#c: mari
mjjune · 7 months
Happy Blorbo Blurbsday!!
Do any of your character's names have a special meaning? If yes - who and what? If no - how then did you choose the names?
Most of my names don't specifically have special meanings but they are chosen for specific reasons?
Helio = "sun" and he is the forbidden-ish romance of a vampire (lol i am not discreet here)
Lara = is short for a name that again, comes from someone i knew in real life. no not named after lara croft but obvs i was aware of the link there when i chose it
Ignacio = "fire" and also the nickname is Nacho so how could i resist
Jackie = named after one of the most prominent black girls in my childhood
Araceli = my favorite spanish name and also another prominent latina figure in my childhood (who in hindsight was probs butch lesbian)
Marisol = is another spanish pun but it's a secret so you'll have to figure it out yourself
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mikaishii · 11 months
WHERE: mika’s room. WHO: @mari-zuko​ & mika.
Spread out on Mika’s bed in a tangle of limbs, a laptop sat between her and Mari as some Netflix show she hadn’t been paying any attention to played on. This had fast become her favorite hideaway, the two of them just existing behind a closed door. No explanations, no pretending, just being. She was so content, in fact, that her eyes closed for longer than a blink and she snuggled in a little closer to Mari. “What if you just stayed the night,” she murmured, lifting her face just enough to waggle a tempting brow in the other girl’s direction.
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jessehart · 1 year
WHERE: outside mari’s door. WHO: @mari-zuko​ & jesse.
He’d forgotten all about Blonde Bangs’ bra. It was only as he tossed his now-empty whiskey bottle in the direction of his trashcan— where it was intercepted by the wind and knocked way off course— that it knocked over his laundry basket instead, the lacy black thing stuffed between it and the wall. Jesse snorted to himself and stood. The room shifted and spun beneath him and he had to blink hard several times to make the world right itself.
Jesse was fucking plastered.
Perhaps that was why he thought it was a great idea to make good on the promise that he made. He stuffed the bra into the pocket of his sweats and was off towards the Linden dorms.
This was a stealth mission and as Jesse crept into Linden, he knew he was fucking nailing it. Mari’s door was mercifully the very first one, so he made his way towards it, digging the bra out of his pocket. He lost his balance a little, though, his hand slapping against the wood of the door to keep himself upright. And then he cackled to himself as he hooked the bra straps over the doorknob.
He stepped back to admire his work, pulling out his phone to snap a quick picture to text her once he’d made it safely back to his own room.
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alec-flynn · 2 years
WHERE: just outside the gallows. WHO: @mariannebyrne​ & alec.
Sucking greedily on his cigarette, Alec perched on a curb outside The Gallows. The night had been a shit show, Alec with his big, clunky arm hadn’t quite found his rhythm, knocking into drinks when he wasn’t outright spilling them. The pity tips had been nice for the first half of the night, but there had been an obvious staunch of that cash flow now. Operating with his left hand was proving far more difficult than he’d anticipated.
He’d retreated to the bathroom to pop another one of his pills about half an hour ago. The pain had subsided and so had the money woes and worries. His nose itched and he wrinkled it as he puffed on his cigarette and then held it in front of his face, watching as he tapped the ash loose and it fluttered to the ground. 
He exhaled a cloud of smoke, eyes flicking to the orange fluorescent street lights currently being mobbed by moths. It was movement of the human variety that drew his attention again and he brought the cigarette to his lips once more as his eyes landed on a face that was vaguely familiar to him in the way that a quickly fading dream is more of a feeling than a memory. He squinted, pointing his cigarette at her. “I know you.”
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carolinesummerx · 2 years
@ofstarshines​ -- from here
“ no one’s ever gonna find him.” Caroline fought a smile as she spoke. The training for today had been to hunt down a doll shaped like Superman, based on clues left around campus. It was really more of a scavenger hunt than anything else, a bit of fun, and because she’d aced the last test, Caroline had been the one to hide the doll. She looked over at Mar’i. “Did your class let out early?” she said, glancing at her phone. “Or have we run late?” A slight frown touched her lips. “Maybe I hid him too well. Oops.”
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aprilhoneys · 2 years
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WHO: april & @marixsanchez​​ WHAT: april is fighting for mari’s love! WHERE: the park where jeromio lives
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When April had passed a note to a classmate asking them to wheel her to the park to see Jeromio, she never in a million years expected to see Mari there. Seeing a member of the Brotherhood again leaves her with no choice but to think of Ezra. She can feel his tendrils tightening around her arms, digging into her flesh, burning her skin like a branding iron. April looks down, just to make sure that she really is only imagining it. A thin sheen of toxin is covering the skin of her healed arm — a tell-tale sign she’s panicking. 
Mari has always been kind to her. She’d even taught her how to break a wrist. That didn’t matter, though. Even if she was the meanest person on earth, April is willing to do anything to distract herself from the panic rising in her chest right now. “Mari,” she calls out. It’s the first word she’s said in a month that isn’t ‘yes’ or ‘no’. “Can we talk?”
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nemkero · 4 months
kanpai funk omori edition!
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insatiablegreed · 2 years
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closed starter // @marixsanchez​
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​“One, two, Freddy’s coming for you,” Narcissa sings as she approaches the woman from behind. “Nice costume, Krueger. Fancy a duel?” she asks, her teasing voice slightly muffled by the hockey mask. “I brought my favourite machete.”
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diioonysus · 9 months
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art + hair pieces
#orientatalin by edouard frederic wilhelm richter#cant find this one#this one either its tougher than you think to reverse search them#portrait of josephine de beauharnais by francois gerard#the marquise de seignelay and two of her sons by pierre mignard#infantin isabella clara eugenia at age 13 by alonso sanchez coello#grand duchess alexandra pavlovna romanova of russia but i cant find the artist#marie frederike amalie queen of greece by joseph karl stieler#empress josephine by jean louis viger#queen anna of hungary and bohemia by hans maler#elisabeth of austria by jooris van der straaten#anne wortley by paul van somer#manuela gonzalez velazquez tocando el piano by zacarias gonzalez velazquez#adelingen by heinrich friederich fuger#the unequal marriage by vasili pukirev#idealised portrait of a young women as flora by bartolomeo veneto#a portrait of a noble lady by jan adam kruseman#changing the letter by joseph edward southall#lorelei by james c christensen#the crucifixion by jacob cornelisz van oostsanen#saint dorothy i think this is the title its kinda confusing by i cant find the artist#saint barbara by ambrosius benson#virgin mary by hubert van eyck and jan van eyck#princess maria alexandrovna by ivan makarov#ladies in the blazon room of the winter palace by adolphe ladurner#queen marie therese and her son by charles beaubrun#boyar's wife by konstantin yegorovich#dont know the title but its by barthel bruyn the elder#queen isabella ii of spain by unknown artist#portrait of maria therese charlotte of france by antoine-jean gros
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asoftepiloguemylove · 9 months
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Cynthia Cruz Diagnosis // David Foster Wallace // Olivia Rodrigo lacy // pinterest // Jamie Varon Does The Universe Fight For Souls To Be Together? // Ethel Cain Inbred // Chen Chen Popular Street // Meggie C. Royer Tragedies // Olivia Rodrigo making the bed // @ely-n // Mary Oliver "The Return," What Do We Know: Poems and Prose Poems // Meg Day "There's Snow in the West," Last Psalm at Sea Level
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mjjune · 2 years
Find the Word !
May fav game :D Thanks for the tag @rydykg
Tagging @imbrisvastatio @isabellebissonrouthier @writingpotato07 and anyone else who wants to!
Your words are: pill, slip, fabric, mist, necklace (or any jewelry)
My words were: fry, melody, shiver, long & fish
Fry, Melody - Nothing ://
Danny chuckles, low in his throat, and he can sense a shiver run down their spines. "If you want to protect your own hides and leave Helio for the government to take, fine. But don’t pretend it’s noble to sacrifice your son."
Long (one of my fav scenes :D)
Danny’s mind itches with countless possibilities. For so long, he’s wondered if werewolves like this—like him—exist: ones that don’t blindly follow. If there are others, he’s never crossed paths with them, or they didn’t initiate as Helio had. It is not just Helio. Mari just needed a push.
Standing in the middle of the lot, the hair on Lara’s arms prickles. There used to be a backyard, a crooked swing set her father made. There was a fireplace that they only to store junk, kids’ toys sprawled on the carpet; a fish tank that had a new goldfish monthly because their dad couldn’t keep one alive.
Project tag list: interact with this post to join!
@diemohnblume @wildswrites @little-mouse-gardens @lexiklecksi @eventideintrigue
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paladinbaby · 2 months
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returning home
no light no light, florence + the machine / gallant, v.e schwab / @arunima / where does the temple begin, where does it end? mary oliver / @doomed-bythe-narrative / caitlin conlan / @wolfythewitch / tired, langston hughes / hum hum, mary oliver / nine lives, ursula k le guin
[Image description: a collection of ten texts mostly on white backgrounds.
1: “Would you leave me / If I told you what I've done?
And would you leave me / If I told you what I'd become”
2: “Perhaps you are haunting me. / What a comforting thought. / Maybe it's you in the darkness. / I swear I've seen it move.” The first two lines are highlighted in pale green.
3: “in summer wounds fester and in winter they ache. another one of life's classic no win scenarios”
4: “I look; morning to night / I am never done with looking.”
5: “some people are taking “doomed” to mean “dead”. this is actually a misconception! you can be doomed even if you don't die! it's sometimes worse if you don't die!”
6: “It was never so romantic to become so obsessed with the past that I put my whole life on hold just to spend more time thinking about it.” Block capitals written in purple marker on pale blue paint chips.
7: “Constantly obsessed with the concept of a man forced to be a myth. What do you do when every step you take is embedded into the text. Every word you say prose to read. You're part of something bigger than yourself. The narrative tugs you along lime water currents. There is no time to rest, to be human. You must be great, you must be legend”
8: “I am so tired of waiting, / Aren't you / For the world to become good / And beautiful and kind?”
9: “Some wounds never vanish
Yet little by little / I learned to love my life.” The second two lines are highlighted leaf green.
10: “We're each of us alone, to be sure. What can you do but hold your hand our in the dark?” End ID. ]
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nataliavega · 11 months
WHERE: a bar off campus. WHO: @mari-zuko​ & nat.
Nat looked at her phone again as if it might will a text or a call or something to come through and at least put her out of her misery at this point. Tinder dates in general were so nerve-wracking— was she supposed to put out? was it a casual thing? a precursor to a possibly more-than-casual thing?— but to be stood up was a whole different kind of evil. Like, sending a text isn’t that hard!
She felt suddenly too exposed and just... too deflated to wait any longer. So she shot back the rest of her drink and left more than enough cash on the bar to cover her bill as she gathered up her things to leave. She wasn’t going to cry but humiliation did feel like the prickle of hot tears behind her eyes and she blinked furiously to clear her vision, only realizing as she looked up at the face of someone who’s path she’d unintentionally stepped into that she’d put herself in the direct line of Mari Zuko. Awesome. She’d been trying hard to prove she wasn’t that weak little thing Greer had made her feel and now here she was, a stood up little baby who was probably going to cry because of how embarrassing all of this was. “So sorry,” she said, eyes sweeping the ground as she stepped out of the way to avoid a collision. “I’m a walking hazard. I should probably always be wearing caution tape yellow.”
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jessehart · 2 years
WHERE: linden dorm hallway. WHO: @mari-zuko​ & jesse.
The knock on Gabe’s door had gone unanswered for long enough that Jesse had no other choice but to give up. It was the first time he wished he had his phone, but he sure as shit had no intention of going back to his room to see the likely hundreds of angry texts from concerned parent of the year. Anxiety was a fist around his neck, his every nerve a livewire buzzing with energy that had no outlet. No outlet except the way his fist suddenly collided with the wall beside his best friend’s door. “Fuck!” he grunted through clenched teeth, chest heaving as he shook out his hand and turned only to stop in place as he came face to face with Mari Zuko.
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flintmgr · 3 months
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the managers dont have profile pictures on cogs ink, and i wanted to make renders of what i think they would look like
also yes ben isnt using his updated model i was LAZY! and did not want to get it
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corporatedespair · 25 days
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cute little pixel cogs so small so delicate gone in the wind
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