#caim ; reserves
caiminn · 2 years
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𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 ! 𝐂𝐀𝐈𝐌 is expecting 3 new staff members !
ଓ 𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐦𝐢 (𝐥𝐞𝐞 𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐦𝐢) ଓ 𝐚𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐚'𝐬 𝐤𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐚 (𝐣𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐨) ଓ 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐨𝐟'𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐨𝐣𝐮𝐧𝐠 (𝐥𝐞𝐞 𝐭𝐚𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐨𝐛)
*These reservations last 48 hours (until 13/12, KST!)
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my back hurts like hell and i'm stuck inside for the day SO i've just been thinking about the newspaper club and their dynamics with characters outside the club
honestly this is more for me than anything but i thought i'd give em a post anyway :^) these aren't 'finalised' in the sense that they're all going to end up in the fic (especially since i also talk about the s4 trio, who won't even be appearing), but i'd call these 'canonical' to jtta in a broad sense of the term
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^for reference in case anyone's not aware - from left to right, mephisto (pink), astaroth (blue), wiz (purple), alecto (green)
alecto & lucifer
we already see belphie calling alecto in to deal with caim in ch42, so kind of building on that idea: alecto sort of becomes the student council's secret agent in all but name
so lucifer (being the de-facto leader, even if diavolo's technically the president) calls on her more often
at first lucifer just has her dealing with trouble-makers in school; then, seeing as she's so reliable, he has her helping run errands - and eventually he starts asking for favours outside of school, such as helping him track down a cursed record, seeing as she has a nose for magical contraband - in return, he helps alecto source certain artifacts for wiz, who's obsessed with them
then at some point along the line it becomes a less transactional relationship and more just being buds
they'll catch up with each other in the corridor and have a brief chat, occasionally they'll meet up for a coffee. they peak when alecto starts calling him 'bestie' as a joke and lucifer finds that he doesn't actually mind it
though unfortunately lucifer'll never get the opportunity to take advantage of his new friend's talents on the harpsichord, since alecto reserves those nearly exclusively for wiz
if i had to describe their dynamic it'd be: drinking buddies at the pub
one thing that lucifer did not foresee from this though: alecto really wants to fight him. no magic - that's boring and a foregone conclusion - just good old-fashioned hand to hand combat. he's been steadfastly refusing so far, but maybe one day she'll break him down...
alecto has seriously considered offering to play for him (which she's NEVER done for anyone outside the club) in exchange for a fist fight
alecto & raphael
ideal duo: one is goofy and the other has catholic guilt
more seriously, these two really do get on like a house on fire, even though you'd never be able to tell from a glance
whenever they're hanging out it just kinda looks like alecto's doing her own thing with raphael silently following along - but this is just what works for them
basically, raphael normally can't handle hanging out alone with someone who's above a certain energy level. and, while alecto is above that level, somehow she hits a sweet spot where she makes up for raphael's lack of energy in a way that doesn't overwhelm him
it does sometimes seem like alecto's talking to herself, but often raphael's comments are just too quiet for an outsider to hear
alecto regularly begs raphael to use his shower of spears on her to test her dodging skills, and unlike lucifer, raphael usually indulges her
one time she reflexively broke one of the spears and had to apologise profusely while raphael sadly held the shattered remains
(he wasn't that bummed, he just thought it was funny how guilty she was about it)
also alecto's got a talent for embroidery (if you look at her design - she stitched the daisies on her trousers and shoes herself), and raphael enjoys sewing, so they bond over that
wiz & levi
need a super specific prop complete with special effects for a cosplay? wiz is your gal
she's good with arts and crafts, and also knows SO MUCH about magical artifacts and their mechanisms that you could give her anything and she'd be able to reproduce it
and i need to make this clear: levi absolutely does NOT approach wiz first. he's terrified of her! why would he do that!!!!!
ik is the one who first asks wiz for help when levi's in a prop dilemma - he needs a specific wand
wiz makes it, PLUS adds in a feature where it makes colourful sparks when waved that correlate to the actual magic system of the show it's from
and levi's so blown away that he overcomes his fear to thank her in person, and after realising that overly friendly people aren't the scourges he views them as, slowly gets brave enough to ask her for help on his own
generally he just views wiz as, like, the super cool seasoned warrior that occasionally swoops in to save the main character from danger and deliver a life lesson
meanwhile wiz adopts him a little bit. not in the same way you adopt, like, a little sibling - more the way an older student adopts someone lower down in the school
she'll barter with fabric vendors in his stead to make sure he doesn't get ripped off buying materials and tell the cashier that he doesn't want pickles on his burger for him
wiz & om mephistopheles
i've sort of mentioned these in the s4 post, but i'll re-iterate (and explain) my point a bit here
wiz is really good at adjusting her own mannerisms and lingo to set whoever she's talking to at ease - so she's good at the sort of noble formal-speak that mephistopheles is used to
which is how they initially become sort-of friends; mephistopheles finds it easy to talk to her, and is subsequently a lot less standoffish and haughty than he usually comes off as - so wiz isn't immediately put off by his rich bitch attitude like most are
though mephistopheles does NOT like that wiz is so blase about breaking rules when it comes to magical artifacts, because she's usually disregarding direct reprimands from diavolo to do so
but (because he's got a good first impression of her), he has to begrudgingly respect the audacity
and since diavolo has sort of given up on getting her to listen, mephistopheles has decided he might as well look the other way as well
he enjoys consulting on the various puzzles wiz puts together for the newspaper, though it does sting whenever she gives him one that he genuinely can't solve
alecto cannot STAND him at first, but wiz keeps inviting him around to their house for tea (she feels bad for him because everyone seems to hate him), and she starts finding it really funny how much sugar he gets through
though whenever mephistopheles gets a little bit too royalist, wiz is quick to move the conversation somewhere else
astaroth & belphie
ohoho these guys...... (listen i promise the stargazing boyfriends will be a reality in-fic eventually)
they'll have been dating for months before either will admit it (it pisses asmo off because how is his baby brother going to start dating BEFORE him and not even acknowledge it?!!?!!?!?)
astaroth doesn't like talking about them and belphie's solution to just about everything is to sleep on it, but somehow they've both developed a radar for the other's problems
often belphie will just show up at his house without warning, and it's usually there that they spend time together - because tbh belphie would rather go without his brothers constantly butting in on his quality time
of the two of them, belphie gets the most nervous early on in the relationship - he's used to being able to read those he's close to easily (his twin connection with beel, ik's complete inability to keep her emotions from showing on her face), but astaroth's got a habit of just. forgetting to emote
belphie will be completely overthinking whether or not he's completely messed up this date and astaroth will just be staring blankly into the distance thinking "this is the happiest i've ever been"
he gets better at understanding him over time, though - to the point where he can somehow tell how astaroth's feeling based on the vibe of his silences whenever they're on call with each other
on that topic, they spend quite a lot of nights on the phone to each other when belphie's not over at his, since astaroth feels awkward staying the night at the hol - though most of the time belphie will fall asleep halfway through a conversation
astaroth & thirteen
these two don't seem like they'd get along at all, because astaroth seems way too normal to be interesting to thirteen
but here's the thing. he is not at all. and thirteen realises this as soon as they meet
get him talking and this guy has stories about having done the stupidest things, and somehow he thinks that it's normal behaviour - this is the only reason he can project that image
thirteen can never bring herself to explain to him that, no, astaroth, it isn't normal that your one solution for accidentally burning food is to rip out the entire cooker from the wall to shut off the fire. how are you even strong enough to do that????
astaroth isn't really one to get involved with the making of her traps (though he'll offer suggestions if she needs them) - thirteen doesn't go to him for that sort of thing, she goes to him for vibes
astaroth's visited her cave enough times that she's just installed a secret ramp corridor so that he doesn't have to deal with the security spells every time
they're very in-sync when it comes to making fun of other people - essentially they're that "true friends judge other people.... together" post
they're not super close emotionally, but with astaroth being so into the stars and ~the endless universe~ and thirteen being in close proximity with death, occasionally their conversations take a turn for the intensely philosophical
mephisto & solomon
*slaps head of boys* these bitches have a relationship SO complicated
they're in a weird place after the whole sonno thing, where solomon's finally gotten some closure on having been abandoned, but he really doesn't like it
meanwhile mephisto doesn't think it's a good idea to try to bridge the gap after all this time, so he just kinda withdraws emotionally
which solomon hates even more, because he's just perceiving this as a second abandonment
whether in a romantic way or not, back in that time where they were each other's only company during his studies - solomon might have loved him then. and to be honest he's never really let it go
there's this whole cocktail of resentment, grief, guilt, relief, hope and devotion going on, and neither of them know how to handle it
it gets weirder because eventually they settle in with a new dynamic - of good-natured banter while carefully ignoring what they both know the other is thinking
and it's comfortable, but the thing about these two is their relationship has never been static like this
the one constant has always just been each other; even back then, feelings were mixing and flipping on a dime, which is probably why neither's ever used a label for whatever the hell they were
figuring it out was always going to messy, but mephisto left before they could, and now they're at this motionless stage where both are avoiding moving forward - for fear that the other isn't willing to take the plunge
mephisto & diavolo/barbatos
diavolo and mephisto SEEM like they really don't like each other - which would have been true pre-jtta, but after the whole ordeal with sonno, they've both silently agreed to let bygones be bygones
but they still tend to avoid each other's company, though not necessarily deliberately - it's just that they share a lot of bad memories from that old time, and seeing the other tends to remind them of it
however, they've also both developed an odd, subconscious sense of duty to the other; essentially, they'll go out of their way to assist/defend each other, but only if they don't have to be alone together to do so
neither feels they have much to say in terms of reconciling their pasts, so they don't
meanwhile, mephisto and barbatos don't tend to hold much stock in their shared past - but, unlike with diavolo, they do share some fond memories, so there's still a certain degree of affection to their relationship
similarly, they feel an obligation to each other - if anything, theirs is stronger, since as chronodae they share a sort of mutual connection that's beyond ordinary comprehension
and, while they'd describe each other as 'an old friend', they're not close in the same way that friends are; rather, they're close in the same way that two moths seeking the same light have an instinctive mutual understanding of what drives the other - though neither would be able to put it into words
some more misc ones that i don't have a lot to say about, but i like
astaroth and raphael are pretty chill - they like hanging out together bc neither likes talking a bunch, but enjoys passive company, so their hangouts mostly entail being in the same general area but doing completely different things
lucifer and astaroth share a lot of their tastes in music, so occasionally lucifer will ask astaroth for recommendations. sometimes when belphie's feeling nice and he knows lucifer's been overworking lately, he'll call astaroth over to perform a little concert in the music room
mephisto and levi don't tend to talk, since their history makes it kind of awkward (even though levi's mostly forgiven him at this point), but when they do mephisto's always weirdly nice to him. no ridiculous jokes, no antics - tbh it's kind of unnerving how pleasant he is
wiz and satan don't talk a lot, but when they get started they'll go on for FOREVER, because they're both magic nerds with special interests in curses (wiz used to be a curse-breaker herself) and magical artifacts. a similar thing happens with solomon, except that tend to engage in more scholarly debates rather than just gushing or throwing fun facts back and forth
lucifer respects wiz as a mage, but finds it difficult to talk to her because she has a disconcerting habit of looking very hard at whoever she's talking to, and he doesn't do well with perceived scrutiny
alecto and belphie have a mutual understanding going on where, if one needs assistance from the other, it's given without question - but they don't hang out a lot, since alecto's the type of demon that belphie can't really handle without a buffer
lucifer finds mephisto insufferable but he also thinks he's really funny, so he's constantly having an internal struggle whenever he's around
mammon has wanted to ask astaroth how fast he can go on his wheelchair for a really long time but he's never worked up the nerve to (astaroth's whole monotone stoic deal intimidates him)
simeon gets along super well with the girls and will usually ask them first if he needs someone to babysit luke for whatever reason
astaroth doesn't like sugar, but one time luke offered him a cookie and he felt too awkward to refuse. but now luke KEEPS offering him sweets, and now he's trapped himself
mephisto and thirteen are thick as thieves - but, don't get me wrong, they'd NEVER emotionally confide in each other. what they've got going on is some kind of troublemaking goblin solidarity
wiz's expertise also makes her a perfect consultant when it comes to thirteen's traps, so you'll often see them poring over blueprints together
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ussenterpeen · 12 days
what's up on denouement? 9.13.24
Denouement is an 18+ pan/multifandom RP set in a unique world, with both site-wide and member run plots as well as seasonal world changes. Fandom canons, fandom originals, and fandomless original characters are all welcome! We offer forum-based thread writing, Discord thread and Tupperbox-based chat RP, and real-time ICC (in character chat) via Discord channels and Cboxes.
Guidebook | Taken | Reserves | Discord Recently Accepted Characters:
Raffia Cioran (Final Fantasy XIV) Cassian Andor (Star Wars) Klaus Hargreeves (The Umbrella Academy) Vergil (Devil May Cry) Korra (The Legend of Korra) Nanami Kento (Jujutsu Kaisen) Caim (Drakengard) Cinder Fall (RWBY) Kara Zor-El (DC) Bree Tanner (Twilight) Ash Ketchum (Pokemon) Qimir (Star Wars) Robin (Zone) Rehki'to Mhenku (Final Fantasy XIV) Erik (The Phantom of the Opera)
Recently Reserved Characters:
Claudia from Interview With The Vampire Arthur Pendragon from BBC Merlin Kairi from Kingdom Hearts Wade Wilson AKA Deadpool from Marvel Archbishop Rhea from Fire Emblem: Three Houses Cipher 9 from Star Wars: The Old Republic Jinora from Avatar: the Legend of Korra Harry Osborn from The Amazing Spider-Man 2
Recently Wanted Characters:
Orpheus & Faunus from The Duskwalker Brides Jayce from Arcane/LOL Kronk from The Emperor's New Groove Winter Schnee from RWBY Estinien Varlineau, Alphinaud Leveilleur, & Emmanellain de Fortemps from Final Fantasy XIV Arthur Morgan & John Marston from Red Dead Redemption DC & Green Lantern characters Asami Sato, Bolin, & Mako from The Legend of Korra Barbie from Barbie Chrom & Lissa from Fire Emblem Eileen Galvin & Walter Sullivan from Silent Hill 4 Lila Pitts, Allison Hargreeves, & Ben Hargreeves from The Umbrella Academy
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a-hell-of-a-time · 7 months
@micsmasmuses (For Fizz!)
Yui squinted up at the pink neon lights, resisting the urge to shield her eyes.
"You weren't kidding when you said this place was flashy," she said, looking to Caim who was barely hiding a grin.
"Having second thoughts, dear?~"
"Absolutely not~" A wicked grin spread across the fox woman's face, her tails swishing in delight. "I've been looking forward to this place ever since I heard of it, so you bet your ass we're making the most of it! Isn't that right, Aaaannndddyyy?~"
Andrealphus, who was dragged to this club by the two women shot Yui a glare.
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"I only agreed to place the reserve for the two of you-"
"Oh come on! You need to have some fun instead of being a prissy ice queen all the time!" With that Yui looped an arm through his, while Caim took his other arm.
"I'm not getting out of this, am I?"
"Nope~!" Both women chimed before dragging the unfortunate Marquis into the club, sending a wink to the bouncer in the process.
Once inside, the group of three took their place at the table, attracting many stares in the process. Most weren't sure what to make of the fox woman with five tails, nor of the two Goetia accompanying her, but they were soon distracted by the performers on stage.
When it was Fizarolli's turn to take the stage, Yui and Caim watched with interest. Andrealphus, however, simply sat with an unamused expression on his face.
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toestalucia · 3 months
i know ive talked about this a lot on akira but idk how much ive brought it up here ?! the struggles of talking about all my muses across all my blogs (will not change). but ive been thinking about it again, because akira 1) talks more than gran does 2) is more likely to actually speak up about their/your feelings. not to say gran wont address it, but theyll either be very short about it or show it through actions. motivational speeches is reserved for moments when its expected of them (captain stuff in main story, shieldsworn, etc) <-guy who actually does not like being the center of attention
there are times when they get better at it, depending on situation & ppl involved (vyrn&lyria has special rights, even tho there are times when they dont get to know either (no rain no rainbow....)), as the grandcypher & things theyve been through has them learning to rely on others a lot more. in general theyre rly thankful to have lyria around at most times cuz of how easily she feels for others (as someone who gained the life back in her eyes thanks to katalina!), cuz while theyre very often of the same feelings as her, shes a lot quicker at voicing it.
not very related but, gran, as someone who does know how to fight, is instead a lot quicker at stepping in front of others. ofc akira isnt, theyre Normal (even tho theyre always shown doing exactly that anyway if the situation calls for it/the time they ignore a death threat towards them in order to relay important information), but im mentioning it cuz i think a loooooooot about the times theyve jumped off islands/cliffs just to save ppl (alliah, at least 2 times in grimnirs fate eps alone, bnha..........). also constantly think about the yurius event when yurius goes to sacrifice himself and captain & albert are just wtfffff get OUT of there COME BACK HERE and refusing to leave him. caims 5* uncap........ i truly do think a lot about that moment in paradoxroid where no one goes after owen and akira decides to do it themself likeeee.......and akira who stood in front of owens body to protect him from a unicorn,,,,,,(gesture vaugely) something about the things the varied experience about the things they have in common
#stardust speaking !#the jumpscare i had when captain said some cheesy stuff in canon#when akira says that stuff like all the time#tldr akira is more consistent with dialogue-amount. gran varies a lot depending on situation & topic#emu is..............emu also hides away. smile of a dreamer has her trying to shoulder keeping the park her grandpa envisioned safe alone#and kirapika also has her carrying her feelings alone. 'if ure going to cry then cry in front of us' ughhh nene..........#always thought wxs conflict was neat because emus priority is the wonder stage while tsukasa & nene increasingly looked for things#beyond that. rui who asked emu and emu who said that she was going to stay with the wonder stage. gggggggggggggg perhaps ill read through#their main events before kirapika......#anyhow. emu & gran ppl who will not tell u when they are really really sad#IM RAMBLING but sr joel always makes me dizzy. captain who went with the assumption he was leaving the crew. and instead of#like. confirming it with him. instead got sad all on their own. and joel who rightfully gets mad with them because of it once he finds out#dude its so good its. 1) ive always liked joel so when his sr released i was like hell yeah 2) the fact they gave me this much captain stuf#of things theyve alrdy established too (captain is very worried after erste about everyone going separate ways too). ughhhhhhh gran who rly#does not want ppl to leave but also does not have the heart to ask them to stay#and is too afraid to actually discuss ppl leaving -> ends up making one-sided assumptions#when ure the captain & had to learn to rely on ppl (anime s1 is sooo big on this too) & struggle tremendously with expression urself
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eatmyasa · 10 months
hemlo ruri here with lucky number five--can i reserve caim from drakengard? pls and thank u!
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brookston · 7 months
Events 2.19
Armed Forces Day (Mexico)
Best Friends Day (SpongeBob Squarepants)
Book Giving Day (Armenia)
Brâncuși Day (Romania)
Bruce Wayne Day
Chief Leschi Day (Washington)
Coast Guard Reserves Day
Coltsfoot Day (French Republic)
Confession Day
Copernicus Day
Cracker Jack Prize Day
A Day of Remembrance: Japanese American Evacuation (California)
Feminine Mystique Day
Flag Day (Turkmenistan)
International Day Against Homophobia in Football
International Kazoo Day
International MRKH Awareness Day
International PechaKucha Day
International Tug-of-War Day
Iwo Jima Day
Knights of Pythias Day
Narconon Day (Scientology)
National Airboat Day
National Arabian Horse Day
National Boston Terrier Day
National Emblem Day (Ukraine)
National Hickey Day
National Lash Day
National Longevity Day (UK)
National Soldier Day (Mexico)
National Vet Girls Rock Day (a.k.a. Vet Girls Rise Day)
National Whippet Day
Ornithologist Day (Russia)
Photoshop Day
Prajatantra Diwas (National Democracy Day; Nepal)
Prevent Plagiarism Day
Quaid Day (Pakistan)
Rubber Chicken Day
Skate Shop Day
Solar System Day
Straw Wrapper Appreciation Day
Temporary Insanity Day
219 Day
University Mental Health and Wellbeing Day (UK)
Vassil Levski Day (Bulgaria)
World Marine Mammal Protection Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Cherry Coke Day
National Chocolate Mint Day
World Eat For Good Day
3rd Monday in February
Canadian Heritage Day [3rd Monday] (a.k.a. ... 
Family Day (Alberta, Ontario, Saskatchewan; Canada)
Heritage Day (Nova Scotia, Canada)
Islander Day (PEI, Canada) [3rd Monday]
Louis Riel Day (Manitoba, Canada) [3rd Monday]
Sanity Day (Alberta, Ontario, Saskatchewan; Canada)
Daisy Gatson Bates Day (Arkansas) [3rd Monday]
Presidents Day [3rd Monday]
Puerto Rican Illustrious Persons Day (Puerto Rico) [3rd Monday]
Washington’s Birthday (observed) [3rd Monday]
Women in Blue Jeans Day [3rd Monday]
Weekly Holidays beginning February 19
America Saves Week [thru 2.23]
Cheese Week
Chip Week begins [3rd Monday]
Maslenitsa (Russia)
National Entrepreneurship Week
National Pancake Week [thru 2.25]
Random Acts of Kindness Week
Independence & Related Days
Aarianian Union of North America (Declared; 2011) [unrecognized]
Annexation Day (Texas)
Constitution Day (Gabon)
Cyprus (Treaty established Independence; 1959)
Festivals Beginning February 19, 2024
Carnival of Basel (Basel, Switzerland) [thru 2.21]
Hilton Head Island Seafood Fest (Hilton Head Island, South Carolina) [thru 2.25]
Ice Music Festival (Gelid, Norway) [thru 2.24]
Pasco County Fair (Date City, Florida) [thru 2.25]
Stamford Winter Restaurant Week (Stamford, Connecticut) [thru 3.3]
Feast Days
Barbatus of Benevento (Christian; Saint)
Beatus of Liebana (Christian; Saint)
Boniface of Brussels (Christian; Saint)
The Caim Protective Circle (Celtic Book of Days)
Chaoflux (Discordian)
Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Jayanti (Maharashtra, India)
Conrad of Piacenza (Christian; Saint)
Ennius (Positivist; Saint)
Enrico Donati (Artology)
Feast of Minerva (Ancient Rome)
Feast of Pusiuraura (God of the Dart Game; Melanesia)
Fly-By for Goblins and Others (Shamanism)
Gabriele Münter (Artology)
Hachinohe Enburi (Folk Dance Festival; Japan; Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Henry Fielding (Writerism)
Lentil Sauce Day (Pastafarian)
Lucy Yi Zhenmei (one of Martyrs of Guizhou; Christian)
Martyr’s Day (Ethiopia)
Mesrop (Christian; Saint)
Narconcon Day (Scientology)
Pisces Zodiac Sign begins (Astrology)
Señor Wenches Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Shivaji Jayanti (Maharashtra, India)
Victor the Rattlesnake (Muppetism)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Umu Limnu (Evil Day; Babylonian Calendar; 8 of 60)
Ain’t Nature Grand! (WB LT Cartoon; 1931)
All Fowled Up (WB LT Cartoon; 1955)
Battling Bosko (WB LT Cartoon; 1932)
The Big Game Haunt, featuring Farmer Al Falfa (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1937)
Big Little Lies (TV Series; 2017)
Blithe Spirit (Film; 2021)
Bucks for Boris or Rocky Pays the Piper (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S2, Ep. 100; 1961)
Cleaning House, featuring The Captain and the Kids (MGM Cartoon; 1938)
Cockatoos for Two (Color Rhapsody Cartoon; 1947)
Crashing (TV Series; 2017)
Don Quichotte, by Jules Massenet (Opera; 1910)
Don’t Worry About Me, by Joey Ramone (Album; 2002)
The Doors of Perception, by Aldous Huxley (Book; 1954)
EastEnders (UK Soap Opera; 1985)
Elizabeth (Film; 1999)
Face Value, by Phil Collins (Album; 1981)
The Feminine Mystique, by Betty Friedan (Feminist Critique; 1963)
Flying Bullets or A Cartridge in a Pear Tree (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S4, Ep. 206; 1963)
Get a Job, by The Miracles (Song; 1958)
Hello Aloha (Disney Cartoon; 1952)
The Hooper-Bloob Highway (DePatie-Freleng Dr. Seuss Animated TV Special; 1975)
In the Still of the Nite, recorded by The Five Satins (Song; 1956)
Jungle Jitters (WB MM Cartoon; 1938)
The Lion and the Unicorn: Socialism and the English Genius, by George Orwell (Essay; 1941)
Little Girls Blue (Adult Film; 1979)
Losing My Religion, by R.E.M. (Song; 1991)
Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood (TV Series; 1985)
The Mummy Strikes (Fleischer Cartoon; 1943) [#14]
Nomadland (Film; 2021)
Office Space (Film; 1999)
October Sky (Film; 1999)
Organ Grinder’s Swing (Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1937)
Peter the Pirate (Silent Film; 1925)
Pluto and the Armadillo (Disney Cartoon; 1943)
The Rat Pack Attacks or Sharrup You Mouse (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S2, Ep. 99; 1961)
Red Rackham’s Treasure, by Hergé (Graphic Novel; 1944) [Tintin #12]
Rushmore (Film; 1999)
Seeing’ Red, White ’N’ Blue (Famous/Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1943)
Shutter Island (Film; 2010)
The Solid Tin Coyote (WB LT Cartoon; 1966)
The Sound of Silence, recorded by Simon and Garfunkel (Song; 1964)
Story of Civilization, by Will Durant (Eleven Volume History; 1975)
The Tale of a Shirt (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1933)
Teardrops on My Guitar, by Taylor Swift (Song; 2007)
Too Much Too Moon or What Makes Lunar Tick? (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S4, Ep. 205; 1963)
The Toy Shoppe (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1934)
Today’s Name Days
Hadwig, Irma, Irmgard (Austria)
Blago, Konrad, Rajko, Ratko (Croatia)
Patrik (Czech Republic)
Patrik (Denmark)
Ülla, Ülle, Ülli, Ülve, Ülvi (Estonia)
Eija (Finland)
Gabin (France)
Hedwig, Irma, Irmgard (Germany)
Filothei (Greece)
Zsuzsanna (Hungary)
Corrado, Mansueto, Publio, Tullio (Italy)
Zane, Zuzanna, Zuze (Latvia)
Konradas, Nida, Šarūnas, Zuzana (Lithuania)
Ella, Elna (Norway)
Arnold, Arnolf, Bądzisława, Gabin, Henryk, Konrad, Konrada, Leoncjusz, Manswet, Marceli (Poland)
Apfia, Arhip, Filimon (Romania)
Maria (Russia)
Vlasta (Slovakia)
Álvaro, Gabino (Spain)
Ella, Gabriella (Sweden)
Leo, Lev, Levko (Ukraine)
Conrad, Conradine, Cortez, Curt, Curtis, Konrad, Kurt, Kurtis (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 50 of 2024; 316 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of week 8 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Nuin (Ash) [Day 2 of 28]
Chinese: Month 1 (Bing-Yin), Day 10 ()
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025)
Hebrew: 10 Adair I 5784
Islamic: 9 Sha’ban 1445
J Cal: 20 Grey; Sixday [20 of 30]
Julian: 6 February 2024
Moon: 80%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 22 Homer (2nd Month) [Ennius]
Runic Half Month: Sigel (Sun) [Day 11 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 61 of 89)
Week: 3rd Week of February
Zodiac: Pisces (Day 1 of 30)
Calendar Changes
Pisces (The Fish) begins [Zodiac Sign 12; thru 3.19]
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brookstonalmanac · 7 months
Holidays 2.19
Armed Forces Day (Mexico)
Best Friends Day (SpongeBob Squarepants)
Book Giving Day (Armenia)
Brâncuși Day (Romania)
Bruce Wayne Day
Chief Leschi Day (Washington)
Coast Guard Reserves Day
Coltsfoot Day (French Republic)
Confession Day
Copernicus Day
Cracker Jack Prize Day
A Day of Remembrance: Japanese American Evacuation (California)
Feminine Mystique Day
Flag Day (Turkmenistan)
International Day Against Homophobia in Football
International Kazoo Day
International MRKH Awareness Day
International PechaKucha Day
International Tug-of-War Day
Iwo Jima Day
Knights of Pythias Day
Narconon Day (Scientology)
National Airboat Day
National Arabian Horse Day
National Boston Terrier Day
National Emblem Day (Ukraine)
National Hickey Day
National Lash Day
National Longevity Day (UK)
National Soldier Day (Mexico)
National Vet Girls Rock Day (a.k.a. Vet Girls Rise Day)
National Whippet Day
Ornithologist Day (Russia)
Photoshop Day
Prajatantra Diwas (National Democracy Day; Nepal)
Prevent Plagiarism Day
Quaid Day (Pakistan)
Rubber Chicken Day
Skate Shop Day
Solar System Day
Straw Wrapper Appreciation Day
Temporary Insanity Day
219 Day
University Mental Health and Wellbeing Day (UK)
Vassil Levski Day (Bulgaria)
World Marine Mammal Protection Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Cherry Coke Day
National Chocolate Mint Day
World Eat For Good Day
3rd Monday in February
Canadian Heritage Day [3rd Monday] (a.k.a. ... 
Family Day (Alberta, Ontario, Saskatchewan; Canada)
Heritage Day (Nova Scotia, Canada)
Islander Day (PEI, Canada) [3rd Monday]
Louis Riel Day (Manitoba, Canada) [3rd Monday]
Sanity Day (Alberta, Ontario, Saskatchewan; Canada)
Daisy Gatson Bates Day (Arkansas) [3rd Monday]
Presidents Day [3rd Monday]
Puerto Rican Illustrious Persons Day (Puerto Rico) [3rd Monday]
Washington’s Birthday (observed) [3rd Monday]
Women in Blue Jeans Day [3rd Monday]
Weekly Holidays beginning February 19
America Saves Week [thru 2.23]
Cheese Week
Chip Week begins [3rd Monday]
Maslenitsa (Russia)
National Entrepreneurship Week
National Pancake Week [thru 2.25]
Random Acts of Kindness Week
Independence & Related Days
Aarianian Union of North America (Declared; 2011) [unrecognized]
Annexation Day (Texas)
Constitution Day (Gabon)
Cyprus (Treaty established Independence; 1959)
Festivals Beginning February 19, 2024
Carnival of Basel (Basel, Switzerland) [thru 2.21]
Hilton Head Island Seafood Fest (Hilton Head Island, South Carolina) [thru 2.25]
Ice Music Festival (Gelid, Norway) [thru 2.24]
Pasco County Fair (Date City, Florida) [thru 2.25]
Stamford Winter Restaurant Week (Stamford, Connecticut) [thru 3.3]
Feast Days
Barbatus of Benevento (Christian; Saint)
Beatus of Liebana (Christian; Saint)
Boniface of Brussels (Christian; Saint)
The Caim Protective Circle (Celtic Book of Days)
Chaoflux (Discordian)
Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Jayanti (Maharashtra, India)
Conrad of Piacenza (Christian; Saint)
Ennius (Positivist; Saint)
Enrico Donati (Artology)
Feast of Minerva (Ancient Rome)
Feast of Pusiuraura (God of the Dart Game; Melanesia)
Fly-By for Goblins and Others (Shamanism)
Gabriele Münter (Artology)
Hachinohe Enburi (Folk Dance Festival; Japan; Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Henry Fielding (Writerism)
Lentil Sauce Day (Pastafarian)
Lucy Yi Zhenmei (one of Martyrs of Guizhou; Christian)
Martyr’s Day (Ethiopia)
Mesrop (Christian; Saint)
Narconcon Day (Scientology)
Pisces Zodiac Sign begins (Astrology)
Señor Wenches Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Shivaji Jayanti (Maharashtra, India)
Victor the Rattlesnake (Muppetism)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Umu Limnu (Evil Day; Babylonian Calendar; 8 of 60)
Ain’t Nature Grand! (WB LT Cartoon; 1931)
All Fowled Up (WB LT Cartoon; 1955)
Battling Bosko (WB LT Cartoon; 1932)
The Big Game Haunt, featuring Farmer Al Falfa (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1937)
Big Little Lies (TV Series; 2017)
Blithe Spirit (Film; 2021)
Bucks for Boris or Rocky Pays the Piper (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S2, Ep. 100; 1961)
Cleaning House, featuring The Captain and the Kids (MGM Cartoon; 1938)
Cockatoos for Two (Color Rhapsody Cartoon; 1947)
Crashing (TV Series; 2017)
Don Quichotte, by Jules Massenet (Opera; 1910)
Don’t Worry About Me, by Joey Ramone (Album; 2002)
The Doors of Perception, by Aldous Huxley (Book; 1954)
EastEnders (UK Soap Opera; 1985)
Elizabeth (Film; 1999)
Face Value, by Phil Collins (Album; 1981)
The Feminine Mystique, by Betty Friedan (Feminist Critique; 1963)
Flying Bullets or A Cartridge in a Pear Tree (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S4, Ep. 206; 1963)
Get a Job, by The Miracles (Song; 1958)
Hello Aloha (Disney Cartoon; 1952)
The Hooper-Bloob Highway (DePatie-Freleng Dr. Seuss Animated TV Special; 1975)
In the Still of the Nite, recorded by The Five Satins (Song; 1956)
Jungle Jitters (WB MM Cartoon; 1938)
The Lion and the Unicorn: Socialism and the English Genius, by George Orwell (Essay; 1941)
Little Girls Blue (Adult Film; 1979)
Losing My Religion, by R.E.M. (Song; 1991)
Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood (TV Series; 1985)
The Mummy Strikes (Fleischer Cartoon; 1943) [#14]
Nomadland (Film; 2021)
Office Space (Film; 1999)
October Sky (Film; 1999)
Organ Grinder’s Swing (Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1937)
Peter the Pirate (Silent Film; 1925)
Pluto and the Armadillo (Disney Cartoon; 1943)
The Rat Pack Attacks or Sharrup You Mouse (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S2, Ep. 99; 1961)
Red Rackham’s Treasure, by Hergé (Graphic Novel; 1944) [Tintin #12]
Rushmore (Film; 1999)
Seeing’ Red, White ’N’ Blue (Famous/Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1943)
Shutter Island (Film; 2010)
The Solid Tin Coyote (WB LT Cartoon; 1966)
The Sound of Silence, recorded by Simon and Garfunkel (Song; 1964)
Story of Civilization, by Will Durant (Eleven Volume History; 1975)
The Tale of a Shirt (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1933)
Teardrops on My Guitar, by Taylor Swift (Song; 2007)
Too Much Too Moon or What Makes Lunar Tick? (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S4, Ep. 205; 1963)
The Toy Shoppe (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1934)
Today’s Name Days
Hadwig, Irma, Irmgard (Austria)
Blago, Konrad, Rajko, Ratko (Croatia)
Patrik (Czech Republic)
Patrik (Denmark)
Ülla, Ülle, Ülli, Ülve, Ülvi (Estonia)
Eija (Finland)
Gabin (France)
Hedwig, Irma, Irmgard (Germany)
Filothei (Greece)
Zsuzsanna (Hungary)
Corrado, Mansueto, Publio, Tullio (Italy)
Zane, Zuzanna, Zuze (Latvia)
Konradas, Nida, Šarūnas, Zuzana (Lithuania)
Ella, Elna (Norway)
Arnold, Arnolf, Bądzisława, Gabin, Henryk, Konrad, Konrada, Leoncjusz, Manswet, Marceli (Poland)
Apfia, Arhip, Filimon (Romania)
Maria (Russia)
Vlasta (Slovakia)
Álvaro, Gabino (Spain)
Ella, Gabriella (Sweden)
Leo, Lev, Levko (Ukraine)
Conrad, Conradine, Cortez, Curt, Curtis, Konrad, Kurt, Kurtis (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 50 of 2024; 316 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of week 8 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Nuin (Ash) [Day 2 of 28]
Chinese: Month 1 (Bing-Yin), Day 10 ()
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025)
Hebrew: 10 Adair I 5784
Islamic: 9 Sha’ban 1445
J Cal: 20 Grey; Sixday [20 of 30]
Julian: 6 February 2024
Moon: 80%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 22 Homer (2nd Month) [Ennius]
Runic Half Month: Sigel (Sun) [Day 11 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 61 of 89)
Week: 3rd Week of February
Zodiac: Pisces (Day 1 of 30)
Calendar Changes
Pisces (The Fish) begins [Zodiac Sign 12; thru 3.19]
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voicelesshatred · 2 years
@strongcrimsonwings​ :: “  you are perfect to me.  ”
3, 4, 5 Sentences [meme] :: Accepting
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【It sounded like a farce, a sweet yet misguided nicety. Him? Perfect? He could have denounced it as utter rot; he wanted to. Not once had the fallen prince thought of himself in such a high manner. Especially not after his life had taken such a violent and terrible turn. What perfect man would take pleasure in killing?
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Caim only grew quiet from such an appraisal. A hand outstretched and caressed Angelus’ snout with a tenderness reserved for her and her alone.】 You think too highly of me. 【But he could not help but appreciate it all the same.】
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valentinesparda · 3 years
here is a rough bit of info for anyone coming to send in f/o letters!! i don't expect a letter for everyone on the list but it's a bunch to choose from and it also gives me an opportunity to outline relationships
the prince and member of the royal guard dynamic, yasha didn't believe he ever had a chance with callistus. they both spent years dancing around the subject until finally the two became secret lovers and ultimately secretly wed. though not an official wedding by any means amidst turmoil on gaea, the two are the only happiness each other has for the short bit of time they have left. that's okay, reincarnated, they find each other millions of years in the future.
[ callistus and yasha are married but the only people who know are asura, eventually mithra.
callistus's pronouns are they/them. masculine or neutral terms of endearment only. ]
spike and raine started off on the wrong foot, and being an assassin from a warring space gang isn't the best thing to tell to your new partner in crime. raine becomes a member of the bebop crew through happenstance and the two bicker around the others while maintaining a secret affair behind closed doors. neither would admit to being in love, but jet and faye are pretty sure that they are, what with the longing lovesick stares they give each other when they think the other isn't looking.
[ raine and spike are in a will they / won't they kind of dynamic, but they deeply care about each other.
raine's pronouns are they/them. neutral terms of endearment only. ]
after several years across the series as being "workmate "friends"", almost lovers, and eventually reuniting, vergil and gabriel get married after the events of dmcv. gabriel actually fell hard for the remnants of vergil as v, as well, which v was not expecting but accepted happilyin his own way. when reunited, as lovers, they are reserved and tend to keep their feelings to themselves, and very rarely actually express it. instead, they spend their time together bickering like old married couples with the few moments between of genuine happiness and love for the other, much to the dismay of the demon prince that has been co-using gabriel's body as a host for decades.
[ gabriel and vergil are happily married but refuse to be sappy about it.
gabriel's pronouns are they/them. masculine or neutral terms of endearment only. ]
vine is the previously petrified pact partner to verdelet who has seemingly caught the eye of the mute prince and his own pact partner. an ancient dragon in human form themself, vine feels just as awkward about their feelings as you would expect, with angelus forming a protective bond with the other dragon that extends beyond simple pity, and caim feeling furiously protective of them for how small they seem to him. both agree silently that the best they can do for vine is to love them as they wish to be loved.
[ vine, caim, and angelus are in a newly budded poly relationship. caim is embarrassed by his emotions and angelus is fascinated by them. they all three love each other in their own way.
vine's pronouns are they/them. neutral terms of endearment only. ]
formerly a cia agent who suffered through the events on rook island, isaiah met ajay shortly after returning to california and became fast friends - and both of them fell even faster in love. they refused to admit to their feelings until deep into kyrati territory. they are both stumbling into a relationship as it is the one good thing they both have to hold onto, and ajay could not be more glad that izzy is with him during this time in his life.
[ izzy and ajay are in a fresh come-to-terms relationship off of the tail end of two years of close friendship. have fun with that. they have a young wolf named banana.
izzy's pronouns are they/them. masculine or neutral terms of endearment only. ]
LA74, now known as lav, is a shinra automaton experiment who functioned as SOLDIER's guard dog during the first class glory days. the mako that powers their body connects them to the lifestream and thus forces emotional growth onto the poor thing, and sephiroth watches with fascination and pity as they fumble through it entirely. by the time he learns his true parentage, he's hopelessly endeared to this being who has become something close to human throughout the years.
[ lav and sephiroth, while not dating in a formal sense, are close with each other and love the other in their own way. lav is still unsure about emotions and sephiroth has been pining for years.
lav's pronouns are they/them. neutral terms of endearment only. ]
amelia is the grandchild of walter with no family left but him. they were kept in the dark about monsters and myths for their whole life, and alucard was (and still is) incredibly amused by the fact that they shrugged off his abilities in trying to scare them as theatrical tricks. alucard saves their life on the whim of walter and seras when they die in the valentine attack, but some small part of him would have liked to have a bride. he loves them dearly in his own way and amelia is coming into their own as a fledgeling vampire.
[ amelia and alucard are functionally morticia and gomez addams, technically married by circumstance but incredibly in love.
amelia's pronouns are they/them. neutral terms of endearment preferred. ]
the crownless king of santa destroy himself did not expect to fall in love with sylvia's closest assistant, but ass beatings be damned, if they aren't the cutest, sexiest, most feral little assistant he's ever seen. killian is mute but their actions definitely say more for themself than they ever could with their voice. rumor has it that travis has a little trick up his sleeve that he would like to pull, as the saddest and loneliest assassin this side of the ward....and he hopes that killian will say yes.
[ killian and travis have been together for a few years after a messy confession, and travis is toying with proposing.
killian's pronouns are they/them. neutral terms of endearment only. ]
the prince of small heath did not expect to fall in love with this former war nurse turned artist, but seeing the love they put into their paintings and the lengths they would go to to protect and heal the blinders and members of his family, thomas found himself deeply enamored with them. which is good news for aubrey, who had been pining for him for several years after moving to birmingham after the war and suffered through what they assumed to be an arranged marriage between the two just for their family brewery. thank god their service dog likes him.
[ aubrey and thomas, married, finally accepted their love for each other after being 'officially' together for a year or two. the shelby family love aubrey as one of their own.
aubrey's pronouns are they/them. neutral terms of endearment only. ]
vasily has been at deaths side since they parted ways with arachne 800 years ago. one of the first witches turned into a demon hunting weapon and subsequently possessed by a demon, vasily asked to be collared for the safety of others and death is the only one who can remove it. the only ones who know about the two are death the kid and dr. stein, and vasily is loyal to the lord for reasons even beyond their love for him.
[ vasily and death have secretly been lovers for 800+ years but front to everyone as lord and....secretary?
vasily's pronouns are they/it. masculine and neutral terms of endearment only. ]
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rosuintens · 3 years
independent + selective roleplay sideblog :: dark and mature themes present :: 18+ established 3.17.2022 :: follows from the Caim blog - voicelesshatred
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Be aware this blog writes in Small Text and will interact with non-mutuals.
[Headcanons]  :: Rules Below The Read More
Due to the dark nature of Drag-On Dragoon/Drakengard series and the behavior of this character, there will be many dark, triggering and mature themes present. Know that these will not be softened or romanticized and that the mundane does not condone, support nor approve of such content in any form.
This is an English-speaking blog but this does not mean ESL blogs will be shunned.
The Mun and the Muse are not the same. Please remember that.
Artwork used from official Drag-On Dragoon/Drakengard and Nier materials.
Please do not reblog roleplay threads unless you are involved. This is especially directed to non-roleplay blogs. The only exception are open posts to those that wish to reply.
God-Mode and MetaGaming are not tolerated in serious threads. The latter is only permissible in crack threads.
In extension to the previous rule, interacting muses must address her as “Dragon” as she will not easily give out her name. 
Anonymous Hate is not tolerated and will be deleted without question.
Responses are given when inspiration is present. If sent at least 3 messages concerning my lack of response within 72 hours, interaction will be postponed or dropped.
Starters (messages with the intention of beginning a thread) are not accepted through the inbox. Simply make a post and @tag or #tag and it will be answered when motivation is present.
This blog is not a meme/prompt resource and does exercise Reblog Karma. Please do not solely reblog memes or prompts off this blog without making an attempt at interacting with the muse through at least one. Sending responses anonymously does not count as the mundane does not know who the sender is. It will result in you being blocked if this occurs three times.
Content that is deemed inappropriate for professional settings will be posted, be they violent or of any other nature.
This blog will have triggering situations and subjects due to Angelus' own actions and circumstances as well as those surrounding her default pact-partner, Caim. Portrayed situations include war, murder, abuse, violence, bloodletting, racism and death. Due to the commonality of these occurrences, these will not be tagged. Follow this blog at your own risk.
This blog will have mentions of triggering situations due to the company Caim chooses to keep but these will not be roleplayed under any circumstance. Mentions will be cannibalism, pedophilia and incest. Said mentions will be tagged accordingly. The tags are written as tw Trigger Mention.
Imagery may be posted at irregular intervals. Visual triggers will be avoided.
Different verses may be inevitably implemented.
Open posts and starter calls will be made at whim. Personal Starters outside of the calls will be made at request. Multi-muse blogs must specify which muse they want the starter for. Unanswered starters will be dropped and deleted after one month unless notified.
Due to changes with Tumblr, it is acceptable to reblog the answer posts if you wish to extend a meme response or non-illustrated ask into a thread.
Magic Anons are not accepted.
This blog reserves the right to refuse interaction with any muse or mundane, with or without notice. Any muse or mundane also has the right to refuse interaction with this blog.
May interact with multiple versions of a muse. They are not treated as clones, but separate entities.
Romantic shipping is not easy to come by due to the Red Dragon/Angelus’ manner. But it is not out of the question. Expect any feelings to take a long time to develop.
The Red Dragon/Angelus’ relationship with Caim in this portrayal is that of friends of war and is platonic (unless the thread follows DOD2). Her romantic relationship with Caim is open for planning.
Attempting to enforce a ship will result in no future interactions with your muse.
As this muse is way beyond legal age, sexual conduct may occur (Partners, both mun and muse, must be 18 or older). If this bothers you, do not follow.
The Mundane
Answers to: Bri and/or Dev
Pronouns: She/Her
Birth Date: May 24, 1986 (Gemini)
Time Zone: (UTC -05:00) Eastern Standard Time (US & Canada)
20+ years RP experience
Full-Time Loser, Gamer, Doodler
Is on Discord. You must ask for it if you’d like to contact off Tumblr.
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caiminn · 2 years
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𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 ! 𝐂𝐀𝐈𝐌 is expecting 1 new staff member !
ଓ 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐢𝐛𝐨
*These reservations last 48 hours (until 4/11, KST!)
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isolaradiale · 4 years
hi mods! without prior reserve, i'd like to app in caim from granblue fantasy. app is located in the first link. thanks.
You’ll be staying in CONDO 423!
You’ll be able to End of Joker - Revitalize to heal minor wounds 5 times a day!
You’ll be given a wooden dagger!
Enjoy your stay!
--Mod Lyra
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gaze-into-whump · 3 years
caim (scottish, n.) - an invisible circle of protection, drawn around the body with the hand, that reminds you that you are safe and loved, even in the darkest times -- for the asks!
I loved this so much, thank you anon! I’d love if people kept sending me prompts from this list!  Caim
“We have to go,” Fen whispered harshly, grabbing Azi’s wrist. 
Azi didn’t move. Couldn’t move. R’thgar was still in their shack. Even as black water washed over her feet, she couldn’t make herself turn away. Leave him. Luckily, Fen had no such reservations. He grabbed Azi’s wrist and dragged her away. “R’thgar will catch up,” he tossed over his shoulder as he began running. Even if she wasn’t sure she believed him, there was nothing to do but follow. She knew, better than he did, what awaited if she stayed. 
She forced her legs to begin running and together they flew through the woods, needles of the branches whipping by and scratching at their faces. The water was gone but Azi was sure she could hear the wet gurgling of water-wolves behind her. She squeezed Fen’s hand and he ran faster, pulling her exhausted body along. 
He let her wrist go as they barreled into a clearing and he skidded to a halt, nearly falling as a layer of leaves kept moving under his feet. He pinwheeled his arms and managed to stay upright. Azi bent over with her hands on her knees, just trying to catch her breath, but as soon as Fen recovered, he takes her hand again and pulls her toward a bush at the edge of the clearing. He whispers something under his breath and passes his hand over the leaves. As if separated by the gesture, the bush begins to open up, branches turning out and forming a hollow space just big enough for the two of them to crouch in. Before she can ask about his plan, Fen’s arm is around Azi’s shoulders, guiding her in. He makes a gesture to close the path behind them, then huddles over her as the branches begin to rearrange themselves into their previous positions. 
Azi huddles close as the gurgling gets louder. Fen’s arm tightens around her. She begins to hear the click of claws and slap of fins as the water-wolves invade the clearing. Is it really possible they’re just *miss* her and Fen? Unless he has some sort of magic to disguise their heat signatures, Azi doubts it. She looks at Fen and is about to say something when he holds up a finger. His mouth is set in a hard line and dark circles have formed under his eyes. Today’s been hard for both of them. 
Still, his hands are gentle as he takes one of her hands in both of his and moves them so they rest just above her pounding heart. He presses his forehead against hers. “No matter what happens,” he whispers, “you’re not alone. This spell requires love.” 
“What are you-“ 
“I won’t let you go back there.”
He directs her finger to the ground and begins to draw a circle around her in the dirt.
“Whatever you hear, stay in this circle. It will keep you safe.”
And then a water-wolf’s snapping jaws push through the bush. Azi shoves her hands over her mouth to muffle her scream. Fen rolls away just before the water-wolf’s stinger smashes into the place where he’d been crouching. He makes a cutting motion in the air and the water-wolf screeches before dissolving into a puddle of water. Fen winks and leaps out of the bush. Leaving Azi alone with nothing but the puddle and the sounds of combat. 
At first, Fen seemed to be doing okay, there’s screech after screech even among the gurgling and growling, but then Fen yelled and Azi hears the unmistakable sound of tearing flesh and then… the sound of a wave. Azi’s not the one being swallowed this time but suddenly she can’t breathe, she tries to and she remembers the water-wolves and Fen’s spell and that Fen is doing all this for her, so she doesn’t have to go back there so she shoves her fist in her mouth and tries not to scream as the sounds of battle fade. Eventually, it’s just the burbling snuffling of the water wolves looking for her, and when they can’t find her, they lope away. 
Finally, alone, in the quiet, she started to cry.
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a-hell-of-a-time · 3 months
🕯️ (@ Andre!)
send me 🕯️to hear my character's inner thoughts about your character. : Accepting!
Stolas has always been an odd one. Even when we were kids he was quiet, reserved, but had a keen intellect not unlike my own. Surprisingly, we got along quite well, though at times I could be rather...cold. Of course I was like that with many, even to my own sister and Caim.
As we grew older, I had begun to wish that his engagement was to myself and not my sister, though I never once uttered those thoughts to anyone. Sure we fooled around, but it was never meant to be anything serious; he was to be wed to my sister, and therefore he belonged to her. Nothing could come of an arrangement between us, so when the day came I let him go, just as I had let Caim.
It hurt to see him go, but nothing could be done. Stolas and Stella had a duty to birth an heir, and it was Stella's job to keep our family's reputation in good standing with King Paimon and his family, for it was though them that we could climb higher.
Over time we had grown distant, and our relationship became strained. Stella's behaviour and deteriorating marriage certainly didn't help, and when he was caught with that imp-
There was also the power and status difference between us, and the ramifications of the divorce and how we had, and still have everything to lose while he remained unaffected. I couldn't help but be bitter, and I still am.
Now? Now I feel resentment, anger, bitterness, but also longing. If any of this had not happened, would we still be close? It would be...nice to reconnect. To go back to how things were. But that is impossible.
Stolas is gone.
Caim is gone.
Their hearts lie with another, so what even is the point? Even when he and my sister are divorced, there is still that imp he's infatuated with.
It's pointless.
I need to simply forget and move on.
...easier said than done, it seems.
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y0noirs · 5 years
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Little D. of Pride // Favorite Genre please dont look too closely at this ksdfshjdh i fumbled with this one
one’s information is under the cut !!
His true name is Caim.
Reserved and polite, he is nice enough when the MC speaks to him, but if provoked, he won’t hesitate to spit out devastating insults. He is mostly straightforward and blunt and doesn’t like sugar-coating things. He is very honest, almost overbearingly so. His mind is quick, much like his tongue. As polite as he can be, One is mostly very self-absorbed, even to the point where he can be forgetful about matters not about himself. He doesn’t pay much attention to his surroundings and often ends up being unable to read the atmosphere. He loathes being embarrassed or teased and will lash out if he is. One has an annoying tendency to be condescending. Many demons find him hard to deal with, but he doesn’t really mind considering he doesn’t care much for companions anyway.
He enjoys reading books, but he mostly reads fiction, especially romance. He also likes keeping his things neat and organized, as well as his appearance. He takes great pride in his orderly belongings and is quite vain. He spends a surprising amount of time getting ready in the morning and actually gets tips from Asmodeus for facial and body care.
While he is technically a subordinate of Lucifer’s, he looks down on him a little. One takes great pride in being dispensable and useful for all sorts of tasks. He thinks that Lucifer, being so prominent and powerful, isn’t like him (and is a little delusional that way). Still, he is very cordial and civil with Lucifer and even admires him a little. However, his loyalty to Diavolo is first and foremost.
Because he keeps to himself, it often seems like he doesn’t like the MC. However, he actually enjoys giving challenges to them and tries to be as helpful as he can so that they can complete their tasks. He doesn’t talk much to them, however.
One’s nails are naturally long and sharp. His nails are venomous, and a single scratch from him is fatal to a human. His venom can cause severe fever and pain for demons, but for angels, his scratch is merely a scrape that will heal over time. His special attack makes use of his long, venomous nails and is called “WALC NOSIOP.”
His main job is to coordinate and organize RAD or Devildom events due to his spectacular organization skills. Other jobs he has is to delegate tasks to lower demons under Diavolo or Lucifer. Occasionally, he is helping Four keep the other Little D’s in check.
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