#c side puffer fish
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Spiky drummer friends
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gnarlyeddy · 2 years
what if we just named the c-side guys. if 90% of the English speaking fanbase can randomly decide paruko is named "glenna" i think we can do that. anyway the inkling is named Mars and the fish is Lickorish(because I looked up how liquorice is spelled and its dumb). idk about the puffer and honestly I liked it in my head but now that I've typed it idk about fish either so if you have ideas lmk -🐍
DUNNO REALLY I SUCK W NAMES.. but ok those r actually really good?! I can already see people naming themselves mars and lickor after the reveal hehe
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sakurablade · 3 years
Hulloo! Since you have parings open I was wondering if you can pare me up with a C! In a romantic way. 👉👈^^ I’m a 5’4 Non-binary person. I try my hardest to make everyone happy even ignoring how I feel to make others feel better. I like to relax just by chilling in my bed and either reading or drawing away. My love language usually is cuddles since I just like to feel held ;w;. That’s mostly it about me.
I hope your having a good Day/ Night and remember to eat and drink! Stay healthy.
Aww thank you, you are so sweet uwu (hope you agree with the pairing :D)
I pair you with Niki! :D
Okay so i feel like you guys would be the cutest couple on the server.
You and Niki both love going around and helping people together, whether that is helping Tubbo and Ranboo look after Micheal or helping Foolish gather materials for his next big build.
Everyone adores you both, and are always asking “sO whEn's thE maRriaGe?”.
Niki would pick up on even the smallest signs of you pushing yourself too hard, like if you had slight dark circles around your eyes from staying up to help sam guard the prison or a few blisters on your hand from helping techno chop some wood,
she would drag you in to bed almost immediately in a loving way ofc
She would be all “you’ve got to take care of yourself, love >:( <3”
Would 12/10 bring you a warm drink and freshly baked cookies on days you were sad.
“Do you want to talk about it, love?”
If you don't, then she will just pull you close and cuddle with you until you feel better.
If you do, she will hold your hand and listen to you for hours talking about anything and everything.
Weekends can go two ways:
One: her baking your favorite treats, while you sit on the kitchen counter sketching whatever comes to mind.
Two: laying in bed all day, reading a book with your head tucked under Niki’s chin.
You are both very affectionate.
Niki and you are always touching in one way or another.
Holding hands
More cuddling
Did I mention cuddles?
When it comes to kissing little pecks are the way to go.
If Niki could spend days peppering your face with little kisses she would.
We all know that while Niki is soft™ , she has a darker side.
The side that caused her to burn down L’mantree, join the syndicate, attempt to kill Tommy and massacre a large proportion of the puffer fish community.
This side immediately comes out if anyone tries to hurt you.
“Did you try and hurt y/n?” if yes, prepare to die.
She would try and keep you away from the syndicate and any wars, because she doesn't want you to see her like that or get hurt.
If you want to partake in any wars or join the syndicate, she would never stop you though.
Overall you both have a very wholesome relationship :D
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errthel · 4 years
I have risen up from the dead for the holidays to give this gift (Route Two : Part 6)
Hey man, wassup, how's life? I dunno what to say, I'm a terrible Santa. I put in more time into this chapter than the other chapters (in the spirit of preholiday break procrastination) so I hope you like this gift. This is derived for the amazing @tri3tri 's SW AU and I just thank her for creating such vivid and lovely AUs which I can immerse myself in, I loved the recent AU, Dead MC, a very nice one indeed. So I guess I will leave now so you can enjoy your reading time in peace ♡♡♡♡♡♡
Lucien’s mind was a maze. Every twist and turn, every dead end taunted him, like a defenseless child taunted by their cruel relatives. His frustration knew no bounds when he failed to exit the maze, but that anger was soon replaced by something far more sinister.
The numbing sear on his body felt as if his body was suffocated when he slept. His appendages were like cooked pasta, limp and unruly. Breaths that were like that of an athlete who had run a marathon filled the room at lightning speed. The degradation of his vision forced the boy to squint but even that proved to be ineffective when blobs of different colors was all that filled his vision. Lucien could no longer feel the beat of his heart, his lungs wouldn’t budge and supply him with air. He felt his eyelids droop lower and lower in an agonizingly slow pace until they finally reached their destination. The room fell into a hushed silence, like the prior noise never happened, it was peaceful like a field of flowers on a cliff.
For her, time wasn’t a constriction, she had lived long enough to no longer fear the obnoxious concept of time. She lives alongside time. She is time. As long as time exists, she will live and be indifferent to time. Her hourglass will forever be reversed again and again when the sand trickled to the bottom.
But her long life no longer gave her any thrill, she lives in a kingdom where war no longer ensues in its borders and she has been reduced to a routine of nothingness. Until the woman with flowing (h/c) hair and blazing (e/c) eyes came years ago. The woman who was her granddaughter-in-law was an untameable dog who very much was the one who her dear grandson loved with all his heart. 
The sour taste in her mouth left her itching to tame the woman until she was the perfect lover for her grandson.
The sour taste in her mouth was satiated when the woman was on her knees along with her daughters, her confidence was cracking.
She was almost perfect.
Maleficent looked back to those recent memories and scoffed, what was she thinking? (MC) hadn’t changed even with a decade of taming, she truly was an untamable dog. She  sat on a chair that was as black as the abyss of space. In her unlit room, she was like a viper ready to strike at anything that disturbed her.
Her peace however is disrupted by a wave of magic. Her eyes quickly focused on the magic and tried to discern what kind of magic dared to make its way into the Valley of Thorns. Once she figured out what magic it was, her cackling reached the throne room as her bright green flames engulfed her room. She called in a meeting with all the high ranking nobles of The Valley of Thorns.
Her room was as gloomy as it was large, floor to ceiling window panes let in as much natural light as the rainy day allowed. She sighed, he was having another tantrum from their one-sided conversation in the morning. 
Her black dress was almost as beautiful as the woman who wore it. The dress was a two piece dress consisting of a bodice and a skirt. The woman's bodice was luxurious, even if it was done in a black fabric, delicate embroidery in black thread was littered across the bodice, while her two layered scalloped bertha collar was created with a sheer black fabric. A large skirt supported by a steel crinoline accentuated her waist as the corset helped to hold up her large skirt. She also wore a black veil, as if she was mourning for someone.
“Mother, long time no see.” Sherry’s somewhat cheery voice announced her presence
“How are you Sherry?” hearing her mother’s question brought the teenager joy as she happily sat on the sofa and talked about how she was feeling
“Hello Mother.” a stoic voice called out to the woman as she walked into the room
Sherry’s green eyes flicked over to Renata who seemed like she walked to the depths of hell and back.
“Yo Renata! You look like you're about to drop.”
“I do very much feel like that.” Renata sighs as she plops herself down to the sofa next to Sherry
“When you’re tired, sleep my dear.” 
“Renata, did you?” (M/c) asked the black haired teen who nodded in agreement
“Mhm, I already did.” Renata said, referring to a magic spell which allows nobody to eavesdrop on their conversations
“I can feel that something will happen.” 
Sherry and Renata looked at their mother with confused looks, “What will happen?” Sherry said breaking the confusion
“Lucien is here in Twisted Wonderland.” 
“You’re joking!” Renata said looking at her
“The kid’s finally here huh.”
“We still aren’t ready.”
“Don’t worry, where do you think we live? Even if the Valley of Thorns continues to invade countries near it, this kingdom will always be isolated.” 
But her statement was disputed with the wave of magic that engulfed the room and brought the three ladies to panic. The magic was like a hurricane that knocked the breath out of their lungs and gave them excruciating pain by doing so.
“This magic! How is it so strong!” Sherry said trying to breath 
“No way. This is a finishing stage of transformation magic!” Renata said making (M/c) look at the window with surprised eyes
His face was like an unkempt garden and cottage, bellflowers and catmint littered the ground, sullen from the cold atmosphere. The yellow straw of the cottage roof looked disheveled as if it barely survived a violent snowstorm. That was the appearance of Briar Rome as he sat on the intolerably cold and hard stool that seemed jutt into his tailbone. His purple eyes that seemed to always give the person staring into them the warm feeling of spring, instead looked dejected, regretful, downcast, miserable, and just plain sad. Briar’s wheat colored hair was like sad damp straw, a victim of the recent and sudden storm that glazed Royal Sword Academy for a few hours. 
His pale hands held a hand larger than his own, the nails were a menacing black that glossed under the light of the infirmary. His eyes trailed up to the person’s pale face, the person had (h/c) hair that was like the clouds in the great big sky and his horns were two skyscrapers that disrupted the beautiful view. His silk-like fringe was brushed to the side to reveal a threatening yet alluring pattern of black scales that started in between his forehead and hairline. The ornate design strangely complemented the boy. He looked at the white robe his friend wore and grimaced, he should have known that he was sick or hurting earlier, when he heard that Lucien was the one who had unconsciously casted the tragic storm while also suffering from his transformation, he felt like a thousand needles had pricked him at the same time.
A light groan felt like the bang of a sudden firework to Briar, it felt like seeing the light at the end of a dark and long tunnel. His breath hitched as if his mind stopped working for a moment and he stood up and shouted for a nurse when he finally had a grasp on what was happening. Like swifts, a pair of nurses entered the room, one ushering Briar out, to his dismay, while the other tended to the now semi-conscious Lucien. 
The room was like Antarctica to (M/c), frigid and deathly silent. Her eyes trailed to the imposing figure that sat upon a throne of thorns. Like a paperweight weighing down everyone with a rule of silence, Maleficent observed the court, everybody was here, save for the Crown Prince, he wasn't necessary.
She sat on a throne on the right of her husband while Bellatrix sat beside Maleficent on her left. Her children were separated from their mother as they sat on their respective chairs as the High Court Magician and Supreme General.
"I hope I wasn't the only one who felt it, I'd be disappointed if I was." she haughtily said looking at the court of high ranking nobles
Words of confirmation echoed in the large hall and Maleficent steadily raised her staff and pointed to Renata.
"High Court Magician, elaborate further." 
Renata stood up and explained, "The magic that came across the Valley of Thorns is quite unique." 
Some chatter was heard among the nobles, they weren't really surprised, if anything, they probably weren't listening. Why should they listen to a half-human princess? It was probably through pure luck that she was able to get that position, probably by asking the vile queen.
Renata silently clenched her teeth and sucked it in and continued, "The magic is transforming magic, more specifically, dark fae transformation magic."
Gasps were heard in the court while a noble stood up to object the sayings of the High Court Magician.
"Your Highnesses! How can we be so sure about what she says!"
Renata looked at the man and clicked her tongue, Muave Heighgroove. What a joke, she sat down, deeming it unnecessary to stand up 
"What do you mean?" Malleus said in a hoarse voice 
"Your Highness! We don't know for sure if she is lying."
"Faes can't lie." Malleus says passively 
The fact that the king didn't respond aggressively blew Muave up like a puffer fish with pride. 
"Well, with the princesses being half-"
His claim was cut short by Maleficent who just laughed, no cackled, like a dying goat. She was beyond amused. Maleficent looked Muave straight in the eyes.
"That girl is plenty capable in discerning what magic it was. Honestly, I wonder how you all are part of the royal court."
Clean and swift.
Renata stood up and displayed her utmost gratitude and explained the magic even more.
"The circumstances are very unique when we consider this case, in case you happened to forget, transformation potions and anything regarding transformation is illegal in most kingdoms unless it is their Unique Magic, not in the Valley of Thorns though. But even then, transformation magic, especially for a dark fae transformation, is still hard to obtain here as it's distribution is under the jurisdiction of the Former Queen. So Your Highness, were you the one who gave some without the court's knowledge."
Renata was as cruel as she was realistic, her eyes were gleaming as they stared at the great-grandmother's dragon eyes. She was only stating facts and asking the correct questions to the correct people. A perfect smile was displayed on her face, whether or not the smile had other motives was unknown.
"I see, no I didn't."
"Thank you for answering Your Highness. To be honest that was just a formality, I can say with the nature of the magic, the transformation wasn't necessarily done by a spell or a potion."
"Was it a Unique Magic?" Bellatrix said looking at the magician
"Not necessarily, you can say it was a late metamorphosis. Even so, the nature of this transformation is very unique, it may take months of research before a solid reason is formulated. Of course that's if I don't go there myself."
"!!!" Malleus looked at his daughter, her black hair was perfectly sculpted showing off her scaly pattern on her forehead
"The magic came from the north-west, very likely from the Royal Sword Academy region. So My King, My Queen, allow me to go."
"I will have to decline this request, Head Court Magician." Malleus said exasperated while (M/c) looked at Renata, her dark veil shadowing her features
"I will give my permission." 
Malleus shot a look at (M/c), who only scoffed and said, "It will be beneficial to the Valley of Thorns, if we nurture the transformed, they can do our bidding as a payback for teaching them how to control their powers as a dark fae."
"How will you know that they will be beneficial."
His only answer was a chuckle.
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blankdblank · 5 years
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Prompts 27-29  - Calum Scott - What I Miss Most lyrics included
@annwoods91​, @sherala007​, @lilith15000​, @himoverflowers​, @alishlieb​, @deepestfirefun​
“Above all things, be kind.” The maddening words to the Dwarves were scrawled across the case of an absurd looking instrument next to the body of a woman they had found when finding a stream to bathe in. In pairs they kept watch over her until she woke an hour after the last had bathed and dinner was nearly done. Tall and clearly starved, half beaten and bloody herself she accepted Oin’s supervised aiding in inspecting her wounds in a bird bath to keep her from fully submerging in the frigid waters. A dunk of the top of her head had mint green curls exposed and wound up into a twitch inducing crooked braid laid by her hands with taped and badly bruised and scraped fingers.
She wouldn’t speak about what was done to her, but a glance at the road she had come from in search of food leading to her passing out here had her scooting closer to the burly albeit shorter group of men far too grumpy to be messed with. She wasn’t dangerous, not to their eyes, a gypsy or bard of some sort when the case was opened and the guitar inside was named. Clearly no danger and by her wounds none of the men would dare leave the young lass out here on her own. It was no trouble, no question at all about it, they would protect her, not knowing how truly absurd they would find their new companion to be.
With a wide grin she crept up to a dandelion on her knees muddying her torn black jeans and the front of her badly scuffed boots with a peanut in hand. Atop the flower a small field mouse froze only to sit open mouthed seeing her passing the nut to him. In its paws it clutched the nut and let out a giddy squeak of joy drawing huffs from Dwalin and Gloin while Thorin stood atop a rock staring at the map in his hands muttering, “Well, that´s just maddeningly unhelpful. Why are these things never clear?”
Bilbo neared his side and corrected the map in his hands earning a nod from Thorin who then turned to see his cousins watching the lass in the field. “What’s going on?”
Dwalin shrugged, “I have no idea, go ask them,”
Gloin, “Asked for a nut then crawled out there.”
Stepping around them Thorin crossed the distance between you and peered down at the mouse snacking away on the nut then looked to you in your upward glance in settling back on your knees, “Hi.”
Lowly he replied, “Hello. What are you doing?”
“Gloin complained he had too many peanuts left and I asked for one when the guys came to split them.”
“And you gave it to a mouse?”
“Well I can’t eat it. I’d blow up like a puffer fish.” Standing up his head tilted back and he sighed content to see the continued meals had finally helped in gaining some more firmness to her build under her still far from comfortably baggy shirt and jacket she’d had in her arrival. “Are we heading out?”
Thorin nodded his head to the side turning back to the group, “Not long now, just have to wait on the boys returning with the water skins.”
Fili crouched above the box he had pulled from the bag the pair had slipped from the pile curious to see more about the odd thing. Opening the lid his heart skipped at the broken hinge making the lid slide back Kili hastily secured so they could peek inside. The odd spiked cylinder secured under what looked like a comb, both badly tarnished and had the pair puzzled and Fili mumbled, “It’s broken.”
“Yes, I know it´s broken! Why it is broken?” Kili asked, “And what is all this metal?”
“I don´t know,”
Shifting the box again Kili asked, “Why is uncle Dwalin’s name on this?” tapping the runes on the tarnished plaque on the front in the middle of a thunderstorm design etched into the dark wood.
A distant call from the camp had the pair closing the box they put back in the lass’ bag they gathered up with all the water skins and set back next to the pile with more questions than they had half an hour prior.
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Escaping the Trolls was nothing, only avoiding the northern strip of the Misty Mountains you had found yourselves stumbling literally into the goblin hoard Moria had become. How they survived the crowd of Goblins was a mystery, all the men remembered was her inhale to scream before their eyes rolled back and they dropped to the ground. All waking up curiously enough in the much cleaner now emptied Dwarf Kingdom, sitting up to find her stirring a pot of stew wile the ponies sat contently nibbling on the apples from the wagon of goods most likely stolen form the Elves in Lothlorien nearby.
Sideways glances at each silent shrug in response to what had happened only worsened matters of if you truly were dangerous behind that aloof smile and quiet demeanor with near to constant hums though irritating at first came to remind them of the happy things they hoped for when home was reached. Bringing the wagon with them the forest was reached and off skipping while the others had rested she went and clearly the Dwarves could hear her calling out to the Elves, “Hello?!”
Dwalin, “Pluto, get back here now.”
After a sigh she called out, “We found one of your wagons! We’re leaving but we brought it back for you. Ok, bye now! I like your trees!” Trotting off again when she reached the Dwarves she received raised brows and curious glances.
Dwalin, “I like your trees?”
“Well you can’t see much else.”
Chuckling to himself Thorin said, “The rains have cleared, come now before you have us surrounded.”
“Oh I doubt they’d do that.” Onto the ponies they all climbed with her hopping up on Gandalf’s abandoned horse while a mile above the Elf patrol watched on the branches above as the group left. Waiting until they were all gone and the wagon was inspected mostly in tact with only a tiny portion used including a smirk inducing promissory repayment note from the alleged Pluto in question that 28 apples had been taken for the ponies in the trek through Moria. All around it the Elves gathered and guided it back through the forest to show to their Lord explaining the letter from Rohan that the one they had left on their borders as per the usual agreement was not there.
Through the window Dwalin’s eyes caught a familiar flash of green and in the muffled wiggle of the window up the inch it would go through a faked cough attack from Nori Dwalin whispered to the young Lass, “Pluto, go to the Iron Hills, get Dain!” Up onto the ledge a stamp was passed to her along with a map from Gloin and down she hopped closing the window again. Through the city she crept using the mist and a slingshot Ori had loaned her a week prior to fire off stones to distract guards until a grin inducing barge was spotted.
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Away from the barge a man strode using the shadowy cover from a walkway above to avoid the sprinkle of rain coming down and the men coming from another walkway she did not notice. Into the path of the hidden man she didn’t know she stood wide eyed at him until the other duo was in sight and she tugged the man into a brain numbing kiss with a firm grip on his jacket turning his body to use as cover. A low grumble came from the used man who panted for air at the end of the kiss while she confirmed the men were out of sight. A quick peck on his cheek later and she said, “Thank you, bye.” Rushing for the barge.
Blinking for a few moments he watched her back then whisper shouted, “Hey! Hey!” chasing after her as quietly as he could only to see her slide on the dock in a try to stop and fall right over the edge of the barge with a pained squeak. Leaning over it he said, “Hey! This is my barge!”
“Cool, up for some spare silver?”
Narrowly his eyes scanned over her and he bent to untie the barge then pointed at her, “You stay where I can see you, at the other end of the barge. No more kissing.”
A mock salute in her slide to the far end of the deck had his brows furrowing again in his guiding the barge out hoping this wouldn’t take long enough for his kids to become concerned. Silently she sat with her chin on the edge of the boat floating away from the city imprisoning her companions, a fact oblivious to the man who asked, “Is this what you do? Sneak into floating cities and then kiss strangers and try to steal their barges?”
Turning her head she replied as his eyes locked on her stunning mint green eyes, “Never been to a floating city before.”
“So that’s a yes to the kissing strangers and stealing barges?”
“No, you’re the first.”
“How flattering.” He replied sarcastically peering out into the mist. “Why my barge? Who are you running from?”
“Only barge I could find, and not running from but to.”
“Exactly what I said. Running to find someone.”
“And who might that be?”
“Someone named Dain.”
“Someone-, you don’t know who you’re running to?”
“Then why?!”
“Because I need them to help my friends.”
“Uh huh. And who are your friends?”
“Doubt you would know them.”
“Try me.”
“How many Dwarves do you know?”
“My point exactly.”
Turning forward again she watched the distant shore come into sight and a few feet from the shore he asked, “Are you certain in going off alone?”
“Yup.” With a nod She stood brushing down her forest green tunic held down with a vest Ori had knitted for her matching her scarf in magenta contrasting her black pants and jacket though not far from her oddly near burnt orange and brown boots the Dwarves had cobbled for her in Moria. Curls bounced around her body in her leap off the boat after tossing a pouch of coins at him, “Thank you!” Blinking at her he watched the continued race off into the foggy void then turned uncertain of what this odd night had brought into his life heading back home again hoping to get back without anyone else trying to steal his barge.
Three days of running and a half stumbling slide off a boulder brought her right into the path of the Dwarf she was trying to catch up to, “Hey!” Up onto her feet she popped and with a wide grin she said, “Hi, I have a message for a Dain, from King Thorin and his kin.”
Curiously the Dwarf looked her over saying, “Hand over your weapons.”
Glancing down she said, “Um, I got this,” in a reach into her jacket she brought out a slingshot she tried to hand over he curiously took wondering why anyone would come here without more than a slingshot and turned guiding her ahead of him back to the hidden front gates.
Nearly a mile of halls alter and into a kind of throne room she was led straight up to a fiery haired Dwarf with tusks in his mustache. All the eyes in the room looked over the odd woman in their midst who flashed him a wide smile, inhaling sharply the Dwarf spoke stating, “My guard tells me you were sent with a message for, a Dain, from King Thorin and his kin?”
“Yes.” She replied.
His brows inched up a moment in her silence and he asked, “What is the message?”
He blinked again, “Help?”
She nodded saying, “The Master of Laketown has taken them prisoner.” After a moment her smile dropped and she said, “Ooh, right, Dwalin said to give you this.” The seal was brought out and he looked it over before turning to shout orders in Khuzdul clearing the room most likely in search of weapons leaving her looking around and saying, “I’ll, wait here…” in a glance at the same guard left to watch her she said with a smile, “Hi, I’m Pluto, what’s your name?”
“Aww, I knew a Brunn once. Used to shovel down sunflowers like no other. Till he sneezed one out of his nose then he couldn’t look at them without shivering.”
A call from Dain broke the awkward silence after that, “Lass, we’ve a goat saddled for you.”
“Ah,” crossing the distance she asked, “How big is the goat? I’d hate to be too heavy for it.”
That made Dain look her over, “Lass, no offence, but I could sneeze you across the room.”
“That sounds like a painful sneeze.”
Blinking up at her he stepped back motioning to the goat staring at the odd woman in the middle of the sea of Dwarves, “Your goat. Just don’t kick him.”
“Oh, I would never kick him! Look at that face! Who could kick you?” She said stroking his snout in her move to the saddle she climbed up onto making sure to tuck up her legs with the stirrups to keep from dragging the ground and away from the goat’s legs.
The Master’s voice could be heard through the creaking board built prison the men could easily escape, but without their weapons the supposed allies they had made who had gotten them plastered and stole all their things while she had tried to catch up with them after being separated trying to find Bilbo who had gone missing on the edge of the forest days prior, she was now their only hope to escape and continue on to Erebor. “We cannot risk the beast waking.”
Lowly Dwalin growled out, “Come on Pluto.”
Thorin asked, “Was Bilbo with her?”
Dwalin shook his head, “No, but maybe she had stashed him somewhere.”
Nori, “Should have given her a weapon.”
Fili, “All I have is this useless boomerang.”
Dori, “That’s a stuck hinge.”
Fili, “Not if you’re desperate enough.”
Gloin, “Where did you get that?”
Fili’s lips pursed a moment shifting his right arm a bit out to his side, “Found it.” Making the elders’ brows furrow a moment before a loud horn sounded stirring smiles on the faces of the Dwarves.
The Master, “What is that?” Muffled voices sounded in the masses following the Master to inspect.
Dain’s voice called out echoing across the lake, “You have ten minutes to free our kin and their belongings or we’ll blast your little island off its stilts!”
Dwalin, “There she is!”
Dain leaned over asking, “Lass, which building were they in?”
Peering over the city she pointed, “That yellowish looking flower pot, under the balcony to the left of that.”
Dain nodded giving the order to load up one of the spike shooters she eyed before it’s firing off a giant spear that split open with spiraling tails that crashed through the roof of an empty store room, “FIVE MINUTES!”
 “Bard! Bard!” Out of his house the frazzled half dressed man catching the coat his daughter tossed him to cover his long johns he tugged his trousers and boots on over he watched the group of Dwarves being loaded into his barge with piles of bags and things being dumped into that as well earning shouts from the Dwarves including yours.
“What is this?!” Bard shouted only to be shoved into the barge.
Master, “Get to rowing! Now!”
Barge turned rolling his eyes, “First the broad now this lot…” a hard shove and he guided the barge off towards the Dwarves in the distant shore.
“Ooh, hey, I know him.” Dain glanced at the woman pointing at the barge only to drop her hand looking Dain over, “The bargeman.”
Dain nodded and looked back again, “At least the cowards released them easily.”
“Well there’s not much city to defend. Looks like a tinder box.”
Dain, “I meant so we don’t wake Smaug.”
Her hand swatted and she said, “Ah, Durin’s Bane was tons more dangerous than that glorified pigeon could be.”
Dain’s eyes flinched wider as did the Dwarves behind them in his asking, “You faced Durin’s Bane?”
To which she nodded then turned waving at the Dwarves who waved at her.
Up to the shore the barge pulled and the fully restocked and armed Dwarves gathered their bags and hopped out nearing their relatives while Dwalin accepted the seal and map you offered. “Knew you could do it.”
“Not that hard,”  
With a wave to the man on the barge his expression dropped and he said, “You stay there. You have your friend and I hope to never kiss you again.” Turning the barge on his path back.
Balin, “Who kissed him?”
“Bye Bargeman, thank you again!”
Bard, “Never again!”
Dwalin turned his head to look up at her seeing her flash him another grin as he asked, “Kiss?”
“I needed a distraction.”
Dwalin, “Distraction! You were meant to be fetching Dain! Not smooching with the boatman!”
“Barge, and it wasn’t a distraction for me, to keep me out of the sight of another pair of guys.”
Dwalin’s eyes narrowed and a loud roar had her head turn and slide off the saddle with a swing of her leg over the front of it. On her feet she walked in front of the goats while the Dwarves grouped up only for Kili to shout when she was a good twenty feet away, “Pluto!”
The gates were thrown open and between them Smaug stood releasing a roar in her continued path onwards watched by the Dwarves and Bard in his barge. The spear shooters were realigned to possibly hit Smaug and clambering across the field trying to take flight his golden eyes focused on her as she said to the group behind her, “Cover your ears.”
Curiously the Dwarves plugged their ears with their fingers deafly watching her inhale deeply then in a mild blurring of their vision a faint blood curtling scream from her at Smaug’s first flap of his wings they watched his body turning to stone then crumbling to dust when it hit the earth dropping their jaws. Echoes of the ringing lingered in the field and curiously in the sea of unaffected goats and boars until a miming to drop their hands had the cautious Dwarves approaching her. Dwalin, “You screamed?! That is how you cleared Moria and those trolls?”
With a nod she said, “Yup.” In a dramatic curtsy making Thorin roll his eyes she said, “Your Majesty. Welcome home.”
Dwalin came closer passing her the bags and guitar case of hers he had grabbed saying, “You are too much sometimes.”
“I know.” She replied in a giggle making him roll his eyes.
Into the mountain deep in the dark of the barren forges across the table chosen lit by the burning forges she had magically somehow lit the Dwarves did not want to know how she sat alone focusing on the dismantled mystery box. Hours prior the Dwarves had all gone to bed in the Royal Wing after passing on news that the Mountain was won. Soundly they slumbered while she snuck the box up to Dwalin’s room. Contently missed by his thunderous snores covering any minor fumbles while Thorin dreamed of his stone being discovered by his little love at sunrise in the bed next door.
Down the overlook she snuck singing to herself in crossing the open plain towards the forest in a teetering path across the uneven rocky ground.
 It must have been a year since
I was thrown across an ocean far from home
Life is making no sense
Riding in between the highs and lows
 Ooh when I wake in the morning I ooh
It's the first on my mind
 In a skip she entered the forest and trailed the path coated with leaves and twigs and gnarling branches trying to snatch at her ankles. Miles and miles she skipped still singing the same song with eyes shifting over the forest to take in the sights around her. At a river blocking her path enchanted and untouchable up onto a gnarled root she hopped accepting she had reached the end of her path making her draw out her guitar.
 Maybe what I miss most
It wasn't made of steel and stone
And maybe what I miss most
It wasn't born of skin and bone
Under the sun above the waves
Under three crowns when I'm far away
Maybe what I miss most
 And maybe you'll never know
And maybe you'll never know
Maybe you'll never know
“Pluto!” Bilbo from his under tree hideaway from the spiders he had been taken by whispered and shot out from his dug hole and down the path following the noise glad to hear his friend had come for him, hopefully with a bag of food to share with him.  
 Life beyond the window
I'm jealous of the way that black bird flies
Free among the people
Those quarter million stories pass me by
 Ooh lie awake in the moonlight I ooh
It's the last on my mind
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Atop his Elk he Elf King froze as did the guards around him on his own round of patrols, all who turned to inspect the source of the song wondering how long the bard had been roaming through their forest to sing out for attention.
 And maybe what I miss most
It wasn't made of steel and stone
And maybe what I miss most
It wasn't born of skin and bone
Under the sun above the waves
Under three crowns when I'm far away
Maybe what I miss most
 And maybe you'll never know
And maybe you'll never know
And maybe you'll never know
I remember at the table
All those faces where did they go?
I imagine what it looks like
When I'm not there
I remember every summer
But now the years are just a number
There's no backwards
Time is faster with everything I've left behind oh
 All at once hooves sounded and she still continued singing and strumming along keeping an eye out for Bilbo or any threats. Yet only falling leaves were seen for the longest time until around a tall curve of trees came a giant Elk with a blonde Elf atop it in dark green armored robe, pants and boots standing out by only his hair with brunette Elves similarly dressed on horses behind him. A final verse sounded out from her in hearing the nearing pants from the other direction.
 But maybe what I miss most
It wasn't made of steel and stone
And maybe what I miss most
It wasn't born of skin and bone
'Cause under the sun above the waves
Under three crowns when I'm far away
Maybe what I miss most
 In a single bound at her hand folding around the neck of her guitar silencing their strings that fell silent at the group of steeds landing on the other side of the river. Turning around to face her fully the steeds fanned out and the blonde bowed his head and looked her over as she smiled saying, “Hi. You haven’t seen a Hobbit, have you?”
Flatly he replied, “No. Have you lost your companions? I was not aware the Hobbits from Lothlorien were traveling here this early in the season or we would have escorted them personally.”
“There are Hobbits in Lothlorien? I didn’t see them when we passed through. And no, most of the Company is in Erebor, I am looking for our Burglar Hobbit Bilbo.”
For a moment his eyes narrowed, “Burglar Hobbit?”
A turn of her head later at the crunching of leaves and soft pants came to an end at Bilbo coming into view shouting out, “Pluto!” In a giggle she hopped down setting her guitar in the case that closed at the weight of it and she accepted his crashing hug, “I knew, oh it was awful!” he pulled back exhaling sharply, “Spiders! Like I’ve never seen! Massive, couldn’t even fit inside, well you haven’t seen my home yet, but, woah.” His head turned and he eyed the Elves, “Hello.”
The blonde again bowed his head to the Hobbit, “Hello. I take it you are this woman’s, Burglar, Hobbit?”
Bilbo wet his lips and nodded with his free hand fidgeting around the hilt of his dagger, “Well, yes. Are you lost as well?”
The blonde blinked and replied, “No. I live here.” Again he looked to her asking, “You stated your companions are in Erebor?”
He looked the pair over again then stated after dismounting his Elk, “We will escort you to Greenwood for a proper meal and nights rest before escorting you both back to Erebor.”
Two of the brunettes took hold of the bags and case with one accepting Bilbo up behind him while the blonde lifted her up onto the saddle of his Elk then climbed up behind her. Around her his arms settled and his eyes flinched to her in her saying, “I’m Pluto. What’s your name?”
A bit stunned he replied, “Thranduil.”
“Pleasure to meet you,” she said in the Elk’s readying circle to bound back across the river again.
It didn’t take long until they were outside an endless wall around the palace with gates opened for the whole group luring curious stares from the Elves inside on the path to the stables. The pair were helped down and bags gathered for them to be led to the bathhouse and a dinner after with Thranduil and another Elf with blonde hair and eyes just a shade darker than his. Five helpings for the odd pair in a confusing conversation confirming they were among the Company of Dwarves who had passed through Lothlorien a few weeks past now owing Lord Celeborn a laughable 28 apples and off to the guest apartment chosen for the pair. Escorted by Thranduil to the door Bilbo hurried in and the stunned blonde stood wide eyed in the toe top hug from the mint haired woman now latched around his chest who released him saying, “Good night.” A quick bounce had a peck landing on his cheek and she stepped aside through the door saying, “Sleep tight,” closing the door behind herself.
Frozen for a moment the now blushing King inhaled sharply and turned to head down the hall passing the confused Tauriel asking, “My King, is everything alright?”
In a cracked whisper he replied, “I had assumed it was. Now, I am not certain of anything.” His response had her turning to watch him walk straight to the hall where his apartment was.
Sunrise came and rolling over in a waking snort Dwalin’s eyes cracked open only to widen seeing a polished wooden box with a plaque bearing his name on it. Hurriedly he went to light the fire again then brought the box over to the fire eyeing the storm design in awe before opening the box seeing the shimmering golden music rod inside. A timid crank later and a tear stirring lullaby from his Amad had his palm clasping across his mouth muffling his mournful sob having remembered losing her and their father in the fall of Erebor. Heavily through the door Balin bustled and froze seeing the box playing the tune blurring his vision with tears. Over to his brother’s side he went dropping heavily to share in the moment only to find nine more tunes trapped in the rod, including a traditional tune to be passed down for weddings and births for the matriarch of their line to perform as a blessing.
Sniffling together the pair eyed the card tucked under the band inside the lid, once propped up revealed a portrait of their family and the pair as children with matching mohawks. Inside the card read simply in their Gran’s runes,
‘For my precious Storm Cloud, marking the reach of the boulder phase for your sons, a marker of our past and future of the Longbeard clan. May mountains, boulders and steams always guard your dreams,
All my love,
Balin, “Where did you find this?”
Dwalin shook his head now seeing Balin’s name on the plaque on the right side of the box with their parents on the rim of the lid, “It was on my beside table.”
Out to the others it was taken and the young Princes gasped and Kili said, “So that’s what it was!”
Dwalin looked him over, “Pardon me? You’ve seen this?”
Fili nodded, “It was in Pluto’s bag. All busted and tarnished.”
Balin, “Pluto?”
Dain, “How would she have come into possession of this?”
Thorin rumbled in rubbing his hands over his face, “It is best not to ask when it comes to Pluto, less confusing.”
Breakfast was called for when the woman in question was missing, again. And not two hours later horns sounded at the front gates luring the Dwarves to the overlook.
Breakfast brought about the more subdued King, who kept stealing glances at the woman whose raised foot on her crossed legs kept tapping his own leg in an absent minded bop in listening to Legolas’ sharing of his aid in clearing another nest of spiders. Packed and ready to go she was again lifted onto the Elk with the trembling King climbing on behind her. A rather less than intimate ride over calmed him and also worried the King for how the Dwarves would react to seeing him unannounced.
Up to the overlook the group came and with a wave Pluto said, “Hey, found Bilbo and I made some new friends!”
Dwalin broke the silence calling out, “Let me guess, you kissed the Elf King.”
Behind you Thranduil called back, “Our intimacies are of no business of yours!”
Dwalin, “All the same, Pluto, where did you find that box?!”
“I fought off a goose for it.”
His brows inched up and Balin asked, “A goose?”
She nodded, “Yup, really angry one.”
Dwalin, “I hate to ask, where was the goose?”
“In the middle of this ice fortress guarded by fire snails.”
He nodded and muttered, “Of course.”
Thorin stole the moment of silence shouting, “Bilbo! You are well?”
Bilbo nodded, “Had to fight off some massive spiders and this one angry, angry toad but I named my sword! Sting!”
Thorin chuckled, “Incredible!” He looked to Thranduil again, “I take it you rescued him?”
Thranduil, “On the contrary, all of us found Miss Pluto roughly at the same time.”
Dwalin, “Then by all means, let’s let you in so you can share the tale.”
Thorin had already raced off towards the gates to help let Bilbo and her in. The Elves also were allowed in and down again the King helped his passenger down swallowing dryly at the chance for another intimate stolen moment only to release her a bit disappointed at the lack of anything in her being pulled away by the Dwarves. Though not an hour later another call to the gates came and into the sitting room where everyone was the bargeman and his children with a wagon holding everything in their life from the partially smoking floating city. A plea for shelter came with a pointed gaze at the green haired woman whose back was circled by the arm of the Elf King pulling her into his side at Bard’s statement, “I’m watching you!”
Making Thranduil say back, “Keep your eyes to yourself, mortal!”
Dwalin chuckled saying, “Ooh, I smell drama. This way boatman.”
Bard, “My name is Bard.”
Dwalin, “If you say so.” He said walking off.
To his back Bard snarked back following after him, “My Mother said so!”
29 notes · View notes
bigskydreaming · 6 years
Let’s talk about three of my favorite things that don’t get talked about enough:
And magic! (Okay fine people talk about this plenty but *I* never talk about it enough, so let’s)
So we know that Kaldur studied at the Conservatory of Sorcery in Atlantis, right? Along with Tula and Garth, under the tutelage of Queen Mera and others. But what was that LIKE? What is Atlantean sorcery, even? It never really gets delved into. I mean you could say that about most magic in the DCU but point is, if DC’s not gonna make up any rules or give it any thought, let’s!
So there’s a few things we know about Atlantean sorcery: 
We see a lot of water-shaping, with Kaldur and Queen Mera and Tula and Garth all shaping water into constructs they can wield in various ways. Kaldur almost always shapes water into weapons of various forms, and he has his water-bearers, which are pieces of tech or magical artifacts that let him create water out of nothing no matter where he is, with Kaldur then shaping that water into weaponry. Queen Mera’s constructs however tend to be totally different - she shapes constructs that are in the shape of sea animals, like manta ray shields and an octopus that grabs multiple enemies in its tentacles. We’ve only ever seen her use her magic underwater, so no idea if she would need something like Kaldur’s water-bearers to use her magic in a desert or if she could generate water herself. Unlike Kaldur’s weapons, Queen Mera’s constructs tend to be bright and colorful with their own hues. (I honestly wouldn’t have known they were water constructs if they hadn’t been called that specifically. At first I thought she was conjuring like...magical spirits). 
Nominally, this magical control of water extends to ice as well, but we hardly ever see that used by Atlantean characters, just talked about.
Then there’s the ability Kaldur, Queen Mera, Garth and Lagoon Boy all demonstrate to generate electricity and shock their opponents. However, this always seems linked to the eel tattoos they each have, rather than something they spontaneously do themselves. The only exception to this seems to be Garth, who generates a kind of ball lightning from his hands one time, even though he doesn’t appear to have any tattoos. Could be a difference in his magic, or could be his tattoos just aren’t visible.
Garth also displays either a different form of magic or a more specialized technique, when he does his “I summon the power of the Tempest!” chant, which aside from being pretentious - calm down Garth, we get it, your meat is huge - makes his eyes glow, he levitates whether this looks like floating up higher when underwater or hovering when on land, and he sucks water in from all around him in swirling spirals and then shoots forth a kind of waterspout type beam attack, like a weaponized whirlpool. When he’s on land, there’s a whirlwind type element to this magic too.
There are certain artifacts that seem to have their own properties, like the king’s Trident or Kaldur’s water-bearers, and whether these are all strictly magical, a combination of magic and Atlantean teach, or some one and some the other, its never delved into.
And then there’s Atlantean physiology, which is said to be largely the result of sorcery, though there’s never much specified about how the Atlanteans with altered physiologies (beyond just having gills) pass these traits down to future generations. These changes are obviously on a genetic level since characteristics are passed down in families as genetic traits, but is there a magical component as well, like do Atlanteans have mystical DNA as well as physical DNA, and thus you get Atlanteans with extremely different shapes and appearances in the same family, even where it’s specified they’re biological relatives, not family by adoption - when you have an Atlantean with shark-like traits and one with traits like a puffer fish like Lagoon Boy, and they have a kid, is which parent the child takes after a matter of shark-features being a more dominant trait than puffer fish? Or is there a magical component to which parent their child takes after? Or does the child ever manifest traits that have never appeared before in their family tree, like a magical mutation, except its not precisely a mutation because we’re not talking some totally random expression of never before seen traits, we’re talking about having characteristics of some specific sea creature that already exists and so its not some brand new mutation, just new to that family? Or is a combination of all those things, at different times?
Okay so obviously, the answer to all these questions in terms of DC’s POV is dunno, don’t care, and equally obviously its not like there’s such a thing in discrepancies in any of the Atlantean sorcery we’ve seen, because its never been discussed enough or had any kind of rules for it pinned down well enough for any of these things to actually contradict established ‘rules’ for their magic.
BUT! I care, and like, why not play with what Atlantean sorcery could look like if fleshed out more, because like, I’m gonna, so here we go!
Personally, I think there’s room for takes on magic from both sides of the spectrum. I can and do enjoy magic systems or fantasy in which the magic is deliberately hand-wavey, treated as being inherently unknowable and hard to pin down, like its REAL and its THERE but even its practitioners are hard pressed to describe or explain why or how it works, or even be sure it’ll always reliably do what they intend for it to do. Magic as the ultimate unknown - mere mortals can’t hope to understand it, just understand that it has vast potential power that probably shouldn’t be messed around with by people who by their own admission have no clue what the fuck they’re really doing, but mortals gotta mortal, so they’re like “yeah I’m gonna do magic though, hope I don’t die! Or end the world!” See, that’s fun sometimes!
But at the same time, I also really enjoy magic on the opposite end of the spectrum, that’s treated almost as a kind of science, just one that plays by an entirely different set of rules than physics. Magic that’s been extensively studied by its practitioners in hopes of understanding it, has established rules and laws where they’ve determined okay hey, we don’t know much, but we DEFINITELY know this does this because this! Except for all the times it doesn’t, DAMMIT, MAGIC. But again, see? Fun for all ages.
Anyway, so between that, and the fact that we know that ‘surface magic’ in the DCU comes in lots of different shapes and sizes, with Zatanna, Dr. Fate, Constantine, Jason Blood, etc, all using it in wildly different ways that seem to have almost no commonality - I’m thinking, what if Atlantean sorcery is no different. There’s no ONE kind, Atlantean sorcery is just a catch-all for the various types of magic practiced by Atlantean magic-users that are SPECIFIC to the sea and not things you’d find practiced on the surface. Just like for whatever reason, none of the various kinds of magic practiced by surface-dwelling magic users seem to be utilized in Atlantis, despite the fact that magic as a whole is clearly far more accepted and commonplace in Atlantean society than in surface societies. I mean, they have a school for it, that their queen is one of the teachers at.
So what could different types of Atlantean sorcery look like, that are distinct from other magic in that they’re tied to or stem from the sea or being ocean dwellers specifically, and that could result in the various things we’ve seen? And obviously there’s no canon answer and I’m not basing this on anything in reality or even real world cultures  other than some general Greek mythology connections like DC already plays with, this is literally just me spitballing because its fun. I like imagining what the puzzle pieces of a world like the DCU looks like when its clear the Canon Overseers don’t give a fuuuuuuuck. 
So let’s take Kaldur to start with. His magic tends to go hand-in-hand with his water-bearers, mostly because he’s usually on land, but what if that’s not the reason? What if his magic isn’t his weapon constructs, but the water-bearers themselves? Like....say his form of magic that he went to the Conservatory of Sorcery to study or found he has an aptitude for, is....call it magecrafting, or a form of enchantment. The type of magic he practices could be like, instead of actively manipulating elemental or mystical forces in the moment like Queen Mera or Garth, he binds those same forces into objects or artifacts.
This kind of magic makes sense to be present in Atlantean society when you consider their connection to not the Greek or Roman gods as a whole, but specifically Poseidon/Neptune and the other sea-related gods and monsters. DC tends to go back and forth and be vague about the specifics of when Atlantis sank under the ocean and why, and Atlanteans don’t seem to worship Poseidon or the other gods the way the Amazons do, but there’s obviously a connection. One of their cities outside of Atlantis is called Poseidonis, they say Neptune’s Beard a lot, and their monarchy is linked to a magical trident that’s pretty obviously linked to or in imitation of Poseidon’s.
And in Greek mythology, Poseidon’s trident, like Zeus’ thunderbolts and Hades’ helmet of invisibility, were magical artifacts constructed by the Cyclopses. Who predated the Greek gods but also, there were later ones who were children of Poseidon as well, and either way, they also tended to be linked to the sea. In some myths, they were said to dwell under the sea themselves, or in underwater caves. Point being - what if in the DCU, after Atlantis sank, early Atlantean sea-dwellers were helped by the Cyclopses, and even learned magic from them - specifically, the magic of creating mystical artifacts, binding magical forces to objects or weapons they create?
So, this could actually be Kaldur’s magical specialty, with his water-bearers enchanted not just to create water when he doesn’t have any around, but to allow him to shape it into weapon constructs the way other Atlantean sorcerers shape water via different means. I like this for Kaldur because I think it fits his personality and mindset in a lot of ways. He’s very deliberate and methodical in his actions and plans. He doesn’t act impulsively or spontaneously, he sets out with a specific goal in mind and would rather take his time getting there and making sure he doesn’t miss any steps or overlook anything, than get there quickly but with less reliability.
Kaldur would rather go for the sure result, the thing he can count on, than gamble on a longer odd and hope for the best. It’s why he and Dick tend to work so well together, they balance each other, complement each other’s very different approaches. Dick works intuitively, in leaps and bounds and bursts, but he’s only able to make the most of that when he has a character like Kaldur at his back, covering his tracks with a slower, more methodical approach that allows him to make up for when Dick’s risks don’t pay off.
So by the same token, I think that if given a choice, or if an Atlantean’s magical specialty were at all dependent on personality or mindset - Kaldur would be much more suited to or much more prefer a type of magic that maybe took a lot of time, a lot of prep work, but he knew how it would work, he knew how to make the most of his craft, his studies, turn his hard work into a result he could count on. One of the magic types with rules and theories that he could take into account and plan accordingly, building enchantments into objects he makes with his own hands, weaving the magic into their very creation, so they’re not just ‘spelled’ but they’re as much magic as they are the work of his hands. It’s not something he can do on the fly, they’re projects, each specific magical effect he’s aiming for is its own work that takes days, weeks or even months to complete, with him having to work on them in his spare time when not preoccupied with his other responsibilities. But unlike the magic of other sorcerers, which is quick and flashy but occasionally unreliable and sometimes prone to backfiring - Kaldur can trust his magic and the works he makes with it, he knows his creations will never fail him, that he can always count on them to reliably produce the effect he wants, after all, he made them himself.
Obviously this isn’t based in canon, so the pendant charm Artemis wore to appear as Tigress when undercover in S2, like the one Forager wears now in S3, these were both made by Zatanna. But by explaining Kaldur’s sorcery as the kind of craft-based enchantment I just described, those charms could actually make more sense as Kaldur’s work. Like don’t get me wrong, I LOVE Zatanna, she’s one of my fave characters, but that was always random. Zee’s an incredibly powerful magician, but also an incredibly specific magician. Her magic DOES play by certain rules, and while it can do just about anything with the right spell, her magic is born of the moment, manipulating magical forces with spoken words, gestures and thoughts for immediate results. With the exception of those charms, she’s never before or since or in other respects used her magic to create lasting enchantments tied to specific objects, to my knowledge - its not that that’s ‘beyond’ her or anything, so much as it seems very apples and oranges to literally everything else she’s ever done, magically speaking.  She has her specialties, and that just isn’t one of them. They basically just had her do it on the show because they couldn’t really think of anyone else to say Dick would go to for that, but that problem’s easily fixed if like....you let Kaldur do magic. More than like, once a season. LOL. But yeah, enchantment or craft-based magic could explain Kaldur’s feats, match his personality well, and like...give him a fucking hobby lol. I like the idea of Kaldur relaxing in his rare downtime by diving into a passion project, a longterm enchantment he’s been working on, trying to pair some obscure and particularly challenging magical theorem with something he’s making, in a way that’s never been done before.
Then we have Garth and his lack of tattoos, more direct manipulation of elemental forces, and his power of the Tempest thing. Well, what if his magic is on the opposite end of the spectrum from Kaldur’s, the flashier, quicker, but less reliable type? When it works, hell yeah, but when it backfires, whoops. 
Lots of magic is based around the idea of summoning spirits or elementals or working with them, and what if the ocean is filled with as many different types of spirits and elementals and demons as anywhere on the surface? With Atlantean sorcerers having knowledge of and access to/bargains with scores of beings and entities unknown to even the most powerful and accomplished surface-dwelling magicians, just like Atlanteans wouldn’t know the first thing about entities rooted in the surface and its cultures?
Garth’s form of magic could be calling upon the power of such entities and elementals, making bargains or pacts with them that let him borrow or channel their powers directly - which would be great for WHEN they’re in the mood to let him do so or to cooperate. But leave him fucked if they’re like nah its depression hour, nobody in the spirit world is climbing out of bed to help some Atlantean douche squabble over whatever it is mortals care about.
Sorcerers of this type would still need or want some kind of guarantee they could count on, as a last resort, if none of their usual spirit or elemental allies were coming through. So say the bigger entities, the spirits higher up on the elemental or mystical food chain, the Big Guns, they’re not the kinds of beings you just phone up on a whim or like ten minutes before you need to kick some ass. Summoning them requires prep work too, rituals, symbols, protective wards, etc...but by virtue of it happening less frequently, when they do get the call from some Atlantean, these bigger spirit-fish are usually intrigued enough to want to hear what they have to say. Which means they’re usually open to making some kind of hard bargain, negotiating firm deals they’re bound to honor, tit for tat, quid pro quo. In exchange for...whatever it is spirits want, whether its doing something in the mortal realm they can’t do themselves, or letting them share their human emotions through some kind of bond, or whatever, sometimes they can be persuaded to make some kind of deal with the sorcerer, to always show up or open up a conduit to their power when needed....so long as the equivalent exchange is then honored each time in return.
So when Garth says he calls upon the power of the Tempest, maybe the Tempest isn’t some thing or force, maybe its the name of some being, some higher elemental he’s got an agreement with. He can channel the Tempest’s power directly as a last resort, and this entity gets something out of it too. With that being enough of an ask that Garth never LEADS with this attack, he saves it for when he’s got no other option to win a battle, but its worth it as long as he knows he can count on it when he needs to.
And then the eel tattoos so many of the Atlantean characters seem to have, that they generate electricity from, they could actually be a combination of these two magic types. Like say there are certain Atlantean sorcerers who as their specialty, negotiate bargains with spirits and elementals....and then ink those agreements onto sorcerers as tattoos. So the reason Lagoon Boy, Kaldur, Queen Mera, all have the same electric eel tattoos their electricity seems to come from is because its never THEIR magic personally, its not born of their specific specialties, but the work of colleagues or peers, to kinda fill out their repertoires. They haven’t studied the arts of summoning elementals themselves, but students at the Conservatory who have studied that, but who aren’t warriors or battle-mages themselves, when asked sometimes facilitate these kinda bargains between other sorcerers and lower level elementals who won’t overwhelm or fuck over someone not familiar with them. So these generic electricity based attacks various Atlanteans seem to have thanks to their tattoos but never seem to use in any other way, are really just the result of Atlantean sorcerers all sharing their specialties to various extents.
Had some more ideas about sea-specific magics, like maybe all the Atlanteans with sea-animal characteristics are the work of the transformative magic of sorcerers called...I dunno, tideworkers or something like that. With their magic being linked to the tides, and through them, the moon, which of course is the central focus of most symbolic magic, specifically magic rooted in the idea of change, transformation, various phases or states. 
So you could have a type of Atlantean sorcery that is linked to the cycles of the moon, and ebbs and flows like the tide based on how close the moon’s orbit is currently. And when their magic is at its peak, high tide, its this highly potent transformation magic that lets them change their shapes or the shape of others, and make them enduring, lasting changes all the way down to their DNA - maybe they can similarly transform coral, are the ones responsible for all the otherworldly coral architecture that seems to make up part of Atlantis. But the flip side of their magic, the drawback to this type the way magical craftsmanship takes a lot of time and effort and the way spirit-summoning isn’t always reliable if the entity being called doesn’t want to pick up the phone or asks for too high a price.....is while its extremely powerful and easy to use when the tide is in their favor, when the moon’s far away, the source of their change-based magic out of reach and nothing they can do about it but way until its orbit brings it back into range, at ‘low tide’ they’re at best capable of minor parlor tricks.
And then I had a thought about how ley lines are sometimes depicted as being like, veins of magical energy or even life force, like the life blood of the planet that crisscrosses the globe in this network of magical currents only magic-users know about....and then that made me think of ocean currents, and think hmm like what if ley lines are hard to find or mostly dried up on the surface because of being tapped so much by sorcerers thousands of years ago or just there not being as many of them - because after all, the ocean is 70% of the globe, so if ley lines were a thing, logically they WOULD be easier to find in oceans than on land, at least for people who lived under the sea and could easily travel it. And so maybe whatever magic ley lines are linked to, like some manipulation of life force or elemental forces, it hardly ever gets used on land in the DCU because barely anybody studies that kind of magic since there’s no point with how hard it is to find an active ley line. 
I THINK, I could be wrong, but I vaguely remember a couple of stories that have linked Ra’s al Ghul’s Lazarus Pits to ley lines, and said they were the result of certain ley lines or convergences of them, and that was why there are so few Lazarus Pits left, most of them dried up.
SO, if we go with that idea, maybe ley line/life force magic is a lot more commonplace among Atlanteans, because there’s a lot more currents within their reach, and they’re better at not using up what could be a reusable resource when used properly. With the flip side of this being location, like there may be more leyline currents under the sea but you still need to be near one to really tap that energy and use it to fuel your magic. Like could be a lot of the Atlantean cities are built near bigger currents or convergences of them in order to allow that....BUT this still means that even with that proximity, these sorcerers would have to be careful not to draw too much from them too often, (and maybe overload, like its possible to try and channel too much magic and just be overwhelmed or burned out or even transformed by it). But also, it’d be particular bad if a city potentially drained one faster than it could replenish, because if say a city was built near one specifically to take advantage of that magical energy, and thus relied on it to various extents, if that current did end up blocked or drained this would be a social and economic disaster for that city, among other things. 
ALSO, now that I think about it, if there were lots more ley lines under the sea, and Lazarus Pits are the result of some convergence of them, and most of the Pits on land are dried up....there would probably be a lot more active, usable Pits under the sea. Imagine if Ra’s found out about this from Ocean Master, and started trying to infiltrate Atlantis with the League of Shadows in order to find these fresh Pits and make use of them....how would he even go about that, what would that look like. Or what if Kaldur and other Atlanteans figured out the League had already been infiltrating their society for hundreds of years, with Ra’s having started recruiting Atlanteans directly a long time ago to use as spies and again, to access undersea Pits. With this possibly putting him in conflict with Atlantean sorcerers who already used the Pits for their own ends....like picture a secret cabal of Atlantean necromancers who were the opposite of the life mages or whatever who tapped the life energy magic of ley line currents, who instead perverted those mystical energies for death magic or who used the Pits as the central focus of their magic. And when Ra’s tries to take control of them, they come out of the shadows in the conflict that ensues.
Probably could do something with like, consciousness based magic that ties into the idea of the ocean as a place with significance for the dream plane or astral plane, like the symbolism of the seas as the source and origin of sentient life looping back into the idea of concentrations of sentient minds and dreams, like the unconscious collective thoughts of humanity appear in thought-based realms as being like an ocean, with certain Atlantean sorcerers specializing in like, divination or dream or thought based magics.
Like imagine your universe contains Atlantis and schools of sorcery and different kinds of underwater based magic and KALDUR, and you look at all this and you’re like, yawn, that seems boring, I guess we could do like, one episode a season about all that but really, what’s there to explore there.
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sam-i-am-27 · 6 years
Dive Right In
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My Masterlist of Fics
Ao3 Link
Summary: The four find out more about each other and at the same time, devise a plan to find out more about Virgil’s mother.
Word Count: 1362
@pastel-and-gore. LITERALLY ONE OF THE BEST PEOPLE EVER. They put up editing my writing and I can’t be more grateful to them. Thank you, Jay.
As the slime on Virgil’s tail melted off, Logan scooped some into a small tube but his eyes never left Roman or Patton. His jaw never closed either, partially from shock, partially because he was answering questions as quickly as quickly as Patton was asking them.
“What are legs for?”
“Manuel transportation that can vary to none to-"
“How does a car work?”
“Well, it depends on the car. All have two pedals that make it go and stop, as well as-"
“What exactly is the function of a rubber duck?”
Logan actually chuckled at this one, surprised that Patton would actually ask that out of everything he could ask about the human world.
“Patton, that's enough,” Roman said.
“No, it's fine… Conan, was it?”
“Roman, actually,” he replied formally. “I was named after the city, since my mother's mother originates from there.”
“You know English and know some about the human world,” Logan observed. “How is that?”
“We actually speak whale song, dolphin click, but English, Spanish, and French are our primary languages. You do tend to drop things in our territory quite a lot,” Patton said. “Our ancestors became curious and took up studying what we found. They spent time near the surface studying phonetics.”
“Fascinating,” Logan whispered, his lip curling slightly upward. “You seem very well-versed in your history. Just… Just fascinating…”
“Yes, it is pretty fas-fin-ating, ain't it?” Patton said, making both Virgil and Roman chuckle. The smile forming on Logan’s face fell and he leaned over to Virgil, who was in the process of putting on swim trunks without losing the towel laid across his waist.
“I no longer like this one,” he whispered. Virgil smirked and threw the towel to the side once his shorts were secure.
“So… what are the main things that need to be discussed?” he asked the other three.
“Well obviously how are you even existing if half-mers are illegal,” Logan said.
“Ooh, and what the human world is like!” Roman said.
“Although I would love to tell you more, and learn more about yours, that can wait until later,” Logan said, making both Roman and Patton pout in disappointment.
“Uh… what about: what the hell are we going to do? I'm illegal, you guys talking to us is illegal, and we have no idea of what to do!” Virgil said loudly. Logan put a hand on his shoulder.
“Calm down, Virgil. We're also figuring this out.”
“Sorry, sorry,” he muttered, relaxing until Logan let go.
“We could go to King Thomas and find out what we could do,” Patton suggested. “It really wasn’t any of our faults. It was all coincidental and what interactions occurred were misunderstandings on both parties.”
“That is…” Logan stopped and thought about it, “... actually a very good idea. Your King can't punish Virgil for any laws broken since he did not choose to be born like this and was not born under the king’s laws.”
“And I technically didn't interact with any human on purpose… before now,” Roman said, wincing at the thought of them talking now, with full knowledge of what they were doing. “We can just… leave this part out of the questions.”
“Lying… again?” Patton whined.
“Unless you want to end up in prison,” Roman said.
“Prison is on the line for you?” Logan asked.
“Yeah. Since humans would feign kindness in order to hunt us and use us, they outlawed contact with them,” Roman explained.
“But you guys won't do that, right?” Patton asked.
“I am against all forms of cruelty against any living thing,” Logan said.
“I didn't know mers were more than a myth until I became one, so I don't wanna hurt you guys,” Virgil said. “But we’re all in agreement to lie about this particular meeting?”
Logan and Roman nodded, and after a second of contemplation, so did Patton.
“Now about Virgil's… existence. We do want to find out more?” Logan asked.
“Yeah, I kinda want to know how my mom met my dad and then had me,” Virgil said. “Full mers don't grow tails on-land, and my dad doesn't seem like the type of person to do a fish. Are there like spells or something that could give you guys tails?”
“Maybe… we could ask King Thomas… If someone committed an illegal act, his father would have kept records of it,” Patton asked.
“What about that one Legend, the sea hag… what's the name… Dissolve?” Roman muttered under his breath for a second and then snapped his fingers. “Deceit! That's the name!”
“Sea Hag? Like Ursula?” Virgil asked.
“Never mind… this Deceit, he creates spells and potions that could change a mer into a human or vice-versa?” Logan asked.
“If he exists, then yeah,” Patton confirmed. “You think he could have given his mom a potion?”
“Exactly,” Logan said. “I say we go and ask him if he did and if so, then the mystery is solved. If not, we ask your King. Virgil, any objections?”
Virgil pursed his lips, a thought that had been with him for a bit now. They might not like it, Logan especially, but they were doing this for him and from the sound of it, they would do anything to make sure he found out more about himself and his past.
He took a deep breath. “Yeah… I just… I can't do this without someone I know. Like really know. I wouldn't be able to handle this without an emotional anchor.”
“What do you mean?” Patton asked, but it didn't matter that he didn't understand because Logan was staring at him in shock.
“Logan, I know it's a lot to ask, but without you- If this guy is for real, we could see if he could bring you with us!” Virgil argued. “Please, Lo.”
Logan looked at him and for a second, Virgil thought saw fiery hate in his eyes before it was extinguished by Logan's form of sympathy and love.
“Okay. If he's real, feel free to ask if he can do what you're asking,” Logan said, a hint of worry buried under a mountain of indifference.
Virgil didn't say anything, just smiled at him.
“Aw, that's so sweet!” Patton said. “I still don't get it.”
“He's going to go down with us if Deceit can make us a potion to turn Logan into a mer,” Roman explained.
“Still so sweet!” Patton said, but a bit of the joy had been replaced with the same worry that Logan had let slip.
“So, Virgil, you're joining me in this quest to find the sea monster? I hear that he dwells deep within what you humans refer to as the Bermuda Triangle, near the northern tip,” Roman said in a very ominous voice.
“If you're trying to spook me, it's not working,” Virgil lied, scooting into the water and waiting for his tail to form. “How do we get to the Bermuda Triangle from here?”
“Ooh, you get to learn speeding!” Patton said, his tail flapping excitedly. “Roman is the best teacher! He taught me!”
“We’ll get out of the cove before we start that lesson,” Roman said, brushing Virgil’s ripped swim trunks away from him and out of the water. Virgil nodded and looked at Logan. Virgil locked eyes with his friend, silently confirming that he was okay with this. Logan nodded nodded without hesitation before Roman dragged Virgil under the water.
Deceit watched as the halfling and the red mer slipped away from the human and blue mer. A smile spread across his lips and he brushed the orb. The red mer talked to the halfling, showing him the proper techniques for speeding. The halfling scowled at something the mer said but positioned his body and in half-a-second, the view of the orb was blurred with bubbles. When the finally cleared, the red mer was laughing uncontrollably as the halfling caught his breath, his eyes surprised and gills flaring. The two calmed down for a few minutes before they started speeding towards his cave. 
A thought of the future crossed his mind and he floated away from the orb, rubbing his temples.
“Don’t get too cocky now… Stay on-task…”
A/N: And so the plot thickens.
 Okay, what do you guys think? If Virgil is a goby, Roman is an angelfish, Patton is a blue tang, what is Deceit and what will Logan become?
a) puffer fish
b) stone fish
c) hogfish 
d) eel
a) eel
b) sea snake
c) angler fish
d) cuttlefish
Reblogs are appreciated. Taglist is always open. 
Thanks as always to @pastel-and-gore for editing this!
Have a great day!
Taglist: @octopushugs @ryuity @fandergecko @rileyfirstname @spectacled-renegade @ijustreallylovesanderssides @beneath-the-ash @thesynysterunknown @nightmarejasmine @i-like-cookiez @savemefrompainfulagony @randomfanderfriend @kingbumbles @spaceacesam @anxietywolf @enderperson43  @justanotherpurplebutterfly @masonjarfullofsunflowers @sassyshoulderangel319 @abigail-kaulitz @not-very-interactive-introvert @why-should-i-tell-youu​ @redqueen29 @punsterterry @yangsembercelica @horriblyokay @cakercanart @derp-a-la-sheep
@ fireflies-and-pattonseyes, teaspoonfulofpatton, collie7700 you three are on my taglist but for some reason, tumblr isn’t showing your accounts when I do the @ thing. 
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Da-iCE FACTS & TRIVIA: Da-iCE ABC 2018 (from A-M) | CGM
These cute and funny boys deserve an “ABC”. 26 letters. 26 things and words about our boys. Enjoy and have a very very nice day!
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Considered as the sixth side of the die, the fans - A stands for a-i. Da-iCE cannot be completed without the fans. We love them. They love us back.
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It was once a dream. B is for Nippon Budokan. They worked hard to perform here and it came true! It was a shining moment for both the boys and the fans.
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White and lovable, C is for Ciel. A lucky cat for our lucky Hayate.
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D is for Dance Practice. They give us dance practices that are so good and amazing! a-is are blessed because Da-iCE and the staff are so kind.
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E for English. This group is so talented, they do English versions of their songs, as well as English covers such as “Into You”. Yudai and Sota’s English are understandable, yes (indeed). What we need is... SUBTITLES! I beg for a FanSub Team. Don’t you want as well?
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Yudai’s peace time and hobby (aside from cooking) is Fishing. He loves catching FUGU (puffer fish) which is a food delicacy in Japan - poisonous/deadly but delicious.
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Toru is a gentle human being. His words are moving and so he’s called Gentoruman, a superhero in the making.
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H is for Da-iCE’s Hair History. A very entertaining topic. Their hair may be changing but their characters are not. Still, it’s nice (and funny) to remember the good ol’ days.
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Face value 75. Extremely good-looking men. Da-iCE are certified Ikemen. What more can I say?
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It’s always phenomenal when they do this. Heart-skipping and magnificent indeed. We always love them doing the Jump!
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K is for Kawaii. Although cool, they are cute... They may be short men but they are terrific! They are just so adorable!
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L stands for LOL. Laughing out loud ‘til kingdom come. Their laughters are loud and iconic. If they laugh, you’d laugh as well. They are just walking sunshine, spreading good vibes everywhere they go.
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M is for Marvel. Sota is a proud Marvel fan. What else? He loves Iron Man and so am I. Aren’t we meant to be? *don’t be mad at me*
To be continued...
Note: To those who are using the app, just click “External Image” and the rest of the pics will appear. Thank you.
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shy-violet-soul · 6 years
Title: Overrated Pairing: AU: Merman-Castiel x OFC Binda, Dean & Sam Prompt: merpup Summary: In her world filled with annoying, overbearing boys, Binda just wants something of her own she doesn’t have to share.  Will a kind, quiet merman have the answer? Warnings:  Salt-water fluff.  A couple of curse words. Word count: 2,200-ish
A/N:  I’m so tickled to take part in my first writing challenge!  Thank you to @siren-kitten-his for hosting “Kitten’s Mermaid Challenge”.  This is also my first AU, so I hope I did the characters proud.  A big thank you to @thesassywallflower for being my beta on this one.
Binda - “deep water” (Aboriginal Australia)
This is a work of fiction based upon characters created by CW.  The character “Binda” is my own creation.  Please do not repost without my permission.
(photo: Robert Harding, Getty Images)
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With one final grunt of effort, Binda flopped onto her belly and sighed in contentment.  Creating the perfect resting spot took more fussing than a mama sea turtle digging a nest for her eggs, but it was worth it!  The gentle hill of sand she had studiously constructed curved her spine into a gentle arch as she pillowed her face on her crossed arms.  Sheltered here from the currents, Binda smiled as she felt herself sink into a welcome nap.
It was damn hard to get any peace with those two around.
“Maybe she’s not here, Dean.”
“Nah, Cas said he followed her here.”
DAMNIT!  Binda growled as their voices echoed above her.  She should have known those dumb gobies wouldn’t leave her be.  She also should have known that nosy codfish was going to tail her.
“C’mon, Bee, come out, come out, wherever you are!”
Maybe if she just kept quiet, they’d go away...a clam dropped onto her head and frantically skittered away.
“Ow!” she squawked, flopping upright and glaring upwards as she rubbed the sore spot.  
“Hiya, princess!”  Bright green eyes glinted down at her above Dean’s trademark smirk.  Sam drifted into view, his gaze apologetic, as both brothers blocked out the sunlight drifting into her precious coral cave.  Luckily, her gargantuan brothers were too big to fit through the opening.
“I tried to stop him, Binda.”
“Obviously not hard enough,” she grumbled as she plunked herself back onto the sand.  The poor terrorized clam was struggling to bury itself, and Binda crooned to it soothingly as she sluiced a handful of sand on top of it.  
“Aw, don’t be like that, Bumblebee.”
The childhood nickname grated on her already raw nerves.  “It’s ‘Binda’, Dean.  Go away.”
A chunk of dead coral thunked on her head next, getting tangled in her gypsum-white hair.  Days of being pestered, bedeviled, and hounded suddenly burned like sand in a fresh coral scrape.  Binda snarled, a snap of her tail shooting her straight to the cave’s mouth.  The groans from both her brothers as her skull slammed into their noses was worth the sudden headache.
“What. Do. You. WANT?” she roared into their faces.
“Great Whites, Binda, what the hell?” Dean groused, rubbing between his eyes gingerly.
“I didn’t even do anything this time,” her taller brother whined from behind his hands.  
“Sorry, Sam,” she huffed, crossing her arms over her chest.  “Seriously, just leave me alone, guys!  What’s a girl gotta do to get some peace and quiet?”
“Calm your clam shells, toots.  Geez,  Binda, are you heading into your egg-laying season?”  
Red.  She literally saw red.  Dean literally never saw her right hook coming.
“Son of a bitch!” Blood ribboned into the water from Dean’s nose as Binda turned to glare at Sam.
“Don’t look at me! Chasing you was his idea!” Sam yelped, his gold-striped grouper tail scrambling him backwards.
Binda ignored him, stabbing one slim pointer finger towards her brothers.  “You two listen to me!  If you follow me, I will harpoon you in the Amazon in the middle of a piranha colony!”  Infuriated beyond belief, Binda spun and waved her powerful tail, surging away from them.  “And don’t think I won’t do it!”
Weaving amid flurries of fish, Binda ignored Sam’s shout as she swam away.  It’s not that she didn’t love her big brothers; she did, truly.  With their mother gone and their father always away, they’d practically raised her.  From the first toddling flip of her dorsal fin, her brothers had been there for her through it all.  No mermaid in all the seven seas ever had better brothers.
They were always there for her.  Really.  Always frickin’ there.  
If it wasn’t Dean needling her to go treasure hunting, Sam had his latest scroll he just couldn’t wait to share.  They were there in the mornings, eating her favorite North Pacific krill.  They were there to swim her home after her lessons, glaring off any cute mermen she even blinked at.  They were there in the evenings, arguing over which lagoon to hit for dinner.  As much as she loved them, Binda felt like she couldn’t breathe sometimes with how always...there...Sam and Dean were.
Distracted by her thoughts and frustrations, Binda didn’t check the corner before banking around a coral outcropping and plowed headfirst into something.
Someone, actually.
The someone in question flailed backwards at the force of their collision, straight into a swarm of visiting electric eels.  The alarmed critters sputtered and thrashed, snapping great sparks into the unsuspecting soul thrust into their midst.  Binda shrieked, darting forward and grasping a wrist to yank him out of the spitting, arcing tangle.  The merman collided heavily into her, his face smashing into the curve of her neck and shoulder.  Hissing with displeasure, the eels hurried on their way.
Gasping to catch a breath, Binda leaned back just as the mystery merman did.  She found herself snared by a pair of astonishingly blue eyes.
“Castiel?” she asked dazedly.  The merman straightened and moved away, rotating his shoulders a bit stiffly.
“That was unpleasant,” he rumbled in that deep voice.  
“Oh, my gosh, Cas!  Are you okay?”  Binda’s gaze flitted over him, searching for injuries.  
“I’ve sustained no permanent damage.”
“What are you even doing here?” she quizzed the merman, her brows twitching with confusion.
“I, uh -” the dark-haired mer glanced downwards, rubbing the back of his neck a bit sheepishly.  “I followed you.”
Binda’s eyes popped open at the remark.  “You followed me?”  Exasperated anew, Binda flung her arms up.  “Of course you did!  Everyone follows me!”
Cas cocked his head to the side, squinting at her.  “I do not think everyone follows you, Binda.  There are many species in our cove who aren’t…” His voice dwindled off when the mermaid levelled a hard glare in his direction.  “Nevermind.”
“Oh!  What is it with you mermen?!  Can’t you leave me alone for even a second?” Frustration rolled off the maid in waves, and Cas couldn’t help but stare.  The current washed around them just so, billowing her white, waist-length locks around her in tantalizing tendrils.  Her gorgeous tail, the bright gold and orange of a fan goldfish, gleamed about her in delicate, flowing fronds.  It reminded him of the fancy dress adorning a human woman he’d seen on a distant shore long ago.  Her green eyes, different from her oldest brother’s, shone brighter than any anemone, like a gem he’d spied in a wreckage.  Practical soldier though he was, Cas was convinced Binda’s smiling gaze could soften the hardest of hearts.
That gaze wasn’t smiling at him now.  
“I’m sorry, Binda.”
“No, you’re not!”  She advanced at him, wagging a finger under his nose.  “If you were sorry, you wouldn’t have told those two yahoo brothers of mine where I was!  For carp’s sake, Castiel!  You three are gonna be the death of me!”  Her ire growing with each moment, Binda began swimming a line in front of Cas, arms gesticulating wildly.  “When I wake up, there they are!  When I go out, there you are!  I can’t even go browsing for new top shells alone!  Can’t I, just once, have a moment to myself?  Have something that’s only mine that I don’t have to share?”
“I just...”
“What, Castiel?  Just - what?”
“I just....want to make sure you’re safe.”  With those words, all the ire drained out of her like air out of a puffer fish.  This amazing, strong, handsome merman wanted to make sure she was safe.  Binda would be lying if she said her heart didn’t flutter about the serious Castiel.  While the other mermaids fawned over Dean’s vivid green and black cichild scales, or Sam’s bright gold stripes, Castiel’s midnight blue and black betta tail had always caught her eye.  Different from any other mer, Cas possessed an extra set of fins separate from his tail.  Thin, nearly translucent, the two long slender fins hung from his shoulders like wings.  Chest muscles she’d blushingly admired bore an intricate tracery of gold in some ancient script - Enochian, Binda had heard Sam call it once.
Yes, Castiel was altogether quite the catch, pardon the phrase.  But it was his quiet, gentle presence Binda most enjoyed.  He often joined her as she tended the Pearl Reef, sometimes sitting with her as she rested in the quiet away from the busy-ness of cove life.  He’d point out some bright flag of seaweed that made a picturesque splash against the rocks, or tell her about the seahorse hatchlings he’d seen the day before.  Binda had always hoped she might catch affection in his gaze one day..
But his gaze held only duty, just like always.
Binda’s shoulders sagged at the thought.  It wasn’t Cas’ fault, really.  Her father or her brothers had probably told him to keep an eye on her.  Trying for nonchalant and failing, Binda drug up a half-assed smile for the merman.
“It’s alright, Castiel.  I’m sorry for yelling.  I think I’ll head on home now.  I’ll see you later.”  With a wave of her side fins in farewell, Binda took herself off for the family caves.  
Castiel sighed, brow creased in frustration as he watched her go.  This wooing was much more difficult than he anticipated.  He didn’t dare ask Sam or Dean for advice.  He needed help from someone who wouldn’t laugh at him.  And he knew just the one!
In a flurry of blue-black fins, Castiel took off for the friendliest corner of the cove.
Curled up under a large network of seaweed fronds, Binda lay quietly, staring up at the surface.  The sun above shimmered like hammered silver in fleeting glimpses between the leaves.  She huffed a sigh as she rolled to her side, twitching when something tickled her.  One, then two, then five little pink seahorses poked their wee heads up above her fins.  Binda smiled as she held out her hand to let them weave between her fingers playfully.  
The boys had mercifully left her alone, and Binda had it in her heart to feel bad.  Almost.  At least for making Dean bleed. Although, she wasn’t going to waste the peace and quiet gifted to her.  And if her smile looked a bit mopey - well, her peace and quiet were the only ones there to see.
“Shhh!”  The muffled sound barely caught her attention, but it did that of the seahorses.  The little creatures bobbed forward curiously, and Binda waved herself upright.  
“Hello?” she called out.
“Uhhh…” Binda would know that confusion anywhere.
“Castiel?”  She swam a bit higher to see over the seaweed; the merman seemed to be hunched weirdly backwards, like his anal fin was caught in his wings or something.  “Are you alright?”
“I - I consulted Garth about my quandary,” he spouted out, his cheeks a bit flushed with...what?
“Oh.  What quandary?  Can I help?” Binda asked, her eyes tinged with concern as she swam nearer.  
“No.  Yes.  I - I -” The poor mer couldn’t seem to make up his mind; the expression on his face looked like he might spontaneously combust.  Was he ill?  He suddenly lurched, his features contorting in discomfort.
“Cas, did those eels hurt you?  Let me see!”  Binda demanded, approaching him determinedly.
“No!  Uh - this is for you!”  The poor soul looked almost green as he thrust something into her arms.  Binda’s arms instinctively closed around it, and the mass came alive as it wriggled and whined and…licked?
The merpup was all white, fur soft as the sand from a place called Puerto Rico her father once visited.  His gleaming scales were iridescent green, showing hints of blue and purple in the light.  And the black eyes that looked up at her had her falling in love in a heartbeat.
“Oh!” she exclaimed, cuddling the little pup under her chin.  Her happy laughter splashed out when sweet puppy kisses found her jaw and cheek.  “Oh, Castiel, thank you!”
“Please accept this canine as a token of my affection for you.”  Castiel thought he spoke out loud but he wasn’t sure.  His heart was pounding so hard with nerves, he honestly thought he might throw up, but Binda’s blinding smile distracted his queasiness.
At Castiel’s mumbled proclamation, Binda’s heart skipped and skipped again.  Without thinking, she wrapped an arm around those broad shoulders and smushed a happy kiss to his lips.  A spark that had nothing to do with any eels leapt between the two, painting matching flushes on both faces.  
“Th-thank you, Cas, I accept!” Binda managed to stammer out.
“That’s...reassuring to hear.”  Binda’s smile widened as Castiel’s shoulders sagged with relief.  The pup continued to whine happily, yipping as he craned his head to swipe more kisses on Binda’s face.  “I don’t know how much peace and quiet you’ll find with him”
“Peace and quiet are overrated!  What should we call him?” she cooed, reaching up to scratch the little ears.
“Garth said his name is Mr. Fizzles.  Which I find confusing because this canine emits no effervescence of any kind.”
Pure delight echoed in the chuckles Binda couldn’t hold in, and she beckoned the merman with a bob of her head as she cradled the merpup closer.
“Come on!  Let’s get him settled!”  
Snared by that blinding smile, all for him, Castiel couldn’t help but follow.  The two spent a lovely hour getting Mr. Fizzles comfortable, and Binda eagerly waited for her brothers to return home so she could show him off.  Her pup and her Castiel. 
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(very sad photo editing by me of a very cute puppy)
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fulltimereviewer · 5 years
50 Best Zootopia Fanfiction On The Internet
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Top 50 Best Zootopia Fanfiction That You Haven't Read
Our Title and Heading say' it all today we have some of the best Zootopia fanfiction stories for you fanfiction lovers, and if you guys were searching for these Fanfiction Zootopia stories the search no further. we hope you guys love our best collection of top-rated series, anime, games and movie collection.
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Zootopia was released in 2016 in America that too in 3d, it is basically a computer-animated comedy film. From this journey, there have been many Zootopia Fanfiction Lovers all around the globe. Zootopia was released by Walt Disney pictures and the exact release date of Zootopia is February 13, 2016. Let's Begin Our Collection of the Best Zootopia Fanfiction on the internet.
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Straight_up_geek Why did Disney make me ship and bunny and a fox together??
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Kido Zootopia is one of the few Disney movies I feel actually NEEDS a sequel. There’s so much more world and character building they could do.
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zootman Ive never gone crazy with any disney princess couples, but now im shipping a bunny and a fox so hard. Omg
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arman-shk If you ship Judy and Nick put a thumbs up. And if you want to let me know why you ship them.
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peolk.s Ok but low key Judy and nick remind me so much of rapunzel and Eugene. Must be the similarities that make both of them my favorite movies and characters😍
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super35 Why Did Disney Tell Me To Ship Them , THEN NO KISSING SCENE?!?!
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love_u I'd be more than happy to see them as an official couple. And if there's a sequel on the way...lead down that road
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here_i_am That's now what I say to my friends in gta when somebody attacks me. "Boys, Ice Em "
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dum dudu If ever there was an Oscar for best animated performance, Nick Wilde would easily win. Jason Bateman really delivered with this role, especially the fact that he improvised a lot of the dialogue.
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c@re They are cute couple specially the fox ia handsome and the bunny is so cute Zootopia was the 55th Disney feature animated movie, Byron Howard and Rich Moore were the directors of this movie. Fanfiction Zootopia lovers are also huge fans of these two individuals. The Co-director of Zootopia was Jared Bush. Zootopia Fanfiction Human Voice lovers who love the voice in the film are mentioned below.
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We hope you guys liked our collection of the best Zootopia Fanfiction Updates, that we are providing you guys. Please share this as much as possible.
Zootopia Fanfiction Human version 2020
The voices that rocked the movie all around the world were Ginnifer Goodwin, Jason Bateman, Idris Elba, and others are mentioned down below in the other section of this Zootopia Fanfiction Stories article. The reason why we give the emphasis on these Zootopia fanfiction human voice personalities were the real reason for the blockbuster of Zootopia. YB Judy: it just burns me up to see such a bad attitude forwards foxes.. Also Judy: carries an anti fox spray Alyssa Love the subtle racism. She is surprised that a fox can be smart, and condescendingly praises him for being "articulate." Nick sarcastically calls her non-patronizing afterwards. 😂 Fallen Tacozz Judy: Are your costumers aware... They are getting snot and mucus with there cookies and cream. Boy elephant: Spits out ice cream on girl elephant: )X Random person Judy: are your customers aware their getting snot and mucus in their cookies and cream The couple with cookies and cream: OH FUC- Brandon Christopher The initial prejudice by the cop to assume that violence (reaching for her weapon) was the best way to handle the Fox... That's how it is and feels. Plus being judged by the owner of the ice cream shop in front of everyone is demeaning as well...for example when you're followed around the store and treated poorly wherever you go. (Black people of color equal income and credit get less money for loans for homes and businesses than white people of the exact same qualifications.) Rhonda howard Even when she thinks she's done something nice she's still treating them like they're less than with her tone as the Fox points out. lego nightwing Prejudice is going away but it's still very real. I appreciate all people white, black and all colors and backgrounds who understand this and fights against it. jackson selqiust "Now that is high praise. It's rare that I find someone so non-patronizing." blitz sapphire This is a great subtle jab Nick makes at Judy here that flew over my head the first time I heard it. The praise that Judy gives him is so condescending when you really think about it. It's that "wow, you're really well-spoken for a black person" compliment. Roeland Farah The fur textures in this movie are amazing. Blows my mind tbh Hoping that you guys liked our collection of the best Zootopia Fanfiction Human Version, that we are providing you guys. Please share this as much as possible. Fanfiction Zootopia Stories Updated in 2020 The Story of Zootopia revolves around the unlikely relationship or you can say the partnership between a very smart red fox and a rabbit police officer(who always dreamt of being an officer since Her Childhood). That's why people love Such Fanfiction Zootopia stories. These two try to find out a criminal conspiracy that connects them to the unusual disappearance of the predators.   miss anime "I'd lose my head if it weren't attached to my neck. That's the truth." So me😂😂 dylingr The writing in this scene is so well-written. It captures both the big and small instances of racism that often happens; both the hostile side and the non-hostile side. Favorite moments: "I'm such a..." "You probably can't read, fox" "I just want to say you're a great dad and a real articulate fellow" "Oh, well that is high praise. It's rare that I find someone so non-patronizing. *fake smile*" citavalo If it ended it like that, you can call it a short animation with a message behind it. animal fafic I love this movie so much. It makes me smile, brings up all sort of expressions I'm not aware of until afterwards. That's how you know it's a good movie. You're so invested in it that you don't even know what your face looks like. You're just totally in the world of the film. John martin "real articulate fella" that's the best compliment you could come up with. Did you think he couldn't speak English or something and are pleased he can. Dude you deserved to be had xxlinuxxx Fashionably late guys. Or a sloth uploaded it or something "new and hip" like that lmao. bazil I had this happen at a store when I came in to do some grocery shopping. I'm the type to wear band tees and jeans (it goes with the story I'm about to tell) and that's my usual attire. takimg a shower, dried my hair (which is always wavy and voluminous) brushed my teeth, had to go out to get food. already had some items in my basket when I was looking around in one aisle and an employee who was stocking items was watching me. I smiled at them and went back to looking at the boxes of pasta in front of me. Next thing I know, I have the manager asking me what I was doing and the guy I smiled at standing behind him. bazil I was asked for my ID and when I did, they said that it was fake. I do look younger than I am. They asked me to leave. I said I had money and wanted to pay for my items. They said I won't be paying with anything that's not mine (they thought my ID was fake and my credit cards were fake, therefore, believing I am a thief..like I was just going to walk out with my basket) I said, no everything I have is real and that I'm not a teen looking to steal. Even when I showed the manager my credit cards, he automatically said, "That doesn't mean anything to me." I got a full "up down" look from the stocking guy, like just because I'm very skinny with wild hair and had on a band tee and ripped jeans didn't mean shit. I put my basket down and left. odinia legend has it you can still her the toot toot to this day raven paruli Me: this cookies and cream ice cream is really great! News Cast says that there is bacteria in ice cream We are sure that you people loved our collection of the best Fanfiction Zootopia stories, that we are providing you guys. Please share this as much as possible. Zootopia Fanfiction Lemon Series As the Story continues the fox fond himself having a crush on the lady rabbit officer. We are sure that we have some of the dirty-minded people here visiting this webpage about Zootopia Fanfiction Lemon Stories. Zootopia was released in Belgium in 2d, Digital 3d and also in ReadD 3d, the best was Imax 3d formats in the united states. Mr Choice "We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone" Some establishments are still like that sadly mr abby wabby The moment I first seen this movie and I seen the elephant don't got gloves for they trunks I was like HEALTH HAZARD! 😂lmao puffered fish The ONLY thing I can think of when I see this scene is how unsanitary that ice cream place is XD xin yi zou The thing that always is in my mind is that Judy is my name as well 😂😂😂 warrior dragon564 Got a genuine laugh outta me when i read the description about he uncensored version, lol The killer Me: sees naked animals gagging Also me: sees Marina without her off the hook outfit THIS JUST GROSS AND DISGUSTANG blazelth Only real flaw I can spot: showing Bellweather as the villain in the "trailer". They went out of their way to hide the fact that she was the villain in all the advertising so it could be a big shock once the reveal happened in the movie sea slat Welcome to the Kill Count, where we tally up the victim in all our favorite horror movies! I'm James A. Janisse and today we're looking at Zootopia anonymous FINALLY I GOT WHAT THE HELL I WANTED HE KILLED HER YASS IT FINALLY MAKES SENS Battlr bin me: expects a short fan film casually looks at the duration bar at the bottom left corner me: confused screaming Make sure that you people loved our collection of the best Zootopia Fanfiction Lemon stories, that we are providing you guys. Please share this as much as possible. Zootopia fanfiction Crossover People Also Like the Zootopia Fanfiction crossover stories that why! we also have a series of the best zootopia crossover fanfiction and we can also Zootopia Fanfiction Crossover as well. joseph lay Judy:“You have to let me go” Nick:“I don’t want to let you go” That broke my heart 😭 unfc Judy: "I'm in love with a fox" The entire zootopia universe: "Say sike rn" susanana Nick: “honey tell them to buzz off” “honey who is it?” Awe he already has little names to call Judy 🥺🥰😂 skelei bones Me: sees Miles Walker Miles Walker: future mayor Me: he is evil 😏 max jordon "i call bull.." Nick: "close.. but no dice.. its a buffalo!" swear jokes no3 drive Is everyone just going to skip past the part where Nick goes “and I’m her boy toy 😏 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯” jennings Y'all see the phone, during Nick's song, that shows the sheep holding a gun? destiny ganfic " I bet you use your hand everynight" I laughed so hard when judy said that Alpha 3.o Disney wouldn't have the guts to make a sequel like this. kurt langberg Coffee? You know what that means? Yes, we’ve watched Luke Cage. We know what “coffee” means. we are sure that you guys liked our collection the 50 best Zootopia Fanfiction Stories and people can also say that fanfiction Zootopia stories. It depends on the fanfiction lovers interset. If you people have any suggestions or want any other fanfiction stories like this Zootopia Fanfiction Stories, you can comment down in the comment section below of this article on Fanfiction Zootopia Updates. We just want to make sure that you guys love these Zootopia Fanfiction stories and always keep on reading such Zootopia Fanfiction Crossover. Share these Zootopia Fanfiction Crossover Series to the other fanfiction lovers who are searching for such Fanfiction Zootopia Stories all over the internet. Thank you Best Pokemon Fanfiction Stories     Read the full article
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saybwee · 7 years
My current fish tanks :D
Key: [F = Female]   [M = Male]   [U = Gender unknown]
[A = Adult, full size or close] [Y = Young adult, not full size] [J = Juvenile]
Latest Update - 11/19/2017
75 gallon - Gourami Mansion
Current occupants: Fire eel (UY) Opaline gourami (FA) Platinum gourami (MA) Ivory Mystery Snail A (FA) Ivory Mystery Snail B (MA) Ivory Mystery Snail C (UA) Ivory Mystery Snail D (UA)
Floating plant (Species unknown) Wood-tied plant (Species unknown)
Mystery snails - healthy and breeding. At least one male and female pair. (bred… all the time) Egg sacs are still hard, and are on moist paper towels inside a container floating in this tank. Every time an egg sac is produced, it goes in this container. The current four egg sacs may have dried out a bit too much (before we found the moist paper towel and plastic container method), will keep an eye on them. We just spotted a fifth egg sac on the side of the aquarium today, this one should do better.
Gouramis - healthy and breeding. One male and female pair. (bred on 11/8/17?) The male has dominated the front-left corner of the aquarium, which is now sectioned off with Legos in order to reduce surface agitation. (works great!) He has been busy working on his bubble nest and caring for fry. Fry are very tiny and hard to see. No idea how many have survived to this date but we do see some swimming at the surface.
Fire eel - healthy. Will be rehomed as it will grow too large for that tank. (also, basically is just a pooping shadow that we never see and may potentially eat gourami babies.)
Plants - The floating plant has been attacked by snails and looks pretty sad, but the male gourami still adores it and uses it as the center of his bubble nest. My current guess why the mystery snails have eaten it is that the plant was beginning to die. It looked healthy, but mystery snails aren’t known for eating healthy plants. Maybe that one was just extra tasty. The wood-tied plant is looking very healthy.
A variety of foods 1 - 2 times per day. Krill shrimp, bloodworms, mysis shrimp, flake and pelleted foods, as well as a homemade “jello” made of Repashy Grub Pie and filled with crushed dry flakes and pellets as well as some added reptile calcium (mostly for the snails, though the fish enjoy it as well).
Foods are squeezed or crushed in the areas with gourami fry to make it small enough for them to eat.
Krill shrimp is mostly for the Fire eel, who eats at least four full shrimp each day if not more.
20 gallon - Guppy Haven
Current occupants: Senegal Bichir (UY) Fancy Guppy (possibly endler or endler hybrid) (MA) Fancy Guppy (FA) Fancy Guppy (MJ) Many assassin snails (at least a few M/F pairs) (A, possibly eggs) “Infestation” of bladder snails (all stages)
Java moss Moss ball x 2
Bichir - healthy. His behavior is a bit odd for a bichir, he does a lot of fast swimming around the tank. He’s also not aggressive at all in any capacity towards other fish, only wanting to eat shrimp or nibble pellets and swim around, at most curious enough to get close and look at other fish before swimming away. The guppies were nervous of him at first, but now they all swim around together. (He was moved to this 20 gallon after the gourami fry had hatched in the 75 gallon, because he was speeding around the bubble nest and the gourami male was going nuts trying to defend his nest. He did no damage to the bichir, but I worried the gourami fry would be killed.)
Guppies - possibly infected with Camallanus worms, but currently look healthy. However, we’ve already had to euthanize a couple other guppies due to advancing symptoms. The female is pregnant. We’ve ordered some Levimisole to treat the worms; hopefully it’ll get here soon, before the guppy babies arrive.
Snails - We’ve seen a lot of assassin snail breeding happening. No sign of babies yet. They seem to at least be enjoying the current pond snail infestation, but we haven’t noticed much of a dent in those numbers yet. We aren’t super eager to get entirely rid of them, as they are pretty cute. :3
Plants - The moss balls and java moss all look very healthy. The java moss is slowly beginning to take over the tank (this is something we want XD)
A shrimp or two for the bichir each day, as well as flakes 1 - 2 times a day for the guppies. I also drop in a snail jello once in awhile to give the little guys some good shell nutrition, but I don’t feed too much extra in order to drive the bladder snail population down.
5 gallon - Cirrus’s Palace
Current occupants:
Betta (MA) Amano Shrimp A (UA) Amano Shrimp B (UA) Carbon Rili Shrimp A (UA) Carbon Rili Shrimp B (UA) Carbon Rili Shrimp C (UA) Zebra Nerite Snail A (UA) Zebra Nerite Snail B (UA) “Infestation” of malaysian trumpet snails (all stages)
Amazon Swords, heavily planted
Betta - healthy. Very active and happy. Has learned that my gently tapping the tank lid with a fingernail means dinnertime (he swims to the surface), and also that pointing with a finger over the water means there’s a pellet floating just under it (he swims there and finds the pellet about 95% of the time). No plans to breed.
Amano shrimp - healthy. These guys are pretty much adult size and are a little easier to see than they used to be. They tend to hang around together on the back wall. No plans to breed.
Carbon Rili shrimp - Status unknown. They haven’t been seen for a few days. Will update if I see any!
Plants - Very healthy and tall!
1 - 2 times a day Betta gets a few betta pellets (5 - 6). The shrimp and snails are fed algae wafers or homemade snail jello every couple days.
Future Plans:
Set up the extra 20 gallon tank with a sponge filter and no heater, with water from the 75. No substrate. Will check temps several times a day the next few days and see if we can get away without using a heater since mysteries prefer temps a bit colder than tropical fish like. This tank will be used for the baby mystery snails that should begin hatching in the next week or two. (maybe a goldfish too, just for some movement in there?)
Grow out gourami fry and potentially sell them. Grow out mystery snails and potentially sell them.
Possible idea: Put the guppies by themselves in the extra 2.5 gallon tank in a warm room, sell the bichir to a local pet store, treat the 20 gallon near the hall for camallanus worms, and get pea puffers to put in there.
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stempisces83-blog · 5 years
The Chicken Wings of the Sea
At first glance, puffer fish may not appear the most appetizing of foods: the northern puffer, a club-shaped fish that can grow to eight to 10 inches and inflates into a spiny ball under duress, is unappealing by design. Famously, the variety of puffer fish most often served in Japan contains a poisonous toxin and requires special regulations for its preparation. But beneath the spines and despite the tetrodotoxins lies a succulent white fish, says Bryan Voltaggio, a Top Chef alum who just opened the Estuary in Washington, D.C., along with his brother, and Top Chef winner, Michael Voltaggio. And while sushi restaurants in the U.S. have long served the fish, increasingly, it’s appearing on restaurant menus in a different form.
“It’s probably one of the greatest little snacks that comes out of the water,” Bryan Voltaggio says. “They can be a very easy finger food.”
At Estuary, puffer fish tails are marinated in mirin (a Japanese rice wine) and tamari and quickly roasted in oil. Though not battered and fried, the fish tails get slightly crispy. They’re served with tartar sauce that’s folded with a little bit of banana for sweetness, plus a side of pickled banana peppers. Voltaggio likens the experience of eating them to eating chicken wings, due to the small bone that runs down the center of the tail.
In recent months, versatile preparations of the Atlantic Ocean’s northern puffer fish — especially puffer fish tails, or the portion of the fish from just behind its head to its tail fin — have been spotted at restaurants in the United States fried like fish sticks, breaded like Buffalo wings, and even grilled with spices. The particular puffer fish used in the U.S., Sphoeroides maculatus, is one of more than 150 varieties of puffer fish and can be found in estuaries and bays along the Eastern seaboard. And it’s having a moment.
Are puffer fish and blowfish the same thing?
The fish goes by several names, and all of them — puffer fish, fugu, blowfish — refer to the same family of scaleless fish with a rough and spiky skin. Some are poisonous, while others, like the northern puffer fish, are not. Other names include blow toads, swelling toads, sea squab, honey toad, and sugar toads, all references to the way the fish bloat up like amphibians.
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Puffer fish tails at the Dabney
The Dabney
Where can you find puffer fish in the U.S.
In the United States, nontoxic puffer fish can be found most often on the East Coast, and commonly in Southern cooking. The fish are known for their firm but tender white meat, and over the past few years, restaurant chefs have taken note.
In addition to the Voltaggio brothers at Estuary, chef Jeremiah Langhorne of the Dabney in D.C. has served his own version of puffer fish, or sugar toads, since the restaurant opened in 2015. Langhorne’s dish is prepared in a manner similar to Buffalo wings. The cuts of fish arrive headless and are trimmed to remove fins and outer membranes. They’re then doused in spiced buttermilk marinade, dredged in flour, and deep-fried before a final glaze. Over the years, Langhorne says, he has tried to change the recipe, “but our guests revolted, so we changed it back.”
The fish has also been spotted at popular New York City spots Frenchette and Lilia. At Lilia, it appears under the name “blowfish” and is served grilled with lemon salmoriglio and cracked coriander. At Frenchette, one of Eater’s 2018 Best New Restaurants, the restaurant prepares the tails in a chile butter and grills them, bone-in. Eater NY critic Ryan Sutton suggests pairing the dish with pet-nat, a bubbly wine produced without the addition of yeast or sugar.
How do restaurants source puffer fish?
Langhorne’s sugar toads are sourced and fished from the waters of the Mid-Atlantic region. According to Langhorne, the fish were originally reeled in as a bycatch product, swept along with other, more desirable species in commercial fishing. “But now, due to their growing popularity, some boats are fishing for them as a primary catch,” he says. The Voltaggios, too, source locally, through the J.J. McDonnell fish company, based in Maryland, which provides clean tails that require minimal trimming at the restaurant.
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Blowfish tails at Frenchette
Louise Palmberg/Eater NY
So what’s the deal with the poisonous puffers?
While the Northern puffer fish are not poisonous, other varieties of puffer fish contain a toxin that’s deadly to predators and humans alike. The poisonous puffer fish served in Japan, known as fugu, require careful handling prior to consumption. Chefs working with the fish must be certified to do so. They use specific techniques to remove the flavorful flesh from the parts of the fish that contain the toxin tetrodotoxin, which serves as a self-defense mechanism in the face of predators and proves up to 1,200 times more poisonous than cyanide for humans.
Fugu has been eaten for centuries and the poisonous fish remains a highly sought-after ingredient, perhaps because of the associated risk. Due in part to the meticulous care required to prepare puffer fish, countries around the world have banned it from restaurants, while others have sought varieties of puffer fish that do not contain the poisonous toxin and are therefore manageable to prepare.
The carefully handled poisonous puffer fish are most often served sashimi style, fanned out in the shape of a chrysanthemum flower (perhaps ironically, considering the deadly risks of the fish, the flower is a Japanese symbol of longevity). Fugu can also be fried, chicken wing style, or cooked into a soup or rice porridge. The flesh can be chewy if cut thicker, but is known to have a subtle but appealing flavor.
In the U.S., importing poisonous puffer fish is heavily regulated but not outright banned. The FDA cautions against buying puffer fish from any unknown sources, and has advised that the only approved puffer fish importer is Wako International in New York, which acquires the fish from facilities licensed to prepare it by the Japanese government. But for chefs like the Voltaggios and Langhorne, Northern puffer fish provides another way to bring a less familiar ingredient to customers, without the risk.
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Source: https://www.eater.com/2019/4/22/18507808/blowfish-tails-puffer-fish-fugu-sugar-toads-restaurant-trend
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agendahammer79-blog · 5 years
The Chicken Wings of the Sea
At first glance, puffer fish may not appear the most appetizing of foods: the northern puffer, a club-shaped fish that can grow to eight to 10 inches and inflates into a spiny ball under duress, is unappealing by design. Famously, the variety of puffer fish most often served in Japan contains a poisonous toxin and requires special regulations for its preparation. But beneath the spines and despite the tetrodotoxins lies a succulent white fish, says Bryan Voltaggio, a Top Chef alum who just opened the Estuary in Washington, D.C., along with his brother, and Top Chef winner, Michael Voltaggio. And while sushi restaurants in the U.S. have long served the fish, increasingly, it’s appearing on restaurant menus in a different form.
“It’s probably one of the greatest little snacks that comes out of the water,” Bryan Voltaggio says. “They can be a very easy finger food.”
At Estuary, puffer fish tails are marinated in mirin (a Japanese rice wine) and tamari and quickly roasted in oil. Though not battered and fried, the fish tails get slightly crispy. They’re served with tartar sauce that’s folded with a little bit of banana for sweetness, plus a side of pickled banana peppers. Voltaggio likens the experience of eating them to eating chicken wings, due to the small bone that runs down the center of the tail.
In recent months, versatile preparations of the Atlantic Ocean’s northern puffer fish — especially puffer fish tails, or the portion of the fish from just behind its head to its tail fin — have been spotted at restaurants in the United States fried like fish sticks, breaded like Buffalo wings, and even grilled with spices. The particular puffer fish used in the U.S., Sphoeroides maculatus, is one of more than 150 varieties of puffer fish and can be found in estuaries and bays along the Eastern seaboard. And it’s having a moment.
Are puffer fish and blowfish the same thing?
The fish goes by several names, and all of them — puffer fish, fugu, blowfish — refer to the same family of scaleless fish with a rough and spiky skin. Some are poisonous, while others, like the northern puffer fish, are not. Other names include blow toads, swelling toads, sea squab, honey toad, and sugar toads, all references to the way the fish bloat up like amphibians.
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Puffer fish tails at the Dabney
The Dabney
Where can you find puffer fish in the U.S.
In the United States, nontoxic puffer fish can be found most often on the East Coast, and commonly in Southern cooking. The fish are known for their firm but tender white meat, and over the past few years, restaurant chefs have taken note.
In addition to the Voltaggio brothers at Estuary, chef Jeremiah Langhorne of the Dabney in D.C. has served his own version of puffer fish, or sugar toads, since the restaurant opened in 2015. Langhorne’s dish is prepared in a manner similar to Buffalo wings. The cuts of fish arrive headless and are trimmed to remove fins and outer membranes. They’re then doused in spiced buttermilk marinade, dredged in flour, and deep-fried before a final glaze. Over the years, Langhorne says, he has tried to change the recipe, “but our guests revolted, so we changed it back.”
The fish has also been spotted at popular New York City spots Frenchette and Lilia. At Lilia, it appears under the name “blowfish” and is served grilled with lemon salmoriglio and cracked coriander. At Frenchette, one of Eater’s 2018 Best New Restaurants, the restaurant prepares the tails in a chile butter and grills them, bone-in. Eater NY critic Ryan Sutton suggests pairing the dish with pet-nat, a bubbly wine produced without the addition of yeast or sugar.
How do restaurants source puffer fish?
Langhorne’s sugar toads are sourced and fished from the waters of the Mid-Atlantic region. According to Langhorne, the fish were originally reeled in as a bycatch product, swept along with other, more desirable species in commercial fishing. “But now, due to their growing popularity, some boats are fishing for them as a primary catch,” he says. The Voltaggios, too, source locally, through the J.J. McDonnell fish company, based in Maryland, which provides clean tails that require minimal trimming at the restaurant.
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Blowfish tails at Frenchette
Louise Palmberg/Eater NY
So what’s the deal with the poisonous puffers?
While the Northern puffer fish are not poisonous, other varieties of puffer fish contain a toxin that’s deadly to predators and humans alike. The poisonous puffer fish served in Japan, known as fugu, require careful handling prior to consumption. Chefs working with the fish must be certified to do so. They use specific techniques to remove the flavorful flesh from the parts of the fish that contain the toxin tetrodotoxin, which serves as a self-defense mechanism in the face of predators and proves up to 1,200 times more poisonous than cyanide for humans.
Fugu has been eaten for centuries and the poisonous fish remains a highly sought-after ingredient, perhaps because of the associated risk. Due in part to the meticulous care required to prepare puffer fish, countries around the world have banned it from restaurants, while others have sought varieties of puffer fish that do not contain the poisonous toxin and are therefore manageable to prepare.
The carefully handled poisonous puffer fish are most often served sashimi style, fanned out in the shape of a chrysanthemum flower (perhaps ironically, considering the deadly risks of the fish, the flower is a Japanese symbol of longevity). Fugu can also be fried, chicken wing style, or cooked into a soup or rice porridge. The flesh can be chewy if cut thicker, but is known to have a subtle but appealing flavor.
In the U.S., importing poisonous puffer fish is heavily regulated but not outright banned. The FDA cautions against buying puffer fish from any unknown sources, and has advised that the only approved puffer fish importer is Wako International in New York, which acquires the fish from facilities licensed to prepare it by the Japanese government. But for chefs like the Voltaggios and Langhorne, Northern puffer fish provides another way to bring a less familiar ingredient to customers, without the risk.
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Source: https://www.eater.com/2019/4/22/18507808/blowfish-tails-puffer-fish-fugu-sugar-toads-restaurant-trend
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tamarinfrog · 7 years
Heya! just wanted to give you an update on the story!
thesinfulsquidchild submitted:
((I realize that the grammar was…not as good. so, with proof reading, I’ll show you what I got so far. let me know what you think!))
In the year that my father died, the inkopolis extension came. the new shopping centers came with odd fashions to pick. the city took the glory, but gave us The Wolf-fish. My dad left me an apple crate of classic books. he loved horror stories and quoted them in the hospital bed. “they came looking for the Zapfish, and died in tragic places”. on his last day, he sat up suddenly and stared bug-eyed to the train station. with the rusted tracks and abandoned ticket booth. he turned to my mom. “this house is haunted…” he said, and passed from the complications due to his injuries.
This is what my mother told me, and why I never met him. She also told me I was hatched in the morning of this day, and father was off to work at the time. I am probably more tragic than a Shakespeare story, if you ask me. I mean…gotta be real with you. I have some weird secret that I want no one to know of. if they did, God knows what will come of it. Keep in mind, my father was of the Octarian race. Meaning, well…I think you might have a clue on what went on. That is another reason why mother is more sour than a lemon-flavored sour patch squid towards other inklings.  But anyway, lets focus on where I am. At the bus stop that leads to Puffer Springs. all the lights where on, but no one else was here. except for a janitor. “well this is great.” I thought to myself. “I mean, I didn’t expect a party or anything. But, I figured someone would be here.” I stood there quiet for a bit, looking around. I sighed. “Welcome home, Angelo”. I murmured to myself. I grew a small smile as I imagined the shock and joy my mother and step-father would get once they saw me at the doorstep. I looked around the station, and gazed at a mural for the city on the wall.  “wow. when did they put this up?” I commented. “Puffer Springs has never looked so…falsely advertised”. the more I looked around, the more I saw some…questionable things. like this payphone-stand-thing on the wall. Geez, must be such a relief to payphone companies that Puffer Springs barely if ever gets any cell reception. It’d be cool to call my parents from here, but some jackass took the time to rip it out from the wall. who the hell steals a phone anyway? nonetheless, I paced around a bit. behind the reception desk was a T.V up on the wall. on it was playing Guppy and Marco. A show full of dad jokes and very bland humor for my standards. they talked about the economy and other political stuff I have no interest in. then, I looked at the janitor working on the door. I approached him. “Excuse me, but where is Everybody?” I asked. “it’s 10:45. it’s closed.” the Urchin plainly replied. “not a lot of squids get off the last bus to Puffer Springs these days. just you.”. huh. to the point. I decided to egg this on. “so…are you the janitor or something?” I asked again. “looks that way.” he replied again in the same tone. “Well, what do you do exactly?” “I fix this door.” “is that it?” “nope.” he finished as he kept drilling. I was already sick of this small talk. ‘least it was not as bland as Guppy and Marco. “c-can I squeeze past you?” I requested. “nope. Just broke the damn thing.” the janitor replied. “when do you think it might be done?”. “right after you bring me a Fiascola from the machine.” I was little appalled on this proposed deal. “Am I paying for this?” I questioned. “I always rig it when I’m on my night-shift” the urchin stated. I was now in on this. “nice. free as in…free” “free as in no one else is here to say otherwise” the urchin mused. I walked over to the soda machine, looking at the flavors. I assumed he wanted the original, so I pressed the red button. as I heard the jingle from the machine and the clunk of the can, I noticed they had lime fiasco option on it. Jesus, what a waste. back on track, I grabbed the can and went back to the janitor. “here you go, one free-ass-cola” I offered as the janitor took it fro my hand. he cracked the top, took a swig from it and plainly stated “Yummers”. the Janitor was now the one asking the Questions. “so, what’s a fella like you doing here?” took me a moment, but I answered “I live here. well, lived here.” “huh. that’s strange.” the Urchin replied. “when do you think the door is done?” I asked once more. “now.” he said. “goodbye.”. the janitor left the station with the fixed door closing behind him. the lights turned off, and I stood in awkward silence from that whole situation. “uh, bye.” I said sheepishly. this has been the most anticlimactic situation I’ve ever been in. I took a deep breath to calm myself, then walked out of the bus stop.  When I stepped into the navy blue night, I saw no one else. not even the janitor. “well, I’m outside of town” I thought. “mom and dad are nowhere to be found…so dark and cold out here. Guess I’m walking, Alone.” my mind was racing with thoughts. y'know, the bus station might be the newest thing in Puffer Springs. I guess the got state funding or something like that. I suppose it makes a decent first or last impression if it was not the abandoned gear factory in the distance. good gravy, think they’ll get rid of it when hell freezes over. As I start to make my way to my house, I hear the horn of the train go off in the distance. now that I think of it, I missed that sound quite a bit. I remember hearing it in bed, at my old house back in OctoVally. especially in the winter time, when all the leaves are down. I soon got to the entrance to the woods. guess I’m going to hike through them. afterall, through the woods is home, my bed, and my…negligent parents. so, off the woods I go. there is some dank nature here, and garbage. and up front, was a few logs. I do recall this place being called “Saw-Mill park.” I climb up the pile of logs, and balance my way to the edge of one of them. being the playful Inkling I am, I jumped on it like a diving board only for the log to break from it’s point, causing me to fall and hit the ground on the other side of the river. the logs avalanched a bit before returning to stillness. “Oh my god.” I thought. “that was dangerous. man…I could’ve died. that was amazing!”. I chuckled as I sat up. “not gonna die in a place like this.” I said to myself as I dusted off my hoodie. I hiked up the pile of logs, this time reaching another part of the woods. I climbed up and walked again. Soon I reached to the abandoned playground surrounded by a chain-link fence. everything looked grim and rusty. there was a ship-like structure with a tower on it, and a few logs. I haven’t been here in like, 9 or 10 years. I could tell that no one else has, either. now it’s just a place weird animals eat and have babies in. I climb up to the ship, and played with the steering wheel. “Ahoy!” I giggled to myself. I think at the time they we’re going for some weird boat-castle. I donno, something like that. there was no ladder,  no way to get to the other side of the fence. and I can’t just jump over it. Then, I had an idea. it was bad, but it was the best I got. a Good Bad idea, if you will. I hopped on the logs, onto a tree branch, sort of climbing my way to the top. man, it’s been almost two years seance I’ve been to Puffer Springs. things were getting jumbled, so I made a little doodle in my journal. getting back to my “plan”, I saw a powerline, so I jumped and balanced on the cable, making my way above the fence. I tried to land on my feet when I lept off the wire, instead I landed on my chest with a tump and a loud “oof!” escaping my mouth.. hey, coulda been worse.  that’s when I saw a cinnamon red Octoling in a police outfit. rather chubby, and clearly a woman. “Hello, Angelo. it’s been a while.” that’s when I know it was my father’s sister. as I call her, Aunt Mall Cop. we never really hung out much, but it was enough that I could recognize her. “H-hey! what are you doing out here? nothing better to do?” I stuttered. “well, I was just making my rounds until I saw you in the very off limits playground.” she stated, looking unimpressed. “so?” I said back, glaring at her. Auntie sighed. “Get in the car Angelo.” she grunted in annoyance.  “no.” I snapped. “you wanna spend your first night in jail?” she remarked. “…no.” was my response. so, I got in the car, and she drove me to the neighborhood. a litte insight on me and my Aunt, she and I have it…not-so-good. I’ve had a good history of being quite the delinquent back in the day, and she was the one to catch me most of the time. but hey, at least she didn’t make me spend any time in the slammer. or worse. Auntie dropped me off at the house. yup, this is the right address. this is the house that mother moved in when she got with my step-dad. I twisted the knob, surprisingly it was unlocked. I stepped inside to the familiar living room with the sent of pine wood. of course, there was my dad, Ryan. he short marigold tentahair, was very pale, and had a lot of freckles on his face. I walked closer to him, as he was ominous to my persistence. “Hey, remember me?” I quickly announced, breaking the silence with an axe. in response my dad jumped in shock with an “AAAAGHHH! Angelo! ya gave me a heart attack!” in his New-Jersey accent. “good!” I chuckled. “what are you doin-” he cut himself off, thinking to himself.  “ooooooohhh…” he said as it came together. “Angelo, buddy. I though you was commin’ home next day.” he remarked. “well, you thought wrong!” I replied. we stared at each other for a bit. “s-so uh…” he started off awkwardly, “how did yis end up here, ey?” I answered with “I hiked through the woods untill I got caught by…ugh, Aunt Mall Cop. she drove me here…” I crossed my arms. “oh, so Molly drove you here, ey? did you say hi to her?” I just shook my head in response. “I’ll be heading to bed.” I stated. “a'right kiddo. good to hear that voice a'yis.” Ryan chuckled.
((I hope you like it!))
Tammy’s comments: Sorry for late reply. It’s always hard to find time for long fan fics. *cough* Anyway! This seems like an interesting story so far.
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Wave As I Pass By - 7
Rating: G
Pairing(s): Handers, Hawkabela Characters: Anders, Hawke, Isabela, Additional Characters to be Added Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Merpeople, Mermanders, Additional Tags To Be Added Notes:  I actually wrote this a long time ago, but never put it up anywhere aside from tumblr. I’ve since deleted the blog it was posted under, and while reuploading them to a new one, I found this guy, touched up on it, and wrote a second part of it that will most likely turn into a longer piece.
The streets of Kirkwall are just as dangerous as the murky bay surrounding it, as Anders can well testify from the constant movement of ships and the nets they put out. He tries to keep the area safe one ghost net at a time, until one poses a much larger problem.
There was no hiding in a tub. As big as it was - and it was big he supposed, for a tub that would fit a few dozen good fish for pickling at the docks or a hundred pounds of salted meat for provisions, but not a full grown merman - it was still four, rounded corners of bare wood. The sun beat down through the shallow water, making it easy to see him, and also the pair that were looking down at him with round eyes and raised brows. Both had been silent since his splashing had broken them out of their personal discussion, though the shared looks they traded and their twisting mouths, though they stayed shut, did the rest of their talking for them. Body language was universal, and there was no denying the content of their conversation this time. No one had any idea what to do with him. He certainly wasn't going to make it any easier for them to find any answers.
Anders braced his hands on either side of the tub to support what half of him was submerged as he stuck his chest out to make himself larger. Fighting is the only other option at hand, and it was as unlikely as hiding within the minimal shade cast by the side of the tub. There wasn't enough room to thrash a good wallop of his tail, at least not without tipping himself over, and he wasn't sure just how many attempts he could make after his already adventurous morning. Every angry flare of his gills is a battle of its own as burned tissue stretched, and exhaustion made his arms tremble even as they held him upright. A headache pounded it was across his forehead and the pair was still only looking at him. As if he was nothing more than a tuna they felt bad about eating. Anders bared his teeth and the burst of bubbles that formed his hiss made the male counterpart's arm twitch towards the female. She slapped it out of the way, apparently not needing or enjoying the show of protection, only to lean ever forward over him.
Fight or flight had always been his go-to plan. A plan C was needed, then.
Anders flicked his tail and the sudden, sharp movement drew both pairs of eyes. Distracted, he dropped his arms in favor for reaching the rim of the tub and hauled himself upright. He swallowed, pushing what water was still in his mouth out through his gills before clapping his hands over them and spoke.
"If you're not going to stick me back into the water, you think you can find something, I don't know, bigger?"
That finally changed their expressions. The bemused lines etching out around curiously bright eyes and lips parted just enough for deep, awestruck gasps stretched to almost laughable proportions. Jaws dropped to reveal dry mouths and the confusion that lit up brown irises brightened further into shock. Anders was sure he'd laugh if he knew it wouldn't hurt so much. He'd wanted the pair to back up, give him space, and all it took were a few words out of his mouth.
"You can..." The man gestured, hand flung uselessly out to his side to emphasis his lack of words.
Anders pressed his hands tighter against his neck before his gills could flare. "Talk? Obviously. Say angry words? Definitely. Any other questions before I can get my own answer?"
He hadn't actually expected any verbal reply - not when the only noise coming out of them now were some sort of high wheeze, like a puffer fish that had been poked one too many times. There was, however, a series of jerky head shakes, and though they worked their mouths up and down, no words fell from thick tongues, until the female managed to swallow down whatever it was that was so difficult to accept about a talking sea creature. Color returned to her face as a wide grin slowly spread across her face. The man's arm twitched out towards her, but he had a more difficult time reigning his world back in around himself to hold her back.
"How much did you hear, sweet thing?"
He crossed his arms over the rim of the tub and rested his head on them, upper half just low enough to keep his neck at the surface, and took a breathe before encasing his gills with his hands again. "I think you defined 'stealing'?"
Her grin widened. "I like him, Hawke."
"He's not a pet!" the man finally blurted.
Anders nodded. "He's right you know - I'm a wild animal. I bite. It'll most likely get infected, raw fish diet and all."
The female's grin only widened and she crossed her arms, turning her eyes to her mate. He raised his hands at her, but it was a feeble shield against her enjoyment. No shield at all, really, Anders scoffed. "Fish! He eats fish. One question down."
Anders rolled his eyes and he blew a stream of bubbles as he let himself slip back into the water with a groan. Wasn't he in the right to have his questions answered? Where was he? Where was he going? Who was he going there with? Why was he going in the first place? What did it matter what he ate if he could be heading for his death in the first place? He crossed his arms and hissed at the sides of the tub when his elbows knocked against the sides. He contented himself with staring at his tail, still above the water and flopping over to shade his eyes from the sun.
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johnwalshonline · 6 years
Date: 2018-11-20 00:00:04
By Simply Yous pantry, you Would be ShockEd to Realsise how Many you own Would you. It’s true, Preparation Would mean Chickon is lethal, but these are Victualage we Consuming WiThoughts Putt too Thoughts into its Preparation. Here are Victualage you Needing to be Extra of. Subscribe to Talltanic http://3d-printing.space Watch our "Evidence Have Visited EARTH " video here:- http://3d-printing.space Watch our "CRAZY Worked!" video here- http://3d-printing.space Watch our After Soonami !" video here- http://3d-printing.space 10 - The Carnalities Is Yous Oyster It may not be thing you eat all the time, but rather Indulge in on the odd occasion, JUST Alwey be aware of the risks Marain When Orderer Yous Shell-fish. Steps one is to ensure you’re not Allergic to any form of Shell-fish, up DisDislike a Puffer fish Trying to Impressing Yous Dated by slurping Oyster is not to go well. Steps two, don’t JUST buy Shell-fish anybody, trust Yous Unsourceables. Shell-fish is and happens When you eat Shell-fish With bacteria. Tihs can include crabs, shrimp, Oyster, Clam and fish. 7-million Americans are Allergic to Shell-fish. 9 - Tihs Is Nuts Cashews, DisDislike our Almond we mentioned earlier, are also not Healthiness When Theirs’re raw! Reals raw Kashew are Crammed With a Chemicals Called Urishiol. Victualage Containing Urishiol in small amounts are egg s, Toadstool and potatoes. a few raw Kashew can Send you into an Early grave. assured, the raw Kashew you Purchase in the store Have treated thoroughly. try to grow Yous own Kashew! 8 - Salt Attack Salami, ham, Polony all Have a rather bad reputation, and for Goods reason. Deli Meat are Crammed With nitrates, sodium, preservatives, and Increase the risk of cancer, diabetes, heart Flareup and Behavioral in Childer. If you Needing to buy cold Meat try opting for lean, Naturely Tuerkei and Roasting beef Yous Localized Butchers as opposed to the supermarket. 7 - Feast We mentioned Lima earlier on, W296BO enough, but Nothingness to LOSE Asleep OVER. Metanephroi , on the hand, are a Different story. Theirs are a key Ingredient in chili, so you may think Twice next time you’re enjoying Youss. Metanephroi Have Highly LEVEL of phytohemagglutinin, and if the are not properly Before Eatingly, you Would Suffered With nausea, Stomachs ache and diarrhoea. People make the of Cooking the in a slow-cooker, but the Temparature are too low to Destroy the toxin, and this Would make the More toxic! 6 - Do Not Swallow The Fruit of the apricot is JUST fine, but don’t eat too Ingested a stone Would be a Huge problem. The Containing Layatril into Cyanide When Absorb in Yous . 5 - Catch of The Day Tunas is Consumingd all Around the world Daily in large quantities, yet the risk of Merdcury is real. Tunas is especially Highly in Merdcury can Have Unsmilingly side-effects. It can Damage Yous major organs, Highly Hemic pressure, wreak Havock on Yous and More. Childer are at a Highlyer risk and Would not eat tuna e day. Murcury is not a Naturely Elenent of tuna and is the direct of our Pollution in our oceans. 4 - A Bad Egg Pregnant are advised to steer Away Eggs Unless Theirs’re Cookery – so no sunny-side up Eggs at all. if you’re not pregnant, Eatingly an underCookery egg can on salmonella. Ensure When you prepare Yous Eggs the is Cookery all the way through. 3 - Spicingly It Up Nutmeg was once the of a collapsing and Needinging Hospitalisation in 1986. The had Alleged prepared pasta and added one-third of a 30-gram spice jar of Jaiphar to the dish. How Theirs managed to eat the dish Still astounds me, but Theirs KCEasy selves in the process. Ingested OVER 4 teaspoons of Jaiphar can on fevers, chills, vision, paranoia and death. 2 - In the red Tomatoes are an Excellent Unsourceable of Vitamins A and C but Eatingly too Many of Would on Unsmilingly heartburn. Theirs’re Highly in acid and Anyone struggling With gastroesophageal Flareup will feel the effects. Theirs Mesophyll and are also Full of Glycoalkaloids can Gastrointestinal irritation. Fortunately, the of you Yous life to this is minimal, but it’s JUST thing to Remember for the future. 1...
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