#canon hades game lore
mbohjeezart · 4 months
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fruitsofhell · 2 years
       An idea I’d been working on for a second was that Morpho Knight isn’t the only grim reaper of the Kirby universe, and more just fills the specific niche of taking the souls of warriors. It came from reading the novel where Meta Knight falls into hell, which explained that he came just for the purpose of taking the souls of strong warriors, (something that was then canonized in KatFL). Which is fun cause it opens up the idea of like a little pantheon of reaper butterfly characters for specific niches.
Which I will talk about a lot now.
       So building off that I thought about Morpho’s actions and how it seems he specifically shows up when a character has long overstayed their mortal welcome and needs to be taken away, or needs to have a “final battle”. Given the nature of how Soul Bosses work and how Forgo himself was in that state before Morpho came and got him, I figured the idea was that in the Kirby universe character’s souls can linger on and get lost when they’re still filled with too much emotion and a will to fight on. Thus needing to be tracked down and forcefully taken away by a reaper. It’s easy to imagine this happening with warriors, who are likely to die in fights still full of energy and vengeance, but also power seeking maniacs drunk off power are commonly turned into soul bosses within the games.        Another part of it I thought of though is how much “judgement” is emphasized in Morpho’s descriptions, so obviously that’s an important part of why reapers would exist beyond souls just wandering off. Warriors are probably very tricky to judge because their job includes spreading death and destruction, and you have to weigh that against the good they brought as well as intended to bring with it. And back to the theme of those power hungry maniacs, while some of them were clearly vain like Sectonia, you have Haltmann who started just with the wish to bring back his daughter before he went down a path of corruption.        And Morpho’s origins had always been hard to think about for me, the most obvious idea at first was that it was the same species as Galacta, Kirby, and Meta, but his appearance couldv’e just been because of absorbing Galacta. But then KatFL comes around and he’s still an orb with wings which is in line with our description of their species. As well as the fact that Forgo manages to get “Chaos” powers it previously never showed off only after escaping Morpho... I think it made a strong case for Morpho being soul matter, the way Kirby is heart matter and Zero is dark matter. It’s power’s seemed in line with the idea of how Kirby and Zero represented their specific elements.        (Also as an aside, I wondered if Elfilis would be dream matter, but if Kirby, Zero, and Morpho are our bases for this species... it would not make sense. Plus like I said, it only got the “Chaos” powers related to Astral Void after interacting with Morpho. So no in my opinion.)
Headcanon Starts Here:
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       ANYWAYS, thankss to KatFL I’m very sure Morpho, and subsequently his reaper pals, are all a form of Astral Void. But unlike Kirby (Heart Matter) or Zero (Dark Matter), they’re weird trans-dimensional shadow orbs. Which is how they can teleport, turn into butterflies, and break the rules of space-time in order to judge souls across the universe. A butterfly of a certain type comes to everybody who dies, but these bad boys only really make true appearances when things are special. The butterflies work kinda as just pieces of them spread across time and space, and they can appear from them at will as long as they have enough power.        There’s probably far more I could hypothetically make (it would be fun to make a whole rainbow of them), but these are the ideas I have now based on the qualifications of being needed to wrangle troublesome souls and/or those souls needing careful consideration. They also have roles in the actual underworld, which is probably where they consciously spend most of their time as their butterflies go about bringing souls to them.
       All the reapers regard eachother warmly, as being an eternity old makes it hard to keep grudges, and they see eachother sort of as friends or coworkers. Unlike Heart Matter and a lot of other creatures in the universe, they don’t have a burning need for deep attachment and they spend lots of time completely solitary from eachother. They sometimes have small rivalries and running gags though. A big one is how Morpho had been looking forward to claiming Galacta Knight’s soul for most of the warrior’s life in order to punish his hubris, but once he got sealed outside of space-time that became rather impossible - much to Morpho’s despair and the others’ amusement.        The reapers are also completely sexless, and regard themselves as genderless. They just pick up whatever mannerisms or characteristics they feel suits their niche, like Morpho adopting warrior-like traits that could be read as masculine, and Shepard adopting caring and nurturing traits that can be read as feminine. They mostly refer to eachother by name or maybe as “it”, but adopt the pronouns of any peoples or mythologies who regard them as well. To a patriarchal culture the King reaper would be thought of as a man inherently, but to cultures like the Ripple Star fairies who are matriarchal they’d refer to it as a ‘she’.        Most cultures across the Kirby universe pick up on the connection between the butterflies and death, but interpret them in different ways. Some base their versions of them on accounts of their true forms, and some make up characteristics from scratch. The ancient Halcandrans were very familiar with accounts of Morpho and the Artisan as a culture who valued both valor and ingenuity. The fairies of Ripple Star are most familiar with the Shepard as a species of children, and the King who comes to take their queen. Some cultures like the Jamba whom are very absorbed in their own beliefs actually attribute others, such as Astral Void, to ferrying the dead. Which surprisingly holds a tiny nugget of truth as the reapers are spawn of it.
       And speaking of Astral Void, the reapers do tend to pay extra close attention to their fellow voidspawn cousins. Morpho watched Galacta very carefully from a young age, knowing that he would be a truly great warrior but blinded by ego. He did try to scare the guy into not developing a god-complex, but Galacta was stubborn and only saw death’s warnings as challenges. Ever since then he’s watched Meta and Kirby very carefully, and is actually a big fan of Kirby due to him quickly becoming such a humble, merciful boy. Zero created a similar problem for King, and it waited very very patiently for his unimaginably long reign as the god-king of dark matter to be ended by everyone’s favorite pink ball of peace.        They’re not able to communicate directly with other beings, only with their souls, which isn’t very easy to reach in life. Even when appearing as Morpho did in KSA and KatFL, it wasn’t able to talk to others, but it could finally talk to Galacta’s soul in it’s head. The only way they can make appearances like Morpho did to the living and healthy is by using a dead or dying soul, and to those in that state already they can appear like that when casting judgement. They can also control souls of the dead as ghosts to do their bidding and send messages too. But that’s fun stuff for my HC writing. I’ve rambled on long enough.
TL;DR - Morpho is the Knight of Hades, and I thought up a King, Shepard, and Artisan of Hades who have their own niches of souls to guide and judge. They’re genderless, solitary, hyper-dimensional shadow people who are interpreted across the cosmos as different pantheons of death gods. They’re cool with eachother and even look out for their fleshling void-kin, but don’t interact with mortals outside of death matters. Morpho is an exception with it’s shenanigans cause Gala and Forgo cause hard times.
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finally finished this monstrosity. for now
behold, my best attempts to unify Dante's Divine Comedy, Helluva Boss/Hazbin Hotel canon and a few myths
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wolfythewitch · 1 month
Sorry if this is an odd question but I am also a Christian and I personally could never draw Jesus the way you do (as a Hades character, with minecraft sheep, etc) cause I personally would see that as disrespectful.
I do not mean offense by this and I genuinely don't know how to better word this question, but why are you okay with portraying Jesus this way?
Again, I don't mean any harm, I am just genuinely super duper curious
I don't really see anything inherently disrespectful about drawing Jesus in the hades art style, since it's an art style I really like. Most people who draw characters in the art style don't do it with the intent to fully integrate him into the hades canon/lore (though christianity and the hellenistic world do have very interesting ties, but that's a discussion for someone more well versed in that) and jesus with a minecraft sheep doesn't really incite any negative connotations either. It's a minecraft sheep. Because I used to come from mcyt and minecraft is still one of my favorite games.
Not fully sure what you mean by portraying him that way since the only link I guess is the more light hearted tone, and the video games inspos? Which I personally think is fine. His imagery is more normalized where I'm from so that might be why. I constantly see Jesus painted on jeeps next to marvel heroes and lebron, I see Jesus on a little postcard in a tricycle, I see him on murals painted on walls outside, he's on a cross in every classroom I enter. I guess where I'm from seeing him everywhere is just another form of worship. He's familiar to me. That's my friend Jesus Christ
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estcaligo · 17 days
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Nobody: Me at 3 AM: Glorious Masquerade represents the confrontation between polytheistic and monotheistic worldviews
Or "The Big Three of Olympus vs One Christian God" in the Glorious Masquerade event
Content Warning: Greek Mythology, religion, Christianity, Glorious Masquerade event spoilers
Note: I talk about things in this post from a researcher's point of view, in a descriptive and comparative manner mostly. Just some observations.
I've already discussed a similar concept before - Idia, Jade, and Sebek representing Hades, Poseidon, and Zeus, the "Big Three" in Greek mythology, the most powerful and important gods of Olympus - during the Harveston event. See the post here.
However, in the Glorious Masquerade, the situation becomes even more peculiar because the SSR characters are dorm leaders - those who are in charge. And then there's Rollo, who is twisted from Frollo.
Note: I will consider all sources of inspiration for Rollo, including the book and the musical, which were confirmed by Yana herself to be inspirations for Rollo.
What? Why? Who?
3 vs 1. The Big Three of Greek Pantheon vs The One God, who embodies 3 in 1 - the Father, the Son and the Spirit.
The Big Three are the three most powerful gods among the Olympians - Zeus, Poseidon and Hades.
Zeus commands the sky, lightning, kingship and summon any weather conditions.
Poseidon manipulates water, storms and earthquakes.
Hades has dominion over the dead and undead, darkness, earth-related disasters, and metals and jewels.
*By the way, lightning was considered just Zeus throwing a temper tantrum, and what happened when Malleus got angry? Right, he started throwing  lightnings left and right.
And now we have Rollo. Twisted from Frollo, who, as we know was a religious man (especially in the book where he is a priest, not a minister).
And despite there being other characters, such as vice-president and the assistant, they aren't "real" or “important” characters like Rollo.
So we can say there is only one (1) main character in this event.
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2. 7 Dorm Leaders vs 1 Head of the Council
As is well known, Ancient Greek mythology features many major gods, each controlling different aspects of life (or representing them, or serving as patrons). This makes Ancient Greek religion a polytheistic system - meaning it has multiple gods - akin to the Great Seven and the dorm system at NRC.
The Dorm Leader Council functions much like a small pantheon. Not to mention NRC is located on upper hills, which resembles a mountain (Olympus) if we look at the landscape of the Sage Island.
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On the other hand, Christianity only has one God, making it monotheistic religion. There are multiple saints in Christianity, who are patrons of different aspects of life, however it is important to note that these saints do not control - they are more like the intercessors between man and God.
Even the NBC itself is focused on one Villain and has one statue in the yard, not the 7 (the "pantheon" of NRC). And NBC itself doesn't have Dorm system like NRC.
3. Oral vs Written
Greek religious tradition is primarily oral, with legends and stories passed down through generations by word of mouth.
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In contrast, Christianity is predominantly a written religion, where the written canon holds great importance.
How is it important here?
Well, in this event specifically the NRC guys spend their time walking around and commenting on things. We learn some of their lore and thoughts on various topics through dialogue. Even Professor Trein reveals his past verbally telling about it. Naturally, it’s a game mechanism. But since we’re talking about such details….
On the other hand, the most important part of Rollo lore is found by the Big Three in written form - Rollo’s diary.  It's also noted how Rollo prefers writing above all else. He writes in his diary, sends letters, and drafts invitations. While this may not apply to the NBC in general, since we're focusing on Rollo, this detail is worth considering as well.
4. Our guys vs That One
Another difference between the two religions is that the Greek gods had flaws that made them more similar to humans. They had tempers and they often held grudges. This made the followers of the religion not want to be like them but, instead learn from them and their shortcomings, frequently through fear. 
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In contrast to the flawed gods of Greek mythology, Jesus is portrayed as a man who is to be aspired to, more so than the Greek portrayal of a god; who the audience learns from (imitating in a way), rather than obeys.
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Our NRC boys are someone we know and who we’re familiar with. We know their struggles and fears, their dark past. Even the guys in charge of each dorm - the Dorm Leaders - are not so distant from the regular students. Well, more of less.
Whereas Rollo is described by all the characters we’ve met at NBC (and even from his vignette) as someone who is amazing, excellent, wonderful and so…exemplementry. Rollo, at the same time, distances himself from everyone.
5. Vertical vs Horizontal
A small but interesting observation is that many monotheistic religions, including Christianity, often have a “vertical mindset” - symbolizing a relationship between the human and God.
In Christian cosmology, we often imagine a vertical world structure: Hell at the bottom, the human realm in the middle, and Heaven above.
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In this event, we also experience vertical movement when things get serious. Initially, when it's peaceful and fun, we mostly walk around the town (mostly horizontal, not including the lower parts).
However, when the action begins, Rollo first sends us downward into the sewers. From there, we start moving upward. The ascent of the tower is highly symbolic, as we are literally ascending towards the sky where Rollo awaits us (with his “judgment”)
 6. Masks
The whole masquerade theme is, of course, a nod to the cartoon and part of the game feature to get the characters to dress up.
But let’s remember that in Ancient Greece, masks played a significant role in theater, particularly in tragedies and comedies (twst features elements of both). In general, it is known that masks represent hidden nature, transformation, and more. 
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Interestingly, only our NRC squad wears masks and costumes. We even encountered some Royal Sword Academy students, but they were not given costumes (again, a game feature, but still noteworthy).
On the other hand, there's Rollo, who isn't wearing a mask or even a costume. He doesn’t need to. He is who he is, with no need to transform into something else, as he represents the One, in our comparison here. 
What's even more interesting is that, despite not wearing a physical mask, Rollo is the one with ulterior motives in this event, and we only learn his true face later on. He metaphorically takes the mask off, even though he never wore one in the literal sense.
7. Catholic Guilt
The last but not least - Rollo's punishment, which, perhaps is the most fitting and cruel outcome for him. Rollo, after being defeated, expects harsh punishment because he is ruthless with himself and assumes others will treat him the same way. He failed and he expects to be punished. However our Big Three surprise him by concealing the truth and allowing others (the NBC mobs were the first to thank him for his bravery at the tower) to believe that Rollo was a hero. This situation forces Rollo into a state of internal torment, where he must live with the guilt of his actions while being praised for something he didn't truly do.
Rollo's punishment is psychological, forcing him to confront his guilt and shame in isolation. They choose leave him one on one with his Sin.
On the contrast, in Ancient Greek mythology punishments were often cruel and involved physical pain. One of the most popular example would be of course the myth about Prometheus, which, by the way involved Zeus.
And the way Big Three dealt with Rollo was truly cruel in its own way.
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(from an interesting article about Greek Gods and punishment - here)
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I left out some obvious notes like Malleus having horns, Rollo hating on magic etc.
Naturally, there may be other details I haven’t mentioned, so feel free to add any additional insights!
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ahllohehn · 4 months
Hello!! I was wondering if the big 3 were allowed to have children in your pjo au? I just found out about it and I'm very unwell/pos
Uh, I want to answer everything creatively so, here! Lore of my own below! (Again, can be considered not canon, if wanted. This is just my own stuff!)
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An excerpt from the Camp Oracle's Journal:
"I had the honor of meeting one of the only Big Three kids in camp during my 3rd week as the oracle. He looked a little intimidating, or maybe I just thought he was intimidating because everyone spoke so highly of him like the ground he walks on needed to be worshipped--
But as soon as I got an actual conversation with him, he seems.... actually not like a bloodthirsty monster? I mean, hearing 'son of Hades' I would've assumed I'd be smacked in the face with some teenage angst and daddy issues, but all I got was some fossil who exclaims 'oh snappers!' like it's a game character voiceline.
I challenged him to a spar because, you know, I thought he'd show his true colors in battle or something! And if I fainted mid-sparring because of my curiosity, then at least my curiosity was sated?
But nope, still the same fossil who giggles even when he gets beat down by a mortal child way shorter than him.
I didn't know if he was just making it easier for me, but his humbleness really made me feel like I was on top of the world, so I just took it as is. It was fun.
I eventually asked X why everyone speaks of Etho like he's a god despite him being... well, as he is, and of course- he laughed at me.
Apparently there was an agreed ban on Big Three kids years ago, but was eventually voided because of Etho's existence. Obviously I asked how that came to be and all X said, in an ominous way, 'Because he's Etho.'
Gatekeeper :p
Anyway, apparently I just challenged and beat up the same man who may or may not have done some big heroic thing to make the gods scared enough to void a divine agreement between the Big Three.
Should I be scared? Probably not, haha.
Even if he was quite the big deal back then, you will not find me trembling in front of a guy that giggles like a schoolgirl whenever Joel visits."
about au au tag discord
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elvishdemigod · 4 months
Happy Pride to all those black-haired canonically queer characters! Gotta be one of my favorite genders! (I couldn't find art of just Johann, and no art of Miles as far as I could find)
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From Left to Right, Top to Bottom:
Nico di Angelo (Gay) [PJO, HoA, ToA, & TS&TS]
Marceline Abadeer (Bisexual) [Adventure Time]
Marshall Lee vampire & Marshall Lee human (Bisexual) [Adventure Time]
Vanyel Ashkevron (Gay) [The Last Herald-Mage series]
Lysander (Gay) [Silk & Steel series]
Johann (Gay? I think?) [Monster of Elendhaven]
Princess Dennaleia (Lesbian) [Of Fire & Stars duology]
Miles Yoon (Gay) [Lore]
Alec Lightwood (Gay) [Mortal Instruments series]
Magnus Bane (Bisexual) [Mortal Instruments series]
Valentine (Gay) and Spelldon (Bisexual) [Monster High]
Piper Wright (Bisexual) [Fallout 4] (Yes, she counts, since she's romancable by both player genders, and I think made a mention of dating a girl once?)
Zagreus (Bisexual) [Hades game]
Bonus: David Williams (Bisexual [Fallout 4 oc]
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mintytealfox · 5 months
Hi! I'm super new to IDV and keep seeing a lot of art (official and fan) with Fools Gold and Alice! I love it all, but I was wondering is there a canon or fanon reason for their connection, or is it just a ship that developed based on their personalities? :)
EEYYYYYY~ I would LOVE for nortalice to be canon but I will be shocked if they make any coupling canon outside of psychologist (Ada Mesmer) and patient (Emil) and if they throw in Geisha's husbando and AKA mostly those who were already coupled before the manor games~
But I personally think there is potential there~ the Da Capo game (the one they are concentrating on in the main story) heavily leans on the Greek Lore of Orpheus and Eurydice~ with the cast consisting of The confirmed roles are these two: Orpheus: Novelist Eurydice: Alice/Journalist then the potential roles are as follows: Hades: Norton/Prospector/Fool's Gold Persephone: Melly/Entomologist not sure where Frederick goes, he will probably throw a wrench into this entire thing LOL
EDIT: So technically Melly and Norton could fall for each other cause of Hades and Persephone (I wouldn't be opposed to that either honestly cause that ship is my second love LOL I don't necessarily see them as romantic but I wouldn't be upset if they got together cause of the hades and persephone thing. plus whenever they are in anything together they are constantly memeing on the other and trying to get ahead at the cost of the other loool so I think they meme on each other a little too much for things to get romantical lol but who knows they could prove me wrong one day)
but I love em cause of their personalities and I feel like they would balance each other pretty well~
for example, Alice with her OCD would be calmed by Norton's matter of fact and 'it will be fine just work hard' view on things. ((that is what helps me with my OCD anyways lol is someone I trust taking my hands and saying its fine) I have an entire post about hand movements and I went into how Norton's movements are quick and precises and deliberate and Alice would need that for grounding 👀 While Norton needs a gentle touch cause that would be so unfamiliar to him that it would make him stop in his tracks I think~)) ANYWAY OFF TOPIC
Then vice versa with Norton and his gloom view on the world and Alice comes in with optimism and cheery-ness lol. She will protect her lil grumpy people LOL
Alice 👇 Norton👇
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So I guess to answer your question, its definitely on their personalities and completely based on potential~ The potential and nuance is there with what we know about them so far and there is the hope that Norton will turncoat in the story, with Melly convincing him to help her save Alice 👏👏 I just like adding the little bit of spice of 'you two get together and heal together okay' I feel like they would balance each other out well~
Norton needing that softness and Alice needing that wall to lean on. And I think they would work so well together~
I hope I somewhat answered your question, I feel like I was all over the place LOL my baaaad
also I have no idea why they keep having Alice looking so down bad for Fool's Gold 🤣🤣🤣🤣BUT I LOVE IT SO DARN MUUCCHH LOOOOL (and added to the fuel for this raging fire that is my love for Nortalice)👏👏👏🤌🤌🤌🤌💞💞💞but it has me LAUGHING at the fact that on hallucinogens drugs she STILL sees Norton as a knock out BABE -WHEEEZZEEE-
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pepsiiwho · 4 months
I've been re-listening to Brandy's Cinderella and I am, unfortunately, incredibly weak for the Cinderella story now that I'm older and done being an edgy teenager at all times. Now that I am an adult who is drinking and mildly tipsy, I can combine my favorite current thing (HADES 2) with my favorite princess trope right now (CINDERLLA)
So theres the Hypnos version and the Melione version. Honestly, I'm a bit more taken by the Mel version right now because reverse love stories just move me horribly. So that'll be the focus.
WaxWitch under the cut, no spoilers for Hades 2 other than characters who appear and possible canon interactions compared to this au. Long post WOOP WOOP...
So obviously Cinderella in this au is Icarus and The Prince, now Princess, is Melione. Icarus wouldn't really be the step child under the wicked step mother but just because I'm iffy on the actual lore of the myth and his canon relationship with his father during life in the game, I'll be taking to liberty to say it wasn't great and he very desperately wants to get out of his house and 'spread his wings', so to speak (crowd loudly cheers because I said the thing).
Anyway so similar to the plot of the film, Melione is the princess and daughter of the king and queen. This could be a simple, "Mom, Dad and Brother are back and life is good" set up or "Mel is all that's left of the royal line with her tutor/ god parent turned Adoptive mother as queen" either works, doesn't reeally make a difference. whatever,
So they meet in the main square and Melione is instantly taken by the tinkering boy who dropped his basket of apples or whatever he was doing. They get to talking and eventually one of them has to go but they promise to meet again.
So they do. Again and again and again. For years they continue meeting once a week, every week, regardless of everything else. Melione finds someone soft and kind, someone with a mind that never stops moving and expects nothing from her in terms of revenge or strength. She finds someone painfully mundane and it's refreshing, at first, to be around someone so simple. As they grow together she wishes her dearest Icarus could have more, could have everything this world has to offer. Everything he deserves and more.
Icarus is instantly in love with her. First because the pretty young princess is talking to his pitiful self, both of them the tender age of 15 with nothing to show for it but difficult personalities and a need to prove something, but his love for her just grows and grows with each passing day. He pushes himself to create more and more to amuse Melione with little bobbles and simple wooden figures, then to help Melione ease the day to day humdrum of her classes with paper weights and dynamic knife sheathes, then to aid with her trainings then to help rest her mind. He loves how she laughs and how humble she is even though she of all people need not be humble. How she insists on cleanliness and everything being in its rightful place. How she's such an ass about gardening and how specific soil must be and how seeds are placed. She has a mole on her wrist and she always blushes and groans when her aid called her 'minnow'. How she would have these moments of contemplation, of grief and mourning for a family she never knew. Everything about her entranced him and it somehow just got worse with each years they knew each other. And with that longing came the gap between them widening. Eventually her royal training lessons began, to prepare her to take the throne one day, and that only solidified the distance between them. Maybe that's why things went wrong.
Shit hit the fan during their last day together. He flew too close to the sun with one project, inviting on strengthening himself with her help. Maybe he knew, even then, that he was too weak to be hers. Maybe he was just a headstrong child. Doesn't really matter either way. She got hurt, lost and arm, and he made himself scarce. It was pretty cut and dry (ha) by that point.
A few years later and Melione is at an age to find a consort. Continue the line. No one catches her eye, no one can after the one boy who had her heart left her without even a final goodbye.
So her mother plans a ball to find her a consort. Any and all eligible youth in the kingdom are invited. It's a massive affair. Icarus wasn't going to go, how could he in his ratty ruined inventor's clothes and scorned name. Why, the guards would probably pierce him dead the moment he walked up to the steps of the palace. Rightfully so, of course, but he can't shake this feeling that he needs to go. To see her again.
That's when his fairy god mother appears, [I am not at all picky about who, I think Aphrodite because LOVE idk, but anything works] and she convinces him to go even though he thought it was impossible. He's dressed to the nines, perfectly clean and gorgeous. He barely recognizes himself without the grease one his clothes and bags under his eyes. He rides a wax carriage, and is warned that by 12 everything made for him will melt, leaving him bare, wanting and painfully himself. He sets off at once.
Somehow, Melione doesn't either. A few years and a change of clothes does a lot clearly. But the moment they lock eyes as he comes down the stairs, clad in blue and glass slippers she's entranced. They dance and dance and almost struggle to share words because they're too busy basking in each other's company. It's just so easy. Melione hasn't felt ease like this since... well.
After hours together they escape to the garden, to enraptured with the other to allow another suitor to steal a glance, let alone a dance. They begin talking about their lives and what they want from this ball, and they get close as they speak in hushed whispers between them. Eventually the moment gets too tender, too sweet and they kiss, lulled into each other. Its heavenly.
But, it's late. Too late, even. Icarus can't bare to say who he is and Melione can't bare to let him go. Time, unfortunately, cares for neither. With a final kiss Icarus leaves and Melione is left watching as he runs away, leaving nothing but a single shoe on the steps...
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mariequitecontrary · 2 months
2024 TF Reverse Mini Bang Memories Part 1
With the @tf-bigbang discord server closing today, I thought I'd share just a few of my favorite memories during my first community fandom event :)
Not to be dramatic, but this event changed the trajectory of my part in the transformers community for the better. It felt like I was at a 4 month long summer camp! I had so much fun talking to everyone and making so many precious, precious friends that I truly hope to stay in touch with.
So buckle in and grab some boba or your preferred drink of choice, because this is going to be long and sentimental.
A Welcoming Start
I joined at the beginning of April, due to someone reposting the Big Bang's twitter post about how writers were still welcome to join. I thought, "Only 5k word requirement over the course of a few months? Yeah sure. I can do that." Little did I know I'd actually committed to writing a fic almost 5 times that length
The vibes in the discord server started out with a bang (heh). Everyone was immediately kind and welcoming to one another. It was an immediate safe space to be excited, let loose and show our freak XD I loved how ferally affectionate we were with bringing new friends into the fold.
A sketch by @nepetacataria-art perfectly shows this I think XD
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The Support and Love Shared
The sheer amount of love, comradery, and support shared with one another was astounding. Almost 200 writers and artists shared tips and tricks and offered advice and encouragement to each other! It was unreal and I learned so much. It truly encouraged me to improve in my craft and even inspired me to want to learn how to draw again!
Oh, and the RECS everyone shared!!! Everyone shared so many fics and art pieces that I am now obsessed with! I have been blessed with a LOT of quality, amazing content that I never would have seen otherwise! My tbr list grew from large to neverending haha <3
Teasing the Artists Before Match Ups
I'm ngl, I had WAY too much fun once the sketches were released to the writers and the secret-authors-corner channel was made. We all OBSESSED over all of the art and fangirled over each one! But we also talked, and talked, and talked. And dropping out of context messages into the public channels for the artists to see was too much fun!
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Talking Transformers
IT WAS THE BEST THING EVEERRRRRR!!!!! WOWOWOWOWOW! I loved raving about characters and lore, both canon and fanon! Even when I wasn't a part of the conversation, just lurking and reading what people talked about whether it was AUs, comics, shows, character breakdowns, brainstorming ideas...it was all so cool and so fun. Everyone is so creative and thinking about the sheer amount of fun we all had makes me tear up.
Like, SO MANY plot bunnies were made with everyone! Myself included! Sometimes people would just say a random ass thing and then five others would hop on, riffing against each other and developing that little idea into something concrete and so so JUICY.
Two out of many MANY conversations that I personally loved were the video games x transformers ideas and talking tentacles and transformers in the nsfw channel XD
Writers Panicking, As We Do
It was all in fun, but it was very entertaining and validating to be in a space where we can all stress about our writing, our fics, and approaching deadlines.
The mods clearly enjoyed adding endless fuel to the fire and (lovingly) watched us all scream and run around in a fiery chaotic panic over every little thing.
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I didn't get to join many, but it was always so cool watching artists draw! I also had a lot of fun streaming Hades 2 with a few friends with it was first released :)
Team 0 - A King Julien Starscream Fic
It all started when Writer's Choice Period began...and the example inspired many of us writers to obsess over this...I'll let the screenshots tell you XD
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A King Julien Starscream fic just WORKS and you can't tell me otherwise! @mendely's sketch REALLY sold it to me as a thing that's GOTTA happen.
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Madagascar AU FTW
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@useless19's king julienscream puppet owns my soul and their little vid is possibly the finest piece of silent cinema I've ever watched in my entire life. I was ENRAPTURED.
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@sxpaiscia's art KILLS ME. PUTS MY HEART IN A CHOKEHOLD. Julienscream lives in my head rent free and 50% of it is imagined with their art in mind.
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The sad end to the story is...the Team 0's fic wasn't completed within the time requirements to be posted with the rest of the Mini Bang's fics :( Do we still plan on continuing and finishing it? HELL YEAH WE ARE!
To Be Continued...
Did you know that there is a limit to the amount of images you can share in one post? SMH.
Link to Part 2!
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polskasroka · 2 months
Tell Me a Story, Odysseus!
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Hades (Supergiant Games Video Games) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Melinoë & Odysseus (Hades Video Game) Characters: Melinoë (Hades Video Game), Odysseus (Hades Video Game) Additional Tags: Pre-Canon, Written During Hades II (Supergiant Video Game) Early Access, Fluff, Found Family, Father-Daughter Relationship, Father Figures, basically a very wholesome fic, inspired by that in-game flashback sequence, little mel must be protected at all costs, References to Ancient Greek Religion & Lore Word count: 1,569 Summary:
“Am I boring you with these, little Goddess?” Odysseus asks, amused.
“It’s no fun if I can’t see it all myself. Let’s do something fun.”
“I’m open to suggestions.”
“Tell me a story, Odysseus!”
Read on AO3 or below!
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Working on yet another strategy against their enemy, Odysseus is staying up late once again. The whole Crossroads have long gone quiet, only some occasional crickets or frogs can be heard, rustling among the grasses or bushes. Sometimes the waters of the Cocytus ripple in the distance too but apart from that, nothing disturbs the peaceful silence-non silence of the woods.
That is until there’s something like a whimper echoing among the trees and Hecate’s big cauldron. It draws Odysseus’ attention away from the plans spread over the table for a moment, in which he’s trying to assess where the sound came from. However, since the noise doesn’t repeat, he shrugs and returns to the scrolls before him.
Not for long, though.
The next thing he hears is a panicked shriek that certainly originates from Melinoë’s tent.
Without hesitation, Odysseus abandons the paper he’s just held in his hands and strides to the front of the tent and stops before its closed flaps. Usually, he’d knock first but there’s nothing to knock at, so he puts his hand back down after reaching it up. He thinks for a second and then just decides to ask.
“Little Goddess, are you alright in there?”
He flinches only a tiny bit when the flaps flutter and little Melinoë is clinging onto his leg. His eyes full of sympathy, he looks down at her and pets her hair to soothe her, feeling her press herself even closer to his side.
“What’s going on?” he wonders in a hushed tone.
“Odysseus, that tall and dark figure is there again!” Melinoë squeals, her eyes tightly closed.
“Where? Tell me, so I can go and show them who this tent belongs to.”
“No! You can’t go there! He’s scary and… and…!”
“Ah! He won’t scare me, little Goddess! Your tactician here is too old to be scared by some…”
“No, please!”
Well, he’s not going to go anywhere while Melinoë’s basically glued to him. The poor girl is shivering and sniffling and Odysseus doesn’t have the heart to disobey her and terrify her even more. Even a quick peek inside can’t happen, so the tactician has to change his tactics.
Thus, he doesn’t even make a move towards the tent. Instead, he somehow manages to crouch down, so that he can now have the goddess stand in front of him. She’s all downcast, looking at the ground and rubbing at her teary eyes and the sight hurts Odysseus.
He takes her small hands in his to prevent her from irritating her glassy eyes further. Stroking Melinoë’s knuckles with his thumbs, he makes her lock her eyes with his. They’re sad and tired but Odysseus is going to change that. That little goddess will not go back to sleep all frightened and upset.
“Come with me and we’ll spend some time away from that horrible man that keeps you awake at night, what do you say?” Odysseus offers, his tone nothing but uplifting.
“But it’s past my bedtime! Hecate won’t be happy!”
“It’s past mine too, little Goddess! The Witch doesn’t have to know.”
He winks to the goddess and her face lights up immediately. Joy reappears in Melinoë’s mismatched eyes and she smiles while some stray tears remain on her cheeks. Odysseus promptly wipes them away and stands up, smirking to himself at the little mischief he’s just come up with.
Melinoë turns around and starts heading towards the tactician’s post but she hasn’t taken more than five steps before she’s snatched by Odysseus, lifted up and given a piggyback ride. She screeches and then presses her hand against her mouth not to wake up the entire Crossroads as she’s enjoying the ride to Odysseus’ trusty desk, giggling in the meantime.
His heart’s growing at Melinoë’s happy noises and the wide smile on her face as he sits her on the table is priceless. She scoots a bit to let him make more room for her as he’s collecting the most interesting maps of Erebus that he wants to show her.
“Can I go there yet?” she asks after studying the current map of the forest for the last couple of minutes.
“I’m afraid not.”
“Can I go there if you come with me, then?”
Melinoë looks at Odysseus with her big, hopeful eyes but he has to disagree once more.
“That’s unfair!” she huffs, folding her arms over her chest.
“One day, when you’re big enough, you’ll be able to go there all on your own. Isn’t that worth the wait?” Odysseus challenges back, quirking an eyebrow up.
“All I do is wait and wait… I want to see more of Erebus, Odysseus! There must be so many new spots to hide. Just imagine playing hide and seek there!”
Melinoë muses silently for a bit and then says, “can you talk to Hecate, Odysseus? Ask her to take us there?”
“I can try, little Goddess, but I am not promising anything. That alright?”
“Yes! Thanks! You’re the best!”
Melinoë listens to Odysseus explain all the hidden forest paths that he has been discovering and dutifully copying onto the scrolls but the young goddess she is, she starts to get bored soon. But she’s also polite, so she hides it for as long as she can. Her patience has its limits, though, and while she thinks that she’s been focused on Odysseus rambling about all these drawings for hours now, it’s been only a quarter of an hour.
So, at one point, Melinoë yawns. Politely, of course.
“Am I boring you with these, little Goddess?” Odysseus asks, amused.
“It’s no fun if I can’t see it all myself. Let’s do something fun.”
“I’m open to suggestions.”
“Tell me a story, Odysseus!”
“A story, aye?” He leans his hands against the edge of the table and squints at Melinoë. “Which story?”
“About you and your friend sneaking up on the bad men and stealing their horses!”
Odysseus smiles at the fond memory that happens to be the goddess’ choice for today’s second bedtime story.
“We stole a chariot too but let me start from the beginning…”
He sits on top of the table and Melinoë takes her spot right next to him. She leans her head against his arm and sighs deeply, relaxing as she tunes into Odysseus’ flowery and winged words.
As always, he really gets into the spirit of the days long gone, both to keep himself awake and to entertain Melinoë as best as he can. She is indeed amused but sleep’s more powerful than the young goddess and it begins to embrace her sooner than she’d like. Obviously, Melinoë’s doing all she can to resist it but her eyelids grow far too heavy to keep fending the sleep off.
It’s not the first time that Melinoë nearly dozes off while listening to one of Odysseus’ stories about his mortal life. It’s actually happened so many times, that he knows precisely when to end his monologue and call it a day. But before he does that, he takes off his cloak and wraps it around Melinoë, so that she doesn’t get cold on the way to her sleeping mat.
Careful not to let the goddess fall off the edge of the desk, he keeps an eye on her while hopping off of it himself and then scoops her into his arms to carry her back to her tent. She cuddles into him, visibly content to be enveloped in Odysseus’ huge cloak.
“Will you steal a chariot for me too, Odysseus?” she mumbles sleepily.
“I’ll steal as many of them as you ask of me, little Goddess,” he answers softly, quietly. He’s also tired by now.
“And build me a wooden horse?”
“Aye. Just let me gather some wood for that.”
By the time they’ve entered Melinoë’s tent, she’s fast asleep and seemingly nothing can rouse her from this blissful state. Odysseus still won’t risk it and lets her keep his cloak for the rest of the night (or day) as he puts her on her sleeping mat all gently.
So much for not waking her up, though.
Just as he’s about to get up and out of the tent, Melinoë reaches out her hand and grabs one of his fingers.
“Don’t go, Od…” she mutters, barely opening her weary eyes.
Her tiny voice grips Odysseus’ by his heart. Can he say no to her? Can he say no to the Princess of the Dead who clearly doesn’t want to stay there in her tent, all alone, vulnerable to nightmares and tall, dark figures disturbing her rest?
“Your wish is my command, little Goddess.”
She snuggles up first to the cloak she’s got around herself and then to Odysseus who makes himself comfortable next to her, on the blankets that cover the ground beneath. Melinoë lets out a satisfied exhale and falls asleep in no time. Odysseus soon follows.
During their sleep, Melinoë manages to climb or roll onto Odysseus chest. Feeling the weird weight pressing against him, he wakes up to check what or who is blocking his lungs which haven’t been even working for years now, probably. Yet, the phantom reflexes have never left his body.
Odysseus sniggers under his breath upon seeing the culprit. He couldn’t be less bothered by it, so he wraps one arm around the slumbering goddess in order to prevent her from falling back onto the ground.
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mocha-writes · 2 months
Tagged by @rlainarin to do this tag game
Three Ships:
Strahd von Zarovich/Patrina Velikovna (Ravenloft/Curse of Strahd): I admit they’re both close to—if not already at—the point of being original characters with the departures I’ve taken from canon when constructing my own lore for a potential CoS campaign, but I have been thinking about them for years (the guy who tagged me in this can confirm it). Every day I grow closer to the rewrite where the love story at the center of Ravenloft’s formation was theirs instead and they’re co-Darklords of Barovia.
Lestat de Lioncourt/Nicolas de Lenfent (The Vampire Chronicles): I just love how deep, meaningful, and ultimately terrible their relationship seemed in The Vampire Lestat. It’s such an inversion of the tropes I usually see associated with romance between childhood friends. The contrasts between them and their equally fierce emotions compel me, even though I know their story ends suddenly and tragically. (It also adds interesting layers to Lestat’s eventual relationship with Louis)
Orpheus/Eurydice (Hadestown): It feels a bit weird highlighting the musical rather than the myth it’s based on but anyway, I really love Hadestown Orpheus and Eurydice because of their contrasts and how they share each other’s worldviews (though in different ways) by the end, and how despite everything—despite reconciling Hades and Persephone and giving the world back its seasons—everything still ends bittersweetly.
First Ship: I’m pretty sure it was Erik/Christine from The Phantom of the Opera musical. I hadn’t even seen the 2004 movie or the stage version as a kid, but I squeezed everything I could out of (I think) Wikipedia and DeviantArt lists (the kind where one drew responses to prompts) about the film version and made things up in my own head. The memory that’s coming to mind is of gender-flipping them and trying to write my own play with that premise. Now, I personally prefer Raoul/Christine, but they still have a place in my heart, particularly the 1989 movie’s versions of them.
Last Movie: Hairspray (2007)
Last Song: “The New Girl in Town” (stuck in my head thanks to the aforementioned movie)
Currently Reading: The Vampire Lestat. It’s been slow-going with this one because Life but I have around 200 pages left. It’s made me appreciate Lestat even more, though I don’t necessarily believe everything he says.
Currently Watching: Not engaged with any TV series at the moment
Currently Eating: I had popcorn for a snack a while ago
Currently Craving: Stability, that setting up my new PC will go well, that I can play video games again and introduce my fictional people to my friends and their fictional people… I miss having the drive for OC asks and writing prompts. I’d like to get back into those somehow
This was originally titled something like “tag 9 people you want to get to know better,” but I struggle with thinking of people for these things… Tagging @perkeleen-lavellan , @hurl-a-can , @whenyoulosesmallmind and @darkspawntaxcollectors . There’s no obligation, as always, this was just fun and I thought I’d share. If you want to do this but weren’t tagged, do it anyway; let me enable you.
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ryebread-x · 3 months
I noticed a discussion started by @bugwolfsstuff about Lore Olympus and Loki Lord of Chaos(two webcomics I don't particularly like as well due to both being pretty poor portrayals of Norse and Greek mythology). However, there is one webtoon comic I want to talk about in a more positive light, but I felt it would be off-topic, so I'm going to make a separate post for it.
That comic is Mythos Redone by Gonzalez and Liss . Unlike the other two comics, it focuses on all the pantheons (though mainly Greek,Norse,and Egyptian). While it isn't completely accurate to the actual myths, it's made clear by the title that the comic isn't going to be a complete accurate portrayal.
The comic follows an artist named Paige, and a demon named Anthemion who makes a deal with her to give her powers in exchange for her emotions so she can make art.They then slowly start to catch feelings for eachother. Making the main couple two original characters who are connected to the gods rather than it being an actual couple from mythology. Which I like because then their personalities feel more original because they are their own characters . Opposed to taking a mythological couple doing a complete personality switch with them(which is fine on it's own but it's excuted poorly most of the time).
This comic is also one of the only versions of Hades and Persephone I like(and that's saying a lot because I don't like a lot of adaptations of Hades and Persephone). While they still are romantic in the comic, Demeter for once isn't portrayed as overbearing or controlling. All the myths are mostly being retold from Anthemion point of view as well. Demeter is portrayed as just being worried for her kids rather than overbearing.
I like how the relationships are portrayed in this as well. Some of them are non canonical to the myths such as Nyx and Gaia, who are Anthemion's moms. While Aphrodite and Hephaestus are portrayed as more health in this comic, they aren't end game but stay on good terms.
Anthemion also got with a few of the gods from different pantheons before meeting Paige as well.
However, there is one downside to this comic being while Loki is in this comic, and major side character, he isn't with Sigyn. He's with a completely different figure from mythology. However, I did see in the comments that it was confirmed by one of the creators that Loki and Sigyn were together, but they got divorced. Whether on good terms or not is unclear, but she isn't completely erased from the comic as far as I know. Updates are pretty slow, but art takes time, and she could possibly appear in a flashback since Norse mythology hasn't really been covered yet.
That one downside aside, it's still a pretty good read . The art style is beautiful, and the designs are well done as well. It also has its own original story while still including the myths and the gods as somewhat side characters/stories. Again, I don't want to spoil too much, but it's a good webcomic, none the less.
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millenniumfae · 1 year
Hades Headcanons P.2: Life In The Underworld
As we know, death is cheap to every denizen of the realm. Including the natural fauna and the human shades. The pain of injuries isn't lessened, but the distress and panic associated with wounds are gone, 'cause there's no more consequences for the body to instinctively react towards. You can imagine mortal injuries to be nothing more than a rush. For Zagreus and his ADHD brain, it's probably one heck of a stim. No wonder he hints at liking pain.
Same with all the bosses you slay, all minor enemies eventually reconvene whole and hearty upon their death. Their respawn point is whatever they'd call their 'home' in the underworld, same with Zagreus and Megara in the House Of Hades. A Lout wakes back up in his cell. A Wavemaker finds themselves back in their (flooded) apartment. If pre-reunion Patroclus was slain, he'd pop back into his glen, but if he and Achilles eventually decide to find proper housing like we see in the distance of Elysium, his respawn point would change. Only administration like Hades himself can override this.
This respawn mechanic applies to the fish, too, 'cause they're natural to the underworld. The head chef cooks a Chlam, and that very Chlam would later respawn in the Lethe. Little known to Zagreus, but he's caught the same Scuffer 20 times in a row. Don't worry, they don't particularly mind.
And speaking of fish and food, sustenance in the underworld function like video game logic, through pure energy rather than as nutrition. Unlike us, who digest food and shit the waste, those gyros directly transfer their calories into an immortal/shade's energy, whether the energy is spent healing wounds or increasing their martial prowess. Zagreus downs a HydroLite Energy Drink and 10% of his wounds heal upon leaving a room. The Ignited Ichor Caffeine Shot make him run faster. But taste buds are still active, so bless Eurydice and her cooking skills.
But all those onions you see? Those aren't natural to the underworld. Or, rather, they're plain ol' onions, growing in the UV-emitting light of Ixion's Wheel. In fact, many underground root or bulb crops can be found naturally growing throughout the underworld, like carrots and turnips, playing to the idea that their bounties grow 'below the earth'. They don't particularly thrive, since there's less natural pollinators, but with Persephone's influence they can be plentiful. These vegetables naturally migrated below the Temple of Styx on their own, and throughout the centuries became part of the flora.
In the lore of Hades (2018), gods like Thanatos, Aphrodite, Nyx, even Chaos- they aren't pure embodiments of their domain. They're also individual people with personalities and obligations. But there's one exception - the Styx itself. Like a blood vein, the Styx endlessly flows through the afterlife and delivers its yoke upon the current. All afterlife rivers spawn from it, and hence its the same river no matter if its the calm and foggy Lethe of blessed, hedonistic Elysium, or the hot and churning Phlegethon of limbo Asphodel. Charon is Like That 'cause he's one step away from being a pure 'embodiment' because of his relationship to the Styx.
Following the artsy symbolism, the devs made Hypnos the first npc you see upon death because he's the god of sleep. The ancient Greeks liked to symbolize Sleep as Death's cousin, or sibling. That's why he has that weird admin job in the House of Hades, rather than his canonical abode up in Elysium.
All the immortals in-game wear leggings, which was unheard of in Classical Greece, whose textiles sucked. Life in the underworld introduces luxuries to shades they've never experienced in life - indoor plumbing, flawless glass and mirrors, clothing finer than anything a mortal king would have had. Hades, is, after all, the richest of the pantheon thanks to his domain including gemstones. A newly-dead shade is relocated to their new condo in Asphodel, and freaks the fuck out about the bed having a mattress stuffed with down, rather than just a blanket covering straw.
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Imma talk about Side Order
Now, I've only got 7 hours of playtime so far so take what I say with a grain of salt, but I've completed 3 palettes in around 7 or 8 total runs.
As someone who loves roguelikes and has played a ton of games in that genre, I do have to note to other roguelike fans that Side Order does very much lean towards being a rougelite. Each time you die, you get Prlz to spend on hacks to improve your base stats, add new features like rerolls, guarantee shops on certain floors, etc.. You don't unlock a whole lot to throw into the color chip pool sadly, which is something I would have have liked to see more of. You can unlock extra ability chips for the Pearl drone, but that's about it. You do unlock new palettes using keys that you get by progressing through the tower with other palettes, which is similar to unlocking weapons in Hades. One neat thing is that each palette has a bias towards certain classes of color chips, but you need a hack to improve this bias.
In terms of gameplay overall, I would describe Side Order as "What if you made Octo Expansion a rougelite and a hoard-shooter." Each floor is a randomly-selected map with one of a handful of objectives. Hoards of enemies will quickly start spawning, and they'll spawn more frequently depending on the floor's difficulty. At times, it did feel like playing singleplayer Salmon Run on Octo Expansion stages. Some floors come with bonus objectives that give you extra Membucks the better you do at them. My issue comes in that there isn't much initially to spend your Membucks on. You have to spend a ton of Prlz to unlock floor rerolls, shop rerolls, continues, and shop price reduction, not to mention reducing the initial cost of rerolls and continues after you unlock them. There are bosses every 10 floors, but for floor 10 and 20, the game only picks from 3 bosses. The bosses do get slightly different movesets depending on which floor they appear on, but again... 3 BOSSES. AND ONE OF THEM IS JUST AN EASIER VERSION OF GIRL POWER STATION FROM OCTO EXPANSION. For my first three runs in a row, the ball boss was on floor 10 so I just thought that it was the dedicated boss for floor 10 and for some reason they only decided to randomize floor 20 or that Parallel Canon would like a boss that could randomly invade on boss floors, but no. It's because the game ONLY HAD 3 BOSSES TO CHOOSE FROM.
In terms of story... Man, I'm sorry, but you guys hyped this thing up for yourselves waaayyyy too much. (I did too, to be honest.) Acht sadly doesn't contribute a lot to the story, other than giving little snippets of backstory for them and Marina. Agent 4 doesn't really show up other than their palette. (I heard the center Inkling in the Parallel Canon cutscene is based on your Agent 4 if you have Splatoon 2 save data but I couldn't tell.) Most of that lore is dumped in Marina's diary that you unlock with keys.
I haven't completed Side Order yet, still got a lot of palettes to reconfigure, but when I do I'll probably do another post talking about my thoughts afterward.
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agerefandom · 5 months
Other Fandoms
fandoms in red are fandoms that I don't know personally, but I've done art or moodboards for them! fandoms in purple are ones that I have moderate familiarity with, but I can't write every character. The rest are ones that I just haven't made as much content for.
Ace Attorney regressor!apollo edit regressor!edgeworth with cg!gumshoe moodboard
The Addams Family caregiver!morticia moodboard
All For The Game regressor!kevin and cg!andrew moodboard
Avatar: The Last Airbender Flourishing in Sunlight: post-canon fic with cg!Zuko and regressor!Katara gaang agere art regressor!sokka moodboard
Barbie Movie regressor!ken moodboard
The Boy regressor!brahms headcanons
Castlevania (Netflix) regressors!trevor and alucard moodboards/headcanons
Check Please regressor!jack headcanons (ask game)  regressor!bitty art
Coraline regressor!wybie moodboard
Corpse Bride regressor!victor van dort moodboard regressor!emily art
Criminal Minds season one gang regression headcanons regressor!spencer and cg!derek art
Danganronpa regressor!toko, chihiro, and yasuhiro edits bunny regressor!mikan tsumiki moodboard regressor!chihiro moodboard caregiver!sakura moodboard regressor!ishimaru moodboard w themes of cg!mondo
DC Content regressor!harley quinn moodboard (comics) regressor!oswald moodboard (gotham) regressor!joker moodbard (telltale series) regressor!flash moodboard (cw)
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Once Upon A Midnight Dreary: fanfiction with regressor!henry jekyll
Frankenstein  regressor!victor frankenstein headcanons regressor!adam (the monster) headcanons
Ghibli Movies  big sister kiki headcanons  agere edit of haru (the cat returns)
Heathers agere!JD art regressor!veronica art regressor!heather macnamara moodboard
Hadestown caregiver!hades headcanons regressor!eurydice moodboard
Hunger Games caregiver!katniss moodboard
Interview With The Vampire To Have, To Hold, To Drink: fanfiction with cg!louis and regressor!lestat regressor!lestat moodboard
It caregiver!pennywise headcanons
Labyrinth  caregiver!jareth and regressor!reader
Little Shop of Horrors Skid Row Blues: fanfiction with orin walking in on regressor!seymour regressor!orin headcanons
Lore Olympus regressor!hades and cg!hecate moodboard
The Magic School Bus caregiver!ms.frizzle headcanons
Maze Runner regressor!minho moodboard regressor!newt moodboard
Les Miserables Calling You Home: fanfiction with regressor!Enjolras and caregiver!Grantaire
The Muppets regressor!beaker moodboard
My Little Pony cg!starlight glimmer moodboard regressor!sunset shimmer art/edits
The Mysterious Benedict Society regressor!kate moodboard regressor!nicholas benedict moodboard/headcanons
Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812  Natasha is Young: fanfiction about regressor!Natasha and cg!Helene
Night At The Museum caregiver!Jedediah and Octavius art
The Owl House regressor!willow moodboard regressors!ed and em moodboard
Raven Cycle headcanons (gansey, ronan, noah, adam, and blue)  regressor!noah moodboard
Rick and Morty regressor!morty headcanons
Rocky Horror Picture Show regressor!rocky moodboard
Sandman regressor!desire headcanons thoughts on regressor!dream regressor!dream moodboard
Sherlock regressor!sherlock and cg!john headcanons cg!john watson moodboard
Smile For Me regressor!boris habit moodboard regressor!boris habit edit regressor!habit with cg!kamal art more regressor!habit art
Star Trek regressor!jim and caregivers!bones and spock headcanons regressor!jim moodboard w themes of cg!bones regressor!jim and cg!sam moodboard(strange new worlds) regressor!jim and cg!spock art
Stranger Things regressor!eleven headcanons
The Untamed regressor!lan zhan moodboard regressor!wei ying moodboards
V for Vendetta caregiver!V headcanons cg!v moodboard
Welcome To Night Vale regressor!cecil and cg!carlos headcanons cg!carlos moodboard cg!cecil moodboard
Wicked regressors!elphaba and glinda headcanons
World���s End regressor!gary king headcanons
X-Files regressor!Dana and Fox headcanons
Youtubers  regressor!dan howell headcanons cg!markiplier moodboard
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