#can you tell i got tired of it by the time i had to colour the kkomas
cantarelaria · 7 months
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1864 pockets 🧥🩵
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acediaedeus · 5 months
this does contain them sweet
what I find really upsetting about Ichigo’s dynamic with his friends/family/mentors is how they treat the fact that he’s part-Hollow. especially when it comes to the Visored and Orihime.
bc yeah, the Visored did struggle with their Hollows, bc they already lived hundreds of years without that aspect. they were comfortable with their shinigami existence, but then this hollowfication bullshit drops on their heads and suddenly they’re not only barely in control of themselves, constantly in a fight with an inner “demon”, but also there’s no one to support them AND they’re getting fucking exiled and then they exist as this tightly knit community of eight for a fucking century with no one to understand them but each other. I’d hate the Hollow in me too, probably.
BUT, then there’s this fresh guy, that hasn’t accepted the fact that he’s now an amalgamation of a million different things, including something that he has been told he has to fight and exterminate, that they have to teach to manage the hollowfication bullshit™️ so what do we do? correct, scare the shit out of him and present existing with a Hollow as amensalism (one is harmed, one is unaffected) or parasitism (one benefits, one is harmed) when it’s more like commensalism (one benefits, one is unaffected), in which the shinigami is clearly the one who’s benefiting from this.
(although we could argue that for the Visored this is a symbiotic relationship in which both are getting harmed, but even then the shinigami still gains benefit and the Hollow gets nothing but hatred, so like, fuck them, lol (I’m advocating for inner-Hollow rights 💀🙏🏻)).
biology lesson out of the way, they essentially do not teach Ichigo anything that would bring long-term benefits (we see this when Ichigo is unable to complete his training with Squad 0, bc he has no fucking idea who Zangetsu (or he himself) actually is (this is, of course, in part his quincy power’s doing, but I wouldn’t say his supposed “mentors” helped much).
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in conclusion what does Ichigo get out of this? self-hatred and the habit to suppress what is, whichever way you look at it, a big part of his being, thus blocking himself and Zangetsu from reaching their full potential.
but I guess you can’t teach lessons you haven’t learnt yourself, so there is that with the Visored.
now onto my dear Orihime, who I love dearly (this is a disclaimer). for someone who, supposedly, loves Ichigo more than anything and who we have to take seriously as not only just a potential love-interest, but the actual, one-and-only lover, she is a little bit too scared of Ichigo.
this, of course, for me, begs the question of how am I supposed to accept a love-interest who is consistently terrified of the mc? not a single battle with Orihime present (and Ichigo using the mask) without her shaking in fear and having to be reminded by others (who have known him for much less time than she has), that not only is it still Ichigo in front of her, but he’s also fighting and pulling out the mask he himself doesn’t like much, in order to protect her.
it’s plain and simple upsetting how there’s absolutely no one to accept and embrace the essence of Kurosaki Ichigo. everyone around him wants the shinigami and human in him, no one is interested in the Hollow (except for *ahem* Grimmjow *ahem*), all they do is reject and cower and isn’t that fucking hypocritical after hiding behind his back and begging him to save them?
everyone around Ichigo just really pisses me off with their constant whining. I feel like the only ones who love and cherish Ichigo for the absolute gem of a person he is are Chad and the fucking Arrancars 💀🙏🏻
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as I mentioned in the ALT to the last photo in this parade of idiocy: trying to separate and think of Hollow Ichigo and Ichigo as two different entities is crazy and delusional behaviour, bc we have been told countless times, that a person’s inner Hollow is a manifestation of all repressed emotions and traits that they view as unsavoury. which for Ichigo happened to be aggression, cruelty, being merciless and thirst for bloody battles.
let me remind everyone that you cannot truly love a person w/o accepting and acknowledging all their flaws (including yourself).
this is not me trying to say Orihime doesn’t love Ichigo, it’s not really about the characters, more so the writing. I am actively trying to square up with Tite Kubo. for many reasons, but this is one of the ones I pay most attention to.
Ichigo is someone who is in perfect control of himself, who protects no matter what, bc even when he turned into the vasto lorde (after getting his heart ripped out of his chest) it was all his Hollow, yet it still carried out the mission of protection seamlessly, that’s how strong his will is. Kurosaki Ichigo deserves ppl who actually love him around, thank you.
thanks for coming to this ted talk, love y’all!
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luveline · 5 months
would you ever write about hotch pining after r because he thinks she’s interested in someone else but then she confesses to him that she’s only ever had eyes for him 🥹
You’re shocked Hotch will let them look at him, honestly. When was the last time you saw Hotch receive medical attention? He doesn’t seem happy about it, suit jacket folded in his lap, his shirt cut in three places, most noticeably the left sleeve. 
“His arm is definitely broken,” Spencer tells you. 
“Do you think he’ll let me give him some comfort?” you ask, the two of you with your arms crossed against the side of the second ambulance, where Morgan undergoes a similarly reluctant checkup for his bloody temple. 
“No. You can always try, though. He’ll appreciate the effort.” 
You ready yourself with a deep breath and begin the short walk. It feels long then suddenly over at the same time. The only thing between you and Hotch now is a shoe’s width and the EMT securing his temporary sling. 
“They’re making me an emergency appointment,” he tells you. 
You fight the urge to rub the toe of your shoe into the ground. “Are you in pain?” 
“No. They gave me tramadol.” 
Hotch pushed you hard out of the way of a brawl and took blows meant for you in turn. He never lets you get hurt in the field. At first you’d assumed him to be the overprotective boss, and careful of women in the team, but you’ve caught on now that his motivation wells from somewhere deeper. 
Hotch loves you. He won’t tell you. You have no idea why. 
The EMT says she’ll return and takes her leave. You nod to the patch of metal flooring beside him, legs too tired to keep standing, and Hotch moves over to leave a gap between you suitable for turning into. You sit down with a sigh. Face to face, this close, you can see the different colours of his iris and the scar under his eyebrow clear as day. 
“You okay?” 
“Are you?” he asks with nothing more than a single short nod. 
“I’m worried about you,” you confess. “I wish you wouldn’t do that. I can take care of myself, okay? I don’t like you getting hurt in my place.” 
“I’m your Unit Chief.” 
“If it were Morgan, you wouldn’t have pushed him out of the way. If it were Emily. And we both know I can hold my own.”
He doesn’t look away from your face. “I know.” 
You’re finding it hard to want to scold him. You love him, too. You appreciate what it takes for him to take a fight that was meant for you, and the sentiment behind it. You’d quite like for him to protect you, just not at work. He could glare down potential suitors or argue with people who are rude to you at the grocery store. He doesn’t need to do your job for you. 
You raise your hand tentatively to his face, ignoring his confusion as you rake the hair that falls against his forehead back up. “It’s getting a little long for you.” 
“I’ve been busy.” 
“Me too. I keep meaning to do so much stuff but we get home and I get to my apartment and I just sleep for days.” 
“I wish I did something that sensible.” 
You curl your fingers over his shoulder. Without his suit jacket, you can feel the solidness of his muscle and soft tissue clearly. You rub your thumb in a half circle. 
“Why don’t you sleep much? I wish you would.” 
His eyes flare momentarily. His only tell, a flicker of movement you can’t miss. He’s surprised by something, your question, maybe your tone. “I do sleep.” 
“Not enough.” 
“No, I guess not.” 
You press your cheek to his arm. Can’t help yourself. He’s this strong, stern guy, so used to trying to save everyone that he barely looks after himself, and it makes you sad to think he’d love you and not want to tell you, because why wouldn’t he? Something in him must stop him from acting on it, but that something isn’t in you, not anymore. “Can’t believe you got your arm broken for me,” you murmur, lips to his shirt. You let out a breath, feel the warmth of it pass onto his skin and his following shudder. 
“It wasn’t purposeful.” 
“No? That’s good.” 
“I would do it again,” he says. “I thought you’d be with Morgan.” 
“Morgan’s a big boy.” 
“As opposed to me.” 
“I want to be here with you. I’m worried about you.” You press your face further into his arm, scared to say it even though you know it’s returned. “I care about you so much, ‘n’ you never let me show it.”
“That’s not true,” —his voice climbs higher— “I thought… You and Derek are close.” 
“He’s my friend, Hotch. It’s not like that.” 
Hesitant, tender all the same, Hotch’s uninjured arm slinks around your side to hold you, to bring you closer to his side where you’re hiding. You’re much too old for this, and still you have to confess. 
“I don’t like him,” you say. 
“As opposed to me.” 
You laugh at his repetition. Too embarrassed to say anything more on the subject but wanting to cement it in his head, you raise your head and your hand at the same time, knuckle to his jawline, nudging him to one side. You lean up and kiss his cheek. 
“Please don’t push me out of the way again,” you say. 
Hotch smiles at you, a proper, soft-eyed smile. “I won’t.” 
It’s an obvious lie. 
“Maybe when we go home we can nap together,” you suggest, heart slamming considering the innocence of what you’ve suggested. 
His fingers cradle your side. “You want to?” he asks carefully. 
“You can finally get some rest.” 
He closes his eyes, resting his face against yours. 
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callsigns-haze · 26 days
Hello! If you are comfortable can you please write more dad-husband tyler owens? And also i love your content!
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Pairing: Tyler Owens x Reader
Summary: Tyler reflects on the overwhelming love and responsibility of becoming a father again, making silent promises to his unborn child as he and Y/N cherish the anticipation of their growing family.
Warnings: This chapter contains themes of pregnancy, emotional moments involving family, and heartfelt reflections on parenthood, which may evoke strong feelings.
The late afternoon sun hung low in the sky, casting a warm, golden hue over the Owens' home. Tyler was on the living room floor with Hazel, their three-year-old daughter, who was deeply engrossed in building a tower with her colourful blocks. Her curls bounced as she placed each block with careful precision, her little tongue poking out in concentration. Tyler watched her with a fond smile, cherishing the simplicity of this moment. It was these quiet afternoons, filled with Hazel's laughter and the joy of just being together, that Tyler loved the most.
“Daddy, look! It’s almost as tall as me!” Hazel exclaimed, her eyes bright with pride as she stepped back to admire her creation.
“That’s amazing, sweetheart,” Tyler replied, his voice filled with genuine admiration. “You’ve got a real talent for building things.”
Hazel’s face lit up with joy, and she threw her arms around Tyler’s neck in a spontaneous hug. Tyler held her close, feeling the warmth of her small body against his chest, and for a moment, everything in the world felt just right.
But something had been different today. From the moment Y/N had left for work that morning, Tyler had sensed it. She’d hugged him a little longer, her gaze lingering on him with an intensity he couldn’t quite place. There was something she wasn’t saying, something just beneath the surface, and it had been on his mind all day.
The sound of the front door opening pulled Tyler from his thoughts. Hazel’s head snapped up, her eyes lighting up with excitement. “Mommy’s home!” she squealed, jumping to her feet and racing toward the door.
Tyler followed more slowly, his heart picking up speed as he saw Y/N step inside. She was still in her work clothes, a tired but content smile on her face as she bent down to scoop Hazel into her arms. But even from across the room, Tyler could tell something was different. There was a certain glow about her, a quiet energy that made his breath catch.
“Hey, you two,” Y/N greeted, pressing a kiss to Hazel’s cheek before setting her down. “How was your day?”
“Great!” Hazel chirped, grabbing her mother’s hand and tugging her toward the living room. “I built the tallest tower ever! Come see!”
Y/N laughed, letting herself be led by their daughter, but her eyes flicked to Tyler, and he saw it again—that unreadable emotion that made his heart race. She was holding something back, and he knew she wouldn’t be able to for much longer.
“Why don’t you go get your favourite book, Hazel?” Y/N suggested gently after admiring the tower. “Mommy and Daddy need to talk for a minute.”
Hazel, always eager for story time, nodded eagerly and dashed off to her room, leaving Tyler and Y/N alone in the living room. As soon as she was out of sight, Y/N turned to him, her hands twisting nervously in front of her. Tyler’s heart clenched at the sight. He stepped closer, reaching out to take her hands in his.
“Y/N, what’s going on?” he asked softly, his voice filled with concern and anticipation. “Is everything okay?”
Y/N took a deep breath, her eyes meeting his with a mixture of excitement and anxiety. “I... I think I might be pregnant,” she confessed, her voice trembling slightly.
Tyler’s eyes widened, his heart skipping a beat. “You think?” he repeated, his mind racing to catch up with what she was saying.
“I wasn’t sure,” Y/N explained quickly, her words tumbling out as if she needed to get them all out before she lost her nerve. “I’ve been feeling a little off lately, so I picked up a test on the way home, but I don’t know how far along I might be. I just... I needed to know before I told you.”
Tyler stared at her, his breath caught in his throat as the weight of her words settled over him. She thought she might be pregnant. They might be having another baby. He felt a rush of emotions—joy, disbelief, and something that felt like awe.
“Did you take the test?” he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
Y/N nodded, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. She reached into her pocket and pulled out the small, white stick, holding it out to him with trembling hands. Tyler took it from her, his eyes locking onto the tiny screen. Two pink lines. Positive.
For a moment, the world seemed to stop. Tyler stared at the test in his hand, his heart pounding in his chest as he tried to process what he was seeing. He looked back up at Y/N, his eyes wide with disbelief and wonder.
“You’re... you’re pregnant?” he asked, his voice thick with emotion.
Y/N nodded again, tears spilling over her cheeks as she watched his reaction. “I think so,” she whispered. “But I don’t know how far along I am. I wanted to wait to see the doctor before we told Hazel, just to be sure.”
Tyler’s heart swelled with love and gratitude for this woman, for the life they had built together, and for the new life that might be growing inside her. A laugh of pure joy escaped him, and he pulled her into his arms, lifting her off the ground as he spun her around.
Y/N laughed through her tears, her arms wrapping around his neck as she buried her face in his shoulder. “Tyler,” she whispered, her voice filled with emotion. “We’re going to have another baby.”
Tyler set her down gently, his hands cupping her face as he looked into her eyes. His own eyes were wet with tears now, but he didn’t care. This moment was too beautiful, too perfect to hold anything back.
“I can’t believe it,” he murmured, his voice shaky with joy. “We’re having another baby.”
Y/N smiled up at him, her eyes shining with happiness. “I know it’s a lot to take in. I wasn’t expecting it either, but... I’m happy, Tyler. I’m really happy.”
Tyler felt his heart swell even more, if that was possible. He pulled her close, pressing his forehead against hers as he closed his eyes, letting the reality of their new situation wash over him. They were going to do this all over again—nights of soothing a crying baby, days of watching another child grow and learn and become their own person. And he couldn’t wait.
“We’ll take it one step at a time,” he whispered, his voice filled with quiet determination. “We’ll see the doctor, find out how far along you are, and then... then we’ll tell Hazel. She’s going to be so excited.”
Y/N nodded, her eyes still locked on his. “I know she will be. She’s going to be an amazing big sister.”
Tyler laughed softly, his thumb brushing away the tear that had slipped down her cheek. “And you’re going to be an amazing mom to two kids. Just like you are to Hazel.”
Y/N smiled, leaning into his touch as she let out a shaky breath. “I couldn’t do it without you, Tyler.”
“You won’t have to,” he promised, his voice filled with love. “We’re in this together, every step of the way.”
They stood there for a long moment, wrapped up in each other, their hearts full of love and anticipation for the journey ahead. Tyler knew that there would be challenges, just like there had been with Hazel, but he also knew that they would face them together, as a family.
After a while, they both glanced toward Hazel’s room, where their daughter was no doubt waiting eagerly for them to join her. Tyler smiled, squeezing Y/N’s hand.
“Should we go read that story?” he asked softly.
Y/N nodded, a soft smile on her lips. “Yeah. Let’s go.”
A few days after Y/N had taken the pregnancy test, Tyler and Y/N found themselves sitting in the waiting room of their OB-GYN’s office, anticipation and nerves swirling in the air around them. Y/N’s hand was clasped tightly in Tyler’s, their fingers intertwined as they waited for their names to be called. The past few days had been a whirlwind of emotions—excitement, disbelief, and a deep sense of joy that they were both still coming to terms with.
Tyler glanced over at Y/N, who was nervously tapping her foot on the floor. He squeezed her hand, offering her a reassuring smile. “You okay?” he asked softly.
Y/N nodded, though the tension in her shoulders was still visible. “I’m just anxious,” she admitted. “I want to know how far along we are. I want to see the baby.”
Tyler felt a surge of protectiveness for her, his thumb brushing gently over the back of her hand. “We’ll know soon,” he assured her. “And whatever happens, we’re in this together.”
Y/N smiled at him, her eyes softening with love. “I know,” she whispered, leaning into his shoulder as they continued to wait.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the nurse called them back. Tyler and Y/N stood, their hands still linked as they followed the nurse down the hallway to the ultrasound room. The room was dimly lit, with a comfortable chair next to the examination table where Y/N would soon be lying. Tyler helped her onto the table, his heart racing with a mix of excitement and nervousness.
The ultrasound technician, a kind woman with a gentle demeanour, greeted them with a warm smile. “Congratulations,” she said, her voice full of genuine warmth. “We’re going to get our first look at your baby today.”
Y/N returned the smile, though Tyler could see the anxiety still lingering in her eyes. He took her hand again, standing close by as the technician prepared the equipment. The sound of the machine powering on filled the room, and Tyler felt his heart rate pick up in anticipation.
“Alright, Y/N,” the technician said, her voice calm and reassuring. “This might feel a little cold, but it’ll warm up quickly.”
Y/N nodded, taking a deep breath as the technician applied the gel to her abdomen. Tyler watched closely, his eyes fixed on the screen next to them. He wasn’t sure what to expect, but he knew this moment was going to be one he’d remember for the rest of his life.
The technician moved the ultrasound wand over Y/N’s stomach, her eyes focused on the screen as she began to search for the tiny life growing inside her. Tyler held his breath, his heart pounding in his chest as he watched the screen with wide eyes, looking for any sign of their baby.
And then, there it was—a small, flickering shape on the screen, barely recognizable, but unmistakably there. Tyler’s breath caught in his throat, his eyes welling up with tears as he realized what he was seeing.
“There’s your baby,” the technician said softly, her voice full of awe as she pointed to the tiny figure on the screen. “Right here.”
Tyler’s hand tightened around Y/N’s as he stared at the screen, unable to tear his eyes away from the small, flickering heartbeat. It was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. The room seemed to fall away, leaving just him, Y/N, and the incredible sight of their child’s first image.
“Is that...?” Y/N’s voice trembled, her eyes filling with tears as she looked at the screen.
The technician nodded, smiling warmly at both of them. “That’s your baby,” she confirmed. “It looks like you’re about eight weeks along. Everything is measuring perfectly.”
Eight weeks. Tyler felt a rush of emotion—relief, joy, and an overwhelming sense of awe. Their baby was already so real, already so alive. He could see the tiny head, the beginnings of arms and legs, all so small and yet so perfect. And that heartbeat—steady, strong, a beautiful rhythm that filled him with a sense of wonder he couldn’t quite put into words.
Y/N squeezed his hand, her eyes shining with tears as she looked up at him. “Tyler, that’s our baby,” she whispered, her voice thick with emotion.
Tyler couldn’t speak for a moment, his throat tight with the effort of holding back his own tears. He nodded, swallowing hard as he looked down at Y/N. “I know,” he whispered back, his voice breaking. “It’s really happening.”
The technician continued to take measurements, pointing out different parts of the baby as she did. Tyler listened, barely registering the words as he focused on the tiny, flickering heartbeat that held his entire world in its rhythm. Every detail was perfect, every movement a miracle.
“There’s the head,” the technician said softly, her voice full of the quiet reverence that came with witnessing the beginning of a new life. “And here, you can see the arms starting to form.”
Tyler watched in awe as the technician moved the wand, showing them different angles of their baby. Each new image brought a fresh wave of emotion, and he found himself blinking back tears more than once. He looked down at Y/N, seeing the same mixture of joy and wonder reflected in her eyes.
“We’re really going to do this again,” Y/N whispered, her voice filled with both excitement and a touch of disbelief.
Tyler nodded, his heart full to bursting. “We are,” he agreed, his voice thick with emotion. “And I can’t wait.”
The technician finished the scan, printing out a few images for them to take home. Tyler took the small, glossy pictures with trembling hands, his eyes scanning each one as if trying to commit every detail to memory. This was their baby—small, delicate, and already so deeply loved.
“Everything looks great,” the technician said, smiling at them both as she handed the pictures to Tyler. “You’re right on track. Congratulations again.”
“Thank you,” Y/N said, her voice filled with gratitude.
Tyler helped Y/N sit up, the two of them still in a daze as they thanked the technician and left the room. As they walked out into the hallway, Tyler couldn’t stop looking at the ultrasound pictures in his hand. He knew they’d be showing these to Hazel soon enough, sharing the news that she was going to be a big sister. But for now, this moment was theirs, a private joy that filled his heart with more love than he thought possible.
Once they were back in the car, Tyler turned to Y/N, his hand resting gently on her stomach. “I’m so happy,” he whispered, his eyes meeting hers. “I didn’t think I could love anyone as much as I love Hazel, but... this baby, our baby... it’s like my heart just keeps growing.”
Y/N smiled, her own hand covering his as she leaned in to kiss him softly. “I feel the same way,” she murmured against his lips. “We’re going to be a family of four, Tyler. Can you believe it?”
Tyler shook his head, his eyes shining with unshed tears. “No,” he admitted, his voice full of wonder. “But I can’t wait.”
The sun was setting, casting a warm golden light through the windows of the Owens’ living room. Tyler and Y/N sat on the couch, their hearts full of anticipation as they prepared to share the news with Hazel. They had just returned from the doctor’s appointment, where they’d seen their tiny baby on the ultrasound for the first time. The black-and-white pictures of the baby’s first images were still fresh in their minds, tucked away safely in Y/N’s purse.
Hazel was playing on the floor nearby, her toy animals scattered around her as she created an elaborate scene with them. She was in her own little world, humming softly to herself as she made her animals talk to each other. Tyler watched her with a soft smile, feeling his heart swell with love for his little girl. Soon, she would no longer be their only child. She would be a big sister.
“Hazel,” Y/N called gently, breaking the peaceful silence.
Hazel looked up from her toys, her wide brown eyes curious. “Yes, Mommy?” she asked, pushing her curls out of her face as she stood up.
“Come here, sweetheart,” Tyler said, patting the spot between him and Y/N on the couch. “We have something really special to tell you.”
Hazel’s eyes lit up with excitement. She loved surprises and special news, and she quickly climbed onto the couch between her parents, looking up at them expectantly. “What is it?” she asked eagerly, her little hands gripping Tyler’s arm as she bounced slightly in her seat.
Tyler exchanged a glance with Y/N, who nodded slightly, her own excitement mirrored in her eyes. Tyler took a deep breath, his heart pounding with anticipation as he prepared to share the news that would change Hazel’s world.
“Well, Hazel,” Tyler began, his voice soft and full of love, “you know how much we love you, right?”
Hazel nodded vigorously, her curls bouncing. “I know! I love you and Mommy too!” she declared, her face glowing with happiness.
Tyler smiled, his heart melting at her words. “And you know how we’ve always told you that you’re our special little girl?” he continued.
Hazel nodded again, her eyes wide with curiosity. “Uh-huh.”
Y/N leaned in, her hand gently stroking Hazel’s back as she spoke. “Well, Hazel, you’re going to be even more special soon,” she said softly, her voice filled with emotion. “Because you’re going to be a big sister.”
Hazel blinked, her little brow furrowing in confusion as she tried to process the information. “A big sister?” she repeated, her voice full of wonder. “What does that mean?”
Tyler’s heart swelled with love as he saw the mix of emotions on Hazel’s face—curiosity, excitement, and a little bit of uncertainty. He reached out and gently took her small hand in his, his voice gentle as he explained.
“It means that Mommy has a baby growing in her tummy,” Tyler said, watching Hazel closely for her reaction. “And in a few months, that baby is going to come out, and you’ll have a little brother or sister to play with and take care of.”
Hazel’s eyes widened in surprise, her gaze shifting from Tyler to Y/N and then back to Tyler again. “A baby?” she whispered, her voice full of awe. “In Mommy’s tummy?”
Y/N smiled, nodding as she placed Hazel’s hand on her stomach. “That’s right, sweetie,” she said softly. “There’s a baby in here right now, growing and getting ready to meet us.”
Hazel’s little hand rested gently on Y/N’s stomach, her eyes wide with wonder as she tried to comprehend what she was being told. She was silent for a moment, her expression serious as she thought about the idea of being a big sister.
Finally, Hazel looked up at her parents, her eyes shining with a mixture of excitement and curiosity. “Can I see the baby?” she asked eagerly, her voice tinged with the innocent wonder that only a child could have.
Tyler and Y/N exchanged a tender look, both of them smiling at their daughter’s eagerness. “We have pictures of the baby,” Y/N said, reaching for her purse. “Do you want to see them?”
Hazel nodded eagerly, her eyes glued to Y/N as she pulled out the ultrasound pictures. Y/N carefully unfolded the glossy images and handed them to Hazel, who took them with reverence, her little fingers holding the edges as she stared at the black-and-white shapes.
Tyler watched her closely, his heart pounding with emotion as he saw the way Hazel’s face lit up when she saw the tiny baby on the screen. “That’s your little brother or sister,” he said softly, his voice thick with emotion. “Right there in Mommy’s tummy.”
Hazel’s eyes widened even more as she stared at the ultrasound picture, her mouth opening slightly in awe. “That’s the baby?” she whispered, her voice filled with wonder. “That’s really the baby?”
Y/N nodded, her eyes filling with tears as she watched Hazel’s reaction. “Yes, sweetheart,” she said softly. “That’s really the baby.”
Hazel was silent for a long moment, her eyes locked on the ultrasound picture as she absorbed the reality of what she was seeing. Then, slowly, a smile spread across her face—a smile so bright and pure that it made Tyler’s heart ache with love.
“I’m going to be a big sister,” Hazel said softly, almost to herself, as if she was still trying to wrap her mind around the idea. “I’m going to have a baby to take care of.”
Tyler felt his throat tighten with emotion, and he reached out to gently cup Hazel’s cheek, his voice full of love as he spoke. “Yes, you are, Hazel. And you’re going to be the best big sister ever.”
Hazel looked up at him, her eyes shining with a mix of pride and excitement. “I’ll help you and Mommy take care of the baby,” she promised, her voice filled with determination. “I’ll be the best big sister in the whole world!”
Y/N let out a soft laugh, tears spilling over her cheeks as she leaned in to kiss Hazel’s forehead. “I know you will, sweetie,” she whispered, her voice thick with emotion. “You’re going to be amazing.”
Hazel beamed up at her parents, her face glowing with happiness as she hugged the ultrasound pictures to her chest. “I can’t wait to meet the baby,” she said, her voice full of innocent joy. “I’m going to teach them everything I know!”
Tyler felt his heart swell with pride and love for his little girl, and he pulled her into his arms, holding her close as he kissed the top of her head. “I’m so proud of you, Hazel,” he whispered, his voice breaking with emotion. “You’re going to be the best big sister in the world.”
Hazel snuggled into Tyler’s embrace, her little arms wrapped tightly around his neck as she held onto him with all her might. “I love you, Daddy,” she whispered, her voice filled with all the love she had in her tiny heart. “And I love the baby too.”
Tyler closed his eyes, letting the overwhelming emotion of the moment wash over him as he held his daughter close. “I love you too, Hazel,” he whispered back, his voice thick with tears. “And we all love the baby. So much.”
Later that night, after the excitement of the day had finally wound down and Hazel was tucked into bed, Tyler found himself sitting alone in the living room, the house bathed in the soft, dim light of the lamps. Y/N had gone upstairs to check on Hazel one last time, leaving Tyler a few quiet moments to himself.
He leaned back into the couch, his mind swirling with everything that had happened. It had been such a monumental day, filled with so many emotions that he was still trying to process it all. The realization that Hazel was going to be a big sister, the ultrasound, the way their little girl had reacted with such innocent joy—it all felt like a beautiful dream.
Tyler’s eyes fell on the ultrasound pictures sitting on the coffee table in front of him. He reached out, picking them up with gentle fingers, and studied them in the soft light. The tiny, blurry form of their new baby seemed to pulse with life, and as he stared at it, a wave of emotion washed over him.
He felt the weight of it all—the responsibility, the love, the sheer miracle of it. His throat tightened as he thought about how much his life had changed since becoming a father. The overwhelming love he felt for Hazel, and now, the love that was already growing for this new little life. He wasn’t sure how his heart could contain it all, but somehow, it did.
A tear slipped down his cheek, and Tyler didn’t bother to wipe it away. It was a tear of pure, unfiltered emotion—a mixture of joy, awe, and a touch of fear. The same kind of fear he had felt when Y/N had first told him she was pregnant with Hazel. The fear of the unknown, of not being enough, of the challenges that lay ahead. But he knew now, as he had learned over the past three years, that love would always be enough.
He thought about Hazel, her little face lighting up when she realized she was going to be a big sister. The way she had clutched those ultrasound pictures to her chest, already loving the baby she hadn’t even met yet. Tyler’s heart swelled with pride and love for his daughter, who had shown him a kind of love he hadn’t known was possible until she came into his life.
And then there was Y/N. His wife, his partner, his everything. She had been through so much already, and now they were about to embark on this journey again. He knew there would be challenges, moments of exhaustion, moments of doubt—but he also knew that there would be so much joy. So much love.
Tyler let out a shaky breath, closing his eyes as he held the ultrasound picture close to his chest. He whispered into the quiet of the living room, speaking to the baby that was still growing inside Y/N.
“I promise you,” he murmured, his voice thick with emotion, “I’ll do everything I can to be the best dad I can be for you. Just like I am for Hazel. I promise I’ll protect you, and love you, and always be there for you. Just like I am for your sister.”
He opened his eyes, staring down at the tiny image of the baby, feeling a tear slip down his cheek. “You’re going to have the best big sister in the world,” he continued softly. “And you have the best mom too. We’re going to be a family, and I’ll do everything I can to make sure you’re safe and happy.”
The sound of soft footsteps caught his attention, and Tyler looked up to see Y/N standing in the doorway, her eyes filled with the same emotion he was feeling. She walked over to him, sitting down next to him on the couch and resting her head on his shoulder.
“What are you thinking about?” she asked softly, her hand resting gently on his arm.
Tyler took a deep breath, his eyes still on the ultrasound picture in his hand. “Just... how lucky we are,” he whispered, his voice thick with emotion. “How much I love you, and Hazel, and this little one already. It’s overwhelming sometimes.”
Y/N smiled softly, her hand moving to rest on his chest, right over his heart. “We are lucky,” she agreed, her voice full of warmth. “And you’re going to be an amazing dad to both of them, Tyler. I have no doubt about that.”
Tyler turned to look at her, his eyes filled with love and gratitude. He leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead. “I couldn’t do this without you,” he murmured against her skin. “You’re my rock, Y/N. You always have been.”
Y/N’s eyes shimmered with unshed tears as she looked up at him, her smile soft and full of love. “And you’re mine,” she whispered back. “We’re in this together, Tyler. Just like always.”
They sat there in the quiet of the living room, holding each other close as they let the reality of their growing family settle around them. Tyler knew there were challenges ahead—long nights, tired days, moments of doubt—but he also knew that with Y/N by his side, they could face anything.
As he held the ultrasound picture close, Tyler made one more silent promise—to love his family with everything he had, to be the best father he could be, and to cherish every moment of this incredible journey they were on together.
And with Y/N by his side, he knew that promise would be easy to keep.
Requests for Tyler are open be free to send in as much as you wish!
tagging some:
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vcnillazelda · 2 years
simon riley x reader
summary: you colour simon’s tattoos during a briefing.
tags: secret relationship, soap being soap, ghost and soap’s bromance bc they need more content together, tattoos, me going feral over simon’s tattoo bc slfnndkdhsbrkci, rudy is reader’s bestie, alejandro is grumpy, he’s just not a morning person, gaz is just there
wow 2 posts in one day 😍
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simon’s sat down, eyes scanning over the room. price was waiting for everyone to get in the briefing room and settle, reading over his notes which gave simon a brief time to settle in. sitting in crowded rooms always made him anxious, even though he knew everyone in the room, it was still nerve-racking. you take a seat next to him, giving him a wide and friendly smile as soap takes the seat on his left. rudy, being close to you, sits on your other side and simon gives him a short nod. the two weren’t close, rudy always got uncomfortable around simon, but you two were best friends so simon tried coming off more friendly. the spanish man smiles awkwardly, looking at his lap as he fiddles with his pen. you snatch up the highlighters in the middle of the table, as per usual, and start doodling slightly on your notes.
soon enough, price starts the briefing, yet simon’s watching you. you’re drawing a little frog, colouring it in with the highlighter, then you glance up at johnny and add on a little mohawk. simon smiles at the sight of the soapfrog drawing. you carefully peel the sticky note from the pad, pushing it over to soap who accepts it and smiles a little, trying not to laugh. on the note below it, you start doodling a little stereotypical sheet covered ghost. simon rolls his eyes, looking back up at price, who sounds tired considering it’s 6 am. the feeling of a pen on his forearm makes simon jump a little, and he looks down. you’re colouring his tattoo with expert precision. the flames decorating his tanned skin are now highlighted orange, and simon moves his arm a little over to allow you more room. you smile at him, and his heart skips a beat. he sits completely still, as if he moved anymore than breathing would disrupt your work. you shuffle a little next to him, nudging your chair closer so you had more room to colour him in. eventually, you tap his wrist and he flips his hand over, pretending to roll his eyes as you start on the other side of his hand. the feeling of the cool tip of the highlighters was rather calming to him, albeit the smell was making him a little dizzy.
the briefing is taking forever due to some technical difficulties and everyone’s getting restless. price had stepped out to get someone more suited with tech, and you had moved on from highlighting simon’s tattoos to doodling upon the back of his hand. johnny notices, smiling a little. “can i have a go, l.t?” he asks teasingly, making alejandro and rudy glance up from their phones, gaz had his head down on the table and you all assumed he was asleep. “no.” simon deadpans, and you snort a little. “aw, but l.t-“ johnny is cut off by a glare, and he raises his hands in fake surrender. “draw on these, johnny.” you say, pushing your sticky notes over. johnny nods, drawing a poor image of you, rudy, simon and alejandro as stick figures. simon glances down at his hand, you’d drawn a tiny version of him, it was cutesy and he adored it. (he silently makes a note to take a picture of it later in private so it wasn’t lost forever). you had also drawn a cat wearing his mask as well as a little bar of soap next to the cat. “you have a notepad, y/n.” alejandro tells you, and you nod. “i know.” you reply, voice rather innocent considering alejandro was speaking to you as if you were a child drawing on the walls.
“ghost isn’t a notepad.” alejandro scolds, and you shrug. “he doesn’t mind, do you simon?” you smile at him, and he shakes his head. “look at his forearm.” you grin, holding his hand up so everyone in the room could see. “jesus christ…” rudy mutters, hiding a laugh behind his hand as he looks at alejandro’s unimpressed expression. the older man sighs, running a hand over his face. “look.” soap says, showing his tiny drawing of the crew. “aw that’s so cute.” you laugh, and johnny grins. “is that meant to be me?” alejandro asks, accepting the drawing from the sergeant. he shows rudy who laughs fully. “you’re built like a square, coronel.” rudy teases, pointing to the little angry face on the drawing. “i can see that, pendejo.” alejandro gently whacks rudy with the notepad, and he laughs more. you’re laughing as well, and simon presses his knee into your leg. you look at him and smile, hand slipping under the desk to rest upon his thigh. your fingers run soft circles over his pant leg, massaging the muscle. simon practically relaxes right there, leaning into you a little more. it wasn’t that obvious, so you nudge him back playfully. “how do you have so much energy in the morning.”
“me and rudy have been up all night, we’re both piped up on 12 energy drinks- each.” you reply, smiling brightly. “jesus christ… get some sleep tonight, yeah?” simon tells you, his hand squeezing yours. “i can’t when you’re not there.” you respond, frowning. simon feels his heart squeeze. “i’ll see what i can do.” he mutters, the room falling silent as price steps back in. “right, shall we carry on?” the captain asks, and everyone mutters in agreement. gaz raises his head groggily, letting out a soft “wha’..?” price rolls his eyes, continuing with the briefing. simon sits silently, hand encasing yours. occasionally, he glances down at the doodles on his skin. he was truly in love with you and all the weird little antics you had harboured over the years. no matter what, the two of you would always belong to each other, and you could always draw upon his arms.
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llamagoddessofficial · 3 months
Hello! How have you been? I hope all is well on your side of the world! I was wondering if we could get some more of knightmare? J-just a thought... please🥺🌹
"there you are,"
You jumped, tearing your eyes away from the aurora above you. When you moved your arms and stood up straight, a little snow was disturbed from the smooth stone of the balcony; shooting a glance over your shoulder, you saw Nightmare, silhouetted by the torchlight from within the castle.
"what are you doing out here? you aren't wearing nearly enough to be outside." He closed the door behind him. Immediately, he too was bathed in the green aurora glow that felt like it filled the whole world. The glittering snow crunched gently under the soles of his leather shoes - as he walked toward you, he started to toy with the collar of his large fur-trimmed midnight cloak, unclasping a metal moon charm that took on an emerald glint every time it shifted.
"I'm watching the sky," you replied, meekly, breath escaping in a shimmering cloud.
He came to your side at the balcony, eyelight peering curiously down at you. He tugged loose a fabric knot at his throat. "for how long? i expected you'd be long asleep by now."
"I-I don't know." Now that he had snapped you out of your trance, you were starting to really feel the cold through your simple woollen dress. "It's hard to keep track of time,"
Nightmare sighed. With the knot undone, he drew the great cloak off his shoulders. You watched, mutedly confused - you could hear its silver embroidered ends sweeping over the flagstones.
... He stepped up to you... and brought the cloak around your shoulders.
You blinked up at him, flustered by the proximity once again, as the heavy thing suddenly weighed down upon you. Warmth-imbued soft fabric suddenly soothed your skin, fur tickling your cheeks and nose. He looked so different without the cloak - he wore a lovely long-sleeved dark tunic beneath, the neck and wrists lined with real silver. He looked so handsome, the aurora's glow suited his complexion far more than sun; you liked being able to see his face, less obscured by layers of fur.
You wanted to ask many questions - Are you really sure I can wear this? Is this ok with you? Isn't this precious to you, you wear it all the time? Isn't it expensive? Are you certain?
... Yet... the questions didn't come. Instead, a tiny tired "Thank you," fell out of your mouth.
His eyelight got wider, for a moment. And you could not tell if the aurora had merely brightened, or there was colour on his face. But his expression quickly returned to normal.
Seemingly subconsciously, he touched the fur of the cloak, very near to your face. "i choose to not hear that," he said, gently.
You exhaled. Ah, right. You couldn't thank the fae, could you? Nor apologise. There was implication of debt. "Oh."
He sounded sympathetic. "you've got to be more careful than that. this is no place for slips of the tongue."
"I know. I just... when I'm comfortable, I forget."
He got a strange look on his face.
"could i ask why you are staring at the sky?" He shifted, standing beside you, mimicking your position of elbows rested on the balcony edge. The subject change was not lost on you, but you chose not to speak on it. "with not nearly enough clothes on, i might add."
You stared at him. "Why am I staring? Is that a genuine question?"
His brow creased. "yes?"
You looked back up again. At the sea of stars - but equally, the silent river of green and pink fire that flowed across the open sky.
You had never seen it this strong in the human world, never. There were no words that could fully make sense of it. It was gentle, silent, like smoke, like water, like fire. Like magic.
"I mean..." you were breathless. "... Just look at it."
"it signals morning, for us. a high aurora and a full moon is the closest we get to daylight." His dark, soft voice was perfect for the setting. "some days it is strong, some days it is weak. but it always comes."
"It's really, really beautiful."
... He hummed.
"... yes. it is."
You glanced at him. He looked away from you, up to the sky.
"You weren't even looking,"
"i must admit, i have long struggled to see any beauty in my realm." He relaxed his whole weight onto his forearms. "i see only darkness and cold. shadows of what the summer realm has."
Your eyes were getting heavy. "If it was hot, you could never have given me your cloak. And if it was bright, I could not see the stars."
Nightmare hummed. His hand shifted, as if to move toward yours, but instead he knitted his fingers together.
"perhaps we should make a deal."
You turned, shooting a withering look up at him. "Nothing binding."
He grinned. It was hard to believe that face belonged to the very man that had unhorsed a dozen knights to win your hand. "yes, yes, nothing binding, i swear. a human sort of deal."
"Hm. Go on, then."
"you remain here, at the palace. you live as you wish to, under my complete protection." He played with a silver ring on his index finger. "and in return... you will tell me when you find my realm beautiful. metaphorically lend me your eyes. perhaps then, i'll finally start to see what you like so much about all this snow and stone."
Ah, you couldn't help but smile. "Alright, I agree to that. You'll realise it's far, far more than 'snow and stone'."
He chuckled. "i hope so."
"We'll start with this. I find the aurora very, very beautiful." You looked back up to it. "Look at the shapes. The patterns. But just... look at the colours. Aren't they breathtaking?"
Nightmare settled in beside you, his upper arm brushing your shoulder.
"... i think i'm starting to see it." He murmured.
You could tell, from the direction of his voice, that he was still looking at you.
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vivwritesfics · 1 year
Could do a mini vestappen where he’s older and crashes and max is worried or he’s sick and still tries to race either one you choose!🩵
I think I understood this request right. If I didn't then I'm so sorry
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When Fabian Verstappen turned eighteen, he had his debut season in Formula One. Everybody was proud of him, but no one more than his mother and father.
Fabians debut season just so happened to be Max's last season in the sport. It was odd, father and son racing against each other. Fabian didn't often race against his father, though. He was stuck in the mid field while Max was up front with the top teams.
Y/N spent her time wearing Fabian's team colours. It was something she and Max had spoken about at great length when Fabian first got signed. As much as Max wanted his wife there, supporting him, he understood.
During Fabian's debut season, he shared a podium with his father. It was a truly magical moment, Max and Fabian spraying the champagne onto each other.
After Fabian's rookie season, Max retired. His retirement was later than anybody had expected, especially after having Fabian and his sister (who was given the choice between coming to watch her brother race or staying at her grandma's. She chose her grandma).
When Max retired, the sport lost a hero. So, they looked to Fabian. Fabian got his fathers seat in Red Bull Racing after he retired. His parents attended every race he went to, both of them wearing Red Bull shirts with Fabians number on them.
With Max now being retired, it meant he had time to follow his sons career around the globe. Most expected him to make a return like Alonso, but Max knew it was Fabian's time to shine.
Max knew the circuits better than anybody else. He knew which ones his son would excel around, but he also knew which ones were the most dangerous. He never let it show on his face how nervous he was, not when he knew how much it would upset his wife.
Singapore and Spa were the circuits which had Max the most panicked. In the Red Bull garage, he and Y/N watched as Fabian raced around, the lead car on the grid.
"Like father like son," Y/N said as she leaned against Max. It was raining, making the Verstappens all that more nervous. Fabian hadn't get come in for a pair of wet tires. His mother was ready to have a heart attack.
On the wet track, the Red Bull car spun. It span, the rear end hitting the wall. The back of the car completely disappeared as the barrier pushed it back around. "Fabi!" Cried Y/N, pushing away from her husband.
Max had to hold Y/N back as they looked to the engineer. "Is everything alright, Fabian?" He asked. No response. "Fabian? Can you hear me? Let me know you're all right."
Again, silence.
All Y/N could do was watch the screen focused on his car. Fabian hadn't yet climbed out of his car; Y/N chewed on her nails as she waited. When the other cars came past, her heart felt like it was leaping out of her chest with anxiety.
There was a crackling on the radio. "Don't tell Christian, but I may have fucked up the car," came Fabian's voice.
The engineered turned around to give Fabian's parents the good news. Y/N let out a cry, ready to fall to her knees. She watched her son climb out of the car and give the crowd a thumbs up.
The entire incident had called for a red flag. An ambulance and a car were sent out to Fabian, but the Dutchman refused the ambulance, instead getting in the car to drive back to the paddock.
Y/N and Max were waiting anxiously for Fabian to return. When the young driver did, he walked towards his parents and pulled off his helmet. "Fabi," said Y/N, taking his face in her hands. She kissed him all over his face smoothed down his sweat slicked hair.
Placing his hand on his shoulder, Max pulled Fabian in for a hug. "I'm so proud of you," he whispered, squeezing him tight.
"Thank you, papa."
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jgracie · 5 months
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↳ part two / the chronicles of jj & smartiepants!
(american)footballer!jason grace x fem!reader
masterlist | rules
on the radio . . . so high school (taylor swift)
an u can tell i wrote this for me myself and i …. cynjase nation rise ☝🏼 also i’m not american sorry if this isn’t the hashtag authentic experience ! (if one person tells me to write a pt2 i will)
“hi baby, what’cha doing?” you heard a voice ask, snapping you out of the trance you were in. jason couldn’t have come at a more perfect time - the sweet cadence of his words was exactly what you needed to pull you away from the homework you were doing
you turned to face him and couldn’t help but smile as you looked at him sitting on the very edge of your bed, a bouquet of flowers in hand - your favourites, of course. rubbing your tired eyes, you asked, “what’re you doing here?”
taking the bouquet from his hands, you went over to put them in a nearby vase as he explained - the team were having a friendly match with a nearby school in an hour and he passed by to see if you wanted to come along. staring at the pretty bunch of flowers now on your desk, a grin made its way onto your face. somehow, jason always knew when your flowers began to wilt
“i’m confused, they told you about this game today?” you asked, now sitting on a chair in front of him. you didn’t mind going, of course, but this is just how you were - always planning things ahead of time, your calendar neatly organised and your planner colour coded - so the idea of a game being sprung up on jason like this made you feel a little bad for him
he toyed with your fingers, now shy. before you became friends, if someone had told you the jason grace, golden boy of jupiter high (see what i did there wink wink), could be shy, you would’ve laughed in their face
“sorry, you don’t have to come, i was just wondering…” he mumbled. you would’ve gone anyway - hell, he could ask you to go to the opposite end of the world and you’d go - but now you definitely couldn’t say no, not with his crystal blue eyes giving you that look. jason insists he doesn’t do a puppy face, but surely this counted
grinning, you stood up, ruffling his hair as you made your way to your closet, “of course i’ll go, jase! i’m insulted at the fact that you’d even consider the idea of me not going.” at your words, a gooey smile tugged the corners of jason’s lips upwards, one that was only reserved for you, the first person who cared to know the boy behind perfect, popular jason
you rummaged through your closet, pulling out two tops and presenting them to him, “which one?” jason’s eyes widened, suddenly remembering something. he picked his backpack up from the floor and took something out of it - a jersey. his jersey. it was purple with gold accents, the surname, ‘grace’, and your lucky number plastered on the back
“this one,” he threw it to you and you caught it, pulling out bottoms to match. then, you stared at him, waiting for him to get the hint
“what?” jason asked, his brows furrowing
biting your lip, you became the shy one as you said, “i need to change, jason.” immediately, he got up, his face a bright shade of red as he took his bag and almost ran out, mumbling apologies and gently shutting your door behind him
you giggled to yourself, knowing he was going to be apologising for the rest of the day. oh well, a couple kisses should shut him up
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vagabond-umlaut · 7 days
summer collapsed into fall
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summary: gojo satoru has no favourite colour. he feels no need nor interest to have one, either. pairing: gojo satoru x reader [unspecified gender] tags: slight undertones of teacher-student relationship BUT there is NO ACTUAL romance between them; can this be called pining? idk; character study like fic of our sweetest satoru *cries* he deserves sm better; fluff but with a mild serving of angst; wc 0.8k notes: fic title inspired by a quote by oscar wilde; fic inspired by this lovely post i saw on pinterest; jjk isn't mine; loosely related to 'you make my heart flutter and fibrillate'; tumblr hates me using dividers hence the new fic format ^_^
satoru doesn't really have a favourite colour.
it's never quite crossed his mind. and even if it has, he has never seen it to be important enough to allow it be anything more than a passing thought, a meaningless thought---it is not like his life will be impeded should he not have a favourite colour, nor is anyone ever going to ask him what it is, so why bother?
but now, as you peer up at him expectantly, having already listed your top five favourite colours and why you love them so, satoru wishes he did bother back then.
he decides to feign confusion.
"what what?" you shoot back, eager gaze not wavering one bit, "i just told you my favourite colours; aren't you gonna tell me yours? it's fine even if you have just one, sensei."
but is it fine if he has none?
throwing his watch a quick glance, he turns back to you. then exhales a quiet sigh, tired but the farthest from annoyed, when he sees you're still waiting for his reply... shutting the bus window beside, he turns to lean against it, shifting to face you properly.
and sighs, decidedly noisier this time, "this isn't the type of questions one asks their teacher, y'know? they are too casual, meant more for a friend than for a teacher."
"you got to be the last guy to lecture me about etiquette, sensei," you retort without missing a beat, huffing a quiet, amused laugh.
"and after the time i had to bring you to ieiri-san after you passed out from drinking a bit too much: i guess we're a bit more than a teacher and a student, aren't we, sensei?"
not really... no.
while satoru believes your first point to be a debatable topic, he does not think the two of you are anything but a teacher and a student, no matter how much help you extended to him or will in the future---it's not like he isn't grateful, though. he is; he really, really is---it's just his belief that few acts of kindness do not necessarily cause a friendship between people, and he intends to tell you this very clearly---
but finds he cannot. he simply cannot.
not when you say, still so eager but with an undercurrent so achingly soft that even the strongest wonders if he can handle its weight: "i'm not that bad a friend, y'know---you can ask others if you want; they'll tell you i'm a good friend, not the best but a decent one---"
"why don't you guess what's my favourite colour?"
rude, yes, horribly so. satoru knows, he knows this very, very well. but what can a man do but divert when he's being unsettled by words like the ones you addressed to him, by the tenor you employed for him---
although now that he observes you consider his suggestion, the man wonders if diversion was the right tactic or not.
he could have just lied and told you any random color. he could have chosen to be honest and told you he has no favourite colour like you and probably the rest of the world have.
but no, he doesn't.
satoru does not opt either of the above two painfully simple, painfully easy options. choosing instead to ask you to guess what his favourite colour is... satoru never really anticipates he'll end up being this much more unsettled, thanks to his decision of diversion:
if there was a subtext of a haunting softness in your manners before, the sorcerer reckons it is the text now, typed out in bold letters then underlined and highlighted in neon---you too shift to face him, even moving the bag kept in between to your lap and shifting a bit closer, but still a respectable distance away---only to punctuate your effort with a keen stare, much too gentle, at him.
it's scary, he thinks. yeah, undoubtedly scary. but somewhere in the back of his mind, something says it's also comforting.
many eyes look at satoru throughout the day. they gape, they gawk, they study the man and every small aspect of his person with many different kinds of reasons behind them. but before today, there has never been anyone who has regarded him with this much care, that too for a nonsensical cause like yours...
he wonders, just what are you seeing in him?
just who are you seeing in him?
"it's orange, isn't it?" you exclaim abruptly, leaning a touch forwards with a snap of your pointer and thumb. voice too loud. smile too big. eyes too bright, way too bright---
satoru takes not even one whole second to decide:
he now has one favourite colour.
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ln4bub · 9 months
Classical Conditioning (CL16)
A/N This is my first fic that isn't based off of a request, I hope you guys enjoy it
Pairing - Charles Leclerc x Fem!Reader
Word count - 1.7k
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Charles was always grateful for the support you gave him, by his side since won the F2 championship all those years ago. The two of you were inseparable, especially after you finished your degree. You were lucky enough to find a job that meant you could work from home, and so every weekend you would be in the paddock with Charles, always adorned in Ferrari red in some way. Everyone loved you, if not the content on your Instagram at the very least. You'd celebrated with Charles when he got his first win, when he won in Spa and in Monza, the Ferrari 1-2; everything you'd been through together.
But this season was already rough on Charles, from the strategy failures to the car itself, he was frustrated. He had no control over anything, so you hatched a plan. You were going to teach Charles to get used to not being in control, something he'd had throughout your relationship. You sat him down, leg bouncing nervously. Charles' concerned eyes met yours, his hand coming to rest on your leg, "It's okay mon cherie, you can tell me anything." He mutters, thumb rubbing gentle circles into the skin of your thigh. You release a deep breath, "I was thinking, that maybe, to help you with having less control, we could, uhm, try something new." You murmur, voice quiet. Charles' eyes narrow, eyebrows furrowed, "New?" He questions.
"In the bedroom?" You say, doubt creeping into your tone. "It's just, I think it might help you to be more comfortable, if it's not something you want to try that's totally fine, just an idea." You ramble, nervous to hear his response. "I want to try, I've kinda wanted to for a while to be completely honest, I think it would be hot." He tells you, soft smiling his gracing his cheeks as they turn a light rose colour. You return his smile, tension leaving your shoulders as the two of you discuss boundaries and ideas for the rest of the night.
The first time Charles asks you to take control is after qualifying in Spain. Charles found himself annoyed that after he seemed to be on the up the car had failed him again, leaving him in P19 for tomorrow's race. You ease him into it, simply teasing him with your mouth until he's begging you to just let him have something, to feel his orgasm within reach. You swirl your tongue around the head of his cock, suckling gently and dipping your tongue into the slit. He whines out at the sudden onslaught of pleasure, the vein of his cock throbbing against your tongue. You slide up his body, kissing away the tear the falls from his eye before leaning into his lips. The moment you wrap your hand around his cock and whisper against his lips, "Cum for me mon amour." He can't stop himself. He erupts in white over your fist, stomach clenching, thighs shaking, moans of thank you leaving his mouth. You remove your hand from his member, some of his cum covering your thumb. You tap it lightly on his lips. Charles eagerly opens his mouth, taking in your thumb and sucking it clean, eyes shut in pleasure.
After that night Charles' season seems to turn around again, 5 consistent points finishes in a row. Charles is adamant that it's down to your presence, grateful that you're by his side in support. Then Zandvoort happens. Between the contact in the opening lap and the missing tires, Charles was devastated. He was dead silent, the whole way back to the hotel, simply holding your hand and squeezing every couple of minutes. He stays silent as you open the door to the hotel room, skulking into the shower. You sit on the bed, waiting for him to return from the shower. He eventually kneels down in front of you, hair messy from the shower, towel tied around his waist. "I want to forget about it, please help me mon amour." He whispers, hands resting on your thighs. "How do you want me to help Charlie?" You ask, hand tilting his chin to look up at you. His eyes are lidded, clouded with lust as he stares into your own. "Want to make you feel good." He mutters, eyes fluttering shut when your thumb traces his cheeks. He worships you all night, first with his tongue, and then with his fingers, and then both. The sounds filling the room are filthy, your moans and his whines, the slurping sounds coming from his mouth against you. When he finally pulls away you trace your thumb over his lips, collecting your cum. Once again he takes your thumb in his mouth, savouring your taste.
You're convinced that your idea had helped Charles, he was doing well, top five finishes week after week. You stand in the Ferrari garage, biting your nail as Charles begins his final qualifying lap in Austin. It feels like you don't breathe, for the next minute and 34 seconds you stand stock still. P1. Charles had taken his third pole position of the season and the garage erupted, yells and cheers spilled out into the pitlane. You raced to find Charles, engulfing him in a hug and kissing his helmut as he thanks you profusely. Sunday came along and you had never been more nervous, praying that this went well for Charles. He drops down the grid through the race, losing pole position and eventually finishing P6 after Ferrari fail to come up with a good strategy... again. Just two hours later, both him and Lewis were disqualified. You're right next to Charles as they break the news to him, his face dropping in disappointment. "There's nothing I can do, it's completely fair. It's just so frustrating," he begins to explain, "I guess I'm just glad it's only P6 being taken from me and not a podium like Lewis." You wrap your arms around him once more, his head resting on your shoulder as he sighs. That night he asks you to help him once more, and you spend the night bouncing on his cock as he gags on your fingers. His spit spills out of his mouth as he cums inside you, eyes rolling back and cheeks flushed red.
The same routine continues, in Brazil after he is unable to start, he drags you back to his drivers' room. He locks the door before begging you to take him in your mouth, it doesn't take him long to cum, spilling his load down your throat. You hum against his length, continuing to suckle on the tip as his thighs quake. His whimpers increase as you push him as far as you can, mouth encasing his sensitive cock as his fingers fist into your hair. He eventually taps the side of your cheek and you let him out of your mouth with a pop, standing in front of him as he pants heavily. "So good to me mon amour, que ferais-je sans toi?" He mutters and you smile against his chest.
Vegas is his redemption, finally back on the podium. It was the perfect weekend for him, gaining control over the car and showing what he was made of. Being able to put himself on the podium with both Red Bulls causes you to beam up at him. Charles shoots you a wink, smirking at the thought of what the pair of you will get up to in celebration tonight. Slightly tipsy, the two of you giggle as you stumble through your hotel room door. Before you know it Charles is shirtless underneath you, panting as you scratch your nails down his chest, his wrists tied to the bed with his Ferrari neckties. He can't help but watch, his neck craning as you touch yourself. One hand down your panties as the other moves to palm his bulge. Your orgasm rolls through you, a moan of Charles' name leaving your lips as your back arches. You crawl over him, hovering over his thigh as you begin to use him for your pleasure. Your underwear discarded, you reach down, coating your fingers in your juices. Charles waits for you to run your fingers over his lips before opening his mouth wide, tongue out ready to taste you. He sucks your fingers dry, whining at the taste of you as you cum against his thigh. You use every inch of his body that night; his tongue, his fingers, his abs, his thighs. He's desperate to cum by the time you sink down on his length, begging you to just let him cum inside you. You take pity on him, grinding lightly and clenching your walls to drain his cock. He practically passes out when you're done, falling asleep against you as massage hand lotion into his reddened wrists.
Both of you breathe a sigh of relief by the time the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix rolls around. Counting down the days until you can say goodbye to the SF-23, the pair of you go out for dinner with some of the grid. George, Alex, Max, Daniel, Carlos, and their respective partners join you both. Laughter carries through the restaurant as George breaks out in a coughing fit from Alex telling ridiculous jokes. Charles' smile fills you with joy, grateful to see your boyfriend carefree for a change. He convinces the table to order dessert, ordering himself a tiramisu, claiming that it's one of the best he's had outside of Italy. He barely breathes as he shovels down the dessert, Carlos looking at him with a concerned expression. "Dios mio Charles, hungry are you?" He chuckles. Charles blushes lightly, nodding as you drops the spoon onto the plate. "Sorry, it's just really good." He laughs. You turn to face him, he has a small drop of cream on the corner of his lips. Without thinking you reach up, swiping your thumb against the corner of his mouth to collect the cream. On instinct Charles tilts his head, capturing your thumb in his mouth and sucking the cream off the tip with a hum. The pair of you freeze as everyone looks at you in shock. Lily and Carmen are giggling in the corner as George and Alex smirk. Max raises an eyebrow, as does Carlos, both smirking at you. Daniel is the first to speak, "That seemed a bit too natural for you there Charlie, do that often?" He laughs.
Charles blushes once more as a smile spreads across your face, your hand rests on his thigh squeezing lightly as you direct the topic of conversation elsewhere.
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ginasbaby · 6 months
Hi nit of a weird request but can I request a Regina x reader smut based on the song dead girl walking from heathers? Like Regina knows she's about to loose her status either because of Cady or because she's about to be outed or something and comes over to y/n the day before. Idk why but I can't get the idea out if my head and especially the idea of Regina saying the line "hope I didn't wake you, see I decides I must ride you till I break you".
Thank u:)
Dead queen walking
Requested by anonymous 👍🏼
(Not a big fan of this one)
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Regina George x reader;
A/n: Your welcome for the post! Thanks for the request, I hope this meets what you wanted- if not tell me and I’ll re-write!! I hope you enjoy the story!
Warnings: Smut with a bit of plot, Dom!regina sub!reader, thigh riding (Regina receiving), swearing. Lmk if there’s more!!
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She stormed out the school, furious. Not only had the show gone wrong, but her social status had dropped. The next day would be humiliating for her. She didn’t even mutter a word to Gretchen or Karen. Not even they knew why the queen bee was angry. Sure they knew the talent show went wrong - but they didn’t think much about it. Then again, they didn’t think a lot.
“Bye Regina,” they both waved as Regina got into her very expensive, hot pink, jeep. Knowing that the hot-headed blonde would definitely not drop them off like she usually did, they walked along the path not uttering a word to each other.
As quickly as she could, Regina drove to your house, she thought that, somehow, you would be able to release some steam for her. She rapidly knocked onto the wood of what seemed to be Y/n’s door.
“Hello, Gina. What-“ the Y/H/C girl got cut off by a threatening but inmate kiss. “Okay, what’s wrong Gina?”
Regina still didn’t say a word and just closed the front door behind her. The troubled girl stormed her. The sweaty girl followed after her like a lost puppy.
“Gina, baby,” she said trying to grab the queen bee’s arm. When she finally managed to latch onto her arm she pulled her to look at the poor girl. Regina had mascara running down her cheeks and puffy eyes. The Y/S/C coloured girl close enough to kiss, moved backwards to give Regina some space. “Baby, really what’s wrong”.
“I’m sorry if I woke you, I decided I must ride you until I break you” she mumbled.
“What’s that honey,” y/n wipes away the falling tears.
“I-it’s just… Cady has been plotting against me the whole time, apparently, she’s been making me fat” she choked out a sob falling into the tired girl’s arms.
“Gina darling, I promise you didn’t wake me up, I was working out. And sweetheart I don’t care if you’re fat. I’ll still love you. And anyway, cady doesn’t matter just me and you okay?” her voice trailed off but was stopped with a passionate kiss. Y/n got pushed to the edge of what seemed to be her sofa. She finally knew what was happening and smirked into the kiss. When air was required they pulled back.
“You know you could have just asked if you were so desperate, I would have given you it,” her swollen lips formed into a small innocent smile.
Pushing herself onto her butt, she brought Regina forward placing an inmate kiss on her lips. She whimpered into the kiss when Regina bit her bottom lip, giving her a chance to slip her tongue in. Exploring all of her soulmates mouth. She brought her hands up to her peers rosy red cheeks and caressed them. She stopped for a moment and put their foreheads together. “Tell me when you want to stop, kay, cutie”. Y/n nodded eagerly - which made the blonde smile- she whispered a good girl which made the y/h/c girl smirk mischievously.
They both pushed their lips back against each other, Regina’s hands dropped down to y/n’s hips caressing them. Her mouth kissed her jaw all the way to her neck, sucking gently in the skin (just enough to leave a mark). A moan got caught in Y/n’s throat to which Regina squeezed her throat gently. Then the whimper finally came out as Regina found her pulse point and sucked on it. The bottom girl’s eyes fluttered shut waiting for further movement. But the she heard the movement go away from her. She opened her eyes and peeked through her eyelashes. The sight that beheld before her was Regina getting undressed. “No peeking baby” she giggled.
Regina peeled each layer off leaving y/n waiting impatiently. Once done, the blue-eyed girl moved towards Y/n and slowly uncovered her eyes.
"What's got you so horny Gina?" The y/h/c girl asked flushed but curious. The school star just put one finger to her lips, indicating for y/n to shut up. Regina slowly moved towards Y/nn, making her impatient. Quickly, she pulled Regina onto her thigh, Regina let out a whimper and threw her head back. Y/n, now that she has access, carefully bit down on her neck, licking to stop the soreness. Regina gripped onto her hair, tugging on it; smirking in satisfaction when the girl below her moaned onto her neck.
Subconsciously, Regina started to grind against the y/e/c girl her juices leaking all over her leg. Y/n guided her hands to help Regina hump against her thigh.
"Why-why are you still wearing these, baby," she moans out, tugging on Y/n's clothes.
"Just wait lovely." she gasped as Regina moaned on her pulse point, her movements getting sloppier.
"Y/n, m' gonna cum." She whined, chanting out her name as the liquids flowed out of her body, leaving Y/n's denim trousers dirty a nd sticky. Regina's body went limp for a moment as she regained her stamina. She pulled Y/n up shedding of her many layers and massaging her breasts.
"My turn babes". Y/n prayed that she could even walk tomorrow.
(Spoiler alert, she couldn't)
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miaoua3 · 28 days
Hiii!! I've been your fan now for a while, and I can say I don't regret it🤧 thank you so much for making my/our days better! May I request more hcs of the members (especially scoups) but fluffier and soft version? Thank you so much! Btw you're doing awesome on your job! Stay strong and healthy!! Thank you!!
hii! first of all thank you so much for the nice words! it’s still crazy to think how fast my accounts both on tt and here grew and how many of us there are already, its even crazier to think about the fact that some of you view yourselves as my fans like-that’s so unreal and so cute at the same time?😭 i really do love you guys and you are all my biggest motivation🫶
as to more fluffy and soft hcs for different members- its definitely coming! this week will be a little slow still since i have work everyday but from next week i will have more free days and so there will definitely be more of hcs here on tumblr so worry not!
since you put emphasis on wanting more of scoups hcs, here i give you a few more of absolutely cute and soft scoups hcs! enjoy!
Soft Scoups Headcanons:
subconsciously pouts when he sees you crying, immediately holding your hands and wiping your tears with his thumbs, asks in the softest voice “hey, hey, what’s wrong? talk to me baby”
when he wants to be a small spoon he definitely is the type to wiggle his butt against your stomach until he gets comfortable, his are hands definitely under his cheek and his lips are definitely stretched in the biggest grin ever (he loves being your small spoon pls give him all the love)
when he’s talking about your future together, he never says “IF we get married”, instead he says “WHEN we get married” and i just think thats so cute and briejdisbdkabsja
if you ever try the “not kissing my partner for one whole day” prank on him he will just go sit in the corner with his back turned to you and sulk and think about what he could’ve possibly had done to make you angry and i just think that would be such a hilarious thing to witness but also like pls go and kiss him otherwise he will raise havoc and will pout at you until you kiss him
he’s never too tired for you, like, it could be that he hasn’t slept in the last 20 hours and that he’s barely holding his eyes opened but if you ask him if he could pick up something on the way home he will do it because it’s you and you are his baby and he will always do whatever you ask of him❤️
proudly wears the headband you got him with little panda ears when he’s doing his skincare and he doesn’t care that members tease him about it, you literally got it for him and its matching your rabbit one so all the more reason to use it
speaking of matching things, he loves it when you two match but like just little and to others insignificant things like house slippers or headbands or scarves- it just makes him so happy and yet its kind of low-key so it’s not in everyone’s faces but it’s still so cute? yeah he’s whipped
loves it when you include him in your process of getting ready or like beauty processes that you get done- he’s always so happy when you ask him which bag goes better with the dress, when you ask him to zip up the said dress, when you ask him which colour you should go for for you next set of nails- it’s something small but it makes him so happy pls he’s such a little puppy i want him so bad BROOOOO😭
you can always tell when he had a bad day because he will be so tired he won’t have the strength to even say hello to you, he will just take off his shoes and immediately go for a hug or if you are laying down just plop on top of you☹️
on more funny side, he definitely takes FOREVER in the bathroom LMAO bro will go into the bathroom and spend so much time there that you forget that he’s even there😭
anyway that’s all i got for now, hope you like it! mwah🫶
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minhosimthings · 10 months
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Backstage Notoriety
Synopsis: Chan trying to shush you, as you try not to alert the rest of the boys about what you're doing backstage
Pairings: Bang Chan × Soloist!fem!reader
Warnings: SMUT MINORS DNI, fingering, overstimulation, Degradation (like only a little), praise, gagging kink, necklace is used as a gag, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), pregnancy joke, angry sex, rough sex
A/N: ITS YO GIRL MONA BACK WITH ANOTHER SMUT YALL WOOOHOOOOO I really like this for some reason I had fun writing it. Also Chan has got me in a chokehold rn I NEED THIS MAN TO BREED ME. And yes this is me procrastinating on my ongoing wip.
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Dating a fellow idol was something you never thought you'd do in your entire life but here you were. Staring at your boyfriend dancing with the rest of his kids members and watching all his Stays with bedroom eyes. To say you were jealous was an understatement. A very great understatement, that is.
Being a soloist was a lonely job, with the one exception being that you didn't need to follow a packed schedule like other groups did. You could just sit back after your stage, and stare at everyone's outfits backstage, as you wait for your boyfriend to take you home and fuck you into oblivion. Yet as you watched your boyfriend show off his waist in a crop top your favourite colour, you couldn't help but want him to notice you. Stupid horny teenager coded feelings right?
"Haneul how much time till they finish?" You asked your manager who was packing up your things. She looked over at you and smiled. "Just another minute or so Y/N be patient you'll see him soon enough." She bent down and kissed your head "I'm going home alright? Tell Minho where I went or he'll go crazy. You'll come with Chan or should I tell a car to wait?" You shook your head at her. "I'll come with him don't worry. You should worry about Minho though he's gonna go mental when he finds out you left without him." Haneul let out a laugh and patted your shoulder before quickly walking out the door, leaving you all alone.
The sound of thunderous applause startled you, as you saw your boyfriend quickly walking down the stage, seven kids following him like penguins. The first one to enter the room was your boyfriend, suprisingly not covered in sweat and fashioning a towel round his neck. His face was not without happiness as he caught his eye on you and strode over, making adorable grabby hands.
"Baby!" he hugged you tightly, as you did everything in your power to stay mad at him, "Next time I'll make sure they arrange our shows right after one another. I can't stand not being with you for so long." "hmm" you hummed in response, not reciprocating the hug as you usually did. The rest of the members had entered the room by then and you spotted Minho frantically searching for his phone. "Haneul went home Minho." you cried at him, successfully catching his attention as he looked at you with widened eyes, "Don't worry, she's probably waiting for you."
"Oh alright." Minho said, plopping down onto the sofa, "Thanks for the message." You smiled gently at him, and turned to pick up your phone, when warm arms wrapped around your waist, making you freeze in your spot. The offer to sink into Chan's embrace was a tempting one, one that would effectively ruin your plan. "Did I do something wrong baby?" you heard Chan's voice whisper in your ear, tone akin to one he'd use for a child. You were being childish after all.
"Just tired Chan. I need to get home alright?", you briefly responded, wiggling away from his embrace. "I'll drop you off to the car." Chan responded, wrapping an arm around your waist so tightly that you couldn't protest, "I left something in my dressing room anyway so we can just get that on the way hm?" His tone worried you slightly. It was unlike the lovey-dovey one he usually used with you. Lovey? yes. Dovey? Definitely not.
The silence between you and Chan was too loud as both of you walked to Chan's dressing room, which was relatively near the exit point. His stare remained in front of him, not even a glance at you. You, on the other head, were trapped in his hold on your waist. It was tight. Too tight. The Pain kink comes in handy though right?.
"You really thought ignoring me would do anything baby?" Chan suddenly spoke up, when you reached the door to his dressing room. You shuddered as he pushed you against the door, one hand on the doorknob, the other holding your chin to him. "Chan-" "Nuh uh baby." He glared, "You're gonna pay for this."
Chan bombarded your lips with his and kissed you with every inch of pain in him. You would have melted into the kiss had it not been for Chan opening the doorknob and pushing you in.
"Wearing this cute little outfit and ignoring me." Chan mumbled in between the messy kiss, "Stupid little girl aren't you?" You gasped for air as Chan slid his fingers down your panties. You decided to give your stylist a bag of chocolates the next day, for giving you such an accessible dress.
"Ah Chan!" You shout out as Chan moves his fingers around your pussy, touching you exactly at all the spots he knew you adored. Chan slowly pulled off your underwear and threw it on the floor before pulling you into another kiss, fingers still racing across your cunt. His other hand reached up almost automatically to your hair, gripping it hard. You moaned into the kiss at his touch on your scalp as your hands quickly undid his trousers.
He’s rough. Good god, he’s fucking rough. His cock stretches you open deliciously, slamming into the deepest parts of you. The slick sounds of your dripping arousal fill the room with every violent thrust. You were sure your already short dress was about to get shorter as Chan kept such a firm grip on them, feeling the fabric twisting in between his fingers. With Chan continuing to fuck you, It’s almost impossible to keep yourself quiet at a time like this.
“J-Jesus,” you gasp, “holy fuck, Channie, y-you, fuck, you feel so fucking hot.” Your voice wavers in pitch and volume. Chan maintains a brutal pace, which you could swear he does on purpose. He lets out a gruff chuckle.
"It's Channie now is it baby?" He mocks you, "Fucking you so good you can't even speak can you?"
You let out a loud yelp when you feel his hand give your ass a hard slap. You jerk forward, shuddering on his cock. You can feel his towering frame lean over you, pulling you up by the shoulders, gathering you to his chest. He puts his fingers in your mouth, silencing your cries of lust.
You suck on his fingers, moans bubbling in your throat as Chan pistons his hips. It’s almost embarrassing how much you like the feeling of Chan using you like his personal doll.
���Babe,” Chan slows down. “As much as I love hearing what I do to you…” he gently maneuvers you, flipping you to look into your eyes. His hand tucks a piece of hair the fell onto your face behind your ear. His hand cups your cheek, the sweetness of his actions causes your mind to run wild with what kind of degenerate, devious plans he has in store for you. He reaches over to his neck and slowly unclasped the metal chain decorating it ever so wonderfully. "You're way too loud darling.”
"Open your mouth for me darling." He cooes at you as he shoves the necklace into your mouth. You wince in pain as the cold metal hits your tongue. Chan stares at you with an amused look on his face. "That's my good girl." He praises, giving a sudden thrust, which makes you widen your eyes.
You make a muffled cry for more, your soft and loud moans were music to his ears. He breathed heavily along with you as held onto your hips tightly. Skin smacking echoed in the room and you heard his soft groan which sent you coming. He groans louder as you clench around him.
Thankfully, Chan didn’t argue or get you to beg for his cock any more as he jolted his hips into you. “Always so loud aren't you darling?”, he scolded light-heartedly under his breath.
“Cha- Channie no more,” you plead with the necklace muffling your tone, tossing your head back onto the wall, hips bucking up into his despite your words. Chan growls, pushing you down by your stomach and blanketing your body with his own and pressing your knees almost up to your tits.
“You can take it, my dove, I promise,” the words come out choked, hoarse, but you wither under them nonetheless. The necklace had been laying down on the floor, having been detached from your mouth a long time ago. You can feel his cock pulsing deep inside your walls, seed almost spilling out from your entrance from his last two orgasms. You’re sure he’s overstimulated beyond belief, just like you, but he just can’t seem to stop.
“Wait, don’t cum yet; I’m so close, don’t cum”, you begged , not entirely wanting it to end just yet. Chan gasped, his mouth opening wide as his eyes did the opposite as they clenched shut as he concentrated on fucking you and not having another orgasm.
It doesn’t take long to feel the first flutterings of that eye-wateringly beautiful sensation between your legs as you quickly stammer, “I’m cumming! Fuck!”. Chan’s legs nearly gave out underneath him, hearing your sweet words.
As your pussy contracted in wet bursts around him, Chan released every drop of cum inside of his body, deep into your walls so that you could feel yourself becoming full and it beginning to drip out as it became too much. His thrusts slowed to a stop as you both slumped against the wall, bodies covered in a thin line of sweat.
"You alright honey?" He mumbled into your neck as he holds you tightly in his arms. "I'm good." You simply respond, cradling in Chan's warm muscles. Chan quickly deposits your weak figure on the divan before rushing off to find a towel and a change of clothes.
"I'm sorry Channie." You mumble, feeling your face turn red as Chan puts your shoes back on. He looks up at you with an amused expression and hums. "It's alright darling." He chuckles, "My jealous little baby." You slap his arm playfully as he gets you up slowly and walks you to the door, this time the grip on your waist being a comforting one.
"I wonder if your cum took or not." You blurt out. Chan looks at you with widened eyes before giggling. "You wouldn't really have to get used to being called mom do you? What with your seven adopted kids." "Our seven adopted kids." You correct him as he blushes and kisses you on the forehead.
"Seven kids who are probably wondering what their mom and dad have been doing backstage."
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granddaughterogg · 7 months
So, you're the newest addition to Task Force 141 and you Make a Move on one of the boys. How will they react?
Johnny Soap MacTavish: With utter glee. "Took ya long enough, lass! Thought you'll never shoot your shot!" He'll announce with amusement. Our perky Scotsman is an absolute Sexpot - and he knows it. He is also a master of Living in the Moment aka Seizing the Day. Rules and regulations be damned. "So what do you say?" He'll ask, filling your personal space with all that muscle and clasping those strong hands around your waist. "Wanna go on a date first…" Johnny wiggles his painterly eyebrows. "...Or shall we skip to the good part?"
Ghost: When you confessed that you'd like to spend some time with him in private, he didn't seem thrilled. As is usual case with Ghost, he didn't seem like caring one way or another. All you got in the way of a reaction was his hand, holding the cigarette and now stilled halfway to his mouth. He threw you one of his Stares - Simon Riley's eyes are as beautiful as they are cryptic, you've never been able to read those dark peepers surrounded by white, seemingly frosted eyelashes of dizzying length. Then he muttered something under his breath and walked away. You didn't hear a word from him for the next three days, apart from work orders anyway. Disappointment and embarrassment tormented you in turns. You were silently cursing your big, reckless mouth. On the fourth day he approached you as if nothing had ever happened and said: "Allright". "Allright what, Sir?.." You asked, dumbfounded. "I agree. We should fuck."
Gaz: Oh, this beautiful boy. Out of the whole squad he's probably the one best adapted to Living in a Society. He reacts as any sensible man would: with a charming smile, a proud, joyful gleam in his eye, a trace of a blush almost. "Gosh, Private, really…Me? Well, girl, you got outstanding taste." "Don't I know it," you answer boldly. "Look, babe," he says in a hushed voice, coming closer and putting his hands on your shoulders, "Cap will rip my head off and piss in my neck if he finds out that I'm fooling around with a subordinate...so we're gonna have to be extra careful, 'kay? Can you promise me that?" You nod enthusiastically. This is so exciting!
Captain Price: So you like to live dangerously. There is no safe way that you can Put the Moves on your commander. You know that...right? On the other hand - if you're gonna break the rules, break them hard and break them for good. Tell him that you desire him. That you can't stop thinking about him. Pick a moment when the rest of the guys won't be within a kilometer radius. Say your line and look into those hard, cloudy sky-coloured eyes which have just grown big and round with shock. "Kid," says Price, his voice suddenly a little breathy, which is oh so hot: "Are you out of your goddamn mind?" "Only for you, Sir." Flutter those eyelashes. Come on, lay it on thick. It's been some time since anyone has thrown themselves at the old man. He will sigh the mother of all sighs, then drag one hand across his tired face. "I am you commanding officer." "That you are, Sir." He will come closer, both hands behind his back. Then he'll reach out and gently, oh, so gently touch your cheekbone. "You do realize tha' I could tell you to pack up and send your arse home?" His voice is very meticulously level, but you can feel the volcano bubbling underneath. "I do, Sir. But I just couldn't live a lie. I want you." That boldness will earn you another sigh - this time more ragged. He'll trace his finger over your upper lip, say: "Well fuck me sideways..." like a man who has just experienced a miracle - and then John Price will embrace you in a kiss, shameless, deep and hungry.
This man has been criminally touch starved. Congratulations, you'll have your hands full from now on. Not to mention your…other regions.
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lunarcloak · 4 months
Blue Lock Chapter 262: Visual Storytelling
Can we talk about the visual imagery this chapter?? Kaneshiro is always cooking but Nomura cooked extra hard this time with his own illustrative storytelling
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An almost entirely white panel. Except for the black spot of Kaiser's hunched figure. Almost as if he's the stain on an otherwise perfect game from BM right now. (He's thrown off balance.)
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Here, in the first picture, this is Isagi's view of where Kaiser is right now. On top of a puzzle piece— a symbol of Isagi's power, and also a symbol of how off kilter he is. The second picture is part of a larger paneling of how he's being left on the ground as Isagi runs past him in a flurry of puzzle pieces. Almost as if Isagi's kicking the pieces of his perfect puzzle astray, leaving him to rebuild them from scratch. (The theme of this chapter.)
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You can tell he's only barely listening. Eyes are always a huge indicator of visual storytelling— i picked this up from looking at BSD panels for too long. Here there's virtually no pupils, smaller, wider eyeballs because he's not listening to Ness's words. They're going in one ear out the other. Because Ness's words are superficial— He's trying to help, he is, but that is desperately NOT what Kaiser needs right now. He needs to figure out how to FIX this. Not to retreat back into the safety of his cocoon so that he can pretend he's still the star on the field.
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NOTICE HOW EVERYTHING IN THE SECOND PANEL CAN DIRECTLY BE RELATED TO ISAGI. The offer from Reale— what if Yoichi gets it instead of me? The throne in this team— what if Isagi takes that, too? Am I about to lose everything I worked to get myself? The whole world is watching my worst performance in years. I can't lose here. I can't be defeated here. Not here, of all places, in Blue Lock.
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Negative colouring. The previous, prominent memory I have of this is when Rin went to his "flow" state. It's specifically to emphasise the "HUMAN" wording. It's usually used to showcase a very prominent moment, in this case it's Kaiser realising exactly what the core of his worry is right now. It isn't the defeat, not beating Isagi, not anything. At the moment, he's afraid of losing the very humanity he had thought he clawed himself into. To emphasise this, the black and white being reversed are to indicate that time almost freezes, completely changing his perspective and line of thought at that moment.
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Less dramatic, still negatively scaled panel. Emphasising how he's really digging into his psyche here and going "Oh, I'm scared. I'm afraid of losing everything I've got for myself." The last time this happened was when his secret money stash was found— he didn't care as much then, because there was nothing to lose that he hadn't already lost. But now? Now, it matters a lot more. Because he's built himself up on an entirely shaky foundation. Note how he's also sliding below here, losing his footing, like he's lost the stable ground he thought he had.
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The angle of this panel makes it look like he's climbing upwards, and he's just lost his grip on the wall before him, and is in the process of falling. It's extremely well done.
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Plenty people have already pointed this one out— yeah Isagi's just reached a height that's similar to Noa's. The position Kaiser thought he used to have, but now he's not even on the staircase to victory and the treasure he thought he would attain soon is now inching towards his most challenging rival to date.
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You will never see him this tired, this defeated, or this melancholic ever again. At this point, his eyes are no longer that wide, shocked stare of not seeing. Now he's comprehended his stance, and he's come back into himself.
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Each petal is a memory, a visual representation of the crumbling of the rose he once held. It's gone now, there's no rose in his hand anymore (nothing for him to hold onto anymore). When you have no roses in hand, you grow a new bouquet. When you have nothing, there's nothing to lose if you go reaching for something to hold onto again.
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But HERE, the petals can be interpreted in two ways— either he's being reformed from the petals of a new rose (blank petals, not representative ones). OR, you can interpret it as those very petals dissipating from his being, leaving him as this black, blank slate to rebuild himself. Zero— as in no colour, no petals, no gardens to flourish anymore. Only way to move now is up.
Also I'd like to draw your attention to the negative paneling again— inverted this time, the exact opposite of the previously conveyed emotion. Now he's the one in the black, working to redefine himself. He's already redefined the external aspects.
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Your Zero— Your Beginning. I LOVE this page, even if it's a repeat. It conveys so much. Kaneshiro and Nomura are such a GOOD TEAM
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A black hand clasps around the core memory— the memory of when he truly had only his football. He can't let that petal float away, that's one he wants to keep. That's the idea he wants to hold onto. He crushes the petal into his hand, assimilating it into his new beginning. That's the one he'll hold onto, to recraft the person that is Michael Kaiser.
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mitsuyeaah · 1 year
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RAN HAITANI x f! reader
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“if someone were to warn me that this was gonna happen, that you would walk into my life and ruin it, i would still let you.”
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cw: cheater! ran, toxic relationship, slight angst, smut, nsfw (mdni), edging, unprotected sex, oral, cheating, degradation, pet names (baby, princess), swearing
word count: 3.2k
a/n: i wrote this in 10hrs and enjoyed it, hope you guys enjoy as much while reading it! © divider: honeypuppixels
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He promised. Ran Haitani promised to you that he’d never do it again. Of course you knew it was all a lie, just a pretty little lie that had you believing he was actually going to change for the better.
What a foolish thought.
There he sat in front of you, his collarbones peppered with red and purple bruises, not from fighting. Ran didn’t even bother hiding it from you, the least he could’ve done was to button his white polo all the way up and seal those marks that didn’t belong to you—love bites that never came from you—at least that way it would be out of sight and out of mind. Like it always was.
Your eyes were boring holes onto his lower neck, thinking that staring at them hard enough would make them completely disappear from your thoughts and your sight. But it didn’t. It was still there, freshly painted due to its vibrant colour.
“Was she as good as you thought?” your eyes travelled up to meet his amethyst ones. It held everything but regret. The short-haired man across from you furrowed his brows and he looked at you like you were some kind of freak, like you had just told him the most outrageous fact to ever exist.
Ah, here comes the gaslighting, you thought.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about?… Are you going to eat that?” He dropped the topic faster than the speed of light and pointed his fork at the tasty dessert sitting on a plate, untouched. Mont blanc, his favourite.
You closed your eyes, letting out a deep sigh before shaking your head and pushing the small plate towards your boyfriend. “Ran, please. Can we just talk this out? I know you’ve been cheating on me.” Again, you wanted to add but figured it wouldn’t even make a difference.
You already knew what was going to come out of his mouth next, you always did. It was like some kind of routine at this point and you were getting tired. Tired of it all.
“I’m sorry I won’t do it again. You know you’re the only one I love, right?” he replied like he’d been practising the line since this morning. Ran didn’t even bother looking at you, he was too focused on the delicious treat in front of him, eagerly digging into it and savouring every bite.
The first time he said those words to you, you believed it. The second time he did, you swore you were going to leave if he did it again. But you didn’t leave by the third time. Now, you’ve lost count but you couldn’t blame this all on Ran. You had the liberty to leave him and walk out of his life to never return again.
But you didn’t.
You didn’t know if it was because of the failed relationships you’ve had in the past or simply the luxuries of life that Ran was able to provide you. And he provided splendidly. Ran was a man of his words, you tell him you want something? You’ll get it the next day. A big box that sat on your shared bed, topped with a red ribbon.
You always got what you wanted with him. Apparently, this didn’t apply when asking for his faithfulness and for the sake of your relationship.
The first few months were completely different with Ran, he treated you like you were the only thing that mattered to him, he looked at you like you were this precious jewel that he somehow managed to get his hands on.
He didn’t only shower you with gifts but with love as well but things changed as your relationship progressed and you didn’t know what happened to him.
Maybe it was also because Ran knew that you would never leave him. He was too good to be broken up with and you hated it because it was true. No other relationships in the past could provide you with luxuries this well, and they also weren't any different from Ran, you caught your past boyfriends with other women too.
So you thought, if I’m going to be with a cheater then why not a rich one?
At the very least, Ran provided endlessly unlike the other men you had in the past. Plus, the pleasure he gave you was… unforgettable. It was different. It felt like there was actually some kind of love laced with it despite him barely showing you any.
You knew you deserved better than to be treated like someone with no feelings but the hold Ran had on you was tight.
“Do you want Saint Laurent? We can drop by after this.”
You hated yourself for being so easy, you hated how easily he can buy back your love with pretty things and just the simple swipe of his card. It felt dirty and disrespectful to yourself but deep down you liked his materialistic approach. You always had a keen eye for the luxuries and something in you just couldn’t resist them.
Sighing, you looked away and tightly nodded. Ran smirked to himself, once again he was reassured that you weren’t going anywhere any time soon.
“I forgot to tell you, Rindou is hosting at our club tonight, did you want to go? He’d been working on some new mixes so I think he’d appreciate us being there.” he looked at you, waiting for you to meet his gaze but you never did as you nodded again.
A sea of bodies moved to the beat of the music blasting from the speakers, strobe lights occasionally illuminating their dancing bodies. The club was packed, as you expected, after all, it was Rindou who was DJing tonight’s club that he and Ran owned. He was good at what he did, that's why people kept coming back for more.
You and Ran sat in one of the VIP booths which had a nice view of Rindou manning the controller up on the stage, he clearly enjoyed what he did and looked so passionate up there. A small smile formed on your lips, you felt proud of him, it felt like watching a little brother grow up.
“I’ll go get us drinks.” Ran leaned close to your ear, speaking louder due to the blasting music. You nodded at your boyfriend, you didn’t need to tell him what you wanted, he already knew.
Your eyes trailed Ran’s tall figure as he strategically made his way through the crowd, some of them greeting him. Clubs weren’t really your thing but your boyfriend was very fond of the nightlife, to the point where he and his younger brother built a club. It was truly amazing.
Your fingers tapped against your lap to the beat of the music as you waited for Ran to come back with your drinks. You were about to pull your phone out from your new Saint Laurent purse to distract yourself from waiting until someone sat next to you, their arm resting on the backrest behind you and legs crossing.
You knew it wasn’t Ran.
“We’ve met before.” It wasn’t a question, it was a fact.
You turned your head to the man sitting dangerously close to you, his slightly long white hair painted in different colours as the lights inside the club bounced around, changing hues, he wore his signature hanafuda earrings which danced with every movement. His lilac eyes held your uninterested gaze, the glint in them showing slight amusement.
“Izana.” you acknowledged the man before turning to the dancing crowd, trying to spot your amethyst haired boyfriend. Where the fuck was he? You thought. Izana was Ran and Rindou’s friend, you figured he was also here to support the younger Haitani.
He tilted his head to the side, earrings swaying with the movement, “Where’s Ran? Did he abandon you?” his voice was laced with amusement and it took all your willpower not to physically roll your eyes at him. “He’s just getting us drinks…” you sighed, crossing your arms over your chest. You didn’t miss the way Izana glanced down at your chest before meeting your gaze again.
Izana rested his chin on the hand that lay on the backrest, giving you a saccharine smile, “Hmm, then why do I see his arm around a pretty stranger? That doesn’t look like ‘getting drinks’ to me.” he teased, placing his hands in the air for make-shift quotation marks.
He almost laughed at the way your brows shot up and your head snapping back to the crowd to look for your boyfriend. You saw his familiar tall figure and signature streaked purple hair, he was indeed with another woman and was getting too comfortable for your liking. You didn’t like how his hand snaked down her back, resting just above her ass.
The fucking audacity.
You were about to get up from the leather seat, anger and disappointment bubbling up but Izana swiftly grabbed your wrist, “Why don’t you come play with me instead?” you looked back at Ran, who was still conversing with the woman and back at Izana, giving you an expectant gaze.
Sighing, you slowly sat back down, earning a sly smirk from the man next to you. Two can play at this game, you thought. If Ran wasn’t going to learn to drop his bad habits then you would just have to give him the taste of his own medicine.
“Good girl.” Izana purred, the grip on your wrist slid down to your exposed leg and encased your inner thigh, his pinky dangerously close to the apex of your legs. You sucked in a breath at his brazenness, your breaths becoming shallow as he started massaging your inner thigh, “You know… I’ve always been fond of you since your boyfriend introduced us to each other. Sucks that he got to you first.”
Izana’s hand started running up and down your inner thighs, each time getting closer and closer to your panties, “Always wondered how sweet you taste. Ran, that lucky bastard.” he chuckled against your ear, hot breath fanning down the side of your neck, earning a small whine from you.
Before Izana could escalate the situation further, he was stopped by a sudden loud voice, “What the fuck are you doing to my girlfriend?!” Ran angrily set the drinks down on the table in front of you and pulled his friend by the collar. You tried to get Ran to let go of the shorter man but your pleas fell deaf to his ears.
Izana met Ran’s cold stare, challenging it with a smirk on his lips before putting his palms up in defeat. Your boyfriend forcefully shoved Izana away and watched him leave before turning to you, “I leave you for how many minutes and you’re already slutting yourself out for my friends.”
You narrowed your eyes at him, standing up to challenge him but Ran towered over your figure, looking down at you, “And? You were practically eye fucking that woman down there! You told me you wouldn’t do it anymore, Ran.” you pointed at the general direction of where your boyfriend previously was, not backing down despite his looming figure.
“I’m so fucking tired of this! Don’t be surprised if I leave you for Izana.” you rolled your eyes, trying to get past him but your attempt was halted as he grabbed your wrist.
Ran let out an unamused laugh, “You think that’s a threat to me? Baby, I know you’d never leave me. I think we both know that. Izana cannot and never will give you as much as I do.” he stepped closer to you, removing strands of stray hair from your face.
“I’m taking you home. Clearly you’ve forgotten who you belong to.”
Ran was merciless.
He put you in several different positions that had your eyes rolling back and lungs screaming out for him but never did he let you cum once. How cruel. The two of you didn’t even reach your shared bedroom before you started sucking each other’s face since Ran was restless on the drive home.
There was an evident tent in his pants as he manoeuvred the car which made him shift uncomfortably against the smooth leather seat. One hand gripped the steering wheel while the other was stuffed into your cunt, his slender fingers already pleasuring you. His middle and ring finger relentlessly thrusting in and out while occasionally rubbing your clit with his palm.
Of course he never let you cum then.
“Ah—fuck! Please, Ran!” your nails scraped against the marbled countertop of your kitchen as you braced yourself with your arms, head bowing forward in pleasure as your boyfriend slipped his long cock inside your cunt once again. Tears were rolling down your cheeks—some already dried—as your body was engulfed in pleasure, again.
He was so mean. Ran fucked you until you were almost cumming before pulling out and changing your position, leaving you clenching around nothing but pure disappointment.
“Hm? Please w-what, baby?” he let out a raspy chuckle against your ear, bare chest pressing against your back. Ran sped up his thrusts which caused your shaky arms give out against the cold marble surface, you were now chest flat against the countertop, arms splayed on either side of you, he used your bent torso as a leverage by circling one hand on your nape and thrusting even deeper.
You swore you could feel him in your throat.
Your moans became higher and louder as Ran pressed his chest to your back again, while reaching for a leg, and propping it on the countertop allowing him to reach even deeper, which you didn’t even know was possible until tonight. He supported your leg with one hand while the other snaked up to your hand, lacing his fingers with yours, his palm making contact with the back of your hand.
You bit your lip, whining at how deep he was inside you, your forehead making contact with the cold marbled surface, you slightly felt the friction on your forehead as you bounced forward due to Ran’s unrelentless pounding but you couldn’t care less, he was giving it to you so good and you were taking it so well.
Skin slapping and squelching sounds filled the whole house along with erotic sounds that Ran pulled from you, the tension hung thick in the air as you were nearing your high.
“Please let me—mhm! Let me cum, please baby.”
Ran breathily laughed at your desperation to cum around his cock but he wasn’t done with you. He was going to break the stubborn walls of your attitude until you knew who you belonged to.
“I’ll think about it. Fuck!” he gasped, burying his face into your hair, occasionally sucking and licking at your nape.
You clenched around his length, vision slowly turning white and head spinning from pleasure, you were about to cum. Ran knew you were close with the way your breaths came out very shallow and with a slight moan at the end, he also didn’t miss the way your cunt gripped his cock like a vice which had him clenching his teeth, eyes slightly rolling back.
With that, Ran pulled out once again, earning a desperate cry from you.
“Who do you belong to? Me or Izana?” he stayed pressed against your back, while he panted the question into your ear, his hot breath making you shiver and giving you goosebumps.
You were too fucked out to even reply. Your mind housed only one thing, to cum. So when he asked you the question, you couldn’t properly get a response out no matter how much you tried. You stayed panting against the countertop, condensation forming from your repeated shallow breaths.
“I asked a question, slut.” he forcefully shoved two fingers into your cunt which earned a whine from you. “Y-you! Only you, Ran.” you sobbed, you just wanted to chase your own high.
Ran positioned his dick to your entrance and entered in one thrust, causing you to curse out loud, “That’s right you belong to me and only me. You wanna know why? Cause I’m the only one who can dick you down this good.” He started thrusting, immediately returning to the previous pace he’d set before, balls harshly slapping against you.
“I know you’d never fucking leave me because you’ll always come back for this expensive dick. Such a whore for my dick and all the things I buy you, huh?” he laughed. You couldn’t even reply to any of his mockery at this point, all you wanted to do was cum so you just nodded at everything he said, giving him occasional ‘yesses’.
Ran’s hips didn’t falter once which immediately brought you close again, a fresh set of tears rolling down your wet cheeks, “Ran, baby, I’m cumming. Please let me cum.” you whispered, voice hoarse and throat sore from all the screams he forcefully pulled from you earlier.
“Fuck! Cum for me princess. Cum for this dick that you love so much.” he groaned against your neck, he was also nearing his climax. The way your walls clenched down on his dick had him rolling his eyes to the back of his head.
You came with a loud moan, hands balling into fists against the marbled surface and toes curling, pleasure engulfing your whole body. A familiar intense sensation shot up your spine which caused your legs to shake and back to arch against Ran’s torso.
Ran bit the skin on your shoulder, cock buried deep inside as his hips stilled right against your ass, he clenched his hands around your hand and the leg that he was holding up, knees almost buckling from the intense pleasure he felt as hot thick ropes of cum shot inside you, making you shiver.
He rode out your orgasm by quickly pulling out and getting on his knees to attach his mouth to your exposed cunt, earning a surprised yelp from you. Ran lapped up all your juices before sucking at your clit, his tongue rubbing tight circles on it which had you practically pushing him away due to overstimulation.
Your boyfriend got up from his knees, legs slightly shaking as he pulled you towards him, wrapping his arms around your front and burying his face in your hair, “I love you.” he whispered.
He didn’t mean that.
You knew he didn’t mean those three words. But you closed your eyes and convinced yourself that he did, even if it was just this moment because you still love him despite what he’s openly done.
And it was foolish. You knew that but you couldn’t bring yourself to leave him.
Maybe someday you’ll be free from your clouded senses and finally leave Ran but as of now, you remain indifferent.
You were young and blinded by the pretty things he had to offer, things you’ve never seen before and if you were to meet him again for the first time, you’d welcome him with open arms and let him ruin your life.
After all, there wasn’t quite anyone like him.
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© mitsuyeaah
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