#can we just make the logan patton and emile ship name like
naminethewriter · 3 months
Deciding Darts
It's the one Intruloceit story I always sneak into these ship weeks for Loceit Week Day 6! And of course it's by far the longest 😅 What can I say? Remus demanded to be in this one and then wouldn't stop until he reached his goal... I love him 💚 @loceitweek
Masterpost | Loceit Week 2024 Masterpost | Ao3
Prompt: “We really sold our souls to the devil here, haven’t we?”
Summary: Janus and Logan are on a double date with Patton and Roman when they get interrupted by Roman's twin who's surprisingly back in town.
Content Warnings: Mentions of sex, Remus being very blunt and almost crossing several lines
“…and that’s when one of the tree branches came lose and hit Derrick on his head. Luckily it was just cardboard, so he wasn’t injured but it was pretty funny.”
Janus only half listened to Roman’s tales of his latest theater shows. Patton next to Roman looked as enamored with him as always, even if he was pretty sure he must have heard the story before. Logan was sipping from his glass but politely nodding along. Even if Janus was a bit bored at the moment, he couldn’t deny that the double date had been more fun than he’d imagined so far.
When the idea had first been brought up, Janus had asked Virgil if he wanted to come along but the emo had quickly refused.
“You want me to be the fifth wheel in a loud and crowded bar that probably way overprices the drinks? Over my dead body. Plus, Remy already asked if I could come over that night to keep him distracted while Emile’s out of town and he promised me free drinks, so yeah no dice.”
Janus had rolled his eyes but let it slide. Remy usually was a mess when he was separated from his husband for more than 24 hours even if he liked to pretend to be a loner.
“Just make sure he doesn’t make you too many drinks that include caffein. And don’t drink any of those too late either.”
“Sure thing, mom.”
Janus had lightly hit him on the head for that one.
Suddenly, Janus was pulled back into the present by a loud voice.
“Ro-bro! Fancy seeing you here!”
All four of them looked up to see a man with Roman’s face but slightly off standing in front of their booth. He had the same eyes and features as Roman but sported a mustache and a white streak in his hair. And if that didn’t set him apart from his brother enough, the clothes the man was wearing were probably the opposite of Roman too with ripped jeans, a dark crop top and combat boots.
So that must be the infamous twin, Janus thought as he looked the other up and down once more. What was his name again?
“Remus?!” Roman gaped. “What are you doing here?”
“Getting drunk! And looking for someone to take back to the hotel with me.” He winked suggestively at Logan who simply raised an eyebrow.
“Not what I meant and you know it,” Roman almost growled, clearly annoyed. “What are you doing here in town, I thought you were still in Europe.”
“Yeah, some stuff happened and I got back early. I was gonna surprise you at your place tomorrow but this is even better! Nice to finally meet you in person, Patty Daddy.”
“Yes, nice to see you, Remus,” Patton laughed uncomfortably. Remus paused.
“Nickname too much?”
“Obviously,” Roman sighed.
“Sorry, sorry. I’ll behave. So introduce me to these fine gentlemen.” Remus grabbed a chair from nearby and plopped down in front of the booth, grinning at Logan and Janus.
“Logan Croft,” Logan spoke up before Roman could interject, holding his hand out for Remus to shake. “And this is my partner Janus Dean. We’re longtime friends of Patton’s.”
“Pleasure,” Janus said simply, nodding instead of offering his own hand. Remus laughed and gripped Logan’s hand tight.
“Remus Kingsleigh, at your service.” Instead of shaking Logan’s hand however, he brought it up to his mouth and licked it. “You taste delightful,” he added with a grin.
“Remus!” Roman scolded, pulling him away from Logan who didn’t seem bothered in the slightest. He simply pulled his hand back, got a bottle of disinfectant out of his bag and rubbed it into the skin.
“Well then, Remus, how long are you staying?” Patton asked, still looking incredibly uncomfortable and desperate to change the topic. Janus wasn’t surprised. While Patton was very tolerant of other people’s behaviors and believes, he was rather strictly catholic himself and didn’t want pre-marital sex, which Roman was very much okay with. But Patton also was very uncomfortable with the topic of sex in general, so Janus could imagine that Remus, who as far as he knew had made sex and innuendos kind of a big part of his personality, put him on edge.
He was in luck however since Remus was open to the change in topic and started detailing his plans and told stories about his travels which Logan especially appreciated. For the next hour or so, pleasant conversation flowed between the five of them until Patton got tired and asked Roman to drive him home. The two paid off their part of the tab and left.
“Well then, that just leaves us three,” Remus grinned as he slid into the seats his brother and Patton had just vacated. “Are you open to have some fun?”
“You do understand that we’re in a committed relationship, right?” Janus asked, eyebrows raised and trying to inject boredom into his voice. Remus was entertaining, sure, but not all that appealing to him.
“So what? I can take you both.” The grin on Remus’ face was without a hint of shame. Refreshing, Janus could admit but he still wasn’t interested.
“Thank you for the offer, Remus, but we are not currently looking for a third,” Logan answered. Diplomatic as always.
“Currently? So that might change?” Remus was leaning over the table now, his eyes wide and wild.
“Sure. Ask another ten times and we’ll probably say yes!” Janus huffed.
“Boo, you’re no fun.”
“Then maybe you should seek your thrill elsewhere.”
“How about a bet?” Remus suddenly offered, sitting back in his seat, still grinning.
“I believe we have been quite clear—” Logan started but Remus interrupted him.
“A game of darts for your phone numbers. And a week to change your minds if I win.”
Janus rolled his eyes again, but to his surprise Logan leaned forward, studying Remus’ face intensely.
“You seem quite sure of your skill.”
“I am.”
“Very well. I accept.”
Janus sighed but didn’t argue. Truly, he should have seen it coming. Darts was the only sport Logan was interested in – well, besides chess but in terms of physical sports it was the only one. It relied on dexterity and math, both of which Logan appreciated greatly.
Logan and Remus agreed on a set of rules and Janus was pulled along to judge.
“Don’t you think I’m going to be biased?”
Janus had expected that answer from his partner but not Remus.
“Lolo here seems to have a bit of a stick up his ass about rules. I imagine he’d be pretty cross with you if you didn’t play fair.”
“You… aren’t wrong,” Janus conceded, surprised by his insight. Maybe Remus wasn’t as aloof and uncaring as he first seemed.
They got some darts from the barkeeper and luckily one of the three boards was still available. They played best of three with Logan easily winning the first one, Remus barely clutching out the second and now they were both in finishing range for the third.
Logan was up first. He hit the triple he needed without difficulty and just slightly overshot the double with the second and took aim with the third. Before he could throw though, Remus stepped up to him and whispered something in his ear that Janus couldn’t hear. Logan glanced away from the board and at Remus for a moment but didn’t answer. Remus laughed and stepped back, letting him finish his turn.
Janus watched as Logan took two deep breaths before aiming again.
He threw the dart.
And it bounced off the second dart that had already missed the target, falling to the floor.
“My turn!” Remus giggled, delighted, as Logan gathered his darts.
“Will you aim for the double 14 and then tops?” Logan asked. If Janus remembered correctly, ‘tops’ referred to the double 20 on the top of the board.
“Nah, where’s the fun in that?” Remus grinned and threw his first dart. It landed square in the 18 field. Leaving Remus with a rest score of 50. He needed the bull’s eye to win.
That truly fit with his character.
If he was just slightly off, the math wouldn’t work out anymore and he might not be able to use his last dart to finish.
Despite the high stakes, kinda, Remus looked very relaxed to Janus. As if he had unending confidence in his skills.
He took aim.
He threw.
He hit.
The dart landed in the bull’s eye with a dull thud.
“Congratulations,” Logan said, genuinely. “That were some impressive games.”
“Aw, thanks Logie! Now pay up!”
“I was under the impression that you wanted our phone numbers not our money.”
“That’s what he means, Lo,” Janus explained as he stepped up to the two. “Here.” He held a business card out to Remus that had his name and law firm printed on it. He’d also added Logan’s number on the other side. “Your one week starts now.”
“I’m looking forward to it, Janny! And I promise I won’t send you dick pics immediately!” With that, Remus waved to them and left, handing the darts back to the bartender on his way out.
“We really sold our souls to the devil here, haven’t we?” Janus commented dryly as they watched the door close behind him.
“Well, I always thought the devil had some fair points,” Logan shrugged, a small smile on his lips.
Janus had an inkling that his life was about to get a lot more chaotic.
He found that he didn’t really mind the idea.
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Soulmate September - Day 10
Day 10 - You are born with a birthmark, similar to a tattoo, that is shared by your soulmate.
Pairing(s): Romantic Anaroceit, Romantic RemSleep, Ambiguous Poly Glasses Gays 
TWs: Swearing, Remus being Remus, animal death metions briefly, implied sexual mention once I think? 
Why was it so difficult to simply bring together two handsome, obnoxious soulmates?
How could grown men be this dense?!Virgil had been trying for MONTHS at this point to get these idiots to date, yet for some reason 
Instead of wanting to date each other, they both seemed far more interested in someone else.
In him.
Why, why did this have to be his life? Tormented by such stupid, handsome men?
Okay, maybe he had a teeny crush on both of them but Virgil was getting ahead of himself.
Working at the local theatre was doing some real good for Virgil; being a techie meant he was mostly out of the spotlight - so no chance of any performance anxiety - and it meant he had to actually wake up and be a functional human being but was flexible enough that he could call in sick pretty easily if he needed a mental health day. 
Thankfully, things had been going well until Virgil looked down from the catwalk to note that the two best actors in their troupe, Roman Prince and Janus D. Lyre, both bore each other’s soulmate markings. Both on the backs of their necks, all too easy to miss. Ever since, Virgil had been trying to subtly get them to realise they were soulmates. Of course, given the intimacy of the soulmate marks, it would be entirely outrageous for Virgil to simply tell them they were soulmates; social etiquette wasn’t his forte, but his anxiety really didn’t want the possible shunning he might receive if he broke that rule. Knowing that Janus and Roman were often together for rehearsals and were similarly self-obsessed, Virgil assumed getting them interested in each other would be a piece of cake.
And yet. Somehow. The man they were both interested in was Virgil himself.
Every time he tried to get the two talking, Virgil wound up being flirted with or found himself stuck between two arguing idiots. If anything, Virgil wondered if his interfering had made things worse. Now instead of kidding and being perfect and gorgeous together, they were absolutely straight up enemies. Janus did his best to interrupt - and one-up - Roman’s stellar attempts at flirting, and Roman often tried to out shine Janus by giving Virgil anything from his favourite chocolates to gothic black roses to new headphones.
Not that Virgil didn’t secretly love being the object of their mutual affection, if anything it gave him hope that perhaps whoever his soulmate was would dote on him just as much. But just like his non-existent soulmate mark, this just wasn’t meant to be. He still wasn’t sure why he didn’t have a soulmate mark like everyone else; even his ace and aro friends confirmed they had soulmates too, so why was he skipped over? Probably because no one would ever want to be his soulmate.Yeah. Probably.
Virgil was lost in that downward spiral when Remus leapt off of the set he was painting and landed just shy of crushing the poor emo.
“Wow you look like shit,”, the trash rat greeted, sitting and slinging an arm around Virgil before he could protest, “Are the girls fighting again?”
Virgil tried to stifle a snicker. It’s a stupid meme reference, Virgil, don’t laugh.
“Of course it fucking is, when is it not?“
Remus nodded, though he looked more bored than sympathetic, “Well, how about I offer you some advice, my good bitch?”
Virgil squinted at him in both annoyance and suspicion. “If it’s going to get me arrested, it’s a solid ‘fuck no’.”
“Relax, asshole, it’s totally legal and requires zero body bags and or falsified witness statements!”
Well. That’s about as good as they’re going to get. Virgil huffed, “Fine, give me the deets, Ratman.”
Remus snickered at the old nickname; A decade had passed but still the memory of the two of them graffitiing their high school gym with their tags on their last day still lived on.
“Alright, Stitch Bitch, here’s how you do it,”, Remus ignored Virgil’s eye roll and continued, “Ask them both on a date, same place and time. Talk about your interests, since you’re probably not gonna actually have that much in common, then you can just reject both of them! They’ll be driven into each other’s arms, or some shit. You know what they’re like, they’re dramatic as fuck. It’ll be perfect.”
Virgil wasn’t amused, “But what if they don’t? What if I just end up breaking both their hearts and they wind up all depressed and-?!”
“Then it solves your problem anyway, dipshit.”, he rolled his eyes, “Jeez, you’re worse than Roman with the dramatics! Think of the middle ground, you turn them both down, they go home sulking, but they’re big boys! They’ll get over it and get together some other day! Big deal!” Remus affectionately ruffled Virgil’s hair and didn’t stop until Virgil all but threw him off, “Alright, alright, fine! I’ll try, but if it all goes wrong, you’re helping me pack to move across the fucking globe.” “Ooh, alright! Or I can hide your body if it goes REALLY badly! I know how to make sure the police never find it, after all! Did you know you just need to bury it vertically and put a dead animal on top-”
Virgil tuned him out, already trying to narrow down locations for dates in his head. He’d need to pick somewhere both Roman and Janus would agree to go. He didn’t exactly doubt either of them would turn him down, but he needed to be sure they’d both attend. Perhaps the local restaurants would be a good place to start? It’d be easy to Mrs.Doubtfire that shit. Minus the clothing change, of course. Maybe the Golden Palace might be a good idea? It’s bougie enough for Roman, classy enough for Janus, and if Virgil got lucky enough, perhaps they’d both be the ones to pay for dinner.
“...And so I told Roman about it and then Roman tells me “Remus, you dunce, you got arrested because you were caught carrying a dangerous weapon in Starbucks” but I personally think that cop was just an asshole. I mean, it was just a baseball bat for fuck’s sake, so WHAT if it had a few nails in it-”
The techie noted that Remus was still babbling to himself so he clicked his fingers just shy or flicking him in the ear,
“When’s Roman free? I know Janus is pretty flexible-”
“I’ll bet.”, Remus snickered. “Dude. You have your soulmate, don’t be a dick.”
“Hey, that doesn’t mean I can’t mentally rank every guy here on how bendy I think they’d be in bed-”
“THAT ASIDE.”, Virgil interrupted, rubbing his temples like it would squeeze out the horrible mental image and several questions he never wanted answers to, “I’ve nailed down the where, I just need the when. Janus is free most days, but Roman’s pretty enigmatic about that shit. Do you know if he’s free tonight? Might as well get this shit over with.”
Remus mulled it over, “He should be. But you should probably just ask him first then Janus. Y’know, save yourself the trouble.”
Ah. That did make sense. Virgil tried not to let it show that he hadn’t thought of that and nodded, “Right… Okay. Just, if I fuck up talking to either of them, be ready.”
“With the car or a shovel?”
The trashrat snickered and let Virgil stand up, giving him an ‘affectionate’ jab in the back of his knee just to get a reaction out of the techie. Virgil wasn’t sure why Remus did that sometimes, he figured it was just another one of the demented twin’s eccentricities.
Inhaling deeply, Virgil sought out Roman, careful to avoid Janus’ line of sight as he tapped the flamboyant twin on the arm. Roman spun to face him, his expression lighting up in a way that made Virgil shamefully wish that he was his soulmate. That he was worthy of all his doting.
“Virge! What can I do for you, my dark and stormy knight?”
Stop being so fucking charming perhaps?
“Uh, it’s kind of an embarrassing request, so bear with me.”
“Of course! What’s up?”
Just ask him, ignore the butterflies, he’s not your soulmate.
“I was wondering, if you’d want to go on a date with me tonight-”
Roman positively swept the emo off his feet, his beaming smile could have burned itself into Virgil’s eyes.
“YEP! Okay, that’s great!”, he shushed him, trying to keep things as quiet as possible, “Listen, I know you’re excited but I’m really anxious about this-”
“Nothing new there.”, Roman chuckled affectionately as he put Virgil down.
“Oh shut up,”, Virgil smirked, pushing down the sunny feeling that chuckle brought out, “Look, I’ll text you the details so can you just keep this between us? I don’t want anyone gossiping. Not that I’m ashamed of you or anything I just-”
Roman carefully halted his word vomit with a gentle caress of Virgil’s cheek, “It’s alright, I understand. After all, with such an honour, I’d do good not to betray the trust of my charming prince.”
Virgil flusteredly averted his gaze, “Hmph. What happened to your ‘dark and stormy knight’?”
“Well, if things go well, I’d hope to promote him.”
The wink Roman shot Virgil should be illegal, that thing could have killed him. The techie just gave him an attempt at an ‘oh fuck off’ smirk that came out more as a ‘fuck I have a crush’ shy smile.
No time to dwell on it, he had another stupidly handsome man to ask on a fake date. 
Virgil checked with the stagehands and made his way over to the backstage dressing room area, finding Janus sat on one of the makeup tables while their dramaturg was busy going over some directions for their next rehearsal. Upon looking up and noticing him, Janus smirked - another expression that should be outright banned for it’s lethality - and politely requested the dramaturg ‘bother him another time’. They did exactly that, leaving Virgil and Janus alone to talk,
“Virgil,”, Janus purred with a voice like sweet honey, “what brings you here?”
Don’t think about that sexy voice, don’t think about that sexy voice, don’t-
“You, actually.” Play it cool, Virge. Be suave and charming. “I wanted to ask you out on a date.”
Janus’ eyes widened slightly in surprise. Virgil felt pretty proud to have finally stunned the silver-tongued gent, though he knew it’d only be a fleeting victory. If anyone would out-smooth even the most flirty person alive, it would be Janus.
With a snake-like fluidity, Janus slunk off of the table and made his way over to Virgil; whereas Roman was only an inch or two taller than him, Janus had a whole six inches at least. Virgil found it semi-intimidating, but that just made the taller man more attractive if he was being honest. Janus softly ran a hand through Virgil’s purple-dyed hair, 
“That’s rather a bold request, Virgil. What brought this on, if I may ask? Not that I’m complaining..”
Virgil had to work extremely hard to resist the urge to nestle into the warmth of his palm. Not your soulmate! Stop it! “I uh, I figured I would take a risk for once. It’s alright if you don’t wanna-”
“No.”, Janus interjected, the hand in Virgil’s hair sliding under his chin to lock their eyes, “I’d very much like to go on a date with you. When and where?”
Virgil swallowed nervously, “The Golden Palace, tonight? I’ll um, I’ll book the table and text you the time-”
“Perfect.”, Janus smirked, gently releasing Virgil. He hadn’t realised how much he’d been subconsciously leaning into Janus’ touch until he almost felt himself sway. “I’ll be sure to wear my best suit for you. Really give you something to blush over.”
Virgil had no rebuttal, he simply nodded and hastily headed back to his usual breakspot to work out just how he would survive tonight…
It turned out the answer was simple; he wouldn’t.
Thankfully Virgil had settled on an outfit that was just the right mix of fancy and casual; his black leather jacket hugged his shoulders which his dark purple button up sat under. He’d gone back and forward between his options for bottoms, but in the end, he preferred his black short pencil skirt and a pair of sheer black tights that matched his black ankle boots. It was a bold choice, but Virgil felt far more powerful in that combination. Like he could kick ass and get away with it.
Virgil needn’t have bothered, however, as the second he showed up at quarter to seven to meet Roman, any semblance of confidence in his ability to control the situation went right out the window. It should have been illegal to look that handsome. A white waistcoat and pants bearing gold trim, combined with a burgundy button up shirt with the sleeves rolled? How dare Roman look that beautiful-
Oh god, now he’s smiling at him from across the room. Too late to back out now. 
Swallowing nervously, Virgil returned the smile and headed over to the table he’d booked; far enough from the door for Roman to miss Janus arriving, and out of the way enough so that they wouldn’t see each other too soon. If he wasn’t so nervous, Virgil would have pat himself on the back for the trouble he went to securing two tables over the phone, but the last thing he wanted to focus on was the person on the phone’s sassy remarks as he did so. Instead, he focused on Roman politely getting up to pull out his chair for him.
“You look stunning, Virge! Did you change up your eye shadow too?”
Virgil gave an anxious nod, “Yeah, I thought maybe I’d try the purple instead of solid black like usual. Do you like it?”
Roman’s grin could’ve smothered him in the night and he’d have thanked it for the priveledge, “I love it!”
While keeping an eye on the time, Virgil let himself roll into conversation with Roman; he was surprised by not only how smoothly the conversation went, but how much they had in common. Sure, there was a tiiiiny heated exchange as to which Disney movie reigned supreme, but their mutual love of Nightmare Before Christmas and the artistic pursuits made for some wonderful discussion. It was a shame Virgil had to remind himself of just why he was doing this. 
He was supposed to be making his rejection of Roman easier, not more difficult.
Finally, as 8 O’clock rolled around, Janus walked in followed by a few other smartly dressed patrons. Of course, Janus very much stood out among them wearing a black dinner suit with an obsidian waist coat and golden coloured button up underneath. His usual bowler hat had been replaced for a much fancier one with a larger brim that held a marigold flower. The sight was so enticing, Virgil had to will himself to stop staring as he got up from the table,
“Excuse me, Roman, mind if I go use the bathroom?”
Roman gave a nod and Virgil made haste towards the restroom area; thankfully he’d planned ahead and knew he could use the corridor that went along behind the bar to emerge on the other side of the room without being detected. However, a new obstacle proved to be a challenge; Janus hadn’t taken his eyes off of the door since the moment he’d walked in and removed his suit jacket. 
Damn. Virgil hadn’t anticipated that. 
Luckily, one of the men who’d come in behind Janus - a man adorned in an off-black suit wearing a beanie, a pair of sunglasses, and a face mask - had just come out of the bathroom door behind him. Without the time to let his social anxiety kick in, Virgil stopped the man and asked quietly, “Hey, sorry to be a bother, but if you can distract the handsome guy at that table for a couple  minutes,“, he began, gesturing to Janus, “I’ll give you ten bucks, how’s that sound?”.
The man seemed to stare for a moment behind the shades then silently gestured with his hands in a motion of “more”.
Of course.
“Okay, uh, fifteen?”
More again. This asshole..
“Ugh, fine, twenty! That's as much as I can spare!”
The man shrugged and nodded, gladly taking the money and, to his credit, doing exactly as was asked. Virgil watched him approach Janus, asking for the time if the way Janus took his attention and turned it to his watch was an indication. It bought Virgil enough time to ‘arrive’ just as the man gave a thank you nod to Janus.
“Sorry I’m a little late,”, Virgil apologised, taking his seat, “I hope I didn’t keep you waiting?”
 “Not at all,”, Janus assured him, smirking delightedly in a way that made Virgil’s knees feel weak even in a sitting position, “You look beautiful, Virgil, if I’d known you’d look so good, I’d have picked out an even better suit.”
This fucking guy, oh my god. “Oh shut up, you look handsome as is.”, Virgil shot back, doing his best to remain calm even as Janus leant in close to strike up conversation.
“I’m telling you, babes, he’s either a cheater or he’s crazy.”
Remy aimed the stirrer he’d been using to push back his cuticles towards Virgil and Janus, then trained it on his stoic co worker, “Look, he’s got two gorgeous guys here and neither of them have noticed yet.”
The aforementioned co worker rolled his eyes, “Remy, you have once again utterly misread the situation for the sake of needless dramatics. It’s rather obvious what’s going on here if you take the time to pick up on subtle body language clues.”
“What’s this about clues, Logie Bear?”, questioned a rather eager waiter carrying a tray of glasses back behind the bar. “Are you playing Sherlock again?”
“Patton, please, refrain from the pet names during working hours, I’ve told you before-”
“While they’re perfectly suitable and welcome at home, we must remain professional at work.”, chimed in another bespectacled man who was manning the till, “It’s fine Logan, honey, let them off the hook this once, okay?”
Patton put down the tray and wrapped their arms around the man who’d just spoken, “Emile’s right! C’mon Logan, you can’t deny it, you like the name too-”
Logan cleared his throat to throw off the peachy blush that threatened to give away his adoration for his soulmates, ”As I was saying before, it’s obvious as to what this rather anxious individual is up to. His body language isn’t that of a cheater, Remy,”, the server flipped Logan the bird, “In fact, I’d hazard a guess that the poor lad is simply attempting to work out which man is his soulmate. I read a fascinating journal that talked all about this phenomenon where some soulmates are unable to see their soulmarks and thus rely on a technique comparable to sensing one’s aura-”
“Okay so like, you think he’s trying to get a read on these two to narrow it down?”, Remy interrupted before Logan could further explore his tangent, “Well then, it’s obvious which one he’s gonna pick.”
Remy gestured lazily over his shoulder at Roman, who was currently twirling his fork between his fingers, “It’s gonna be Tall, Dark and Dumbass over there, babes.”
Logan scoffed, “Falsehood. Clearly the gentleman he’s sat with currently is a much more appropriate option.”. The server nodded his head in their direction, “All factors point to the man in black not only being the more suitable option, but his body language is far more open and receptive to our subject.”
“Subject. Christ it’s like I’m back in science one.”, Remy groaned, but continued to argue, “Besides, you’re ignoring how he’s like, totes more comfortable with my boy in white, sweetie. Look at him, he can’t wait to get away from your boy in black.“
Sure enough, Virgil had gone to switch partners again, returning to Roman with a sweetly shy apologetic gesture.
Patton piped up, “What if they’re like us, Logie Bear? Y’know, more than one soulmate?”
Logan shook his head, “Ridiculous, it’d make no sense to have such a date if that were the case.”
Remy nodded in agreement for the first time, “Yeah, either way, you’re wrong on this one, Logan. Trust me, I know what a fellow morosexual looks like.”
Emile and Logan both sighed at that one while Patton tsk’d, “Remy, come on, thats your soulmate you’re talking about! You shouldn’t be mean!”
Remy quirked an eyebrow at Patton, “Babes, have you met Remus? I love the big sap but he’s a certified dumbass with a heaping dose of cryptid.”, he opened the drinks cooler and took out a lemonade bottle, not giving a shit that the three soulmates behind him were absolutely unamused. ”Anyway, if you’re so sure over who our ‘subject’ will end up with, how about we bet on it? Loser has to work two weeks of overtime and the winner gets thirty dollars or some shit. You in?”
Patton and Emile both declined, both more focused on their work and simply enjoying the dates being had, while Logan agreed wholeheartedly, “I do hope your next two weeks are free, Remy...”
He couldn’t take much more of this.
The longer Virgil kept going back and forth between the two of them - using his anxiety to buy himself time without too much suspicion - the more he was getting tangled up in feelings he knew he couldn’t indulge. Every second with Roman made him smile, even when trading verbal jabs. Every second with Janus made him feel more bold, able to flirt back every once and a while. But this wasn’t right. Janus, Roman, they were made for each other. Not for him.
He wouldn’t get to curl up next to Roman on a cold night, watching Disney movies, baking together, or following along to Bob Ross tutorials only for one of them inevitably would start painting on the other until they were both paint splattered, cackling messes. 
He wouldn’t get to dance quietly in the living room with Janus while their favourite music plays, swaying softly to his favourite Jazz music, or lazily draping himself over Janus’ lap while they read their favourite books long into the night.
Virgil stared into the bathroom mirror; his ‘dates’ had been so sweet as to compliment him, but all he could focus on was how much of a mess he felt. He’s going to break their hearts beyond repair, all because he couldn’t just tell them they were soulmates. Social etiquette be damned, why had he let it go on like this?
Feeling his chest constricting, Virgil quickly grabbed his phone and texted Remus.
V: [help. Having a panic attack. Distract me]
He tried to remember his breathing exercises, chewing his free hand’s thumbnail anxiously until he got the text notification;
R: [Cool. Did u  kno rabbits eat their babies when they’re stressed?]
…. Virgil heavily regretted asking Remus to distract him.
V: [Horrifying. Thank you.]
R: [Anytime, Stitch Bitch. Now what happened?]
V: [Dates backfired.]
R: [U caught feelings didnt u]
Virgil groaned and kept typing.
V: [fuck u]
R: [fuck me urself coward.]
Well at least that got a laugh out of him. Remus followed up that text before he could reply:
R: [Just go out there and tell them the truth]
V: [nope, no way, they’ll hate me]
R: [Bitch they’re both smitten w/ u it’ll hurt but they’ll live, they’re sat there worried about u]
V: [how the fuck do you know that?]
R: [Remy’s on shift tonight, he and Logan are taking bets on how things will pan out. They’ve been texting me non stop.]
That did explain a few things. Namely the one server with the sunglasses and sassy attitude who gave him and Roman extra desserts “for like, the cutest couple in this bitch”, and the other more stoic server who brought him and Janus a bottle of champagne “to celebrate a wonderful partnership”. When would his life stop feeling like a goddamn circus?
Virgil was pulled from his thoughts as his next text sent his blood running cold,
R: [u might wanna get back to em, they’ll be worried about u by now]
Dammit. Virgil had just left the bathroom to be met with a worried Roman, “Virgil, are you alright!? You were gone so long, I thought something had happened!”
Stomp down that affection you’re feeling, Virgil. It’s just gonna hurt more.
“I’m fine, its just my nerves-”
Both men turned to spy Janus entering the hallway with an expression of shock and disgust upon seeing the two of them. He promptly strode over and with surprising gentleness moved Virgil to his side,
“It’s bad enough I can’t avoid you at work, Prince, but I’ll not have you ruining our date night.”
As Janus went to lead Virgil away, Roman held onto Virgil’s hand, “Actually, Lies and Dolls, he’s with me tonight, so kindly take your delusions and leave.”
Oh my god, why did he trust Remus’ plan in the first place?! Janus smirked dangerously, “Or what, you dramatic hack?”
Roman took exception to that, and while Janus had the height advantage, Roman still knew how to be intimidating when needed, “I’ll make you leave!”
Before either of them could come to blows, Virgil got in between them. He might as well come clean,
Janus and Roman faced him, sporting stunned but ever attentive expressions. Ugh, this was gonna hurt.
“I can’t do this anymore! Yeah, I did ask you both here, and yeah! You’re both wonderful but you’re not meant to be with me! You’re meant to be with each other! Ugh, this was a mistake! I can’t-! I can’t be here, I’m sorry-!”
Virgil wrenched himself from between them, making a beeline through the tables and just getting out of the door before the two caught up to him. In the back of his mind, Virgil assumed the serving staff that followed behind were either desperate to see this unfold or just making sure this wasn’t going to be a dine ‘n’ dash scenario.
“Virge, come on, you’re not making any sense! I’m not meant to be with Janus,”, Roman assured him, rolling his left sleeve up the whole way and revealing Virgil’s soul mark, “I’m meant to be with you! You’re my soulmate, Virgil! Surely you knew-”
“That’s,”, Janus interrupted, “That’s not possible, because Virgil is my soulmate.”
Both Roman and Virgil turned to face him, watching Janus roll up his right sleeve to reveal Virgil’s soul mark in the exact same place as Roman’s had been. 
To say Virgil was confused was an understatement, “W...Wait, no, that’s...”
Roman and Janus stared at each other’s soul mark then looked to Virgil, “You… really didn’t know that I- that we were your soulmates?”
Virgil shook his head, ”I don’t have your soulmarks though! It doesn’t make sense...”
He turned away, grasping his arms as he tried to make sense of all this. All his life, Virgil had looked in his mirror and wished - God, how he’d wished - to find just one mark. Something to prove that he was indeed someone’s soulmate. That the universe hadn’t forsaken him. And now he had two of the most wonderful men he’d ever met sporting his soul mark while he had nothing to reassure him this wasn’t some cosmic fluke?!
Janus and Roman stood in awkward silence, the latter giving the servers an apologetic look and pulling out his wallet to pay when the former noticed something about Virgil that had him squinting to get a look. “.... Virgil, do forgive me for this.”
Without hesitating, Janus whipped out his pocket knife - why he brought it on a date, Virgil had no idea - and cut a hole in the back of Virgil’s tights, careful to avoid his skin.
“What the FUCK, Janus!?”, came the obviously horrified reply, only for Janus to take a picture with his phone and hand it to Virgil, rendering him speechless.
Sure enough, there on the inside of his right knee joint was Janus’ soul mark. 
“I just happened to spot the same shade of yellow showing through and, well….”
He didn’t need to finish, Virgil was stunned to silence. All this time, how could he have missed it!? 
Well, it wasn’t in the easiest to see area, and come to think of it, his mirror was a little too high off the ground for that kind of angle, and with the marks being so small..…..
The revelation was met with a shocked gasp from Roman.
“... Virgil, may I-”
“I’ll just take them off, fucking hell!”
Both men turned away to let Virgil remove his shoes and tights in peace. When he gave them the all clear, Roman was ecstatic to note his own soul mark adorning the left knee joint. Virgil glanced towards his two soulmates, letting out a soft sigh of adoration at their delighted faces. He was feeling a whole rush of emotions, but right now? The last thing he wanted was to waste any more time.
“Gimme a second to pay these guys,”, Virgil gestured to the gaggle of servers set in various expressions of celebratory delight, “Then we can go back to my place and have a movie night.”
Roman and Janus offered sweet smiles to their soulmate; that sounded like the perfect end to a wild night.
---- Bonus (Because I got attached to this universe, fight me) ----
With the cafe clearing out aside a few stragglers, Remy sighed distantly, “Well, it’s a good thing we both won, babes, I didn’t wanna get stuck with all that overtime.”
Logan gave him a perplexed look, “Actually, we both lost, therefore we both should work overtime.”
Remy pulled down his shades to glare at Logan, “.... Are you fucking kidding me? Bitch, we WON, and we get to keep our money, babes. What part of that makes you think “nope, overtime sounds better”!?”
Logan was about to go into the technicalities when he chanced a glance back at his soulmates, watching as Patton excitedly gushed over the night’s events, stimming excitedly with their apron while Emile folded his own and put it away for the night, glad to listen to Patton’s bubbly rambling. Logan couldn’t deny, the idea of staying late while his soulmates were home without him wasn’t an appealing idea. Maybe this once he’d spare Remy a lecture.
“.... You know what, you’re right. Excuse me.”
With that, Logan went to join his soulmates while Remy stifled a fond smirk and went to go ask the last patron to leave. He wanted to just go home and collapse into Remus’ arms. Ugh, he just hoped this dude wasn’t going to make a fuss. He wasn’t sure what kind of guy combined a suit, a beanie, shades, AND a face mask, but Remy just hoped he wasn’t here to rob the place.
“Alright sweetie, you gotta go. We’re closing and I wanna get home to my loveable dumbass. Let’s go-”
The man gestured to his ear. Ah. Remy rolled his eyes and leant down to speak closer,
“I said-“
The man quickly pulled down his face mask and stole a peck from Remy, a grin spreading across his face that curled excitedly to match his moustache.
“You gotta get home to meeeee~.”
Remus took off the sunglasses and beanie, revelling in the surprise that painted itself over Remy’s face. He stood up, wrapping his arms around Remy’s waist as his soulmate tried to form a sentence, “How long have you just been sitting here?!”
“Ever since I figured it’d be funny to watch Virgil realise he was trying to set up his own soulmates-”
“You- Wait, Virgil!? That’s the guy you’re always telling me about?!”
“Yep!”, Remus grinned.
Remy wrapped his arms around Remus’ neck, unsure if he wanted to strangle him or hold him closer, “...Did you know he-”
“Had two soulmates? Yep~!”
Remus chuckled and kissed Remy’s cheek, “Virge and I used to have gym together. He kept saying he couldn’t find his soulmarks, I’m surprised he never got my hints...”
Sighing annoyedly at his soulmate, Remy pulled him in for a proper kiss before he could go on more of a tangent. Once they broke apart, Remy poked Remus’ chest, 
“You made me lose thirty bucks, y’know.” 
Remus grinned harder and pulled out twenty dollars  “Well then, I better take this generous donation from my best friend and treat you to a milkshake on the way home then...”
It’s finally doooone!!
This was a long one for sure, but sue me, I got super into this one!!
I’ll be playing catch up for a while so get ready for Day 11, I ended up with a last minute change and it’s gonna be a tear jerker. @tsshipmonth2020
Taglist: @somehow-i-got-an-account @cateye-glasses @fandomsofrandom
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thecampfirestory · 4 years
Important anouncement!!
In the near future this characters will become fully original! But for now we're merely switching the names every now and then to slowly get used to them
You can still call them by their old names, but im writing the changes so people wont be confused!
Dee -> Dee (but now hes ok with everyone calling him by his full name "Amadeus")
Vee -> Vee
Roman -> Florian
Remus -> Cadmus
Patton -> Lawrence (legal name [NOT a deadname]) / Achilles (chosen name)
Logan -> Nate/Nathan
Welcome to the Campfire AU! This blog gets lots of asks everyday so it can be kind of hard to find the basics of everything. So hopefully this can answer your questions if you’re new to the blog! 
 The AU doesn’t really have a plot. Just the sides being teens dealing with everyday stuff. The reason of why it’s called Campfire AU it’s because it all started with a comic where they went camping, but in all honestly it isnt even about camping at this point. Whoops!
(I have a in-character blog for Vee! Just for the fun of it lmao its @littlemothsandtinyvees )
What’s the AU about?
Are there any ships?
 This AU is 100% platonic! Many people get confused mainly because Dee and Remus are usually kinda flirty with each other. But they’re literally just messing around. Although, Vee and Logan get together in college (If this ship makes you uncomfortable, you can block the ‘’cf!analogical’’ tag!). But besides that, nothing else.
Is Thomas/Remy/Emile/etc in this AU?
 Yes, but actually no.
 Thomas and his crew are in this AU. BUT!!!! They have a very small, unsignificant role. Kind of like a cameo. They’re some cool yet scary looking monsters that appear on Vee's dreams. Vee also has a bat plushie named Count Joan.
 And Remy and Emile are Patton’s super cool toads. They just vibe.
What are the characters in the AU?
 Primary characters: Patton, Roman, Logan, Virgil, Janus (who still goes by Dee), and Remus.
 Secondary characters: King Creativity (Romulus), The Dragon Witch (DW), Annika (Vee’s biological mom), Celeste (Dee’s biological mom), and Mama and Papa Ruiz (Roman, Remus, and Romulus’ parents), Azariah, Nona, and Poppy (Dee and Remus' group of friends at school)
We dont really talk that much about Logan’s parents nor Patton’s dad, but they’re still there.
Blog’s ‘’Inside Jokes’’
The blog has some inside jokes that newcomers usually dont understand because they’re so bizarre and out of context, so here’s a quick guide. Beware, these are very dumb. I would like to apologize in advance:
The Jirt Dar: Its a jar full of dirt that Vee carries around and makes their friends put their hands inside of it if they catch them swearing.
The Sock Shirt: Remus owns a plain white shirt with the word ‘’sock’’ handwritten. That’s it. I have no idea why people find that hilarious.
Boneless Logan: Logan once had this theory that since he had never broken any bones in the past, he was, in fact, boneless. And still claims it to this day. Before you ask, no. He’s not serious about believing that, he just claims it to annoy or make people laugh. Has he ever broke a bone after that claim? Yes, he has.
‘‘Addy’‘: ‘’Addy’‘ is a nickname Vee has for Dee and it immediately triggers his Big Brother Mode because Vee only calls him that in scenarios when they’re sad, sick, etc.
‘‘Patton with an E‘‘:  When Vee and Patton first met, Patton had pointed out their last names where the same, except his had an ‘e’ at the end, and Vee thought it was pretty funny. Nowadays Patton sometimes introduces himself as ‘‘Patton with an E’‘ only to make Vee chuckle.
About OP
Hello! My name is Hay/Danny/OP i really dont mind how you refer to me as. I decided to make a little about me because I feel like I should set some boundaries for the sake of my mental health, basically some "please do not do this" because theyre personally triggering for me or make me uncomfortable.
Please never send asks talking about weight. Its a super triggering subject for me. Im fine if its asks like "Oh everyone lifts (X character) up a lot cause theyre very light" but thats it
Please dont vent in the asks, I have no idea what to do to help and as very empathetic person it stresses me out not being able to help. I am not a therapist
*Sometimes food is a subject that makes me extremely uncomfortable. Sometimes. What im trying to say is that you can send food related asks but if i dont answer it, its because at that moment food is a big no for me. I'll try my best to remember to give a heads up
(* Its totally okay if the subject is only passing. Its if the ask is focused on food what makes me extremely uncomfortable)
(Primary) Characters basic information (full name, age, height, etc)
● Janus Amadeus “Dee” Callaghan
 18 years old // 5'10 // Agender/Bisexual // he/him (but doesnt care about pronouns at all)
●Virgil (Vee) Harper Storm
 15 years old // 4'9 // Non Binary/Queer/Asexual // they/them (They’re chill with any pronouns though)
*Important Fact: Vee is autistic
●Patton Jonathan Storme
 16 years old // 5'8 // Demiboy/Homosexual // he/him and xe/xem
●Logan Keith Rowell
 16 years old // 5'5 // Questioning // he/him
●Roman Florian Flynn Ruiz
 18 years old // 5'11 // Transgender/Aromantic // he/him
●Remus Amadeus Ruiz
 18 years old // 6'2 // Transgender/Homosexual // he/him
Character’s specifics
(Before we start, I’d like to mention that the sides are quite further away from canon. Its called an AU for a reason, if you dont like how they’re portrayed, that’s fine, but please do not complain because, again, its an AU for a reason.) 
Patton: Patton is a complicated character. Let’s say hes bittersweet.
Pat has a very complicated relationship with his family, which would be the main reason of his anger issues and poor self esteem. He doesnt have any siblings and his mother left when he was around 9 years old. Leaving him only with his dad. Who is currently the Mayor. As time passed by, Patton as his dad started becoming extremely distant. Patton tried to fix his relationship with his father for a very good while. But nothing seemed to work, so he gave up and nowadays avoids him as much as he can.
At school Patton puts on this happy-go-lucky facade and hes known for being a very sweet and happy guy. Mainly because hes ashamed of the fact that hes, in his words, “an angry person.”
So he tries to come up with a friendly “mask”. Colorful clothes, and round glasses. Because colorful and round things come out as friendly, right?
Patton rarely wears black, unless it something like jeans or shoes. The thought of wearing all black will never cross his mind because hes so desperate to try and come off as a friendly guy.
But with his friends is a whole different story, Patton allows himself to be “his true self”, he allows himself to be mad at some things, he stops repressing the “ugly feelings”, he actually swears, and plays around in a more “rough” way in general. All in good terms, it will never be his intention to hurt his friends.
Sophomore in highscool
Vee's best friend. They met each other in 7th grade because Vee was new in school.
He’s on the cheerleading team. Meaning that he’s quite strong, agile, and even flexible. Emphasis on strong. He once broke a guy’s nose because he was harrassing a girl.
Has been doing gymnastics since he was very little
He’s pescetarian. He strongly avoids meat, but still eats fish.
Absolutely loves horror movies, especially old ones. (His all time favorite is Halloween)
Actually has better grades than Logan. He’s a straight A student. Focuses too much on his grades because he wants to get a full scholarship for college.
Ends up majoring in law once he gets to college
Vee: Vee is a rather hyperactive person, and is very into mysterious subjects, such as cryptids, the paranormal, you get the vibe. They aren’t really that anxious, but the anxiety is still there. Especially when it’s about people they don’t know. Once they warm up to you, they barey shut up.
Vee still has some anxiety issues because they were bullied from 3rd grade to 6th grade and never said a word to anyone. Whenever their mom picked them up she’d always notice how sad they looked, sometimes even with puffy eyes from crying. But no matter how hard she tried, Vee would never tell her anything out of pure fear they’d get in trouble. The moment Vee admitted everything, she immediately changed them from that school.
On 7th grade they met Patton, and he was pretty much the one who managed to make Vee come out of their shell, he never forced them to do something they didn’t want to, but he slowly started to introduce them into doing new things that Vee once considered scary.
Vee had made huge progress regarding their self esteem thanks to Pat. And they are now trying to make the exact same thing for Patton.
Sophomore in highscool
Patton’s best friend
Dee’s little (step) sibling
Theirs and Dee’s moms were best friends in college (Dee’s dad was also Annika’s childhood friend). So these two have known each other since Vee was born. When they were 11-12 years old, their and Dee’s moms got married.
Even before that, Vee always saw Dee as a big brother.
They keep a dream journal. But if you happen to read it, you’ll realize that what’s written are not dreams, but nightmares. There are some drawings of monsters in some pages, even.
They says that they’re not  scared of most of them, though. That they’re used to it.
Ends up majoring in digital animation
Dee: He’s the most calm guy in the whole group. Usually the leader, even. He’s either a very responsible big brother with Vee or an absolute chaotic teenager with Remus. There’s no in between.
Dee has a really hard time trusting people, the only people he genuinely trusts are Remus, Vee, and his moms (Roman, Patton, and Logan are there too, but not as much as the ones mentioned.)
Dee’s parents got divorced when he was around 8. And his and Vee's moms got married when he was 14-15 years old. To this day his relationship with his dad is kind of complicated. He doesnt hate him, but he’s not quite sure how to feel about him. He calls every now and then to check up on him, and he appreciates it, but those calls usually end up with Dee feeling sort of awkward afterwards.
There isn’t much to say about him, mostly because hes very reserved with pretty much everyone. But hey, between us? Hes has a very soft spot for Vee 
Senior in highschool
Vee’s big (step) brother
Remus’ best friend. They met in 3rd grade and have been inseparable ever since.
The scar around his eye is a burn scar from hot water when he was little (7-9 y/o), and the one on his cheek happened because him and Remus were playing with a knife when they were 14-15.
He knows how to drive, but usually Remus is the one who always does do.
Is on the theatre club. Both as a techie and as an actor
He’s 100% sure that he’s  bisexual. But the fact that he has such a hard time trusting people makes it hard for him to imagine himself in a relationship.
Ends up going to college for around two years before he decides to drop out.
Remus: He’s your local hyperactive guy that lives for that sweet, sweet adrenaline. He’s always looking for reckless things to do and he ALWAYS drags Dee to them (not like he minds). But he’s also a very loyal friend, especially to Dee. If he asked Remus for a favor he’d be 100% willing to do ANYTHING without doubts. He’s also highly protective over Vee, Patton, and Logan because theyre the youngest of the group.
His and Roman’s relationship went from horrible to amazing. Him and Roman absolutely despised each other when they were little, if they were put in the same room, 99% of the time they’d end up fighting, as time went by, they started to avoid each other as much as possible, then they kind of tolerated each other, but still never spent much time together. When Remus found Roman chopping his hair off while bawling his eyes out at 2 in the morning, their relationship definitely started to change for the best.
Senior in highschool
Roman’s twin, Romulus’ little brother
Dee’s best friend
The scar near his chin is because him and Dee were playing with a knife and both of them got a cut. They called them their “Friendship scars”
Spanish is his first language. But mainly speaks it at family runions, sometimes with his parents, but never with Roman and/or Romulus
Is on the volleyball team
Got top surgery, but doesnt want bottom surgery.
Ends up majoring in mortuary science
Roman: He’s the kindest and sweetest guy in the group. Hes always willing to help and listen to whoever needs it. He’s actually quite popular at school because of the fact that hes so kind. A ray of sunshine. Roman had a very hard time for a good while, but it all crumbled down on him on his freshman year. He felt super lonely, was absolutely lost with who he was as a person and had no idea who he wanted to be, what he wanted to do with his life, etc. He struggled with school and his grades dropped horribly because he had so much in his mind. No matter how hard he tried to concentrate, he just couldnt focus in school. He ended up repeating the year.
Like it was mentioned before, his relationship with Remus went from horrible to amazing. Unfortunately for them, because of this, they barely have childhood memories to look back to. But now they’re trying their best to make up for it. Roman would say that his and Remus relationship got better when Roman repeated his freshman year; Remus apologized to him for a straight hour because he admitted to notice Roman having a hard time, but decided to ignore it because he was “too damn prideful”. After that, little by little, they became closer.
Junior in highschool
Remus’ twin. Romulus’ little brother
Logan’s best friend. They met on freshman year (the one that Ro had to re-take)
Spanish is his first language.But mainly speaks it at family runions, sometimes with his parents, but never with Remus and/or Romulus
Is on theatre club. But to contrary belief, he barely takes leading roles.
He absolutely loves to hear Vee ramble about what they enjoy. His grandma used to tell him about the fae folk when he was younger. So unlike everyone in the group, he absolutely understands what Vee is talking about and they can chat for hours about it
Hasn’t had any surgery yet. But wants both top and bottom surgery.
Doesn’t end up going to college, and instead works at his mom’s flower shop alongside Dee
Logan: First things first, while Logan is smart, he isn’t super smart, at least not academically speaking. He has really good grades, but he isn’t a straight A student. People tend to assume he’s a gifted student because of the fact that he skipped a year. But in reality that only happened because he had an advanced reading and writting comprehension so they made him skip first grade.
Logan used to be quite a loner when he was younger, and he was way too serious and cold because of it. When he met Roman, Logan realized that he was actually unhappy back then, and little by little he started to losen up more, joking around and not really minding what people think of it. Now look at him! He’s absolutely chaotic and his favorite hobby is annoying Patton (in a loving way, dont worry.). He still has a somewhat ‘’smart kid’’ reputation at school, but those people in his class are aware that he jokes around every now and then and is actually super chill. He’s known for either fixing people’s laptops/cellphones/tablets or because he can write your essays. He definitely makes money out of both of these things. Unless you’re his friend, he’ll do it for free
 Lo’s parents work a lot and travel every now and then because of it. So they are barely home. But they still talk and text quite often. If his parents happen to be travelling, they videochat. But because of this Logan is most of the time alone at home and learned to be VERY independent. Not like he brags about it, but hes kind of proud of it.
Because of his parents always being away, and the fact that Logan is an only child and never had any friends growing up, he learned to do many things in an attempt to fight the boredom, some of those things are cooking, fixing his own laptop, crafts (im talking about, cosplay worthy crafts), origami, among other things.
Junior in highschool
Roman’s best friend
He has a job at a videogame store
Yes, he also loves videogames way too much. Sometimes he messes his sleep schedule because he stays up late playing (usually with Patton)
Plays guitar. Learned how to do so one time he was burned out, and his dad suggested he learned something entirely knew, like playing an instrument. Nowadays he really enjoys it and plays very often.
He could learn how to drive. But he 100% prefers using his bike
He actually despises school and complains about it and about how flawed the educational system is on a daily basis
Ends up making a very last minute decision and going to an art school to study music composition instead of economics
PHEW. That was quite a lot. Anyways, if you got to the end of the page, congrats! If you feel like something should be added please do let me know!!
 Welcome to the Campfire AU, where the campfire is mostly ours rather than theirs
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girl-with-cat-eyes · 3 years
Summary: Wednesdays are Janus Picani's busiest day. Between meetings, snack day, soccer practice, and art club, he's running around like a chicken with his head cut off. This Wednesday, however, is sure to change the lives of the Picani family forever. Jan's sure they can handle it though.
Ships: Platonic Moceit, thvi
A/N: I've been rewatching the old Reba sitcom from the 2000s and I'd forgotten just how good it was. Good enough that I wanted to write an au for it. Thank you so much to @amazon-me-bitches and my lovely qpp @forever-forgotten-angel for beta reading this and helping me to work out the kinks with the plot. As always, leave a comment if you like this. Enjoy!
For most people, Mondays were their busiest day. It made sense; returning to the workweek, school, etc. For Janus Picani, however, the title of busiest day went to Wednesday. His firm always had partner meetings, they were Emile’s day to bring class snacks, Remy had soccer, and Virgil had art club. On top of that, Jan’s therapy sessions were Wednesdays, which meant he had to make sure all of his work was done 15 minutes early so he could get to his appointment on time. Safe to say, to say Wednesdays weren’t exactly his favorite day.
“Emile! Get down here! You don’t want to be late for school!”, He called upstairs as he finished making breakfast sandwiches. Virgil stood across from him, packing lunches for his brothers.
“He probably can’t find his backpack. He left it down here after he finished his homework.”
Janus sighed, “This wouldn’t be a problem if he just left his backpack down here every night. Remy go get your brother and tell him his backpack is down here.”, the young boy got up, rolling his eyes and Jan had to bite back a sigh. Remy had always been his sassiest child.
“Why can’t Virgil do it?”
Virgil raised an eyebrow at him, “Because I’m making lunch, I can go get him if you want to make your own sandwich ?”, Remys shook his head and ran upstairs, Virgil chuckling at the sight.
Janus finished plating breakfast and turned to thank Virgil, frowning when he saw that Virgil had only made two lunches. He looked pointedly at his son, “You’re not eating?”, he asked.
Virgil shrugged, “I’m gonna get lunch at school today. They’re having burritos.”, Janus nodded. As long as he was eating. Patton came downstairs before he could reply, Remy and Emile in tow.
“I found these two trying to play on the Switch.”, Emile and Remy sat down, guilty little grins on their faces that told Jan that they didn’t regret it, “Good thing I went to check on them.” “Good thing indeed.” He handed Pat a plate, pouting a cup of coffee for his husband? Ex? Janus wasn’t sure what to call the man he’d been married to for 20 years, separated from, hadn’t divorced, and who still lived in the house with. Regardless he poured him a cup of coffee, “Ok so you’re taking Emile and Remy to school and I’ll take Virgil. I’ll pick up Remy and you pick up Emile and-” “-and I’m catching a ride home with Thomas after theater. I’m working on the sets for Little shop today.”, Virgil piped up and Jan had to hold back a grimace at the mention of his boyfriend. He like Thomas, he really did. In terms of high school boyfriends, Thomas had been nothing but a gentleman. But the thought of his son dating still upset Janus deep down; according to his therapist, he was grappling with the thought of his baby growing up.
“Ok.”, he replied, keeping his thoughts to himself. It wouldn’t do any good to speak them when they were his problem to deal with, “I’ll pick up takeout on the way home.”
“Jan? I was wondering if you’d want to come to the restaurant today for lunch?”, He turned to look at Patton. Based on the tone in his voice Janus knew that this wasn’t just a friendly invitation to taste a new menu item. He sighed: he’d been planning to work through his lunch today so he could get out on time.
Regardless, this seemed serious, “Ok. I’ll be there at noon.”, he promised. He quickly finished his breakfast and looked over to Virgil, “Ready to go?”, he asked. He nodded and finished pouring his iced coffee and they were off.
The ride to Virgil’s school was as quick as always. Music played lowly on the radio, lowly on the radio and Janus hummed along. It would be peaceful if not for the fact that Virgil kept fidgeting and staring out the window. Something was up, “Ok. Something’s wrong. Spill.” Virgil turned to look at him, “What? Nothing’s wrong.”, He straightened his face, trying to appear calm. Janus didn’t buy it for a second, “I’m fine.” “Virgil James Picani. I have known you since you were born. I have held you for night after night. I know you inside out. And I know when you’re lying to me. What’s wrong? Is someone bothering you?” Virgil shook his head. “No. It’s just that Mr.Prince, the drama teacher, wants me to be Seymore’s understudy. And I know the chances of me going on stage are rare but I don’t want to take that chance. And I don’t know how to tell him without letting him down.” “Baby bat, just tell him the truth. I’m sure he’ll understand.”, Virgil nodded. The issue seemed to be solved, yet Janus had a feeling that there was something else wrong. But before he could ask any more, they’d arrived and Virgil was getting out. “Love you, Dad! I’ll see you after school!”, Janus shook his head, trying to keep his concerns down. He’d ask Virgil after school. It was fine.
Being a lawyer certainly had its perks; financial security being a prime example. Meetings running long weren’t that though. Janus sighed as he rushed into Pat’s. The warm lighting and delicious smells greeting him. Even if he’d preferred to work through his lunch, Janus couldn’t deny that the thought of Patton’s cooking made his mouth water. There was a reason people came from near and far to this place.
Speaking of Patton, Janus spotted the bespectacled man sitting in their usual booth, a bottle of wine waiting there. He smiled at the thought and sat down, “I thought you weren’t a fan of day drinking?”, he quipped. Pat rarely drank at all, but especially not during the day. “I’m not but I know you don’t mind a glass of wine at lunch.”, Pat poured him a glass, “Salmon or duck?” “Salmon.”, Janus answered. Patton made a delicious pan-seared salmon with risotto and kale salad. It was delicious and sounded lovely right now. Patton nodded and ordered that for him and glazed crispy duck for himself. “So.”, he began as he buttered a roll, “What did you want to discuss?” “Who says I have something to discuss? Maybe I just wanted to have lunch with you?”, He was stalling obviously. Trying to get time to steel his nerves.
Janus raised an eyebrow at him, “You and I know very well that Wednesday is our busy day. If you wanted to just have lunch you would have asked on another day. Therefore this is something important that you don’t want to talk about in front of the kids. So what do you want to discuss?” Patton sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. Whatever he wanted to talk about was weighing heavily on his mind. After some time he finally spoke, “I want to finalize our divorce.”, he spoke quickly, like he wanted to get the words out of his mouth as fast as he could.
Janus nodded; he supposed it made sense. They had been separated for over a year now, they slept in separate bedrooms, and they hadn’t had sex since long before they separated. While they still cared for each other, the love they once shared was long gone. The only reason they were still married was the cost of getting a divorce. Considering they’d spent 20 dollars on a courthouse wedding neither had been too happy to shill out thousands of dollars to end their marriage.
The question was why now, and why couldn’t he say it in front of the kids. They’d sat them down months ago and explained that while they loved each other and would always be a family, they weren’t in love anymore. Virgil had taken in the best; being the oldest, he’d seen the signs for a while now. He’d taken it upon himself to comfort his younger brothers. Remy tried to pretend that he was fine, but both Janus and Patton knew better. He’d taken the thought of his family splitting up harder than he was showing. They’d both spoken to him about it, reassuring him that they’d always be a family. And they’d started having family activities every Saturday. Emile had taken it the hardest. The six-year-old didn’t truly understand what was going on. They were still having conversations explaining what it meant. Janus had even begun researching child psychologists at the recommendation of his therapist.
“Ok.”, He spoke, “Why now though? I thought we’d agreed that divorces are too expensive…. You met someone.”, the realization hit Janus like a ton of bricks. Everything made sense. Pat would feel guilty about pursuing someone else while married, even if they were separated. And he wouldn’t want to talk about this in front of the kids until he knew for sure that it was serious.
Patton nodded, “I did.”
“Well, tell me about him. I care about you regardless of our marital status. And I want to know about the person you’ll be bringing around our kids.”
“Ok. His name is Logan and I met him a few weeks ago. He came in here for dinner and he’s just the cutest. He got so excited when he found out we use crofters in our thumbprint cookies and our victoria sponge.” Patton smiled fondly at the thought, “We’ve been on a few dates and… It’s not just a fling. I can see a future with him, Jan.”
Jan took a sip of wine, “Ok. I’ll ask around for good lawyers when I get back.”,
Patton squealed and hugged him, “Thank you so much Jan. Maybe I could invite him over for dinner sometime. That way you could meet him and I could introduce him to the kids.”, Their food came at that moment, which meant Patton had to stop hugging him. Janus was thankful; he’d never been the type for hugging. Except with his kids.
“Ok. But you have to tell them about the divorce first. Deal?” “Deal.”
Virgil was generally considered a good kid by his peers and teachers. Quiet perhaps, but overall a good kid. He didn’t break rules, got good grades, and overall kept to himself. The one anomaly about him was that he was dating Thomas sanders, or rather that Thomas Sanders was dating him. Thomas was a bright and outgoing person; if this was a 2000s sitcom, he might have been considered popular. Not only that, but he had a fairly popular youtube channel where he did skits, challenges, and more. Virgil barely even had social media. They were a couple regardless, and Virgil was known as a good kid.
He didn’t feel like a good kid as he watched the Chipotle employee make his bowl. He’d signed himself out of school early along with Thomas, and now they were getting lunch. The thought of skipping school kept buzzing around his head, even though he’d gotten all of his assignments from the classes he’d be missing. Besides he had bigger problems to worry about.
He sat down beside his boyfriend and took a bite of his food, “What am I going to do?” He asked in a small voice, fear lacing his tone. Thomas reached across the booth and squeezed his hand.
Hey,”, Thomas whispered, his voice soft and reassuring, “It’ll be ok. I’ll be right here no matter what.”
“I promise.”, Thomas squeezed his hand, “Now really eat, you skipped lunch yesterday.”, Virgil nodded and the rest of lunch passed silence. The pair simply enjoying their food together. Virgil grinned and poured queso onto his bowl and smiled at his boyfriend.
“You’re so cute.”, he whispered. Thomas blushed at the compliment and Virgil considered it a win. Sooner enough they were done with their meal. Virgil stood up and gathered their trash, “I’m gonna go the bathroom.” “Ok”, Thomas nodded, “I love you no matter what.”. Virgil smiled and went to the bathroom, anxiety twisting his stomach in knots.
Janus sighed as he drove home. Patton had messaged him earlier that he was making dinner and Jan didn’t have to pick up any takeout. Of course, that made Jan’s life easier, but it also meant that they were going to talk over the divorce with the kids. Great. He peered at Remy in the backseat, sipping his chocolate milk without a care in the world. God sometimes Jan wished he were a child still. Childhood was so much easier, “I think your Dad is making dinner tonight.” Remy looked at him, “I thought we were going to pick up takeout?” “He messaged me saying that I don’t need to pick up any food.”, Remy nodded and smiled before looking back out the window. Janus understood: Patton was an amazing cook. Hopefully, they’d all be able to eat after this. God, how would Remy react? He’d already taken the separation hard. And Emile, he barely understood what divorce was. And Virgil, the oldest, the one who buried his feelings the most. He probably wouldn’t want to talk about it and would bury his feelings to help his brothers.
They pulled into the garage, Remy grabbing his stuff and running inside, “Take off your shoes and change before you get mud all over the house.’, he called after him. Janus took his time collecting his things. ‘Just go in. Better to get it over with.’, his thoughts raced around his head like an angry swarm of bees. He took a deep breath and walked inside.
The smell of garlic and tomatoes washed over his sense, Patton was making Italian food. He took a deep breath, enjoying the smells. Patton stood next to the counter, buttering a long baguette for garlic bread. He looked up and gave a reassuring smile, but Janus could see the nervousness in his eye, at least he wasn’t alone in the feeling, “Hey.” He greeted, “The lasagna is almost done and I’m making garlic bread right now. There’s stuff for caesar salad in the fridge if you want to help out.”
Janus nodded and took off his jacket before washing his hands and making said salad, “Where’s Emile and Virgil?”, he asked, praying that he sounded casual. The salad offered a great distraction from his thoughts, greeting parmesan meant he didn’t have to focus on this upcoming family discussion.
“Virgil is helping Emile with his homework. He’s learning addition.”, Patton supplied as he put the bread on a tray, placing it in the oven. “There are brownies in the fridge. I figured we could make sundaes. Hopefully, it’ll make the conversation easier.”, Janus nodded. Remy and Emile might not realize it but Virgil would know something was up. Pat rarely made dessert on weekdays.
Soon enough dinner was done and all five of them were sitting around the table. Virgil still looked anxious and Janus wanted to bang his head off the table. There was no way he’d be able to ask what was wrong after this conversation. Why did this have to happen tonight?
Patton smiled, “So how was school guys?”, ‘Subtle Pat, subtle. Why don’t you just hang a banner above our heads that says We’re getting divorced’. Janus took a large sip of wine so his thoughts would stay in his head.
“Ok,” Remy spoke up. “But I keep getting headaches during the day. The lights in the class are too bright.”, This had been going on for a while now. The fluorescent lighting of the classroom seemed to give Remy migraines, and his teacher wasn’t budging on letting him wear sunglasses to prevent it.
“I’ll talk to your teacher in the morning.”
“My day was good Daddy.”, Emile grinned, “We learned about ecosystems.”, Janus smiled. Emile was so young and innocent.
“Virgil?”, The teenager in question looked up from where he’d been staring off into space. He took a quick bit of lasagna before speaking.
“It was fine.”
He was lying. Something was wrong and Virgil was trying to act like he was ok. Janus wanted to ask more questions, to figure out what was bothering his son. It wouldn’t work though. Virgil guarded his privacy with his life. Prying would only make him more tight-lipped. Janus just had to wait for Virgil to come to him with what was wrong, and in the meantime, hope that it wasn’t serious.
Besides, even if Janus thought it was a good idea to ask, there were other things at hand. Patton nodded to him and he knew it was time. “Your father and I have some news.”. Patton began. Janus held back a groan.
“Are we going to Disney World?”, Emile was practically bouncing in his seat at the thought of such a trip.
“No.”, Janus made a mental note to talk to Patton about a family vacation. Maybe it would help reassure Remy and Emile that they were all still a family. “It’s not that. You all know that we’re always going to be a family right? No matter what happens we’ll always be together.”, Virgil was ghostly pale and Remy had his fists clenched. He didn’t even have to say it. They knew.
His middle son jumped up, “No.” He was tearing up, “You promised.”
“No! You said we’d always be together.”, Tears began running down his face. A knot formed in Janus’ throat. Why did they have to do this?
“And we will. No matter what.”, Patton tried to soothe. It was met on deaf ears.
“No, we won’t! That’s what they all say! They say nothing will change but it does. Next thing you know, you’re in different houses and splitting custody and no one will want me. And then I’ll be back in foster care.”
“Remy that won’t happen. We love you.”, Janus wanted to take his son in his arms. Wanted to hold all of his children and promise them that they still loved them all, and the divorce wouldn’t change that. But Remy ran upstairs, the sound of his bedroom door slamming shut echoing through the house.
“What’s going on?”, Emile’s face was contorted, confusion visible. Of course, he wouldn’t fully understand what was going on. The six-year-old had barely understood the separation.
Patton sighed and knelt down next to him, “Your father and I are finalizing our divorce. We won’t be married anymore.” Emile blinked.
“Why? I thought you weren’t getting one?” Patton sighed, “Things have changed.”, Emile blinked at him. This was going wrong. It was too soon. They should have eased them into this idea. Shouldn’t have sprung it on them like this.
Understanding bloomed in Emile’s face. His next words were a whisper, so quiet that Janus almost didn’t hear them. But he did, and it felt like getting hit by a truck. “Are you divorcing cause Virgil’s pregnant?” “EMILE!”, Virgil shrieked. Janus felt like he was watching this from above like it was a tv show playing out in front of him, and not his life. He looked next to him. Patton appeared to be in a similar situation.
“It’s the truth.”
Finally, Janus found himself able to speak. There were a million questions inside of him longing to get out, but all he could say was, “What?”
Luckily Patton was able to voice one of his questions, “Virgil, is this true?”. Virgil refused to make eye contact with either of them and Janus knew it was. His eldest child looked almost ashamed, shoulders tense and body hunched over.
“Virgil…”, He started, but he was upstairs before Janus could continue. Janus shut his eyes. Amazing. One of his kids was pregnant at 17 and another thought he was going to be sent back to foster care. His head met the table with a groan. Patton rubbed his shoulder.
Emile still stood in front of them, “Am I in trouble?”, he asked, voice shaking. Janus leaned forward and picked him up. He bounced Emile on his hip, stroking his back.
“No baby.”, He ruffled his hair and booped his nose. “You aren’t in trouble ok. Everything is just kinda stressful right now. But none of that is your fault, ok?” Emile nodded and buried his face into Jan’s chest. Patton joined the hug, stroking Emile’s back and humming softly. They sat there in this position for about 10 minutes before Janus pulled away, gave Emile a kiss on the forehead, “We love all of you so much and the divorce won’t change that ok?”
He nodded and Janus stood up, “I’m going to go talk to Remy, he might be easier to get to open up than Virgil right now.”, He handed Emile to Pat, who bounced him on his hip.
“Ok. I’ll make a pot of hot cocoa to take up. Hopefully, it’ll get him to open up.”, Janus nodded in thanks and made his way upstairs.
Remy’s room was as dark as ever, the twelve-year-old liked to leave the lights in his room dimmed. Janus peaked his head in, seeing him laying on his bed, face buried into his pillows. “Remy?”, He called out. The child in question didn’t respond but Janus knew he was awake, “Can I come in?”
There was silence for a moment and Janus thought about what he would do if Remy said no. He wanted to respect his privacy, but at the time this was a conversation that needed to happen. Remy thought he was going to be sent back to foster care and Janus couldn’t let him just think that. Luckily Remy soon answered, “Yes…”
He walked in slowly, eyes trained on his son. His son who was terrified that he was going to be sent away. He swallowed, “Remy you aren’t going to be sent back to foster care. I promise that.”
Remy sniffled and his heart broke for his middle child, “That’s what they said last time. They said they loved me and I’d never be sent away again. And then they said they were getting a divorce and it wasn’t a good time for them to adopt a kid.”
Janus sighed and began stroking his hair, “And I’m promising that no matter what we’re not sending you back there. We love you. You’re our son, our wonderful son who we love so much. The divorce is between your father and me. And I won’t lie and say that it won’t affect you or that nothing will change, because things will change. A lot of things will change. But the love that your father and I have for the three of you? That will never change. It’ll never fade or go away. And we’re never sending you back.” He smiled slightly and joked, “Besides we threw away the receipt. No returns.”
Remy giggled and Janus knew he’d been successful in cheering him up. Remy sat up and hugged him tightly, tears still flowing freely, “I love you both. This is my home, my family. I don’t want to lose you.” “I know baby, I know. What does Stitch say?”, He hoped that a reference to Remy’s favorite movie would lighten the mood even more.
Remy sighed, “Ohana means family.” “And?”
“Family is never left behind or forgotten.”
Janus nodded and kissed his head, “And you’re our ohana. And we hope to yours. We’re here for as long as you want us.”, Remy smiled and Janus knew that even if it took some time, everything would be ok with him. He sat up. “Patton should be up here in a few minutes with cocoa and I’m sure he’ll want to talk to you. So I’ll sit here with you until he gets up here and then I’ll give you your privacy. Ok? Besides I need to talk to your older brother.”
Remy nodded, “Is Virgil ok?”
Janus sighed, “I don’t know. But I intend to find out.”. As if on cue, there was a knock on the door and Patton peaked his head in. He held a tray with four mugs of cocoa topped with whipped cream. Next to them sat a plate with brownies.
“Can I come in? I brought cocoa.” He smiled encouragingly. Remy nodded and sat up off of Janus’s chest. Patton came in, taking two of the mugs and some of the brownies. “The rest are for you and Virgil.”
“Where’s Emile?”
“In his room with a covered mug and a brownie watching Aladdin. He’ll be ok.”, Janus nodded and took the tray before leaving.
Janus stood outside of Virgil’s room, trying to figure out what to say. What did you say when your teenage son was pregnant? Most parents were worried about their sons getting someone pregnant, not their sons being pregnant. Then again, not everyone had a trans son. He sighed and knocked, “Virgil? Can I come in?”
Unlike Remy, who took his time answering, Virgil’s reply was almost immediate, “I don’t want to talk, Dad.”, Janus sighed. Goddammit. This is exactly what he was fearing. He couldn’t just leave his son alone right now. His pregnant son at that. Virgil was pregnant. He groaned.
“Baby bat, please. We need to talk about this.”
“I don’t want to talk.” “I have Pat’s hot chocolate and brownies.”
There was a pause. Then he spoke, “The door’s open.”, Janus opened the door slowly. Virgil sat in the middle of the bed, knees tucked against his chest. Tears ran down his face in inky black trails. Janus’ heart ached for him. He looked at Janus and sniffled, “Go on. Yell at me about what a horrible mistake I made.” His heart lept into his throat. Janus remembered having a similar conversation with his sister 18 years ago. How she was pregnant and her boyfriend ran off on her. Janus hadn’t known then how his life was going to change forever. And now his son was pregnant.
“I’m not here to yell at you V.”, He sat next to him, handing Virgil the mug of cocoa. He took a sip of his own, “How long have you known?” Virgil shrugged, “I only found out today. But I suspected it when Dad mentioned that one of the waitresses at the restaurant was pregnant. I’m about a month along.” Janus nodded, “Does Thomas know?”, he was met with a nod. “And what does he think?”, more memories of his sister rushed to the surface. His sister saying that her boyfriend had ran out of town when she found out that was pregnant. That he took the rent money and she’d been evicted. He was brought out of his memories by Virgil’s next words.
“He says he loves me still. And he supports me no matter what I choose.”, Well that was good. Janus didn’t know what he would have done if Thomas had abandoned Virgil. It would have been unpleasant that’s for sure. Now for the hardest question.
“You have options; you don’t have to keep the baby if you don’t want to. Do you have an idea of what you want to do?”, Virgil looked up at him and Janus once again was overcome with memories of his sister. Adelaide saying that she didn’t know what she was going to do but she was keeping her baby. He and Pat letting her move in. Recording home movies for the baby. Rushing her to the hospital while she screamed in pain in his backseat. The doctor saying that she lost too much blood. Holding Virgil in his arms.
“I want to keep the baby.”, there it was. The thing that Janus had known deep down that Virgil would say from the moment he found out about the pregnancy, “I know I have options and I know I’m young and this probably seems stupid but I want this baby. I just... You took a chance on me when mom died. You and Dad weren’t looking for a kid when I was born but you took me in anyway. You took a chance on me. And I’m taking a chance on this baby.”
Janus sighed, “You’re just like your mother you know that. Just as stubborn and just as loving. And you know what? She was just as determined to have you, even if it wasn’t the best time. And I’m going to tell you the same thing I told her.”, He hugged Virgil close, “I love you so much. And if you want this baby then your dad and I will support you no matter what ok? We’ll help you out. I promise.”
Virgil smiled at him, “Really?”
Janus nodded, “Really really. Now I think you should invite Thomas over tomorrow. I want to talk to him.”. Seeing the look on Virgil’s face he added, “I’ll go easy on him. I just want to know he’ll be a good dad for my grandchild. And you two need to tell his parents.”
Virgil nodded and there was a knock at the door, “Come in.”
It was Patton, “Hey. Emile and Remy are both asleep. How is everything?”
“Well Pat, we’re going to be grandfathers.”
Patton smiled and sat down next to them both, “I see. And everything is ok?” Virgil nodded, “Yeah. Everything will work itself out.”, And at that moment Janus knew it to be true.
A/N: Unlike some of my other works, this one is going to be a series of one-shots. I think I'll be able to handle that better than chapter fic. It'll also feel more like episodes of a sitcom. I really like the feel to this and I'm open to prompts.
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frogsandcookies · 4 years
Cat Hoodies and Flirting
I bring you flirty Logan, flustered Patton, and dash of Patton angst. Accompanying this is a strange plot that takes a bunch of weird twists and platonic Prinxiety. 
Set after Moving On Parts 1 & 2
After doing his normal morning routine which consisted of washing his face, combing his hair, and changing into a suitable outfit for the day, Logan walked out of his room and down the stairs to the unusually quiet kitchen where Patton was sitting slumped over a bowl of cereal.
"I see the gift I got you fits well." Logan commented as he walked into the room, noticing Patton was wearing the cat hoodie the logical side had gifted him several days earlier. The sight of the moral side in the hoodie made Logan feel strangely proud; the look of joy on Patton's face when he had first gotten it a prize worth slaying an army for.
Patton looked up from his cereal bowl where a bunch of cheerios sat soggy in the milk, untouched. He gave a small smile, replying with,"Yeah, it's very fluffy and soft on the inside. And of course, a cat hoodie."
"I'm glad you like it." Logan said, pouring himself a cup of coffee. Patton hummed in response, turning back to his cheerios which he was pushing around with a spoon in a disinterested and distracted manner.
Logan frowned, noticing Patton's lack of energy and pep. The moral side would have normally made several puns at this point and have lectured Logan about staying up until unholy hours of the night/technically morning.
He decided that his work could wait and joined Patton at the table, the latter looking up from his cereal once again.
"Don't you have work to do?" Patton asked, trying to conceal his dejected attitude with a happy facade.
"Yes but it can wait. Patton, I notice your usually bright demeanor is more forced today, is something wrong?" Logan questioned, a concerned expression making its way onto his face.
Patton forced a smile onto his face and said,"No, everything's okay!"
Logan sighed and placed his hand on Patton's, a gesture that shocked the latter. "Patton, I might not be Deceit--er Janus but I can tell that you're lying. What's wrong?"
"I...I have romantic feelings for someone." Patton said, letting his fake smile drop as he revealed the cause for his miserable attitude.
Logan steeled, his heart aching for some reason but he kept a neutral face as he asked,"What's the matter with that?"
"I don't this person feels the same way." Patton said. Logan frowned. Anyone who didn't requite Patton's feeling was an idiot, he thought.
"I wouldn't say they're an idiot." Patton said, causing Logan to flush. "Did I say that aloud?" He asked. Patton nodded, looking a bit amused.
"I just mean, you're so amazing and thoughtful so I don't see why anyone wouldn't return your feelings." Logan elaborated, looking confused as Patton blushed.
"I'm glad you hold me in such high regards." Patton said, still flushed. Logan smiled. "Of course I do, despite our disagreements and differences, you are among my best acquaintances."
"We've known each other for decades Lo, I'd call us friends as this point." Patton said, smiling. Logan felt another wave of unexplainable sadness wash over him at the word 'friends' but kept smiling despite that.
"That makes us sound so old." Logan commented. Patton laughed, his cheery demeanor beginning to return. "Well Thomas is 28." He said.
Logan nodded, looking at Patton and their intertwined hands. He though about the strange ache that kept coming whenever Patton mentioned his crush. This wasn't the only time his heart ached like that but the common link seemed to be Patton. For some reason, whenever he and the moral side interacted, he felt unexplainably nervous, his face often burned at compliments, and further symptoms of an unknown disease showed.
Patton smiled and said,"Thanks for cheering me up, Lo."
Logan snapped out of his stupor and looked back at Patton, giving a small smile before saying,"It was my pleasure Patton. ...If you don't mind me asking, who is this person who has earned your affections?" Patton blushed once again and he said,"I'd rather not say the name but I'll describe him."
Logan nodded and Patton began talking once again. "Well he's handsome. I know that we all have the same face but all of us have different aspects that differentiate us and his just make butterflies form in my stomach."
"That's concerning, you shouldn't have insects forming in your stomach as a result of your infatuation." Logan said, frowning. "It's just a saying, it just means he causes me to be a bit nervous." Patton explained kindly.
"Ah. Well, what else do you like about him?" Logan asked, pushing down the sadness once again.
"Some people see him as cold but that's because they haven't gotten to know him. When you get to know him, you get to see how passionate he is and his caring side." Patton said, a lovesick smile gracing his lips.
"Are you talking about Virgil?" Logan asked, trying to connect the clues to a side. "What? No, he's my best friend. I don't feel anything other than platonic love for him." Patton said.
"Oh." Logan said. "What made you think I was talking about Virgil?" Patton asked.
"The description sounded a bit like him but since you have denied this then I am once again confused." Logan replied.
"Oh. Well, here's another clue of sorts. He's smart and most definitely the wisest side of Thomas." Patton said, a lovesick face once again worming its way onto the moral side's face as he thought about the side.
Logan frowned. "Deceit?" He questioned.
"No." Patton said, snapping out of his daydream at the question. "Roman? Emile? Remy?" Logan said.
"No, no, and no." Patton responded, a vaguely nervous expression making its way onto his face.
Logan was both relieved and more confused at this answer. "There's no one left, unless you're referring to someone from the Imagination though that is doubtful considering how Roman always makes sure to lock his door."
"There's one person left." Patton said softly, pulling his hand back. Logan thought for a moment before realization struck. He looked over to Patton a wide eyed expression and said,"Are you talking about me?"
Patton looked down and Logan took this as confirmation. "Why would you like me? I'm harsh and cold and emotionless and--"
Patton looked up with a serious expression. "You are not emotionless Logan. You have emotions and you don't have to hide them. Having feelings doesn't make you any less smart." He said.
"I...But why me?" Logan asked.
"I can't exactly control who I love, Lo." Patton said, looking almost embarrassed. Logan blushed a bit and said,"You love me?"
Patton flushed and said,"Uh--Yes?"
"Earlier you said I wouldn't requite your feelings, why would you assume that?" Logan asked, once again confused.
"I just--well it doesn't seem like you're interested?" Patton said, internally debating about whether to run away or keep talking with Logan.
"Oh. Well you would be wrong." Logan said. Patton looked at him with a surprised expression, his eyes fairly wide.
"Wait really?" Patton said.
Logan smiled and took Patton's hand, kissing it softly. Patton's face burned and he hid his face with his free hand. Logan smiled a bit wider and said,"Yes."
Patton blushed darker and Logan took the latter's face in his hand. "Don't hide your pretty face from me, Pat." Logan said.
"Since when were you so charming, Lo?" Patton said, his face a shade of bubblegum pink thanks to Logan's words.
"I can be romantic, I just choose not to be. But now, maybe I should do it a bit more because it seems that you are very easy to fluster." Logan quipped, winking.
"I am not that easy to fluster!" Patton said half heartedly, his complexion contradicting the statement.
"It's not a bad thing, in fact I find it quite adorable." Logan said, blushing a bit as well. "You're going to kill me. Logan, I'm going to die and when I do, you're going to kill my ghost." Patton said, smiling and blushing.
"Well then I'll just have to revive you. Will a kiss do?" Logan said. Patton sputtered for a moment before closing his mouth and nodding.
Logan laughed and pressed his lips against Patton's. They pulled away after a few seconds and Patton mumbled,"I'm going to die now. Tell my son I love him."
"Love you too dad." Virgil said, walking into the living room, Roman following behind him.
Both the moral and logic side shot up, the former asking,"How long were you watching us for?!"
"Long enough that we learned what a flirt Logan is and that you are the most blushy side in the Mindscape." Roman replied, smirking a bit.
"We also know that Logicality is now canon." Virgil added, a matching smirk adorning his face.
"Logicality?" Logan asked, him and Patton both looking equally confused.
"Logic and Morality. Logan and Patton." Virgil explained.
"Oh. OH." Patton said. "Is this one of those "ship" things you were telling me about?" Logan questioned.
"Mhm." Virgil replied, eating a couple chips.
"I told you I wasn't talking about a boat!" Patton said, smiling a bit. "Fair enough." Logan said, giving him a matching smile.
"Ew, go be romantic somewhere else. We're trying to eat." Roman said, his nose wrinkling.
"Pat and I were here first." Logan pointed out.
"Get a room." Virgil said.
"Fine. Patton, it seems we are in the presence of several heathens who don't have manners. Would you like to accompany me to my room? We could watch a movie." Logan said, turning to the shorter side.
"I would love too." Patton said, grinning. Logan smiled and said,"Perfect. Much like you."
Patton flushed again and all three of the other sides laughed. Logan offered his hand to Patton who took it and followed Logan.
"Congrats on getting together! And if you hurt dad, I will send Remus after you." Virgil said, the last part directed and Logan who nodded in understanding.
"I wouldn't dare." Logan said, giving Patton a loving look that caused the moral side to melt.
As they walked up the rest of the stairs, Virgil turned to Roman. "You owe me five bucks, I told you they'd get together by the end of the month."
"Fine though I don't see why you need the money." Roman said, fishing out his wallet from on of his pockets.
"It's more the satisfaction of winning." Virgil replied.
Roman rolled his eyes and handed Virgil a five dollar which the anxious side took and put in his hoodie pocket.
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izzyfandoms · 4 years
Logince - Curse
(This is one of 36 Halloween-themed ficlets I'm posting today! One for every sides/Remy/Emile/Thomas ship plus creativitwins!)
GENERAL TAGLIST: @quillfics42 @aj-draws @phantomofthesanderssides @phlying-squirrel @sly-is-my-name-loving-is-my-game @because-were-fam-ily @imtryingthisout @a-creepycookie @emo-disaster @littlestr @spooky-scary-virgil @fuyel @mimsidoodles @soupgremlin @aroaceagenderfluid @birdsbookshiddeninrealbirdsskin @quirkalurk @gingers-trashy-stuff @iinyxtello @justaqueercactus @melodiread @mrbubbajones @spookedferns @pun-master-logan @gayturtlez @k1ngtok1
Logan was cursed.
And he didn't mean that in an exaggerated or figurative sense. He wasn't just spectacularly unlucky, or saying that for no good reason.
He was actually, literally cursed, and had been for almost five years now.
It was how he had discovered the existence of magic. He had accidentally pissed off a witch - in hindsight, yelling at a mysterious old person following him home had probably been a mistake: if it hadn't let to a curse, it might have led to a kidnapping.
And, now, well... he was cursed.
No one could ever fall in love with him, or even develop any sort of crush on him.
It had at first seemed like a useless curse, when he was 12 and had no desire for romance. But now that he was a teenager, having had crushes on a variety of people, it was really starting to feel like a burden.
Like all curses, it could be broken, of course. Only his true love was immune to the curse, and could break it at first kiss.
But a kiss from anyone else would lead them to despise him: to hate him so much they never wanted to see him again. He had never kissed anyone, though, far too afraid of the curse to risk that.
He didn't believe he would ever find a true love, anyway.
And, honestly, Logan was skeptical that such a thing even existed.
(Though he had once felt that way about magic and witches and curses, and he had been very, very wrong about that.)
"Hey, hey, specs!" A voice called out as hand waved in front of Logan's face.
Logan snapped out of his thoughts, and his eyes suddenly landed on one of his friends, Roman, who was sat right beside him.
"Penny for your thoughts?" Roman continued with a teasing grin.
"My thoughts are worth much more than a penny," Logan huffed, crossing his arms and looking away. "You could not afford them."
Roman laughed, and Logan's heart skipped a beat in his chest.
(Oh, the joy of hearing the laughter of one who you adore. And, oh, the pain of a love thought unrequited.)
"It's your turn to spin," Roman said, gesturing to the bottle that was in the centre of their little group.
Remy - who was sat opposite Logan - let out an irritated huff, likely rolling his eyes behind his dark sunglasses.
"The bottle landed on you," Remy said, gesturing towards it. "So now you gotta spin it, and then kiss whoever it lands on, kay? C'mon, we haven't got all day. I haven't had a turn yet, hurry up."
Logan opened and closed his mouth a few times.
Roman turned and half-heartedly glared at Remy.
"Don't be a jerk, Rem. He doesn't have to play if he doesn't want to," Roman scolded. "Calm down."
"Well, why's he in the circle then?" Remy huffed, unaware of the fact that Logan had been so lost in thought, that he hadn't known what he'd agreed to. "Oh, whatever. I'll just spin for him."
Before Logan could stop him, Remy leant forward and spun the bottle. It spun and it spun and it spun and Logan was practically hypnotised by the long, turning movement, before it finally slowed to a stop...
... pointing at Roman.
There was a beat of silence, where Roman and Logan's eyes met, and both of their faces reddened as they stared at one another.
Then, Remus - who was sat right next to his brother - howled with laughter.
"Ha! Oh my god, that's hilarious."
Remy laughed, too, and Patton - who was sat between Remus and Remy - put his hand over his mouth to hide his own giggles out of politeness.
"You- you don't have to," Roman stumbled over his words. "If you don't want to. It's okay."
Logan had never wanted something more in his whole life. And he had never not wanted something more, either.
Kissing Roman... was something he dreamt about practically every night. He was head over heels - having so deeply fallen for Roman that it almost hurt to look at him.
He wanted to kiss him. He really, really wanted to kiss him.
But, if he did... then Roman would hate him. Roman would despise him.
He didn't want that.
He really, really didn't want that.
But... there was a small, totally illogical part of Logan's brain that told him that maybe it didn't matter. If Roman wasnt going to love him back anyway, maybe making him hate him would be easier.
And one kiss would be better than the nothing he would get otherwise.
Logan made his decision, and decided to act upon it before he could actually think it through and change his mind.
(Roman had been trying to get Logan to loosen up and be more impulsive for a while. Logan doubted that this was what Roman had intended, but he chose not to think about that any longer.)
"Okay," Logan said.
Roman's eyes widened. "Really? Okay?"
Logan nodded. "Yes, okay. I- I don't see the harm in just one kiss."
(Logan knew that Roman knew that he'd never kissed anyone before, quite unlike Roman himself. Perhaps that was why Roman was so hesitant.)
"Yes, okay! Do this quickly so I can have my turn," Remy said, clapping his hands together.
"You do realise that you do not decide when you have a turn, right?" Logan said flatly. "It is entirely random."
Remy blew a raspberry, waving his hand dismissively.
"Well, I'm never gonna get a turn if you two take so long. Now, c'mon, smooch so we can get this over with."
"Uh..." Roman trailed off, giving Logan a questioning look despite his earlier confirmation.
Logan nodded, taking a deep breath to prepare himself. Then, he shifted forward, closer to Roman.
He wasn't sure exactly what to do, especially since he had no experience kissing anybody, but, luckily, Roman seemed to understand this and took the first step. He reached up, gently taking Logan's face in his hands.
Roman paused for a moment, hesitating, before he leant in and kissed Logan.
The moment his warm, soft lips met Logan's, something shattered inside of him. For one, terrible moment, he thought it was his heart breaking.
But then he realised that he wasn't hurting. Instead, he was... happy.
So, so happy.
And when Roman pulled away, Logan didn't have time to feel any kind of dread.
He opened his eyes as Roman pulled back, looking into Roman's. He searched for any kind of hatred, but... there was nothing of the sort.
Roman was looking at him so fondly, so softly, that he couldn't possibly hate him.
Logan did not understand.
Until he did.
His eyes widened.
Before he could say anything - though he had absolutely no idea what he could even say - he was interrupted by Remus wolf-whistling.
"Ha! Get a room you two," he called out.
Roman turned and glared at his brother, breaking the moment between him and Logan.
"Shut it, Remus."
Logan... did not know what to think.
Roman didn't hate him. Roman did not hate him.
Roman... kissed him, and did not hate him.
Was the curse broken? If so, did that mean... did that mean...
Logan stared at Roman, and as the game continued - their friends moving on from the two of them - Roman turned to look back at him. He gave Logan a soft, fond smile that gave Logan wonderful butterflies in his stomach.
Roman... did Roman break Logan's curse?
Was Roman his true love?
Did Roman love Logan?
Logan reached forward, taking Roman's hand in his own and squeezing it.
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imjustkindafloating · 4 years
Starry Eyed Boy, Part 4
Summary: Virgil settles into his room. Roman joins the picture. Logan and Roman have a conversation.
Pairings:  Pre-Romantic Analogical / Eventual Analogical, Established Royality (if you squint)
Word Count: 1,055
Warnings:  Anxiety over small things, dissociation, if i need to add, lmk.
Notes:  Sorry that this took so long, family things happened.  I had a death in the family and i dont really have much motivation to do much.  thank you for sticking around <3.
Taglist: @shitpost-sides @gothybubby @rainbowbowtie @hikarisakurariver @singularthoughtofstatic @supersoftsupersleep @gabrieldoesstuff @justthatamount 
     Emile was nice and somehow knew too much about cartoons from earth.  Once Virgil has asked his questions and only sometimes got his answers, he was shown to his room.  As the guard that escorted him to his chambers and he opened the door, Virgil let out a loud gasp.  
    “Is everything okay, sir?”  The guard asked.  The guard had ginger hair down to his shoulders emerald green eyes.  He was slightly tan and had markings on his face that seemed to glow red.  Virgil nodded and the taller man led Virgil into the room.  As Virgil looked around he mumbled, “Whats your name?” to the guard.
    “Mine?  Oh, my name is Roman P. Kingsleigh.  My purpose here is to make sure you and Logan are protected and safe as you adjust to Arteska.  Not that the kingdom is dangerous.  I am one of the head guards here, you see.  I’m positive that is why Emile appointed me this position.”
    “I thought Logan said he could protect us?”
    “He can, but that’s not his purpose as your tutor.  Emile didn’t think it fair for Logan to do multiple jobs when his first motivation should be your education on the planet, among other things.”  
    “Oh...”  Virgil said, as his eyes drooped slightly.  He didn’t have anything worthwhile to say and he felt a bit too sluggish to respond.  Roman seemed to understand, though.  
     “I’ll leave you be now, sir.  Please, get some sleep.  Tomorrow, you will get the tour of the palace and city.”  Roman said as he turned to the door and with one more, “Fairfarren!” he left the room and slowly closed the door. 
     Virgil only started to actually focus on how tired he was after he heard the click of the door shutting.  He thought it surprising how simplistic the castle was.  Maybe it was just old or maybe Emile liked the simpler things.  Virgil probably wouldn’t admit it to anyone, but he was excited about the tour tomorrow.  Whether it was because he knew it would be Logan showing him the wonders or because of the actual city, he’ll never say.  
     Virgil found his luggage on the end of his bed.  He grabbed his suitcase and moved it to the dresser opposite his bed.  The dresser had a large, what Virgil assumed, TV on it.  The TV was paper thin and seemingly made of glass.  As Virgil opened the door, he found clothes already inside.  A thought shot through his skull.  What if Roman showed you to the wrong room?  Virgil quickly shut it down as he flicked through the clothes.  They seemed brand new, and Virgil found himself smiling at the colors of the clothes.  Purple, black, purple, black, gray, black and so on and so on.  Virgil assumed Logan had sent some sort of message to Emile on Virgil’s fashion choices.
     He decided to leave his other clothes in his bag and pulled out some pajamas from his suitcase, not willing to risk wearing something he wasn’t 100% was his.  He was 95% sure but not completely and he didn’t want to risk it.  The t-shirt had a few holes in it and the pants felt too small, but they were familiar.  They smelt like coconut and coffee body wash he used before he got onto the ship.  As he climbed into the too big bed, he thought of how odd it felt here.  It felt like home, and he hasn’t felt that since he was a kid.
     Logan stirred the drink in his hand around the glass.  A knock on the door.  Confirmation to enter.  Red and white sitting in front of him.  Two snaps.
     Wait.  Two?  He blinked twice and his eyes focused again.  Roman was sitting in front of him with his head slightly tilted.  
    “--gan.  Hey, hi.  Are you back?”  Roman asked, his eyebrows furrowed together.  Logan nodded once and slowly took a drink of his tea.  Roman leaned back against the chair and nodded as his eyes drifted around the room.
    “Well... how was it?  Earth?  Is it like Sir Emile says?”  Roman asked quietly, a glint in his eye, and the corner of his lips twitched upwards.  Logan smirked and said, “There were golden fields, the trains puffed out smoke from their engines and the city lights looked like artificial stars.  Before me and Virgil left, he showed me around his city.  It started to rain and we were making our way back to his living quarters.  The cars on the road made the puddles splash onto the sidewalk and when one splashed my shoe, I looked away from him.  When I looked back up, he had his arms out and he smiled at the sky.  I’m sure I looked strange, standing in the rain with sunglasses on.  He--” looked at me strange.  Logan coughed, and Romans eyes glinted with something other than curiosity.  “Earthlings are quite strange.  I’d love for you and Patton to go one day.”  
     “Logan, I’ve known you for years.  He is quite...”  Roman leaned forward, settling his elbows on his knees and holding his hands together.  “Cute?  Is he not?”
     Logan paused for a moment.  He blinked.  Virgil had once compared this to a ‘blue screen’.  He still didn’t understand what he had in common with a screen.  He blinked once more.
    “Oh.  That’s what that is.”  Logan mumbled.  He slumped into his sofa more.  He heard Romans deep chuckling but ignored it.  The corner of his smile quirked upwards.  He took a drink.  
     “Now, that’s quite the development.”  He spoke, as he pushed himself into a healthier sitting position.  Roman huffed out a laugh once more and nodded.  
    “Only two weeks, it took, to woo you.  Fate, perhaps.”
    “You know I don’t believe in your silly little work arounds to pure chance.  I will admit, maybe he did woo me... but fate doesn’t exist.”  Logan sipped at his drink.  Roman shrugged.
     “So what are you going to do about it?”  Roman inquired.  Logan took another, longer drink from his cup.
    “If he shows signs that he reciprocates feelings, I will let it be known how I feel, but I’d hate to force anything on him.  He’s already so worried about everything.  I don’t want to overwhelm him.”  Logan said, matter-of-factly.  Roman nodded.  
    “Still seems to me that it is fate.”
    “It’s not fate, you oaf.”
     Roman laughed.
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transromansanders · 4 years
We Can Live Forever, If You’ve Got the Time: Chapter One: Roman’s Life Does a Backflip Unsuccessfully
AO3: Link
WC: 3,229
Ships: Rosleepxiety, Intrulogical, Moceit, Pintroverts
Warnings (chapter): homophobia, gun violence, minor character death, blood
A/N: Hey, So this has been in the works for a while. I’m finally in a place motivation-wise where I feel like I can get out at least the second chapter in a timely manner. Also! I’m looking for someone to beta read for errors in grammar and continuity. If you feel the urge to volunteer, please do so, I need help ;-;
Chapter 1 under the cut
"Daddy!" a small voice whisper-yelled. Roman groaned, rolling onto his back from his side. "Daddy!" the little voice whined. Roman managed a sleepy smile, but then little hands and knees were pressing into his bare chest and stomach. 
"Oof! Emile, you little monster," he groaned, capturing the three-year-old in his arms and rolling back onto his side with Emile next to him, between himself and Alandria, who was snoring, her dark hair framing her face and haloing out on her pillows. Her steel-grey eyes were hidden behind closed lids, and she smacked her lips when Emile rolled over and poked at her face. Roman wished he loved his wife.
Roman spared a look at the alarm clock on his bedside table, groaning again at the time: 3:43 AM on a Monday. "Can we sleep a little longer, Bud?" Roman asked Emile tiredly. 
Emile nodded, turning over to face his dad again and curling up against his chest. 
Roman wrapped an arm around his son with a smile, pressing a soft kiss to the top of Emile's head. Then he dozed back off again. 
Roman smacked at the alarm clock as it blared at him, whining softly. Finally, he managed to turn it off, and he began sitting up, rubbing at his eyes.
Next to him, Emile sat up as well with a cute little yawn and Alandria was running a hand over her face, looking at her husband and son with a little smile. "Good morning," she slurred sleepily.
Roman chuckled. "'Morning, sleepyhead."
"Mommy!" cheered Emile, crawling on top of her now. 
She groaned a little, sitting up to hold him in her lap. Roman stood, bare toes curling for a moment against the cold white floor. The whole house was cold, cold and impersonal. Roman wished it was warmer. He wished Emile had a home, as a child ought to have. 
He lifted the blinds so the sunlight could shine in.
Then he turned back to the bed, smiling. "I'm going to make us some breakfast. How does cinnamon toast sound?" 
Emile cheered, and Alandria smiled and nodded. Roman clapped his hands together, grabbed a shirt, and headed to the kitchen, pulling the garment on. 
Soon they were sitting around the table with plates of cinnamon toast with fresh fruit in front of them. Emile ate messily, getting strawberry juice and cinnamon-sugar all over his face and hands. Alandria got a wet paper towel and cleaned him up. 
Then they were off, Roman and Alandria going to shower and get dressed, Emile sat in front of the TV with cartoons on until one of them got to him to make him put on real clothes rather than pajamas.
Roman showered and dressed first, in a pale red button-up, a black tie, and khakis with black leather shoes. Once he was done, he scooped up Emile, ignoring his protests and wiggling. "Come on, Emmy, gotta get dressed. Then you can ask Mommy if you can watch more cartoons."
Emile let Roman maneuver him out of his pajamas and into a shirt and some pants, giggling away the whole time. Roman poked his nose when he was done. "I bet Mommy's dressed now. Wanna go ask if you can watch more cartoons?"
Emile nodded vigorously and went in search of Alandria, while Roman poured a thermos of coffee to take with him.
Alandria and Emile met him at the door, off to run some errand or another. 
"I'll see you tonight," Roman said, pressing a kiss to the top of Emile's head. 
"Love you," Alandria said. 
"Bye," Roman answered. 
"Roman!" Patton Casey greeted. 
"Morning, Pat!"
That was the extent of his usual personal interactions with the red-haired receptionist, though he relied heavily on Patton for matters of business. 
He walked into his shared office, and his partner, Logan Hubbard, was, of course, already there.
"Did you hear about the execution tomorrow?" Logan asked. 
Roman raised an eyebrow. "What execution?" 
"It's a teenager. They say he was stirring up rebellion among the other youths. And he's openly gay," Logan mentioned. Logan was Roman's closest friend, and one of two people in the whole world who knew Roman's secret. But he had the exact same secret, too. 
"Shit," Roman remarked. "Are we going?" 
"You are scheduled to be there on behalf of the Governor's office, so yes, you are, but I am staying here," Logan answered. 
"Damn, can we trade?" Roman asked. 
"Not a chance in hell. Get to work, Picani."
Roman sighed and set about his daily tasks.
One thing that came across his desk caught his eye. An execution order for one Thomas Sanders, age 15… He signed it with a grimace on behalf of his boss, then scanned it and sent it to the other Governors' offices. 
Soon lunchtime rolled around. He ate with Logan, and he longed for one of their nights out in the underground gay bars that dotted the bad parts of the city. He and Logan had tried the secretly dating thing, after Logan had started this job, when they'd run into each other at one of said bars. It hadn't worked out; they were better as friends. Today, they talked about how Emile had woken Roman early and different ways Logan had read about to keep kids from doing that. Logan did not have a wife or children; he just liked to read. And, truly, he did want to be a parent one day. That was one thing Roman knew about him from their drunken nights together in Logan's apartment early in Roman's marriage. 
When lunch was over, they had a meeting. With Governor Baines. Roman hated those. Governor Baines was a thin, gaunt man with balding grey hair. His skin may as well have been grey, too, with how pale he was. 
The conference room was grey as well, unrelentingly so. Roman and Logan each told him the notable things that had been delivered to the office. Governor Baines often asked in a dull voice what they had just said and if they could repeat themselves. 
"Oh, and the Sanders execution order came in today," Roman said, trying not to wince. 
"Sanders…" Governor Baines mumbled. "Tell me about this Sanders."
"He's fifteen years old," Roman told him. No reaction. Roman sighed. "He's openly gay and has incited rebellion among the kids at his school."
"I presume you signed it."
"Yes, Governor Baines."
"Good lad, Picano." 
Roman frowned a little when the Governor got his name wrong. But he didn't correct him. 
Then the meeting was over. The next several hours were filled with filing and organizing. Roman talked at Logan about a TV show he and Alandria were watching as they worked. When he finally left, giving a little goodbye to Patton, he was exhausted. It was a good job, but not a fun one. 
"Daddy!" Emile cried as Roman opened the door, his tie loose around his neck. Roman laughed and bent down to catch the speeding toddler. 
"Hi, Emmy! There's my little man!"
"Hi, honey!" Alandria called from the kitchen. 
"Oh, let me help!" Roman offered, carrying Emile into the kitchen. "What can I do?" 
"Get the chicken in the pan, babe?" Alandria requested. 
Emile played on the floor as his parents cooked dinner. 
"How was your day?" Roman asked when they were finally sat down to eat. 
"Oh, fine," Alandria said. "We just did some shopping, then Emile and I worked some more on the alphabet, isn't that right, Em?" 
Emile nodded excitedly. "I can go all the way to 'O'! Listen! A, B, C, D, E, F, um, G, H, I, J, K, um… M N O!"
"You skipped 'L', Baby, but very good job," Alandria said as Roman clapped. 
Emile giggled and went back to his food. 
Roman didn't know what else to say, nor did Alandria, and Emile was too busy eating to keep up the conversation. So the rest of dinner passed in silence. 
When Alandria was finished, she wiped her hands and face on a paper napkin, then stood up. "Okay, Em, bathtime!" 
Roman was going to offer to do it, but something stopped him. He wasn't sure what, just that they needed this time together, but he just finished his meal, letting them go. When he was done, he went and got into pajamas and got the show he was watching with Alandria queued up. Finally, he met Alandria outside Emile's bedroom to put him to bed. 
They wrestled him into pajamas, Emile giggling and squirming the whole time. Then Roman scooped him up and dumped him on the bed, chuckling. "Okay, Monster. What story do you want tonight?" 
"The Tortoise and the Hare!" Emile cried, and Alandria retrieved it from the shelf. 
Roman opened the book and began reading in a silly voice. Emile yawned. 
By the time Roman was done, Emile was sound asleep. 
Roman quietly put the book up and crept out of the room with Alandria. 
They sat down on the couch and started their show, the TV on a low volume. Two episodes went by before they decided to go to sleep, wordlessly. They crawled into bed, and Roman was out in moments. 
"They're having an execution today," Alandria said the next morning after Roman had gotten dressed in his white button-up, khaki pants, dark red tie, and black dress shoes. 
He had to wince. "I know. You're not taking Emile, are you?" 
"Why wouldn't I? It's a part of life. He has to learn these things at some point," Alandria said. 
Roman sighed and nodded. He didn't want to argue. "Maybe I'll see you there. I'm scheduled to go."
The drive to work felt long. He stared at the road ahead of him, feeling irritated for a reason he couldn't place. 
Then he was walking into work, coffee in hand.
"'Morning, Pat," he said, voice a bit strained. 
"Good morning, Roman," Patton answered, sounding concerned. But Roman had ducked into his office before Patton could ask.
"Good morning, Roman," Logan echoed Patton. 
Roman just grunted, sitting down at his desk.
The rest of the morning went along monotonously. Then it was time for lunch. And the execution. He ate, but he didn't taste. He honestly wouldn't have had any idea what he was eating if it hadn't been labelled 'cranberry spinach salad'. 
Then he drove to the Execution Courtyard. The parking was a nightmare, as always on execution days. He spotted Alandria's car. 
It took him a little bit to find his wife and son, as they were toward the other side of the crowd from the parking lot. "Hi!" he greeted, taking Emile from his wife when the child reached for him with a squeal of "Daddy!"
It was about time for the execution to start. So where…? They were near the entrance where the guards would bring in the prisoner. That's when Roman realized what was happening. There was the boy, Thomas, and another guy, beautiful, with dark hair and sharp features, small and cute, but harsh-looking… and the guards on the ground, and a gun pointed at Thomas. The other guy was trying to pull the teenager away. The gun turned to him. Later, Roman couldn't have said why he'd done it. But suddenly, he was between the man and the gun, Emile gently placed on the ground next to him. And Alandria was between Roman and the gun before the guard had the chance to fire. 
Roman, surprised to not be dead, covered in a spray of blood, and largely in shock, picked up his son quickly and cradled him close to his chest, not letting him see his mother on the ground. 
"Come with us!" the dark-haired man hissed, grabbing Roman's arm and dragging him and Thomas through alleyways. Roman followed numbly, clinging to his son, who was crying in fear and confusion. They stopped in a dead-end alleyway behind some dumpsters. "Can you get that kid to quiet down?" their savior asked impatiently. 
Thomas held out his arms wordlessly, and Roman hesitantly passed Emile over. The toddler quieted pretty quickly, sticking his thumb in his mouth and curling up against Thomas's chest. 
"We stay here for two hours, 'til things quiet down, then our ride comes. Get comfortable," the other man said. He looked to be about Roman's age, now that Roman had time to really look. 
"Who are you?" Thomas asked slowly. 
The man held up a finger to his lips urgently, and several guards ran past their alleyway. A few moments passed, then he said quietly, "Name's Virgil. I work with some people who have a vested interest in keeping you alive, Thomas. Now, I want to know who he is."
Roman gulped. "Um, my name is Roman Picani… I work for Governor Baines's office… except I probably don't do that anymore."
"Probably not," agreed Virgil. "Someone, uh… Someone did get shot back there… Do you know—"
"My wife," Roman said, trying unsuccessfully to blink back tears. 
Thomas gasped softly. "I'm so sorry…"
"Can we not talk about it in front of my son?" Roman requested, and Virgil nodded in agreement, looking away. 
"Well, you'll be wanted now, Roman. Looks like you and the kid are stuck with us."
Roman nodded slowly, taking a deep breath. "I just ruined my life…" he said softly. 
"Maybe…" Virgil answered quietly. 
"If it makes you feel any better, I ruined mine a few weeks ago," Thomas contributed. 
Roman couldn't help a small, bitter chuckle at that. "So… what now?" 
"I'll leave it to Patton to explain that," Virgil answered. 
"Patton… Not Patton Casey?" Roman asked. 
"Yep, Patton Casey. My big brother," Virgil said. "You already know him from the office, then."
Roman didn't know Patton had a brother. And apparently, Roman didn't know a lot of things about Patton, as he was to find out when Patton pulled up at the entrance to the alleyway two hours later in a non-descript black car. 
Patton was surprised to see Roman and his son, to say the least. "V, what happened?" 
"Almost got shot," Virgil answered quietly. "Roman here tried to take the bullet. His wife took it instead."
Patton covered his mouth with a hand in shock. "Oh, Roman, I'm so sorry." 
Roman just took his son back from Thomas silently as they quickly got into the car. 
"Well, um…" Patton said. "I guess… Welcome to The Resistance."
The Resistance headquarters was a dilapidated house next to Housing Development Number 1. Patton led them all inside, having put Thomas in a baggy hoodie so he wouldn't be recognized. They stopped in the kitchen. The walls were painted yellow, the cabinets were white, and the appliances were old. The backsplash was a gaudily painted tile, and the countertops were light blue porcelain. There was a battered wooden table with mismatched chairs in the corner. 
"Alright, Thomas. You can take the room next to Virgil's and mine. Roman and Emile the one next to that," Patton said. "Sorry it's not that much, guys, but… it's what we have." He sighed. "This is always the hardest part. Settling in, getting all new clothes and things. Don't worry, Roman; we can get some toys for Emile." 
Roman nodded, holding the now-sleeping toddler closer to his chest. 
"You'll stay here for as long as you like, Roman. Until you're settled into this new life, then we can move you to another safehouse that's not so close to the action," Virgil said. 
Roman raised an eyebrow. "Exactly how big is this operation?" 
"Oh, we have branches all over the country," Patton answered. "This is just HQ for our province's branch."
"Who's in charge here?" Thomas asked. 
"You're lookin' at 'im, Kiddo!" Patton said cheerfully. 
Roman sputtered for a moment. Sweet Patton was the head of The Resistance in Shaw Province?!
"What?" Patton asked, directing his attention to Roman. He kept up his cheery demeanor as he asked, "Thought I was just the mild-mannered receptionist?" There was a hint of amusement to his tone. "Come on, we'll show you your rooms, then, um… then you can go take a shower, Roman," he said, gesturing for Thomas and Roman to follow him. "Virgil, send Gio or Perce to the store for clothes. Oh! What sizes are you guys?" 
Thomas and Roman listed off their clothing sizes, then Roman told them Emile's size as well. Virgil wrote it all down on a pad of paper he grabbed from the table. 
"Got it. See ya at dinner, Pat," Virgil said with a little wave. 
Patton showed Roman his and Emile's room, and Roman laid Emile down on the bed. The room was fairly empty, aside from bookshelves. When Roman looked a little closer, he realized it was mostly banned books. 
He turned back to Patton and Thomas in the doorway, and Patton looked nervous. 
"Um, Roman, there's something I haven't told you…"
Roman bristled a little, unsure what to expect at this point. 
Patton took a deep breath. "Your brother, Remus, he works with us sometimes."
"Remus… God, I haven't seen him in… years…" Roman mused sadly. 
"I know. He told me," Patton said, sounding sad. 
Roman nodded. "I… I need to rest…"
Patton nodded. "Of course. But shower first, okay? The bathroom is the door just across from this one. You can borrow some of my clothes for now. Should I wake you for dinner?"
Roman shook his head. "No, no, I'll eat in the morning," he answered. 
Patton smiled worriedly. "Okay, well… I'll go get you those clothes!"
"Goodnight," Thomas said before he and Patton left. 
Roman kicked off his shoes and sat down on the bed, petting Emile's hair; the toddler whined but didn't wake.
Soon, Patton was knocking on the door. Roman stepped outside and closed the door behind him. 
"Thanks, Patton," he said as he took the clothes Patton held out to him. 
"Are you okay?" Patton asked gently. 
Roman nodded slowly, taking a deep breath. "Yeah, yeah, I just…" He sighed, running his free hand through his hair. "...What about Emile? What is he gonna do? I can't send him to school, he doesn't have his mother anymore, he can't go home…" The tears spilled over, and Patton was quick to hug him. 
"Hey, hey, it's going to be okay, Kiddo," Patton said, rubbing Roman's back. "I know it's a lot, but it's gonna be okay."
Roman wiped roughly at his eyes. "Don't get me wrong, I'm… I'm glad Virgil is okay, I just…" He sniffled. "I've sacrificed my life for his."
Patton nodded sympathetically. "...Roman, do you believe that the government we live under is oppressive?"
Roman laughed bitterly through his tears. "I'm a gay man who's spent my prime married to a woman I didn't have any feelings for. I've signed death warrants for people like me and Thomas for a living for years. I know we live in an oppressive system."
"Maybe you should stay with us, then. Fight it," Patton suggested. 
"I'd like to… I have to do what's best for my son… I just need to figure out what that is," Roman bemoaned. 
"Well… We're all here to help. You're not alone," Patton assured him. "Shower and get some rest."
And Roman did. 
For the second night in a row, he was asleep within moments of his head hitting the pillow, exhausted.
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What’s Your Name (Chapter 3)
Title: Meme Coffee and Deals
Summery: Virgil and Logan flirt, Virgil give Critic and Emile the brother talk, and we finally meet Patton’s boyfriend!
Ships: Analogical, RemyxCriticxEmile, Moceit
Warning: teasing, threats, foreshadowing, pastshadowing(?), obvious gays being oblivious, biting
-let me know if I need to add more warnings-
(please give some love to my wonderful cowriter @star-crossed-shipper, as well as @kuroyurishion, who has given me quite a few ideas for future chapters!)
/Ari_The_Storyteller’s comment made me come up with some of the dialogue in this chapter, so thank you!\
<Everyone go praise @winterknight1087, because if it wasn’t for them and some very helpful ideas, I probably wouldn’t have finished this chapter >
*if you want, message me or comment with theories of what happens next! I’ll credit you of course, I just want readers input on how the story should go!*
Virgil woke up to the sound of ‘Mr. Sandman’ by The Chordettes.
“Bum bum bum bum bum bum bum-“
“Hey Remy, what’s up?” Virgil answered his phone, still sleep deprived and trying to make up for it.
“Gurl, wake up! It’s almost 10:30, and you have to be here by 11 for a brunch to meet my new baes!”
Virgil shot up at Remy’s words. “When the hell was this planned?”
“Around 9 last night when Emile, Critic, and I all did a group call. They want to see you. So get your skinny behind here now!”
Remy hung up and Virgil threw his phone on the bed while frantically running around his dorm, trying to find something to wear.
Once dressed, he grabbed his phone, wallet, and booked it all the way to Bitchin’ Brews.
The clock on the wall above the counter said 10:45. ‘Huh, new record.’
The hot barista from yesterday is staring at Virgil. “Salutations. You just couldn’t wait to see me, hmm?”
Virgil was bended over, catching his breath. But he still found the strength to flip the barista off.
He heard a slight chuckle, then Remy exploded out of the office. He ran to Virgil and scooped him up.
“Anxie! You came! And in record time, what did you do, run the whole way here?”
Virgil struggled out of Remy’s embrace, and then nodded.
“Yes you dumbass! And I still can’t breath, so no hugging!”
Remy walked backwards with his hands in the air, a sign of surrender.
“Fine fine. Now, Emile and Critic will be here at 11:25, so you have a little while to fix your hair and choose your drink!”
Virgil almost smacked him. “Bitch, the whole reason I ran here was because you said they would be here at 11!”
Remy, with no apparent fear of death, walked up to Virgil and whispered in his ear.
“Yes, I lied. But now you can flirt with your future boyfriend! Have fun!”
Before Virgil could reach up to properly strangle Remy, Remy rushes off to his office. “Order you anything babe. It’s on the house.”
Virgil scowls, and Remy’s giggles can still be heard after he shut the door.
Virgil turns to the barista, who raises his eyebrow.
“So Babe, what will it be?”
Virgil points threateningly at the barista and stalks over. Which, in all honesty, would have been a lot more intimidating if Virgil’s hair wasn’t a mess of a mop and his breathing wasn’t still off.
“Don’t even with me right now. That is not my name, so don’t call me that. I barely allow Rem to call me that!”
The barista crossed his arms a leaned forwards. “Oh? So are you going to tell me your name then?”
The barista blinked. “Really?” He asked, tilting his head. Logan didn’t entirely believe the suspicion stranger, but if Anxiety was willing to drop the whole, ‘I-don’t-find-you-attractive-and-am-keeping-my-name-to-myself’ charade, Logan would gladly say he was wrong.
Violently rolling his eyes, Virgil sighs. “No, but you can call me Anx. One ‘Fuck You Frappe’ please.”
Shaking his head, Logan set to making the drink and thinking. Remy gave him permission to flirt, and he is going to use that permission to his full advantage.
Once Logan is done with the drink, he holds it out and sees an opportunity. He smirks, pulls the drink back at the last second, and intertwines his and Virgil’s fingers instead.
Virgil, who just fixed his hair and calmed down, was now more red then the pepper decorated bean bag Remy insisted was a necessary seat.
“How about this pretty boy. You tell me your name, and I’ll take you out on a date.”
Virgil pulls his hand away and holds it up to his chest. He glares at Logan, but isn’t able to put much heat into his gaze, because it is all in his cheeks.
“Nope. Nuhu, no way. Not gonna happen.” He also shakes his head, as if to drive the point home.
The barista looks unconvinced, and Virgil gets an idea.
“So, What is YOUR name?”
Logan stare at Virgil, dumbfounded. ‘That’s new.’
“No. I am not telling you my name until you tell me yours. I asked first.”
Virgil scofts, pitting his hand on his hip. “Well, I’m obviously going to learn yours first.”
Logan leans close to Virgil, and smirks. “Is that so?”
“Yes. Now hand me my frappe, I need a drink.”
Logan gave Virgil the frappe, but grabbed his hand when he turned to leave.
“How about a wager than? If I learn your name first, you go out on a date with me. And if you learn my name first...”
Logan pauses, and then gets a sad look across his face. “I know what you would want. If you learn my name first, I’ll leave you alone.”
Logan looks extremely crestfallen, and Virgil realizes that he doesn’t want that. Blushing, he blurts out...
“Or you could give me your number.”
Virgil slapped a hand over his mouth, and stared at the barista.
Logan stared back, openmouthed, then slowly started to smirk.
“Oh, so now you want my number?”
Virgil narrowed his eyes than huffed a breath. “I just... don’t despise you company and wouldn’t mind keeping it, but if you don’t want me to have it...”
“No!” Logan rushes out. “That’s not what I meant. But a number does seem like a rather weak prize, so how about we exchange numbers now, and I will grant you one magical wish that I am capable of preforming?”
It was Virgil’s turn to stare openmouthed. A fae wish was nothing to take lightly. The fae hated being indebted to people, and could grant the wisher anything they desired, without the trickery that comes with genies.
Logan smirked and tapped Virgil’s chin with his finger, making Virgil snap his mouth closed.
“So... do we have a deal? First person to find out the others name and call them by it wins?”
Virgil was thoughtful for a moment or two, then nodded.
As soon as the two shook hands, they shivered from magic entering them. A dark blue rope of magic intertwined with a deep purple rope, sealing the two together then poofing away in a burst of glitter before evaporating.
Virgil and Logan stared at eachother, and then someone cleared their throat behind them.
Virgil whirled around, wrenching his hand from Logan as if he got caught with his hand in the cookie jar... in a cookie factory. And his pants were down. And on fire. Virgil looked up at the balking couple standing in the doorway.
“Pat, Jan, hi! How are you doing, how long have you been standing there? Please don’t be mad!” Virgil rambles out while rushing up and hugging them both.
Patton squeezed Virgil while trying not to squeal, and Janus hugged Virgil while glaring at Logan.
“Hey kiddo! How have you been? I’m guessing you took my advice from yesterday.” Patton giggled then skipped over to the counter.
Virgil stared at Patton, trying his best to communicate ‘please shut up, please no more, please drop it’.
Janus clasped Virgil on the shoulder, and Virgil realized he was mentally begging the wrong person.
With a smile bordering on simply bearing teeth, Janus started leading Virgil towards the counter and Patton.
“Why would we be mad? Is there someone who deserves our anger? You always told us how much you distrust fae, and would never make a deal with them, so should I take this gentleman outside for a chat?”
Janus spoke in a calm and even tone, almost light, but his expression was becoming murderous.
“Nope! No, no need for a chat, communication is all good on my part! You were watching so you know that we were just basically...” Virgil trailed off, looking for the right word to describe the interaction without making Janus turn Mr. Hyde.
“Flirting!” Patton suppled. Virgil stutters, and Remy walks out of his office where he was watching the whole interaction on the cameras.
“Before you even try to deny it, you were flirting, I was watching.”
Virgil pauses to process that amount of betrayal.
Taking advantage of Virgil’s silence, Janus turned to Logan.
“So you made a deal to find out my purple friends true name, hmm? And just why would you do that? Running out of victims to enchant?”
“Deceit, drop it.” Remy growls out. Typically Remy and Janus were super close knit friends, but Remy will not stand for someone insulting his employees.
“No no, it’s fine. Deceit is clearly close with Anx, and I can understand his worries from Anx’s reservations.” Logan then turns to Deceit and looks him straight in the eyes, holding contact.
“I want Anx’s true name because I find him immensely attractive, and he holds wonderfully intriguing conversations with me. I am willing to work for his name though, and I already have Remy’s permission to court him, may I have both of y’alls?”
Janus looked faintly impressed at Logan’s ability to hold his own. Virgil was glaring at Remy, who apparently ‘gave permission?’ Like, what the fuck?!
Patton looked extremely pleased with this whole ordeal, and grabbed Logan’s hand to shake it.
“Well, you seem like a wonderfully sweet person who cares for my little Anxie immensely after only knowing him for a short time, so you have my blessing! My names Patton, by the way. I’m a Cupid!”
Janus facepalmed while Logan just smiled, not looking the least bit surprised. Rolling his eyes, Janus decided to go ahead and cede.
“If you are enough for Remy and my boyfriend, then I guess I can tolerate you. My name is Janus, and I am a Gorgonial Shapeshifter. Which, before you ask, means I can only turn into snake like creatures.” Patton releases Logan hand and Janus immediately grabs and squeezes it. Hard.
“And if you ever so much as spill a bit of coffee onto his hand, I will kill you.”
Janus looked calm, Logan looked unnerved, Patton looked exasperated, Virgil was trying to compute the last 10 minutes and looked confused, and Remy was staring at the door that just opened.
“Emile! Critic! Hey babes, how are y’all feeling? Ready to meet my friends?”
They walked forwards in almost synchronize steps, and Critic tilted his head.
“Why do I feel like I just walked into the peace after the Cold War?”
“Because you basically did. Hey Critic, Hey Emile. Find any new interesting emotions?” Janus asked, trying to keep the delicate peace.
“Yeah! Right now those two are giving off a mixture of pinning, anxiety, want, fear, and curiosity.” Emile said while waggling his finger back and forth between Virgil and Logan.
Everyone blanched, staring at the two, and Logan asked, “How?~”
Critic spoke up to explain, since Emile ran into Remy’s arms and kissed him on the cheek.
“Emile is a Animi Motus Siren. Animi Motus means emotions in Latin, so he is basically a Siren that adheres specifically to emotions.”
“Wow,” Virgil said, “no wonder you are the top student therapist!”
Emile nodded but looked a little shy. “Yeah, my gift can sure come in handy! Now, how about some coffee!”
“But of course. Salutations, welcome to Bitchin’ Brews, what would you like to drink?”
After ordering, everyone sat down at the ‘King Arthur’ table, as it has been dubbed. Logan walks over with a tray full of drinks to pass out.
“Fre Shavacado Macchiato for Remy, Dropped Croissant Cappuccino for Critic, Five Gum Feeling Frappe for Emile, Oovoo Javer Americano for Patton, Fuck You Frappe for Janus, and a Damn It Karen latte for my favorite nameless emo.”
Once Logan was all done passing out drinks, Remy told him to sit down, and the only seat available was next to Virgil. How peculiar.
Emile took a sip of his drink and beamed. “This is amazing! You did a very good job! Oh, and his name i~”
“NOOO!” Virgil screamed, almost lunging over the table. Emile looked slightly terrified, Critic looked suspicious, and everyone else just looked amused.
“Emile, please, for Remy’s sanity, please just refer to me as the nickname Princey gave me.”
Tilting his head and taking a long sip of his drink, Emile nodded.
“Ok Anxiety, but why?”
Virgil collapses back in his seat, and Logan leans forward and looks rather smug. “Because if I find out his name first, he has to go on a date with me.”
Critic looked at everyone’s expression of various joyous exasperation, and says, “Well in that case...”
“No please Critic don’t!” Virgil cried. “Babes, maybe later. Give Anx a little chance.” Remy smiled. “Now now, don’t be like Jerry and let Tom out of the bag!” Emile referenced. “OH BOI! OH BOI! OH BOI! OH BO~” Patton bounced. “SSSSSSSSILENCE!!” Janus hissed. Logan simply placed his hands over his ears and waited.
Once everyone calmed down and Critic finished laughing, Janus question Logan on what he was doing.
“I’m simply making it fair. I would appreciate any hints, and I would give hints in return, but for someone to outright tell me on the day the bet was made would be cruel.”
Logan immediately moved down two names on Janus’s hit list by giving that response, and everyone gave nods of approval.
Even Virgil looked greatful. ‘Maybe he really is a good guy...’
“Anxiety is named after a Roman Poet!” Emile and Remy called out, almost at the same time. Virgil looks deeply offended and turns to Logan. Logan simply nods and says, “Interesting. My name is shared with a superhero.” Virgil smiled at Logan, and then Patton giggled.
“Well, I think you need a nickname, because I don’t know how long I can hear Anxie call you, ‘the hot barista’ and not tell you his name.”
Virgil banged his head against the table to keep from strangling Patton, and Logan rubbed his head.
“There there, don’t fret. I’m flattered.”
Virgil leaned into Logan’s touch for all of 3 seconds before swatting his hand away and hoping no one noticed.
Everyone noticed.
“How about... Logic? Because he is like, the smartest freaking person I ever met and can win a debate while sleeping. And I say this from personal experience!”
The table laughed at Remy’s words, then looked at an extremely smug Logan.
“So how about it, Logic?”
Logan thought for a second, then nodded. “That name is quite satisfactory.”
“Hey guys, why don’t we play truth or dare to get to know eachother better!” Emile suggested.
“That sounds fun babes, but why not 2 truths and a lie?”
“Because Logic is fae, obviously.” Critic explained.
“Damn it Remy! How many people did you tell?”
Remy stared at Logan with an expression that so clearly said ‘bitch please’.
“Asshole, don’t blame me for you being a dumbass. You are hella obvious. Plus, you aren’t wearing the hat so your ears are showing.”
Logan gasped, felt at his ears, then looked pissed. But at himself, not Remy.
“A game sounds like an awesome idea!” Patton, was still bouncing and seemed to be getting worse from the coffee. Janus shook his head in fondness and took the cup away from Patton, which resulted in a bit of whining, chiding, a kiss, and Patton holding a cookie in each hand.
Rolling his eyes and muttering something about Janus being whipped, Virgil said, “Well, now we know every one so~”
“Wait!” Logan called out, and everyone turns to stare at him.
“Since you all told me what you are, I find it is only fair to inform you that I am a...”
Logan trails off, clearly thinking about something before clearing his throat to continue.
“I am a High Fae.”
There was a collective gasp, and Remy looked betrayed.
“Why didn’t you tell me that?”
Logan adjusted his glasses. “It’s not exactly something I boast. It’s really barely different from being Midten Fae.”
“Of course, other than the fact that you are of noble decent.” Janus rolled his eyes.
“I... prefer not to dwell on that. Anyways, Anx?”
Virgil, dragged out of his spiral about Logic by his words, shook his head to clear it.
“Also, before we start the game, I would like to inform Critic and Emile that I am Remy’s little brother, also basically his protector, and while I may only be human, I also happen to be best friends with a dramatic prince who like to show me the proper way to play with swords and knives.”
Logan wondered who this prince was, and why everyone found that remark so funny.
“Basically, all good things, all good here. And I don’t want to hear your intentions, please spare me~”
Remy walked over and smacked his hand over Virgil’s mouth, effectively shutting him up. “Now, who wants to play truth or dare?” ...
WYN? Taglist-
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Run Boy Run
@ratherstarryeyed Here’s your gift! :D I hope you enjoy. @sanderssidesgiftxchange thanks for arranging this 
(I promise Patton does not play a huge role. He becomes a background character very quickly)
Summary: Janus was the crown Prince, until a charismatic group of pirates swooped in and stole him away. Featuring mentioned gay pining! 
Warnings: Swears, Unsympathetic Patton, I switch names halfway. 
“Prince Damian, you must get up. Your betrothed will be here in an hour” A servant tugged at the prince’s prone form. 
“Then tell her, I am not interested” The prince groaned, rolling out of reach. The servant wouldn’t be deterred however, and continued to yank on his arm. Instead of giving in however, the prince buried himself deeper. 
“Crown Prince Damian Eric Stephan Layor you will get yourself up immediately” An growly voice rang out 
“And what if I don’t want to, father” Damian didn’t move an inch. King Patton was not used to people disobeying him. In fact, it was downright impossible to go against him. However, his son was firmly against the marriage. And it was placing strains on the relations between the two kingdoms. 
“Young man, you will get up, or I will drag you downstairs and forcibly shove you into your suit” The King’s voice went deathly quiet. However, Damian was completely done with it and went limp to make it difficult to move him. The king made true on his promise however, and had his guards drag the 18 year old out of bed and down the stairs. The suit was carefully unsewn and resewn around the prince’s body by the tailor’s magic. 
“Damian, stay low, and stay still” Remy briefly dropped xir shades. Damian nodded, trusting xem without a second thought. Never did xe drop xer shades. Something was wrong. Resigned to his fate, Damian walked under his own power to the meeting room. The king was nowhere to be found, though some of the more important advisors were already there. Damian sat in his marked seat, still as a statue as a crown was dropped on his head. 
“Now, with Princ-” The chief advisor began, moving opposite Damian. Before he could get more than that, a window shattered inwards. Damian froze, lowering himself to be a smaller target. A group of people jumped in, surrounding the table. The one who appeared to be the leader stood behind Damian. 
“Now, I’d tell you to drop yer weapons, butcha already have” A lazy voice began from somewhere to the prince’s right. 
“Hand over your valuables, and tell us the location of your king, and we’ll spare you” A clipped formal voice came from the left. Damian made note of the educated nature of the vocabulary. Before any of them could do much else, the door began to shake and loud voices echoed from outside of it. 
“Grab what you can and scram!” Another voice burst out. Damian couldn’t tell from where in the commotion. 
“Get me out of here. I’m the crown prince and you can ransom me” Damian twisted immediately to grab what he judged to be the leader’s arm. The man looked conflicted before scooping him up and running for the window again. There was a feeling of weightlessness as the man carried Damian away. 
The group fell to the deck panting as their ship pulled away from shore. Damian stared at the boards beneath him, wondering why he decided to pipe up. He didn’t regret his decision exactly, but he questioned it. 
“What’s your name kid?” A voice cut into his internal crisis. He turned to see the captain of the ship.
“De-Janus. My name is Janus” Damian nodded to himself. 
“I’m Thomas. Welcome aboard the Sides Sailing, my ship” The man smiled, nodding as he helped Janus up. 
“Are you really the prince?” The formal figure drew himself up, adjusting round glasses. 
“...I am. But I don’t want to be” Janus rubbed his head awkwardly. 
“Well then, you’ll fit in just fine,” Thomas said, clapping a hand on Janus’s shoulder. 
“I am Logan” The bespectacled man supplied, offering a bow.
“Roman. And Virgil is over there with the half shaved head, Emile is the other glasses-wearing fool, and-” Janus’s rescuer began to point out people. 
“Ro, they can introduce themselves” Thomas scolded, kicking the darker man.  Roman, as the rescuer had been crowned, ducked his head. A deep chuckle betrayed his complete lack of shame to Janus. 
“Unfortunately, that leaves only me” The last unidentified person added, a quiet chuckle alongside their introduction. “I’m Delphine, only one on this ship who actively breaks rules” 
“Del!” The tallest of the group (Virgil as Janus recalled) swatted at the disappearing figure. 
“Anyways, my pronouns currently are they/she. Emile is they/them. Thomas, Ro, and Virgil are he/him, and Lo is ae/aer” Delphine was back, leaning over Janus’s shoulder from a rope. They cackled at the jerk he gave. 
“A-anyways, what do you guys do?” Janus asked self-consciously as the gremlin climbed up the rope. 
“Mostly trading. The trinkets will sell for massive amounts, if only to the palace staff. If you want, you can join us? We could use someone else of note” Thomas rubbed his neck, shifting feet as the wind caught in the sails. There was a grunt from Delphine, as she leaned down to tug one of the ropes on the port side. 
“Let me stay. I don’t want to be crown prince and I can...you can sell my stuff” Janus blurted out.
“Oh, we figured you would stay. None of us doubted it after the name switch, and how you addressed your title” Logan commented, aer hands adjusting aer outfit. 
“You can borrow some of my stuff. We appear to be about the same size” Del piped up, taking Emile’s offered hand up from where they were hanging off the ship. 
“....Is She always like that?” Janus asked in disbelief. 
“Usually. But you get used to it after a while” The rich voice of Roman came from Janus’s blind side. When the (former) prince startled, Roman’s muscled arms were there and his eyes casting concerned sweeps of the other man. 
“S-sorry. I just had an accident that left me blind and deaf in that side of my face” Janus started, offering a weak smile. 
“Let me look at that, you could have suffered damage on that side of your face” Emile finally spoke up, their hands already wrapping around the arm of Janus’s shirt. 
“They are our medic. You’ll be okay” Logan soothed the Prince. 
“Okay. Thanks” Janus said, relaxing slightly at the gentle guiding of the unarmed person. 
“Delphine, go get some of your clothes. Better to get the exact adjustments needed started” Thomas ordered, and they ducked into somewhere that Janus couldn’t see as he was brought below deck. 
A few weeks later found Janus settled among the crewmates. He figured out that Virgil and Emile were a couple, while Thomas and Logan considered themselves the unofficial parents of the group. Thomas constantly joked how they were aro/ace solidarity. Delphine was an enigma and Roman seemed to have his eyes on someone else. 
“Del, you’re the expert. What should I do?” Janus heard Roman talking from Delphine’s workspace, high up off the ground where a hammock was nestled among the various ropes late one day. 
“Ro, I am hardly an expert. But I say, ask him out. Worst comes to worst you say it was a new crush and easily dismissed” The distracted voice of the teen answered after a beat. 
“Yea, but like pocket protector he’s used to finer things. And the pair of us...if I were ever to retire I would have little. I can’t do it to him” Janus’s heart stopped. ‘Pocket Protector’ was Logan. Could it be that Ro liked aer? It would make sense, with the fact that they had known each other a while. 
“Get out of here if you’re gonna be a hopeless gay romantic” There was a thud and a yelp of pain as Roman came crashing down to the deck. 
“Quit fighting on my ship!” Thomas’s voice echoed from below. 
“No promises~” The aloft person hummed. A few moments later a shirt fluttered down onto Ro’s head. “Take that to JayJay. He needs another shirt after he ripped through my other one. Those clothes better buy me more fabric as well as food and water” 
“No promises” Roman mocked, climbing to his feet. Janus began to duck behind the door. Unfortunately for him, the movement attracted Ro’s attention. 
“Oh, hey Janus. Perfect timing, Del just finished a new shirt for you” Roman offered the shirt. 
“Oh, Thanks. Uh, what was that crash?” Janus squeaked in attempted nonchalant chatter. 
“Del literally kicking off her little space” Roman shrugged, brushing past closer than necessary. The muscles made Janus burst out in blush. A sudden jerk sent both men to the ground in a tangle of limbs. 
“I am going to murder whoever is responsible for this shit. Thomas, get your ass up here! We have a problem” Del roared, and the captain appeared out of thin air. 
“What is- not today. Can you help us escape” Thomas glanced over to the smoky port side. His face paled as he peered through the smoke.
“No promises! Haven’t used the engine in a while and it looks like they took out a piece of the sail” Delphine was busy tugging on a line that had suddenly appeared from the base of the sail. Ae reached up to pull a few of the ropes above aer head to pull the sails around to catch the wind.
“I..should go” Roman mumbled, squeezing Janus’s shoulder. 
“Please. Don’t” Janus held tight to the arm, scared. Ro hummed, wrapping it more securely around the man. 
“Ro, don’ move. Th’engine may not be able te take it” Del yelled, a blended accent that Janus recognized from the raid he’d been ‘taken’ in. 
“Running out of time! It’s now or never!” Thomas bellowed over the whir from another engine. Delphine growled, yanking upwards with all aer might, and leaping into the air in the same motion. The deck buzzed as an engine burst to life, and the ship took off. Janus loosened his grip on Roman, shaking as both of his other crewmates relaxed. 
“Thomas, keep it steady. I’m going to do what I can to repair the sail so we can have full maneuverability” Delphine called as Ro murmured soft words into Janus’s curly hair. The rest of the crew appeared, Emile hurrying to check for any wounds while Virgil stuck close with a hand on his knife.  
“You can,” Janus tried to steady his voice “go to your crush, if you wish. I will be fine”  Ro glanced down, his face split with a look of confusion. Janus cursed his upbringing as he slipped back into his educated voice.
“You heard?”
“I did, and I wish to assure you I am perfectly fine” A disbelieving laugh bounced around Ro. 
“We’ll be able to reach the city early tomorrow now that we’re in the air” Logan interrupted. The moment was further interrupted by the slew of curses echoing from the port side. In a feat of acrobatic strength, Del was hanging on the tip of the sail and sewing up the damage. 
“Just tell him Ro. We’re tired of you dancing around trying to figure out how” Vee yelled, a fond smile flickering at the corners of his lips. 
“Janus, I am already comforting my crush. He is stupidly selfless at times, smart, witty, sarcastic, and an utter annoyance”
“No, you stupid fool! He is gayer than the fourth of July!” Del yelled. 
“No. It’s you, Janus. Your bravery weeks ago was the first strike. Everything since has snowballed into a horrible crush. And I ge-hmph!” Ro explained. Sensing a self-deprecation, Janus pulled his shirt down and kissed him. There were cheers as they broke apart. 
“Does that answer your lil question?” Janus smiled widely, a sappy look in his eyes. 
“Y-yea” Roman stuttered, face bright red. Del ruined the moment with further cursing from her project. Ae finally cimbed back on deck and unfurled the sail further. She went to Thomas, whispering something to him. He nodded, clapping aers shoulder. The pair disappeared below deck as Roman and Janus made out. Finally, everyone drifted below deck as the ship tilted itself towards the destination. 
The next day, the pulled into port. Logan immediately went ashore, hailing the harbormaster. Janus watched as the crew unloaded things that used to belong to him. It was oddly relieving as it disappeared to the marketplace with Virgil and Emile. 
Roman pulled Janus ashore, running to a familiar figure. 
“Remy!” Janus called as he recognized the tailor. He immediately hugged xem, a whine coming from his throat. 
“Whoa babes! Careful with the goods” Remy patted the man’s head. 
“Hey Remy. I believe you’ve met my boyfriend?” Roman said proudly as Janus let go and grabbed Ro’s hand again. Remy whistled, swirling xir cup. 
“Don’t hesitate do you? Well congrats Damien” 
“It’s...Janus now. I go by Janus”
“Janus! Knew there was a reason I liked you. Now, where can I take my stuff?” Remy waved to a suitcase behind xem. 
“My room is yours now. I’m leaving the crew” Del appeared, his face tired. Remy shrugged and hauled the bag towards the ship.
“Wait, you’re leaving us? And Remy..?” Janus caught Del’s arm in his free hand. 
“Yea. Remy is one of us. Or, you guys. Xe started sneaking us stolen goods a couple years ago. And, it’s time I depart. Your story has no more need for me” Del reached up to kiss Ro’s cheek as he explained. 
“Good luck. I’ll see you around” Del waved as he walked onwards, leaving the Sides Sailing and her crew to their adventures. 
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kieraswriting · 4 years
Coffin Chapter Ten
“No.” Emile said firmly. “I won’t let all of you run off and do this impulsively. You don’t know what the consequences of releasing scared, angry vampires could be. And you aren’t at all prepared for what you’re going to do if one of you gets hurt, much less captured or killed. Make an actual plan first.”
“Well, like what?” Patton asked.
“I don’t know, I’ve only just been told about it.” Emile said. “For starters, I’d like to have a private conversation with Virgil, and Dee, and Remy.”
Logan nodded. “That would be acceptable. I believe they are all in the basement at the moment.”
Emile nodded back at him. “Thank you. If you have come up with a plan by the time we’re done down there, I would be happy to hear it.”
Emile went downstairs. As soon as he actually saw Remy, and saw that he was fine, and not locked up, he felt much better about everything. “Remy!”
Remy spun around. “Emile!” Remy accepted the bear hug, and hugged right back, which was not something he did all that often. “It’s so loud and stinks so bad here I didn’t know you were coming.”
Emile let go and held him at arm’s length, scanning him up and down. “You’re alright?”
Remy gave a dismissive shake of his head and smiled. “I am now.”
“What happened? Tell me about it.”
“Eh, it wasn’t all that big a deal,” Remy said. “After you left I was stuck down here a while, they ran off with Virge and had some kind of adventure, and then Dee showed up, and now we’re going human hunting.”
“I’m getting the feeling that that’s a drastic oversimplification.” Emile said. “But we can talk about it later if you want. I would like to get to know you two, Dee and Virgil?”
Virgil nodded.
Dee frowned. “I don’t know anything about you. But since you asked, it’s a miracle, I really want to open up to you now.”
Remy slung an arm protectively around Emile’s shoulders, nearly growling at the other vampire. “He’s my human. Knock it off.”
Emile kept a calm smile on his face, despite the tension, and turned to the third vampire. “Virgil. Is that your chosen name?”
“Uh, well I was, born with it, I didn’t pick.”
“But do you choose to be called by it?”
Virgil gave a slight frown, as if he hadn’t considered his own choice in regards to his name. “Uh, yeah.”
“Well then, it’s nice to meet you, Virgil.” Emile said, holding out his hand.
Virgil shook his hand. “Yeah, you too. You um… you don’t…” he trailed off.
“I don’t stink?” Emile guessed.
Virgil nodded. “How do you… and Remy…?”
“It’s cause he’s my human,” Remy answered, taking a break from glaring at Dee. “I captured him, not the other way around.”
Emile nodded. It was oversimplified, like many things Remy said, but it would work. “And I’m not a hunter, I’ve never killed a vampire.”
Virgil nodded, fidgeting with his hands.
“Why don’t we sit down?” Emile suggested. “I’d like to hear your stories, and it would be nice if we were all comfortable.”
Emile sat down first, followed quickly by Remy, who lounged against him, and closed his eyes as if he intended to go to sleep. Dee still glared suspiciously, but sat down on the other couch. Virgil grabbed something from inside one of the cells, and then sat down next to Dee. It was a fidget cube, and he rolled it back and forth before settling on a side he could fidget with without noise.
“So what’s your story, Virgil?” Emile asked.
“From when?” Virgil asked.
“Whenever you’re comfortable with sharing.”
Virgil frowned slightly, glancing down. “Well, uh, I got turned when I was sixteen. Two years after that hunters killed my sire and captured me. Th-they stuck in a coffin for a long time, and then shipped me here.”
“It was a silvered coffin,” Remy said bitterly. “They still have it upstairs.”
Virgil shivered, and paled. He bit his lip, and squeezed the cube tightly between his fingers. “Yeah…”
Now that was extremely concerning news. “Virgil, do you want me to get you out of here?” Emile asked. “Between me and Remy I can promise you we’ll get you out and you won’t have to see them again.”
“I-I don’t think they’re going to hurt me,” Virgil said, his voice nearly a whisper.
“That isn’t what I asked,” Emile said kindly. “Do you want me to take you away from here?”
“I-it’s not safe anywhere else, either.” Virgil said. “And I want to be able to help. And they aren’t— they aren’t mean. I think they really want to help now.”
“That’s fine. But if you want to help somewhere else, I’ll take you. I can’t promise nothing will happen, but I will do everything I can to make sure you’re safe.”
“They… they want me on their team,” Virgil said.
“I’m glad they do, you would probably be very helpful to anyone if you were on their team. But not if you don’t want to. You don’t have to do things because other people want you to. Do you want to leave or stay?”
“I-I think I want to stay.”
Emile nodded.
“If—“ Virgil looked up and met his eyes. “If something happens— or…”
“If you ever change your mind, the offer still stands.” Emile said firmly.
Virgil nodded, relaxing considerably. “Thank you.”
“You’re very welcome, Virgil.” Emile turned to Dee. “Dee? Is that your chosen name?”
Dee’s eyes narrowed. “Yes.”
Emile stuck his hand out. “It’s nice to meet you, Dee.”
Dee hmphed, and didn’t make any move to return the gesture. Emile retracted his hand.
“Would you mind telling me your story?”
“I do mind.” Dee suddenly bristled. “And if you even suggest taking me away from Thomas I swear I’ll attack you right now.”
Emile held up his hands. “I didn’t mean to offend. I apologize.”
They did… not really have a plan. None of them wanted to have a repeat of the last mission, but good ideas were few and far between. And there was also the vampires to consider. Not all of them were good. Maybe not even most of them. They couldn’t just let angry, violent vampires loose to do whatever. But could they hold them? And how long could they do it? And what would determine whether they held a vampire or let them go?
And what they would do if one of them was hurt or captured remained a very large, very unanswered question.
And none of these questions had a satisfactory answer by the time Emile returned.
“I am willing to help you,” Emile said. “But I have several conditions. First, you must have a plan before you do anything. Second, anyone who wants to must be able to leave at any time. And third, I demand you destroy that thing.” He pointed to the coffin, still leaning against the far wall.
“I forgot we had that,” Patton muttered. “Yeah, I’ll burn it.”
“And people can leave,” Roman said. “But if they do, they can’t tell anyone what we’re doing.”
Emile nodded.
“We do not yet have a plan, but we will construct one before we attempt another mission.” Logan concluded.
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analogicisms · 4 years
Music & Poetry - Chapter Two
Summary: Popular-but-not-really-famous lyricist Virgil Quinn meets an attractive poet named Logan who claims to hate music. Virgil, who believes lyrics to be every bit the poetry as the kind found in books and anthologies and inspirational posters, feels the need to prove to Logan wrong.
Ship: Analogical (with others in the background)
Rating & Warnings: PG 13.
Chapters: 1 - 2
AO3: Chapter Two
Thanks to @romantichopelessly for betaing and to @sunshineandteddybears and @paperghastly for pre-reading.
Chapter Two
What had he been thinking?
That was the question of the day, apparently. 
First, he had agreed to give a complete stranger—a very aesthetically pleasing stranger, but a stranger no less, his brain supplied—a week to somehow, miraculously, suddenly get Logan to enjoy something he had not enjoyed for most of his life. Sure, he had done it, because he was very attracted to the individual and would not mind spending more time with him. Especially if he blushed a bit more. 
If that had not been enough, he had then texted said individual—of course, he would have regardless simply because he had already said he would. He had sent a simple hello, this is Logan Wright sending you a text message as I stated I would when we met at The Bumble Bean earlier today around noon. Sending that had not been the strange thing. The strange thing had been that when he received the hey… what’s up? Logan did in fact respond back and tell him about how he was going to speak for a local graduation and was spending time with a dear old friend. The other guy—Virgil—had responded cool and Logan had just begun to feel disappointment when he received a second text that told about Virgil’s own day. From there, the conversation took off, Logan often catching himself surprised that it was so easy to talk to this Virgil character. 
Neither of those things had been the craziest of his actions that day. When he told Thomas—and by proxy, Thomas’s husband Remy—about the cute “emo” guy at the coffee shop, Logan thought for sure he was out of out-of-the-ordinary things to do. That was until he then told them he was currently texting him and quite enjoying the conversation. That one didn’t last long, however, because Virgil asked him to meet up for drinks that night and Logan, completely unprompted, looked up at Thomas—and Remy by proxy, considering he was currently seated across Thomas’s lap—and conveyed all of this to them. 
Logan knew by the sudden glints in their eyes and the smirks on their faces that there was absolutely no way Logan was going to decline. Logan was quite grateful for the excuse but if he was being honest with himself, something he worked diligently on every day, then he would know that he would have agreed to the “get-together” whether Thomas and Remy demanded him to or not. 
Nobody else, however—least of all those two—needed to know. 
    ☆ ⌒ ★ ⌒ ☆ ⌒ ★ ⌒ ☆ ⌒ ★ ⌒ ☆
“Oh my God! What the fuck—”
“Language!” Patton frowned deeply at him. Virgil waved it away. 
This was important! His life was screwed and not in the good way. He was fucked. Again, not in the good way. 
“What the feckity-feck did I do?” 
He was looking at his phone in horror. 
Patton looked at Emile, who smiled softly and nodded. Getting up, Patton crossed to where Virgil stood in the middle of their living room. Virgil had asked to come over. 
He had just been in the middle of telling them about his and Mystery Man’s conversation. Every so often, Patton watched as his face grew brighter and a smile slipped over his lips, fingers moving over the keys as he presumably replied to this Mystery Man—whose name was Logan and he was a poet, but Mystery Man was just to fun to say and so he and Emile still used it. He couldn’t help the burst of warmth that spread through him as he squeezed Emile’s hand tighter for a few moments. A happy sigh escaped him as Emile’s thumb brushed over his knuckles. Patton was just about to sneak a little kiss when Virgil’s outburst took place. 
Still a little upset about the unnecessary language, Patton put that out of his mind in favor of studying Virgil’s face. He immediately jumped into super friend mode, taking the other’s phone out of his hand. Virgil let him, his hand falling uselessly to his side as he closed his eyes. 
Patton frowned but was grateful it seemed as if Virgil was no longer in risk of a panic attack. At least, for the time being. Worried about what had caused such a reaction, Patton reached out to grip Virgil’s shoulder. 
“Hey, buddy. I’m going to read this, if that’s okay with you? Just want to know what’s going on so I… so we can help… that okay with you, kiddo?”
Virgil blinked and looked at Patton then at his phone. With a sigh, he nodded. 
Patton smiled in thanks and took a moment to go through the text, making sure only to look at the recent ones. He frowned, not sure what was up until he reread the last text between the two which was from Virgil to Logan and it was… 
“Oh my god, Em! Virge asked him out!” 
Patton blushed and frowned though it only lasted for a few seconds. He was just too excited. 
“I’m sorry, Vivi! It’s just that I’m so proud of you. We both are and on top of that, it’s just so cute how smitten you are. You’re like… my new favorite romcom!” 
Virgil snorted at that and sighed, reaching out to take his phone. Patton closed out of the text and reached out, offering it to him. At that very moment, however, his phone sounded with a new message notification. 
“Oh my gosh, he replied!!” 
“Thanks, Pat! I couldn’t tell!” He wriggled uncomfortably. “I… I can’t look.” 
Patton nodded. “Do you want me to read it and tell you what it says?”
Virgil hesitated but nodded. 
Patton nodded in response and pulled the phone back to him. Opening the text message, he read the words on the screen as his face broke into a huge grin. 
“What’s it say? Is it bad? Is he creeped out? Tell me he’s creeped out so I can go home and make myself a nest and listen to MCR until I’m a hundred and five years old and die from a heart attack…” 
Emile, who had been a silent observer for most of the exchange, did his best to not make mental notes of what Virgil had just said. He is not your patient, Picani. He is your friend. Standing, he moved to stand next to Patton. He placed a hand on Virgil’s shoulder and squeezed. 
“Do you want to put this away for now and come back to it in a moment?”
Virgil nodded quickly. Emile nodded and was holding his hand to hold onto the phone when Virgil reached out to stop him. 
“No, actually… I can do it now. Pat… hand me my phone. I can do this.” 
“Yes you can, kiddo.” Patton agreed, handing him the phone. He then looked up at Emile who smiled back, knowing that the answer on the other side of that text message was a good one. 
This was soon confirmed as they watched Virgil read the response, his face growing more and more red. That was okay though, because the smile on his face was growing just as big. When he looked up at them, his black eyes were the brightest and warmest either of them had ever seen. 
“He said yes!” 
“Oh that’s so great!” Patton exclaimed. 
“He would have been insane not to, and I would know,” Emile added. Virgil and Patton laughed at his joke, Virgil snorting and rolling his eyes. 
“Thank you, guys!�� He said, patting them both on the back. “So we’re cool to reschedule drinks’ night?”
“Absolutely, kiddo. We can do Friday like all the cool cats do.” 
Virgil hugged Patton and clapped Emile on the shoulder. 
“See ya later guys!” 
“Good luck…” Patton called out. 
“Not that you need it!” Emile finished, wrapping his arm around Patton’s waist to pull him against him. Once Virgil was out the door, the therapist beamed at his boyfriend. “Shall we go back to cuddling?”
Patton smiled up at him and nodded, stepping on tippy-toe to rub their noses together. 
“Yes, please.”
   ☆ ⌒ ★ ⌒ ☆ ⌒ ★ ⌒ ☆ ⌒ ★ ⌒ ☆
Disclaimer:  The author does not own Sanders Sides or any of the characters found therein. They are also not affiliated with Thomas Sanders, Joan Stokes, or the Thomas Sanders team. Only the complete story as it is written is the property of the author and is not to be copied or reposted without express permission from the author.
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billcpher111fics · 4 years
Stress Baking
Patton sighed heavily as he mixed up another batch of brownies, he had been baking all morning and it was only noon. The house was filled with the wonderful scent of freshly baked goods that had taken hours of his time. Cookies and brownies and cupcakes, even a few tiered cakes, filled the kitchen counters and on cooling racks, just waiting to be topped with sweet icing and sprinkles with a few other finishing touches. 
He knew he should have stopped baking a while ago, no one in the imagination is going to be able to eat all of these before they go stale but he couldn't. He had been so stressed lately. So tired.
Thomas's boyfriend had recently broken up with him, they were on good terms but it still hurt. Thomas was preparing to audition for a few musicals that he couldn't pick between. Steven Universe had just ended, Patton and Emile cried when that happened. 
Patton was just emotionally exhausted and stressed. And baking was probably his only healthy way of destressing. He used to try to repress all of his negative emotions and try to make himself seem perfectly happy all the time and. He didn't even know it was bad till the DWIT video when he learned what repression was. His boyfriends had been a big help with getting him to open up about all of those icky emotions he refused to acknowledge before.
He had another coping mechanism that was... Less than pleasant. It's hard to describe and it only happened a few times now. 6, maybe 7 times... He would be sitting in his room or somewhere secluded, stressed, and suddenly things started to feel like nothing was even real. Like he was looking out at himself from another person's perspective. It would scare him so he would try to grab onto something, anything to stabilize himself but he could move too far, everything felt like it was floating away, so he grabbed onto his forearms. He would hold on as tightly as he could as everything else seemed to fade away.
He couldn't really feel much pain when he was like this so he didn't notice that the clawing and gripping onto his skin had started to make himself bleed. A lot. Well, Patton wasn't sure how much he bled but it looked like a lot. He probably wouldn't even have noticed it was happening if Virgil added walked in. It was fuzzy but he thinks he heard Virgil scream. The Logan was there. Then Roman. And someone was bandaging his arms. And the next thing he knew he was waking up on the couch being cuddled and taken care of by his wonderful boyfriends. Logan had told him he was disassociating. He didn't even know it had a name till then.
So, yeah. It was best he sticks to baking.
He didn't really feel like talking about his feelings at the moment anyway. He couldn't even if he wanted to. Roman was either in his room or off adventuring in the imagination. Virgil was probably in his room, listening to his pg13 music or watching Netflix on his phone. And Logan was most likely doing something important and Patton didn't want to bother him. But the kitchen was starting to get to quiet for him. He needed something. Some noise or music. Something to fill the silence.
He grabbed his phone and put his headphones in and pressed shuffle on his music app a few times, trying to find a good song that could help him relax. After a moment he found something that might work. It was Austin Weber's cover of Mama Mia, the ABBA song. Or, at least, Patton thinks it's from ABBA. He wasn't too sure about that.
He continued to make the brownies as he hummed along to the song and soon he began to sing along. Now, he didn't sing to often and his voice was definitely nothing compared to Romans, but he was an ok singer. At least he thought he was ok.
"I've been cheated by you since I don't know when
So I made up my mind, it must come to an end
Look at me now, will I ever learn?
I don't know how, but I suddenly lose control
There's a fire inside my soul"
He pored the brownies into the pan and stuck them in the oven as he went to frost a previous batch of cupcakes.
"Just one look and I can hear a bell ring
One more look and I forget everything, Woah"
He swayed his hips to the tune.
"Mamma mia, here I go again
My my, how can I resist you?
Mamma mia, does it show again?
My my, just how much I've missed you
Yes, I've been brokenhearted
Blue since the day we parted
Why, why did I ever let you go?
Mamma mia, now I really know
My my, I could never let you go"
He put the chocolate icing into a piping bag and filled another bag with crofters, planning to fill a few of the cupcakes with the tasty jam.
"I've been angry and sad about things that you do
I can't count all the times that I've told you we're through
And when you go, when you slam the door
I think you know that you won't be away too long
You know that I'm not that strong"
He continued to sing as way his hips as he began to fill a few batches of cupcakes with the jam the ice them with the chocolate icing. Half of all the cupcakes were going to be filled with crofters with chocolate icing and a strawberry on top.
"Just one look and I can hear a bell ring
One more look and I forget everything, Woah"
And the other half was going to be filled with crofters and have a whipped cream-based frosting with a strawberry on top.
"Mamma mia, here I go again
My my, how can I resist you?
Mamma mia, does it show again?
My my, just how much I've missed you
Yes, I've been brokenhearted
Blue since the day we parted
Why, why did I ever let you go?
Mamma mia, even if I say
Bye bye, leave me now or never
Mamma mia, it's a game we play
Bye bye doesn't mean forever"
The brownies were going to have a chocolate drizzle on half and a caramel drizzle on the rest. Or maybe he should also have them dipped in chocolate? Maybe. The cookies, all chocolate shipped were definitely going to be chocolate dipped. Only half of each cookie. It will look cute and taste even better!
"Mamma mia, here I go again
My my, how can I resist you?
Mamma mia, does it show again?
My my, just how much I've missed you
Yes, I've been brokenhearted
Blue since the day we parted
Why, why did I ever let you go?
Mamma mia, now I really know
My my, I could never let you go"
He finished frosting and filling half of the half chocolate ones so he was a quarter of the way done with the cupcakes. This was going to be a lot of work. But he had started to feel quite relaxed already. Maybe he should sing more. It really seemed to help. Patton took off his headphones and immediately jumped as he heard clapping behind him. He swung around to see his boyfriends standing in the kitchen door, watching him. "Magnífico! That was Amazing my dear!" Roman cheered.
"It was definitely better than pricey's screeching," 
"Joking, Ro. But that was pretty good, Pat." Virgil said.
"I concur with Roman and Virgil's previous statements. Your singing was more than adequate. And I see you've been quite busy." Logan said as he looked around the kitchen and seeing the plethora of baked goods. "Is everything alright Love?" He asked, knowing about Patton's reactions to stress.
Patton, still embarrassed for being caught, hesitantly answered, "Everythings alright, Lo Lo dear. Just a bit of stress. Nothing I can't handle." He said.
"Do you want to talk about it?" Virgil asked as he moved to hug Patton.
"No," Patton said, "Not right now, Virg. I'm alright."
"Would you like us to help you ice all of these?" Roman asked, looking over the many baked goods that needed to be toped, knowing that it would be too much for Patton alone.
"You don't have to!" Patton insisted. It was his mess after all. He could take care of it on his own.
"We insist," Logan said, "It would be ridiculous and unproductive to have you do this alone. Just think of it as a bonding time." He said.
"Yeah, just tell us what needs what," Virgil said.
Patton was hesitant, not wanting to drag them into his mess but he knew they weren't just going to back down, "Alright," He smiled. "Virgil, could you help me finish icing the cupcakes over here," he gestured to the cupcakes that were topped with chocolate frosting, "Roman, could you grab that piping bag full of jam and start filling the cupcakes over there?" He pointed at the Cupcakes that were to be toped with the Wiped cream frosting. "And after those are filled could you ice them, Lo?"
"Is there any chance I could fill them?" Logan asked.
"No, dear, sorry. Youll just eat the jam." Patton said.
"And he won't??" Logan said, pointing an accusatory finger at Roman, who in turn gasped dramatically.
Patton hummed, "Good point. Virgil, could you fill the cupcakes while Roman and Logan help me ice these? Afterward well move to the brownies." Virgil laughed while Roman and Logan pouted.
It took them a few hours but they ended up getting all of the sweets iced and decorated. "What are we going to do with all of these?" Virgil asked staring out at the sea of bake goods.
"Well... I was thinking of giving a few to Deceit and Remus. But that would still leave us with so many" Patton said.
"What if we gave a few to Thomas?" Logan said.
"Knocking a few from the number of deserts we have here isn't going to do squat Lo," Virgil said as he grabbed a cookie that was half dripped if a fudge drizzle. "These are amazing, Pat. You truly the best baker here." He said munching on the cookie.
"What if we take them to the mindscape?" Roman askes.
"What do you mean?"
"Well," Roman begin, "Between me and Remus, the mindscape has two large kingdoms and a bunch of people. We could give some to Deceit and Remus, Give a few to Thomas and his friends, Keep some for ourselves, and sell the rest in the mindscape! Problem solved! Everyone gets some and no food is wasted!" Roman said.
Logan looked amazed, "That is probably the single smartest thing you have ever said."
"I agree with logan!" Patton said, "Well except the 'single smartest thing' part, I'm sure you've said other smart things, Love. But that was a brilliant idea of yours!" Patton said, kissing Romans cheak.
"Why of course!" He blushed, "A prince as magnificent as I must be able to cume up with such things! What kind of prince would I be otherwise!"
"Does anyone else smell burning?" Virgil asked.
The others looked around confused till their eyes landed on the oven. "On no!" Patton yelped, "The brownies!"
61 notes · View notes
izzyfandoms · 4 years
Follow The Red String Path
SHIPS: Lomile, side Royality
CHARACTERS: Logan Sanders, Emile Picani, Roman Sanders and Patton Sanders
WARNING: Nothing
GENERAL TAGLIST: @quillfics42 @aj-draws @phantomofthesanderssides @phlying-squirrel @sly-is-my-name-loving-is-my-game @because-were-fam-ily @imtryingthisout @a-creepycookie @emo-disaster @littlestr @spooky-scary-virgil @fuyel @mimsidoodles @soupgremlin @aroaceagenderfluid @birdsbookshiddeninrealbirdsskin @quirkalurk @gingers-trashy-stuff @iinyxtello @justaqueercactus @melodiread @mrbubbajones @glassferns @pun-master-logan @gayturtlez
A Series Of Soulmate AUs Masterpost
The tug at the string tied around Logan’s finger wasn’t an unwelcome one.
An unexpected surprise, sure, but not a negative one. It made Logan look up from his textbooks that were laid out in front of him, and he smiled at the string that no one else saw. Then, he quickly curled his ring finger inwards, tugging the string back. Hopefully it was enough movement for his soulmate to feel, too. It would be nice for them to feel the same comfort he did, so he hoped they could, though he would never admit that aloud.
(Logan had a reputation for being serious and uninterested in relationships, and he wanted to make sure he kept that up.)
He took a moment to watch the taut red string: one long straight line that would eventually lead right to his soulmate. His gaze followed it across the room, up to the opposite wall that it passed right through.
One day, he would follow that string to find his soulmate, but he didn’t know when that day would be.
“Hey, hey, Lo!”
Logan straightened up, pulled from his thoughts, and he turned to look at his friend, Roman, who was sat just beside him.
“What is it, Roman?”
Roman grinned at him. “You staring at your string again?”
Logan felt his face warm, and he looked back down at the textbook between them.
“No,” he lied.
Roman laughed, clapping him on the back. “No need to lie to me, specs. You know I know you better than that. You may have everyone else fooled, but I know what a sap you are.”
“I am not a ‘sap’,” Logan argued, making quotation marks with his fingers. “And I also believe that you are being a massive hypocrite, here. You and Patton are the ‘saps.’”
“You say that likes it’s an insult!” Roman announced, in a much louder voice than he should’ve had in a library. Someone shushed him, and he shot them a sheepish smile and a wave, before turning back to Logan and lowering his voice. “And I am sure that when you meet your soulmate, you’ll be even worse.”
“That is a ridiculous notion, and also, frankly, impossible.”
“Well, you know what they say, opposites attract. And you are going to need the sweetest of soulmates to balance out your sour personality.”
Logan glared weakly at Roman. “Why am I friends with you?”
“Because I’m amazing!”
“That is debatable,” Logan mumbled. At Roman’s overly offended reaction, he sighed. “We are supposed to be revising for our exam this Friday, not having a friendly conversation.”
Roman leant back in his chair, tipping it onto its back two legs. “Psh, who cares about a dumb exam-”
“I do.”
“-all I care about is love! And since I have already found my soulmate, it is my job, as your best friend, to help you find yours.”
Logan gave Roman a flat look. “That is what the string on my finger is for. I will know them when I meet them, so there is therefore no reason to actively seek them out myself.”
“But that could be when you’re all old and grey! Don’t you want to find them now, so you can have even longer together?”
“I will find them when I find them,” Logan said flatly. “Now, we are going to revise, or you will fail math and Patton will be disappointed you. Do you want Patton to be disappointed in you?”
Needless to say, that was the one thing that could get Roman to study. He was always consistent in that way, and Logan was glad that he at least had that to help motivate his best friend to revise with him. Roman wasn’t the best at math, but helping him was good practice for Logan’s desired future as a teacher.
But when Patton arrived at the library and joined them about half an hour later, the studying was clearly over, as Roman was far too distracted by Patton’s curly hair and pretty smile – both things that Logan had listened to his best friend ramble about on many, many occasions – to pay any more attention to the textbooks. Logan tried to keep studying for a few minutes afterwards, but even he had trouble concentrating with a loudly flirting couple beside him.
It didn’t help that they kept trying to include him, which usually he would appreciate, but today he was trying to study, so it wasn’t very convenient.
Logan sighed, closing his textbook and catching the attention of Roman and Patton, who had been holding hands and staring into each other’s eyes for an amount of time that Logan would consider excessive.
“I don’t think we’ll be getting any more studying done, today.”
“Aww, don’t look so grumpy, Microsoft Nerd,” Roman said, letting go of one of Patton’s hands to place his on Logan’s shoulder. “You don’t need to revise, you’re already a genius, you’ll ace this test.”
“Yeah!” Patton agreed. “You’re so smart, Lo!”
Logan sighed. “Yes, well, that will only take me so far, so I was hoping to get some more studying done, but I suppose I’ll have to finish my revision at home.”
“Or,” Roman said, throwing his free arm around Logan’s shoulders. “You could come back to my house with us, and have a Disney movie marathon with us!”
“Ooh, yeah!” Patton agreed.
Logan pulled a face. “Are you sure? I wouldn’t want to intrude, or – what's the phrase? – third wheel.”
“Aww, don't worry, Lo, you’re always welcome to hang out with us!” Patton said. “If anything, I’m the third wheel, ‘cos you guys are such great friends!”
“Oh, darling, don’t say that!”
“Okay, okay, we can all be the third wheels. We’re a tricycle!”
“I do not think that that’s how it works,” Logan commented as he collected his books and returned them to his backpack. Roman had forgotten to bring his own textbooks to their little library study session, so they’d had to share, which was a common occurrence.
Patton didn’t go to the same high school as them, but the other nearest one, so he and Roman didn’t have to travel far to spend time with each other, and did so almost every weekend. Logan was often invited, too. He liked to pretend he was being dragged along – he had a reputation to maintain, after all – but nobody was fooled.
“So, does that mean you’re coming, specs?”
Logan swung his backpack over his shoulder, making sure to hook both arms through the straps, before pushing his glasses further up his nose. He sighed.
“I suppose I can stay for one movie, but then I really must return to my studies.”
Both Roman and Patton cheered loudly, the former raising his hands triumphantly in the air (including the one still holding Patton’s), causing the two of them to be shushed by someone sat nearby. Roman huffed, and Patton apologised sheepishly, but Logan hardly noticed as his attention was suddenly captured by something else: his string.
It was moving.
Now, movement wasn’t too uncommon of an occurrence, but it was moving quickly, sliding across the room from one wall to another.
“Hey, nerd.” Roman waved his hand in front of Logan’s face. “What are you looking at?”
Logan turned to him, blinking. “I...” He swallowed. “My string, it’s moving.”
Patton gasped, his whole face lighting up. “How quickly?” He asked.
“Much quicker than I have ever seen it move before.” Logan returned his gaze to the red string, which continued to move across the library, still through the wall. He allowed his hand to follow the motion, though there was nothing actually pulling him, so his friends could have a better understanding of its speed.
“Oh. My. Stars!” Roman’s eyes were bright. “You know what this means, right?” He asked excitedly.
“I- I think so,” Logan said, stumbling over his words in a way he didn’t often.
“They’re close!” Patton squealed. “Oh my gosh, oh my gosh! Lolo, you have to follow it!”
“Yes, yes!” Roman agreed. “Come on, we’ll go with you!”
Logan opened his mouth a few times, taking his gaze off the string for a moment to look at his friends for answers. They both nodded supportively.
“Uh... uh- okay.”
“Yes!” Roman pumped his fist in the air.
“Go on,” Patton made a shooing motion with his free hand. “We’ll follow you, start moving before you lose them!”
At that, Logan began to do something he’d never done once before in his life.
He followed the string.
Out of the library. Down the street. Around the corner. Across the road.
He quickened his pace as he could feel in his gut that the string was getting shorter and shorter. He didn’t check behind him for Roman and Patton, but he could hear their footsteps and words of encouragement, though his mind was racing so fast he could barely process what he heard.
Was he really doing this? Did he dare get his hopes up, was he really about to meet his soulmate?
He tugged on his string, hoping that his soulmate could feel the sudden pull.
A moment passed, and then he felt them tug back. An answer.
It filled his heart with a hope that he would never admit aloud, even to his closest friends. Roman’s teasing about Logan being a ‘secret romantic’ would increase tenfold if he ever realised it was actually true.
Logan followed the string with his eyes, watching as it cut right through a building to his right. He took a moment to pause and think, calculating his path, before he decided to continue down the pavement he was stood on and turn right. He heard Roman and Patton slow and stop behind him, but before they could say anything, he started running again.
As he ran forward, his shoes thumping loudly against the concrete below him, his breaths short and quick, he watched – wide-eyed – as the string changed too, like his soulmate was moving parallel to him, though at a slower speed, so it was moving slightly behind.
He reached the end of the street and then turned a corner.
Roman and Patton were lagging behind – Patton wasn’t the fastest runner, and Roman would never go ahead without him – but Logan couldn’t focus on that.
He ran and ran and ran and ran.
He turned and-
Logan collided with someone else running, and they both tumbled to the ground. He fell on his right leg and arm, and the first thing that crossed his mind when he hit the ground was that he would probably end up with some nasty bruises.
“Oh, gosh! I am so, so sorry,” came the voice right in front of him, sheepish and apologetic.
(A teenage boy, likely around the same age as Logan.)
Logan huffed, rubbing his arm. “It’s quite alright, I was the one who wasn’t looking where I was go-”
He cut himself off mid-word when his eyes landed on his string. It was no longer taut, like it had been every other day of his life, now loose and running across the ground, looping around itself and no longer cutting through anything.
He followed it, and froze in place when he finally laid eyes on the person on the other end of his red string.
From ring finger to ring finger.
From soulmate to soulmate.
“Oh,” Logan spoke in a strangled voice.
“Oh,” his soulmate repeated, in a much softer voice that made Logan’s heart skip a beat.
His soulmate was a teenage boy about his age, with a beige cardigan and a pastel pink tie the same shade as his dyed hair. He had big, round glasses, and his eyes were just as wide and surprised as Logan was sure his own were.
Logan wanted to say something, anything, but stumbled over his own words like he’d suddenly forgotten how to speak, and his soulmate seemed to be having the same problem.
He heard footsteps approach, quick and stopping just behind him, though his soulmate didn’t seem to notice them as his eyes were glued on Logan’s face. Logan hardly noticed, too, as he was also far too focused on staring back at his soulmate.
“Wow,” Roman laughed when he caught his breath. “You two have the same glasses!”
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skeletaldarling · 4 years
Chase The Fire Away 8
The Bookshop 
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Summary: Patton wonders what it would be like to tell his dads about his powers. 
Ship: Lomile, implied future Intruality, Roceit, mentioned Sleepxiety 
Word Count: 1381 
Warnings: Dark sides (but I might stop adding this warning, they’re in the whole series- I’ll always tag the characters though!), witchcraft and vampires, swearing, god it’s really pretty mild the warnings don’t represent that very well lmao 
Patton was doodling kittens on the corner of the newspaper while his dads made lunch together in the kitchen. Logan smirked at his husband while Emile hugged him from behind. He poked his sides affectionately. “What can I do?”
“I think you’re good right there,” Logan said. He poked the grilled cheeses with a spatula before turning them over in the pan. 
Emile cooed and kissed his neck. “You’re being sweet.”
“You’re being cute.” Logan shot back. Emile smiled and squeezed him tighter. He rested his chin on the vampire’s shoulder. 
Patton watched them for a moment before returning to his drawing. He gave one of the cats a little witch hat and stared at it. He should really tell his dads about his powers. Patton tried not to groan at the thought. Yes, Logan was a vampire. Yes, they were both super cool and accepting. And yes, they deserve to know what’s going on. But the thought of telling anyone that he was a freaking witch just made Patton feel silly. 
Patton chewed on his lip anxiously as the thought of Emile and Logan laughing at him swirled around his mind. 
Patton’s head flicked up to see Emile looking at him, holding two plates with lunch. “Honey, are you okay? You totally spaced out on me.” 
“I’m fine,” Patton said quickly. “Sorry.”
“No no, not at all,” Emile reassured. “It’s okay, sweetpea. Have some lunch.” He offered the plate again. 
Patton took it from him with a small smile. “Thanks, Dad.”
Logan hovered his hand over Emile’s waist and guided them to the table. The small family sat down together and ate quietly. Logan had one hand on Emile’s back, as he often did. He looked over at Patton. “Have you talked to Remus today?”
Patton swallowed and tried to pretend he wasn’t blushing. “... Yeah. Why?”
Logan smirked and Emile hid a giggle behind his hand. “Ooh-ooh!” he smiled. “You’re blushing…”
“Shut up!”
Logan smiled and kept his eyes on his food. “Fine, fine. But I know that Remus is coming in tomorrow if you want to come to work with me.” 
Patton did end up going to work with his dad, he’d only been to the shop a couple of times but it was really pretty and he did love it. Logan was sitting at the counter, reading something and hoping they had few customers. Roman was sitting on top of a table, flicking through a book of old looking illustrations. 
In the back of the shop, Remus was adjusting the arrangements while Patton perched on a stool, watching. He watched one of the candles on a shelf, they were unlit, just sitting there. 
Remus pulled back and studied his new arrangement. He looked around and caught sight of a book by Patton that needed to go somewhere. “Hey can I just grab this- thanks.” he leaned over Patton, their shoulders bumping together. 
Patton’s breath hitched. They were so close, god he liked Remus so much. He bit his lip until Remus drew back and he relaxed. 
“Holy shit, pancake did you do that?” 
Patton looked up, “what?”
Remus pointed at the candles on the other side of the room. “They weren’t lit before.” 
Patton swallowed. “Um… maybe. I’m not sure.”
Remus laughed, offering a high five. “Nice one! Can you do it again?”
“I’m not sure…” 
“No no no! Doubt ruins it!” Remus grabbed Patton’s hands and squeezed them. “C’mon. Get rid of the bad vibes, Pancake. Only happy feelings are allowed!”
Patton smiled at Remus’s efforts. “Ree, my dad is in the next room.”
“Okay, fine.” Remus was still holding his hands. “When are you going to tell your dads you’re a witch?”
Patton laughed. “Yeah I’m not telling them.” 
“Because they wouldn’t believe you?” questioned Remus. 
Ha! My dad’s a fucking vampire. “No, I just don’t know if I’m ready to make it a whole thing yet.” 
“Seems fair I guess.” Remus let Patton’s hands go and picked up a candle. “Make a wish, pancake.” 
Patton raised his eyebrows. “It’s not my birthday.” 
“Irrelevant.” Remus presented the candle to him. “Wish.”
Patton laughed and blew out the candle. I wish Remus liked me back. 
Roman looked up at the sound of the door opening and broke into a grin. “Dee!”
Janus rolled his eyes. “Hi, love.” Dee was his middle name, and still the name Roman preferred to use because it used to make Janus grumpy. He walked over and kissed Roman. He set the coffee cup tray down on the table his husband was sitting on and rubbed his back. “What’re you working on?”
“Just looking through a book I forgot about.” Roman picked his coffee up and leaned against Janus, tucking himself against his side. “How’s our son?”
Janus kissed the witch’s hair. “They’re very wedding focused at the moment. Virgil was working at the counter, completely surrounded by binders and notes.” 
Roman chuckled. “Poor things.”
“I don’t remember us being much better,” Janus thought back to their wedding. Roman had been beside himself with stress and Janus himself had slept a total of three hours the week before they got married. 
Roman squeezed Janus’s hand. “We definitely were not.” 
Janus looked around the shop and saw Logan. “Hello.”
“Good afternoon, Janus.”
Logan was by his side in a blur and took the cup. “Thank you.”
“Using your speed in the same shop as a clueless 14 year old seems foolish.” Janus pointed out. 
“I can hear them. He’s distracted.” Logan sipped his drink. “They’re discussing werewolves.”
“What are they saying?”
Logan shook his head. “I’m not repeating it. It’s ridiculous.” 
Janus smiled at Logan’s exhausted expression as he walked back to the counter and returned to his book. Janus rested his chin on his husband’s head. “I love coming in here.”
Roman looked up to kiss him. “I love you coming in here.” 
Janus hugged him and looked over his shoulder. “Show me this book then. What’s it about?”
Logan watched the older couple talk from his spot by the counter, doing his best not to accidentally listen in on them. Roman and Janus were beautiful together, they were exactly who he wished he could be with Emile one day. That was, if he wasn’t immortal. Logan ran his hand through his hair as he thought about the promise he’d made to Emile the night he’d proposed. 
Emile had tears on his cheeks, admiring his ring as he rubbed at his face, scrubbing the tears away. “I love you so much.” he smiled, throwing himself into Logan’s arms. He hid his face in the crook of Logan’s neck. “I want to be with you forever.” 
Logan waited perhaps a moment too long before responding softly. “Forever with me… is quite a long time.”
“It’s what I want, Lo.” Emile said. “I want to be like you, to be together with you forever.” 
“Is it really?”
“I need you to promise you’ll turn me.” Emile whispered. “Not now. But one day.”
Emile cupped his face, pressing their foreheads together. “10 years.”
“10 years?”
“Promise me, Logan. No longer than 10 years.”
Logan pulled him closer. “Emile Picani.” He murmured. “I promise to turn you into a vampire, within the next 10 years, so we can spend the rest of our lives together.”
Logan leaned against the counter, sometimes he wished they could just be normal together. Just a normal couple who could raise their son and grow old and eventually die. But it was more complicated than that. Of course. 
Logan looked over at the doorway where Patton was and listened in, wondering what they were up to. They’d moved on from werewolves to difference between warlocks and witches. They were both so fascinated by supernatural creatures, it almost made Logan nervous that Patton would spill his secret. He would never, Logan decided. He trusted his son. 
Logan set his hand over the page of his book and studied his wedding band, the light from the candles around him reflected off the gold ring in shiny little shapes. He smiled at it slightly and picked his phone up, opening the contact with muscle memory alone. 
“Hey, kitten.”
“Hi, honey!” 
“Are you busy? I thought maybe you could stop by for lunch…”
@sander-sideblog , @korsaromantic66 
22 notes · View notes
Chapter One - Origins
We Could Be Immortals
Words: 1,945
Ship: None
Warnings: Dead animal, swearing, caps, sex mention, sex jokes, asthma attack
Tags: @fandermom @patchworkofstars @poisonedapples @hogwarts-my-love @opaque-puppet @omni-hamiltrash @darling-elm @jynxlovesluck @madly-handsome @strickenwithclairvoyance @limitededitionsanderssidesblog @ab-artist @because-were-fam-ily @sometimeswritingsometimesdying  @ultimate-queen-of-fandoms2
- - -
Logan kept bouncing his leg. The clock was ticking. The fans of the computers next to him were whirring. All three were almost in time. Almost. Almost. It was almost enough to drive him mad.
“Hey,” Virgil whispered, leaning across the gap between their desks. “Wanna get into some trouble tonight?”
“Absolutely not,” Logan said, bouncing his leg even faster.
“I’ll cover for you,” Virgil said. He smiled brightly and his eyes seemed to sparkle against his dark skin. “You can sleepover, it’ll be fun.”
“Your idea of fun involves sneaking into the forest late at night and getting drunk with Roman Duke.”
“Excuse you, only Roman was drunk that night,” Virgil said. “And this time we’re going into a cave.”
“No way!”
“Pleeeeaaaaseee,” Virgil begged. “I’ll give you the answers to our English test next Thursday.”
“I’m not going to cheat on a test,” Logan whispered. “And I’m not going to any caves. Just let me finish this assignment, please.”
“C’mon, please?”
“How did you even get the answers, anyway?”
“I have a cousin who owes me a few favors.”
“Oh no, is it-“
“Shush!” Virgil exclaimed dramatically. “We do not speak his name!”
The bell rang and Logan sighed, quickly putting away his binder and pens. Virgil put a hand on his shoulder, quickly pulling his attention away from getting ready. “Just think about it, okay? I won’t let anything bad happen to you. Just think about it.”
Logan let out a deep breath and nodded. By the time he grabbed his things, Virgil was already far from sight.
Logan wasn’t one to fall for the idea of “the fear of missing out” or whatever it was advertisers said to guilt consumers into buying their products. He fully believed that if he kept looking forward then one day he would be successful, and therefore happy. He was always looking forward.
Which is why having a friend like Virgil confused him so much. Virgil was always so present. He lived in the moment. He has adventures in the woods and caves simply because he enjoyed the adrenaline rush. He and Logan were like yin and yang.
This is why, at 7 o’clock on a school night, Logan almost couldn’t believe that he was at Virgil’s front door.
“Logan!” Virgil said with a smile, his hair pulled back into dreadlocks with purple at the ends. “Glad I’m not alone with this nerd,” he teased and Logan noticed a shorter boy waving from behind him.
“Ah you didn’t mention there would be any company,” Logan said awkwardly, tensing up as Virgil pulled him inside.
“Oh, uh, yeah, Patton dropped in sort of last minute,” Virgil said, before murmuring, “Remy dropped him off here so now we’re on babysitting duty.”
“I see.”
“Sorry about that,” Virgil said, his voice soft but thick like a warm blanket. “I’ll warn you next time.”
The three of them sat down at Virgil’s kitchen table, talking and snacking on bowls of pretzels and popcorn. “So, uh,” Logan mumbled awkwardly, unconfident in his ability to make small talk, “how do you know Virgil?”
“He’s a friend of a boyfriend of a cousin,” Virgil explained. Patton sat in silence, putting more popcorn into his mouth.
“He who shall not be named?”
Virgil laughed. “Yeah. Him.”
Patton only glanced between them in confusion, clearly missing out on a joke. He ate more popcorn.
There was a noise at the door and all laughter quickly came to silence. The noise repeated. Over and over again. “Is that rocks?” Patton asked.
“It’s in three to five-second intervals,” Logan said.
“You counted?” Virgil asked with a laugh.
“Counting calms me down.”
Virgil grabbed a metal baseball and headed towards the door. When another rock came towards the door he quickly swung the bat and hit it back.
“Talk shit, get hit, you little bitch!”
Logan and Patton tried to see outside but neither of them recognized the voice outside.
“You hit my door.”
Virgil rolled his eyes and dropped his bat. “Just get in here, dumbass.” He turned to Logan and Patton. “We have a full cave hunting crew now.”
“Hi!” Patton said with a bright smile and a wave. It was almost disgusting how quickly he could turn cheerful.
Roman held a hand over his eye and dramatically muttered expletives at Virgil. “Guess it’s a party now.”
“Shitty party,” Logan said.
“Just get some ice on your eye, Ro,” Virgil said. “We’re leaving in five minutes.”
“It’ll be sunset in five minutes,” Patton said.
Virgil smirked. “Isn’t that the point?”
Logan bounced his leg under the table. He was starting to get anxious. What if they got lost or separated? What if something bad happened? What if-? What if-? What if-?
“Good thing you have a handsome knight with you,” Roman teased, jumping up on the counter with a smile.
“Who? Patton?”
“Virgil, I will fight you.”
“I’d like to see you try, you asthmatic hoe.”
“Excuse you! ¡No soy una azada, tu perra!” Roman yelled in false offense.
“No swearing in front of the baby,” Virgil said. “Patton is only 15. He’s so young. So innocent. You’re tainting him.”
“Virgil, you’re 16,” Logan pointed out.
“Exactly. I am much older and wiser than this toddler.”
“And you’re swearing,” Roman rebutted.
“Prove it, fucker.”
Logan sighed, burying his face in his hands. Roman threw a frozen pea at Virgil. “You’re a dumbass,” they both said.
“Yeah, we’ll you three are the dumbasses I’m going to sacrifice to the old cave deities.” He grabbed a couple of flashlights and buried his keys into his pocket. “Now let's go.”
The sight of the four of them walking together seemed so foreign yet so familiar to Logan. He and Virgil had always been close, just as Roman was close with Virgil. And Patton? He was just one of the many poor fools strung into Virgil’s idea of a good time.
“I feel like we need a dog,” Logan said quietly, shrinking his flashlight at the ground in front of him.
Patton gasped with a happy smile. “We do!”
“I call being Fred!” Roman yelled.
“Sure thing, Daphne,” Virgil teased.
“Daphne?! How dare you- uh- Shaggy!”
Virgil spun around and shone his flashlight under his chin causing his features to look sharper as he blended into the shadows. “An all-powerful god who is simultaneously a cultural icon as well as mysteriously unknown to the feeble power of the human mind?” He laughed. “Nice insult, Roman.”
“Besides, Shaggy totally tops Fred.”
“No way,” Patton said.
“Shaggy tops Fred and Velma bottoms to Daphne,” Logan continued. “So the day we get a dog, Virgil and Roman have to fuck.”
“Guess that makes you Velma,” Roman said.
“So by extension,” Virgil said with a laugh, “you and Patton get to have spooky, ghosty sex when we get a dog.”
Logan cringed, desperately avoiding looking in Patton’s direction. “I take back everything I said.”
Virgil laughed, falling back into the group just enough to wrap an arm around Logan’s shoulder. He shone his light on a pile of rocks. “Almost there, lads.”
Just enough light shone towards Patton to show how he beamed at the word. It was just enough for Logan to notice how young he looked. Despite being a sophomore, he would have barely passed for a freshman. Logan wondered if he ever skipped a grade.
“Be careful,” Virgil said as they walked into the cave. His grip around Logan tightened protectively. Is he worried about me? Or am I a puppet to hide his own fear?
Patton screamed, quickly slapping his hand over his mouth. The other three froze before turning to see what his light was pointed at.
“Is that a dead rabbit?” Virgil asked, moving closer to it. “Cool!”
“NOT COOL!” Patton squeaked. He mumbled under his breath, “Why couldn’t I just watch cartoons with Emile?”
“I’m gonna steal its foot,” Virgil said.
“Strip a naked man of his foot?” Roman asked. “Really?”
“Naked?” Logan questioned.
“Yes, Logan, named. As in not wearing clothes.”
“What would a rabbit need clothes for?”
“A very important date, of course!” Roman whined out. “Have you no sense of wonder?”
“Have you no sense of proper grammar?”
“I’m gonna steal the foot,” Virgil repeated, touching the animal’s decaying flesh.
“That is absolutely disgusting.”
“Stop!” Patton cried out, squeezing his eyes closed and holding his hands over his ears.
“Are you okay?” Roman whispered. Patton shook his head and Roman could see a few stray tears rolling down his cheeks. “Virgil, stop,” he ordered, pulling the younger boy into his arms. “You’re upsetting Patton.”
Virgil and Logan froze, Virgil’s fingers brushing against the rabbit’s fur. He pulled his hand back quickly when he saw Patton’s face. “Pat, I’m so sorr-“
“What the hell is happening to your hand?” Roman blurted. He shone a flashlight on it. “Violet, you’re turning violet!”
His fingers were turning purple as the hue began to spread down his skin. “Holy shit,” Virgil breathed out. “I- uh- I think we should go home.”
“No shit,” Logan murmured, his eyes growing wide with fear.
“It’s fine we’ll just turn a-“ Virgil stopped in his tracks. The entrance was completely blocked. “No way. No fucking way.”
“Are we going to die here?!” Logan shouted, his breathing growing frantic to the point where he was nearly hyperventilating.  
“We’re not going to die,” Roman said. He heard growing behind him and came face to face with a faceless monster made of smoke and fog. “I TAKE IT BACK, WE’RE GOING TO DIE!”
“What do we do?!” Patton screamed.
“RUN!” Virgil yelled before punching the monster in the face, shocked to find that his hand didn’t go through the fog. It was like punching a brick wall, only he felt no pain. He figured he could buy his friends some time to escape.
Roman had scooped Patton and Logan into each of his arms and ran further into the cave. “You are ridiculously strong,” Patton commented.
“And I’m ridiculously scared for my life!” Logan yelled.
Roman turned behind a wall and let Patton and Logan to their feet before collapsing on the ground. He was panting for air, clutching his chest with each breath and wheezing with every exhale.
“Is he okay?” Patton whispered.
“He has asthma,” Logan explained. “And I’m guessing the dumbass didn’t bring his inhaler.”
“F- uuuck y- ooouu,” Roman wheezed, with a gesture to emphasize his point. He went into a coughing fit before trying to take a few deep breaths. “I didn’t think we’d be fucking running.”
Virgil caught up to them after a moment without even a drop of sweat on him. However, the same smoky black that made up the creature now seemed to cover his cheeks and the skin under his eyes. “Is Roman okay?”
“Are you okay?” Roman asked, his voice still weak and strained.
“Is my hand still purple?”
“Your whole arm is purple.”
“Then no,” Virgil said. “Definitely not.”
“Oh hey shiny rock,” Roman said, weekly trying to pull himself from the ground.
“I think we’ve touched enough weird cave things,” Patton said cautiously.
“This isn’t Virgil’s evil zombie rabbit, though,” Roman said. He picked up the rock and turned it towards Patton. “See? It looks like an eye.”
“I wish you would put that away,” Patton mumbled.
“And I wish we were home, but-“
The cave filled with a cloud of green smoke coming from the rock. They all found themselves stuck in a coughing fit as they choked on the smog. In only a matter of seconds, they were all fast asleep.
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