#c | s. snape
saintsenara · 16 hours
At what age do you think Snape joined the death eaters? And when do you think he got the dark mark? (it's hard for me to believe that all death eaters got them right when they joined, but if you think differently, I'm open to reading why)
thank you very much for the ask, anon!
i'm currently writing a big "snape's experience in the first war" fic - scylla and charybdis [don't be put off by the pairing! it's really all about politics! don't be put off by that either!] - so this is, unsurprisingly, a question i've spent a lot of time musing on.
the timeline i'm laying out in that fic is that snape's first contact with the death eaters as an organisation comes in the summer of 1976 - when he's just finished his fifth year of school and is, since his relationship with lily has only just broken down, raw and angry and unmoored, and primed for radicalisation.
it's clear in canon that the death eaters were recruiting openly at hogwarts during the 1970s, especially within slytherin, by exploiting not only the social networks caused by all the pureblood families being interrelated, but also the social ties which existed between recent graduates and those still at school. lucius malfoy - for example - is heavily implied in the text to be one of voldemort's primary sources of new recruits, and to be the person responsible for putting snape in touch with the dark lord specifically.
[it's also clear that this is an element of voldemort's recruitment process that the order are spectacularly naive about - the reaction to harry's belief in half-blood prince that draco malfoy has been marked as a death eater is a case in point. slughorn's complete unwillingness to do anything about the death eaters looking for fresh meat is a key part of this - but dumbledore's failure to intervene is also significant.]
i decided, then, to have lucius tell voldemort - whose operation would need potions for all sorts of reasons [poisons, healing potions for terrorists who can't just rock up at st mungo's, illicit brews for the black market] - that he knows a potions prodigy who, as he's uncovered through his network of contacts at hogwarts, is sympathetic to the dark lord's cause. voldemort then begins a long, multi-stage vetting process to test if this is true - snape is instructed to make a potion of dubious legality and deliver it to one of voldemort's agents, who reveals the criminal use it will be put to. when snape doesn't contact the aurors, the process repeats, with him gradually moving up a chain of command - from a low-level petty criminal [voldemort's version of mundungus fletcher] up to the dark lord's spymaster general, augustus rookwood. having passed the test with rookwood, he is then permitted to meet voldemort.
my view is that snape spends the final two years of his schooling being subjected to a voldemort-sanctioned charm offensive, the most important part of which is the dark lord promising him a salaried job as a potioneer once he leaves hogwarts.
i say this a lot, but it's clear in canon that snape was particularly susceptible to voldemort's propaganda because he believed [not incorrectly!] that the dark lord would offer him opportunities which his blood status and class background would ordinarily deny him - and i think we can assume that the wizarding version of academic science [which - as i've said here, in a longer meta on snape's training, seems to retain its early-modern structure, and therefore rely on personal wealth rather than institutional settings] is one of the things he believed he had no chance of pursuing.
and so, when snape graduates in 1978, i think he becomes a death eater full time - working for voldemort on a stipend paid by the malfoys. i don't think that he's given the dark mark until he's been in voldemort's service for several months, but i don't think he's kept from it for too long either.
[not least because snape's entire relationship with the mark is hubristic - he's so ashamed of it in the second war because he was so proud of it in the first - which means that he has to be given it before voldemort settles on harry as the child referred to in the prophecy in the latter half of 1980.]
my view is that voldemort doesn't have a set timeline for granting the mark, but instead offers it to his followers whenever he thinks it will be most useful [to him] for him to do so.
draco malfoy, for example, is clearly marked the second voldemort decides to use him to kill dumbledore - and voldemort does this as a way of emphasising the utter disregard in which he holds lucius malfoy following the prophecy debacle, by taking ownership of [and quite literally branding] his son. i think regulus is given the mark similarly quickly after joining the death eaters - not because voldemort has any particular interest in him but because, as i've said in this meta on him, regulus is evidently accepted into voldemort's inner circle because he's related to other prominent death eaters, and so giving him the mark is a way for voldemort to keep these death eaters [bellatrix in particular] happy. on the other hand, i am certain that peter pettigrew doesn't receive his dark mark until 1994, after he's restored voldemort to the semi-body which allows him to be moved, brought him to england, and helped him contact barty crouch jr. and put the plan to kidnap harry in motion - and that voldemort dangled the promise of the mark [without ever seriously intending to grant it] over him in 1980-81, as a way of keeping him loyal, deferential, and eager to please. he's implied to be doing something similar with fenrir greyback in deathly hallows.
voldemort, master manipulator that he is, will have been very well aware that snape's fundamental pathology is a desire for respect. the teen snape wants to be recognised for his brilliance - and, indeed, his superiority - by those who currently consider him beneath them. he wants james and sirius to cower before him because they recognise that he's fundamentally better than them - despite their wealth and their social position - and he wants lily to choose him over james because she recognises this too.
and so i think snape would regard a quick dark mark as a participation trophy - something someone like regulus gets because they're a toff, but not something which indicates that voldemort holds the bearer in high esteem. but he's also not going to be prepared to wait for years with the mark dangling over his head like a carrot, because he'd regard that as voldemort being perfectly willing to give the posh the mark just for being rich and annoying, but not being willing to recognise that he's the superior recruit.
what he'd want - and what, i presume, he gets - is for him to be rewarded with the mark for doing something specific for voldemort which he thought displayed his brilliance perfectly and which voldemort was happy to indulge him in thinking.
and i have two suggestions for what that could be.
a. snape assists voldemort in the creation of the potion which guards the locket-horcrux [not, of course, knowing exactly what it would be used for], which adds another layer to his involvement in dumbledore's death [and - which is relevant in scylla and charybdis at least - also involves him in regulus']. b. voldemort gives him the mark for reporting the prophecy.
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luaminesce · 24 days
Transphobia and racism aside; considering the mixed reception to The Casual Vacancy and the Strike series, at this point I'm convinced Harry Potter... isn't that good of a series, imo.
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swearwolfx-archive · 1 year
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Where: Gringott's Bank Who: @halfblxxdprinc3
Remus watched Sirius appearing as Bellatrix walk into the bank and down to the vaults, things starting out as planned. Almost. He noticed Snape lurking about with Mulciber just as he was with Priya and he had an uneasy feeling about it but they couldn’t stop now. Why was Snape here on this particular day? Did a death eater always keep watch over Gringotts and the vault or was there something different about today? He didn’t like waiting, especially under the watchful eyes of the goblins but it was all they could do. He and Priya were idly chatting, for the sake of covering acting as if they were waiting for someone as he watched Snape out of the corner of his eyes. If they had people stationed at the bank it was likely any visit to the vault would be informed in advance which their imposters obviously weren’t… He felt restless a pit of unease in his stomach sensing this would not go as planned. Sirius as Bellatrix along with Alice as Rodolphus came striding back into the lobby and it was then that all hell broke loose.
There was a crashing sound and his head whipped to look for the source, things being knocked over as figures in masks stormed the bank. Civilians unlucky enough to be here, that they couldn’t clear without raising suspicion were backing away from the advancing figures forming a loose clump near the tellers’ desks, looking for cover no doubt. His head whipped back around to look for Snape who had been there just a moment before but instead, there was a masked figure coming from a different direction than the others. He wasn’t about to let him join his friends and he stepped in front to intercede. “And just where do you think you’re going?” he asked shooting off a spell his way, sparks sizzling at his feet in warning. “Off to join your friends?” His thoughts went back to his last conversation with Snape, leaning heavily on the word friends, a taunt. There had been two separated from the others both Mulciber and Snape he just hoped he had the latter in front of him.
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signedxoxoviolet · 8 months
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Professor!reader and Snape are stuck in a closet.
Warnings: smut (18+) READ AT YOUR OWN RISK., bad english and grammar, unprotected sex
Tags: F!Reader, Forced Proximity, French Kissing, Fluff in the first half, Snape Loves Tea, Petnames, Switch!Snape (Mostly Dom!), Professor!Reader, Oral (Male receiving), P in V Sex, Virgin Snape, Fingering
Author’s note: the way this idea flashed in my mind is incredible LMAO (do you put coffee in a tea-cup????)
Guide: (Y/N): your name, (L/N): last name, (H/C): hair color, (E/C): eye color, (S/N): subject name.
read on Ao3 — coming soon…
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You’re a professor at Hogwarts, you teach (S/N). You’re actually a pretty good teacher, your bubbly and cheerful personality keeps the student hooked with the lesson and eager to learn more.
Unlike Snape, you’ve been friends with him since you two went to Hogwarts as children, not that he isn’t a good teacher. He is. It’s just that he’s way more cold and strict with the students, but that’s just because he cares about them..right?
You’re currently in the teachers lounge, which is simply a small library and a old empty closet in it, you always wondered what it was for, probably for Boggart studies. You shrug and turn back to the coffee you are brewing on the little stove and counter located up against an empty wall, the counter was filled with small tea-cups, coffee beans and tea bags. You pour the coffee in the small tea-cup you previously grabbed, steam coming out.
Suddenly the door swings open and a dark broad figure comes in, you slightly jump, almost spilling the coffee and snap you’re head towards the figure.
“Oh..Sev, it’s you!” You smile and take a sigh of relief.
“Obviously.” He says sarcastically walking towards the counter, next to you.
“You want some.” You smile warmly, indicating the coffee. He simply looks at you and shakes his head grabbing a bag of black tea, his favorite. “You know i hate coffee, (Y/N)” He starts to make tea.
You roll your eyes laughing a bit and taking a sip of the hot coffee in your hands. “Yes, yes, i know you do.”
“I know you better than you think.”
“Oh, really?” He answers, raising an eyebrow.
“Yeah.” You put the coffee down and look up at him.
“Prove it.” He smirks gently.
“Uhm..well i know you badly want to be a Defense Against Dark Arts teacher, but get constantly denied.” You smile.
He can’t help but chuckle darkly. “Well that isn’t fair, is it? It’s something i said to you.”
You sigh “Well..if you weren’t so mysterious all the time i would more know about you..”, you tease, tracing the rim of your tea-cup smirking and biting your bottom lip.
“Absolutely.” You turn to him, tilting your head slightly. “I mean..even the student say that about you, they say you’re dark and mean…” you trail off.
“And do you believe that?” He snaps his head towards yours.
“Do you think i’m dark and mean, darling?” He says looking at you up and down, leaning against the counter. You feel your cheeks heat up when he calls you that, the word “darling” said in his deep tone with that perfect British accent made you feel a type a way. A type of way you haven’t felt since you were young.
You had a crush for Severus, though you never confessed because he only had eyes for Lily. Your best friend. You thought that with the years your feelings faded away, but you knew deep down you still felt butterflies in your stomach when Snape walked close to you or brushed his hand against your body.
You gulp “U-uhm..no.”
He smirked and turned back to his tea.
“Why’d you ask, Sev?”
“No reason.”
“You’re cute when you’re flustered like that, (Y/N)” He says before taking a sip of his coffee.
Your eyes widen as you look down and touch your cheeks; you’re burning hot, fuck! Professor Snape chuckles quietly as you look away.
“Thank you..” You mutter out. Before trying to change the subject, feeling yourself getting embarrassed.
“I-uh..what does that closet do? I mean, what is it used for..” You walk to the old dusty closet, Snape looks at you from behind. “Lessons, of course.”
“What kind, though?” You ask, inspecting the closet door, closing and opening it making creak sounds from how old it is. Snape sighs and slowly heads towards you, putting the tea away.
“I’m not sure..” He trails off. You hear his voice in your ear, he’s right behind you, you feel your back brush up against his front you blush more as you stumble in the closet. He quicker grabs your waist to prevent you from falling, stepping in the closet too. As soon as he does the closets door shut close and lock.
You break slowly from his grip around your waist, your bodies now completely close to eachother since the closet’s so small. You try to budge the doors open, nothing. You sigh and groan a bit, until giving up and sighing louder. “Fuck..”
“We’re stuck..” You whine.
Snape’s gaze adverts from your eyes to the closet doors as he uses a spell to try and open them; nothing, again.
“See, i told you!” You sigh defeatedly.
“Well. It won’t be long until the other Professors realize we’re missing. It’s almost dinner.”
“Severus, dinner is in 2 hours, until then?” You arch your eyebrows and pout, feeling like crying.
“Until then we just have to wait, can you do that, doll?”
You blush again, doll, really? Was he trying to make you blush. You cross your arms and turn to the side.
“No..i..im sorry.” You mutter.
“What, what’s wrong?”
“I just can’t..keep calm.”
“Ah, i suppose you’re claustrophobic, mh?”
“No, Sev. It’s not that, it’s..you.” You blush harder, and look at him. He looks confused, tilting his head to the side and raising an eyebrow before realizing.
“I fucking want you, Severus.” You blurt out, grabbing the collar of his shirt pulling him closer and biting your bottom lip.
“Dear, i don’t think this is an appropriate time..” He mutters grabbing your hips.
“Please, Sev..i’ve been waiting my whole fucking life.” You whine. Severus suddenly smashes his lips on yours, leaning down and squeezing your hips. Your eyes widen before they slowly close, both of your tongues fighting for dominance, your eyebrows furrow and arch as his tongue finds his way into your mouth, exploring it fully.
You push yourself against the wall behind you and start to undress yourself, sliding off your skirt, then playing with the waist band of his pants, Snape breaks the kiss panting, both of your lips glossy and red from the encounter. He looks down at your hands fumbling with the buttons of his pants.
“Eager, aren’t we?” He sweetly teases looking back at you. You nod smirking as his pants fall to his knees, revealing his black boxers, matching your black panties. You slip your finger across the waistband and pull them down too, his massive length springing out, tip already covered in pre-cum, making him groan quietly.
You lean down and gently lick his tip, making him shutter and moan your name. His hands flat on the wall in front of him as you get on your knees in front of him, staring at throbbing cock in front of you.
“You’re fuckin’ huge Sev..” you trail off, drooling a bit, making him groan more. “You’re a virgin, right?” He nods closing his eyes in anticipation. “See..i know you better than you think..” You smirk and lick his tip again, making him moan louder.
“(Y/N) fuck..” He looks down at you on your knees.
You start lapping down his cock, feeling every vein in your mouth and feeling it twitch from excitement, making you moan against it.
You start bobbing your head up and down his length, making him moan again and again.
“For Merlin’s sake..(Y/N)..” He puts a hand in your luscious (H/C) hair, pulling it and tangling in it gently as you bob your head faster, feeling tears in your eyes as his cock kept hitting your uvula and messing with your gag reflex.
“Y-Yes! Fuck..just like that, darling, s-shit..you feel amazing..” He throws his head back, thrusting in your mouth, making you gasp and hit against the wall behind you, tears start streaming down your face as he slows down only to thrust faster again, feeling himself come closer. You mutter and moan against his hardness, sucking on him, feeling your pussy clench and get wetter every sound he makes.
“A-ah..dear, i-i’m gonna come i-in your m-mouth..Fuck! I-is that..?” He trails off looking down at your pretty (E/C) eyes as you nod, wiping your tears gently before feeling his load fall down your throat with and orgasm, you swallow it and pull your mouth off his still hard penis, you stand up slowly.
“F-fuck me?” You ask panting.
“Absolutely..” He grabs your thighs and pushes you against the wall, your legs wrap around his waist and your arms around his neck. He moves the panties to the side, revealing your opening.
“Finger me first, baby..stretch me out..~” You say guiding his fingers on your soaked pussy.
“You’re absolutely soaked sweetheart..” He whispers, sliding two fingers in your clit making you moan his name. He pumps his fingers in and out of you in a slow paste before taking his fingers out and sliding them in your mouth.
“Like that, dear? Do you taste good?”
Your tongue swirls around his fingers and nod, he smirk and takes them out and back to your vulva, pumping in and out harder. You push your thighs together gently, making more friction as you gasp and moan. “S-Shit, Severus..deeper..” You beg as you guide his finger deeper into your vagina, he curls his fingers into you as you moan louder.
You feel yourself getting closer.
“Are you close, doll-face?” He asks
You nod the walls of your cunt closing against his big fingers.
“Go on, make a mess on my hand, love. Come on me.” He whispers and kisses your cheek.
You moan and with a louder orgasm you release on his hand, then shoving his fingers in your mouth again, making you taste yourself, he smirks in pleasure and plunges his cock into you with no warning. You gasp as he takes his fingers out and glides them to your thighs, holding you gently.
He chuckles quietly, his face next to yours as he started thrusting into your pussy, almost hitting your g-spot, you whine, bucking your hips to help him, he hits your sweet spot and starts thrusting faster.
You’re almost screaming.
“Honey, you’re so..tight..” He says, kissing your neck.
“So” Thrust “Fucking” Thrust “Small” Thrust “For” Thrust” “My” Thrust “Big” Thrust “Cock!”
He pants feeling you so close again you almost cry.
“Sev..close!!” You throw your head back to the wall behind you as he speeds up his thrusts more and more, your eyes roll at the back of your head. “Come again dear. Do it on my cock.” He says, pulling out another orgasm out of you, making you finish all over his dick, your cream dripping down on the floor of the closet, making a mess. He chuckled quietly.
“In or out sweetheart?” He asks, closer to his climax. “I-in please.” You whine as he comes in your vulva, painting it white cream, he takes out his cock from your small entrance, a bit of his cum dripping down on the floor, you giggle.
Suddenly you hear quick footsteps heading towards the closet, you both quickly get dressed.
A muttered spell can be heard from behind the closet doors, unlocking them. The person opens the doors.
“Merlin’s beard! You’re both okay.” Minerva said, “I heard sounds from the closet, it sounded like you two were in trouble.” You blush a bit.
“Uh..yeah, we were screaming for help..” You look at Snape, his cold expression making you shiver.
“Well now, let’s head to the Great Hall, it’s time for dinner.” Professor Mcgonagall says, walking towards the Great Hall, expecting you two to follow.
When you arrived there, Snape couldn’t help but sneak his hand under your skirt.
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whyareyouhere66 · 1 year
I feel like it’s been forever since a new Harry Potter fic was written, so I’m here to request(if u feel like writing it ofc<3)!
Draco Malfoy x Hufflepuff!Male!reader where reader likes to admire him from the background, but word gets out that they have a crush on him. Reader gets picked on for it because “why would Draco Malfoy of all people go for a Hufflepuff boy?”. U can choose what direction it goes in 👀 (unless you want me be more direct then I can add on to it!)
Yes! I’m here for it- hope you enjoy <3
Also, prefacing this by saying I don’t at all like Rowling or support her bullshit, this is just a cute request id like to do
CW: teasing directed towards reader, reader is like half an inch shorter than Draco (something like that, just for context) unedited (I’ll do it soon I promise) and makeout scene (spoilersssss uh oh)
Sound booms across the length of the long walls, the bustling Great Hall full of kids across grades eating their meals. Chicken, mashed potatoes, loafs spread out in baskets, it’s like a thanksgiving meal.
The sun, high in the sky, shines through the tall windows and creates a natural light to outshine the various floating candles. Down at one of the various tables, the Hufflepuff children sit at the wooden table and talk.
“I don’t think he understood the assignment, either.”
“He’s the one who wrote it!”
“Exactly the issue-“
Y/n, accompanied by F/n, sits across from another group at the decorated table. A yellow and black scarf sits loosely around his s/c shoulders, a few rings wrapped around his fingers. He takes another bite from his plate, listening to F/n and another student bicker quietly- the slightest pull of a smile rising on his lips. 
“You guys still talking about Snape?” He asks, eyeing the two. They both nod.
“He’s so grumpy all the time, Y/n,” F/n complains, jutting his chin towards the stone faced man across the room. Y/n chuckles and shakes his head.
“Snape always knows what he’s doing.” He says, planning to check out of the conversation when words of disagreement are thrown his way. 
Y/n moves to keep watching his friends- but his eyes flicker.
Out of the corner of his eye, he sees the platinum blonde hair his eyes always seem to catch. And suddenly, his friends’ words are but mush against his ears.
Draco sits at the Slytherin table, green banners hanging above his head just like the yellow ones above Y/n’s. 
He has a normal scowl, that would dull anyone else’s face if it weren’t his. As his friends continue to talk, though, his eyebrow lifts and a smooth smirk almost replaces it.
And oh, how pretty his lips are.
Y/n wishes he could hide the thoughts as they ring in his head, wishing his small smile wasn’t such a giveaway.
“Y/n? Did we lose you again?” The girl across the table asks, bangs falling into her face. Grace, is her name. 
“Yeah, you look distracted.” F/n snickers, nudging Y/n’s elbow because unlike the others, he knows exactly where his best friend’s gaze is lingering. 
Blood rushes to Y/n’s face, realizing how obvious he had been just now. 
“I’m fine.” He insists, elbowing F/n right back. The others shrug it off, not noticing how one last glance is shot towards Draco.
Lunch is closer to wrapping up when Y/n notices the time- 1:48. 
“Oh, wait-“ he looks over at F/n. “Man, we gotta go-“  
At this, the boy looks at the time and nods. They both grab their things, wishing goodbye to their friends- Ms. McGonagall would be expecting a finished project in the next hour. 
They weave through the students crowded  around tables, holding their bags close to their hips to take less room. Getting out early gets them more time, though their project was nearly done anyways Ms. McGonagall really talked this one up. 
Stepping out through the giant wooden doors, Y/n breathes out.
“Alright, you have the-“ his words are cut short when someone steps into his path. 
Looking up, he finds 3 people standing in front of him, having bumped into the first one. They’re all from Slytherin. 
“Sorry, didn’t see you.” He tries to step around them, but the boy in front recognizes him and suddenly seems very interested.
“Wait a minute,” he steps in front of Y/n again, “Y/n.” His name on this strange boy’s tongue doesn’t sound like a question, honestly it feels threatening. Y/n furrows his eyebrows, and steps back.
“Uh, yeah?” There’s an intimidating look in the Slytherin boy’s eye- one that not even his friends know the reason for. They, as well as F/n, watch curiously.
“Aren’t you that Hufflepuff that has a crush on Malfoy?”
Y/n’s heart stops, his eyes widen. Who is this kid? 
“Oh don’t think I haven’t seen anything,” confidence seems to build in the boys voice, the look on Y/n’s face coming as confirmation for his words. “You’re always making puppy eyes at him- oh, I so knew it!” 
The excitement in this boy’s voice is strange- was he betting on this? Does he not realize how creepy that feels?
“Wait, slow down,” one of the Slytherin’s step forward, wrapping her head around the news, “you like Malfoy? Really?”
Y/n doesn’t like the tone of her voice.
“A Hufflepuff? Liking Malfoy?” She scoffs, “oh please.”
Y/n feels too exposed, like he’s suddenly being poked and prodded from under a microscope. 
How had they found out? 
Who else knows? 
He looks at F/n, eyes screaming for help. Another minute here, when kids could walk around the corner at any moment, hear his secret slowly leaking from the safety of his own self, and he might explode.
“You guys are on something strong, aren’t you?” F/n swoops in, trying to play it off and Y/n makes a mental note to remind the boy how grateful he is for him in a moment.
“Quit projecting, will you? Pathetic, really.” F/n says, though avoids any eye contact with the three. He shoves Y/n’s shoulder, who stumbles, and leads him away as quickly as possible. 
By the time they get to the library, Y/n’s head is already swimming, mainly from embarrassment. 
He never wanted anyone to know- he still doesn’t want that. This little “crush” was supposed to stay between him and F/n, for that was the only person he ever trusted to carry it. 
But now? With some smug Slytherin boy walking around with his feelings cupped in the palm of his hand? Y/n’s lost his safety rail. Now, his feelings are vulnerable, ready to be spilled to Draco at any second. 
Two hands hold his shoulders firmly, he recognizes them as F/n’s. No surprise, considering there’s barely any one else in the library right now. Y/n’s eyes dart to meet his.
“Hey, you alright?” He asks, and it takes an extra moment for the e/c eyed boy to come up with an answer.
“I think so.” He says, nodding. F/n copies the gesture.
“Good, that’s good. I’m sure not that many people know, ok?” He reassures Y/n, who’s grateful for the words as they bring back some stability. 
Now that he’s out of that boys uncomfortable gaze, he doesn’t feel as panicked as he did before. More so, unsettled. 
“Right, yeah, uh- let’s get back to the project.” With the nod of his head, and one last look, F/n is agreeing. The two boys sit down at one of the many tables, between two tall bookshelves. 
‘Maybe it’s ok,’ Y/n thinks to himself, ‘not that many people know.’
You realize now, that you spoke too soon.
The next day comes, and you’re now standing in the bathroom wasting away time that’s supposed to be spent in Snape’s potions class. It’s empty, aside from you of course, nothing but the sound of a running faucet. 
It’s so quiet that when the door creaks open, people stepping inside, your head snaps to the side, startled. 
It’s two boys, both from Gryffindor, named Avery and Jaxon and you immediately recognize them from a few classes. You turn back to the sink. 
Neither of them look at you, instead disappearing into two of the stalls. 
By the time they’re both out of the stalls, you’re washing the final suds from your hands. From the mirror, you see their faces change, realizing who you are. 
The air becomes unnecessarily tense, you’re unsure why, both of the boys are trying to pretend otherwise. 
Avery and Jax glance at each other, walking to the sinks. And it’s not until Avery decides to speak, that the silence is again broken.
“Hey, um-“ you look at him, “I hope you don’t mind me asking this, but…” he looks hesitant to speak, like what he say might come off as offensive, something sensitive. Your curiosity only grows. 
“Is it true, that you and Draco are dating?”
You nearly choke.
“What?” You asks, hating that this is the 2nd time Draco has been brought up to you. 
“I mean, I heard that-“ Avery seems to notice the growing worry plastered on your face- it’s spreading. Your secret is spreading.
“Oh,” Avery begins to realize, “sorry, Y/n, that was a bit invasive.” His tone is calm, only slightly uncomfortable. Pretty much the opposite to you- itching to drop the conversation. But, you keep a calm face, shoving the gross feelings down. 
“No it’s fine, um, why?” You can only hope your voice doesn’t give everything away. 
“Oh, I just thought I heard a couple Slytherin kids talking about it.” Again, his voice feels too nonchalant. “Guess I was wrong.”
“Oh.” The slightest shake. Unlike Avery, though, Jax still seems interested.
“Wait- do you like him though?” This results in an elbow to rib, and Avery looks at him like a mother scolding their child.
“Ow!-“ Jax grunts, glaring yet ignoring the hint, “I’m just asking. You know about the Slytherins and Huffs’.” 
“They just…” his eyes dart right back to yours, “they just don’t go together, man.” You hate the way he says it- hate how it feels like you’re being scolded, looked down on. Looking down at the yellow and black robes draped across your shoulder, you avoid Jaxon’s gaze. 
Which, in hindsight, gives enough of an answer.
The two Gryffindors shuffle out of the bathroom, and immediately you let out a groan. 
You’re fucked. 
Hands run down your face in exasperation- this wasn’t supposed to get out. Draco probably knows now, people think that you’re dating. 
The unusually large bathroom echoes mumbled curses back to you, silence so eery it feels haunting. You feel yourself  beginning to doubt if you should even return to potions class- knowing Draco is sitting at the desk a few feet from yours. 
“They just don’t go together, man…”
“A Hufflepuff? Liking Malfoy? Oh, please…”
Another sigh.
You feel your fingers pressing into your eyelids, passing over your temples and the wrinkles above your nose.
‘He’s gonna hate me’
Such a childish thought, but once it appeared you felt a sickening feeling in your chest because oh, how you wish he doesn’t. 
Outside, footsteps echo in the hallway. 
And Draco himself, walks down the corridor towards the boy’s bathroom, taking his time with the silence. It’s a much better option, compared to Snape’s incessant grumbling. 
He’s been trying to think the whole day- but is only now getting the chance thanks to that little posse of his.
For hours now, whenever given the chance, his mind drifts back to the conversations from early this morning at breakfast.
“Have you heard?” Pansy leans over the table, one eyebrow raised as if she’s careful of listening ears. Though, to that she doesn’t spare a second thought.
Blaise narrows his eyes, looking at her curiously. “Heard what?” He asks, and Draco impatiently looks at her.
“What now.” The blonde already doesn’t care, Pansy always seems to find some sort of gossip across houses. But this time, she’s sending a smirk right his way.
“Some little Hufflepuff has a crush on you.”
Now, to this, Draco does perk up- and his eyes flicker in your direction for only a moment. But, he doesn’t allow himself to acknowledge it. 
“Mhm.” Pansy sounds so smug in her words, satisfied as both boys lean closer to her.
“Who?” Blaise asked, the roughness behind his voice covering any curiosity. 
“Y/n L/n.”
Draco looks bewildered for a second- you?  He never thought it was actually you, that was only a spark of hope in a moment of weakness. He was prepared to hear the name of some random girl he hadn’t learned the name of before- but the familiar ring of your name brought satisfaction to follow the shock.
He doesn’t even try to hide the smirk that shows through. Beside him, Blaise scoffs.
“You’re joking”. He says, and Draco shoots him a glare.
“What? It’s no surprise,” he says cockily, “jealousy’s never a good look”. The meaningless comeback earns a glare and an eye roll from Blaise- and surprises Pansy. 
“Draco,” she narrows her eyes, “do you like this? Him?” She gives him a once-over, checking to see if he’s serious. He is.
Draco doesn’t give a straight answer, though, instead scoffing and going back to his plate. 
“Get a life, why don’t you. Your gossip is boring me.” He says- but there’s the slightest pull at his lips, smiling your way.
Draco pushes open the large door, stepping inside the bathroom and immediately- his eyes land on you.
Your head snaps up, and a new feeling sinks into your stomach when you see him. You can’t tell if you wish it was someone else, or if this is perhaps what you were hoping for.
“Uh, hey.”
Draco steps closer, and you can see some sort of glint in his eyes, and you can’t quite name the warm yet uneasy feeling that follows.
“Skipping Snape’s class now, are we?” He teases in a smug voice, and your blood aches in your cheeks. 
“Just taking a break-“ you don’t look at him, using a towel to wipe off your hands. You simply want to play it cool in front of him, though you’re unsure considering the past two times you seem to have failed.
“A break, hmm? I’m sure.” He says sarcastically.
Instead of picking a stall, like you expected, you watch from the corner of your eye as he approaches you and leans on one of the sinks.
You freeze. 
‘Don’t say it..’
“There seems to be a bit of a rumor spreading around.” 
You visibly wince, the moment you prayed would never come has arrived. He found out- and just like the others, he knows that he could never accept a silly school crush from your house.
Turned away, you’re unable to see the smirk on his face- but you can hear it in his voice.
“Draco…” you mumble, feeling the dread of what his response is going to be. He’s closer now, you feel it- and suddenly his figure is right beside you. 
“Y’know, if you wanted a date so badly you could’ve asked.”
You pause.
His voice is new, because while there’s still such a teasing tone buried in the words, you notice…hope, as well.
You look at him, and notice his eyes have softened. 
“You heard me,” he says, “no need to have waited so long.” He still sounds partially like he’s joking, but his fingers are creeping closer to yours by the sink’s ledge.
The pieces are starting to connect in your head- he hasn’t pushed you away, hasn’t called you any names. In fact- he’s the one getting so close.
Draco watches, examining your face. He’s starting to feel impatient, actually, feeling he’s been clear enough. He doesn’t seem to understand how confusing his words can be- how your beating heart is twisting and unraveling in your chest. He’s too preoccupied with his own churning heart.
“What’re you saying?” You finally ask, and he nearly scoffs.
“Hell, you’re real thick in the head aren’t you?”
He doesn’t even try stopping himself as his hands cup your face, and his lips are molding right into yours.
He’s so quick with it, like he’s been waiting years for this, yet so smooth at the same time. You can feel your eyes as they shoot open, only to hazily fall half closed a moment later. 
His arms loop around your waist, so you were almost bent into his body. You have to take a cautionary step back just to stable yourself, one hand holding his neck, it almost takes you too long to realize he is kissing you. 
‘Holy shit, holy shit holy shit holy shit-‘ your mind races, and it feels like only half of it is functioning. Part of you is swimming, the other half melting into his arms because oh how long have you been waiting to feel him so close. 
He’s smirking into the kiss now, breaking it into quicker, shorter kisses that mesh together to make one, long breathless one. Through the haze of his lips, your hand creeps into his hair and he wonders why he waited so long to experience this.
You tug slightly, other hand grabbing his jaw, and you pull him away.
The room is no longer silent, both of you  catching your breath.
“I’ll take that as your confession, then?” You ask.
“‘Course,” he replies, “meet again after Potions?”
“Sounds good.”
[I hope you all enjoyed- I feel there’s probably more I could’ve added or something, but for now this is good. If anyone wants an add on or more or like a part two let me know!]
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whinlatter · 2 months
The Ginny and Peter parallel though?? How have I never thought about that?? It‘s so horrifying and insanely compelling to me at the same time. I would love to hear (read?) you elaborate on that.
"Sirius, Sirius, what could I have done? The Dark Lord… you have no idea… he has weapons you can't imagine…. I was scared, Sirius, I was never brave like you and Remus and James. I never meant it to happen…. He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named forced me - " "Harry – oh, Harry – I tried to tell you at b-breakfast, but I c-couldn’t say it in front of Percy. It was me, Harry – but I – I s-swear I d-didn’t mean to  - R-Riddle made me, he took me over..."
thank you so much for this question anon.  i have been thinking about this for a long time - about how ginny weasley might have made a really, really good traitor - and would love to talk more about my thinking behind it. a little meta on traitor talk - who flips, and why, and why ginny weasley might be the peter pettigrew to the trio's marauders after all - can be found below the cut (with spoilers for beasts chapter 14). 
hp, as a series, puts great moral emphasis on the concept of choice. after all, it’s about a world at war, where the question of whose side you're on is often a matter of life or death. double agents, deception, treachery, people serving the interests of others (either consensually or under duress): these are recurrent tropes, on both sides of the wizarding war. the plot begins the ultimate act of betrayal - that of lily and james potter by peter pettigrew - and the series concludes with the revelation of another (snape). throughout the books, there are all sorts of characters who spy, or flip, for all sorts of reasons. you have those who knowingly pretend to be serving the interests of one side when actually serving another, for principled reasons, either ideological motivation or out of selfless loyalty to another person: snape, peter, likely rookwood, quirrell, fake moody/barty crouch jr, both sirius and regulus black, kreacher, and narcissa in the forest. and then you have the group who betray either out of fear, or who are manipulated into acts of betrayal and deceit, sometimes through possession but otherwise through blackmail and intimidation, to varying degrees: xenophilius lovegood, mundungus fletcher, pius thicknesse, marietta edgecombe, bertha jorkins, bathilda bagshot, those types. (in a sign of jkr’s consistently dicked-up biases re gender in the series, women are never allowed to be interesting enough to actively betray anyone unless they’re doing it out of maternal love eg. narcissa - they can only ever actively be led astray or hoodwinked, whereas male characters can have a vast array of complex motivations and all sorts of shades of moral grey. we'll come back to that in a minute).
in chapter 14 of my postwar fic beasts, during the course of the hogwarts inquiry, augustus rookwood takes the stand and testifies of an attempt by him and his fellow death eaters to find someone who could play double agent to pass secrets about the resistance, the order and harry to the other side during the second wizarding war. rookwood - himself a former double agent - talks about how to make a traitor. he discusses the different motivations of traitors, how to find a target and how to exploit their existing vulnerabilities and weak-points to get them to come around to your side. he also reveals that, during the death eater seizure of the ministry and hogwarts school, he and his peers identified a would-be target in ginny weasley. in the fic, i have him describe the process of traitor-identification as ‘the pettigrew playbook’: finding someone who is connected, who knows the order’s secrets, who has the information you want, and who will flip less out of an ardent ideological commitment, but more because they are weak and scared but also disrespected and resentful and more inclined to save their own neck than act out of loyalty
i’ve always been very struck by peter pettigrew’s attempts to justify his betrayal of lily and james in PoA (see above). peter pettigrew is always a slippery and elusive character, rendered mostly through other people’s memories or descriptions of him. this is one of the very few times he explains something of his own worldview - though, as we know he is a liar, and in this instance errrr trying to save his own life as sirius threatens to kill him (slay), we have to take even these lines with a pinch of salt. we know pettigrew is a character that acts, at all times, out of a desire for self-preservation, trying to secure his own survival. he was tolerated but never respected by his schoolfriends, made the potters’ secret keeper as a ‘perfect bluff’ because he was a  ‘weak, talentless thing’ voldemort would never bother going after, a trait which ultimately made him the perfect and most vulnerable target. when outed as the real spy by sirius and remus here, he acknowledges he is aware of his deficiencies and weaknesses, and talks about his fear for his own life, his sense of how he did not live up to the principled bravery of his friends, and claims  that voldemort ‘forced him’ to surrender lily and james - presumably through the threat of terrible violence, suffering and death. 
pettigrew’s remarks are particularly interesting when put alongside the justifications and excuses of another character who has betrayed harry to voldemort, albeit under very different circumstances. like peter, ginny’s confession is given through floods of tears as a desperate plea to be believed and excused. in it, ginny begs harry to understand her own lack of culpability. just as wormtail does, she insists to harry she was forced by riddle to cause harm to others and to hand information about harry over to riddle, and to play an integral role in returning lord voldemort to life.  of course, the series always frames ginny’s actions in CoS as the behaviour of an entirely innocent person. but even these lines show a streak of self-preservation and a certain amount of weakness and cowardice that runs throughout ginny’s encounter with the diary. ‘I couldn’t say it in front of Percy’, she says, suggesting she feared getting in deep trouble with no proof of riddle’s hand in her actions. in fact throughout the diary episode, ginny shows real moments of acting to save herself rather than do the right thing and come forward with the truth. she tries to dispose of the diary, but doesn’t go to a teacher about what it has been making her do. she stole the diary back not to protect harry but to protect her own secrets and prevent him from discovering her complicity (at least by TMR’s telling). she even watches hagrid get falsely accused and sent to azkaban, and stays silent in the process, a distinctly pettigrew echo if ever i heard one. 
of course, we know ginny and peter pettigrew’s relationships with voldemort are not alike in dignity. it’s clear that, in so many ways, ginny’s encounter with the diary is much more clearly an experience of victimhood than of malicious intent. we know that ginny was possessed; we know she is not a character who would commit murder without that level of involuntary mental surrender. but there are more uncomfortable echoes of pettigrew in her experiences in CoS. we see them in the decisions of a character acting of fear and a desire to save their own skin in ginny’s experience of the diary than we might like to think. ginny ofc was targeted by lucius malfoy because of who her family was, as stalwarts of the anti-voldemort pro-muggle resistance during the first wizarding war, with powerful enemies determined to discredit and undermine them at every turn. but, as TMR makes clear, what makes ginny such a good target in the end, so vulnerable and so useful, was that she was weak. she was insecure, and lonely, teased and misunderstood and feeling inadequate. in all of that, there was a very rich opening for TMR to access her innermost fears and secrets and to use them to manipulate, pressure and threaten her into compliance, in addition to the active possession of her body to conduct deliberate acts of attempted murder. it’s not a perfect pettigrew parallel by any means. but there’s more than a little bit of pettigrew in that, too. 
maybe more parallels with ginny and peter pettigrew than meets the eye - particularly in ginny’s relationship to the trio. there are a few posts that periodically do the rounds on tumblr and reddit that talk about neville’s relationship to the trio as the parallel to peter pettigrew’s with the marauders - as this post compellingly puts it, ‘all who peter could have been’. neville, these posts usually point out, was a character who was weak and much less talented than his friends, an outsider who needed the protection and patience of cooler classmates, who was always on the outside looking in on a friend group that largely excluded him. what distinguished neville from peter was his approach to his own weakness, and how that approach drove him to heroism rather than betrayal and villainy. it’s an interesting idea, and there’s something to it. but the more i thought about it, the more i thought - is neville + the trio the only parallel with peter + the marauders? what about ginny? 
it’s remarkably under-appreciated in fandom that ginny is remarkably poorly treated by the trio for much of the series. ‘go away, ginny’ - that’s how ron banishes his sister at the start of PoA, because harry mutters to his two mates that he wants to talk to them in private and to ditch ginny. neither harry nor hermione object to it - hermione, though kind to ginny when the dementors arrive, makes no defence of her right to stay. ginny duly leaves, hurt, to go sit by herself on the train back to school, returning to hogwarts for the first time after her deeply traumatic experience in the chamber, dismissed and dispatched. not meaning to drag ron here - this is, ofc, how big brothers have behaved for time immemorial, as is their wont. but it’s kind of the statement for how the trio treat ginny for much of her school career really until HBP, harry and hermione included. ofc there are many textual/plot reasons ginny needs to be held at arms length from the trio. but it is striking that the effect of this plot habit for the reader is a usually unkind and sometimes even callous exclusion of ginny by the trio throughout many of the books.
in CoS itself, ginny is never invited to join the trio or spend any time with them: when she isn’t, you know, trying her hand at possessed attempted murder, she’s doing a light bit of potter hero worship that does recall a certain lakeside snitch-catching display of yore. it’s ginny who’s left feeling left out when the trio are swapping suspicious eyes and sirius secrets in GoF, ginny who is hermione’s back-up friend when the ron and harry showdown kicks off over the triwizard tournament, ginny who shoulders the role as harry’s consolation prize friend when ron and hermione go off to the prefects on the train in ootp (and takes him to neville and luna), ginny who goes defenceless when the trio are demanding to be included in order secrets and is physically removed from the room with no protest from the others, ginny who has to fight her case to be taken seriously and included in the department of mysteries plot to rescue a man she too is friends with (‘I care about Sirius as much as you do!’), being patronised by three friends who pick her up and put her down when they feel like it (always enjoy hermione being like ‘we need three thestrals!’ and ginny being like ffs we need four why won’t you show me an ounce of respect). in fact, when ginny is revealed to be becoming popular in a different social circle throughout ootp and hbp, it is something of a shock to harry and ron, who have spent a good six years making no effort to include her and now are finding she has built a much more successful social life beyond them (you reap what you sow, lads). i don’t say this to overstate the trio’s malice nor to overstate the pettigrew comparisons (ginny is clearly both conventionally attractive and much more socially adept).. but i do think it’s striking that  if there is a character with pettigrew echoes in the trio’s surround, always orbiting the trio, trying to feel included (and hero worshipping the potter at the heart of it), it’s more often young ginny than it is neville. so many of the things that made ginny vulnerable to TMR - her loneliness, her isolation, her insecurities and sense of inadequacy - are not helped by the trio in the years afterwards, and in some cases, actively reinforced.
(to briefly say something on gender - sometimes wonder if ginny were a male character if people would have made more of this. percy stans, for instance, go to great lengths to point out all the ways percy was bullied or teased by his family as an excuse for his errrrr war crimes. would people care more about many ginny's exclusions if she were a maligned misunderstood young man? probably? it's noticeable too that all traitors in hp are men lol, a classic example of jkr’s weird and fucked feminism striking again. women are led astray or hoodwinked - men get the complex motivations and agency arcs. but i digress).
why does any of this matter? we know ginny doesn't take the path of pettigrew, however much she might have good reason to. harry's endearingly naive line in DH ('I trust all of you, I don’t think anyone in this room would ever sell me to Voldemort’) ends up being borne out: there are no betrayals during the second wizarding war, and certainly not by ginny (though the sword heist almost ended up doing it on accident). but i found myself thinking a lot about this as i was sketching out the plotline for beasts and thinking about ginny’s war, and what is asked of ginny in it. i was particularly thinking about it relation to how the second wizarding war plays out, the unique position of danger ginny would have been in as a hogwarts student in the 1997-1998 academic year, and what a good target she would make for death eaters on the hunt for a spy within the order of the phoenix.
when i was reading DH for the first time, i remember thinking that it is absolutely bonkers that ginny weasley goes back to hogwarts in september ’97. by that summer, the weasleys are the order of the phoenix. no longer just the blood traitors’ blood traitor, they’re now the face of the wizarding resistance, both parents and (nearly) all sons in active combat, something the ministry certainly knows about even when trying to normalise death eater rule and allowing the facade of arthur et al going to go to work in the ministry/gringotts etc. ginny’s family home is order hq: she lives there all summer, and trots off to the hogwarts express straight from the kitchen table where order meetings take place. when death eaters descend on the wedding, she’s there alongside the rest of the rest of dumbledore stans. she is also famously in the DA, and fought death eaters alongside the trio in the department of mysteries, and again in the battle of the astronomy tower. and then there’s the obvious point that hinny shippers everywhere have pointed out is baffling since the dawn of time, which is that the world and his wife knows that ginny weasley is harry potter’s ex, something that might put a big fat target on her head for a death eater or two to have a pop at trying to get some secrets and intel out of her. 
of course, there’s a compelling case for why ginny has to go back. ron’s already used the splattergroit excuse, and arthur’s going to work, and so is bill, and the twins (at least for a bit), and the weasleys are going for normalisation and at least a fig leaf of compliance. so off ginny goes, into the belly of the beast, back to school, despite all the access she has to order secrets and intel, as well as information on harry and the trio. she is in a uniquely dangerous position of risk: it’s a fortress run by death eaters and her card is marked. she finds herself in an unenviable and unrivalled position as a very good person to go after if you’re a death eater fancying some intel about what the guerilla resistance - and harry potter - are up to. we know there are death eaters about who would like to claw themselves back into some level of relevance by working towards the big man and trying to curry favour (yaxley). we know there is a family intimately aware of ginny weasley's weakness and failings who are desperate to get back in voldemort's good books (the malfoys). we also know there are witnesses to ginny's exclusions both from the order and from the trio over the years - in particular, one witness that already sold secrets on the order to death eaters, namely kreacher.
the reason i came back to thinking about parallels between ginny and peter in beasts is because beasts is a story about ginny’s war, but also in part about morality in the wizarding world, about war and sides and choices. at various points in beasts, i’ve tried to play with ginny’s echoes with characters that waver morally - including regulus - or who find themselves drawn to or in some way embroiled in darkness, and who are at times governed by fear and cowardice and self-preservation in a moral universe that prizes bravery, loyalty, and self-sacrifice. so this plot came from putting all these pieces together - ginny's existing vulnerabilities and insecurities, her position of privilege and access, but also her alienation and mistreatment, and this interest in moral motivations and what experiences or traumas might lead a person, or even justify, a person's treachery, moral inaction, or active moral failing. it was even more interesting for me to play with the idea that other people might have noticed ginny weasley's weird position relative to the trio and the order too, people who want to know what she knows and who would be willing to exploit the cracks in those relationships for strategic wartime gain. and that's for chapters fifteen and sixteen!
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indigo-scarf · 1 year
“This is Crabbe and this is Goyle”: friends on last name basis?
How characters refer to one another is important in the Harry Potter books. The most blatant case for this is the main antagonist: Tom Riddle calls himself “Voldemort” to reflect his ambitions; his followers call him the “Dark Lord” out of reverence; the general wizarding population calls him “You-Know-Who” out of fear; Harry learns to call him “Voldemort” out of bravery; and Dumbledore keeps calling him “Tom” to dismiss his pretensions of grandeur.
Other examples include Lupin calling students by their first names because he’s the cool teacher; Lupin calling Snape “Severus” to be petty, while Snape calls Lupin “Lupin” to be petty; Draco calling his dad “Father” because he’s so posh; and of course, “Malfoy” and “Potter” highlighting the animosity between Draco and Harry.
In this context, the fact that Draco and the other Slytherin boys always call one another by their surnames serves to illustrate the kind of relationship they have, and to emphasise its contrast with Light Side friendships — an opposition integral to the story and especially to Draco’s character.
When Draco offers Harry his friendship, he introduces his colleagues and himself by their last names:
“Oh, this is Crabbe and this is Goyle,” said the pale boy carelessly, noticing where Harry was looking. “And my name’s Malfoy, Draco Malfoy.” (PS6)
This shows that even when Draco hopes he and Harry will have a good relationship, Harry is expected to call them “Malfoy”, “Crabbe” and “Goyle”. That is how Draco addresses his closest people (and reciprocity seems implicit):
“Crabbe,” [Malfoy] said. “Midnight all right? Well meet you in the trophy room; that’s always unlocked.” (PS9) “ — and he hit Goyle — look — ” (GF18) “I thought so,” [Malfoy] said jubilantly. “I heard Goyle’s trunk hit you.” (HBP7) “I would’ve had Crabbe and Goyle with me if you hadn’t put them in detention!” (HBP15)
Even when they think they have privacy, the Slytherin boys stay on last name basis:
“You know I haven’t, Goyle, how many times do I have to tell you?” snapped Malfoy. (CS12) “Azkaban — the wizard prison, Goyle,” said Malfoy, looking at him in disbelief. “Honestly, if you were any slower, you’d be going backward.” (CS12) “So, Zabini,” said Malfoy, “what did Slughorn want?” (HBP7) “I wouldn’t bank on an invitation,” said Zabini. “He asked me about Nott’s father when I first arrived.” (HBP7) “Look, it’s none of your business what I’m doing, Crabbe, you and Goyle just do as you’re told and keep a lookout!” (HBP18)
And even in the most vulnerable moment in Draco and Crabbe’s relationship, when Draco is in shock over Crabbe’s death, it’s still:
“C-Crabbe,” choked Malfoy as soon as he could speak. “C-Crabbe...” (DH31)
Such choice of surnames over first names adds to the portrayal of Slytherin as a stand-in for British public schools (where even true friends might avoid first names), but specifically in the Harry Potter world, it also reflects a particularly cold dynamic.
It is established throughout the books that Slytherins are are allies at best, not friends. There are two scenes that tell us how Slytherins operate in their natural habitat, when they don’t know Harry is spying on them, and neither is warm at all.
In year two, Hermione says Crabbe and Goyle are “Malfoy’s best friends” (CS12), which suggests she assumes they have a relationship not unlike the Trio’s — but that assumption is raised only to be subverted.
When Harry and Ron are disguised as Crabbe and Goyle, they find out that Draco constantly insults them, “snaps” at them, and demands specific reactions to what he says (CS12). 
In year six, in the Slytherin train compartment, Draco and Blaise compete to out-haughty each other, and “Goyle and Zabini were snarling at each other” (HBP7).
They don’t befriend people they like; they associate with people who come from pure bloodlines, or who can offer some kind of advantage. They see the world in terms of hierarchies, and surnames label people according to their social standing — which is what defines how they should be treated.
On the flipside, while surnames are a marker of prestige, first names are a tool of humiliation. This is the only time in all seven books when one is used among Slytherin boys:
“‘Must mean’?” Crabbe turned on Malfoy with undisguised ferocity. “Who cares what you think? I don’t take your orders no more, Draco. You an’ your dad are finished.” (DH31)
The power of the “Malfoy” name was the reason Crabbe kept Draco company. Now that that power is gone, he’s just some guy called “Draco”, so Crabbe drops him.
Growing up in such a cold environment is an essential part of what defines Draco’s character: it shapes his personality, his relationship with Harry, and his role in the story.
Draco has never had connections based on anything other than boasting to elevate himself and being spiteful to diminish others — and that’s what leads to Harry’s initial dislike of Draco at Madam Malkin’s, as well as the pivotal handshake blunder.
After that, a huge contributing factor to Draco and Harry’s unshakable animosity is Draco’s envy of the Trio. Not only does Draco hate being rejected in favour of Ron and Hermione, but he also resents that he can’t have what they have.
If Draco had real, first name basis friendships, he probably wouldn’t dedicate his entire school life to being a hateful bully, and he might not be so desperate for truly fulfilling validation as to seek it from Voldemort.
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sugatrapp · 2 years
「 P u n i s h m e n t 」
Pairings: Severus Snape x Reader x Lucius Malfoy
Summary: When Lucius and Snape came home from work, they caught reader in the act without permission.
Warnings: NSFW / Sexual themes ~ Threesome ~ Use of "they" pronouns ~ Non-specified gender or genitalia of reader
Metal clinks together in an uneven rhythm throughout the room. Nails rake against mahogany wood, no doubt leaving hideous scars behind. Ragged breathing and gasps join the unholy cacophony as fatigue claws at their consciousness. 
There, lying bare in the center of the massive bed, is them. They tug desperately at the silver chains binding their wrists and ankles to the four posters to no avail. He made sure each was skin tight, disallowing any movement that his narrowed gaze would miss. They are exposed in nearly every way possible, unable to hide even from the frigid temperature of the dim space. They shiver for what feels like the hundredth time, this time from the tsunami of pleasure crashing over their fleeting composure.
Their voice cracks as they shout to the high heavens, trembling thighs clamping around the head buried between their thighs. More frantic tugging at the chains proves fruitless. The head remains despite this, jet black hair masking the face of their torturer. 
“No-No more, I c-can’t.”
A firm hand closes around their throat. They lift their heavy eyelids, meeting the stern grey eyes of the mastermind behind it all. 
“What was that, love?” He asks, yet an ever-growing smirk is present on his handsome face.
“Luci…” they whine, jolting once more when the dark-haired man’s nose brushes against their sensitive skin.
“Isn’t this what you wanted?” He gestures below. 
Pitifully whimpering and moaning, “Yes, but—”
“Then you should be thankful to receive what Severus is so generously providing. Maybe then you’ll be a good pet from now on.”
They are tempted to curse him and his smugness, but are catapulted into another orgasm. Their back arches as far as the chains will allow, toes curling. Their cries are suddenly muffled by lips pressing against theirs. Salty tears stream down their cheeks as he moves his blond hair over one shoulder. They feel the easing of pressure from below, letting out a small sigh in between kisses. But this insignificant noise alerts Lucius enough to shift his attention to Severus, whose chin and swollen lips glisten from his continued stimulation.
“Don’t you dare stop.”
“The poor thing’s all fucked out,” he drawls, tracing light patterns over their thigh with his fingers. They barely hold in a purr. “Perhaps they could be forgiven this once?”
Lucius hums, a pout on his lips. Silence falls over the group as they anxiously await his response. Suddenly, the smirk is back in full force. He leaves their side and strolls over to Severus. Leaning in close to the dark haired man, he murmurs though loud enough for them both to hear:
“How about I punish you as well?”
Severus’s eyes widen, his dark pupils blown. Pink dusts his cheeks and he gulps audibly.
“Would you like that, pet?” He turns towards them.
They nod frantically. “Yes.” He raises an eyebrow. “Yes, sir.”
“Good pet.” 
Lucius pulls Severus into a heated kiss, taking off his clothing one piece at a time. Severus lets out a whimper of his own, clinging to his partner as their tongues explore. Despite being overstimulated, they bite their lip at the scene unfolding before them, their hips shifting of their own accord. The night will surely be a long one.
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thomasisaslut · 11 months
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Severus Snape x F!Reader
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Delayed Gratification — KTober
Word Count: 1k
Includes: Delayed Gratification, Oral (M), Blow Jobs, Vaginal Fingering.
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On Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51008719
On Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/1391144066-𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫-𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑-𝐃𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐞𝐝-𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧-𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐮𝐬-𝐒𝐧𝐚𝐩𝐞
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You've had a crush on your Potion's Master for years now, more specifically, since your sixth year. You are now in your eighth, meaning you're nineteen.
But currently, you were hiding away in his supply closest, pleasuring yourself. You've yet to cum, your body trembling as you continue to finger yourself.
"S-Severus..." You moan out, you insert another finger, now scissoring yourself with your index, middle, and ring finger.
Luckily, it was late at night so no one should be up. That was what you thought until the door handle begins to move. You quickly withdraw your fingers, sliding back up your panties but it was too late.
"Ms. [Last Name]...?" Your professor calls out, his tone a mix of confusion and anger. "What do you think you're doing?"
Your cheeks flush a deep crimson red, you look away from his gaze. "Nothing..." You mutter.
"Nothing?" You swear you heard him laugh. His calloused hand finds your jaw, he cups it in his hand and forces you to look up at him. "That didn't sound like nothing."
"I-I don't even know what you mean! I was..." You look around as if trying to find a lie to come up with. "trying to take ingredients... obviously."
"Mhm..." He inches closer, Severus' forehead on your own. "How about you tell me the truth?"
"I was..." You hesitate, you know that he will find out one way or the other. No need to lie. "Pleasuring myself..."
"Mm..." His hand on your jaw tightens it grip. "To who?"
"You." You blurt out, before you can say anything else he connects your lips in a rough kiss. Your back hit's the ladder in the small storage closet.
You instantly kiss back, you bite his bottom lip which causes him to gasp—you instantly take that opportunity to slip your tongue in his mouth.
Severus pulls back before his hand moves from your jaw to your neck, squeezing it—but not hard enough to make you lose your air.
"You were touching yourself think of me, hm?" Severus smirks.
"Y-Yes, Professor..."
His other hand moves to your wet panties, he applies pressure over your clothed clit, making your breath hitch.
"So wet..." Severus kisses your neck, nose tickling your nape. "All for me?"
You moan in reply, a confirmation. His smirk only grows from your reactions.
"Tell me, Ms. [Last Name], how many times have you done this before?" His fingers slip past your waistband and begin to rub circles on your clit.
"So many times..." You moan, his hand fingers twitch around your esophagus. His breath coasting along your nape before he sucks a deep, dark love bite onto your neck. "C-Countless."
"Countless? How long has this been going on?" He whispers before sucking another hickey into your flesh.
"Since.. mm.. sixth year." You admit, embarrassed.
"Two years then? And you've never showed it..." His fingers tease the entrance of your soaked core. "I'm impressed by how well you've hid it." Severus' index and middle finger enter you, halting for a few moments before sliding in and out. "My best student lusting after me, and I haven't even noticed." You feel his smirk form against your neck.
"Didn't want you to know..." You gasp as he inserts a third finger, the three begin to scissor open your aching cunt.
"Yet you pleasure yourself in my supply closet?"
"It smelled like you..." You feel your nipples harden as he hits that sweet, soft spot inside of you. "Made me feel close to you."
A deep chuckle escapes his throat. "Well, it turned out to be a lucky occasion to you." He moves his hand from your throat which causes your to whine, well, until you heard his belt clink against the stone floor, his black pants fallen to the floor. "Knees." Severus demands as he withdraws his fingers from your core.
You instantly sink to your knees before him, you shuck down his boxers and your eyes go wide at the sight of him—you were purely in shock, you've given a blow job before but not to someone so... large. His cock has to be at least seven whole inches, it twitches as it hits the cold air of the confined space.
"It's large.." You murmur, Severus grips your hair while his other hand—wet with your slick—lubes his cock.
"Yes, now suck." He demands.
You instantly scoot closer, your hands go to his hips before you take the pink tip into your mouth, you lick in the small slit before taking in the first few inches. Severus remains silent which only causes you to work harder. You move his cock further down your throat, his grip tightens in your hair.
"Fuck..." He grunts, you smirk satisfied which causes him to slam his cock to the back of your throat. You choke around it but that doesn't stop you, in fact it makes your arousal grow.
You move one of your hands from his hip, sliding it to his balls. You begin to squeeze and tease them, you feel them tighten in your hand and that signs he is close.
"Take it... oh, fuck!" Severus moans before shooting his release down your throat. You drink every bit of his load, some of it leaks onto your hand, when you slide him out of your mouth—you nearly moan at the sight of his cock slick with your saliva—and slick up the cum that fell to your hand. You smirk as you see his cock grow hard again.
"Minx." He mutters, his cheeks flushed a deep red.
"You... enjoyed it though." You chuckle, voice hoarse. 
"Yes..." He admits after a moment. "I did."
Your position only makes your wetness worse, the way he looks from this angle...
"Such a shame..." Severus begins. "Detention on Monday." He smirks.
"Bad girls don't get rewarded, Ms. [Last Name]." Severus slides back up his boxers then his pants, fixing his belt.
You stand up, knees aching in protest as you do so, you step closer to Severus. "I look forward to it." You smirk back before kissing him, he instantly kisses back.
"As do I... I hope you're good up until then..." His fingers graze against your clit before leaving the storage room.
Leaving you alone and aching, well, until Monday.
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dufferpuffer · 2 months
Order member ages
Just wanted to post this as its own thing for future reference. People often say Dumbledore recruits directly from Hogwarts, but it never seemed to line up with how old most of the members were...? So - I looked up who all the known members are! :)
First War:
Order was founded 1970 at the earliest - dissolved 1981. Earliest birthday possible: 1953, graduating 1970
S. Black, class of 78. R. Lupin, class of 78. P. Pettigrew, class of 78. J.+ L. Potter, class of 78. S. Snape, class of 78 E. Bones - Murdered w. wife + kids. Brother of the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, Amelia Bones. M. Fletcher - already well integrated in Wizarding crime world. A.+ F. Longbottom - They would have been OLDER than the Potters as they were 'Prominent Aurors' and Auror training takes years to complete. A. Moody - Legendary Auror. Retired after this war. S. Podmore - Born 1956/1957, apparently…? G.+ F. Prewitt - Molly Weasley's brothers. E. Doge - Albus' schoolmate. Ab. Dumbledore - His brother. A. Figg - old Squib. R. Hagrid - He was 51 when Harry was born Unknown age estimate: C. Dearborn - Missing. D. Diggle. B. Fenwick - 'bits of him' were discovered. D. Meadowes - Personally killed by Voldemort, might mean he is a skilled adult. M. McKinnon - Killed 'with her whole family' E. Vance - 'stately looking with a green shawl' in the the 90s.
Note with the Longbottoms: They were 'Prominent Aurors' - which means they worked for the Ministry for some time. If they were born 1953, and thus graduated 1970 - they would only be 27 when Neville was born... giving them a little time to have built their careers while still being a younger couple. But was the Order formed right at the crack of the war...?
Second War:
F. Delacour - 95/96 at Gringotts, joined the order through Bill. H. Jones - Unknown age. Never mentioned to be at Hogwarts while Harry is there. N. Tonks - Adult, well into Auror training. C + B Weasley - Adult, well into their own careers. A + M Weasley - Born 1949/1950. M. McGonagall - I mean I suppose she was recruited from Hogwarts hey haha K. Shacklebolt - An Auror; my man became Minister of Magic F + G Weasley - 'Graduated' 95/96 - opened store H. Granger; R. Weasley - First mission seems to be when 17 H. Potter - Did some things with Albus at 16...? Unclear.
If I am missing anyone please add B^)
- Harry was doomed to face Voldemort anyway. Does he really count as an Order member...? He's more the reason the order exists. - Ron and Hermione are there in support of Harry - and only do things for the Order after Albus' death, when they are 17 and don't have much choice, they are hunted. Is it really 'joining the Order' when the order barely exists anymore...? - Fred and George... did they do any Order things before Albus' death...? Were they just running their shop, with their Mum breathing down their backs to not get involved? Unclear.
Notes to do with the second Order: Molly is against the children participating. Sirius, Lupin, probably some others but I can't remember are in support of it.
Albus Dumbledore was also against the children participating - especially in 95/96, where his whole deal was trying to keep them at school, safe - even though they weren't learning jack shit. It takes Harry having a meltdown, Sirius dying - and Dumbledore being cursed - for him to go "Fuck it... Harry, you should help. I gotta teach you before I die."
Observations about both Orders:
They both have a large group that come from one source. In the First War it was the Marauders, in the second the Weasleys.
They also share an 'Auror talent' that seem more affiliated with Moody than they do Albus: Tonks and the Longbottoms.
It makes sense that when one person joins others are likely to follow. The Weasley parents -> the Weasley kids -> Fleur. James, Sirius -> Peter, Remus, Lily -> Severus.
That's not really recruitment from school.
If I personally were to use the school to groom/recruit children to fight for me in a war: I would be trying to get the best from every year. I would be heavily encouraging kids from all year levels that show promise to take certain classes and learn certain spells... Then, I would assess them when they graduate: '71, '72, '73, '74, '75, '76, '77, '78 was a big year. '79, '80... A constant trickle. A couple of new people this year, one the next - and they are all likely to bring at least a friend along, too - right...?
Yet we don't really see that happen. It's just that one bumper crop from 78, that one friend group. Were there NO talented graduates in any other year...? Was ONLY Griffindor considered...?
There isn't exactly a 'skill requirement' to join the Order. You had people there just to source information. Remus did werewolf jobs. Peter Pete'd all over the place. There were min. 2 pregnancies...
They were losing people - if they needed quantity over quality, if they only really needed base loyalty and a good heart... why NOT recruit more students? And yet there's just one blip in 78.
That doesn't particularly scream 'groomed child soldiers' to me. BUT - there are 6 people from the first Order whose ages can't be estimated. Are they the missing child soldiers from the years before/after the Marauders? Dunno.
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the-desilittle-bird · 2 years
Author's Note- My first oneshot/imagine based in the Harry Potter series. Hope you like it. Do let me know what you feel of this in the comments and feel free to request.
Thank you and Enjoy your reading!
The Kiss of the Dark
Draco Malfoy x Reader
Tag List- @little-moonbeam-666, @omgsuperstarg, @shopping, @strangesthirdeye, @bbgmonsay, @all-things-fandomstuck, @hc-geralt-23, @shit, @killing-gremlin, @narcy, @ell0ra-br3kk3r, @simpforfictionalmen, @minaxcarter, @tonystarksbitch, @formulapierre, @lastwandastan
GIF Credits to @barely-counts-as-a-miracle
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Summary- A normal sleepover at the Snape's residence changes into something else.
THE COLD WALLS of Malfoy Manor was always unwelcoming, haunting, just was the most of the people contained by these walls. The smallest, slightest of inconvenience to these people meant being punished.
Draco treasured the moments when he could leave these walls during the summer breaks. May it be for a second or for a complete week, it meant freedom to Draco.
(Y/N) was the only child and daughter of Severus Snape. As much as Severus doubted it, he had brought up a good child with high morales and will power. (Y/N) was her father's darling daughter, a little, to-much-extent spoilt child.
It was one of those small sleepovers of (Y/N) and Draco at Severus' place. Severus had left the kids on their own, deciding to complete an unfinished work when his daughter had company.
He had left food for the kids in the fridge. He had given (Y/N) the usual lecture about being a good child and behaving properly. Severus trusted Draco enough with his daughter to leave them be unlike any other friend of hers, especially those of opposite gender.
The winds were blowing heavily outside, making the windows creak slightly. The towering bookshelves casted scarry shadows in the dark. A single candle was lit in the center of the room. In front of the candle, sat two teenagers, facing each other.
"Are you ready?" Draco whispered, trying to be as quiet as he can. "Yes," (Y/N) whispered, looking around the room, scanning the shadows. "I will start then," Draco said with a small smirk.
His eyes scanned the young woman in front of him. Her (E/C) orbs contained a frail, scared look as she looked around the room, cautious of the shadows. Her teeth sank into her plump, lower lip.
"Go on then," Draco could hear the fear in her voice. Draco nodded, leaning a bit closer to be as scary as he can. "Once, in a village far away, there was a big, scary manor," he started, trying to making his voice husky to give the story a scary edge. "Like the Malfoy Manor?" She asked, making Draco nod.
(Y/N) hummed, making Draco continue. "It was abandoned of human existence and no body went that way. Once, a boy of 16 years went inside the Manor to get shelter from a rainstrom. The floor creaked loudly as he walked."
(Y/N) jumped as she heard the house creak due to the winds. "Can we stop?" (Y/N) asked, her toes curling under herself. "No, we can't, (Y/N)," Draco said. She sighed, nodding hesitantly.
"He walked to one of the many mansion's room. There he could feel the shadows move under his gaze. He stepped into the room, looking around the room filled with broken furniture. Suddenly, he felt something move behind him."
From (Y/N)'s peripheral vision, she could see something move behind Draco. "Draco," she called, her voice breaking. Draco hummed casually, running his hand through his hair. "Something moved behind your back," (Y/N) said in a shaking voice.
"Oh please, (Y/N), you are imagining things now," Draco said, dismissing her with a lazy flick of hand. "I am not imagining it," (Y/N) insisted, her hand slipping in the pocket where her wand was kept carefully.
Draco rolled his eyes, believing it to be a lie. Suddenly, something moved around the corner of his eyes. His head snapped towards that direction, the shadows of the bookshelves intimidating. "What is it?" (Y/N) whispered.
"Nothing," as much as Draco wished to keep his voice strong, it wavered at the last. "Fine-" suddenly, something jumped right at (Y/N) making her scream along with Draco who moved behind.
(Y/N) jumped from her place, shoving whatever it was on her shoulder and hugged Draco closely as she panted. Draco placed one of his hand securely around her back, extending his wand.
"Lumos," Draco's wand's tip glowed softly, illuminating the whole room except the farthest corner. The rat who had jumped on (Y/N) squealed and ran away to his hiding place.
(Y/N) and Draco sighed in relief. Draco chuckled lightly, looking down at his best friend of so many years. (Y/N) smiled softly at the sound. It was rare for Draco to be comfortable enough to smile, let alone chuckle.
Both the friend stared at each other, aware of the close proximity of their faces. They could feel each other's breath on their face. It was as if their eyes asked for a permission, seaking something or trying to find something hidden.
Draco leaned down, stopping only a few centimeters before. "Do you wish for me to stop?" He whispered, their lips brushing softly, making (Y/N) gasp at the sensation. "I have never..." She looked down, slightly embarrassed of her inexperience in this... field.
"Do you...?" Draco didn't has to complete the sentence. It was the unspoken thing of theirs. They never had to complete the sentences and the others would know what the other meant.
A slight nod from (Y/N) was all Draco needed to lean in and press his lips to hers. The new sensation made (Y/N) gasp as she tries to wrap her head around everything happening right now. She knew that Draco had kissed someone before, a fact she hated a lot but in her mind only. But that was thrown out of the window of her mind as she felt Draco move against her, a sweet and soft hand placed on her back while other slithered to tangle in her hair.
(Y/N) was left breathless, her mind a haze. She could feel her heart thumping in her chest. Her stomach doing flips as butterflies filled it. Her hands moved on their accords, settling on his shoulders.
Draco parted their lips, staring at (Y/N) with an quizzical smile as she panted to catch her breath. "Your father will kill me," he said after a while, chuckling as he took in the flush of the young lady's cheek. "He should not know," (Y/N) replied timidly, thinking of all the repercussions of their act.
"Then it seems like this is another one of our secrets," Draco winked, running his hands through his hair. (Y/N) could only hum, biting her lower lip as her mind wandered back to their kiss. To her first kiss. "That was... good," she admitted shyly, a soft smile and a bright red flush painted on her face.
Draco laughed heartily, nodding as he took a hold of her chin, grinning mischievously. "We can do it again." With the words hanging in the air, both the friends leaned into another kiss.
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saintsenara · 15 days
hi i just finished catching up on scylla and charybdis (chapters 3 and 4 basically) and i wanted to tell you how much i am enjoying it so far. narcissa romanticizing the tradwife lifestyle was NOT what i expected from this fic but it actually made me laugh out loud. also the wizengamot debate was maybe my favorite part so far, i was just really impressed by how detailed and thought out it was (which is emblematic of the whole fic imo…). i’m excited to see where this fic will go!
and one last thing: i really need to know if you know the song “cathedrals of heaven” by swans because it is my personal snapemort anthem and i want to know what you think of it lol
ahhh, thank you so much, anon - i'm thrilled you're enjoying scylla and charybdis.
if she were real, narcissa would one hundo be one of the those toxic trad influencers constantly posting tiktoks of being #barefoot on the #homestead drinking #rawmilk who's never actually done an hour of farm work in her life [dirt would get on her bulgari diamonds! yuck!].
my personal snapemort anthem is yayo by lana del ray, but actually this slapped. exquisite taste.
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deepperplexity · 10 months
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Want to be tagged? 💚 You can tag yourself HERE! Or tell me and I’ll gladly tag you! 😍
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🎄 RICKMAS 2023 on AO3 - All the fics in one work on AO3
🎄 Nov:2023 - PROMPTLIST
🎄 Dec:2023 - 1. Chimney Soot - Colonel Brandon x Fem!Reader, [A1] - You manage to find work at Delaford and meet the Colonel yet your past makes you run away out of fear after causing an incident...
🎄 Dec:2023 - 2. Restless Waiting - Severus Snape x Fem!OC, [B1] - Belinna decorates Severus' personal space without permission, but nothing goes as planned when he collapses upon his arrival...
🎄 Dec:2023 - 3. Snowballing - Severus Snape x Fem!OC, [B2] - Continuation: Severus confesses the Dark Lord saw Belinna in his thoughts, and feelings run amok as confessions slip out...
🎄 Dec:2023 - 4. Sharing - Judge Turpin x Wife!Reader, [C1] - You learn the hard, frightful way that not all love Christmas and your thought of a good deed may not be as selfless as you thought...
🎄 Dec:2023 - 5. Grave Of Snow - Colonel Brandon x Fem!Reader [A2] - Continuation: You find yourself scrambling through heavy snow to get away, hounds howl behind you and you make a dire mistake...
🎄 Dec:2023 - 6. Out Of Care - Judge Turpin x Wife!Reader [C2] - Continuation: You wish for your husband to return and decide to clean away Christmas for his sake while hoping for forgiveness...
🎄 Dec:2023 - 7. Stormy Reunion - Severus Snape x Fem!OC [B3] - Continuation: Belinna finds herself in a rustic cottage, four days have passed since he left here there with little to no answers...
🎄 Dec:2023 - 8. Rosemary For Holly - Severus Snape x Fem!OC [B4] - Continuation: Severus gives Belinna some worrisome answers, and she offers a different perspective while hope and fear blend...
🎄 Dec:2023 - 9. Missing Star - Colonel Brandon x Fem!Reader [A3] - Continuation: You find yourself deeply in love with the Colonel, and doubts about yourself are loud, yet he makes everything right...
🎄 Dec:2023 - 10. Snow Prints - Colonel Brandon x Fem!OC [One Shot] - What if you were the one to first catch the Colonel's eye while being a mere live-in servant and tender to the Dashwoods?
🎄 Dec:2023 - 11. Imperfect Holiday - Hans Gruber x Fem!OC [D1] - RICKMAS2022 continuation: Anna-Louise is on the train with Hans, leaving her home behind with a strange she's fallen hard for...
🎄 Dec:2023 - 12. Giver Of Gifts - Hans Gruber x Fem!OC [D2] - Continuation: Anna-Louise finds out who Hans really is, now she has to decide if she should leg it or follow her heart...
🎄 Dec:2023 - 13. Shimmering Icicles - Judge Turpin x Wife!Reader [C3] - Continuation: You see something most intimate that you shouldn't have, now you must figure out your feelings and your husband's...
🎄 Dec:2023 - 14. A Light In The Night - Colonel Brandon x Fem!Reader [A4] - Final part: Your life is flipped upside down, and as you try to find your place you remain certain it's with Brandon you belong forever...
🎄 Dec:2023 - 15. Cards And Coals - Judge Turpin x Wife!Reader [C4] - Continuation: Things take a darker turn and you end up more confused than ever when your husband's past lingers in words...
🎄 Dec:2023 - 16. Keep Warm - Severus Snape x Fem!OC [B5] - Continuation: A funny little elf appears and you are offered gifts that turn out to take you far away only not in the manner you wish...
🎄 Dec:2023 - 17. Bells Of Christmas - Judge Turpin x Wife!Reader [C5] - Continuation: Things take a depraved turn...
🎄 Dec:2023 - 18. Blankets And Snuggles - Judge Turpin x Wife!Reader [C6] - Continuation: After all is said and done you find you know yourself far better and your husband does listen to you, care for you deeply...
🎄 Dec:2023 - 19. Hope - Severus Snape x Fem!OC [B6] - Continuation: When all seems most dire and lost, Belinna clings to hope with all her might...
🎄 Dec:2023 - 20. Returning Home - Severus Snape x Fem!OC [B7] - Continuation: Life turns most dark and dire as the Battle of Hogwarts ensues while Belinna feels a pain unlike any other...
🎄 Dec:2023 - 21. Star Of Wishes - Severus Snape x Fem!OC [B8] - Continuation: Perhaps wishing on a star isn't all it's cracked up to be, perhaps simply communicating is a better way?
🎄 Dec:2023 - 22. Lights And Strings - Judge Turpin x Wife!Reader [C7] - Continuation: You end up getting your HEA even if it's nothing like how you had imagined it to be, then again, neither are you...
🎄 Dec:2023 - 23. Under The Tree - Judge Turpin x Wife!OC And Daughter And Son [One Shot] - Turpin finds himself in a loving family, having a happy home with eh love of his life and two wonderful children...
🎄 Dec:2023 - 24. Christmas Party - Judge Turpin x Wife!Reader [One Shot] - You reminisce about the first Christmas Party you attended with your husband, the evening everything changed completely...
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[LINK TREE for all my places]
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All donations go towards my writing! 🥰 Thank you in advance for all the support of every kind! 
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captainnightflare · 11 months
People Watching (Hermione Granger x Reader FF)
So this is my first official fanfic that I’ve put off for a long time. I’ve been wanting to practice more in writing and see how it goes 🫠
I do have a wattpad for this story as well so if anyone is interested it’s under the same name as the one listed above. I’m currently in the middle of writing the second chapter 😅 so let’s hope I don’t take too long writing that one.
Anyways I hope you all enjoy ♥️✨🥲
Chapter 1
Y/n had head over heels fallen for Hermione Granger. Who won’t? The girl was charming, brillant, and just an overall dream of a girl to have. That’s all she is to Y/n. A dream, very far from reach.
That didn’t stop her from daydreaming of the brunette all through potions class though. “Y/n!” Snape snapped at the girl.
“Huh?” Blinking, the young woman was pulled from her cloud nine when she heard the snickers of her peers, daring to glance around her eyes immediately were drawn to the girl that caused said daydreams.
She was giving her a slight point look, signaling her to the text they were currently on.
Love potions.
“Y-yes sir?”
The potions master was giving this class a special visit due to everyone’s advancements on the course. Even in their last year, the graduating class had an overwhelming amount of students wanting to increase their knowledge of the subject. Of course Hermione Granger would be one of them, and of course Y/n followed the girl’s lead.
“Tell me girl, what is the main ingredient found in all love potions?” Snape asked.
“Pearl Dust sir.” She replied.
The y/h/c could have swore she saw the dark haired teacher smile at her. It gave her the chills.
“Correct Ms. Y/l/n, I expect nothing short from someone of Ravenclaw. Now if the rest of you would please turn..”
Signing the y/h/c turned back to her textbook, tuning the rest of her class out as she used her pencil to tap a beat out. This damn song has been stuck in her head. It started slow and silent to not draw the attention of anyone around her.
Before long she was softly singing,
“I end up all alone but I still keep hoping.” A smile began to spread.
“I wanna feel all that love and emotion. Be that attached to the person I’m holding. Someday, I’ll be falling without caution. But for now, I’m only people watching.”
The beat and her voice came to an end as the bell rang. Grabbing her stuff Y/n made her way out the door into the busy halls. Ignorant of the soft brown eyes following her out.
Y/n made her way to the Ravenclaw dorms still humming that song, looking around to be sure no one would be she started to sing again,
“I’m only looking just to live through you vicariously.
I’ve never been in love, not seriously.” Mimicking the hit of drums the young woman made her way up to the entrance of the chambers.
“I had a dream about a house behind a picket fence.
Next one I choose to trust, I hope I use some common sense.”
“So that was the song you were tuning to in Potions.”
The sudden elegance of Hermione’s voice nearly sent Y/n straight into the wall. “Jesus, Hermione! When the hell did you get here? You damn near gave me a heart attack.” The girl had her hand over said racing heart.
“I apparated, how else would I catch up to you?” The curly haired girl replied with a teasing tone.
“Well.. you have a point.” The flush covering the girl’s cheeks was almost radiating. God, she did not expect Hermione to hear her sing.
The small silence over took the girls as the Ravenclaw student went to open the chamber. Finally feeling the heat from her face fade.
“You have a lovely voice Y/n.” The young brunette whispered.
And with that she nearly trips into the wall again, only to catch herself with her hands right before her face hits. “Y/n?!” Hermione rushes to the girl gently pulling her arm up and away from the stone wall.
“S-sorry!” Y/n stutters out as her face continues to turn a darker shade of red, a small laugh escaping her. “I’m sorry, I’m not used to hearing people compliment me like that.”
“Well you should get used to it, like I said you have a lovely voice. If you decide to use it more, expect more compliments like that Y/n.”
“Heh, you’re insane Granger.” The flush settled down to light blush as the girl was finally able to open the chamber. “I’m guessing from your sudden appearance you’re wanting to study together again?”
That cocky smirk was the y/h/c answer as she was pulled by Hermione through the common towards her dorm. “You ask as though we haven’t been doing this since second year.”
“Hey! First year you didn’t even want to study together because you enjoyed your precious alone time.”
“Yes well, that was my teenage angst trying to push you out before you got bored of me and left me to my studies alone.”
“You’re a mad woman if you think I’ll leave you alone anywhere Granger.” Y/n laughed as she ran up the stairs, completely missing the adoring blush coating her crush’s face.
“Dolt..” Hermione muttered softly before rushing after the girl.
“Ughh… Mione! My brain is going to explode.”
Sighing, the girl closed her book and looked toward Y/n who was spawned on the floor surrounded by books. “I completely doubt your brain will explode from the knowledge you just consumed.”
“You don’t know that.. There’s no studies proving that wrong.”
“There’s also no studies proving that right.” A small giggle slipped from the brunette as picked another book up before beginning to read again.
The y/e/c witch let out a huff before focusing herself back on her work. It wasn’t really working as she let her pencil begin to tap a familiar beat on her book. One that didn’t go unnoticed by a brown eyed witch, trying to subtly as possible see if the y/h/c witch will start singing.
To her credit she did begin to hum to the beat, small and soft mutters of the song coming through her voice.
“That wasn’t funny but she laughed so hard, she almost cried.
They’re counting months they’ve been together, almost 49.
She’s making fun of how she acted ‘round the holidays.
She wears a ring but they tell people they’re not engaged.”
Hermione’s eyes sparkled as her friend’s voice grew with each passing lyric. The beat of her pencil became more pronounced.
“They met in class for metaphysical philosophy
She tells her friends, ‘I like her 'cause she's so much smarter than me’
They're having talks about their futures until 4:00 a.m.
And I'm happy for them.”
Y/n’s voice began to grow with emotion as she let herself be lost in the song.
“But I wanna feel all that love and emotion
Be that attached to the person I'm holding
Someday, I'll be falling without caution
But for now, I'm only people watching”
The soft beat of the y/h/c pencil slowed as she let the tune fade with her voice. Finally taking a breath she felt a smile grow on her face. Turning her complete attention to her work. Failing to notice the curly haired Gryffindor stand from her bed, quietly approaching her.
‘I love you’, thought Hermione. ‘God, I love you Y/n’. The brunette carefully crouched down to meet the Ravenclaw’s gaze.
Said girl noticed her presence as she looked up. She gave the Gryffindor a crooked smile, “Hello Granger.”
Hermione smiled back, “Hello Y/l/n.”
The two held their loving gaze for what seemed like hours before Hermione slid her hand under Y/n’s chin, tilting her head higher. The tension was rising as their eyes connected with one another. The y/e/c and brown eyes drifted to each other’s lips. Y/n slowly swallowed as she felt heat rise to her face, “H-Hermione..?”
A small hum was given to the girl’s question as she felt her brown haired friend’s lips hover over her own as her breath hitched. “Y/n.”
‘This can’t be real. Hermione’s gonna–’
“Y/n.” That sweet angelic voice pulled her gaze back to her crush’s eyes.
“Y/n, wake up.”
“What?” Confusion set on the girl’s face. Her vision was blurring the beautiful face in front of her.
“Y/n wake up, it’s getting late.”
“What are you talking about?”
The sudden jolt of her slumber sent the y/h/c girl down to the floor with her papers. Groaning, as she laid on the cold floor. It was a dream. One sweet torturous dream.
“Jeez you were in some deep sleep weren’t you?” Asked Hermione.
“You have no idea.” The Ravenclaw muttered as she pushed herself off the floor, dusting off her uniform pants. She looked up to see her friend had packed her books and papers in her bag, ready to walk to her dorm. “You’re heading out?”
Sighing, the girl swung the bag over her shoulder adjusting it a bit from the weight, “I am. It’s getting closer to dinner time and you know how the boys are when I don’t show on time.”
A small chuckle escaped Y/n, “Oh I know, they worry for you. It’s sweet.”
The groan of protest came out of the burnett’s mouth, “It’s annoying. I am more than capable of protecting myself.”
“Trust me, you don’t have to tell me that Granger. I’ve seen first hand how hard of a right punch you can throw. Specifically at Malfoy.”
The beginning of a blush spread across Hermione’s face, “I really wish you would forget that.”
Smirking, the Ravenclaw girl made a show of putting up her hands in a boxer’s position. “And forget the day the genius Hermione Granger put Malfoy in his place? Absolutely not.” Laughing as she saw her friend hurry towards the door.
“Okay! Bye Y/n!” Said friend was about to reach towards the door when another hand appeared and opened it for her. Looking up and seeing a giggling Y/n. “Oh come on Granger, you know I gotta walk you.”
“Fine, but you have to carry my bag for me then.”
The two students made their way towards the Gryffindor dorms. Chatting about their day and studies.
“Honestly ‘Mione, you should slow down and enjoy our last year in Hogwarts. Have some fun, hell even go to a party with those hyper boys of yours.” Y/n teased as they turned the corner.
“Please, I doubt I’m missing anything. Besides, I could say the same to you. I never see you attend any gatherings or parties.” The girl pointed out as she turned towards her friend.
The y/h/c girl had at least the decency to look embarrassed before throwing her hand behind her head and turning away from her crush. A nervous tick the Gryffindor had picked up their third year.
“Well you never want to go to those, I don’t want to go without you.” The Ravenclaw muttered. Totally missing the blush now decorating said crush’s face.
“I-I didn’t realize..” Hermione whispered.
“It’s no big deal. Really. I just wanted you to have a bit of fun, you know, to make some memories with me.” Y/n carefully replied.
It wasn’t untrue. The girl did want Hermione to have fun, but there was also a selfish part of her that wanted to share some firsts with Hermione. First New Year's kiss which was quickly thrown out the window by Viktor. First dance, also Viktor. First kiss in the rain, Ron was able to score that. There wasn’t not many romantic gestures the y/h/c could do now for the girl that wasn’t already upstaged by her ex-boyfriends.
Sighing, the girl adjusted her friend's bag over her shoulder and both continued to walk in silence. ‘I’ve never really been in love, not seriously at least.’ Y/n thought. Sure she has had her fair share of girlfriends over her years in Hogwarts. But every time she looked into their eyes she couldn’t help but remember the chocolate brown eyes she looked for in the crowds of the hall. Every time they went to her Quidditch games she wished it was Hermione’s voice cheering her on.
The atmosphere had a heavy weight to it. Both girls were lost in their thoughts. Hermione not realizing until now that Y/n has been wanting to experience these sorts of things with her. Wanting to send some quality time together outside their classes and studies. The young witch bit her lower lip as she glanced at the y/e/c girl. ‘She never asked, she wanted me to want it for myself. She wanted both of us to have fun.’
Both girls came to stop at the dorm’s entrance, ‘Maybe I can change that.’ Hermione thought.
The loud opening of the Gryffindor’s common room entrance interrupted the curly haired brunette as a figure appeared.
“Oh Y/n, Hermione, what are you two doing out here?” Ginny asked.
“Oh uh, I was just walking Hermione to her dorm, we just got done studying.” Y/n replied as she handed the girl back her bookbag.
If you want to call Y/n falling asleep for the last hour of their studying as just done.
“Well I’ll leave you to it then. Also Y/n are you still going to perform at the festival?” The redhead asked.
“If you and the rest of the group are going to help me perform then definitely.” A small smile graced the y/h/c girl’s face.
Confused by their conversation Hermione asked, “Festival? What festival?”
Before Y/n had a chance to explain Ginny butted in, “Oh Y/n didn’t tell you? A bunch of Seniors are going to be hosting a small festival. It’s this weekend, a bunch of us are going to perform an act or song.”
“O-oh I didn’t realize..” The brunette replied softly.
“I was going to tell you later tonight at dinner, I wasn’t sure if you wanted to come and see us perform.” Y/n said, her hands coming back behind her head as she glanced down and playing with the imaginary rocks on the floor with her shoe. ‘I wasn’t sure if you wanted to come see me perform.’ She selfishly thought.
“I would love to.”
Snapping her head towards the young genius Y/n saw her staring straight into her own eyes. “What?” Both her and Ginny asked. It seems as though even their redheaded friend was taken aback by the witch’s reply.
“I’d like to see you– I mean both of you perform.”
“Really?” Y/n asked with a hint of excitement laced in her voice. Was Hermione really going to go see her?
“Of course, I would have said yes if you asked me you know.”
“R-right! I mean I was planning on asking you tonight but–”
“Don’t worry about it. I guess I’m seeing you this weekend then?”
“Yes! Yes, of course you will. Uh there’s no real dress code. Casual ya know? There’s going to be some vendors and games set up. Performances will start around 7 pm, we’re the finishing act so it'll be a while before you see us.” Y/n rambled on, she was clearly ecstatic from the news of Hermione going.
Which clearly did not go unnoticed by a certain redhead, she and the girls from the Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Slytherin, and Hufflepuff had a betting wager going on for when these two got together.
“I’ll be there.” Hermione smiled.
Y/n couldn’t hold herself back as she flung herself towards her crush. “Brilliant! I promise ‘Mione you won’t regret it!” She exclaimed.
A small dust of red settled on the girl’s cheeks as she hugged Y/n back. “I doubt I will with you handling it.”
Chuckling the y/h/c pulled back to stare briefly at her friend before letting her go and turning back towards the lunch hall. “Ginny will fill you in on the details Granger. We’ll make sure you get a front row seat to our song.”
“Wait, you're all singing?”
“Ha! She wishes, nope Y/n is going to be the only one singing and playing the drums.” Ginny teases.
“Wait! Y/n you can play the drums?” Obviously hearing her sing earlier the brunette wasn’t too surprised by that bit of information.
A snicker came from the y/h/c, “I gotta keep you on your toes Granger, don’t be surprised when I keep a few tricks and secrets up my sleeve.” With one wink the girl sprinted towards the lunch hall.
The blush seemed to have spread to the girl’s ears as Hermione could do nothing more but admire the retreating form of her friend. ‘I’m so screwed.’ She thought.
Giggling from a certain Weasley snapped her out of her trance making the girl glare. “Not one word Ginny.”
“I didn’t say anything.” Holding her hands up in defense the redheaded witch let the girl pass her as she made her way towards her dorm.
Well, this weekend was certainly something Hermione was looking forward to.
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fandomnsfw · 1 year
My Blushing Red Head - Ronald Weasley x Reader
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Pairing: Ronald Weasley x Malfoy!Reader
Prompt: My love for Ron and the lack of Ron fics.
Warnings: SMUT, fist fights, swearing etc. my names fandomNSFW for a reason 🤣
Description: You transfer to Hogwarts in your 6th year but as a Malfoy people have expectations ones that you have no intention of filling. Especially when a certain red head catches your eye.
Beta is my lovely @lets-imagine-fanfics she edited two fics last night so a big thank you to her ❤️
The tall red head ran around the corner coming in at an alarming rate, straight for the dining hall. A few people turned to stare at him as he finally skidded to a stop in front of his two friends panting like a mad man. Hermione raised her brow at him as he was trying to splutter out a sentence that didn’t make a lick of sense. Harry chuckled a little as he observed his best friends face which was as red as his hair. 
“W-We have a transfer!” Ron stuttered still trying to catch his breath. 
“I didn’t think that ever happened?” Harry frowned as his eyes flickered to Hermione who just shrugged like she hadn’t heard of it either. 
“They're a Malfoy!” Ron whisper yelled at his friend making their eyes widen. 
“Oh great. Just what we need, another Malfoy. Did you see them? What year?” Hermione asked curiously.
“Our year. Nah didn’t see ‘em, Snape found me eves dropping.” Ron huffed with a pout as he started shovelling food into his mouth.
Hermione rolled her eyes at the red-haired boy as he blatantly ignored her look of disgust. Harry turned towards the halls giant doors with wide eyes suddenly, nudging Ron harshly making him glare at the other boy before taking in his wide eyes and following his line of sight.
Ron’s eyes widened to match his friends as he finally saw what he was looking at. There stood a H/C haired girl dressed in a cropped white shirt, a short black pleated skirt, with over the knee socks. Her hair was curled and pinned half back out her face and she wore heeled black loafers that made her legs look long and way more sexy than anyone should look in a Hogwarts uniform, in Ron’s opinion at least.
The biggest shock was the fact that she was covered in Gryffindor colours. Her black socks had red and yellow stripes at the top as well as a little Gryffindor badge on the side of each sock, she wore the red and yellow satin tie that was cut a lot shorter than everyone else’s and when she finally turned her head Ron saw a cute little Gryffindor bow at the back of her pinned back hair.
“Blimey.” Ron muttered his face turning the same colour as his hair.
“She’s a Malfoy?” Harry asked in shock a his jaw dropped.
Just then Draco stood up from his place at the Slytherin table and made his way over to his apparent family member. Everyone watched intently as a sneer made its way to her face. Draco scoffed at something she said before giving her a shove and before anyone knew what was happening Ron was out his seat.
However, before Ron could intervene she picked up her heeled foot and slammed it down on Draco’s shiny shoe covered foot. He let out a massive scream of pain as he hopped up and down on his uninjured foot while at holding his potentially broken one. Ron burst out laugh as he finally took the courage to approach the girl.
Your P.O.V
“That was bloody brilliant. Ron Weasley.” A voice said behind you causing you to spin around to face a rather handsome red head. His hand was held out to you it greeting.
“Y/N Malfoy. I’ve heard of you, Harry Potter, Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger. The tales of your adventures and battles are very popular amongst other witch and wizards schools.” You chuckled making Rons eyes widen as you took his hand and gave it a soft shake.
“They didn’t tell me how handsome you were though.” You added with a smug smirk on your face as Ron’s face turned bright red matching his gorgeous hair, his hand slipping from yours.
He opened his mouth to speak however nothing came out as he seemed to splutter for any kind of vocabulary. He chose to point at himself, looking mildly confused which made you grin from ear to ear. Adorable. That was the word floating around in your head as you giggle behind the sleeve of your robe.
“Cute.” You mumbled behind your raised hand.
“You’ll have to excuse Ron he appears to loose the ability to speak around any outspoken confident females.” A female voice snorted behind Ron making you glance around to see a petite girl with mousy brown hair in curls. She was smartly dressed but you instantly felt like she’d been the kind of girl you wanted as a friend.
“Hermione Granger, and this is Harry Potter.” Hermione added making you smile happily.
“It’s so nice to meet you.” You giggled as you glanced at Ron again, who had still yet to move.
“I apologise, it’s seems I broke him.” You added making Harry burst out laughing.
“Ron snap out of it man. What could she have possibly said that shocked you this much?” Harry snorted quietly to Ron but you heard it anyway.
“S-She called me handsome.” Ron whispered into Harry’s ear as you had began busying yourself with a conversation with your fellow witch.
“Snap out of it man. If a beautiful girl tells you that, you need to return the sentiment. Or ask her out for a butterbeer or something.” He huffed with an eye roll as he finally turned back towards you.
Your eyes flickered to him see him finally move his eyes meet yours getting momentarily lost in them until Harry jabbed his elbow into the side of his ribs. You rolled your lips in an attempt to suppress your smile. You rarely spoke to boys in general, when you were at Castelobruxo in Brazil you hated most of the boys there. And you were definitely never that confident but being near someone so shy and stuttering made you gain confidence you never thought you had. 
“I-I can show you around if you’d like…Or walk you to y-your first class. If you’d like me to, obviously. If not that’s okay too. Oh god stop talking Weasley.” He muttered that last part to himself, but you heard which caused you to giggle as you approached him with your head held high.
You stood directly next to him before gripping onto his bicep and looking up at him. He looked at you then his friends with wide eyes before looking back towards you with a dopey smile that made your heart skip a little. He’s so cute.
Instead of being a typical egotistical boy who puts his hands in his pockets, as if having you hanging there was just an accessory, he bent his arm and used his other hand to place it over yours. It was something you’d seen your grandmother and grandfather still do when they went for a walk.
“I’ll catch you later guys.” Ron mumbled as he shyly glanced down at you. 
“Okay lover boy.” Hermione snorted with a dramatic eye roll as she dragged a Harry back to the dining table.
Ron led you out the hall ignoring everyone who was staring at the bizarre sight of Ron with an unknown girl. Ron imagines most of them are likely wondering how he had the hot new girls attention already. He didn’t care though because your hand was so small and soft and it sent flutters spiralling in his abdomen making him flush a little.
“I-I’m sorry for being so inarticulate. You shocked me a little, when I think Malfoy I think Draco and Lucias. Plus, your absolutely far too attractive to be out in public.” He joked, clearly trying to attempt an air of confidence.
“Hmm, no, I hate both of them. Their evil bloody arseholes. So, what do you suggest then Mr Weasley? Would you lock me away and keep me all to yourself?” You giggled making him flush once again.
“Sounds like the best course of action.” He replied with a cheeky grin on his face.
“How forward. Maybe take a girl to dinner first, Mr Weasley.” You joked back making his cheeks flush again.
“I think I’m in love, mate.” Ron sighed with a dazed look on his face as he watched you stir the potions carefully as Hermione added another ingredient to the cauldron. 
“She’s not even been here a week, Ronald, you’re such a sap.” Harry snorted making Ron pout as he leaned on his hand still staring at you dreamily.
“She’s gorgeous. If I don’t make my move now, she’ll be snatched up before her first weeks over.” Ron argued with a dopey grin on his face.
“Well how did it go the other day?” Harry asked absently as he read through the recipe.
After Ron had explained everything that had happened Harry stared at him with wide eyes before they flickered over to the girl they were discussing, who funnily enough was looking at Ron with her own loved up look.
“It’s sounds to me like the feelings mutual, mate.” Harry laughs as he flicks his head in your direction causing Ron to look over at you again. 
He instantly caught you staring at him which caused your cheeks to flush, which Ron could see even across the room. He shot you a panty melting grin before turning to Harry with a smug smirk on his face.
“Go over there and ask to borrow fairy wings. We need another one anyway since you disintegrated ours while at staring at Y/N.” Harry huffed with an amused smirk on his face.
Ron nodded in response before wandering over towards you and Hermione. You looked up at Ron with a soft smile as Hermione ignored him, concentrating on her potion. You, however, gave Ron your full attention.
“Do you have spare fairy wings, love?” He asked sweetly his husky voice making you flush again as you fluttered your lashes at him.
“Hmm that depends what do I get in return?” You flirted shamelessly as you stepped a little closer to the tall boy.
“Name your price, poppet.” He teased with grin on his face as he dipped down so he was at your eye level.
You glanced over to the front of the class to see Professor Slughorn busy helping another student so you quickly turn back to the red head and planted a soft kiss on his cheeks lingering there for a second before pulling away to see his brightly flushed face. 
“Here you go, darling.” You giggled as you passed him the jar with the leftover fairy wings in.
“Th-Thanks.” He stuttered before running back towards Harry.
You looked back at Hermione who was staring at you with a raised brow and her arms crossed. You gave her a sheepish grin before you went back to stirring the cauldron silently. Though she clearly wasn’t going to just let it go. 
“I can’t tell if you’ve got nerves of steel to go after someone you fancy so easily or you just enjoy teasing him.” She chuckled making you grin brightly.
“Can’t it be both? He’s cute when he gets all flustered. And he’s handsome all the time.” You replied easily making Hermione roll her eyes.
“Just don’t break his heart. Or I’ll hex you.” Hermione states rather seriously making you nod in understanding. 
The rest of potions classes went off without a hitch, occasionally you and Ron would meet eyes and send each other smiles but apart from that nothing else occurred. However, as you made your way out the class your dreadful cousin stopped you in your tracks his smug little face making you wish you could have any other last name. 
“I saw you cosying up to Weasel-bee in class. I thought even you’d have better taste as a Malfoy, Y/N.” Draco scoffed with his usual sneer on his face, making you narrow your eyes. 
“I'd much rather be a Weasley than a Malfoy.” You spat just as Hermione, Harry and Ron came up behind you. 
“You are a disgrace to the family name!” Draco snarled as he stepped closer toward you in a rather threatening manner. 
“So is your receding hair line, Draco, but let's not be rude hmm?” You hissed, a grin making it way to your face when you heard the friend group behind you laugh. 
“At least I’m not throwing myself on the first bloke to show you an ounce of attention. Sla-”
“Don’t finish that sentence, Malfoy!” Ron snapped as he stepped in front of you and pushed Draco away. 
“Oh no, let him finish Ron honestly, I dare him to call me a slag! Go on Draco.” You challenged as you moved around Ron clenching your fists.
“Slag.” Draco whispered with a smirk on his face. 
You immediately slapped him round the face with as much force as you could muster making your cousins head flick to the side at the impact. His eyes widened a little before they narrowed into a glare and he tried to return he sentiment. Ron saw it coming and grabbed Draco by the collar hoisting him off the ground and slamming him against the brick wall. 
A few students had begun to gather around making you roll your eyes. Vultures the lot of them, always looking for a fight to watch and cheer on. You grabbed Rons bicep and tried to pry him away but he was having none of it. 
“Stay away from her. You hear me, Malfoy?” Ron snarled as you stood on your tip toes to whisper into his ear. 
“It's okay, love. Let's go before you get in trouble. Please?” You whispered soothingly in his ear his attention instantly back on you as he released Malfoy letting him fall to the floor. 
You urged him to run as you saw Professor McGonagall looking over at the crowd with a suspicious gaze. He let you lead him all the way to the Gryffindor common room, Harry and Hermione following closely behind. Hermione muttered something about meeting Neville for herbology homework and Harry said he had a date with Ginny so both of them disappeared pretty quickly after that, leaving you and Ron alone in the common room. 
“I have something for you.” You state as you take out the iPod you’d been carrying all day.
You passed him the contraption taking in his confused face with a soft grin on your own. You showed him the earbuds placing one of them on his ear and the other in yours as he stared in amazement as music started playing into his ear. Atlas by Shannon Saunders began playing into both yours and Ron’s ear. He listened intently clearly trying to take in the lyrics as you tried to fight the urge to dance. You loved dancing it felt like you could easily lose yourself in music ignoring everything in a room. 
“Why are you giving me this?” He asked with a soft grin on his face. 
“Muggle music is one of my favourite things, their lyrics are quite relatable sometimes. I thought you might like to try it I have another iPod back home.” You chuckled as you swayed a little in your seat. 
“And is this song relatable for you?” He asked with a raised brow making you flush a little. 
“Hmm it may or may not remind me of someone I recently met.” You mumbled shyly making him grin down at you. 
“There's one difference though.” He stated seriously as he stared into your eyes intently. 
“What's that?” You asked curiously with furrowed brows. 
“I do see you.” He whispered as his eyes flickered to your lips. 
Suddenly Ron’s lips were pressed to yours in the softest yet most passionate kiss you’d ever experienced. His hands came up to cup your jaw as he tilted his head to the side to deepen the kiss, is tongue brushing against your bottom lip. You whimpered against his mouth as you happily opened your mouth to allow his tongue to intertwine with yours. You barely even registered the song change as Ron's hand slid under the edge of your cropped school shirt, brushing against your bare rib cage.  
You moved to straddle Ron’s lap, his lips never left yours as you situated yourself on his upper thighs, ripping out the earbuds from both your ears and throwing them somewhere on the couch. Your hand thread into his gorgeous shaggy red hair gripping it softly as you continued to kiss him with all the pent-up tension that had been building for the last few days. When he let out a husky moan the sound made you grind down on Ron’s member causing his hands to fly straight to your ass gripping it over your pleated skirt.
Then there was a cough behind the couch making you both freeze as you slowly pulled away from each others lips. You looked over Ron’s shoulder to see the twins stood there with matching smirks on their faces. Ron didn’t know who it was yet as his head was now buried in your neck, the tips of his ears peaking from under his hair were bright red. You giggled a little making Ron look up at you, his bright red face making you clench your thighs around his hips. 
“Having fun little brother?” George snickered making Ron groan now realising who it was.
“Bloody hell.” Ron mumbled as he proceeded to lift you off his lap like you weighed nothing before turn to his brother and throwing a pillow from the couch at them. 
“This is the common room, Ronald, hardly the place to be shagging your girlfriend.” Fred smirked making me roll my eyes. 
“Last I checked you two didn’t even go to school here anymore.” You sassed as you grabbed Ron’s hand and began pulling him behind you towards the boy’s  dormitory. 
“Feisty.” George chuckled as you ignored them in favour of smiling at Ron who seemed to forget his brother's presence as he stared into your eyes with a dopey grin. 
“Use protection!” Fred screamed making Ron snap out of his dazed expression once again. 
You ignored the boys and dragged him upstairs the second you closed the door to Ron’s, Harry’s, Neville’s, Seamus and Deans room you grabbed his tie pulling him with you as you backed up to your bed. He shocked you however by leaning down and grabbing the back of your thighs hoisting you up so your legs could wrap against his waist. 
You let out a girlish squeal as he threw you on the bed, quickly following after you whilst his hand slid up your bare thigh, placing a kiss just above your over the knee sock. You gasped at the feeling as you looked down at him with half lid eyes. 
“You’re so beautiful, love.” He mumbled against the inside of your thigh making you whine in need. 
“Ron.” You moaned as he nipped at the skin there.
“Sound so pretty when you say my name.” He groaned as his hand hovered over the side zip on your skirt.
“You sure? I don’t want you to feel like we have to. I’d be happy to wait, princess, maybe take you on a date or two first.” He whispered softly as he came up to look you in the eyes. The new nickname made your heart flutter in your chest as you pulled him in for another kiss. 
You moved your hands to his tie, quickly loosening it and dropping it at the side of your bed before you began working on his buttons. You took off your own tie as well throwing both his shirt and your tie off the bed where you had thrown his tie. This boy was the sweetest and that’s exactly the reason you had no problem giving him this part of yourself. Yes, you wanted to give your virginity to someone you loved deeply however you would rather it be with someone you trust to take care of you. Just because you weren’t in love with Ron didn’t mean you wouldn’t be one day. Right now, you knew you needed him and you’d never wanted to do this with anyone else. 
“I want to do this with you. I trust you.” You whispered against his lips before pulling away to see his reaction. 
“G’na take care of you, love.” Ron promised as his lips met yours once again in a heated kiss, his tongue caressing yours as he began unzipping your skirt. He pulled away from your lips to rid your body of the material before looking up at you as he began unbuttoning your shirt. His eyes looked in your as if searching for any regrets as you were finally left exposed. 
You had a dark red lace lingerie set on that you were internally grateful that you wore today. He glanced at the frilly lace with hooded eyes before meeting your eyes again. You bit down on your lower lip as he traced his index finger down the centre of your abdomen before gripping the waist line of your panties. He slowly pulled them down giving you yet another chance to back out but you just flushed shyly as he finally rid you of the red frills covering your wet heat. When he glanced down to see just how wet you were he let out a groan his fingers immediately dipping down to tease your clit. 
“R-Ron, please.” You begged as he teased near your soaking entrance with his finger.
“Okay, love.” He whispered soothingly as he finally gave you what you want. 
The second his finger pushes inside of you, you let out a quiet gasp pushing against him desperate for more friction. He quickly added a second finger and began thrust them inside of you at an agonisingly slow pace. You grabbed Ron’s other hand and brought it up to your mouth before speaking. 
“Don’t have to be so gentle, Ron.” You moaned as you took two fingers into your mouth and began licking and sucking on them causing his eyes to darken. 
“I don’t wanna hurt you, princess.” Ron growled as if he was trying to hold himself back. 
“I can fit 3 of mine in.” You giggled which quickly turned into a moan when he curled his fingers upwards making you see stars. 
“For the love of Merlin, Y/N, can’t tell me you touch yourself while I’m trying to take this slow.” Ron moaned with a flushed face as he buried his head in your lace covered breasts. 
“I did it this morning while thinking of you.” You whispered into his ear seductively. 
“Fuckin’ hell.” He moaned against your breasts as he began scissoring his finger to stretch you out a little more. 
Your moans filled the room as you felt yourself getting closer which seemed to spur Ron on, his other hand came down to massage your clit as he began fucking you roughly with his fingers. His lips leaving kisses and bites wherever he could. You whined and moaned his name over and over again as you finally tumbled over the edge. 
“M’Cummin’.” You moaned loudly as you clenched around his fingers. 
He watched your face in amazement as your whole body shook from pleasure. When your body twitched from slight sensitivity he finally pulled away and palmed himself through his boxers. You stared up at him slightly dazed as you pulled him down for dirty kiss. You reached down to move his hand and pull his hardened member out his boxers.
“Need you inside me.” You pleaded as you began pumping his cock up and down in your hand. Ron leaned over to his bedside draw and pulled out protection opening the packet and slid it on his member. 
You guided him between your legs and lined him up with your entrance as he looked into your eyes as if asking one last time if you were sure. Instead on a verbal response you grabbed his hips and pulled him forward causing his tip to push inside. He instantly groaned at the tightness of your heat, gripping your hips as he slowly pushed his length inside. 
When he reached your barrier, he cupped your face with one hand, his other supporting himself, and stared into your eyes making you feel like you were the most precious girl in the world. He finally pushed through the barrier causing you to gasp at the pain. 
“Shhh it’s okay, I got you, princess.” He whispered against your cheek as he placed kisses along your jawline and the corner of your lips. He happily waited whispering sweet words against your skin until you finally felt the pain fade enough for him to move. 
You experimentally bucked your hips up causing him to brush against your g-spot making you moan loudly. He let go of your cheek, his hand flying down to your hip as he began slowly thrusting in and out of your heat. You felt so full of him that you weren’t making coherent sentences, so instead you ran your hands down his bare back, your nails digging into the flesh softly which seemed to turn Ron on more than you’d of thought it would because he began fucking into you slightly faster and deeper. 
“F-Fuck. You feel so good, love.” He moaned brokenly as he brought you in for another heated kiss. 
“Harder, baby.” You whined against his lips before your tongue tangled with his. 
The new nickname made his cock pulse inside you and you knew to file that away for another day as he answered your request happily. He began pounding into you as his free hand leaving your hip so he could reach between you two, rubbing circles on your clit. You didn’t think you’d get to cum twice on your first time, but Ron didn’t seem to be letting up as he kept thrusting inside of you. 
He moved a little repositioning as he ramped straight into your g-spot repeatedly making your eyes roll back as you dug your nails into his back again, rather harshly this time. You couldn’t bring yourself to care as you felt another orgasm making its way to the surface. Fuck, he knew exactly what to do he stayed in that position as he circled your clit faster making you clench your thighs around his waist.  
“R-Ron.” You screamed as you finally felt yourself unravel once again. 
“That’s it princess, cum on my cock.” Ron groaned his uncharacteristic words made your orgasm more intense as your heat quivered around his cock. He immediately followed you growling your name before he sunk his teeth into the skin on your shoulder, his thrusts slowed down until they finally stopped. 
 You both lay there holding one another, panting heavily until Ron finally pulled back enough to look at you. His eyes were still half lidded but more because he was drained, you caressed his face gently as you placed a chaste kiss on his lips. You nudged your nose against his sweetly as he finally pulled out of you. He quickly tied the condom and threw it away before pulling up his boxers and passing you your panties. 
You picked up his shirt and threw it on over your lingerie as he laid down next to you pulling you into his arms, your head resting on his bare chest. His hands absently played with your hair as he stared at the ceiling quietly. 
“W-Was that okay?” He stuttered the confidence from before gone as the shy Ron you liked so much was back. 
“It was perfect, Ron. Not many girls get to cum their first time, let alone twice.” You giggled as you propped yourself up to look down at him. 
“Really?” He asked with a frown.
“Really. I’m guessing that wasn’t your first time.” You chuckled softly making his eyes widen. 
“I-It was.” Ron muttered with a red face. Your eyes widened as you tried to compose yourself letting out an awkward cough.  
“H-How?” You stuttered out as your jaw dropped. 
“I-I just paid attention to your reactions, I guess. Surprising cos Hermione thinks I’m the most clueless bastard there ever was.” He mumbled shyly with a small laugh making you chuckle a little. 
“You are one of a kind, Ronald Weasley. I’d be really happy if you’d be mine?” You asked nervously as you avoided his eyes, fearful he’d reject you even after you’d had sex. 
He cupped your cheek and made you look him in the eye his face serious suddenly, as his eyes flickered all over your face as if searching for something. After a few seconds he seemed to of found whatever he was looking for as his eyes widened in amazement. 
“Did you think I’d say no?” Ron asked softly as he placed a kiss on your forehead. 
“You’re bloody beautiful, smart, kind, confident and for some reason you seem to find ME fit and worth ya’ time. Of course, I wanna be your boyfriend, love.” He added sweetly making me flush a little. 
“You are fit. You've got these broad shoulders that make my knees weak, I could stare into your eyes forever they’re so gorgeous. Your hair is beyond sexy and I could run my hands through it all day, even when your angry you’re hot as hell. Then sometimes there these moments where you gain this confidence you rarely have and it's such a turn on.” You rambled his eyes widening to a comical size.
“Grab another condom.” Ron instructed shyly as he glanced down at his member which was once again hard. 
“You’re insatiable, Mr Weasley.” You giggled as you reached into his bedside draw to out another condom. 
 You could here some commotion downstairs that had your eyes fluttering open in an attempt to figure out what all the fuss was about. You finally fully opened them and glanced around the room realising you’d fell asleep in Ron’s bed. 
“You know where she is don’t you?” Hermione voice screamed from the boys staircase making you frown a little.
“She’s fine.” Harry stated but you could hear Hermione shuffling around until Harry yelped in pain.
Suddenly the boy was pulled into his bedroom by Hermione who was happily dragging him by his ear. You glanced down at Ron who was still sleeping as you stood up out of the bed his shirt falling to past your ass.
She glanced at you with a raised brow as someone else came running up the stairs. You gave Hermione a smirk as Ginny came into view, that said you were happy with your current whereabouts.
“Oh my merlin! Ew!” Ginny screamed as she seemed to register you’d had sex with her brother.
“It was definitely not ew.” You smirked making Ginny gag as she left the room dragging Harry with her mumbling something about taking the memory out her head.
“Just get up! It’s almost breakfast and next time leave a note or something.” Hermione scolded making you nod in agreement before she left the room.
You crawled onto the bed with a mischievous grin as you began placing kisses on his chest. Ron immediately opened his eyes his face slightly red which let you know he’d been awake a while likely too shy to face all his friends. 
“Come on before Hermione comes back up to drag me out here in my undies.” You giggled softly as he nuzzled into your neck dragging you into his lap.
“Not bloody likely. No other boy’s are seeing you like this.” He grumbled with an angry pout on his face.
“Hate to break it to you but Harry just did.” You snorted as you climbed off his lap and began dressing in your uniform from yesterday.
“I’m wiping his memory.” Ron deadpanned making you laugh as you leant over the bed now full dressed and pulled him in for a quick kiss.
“Meet me downstairs.” You called as you ran downstairs.
You hurried to your room to dress in your weekend clothing which consisted of a plain white tank top, a pair of leggings and a pair of plain white nikes. You ran downstairs to see Ron already stood there in a maroon knitted jumper with an ‘R’ on the front and a pair of black jeans. He saw you and instantly frowned before taking off his jumper, leaving him in a long sleeved plain grey top, passing the jumper to you silently. You raised an eyebrow but took the offered clothing item looking at it in confusion. 
“It’s cold out there.” He muttered with slightly flushed cheeks. 
“What about you?” You pouted making him smile softly. 
“I’ll be fine my tops at least long sleeved.” He stated softly as you finally pulled the top over your head. It was massive on you, easily reaching your mid thighs, the arms falling past your fingertips as you looked at Ron, he looked rather please at you wearing his clothes.
“You look cute.” He chuckled as he slung his arm over your shoulder pulling you closer so he could press a kiss on your head. 
You both walked down to the great hall in silence just happy to be with one another. As you entered the giant room a few people looked at you and Ron, causing him to drop his arm which made you frown up at him with a sad gaze, making him instantly regret pulling away. He quickly pulled you back placing another kiss on your head as you both walked over to your friends.  However, before you got there you heard Draco and his friend snicker making you stop in your tracks. 
“Just leave it love, he’s not worth it.” Ron muttered softly as he pulled you away but as Ron turned away he must’ve heard Draco mutter something under his breath because he released you and dragged your cousin straight out his seat throwing him on the floor.
“What did you just say?” Ron screamed as he pointed down at Draco. 
“I said your girlfriend is a no good whor-”
Ron didn’t even let him finish his sentence as his fist came straight down across Draco’s face. Your eyes widened in shock as Harry ran over to try dragging Ron off the other boy, he wasn’t budging thought as he landed hit after hit on him, Draco not even having chance to fight back. You squat down next to Ron and grabbed his arm before speaking. 
“He’s had enough, baby.” You muttered softly making him look up at you as he finally dropped Draco. 
“Ronald Weasley, explain yourself this instant!” You heard Snape shout as he came striding into the great hall with an angry face. 
“It was my fault.” You stated instantly making Ron frown. 
“No, it wasn’t, it was his. He called Y/N a no-good whore, he deserved every bloody punch.” Ron huffed angrily as he took your hand in his, stroking the back of it with his thumb.
“Detention for a week. You too Mr Malfoy. You’re lucky you’re not getting expelled, Weasley.” Snape stated as he turned to you. 
“Thank you, Severus.” You chuckle making him look around awkwardly before exiting the hall. 
“He knows my mum. Mum claims he always had a soft spot for her in school.” You whispered to Ron making his eyes widen. 
“I didn’t even know Snape had friends. Let alone feelings.” He laughed as you both made you way to sit down. 
Well this first week had been eventful, you slapped your cousin, lost your virginity, got a boyfriend and then he beat up your cousin in your honour. I wonder what the rest of the year will hold. 
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kaiserkisser · 4 months
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so about the newest coil chapter-
i - i can’t
like the gang are being so cute, all the relationship development is adorable, blaise my beloved, and foxglove?? really??? but also- pomfrey? everyone else? the st.mungos healers? the fact next chapter is the last one? things are bound to be s p i c y next week
also why did dazai say what he did about his list of things to do??? i am v e r y concerned
anyways ramble over! -fable
IM LITERALLY CRYING OVER BLAISE OMG HES REALLY STICKING BY DAZAI THROUGH EVERYTHING SHSGSHDHDY i legit almost sobbed in relief when blaise said that he'd stay by dazais side djsbsjdbdndbhd
I KNEW HE WAS GONNA DO SMTH RELATED TO POISON WITH THE FOXGLOVE DJSHSJJS bc i researched on it lmao and found that its a highly poisonous plant
POMFREYYYT SHSHSHSHHSN THO DAZAI NO- i wonder what exactly was going thru dazais mind abt the whole pomfrey taking custody of him situation dhghhhhhfhh also im wondering if spleen or snape will realise that smths off with the potion....
omg i think im gonna die next week fr /j /pos
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