#can you imagine blinking and you're a thousand years in the future
redrobin-detective · 10 months
I keep turning over a sad little thought in which if all of Simon's memories from the time he put on the crown were stored in it. So when he is magically separated from the crown in CAWM, he retains no memory of any of the events while he was controlled by it. One minute he was teasing Betty in the 20th century and the next he's surrounded by candy people, vampires and talking dogs. How absolutely devastating would that be to everyone involved?
Simon is in a state of shock and it probably takes him months if not years for his brain to mentally catch up with the fact that his civilization died and a new magical one sprang up in what was to him the blink of an eye. Not to mention he knows he lived and experienced in that thousand year interval but when he pokes that spot, it's all a blank. People keep talking to him like he's familiar, bringing up stories and it's like they're talking about a different person. And they ARE in a way, Simon Petrikov PhD student was a very different person after the War and the force of the crown's madness.
Can you imagine Marcy's devastation, that she gets her father figure back and he once again can't remember her? He's normal and sane but he looks at her like she's a stranger. They're back at the same point when he was Ice King. They both work at the relationship and Simon cares for her, but this man didn't raise her, didn't give up his sanity to keep her safe and keep coming back to her even when his mind was gone. They make it work but it's different than what it had been. Marcy looks at him and sees a friend and a mentor but not a father.
Finn too had slowly, despite himself, become fond of Ice King. Especially when he learned of his tragic story. They had developed a relationship and Finn was eager to meet the human behind the magic. Much of his life is defined by loss and here he experiences another one. A man he had beat up, then pitied then against all odds befriended looks at him like a lost kid. This Simon doesn't understand Ooo and Finn's status. He's a man in his 30's to 40's, it will be hard for him to see a teenager as an equal without having developed the relationship over time. He would probably try to fill in the mentor/father role like he did Marcy but Finn would feel cheated. This man was, but also wasn't, the friend Finn knew.
Just a Simon who has to crash course adjust to the literal entire forces of the world changing under his feet with no prior knowledge. He has to cope with the joy and the grief of people who loved him (this other him) dealing with his existence. He has to learn about Betty's sacrifice all over again and not really comprehend just what she went through for him to return. Simon will lie awake at night and try his hardest to remember being scared and starving in the apocalypse, losing himself to madness and becoming a joke, a pointless nuisance, for the people of this world for centuries.
He suffered under the crown but he would give anything to have those bad memories back if it meant he could actually feel connected to the new world he was trapped in.
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venerawrites · 5 months
I swear your writing is the best, and your depiction of the Naruto guys as dads really warms my heart and gives me such baby fever. Could I please have something with Kiba x female reader where you're married and bring your new babies (I really love your headcannon that Kiba would have twins) home, and the babies meet Akamaru for the first time? Your headcannons for him were so beautiful and really made me want more of your husband / dad Kiba. I hope you're having the best week <3
author's note: aw, this message is so cute! I love that recently I have so many requests for Kiba - my boy deserves so much love and I am pretty sure he would be amazing dad! I really enjoyed writing this one and I hope you enjoy reading it! Thank you for requesting! <3
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Getting pregnant was an unexpected event in your mid-twenties. You've always imagined that you would build a solid career, get a nice house in the outskirts of Konoha and marry your childhood sweetheart before you have any children. But life was full with surprises and you only accomplished becoming Mrs. Inuzuka before finding out that you are carrying the fruit of your love inside of you.
Or more precisely - fruits.
You still remember clearly the moment both you and Kiba heard the two heartbeats for the first time. Holding hands, you stared at the little monitor where you could see two blurry blobs, before your wide eyes found each other's.
"Congratulations!", Sakura enthusiastically patted your knee, giving you a wide smile, "You are having twins!"
Too shocked to say anything, you just blinked at her a few times with unreadable expression. Kiba, on the other hand, kept opening and closing his mouth, unsure of how to voice his thoughts.
"If you need some more time to process this, I can leave the room for a bit...", the kunoichi offered, her brows furrowing at your weird reactions. Before she can even stand up, however, the man next to you finally found his voice.
"TWINS?", the word came out almost like a yell making you and her cringe at the loudness, "Like.. like two people?"
Sakura closed her eyes, obviously holding herself back from rolling them, before her lips stretched into the most polite smile she could offer to a question like this.
"Yes, Kiba", she said slowly, emphasizing each word, "Twins means TWO babies."
She twirled on her chair tapping the edge of her pen on the little screen showing you each baby, but her explanation fell on deaf ears. For you it felt like the whole world has stopped and you couldn't really focus neither on the woman's voice or your husband's questions.
Since being a teenager, you have imagined yourself with multiple kids in the future. But two at once? Kiba and you were still living with his mother and sister while saving for your own house. On top of that while you were doing pretty well job wise, having two kids at home meant that your career would surely be halted at least for a few years.
The feeling of your husband's fingers on your cheek brought you out of your trance and you looked around, only to find that you were now alone in the room. Taking a seat next to you, he gently grabbed your chin, turning you toward him.
"Hey", he softly said, "What's wrong, baby?"
Letting out a sigh, you tried to turn your head to the side, but his grip was firm. Why did it feel so hard to voice your worries to him? You have been together for years and best friends for twice as many. There were thousands of secrets you have shared with each other before, some of them way more embarrassing and bad than what you were currently feeling.
"C'mon, talk to me", this time he brough your hand to his lips, landing a small kiss on the back of it. You stared at him for few more seconds, before finally finding the courage to speak.
"What are we going to do, Kiba?"
His brows scrunched, a confusion written all over his face.
"What do you mean?"
You laid your free hand on your stomach, rubbing small circles on it and suddenly your eyes started to burn with tears. In your best try to blink them away, a few of them fell down your cheeks, catching your lover's attention. With one swift move, he was on the bed next to you, holding you in his arms, while your body kept shaking with sobs.
"I am just... so scared! I never thought I would be having twins... two babies! How are we going to manage with two babies? We can barely keep up with Akamaru! Oh my, I am alread-"
The rant was interrupted by Kiba, who pressed his finger against your mouth silencing you. Expecting a more defensive reaction from him, you were taken aback when he pressed his lips against your forehead, letting them linger for a while.
"Baby, we are in this together, yeah? We are going to manage, just like we always do", his eyes found yours while saying this and it was enough for all your racing thoughts to stop, allowing you to look realistically at the situation.
Your husband was right. It was hard to think of a time when you were not side by side - knowing each other since you were little kids, you've experienced everything together. Your first day at school, your first mission, your first kiss, your first party, your first promotion, your first intimacy, your first (and hopefully last) war... The list was long, yet there was still much to be added to it.
Your first pregnancy included.
"Stop doing that!", he scolded you, flicking you with his middle finger on the tip of your nose. Your brows immediately furrowed, a frown forming on your lips once you felt him do it a second time.
"Doing what?"
"Stressing about stuff", he grinned, reaching toward your face for a third time, which you manage to dodge by leaning back, "We are going to be fine, baby, I promise!"
Unable to stop the warmth from spreading inside your chest at the sound of his words, you leaned forward, softly capturing his lips with yours. The kiss was short and sweet, very different from the intense make out sessions you usually shared and which eventually got you to your current situation.
"I love you, Kiba", the words came out as a whisper once you pulled away from him and pressed your forehead against his.
"I love you too, baby", he said back, rubbing his nose against yours lovingly. Moments like these were rare - not only because living in the Inuzuka compound meant you rarely had any moments of privacy when you can allow yourself to be vulnerable, but also because you relationship was better described as flirty and teasing, rather than sweet and romantic.
True to himself, your husband let you enjoy this side of him just for a bit, before he ruined the moment once again.
"Damn, your hormones must be going crazy right now! You're changing moods faster than- OW!"
He rubbed his shoulder when you just hit him, sticking his tongue out when he noticed the unimpressed glare you gave him.
"One more step... Here you go! Almost there!"
Following Kiba's voice, you gripped your lover's hand so hard in yours, he tried his best not to wince in pain. But hey, it was his idea to blindfold you when he picked you and your babies from the hospital, so he couldn't really complain, right?
"Kiba, I swear to Kami, if I fall down these stairs...", there was no need for you to finish the sentence for him to nervously gulp, letting out a nervous chuckle. Placing his palm on your lower back, he supported your body, making sure there is no risk for you to trip or lean backwards.
"Do you think I am going to let you fall down the stairs, silly?", he tried to joke, but he could tell by the low grumble that left your lips that you were not really amused by it.
When he first tried to put the cloth over your eyes, you refused to entertain his gimmicks. Being in a hospital for over two weeks after giving birth to your twin boys had mentally drained you and more than anything you just wanted to go home. Thankfully there was nothing wrong with you or your sons, but as this was the first pair of twins Sakura had treated, she insisted on keeping you for supervision longer than was really needed.
One thing about your husband, however, was that he was so stubborn it was almost impossible to fight him when he had his mind set on something. So after nearly half an hour of him whining he wanted to surprise you, you finally agreed to be blindfolded. He insisted carrying the twins on the clothed baby carrier his mother had handmade for you, placing one of the children in front of his chest, while the other one was comfortably resting on his back.
Much to your dismay and Kiba's happiness, your twin boys were an exact replica of their dad. Save for the eyes, which they both took from you, their brown hair, red cheek markings and face features were a clear indicator to which clan they belonged. This was a big stroke to your husband's ego and he never missed a chance to point out to you how they were going to grow up just like him.
"Okay, okay!", the man excitedly said after he let you through, what you assumed was, a door, "I am going to remove the blindfold now... Are you ready?"
"Yes, baby, I'm ready", you replied with a tired voice, yet there was a note of excitement in it. Your beloved was not usually one for surprises, so you were eager to see what he had prepared for you.
Without wasting a second, he moved behind you, untying the piece of cloth and sliding it from your head. Taking a few seconds to adjust to the light, you blinked a few times, before letting out a loud gasp.
Looking around, you found yourself in a completely new house... YOUR new house. It had most of the furniture from the home you shared with his mother, but you had noticed he intentionally left some of the interior to be finished by you.
So this is what he must have been doing during the past two months, when he kept having to leave the hospital early because he had "work to do". With a small laugh, your turned to him, carefully circling your arms around him, so you don't hurt any of the babies, who were curiously examining their new surrounding.
"Do you like it? I know for how long we've been talking about getting a house and now it felt like the right moment.."
"Like it? Baby, I love it!", you pressed a sweet kiss to his mouth, small tears of happiness forming in the corners of your eyes. Before you could say anything else, your attention was caught by the sound of distant barking. Turning around, you could see Akamaru running toward you, while wiggling his tail in excitement.
"Akamaru! Hi, my favourite boy!", you crouched down to his level, laughing once he attacked your face with wet kisses, "Yes, I'm excited to see you too! I missed you!"
"I thought I was your favourite boy...", Kiba muttered next to you and you playfully rolled your eyes, getting up to your feet.
"Aw, don't be jealous now! He is my favourite boy... with fur!"
Losing his interest in you, Akamaru start sniffing Kiba, circling his form, while letting out a bark at the new, unfamiliar family members. Carefully taking out the baby that was placed in the front of his chest, Kiba felt your hands doing the same with your second son strapped to his back.
Holding one baby each, both of you kneeled down, letting Akamaru take a sniff. Surprisingly, instead of being scared, the twins found the big white dog intriguing, as they tried to reach toward his face and grab his nose.
"Careful, boy!", Kiba warned, as he noticed Akamaru trying to lick one of the children, who in return wriggled uncomfortably in his arms, "They are too little for kisses like that... Be gentle!"
Understanding his owner's warning, the dog stepped back before sitting down, his eyes still traveling between both boys, studying them.
"Good boy", you praised him, before putting your hand out for him to put his paw in. Once he did, you let the baby in your arms reach toward the paw as well, smiling as you saw Akamaru wiggle his tail at the touch, "Oh, you already love each other, huh?"
"Of course they do, they are all Inuzuka, after all", Kiba said smugly, bouncing one of your twins on his knee. Clicking your togue, you stood up, eager to explore the rest of the house.
Your husband swiftly followed, taking it upon himself to give you a tour of the project he has been working on for months. To say you were impressed would be too weak of a description of how you were feeling right now - you were absolutely amazed at the amount of effort he put into making this place your own.
He had already prepared a nursery for the babies, with its own bathroom and closet, as well as two empty rooms, which would turn into your children's rooms once they grow old enough to be separated. There were a big bathroom, kitchen and a dining room, all of which were looking over the nearby forest.
At the end of the corridor and next to the nursery was your own bedroom, which was spacious and light, with a backdoor leading to a small garden.
"And this is our room... You know, where I will make sure you carry another set of twins soon!"
Gasping, you lightly hit his arm, your face going bright red at his words. He only laughed, smacking your bum with his free hand, before heading to the twins' room to put the one he was holding to sleep.
Looking at the baby in your arms, who was looking at you curiously, you shook your head, a small smile playing on your lips.
"Please don't turn out to have your dad's personality or I may actually go crazy."
cc artwork: Joanne Tran
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ghysry · 9 days
okay but i seriously have been mulling over this for ages and have not voiced it whatsoever but imagine instead of them idk DYING i wouldve killed to have a season where they band together to assassinate their dad lols and redo everything so they end up great and alive and in their own timeline where the apocalypse never happened and vanya got her violin first chair fairly with christmas dinners and celebrations together andUGH
Saw the first and second part of your ask (if I'm certain that's the first and second part) and I think it's a pretty good idea (+ Angst easily flocks to us🙏)
Tagsies: FIVE ANGST....No reader insert for this one folks.
Diego & Five sibling fluff at the very end guys trust trust me it's not heartbreaking at all
"Do you know who we are? Do you want to know who I am?"
It's a strange thing; his family. He doesn't know exactly what they are to him, well, no, he does - they're his family, the people he bared through the apocalypse for, the people he now rarely sees on Sundays. They agreed to it before, always meeting up on Sundays under the big old oak forest that replaced the daunting mansion they grew up in across different timelines. First, Viktor cancelled his plans sometimes, then always, then they rarely saw his face around anymore. Not that they blamed him, not really, all of them did it too. One by one, they'd cherry pick the best times to cancel their plans and make up varyingly worrying excuses on how they wouldn't make it to the outing this time, or next time, or ever.
Five likes to think he doesn't ask for a lot, he likes to think he doesn't ask for anything at all. Never once in his life, after the first time he asked for something, did he ever do it again. Because what he asked for was freedom, and when he first did he was thirteen. He came back to the present as a fifty-eight year old man stuck in a teen body, with a vow to never ever even think about asking for something, so when he felt the ever growing hole in his chest consume him whole and collapse into his chest when one by one his siblings kept cancelling, he kept his mouth shut and went to the big oak forest on his own. Sometimes he feels childish, because instead of growing up and compartmentalizing it like he always does, this time he solves it by curling up under a tree and trying to silence the world with a shut of both his eyes.
He also likes to think he blames his father for everything that happened. But he doesn't - not that he can't, he does have the ability to, and he should; that much he knows, but he won't. He carries the blame for everything that happened on his shoulders, and every little mistake goes straight into the ever growing black hole in his chest that has already consumed him. He can't blame his siblings, they act the way they act because of their father, but he can blame himself. He, of course, had the least problems out of all of them, just going through an apocalypse, being turned into a human weapon, hunting down and killing thousands of people..it doesn't phase him, not one bit. So why does this phase him?
Where'd all his siblings go?
It felt like they ran away from him. Blinked out of his life and got stuck in their own personal future where they have families to take care of and friends to meet up with, so he also buried himself in work, found a good job that accepted his face and appearance along with his skills, stopped visiting the oak tree, stopped curling underneath it, stopped asking where his siblings went; he was making progress. He thought. The good kind of progress where you're changing the world for good and all. He made friends, kind of. He'd rather stick to co-workers than calling them friends, but he talks to them and they talk to him so the world feels a little less lonely but it doesn't feel enough, either.
Now, surrounded by his siblings, he could stop asking where they went. The first thing he noticed was a scent in the longue they sat in, acorn, burns to smell, artificial. He's sure acorns don't smell like that, he's tried to eat plenty when he was in the apocalypse - it never worked. The only reason they were together again was because, against all conventional means, they needed to kill their dad and Five told them it would save the world. The wandering eyes convey a story, like they've definitely played this play before, heard this tune before, seen the show..they get it, no matter how many metaphors Klaus has to say to try and brighten up the room. Five is just glad they didn't bring any of their kids here, the look on his siblings faces was daunting.
Five, out of anyone, would know that his siblings, though they do blame their father, cannot kill him. No, the twitching in their hands and the sideways look they give to the plant in the corner trying to avoid the topic says so, it's loud, embarrassingly loud - so he comes to one conclusion. He kills the father, it ends. When he planned it out, it honestly felt better in his imagination, the bloodshed, finally killing the man who has plagued his siblings for so long, finally freeing them of their abuser, but for some reason it didn't. It just felt worse, and worse, and worse. Every time he looked down at his hands he'd see the blood, the blood of his father, the blood of the man who was supposed to raise his siblings,
Of the man who was supposed to raise him.
He sat on the edge of the chair this time, hair tussled with restlessness, eyes almost blurry from having stayed up so long, for so late, for how long? He doesn't remember, nor does he really care. He's been spiraling for days and he feels his insides turning out and his lungs expanding when he exhales - his hands are too still, too still, there's too much blood, too much, and there's someone behind him, and..
"Five?" Diego's voice rang out in his head, he takes a pause to acknowledge it, trying to figure out if it's actually his brother calling out to him or just a projection inside his head that feels too real. The hand on his shoulder and the jolt causing him to jump up only slightly, though, further proved his hypothesis - yeah, it's Diego. He doesn't respond, not yet at least, he has to try and come up with a reason as to why he's been staring at his feet and his hands for hours now, and why he jumped at the feeling of someone's hand on his shoulder. He doesn't feel real yet and it's troubling him, like a big cinder block has made it's way to the black hole in his chest but somehow, even with all his calculations about this kind of problem, the cinder block manages not to get sucked in, and instead of a hollow feeling, there's just something weighing on his chest and his ribs this time.
And Diego, instead of waiting for an answer, takes his time to slowly but surely wrap his arms around his brother. "It's okay, I know," does he? "I know." He does.
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maniacal-butterfly · 2 years
Thoughts on Sheogorath: 1) The other Daedra thought he would be harmless, being the antithesis of the most powerful Prince, but they failed to account for the fact that Jyggalag’s power was not purely a part of his sphere 2) The Aedra and the Daedra had an arrangement, where the Aedra would give the Daedra a piece of Lorkhan to use as a foundation for imprisoning Jyggalag, so long as they promised they would keep that piece of Lorkhan in check. Sheogorath was grown from that piece.
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Hi anon! Thanks for the asks! I want to prelude this by saying, I'm not in any shape an expert in TES lore. Which is why, before I answer your ask about kalpas (I'm guessing it's from you as well?), I'll take a refresher dive into uesp.
Now about the Sheo thoughts. Hope you don't mind the resulting wall of text you're going to get.
I always thought Jiggy to be closer to madness than he'd admit to be honest. There's insanity in wanting the world to follow perfect order and he'd need a crazy amount of denial not to realise mortals will not follow whatever statistics he may have planned for. In a world where people can become gods and twist reality from thousand of years in the future, you're bound to go batty if you want things to follow order. I find there's a comical level of hubris to the other daedric princes when they decided to curse Jyggy with becoming what he "hated the most". As if madness and chaos didn't reach all minds and realms. It's just good fortune for them that Sheo seems to be happy with simply having a foothold everywhere and doesn't share Jiggy's expansionist plans.
While I know Sheogorath is said to be the "Sithis-shaped hole" who came to the world once Lorkhan's spark was removed, quite frankly, I have little knowledge about what that would mean. So your idea about the Lorkhan piece is as good as any other in my opinion. But then I have a question for you: have the Daedra failed their part of the bargain with the Aedra? Because, especially after getting rid of the Greymarch, Sheogorath isn't what I would call "kept in check".
Going to combine 3 and 6. I like the parasite/butterfly/mushroom theme you have going there. Got me thinking about the body snatcher wasps that lay eggs into caterpillars and other insects; the larvae turning their hosts into living cocoons as time goes by. Or the fungus that takes over ants; its spore first digging itself through the exoskeleton til it forces its victim to find a good spot to die and allow the fungus to grow to adulthood. It makes the Greymarches an attempt to eradicate the infestation but as we all know, "you cannot kill [mushrooms] in a way that matters". Even after the Isles are bleached white, there would remain a root, a spore, and from it the spread would start anew. Allowing Sheogorath to regrow from the husk of his realm. As for the screaming plants... they'd hold the key to a network of information if only you knew how to connect to it. Maybe they could talk if they wished to. They'd tell you what's the best route to follow. Go that way, or the other. We never said the information was truthful however.
Did Sheogorath sneeze or blinked when Cyrodiil went from being a Jungle to a fertile land? Or did that not count as an impossibility? What would count as impossible and is Sheo having a loose grasp on the concept why some things just make no sense in Tamriel? How much of a headache would Jiggy get during a Dragon Break? While we are talking about Aedras, there are two others I'd imagine Sheo would work with. Dibella and him both have artists and musicians in their "sphere". They may compete over the methods of inspiration but I can see them working together for more awe inspiring, revolutionary, projects. A more "obvious" one, so to speak, would be Kynareth. I was going with the simple path of her bringing rain and storms, both phenomenon giving a chance of calling onto Sheogorath while wishing for another deity. But, after some research, and I’m quoting uesp here, “She is associated with rain, a phenomenon that is said not to have occurred before the removal of Lorkhan's divine spark.” Here is that spark again. The one which disappearance brought the Madgod to the world. And sure it doesn't mean much, a simple coincidence probably, but I appreciate the idea of those two being close. There is a wildness to the elements and the wind after all.
Anon, why matcha? Sure it's toxic green but it's also extremely bitter. though it is usually balanced by the sweetest treats. Is that why you chose it? Sheo and Jiggy's relationship is bound to be an odd one. And you're right to say they are opposite spheres. Which makes me wonder. They are like two sides of the same coin, and the Shivering Isles is represented by a flat land. Could Jyggalag's realm simply be on the other side of that land? Not "beneath" it. Though as far as one is concerned, the other's realm is basically in their basement. None is upside down, there is no real up or down in Oblivion anyway, given what you see is how the daedric prince wants it to be. And well, I'd guess there's still a few spores on Jiggy and tiny sandlike shards of crystal on Sheo once they separated.
Sheo being Sheo and doing what feels like a good time to him despite of, and to spite, the other daedras is such a Mood. May he continue to do so over time.
Whether it's lore friendly or not, I do not know, but I tend to see Aedras and Daedras as neither good nor bad, rather as being closer to Seelie and Unseelie Courts. Some may be cruel and hate mortals, sure, but they also sometimes interact with mortals and just end up breaking them. For instance, the lady who got turned into instruments had a gruesome fate, but the intent wasn't evil. I'm not saying Daedras are all good, just pointing out that both Aedras and Daedras have used mortals as tools and taken sacrifices. I also wish we'd have more insight as to how the different cultures impact the way Daedras interact with mortals. For instance, the Reachmen have the "Spirits" a lot more integrated in their daily lives and, while mistakes can lead to dangerous outcomes, are not worse from wear from it. Would different races or cultures perceive daedric realms differently given their different beliefs?
Anyway. I don't know if you expected the length of the answer. I'm sorry if you weren't. Feel free to send me other thoughts on the topic (sorry if it takes a while to answer, I'm away from home often). I'll be answering the Kalpa one in the next few days.
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buccee · 1 year
Manifesto of Learning and Thinking.
Manifesto of Learning and Thinking.
Humans, learn and think! Do you want to live a better life? Learn and Think!
How many of you are living a happy life? If you are not happy, why so? Do you want to be happy? Then something has to be changed. Just complaining and wishing luck won't bring you happiness. You should go get your happiness. What is happiness? Achieving what you want? Do you think you'll be happy once you get what you want? Unless you change your point of view, you will repeat the cycle. If you're not suffering, then you are happy. Because your life is already full of happiness. We should learn how to be happy. Once we are happy, our world will get better.
What makes us suffer? What makes us feel sad, angry, and feared? Not having what we want, and not going as we want. What do we want then? We wanna survive. We wanna reproduce.
We are on a continuum of 4 billion years long self-replication. Imagine your past surviving and reproducing for 4 billion years. And now you ended up like this. What are you gonna do? I don't think there is a right answer. Maybe I just don't know it.
Let's find out more about the world. How did life begin in the first place? Did it really just start as specific molecules bond in specific ways in the specific situation? We should figure out what we are by discovering how we actually started, how we evolved, and how we will end up being. We can only know by constant thinking and learning. All the discoveries we have are by people who think and learn. You don't wanna just die, not even knowing what we are and what this world is. It's said our universe started from very small, it expanded, and all the matter combined with each other and formed stars and planets.
How did we end up having consciousness? What is even consciousness? Is consciousness coming from the brain? Then do all animals have consciousness? How does the brain make consciousness? The brain is made of atoms; then consciousness arises if certain atoms bond with each other in certain ways.
What was there before the big bang? Is there anything outside of the universe? Did the big bang just happen out of nowhere? Does the universe last forever? How long can humanity survive in the universe?
Human civilization started like ten thousand years ago, then what's it gonna be another ten thousand years later? I can't even imagine one thousand years later. could William the Conquerer imagine what it gonna be like in one thousand years? What happens a hundred thousand years later? How about a million, a hundred million, or a billion years later? Ten thousand years of human history is just a blink of an eye compared to billions of years of the history of the universe.
We're living in a historical era; computational intelligence is exponentially advancing, and in a decade, our world might face complete reform. In our lifetime, it is possible that humanity will finally discover ways to live forever with the help of AI. If so, after 4 billion of self-replication, we're the first mutations to survive forever. We might be able to see the future 100 years, 1000 years, million, or billion years later. What a historic moment it is. We might figure out what the universe is, what life is, and what consciousness is. It's gonna be an interesting journey. If we don't learn or think now, once the AI is utilized, a lot of people will end up in a 'useless class' and live like circus animals obeying what their food givers say. We should learn about the universe; we should learn about organisms. We should learn about the history of human civilization; we should learn about human psychology. We should learn how the world works so that we don't die like animals in the zoo. But we will jump out the gate and explore for free. We should learn and think!
Some of my posts have themes of learning and thinking. My first About post talks about how curious I am and want to learn more about the world, and want to discover, which are learning and thinking. For the post Poem, I picked Fire and Ice by Robert Frost because he talks about the end of the world, whether it will end in fire or ice. It's good to think about our world in the long term, and personally, I hope neither is the case. The post "The AGI era" is a sci-fi fiction in the year 2030, which has a possible scenario in the future. We finally learn about the outer world and face a new journey.
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oflgtfol · 3 years
i know the nuclear waste storage thing proliferated throughout tumblr but the conversations around it never really like, properly addressed WHY i personally find it so profound and meaningful lol
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it’s just. the reason it’s written like that is because this is for long-term storage. not 100 years. not 200 years. literally tens of thousands of years, to the point where the commonly recognized symbols and languages of modern day will very likely not even exist anymore. we all know what a nuclear warning symbol looks like nowadays, but we have absolutely zero guarantee that the people of the year 20,000 will be able to recognize what it means and the danger it presents. we have no idea the what kind of scientific background they will have, if they will even know what nuclear waste IS - whether that's because science has degraded over time, or because it advanced so much that nuclear waste became obsolete, or whether they know what it is but have an entirely different understanding of it than we do nowadays, etc etc.
the report about this states that the best course of action is to continuously reaffirm our current methods. make sure that our current symbols remain in public conscience, continuously educate about this, continuously update current text warnings with language as it evolves over time. that is the best case scenario.
but science is not science unless you account for all cases - especially the worst case. so how do you communicate with a group of people that you have no shared language, no shared knowledge of warning symbols, no shared scientific knowledge with?
the text warning above is only one part of the general plan to warn away from storage sites. it also includes hostile architecture as a way to physically block people from reaching the storage site, as well as a visual symbol of you're not welcome here as a warning. there are also pictographic depictions of people's faces scrunched up in disgust, fear, anger, under the assumption that emotions and facial expressions will be a unifying factor where all other forms of communication fail. in a way, this text warning is the very last resort for keeping people away.
it's written in this utterly strange way that sounds nothing like the way people actually speak. but it's written like this because it's supposed to be easily translatable, both in the literal words and also in the general concepts, in order to account for linguistic changes over time as well as possible changes in scientific and cultural knowledge.
instead of saying "there is nuclear waste here. leave" it instead calls it some sort of "emanation of energy" and it describes the general geographic area using words like "center" and "below." these are easily translatable phrases. they may not have the words or even the concept of nuclear waste, but "emanation of energy" is probably the easiest description of radiation without getting into the jargony, untranslatable science of it. if this future people is aware of nuclear radiation, then it's enough to extrapolate what exactly we're talking about here, and if they aren't aware of nuclear radiation, then it's still enough to understand that there is something intangible, invisible, and dangerous. and the warning cannot describe where exactly the waste is located using modern terms, but "center" and "below" are pretty universal concepts that have existed long before us, and will presumably persist long after us.
but what i really want to pinpoint is how they focus on the harm it causes. they describe it as an emanation of energy but they don't call it "the energy." they call it the danger, and they say "The danger is to the body, and it can kill." body, kill, danger, these are all concepts that transcend time period. people have always had words for these concepts, and they are intimately understood regardless of when you are. above all else, these words can be translated, and they are the most important words in this entire message because of that.
we have no idea if humanity as a race will even exist on these time scales. every day it feels like we’re inching closer to our own demise. and so often when anyone talks about the future even 50 years from now, you’re met with jokes like “bold of you to assume we’ll still be alive then.” it’s such a bleak outlook on life, the assumption that we’ll be gone so soon, and with it comes this uncaring attitude about future generations. why put in the work and effort to preserve things when we'll be gone in the blink of an eye, and on a more callous level, why try to improve things when i won't be alive then anyway, etc etc.
so to dedicate so much thought towards warning people SO far in the future that we cannot even imagine the state of their language, their knowledge, their culture, is just so profound to me. it’s the ultimate sign of human compassion, of caretaking and helping others in need. thousands of generations will separate us from anyone who can come close to being the intended audience of these warnings, and yet we care so much about them that we’ll go to such lengths to protect them from this danger. we can so easily hand wave it, say oh but that’s in the far future, who cares, just keep using our current language and symbols, but no! we want to reach through time and make sure that people stay away for their own health
it especially hits me because this is the impact of our own poor decisions. nuclear waste is so toxic that even thousands upon thousands of years from now it will still be deadly. and we're literally burying it in the ground and leaving it for future generations to deal with. playing with such powers before we’re ready, before we know how to properly handle it, like we’re playing God with things powerful beyond our control. the sheer hubris of it all. and the nuclear waste and the danger it poses both now and in the future is reaping the consequences of it. but the people in the future did nothing to deserve it, it was not their generation who did this, yet they’re dealing with the consequences of what their ancestors did
and so i feel like, this message is both a warning and an APOLOGY. “This place is not a place of honor... no highly esteemed deed is commemorated here... nothing valued is here.” this phrase is there to signal that no, this isn’t buried treasure, this isn’t anything you want to be digging around in, even the people of its time were in danger from it. as always, it’s a warning. but the way it's worded feels like something else, too. this place is not a place of honor. all the scientific advancements and awards and medals of honor going towards the development of nuclear energy and weapons and all things nuclear - and yet, this place is not a place of honor. one of our most shining achievements is also our heaviest burden. because here we are, having to warn our descendants in the far far future of the danger it poses, entirely because we were messing with things before we had the proper capability to handle it safely and responsibly. it’s a warning, yes, but it's also an apology. a way of humbling ourselves. "We considered ourselves to be a powerful culture," and yet, "this place is best left shunned and left uninhabited."
and so taking the time to think these things through, of how to communicate to people tens of thousands of years in the future to keep them safe and healthy, feels like both a show of human compassion for the sake of compassion, and also yet another form of apology. because this isn’t some freak accident. this isn't a naturally occurring danger. this is directly caused by our current actions. if they fall sick or die because of exposure, that is because of us, because of what we did and then buried in the ground to hide and forget about, and so it’s really only right that we take responsibility for our actions and the unintended consequences and ensure that no one else is harmed by them
TL;DR, i love this message so much because it's an admittance of hubris and playing god. it's an apology, it's a show of regret, and it's humbling ourselves in dealing with the consequences. it's communication between generations and reaching through the ages to directly talk to our descendants. it's an extraordinary link over time, between vastly different peoples, and we use it to express basic compassion and humility. it's a message about humanity, with all of our worst, but also all of our best.
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cloverfics · 4 years
always be with you ; eren yeager
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warnings not edited, other than that... nothing much lol
genre fluff, angst ( ? ), modern au, established relationship
word count 1.3k
inspiration n / a
synopsis in the final days you have with eren before you have to go away for college, he takes you on one last date before you leave
a / n back from a hiatus i wasn’t even aware i was taking 😁 only explanation is that i’ve been in between fandoms and didn’t feel like writing for anyone really. but i’ve recently attached myself to jjk so let’s see how that goes
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"Eren, I don't understand the need for a blindfold." Your fingers came up to touch the material for the umpteenth time. Eren scoffed, his hand coming over to swat your hand away just like the other times.
"It wouldn't be much of a surprise without one, would it?" Your body jerked to the right as Eren hit another sharp turn.
You huffed. "Well, the more you drive recklessly, the more I want this surprise to be over."
He laughed. "Don't worry, you big baby. We're here now." The car eased to a stop in what you guessed was a parking spot. It didn't take long for you to process where this surprise was.
From the amount of turns, to the salty smell of the ocean. You already knew Eren had taken you to the beach.
"We're at the beach?" Eren finally removed that blindfold. The beach was practically deserted at this hour, at least on the side Eren always brought you to.
"Don't like it?" He asked, already getting out of the car.
You followed suit, opening the passengers door and having Eren join by your side. "I don't mind but we come here all the time."
"I know, I know," Eren grabs the both of your wrists, leading you both from the pavement to the sea of sand. "But I wanted this to be the last spot we came to before you have to start packing tomorrow."
Eren said it with a smile but you could tell that sentence hurt him more to say than for you to hear. For you, Eren had always put on a brave face. No matter what the circumstances were, he always made sure you knew he was "taking it well".
Being one of the closest people to Eren, you knew when he was on the opposite spectrum of that. You knew when a situation was weighing down on him, you knew when he was stressed out, you could when he just wanted to breakdown.
You saw all those things clearly ever since you told him you wanted to travel for college. Specifically, thousands of miles away from him. Eren always knew he wanted to stay homebound for college, and so did you. But unlike him, you didn't have much ties to your hometown. Besides him and your friends.
And you had the overwhelming want to travel since forever. Since you got the chance with a scholarship to a college across the country, you weren't going to pass it up. Much to Eren's dismay.
He was upset, to say the least. It wasn't direct but he was trying to convince you to try other options. Like for example, stay with him. Thankfully, he let that hope go when he saw that you were serious about this decision.
Yet, even though you knew he had come to terms with the idea, he was still hurt and worried for your relationship. You were too. For the past year your relationship has managed to withstand anything, but the possibility that long distance could deliver the blow prodded at you.
"I think this is our usual spot." Eren sat down on the sand, bringing you down with him. You two sat side by side in silence. Just listening to the repeated crashing of the waves.
It reminded you of the moment this had become you and Eren's spot. One year ago, the both of you sitting close to this very spot on the sand. Talking about nothing. There was no worry that one of you had to leave for a while. Just the worry Eren had that you'd say no to his request of being his girlfriend.
The memory made you laugh, your forehead meeting your knees. Eren looked over in concern.
"Are you okay?" Your eyes met his curious gaze and you couldn't help but laugh more.
"I was just thinking about the night you confessed to me. And how we started dating at this exact spot." Your laughter subsided as you laid back onto the sand. In the moment, you weren't worried where it landed but you knew you'd be annoyed when you say up.
Yet, when Eren joined you and copied the way you looked up at the sky, your future worries melted with ease.
"16 year old Eren was quite the romantic, choosing to confess to you at a beach at night." Eren mused. You hummed, a soft laugh rumbling in your chest.
"Now that I think about it, I think that's the most romantic thing you've done." Your laughter was more audible when you heard Eren's gasp.
His hand landed on his chest, he was obviously offended. "I have done romantic things since then," He sat up onto his elbows.
"Like— remember the time I—" Eren paused when began to laugh more hysterically. He scoffed, plopping back onto the sand.
"You were joking." He said bitterly in realization. You nodded, shuffling over to place your head on his chest.
"I was just joking, bub. You're very romantic." Eren sucked his teeth, his hand coming up to dust sand from your hair.
You cleared your throat. "I'm going to miss this." You whispered, hesitant, hoping you didn't cut deeper into any of Eren's open wounds. He inhaled deeply.
"So am I." He whispered back, his hand rested on the side of your neck, his thumb caressing your cheek.
The silence returned but you could only focus on the present. You wouldn't get a moment like this with Eren for a while and that you couldn't even imagine.
"You know," Eren interrupted your thought process. You hummed in response. "I brought you here to stargaze."
"Really?" You inquired.
"Yea. I wanted to say one of those cheesy lines like how, even though you're thousands of miles away, I'd always be with you because of the stars. But then I realized that line was really bad." He laughed it off. And usually, you would too. But just him admitting that weighed into the fact you'd really be without him and only with him through your devices.
You wouldn't be able to hear any more borderline terrible jokes or what he considers romantic lines in person, on his chest, on his shoulder. The thought singly made tears well up in your eyes and your tears fell before you could blink them away.
The sudden wet spots of Eren's shirt and the sound of your sniffling alerted him. He sat up immediately, bringing your body up as well.
"Oh no, I know it was really bad but don't cry." Eren's fingers came to wipe your tears before cradling your face in his palms. You laughed at him sadly.
"I'm not crying because of your terrible line, idiot. I'm crying because I'm actually going miss you telling me them in person. It's not going to be the same when we're thousands miles apart." Your explanation made Eren frown.
He sighed, leaning his forehead onto your own. "I know. And I know it's selfish to say that I'd do anything for you to stay with me but I know you going to that college is what's best for you. I want what's best for you and if it means we'll have to be apart for a while, I can accept that."
Again with the silence with only the sound of the waves. You sat on Eren's words, trying to accept the situation just like he had.
You scoffed, weakly hitting his chest. "How are you taking this better than me?"
Eren laughed, pulling back hut still keeping his hands cupping your face. "I'm not, seriously. But I love you and I know that this is what's happening. And I know we'll still be together no matter what."
That made your frown upturn a bit. Eren had faith in your relationship, and there was no reason for you to have doubt when he didn't.
You sucked your teeth. "I love you too."
"Yea, I know."
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jackson--t · 3 years
Hi ! I hope you're doing well. I've had an idea for a one shot and though I could write it myself I don't think it could ever come out as beautiful as if you would write it so here it is.
I was thinking of Ivar and Heahmund as a couple. They haven't really had to spend too much time away from each other because whenever ine traveled with work the other would come along so maybe this time Ivar has to go alone because it's urgent and Heahmund can't come along cause he's stuck at work and unable to take a few days off. I was thinking Ivar would be so homesick. Like unable to sleep and stuff. And though he would have had to spend around a week away he won't be able to stay away for so long and return 3 days later and surprises Heahmund and they cuddle q lot and Ivar barely let's Heahmund go anywhere because he's touch starved.
You don't have to write it. It's just an idea but if you fancy it and want to I would feel honored to have my idea written by you and also very happy. Thank you ! Love ya!
Hello my dear, and I feel so honored that you want me to write this idea of yours! ❤️ As I already told you, it was a huge pleasure for me as I can identify myself with that situation very well, and I really hope that you like what I wrote and it turned maybe a little bit out the way you wanted it. Thank you so much! ❤️
Three days
Words: ~ 3k.
It's all pure fluff and stuff, and a bit of missing, obviously. xD
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Ivar clenched his hand lightly around Heahmund's; he had been afraid, damned afraid of this day that was coming anyway - and it had just been there far too quickly, far too fleetingly, and most of all - far too hard.
He could feel Heahmund squeezing his hand a little tighter as well, but the big man only smiled slightly, while Ivar could already feel the tears in his eyes.
"I can't do that, no. I'd rather be out of a job." he snarled tensely, while Heahmund let out a soft snort. They had arrived at the final departure lounge, where he would soon be leaving - and where Ivar would have to say a final goodbye to Heahmund.
They had been a couple for maybe two years, had been through many ups and downs together - but they had never been apart for long. The longest they had spent without each other was one day. And that was only because Ivar had been far too offended at the time and had missed his bus when he had changed his mind after all. In that night, Ivar had sworn to himself that he would never again spend even one night apart from Heahmund - which had generally worked out well. When one of the two had to travel, they had taken each other with them. One had taken time off, the other was working; in this way they had been able to discover many places together. But this time it had been different. Since Heahmund had an important job to do, he couldn't take time off - just when Ivar had to fly away for a week for his job.
It was the first time Ivar had seriously considered just quitting; it was one thing to go to work and have your partner back in bed with you in the evening; but something completely different to have to go to sleep without him. The thought of it sent deep goosebumps down Ivar's body, and he sighed deeply.
"Honey, you're hurting me. It's only a week.", Heahmund said in a relaxed manner, trying to lightly release his hand from the clamp-like grip of Ivar's warm fingers; however, Ivar shook his head. Breathe in, breathe out, he told himself; but his eyes betrayed him. It wasn't really a tear that ran lightly from the corner of his eye, but Heahmund saw it anyway.
He made a soft clicking sound with his tongue and wrapped his arms tightly around the middle of Ivar's body; Ivar buried his face deep in Heahmund's black jacket, breathing in deeply the smell of his boyfriend. God, how he would miss him. Already his body felt drained, and his heart area became terribly heavy.
"I'm going to miss you so much, Heahmund. What are you going to do without me? Who's going to cook for you? And don't you dare meet anyone else.", Ivar mumbled dully into Heahmund's jacket, and he wrapped his arms tighter around Heahmund as he laughed softly and melodically.
"Babe, I'm not seeing anyone else. And besides, I'll probably survive a week without you! What are delivery services for, huh?" Heahmund replied, lifting Ivar's chin with a slight movement; Ivar blinked.
"Still. I should stay here." he grumbled, and Heahmund laughed softly.
"I have something for you that will comfort you a little. I know you always claim you don't like these things and are too old for them - but you always hug your bear very fiercely for that when I come home at night. That's why...", Heahmund said and pulled something out of his jacket pocket; it was a small stuffed animal, a small, soft hyena, wearing a dark blue ribbon around its neck. Ivar had to swallow; he took the stuffed animal carefully in his hands and then blinked very gently up at Heahmund, who looked at him with a smile.
"A hyena! You remember I was particularly fond of those?" he murmured softly, and Heahmund nodded as his hand went lightly to the back of Ivar's neck.
"Sure. You took about 200 pictures, and you kept stressing how much you'd like one yourself, and that you'd keep it in the bedroom."
"In the bathroom, so it could have a tub!"
"Of course!" Heahmund snorted in amusement; through the hall came the distinct and final call for Ivar's Gate, and the voice again sent a terrible shiver down Ivar's spine. He pressed himself as tightly as he could against Heahmund and sobbed slightly; Heahmund's warm fingers stroked through his hair, which for once he had not braided today, and which was just wildly disheveled. Who else was he going to make himself pretty for when his future husband wasn't around?
"Shhht, it's going to be okay, Ivar. You have to go now.", Heahmund said softly; Ivar knew it was time, but he found it extremely difficult to let go of the warm and familiar body and the familiar, beloved smell.
They kissed firmly and as long as they could; before Heahmund softly broke the kiss and smiled at Ivar once more. "You call me as soon as you land, okay? And no cell phone on the plane!" he said with a wink, and Ivar rolled his eyes.
He wiped away the last of his tears and hugged the hyena tightly before shuffling towards his gate with infinitely heavy feet. He looked after Heahmund for as long as he could - and when his dearly beloved guy disappeared behind him, the whole feeling in his body became really crushing. He tried to calm himself down the aisles to the plane and not show his tears - which worked well as long as he kept chewing his lower lip and answering all questions from stewardesses and staff only with a dull nod.
But it wasn't until he was sitting in his seat on the plane that all his emotions suddenly came rushing up - especially when he put the little hyena down on his lap and squeezed it tightly. He knew it was Heahmund's way of letting him know he was there - but the takeoff still sucked. Normally, during airplane takeoffs, Ivar always held Heahmund's hand, and always huddled slightly against Heahmund's shoulder out of fear; now that he wasn't there, the plane takeoff was a thousand times worse for Ivar.
The flight itself went by quickly, it was also only two hours. But the first day in his seminar from work was not great. Ivar found it awful to keep in touch with Heahmund only through his cell phone. Every two minutes he glanced at the screen, waiting to receive another heart, or an "I love you, I miss you." He knew Heahmund was working, too - but his inner, offended side most wanted Heahmund to text him every second.
The distraction of the seminar made the day go by quickly, even though Ivar shut down easily; he barely listened, and when he fell into his bed at night, all the fierce violence of missing him came crashing down. It took him a few seconds, a few seconds and his little hyena, before he could breathe reasonably again and pull out his cell phone to call Heahmund.
"Hey, little guy. Are you okay?" Heahmund said; he sounded tired and exhausted, but tears immediately started to flow on Ivar's face.
"I want to go home, I don't feel like it anymore! I'm homesick as hell, and I already know I can't sleep in this shitty bed! Heahmund, come get me. You can work from here too!" Ivar grumbled, sniffling as Heahmund laughed softly.
"Babe, you know I can't do that. I've really had a lot of conversations today, and I'm really, really knackered. I'm about to go to sleep too."
"You sound really tired too. But still... How am I supposed to sleep without you?" Ivar whined softly as Heahmund tossed and turned, Ivar heard it clearly. "And you're not supposed to sleep on the couch, Heahmund."
"I'm about to go to bed. Are you stalking me?"
"No, but I know our couch." Ivar said, smiling slightly; although tears were running slightly from his eyes, he could not hide the smile. He hugged the hyena a little more to his chest, imagining for a moment that it was Heahmund's warm hand; it helped a little.
"You are unique, at least your ears are. Which, after all, only hear what they want to hear. I miss you, Ivar."
Ivar swallowed hard. "I miss you too."
"We can talk on the phone with video tomorrow, I'm really too tired today."
"All right. Sleep well, and don't touch yourself too much! I want the full load when I get back.", Ivar grinned slightly, and he heard Heahmund snort exactly: it was the snort that Ivar knew quite well he was imagining him naked, with Ivar lying underneath him, moaning and whimpering.
"Of course. The same goes for you. I want you trembling and fucking starved with me," Heahmund replied; "...I love you. If there's anything, get in touch!"
"I love you, too. Will do."
As soon as he hung up, Ivar's heart grew heavy again, terribly heavy. He felt like there was a heavy weight on his chest, almost crushing him. It was such a sickening feeling to be lying alone in this bed, so many miles from Heahmund.
"You're 20, you can do it," Ivar whispered to himself as he tucked himself in and snuggled comfortably. But no matter what he did, he couldn't sleep.
His thoughts kept circling around Heahmund, and his body and soul missed the man next to him just terribly. Ivar had the feeling that his body was in severe withdrawal, that he simply needed Heahmund to function at all. He remembered the smell, the so familiar smell of Heahmund's neck and chin as they lay over Ivar's head, taking him in; he remembered his fingers always sliding over Heahmund's chest, sometimes on shaved, smooth, skin, sometimes on something hairier... but either way, it was the most wonderful feeling in the world to sleep in Heahmund's warm embrace.
For as long as Ivar could remember, he had always slept with his head on Heahmund's chest or shoulder; he couldn't think of an evening when they hadn't somehow fallen asleep without physical contact. Even on the hottest summer nights, Ivar would always curl up against Heahmund's back like a little hedgehog, holding at least his one arm, no matter how much Heahmund grumbled in his half-sleep.
It was simply his means of falling asleep, of waking up, of feeling good all around. But now, so alone in this hotel room, he felt completely lost and abandoned. The pain after Heahmund's closeness was so gravely real that Ivar found it difficult to breathe normally at all; again and again small sobs interrupted his breathing, and he pressed the hyena very tightly against him; unfortunately, it no longer bore any traces of Heahmund's scent, and only now did Ivar remember that he had forgotten to pack a worn shirt of Heahmund's - and it was so bad for him in those seconds that he burst into sheer tears, which only subsided when he eventually fell asleep from exhaustion.
The next two days were an absolute nightmare for Ivar. He didn't want to and couldn't eat anything, hardly felt like doing anything with the others even though the weather was wonderful - and he cried so terribly after every phone call with Heahmund that he always had to calm down before he could do anything else.
This feeling didn't go away either, and it got worse. This terrible feeling that a very primary part of him was missing, that his better and more beautiful half was simply missing. This missing squeezed all the nice feelings out of him and took over almost his entire daily life - so much so, that on the third day he was fed up and pretended to be sick so he could fly home.
He didn't tell Heahmund about all the action, because he would have just said, "You can't do that," and put on his dad look, along with his glasses, which he needed to work. But Ivar didn't care what he would think; he wrote to a work colleague of Heahmund's beforehand and asked her if he was in the office - when she answered in the affirmative, Ivar decided that he would wait for him at home as a surprise.
It was like a warm hug when Ivar unlocked the door to their apartment and smelled the scent of Heahmund still in the air; his heart was still burning, and he could hardly breathe with excitement - but finally he was home again.
Ivar felt a little bad that he had lasted such a short time and had only managed three days without Heahmund. But he knew that he would not have been able to stand it any other way, and no matter what Heahmund would say - he would just be glad to hold the man in his arms again. It would take away all the pain, and finally the endless burdensome pressure from his chest.
As he wandered through the apartment and looked around, he discovered slight chaos in some corners; but he was not angry. Rather, he smiled from the bottom of his heart, because he saw exactly that Heahmund seemed to need him in everyday life as much as Ivar needed him. As he was already unpacking his suitcase in the bedroom, he discovered the photo album of all their travels on Heahmund's bedside table; it was still open, and Ivar carefully took the book in his hands.
It showed a page with four pictures where they had been together in Egypt; there were pyramids in the background, and Ivar kissed Heahmund on the cheek while the older man grabbed his butt. It was a wonderful photo, and Ivar had to hold back his tears hard. It touched him more than anything that Heahmund had apparently looked at these pictures, even though he had seemed so tough on the phone. It was a moment that was so precious to Ivar - even though it was just a small, hidden detail in their otherwise great relationship.
As the evening approached, Ivar had almost prepared Heahmund's favorite meal; he had placed the little hyena in the hallway so that it would be the first thing the older man would see when he came into the apartment. And indeed - after a little while Ivar heard the lock of the door open, and someone standing in the hallway, puzzled. For a moment, nothing was heard - Ivar bit his lower lip in gleeful excitement before quietly sneaking around the corner of the hallway. He lurked around the corner and saw Heahmund perplexedly picking up the hyena and eyeing it in his hand, and once he had his eyes on this beautiful man, Ivar could wait no longer.
He jumped around the corner and threw himself into Heahmund's arms; the older man was a little startled, but he caught Ivar effortlessly and immediately took him deep and tight in his arms. He even lifted him up slightly with the embrace, and Ivar smiled broadly as Heahmund kissed him breathlessly, demanding.
"Oh fuck, I missed you so much, my little burglar." he murmured against Ivar's cheek, and Ivar took his face in both hands and kissed him again, firmly and intimately. Although tears were running down his cheek, he finally let go of that terribly heavy feeling of missing him, and he could finally breathe freely again. His arms wrapped around Heahmund's neck as tightly as he could, and the older man held him effortlessly in his strong arms.
"I escaped." Ivar admitted dryly, and Heahmund laughed softly.
"How did you do that again, huh?"
"I said I was too sick, and I just flew. Heahmund, I couldn't go on without you, I'm so damn starved and it hurt so much and... oh, the food!", Ivar groaned and pressed one last kiss on Heahmund before breaking free from the hug and running to the kitchen.
They spent a wonderful dinner together, and Ivar talked an incredible amount, though he didn't actually catch that much; but he was immensely satisfied when he was finally able to lie down in Heahmund's arms in the evening, and the older man pulled him into an intimate embrace on the sofa.
Ivar inhaled the smell of Heahmund deeply and firmly and swore to himself that he would never let him go - at most when he had to go to the bathroom. But that was it. Far too much had he missed the pressure of strong arms around him, and didn't want to be left alone for another minute.
When Heahmund wanted to get something to snack on from the kitchen, Ivar grumbled; but he clung with his arms around Heahmund's broad shoulders and let himself be carried like a little monkey all the way to the kitchen, where Heahmund finally had to laugh.
"What are you doing, huh? Are you my little spider monkey again?" he said, amused, and pushed Ivar onto the kitchen table; Ivar chuckled lightly and wrapped his arms around Heahmund again, even though he actually wanted to go to the freezer to get some ice cream. But Ivar kept a tight grip on him, and additionally clamped his legs around Heahmund's hips.
The big man raised an eyebrow, slightly enraptured, and leaned down to Ivar; they kissed intimately, and Ivar felt Heahmund's warm hands slide under his shirt with a slight pleasant hum.
"Are you a little starved?" he murmured softly, and slowly began kissing Ivar's sensitive right side of his neck; a thousand butterflies raced through Ivar's body, and he opened his full lips slightly to let out a soft moan.
"Yes - starved for touch. After all, we have three days to make up, my big guy."
Heahmund's eyebrow rose again in rapture, and not a second passed before the two strong arms had Ivar firmly in their grasp once more, and they were kissing fiercely. And even as Heahmund pulled his shirt over his head in one fluid motion, he knew for sure that he never wanted to be without this man for even one more day. Fuck the job - he didn't need money.
He just needed the full love and absolute closeness of this incredible man with him, forever.
@youbloodymadgenius @jadelynlace @punkrocknpearls (Uh, I don't remember if it was you who wanted to be tagged in stuff like this? xD Otherwise, I'm so sorry! <3)
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missfangirll · 4 years
Congrats on the followers!!! If I may ask, Jealousy, fluff, for Weilan? (if you're inspired of course!!!!)
Thank you for your ask 🥰
You didn’t specify who exactly is the jealous one, so I decided Shen Wei has to suffer 😈
But I tried to make it as fluffy as possible 😊🥰
Title is taken from the song "Honey, I'm good" by Andy Grammer.
I will stay true
It had all started with a hand.
With Zhao Yunlan’s hand, to be exact.
To be even more exact, with Zhao Yunlan’s hand on the back of a witness.
The hand in question had lingered there for exactly seventeen seconds – not that Shen Wei counted – and had proved to be a source of rising blood pressure for Shen Wei.
Why, or rather why now, he couldn’t tell. Zhao Yunlan had a habit of touching people, especially ones he was close to, which included an uncomfortably large number in Shen Wei’s opinion.
Not that he had an opinion about Zhao Yunlan touching people. Not at all.
So, the hand on the witness’ back, clearly meant to calm the person, had the exact opposite effect on Shen Wei, but before he could analyze his feelings further, Hei Pao Shi had to portal the suspect away, the incident leaving him with a slightly uneasy feeling for the rest of the day.
It had started with a hand and only worsened from there.
He had never before noticed just how comfortable Zhao Yunlan was with physical contact that wasn’t directed at Shen Wei himself. He half lay on Da Qing to look at a file, threw an arm around Lao Chu’s shoulder, put Xiao Guo in a headlock and ruffled Lin Jing’s hair. (He even made an attempt to pinch Zhu Hong’s cheek but aborted that mission as soon as he saw her face.)
It is his team, Shen Wei told himself, of course he would be comfortable with them. But Zhao Yunlan didn’t shy away from invading anyone’s personal space. Eventually, when he was flirting with a female police officer at a crime scene, Shen Wei had to violently stomp down the urge to walk over and kiss him senseless, just to make a point. Instead, he hid further in his hood and closed his eyes, willing his heart to resume beating.
Shen Wei very deliberately made a point to not examine the reason for his feelings, well aware that the answer to that lay in a lollipop and a promise made a lifetime ago. So he swallowed the bile in his throat and smiled, just like Kunlun had asked him to. Every time Zhao Yunlan smiled at a waiter, flirted with a secretary or gave a friend’s shoulder a jovial pat, he felt his stomach knot painfully and had to lower his gaze as not to let his pain show on his face.
Zhao Yunlan didn’t stop touching him, on the contrary, but Shen Wei found it increasingly strenuous to keep his body from responding too obviously. He wanted Zhao Yunlan to touch him, wanted to be the only one to have that privilege, and the resolve it took not to act on that desire left him feeling exhausted.
Kunlun had promised him a future, but he couldn’t be sure if this was it, if, this time, he was supposed to be the one asking for a smile, or if doing so would ruin everything. So he waited, and loved Zhao Yunlan in darkness and silence.
He reached his breaking point on a Tuesday.
On Friday evening, at the time Zhao Yunlan would normally return home, Shen Wei heard two voices in the corridor, one definitely Zhao Yunlan’s, the other he didn’t recognize. Intent not to eavesdrop, he retreated to his bedroom, which was farthest away from the door. He tried to occupy his mind by reading in a scientific journal, but gave up after he had read the same line a third time and still didn't know what the text was about.
A day later he was on his way to Zhao Yunlan’s apartment and had just opened the door, when he stopped abruptly. Across the hall stood a woman in her early twenties, long black hair and a very short dress, about to ring the doorbell. When Zhao Yunlan’s door opened, Shen Wei made a hasty retreat and silently closed his.
On Sunday, he didn’t even bother to go over, having seen the second pair of shoes on the doormat.
Thus, when Da Qing called him on Monday morning to tell him he was needed for a case, he felt like he hadn’t slept the whole weekend and was in an appropriately bad mood. After he had portaled in, he stubbornly focused on the crime scene photos, dodging Zhao Yunlan’s attempts to throw an arm around his shoulder or pat his knee, much to the other’s astonishment. He excused himself with urgent university matters only minutes later, leaving a confused Zhao Yunlan behind when he hastily portaled out. The rest of the day he hid in his office, ignoring his churning stomach and his phone, which had started to buzz in his desk drawer shortly after he had tossed it there.
He couldn’t face Zhao Yunlan, not even in a text message. He was behaving irrationally, he knew that, but seeing Zhao Yunlan – his Yunlan, his Kunlun – with other people made his insides freeze and his heart ache. No matter how much he reminded himself of the fact that Zhao Yunlan wasn’t his, he couldn’t ignore the pain that seared through him since he had seen… Well, he hadn’t seen anything, but his imagination insisted on presenting him a whole lot of possibilities he would have preferred not to consider.
He wanted Zhao Yunlan to be happy, he really did, but his soul screamed in agony when he realized that happiness might not include him.
When he finally left his office, he didn’t bother to take the phone. He didn’t know what to answer anyway. Later at home, after having stared at his dinner for an hour, he went to bed, tossing and turning restlessly.
He startled out of bed when he heard a rather insistent knock on his door. His alarm clock showed almost six in the morning, which meant he had slept for two hours. Drowsy and bleary-eyed he made his way to the entrance, hoping it wouldn’t be an emergency at the SID.
Outside the door, in shorts, a ratty t-shirt and without shoes, stood Yunlan, a sheepish smile on his face.
Shen Wei was suddenly wide awake. “Have you locked yourself outside? I can open your door if you –”
He was interrupted when Zhao Yunlan made a step into his apartment, suddenly standing very close to Shen Wei, giving him a considering look.
“I wanted to see you”, he said slowly, not breaking eye contact. Shen Wei closed his mouth and stepped back, motioning him in. When Zhao Yunlan sat down in the center of the living room couch, Shen Wei encountered another dilemma: sitting on the sofa would bring him very close to Yunlan, while choosing the armchair next to it would seem strange, given their past closeness. He swallowed and sat down on the armchair.
Zhao Yunlan had watched his movements and now fixed him with a gaze that Shen Wei couldn’t interpret. He shivered unconsciously and the other’s eyebrow shot up.
“Are you alright, Hei Lao Ge?”
Shen Wei winced at the title and stared at his lap. “Why wouldn’t I be? I am perfectly fine, thank you, Zhao Yunlan.”
When he felt a hand on his knee, he looked up, and the look in the other’s eyes made his breath catch. They were burning hot with emotion, dark and intense. Shen Wei began to understand how mice must feel when a snake stared down at them. He swallowed again and tried a reassuring smile, which apparently had the opposite effect, because the grip on his knee tightened.
“Shen Wei.” Zhao Yunlan tried again. “Talk to me. Are you mad at me? Have I said something stupid again? I swear, when I said you ate all –“
“I am not mad.”
Zhao Yunlan blinked at the sudden outburst and raised his eyebrow again. “Well, maybe you’re not mad at me, but clearly something is wrong.” He fixed Shen Wei. “Talk to me.”
Shen Wei closed his eyes and stayed silent. He didn’t trust his face at the moment, much less his voice.
“Xiao Wei.” A hand on his cheek, in addition to that name, made him shrink back. His resolution was crumbling and the last thing he needed now was Yunlan touching him.
Touching him like he had… Like he did with… His stomach turned again at the thought and he opened his eyes, sitting up straighter.
“Nothing is wrong, Zhao Yunlan, I assure you. You can go back to your apartment now. It is quite early.” He inhaled shakily. “I assume you are missed there.” Before he could stop himself, the sentence had made its way out, and Zhao Yunlan’s other eyebrow joined the first. He didn’t answer, just gave him such a scrutinizing look that Shen Wei had to force himself not to recede further into the chair.
After what felt like another ten thousand years, Zhao Yunlan moved. First, Shen Wei thought he really would leave, but then he took a step closer and in a fluent motion, knelt in front of Shen Wei’s armchair between his legs. Shen Wei swallowed hard.
Zhao Yunlan placed one hand on his thigh, the other reached up to cup his cheek.
“Xiao Wei”, he said again, with a warmth and tenderness Shen Wei only hazily remembered from a different life. “Xiao Wei, what do you think I did last weekend?”
Shen Wei refused to answer and only shook his head miserably.
Zhao Yunlan sighed fondly and caressed his cheek, smiling at him. “I am guessing you saw Wen Yao and Bai Yukun last weekend?” It wasn’t a question and Shen Wei didn’t answer. “Well, I didn’t sleep with either of them, if that’s what you’re concerned about.” He shrugged, and Shen Wei found himself coughing violently, staring wide-eyed at the other man. “I didn’t… I don’t…”, he wheezed.
Zhao Yunlan chuckled softly, stroking a thumb over Shen Wei’s cheekbone, and it took all of his crumbling self-control not to lean into the touch. The other man continued, sounding slightly amused. “They are Dixingren, Shen Wei. Friends of Zhu Hong.” He gave Shen Wei a meaningful look. “I asked them to tell me more about Dixing. Its history and traditions and stuff. Lao Wen is a historian, I believe you met him at the conference last month. Amazing you didn’t recognize him.” Shen Wei shrank into his chair. “Oh”, he managed.
“Yeah, and A-Kun is a wedding planner.”
Shen Wei suddenly had the very peculiar feeling of all oxygen leaving the room.
“A... wedding… planner…”, he squeezed out, “Why would….” He couldn’t finish that question, he really didn’t want to know.
Zhao Yunlan grinned at him, seemingly unfazed by his predicament. “I asked her about Dixing traditions because I wanted to ask you out, stupid.”
Shen Wei’s brain was still busy processing that information, when Zhao Yunlan leaned in and kissed him. He tasted of toothpaste and home, and Shen Wei couldn’t suppress a sigh. He leaned into the kiss, trailing the tip of his tongue over Yunlan’s lips and shivered with anticipation when they opened for him. When their tongues met, he closed his eyes and let himself be drawn into the other’s heat.
When they parted, Zhao Yunlan leaned his forehead against Shen Wei’s, breathing heavily, his whole face split into a wide grin. “Xiao Wei”, he said, and caressed the other’s bottom lip with his thumb, “would you go on a date with me?”
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lunarsaga · 3 years
EPISODE 4: A Secret Long Kept
WARNING: THE ART IN THIS CHAPTER WILL CONTAIN BLOOD (as well as an artistic interpretation of demonic possession. VIEWER DISCRETION ADVISED.
As a side note, the art in this chapter might be a little mismatched, as it was kind of put together from a couple tiny scenes. (and I didn't wanna redraw/color all of it ^^;) HOPE YOU'RE READY FOR LUNA'S TRAGIC BACKSTORY!! ENJOYYY~
Chapter 5 is already up on my Patreon! Hopefully I'll finish Chapter 6 soon, but my patrons will see it first!
The nightmares were over. Kagome, Miroku, Sango and Shippo were able to overcome Garamaru’s cocoons, and the nightmares he tried to trap them in, and it was all thanks to Inuyasha. As they gathered together, they watched as the Forest of Sorrow disappeared around them.
“Is everyone okay?” Kagome asked as she joined back up with the rest of them.
“We’re all fine now,” Sango answered, but… she was a little unsure. She glanced to the side, and Kagome followed her gaze to her sister, who was standing apart from the rest of them.
“Luna?” Kagome called to her. “You okay?”
“She seems rather distressed by what she saw,” Miroku said.
“I wonder what it was…” Sango uttered.
"I hope she's okay..." Shippo worried.
“Tche,” Inuyasha scoffed. “It’s not like it matters.”
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For a second, Luna didn’t answer; she barely registered Kagome and her friends talking behind her. With her back turned to the rest of them, she was zoned out. Hazel-brown eyes stared blankly at the beat up little polaroid photograph in her hand, but her gaze was thousands of miles away, and hundreds of years in the future.
It may as well have been a relic from a different time. In the photo were two blissfully happy teenagers. One, a girl with fluffy black hair that fell in waves just above her shoulders. The other was a boy with strawberry-blonde hair, eyes so blue the sea would be jealous of their sparkle, and cheeks sprayed with freckles. He held the girl in his arms, grinning as his lips hovered close to her temple, ready to press a kiss there.
Kagome turned to Inuyasha, chastising: “Inuyasha! Why would you say that?!”
Defensively, Inuyasha’s volume only increased. “What?! You all had nightmares, if she doesn’t wanna talk about it, then it ain’t our business anyway!”
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He's right, the little voice inside Luna's head whispered. It doesn't matter. It's not their burden to bear. Only yours. A burden you'll carry until the day you die...
"I love you, Lu."
You shouldn't have.
"I'll follow you anywhere."
You shouldn't have.
"I trust you... You can do this."
No, I couldn't. And now...
Worried about her sister’s lack of a response, Kagome went over to her, reaching for her shoulder. “Luna…?”
As she heard her sister step up behind her, Luna quickly hid the photo in the pocket of her flannel shirt. “I’m fine, you guys,” She said, loud enough for everyone else to hear. “Don’t worry about it.” She felt a single, solitary tear sliding down her face, and quickly wiped it as she turned back around.
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“You’re my sister, Luna,” Kagome said softly, “I’ll always worry about you.”
“I promise it’s fine. Not like I’ve never had nightmares like that before.” Blinking back more tears, she patted her sister on the back and moved back toward the group. “Anyone else ready to get the hell outta here?”
“Forgive me, Luna, but you look like you were crying just now.” Miroku said.
“Must be allergies,” Luna quickly lied, “Never took well to insects, and that cocoon was nasty.”
“No surprise there,” Inuyasha, dense as ever, turned and started leading them away. “C’mon! We can’t waste time going after Naraku.”
Kagome hesitated, then reached out to grab her sister’s hand, holding her back. “Luna, you know you can talk to me, right? You’d tell me if something was bothering you?”
Luna didn’t look at her. “It was just a bad dream, Kags. I have a lot of them—kinda comes with the job.”
Kagome didn’t believe her, but she didn’t have a choice other than to let it go. One of these days, you’ll have to open up, Luna. And I promise I’ll be there for you when you do.
Luna wasn’t sure where exactly she took a wrong turn, but here she was in the middle of the damn forest, with no way to tell which way was up.
The others had stopped to make camp for the night, but Luna couldn’t get that nightmare out of her head, so she told them she was gonna take a walk to shake it off. It was just a memory, one that played in her head so often she should be used to it by now, but… something was different about it this time.
In all the similar nightmares she’d had before, usually, she had no hands. No mouth. No voice. When she moved, it was like she was moving through jell-o. She saw him—those sea-blue eyes and hair like strawberry honey, freckles like constellations and a smile from Heaven itself—saw him say the things he’d said back then:
“I love you,” He whispered, holding her close as the night sky above them exploded with fireworks. She saw the trails sparkle in his eyes just before he leaned in and they shared their first kiss.
Then, it was months later, as the autumn leaves crunched under her boots and her shotgun felt heavier in her hand. But even as she revealed her secret life—one of monsters and magic and danger—he was unwavering. Resolute. “I’ll follow you anywhere,” he said as he took her hand.
The last part… she couldn’t bear to think about, but this was what changed the most with her new nightmare.
Usually, she just saw him offering her encouragement, even though he was the one bleeding from his eyes: “I trust you… you can do this.” Then, she would scream, but no sound would come out, she’d spiral down into darkness and wake in a cold sweat.
But this time, it was different.
After he’d pledged to follow her anywhere, she was taken back to the place it all ended—a little overgrown shack, hidden out in the woods about half a mile from her house. It was their special place; a secret clubhouse of sorts. Polaroids hung on a string on the wall, and the small tree growing in the corner bore their initials: L.H. + J.D.. Shadows danced on the walls, and she couldn’t see more than three or four feet in every direction.
In her previous dreams, she could never speak or move like she could in the waking world, but this time, she felt almost fully conscious. She stood where she always had, facing him down—the same man. The one she fell in love with.
But it wasn’t him.
His sea-blue eyes had been completely overtaken by pitch black. His hands had been too, like they were made of pure shadow; shadow that curled down his forearms. His teeth were just as she remembered; stained red from choking on his own blood.
“You did this.” It wasn’t his voice. It was the creature that had taken him. “You killed him, little moonchild.”
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She couldn’t argue. Her voice would work if she tried, but… even then, as she faced down the most lucid dream she’d had since the incident… she couldn’t speak.
“Nothing to say?” The demon taunted. “The eldest of the Mighty Higurashi family has nothing to say?”
“Shut up!” She’d finally said. She could feel the wetness of tears on her cheeks, but this had still been a dream. They floated around her like there was no gravity. “Is that all you have to say?!”
The demon seemed a little surprised of her response, so she kept going:
“I know! I fucked up! I brought him into a world he should never have been a part of, and I never should have in the first place! I put him in danger and I am the reason why he got killed!” The tears flowed freely, and even within the dream, she could feel her body shake with anger. “You can’t do shit to me, you greasy little fuck—anything you think you can say to me is shit I’ve already said to myself! You can’t hurt me!”
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Maybe that was what shattered the dream; she didn’t remember anything after that. But that was never something she would share with anyone else.
No one else had to know about Jack. She was going to take her damning mistake to the grave.
And… now she was lost. Again.
“I gotta find a way to make a medieval GPS tracker or some shit…” she grumbled, cursing herself for having forgotten her compass in her backpack.
But then came a voice, one she recognized.
“Miss Luna!”
Around the bend of a large tree sat the little girl she’d helped out her first night in the Feudal Era; Rin. It’d been, what? A week or two since? And no sign of “Lord Sesshomaru”.
“Hey kid, you get left behind again?”
“This woman again?” That was the little imp Jaken; the somewhat irritating second hand to Rin’s guardian. Luna merely arched an eyebrow at him. At least Rin wasn’t completely alone.
“It’s okay!” Rin assured her, “Lord Sesshomaru will be back! Come and sit with us, I’m glad to see you again!”
“Don’t just invite random humans over!” Jaken protested.
“I don’t think your friend here agrees,” Luna chuckled.
“Don’t worry about Master Jaken!” Rin giggled, much to the chagrin of the tiny demon. “I would like to know more about you!”
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Luna glanced away, hazel eyes locked in a thousand-yard stare. “...more about me, huh?”
“Yes,” the little girl nodded. “The last time we met, you said you were Miss Kagome’s older sister… are you a priestess like her?”
Luna chewed her lip, not sure how to answer. Pretty sure I don’t have powers like her... “I don’t think so. I’m more of… a demon slayer, I guess?”
That was only the first of many questions the little girl had for her. Why did she dress so strange? Where was she from? What was it like? Were there demons there too? Luna could barely keep up with answering all these questions.
“You talk way too much, Rin!” Jaken barked at one point. Luna watched the smile on Rin’s face falter, and glared at the little demon. “Hey, leave her be. I don’t mind.” She turned back to Rin, nudging her shoulder. “Why not tell me about you now, huh? How long have you been traveling with these two?”
When Luna had first met Rin, she had no idea that the “Lord Sesshomaru” the girl wanted to return to was actually Inuyasha’s cold, murderous older half-brother Kagome had described. Imagine her confusion when she had to reconcile the “evil, human-hating demon” with the guy this little girl trailed along behind so faithfully.
“Just a little while now!” Rin answered, “But it’s better than living around humans!”
Luna laughed. “You got that right… any reason why?”
“Well… I was alone… My family…” Rin’s face fell—the poor girl looked almost hollowly into the fire, hugging her knees to her chest as she recounted her past: “My parents and brothers… They were killed by bandits, then… after being on my own a while, I was attacked by wolves…”
There wasn’t a full moment of quiet before she perked back up again, grinning at Luna. “But Lord Sesshomaru saved me! And I’ve traveled with him and Master Jaken ever since! That’s why I don’t want to live with humans… humans are awful...”
Luna shrugged, sympathetic. “They can be, yeah. But you feel safe with these two, right?”
Rin nodded, grinning still. “Yes!”
“That’s the most important part.” She reached forward to ruffle the girl’s hair. “I was practically raised by a cat demon, you know.”
“Mhm. She’s protected my father’s family for three generations now—and she is hands down my best friend.”
“I don’t think I have a best friend…” Rin turned to Jaken, “Master Jaken, are we friends?”
“What?!” The little demon shouted, “No way! Why would a demon like me be friends with a human brat like you?!”
“Miss Luna’s best friend is a demon!” The girl pouted, and Luna swore she felt her heart melt.
“I’ll be your friend, kid.” She offered.
Seeing the little angel’s face light up like it did was absolutely everything. “Really?!”
“Yeah, really.” Suddenly, Luna got a weird little feeling in her gut. Like a disturbance in the Force, she joked to herself. Maybe it was just… the start of something bigger, something she wouldn’t know the full consequences of until much later.
“Actually…” She mumbled to herself. The gears turned in her head a little, and she turned back to look at Rin again. “You just gave me an idea.”
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shift-shaping · 7 years
I'm very sleepy, so apologies if you're not taking prompts.... But the female Solas post keeps popping up on my dash.... If you're up to it, would you perhaps write a bit with her perhaps meeting/flirting with someone of your choosing? (Bonus points if it's some weird version of the world where they know of the original Solas lol)
Glimpses: Lady Solas
Rating: G
Genre: Romance
Pairing: Female Solas x Lavellan because I guess we’re doing this now
Ellian had never been so obsessed with another woman before. 
Sure, there were dalliances in her clan, pretty girls she enjoyed time with just as much as the handsome boys, but no one that caught her eye like Solas. She was statuesque and stunning, with long legs and toned arms. Her eyes reminded Ellian of a cat’s, gleaming and wise and mischievous, but her demeanor was always calm and controlled. 
She was brilliant, too. Solas had something to say about everything Elvhen, and seemingly endless stores of information about the Fade. It was all absolutely fascinating, and Ellian hung on to her every word. Of course, all of that was made dangerously easier by her deep, painfully sexy voice. Ellian swore she could hear it in her dreams, or whenever she allowed her mind to wander. 
After spending enough time trying not to fawn over Solas in the field, Ellian finally decided to seek her out in Haven. There she was, barefoot but comfortable, hands held behind her back as she observed the Breach high overhead. As Ellian approached her Solas smiled very slightly, almost imperceptibly. “The Chosen of Andraste,” she cooed, with a curious expression that made Ellian’s heart drop. “A blessed hero sent to save us all.”
“Ah, yeah. I guess I’m riding in on a shining steed.”
“Mmm… I might have suggested a griffon, but sadly they’re extinct.” The thought made Solas purse her lips and shake her head. “Joking aside, posturing is necessary.” There was a slight lilt to her voice, an accent Ellian couldn’t place. It had a hint of her own voice, the Dalish tongue, but not quite. It was more refined, somehow, more tempered. 
Solas turned and Ellian followed. She saw how the taller elf’s brows knit together as she looked up at the Breach. “I’ve journeyed deep into the Fade in ancient ruins and battlefields to see the dreams of lost civilizations.” Ellian followed Solas’s gaze, looking up at the torn sky. “I’ve watched as hosts of spirits clashed to re-enact the bloody past in ancient wars both famous and forgotten.” Though she kept her tone light, Ellian couldn’t help but detect a note of somberness in it. Beautiful as it sounded, fascinating as she was sure such journeys were, there had to be difficulties as well. “Every great war has its heroes,” Solas said, eyes narrowing slightly as she looked at Ellian again. “I’m just curious what kind you’ll be.”
Ellian stiffened and tried to find words, but it was hard to think when such a gorgeous person was looking at her. “I… I’ve never of someone going so far into the Fade… that’s amazing.”
“Thank you, it’s not a common field of study, for obvious reasons.” She paused, smiling slightly, and held her arms behind her back again. “You are a mage, are you not? Tell me, what do you see when you dream?”
“I see…” She considered the question, not wanting to sound dumb or inexperienced. “Whatever is around me, usually. I can wander through the recent past of an area, speak to some of our ancestral spirits… things like that.
“Ah. Fascinating. Can you shape what you see there, in your dreams?”
“Not exactly, no… I can call things to me, sometimes, but only if they want to come.”
Solas nodded, looking away from her for a moment. “Dreaming is not as flashy as throwing fire or lightning, but the thrill of finding remnants of a thousand-year-old dream?” Her eyes flashed with interest, and Ellian was entranced by the wonder in her eyes. “I would not trade it for anything.” Solas paused suddenly and looked away, glancing out over Haven. “I will stay then. At least until the Breach is closed.”
Ellian blinked. “Was that in doubt?”
“I am apostate mage, surrounded by Chantry forces and unlike you,” she eyed Ellian’s hand. “I do not have a ‘divine mark’ protecting me. Cassandra has been accommodating, but… you understand my caution.”
“You came here to help, Solas,” Ellian replied, an edge to her voice even she wasn’t expecting. “I won’t let them use that against you.”
Solas was quiet for a moment, studying the Herald. When she spoke again, her voice was low and hushed, with a depth that made Ellian shiver with excitement. “And how would you stop them?”
“However I had to.” And Ellian knew it was true.
Now it was Solas’s turn to be surprised, her dark brows raising. “Thank you.” It was obvious she wasn’t expecting that kind of devotion, and knowing she’d caught the other woman off guard made Ellian smile slightly. “For now,” Solas started again, smirking. “Let us hope either the mages or the templars have the power to seal the Breach.” 
“You sound disbelieving.”
“I do not have much cause to feel otherwise,” Solas said dryly. “Closing the Breach must remain our primary goal, but… I would hope we might also learn what means were used to create it. Any artifact of such power is dangerous. The destruction of the conclave proves that clearly.”
“I agree. We should recover it, if only to keep it out of the wrong hands.” 
Solas nodded, frowning again. “Leliana’s people have scoured the area near the blast and found nothing. Whatever the artifact was, it is no longer there.” She sighed. “My apologies, Herald. Did you need me for anything?”
“No, I just- I was curious. Am curious. About you.”
“Me? I cannot imagine why…” The sarcasm caught Ellian by surprise, and she let out a short laugh before quickly covering her mouth. “Is there a reason?”
“Do I… need one?”
“You must understand, I take great caution here, and I value my privacy. The future of this Inquisition is unclear, and I… cannot risk putting myself in further danger.”
“I mean, you don’t have to tell me, of course, I just meant… it’s not official business, Solas.”
“I am sorry,” she said, heaving a sigh. “There is so much… fear in the air. What would you know of me?”
The question somehow made Ellian’s excited state even worse. “Why study the Fade? What made you want to do that?”
“I grew up in a small village to the north. There was little to interest a young woman, especially one gifted with magic. But as I slept, spirits of the Fade showed me glimpses of wonders I had never imagined.” There was a note of sorrow now, and she paused before going on. “I treasured my dreams. Being awake, out of the Fade, became troublesome.”
“The spirits must have tried to tempt you.”
She shrugged. “No more than a brightly-colored fruit is deliberately tempting you to eat it. I learned how to defend myself from more aggressive spirits and how to interact safely with the rest. I learned how to control my reams with full consciousness… there was so much I wanted to explore. But eventually i was unable to find new areas in the Fade.”
“Two reasons. First, the Fade reflects the world around it. Unless I traveled, I would never find anything new. Second, the Fade reflects and is limited by our own imaginations. To find interesting areas,” she looked at Ellian again, eyes narrowing slightly, and the expression made her feel much warmer than the cold mountain air ought to allow. “One must be interesting.”
“That is… interesting.”
Solas smirked and looked away from her again, making Ellian curse her nerves. “I am glad you think so. In truth, I have enjoyed experiencing more of life to find more of the Fade.”
“How so?”
“As a mage, you train your will to control magic and withstand possession. Your… indomitable focus is an enjoyable side benefit.” The phrasing gave Ellian pause, and she raised an eyebrow as Solas went on. “You have chosen a path whose steps you do not dislike because it leads you to a destination you enjoy. As have I.”
“…indomitable focus?”
Solas smirked and shrugged, her tone casual. “Presumably. I have yet to see it dominated. I imagine the sight would be… fascinating.”
Ellian blushed vividly and laughed, looking away. “Well, uh… yes. I- perhaps.” Solas tilted her chin up, expression measured but mischievous. This was only making Ellian’s situation worse. “I… have not seen yours dominated either.”
Solas raised an eyebrow. “Perhaps you are not paying close enough attention. Many things have dominated my focus here. Just none that are so obvious to you.”
“What… what do you mean?”
She shrugged again, maddeningly. ���If you watch carefully, you may see. Now then, Herald,” she looked over Ellian’s shoulder, and the smaller elf turned to see Cassandra walking towards her. “It appears you are needed elsewhere.” She winked and turned to leave. “Another time then, Ellian.”
“Right, yes…” She watched as Solas left, unable to tear her eyes from the woman’s backside. “Another time.”
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dilkirani · 7 years
If you're still taking prompts-- Fitzsimmons + 25) things you said in the back seat of a cab please! :-)
I’m always taking prompts, it just takes me a million years to get to them, apparently! Here you are, lovely! Set in the unspecified future when everyone’s free from these framework shenanigans.
He leans forward to give the driver their address and then collapses against the back seat. Jemma melts against him, soft and giggly in his arms. It’s not that he thinks he deserves to be rewarded for saving the world so often, but these occasions are rarer than they should be. And how can he regret anything about his life when it’s led him to this particularly perfect moment, but even still would it kill the universe to let evenings like this stretch past the hours allotted for their happiness?
He feels Jemma twisting to look up at him, a pretty frown darkening her features. “Fitzy,” she draws out in a whine that he absolutely shouldn’t find attractive, “why are you being serious now?”
“I’m not,” he tries, but the rest of his protests die on his tongue at her knowing eyeroll. It’s no use; there’s never been any use in hiding things from her, but the desire to protect her from everything bad extends to his own melancholy thoughts.
“Do you remember when I left to find Coulson with Fury’s toolbox, and you made me my favorite sandwich?” The cab driver, on the phone dealing with some minor family emergency, isn’t paying any attention to them, although Fitz is sure this conversation would make no sense to him anyway.
Jemma wrinkles her forehead in confusion. “Of course I remember. What brought that up?”
“That’s the last time I was in a cab.”
“Really?” she asks, eyes wide. “That can’t be right.”
“It is, though. Ever since then it’s been the Zephyr or some other high-tech SHIELD transport. And in…” he pauses, looking away from her briefly. “In, uh, Morocco I hired a car and driver.”
Jemma inhales sharply and her fingers grip his arm so tightly it stings. He’s desperate to draw the hurt from her before it spreads like a poison, so he places a kiss to her forehead and smiles bracingly. “That ended up being quite expensive. Had to buy the guy a new car. Left him a 5-star review on TripAdvisor, though, so maybe he’s forgiven me by now.”
His joke falls between them with a dull ache. “That’s not funny, Fitz,” she says, voice trembling.
“I know,” he sighs. “I’m sorry. I just…that’s not the point.” He pinches the bridge of his nose, trying to form coherent thoughts with alcohol muddling his system. “I was thinking about the last cab ride because…I was really scared. Not sure if I could find Coulson. I was scared of what they’d do to me if they found me, and I was so terrified to leave you behind. But when I saw you’d made me that sandwich I felt…genuinely happy. It was the first time I really believed you and I would be okay. You know, that we were friends again.”
Jemma blinks slowly up at him before grasping his hand between hers, drawing it up to rest against her heart. “We were always more than that,” she says quietly, her words weighted with a truth so long unspoken. Even now, when they’ve entwined their lives as deeply as possible, it feels like a secret too precious to share with the world. 
He swallows thickly, suddenly overwhelmed with how much he loves her and how he’s still sometimes convinced it’s all a miraculous dream.
“The point is,” he says, clearing his throat and leaning his head back against the car door, “that cab rides are better with you.”
She laughs, and he does too, because he’s done a terrible job at expressing the feelings rending his heart. “Everything is better with you,” he clarifies.
Jemma slides her fingers across his brow, tracing his nose, the curve of his jaw, trailing along his lips like the softest kiss.
“We need a vacation,” she says suddenly and he stills, drawn to her honey-eyes and the tenderness she can’t contain. She nods decisively when he doesn’t reply. “That’s what this is about. We had a lovely evening off and now you’re moping because it’s about to end—”
“I’m not moping,” he grumbles, but she presses a quick kiss to his lips and effectively shuts him up.
“You’re moping because it’s about to end,” she repeats. “Come on, Fitz, we deserve this. And we never made it to the Seychelles.”
He can see them so clearly—lounging in bathing suits, drinking cocktails and getting sunburnt despite their best efforts and his lungs ache with the want of it.
“We’d never get the time off approved,” he says sadly, and Jemma smirks at him.
“Maybe you can’t get time off approved, but I’ve already got two weeks secured.”
“What?” he gasps, genuinely shocked. “Since when?”
She shrugs. “I talked it over with Coulson a few weeks ago. I was waiting for the right time to surprise you, which is apparently…now. In the back seat of this cab.”
They both look around at the decidedly unromantic interior of their cab and simultaneously fall into laughter.
“When should we go?” Jemma asks, when she’s gotten herself back under control.
“Now,” he replies, grinning at her eagerly, suddenly looking years younger. She raises an eyebrow and he knows it’s pointless; Jemma Simmons, who creates binders of research for any small decision, will not allow their first romantic getaway to happen with zero planning.
“Next week?” she offers as a compromise and he has to stare at her for a moment before he realizes she’s being completely sincere.
“Yeah,” he says, stunned and breathless. “Next week. Me and you. The Seychelles.”
She draws him towards her, smiling into a kiss. “I’m gonna do something with you on that island that will take your breath away,” she whispers, causing his entire body to go numb.
“Yeah, snorkeling, I know,” he says archly. “Someone told me there are over a thousand species of fish in the Seychelles.”
“I’m not talking about snorkeling,” she replies, voice lower and throatier than it has any right to be, and he audibly gulps.
“Can we perhaps finish this conversation at home?” he pleads, throwing a glance towards the front of the cab where the driver, thankfully, appears still engrossed in his own conversation.
Jemma giggles delightedly. “Whatever you want,” she says softly, like a promise. With her warm weight pressed against him, he can’t imagine any universe in which he might be happier. When he’s sure Jemma has half-dozed off, he sticks the hand not wrapped around her deep into his pocket, fingers grazing over the small black box. He grins to himself. He might need to create his own binder of Seychelles research after all.
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