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Below: Caleche > Quebec City / Canada
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helene-tolden · 7 months
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🇫🇷Café Gaudi Février 2024.
Jour 25. Calèche.
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alightinthelantern · 11 months
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A couple weeks ago I visited the Shelburne Museum in Shelburne, Vermont, USA, with a work friend. She took photos throughout the day. I don't own a camera of any kind, so I asked her to share with me the photos she took. Unfortunately I found her photos far from extensive regarding the sights the Museum has to offer, but they offer a good taste at least.
These are a selection of the carriages and sleighs on display in the Round Barn. The Round Barn is a three-story barn measuring 80 feet in diameter, built in 1901 in East Passumpsic, Vermont and moved to the Museum's premises sometime after its founding in 1947. There are roughly 20 carriages and sleighs housed in this barn, so this selection above is not exhaustive. My friend took no photos of the barn itself, but you can see what the barn looks like on this blog post: https://breezesatdawn.wordpress.com/2017/08/31/the-shelburne-museum-the-round-barn/
I am standing beside the Country Cutter in the second-to-last photo to give a scale of how small the cutter actually is. The whole thing is only around five feet long.
Collection of sleighs and carriages from the other two barns housing them can be seen here.
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florentinv · 2 years
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Merci à l'Ankou de la troupe @atometheatre pour la balade contée en octobre ☺️📷 #france #bretagne #paimpont #paimponttourisme #broceliande #broceliandetourisme #tourisme #ankou #atometheatre #caleche #contes #legend #tales #myth #death #photo #photography #lightroom #hdr #instagood #photooftheday #picoftheday #instalike #autumn #roadtrip #trip #holiday #travel #travelphotography #instatravel (à Paimpont) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmtZuLrs7Kv/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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vertbois · 2 years
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mégève #74120 #mégève #megeve #hautesavoie #alpes #alps #hiver #winter #caleche https://www.instagram.com/p/CmjLB7do6lK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mosqitofood · 1 year
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mariniacipher · 2 years
whenever we get to mary’s pov i get so indescribably sad for her, it’s unreal. like. let her be happy, tolstoy, im begging here
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glamsadness · 1 year
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see-arcane · 5 months
I must have been asleep, for certainly if I had been fully awake I must have noticed the approach of such a remarkable place.
Oh. Oh, hell. This is the first time I've caught this.
We already saw how Dracula was driving the caleche around the same route at first--biding time for midnight and likely trying to throw off Jonathan's direction--but this? If Jonathan is telling the truth, that he really did nod off in order to miss their arrival at the castle?
I'd put my money on Dracula having willed him down into a trance sleep.
So he wouldn't know how one is meant to get to and from the castle.
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ramblesandrambling · 9 months
I bought the Re: Dracula audiobook and I'm listening from the beginning and....
Jonathan really doesn't understand how hard the peasants at the beginning were trying to help him. We always laugh at how if the locals were all pressing charms into our hands and blessing us, we might think twice about going where we're going. But no one talks about the coach driver:
"There is no carriage here. The Herr is not expected after all. He will now come on to Bukovina, and return tomorrow or the next day, better the next day." [.......] Then, amongst a chorus of screams from the peasants and a universal crossing of themselves, a caleche, with four horses, drove up behind us, overtook us, and drew up beside the coach. [.......]They were driven by a tall man, with a long brown beard and a great black hat, which seemed to hide his face from us. I could only see the gleam of a pair of very bright eyes,which seemed red in the lamplight, as he turned to us. He said to the driver, "You are early tonight, my friend." The man stammered in reply, "The English Herr was in a hurry." To which the stranger replied, "That is why, I suppose, you wished him to go on to Bukovina. You cannot deceive me, my friend. I know too much, and my horses are swift."
The kindness and the balls of the coach driver. He fucking knew the foreigner headed for Dracula's castle wasn't going to listen to them, so he tried to fake out both Jonathan and Dracula to save Jonathan's life. Putting himself in harm's way. Can I hear a round of applause for our unnamed coach driver? Yeah, it didn't work, but he should sure as fuck get credit for trying to save this total stranger from Dracula, especially when he was putting himself at risk by (metaphorically) sticking his own neck out!
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vickyvicarious · 1 year
I know it seems so random that Jonathan went from utter despair and panic to asking Dracula about his family history, I do, but. it was actually clever.
I think it's extremely clever, actually. And not really random at all. (Though I can absolutely see how it might seem that way.) Jonathan says it himself, as he's coming down from his panic/emerging from despair into planning mode:
So far as I can see, my only plan will be to keep my knowledge and my fears to myself, and my eyes open. I am, I know, either being deceived, like a baby, by my own fears, or else I am in desperate straits; and if the latter be so, I need, and shall need, all my brains to get through.
He can't go to Dracula for help. On the off chance that he's being paranoid, doing so isn't going to help (frankly, even if Dracula were totally innocent and Jonathan were just being paranoid, I think he's already so suspicious of his host that he wouldn't believe any reassurances that might be given. But it's a moot point because Dracula is the cause, Jonathan's correct). And if, as he strongly believes, he is in danger already, Dracula is the one putting him in danger. Confronting him, when he already holds all the power, isn't helpful. Nor is confirming that Jonathan knows what's up by asking him directly about Jonathan's suspicions. Best case scenario, Dracula continues to brush him off like he already did when Jonathan asked questions he didn't want to answer ("Sometimes he sheered off the subject, or turned the conversation by pretending not to understand"), worst case scenario Dracula also drops the pretence of being 'friends' and gets openly violent or restricts Jonathan's freedoms even more.
So Jonathan concludes right away that he can't go to Dracula. But then right after this, he confirms that Dracula is the only other person in the castle (or at least, there are no servants). That means, he has no one else to go to but Dracula. Jonathan starts thinking about the driver, about the caleche ride, about the gifts given to him by the other local passengers... he wonders what purpose they serve, then he decides to talk to Dracula some more.
Some time, if it may be, I must examine this matter and try to make up my mind about it. In the meantime I must find out all I can about Count Dracula, as it may help me to understand. To-night he may talk of himself, if I turn the conversation that way. I must be very careful, however, not to awake his suspicion.
Jonathan's train of thought is something like this: can't confide in the Count -> no one else to ask -> he posed as the driver -> the passengers gave me gifts which may have some meaning -> I'll have to think more about that -> (unstated: the best way to learn information is by talking with someone) -> (unstated: the only person I have to talk to is Dracula) -> I can try and subtly direct the conversation to learn more about Dracula.
That he does so under the auspices of local history makes it clear to me the gifts are still on his mind. He already asked about local superstitions the day before and Dracula got quiet at times, so he doesn't want to press the point. But in amongst his answers the other day, Dracula got very dismissive of the peasants (= he is proud of his noble status), and he mentioned that "Transylvania is not England. Our ways are not your ways, and there shall be to you many strange things." (= at least some if not all of this stuff is linked to Transylvanian ways specifically, which is supported by the locals seeming to have knowledge Jonathan does not.)
So by asking about local history, Jonathan is gathering together a whole bunch of threads. Local history (perhaps including supernatural/relevant elements), learning more about the character and values of his captor (always useful information), not being open with his suspicions, choosing a topic Dracula is likely to talk willingly on at length, and following up on his own points of interest in as subtle a way as possible.
And while Dracula's following diatribe isn't openly discussing his vampirism, it sure does give a sense of his values as well as context clues that can become quite important later.
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metmuseum · 3 months
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Design for Vis-à-vis/ Caleche, no. 725. 1850–70. Credit line: Gift of William Brewster, 1923 https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/379586
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autumnsup · 4 months
This morning's head canon after my long-ass post yesterday about my latest shopping addiction: Mandy would totally wear Frédéric Malle Outrageous, and she was probably all over the original Halston fragrance when it first came out. Jack Fairy would accept gifts of Lanvin Arpège and Chanel No. 5 because of their associations with Marilyn, but deep down leans toward more opulent and floral scents from the 60s, like...Hermès Caleche? Or Givenchy L'interdit? Someone who knows luxury perfumes help me out here (I am but a novice).
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Thinking about the logistics of Dracula hosting Jon Harker at his castle.
Like, sure, he probably stole some horses, and he may have had a caleche lying around from way back when. But??
How did he get groceries to cook a meal for Jon? That roast chicken didn’t cook itself (the centuries old vamp bust out his cookbook) but where did Drac get the chicken? Does he have a chicken coop? Does he steal chickens from villages? Did he go to a butcher’s shop and politely hypnotize the butcher into giving him chicken?
Where did the cheese come from? And the salad? You need fresh greens to make a salad? I’m imagining the count traipsing to the local farmers market to pick up some fresh veggies for his new guest. Or does he have a little kitchen garden for the most authentic farm-to-table experience?
Not to mention the logs for the fire. Does the Count chop the wood himself? Or whip in and out of people’s houses stealing firewood?
Does Dracula have a contractor who supplies him with “human” amenities, if needed, no questions asked? For a fair price? Or are they too scared to protest and he’s like “okay hand it over” and they just roll over and let him take it while crossing themselves in terror?
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dathen · 1 year
so like here's a concept for the eve of st george's day thing that may have already been brought up somewhere but i haven't seen yet? i'm reading the may 5 entry and i got to the driving-in-circles bit, and like. yeah it's kinda funny but i have to wonder if dracula wasn't *deliberately killing time.* he chased down the carriage before they could make it to bukovina (and implied safety) to collect jonathan an hour earlier than he'd planned for, and then drove around in circles until it's *specifically noted* to have been a few minutes to midnight before presumably getting properly underway and starting to encounter The Fuckening. but what kinda jumped out to me was this, here - 'I think I must have fallen asleep and kept dreaming of the incident, for it seemed to be repeated endlessly, and now looking back, it is like a sort of awful nightmare.' that could super easily be just 'i was so scared and everything was so messed up it all blurred together,' but it also sounds enough like some sort of borderline time dilation to make me wonder. what if it *had to be* midnight on the eve of st george's day to get to the castle in the first place? almost like a pirates of the caribbean 'get to davy jones's locker by sailing off the edge of the world that doesn't exist unless a set of specific criteria are met because otherwise the world is round' sort of thing? it's only once they approach and cross the threshold of midnight that the wolves and the blue fire and the terror and disorientation start really kicking in - something the caleche driver was clearly trying his best to outrun, but which dracula lingered to ensure jonathan was subjected to in full. what if that was dracula's way of not only bringing jonathan across the physical boundary of his lands, but across the spiritual boundary of his *domain* in a way that he wouldn't have been able to at any other time? what if there's a tangible metaphysical difference between 'a castle that dracula is in' and 'Dracula's Castle', and by taking jonathan there on the eve of st george's day dracula was making sure to trap him in the second one?
(to go with the other post)
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jojobegood1 · 1 month
Bruxelles passe aux calèches électriques, les chevaux retrouvent l'écurie
Bruxelles passe aux calèches électriques, les chevaux retrouvent l'écurie https://www.rts.ch/info/monde/2024/article/bruxelles-passe-aux-caleches-electriques-les-chevaux-retrouvent-l-ecurie-28604990.html
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