#calvin victor
tylersocaskblog · 9 months
Tyler’s OC ask blog!
Who is askable?
Core four:
1. Laurence Miller (he/they)
Age: 16
Birthday: December 25, 2002
2. Calvin Victor (he/him)
Age: 15
Birthday: May 1, 2003
3. Tyler Johnson (he/him)
Age: 15
Birthday: June 19, 2003
4. Felix Jasper (he/him)
Age: 14
Birthday: Febuary 14 13(??)
(He time travelled to 2018 when he was 14, same goes for Chester, Ron, Gladwin and Humphery besides the age part, they are all their respected ages.)
The medievals:
5. Chester Jasper (he/it)
Age: 23
Birthday: March 29, 13(??)
6. Ron Freeman (they/he)
Age: 27
Birthday: September 1, 13(??)
7. Humphery Teavee (he/him)
Age: 37
Birthday: March 30, 13(??)
8. Gladwin Dempsey (he/him)
Age: 29
Birthday: July 17, 13(??)
Oscar’s group (i need a better name)
9. Carlos Carvana (he/she)
Age: 17
Birthday: August 24, 2001
10. Oscar Fiddle/Victor (he/they)
Age: 18
Birthday: Febuary 29, 2000
11. Philip Fiddle (he/him)
Age: 16
Birthday: April 10, 2002
12. Hunter Blount (he/it/xim)
Age: 17
Birthday: October 29, 2001
13. Xaiver Blount (he/they)
Age: 17
Birthday: October 29, 2001
14. Sir Stars (they/them)
Age: unknown
Birthday: unkown
15. Florence (piece of Sir Stars)
Age: 6 (stopped aging)
Birthday: December 25, 2002
16. Lelix (piece of Sir Stars)
Age: 4 (stopped aging)
Birthday: Febuary 14, 13(??)
Accessories (its only one cuz… the rest arent available yet)
17. Yun // Tyler’s top hat (it/he)
Age: unknown
Birthday: October 13, 1905
18. Void Foroune (he/she)
Age: 31
Birthday: November 9, 13(??)
19. Zander Lyinx (he/they/it)
Age: 62
Birthday: November 30, 1956
20. Zayn Lyinx (he/it/meow/blood)
Age: 26
Birthday: January 31, 1992
21. Luna Miller (she/her)
Age: 11
Birthday: June 15, 2007
22. Dylan Daniel (He/him)
Age: 17
Birthday: September 12, 2001
Fairytail characters that I’ve adapted due to my play
23. Pinocchio (he/him)
Age: 16
Birthday: January 22, 2002
24. The Gingerbread man (he/him)
Age: 17
Birthday: August 3, 2001
25. Jestle(?) (he/they/it)
Age: 19
Birthday: Febuary 14 13(??)
I would prefer some serious questions every now and then, no hugs either cuz that kinda slightly counts as free fanart to me and I don’t have time for that stuff… however you can do sillyness too!!
Mary (she/her) is also available for asks I just forgot to add her to the bunch🤷‍♂️. Her husband Joesph is too, when they answer it will be to the time they were alive.
Certain asks, especially if specified will be in the future.
Example of one I’ve answered already like when I first got it:
“Felix why did you forgive Dylan😱”
I made this one be in the future because that event didnt happen yet.
There can be NSFW jokes but like,, no straight up dirtyness like most of my characters are minors so adult humour is aloud but like no… yknow i already said it above.
You can ask questions to me to but you have to say like ‘To you’ or ‘To creator’ or ‘To author’ etc. (Canonically Xavier has more of my personality like a self insert kind of thing, but he won’t know about the lore or nothing so don’t ask him that stuff)
You can about their sexualities and stuff, since I cant find a way to make it look good in the list😭
Calvin, Oscar and Philip are the children of Chloe Victor. Oscar and Philip are adopted. Their father is not in their life.
Laurence and Luna are brother and sister, the children of Beaux (orginally known as Waverly) and Roselyn (orginally known as Xin). Their parents are deceased. Florence is a fragment of certain memories from Laurence.
Hunter and Xavier are twins, Hunter is an hour older. The two have an older brother Milo, who is in his 20’s and a younger brother Alexander who is 6. They have parents that love and care for them, but they have no further character.
Felix has an older brother, Chester and two older sisters, Amelia and Alice who are also twins. Their mother is Mary and the father is Joesph. Felix and Chester are the only living family. Felix sees Humphery and Gladwin as his ‘gaurdians’ now and he’s been adopted by them, they do not call themselves parents as they consider that as being in a relationship together and they are not. Lelix is a fragment of certain memories from Felix.
Zayn is the son of Zander, the mother has passed away. Zayn is also an only child, but would like to have a son or daughter in the near future; perhaps by adoption.
Jestle’s family is deceased.
Calvin and Tyler are childhood friends, together they found Laurence in 2012. Calvin and Laurence clicked while day by day Tyler got excluded. They are all still friends, Tyler is firm on not telling them he feels left out.
Calvin has a crush on Laurence despite strongly believing he doesn’t like men. He thinks its friendship he feels but deep inside, he wants love. Laurence gets frustrated with Calvin not being self aware, but still adores the man for his dumb things, cute things, many things.
Felix and Tyler began to date in 2018, just before the main story begins. The two love eachother dearly and are the sweetest, lovey-dovey pair.
Laurence and Tyler have an odd friendship, Laurence will often interupt Tyler with a ‘Shh!’ but will talk to him after school (…sometimes) but he does care for Tyler. Tyler thinks Laurence hates him, so he tries so keep him happy.
Chester and Ron’s relationship isn’t really shown, but they met once time travelled and began to date about a month later. They’re very respectful to each other and always make sure they both have equal attention. They’ve tried poly’s before but most of the time the other person favours one and gives the other less attention, so they’ve stopped doing poly relationships all together.
Chester and Felix’s relationship really depends on the time. At first when they were kids they were loving brothers who would always play together, then Mary stabbed Chester and Felix witnessed it, he was confident that his brother was dead as he ran away. Void came and took away his memories of the event (so basically he only knows his brother is dead and his mother is bad but that is all he knows.) it made his earlier memories a little fuzzier too but they are still there. He runs into the sirs, blah blah blah, Chester later comes to the castle Felix is at then hides in the basement for a while. His mom comes in, Chester tries to hypnotize her with his magic but she pulls out a mirror, making his hypnosis bounce back at him. (If you read the backstory on wattpad this is much easier to understand). By the time Felix is 14 and Chester is 23 the main events play. At this point Chester keeps claiming he’s Felix’s brother but he’s acting so unlike himself that Felix doesn’t believe him (he also thinks he’s dead too) and every time Chester claims it the more frustrated Felix gets with it. Later Chester is put into a cellar after he kills his mother and he visits him sometimes as the hypnosis has went off of him at that point and eventually the two reconcile and realize they are brothers and have an emotional scene together. Once theyre time travelled Felix lives with the sirs, but goes to Chester’s house often after school.
Felix and the Sirs are also a complicated trio, Felix looks up to both of them and sees Humphery as more like a father figure while he’s more scared of Gladwin. Gladwin really hates Felix but… has his moments. Very rare ones though. While Humphery and Felix have more of a connection, Humphery understands Felix and is more willing to believe him when it comes down to things, though he’s more caring he somewhat tried to hide it but it’s easier to get him to break or to get him to care. He finds Felix somewhat annoying but y’know… who doesn’t (/j).
Thats all the relationships I’ll be doing, its like a lot of writing sorry gamers.
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Cover for DC Power: A Celebration by Jahnoy Lindsay this anthology coming out in January 2023 will feature stories celebrating DC's black heroes written and drawn by all star black comic creators.
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vampireopossum · 1 year
i think my only real complaint about x reader fics is how basic they are. we already have a surplus of mcu lokis and spn deans . give us something new and creative . give us anton ego x reader . give us victor van dort x reader . give us calvin’s dad x reader
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tlj1988 · 30 days
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coolcity · 1 year
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victor + calvin and vera
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ninjastormhawkkat · 9 months
Headlines and Perspectives - One shot
Dr. Two Brains blood chilled when he saw what was printed on the morning edition of the Fair City Times. Guilt, torment, and anger coursed through his body. How dare the called her that! Becky wasn't anything like that monster! It wasn't her fault that Miss Crimes was making her commit all that violence and bloodshed. Two Brains let out a sigh, releasing his anger as he noticed how his hands were beginning to crumple and tear up the newspaper. "Besides. The only reason she is dealing with all of this is because of me." Dr. Two Brains mumbled in a guilty tone. He knew this headline will only make people's fear of Miss Crimes even worse. He had to finish the cure quickly before it would be too late. Victor frowned as he silently read the newspaper. Unwanted memories were coming back as he gazed over the words and the information about Miss Crimes printed in the article. "So now you see why I need you on this case Agent Cutter." Margaret spoke in a serious tone to the man as they were both seated in her office at The Agency. Victor let out a sigh. He had done cases like this before, but things were different this time. "She is still a child ma'm." Victor responded, his face bearing an slightly anguished expression. Margaret Fuller's gazed at Victor with a sympathetic look despite still bearing a hardened and serious expression. "I know but we can't have her running around and killing innocent lives anymore. For now I want you to find out more information on Miss Crimes such as he origins, powers, and weaknesses. If there is a way to contain her then do it. If not..." Margaret paused. Victor just grimly nodded. She didn't have to finish that command. Victor knew if he couldn't capture Miss Crimes, then he would have to end her life. Darius smirked with intrigue as he sat in his office. The newspaper from one of his associates who was situated in Fair City looked very promising. He then pressed a button on a device with a speaker. "Miss Lears, please bring in the contact information of Dr. Calvin Barriton and Professor Athena Cartwright to my desk immediately." Darius commanded. "Right away Mr. Brewster." A voice responded. Darius smiled wickedly and went back to reading his paper. "It looks like B.E.A.W labs might get a new bioweapon soon, or some scientists might get a chance to test out their weapons on Miss Crimes. Whichever comes first." Darius mused to himself as he drank his coffee. Archie Webber had a fierce and determined expression as he packed his hero gear up. Dr. Arannae was ready and willing to bring this Miss Crimes to justice. She was going to pay for killing his best friend Jenkins and for crushing Joe's heart. The poor man had called Archie and through tears and anguish told him what happened to Dr. James Jenkins. How Jenkins' mangled remains were found in his lab along with destroyed equipment. Joe had also told him about what was printed in today's newspaper concerning Miss Crimes. "That girl's murderous crime spree ends now." Archie growled as he headed out the door with his gear in tow. His pet spider Fluffy safe at his mom's house. Archie didn't want to imagine what would happen if Miss Crimes got her fiendish claws on his sweet boy.
Fair City Times Headline
Miss Crimes: Fair City’s Next Maddrix the Malicious @melodythebunny @erraticeris
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incorrect-uncharted · 2 years
Sully: Do you have any resolutions for the new year?
Nate: Yeah, I'm resolving to just wing it and see what happens.
Sully: So you're staying the course?
Nate: I stick to my strengths.
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brilovesbolts · 1 year
📸: Tampa Bay Lightning, Facebook
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thatrandomartblog · 1 year
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More references! This time is the polycule of 5! Yippeee!
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suna1suna1 · 1 year
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Expression + character studies. Expressions (especially involving eyebrows) are a weak point for me, so I've been working on these for the past few days lol
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melodythebunny · 2 years
What's everyone's reaction to Carrie's power trip?
Why are all my responses going to drafts!!!!?
(Not yelling at you anon. Just mad at tumblr)
Just generally like CALM DOWN! bc they have no clue what just happened. And yelling at two brains to get his wife. But oh look he conveniently is nowhere to be found
Carrie wouldn't necessarily have beef with any of the villains...or heroes. She's not really mad at them
Well except maybe miss heart., athena, calvin. She wants to hurt them so badly.
Mr. charming....um Idk if he'd be in the same boat as two brains. (With how she acts towards him) but that doesn't mean she'd be friendly. With him either.
Wordgirl joe kid math and longshot would be safe from her wrath. Would be annoyed by their constant intervening and try to detain them.
Carrie would fight Victor and amazo
Villian kids are still kids so yea she wouldn't hurt them either
All I got RN
Mr. Charming and calvin - @ninjastormhawkkat
Miss heart - @liloskull343
Victor, joe, athena - @drtwobrainsstuff
Longshot - @spaaceeboyy
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thingsasbarcodes · 7 days
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Young Justice 3x20 - Quiet Conversations
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themovementgeneration · 10 months
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Yo Kung Fu Panda Live Action was phenomenal.
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The Pacifier was sub-lime when I was in my Prime. Damn what happened...#Acrobaleno.
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Blood Ink.
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Heimlich have me seeing #'s in a different light mhmm chalkolate.
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Toy Story and Descartes got me testin my limits forreal you know whut im saiyan blud.
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NFL Drafts was CRAYZ. easily 1st round pick
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I saw Minnie Mouse yaesterday and I gotta level with yall. A rat is still a rat even with a mole.
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Just another day in the office. Tomboys man... me & Jerry Springer gettin bzzy to disk day,,,to disk day.
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What is this naansense.
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Nothing beats Mourning Wood.
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The Versus was crazy back in the daey. #S4 League
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its-adrienpastel · 11 days
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📑 Calvin Jeans
Base Game Compatible
Male (Teen-Elder)
20 Swatches
All LODs & Maps
📌 Download: Patreon (EA, Public - October, 04)
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📑 Lilith Trousers
Base Game Compatible
Female (Teen-Elder)
54 Swatches
All LODs & Maps
📌 Download: Patreon (EA, Public - October, 08)
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📑 Victor Sweater
Base Game Compatible
Kids (Unisex)
14 Swatches
All LODs & Maps
📌 Download: Patreon (EA, Public - October, 06)
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ninjastormhawkkat · 1 year
Rodent Man Au
So this is an idea that is like a Spider-man au but with Steven.
So when Squeaky pressed the button on the mind reading device, instead of fusion, it made Squeaky radioactive. When Steven tried to pick him up, Squeaky bit him So Steven in this au has the powers of a mouse. His hero outfit is his goggles but he also wears a black jumpsuit with yellow outlines. He has a fake prehensile tail to help him catch or trip up bad guys. He also has a belt with gadgets. A mouse logo is printed in the middle of the belt. He wears fingerless gloves to help him move around. He leaps and climbs stuff like a regular mouse. His speed and agility is maxed for an adult mouse. Steven does not have an obsession for cheese but still has a small addiction to it. His hero name is Rodent man. His hero skills come from stealth attacks though he does have some combat skills.
Now while dealing with EVA villains as he helps Wordgirl and Huggy out from time to time. He will also deal with villains that take the place of Spider-man villains in this au.
Dr. Calvin Barriton - Green Goblin
Professor Athena Cartwright - Dr. Octopus
Professor James Doohickey - The Lizard
Victor Boxleitner - Venom
That is what the au is for now. Please send asks if you want any headcanons or want to know more about which character - oc or canon - gets a spider-man character role in this au.
Professor Athena Cartwright and Victor Boxleitner - ocs of @drtwobrainsstuff
Dr. Calvin Barriton - my oc
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lackadaisycats · 2 months
Is Rocky actually good at anything? There’s been no indication that he’s a good musician and he can barely scrape together any alcohol, he only succeeded in Defiance thanks to Calvin. It’s probably easier for Mitzi to toss Rocky out and keep his cousin who’s (relatively) competent. The band, with the possible exception of Zib, despises him, Victor wants to kill him and Mitzi could use her charm to get investors. Rocky seems to only serve as a walking punching bag and is completely useless.
He is actually a skilled violinist. He certainly caught Mitzi's ear, if that's any indication.
He's also pretty good at wreaking havoc, although up until the point in his life at which the story picks up, it's been mostly unintentional. You've described much of the narrative he has in his own head, now I suppose take that and the type of business he's wrapped up in and its circumstances, and maybe you can see what he's going to seemingly irrational lengths to try to accomplish and why.
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