#c: isfj
apaise · 2 years
for all her brother’s wife had rhapsodized about tonight’s ball, ellise can’t help but feel it’s the same as the others: flower garlands dripping from the ceilings, ice sculptures towering over the musicians, silver trays of salted peaches and burnt swan floating about the crowd. while such nights had once held splendor and amazement for a young girl from balakirev . . .  her ten years in os alta have made her crave a life of much more than gleams and glitters.
she yearns to see the world beyond the dreamless dream city, to see the oceans, the melting glaciers, a horizon of nothing but nature for once. and yet, confined to the care of her imperious sister-in-law . . .  ellise sees no way free. her duty is to her family, and theirs to the crown; her life could not be hers to choose. 
the only comfort remains her books, but she’d have to survive this ball before taking solace in their pages tonight. the worst part of the evening is always cordelia attempting to introduce every eligible nobleman in the room to ellise, with thoughts of an advantageous marriage never far from her sister-in-law’s mind. mercifully, the wave of new guests allows ellise to slip away unnoticed, seeking a quieter corner of the room to take shelter.
she weaves through the crowd as she shifts further and further from her keeper -- only delayed once when a kind servant offers some cider, and ellise can’t find a way to refuse. yet in her hurry to evade cordelia’s hawk-eyed gaze, ellise finds herself running directly into another person.  the chalice of orange cider immediately gets tipped over, promptly splashing the poor innocent and leaving ellise mortified.
 ❝ oh -- i’m so sorry! ❞ she apologizes with a small bow straight away, wishing she had been the one drenched instead. now she’s tarnished the evening for someone else. when ellise looks up to begin further amends, she’s surprised to see it’s one of the guards -- grisha, too -- but then -- how beautiful she is, with sun-kissed skin and deep brown eyes that kindle warmth even in these dour halls.
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❝ . . . i should’ve looked where i was going, ❞ she remembers to speak a second after, head shaking to straighten the thoughts. as a throng of partygoers presses by them, ellise hurriedly decides to take the initiative for her penance. ❝ please, allow me to tidy up. it’s the least i can do, ❞ ellise pleads, hands suddenly clasping one of the guard’s as she speaks above the hums of the crowd. ❝ there’s a pitcher of water by that corner, ❞ she cranes her head in that direction; as usual, most of the guests stayed clear from that area, happier with their spiced wine and kvas.
cordelia would be furious she was even speaking to a grisha, but ellise gently tugs the guard towards the silver ewers, intent on righting her wrong. she pours some water on her handkerchief once they’re settled, going to dab lightly at the spot. ❝ i’m so terribly sorry again, ❞ ellise apologizes once more, giving the girl a sheepish smile. ❝ i hope you won’t get in trouble for my mistake. ❞ ( @feveredblurs​ )
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crystalsofaequarin · 3 months
In the Kingdom of Aequarin, magic and technology go hand in hand with the use of beautiful luminous crystals.
The village of Shimmer Mist is a small town filled with necromancers and dark magic users. While the rest of Aequarin lives in relative comfort and peace, Shimmer Mist is a place few dare to venture.
You assume the role of a detective being tasked with uncovering the mystery behind an unusual string deaths plaguing your town.
You journey to the Capitol seeking aid for your investigation when you receive news of Lord Belfry, the mayor of Shimmer Mists' death. You are sent back with a group of companions to assist in your task to catch the murderer before they strike again.
Soon, you realize that beneath the surface of seemingly isolated deaths lies something far greater than anyone could have imagined. Just how deep does this mystery run? Will you be a good enough detective to solve it? The fate of Shimmer Mist, and maybe the entirety of Aequarin, lies in your hands.
Customizable MC.
Choose your clothing style
Romance and befriend your fellow companions.
Build unique relationships with companions.
Decided how you feel about the town and people of Shimmer Mist.
Choose your magic color and weapon.
Save your village...or don't?
Celdrine Wynmire | The Healer (F)
Celdrine is a kind and joyful soul. She is rarely seen without a smile. She loves to help people and is the ultimate optimist.
Appearance: Long light green hair, blue green eyes. Lightly tanned skin with small freckles on her face.
Magic/weapon: Yellow magic, uses an intricately crafted staff.
Style: Frilly
Birthday: March 20th - Pisces
Carmine Garnet | The Knight (M)
Carmine is quite and serious. His loyalty can't be matched. Though he can be intimidating once you get to know him you see how much he is willing to do for the people of Aequarin and his fellow companions.
Appearance: Long fiery red hair. Fair skin and piercing green eyes.
Magic/Weapon: Red magic uses a broad sword.
Style: Functional/Stylish
Birthday: January 2nd - Capricorn
Artemis Krane | The Scientist (M,F,NB)
Artemis is intelligent and can come off as cold or aloof. They always think with their head and never let emotion cloud their judgment... usually.
Appearance: Glasses and lavender eyes purple hair. F and NB Artemis have long hair usually pulled back. M Artemis has short to medium length slicked back hair.
M: 5'10"
F/NB: 5'7"
Magic/Weapon: Purple magic uses a lance.
Style: Travel/Comfort
Birthday: November 18th - Scorpio
Kaelin Novus | The Merchant (M,F,NB)
Kaelin is a a former monster hunter turned merchant. They are fairly well known through the Kingdom and incredibly popular in the Capitol. They are charismatic and generally kind. They love a bit of gossip though.
Appearance: Medium brown skin, deep amber eyes. M and NB Kaelin have long locks. F Kaelin has long goddess braids.
M: 6'
F: 5'6"
NB: 5'9"
Magic/Weapon: blue magic uses long sword
Stlye: Elegant
Birthday: July 26th - Leo
Nym Solaris | The Watcher (F)
Nym was born with very little magic much to her families dismay. With the help of crystal bodily enhancements such as her left eye which has had a crystal lens implanted in it, Nym has exceeded everyone's expectations of her. Nym is very smart and reclusive, she can be quiet and a bit standoffish at first, but is a generally kind-hearted person.
Style: Functional stylish
Birthday: September 13th - Virgo
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oiblackestsheep · 4 months
MBTI Judging Cognitive Functions Explained Fast & Dirty
Seems we have a new member of the MBTI community @loupdelta who wants to learn more about the cognitive functions, so I figured I'd put this together real quick for a quick little reference! Perceiving functions have their own sister post to cut down on space.
Judging Functions
Purpose: How you make decisions
Extraverted Thinking (Te): Relying on external logical information that is generally accepted among the broad population to be true and factual. Think cold hard numbers on a spreadsheet. This information is usually very quantitative and objective. 2 + 2 = 4 is always true and nobody can argue against that from a "different perspective".
Introverted Thinking (Ti): Relying on internal logical determinations made by what the individual personally identifies as sensical. This is a more qualitative and subjective type of logic that can often that can take the form of if A = B, and B = C, then that means A = C. There is a followable pattern, but it is through the lens of an individual person that hasn't necessarily been proven to the masses. Think "logical flow chart".
Extraverted Feeling (Fe): Relying on external emotionally-sensitive information that is generally accepted among the broad population to be observable and appropriate. Think "read the room" with this function. These people will make choices that support peace and well-being among the collective group because they see maintaining harmony and functionality as a collective as one of the most important goals.
Introverted Feeling (Fi): Relying on internal emotionally-sensitive determinations made by what the individual personally identifies as moral and just. Think "speaking from the heart". These people will make choices based on what they think is justifiable coming from their own values that they have developed often times through their ability to empathize with other people. You can also think "treat people how you wish you were treated".
For your reference, below are all 16 types with the order in which their cognitive functions are placed (essentially, in order of strength). I've organized them by their strongest judging functions.
Note: All types have both thinking and feeling functions because everybody has the capacity for using logic or emotional-intelligence to make decisions. The order showcases the order of preference each type operates with.
High Ti users (xxTP) INTP: Ti-Ne-Si-Fe ISTP: Ti-Se-Ni-Fe ENTP: Ne-Ti-Fe-Si ESTP: Se-Ti-Fe-Ni
High Fi users (xxFP) INFP: Fi-Ne-Si-Te ISFP: Fi-Se-Ni-Te ENFP: Ne-Fi-Te-Si ESFP: Se-Fi-Te-Ni
High Te users (xxTJ) ENTJ: Te-Ni-Se-Fi ESTJ: Te-Si-Ne-Fi INTJ: Ni-Te-Fi-Se ISTJ: Si-Te-Fi-Ne
High Fe users (xxFJ) ENFJ: Fe-Ni-Se-Ti ESFJ: Fe-Si-Ne-Ti INFJ: Ni-Fe-Ti-Se ISFJ: Si-Fe-Ti-Ne
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got-ticket-to-ride · 1 year
Possible MBTI of The Beatles
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most people want to say that john lennon was an INFP, but that is incorrect. INFPs are generally friendly and slightly outgoing people. john lennon wasn’t friendly in the slightest, his only close friends shared the same sadistic and twisted ways of socializing.
john lennon was an INTJ. INTJs face problems but stand still- they persist in making their point. this is incredibly suitable for john, as no matter what anyone told him, he did what he could as john lennon.
he was such a cynical bastard. when he was arrogant, paul was leniant, when he was grumpy, paul was optimistic. they disagreed on several stances, but when it came to music, they formed the superego relationship.
the superego relationship is having someone standing by you, shoulder to shoulder, watching your mistakes and vice versa. they might have been siamese twins to some people, but they were oil and water.
when john said he wanted to leave the beatles and eventually did the next year, he wrote songs about paul. this is a very INTJ thing to do, as he knew where to stab paul in the places that would hurt the most. he directly addressed him in the songs he sung about him.
in conclusion, john lennon was a cynical, sly little bastard, just as an INTJ would be.
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i know most people say paul mcCartney was your loving extrovert, but introverts aim to please their loved ones in a small, collective group.
paul mccartney is an ISFJ! the most extroverted introvert. he enjoys the simple pleasures of life, the country side, and even being the center of attention, which is a little bit of an extrovert thing to do. but then again, he enjoys being alone with family.
the reason i chose ISFJ was because hes so extroverted, but so introverted at the same time. because he is so literal, and aims to make his point through the simplest of words.
while paul’s lyrics sound like this, “Back in school again, Maxwell plays the fool again, Teacher gets annoyed…”
john’s sounds like this “Images of broken light which dance before me like a million eyes…”
they’ve always been opposites, which made the sound so good.
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Ringo is a downright ENFJ. he’s kind, supportive, and is the upbringer in the group.
ringo is probably the most relaxed person in the world. while john was thinking his head away and paul was writing songs like a bullet train and george was trying not to scream and run out, ringo silently kept the peace. he let the others know that everything will be okay in the end.
his thoughts weren’t filled with money, or romance, or enlightenment. it was simply in the now. not a care in the world, he flew free by himself, admiring the world around him as time went by.
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george harrison may have been a bit sardonic at times, and a little harsh, but he always had the heart for a good book, meditation and keen romance. such is the ISTP
when george was younger, he was already quite independent. he hitch hiked with paul and learned how to play guitar all on his own.
when he got older, he had more of an intense personality. a thing for fast cars and money, a peculiar fashion sense. and the untrustworthyness of marriage slowly became a trait as the years went by.
To read the article in all it's glory go to: https://aminoapps.com/c/the_beatles/page/blog/the-beatles-myers-briggs-types
My 10 cents: I don't agree with everything said in the article (like the bit where "Paul is normal" Paul is definitely not normal) but nonetheless it is an overall interesting observation. Would love to hear your thoughts about them? I really thought Paul to be an ENFP. John ultimately INTJ for me. What a cynic. Which MBTI are you? Do you have similarities with the Beatles?
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heffy1111 · 2 months
Own gg dr.
Debut: On February 11, 2017
Introduction: ~ "stars are the brightest in our universe, hello we are saturnus”~ (cred @starrihideshere)
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↳ Kprofile
Saturnus Members Profile
Saturnus Members Profile and Facts:
Saturnus  (토성) is a five-member girl group under Hybe Entertainment. They consist of: Holli/Storm, Jisoo, Sukja, Hyoji, and Yuri. They debuted on February 11, 2017, with their first single album “solar love”.
Fandom Name: Novas
Official Fan Colour: deep blue
Official Accounts:
Website: saturnus[.hybe.com](http://hybe.saturnus.com/)
Official Website (Japan): saturnus[japan.com](http://saturnusjapan.com/)
Facebook: Saturnus
Instagram: Saturnus_official
Instagram (Japan): saturnus[official_jp](https://www.instagram.com/saturnusofficial_jp/)
Twitter: saturnus[Official](https://twitter.com/saturnusOfficial)
Twitter (Japan): Saturnus[_JP](https://twitter.com/Hybesaturnus_JP)
YouTube: Saturnus official
YouTube (Japan): Saturnus [JAPAN](https://youtube.com/c/saturnusjapan_official)
TikTok: saturnus[official](https://www.tiktok.com/@saturnusofficial)
TikTok (Japan): saturnus[official_jp](https://www.tiktok.com/@saturnusofficial_jp)
Members Profile:
Stage Name: nine (아홉)
Birth Name: Carter, Holli (카터, 홀리)
English Name: Holli Carter
Position: Leader, Lead Vocalist.
Birthday: January 9, 2000
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Dragon
Nationality: Welsh
Holli facts:
– Hollis hometown is *********** , Wales
– She became a trainee in 2016, so she trained for 1 year.
– TXT‘s Kai calls Holli Bighits Hidden Weapon
– Holli auditioned to Bighit with “Achilles come down ” from gang of youths.
– Favorite food: tteokbokki.
– Favorite color: dark purples and pastel blues and greens.
– She is the shortest member.
– Holli has a puppy named Minx.
– She ranked 9th on TC Candler’s 100 Most Beautiful Faces 2019.
Stage Name: Jisoo (지수)
Birth Name: kim Ji soo (최지수)
English Name: Julia Kim
Position: Main Vocalist, Sub Rapper
Birthday: July 21, 2000
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Dragon
Height: 162.3 cm (5 ft 3¾ in)
Weight: 43 kg (94 lbs)
Blood Type: AB
Nationality: Korean
Jisoos facts:
– Jisoo’s hometown is Seoul, South Korea.
– She has a younger brother.
– She attended Incheon Sinsong Elementary School (graduated), Shinsong Middle School (transferred), Northern College Eight School Jeju (transferred), Shinsong Middle School (graduated) & Seoul Performing Arts High School – department of Practical Music (SOPA / graduated)
– Her nicknames are Honey Jisoo, Cinnamon susu
– Her role model is her dad.
– She feels most comfortable with Holli and Sukja.
– Her stage name comes from ‘Julia’, her English name. Her aunt gave her that name.
Stage Name: Sukja (숙자)
Birth Name: Kang Suk ja (강 숙자)
English Name: Lilian Kang
Position: Main Rapper, Lead Dancer, Sub Vocalist, Center
Birthday: April 17, 2001
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Snake
Height: 164 cm (5’4’’)
Weight: 49 kg (108 lbs)
Blood Type: B
Nationality: Korean
Sukja facts
– Sukja’s hometown is Seoul, South Korea.
– She has a younger brother.
– She attended Seoul Gwangnam Elementary School (graduated), Daejang Middle School (graduated), Gyeonggi Girls’ High School (transferred) & Hanlim Entertainment Arts High School (graduated)
– Yang Hyun Suk offered her to join YG, but she decided to stay at Bighit.
– Sukja has 2 Kitties “Byullie & Dallie”.
– She was a trainee for 4 years.
– Sukja’s role model is GDragon (bigbang).
Stage Name: Classy (고급스러운)
Birth Name: Choi Yuri (최 유리)
English Name: Alaw Lee
Position: Main Dancer, Sub Vocalist, Sub Rapper
Birthday: June 5, 2001
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Snake
Height: 166 cm (5’5″)
Weight: 46 kg (101 lbs)
Blood Type: B
Nationality: Korean
Yuri facts:
– Her hometown is Yongin, South Korea.
– She attended Yongin Seocheon Elementary School (graduated), Yongin Seocheon Middle School (graduated) & Hanlim Entertainment Art High School (Musical major / graduated)
– She became a trainee in 2014. She trained for 4 years.
– Her nickname is “Snow”.
– Yuri gets scared easily.
– Her hobbies are watching dramas, sleeping and eating delicious food.
– Yuri can compose music.
– Her favourite song is “Because of You” by Ne-Yo.
– Her favourite music genre is Ballad.
– Her habit is touching her hair.
Stage Name: Hyoji (효지)
Birth Name: Kim Hyo Ji (김효지)
English Name: Regina Kim
Position: Lead Rapper, Lead Dancer, Sub Vocalist, Visual, Maknae
Birthday: December 9, 2003
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Goat
Height: 170 cm (5’7’’)
Weight: 46.8 kg (103 lbs)
Blood Type: A
Nationality: Korean
Hyoji facts:
– Hyoji’s hometown is Suwon, South Korea.
– She has an older sister.
– She attended Suwon Hwayang Elementary School (graduated), Yeongbok Girls’ Middle School (graduated) & Hanlim Entertainment Arts High School (Practical Dance Department / student)
– Hyoji used to wear braces.
– She trained for 3 years.
– Her favorite color is crimson.
– Personality: Extroverted.
– She’s the tallest member.
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mbti-enemies · 2 years
how do you think each MBTI would react to their crush asking them out?
c r us h: would you like to get a coffee tomorrow?
INFJ: *stuffs excitement down down down down* yes. yes. i would... love that. 4pm? *jumps around whooping like a little kid once crush leaves*
INTJ: *malfunctions* whY? *starts blushing.... from embarrassment* NO not why i should go with you i meant. yes. i meant- why- *stop talkng now stop talking stop-*
ISFJ: *wide eyes* *starts smiling* yeah! yeah i would love to! *does a little jaw drop when you're gone* ohmygosh!
ISTJ: Like... together? To- together?
ESFJ: *does not contain it* ohmygosh really? yeah! i'd love that!!! <3333333333333<3333333333<333-
ESTJ: *gets really suspicious* *frowns* did someone put you up to this?? HUH? did one of my friends istg imma KILL them-
ENFJ: *plays it the coolest* yeah, sounds good! *crush leaves* *buries head in hands* soUndS gOoD? iS that ALL we had to SAY?
ENTJ: *malfunctions*. *pause*. YES i mean yeah for sure that would be nice .......(*mentally chucks out their jam packed schedule for the entire evening*)
INTP: *dies* coffee? coffee. yeah.... i like coffee, so, yes! yes.
ENTP: I already had a coffee. *crush leaves* NO NO WAIT I DIDN'T MEAN THAT... sorry i.... forgot to turn it off... how about 4? *after crush leaves* ...the one time i failed to be cool is now? really?
ISTP: Sounds good dude (*internal* dUDe?! DuDE wth how do i turn this thing OFF)
ESTP: Yeah *puts hand out on wall do the the sexy lean but for once misjudges and slips* (doesn't mind because it makes crush laugh)
ENFP: sorry let me just- *puts hand on wall for support* im just mentally keysmashing- *gives them the brightest sunshiney smile ever* YEAH i would love to!
INFP: *blushes perfectly* *wants to run and hide* *gives them the most hurried nod*
ESFP: yeah for sure sounds funsies! *crush leaves* *commence: phone a friend* BESTIE GUESS WHAT HAPPENED. WAIT NO I SAID FUNSIES *cries* WHY DID I SAY FUNSIES. "you always say funsies" I knoW but that was so not a sLaY. wait... what do i wear?? WHAT DO I WEAR?
ISFP: *bites lip and looks at the floor to stop smiling until they regain composure and look up* for sure! i know a super vibey place down the road...
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New IF
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Ten years ago you escaped from your oppressive homeworld and an arranged marriage after being granted refuge aboard an alien starship and in so doing you became the first member of your species to venture into space. Since then you have embraced your newly gained independence and explored the galaxy in your own ship as a jack of all trades. Smuggler, mercenary, pirate, and one-time diplomat, you have done it all in your time amongst the stars. So when what should have been a simple delivery goes bad you are not that surprised.
As you attempt to not only keep yourself alive, but discover who botched your job you find yourself working alongside the crew of the ship which first pulled you off your primitive world, a deposed Queen eager to regain her throne, a fellow mercenary who also happens to be your bitter rival, and your very dour AI Liz.
When you discover a grand conspiracy to destroy the Wardens and plunge the galaxy into chaos you find yourself racing across the stars in an effort to save not only the galaxy but your own homeworld as it becomes the center of the galaxy-spanning struggle.
This story takes place in the Warden Universe and is set roughly a millennium after Time Warden on the eve of the 26th century. Take on the persona of an alien from a primitive world granted sanctuary aboard a Warden ship after fleeing her oppressive family. Learn to navigate the galaxy and make something of yourself before being thrown into a galactic conspiracy revolving around your homeworld.
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Play as one of four different alien species, each with unique customization options.
Be a cis or trans woman.
Customize both your physical appearance, clothing, and the appearance of your ship.
Decide how you get things done, whether it is being stealthy, talking your way out of trouble, or just blowing up everything in your way.
Romance a dedicated and brilliant doctor, a shy weapons expert, an arrogant but surprisingly tender Queen, or your most bitter rival.
Gain control of a very cuddly, yet deadly, cybernetic monstrosity.
Try to deal with the fact that you are shorter than almost everyone around you.
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Lorrie Lane | 72 | ENFP-A | The Doctor
The first alien you ever met and the CMO of the Warden ship aboard which you fled your homeworld, Lorrie was the one who helped you adapt to your new life for the few months you spent aboard her ship. The two of you became close during that time but shortly after you left to find your own path you lost touch.
Lorrie is incredibly dedicated to her job and does her best to keep the crew in perfect shape, even going so far as to make house calls on the incredibly rare times she hears a crew member is sick. While she likes to pretend that she is stern and reprimands the crew over minor issues it is very easy to tell that she is simply poking fun at whoever she is assisting and she sometimes has the tendency to mother the crew.
Kimba | 23 | ISFJ-T | The Weapons Expert
Ensign Kimba is the new weapons expert on the Warden ship when you find yourself back aboard and for some reason, she seems to follow you everywhere you go. Despite several alien species active in the galactic community, she seems entranced by you specifically. Kimba spent the majority of her early life sequestered in her home being taught by private tutors and despite knowing about the few space-faring aliens that have been contacted, you are the first non-human she has ever met.
Kimba comes from a very old Warden family, though she refuses to tell most people which one as she does not want to deal with the fawning that her siblings all seem to enjoy. Most of the crew like to speculate which family she comes from as for someone to achieve her position at such a young age is practically unheard of. Only the command staff, Kimba herself, and a few trusted friends know her true lineage.
Her Majesty Helene Renaud | 201 | ENTJ-T |The Deposed Queen
Her Royal Majesty Helene Renaud, first of Her name, Defender of Arctis V, Prosecutor of the Imagin Campaign, and according to Herself stone-cold badass. Helene Renaud inherited the throne of her homeworld at the age of 34 and held onto it until an uprising when she was 197. She does not know why the uprising happened, or who led it but she suspects her overly ambitious cousin who now sits on the throne had a hand in the coup.
Helene’s attitude tends to be on the domineering side since her exile as she believes that she is owed everything and anything she wants simply because of who she is. According to her handmaiden, she was not always so harsh, but the coup changed her. She practically saunters onto your ship and claims it as hers, saying that she is commandeering it for her own purposes, getting her to leave is impossible however as she simply walks away whenever the subject is brought up.
Grim | 42 | ESTP-A | Your Rival
Your rival, one-time paramour, and general pain in the ass. Grim was the one who introduced you to the mercenary life but subsequently turned on you, leaving you for dead after a botched mission. Since then the two of you have frequently crossed paths, on a good day it ends in insults, on a bad, blaster fire is usually exchanged as the two of you try to off the other.
At first, her personality was harsh, but likable, since she turned on you she has changed. She is cold, and distant, even to your shared contacts with whom she was once friendly. Obviously, something has changed her but you have no idea what it may have been.
For years you have struggled to understand why she betrayed you or the reasons for her continued hostility and you long ago gave up trying to understand her. Unfortunately, the strange conspiracy has thrown the two of you together in a mutual attempt to survive the coming storm and if you can not resolve your differences it may mean both of your deaths.
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Liv | Your AI
Liv is a fragment personality of the Wardens galaxy-spanning AI Lizzie. You discovered her aboard a wrecked Warden ship falling into a star when you were providing security for a salvage run. Being cut off from herself for nearly a hundred years Liv grew into a unique individual separate from her progenitor. After you saved her and she reconnected with Lizzie she refused to reintegrate having become an individual.
Lizzie was not as disappointed as you would have thought and now considers Liv to be a younger sister, constantly trying to connect with her on some level whenever the two of you make port. What Liv thinks of this is rather obvious as she rolls her eyes whenever Lizzie’s bubbly voice comes over the comm. Yet despite her apparent disgust for her upbeat sister, you know that Liv does care for the loveable Warden AI, in her own way.
Captain Torian
The captain of the ship which brought you into the stars. Torian is an easygoing individual who does not make too many demands of their crew beyond what one would expect. They are the kind of Captain even the lowliest member of the crew can come to with their problems and they will lend an ear, and share a cup of tea as they help the crewmember work out whatever is wrong. They will go to any lengths to protect their crew and in defending them they are a holy terror in a fight, dropping enemies quickly and without mercy.
Along with the Doctor, Torian helped you to adapt to your new life among the stars and quickly became as close to you as any of your siblings.
Your Family
Having fled your homeworld you left behind your mother and three older siblings and while you would not change your mind if given the opportunity you do miss them and frequently wonder what they are doing. Your father on the other hand, well you have mixed feelings. On the one hand, when you were younger he was doting and went out of his way to spend time with you, but as you grew older he became distant and eventually stopped talking to you altogether except when giving you orders.
It was your father who arranged your marriage in an effort to tie your family to someone powerful despite your mother's protests. Being the leader of his country was never good enough for him and he was constantly making choices to gain powerful friends in other countries and businesses.
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The Rik’taan
An arachnoid-like species the Rik’taan were once more like Earth arachnids than the semi-humanoid form they now hold. Having evolved in the deepest caves of their homeworld the Rik’taan were slowly forced to the surface as a series of quakes changed the subterranean ecology resulting in the Rik’taans primary food supply going extinct.
The form they now have is a drastic departure from what they were. Their humanoid upper body supports four arms and a mostly human shape, while their quadrupedal lower half has four more traditional arachnoid legs set equally around their hips. Two of their arms are larger and set at their shoulders much like a human, but each ends in a hand with two fingers and a thumb, each with a large, deadly claw at the tip.
Their second set of arms is mounted on their rib cage and is much smaller and more delicate. Females of the species use them to spin the delicate silk that they produce from their fingertips into a variety of items, while the males simply use them for the sign language that makes up the species' secondary language. 
Females of the species are much larger than the males averaging around six feet in height, whereas the males grow to around 5’5” at the tallest. Despite not being mammals females of the species do have breast-like growths but these are where their silk glands are contained. One of their more unique differences from other species in the galaxy is that the females have penile genitalia, similar to the Neotrogla Curvata family of insects on Earth.
All members of the species have four eyes with a smaller set positioned above their larger, human-like eyes, four venomous fangs in the same position as the Human canine and lateral incisor teeth, a pair of vestigial mandibles contained in their mouths, and a head of chitinous hair.
Finally, their legs and the larger set of arms are covered in chitinous armor, whereas their torsos, smaller arms, and heads have more traditional skin, except for chitin running up their backs, protecting their spines.
The Draqitor
Easily mistaken for humans at a distance or in the dark, Draqitor is a unique reptilian/mammal hybrid that has dimensions nearly identical to that of humans. The primary differences come from what a human would consider dragon-like features. They have scales covering the back of their calves, the inner thigh, the spine, the shoulders, and the back of their forearms. Their digits are all tipped with deadly claws that were once used in tests of strength. 
While males and females both have scales on their faces they differ in position with males typically having them running down their nose, and across the chin, whereas females have them across their cheekbones and have delicately scaled tips to their ears.
Both Humans and Draqitor have naturally bright hair colors such as pinks and blues, however, the Draqitor have always had them, whereas Humans have only gained them through genetic manipulation. Draqitor scales are incredibly tough and can easily deflect blades and light arms fire. In most cases, they are darker shades but some have developed brightly colored scales. Males and females do not have a distinction in height and can both reach up to 6’2” at the most.
The Lankin
Closely resembling the satyr or faun from Earth mythology the Lankin are a bipedal species with furred ungulate legs, hooves, and small antlers, however, the resemblance stops there. Lankin are carnivores and had once been pack hunters using their wickedly curved claws and teeth to tear prey apart. With their unique leg structure, they are capable of achieving incredible speeds and making great leaps without difficulty.
The Lankin eyes are sometimes disconcerting for Humans to look at as they have two pupils in each eye similar to polycoria in humans. However this does not have any negative effects and in fact gives the Lankin incredible perception, a much larger ability to perceive color, and as a species they have never had the same vision problems as Humans have in the past. Their eye colors are also much more varied than what Humans have.
Lankin females are massive when compared to the males, growing upwards of 6’5”, whereas the males typically only ever reach 5’. Their culture has gone through several changes in the last few centuries that saw the female-dominated species shift from a matriarchal structure to that of being a patriarchy. Ask a hundred Lankin how this happened and you will get a hundred different answers, but many believe that the sudden increase in female births may have had something to do with it.
At one point only three in every ten children were born with female reproduction abilities and each female typically had a harem of males under her control, but as more and more females were born the balance began to shift which allowed the males to take control of the species as their value in a harem fell and more of them found their way into jobs typically held by the females of the species.
The Rilla
A smaller species the Rilla evolved from a rodent-like ancestor. They are covered in a fine layer of fur which is incredibly soft when cared for properly and typically only top around 4’5” at the tallest. Their fur typically has dull colors ranging from brown and black, but red and occasionally white are also seen from time to time. Their faces are almost Human like but have small muzzles filled with sharp teeth they use for their omnivorous diet and tipped with very sensitive noses.
With their digitigrade legs and long prehensile, whip-like tails the Rilla has incredible balance. Like their ancestors, they have tiny claws on the tips of their three-fingered hands and three toes but in the last millennia these claws have begun to grow smaller overall, but their thumbs still retain an incredibly sharp claw.
Despite their patriarchal culture, Rilla are still very social, and entire generations of families typically live together with grandparents, parents, children, and even extended family sharing a home. Sharing a sleeping space is not uncommon in most cases with couples trying to have children only having their own space until the pregnancy takes, at which point they will rejoin the rest of the family when sleeping. 
The Rilla’s ears resemble that of a Lynx with a wide triangle shape topped with long tufted fur and are quick to swivel towards unexpected sounds. Their hearing makes up for their generally poor eyesight, though the use of glasses to make up for this is becoming more widespread by the time the MC leaves the world.
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cxrsedmuse · 4 months
maia reficco / female / argentinian / she/they ——— is that kaya lockwood on bourbon street ? the 24 year old untriggered hellhound who stay in the art warehouse district? i heard their biological parents are tyler lockwood and gabriela chavez. they are notoriously known for being ambitious and clever but also short-tempered and manipulative . which is probably why they are considered the crimson around town.  i wonder if they had their tarot cards reading, yet? either way, the cards on the table will reveal their fate soon enough // meg, 27, she/they, est
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aries | isfj
+ ambitious + clever + charismatic
- short-tempered - manipulative - defensive
Kaya has lived a relatively nice and normal life, aside from the fact that she's surrounded by supernatural creatures. As the eldest daughter, she's always been attached to her parents, Tyler and Gabriela. However, she so desperately wants them to be happy, that she often keeps her own issues to herself.
She's used to bottling up her feelings and never telling anyone the whole truth about herself. Of course, she's terrified of triggering her hellhound curse, but she doesn't want her parents to worry about her so that fear has stayed tucked close to her heart.
At 18, she moved out of her parents house and got a studio apartment in the art warehouse district to pursue her dreams of being a painter. She specializes in oil painting and particularly enjoys painting figures and landscapes. Although she has punched a canvas or two, due to her short-temper.
This fierce hellhound will go to bat for those she loves, and though it's a short list, she'd protect them with her life.
❁ fire ;; sara bareilles // someday i, i won't have to feel the cold, but i do now, so i'll know, what it feels like when i feel fire
❁ lonesome & mad ;; under the rug // the flowers you planted have died, and now, here, they shiver swaying and pedal-bare as the wind comes through whistling
❁ circle the drain ;; soccer mommy // i'm wobbling out on the wire, and the lights could go out, with the break of a cable -- things feel that low sometimes, even when everything is fine
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whiskersz · 7 months
hihihihi, I’m Gray, yes like the color/colour. I’m Agender(afab) and use any pronouns, I’m ace and on the arospec (I think I’m lithioromantic?) Ive had 3 crushes, 1 fem, 1 nb, 1 male. If you’re doing romantic, I do tend to have a preference towards masc people.
I’m honestly pretty average, I’m very middle energy between chill and energetic, it fluctuates depending on who I’m with. I’m an ISFJ 9w1 if that helps. I am the therapist friend and sometimes the mom friend. I am very much a listener, if someone starts ranting I’ll listen intently through it all even if it’s for 4 hours. I have gotten so many hyperfixations that way. I have generalized anxiety disorder (gad) and im currently being tested for adhd.
I’m fine with romantic or platonic, if you want to you can do both
My hobbies include piano, I’m currently learning Duet from Omori, Art, I usually sketch characters don’t usually do big projects unless it’s for a class, baking, I tend to make brownies and cookies, though I can make other stuff like cake, and this isn’t really a hobby but sleeping, I love sleeping(which is weird because I either sleep really fast or I don’t sleep til 6am)
I like my friends, art, rain, comfy clothes like hoodies and sweaters, music, my favorite artists at the moment are Jack Stauber and Khai Dreams, dreaming, reading, puzzles, sudoku, plushies, sleeping, butterflies, Arctic foxes, kittens, fictional characters, and fandoms, some of those include dhmis, hh, interloper(arg), home safety hotline, etc. Some things I dislike are really tight clothing, being yelled at, harsh criticism with no compliment of what I did do good, being left out, feeling lonely, overthinking, my face, specifically my nose, mouth and forehead, pushing people away, ghosting people, and confrontation is a big one.
If you’re doing romantic, please don’t ship me with Angel Dust, I see him in a very brotherly sense. Similarly with husk.
I have listed characters before that I simp over and usually it’s either stoic and kind of cold or excitable and kinda babygirl vibes (I don’t know how else to describe it) and I already said above that I tend to have a preference towards masc
Something else that I could add is I do tend to have a trope I like? I don’t know if it means anything but I’m in love with rude or some other kind of negative adjective but has a soft spot for that one person and soulmate aus but that’s something else.
Hey Gray! So sorry for the delay, your matchup is finally here though! I decided to go with a platonic matchup c:
I match you with...
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· You seem like a very wholesome person, so I personally think that Charlie would be a great friend for you, being equally amiable!
· She’s your number one supporter and she tries to help you ease your anxiety on particularly bad days; she reassures you that you don’t need to match her energy all the time, and that it’s okay if you feel anxious, she will try her best to be there for you and help.
· She might need some guidance as well, being in charge of the Hotel and all. This is where your mom friend side comes in; she greatly appreciates that you try to help her back, and that you listen to her in times of need. Sometimes she just needs to let it out to figure out what to do next, and you’re the person she goes to for it.
· You will also get to listen to her rants for hours! No matter what they’re about. They will mostly be about the Hotel and how she can improve the quality of life in it, but she will ask your opinions on it as well, and occasionally rant about her interests too. She of course loves listening to you as well, so don’t hesitate to rant back!
· Charlie loves that you like sketching, because she loves drawing too! You show each other what you make and she’s so happy to be sharing a hobby with you, where you can tell each other what you like about the other’s art and point out where to improve if needed. I feel like it’s more about the first thing though, as you both like doing it casually more than anything, so it’s a very positive experience!
· She also likes singing to the tunes of your piano; the others will stop by, mesmerized by your skill and her angelic voice.
· Charlie of course respects all of your dislikes; on your first day at the Hotel you inform her that you dislike tight clothing, and she makes you find a bunch of cosy and oversize clothes on your bed as a way to make you feel comfortable and welcomed.
· She also never makes you feel left out, and always includes you in every activity that she organizes whether it be with the other residents of the Hotel or as just a friend outing or hang out.
· She’s also not a big fan of confrontation, so she gets your dislike for it. If anything, you two can go through it together, and advise the other on how to handle it the best.
· She will also pull you out of your overthinking by coming up with some fun activity to do together; maybe you can give your favorite show a rewatch with her, or you can introduce her to all the plushies that you own- the possibilities are endless!
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hearthem00n · 1 year
Enneagram: The reformer (type 1) | The helper (type 2) | The achiever (type 3) | The individualist (type 4) | The thinker (type 5) | The loyalist (type 6) | The enthusiast (type 7) | The leader (type 8) | The peacemaker (type 9)
Tritype: 125 | 126 | 127 | 135 | 136 | 137 | 145 | 146 | 147 | 825 | 826 | 827 | 835 | 836 | 837 | 845 | 846 | 847 | 925 | 926 | 927 | 935 | 936 | 937 | 945 | 946 | 947
Instinctual variant: sp/so | sp/sx | so/sp I so/sx I sx/sp | sx/so
Zodiac sign: Aries | Gemini | Taurus | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces |
Life path number: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 11 | 22 | 33
Four Temperaments: Sanguine | Melancholic | Choleric | Phlegmatic
Aura color: Red | Orange | Magenta | Yellow | Logical tan | Environmental tan | Sensitive tan | Abstract tan | Green | Blue | Violet | Crystal | Lavender | Indigo |
Alignment: Lawful good | Neutral good | Chaotic good | Lawful neutral | True neutral | Chaotic neutral | Lawful evil | Neutral evil | Chaotic evil
Hogwarts house: Gryffindor | Hufflepuff | Ravenclaw | Slytherin
Love languages: Acts of service | Quality time | Words of affiliation | Gift giving | Touch
The animal in you: Lion I Tiger | Dolphin | Bear | Wild | Cat | Fox | Weasel | Badger | Dog | Otter | Wolf | Sea Lion I Wild Dog | Walrus | Gorilla | Deer | Rhinoceros I Hippo | Sable | Horse | Sheep | Mountain Goat |Warthog | Zebra Baboon | Elephant | Bison | Giraffe | Cottontail | Mole | Bat | Porcupine | Beaver | Prairie Dog | Shrew | Mouse | Eagle | Rooster Owl | Swan | Peacock | Vulture | Penguin Crocodile | Snake l
DISC profile: D | I | S | C
Soul Type (one test): Hunter | Caregiver | Creator I Thinker | Helper | Educator | Performer| Leader I Spiritualist
[7] Soul Types: Server | Artisan | Warrior | Scholar | Sage | Priest | King
Deadly Sin: Wrath I Envy | Gluttony | Greed | Sloth I Lust | Pride
Archetypes: Creative | Athlete | Rebel I Caregiver | Visionary | Royal | Performer | Spiritual | Tastemaker | Explorer | Advocate Intellectual
Brain lateralization: Left | Right | Both
Helen Fisher's Personality Test: Explorer | Builder I Director | Negotiator
MOTIV: Materialistic | Offbeat I Thinking | Interpersonal | Vital | Easygoing
Personality Disorder: Paranoid | Schizoid | Schizotypal | Antisocial | Borderline | Histrionic | Narcissictic | Avoidant | Dependent | Obsessive-Compulsive
Holland Code: Realistic | Investigative | Artistic | Social | Enterprising | Conventional
Artistic Preference Test: Realistic | Linear | Painterly I Abstract | Masculine | Feminine I
Attitudinal psych: LVFE (the conductor) | VLEF (the inquisitor) | ELFV (the chronicler) | LEVF (the visionary) | LVEF (the deviser) | ELVF (the dramatist) | LFVE (the consultant) | EFLV (the satirist) | FEVL (the impressionist) | FVEL (the flourisher) | FELV (the moodmaker) | FLEV (the alchemist) | LEFV (the daydreamer) | VELF (the harbinger) | VFLE (the firestarter) | EVFL (the enthusiast) | VEFL (the orchestrator) | VLFE (the pathfinder) | FVLE (the patron) | VFEL (the arbiter) | FLVE (the blacksmith) | EVLF (the catalyst) | EFVL (the adorner) | LFEV (the connoisseur)
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I always manage to miss your match ups so I'm here (and queer-) to request 😭😭😭
Not even going on anon bc I wanna know when you post.
I dunno if there's a fandom limit so I'll * the ones I want the most.
Fandom: Attack on Titan, ATLA/LOK, Blue Exorcist*, Hazbin Hotel*/Helluva Boss*, Mystic Messenger, Spy x Family*
Name: Kiana (Kiki for short)
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: Demisexual & Demiromantic
Zodiac/MBTI/Ennaegram: Sagittarius, ISFJ, 2w3
Appearance: Pale as all hells, currently pink and purple dyed hair, natural blonde so a lot of my body hair is hard to see haha, chubby but makes a good pillow, overheats easily but makes for a good snuggle buddy in winter, 5'8", looks a lot younger than I am lol, have tattoos along the inner side of my arm (related to my kitties) and some paw prints on my shoulder
Personality: Overall sweet, caring, I try to help people when I can, I'm usually someone can talk to when they're having issues, I will fight people who hurt those I care about, huge love and cuddle bug, struggles with self worth, I can be a bit snarky at times, enjoys dark humor, surprises everyone with how unhinged I can be at times LOL
Likes: Animals, my cats (I have six of them-), writing, reading, watching tv/movies, video games, spending time with people I care about, snuggles, sleeping LOL, cold
Dislikes: summer, heat, people who hate on things for no reason, people who are rude to others for no reason, being told how to live my life >:(
Hobbies: reading, writing, video games, taking pictures, painting, drawing, playing with my kitties >:), cooking
Hi Kiki! Thank you for your request! Sorry it took a while. As a thank you for your patience, I decided to give you a matchup for all of the fandoms you requested. I hope you like your matchups!
In Attack on Titan, I match you with...
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This was a close call between Armin and Jean but I think you and Armin would get along a bit better.
Personality wise, you’re very similar. You both like helping people but you also have low self worth. Because of this, you can be each others supporters, helping the other out when things are getting to be a bit too much.
It’s no secret that Armin has a soft spot for animals. In a modern au, he would love cat cafes and going on walks around town to stop and say hello to every animal the two of you come across.
Disliking people telling you how to live your life is something Armin can definitely relate to. Since his dream is seeing the world beyond the walls, he really hopes you can each support the dreams of the other.
Armin loves reading and he’s so glad you share that interest. He would love reading to you from his favourite books and if you are willing to do the same, he will listen attentively to your every word.
In Avatar: The Last Airbender, I match you with...
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You and Aang are both good listeners and this is probably one of the things you bonded over at first. You’re both so used to people talking to you that it’s a nice change having someone willing to listen.
Definitely one of the biggest cuddle bugs in the entirety of the Avatar universe. He just likes expressing his affection that was and he’s super grateful you like that and are the same. No one’s going to be able to pry you two apart.
No need to worry about the heat when you’re around Aang. He can either freeze some water into ice for you or create a nice cool breeze. Just say the word. He’s more than happy to help.
Much like Korra, Aang is delighted that you like animals, especially since he has such a close relationship with Appa and Momo. A lot of your dates will have those two tagging along as third wheels.
In a modern au, Aang definitely plays video games. I see him as someone who would like Animal Crossing and Stardew Valley but I can also see him playing things like Undertale that have moral or ethical considerations built into them.
In Legend of Korra, I match you with...
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Asami is also a very protective person when it comes to those she cares about. There’s a sense of mutual care in your relationship which makes you both feel safe and loved.
Oh, you’re both so snarky and I love it! When the two of you gang up on someone, they don’t stand a chance, both of you bouncing off the other and constantly upping the sass in the room until your opponent has no choice but to yield.
Even though they’re still relatively new, I think Asami would love going to see the latest movers. She thinks they’re fascinating and is glad you enjoy watching them as well.
She’s a reasonably creative person so I think Asami would like painting with you. Setting up your work stations next to each other and painting what you each feel like makes for an enjoyable day spent in great company.
Taking pictures is a must in your relationship. Asami loves hanging up photos from all your dates in her bedroom so she has a nice collection of memories to look at every day as a reminder of you.
In Blue Exorcist, I match you with...
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You and Shiemi are probably the sweetest could anyone has ever seen. You’re both just so nice! It’s actually hard to believe sometimes.
She’s got a pretty strong protective streak herself so the protectiveness definitely goes both ways. She’s honoured you feel the same desire to keep her safe that she feels towards you.
Shiemi loves spending time with all of her friends but she especially loves spending time with you. I think one of her main love languages would be quality time (closely followed by acts of service) so whatever you two end up doing, she’s just happy to be with you.
Please give this girl as many cuddles as you can handle. She’s not touch starved but she’s not used to affection from people she’s not related to so it never fails to send pleasant butterflies through her stomach.
I definitely see Shiemi as someone who likes drawing, especially plants. She’d love to go on walks with you and a sketchpad so you can stop occasionally and make a sketch of what you see.
In Hazbin Hotel, I match you with...
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When it comes to caring, you’d be hard pushed to find someone who cares more in Hell than Charlie. Your own caring nature is what drew the princess of Hell to you in the first place.
One of her main love languages is definitely quality time so she loves spending time with you. She’s very busy with the hotel and her plans of redemption but she’ll always make time to be with you.
Oh, Charlie definitely gets your dislike of hateful or rude people. We all saw how she reacted to Katie Killjoy in the pilot and Susan in the actual show. She might not always react like that but if it’s someone you both dislike, the chances of her snapping double.
One of the cuddliest people you will ever meet. She loves snuggles and is so glad she’s found someone else in Hell who likes that and lets her get her daily dose of physical affection.
Charlie definitely lives life her own way and isn’t fond of being told how she should be living. Since she knows you don’t like that either, she’ll be super supportive of whatever you do so cancel it out. If you do the same for her, she will be super grateful.
In Helluva Boss, I match you with...
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Moxie definitely has a thing for slightly unhinged people. I mean, just look who he works with. The fact that you’re unhinged and also sweet and caring is just a win-win in his book.
He thinks it’s amazing that you can write. If you’re willing to share your work with him, he would love to read it. He’ll give lots of praise and gentle critique where it might be needed.
Moxie loves taking pictures, especially of you (if that’s something you’re comfortable with of course). He likes making photo albums of your dates and special moments so you can both look back on them in the years to come.
Oh my goodness, you can write and you can draw? Moxie thinks you must be one of the most creatively talented people in the world (no, he’s not biased, what do you mean?). He would be over the moon if you drew something for him but would never pressure you.
You can’t really escape hateful and rude people in Hell so Moxie can sympathise with your dislike of them. He’ll do his best to make sure you never feel that way about him or his friends though.
In Mystic Messenger, I match you with...
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You and Seven would be an unstoppable snarky duo. The rest of the RFA don’t stand a chance. They thought they only had to deal with one snarky person and now there are two? And they’re in a relationship? There’s no hope for them…
Loves your dark humour. Seven definitely has that sense of humour as well so there will always be a plethora of dark jokes when you’re together. He will make sure he doesn't cross any boundaries though.
I’m very sorry to say but when your cats are around, you come second to Seven. He loves them so much and almost shuts down when they’re all around him. He just doesn't know which one to show love first.
Oh, it’s a godsend that you can cook because this man lives off cup noodles and Honey Buddha Chips. He loves your cooking too so this might finally get him to have a balanced diet.
I don’t see Seven as being a huge fan of the heat either since he spends most of his time inside, likely in air conditioning. He’s more than willing to let you share the cool interior of his home though.
In Spy x Family, I match you with...
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If there’s one thing Loid admires, it’s those who make it their life mission to help people. It’s his own mission after all. So he definitely finds your desire to help others admirable.
To be in a relationship with a spy, whether you’re aware of it or not, you have to have an unhinged side. In Loid’s mind, this helps you keep up with the dangers of his work and, even though he’ll still worry about you being a target, he’ll feel a bit more comfortable.
Please share your writing with Loid. He’ll carefully read every word and give you really good feedback. He pairs his criticism with praise so it never feels harsh but you also get a really clear idea of how you can improve your writing.
Enjoys watching shows and movies with you. He doesn't get a lot of downtime with his work but when he does, it’s nice just turning his mind off and watching something with you next to him.
Loud is a great cook and he would love having you in the kitchen with you, especially since you like cooking. You get to spend quality time together and enjoy some amazing food at the end as well. It’s a win-win!
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loaveriaca · 5 months
personalty things p1 (SUPER OUTDATED)
Enneagram: The reformer (type 1) | The helper (type 2) | The achiever (type 3) | The individualist (type 4) | The thinker (type 5) | The loyalist (type 6) | The enthusiast (type 7) | The leader (type 8)
Tritype: 125 | 126 | 127 | 135 | 136 | 137 | 145 | 146 | 147 | 358 | 825 | 826 | 827 | 835 | 836 | 837 | 845 | 846 | 847 | 925 | 926 | 927 | 935 | 936 | 937 | 945 | 946 | 947 (531 or 513? who knows...)
Instinctual variant: sp/so | sp/sx | so/sp I so/sx I sx/sp | sx/so
Zodiac sign: Aries | Gemini | Taurus | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces |
Life path number: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 11 | 22 | 33
Four Temperaments: Sanguine | Melancholic | Choleric | Phlegmatic
Aura color: Red | Orange | Magenta | Yellow | Logical tan | Environmental tan | Sensitive tan | Abstract tan | Green(?) | Blue | Violet | Crystal | Lavender | Indigo | (i have no idea but i took a test and got green)
Alignment: Lawful good | Neutral good | Chaotic good | Lawful neutral | True neutral | Chaotic neutral | Lawful evil | Neutral evil | Chaotic evil ( i took the test 6 times just to make sure and i got it every single time lol)
Hogwarts house: Gryffindor | Hufflepuff | Ravenclaw | Slytherin
Godly parent: Zeus | Hera | Poseidon | Demeter | Ares | Athena | Apollo | Artemis | Hephaestus | Aphrodite | Hermes | Dionysus | Hades | Irus | Hypnos | Nemesis | Nike | Hebe | Tyche | Hecate (im not that into percy jackson, i read the first book when i was 11 but i got bored and dropped it)
Love languages: Acts of service | Quality time | Words of affiliation | Gift giving | Touch Multiple intelligence test: Kinaesthetic | Linguistic | Logical | Interpersonal | Intrapersonal | Musical | Visual/Spatial | Naturalistic (when went to get tested for autism and other things my reading level was 18 and when i took it i was 12 so i very obvisously got linguistic as my main one)
R-Drive personality test: Narcissism | Unconventionality | Empiricism | Vitality | Othercentricism | Independence | Integrity | Intellect | Stoicism | Orderliness | Dynamism | Activity | Romanticism | Hedonism
Defense mechanism : Regression | Displacement | Denial | Repression | Intellectualization | Reaction formation | Projection | Compensation
Celtic zodiac: Birch (The Achiever) | Rowan (The Thinker) | Ash (The Enchanter) I Alder (The Trailblazer) | Willow (The Observer) | Hawthrone (The Illusionist) | Oak (The Stabilizer) | Holly (The Ruler) I Hazel (The Knower) | Vine (The Equalizer) I Ivy (The Survivor) | Reed (The Inquisitor) | Elder (The Seeker)
Celtic zodiac: Stag/Deer | Cat I Cow/Bull | Black horse I Butterfly | Adder/Snake | Seahorse | Fish/Salmon | Wolf/Hound | Fox | Wren | Swan | Falcon/Hawk
The animal in you: Lion I Tiger | Dolphin | Bear | Wild | Cat | Fox | Weasel | Badger | Dog | Otter | Wolf | Sea Lion I Wild Dog | Walrus | Gorilla | Deer | Rhinoceros I Hippo | Sable | Horse | Sheep | Mountain Goat |Warthog | Zebra Baboon | Elephant | Bison | Giraffe | Cottontail | Mole | Bat | Porcupine | Beaver | Prairie Dog | Shrew | Mouse | Eagle | Rooster Owl | Swan | Peacock | Vulture | Penguin | Crocodile | Snake l
DISC profile: D | I | S | C
Soul Type (one test): Hunter | Caregiver | Creator I Thinker | Helper | Educator | Performer| Leader I Spiritualist
im really tired so ill do the rest later
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lavender-logs · 6 months
hi~~ i am starting up this blog as a little digital journal ^^ just wanting to track my thoughts & goals
some bg under the cut!
my personality: isfj, 9w1
short-term goals:
eat healthier
move more
get good grades
make more phone calls
long-term goals:
graduate uni
buy a house
have two kids
completing bachelor’s
traveling to find places to live
going to therapy weekly
other things about me:
diagnosed w ADHD-C
white / queer
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3rddimension · 11 months
I know that MBTI is not real science but I could not help but type some Smosh members: S - ISFJ (albeit not the most stereotypical one), C - ESFP, Ian - INTP or ISTP, Anthony - ENFJ, Damien - INFP, Noah - INTP (I think), and Angela - ESTP.
Definitely seeing Court as Introvert for sure since they talked about it before but otherwise I think it's pretty good!
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illletfrappe · 1 year
Listening Personality mbti
ENVU (The Adventurer) = ENTP ENVC (The Early Adopter) = INTP FTVU (The Deep Diver) = ISFP FNLU (The Devotee) = ESTP FTLU (The Replayer) = ESFP FTLC (The Connoisseur) = ISTJ ETLU (The Maverick) = ENTJ FNVC (The Fan Clubber) = ESFJ ETLC (The Top Charter) = ESTJ FNLC (The Enthusiast) = ISTP ETVU (The Time Traveler) = ENFJ ETVC (The Musicologist) = INFJ ENLU (The Nomad) = ENFP ENLC (The Voyager) = ISFJ FTVC (The Jukebox) = INTJ FNVU (The Specialist) = INFP F vs E = Se/Si, Fi/Te vs Ne/Ni, Ti/Fe T vs N = Fi/Te, Ni/Si vs Fe/Ti, Ne/Se L vs V = Se/Si, Ti/Te vs Ne/Ni, Fi/Fe C vs U = Ni/Si, Ti/Te vs Ne/Se, Fi/Fe
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sillyguycore · 2 years
some personality tests/etc because i am so silly (autism)
Zodiac Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces |
Life Path Number: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 11 | 22 | 33 |
Celtic Zodiac: Birch (The Achiever) | Rowan (The Thinker) | Ash (The Enchanter) | Alder (The Trailblazer) | Willow (The Observer) | Hawthrone (The Illusionist) | Oak (The Stabilizer) | Holly (The Ruler) | Hazel (The Knower) | Vine (The Equalizer) | Ivy (The Survivor) | Reed (The Inquisitor) | Elder (The Seeker) |
Celtic Animal Sign: Stag/Deer | Cat | Cow/Bull | Black horse | Butterfly | Adder/Snake | Seahorse | Fish/Salmon | Wolf/Hound | Fox | Wren | Swan | Falcon/Hawk |
The Animal in You: Lion | Tiger | Dolphin| Bear | Wild Cat | Fox | Weasel | Badger | Dog | Otter | Wolf | Sea Lion | Wild Dog | Walrus | Gorilla | Deer | Rhinoceros | Hippo | Sable | Horse | Sheep | Mountain Goat | Warthog | Zebra | Baboon | Elephant | Bison | Giraffe | Cottontail | Mole | Bat | Porcupine | Beaver | Prairie Dog | Shrew | Mouse | Eagle | Rooster | Owl | Swan | Peacock | Vulture | Penguin | Crocodile | Snake |
Enneagram: The Reformer (Type 1) | The Helper (Type 2) | The Achiever (Type 3) | The Individualist (Type 4) | The Thinker (Type 5) | The Loyalist (Type 6) | The Enthusiast (Type 7) | The Leader (Type 8) | The Peacemaker (Type 9) |
Tritype: 125 | 126 | 127 | 135 | 136 | 137 | 145 (541) | 146 | 147 | 825 | 826 | 827 | 835 | 836 | 837 | 845 | 846 | 847 | 925 | 926 | 927 | 935 | 936 | 937 | 945 | 946 | 947 |
Instinctual variant: sp/so | sp/sx | so/sp | so/sx | sx/sp | sx/so |
Four Temperaments: Sanguine | Melancholic (MelChlor) | Choleric | Phlegmatic |
DISC Profile: D | I | S | C |
Alignment: Lawful Good | Neutral Good | Chaotic Good | Lawful Neutral | True Neutral | Chaotic Neutral | Lawful Evil | Neutral Evil | Chaotic Evil |
Aura Color: Red | Orange | Magenta | Yellow | Logical Tan | Environmental Tan | Sensitive Tan | Abstract Tan | Green | Blue | Violet | Crystal | Lavender | Indigo |
Soul Type (one test): Hunter | Caregiver | Creator | Thinker | Helper | Educator | Performer | Leader | Spiritualist |
[7] Soul Types: Server | Artisan | Warrior | Scholar | Sage | Priest | King |
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor | Hufflepuff | Ravenclaw | Slytherin |
Deadly Sin: Wrath | Envy | Gluttony | Greed | Sloth | Lust | Pride |
Archetypes: Creative | Athlete | Rebel | Caregiver | Visionary | Royal | Performer | Spiritual | Tastemaker | Explorer | Advocate | Intellectual |
Brain lateralization: Left | Right | Both
Cerebral Personality Test: 1-10% | 11-20% | 21-30% | 31-40% |41-50% | 51-60% | 61-70% | 71-80% | 81-90% | 91-100% |
Nerdy Personality Attribute Scale: 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70 |
Empathy Quotient Test: 0 | 10 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70 | 80 | 100 | 110 | 120 | 130 | 140 | 150 | 160 | 170 | 180 | 190 | 200 |
Helen Fisher’s Personality Test: Explorer | Builder | Director | Negotiator |
MOTIV: Materialistic | Offbeat | Thinking | Interpersonal | Vital | Easygoing |
Holland Code: Realistic | Investigative | Artistic | Social | Enterprising | Conventional |
Multiple Intelligences Test: Kinaesthetic | Linguistic | Logical | Interpersonal | Intrapersonal | Musical | Visual/Spatial | Naturalistic | Existential
Defense Mechanism: Regression | Displacement | Denial | Repression | Intellectualization | Reaction Formation | Projection | Compensation |
R-Drive Personality Test: Narcissism | Unconventionality | Empiricism | Vitality | Othercentricism | Independence | Integrity | Intellect | Stoicism | Orderliness | Dynamism | Activity | Romanticism | Hedonism |
Dark Triad Test: Narcissism | Machiavellianism | Psychopathy |
Levenson Self-Report Psychopathy Scale (Primary Psychopathy): 1 | 1.5 | 2 | 2.5 | 3 | 3.5 | 4 | 4.5 | 5 |
Levenson Self-Report Psychopathy Scale (Secondary Psychopathy): 1 | 1.5 | 2 | 2.5 | 3 | 3.5 | 4 | 4.5 | 5 |
Artistic Preference Test: Realistic | Linear | Painterly | Abstract | Masculine | Feminine |
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