#can you tell i really dislike the actor who plays my favorite character?
bat-the-misfit · 1 year
ok but i can't help but feel like the 👑 prince 👑 pretty much HATED playing my fave chara
like EVERYONE in the cast talked about their characters at some point or took a pic with other actor (which is also a way of saying "hey look i'm in the cast!!")
but not only he waited until the last day to say smth but also he said some really stupid and vague things about him like he was bothered to talk about it
i bet he only accepted this role as a way to start his carreer as an actor just to be more famous, bc it's obvious how much uninsterested he is in playing him
#can you tell i really dislike the actor who plays my favorite character?#he may be handsome and look a lot like Do Contra but i can't help but despise him#man it's so weird to post about this in english but i'm keeping my promise to not speak portuguese on tumblr today 😤#i'm very stubborn lmao#like no man everyone was like “AAAAAA THE CHARACTER I'M PLAYING IS AMAZIIINGGG!!!” everyday#some of them changed their profile pics some of them took pics with other actors and were referring to them and themselves as the charas#like you can see how excited they were#ESPECIALLY Carol man no wonder i liked her so much#she's so happy and honored in playing Milena she's OBSESSED with her#i can already tell she really gave her best bc she really loves Milena#even Giovanna who i thought would hate Carminha actually really got interested in her#she even asked on twitter how people perceive her character#as if she wanted to find her own way of “making” her own Carminha and change people's perspectives on her#idk how to explain#but then there's 👑 Yuma Ono 👑#i'm sorry but you guys can't deny he doesn't give a shit#just watch Do Contra's teaser#he doesn't give a fuck and it's annoying#acting is not a children's play dude he should take it seriously#ESPECIALLY bc this is my favorite character and i always want the best for him#i won't accept anyone playing him they have to be good#look at Vinícius HE WAS SO FUCKING GREAT#he played Do Contra so well#and nowadays he's only thirteen many times thirteen years old don't know how to act well#YOU'RE TWENTY THREE YUMA COME ON#STOP TRYING TO JUST BE FAMOUS AND ACTUALLY DO SMTH TO BE WORTHY OF FAME#well aNYWAY#i'm not complaining of him being his actor i mean come on i even put him as my profile picture#i'm complaining of his intentions in playing him#how much he despises this role
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sovonight · 29 days
Hi! I was curious to ask if there are other media you enjoy? (may be animated and/or with irl actors, videogames, books/comics ecc) side note: despite my ignorance about Baldur's Gate story and characters, i find xan and radri so cute and soft and i enjoy every of their interactions through your works 💗 so is radri your oc? how you came up with her character?
very casually, as in i don't know all the lore and don't stay updated: dragon age, stardew valley, morrowind/oblivion, taskmaster uk/nz. i've also been trying to read more but it is such a pain trying to find books without romance jumpscares
radri's my player character in bg1/2, and i'm never sure if i can really call player characters oc's since they already have an entire plot structured around them, but her personality/appearance are from me at least :') i made her in a similar way to how i made cela--by taking the dialog choices that made the most sense to me as a player piloting a character with the provided backstory, using those to roughly sketch out a personality, and then considering their dynamic with their love interest from there
the basis of radri's personality, though, came from my dislike of the bias i perceived in xan's romance towards a player character who was unfailingly optimistic, cheerful, smiling, happy, confident, always telling him to cheer up and smile, etc. i wanted someone who would never tell him to "smile, xan!"--someone who was tentative, quiet, nervous, strong-but-also-kinda-pathetic in her own way. and thus radri came to be.
i really like the way her social anxiety plays with him, and her response to his confession remains one of my favorites, because xan essentially annoyed radri into overriding her anxiety and being the most frank with him she'd ever been up to that point. i just feel like the nature of their personalities means he really pushes her at times, in positive ways, and she pushes him in return, making him confront/reflect on aspects of himself that are clearly suited for solitude rather than partnership
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tildeathiwillwrite · 2 months
Tag Game: Writerly Questionnaire
Thanks to @paeliae-occasionally @willtheweaver and @agirlandherquill for the tags!
Rules: Answer the questions!
Long post incoming!
About You
When did you start writing?
My earliest attempts at writing books are from when I was about 9 or 10, scribbling in a sparkly pink notebook something that was in essense video game fanfiction. It will never see the light of day again. The WIP I've had for the longest, The Watcher and the Thief, I started when I was 12 and writing a backstory for my human ranger in Dungeons and Dragons.
Are the genres/themes you enjoy reading different from the ones you write?
I love reading fantasy and I love writing fantasy, specifically high fantasy and portal fantasy. I'm always looking to expand my reading taste and go outside my comfort zone but fantasy fiction is my jam and always will be.
Is there an author (or just a fellow writer!) you want to emulate, or one to whom you’re often compared?
Honestly there are so many authors that I'm obsessed with that I probably subconsciously emulate and would be absolutely honored to be compared to including but not limited to Brandon Sanderson, Robert Jordan, Brandon Mull, Leigh Bardugo, Weis and Hickman, uh yeah probably others.
Can you tell me a little about your writing space(s)? (Room, coffee shop, desk, etc.)
I've done most of my writing in the living room of my house, sitting on the couch closest to a plug for my laptop charger with one of those lap desks and said laptop on my lap. It's either that or sitting on my bed or hiding in the basement if my housemates are too distracting (rare). I have also been known to write on my phone from time to time when I have the time but not the laptop.
What’s your most effective way to muster up some muse?
Go on a walk or a car ride with one of my WIP playlists playing. I also brainstorm while waiting to fall asleep in bed.
Did the place(s) you grew up in influence the people and places you write about?
I mean my mom was the one who kindled my love for fantasy books, but otherwise I don't think so.
Are there any recurring themes in your writing, and if so, do they surprise you at all?
There seem to be a lot of wanderers, whether seeking something or on a mission or traveling aimlessly. Draven and Octavian post-THtMatC, Jas and Killian, the ToS crew. Most of the aforementioned people are also willing to go out of their way to help someone in need or their mission centers around providing aid.
Your Characters
Would you please tell me about your current favorite character? (Current WIP, past WIP, never used, etc.)
Of all time, Octavian de Silv. I go into further detail here. Otherwise I can't really choose because I love my ocs for different reasons.
Which of your characters do you think you’d be friends with in real life?
I think I'd be friends with Jas or Reese. With Jas it would be the classic case of an extrovert adopting an introvert, and with Reese we'd bond over our love of reading.
Which of your characters would you dislike the most if you met them?
Obviously any of my villains, and if I ever met Draven I would get annoyed with him real quick. I don't get on well with people irl who share his personality.
Tell me about the process of coming up with of one, all, or any of your characters.
Well, I usually start with a slot to put a character in a story. Then I throw an appearance on them, usually traits that might stand out to a POV character upon their introduction. Then I decide a name and personality. All of this is subject to change at literally any time. All of it.
Do you notice any recurring themes/traits among your characters?
Including what I've said before... a lot of the protagonists exhibit some of my own traits like stubbornness extreme perseverance and creative problem-solving with violence.
How do you picture them? (As real people you imagined, as models/actors who exist in real life, as imaginary artwork, as artwork you made or commissioned, anime style, etc.)
I picture them in my artstyle as I have doodled and drawn and such, I also use picrews to help me better visualize their appearances, although those obviously do have limits.
Your Writing
What’s your reason for writing?
I love flailing about my characters in different ways, including Problems, Situations, Shenanigans, etc. I have plots and stuff but I write because I love my characters so so much.
Is there a specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating coming from your readers?
Any comment (that isnt hate) is a good comment :) I do love when people *cough, cough* @fourwingedsnake make funny comments regarding the characters or a line or the situation in general
How do you want to be thought of by those who read your work? (For example: as a literary genius, or as a writer who “gets” the human condition; as a talented worldbuilder, as a role model, etc.)
Storms I dunno I just want people to like my writing/my characters/my worlds
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
Creating memorable characters and also accidentally forming new magic systems
What have you been frequently told your greatest writing strength is by others?
I've noticed that people really like my ocs so y'know win there, other than that I've never been to my memory explicitly told
How do you feel about your own writing? (Answer in whatever way you interpret this question.)
I feel like I've improved a lot over the last year or so, and prompt events/posting on Tumblr has got me in the habit of writing every day, even if it's just a brainstorming session. I definitely feel more confident in my own abilities and more comfortable showing my writing to people (still hesitant about showing my irl friends/family for obvious reasons)
If you were the last person on earth and knew your writing would never be read by another human, would you still write?
Yeah???? I write first and foremost for me and it would definitely help me cope with the loneliness of being the last person on earth. Maybe the next dominant species will figure out English and read it.
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely what you enjoy? If it’s a mix of the two, which holds the most influence?
I for sure write what I enjoy. If readers don't like it they don't have to read it, and if I don't like it I won't finish it even if others enjoy it. My writing my rules deal with it and if you can't the unfollow/block button is right there
Tagging @faytelumos @fourwingedwriter @thewritingautisticat @stargazer-luna @phoenixradiant @pluppsauthor @pluttskutt @elizaellwrites @gamerkats @happypup-kitcat24 and open tag! :D
About You When did you start writing? Are the genres/themes you enjoy reading different from the ones you write? Is there an author (or just a fellow writer!) you want to emulate, or one to whom you’re often compared? Can you tell me a little about your writing space(s)? (Room, coffee shop, desk, etc.) What’s your most effective way to muster up some muse? Did the place(s) you grew up in influence the people and places you write about? Are there any recurring themes in your writing, and if so, do they surprise you at all? Your Characters Would you please tell me about your current favorite character? (Current WIP, past WIP, never used, etc.) Which of your characters do you think you’d be friends with in real life? Which of your characters would you dislike the most if you met them? Tell me about the process of coming up with of one, all, or any of your characters. Do you notice any recurring themes/traits among your characters? How do you picture them? (As real people you imagined, as models/actors who exist in real life, as imaginary artwork, as artwork you made or commissioned, anime style, etc.) Your Writing What’s your reason for writing? Is there a specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating coming from your readers? How do you want to be thought of by those who read your work? (For example: as a literary genius, or as a writer who “gets” the human condition; as a talented worldbuilder, as a role model, etc.) What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer? What have you been frequently told your greatest writing strength is by others? How do you feel about your own writing? (Answer in whatever way you interpret this question.) If you were the last person on earth and knew your writing would never be read by another human, would you still write? When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely what you enjoy? If it’s a mix of the two, which holds the most influence
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i don't exactly know how to deal with this - I'm not a big enough person on tumblr to have ever been confronted to this type of comment :
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but it still surprised me to see this when my experience on here has honestly been overwhelmingly positive and I've never really talked or met someone who'd comment something like that on here.
i don't honestly think it's wrong to put this person on "blast" (even though, let's be honest, me posting about it is less of a blast and more of a nice summer night breeze.) since they have commented this publicly for everyone to see - so i see no issue in answering in a just as public of a way.
anyway just wanted to say that I think it's kind of sad that you value fictional characters and people in general based on their physical appearance, and that you seem to forget there is an actor aka a real person behind that role.
and oops - guess what - whatever you think of the appearance of any fucking actor - that's not the part of their job that fucking matters!!
Now, let's try to see walk a few centimeters in your shoes. In your eyes, Foggy is ugly as fuck. So that means he can't get the girl, right? Is that how the story goes? Whatever his personality, his humor or his charm - everybody always only looks at physical appearance and there is not ONE person on this earth who cares, or should care, about what's really underneath.
now apparently, Hallelujah, Karen is attractive in your eyes so she deserves love. Ugh, but that is SO RUINED by the fact that she's ANNOYING AS HELL.....EW.....
There's 2 ways for me to take that Karen is annoying comment.
1 - it's the Skyler White Syndrome and any woman who worries, cares, makes mistakes or has any kind of character flaw is just a nagging annoying woman who's ruining your badass man show. like "guys? what the fuck? there's someone else than a muscular superhero dude or the very evil/murderous/manipulative/actually annoying guy that i somehow forgive on my fucking screen!!! hide that shit or else my masculinity will dissappear!!!!!!!!!"
Now since I don't know your gender or your background - this could be either internalized misogyny or plain old sexism at play. Couldn't care less. Either way it's stupid to think that a female character is either perfect or horrible, a mary sue or a bitch. and that you'll complain either way.
2. I give you the benefit of the doubt. You finding Karen annoying has nothing to do with your gender or what you think of women in media and entertainment and more with the fact that you honestly do find her annoying. What exactly has she done to be described as annoying? Is her dialogue bad? Is her story taking away from Matt's? Are her decisions stupid or irrational and you just can't take it when a character makes actual mistakes?
What exactly are you criticizing her for? Because since I've written my post about romantic relationships i'm willing to bet that your "Karen is annoying" thing is said in a romantic context and that it's just the way she speaks or her personality that you dislike, and this has nothing to do with what actually makes her character interesting or how her backstory has shaped her actions and behavior.
Now I get that we all have our favorite characters - and we have characters we don't like to see on screen. But I wouldn't say that Foggy "being ugly" and Karen "being annoying" qualify as legitimate reasons for you to think they don't deserve to have romantic relationships or that they. "TERRORIZE" MATT??
What kind of show have you been watching? Did you get a bootleg iron man dvd and get confused? where are you getting this from?
Are you saying that you take any conflict that Matt can have with his friends is terrorism? That they're ruining his life? That every time they say they're worried, everytime they tell him not to be Daredevil, because of their own love for their FRIEND, that's terrorism???
Matt cares about them just as much as they care about him, and I'd hardly qualify their overprotectiveness, or honestly, with Matt putting himself on the brink of death all the time, just protectiveness, as TERRORISM.
These "two bums" deserve to be on the show because they're an essential part of Matt's character development and Matt's life in general. He needs loved ones to protect, loved ones to worry about him, loved ones to encourage him, loved ones to call him out from time to time, loved ones that have been through it with him and have stuck with him for a long time.
And the two actors that play them deserve just as much of a chance to get to bring something new to their performance and get to share the screen with long-time friends.
you know.
in the reboot of a show that they were major characters of.
i think i got everything out. hope you're willing to expose yourself to a different opinion and that you read this whole post @nyxxhecate
also. your blog is pretty empty. you should get on that if you don't want people to think you're some spam account.
the end :)
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annab99awritersdream · 4 months
Which of your OCs are you most eager for people to get to know?
Which of your faceclaims is your personal favorite?
Sending love and plenty of creative energy! ❤️
Hi! Believe it or not, this is a very difficult question although I'm very glad you asked it. I love being asked questions about my writings so I'll try my best to provide you with a satisfactory answer. I think I love all of my OCs— some of them are good people while some of them are simply obnoxious — but they all serve a purpose in my story, so it's really hard for me to actively dislike someone and I'm eager for people to get to know them all so that they can make their own decision and maybe pick their own favorite!
-Elarien (faceclaim: Pelin Karahan)
I think my favorite OCs in The Lady of Ithilien are the following characters (I'm also including their faceclaims):
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She's showing up in the next upcoming chapter (chapter 4) and she's definitely one of my favorites. Let me tell you a little bit a about her background (if you're reading the fic or are interested in reading it, perhaps you might want to skip this paragraph as it contains spoilers. If you don't care and want to know more regardless, you're very welcome to keep reading 😊).
Elarien is Halbarad's youngest daughter and is one of Elenna's (my main OC) best friends. Well, technically at this point in the story they're getting acquainted and Elarien wants to strike up a friendship with Elenna. Elarien doesn't particularly like being in Minas Tirith and strongly resents Aragorn because she blames him for her father's death. She's confident but not cocky. She never talks down to anyone and is very kind. She's very independent as well.
-Eledhwen (faceclaim: Sarah Bolger)
Eledhwen is Elarien's older sister. At this point in the story she lives in the North (presumably Annúminas, I haven't decided that yet) with her Haradrim husband. After said husband passes away, she joins her sister in Minas Tirith and gets to meet Elenna. She's also confident and determined, but she's less fiery than her younger sister and has a good relationship with Aragorn. That's the main difference between the two, I think.
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-Erionwë (faceclaim: William Moseley)
He's the youngest general in the Maiarin army. He worships Eönwë (as he should imo) and has a platonic crush on Elenna. He's really sweet and a bit naïve at times. He'll come to Middle-earth for Eönwë and Elenna's wedding in about ten years time. I think he's my favorite general in terms of likeability (there's three more).
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-Silnur (adult faceclaim: Jacob Dudman; I don't know the name of the child actor I picked as I couldn't find it anywhere. I just saw the pic and went "oh, that's him")
He's the youngest Maia in all of Valinor and Eönwë's ward. He adores flowers and making people happy. He's a cute cinnamon roll.
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Last but not least... Elenwë's children:
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Mírion: Louis Partridge
Éowyn: Grace May Oleary
Eglantine: Amelie Child Villiers
Elanorellë: I swear I can't find the name of the actress, but I'll update the post as soon as I find out
Vanya (her full name is actually Vanya Elestellë): again, I looked everywhere but I couldn't find her name. She's from the show Magnificent Century: Kösem (currently binging) and she plays Hanzade Sultan. Unfortunately her name doesn't appear in the cast lists I checked.
Faramir: Çağan Efe Ak
They also have another son (who is not in the edit because it was a late addition). He's born two years after Éowyn and his name is Boromir.
Boromir's faceclaim is Alihan Türkdemir
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HE'S SO CUTE!!! He's deserves his own gif.
These are my favorite characters/faceclaims, but as I said, I love all of my OCs!
Thank you for your question!
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semi-imaginary-place · 11 months
who left a bad first impression in fe3h? Lorenz hands down, he has a good heart once you can get past all the noble bullshit but wow is there a lot of get through. It took many playthroughs, but through his supports and a lot of time I started to appreciate him a little more he really does want the best for others and really does out of his way to help people its also just strongly filtered through the talk of noble obligations. Ferdinand to a lesser extent he's really obnoxious in part 1 and that ends up highlighting his character growth in part 2 all that much more. It only one playthrough to warm up to Ferdie but much much longer to come around to Lorenz. Sylvain is an interesting case in that I liked his character design from the start, and then he opened his mouth and I wanted to start waterboarding him until he respected women. After many supports and multiple playthroughs, like Lorenz I came around to Sylvain, so much in fact that he's now one of my favorite characters but I still simultaneously want to punch him in the face, he really does deserve it sometimes. I disliked Hubert immediately, grody ass wannabe vampire, and after 20 some playthoughs and thousands of hours I can say that: I never stopped disliking him.
Lorenz is more in your face obnoxious, Sylvain is more manipulative. Lorenz is more easy to detect as unpleasant but Sylvain probably does more damage. Lorenz has good intentions but is so caught up in his ideal of nobility and is about 15 miles deep into classism that he's insufferable. His ego is massive and he refuses to take no because of course he knows better than them, no woman can resist Lorenz! Hellman! Gloucester! Sylvain is on a self destruction binge and using women to feed into his self loathing. He sets up his relationships to fail and then when the woman inevitably gets fed up with his lying cheating bullshiting ass he turns on them accusing them of only wanting him for his family name, money, and crest. Which he uses as proof that he is useless and worthless and that.
Most people find him annoying. There's an unusually high number of Lorenz likers on the fe3h subreddit because there's a concentration of players there who have seen most/all of the supports and that's where his character shines. The average FE3H player plays 1 route or less and doesn't see many supports probably sees Lorenz being an ass once and then never sees any of his supports if they are on Golden Deer at all which is the least popular starting house.
Happy to see lorenzpilled people out there in the wild. Lorenz is obnoxious and infuriating but that's just the first layer and it's a shame how often he's overlooked and underappreciated. It took me over 3? 5? playthroughs before I came around to him, it was a slow and painful process but he grew on me, like a fungus. The Lorenz and Marianne supports are some of my favorites in the game, they really show his kind nature, he's always trying to look out for others, you see it in his Lysithea supports too. Like that moment in Marianne's support she's struggling with something and he says he'd rather not know if telling him pains her so much. Lorenz cares a lot and he spends his life trying to help people and make their lives better, he's really quite sweet, he just goes about it in the most infuriating way possible.
His jp voice actor is more over the top outrageous than his eng voice actor, he sounds like a cartoon aristocrat it's so funny.
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lead-to-code · 2 months
writerly questionnaire
hi hello o/ i've been tagged by @agirlandherquill thank youu btw :3c this was fun
gonna tag @kiisuuumii and only you cause you're the only other writer I've talked to on here ^^"
although if you're a fellow writer and feel like playing along then I tag you spiritually~~~~~
(its kinda long so i put it under a read more)
About Me:
When did you first start writing? I think I was about 9 when I first started writing stories, most starred whatever cartoon characters I was into at the time, I had a bit of a hiatus from like 13-18, but when I got back into it I mostly wrote poetry
Are the genres/themes you enjoy reading different from the ones you write? I try not to focus on genres in general so I can't really tell if there's one I tend to lean toward, and as far as themes go I don't really know lol I do love a good tragedy though
Is there an author (or just a fellow writer!) you want to emulate, or one to whom you're often compared? Nah not really, but there are some writers I'm mutuals with who are excellent and I'm always looking forward to the next thing they make
Can you tell me a little about your writing space(s)? (Room, coffee shop, desk, etc.) I've been trying to write more at my desk so that I'm not spending all my time on my bed, so it's usually there, also helps that I have most my writing implements plus my computer there so it's far more convenient to be at my desk than my bed
What's your most effective way to muster up some muse? I kinda just go about my day, I roll around a few ideas here and there, keep some lines either in my head or write them down if I like them enough, but I don't have a specific process or anything
Did the place(s) you grew up in influence the people and places you write about? I think its impossible to not be influenced by the life you've lived, so yeah I would say so
Are there any recurring themes in your writing, and if so, do they surprise you at all? If I had to pinpoint one reoccurring theme in my poetry it would have to be identity, which given that I grew up feeling like I lacked one just kinda makes sense to me
My Characters
Would you please tell me about your current favourite character? (Current WIP, Past WIP, Never Used, etc) I don't think any of the stories I've been mulling over have any characters fleshed out enough for me to choose one as a favorite, so I'll pick an old d&d character lol, her name was Pae'ces who was an angsty little wood elf with anger issues, she was my first d&d character and I definitely didn't play her well but it was my first time playing so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (she also died so rip ;_;)
Which of your characters do you think you'd be friends with in real life? at the moment, none of them lol
Which of your characters would you dislike the most if you met them? i don't really know, none of my characters are fleshed out enough so I can't make a decision on stuff like that
Tell me about the process of coming up with one, all, or any of your characters, idea + issues = character
Do you notice any recurring themes/traits among your characters? uhhh, I think they could all use a friend, I would say that's one trait a lot of them share lol
How do you picture them? (As real people you imagined, as models/actors who exist in real life, as imaginary artwork, as artwork you made or commissioned, anime style, etc) I'm always picturing some kind of animated show with them even if that's not like the chosen medium for the story
My Writing
What's your reason for writing? All my life all I've wanted to be is an artist, the written word is the medium I have the most experience with
Is there a specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating coming from your readers? uhh, this is gonna sound like a flippant answer, but not really, I do like hearing what people think, good or bad, though neither one really affects my motivation otherwise
How do you want to be thought of by those who read your work? (For example: as a literary genius, or as a writer who "gets" the human condition; as a talented world builder, as a role model, etc) I don't want to be thought about, the work is mine sure, like I'm whose credited, but outside of that I want people to not be concerned with my perspective, the art is meant for you, what it means to you if anything at all
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer? I truly have no clue, feels like maybe that's something I'm not meant to determine for myself
What have you been frequently told your greatest writing strength is by others? I have not been told much about my writing, so another non-answer, sorry
How do you feel about your own writing? (Answer in whatever way you interpret this question) Its fine, its something I made and that's enough for me
If you were the last person on earth and knew your writing would never be read by another human, would you still write? i would yeah, writing is a part of my emotional process so I would do it for that alone
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely what you enjoy? if it's a mix of the two, which holds most influence? I don't know if this necessarily comes from a place of enjoyment, but I write what I feel like writing, whatever idea pops into my head or a particular story I feel like exploring tends to be my influence behind everything I make
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nicepersondisorder · 5 months
What is your favourote and least favourite character from hazbin? Would you change anything about them?
i have MANY favorite characters from hazbin !! depending on the traits and the lense we're sorting them by
they're all so interesting and cool!! charchar is amazing and i love how she refuses to give up and sees good in everyone (AND HER VOICE ACTOR IS SO GOOD. SHE HAS SUCH PRETTY VOICE.). she's determined and goal oriented and her dreams are so good and while she has issues and problems, she's genuinely such a good person. i also like the fact that she's a sweet bubbly character, but she still doesn't shy away from swearing and she was shown to lose her cool several times. i love her. i really should reblog more arts with her. okkkk once i finish writing this answer i will go and queue more arts with my babygirl !!!! o7
have i told i love charlie? yeah? i love her. i love her a lot. sorry. next segment
in the next segment we have "pathetic losers", which has two sub-types: "dorks" and "just genuinely pathetic. like. good lord they're so fucking pathetic. (/neg)."
at the top is lucifer ! he's a fascinating critter. he goes in the "dorks" category, but he is really pathetic. dipping toes in the second category even! loser <3 (speaking of losers, i LOVE husk's design. no i'm not biased because he's a cat what are you talking about !!)(i'm lying)(don't have a special opinion on his overall character though, sowwy </3). ANYWAY continuing with lucifer! majority of the scenes with him were Physically Painful to watch due to Second Hand Embarrassment (also i did skip almost all of the episode due to Reasons tm. i need to go and actually watch it. sloooowly). his "TAKE THAT DEPRESSION" lives rent fee in my brain and reminds me of a "could a depressed person make this?" meme. he's pathetic wet beast of a man and while i dislike his absence and flippancy towards his daughter, i understand him (LOL). im also extremely depressed 🤝. that doesn't excuse his actions but i do get why he acts the way he acts. also i don't have "more than anything" playing on repeat. don't look at my music app
second in the "dorks" category is sir pentious! not gushing about him as much as about charchar or lucifer, but he is just so. he evokes cuteness agression in me. i need to make a balloon animal out of him. he is such a nerd. i loved him when the pilot came out (the only character from pilot i drew in 2019 actually!)(you should be honored sirsnake!!). he's not on the list of my favorite favorite characters, i just thought i'd include him since i brought up the "dorks" subtype.
breaking the segment to talk how i find charlie endearing. she's such a sweetheart..... she can do it i believe in her and her dreams <33 (sir pent DID get redeemed after all!!!! the hotel is working !!). she's so silly. love her. ok moving to subtype "pathetic /neg"
the one and only character in this category is vox. he's so fucking pathetic. tearing my hair out i LOVE him for this. okay so i might be a liiiiitle bit unfair to him BUT . his crush on alastor is just so. shaking crying i don't have words for this. he has such bad taste in men (affectionate). AND THE WAY HE ACTS ABOUT IT IS ALSO SO PATHETIC. "oh i learned that the guy who i have love(unrequited)/hate relationship with is back from 7 years absence??? i must broadcast how i don't care about him at all IMMEDIATELY". has the vibe from the joke i've heard somewhere "i've been chasing you for seven miles to tell you how much i don't care about you" or something like that, don't remember the exact wordinb unfortunately 😔. he IS a cool character tho. i love his design, im really weak for tv headed characters. i could run doom on him.sorry. also his powers are sick as fuck!!! but he's so pathetic it's easy to froget how much influence he has an how strong he is.i want to pick him apart on the vivisection table. sorry again. no im not
okay ! next category! "fucking dick holy shit". valentino. he's So Terrible. i need him boiled in oil and i also hate him and i like him and i hope he dies ten thousand deaths and i want to see him suffer. kind of niffty-like type of like for him! he's really fascinating in the worst way possible and he's like. hmmmm im not sure how to put it? he's a genuinely good character (NOT person, two different things) and he can be both absolutely terrible vile etc etc, there are scenes shown that humanize him, which i think is also a good thing, because irl abusers are not one dimensional, and so fictinal ones also shouldn't be, especially in a show that wants to bring up serious themes correctly. controversial opinion but people bitching about how val's design is wasted on him are completely missing the point. yeah.
um! moving on !
there are more characters that i Like, but if i'd be listing them all im afraid itd take years 😭 like you asked for one (1) favorite character and i wrote you a whole essay LMAO
and i don't think i have a least favorite character? it takes too much energy to dislike a character that i don't have XD (i do have a slight distate for alastor, but it's for personal 🍎 reasons so i'm not gonna include him in the post! or in the tags)
nvm i lied i don't like zestial. i Can Not understand what he's saying 💔 bless the subtitles ! that's a silly "least favorite character" don't take it seriously !
ALMOST FORGOT TO ANSWER THE SECOND QUESTION. i don't think i'd change anything about the characters !! except maybe making zestial's speech more understandable. please bitches with auditory processing issues can't understand what you're saying zestial please im begginb you on my knees WHAT ARE YOU SAYING
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solar-synapse · 9 months
🌒⭐️💬 🎭
(I am only somewhat sure I got all those right have fun sol~)
🌒 - Do you prefer Sun & Moon to be separate animatronics or share the same body?
I think if I was going to write a more canon-typical AU, I would write them as animatronics sharing the same body. The tension in their relationship is fundamentally tied to how unequal their control is over their shared body, and that's something I would want to dig into in my own writing, but I love seeing other people write them as separate animatronics too.
In my existing AU's, I've done both! The boys in Star-Crossed are twins, but they're very different individuals. In the Silt Verses crossover, they're two aspects of one god. So I guess my answer is both. Both is good.
⭐️ - Favorite AU character design?
If you asked me this three days ago, I probably would have said the Fairweather Fool, but now I'm looking at some of these proposed Digimon evo line designs and sweating over Sun and Moon's mega fusion.
If we're talking about other people's AU designs, hands down, it's gotta be Dusk and Dawn from head-in-the-icloud's Royal Jesters AU. They're just so appealing.
💬 - How would you describe this AU to a friend who wasn’t in the DCA fandom?
Both of the AU's I am actively working on are already so far removed from DCA fandom, they lend themselves really well to being read by people who aren't familiar with the source material! I have a couple friends who have read and enjoyed Star-Crossed who aren't in the fandom. I'd honesty just summarize the premises.
Star-Crossed: Sun is the Seelie court jester, well known and well connected, but in political decline. In order to bolster his waning popularity, he has written an ambitious stage play, a tragedy between star-crossed lovers that is certain to satisfy his fans, if only he can find the perfect actor to step into the protagonist's role. That's where you come in.
You are a sidhe seer searching for someone who was taken to faerie many years ago. In exchange for passage to faerie, you sign a contract with Sun agreeing to perform in his play. However, his twin, Moon, doesn't quite buy your story or the convenient timing of your appearance. Faerie is a treacherous place. He suspects there is someone working in the shadows to sabotage his brother's career, and you are his prime suspect.
TSV crossover: It's been generations since your people's god was outlawed during the religious wars that codified the legal faiths. Your rural, largely agricultural village is struggling to modernize, until a man from the city in a purple suit arrives one day with a tantalizing offer: a newly rebranded god of sunlight and celebrations, guaranteed to help your crops flourish in a way the pesticidal gods never did.
While the village elders and elected council members jump at the opportunity to expand in a new direction, one that promises increased opportunities for religious tourism, you pay the new god little mind, until it becomes clear you've caught his eye. However, the attention of a god isn't necessarily a good thing, and it seems Fazco hasn't been entirely transparent about this god's original aspect.
🎭 - Tell us one cliche/trope you love in AUs and one you dislike
Love: Enemies/rivals to friends/lovers. Bonus points if they were friends before they became enemies too, so you have a friends to enemies to friends/lovers reconciliation arc. Listen, I love a ship that makes me work for the payoff. The more baggage they bring to the table, the better. Messy people make for interesting stories.
Hate: Love at first sight and/or stories with pacing that doesn't give sufficient time for realistic romantic development to take place before characters start making dramatic life-altering gestures for their love interests or choices that go against their established natures. I'm an aromantic who loves ship fic, but nothing makes my romance repulsion flare harder than this. Just start in media res if you don't want to write the build up.
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meatsouuuuup · 11 months
1, 10, 11, 13, 14, and 15 for the Hogans heroes ask game! ❤️
Who's your favorite character?
I love all the main characters so much but Hogan's still easily my favorite, he's my special little guy, probably one of my favorite characters of all time tbh
10. Thoughts on Baker?
he's fine. I don't dislike him, but they could have done more with him, I feel like he doesn't really have as much of a distinct personality as the other characters. also he's only there in season 6 because Kinch left the show so he's pretty much a replacement character but yeah I miss Kinch
11. Favorite recurring side character?
I love Marya so much, she's like Hogan but worse and he hates it. yeah, she helps the heroes out (mostly because she's trying to do the same thing they are) but she has schemes even crazier than Hogan's and doesn't tell anyone what she's planning, he doesn't trust her at all and it's so funny, especially since LeBeau adores her and thinks she can do no wrong
13. Anyone you would cast today as the characters if the show was made today?
honestly I don't know enough actors to answer this question, and no one could replicate the chemistry the original cast had together anyway
14. Have you ever watched the German version? If you have what are your thoughts on it? If not would you be interested in watching it?
I've seen a few clips on youtube, subtitled in english. from what I've seen it's even more chaotic than the original and I'd really like to see more of it, see what the changes in the jokes are. probably wouldn't take anything from it as canon but it'd be a fun time
15. Favorite bit of trivia about the show or any of the actors?
I like that all four of the main recurring German characters are played by Jewish actors, three out of four of them having fled Europe during WW2 (I think they were all either German or Austrian, the other one was American). and Robert Clary, who played LeBeau, was also Jewish and spent three years in a concentration camp as a teen. obviously the fact that those things happened is horrible, but I really like that they would purposely try to include people who have been personally affected by the things that went on during that time, make sure they're okay with everything in the show
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jojotichakorn · 11 months
For the "give me a show and I'll tell you" game: Only Friends (I know it's not finished yet but you know I had to 😌 )
thank you for the ask, dear, i absolutely adore the amount of love and obsession we have for ofts 😌
my favorite female character
i'm actually gonna go ahead and say april. i know we don't see a lot of her and everything we see of her is in relation to chueam, but she is great at all that. she is just an amazing and supportive girlfriend through and through.
my favorite male character
sand and boston are currently fighting over that title. sand is likely winning, but by a very small margin. and like, props to boston, because while i knew that i'd love sand almost the second he showed up, boston went from "you're annoying, but in a compelling and entertaining way, so i'll give you that" to "i stand with my cancelled wife" and that's impressive as hell.
my favorite episode (if its a tv show)
episode 10, actually! it completely knocked it out of the fucking park. i think it could be that my feelings are also heightened by the fact that episodes 10 in the past have given me the "we're coming up to a trainwreck" feeling so many times, while the ofts episode 10 made me even more in love with the series and extremely confident in the last two episodes. but it was also just incredibly good. it fully turned my feelings about boston and bostonnick around, it brought up the final issues with raysand and put them on the path to resolving absolutely everything that needs to be resolved to be happy together, it gave me the cunty bitch that is boeing, it made mew completely unhinged, it made top squirm. everything i could have possibly fucking wished for and even more.
my favorite cast member
this one is hard actually, so i'm going to divide the answer into three. 1) force. obviously. he's been one of my favourite actors since enchante and that has not changed one bit. he is doing an amazing job at playing someone i deeply dislike, truly showing off his range here. 2) first. i've always appreciated his acting, but i've never been able to enjoy it to the full unhinged level, because there was something about each of his previous characters that i did not like. now that he is playing someone i am ready to kill and maim for, i am enjoying his performance tenfold. 3) neo. i've seen him in things before and i have liked his acting, but he truly took it to a new level with boston. he is so unbelievably fucking good at what he does that i recently told one of my friends i think he is the best actor from the 2000s gang and i do absolutely stand by that.
my favorite ship
sandray. no contest there babeyyyyy. just the idea of love not being something that a person "deserves", but something that happens and something that can be fulfilling and beautiful, even when there are hurdles and difficulties? the idea that everyone can find someone who won't even "bear them", but just like them and not really find their complexities and flaws that burdensome? immaculate.
a character I’d die defending
boston and ray, but only in regards to particular clownery. both of these have made mistakes, but people acting like boston is pure evil (while he's just... selfish, and that's literally it) or treating ray like the devil because of his addiction would both cause me to draw my bow.
a character I just can’t sympathize with
i was going to say mew just because i don't like him the most, but since the question is specifically about who i can't sympathize with - it's top. like, he really just fucked around and found out to me. also atom and gap, obviously, but i feel like that goes without saying.
a character I grew to love
boston and nick, in different ways. as i said before, boston used to kind of annoy me but in a way that was entertaining. but then he just moved on from his own mess with such ease that it made megiggle and episode 10 finally solidified both how lonely he actually is (seeing as his whole friend group doesn't actually care about him) and also how he can, in fact, change and realise things about himself and open up in a really meaningful and beautiful way, all of which made him jump to being a fave. as for nick, i've always liked that messy messy bitch, but the things that he took away from the situation with boston, the fact that he realised and acknowledged where he fucked up, the fact that he just genuinely loves boston and sees the best in him but also finally respected boundaries to the full and was planning to leave him alone? the beautiful growth there just made me adore him.
my anti otp
probably raymew? like, truly, no one has ever had a worse idea in their entire life. raymew was bad for everyone who was even a little involved. complete mess. two of the most incompatible people in the world. so much so that, despite the fact that the series wants me to believe they work as friends, i don't even think that's true. i don't like raymew's relationship in any capacity, frankly speaking. i don't think they fit together at all.
send me a name for a drama (or dramaS) and i will answer all these questions
(list of dramas i've seen)
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isabelpsaroslunnen · 2 years
Wheel of Time (Episodes 1-3)
[Original date: 20 November 2021]
I watched the first three episodes of Wheel of Time with my mother, who has never read the books. I have read most, but not all of them—I adored them in high school and my early twenties, but drifted off to reading other things and writing my own, so my memories of the books are very fond, but patchy.
Somewhat spoiler-y review below the cut:
Full disclosure: my main concern was Moiraine—I was both thrilled and terrified when I realized how much they would be centering her, since she was always my favorite WOT character, and probably my favorite “mentor”-type character ever. In my opinion, they do a great job with Moiraine, thankfully; Rosamund Pike plays her with a steely intelligence, will, power, and grace that I loved.
(About halfway through, my mother—who’d been somewhat unsure of the characters’ roles and dynamics at first—burst out, “Is she GANDALF?” Probably my favorite watching moment!)
I like Lan in the books, but liked him more here. His quiet charisma, his aura of skilled deadliness, his dedication—you really feel it in Henney’s performance. And I think they did a wonderful job of showing the Warder bond between Lan and Moiraine, in their ordinary interactions, their synergistic fighting, and his treatment of her as she drains herself.
I’ve seen some reviews criticize the characterization of the other five, but I thought they ranged from “fine” to “great.” Rand himself falls closer to the “good enough” end for me; he’s alternately endearing and irritating, which is true enough to the books, but lacks a certain ... something that would help me (and perhaps some others) latch onto his character more. On the other hand, Egwene and Nynaeve have that Something in spades; I love the intensity that both actors bring to the portrayal of them, without diminishing Nynaeve’s care or Egwene’s innocence. I can take or leave Mat, and Perrin is unfortunately tainted by an absolutely terrible writing decision, but otherwise good.
Apart from the characters, I thought it was visually beautiful and often striking (even, or maybe especially, in Shadar Logoth). The pacing was pretty uneven, especially at first—there seemed a lack of urgency about some of the storytelling while the writing was essentially telling us that things should feel urgent (apart from the Trolloc attack, which was properly harrowing). That said, I appreciated that it was willing to stop and breathe in a way that SF/F films/TV/adaptations aren’t always prepared to do, as with the quiet opening, and when we hear the history of Manetheren and Shadar Logoth.
The opening credits are inspired, by the way. I’ve seen them compared to Game of Thrones’s, but to be honest, I like these better—the aesthetic is so tightly linked to the underlying mechanisms and themes of the story.
There are a few elements I did dislike: the too-early (in my opinion) introduction of the Red sisters in a way that makes the end of E3 feel rather repetitive, Moiraine and Lan’s unsubtle arrival, bringing in a character for apparently the sole purpose of fridging her, and some of the unevenness. But in the end, it was an enjoyable and vivid experience for both my mother and me. In fact, as soon as E3 closed, she demanded my copies of the books, which I’ve never been able to get her to read before!
As a sidenote, I’ve seen a lot of comparisons to GOT (including, but not restricted to, the one above), but for me, it’s much more reminiscent of LOTR—Tolkien’s LOTR and not just Peter Jackson’s, which I honestly appreciate. It’s not purely derivative of it by any means, but as someone who deeply loves the book, it is really pleasant to watch something that isn’t embarrassed of that influence even as it strikes its own path.
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iratesherlock · 2 years
— Charlton Heston as Sherlock Holmes and Richard Johnson as John Watson. — Directed by Fraser Clarke Heston (Charlton Heston's son) and distributed by Turner Network Television. — Favorite Quality: I loved Susannah Harker as Irene St. Claire, as much as I disliked the romance, I really enjoyed her as a character.
I am going to be honest; I did not like this movie. It took me five days to finish; it put me in a rut for almost a week and a half, which was frustrating. I wrote in my notes not once, not twice, but three different times throughout the movie that it was so tedious I thought I was dying. I want to be objective, I don’t like outright hating things, but I know in my heart that I wouldn’t like this movie—The Sign of the Four, which inspired the original play by Paul Giovanni, is one of my least favorite stories. There is not much I can say about the appearance of this movie because I could not see what was happening almost the entire film; it was so dark. Near the middle of the movie is a dramatic murder, but you can’t see anything, and the movie expects you to know what’s happening and to whom. I didn’t know who most of the characters were, nor do I think I could tell you what Sherlock or John looked like in this movie; though, that’s an entirely different problem. I do not believe that Charlton and Richard had any chemistry on screen, they felt very flat interacting, and I just didn’t like them as a pair. I think the acting was good, but this should have stayed as a play; it was formatted as such and did not translate well into a movie. This movie was almost two hours long, and it just dragged. I think the romance subplot also made me extremely uncomfortable and was likely a reason that I could not stand this John Watson in the slightest. Which is never a good sign; if you make your Watson unlikeable, how am I supposed to care about the Sherlock? I also feel bad for saying that Charlton Heston did not make a good Sherlock, especially as he did star in the Los Angeles Theatre production of The Crucifer of Blood. Heston is a great actor, but this was not his role. As a side note, in the credits of this movie, Jeremy Brett is mentioned, which confused me until I realized that the Los Angeles production was the first time Brett appeared in Sherlock Holmes media. In 1980, Jeremy Brett played John Watson on stage and was approached two years later by Granada Television to play Sherlock Holmes. I feel bad for saying that Charlton Hester was not a good Sherlock, especially as he managed to win the part from Jeremy Brett, who may be the greatest iteration of Sherlock. I don’t like saying a movie wasn’t good, but I don’t think I can say many positive things about The Crucifer of Blood. I love classic mysteries, I am okay with the plot dragging, but if it is so bad it makes the movie boring, then I can’t forgive that. I didn’t like it, I don’t think I can review it unbiasedly, and I don’t ever want to watch it again. If there were a play production, though, I would gladly buy tickets. I personally would not recommend this movie, but I think it could be enjoyable to others who like a slower Holmes mystery.
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ohmybitna · 2 years
↳ 8 Shows To Get To Know Me
i was tagged by @sorrowfulliming and @heesulovebot thank you both so much, I had a lot of fun doing this list! ❤️ I tried to choose some shows that have had kind of played a significant role in my life in one way or another, maybe you'll learn a bit more about me through this idk
one tree hill (2003 - 2012) i feel like this one is the most important show if you want to know me. It's half of my personality. I grew up with this show and all of these characters mean the absolute world to me, I relate to them on a deep level and I've rewatched all 9 seasons of this so many times that if you tell me a quote from the show I can tell you who said it and in what context and season (maybe even episode) it was said. It's probably the best teen drama ever made and except for lack of representation (which i can excuse to some extent because it started airing in the early 00s) this is really something everyone can and should watch. Nothing beats the friendships in this show. I'm still searching for the brooke & haley to my peyton tbh
the vampire diaries (2009 - 2017) this show is very special to me because I started learning english more intensely and on my own outside of school because I couldn't wait until they were showing the eps with german dub half a year after they originally aired. I had to wait 4 years until the show made stefan & caroline a couple and no other ship has ever come close to how I felt (and still feel) about them. best friends to lovers will always get me and they did it so well. we do not talk about anything after 7x05, the show ended there for me tyvm. they were by far the best part of the show for me since I dislike a lot of the decisions the show made a lot of the time. but they were the reason I created a tumblr account back in 2015 that I've since forgot the name and password for 😂 it was an account dedicated to making icons for tvd. ugh i miss shows with multiple seasons and 24 eps for each season
blueming (2021) this bl drama is always gonna be important to me since it made me decide to choose film as the thing I want to major in. I got really into independent movies after watching blueming because the cinematography of it astounded me and I wanted to learn more about it and how to create beautiful shots like those in the drama myself. I also rewatch it frequently. siwon is very dear to me.
taxi driver (2021 - 2023) i debated if i should put this or the devil judge/flower of evil/happiness here because i love them all dearly and they're all tied for my fav kdramas of all time but this one was the first kdrama i watched weekly as it aired and I was so obsessed with it and its cases and characters. i love darker themes and case-by-case dramas, it's my favorite genre when it comes to korean shows. kim doki is such a dear character to me and i love the way jehoon plays him. words can't describe how happy i am that it's back on my screen and just as good as it always was. (plus pyo yejin is one of my biggest celebrity crushes i love her sm)
the haunting of hill house (2018) one of the greatest shows ever made and imo the best of its genre. ep 6 of this show especially impressed me so much because it just consists of multiple one-shots. i love mike flanagan, he's my favorite director and if you're into psychological horror i more than recommend watching this and midnight mass because they're both masterpieces. mike has this way of connecting horror and sadness and he does it so so well. I could write essays about his filmmaking and he's my biggest inspiration when it comes to film.
my engineer (2020) this was the first bl I was really invested in, I even bought tickets to the online fanmeeting which i usually never do for anything. these characters and actors really helped me get through the lockdowns in 2020. one of the few bls where they managed to give everyone their fair screen time and made everyone's story enjoyable to watch. also very important part of why i loved watching it was the lack of fanservice they made the actors do and that we got them all in one room reacting to every episode together. it was the best and i wish more shows would do it.
light on me (2021) oh what a show. even though I don't like the ending and I think the last episode had some continuity issues and felt like a second thought in some ways I thorougly enjoyed the ride this drama took me on. the runtime allowed for the show to explore its characters well and made us able to connect with them. i miss that for newer shows a lot. shin daon is and probably will always be my favorite k-bl character, he felt so real and I could see an old version of myself in him. he deserved a lot better and I hope he's off to college living his best life, he deserves it.
one day at a time (2017 - 2020) let me just say that I am NOT a sitcom enjoyer. shows that are targeted to make me laugh usually don't and I get bored early on because I don't get the appeal. nothing against these shows, they just don't speak to me. HOWEVER odaat is a huge exception because I was hooked to the well-balanced use of humor and deep conversations and topics portrayed in this show. plus it also made me laugh!! and sometimes also cry both in the span of 5 minutes. these characters have a special place in my heart. elena halped me a lot in my journey of self-discovery and I loved the way the show portrayed her journey.
bonus: (i know this technically makes it 9 but i didn't know where to put it)
wish you (2021) I'm adding this as well but extra since I only ever watch the movie version of it. it's imo the only kbl that works as a movie. even though not a lot of people love this, it is my most rewatched k-bl (and I think bl in general). I adore Sang Yi, he's a lot like me and watching him be an awkward mess in front of his crush and idol is very cute to watch. the OST for this show is also so good i listen to it all of the time.
i will tag @ghostvalleymasters i hope you haven't done this yet :)
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Our Blues (2022)
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Ever want to spend a few months living in a small community in Jeju island? Now's your chance...
This show is huge. It's a sprawling slice of life drama with twenty episodes and maybe two dozen main and supporting characters. It's great, but it's a huge investment and probably not for kdrama newbies. It's worth watching, without a doubt.
What Worked
The actors are all good and they all brought their A-game. The writing does an excellent job of giving the whole story of these characters. Even when the focus shifts to another character, the show still gives us updates on everyone and keeps their story going, which gives the audience this a feeling like you're watching the lives of a real community.
Also, the setting was amazing, and the camera work did an excellent job of highlighting that.
What Didn't Work
There were very few missteps in the writing or the acting. My biggest complaint was not getting as much time seeing my favorite characters as I liked. It's hard to fault a show that is over twenty hours, and still leaves you wanting more in places.
I will say, that sometimes it felt like the show wrapped things up a little too neatly in a couple of arcs, but it does such a good job of putting the messiness of these relationships out there, that I was okay with that. I even welcomed it as I just needed a chance to breathe.
The Performances
There's too much to cover in a decent amount of time. I'll sum up things as best I can.
Shin Min-a as Min Seon-ah. Her character's arc was one of the highlights for me, as it gave enough context and backstory to help me understand several of the other relationships, while providing a touching and realistic portrayal of someone going through a very difficult time. It's messy, and there are no easy answers, but it's very good viewing. I also liked the times when we got to go back and check up on her later on in the show, even briefly.
Lee Byung-hun as Lee Dong-seok. I really disliked this guy at the start of the show, though he was amusing at times. But the more I learned about his story, the more I felt for him and by the end I enjoyed him. Some of that is in the writing, but the performance is what shown through. You could tell that this was a guy that has been through some stuff, and he's still trying his best to care for others in his own gruff way. Special shoutout to Ryu Hae-jun as young Lee Dong-seok. The flashbacks worked so well because of his performance.
Lee Jung-eun as Jeong Eun-hee. The actress does a good job of making this character fun and lovable while still being prickly and difficult. Her arc at the start of the show was awkward, but the portrayal felt real. Her later arc with Go Mi-ran was another highlight of the show for me.
Cha Seung-won as Choi Han-soo. He gave a great performance as the banker returning home under tough circumstances. The arc he was in was one of my least favorite, but that was because he and Lee Jung-eun did such a good job portraying a difficult relationship.
Uhm Jung-hwa as Go Mi-ran. I really liked the arc she was in. The writers did a good job of giving us all these layers to a complicated character that seems kind of shallow at first glance, but Uhm Jung-hwa was able to put all of that writing together to make Mi-ran come to life. I really liked the way her relationship with Eun-hee played out.
Han Ji-min as Lee Young-ok. I loved this character as well. I got a little frustrated with how mysterious the writers were playing things, but when we finally get her arc with her sister, it all makes sense and we get a few of the most touching scenes in the show. All of her scenes on the ocean with the haenyeos were shot beautifully and were amazing to watch, and that helped as well.
Kim Woo-bin as Park Jeong-joon. Every show needs someone who is a standup guy that you can depend on and Kim Woo-bin played that character beautifully. It's easy for a character like that to get lost in the background or to turn boring, but that never happens here, and that's great.
Kim Hye-ja as Kang Ok-dong. Her character's arc with Lee Dong-seok was well done, but also very hard to watch at times. Everything works and the story the show told us felt real and important, but I also welcomed the breaks they gave us at times.
Go Doo-shim as Hyeon Chun-hee. This was one of my favorite characters. She was a rock through most of it even though the show (and life) put her through some stuff. I had trouble with the arc with her son and grandson. It was still interesting, just rough to watch.
Roh Yoon-seo as Bang Young-joo and Bae Hyun-sung as Jung Hyun. I liked their story arc, it was sweet at times, and appropriately dramatic at others. Roh Yoon-seo was especially good and I loved watching what she did with the character. My only quibble was with the way Jung Hyun acted at times during the start of their arc (when he found out Young-joo was pregnant), but I came around as the character remained supportive throughout and it ended up being a good story arc overall.
Park Ji-hwan as Jung In-kwon and Choi Young-joon as Bang Ho-sik. I really liked the story the show told about these two. I had a big problem with Park Ji-hwan's character at the start (it didn't helped that I remembered what a terrible person he was in Black Dog), but as you learned more about them, you ended up feeling a grudging respect and by the end of the series they were both in a good place. I was never like "I can't wait to see more of them," but I still enjoyed them when they were on screen.
Everyone else. The cast is huge, and even the minor characters were given alot of care by the writers, which helped the actors bring their best to the role. I especially liked the performance of Jung Eun-hye as Lee Young-hui (Lee Young-ok's sister who has Down syndrome). You rarely see characters like that in any media, but the writers made sure and cover all of the complications around the relationship between the two sisters in a way that was thoughtful and rarely felt too preachy.
This is a show that takes an investment to get through, but it pays off well. I learned after the first few episodes to just trust the show runners, and they made sure to tell a good story that was thoughtful, touching, and rewarding.
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starrbar · 2 years
The word "proship" is about as descriptive as "mutt" nowadays.
Lil disclaimer: This is only about me and my personal experiences. Call yourself whatever you like. It's your actions I will judge, not your label.
There are two reasons why I try to avoid directly labeling myself as "proship" or even "profiction" despite sharing many, if not all, of the views those terms are supposed to stand for.
I wrote about the first reason here.
This is the second reason:
I have seen the terms proship/proshipper/profiction used by real people in the following ways, NOT counting the things antis claim it means:
"Ship and let ship" / "Your kink is not my kink (and that's okay)"
"Not caring what other people like"
"Minding your own business"
"Curating your experience"
"Scrolling when your see something you dislike instead of making a fuss over it"
"Being into taboo subjects"
"Supporting all ships, including pedophilic or incestuous ones"
"Being against thought crimes"
"Anti-harassment over fiction"
"Fiction doesn't equal reality" / "Fiction isn't reality"
"Fiction doesn't affect reality at all"
"Being able to tell the difference between fiction and reality"
And then on top of that, a lot of neutral people are lead to believe it just means "pedophile / incest supporter", or someone who genuinely thinks minor/adult 'relationships' are healthy and fine.
➛ It's worth a brief note that it didn't originally mean literally any of these things (as documented on the Anti-shipper and Anti-anti Fanlore pages), but you didn't come here for a history lesson.
I've also seen the following behaviors from people who used being "proship" as a shield or justification for them:
Defending MAPs
Defending or participating in invasive RPF
Defending bigotry
Supporting real life incest
Doing "problematic shipping" with child characters played by actual minors
Making lust posts about characters played by child actors
Creating, consuming, or supporting uncomfortably realistic "lolicon"
Getting way too defensive against ANY criticism of a story, even when it's not framed in an aggressive, moralizing way.
And my favorite: Fucking harassing people for perceived "anti" views. -_-
I'm certainly not writing this with the intention of making all proshippers as a whole look bad, but I've had to come to terms with what that word has evolved into and what it means to people. It's gone out of my control despite how desperately I had wanted it to just mean what I think it should mean—what it did mean originally.
When one of my core identity labels can conjure up the image of any one of these things, especially when many of them are god awful, I feel a lot less comfortable using it for myself.
I use "anti-anti" comfortably enough because it doesn't refer to my potential stance on paraphilias, what ships I'm into, censorship or ""censorship"" (the bullshit right-wing boogie man version), or even simply the way fiction affects reality. It instead only refers to my stance against what antis stand for and what they do.
And we all know what they do.
I used to have this explained on my Carrd as a mere supplement to a long, long list of my specific beliefs regarding fiction vs. reality, kinks, and all that jazz. Then I realized how futile and silly it is to preemptively explain my entire moral compass on my literal central hub of Me-ness, because who am I really convincing of anything by having a BYF page that huge? It had a bunch of claims about what I believe, but no further essays linked that might back up how thoroughly I do believe those things. So it would end up just... kind of hollow.
So whenever I'm feeling spicy, I might just write more essays about various aspects of the discourse and keep those in a totally optional directory of sorts, probably still linked on my Carrd. I have a burning need to share my thoughts and writing with the world, but I certainly don't think someone needs to know all of that just to click Like on my art.
(Also some day I might make dedicated posts to each of the links I shared, but for now I just want some level of backup to my words in this post.)
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