#cabal x guardian
phantomwarrior12 · 2 years
She wasn’t there.
The Vanguard needed her, she was only gone a few days.
In that time, Acrius was deployed to the Leviathan for a standard sweep. To clear more Nightmares, he should have been fine.
Saladin tells her there was an ambush. Acrius protected the rest of his unit, bought them time to get clear and call for reinforcements. They made it to him just in time but–
That’s all she heard before she bolted to the med bay.
Where is he?
She moves through the space rapidly, scanning medical berths until she finds him in the farthest corner. He’s hooked up to a number of machines, his form bandaged in several places. Beside him, his mask lies on the stand; broken, a breathing mask in its place.
She reaches out, trembling fingers pressing against bruised skin. When he doesn’t respond, her chest clenches, anxiety welling to the surface as her hand fits into his.
Wake up. Please–
“Ah, Guardian.” The medic greets, finally approaching her and drawing her gaze from her husband.
She takes a step toward him, nodding to Acrius pointedly. How is he?
“He’ll be alright.” The medic begins, pulling up his file on his med pad, “Severe burns, broken ribs and a dislocated knee. Given time, he’ll make a full recovery.”
“Will he wake soon?” She manages, squeezing Acrius’s hand.
“Undoubtedly. You’re welcome to stay, talking to him might bring him around faster.”
She nods slowly, “Thank you.”
The medic nods and departs, leaving the Young Wolf alone with Acrius.
The Young Wolf hoists herself up onto the berth beside him, lifting his hand carefully before letting it rest in her lap. Her fingers trace along the pads of his, desperate to see anything in his features as he lay there.
He looks pained as is. Not at peace, but struggling, fighting as he so often does.
“Wake up, Acrius,” she pleads softly, barely able to find her voice.
She isn’t sure how long she stays there, clutching his hand tightly, but at some point - some point, she finally notices his jaw.
The story Caiatl had told her, about Acrius’s past. About his injury - it doesn’t look as horrendous as she described. Perhaps time had lessened its severity but the Young Wolf has seen much worse. It doesn’t faze her.
She smiles slightly, leaning forward to press a kiss against his jaw as she squeezes his hand.
You’ve hidden so long, haven’t you?
Her smile falters as she takes in the rest of his features, the pain still lingering in the scrunch of his eyes, the wheeze with every breath, the labored rise and fall of his chest.
She can ease his pain, can’t she? Her Light can–
She sets her jaw. A Warlock might be able to. A healing rift, perhaps but Hunters? Can her healing grenades soothe some of his discomfort?
The Young Wolf looks over her shoulder - the medic is occupied with another patient across the room. She has to try. She can’t stomach seeing him suffer.
Her eyes close as she draws upon her Light, manifesting a healing ‘nade in her palm. She looks toward the medic once more, ensuring he hasn’t noticed anything before she turns back to Acrius.
This will help. It has to.
She carefully presses the Light against his chest, soft waves washing over his form and she watches his features ease a fraction, gradually softening to something resembling relaxation. His breathing evened out, less a strained inhale and exhale and more sound.
It did work.
“Guardian,” Saladin’s sharp voice captures her attention and her eyes snap toward the source. The Light in her hand dissipates quickly as the Iron Lord steps up to her. “You know that isn’t permitted.” His voice is soft yet stern.
“It helped,” she returns quietly, gripping Acrius’s hand a bit tighter.
“Hardly. You can’t have known that would work, let alone if his body would tolerate it.” Saladin tilts his head, standing beside the medical berth, “The Light is not meant to heal the Lightless, Guardian. It’s dangerous for him to be subjected to it.”
Her head lowers, her eyes flitting to Acrius as she lifts his hand, resting her cheek against it. “He’s–”
“Healing on his own,” Saladin lays a hand on her shoulder, “Have patience. He’ll awaken soon.”
Her jaw flexes but she nods regardless.
The Iron Lord withdraws and reaches for something, his Ghost transmatting Acrius’s knife into his hands. “He was awake for a brief amount of time when they brought him in. Asked me to give you this when you arrived.”
She stares at the weapon for a long moment, “Did he…say why?”
“No, I’m afraid not.” He sets it on the stand beside Acrius’s mask. “But I’m sure he’ll tell you himself when he awakens. But for now,” he lays a hand on her forearm, “No more Light, understood?”
She nods again, shifting her focus back to Acrius.
“Have heart, Young Wolf. He's nothing if not resilient." He touches her shoulder gently before leaving her alone.
The Guardian repositions, laying down on the berth before she lays her head on his shoulder. His hand twitches against her thigh and she manages a smile.
"I'm right here," she whispers, squeezing his hand, "Always.".
There's a steady weight on his shoulder.
Acrius’s features contort, willing himself into a state of awareness before the pain strikes him and he grimaces.
Then, a warm body. Something holding his hand and he doesn't need to open his eyes to know who it is.
He curls his hand tighter around his wife's, tucking her closer against his side as his head lulls toward her.
She groans softly before her form goes rigid and now he knows she's awake. Her hand is tugged free and suddenly she's leaning on his chest, anxiously touching his face.
He huffs out a pained noise as he removes the breathing mask. He's quick to try and guide her off his chest and she nearly falls off the berth trying to accommodate him.
"Settle, Little One." Acrius rumbles, slowly opening his eyes. She's there, staring down at him with a worry he's never seen. Her palm is soft against his cheek and he smiles slightly.
"You're a welcome sight. When did you return?" His voice is more hoarse than he'd like but he fights through it, carefully lifting his hand to cradle the side of her head.
There are tears in her eyes and Acrius’s brow furrows. "Don't do that. I'm fine."
She looks down, yet the tears fall and his features soften. "Come here," he sighs, guiding her close for a hug.
She resists at first, gesturing to his ribs but he snorts, "Lay where I guide you." She relents and he maneuvers her along his side, resting her head on his shoulder. "There. I'm not broken."
She smiles up at him and his chest clenches. Traveler, he loves it when she does that. He reaches down, tucking a strand of hair away from her eyes.
"I'll be alright, Hunter. Don't fret."
"...as your wife, it's my duty to fret." She manages, inclining her head into his hand.
"Using my own words against me. At least I know you hear them."
She lifts herself upright, placing a hand just beside his head to support her weight before she leans down, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
It's then he realizes his mask is not in place.
She can see the scars. The marred remains of his jaw and mouth. He starts to turn his head away, knowing it's too late and useless but she gently guides his head back.
There is no horror in her eyes. A warmth maybe. A gentleness he rarely is treated to as her eyes trace along his features.
"Why are you staring at me like that? I know you've seen worse but–" He hesitates, "This is not a sight you should have to endure. Hand me my mask."
"You broke that," she chuckles, leaning down to rest her forehead against his.
"I have another in our quarters. If you could–"
She kisses him then, silencing the thought in an instant and Acrius’s breath catches. Another kiss and his mind catches up, he gently grips her shoulder and presses her up a fraction.
"You don't have to pretend, my love." He murmurs, "I wouldn't fault you for…closing your eyes and doing as I asked."
She smiles, her eyes finding his own before she speaks. "There's nothing I'd hate to do more, Acrius. I love you, all of you. Scars included. You don't frighten me, nor does this," she presses a kiss to his jaw, over the most damaged portion of his face.
Acrius lets out a shuddering breath, his fingers smoothing along her waist as his eyes sag shut. He lets her kiss along his jaw, slowly, deliberately until she hovers over his mouth.
She's waiting for permission this time. Waiting for him to either push her away or tug her down but he doesn't have the heart to do either. Surely this is a torment to her?
"Do as you please," he murmurs, opening his eyes to find her focus squarely on his features.
"Tell me what you want." She coaxes, tilting her head in that adorable manner he loves. It makes her more endearing somehow and she only ever uses it when she's trying to convince him of something.
Right now, it seems, she wants to convince him that she isn't repulsed by his scars.
"Little One–"
"Do you want me to kiss you?" She asks softly, searching his eyes intently.
"Yes. Or no, my Valus. There is no third option."
His breathing is shallow as he tightens his hold on her waist.
"Yes." He manages after a moment and her gaze softens. "I want you to kiss me, Little One. Longer than I'd like to admit."
"Then no more arguments." She smiles, almost smug about getting him to admit it.
"Get down here," he grumbles, a little sheepish about it now.
She obliges all too happily, kissing him deeply and Acrius groans his approval. His hand slides up her back, pressing her closer to him but the pain that tears through his frame is harder to ignore than he'd like and he eases up.
She's smiling, obviously aware of the consequences of his overzealous grip but it isn't enough for her to withdraw.
But when she does, when she lifts herself away with a warm smile, Acrius can't help gazing up at her as if drunk. Drunk on her affection. Her kiss. Her touch. Her.
She is more than he could have ever hoped for.
How did humans put these feelings into words? Ah, yes.
"I love you," he murmurs softly, tracing the length of her spine as his Hunter smiles down at him.
"I love you, too, Acrius."
The Young Wolf takes his hand and as she starts to speak, the medic makes an appearance.
"That mask shouldn't be off yet." He all but growls at Acrius.
"My breathing is fine." Acrius defends.
The medic glances at the Hunter, her face flushes as she diverts her gaze to their hands. "Yes, I could see that. What I don't see is you getting out of here for at least a week."
Acrius narrows his eyes, readying himself for an argument before his wife gently kisses his palm and lessens his indignance.
"We'll need you here until we can ensure your knee is still stable. The rest will heal unencumbered so long as you follow my restrictions."
"Your restrictions often require time away from combat. We can't afford–"
"She is immortal. You, Valus, are not. So if you hope to have any chance of lasting another few centuries with her, you'll heed my advice."
The Guardian chuckles softly, stealing a glance toward Acrius. She's smiling again but there's a brightness in her eyes. A gentle sort of excitement as she traces along his knuckles.
She's obviously just relieved he's alive. Which means, she'll back the medic and enforce the restrictions if he tries to defy them.
"Do I have your word?" The medic presses, leaning on the medical berth.
Acrius heaves a sigh, "For her…yes." He grumbles, squeezing her hand and she looks like she approves.
Good. He'll do whatever it takes to keep those tears away and keep that smile he enjoys so much.
"Right. I'll fit you for a brace later. For now, rest. Do not," he points at the Hunter, "get him worked up."
She feigns innocence as the medic departs and Acrius snorts.
"Worked up, huh? Been awhile since anyone has suggested that." He remarks smugly.
And her cheeks flush a second time.
"Getting flustered, Little One?" He teases, squeezing her hand.
"You should go back to sleep." She returns, squaring her shoulders. She's trying so hard to look unaffected but he knows better.
"Why? Just woke up and my wife is right here." He says and she swats his bruised forearm. He flinches but the smug smile doesn't falter.
"You're in no condition to be making suggestions." She snorts, "Focus on being able to walk first."
Her eyes drop to his hand, smoothing her fingers over his knuckles slowly. His smugness falters and he trials his thumb along her thigh.
"What are you thinking about?" He questions, watching her features with a degree of concern.
"I could have lost you." She manages, looking over at him. "If they hadn't--I wasn't here when you needed me. I–"
"You were exactly where they needed you, Little One."
"But not where you needed me."
"You're where I need you now," he smiles softly with a squeeze of her hand. “You are their greatest strength, their greatest weapon, Hunter. You cannot be all places at all times.” He guides her hand over his heart, watching her spine straighten a fraction, “But being here now? That is all I need from you, Little One.”
She smiles slowly, repositioning slightly to lay her head on his hip, smiling up at him.
“...Saladin said you wanted your knife given to me. Why?”
Acrius snorts, “Seems foolish now but…I wasn’t sure how grave my wounds were. I was hardly conscious when reinforcements arrived but,” he trails a finger up her arm, “do you know what all I could think of in that moment? When help arrived?”
“You. And that damned guilt complex of yours.”
They both laugh, the Young Wolf presses closer, shifting her head up to his torso to be a little closer without laying on his ribs.
“I didn’t want you to think this was somehow your fault. The blade was, well…” His hand settles against the side of her head, stroking her hair lovingly, “I’m not sure. A memento, of sorts. Because if I were to die, I wanted it returned to you to remind you of me. I know it’s too large to suit its original purpose but you have a habit of carrying pieces of others with you. That…is the piece I’d want you to take of me. A weapon you taught me to use with a hilt you built yourself.”
“Of course,” he continues, smiling softly. “I knew you’d be inconsolable,” her cheeks flush and she smiles sheepishly. “In truth, I was more afraid of my death’s consequences for you. I never want you to blame yourself if something does happen to me while you’re away. Your role - it makes you irreplaceable. No one can fight as you do. Win the way you do. If I die fighting in your absence, know that I am unequivocally devoted to you and the fight we carry on.”
There are tears in her eyes but she nods all the same. Her fingers are bound around his wrist, her jaw clenched as she clings to him.
“Shh,” he murmurs, wiping a trailing tear away, “It’s alright. We’re alright.”
“You’re not leaving me that easily,” she murmurs, pressing her face against the palm of his hand. “Ever.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it.” He chuckles hoarsely. “Rest now. I’m sure you neglected yourself to get here quicker.”
She smiles, pressing a kiss to his skin and that’s all the confirmation he needs.
His Hunter won’t leave his side for a number of days, not without him practically ordering her to go shower and eat and just…exist beyond his bedside.
But there are no missions that she’ll accept. Not until she’s certain he’s well-tended to and close to being free of the medical bay. Not until Acrius initiates a kiss for the first time and tells her to go. To fight.
And fight, she does.
All the way to Eramis to put an end to this once and for all.
He couldn’t be more proud.
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Forevers: @halo-2 @reaped-winnower @forgotten-by-the-stars @sugarcoated44 @cayde-6 @aetosavros​ @niemands-bibliothek @paracausal-hunter @florence-and-the-machinegun
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velbsy · 4 months
Some more Destiny drawings !!!
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I’m only just realizing the way I draw Cabal is like-
So different from hwo they look in game 😭 like the face is fine but the arms like
Anyways tho, Nezarec hehehehe and also ENA-3 a character I haven’t used in a bit and I’m planning on drawing too. I’ll infodump about her when that time comes cuz I actually used to use her a lot
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unlucky-phantom · 7 months
Losing his spark: Cayde-6 x Solar Guardian reader
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so, my first actual full fic. Don't get your hopes up, I've no idea if this is any good or makes any sense, tried to keep it as in character as possible. It's barely proofread and I'm only like 4 hours sleep so excuse any typos but fingers crossed it all makes some sense.
as always, have a good day lovlies and I hope you enjoy xoxox
WARNINGS: Death, injury detail, angst and violence under the cut, if you can't handle these please scroll away, I promise I'll write something fluffy and sweet.
Well, this wasn't going as expected.
Cayde and yourself had been trusted with what was supposed to be a simple in and out mission. Into the cabal stronghold, grab the intel (maybe shoot a few bad guys and look good doing it) then back to the tower in time for some piping hot ramen. His plan was flawless. or as you had called it "winging it".
Praise was reserved for quiet moments, whispers about how you were his favourite, how he had never seen such a bright solar spark in all his years at the tower, just so he could watch the blush bloom onto your cheeks and your smile. Oh, your smile, he would set aside what little pride and dignity he had to see it just once. You could point at any star in the night sky and if you asked, he would retrieve it for you. If only he had the guts to tell you this. He would eventually. He had plans, a clear summer night, hot ramen, something strong to drink with a nice kick. Just the two of you.
Well, you had always been overly cautious, but it worked surprisingly well for the pair of you. Cayde, the man with the plan and a slightly headstrong attitude and you, cautious and always with 6 back up plans. That's what he loved about you, of course, he wouldn't say that out loud, no, he had a reputation to maintain.
The mission was going well. the pair of you had crept into the cabal's stronghold unseen. Suspiciously easy. That's when all hell broke loose. The plan was lock tight. They shouldn't have known you were there but now both of you were up shit creek without a paddle...or a boat...or a life jacket. Someone must have tipped them off. Legionaries, phalanxes, gladiators, centurions, and war beasts surged out of every doorway and corridor. It was nothing either of you couldn't handle.
He thought.
As bullets flew the pair of you slowly drifted apart, swamped by cabal, the well-oiled machine the pair of you were when fighting started to rust. Soon you were just a distant blur of solar energy. His little firefly, his solar flare. He couldn't stand and watch though, as shot after shot was fired from his trusty hand cannon into the swam of red.
The ambush was thinning, he knew the pair of you would pull through you always did.
Then he felt it.
As if a part of his own light was ripped from his very being. A tidal wave that rocked the whole room, he had to catch himself from being thrown against the wall as the pure light that surged through the area bowled him over, knocking the wind out of him. No. Not you.
The red tide didn't stop, but the surprise of the explosion gave him the perfect window to see the despair as your ghosts shattered shell, lightless, scattered across the floor. The scream trapped in your throat as the gladiator speared you onto its cabal serverus blade, the stench of searing flesh permeating the air, the way your legs buckled, and body thudded against the floor as the gladiator kicked you off its blade.
The war beast that clamped down onto his left arm causing him to drop his hand cannon was first to feel his retribution. Snapping out of his trance he grits his teeth, throwing the war beast with such force it dented the steel wall behind him and grabbing ace he reloads and unleashes hell. Shot after shot echoed over the roaring screams of the cabal. Bones crunched, tendons snapped and popped until all that was left was the gladiator, your body at its feet in a gasping crumpled mess.
Cayde saw red. He doesn't know how many rounds he pumped into the gladiator. He doesn't remember ripping its jaw apart as he screams in pure unbridled anger. He doesn’t remember being beating it into a bloody unrecognisable mess.
The red tide was now a red sea. Cayde had spilt enough blood in his lifetime, and he would spill more in future. But now wasn't the time to dwell on his crimson-stained past.
It was Sundance who snapped him out of his anger, his body tense, chest heaving. "Cayde....they need you" Sundance says quietly.
Cayde is at your side in an instant, hand barely able to cover the ragged wound in your abdomen as he pulls you onto his lap. "No no no no no" he mumbles his hand instantly soaked in your blood. You had always been a paragon of strength, the pair of you often rough and tumbling in the tower, sparring in the training room, but now in his arms you felt fragile, body trembling as you gulped for air.
"h-hey" you rasped weakly a pained smile on your face. "We...we sure showed them."
He choked on his words "Yeah, we sure did”.
"I’m sorry"
Why were you apologising? You shouldn't be apologising. He should have been beside you; he should have been better; he should have done more. It should have been him. His thoughts fly a million miles an hour.
"Don't you dare apologise" he rasps, his voice synthesiser becoming more staticky.
"I'm sorry we couldn't have been more" you whisper, his hands stroke your hair as he rocks you gently.
"Wasn’t supposed to be like this. Was supposed to take you back home, treat you real nice" he growls in frustration. He couldnt loose you, not now. Not after there was so much he wanted to do, so many words left unsaid. He had saved so many cheesy pick up plines, so many date ideas, crimson day, festival of the lost, the dawning festival.
He had plans for every single one with you beside him. He removes your helmet, if he was going to say this if he was going to hold you in your final moments, he wanted to see those eyes he loved so much. the ones he would think about late at night, the ones he longed to see when he would turn in bed to the emptiness of cold sheets. Sheets that would remain cold. That would never see your warmth.
"Oh yeah? tell…Tell me about it" You begin to cough, and his arms tighten around you, he can feel the visceral rattling gurgle that accompanies each breath and he knows it will haunt him.
"Was gonna take you to that ramen spot in the city, you know, the really nice one in the city, has the pretty lanterns outside? yeah, I’d get you whatever you wanted, on me, really spoil you. Then I’d take you to our spot-"
"That little overlook on the city wall?" your voice, quiet and scratchy barely reaches his audio receptors.
He nods smiling through the pain to keep you relaxed, he had time to scream and shout and cry later, right now you were the only important thing "that's the one. Bring with us a little something to drink and watch the sunset. Maybe we would have a little slow dance under the stars. Always said I’d take you dancing one day didn't I?" the static in his voice was becoming more prominent as he had to force the words out, willing his body to stop trembling, trying to comfort you.
“Sounds nice”
“Then I'd tell you everything, everything I should have told you months ago” he mumbles burring his face in your hair, if he could cry he's sure he would be in floods, just another reason he despised his exo body.
“It's okay, I knew”.
“You knew?”
You weakly nod and struggle to put on a smile, bloody lips barely managing to up turn, your face was pale. You were fading fast, trickling through his fingers like sand and no matter how hard he tried it was like trying to catch water with a siv. “Always knew. I love you to”.
He can feel your faint heartbeat getting harder and harder to pick up under his blood-soaked fingers.
“I love you”.
Sundance didn’t have the heart to tell him they were already gone before he said those three words. She wasn’t ever going to tell him.
You knew.
You had always known.
Traveler help the poor bastard who tipped off the cabal about their arrival. Because no force within the known galaxy could protect them from Cayde-6
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vlassk · 3 months
False God
A/n Super super short so i dont leave yall to rottt. Going to be busy for this weekend so i rather post a small one before then a normal size update next week.
Pairing- Uldren/Crow sov x Guardian
You had failed. You didn't stop Ghost from connecting to the vail. You didn't win the fight. You didn't save Rohan.
You sit silently a slight ring in your ear. Your head in your hands as you look at the Last City. You don't notice the footsteps behind you. Slowly walking only to put a single hand on your shoulder.
"How are you..." you tense up at crows words.
"I'm... here." You look at your hands, finally sitting up. Crow sits next to you. His arm rests on your shoulders as he pulls you close.
"How's Amamda?" You look towards him. He looks at you for a second, then to the city.
"Well... she doesn't know about it, but me and her are back on friendly terms. She doesn't want to kill me. " Crow sighs and turns back to you.
"We should tell her..." you look out to the city. Still not looking at him.
Ever since Crow defeated his nightmare, you both have been together. Things felt awkward at first to move past what he knew, but things got better. Both are there for each other during the hard battles. You encouraged crow to keep up with Amanda, knowing their friendship was good and could be repaired.
"I feel like I'd just hurt you... I know how she felt about Cayde, i dont know how she feels about you. And how did she feel about me?" Crow feela you pull away slightly so he lets you go. Your eyes finally meet his.
".... good point, I'm sure she liked you back. She saw Cayde as a father...me idk i wasn't as present.." You look up to him. A small smile shows on his face.
"Whatever you decide, I'm here. If you feel like i should tell her I will, if you want to, I'm okay. If not, then shoot, we will wait..." he wraps his arm around you again. Both of you are watching the city silently.
You find amanda at her crashed ship. You've been clearing out Cabal and helping to rescue anyone who needs it.
"I need to tell you something, Manda.." You say while fighting off the few Cabal
"What is it Y/n?"
"I...crow, whats your opinion on him"
"Hmm, i reckon he's told you already. About what i said and did? It's been a while, i overreacted then, but it'll take time to get back"
"Did you like him?" You ask, shooting more.
"Whats this about y/n?" amanda asks as you finish the last soldier.
"Me and Crow have been dating..."You put your weapons away. Looking at amanda across the room.
"Since when?" She turns her head to the side, confused.
"Well, since the whole nightmare thing. I think i- this feeling i have for him is like my feelings for Cayde..."You sigh, leaning on a pillar.
Amanda stays silent for a moment, and then she walks towaeds you. Stopping right next to you.
"How do you do it. Forget that he killed Cayde, " amanda asks, her eyes becoming more stern.
" i was shocked when i first saw him. But the more i looked at him, the more i didn't see Uldren. I saw Crow. And it wasn't fair to him if i hurt him when he never knew what he did"
You sigh. Playing with the hems of your clothing.
"What about after? When he knew, " her anger started to rise up. You could tell.
"Cayde ever tell you how he found me?" You look towards her your helmet reflecting her face back to her
"He just said it was sad..."
"I was found. Tied with Wired cord to a board that looked like a traveler. I was stuck for months before cayde let me loose.i was confused, wondering why anyone would do that to me. Then when i found out who i was. All i wondered was why didn't he leave me there..."
"Whats this for?" Amanda crosses her arms.
"Amanda, crow hated himself just as much if not more than you hated him. He doesn't need more punishment. " You place a hand on her shoulder. Her eyes went down to the floor.
"Amanda, I hated myself... and Cayde found it in him to love me...and its hard to get past it, but i do... I do love Crow.." You put your arm down
"So why did you want to tell me..." amanda hesitantly asks.
"Because cayde loved you, Manda... and i do too. You had to know from me, not from others' gossip. " You walk away. Amanda is turning to see one last Cabal and shooting it down.
"Thanks for the talk, and the help back there just need to clear out this -"
Amanda looks at you
"Crow..." You face palm. Amanda walks towards the body, watching as Glint revives Crow.
"Ow.." he sighs as Amanda rolls her eyes, grabbing his arm to pull him up
"Nice shot, right through the heart," crow smilea
"Thanks" Amanda smiles back.
"Sorry we thought you were Shadow legion" Ghost flys by.
"Easy mistake, I'm just so beefy." Crow smiles at amanda, shaking his head slightly. You slowly put your hand on his shoulder, shaking yours to a no. Amanda walks away to her ship.
"You're leaving again? Don't you ever slow down?" Crow walks a bit towards her. Stopping when she turns around.
"Nope, not when there is work to be done." She walks away again
"Amanda -"
"When your ship... i thought I might never see you again." Crow trys to talk. Getting a bit sad at the thoughts in his head.
"No time for that kinda talk, I'm here now. Let's get moving." amanda looks to you and winks. Walking away again.
Crow turns to look at you then back to the leaving Amanda.
"What was that?" Crow raises an eyebrow, turning back to you
"I told her... you smile at the blue man, taking off your helmet and putting on the ground. Crow smiles back and walks towards you, pulling you in for a hug.
"Was she upset?" He pulls away a bit. Still holding onto you.
"She'll be okay," you smile and kiss him, pulling away. Crow pulls his hand up to hold your face in place. He smirks again, pulling you in for another kiss. Then letting you go. He crouches down to pick up your helmet and hand it to you.
"We got work to do.." Crow winks at you. Taking your hand to walk away.
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I love all of y'all's ships in this game. Eliksni x Guardians, Uluran/Cabal x Guardians, Hive x Guardians, you name it!! I love it all. It's so heartfelt, and I can genuinely see y'all loving and caring about these characters so much, and it means everything to me. Honestly. :) Thank you for making me smile with your ships.
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gently hands you Cayde x Fem!YW for star gazing
here you go, anon, thank you for the request :) hope you like it and hope i captured cayde as well as you like him! :)
i'm going to motivate myself to write some 500 or so word ficlets, using this lovely prompt list. this collection will featuring various destiny ships and friendships :) if you want to see a particular ship for a particular prompt, feel free to send me an ask! It all happens in November - NaNoWriMo Mini Edition 2022 AO3 p.s. skipped prompts 3 and 5 for the time being, but they are in the works :)
6. Stargazing
You never quite forget the beauty of stars as you travel through space on a daily basis. They shine and glow a myriad of colours, and they are dead and reborn every time you as much as blink. But it is possible to forget to take a minute or two to pause and to watch as a whole realm of them expands across the night sky, comets crossing the dark expanse and stars lining up in constellations.
Two figures are seated on a mossy overlook, a grand view open in front of them, the Milky Way in all its glory. Each takes in the view and breathes in the cold nightly air. Every now and then one raises their arm, a dark shadow against the sky, pointing out something unreachable.
“Thousands of years, and we see the same stars they used to watch in the good ole days. I don’t know if it’s daunting or impressive. Kinda both.”
The Guardian looks at Cayde whose blue eyes glow slightly in the dark of the night as he speaks. 
“I guess this is how it all started out?” she says thoughtfully, pulling up her legs against her chest.
“When people started watching the stars and eventually it led us to other planets, and then - the Traveler.”
“Wait, wait, wait, I have a better idea. They find the Traveler, then the Darkness also watches the stars and finds us, then Eliksni, Cabal, am I forgetting anyone?”
The Guardian scoffs, laughing.
“How is this a better idea?”
“I’m not done yet! So, there is also the Hive, all of them watching the stars. But it doesn’t matter, because in the end–”
Cayde pauses, looking at her with a sudden turn of his head, thoughts swirling in his gaze before he turns to look back to the sky.
“In the end?”
“In the end, it doesn’t matter, because you and I beat them. And there is no one that can really stop us. Well, maybe an extra spicy ramen, but that would be only a delay.”
The Guardian looks at Cayde, smiling still. She bites on her lip and bumps against his side lightly.
“Is that all you really meant to say?”
His fingers fidget slightly, and she keeps on smiling, pleased with the way she can coax him into becoming… mushy. Which is surprisingly easy, knowing the right words.
“No, but if I say it, I’m going to blush, and we can’t have that.”
She leans her head against his shoulder, watching the stars.
“There, I’m not looking now. You can say it.”
She feels his cool hand slip into hers, and his exo-fingers wrap around hers almost softly.
“In the end, it doesn’t matter, because the stars lead to me meeting you.”
The Guardian closes her eyes. She takes a moment to savour those words, to remember their echo in her head.
“Can I look now?”
“Absolutely not,” he responds quietly as she presses closer against his side, their hands never apart.
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ceo-of-sloppy-men · 1 year
E, J, X, and W if you want for Drifter. Please and thank you.
If I want? If I want??? What alternate universe do you live in?! I fucking love the drifter with my whole heart! Of course, I'm going to do these.
E = Edging (what's their breaking point? are they the edger or edgee?)
He practically begs to be edged. But he squirms a lot. He needs to be tied down to be edged and very often begs to keep going after he cums. Typically it turns into overstimulation.
He is also really good at edging his partners. His voice gets super husky and he pays attention to even the minutest detail to prevent them from cumming.
J = jack off (masturbation headcanons)
Everywhere he can. He's jacked off in between gambit matches, (before and) after important meetings, and is completely shameless. He probably should have some shame, considering he'll just wipe his hand on his pants and get back to work. Or lick his hand clean.
It's safe to say never take a blacklight to the derelict.
W = Wild Card (a random nsfw headcanon)
Orgies. Drifter has attended and ran several (not on the derelict, typically he rents a space or finds an abandoned structure). Guardian, Cabal, Eliksni, it doesn't really matter to him who attends, so long as he ends up a mess at the end.
X = X-Ray (what's under their clothes?)
He's covered in body hair, like a full-on shag carpet. He's got a bit of a dad-bod with a beer belly and softer pecs, but also a stronger frame because he does do a lot of heavy lifting around the derelict. Not to mention he's covered in scars.
In terms of what he's packing, it's nowhere near exceptional. In fact, it's slightly below average. He's definitely a grower not a shower. It has a healthy balance of girth and length, with slightly more girth.
Or, if you're crazy like me, I typically headcanon him as trans (with his ghost giving him hrt). He's got a t-dick from pre-rez, and doesn't have top surgery. He could get last city top surgery but he hates the idea of going under and being that vulnerable.
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Encounter (Chapter 113) - A Destiny 2 Story
Crow x Female Guardian
“So, Nimbus, want to fill us in on where we’re headed?” Stell asked as I sped toward Lining Harbor.
“There’s this place where Cloud Striders go. A place to be alone, meditate, pray. If the old bird’s theory holds up, should be a mega-source of Strand there.” Stell snickered at Nimbus’ nickname for Osiris, to which Osiris scoffed.
“Let’s hope it’s larger than the ones you’ve seen thus far.” When I reached Liming Harbour, I saw bits and pieces of Strand leading to a larger source.
“Good news, Osiris. I found a huge gathering of Strand energy.”
“You can see them? Wha— hang on, so you’ve got resurrection, sweet jumps, and the ability to witness thinning in the fabric of existence. Who do I gotta kill to get one of those Ghosts?” 
“Nimbus...” Osiris grumbled. I had to agree... The words Nimbus chose were a bit tackless. As I cleared out the Vex and Cabal, blocking my way to the source, I could hear Stell thinking beside me.
“If Strand is another side of the Darkness, how come we’d never encountered these sources before?” She asked.
“The old bird thinks it’s like a... stink cloud the Veil leaves behind.” I stopped dead in my tracks and laughed. 
“I said it’s a SIMILAR type of by-product. To use... a different analogy, if we are all part of this “river of souls,” how do we direct the river’s current?”
“I said we ARE the river. You don’t direct anything. You just flow.”
I examined the Strand energy, thinking about what Nimbus said, how I was the river and should just flow. How exactly was I supposed to do that? 
“Well? What are you waiting for? Let’s begin.” Osiris pushed. I reached out and let myself attune to the Darkness. The moment I did that, the Vex started arriving.
“The Vex are swarming,” I stated
“Let’s see how quickly you can dismantle them.” Osiris was right. What better way to practice than to kill the Vex? 
Calling for my knife, I wrapped it up in Strand and honed this power. I weaved in and out of the Vex, throwing my knife out in between shoots, and it ripped them apart. 
“The Vex have blocked the path. Guess they want this Strand source for themselves.” I relayed this to Osiris as more Vex merged towards the source.
“The Vex could learn much from a power originating in linked consciousness.” 
“That’s a terrifying thought.”
“Then you must keep them from it.” I rolled my eyes. Obviously. 
After a bit more fighting, I found a Vex to permanently clear the Vex out and disabled the nearby barrier. The downside was that my luck with Strand ran out, and I fell to the ground, gasping for air.
Stell came out, checking me for any serious injuries. “We may need a breather.” She explained as I pulled myself off the ground.
“Now is the time to lean into using Strand, not back away from it. You can’t effectively train if you don’t push past your limits.” I opened my mouth to reply, but Nimbus beat me to the punch.
“Just don’t burn yourself out. This is only one battle. We’ve got a whole war to fight.”
“A war we cannot win without this power well in hand.”
“I’m aware, Osiris!” I snapped, and from that, there was no reply. Angrily, I pushed forward, daring Osiris to say something. One word, and I would turn around and head back to the Hall of Heroes to punch him. My anger faded a bit when I ran into a new problem—a giant chasm.
“Hmm. Nimbus...”
“Right, this part. Forgot you don’t have a skyboard. Oh, but don’t worry! You can still get to the place. Just have to find the way around.” Find another way around it? There wasn’t much to use. The chasms were deep, and the gaps wide. My normal jumping would never get me across. From the corner of my eye, I spotted some Strand energy floating around. It wasn’t as powerful as I had just used, but it might be enough for what I had planned.
“Ruby, what-?” Before Stell could finish her question, I took a leap of faith from the cliff. “Ruby!” I ignored my Ghost, instead focusing on the harpy in front of me. I used Strand to create a rope, allowing me to swing across the chasm. I rolled, coming to a stop before crashing into a large rock. 
“It worked,” I whispered. 
“Ruby!” Stell came flying over, shell shaking in anger. “Do you have a death wish?”
“I’m fine, aren’t I?”
“A little warning would be nice!”
“Sorry. It was a spur-of-the-moment thing.” 
Stell sighed. “Well, it worked, and we have a way across.” We looked over the chasm I still had to swing across, and it was daunting. My idea might have worked, but would it continue to work, or would I exhaust myself before I came to the end? Taking another running start, I threw my Strand rope to another Harpy and continued across the gaps.
“All that swinging around, that is... wow, that is really something!” Nimbus marvelled as I landed on the other side of the chasm.
“Ah, yes. How could Calus possibly overcome your... rope swing?”
“Osiris,” I growled. “Shut up if you don’t have any positive feedback.” 
“I mean it, Osiris!”
“Ruby,” Stell hissed, but it didn’t matter. The words were said. 
Full Chapter on Ao3
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robotsprinkles · 2 years
on a partially/semi related note to this post
(again not really discussing properly relevant/significant narrative or plot stuff because I'm dumb)
what's up with bungie's occasional use of d1 character models/assets as environmental detail/narrative flavouring during missions?
to memory they've used d1 guardians as corpses in psiops battlegrounds (and I think some other places), d1 cabal in one or more of the operation: [X] missions in season of the seraph (and I believe in one of the secret or exotic missions as well. maybe the whisper one? don't think it was that one though. might've been a dungeon or raid? or maybe something from season of the haunted? I think I remember it being time sensitive in some way. I'll see if I can find it at some point]
like with the d1 guardian corpses it's not really that noteworthy beyond "oh hey that's interesting" (unless you're me and really want more d1 armour in d2 in which case it introduces the background worldbuilding element of there still being guardians who use d1-era gear — which combined with the tangled web, prodigal, and now the iron banner sets implies that d1 pattern armour is still being produced/found or otherwise circulating in the world — but we the players are limited to those three sets)
but with the cabal it's a lot more interesting
because it means there are still cabal who are using gear they were using in d1, and therefore either aren't serving caiatl, the red legion, or calus, or that not all units under those three factions have switched to using d2 pattern gear, instead opting to continue using their original gear
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astromechs · 2 years
If Marvle told you you could write any comic with an artist of your choice who would you chose? What character/team would you write? And why? Or if you were a Marvel Editor which write would you pair up with which artist and what comics would they do?
And just for the sake of being awful what would be your nightmare comic team working on your fav?
so, at the risk of being obvious — it would literally be a dream come true to be handed nova. i have so many ideas! that being said, though, i actually now want a nova solo written by al ewing MORE than i want nova written by myself at this point. ewing would knock this out of the park; he clearly loves rich rider, that is his blorbo, and i really want to see what he does with a solo story, because ewing is so attentive to continuity that he'd bring back all those unanswered questions from the past regarding the nova corps and the nova force.
i would also love to take on jean grey; i don't think her potential as a character has been explored enough outside of dark phoenix rehashes and x-men drama, and i have some ideas here too. my other want is i want to write a team up run with wanda and billy as they learn more about their magic together and further develop the family bond; i think that'd be really cool.
i'm also really predictable, but if i were the marvel editor in charge of the nova solo... al ewing and juann cabal together again, no contest. love the way cabal drew rich in ewing's guardians, and he has a good sense for cosmic stuff.
nightmare creative team is, like... bendis and greg land LMAO oh, i made myself wince just at the thought.
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phantomwarrior12 · 2 years
Trouble Sleeping
She's exhausted but sleep evades her.
The Young Wolf returned to Caiatl's flagship a few hours ago. Acrius had already retired for the night and managed to sleep through her shower and eventual clamber into bed.
She's listened to his snoring for two hours, trying to think of it as white noise so she can drift off but to no avail.
When she sits up, Acrius rolls onto his back and it's a perfect opportunity for her to lean on him. His proximity was sorely missed the last few days. The cockpit of her ship too quiet. The blur of battle nothing more than a distraction from the void in her chest. She adjusts the blankets, draping an arm over his ribs and lays her head along that arm.
His breathing does not change; powerful lungs immune to the meager weight she offers. Acrius once told her it was nothing more than a mild pressure that won't disturb his rest and that he expects her to make herself comfortable atop him whenever she wants. So, she capitalizes on it. Laying here, she can feel his steady heartbeat. A rhythmic thump that has soothed her more than once in the late hours of the night. And while Acrius may be sleeping, he often has a habit of reaching for her.
Like now, his hand heavily trails along her form until it finds that familiar curve of her waist and it settles there. Large fingers curling, causing the fabric of her shirt to ride up a little. She smiles and, in moments like these, she often wonders if he's actually asleep. Still, his hand readjusts a fraction to press against newly exposed skin and her Valus huffs out a sound of approval in his sleep.
She presses a soft kiss against his chest before settling back in.
A few moments feel like an eternity before his steady snores ease up and his head angles toward her. She smiles, watching his features contort for a moment before he inhales deeply. Then his eyes open long enough to see her.
Sharp, vibrant orange. A color she never thought she could love until she met Acrius. Until the weight of his gaze settled on her in ways that felt more like a comfort rather than something she should consider a danger.
He smiles, his hold tightening on her waist before he slides her up a bit more - closer to his head so she's laying on his chest instead. It’s a habit of his, to idly guide her closer even on the verge of consciousness. His touch tender yet firm as a finger traces the patch of skin along her waist.
If it weren’t so endearing, she’d tease him over his neediness.
Still, she chuckles softly.
"You're back," he mumbles, sleep weighing heavily in his voice, the words gruff and almost garbled in the otherwise silent room.
She pulls the blanket up on him a bit, "Yes, I'm here," she smooths the blanket out before she pats his chest. "Go back to sleep."
He groans softly, likely in disapproval given his tone, "You should be–"
"Can't sleep. I'm content here," she assures him, laying her hand over his on her waist. They’ve had nights like tonight - she returns from a mission. Tired, but not enough to rest properly. And rather than subject her Valus to her tossing and turning, she usually opts to watch him sleep, content with aimless thoughts and cuddles from her Valus.
He shifts, starting to push up on an elbow but she leans forward and guides him back down.
"Go back to sleep. There's no point in two of us losing sleep tonight." She shifts onto her knees, leaning over him to press a kiss to his cheek, "Rest, my Valus. I'll be here."
He grumbles his disapproval but relents, closing his eyes.
She settles back down beside him, draped over one pectoral as she makes herself comfortable. This time his heartbeat is directly beneath her head, a soothing thrum that lulls her to relaxation as she gathers the blanket around her for some warmth in the chilly room. Acrius then binds an arm around her form, keeping her close. His fingers brush tenderly along her back, probably hoping to coax her to sleep but instead, he drifts back off.
Another kiss against his chest and the Young Wolf heaves a weighted sigh. She traces a scar along his skin, the story of how he earned it ringing in her mind.
She'd been there for it.
Long before they met in any fashion. Back when Acrius had another name, bore no facial scars and served Calus. Back when the Emperor had invited her aboard his ship to see a gladiatorial match.
The whole ordeal had been awkward on her part; avoiding flirtations and passing remarks from the Emperor as she watched Acrius fight and obliterate everyone thrown at him. It had been one bloody match after another and at times, she wondered how he could still stand. Until he matched another Valus. Until he began to give ground and struggle to keep his footing.
The Young Wolf remembers worrying on his behalf. He was bleeding so badly and when the other Valus cleaved an axe across his chest, she'd been out of her seat.
Calus thought it was excitement.
But then Acrius rallied. Using the other's axe against him and drove him back to the brink of defeat.
When he'd looked up at the booth, Calus told the Guardian to decide the defeated's fate. She told him to let him live. Acrius obeyed and left the arena.
From then on, when Calus sent reinforcements, she wondered if Acrius was among them. Fighting beside her but not at her side.
It's strange how things have changed. How Acrius remembers that fight, that moment but he can't recall her presence in it. She only connected the dots when he'd caught her tracing the scar one night and only then did he tell her it's origin.
She never told him she was there.
Would he care? Now?
"Acrius?" She says his name softly, not wanting to wake him but something - she should tell him.
"Hm?" He rumbles, turning his head toward her but his eyes remain shut.
She hesitates, fingers stilling against marred skin for a moment before she finds her voice.
"You remember how you told me you got this scar?"
He makes a sound of assent, resuming his trace along her back drowsily.
"...what if," she closes her eyes for a moment, gathering her senses, "What if I told you, I had been there?"
His hand stills for a moment before continuing, "You didn't mention it before?"
"Ghost…reminded me. Calus made a habit of inviting us when there would be gladiatorial matches. We usually didn't accept but that one time–"
She can hear Acrius’s head shift, probably toward her. His hand moves up her back, cradling the back of her head.
"Look at me," he coaxes.
She opens her eyes, looking up at him. There's curiosity in his eyes, a tenderness to his touch.
"So," he smiles slightly. "You were the honored guest Calus wouldn't shut up about." He chuckles softly, "I had always wondered why I was told to let that last fight live. Ordinarily, he insists I kill the loser."
She traces the scar again, "He asked me to decide."
"You were merciful, even then. I wonder…if my position were reversed. If I were on my knees, would you have thought the same?"
She smiles slightly, "I was rooting for you, Acrius. The whole fight."
"Hm," he smoothes her hair back, "I suppose, then, you know how I used to look."
She snorts, "I do."
"Which do you prefer?" He teases, knowing damn well she'd always choose this version of him.
Still, the Guardian shifts up his frame. She removes his mask in the dark and kisses him then. Long, tender, affectionate. She kisses him and her Valus relaxes beneath her.
"I'd always choose this you, Acrius. The version I've come to love."
He blinks up at her, one hand lifting to cradle her cheek. "I know." He tries to take his mask back with his other hand but she moves it out of his grasp. "What are you–"
"I'm not done with you yet." She chuckles, leaning down for another kiss.
Acrius's laugh rumbles beneath her before he meets her part way and the Guardian finds herself being guided on top of him. Acrius's hands settle on her waist and hip, pressing her securely against his massive form.
She lifts her head a fraction, quirking a brow expectantly.
"You hold my mask hostage, I hold you hostage, Little One. This is how it works."
"Not much of a hostage situation if I like where I am." She counters smugly.
His hands massage along her back and she settles in, resting her head against his jawline. His hands move upward, massaging between her shoulders before he heaves a sigh.
"Why bring that up tonight? Does it truly trouble you?"
"I thought…You'd like to know? That our paths crossed before, that–" her voice falters and she hugs him.
"That you feel responsible for a scar on my chest?" He chuckles, squeezing her. "Gods, Guardian. One day I'm going to resolve that guilt complex of yours." He smoothes a hand over her hair, "You weren't responsible for any of that. I chose to fight because I enjoy a battle. My fatigue is what earned me this mar, not your presence. Besides," he guides her hand over the rough skin, "It feels nice when you trace it. You think me so shallow, I'd resent your touch over something so trivial."
It does sound stupid, put that way.
“That I could resent that which brings me peace?” He whispers, pressing a kiss against the top of her head, guiding her fingers along the scar slowly.
She smiles a fraction, cuddling a little closer, “I–”
“If that’s an apology for anything, I will fight you, Little One.” He warns lowly, pressing another kiss to her hair.
She falls silent, tilting her head back to see his features. He’s smiling. A pleasant, almost smug expression but it flutters her heart all the same.
“I love you,” she whispers and Acrius lowers his head.
“I love you, too. Now, go to sleep before I find a way to tire you out.”
The Young Wolf chuckles softly, hooking her fingers around his as she cuddles down. Acrius drags the blankets up over top them after prying his mask from her hand. She listens to him set it on the bedside stand before his hand settles back along her spine.
Warm and cocooned against her Valus's chest, the Guardian finally finds some semblance of sleep.
It's a drift from unconsciousness to semi-consciousness and back. But it's more than what she would have gotten otherwise.
More than she could have hoped for.
Just like Acrius.
Taglists are open! Send an ask/leave a comment to be added!
Forevers: @halo-2 @reaped-winnower @forgotten-by-the-stars @sugarcoated44 @cayde-6 @aetosavros​ @niemands-bibliothek @paracausal-hunter @florence-and-the-machinegun @orbdotexe
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scxvnger · 2 years
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a repost of my sketch from a few hours ago bc tumblr continues to skullfuck the resolution of my artwork
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echosong971 · 3 years
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this is why cayde’s a cat person
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ceevee5 · 3 years
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The art of Juann Cabal
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Your Kind of Heaven
The prompt from @that-one-weird-fangirl2020​ was this:
Can I get #27, the angsty/fluffy list, with a Cayde-6 x Female!Gunslinger!Reader? Maybe throw in a passionate, romantic, first kiss?
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Cayde-6 x (Gunslinger) Female!Reader
Warnings: non descriptive fight scene, internal demons, past trauma
1,991 words
Song Inspiration: To Hell & Back by Maren Morris
“Smoke was comin’ off my jacket and you didn’t seem to mind, I left a long trail of ashes and you said, ‘I like your style’.”
There were skeletons in your closet, demons in your mind, and there was only one way you knew of to deal with them. It involved your light, your gun, and a trail of ashes where your enemies used to be. If you kept moving, kept shooting, then you didn’t have to think. 
That’s when the trouble always came, when you were still.
You were reborn a guardian 3 days before the start of the Red War.
You had been introduced into a world of community and Light only to watch it crumble beneath the Red Legion. Somehow, by some miracle, you had escaped. You had managed to get off the Tower, get out of the City, and slipped out into the wilderness. There had been other guardians with you. Older guardians who tried to help, to show you the way while being lost themselves, had perished before your very eyes. It felt like you had been born into a world only to be useless. No matter what you did someone would die. Sometimes it was guardians, sometimes it was civilians, and many times you had wished it had been you rather than them.
When the Light finally returned, it was too late. The damage had been done. Your Ghost tried to reassure you that things would be different now, and as much as you wanted to believe him it was still difficult. It was why you avoided the other guardians now. You had lost so many people back to back to back. The idea of getting to know someone now was terrifying. What if war came again? What if you lost them? What if you weren’t strong enough to save them?
It was safer to keep to yourself.
To focus on missions.
To focus on bettering yourself.
To focus on your only working distraction.
Three shots, three dead Cabal. You stared at their motionless forms briefly before glancing around. The EDZ was quiet today, and now it was even quieter. You heaved a sigh in disappointment. The hope had been that Cabal in the EDZ would keep you busy for the whole morning, not just a couple hours.
“The area is clear.” Your Ghost confirmed.
You dismissed your helmet and rubbed the back of your neck. The area around you looked like the remains of an old city, abandoned and empty. Overgrown with vegetation all around, like nature had reclaimed what once belonged to it.
It was too quiet. The itch was back, and that dreadful voice whispered in the back of your mind. Before you could ask your Ghost to transmat you to the nearest world with a pest problem the sound of someone else transmatting distracted you.
“Hey there, partner.”
“Cayde.” You gave him a tight grin. Your Vanguard was the closest thing you had to a friend. He was the only person you really spoke to on a regular basis, other than your Ghost, and it was oddly because you actually enjoyed talking to him. Granted, it had started as just mission reports and training exercises, but somehow it had turned into drinks and ramyun and laughter.
He glanced at the empty buildings then looked back to you, “You really cleared this place out, huh? Busy morning?”
“Not busy enough.” You replied. “You need anything done? Anything at all?”
Cayde took a step toward you. It was closer than you were used to, but you didn’t move back. He had this look on his face, but it wasn’t concern. It wasn’t pity or worry or disapproval. Those were always the facial expressions you expected, but he never showed them to you. He always looked at you like this. With curiosity, with care, with amusement.
“Ever think about taking a vacation? I hear the pools of Io are nice this time of year.” Cayde suggested. He had his hands on his hips, his head tilted slightly.
You shrugged, “Sounds a little too…quiet.”
“And you don’t like quiet.” Cayde nodded. You had mentioned this to him before. That you needed action or movement at all times. The only exception being when you went to bed for a night of restless sleep. “Guess we just need to keep working on finding you a new hobby.”
“A new hobby?”
“Yeah, something that calms that brain of yours”, He lifted his hand to tap your temple with his gloved hand, “Without having to throw yourself into the fray again and again.”
You chuckled at the thought. That’d be nice. You weren’t sure anything could really quiet your mind. You were kind of positive this was just the curse of your existence.
“I’m not sure I’m capable of that kind of change, Cayde.”
Cayde shook his head, “No, no, no. Not change. I don’t want you to change ever, partner. I like you just the way you are. I just think a break every now and again will do you some good.”
He liked you the way you were. Skeletons, demons, cracks, and all. Cayde was staring at you again with that same look on his face. Amusement and adoration. His blue eyes glowed with a warmth that always seemed to reach the core of who you were. He wasn’t scared of you and didn’t bat an eye at your flaws.
And it was then that you realized that things were quiet. With Cayde looking at you the way he was, the softness of his Exo features focused only on you, it was quiet. Your mind wasn’t racing with regrets of the past or fears of the future. You felt at ease.
“I can’t think when you keep looking at me like that.” The words fell from your lips before you were fully aware of them. They were nearly a whisper. Cayde was closer now, he was the only thing in your vision, and you were ok with that. Your eyes darted down to his mouth unintentionally.
The urge to close the small gap between you was strong, and it scared you. Things would be different if you did that and that voice in the back of your mind nagged and nagged. The decision was taken away from you when the sound of whistling filled the air. The two of you recognized it around the same time, you could see it on his face, and both of you whipped around just as three Cabal containment pods hit the Earth a few yards away kicking up dirt and dust. Honestly, you were just lucky they hadn’t landed on top of you. You had the bad luck of being a containment pod magnet. And maybe you were also lucky that your usual distraction had showed up just in time to prevent a potential life altering mistake.
“They didn’t even give me time to stretch.” Cayde said as the Cabal began to open fire.
You called back your helmet and dove out of the way of a tossed grenade. What was supposed to be a quick battle, turned into a rather large mess. More Cabal had come after you and Cayde dealt with the first wave, but their presence had attracted a nearby squad of Fallen. So now the two of you were sandwiched between two enemies who were both shooting at you and behind you. Some wandering Guardians had happened upon the scene though, and the enemies were quickly dealt with. While Cayde had his back turned to you, greeting one of the Hunters that had stumbled onto the scene, you had your Ghost transmat you back to your ship.
The entire flight back to the Tower you were kicking yourself. You had been so close to doing something so stupid. Letting your professional relationship with Cayde turn into a friendship had been stupid. Opening up to him about your fears and worries one drunken night had been stupid. Wanting to kiss your Vanguard in enemy territory just because you liked the way he looked at you? That was downright crazy.
Once at the Tower, you made a beeline to your living space. The plan was to grab some supplies and then book it out to Nessus or Io. You could scoop up a long surveillance mission from someone who didn’t want to spend a month out in the wild and do so yourself. That’d keep you busy and distracted.
“Someone is here.” Your Ghost hummed before disappearing from your sight. Before you could question him a heavy knock came from your door. Your apartment was tiny. It consisted of one room with a second small room branched off it that worked as the bathroom. This meant there was only one door in and out unless you were going to try and escape through the window, but you weren’t that desperate. Yet.
“I know you’re in there, partner.”
Your eyes glanced at the window in temptation.
‘If you climb out the window, I won’t revive you when you fall.’ Ghost joked internally.
You knew that was his nice way of saying you needed to answer the door, and more so you knew he was right. After steeling yourself, trying to push all non-professional thoughts of Cayde out your head, you walked to the door and pulled it open.
He was leaning against the frame, his armor still messy and dirty from the last fight. The moment your eyes caught his all the steeling of your mind had fizzled out in a hot mess of fireworks in your brain. You were back in that same position you found yourself in earlier. Except now the chances of the Cabal interrupting you were slim to none.
“You left before we could finish our conversation.” Cayde said firmly.
You swallowed the lump that seemed to have formed in your throat, “I think we both know that we were done talking.”
This time is was his gaze that dropped down to your lips before slowly dragging back up to your eyes. Cayde nodded once, “You’re probably right.”
You didn’t know if you moved first or if he did, but the two of you collided. Your lips were on his mouth and his hands were cupping your face then tangling in your hair. Thoughts weren’t needed when you were kissing him. It was all action and instinct, like your body was moving on its own accord and you were just there for the ride. Your gloves traced his firm armored chest while he pulled back on your hair slightly to expose your neck enough for him to pepper kisses down in until he reached the edge of your armor.
You sucked in a sharp breath of air when his mouth caught a sensitive spot on your neck and that was like throwing gas on a flame. You pulled his face back up to yours to kiss him. In one swift movement, Cayde’s hands went to the back of your thighs to scoop you up while his foot kicked the door shut behind you. He turned and pushed your back against the door deepening the kiss. He tasted like his favorite drink and you wondered if he had stopped to take a shot before coming here.
After another moment he pulled his mouth away leaving you breathless. His face lingered close though as you took in air. You had your arms wrapped around his shoulders, but now you brought your hands in to cup his face. Your thumb traced the edge of his cheek as his warm eyes didn’t leave yours. It was quiet in the room and you were ok with that because it was also quiet in your mind.
“I think this could be a good hobby for you.” Cayde spoke up suddenly, his tone sounded breathless despite Exos not technically needing to breath. “Thoughts?”
“Yeah.” You chuckled out an agreement, “Yeah, this could work.”
Cayde shot you an amused look before pulling you into another kiss. You wrapped your arms around him and melted against his chest. 
Yeah, this could definitely work.
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rael-rider · 2 years
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So Rich made an appearance in X-Men: Red #4 (2022) and there’s a few things I want to talk about:
1) Al Ewing made a shout out to The Star lost Saga story arc from New Warriors were Garthan Saal kidnapped Rich and combined their powers to revive the dead Xandarians. It’s the first time Rich got to experience the entirety of the Nova force and it was affecting him really badly. He was given the option of either going insane and become a threat to the universe or letting the power go and reviving the Xandarians but that would mean his death. Obviously Rich chose the latter.
Anyway this already makes Ewing one of the very few modern writers who will acknowledge anything pre-Annihilation when it comes to Rich. I also love that he used that experience in Rich’s life to inform his view on the Krakoan resurrection protocols and Xandra being revived.
2) Going from his talk with Storm in the last page, Rich might become a semi-regular character in X-Men: Red. It’s obvious Ewing really wants to write him and Marvel should just give him Guardians back or a Nova comic.
3) Rich mentioning that he’s still seeing his therapist was important, and I loved reading it.
4) Juann Cabal drawing Rich again ❤️
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