#caius i am so sorry
felixschokehold · 2 years
I would love Caius headcanons for Caius x human reader! Just maybe some general headcaons for if he had a human mate! Thank you 💕
Oh, dear. First, sorry this reply is so long lmao. I have a lot of thoughts and no self control.
Well, you see, I see Caius as a very cruel, cold creature. In my mind, he's the one that really twisted the twins into the cruel being they are today. His heart is closed off to anyone he crosses paths with and does not care who he hurts.
If Caius had found a human mate, there would be many hesitations in his cruel actions.
At first, I imagine he may be extra cruel to them out of fear of his own emotions. Whether this be in criticizing who they are or what they like, it's just up to his mood. But, he doesn't show physical cruelty, which is the first sign that this human is special.
Caius either recognizes immediately he's somehow 'accidentally' formed a mating bond with a human, or he doesn't recognize his emotions at first and all the kindness and softness he suddenly wants to start expressing repulses him.
Aro and Marcus, of course, know immediately and try to have one of the guard constantly assigned to the human in case Caius gets frustrated and tries to take it out on his mate. But this triggers a jealousy in Caius and in his own selfishness, he starts to keep his mate present with only him. His behavior isolates the human mate for a while until they have a mild break down over suddenly being cut off from everyone; they fear that perhaps everyone has suddenly started to dislike them, or perhaps there is something wrong with them that the other guard don't want to be around.
This causes Caius some distress and this is where I see him first beginning to actually outwardly show any softness. Perhaps it's just him offering a tissue for the human to wipe their tears away, or maybe if Caius is feeling brave, a comforting hand on their shoulder.
But, his words stay short. "That is not the reason you have not seen your friends," would be all he'd say.
Caius, feeling bad (as he should) for this, tries to push his jealousy aside and allow his human mate to be social again. And this activates something more in him; seeing his mate smile and have fun thaws his heart. Day by day, little by little, but he never shows any outward tellings of this.
Not until he can't take holding back anymore. Just one, small impulse of kindness (see also: affection) would be all it would take for his human mate to realize their feelings are requited; a small kiss on the forehead before they retire to their room to sleep, a gift of a beautiful piece of jewelry, or even Caius sending a guard out to bring back the human's favorite meal.
After that, it's history.
Caius may fight feeling human emotions but once he hits that turning point, he begins to melt like butter in a microwave.
Click below to read about my headcanons after they fall completely in love and he no longer holds back.
Caius loves to show off his mate with nice, shiny things. Which means he showers them with gifts. Dresses, rings, bracelets, necklaces, earrings. Shoes; heels, sneakers, boots, you name it. Dresses and skirts and jumpsuits and coats. Anything he would like to see on his mate, or that his mate wants, they get.
Does the human mate have glasses? Welp, here's a new pair with blood diamonds imbedded in them. Ope, here's a pair made of pure gold or silver. Oh, they hate wearing glasses? Here's money for lasik.
Every single thing Caius thinks his mate could ever need will be brought into the castle, which may cause some tension. There is no need to leave, everything will be delivered right to your door, darling.
Now, while other Volturi members are around, he would likely act casual. He may hold their hand or tuck their hair behind their ears, but when they're alone, there isn't a moment where his mate isn't in his arms or his lap.
I also see him biting frequently as a show of affection. Clawing. Squeezing. Pinching.
But oh, do not get him jealous. He will attempt to have anyone he sees as a threat tossed aside. His mate has to reign him in and scold him frequently; "Stop trying to get Felix to rip Demetri to pieces and set him on fire. Demetri laughed at a joke I made, he didn't grab my ass".
Ah, the tense romance of it all. Soft, fragile human frequently scolding Caius and putting him in his place as he pretends to be the scariest, meanest monster one can ever dream of.
And he is, of course.
Just not to his mate.
<lsorry this is so long, I do not know how to write brief thoughts lmao>
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loveswrites · 1 year
Hey bestie, how you have been? Hope is good! Anyway, i really L O V E D your poly Volturi things, i was wondering if you take requests here goes one...
Ok, listen, fem!reader x poly volturi one where the reader is in her period, like I'm in mine and reading this i was wondering how they will react like smelling the blood all the time... i will love to see the way you work on this, but just if your comfortable.
So is this, take care of yourself and hope you have a great day! (and sorry for the bad English :)
Red Sea Poly Volturi x reader
Time it took me: 4 hours along with a cupcake bake in the middle and then part of the next day which was today so i'd say 8 hours
Word count: 2884
To Coraline: Hello Lovely! I've been doing a little bit better thank you so much for asking! I loved this req seeing as I am on mine as well I felt that it was a perfect time to write it and I guess that's what pushed me to write it so quickly! But I don't think I really did what you asked for? I don't know I always just get the vibes that I don't truly listen to you guys when you req something, I always do something like it lmao. Let me know how you liked it thou! Ps. Your English was lovely!
Love <3
Poly Volturi x reader
Turning a corner you let out a long sigh. Currently you were walking around the castle just going around in circles indecisive on who you wanted to spend time with and who you wanted to ask for some.. Things.  You had woken up today to your punishment for simply being a woman. Your period. The reason you were walking around and not just lying in bed like you normally would is because this is your first time having your period in a castle full of vampires. Your period was very irregular so even though it had been a few months since your mates had found you, you’ve never bled around them before. 
You were nervous to see how they would react to it. You thought about asking Jane for some pads but then you remembered that she doesn’t have a period. And she’s probably never had one in her life to begin with. You thought about asking Felix but you felt that he would just make fun of you or tease you. Which was something you didn’t want to deal with right now. If someone teased you about something you couldn’t control you feel like you’d just snap. 
Asking Alec was just a plain no. You knew he’d just stare at you in confusion like what the hell do you mean your bleeding? With Caius you didn’t want to bother him as he was busy with trails right now with the other kings. Plus you’d have a feeling he’d want to paint with it. He has this infatuation with the way dark red blood looks. And you didn’t want him to paint a mural out of your blood for you. Though you're sure it would be gorgeous, he never disappoints you with his paintings.  
The only one that was left was Demtri. Your gentleman out of all your mates. Now you would ask him because you know he wouldn’t tease you or ask some weird request once you got what you needed but that still didn’t stop you from avoiding him also. 
So when you woke up this morning with the red sea between your legs you rushed to the bathroom and took a shower. Covering yourself in scents you’d only use if it was your last day on earth. Spraying yourself in the most expensive perfume that you could find. God do your mates love to spoil you or what? This one bottle of perfume you knew for a fact was a thousand dollars and yet they still said “It was nothing.” For once you were grateful that your room was on the far side of the castle away from all the other vampires including your mates.
You had picked this room purely based on the views that came with it. Your balcony was facing the ocean side of the castle. You could fall asleep to the sounds of the ocean waves crashing against the rocks. And you could watch the horizon where the moon and the sun would meet everyday, each rise and set of the moon and sun was always better than the last. That was what you loved about this castle. And that was what you loved about your wing of it. It was your small piece of the fortress and no one could take that away from you. Your love’s made sure of it. 
Taking the silk sheets off your bed you did your best to scrub them clean but of course there was still a stain. You tossed them into the hamper and made a mental note to ask the maid to come get it later for you. You placed new sheets on your bed. You changed your makeshift pad that was made of tissue then you were off to pace the halls to grow some balls.  
You wore your robes that matched all the vamps that were with the volturi, hood up and all in attempts to hide your identity. 
It didn’t work. 
You were convinced that everyone in the castle knew your scent by hard because every vampire that passed, rather they were walking normally or vamping away, they would pause in their tracks and make sure to bow to you. Though it was completely unnecessary, you loved how it made you feel. The power that you hold as just a human brung so much pride to you. The 3 kings and your mates always would tell you to own it and so you did. 
You tried hiding in the shadows when you knew that someone was coming. Pushing yourself against the walls, even turning your whole body like you were just put into time out. You knew you looked like a dumbass but that wasn’t the point nor your problem right now. All you knew was that you didn’t want to face any more people than necessary. 
Finally after what felt like hours you finally made it to the receptionist desk. You were thankful that she was even there. She was always off doing something she had no business doing. You were surprised that she hadn’t gotten herself killed yet. But today you were grateful for that. 
“What can I do to help you?” She asked, putting on a voice that you could tell was supposed to be charming. It was not.
Pulling your hood off she immediately stood from her chair but quickly dropped down to bow. 
“My queen, Is there anything I can do to assist you? Master Caius is out feeding with the others. Would you like me to retrieve him?” She asked, speaking softly. 
Respect was a big thing with the kings if someone showed you any signs of disrespect you never saw or heard from them again. So it was understandable as to why she switched up so fast. 
“No, I was wondering if you had any… You know.. Tampons or pads? Anything honestly.” You said rushing it out. But still trying to keep it low.
“Oh! Don’t you have any of that stuff? They practically treat you like royalty.” She laughed with a roll of her eyes. 
That pissed you off. She’s always had a problem with you and you’ve always kept your mouth shut but today that wasn’t how you were feeling.
“Because I am. Now if you don’t like it or respect it I have no problem having this conversion with the kings. I'm sure they would love to hear about this.” You said in a stern voice, sending her a glare. Her eyes widened, you never threatened anyone, you’ve never had to. It was always done for you if it needed to be done. 
She got up and quickly left, hoping she went to get you something, anything at this point. You could feel that your makeshift pad is not working. 
“Till we hear about what, Amore mio?” You heard behind you making you jump and turn around. When you did you were faced by the three kings themselves. You found yourself sort of stung in place. Your plan was to come get some pads and I don’t know, hide until it all went away? Horrible plan but it worked in your head. This was not a part of your plan.
“Umm nothing I was justt..” You dragged out shifting your eyes between the three. 
Aro was staring at you with his wide curious eyes. Marcus looked at you with soft knowing eyes, he always knew when things were wrong with you. And caius looked at you with narrowed eyes.
“Are you hiding something from us?” Caius questioned stepping closer to you. You felt your heart skip a beat. They heard it of course. 
“Caius can you go away?” You asked, covering your face with the palm of your hands.
“Why would I go away? Are you trying to run away?!” Cauis yelled out, making you frown.
“Caius..” Marcus sighed out. There was no doubt that Cauis’s biggest fear was you leaving him and him never being able to find you. It broke your heart that he felt he wasn’t truely loveable.
“I swear you're bipolar.” You said taking your hands off your face just in time to see the receptionist with a brown bag in her hand. When you saw this you grabbed it from her and ran as fast as you could. 
“I wanna be alone right now! No one bother me, pass the message along!” When you turned your head to see if they were behind you they weren't even there. Seeing this you stopped running and caught your breath leaning on a wall. You swear you need to work out more. Or hell even walk more, but what's the point when you can have Felix carry you everywhere? 
Since you were down here on this side of the castle you thought why not stop and get some snacks? So that’s what you did. Big mistake.
Walking into the kitchen you saw Demetri and Felix and immediately turned around hoping that they didn’t see you.
“Bellissima?” Dem said softly, making you turn around.
“Yes?” You said, just as softly.
“Are you alright?” He said, raising an eyebrow.
“Yes of course! Why wouldn’t I be?” You said shifting from side to side slightly cringing.
“What’s that sme-” Before Felix could even finish his sentence you dashed out of that kitchen and you ran. You ran straight to your room and you didn’t stop for anything or anybody. Your one mission was to get to your room and stay there. 
Once you got to your room you ran straight to the bathroom and turned the shower on. You didn’t even allow yourself to think about how embarrassingly long it took you to get to this point. You never paid attention to how many people or how many vampires live in this castle until you felt like fresh bait to them. You let yourself relax feeling the hot water hit your back. You allowed it to wash away the mixed emotions you had. 
Once you got out you did your normal hygiene routine and you felt better. You felt ready to rot in a ball for the next week. Opening your bathroom door you stopped in your tracks when you saw all of your mates standing in front of you.
“Hi..?” You said after a minute passed and no words were spoken.
“Why are you acting so strange?” Alec was the first to speak.
“How could I have been acting strange? I haven't even seen you today!” You yelled out holding onto your towel tighter. 
“Yes you have, you’ve seen us both when you were cowering into the ‘shadows’.” Jane said plainly.
“You walked right past us like you didn’t even know who we were!” Alec yelled.
“Don’t yell at me!” You yelled back at him frowning.
“Why not?! If I don’t yell you might walk right past me again!”
“Just cause I walked past you doesn’t mean you can yell at me!”
“I can do whatever-” 
“Where not going to solve this yelling at her!” Dem yelled, cutting Alec off.
“Anyone wanna talk to her and not yell at her?!” He yelled looking at the rest of your mates. 
While he eyes weren’t on you you felt your eyes water and you couldn’t stop the tears from rolling down your face. The moment you sniffled you caught everyone's attention.
“You made her cry!” Alec yelled glaring at Demetri.
“I didn’t do a damn thing!” Dem yelled back at Alec.
That started a yelling war between Alec and Dem which only made you cry harder. It was frustrating. 
“Can someone tell me what that smell is!” Felix yelled out in his own frustration. As he had been sniffing everything like a damn dog since you’ve seen him. 
“It’s me! It’s me okay? I’m fucking bleeding I’m on my period okay?! That’s why I’ve been acting weird all day it’s embarrassing and I needed some pads but I didn’t have any and I knew that none of you did and I didn’t wanna ask so I didn’t and you guess kept popping up in places that you didn’t belong and-”
“You smell good.” Felix said, making you stop immediately.
“What?” You questioned.
“Yeah you smell sweeter but at the same time dull. It’s something I’ve never smelt before. It makes my mouth water.” Felix said, staring at you with slightly darker red eyes.
“I agree.” Cauis said, looking you up and down with greedy eyes. 
“She doesn’t smell like that to me, she smells like a softer scent of her normal self.” Dem said now looking at you with a strange expression on his face.
“She smells like something that I can’t explain but it’s pleasant.” Jane said as Alec agreed with her.
“I smell good?” You questioned with your voice cracking slightly.
“You always smell good. Are you seriously telling us that this is the reason that you’ve been avoiding us? That’s a foolish reason.” Cauis said.
“I’ll go gather some stuff you’ll need.” Jane said and before you could say anything of hell even blind she was gone. 
“I’ve read a whole book about menstrual cycles before-” Felix started.
“You can read?” Alec scoffed, dodging the book Felix threw at him in reflex.
“We're gonna take good care of you, I promise.” Felix said as he appeared at your side and settled you on your bed softly. 
“Master Caius, can you lay down? As much as I don’t like to admit it, you're her favorite to lay on when she’s in pain.” He asked, even though Cauis wanted to respond to Felix's statement he kept his mouth shut for your sake.
Cauis pulled you into him as he laid down and you felt yourself relax immediately. While you felt it they could hear it. 
“I’m in my towel this is not a reliable form of protection if you catch my drift?” You said to your mates hinting at the fact that you’d like to get dressed.
“You think I care if you bleed on me Amore mio?” Caius questioned in a dull tone as if it wasn’t a big deal.
“Yes I do.” You said as a matter of fact. This sent your mates into a tumble of laughter. While you looked dumbfounded they just shook their heads.
“Sometimes I think you forget what we are.” Dem said looking at you with a soft smirk on his face.
“We eat your kind for breakfast, lunch and dinner and yet you think we are put off by a little drop of blood. That is foolish.” Cauis said, shaking his head pulling you closer to him. 
“Now relax until Jane gets back.” Felix said leaving no room for argument.
With this being said you watched as your mates took their places in your room. Alec sat in a chair that was next to your bed grabbing a book to read. Felix turned on your tv that they had installed and began flipping through the channels. And dem was busy closing all of your curtains so that the room was dark for you. You felt loved by the smallest things that they were doing. Even if it didn’t benefit you, you felt at peace with your loves just in the same place as you. 
As you close your eyes Cauis begins stroking your hair sending a small shiver down your spine due to his cold finger tips. 
“If you just let us change you you wouldn’t have to go through this pointless pain.” Cauis said, making you shake your head.
“I show one sign of pain and you already wanna kill me.” You said snuggling closer into Caius which he welcomed with open arms.
“You’d be reborn into Una versione migliore di te.” He voiced like it was nothing.
“You know that I haven’t been keeping up with my lessons with Marus!” You yelled hitting caius on his side.
“And whose fault is that?” Alec said casually flipping the page to his book he was reading. 
“Not mine actually! Because everytime I try to go to Marcus study, one of you always stops me in my tracks and leads me in a different direction!” You said pointing to each one of your mates. To which none of them could say anything because they knew that it was true.
“See.” You said smiling at the fact that there was no back talk at all. 
Some time passed and you had fallen asleep. When you woke up you felt a weight on your stomach looking down you saw that it was Jane. Her head rested on your stomach. The sun had gone completely down and it was now pitch black in your room but you felt no fear in your heart because you knew that you were safe. 
When you went to shift your legs you were placed with a reminder of why they were here in the first place. Looking down at your previously white towel you couldn’t help the words that came out of your mouth.
“Fucking hell.” You groaned, rolling your eyes.
“A little free bleeding ain’t never hurt nobody.” Felix said with a smirk that you could just feel in your soul.
“What the fuck.” You said and immediately you heard a few chuckles come from different parts of the room.
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volturiprincess · 5 months
You kill me
Caius Volturi x Vampire mate
Summary: Mated to the Ruthless Volturi King Warnings: Language, mentions of death, Angst, Caius internal thoughts 🤭 A/N: I kept changing my mind of how I wanted to write hence why it took me like 2 weeks to work on it, there will be a part two to this. Also this was inspired by the song "Me Matas" by Eslabon Armado, at this point its like a mini series of One-Shots being inspired by this group. Second A/N in the end. Enjoy :) Word Count: 4k+ (Didn't realize it was that long)
Here's part 2. (finally)
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(I loved him in this era, gold is his color, but he looks so good in red also)
“Well brother it appears you have found your mate”
I looked up at Aro who was looking at Caius. Mate? Whoever it is. I am so sorry for them. I have heard stories about Caius being this ruthless king who had no sympathy for human life, much to what my twin brother Carlisle has told me but he did say that Caius did have a love for the arts. Still I never had the chance to even meet the kings or anyone in Volterra, from the time my brother was part of this coven I was in South America exploring as always. The only reason why I'm even in Volterra was because Edward decided he wanted to kill himself for the reason he thought that Bella was dead. Alice brought me along not really telling me why, only said she needed my help.
So now I am here in the throne room staring at the other three kings. I could feel the blonde one staring at me but I avoided eye contact. Aro with his creepy like gaze swiftly moved toward me and my family,
“It is an honor to finally meet the infamous sister of Carlisle, may I?”
He extended his hand and I knew what he wanted. Carlisle told me about Aro, so I obliged without wanting to put the kids in danger. With one touch I relived every thought and memory I have ever had, it was strange seeing everything I have been through flash before my eyes. I pulled my hand away when I heard a slight hiss. It didn't come from Aro but it did leave me curious. 
“Magnifico! You will make a wonderful mate to my brother and a perfect addition to this coven”
My eyes widened at his words, what does he mean mate to his brother. ME. Since when? How?
“I beg to pardon?”
“It appears you are the mate to my brother Caius”
No way, the mate to the blonde, I was just badwording him a minute ago and now I'm his mate. Instant karma for me. My eyes then wandered slowly to the blonde and he already had his gaze on me, just from his face I can tell he was displeased with the unraveling events. I felt a small hand grab me and I looked slightly into the eyes of the one I was the closest to, Alice. 
“You knew didn't you?”
She looked down and I knew I got my answer, I looked up at Edward who had a flabbergasted look and cling more to Bella. Now I'm starting to think if Carlisle knew about this, did Alice tell him and Esme, my eyes widened slightly at the thought that I might never see my family again. I didn't even want to look at anyone in this room, not even the piercing blood red eyes that belong to my now mate. Aro was the one to break the silence
“Well with that cleared why don't we go on with the plan”
I totally forgot why we were here, I also forgot that Aro was on the verge to kill Bella and as much as I don't really like her, I might as well do one more thing for my family 
“That won't be necessary Aro”
The raven head looked at me with a look of curiosity 
“Why’s that?”
“What if we made a deal?”
I could literally see the spark or interest in his eyes, he looked like a child who was going to be rewarded with a prize for behaving. He nodded toward me to continue
“You spear my family and I stay”
What surprise me was Caius was the one to speak up next
“No deal, that human is a liability, she knows to much”
I looked at the blonde with narrowed eyes
“What if my family promised to change her soon?”
Nobody dared to talk but Aro piped in
“If they follow through with the promise then we will allow it, but you remain here and they go”
I nodded and then instantly a guard who had such elegance that would put the Greek gods themselves to shame led my family out and I was about to reach out for them when a beast of a man grabbed me. I looked up at the giant and my initial thought for a minute was “Why is he good looking?How can he be so tall and…have muscle in all the right places, again the greek gods themselves would be jealous”, That hiss sound was heard again and the giant let go of me. I looked around the throne room for where that hiss came from but everyone seemed to stand in the same place as before. Aro gave instruction to the twins who I remember my brother told me about, Alec and Jane, to take me to Caius private chambers. At the mention of that I almost wanted to make a run for it. The two led me away and I felt Caius' gaze on me the whole time as I was leaving the room.
Eventually I was left alone in the room, I had to admit it was a lovely room, it did seem fit for a king but also for a man of art. I felt strange being in his room alone, I don't even know the vampire and now I have to be with him for eternity. This is also unfair, why couldn't I at least say goodbye to my brothers kids, I might never see them or my brother again, I just got back from traveling and was set to settle down with my brothers coven for once. I only got 5 years with them. Maybe it's my fault for always wanting to explore and be on my own but life was cut short for me and I never got that chance when I was human.
Mine and Carlisle’s father forbade me to go out without my brother by me, I couldn't even go down the street to get a loaf of bread for dinner alone. Not that I don't love spending time with my
brother, but I always had that curiosity to go be alone and explore the world. Until that fateful day of my ‘death’, it happened after Carlisle was pronounced ‘dead’, and from that father was more strict than ever, I never got a chance to get a breath of fresh air, day and night at home; cleaning, cooking, reading, sewing, and etc. It got repetitive very quickly, so I decided one night to run away. That night I knew my father was away on another vampire hunt, so I knew I would be alone. I packed a small bag and went out by the back door. So far my journey was good, I decided to head off to York, I read books about this town and the gothic architecture was a must see. 
I had a good 10 miles away from my home, when it happened, I was walking along this path in the woods when two random men came out of the blue and took advantage of me. They left me there barely breathing and in my growing cold blood. I was minutes away from dying when a familiar face came into my hazyview, I knew who it was and before I could even say his name everything went black. It was not until days later I woke up in a small clearing and Carlisle came into view and explained everything to me. I was glad to see my twin alive but at the same time I was not thrilled with the idea that I had to drink human blood. Me and Carlisle with time discovered the concept of drinking animal blood and that helped. Soon after we were accustomed to the life of vampires we parted ways. I wanted to travel but he wanted to spend time in Italy. 
At this moment  I wished I stayed with my brother this whole time but then that meant I would have met my mate sooner and would have not met my brother’s coven. My mate…I was always curious to find out who they would be, I could see how my brother and Esme looked at each other, or how my brother’s children looked at their significant other, even Edward for once looked happy. I never knew I would even find them, I spent a lot of time alone and didn't really think about settling down or even finding my mate in this lifetime. I thought for sure I was destined for solitude, but it appears I was destined to be with the ruthless Volturi King. 
Speaking about him I didn't even notice he came into the room and was seated in one of his Victorian burgundy styled sofas. I blinked a couple of times to make sure I was not seeing things but he spoke up 
“You should really learn to be aware of your surroundings, I even gave you a kiss on the forehead and you didn't even notice or flinched”
My eyebrows furrowed in confusion and I saw he had a slight smirk on his face, he was teasing me. I didn't even know whether to be surprised or pissed at this, in different circumstances I would have joked back. In a blink of an eye he was in front of me, towering over me, I would have looked up at him but I wanted to stand my ground. I felt him lift my chin up and I faced his bright ruby red eyes that seemed so enchanting. 
I tried to avoid eye contact but his eyes were like a lure, once you got a glimpse there was no way to look away. He started to lean in until he was inches away from my lips, “keep it together y/n, keep it together y/n”. But then Blondie whispered “Con tempo” and he was gone. I was relieved but at the same time I had a hint of intrigued.
Year 1700 – From the stories I have heard from the townspeople and from our father, they made the vampire life seem so horrible, that a vampire is only seen as a monster. But I have never felt such a peace like state, from being controlled, to losing my brother, to my ‘death’, I finally have forever to be free with my brother. And as of right now me and him are laying in an open field in the outskirts of Italy, gazing at the stars as we have been doing the past 30 years already. 
“They had it all wrong, did they not, lyle?”
“I can not say I disagree but you have a point, I would've never pictured our life to turn like this”
Life really has never been better than this moment. I appreciated the times me and Carlisle would spend at night talking about the latest book we read or how we want to further our education in medicine and the arts. I want to travel more but it seems he has other plans. I can sense it.
“Just say it, I know there is something”
In the corner of my eye I saw that he took an unnecessary breath. I knew what he was about to say would hurt me, he always did that when he had to break bad news to me, even when we were little, he always acted like the big brother.
“I was confronted by a coven of Vampires, they call themselves the Volturi, they been around for millennials, they favor the arts and science, and they have more knowledge than any human could ever dream of knowing and they have an impressive collection of books on everything, they offered us a spot into their coven, I said I would talk it out with you first”
I knew he made his decision, I knew this is something he has always wanted to do, he wanted to know more about the background knowledge of Vampires and more on old medicine and arts. Even that intrigued me but that would mean I would have to settle down and live out my life in some coven and stay in one place for eternity.
“Carlisle…you know I would never want to stop you from your education, I was the one who persuaded you to have an interest in the medical field, so I'm not going to be one to hold you back, I would rather die than to stop you from this.”
“I figured you would not want to join, I thought that maybe I would be able to convince you. I don't like being separated from you, your everything I have left of family”
I looked at him with a saddened look
“I know Lyle, but you know I don't like to be contained in one place forever, I need to be out and about, exploring and having the life I never got the chance to have”
He sits up looking out in the open field, I know he really wants me to join him, and I want to but there's still so much to explore still. Sitting up also I extend a hand toward him and a Lily flower bloomed within my hand, he looks at it with awe 
“A Lily Flower? Mothers favorite…”
I gave him a small smile “It took me a while to learn how to create it, still not used to having this ability but I only managed to create a Tulip, next time I see you I will show you a whole garden of flowers”
End of Flashback.
We had that conversation over 300 years ago already. Even when we finally did reunite and I lived with him and his coven, I didnt show him what I was working on with the time I was away from him. I am actually outside in the Volturi gardens creating a whole new garden with fresh new flowers that are both rare and exotic but also some common ones. I think what fascinated Aro about my ability is that I can create poisonous flowers that can knock out even the strongest of vampires out cold (I accidentally knocked him out the first month I was here for 5 days straight). And that was already 5 months ago since that “accident”, from that Aro just let me be in the garden alone and doesn't dare interrupt me unless I request his audience. 
With my short time here, I actually became close to Marcus. Even though it took a while to get him to talk to me, I  caught him in the gardens one day and I saw he was overlooking a dying yellow lily. I instantly healed it, he turned to me slowly with a very small but very pleased look, he mentioned later that it was his late wife's favorite flower. He reminded me of Carlisle, we tend to talk a lot about plants and philosophy, we even had small arguments on certain philosophies. With Aro from the accident I'm still wary about him, he creeps me out sometimes and when he does that one laugh I don't know whether to hold in a laugh or wonder how such a laugh can come out of him. With the elite guards, we are slowly building trust with each other. Just the other day I managed to make Felix and Demetri laugh when I accidentally made an “erotic" looking plant. They reminded me of Emmett and Jasper. As with Jane and Alec, they are still wary of me, but I can see they are starting to warm up to me.
And how can I forget Caius? Having him as a mate has been interesting. I don't see him as often but when I do, he does a tactic of a quick and go. I could be doing something as reading a book in the King's private library when he appears and leaves a longing of his aura and then vanishes. It frustrates me so I decided to just ignore him. 
Caius POV:
As soon as Jane came in with our “guest”, I felt a strange pull and was overcomed by the strong smell of roses. It was an addicting smell, I must know who it's coming from. I notice the human and internally I'm thinking “all this dramatic antics for this human? This Cullen boy was all set to end his immortal life because of her?” even I'm not that dramatic. I scanned the rest of the entourage and one of them reassembled as a human sized fairy, she’s almost the polar opposite of Jane. I didn't pay much attention to her for it being one of them caught me completely off guard. My mate… she's breathtaking, just from her looks I can tell she has an eye for art like me. Sadly her eyes are gold like the rest of the Cullen coven but that can easily be changed with time. It was not until Aro said she is Carlisle's twin sister that I lost it internally.
Why is life so unfair? Millenniums of existing and waiting for my mate to come along to find out she's the sister to the one person I absolutely despise . Out of everyone why a Cullen? The minute that “Vegetarian Doctor” left my respect for him vanished. But why is she avoiding eye contact with me? What has that Carlisle said about me? Great, I barely find out she's my mate and she hates me. Why would she hate me? I like to think I'm straightforward and speak my mind without hesitation, what is there not to like about me? I'm also quite dashing myself if I must say, I take a great deal of myself and I at least don't have that weird laugh Aro has.
As if on cue I heard Aro do that said strange laugh and I was snapped out of my thoughts to see Aro was holding her hand to read her thoughts, without a thought I hissed in displeasure. She's my mate, nobody can touch her but I. Have I always been possessive? Didn't think of myself as the possessive type, I'm just being reasonable. I must know what Aro has seen from her, I want to know everything there is to know about her, everything she has seen and done. Hopefully she has not been with another man or even a woman, I'm not judgemental, but it seems I also have a jealous side. What is wrong with me today? I am suddenly having all of these out of character personality, I blame her. 
When she offered a deal, my anger took over and I said no deal, even if she said she was going to stay. Of course she's going to stay, she's my mate, in no way was I going to let her walk away after I waited millenniums for her. After my little outburst on her Aro said for Felix to take her to my chambers but the way she looked at him when she was grabbed by him made my eye twitch involuntary, I did that hiss sound and Felix immediately let go. 
When the throne room was set for clear I had to go see her up close. When I arrived at my private chambers I noticed she was in a trance like state, as if reliving a past memory. Wanting to respect her I waited it out. She did after a while and that is when I striked first, with my speed I was in front of her gazing down on her, she's more beautiful up close. I think I might like the color amber now, the way her eyes are so full of light and warmth is so wonderful to witness. I leaned in thinking I might kiss her but I decided to tease her. I want her to be the one to break first even if I'm already secretly hopelessly falling for her.
It has been a very confusing couple of weeks. I think I'm conflicted with whether I should keep ignoring Caius by not being flirty in return like he has been with me or should I just reciprocate the same behavior toward him. Trust me I do want to get out of this weird faze we are dealing with but the way that man is so bipolar sometimes is astonishing to witness. Our latest incident resulted in Felix and Demetri carrying me out of the library while Aro and Marcus consulted with Caius. The funny thing is Caius walked in all suave and flirty.
“You know I always find it difficult to look at you without falling in love with you”
Not wanting to give him a satisfaction that his words made me feel a certain way, I brushed him off
“So don't look at me, it's that simple”
“That simple? Have you no idea that when I look at you, all of the beautiful work you do in the gardens is put to shame with your beauty, how your voice is sweeter than the richest of blood, or how your eyes have conquered me?” he scoffs “As if that's simple amore”
I shut my book and set it on the table already getting sick and tired of his little suppose clever tactic to get me to confess my undying love to him
“You know you walk in here all suave and seductive or whatever you call this, and then you leave before I can say anything, in the 4 months I have been here, not once have you sat down with me and had a full on conversation with me”
“Well i'm a king, im busy, I have matters to take care of, things you would not know how to deal with”
Now it was my turn to scoff at him
“Busy? With what? I have talked with Marcus and he says you mostly are in the throne room looking at old text that I bet you have read at least a thousand times so far, your just avoiding me because i'm a Cullen, I am well aware you despise my brother and his coven”
That for sure shut him up but unfortunately what I said fuelled his anger.
“How dare you speak to me like that! Conspiring behind my back with my own brother! I have done nothing but be patient with you and been a great mate to you!?”
How can he say such a thing about being a great mate when there are times I don't see him for days and when he does appear it's only for a couple of minutes.
“You are unbelievable, you being a great mate to me? How can you say that when one) I don't even see you that often. two) you haven't even bothered to talk about actual things instead you seduce me and three) you just assume every time you flirt with me that I like it or I will return the favor. Well news flash I don't like it, maybe my brother was right about you”
Using his vampire speed he was up in my face in an instant glaring down on me, I might not be able to read his thoughts but just with his eyes you can see how pissed he is.
“Your brother!! Are you also conspiring with him about me behind my back! Some mate you are to me. I have been patient with you, I have been all sweet talk with you. How am I supposed to know what you like and don't like if you never speak up, I was starting to think you are mute”
I could now feel my own anger rising at his words
“Well maybe if you actually took time in your supposed busy day to sit down and talk to me I would start to open up to you and be more affectionate with you but I never say anything because you always vanish in a blink of an eye. Your so childish for doing that, hiding from someone who is a whole foot shorter than you, pathetic”
In all of my decades of existing as a Vampire, I have never been caught off guard until now. I was in a literal chokehold as I was kissed deeply by Caius. WAIT he's kissing me? H-how did this even happen? I was absolutely horrified by the turn of events. My reflexes finally kicked in I pushed him away roughly from me and I took several steps away from him. How dare he kiss me like that without my permission? Who the fuck does he think he is to even do such an action on me? To add to that, the freaking blonde had a small smirk but his eyes held a bit of pain and shock. I haven't the slightest idea of what to do next, I won't lie and say I didn't enjoy the kiss but I didn't want our first kiss to be like this. 
We just stood in silence, I wanted to say something but I don't know what exactly, I must have been too deep in thought because when I looked up he was gone. 
A/N: Ooooo cliffhanger, I had to do it, part two will come out at some point (to be honest I have not started to work on it yet but I have a basic idea of how it will end).
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volterran-wine · 2 months
Three's a Crowd || Felix & Demetri
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𝐑𝐄𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐁𝐘 @xxx-wounded-angel-xxx : "Omg your requests are open!!! :D I am a huge fan of your Felix and Demetri (Felix is husband material and i love him so much) so i was wondering if i could get something about Felix ' romantic S/O and their platonic relationship with Demetri. I have a lot in common with Dem (anxious fashionable bibliophile) and i wanted to know how would Demetri's relationship with Felix ' mate would be. (Be my brother Demetri please)
Thank you! ❤️🦇"
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Good evening dear, I am terribly sorry for getting to this request late—but I sincerely hope I have made up for the wait with this answer to your request. Demetri and Felix are my dear little duo, so I will always adore writing for them.
𝐀𝐬 𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬, 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐰.
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
The thing with Demetri is that, while he avoids a mate of his own like the plague; he will wingman for Felix until he meets his final death. There is no other vampire (besides perhaps Caius) who wishes for Felix to have a mate more. There is no one more deserving in his eyes.
So, the initial stages of Felix finding his mate will be rather blissful. Both Demetri and Heidi will probably shed a venomous tear or two as they watch Felix with his potential mate. The tracker will claim it was a speck of dust later, or a cat hair from Elizabeth that caused the reaction.
That being said, Demetri will never just roll over and allow a potential mate to have Felix. He will demand to get to know them at the same time as Felix is, throwing in his own questions and inquiries while his best friend falls deeper in love with his mate.
“When and where were you born?” “Have you ever met The Romanians?” “What diet do you adhere to?” “Have you felt the mate pull before?” “Why are you interested in Felix?” “Why have you—” You all understand the picture.
Within my writing these two are already platonic mates, the two of them will stick together until death tears them apart regardless if either of them finds mates. If Demetri finds something wrong with them Felix will take the concerns seriously as long as they are valid.
Having the same or similar interests as Demetri will be a boon however, it will be a great way to get in the trackers good graces while Felix is planning the mate ceremony behind his best friends back. If the mate in question happens to be interested in Austen Demetri would most likely warm up even quicker.
While they bond Felix will stand back and count every blessing he has ever had, because he cannot quite fathom he has done enough in either of his life to deserve a best friend like Demetri and as lovely of a person as his mate is.
Once trust has been built, the mate in question will just have to accept that Demetri with all his quirks and flaws will be their close friend as well. The two of them is a package deal, and neither will part from the other.
Demetri will be an overbearing mother in law and the best brother in law at the same time.
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Don't Over-Do It
Based on this request: Could you write a fluffy imagine for the Volturi with the reader being Marcus descendant, Aros mate and Janes best friend? The reader tends to overwork both in her job and by working out. The Volturis are far to protective to let her continue like that.
Here you are, lovely! *Familiar Characters are NEVER mine.*
Fandom: Twilight
Warnings: mentions of passing out and forgetting to eat. Some light fluff.
Pairings/Characters: Marcus Volturi x fem!descendant reader (familial), Aro Volturi x fem!reader (romantic), Jane Volturi x fem!reader x Caius Volturi (platonic, soul-siblings)
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Marcus had never thought he'd have any  descendants. He never knew if any of his human family had continued on the family line. But then he met you and immediately saw the bond between you and him. And not just him. You had several other bonds within the Volturi including the silver bond of soul-siblings with Jane and even Caius, and the golden bond of true mates with Aro. To say Marcus was happy to have a connection to his former life would be an understatement. There was just one problem.
       You were a perfectionist and somewhat of a workaholic. You would work and work until everything was just right. It didn't matter what it was, work, hobbies, or even exercise. You were determined to do it right and you weren't going to stop until it was perfect. Aro, Marcus, and Jane hated that. It wasn't that they didn't want you to succeed, but they hated seeing you overwork yourself. 
They all tried to get you to slow down, especially Aro. He hated seeing his mate exhausted all the time. Though, his approach to this was to turn you sooner rather than later. You fought him on that. Aro wasn’t afraid of much, but he was terrified of losing you and even more afraid of your temper. It made Caius laugh to see Aro nearly cower under your intense glare every time he mentioned turning before you were ready. But all amusement faded from the four vampires when you finally over-did it.
You were taking out your frustrations on a punching bag one evening after working on a work task for hours. The ever-watchful Jane and Demetri stood in the corner keeping an eye on you when it happened. Mid-jab, you suddenly stopped and collapsed in a heap on the floor. Jane was at your side in an instant while Demetri raced to get kings. 
You were vaguely aware of arguing voices when you woke a few hours later. “Aro, you risk irreparably damaging your bond if you turn her without her permission. You know this,” came Marcus’ low voice. “I agree with Master Aro,” Jane grumbled, almost too softly for you to hear. You could feel the tension in the room, so you decided to try and speak up.
“And if either of you does that, I will personally rip your arms off and put them back on backwards when I wake as a newborn.” Aro was sitting next to you a split second later. “Cara Mia, you worried us,” he crooned as if you would forget you just threatened him and Jane. “I realized that. I’m sorry.”
“As loath as I am to agree with Aro about, well, anything outside of trials,” Caius stated, “I believe he and Jane may be correct in this case, Y/N. You cannot continue on like this.” You glanced between their faces. They all looked more worried than you’d ever seen them. A soft sigh escaped you. It wasn’t the first time this had happened to you, but the first they had experienced it. The whole situation was frightening since you were so fragile compared to them.
“I’m sorry I worried you all,” you relented, “I-It was always drilled into me that I had to be perfect. Nothing was ever good enough and I guess that’s carried over into adulthood. I’m not ready to turn yet, but I will try to take it easier. I’ll set break alarms or let Jane drag me away from my work more. I-Is that okay?”
“I don’t like it, but if I never have to experience this fear again, I suppose I can accept this for now,” Aro relented after a few moments of silence. Marcus stayed silent since he was simply there to ensure your bonds stayed intact. He was concerned, of course, but your bonds with the others were far more fragile for now. 
“I still agree with Master Aro,” Jane stated, concern still painting her angelic, childlike features. Caius rolled his eyes at the two of them, but you could see he was feeling the same way they were. “Very well, but if this happens again, I don’t think even Marcus would disagree with turning you.” Marcus merely nodded in agreement when your eyes met his.
“Sleep now,” he suggested only for your stomach to let out the loudest growl he’d ever heard. You felt your face heat up at the noise that betrayed the fact that you hadn't eaten very much that day. Marcus laughed, “Perhaps food is in order first.” You nodded slightly, prompting Jane to rush out. Caius and Marcus followed, but when Aro tried to get up, you gripped tightly to him. 
“Stay?” you asked in a soft voice. “Of course, Tesoro.” He settled back and let you cuddle into him. “I really am sorry,” you whispered. You felt Aro place a kiss to the top of your head. “I worry for you, Y/N. I cannot lose you.” You nodded against his chest, feeling your eyes start to drift closed against your will. Aro chuckled. The last thing you heard before you let sleep pull you under was,  “Sleep, my love. I will be here when you wake.”
(I hope you like it!)
Forever Tags: @fizzyxcustard @supernatural4life2022 @asgards-princess-of-mischief
Twilight Tags: @awesomebooklover17
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Lucifer: you are on very thin ice right now, Mister. If you say one rude or hurtful comment, or dare shut down or run off again, you will quickly become public enemy #1
**a few hours later at the St. An’s hospital**
Alastor: *waking up in an hospital bed* Huh? *eyes looked over and see Lucifer sitting beside him*
Lucifer: Hey. How are you feeling?
Alastor: Better I suppose…where am I?
Lucifer: St. An’s. You were really low on blood.
Alastor: I’m surprised there is sinner donor blood.
Lucifer: Well, here’s the thing. They don’t. Sinners aren’t know for generously donating blood.
Alastor: So what kind of blood am I getting?
Lucifer: *revealing bandages on his arm* Mine.
Alastor: Angelic blood?! *looks at IV and sees golden blood in the IV bag*
Lucifer: Yeah! It’s basically like O negative blood and it has healing properties so you’ll be feeling better in no time!
Alastor: *worried* Are you sure this is safe? I mean, I do have shadow powers. Can’t have those affected.
Lucifer: You and our son needed blood. Not shadow magic.
Alastor: So now he’s your son? Not some monster?
Lucifer: *looks guilty* I’m sorry for being cruel. You don’t have to forgive me but I am truly sorry and I want to work to make it up to you and Calliope *takes Alastor’s hand* and Caius.
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victimeyez · 5 days
Happy Birthday 🎂🥳🎁 (I also have a September birthday so I think that’s neat)
I think overall, the thing about p/v that keeps me hooked is the intensity of the whump. I’ve read other whump stories before and while what the characters go through in them is horrible, I’ve yet to find another character that goes through the kind of stuff Tommy does. The man’s life is just brutal, and as a avid horror fan I find that deeply compelling. I want him to one day get his final girl moment, even though I read early on that it’s probably not gonna happen.
I think the two whump moments that stand out the most for me so far are the meat hooks and the use of Agent Orange. The meat hooks scene was such a intense body horror moment it almost made me think about quitting, but I also couldn’t get it out of my head. I had to know what was gonna happen next to this poor dude. By contrast, the Agent Orange bit had me thinking to myself, “whelp Tommy and Caius better pray that stuff wasn’t real, otherwise their both dying of cancer lol”
Anyways I’ve rambled on enough. I hope you enjoy your birthday and that you get to do something fun with the people you love. (Tommy sure won’t lol)
Thank you, and happy birthday to you too!!!
Ooh, where to start. A few years ago, I discovered a writer online that wrote the most brutal content I had ever read. To this day, she makes my writing here look quite tame. We bonded over a mutual fandom that was difficult to find content for. One thing led to another, and I ended up helping write and edit her first original book.
I’’d never had someone before that I could talk to about enjoying really twisted stories. I was always admonished for a blossoming interest in horror by my mom, who believes horror is the work of the devil. It is still hard for me to share darker ideas. I get nervous about being judged for going too far, being too much of a freak. 
A big part of what made me decide to write Pro Vic with the design it has is that I wanted to be able to explore lots of different whump scenarios, without things getting too stale of the same things over and over. I have fun with Caius, but I can also explore whatever other forms I want to with clients in my own version of a monster-of-the-week formatting lol. Plus I can throw in extra time with Sam, or Rory, or Michelle, orrrrr whatever! As for the meat hooks and agent orange - Once again, I am sorry, and you are welcome lol. Can I blame Dead by Daylight and weirdly specific Vietnam War nightmares?
I love me a final girl! I actually have a shirt that says FINAL BOY in bloody letters lol. 
I have a long game in mind. Tommy is going through it – that’s not going to stop any time soon. But without wanting to say too much - Tommy has a future ahead of him where he plays a very different role...👀
I cannot tell you how much it blows my mind that people are actually reading this. I’m grateful for the readership, the notes, the tags, everything, I read them all a thousand times and lay on my bed kicking my feet while I write about it in my diary. Okay maybe not literally that, but mentally that is where I am. Getting to be the random person that wrote something you find compelling is the greatest badge of honor in my life. That’s not a joke. Sharing my creative passions has been the one thing I have known I wanted since I was three years old. When I was sitting on the floor of the kitchen, banging pots and pans together for drums and screaming my best “opera”.
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cassqween102 · 5 months
I personally think the Volturi have legitimate jobs… to keep peace in the vampire world.
Like imagine the kings(Aro, Caius, Marcus) are the politicians in the vampire world in my head and in my fanfics, they tax Coven leaders. The Volturi wives (Athenodora, Sulpicia) probably take care of the money that goes in and out of the Volturi and the vampire world. Like making sure the guards and the human staff get paid. Investments such as real estate, and taxes and payroll blah,blah,blah…… I think it’s a good thing they would do that. Of course they also make the laws (obviously 🙄). But I would love to see this if only SM went into detail about this… if she did I don’t remember when I read the books. Sorry. But in my head this is how the Volturi also keep peace. They tax coven leaders and nomads, and keep a census of the the vampire population…
Am I crazy for thinking like this..? Like in my head I have an idea for Caius and his wife where they adopt a small hybrid and the hybrid reminds Caius of his long lost biological daughter, and she and Demetri might have a mate bond… But the only difference would be is that she grows more like a normal human child. So of course Caius and Athenodroa have to do bedtime and bathtime and dinners and tea parties.. hell idk. I just have so many ideas and books that I’m thinking of unfortunately I don’t actually write on fan fiction or Ao3. So everything would be here!
What do you think let me know I want to be more creative with my writing and get out of my comfort zone. Do more because you all inspire me!
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archoniluthradanar · 2 years
The love of three kings, Volturi style
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When Aro found the broken bird collapsed in the garden, he felt a curiosity that compelled him to take her inside the castle and settle her in one of the guest rooms. He looked down at her, with her dirt-dusted face and a torn shirt, and wondered how she had ended up in the Volturi garden. 
He inhaled the faint scent of blood, then noticed her hands had scuff marks, some deep enough to allow blood to ooze forth and smear her palms. Had she jumped the garden wall, injuring her bare hands?  Perhaps she had been running away from someone and needed a place to hide. Aro called for Chelsea to clean up the unconscious girl, find her fresh clothing, and get her some cool water and hot food.
When Marcus and Caius find out about Aro's discovery, they joined him to discuss what they should do with her. Having this human in the castle was not safe, for the humans who worked for them, for his own people, or for the young woman herself. But once she had been cleaned up, she was quite captivating to the three vampires. 
Intrigued by her beauty, Aro would visit her, talking with her and asking if she needed anything. He found out her name was Marie Louise, and she had run away from home. Her parents were seeking to force her to marry a local boy she didn't love. She was almost spied by a relative who had been looking for her, so she decided to climb the castle wall to hide there until he went away. She had slipped, as far as she could remember, and must have passed out when she fell. Later that day, after their talk, Aro had gone into the garden to cut a few fragrant blooms to bring to her room, hoping they would cheer her.
Marcus brought her books to read, with subjects she had indicated an interest in. He chose some he knew were in the Volturi library and returned to her room with them. They read together, then would discuss the various subjects for hours. Marcus was pleased in her apparent intelligence, showing a lively interest in her, something unusual for him. 
Caius found out during his visit with her that she loved games. She bragged that she could beat anyone, even him, at any game he chose. The blonde vampire brought boards for checkers and chess, along with a deck of cards. They played together, whereupon Marie Louise beat Caius at checkers, lost to him at chess, and tied him the same winning games of gin rummy, before she finally tired. He kissed her forehead and told her to rest, then left her.
In all this time of visiting with the three kings, Marie Louise noticed the colour of their eyes, and finally asked Aro why their eyes were red. He explained that they were vampires, very old and extremely powerful. 
Marie Louise listened raptly as Aro told her their history, how they came to be in Italy, and how immortality worked. In four days, she had come to love the three kings, and wanted to be with them always. When Aro, Marcus, and Caius came to visit her together, while she was still in bed, Marie Louise asked Aro if he would make her a vampire, an immortal like them, so that she could stay with them forever.
"That is not something we are willing to offer you."
Suddenly, Aro tugged on her hair, and pulling her head to the side, exposed her throat to his sharp teeth. He bit hard into the tender flesh, the blood flowing immediately. Caius lifted her arm, placing her wrist to his mouth, biting hard, and drinking the oozing blood. Marcus bared her upper thigh and bit into the soft flesh, drinking the blood running down her leg.
The pretty young woman moaned while the three Volturi kings drank from the wounds they'd made on her body. She looked up at them, tears brimming in her eyes.  Aro noticed the tears and said, "I am sorry, my dear, but it is our nature."  She expired a few moments later.
Once the three kings had finished with her, they had Felix bury her body deep in the ground in the corner of the garden where she had been found. Aro visited her grave, and placed a single white rose on the mound of dirt. "You will be with us forever, Marie Louise, just not quite the way you wanted." He turned away from the grave, and went into the castle.
There aren't always happy endings.
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aquanova99 · 9 months
Remember your Roots
Felix Volturi x Reader
Final Part
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A/N: I’m back!! I am trying to put everything that’s sitting in my drafts but I’ve been visiting family so it took a while. I will be rewriting many of my original fics I wrote as I feel like I have somewhat improved lol, I hope you guys enjoy the final installment and sorry a million times over for taking so long!
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~●○°●○°●○~ ~●○°●○°●○~ ~●○°●○°●○~
Felix’s POV
You almost rushed past her. You were shocked at careless speed at which she walked. As if she didn’t just completely jeopardize her well being. Perhaps she had merely hidden any confidence in what she and Sulpicia created, but the amount of pressure in that room… how dare she risk her life like that?
“Why would you do that?”
“Because I can.” She shrugs as she continues walking past you. Intentionally bumping into you and effectively surprising you. Your reflexes are faster, however and you find yourself latching onto her arm.
“Let. Go.”
“No. What if what you just drank kills you? What if it—”
“So what if it does? I lose nothing. At worst… Then Sulpicia is back to the drawing board. Its not any of your concern.”
“Of course it is! How can you say that? Do you have any idea what would happen to me—if you—god!” You try to take a deep breath and calm down. As quiet as you both may intend to be, everyone’s damned hearing would ensure a less than private conversation. “I was wrong…happy? You win. I’m worried.”
She shakes your hand off of her arm and you immediately look for any cracks or indication that you were too harsh. You start to mumble out an apology but she quickly interrupts, “Stop. Just—stop. I need to focus. This needs to work.”
“We can worry about each other after this works…” She quickly retires to her quarters and closes the door. You stand frozen for several minutes trying to decipher exactly what she meant. Not exactly acceptance towards any sort of amicability, but no outright refusal. You stew over the words ‘we.’ Was that intentional? Could this have possibly been the first step in mending what you broke. You feel your body more or less shoved towards your own chambers, probably Demetri’s doing.
You spent the next few days waiting for some kind of adverse effect on Y/n. You kept silent. At this point you knew everyone had known how… protective you were over the covens newest addition. It was something you had tried to avoid. In the long run, you knew Marcus had probably long since told the other leaders how much you cared for her. The only problem is now, there was no denying it. It was leverage the volturi had never had over you. The closest relationship they had to be able to take advantage of was Demetri and even then…he wouldn’t keep you here. You were now stuck. An eternal life was meaningless without some sort of purpose, why else would he concern himself with the coven he had called home? They certainly hadn’t ben able to control him as a newborn, even now the strength had never faded. He was an asset he knew that much, the only way to stop him would be Jane or Alec, he would win against Dmetri and Caius if it came to it. Not that he wanted it to come to that. Not that he even wanted to leave. It was just something that had simply never crossed his mind. At least not before Y/n. If she left…would he follow her? Would she want him to?
“Felix.” Demetri interrupted his train of thought, “Seems we have a visitor.”
~●○°●○°●○~ ~●○°●○°●○~ ~●○°●○°●○~
You wondered if your abilities would actually help at all. Apparently the entire volturi was needed for this. Everyone assuming a battle would be incoming, you seemed to be the only one wary of the informant. Why would she rat out her closest friends and allies? While it was no secret some of you may not make it, most everyone seemed confident this would be over quickly. You hated it. If this coven had gifts equaling your own, this arrogance could be your downfall. Everyone was gathered after the meeting with the leaders. Only Santiago was missing since he was more or less guarding Irina. In case she ran off, I guess. Not like her family wasn’t aware of the news at this point. The only one who seemed worried was, well…Felix.
You supposed there was a chance he wasn’t. You stood back behind everyone half listening to Demetri and Heidi. Demetri was debriefing on who all would be there, and what we knew about them. Felix was the only one sat, you knew everyone would keep their distance. He could be prepping himself, but as much as you wanted to speak to him you couldn’t. Partly out of spite, and partly because you were never sure where you stood with him. He seemed furious at you when you tried the tonic, genuine concern was etched over his face. The worst part is had been right. Sulpicia had grown bored of the same companions and quickly explained how everyone fit into the coven. You had come to know it was a warning, how Chelsea could force almost anyone to stay with their coven. How she could find what made some vulnerable to persuasion and others break apart over the most miniscule things. Sulpicia’s stories made you wary. How they could find who you cared about most and hurt them in ways unimaginable to you. You understood why Felix had warned you not to worry about him, not even for his own protection but yours. He would hate himself if anything happened to you because of his own account, so you did what you could do. You stayed away. As much as you could from everyone really, though as much as it would hurt only one person could break you.
To be fair, its not like you had anywhere else to go. You still had no memory of your life, and unfortunately for you, any snippets you may have had started fading more and more the longer you were stuck like this. Its partly why you were careless, the isolating was getting to you. You knew it was crazy the second Felix grabbed you, but admitting you were wrong was not your forte. Still, you didn’t want to go into this fight without clearing the air…
Fuck it.
You sat down next to him, you weren’t even sure he noticed. He seemed concentrated, every part of him seemed tense. His hands were crossed in front of him, his usual stance at trials. You tried to be as quiet as possible and avoid anyone trying to listen in on your conversation, which no doubt they would be.
He stiffened, blinking at the sound of your voice cutting through the air. “…yes?”
“Will you walk with me?”
He nods and stands up, he offers his arm out to you. Out of habit, I think. He starts to apologize but you link your arm through hi before he can say anything and walk out towards the gardens. The snow is barely coating the courtyard, its beautiful. It’s a shame you have to worry about the law at a time like this. You should have worked on the garden earlier. The original plants you managed to grow were wilting, you try to not think about that as a sign and will yourself to grow plants that seem to thrive in the winter: snowdrops, camelias, hollies and anything else you can think of soon decorate the garden. You wish there were brighter flowers that could bloom but you enjoy some of the pinks that shine through.
“They’re lovely.” Felix says softly.
“Thank you. And thank you for coming with me.” I’ve missed this, you say to yourself.
“Is everything all right?”
“How are you feeling? With this fight?”
“Are you really going to keep lying to me?” You didn’t mean to snap but if you were going to clear the air he needed to work with you. He looks surprised…and hurt and you quickly decide you would rather not bring up another argument. “Just forget about it—”
“No. I apologize. Its habit. I forget you always seem to see through it. Please.” He gestures to a bench and you sit. Still irritated at this whole situation.
“You can say you don’t want to talk about it. I would rather hear that honestly.”
“Yes. Except that isn’t exactly true, I just…I think somethings off.”
“What do you mean?”
“The Cullens and the Denalis…their whole thing is they don’t want to fight. Why would they protect an immortal child. And why would all of those other covens risk what their safety? I don’t like it…”
“Do you think they have an advantage?”
“They’d have to.”
“Okay. Why do I feel like that’s not everything?”
Felix sighs, “If they do have an advantage. With their gifts…I’ll be useless.”
The thought of them targeting him, him being at a disadvantage. You feel your stomach turn to lead. And then guilt gnaws at your heart for waiting for so long to have a conversation,
“Abilities only go so far. You are not useless.”
“If they have someone like Jane I will be. I wouldn’t be able to protect…anyone.” He becomes still again, its like you can see him thinking of every possible way he could fail. You hesitate and try to tell yourself to stop, but your body moves on its own accord. Your hand intertwines with his and you sit. Sit and wait. He returns your gesture but before you can say anything you hear the footsteps approaching you. Your heads snap towards the leaders and you know they cannot be bringing any good news. You notice you both aren’t moving, you know he’s anticipating something too.
“Y/n. We’ve been looking for you.” Caius starts
“I don’t imagine this is a good visit.” You feel Felix eyes glare at you.
“We have informed the others, they are all to think of the most absurd things possible. Songs, stories, rumors, anything. What we haven’t told them my dear is why. We need you to be ready to use your gifts, before any of the others realize whats happening.” Aro starts
“That’s why you’ve kept me in hiding? Whats the distance?”
“How close do you need?” Caius asks
“Depends, if I can dig my hands into the dirt its faster. I can visualize where everything needs to grow better. It would be obvious but with so many vampires I may be able to hide somewhere further. I would just need a clear visual.”
~●○°●○°●○~ ~●○°●○°●○~ ~●○°●○°●○~
Felixs POV
Away? As in away from the guard? What if they had someone waiting on the outskirts, you’d have no way of knowing. What if she needed you? You open your mouth to protest but Marcus jumps in.
“Theres too many variables. We cannot send anyone to scout out the area without calling attention to ourselves, it would give it away.”
“I’ll practice to see how quick I can grow them if I focus. But you realize I wont be able to think about anything else?” You want to shush her, warn her to be careful of who shes dealing with. You know you are likely on thin ice after staring down the leaders instead of standing up and acknowledging their presence. But she remains unphased.
“Its why we are hoping to distract them.” Aro smiles
“You don’t want them to think about random things. Assign them a person. And have them focus on how they plan on taking them down. The mind reader needs to think I’m the least of their worries. Have them think of the worst they can do, the stronger ones should focus on the mind reader, his mate, and child. So long as they know their actual target it should be distracting enough to at least confuse him.”
Caius grins, “I like the way you think, child.”
You didn’t. If they realized what was happening she would be the first one they were after. Which means you are already going against their plan, all you are going to be able to think about is her safety. You refuse to let go of her hand.
“Well, then I should start practicing. I trust you will tell the rest of the guard the plan?”
“What they need to know.” Caius answers.
She only nods and the leaders leave without so much of a glance in your direction. You could hardly form a singular thought. Your mind racing to try and find a favorable outcome. Would the leaders force you to hang back, far enough away you wouldn’t be able to run to her if something happened?
“So. This will be fun.” She starts. You know shes trying to calm you down but you can still hardly form an articulate sentence. Not now. “I’ll be fine, Felix. We both will be.”
She squeezes your hand, signaling its time for her to practice. To leave you. “Lets go out to the fields. You can practice the distance there.”
You practice until its time for you to depart. Y/n was a fast learner. And she had settled several of your worries. Not all, but several… well at least enough to know she could in fact handle herself. You both silently seem to agree to start over. And, frankly, you couldn’t be happier. The flight over was silent, but you refused to leave her side. Even if you didn’t say anything you needed to know she was still there. You would both make it out of this somehow. You weren’t one to back out of a fight, but if it was really hopeless would you run? Make sure Y/n got out of there? You had told her once you would ensure she made it out… and you always were a man of your word.
~●○°●○°●○~ ~●○°●○°●○~ ~●○°●○°●○~
Y/n’s POV
Felix was right. They were hiding an advantage. As the blond vampire swore everyone was a witness, the wolves descended. If these were children of the moon, they had been somehow subdued, maybe ready to take out the threat that almost eradicated their kind. You can hear several people step back. Demetri usual smirk is dead serious. Caius looks more furious than ever. And Felix…while his expression is neutral you cant help but notice his hand graze the scar that had still painfully reminded him of his past. You fight the urge to go over to him and grab his hand. You would not show any weaknesses here. You take a deep breath and refocus on the new hurdles your coven may have to jump. You decide you’re glad Felix chose against the tonic.
The application had proved to be difficult, Sulpicia had several people hold Caius down as she reopened some wounds before lathering your creation on it. You would never forget his screams as his skin broke like porcelain. You couldn’t imagine the pain. After cursing you and Sulpicia everyone had noticed how much happier he seemed. Heidi told you shed over heard how it felt as if the pain was slowly diminishing day by day until it was gone. It worked.,,but you knew it was something Felix would rather live with. And truthfully, no one would have volunteered to hold him down anyway. Now, the pain surely radiating from his arm would hopefully garner him to be more careful. Maybe even hesitant, it was better than him willing to sacrifice himself in order to fulfill his purpose or whatever.
You are snapped back to attention as Alec grabs Jane. Her gift, always useful in negotiations was ineffective. Meaning they had a shield. Not good. However, shields you’ve learned, are always either mental or physical. You notice the vampire with almost golden eyes, different from the the others up front. You can only assume that’s Bella. You focus as hard as you can sprouting the tiniest blade of grass through the snow. One of the wolf creatures twitched but disregarded it. Perfect. You force a vine to begin growing behind you, it wraps around your ankle and continues growing. You feel it climb up your back and then wraps around your arm. When it reaches your fingertips you know every dormant root in this field. The leaders had been right. Your gift would be useful. You are not going to let anyone go through what Felix endured, what Caius endured. No one would make it across this field. Not without permission. You would make sure of that. Now you wait.
And luckily you don’t have to wait long. Two vampires give a statement and then leave hurriedly. Your eyes scan every huddle. Separating themselves into their respective covens was a stupid mistake. You see a man and woman clutching a small girl. The irish. Demetri had told you how defensive they had been. One. You look at the wolves, one of them almost eager to start an actual fight. Two. You notice the big black one, he had growled at them when they first joined the clearing. Three. You wait a little longer. The child whose heartbeat becomes clearer with every step they take closer makes you pause. Irina had been so sure… but your new coven came first. After they head back to their group you Caius has run out of patience. You and Felix lock eyes for a moment as Irinas life has come to an end. Then you hear the screams. And Edward makes the mistake of letting you know who has the ability to blind them. Four. As you see the blonde ones mate fall to the floor with her you decide she will be your last target. Five.
You choose a combination of Foxglove, hemlock, and devils breath for the first three. For four and five you decide to go with a mixture of nightshade, poppies, and peyote. The Irish are the first to back away. The scream is unlike anything you’ve ever heard of.
“Maggie? Maggie!!” Her eyes have no hatred in them, only fear. Fear of losing her child due to her own decisions. Fear of losing what she holds most dear. Welcome to the club, you think.
“Wait! NO!” Edward growls.
The two wolves fall, one twitching and the other immobile. The bigger one in the front begins snapping some kind of order but the two wolves are picked up and their pack disperses.
Then the screaming comes from four and five. You’ve heard the hallucinations you can give off are no joke. They really should have picked their battles more wisely. You are almost surprised how detached you seem from all of this. Except for the little one in the Irish coven, everyone chose to be here. Had they wished to be witnesses a phone call surely would have sufficed. The blond tries to step forward again.
“Aro, please. Lets settle this calmly.”
“Oh I have no idea what you old friend, I gave no orders for this to happen.” His voice is laced with sarcasm, although technically he wasn’t lying. He told you to be watchful, I doubt even he expected this. “Siobhan, Liam please bring Maggie, we can assure you she will be fine.”
The man hesitates, but Siobhan only shakes her head at Carlisle before rushing over. You look at Aro and he waves a finger in a circle. The vine retracts and both hands extend out to your sides, no use hiding it now. The field is surrounded by flowers of different colors, but it is winter so you have to focus to ensure the cold doesn’t kill them off. Sulpicia holds her arm out towards the irish coven and they quickly follow. Desperate to help their loved one, not caring if it meant certain death for themselves, you decide to like them. You can apologize later. Aro asks Bella to return with them to Volterra, just to ensure her and the child wont be an issue. She looks around panicked, the remaining Egyptian covens have fled, the Denali are trying to fix their blonde friend without getting too close. Senna is almost cradling Zafrina as she tries to clear her head. There isn’t much of an escape route now.
“Bella darling, lets go.”
“Oh no, Edward. Just the two.” The brown wolf seemed ready to lunge, and you decide to knock him out for safe measure. Bella grabs the child but her eyes are looking for any way to escape. Not a likely option without risking her child’s fate. You make it a point to have a vine rise up to the childs height. Harmless, but I doubt she would know. As she takes the tentative steps forward you can feel the flowers wilting. You focus on their growth, just a little longer…just until the leaders come to a conclusion… You can barely hear Carlisle and Aro speak. Something about this never intending for everything to turn out like this. You can hear the screaming from the other blonde who was still furious at the inability to regain control of her mind. Carlilse explains something about the giant creatures who had stood beside them. Aro and Caius agreed to leave them alone unless they cause anymore trouble. Apparently everyone was done with this stupid meeting.
 You try not to buckle when Aro finally gives you the signal.  Your vision is spotty and you feel like you could collapse any moment.
“You did well, Y/n.” Aro smiles, “Felix.”
He immediately appears next to you, “Yes?”
“You two take up the rear, just in case. Make sure Bella is following.”
“Of course. We’ll have a good time.” He smiles at Bella and slightly bows his head. You try and stifle the chuckle that escapes you. He certainly knew how to play his role. Athenadora comes and scoops Renesme from Bella.
Before she can protest Athenadora smiles, “Sorry, cant have you running off though.” She turns to the child and continues, “Come on, sweetheart, you’ll see your mommy soon I promise.”
As this is happening Felix gets closer offering his arm in case you need it. You shake your head and squeeze his hand before setting it back down at his side. You try and focus on the woman joining you on your flight. She looks back at her coven, as if debating whether she would rather be with her mate or her child. You follow her eyes, noticing how the bigger vampire in their coven and Carlisle continue to hold him back. They try and get him to calm down but you can see him unraveling. Bella takes a step forward him and he starts screaming for her. Felix steps in front of her arms crossed and shakes his head. She takes the same step back.
“Bella! No! Let go of me! BELLA!” He’s growling when suddenly everyone stops and looks towards the other vampire suddenly appearing at the edge of the clearing. She’s a small thing with another taller man behind her. She looks like if she could cry she would. Wherever she was she’s too late. Bella seems to realize some kind of betrayal because her face turns to stone, she hisses under her breath and turns around towards her child. You and Felix only look at each other for a second before deciding to make sure she goes towards the rest of the coven. They could deal with her later. You can hear the commotion behind you confusion, anger, demands to know their location. The diet must slow the others down because your on Bella almost immediately, she doesn’t try to escape, in fact she is silent the entire way to Volterra. Only rubbing the back of her child in a meek effort to comfort her. Sulpicia gave the Irish coven a “cure” for their daughter. She will probably wake in less than a day, you made sure she was the least affected.
Felix sits next to a window, he leans over as close as he can to your ear and says “You did well.”
After that its silence. He only stares out the window, pensive. You would think he was mad at you if his hands weren’t firmly intertwined with your own. You can only hope this is only because of the many vampires around. You hate when he lets go upon descent.
Everyone disperses when you land. The leaders decide to speak to Bella immediately, they instruct Heidi to get her a room read, for Demetri and Santiago to stand guard during their meeting, and dismiss everyone else. Thank God. You’re tired of playing the bad guy today. You start to make your way to your own room when Felix reaches out for your hand and gestures towards the direction of the sanctuary you once found. You agree and head over there. While mostly empty now it is still remains eerily peaceful. Like your presence alone would ruin its beauty, like any disturbance could turn this paradise into a waking nightmare. Seemed to match the energy after today.
You barely had time to ask Felix what the matter was before he enveloped you. “I’m glad you’re safe,” he whispers.
You don’t hesitate to return the affection you finally allow yourself to admit you were craving. When he does pull back he just as quickly scans your face before his lips lock onto yours. You return that too, trying to convince yourself you hadn’t thought about doing this for months. His lips were soft against yours and warm oddly enough. You push against him, not wanting this moment to end. He allows it, only breaking it once.
 “I’ve missed you…so much.” He groans in between breaths
“Me too…” Because you have. It was ridiculous to think that you would simply not worry about one another, you two were linked together somehow. The only thing staying away from each other did is cause unnecessary amounts of pain. You needed to control your pride, handle your ego. Apparently you both did, but at least Felix had come to the realization sooner. You pull away, the very least you could do is tell him you were wrong.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have shut you out like that.”
“Don’t. I was the one who started all of this, you were still acclimating and I only made things worse.”
You chuckle, “Yeah our communication needed some work.”
“I think you’re right. But we do have time to get better.”
“That’s true.” You smile at him
“Y/n… you should know uhm—I think I should tell you. Theres a reason we feel so… drawn to eachother. I think theres a chance—”
You shut him up by kissing him again, “I know. Heidi told me all about it. She says its up to us to reject it or not.”
He sighs deeply, “I’m going to kill her.”
You cant help but to laugh, “You thought she’d be able to keep it a secret? I Figured you would tell me when you were ready…or you rejecte—”
Its his turn to shut you up, “I just want to make sure you’re okay. That…we’re okay now?”
You nod. “Of course.”
And you mean it. Any lost memories you mourned seemed unimportant when you could focus on making new ones. Especially now that the two of you were back on speaking terms. The two of you find a spot and sit in silence for hours. Just soaking in eachothers company.
“What if we didn’t go back?”
You freeze, “Felix. That’s your home, your family.”
“I know. But you would be happy there? Truly?”
“Is that what your actually worried about?”
“ Partly. Today was a lot. You shouldn’t have to expend yourself like that, and you’ve frankly painted a large target on yourself. What if…what if we don’t get so lucky next time. I’m supposed to protect the leaders. I don’t know if I can do that.”
“Felix, if Aro finds out…no. You’ll do your job, okay?”
“If it were only that simple…” You both snap towards Caius’s voice, Felix threw you behind him a low growl coming from his throat. “Oh honestly, Felix. You think Marcus wouldn’t tell us about the bond between you two? Not that it wasn’t glaringly obvious.”
Felix didn’t move. The thought of anything happening to him because of you makes you want to hyperventilate. They wouldn’t get rid of you, you knew that but to force him to stay or hurt him to convince you broke you.
“Both of you relax,” he continued, “Nothing is going to happen to either of you. I know all about how strong this mate bond is, obviously. You two will be called upon, often I assume. But we have enough with Jane and Alec to get the information we need, and if we get Bella to cooperate…”
“I don’t want to leave. I think everyone could maybe rotate some time off? You guys have been working seemingly nonstop. You can still call upon us of course, but… this coven is where we both belong. I’m not worried about any other fights. I think I’ve proven I can be useful.”
“Yes, that is true. You shouldn’t worry about protecting your mate Felix. We would all do it if it came to that. I do, however, suggest not trying to just avoid your duties?”
You have to nudge Felix to get him to relax, this was not a conversation he was expecting to go well. You can see him analyzing everything, thinking of every possible outcome. “I don’t know what to say…”
“You don’t have to say anything, Bella mentioned something about the mind reader so wait a few days and you can go.” He turns to head back to the castle, “and lets not have anyone know about this conversation. I have a reputation to upkeep.”
“Of course,” You answer and grab Felix’s hand. Still, Felix doesn’t relax until he’s sure Caius is gone, “You can breathe now, Felix.”
“That was too easy. Why would they do that?”
“You really think that after years of being with them they wouldn’t be even a little sympathetic towards you? I told you before. You’re more important to this coven than you realize. I’m sure they’ve noticed more than you think.”
“Hm.” He still seems pensive… sad
“Lets go home, we can decide where we want to go after the mission is truly done. It’ll be an adventure.”
“Okay.” You take your time, worried about what other news the youngest vampire had brought them and excited for the new life they had in front of them. But your first and biggest obstacle might just be having to explain to Heidi and Demetri exactly what just happened over the last couple days. It was going to be a long night.
~●○°●○°●○~ ~●○°●○°●○~ ~●○°●○°●○~
Taglist: @adaydreamaway08 @artaxerxesthegreat @aunt-pipie @imtoanonymousforyou @jelly-fishy-babie @lacychick @quarthly @venusdelaroix @volturiwolf @xcastawayherosx
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fantasticalleigh · 4 months
Hey, I love your work, esp your Dramione stuff! I noticed the tags on some of your posts and I was wondering: are you planning on turning Sweet Sacrifice into original fiction? I would be interested in seeing more genre romance in the mainstream
Aw, thank you! I've had the intent of adapting Sweet Sacrifice away from Harry Potter lore and into its own original work for a while now. (I talk about it some on my writing blog here and here.)
I sort of started on this already by working on an AU comic loosely based on Sweet Sacrifice since last year. It covers some of the same ground but the plot has been reduced down to mainly just being about Caius and Isolde (formerly Draco and Hermione) because if I cover anything else from the actual fic plot this comic would be like a hundred pages long. I'm working on chapter 2 of the comic right now and it's at 13 pages currently and about to get very NSFW, but I don't know if I plan to make a chapter 3 to the comic because it's really intensive work, but we'll see. This is mostly for fun but it's also helped me consider how the story might go now that I've stripped the HP elements from it and am trying my hand at world building and developing these characters further into something of my own and not relying on someone else's lore.
(I'll post more of chapter 1 of the comic but I don't think I'll post it here. So far what I've shared of it has been mainly on WordPress and DeviantArt but the full pdf is up on my Patreon.)
As for writing, I would really love to give Sweet Sacrifice a do over and make it a proper horror novel starting at a point before D + H/Caius and Isolde meet. I really want to flesh out the doomed village better and really delve into life before/during the werewolf's haunting before we get into the whole mated life thing.
I like the idea of doing it on my own and just compiling it into an ebook and "publishing" it on my own site. If I did it any other way I'd probably have to change specific/significant aspects of it to keep it from getting flagged or rejected or something, considering the themes running throughout the fic. I don't want to buckle on it remaining horror/dark romance (and the romance is questionable, at that). I don't see my type of work ever hitting mainstream (and I don't think I'd want it to either, to be honest). I don't like the idea of having to really water down the things I write to appeal to a larger audience when I already have you and many others as an audience (who already know what you're in for)!
I'm sort of taking a break from writing it right now because I've been feeling burnt out at how long the chapters have gotten and I still need to figure out the rest of the plot but the intent is absolutely there so I'll get to it soon, I hope.
TLDR: Yes, absolutely this is something I want/plan to do! I've got this story shredded between my teeth and I'll rearrange these letters to tell it in as many ways as I can, and make it my own.
(This was a really long answer to your question I'm sorry T-T ) but thanks for asking!
bonus: i don't think i've posted these here yet but bottom left is a WIP shot of the SS ch. 2 cover and image on the right is a pre-background/text flats layout of one of the final pages from chapter 1. Putting this bit under a read more bc of the sensitive material.
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dtspersonalnightmare · 6 months
The Volturi Kings-
Meeting child reader
(Human Reader, no pronounce so GN Reader)
Aro Volturi-
Aro looked down at the you as you stood there awkwardly. He started to laugh. “An uninvited Human joined us!”, He seemed amused as he said that. He then started to face you:” Is the little child lost?” But he didn’t get an answer. Aro stood up and came closer to you. “Are you searching for someone?”, he asked softly but you shook your head. Aro stood up and kneeled down infront of you:” What’s your name, little one?” You answered the question quietly. “Hmm… that’s a cute name.”, he said because other than people assume he liked children and didn’t want to be mean to the child in front of him. “Thank you.”, you replied. Aro smiled at that. “Did you come with someone or did you come alone?” “Alone.”, was everything he got. Aro stood up again:” Okay, did you have something to eat yet?”, he asked and the you shook your head. Aro looked down at you:” You poor child. Wait here I’ll grab you some food.” After that he left and some minutes later he came back with some hot food and water. “Huh… thank you.”, you mumbled. “No problem.”, he replied as you started to eat the food not realizing that you shouldn’t trust him that easily. “Wait here for a moment.”, Aro left and came back with some toys and sweets. “Thank you!”, you said again as he gave them to you and Aro grinned. “It’s alright.” You started to eat the sweets, seemingly never learned not to take sweets from strangers. Aro ruffled your hair:” Have fun little kid.” As he said that he went a bit away watching you play. It was wholesome. The other two kings looked at him confused but soon Marcus also watched the child while Caius was just annoyed. You Threw a toy plane around giggling:” It flies!” While you did that you ate chocolate making your whole face full with it. Aro smiled at that. You threw the plane over and over again and then it hit Aro. “Did you just throw the plane at me?”, he asked furious and you looked at him with teary eyes. “I am sorry.”, you replied guilty and Aro’s face softened. “It’s fine just be more careful next time.”, he said and you nodded extremely, wiping your tears away. Aro threw the plane back to you making you giggle extremely. Long story short he adopted you in the end.
Marcus Volturi-
Marcus sat in the library reading a book as he heard a silent rustle and then a thud. He looked up. “Who’s there?”, he asked into the silence and a moment later the head of a child popped out behind one of the shelves. The kid (you) looked at him with innocent eyes making Marcus wonder what he was doing here. „Who are you?“, Marcus repeated as he kept looking at you. You then start giggling hiding behind the shelve again. Marcus sighed standing up and coming behind the shelve where you hide but you weren’t there anymore as Marcus looked around trying to find you he heard a giggle. Marcus walked towards the giggle but again you disappeared. Marcus was confused. You were really fast. A moment later he felt a small hand touching his back making Marcus turn around seeing you look up at it. Marcus kneeled down. „Hello, small one, what’s your name?“, he asked softly so he wouldn’t scare you. You started giggling loudly making Marcus smile slightly:“ So? What is it?“ You replied with your name and he nodded. „Read!“ He looked at you confused. „What?“, he asked confused. „Read, please!“, you replied making Marcus think:“ You want me to read for you?“ You nodded at his question and so Marcus took you onto his arms, choosing a book that was suitable for a child and then sat down, placing you on his lap. He started to read to you. You were listening in awe looking up at him as he finished you clapped into your hands excited:“ Again!“ Marcus normally sad and melancholic mood faded completely and he smiled reading the same story a second time. You giggled excited:„ Again!“ The day went on as Marcus kept reading the same story over and over again making you laugh and clap. „Book!“, you reached out for the book and Marcus gave it to you wondering what you would do. To his surprise you looked into it and pointed at the first sentence. „Once upon a time…!“, you said and Marcus nodded. „Yes, the first four words are once upon a time.“, he replied making you giggle again clapping into your hands happy. After that Marcus and you were meeting up everyday. He was either reading to you, teaching you to read yourself or talking to you. This was how you gained your father.
Caius Volturi-
Your first meeting with Caius was rather… let’s say dangerous. He had immediately tried to kill you making you cry loudly which had stopped the cruel king because you were looking so cute when crying and not even the cold-hearted Caius could stop but adore the small child. He then tried to calm you. “Shhh, shhhh, shhhh no need to cry, little kid, I’m not going to hurt you.”, Caius said as you cuddled against him, he then brought you to Marcus to make him look out for you not ready to do it himself. He then kept visiting playing with you for ten minutes and then leaving you back again. With the time the minutes got more until they turned to hours. Caus had really fallen for you. You were his child now and he loved you as his child and it didn’t take long until everyone was adoring you the guards, Caius and Marcus, not even Aro was able to escape the spell you as the new little bean in the castle were putting onto everyone. No one was save from it and your cute little begging eyes, this cute little smile that made all their hearts race with joy and love for the child they wanted to adopt. “I loving you!”, you said first pointing at yourself and then at the a Volturi making all their hearts go up in pure joy of your cuteness. You were their child.
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felixschokehold · 2 years
I saw a theory that Sam killed Felix and I am at my breaking point over this frickin vision-
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Edit: I do want to say, this battle scene is the best scene imo in the entire series and I love it, my problem is just what lies below lol
Before going into this, I wanna say that I understand this vision was not real in the books. The thing that bothers me is that so many people believe the vision’s results  would be real if a fight broke out between the Volturi and the Cullen coven and co. 
My first problem I will knock off this list is just a theory, as stated above, but to believe that Sam, a barely seasoned werewolf, could take out and destroy a millenia old vampire whose special skill is combat/fighting, is ridiculous. Now, of course I may be biased. But even before I was a Felix stan, I did not believe this was possible in any capacity. Most of the wolves are young and untrained and there is no way that they would have been able to take Felix down. 
My second source of irritation I want to make is Santiago and Demetri also being taken out so easily. In the movies they are not as tall/foreboding as Felix, but in the books they’re also quite large and have thousands of years of experience of executing and committing mass murder. 
I cannot say it is unfair to assume Jane and Alec would have died as their powers lie solely in psychic/mind attacks and they very likely have no fighting experience. They are also children. The only way I see them surviving is staying within range of Renata, whose power is to confuse any incoming attackers and she’s bound to Aro by Chelsea, so tightly that she’d die before seeing him die. 
There is no canon or not if Bella’s power would cancel out Renata’s, but since Bella is so special and a little OP, I could see it happening. In which case, yes, the twins would be rendered useless and would die without knowing how to physically fight. 
Caius’ death may be satisfactory as well, but he goes on so many execution and punishing trips that I find it hard to believe he could also be taken down easily. He has no special power, except his unusually deep love for cruelty.
Marcus? Well, yeah. I can see it happening just how it did in the movies, to be quite honest. He may be bound to Aro by Chelsea, but I think his suffering would outweigh that during a fight. 
Aro I feel like would have his own self-preservation kick in and attempt to end the fight before he or any of his special guards would die, or at least take too many losses.
Speaking of which, the amount of Volturi that are present vs the amount of Cullen and co. is quite large. I cannot believe, still, that the Volturi would bring so many inexperienced fighters and lose so badly. 
Although, in the end of the vision as Aro’s body sets on fire, you can see a huge amount of Volturi guards descending upon Bella, so perhaps the Cullen coven and co. would get defeated. They just somehow would bring down all the big guns with them. 
ANYWAYS, sorry for the long-ish post. I just do not see unseasoned fighters winning in any capacity like in the vision. The wolves are too inexperienced and most of the Volturi guard are far too old and experienced to have eaten absolute shit like that. 
I’m always up for discussion in chat, reblogs, or asks!! 
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volterran-wine · 15 days
I am in love with this- But
🩸 and 🍓 for Caius, Athenodora and Felix (for which there is no salvation from me<3)
Respectfully, Gustav!Anon
🩸 - If you knew you were going to die, what would you do/say?
𝐂𝐚𝐢𝐮𝐬: I do believe dear Nathalie has answered this at another point in time, but I would certainly think of Athenodora in my last moments. After that it would be Corin, Leo... my brothers... I would think of the ones I could no longer protect.
𝐀𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐨𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐚: I concur, I would think my family... and perhaps imagine myself look out over the Adriatic Sea.
𝐂𝐚𝐢𝐮𝐬: In that regard I would imagine myself in Greece, in a place that no longer exists.
𝐅𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐱: Depending on the circumstances I may attempt to take myself out, torture is no easy affair for vampires. But if it were to be reflecting on a part of my life, I would think of my friends... Demetri and Heidi would come to mind.
And as for my last words, I imagine they would be; "I am sorry." Though if I were so lucky to have a mate at that point in time, I would like to utter her name one last time.
🍓 - Do you believe in anything? Religious or otherwise.
𝐂𝐚𝐢𝐮𝐬: Any affinity I had for my old gods do not exist as they used to, that being said, in my direst hour I have uttered a prayer or two to some of them.
𝐀𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐨𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐚: I would like to believe those who do good are rewarded for it one way or another, and those who seek to only cause harm is punished in a like manner.
𝐅𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐱: Any faith I had in the gods died when I became a gladiator, though I do hope there is a sense of peace at the end of everything. There are those I have lost who I think deserve nothing less than Elysium. I am rather fond of the concept of karma however...
― 𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐲, 𝐶𝑎𝑖𝑢𝑠, 𝐴𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑛𝑜𝑑𝑜𝑟𝑎 & 𝐹𝑒𝑙𝑖𝑥
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sunshine-hufflepuff31 · 6 months
Hey guys sorry I’ve only been reposting for a little while, life has gotten me too busy to actually write but I promise I’ll be posting some of original content soon. I have at least two things in the works at the moment, one being a little Caius one shot for an ask and a random one shot for Demetri
(A/N: I am so sorry to the anon for taking forever on your ask and I hope you’re doing well my love 💕)
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victimeyez · 7 days
Man that last fucking chapter has left me fucking reeling. It’s changed my entire perspective on the story, because before “The Star” I was still holding out hope that Tommy would somehow someway get out of this mess but now I only want him to experience the sweet release of death he so desperately deserves. Having his own torture force fed back to him as pleasure is such a mind fuck, my heart just aches for him 😭 I seriously hope he dies soon because I don’t know how he can possibly continue living after that shit.
(The writing was excellent btw, you had me on the edge of my seat both wanting to know what would happen next and also feeling so so sad for this man)
That chapter was the culmination of several ideas I wanted to use, and formed it into a chapter so upsetting my boyfriend looked disappointed in me lmao
I wanted to get some good mindfuck in, and I'm a little proud of it.
Now, I hear you about the death thing. This is definitely going to change some things in Tommy that can't really be changed back.
But in spite of everything... (spoilers below)
I don't write tragedies.
There is a future where Tommy is safe and the past doesn't hurt so much anymore. He still doesn't like to think about Caius, but he hasn't had to in a long time.
Right now, he can't possibly forsee the changes coming, but he is closer to freedom now than ever. <3
He IS going to have some weird intimacy problems though lol.
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