#c: mx
poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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I've been stickered once again!
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just-some-guy-joust · 2 months
i do intend to put my oc in this tournament again btw. its tradition at this point
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Today I was at Oz Comic Con for a bit as Black Parade Gerard and I was so happy to present my painted edges copy of Dark Rise to author C S Pacat to sign!!
He really loved it and took photos - I got emotional watching her marvel at my work and then sign.
Afterwards I found another author, Megan White, selling her book The Anatomy of Songs which isn't out until next month! It's a book I had on my To Read list and buying it before launch also got me a map of Sundsvall and she signed for me~
When hearing about the painted edges I did she wanted to see and said it was beautiful - so I said I'll paint the edges of her book I purchased and show her if she's back next year 💖
I am in a lot of pain now but I am so happy I got to go!
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54prowl · 8 months
"they copied my divider" dude all of your dividers are from c*fekitsune, of course someone else would eventually use them wtf
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deijiyong · 8 months
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Before you read: This fanfic is done in a bullet-point style, thus will probably not flow as you would expect a normal fanfic to. Thank you for understanding.
Summary: You were by his side all through high school until he got his first girlfriend. When you lost the one person you felt comfortable with, you had to find new friends in his best friend Jooheon and Jooheon's girlfriend. You expect to keep pulling apart as university approaches, but Changkyun seems to have other plans.
Warnings: some talks of vomiting, mentions of reader being injured (bullied), similar mean pranks
Status: Ongoing
Updates: For currently written parts, every Sunday. When those parts run out: no definite schedule.
Color Key: for talking bullet-points.
Reader is purple.
Changkyun is green.
Jooheon is blue.
Jiyeon (Jooheon's GF) is pink.
Taeyong is red.
no one cares about Sara
Jisoo is orange.
2010 January 26th - Changkyun's 14th Birthday
2011 January 26th - Changkyun's 15th Birthday
2011 June 18th - Changkyun invites you to play in the pool
2012 January 26th - Changkyun's 16th Birthday
2014 October 4th - Jooheon's 19th Birthday (YN POV)
2014 October 4th - Jooheon's 19th Birthday (CK POV)
2014 October 5th - Changkyun invites himself over to your house
2014 October 6th - School Monday
2015 February 10th - Graduation Day
2015 February 12th - SNU Move-in Day
2015 March 19th - The day you miss CK the most
2015 April 26th - Taeyong accosts you at the bookstore
2015 June 18th - FIFA World Cup
2015 June 18th - FIFA World Cup (JH POV)
2015 December 5th - Changkyun makes a plan
2015 December 20th - Surprise!! 1/2
2015 December 20th - Surprise!! 2/2
2015 December 21st - Day One 1/2
2015 December 21st - Day One 2/2
2015 December 22nd - Day Two
2015 December 23rd - Day Three
2015 December 24th - Day Four
2015 December 25th - Day Five 1/2
2015 December 25th - Day Five 2/2 (beginning of not written parts)
2015 December 26th - TBA
Note: If it's Sunday and you're waiting on an update - send me a message. I'm actually pretty freaking forgetful. Sorry in advanced.
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fuzzy-robot · 1 year
A million things have been said about Harry and Kim's dynamic from Harry's side but I feel like people are sleeping on the other side of it. Like we don't know as much about Kim so this is some hefty projection here, but like. I feel like I've been that guy. Life has been hard and unfair for a myriad of reasons, plus existing as a marginalized person in a shitty society means you've stopped even pretending the people around you are going to treat you with dignity. You've reacted by walling yourself off and being quiet, reserved, and professional. You take your little joys when you can, but even those are kept to yourself, lest the outside world drains the beauty from them, too.
Then you meet some fucking irritatingly-outgoing goofus who makes it their life mission to buddy up and get a rise out of you, and maybe it starts off being grating but like. They persist, and they're sincere about it, and before you know it you're actually pleased to see their face and they're brightening your day and you're even permitting yourself to let out the little jokes you usually keep to yourself and they LIKE them, and you realize you have been tricked into letting down the all-important walls around yourself but the feeling of making an actual human connection in this dogshit world is so fulfilling and healing that you can't even bring yourself to be mad about it
Like again man this is the heaviest projection possible but I swear to god that shit is equally lifesaving.
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ilmhist · 2 years
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sometimes u just gotta spend a day with the blorbo
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toontownportraits · 1 year
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i love reagan's design sheet so MUCH (from here [tumblr] and here [artstation])
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sennikold · 1 year
i don’t want to sound dramatic, but buying a kindle has been the best thing i’ve done in a while.
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satoruzlove · 9 months
math core is actually fucking horrendous please do not take it if u have subject options. enjoy your life
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direwombat · 9 months
i haven't gotten to any naughty jakesyb stuff yet, so have a mid-spicy sybeli to tide y'all over
“Jesus, your hands are cold!” he exclaims. 
Pulling her hands from underneath his shirt, she places them atop his chest and pushes herself up. He shifts beneath her, allowing her to slot her knees on either side of his hips to allow her to straddle him. Drawing her lower lip between her teeth and gazing upon him with eyes half-lidded with lust, she drags her palms over his pecs, giving them an appreciative squeeze the same way he had her ass. “Perhaps you should find some way to warm them up, Mr. Palmer,” she husks. 
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I actually have no idea what’s happening or why ur sad but
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Aw thanks! I'm sad because almost all of the notifications for round 2 of the poll were so insufferable that it drove the main mod of this blog away from ever doing polls ever again, and I fucking hate it here! <3
The cat pictures have been lovely though, and it's very nice to see the ask box filled with people who have the best intentions. A lovely little reminder that some people are still nice <3 this is also a very very good cat!!! Very colored very shaped 10/10
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drowninginabactatank · 7 months
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Library reservation pick-up~📚
Chasm by Stacey McEwan (book 2 in the Glacian trilogy) and Twelve Bones by Rosie Talbot (book 2 after Sixteen Souls).
Also my preorder for Dark Heir by C S Pacat arrived at the p.o. box! I grabbed the paperback so I could claim the preorder campaign rewards from the author that will get sent out later! I will be painting the edges of this copy too!
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deijiyong · 6 months
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Navigation: Next Part | Story Masterlist | Masterlist
2015 June 18th - FIFA World Cup
You were finally getting the hang of school in Seoul
The only person you still talked to back home beside your mother was Jiyeon
Jiyeon had cried to you a month ago over FaceTime that Jooheon was cheating on her
It had been the one time you reached out to him to get his side of the story
The next weekend, he had driven the 2 hours to Jiyeon’s University to apologize to her in person and just be around her for those two days
After that, he showed up to be with her once a month
Things seemed to have calmed down
They happened to be on video call with you as you all watched the Soccer World Cup live from New Zealand
Jooheon was partially paying attention as he was packing for his visit to go see Jiyeon tomorrow night
Jiyeon, however, was focused on you
You had told her about the strange idol wannabe that had forced himself into your life
Has he talked to you a lot since then?
Almost every day
I don’t think he knows when to give up
The guy crushing on YN!!
He’s not crushing on me
Ji, please, he’s just taking pity on me since I don’t have friends
Why am I only hearing about this now?
Because it’s not important
He’s been pulling her out every Sunday to hang out 
It’s not a big deal (eye roll)
Babe, you hang out with him every weekend?
He approached you first?
Pretty sure he’s interested
Now you have to believe me
Jooheon agrees!
You’re both insane
Yeah they did
Quit changing the subject
She’s shy
Does my bestie have a crush as well?
How is that even possible? 
I wish he’d leave me alone
(muffled voice) Man, are you really leaving this weekend?
I’m gonna mute, girls, brb.
You totally have a crush
Ji, I do not (whines)
What’s his name? You never told me
Taeyong? He’s a Music major
At your community college?
Oh, I guess I forgot to tell you
I kind of,,, didn’t go to a community college
I got a free ride to SNU?
So I took it
You’re overseas? Right now?
You sit back from your camera, flipping your screen back to the FaceTime screen so you could show off the room behind you
This is my dorm room
It’s kind of blah
We’re not really allowed to decorate 
And I’m not big into knick-knacks
You bitch
I’m so jealous!
Why didn’t you tell me sooner?
(jooheon leaves call)
Where’d Joo go?
Probably lost net again
Don’t worry about him, I’ll tell him about it when he gets here!!
Would you take me on a tour of the campus over the weekend? I wanna see it!!
Yeah, totally
But I’m going to blame you if Taeyong crashes the tour
I’ve been staying in since he’s been stalking me
Oh, yeah, you’re t o t a l l y annoyed with him (eye roll)
I am!
Are we going to watch the rest of the matches tomorrow?
Jooheon will be on the road, but we can still watch!
Yeah, we can call around the same time as today? I should probably sleep soon - it’s late here
You should have said so sooner!!
What time is it there?
Almost 2 AM?
Baby~ go to sleep~
I will!
Tell Joo I said goodnight!
Will Do!!
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fates-theysband · 1 year
gathering a list in my head of my f/os that are canonically lgbt...fate is nonbinary. 432 is nonbinary (iirc the devs have used both they and he for them?). bubby is agender. dak is bi. fanto is pan. kian is bi. tim (stoker) is bi. michael is "not a who, archivist, i am a what". nikola is trans. artemis is nonbinary and probably does not exist within the human gender binary anyway. spamton is...whatever the hell the sweepstakes was trying to convey (definitely not straight though). milton doesn't seem to have a gender and is only ever referred to with it/its pronouns in the game. pete is trans.
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