#c’mon now I KNOW there are people with me I just gotta find em
ghxstmxchine · 8 months
As much as i love seeing hobie x opposite reader can i get hobie x punk!m!reader? They make each other patches and listen to punk music while making out
ʜᴏʙɪᴇ x ᴘᴜɴᴋ ᴍ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
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☆ ᴀ/ɴ: me actually writing something?? shocking! I have a bit of free time on my hands so I wanted to do a bit of writing, hopefully get more requests that inspire me
☆ ᴅᴇᴛᴀɪʟꜱ: SFW // Hobie x m!reader // w.c: 0.5k
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“What are you, my mom?” You tease, a snarky smile on your face as Hobie pulls you aside before you both leave. You were both heading to a dive bar show, already pushing the time with how long it took you both to leave, now Hobie is putting it off longer.
You didn’t mind, not when he’s boxing you in against the wall, his hands grasping at you like he needs something.
“Nah but you can call me somethin’ else.” Hobie says, a sarcastic tinge to his voice, watching you frown as his hands stop moving higher, only catching on your vest you threw on before you both got ready to head out. You wanted his hands elsewhere, he knew that.
“Ya gotta learn to sew better.” Hobie murmurs lowly, a smile playing on his lips as he plucks a patch off your vest that had already been falling off. You try to grab it back and he switches it between his hands too fast, making you roll your eyes at his constant antics. “C’mon, gonna lose it if ya keep messin’ ‘em up.” 
He dangles it in front of your face, it was one of your favorites. Hobie had hand sewed it for you, switched it with a one you’d made straight off your vest as “payment”. In truth, you almost were thankful he noticed it slipping, you’d honestly rather lose your whole damn vest than that one patch.
“Now how are they gonna know yer mine if ya keep losin’ everythin’ I give ya?” You can feel his warm breath on your neck, making goosebumps ripple across your skin. He’s playing with you, you were used to it, and endless dance you both found yourselves in as you pushed and pulled between your words.
“God, can’t imagine how else people would know.” You roll your eyes, attempting to snatch the patch out of his hands but he holds it above your head, resting his hand on the wall behind you. Hobie’s heavy boots nudge against yours, moving closer as if he was trying to get a point across with just his body.
“I can imagine a couple of ways.” You barely catch the smirk on his face before his lips are crashing against yours, plump lips pressed together as he conveys his words without even opening his mouth.
Hobie kissed like the music you both loved. Fast, hard and with a purpose. He cups your face, pulling you in closer as he attacks your lips, alternating between the softness of his plush lips kneading against yours and sharp nips to your own. It’s erratic and desperate, like when you see that one look in his eyes while in the pit and know your back is going to be pressed up against a stall door, feeding off each other’s adrenaline while he’s practically eating you alive.
He was playing you like a goddamn guitar.
Hobie pulls away, lips kiss swollen and sweet as that same smile finds its way onto his face. You chase after his mouth but he steps back before you can get anything more, slipping the patch into his pocket. “C’mon, get some floss fer the patch, gotta fix it ‘fore we miss the show.”
Raising an eyebrow, you don’t move from the spot. “Like you have any plans on going there anymore.” You retort quickly.
You can read him like the back of your hand, there’s no way you both weren’t missing the show tonight. Too bad they don’t offer refunds.
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devildomditzy · 2 years
Pacts - Mammon x MC
part two of ?
haven’t read part one? start here!
done? finish the story here!
Tags: angst w/ eventual comfort, very small mention of blood/endangerment
author’s note + tag list at the end ❤️
“And so you see, that’s why it is vitally important that when practicing seductive speechcraft, you annunciate your words very clearly, and -
Mammon stopped listening to this lecture awhile ago. In fact, he wasn’t even listening to begin with, how could he? His mind was too focused on you - mainly the fact that no matter how hard he looked around the House of Lamentation, he couldn’t find you, no hide nor hair. After you ran off, he walked towards the house, decidely not running after you. Setting off at a slow pace, he figured he’d give you some distance, some time to cool off. Upon his arrival, he knew he’d be the last demon in this place you’d want to speak to, but nevertheless, you’re his responsibility.
“Oi! Mc! Open up! C‘mon we can’t be late, Lucifer will light both our asses up,” he chides, knocking at your door three times. He waits a bit, only to be met with silence. “MC, I know yer in there, c’mon!”, he raises his voice, annoyance rising with each word. Still, nothing. He sighs, swallowing his pride. He knows what he has to do-
“Listen, if this is ‘bout what I said earlier I…I didn’t mean..i mean..its just…h-how childish can ya be, huh? Not answerin’s gunna get us both in trouble! Now come out!”
-but try as he might, he can’t do it. Why apologize? To the human of all people? The one who had the audacity to do something that caused his pact mark to show up there. Musta done it to make me look stupid to the others, he thinks to himself. Their idea of a joke.
Tired of talking to himself, he reaches a hand towards the doorknob and twists, surprised to find it unlocked. The second born walks into the center of the room, shoving his hands in his pockets. “If yer hidin’, ya can come out now. I’m gettin’ real tired of this game!”
After a minute of no response, Mammon thinks he may really be alone in the house’s guest room. He bends down to peer under your bed, finding it just as empty as the rest of your room. He tried the wardrobe with similar results.
He peeks into your closet, only to find various outfits you had picked up when Lucifer made him take you to Majolish in your first days here. He spots a jacket hanging in the corner.
That stupid jacket. The one you looked great in but weren’t convinced yourself. The one you timidly asked for his opinion on. The one that brought out the color in your eyes and made you smile to yourself in the mirror and kind of matched his own. The one he told you looked as bland as the rest of the stuff in your arms and that you were taking up to much of his time with just by asking a question. He remembers the hurt on your face, it was the same face you made to him this morning. He stares at it a beat too long before making to leave the room. He begins to feel an unpleasant anxiety in his stomach, and he can only assume it’s thanks to your disappearance. ‘M used to them bein’ around is all. Gotta find em before Lucifer freaks.
Now if you had a human from another realm wearing a royal demon academy uniform possibly harboring negative feelings towards their great, all powerful and totally breathtaking bodyguard, where would you put them? Mammon continues to repeat this question in his mind as he searches through the HOL’s most trafficked hangouts. Unfortunately for him, there was no sight of you in the kitchen, the foyer, the library, the common area, any of the bathrooms, the conservatory, or anywhere for that matter.
Annoyed, he takes out his D.D.D. and clicks on your most recent text thread with him.
Mammon: This is stupid! Where ya at!
Mammon: You said you were commin’ back to HOL, so why ain’t ya here?
Hearing the unmistakable ding of your D.D.D notification sound, he whips around to see where the sound came from, before realizing the source of the noise sat abandoned in the backpack around his shoulders. Tch.
Wish this dumb pact worked both ways, he thought to himself as he ran a hand through his hair. Why’d they have to be so difficult…
Why’d I have to go n’ open my stupid mouth.
With no way to contact you and no idea where you could be, Mammon storms off back to R.A.D. If Lucifer was gonna kill him for losing his new brat, he wasn’t gonna give him another reason to revive and kill him again by not showing up to school.
Which brings him to now, nervously shaking his leg while hiding his phone under the table, just in case one of his brothers texts him about you, or says anything about you. It begins to hit him, as he hears his professor drone on, that you’re human. A stupidly soft, extremely fragile, totally marked as food by demons other than the council, human.
What if while you were running back towards HOL, you got lost? What if while you were running back towards HOL, someone took you? What if while you were running away from him because everything he wants to say comes out wrong, someone hurt you.
He can’t take it anymore. He abruptly stands, practically running out of the classroom. “Young man, where do you think you’re going?”, the professor calls out to him, but Mammon chooses to ignore them, slamming the classroom door behind him. He needs to find you, and fast. He needs to know that you’re okay. He needs to protect you, because Lucifer told him to. He needs to protect you, because he wants to protect you.
Pacing in the hallway, he knows what he has to do, but doesn’t know if he has the strength to do it. “Dammit!”, he mutters as he clicks on the chat on his phone that contains all his siblings minus Lucifer.
Mammon: Have any of ya seen the human?
Levi: Us? Weren’t you supposed to be watching them?
Asmo: Oh dear! Don’t tell me you ran them off already!
Satan: How did you manage to lose a whole creature, let alone one that can talk and communicate exactly alike us?
Levi: Lol
Beel: I haven’t seen them. I’ll let you know if I do.
Mammon: Thanks, Beel. At least one of ya are helpful.
Asmo: That’s sad! I was soooo hoping I’d get a turn to play with them <3
Mammon: Can it, Asmodeus!
Satan: Pulling out the full names? You must really be upset.
Levi: Can’t you just text them?
Mammon: I can’t. They...forgot their phone in their room like some idiot.
Satan: My my, stealing from the exchange student already, are we?
Mammon: I didn’t steal nothin’ from ‘em. They just don’t have their phone on them, okay!?
Levi: Have you checked purgatory hall?
Purgatory hall…
Purgatory hall!
How could he be so stupid! Of course! Where else would a human run to when demons have hurt them? To the angels!
He moves faster than he has in a long time, not since the fall, until he finds himself in front of the door to the angel’s and shady sorcerer’s shared dorm room.
A raises a fist to knock but before he can, the door creeks open to reveal a smiling Simeon. Damn angel intuition. Though he beams brightly, the smile does not reach his eyes. He looks a bit sad, and maybe even…disappointed? “Mammon. We’ve been expecting you.”, Simeon courteously bows his head.
“Yea yea hey to you too ‘n all that. Listen, is the human here?”, Mammon questions while nervously drumming his fingers against his thigh. Simeon’s expression softens at the mention of you. “Why yes, they are, but they have been in brighter moods before. Would you care to come in and speak with them?”
Mammon peers around Simeon’s form in the door frame to see you sitting on one of the common room’s couches next to Luke. The chihuahua pours you some more tea from a pot on the table as you wipe at your eyes. The puffy redness under them tells him all he needs to know. He’d made you cry.
In that moment, his mind screams at him. He was awful. He was a scumbag. He was every horrible thing his brothers and those money hungry witches called him combined and-
“Mammon?”, your small voice rings out. Simeon steps aside and gestures for him to enter the room. It takes his mind a minute to catch up to his movements, but after a brief stutter he enters, walking towards your hunched over frame.
Simeon is quick to follow him, calling out to Luke, “Why don’t we go see Barbatos? If he’s not busy, we can see about learning that new recipe you’ve been looking forward to?”
“Yeah!”, Luke excitedly cheers, face falling when he turns back to you, “But-but MC is so sad! We can’t just leave them like this! I swear when I find out who made them cry, I’m gonna give them the what for!”
You give a small chuckle at the little angel’s antics. It’s the same smile that makes Mammon’s stomach fill with butterflies. Gah!- He hates that feeling. He doesn’t know what to do about it. How to make it go away.
“I’m fine Luke, I swear. I just had a rough morning is all. Go with Simeon, I’ve got to get back to class anyway.”
Luke looks to you, then to Mammon, before landing on Simeon. “What’s he doing here?”
“Could ask ya the same thing, Chihuahua!”, Mammon laughs before ruffling Luke’s hat into his hair, much at the angel’s dismay.
“I am NOT a CHIHUAHUA!”, he yells, increasingly becoming more red in the face. Simeon brings a hand to his mouth to hold back a laugh.
“Come along Luke, let’s give them some space. Solomon’s out, so please lock the door behind you when you leave,” Simeon gracefully states while taking Luke’s hand, guiding him out of the room. Before he leaves, he turns and winks at Mammon in a not so secretively way, as you catch it too. The action makes Mammon growl, but pulls another giggle out of you. The sound makes the butterflies stronger.
Mammon awkwardly stands in front of you, almost willing you to speak, like he was the one owed an apology. He shuffles his weight side to side, from one foot to the other before cramming his hands into his pockets. You shyly look away from him, but still reach a hand out to pat the cushion next to you, motioning for him to sit down. Stupid human, still nice to me when ya supposed to be mad. Despite his thoughts, he takes your offer, tense as he carefully sits next to you like a statue.
You both sit in silence for awhile, basking in each other’s presences. He wants to say something, anything to break the suffocating atmosphere you’ve both created here, but he can’t find the words. How can he when every time he looks at you his mind goes blank and his heart yearns to spill.
“Listen, I-” “You know-”
“You go first, Mammon”, you yield, allowing the second born to continue.
“Runnin’ off like that in the middle of the Devildom is dangerous! It’s crazy for a lower level demon, let alone some ballsy human. What would I woulda done if all I found of ya was a pile of bones? A trail of yer blood? Huh?” I thought I lost you.
“I-I can handle myself just fin-”
“Clearly. Is that why you went and made a pact with a demon? One of hell’s lords? Cause ya can handle everything by yerself? Cause ya so big and strong by yerself?” I’m supposed to protect you.
“T-that’s not fair, Levi coerced me-”
“And then ya ran to the angels when you were upset? Whadda they have that we don’t? What can they do that we can’t?” What can they do for you that I can’t.
“You said our pact mark was a blemish-”
“It is! Who the hell would want the symbol of some good for nuthin’, money grubbin’ scumbag like me on their heart! It should be Lucifer’s, o-or Beel’s, or…someone else. Anyone else.” I’m not worthy of you.
“Mammon,” your voice shakes, but remains sickly sweet. You place a hand over top his. His face shoots up to meet your gaze. The butterflies are swarming like crazy.
“If you hate our pact that much, if you hate where the sigil formed that much, let’s ask Lord Diavolo how to break it-”
“NO!”, Mammon shoots up to his feet, running a hand through his hair to calm his nerves. He can hear a similar waver in his own voice. “No, no that’s not what I meant. Tch! Why doesn’t it ever come out right! I swear when it comes ta you i just-”, Mammon sighs, trying to calm himself down. His face is beet red, he just knows it and father, do you have to look at him like that? With a face full of kindness and concern and love for him, the expression that you only give him and none of his brothers and none of the angels and none of the royals and no one else but him.
“MC, do ya know what it means when a pact mark forms there?”
Author’s Note: Gaaaah!!! Thank you all so much for your response on this series! It’s been kinda insane! I’m really thankful for all your notes and I’ve read every tag that was left for me. You’re all so sweet! This should have at the very least one more part, so please let me know if you want to be a part of the tag list for part 3! 
Taglist: @someoneunkownforyou @fandomhell97 @crocrafts @dragonageoregons @furblrwurblr @youaskedfurret @simpinginthecorner @astarotha @glitterandgoldfinds @liminalimmortal @bestblob @crow-charlie @hauntedcatnerd @aprilwallflower @ungodlywoes
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loosesodamarble · 5 months
The Heartless Witch and the Captain of the Black Bulls
Summary: With the paperwork finalized, Yami decides on his first recruit. Yami goes to tell Josele and makes a promise to take care of those close to him. Genre: general, slight angst? Word count: ~1500
“Mm-hm… The Black Bulls, as you said earlier. Oh and the final version of your emblem turned out marvelously!” Julius remarked as he looked over Yami’s formal submission to start his own squad. “You vice captain is… Nacht Faust?” His eyes shot up to meet Yami’s. “That’s quite a choice considering that he’s not established in the ranks at all. And there’s the matter of the house’s current standing.”
“Eh, you know me,” Yami said with a shrug. “Can’t really say I care about what other people think.”
“Right, right,” Julius chuckled. He finished reviewing the paper and looked at Yami again. “Everything’s in order. What comes next is establishing a base and finding squad members. The entrance exam isn’t for a while but you can still recruit outside of that setting.”
“That’s good,” Yami answered, “because I already have a recruit in mind.” He spoke firmly. With resolve. “Julius, I want to make Josele a Black Bull.”
At that, Julius’s eyes went wide and his mouth fell open.
“Yami, I know that you’re good friends with her but…” Julius rested his hands flat on the desk. “Can you handle the responsibility of having her in your squad? Her dealing with Forbidden Magic has only been overlooked so far by the Magic Parliament because I’ve vouched for her.”
“Don’t sweat it. I’ll just tell ‘em to stick their rulebook up their ass,” Yami replied. His smug grin melted away to a serious frown. “Julius, Jo isn’t going to get better by staying here.” He felt a sting behind his eyes but blinked it away as much as he could. “I gotta help her as much as I can. So please…”
Julius’s stern eyes softened. He rose from his seat, rounded the desk, and walked to stand in front of Yami. After placing his hands on the newly appointed captain’s shoulders, he said, “You two best take care of each other, got it?”
Yami nodded. Doing otherwise would have defeated the purpose of Yami’s plan.
The ruins of House Faust.
It felt like some sick joke knowing Josele started living in the abandoned manor with Nacht after Thomas had died. Then again, she wasn’t wanted anywhere else. Her soulless expression and lifeless aura scared not only the neighbors near her childhood home but also the members of the Grey Deer. Really, House Faust was the only place where she could go. She came back to it, even after the tragedy.
Yami shook his head free of his depressing thoughts and knocked on the front door. He waited a minute with no answer. He knocked again. And after another minute, the door opened.
“Oh, so it’s you, Dark Mage,” Josele greeted with an empty voice. “What are you doing here?”
“Needed to talk to you,” Yami answered. “Care to let me in?”
Josele stepped aside and Yami walked in.
The foyer was bathed in a dim atmosphere. Less to do with the lighting and more to do with the state of disrepair the place was left in. Despite Josele and Nacht inhabiting the space, it wasn’t a home. There was no comfort. There was no warmth.
“What did you need to talk about?” Josele asked, also without warmth.
“Not even gonna offer me a drink? Poor host behavior,” Yami muttered, trying to shrug off her coldness. The old you woulda said “How about I get you something to drink before we chat?”
“Did you want a drink?” Josele’s expression didn’t shift in the slightest.
“Nah. I won’t overstay my welcome.” Yami fished through his pocket for his cigarettes and lighter. “You mind if I smoke?”
“I do mind.”
Yami almost didn’t catch it but Josele’s monotonous voice softened when she said that. Even now, she could care. Just barely.
“Right then…” Yami removed his hand from his pocket and adjusted his stance. “Anyways. Came here to let you know that I got my squad approved.”
“That must be an honor.”
C’mon, Jo. Not even a “congratulations”? “Yup. You said it. And now that I’ve got a squad, I need squad members.” Yami reached into the bag he brought with him and pulled out two black robes. “Nacht is gonna be my vice captain. And you, well, you get to be a regular Knight on the squad.”
“I…” Josele stared at the robes then up at Yami. “Don’t understand.”
“What don’t you get? Nacht’s gonna be my second-in-command. And you’re gonna be a cool senior squad member,” Yami said before extending his arm further towards Josele. “Go on. They’re for you and Nacht.”
“I don’t understand why you’d want me,” Josele stated, her gaze lowering. “I’ve stopped being dead weight but there’s still other Magic Knights with more accomplishments than me. I mainly use my weapons because the magic I do use can’t be wielded freely. And people say I’m difficult to work with. Logically speaking, I’d be a detriment to your squad instead of an asset.”
Josele didn’t look defeated or sorry for herself. She stopped looking like anything affected her years ago. But even when she spoke of “logic,” her words betrayed feelings that should’ve been choked by her curse. Deep down inside, Josele was still unsure and scared. She still looked down on herself as the woman who failed to save someone immeasurably precious to her.
Because of that, Yami made his choice.
Yami threw one of the two robes over Josele’s head. The fabric fluttered down and rested on her left shoulder. The same way she wore her Grey Deer robe.
Josele blinked. Again, her expression didn’t change. Yami could still tell that she had to take a second to register what he’d done though.
“Don’t sweat the details, Jo,” Yami chuckled as he watched Josele grasp at the fabric. “I don’t care about accomplishments. What matters is that you kick plenty of ass and I like having you around. Oh, and you agree to go out drinking with me whenever I ask. Haha…”
“I still don’t get it,” Josele whispered. However, she clutched the black robe she’d been gifted. “But if you insist then I see no point in arguing.”
“Good to hear. You’re officially a Black Bull now,” Yami said with a grin, one that was hard to pull off, and a nod. He passed the cloak meant for Nacht to Josele. “Make sure that shady bastard gets this. Wrestle it onto him if you have to. He’s my vice captain whether he likes it or not.”
With the conversation basically over, Yami moved to leave.
But he stopped at the door. He glanced over his shoulder. Josele had begun walking away, deeper into the manor. Deeper into a gloomy shell of a house, like herself.
Without thinking, Yami ran up behind Josele and tugged her into a hug. For a moment, he felt the firmness of her muscles as she tensed in surprise. She relaxed after a few seconds, having registered that there was no threat, only Yami hugging her with one arm. She didn’t return the embrace, merely stood still.
A shaking exhale was heard.
Yami wasn’t sure if it came from him or Josele. Not that it mattered.
He felt the urge to hug Josele tighter but Yami couldn’t bring himself to. Josele already felt so fragile. He feared even a brief squeeze might shatter her.
So he just held her.
“Oniichan…” A quiet voice whispered as a small figure clung to Yami’s shirt. “Itsumo-itsumo… Soba ni ite, mamotte… Onegai…”
Gomen… Yami bit his cheek. Kimi o mamorenakatta, ore wa… Kedo. Konkai, daijina hito o mamorou. “Don’t worry, Jo,” Yami whispered as he continued to hold her. “This squad will be a place where you can belong. Things will get better. I swear.”
Yami let Josele go.
When Josele looked up at him, her eyes were damp.
“I will do my best for your squad, Dark Mage. And good luck with recruiting others,” Josele still had a hollow voice. The wish of good luck, though, had a softness that felt like the person Josele used to be.
“Heh, a guy like me doesn’t need luck,” Yami bluffed and gave a smirk. “I’ve got good judgment instead.” He clapped Josele on the shoulder.
Then, he walked out the front door as he’d intended to a moment ago.
Yami walked through the forest surrounding the mansion alone, head down and thoughts stewing.
The squad that Yami was going to pull together would be for people like himself. People like Nacht. And like Josele.
One day, Yami would find people who could accept Josele for who she truly was. Who would feel her caring warmth through the ice she’d sealed her heart in. Who would see through the mask she’d put on. There had to be people out there who could make her smile again. Maybe not the same grin that Morgen brought to her face. But any smile would be better than that passionless gaze Josele had since she cursed herself.
It wasn’t only Josele’s happiness that Yami hoped to see restored. But everything. Her anger at injustice. Her playfulness with friends. Gratitude for her weapons being repaired. Annoyance at strange noble customs. Sorrow for lost loved ones.
Loved ones whose names and faces she couldn’t recall anymore.
All the emotions that were part of Josele… They would come back to her.
Yami had to believe.
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g0ttal0ve101 · 3 months
Heather Transcript
Note: JUMPSCARE! yep been cooking up a tcm victim oc behind the curtains…took me an hour so i hope yall enjoy <3 cutie ocs belong to @/twsted-idiot (rae) n @/lelandmylove (jolene) :3
[Heather’s ability, “Wake-up Call” allows her to lengthen stun durations by revealing personal information and history via investigating family member belongings on the map. Her ability is used during close encounters and/or via sneak attack. In theory, each family member would have multiple lines per ability use, but this transcript shows only one of the many variations there are.]
Free From Restraints
- Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit…!
- What the hell is this place?
- What the fuck is going on?!
- We gotta get outta here. Fast.
- We better get outta here if we don’t wanna have our faces in the newspaper next.
- What kinda fucked up family is this?
- God, these people are freaks…I have to get outta here.
- How long’s this been going on for…? I mean, seriously! How many people have to die before we get a cop in this place?!
Julie Seen
- Psst, Julie! You’ll make it outta here, okay?
- Everything’s gonna be okay, Julie. Let’s just stay close.
- Julie! Thank God you’re okay!
- It’s gonna be fine, Julie. You’re gonna make it.
Connie Seen
- Connie, c’mere! Let’s stay together!
- You okay, Connie? …Don’t worry, you got this. You can pick locks like a champ!
- Connie! Oh, thank God…! Stay close, okay?
- You’re gonna get outta here, Connie. Trust me.
Ana Seen
- Everything’s gonna be alright, Ana. Just stay with me.
- We’ll find her, Ana. I promise you.
- Ana, are you alright? C’mon, let’s stick together!
- You got this, Ana. You’ll be okay.
Leland Seen
- Oh, thank the Lord…! Leland, stay close!
- Be careful, Leland. I know you can fend them off, but…
- Leland, you okay? You got this, man. Don’t sweat it.
- Listen, Leland. You’re gonna get out. You have to.
Sonny Seen
- Oh, thank God…Sonny, you’re gonna make it outta here.
- You’re super smart, Sonny. Don’t let them trip you up.
- You okay, Sonny? Let’s stick together.
- Sonny! C’mere! We have to stay close!
Danny Seen
- Danny, hey! Stay close, man!
- We’ll find her, Danny. I promise you that.
- Don’t lose hope, Danny. You’re real good with those gadgets ‘n stuff, you’re gonna be fine.
- You okay, Danny? We gotta stay on the low.
Virginia Seen
- Oh no—…wait…you’re not one of them?
- Hey, it’ll be alright. My friends are here too, you’ll get outta here with ‘em.
- They got you too, huh? Shit. We got this, okay?
- You okay, miss? Let’s stick together, alright?
Maria Seen
- Maria…? Holy shit…! Holy shit! Maria! Thank the Lord! You’re gonna make it outta here, I promise you!
- Maria! Oh my God…! Are you okay?! Let’s stay together, I won’t let them take you again!
- That Johnny boy did this to you, didn’t he? I saw your poster in his shack…
- Everything’s alright, Maria! Let’s find the others and get outta this hell hole!
Ability Used / Close Encounter
(Cook) - You’re the head of the house, right?! Why’re you letting a bunch of kids know where y’all live?! This is your fault!
(Bubba) - Bubba, hey…are you okay? I heard them yelling at you. It’s not your fault, buddy. Really, none of this falls on you. Just let us go…
(Hitchhiker) - Nubbins! You’re the one that makes all those cool traps, huh? I’m sure your Grandpa’s real proud of you! Yeah, I’m sure!
(Hands) - I don’t know who you think you are, but you better get the fuck off me! Hanging around a family who don’t even want you, big fucking fatass!
(Nancy) - You’re not fit to be a mother, Nancy! A real mother would never kill another mother’s children! Now let me go!
(Sissy) - Who are you to show us the light? You have no idea what you’re talking about! Get the hell off of me!
(Johnny) - What would your mother think of this, Johnny? Your real mother? You’re becoming the man she was trying to protect you from!
(Leslie) - Leslie, listen to me. That woman isn’t your mother. Don’t you get that? You’re just like us! You’re just like Maria!
(Rae) - You were like us once weren’t you, Rae? Don’t you remember what it was like? How scary it was? Or are you too busy trying to impress Johnny to care?
(Jolene) - You wanna play a game, Jolene? Hide-and-seek? Tag? Sure! Just put away the switch blade…
Family Member Seen
- Goddamnit, another one…?
- Okay…okay, I think I got something for that one.
- Don’t come over here, man…c’mon…
- Who’s that…? Alright, it’s cool. I got something.
Health Found
- This’ll prolly help.
- Gotta leave some of these for the others…
- Thank God they left this out…
- This’ll help the bleeding…
Bone Scrap
- What the hell is this?
- I’m gonna puke…
- Who the fuck leaves stuff like this around?
- Gotta defend myself somehow, I guess…
Unlock Tool
- I can get those doors open with this…
- Calm down, Heather. You’re good.
- This better work…
Dead Body Seen
- Holy shit! No, no, no, no…!
- That can’t be…! I’m gonna be sick…!
- Oh, God…! I-I’ll come back for you. I won’t leave you here…!
Low Health
- I have to keep going…I have to!
- Fuck…this hurts like a bitch!
- Gotta stop the bleeding…
- These people are crazy…!
- Thank God for this weak ass building…
- Just like a game of tag…that’s all.
- Can’t get me this way.
- Hell yeah…!
Crawlspace Blocked
- How the hell did they even…? Whatever.
- This must not be their first rodeo…
- Goddamnit. They’re smart, I’ll give ‘em that.
- Son of a bitch…
Door/Exit Blocked
- God, this place is a maze…
- Ugh, gotta find another way in.
- Assholes.
- Damn! Gotta find another way through…
Door/Exit Unblocked
- Finally!
- There we go. This’ll speed things up.
- Where will this lead…?
- Thank God. We gotta get outta here.
Stuck In Trap
- Shit, shit, shit, shit!
- God! That stings like a fuckin’ bitch!
- Fuuuck! What the hell is wrong with these people?!
- Ow…! How the hell didn’t I see this?!
Escaped From Trap
- Thank God…
- Ugh…whoever made that knew what they were doing!
- That fuckin’ hurt!
- Gotta be more careful…
- I gotta get help! I gotta!
- God, please let all of them survive!
- Is anyone out there?! Come help us! Help!
- Fuckin’ bastards! I need to find the others…!
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rosecoloreddesire · 2 years
Sugar Daddy Blues, 3
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Summary: You’ve been told to stay away from strangers before but…this one sounded like a dream come true. Sending you money for school, clothes, and pictures. You were living on cloud nine and somehow Elvis Presley was gonna take you all the way there.
Warnings: Daddy Kink, Older!Elvis, Younger!Reader (by 10 years), Innocence Kink, P in V (wrap it up y’all!). 
Note: Thanks y’all for all the love on SDB! If you guys have any ideason how to further this series pls let me know! I was also writing a separate story and hope that I didn’t put the name in this lol. My DMs and requests are open! My finals for college start sometime this week! Love y’all! 
“Soooo, what happened when you left me at the entrance, Y/N?” Your skin flushed and you all but spit your drink out at the bar.
“Emily! I didn’t do nothin’! Jerry just asked me if I saw a girl's missin' purse! That’s it!” You fold your arms and a pout decorates your lips. She scoffs as she raised the tickets in her hands.
“Well, jokes on you! We’re going again tonight! They’ve got more songs to film!” Your heart skipped a beat as she placed the ticket in your palm. You hadn’t talked to Elvis since that night out of pure humiliation.
“Really?! Now, we’ve gotta go find some new clothes to wear!” You push your empty glass toward the bartender and he nods. How the hell were you gonna face the King of Rock N Roll?! You just sucked him off and went away! How was he gonna react to that? Why did you have to say it like that? 
“Well, I’m a good friend and wanted your suga’ daddy to go absolutely wild! This is just the bee's knees, Y/N!” Your best friend draws a leather dress out of a shopping bag and squeals. Your jaw all but dropped as you took the coarse fabric into your shaky hands.
“I am not wearin’ this, Em! You have lost your goddamn mind! I’d much rather ask them to dress me!” Your cheeks burned at the thought of how Elvis would react to you trying to match his all-leather get-up. Your mind ran rampant as you thought of him bending you over and proving then and there that you were his and his only. You shook your head as Emily giggled.
“C’mon! At least let me help you model it for a few pics! My aunt designed this dress and she said she needed it for a model!” You sighed but heavily agreed. You begrudgingly walk into the bathroom and pull the leather trap on. You huff as it hugs at your curves and you smile at yourself in the mirror. You look good….no! No, you can’t wear it to his special. Lord knows what he’d do or that damn manager would do!
“A lot tighter than expected but I got it on.” Emily clapped as she brought out her Polaroid camera. You pose the best you can while people in the bar are staring at you. You’re aware of the eyes but they don’t put you off but spur you on to keep posing.
“These are perfect! Now you don’t have to wear it tonight we can change real quick and call for a taxi to get there in time!” Emily grabs your arm and pulls you back into the bathroom. As you both change she helps you with her makeup. You feel an unnerving guilt bubble in your chest as Emily pats down your eyeshadow.
“I almost slept with Elvis Presley.” You freeze as Em drops the eye shadow brush in her hand. She scrambles to push her makeup away. Her hands grasp yours harshly.
“ALMOST?! Why didn’t you?! The Elvis Presley wants you,” you wince as you see the cogs turning in her head,” HE’S THAT GUY! Your suga’ daddy is Elvis?!” You shush her and place your finger on her lips. Her vision is ablaze with excitement.
“Could you scream any louder? Damn, Em! You know I’ve never done nothin’ with no one! How am I supposed to do that with Elvis?!” She continues your makeup and shakes her head. Your head swam in thoughts of every position you could think of Elvis putting you in. God, your daddy would kill you for these thoughts.
“Did you ever think of talking it out with your man? He knows you're younger than him so why wouldn’t he think you're a virgin? Maybe he’s into that?” She shrugs as she finishes your makeup and you sigh. You should’ve talked to him about it but you couldn’t get past your own pity. You brushed your clammy hands across your skirt and let your shoulders sag as she finished her hair.
“M-Maybe if I get the chance tonight I’ll talk with him. Though I doubt he’s gonna wanna talk to me after what happened.” Em took your hand and she placed a comforting hand across your cheek.
“You are burnin’ up, chick! We really gotta get him to notice you! And I know just how!” Before you can ask why she’s grinning so devilishly she pulls you along once more. You soon find yourself face to face with Jerry once again and he beams softly down at you. You nod and Emily tells you to hold her seat. You locate your seat and realize you are directly next to the stage…again. Great. 
“Where were you,” it was more of an injunction than a question,”He just started so hopefully they don’t catch us on film…What-“ Your scolding is interrupted by a further entire set. He looks magnificent as he strides in a black satin shirt and red scarf.
“Wow, he looks hot, Y/N.” She nudged your side with her elbow as you can’t tear yourself away from his stature. The filming seems to go by fast with him changing multiple times. Lights behind him glow red in the dimly lit space in his name. Chills run down your spine as you acknowledge this wasn’t a Christmas song. He went against his manager again. Though instead of being worried for him…you wanted him to keep doing this kind of thing. It made him seem more…alive. More him. His voice was blaring and controlling in the resonant space. Extras and staff stared on in awe as his emotion grew and the room filled with a sense of perseverance. A gospel scene is next and you feel awful as you feel the searing desire fill your veins. And who are you kidding? A whorehouse? He knew what he was doing at that point!
The filming ends as soon as it starts and claps erupt in the studio as he stands in absolute disarray of emotions. His life was hanging in the balance of this but you could see how much he tended to the melody of this special. Individuals are being placed back by the stage as Elvis grins. He waves you over and your skin is alight with craving at the short action.
“Did ya like it, baby? I still feel like I’m shakin’.” He allowed you to wander aside from him to his dressing room. You peek around to make sure no one was tracking you both or just observing. Your eyes dart up to where Elvis was gaping earlier and make eye contact with Elvis’ manager. His eyes bore voids through you as Elvis clutches your hand.
“I-It was great, E. Um, are you still filming today or was this just a trick by Emily and your friend?” Elvis lowers your hand and chuckles.
“I do have a little filmin’ yet to do. Though mostly it was to trick you back into my life. I was worried you weren’t ever gonna talk to me, princess.” He began to unbutton his pants as you stood there frozen.
“I-I didn’t think you’d want me. I mean we met once! I just wanted to give you an out-“ His lips are fierce against yours as his hand sifted through your H/C hair. You sigh as he jerks his fingers scarcely. His desire spills into your mouth, your fingers grip the collar of his shirt severely.
“I want you so bad that it hurts, princess. I need you to want me just as badly. God, darlin’.” His gaze never leaves your lips as his statement dangles in the air. Your fingers shake as you help unbutton his shirt. What the hell were you doing? Your fingers curled around the red scarf wrapped around his throat. 
“I want you, Elvis. Please, just- I’ll come to wherever your stayin’ after your filmin’ is done, alright?” Elvis’ face lights up and a brief kiss is laid upon your cheek.
“I’m gonna film this so quick, darlin’!”
“Don’t ruin your filmin’, Elvis!”
“Soooo, bar time? Or suga’ daddy time, Y/N?” Emily fixes her pant leg as the two of you begin to walk out of the venue. Jerry is standing next to an expensive black car and waves at you fondly.
“Um, screw it! I’m gonna sleep with Elvis Presley.” You state confidently as Emily hoots and hollers.
“Well, you go have fun, chick! Call me and tell me everythin’!” You nod as you step into the car and thank Jerry. The ride is quiet but comfortable as you drive to Elvis. Jerry keeps small talk at a minimum as you feel your nerves rise within your body. Your skin feels hot as your body shakes.
“We’re here, Y/N.” Jerry helps you to the door of Elvis’ room and then excuses himself as he hears his friend’s footsteps beyond the door. Elvis is all smiles as he opens it. You follow him inside and he stops by a vanity in the corner. He takes a swig of whiskey and looks at you from the mirror.
“Look at you, princess. I think you should’ve come in this.” Your skin heated as he turned to you. He was wearing a robe once again but he had pajama pants on. Sadly. Stop it, Y/N. Polaroids fall out of his hands and scatter to the floor. You knew Emily was going to utilize those against you.
“My best friend told me her aunt needed a model. That’s all. How did you even get those?”
“Mm, I need one too. How about you model to me what you’ve got under that cute little piece you’ve got on.” He leans against the wall with a smirk as your eyes widened. You were going to kill Emily once this was over. How the hell did she even get those to Elvis?
“I-I’m not um. Wearin’ nothin' cute.”
“I think anythin' on your pretty body is cute, darlin’,” he walks towards you as you try to collect your thoughts. His large hands are warm as they gather at your waist. His skin burning through your clothes,” I want you so bad, lil' mama. Please, let me have you.” You nod as his body presses against you. Your conscience flying out the window.
“Fuck me, Elvis.”
“Please, daddy.”
“That’s my girl.” His hands are calloused and rough as they lay against your throat. Leading you to lie against the bed in his room. It’s adorned in silk sheets and velvety pillows. You smile up at him as your arms wrap around the nape of his neck.
“You bring these fancy things with you everywhere?” He laughs and places a chaste kiss on your lips. A playful smirk glistens on his face.
“Only when I know I’ve got a pretty lil’ thing in my sight. Now I need to have you, princess.” His lips are soft and wet as he ravages your neck. You grasp a tuft of his hair as you let out a loud cry. His teeth scrape at the sensitive spot on your neck, shivers of desire running down your spine.
“E-Elvis, I’ve never-“ he interrupts you as he slips your shirt off your body. You stutter as he bites his lip, taking you all in.
“I know, lil’ mama. I’ll be gentle. God, you look divine.” You nod and grab his shoulders holding him close.
“I-I got myself r-ready before seeing you, daddy.” Elvis’ eyes roll into the back of his head as a broken whine etches from his mouth. He lifts your skirt and rips your tights apart. His finger circled around your clit. Your thighs shake as his eyes blacken observing you plunge into lust within moments. His lips are urging against your throat, lapping at the newly made marks.
“God, with that mouth. I gotta have you right now, baby.” You nod as you writhe around the pillows. The sensation of his finger alone has you begging for him.
“Please, I need your cock, daddy. Please. I’ll be good.” His hand finds solace around your throat and he bites his lip. He finally strips down and runs his cock between your folds.
“You gotta be kiddin’! I really wanted to be nice, darlin’! Fuck-“ Elvis plunged inside of you and your breath hitched. Your heart races as you get used to being filled up all at once.
“Breathe baby. You’re doin’ so good. That’s my good girl.” His hands rest on your waist as he continues to push inside of you. Your nails take down his back and he hisses in pain. He pants as you squeeze him tighter. His cock throbs within you.
“I-I,” you take a deep breath as you try to get used to the feeling of being split open,” you’re too big, daddy.” Your legs shook against his waist as his hips bucked forward. His resolve was dissolving as your bare skin rubbed against his. Your innocence was fleeting as your stripped body drew him in.
“You’re gonna kill me, doll,” his lip tight between his teeth as he stares down at you,” Fuck, can I move, darlin’?” He huffs out a shaky soft moan as you try to adjust yourself to his size.
“Please, I wanna feel you.” A deep growl thunders deep in his chest as he desperately clutches at your waist.
“I gotta have you now, princess.” His eyes are dark and commanding as he thrusts forward harshly. Your back arches and he compels you back down onto the delicate sheets. Your skin is burning against his as he lays his body against yours. His hips are furious among yours as he pumps his cock in and out of you. Watching as your pussy swallows his whole cock, your name drips off his lips as he cries out.
“Fuck! Elvis, you feel so good,” you grasp at his back, your manicured nails raking down his back. Hissing, Elvis bites your shoulder as his pace picks up,” please, more, daddy-“ his voice is deep, layered in need as he howls into your collarbone. His intoxicating need is being smudged in purple across your chest. His eyes never leave your body as he commits every single curve and every dip. You were made to be his sugar baby. Made to be his everything.
“You are gorgeous, Y/N. You’re mine. My baby. My baby to spoil, right?” He accented his words with deep, harsh thrusts. You yelp as he flips the two of you over. Your body is on full display over the top of him now. His hands gripping your ass as you whine at the new angle of his cock. Your walls flutter around his cock as the desire in your core tightens.
“Yes, yours. All yours, daddy. Please, I wanna cum.” He nods as he slips his thumb to rub your clit. His eyes never leave your bouncing tits as you chase your neverending high on his dick. You roll your hips hungrily wanting to be marked as his as deep as possible. His thumb circled your desperate clit rapidly.
“Oh, baby. That’s it. My pretty little pussy. Such a good girl for daddy.” That’s it. Your body quivers with warmth and pleasure as you throw your head back. His hands wrap around your waist trying to keep you grounded. Your body convulsed as your orgasm seeps through you. A cry rips from your throat as he arranges his legs beneath you to pound into your dripping cunt. His legs shuddered underneath you as if he didn’t want this moment to end. His hand envelops your throat, you hold his arm as you try to anchor yourself. Another orgasm rips through you as quickly as it came. Your body shakes above his, grabbing you he brings you closer to his chest. Your bodies rubbing against each other.
“Please. Please. Cum inside me. I want it!” Continuous babbling falls from your lips as drool begins to pool on your skin. Elvis groans and his hips begin to stutter as his release begins. He’s grasping at your body like you’ll leave the minute he comes to. His teeth gnashing and gnawing on any expanse of your body that isn’t bruised and red. His hips continue to pump slowly in and out of you as his clarity slowly returns.
“That was not the way I planned our first time together, darlin’. God, you're still so wet. I’m sorry-“ you cut him off with a quick kiss on his nose.
“Well, you can show me for our second time together, Elvis.” You wink as you let his length slip out of you. He winces at the overstimulation and grabs a towel on the bedside table. He cleans you off softly, as he bites his lip. His seed poured out of you onto his sheets. You cover your face as he tickles you. Your giggles filling the space.
“Mm, I’m gonna stay your sugar daddy?”
“Have you found a reason not to spoil me?”
“I can’t say I have.”
“Then no! Thank you, Mister Presley.”
“Mm, Round 2?”
“I thought you’d never ask, Elvis.”
Sugar Daddy Blues Taglist: @austinbutlersgirlfriend @marriedtoeddie @el-velvis @kaitaesupremacy @eliseinmemphis @suspiciousmidge @godlypresley
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otterandterrierwrites · 7 months
How about
14 Days of Scoundress 2024 ♥ February 13th
Making amends
‘I don't know what you want me to tell you, Han, you know I’m busy—I need to get this done today.’
She barely looked up at Han when she spoke, which more or less confirmed what he feared. Still, he persevered.
‘C’mon, you’re sayin’ you can’t take some time to have lunch with me? The galaxy ain’t gonna be saved in ten minutes, Leia.’
Her jaw tightened in clear annoyance. 
‘You know lunch doesn’t take ten minutes. A protein bar does, which I have right here,’ Leia said, patting her desk drawer.
‘Sweetheart,’ he tried in a softer tone, leaning back on her desk, ‘you’ve been livin’ out of those things for the past week. You need a proper meal, and to get outta here for a bit. I’ve barely even seen you home. What do I gotta do, make an appointment with your secretary?’
Leia slammed her stylus down on her desk, eyes flashing up at him under a frown.
‘I’m really sorry I can’t prioritize being your girlfriend the week before we’re supposed to put war criminals on trial, Han,’ she told him, her voice like burning ice. ‘I thought you’d understand more than anyone that I might not be able to do a dinner date—’
‘You don’t have to patronize me.’
‘Oh, I’m patronizing you?’ she hissed, an effort to keep her voice from spilling out of her office. ‘I think I don’t need you to take care of myself!’
Han grit his teeth. 
‘No, ‘course you don’t, what was I thinking. You’re perfectly capable of lookin’ after yourself. I’m sure you even find time to brush your teeth if you put it down on your calendar.’ He knocked down on her desk. ‘I’ll get out of your hair now, Your Highness.’
He stormed out of her office without looking back. There were often a million and one things on Leia’s plate, and people still believed they could fit in a million and two, so she did, too. Han remembered that Leia well: for three years, he’d watched as she wrapped herself up in her work so nothing and nobody could get through, convinced that she could work herself to the bone and still keep going. Rebuffing, then grudgingly accepting Han’s attempts to keep her alive as a person, not just a cog in a war machine. So he wasn’t hurt by her words—he was worried. He hadn’t seen that Leia in a long time. And he understood that the trials would be the one thing to bring her back out, but—he didn’t have to like it.
For now, he figured he’d give her some space, and hope that she came around in her own time.
Leia found Han catching up on the Agrilat swoop races at home. After he’d left her office earlier in the day, she had stewed in her annoyance as she worked, blaming him for the distraction that would slow her down. As evening fell, she’d felt depleted. Her brain had replayed every one of her words to him—words he hadn’t deserved. She’d suddenly felt like she was back in the war, staving off feeling with action. The trials hadn’t even started yet, and she was already letting them take their toll on her and her relationship, just so she didn’t have to face all the emotions they were bringing up.
She wasn’t the same person she was during the war, though. Didn’t want to be. That person had been too angry and scared of ever feeling a pain as big as Alderaan again, so instead, she’d tried to numb herself down. If it hadn’t been for Han, maybe she would have succeeded. This time, it was on her to make the choice to break out of her shell.
Han looked over his shoulder at the sound of the front door opening, then turned off the viewscreen and waited as she sat down next to him on the sofa, tucking her feet under her.
‘I’m sorry,’ she started. ‘I do need you, it turns out. It’s just been so… so…’
‘I know,’ Han interrupted her, saving her from having to put all the overwhelm she’d been feeling into words. ‘But you don’t have to let it kill you. Don’t let ‘em have that kind of power over you.’
Nodding, Leia leaned forward, sealing their reconciliation with a kiss. Han wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into his lap, and she settled in comfortably, fingers threading through his hair as she tilted his head back and deepened the kiss.
‘Do you have to go back to work tonight?’ Han asked, his voice a low rumble that vibrated through the length of her body as he trailed his fingers down her throat. ‘Or can I request Her Senatorship’s presence for a meeting about stress relief?’
‘Mm… that wasn’t on my itinerary today,’ Leia told him, pulling his bottom lip lightly between her teeth. ‘But… yes, I think I can fit you in, hotshot.’
******* Prompts:
33: as an apology
19: “That wasn’t in my itinerary today.”
14 swapped for 15: [bite] a playful kiss that involves some light biting
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twilightmalachite · 1 year
Big Ocean - Baby-Faced Honor Students 1
Author: Nishioka Maiko (with Akira)
Characters: Hinata, Yuuta, Tetora
Translator: Mika Enstars
"Did you forget, Yuuta-kun? I told you earlier the Repayment Fes is no more. Forgetting to such a degree is a bit worrisome for your big brother…"
Season: Winter
Location: Road to Yumenosaki Academy
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Hinata: …‘Kay, gotcha. Though, Testu-kun’s with me… Okay. Then, I’ll wait for you at a nearby cafe. …Alright, I’ll see you soon.
Tetora: Was that Yuuta-kun just now?
Hinata: Yup, he has something he wants to talk to me about and wants me to wait somewhere. Do you have time, Tetsu-kun? Wanna come with?
Tetora: Eh, well, I do. But is it alright for me to tag along? Is it something important?
Hinata: Hmm~, well I don’t know, but Yuuta-kun said it’s ok. So it’s probably fine~.
Tetora: Hm. In that case, I’ll come and impose myself on ya.
Hinata: You do that! ♪
Location: Cafe
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Yuuta: Umm~…? Where’s Aniki and Tetora-kun…
Hinata: Ah, Yuuta-kun! We’re over here~!
Tetora: Yuuta-kun, ‘sup~☆ Is it alright that I’m here too?
Yuuta: Sorry to keep you two waiting. And yeah, it’s something you might like to hear too. So need to worry.
Tetora: That’s good to hear, then. Do excuse me for imposin’~.
Hinata: Wanna get anything, Yuuta-kun? Tetsu-kun and I already put orders in.
Yuuta: Ahh, right. My order… Ummm…
Some iced tea, then. I’m sweaty from rushing over.
Hinata: So Yuuta-kun, what did you wanna talk about? You surprised your Onii-chan, giving him a call so suddenly. What’s up?
Wait, could it be that someone bullied you…!? I-If so, your Onii-chan will beat ‘em up—
Yuuta: Alright, alright. That’s enough of your joking around.
Anyways, I’m here to talk about… Doing the Repayment Festival.
Hinata & Tetora: Huh?
Hinata: Did you forget, Yuuta-kun? I told you earlier the Repayment Fes is no more. Forgetting to such a degree is a bit worrisome for your big brother…
Yuuta: I’m not stupid! I remember, of course. The Repayment Fes is the White Chocolat Fes now.
But that’s not what I mean. I know we can’t bring the Repayment Fes back, but maybe we can find a way to do it still…
It’s kinda hard to explain, though.
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Hinata: ……
(He had planned to participate in the Repayment Fes originally, but…)
(Before, Yuuta-kun was pretty composed over it… Sort of unusually calm. Now he seems more motivated than he was before.)
(Did something happen…?)
(Well, rather than that, what I gotta do now is…)
Yeah, I got it! Let’s find a way to have a Repayment Fes!
Tetora: Yeah! I don’t have any ideas yet, but I’m gonna do my best and put my all into thinking!
Yuuta: ……
Umm, I know it was something I myself suggested, but… Are you sure? You agreed so easily.
Hinata: Of course we did! Why would I stop you from doin’ what you wanna do, Yuuta-kun?
Yuuta: I can’t tell if you’re just indulging me… If you’re just going along 100% with what I say, I’m a bit bothered.
Hinata: C’mon, don’t be so self-centered. You’re twisting what’s being said, y’know~.
This is not blind affirmation. I just really felt your passion, Yuuta-kun~♪ I was moved by it, that’s all!
Yuuta: …Hmph, that's fine, then. Well, it’s whatever. You’re Aniki.
Hinata: Ehh, that was so cruel!?
Yuuta: What about you, Tetora-kun? I know you gave it the okay too, but are you really sure?
Tetora: Ossu! Absolutely!
Really, you two were the first people to reach out to me.
I wanna repay how indebted I am from the Dragon King Competition.[1] So I won’t hesitate to cooperate!
Hinata: Ahaha~, you’re right, there was that, wasn’t there?
Yuuta: I guess we’re all aboard the ship, then.
But, thank you. It’s such a huge help…♪
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Time passes…
Tetora: That being said, do you have anything in mind~? With the Repayment Fes gone and all…
Yuuta: Hmm~…
To selfishly do Repayment Fes on the day of White Chocolat Fes… Definitely won’t work, right?
Tetora: Yeah, no way. It’d end up causing trouble for other units, too.
Yuuta: Right… And since it’d be a guerilla, it’d flop getting drowned out by White Chocolat Fes atmosphere anyways.
Hinata: ……
Yuuta: C’mon, don’t be so silent, Aniki. Come up with ideas too, okay~.
Hinata: …Hmm~, well, I was just thinking. The important part of Repayment Fes is the content, not the date, right?
Tetora: Well, when you put it like that, yeah. It’s held every year at the same time, so I guess we got hung up on the time of year.
Hinata: Since that’s the case, let's avoid the White Chocolat Fes time period altogether.
We could hold a psuedo-Repayment Fes before it as an S3—In other words, it should be fine as a 2wink live, right?
Yuuta: I see… You’re right, that might be feasible.
As long as we avoid the dates for White Chocolat Fes, if we apply for it as an S3, it should be approved.
Then, we just have to make sure Oogami-senpai and Otogari-senpai attend the show, right?
Tetora: If that’s all you need, I can be in charge of makin’ sure they make it that day! Just leave it to me!
Hinata: With all that… Do you think it’ll work out?
Yuuta: Yeah, I think it’s possible! I think we’ll be able to at least achieve what we’re trying to achieve…!
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This is a reference to The Four Beasts of Fistfighting, which takes place over a year ago, a bit before Chocolat Fes. Tetora holds a Dragon King Competition unofficially so that he can face off against Kuro properly. Hinata volunteers to be the MC.
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m-arahuyo · 6 months
cleaning up my documents folder it's a got damn mess in here and found a couple scraps that got cut from the final output of offer her name. sharing them here before removin em from there so i got em somewhere at least...... jus in case :')
hey yall have some chapter 7 deleted scenes bec lord knows i just Had to do smth about the length it got like damn am i gon find more? idk, probs, let me clean still
lines in [brackets] are lines that made it to the final thing
[Miles from the town, there’s a lump of land that could pass off as the earth’s sorry attempt at a lousy hill. Dirt there is stiff, near-cemented through by sun, rains, winds]: seasons coming and going, molding, baking, drying. [Artificial hill—So Mi herself used the term to describe it. Sitting a horizon off California State Route 89 to the south of the town, bordered by scours of withered, dark trees and a wayward slash of steep ditch] with water murky enough to fool you into thinking it isn’t liquid. Certainly does fool V. Takes accidentally kicking a pebble into it to make her realize it’s rippling.   “How deep you think this water is?” she asks Scorpion next to her offhandedly. Scorpion, distracted out of his ministrations, hums, cranes his neck to look, and shrugs.  “You wanna find out, leave me out of it. I just washed these pants.”  “Gonna get filthy in a sec, choom,” Mitch murmurs, peering intently into the scope of his rifle. It’s a huge thing, that—a size that screams anti-material and gussied up with a silencer that looks imposing in the night. “Does it matter?”  “Yeah, it matters. Wanna keep these clean long as I can.”  V picks up a knotted prong of stick, hitches low, and sticks it into the water. Couldn’t even feel the bottom there. “S’deep,” she observes, like any of it matters.  “You nervous, V?”  “Mm?”  “In the war,” Mitch starts without looking up, “my first few ops—couldn’t sit still before it was go-time. Couldn’t shut up, either. Had to be on the fuckin’ move. Tinkerin’ with my radio. Messin’ with the panzer, over and over. Botherin’ the other gonks waitin’ around, them feelin’ just as restless.” He looks up, finally, and gives V a crinkly-eyed smile. “S’normal. But ya gotta just sit, choom.”  “How many gigs you been in? As a solo?” It’s Scorpion’s turn to pick up.   V tries to count it out in her head, her stint in Night City and the sprinkle of gigs she’d taken, fucked up, won. She shrugs in the end. “Not a whole lot. Good few.”  Scorpion chuckles. Mitch just grins: “yeah. This one’s gonna turn you inside out, kid.”  “But you’re gonna be fine!” Scorpion says hastily, digging his elbow into Mitch’s side. V kind of wants to retch. “Gonna be just preem, V. Don’t worry.”  “You gonks done foolin’ ‘round?”  V looks over her shoulder to see Carol there, shrouded in night and with arms crossed. The light of someone’s flashlight waves over the top of her head like a halo. “Time to hustle if ya are.” Carol jerks her head. “C’mon.”  Scorpion and Mitch get off their haunches, hauling tools and iron. V throws the stick into the ditch.  [Panam’s face is bottomlit by a datapad.]
[There’s a fire in the darkness.]   V’s coughing through dust clouds and tripping over rubble. [Using the missile launcher is always a shock to the brainstem even with two people carrying the pressure—panzer wasn’t designed for two artilleries, see]—and she wiggles her head now. Squints into brown clouds and covers her nose and mouth.   “…Think anybody heard that?” Cassidy asks behind her uncertainly. The smoke hasn’t yet cleared. Modest fires lick and whip through the dust, reaching out and up. V speaks with her palm on her lips.   “If they didn’t, they probably felt it. Town did, at least.”  “How’s it look?” Panam shouts from the tank. V raises a hand and waves it—hold up—and starts swinging it at the air around her to help clear it.   A minute or two. The fires die out. The dust settles. Somewhere in the wrecked face of this lie of a hill is a hole as big as V’s fist, and it’s Scorpion who approaches it, digging a hand in to claw off some rocks and stiff dirt. V pats his arm, gives it a shove, and starts turning around to return to the Basilisk.   “Think we can do two more?” she asks Panam breathlessly, hitching herself up onto the tank. Panam’s face is screwed but she’s smirking.   “Can even manage three. Bet ya you’re gonna faint before I do.”  “In your dreams, choom.”  They jack in again. [Panam winces into their shared connection now and V soothes her with some light warmth.]
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missuga · 3 years
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Eyes on Me — Semi Eita
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Summary: You watch your boyfriend at his show from the crowd, he doesn’t like the way you keep getting distracted
Warnings & wc: Aged up, boy band au. smut, very slight breeding kink, semi-public sex, slight degradation, daddy kink, | 4.4k
Note from Em: I remember I stayed up all night writing this like 36 hrs lmfaoo also bummie ur not allowed to black mail me for this
Sub Female Reader — 18+ only | nsfw
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The crowd seemed so much bigger today. You didn’t know if there were more people or if it was a small venue that made everyone simply press together from the lack of space. It was getting hard to pay attention to the show because every other minute there was a new person pushing into you, their drinks sloshing around their cups threateningly. All you wanted to do was watch your boyfriend on stage, that’s what you were told to do.  
You tried your best, you really did. Every time he caught your eyes, he sent a wink. The girls in front of you screamed, each one thinking it was meant for them. A smug smile pulled at your lips knowing that it you were the only one he was looking at.
The concert was almost over, and you felt yourself getting more and more anxious as the songs went on. You had memorized the set list the first night you came to see Semi play. Always standing in the pit in the front. He had offered you seats on the side to yourself, but you always denied them. You didn’t want any special treatment from him or his band, coming to support him like this was enough.
You let out a low groan when you felt something dig into your side, the sensation pulling you from your thoughts. Head whipping to the right to find who was yet again invading your personal space.
“My bad, sweetheart!” The guy yelled out over the music. You could tell he was hammered. Almost all of the people who came to theses shows were, even the underage girls; especially them.
“All good!” You called back, moving your eyes back to the band. Not wanting to interact with the guy anymore than you had too. The universe seemed to have it out for you tonight though.
“What’s a pretty girl like you doing on their own here?” You didn’t know how you could hear him over the music, but it was making your skin crawl. The way he kept creeping towards you, eyes flicking down your body. You had to take a deep breath to hold in the obvious annoyance toward him.
“I’m here with my boyfriend.” You turned to look at the man, crossing your arms and raising an eyebrow. Watching as he tried to move closer to you. Stepping back, you bumped into another girl and she gave you a disgusted look. You had to grit your teeth to not say anything to her. This was starting to become ridiculous. People were just not leaving you alone, and you completely missed the way Semi stared at you from the stage, or the frown that pulled at his lips when he saw you talking to a random guy. Especially since he was so close to you.
“Oh? I don’t see him anywhere; I could take his place while you’re waiting for him to get back… from wherever he is.” You rolled your eyes at the awful drunken flirting not even caring if he saw you. There were only two songs left until you could go backstage with Semi.
“No thanks.” You were curt with him, saying nothing more. Hoping he would take the hint and leave you alone. He did for a minute which made you feel a little better, until you felt him step closer to you. He was nearly touching you now and you just barely dodged the arm he tried to throw over your shoulder. You gritted your teeth turning around and keeping your eyes on Semi again; willing time to move faster.
“Awe, c’mon babydoll. Don’t be like that! I’ll make it worth your time.” One song left. That’s all you had to wait. If you could just ignore him for the song it’d be okay. You believed it until you felt the guy’s hand slip around your waist, gripping your hip tightly. He leaned close to you and you could smell the beer on his breath, it almost made you gag. “C’mon doll. All you gotta do is say yes. I’ll make your night something to remember.”
“Kindly fuck off.” You shrugged out of his hold stared straight ahead. Not sure what would happen if you turned and looked at him. You didn’t hear what he said next. The scream of the crowd covered whatever crude words were spilling from his mouth. He slung his arm over you again, stumbling a little as you moved forward.
You forced yourself out of his hold and moved toward the gate, ignoring the glares the girls sent you as the guard let you through. You didn’t even look back at the guy as you made your way to backstage, wanting nothing more than to see Semi. Really hoping that he didn’t see anything of what happened. You had to shake your hands at your sides a little trying to get the thought of the guy out of your head before you saw your boyfriend. It wasn’t that you felt incredibly uncomfortable with what happened, it wasn’t new at these types of things. Drunk guys flirting too hard with the girls there were not a rare occasion, but it wasn’t your favorite thing to experience.
Breathing in deeply once you made it to his dressing room your eyebrows furrowed a little when you found it closed. Not really thinking anything of it you pushed the door open and went inside. You were met with an empty room. You pulled your phone from your back pocket and started to send a text to let him know you were waiting.
You jumped a little at the voice behind you, spinning around only to see Semi leaning in the door frame, an unamused expression on his face. Your eyes flicked down his figure, taking it in. His post-concert look was always your favorite, hair ruffled from him pushing it back on stage. Shirt damp from the sweat that still lingered. The only other time he looked like this was when he just finished fucking you. You loved it.
“Hey! You were really good out there tonight!” You smiled brightly and moved to wrap your arms around his neck. Trying to press a kiss against his soft lips, but he turned his head avoiding your lips. Your stomach dropped at that and you tried to play it off like you didn’t know why he moved. Really hoping it wasn’t the reason you were thinking. Semi was pretty calm most of the time, but once in a while something will happen that flips a switch in him. Dealing with jealous Semi Eita was always a different experience. That’s why he always told you to watch him at the concerts. There were far too many other people around you for his liking. “Something wrong, Ei?”
He only stared at you for a moment before pulling your arms from his neck, leaning close to your face. You couldn’t read the expression on his face but it sunk low in your stomach.
“Go to the bus.” You opened your mouth to say something, but he gripped your jaw tightly, stopping you. Gritting his teeth, the look in his eyes turned dark. “Now.”
 It took him a while to come to follow you. Taking his time in the dressing room and with his band members. You waited in the empty tour bus for what seemed like hours. Trying to focus on anything but the look he gave you when you left for it. You never met him here this early. He always preferred to hang with the band backstage in the dressing rooms for a bit.
You couldn’t stop the nervousness pooling in your stomach as your mind wandered. Maybe he had messed up on stage and he was upset. You didn’t remember him doing anything different than normal, but you werent entirely sure. Normally your eyes wouldn’t leave him the whole time he was up there, he reminded you every time before you left for the crowd. You were supposed to look at him, and him only. You really didn’t mind so you always listened to him. Except for tonight.
The click of the door echoed in the quiet bus and your attention went to the front. Semi shut the door behind him and you heard the sound of the lock slamming shut. That wasn’t good.
“Eita? I’m back here.” Your voice was quieter than you wanted it to be, your nervousness apparent in the way you call out to him. It was like all your normal confidence was drained out of you.
He was quiet as he moved to the back of the bus and you stood up when he got closer. You reached out for him again, the neediness you felt earlier not going away. He let you latch on, wrapping his arms around you hugging you close. You breathed a sigh of relief, a part of you was worried that he’d pull away again. He didn’t speak as he held you and there was something different about the way it felt.
You pulled back, looking up at him. Eyes flicking from his to his lips. Wanting nothing more that to kiss him after being denied backstage. You gently gripped his shirt tugging on it for him to lean down. Pressing your lips to his you smiled into the kiss when he didn’t stop you. It was softer than you expected. Even softer than the normal ones you shared with him. It ended quickly when his hand slipped into your hair, tugging on it hard. Your head was pulled back as he forced you to look at him. You couldn’t pick apart the look in his eyes.
“Ei-“ You were cut off as he slammed his lips to yours, biting down hard on your bottom lip. Pulling it into his mouth as he pushed you back against the wall of the bus. Whimpering slightly as you were pressed into the wall, he shoved your legs apart with his knee.
“Don’t fucking speak.”
His voice was low. Nearly a growl as he pressed into you, gripping your jaw making you open your mouth. Pushing his tongue inside your mouth you had no choice but to submit to him. There was air around him that made your stomach tighten. His hand slipped up your shirt without warning, squeezing one of your breasts hard through your thin bra. He sucked up the breathy moan you let out at the sensation.
“I thought I told you before, I’m only going to let you on those crowds if you listen to me. You’re supposed to keep your eyes on me, remember?” He gripped your jaw as he spoke, turning your head up to look at him. Your suspicions were right then. You weren’t sure when he had seen you looking away from him, you only hoped it wasn’t when that guy had his hands on you. It wouldn’t be a good thing him or Semi. The possessiveness he held over you was usually well hidden, only letting it out a few certain times.
“I tried, the crowd wa-” He pushed his thumb into your mouth, pulling down your jaw so your mouth hung open. Raising an eyebrow you forgot he told you not to speak. You weren’t used to this side of him, though you didn’t really mind. He was incredibly hot.
“What did I say?”
He pulled his hand from under your shirt bringing it down to sharply slap your ass, drawing a gasp from your open mouth. Waiting to see if you said anything else, he pushed his knee up into your core just slightly. Your eyes widened a little at the feeling and you tried hard no to move.
“We’re not going to have a problem, are we?” You shook your head as an answer, unsure if you were allowed to talk. Even if he’d let you, his thumb still pulled open your jaw. “Good.”
Semi tugged the hem of your shirt up, only letting your face go to pull your shirt off. Letting it drop to the floor as he latched his lips to your neck. His hands found your hips and he moved his leg further between yours, pushing you down so his thigh was pressing into your already aching core. There were rare times like this, where his touch was so aggressive, and it never failed to turn you into a mess.
His grip was hard on your hips and when he started to move you, he didn’t even have to say anything for you to know what he wanted you to do. You sucked in a breath when his lips found the spot right above your pulse and ground your hips against his thigh.
“You’re a fucking brat, you know that?” He growled against your neck between sucking and nipping the sensitive spot. You couldn’t even respond, partly because he told you not to speak before but more from the way you tugged your lip between your teeth. He moved up, nipping your earlobe before whispering lowly in your ear. “Do you want to know how I treat my brats?”
You didn’t even have to answer that, you knew he was going to show you anyway. The friction of his thigh against your clothed core was slowly starting to not be enough. His skillful lips sucked and nipped all over your skin, stopping at the spots that drove you crazy. You were getting more and more arroused at his teasing touches, going everywhere but the spot you wanted the most. You tried grinding your hips down harder but whine slipped from your mouth at the way he pulled his thigh back.
“Ei-.” You gripped his shirt tugging on it a little as he kept his lips on your neck, you wanted to ignore his teasing and how badly it affected you, but he was just so good at it. Showing you exactly what he’s feeling in the way he touched you. His thigh pushed into you again, letting you grind down into him a few times before pulling away again. “Please.”
“Awe, poor baby. You can’t handle my teasing?” You shook your head slightly trying not to blush deeply and his lips pulled into a smirk. “Tell me what you want then, little girl.”
Another soft whine fell from your lips when you heard him say that, a part of you wanted to fight it back. Have him figure out what you want, but you were just so needy from all the light touches.
“I-I want the feel more, and you keep moving your leg.” He stared at you when you stopped, obviously waiting for you to continue. Your answer didn’t please him, he wanted more. “Baby, please I want to feel good. I want you.”
Semi hummed after a moment and moved his hands to unbutton your pants and pushed them down, stepping back a little to pull them all the way off. The cold air of the bus against your bare legs made you shiver slightly. You didn’t think he’d do that so quickly. At least expecting him to tease you more for asking that. He settled his thigh between your legs again, pushing your hips back a little before pulling them toward him. A soft moan slipped from your lips at the feeling of his pants through your thin panties.
“Since you wanted this so badly, I think you should have to cum like this or not at all.” Semi leaned forward again once you started grinding your hips down, kissing down your chest. Nipping at the soft flesh of your breast before reaching around you, undoing the hooks and slipping your bra off. He flattened his tongue licking up the curve. His tongue circled your nipple before taking it between his teeth, tugging it hard. A whine fell from your lips when he lifted his thigh up more, pressing even into your core. “What do you think?”
You could feel the wetness of your arousal seeping through the thin lace of your panties, leaving a dark smear on Semi’s pants. Glancing down between you, you tried to ignore the way your cheeks flushed dark when you noticed it. Your legs were starting to tremble lightly, and the rhythm of your hips was faltering as you tried desperately to push yourself to the edge, but it was just out of reach. He could tell exactly what you were feeling .You were an open book to him.
“What’s wrong baby? You look so upset.” The tone of his voice was smug as he raised an eyebrow at the way your face contorted. He slipped his hand down to your clit, pressing against you through your panties. You jerked your hips forward trying to feel more of the sensation but he pulled his fingers back. “Can’t cum without my cock? Hm?”
You looked away from his face, not wanting to show him the satisfaction of being right. The amount of control he had over you was almost embarrassing. You nodded to answer his question, not trusting your own voice. Hoping he wouldn’t make you say it out loud, you looked back at his waiting gaze.
“Well?” You clenched your eyes shut for a moment before sighing and looking at him once more.
“Please Ei, I want you so bad.” Your voice came out whiney as you gave into his insistent teasing, cheeks flushed from the confession and the way the nickname just slipped out. He always drew it out of you when he talked like that. “I-I can’t cum, I need your cock. Daddy, please.”
“That wasn’t so hard, was it?” Semi moved his hand from you to undo his pants, pushing them and his boxers down just enough for him pull his length out. He groaned a bit at the slight relief of it not being stuffed into his pants anymore. He wouldn’t admit it right now, but seeing just how much you wanted him made him want to give in slightly.
Hitting your hands away when you tried to pull off your panties he curled two fingers around the thin waistband and pulled hard. Tearing it easily and at the moment you didn’t even care, you just wanted to feel him inside you.
Semi slipped an arm around the back of your knee, lifting your leg up making you lean into the wall to steady yourself. He swiped the tip through your pooled arousal that was nearly dripping onto the floor. Not wasting anymore time he pressed his cock into your tight hole, pushing in slowly. It was almost antagonizing how slow he inched into you until he bottomed out.
Your head fell backward slightly as he started moving at a fast pace not giving much time to adjust. No matter how many times he stuffed you with his cock you never got used to how thick it was. It filled you up completely, hit every spot that drove you crazy and he took advantage of that.
“Fuck, babe you’re so tight. So fucking wet too, what a little slut. Getting so worked up from grinding on my thigh.” All you could do was nod the feeling of him slamming his hip up into you was too much for you to answer. His words grew filthier as started grinding down into him, meeting his thrusts.
The sound of your hips meeting filled the bus, mixing with the moans Semi drew from you. His fingers found your clit again, rubbing teasing circles around it. Just barely brushing over it, wanting to hear even more of your sweet moans.
“So pathetic you can’t even get off without daddy’s cock stuffing you full. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you’re only able to cum from my cock. Nothing else this pussy is mine. I’m going to fuck that into you.”
“Yes! Daddy fuck me full of your cum, I’m only yours.” Your loud moans echoed in the bus when Semi shifted his hips and pushed your leg up further. His grip on your thigh was deadly as he fucked up into you. The new angle causing his cock to hit press against your g-spot with every harsh thrust up into you. You were already embarrassingly close, pleasure coiling in your lower abdomen. He always knew exactly what to do to break you down.
“Fuck, baby.” You walls were starting to clamp down on his cock and he could tell you were close. Leaning forward he started to mark up your neck again, sucking and biting until there were several dark spots forming then slowed his hips. Lazily thrusting up into you, drawing a desperate whine from your lips. Pulling you back from the edge you were so close in going over. “I think I’m going to fuck you nice and slow just like this. Give you what you deserve for disobeying me.”
“No, wait!” You breathed out, trying to grind your hips into his but he pushed against you pulling his hand from your clit. “I’ll be good! I promise. Please move faster. I want to cum from your cock, please.”
Stilling your hips you tried emphasizing your words. He let his hand off of you slowly before leaning in pressing a kiss to your lips, soft and sweet.
“Good girl.”
Semi started thrusting up into your faster. Even faster than before the same angle making his length hit the most sensitive parts inside you. You could feel the tip grazing your cervix as he spread your leg even further, fucking into you as deep as he could.
“Fuck, Ei-daddy! Please don’t stop! Please. I want you to fill me up with your cum, you feel s’good. Ahh-” Your words were starting to slur as he thrusted up into you at a ruthless pace, his hand slipping down again to press his middle and pointer finger against your clit, dipping down to gather some of your arousal before circling it again, this time not ignoring the sensitive bud. You could feel yourself almost over the edge, walls starting to clamp down on his length.
“I’m so close baby, cum with me kitten. You can do it, c’mon. Fuck!” Semi’s hips stuttered as he came, his cum filling you up so much it leaked out as he continued to thrust into you. Pushing you toward over the edge, he pinched your clit hard and it snapped the last hold you had on yourself. You came with almost screaming, leg shaking almost violently in his hold as he pinned it up.
“Fuck! Ei, cumming” Your walls clamped down on him so hard as you came on him that was almost hard hard to thrust up into you. He bit down hard on your shoulder to muffle his groans as he kept thrusting to push your through your high. Hips grinding up into yours as he tried to get as deep into as he could, drawing more breathy whines out of you as he pushed himself so deep. Your moans and cries were so pretty in his ear as you shook in his hold.
The rush of pleasure left almost as fast as it coursed through you and your heavy breathing filled the quiet bus as both of your moans died down. Both pulling at each other to get closer. You looked down at Semi head resting on your shoulder as he panted, you didn’t know how hot he could get when he was jealous.
“You did so good, baby. Such a sweet girl to me.” He lifted his head some pressing his lips to the spot he built on your shoulder, you hissed slightly when the action stung. Praises falling from his lips as he kissed up your neck gently pulling you from your sub space. His soft lips grounding you once again.
“Eita…did you really bite me?” You breathed out realized what he had done before. You leaned forward burying your face into his chest when stood straight. Groaning at the way your thigh burned as you stretched it.
You mumbled something unintelligible into his chest when you realized you were the only one completely naked. Semi’s chest shook as he laughed, hugging you close to him. You wondered if this was a good time to ask him if he had seen anything that happened at the concert.
“Yes, baby?” The tone of his voice was slowly going back to his normal self.
He slowly loosened the grip on your leg lowering it back to the ground, pulling out as he was starting to soften inside you. Your hands moved to his shoulders to steady yourself feeling your knees shaking.
“Hold on, lets go sit, okay? You don’t look like you should be standing.” You nodded and let him move you to the couch, arms wrapped tightly around your waist. He pulled up his boxers but kicked his pants aside.
Sitting on the couch first he grabbed the blanket from the back and wrapped it around your shoulders as you straddled him. Head resting against his shoulder and your arms slipped around his waist. His hands gently rubbed your back, and he placed a kiss on your hair.
Semi hummed lightly and you found your eyes growing heavy from it. There was a comfortable silence over both of you. Enjoying each other’s touch. This is the only thing you wanted the entire night, to just be with him.
You almost forgot what happened at the concert, but of course luck hadn’t been on your side at all tonight. The way his touches felt so soft underneath the blanket was forcing almost like they were forcing you to relax. His quiet humming sounded so pretty as he pressed a gently kiss into your cheek. It was getting hard to keep your eyes open.
“Hey, before you fall asleep baby. I just want to let you know my next show you’re sitting in the seat I give you, sweetheart.” Semi’s voice is sweet even though you can heart the stern tone underneath it.
“Eita.” You looked up and pouted at him wanting to argue against what he said. He smiled softly leaning close to your lips, using his pointer finger to tilt your head up. His breath was hot on your lips as he just barely brushing his lips against yours.
“Next time you don’t listen to me, I’ll fuck you on the stage.”
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just-my-fandom · 3 years
In My Dreams (Claggor x Reader)
I arise from the dead, guys, and starting with a new fandom. I held off posting this for like three weeks straight because I wasn’t sure if it would turn out right, oh well.
Summary; Seven years ago, Vanders death lead to the separation of a young team. Out of five members, two were killed. The other three? Separated. Y/N just wanted to be with her best friend, but Powders decision killed two important people and now she wants to be on her own. Violet finds her seven years later, and Y/N doesn’t seem to want anything to do with her, or her sister. Will Y/N forgive them?
A/N; This is honestly more of a young Claggor x young Reader so really there’s no pairing in the presence, all past. This wasn’t really requested but I did have someone ask for one of the boys and I chose Claggor, so, enjoy!
Parings: Young! Claggor x Young! Reader, Young! Mylo x Young! Best Friend! Reader, Vi x Ex Best Friend! Reader, Ekko x Sister Figure! Reader
Warnings; Characters deaths, cursing, fighting, italics mean past tense.
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“C’mon, L/N!”
Your eyes snap up. Two buildings side-by-side, you stand on the roof of one alone, while your friend group of four stand on the other, all watching, waiting, for you to jump across,
“Yeah, and you say we’re the wimps?” Mylo squints at you past the sun, lifting a hand and beckoning you over, “Just jump! What’s the worse that can happen?”
“Oh, you know,” You step back a couple steps, shrugging a weak shoulder, “I could fall to my death, or land on someone else and cause their death,”
“I doubt that’ll happen,” Claggor flicks his eyes to the ground between you, pressing his lips together, “But I mean it’s not impossible,”
“Claggor,” Vi huffs, frowning as her eyes shift to you, “Y/N, you got this. We wouldn’t have brought you with us if we didn’t believe you did,”
You lick your lips, sucking in a slow breath as you shift your feet, ready to push off. Breaking into a sprint, you lunge off the roof, landing hard on your feet on the next roof, huffing out an excited laugh in victory.
Almost immediately, your left foot slips on the edge of the roof, sucking in a sharp breath just as Claggor and Vi jerked forward, both catching an arm and pulling you forward to regain your balance,
“Thanks,” You heave, Claggor releasing your arm to allow Vi to tug you into her side, giving you a grin as she leads you across the roof.
. . .
“Ow,” You lift the rag away from Claggors face, frowning as his brows pinched tightly through his hiss of pain,
“Sorry,” You murmur, shifting where your legs draped over his own knee, curling a strand of his hair from his forehead, “But I gotta clean ‘em or they’ll get infected,”
“Well, be easy,” His hand grasps your lower leg, brows relaxing at your gentle touch, “Please,”
“Only if you stay still,” You slide your hand to his jaw, noticing how Claggor sucked in a nervous breath as you raised the rag to his brow, pressing the rubbing alcohol to the cut so he nearly jerked away, but relaxed against your touch.
“Can you guys stop acting so lovey? It’s gross,” Mylos sudden voice startled you to jolt back, slipping off the edge of the couch so Claggor easily caught your leg and arm, heaving you back up next to him with a glare to his adopted brother.
“She was just helping me with my cuts, Mylo,” Claggor sighs, “Which is something you need to check on, too,”
“Yeah, okay,” Mylo crosses his arms, taking the last step down into the area you all hung out in, collapsing onto the couch opposite of you, “In my dreams, I suppose,”
You roll your eyes, patching Claggors cut with a bandage before turning in your spot, waving the other brother over, “Alright, c’mere,”
. . .
Your giggle is quiet. Hand extended behind you, you glance over your shoulder to where Claggor followed close,
“Y/N, where do you have us going?” Claggors voice is nervous, hesitant, eyes flicking behind him like you had done, “If Vander catches us-,”
“You’re acting like we’re doing something naughty,” You whisper, tugging Claggor forward into a room, hidden above the empty bar, “Don’t you want to see the moon?”
Claggor pauses to squint at you in confusion. His taller form looms over you, but you only give him a giddy smile and jerk your head to the side. There sat a very large window, the moon outside lighting up almost the entire room.
“The moon, Claggor,” You tug at his wrist, pulling him closer to the window where a cot hung, connected from the ceiling, “I figured you didn’t want to deal with Mylos snoring all night, so,”
As you slide onto the cot, Claggors eyes flick down before lifting to you, heaving a breath as he climbs in next to you, allowing the cot to shift under the added weight, “We’re gonna get caught,”
“Only if you keep talking,” You shush, giggling as Claggor tugs off his goggles, “We’re just sleeping, Claggor. Nothing bad,”
A beat of silence, and your eyes flutter shut. “The moon does look nice, though,” Your lips tug upwards at Claggors words, glancing up at him,
“Told you,”
. . .
Your eyes snap open with a gasp. Smoke fills the air- and your lungs- blocking your airways and your vision as you looked around in terror.
Eyes immediately landing on a pile of debris, you zone in on the hand of one body sticking out, while the leg of another was barely visible.
“No,” Your whine is weak, hand stretching pleafully from underneath where you had been pinned down, fingers barely grazing Mylos, “Guys? Guys, please,”
You heave a panicked breath and look up at the roof, eyes pinching shut, “Help!” You cry, head tilting to the side, “Vi! Vander!”
“Y/N!” A higher voice enters your ears as a body slides next to you, hands underneath your head so your eyes snapped open, Little Man in your vision, “Holy shit- I got you,”
“Get the boys, please,” You sniffle, hand still extended to your two best friends beneath the rubble, “Claggor- say something!”
“They’re gone,” You notice Little Mans tears now, and the hands of two older men- Vanders old mates- grab at the debris above you and your arms to pull you free,
“What about Vi?” Your eyes leave the men to stare at Little Man. You receive a shake of a head. Vi vanished.
Seven years later
“Yo, Ekko!”
Vi looks over at a voice. A voice she finds herself recognizing, one who she knows she hasn’t heard in nearly seven years. Ekko is quick to mutter a shit, your figure appearing almost immediately after.
“What guests were you talking about? Don’t think I can handle anymore kids-,” You look up, instantly spotting Vi so you paused, jaw clenching as your eyes widened,
“Y/N,” Vis breath is weak, the girl with dark blue hair next to her pinching her brows in confusion,
“What the hell are you doing here, Violet?” Your eyes narrow to slits, walking closer to stand near Ekko,
“To see you, and-and Ekko,” Vi gestures an arm out, “And to find Powder,”
“Well, Jinx is now working for Silco,” Your tone is low, eyes barely glancing at Ekko next to you, “Good luck with that one, though,”
“You know, I’d thought you’d be more happy to see me,” Vi frowns, when you breathe out a heaved laugh,
“After the explosion incident?” You hand Ekko the clipboard Vi just now noticed you held, “You’re better staying away, Violet,”
“It’s Vi,” Vi corrects, stepping forward so you stepped back and crossed your arms, “I’m Vi- I’m your best friend!”
“You’re my best friend, but left me to burn in the factory alone,” You tap your chin, shaking your head, “Go fuck yourself,”
“I couldn’t find you,” Vi breathes, eyes glossy, “Is this because of Claggor?”
“And Mylo!” Your hands reach out to shove her shoulders, so she stumbled back but took your hit, “This is about the fact that you lead us out there and got two of us killed! Yes, this is about fucking Claggor, but this is also about Mylo, and Vander,”
“Powder didn’t mean to,”
“Stop bringing her up,” You step away, jaw clenched, “We told her to stay back, yet Jinx went anyway and those explosions killed two teenagers and your father,”
“Maybe we should all take a deep breath,” The dark blue haired girl, Caitlyn, extends her hands to you and Vi, blinking when you jab a finger in her direction,
“This has nothing to do with you,” You hiss, “I know who you are. Miss topsider who doesn’t even bat an eye to what really happens down here,”
At her offended expression, you gaze back towards Vi, “Whatever you’re here for, hurry up and leave,”
As you turn to walk away, Vis arms throw themselves up as she calls after you, “You’re really walking away?”
“Yes, I am,”
. . .
“Thought I’d find you up here,”
You barely gaze over your shoulder. Ekko steps next to you to lean on the wooden rail of the treehouse, arms crossed as he watched you stare ahead, “You good?”
“You know,” You sigh, eyes falling shut before glancing up at the sky so you had to squint, “Me and Claggor used to sneak to the attic of the bar to look at the moon,” Your gaze shifts to the floor, “But now I tell myself that he is the moon,”
“Y/N,” Ekko sighs, and you nod, raising your hands to brush him off,
“I know. It’s been seven years. But,” You turn and lean your back against the rail, eyes at your feet, “Mylo was my best friend, and Claggor-,”
“You loved him,” Ekko can’t help but smirk, your eyes squinting before you shake your head,
“We were teenagers. I wouldn’t really call it love,” You sigh, “But we were close, and we lost them so suddenly, my brain still hasn’t wrapped around it,”
Your hand gestures to your head mindlessly, “And seeing Vi here and hearing Jinx’s old name…it brings it all back. Jinx caused the explosions, Vi left me,”
“How did they…?” Ekko pauses,
“The second explosion threw Claggor into a wall,” You pause along with him to swallow the bile in your throat, “Caused immediate head damage. Probably felt nothing,”
“Mylo got stabbed by a metal bar, also the second explosion,” You open your eyes that had pinched shut, “Everything else was a blur, but they both got crushed when the roof caved in,”
“I’m sorry I asked,” Ekko stands straight, watching you shake your head and stick a hand out, tugging him forward so he was forced into an embrace,
“You needed to know. But we still have each other,”
“You need to talk to Vi,” Ekko leans back, hands at your shoulders, “You can’t keep being mad at her for seven more years,”
Your eyes flick between his. Sighing, you brush his hands from your shoulders, walking around him so he grinned, “You know I’m right!”
“I hate when your right!”
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Words: 6,188 Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader Reader pronouns: she/her Era: Alexandria, pre-Negan + flashbacks in other eras Warnings: language, fear and anxiety, mention of fear of heights Summary: Y/N and Daryl head out on the run for the requested medical supplies. Things are tense, but possibly about to get worse... This part is written in Daryl's POV!
Your name: submit What is this?
* * *
“I ain’t waitin’. I got a whiff of him and I gotta go before it disappears.”
“Daryl, are you sure about this?” Carol pressed him, creases from worry between her eyebrows. “Are you sure you’ve really thought this through?”
“What is there to think through? If he finds her again, he’ll kill her. And I ain’t waitin’ around for that to happen.” The archer was a blur of activity, gathering his gear and shoving it into his pack.
“I think you need to talk to her about this,” Carol insisted, relinquishing her hold on his poncho somewhat unwillingly as Daryl pulled it from her hands.
He shook his head. “Nah. Ya know she’ll want to be there and I can’t risk that…” he trailed off. “I can’t risk—can’t risk that.”
A thick silence stretched for a moment and Carol wrung her hands. “Well, what are you going to tell her?”
He paused, his hands on the clasp of his pack. “I ain’t tellin’ her anythin’. I’ll leave before its light tomorrow. By the time everyone is up, I’ll be gone.”
“What am I supposed to tell her then? When she inevitably asks?” Carol pressed him. “You want me to lie to her too?”
“I ain’t lyin’,” Daryl snapped. “‘M just not—not tellin’ her everythin’. ‘M ending this so she can move on.”
Carol’s jaw tensed. “It feels like a lie.”
“Just tell her I went north. To see what I could see. Lookin’ for supplies,” he drawled, setting his pack and crossbow on the ground beside his bed. “I don’t know.”
Carol sighed heavily and shook her head as he straightened up. “I don’t think this is—”
“Look, tell her whatever ya want. Just wait until ‘m gone. This is happenin’. It’ll be done. S’gonna be over with. For good.”
She shook her head and gave him a long look before crossing his cell and gently clasping his shoulder. “Be careful. I mean it,” she said, surrendering to the fact that there would be no changing his mind. He nodded, pulling his bottom lip in between his teeth for a moment.
“I will.”
Carol gave him one last look full of anxiety and left him.
* * *
I hardly slept. Maybe caught 20 minutes here and 15 minutes there. Anxiety about the run—that’s all it was. At least, that’s what I kept tellin’ myself. Wanderin’ into a hospital was about the dumbest shit we could do. They always promised to be loaded with unexpected bullshit and floods of undead assholes. But lyin’ flat on my back in the dark, I knew deep down it had a helluva lot more to do with her than it had to do with the run. I was tryin’ to remember the last time I’d spent more than ten minutes alone with her and it left me with a feelin’ like somebody had dropped a damn lead weight onto my chest. I turned over in bed in an attempt to throw it off, but it still sat there on my lungs. I knew exactly when we’d last been alone for longer than a few minutes. Of course I fuckin’ knew. It was burned into my goddamn memory.
But it wasn’t doin’ me a lick of good to think on it so I pushed it away and waited for the clock beside me to read 5:15 before I climbed out of bed. My gear was all waitin’ ready, except for pickin’ up a gun on the way out. I half-expected to run into her in the armory, but it was dark and empty when I grabbed a handgun and some ammo. It felt like a lonely walk to Aaron’s, up the empty street, dew heavy on the grass, and my bootsteps echoing loudly off the dark rows’a houses. I never feel right in here… with the square little lawns and lights on by the front doors. It just felt fake, like somebody had built paper houses and was plannin’ to light ‘em up to burn any minute. I couldn’t feel settled. I just felt… lost. Outta place. Like I didn’t belong.
I’d gotten rid of that feelin’ once… My mind drifted back to her like it always did. It was like I didn’t have no damn control over my own mind. She’d been the one who’d made me feel like I belonged. But now? Fuck. I’m doin’ it again. Focus, dumbass.
She wasn’t waitin’ by my bike either, so I rode up to the gate. As the lookout platform came into view, I caught sight of her climbing down, followed by Gabriel. Her pack was slung on her back, a shotgun hanging at her side and her favorite pistol in a holster on her thigh. I found myself chewing the inside of my cheek. Nerves. Anxiety. This was gonna be a long fuckin’ day.
“I’ve got the gate,” Gabriel said, heading for the latch. She wandered over and I felt a jolt when she met my eyes. I nudged my nose up in a nod, but she just looked back at me with that same stony expression. Unreadable. It always seemed like I never saw her smile anymore. Maybe she did, just not around me. I got that blank look or a glare that I probably deserved…
“Were ya on watch?” I asked, curious why she wouldn’ta gotten rid of her shift in favor of sleep, knowing we’d be heading out on a run early.
“No,” she said simply. No extra info. Typical. Why waste more on me when one word would do? She didn’t owe me nothin’. And she knew it. I swallowed my other questions and leaned forward on my bike so she could climb on. I felt her settle in behind me and glanced over my shoulder at her. She caught my eyes for a brief moment before looking away, down toward the ground. That was typical too. It was like she just couldn’t look at me. Felt like somebody twisted a blade in my chest every time she dodged me like that. And yet I couldn’t get enough of her, even if she was purposely a giant pain in the ass most of the damn time… I still felt like she was a mirage in a desert. A mouthful of cool water in a drought. Food for a starvin’ man.
Gabriel was waiting with the gate open, so I revved the bike to life again. Her arms wrapped around my waist to hold on and for a second I thought I felt her cheek press against the back of my shoulder, but I knew I must have imagined it. My heart was racing as we pulled out. I was more anxious than I had been all night. The thoughts rushing through my head moved so fast I couldn’t even focus on any of them.
Gabriel yelled at us to be safe as we moved through, kickin’ dust up that left a glowing red cloud behind from the reflection of the taillights. The ride to the city was smooth. We made good time, luckily only passing lone walkers or small herds that were easy to avoid. Around the curves, for a brief moment, she’d hold tighter to me and lean into the turns like I’d taught her in what felt like another fuckin’ lifetime. Each corner I could feel every individual fingertip pressing into my waist or stomach. It was always followed by a sudden wash of heat like somebody had shoved me in a shower with the temperature all the way up. I couldn’t control it. Didn’t matter how hard I tried to ignore the feelin’ of being so damn close against each other…
I slowed down as we neared the hospital. Cars sat rusting in gridlocked traffic, tires long gone, frozen in time—same place they were when everythin’ shut the fuck down. I slowed my bike to roll over some debris and hit a chunk of concrete a little harder than I meant to. Her arms tightened around me reflexively at the jolt before loosening again the next second. My heart jolted at the same time. That feeling… of her clinging onto me for safety—but fuck. Let’s not make it out to be more than it is, dumbass. I turned toward my left shoulder. “Sorry,” I murmured. She didn’t say anything back, just shifted in her place behind me, puttin’ an inch more space back between us. The hospital came into view ahead, tall over everything else on the block.
She tapped my arm and I turned so I could hear her over the engine. “We should park. Sound of the bike,” she said. I knew what she was thinkin’. Any walkers or people anywhere around would hear us. I turned down a side street and parked in a loading dock bay. She climbed off about as damn fast as she could. Kicking the kickstand out and swinging my leg over, she was already walking back toward the corner of the building to look down the street.
“Hold up,” I called after her. I still had to get my gear off the back. She either didn’t hear me or didn’t give a shit and I found myself gritting my teeth. But when I rushed around the corner, I nearly collided with her. She did wait. She was leaned up against the brick, her shotgun in her hands, staring ahead at the looming building.
She straightened up as I stopped beside her and we started windin’ our way down the last couple blocks, keepin’ to the shadows of the buildings, stayin’ in cover as best we could. Even so, I couldn’t help glancin’ up at the endless windows, too many high points. All it would take is one asshole with a rifle and a scope... My hands started to sweat as I gripped my crossbow. I glanced at her, but she was as stony-faced as ever. “C’mon,” I said, quickening my stride. “I wanna get the hell off this street.”
I heard her let out a small scoff behind me. “Yeah, you’re the only one worried about being out here,” she murmured. My teeth clenched again but I did my best to ignore it. There was no point gettin’ riled up this early in the day. We still had a lot of fuckin’ work to do. We reached a set of double doors on the side of the hospital, but one glance inside showed they were well barricaded. I stood there rubbing a hand over the stubble on my face. “S’try the south door,” I drawled. To my surprise, she didn’t argue. But that side was a fuckin’ bust too. “Shit,” I spat out. There was a tall cabinet blocking the entrance.
“Good call,” she said sarcastically.
I shot her a glare. And this time when I bit my cheek, I tasted blood. “Ya got a better fuckin’ idea? Huh?” I challenged her.
She rolled her eyes, studying the door for a moment. There was a large glass pane above it that was broken out and I saw her eyes lock in on it. “Boost me up there,” she said, inclining her chin to indicate the window.
Did she want to go in alone? Well, that sure as shit wasn’t fuckin’ happenin’. “Like hell,” I growled back. She rolled her eyes again.
“Just boost me through and I’ll get the door open. I’ll let you in.”
Now it was my turn to scoff. “Ya gonna move that cabinet? By yerself?” I asked skeptically. The muscle in her jaw tensed.
“I don’t have to move it far. Just enough to let you squeeze in. And you can help from the outside.”
I pulled my bottom lip in between my teeth. I didn’t like the idea. I paced a tight circle, thinkin’, as she shifted impatiently beside me. “What if ya get in there and there are walkers? Huh? We can’t see shit down the hall.”
“I’ll be quiet. Come on. We haven’t got all fucking day and we’re sitting ducks out here. Unless you’ve come up with something better—”
I didn’t like it, but she was right. Shit. “Fine,” I interrupted. She leaned her shotgun up against the wall as I set my back against the door, fingers locked together and hands low at my bent knee. “C’mon. Gimme yer foot.”
She seemed to hesitate and I wondered if she was having second thoughts, but the next moment she stepped close in front of me and her hands came to my shoulders. “Ready?” I asked. Her face was maybe six inches from mine, her hands light. I started to feel warm again, a flush of heat across the back of my neck that started spillin’ into my chest. I could see every fleck of color in her eyes, the upturned curve of her eyelashes, that little scar on her chin... Fuck. Focus.
“Ready.” She planted her boot in my hands and I boosted her up so she could grab the window edge. The tinkling of glass dropping in was all I could hear for a moment, and then her weight disappeared from my hands. Spinning around, I watched her pull herself through onto the top of the cabinet. She stayed perched there for a moment, glancin’ behind her, scoutin’ the hallway, before she dropped to her feet lightly. She made it look easy. Graceful.
I couldn’t stand still, constantly shifting my weight. I watched her face tighten as she wedged her shoulder into the cabinet, using all her weight, and it started to move at an angle away from the door. I pushed in with my shoulder from the outside and we finally had enough space for me to slip through. I passed her shotgun through first before turnin’ sideways and slidin’ in. It was dark and completely silent except for the sound of our own breathin’. It felt stuffy inside, and I could vaguely smell somethin’ sharp like animal piss and a sickeningly sweet smell. Death. Decay. I paused to draw the string on my crossbow back, cocking it ready to fire, a bolt nestled in the flight groove.
She pulled her flashlight out from the side pocket of her pack and clicked it on, shining it partially up the hallway ahead. “Jesus…” Her boots crunched over broken glass. She adjusted the shoulder strap of her shotgun, her eyes fixed down the hall, following the moving beam of her light. “This place is a fucking wreck,” she whispered. In her distraction, her tone lacked the usual hostility or sarcasm.
“Somethin’ went down since we were last here,” I agreed. There was a lot more debris and furniture toppled over and strewn about. A lot of obstacles to a clean getaway if we had to make one. “Let’s just get this done and get the hell out.”
“What a unique idea…” she remarked over her shoulder. There it was. Damn sarcasm was back.
I couldn’t help rolling my eyes and movin’ past her so I was in the lead. I knew it would annoy her, but I secretly wanted to be the one in the line of fire if somethin’ was crooked. I headed for the stairwell, pullin’ my own flashlight out and shinin’ it inside before I tried the door. It looked clear. “Upper floors are more likely to have shit left. Let’s go.”
We moved in silence. I could feel her ghosting behind me the whole way, almost mimicking my movements. This was the first time the two of us had been alone on a run since… since I dun even know when. But despite it being so goddamn long, we weren’t out of step. Once we started movin’ it was like no damn time had passed. We fell right back into our old rhythm. I knew her and she knew me. We worked well together when she put aside her need to argue with everythin’ I said. It still felt like we each knew what the other was thinkin’. Not that I expected this run would magically make working together bearable again for good, or solve anything, but at least we could if we had to. I also now was realizin’ this whole thing was probably orchestrated by Rick. Did Denise really need the supplies? Sure. But did it have to be Y/N and I gettin’ ‘em? Alone? Fuck no. I dunno exactly what he was hopin’ for but I’m pretty sure he’ll be disappointed…
Moving steadily upwards, we had most of the supplies on the list, plus plenty of extra finds, but I was growing more and more uneasy as we went on. We hadn’t run into a single fucking walker yet, and to me that meant they were probably herded up in a massive hoard somewhere. It felt like a matter of time before we found them or they found us. I could sense Y/N’s tension risin’ again too. She was more fidgety, more careful about each step she took. I found myself frequently sweeping my eyes back behind us to make sure nothin’ was lurking just outta the flashlight beams. There were the usual signs of walkers nearby; smears of blood on the floor and walls, that fuckin’ smell ya could never get outta yer nose, even chunks of flesh from the rottin’ fuckers. But we still hadn’t seen one, and I was fuckin’ worried.
“Almost got everything,” Y/N whispered to me, shoving a couple more bottles into her pack. “We just need to find the CPAP machine,” she murmured, staring down at the list. “I don’t have a fucking clue what the hell that looks like.” She glanced over at me, one of her eyebrows quirked in a question and I realized she was waitin’ for some kinda response.
“What? Yer lookin’ at me? I ain’t got a goddamn clue what the hell that even is,” I said gruffly. Shit. I saw it. Just for a second, but one corner of her lips twitched up in a smile and I swear there was a spark in her eyes—like the ones I used to see in her all the time. My heart jumped and I tried my best to ignore it. She seemed to turn away, hidin’ her face right as I was puzzlin’ over it.
“Right… well, let’s try down the hall. There’s probably another supply closet at the other end,” she said, nudging her head toward the darkness ahead.
We made our way cautiously. I pushed into the lead again and was surprised when she didn’t argue. I tried every door handle but most of ‘em just led to empty or trashed patient rooms. I caught her frozen in the doorway of one that had a massive bloodstain on the floor and spatter partially up the walls. Her eyes were wide and vacant, and I wondered what she was reliving. “Hey,” I said, just over her shoulder. She seemed to pull out of it abruptly and she turned away, moving on like nothin’ had happened. I let her go ahead, mainly so I could keep an eye on her for a minute and make sure she still had her head in the game, but I didn’t need to worry. Not about that anyway. She’d always been tough. She wasn’t shaken by shit easily. I knew that. And yet I still had this drive to want to protect her, even though she didn’t need it from me. And she definitely didn’t want it from me.
“Here,” she said suddenly, slinging her gun back on her shoulder and more fully opening the door to a small supply closet. There was hardly enough room for her to stand inside, so I posted up just behind her and strained my eyes and ears for anythin’. “It’s all electronic stuff,” she whispered, entirely focused at the task at hand. Her hands floated from one device to the next, illuminated by her flashlight. She was looking for some label or model number or somethin’ to tell her what they were. She bent down and grabbed some scattered papers from among the boxes on the floor. Swearing under her breath she held one up to the flashlight. “Of course the cover and all the useful shit in the front is torn off,” she muttered. She was bending down to grab another handful when there was some sudden, deep noise on the floor above us.
My heart seemed to stall out for a moment and she straightened up and froze, her eyes lifted toward the ceiling, lips partially parted. The sound seemed to reverberate through the building. I could feel it beneath my feet. It resonated through the walls. After a moment, I was looking at her and she glanced over and met my eyes, her eyebrows a little furrowed with worry.
“What the fuck was that?” she asked in a harsh whisper. I only shook my head. She gulped and refocused, shakin’ it off, focusing back on the papers. She was flipping page after page, scanning them as fast as she could.
I started to hear some more noises above us and then eventually spilling toward the other end of the hall. My grip on my crossbow tightened. “We need to move,” I said, keeping my voice low.
She was still intensely focused on the manual in her hands. “Just gimme a minute…” she said vaguely.
I shifted, turning more toward the far end of the hallway, straining my hearing. There was more clattering above us. “We might not have another damn minute.”
“Just—hold on—”
Fuck. I stood frozen for a moment as a herd of walkers started to spill out from the stairwell at the other end of the hallway and start toward us. “We ain’t got a minute, Y/N!” I urged in a harsh whisper. She didn’t seem to hear me.
There were more walkers than I could count. They hadn’t spotted us yet but I had to move fast, so I did the only damn thing I could think of and pushed her forward into the closet, pressing in after her and shutting the door as quietly as I could. I instinctively clicked my flashlight off and hurried to grab hers and do the same, plunging the two of us into darkness in that small space.
“Daryl, what the hell?!” she snapped at me. She’d been so focused she was completely oblivious to the mass of dead wandering our way. The goddamn closet was so small I had no choice but to be pressed into her… My heart started to pound and I think it had more to do with her against me than the undead assholes outside. I was sure she’d be able to feel it and prayed she’d just think it was adrenaline or somethin’. “What the fuck are you doing?!”
I shoved my hand over her mouth, all my patience gone. Did she really think I’d shoved her in a closet for the hell of it? “For once in yer goddamn life just shut up!” I growled in a low voice. She seemed to tense against me but in the quiet the sounds of the walkers outside the door were now easily heard above our ragged breathin’ and they were growing louder every second. I still had one hand over her mouth and the other clenching my crossbow at my side. She shifted against me and pulled my hand away. I could hear and feel her breathin’ pick up pace. I planted my palm on the wall behind her, next to her head, very aware of the growin’ heat pooling between the two of us where we were pressed together. The air felt suffocatin’. I started to worry the walkers outside the door would be able to hear my breathin’ I was so nervous. I wanted to shift, move away from her like I’m sure she wanted… I wanted to change positions and get my bow up, but it was impossible.
She didn’t seem to know where to put her arms within the tight, dark space. I couldn’t blame her. I was leaned in against her, sorta over her even. I felt her hand accidentally brush my arm and my body jolted a little at the contact, like some reflex I didn’t know I had. My teeth ground together. After that she seemed to settle away from me, into the wall behind her.
We had to just stay there, fuckin’ frozen, hardly room to breathe while the hoard passed by. Every once and a while, a body would thump hard against the door and I’d feel her flinch. I could feel sweat dripping down my neck and beading up on my face, my hair sticking to it. We were so close I could feel her breath against my skin when she faced toward me. I felt the rhythm of her breathin’. And I couldn’t ignore the fact that in that tiny ass closet, the only thing I could smell was the faint scent of her shampoo. I tried hard not to notice, but I’d be lyin’ if I said I didn’t try to put some name to the smell. Lavender? Not quite. Maybe more like rose? I dunno. And despite the possible death lurking just outside, I found it hard to focus on anythin' other than the feeling of her against me.
It felt like it took hours for the hoard to pass, but it was probably only ten minutes. But after the sounds drifted away we were still left with a big fuckin’ problem. They had to go somewhere, and my best guess was that they were travelin’ down.
It was so dark in there I couldn’t even tell if my fuckin’ eyes were open or closed, and it seemed to be makin’ it hard to think… Or maybe the angle of her one hip pressed into me was—fuck. Get it together, man… I fumbled for and clicked on my flashlight, findin' the two of us both wincin' at the sudden glare, noses almost touchin'. She was lookin’ up at me, her lips softly parted, her expression only full of concern for once, that little worry line she always gets near her eyebrow.
We both stayed like for a second. I guess just struck by actually seein’ how close we were in the sudden light, until finally she tore her eyes away and turned her head.
I tried to clear my throat, worried my voice was gonna come out soundin' strained or somethin’. “Uhh… sounded like they were goin’—”
“—down. Yeah,” she finished.
My eyes traced the angle of her jawline as she kept her face turned away from me. I heard the paper manual crinkle in her hand and groped for the doorknob behind me. “Yeah,” I agreed quietly. “So, we got a problem about gettin’ out.” My hand finally landed on the doorknob and I turned it and slowly opened the door on the hall, checking both directions carefully but also feelin’ like if I didn’t put some damn space between the two of us again I was about to explode. It looked clear and I stepped out. Glancin’ back, she still seemed frozen, up against the wall, her face turned away toward her shoulder so I couldn’t really get a read on her. “Hey. What is it?” I prompted her.
“Hmm?” She seemed to snap back to herself. “N—nothing…” She went back to searching the manual in her hand, like nothin’ had fuckin’ happened. Just one goddamn time I’d like to know what the fuck is goin’ on inside her head… But I ain’t got no right to that. She’s made that pretty fuckin’ clear.
It wasn’t the right manual or the right machine. But she went through two more until she found it. “Got it,” she announced, waving the paper at me before shoving it into her already full duffel bag. She seized a small machine from the shelf and started trying to rearrange items to make it fit in her pack.
“I got room,” I said, still nervously checkin’ over my shoulder. I thought I could hear the hoard moving below us, maybe two floors down.
“It’s fine. I can make it fit,” she said, jostling more stuff in her bag.
I rolled my eyes and grabbed the damn thing from her, slinging my crossbow strap over my shoulder. “Ya’d really rather split yer pack at the seams than take any fuckin’ help from me,” I murmured. I didn’t wait for an answer. I didn’t need one…
She stepped out of the closet and I caught her wiping her forearm across her forehead. It left a smear of dirt near her hairline. I had to pull myself back to the present. “So, how are we getting out of here?” she asked, adjusting her pack and the duffel bag strap on her shoulder.
I glanced at her, knowing she wasn’t gonna like my idea.
She rolled her eyes. “Well, you’ve obviously got something. Just get on with it.”
“Fire escape,” I said.
I watched the muscle in her jaw twitch as he jaw clenched. “Fuckin’ great…”
“Unless ya got somethin’ else—”
“You know I don’t,” she snapped back at me. She wiped a hand across her forehead again, swiping away fresh drops of sweat. “It’s—” She cut herself off. “Let’s just go,” she sighed, defeated.
I looked at her for a second more, trying to gauge just how freaked out she was, but it didn’t seem to matter. We didn’t have any other options.
“Let’s go,” she snapped again. “Before I change my mind about being able to handle this.”
“It ain’t—”
She squeezed her eyes shut and I watched her body tense. “I swear to god, Dixon, if you say ‘It ain’t that bad’ or ‘It ain’t that high’ right now, I will lose my shit and attract every fucking walker in this goddamn building. I don’t even give a fuck.” Her jaw muscle twitched.
I couldn’t help letting out a sigh that was more of a growl than anything but then I turned and headed for the window a couple doors down that I’d noticed was busted out. Leaning through, I scanned the outside of the building for a fire escape. Nothing on that side.
“It’s probably around the other side. Let’s try the end of the hall,” she suggested. Her boots stayed rooted to the floor and I glanced at her again. She caught my eyes and must have read the concern on my face.
“I’m fine. You’re the last person I need worrying about me,” she growled.
Fuck. She could be infuriating… I found my hand clenching and unclenching a few times before I followed her back out of the room.
She was right. There was a fire escape down that side. I grabbed a piece of metal off the floor and straightened up. “Ya ready?” I asked one more time. “They might hear this glass break so we gotta fuckin’ move.” I thought her hands were a bit shaky.
“Just do it,” she said. And this time, I could hear the quiver in her voice.
I smashed the window and knocked out the glass before pullin' myself through. The metal grates rattled under my boots and she looked suddenly sick as she approached the window sill. I hesitated a second before reaching a hand out to help her through.
“I’m fine,” she said. She didn’t look fine, but she gripped the ledge and climbed out. “Oh, fuck. Fuck…” she muttered as her feet landed on the platform. She was keeping her eyes fixed straight out. Even just the metal grates at th prison used to freak her out, and that was one floor.
I wanted to comfort her but… I wasn’t dumb enough to think it’d help or that she wanted me to, so instead I just started down the stairs at a good pace. She followed stiffly behind me, gripping onto the railing with white knuckles and falling behind.
Every once and a while I’d glance back and she looked like she was about to be sick, but she was still following. We hit a snag as we reached the third-floor platform. A large part of it had rusted and fallen away, leaving a gaping hole we would have to edge around to reach the next set of stairs.
“Oh, you’ve gotta be fucking kidding me.” I heard her behind me and when I looked back her eyes were wide and round and she was clutching onto the railing like it was a lifeline.
“S’fine. I’ll cross first. Just keep over—”
“Oh, really, Daryl? I should keep over to the side? You mean I should stay away from the huge fucking hole in the goddamn floor?” It kept drawing her eyes and I’d see her rip them back up and away, reeling.
I knew that was mostly coming from the fact that she was fuckin’ terrified, but every harsh word from her still stung. “Fine. Clearly, yer good,” I spat back. “Ya don’t need me and ya don’t give a shit and yer fine. I fuckin’ got it.” So much for trying to calm her down. I edged past the hole in the metal grating and went down the next set of stairs. Finally, I just had to push down the ladder, climb down, and we’d be on solid ground again. But when I looked back up, she was still frozen where she had been, on the far side of the platform. I watched her for another minute, waiting to see if she’d move. I knew she wasn’t gonna ask for help, not from me, but she obviously needed it and tough shit, I’m the only damn person here. I rubbed a hand across the back of my neck, anxious to even try again, and climbed back up. I edged past the rusted-out hole and stopped next to her. “Just gimme yer hand.” She didn’t loosen her grip on the railing, and her eyes landed on my face. “S’fine. Just for two seconds, lemme fuckin’ help ya.”
Her chest was heaving with fearful breaths and I guess the idea of tryin’ to cross along that edge alone was worse than puttin’ her hand in mine. Part of me still thought she’d take the heights over me, but she didn’t… She pried her hand off the railing and placed it into mine. I—I can’t say my heart didn’t jump when my fingers closed around it. The motorcycle. The fuckin’ closet. Now this. We’d hardly been within six feet of each other for years and now all this in one day… I felt dizzy. It ain’t like Rick could have predicted these things would happen. He sure as shit couldn’t command a hoard to force us into each other in a tiny closet… but he must have been hopin’ for somethin’ by sendin’ us out here. Was it gonna work on her? I fuckin’ doubt it.
As we stepped along the edge of the edge of the platform, she held her breath. She always seemed like nothing in this fucked up world scared her anymore, nothing phased her. Half the time it almost seemed like she didn’t give a shit if she died. But this? Heights? This still scared her on some level she couldn't reason away.
But we made it across just fine. She was gripping onto me so tightly I thought she might have bruised the bones in my damn hand. And as we climbed down the next set of stairs, long past the danger, she was still holding onto me. But just as quickly as I realized it, she slipped her hand out and stiffened next to me again, fixing her eyes away toward the railing, which she grabbed onto again desperately.
We made it down the ladder, dropping onto the concrete and making a run back to my bike, slippin' from cover to cover, packs heavy and weighing us down. I was thinking how batshit crazy it was that we’d just done a hospital run and hadn’t had to kill a single walker AND managed to get all the damn supplies... when we rounded the last corner and a string of curses left her mouth.
“You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me. What the fuck?!” She knelt down next to my bike and as I looked, my stomach dropped.
“Son of a fuckin' bitch.” Both tires on my motorcycle were slashed. Ruined. Fuck.
We were stranded in the city without a runnin’ vehicle and somebody knew we were here.
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senjuushi · 2 years
Translation: Ghost Episodes
Ghost... poor, sweet Ghost. XD He's so sad and so, so angry. I love this spiteful little man dearly... He's hilarious, but you can't help but feel bad for how neglected he is.
It's been a while since I translated old game content, but I'm hoping to get through the rest of the Moderns' episode stories soon~
Episode 1: “The spy saw it! ~I’ll curse you...~”
...h, really... ...t’s... That old man, he lost sight of me, and left me behind on the battlefield.
It’s all because of those Resistance guys, sparklin’ so brightly... The hell’s with that? I’m gonna go blind.
It’s seriously obnoxious... I’ll curse them. 
Because a’ their out-of-nowhere attack, the pasta for lunch wound up overcooked...
And when I tried ta’ tell a funny story I’d picked up, the joke fell totally flat.
If you trace it back, it’s all the Resistance’s fault. That’s why I’ve decided... I’ll curse ‘em all ‘til kingdom come...!
And if the Resistance is destroyed, that person’ll be able to sleep soundly too.
Still, that guy’s got strange taste.
Out of all the choices he has, why’d he wanna keep a weak shadow of a gun like me in the World Empire, I wonder?
Somethin’ like me, only produced as a prototype, as unimportant as it gets...
And yet, he still went to the trouble of havin’ bullets produced just for me... All I can say is that he’s got strange taste.
...well, whatever. He’s the one who noticed me, an’ that’s all the reason I need to follow him.
Alright, gotta pull myself together... First of all, I’ll go n’ find that old man.
Episode 2: “The spy saw it! ~The unseen Musketeer~”
Ghost: ...y....hey... ...y... hey, listen. C’mon, you. Pay attention. 
Soldier: Huh... whoah!? Ghost-san, when did you get here!?
Ghost: I’ve been here the whole time. Anyway, it seems like you’ve been searchin’ for me for a while now. What for?
Soldier: Oh, that’s right! As of today, a new wanted person list has been issued, so please keep it with you.
Soldier: This one... I hear that he was in communication with the Resistance, and leaked information about a base’s floor plan. 
Ghost: Hm... another betrayal. I guess he got drawn in by those sparklin’ things too.
Ghost: Feels like a bug tryin’ to get close to a light, if even for an instant. 
Ghost: And with wanted posters goin’ round the Empire like this, he’ll be found in no time.
Ghost: ...although, I guess I’m kinda jealous of being noticed by so many people.
Ghost: If it was me on the wanted list... Even if I was right in front of you, you still wouldn’t notice me, huh?
Soldier: No, of course I would! Or at least, I think...
Ghost: It’s fine, it’s fine. For some reason, I’ve just got zero presence. Damn it...
Ghost: The Resistance, their Musketeers, an’ the guy on the wanted list... I’m cursing every last one of ‘em.
Episode 3: “The spy saw it! ~The one who found him~”
Ghost: ...it, ...who...took... Who was it this time? It was Belga again, wasn’t it... whoah!?
Eins: ...mh! You’re not hurt, are you, Ghost? You need to look ahead when you walk.
Ghost: Eins-oniisan... my apologies. 
Eins: It’s nothing to worry about. I’m glad you’re not hurt.
Ghost: I’m... It’s normal for people to notice somethin’ after they bump into it, but...
Ghost: You’re the only one who notices before you run into me. You’re truly a good person... Bless you.
Eins: Hahaha! It’s alright, really.
Ghost: Yeah, that’s... hm? You’re alone today. Weird.
Ghost: Usually, F or Fal is stickin’ real close to you. 
Ghost: It’s gotta be tough to have those two clingin’ to ya all the time.
Ghost: If it suits ya, so they won’t get close anymore...I’ll curse ‘em.
Eins: What’s the problem, though? Having such brilliant people always by my side is a huge help, you know.
Ghost: ...hmm, really? If you’re okay with it, I won’t interfere.
Eins: That matter aside, though... Earlier, you said that I was the only one to notice you, correct?
Eins: Do you not have anyone you can rely on? Come to me if you’re feeling lonely. I’ll stand by you.
Ghost: Hieee...! This is scary, my heart’s beatin’ like crazy.
Ghost: Sayin’ such nice things to me... I’m moved.
Ghost: ...alright, I’ve decided. If you ever need anythin’, I’ll be there to stand by you too.
Ghost: With my curses, of course... Heheheh...!
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A Glorious Moment in Sakaar
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Summary: You’ve always disliked Loki, but when you end up stranded with him on an unknown planet, you put your hatred aside in order to work together. Turns out, the only thing you really hate is how much you actually like him. 
Warnings: weapons, violence, enemies to lovers, implied smut
A/N: Had this in my drafts and just decided to post it... I’m definitely in a Loki mood on this fine day haha. 
I hope you all enjoy and as always, feedback is appreciated :)
Loki Masterlist
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Out of all the people in the world who you could’ve gotten stranded with on an unknown, trash planet, Loki is the last person you’d wish to accompany you. 
As soon as the two of you get thrown off the Bifrost and land on random dirty roads, he speaks. “Well, this looks rather unpleasant.” 
Rolling your eyes, you don’t bother to respond, instead opting to scan the area around you. Wherever you landed, it’s heavily polluted. 
“I think I’d rather have ended up in Hel,” Loki complains, his hands on his hips as he surveys with you. 
“I wish you had.” 
Loki looks over at you and chuckles. “What? Don’t want to be stranded here with your favorite God?” 
You pretend to frantically look around. “What do you mean? I don’t see Thor anywhere.” 
“Very funny.” 
“I know I am,” you say before smirking at him and walking away. Loki is quick to match your pace. 
“Let’s try to find some type of civilization and figure out an escape plan.” 
Continuing to walk, you head towards a tall skyscraper-like building that you see in the distance. “Already on it.” You point ahead to show Loki. 
Loki scoffs. “No need to point. I noticed it a while ago.” 
“Sure you did.” 
“I did. I’m a God for crying out loud. I sense things long before-”
A knife sits at the base of your throat, stopping you in place. You look over at Loki who’s in the same predicament. 
“Loki?” you ask before you’re pulled back harshly, the knife lightly grazing your skin. Loki growls, lunging towards you. 
“Hurt them and you’ll all suffer merciless deaths by my hand.” 
You gasp at Loki’s protectiveness. Is it possible he cares for you? No, don’t even think about it. You hate this man. Remember?
The man behind Loki laughs at him before looking over at his partner. “I think the Grandmaster would like this one.” 
The person behind you nods. “Let’s take ‘em in.” 
You share one last glance with Loki before a bag is thrown over your head, preventing you from seeing anything else.
The bag’s removed from your head and you squint, your eyes adjusting to the harsh overhead lighting. You’re strapped to a chair, seated right next to Loki. 
In front of you is a man. He’s tall in nature, just like Loki, and he’s smiling at the two of you. 
“Where the hell are we?” You ask, struggling against the restraints. 
The unknown man walks up to you before speaking. “Now, there’s no reason to do that. I’m just simply feeling you out before deciding whether to kill you or not.” 
Again, Loki speaks up, surprisingly coming to your defense. “You’ll have to get through me before you even think of touching them.”
The man laughs at this and turns his attention onto Loki. “You must be the one they said I’d like… Seems like they were right. I do like you.” He claps his hands together. “Okay, so here’s the deal. You’re on my planet, Sakaar. I’m what they call the Grandmaster and usually with newcomers, I’d either kill them or throw them into the pits… which I guess is also death, but that’s not the point! The point is I like you two… especially you.” He points at Loki. “So, great news! You’re welcome to stay, I mean once people land here, they never really leave…” He awkwardly smiles at that, not knowing what else to say. 
You look over at Loki, who’s already staring your way. The two of you gaze at each other silently before the Grandmaster once again claps his hands. “Let’s get the cuffs off these two!” 
Once the cuffs are opened, you rub your wrists and stand up. The Grandmaster motions for the two of you to get away. “Go! Go mingle and have some fun!” 
You look around the room and notice a gathering of people a few feet away. They’re all drinking and dancing, seemingly having the time of their lives. 
You grab Loki’s arm and guide him towards the crowd. “C’mon, we gotta find a busy area to talk.” 
Loki pulls his arm from your grasp. “Shouldn’t we find somewhere quiet to talk privately?” 
You roll your eyes. “No, because then someone might hear us.” 
“So instead, we’re to talk in the middle of a gathering?” 
Shaking your head in irritation, you gesture towards the group of people. “They all seem drunk! Sounds like the perfect opportunity to blend in and discuss.” 
Loki sighs. “Very well. I need a drink first.” 
As he walks towards the bar, you once again grab his arm, stopping him in place. “What’re you doing?” 
“I just told you. I’m getting a drink.” 
“We need to be level-headed for this.” 
He scoffs. “Darling, I really think you’ve forgotten that I’m a God. I can’t get drunk.” 
“Yes, you can. I’ve witnessed it multiple times.” 
He shakes his head. “I was just full.” 
“That’s not the point! Just please-” You look towards the dancefloor. “Dance with me.” 
“Pardon me?”
Instead of answering, you grab his hand and drag him over to the other dancers, pulling him flush against you, your back to his chest. You swear you hear Loki gasp as you sway your hips against him. 
“What’re you doing?” His mouth is right next to your ear, his hands moving to grip your waist tightly. Your body heats up with his touch and you want to scream over its betrayal. 
You turn your head slightly to look up at him. “We need to blend in.” 
As he stares down at you, you get lost in his eyes. They’re an exquisite, light blue, pulling you in and making you forget about the situation around you. Erasing those thoughts from your mind, you focus on the plan. “I say we find where their weapons are placed. Steal some and then find a ship to escape back to Asgard on.”
“Your plan sounds impossibly easy.” 
“Maybe it will be.” 
“You know just as well as myself that it won’t be. But, I’ll go along with it. It’s not the worst of plans you’ve thought of and I fear we don’t have many other options.” 
“Gee, thanks.” You spin around in his arms so you’re now facing him, chest to chest. Loki’s staring down at you, his eyes blazing. One of his hands moves to your face, grabbing your chin and tilting your face upwards. He licks his lips, his tongue sliding out to swipe across his bottom lip. You watch and you can’t help but wonder what his mouth would feel like against yours. 
He leans down until his face is only inches from yours and you find yourself panting with a neediness you haven’t felt in a long time. Loki’s staring at your lips, ready to claim them for himself-
You remember where you are and pull away quickly, putting some distance between the two of you. “What’re you doing?” 
Loki grins. “Just blending in, darling. You didn’t seem to mind.” 
Trying to steady your rising heart rate, you take a deep breath. “Let’s just go find their weapons.” 
Loki gestures for you to walk in front of him. “After you.”
Finding and stealing weapons turned out to be easier than you thought. Loki managed to grab multiple knives, as well as the same giant gun that you did. 
Now, you’re heading towards the ship’s garage, intending to steal the best one you come across. You’re in an elevator, heading up to the top floor. As the doors are about to open, Loki puts his arm out in front of you. “I hear voices on the other side. Follow my lead.” 
You nod your head. The doors open, revealing two guards with guns. In an instant, Loki has them both on the ground, knives stabbed into their chests. 
He turns to look at you and grins. “Told you they’d come in handy.” 
“You just wanted to show off.” 
“For you? Always.” 
You roll your eyes for what feels like the hundredth time today and follow Loki towards a large, circular ship. “You think they’d have more guards in this area.” 
Loki walks over to a station pressed against the wall, searching for the ship’s key. “You’d think, but let’s not stick around to find out.” Once he locates the key, he picks it up. “Ah, got it!” 
The elevator opens back up, revealing ten new guards. 
“Uh, Loki?” 
Loki turns just in time to see five guards running full speed at him. He laughs before throwing the gun to the floor, placing the ship key in his pants, and pulling out two knives. “Well, hello. This is going to be fun.” 
Across the room, you’re shooting at the other five guards, backing up as they move forward. You manage to knock three of them to the ground and drop the gun as the other two come running at you, full speed. 
“Y/N!” Loki yells. 
You turn to see him throwing you a knife and you catch it midair. Turning back to the two guards, you smirk. “Unfortunately for you two, I’m rather skilled with knives.” 
“Not as skilled as myself though, just to be clear!” 
You chuckle at Loki’s comment. “That’s what he tells himself to sleep better at night.” 
Right after you say those words, you’re lunging at the guards, slicing your knife into one of their thighs. They hiss out in pain and you use the opportunity to grab them, placing your knife at the base of their neck. The other guard rushes you and you kick out, hitting them square in the stomach before dragging your knife across the captured guard’s neck, causing him to fall to the floor. You fall down and roll over, jumping back onto your feet before the other guard can tackle you. 
Maneuvering around the guard, you swipe your leg out, tripping him up, causing him to fall to the floor. You roll onto the floor behind him and wrap your thighs around his neck, effectively cutting off his air supply. Once he’s knocked out, you get back up, wiping sweat off the top of your eyebrow. Loki is staring at you, an impressed look on his face. You stare back at him, admiring how he looks. He’s leaning against the ship, his hair disheveled with his arms crossed over his chest. The guards he fought are scattered across the floor, each one either dead or knocked out. 
He walks up to you, his tall frame towering over you. “It was rather hot to see you beat up those guards.” His hand reaches down towards your face, his thumb wiping a few spots of blood off your cheek. 
You close your eyes, trying to get a hold of yourself. When you reopen them, Loki is back over towards the ship, looking at you. “Ready, darling?” 
Letting out a shaky breath, you will your legs to follow him onto the ship.
A gentle shake to your shoulder wakes you up. Slowly opening your eyes, you come face to face with Loki, who’s looking down at you with a small smile on his face, his hand still resting on your shoulder. You stare at his hand and he pulls it away before clearing his throat. 
“We’re almost back at Asgard.” 
You nod. “How long was I out?” 
“Two hours? I didn’t want to interrupt since it was the first time you looked peaceful in years.” 
Getting up, you glare at him. “Has anyone ever told you how charming you are?” 
“As a matter of fact, yes. Quite a few.” 
“I’m shocked.” You walk to the front of the ship, taking a seat in the pilot’s chair. “This thing on autodrive?” 
Loki moves to take a seat next to you. “No, I figured I’d let it go so we can crash into the nearest crater and die. Put you out of your misery.” 
“Out of my misery?” 
“Yes, since you so clearly hate being around me.” 
Sighing, you turn the chair so you’re facing him. “Who said I hated you?”
Loki mimics you. “Nobody. I can just tell.” 
“I don’t hate you.” Well, maybe a little. But, not for the reason he thought.
He raises an eyebrow. “No?” He sighs, rubbing a hand down his face. “It’s fine if you do. Most individuals I’ve encountered end up hating me.” 
“Well, I’m not like most individuals.” 
He smiles at that. “No, you’re most certainly not.” 
Nervous, you start picking at the arm of the chair. It’s Loki, for crying out loud. The man you can’t stand. So, why is he making you feel this way?
“You almost kissed me in Sakaar. Why?”
The question leaves your mouth before you can even think about the consequences. However, Loki doesn’t seem to mind. Instead, he seems excited by the question, his eyes lit up in amusement. 
“I told you. We needed to blend in.” 
“We were already blending in by dancing. No one was even sparing us a second glance.” 
“No? Well, maybe I just wanted to kiss you then. For my own pleasure.” 
His confession spills over you like a bucket of ice water. Your body is both hot and cold, feeling too much at once. 
Your mouth slightly opens as you gasp quietly. “Don’t say things you don’t mean.” 
All of a sudden, Loki’s moves closer to you. Too close. You can feel his breath wash over your face as his hand slowly crawls up your arm. “I may lie quite frequently, but when it comes to you, I only tell the truth.” 
With a surge of confidence, you grip the front of his leathered shirt. “Prove it to me then.” 
He growls before smashing his mouth onto yours. His lips are everything you’ve ever imagined. Soft and unmistakingly yours. 
“You’re mine now, darling. All mine,” he whispers into the kiss. Grabbing your waist, he pulls you onto his lap, your legs dangling off the sides of the chair. “Say it. Say you’re mine.” 
“I’m yours,” you manage to say, moaning when he bites down on your lower lip. 
After one more kiss, he rests his forehead against yours. “You and I, darling, have a lot of catching up to do when we get back.” He runs his fingers over your thigh. “The things I’m going to do to you. You better prepare yourself.” 
Gulping, you shiver at his promise. This ship couldn’t get you to Asgard fast enough. You’ll let him ruin you, from the inside-out. But, only him. Only Loki. You grin at the thought before leaning in to kiss him again.
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luminnara · 3 years
Pro Hero Bakugou + cam girl!reader fluff 18+ ONLY
I wrote this for myself c: i’m a SWer and i gotta live through my self inserts sometimes lol
Warnings: nsfw language
part 2
requests are open!
Everyone always expected him to end up with another pro hero. After all, he was Dynamight, a determined, powerful man with an even more powerful quirk. He had his own agency, he kept his area of the city in check, and he had a near perfect record. It only made sen that he would want to date someone equally as impressive and passionate about hero work, someone who could keep up with him and match him on every level.
Nobody ever expected that he would end up with someone like you, least of all...well, you.
You held off on telling him what you did for a living for a while. You weren’t ashamed of your profession by any means, but you had developed too much of a crush on Katsuki to risk ruining everything if he didn’t share your viewpoint. What if he hated your job? What if he thought you were an embarrassment to his name? No, it felt better to just tell him that you did something mundane, letting him believe you were an accountant or something rather than a full time online sex worker.
You were absolutely certain that the great Dynamight wouldn’t want the news getting out that he was dating someone like you, so even though it felt like you were lying to the man you were falling in love with, it also felt...better. It felt safe.
So imagine your surprise and horror when he casually brought it up on his own.
“What, you thought I didn’t know from the start?” He rolled his eyes, kicking his feet up on your coffee table as he raised a beer to his lips. “You think I’m stupid or somethin’?”
“What? No!” You said quickly.
“Then why’d you lie?”
You looked down in embarrassment. “Because...I didn’t know how you would react.”
He raised an eyebrow but said nothing, waiting for you to continue.
“A lot of guys get jealous, or just...shitty about it.” You sighed. “I figured that you wouldn’t want my job ruining your reputation as a pro, too. So...I just never said anything.”
Katsuki was silent for a moment, taking another drink. He seemed like he was thinking about your words, and with each second that ticked by, you grew more nervous. Was he about to yell at you for hiding such a big part of your life? Was he going to break up with you right then and there?
“Don’t be a dumbass.” He finally said. “I don’t give a shit what you do, long as you like doin’ it.”
His voice was harsh, but it made your heart soar.
“Thank you,” you said, letting out a relieved sigh.
“For what?” He grunted.
When he saw the sappy look on your face, he groaned and motioned for you to come closer. When you came and stood near his legs, he rolled his eyes, reaching out with one strong arm and pulling you down to straddle his lap.
“I don’t fuckin’ care what your job is.” He said, a big hand settling on your ass. “Kinda pissed me off that you kept hidin’ it from me, but I figured you’d bring it up at some point. Then you just fuckin’ didn’t, so I did.”
“How the hell did you find out?” You asked, suspicious that he had gone through your shit or something.
In that moment, the great Katsuki Bakugou actually blushed.
“Uh...” he looked away, avoiding your eyes. “I...mighta caught a livestream once.”
Your eyes widened. “You what?”
He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. “Yeah, I tuned in once or twice.”
“What? When?” 
“I didn’t go lookin’ for you specifically like a creep!” he said roughly. 
When you just quirked an eyebrow, he sighed. 
“It was right at the beginnin’. Remember that first date we went on? You were wearin’ that green dress...”
“Of course I do,” you smiled. 
Bakugou readjusted his grip on you and you settled in against his chest. “You wore that fuckin’ dress, ‘n you got me so god damn worked up with that.”
“Did I?” You teased, already knowing the answer. You were well versed in the world of horny men, and you could very vividly remember all of his awkward shifting and not so stealthy readjustments.
“Fuck, you have no idea,” he groaned. “Had a hard on the whole night. Thought I was gonna explode by the time I got home.”
“Well, you’re pretty good at exploding,” you laughed, leaning your cheek against his chest as you looked up at him. “You could have invited me in, you know.”
“Nah, I was bein’ a gentleman. I mean, you’re fuckin’ gorgeous, princess...but I asked you to dinner because I liked you. And when I ask a girl to dinner, I fuckin’ do it right. After I got home, I had to go rub one out...’n that’s when I found you on that camsite.”
You blushed. “Yeah, I, uh...remember going home and deciding I should go live for a few hours, since you made sure to have me home by nine.”
He rolled his eyes at your joking tone. “Yeah, yeah. I saw you under the now online tab, ‘n I couldn’t stop watchin’...”
“That was a good night,” you grinned. “I went straight from having some of the fanciest food I’ve ever tasted to having one of my work nights ever. I mean, I remember hitting my tip goal in like, half an hour! Because my highest tipper was some new guy and—“
You paused, realization dawning on you.
“Wait just a goddamn second.” You leaned back, sitting up to look at Katsuki suspiciously.
The shit eating grin on his face confirmed your suspicions.
“What, babe?” He drawled. “You were gonna tell me all about your highest tipper. Don’t stop now.”
“My highest tipper,” you jabbed your finger into his chest, “was a new guy whose username I had never seen before, who had to have a lot of money to pay what he did.”
“Yeah, well. There’s all kindsa rich people on those sites. They love gettin’ off to pretty pieces of ass like you.”
“And he even ended up tipping enough tokens to cover my bills that month,” you rose up on your knees, straddling him again. “He had to have been a celebrity. Or a CEO. Or a pro hero.”
His grin only widened. “Musta been.”
“Katsuki, I cannot believe you!” You laughed, lightly slapping his chest. “All this time, you’ve been watching me from a burner account?”
“Well, I can’t exactly just put my hero name out there,” he chuckled.
“Because it would be all over the tabloids?” You guessed.
“What? No, because you woulda found out right away. Like I said, I wanted you to come to me first.”
“That’s...really sweet of you, actually,” you sighed. “Thanks, Katsuki. For not telling everybody.”
“...you told Kirishima, didn’t you?”
“I was excited about how hot my new girlfriend was!” He said defensively. “‘N it’s not like he was gonna do anythin’ bad, anyways.”
“Yeah, there’s not a mean bone in that man’s body,” you laughed, sliding back down onto your boyfriend’s chest. “I just can’t believe you. How are you so good at keeping secrets from me?”
“You tried to do the same thing to me,” he pointed out.
“Well, now we’re even. But...I don’t exactly think the world would like knowing that a top hero is dating a camgirl.”
“Like I care.” He rolled his eyes. “You know how popular you’re gonna be when rumors start flyin’?”
“Rumors?” You asked, looking up at him.
“Oh, yeah. Everybody’ll wanna find out if that’s really the pussy that the best pro hero is poundin’ every night.”
“What? It’s true.”
You were quiet as you thought for a moment. “You know, if you sign a model release, your dick can be on cam...”
His face lit up. “You wanna suck this cock in fronta all your loyal fans, baby? Wanna show em what a fuckin’ size queen you really are?”
“Full of ourselves tonight, aren’t we?” You asked dryly.
“You’re gonna be fulla my cum soon enough,” he flirted, leaning down to nip at your jaw. “C’mon, Princess. I gotta get my practice in before I can be your stunt dick.”
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calpalirwin · 3 years
Permanent Vacation
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Summary: Calum falls for a musician.
A/N: I just really wanted an excuse to use Arrows in Action newest releases in a fic. (They’re bangers. You should go give ‘em a listen.)
Word Count: 2.8k
And away, and away we go!
The sun was hot as it beat down on my neck, the line for the beerstand long, and the noises of people chatting excitedly were loud in my ears. But I didn’t care in the slightest. After the isolating shitshow that was quarantine, I was more than happy to be out at a festival with, wait for it, live fuckin’ music. The only way I could be happier was if my band was in the lineup, but this was still a pretty close second. To be surrounded by musicians and people who loved music was a breath of fresh air after so long. A breath of very hot fresh air. But still.
Behind me I heard the girlish giggling and whispers of my name, which drew the attention of the group in front of me: three guys, and a girl around my own age, two of the guys a good shoulder and head taller than the other man and girl. The shortest of the guys whispered, “Could you imagine if we got noticed like that?”
The tall brunette’s eyes went wide as he pulled a face and shook his head. “No, thanks. I think I’d cry.”
The other tall one with purple hair laughed loudly, “Aw, c’mon, that would be rad! His band’s not even in the lineup and he still gets recognized. Could you imagine?”
“He has a name, and can hear you, J,” the girl hissed with a playful eye roll. Then, she flashed me a smile before calling out in a loud voice, “Hey, man! Good to see ya! How ya been?” to me, before taking a step forward and stretching up to wrap her arm around my shoulders like we were old friends. “Just go with it,” she added under her breath. “Nobody’ll bug you for pictures and autographs if you’re with a bigger group.”
“Thanks,” I laughed at her rescue attempt. “But it’s fine if they do. I don’t mind.”
“Yeah, but they can at least let you buy a fuckin’ beer first.”
“Well, thanks again,” I said, not sure of what else to say, or do so I let her pull me up with her friends who were all staring at her with I’m sure the same look of soft shock I had on my own face.
“I’m Y/N, by the way.” She let go of me as she started introducing her friends to me. “And this is Jesse.”
“Hello,” the tall one with purple hair smiled warmly.
“That’s Matt,” she nudged the other tall one.
“And this is Vic,” she finished, looking at the shortest man who waved.
“Nice to meet you guys. I’m Calum,” I said, then realized how stupid that was. “But, you already knew that, huh?”
Y/N grinned, holding her thumb and index finger close together. “Just a smidge. But it’s cool. So, any bands you’re particularly excited to see?”
“The Maine and All Time Low mostly. I’m a huge fan of The Maine, and All Time Low are friends of mine.”
“Both are great bands. And the All Time Low guys are good friends to have, for sure.”
“Oh, you know them?”
“Yeah, we worked with them a few times.��
“Worked with? Fellow musicians, huh?”
She laughed. “We’re up and comers, yeah.”
“Your cool aunt’s favorite band,” Jesse grinned at me.
Y/N laughed more at the confused look that crossed my face. “That’s one of his favorite ways to refer to us. Like we’re the band you find out from word of mouth from the cool relative that’s always discovering new music.”
“Ah,” I said, nodding in understanding. “Been there. Are you guys in the lineup?”
“Yup!” she chirped happily as we got to the front of the line. “5 beers, please,” she told the person working the counter.
“Oh, you don’t have to,” I tried to decline, reaching quickly for my wallet.
“Relax, it’s just a beer,” she told me, passing me one of the cups being placed on the counter. 
“Well, thanks,” I said, raising the cup and taking a sip. “I’ll getcha guys next time.”
“I’ll hold you to it,” she grinned around the rim of her own cup. “Enjoy your beer, Cal. See ya around.”
I took the last swallow from my beer, cursing myself for not having stopped her to get the name of her band, or at the very least her last name. But before I had a chance to get the words out, I’d been bombarded with requests from fans for pictures, engaging in small conversations with them, and by the time I was done, Y/N was long gone.
So I resigned myself to walking around the festival grounds, my head reeling. It wasn’t often a woman pretended to be my friend to rescue me from the onslaught of fans. In fact, I couldn’t recall one time that's ever happened. I also wasn’t used to being bought drinks, even if I was still fully intending to return the favor. Although that would require me to find her first. But something told me that wouldn’t be too difficult.
I was grateful I’d come on my own, and not with Ashton who would have no doubt teased me about how hooked I was on the girl. The cynic with a crush? Whatever were the odds? And was it even technically a crush when I’d only interacted with her for maybe five minutes? Okay, maybe Ashton being around wouldn’t be the worst thing if he could help me make sense of the jumble of thoughts in my head. The way that man could bounce from crush to crush almost seamlessly was enough to give me a case of whiplash. 
I sighed as I tossed my cup in the trash. Whether or not it was a crush was still to be determined. All I knew was that I liked her energy, and wanted to see her again. And… that was a crush, wasn’t it? God. Fuckin’. Damn it.
A guitar chord rang out loudly, and there was a mad dash of people running towards the stage. Slowly I pushed my way through the crowd of people towards the front, grinning when I noticed it was her on stage, and grinning even more when I noticed the instrument in her hand. A bassist? Fuck, I was definitely in trouble now.
The shortest of the men, Vic, I recalled, started singing, with the other three providing backup harmony on the chorus. Until they got to the bridge that was all Y/N, her voice ringing out “Tomorrow’s a nightmare, I’m dreaming today. And my head is haunted, the past just can’t stay. The devil you know, yeah he comes and he goes. I’m selfish, and vapid, I hide in my prose!” before they launched into the final chorus.
“What up, Anaheim?!” Vic yelled into his mic to a scream of cheers and applause. “We’re Arrows in Action, and that was our newest single, Only Be Mine. I’m Vic. We got Matt over here on guitar. Jesse’s on the drums. And Y/N’s over there on bass. We got a few more songs for you all. And if you’re an awesome crowd, we might have a special treat for ya at the end of our set. Sound good?”
We answered him in whoops of cheers and loud applause, causing them all to grin as they launched into their next song.
They played seamlessly through about three more songs, enjoying the feeling of playing live in front of people again, before Y/N whooped into her own mic. “Whoo! It’s hot! Anyone else hot? Y’all staying hydrated out there?” she asked us, before flickering her gaze across the stage at Matt who was wiping his forehead. “You good, Matt?”
“Dude, it’s like a million degrees up here,” he commented, before taking a huge swig from a water bottle.
Y/N laughed. “Right. Y’all gotta understand. Matt’s from the cold states. Then there’s Vic and I who are California natives, technically, right Vic?”
“Yeah, I was born here. But I didn’t live here as long as you did.”
“Yeah, that’s what I thought. So Vic and I are used to the heat. Matt, not so much. And Jesse? How you doing back there, J?”
“Me?” the drummer pointed at himself in confusion “Oh, I’m great!”
“Great enough to give this crowd a real surprise?” she asked, her voice laced with playful trouble, as she looked at all her bandmates. “C’mon, boys what do ya say? Wanna give this crowd something special before we go?”
Again, we all cheered and applauded as encouragement for whatever surprise they had in mind. “Alright!” Vic laughed. “Alright, you wanna go ahead and introduce it then?”
She smiled wide as she turned towards us. “Alright, everybody! We’re Arrows in Action. We’ve had a great time with y’all! So, as a thank you, we’re gonna play a new song that we haven’t released yet. Is that cool with you?” She laughed as she awaited the response of screaming, whistles, and applause. “Alright. This is called Permanent Vacation, which will be available on all listening platforms this Friday. Let’s go!”
Matt started playing a series of chords that sounded incredibly familiar, while the other three clapped to the beat. But right before the lyrics were supposed to come in, Vic started talking into his mic. “Wait, wait, wait!” he laughed. “I don’t know the lyrics to this!”
“So it’s just like every other song,” Y/N teased him with her own laugh.
“Nah, I think it’s cuz that one’s not ours.”
“Be rad if it was though,” she said, and I swear she shot me a wink. “Alright, alright. So, that one’s not ours. But this one definitely is. And it’s definitely called Permanent Vacation. And it’s out Friday.”
A new guitar and drum beat started up and Vic immediately started singing, again with the rest of the band providing back up vocals until the bridge where it was all Y/N. A soft build before a wild yell that would have torn my own vocal chords to shreds.
“I’m locked and loaded, fire away! Permanent vacation from my brain. Extend my stay another day. Far from home, not alone,” they all finished with a flurry of chords. “Thank you!” Vic croaked into the mic. “Thank you guys so much! We’re Arrows in Action, enjoy the rest of your night!”
With tired but happy smiles, they all bowed before exiting the stage. I moved to follow, but thought better of it, going to hit the drink stand first where I bought 5 beers and 4 waters. A small challenge, made slightly easier by the person working the stand putting the water bottles in a grocery bag for me. With that hanging off my arm, I held 2 beers in each hand, and my own in my teeth.
“Cal!” she laughed, her face flushed when I found them lounging in the grass. “You didn’t have to do that,” she told me as she rose to her feet to help me distribute the beers.
“I said I’d get the next round,” I offered up simply, setting down the bag and taking a seat with them all. “I brought you guys water, too.”
“You really didn’t have to do that,” she laughed, tossing the bottles out anyway, and sitting back down, this time next to me. 
“Shut up, Y/N, let the man do what he wants,” Jesse said, downing a water bottle in 2 gulps before turning his attention to his beer. “You’re rad. Thank you.”
“For real, man. This was really cool of you,” Vic said.
“Yeah, huge thanks,” Matt nodded.
“What they said, I guess,” Y/N laughed again, following Jesse’s lead of downing her water bottle before going for her beer. “Fuck,” she sighed. “That’s good. Thank you, really.”
“Happy to do it,” I answered. “That set was amazing, by the way. And that joke at the end was pretty clever. How long were you planning that?”
She giggled. “Uh, well Jesse and I are much more the 5sos fans than Matt and Vic are. But we’re all familiar with your music. And when we were writing the song, and settled on the title, I suggested that it would be funny to start playing your version if we ever got the chance to play it live. Which meant bugging Matt to learn the guitar parts.”
“So you’re the troublemaker of the band?” I guessed.
She shrugged, and hid behind the rim of her cup. “I mean… Depends on the day.”
We continued to lay in the grass, making small talk as we all finished our beers, before Jesse cleared his throat. “Uh… Matt, Vic. You guys wanna come with me to get a good spot for the rest of the acts?” he asked, the suggestion in his tone heavy.
Matt and Vic shared a look, before nodding. “Yeah, yeah of course,” they said, all three of them getting up.
“You assholes are just gonna leave me?” Y/N asked, looking up at them.
“Just come find us when you’re ready,” they winked. “Thanks again for the beers, Cal.”
“Assholes,” she muttered again as they all made themselves scarce. “Sorry about them.”
I laughed, waving it off. “Nah, it’s cool. And kinda nice, maybe?”
“Oh?” she asked, her eyes wide. “Uh…” her face flushed. “I mean…” she started to stammer. “Yeah. Yeah.”
I gave a half chuckle, scratching at the back of my neck. “Look, it’s fine if you’re not… I mean, I figure you probably are if they did that for you, cuz they have no reason to do it for my sake. I mean, they’re your friends and bandmates, not mine. But I know a wing man set up when I see it. But if it’s more of a meddling wing man set up, like that’s fine,” I spilled out, before realizing I was rambling.
“No!” she rushed. “Oh, no, that’s not what I meant at all!” She covered her face in her hands, groaning “Oh, this is so embarrassing…” Her hands moved to push through her hair as she took a long breath to steady herself. “Of course I like you, Cal. Like before I even met you. One of those embarrassing fangirl crush type of deals. And I mean, I’m a bassist in a punk band, so you’re also someone I idolize and take inspiration from.” Slowly her gaze lifted from her lap to lock onto mine. “And then I met you today. And  you’re everything I thought you’d be. Thoughtful. Generous. A bit shy, and quiet at times. Nice. And it makes the crush that much stronger, and harder to deal with. Cuz now it’s real. And I feel like I know you. And it’s just… Ugh, it spirals from there, ya know?”
“A good spiral, or a bad spiral?”
“Bit of both? Like the insecurities in me say that you’re an A-list celebrity, while I’m more of like… not an A-lister. My band’s not on the same level yours is. I mean, we play bars and small day festivals. You sell out stadiums and have world tours. There’s a clear discrepancy. But then, another part of me doesn’t give a shit about that. It sees how we’re like-minded. It sees all the ways we click, and all the ways we could work. And that’s where the cocky part comes in, where it sees the like-mindedness and the reasons we could work, and calls you an idiot if you can’t see it too. That, uh, screwed up defense mechanism of it being your loss, ya know?”
She sighed. “Sorry. I said a lot. Point is, I do like you. And, that’s that.”
“So the ball’s in my court?”
“Only if you want it to be. And if you don’t, then no. There’s no ball. No court. Just two people who have a few things in common.”
“You wanna hear what I think?”
“Go for it.”
“I think your friends left us for 2 reasons. 1 being that they’re loyal to you, and know how you feel about me. 2 being that they’re also guys. Which gives them a pretty good insight for how I’m feeling too.”
“Uh-huh…” she nodded slowly. “And how you’re feeling is…?”
I could have said the words. But I settled for leaning in, brushing my lips softly against hers for the sweetest of moments, listening to the way her next breath got stuck in her throat. I pulled away, smiling softly at her and shrugging my shoulders.
She traced her lips with her thumb, bewilderment written on her face. “Okay, you really didn’t have to do that.”
“Relax,” I chuckled, stealing her words from earlier. “It’s just a kiss.”
“Well, thanks. I’ll, uh, getcha next time.”
“I’ll hold you to that.”
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somerpmemes · 3 years
Amphibia S1 Starters
Change as needed
“Okay, so yesterday was a bad day.”
“Wish there was a way to prove I’m not such a goof-up.”
“Bribe accepted!”
“You’re a hero! An ugly, ugly, ugly hero!”
“Oh boy, that’s gross.”
“That was pretty cool, ___. Also really dumb.”
“So is punching part of friendship?”
“Hey, sorry I almost got us killed today.”
“Just one of Mother Nature’s horrible mistakes.”
“This world is messed up.”
“That’s kinda messed up, man.”
“The moment has passed, hasn’t it?”
“You set ‘em up, and I’ll knock ‘em down.”
“No telling what creepy critters are swimming around.”
“It’s fun cause it doesn’t hurt! ….ow.”
“They’re gonna eat each other alive.”
“How is it still so hot in here!?”
“Old things are dumb!”
“I don’t know what it is but I love it!”
“Don’t you dare talk about pineapple on my pizza.”
“I’ve seen your death in my mind.”
“Please don’t tell me where it comes from.”
“Who knew ultimate flavor could be so painful?”
“___, there’s a big difference between courage and stupidity.”
“Must be painful to make so little sense all the time.”
“Yeah, deep down we’re just a couple of softies, ain’t we?”
“Always gotta make it about you, don’t you?”
“Okay, that was the smartest thing I ever said.”
“This a cult thing?”
“...sensing something is wrong.”
“I don’t wanna die in a basement!”
“What is this demonic nonsense?”
“___, this show has beautiful people doing dumb things while stuff explodes. It’s literally perfect.”
“Pretty sure I just got played.”
“That woman is everything I wanna be.”
“Impressive. Kinda scary, but impressive.”
“Finally, the luxury I deserve.”
“I don’t wanna live on this planet anymore.”
“I’m here for the drama.”
“These are horrifying.”
“I’m sure this’ll make sense in a minute.”
“It’s dumb, but fun to watch.”
“Where was I? Oh right, crippling sadness.”
“That sounds bad.”
“___, there’s more to life than spitting and hitting stuff.”
“That hurt my soul.”
“You are really not selling me on this place.”
“You’re really easy to trick.”
“Do you like being randomly attacked?”
“That’s, uhh… that’s pretty dark.”
“You’re soft, ___, like a baby.”
“Could you, like, turn down the creep? Just a bit?”
“Man, all I wanted to do today is get muddy and eat people.”
“Wow, that’s uncharacteristically generous of you.”
“Just find a nice tree to leave me under.”
“Uh, anyone dead yet?”
“Oh wow this looks unsafe. We HAVE to go down there!”
“Uh, did we just get locked in here?”
“Who wouldn’t wanna steal this stuff?”
“Looks like my day just got a lot more challenging.”
“There, there, you beautiful, disgusting thing.”
“Love is the cruelest weapon.”
“___, no pressure but we’re gonna die.”
“Well, it looks like this meal’s a bust. Who wants to eat out?”
“Harsh, but on point.”
“Assassinating your critics, I love it!”
“Now it’s like nothing happened.”
“Make promises you can’t keep and junk.”
“I’ve been here too long.”
“Nothing like cracking your neck after a long drive.”
“Give me that ding dang thing!”
“If it was respect you were looking for, you sure lost mine.”
“Whoa, this is serious.”
“Get them to love you and they’ll do anything for you.”
“Don’t stare into the abyss, ___.”
“To the VIP seats!”
“This… this is pretty sad.”
“Been a long time since I danced with someone.”
“That reference means nothing to me.”
“Is it safe to look yet?”
“The acting troupe had to cancel on account of, well, being eaten on the way here.”
“We ain’t backing down!”
“What matters is that I’m here to take care of you.”
“All you gotta do is smile and be friendly.”
“Am I crazy or is he making sense?”
“If anyone needs me, I’ll be in the bathroom practicing my distinguished expression.”
“That’s, uhh, hard to say no to.”
“Just let it happen, ___.”
“C’mon, help me break the door down.”
“Okay, okay, okay. Enough death already.”
“Wouldn’t we be better off preparing by diving into deadly situations?”
“Research is overrated.”
“That is some steampunky nonsense right there.”
“Don’t fall, I won’t catch you!”
“Is this a ‘we gotta go now’ thing or can I finish eating?”
“This is totally different. This is about me!”
“Well, I’ve got a house to break into, so…”
“That’s gonna be hard to forget.”
“Uhh, yeah, you need help, bud. This is deranged.”
“I don’t want your pity cookies.”
“So, turns out tonight’s events were a tad traumatic…”
“That’s kinda personal and you’re kinda basically an unstable stranger.”
“Wow, flying? What a great way to spy on my enemies.”
“Ehh, we’ll fix it when we get back.”
“Well, that was a waste of time.”
“Don’t put your hand in there!”
“There’s absolutely nothing familiar here.”
“Well, that didn’t feel balanced.”
“Now we’re both cowards!”
“Well, you do give off a creepy vibe.”
“I may look nice, but I’m petty and vengeful on the inside.”
“Not only am I petty, but I’m very unforgiving.”
“Hey, can’t you see I’m trying to pass on!?”
“Well, this is horrible.”
“Ehh, who am I kidding? I’ll eat it.”
“I don’t usually do ‘team sports’, I do ‘me sports’.”
“Well, shoot, I’m crying ‘cause that was beautiful.”
“She may be gigantic but she’s also a child.”
“___, you seem oddly invested.”
“I have all this anger and I don’t know what to do with it!”
“I’m looking forward to seeing this thing go down in flames.”
“I can’t wait to abuse this power!”
“___, this isn’t cute anymore.”
“Oh, she’s totally freaking out.”
“Ooh! I wanna riot too!”
“Oh, if you gonna bring it, then bring it.”
“Do you ever stop talking!?”
“Oh, come on, a dagger!?”
“Look at me, look at me. Everything’s gonna be totally fine, alright?”
“Maybe you’re better off without me.”
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