#cameron mills
baltharino · 7 months
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Once Upon a Time | 1x02
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regina mills & mal from descendants
requested by anon
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Rumple: Neal is Henry's father
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beepborpdoodledorp · 10 months
is the quote on the back of Ruined Monty’s Youtooz box just gonna be RAAAARGGH RAAAUAAAARGG RRRAAAARR or what
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jojo0039 · 19 days
*Pogue for Life* Secret of the Gnomon Final Part
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They start removing all the rocks around the opening. 
"If someone went through this much trouble, this has got to be the way." John states.
 "We cleared enough. Are we ready to do this?" John B says. 
"You three go." Big John says. 
"What? What are you talking about we're all going." John B insists.
 "Buzz and I are not fitting through that wormhole." Big John states.
 "We may have what we think is the way to El Dorado, and you're just gonna sit this one out?" John B questions.
 "We gotta take the training wheels off sometime kid. We'll hold the fort down up here." Big John states.
 "I'm gonna stay up here too. You've been shot, Uncle John. My dad and I have medical supplies. We need to take a look at that wound before it gets infected." Joanna speaks up. 
Buzz gives her a proud look. 
"There was one last part of the message that I didn't tell you." John tells his son. 
John B scoffs. 
"Always keeping secrets, aye pops?" John B retorts.
 "Just listen for a second. The true and patient seeker needs not light to see. Do you two got that?" John asks them. 
Sarah and John B nod their heads. 
"I have three flares here. They're waterproof. I doubt those flashlights will survive the swim. They're 20 minutes each." 
John B takes the flares.
 Jo pulls Sarah into a hug.
 "Be safe." Jo whispers to her. 
Sarah hugs her back tightly. 
Jo wipes the tears from her face. 
She pulls John B into a hug. 
"I love you JB." Jo whispers to him. 
"I love you too." he tells her back. 
"You got this. We've made it this far. P4L." 
She extends her fist for a fist bump. 
John B laughs and fist bumps her. 
"P4L...Take care of my dad for me." he tells her.
 "Of course, I will." she responds. 
The three watch as Sarah and John B disappear under the water and go through the opening.
Big John sits down on a big rock.
 Joanna and Buzz take medical supplies out of the bags.
 Buzz lifts John's shirt. 
It was bleeding heavily and looked bad.
 "Oh my God. This doesn't look good." Joanna states. 
"Just breathe. What's the first step to take?" Buzz asks her calmy. 
Joanna starts to breathe heavily and become unfocused.
 "I--I d--on't know. I've never dealt with a gunshot wound before." she tells him. 
Big John sits there in silence waiting.
 "Listen. Breathe. You can do this." Buzz assures his daughter.
 She shakes her head. 
"No, No I don't. I can't believe that I thought I could do this!" Joanna continues to freak out.
 "You can. I believe in you. You have come so far. You are brave and smart. I couldn't be more proud to have you as a daughter." Buzz tells her. 
That only makes her cry harder. "I'm not. Dad, I have to tell you something. I'm pregnant." she whispers.
 Buzz looks at her with wide eyes. 
"What?" he questions.
 "I just found out. But I'm not any of those things that you just called me." 
Buzz pulls his daughter to him for a hug. 
"I still mean everything I say. You are here. And you are going to learn. I am going to teach you. Now focus. We need to check to see if he has an exit wound. Okay?" 
Buzz slides his hand behind John to feel for an exit wound.
 "Okay. He doesn't have one. Which means the bullet is still in there. We need to stop the bleeding. He's lost a lot of blood already. I need you to put pressure on the wound." 
Joanna nods her head and uses both hands to cover the wound. 
John lets out a grunt. 
"I'm sorry." she tells him.
 "You're doing good kid. Just keep doing what your dad tells you." John encourages her softly.
 "You're going to be okay. My dad is the best I know." she tells him. 
"I know he is. And you're learning from the best." Buzz rushes back over.
 "Alright, since he was shot in the stomach a tourniquet isn't going to work. We need to slow the bleeding down so we can dress it." Buzz informs her. 
He hands her some of the gauze dressing. 
Jo sees a light by the entrance. 
"Someone is here." Jo whispers. 
Buzz looks towards the direction. 
"We have to move him." 
Jo helps lift John from one side and they hide behind a big pile of thick rocks. 
"I know you're bleeding Mr. Routledge! I know I hit you! And I am going to find you!" 
They hear Singh shout out. 
Jo tries to control her breathing. 
But she is scared.
They hear Singh come closer to the water's edge.
 "I know you couldn't have wandered far John! Not with how much you're bleeding! I'm guessing you have Mr. Mills with you trying to stop the bleeding! Be a man John! Don't let your friend and his daughter die for you!" Singh flashes his light around.
 "What are we gonna do? He's gonna be here when Sarah and John B come back through." Jo whispers. 
Buzz is finishing up dressing John's wound. 
"You can't hide from me for much longer!" 
They hear rustling in the water. 
Jo looks over to see John B and Sarah emerge from the water. 
Singh points his gun at them. 
"Not so fast! Go for a little swim, did you? Step out of the water and put your hands up, both of you." 
Jo watches as Sarah and John B slowly walk up out of the water. 
"We have to do something. He's gonna kill them." Jo cries. 
"Show me what's in the bag!" Singh demands of John B. 
He points the gun at Sarah. 
"Alright! Here it is. You can have it!" John B hands the bag over. 
Singh opens it and pulls out a big block of gold. 
Jo's eyes widen. 
"So you found El Dorado at last. Unfortunately for you, your time has come to an end." 
Jo sees Singh point his gun at John B. 
"We have a plan. Do you think you can distract him?" Buzz asks his daughter. 
She nods her head. 
She quickly runs out of the hiding spot. 
"Don't shoot them!" 
Singh turns his attention to Jo. 
She quickly raises her hands. 
"Look at you, defending your friends. You and your father both are going to get killed because of your loyalty to your friends!" Singh shouts at Jo. 
With Singh distracted, Big John emerges from the hiding spot. 
Buzz is holding up a hit stick of dynamite. 
"If you take one more step near those kids, Buzz is gonna blow the whole thing sky high. That roof isn't gonna hold, and you'll never see El Dorado." John threatens. 
Singh points the gun right at John B. 
"If my son dies, then we all die." John continues to threaten. 
"The problem with that John, is that I don't believe you. I don't believe that you would let Mr. Mills here blow up your opportunity to see El Dorado, even to save your own son's life and the life of his friends." 
John turns to Buzz and gives him a nod.
 "This is for you, kid." Big John shouts as Buzz throws the stick toward the entrance. 
Buzz and John B help Big John run as Sarah and Jo grab the gold and run towards the entrance of the cave. 
The girls make it out and wait. 
They see John B and Buzz supporting John as the explosion hits, knocking everyone to the ground.
 Jo has ringing in her ears. 
She quickly gets up and helps Buzz stand up. 
"We gotta go! Anyone could have heard that blast!" 
They quickly run back through the jungle. 
"Hold on a second. I got pretty banged up there. I need to sit." Big John breaths out.
 Buzz quickly rushes over to look at his wound. 
It has started bleeding again. 
Sarah puts the bag down and it clanks loudly. 
"Is that what I think it is?" John questions. 
Sarah opens the bag and pulls a big chunk out. 
Jo's eyes widen. 
"Oh my God! I can't believe you guys actually did it!" Jo exclaims.
 "It's so beautiful, John. It was like nothing you could ever imagine." Sarah tells him.
 "That is amazing. All of you kids have been amazing. Each and every one of you. Thank you." John says to them.
 Ward steps out from the trees and points his gun. 
"Well isn't this sweet." 
Everyone turns to see Ward. 
Jo shakes her head in disappointment. 
She spares a look to Sarah who has the same look.
 "I'm too tired to put my hands up Ward. So if you're not good with that just shoot me now." John retorts. 
"What are you doing, dad?" Sarah questions. 
"Watch what you wish for, my old friend. Hell, the both of you have done this together." Ward directs his attention toward Buzz too.
 "You have it all, don't you guys." Ward takes the gold from Sarah's hand.
 "You get to go back home, back to Kildare, and live happily ever after. With your kids that love you. With my daughter who hates me. And with our future grandchild who I will never get to see. I don't think I can allow that." Ward states. 
The rest of the pogues are waiting behind the tree line and they hear everything, especially the part of the grandchild. 
JJ's eyes widen.
 He knows what that means. 
But his friends are in trouble and the girl he loves is also in trouble. 
He has to save them. 
"You were supposed to be dead, John! Buzz, you were always more loyal to John than to me. Even though we all started this thing together! We grew up together! What makes him more important to you than me?!... It doesn't matter now. You're both going to be dead." Ward points his gun. 
The rest of the pogues run out with machetes. 
"It's over Ward!" 
"You're outnumbered!" 
"Are you gonna shoot us all?!" 
Ward points his gun at all of them. 
Sarah stands in front of the gun. 
"Enough! You're not gonna shoot all of us!" she tells him. 
Ward looks heartbroken. 
" I know you. You forget that I know you." Sarah tells him. 
Ward puts his gun down. 
"You're right. I couldn't do it." he tells her. 
"But I can." 
They all turn around to see Ryan standing over John and Buzz with a gun. 
John B points the gun at him.
 "Toss the gun, boy." Ryan demands. 
"Your boss is dead. You ain't got no reason to shoot us." Big John states. 
"I can think of a few reasons. Toss it." John B tosses the gun. 
Jo feels a tug on her arm and it's JJ pulling her back behind him. 
"You all thought you would end up the gold, huh?" Ryan picks up the gun.
 "My friend back there is dead, because of you." he says to Sarah. 
He then points his gun at Sarah. 
"So you get to die first." Sarah gasps. 
"No!" Ward sprints at Ryan. 
Ryan fires shots into Ward. 
They both fall over the edge. 
They all hear a thump. 
They all stand in silence. 
JJ looks at Jo. 
He pulls her closer to him.
 They all walk over to the edge. 
They see Ward and Ryan both dead. 
Sarah starts to cry. 
Jo puts a comforting hand on her arm. 
JJ links his hand with Jo's. 
"John B! We gotta get your dad out of here!" Buzz shouts. 
John B rushes over to help Buzz lift him up. 
The girls all wrap their arms around Sarah. 
"Come on, we gotta go!" 
They all quickly rush down the mountain. 
They make it to the river. 
The boat is waiting for them. 
But it's too late, Big John doesn't make it.
The town is gathered around for the celebration. 
The mayor, Buzz is giving the speech. 
The group of friends are sitting up on the main steps as they are being recognized.
 "An expedition of one man, John Routledge, and a group of teenagers who are locals to our wonderful town. They have succeeded where centuries of conquistadors, explorers, and admirals have failed. Today, we come together to celebrate these teens who are friends from both sides of the island who came together to solve this 500-year-old mystery. Let's hear it for them!" 
The crowd cheers and the friends all stand up.
 Joanna is wearing a blue and white sundress with white strappy heels and a jean jacket.
 JJ looks down at her with a small smile. 
She looks up at him and they interlock their pinkies together. 
Out in the crowd everyone is cheering for them. 
Topper doesn't look happy.
 He is sitting beside his mom, he is holding a baby girl who is smiling and clapping and pointing.
 Joanna smiles and waves at them. 
Topper rolls his eyes but kisses the baby on the head.
 Some artifacts were collected and laid out on display for the people to see. 
Joanna splits up from the group and walks over to Topper.
 "Thank you for keeping an eye on her." 
Topper gives the baby back.
 "My mom would have killed me if I didn't. Besides she likes me for some reason." Topper tells her coldly.
 "How are you? It's been a while." she asks. 
Topper shrugs his shoulders. 
"I'm okay. You should get back to your friends." 
Topper turns around to walk away. 
"How is he?" she asks him. 
He stops and turns around. 
He scoffs and shakes his head. 
"How do you think he's doing?" 
JJ walks over to them. 
"I'll see you around Joanna." Topper walks away. 
The baby spots JJ and gets excited.
 "Hey babygirl!" 
JJ takes her from Joanna.
 Joanna puts a smile on her face. 
"You look good holding my baby." JJ smiles widely at her.
 "I love being around her. Have you given any more thought to what I asked earlier?" Joanna widens her eyes. 
"I have." she tells him. 
Just then Buzz walks over to them with another man.
 "Here come to Grampy for a second." 
Buzz takes the baby from JJ.
 "This man would like to have a word with you guys." 
JJ motions for everyone to come over. 
"I would just like to say that what you guys accomplished is just amazing. And I was wondering if you would all be so kind as to look at an item of mine." 
He opens his briefcase and pulls out an old and worn book.
 "What type of item is that?" Cleo asks.
 "It's a manuscript. I would investigate it myself, but I'm too long in the tooth. I need partners, and you all were first on my list." The man tells them. 
Jo raises her eyebrows.
 "We're flattered. That's for sure." she comments.
 "May I?" Pope asks holding out his hand.
 "I was hoping you would." The man hands over the book. 
Everyone looks over Pope's shoulder.
 "This is from 1718, geez that's old. There are some exhibition notes. Dates." 
Pope flips through the pages.
 "This is a captain's log. This shows the exact position of the ship." John B informs them. 
"Yes. The exact location where the ship sailed and where it stopped." The man states. 
"Who was the captain?" JJ asks sounding like he is intrigued. 
"Edward Teach." the man informs them.
 Joanna instantly whips her head up. 
She knows that name. 
"No way! Are you serious?" she asks.
 "Who is that?" Kie asks. 
"Blackbeard." The man answers. 
Everyone looks shocked and intrigued. 
JJ smirks and grabs Joanna's hand.
 "Hot damn." John B breaths out with a smirk. 
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Ranking the ASOUE parts because I’m bored and my friend isn’t online
i would love to keep it extensive but i also don’t want tumblr to crash so i will keep it brief. spoilers, obviously. also charcater death.
13. The Grim Grotto
Listen just because it’s 13th doesn’t mean it’s BAD, it just means i’m kinda indifferent to it as opposed to obsessing over it like i do with the others. It’s just that I’m not THAT into nautical themes and I have 2 nautical-themed assignments to do in school today so I’m a little sick of it.
Also, I’m just not that big on Fiona as a character. I didn’t really like the two-girls-hate-each-other-for-no-reason thing that she had going with Violet (especially because it was really out of charcater for her), her romance with Klaus seemed out of place, and her being related to Fernald just seemed like it was pulled out of nowhere to get an emotional reaction. Again, I get why you’d like her and the part, it’s just not for me personally. Also esme’s worst outfit was featured here. Also in the netflix series it just wasn’t as funny as the other ones and that’s a huge thing for me
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12. The Wide Window
Honestly didn’t expect this one to be so low, but it’s difficult to choose between these bc i love them all </3 anyways I actually liked Josephine as a charcater, I like the idea that she wants to help the children but is rendered basically incompetent because of her fear, they really popped off with that. HOWEVER they did a very similar thing with Hector but way better so alas </3 12th place
Also like I said, not a massive fan of sea-themed aesthetics. Also also I LOVE all of count olaf’s disguises but I’m kind of indifferent to captain Sham so that also might be why. Also, again, the rest of the netflix series was way funnier
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11. The Carnivorous Carnival
Honestly, not much to say about this one. The “not really feeling strongly one way or the other” section has come early this year apparently. Esme and Olivia both SLAYED in their outfits and we got introduced to the circus crew which was cool as fuck. Sadly I have knocked SEVERAL points off for horny count olaf. The scene where he describes madame lulu as buttered really makes you appreciate how little force it takes to rip one’s ear off. It provides me with a new and informed understanding of the phrase “skin crawling”. other than that it’s pretty good :)
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10. The Slippery Slope
Now I was one of those people who didn’t know what Mount Fraught syndrome was before reading this book, and the reveal of why the mountain was named that fucking eviscerated me. I was used to this series pulling shit like this constantly and yet this one destroyed me for some reason. If you already knew what mount fraught syndrome was before reading/watching this scene then you didn’t get the full experience and i’m sorry for you.
I also don’t LOVE quigley and violet. I know i just said that about klaus and fiona so it kinda seems like i hate romance, but i really dont. i hate forced romance. romance just isn’t daniel handlers strong suit but he insists on writing it anyway, and that’s fine. it’s what i do with basically everything i write about. Especially since in the netflix series duncan also has a crush on violet so it’s kinda ??? for her to end up with quigley. like do you guys think when quigley and duncan reunited quigley told him about this really cool girl called violet he met and duncan was like “…”. anyways imagine getting cucked by your presumed dead twin brother could not be me
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9. The Austere Academy
okay so i felt bad putting this lower because i know someone that really likes this part but i’m sorry it’s just kinda there. i mean it was super funny and the dead horse bit is literally everything but that’s pretty much it. idk maybe there’s a metaphor in there that i’m missing who knows
also olivia was introduced so bonus points for that i guess. she reminds me of miss honey from matilda <33
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8. The Ersatz Elevator
honestly i feel bad that this is only 8th but there are so many good ones imsorry. anyways esme and jerome got introduced in this one which gives is a LOT of extra points. i love esme and i pity jerome which makes me also love him. also shoutout to günther for being the only count olaf disguise that could theoretically get it.
my only issue with it is that jerome disowning the baudelaires was kinda forced yk?? like i know it had to happen for the plot to carry on but i don’t think he had a good reason to do it. i guess points for doing something other than just killing them off again?
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7. The End
OKAY so you might be thinking “oh, this part is exactly in the middle! surely that means you’re neuteral about it” LMAO I WISH i have extreme positive and negative opinions.
okay so first off it took me a couple of rewatches to get this one because when i first watched it i didn’t know about the quote that it was referencing (“religion is the opium of the people”) but MAN they mentioned that quote in class and i was catatonic for like 2 minutes because oh my god. not only did the incredibly deadly viper come back (yippieee) but they also implied that in the bible adam and eve were actually saved from something by eating the fruit?? the 4chan atheist that lives in my head really likes this one, is what i’m saying. also i know i say that about all of them because my sense of humour is basically based on this series rn but it was so funny. i live and breathe for olaf’s lil christopher columbus moment.
sadly it does have its downsides (olaf and kit) (i really hate olaf and kit) (i don’t think they’re good together). i mean SURELY kit has better taste than that. i mean don’t get me wrong they’re both my favourite characters but they have no common ground on literally anything. plus this is biased but i liked him better with georgina or esme because they remind me of several songs i really like. they literally just pulled the kit x olaf thing out of their ass so that olaf would have some semblance of a reason to die. oh yea i also think olaf didn’t need to die, i know Kit didn’t eat the antidote because it would have affected the baby but olaf could have totally eaten it!! he was offered it!! he wasn’t pregnant!!! it was so out of charcater for him not to eat it!!
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6. The Hostile Hospital
Okay this one is SUPER biased because as y’all probably know i love the mad scientist trope it is my favourite trope ever AND i love count olaf so seeing them get put together was so cool. I know I keep bringing this up but i really do love the aesthetics they’re so cool. also also loved all the horror film references. most importantly (actually not that important) esmes outfit went so fucking hard literally i will never recover from the sheer power and moxie of Knife Heels. When I become actually talented at textiles i will recreate her outfit and probably ruin my carpet with those heels.
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5. The Bad Beginning
a classic <33 the netflix version of this was literally one of the funniest eps of anything i ever watched i could feel my brain chemistry being rearranged as i watched it. also count olaf’s best era idc what he did he was literally just being sillay. also it has one of the best songs in the series honestly. OH ALSO justice strauss <33 and the troupe <333 literally all the beloveds are here there are no flaws
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4. The Reptile Room
MONTY <333 HIIII MONTYYYY <33333333 literally my fav character he has never done anything wrong in his life ever. Also I love his fucking house it’s so cool if I had that much money I too would base my entire house on my special interest. also one of the only parts of the nickelodeon movie i didn’t hate so that’s fun.
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3. The Miserable Mill
Lots of cool shit here!! First of all Shirley served astronomical amounts of cunt she had zero bad lines. Also I honestly think Georgina and Olaf were so underrated they remind me of several songs i like also they’re both fucked up and evil <333 she’s like esme but without the ulterior sugar bowl motives. also the fact that her name is GEORGINA ORWELL like ok. queen of subtlety. Like I get it if I was named that I would prolly start hypnotising people too. I also kinda love orwellian themes yk those are always fun.
AND OMG HOW COULD I FORGET CHARLESSS i feel so bad for him constantly he has never done anything wrong in his life and is also inexplicably british i love him sm
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2. The Penultimate Peril
I love a good reunion episode tbh i love seeing all the characters together <33 also like this episode is so fun to dissect? (is that the right word?) i loved figuring out who JS was i loved finding differences between Frank and Ernest I loved figuring out what the fuck was going on it was so fun it’s like the best thing about this series.
of course that’s only partially true tpp would be nothing without those sexy sexy monologues
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1. The Vile Village
TVV BELOVED <33 I have a separate post about the but they literally have everything. it’s a metaphor for autism it’s a metaphor for religion it’s a metaphor for the school system is there anything they CANT do. Also this is like my 5th time saying this but there are 300+ characters and i’m an indecisive bitch so i will do it again. Hector the actual loml is literally my fav charcater hes so me. don’t worry dude i cant openly defy authority despite knowing its unjust either <3 literally we would be best friends irl. she’s RELATABLE she’s MORALLY AMBIGUOUS she has SEVERAL INTERPRETATIONS I AGREE WITH she’s STRANGE she’s everything you want in an asoue book honestly
Also detective dupin and officer luciana kinda slayed what was Wrong with them <3
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saraiisstanky · 10 months
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Some old Harry Potter ocs art from way back plus more notes/wips
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squeamishnerd · 11 months
The Brights
Chapter 22: Winter Holidays, Part 3
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… and soon after Winterfest, New Year's Eve.
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Ahriman: Not you making a sound again…
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Ahriman: Wait, how do I…?
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Ahriman: Why doesn't it do what I want it to do!?
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Ahriman: I give up.
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Ahriman: Hm… It might've been Celene trying to tell me she's sick or something.
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Ahriman: Ugh, Celene is so bad at cleaning this place.
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Ahriman: Where did she put the cleaning cloth this time?
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Ahriman: I guess I could just use Scruberoo, but apparently that scares away customers. According to Celene.
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Ahriman: Honestly, I can't believe that people still get scared when they see me use magic.
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Rory: As if you don't get tense every time you see one of us werewolves transform.
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Ahriman: That doesn't mean anything, a lot of werewolves get tense about that too.
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Ahriman: Who'd even see me use magic? Not many people come here. They see a pub and think it serves nectar and moodlets, but everything here is free from grapes and hydroxyl groups, since all of you are allergic to it, you poor things.
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Rory: You can stop being condescending, it doesn't work on me.
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Ahriman: What if we started to serve some grape-free nectar?
Rory: How about no? Nectar always contain moodlets, grapes or not.
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Ahriman: We could at least try to find some moodlet-free, grape-free ones.
Rory: If you want to make any changes I think you should run it by Celene.
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Ahriman: How about I use Burgliate on this place instead? Celene is kinda boring anyway, look, can she do this?
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Ahriman: Oop-
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Rory: Maybe not, but at least she doesn't break things.
Ahriman: I guess I should use Repairio on those bottles, or just pretend that it didn't happen.
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76. Una citazione che ti rappresenta?
Non avevo mai pensato ad una citazione. Credo sia questa:
"Spesso mi vengono dei gran malumori e ogni cosa che vedo o penso mi deprime. Sembra che tutto provi che il mondo è un posto di merda e non fa che peggiorare." - Un giorno questo dolore ti sarà utile di Peter Cameron
Ti ringrazio per la domanda
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withgirl-sq · 1 year
So tempted to start another House MD/Once Upon a Time crossover fic 😮‍💨
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biblethumpersims · 2 years
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from the Simstablr of Candace Mills (@.godspiousprincess)
As you ALL know, the Lord has BLESSED my womb again!!!! That’s what happens when you are a PIOUS WOMAN that OBEYS GOD - you are REWARDED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THIS time, I want to PLAY a little GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
COMMENT down below to GUESS what SEX this CHILD is, and if you are RIGHT then I’ll share a SPECIAL SECRET PROMO CODE to get TEN PERCENT OFF your next order of SMEXUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you can GUESS the NAME, I’ll give you a SPECIAL SECRET PROMO CODE to get FORTY PERCENT OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is a STEAL (NOT in a NON-GOD HONORING WAY!!!!!!!), so START GUESSING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
comments section
camlovesjesus 25m
congrats, sis!!!!!! if you work hard, you miiiight catch up to me ;) I’ll guess a girl, maybe named Lauren?
godspinkprincesstaytay 21m
You’re sooo FUN, mommy!!! I love you and JESUS!!!!!
diecryhate69 17m   holy shit are you roleplaying as your six year old daughter?
godspinkprincesstaytay 15m   No, I am RECORDING her REAL TRUE ACTUAL WORDS that she SAID in REAL LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Little Tay-Tay is not a BIG GIRL who can type or go online YET, so until she is OLD ENOUGH to use her account I’m running it FOR her!!!!!!! ENJOY YOUR BLOCK!!!!!!!!
godisparadise 17m
How fun c: A boy? Joseph?
godspiousprincess 11m   You are a FAME-CHASING woman of SATAN, a CHILD of a CHILD of DIVORCE, and a NAME STEALING WITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wouldn’t SELL to YOU if I were a DIRT POOR PEASANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
godisparadise 8m   Oh ok. Sorry :c
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On Friday, a group of protestors walked on Highway 89 in Cameron, Ariz., protesting Pinyon Plain Mine owner Energy Fuels trucking uranium ore through the Navajo Nation to Utah. Uranium has a long history of impacts on the Navajo Nation and its people since the 1940s. "We've seen the effects of these things in the past on our land, the spills into our rivers, into our communities, the residual effects on our on our health, of our children, our elders," Cameron resident Adair Klopfenstein said. "It's awful, and we don't want it to happen again." The Pinyon Plain Mine, formerly known as Canyon Mine, began mining uranium ore in December and is expected to be actively mining for at least five years. The company had told 12News at the end of June it would start transporting the uranium ore to a mill in southeast Utah in July or August. That hauling appears to have started before the pause was put in place. "I call it illegal smuggling across our border and then through the Navajo Nation," Navajo Nation President Buu Nygren said.
And from June:
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jettheband · 2 months
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The rumor-mill from “Jet Insider #1”
Word is Chris Cester’s wife has him on a leash and doesn’t want him to mess with groupies anymore. So she threat to leave him if he goes touring.
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klinefelterrible · 9 months
I must confess I didn't really like Jennifer Morrison as Allison Cameron and neither I liked her in her other roles but then Once Upon A Time landed and I'm like yeah it's the right girl for Gina
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quirky-book-reads · 1 year
A Laird Without a Past
Genre: Mills & Boon, Harlequin Historical, Scottish Historical Romance The last thing he remembers… Her piercing gaze Part of Secrets of Clan Cameron. When Royce wakes with no memories, suddenly blind, his situation seems dire. The only thing he remembers is being attacked by shadowy figures and the beautiful woman who came to his rescue. Iona MacKenzie’s every touch drives Royce wild. But…
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jojo0039 · 1 year
*Pogue for Life* Heists Part 1
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Jo stirs in the bed as she opens her eyes.
She sits up and feels her stomach contents making their way back up.
She holds her hand over her mouth as she runs to the bathroom and throws up.
She hears the door open, then a hand holding her hair back.
"Babe, are you okay?" Rafe asks her.
She shakes her head and rinses her mouth out.
"I don't know what the hell that was. I just woke up and felt my stomach upset." she tells him.
He leads her back to the bed.
"Why don’t you just stay in bed today? I did bring you up an orange juice, but I'll get you water instead." Rafe tells her.
She gives him a face.
"I want the orange juice."
She holds out her hand for the glass.
He gives her an amused smirk and goes to hand her the glass.
He pulls it back before she can grab it.
"I want a kiss for it." he teases.
She rolls her eyes.
"I just threw up in the bathroom and you wanna kiss me?" she gives him a pointed look.
"I always wanna kiss you. For sickness and in health right?" he throws at her.
She smiles softly.
"Why can't you be this sweet all the time?" she asks as she grabs his shirt and yanks him down to her.
"Me being like this is reserved for you and you only. You're the only one that deserves me like this."
Jo catches a brief look of vulnerability in his eyes.
She presses her lips to his and pulls him down on top of her.
She deepens the kiss and wraps her arms loosely around his neck.
She grinds against him and he lets out a small moan.
"You're feeling better already?" he whispers against her lips.
"Yea, I'm feeling a lot better all of a sudden."
She smiles against his lips.
Rafe kisses her again as her hand glides down his chest to the end of his shirt.
She starts to lift it up.
He gets the hint and raises his arms so she can take his shirt off.
He starts kissing down her neck and caresses her body making her arch into his hands.
"I love how responsive your body is to me." he whispers into her ear.
His teeth graze her neck and she gasps in pleasure.
"I need you inside me right now." she whines.
"How wet are you for me baby?"
His hand slides down her body as he slides a finger inside her.
She gasps and bucks her hips against his hand.
"You're dripping for me, baby? Who made you this wet?" Rafe huskily whispers against her neck.
She feels him suck a huge hickey onto her neck.
"Hmmm? I need your words, baby."
Rafe adds another finger inside her as he moves his fingers faster.
Her moans start getting louder.
"Please." she moans.
"Are you mine, sweetheart?" Rafe questions as he pulls his pants down to release his raging hard cock.
She stares wide-eyed at his body.
He strokes himself a couple of times.
"Yes, baby I'm yours." she tells him.
"If I asked you to run away and marry me tomorrow would you do it?"
He presses his body against hers.
Her eyes close in pleasure.
He lifts her legs and wraps them around his arms.
"I wanna fuck a baby into you right now. You would be so sexy walking around here big and pregnant with a Cameron baby. I always imagined it."
He quickly thrusts inside her.
She lets out a loud gasp as he slides in and out of her.
Rafe leans back on his legs and lifts her onto his lap.
One of his hands wraps around her neck as she moans loudly in pleasure.
"Oh. God. Rafe."
She wraps her arms around his shoulders.
"That's right baby me. Not anybody else is making you feel this good." he reminds her.
"I want you to remember this feeling when you're with your Pogue friends, especially JJ. Remember whose name you're screaming and whose cock you're about to cum on."
Rafe's hand tightens around her throat as her eyes roll to the back of her head.
"Keep your eyes open, baby. I wanna see you look at me when you cum."
She fights to keep her eyes open and on him as he continues to slam into her.
"Cum for me baby. Cum all over my cock." he commands.
His fingers rub on her clit and she finally explodes around his cock.
She lets out a silent scream as pleasure courses through her body all the way down to her toes.
She clings onto his body as he pumps quickly chasing his own release.
"I love you so much. I'm never letting you go again." he promises.
"I love you too." she tells him.
Her words cause him to finally release inside of her.
They both fall to the bed panting and sweating.
"I mean it you know." he says as he glances at her.
"What?" she asks trying to catch her breath.
"We're gonna have a family and a life together. I'm gonna be better than my father. You make me better. You're mine and I'm yours." he tells her intensely.
He grabs her face and kisses her softly and lovingly.
Jo quickly leaves Rafe's room and she races down the steps.
She has missed a bunch of calls from her friends.
She goes to walk out the door when she sees a note with her name on it.
She grabs it and reads it.
Rafe has gotten rid of her mom's car and is giving her the keys to the range rover to use at her convenience.
There is also a credit card sitting beside the car keys.
She battles with herself before she eventually grabs the card and leaves the house.
She dials Kie's phone and waits for her to answer.
She finally picks up.
"Where the hell are you? We've been calling you for over an hour!" Kie lectures her.
"I'm sorry, I've been with my dad and didnt hear my phone. What's going on?" Jo lies as she gets in the car.
"The cross is gonna be in Wilmington tonight. We need help. John B and Big John have the Twinkie, and we need wheels." Kie tells her.
Jo glances up and spots Rafe watching her from the balcony.
"What do you need from me?" Jo asks.
"See if your dad will help somehow. He was helping Big John before, so why not help us now?" Kie suggests.
Jo pulls away from Tannyhill to drive to her dad's house.
"I don't know if he will help or not. He has made it clear that he doesnt want me involved in this treasure-hunting thing. I don't think he's gonna help." Jo tells her.
She pulls into the driveway.
"Just try. JJ and I are gonna talk to my parents."
Jo's heartbeat quickens at the mention of JJ.
She feels slightly guilty for lying to her friends.
But while they have bonded with each other on the island, she had gotten closer to Rafe.
She has seen a side to him that no one else ever has and it confuses and conflicts her.
Her loyalty has always been to her friends, but what about her own happiness?
"So see if he will help. Meet us at the ferry in about an hour." Kie speaks into the phone.
"Alright, I'll try. See you in an hour."
She hangs up the phone and gets out of the car.
She hesitantly walks into the house.
"Dad? Are you home?" She shouts out.
Her dad comes out of his office.
"Where have you been?" he asks her.
"I spent the night at Rafe's. It's no big deal." she tells him.
"It's not a big deal? Yes, it is. Rafe Cameron is a murderer and you will not be around him anymore." Buzz yells at her.
"I know exactly who Rafe is, Dad. This isn't what I came here to talk to you about." Jo tells him.
"You finally come back home after being gone for a month, me searching for you every single day. Then you dont even come home. You stay the night with the boy who kidnapped you-"
Jo cuts him off angrily.
"I know what he did! He apologized for it a bunch of times! I got over it and so should you!" she yells.
"I'm not just gonna get over it, Joanna! You're crazy if you think that behavior is love." he tells her.
Jo just scoffs and shakes her head.
"This isn't why I came here. We need your help to steal the cross of Santo Domingo back from Rafe." Jo tells her dad.
He stares at her in disbelief before he starts laughing.
"You're joking right? Do you not hear the words that are coming out of your mouth right now?" he questions.
"Yes, I hear them. But it doesn't change anything. We need to get that cross back from Rafe! You can't keep treating me like I'm a little girl!" she raises her voice.
"I know you're not a little girl anymore. But that shit that you and your friends are involved in is bigger than you can imagine!" he argues with her.
"The thing is Dad, I know exactly what we're involved in. We've been living it the last year! You just haven't bothered to pay attention. You're more worried about your new image, than where you came from." she insults him.
"You do not get to talk to me like that, young lady. I don't even recognize you anymore." His words hit her harshly.
She feel tears in her eyes and she sniffs them away.
"I'm still me, dad. You just have to pay attention enough."
She turns and heads back to the door.
"I'm gonna go help my friends, because that is the person that I am. You stay here and do what you want."
She walks out the door and slams it behind her.
She makes it to the range rover and sits in the driver's seat.
She feels the tears just come down her face and she starts crying.
She makes it to the ferry parking lot.
She quickly fixes her face and covers the fact that she has been crying with makeup.
She gets out of the car and quickly finds her friends.
"What took you so long? We almost left without you." Sarah questions Jo as she gets in line with them.
"My dad and I got into it pretty bad." she tells them.
They start boarding the ferry.
"What happened?" Cleo asks.
"He thinks that we're just a bunch of dumb kids. And that we're way over our heads. I knew he was gonna say that too." she scoffs.
She wipes her face and clears her throat.
"Alright, so what's the game plan here?" she asks changing the subject.
JJ gives her a look that says he knows that she's not as alright as she claims to be.
They all sit down at a table away from other people.
"Honestly, the hardest part is gonna be security. Most of the guys are gonna be at the rail yard." JJ comments.
"Right, so we're gonna need to find someplace and guard it. Maybe a little further down the line, like a whistle-stop or something." Pope comments back.
"You guys are getting ahead of yourselves per usual. We don't have a way to transport the cross. What do you think? On JJ's motorcycle?"
Cleo reminds them that they are without transportation.
Sarah quickly grabs Jo's arm.
"Oh my God, no way."
She tries to sink lower in her seat. Jo looks at her confused.
"What?" she asks looking around.
Her eyes widen when she spots Topper.
"Oh that's just great." she sarcastically retorts.
Everyone looks over and spots Topper by the bar.
"Is that Topper?" Pope exclaims.
"Why is he literally everywhere?" Kie sounds disgusted as she rolls her eyes.
"This is actually perfect. I bet Topper has a way to transport the cross." Pope suggests.
"Pope's right. He does have a rig." JJ agrees.
"Absolutely not!"
Both Jo and Sarah shout at the same time.
"Yes." JJ states firmly with a small glare at Jo.
"No. It's not happening. We're not involving Topper." Jo argues.
"Yes. We are whether you like it or not." JJ continues to argue.
"No." Sarah agrees with Jo.
"Sarah, you already have him whipped anyway, and Jo like he's your brother so he'll help you out. So why don't you two take one for the team." JJ argues.
"What would John B say?" Sarah questions.
"I think John B will completely understand." Pope tells them.
"We can handle John B. You guys just talk to him." Kie says.
Jo rolls her eyes.
"Fine. But when he complains and gets annoying the whole time, it's all on you." Jo dramatically states pointing at all of them.
Sarah and Jo stand up and make their way over to where Topper is standing at the bar.
Once he notices them his eyes get wide.
"Holy shit! I can't believe you guys are here!"
He pulls Sarah into a hug.
Then pulls Jo into a hug.
"Your dad has been worried sick. He didn't go into too much detail when you got back. I'm surprised I haven't seen you before now." he says to Jo.
"Yeah, I'm sorry that we kept missing each other. It's been a crazy few days." she says.
"I'm just glad you both are alive." he says as he glances at Sarah.
"Are you okay?" he asks Sarah.
"You know Top, um, things are a little tough right now." Sarah awkwardly speaks.
"Tough how?" he instantly questions.
"We've been after this family heirloom of Pope's, which is why we ended up not in the OBX anymore." Jo speaks.
"Yea, and we ended up losing it, and unbelievably, there might be a chance that, um, we could get it back tonight." Sarah explains.
"How can I help you guys?" Topper instantly volunteers.
"No, listen Top, I couldn't ask you to get involved in this." Jo argues.
"No, listen you two need help and it's my responsibility to help you two. I care about you guys." Topper tells them.
"Top, I feel like if I ask you, like, just the person that you are-"
Topper cuts her off with a small laugh.
"What do you mean, the person I am?" Topper questions.
"She means that you're just gonna help us no questions asked, and I feel bad about that." Jo states.
"Well, you guys, that's just who I am. That's the way I was raised." he says to Jo.
He then directs his attention to Sarah with a loving look on his face.
"Anyway, you remember when I said I would literally do anything for you? Do you remember that?" he asks.
"Yea." Sarah answers in a small voice.
" I meant every word of it. Unlike some people who will just say whatever to get you to go with whatever they want. I'm not that person. When I say something, I mean it." he tells Sarah.
Jo rolls her eyes.
"We need the truck." Jo tells him.
"Wh-What? My dad's truck? He would literally kill me, you know this Jo."
Topper looks like he's gonna say no.
"We'll take super good care of it." Sarah tells him.
"You guys put me in a tough spot. I know I said I would do anything."
Topper looks like he's gonna tell them no.
Sarah steps closer to him and places her hand on his shoulder.
"I am so sorry about everything. I totally understand. You have no reason to help us. Actually, you have all the reasons not to help us." Sarah plays him.
Topper sighs and looks between the two girls.
"Why do I feel like I'm gonna regret this." he says reluctantly.
Sarah smiles and throws her arms around Topper.
"Thank you. This means a lot bro, I mean it." Jo tells him.
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