#proselfship safe
monstettes · 23 hours
 𓈒  Sero x Aizawa x Denki Stimboard!
 ┈┈ Requested By: Anon !
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  x x x . x x x . x x x
  Hope You Enjoy!
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ooh-its-simp · 2 years
I'm having a really terrible day today... So I feel like making a selfshipping imagine not only to help myself but maybe someone dealing with it before, currently or on going.
Imagine you just finished having an argument with someone, either with someone you know or don't. Maybe it was with your familial f/o? Or maybe you were just in the middle of one between someone else and another? Their words they used frustrated you? You had nobody to rant or vent to as there was no responses to your messages or they had issues of their own.
You still have your f/o(s) number... But would they even answer? Of course, they do! They even asked for you to come over to talk about it. They have a big plan for you too so it could set your mind at ease.
But going to their house for a visit, just to see their face and hear their voice as they greet you ever so warmly. To feel their presence with yours. Their smile... Oh how it speaks a million sweet words to you, removing everything you heard earlier. That was perfectly enough for you to forget your stresses!
Happy shipping!
Proshipper, neutral and poly-friendly!!! Can also be freely reused without credit, I don't care much about it.
But do not restrict the use from others, whether you are a proshipper, selfshipper or anti. Antis with intent to harass DNI!!! I won't bother to respond. My imagines is free use for EVERYONE!!!
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sparkly-poopshipper · 22 days
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Say it with me again: ✨
Thought crimes are NOT. REAL!
Fiction should NOT. HURT YOU!
If someone can't understand that, IT'S. THEIR. PROBLEM!
You are NOT a bad person!
You DESERVE love!
You are Great! ✨
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sweet-ladys-things · 8 months
Antis: "How is writing about murder/gore and pedophilia/incest the same!? Drawing gore is way different!!"
They're both crimes.
That's how they're the same.
They both will send you to jail irl. Both murder and pedophilia will send you to jail. That's how they're the same.
That's why writing/drawing murder and torture is in the same boat as pedophilia. They're just two different forms of horror. If drawing torture doesn't mean you want to actually torture someone then drawing incest doesn't mean you actually want to have sex with your siblings.
Because they are the same.
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huntinglove · 4 months
From the creators of "He would not fucking say that" comes the brand new "He would not be this fucking good at sex"
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hardmangoshipping · 2 months
💙 proship/neutral safe 💙
imagine walking in on your f/o jerking off.
you hear noise from behind a door while walking by. it sounds like your f/o might be talking aloud to themself, but its quiet enough that you arent sure what youre hearing.
youre curious. the door is open a crack... so you gently push it open, not wanting to disturb. you dont open it enough to be noticable, but enough that you can see and hear better.
your eyes widen as you realize whats happening - their hand is in their pants, little noises keep slipping out, and you hear your name being moaned out. theyre obviously trying to keep quiet, and you realize that maybe you should do something.
you debate with yourself for a split second - do you leave and not mention this, or... should you be honest and let them know youre here?
you decide to be honest.
maybe your f/o gets embarrassed upon noticing you, all flustered! trying to cover themself, nervously asking "h-how much did you hear?", blushing profusely.
or maybe, your f/o isnt really embarrassed at all. maybe, they invite you over, teasing you for watching, and flustering you instead.
both ways? you end up doing more than just watching.
💙 proship/neutral safe 💙
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mochipods · 6 days
A reminder to all Proshippers
★ — You should not be judged for the things that you consume / produce. It is all fictional, and does not make you a bad person.
★ — No one should make fun of you regarding your trauma or anything else that you are going through currently. You do not deserve it.
★ — Do not harass other Proshippers who do not have any "problematic" ships or consume "problematic" content. They are still Proshippers too!
★ — If you are a proshipper and a selfshipper, you are amazing and valid as hell. Don't let anybody tell you that your f/o's wouldn't love you, cause they would 24/7!
★ — Proshipping can be for coping and for fun at the same time! Let you cope the way that you want to cope. Everybody has different coping mechanisms.
★ — If something makes you feel uncomfortable, block the person or filter the tags. Proshippers do not codone harassment towards anybody!
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yanoyan · 23 days
(NSFT, MDNI) ❥ imagine your shipcest parent f/o keeping your mouth shut with their hand during sex, not because they need you to be quiet, but because they'd cum too quickly if you moaned "daddy"/"mommy"
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selfmadescientist · 2 months
shout out to people with f/os that are hated by the fandom for being morally reprehensible
the f/o that is a rapist
the f/o that abuses animals
the f/o that is canonically a pedophile
the f/o that is a stalker
the f/o that is a bully
the f/o that is an abuser
the f/o that hurts others no reason other than they enjoy it
the f/o that has no desire to get better
the f/o that is an unsympathetic villain
the f/o that treats everyone around them like garbage because they feel like they're the only person with coherent thought in the general vicinity
the f/o that killed off one of the characters you're supposed to root for and supposed to like
the f/o that you can see part of yourself in, maybe even when most people think that'd be a red flag
... and shout out to you, selfshipper, for loving them despite it all! or because of it all. ^_^
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monstettes · 2 days
  𓈒  Ellie Williams Layouts.
 ┈┈ Requested By: @evaco !
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  Hope You Enjoy!
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ooh-its-simp · 2 years
Proshipper, neutral and poly-friendly!!! Can also be freely reused without credit, I don't care much about it. But do not restrict the use from others, whether you are a proshipper, selfshipper or anti. Antis with intent to harass DNI!!! I won't bother to respond. My imagines is free use for EVERYONE!!!
I had a dream with familial f/o and romantic f/o. And it was almost something like this (and thank you so much for enjoying my last imagine! I actually enjoy making them!)
Imagine your romantic f/o about to meet your parent f/o. Maybe it's for dinner? Or a walk in the park like you and parent f/o always use to do? (Your imaginations limitless!)
Either way, your romantic f/o's nervous. And by nervous, I mean anxious. Even the most confident of f/os would be shaking in their boots at the thought of standing in front of your parental f/o. Of course they would be, they want to make the best impression, they want parent f/o to like them so you and romantic f/o can hangout freely, even around parent f/o. You reassure them that it's gonna be perfectly fine!.... or maybe that's not the case? Or maybe you didn't quiet see it? Not yet at least?
Because the moment your old childhood house door opens, it revealed a pretty pissed off parent f/o. They are extremely protective of you for a reason, too many reasons or they just adore you that much, you're worth protecting from bozos like your romantic f/o (Parentally speaking!) But they want you to be happy, so they gave romantic f/o the worlds most fake smile. And pretended to play nice to them throughtout the day just for you.
But let's be real for a moment, parental f/o really wants to scream out loud, not just to romantic f/o. But to the world:
"You better have your grave already digged up if you want to date my daughter/son!!"
Happy shipping!
Quick reminder to minnors!!! This blog will be NFSW this month!!! (November 2022)
So for your content sensitivity. Please unfollow and/or block me or the nfsw tag if that even does anything. Thank you!
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dispensaryboy · 2 months
saw a selfship-related blinkie set with one that said "this selfshipper protects their f/o from proshippers!" - so I decided to make some with the opposite message out of boredom.
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3 with "f/o" and 3 with "f/os" - feel free to use any of them however.
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huntinglove · 2 months
Selfshipping has no rules! That means you can...
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🍄 Have any type of relationship or dynamic with your F/Os! Having your F/Os be related to your S/Is, be sweet, abusive, obsessed, victimized, anything you wish is valid and wonderful to experience!
🧡 F/O any character(s) you'd like! Main characters, side characters, background characters, characters from advertisements, memes, plushies, any fictional being that compels your heart!
🍄 Write, draw and create anything you'd like! It doesn't matter if the source material doesn't match your creations, all that's important is that you're contributing to your fandoms and having fun!!
🧡 Change your F/O's characteristics however you'd like! Project your own characteristics onto them, change their age, play around with their labels and identity, put them in any situations your mind can come up with! Your entertainment and enjoyment are your F/O's main priority!
🍄 Acknowledge or ignore canon as you please! Bring your F/O back from the dead, make it so they never met certain characters, insert yourself into their main storyline! Craft your story and love to fit all of your favorite tropes!!
🧡 Selfship for your own enjoyment! You don't need to understand or know everything about your F/O's source or even interact with it at all! You don't need to own merch or spend money on your F/O for your relationship to be valid, they love you no matter what!!
🍄 You can do anything you'd like when it comes to fiction! If it makes you happy and no real people are getting harmed because of it, do whatever you want!!
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dokukoi · 2 months
to the anxious, insecure, or sensitive self-shippers...
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no matter how big or small it was that upset you, your f/o will always be there to comfort you! if something upsets you, it's obviously not silly—especially to them! whether you want to vent, advice, or just need someone to sit with you, they've always got your back.
your f/o always wants you to know that their jokes and teasing are in good fun! they'd never want to upset you and they'll never tease you about your worries, insecurities, and anxieties.
to cheer you up, they'll suggest something they know you'll adore: whether that's cooking your favorite food, taking you to a special place, buying you a meaningful gift, or just spending quality time together, they'll have it all planned out before you can say "yes"!
you are never, ever a burden to your f/o! they love you with all their heart and always, always want to see you smile.
your smile is their entire world!! ♡
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divider credit
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scientistservant · 2 months
Proshippers belong in the self-ship community.
The "pro" in "proship" stands for "for x" For something. Like pro-vaccine, pro-health. In this case, "for shipping". And that's literally what self-shipping is all about. Except it's you shipping yourselves together with your favourite little fellas and monsters and aliens and dragons and whatever.
"But X ships themselves with Y." Okay. If you don't like that, that's fine. The block button is right there. That's what X likes. Until there's a documented case where X is going after real people that are similar to their fictional-other, I don't care.
We are ALL shipping ourselves with our favourite FICTIONAL CHARACTERS. This discourse shouldn't matter.
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natsukashii11 · 2 months
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some people are normal and then there’s this abhorrent mess of society called antis
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