#cabane a sucre
fannyrosie · 1 year
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Les commères du village, la cabane à sucre et, je l'espère, la fin de l'hiver en avril
The village's gossips, the sugar shack and, hopefully, the end of winter in April
Sorry for the low energy outfit and pictures; I'll get back to better content as soon as I start editing my spring pictures.
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winterwrites23 · 6 months
I’m going to smell like a campfire for a week but at least I got my tire d’érable!!!
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ascle · 1 year
Après 4 ans d’attente, enfin le retour à la cabane à sucre!
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Le sirop d’érable… C’EST LA VIE! 🍁
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kibbits · 1 year
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HELL yeah, went to the Cabanne à Sucre/Sugar Shack with my family yesterday, ate two plates of everything and like 10 mini pancakes with so much maple syrup, sang so much my throat hurts today, and then came back home and went into a food coma and slept 8h djdnddn
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slemx · 3 months
Mariage Enchanteur à Sainte-Anne-des-Plaines
Célébration à la Cabane à Sucre D’Amours Eva et Philippe ont célébré leur mariage lors d’une magnifique journée d’automne à la Cabane à sucre D’Amours à Sainte-Anne-des-Plaines. Le charme des couleurs automnales a ajouté une touche magique à leur union, créant un cadre idyllique pour cette célébration. Continue reading Mariage Enchanteur à Sainte-Anne-des-Plaines
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summerfevers · 5 months
save me brown beans and hotdogs... brown beans and hot dogs save me... brown beans and hot dogs...
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joetavormina · 2 years
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Enjoying some family time at the Cabane à Sucre 🍁🥞🥘🍳
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highlordofkrypton · 19 days
why are you an expert on the harvesting of maple syrup ? is it taught in c*n*dian schools, do you mean to tell me youre one of them c*n*dians.........🫣
I eat maple syrup 😤 Maybe if YOU 🫵 had 🥣 MAPLE 🍁 SYRUP ☕️ You’d know!!
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murderballadeer · 10 months
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im-suchanicegirl · 5 months
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Daniel Rochon est prêt pour la visite annuelle à cabane à sucre 😋
Ok mais c’est tellement parfait🥹
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Malheureusement PH etait tellement occupé à toute préparer pour la sortie à la cabane de la radio étudiante que y’a oublie de mettre une chemise carreauté. Daniel était déçu…
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… une chance que Danny le laisse jamais tomber ❤️
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mudmike · 7 months
Sortie à la cabane à sucre en baggy Carhartt
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Hello:3, U mentioned being from Quebec? Have u see an irl syrup tapping tree? I'm also from Canada, but being from the non syrup swagless zone I'd love insider info on such national lore.
I am indeed a Qc girlie! 😎 I did in fact see syrup maple trees in the flesh but that was a while ago when I was younger…. Confession I don’t actually like maple syrup 🙈🙈🙈 so Cabanes à sucre (the place where you eat all the maple syrup and related foods) haven’t had much appeal for me 😂
But yeah it’s pretty cool they put little metal bits in the tree to get the syrup dripping out and it gets into a bucket attached to it;;; initially it’s not syrup though, it’s sap that is much more liquid, and they cook it up to turn it into syrup!
There’s also tire d’érable (don’t know the English name) for when they put hot syrup on fresh snow then stick it on a popsicle stick for a snack! Once again I personally don’t like it much but it is a classic lmao
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ascle · 3 months
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La lettre O
Personne qui aime contredire, s’obstiner.
Oreilles de criss
Couenne de lard frites servir sous forme de chips épaisses. Se mange presqu’exclusivement à la cabane à sucre.
Élan 🫎
Une espèce de grenouille. 🐸 Une grosse grenouille (grenouille-mugissante). Tire son origine d’un mot wendate.
Oups! Zut! Oh la la! Interjection qui exprime la surprise et l’étonnement.
- C’est pas top. Décevant.
Exemple: As-tu vu le dernier film de Gilles Lellouche? Oui pis s’t’ordinaire.
« Au plus criss ». L’équivalent de l’anglais « ASAP » (as soon as possible). Ça urge. C’est pressant.
Exemple: Tu vas ranger ta chambre OPC.
Oreilles en porte de grange
Oreilles décollées.
Organiser le portrait
Se battre avec quelqu’un.
Exemple: mon osti m’a t’organiser le portrait tu vas voir.
Osti d’toasté des deux bords
Juron. Superlatif d’osti. Peu utilisé de nos jours et c’est bien dommage parce que je trouve cette expression géniale. Provient de la série « L’héritage » de Victor Lévy-Beaulieu.
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weird shit for you to tell us about tomorrow: what colour do you think your soul is? what sex-related injury are you most likely to inflict? what’s your dream breakfast? what’s your nightmare breakfast? what gets you off lately? what makes you feel whole? when you think of someone you hate, what is it about them that makes you so bothered? what were you like when you were four? ok love you goodnight
its far from tomorrow but it is today
my soul is purple. blues and reds billowing against each other, melancholy and passion merging together. serenity, wisdom and reliability fusing with anger love vigour and courage. ya
i bite really hard during sex. i only broke skin once but its because my canine scraped her collarbone
dream breakfast FUCK. honestly. any cabane à sucre breakfast forever and ever. classic eggs sausage bacon potatoes toast with jam and butter and a side of blueberry pancakes. nightmare breakfast? huh. i dunno. i love breakfast. probably like….oatmeal
what gets me off? im not sure if this has a sexual intent but i shall answer figuratively and literally. figuratively, pretty much everything. i am a very grateful individual. the cracks in my life are filled with gold. as for sexually, being smothered, like, borderline suffocated
ngl when i bike really really fast (and recklessly) on my electric bike and feel like im about to die but i dont. i feel pretty whole then
i dont hate anyone, not really. i kinda mostly feel pity for people, which might be worse. i think ultimately though, the thing i tend to “hate” the most is when someone tries to manipulate me so blatantly and obviously. even worse when it actually works. anything that bothers me in someone though is kinda silly, in retrospect, because its usually just a personality clash.
when i was four i was polite, charming, dangerously curious and highly adventurous. i would climb everywhere. every time my mom would turn away from me, i’d climb. you always had to look up to find me. i was a bit strange, always thinking. i needed constant stimulation and would get it on my own. i was very very mature. would greet people at the door, offer them water. i had manners. i wanted attention but didn’t know how to get it. i was off in lalaland a lot, always making up stories and roleplaying entire movies. i wasn’t much different than how i am now, only more innocent.
thank you so kindly for this. it was super fun like holy shit. you’re so good to me 💗
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eopederson · 1 year
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Cabane à sucre, L'île-d-Orléans, Québec, 2023.
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bobmorane · 1 year
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Cabane à Sucre (1921)
Marc-Aurèle de Foy Suzor-Côté
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