#call me spineless or whatever
cosmicwhoreo · 1 year
I saw people stealing your art without permission on YouTube
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Before your can talk and explain, are you ok with people just stealing your art and just post it on YouTube?
First of all, you say that like I knew about either of them- And yes, like just about every other artist, I'd prefer it people just credited me for the art, DUH. But at the same time, from the looks of it; both of these dudes are clearly kids. They probably don't really understand the importance of crediting the artist yet and just reposted the art because they thought it looked nice from Pinterest... So I can't say I'm all that bothered over it. Please please PLEASE don't bully them over this, at most just ask that they at least credit me with like a link to my stuff or something. Inform, don't scorn. They're just being silly kids.
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im so fucking angry
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moviestarmartini · 5 days
yellow flowers. — jude bellingham x gf!reader
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él sabía, ella sabía y se olvidaron de sus flores amarillas.
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summary: how can your relationship recover from such a serious argument the night before?
wc: 975
warnings: angst, not that much dialogue, like three words in spanish, established long-term relationship.
A/N: WHAAAAT?? GIGI POSTING TWICE IN A DAY??? its more likely than you think! thank las flores amarillas hehe.
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now playing... flores amarillas from floricienta
The fight was stupid, really. 
You both had to admit it was. Even then, that doesn’t take away the fact it snowballed into issues each of you held back for what seemed ages, and only ended up with Jude slamming the door on the way out of your apartment. 
After hours of crying, your own exhaustion from the ordeal lulled you to sleep. When you rose up in the morning, neither your mind nor your body prepared for the fact it was a Saturday. 
Nor the fact everyone and their mothers were receiving yellow flowers, something you’d always craved but were always just another bystander. 
If you listened to that song again you might just rip your hair off. 
You had a whole day planned with Jude after the game, he wanted to do something special, but the fact you couldn’t hold back your jealousy the night before was more than enough to dampen the idea, whatever it was. 
For a second, you tried to put things on the positive side. A self-care day. In theory it was wonderful, but the second you sat alone in the bubbly bathtub, you broke down in tears. 
You’d been together for years. You changed your whole life around him, learning German to go to school in the same country and planning your masters in Spanish. Maybe that was part of the reason he called you spineless; you adapted to other’s needs and perspectives easier. His words bounced around your head, each reminder taunting you more. 
To top it all off, Spotify seemed to have a vendetta against you, your daylist was insanely depressing. 
“Is this because he plays for Real Madrid?!” You spoke out into the world, growing frustrated with your situation. 
That did spark an idea in your brain; or more of a reminder. 
Jude had a game today. And you weren’t going to be there to watch him. That just made you jump out of the bath, get changed into decent clothes and leave the house for once to watch him at your best friend’s house upon her request, miserably so even when the team got their footing back up— knowing you should be in the stands cheering him on. But alas, you weren’t.
And you wondered if you would ever be again. 
The moment he fell clutching his shoulder, your heart stopped. Tears welled in your eyes but you avoided letting them escape, remembering the long hours of work and recovery, the utter joy you felt when he informed both you and the team he was comfortable playing without the big chunky brace again. All that, and it crumbled down right before your eyes, like your relationship. 
Still, you didn’t hesitate on reaching for your phone, not finding any elation on the team’s victory. 
[ I know you don’t want to see or hear from me ] 
[ But how’s your shoulder? I’m seriously concerned ] 
You knew he wasn’t going to reply right away, and when your companion found out who you’d texted, she ripped the phone out of your hands and put it away for the reminder of your evening laced with white wine and take out sushi. 
“Thank you for releasing me, master.” You joked by the time she gave you the mobile back, swallowing hard upon seeing Jude hadn’t replied. 
He hadn’t even read it. 
Now you were actually panicking, swallowing down the tears in the Uber and wishing the small elevator could go fast enough that you didn’t break down somewhere that wasn’t in the comfort of your home. 
You were overwhelmed enough that you didn’t even take into account your door was unlocked when you clearly left it locked, nor the warm light coming from the tiny space under the doorframe. 
“I’m sorry.” 
Were the first words you registered before your eyes caught the indoor prairie your boyfriend had installed in your living room in the shape of yellow daisies. 
Your eyes trailed the hundreds of petals before your eyes finally fell on him, scanning from his toes up to the apologetic expression he was carrying. Now it all made sense; your friend insisted on getting you out of the house for this. He didn’t reply because of this. 
Though your heart was running at a whopping speed of thirty miles per second, your feet took you painfully slow— cautiously— towards him. You were still marveled, carefully watching where your sneakers landed to avoid stepping on the beautiful work he’d planned for you. 
“Perdón,” Jude repeated, as if the words in Spanish meant so much more than the English language. He opened his mouth for what seemed to be a rant, but the way you squeezed the life out of him with a desperate hug left him speechless, followed by your hugs. 
“I thought you— you were going to dump me and I would have to move back home and— and I can’t imagine that because I love you so much and that’s why I was scared!” You babbled between hiccups, trying to calm yourself down before his gentle hands cupping your face did the job spectacularly. 
“I would be such a fuckin’ idiot to do that.” He couldn’t help but let out a laugh, not at you nor your claims, but at how ridiculous he had been. 
“Te perdono,” You sniffled, your bottom lip still puckered up ever so slightly. 
“But what’s all this?” You turned to look at the scene, something straight out of a Van Gogh painting. 
“You thought I forgot with the thousand TikToks you sent me on this day?” He leaned in to kiss your forehead before pulling you into another warm hug. 
“I also watch Gilmore Girls whenever you do. Whoops.” 
Your laugh echoed as you snuggled closer to him in your upright position, being extremely thankful the last sentence of the song wasn’t your reality.
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A/N: if y'all seriously thought it wasn't going to have a happy ending you clearly don't know me well enough rip
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thrumbolt · 11 months
Top 5 most annoying Tamlin scene misinterpretations
1. ''There is no such thing as a high lady'' I hate this one, because it is always taken as some sort of proof that Tamlin is a raging misogynist who doesn't want an equal woman by his side or some similar type of nonsense. I don't know where this is coming from. Tamlin never wanted to be a high lord. He would probably welcome for someone to take over most of the work so he could just keep running through the woods. He also has absolutely no issues with taking advice from women in power (Ianthe? Hello??). His first reaction to the high lady question is literally this:
“Is everyone just going to call me ‘Tamlin’s wife’? Do I get a … title?” He lifted his head long enough to look at me. “Do you want a title?”
And let's not forget that Feyre's first reply is ''No, I don’t know if I can handle them calling me High Lady”. To which he then answers that she doesn't have to worry about that, since ''there is no such thing as a high lady'' because the magic choses the title and it keeps chosing males. Also this whole scene happens while he eats her out. Not that it's relevant or anything, just saying...
2. ''Tamlin killed Rhys' family'' No. Tamlin's dad killed Rhys' family. I have no idea how Tamlin doing it is ever the takeaway from that whole story. Let's just quote the actual scene:
“Tamlin’s father, brothers, and Tamlin himself set out into the Illyrian wilderness, having heard from Tamlin—from me—where my mother and sister would be, that I had plans to see them. I was supposed to be there. I wasn’t. And they slaughtered my mother and sister anyway.”
Yeah okay, Tamlin gave the information (supposedly) and was there (supposedly) sure, but it's highly unlikely that he was so willingly. Let's not forget that it's established that Tamlin was afraid of his father, that Tamlin's father is worse than Beron (who, I might remind you, tortures his sons) and that Tamlin was friends with Rhys at the time - which neither family approved of. Even Rhys doesn't actually believe Tamlin did anything besides being spineless:
''I didn’t care that Tamlin had been there, had allowed them to kill my mother and sister, that he’d come to kill me because he didn’t want to risk standing against them.''
In the end we don't know the details. Tamlin could've been tortured and tied up or whatever. Making him watch could've been a cruel form of punishment for being friends with Rhys. We don't really know until SJM graces us with Tamlin's side of the story.
3. ''It's really Tamlin's own fault that the spring court fell'' Alternatively also phrased as: 'Feyre just opened everyone's eyes to Tamlin's incompetence' and....honestly? This low key makes me question the reading comprehension of people.
Yes, Tamlin made a deal with Hybern, which was extremely risky, but the war was coming regardless (as we learn from Rhys in the first half of ACOMAF) and the spring court would be the main target because of its location next to the wall. Inviting Hybern into his lands in a trade is actually a pretty smart way to avoid a lot of death on Tamlin's part - plus he needed help to rescue Feyre and get her out of the deal she had with Rhysand (people forget that Tamlin didn't know Feyre didn't actually need rescuing from the guy that was abusing her in front of him in ACOTAR).
So yeah anyway, Feyre did several things to make the spring court fall: 1. She manipulated the solstice ceremony to make herself seem cauldron-blessed in the eyes of the people, 2. She made a sentry accuse Ianthe (who WAS doing sneaky shit) which essentially did nothing except putting Tamlin on the spot in front of Hybern, so he was kind of forced to throw the sentry under the bus. Good job Feyre, you got a poor sod whipped! But it also built resentment within the soldiers, which was her plan all along and 3. before leaving, she did this (let's just quote the whole thing):
''I had a people who had lost faith in their High Priestess. I had sentries who were beginning to rebel against their High Lord. And as a result of those things, I had Hybern royals doubting the strength of their allies here. I’d primed this court to fall. Not from outside forces—but its own internal warring. And I had to be clear of it before it happened. Before the last sliver of my plan fell into place. The party would return without me. And to maintain that illusion of strength, Tamlin and Ianthe would lie about it—where I’d gone. And perhaps a day or two after that, one of these sentries would reveal the news, a carefully sprung trap that I’d coiled into his mind like one of my snares. I’d fled for my life—after being nearly killed by the Hybern prince and princess. I’d planted images in his head of my brutalized body, the markings consistent with what Dagdan and Brannagh had already revealed to be their style. He’d describe them in detail—describe how he helped me get away before it was too late. How I ran for my life when Tamlin and Ianthe refused to intervene, to risk their alliance with Hybern. And when the sentry revealed the truth, no longer able to stomach keeping quiet when he saw how my sorry fate was concealed by Tamlin and Ianthe, just as Tamlin had sided with Ianthe the day he’d flogged that sentry …When he described what Hybern had done to me, their Cursebreaker, their newly anointed Cauldron-blessed, before I’d fled for my life … There would be no further alliance. For there would be no sentry or denizen of this court who would stand with Tamlin or Ianthe after this. After me.''
So, the sentries left Tamlin because of a lie. A fake story. Without sentries, Hybern decided to take over rather than just be guests and had a prime spot to attack the summer court in turn. Which is also why Tarquin is extremely pissed at Feyre - not Tamlin. So no, Tamlin wasn't a bad high lord. His only real mistake was ever trusting Feyre.
Sure, some argue that Feyre thought Tamlin genuinely sided with Hybern and might be a threat to the rest of Prythian, so taking him down would make sense for her even outside of petty revenge. But there's just one problem with that: Feyre is a mind reader. She could have just.....checked. lol
4. ''Tamlin didn't do anything Under the Mountain'' This one really gets my goat because it's not really true? Things Tamlin did to help Feyre: 1. He sent her away to the human realm. (People forget this, but he basically doomed his court to protect her ass - it's not his fault she came back!) 2. He made Lucien check up on her. (Yes Lucien was Feyre's friend but he still acted under Tamlin's orders!) 3. He ignored Feyre as to not rile Amarantha up even more (Come on, have you seen Amarantha? It totally makes sense) 4. He tries to get to Feyre, begging Amarantha to stop even as he is tied up, bleeding out from a stab wound to his chest that he can't heal because he has no powers - like what do you want him to do??? 4. He literally kills Amarantha the second he is able to
Also personal conspiracy detour: That music that Rhysand supposedly sent to Feyre was SO originally supposed to be Tamlin, you can't convince me otherwise. I will never not believe that this wasn't just a lazily done quick change when SJM rewrote book 1 and 2 to account for the boyfriend switcheroo. Attributing the music to Rhys makes absolutely zero sense. He's not a musical boy at all, come on! Music themes never come up with him again either! Meanwhile Tamlin played for Feyre before, is generally a musical guy COME ON! /conspiracy detour over
5. ''It's Tamlin's fault that Nesta and Elaine got turned to fae'' No. No it's not. He knew nothing about this. Ianthe did this on her own accord because Feyre told her where her sister's lived. Tamlin actually attacks (!) the King of Hybern over it (to no avail, but still).
Some people blame Tamlin for keeping Ianthe around afterwards, despite of what she did. Those people I want to refer to point number 3 in this list. Ianthe was working with Hybern. Tamlin tried to be buddies with Hybern for reasons. No, he can't just throw out Ianthe.
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eboni-napalm · 7 months
(this didn't happen to me recently but it did to someone I know in a self-ship Discord server I'm in so I'm making a post on this because it needs to be said AGAIN.) - (long rant incoming, tw for mention of s*****e)
Hey, self-shippers- yes, ALL OF YOU, because we ALL need to crack down on this and do better- there's probably quite a few of us, if not a lot of us, that don't like sharing some of our F/O's, and that's okay.
However, what's NOT FUCKING OKAY is GOING INTO THE INBOX OR DM'S OF A USER WHO SHARES AN F/O WITH YOU THAT YOU'RE NOT COMFORTABLE SHARING AND CALLING THEM NAMES/SLURS, TELLING THEM THEY'LL NEVER LOVE THAT PERSON, AND/OR THEN SAYING THEY SHOULD ACTUALLY KILL THEMSELVES. What in the actual FUCK is wrong with you? I don't care if you're a minor or an adult in the community, that shit is absolutely disgusting and unacceptable.
We as a whole need to do better about cracking down on this kind of behavior, for real. Self-shipping is a place where people should be able to feel welcome and able to ship themselves with characters they love without having to feel like they have to walk on eggshells just so they don't incur the wrath of others who think it's okay to treat others like this. This shouldn't be what people imagine when they think of self-shippers, but a few bad apples will bring our image down and make it to where no one wants to even joke about interacting with us.
To those self-shippers who are not okay or comfortable sharing your F/O's in whatever way- if you come across someone who shares one of those characters with you, instead of pulling shit like that (especially on anon, you spineless cowards), either just block the person without saying anything if you don't interact or have never interacted with them, or if it's someone you know/are on good terms with, kindly inform them not to talk about that F/O in personal interactions or have them tag posts with a certain tag so you can block that tag and hide them from your view so you don't have to see them. There's ways around everything here that avoids being an asshole to people and they're not that difficult to do.
I want to be proud to be part of this community as someone who's in it, not ashamed of it because of instances like this; even if they don't happen very often, they still happen, and they shouldn't. We can do better, we can be better.
Spread love, not hate. Please. ❤️
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Okay I finished it, it was a little hard since I kept getting distracted with other stuff but I did it. Sorry for taking more time than I said maybe I should stop giving time framed. Anyway here's the second (and last) part.
Kindness Isn't Spineless
Luffy x gn!reader. angst with happy ending. 1284 words. Tw mention of reader's past abusive relationships. Part 1 here
Luffy decides to give you space, just a bit. He’s already messed things up, now he's nervous breaking down the door would just make things worse. This isn’t like him, he should just do what feels right! The problem is none of the options feel right, all of them make him feel like they’re the wrong one. He wishes you would just open the door, make the choice for him so he could stop worrying about him. “(Y/N)!” He calls out, “Hey! I’m sorry, can you let me in?” but there’s no answer. “...Please?” You still don’t respond and he droops sadly. He doesn’t want to leave, so he just sits down next to the door and waits while thinking about what he did. Time passes and Nami comes, spotting Luffy looking dejected near your door. She already has a feeling something happened.
“Did you get kicked out?” She asks, expecting Luffy to get defensive; but he just nods, too bummed to argue. His plan of scolding him harshly softens and she sighs, crouching down to his level “What happened? You messed up, right?” She asks.
“I thought maybe if I was mean they would get braver with me, but now they’re mad.” Luffy answers and Nami sighs again.
“You know you messed up, right?” She asks and Luffy looks away, still a little stubborn. “Luffy you hurt them.” That makes him flinch and he concedes, the thought of hurting you so badly overtaking his need to be right.
“...I messed up.” It’s still a little hesitant but he admits it. Nami motions for him to go on and he tries his best to continue. “I should’ve, um, talked to them.” That’s the most he can think of for now.
“Good enough, but you should say this to them. Mkay?” Nami says softly and Luffy nods. “Good. That’ll be 5,000 berri for my advice.” She says, standing back up. “You can give it to me later, no interest~” With that, she’s gone. Luffy turns his head to look at your door, then stands up and knocks.
“(Y/N) I messed up and I’m sorry. Can you open the door?” There’s no answer and he frowns. “Please, Franky will get mad if I break it down.” There’s a huff from inside and footsteps before the door opens. His frown deepens into a guilty one seeing your eyes red from crying. “I’m sorry.” Luffy says to you and you slowly open your arms. As soon as they open he quickly hugs you tightly, all his thoughts coming out. “You’ve been so weird around me and you don’t argue with anything I started to feel bad and I wanted to help you so I just thought that if I was mean to you you would get angry one day and then actually argue back but now you’re hurt and it’s my fault I’m really sorry (Y/N) please don’t cry or break up with me I’ll try my best to not do it again even if you act weird and meek!” He rambles quickly and you pull back, which he very hesitantly lets you. “Your eyes are all red, I didn’t know you would get so sad-”
“You didn’t think I would be sad that my boyfriend was being cold to me? Luffy you’re acting stupid. I was trying so so hard to be nice to you and you just.. just brushed me off! I was scared that if I argued back you would get angry with me but now you’re saying you didn’t like that I wouldn’t argue back!? That doesn’t make any sense!” You yell at him, eyes tearing up again. Luffy listens to you.
“I just didn’t want you to be a pushover. I wanted you to be strong being with me not all meek and weak.” Luffy says softly, he still feels like it’s kind of your fault but it doesn’t matter to him. He’ll try and understand.
“...You’re right.” His heart races, are you gonna leave him again? “I’ve been meek and just way too accepting of whatever happens. I didn’t want to argue or take any risks so I let you do whatever you wanted. Your intentions were good, even if you did it in such a stupid way.” Your words are bittersweet, he’s glad you’re acknowledging what you did wrong but he doesn't want you to just give in. “Still, you hurt me, and I’m mad at you. I was starting to think you hated me, that you regretted being with me. It hurt so bad, I felt like I was back in some stupid toxic relationship with someone that doesn’t love me.” This catches Luffy’s attention.
“Hey wait what do you me-” You cover his mouth before he can finish.
“Let me speak please.” You tell him and he nods. “I’ve been in bad relationships before, ones that hurt me mentally, emotionally, and sometimes even physically. I know you wouldn’t hit me over an argument or just because you were mad but I was scared. I kept telling myself you wouldn’t but I couldn’t help it, I didn’t want to risk it. I didn’t want to risk someone I really love turning into the same people that hurt me.” Luffy listens to all of this and his emotions are conflicted. He wants to beat up anyone that hurt you, caused you to be like this; but he’s also just sad that you’re like this because of them. He feels guilty now too, maybe if he just asked you this wouldn’t have happened and he could help you get through it instead of looking at him with such fear; but you haven’t uncovered his mouth so he keeps that to himself for now. “Luffy, you didn’t just make me mad, you made me upset, you made me feel unsafe.” His heart sinks. Unsafe? He likes to tease and prank his crew members but knowing he made one of his nakama, one that he loves so much, unsafe makes him feel horrible. More than he felt when he started this whole thing in order to strengthen you. He reaches his arms out to you and you hesitate to go into them, but give in when you see how guilty he looks.
“I’m sorry, I’m really sorry. I don’t like making you feel unsafe. I won't do it again, I’ll talk with you instead of doing something crazy.” He mumbles, hugging you tightly. Not enough to hurt, but enough that you know he wants you in his arms. You close your eyes and let your head fall onto his shoulder, wrapping your own arms around him.
“Okay, you have to promise me. Promise me you aren’t going to make me feel like this again.” You say and nods quickly, pulling back just enough to look at you.
“I promise. I’m gonna do my best to listen to you and talk with you, I won’t make you feel unsafe again.” Luffy pressed his forehead against yours, looking deep into your eyes. Your expression is still a little solemn but you nod.
“Okay, I’ll trust you.” It makes you scared saying that, nerve wracking knowing you’ll have to face and change how you’ve taught yourself to be; but looking into Luffy’s genuinely guilty and determined eyes gives you the strength to take the risk. To let go of the defenses that you’ve put up to ‘Keep the peace’ or to make sure you’re always kind and never mean. Kindness isn’t the same as letting yourself be pushed around, and you can learn that. You just need to let yourself free, and Luffy will be here with you every step of the way.
yayy you reached the end thanks for reading, requests are still open I do anything to do with one piece.
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dearweirdme · 2 months
“Company content” “Mediaplay” “fan service” if these words do not leave your mouth or a taekookers you’ll have a stroke. Like clockwork your cult is having a stroke after jimin and jungkook videos are being released. Jimin being caught in the fire and constant shading of jungkook. Calling him a liar, an actor and spineless al just to explain why jimin and jungkook are close. Do you never get tired? Taehyung and jungkook made sure to tell you tae-kook was never real and would never be. What more do you want.
Actually I challenge you, in simple words explain why taehyung said get out of your imagination in a hostile tone to that taekooker because not only did koreans not into kpop and army translators tell you what he meant and who it was directed to but also Korean taekookers . So please explain and don’t use the words mediaplay, fanservice and company content.
Also explain why jungkook said he only saw jimin and jhope on his break and not anyone else, ofcourse don’t use the words fan service, company content and mediaplay.
My favourite explain why the ITS conversation isn’t real, don’t say mediaplay, company content and fanservice because those words only benefit your narrative and have no semblance in real life. Taehyungs mental health was messed up & he admitted to it, jungkook pointed it out and so did 90% of the fandom. Jungkook said “speak to someone” and not himself because they couldn’t even sit down and have a heart to heart. And taehyung literally declined to have a drink with him. You’ve turned these boys lives into a lie so that you could force a reality that isn’t true onto them. For all you know jennie was probably the reason he became a little bit happier.
Also explain why taehyung never visited jungkook on his birthday in 2022, remember don’t use those words.
I’m asking this because everyone knows that taekookers are the only ones to ever use that narrative. In the real world that’s not the case and you know it. Hence why jennie and taehyungs friends are so intertwined and why taehyung took those photos outside her house and was with her at those two concerts. because taehyung and jungkook have never been in a relationship. You’re actions are deplorable and embarrassing at best.
Hi anon!
Alright, I’ll give you one win… and it’s that of having successfully baited me with ignorance and stupidity. Here.. have a medal 🥇.
Company content, fanservice, mediaplay: Why is talking about company content, fanservice and mediaplay such a big deal to you? I mean.. I know why... you want to be able to think that whatever you have made yourself believe about Jm and Jk is their actual love story and it being part of a company content will taint that. See, the very obvious mistake you are making (maybe it’s ignorance, maybe it’s naivety.. I don’t actually care) is not understanding what we are looking at. We are looking at company content for the most part. BTS is part of a company, they make money of us, because they are part of a company. Do you really think you are watching their normal everyday lives without intervening or guidance from managers, public relations, stylists… all sorts of creative teams. Like, who do you think edits their videos? Who do you think come up with ideas for Run and BV? Have you not watched their reaction videos? It is actually insane and very uneducated to say there is no company content anon…. or, does that only apply when it comes to Jkk? The same goes for fanservice. Everyone who’s a bit invested in K-pop knows that thats a thing that is widely discussed and actually pretty common. I think it’s been used in conversation wrongly for the most part, but it’s certainly a thing. Every member does it, a lot of members engage in it together. So why can’t I mention it? Or again… is this only a problem when it comes to Jkk? Mediaplay.. again… very common! I suppose this is only an issue for you because it’s got to do with Tae and Jennie.. but mediaplay does happen anon… I think we can all say that mediaplay has been strong during the recent Hybe/Ador issues. So, why can’t I talk about those things when they are all pretty common in fandoms worldwide. Maybe, you aren’t familiar with them.. I don’t really care about that, but you are doing yourself a disservice by not looking into it more. You can’t actually understand BTS and the members if you don’t factor in company content, fanservice, and mediaplay. Also, fanservice, company content, and mediaplay aren’t Tkk or BTS specific terms.. they belong in the greater realm of music industry terminology.
Now BTS is more than the combination of those things. Their friendships are real, the reactions they have when interacting are real (though perhaps sometimes enlarged… for entertainment value yes). Their lives fall in a gray area for me, because it is mostly real, but at the same time it’s very much intended for fandom and all members will have in mind that there’s limits to what they can do and say. When I talk about company content and fanservice I don’t mean that their reactions or relationships are fake (I am actually a very strong believer in BTS being real brother-friends-bro types), what I mean is that the company is very much the one who decides what we get to see (by editing choices). You are an idiot if you do not understand that. Mediaplay is done to get across a certain narrative. Sure it’s not great, because it’s manipulation.. but it’s a thing.. deal with it.
You will not have caught me talking badly about either Jm or Jk once. I simply haven’t. I can’t help if it doesn’t fit your idea of Tkkrs. But I am a hundred percent sure that you won’t be able to find a bad word about them on my blog. I've constantly talked about how I feel Jk and Jm's friendship is real and deep. That does not exclude them from being in company content and from doing fanservice though.
"Get out of your imagination": It’s clear you are stuck in Jkk think (what else is new these days). If you had actually taken time to go to neutral spaces to understand the ‘get out of your imagination’ comment, you would know that there is actually a lot of debate on what he meant. I’m sure you will have found some k-army say he meant to debunk Tkk, but K army aren’t unbiased. There’s also been plenty of k army who said the comment was meant to say the commenter shouldn’t look at Jk’s pics before she went to sleep… very much in line with Tae kicking out someone with the handle of ‘jungkook’s wife’ (was it that?… something similar… I’m tired) during a game. Very much in line with Tae friendzoning army. Ofcourse you go along with what your side has been spreading. This suits your narrative best. People hate Tkkrs. Ofcourse a huge portion of non-tkk army will tag along and say Tae debunked Tkk. IT'S WHAT THEY WANT it to be, but it is not what it actually was. You can see the total disregard for reality even this day anon... the many MANY people who actually think there's two people on that bed in the teaser for the travel show is insane! Reality is actually right in front of us, but all of you don't care and parrot after each other without having an inch of rational thought in your minds. But you are wrong in your understanding.. not that you’re gonna believe me now.. all of us know you don’t actually want to understand.
Jk saying he only saw Jm and Hobi: Why did Jk say he only saw Jm and Hobi? Well, probably because that’s the truth? Not sure what the issue is here. Considering your side is hung up on Jm having been too busy with his album to hang out with Jk.. I doubt this is a great hill to die on.
The ITS Talk: So the whole ITS conversation can’t be talked about while leaving out company involvement.. you can’t either if you were to go indepth. The very obvious thing being that Jk was asked about this during an interview they mixed throughout their actual talk. That is the company involvement as well as the choice to make this conversation and the way it’s been edited public content. When you look at the conversation Tae and Jk actually had (without the Jk interview), they talk about having been busy, the way they were as trainees, Tae’s issues a bit.. and that’s it. At no point do they hash out the ‘awkward part of their friendship’. I have talked about this plenty… and it’s elaborate so maybe just look it up in my blog. But also.. yes, it’s orchestrated. The combination of Jk talking and Tae and Jk's moment, the decision to air this, but mostly... the way it was portrayed does not add up to what Jk and Tae's interactions were actualy like. See, you have no reason to look further than what you are seeing. In fact, Tae and Jk having been awkward better suits your thoughts than the opposite would. You haven't actually looked at the way Tae and Jk were interacting all those years.. you just hear 'awkward' from every Jkkr you see and so you believe that's wat it was.. because you want to. Taekookers however have seen that things don't add up. We are not delusional about that, you too will be able to see it if you were to look further.
Jk and birthdays: Jk doesn't care about his birthday... the man has told you so.. move on. Jm is the person to be very active when it comes to visit his members on important days. He does not actually only do this for Jk. Jk didn't celebrate his birthday, the man was in pyjamas on his live for crying out loud. If Tae had something else that day while knowing Jk doesn't care to celebrate his birthday (and maybe they did.. but just on another day... who knows) then they would have used something called "communicaton" and probably Jk had no problem with him not being there. All of you have decided what dates and holidays matter to them... it's not as if you actually know.
Taennie: Holy crap anon... you think Tae and Jennie attending the same concert but sitting way apart is them going there together? Poor you! You know who lives in the same area as Jennie and who actually left at the same time as Tae? Yoongi!
You are an uninformed idiot anon. Thanks for sharing some stupidity. Now don't all of you lurking Jkkrs go and bombard me with more idiocy.. I only give away a couple of medals a year.
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kiingfluffybuns · 9 months
Okay, I just gotta rant a bit about TGED, and probably will get other opinions, and that's great, so please share them!
Also, this is mostly my speculation, I have ONLY read the webtoon, and I haven't been able to find the novel properly translated to read, so have mercy.
SO. I know that og!Lloyd was a bully to Javier and Julien and all that jazz, but it looked to me that he was an alcoholic that desperately needed help.
He lashed out and thew fits to call the attention of his parents, that he was sure as hell they were going to replace him with Javier at any point. (Bc let's be real, the Frontera's affection seems heavily conditional)
Arcos was pretty okay by letting Javier do whatever he wanted, becoming a knight was his choice and he did everything to make that happen.
Then, we have Javier's duties, that was to watch over 'Lloyd', which that also more or less what he did because he wasn't with Lloyd all the time.
The Fronteras were more than okay by letting him leave their alcoholic son alone and drunk somewhere in town. Which was what killed him by falling n breaking his head,,,, that wouldn't have happened if Javier was actually there,,,,
The there's this detail I noticed in the imagery, in most cases it's suggested that Javier is confused as the heir and novel bc he's handsome, but that's not it.
it's bc he gives a novels profile. And the reason is his clothes.
Javier seems to be dressing like the proper heir, and wears the same style as Arcos Frontera, meanwhile Lloyd is left to dress like a commoner. That's why he's confused as Javier's servant, bc he looks like it.
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Arcos Frontera didn't want to deal with an alcoholic son, he had enough on his plate by letting his estate become in debt and bc of his spineless attitude.
He was most likely replace Lloyd with Javier, or make Julian the heir. He was ignoring Lloyd, and just paying attention when he caused damage to the town. Because then it would come back to him.
He didn't actually cared if he died in a ditch.
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I don't justify og!Lloyd's behavior at all, but I understand what was going with him. He was mad, he was jealous, and he was frustrated, and the only thing that made him feel better was some drinks.
He was so depressed he wanted to be blackout drunk, and that killed him anyway.
I'm honestly very much into how our!Lloyd has put such boundaries with the Fronteras, bc he's a guest in his own home. He wants to lazy around, but he doesn't actually do it at home, he did it once and immediately got an excuse to go out and work.
But anyway, this is such my own analysis on the matter, I find absolutely fascinating the takes this webtoon has taken over the Isekai trope, and how that affects to those around the mc.
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joe-spookyy · 6 months
Dude tell me your thoughts about Daniel Cain + any headcannons??
hi what greatest ask i’ve ever received because all i ever have are thoughts about daniel cain. sorry this is gonna be an essay. um.
tldr - dan cain is a super fascinating character (especially when you read him as queer) and his high empathy makes it difficult for him to make the hard but necessary choices found often in the medical field, but easy for him to be manipulated by those he thinks can help him do the most Good. also he is not immune to herbert west. full post under cut and it’s pretty good you should read it.
ok first off he is literally JUST like me for real. but second. i really think he’s a fascinating character no matter how you read him. his empathy is Soooo high and it affects literally everything he does - sometimes for the worse cause he’s a doctor and honestly cannot afford to be getting this upset every time he loses a patient. but it’s part of him, which i think makes him a super interesting counterpart to herbert. he’s so distinctly Human and he cares so much about the people around him, and he’s a horrible doormat/people pleaser. this is, obviously, not at all like herbert. narrative foils oooooh. when i met bruce abbott he told me he thinks dan is a “spineless worm”, which may be technically true, but i think the way dan is so easily convinced to go along with herbert is because of this heavy empathy. he wants to do everything within his power to make things better, and what could really be better than conquering death? how much pain could he stop just with that?
because of that, i think it makes SO much sense that it was so easy for herbert to initially manipulate him into working together. plus i also think later on in the films his feelings for herbert get in the way of his judgement to. an incredible extent. herbert just has to ask and dan will immediately be at his every beck and call. hes like a dog. he wants out but he can’t stop coming back to herbert. i struggle to find any other way to explain why he’d still be living with herbert after the first movie - after all, herbert kind of did kill everything dan ever loved (girlfriend, cat, legitimate medical career). and i think these things affected him on a really deep level (which. yeah. obviously) but the way he acts in bride is so indicative of what that kind of trauma does to a person and it’s fascinating to me. he projects so hard on to gloria because of how guilty he felt for not being able to save meg. he shuts down in a lot of the more serious situations. sure, he did have his little going into shock moment in the first film, but it’s a reoccurring thing in bride. he doesn’t seem to have such a strong moral code anymore, but that empathy is still there - even though what he’s doing with herbert and their little bride project isn’t quite morally Right, all he really has left is herbert and he is dying for a way to get back to the normalcy that herbert has pulled away from him. and yet, he’s never able to really Leave. he can’t move out, he can’t stop helping herbert, he can’t really get meg back as much as he tries. but he’s too far down the rabbit hole to really care at this point. he just cares about getting what he loves back.
and sure. did he abandon herbert at the end of the first movie for meg? yeah. did he abandon herbert at the end of the second movie for francesca? also yes. did he rat herbert out to the authorities? yes (but that’s a character choice i simply cannot get behind he would not do that shit after everything he still does obviously love and care about herbert if he was gonna be a narc he would have done it after the first movie herbert didn’t even do all that much wrong in the second movie like come on he was just getting creative. whatever. anyways.) now, his choice to save meg in the first movie makes a lot of sense, in my opinion. he assumed herbert was dead (which. not a bad assumption tbh) and meg was his girl - it makes a lot more sense to save her than someone he hasn’t known for nearly as long. but when he chooses to escape with francesca and leave herbert behind, it’s a little bit jarring. he’s obviously gotten close with herbert. they still live together, they bicker like a married couple, and if we’re being honest he kind of follows herbert’s every command. again. like a dog. and plus! they just created life together in a quite homoerotic fashion!!! why in the world would dan fumble this?? well, i think i can explain it. herbert represents a lack of societal normalcy. think like doctor praetorius in the bride of frankenstein. herbert’s heavily queercoded, he actively defies god, he kills and he disrespects the dead and he’s terrible socially and he shoots up drugs (sorta) and he is all about medical malpractice. this is the opposite of what someone like dan SHOULD want. dan’s straight passing (or straight if you want to read him that way which i don’t recommend cause otherwise this analysis doesn’t make as much sense), kind and friendly, and wants a good, normal career in the medical field. and he loves his perfect girlfriend. meg (and later francesca) represent these “good” and “normal” things that dan wants and is expected to want. herbert, again, represents the opposite. so for dan to choose herbert and save him over either meg or francesca, he would be choosing to step away from the life he is “supposed” to live, the socially acceptable life. people are already suspicious of him and west as we see in the novelization of the first movie, and to save his visibly queer strange little “roommate” over the woman he’s supposed to love would have certain implications that would draw dan away from this life of normalcy that he wants so badly. but most importantly. herbert always comes back. he’s a part of dan that can’t be escaped.
well. that was a lot. headcanons. umm. i think you probably got a lot from the novel i just wrote but here’s more.
- i loveeee the dan starts smoking after meg dies hc
- i don’t believe he ratted on herbert. i think they’re still working together making freaky shit to this day. even as old men.
- i know i just said queer the whole time i was talking but he’s bisexual and you aren’t allowed to disagree with me. herbert’s gay though. emphasizes the differences between them - dan CAN choose that “normal” life but herbert can’t.
- i think he ends up needing glasses as he gets older. he wears em to read in the first movie and i think his vision declines.
- also he goes grey earlier than herbert imo cause of all the stress. herbert makes fun of him for this but herbert’s hairline is. ummmn. less powerful. so dan has ammo to fight back.
- i don’t think he’d ever be able to get a cat again after rufus. or really any pet. i don’t think he trusts himself not to damage everything he touches
- i think he’s a huge talking heads stan. you could argue this as canon because of the stop making sense poster above his bed, but i think he’s a super fan. and maybe i’m projecting. so what.
- no matter how many times herbert does it or offers it to him, he refuses to take any of the reagent.
uhh. yeah. sorry that this post is so long i hope it is sufficient to what you were looking for. thank you sincerely so much for asking this was the most fun i’ve ever had. bless up.
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sp0o0kylights · 2 years
 armed your words with explosive devices and put the trigger on your tongue.
I never know if a kiss will kill me. 
It's a joke. 
Or at least, Eddie meant it as one. 
He was flicking his hand out with the intention of pretending to "push" the weight off Steve's shoulders, following a joke about how he looks like he's carrying the whole world on his back.
Beyond the general air of a frazzled single mother, Harrington had been down to clown. He'd laughed at Eddie's first few jokes, even made a poor attempt at making one back.
So it surprised both of them when Steve flinches back, hard, sucking in a noisy breath.
For a moment he holds it in and Eddie mimics him, hand frozen midair. 
They breathe out almost together as Eddie slowly lowers his hand.
"Steve." Eddie starts off, voice soft. 
Steve jams his hand in his hair, face flushing red. "Sorry man, jock reflexes."
He catches the second Steve forces a smile back on his face, the way his desperate attempt at tugging on his own hair changes into a move designed to fluff it up. A laugh makes its way out of Steve’s mouth and to his credit, it sounds natural. 
This, Eddie realizes with an abrupt clarity, is Steve caught wrong-footed in public. This is Steve being off and fixing it before he breaks down. 
It’s a good cover, excellent even, and if Eddie hadn’t been watching for the signs, if he hadn’t started looking closer and closer at Harrington after finding him drunk and bloody in Tina’s bathtub, he might have brushed it off. 
Thought of it as Steve being a jerk, a jock, a guy who didn’t want to touch the filth that was Eddie Munson and was now trying to hide it.The same way so many others did, because they’d learned the hard way that a pissed off dealer won’t sell you any drugs. 
Eddie could even see him spinning this as having an off day. Maybe Steve was sore, maybe he was annoyed, maybe he was six other million things that he’d lead you to believe. 
Worse than knowing that he’d have bought Steve’s cover though, is that Eddie recognizes this. 
Has seen it before. 
Or micro versions of it. 
In class, when Steve’s asked a question he doesn’t know. In the hallways when someone tells a joke about his parents. In the parking lot when those kids snap at him, rolling their eyes and throwing their hands around.
Even the one basketball game Eddie attended, during his ill-fated attempt at joining the yearbook club before he finally started Hellfire. 
There had been a moment where Tommy had briefly turned on Steve, got some of the other boys to snap and snarl at the King in the face of a bad score. 
Called him stupid. 
Spineless and gutless. 
(Steve hadn’t even been the captain, back then.
 They held him responsible anyway.)
Eddie had thought it well deserved--even funny at the time-- considering what made up a man like Steve Harrington. 
Get big movie star hair, combine with no parents, and add tons of money. Shaken and stirred with little bits of never-ending popularity and girls swooning left and right over him, and you got Hawkin High’s most popular guy.
 Good to buy you whatever you needed, with a famously sharp tongue that he used in place of his fists. 
Grant still had nightmares over some of the names Steve had nailed him with. 
He was the school’s most desired bachelor until Nancy Wheeler took him down, proved even kings could be cheated out of their kingdoms. 
(One of the teenagers at the famed Starcourt fire, a hero in the papers for saving half a dozen kids. The pictures the news still occasionally shows often pin up those pictures of Steve, wearing this exact smile. 
It’s the same one he’s wearing now, as Starcourt burns in the background of each and every photo..)
The realization comes with a flood of knowledge--that Steve knows how to hide his issues, that he’s had issues for far longer than whatever--or whoever--is beating him up. 
Longer than Eddie himself had caught onto too--and Eddie had prided himself on seeing through people’s bullshit. 
If he does what Steve wants, let’s this drop, Steve will go on acting like everything’s fine. 
Just like everyone else does.
Eddie can’t do that. Has never been able to do that. 
"We both know that's bullshit." Eddie says, and he knew calling it out would get a reaction, but he’s not expecting the sheer strength of it. 
How Steve looks like he’s taken a punch, mask breaking fast on his face to reveal the hurt underneath. 
"Don't--" He tries to start, tries to breathe again and Eddie's not sure what caused it, but he knows the beginning of a panic attack when he sees one. “Don’t, please--” 
It’s the please that gets Eddie, the word sounding bruised. Like it hurts Steve to say it, that he only uses it as a hail mary that it may somehow help ward off whatever is coming. 
Eddie fights not to put his arms around Steve.
Protect him from whatever the hell is happening. 
"Hey." Eddie says, softly but clearly. "I’m sorry. Tell me what I did and I won’t do it again.” 
They’re in the middle of the school parking lot and neither of them can afford to misstep here. Not in a town like Hawkins. Eddie has a choice to make--to sweep Steve to somewhere safer, or to give space, back off so the younger man can regain control of himself and pick this up later. 
Steve takes a shuddering breath, hugs himself and bows his head. 
Eddie wants to go to him, to touch and comfort, but instead just hovers ever so slightly closer. “I’m here.” He whispers, just loud enough for Steve to hear. 
Steve takes the moment he needs, and Eddie knows he can at least give him that. Shield him from any onlookers with his own body. Use himself as a distraction if anyone comes up. 
His cheeks are wet when Steve raises his head. He wipes his face, bites his lip. 
It takes far less time for him to return to normal than Eddie would have ever thought, but then Steve Harrington keeps surprising him. 
“Shit.” He says, voice in a sort of croak. He clears his throat once, harshly. “Sorry.”
“I set you off, this ones on me.” Eddie says, keeping his voice smooth and calm. “I don’t want to push you, but I need to know what I said to upset you, so I can prevent it from happening again as best I can.” 
Steve looks up for a moment, away from him. Eddie allows it, acknowledges the move as Steve gathers the strength to face whatever hurt him enough to send him spiraling. This isn’t an easy thing he’s asking, and they’re in the worst place to do it--a potential audience can appear at any time. 
Eddie doesn’t want to lose this thread, though. Knows instinctively, how important it is. 
“It’s stupid.” Steve’s struggling to sound more normal, but the real surprise is that he’s starting to manage it. “It’s so stupid, but it’s--the word.” 
Short-term memory recall isn’t exactly a talent of his, but Eddie’s had plenty of practice with D&D. He runs the conversation back, and there’s really only one option that makes any sense. He almost says it again, but catches himself.
Thinks quickly on his feet. 
“Adult male cow crap?” He says, and tries to make his tone a little light. This is a calculated risk, Steve may very well believe he’s being mocked or teased.
The younger man snorts a laugh and thankfully doesn’t appear to take offense. “Yeah.” He drawls out, a tinge of embarrassment flushing across his nose.
It’s fucking adorable, and Eddie has to bite his lip to keep interrupting, inappropriate thoughts at bay. 
“Nance--when we--” Steve huffs an annoyed sigh, arms having shifted long ago to more of a defensive cross, nails digging into his sleeves while he taps his foot, aggravated. “It’s fucking stupid man, but that word got tossed around.” 
“Got it.” Eddie nods his head. “It’s gone.” 
“You shouldn’t have to do that.” Steve says, and it's got an angry undertone to it. “I need to get over it anyway. It’s been long enough.” 
The anger, Eddie decides, is self directed. 
He cocks his head. “Do people tell you to do that a lot? To just get over it?” 
Steve finally looks at him and to his credit the guy’s managed to go from actively falling apart to merely appearing cold and annoyed, as if the redness in his face itself is trying to help hide his emotions. 
That hurt thing flickers in and out of his eyes though, covered by an edge of something else, something stubborn. 
Yet again, Eddie finds himself wondering if he’s found Steve’s limit. If this is when he finally gets pushed away and threatened over all the things that have been revealed to him. Steve hasn’t made that move yet, but Eddie thinks that's mostly because Eddie keeps catching him off guard. 
To be fair, his own reactions are, at times, catching him off guard. This defensiveness of Steve, the way he wants to go slam whoever has hurt the younger man into a wall, to try and make everything better for a guy he previously hated…
Eddie knows what’s gotten into him. It’s his own personality, combined with his own inner sense of someone lost and hurting. Someone who needs to be rescued. 
He just never expected to have it pointed at Harrington. 
“Maybe.” Steve admits finally. “Doesn’t mean they’re wrong though.” 
Eddie can’t help himself. It’s a puzzle in front of him, dangled in the form of Steve and his weird injuries. Steve and his odd reactions. 
Beautiful, gorgeous, straight Steve Harrington, who once pressed his cheek into Eddie’s hands and closed his eyes like he’d found a slice of heaven. 
“Why?” Eddie challenges. He’s still close. Close enough that they’re going to have to pretend to be fighting if anyone else starts making noise. Eddie’s lost track of time entirely, can’t recall what period this is. Where he’s even supposed to be.
Hell, he never even asked why Steve was here. 
Steve’s mouth opens and closes, like he had an answer but suddenly thought better of it. 
He’s still tapping his foot. 
“Why would they be wrong? ” And at first Eddie thinks Steve is turning the challenge back on him, until he clocks the confused crinkle in his forehead, right between his eyebrows. 
Like a dog who just wants to be a good boy, and doesn’t understand why he’s being shouted at. 
‘Eddie, for once in your fucking life, focus!’ He thinks furiously at himself. 
“Because it hurts you. Because all of us “get over” things in different ways, at different paces.” He makes the quotes with his fingers, putting on a fun voice just to try and make even a small smile appear on Steve’s face.
It works, and Eddie grins despite himself and the seriousness of the moment. 
“Doesn’t matter how stupid it is, Steve-O. Our brains don’t care.” He knocks on his own to make his point. 
“I guess.” Steve says, and it’s not an agreement but Eddie will take it. 
Will take anything Steve will give him, which just shows how badly he’s screwing himself.
Straight boys, even ones wrapped up in some kind of mystery and sprinkled with dozens of other things that catch Eddie’s attention like Steve’s his own personal brand of crack, typically don’t mean anything good for him.
This time, he just hopes it can mean something good for Steve.
Eddie might not know much, but he knows Steve deserves something good.
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characterhcotd · 2 months
"Everybody calls me Trash, Pest, Maggot, Spineless, Dust, Plankton, Moron and all sorts of other things, so call me whatever name you like!"
Hello and welcome to Your Character HC OTD! Every day I will be posting one of YOUR HCs for a character! Accepted HCs include, but are not limited to...
gender/sexuality hcs (if you are submitting this kind of hc I will also make you a pfp with the requested character and the flags for the identity you HC them with upon request) (eg, you could request something like "I HC [insert chr] from [insert source] as [insert queer identity], may I also have a pfp for this request?")
mental illness/neurodiversity hcs (eg, you could request something like "I HC [insert chr] from [insert source] as having adhd and autism" or "I HC [insert chr] as having BPD")
proship hcs (if you are submitting this kind of hc I will also make you a pfp with the requested character and the flags for the identity you HC them with upon request) (eg, "I HC [insert chr] from [insert source] as being a proshipper")
agere/caregivers hcs (if you are submitting this kind of hc I will also make you a pfp with the requested character and the flags for the identity you HC them with upon request) (eg, "I HC [insert chr] from [insert source] as being an age regressor and [insert chr] as being their caregiver, may I please pfps for this request?")
... and probably more that I'm forgetting! If you're unsure, feel free to ask and I will let you know if I'm comfortable with doing your request! This blog is meant to celebrate headcanons and fandom diversity, fun in fandom, ect, but I still have the right to refuse any request for any reason.
On that note! I have no blacklist for fandoms, but I will not do RPF, or anything live action (as talked about in my Umbrella Academy post) for my own personal comfort. MCYT content will be posted on a case by case basis (as talked about here).
I also have no strict DNI, but I will block people I don't like. As for myself, you can call me mod nanashi or mod no name, whichever you prefer. I use he/they/it pronouns. For personal reasons I will not be sharing my main blog at this time, but that may change in the future!
I am proship, pro-para (anti-contact), supportive of mspec lesbians/gays and lesboys/turigirls, supportive of age regressors, and supportive of fictionkins/otherkins. I am neutral on syscourse as I am a singlet and I don't feel that it's my place. If you have any other questions about my stances on things, feel free to ask, but I figured this would cover most of the bases. If any of my stances make you uncomfortable, the block button is free.
Tag list:
#mod nanashi / #mod no name - posts by mod nanashi/no name
Some of my fav proship blogs:
@proship-paci @proshippersstimming @black-salt-cage @proselfshipsafespace @proshipcallblog @corpsey-moodboards @proshippingcenter @secretspiritmoodboards (if you guys could reblog this so I could get my blog out there that would be greatly appreciated, no pressure though!)
If this post has left any of your questions unanswered, feel free to ask and I will answer to the best of my abilities!
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slytherwrites · 1 year
Hello, I hope I am not disturbing you. Your writings are great. If you are getting requests, can you write for yandere husband Pollux Black, Crygnus Black, Orion Black, Alphard Black, Severus Snape, Gellert Grindelwald, Aberfort Dumbledore, Albus Dumbledore? Please
You're not bothering me at all! I love requests! Here are your husbands lol
Characters: Pollux Black, Cygnus Black, Orion Black, Alphard Black, Severus Snape, Gellert Grindelwald, Aberforth Dumbledore, and Albus Dumbledore
TWs: Yandere Content, implications of forced sex, implications of forced pregnancy
Pollux Black
There was no denying it. Pollux was drunk out of his mind.
He'd always carried himself with guilt. A twin who's brother died in the womb. The firstborn son of his father, thus complicit in whatever he wanted, in order to keep his place in the family. He was man who's back was so spineless that it should've curled in on himself already. A disappointment, not proving himself better than Arcturus and not securing the switch in power between his branch of the family and Arcturus'.
But he was you husband, and you had to stick by his side.
"Baby," He crooned in you ear, "You know I love you. You know your the only one for me."
"I am aware."
"Oh, darling I need you, there's no one else for me." He continues, "Love is just what keeps me going. And love is just you in that dress."
"Is that some song?"
"Loving you is just what I do best..."
You take the cup from his hand and slip him out of his formal robes. The reception is over. Cassiopeia got out of this family and is married to someone who loves her. You wish you could say the same.
"It's how I feel, darling." Pollux continues, "I can't stand to see people around you."
"I'm all yours, Pollux." You tell him, "I'm all yours."
"When are you going to act like it then." He whines as more layers get removed between the two of you. You've holed up in the main manor, in one of the side rooms. Pollux is too drunk to apparate or use the floo network. And nobody in the Black Family would dare be seen riding the Knight Bus.
"I do act like it." You tell yourself, "I'm yours, Pollux."
"You don't say I love you. You recoil from my touch. You refuse to call me anything other than my first name." Pollux's tone gets serious, "You don't act like you love me."
"I love you." You tell him.
He grabs your shoulders and throws you onto the bed with him, "Then start acting like it."
"Pollux—" You tried to put some distance between the two of you, "Pollux, wait."
"No." His tone was much more sober, even if he was still slurring his words, "No. You are mine. Quit acting like you're not."
"Please—" You start but he interrupts you, "No! No. You are my wife. You shall act like it."
"I do!" You try to get back onto your feet, "I do!"
"I am your husband and you are my wife." He says, "We shall be one. We shall grow ourselves—our family."
What he means dawns on you and you know that this was always a part of your marriage contract, but you believed that by the time it happened, you'd be in love with him.
You tried and your tried but the light are off and the curtain is closing. This performance is over and act two's about to begin. This time, with a proper pureblood family from the two of you.
Cygnus Black
Cygnus was raised as a righteous man. He has a duty to the family—to live long and prosper. And he wanted to do that with you. Second-born son of the second-born line, he wasn't close to leading the family, even in his wildest dreams.
But he could lead his own family. And he wanted to create that family and that legacy with you and you alone.
"Spin." Your dress robes shimmered with the brightness of the stars themselves, the glimmer bouncing off of them in the waves of your turns, shining as bright as you do.
You don't say anything to him as he takes in your figure. You need to be perfect for him. It is your wedding day, after all.
"Muggles wait to see what they're partner is wearing until they are right in front of them." Cygnus notes, "What fools they are."
"How do you know what muggles do at weddings?" You try to laugh, tease him so that this moment isn't as daunting for you.
"Because I do." Cygnus growls, "Don't question your husband."
"You're not my husband yet." You laugh weakly for your own sake. Cygnus has always been quick to anger, quick to contempt. Hopefully you're quicker—especially than he is at action.
"Look at me." He grabs your arm and squeezes until all of the blood rushes from the hold, "You do not question me. I am your husband. It would behoove you to learn that quickly."
"Alright." You rub your wrist, comforting yourself, "I understand."
"I'll train you up. Don't worry." He says, "You'll learn before our children are born. You'll be an optimal parent. You'll be the perfect spouse. I'll make sure of it."
Somehow, you silently note, that you know that you'll never be as perfect as he needs, no matter how much he teaches and you endure.
Orion Black
Orion Black looked at you with a gaze so sharp it could pierce your body and soul. His straight black hair was combed neatly. His eyes were concrete grey and he kept his face just with the hints of what his beard could be if he didn't shave it regularly. His suit was crisp and clean and his shoes shined like motor oil.
He was well dressed and angry at something. And he was looking at you to fix it.
You took the initiative, silently accio-ing a bottle and a glass, pouring him a drink and then handing it to him. "Rough day?"
He takes the glass you offer, "News you won't like."
"What is it?" You ask, "I can handle it."
"I know, darling. You're so strong for me." Orion takes a sip of the drink and bridges the gap between the two of you, taking your hands into his, "They know the gender of Druella's baby."
The realization dawns on you, "Another girl."
"Yes," He offers you a sympathetic smile, "You've always been bright."
"I don't think coming to that conclusion took much brain power."
"I talked with my grandfather. He's expecting us to pick up the slack."
"Have the heir." You fill in.
Orion nods.
"No." You put your foot down, "That was the deal. I was to stay with you, play the perfect Black Family Wife and I would remain financed, protected, and untouched."
"That was if Cygnus was able to have a male heir." Orion says, "Do you think that I want to go back on that arrangement?"
"Then don't!"
"And have Bellatrix be the next Head of the Black Family?" Orion asks, "I'm already set up to be heir. It was always expected of me."
"It's not going to be expected of me."
"Yes it was." Orion's grip tightens, "We are already wed. You are mine. You cannot leave. Now you can do this the easy way, or I'll imperio you."
"You wouldn't."
He looks you in the eye and reaches for his wand. He doesn't say the words outright, but you made a deal with the devil so he wouldn't hurt you further. And maybe you will have to slide back on that deal a bit. But if you didn't, he'd take it painfully. And he would feel as if he could take more and more out of you.
You can keep some semblance of control this way. And what's one kid in the grand scheme of things?
Alphard Black
Alphard Black loved you to the moon and back. He was Hephaestus and you were Aphrodite, but like the mythical husband and wife, you were not loyal.
No, you'd found your Ares.
A muggleborn, in fact. Some man in the French Ministry of Magic who's been in Britain working on a project. Alphard didn't care who he was or what he done, except for when it was with you.
He used muggle means of subduing him. He's always been fascinated in the magicless. After all, he took you as his wife, even after his family threatened him.
It took all of his convincing to prove that you'd be a good partner, despite being a squib. You can still produce magical children after all. And he's not of the main line anyways.
But you had to go and fuck it up, didn't you?
He has your man tied up in a chair in the parlor, stripped of his wand and his clothing. He was still out cold and you came running when your darling husband told you oh, so sweetly that he had a surprise for you.
He stands over and behind your passed out lover. He's able to see your face when you notice what's gone on. And he can see the horror on your face as you see his manic smile.
"Alphie... what did you do?" You take a step closer, kneeling in front of your lover, "Alphie! What are you doing!"
"Don't Alphie me, sweetheart." He replies, "I saved you from a horrid life in the muggle world and this is how you repay me? By fucking some muggleborn swine!"
"Alphie, it's not what you think..."
"No, baby, it is what I think." He says, "I've been working and you've had a bit too much free time. So you took a man who would give you that attention. I'm sorry, darling. But I'll give you the attention you deserve."
"Alphie, please!" You try to reason with him, but he grabs a knife, "You can't do this!"
"Oh but I can. Knife to the head, incendio for the corpse, and aguamenti to put out the flames. It's simple, really."
You try to run to your lover, standing with him so that if Alphard was to light him ablaze, he'd have to do so to you as well. But Alphard casts a spell you don't recognize and you fall to the floor as you loose consiousness.
You come too as the fire dies down. Your lover no more than ashes. Alphard has himself pressed against your back, arms around your waist. He's singing the song at your wedding and it dawns on you:
You can never escape. You will never escape. The world that you admired so much and was desperate to be a part of you had a chokehold on you so strong that you were unable to leave it, even if you wanted to.
Severus Snape
You were in this marriage for your own personal protection.
The Snape name wasn't known as a Wizarding name just yet, but Severus was a halfblood. He could trace his lineage.
You could not, on account of being a muggleborn.
Honestly, with how Severus acted, you'd wished a death eater would take you out already. It wasn't nearly as torturous as being the wife to such an insufferable man.
"Darling," His slow manner of speaking irritated you, as if you couldn't handle him speaking any faster than this, "You mustn't linger about like that. You seem unhappy."
"And what if I am unhappy?"
"With the favor I have provided you?" He asks, "It would be foolish of you."
"Then call me a fool."
In all honesty, he was right. Staring out the window in the muggle home the two of you shared wasn't healthy for you. It only served to remind you of the home and happiness that you have since lost.
You change the subject, "How is your lord faring?"
"Better, now that he's decided on whomst his biggest threat is."
"Not Albus Dumbledore?"
"No, not Albus Dumbledore." Severus won't tell you more than that and you do not push the matter.
"Anything interesting in the potions you've been making?"
"No." He replies, "It is all the basics for getting a potions mastery. I will have to show it to the Potions Mastery Committee, down at the Ministry."
"You're heading into London?"
"I was planning on flooing, actually."
"Pick me up a new book." You turn to look at him, seeing him flip through the pages of his own book, "I've finished the last in that series and I want something of a similar author."
"Alright." He replies, not looking up at you. You look at his face, still ever-present in his book.
You suppose that he could be worse. He could be active in this situation, not just complacent in your slow torment under this roof. He could lay an unjust hand on you. He could treat you like the other wives of Death Eaters.
There is a mercy in how he acts. There is love in his distance.
You could reciprocate it, you could let it grow and blossom. But for now, you let the waves splash softly against the sand that is the foundation of your relationship with the man.
Gellert Grindelwald
Gellert Grindelwald doesn't love you.
The truth of the matter is that he's never loved anyone, only having obsessions. And, for all of his life, he's only been obsessed with two individuals: Albus Dumbledore—and you.
The fact that you have something in common with Albus Dumbledore makes you laugh. Him, one of the greatest wizards of all time, and you, a witch with so much self-loathing you almost formed an obscurus.
Almost, being the key word. For Gellert Grindelwald made it certain that you would not succumb to this deadly affliction, that you would find love within yourself and the world and its magic, so that you would keep on living.
And, it was all so he can keep you funneled away, hidden from the rest of the world in a small flat near Godric's Hollow.
It's embarrassing really, how quickly you fell for him. And yet, he does not love you, even after all that he did to make you love him.
You just stare off into the fireplace, awaiting his arrival. Because he's the only thing that keeps you from slipping into that state again. He's the only thing that brings you joy.
Aberforth Dumbledore
Aberforth wasn't the gloriest of husbands you could of had.
In all honesty, you befriended him to get closer to Albus. That was the real catch, your mother told you. Handsome, intelligent, hardworking—the world was falling at his feet and you could've been the woman smiling by his side, perfectly cared for and content while he tool the Wizarding World by storm.
But Aberforth had to actually take a liking to you, one he took violently, one that tarnished your reputation afterwards.
One thing lead to another and there was a child between the two of you. Aberforth made you an honest woman and you got yourself stuck with a child you didn't want, a job you hated, and a husband you hated even more.
At least nobody cares about what you did, out of wedlock. It's been decades now. You and Aberforth are over a century old. So is Albus.
And even if you can't call Albus Dumbledore yours, you still get to be near him and bask in his intellect. You two are friends, even if you always wanted to be something more.
Albus Dumbledore
He was an odd man. Never violent, even if you wished he would be.
He was kind, wise, put love as the forefront of everything, even though you didn't love him.
You didn't even like him. No, you were filled with pure, unadulterated hatred for your husband.
He's a gentle man. Smart, intelligent, caring. He keeps to himself on most occasions and lets you roam the walls of Hogwarts freely, just like you did, when the two of you were students.
You remember him well, you suppose. Back then, he wasn't like this. Back then, he was easier to endure. Back then, your dislike of him was validated.
Now, he's the war hero and headmaster of the greatest wizarding school in the world. He's saved countless of lives and mentored everyone who's walked through the walls of Hogwarts for the past century or so.
And it's exhausting, staying by his side. You're expected to be a proud person, prideful in your husband's work and all he has done, joyful in how the Dumbledore name has flourished and grateful for the man you've married.
But you are not here willingly. You would not have joined his side by choice.
You honestly hope Minister Fudge finds a way to oust him. Maybe his crimes in the wars will be released. Maybe he'll keel over and die already.
Because being the partner to such a perfect man is exhausting. Especially when you're the only one who sees all of his flaws.
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knockyasocksoff2022 · 18 days
Motion Sick
Sicktember 2024 - Prompt #6 Dizziness/Vertigo
Words: 4,440
Pairing: Tanizaki Junichoru x Tachihara Michizou
POV: First person
CW: Mentions of nausea and throwing up, but no graphic descriptions
Junichirou’s Perspective
I can feel my stomach churning, and that familiar acidity rising in my throat. I’m going to be sick. 
I knew I shouldn’t have come along, the agency didn’t even need me for this trip. It was Kenji who insisted that I come along so I wouldn’t miss the dolphins in the bay. He doesn’t know about my terrible motion sickness and being as spineless as I am, I couldn’t say no to him.
Now I wish I had.
It’s late afternoon but the summer sun is still high in the sky, the weather hot and sticky. My back aches and I feel lightheaded from being bent over the railing for so long.
Then I get an idea. It’s probably stupid, but no one is paying attention to me so I should be safe. I plug in my earbuds and press the dial button for the first contact in my phone. At first, the ringing is uncomfortably loud then the call is answered and his voice fills my ear.
“Jun? You good? You only call if there’s an emergency.”
I don’t answer right away, letting Michizou’s warm voice wash over me. I swallow thickly.
“Sorry,” I whisper
“What for? You’re not hurt, are you? Why are you whispering?” Panic enters his voice. I shake my head before remembering he can’t see me.
“N-no. I’m-“ My voice fades out as my stomach roils, threatening to send its contents back up. I think I’d die if I puked while talking to Michi on the phone, that’d be way too embarrassing. I shouldn’t have called. “It’s stupid. You can hang up if you’re busy.” 
“I’m not. I’m at lunch with Gin and Higuchi. I'm glad you called too, cuz they were being all disgustingly lovey-dovey. And I’m sure whatever you called me for ain’t stupid. What is it?” Despite the loud conversations around him, his voice is comforting.
“I . . . well, I’m getting motion sick and I think I’m gonna puke. I . . . uh . . . just thought that hearing your voice might distract me a bit.” It sounds dumb as I say it.
He doesn’t answer, the line crackles in silence.
“See, I told you it was stupid.”
“No, it’s not. Where are you? In a car?” His voice is calm now, with a serious tone and I can imagine his expression, cool as he thinks through the situation. The background is quieter now like he’s stepped even farther away from wherever he was.
“On a boat, we’re looking for evidence in a murder case that was dumped in the bay. The waves are bad today though, so . . .”
“So that’s why we’re whispering.” I can see him nodding to himself. I smile at the thought, “Where are your meds?”
“I left them at home,” I admit.
“Of course you did. I’d bring you some, but . . .” He laughs, the affectionate teasing sending warmth through me. “So what should I do?” The teasing turns to sympathy.
“Can we just talk? About anything.” The desperation leaks through as another wave rocks the boat.
“Sure. . . .” He hums trying to think of a topic, I find myself tapping out the rhythm on the railing focusing on it instead of the rocking of the boat. He ends the melody with a flourish, “Today I ran into Elise, you know, the Boss’s kid or whatever.”
I turn on the camera and nod, still not trusting myself to speak. Michi seems to get it.
“Yeah, well she somehow bribed him to wear not only a maid outfit but a nurse outfit and one of those supposedly “sexy” devil costumes. She showed us all the pics. It was a riot but I felt kinda weird looking at them, you know. Like it was an invasion of privacy, and also if the Boss knows I saw them he might give me desk duty indefinitely.”
I laugh, so hard that my stomach pain increases fivefold but it feels good.
“That’s the only really funny story I have for today, some other stuff happened too, we had an assassination job, but if you think you’re gonna puke maybe I’d best not tell you those. . . . Anyways, want me to make dinner tonight. I might need your help, but I can do most of it. I know being sick always makes you tired.”
I think I can speak again, I take a breath, sighing when I find my stomach has settled down considerably. “Yeah, I would like that, make it something light though, a soup or something.”
“Cool. And, uh, don’t feel bad about calling, I’m happy to help. And seeing Gin with Higuchi was making me miss you a lot, I miss you right now.” He sounds awkward, still new to expressing emotions so blatantly. My stomach clenches, not out of nausea, but wanting. Seeing him over the phone isn’t enough, I want his arms around me, his lips brushing my cheek.
“I miss you too, but I guess I should let you go before Gin and Higuchi get suspicious.” I’ll admit even I can tell I sound pouty, but I know the longer I stay on the call the more likely it is for one of the other agency members to catch me.
“Yeah, you’re probably right. But promise you’ll call me back if you start feeling bad again.” I can hear the worry in Michizou’s voice even as he tries to hide it. It makes my heart flutter in my chest.
“Okay,” I say the word but don’t hang up, neither does he. We exist for a moment in comfortable silence.
“They’re so wrapped up in each other I think we have at least another hour before they realise.” He rolls his eyes.
I smile.
He starts telling me about how Akutagawa was being creepy while referring to some short story about some gate, and I bask in the warm glow of his voice and enthusiastic facial expressions as he talks. Soon I’m laughing so hard I drop my phone, my earbuds yanked out of my ears. I can faintly hear Michizou complaining about how I “dropped” him.
I bend down to pick up the device but someone is already handing it to me. Kenji. 
My breath catches and I feel nauseous again. Maybe he’ll be really nice and won’t tell.
He stares at the phone screen, and Michizou stares back, as if maybe if he’s still enough Kenji will think he’s just a photo. Or maybe he’s in shock. After a second he clicks off the camera and hangs up belatedly.
“Why were you talking to the Bandaid guy? Is he your friend?” Kenji asks it with no malice whatsoever, but if he knows he might tell the others, not realising the ramifications.
I think about asking who he’s referring to, and playing dumb but it’s too late for that.
“Oh, um, we were just . . . He’s my friend, but you can’t tell anyone okay.”
“Okay! Is he nice like Cool Hat-san?”
I snort at his nickname for Executive Nakahara. “Well, he’s nice to me, but he can be a little mean sometimes, you know.”
“Oh, he’s just like Cool hat-san then!”
“What do you mean?”
“Cool hat-san always seems so angry but one day I saw him and Dazai-san snuggling with each other through the window of Dazai-san’s dorm. And he must be a really good hugger because Dazai-san kept telling him not to stop. I was only walking by so I don’t know the rest, but they seem also to be good friends.”
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I’m so shocked that I can’t answer for a whole minute. I’m not sure what the hell is going on between those two but I know they weren’t snuggling. Before I can form an acceptable reply, Kenji asks: “Is Bandaid guy a good snuggler?”
If I was drinking or eating anything I would have spit it out. I can feel my entire face heating up. I’m not sure whether I’m saved or doomed even further because Atsushi is walking over to me.
“Junichirou! What’s wrong? You’re all red!”
“Ohhh, I . . . uhh, I’m just seasick is all, I hate boats!” I groan again, patting my stomach to add extra effect.
Atushi nods, “Oh, I didn’t know. Are you alright? Should I bring Naomi?” He sounds unsure and cringes as he says my sister’s name.
“No!” It comes out too quickly, I force myself to sound calmer, “Don’t bring Naomi, I can handle a little sickness myself. I’ll be fine with a few deep breaths.”
“Are you sure?”
I nod.
Atsushi walks back towards the boat’s cabin.
“Maybe you should call Bandaid guy again, tell him to bring you some medication when we return to the dock,” Kenji says, too loudly, because Atsushi turns back around.
I expect him to make a scene but he just walks over calmly.
“Who’s ‘Bandaid guy?’”
“A friend.” I can hear the shaking in my voice. Atsushi hates the mafia, he’ll never trust me again if he were to find out.
He squints as if thinking then his eyes widen, he stares straight at me. He knows.
What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do?
“I see. Hope you feel better.” is all he says before walking off again.
WHAT? WHY? Isn’t he going to tell? How is he just okay with that?
Everyone else is so busy with the evidence being pulled up from the seafloor that I’m alone again.
The anxiety has turned back into motion sickness, even worse than last time, so despite already being caught once, I do the only thing I can think of, I call Michizou back.
He answers on the first ring.
“Worse?” he asks
“Yeah.” is all I can manage.
“How bad?”
“Bad.” I cringe at the croaky sound of my voice.
“Okay. What can I do?”
“Just talk?”
“Sure. I already told you most of the funny things. Does it matter the topic?”
“Nothing gory.”
“Hmm.” I hear him shuffling around, “How about this? It’s a collection of poems, I got it from my brother . . . it’s what they sent back when he, well, you know.”
He takes my silence and heavy breaths for a yes and starts to recite the poetry. I close my eyes and lay down on the boat deck soaking in his gentle words.
Kenji’s Perspective
After a long day, the boat is finally back in the dock and we’re all gathered at the rail where the ramp will drop for us to get back on the ground, all but one.
“What the hell is he doing?” Yosano-san asks, pointing to Junicihrou-san lying on the boat’s deck with his earbuds in. He looks serene.
“I dunno,” says Atsushi-san.
“I think he’s talking to a Band-Aid guy, or maybe he’s listening to music.”
Oops. What do I do now? I’ll have to apologise to Tanizaki-san for revealing the secret.
“Baindaid guy? Is he a doctor?” Yosano-san asks
“I wasn’t supposed to tell you that, but no, I don’t think he’s a doctor. I saw him on Facetime, he looked way too young.” I shrug. 
I did recognise him, from the raids on the office, but I don’t know his name. I hope she doesn’t ask if I know him. I’m a terrible liar. Thankfully Atsushi steps up.
Atsushi’s Perspective:
I tap Kenji on the shoulder and he steps back.
If you’d asked me to lie even a few months ago, I’d have totally flaked, but these past few months of excusing for gaps in time have improved my skills greatly. I’m not sure if that’s a good thing.
“Maybe he’s a friend from school? The siblings go to the local High School, right? Surely the two of them must have some friends besides us to see when they’re not working? If not that’s sad.”
Yosano-san nods, a thoughtful expression on her face. “Maybe? But they’re pretty weird so I’m not sure. They've never mentioned anyone. If it is a friend, though, I’m glad. Maybe Noami will find a nice boy to get attached to instead of her brother.” She sounds doubtful. I don’t blame her.
“Eh, well just go and get him. I’m sure he’ll tell you if you ask.” Kunikida-san says
I can’t help frowning at this. “Yeah, he probably will.” It comes out louder and more bitter than I intended.
“What’s that face for?” he asks.
“He’s scared of Yosano-san, and you know it. It’d be unfair to use that against him. He probably doesn't want to tell us, so don’t make him, okay.” I’ve never snapped at him before, and I’m not sure if this qualifies, but I don’t want Junichirou to say anything he isn’t ready to yet. 
Ryu told me about them as soon as they got together. And . . . I know that Motojirou-san has a massive crush on Yosano-sensei
She frowns back at me. “Okay? Jeez. What’s got you so intense about this so suddenly?”
“I- I, he just looks really relaxed. If he’s not in pain from the seasickness anymore, does it matter?”
“I suppose not.” She concedes, still looking very suspiciously at me. After a tense moment of staring, we both nod. The boat is almost to the dock, and Junichirou is still lying on the deck.
Kunikida-san is walking over to him, probably worried about his schedule, we were out here longer than planned. The last thing he wants is for disembarkment to be delayed. Poor Junichirou. 
Kunikida’s Perspective:
I have patience for Junichirou’s affliction, of course I do, but if he doesn’t get up soon, we’ll have to carry both him and the evidence off the boat. I’m sure Kenji wouldn’t mind, but, still . . .
As I look down at him, it’s impossible to miss that he looks more serene than I’ve ever seen him, and on a boat of all places. His breathing is steady and even. He’s hovering on the edge of sleep. I wonder what he’s listening to. White noise maybe? Surely not waves?
I almost don’t want to wake him. Alas, it’s necessary.
“Tanizaki-kun, please get up. We’re at the dock now. You won't feel ill anymore.”
He doesn’t stir. After a moment I give him the lightest of taps with my toe. 
“Mmm, Michi? No. Let me sleep a bit more, okay? I’ll have soup later.”
“Michi? Who’s Michi? It’s me, Kunikida-san. Your superior at the agency.”
He jolts up, eyes wide. Is this “Michi” his girlfriend? If so, I can see how that would be embarrassing.
“Wha– I-I’m so sorry. I thought, uh, I thought that you were, uh, my . . . brother. Yeah, my bro Michi, uh, you know.”
Brother? But, he has no other family members besides Naomi, as far as I’m aware.
I look him dead in the eye, daring him to continue. He powers down his phone, probably ending whatever audio he was listening to.
“Tanizaki-kun, you don’t have a brother.”
He blinks slowly, processing. “M-maybe I do . . .”
“Tanizaki-kun. I don’t really care who you were talking to, but you do need to get up. Come on.”
He looks distinctly relieved as I help him to his feet. He sways a little but seems alright overall.
When we return to the office, the President relives Junichirou of his duties for the day.
“Go home, Tanizaki-kun. Rest up.”
“T-thank you, sir.” Junichirou bows deeply, still looking a little shaken.
Poor boy. Today wasn’t easy on him. Kenji apologises for suggesting he come along as he goes, but Junichirou shakes his head, saying it’s fine, telling him not to feel guilty.
Junichirou’s Perspective:
It’s nice that Noami agreed to stay at the office to help out with paperwork in my place. Even a few months ago she would have never.
After lying down for so long, it feels odd standing up. My head spins and my legs feel heavy. I still feel hot with the embarrassment from earlier with Kunikida-san. 
When I’m far enough away from the office, I pull out my phone and dial Michizou again.
The car park feels way too large, and heat radiates off the concretised ground. Since when did the earth rotate so fast? Maybe it’s just me?
“Hey, Jun, you hung up on me earlier, what happened? Are you back now?”
“ . . . Yeah, and I th-think I’m gonna pass out. P-please come pick me up.”
“Shit! Yeah, where are you?”
“Uhh, everything a bit fuzzy honestly.”
“Jun? Shit, uh, stay awake okay, er, sit down if you can, yeah?”
“Yeah.” I do, leaning against some stranger’s car. It does help. “I’m sitting, I’ll share my location.”
“Okay, I’m coming.”
I open my eyes to the screeching of tyres. It’s close, but I can’t bring myself to move, too afraid I’d only fall. Which I guess doesn’t make much sense since I’m already sitting.
“Jun! Hey, Jun, you good?”
Michizou stands over me. He crouches down, tucking my hair back.
“Hey, come on, let’s get up.”
He starts to lift me but his body is too warm against mine, I shove him off.
“Too hot.”
“Sorry. I’ve got water.” He holds out a thermos, I take it eagerly, almost dropping it, but it doesn’t fall, only floats. It’s cool. I watch it in awe for a minute.
“Jun? Are you alright? You need to drink.”
“Huh? Oh, yeah, I’m just a bit out of it.” I must be more ill than I thought, It’s obviously just Michi’s ability that’s making the thermos float.
“Okay, tell me if you feel sick again.”
“Yeah.” Carefully, I take a sip. The cool water does wonder, the fog clearing so quickly it makes me a little dizzy again.
“Good, I have meds at home, and soup too, you’ll need to eat.” He says as he opens the door for me.
I don’t realise that he’s given himself the driver’s side until I’m already under the safety belt, hand movements on autopilot.
“Wait, Michi, you know I have to drive. If I don’t I’ll get sick again.” I start to unbuckle the belt, but it’s a bit harder than usual, with so many straps. Michizou puts a hand over mine to stop me.
“Juni.” It’s a sweet nickname, one he almost never uses. I can count the number of times on one hand, and this is only the second. It makes me feel ready to melt. “You’re all dizzy and shit. Let me drive, yeah? We’ll be home soon.”
“But . . . I’ll get sick again.” It’s babyish of me, I know and I hate how whiny I sound but, “Michi, I really don’t want to be sick again.”
He leans over the console, hugging me from the side. He smells nice, and the motion is gentler than usual. He rubs my shoulder and runs his fingers through my hair. The small action does wonders for the blooming headache, “I know. But you’re not good right now. Just this once? You’re always fixin’ me up when I’m down, so let me help you today.”
His hands feel so good that my eyes start to close. He’s right, there’s no way in any universe I could operate a vehicle like this. And he’s a better driver than me on my best day, more experienced.
“Yeah, I’m dumb.”
“No, you’re not,” he assures. “Just close your eyes. I’ll wake you at home.”
When Michizou’s voice draws me from sleep I open my eyes to the sight of the out kitchen counter overhead light. It’s off, sparing me from a worse headache. Am I . . . on the counter? He must’ve carried me in and put me here. I blush a little. There’s something cool on my forehead, a flannel, I think. Do I have a fever? I thought I was just seasick, but maybe . . .
“You’re really warm, not a fever, but I think you got heat stress,” Michizou informs me, his voice drifting in from the bedroom.
“Oh,” Is all I can say. I notice that he’s stripped me down to my pants and tank top. I do feel better. “Why am I on the counter, though?”
He blushes this time, “I dunno, I figured the sofa would be too hot since you’re kinda sweaty.”
“Makes sense.” Our sofa is very warm, and covered with blankets that Gin and Ichiyou-kun gave us.
The room only blurs a little when I sit up. I wring the now slightly warm cloth out in the sink.
“Google said a cool bath would help bring down your temp and with the headache. How sick do you feel? Do you wanna eat first? Or can the meds wait.”
I consider myself for a moment. I’m still a little queasy. I was asleep so I didn’t get sick in the car, but the ride didn’t exactly help. The medication would bring relief, but I’m still worried whatever I eat might come right back up. I hate throwing up. You’d think it’d be easy after all this time, but it hurts. Maybe if I wait it out, the queasy feeling will go away. “Bath first, I think.”
“Kay, I’ll run the water.”
The bath fills quickly, and because I don’t have to wait for the water to cool, I can get in right away. It feels like heaven after all day on the hot boat deck. I just soak for a minute, listening to Michizou finish dinner in the kitchen. He’s not amazing at cooking, but he can make about five dishes really well, and soup happens to be one of them.
Michi was right, I am sweaty. I should probably shower.
Lazily, I drain the tub and turn on the shower nozzle. Standing up reminds my stomach of the boat, but the cold water helps.
“Soup’s done. There’s cucumber salad too, and watermelon cuz Gin went to the farmer’s market. I gotta cut it though.” 
“Mmm, sounds good. I’m almost done.” I hope my stomach can take it.
“You decided to shower?”
“Feeling better?”
“A lot.”
I hear him start to return to the kitchen.
“Yeah? Do you need help?”
“Could you wash my hair?” I’m grateful he can’t see me, it makes the request easier. I’m so used to having affection sort of forced on me by Naomi, as pure as her intentions may be, that it’s made me shy to ask for it.
“Sure, let me just wash my hands. Be there in a sec.”
I hear the tap shut off and Michi’s footsteps, almost silent across the wooden floor.
The door opens. He smiles, softer than his usual fanged grin. He’s holding a pitcher and a stack of clothes. I must’ve forgotten do get mine.
I sit, waiting patiently as he fills it.
“So, did your colleagues find the evidence they were looking for? For all that trouble, they better have.”
The phrasing makes me laugh. “You’re so formal sometimes.”
He looks down, focusing on the label of the shampoo bottle, “Yeah well, my mum had high standards for me growing up because of my brother, she beat it into me before I left. Some of it stuck, I guess.”
I smile, not that can take away all he’s been through, but I can try. “They did find it, I’m not sure what it was though.”
He laughs at that. “Tip your head back.”
I do, letting the cool water cascade over my head.
He helps me up.
The clothes in the stack are a mix of mine and his. I borrow from him so much it’s hard to keep track. Well, I say that, but our styles are actually quite distinct. I don’t care, not really. His black tee is well-worn and comfortable.
While I finish dressing, he dries my hair. It’s at times like this when our two-centimetre height difference is noticeable. He doesn’t have to reach up at all. It’s kind of hot, I won’t lie.
Thinking about food is one thing, but at the sight of it, I’m suddenly queasy. Not from motion sickness, per se, but just the anxiety that I’ll be sick again if I eat it, a vicious cycle.
“Michi, ‘m gonna-”
He helps me to the sink, rubbing soft circles over my back. 
I haven’t eaten since breakfast, but since I managed to avoid being sick on the boat and in the car, it’s all coming back up. The smell and sight make me sick yet again until my mouth feels disgusting.
“Shit, you’re really not feelin’ good, huh? Maybe I should take your temp again.”
“N-no, m’ not ill. Just worried.”
He seems to get it, as he shifts his hands slowly, running them down my side until his warm palms are against my upset stomach. “I promise, food will make you better, it always does.”
“Y-yeah, I know. M’ just dumb.”
“You really gotta stop sayin’ that.”
“That too.”
“Sor- I mean,d pens’t this gross you out.”
“Not really, I’ve seen worse. Besides I’m used to it . . . oh, not from you. You’re fine, I, uh, just had this friend, you know. Anyways, are you good for sec? I’ll get water.”
(A/N: Fukuchi’s always getting hungover lmao)
I nod.
He brings a glass with ice, fills it and hands it to me. I swallow and spit, repeating the process until I can’t taste the bile anymore.
I nod again, still shocked by the rudeness of it.
“You need only eat a bit, just to have something in your stomach before you take the pills. I’m not keen on a repeat of last time.”
There’s that formality again.
Last time. I had a bug so I took paracetamol without eating, got sick then passed out in the bathroom for a few hours.
“Me either.” I let him lead me to the table.
True to his word, and what I know in the back of my mind, the broth is harmless. I manage nearly a whole bowl with a small serving of salad before downing the medication with tea.
“See?” He’s smiling as we settle down on the sofa, “You’re fine now.”
“No problem.”
Now that I’ve cooled down, I miss his warmth again. I pull him closer until he wraps his arms around me.
“I’m so happy that I have you . . . I love you, Michizou.”
Maybe he didn’t hear, but then he leans down, lips brushing my ear, and whispers “Love you too, Juni.”
Suddenly the film isn’t nearly as interesting, not as much as Michizou’s finger in my hair anyway, making me feel all warm and fuzzy. I’m tired today, and I dislike lying, but maybe I’ll tell the President I’m still not feeling so good tomorrow.
Gosh, the things we do for love.
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infinitestalia · 2 years
Do you think Alice's motivations for putting her son on the throne are valid? both in the book and in the series?
Motivations, yes, consequences of those motivations and actions, no. Nothing justifies the outcome on either side, neither are the good guys, but her reasons are more valid and interesting to me than the Blacks.
It's not that there's no power seeking in it, especially in the book, but Aegon is the male heir, by law he should sit on the throne- if Viserys' bitch ass didn't want that, why exactly did he remarry and impregnate a teenager? If law doesn't matter, why are we taking any Targaryen claim or succession seriously? Her children's lives are at stake no matter what anyone says, their existence is a threat to the Blacks and Daemon would see to it that they be killed one way or another, so none of the lords can turn to Viserys' sons as heirs.
Because Rhaenyra is incapable of discretion or any sense of responsibility, she brazenly pops out clear bastard after bastard (offering marriage for Helaena is only to protect herself and her illegitimate kids) and commits high treason by passing them off as heirs. Even if Alicent and co never wanted to touch the throne, a new crisis would break out at some point based on that alone, with Aegon being pushed for king, and both sides know it. They're not gonna silently sit and watch a bastard take the throne dfkm. He was never legitimised, as fans like to bizzarely say, because he was never acknowledged as a bastard but falsely called the trueborn heir. Thanks to Viserys' inaction and ineptitude, there is no scenario where war does not break out or Alicent's children aren't straight up killed, so how can you not understand her?
And even without all this, even if her motivation was pure spite, why not. The show's prophecy miscommunication was nonsensical, that motivation is not valid at ALL and was a spineless cop out. She should have spat in whatever was remaining of Viserys' mouldy eye socket and told him she'd crown Aegon if only for his years of neglect of the children he forced on her. Aemond was mutilated and not only were there no consequences whatsoever (not even an apology), Rhaenyra asked for him to be tortured and Viserys cared more that his bastard grandkids had been called bastards, then his son- Alicent's son- being permanently disfigured. (The fact that the show has Alicent forget/forgive that after the time jump is so insane). There was no clearer writing on the wall as to what would become of her and her children than that moment. That should have been framed as the night where war after Viserys' death became a bitter inevitability and every fear Alicent ever had was confirmed, becoming all the motivation she needed.
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bakiuwu · 5 months
Imagine saying someone posting screenshots to prove themselves innocent cause someone made a fucking alt to spread a fucjing child grooming rumor stupid ass internet beef, are yall slow do yall know how serious that shit, do you know how fucked up it is to be minding your business and for someone to hate you to make up a fucked rumor??? This literally fucking harassment I'm defending myself and showing how actually fucked people in this fuckinf fandom is, also to make a post about something then to throw fucking shade are fucking unserious
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Then, on top of all this bullshit to have someone admit that they did it...and a person who I haven't a gave a fuck and even forgot abiut FUCKING YANDERE MOMO ARE YOU SHITING ME, YOU LITERALLY HAVE ME BLOCKED AND YOUR STARTIGN SHIT??? being on apart of this stupid ass scheme l.....WHY cause you don't like me over some baki shit??? YOUR 23 HAVING A DAMN 15 YEAR OLD DOING YOUR SHIT, ARE YOU SURE YOUR NOT THE DAMN GROOMER WERID PICE OF SHIT Why are you close with a damn 15 year older who happens to be a fucking proshipper who has drawn cp before you fucking bitch, it's already bad you write rape fanfics BUT THIS no wonder you were able to make uo such a rumor, you self-progecting cunt
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Then too pussy to even say anything to me cause WHAT YOUR SCARED OF ME OR SOMETHING??? WTF YOUR A SPINELESS PIECE OF ACTUALLY SHIT, then to act like your changing a new leaf cause you decide to tell WHEN YOU BEEN DOING THIS FOR SOME TIME APPARENTLY, ARE YOU THAT BOTHER BY ME.....what happen to people having a fucking life, your so mad at someone that get a proshipper 15 year old to help your GROWN ASS to make up a fucking child grooming rumor.....that is the most Pathetic loser shit I have ever witnessed, then for this to be played off like this not serious......this fandom is really fucked up,
I don't even do anything all I do is post dumbass shit.....this actually funny....I have no words....so agian if you actually think any of this is silly internet beef.....there's something wrong with you, I feel like people think shit on the internet isn't serious like you can say and do whatever they pls and think nobody should call them out for theyre dangerous behavior this is very serious shit like this can ruin someone's fucking life....this is the last thing I have to say....this so disgusting
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nyxelestia · 5 months
Girl shut the fuck up you have the political literacy of someone who tunes in once every 4 years the DNC made their own bed by being spineless fascists and that Macklemore can fucking mackle
I almost deleted this out of habit and principle, but I'm honestly too amused by your assumption.
I'm politically active for a living. Not only do I "tune in" to politics well beyond 'once every 4 years,' that is often literally my job, depending on my exact position and employer. My degree is literally in political science, with one of my two lower degrees being in history.
My life would be so, so, so much easier if I paid as little attention to politics as the majority of this hellsite's users.
Meanwhile, you don't have the guts to send me this signed-in.
You hide behind anon while crawling into my askbox and you have the audacity to tell me to shut up. You equate weak-willed progressivism with fascism when telling me off for begging people not to put the actual fucking fascist back in office. You rely on buzzwords while regurgitating the politics of the latest Tumblr viral posts and accuse me of not paying attention.
Did the itty bitty dopamine burst from being mean to a stranger on the Internet make you feel better about yourself? What exactly did you expect to accomplish with sending an unsigned Tweet to an audience of one?
You are a coward.
Tell me, anon: How many doors have you knocked on to talk to the voters behind them? How many voters have you registered? How often have you gone to your city council or local equivalent? How many phone calls have you made to your representatives? How many of your representatives can you even name without looking it up first? How many campaign postcards have you written? How many hours have you volunteered for the candidates and causes you care about? How many constituents have you convinced?
How many minds have you changed? How many votes have you gained?
Anyway, Vote Biden. I don't like how soft he's going on Israel, either, but I know he's still a hundred, a thousand, a million times better than whatever the fuck Trump would do in his place. It sucks that these are our only two options, but these are our options, and people are fucking dying in Gaza right now. Your self-righteousness will not help them. Your moral purity will not help them. Your snide sanctimony will not help them.
Your money will help them and your vote will help them. Everything else is just performative, and if you're not getting more votes in the right direction with your performance, then you're wasting your time.
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