so long since someone had hugged him like this, and though that bit of selfishness fueled his actions, honest concern was close behind.
"Don't go, don't go, don't," Quackity croaked, and Wilbur paused. "Stay, please stay. I can't- I can't keep doing this, I need- Please stay, Wilbur. Stay."
And Wilbur sighs, raising a hand to stroke Quackity's hair. "Don't worry, Sunrise. I'm not going anywhere."
Those words only make Quackity break further, so Wilbur gently guides him to sit back down. Quackity ends up halfway in Wilbur's lap, but neither of them care right now.
Right now, Wilbur is holding his Sunrise, while Quackity clings to the man who always comes back. Wilbur wipes away his tears, pets his hair, and holds him close. Quackity let's down his guard, lets someone close that wasn't Slime.
They're rivals, yes, but they are lost, and they are lonely, and they are damaged. More than they hate, they love. More than they dismiss, they need. And more than they push eachother away, they hold on.
So they stayed like that, long past the time Quackity's tears ran dry. Two souls adrift, anchored by the others presence, sitting in the sand before a pit dug by a traitor, and they stayed.
Embracing in the face of the world that took so much, they reclaim this from its cruelty. Just this. A simple hug, a tentative trust, and the promise that they will always, always, stay.
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Hello kenma! Could you please make a fanfic about how the reader commits suicide and swaggersouls reacts to it? they are together etc. of course you don't have to. I understand 100% that this topic may be very inappropriate for you. Also have a good day
Leaving You Behind
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Swaggersouls x gender neutral!reader Requested by: Anon Genre: Angst Proofread: Nope Music: c!Wilbur head over heals for c!Quackity // TNT DUO inspired playlists Warnings: Suicide, coping with a lost one, talk of self-harm Summary: You've been dealing with things on your own for a while now. Things have been getting rougher and rougher and you can't bring yourself to bear the pain anymore. Sadly, that means leaving your favorite person behind. Author's note: This one is super sad, y'all. I'm not gonna lie, while I like this idea, I don't have a real story for it. This is gonna be headcanons of just pure emotion. I'm sorry if they're a bit short. -Mod Kenma
Nobody knew you were dealing with such dark demons. You did a good job of hiding them. You pretended like everything was fine and everyone believed you.
So when you passed, it was a shock. Swagger took it the worst. He was horrified and felt incredibly guilty for not noticing or asking sooner.
Of course, it's not his fault. How was he supposed to know? You were good at keeping things under wraps.
When he got your suicide note, he broke down. He couldn't bring himself to read it. It felt like his entire world was falling apart. You're his entire world and he can't bear to do any of this alone.
The Misfits are right there next to him, trying to help as much as possible. It's hard on them too, you were their friend.
It's very hard to find some sort of normalcy in all of this. You were always there. You would be sitting on Swagger's lap or doing something stupid with Mason. You not being there felt off like the world shifted and wasn't able to return to its normal axis.
Life didn't seem fair, especially at that moment. It was hard for Swagger to do basic things without having a breakdown. You two were always with one another (unless he was streaming). Everything was done with the two of you and now Swagger can't help but feel lost.
The funeral was, to say the least, a mess. Swagger and the Misfits were sobbing their eyes out with the rest of your family. It was a beautiful event but god, Swagger was a mess. He was one to talk and it was a little rough around the edges. He would sniff and break some sentences with a small sob. It's heartbreaking.
Swagger feels incredibly guilty. He feels like it's somehow his fault. Like he should have been a better boyfriend. Even if there was no way for him to help, he still feels like he should have.
I don't think he'll ever move on. Swagger feels like you were the one, his soulmate. You're his one true love. He was supposed to grow old with you and misses you every single day.
He visits your grave a lot. Sometimes he'll have small picnics there and others he'll just sit. He talks to you. He'll tell you about his day or what your friends are doing. He'll go on and on until the sun goes down and he has to leave.
You were his everything and there isn't a day that goes by where he doesn't think about you. You're on his mind 24/7 and nothing will change that.
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ladyddanger · 2 years
Hear me out but a tnt duo and Rivals duo cyber punk heist au.
MANBERG is a company that has made thousands of dollars off illegal means and killing anyone who got in the their away like Wilbur and Tommy. MANBERG ruined Wilburs life and stole his little brother and he’s willing to do anything to get it back. Even pair with the syndicate a gang found family, to get revenge. These plans fall part when Schlatt the owner of the company is nearly by his own husband, Quackity and said husband comes to the syndicate begging for protection. To Wilbur’s horror Techno agrees. To make things worse Quackity had the guts to not only bring Schlatt’s son with him but also Wilbur’s kid brother who loves Quackity from some reason and barely remembers Wilbur. Even with the tension between Wilbur and Quackity they plan a heist to take down Schlatt once and for all. The only missing piece? A way in. They find it in Dream a man from a rich crime family and mortal enemy of Technoblade. Quackity also may have stabbed him a few times before. His bad!
What happens when four disillusioned men who all hate each are forced to join forces to take down a threat worse themselves ? Hijinks
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stranger-nightmare · 2 years
God that squint Jace would do, the way he moved his hands, the fact he would probably say he hates you more then life it’s self but in his room have a photo of you he looks at every night.
Jace was and is my first real bad boy with a soft heart that I can remember falling for.
Plus Jamie was just -chefs kiss- his voice, his long fingers, his everything.
Look all I want is to kiss Jace wayland in the flower garden greenhouse, while heart by heart plays softly in the background and Jace swears he’ll always protect me and It’s just
the fact Jamie Campbell bower shaped my love of bad boy soft heart and soft boy soft heart with Jace and Anthony from Sweeney Todd.
The man said ‘I’ll take your heart, thank you darling’
I have loved The city of bones movie since it came out and I just will die on the hill that the movie is amazing. If for nothing else then JCB and Robert Sheehan.
I love that I know exactly what you mean!! the squint and glare that Jamie does?? fucking unmatched! Jamie’s ‘angry’ look is so fucking sexy I’m literally a puddle! I mean look at this case and point in Stranger Things…
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…like are you fucking kidding me?? sir rail me I’m begging
and Jamie’s voice??? bitch I could get off to that alone I’m not even kidding
okay and no bc the way that one scene literally took over my entire life when I was a teenager?? the kiss? the song??? the passion?? (the fact Jamie and Lily got in trouble for making the kiss too passionate??) honestly 23yr old me is still just as shook about it as teenage me
ugh yes honestly he’s just so good in any role he plays, if you haven’t already you should watch the tnt show called ‘Will’ in which he plays Christopher Marlowe and he’s just so phenomenal in it I don’t even have the words, just trust me and watch it!!
same bestie same! I will die on that hill right with you, that movie was great, fucking miles better than awful excuse of a tv show, and I’ll stand by it forever! even if it is only for its exceptional cast lmao
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I mean this was such a fire duo, I can’t believe we were robbed of more of them together
- hope
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Could you do Yandere TNT duo x reader
Yandere TNT Duo
* Wilbur and Quackity were in a rough relationship. Not because they didn't love each other. Oh no, they loved each other very much. The reason was because they were absolutely too in love with each other and their love was eating each other alive. They needed someone else to come in the relationship and save them from devouring each other. Then, you came along and they had an idea in their mind. * Wilbur was the one who worked on seducing you. You were sweet and gentle and so damn naive. Perfect for them to devour and ruin you whole. All he had to do was act nice to you and you had already fallen for him. * Quackity acted nicely with you and tried his best to make you fall for him too. Quackity was charming and you couldn't survive from him soo long. * To say the least, you are in a dangerous situation. They are very dangerous and their main goal is to emotionally and physically destroy you.
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aetherknit · 3 years
thoughts on tntduo? like not just yes or no approval but what do u think of them cause like u have such good character takes I'd love to hear what u think is going on with them
strap in anon. i've prepared you my thesis.
honestly, i'm pretty shy to try and get too in-depth on c!wilbur's thoughts/motivations/etc. because he is easily one of the most canonically (if not the most) fleshed out characters on the SMP, and many analysts have made many brilliant wilbur meta.
the gist to wilbur is this: he starts l'manburg as a symbol -- to fight against power, to create a safe haven. i'm of the belief that. yes, wilbur has been charismatic and just the slightest bit manipulative from day one, but his feelings for l'manburg are true. in my opinion, early wilbur (prior to corruption) fell solidly in the category of "good intentions, morally grey means."
at the same time, quackity is the vice president of a guy he really doesn't agree with. c!quackity aims for positions of power -- he's physically weak, but he's charismatic so he uses his words (kind of like -- well...). to me, early quackity seems to rely heavily on survival instincts; at first, he enjoys his position with schlatt, but eventually it goes against his core beliefs. but he doesn't leave. instead, he plays both sides until (eventually) he is more solidly against schlatt, once the odds benefit him a bit more.
all quackity has ever wanted is a place of belonging for himself and others (this has been confirmed by quackity as to why he starts las nevadas later), so he looks up to wilbur. someone with power, someone who fights for a place people can escape to happily.
so quackity shares his ideals with wilbur in excitement. but his mindset appeals to early wilbur, and the wilbur he talks to is far more jaded. so wilbur shuts him down, tells him its not realistic, tells him his dreams require blood.
wilbur dies. quackity reflects.
el rapids rises and falls, and quackitys last vestige of optimism rots.
so once again, quackity falls into wilbur's footsteps -- just a second offbeat. he forms las nevadas, but he does everything necessary for it, just like wilbur said. he's even more aggressive than wilbur was; while wilbur worked in subtleties and deceit, quackity is far more upfront and honest about the fact that he's a manipulator. (in my opinion, this is a reflection of the fact that this is wilbur's nature, but this is quackity's nurture)
his prior idolization of wilbur dies -- he sees him now as someone cut from the same cloth. and by the time wilbur comes back, he sees himself as somebody who succeeded where wilbur did not.
meanwhile, revivedbur is exhilarated by the idea of someone like him, someone who understands him, someone who isn't afraid of him. he wants to join him, but quackity rejects him because of his "unpredictability" -- after all, wilbur destroys what he touches, and quackity is clearly someone who rose against all odds and oppressive powers to stand where he is today. wilbur insists that he join, even claiming that he would work as quackity's servant (which is like -- yeah okay. but it's also probably a manipulation tactic, even if wilbur himself doesn't realize it -- he's been show to yield himself if its advantageous, and wilbur genuinely doesn't seem to care about being a Leader leader as much as he cares about having power).
ultimately, despite claims that las nevadas is a place for everyone, quackity banishes wilbur [insert gatekeeping joke here]. but wilbur isn't deterred; quackity is a challenge. and wilbur loves challenges. no one says it better than THE wilbur soot himself:
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quackity loves their rivalry because it gives him a sense of control -- of the power he's always been deprived from. wilbur loves their rivalry because it makes him feel human ("someone is finally looking at me! i'm alive!" will remain one of my favorite tnt duo moments for ages to come). and deep down they both love their rivalry because they are kindred spirits. two people, ground into the dust by power-hungry dictators. both forced to abandon their countries built of love, of ideals. manipulators instead of fighters, who feel genuine care for their friends but are pushed into these deep pits of corruption to get what they want.
they'd never admit that though. i mean, they hate each other -- right?
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inarocky · 3 years
He died and immediately went back to team BEST.
So uuuh, my hand slipped. Have a snippet:
“They have no idea I'm haunting them“ He says sadly, watching as the remaining team BEST scramble to put up their defenses. He hangs around, trying to make himself heard, but no matter how much noise he makes, none can hear him.
But he tries. “Boo!” he tells Etho, but Etho doesn’t react, just keeps watching for enemies beyond the snow fortress walls.
He watches in wonder as Martyn sets up a TNT trap and Tango, instead of running, punches the carts, making it explode in his face. And suddenly BET becomes just BE. Skizz feels giddy, excited, he is dead but the taste for blood is still strong in his tongue. he wants to see carnage, he wants to see the people who left him for dead to die as well, to join him.
So maybe he would have someone to talk to.
The wither is released in his old home. Etho and Bdubs don’t back down. They fight, they slowly whittle down the monster, showing why everyone is so hesitant to go against Etho.
Skizz floats around to watch as they fight. He gets close to the wither, doesn’t even notice at first how his actions become not his own. He feels the corruption, the instinct to kill is familiar, even stronger, the whitering. He shoots, he sees the world, too bright, it needs corruption, it needs to whiter away.
Bdubs dying is what snaps him out of it. Skizz shakes his head and backs off of the wither’s body. Watches as Etho stands by himself in silence, staring at the itens Bdubs scattered, an unreadable expression in his face due to the mask always covering it, but Skizz  swears his good eye looks brighter than usual. 
Team Best is No More. It was never meant to be, not in a world where it is everyone by themself, not in a world where betraying each other was expected and loyalty punished.
Impulse dies, Skizz feels relieved someone can hear him. He tries to hug his long time friend and goes right through him. He tries to not let it show how much being unable to touch Impulse hurts.
Bdubs is sent in a suicide mission so he can come back to Etho. ‘He loves me’ he says. And Skizz believes him.
“Do it. Do it.“ He urges Bdubs to kill even if he knows he cannot be heard. It’s partly the bloodlust speaking, partly him wanting to see someone else die, but part of him also wants to see at least Etho and Bdubs back together, as a team, as a duo, like it never should have stopped being. 
And Bdubs did do it! He got his kill, but as an arrow strikes him and Bdubs falls down to never get up, Skizz realizes friendship, companionship, love, none of that has a place in a world like this.
The only thing this world has is death. betrayal and it favors those unscrupulous enough to pull it off.
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