#can you imagine his frustration
oseike · 8 months
Okay, in 73rd demon realm, Yoo Joonghyuk had some kind of error and temporarily exited the main scenario, and with Uriel unconscious, he was put into an exile status, right?
Kim Dokja thought it was due to their impersonation of each other:
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If that was true, why would Kim Dokja get to enter the scenario and Yoo Joonghyuk be delayed? Though it is possible Kim Dokja hadn't entered the scenario yet at that time either (since these thoughts happen a week later)
I think it'd be funny if the error happened because:
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Just like later in the Gilobat/Kim Dokja Complex, where there was a scenario to find the "real" Kim Dokja, there's a moment where there is confusion over who the real Yoo Joonghyuk is, so there's a delay in giving him the Duke status
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beedreamscape · 1 year
"Blah blah blah Laerryn's only record in history ever is from Ludinus blah blah blah how tragic blah blah blah history forgot her blah blah blah"
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“Yes, Vhenan."
“What are you drawing?“
He still has his eyes on the piece of parchment in front of him, but slows down the repetetive movements of his hand tracing the shapes on paper, as if that might offer him more time to find his answer. "Oh, just some practice. It helps me sort my thoughts," he says with the casual air of somebody trying to evade a question.
“Can I see, then?“
He glances up briefly and notices she has stopped reading her book on the early history of Neromanian magic. She has one elbow propped up on the table and rests her chin on her hand. She is looking at him expectantly, her book clearly forgotten.
He pauses the scratchy movements of his pencil and says rather hesitantly.
"It's not finished."
She leans forward a bit more, trying to catch a glimpse at his paper. He subtly angles it away from her. She might have barely noticed, had she not noted his newfound secrecy regarding his recent drawings. She has become increasingly curious over the past few weeks, and his forced casual demeanor after her question only fills her with more anticipation.
It makes her think of the first time he showed her his artwork. …
The first time she had walked into the rotunda in Skyhold and found Solas high up on the scaffolding with a paint brush in his hands and a concentrated look on his face, she was surprised to learn of his motivation.
"History needs to be documented," he had said when she asked him what he was working on.
After climbing down the scaffolding and taking a step back to admire the process of his work, he continued, "Not by the words of diplomats, but through the eyes of those skilled in artistry. Words will be forgotten, but images? Those will hold significance across time."
She had been moved then. By the bold lines in the fresco and the fierce look in his eyes as he regarded her as he spoke. Like she was someone worthy of admiration. Like he truly saw her. It reminded her of his words before their first kiss.
'You change everything.' He had said.
She didn't really believe him then. She didn't want to be put on a pedestal, far removed from the world and the simple and nomadic lifestyle of her clan that she was accustomed to. She missed roaming mountains and hills, not fighting blighted Templars and navigating treacherous games of power with nobles. That life had seemed like such a long time ago, even though it had barely been a year.
But perhaps she didn't need to suffer though all of this alone. She had her friends. Dorian with his jokes. Varric with his stories. Cassandra with her quiet support and camaderie. Iron Bull helping her with her fighting stances and teaching her new drinking games with Cullen. Even Cole, though he was still figuring out what the word friend even meant. She would help him with that, she had decided then. Friends; they made the aching pull of homesickness more bearable.
But Solas.
Who was he to her? She could call him her friend the supposed. She had the feeling they were becoming closer and yet there was an undeniable distance. Always leaving space for interpretation and mystery while never backing away from any of her questions. So much knowledge he shared, and still she had the feeling she barely knew him at all. He had slowly and unknowingly developed a talent for surprising her with new insights and he did so later again that same evening.
The next hour passed quickly while they were still talking about art and the different depictions of elven lore. He had stared at her intently for a moment, considering her.
"I want to show you something." he had said.
She never passed up an opportunity to learn more so she had indulged him, following him to a plain-looking crate to the side of the room. He removed the protective wards with a wave of his hand. He then uncovered some, by the looks of it, handbound books. He observed them one by one carefully, with a nod of acceptance when he seemingly found what he was looking for and handed her one of the books.
As she opened the first few pages she discovered they were sketchbooks filled with rough outlines in preparation for the next installment of the mural.
Excitedly he pointed to notes in the margin and spoke of where he learned the techniques for collecting and grinding his own pigments. There was a red ocre in the Western Approach that he had recently discovered on one of their missions which was apparently incredibly well suited for his purpose. At her encouragement he had shown her more of of his other drawings too. First of symbolism and color studies, but then more personal ones: of the views of the mountains from Skyhold, running Halla, drying herbs and even of some of the members of the inquisition she recognized.
In turn she told him about how she used to carve wood, especially when winters were rough and her clan was stuck in the same place for long waiting out the biting cold and punishing snow. To keep her fingers from freezing and her mind from wandering to dark places, she had started to carve.
"I haven't had the time since, well you know, this whole mess." she waved the fingers of her marked hand which flashed a sliver of green. Solas had looked thoughtful after her comment, almost like there was a tinge of regret behind his eyes.
The conversation steered in a different direction afterwards, like the seriousness of their predicament weighted more heavily on their shoulders than before. The mysterious books disappeared back into the chest and not long after she had excused herself and called it a night. Somehow she couldn't shake the feeling she had overstepped.
A few days later she returned from a short scouting mission. She climbed the steps to her sleeping quarters, exhausted. She hardly noticed there was an odd-shaped package leaning against her bedroom door until she almost stumbled over it. Her tiredness trading itself for curiosity, she moved to pick it up.
There was no note attached but once she unwrapped the bundle she discovered a beautiful and distinctive elven carving knife and a solid piece of oak wood.
She couldn't help the warm feeling that spread though her body, feeling the comforting weight of the wood and the cool metal of the knife in her hands.
She shakes her head as she's brought back to the present. That same rotunda they have since spend so much of their time together. Researching, reading and talking. There had been barely an evening where she didn't end up in the rotunda with Solas. At least when she wasn't away from Skyhold, trying to save the world on missions throughout Thedas.
She looks at Solas from her spot at the table with a mischievous glint in her eyes.
It takes a lot of effort to hide her smile.
Whith an amused tilt to the corner of her lips she says, "You know, Dorian told me he found some sketchbooks laying around, depicting a rather familiar elf. Anything you would know about that?"
Is he… Is he blushing?
"Um, Well you see." he cleares his throat trying to school his expression. "Those were private… And hidden for a reason."
She can't contain a smile. Solas flustered, that's a rare sight.
"You've seen them?" he askes quietly. She notices he has started fumbling with the edges of the paper. She didn't believe his ears could turn a brighter shade of pink.
"Maybe," she says while averting her eyes to the ceiling. She glances back to him out of the corner of her eyes.
Solas looks at her like she has grown an extra pair of ears.
She leans back in her chair and stretches out her legs comfortably under the table. Knowing she has him she doesn't want to push more and decides to spare him some of her teasing. She turns to look at him and softens her expression.
"I rather liked them."
Knowing that is probably not enough to explain why she had looked at his private belongings without permission and seeing the dumbfounded expression on his face slowly making space for embarrassment she decides to tell the whole story.
"I know shouldn't have overstepped, but Dorian said he had something urgent to discuss and before I was even halfway up the stairs he assaulted me with flying books, shouting about discovering my secret admirer. Either I would have stumbled to death or caught them. And, well… Once I started looking I couldn't look away… " she trails off with a slight tinge of shame in her voice.
"You liked them?“
She lookes at him, surprised by the hopefulness in his voice.
A wave of understanding washes over her.
He hid the drawings from her, not because he didn't want her to see them but because he was afraid of her rejection. Even though they had spent the last few months becoming more and more tangled up with each other, stealing fleeting glances and sometimes passionate kisses, they still hadn't really taken a moment to talk about what there was between them.
When she saw the drawings he made of her she had finally understood his interest in her was genuine and went beyond anything resembling a casual dalliance - something she can now confess to have been rather afraid of, because she had developed deeper feelings for him from the moment he started sharing detailed stories dreamt in the fade and his perspective on magic intertwined with life. And then there had been that first kiss… Wel let's just say she's in way too deep to turn back now.
And for all the effort he put into keeping emotional distance between them, he had apparently failed from the moment he had started putting her likeless on paper. For she could see the passion and emotion in the lines, soft shadows and hidden meanings. It made them stand out from all the other drawings she had seen by his hand.
What he couldn't yet put into words, he had found a different way of showing.
"Yes I-" suddenly feeling unsure she pauses for a moment and crosses her arms looking for the right words. "The drawings, they reminded me of who I could be." She takes a deep breath finds her courage and continues. "Someone who people will tell stories about. Not stories about Divine intervention, but of an elven woman's fight for justice. For a kinder world. Somehow I never really managed to see myself that way when I look in the mirror. But those drawings… I guess it's easier to understand who I've become by seeing myself through your eyes. To see the change I'm part of, but most of all to remind myself of where I came from."
She had uncrossed her arms and angled her body towards him over the table. A determined expression rests on her face. He hadn't taken his eyes of her from the moment she started talking.
He looks at her thoughtfully for a moment, considering his reply.
"Very well" he says while some of the tension visibly drains away from his body. She raises her eyebrows in question. "Then it's only time you started showing me your carvings in return. Some good blocks of wood have gone missing. I overheard Blackwall complaining about recently." He shares the accusations with a bemused smile on his lips.
Now it was her turn to blush.
"I was planning on showing you, but first I wanted to practice… " she trailed off her sentence, knowing she doesn't actually have a valid excuse for hiding it from him. And it was not like she hadn't backed him into a corner first.
Feeling relieved he wasn't pulling away at her recent discovery she changes her mind with newfound courage and stands up abruptly while extending her hand in invitation. The purpose of their late night reading session forgotten.
"You're right. And I'm willing to offer you a tour of my recent carving exploits, but only if you can refrain from commenting over the woodchips carpeting the floor." He starts to move as if to get up but she makes him pause as she isn't done yet. "But in turn I will pose for your next drawing." Solas looks at her confused for a moment, as if considering her question.
She pauzes for a moment and adds without hesitation.
"That's right."
From a balcony upstairs they could hear some muffled movement followed by a familiar voice echoing down "You know Solas, if you're looking for nude models you only need to ask!"
"Dorian!" they say in unison, horrified.
Solas quickly tucks the sketches under his arm and stands up to grasp her hand, surprising her by pulling her close so fast she has to steady herself with her other hand landing on his chest.
Only a breath away from her ear he says softly so only she can hear.
"It seems like you found yourself a deal, ma Vhenan."
She squeezes his hand in response and when she looks at him there isn't a hint of his previous embarrassment. Instead there is a look of hunger and challenge in his eyes. It's so easy then, to lean over and kiss him, her lips a promise and Dorian's earlier interuption temporarily forgotten. Before she can get lost in the soft press of his lips she pulls back and feels a delighted thrill in the way he slightly chases them as she takes a step back. With a teasing smile on her lips she tugs on his hand bringing him back to reality and encouraging him to follow. As they make their way quietly towards the door she throws a judgemental look over her shoulder towards where she imagines Dorian to be hiding.
She is just able to make out a muffled conversation on the first floor "… These lovesick fools seem to keep forgetting this is a public space, if they don't want an audience they should find a room!"
Not sure if she should be terribly embarrassed or slightly thankful for Dorians intervention she doesn't manage to hide her smile.
"Let's get out of here then." she says as they start to make their way through Skyhold.
He squeezes her hand.
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antianakin · 6 months
I'll never understand how some fans are so incredibly willing to just be okay with "it happened in a timeskip" to excuse bad writing lol. Like "oh yeah these two characters who have been enemies for like four seasons of a TV show had their entire reconciliation OFF SCREEN in the time skip between episodes right at the end so it works" or "oh yeah this character who was left basically broken had their entire growth and development where they came to terms with the thing that broke them in the time skip so it works" kind of stuff. Like that's literally the ENTIRE emotional climax of a story that's been building for a while and you're FINE with not getting to actually SEE IT???
Can't relate.
#fandom wank#i'm so so tired of people telling me 'well it happened in the timeskip' when i get annoyed about something#like a character doing a personality 180#or a character suddenly changing their mind about something that was really important to them#or literal wholeass character development that's integral to this character's story#there are some things that can happen in a timeskip and some shit that CANNOT#like imagine if luke had NEVER confronted yoda or obi-wan about keeping the truth of his parentage from him#like we come into rotj and they're just fine and it's never addressed#like luke's just never mad and they never even have a convo about it#imagine how unsatisfying it would feel to have had that massive bombshell dropped without any real payoff to it#imagine never actually getting to see luke work through that particular revelation or how it impacts these relationships#and they were just like 'well it happened in-between movies'#it would SUCK#you NEED those convos in order to actually understand how luke fully comes to accept the truth about anakin#because even if he's calmer by rotj he's still upset by it a bit#only by TALKING to yoda and obi-wan does he actually get to the point where he has total faith in anakin's goodness#we HAVE to see that he's still frustrated about this and still working thru it#we cannot fucking skip it#i'm willing to accept that he's calmer about it due to the timeskip but not that he's already worked thru it all#there's a fucking difference
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avaetin · 11 months
Nico giving kisses on the cheek, or so he claims, because they usually land on the corner of his partner's mouth. That's my religion aside from hand kisses.
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dorosen · 10 months
*punches the wall* Interactions between Cronus and Horuss would be so stupid and funny... Cronus would tell him to shut up, and he would listen. Horuss would talk about his experience being a horse, and Cronus would play into it because he finds it entertaining. Horuss would support Cronus' therian experiences wholeheartedly. I can see them bonding over their mutual interest in the arts. Horuss would show genuine interest in his music. What if they kissed? Idk. I think they would annoy people simply by conversing with one another. They would be hemocasteist together. They both have personality issues too. Cronus' dumb flirting would fluster Horuss for sure (even if he tries to ignore it at first). I want to see them argue too.
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#okay i did not have to edit this one. score#shiftry#anyway i really don't like this pokémon or anything about it. SORRY but it's true it's really ugly and its mouth and the nose#and it has the same things i don't like about it that i talked about with nuzleaf. i just don't get it but this time it wasn't in psmd#so i'm not attached to it just by virtue of that. and well. that contributes to me not really liking it i suppose#ahh well. better luck next time TPC you can make a good grass/dark-type eventually (it's meowscarada) (it took 6 generations)#hi it's me from two weeks later like the actual day this post is going to post. i came back to edit the tags so i could respond to some#comments. crazy‚ i know! but i saw the tags on this one were a bit short so let's beef 'em up. the nuzleaf post got some comments#about the whole prosthetic memory thing. where i set reminders on my phone to do shit or else i will not do the shit#i literally have a reminder set for 2:30 PM today to eat food. or else i won't even do that i bet#and folks are saying it's a common ADHD experience and that i'm not a fail and i do appreciate it. i think i was joking a bit#i was probably just frustrated i had to edit the image after taking it but the gist is. i don't *think* i have ADHD? i do have autism#which i suspected for a loooooong while until i finally up and got diagnosed when i was fucking 21 years old. which is insane. so i wonder#if that's an experience that overlaps. i imagine it is bc they proooobably would've been able to tell me if i had ADHD‚ too#okay. i moved these tags over here from nosepass‚ actually‚ which is the pokémon i just queued up. so i'm gonna go remove them from there#see you in street fighter five everybody
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scorpionatori · 6 months
when wanted posters of akutagawa started popping up everywhere was dazai giggling and kicking his feet like a proud mother watching her son hit a home run at a school baseball game or was he like “uh oh”
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goldensunset · 2 years
thinkin about how like... some of the fatal flaws in dark road included a lack of trust/coordination/communication... and how of course only xehanort and eraqus survived to be able to remember the tale so that they could learn from their mistakes... and then that leads us directly to birth by sleep. a story in which, yet again, terminal miscommunication, terrible teamwork, and fractured trust in friends leads to a bitterly tragic end. and xehanort and eraqus themselves were major players in this story yet again, obviously.
the difference is, eraqus never learned his lesson, while xehanort did and decided to use it for evil. he manipulated eraqus’ naive students for his own agenda. seemingly, eraqus’ only takeaway from the tragedy that killed almost everyone he knew was that darkness in any form was extremely dangerous. but to the end, he was blind to every other factor that led to that catastrophe. so his teachings to his students didn’t prepare them for the situation they were facing at all. and they messed up terribly, continuing the cycle...
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4arconinoma · 9 months
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By the way Trish was hoping the entire time to hear some sort of comfort from Bruno and felt upset by his cold and detached demeanor because he's the only person who served as some sort of familial figure and offered her any amount kindness or protection And he did want to say those things to her and when he finally DID offer words of comfort it wasn't ACTUALLY Trish and he only Thought it was Trish and she never got to hear him say those things to her and he has no idea he never got to tell her. Just so you know
#jjba#txt#When i was rewatching Vento Aureo and realized this it made my stomach drop#So you will have to know too#im so normal about this im so normal#Listen i hate mommy bruno characterization like i really really do but#Not only does this disprove it (He shows a cold demeanor to the gang members to try and avoid attachment and provide stability in times of#emotional desperation and not some sort of motherly figure like the fandom tries to say he is instead of a MAFIA GANG LEADER)#I also do think the one familial sort of attachment present is him and Trish. This is not the mom thing#Its just quite literally she has no one else to rely on. The elevator scene she was so scared of meeting a father who's intentions she does#t even know And Bruno is so young but he is the only adult figure she can rely on there. Perhaps its not parental but familial in other way#Either way hes the only person that can support her in that situation and shes frustrated that hes acting cold#But the thing is he has to act cold because he has to keep it together and i bet he didnt want her to become attached to him at first in th#t way PROBABLY mirroring his childhood as well he wanted to keep her away from this sort of lifestyle and not have her be associated with#him or the gang so that she could live a safe life#But i imagine he realized at some point that she has no one else BUT WHEN HE FINALLY TOLD 'HER' THINGS TO MAKE HER FEEL BETTER#IT WASN'T HER HE THOUGHT IT WAS BUT IT WASN'T AND THEY'RE NOT GOING TO SEE EACH OTHER AGAIN#This connection never got to grow They don't know this about the other. He never got to say these things and she never got to either#im so sad Im so sad#So like i said this is the only familial thing I think Bruno has going on.#I see Bruno as more of a cool uncle or brother though. I cant see him as a parent. He is so young. Everyone forgets this#But either way he would be the only caretaker that she has. But they didnt get to have that chance#Its just heartbreaking#Im so sad#YOUVE HAD NOTHING BUT HORRIBLE THINGS HAPPEN TO YOU. BUT YOU STILL HAVE A CHANCE TO ENJOY A NEW LIFE. HEAD IN HANDS
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tswwwit · 2 years
Uk im just thinking about it but like, how would our Bill react hypothetically if after this is all said and done Dipper Flinches when Bill reaches for him? Like ik that shits gotta be traumatizing and it would make sense for Dipper to react like that for a bit right after but i’m just dying to know what Bill would think about that or how he would cope with those reactions knowing why he’s getting them
This is fun because Bill is great at nightmares, torment, and all kinds of nasty shenanigans - but reassurance is so far outside his wheelhouse he couldn't see it with a telescope.
Once Dipper flinches, Bill's going to be stuck with his hand in the air, not quite touching Dipper. Definitely not smiling anymore. And experiencing a rare moment of having absolutely no idea what to do.
....So I give it about a minute before his frustration boils over and he defaults to finding something to obliterate.
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isfjmel-phleg · 9 months
It is one of the days when the desire for my own private office with four walls and a door is extremely strong.
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navree · 1 year
paddy saying that viserys, if he weren’t such an absent motherfucker, would have been thrilled at helaena also having dragondreams.........well now i’m sad
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h0use-fly · 4 months
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needed more fill in ocs for him to terrorize introducing bug wizard its name is scab
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abelllia · 2 years
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The appointed hot one by Basira. Also the one with the most detailed notes for some reason.
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alarrylarrie · 1 year
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