#canon clexa
butmakeitgayblog · 8 months
I think your understanding of canon Clexa and their characterization/dynamics is really spot on, which makes me really excited to read your canon story. The ask about canon Clarke being Loud made me wonder what your take would be on how their first time went? It’s obviously a scene that’s been written in fanfic a ton but since you seem to be against the typical “heda got fucked into a nap” narrative I’d love to know what the version of events is in your head?
Oh no, I do believe Lexa got fucked into a nap 😂
I just don't believe that was all that happened, nor that it happened the way a lot of people think 👀
Sorry in advance for the rant.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: I don't agree with some people's fandom interpretation of Lexa being this ultimately hesitant/demure or reserved person. At least not when it comes to how she expresses herself romantically. Now, I'm not shitting on the people who do see her like that and have written her like that for canon by any means because it's certainly understandable given the way she carries herself overall. I do get it.
But to me at least, Lexa is not a reserved person. Not when she's interested in someone. Not romantically, and certainly not physically.
From the very second she decided she was going to go for what she wanted with Clarke - when she decided to be honest and active about her feelings - what did she do? How did she behave?
Well. She took the reins and kissed Clarke exactly how she'd been wanting to kiss her for days
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She took command and pushed into the feel of it and chased Clarke's lips to stretch the moment as long as she could
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Yes she backed off when Clarke pulled away and said not yet, but that doesn't negate the fact that she very much did exactly what she wanted to do. That doesn't negate the fact that Lexa slipped her hand through Clarke's hair and tugged her in by the neck and kissed the living shit out of her simply because she wanted to.
Now here's where things get jumbled up imo and where people kind of... lose sight of Lexa for who she is. Because after this comes the mountain and then the subsequent betrayal, and after that Lexa is left hanging in this weird love/hate limbo (Clarke's, not hers. Obviously.) Was Lexa reserved during that time? Yes. Because she was trying to be respectful. She assumed Clarked hated her and would probably never forgive her. She felt she'd already done enough damage to ruin any hope for a relationship between them, so all that was left was to be respectful and love Clarke from afar. (That's glossing over many instances of Lexa still, STILL, showing her affections outright i.e. touching her when Emerson charged at her, the vow, showing up to Clarke's room dressed like a harlot a relaxed woman who just happened to like showing a whole lotta leg. You get it)
Which brings us to the afternoon Clarke was going to leave, and my God the girl was devastated. She was holding it together because that's what Lexa's does. Because Lexa was used to losing everyone she ever cared about. That's just how her life went. But also she was trying her best to keep it all together for Clarke's sake. To not make the decision of going back to Arkadia any harder for her than she knew it already was.
But even then, even in her facade of strength for both of their sake, Lexa still gave in and showed Clarke the crack in her armor. Lexa was methodical in everything shw did, and yet still she let slip, "That's why I...". Because she knew. She knew Clarke would understand what she was saying even when she wasn't ready to actually hear it. She let it "slip" because if that was going to be the last time they were together, she needed to at least know that she'd put it out there. That Clarke could carry that with her forever, if she chose to.
And then Clarke fucking kissed her.
Not once, but twice. Lexa gave her a chance to pull and think it over because of how shaky everything still was, but then Clarke leaned in and kissed her again.
And Lexa didn't hesitate again for one goddamn second after that.
Instead she kissed Clarke deeper than she'd kissed her before. Ran nervous hands all over her and caressed at her wherever she could.
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She held Clarke close and actually tasted her with all the hunger she'd been pushing down for weeks (whew, thank you Alycia😮‍💨🫦).
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She quite literally took Clarke's hands and tugged her to her bed. Like??? Heda really said through body language "oh we are going to fuck" (but... sweeter)
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Yes she was patient and gave Clarke a chance to say no because, again, she was still very aware of how tenuous this seeming forgiveness probably was in Clarke's eyes. But that doesn't change the fact that she made it clear what she wanted. She put her affection and her yearning - all of her vulnerability right out there for Clarke to take or leave, and she did it in way that there was no mistaking exactly what she was asking for.
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But Clarke didn't pull away, and what did Lexa do?
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She grabbed her again. She pushed their intimacy forward again. She tugged Clarke down to the bed and not only gave herself to Clarke, but also took everything she had wanted.
So you see, Lexa was never passive in her expressions of attraction toward Clarke. She was never truly hesitant when it came to physically going for what she wanted when it came to wanting to be intimate with her. She kissed Clarke and she touched Clarke and she reached out for her time and again without shame, only stopping herself when Clarke put a stop to things because Lexa would never take something Clarke didn't openly give.
Which makes me believe Lexa would've been even less reserved when she was finally, finally, allowed to do all the things she'd yearned for. Yes she'd given Clarke the control to begin with because they both needed that kind of reassurance in their intimacy, but afterward? When it was Lexa's turn to show Clarke exactly how much she wanted her?
I believe Lexa would've been exactly who she always was when it came to being in love: giving and expressive, unabashed in her naked want. I think she would've kissed Clarke until their mouths ached and tasted every drop Clarke had to give. I think she would've begged Clarke to moan for her just so she could have those memories of making her lose control to keep with her forever. I think she would've fucked Clarke like it was their first and last time all rolled into one, because as far Lexa knew, that's exactly what it was. I think she would've teased her just to see Clarke smile and then teased her just to hear her whine. I think she would've done everything to stretch the afternoon out even while knowing they were racing against the clock. And I don't think she would've felt hesitant about any of it. Not about giving herself entirely to Clarke, both dominantly and submissively.
Cuz yeah Miss Lexa was a very happy camper after round one
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But she sure as hell still wasn't shy about having her own turn
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Canon Sapphic Characters Tournament Final Round
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phantomstatistician · 3 months
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Fandom: The 100
Ship: Clarke x Lexa
Sample Size: 5,478 stories
Source: AO3
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dragonlands · 1 year
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i always go insane over murderous gay raccoons that are actually just big softies under the facade
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macolethings · 10 days
Sonraun Rein Kiken (A Life Worth Living)
Chapter 13 - The Gift
*Note - if you read this before 1845 Mountain Time (United States), please go back and read the island scene. I posted the non-beta version of the chapter!!
While healing, Lexa learns the potential origins of Nightblood and the Flame. The new knowledge leads them to the island of the one who may have started it all.
Read here on AO3
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blu3haw4 · 6 months
for the made up fanfic title: "let it flood, let it flood, let it wash away"
The first thing that comes to mind is something angsty, which isn't really my thing so... bear with me for a sec.
I feel like it could be a little three-acts type of fic
Im thinking maybe canon? Canon fix it perhaps?
Clarke's Pov with everything going wrong; First act, delinquents dying, the ark failing, the grounders attacking and Clarke in the middle of it trying to hold everything together (as usual)
Second act, she does make a deal with the grounders, either with Lexa or Anya first and everything is still very stressful, they need to accommodate to trikru culture, they have to prove they're useful to trikru if not to the entire coalition, they need to make plans for the ark's landing and a maintened peace afterwards.
Maybe there's no mount wheater, or maybe there is but Lexa never betrays Clarke. Maybe they don't kill them all and their plan goes through just fine or maybe act three is about Clarke processing all the things she's done, Mount wheater included.
And Act three 'let it wash away' Clarke goes to Polis, Lexa and all skykru become heroes, they finally defeated their century long enemy, the grounders' nightmare. It wouldn't all be rainbows and unicorns of course. Polits suck but are necessary, this time though Clarke and Lexa would face them together. The would finally get together and Lexa would show Clarke all the beautiful things about earth, about their culture and their people. Clarke would get the chance to remember all the fun things she got to do in the ark (they would definitely play chest very often) and enjoy earth truly for the very first time. Lexa would bright her days just as much as Clarke would brighten Lexa's. She would change too, of course. Aside from the polits and changing her mind with Clarke's ideas, she would be lighter, she would let go, be freer, she would want to enjoy life as she keeps on showing Clarke that is possible. She'd sort of rediscover life's beauty while showing it all to Clarke.
And they would be happy, they'd help each other cope with all the bad thing and share all the good ones. They'll love each other for all eternity and they would make each other stronger in every way.
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noecantsleep · 17 days
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like-wuatafauq · 4 months
Lexa: Clarke but the knife down
Lexa: yeah well you didn't kiss me back the first time we kissed so I'm still mad and heartbroken about that
Lexa: but you didn't! And I'm guessing that's because you did whatever you could to come back to me and kiss me back so you can make up for last time right?
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vmplvr1977 · 2 years
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Azgeda Clarke AU is posted! Read it here: Wicked Game
This is not the story of a Skaikru Princess who led a band of teens to the ground. Instead, our tale follows Klark kom Azgeda, a Natblida and fearsome warrior known by most as Wanheda. Her unlikely friendship with Heda Leksa kom Trikru would forge a new world- ending a cycle of violence and war that had lasted ten generations. But, contrary to popular belief, the tale of Heda and Wanheda did not begin with sworn enemies crossing blades at the Battle of Syra. Nor did their journey commence with the legendary victory over Maun-de, whose song is often heard around campfires or inside alehouses. Instead, their tale began a decade and two winters before the fall of Mount Weather when our two heroes were children. One Azgeda, the other Trikru- sworn enemies for generations. Theirs was an unexpected and complicated friendship, born from a misunderstanding over sweets.
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the-maidofmischief · 3 months
Anyway, any adaptation of anything ever would be better if they genderbend the male love interest to make the ship a lesbian couple.
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butmakeitgayblog · 24 days
Heyyyy, I just discovered your blog and ffs and they are a revelation (uwu). I really like your takes on Clarke and Lexa and how you describe them, very spot on for me. If you don't mind I would like to ask you to recommend me some Canon Clexa Fanfics ( I've already read The white queen running, Love On The Ground, This heart fossilized and silent, What we deserve series, The little Pains series and currently reading Fleimkepa). Sorry for the occasional mistake, English is not my first language. Hope you have a good day, xoxo (gossip girl) sorry joking it's not even funny bye I swear I'm over 18.
Hello hello 😌
You don't ever have to apologize for mistakes in English babe, it's my first language and I still fuck it up 💁‍♀️
As for recs, I'm really terrible at remembering fic names 😬 the only ones coming to mind right this second are Within Me an Invincible Summer. That's a canon divergent fic set in the future where an older Lexa goes to visit an older Clarke at Arkadia that is sweet and angsty and lovely (also everything badlance writes is majestic). AphroditesLaw, Curious, is set post series finale, so it's actually god/alien!Lexa rather than Lexa-Lexa, but still a great and heartrending read. Lightning Only Strikes Once, the quintessential fix-it from way back that once had a comic to go with it until CW decided to be dicks about it (I mean I get it tho 😕)
Also, shameless self-promotion:
My canon fic, meet me in moonlight, under the old willow tree
Canon divergent fic set a few weeks after they sleep together (sans anything involving a gun because that was stupid) when Clarke has to return to Arkadia following the kill order. Lexa and Clarke meet in the dead of night to discuss the next steps moving forward in their plans for disposing of Pike, as well as... reconnecting 😏
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Canon Sapphic Characters Tournament Round Four
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asleepingtiger · 1 year
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New Fic!
Walking Among Wolves
Chapter One - New Moon
Enjoy this snippet.
Anya and Lexa were still discussing the future plans, once they feel a relationship forming between the grounders and Skaikru they hope to set off to Polis.
“I think we’ll take some of the Skaikru with us, Markus, Clarke and Octavia. I believe they will be a good representation for Skaikru.” Lexa disclosed to Anya.
“I think that is a good choice, I do have a request for someone to join us.” Anya began.
Lexa turned her attention to Anya, surprised by the request, “who do you request?”
“The mechanic, Raven Reyes. I think Ryder could help her.”
Lexa looked over at Raven who was walking with a clear hindrance, “I think he would help, sha.”
Anya relaxed in her seat and caught Raven looking over at her. Lexa noticed this and addressed Anya in regards to her request.
“Is there more to her injury as to why you request her to join us in Polis?”
Lexa was aware of the glances that the pair threw at each other, she hadn’t said anything, she was aware that Anya isn’t one that commits and she felt partially responsible for that. Having chosen Anya to be her war general left her to be unavailable to be close with someone.
“Heda, I see her pain. I want to help.”
Lexa looked at Anya and considered what she said, “it’d have to be her choice, if she accepts, you’ll be solely responsible for her. I’ll hold a meeting with Clarke, Abby and Markus. I won’t have you attend, understand?”
“Sha, Heda.” Anya gave her commander a respectful nod then left her seat leaving Lexa alone.
Read more
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kpforpresident · 6 months
Would Clarke ever get a tattoo in any of your fics?
Canon Clarke, absolutely. I read a fanfic (The Lady and the Laborer, which all of you should go read if you haven't) that mentions that Clarke gets a tattoo of Lexa's war paint. I could see Clarke getting a band around her forearm to match the swirling black of Lexa's paint, something to trace absentmindedly in long meeting while Lexa is called away to be Heda elsewhere.
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macolethings · 7 months
Sonraun Rein Kiken (A Life Worth Living)
Summary: Lexa and Clarke deserved more time and a happy ending. But in this world, and with the responsibilities these two have, it won't be easy. And more than one event will work to tear them apart. Experience these two learning about one another, falling in love, and taking on the world together.
Canon Fix-It that starts the night after Lexa fights Roan and kills Nia in season 3. There will be romance, angst, attempted humor, unexpected friendships, and maybe a few other surprises.
This was inspired by @sassymajesty who asked if there was a fic where Lexa lives, the apocalypse still happens, and some other specific things happen (spoilers). So, here it is!
Lexa stood outside Clarke’s door, hesitant to knock. Her fight with Roan had drained her physically, and the betrayal from her ambassadors has drained her mentally. And Clarke, well she was draining Lexa in all sorts of ways. One day Lexa is thrown into a wall with a knife to her throat, and soon after Clarke is at her throat trying to talk her out of the Soulou gonplei (single combat). Almost as if she was scared for Lexa’s life, and not just the Commander’s. Clarke had saved her life when she voted against the coup’s call of “no confidence.” It was a fortunate outcome of inviting Skaikru to be the Thirteenth Clan. She had to thank her. Taking one final breath to steady herself, she knocked. 
Continue on AO3
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tomwambsmilk · 8 months
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The VISCERAL reaction this provoked in me……. The 100?????? The 100?????? I’m sorry, you the think the 100 was a masterpiece???????? The 100??????? I was there, Gandalf. I was in the fucking Clexa trenches when season 3 aired. I wrote discourse posts about queerbaiting and ‘bury your gays’ on a blog thats mercifully been deleted. Those were dark days, Gandalf. You are about to awaken a dark evil you do not understand
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